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26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662581C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству передачи отклонения транспортного средства. Устройство передачи отклонения ТС в транспортном средстве с поддержкой автоматизированного вождения, допускающем автоматическое управление отклонением ТС, содержит модуль вычисления отклонения ТС, модуль определения шаблонов излучения и модуль указания. Модуль указания включает в себя источник света, расположенный на руле, и указывает направление, в котором возникает отклонение ТС. Модуль определения шаблонов излучения определяет светоизлучающую часть источника света на основе будущей траектории ТС от текущего момента до времени после истечения предварительно определенного времени. Техническим результатом является облегчение понимания отклонения ТС водителем, которое возникает в режиме автоматизированного вождения. 17 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

07-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696895C2

Узел рулевого колеса включает в себя каркас и множество внешних секций оболочки. Каждая из внешних секций оболочки включает в себя внутренний слой, промежуточной слой и внешний слой и имеет сопрягаемую часть или соответствующую внешнюю секцию оболочки. Каркас может включать в себя ступицу, в общем U-образный обод и по меньшей мере две спицы, соединяющие ступицу и в общем U-образный обод. Первый слой каждой из множества внешних секций оболочки включает в себя выступ, который продолжается в и соответствует в общем U-образному ободу. Также промежуточной слой каждой из множества внешних секций оболочки сформован над внутренним слоем. Каждая из множества внешних секций оболочки и ее сопрягаемая часть сцепляются. Обеспечивается упрощение изготовления и обслуживания. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533847C1
Автор: ЧО Ман Хо (KR)
Принадлежит: ХВАЧИН КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Изобретение относится к рулевому колесу транспортного средства. Рулевое колесо содержит нагревательный элемент, в котором поверхность нагревательного элемента может быть отделана путем переноса непосредственно на него пленки для переноса изображения, на которой напечатан эстетический декоративный рисунок. Нагревательный элемент представляет собой электропроводящую пасту, наносимую на поверхность обода, и включает в себя множество нагревательных линий, электрически изолированных друг от друга, и соединительную деталь, которая электрически замыкает нагревательные линии на их обоих концах, а электрическая энергия подводится к нагревательному элементу через соединительную деталь. Обеспечивается равномерный нагрев по всей поверхности. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122877A
Автор: ЧО Ман Хо (KR)

... 1. Рулевое колесо, содержащее обод и нагревательный элемент, причем нагревательный элемент содержит множество нагревательных линий и нагревается за счет подводимой к нему энергии,в котором нагревательный элемент выполнен в виде электропроводящей пасты, нанесенной на поверхность обода,в котором если нагревательные линии нагревательного элемента электрически соединены последовательно, то нагревательный элемент сформирован таким образом, что электрическое сопротивление на единицу поверхности возрастает по мере перехода от внутреннего диаметра обода к его внешнему диаметру,а если нагревательные линии нагревательного элемента соединены параллельно, то нагревательный элемент сформирован таким образом, что электрическое сопротивление на единицу площади уменьшается по мере перехода от внутреннего диаметра обода к его внешнему диаметру.2. Рулевое колесо по п.1, в котором нагревательный элемент содержит множество первых нагревательных линий, которые нанесены от внутреннего диаметра обода к его внешнему ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Schieber und Herstellungsverfahren für ein Lenkrad

Номер: DE102020001289A1

Es wird ein Schieber für einen Reißverschluss bereitgestellt, mit dem ein Abdeckelement einfach an einem Kranzhauptkörperabschnitt eines Lenkrads befestigt wird. Der Schieber (20, 20a, 20b, 20c) der Erfindung weist einen Schieberkörper (21, 51, 61), durch den eine rechte und eine linke Kuppelgliedreihe (12) des Reißverschlusses (10) hindurchgelangen können, und einen an dem Schieberkörper (21, 51, 61) ausgebildeten und in eine Richtung einer Höhenrichtung des Schieberkörpers (21, 51, 61) vorragenden Gleitführungsabschnitt (40) auf, und der Gleitführungsabschnitt (40) ist in einem an einem Kranzabschnitt (4) des Lenkrads (1) ausgesparten Aufnahmeaussparungsabschnitt (7a) aufnehmbar ausgebildet.

