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27-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2193789C2

Изобретение относится к оптическому приборостроению, в частности к оптическим системам для наблюдения и измерения дальности до удаленных объектов с помощью лазерных импульсов, и может быть использовано в оптических приборах для наблюдения и слежения за удаленными объектами. Прибор для дневного и ночного наблюдения имеет визирный канал, состоящий из оптически связанных объектива, устройства формирования прицельной марки, оптического модуля и окуляра, излучающий канал дальномера, состоящий из первого излучателя, первой формирующей системы и первой системы выверки, приемный канал дальномера, состоящий из объектива визирного канала, системы разделения каналов в виде подвижного зеркала, установленного с возможностью ввода в оптический тракт визирного канала между объективом и оптическим модулем, согласующей оптической системы и фотоприемного устройства (ФПУ), канал подсветки объектов, состоящий из оптически связанных второго излучателя, второй формирующей системы, второй системы выверки и объектива ...

10-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164031C2
Принадлежит: Ли Шикинг (CN)

Зеркало заднего вида содержит отражающую выпуклую поверхность, значение средней кривизны которой постепенно увеличивается как сверху вниз в вертикальном направлении, так и в горизонтальном направлении при удалении от корпуса транспортного средства. Увеличение средней кривизны в вертикальном направлении и/или в горизонтальном направлении может быть как однородным, так и неоднородным. Причем в случае неоднородного увеличения скорость изменения значения средней кривизны постепенно увеличивается как сверху вниз в вертикальном направлении, так и при удалении от корпуса транспортного средства в горизонтальном направлении. Значения средней кривизны лежат в диапазоне 5,0 · 10-4 - 50,0 · 10-4 мм-1, а средняя скорость изменения средней кривизны - в диапазоне 0,01 · 10-4 - 0,15 · 10-4 мм-2. В случае двух зеркал заднего вида - чем ближе к сиденью водителя расположен участок отражающей поверхности, тем меньше его значения средней кривизны и скорость изменения средней кривизны. Обеспечивается широкое ...

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU59501U1

Рассматриваемый противоослепляющий зеркальный элемент относится к деталям и комплектующим используемых при производстве транспортных средств, предназначен для использования в зеркалах заднего вида, преимущественно для легковых автомобилей. Решаемой технической задачей является обеспечение оптических характеристик зеркального элемента, учитывающих особенности восприятия света сетчаткой человеческого глаза, обеспечивающих противоослепляющие свойства зеркального элемента, а также повышения точности цветопередачи объектов наблюдаемых посредством противоослепляющего зеркального элемента. Решение технической задачи в противоослепляющем зеркальном элементе для зеркала заднего вида транспортного средства, состоящем из прозрачной в видимом диапазоне длин волн подложки, на которую нанесено отражающее металлодиэлектрическое интерференционное противоослепляющее покрытие, имеющее коэффициент отражения менее 30% в диапазоне длин волн 600-700 нм, достигается тем, что отражающее металлодиэлектрическое ...

16-02-2018 дата публикации

Автомобильное зеркало заднего вида без слепой зоны

Номер: RU177345U1

Автомобильное зеркало относится к зеркалам с широким углом обзора и предназначено для использования в качестве наружного зеркала заднего вида для транспортных средств.Автомобильное зеркало содержит зеркальное полотно (1), корпус (2) с устройством крепления зеркального полотна (1) и устройство крепления (3) к кузову автомобиля. Зеркальное полотно (1) выполнено в виде прямой части (4) зеркальной поверхности (1), переходящей в зеркальную поверхность (1) в виде радиусной кривой (5) радиусом 60 мм и углом 50° относительно вертикальной оси (6), отступающей от наружного края (7) зеркального элемента (1) на 45 мм. Конструкция корпуса (2) автомобильного зеркала имеет зеркальное отражение по горизонтальной оси для возможности установки как справа, так и слева относительно кузова автомобиля. Автомобильное зеркало для удобства настройки положения зеркального полотна (1) из салона автомобиля может иметь как ручное, так и электрическое управление.Технической задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является ...

10-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2127201C1
Принадлежит: СО ФукСанг (HK), СУ ЛИ (SE)

Оптико-зеркальный блок заднего вида для транспортного средства имеет несколько собирающих оптических элементов и по меньшей мере один промежуточный оптический элемент. Каждый собирающий оптический элемент является или собирающей линзой, или вогнутым зеркалом, составляющим по меньшей мере один единственный оптический компонент. Промежуточный оптический элемент является собирающим оптическим элементом или простым рефлектором, благодаря которому первый собирающий оптический элемент является оптическим элементом формирования изображения, расположенным снаружи автомобиля, для формирования первичного перевернутого изображения, которое находится в промежуточном оптическом элементе или вблизи его, вынуждая промежуточный оптический элемент направлять лучи от первого оптического элемента формирования изображения в направлении второго оптического элемента формирования изображения. Второй элемент формирования изображения расположен в автомобиле для создания вторичного прямого изображения, которое находится ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2063644C1

Использование: автомобильный транспорт. Сущность изобретения: устройство для управления электрохромным автомобильным зеркалом заднего вида содержит блок рабочего и опорного фотоприемников, блок сравнения, блок включения и конвертор напряжения постоянного тока, выполненный в виде импульсного стабилизатора напряжения. Для уменьшения времени затемнения зеркала дополнительно введен модуль и использован орган форсированного пуска стабилизатора напряжения. Устройство обеспечивает уменьшенное потребление мощности при управлении электрохромным зеркалом. 3 ил., 1 табл.

09-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93019792A

Зеркало заднего вида содержит прозрачную подложку, интерференционные слои из диэлектрика, суммарная оптическая толщина которых соответствует максимальному отражению в коротковолновом диапазоне видимого излучения, и зеркальный слой, образованный нанесением композиции металла с диэлектриком. Зеркало предназначено для транспортных средств.

10-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000107863A

... 1. Электрохромное зеркало с оптически активной ячейкой, содержащей две выполненные в соответствии с конфигурацией зеркала и в виде слоев прозрачные пластины (1, 2), каждая из которых на обращенной к соседней пластине стороне снабжена покрывающим всю поверхность пластины электропроводным электродным слоем (3, 4), находящимся в контакте с проволочным выводом (8а, 8b), при этом одна пластина (2), дальняя по ходу прохождения света, выполнена зеркально отражательной, а сами пластины дистанцированы одна относительно другой и плотно соединены между собой охватывающим по краевой зоне пластин (1, 2) и оставляющим свободными узкие краевые полоски клеевым валиком (6), при этом между пластинами размещено электрохромное вещество (5), отличающееся тем, что на одной из пластин (1), в принадлежащем ей электродном слое (3) и в нижней половине, и на другой пластине (2), в принадлежащем ей электродном слое (4) и в верхней половине, на уровне клеевого валика (6) выполнена перекрываемая этим валиком (6) и задающая ...

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97112148A

... 1. Оптико-зеркальный блок заднего вида для транспортного средства имеет собирающий объектив для формирования перевернутого изображения, собирающий элемент для приема и направления световых лучей и собирающий передающий элемент для создания прямого изображения, отличающийся тем, что вышеупомянутый объектив формирует вышеупомянутое перевернутое изображение в фокальной плоскости вышеупомянутого объектива, которое находится в вышеупомянутом собирающем элементе или вблизи его, в силу чего вышеупомянутый собирающий элемент собирает световые лучи, идущие от вышеупомянутого объектива, и направляет вышеупомянутые световые лучи в сторону вышеупомянутого передающего элемента. 2. Оптико-зеркальный блок заднего вида, согласно п. 1, отличающийся тем, что вышеупомянутая фокальная плоскость вышеупомянутого объектива, по меньшей мере, частично совпадает с отражательной поверхностью вышеупомянутого собирающего элемента. 3. Оптико-зеркальный блок заднего вида, согласно п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что фокусное ...

01-09-1977 дата публикации

Multi angle driving mirror - has rotating support to alter mirror optical damping to suit light

Номер: DE0002607907A1

The external or interior driving mirror has several sections at different angles to each other to cover the normal field of view as well as the dead angle. The mirror is on a rotating pivot and can be swung to offer different combinations of filter etc. to suit the different lighting conditions. The mirror can be made using a folded support base, silvered on one side, and covered with the selected filter layer. The different mirrors can be back to back, on a prism mounting or on a windmill mounting.

04-07-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002602504C2

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012107405B4
Принадлежит: SMR PATENTS SARL, SMR Patents S.à.r.l.

Rückblickspiegeleinheit (3) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (1) miteinem Gehäuse (30), das an der Karosserie (2) des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) befestigbar oder zumindest teilweise in derselben integriert ist,einem achsenfreien und somit nicht verklappbaren Außenrückblickspiegel (31) in einem ersten, sich von der Karosserie (2) nach außen weg ersteckenden Bereich des Gehäuses (30),einer Bildaufnahmeeinrichtung (33) in oder an dem Gehäuse (30) undeiner Bildanzeigeeinrichtung (32) in einem zweiten Bereich des Gehäuses (30), der sich von der Karosserie (2) nach innen in den Fahrzeuginnenraum des Kraftfahrzeugs erstreckt.

14-10-1993 дата публикации

Sicherheitsausrüstung zum Schutz eines Fahrers vor Überfällen

Номер: DE0003827995C2

07-09-1989 дата публикации

Vehicle wing mirror for a normal and additional field of vision

Номер: DE0003806579A1

A mirror insert of normal size, which can be conventionally adjusted by being bent horizontally and vertically is divided into two segments which are situated one above the other in a clearly visible fashion and which can additionally be individually bent horizontally and vertically. The mirror insert can therefore optionally be used as an optically continuous overall surface or, if appropriate, also with the two subsurfaces bent at different angles. If, for travelling long distances, the lower, preferably somewhat larger, segment is adjusted to provide a normal rear view, and the upper, preferably somewhat smaller, segment is bent outwards and slightly inclined, an additional horizontal field of vision (which overlaps the normal field of vision) is produced and permits a full view of the otherwise inaccessible blind spot. Both segments can then be jointly adjusted while retaining this selected angular position. ...

22-04-1999 дата публикации

Stellmechanismus im Innenspiegel

Номер: DE0029820625U1

29-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003277368D1

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Rückspiegelanordnung für den Innenraum eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE202015008437U1

Rückspiegelanordnung für den Innenraum (3) eines Kraftfahrzeugs (1), mit einem ersten Rückspiegel (12; 112; 212), welcher eine erste im Wesentlichen ebene Spiegelfläche (32) mit einer diffraktiven Oberfläche (35) aufweist.

11-07-1957 дата публикации

Rueckblickspiegel fuer Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0000966197C

11-01-2007 дата публикации

Spiegel, insbesondere Fahrzeugrückspiegel, und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0010141047B4

Spiegel, insbesondere Fahrzeugrückspiegel, mit: - einer lichtdurchlässigen Filterschicht (1; 9) zur Ausfilterung störender Anteile des in die Filterschicht (1; 9) eintretenden Lichts im gelben Spektralbereich, wobei die Filterschicht (1; 9) eine Schichtdicke von weniger als 0,5 mm aufweist und einen darin verteilten Stoff enthält, der eine Extinktion der störenden Anteile bewirkt und wobei die Filterschicht (1; 9) derart angeordnet ist, daß sie im Strahlengang des auf den Spiegel auftreffenden, zu reflektierenden Lichts liegt, und - einem Interferenzreflektor (3, 5, 7) mit einer Mehrzahl dünner Schichten (3, 5, 7) zur Reflexion des auf den Spiegel auftreffenden Lichts, wobei der Reflexionsgrad des Interferenzreflektors (3, 5, 7) im gelben Spektralbereich geringer ist als in einem daran angrenzenden Wellenlängenbereich mit kleineren Wellenlängen.

25-10-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9012100U1
Принадлежит: KRAEMER, HORST, 1000 BERLIN, DE

12-02-1998 дата публикации

Variable transmission assembly preferably of glass

Номер: DE0019631409A1

An assembly, having two transparent (preferably glass) support layers, a reflective coating and a variable transmission layer system, also includes a semi-transparent mirror layer. Preferably, the variable transmission layer system is an electrochromatic or liquid crystal system and the semi-transparent mirror layer is an interference mirror layer, a semi-transparent chromium or silver mirror layer provided on the fourth or third surface, an additional mirror layer optionally being provided on the first and/or second surface.

21-12-1995 дата публикации

Electronically-dimming driving mirror for motor vehicle

Номер: DE0004420789A1

The driving mirror prevents the driver from being blinded by the headlights of following vehicles when driving at night or from a bright rear sunset. The control of the liq. crystal elements for automatic matching to the prevailing light conditions is achieved by front and rear sensors with electronics for differential measuring. If max. light absorption condition arises, a reflective gas surface in-front of the LCD elements serves as the rear view mirror.

13-01-2000 дата публикации

Rear-view mirror for a car

Номер: DE0019829754A1

Rear-view mirror (1) for a car has two modes of operation, reflecting and transmitting. An electrically controllable coating (3) having transmission and reflection properties is provided on the mirror.

26-07-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002731216B2

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Rückspiegel, welcher eine Neigungsstruktur aufweist

Номер: DE102017127446A1

Ein eine Neigungsstruktur aufweisender Rückspiegel (100), welcher dazu eingerichtet ist, eine Rückansicht durch eine Anzeigevorrichtung (140) durch Neigen eines oberen Gehäuses (120) sicherzustellen, kann aufweisen: ein unteres Gehäuse (110), welches dazu eingerichtet ist, an einer Windschutzscheibe befestigt zu sein, ein oberes Gehäuse (120), welches dazu eingerichtet ist, an einem Öffnungsabschnitt des unteren Gehäuses (110) positioniert zu sein, einen Spiegelabschnitt (130), welcher dazu eingerichtet ist, an einer Rückfläche des oberen Gehäuses (120) positioniert zu sein, und eine Anzeigevorrichtung (140), die dazu eingerichtet ist, an einer Rückfläche des Spiegelabschnitts (130) positioniert zu sein, wobei der Spiegelabschnitt (130) und die Anzeigevorrichtung (140) an dem oberen Gehäuse (120) befestigt sind und das obere Gehäuse (120) basierend auf einem ersten Endabschnitt neigbar ist, um eine Rückansicht durch die Anzeigevorrichtung (140) bereitzustellen.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Rückspiegelvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102015203784A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Rückspiegelvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug (2), die ein Spiegelelement (10) und eine mit dem Spiegelelement (10) verbundene Verstelleinheit (11) zum Überführen des Spiegelelements (10) von einer Normalposition in eine Überwachungsposition aufweist, wobei in der Überwachungsposition ein Totwinkelbereich (15) der Normalposition einsehbar ist, wobei erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen ist, dass die Rückspiegelvorrichtung (1) einen Annäherungssensor (12) und ein Aktivierungselement (13) umfasst, wobei das Aktivierungselement (13) zum Aktivieren des Annäherungssensors (12) und der Verstelleinheit (11) während eines Abbiegevorgangs ausgebildet ist. Mittels des verstellten Spiegelelements (10) und des aktivierten Annäherungssensors (12) können Verkehrsteilnehmer (3) außerhalb des üblichen Blickfelds beobachtet werden. Die Erfindung vermindert das Risiko für Fahrzeugführer, Fahrradfahrer oder Fußgänger beim Abbiegen zu übersehen.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Anzeigesystem, welches einen Seitenspiegel ersetzt, und Verfahren für das Steuern der Wiedergabehelligkeit desselben

Номер: DE102016222931A1

Ein Anzeigesystem, welches einen Seitenspiegel ersetzt, beinhaltet: eine Kameraeinheit, welche Kameras beinhaltet, welche auf beiden Seitenoberflächen eines Fahrzeugs bereitgestellt sind, und welche ein Rückblickbild erhält; eine Anzeigeeinheit, welche das Rückblickbild ausgibt, welches durch die Kameraeinheit erhalten wird; einen Fahrzustand-Detektor, welcher einen Fahrzustand des Fahrzeugs detektiert; und ein Steuerelement, welches die Wiedergabehelligkeit der Anzeigeeinheit auf der Grundlage des Fahrzeugstands des Fahrzeugs steuert.

13-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060129750D1

30-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060129750T2

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug mit einer optischen Einrichtung

Номер: DE102018215549A1

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Kraftfahrzeug (1) mit einer optischen Einrichtung (7) zur Sichtbarmachung von für einen Fahrzeuginsassen (8) durch Fahrzeugstrukturen verdeckt angeordneten Objekten und/oder Situationen außerhalb des Kraftfahrzeugs (1). Vorteilhaft ist vorgesehen, dass die optische Einrichtung (7) durch zumindest eine transparente Prismenfolie (7a) gebildet ist, welche in oder an einer Fahrzeugscheibe (3) angeordnet ist und einen zur Fahrzeugscheibe (3) gerichteten Sichtstrahl (12) des Fahrzeuginsassen (8) um einen bestimmten Ablenkwinkel „α“ auf einen ausgewählten, für den betreffenden Fahrzeuginsassen (8) verdeckt angeordneten Bereich außerhalb des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) umlenkt.

15-05-2008 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Abschalten der automatischen Abblendfunktion eines Rückblickspiegels

Номер: DE0010063597B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

Einrichtung zum Abschalten der automatischen Abblendfunktion eines automatischen blendungsfreien Rückblickspiegels, welcher mit einem Umgebungslichtsensor zum Erfassen des Helligkeitspegels der Umgebung des Kraftfahrzeuges ausgerüstet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass im Bereich des im Rückblickspiegel (2) positionierten Umgebungslichtsensors (1) eine vor dem Umgebungslichtsor (1) verbringbare und dessen Wirkungsbereich abschirmende Abdeckblende (3) vorgesehen und die Abdeckblende (3) im Rahmen (4) des Rückblickspiegels (2) vertikal verstellbar angeordnet ist.

27-03-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE8534819U1

29-10-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8711207U1
Принадлежит: GROZA, IGOR, 5600 WUPPERTAL, DE

09-05-1996 дата публикации

Adjustable mirror for road vehicle

Номер: DE0019537902A1

The mirror is located in a housing fixed with adjustable positioning to a vehicle. The upper, lower or the side edges of the main mirror section have curved surfaces. The radius of curvature is determined from the following formula, and becomes smaller as in a hyperbolic curve. E: f(xn) = 1+1/sq.rt.1-(k+1).c<2>xn<2> + A1.x1<->1 + A2.x2<-2>... +(An-1).xn-1-(n-1) + An.xn-n where A1, A2... An-1 are non-spherical factors in a sideways direction n = whole number, k = 0, c = 1/ro, ro = radius of curvature at the beginning point of the change.

18-11-2004 дата публикации

Digitaler elektrochromer Spiegel

Номер: DE0069826914D1
Принадлежит: DONNELLY CORP

19-07-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9005537U1

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Spiegelanordnung für Fahrzeuge sowie Fahrzeug mit einer solchen Spiegelanordnung

Номер: DE102009009379B3

Eine Spiegelanordnung für Fahrzeuge umfasst eine Mehrzahl von räumlich voneinander getrennten Glaseinheiten (24, 32; 12, 14, 20, 22), wobei eine Glaseinheit (24, 32) aus einem Spiegelglas (30, 34) und einem dieses Spiegelglas (30, 34) umgebenden Rahmen (28, 36) besteht und eine der Glaseinheiten (24, 32) eine dauerhafte optische Markierung (38, 40) aufweist.

04-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002213586A1

15-05-2003 дата публикации

Combined exterior and interior rear view mirror has modified mirror surfaces

Номер: DE0010154433A1

The rear view mirror reduces the dead angle in the rear view. The exterior mirror surfaces are divided into upper and lower regions, the upper one being about a third of the total and the lower one about two thirds. The upper region extends right across the mirror surface and also covers a greater amount of the side view field.

30-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008510042D0

23-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008606659D0

09-10-1985 дата публикации

Glare preventive rear view mirror

Номер: GB0002156295A

A rear view mirror assembly comprising a liquid crystal cell of guest-host type which consists of a layer of dichroic dyestuff added nematic liquid crystal and a pair of transparent plates sandwiching the liquid crystal therebetween. A transparent electrode is formed on the inside surface of each plate by means of conductive coating. A quarter wave phase difference filter is mounted on the backside of one of the plates. A flat mirror is mounted on the backside of the quarter wave phase difference filter. A photo-sensitive means receives light passing through the liquid crystal cell and an optical polarization filter in turn and produces a photo-detector signal. A control circuit controls voltage applied to the electrodes of liquid crystal cell so that the magnitude of photo-detector signal may become equal to the predetermined level. The predetermined level is changeable in accordance with the magnitude of detector signal produced by another photo-sensitive means for detecting circumjacent ...