21-12-2000 дата публикации

Lenkrad mit Dekorelement

Номер: DE0020013706U1

10-12-1998 дата публикации

Belüftetes Lenkrad

Номер: DE0029817868U1

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Steuerverfahren für ein Kraftfahrzeug-Lenksystem

Номер: DE102017201357A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Steuerverfahren für ein Kraftfahrzeug-Lenksystem (10), welches ein Lenkrad (11) aufweist, dessen Einschlagwinkel automatisch einstellbar ist und das bezüglich einer Lenkradachse (L) wenigstens eine in tangentialer Richtung begrenzte Aussparung (11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8) aufweist. Um eine effiziente Einstiegshilfe zur Verfügung zu stellen, sind erfindungsgemäß zumindest die folgenden Verfahrensschritte vorgesehen:- Feststellen eines Ein- oder Ausstiegwunsches eines Fahrers (100), sowie- automatisches Einstellen des Einschlagwinkels entsprechend einer Komfortstellung, in welcher der Fahrer (100) durch die Anordnung wenigstens einer Aussparung (11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8) unterstützt wird.

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016002301B4

Lenkradgrifferfassungsvorrichtung, mit:einer Serienschaltung, die von einer Heizung (21) und einem Induktanzelement (23) gebildet wird,einer Leitung (34), die elektrisch mit einem zweiten Verbindungspunkt (33), der kein Endpunkt der Serienschaltung ist, an der Serienschaltung verbunden ist,einem Thermostat (19), der in Serie mit der Serienschaltung verbunden ist,einem kapazitiven Element (25), das elektrisch mit einem Verbindungspunkt (31, 55) zwischen der Serienschaltung und dem Thermostaten verbunden ist, wobei das kapazitive Element (25) entweder parallel zur Serienschaltung oder parallel zum Thermostaten (19) verbunden ist, undeiner elektrostatischen Sensorschaltung (27), die elektrisch mit der Leitung (34) verbunden ist und die einen Kontakt einer Hand mit einem Lenkrad (3) durch einen Kapazitätswert der Heizung (21) erfasst.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008027483B4
Автор: PARK JOONMO, Park, Joonmo
Принадлежит: HYUNDAI MOTOR CO LTD, Hyundai Motor Company

Lenkrad mit einem Nabenabschnitt (1), der mit einer Lenkspindel und über eine Mehrzahl von Speichen (3) mit einem Kranz (7) verbunden ist, der koaxial zu dem Nabenabschnitt (1) angeordnet ist, wobei der Kranz (7) um den Nabenabschnitt (1) herum radial in einen Außenkranz (9), der entlang des gesamten Außenumfangs des Kranzes (7) angeordnet ist, und einen Innenkranz (11) geteilt ist, der entlang des gesamten Innenumfangs des Kranzes (7) angeordnet ist, der Außenkranz (9) den gesamten Umfang eines Kerns (5) abdeckt, der in dem Kranz (7) eingeschlossen ist, ein Holzdekor (A) auf die Oberfläche des Außenkranzes (9) übertragen ist, der Innenkranz (11) mit dem Außenkranz (9) verbunden ist, eine Abdeckung (B) an der Oberfläche des Innenkranzes (11) angebracht ist, und der Außenkranz (9) an einem oberen und einem unteren Abschnitt jeweils einen nach außen vorstehenden Sitz (9a) für die Montage des Innenkranzes (11) aufweist.

20-02-2003 дата публикации

Electrically-heated motorcycle handgrip has heating element supplied via coiled lead element allowing rotation of handgrip

Номер: DE0010141049C1

The handgrip (3) incorporates an electric heating element (2) supplied with current via an electric lead element (1) in the form of a coil with a number of windings, having a winding axis (8) parallel to the longitudinal axis (9) of the handgrip.

15-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8614544U1

12-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011090040A1

Ein Lenkradsystem für den Gebrauch mit einem Fahrzeug beinhaltet, ist jedoch nicht darauf begrenzt, ein Lenkrad, welches einen Radkranz besitzt. Ein berührungsempfindliches Glied bedeckt den Radkranz. Das berührungsempfindliche Glied detektiert erste und zweite Gesten bzw. Handbewegungen auf dem Radkranz und erzeugt ein erstes elektronisches Signal, wenn die erste Handbewegung detektiert wird, undie zweite Handbewegung detektiert wird. Ein Prozessor ist kommunikativ mit dem berührungsempfindlichen Glied gekoppelt und ist konfiguriert, dass er betrieblich an ein erstes Untersystem und ein zweites Untersystem gekoppelt ist. Das berührungsempfindliche Glied ist ferner konfiguriert, um das erste elektronische Signal und das zweite elektronische Signal an den Prozessor zu senden, und der Prozessor ist ferner konfiguriert, um einen ersten Befehl an das erste Untersystem nach dem Empfangen des ersten elektronischen Signals zu senden und einen zweiten Befehl an das zweite Untersystem nach dem Empfangen ...

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010041590B4

Lenkrad, umfassend: einen Radring (2); einen Tragkörper (8), der innerhalb des Radrings (2) und im Wesentlichen konzentrisch zu dem Radring (2) angeordnet ist, und zumindest einen Bedienschalter (9) zur Bedienung einer im Kraftfahrzeug angebrachten Steuervorrichtung, wobei der zumindest eine Bedienschalter (9) an dem Tragkörper (8) angeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Tragkörper (8) im Querschnitt zumindest teilweise bogenförmig ausgebildet ist, dass der Bedienschalter (9) an dem Tragkörper in Umfangsrichtung der Bogenform des Tragkörpers (8) bewegbar ist, und dass an beiden Enden des Bedienschalters (9) mit Abstand voneinander als Bedienabschnitte dienende Schaltknöpfe (9a) ausgebildet sind.

04-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029910991U1

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017104449B4

Lenkrad (W), enthaltend:einen Kranz (R), der zum Lenken mit einer Hand zu halten ist;ein Heizelement (15 (15L, 15R), 15A), das auf zumindest einem Teil eines Kerns (3) des Kranzes (R) montiert ist und einen schnurförmigen Heizer (27, 27A) und ein Basismaterial (16, 16A) enthält, das aus einem schichtförmigen Element mit Flexibilität aufgebaut ist, zum Stützen des schnurförmigen Heizers (27, 27A); undeine Abdeckschicht (8), die aus synthetischem Harzschaum geformt ist, zum Bedecken eines Außenumfangs des Heizelements (15 (15L, 15R), 15A),dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass:das Basismaterial (16, 16A) des Heizelements (15 (15L, 15R), 15A) eine Isolationsschicht (17, 17A), die aus synthetischem Harzschaum geformt ist und angeordnet ist,dass sie in Richtung des Kerns (3) weist, und eine durchlässige Schicht (18), die aus Nicht-Metall geformt ist, die ein Eindringen der Abdeckschicht (8) in sich selbst ermöglicht, enthält;die Isolationsschicht (17, 17A) und die durchlässige Schicht (18) miteinander ...

02-08-2001 дата публикации

Beheizbares Lenkrad

Номер: DE0020020922U1

12-06-1986 дата публикации

Steering wheel

Номер: DE0003542105A1

The steering wheel according to the invention gives the driver using it at all times a pleasant, secure feeling when gripping it regardless of the size of his hands. The steering wheel ring consists of a core element and of a covering made of soft material with a high molecular mass. Instead of the corrugations which are formed in conventional steering wheels in the outer covering in order to improve grip, the steering wheel according to the invention has depressions or bumps with a predetermined spacing in the circumferential direction at least on the rear of the core element. If the driver lays his hands lightly on the steering wheel he has a smooth impression and does not feel any unevennesses. If the grip on the steering wheel is made tighter, the fingers can sink into the cover of the steering wheel ring which results in the steering wheel ring itself becoming deformed in order to become matched to the shape of the hands of the individual driver.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Lenkrad mit einem Bedienelement

Номер: DE102004031309B4

Lenkrad mit einem Bedienelement, wobei das Lenkrad einen Lenkradkranz aufweist und das Bedienelement an dem Lenkradkranz angeordnet ist, wobei das Bedienelement (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) an dem Lenkradkranz (2) derart für eine Eingabe drehbar gelagert ist, dass es einen Ausschnitt des Lenkradkranzes (2) umgreift, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Bedienelement (10) druckempfindlich zum Erfassen einer weiteren Eingabe ausgeführt ist.