06-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002225647A

A vehicle rear-view mirror which is intended to obviate the nuisance of dazzle from headlights of following vehicles at night comprises a transparent front layer (2) and a reflective rear layer (6), which may be the vehicle's own rear-view minor if convenient. Between these layers is sandwiched a liquid crystal assembly (4) adapted to darken under high levels of illumination. Alternatively the transparent layer itself may be capable of darkening. ...

29-12-1999 дата публикации

Panoramic safety mirror

Номер: GB0002338691A

A mirror-finished surface on some suitable material, such as glass or plastic which is curved in one plane over some or all of its length and which is mounted to a vehicle, such as an automobile; whereby the curvature of the mirror-finished surface is so pronounced that when properly mounted in or on a suitable mounting, it provides the driver of said vehicle with a view, preferably through an angle of 90 degrees.

23-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002169861A

A rear view mirror (2) for a motor vehicle, which rear view mirror comprises a housing (4), mounting means (8) for enabling the rear view mirror to be mounted in position, a mirror glass (20) which has a front face (22), and a front plate (26) which is made of a transparent material and which is mounted between the front face (22) of the mirror glass (20) and an open face (24) of the housing (4). ...

14-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009303807D0

15-04-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001228742A

13-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001346483A

... 1346483 Rear view mirror K A GRELL 19 April 1971 [25 March 1970 5 Feb 1971] 25532/71 Heading B7J [Also in Division G1] An anti-dazzle rear view mirror comprises a tiltable mirror glass 1, silvered on the outside at l1 and pivotable to a housing 4 at 2, behind a fixed glass 3, the mirror glass being tilted to its anti-dazzle position by the action of an electromagnet 11 the core 12 of which, when energized, repels a permanent magnet 13 and attracts an iron core 14 both of which are attached as shown to a U-shaped cross-section extension 10 which is attached to a bracket 9 glued to the mirror glass, the electromagnet being energized by a control relay 6 controlled by a light sensitive receiver 5 attached to a non-silvered area 51 of the mirror; when a predetermined amount of light impinges on the receiver the electromagnet is energized and the mirror glass tilted so as to avoid dazzling (Fig. 4) when the light falls below this level the electromagnet is de-energized and ...

24-08-1994 дата публикации

Rear view mirror

Номер: GB0002275239A

A mirror comprises a combination of four hinged mirrors to give improved visibility from the vehicle by eliminating blind spots and ensuring that there is a possible 270 DEG vision horizontally and a possible 180 DEG vertically. ...

17-05-2006 дата публикации

Scanning wing mirror

Номер: GB0002420104A

An external rear view mirror assembly for eliminating the blind spot to the side of a vehicle has a reflective surface 24 which is pivotally mounted about a vertical axis 20, such that it is able to oscillate laterally between one angular position and another, the lateral movement being actuated by wind disturbances caused by the motion of the vehicle. The oscillatory movement may be limited by torsion elements 26 or return springs. A backup motor utilising an electromagnetic transducer (16, fig 2) may be provided to give assistance at low speeds.

24-07-1985 дата публикации

Wing mirror

Номер: GB0002151568A

A rear view mirror for mounting externally of a road vehicle to eliminate the problem of "blind spot" comprises two planar elements arranged side by side, the element intended to be located further from the vehicle being angularly displaced relative to the other element forwardly with respect to the vehicle. ...

29-10-1997 дата публикации

Automatic sensitivity adjustment for vehicle mirror and headlight activation

Номер: GB0002312504A

A light responsive control for a vehicle having a cover such as a sunroof or hood over the passenger compartment provides an output to operate a device, which may include an electro-optic mirror 18 or the vehicle headlights 34, in response to the light detected by a sensor 20, 22 in the passenger compartment and a sensitivity value. The sensitivity value may be adjusted according to the position of the cover to maintain switching of the output device at a predetermined light level. A time constant may be introduced which is dependent upon the intensity of the light received by the detector so that the vehicles headlights are more rapidly activated during an abrupt reduction in sensed light levels as would be the case when entering a tunnel. An aperture narrowing the vertical field of view of the sensor may also be introduced to reduce the sensitivity of the device with respect to the position of the cover.

05-10-2011 дата публикации

An electronic infrared wide-angle and safety-promotion external vehicluar rear view mirror

Номер: GB0002479121A

An electronic infrared wide-angle and safety-promotion external vehicular back mirror comprises: a light-permeable reflective glass 11 arranged inside a back mirror casing 1; a liquid crystal display 12 attached to the backside of the light-permeable reflective glass 11 ; an infrared wide-angle camera 13; a detector 14; a light-emitting device 15; and a control circuit 2 electrically connected to the abovementioned components. The camera 13, detector 14 and light-emitting device 15 are arranged at the perimeter of the casing 1. When the vehicle runs normally, the light-permeable reflective glass 11 reflects general pictures of the rear side. The liquid crystal display 12 is triggered by the direction light or a setting switch to present the physical image of the rear side, whereby the driver can directly observe the status of the rear side. Further, when the detector 14 detects an abnormality, the control circuit 2 triggers flashes and sounds via devices 22, 23 to warn the driver. Thereby ...

01-07-2015 дата публикации

Rear view mirror arrangement for a vehicle and method for operating such an arrangement

Номер: GB0002521688A

The invention relates to a rear view mirror arrangement 1 for a vehicle and includes a main rear view mirror 2 having a housing 3 and an additional parking mirror 6. Additional parking mirror 6 is movable between a closed position within the housing 3 and an open position outside the housing 3 by means of a positioning unit. An additional adjusting unit (9) is provided for adjusting additional parking mirror 6 in the open position outside the housing. This has the advantage of flexibly enhancing the field of vision of a driver of the vehicle during reversing or parking of the vehicle. The mirror arrangement 1 may include a slot 5 in housing 3, extending in a direction mainly perpendicular to the surface of mirror glass 4, through which the additional parking mirror passes when being moved between closed and open positions. The additional adjusting unit (9) may include first (10) and second (11) rotating elements enabling rotation of mirror glass 7 about first (A) and second (B) axes by ...

24-01-2001 дата публикации

Improvements relating to a commercial vehicle driver's forward vision

Номер: GB0000030110D0

24-07-2019 дата публикации

A wing mirror for a vehicle

Номер: GB0002570309A
Автор: SAM PENZATO, Sam Penzato

A wing mirror 1 for a vehicle is moveable between an extended position and a folded position, the wing mirror comprises a first mirror surface 11A and a second mirror surface 11B; wherein the second mirror surface is moveable relative to the first mirror surface such that, when the wing mirror is in the extended position the first mirror surface and the second mirror surface are substantially located in the same plane to form a single mirror and, when then wing mirror is in its folded position, the second mirror surface is located at an angle to the first mirror surface. The wing mirror may be housed in a housing 17 and the mirrors may be movable within said housing. The movement of folding the mirror may actuate the second mirror surface to move from its first position to its second via gears or an actuator. The housing may be part or fully transparent and may comprise a light guide as an indicator light.

07-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008720538D0

07-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008909281D0

03-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008729745D0

03-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008618297D0

20-03-2002 дата публикации

An improved rear view mirror system

Номер: GB0000202678D0

16-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008327881D0

18-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008310323D0

28-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001279158A

... 1279158 Vehicle rear-view mirrors K HACKER and R WEIGELE 26 June 1969 [27 June 1968] 32282/69 Heading B7J [Also in Division G2 A rear view mirror for a vehicle comprises a planar first reflecting portion 15 and at least one second convex reflecting portion 17 merging tangentially with the first mirror portion. Fig. 2 is a section on the central longitudinal plane of the mirror whose portion 17 shows increasing curvature in a plane perpendicular to this central longitudinal plane towards the free end of the portion (Figs. 2a-2c, not shown). The radius of curvature of the portion 17 in the central longitudinal plane need not be constant (Figs. 3-6, not shown). As shown in Fig. 8, an internal rear-view mirror may be constructed from a body Fa, having the portions Ws and Wr curved and forming mirror surfaces, into which is inserted a body Fe with a plane mirror surface E. A similar construction (Fig. 9, not shown) may be used for an external rear-view mirror having just one curved face.

07-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001539820A

11-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001569136A

21-08-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to rear viewing mirrors

Номер: GB0000781589A

... 781,589. Look-out reflectors for vehicles. O'SHEI, W. E. July 25, 1955 [July 27, 1954], No. 21925/54. Class 103(2) A rear-viewing mirror for vehicles comprises a mirror unit consisting of two mirrors 3a, 3b with different reflecting characteristics, carried by a sub-frame 3 which is pivotally mounted in a casing 2 so that the sub-frame can be turned about its pivots 4 to positions in which either mirror faces outwardly. Each pivot has a cam-shaped portion 4a provided with indents 4b for engagement by a spring-pressed plunger 9 so that either mirror can be locked in its adjusted position. The mirror unit may be coupled to a spring which tends to restore it to a position in which one particular mirror surface is exposed. Means may be provided for controlling the adjustment of the mirror unit from a remote point, by a Bowden cable, solenoid or other remote control means from inside the vehicle..One mirror 3a may be of glass silvered on its rear surface, and the other mirror 3b of glass coated ...

03-02-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in driving mirrors

Номер: GB0000827336A

... 827,336. Rear view mirrors. IDE Ltd., T. & W. July 18, 1958 [Aug. 12, 1957], No. 25428/57. Class 103(2) [Also in Group XIV] An interior, rear view mirror comprises a plane mirror 13 having a convex portion 14 close to one end.

26-09-1979 дата публикации

Rear-view mirror arrangement in a tractor

Номер: GB0002016395A

A tractor which is towing two agricultural implements extending transversely relative to the longitudinal axis of the tractor and having a width which is substantially greater than that of the tractor's width, the two implements being coupled to the tractor in tandem. The interior of the tractor's cab has a convex (as seen by the driver) mirror which extends almost completely across the interior of the glassed-in cab of the tractor so as not to block the driver's forward vision, whereby the driver can observe in the mirror both implements across their entire widths as well as the device for coupling both implements to the tractor. In a modification, the convex mirror is of less width (about one-half of the width of the cab) and is flanked by further mirrors on each side which reflect from still further mirrors mounted on the overhead of the cab to provide an increased lateral area which is within the vision of the driver through the mirrors. In a further modification, mirrors mounted forwardly ...

10-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358404B

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372894T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ATA148099A

15-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA716779A

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000681172A

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000064392A

10-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355436B

25-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408871B

15-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA37894A

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221475T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000222190T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000225945T

02-06-1994 дата публикации

Rear view apparatus

Номер: AU00PM550694D0

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle mirrors

Номер: AU2017369741A1
Принадлежит: Ahearn Fox

A towing mirror including: a mount adapted to be mounted to a vehicle cabin; an extension component including a first member or portion extending from said mount and a second member operatively connected to said first member or portion for movement relative thereto from a retracted position to an extended position; and a mirror component operatively connected to said second member for pivoting movement relative thereto about a generally horizontal axis extending substantially in the intended direction of travel of the vehicle cabin to which the mirror is to be mounted.

17-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000510927B3

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular interior rearview mirror system

Номер: US20120038771A1
Принадлежит: Donnelly Corp

An interior rearview mirror system for a vehicle includes an interior rearview mirror assembly having a mirror housing, an electro-optic reflective element and an information display. The information display is disposed in the mirror housing rearward of the transflective mirror reflector of the reflective element and is operable to display information for viewing by the driver of the vehicle, with the information including video images captured by a camera of the vehicle. Information displayed by the information display is viewable by the driver of the vehicle viewing through the transflective mirror reflector of the reflective element when the information display is displaying information, and, when the information display is not displaying information, the presence of the information display behind the transflective mirror reflector of the reflective element is substantially not discerned by the driver of the vehicle normally viewing the reflective element in the vehicle.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Integrated inside mirror module

Номер: US20120143403A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp, SL Corp

The present invention provides an integrated inside mirror module that provides a reduction in the volume of a module package and that reduces manufacturing costs by integrating the individual modules in an inside mirror into one module using an integrated MCU. The integrated inside mirror module includes: an integrated MCU (Main Control Unit) configured to provide an integrated function of a home link controller, an RKE (Remote Keyless Entry) controller, and an ECM (Electronic Chromic Mirror) controller; and an integrated module that is controlled by the integrated MCU, whereinone or more selected from the group consisting of an integrated receiver transmitting a signal received by an integrated antenna to the home link and RKE controller, and an ECM module, are integrated on the same circuit board.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Rearview device support assembly

Номер: US20120218655A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

An interior rearview device support assembly having a support member including a connecting end and a pivot end. A rearview device housing defines an internal cavity and includes a socket. The pivot end of the support member is coupled with the socket and is pivotable relative thereto. A sensor device is disposed inside the rearview device housing and is coupled to the support member.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Lcd light-reducing apparatus, and vehicle smart mirror using the same

Номер: US20120257123A1
Автор: Jong-Cheon Lee
Принадлежит: SODY CO Ltd

The present invention relates to an LCD light-reducing apparatus, and to a vehicle smart mirror using the same, which are to be applied to the interior rear-view mirror or exterior side-view mirrors of a vehicle to protect the vision of the driver of the vehicle from bright lights or glares coming from behind him during nighttime drive. The LCD light-reducing apparatus according to the present invention comprises an LCD panel including at least one liquid crystal cell, and a power supply device for supplying a sufficient electric field to the LCD panel. The LCD cell includes a liquid crystal layer; and two substrate layers opposite one another with the liquid crystal layer at center thereof. The liquid crystal layer is filled with a compound including negative dielectric anisotropic nematic liquid crystals, a chiral material for inducing a cholesteric phase of the nematic liquid crystals to have a pitch of 1 to 4 times the cell gap of the liquid crystal layer, and dichromic dyes for being rearranged parallel to the nematic liquid crystals to transmit or absorb light in accordance with whether the electric field is applied or not. The substrate layer includes a tilted homeotropic alignment layer for arranging the respective nematic liquid crystals and dichromatic dyes in a first arrangement that is vertically aligned to the surface of the substrate layer, and an electrode for generating a sufficient electric field that passes through the liquid crystal layer to rearrange the nematic liquid crystals and dichromatic dyes in a second arrangement that is different from the first arrangement.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Clear bezel

Номер: US20120268961A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

A rearview assembly having a mounting structure configured to be operably coupled with a vehicle. A housing is operably connected with the mounting structure and a rearward viewing device is supported by one of the housing and the mounting structure. The rearward viewing device provides a rearward view to a vehicle driver and includes a front substrate and a rear substrate. The entire front surface of the front substrate is exposed and the entire rear substrate is positioned behind the front substrate. A concealing layer is disposed about a periphery of the rearward viewing device between the front substrate and the rear substrate. A partially optically transparent bezel is disposed adjacent to both the rearward viewing device and the housing, the optically transparent bezel having an edge radius greater than 2.5 mm and the optically transparent bezel being substantially flush with the front surface of the front substrate.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Transreflective vehicle mirror system

Номер: US20120287510A1
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

A transreflective vehicle mirror system configured to be attached to a vehicle. The system includes an interior unit and/or exterior unit, each of which includes various arrangements of a transreflective layer optionally combined with a transparent display layer and/or a variable tint layer. The units can be configured and operated in a variety of ways to provide the same and/or enhanced features/functions normally associated with conventional side view mirrors, rear view mirrors (with or without an integrated information display), fold down visors (with or without a vanity mirror), and graduated tinting commonly found on the upper portion of automobile windshields. The interior unit and exterior unit can operate to a transparent state so that a field of view or direction viewed by the operator is not obstructed as is the case with conventional rear and side view mirrors, and fold-down sun-visors.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Rearview assembly with multiple ambient light sensors

Номер: US20120330504A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

A rearview assembly configured for use with a vehicle and method are provided, wherein the rearview assembly includes a first light sensor generally facing forward with respect to an forward driving orientation of the vehicle and configured to detect ambient light, a second light sensor generally facing forward with respect to a forward driving orientation of the vehicle and configured to detect ambient light, a rearview component configured to display an image rearward of the vehicle, and a processor communicatively connected to the first light sensor, the second light sensor, and the rearview component, wherein the processor is configured to control the rearview component based upon light detected by at least one of the first and second light sensors.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Rear under mirror

Номер: US20130033774A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A rear under mirror that is placed near a top edge portion of a rear window glass on a vehicle compartment interior side thereof, the rear under mirror including: a reflecting mirror that reflects a lower area behind a vehicle towards a driver's seat, the reflecting mirror comprising a concavo-convex mirror having a mirror surface that is formed as a concave surface in a substantially vertical direction and as a convex surface in a substantially horizontal direction, the reflecting mirror having a radius of curvature of the convex surface in a substantially horizontal direction of the reflecting mirror in the bottom portion area is larger than that of the top portion area, the reflecting mirror having a trapezoidal shape whose bottom side is longer than top side when viewed from a front thereof.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107563A1

An exterior rearview mirror assembly includes a variable reflectance mirror reflective element. A mirror reflector of the mirror reflective element includes a stack of thin films having at least two thin films. At least one of the thin films is formed of a material that has a specific resistivity of less than about 1×10ohm·cm, and at least one of the thin films is a thin metal film. An electrochromic medium is disposed in an interpane cavity of the mirror reflective element and is bounded by a perimeter seal. A reflective perimeter layer is disposed at a second surface of a front substrate proximate a perimeter edge of the front substrate. The perimeter layer generally conceals the perimeter seal from view by a driver of the vehicle normally viewing the front substrate when the exterior rearview mirror assembly is mounted at the vehicle. 1. An exterior rearview mirror assembly suitable for use for a vehicle , said exterior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a casing portion;wherein said casing portion comprises a variable reflectance mirror reflective element;an attachment portion;wherein said attachment portion is configured for attaching at a side of a vehicle;wherein said mirror reflective element comprises a front substrate and a rear substrate and an electrochromic medium disposed between said front and rear substrates;wherein said front substrate has a first surface and a second surface and wherein a transparent electrically conductive layer is disposed at said second surface of said front substrate;wherein said rear substrate has a third surface and a fourth surface and wherein a mirror reflector is disposed at at least a portion of said third surface of said rear substrate;wherein said mirror reflector comprises a stack of thin films and wherein said stack of thin films comprises at least two thin films;{'sup': '−2', 'wherein at least one of said thin films is formed of a material that has a specific resistivity of less than about 1×10ohm·cm;'}wherein at ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135476A1

An information display system for a vehicle includes a display screen disposed within an interior cabin of a vehicle and a rearward facing camera of the vehicle. The display screen displays video images captured by the rearward facing camera for assisting the driver during a reversing maneuver. When the equipped vehicle is not executing a reversing maneuver, the information display screen is operable to display information or instructions. The information/instructions may include at least one of (a) at least one instruction pertaining to how to service an accessory of the vehicle to remediate a fault condition, (b) a video clip pertaining to how to service an accessory of the vehicle to remediate a fault condition, (c) at least one instruction pertaining to how to operate an accessory of the vehicle and (d) a video clip pertaining to how to operate an accessory of the vehicle. 1. An information display system for a vehicle , said information display system comprising:a display screen disposed within an interior cabin of a vehicle equipped with said information display system at a location viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle;a rearward facing camera of the equipped vehicle;said rearward facing camera comprising an imaging array sensor;wherein said display screen displays video images captured by said rearward facing camera of the equipped vehicle for assisting the driver during a reversing maneuver;wherein, when the equipped vehicle is not executing a reversing maneuver, said display screen is operable to display operation/service information;wherein said operation/service information is displayed responsive to a triggering event; andwherein said operation/service information comprises at least one of (a) at least one instruction pertaining to how to service an accessory of the equipped vehicle to remediate a fault condition, (b) a video clip pertaining to how to service an accessory of the equipped vehicle to remediate a fault condition, (c) at least one ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138301A1

An accessory system for a vehicle includes an accessory disposed at and behind a windshield of the vehicle and a control having digital circuitry and a microcontroller. The accessory includes a forward facing camera that views through the windshield. The microcontroller may control at least one of (i) the forward facing camera, (ii) an actuator of the vehicle, (iii) a garage door opener of the vehicle, (iv) an electro-optic rearview mirror assembly of the vehicle, (v) a digital sound processor of the vehicle, (vi) a display of the vehicle and (vii) lighting of the vehicle. The control is operable to at least one of send data to and receive data from at least one other accessory or system of the vehicle via a vehicle network of the vehicle. 1. An accessory system for a vehicle , said accessory system comprising:an accessory disposed at and behind a windshield of a vehicle equipped with said accessory system;wherein said accessory comprises a forward facing camera, said forward facing camera viewing through the windshield of the equipped vehicle;a control;wherein said control comprises digital circuitry and a microcontroller;wherein said microcontroller controls at least one of (i) said forward facing camera, (ii) an actuator of the equipped vehicle, (iii) a garage door opener of the equipped vehicle, (iv) an electro-optic rearview mirror assembly of the equipped vehicle, (v) a digital sound processor of the equipped vehicle, (vi) a display of the equipped vehicle and (vii) lighting of the equipped vehicle;wherein said control is operable to at least one of send data to and receive data from at least one other accessory or system of the equipped vehicle via a vehicle network of the equipped vehicle; andwherein said at least one other accessory or system of the equipped vehicle comprises at least one of (i) an electro-optic exterior rearview mirror assembly, (ii) an antenna, (iii) a memory system, (iv) a sensor, (v) an alarm, (vi) a controller, (vii) a transmitter, ( ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188237A1
Автор: Lynam Niall R.