27-05-1970 дата публикации

Ring,insbesondere fuer ein Lenk- oder Steuerrad eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE0001630913A1

05-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007301718U
Принадлежит: HELMUT ERNST

09-01-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9111356U1
Принадлежит: REUTHER, JENS, 8000 MUENCHEN, DE

30-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010012119B4

Lenkrad, umfassend: einen Kern (5a); eine Abdeckung (8), welche mindestens einen Abschnitt des Kerns (5a) abdeckt; ein Anbringungselement (18, 19), welches an der Abdeckung (8) angebracht ist; und eine Abschlußvorrichtung (20, 21), welche an dem Anbringungselement (18, 19) angebracht ist; und ein Hautelement (16), das an der Abdeckung (8) angebracht ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Hautelement (16) einen Schichtabschnitt zwischen dem Anbringungselement (18, 19) und der Abschlussvorrichtung (20, 21) aufweist, wobei der Schichtabschnitt des Hautelementes (16) mit einer Öffnung ausgebildet ist, durch welche die Abschlußvorrichtung (20, 21) und das Anbringungselement (18, 19) miteinander in Eingriff sind.

16-10-2003 дата публикации

Steering wheel unit for vehicle steering system has controller on steering wheel side mounted in or on steering wheel side housing part of clock spring unit, which is attached to steering shaft

Номер: DE0010214607A1

The unit has a rotatable steering wheel and a fixed part in which the steering shaft is rotatably mounted, electrical components attached to the steering wheel and a clock spring signal transfer unit. Signals are transferred between controllers on the steering wheel and fixed part via a data bus. The controller on the steering wheel side is mounted in or on a steering wheel side housing part of the clock spring unit attached to the steering shaft. The unit has a rotatable steering wheel (1) and a fixed part (4) in which the steering shaft (3) is rotatably mounted, electrical components (2,13,15,16) attached to the steering wheel and a clock spring signal transfer unit (17). At least some signals are transferred between controllers (19, 10) on the steering wheel and fixed part via a data bus. The controller on the steering wheel side is mounted in or on the steering wheel side housing part (18) of the clock spring unit, which is attached to the steering shaft.

06-03-1968 дата публикации

Steering wheel for motor vehicles

Номер: GB0001104980A

... 1,104,980. Vehicle steering wheel covers. FIRMA KAMEI' AUTOKOMFORT. 14 Dec., 1965 [14 Dec., 1964; 26 Feb., 1965; 28 Oct., 1965; 30 Nov., 1965], No. 53085/65. Heading B7J. A steering wheel, Fig. 1, has its outer rim wrapped around by a foamed plastics airfilled U-sectioned covering strip 2 which may itself be then tightly helically over-wound by an elastic narrow oval sectioned band 4 tied on by its ends. In Figs. 3-5 (not shown), the covering is joined at its ends (6), (8) to form an endless belt and is helically wrapped around by the band 4 which is joined thereto by welding &c. In Figs. 6 and 7 (not shown), the cover consists of a porous layer (9) and surface layers (10) perforated by holes (11), which cover may be helically wound by a band 4 as in Figs. 8 and 9 (not shown). The cover may however be in the form of a strip which may be helically wrapped around the wheel rim, Figs. 10, 11 (not shown), so that only adjacent edges of reduced thickness overlap.

20-03-2013 дата публикации

Deformable removable steering wheel rim

Номер: GB0002494719A

A removable, deformable energy absorbing steering wheel rim 5 is maintained in a rigid state under normal conditions by a number of wheel rim core link rods 4. Under impact during accident conditions the wheel rim core link rods 4 are retracted by a number of electro magnets (8 see fig 1) to allow the wheel rim 5 to deform in an energy absorbing manner by means of energy absorbing flexible sections of wheel rim core 3, an energy absorbing elastic wheel rim outer sheath 10 and other external energy absorbing components, namely an energy absorbing wheel rim restrictor fin 11 and an energy absorbing instrument cluster hood 12. Removing a number of withdrawable wheel rim retaining pins 7 allows a number of detachable wheel rim cradles 6 to be removed releasing the steering wheel rim 5 from the wheel hub 1.

20-06-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to steering wheels for motor cars, motor boats, air craft or the like

Номер: GB0000165173A

... 165,173. Coir Tyre Co., Ltd., and Rose, G. D. March 18, 1920. Hand-wheels.-A steering-wheel for motor-cars, motor-boats, aircraft &c. is partly or wholly formed of coir fibre, either alone or combined with other fibre, impregnated with rubber or adhesive and submitted to pressure and vulcanization. In the form shown in Fig. 2, the boss 1 and spokes 2 of metal are placed in a mould. The rim 3 and portion 3a embracing the spokes are built up of layers of the fibre with rubber interposed, and the whole partly vulcanized under pressure; a layer of vulcanite 4 is then applied and the wheel is again vulcanized under pressure.

05-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009323559D0

26-02-1920 дата публикации

Improved heating device for motor cars

Номер: GB0000139048A

... 139,048. Arc & General Equipment, Ltd., (formerly Jandus Arc Lamp & Electric Co.), and Jones, A. Denman-. March 29, 1919. Footwarmers. - In apparatus in which air, heated by the vehicle engine &c. is collected and carried by a pipe to a foot warmer, escaping thence into the vehicle, the footwarmers are in the form of muffs A of textile material with flexible tubing B through which the warm air eiretilites. The muffs may be large enough for several persons, or the flexible pipes may branch from a junction piece and discharge into the muff.

06-08-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to covers for application to steering wheel handles of motor vehicles, and like hand-wheel rims

Номер: GB0000237678A

... 237,678. Barrett, A. G., and Burton. H. H. May 21, 1924. Hand-wheels.-A rubber handgrip c for the rim a of a motorvehicle steering-wheel or other hand-wheel is moulded as an endless ring of arcuate cross-section having its edges reinforced by strips d of canvas or other fabric cut on the bias, and is stretched over the rim a, as shown in Fig. 5, and secured thereon by a lacing-cord f passed through holes e in the rubber and reinforcements d. The ring c is moulded on a drum under pressure of a canvas wrapping, is reversed to bring the pattern outside and is stretched over a former ring and reheated to give it a curved section.

13-08-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wheels and to the manufacture thereof

Номер: GB0000238125A

... 238,125. Walker, J. Dec. 30, 1924. Hand-wheels such as are used in steering motor vehicles, motor boats, &c., and as brake wheels on railway and tramway vehicles &c., have perforated spoke arms b, through which passes a steel or other metal rod d. Segments i, which are threaded over the rod and engage recesses j in the spoke ends, are formed from wood or like blocks f encased in a celluloid or like cover, which is heated and moulded to the form of the blocks, this operation taking place on a curved former rod which is passed through the holes in the blocks f. In assembling the wheel, the rod d is passed through the segments i and its ends are secured to one of the spoke ends by screws e.

05-01-2022 дата публикации

Control of functions of a vehicle steering wheel

Номер: GB0002596586A

A method is provided for controlling a heating element 14 for a vehicle steering wheel and a hands on detection (HoD) sensor 16 for determining when a user is touching the steering wheel. Heating element 14 and HoD sensor 16 are controlled through one or more cycles, each comprising a heating period and a sensing period. During the heating period, heating element 14 is activated and the HoD sensor 16 deactivated, and during the sensing period heating element 14 is deactivated and HoD sensor 16 is activated. The cycle may have a delay period when both heating element 14 and HoD sensor 16 are deactivated. The heating period may comprise a duty cycle with ON regions and OFF regions, and may comprise a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal. A controller 10, a steering wheel and a vehicle are also provided.

24-07-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in electrical heaters for steering wheels

Номер: GB0000779918A

... 779,918. Electric heaters for steering wheels. FULHAM, L. F. Aug. 31, 1956, No. 7626/55. Class 39(3) A steering wheel heater comprises an open-sided discontinuous sleeve having a channel extending from one end of the sleeve to the other, an electric heating element being provided in the channel and means being provided for interconnecting the ends of the sleeve for contracting the sleeve on to the peripheral ring of the steering wheel. As shown, a sleeve 12, which may be formed from mesh-spun aluminium or resilient plastic, houses a heater wire 16 contained in a coaxial woven glass sleeve, one end of the wire being earthed and the other end connected to a brush 21 engaging a slip-ring 24 secured to the steering column. Current supply from a battery to the slip-ring may be via a switch 27 and a rheostat 28, a thermostat may also be provided. The sleeve 12 is held in position on the wheel by a serrated rubber tongue 13 adjustably secured in an eyelet 14. In a modification, Fig. 4 (not shown ...