An extended field of view exterior mirror element includes a reflective single glass element having a substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion and a multiradius curved outboard reflective glass portion. The substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion provides a first primary field of view rearward of the vehicle. When the driver-side exterior sideview mirror assembly is attached at the driver-side of the vehicle, the substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion provides to the driver of the vehicle a rearward field of view that subtends an angle that is not greater than approximately 20 degrees with respect to the driver-side of the vehicle. The multiradius curved outboard reflective glass portion provides a second auxiliary field of view rearward of the vehicle. The second auxiliary rearward field of view extends the first primary rearward field of view further outward from the driver-side of the vehicle. 1. An extended field of view exterior mirror element suitable for use in a driver-side exterior sideview mirror assembly on a vehicle , said extended field of view exterior mirror element comprising:a reflective single glass element comprising a substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion and a multiradius curved outboard reflective glass portion;said substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion having a radius of curvature greater than at least approximately 12,000 millimeters;wherein said substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion provides a first primary field of view rearward of a vehicle equipped with said driver-side exterior sideview mirror assembly;wherein, when said driver-side exterior sideview mirror assembly is attached at the driver-side of the equipped vehicle, said substantially flat inboard reflective glass portion provides to the driver of the equipped vehicle a rearward field of view that subtends an angle that is not greater than approximately 20 degrees with respect to the driver-side of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188269A1
Автор: Lynam Niall R.

An exterior sideview mirror assembly includes a mirror housing and a mirror backing plate element that is movable within the mirror housing by an electrically-operable actuator. A main plano mirror element is fixedly disposed at a first portion of the mirror backing plate element and an auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element is fixedly disposed at a second portion of the mirror backing plate element. The main plano mirror element and the auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element are adjacently disposed at the mirror backing plate element and are not superimposed with one mirror element on top of the other mirror element. The first primary field of view of the main plano mirror element may overlap the second auxiliary field of view of the auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element by between about 2 degrees and about 20 degrees. 1. An exterior sideview mirror assembly suitable for use on a vehicle , said exterior sideview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror housing;a mirror backing plate element;wherein said mirror backing plate element is movable within said mirror housing by an electrically-operable actuator;a main plano mirror element fixedly disposed at a first portion of said mirror backing plate element;said main plano mirror element having a first primary field of view rearward of a vehicle equipped with said exterior sideview mirror assembly;an auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element fixedly disposed at a second portion of said mirror backing plate element;wherein said main plano mirror element and said auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element are adjacently disposed at said mirror backing plate element in a side-by-side relationship and are not superimposed with one mirror element on top of the other mirror element;wherein said mirror backing plate element comprises a polymeric molding;said auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element having a second auxiliary field of view rearward of the equipped vehicle;wherein said first primary field of view of said ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279147A1

An interior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a reflective element, a housing portion and a user input module. The housing portion is positioned at a perimeter of the reflective element and has an exterior surface that faces generally toward the driver of the vehicle when the interior rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle. The housing portion has a recess established at the exterior surface. The user input module includes at least one user input that is actuatable by a user and includes backlighting operable to backlight the at least one user input. The user input module is at least partially received in the recess at the housing portion and is configured to snap attach at the housing portion when at least partially received in the recess at the housing portion. 1. An interior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said interior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a reflective element, wherein said reflective element comprises a substrate having a front surface that faces generally toward a driver of a vehicle when said interior rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle;a housing portion positioned at the perimeter of said reflective element, wherein said housing portion extends generally along at least a portion of a perimeter region of said reflective element, and wherein said housing portion has an exterior surface that faces generally toward the driver of the vehicle when said interior rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle, said housing portion having a recess established at said exterior surface and spaced from said front surface of said reflective element that is viewable by the driver of the vehicle when said interior rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle;a user input module comprising at least one user input that is actuatable by a user;wherein said user input module comprises backlighting operable to backlight said at least one user input;wherein said user ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Vehicle Rearview Mirror

Номер: US20130307984A1
Автор: PAN Lei

A multi-functional vehicle rearview minor that includes a cover, a glass reflecting mirror face, a large sized liquid crystal display device which includes a large sized display screen and a large sized display driver board, wherein the large sized display screen includes a large sized displaying liquid crystal glass and a large sized display device backlight module, wherein the large sized liquid crystal display device is provided with a retention frame and a high obscuration media, wherein a small window with a small sized backlight module and a control circuit is provided. The rearview minor automatically shifts between multiple cameras via signals from vehicle lamps. The RF modules with little power consumption are embedded into the circuits of the rearview minor and the cameras for providing the video shift and information communication of the whole system. 1. A multi-functional vehicle rearview mirror comprising a cover , a glass reflecting minor face provided in the cover , a large sized liquid crystal display device which includes a large sized display screen and a large sized display driver board , wherein the large sized display screen includes a large sized displaying liquid crystal glass and a large sized display device backlight module , wherein the large sized liquid crystal display device is provided with a retention frame and a high obscuration media at a rear side thereof , wherein a small window is provided on the retention frame and the high obscuration media , wherein the window is provided with a small sized backlight module and a control circuit at a rear side thereof.2. The multi-functional vehicle rearview mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the shape and size of the backlight face of the small sized backlight module is similar to the shape and size of the small window claim 1 , wherein an illumination face of the small sized module is firmly attached to the rear side of the large sized display device through the small window.3. The multi- ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321893A1

An exterior mirror reflective element includes front and rear substrates and a mirror reflector having a stack of thin films. No part of the rear substrate extends beyond any part of the front substrate. A perimeter layer is disposed at a second surface of the front substrate proximate a perimeter edge of the front substrate. Light that reflects off of the mirror reflector and passes through the electrochromic medium and the front substrate exhibits a substantially non-spectrally selective reflectance characteristic to a person viewing the reflective element when no voltage is applied to the electrochromic medium. The substantially non-spectrally selective reflectance characteristic is established by the refractive index and physical thickness of the individual thin films of the stack of thin films. At least a portion of the mirror reflector extends out under the seal towards a perimeter edge of the rear substrate. 1. A variable reflectance exterior mirror reflective element suitable for use in a vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly , said exterior mirror reflective element comprising:a front glass substrate and a rear glass substrate;an electrochromic medium disposed between said front and rear substrates;wherein said front substrate has a first surface and a second surface;said second surface of said front substrate having a transparent electrically conductive layer disposed thereat;wherein said rear substrate has a third surface and a fourth surface;a mirror reflector disposed at said third surface of said rear substrate;wherein said mirror reflector comprises a stack of thin films and wherein said stack of thin films comprises at least one metal thin film;wherein said mirror reflector has a sheet resistance of less than about 5 ohms per square;wherein said electrochromic medium is disposed in an interpane cavity established between said third surface of said rear substrate and said second surface of said front substrate and is bounded by a perimeter seal; ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321939A1

An interior rearview mirror assembly includes an interior prismatic mirror reflective element having a wedge-shaped glass substrate having a circumferential edge along the periphery of said glass substrate. The circumferential edge spans a thickness of the glass substrate between its front and rear surfaces. The prismatic mirror reflective element has a mirror reflector established at the rear surface of the glass substrate. A plastic molding is circumferentially disposed about the circumferential edge of the glass substrate without overlapping onto the front surface of the glass substrate. The outermost part of the plastic molding curves and the plane of the front surface of the glass substrate is generally flush with the outermost part of the plastic molding. 1. An interior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said interior rearview mirror assembly comprising:an interior prismatic mirror reflective element having a wedge-shaped glass substrate having a planar front surface and a planar rear surface;wherein said glass substrate comprises a circumferential edge along the periphery of said glass substrate;said circumferential edge spanning a thickness of said glass substrate between said front and rear surfaces, and wherein said front surface of said glass substrate comprises the outermost surface of said prismatic mirror reflective element that is viewed by a driver of a vehicle equipped with said interior rearview mirror assembly;wherein said prismatic mirror reflective element comprises a mirror reflector established at said rear surface of said glass substrate of said prismatic mirror reflective element;a plastic molding;wherein said plastic molding is circumferentially disposed about said circumferential edge of said glass substrate without overlapping onto said front surface of said glass substrate;wherein the outermost part of said plastic molding curves; andwherein the plane of said front surface of said glass substrate is generally flush with the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002882A1

A mirror reflective element assembly for an exterior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror casing, a reflective element, an auxiliary wide angle element and a back plate. The auxiliary wide angle element is disposed at the rear surface of a mirror substrate. A back plate mounting structure may establish a space at the mirror actuator that is sufficient for a portion of the auxiliary wide angle element to be disposed between a rear surface of the reflective element and the mirror actuator. The back plate may have at least one sealing element at least partially around a perimeter region of a wide angle element receiving portion of the back plate, and the sealing element may engage the rear surface of the mirror substrate when the back plate is attached to the reflective element and may limit intrusion of adhesive between the back plate and the mirror substrate. 1. A mirror reflective element assembly for an exterior rearview mirror assembly of a vehicle , said mirror reflective element assembly comprising:a mirror casing;a reflective element comprising a mirror substrate having a front surface and a rear surface, said reflective element having a first reflector portion and a second reflector portion, said first reflector portion having a first reflective coating disposed thereat;an auxiliary wide angle element disposed at said rear surface of said mirror substrate and at said second reflector portion, said auxiliary wide angle element having a curved rear surface with a second reflective coating disposed at said curved rear surface; anda back plate at a rear surface of said reflective element, said back plate having a mounting structure for mounting said back plate and said reflective element and said auxiliary wide angle element to a mirror actuator, said back plate mounting structure establishing a space at said mirror actuator that is sufficient for a portion of said auxiliary wide angle element to be disposed between said rear surface of said reflective ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022620A1

An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a mirror head portion and a reflective element accommodated by the mirror head portion. The reflective element includes a glass substrate and a mirror reflector coated at a surface of the glass substrate. The reflective element is configured to provide a field of view of at least about 15 degrees at the side of the vehicle and provides a substantially undistorted reflected image as viewed by the driver of the vehicle. The reflective element may have a width dimension of less than about 15 cm and a height dimension of less than about 9 cm. The mirror substrate is curved or formed via a hydro-bending process utilizing at least one bending element, which may be CNC formed in accordance with a free form pattern of curvatures. 1. An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said exterior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror head portion;a reflective element accommodated by said mirror head portion, said reflective element comprising a glass substrate and a mirror reflector coated at a surface of said glass substrate;wherein said reflective element is configured to provide a field of view of at least about 15 degrees at the side of a vehicle equipped with said exterior rearview mirror assembly and wherein said reflective element provides a substantially undistorted reflected image as viewed by a driver of the equipped vehicle;wherein said reflective element has a width dimension of less than about 15 cm and a height dimension of less than about 9 cm; andwherein said glass substrate is formed via a hydro-bending process utilizing at least one bending element having a free form curvature.2. The exterior rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said at least one bending element is CNC formed in accordance with a free form pattern of curvatures.3. The exterior rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said reflective element comprises a non-electro-optic reflective element and wherein said ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036337A1

The present invention relates to improved electro-optic rearview mirror elements and assemblies incorporating the same. Area of the effective field of view of the electro-optic mirror element substantially equals to that defined by the outermost perimeter of the element. 1. A vehicular rearview assembly having a front and front peripheral region , the assembly comprising: a first surface corresponding to the front;', 'a second surface; and', 'a first transparent electrically conductive electrode layer carried on the second surface;, 'a first substrate including'} a third surface; and', 'a fourth surface; and', 'an at least partially reflective stack of materials carried on at least a portion of at least one of the third surface and the fourth surface;, 'a second substrate including'}a perimeter seal between the first substrate and second substrate;wherein the first substrate, second substrate, and the perimeter seal define a cavity;an electro-optic medium disposed in the cavity between the first substrate and the second substrate and bounded by the perimeter seal; anda ring of spectral filter material disposed circumferentially at a periphery area of the first substrate on at least one of the first surface and the second surface, wherein a diffuse reflectance at the periphery area of the first substrate is greater than a specular reflectance by at least about 3 L* units.2. A rearview assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the diffuse reflectance associated with the periphery area is defined by an element including at least one of (i) a material deposited in the periphery area of the first substrate (ii) an area of the first substrate a surface texture of which has been modified claim 1 , in the periphery area claim 1 , as compared to an original surface texture of the area claim 1 , and (iii) an intermediate layer that includes one or more of (iiia) a transparent material layer claim 1 , (iiib) a semi-translucent material layer including small particles therein ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043479A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

The present vehicle vision system enhances visibility internally and externally with respect to the vehicle. A vision system is provided which is configured to switch between a plurality of modes. The system further includes a far-field effect which alters the focal length of the display in the vision system so as to reduce driver eye strain during operation. The vision system may be incorporated into various locations throughout the vehicle (e.g., the vehicle overhead console). 115-. (canceled)16. An overhead console for use in a motor vehicle at least partially housing a vision system having a camera mounted on the vehicle , comprising:a display source configured to receive video signals from the camera, wherein the display source is coupled to the overhead console; anda display assembly comprising a screen configured to reflect images when the vision system is operating in a first mode and to display video images from the display source when the vision system is operating in a second mode.17. The overhead console of Claim I , further comprising:a lens configured to alter a focal length of the image displayed on the display assembly.182. The display of claim , wherein the lens is mounted between the display assembly and a vehicle occupant.192. The display of claim , wherein the lens is mounted between the display source and the display assembly.202. The display of claim , wherein the display assembly comprises a screen configured to reflect images when the vision system is operating in a first mode and to display video images from the display source when the vision system is operating in a second mode.21. A method of displaying an image to an operator of a motor vehicle at an adjusted focal length , comprising:providing a display assembly configured to display an image, wherein the image defines a focal length with respect to any location in the motor vehicle;providing a lens configured to alter a perception of the focal length of the image with respect to an ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043706A1
Автор: Lynam Niall R.

A vehicular exterior sideview mirror assembly includes a main plano mirror element fixedly disposed at a first portion of a mirror backing plate element and an auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element fixedly disposed at a second portion of the backing plate element. The main plano mirror element and the auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element are adjacently disposed at the backing plate element in a side-by-side relationship. The field of view of the main plano mirror element overlaps the field of view of the non-plano curved mirror element. The overall rearward field of view of the main plano mirror element and auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element is at least about 25 degrees relative to the side of the vehicle. The overall rearward field of view of the main plano mirror element and auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element is less than about 50 degrees relative to the side of the vehicle. 1. An exterior sideview mirror assembly suitable for use on a vehicle , said exterior sideview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror housing;a mirror backing plate element;wherein said mirror backing plate element is movable within said mirror housing by an electrically-operable actuator;a main plano mirror element fixedly disposed at a first portion of said mirror backing plate element;said main plano mirror element having a first primary field of view rearward of a vehicle equipped with said exterior sideview mirror assembly;an auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element fixedly disposed at a second portion of said mirror backing plate element;wherein said main plano mirror element and said auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element are adjacently disposed at said mirror backing plate element in a side-by-side relationship and are not superimposed with one mirror element on top of the other mirror element;said auxiliary non-plano curved mirror element having a second auxiliary field of view rearward of the equipped vehicle;wherein said first primary field of view of said ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055836A1

A rearview mirror assembly is provided that includes a front substrate having a first surface and a second surface, a rear substrate having a third surface and a fourth surface, wherein the front substrate and the rear substrate define a cavity, a perimeter seal between the front substrate and the rear substrate, an electro-optic medium disposed in the cavity between the front substrate and the second substrate and bounded by the perimeter seal, wherein the front substrate and the second substrate have a shaped edge having continuously arcuate shape, and wherein an interface the first substrate and the second substrate is approximately 1 mm or less from an outermost portion of the rearview mirror assembly. 1. A rearview mirror assembly comprising: a first surface; and', 'a second surface;, 'a front substrate comprising a third surface; and', 'a fourth surface;, 'a rear substrate comprisingwherein said front substrate and said rear substrate define a cavity;a perimeter seal between said front substrate and said rear substrate;an electro-optic medium disposed in said cavity between said front substrate and said second substrate and bounded by said perimeter seal;wherein said front substrate and said second substrate have a shaped edge having continuously arcuate shape; andwherein an interface said first substrate and said second substrate is approximately 1 mm or less from an outermost portion of the rearview mirror assembly.2. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said interface is a perimeter of said second surface and a perimeter of said third surface.3. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said outermost potion is an exterior portion of said mirror assembly excluding a mirror mount portion configured to attach to a windscreen of a vehicle.4. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said front substrate is thicker than said rear substrate.5. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of said rear substrate is ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058653A1

A driver assistance system for a vehicle includes a display screen disposed within an interior cabin of the vehicle and a camera disposed at the vehicle and having a rearward field of view. The display screen displays video information captured by the camera for assisting the driver during a reversing maneuver. When the vehicle is not executing a reversing maneuver, the information display screen is operable to display information wirelessly communicated to the vehicle from a remote communication system. The information from the remote communication system may include traffic information or traffic related information, such as traffic flow, congestion, stalled vehicle or accident information, alternate routes for the vehicle, and/or traffic information derived from sensors or signs positioned along the road that the vehicle is traveling or on other roads near or associated with that road. The remote communication system may include a highway/road management monitoring system. 1. A driver assistance system for a vehicle , said driver assistance system comprising:a display screen disposed within an interior cabin of a vehicle equipped with said driver assistance system at a location viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle;a camera disposed at the equipped vehicle having a field of view rearward of the equipped vehicle;said camera comprising an imaging array sensor;wherein said display screen displays video information captured by said camera for assisting the driver during a reversing maneuver of the equipped vehicle;wherein, when the equipped vehicle is not executing a reversing maneuver, said display screen is operable to display information that is wirelessly communicated from a remote communication system to the equipped vehicle; andwherein information communicated from the remote communication system to the equipped vehicle comprises at least one of (i) traffic flow information, (ii) traffic information, (iii) alternate routes for the equipped vehicle, (iv) ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Side Mirror Assembly with Stationary Camera and Telescoping Mirror Head

Номер: US20140063233A1
Принадлежит: SMR Patents S.a.r.l.