03-09-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to liquid flow control systems

Номер: GB0000800951A

... 800,951. Regulating delivery of pumps. PLESSEY CO., Ltd. Aug. 15, 1956 [June 23, 1955], No. 18189/55. Class 102(1). [Also in Group XXIX] A reservoir 5 secured to a pump housing 2 supplies liquid to the pump inlet 3 whilst a delivery passage 6 extending through the reservoir 5 is connected to the pump outlet 4 ; in the passage 6 and immersed in the liquid is a spring-loaded valve 7 with a through orifice 7a, which valve controls ports 6a from the passage 6 opening into the reservoir. When the flow rate exceeds a given value the valve uncovers the ports 6a so ensuring a controlled rate of flow to the output union 11. A spring- loaded ball-valve 8 in a passage 8a between the pump inlet and outlet is unseated when the delivery pressure exceeds a predetermined value. A return passage 10 with radial ports 10a is also provided in the reservoir 5, the delivery and output passages being connected in a system applicable to the power assisted steering of vehicles or the operation of auxiliary aircraft-equipment ...

29-05-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in covers for steering wheels

Номер: GB0000205787A

... 205,787. Ridge, W. F. Oct. 23, 1922. [Convention date]. Hand - wheels. - Relates to covers for automobile steering- wheels &c. of the type described in Specification 202,286, and consists in an improvement whereby the rubber sheath may be applied to wheels having spokes which join the rim above or below the central plane. The sheath 3, shaped to grip the rim 1 elastically and provided' with beaded edges 5 and preferably with a thickened and roughened or corrugated periphery 4, may have its internal surface also roughened to prevent slip. This may be effected' by a series of circumferential ridges between two bands of knurling. The sheath, which is shown in Fig. 1 as applied to a wheel having spokes 2 joining the rim at its innermost periphery is provided on one or both faces with areas 9, spaced to register with the spokes and formed by curved branches 8 of the beading 5. When the cover is applied to a wheel having overhung or underslung spokes, as shown in Fig. 3, the areas 9 are cut away ...

29-11-2023 дата публикации

Control of functions of a vehicle steering wheel

Номер: GB0002596586B

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395235T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000472457T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416118T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508952B1

The invention relates to a method for producing leather (L) for applying to components (1), comprising the following process steps: providing finished leather (L) and applying an adhesive layer (K) to the rear face of the leather (L) or to a composite material face in case of a leather composite material, wherein a bonding adhesive is used for building up the adhesive layer (K), allowing repositioning of the leather (L) or the leather composite material essentially an arbitrary number of times.

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504882B1

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000181884T

10-11-1969 дата публикации

Steering wheel for motor vehicles

Номер: AT0000276119B

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000244177T

15-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000287817T

24-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002329052A1

03-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002255173A1

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Fatigue relieving/preventing apparatus associated with a steering wheel

Номер: AU2010257262B2

C .NRPonbl\DCC\TZS9155_ DOC-15/12/2010 A fatigue relieving/preventing apparatus associated with a steering wheel for controlling a 5 vehicle, comprising: a first section that connects to an upper one-half (1/2) of a peripheral portion of the steering wheel; and a second section that connects to, and extends from, the first section at the peripheral portion of the steering wheel, the second section extending from the first section 10 outward at an angle to a plane across a face to the steering wheel, the second section for providing resting support for at least a portion of a vehicular operator's body when pressure from the portion of the vehicular operator's body on the second section is less than the pressure for deforming the second section out of interference with the vehicular operator's ability to operate the steering wheel, and deforming out of interference with the vehicular 15 operator's ability to operate the steering wheel when pressure from the portion of the vehicular operator's ...

12-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003206202A1

17-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002356480A1

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016101518A4

Abstract A steering wheel cover configured to be attached to a steering wheel, said steering wheel cover having a visible outer surface which includes: 5 - a first face; - a second face; - a first side; and - a second side; wherein the first face is visible to a driver when in use on a steering when in a first 10 orientation, and the second face is not visible to the driver in the first orientation; said first side and second side are coterminous at a diametric line that divides the first face and second face in half and that is vertical when the steering wheel cover is in use and the steering wheel is in a neutral position, and wherein the first side is a first colour, and the second side includes one or more 15 visual indicia in one or more contrasting colours. c~j --- b~ 1 ~ 2 N N' LL ...

15-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000971254A1

06-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002513810C

There is disclosed a heated handle (e.g. a steering wheel) (10) and a method for forming the handle (10). The handle (10) typically includes a core (12), an outer cover layer (14) and a heater (16), which is preferably disposed at least partially between the outer cover layer (14) and the core (12). The heater (16) typically includes one or more of a conductor (24), a cushion (26) and a separator (30).