A rear-view side mirror assembly includes a base for attachment to a vehicle, one or more support arms extending from the base, and a mirror head attached to the support arm and configured for telescoping movement along the support arm. A camera is fixedly attached to the support arm so as to remain stationary relative to the mirror base and vehicle as the mirror head telescopes inward and outward. An elongated aperture in the mirror head housing ensures that the camera lens is not occluded as the mirror head telescopes between a retracted position and an extended position. A flexible track covers portions of the elongated aperture on alternate sides of the lens as the housing telescopes relative to the lens. 1. A side mirror assembly comprising:one or more support arms attached to and extending from a mirror base assembly configured for attachment to a portion of a vehicle;a mirror head attached to the one or more support arms such that the mirror head can telescope relative to the mirror base; anda camera positioned within the mirror head and attached to the one or more support arms, the camera configured to provide images exterior to the vehicle, wherein the camera is configured to remain in a stationary position relative to the mirror base as the mirror head telescopes.2. The side mirror of claim 1 , wherein the camera is positioned to view from a bottom of the mirror head.3. The side mirror of claim 1 , wherein the mirror head has an aperture configured to provide a viewing port for a lens of the camera regardless of the telescoped position of the mirror head.4. The side mirror of claim 3 , wherein the aperture is an elongated aperture and the mirror head further comprises a flexible track configured to cover a portion of the elongated aperture adjacent the camera lens regardless of the telescoped position of the mirror head.5. The side mirror of claim 4 , wherein the aperture has a rectangular cross-sectional shape.6. The side mirror of claim 4 , wherein the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085700A1
Автор: Park Sang Young
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

Provided are an electrochromic mirror and a method of manufacturing the same, the electrochromic mirror including: a first substrate and a second substrate facing each other; and an electrochromic layer interposed between the first substrate and the second substrate and containing an electrochromic material and an electrolyte, wherein at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate is a transparent film, whereby an entire thickness and weight of the electrochromic mirror can be reduced, and as a result, the degree of design freedom can be improved, and since the electrochromic layer containing the electrochromic material and the electrolyte is formed by a coating method, the efficiency of a manufacturing process can be improved, and a production cost can be reduced. 1. electrochromic mirror , comprising:a first substrate and a second substrate facing each other; andan electrochromic layer interposed between the first substrate and the second substrate,wherein at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate is a transparent film material.2. The electrochromic mirror of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate is a substrate made of a transparent material.3. The electrochromic mirror of claim 1 , wherein the electrochromic layer contains an electrochromic material and an electrolyte.4. The electrochromic mirror of claim 3 , further comprising a first electrode and a conductive reflection layer each formed on facing surfaces of the first substrate and the second substrate.5. The electrochromic mirror of claim 3 , further comprising:a first electrode formed between the first substrate and the electrochromic layer;a second electrode formed between the electrochromic layer and one surface of the second substrate; anda reflective layer formed on another surface opposite to the one surface of the second substrate.6. The electrochromic mirror of claim 3 , wherein the transparent film material is any one of ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085913A1
Автор: HAN Tae Hoon
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

Provided is a display room mirror, including a room mirror disposed in an inner part of a vehicle to detect a rear situation of the vehicle; and an organic light emitting diode (OLED) panel formed in a part or an entire part of a front surface of the room mirror, thereby improving a contrast and a reaction velocity and reducing a thickness and a weight of the room mirror. 1. A display room mirror , comprisinga room mirror disposed in an inner part of a vehicle to detect a rear situation of the vehicle; andan organic light emitting diode (OLED) panel formed in a part or an entire part of a front surface of the room mirror.2. The display room mirror of claim 1 , wherein the room mirror comprises an electrochromic mirror.3. The display room mirror of claim 2 , wherein the electrochromic mirror comprises: two substrates facing each other; an electrode and a conductive reflection layer interposed between the two substrates; and an electrochromic layer interposed between the electrode and the conductive reflection layer and containing an electrochromic material and an electrolyte.4. The display room mirror of claim 3 , wherein the two substrates are a first substrate and a second substrate facing each other and made of a transparent material.5. The display room mirror of claim 4 , wherein any one of the first substrate and the second substrate is made of a transparent film material.6. The display room mirror of claim 5 , wherein the transparent film material is any one of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 5 , polycabonate (PC) claim 5 , an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) claim 5 , polytnethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 5 , polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) claim 5 , polyether sulfone (PES) claim 5 , a cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) claim 5 , a triacetylcellulose (TAC) film claim 5 , polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film claim 5 , a polyimide (PI) film claim 5 , and polystyrene (PS).7. The display room mirror of claim 3 , wherein the electrochromic layer comprises; ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098436A1
Автор: Zhao Mingtang

A mirror reflector sub-assembly for a vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror reflective element having a glass substrate with first and second surfaces. The mirror reflective element has a principal reflector portion and an auxiliary reflector portion. The auxiliary reflector portion of the mirror reflective element includes a curved recess established at the second surface of the glass substrate by at least one of grinding and ablating. A reflector is established at the curved recess and a principal mirror reflector is established at the principal reflector portion. The mirror reflective element is supported at a side of a mirror back plate and an opposing side of the mirror back plate is configured for attaching the mirror back plate to a mirror actuator. The opposing side of the mirror back plate includes an attaching portion that snap attaches to the mirror actuator. 1. A mirror reflector sub-assembly suitable for use in an exterior rearview mirror assembly of a vehicle , said mirror reflector sub-assembly comprising:a mirror reflective element;said mirror reflective element comprising a glass substrate having a first surface and a second surface;wherein said mirror reflective element has a principal reflector portion and an auxiliary reflector portion;wherein said principal reflector portion of said mirror reflective element has a first radius of curvature;wherein said auxiliary reflector portion of said mirror reflective element comprises a curved recess established at said second surface of said glass substrate by at least one of grinding and ablating;wherein said curved recess of said auxiliary reflector portion of said mirror reflective element has a second radius of curvature;wherein said curved recess has a cross-dimension size that is less than about 80 millimeters;wherein said second radius of curvature of said curved recess comprises a radius of curvature that is less than about 1,000 millimeters;wherein said curved recess has a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001569A1

A rearview mirror, including a first substrate (), a second substrate () cell-assembled to the first substrate (), and a crystal material () filled between the first substrate () and the second substrate (), a plurality of strip electrodes () are disposed on a side of the first substrate () that faces to the second substrate (), an interval is formed between two adjacent strip electrodes (), the strip electrodes () are made of a transparent electrode material, a planar electrode () capable of at least partially reflecting light is disposed on a side of the second substrate () that faces to the first substrate (). In the present application, the refractive indices of the liquid crystal material () in the rearview mirror are changed by changing the voltage signal provided to the rearview mirror, such that an anti-glare operation mode of the rearview mirror is achieved. 1. A rearview mirror , comprising a first substrate , a second substrate cell-assembled to the first substrate , and a crystal material filled between the first substrate and the second substrate , wherein a plurality of strip electrodes are disposed on a side of the first substrate that faces to the second substrate , an interval is formed between two adjacent strip electrodes , and a planar electrode capable of at least partially reflecting light is disposed on a side of the second substrate , which side faces to the first substrate.2. The rearview mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the strip electrodes are made of a transparent electrode material.3. The rearview mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the rearview mirror comprises a control circuit claim 1 , the control circuit is configured for providing an electric signal to the strip electrodes and optionally providing an electric signal to the planar electrode claim 1 , in order to control a deflection of liquid crystal molecules of the liquid crystal material claim 1 , and the strip electrodes are independently connected to the control circuit. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002262A1

A trainable transceiver unit for mounting in a vehicle includes a transceiver circuit configured to reproduce and transmit control signals for operating a plurality of remote electronic devices, a user interface element, a battery configured to power the transceiver circuit and the user interface element, and a housing. The housing contains the transceiver circuit, the user interface element, and the battery and is integrated with a component of the vehicle.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001706A1

A display mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a display mirror assembly for a vehicle having a front shield including a first side and a second side. A partially reflective, partially transmissive element is mounted on the first side. A rear shield is disposed behind the front shield. A display module is mounted between the front shield and the rear shield and includes in order from the front shield: a display; an optic block; a heat sink having an edge lit PCB mounted along a top edge thereof; and a PCB. The front shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a first retaining feature and the rear shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a second retaining feature. A housing at least partially surrounds the front shield, display module, and rear shield. 1. (canceled)2. A display mirror assembly for a vehicle , comprising:a housing;a windshield mounting member extending rearwardly from the housing;an electro-optic element operably coupled with the housing;a display module mounted between the electro-optic element and the housing and including a display, the display module being configured to be activated and deactivated; andan actuator device disposed on the housing and operably coupled with the electro-optic element, wherein the actuator device is adjustable to tilt the electro-optic element in one direction, thereby moving the electro-optic element to an off-axis position which approximately simultaneously changes an activation state of the display module, and wherein the actuator device is also adjustable to tilt the electro-optic element in another direction, thereby moving the electro-optic element to an on-axis position which approximately simultaneously changes the activation state of the display module.3. The display mirror assembly of claim 2 , further comprising:a printed circuit board disposed in the housing and operably coupled with the display.4. The display mirror assembly of claim 3 , further ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002954A1

An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a mirror reflective element having a glass substrate with a rear surface and a front surface that is closer to the driver of the vehicle than the rear surface when the rearview mirror assembly is mounted at a vehicle. The mirror reflective element includes a generally planar principal reflecting portion and an angled reflecting portion, with the angled reflecting portion established at an inboard region of the mirror reflective element. The angled reflecting portion is established by grinding a surface of the glass substrate at the inboard region. A mirror reflector is established at the angled reflecting portion, and a mirror reflector is established at the principal reflecting portion to provide a unit magnification principal reflecting portion of the mirror reflective element. 1. An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said exterior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror reflective element comprises a glass substrate having a rear surface and a front surface that is closer to a driver of the vehicle than said rear surface when said exterior rearview mirror assembly is mounted at a vehicle;wherein said mirror reflective element has an outboard region and an inboard region and wherein, when said exterior rearview mirror assembly is mounted at the vehicle, said inboard region is closer to the vehicle than said outboard region;wherein said mirror reflective element comprises a generally planar principal reflecting portion and an angled reflecting portion and wherein said angled reflecting portion is established at said inboard region of said mirror reflective element;wherein said angled reflecting portion is established by grinding a surface of said glass substrate at said inboard region;wherein a mirror reflector is established at said angled reflecting portion;wherein a mirror reflector is established at said principal reflecting portion; andwherein said generally planar principal ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008458A1

A rearview mirror assembly includes a housing, a bezel, and an electro-optic mirror element. The electro-optic mirror element includes a first substantially transparent substrate having an edge extending around at least a portion of a perimeter of the first substantially transparent substrate and a second substantially transparent substrate. The first and second substantially transparent substrates define a cavity. An electro-optic material is disposed within the cavity. The first substantially transparent substrate and at least one of the housing and bezel have a difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between about 5 ppm and about 50 ppm. 1. A rearview mirror assembly comprising:a housing;a bezel; and a first substantially transparent substrate having an edge extending around at least a portion of a perimeter of the first substantially transparent substrate;', 'a second substantially transparent substrate, wherein the first and second substantially transparent substrates define a cavity; and', 'an electro-optic material disposed within the cavity,, 'an electro-optic mirror element comprisingwherein the first substantially transparent substrate and at least one of the housing and bezel have a difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between about 5 ppm and about 50 ppm.2. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between the first substantially transparent substrate and at least one of the housing and bezel is between about 10 ppm and about 25 ppm.3. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 2 , wherein the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between the first substantially transparent substrate and at least one of the housing and bezel is about 13 ppm.4. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 3 , wherein a gap is defined between the first substantially transparent substrate and the bezel claim 3 , the gap having a width of less than or equal to about 25 μm over greater than about 75% of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009226A1
Автор: Krebs Peter

A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle, having a housing to hold a mirror assembly which has a liquid-crystal cell, the reflectance of the mirror assembly being variable. The liquid-crystal cell has a transparent front-side carrier layer, a transparent rear-side carrier layer and, an electrically actuable liquid-crystal layer arranged between the carrier layers and held in a sealed-off fashion by way of a seal frame. A permanently clear optical image is produced for the vehicle occupant as a user, and the mirror arrangement has a low weight and is inexpensive to produce. This is achieved in that the housing is of unipartite form and permits frameless retention of the mirror assembly, and a housing gap between the housing element and the mirror assembly into which is fitted a seal for the sealed retention of the mirror assembly in the housing. 18-. (canceled)9. A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing having a housing element which is of unipartite form; a front-side carrier layer that is composed as a first transparent, electrically conductive layer and a first alignment layer,', 'a rear-side carrier layer that is composed as a second transparent, electrically conductive layer and a second alignment layer,', 'an electrically actuable liquid-crystal layer arranged between the front-side carrier layer and the rear-side carrier layer, the electrically actuable liquid-crystal layer containing a liquid-crystal medium, and', 'a seal frame to hold the liquid-crystal layer in sealed-off fashion, the seal frame being arranged between the front-side carrier layer and the rear-side carrier layer,, 'a mirror assembly framelessly held in the housing by the housing element, the mirror assembly having a variable and controllable reflectance, and a liquid-crystal cell havinga housing gap between the housing and the mirror assembly; anda seal fitted into the housing gap for a sealed retention of the mirror assembly in the housing, the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026774A1

A control device of an ECM employs a current control method in place of a voltage control method in order to remove heat generation, and can stably provide a desired current and voltage to an ECM regardless of an input voltage. The control device of an ECM may include: an illuminance sensor unit configured to sense the brightness of light; an MCU configured to output a control signal corresponding to the brightness level of the sensed light; an ECM control unit configured to generate and output a constant current having a current value adjusted to correspond to the brightness level of the sensed light, in response to the control signal; and an ECM including a material to cause a chemical change in which the color thereof changes while the material is oxidized by the constant current, and having reflectivity adjusted to correspond to the adjusted current value of the constant current. 1. A control device for controlling an ECM (Electro-Chromic Mirror) , comprising:an illuminance sensor unit configured to sense the brightness of light;an MCU (Micro Controller Unit) configured to output a control signal corresponding to a level of the brightness of the sensed light;an ECM control unit configured to generate and output a constant current having a current value that is adjusted to correspond to the brightness level of the sensed light, in response to the control signal; andan ECM comprising a material to cause a chemical change in which the color thereof changes by oxidizing the material with the constant current outputted from the ECM control unit, and having reflectivity that is adjusted to correspond to the adjusted current value of the constant current.2. The control device of claim 1 , wherein the control signal comprises an on/off signal for turning on/off the ECM control unit claim 1 , and a control output signal for controlling the current value of the constant current outputted from the ECM control unit claim 1 , according to the brightness level of the light.3. ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010513A1

An electro-optic assembly is disclosed. The assembly comprises a front substrate having a first surface and a second surface substantially parallel to the first surface; a rear substrate spaced from and substantially parallel to the front substrate. The rear substrate comprises a third surface and a fourth surface substantially parallel to the third surface. The assembly further comprises an electrical contact for providing an electrical connection to an electrode in proximity to an electro-optic material and an appliqué layer. The appliqué layer is on at least a portion of the fourth surface and forms a contact-obscuring. 1. An electro-optic assembly , comprising:a front substrate having a first surface and a second surface substantially parallel to the first surface;a rear substrate spaced from and substantially parallel to the front substrate, the rear substrate having a third surface and a fourth surface substantially parallel to the third surface;an electrical contact for providing an electrical connection to an electrode in proximity to an electro-optic material, the contact having an extension at least partially over a transmissive portion of the fourth surface in a transmissive region of the rear substrate; andan appliqué on at least the transmissive portion of the fourth surface, the appliqué having a contact-obscuring region in proximity to the extension of the electrical contact,wherein the electro-optic material is disposed between the second surface and the third surface.2. The electro-optic assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the contact-obscuring region of the appliqué is configured to obscure the visual appearance of the extension of the electrical contact through the front and rear substrates.3. The electro-optic assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the appliqué layer forms an opening forming the at least partially transmissive portion of the fourth surface.4. The electro-optic assembly according to claim 3 , wherein a ratio of a smallest ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010515A1

A process for filling an electro-optic rearview mirror reflective element assembly includes providing an unfilled mirror cell and providing a filling element having a fluid reservoir, a mirror cell receiving portion, and a channel that provides fluid communication between the fluid reservoir and the mirror element receiving portion. The unfilled mirror cell and the filling element and compressible sealing element are positioned in a vacuum chamber such that the mirror cell receiving portion receives an upper portion of the unfilled mirror cell. Negative pressure is established in the vacuum chamber and electro-optic fluid is provided at the fluid reservoir of the filling element, with the fluid flowing through the channel and passageway and fill port to fill an interpane cavity of the mirror cell with electro-optic fluid. After filling the interpane cavity, the filling element and sealing element are removed and the fill port is plugged. 1. A process for filling a variable reflectance vehicular electro-optic rearview mirror reflective element assembly , said filling process comprising:providing an unfilled mirror cell comprising a front substrate and a rear substrate joined by a perimeter seal, wherein said perimeter seal spaces said front and rear substrates apart and forms an interpane cavity therebetween, and wherein said perimeter seal has a gap between terminal ends of said perimeter seal to provide a fill port for said unfilled mirror cell when said front and rear substrates are joined together;providing a filling element, wherein said filling element comprises (i) a fluid reservoir, (ii) a mirror cell receiving portion and (iii) a channel that provides fluid communication between said fluid reservoir and said mirror element receiving portion;providing a compressible sealing element having a passageway therethrough;positioning said unfilled mirror cell in a vacuum chamber with said fill port disposed at an upper portion of said unfilled mirror cell;positioning ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015248A1
Автор: Baur Michael J.

A rearview vision system for a vehicle includes a driver side rearview mirror element, a passenger side rearview mirror element, and a camera at or near the rear portion of the vehicle. The rearview mirror elements provide respective regulation required fields of view rearward and sideward of the vehicle to a driver of the vehicle. A driver side display and a passenger side display are configured to be disposed at an interior of the vehicle so as to display images representative of captured image data for viewing by the driver of the vehicle when normally operating the vehicle. The displayed images provide a desired wider sideward and rearward field of view beyond the regulation required fields of view of the mirror elements, such that the side mirror assemblies need not include a larger reflective element. 1. A rearview vision system for a vehicle , the vehicle having a front portion , a driver side portion , a passenger side portion and a rear portion , said rearview vision system comprising:a driver side exterior rearview mirror assembly configured to be disposed at the driver side portion of the vehicle, wherein said driver side exterior rearview mirror assembly comprises a reduced size driver side mirror element that provides no more than a regulation required driver side rearward field of view to the driver of the vehicle;a passenger side exterior rearview mirror assembly configured to be disposed at the passenger side portion of the vehicle, wherein said driver side exterior rearview mirror assembly comprises a reduced size mirror element that provides no more than a regulation required passenger side rearward field of view to the driver of the vehicle;a rear camera configured to be disposed at or near the rear portion of the vehicle, wherein said camera, when disposed at or near the rear portion of the vehicle, has a rearward and sideward field of view and captures image data;a driver side display configured to be disposed at a driver side region of an ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Intercepting Interior Side Mirror Assembly

Номер: US20160016517A1
Автор: Lijuan Sun
Принадлежит: Individual

A multiple layer angled mirror assembly to provide wide-angle view of side traffic status including blind spots for a vehicle. The mirror assembly will intercept out the interior image of B-pillar of the vehicle and the image beyond next lane to the vehicle. The mirror assembly presents a clear and desired side traffic view of the vehicle. The mirror assembly can be attached to the vehicle main rear mirror side with backing casing.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016518A1

An integrated inside mirror assembly for a vehicle may have a stay fixed to a windshield glass of the vehicle and an inside mirror coupled to the stay, in which the stay may include a sub stay coupled to a rear surface of the inside mirror, a base attached to an upper end of the windshield glass and to which a rain sensor is mounted, a mount slidably assembled at an outside of the base and coupled to the sub stay through a ball joint, a stay cover coupled to the mount while surrounding the mount and attached to the upper end of the windshield glass, and an antenna cover assembled at one side of the mount and to which an antenna member is mounted.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Tight bezel to glass fit mirror assembly

Номер: US20180015880A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

A display assembly includes a bezel. An electro-optic element includes a first substantially transparent substrate having an edge extending around at least a portion of a perimeter of the first substantially transparent substrate. The electro-optic element also includes a second substrate. The first substantially transparent substrate and the bezel have a difference in coefficient of thermal expansion or from about 5 ppm to about 50 ppm.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017029A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An anti-glare mirror with an image display function includes, in this order: an image display device; a circular polarization reflection layer A; a liquid crystal cell; and a linear polarizing plate, in which a phase difference layer such as a ¼ wavelength plate is provided between the circular polarization reflection layer A and the linear polarizing plate, and the circular polarization reflection layer A has a cholesteric liquid crystal layer obtained by curing a coating layer of a liquid crystal composition containing a polymerizable liquid crystal compound. 1. An anti-glare mirror with an image display function , the anti-glare mirror comprising , in this order:an image display device;a circular polarization reflection layer A;a liquid crystal cell; anda linear polarizing plate,wherein a phase difference layer is included between the circular polarization reflection layer A and the linear polarizing plate, andthe circular polarization reflection layer A includes a cholesteric liquid crystal layer obtained by curing a coating layer of a liquid crystal composition containing a polymerizable liquid crystal compound.2. The anti-glare mirror with an image display function according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid crystal cell includes two substrates facing each other, a driving liquid crystal layer made of a liquid crystal sealed in a space formed between the two substrates, and an electrode formed on a surface on a side of the driving liquid crystal layer of each of the two substrates,in the driving liquid crystal layer, liquid crystal molecules are nematically aligned horizontally with respect to the two substrates in a case of no voltage application, and are nematically aligned vertically with respect to the two substrates in a case of voltage application,the driving liquid crystal layer has a ½ wavelength phase difference in a case of no voltage application,the phase difference layer is a ¼ wavelength plate C, andthe circular polarization reflection layer A, the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017823A1

An electro-optic assembly includes a first partially reflective, partially transmissive substrate defining a first surface and a second surface. A second partially reflective, partially transmissive substrate defines a third surface and a fourth surface. A space is defined between a first substrate and a second substrate. A seal is disposed about a perimeter of the first and second substrates. An electro-optic material is disposed between the second surface of the first substrate and the third surface of the second substrate. The electro-optic assembly is operable to change at least one of a reflectance state and a transmittance state in either a discrete or continuous manner. A transparent electrode coating is disposed between the second surface and the third surface. The transparent electrode coating includes an insulator layer, metal layer, and insulator layer (IMI) structure. The reflectance off of the transparent electrode coating is less than about 2%. 1. An electro-optic assembly , comprising:a first partially reflective, partially transmissive substrate defining a first surface and a second surface;a second partially reflective, partially transmissive substrate defining a third surface and a fourth surface;a space defined between a first substrate and a second substrate;a seal disposed about a perimeter of the first and second substrates;an electro-optic material disposed on at least one of the second surface of the first substrate and the third surface of the second substrate, wherein said electro-optic assembly is operable to change at least one of a reflectance state and a transmittance state in either a discrete or continuous manner; anda transparent electrode coating disposed between the second surface and the third surface, the transparent electrode coating including an insulator layer, a metal layer, an insulator layer (IMI) structure, wherein a reflectance off of the transparent electrode coating is less than about 2%.2. The electro-optic assembly of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018997A1
Автор: Weindorf Paul F.

A bi-modal dimming mirror includes a display and a switchable mirror configured to vary in transmissivity in response to a dimming control signal, which includes one or more of an LCD voltage, a rotator control signal, and/or a polarizer control signal. The bi-modal dimming mirror includes a visible segment overlying the display panel and a sample segment for calibrating the transmissivity or the reflectivity of the switchable mirror. A light source projects a light beam through the sample segment, which is measured by a light sensor. A liquid crystal cell changes polarization of light passing therethrough in response to application of an LCD voltage. In some embodiments, an active absorptive polarizer varies in absorption of polarized light in response to a polarizer control signal. An active polarization rotator varies rotation of polarized light in response to a rotator control signal. 1. A bi-modal dimming mirror comprising:a display panel for generating an image;a switchable mirror overlying the display panel and configured to vary in transmissivity in response to a dimming control signal;the switchable mirror including a visible segment overlying a portion of the display panel for presenting a graphical image to a viewer;the switchable mirror including a sample segment independent of the visible segment and configured to calibrate the transmissivity or the reflectivity of the switchable mirror;a light source for projecting a light beam through the sample segment of the switchable mirror; anda light sensor overlying the sample segment opposite the display panel for measuring a reflection rate of the sample segment by measuring an intensity of the light beam.2. The bi-modal dimming mirror as set forth in wherein the light source is disposed on a side of the switchable mirror opposite a viewing surface.3. The bi-modal dimming mirror as set forth in wherein the light source is integral with the display panel.4. The bi-modal dimming mirror as set forth in wherein ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022543A1

A rearview assembly for a vehicle is provided that includes: a housing configured for mounting to the vehicle; a rearview element disposed in the housing that displays images of a scene exterior of the vehicle; a light sensor assembly disposed in the housing; and a controller for receiving the electrical signal of the light sensor and for adjusting a brightness of the images displayed by the rearview element. The light sensor includes a light sensor for outputting an electrical signal representing intensity of light impinging upon a light-receiving surface of the light sensor, and a secondary optical element configured to receive light, wherein the light passes through the secondary optical element to the light sensor, the secondary optical element including a tint material that is substantially color neutral for attenuating light passing therethrough. 1. A rearview assembly for a vehicle comprising:a housing configured for mounting to the vehicle;a rearview element disposed in said housing that presents images of a scene rearward of the vehicle; a light sensor for outputting an electrical signal representing intensity of light impinging upon a light-receiving surface of the light sensor, and', 'a secondary optical element configured to receive light, wherein the light passes through said secondary optical element to said light sensor, said secondary optical element including a tint material that is substantially color neutral for attenuating light passing therethrough; and, 'a light sensor assembly disposed in said housing, said light sensor comprisinga controller for receiving the electrical signal of said light sensor and for adjusting a brightness of the images presented by said rearview element.2. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein said rearview element includes a display positioned in said housing claim 1 , wherein the controller adjusts the brightness of the images presented by said rearview element by adjusting the brightness of said display.3. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023606A1
Автор: Krebs Peter

A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle, having a mirror assembly held on a carrier plate. The mirror assembly includes a liquid-crystal cell to view following traffic, and which has a variable reflectance controllable via a control device. The mirror assembly has a transparent plate arranged on a front side thereof and a rear-side reflective coating adjacent to and pointing toward the carrier plate. The rear-view mirror arrangement is automatically dimmable and heatable, and includes an optical liquid-crystal cell to produce a permanently clear optical image for the vehicle occupant as a user. In order to provide a heatable effect, an areal heating element is arranged on the carrier plate to generate thermal radiation, and a housing gap is disposed between the carrier plate and the mirror assembly such that the thermal radiation is to transmitted to a radiation-absorbing coating arranged on a reflective coating of the mirror assembly. 14-. (canceled)5. A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:a carrier plate;a mirror assembly including a liquid-crystal cell, a transparent layer arranged on a front side thereof, a rear-side reflective layer, and a radiation-absorbing coating on the rear-side reflective layer;a housing gap between the carrier plate and the mirror assembly; andan areal heating element to generate thermal radiation which is transmitted through the housing gap to the radiation-absorbing coating, thereby heating the mirror assembly.6. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 5 , wherein the carrier plate comprises a carrier base plate and a carrier plate rim.7. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 6 , wherein the carrier base plate has bearing points to support the mirror assembly in a spaced apart arrangement with respect to the carrier base plate.8. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 6 , further comprising:a second housing gap between the carrier plate rim and the mirror assembly; anda seal which ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023607A1

A system for controlling a dimming function of a display element of a host vehicle is disclosed. The system comprises a display element configured to provide a rearward view from the host vehicle and a sensor directed forward relative to the host vehicle. A controller is in communication with the sensor and the display element. The controller is configured to identify a taillight of a detected vehicle from data received from the sensor. Based on the data received from the sensor, the controller calculates a passing period for the host vehicle to pass the detected vehicle. Based on the passing period the controller adjusts a display property of the display element to limit a glare displayed by the display element. 1. A system for controlling a dimming function of a display element configured to provide a rearward view from a host vehicle , the system comprising:a sensor directed forward relative to the host vehicle; and identify a taillight of a detected vehicle from data received from the sensor;', 'calculate a passing period for the host vehicle to pass the detected vehicle based on a change in the data received from the sensor; and', 'adjust a display property of the display element based on the passing period to limit a glare displayed by the display element., 'a controller in communication with the sensor and the display element, wherein the controller is configured to2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises an image sensor.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the passing period is determined based on image data received from the image sensor by identifying at least one of a change in position of the taillight claim 2 , a change in size of the taillight claim 2 , and a change in proportion of the taillight in the image data.4. The system according to claim 3 , further comprising:a speed input configured to communicate a speed of the host vehicle with the controller.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein controller utilizes ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022279A1
Автор: Kendall Craig

A rearview mirror reflective element assembly includes a mirror reflective element, a heater pad, and a back plate. The heater pad includes a heater pad substrate having a plurality of electrically conductive traces established thereat, with the electrically conductive traces including (i) a heating trace that, when powered, heats the heater pad substrate and the mirror reflective element, and (ii) an accessory trace that, when powered, controls an accessory of the mirror reflective element assembly. The electrically conductive traces may include electro-optic control traces that, when electrically powered, darken the mirror reflective element. The heater pad is disposed between the mirror reflective element and the back plate. The accessory trace, when powered, controls a blind zone indicator that is disposed at the rear of the mirror reflective element and that is viewable, when powered, through the mirror reflective element. 1. A rearview mirror reflective element assembly for an exterior rearview mirror assembly suitable for use on a vehicle , said mirror reflective element assembly comprising:a mirror reflective element, wherein said mirror reflective element comprises an electro-optic mirror reflective element operable to vary its reflectivity of light responsive to an electrical voltage applied at said mirror reflective element;a heater pad comprising a heater pad substrate having a plurality of electrically conductive traces established thereat;wherein said electrically conductive traces comprise (i) a heating trace that, when powered, heats said heater pad substrate and said mirror reflective element, (ii) electro-optic control traces that, when electrically powered, darken said mirror reflective element, and (iii) an accessory trace that, when powered, controls an accessory of said mirror reflective element assembly;wherein said electrically conductive traces terminate at a connector region of said heater pad substrate;wherein said heater pad is disposed ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024401A1

A rearview mirror assembly is provided that includes a bezel, and an electro-optic element that includes a first substantially transparent substrate defining first and second surfaces. The second surface includes a first electrically conductive layer. A second substrate defines third and fourth surfaces and a hole extending between the third and fourth surfaces. The third surface includes a second electrically conductive layer. A primary seal is disposed between the first and second substrates. The seal and the first and second substrates define a cavity therebetween. A conductive bus is positioned proximate the hole of the second substrate and an electro-optic material is disposed within the cavity. The bezel extends onto at least one of the third and fourth surfaces of the second substrate. 1. A rearview device , comprising:a bezel; and a first substantially transparent substrate defining first and second surfaces, wherein the second surface comprises a first electrically conductive layer;', 'a second substrate defining third and fourth surfaces, the second substrate defining a hole extending between the third and fourth surfaces, wherein the third surface comprises a second electrically conductive layer;', 'a primary seal disposed between the first and second substrates, wherein the seal and the first and second substrates define a cavity therebetween;', 'a conductive bus positioned proximate the hole of the second substrate; and', 'an electro-optic material disposed within the cavity,, 'an electro-optic element comprisingwherein the bezel extends onto at least one of the third and fourth surfaces of the second substrate.2. The rearview device of claim 1 , wherein a filler is disposed within the hole claim 1 , the filler comprising at least one of a metal tube claim 1 , conductive polymer claim 1 , solder paste claim 1 , and monolithic piece of metal.3. The rearview device of claim 2 , and further wherein the filler is flush with the fourth surface.4. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Electro-optic drive system for vehicular mirror

Номер: US20200023775A1
Принадлежит: Magna Mirrors of America Inc

A vehicular electrochromic rearview mirror assembly includes a base for attaching at a vehicle, a mirror casing at the base, and a mirror reflective element sub-assembly at the mirror casing and including an electrochromic (EC) cell and an EC driving circuit. The EC driving circuit includes a fixed voltage switching regulator for providing voltage to a power input of the EC cell, a drive transistor connected to an output of the fixed voltage switching regulator for switching the provided voltage on and off, a protection diode connected to the drive transistor and the EC cell, a bleach transistor connected to the power input of the EC cell and to ground, and a controller connected to the fixed voltage switching regulator, the drive transistor, and the bleach transistor. The controller controls the fixed voltage switching regulator, the drive transistor, and the bleach transistor to control the voltage provided to the EC cell.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023776A1

A display apparatus for a vehicle comprises a display module comprising a display forming a display surface forming a perimeter. A heat sink is in connection with the display module and disposed behind the display module relative to the display surface. A carrier bracket is disposed in connection with the heat sink. A plurality of display mounting brackets is in connection with the carrier bracket. The display mounting brackets are in connection with the carrier bracket outboard of a center line extending vertically along the carrier bracket. 1. A display apparatus for a vehicle comprising:a display module comprising a display forming a display surface forming a perimeter;a heat sink in connection with the display module and disposed behind the display module relative to the display surface;a carrier bracket disposed in connection with the heat sink; anda plurality of display mounting brackets in connection with the carrier bracket, wherein the display mounting brackets are in connection with the carrier bracket outboard of a center line extending vertically along the carrier bracket.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the display module is mounted to a portion of the vehicle via the display mounting brackets in a plurality of locations along a length of a body of the housing.3. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a housing enclosing the display module and comprising an anterior opening configured to receive a bezel, wherein the bezel extends around a perimeter of the display surface.4. The display apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the housing forms a posterior opening extending coextensive to the carrier bracket.5. The display apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the carrier bracket is disposed inside the housing.6. The display apparatus according to claim 5 , further comprising:a trim plate configured to enclose the posterior opening of the housing.7. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Dynamic Rearview Mirror Adaptive Dimming Overlay Through Scene Brightness Estimation

Номер: US20140111637A1

A vehicle imaging system includes an image capture device capturing an image exterior of a vehicle. The captured image includes at least a portion of a sky scene. A processor generates a virtual image of a virtual sky scene from the portion of the sky scene captured by the image capture device. The processor determines a brightness of the virtual sky scene from the virtual image. The processor dynamically adjusts a brightness of the captured image based the determined brightness of the virtual image. A rear view mirror display device displays the adjusted captured image.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028925A1

A door mirror device has a main mirror having a first reflecting surface that enables a periphery of a vehicle to be viewed, and a sub-mirror that is disposed adjacent to the main mirror. The sub-mirror includes a light guide having a light guiding portion into which light from an LED is introduced. A second reflecting surface, that enables a periphery of the vehicle to be viewed, is provided at a surface of the light guide. Further, a light portion, that illuminates, toward an out-of-plane direction of the second reflecting surface, light from the LED that has been introduced into the light guide interior, is provided at the second reflecting surface. 1. A vehicle mirror device comprising:a first mirror that is provided at a vehicle and that has a first reflecting surface that reflects light; anda second mirror disposed adjacent to the first mirror and structured to include a light guide that has a light guiding portion into whose interior light from a light source is introduced, a second reflecting surface that is provided at a surface of the light guide and that reflects light, and a light portion that is provided at the second reflecting surface and that is lit by the light that is introduced into the light guide interior.2. The vehicle mirror device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at a boundary of the first mirror and the second mirror claim 1 , the first reflecting surface and the second reflecting surface are disposed so as to be offset in a thickness direction of the first mirror.3. The vehicle mirror device of claim 1 , wherein the light guiding portion is disposed so as to face the first mirror in a thickness direction of the first mirror.4. The vehicle mirror device of claim 2 , wherein the light guiding portion is disposed so as to face the first mirror in a thickness direction of the first mirror. The present invention relates to a vehicle mirror device.A vehicle mirror device, that makes it possible to view a vehicle obliquely rear side over a wider ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Rimless Blind Spot Mirror

Номер: US20160031374A1
Автор: Yi Huei Jen
Принадлежит: Individual

A blind spot reduction apparatus that will sit flush on external mirrors on a vehicle on which it is adhered onto as well as feature a rimless, seamless look that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Low Distortion Convex Mirror for a Vehicle Rearview Mirror Assembly

Номер: US20160031375A1
Автор: Enz Andreas

A substrate having a light reflective coating defining a mirror surface. A first curvature included on the substrate extending across the mirror surface oriented along a first axis of curvature extending heightwise. A second curvature included on the substrate extending across the mirror surface oriented along a second axis of curvature extending widthwise. The second axis of curvature is angled relative to the first axis of curvature so that the second curvature extends across the mirror surface in a helical arrangement relative to the first axis of curvature. Accordingly, angling the second axis of curvature relative to the first axis of curvature causes the first and second curvatures to cooperate in reducing distortion across the mirror surface. 1. A low distortion convex mirror for a vehicle rearview mirror assembly , said mirror comprising:a substrate having a light reflective coating defining a mirror surface;a first curvature included on said substrate extending across said mirror surface oriented along a first axis of curvature extending heightwise;a second curvature included on said substrate extending across said mirror surface oriented along a second axis of curvature extending widthwise, wherein said second axis of curvature is angled relative to said first axis of curvature so that said second curvature extends across said mirror surface in a helical arrangement relative to said first axis of curvature;whereby, angling said second axis of curvature relative to said first axis of curvature causes said first and second curvatures to cooperate in reducing distortion across said mirror surface.2. The mirror of wherein said substrate is selected from the group consisting of plastic claim 1 , metal claim 1 , glass claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The mirror of wherein said first curvature has a constant radius of curvature.4. The mirror of wherein said first curvature has a variable radius of curvature.5. The mirror of wherein ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031286A1

A vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror head having a mirror reflective element with a transflective mirror reflector. A video display device is disposed rearward of the mirror reflective element and has a display screen that occupies at least 75 percent of the reflective region of the mirror reflective element. The video display device is operable to display video images captured by a rearward viewing camera of the vehicle. When the video display device is operated to display video images, light emitted by the video display device passes through the transflective mirror reflector of the mirror reflective element for viewing of displayed video images by a driver of the vehicle viewing the mirror reflective element. Light emitted by the video display device may exit the mirror reflective element as circularly polarized light. 1. A vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly , said vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror head pivotally mounted at a mirror support;wherein said mirror support is configured to attach at an interior portion of a vehicle equipped with said vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly;wherein said mirror head comprises a mirror reflective element having a transflective mirror reflector that at least partially reflects light incident thereon and at least partially transmits incident light therethrough;wherein said mirror reflective element comprises a reflective region defined by said transflective mirror reflector;a video display device disposed rearward of said mirror reflective element;wherein said video display device comprises a display screen and at least one light emitting diode for backlighting said display screen;wherein said display screen of said video display device occupies at least 75 percent of said reflective region of said mirror reflective element;wherein, with said mirror support attached at the interior portion of the equipped vehicle, said video display device is operable to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032822A1

A vehicle assembly includes a side view mirror housing mountable to a vehicle exterior. A first LIDAR sensor is disposed in the side view mirror housing, has a first field of view, and is pointed in a first direction. A second LIDAR sensor is disposed in the side view mirror housing, has a second field of view, and is pointed in a second direction opposite the first direction. A camera is also disposed in the side view mirror housing, and the camera is spaced from the second LIDAR sensor. The camera has a third field of view and is pointed in the second direction. 1. A vehicle assembly comprising:a side view mirror housing mountable to a vehicle exterior;a first LIDAR sensor disposed in the side view mirror housing, the first LIDAR sensor having a first field of view and pointed in a first direction;a second LIDAR sensor disposed in the side view mirror housing, the second LIDAR sensor having a second field of view and pointed in a second direction opposite the first direction; anda camera disposed in the side view mirror housing, spaced from the second LIDAR sensor, the camera having a third field of view and pointed in the second direction.2. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the side view mirror housing includes a front-facing side and a rear-facing side and wherein the first LIDAR sensor is disposed on the front-facing side and wherein the second LIDAR sensor and the camera are disposed on the rear-facing side.3. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the third field of view of the camera at least partially overlaps the second field of view of the second LIDAR sensor and does not overlap the first field of view of the first LIDAR sensor.4. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a display screen and a processor programmed to receive image data from the camera and output at least part of the received image data to the display screen.5. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the third field of view of the camera is adjustable relative to ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031693A1

A vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror head having a mirror reflective element with a transflective mirror reflector. A video display device is disposed rearward of the mirror reflective element and has a display screen that occupies at least 85 percent of a reflective region of the transflective mirror reflector that is visible to a driver of the vehicle when viewing the mirror reflective element. The video display device is operable to display video images captured by a rearward viewing camera of the vehicle. When the video display device is operated to display video images, light emitted by the video display device passes through the transflective mirror reflector of the mirror reflective element for viewing of displayed video images by the driver of the vehicle viewing the mirror reflective element. Light emitted by the video display device may exit the mirror reflective element as circularly polarized light. 1. A vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly , said vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror head pivotally mounted at a mirror support;wherein said mirror support is configured to attach at an interior portion of a vehicle equipped with said vehicular interior rearview mirror assembly;wherein said mirror head comprises a mirror reflective element having a transflective mirror reflector that at least partially reflects light incident thereon and at least partially transmits incident light therethrough;a video display device disposed rearward of said mirror reflective element;wherein said video display device comprises a display screen;wherein circuitry associated with said display screen is disposed on a flexible printed circuit that is electrically connected at said display screen;wherein a touch sensor is disposed at said mirror reflective element, and wherein said touch sensor is associated with circuitry at said flexible printed circuit;wherein said display screen of said video display device occupies ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119567A1

An electronic accessory system for a vehicle includes an accessory module housing electronics, which includes a CMOS camera and a vehicle bus node and a digital signal processor. When the accessory module is mounted at a vehicle windshield, the vehicle bus node is connected to a vehicle bus of the vehicle. At least one of (a) data generated by the electronics is conveyed to the vehicle bus via the vehicle bus node and (b) the vehicle bus conveys data to the electronics via the vehicle bus node. The digital signal processor is operable at a computational speed of at least 75 million instructions per second, and may include at least one of (a) at least 40 kilobytes of on-chip memory, (b) at least one serial port, (c) at least one DMA port, (d) at least one timer and (e) at least one interrupt capability. 1. An electronic accessory system for a vehicle , said electronic accessory system comprising:an accessory module, said accessory module housing electronics;wherein said electronics includes a CMOS camera;wherein said electronics includes a vehicle bus node;wherein said accessory module is adapted for mounting at a windshield of a vehicle equipped with said electronic accessory system;wherein, when said accessory module is mounted in the equipped vehicle at the windshield, said vehicle bus node is connected to a vehicle bus of the equipped vehicle;wherein at least one of (a) data generated by said electronics is conveyed to said vehicle bus via said vehicle bus node and (b) said vehicle bus conveys data to said electronics via said vehicle bus node;wherein said electronics includes a digital signal processor;wherein said digital signal processor is operable at a computational speed of at least 75 million instructions per second; andwherein said digital signal processor comprises at least one of (a) at least 40 kilobytes of on-chip memory, (b) at least one serial port, (c) at least one DMA port, (d) at least one timer and (e) at least one interrupt capability.2. The ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043083A1
Автор: Konuki Isao

[Problem] 1. A vehicle rearview mirror system comprising:a display device in which is provided a signal processing unit to construct an image by an image signal outputted from an image receiving unit of a vehicle-mounted camera and then cause displays to a display screen the constructed image;a vehicle mirror main body in which the display device is incorporated, a posture of the vehicle mirror main body is altered between a posture when a driver watches a vehicle rear side reflected in a half mirror and a posture when the driver watches an image displayed on the display screen of the display device;an operating lever member to alter the posture of the vehicle mirror main body; anda power supply switch to switch on or off the display device in conjunction with operation of the operating lever member.2. The vehicle rearview mirror system according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle mirror main body has a casing which is supported to be inclinable on a ceiling via a support arm,the operating lever member is turnably supported by the casing, andon a circuit board of the display device, the power supply switch is arranged to be seen in a turning region of the operating lever member.3. The vehicle rearview mirror system according to claim 2 ,wherein the operating lever member is manually operable.4. The vehicle rearview mirror system according to claim 2 ,wherein a driving member to drive the operating lever member is provided in the support arm, andthe operating lever member is turned by driving of the driving member.5. The vehicle rearview mirror system according to claim 4 ,wherein the display device has a detection circuit portion to detect luminance by the image signal and then compare the detected luminance with a threshold value, andwherein, when the luminance detected by the detection circuit portion is the threshold value or less, or alternatively, the threshold value or more, the driving member drives the operating lever member so that the posture of the vehicle ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing A Printed Circuit Board, Printed Circuit Board And Rear View Device

Номер: US20150043188A1
Автор: Herrmann Andreas
Принадлежит: SMR Patents S.a.r.l.

The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a printed circuit board () having a substrate () and an electric circuit (), in particular for a rear view device of a motor vehicle, the method comprising the following steps: 1. A method for manufacturing a printed circuit board for a rear view device of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:manufacturing a plurality of substrate parts;selecting and connecting at least two of the substrate parts; andproviding the connected substrate parts with a circuit.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate parts are formed from plastic or from ceramics.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the substrate parts are formed from plastic substrate parts in an injection moulding process.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the substrate parts are formed as standardized components claim 3 , the standardized components having at least two different forms.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a first substrate part is connected to at least a second substrate part through at least one coupling means selected from frictional connection claim 1 , double friction surfaces claim 1 , positive locking claim 1 , complementary keyed portions claim 1 , adhesive force claim 1 , or laser welding.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein first substrate parts are each formed with at least one coupling means and second substrate parts are each formed with at least one receiving means to receive a coupling means of a first substrate part.7. The method according to one claim 1 , wherein the circuit is applied to the substrate through a film claim 1 , a coating claim 1 , a selective metallisation and/or laser direct structuring.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein for standard components claim 1 , the substrate parts to be connected are selected depending on the number of standard components of each form and on the circuit.9. A printed circuit board manufactured according to .10. A printed circuit ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039440A1
Принадлежит: TS TECH CO., LTD.

An electronic mirror system includes, a camera which can be attached to a side of an automobile and which is able to image a moving image diagonally behind the automobile; and a monitor apparatus which can be attached in the passenger compartment of the automobile and which can display the moving image imaged by the camera. The monitor apparatus includes a movable portion which can move the display which displays the moving image with relation to a wall to where the monitor apparatus is attached in the passenger compartment. 1. An electronic mirror system comprising:a camera which can be attached to a side of an automobile and which is able to image a moving image diagonally behind the automobile; anda monitor apparatus which can be attached in the passenger compartment of the automobile and which can display the moving image imaged by the camera,wherein the monitor apparatus includes a movable portion which can move the display which displays the moving image with relation to a wall to where the monitor apparatus is attached in the passenger compartment.2. The electronic mirror system according to claim 1 , wherein the movable portion includes a lift which is provided between an attaching portion attached to the wall and the display and which can raise and lower the display.3. The electronic mirror system according to claim 2 , wherein the lift is provided between a side of the passenger compartment in a left and right direction and an edge of the display toward the side of the passenger compartment in the left and right direction.4. The electronic mirror system according to claim 1 , wherein the movable portion includes an angle adjuster which can change an angle of a display surface of the display with relation to the movable portion.5. The electronic mirror system according to claim 1 , wherein the movable portion includes a rotator which is able to rotate the display with a rotating axis extending in a direction along a surface of a component attached to the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048709A1

A vehicular rearview assembly includes an electro-optic element. A first substrate defines a first element surface and a second element surface. A first polarizer is coupled to the second element surface. A second substrate is spaced away from the first substrate and defines a third element surface and a fourth element surface. An electro-optic material is positioned between the first and second substrates. A second polarizer is coupled to the second substrate. A display is configured to emit light having a first polarization toward the second polarizer. 1. A vehicular rearview assembly , comprising: a first substrate defining a first element surface and a second element surface;', 'a first polarizer coupled to the first substrate, wherein the first polarizer is an absorbing polarizer, and wherein the first polarizer is configured to transmit vertically polarized light;', 'a second substrate spaced away from the first substrate and defining a third element surface and a fourth element surface;', 'a second polarizer coupled to the second substrate, wherein the second polarizer is a reflective polarizer, and wherein the second polarizer is configured to transmit vertically polarized light; and', 'an electro-optic material positioned between the first and second substrates, wherein the electro-optic material is in direct contact with at least one of the first and second polarizers, and wherein the electro-optic material comprises a liquid crystal material;', 'a front substrate positioned adjacent to the first element surface and defining a rearward surface proximate the first element surface;', 'a concealment layer disposed on at least one of the rearward surface of the front substrate and the first element surface of the first substrate; and', 'a display configured to emit light having a first polarization toward the second polarizer., 'an electro-optic element, comprising2. The vehicular rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the concealment layer is positioned along ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045987A1
Автор: Zhu Lin

An anti-glare device comprising: a first electrode and a second electrode configured to be opposite to each other; an anti-glare layer provided between the first electrode and the second electrode; and a reflector layer provided on the second electrode, wherein the anti-glare layer comprises a plurality of deflection molecules, which are capable of switching between an ordered deflection and a disordered arrangement when different voltage differences are applied between the first electrode and the second electrode; and the reflector layer is configured to reflect a light passing through the first electrode and transmitting through the anti-glare layer. In the anti-glare device, the multi-stable liquid crystal molecules or the Bi-stable liquid crystal molecules have a property of ordered arrangement during power on and disordered arrangement during power off, whether or not performing anti-glare function can be automatically switched, and an automatic partition control may be realized as well. 1. An anti-glare device comprising:a first electrode and a second electrode configured to be opposite to each other;an anti-glare layer provided between the first electrode and the second electrode; anda reflector layer provided on the second electrode, whereinthe anti-glare layer comprises a plurality of deflection molecules, which are capable of switching between an ordered deflection and a disordered arrangement when different voltage differences are applied between the first electrode and the second electrode; andthe reflector layer is configured to reflect a light passing through the first electrode and transmitting through the anti-glare layer.2. The anti-glare device of claim 1 , wherein when the voltage difference between the first electrode and the second electrode is zero claim 1 , the deflection molecules are in a disordered arrangement claim 1 , light irradiated on the anti-glare device is scattered; when the voltage difference between the first electrode and the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047475A1

An interior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a mirror mount configured to attach at an interior portion of the vehicle. A mirror head includes a mirror casing and a mirror reflective element. The mirror mount includes a ball element and the mirror head includes a socket element, which pivotally attaches at the ball element forming a ball and socket joint to pivotally mount the mirror head at the mirror mount. The mirror head has a thickness dimension spanning between a front planar surface of said mirror reflective element and a rear surface of a laterally sideward region of the mirror casing, with the thickness dimension being less than 20 mm. A central region of the mirror casing has a thickness dimension greater than 20 mm to accommodate the socket element. The socket element is disposed at an aperture through the central region of the mirror casing. 1. An interior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said interior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror mount configured to attach at an interior portion of a vehicle equipped with said interior rearview mirror assembly, said mirror mount comprising a ball element;a mirror head comprising a mirror casing and a mirror reflective element, said mirror head comprising a socket element;wherein said socket element pivotally attaches at said ball element forming a ball and socket joint to pivotally mount said mirror head at said mirror mount;wherein said mirror head comprises a reduced profile mirror head having a side region thickness dimension spanning between a front planar surface of said mirror reflective element and a rear surface of a laterally sideward region of said mirror casing, and wherein the side region thickness dimension is less than 20 mm;wherein a central region of said mirror casing has a central region thickness dimension spanning between the front planar surface of said mirror reflective element and a rear surface of said central region of said mirror casing, and wherein the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053491A1

A video image output apparatus includes a video image data acquisition unit, a motion detection unit, a state determination unit and a video image control unit. The video image data acquisition unit acquires an occupant image obtained by picking up an occupant in a vehicle. The motion detection unit detects a movement of the occupant based on the acquired occupant image. The video image control unit generates a display image such that at least a part of the display image is displayed in a predetermined form when the state determination unit determines that a motion amount of the occupant is equal to or greater to than a reference value, and generates the display image such that the occupant image is displayed only for a predetermined time when the state determination unit determines that the motion amount of the occupant is less than the reference value. 1. A video image output apparatus compo sing:a video image acquisition unit configured to acquire an occupant image obtained by picking up an occupant in a vehicle;a motion detection unit configured to detect a movement of the occupant based on the occupant image;a state determination unit configured to determine a state of the occupant based on the movement of the occupant; anda video image control unit configured to control a generation of a display image to be displayed on a display based on the movement of the occupant;wherein the video image control unit generates the display image such that at least a part of the display image is displayed in a predetermined form when the state determination unit determines that a motion amount of the occupant is equal to or greater than a reference value, and generates the display image such that the occupant image is displayed only for a predetermined time when the state determination unit determines that the motion amount of the occupant is less than the reference value.2. The video image output apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a voice acquisition unit ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053492A1

The invention relates to a side minor assembly () for a ground vehicle, the side mirror assembly () comprising two mirrors () distributed parallel to a main axis (Z) of the side minor assembly (), and both configured to be secured to the ground vehicle. The side mirror assembly () comprises a spacer actuator () for moving the two minors () relative to each other, between a primary position, wherein the mirrors () are at a first distance from each other along the main axis (Z), and a secondary position, wherein the mirrors () are at a second distance (Zd) from each other along the main axis (Z), the second distance (Zd) being greater than the first distance. At least when the mirrors () are in the secondary position, at least one empty see-through opening () is provided along the main axis (Z), between the minors (), so that a user may see beyond the side mirror assembly () through said at least one see-through opening (). 1. A side mirror assembly for a ground vehicle , comprising:two mirrors distributed parallel to a main axis of the side mirror assembly, and both configured to be secured to the ground vehicle; and a primary position, wherein the mirrors are at a first distance from each other along the main axis; and', 'a secondary position, wherein the mirrors are at a second distance from each other along the main axis, the second distance being greater than the first distance; and, 'a spacer actuator for moving the two mirrors relative to each other, betweenwherein, at least when the mirrors are in the secondary position, at least one empty see-through opening is provided along the main axis, between the mirrors, so that a user may see beyond the side mirror assembly through the at least one see-through opening.2. The side mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the side mirror assembly comprises an untransparent a non-transparent structural element linking the mirrors parallel to the main axis claim 1 , the non-transparent structural element and the mirrors ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047670A1

A rearview mirror assembly includes a main housing defining an exterior surface, an interior, and an open side, the exterior surface having a recess therein. The assembly also includes a control module coupled within the interior of the housing, a mirror coupled over the open end of the housing, and a communication module. The communication module includes an antenna electrically coupled with the control module and an antenna housing at least partially enclosing the antenna and coupled within the recess of the exterior surface of the main housing. 1. A near-field communication module for coupling with a body , comprising:an antenna unit including a substrate defining a perimeter sidewall extending between a first face and a second face, the substrate further defining a plurality of apertures extending between the first face and the second face; and a body defining an interior cavity, the substrate of the antenna unit being received within the cavity with the body extending over the first face, the perimeter sidewall, and an edge defined between the perimeter sidewall and the second face; and', 'a plurality of retaining features extending from the cavity of the body and further through respective ones of the plurality of apertures., 'a housing comprising an elastically-deformable material and including2. The near-field communication module of claim 1 , wherein:the substrate defines a major surface and has a thickness;the housing has a first side overlying the major surface of the antenna unit and having a body extending from the first side and defining a cavity therein within which the antenna body is at least partially enclosed, the cavity having a depth greater than the thickness of the substrate.3. The near-field communication module of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of retaining features has a height that is greater than a depth of the cavity.4. The near-field communication module of claim 1 , wherein:the elastically-deformable material is thermoplastic ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055207A1

A rearview mirror assembly is provided that includes a front substrate comprising a first surface and a second surface; and a rear substrate comprising a third surface and a fourth surface. The rear substrate defines at least one contact via and the front substrate and the rear substrate define a cavity. The mirror assembly further includes a perimeter seal between the front substrate and the rear substrate; and an electrically conductive element at least partially within said at least one contact via that electrically connects with at least one of the second surface and the third surface. The mirror assembly also includes an electro-optic medium disposed in the cavity. In addition, the front substrate and the rear substrate each has a shaped edge having a continuously arcuate shape. The shaped edges can also be formed by grinding the edges together. 1. A rearview mirror assembly , comprising: a first surface, and', 'a second surface;, 'a front substrate comprising a third surface, and', 'a fourth surface,', 'wherein said rear substrate defines at least one contact via and said front substrate and said rear substrate define a cavity;, 'a rear substrate comprisinga perimeter seal between said front substrate and said rear substrate;an electrically conductive element at least partially within said at least one contact via, wherein said electrically conductive element electrically connects with at least one of said second surface and said third surface; andan electro-optic medium disposed in said cavity between said front substrate and said rear substrate and bounded by said perimeter seal,wherein said front substrate and said rear substrate each has a shaped edge having a continuously arcuate shape.2. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shaped edge having a continuously arcuate shape of the front substrate is defined from the first surface to the second surface and the shaped edge having a continuously arcuate shape of the rear substrate is defined ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049787A1

According to an aspect, a display device capable of displaying an image both in a reflective state in which incident light is reflected and in a transmissive state in which incident light is transmitted, the display device includes: a display panel disposed such that a second direction orthogonal to a first direction on a planar surface of the display panel is closer to parallel to a vertical direction than the first direction is. An azimuth at which the highest reflectance is obtained in the reflective state in which incident light is reflected is at a lower side in the vertical direction and between the first direction and the second direction. 1. A display device capable of displaying an image both in a reflective state in which incident light is reflected and in a transmissive state in which incident light is transmitted , the display device comprising:a display panel disposed such that a second direction orthogonal to a first direction on a planar surface of the display panel is closer to parallel to a vertical direction than the first direction is, whereinan azimuth at which the highest reflectance is obtained in the reflective state in which incident light is reflected is at a lower side in the vertical direction and between the first direction and the second direction.2. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first polarization member configured to absorb light linearly polarized in a second polarization direction orthogonal to a first polarization direction;an optical sheet configured to reflect light linearly polarized in the second polarization direction and transmit light linearly polarized in the first polarization direction; anda front panel disposed between the first polarization member and the optical sheet and capable of changing a polarization direction of incident light into another polarization direction in accordance with a voltage applied to the front panel, whereinthe display panel overlaps with the front panel with a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056876A1
Автор: OKOHIRA Takashi

An electronic mirror apparatus includes a display unit to display the image taken by an imaging unit mounted on a vehicle, a light control filter disposed at a side of the display unit nearer to a driver's seat, and a controller. The light control filter shifts between the light reflection state to reflect light and the light transmission state to transmit light in response to a state of voltage applied to the light control filter. The controller causes the display unit to display an image when the light control filter is in the light transmission state or in the period of transition from the light reflection state to the light transmission state. The controller performs control such that at least part of the image displayed on the display unit is brighter when the light control filter is in the period of transition than is in the light transmission state. 1. An electronic mirror apparatus comprising:a display unit configured to display an image taken by an imaging unit mounted on a vehicle;a light control filter disposed at a side of the display unit nearer to a driver's seat, the light control filter shifting between a light reflection state to reflect light and a light transmission state to transmit light in response to a state of voltage applied to the light control filter; anda controller configured to control the display unit and the light control filter,whereinthe controller causes the display unit to display the image when the light control filter is in the light transmission state or in a period of transition from the light reflection state to the light transmission state, andthe controller performs control such that at least part of the image displayed on the display unit is brighter when the light control filter is in the period of transition than is in the light transmission state.2. The electronic mirror apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller performs the control until a predetermined point of time and then gradually changes brightness ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Instantly Switchable See-Through Vehicular Rear-View Mirror

Номер: US20180056877A1
Автор: Cers Peteris Alberts

An adjustable rearview mirror that is designed to quickly transition between transparent and reflective states. The apparatus is configured to resemble traditional rearview mirrors used in vehicles. The apparatus includes a window mount, a pivoting connection arm, and a user controlled mirror panel. The window mount connects the rearview mirror to the windshield of a vehicle. The pivoting connection arm enables a user to reposition the rearview mirror at will. The user controlled panel can be placed into a reflective or a transparent state based on user input. A user is able to gain a relatively unhindered view of traffic through a vehicle windshield. 1. An electronically-controlled transitioning panel for a rearview mirror comprises:a mirror frame;a transition panel;the transition panel comprises an adjustable optical blind, a front transparent pane, and a back transparent pane;the mirror frame being perimetrically connected around the transition panel; andthe adjustable optical blind being positioned in between the front transparent pane and the back transparent pane.2. The electronically-controlled transitioning panel for the rearview mirror as claimed in comprises:a control unit;the control unit comprises a microprocessor, a housing, and a window attachment mechanism;the microprocessor being mounted within the housing;the window attachment mechanism being mounted adjacent to the housing; andthe microprocessor being electronically connected to the transition panel.3. The electronically-controlled transitioning panel for the rearview mirror as claimed in comprises:a control panel; andthe control panel being electronically connected to the microprocessor.4. The electronically-controlled transitioning panel for the rearview mirror as claimed in comprises:the control panel being integrated into the mirror frame.5. The electronically-controlled transitioning panel for the rearview mirror as claimed in comprises:a boom;a first end of the boom being pivotably and ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061628A1