13-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1048382A

STEERING WHEEL HAVING HELICAL RIM CORE A steering wheel for a motor vehicle made according to the present disclosure has a resiliently flexible rim core that is formed by a flat spring wire wound in a helical manner to provide a multiple leaf construction. A steering wheel rim having this core structure is resiliently deflectable in response to an impact load imposed upon the rim in a direction parallel to the axis of the wheel and resistant to deflection by a generally tangential force exerted by a vehicle operator while turning the wheel.

14-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001060192A1

01-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002648146A1

A planar heating element for use in the steering wheel of an automobile, a motor boat, or the like, by which feeling of use when a steering wheel is he ld is enhanced by regulating the temperature portion of the planar heating element attached to the steering wheel. The linear heater (17) of a planar heating element (14) is arranged while repeating a loopback along the circumferential direction of a ring portion (12). Since loopbacks of the linear heater (17) are arranged sparsely at the outermost circumferential pa rt of the ring portion (12), temperature can be regulated at those portions of the outermost circumferential part of the ring portion (12) where the palms contact when a user holds the ring portion (12). Feeling of use when the steering wheel is held can thereby be enhanced by regulating the heat generation from the planar heating element (14) in accordance with how it is held by the user.

23-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002017288A1

25-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002200820A1

16-08-1920 дата публикации

Steuerrad für Kraftfahrzeuge.

Номер: CH0000086290A

16-08-1920 дата публикации

Einrichtung an Kraftfahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor zur Erwärmung des Steuerhandrades.

Номер: CH0000086322A

01-05-1920 дата публикации

Einrichtung an Kraftfahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor zur Erwärmung des Steuerhandrades.

Номер: CH0000085010A

16-02-1922 дата публикации

Chaufferette pour volants d'automobiles.

Номер: CH0000093137A

01-03-1924 дата публикации

Elektrischer Heizkörper, insbesondere für Automobilsteuerräder.

Номер: CH0000103795A

31-07-1958 дата публикации

Garniture pour volant de véhicule

Номер: CH0000331737A

15-03-1965 дата публикации

Steuerrad mit Klima-Kondition

Номер: CH0000389426A

28-02-1957 дата публикации

Beheizungseinrichtung an Traktoren

Номер: CH0000319818A

30-06-1967 дата публикации

Lenkrad für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: CH0000438974A

27-02-1976 дата публикации

Motor vehicle steering wheel sheath - has heater body with connections to electric power supply

Номер: CH0000572834A5

The sheath incorporates an electric heater body (22), together with connections to a power supply. The heater can be an electrical resistance wire accommodated in a strip applied to the sheath inside wall. The connections can consist of an extendible lead, with a lug for fitting in the cigar-lighter on the dashboard. The design combines comfort in winter-time with maximum sensitivity of the hands to the steering-wheel movement. The electrical heater is typically formed of a zig-zag wire wound around the wheel with uniform spacing.

13-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for operating driving function in vehicle i.e. motor car, has auxiliary element and display unit connected with computer, where auxiliary element energizes driver for triggering driving function supplementary to operating elements

Номер: CH0000706201A1

The device has operating elements (12a-12f) integrated in a steering wheel collar (6) of a steering wheel (3). An auxiliary element e.g. activation button (10), is integrated in the collar of the wheel. A digital display unit is provided in a vehicle inner space. The auxiliary element and the display unit are connected with a board computer provided in the vehicle. The auxiliary element energizes a driver to triggering a driving function supplementary to the operating elements. The button remains activated after actuation of a determined time span within a range of 2-10 seconds. The auxiliary element is designed as a touch-sensitive element or an operating knob and a joystick. The operating elements are a turn signal lever and a cruise control lever.

30-04-2018 дата публикации

Steering wheel with touch-sensitive sensors.

Номер: CH0000713080A2
Автор: RALF TRACHTE, Ralf Trachte

Gemäss der Erfindung kann die Oberfläche eines Lenkradkranzes oder Lenkradelements als Sensor für Berührungen oder Näherungen durch Finger und Hände genutzt werden. Dazu wird ein feinauflösender flächiger Sensor einschliesslich seiner Zuleitungen als dreidimensionaler Aufbau im Lenkrad integriert. Das bietet z.B. für Übergangsphasen zum autonomen Fahren eine detaillierte Hands-On-Erkennung und funktioniert als User-Interface. Der Sensor kann eine Sensor-Matrix mit oberen Sensor-Linien (530, 531), unteren Sensor-Linien (550) und Zuleitungen (580, 581) umfassen. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein Verfahren zur Herstellung des Sensors im Lenkrad.