A motor vehicle includes a rearview mirror display system with a visible surface and having a mirror mode and a display mode. The visible surface functions as a mirror in the mirror mode. The visible surface displays an electronically produced image in the display mode. An electronic processor is communicatively coupled to the rearview mirror display system. The electronic processor detects that the display mode is not operating properly, and, in response to the detecting, automatically switches the rearview mirror display system from the display mode to the mirror mode. 1. A motor vehicle comprising:a rearview mirror display system including a visible surface and having a mirror mode and a display mode, the visible surface functioning as a mirror in the mirror mode, the visible surface displaying electronically produced images in the display mode; and detect that the display mode is not operating properly; and', 'in response to the detecting, automatically switch the rearview mirror display system from the display mode to the mirror mode., 'an electronic processor communicatively coupled to the rearview mirror display system, the electronic processor being configured to2. The vehicle of further comprising an image capturing device communicatively coupled to the electronic processor and configured to capture images of a scene behind the motor vehicle claim 1 , wherein the electronically produced images displayed by the visible surface in the display mode are based on images captured by the image capturing device.3. The vehicle of wherein the electronic processor is configured to:ascertain that the motor vehicle is in a Park gear or a Reverse gear; andin response to the ascertaining, automatically switch the rearview mirror display system from the display mode to the mirror mode.4. The vehicle of further comprising a user-actuatable switch claim 1 , the electronic processor being configured to switch the rearview mirror display system from the mirror mode to the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080891A1

A rearview assembly having a transflective element, a carrier plate, and an imager. The transflective element may have a first side and a second side in a first direction relative the first side. The carrier plate has a third side and a fourth side. The third side is adhered to the second side and extends substantially there along. The carrier plate may also have a cavity extending from the third side in the first direction. The cavity may have a first aperture, a second aperture, and an end portion. The first aperture may be at the third side. The second aperture may be disposed in the first direction relative the first aperture. The end portion may circumscribe the second aperture. The imager may extend through the second aperture and comprise a light collection portion, which is disposed proximate the second side. 1. A rearview assembly comprising:a transflective element having a first side and a second side, the second side in a first direction relative the first side; a first aperture at the third side,', 'a second aperture disposed in the first direction relative the first aperture, and', 'an end portion circumscribing the second aperture; and, 'a carrier plate having a third side and a fourth side, the third side adhered to the second side and extending substantially there along, the carrier plate forming a cavity, the cavity extending in the first direction from the third side and havingan imager operable to capture light and produce an image, the imager extending though the second aperture and comprising a light collecting portion disposed proximate the second side.2. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the light collecting portion is disposed less than 5 mm from the second side.3. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the imager substantially fills the second aperture.4. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carrier plate further comprises a lip portion claim 1 , the lip portion circumscribing the first aperture and comprising:an ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068108A1

A rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a mirror casing and a mirror reflective element disposed at the mirror casing. The mirror reflective element includes at least a first glass substrate having a front surface and a rear surface. When the rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in a vehicle, the front surface is closer than the rear surface to a driver that is normally operating the vehicle. The first glass substrate has a flat central region and a rounded perimeter edge, and the rounded perimeter is exposed to and is viewable by the driver of the vehicle. With the mirror reflective element disposed at the mirror casing, no portion of the mirror casing encompasses the rounded perimeter edge. The rounded perimeter edge has a glare-reducing surface finish. 1. A rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror casing;a mirror reflective element disposed at said mirror casing;said mirror reflective element comprising at least a first glass substrate;wherein said first glass substrate has a front surface and a rear surface, and wherein, when said rearview mirror assembly is normally mounted in a vehicle, said front surface is closer than said rear surface to a driver that is normally operating the vehicle;said first glass substrate having a flat central region and a rounded perimeter edge;wherein said rounded perimeter is exposed to and is viewable by the driver of the vehicle;wherein, with said mirror reflective element disposed at said mirror casing, no portion of said mirror casing encompasses said rounded perimeter edge; andwherein said rounded perimeter edge has a glare-reducing surface finish.2. The rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein said mirror reflective element comprises an electro-optic mirror reflective element assembly comprising said first glass substrate and a second glass substrate claim 1 , and wherein said rear surface of said first glass substrate has a transparent conductive ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Electrochromic Rearview Mirror

Номер: US20180065557A1
Автор: Chen Wen-Li, Chen Wen-Yi

An electrochromic rearview mirror contains a connection assembly, and the connection assembly includes: a first substrate, a first coating layer, a second coating layer, a packaging frame, an electrochromic layer, a first conductive glue, a second conductive glue, at least one third coating layer, at least one fourth coating layer, and a second substrate. The first substrate has a first face and a second face, and the second substrate has a third face and a fourth face. The second coating layer conducts electricity, each of the at least one fourth coating layer is fixed on the third face, and each of the at least one third coating layer is disposed on the third face. Furthermore, the packaging frame and the electrochromic layer are defined among the second coating layer, the fourth coating layer and the third coating layer. 1. An electrochromic rearview mirror comprising: a connection assembly , and the connection assembly including: a first substrate , a first coating layer , a second coating layer , a packaging frame , an electrochromic layer , a first conductive glue , a second conductive glue , at least one third coating layer , at least one fourth coating layer , and a second substrate;the first substrate being transparent, and the first substrate having a first face and a second face, wherein the first face faces user and is viewable by the user, and the second face is located behind the first face;the second substrate having a third face and a fourth face, the third face being adjacent to the second face of the first substrate;the first coating layer being arranged on an external periphery of the second face of the first substrate, and the first coating layer being in a ring shape and being configured to shield the second coating layer;the second coating layer being transparent and mounted on the second face of the first substrate and covering the first coating layer, wherein the second coating layer conducts electricity;each of the at least one fourth ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065558A1

To ensure the safety of the driver and offer an improved operability at the same time, a rear-view mirror () includes a half mirror () configured to reflect light incident on its reflecting surface and transmit light incident on its transmitting surface and a side-surface touch sensor () configured to detect a touch by the user on the side surface of a casing that houses a display () having a display surface and disposed on or over the half mirror () in such a manner that the transmitting surface faces the display surface. 1. An in-vehicle operation device , comprising:a display section configured to display an image indicating a process to be carried out;a casing to which the display section is assembled, the casing having a side surface extending along a periphery of the display section; anda side-surface touch detecting section configured to detect a touch by a user on the side surface of the casing;the image being displayed in a vicinity of a partial region of the side surface in which partial region the vehicle operation device is configured to accept the touch by the user, the image indicating a position of the partial region of the side surface,the partial region being variable.26-. (canceled)7. The in-vehicle operation device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a touch notifying section configured to notify the user that the at least one side-surface touch detecting section has detected a touch.8. The in-vehicle operation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the in-vehicle operation device is disposed between a side of a driver's seat of a vehicle and a side of a passenger's seat of the vehicle; andthe at least one side-surface touch detecting section includes (i) a first side-surface touch detecting section disposed on the side surface of the casing on the side of the driver's seat and (ii) a second side-surface touch detecting section disposed on the side surface of the casing on the side of the passenger's seat, a touch for the first side-surface ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140146408A1
Автор: Negel Raimund
Принадлежит: SMR Patents S.a.r.l.

An exterior rearview mirror with a mirror glass that is embedded in a mirror head, where the mirror head is pivotably supported against a mirror base by being fastened to the vehicle, where the mirror glass includes at least two mirror parts having different radii of curvature, in that a separating line between the mirror parts passes through the area that meets the imaging specifications. 18-. (canceled)9. An exterior rearview mirror comprising:a mirror head;a mirror glass embedded in the mirror head;a mirror base;wherein the mirror head is pivotably supported against the mirror base by which the exterior rearview mirror is fastened to the vehicle,wherein the mirror glass includes at least two mirror members having different radii of curvature, one mirror member being aspherical,a separating line which marks a transition between the at least two mirror members, and an upper area reflecting a far range and a lower area reflecting a close range are provided to represent the close range and the far range field of visions, wherein the separating line extends relative to the upper area and lower area such that the aspherical mirror member includes at least a portion of the image of the far range.10. The exterior rearview mirror according to claim 9 , wherein the aspherical mirror member is disposed at the top edge claim 9 , bottom edge or outer edge of the mirror glass.11. The exterior rearview mirror according to claim 9 , wherein the aspherical mirror member includes a portion of the image of the close range.12. The exterior rearview mirror according to claim 9 , wherein the other mirror member is spherically convex. This application is a national stage application of International Application No. PCT/EP2012/060696 filed on Jun. 6, 2012, which claims the benefit of Germany Patent Application No. 10 2011 103 547.1 filed on Jun. 8, 2011, the entire contents of both applications being incorporated herein by reference.The embodiments of the present invention relate to an ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Mirror assembly with spring-loaded electrical connectors

Номер: US20200064704A1
Принадлежит: Magna Mirrors of America Inc

An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a mirror reflective element, a back plate, and an attaching element having first and second spring-loaded electrical connectors disposed thereat. The attaching element includes a cover element with the spring-loaded electrical connectors disposed thereat. The attaching element includes electrical leads that electrically connect to the spring-loaded electrical connectors and that electrically connect to an electrical connector. With the cover element attached at the attachment portion of the back plate, and with the back plate attached at the rear side of the mirror reflective element, the spring-loaded electrical connectors contact and are biased into electrical contact with respective electrically conductive elements disposed at the rear side of the mirror reflective element, and the electrical connector is disposed at the back plate and configured to electrically connect to a connector of a wire harness of the mirror assembly or of the vehicle.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220085129A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A display device includes a pixel matrix configured to emit light, a first display screen which faces in a first direction, a second display screen which faces in a second direction, and a controller. The controller is configured to control the pixel matrix to emit light which passes through the first display screen and passes into surroundings of the display device in the first direction so that graphical content is displayed on the first display screen, based on image data that define the graphical content. The controller is also configured to operate in a first display mode in which graphical content as defined by image data is only displayed on the first display screen and the second display screen is deactivated, and a second display mode in which identical graphical content is displayed on both the first display screen and the second display screen. 110.-. (canceled)11. A display device for displaying a pixel-based graphical content , comprising:a pixel matrix configured to emit light;a first display screen which faces in a first direction;a second display screen which faces in a second direction, different from the first direction; and control the pixel matrix to emit light which passes through the first display screen and passes into surroundings of the display device in the first direction so that graphical content is displayed on the first display screen, based on image data that define the graphical content, and', a first display mode in which graphical content as defined by image data is only displayed on one of the first display screen and the second display screen and the other one of the first display screen and the second display screen is deactivated, and', 'a second display mode in which identical graphical content is displayed on both the first display screen and the second display screen., 'operate in a plurality of display modes including], 'a controller configured to12. The display device according to claim 11 , wherein the pixel matrix is ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077361A1

Provided are an electrode plate using an ITO, and an electrochromic plate, an electrochromic mirror and a display device using the electrode plate, the electrode plate including a transparent electrode layer, a metal mesh pattern on the transparent electrode layer, an insulating layer provided in a space defined by an upper surface of the transparent electrode layer and the metal mesh pattern and between metal components of the metal mesh pattern, and a base substrate on the metal mesh pattern and the insulating layer. 1. An electrode plate , comprising:a transparent electrode layer;a metal mesh pattern on the transparent electrode layer;an insulating layer provided in a space defined by an upper surface of the transparent electrode layer and the metal mesh pattern and between pattern components of the metal mesh pattern; anda base substrate on the metal mesh pattern and the insulating layer.2. The electrode plate of claim 1 , wherein the transparent electrode layer is an ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) and has a thickness of 2000 Å or less.3. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 0.1 to 5 μm.4. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 0.1 to 3 μm.5. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 0.1 to 1 μm.6. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a width of a pattern component of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 0.1 to 10 μm.7. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a width of a pattern component of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 1 to 7 μm.8. The electrode plate of claim 2 , wherein a width of a pattern component of the metal mesh pattern ranges from 2 to 5.3 μm.9. The electrode plate of claim 1 , wherein the metal mesh pattern comprises a first pattern component extending in a first direction claim 1 , and a second pattern component crossing the first pattern component.10. The electrode plate of claim 9 , wherein a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077828A1
Автор: KUKITA Tomoyuki

The size of an anti-glare mirror in which an electrochromic layer to which voltage can be applied is disposed on a back surface side of a glass substrate serving as a mirror surface can be reduced, and the mirror surface thereof can be used widely. 17-. (canceled)8. An anti-glare mirror comprising:{'b': '18', 'a glass substrate () serving as a mirror surface;'}{'b': 20', '19', '25', '25', '25', '19', '18, 'an electrochromic layer () to which voltage can be applied, the electrochromic layer having a transparent electrode film () and cut portions (A, B, and C) for exposing a part of the transparent electrode film () disposed in this order on the back surface side of the glass substrate ();'}{'b': 21', '20', '25', '25, 'a first electrode/reflecting film (A) stacked on a back surface of the electrochromic layer () in an area excluding the cut portions (A to C);'}{'b': 28', '21, 'a first terminal () electrically connected to the first electrode/reflecting film (A); and'}{'b': 29', '19', '25', '25, 'a second terminal () electrically connected to the transparent electrode film () within the cut portions (A to C).'}9. The anti-glare mirror according to claim 8 , further comprising:{'b': 21', '21', '19', '25', '25, 'a second electrode/reflecting film (B) isolated from the first electrode/reflecting film (A) stacked on a back surface of the transparent electrode film () within the cut portions (A to C),'}{'b': 29', '19', '21, 'wherein the second terminal () is electrically connected to the transparent electrode film () through the second electrode/reflecting film (B).'}10. The anti-glare mirror according to claim 9 , further comprising:{'b': 35', '25', '21, 'a light detection sensor () disposed in the cut portion (A) on a back surface side of the second electrode/reflecting film (B),'}{'b': 21', '21', '18, 'wherein each of the first and second electrode/reflecting films (A and B) is a half mirror that reflects light from the glass substrate () side.'}11. The anti-glare mirror ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089092A1

A mirror assembly for a vehicle comprises a housing forming a top portion and a bottom portion extending laterally between two side portions. A mirror element is in connection with and encloses a front portion of the housing. The mirror element forms a cutout portion extending along one side. The cutout portioned forming a notched edge having a notched profile. The bottom portion of the housing forms a recessed portion aligned with the notched profile. The assembly further comprises a camera apparatus disposed in a hooded trim panel in connection with the housing and positioned at least partially within the recessed portion. The recessed portion positions the camera apparatus at least partially within a perimeter profile of the mirror element. 1. A mirror assembly for a vehicle comprising:a housing forming a top portion and a bottom portion extending laterally between two side portions;a mirror element in connection with and enclosing a front portion of the housing, the mirror element forming a cutout portion extending along one side, the cutout portion forming a notched edge having a notched profile, wherein the bottom portion of the housing forms a recessed portion aligned with the notched profile;a camera apparatus disposed in a hooded trim panel in connection with the housing and positioned at least partially within the recessed portion of the housing, wherein the recessed portion positions the camera apparatus at least partially within a perimeter profile of the mirror element; anda lens panel in connection with the hooded trim panel and in front of an optical assembly of the camera apparatus;wherein the cutout portion extends through the mirror element and the housing from a front surface of the mirror element to a rear surface of the housing.2. The mirror assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the lens panel is of one of a transflective material and a transparent material.3. The mirror assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the lens panel is less than 0.8 ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077872A1

The present invention discloses a device integrating a rearview mirror and a driving recorder screen, which comprises a rearview mirror baseplate having at one rotary shaft on one lateral thereof; a mirror installed in the rearview mirror baseplate; and a driving recorder screen having at least one pivotal coupling member on one lateral thereof. The rotary shaft is coupled to the pivotal coupling member. Thereby, the driving recorder screen is integrated with the rearview mirror baseplate. Thus, the driver can watch the mirror and the driving recorder screen simultaneously, neither distracted nor fatigued. Therefore, the present invention not only can increase convenience of drivers but also can improve safety of driving. 1. A device integrating a rearview mirror and a driving recorder screen , comprisinga rearview mirror baseplate having at one rotary shaft on one lateral thereof;a mirror installed in said rearview mirror baseplate; anda driving recorder screen having at least one pivotal coupling member on one lateral thereof, wherein said rotary shaft is coupled to said pivotal coupling member.2. The device integrating a rearview mirror and a driving recorder screen according to claim 1 , wherein said driving recorder screen can be adjusted to obtain an optimized viewing angle via a mechanism of said rotary shaft and said pivotal coupling member.3. The device integrating a rearview mirror and a driving recorder screen according to claim 1 , wherein said rotary shaft has a first through-hole claim 1 , and said pivotal coupling member has a second through-hole claim 1 , and wherein at least one bayonet is inserted through said first through-hole and said second through-hole.4. The device integrating a rearview mirror and a driving recorder screen according to claim 3 , wherein said driving recorder screen can be adjusted to obtain an optimized viewing angle via a mechanism of said rotary shaft claim 3 , said pivotal coupling member and said bayonet.5. The device ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071018A1

A vehicular rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror head having a mirror casing and an electro-optic mirror reflective element. A mirror casing sidewall has a terminal end region that circumscribes an open end of the mirror casing and has a rounded end region surface. A first substrate of the reflective element has a rounded circumferential perimeter region extending at least partially between a front surface and a rear surface of the first substrate and having a first radius of curvature. The rounded surface of the mirror casing has a second radius of curvature. The substrate thickness of the first substrate is less than the first radius of curvature. The rounded surface of the mirror casing and the rounded circumferential perimeter region of the first substrate combine to provide a curved transition between the front surface and the outer surface of the mirror casing. 1. A rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle , said rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror head, said mirror head comprising a mirror casing and an electro-optic mirror reflective element adhesively attached thereat;wherein said mirror casing is formed in a plastic molding operation, said mirror casing comprising a plastic-molded sidewall and an open end;wherein said sidewall of said mirror casing has wall thickness spanning between an inner surface of said sidewall and an outer surface of said sidewall;wherein said sidewall comprises a terminal end region that circumscribes said open end of said mirror casing and terminates at a terminal end edge of said mirror casing;wherein said terminal end region of said sidewall comprises a rounded end region surface curving between said terminal end edge of said mirror casing and said outer surface of said sidewall;wherein said electro-optic mirror reflective element is disposed at said open end of said mirror casing;wherein said electro-optic mirror reflective element comprises a first glass substrate and a second glass substrate;wherein said first ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072858A1

The present invention relates to a side mirror for a vehicle, the side mirror being provided on a vehicle for facilitating the checking of road situations on the left, right, and rear sides. The side mirror for a vehicle comprises a mirror housing which is mounted on the exterior of the vehicle, and a mirror part which is supported by the mirror housing, and is divided into multiple mirror areas which are in aspherical form respectively across the horizontal direction from the internal side, which is close to the vehicle, to the external side, which is far from the vehicle. In the mirror part, the respective optical powers of the mirror areas gradually increase from the internal side to the external side so as to have the same optical power at the borders of the mirror areas, and the optical power rate for at least one of the mirror areas is constant. 1. A side mirror for a vehicle comprising:a mirror housing mounted on an exterior of the vehicle; anda mirror part supported by the mirror housing and divided into a plurality of mirror areas with an aspherical shape in a horizontal direction from an internal side to an external side thereof, the internal side being close to the vehicle and the external side being far from the vehicle,wherein the mirror part is formed so that the mirror areas have the same optical power at borders thereof as the optical power of each of the mirror areas gradually increases from the internal side to the external side, and at least one of the mirror areas has a constant optical power rate.2. The side mirror for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the mirror areas comprise three areas divided as an inside mirror area claim 1 , a central mirror area claim 1 , and an outside mirror area.3. The side mirror for a vehicle of claim 2 , wherein each of the inside mirror area claim 2 , the central mirror area claim 2 , and the outside mirror area has a constant optical power rate.4. The side mirror for a vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the optical power ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079365A1
Автор: Kuester Ulrich A.

A rearview mirror for a vehicle includes a housing defining an interior cavity and an actuation mechanism. The actuation mechanism includes a mounting plate rotatably coupled within the cavity of the housing at a first end thereof and a spring plate coupled with the mounting plate at a first coupling and slidably coupled with the mounting plate at a second coupling. The spring plate defines a resiliently deformable spring portion positioned between the first and second couplings and an arm portion extending away from the second coupling opposite the spring portion. The actuation mechanism further includes a toggle barrel positioned within the interior cavity of the housing and rotatable between first and second positions to compress the spring portion of the spring plate by movement of the arm portion by sliding of the spring plate with respect to the second coupling. 1. A rearview mirror for a vehicle , comprising:a housing defining an interior cavity; and a mounting plate rotatably coupled within the cavity of the housing at a first end thereof;', 'a spring plate coupled with the mounting plate at a first coupling and slidably coupled with the mounting plate at a second coupling, the spring plate defining a resiliently deformable spring portion positioned between the first and second couplings and an arm portion extending away from the second coupling opposite the spring portion; and', 'a toggle barrel positioned within the interior cavity of the housing and rotatable between first and second positions to compress the spring portion of the spring plate between the toggle barrel and the first coupling by movement of the arm portion toward the second coupling by sliding of a portion of the spring plate with respect to the second coupling., 'an actuation mechanism coupled within the interior of the housing and including2. The rearview mirror of claim 1 , wherein:the arm portion of the spring plate is operably coupled with the toggle barrel such that a force of the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082889A1
Автор: JR. Danny L., Minikey

A rearview assembly having an electro-optic element. A front substrate defines a first surface and a second surface. A front side edge is disposed between the first surface and the second surface. A rear substrate is operably coupled with the front substrate and spaced a predetermined distance therefrom. The rear substrate defines a third surface and a fourth surface. A rear side edge is disposed between the third surface and the fourth surface. A perimeter of the rear substrate is larger than a perimeter of the front substrate, such that an outer portion of the third surface is exposed, thereby defining a peripheral step between the front side edge and the rear side edge. An electro-optic material is disposed between the front substrate and the rear substrate. A bezel is configured to extend around the rear substrate, over the outer portion of the third surface. 1. A rearview assembly comprising: a front substrate defining a first surface and a second surface and a front side edge disposed between the first surface and the second surface;', 'a rear substrate operably coupled with the front substrate and spaced a predetermined distance therefrom, the rear substrate defining a third surface and a fourth surface and a rear side edge disposed between the third surface and the fourth surface, wherein a perimeter of the rear substrate is larger than a perimeter of the front substrate, such that an outer portion of the third surface is exposed, thereby defining a peripheral step between the front side edge and the rear side edge; and', 'an electro-optic material disposed between the front substrate and the rear substrate; and, 'an electro-optic element includinga bezel configured to extend around the rear substrate, over the outer portion of the third surface.2. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bezel includes a substantially flat front wall that is generally coplanar with the first surface of the front substrate.3. The rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085337A1

A display mirror assembly for a vehicle includes a front shield having a first side and a second side. A partially reflective, partially transmissive element is mounted on the first side. A rear shield is disposed behind the front shield. A display module is mounted between the front shield and the rear shield and includes in order from the front shield: a display; an optic block; a heat sink having an edge lit PCB mounted along a top edge thereof; and a PCB. The front shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a first retaining feature and the rear shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a second retaining feature. A housing at least partially surrounds the partially reflective, partially transmissive element, the front shield, carrier plate, display module, and rear shield. 1. A display mirror assembly for a vehicle , comprising:a front shield having a first side and a second side, wherein a partially reflective, partially transmissive element is mounted on the first side;a rear shield disposed behind the front shield;a carrier plate disposed between the front shield and the rear shield; a display;', 'an optic block disposed behind the display;', 'a heat sink proximate to the optic block and having an edge lit PCB mounted along a top edge thereof; and', 'a PCB, wherein the front shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a first retaining feature and the rear shield is secured to at least one component of the display module with a second retaining feature; and, 'a display module mounted between the front shield and the rear shield and includinga housing which at least partially surrounds the partially reflective, partially transmissive element, the front shield, carrier plate, display module, and rear shield.2. The display mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first retaining feature operatively engages the front shield with the optic block claim 1 , and wherein the second ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Geometrically Shaped Ellipsoid Vehicular Mirror

Номер: US20170080865A1
Принадлежит: ROSCO, INC.

Cross-view mirrors for buses and other vehicles which provide modified image sizes. The mirror assemblies have lens members created from the shape of a portion of an elliptical or circular toroid volumetric shape with an elliptical or circular cross-sectional shape. A first embodiment has an elliptical toroid volumetric shape with an elliptical cross-sectional shape. A second embodiment has an elliptical toroid volumetric shape with a circular cross-sectional shape. A third embodiment has a circular toroid volumetric shape with an elliptical cross-sectional shape. 1. A vehicle mirror assembly comprising:a base comprising:a first base portion defined by a first base longitudinal line and a first base periphery, said first base portion having a first base radius of curvature;a second base portion defined by said first base longitudinal line and a second base periphery, said second base portion having a second base radius of curvature;a dome lens conforming to said base, said dome lens having a varying dome lens radius of curvature, said dome lens comprising;a center surface portion having a center surface radius of curvature, said center surface radius corresponding to a position on said dome lens aligned with a first base longitudinal midpoint to said dome lens, said center surface radius perpendicular to said first base longitudinal line; anda peripheral surface portion having a peripheral surface radius of curvature, said peripheral surface radius of curvature corresponding to said first base periphery, said peripheral surface radius of curvature greater than said center surface radius of curvature.2. A vehicle mirror assembly as described in claim 1 , wherein said second base portion is perpendicular to said first base portion.3. A vehicle mirror assembly as described in claim 1 , wherein said center surface portion forms a first proportion image view and said peripheral surface portion forms a second claim 1 , proportion image view claim 1 , said first proportion ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080868A1

An electronic mirror device has a display device that is mounted on a mounting position of a rear view mirror in an interior of a vehicle and displays an image taken by a camera mounted on the vehicle. The display device has a body case having an opening, and a display unit that is mounted in the body case. The display unit has a video display unit, and a half mirror. The video display unit has a display surface facing an opening of the body case. The half mirror is disposed closer to the opening of the body case than to the video display unit, and apart from the display surface. A gap between the half mirror and the video display unit is smaller at least at one of both ends of the half mirror in a horizontal direction than at a center of the half mirror. 1. An electronic mirror device comprising a display device that is mounted on a mounting position of a rear view mirror in an interior of a vehicle and displays an image taken by a camera mounted to the vehicle , a body case having an opening; and', a video display unit including a display surface facing toward the opening of the body case; and', 'a half mirror disposed closer to the opening of the body case than to the video display unit and apart from the display surface of the video display unit, and, 'a display unit mounted in the body case and having], 'wherein the display device haswherein a gap between the half mirror and the video display unit is smaller at one end or both ends of the half mirror in a horizontal direction than at a center of the half mirror.2. The electronic mirror device according to claim 1 ,wherein the half mirror has a flat plate shape, andthe video display unit is curved to form a recess facing the half mirror.3. The electronic mirror device according to claim 1 ,wherein the display surface of the video display unit is planar, andthe half mirror is curved to form a protrusion protruded toward a direction opposite to the display surface.4. The electronic mirror device according to claim ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180081209A1

A vehicle mirror, in particular an (exterior) rear-view mirror, comprising a base layer made of glass, an adhesive layer on the glass, a first foil film, a first conductive layer, a first and a second alignment layer, a liquid crystal region, wherein spacers are provided in this region and the liquid crystal region is arranged between the first and second alignment layers, a conductive reflector layer, which is arranged on the side of the liquid crystal region opposite to the base layer, and a second foil film, wherein at least the first alignment layer is removed in a predetermined region, so that the crystals of the adjacent liquid crystal region are disordered. 1. A vehicle mirror having a transparent carrier , an adhesive layer , and a liquid crystal cell , the vehicle mirror comprising:a first foil film;a first electrically conductive layer and a second electrically conductive layer, wherein the second electrically conductive layer is a reflector layer;a first alignment layer and a second alignment layer;a liquid crystal region, wherein spacers are arranged in this region and the liquid crystal region is arranged adjacent between the first and second alignment layers and the first and second electrically conductive layers;a second foil film; andwherein at least the first alignment layer is removed in a predetermined region, so that the crystals of the adjacent liquid crystal region are disordered at the predetermined region.2. The vehicle mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive layer is also removed in the predetermined region.3. The vehicle mirror according to claim 1 , wherein at least the first and second alignment layers claim 1 , the first and second electrically conductive layers claim 1 , and the liquid crystal region are sealed at the edge via a seal.4. The vehicle mirror according to claim 3 , wherein the seal protrudes into the liquid crystal region.5. The vehicle mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the first alignment layer at ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160085129A1

An electro-optic element is provided that includes a first substrate having a first surface, and a second surface having a first electrically conductive portion disposed thereon. The element also includes a second substrate having a third surface, a fourth surface, and a second electrically conductive portion disposed on at least the third surface. A primary seal is between the second and third surfaces, wherein the seal and the second and third surfaces define a cavity. An electro-optic medium disposed in the cavity. In addition, the second surface further includes at least one indicia disposed thereon between the electro-optic medium and the second surface. 1. An electro-optic element , comprising: a first surface, and', 'a second surface comprising a first electrically conductive portion disposed thereon;, 'a first substrate comprising a third surface,', 'a fourth surface, and', 'a second electrically conductive portion disposed on at least the third surface;, 'a second substrate comprisinga primary seal between the second and the third surfaces, wherein the seal and the second and the third surfaces define a cavity; and 'wherein the second surface further comprises at least one indicia disposed thereon between the electro-optic medium and the second surface.', 'an electro-optic medium disposed in the cavity,'}2. The electro-optic element of claim 1 , further comprising:a spectral filter positioned on the second surface, wherein the spectral filter and the indicia comprise the same material.3. The electro-optic element of claim 1 , wherein the at least one indicia is a barcode indicia.4. The electro-optic element of claim 2 , wherein the indicia is substantially encapsulated by the first electrically conductive portion and the second surface.5. The electro-optic element of claim 1 , wherein the first electrically conductive portion is positioned between the indicia and the second surface.6. The electro-optic element of claim 2 , wherein the indicia is at least ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090044A1

A periphery monitoring apparatus includes: an acquisition unit configured to acquire first image data that is captured by a first imaging unit provided on a left side of a vehicle body, and second image data that is captured by a second imaging unit provided on a right side of the vehicle body; and an output unit configured to combine third image data which is generated by rotating, and magnifying or minifying the first image data in such a way that a plurality of left reference points included in the first image data are respectively displayed at pre-set positions, and fourth image data which is generated by rotating, and magnifying or minifying the second image data in such a way that a plurality of right reference points included in the second image data are respectively displayed at pre-set positions, and to output the combined image data. 1. A periphery monitoring apparatus comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire first image data that is captured by a first imaging unit provided on a left side of a vehicle body, and second image data that is captured by a second imaging unit provided on a right side of the vehicle body; andan output unit configured to combine third image data which is generated by rotating, and magnifying or minifying the first image data in such a way that a plurality of left reference points included in the first image data are respectively displayed at pre-set positions, and fourth image data which is generated by rotating, and magnifying or minifying the second image data in such a way that a plurality of right reference points included in the second image data are respectively displayed at pre-set positions, and to output the combined image data.2. The periphery monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a storage unit configured to store left angular information for rotating the first image data based on the inclination of the first imaging unit provided on the left side of the vehicle body, and right ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086723A1

An electronic-mirror (e-mirror) system is disclosed herein. The system includes a backlit display configured to present content; a first reflective polarizer layer overlapping the backlit display; an air gap layer introduced between the backlit display and the first reflective polarizer; a rotator cell layer directly overlapping the first reflective polarizer; a second reflective polarizer directly overlapping the rotator cell; a switch-able polarizer directly overlapping the second reflective polarizer; and a lens directly overlapping the switch-able polarizer. Also included herein is an index matched interface and front anti-reflective film, thereby allowing the e-mirror to be both in the states of a reflective and electronic display mode without requiring a toggling towards a low luminance surface. 1. An electronic-mirror (e-mirror) system , comprising:a backlit display configured to present content;a first reflective polarizer layer overlapping the backlit display;an air gap layer introduced between the backlit display and the first reflective polarizer;a rotator cell layer directly overlapping the first reflective polarizer;a second reflective polarizer directly overlapping the rotator cell;a switch-able polarizer directly overlapping the second reflective polarizer; anda lens directly overlapping the switch-able polarizer.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the backlit display claim 1 , the rotator cell layer and the switch-able polarizer are electrically coupled to a controllable voltage source claim 1 , and in response to the backlit display being turned on claim 1 , the controllable voltage source being configured to apply a voltage.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the rotator cell layer is defined as an electronically controlled wave plate.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the lens is defined as a front glass with antireflective coating.5. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a first antireflective layer ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140173894A1

A method of coating a rear glass substrate for an electrochromic reflective element includes providing a fixture having a recess and a masking element extending from a perimeter region of the recess over a portion of the recess. The masking element includes a disc portion and an arm portion extending between the disc portion and the perimeter region of the recess of the fixture. A rear glass substrate is positioned in the recess and the masking element extends over and is spaced from the surface of the glass substrate. The glass substrate surface is coated with a mirror reflector coating. The masking element is shaped such that the mirror reflector coating is deposited at the surface behind the arm portion but is substantially not deposited behind the disc portion so as to establish a window region through the mirror reflector coating at the glass substrate surface. 1. A method of coating a rear glass substrate for an electrochromic reflective element of a rearview mirror assembly of a vehicle , said method comprising:providing a fixture, said fixture comprising a recess shaped to receive a rear glass substrate therein;wherein said fixture comprises a masking element extending from a perimeter region of said recess over a portion of said recess, and wherein said masking element comprises a disc portion and an arm portion extending between said disc portion and said perimeter region of said recess of said fixture;positioning a rear glass substrate in said recess, said rear glass substrate having a surface exposed at said fixture for coating of said surface during a vacuum coating process;wherein, with said rear glass substrate received in said recess, said masking element extends over a portion of said surface of said rear glass substrate and is spaced from said surface of said rear glass substrate;coating said surface of said rear glass substrate with a mirror reflector coating via the vacuum coating process, wherein coating of said surface comprises sputter ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097959A1

A vehicular rearview assembly that has a rounded outer perimeter edge to satisfy safety standards and contains an EC element having a complex peripheral ring, a front surface that is fully observable from the front of the assembly, and a user interface with switches and sensors that activate and configure, in cooperation with electronic circuitry of the assembly, pre-defined function(s) or device(s) of the assembly in response to the user input applied to the user interface. A complex peripheral ring may include multiple bands the structures of which is adapted to provide for specified optical characteristics of light, reflected off of the ring. Electrical communications between the electronic circuitry, the mirror element, and the user interface utilize connectors configured to exert a low contact force, onto the mirror element, limited in part by the strength of adhesive affixing the EC element to an element of the housing of the assembly. 1. An electro-optic element comprising:a first substrate having first and second surfaces;a second substrate having third and fourth surfaces, the second and third surfaces disposed in a parallel and spaced-apart relationships such to form a gap therebetween;a sealing material circumferentially disposed along a perimeter of the third surface to sealingly affix the second and third surfaces together to form a chamber therebetween; andan electro-optic medium in the chamber;wherein at least one of the second and third surfaces carries a transparent conducting oxide (TCO);wherein the at least one of the second and third surfaces carried a metal-containing layer;wherein the metal-containing layer is substantially absent at at least a portion of a surface of the TCO to define an opening and the TCO layer is present in substantially all of the opening; andwherein the metal-containing layer has a sharp or abruptly terminated edge.2. The electro-optic element according to claim 1 , wherein a distance of a transition of the sharp or ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092392A1
Автор: Schut Jeremy A.

A system is provided for assisting a driver of a vehicle with parallel parking of the vehicle. The system includes at least one imager positioned to capture images of a scene to at least a side of the vehicle and to output image data, and an image processor for processing the image data received from the at least one imager to create an orthographic projection from the image data, where the orthographic projection shows side views of parking spaces and a graphic representation of the vehicle to be parked shown in relative locations to the parking spaces to enable the driver to determine the relative size of the parking spaces. 1. A system for assisting a driver of a vehicle with parallel parking of the vehicle , the system comprising:at least one imager positioned to capture images of a scene to at least a side of the vehicle and to output image data; andan image processor for processing the image data received from the at least one imager to create an orthographic projection from the image data, where the orthographic projection includes side view information of parking spaces that is used to provide information to the driver regarding the relative size of the parking spaces.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the orthographic projection shows side views of parking spaces and a graphic representation of the vehicle to be parked shown in relative locations to the parking spaces to enable the driver to determine the relative size of the parking spaces.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the representation of the vehicle to be parked is generated to have a representative length relative to sizes of the parking spaces and other objects in the orthographic projection.4. The system of and further comprising a display for receiving and displaying the orthographic projection.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the image processor analyzes the orthographic projection to determine the size of each available parking space and to determine if the vehicle to be parked will fit ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096107A1
Автор: Nakai Jun, OKOHIRA Takashi

A rear-view verification apparatus includes a display apparatus and a camera apparatus. The display apparatus includes a display device, a first controller, a first transmitter, and a first receiver. The first controller causes the display device to display an image in accordance with an image signal fed from the camera apparatus. The camera apparatus includes a second receiver, a second transmitter, a second controller, and an imaging element. The first controller transmits a synchronization signal to the second controller via the first transmitter and the second receiver. The second controller transmits the image signal to the first controller via the second transmitter and the first receiver. The first controller transmits the image signal to the display device. 1. A rear-view verification apparatus comprising:a display apparatus disposed in front of a driver's seat inside a vehicle interior of a vehicle; anda camera apparatus coupled with the display apparatus and capable of shooting a rearview-image in a rearward direction of the vehicle, a display device;', 'a first controller coupled with the display device, and configured to cause the display device to display an image in accordance with an image signal transmitted from the camera apparatus;', 'a first transmitter coupled with the first controller; and', 'a first receiver coupled with the first controller; and, 'wherein the display apparatus includes a second receiver coupled with the first transmitter;', 'a second transmitter coupled with the first receiver;', 'a second controller coupled with the second receiver and the second transmitter; and', 'an imaging element coupled with the second controller,, 'the camera apparatus includeswherein the first controller transmits a synchronization signal to the second controller via the first transmitter and the second receiver,the second controller transmits the image signal to the first controller via the second transmitter and the first receiver, andthe first ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200091627A1

A rearview device includes a connector assembly that has a body that includes a plurality of electrical leads that extend therefrom and are removably coupled therewith. A plurality of contact-receiving apertures extend through the body and receive a plurality of spring contacts on a circuit board. The plurality of spring contacts abut and are compressed between the circuit board and the body. The plurality of spring contacts directly engage the plurality of electrical leads when inserted into the plurality of contact-receiving apertures. A plurality of peripheral walls are adjacent the circuit board. 1. A rearview device comprising: a body including a plurality of electrical leads extending therefrom and removably coupled therewith;', 'a plurality of contact-receiving apertures extending through the body and receiving a plurality of spring contacts on a circuit board, the plurality of spring contacts abutting and being compressed between the circuit board and the body, the plurality of spring contacts directly engaging the plurality of electrical leads when inserted into the plurality of contact-receiving apertures; and', 'a plurality of peripheral walls that are adjacent the circuit board., 'a connector assembly comprising2. The rearview device of claim 1 , wherein the connector assembly further includes peripheral fastener apertures disposed on at least two sides of the connector assembly.3. The rearview device of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of internal walls that extend within the connector assembly.4. The rearview device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of peripheral walls abut the circuit board.5. The rearview device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of peripheral walls include feet that extend below a planar bottom surface of the plurality of peripheral walls.6. The rearview device of claim 1 , further comprising:a two-part mechanical fastener configured to secure the connector assembly to the circuit board.7. The rearview device of claim 1 , ...