16-01-2008 дата публикации

Steering wheel assembly for a motor vehicle

Номер: CN0101107146A

A steering wheel assembly for a motor vehicle is provided. The assembly includes a steering wheel, a steering wheel rim of the steering wheel at least partially rotating about a steering axis about which the steering wheel is mounted to be rotatable at an angle to the steering axis, at least one display device, arranged on the steering wheel, for displaying travel-related information of a motor vehicle, and at least one detection device, disposed on the steering wheel, for detecting an attentiveness level of the driver of the motor vehicle. The detection device is adapted to control the display device depending on the detected attentiveness level of the driver. The application is characterized that the at least one display device is mounted on the steering wheel rim.

15-10-2019 дата публикации

A novel vehicle direction the disc sleeve

Номер: CN0209492585U

02-03-2016 дата публикации

Tractor steering wheel of water tank cooling

Номер: CN0205059710U

29-06-2016 дата публикации

Steering wheel assembly and car

Номер: CN0205345012U

... 本实用新型提供了一种方向盘总成及汽车,涉及汽车设计领域,解决现有技术中方向盘轮缘半径固定,不能满足不同驾驶者对方向盘良好握感的需求,降低了驾驶舒适性的问题,该方向盘总成包括方向盘本体,方向盘本体包括:骨架;对骨架进行包覆的内包覆层;覆盖于内包覆层表面的电加热片;覆盖于电加热片表面的热膨胀层;对热膨胀层进行包覆的外包覆层;其中,电加热片能与一电源电连接。本实用新型的方案实现了对方向盘轮缘半径的调节,能适应于不同驾驶者对方向盘良好握感的需求,提高了驾驶舒适性和安全性。 ...

21-07-2017 дата публикации

Multi -functional car steering wheel cover

Номер: CN0206344867U

06-11-2020 дата публикации

High-performance and high-strength multifunctional steering wheel

Номер: CN0211869491U

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Occupancy sensing with heating devices

Номер: CN0106061797A

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Folding type steering wheel system

Номер: CN0111791938A

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Double-color car steering wheel sleeve

Номер: CN103991471A

The invention discloses a double-color car steering wheel sleeve. The double-color car steering wheel cover comprises a sleeve body arranged on the rim of a car steering wheel in a sleeved mode. The sleeve body is of a hollow ring structure. The outer surface of the sleeve body is provided with protruding points, the protruding points surround the outer surface of the sleeve body by at least one circle and are evenly distributed on one circle portion of the surface of the sleeve body, and the color of the protruding points is different from the color of the sleeve body. A storage plate is connected to the outer surface of the upper side of the section, corresponding to spokes of the car steering wheel, of the sleeve body, the lower surface of the storage plate adheres to the upper surfaces of the spokes, and a containing groove is formed in the upper surface of the storage plate. The double-color car steering wheel sleeve is simple in structure, convenient to install and low in cost, has ...

21-09-2018 дата публикации

Automobile steering wheel convenient to control temperature

Номер: CN0108556900A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Used as the handle, in particular to a steering mechanism of the heating and cooling device

Номер: CN0104943500B

31-10-1960 дата публикации

Stealing heater

Номер: FR0001248177A

15-02-1956 дата публикации

Apparatus allowing the electric heating of the handles of handlebar of the motor cycles and motor cycles

Номер: FR0001110664A

09-07-1915 дата публикации

Device of reheating of the steering wheel for similar cars and other vehicles

Номер: FR0000476070A

30-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002424841A


28-03-1925 дата публикации

Apparatus of direction heated

Номер: FR0000586501A

26-09-1913 дата публикации

Improvement to steering wheels and control

Номер: FR0000457825A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Device for detecting steering operation force

Номер: US20120004808A1
Автор: Akira Kuramori
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A steering operation force detection device for a steering wheel including a steering wheel rim having a right-side rim section and a left-side rim section. The device includes load cells that detect six component forces of the steering operation force acting on the right-side rim section and the left-side rim section consisting of forces in three axial directions and moments about three axes. The device includes a steering angle detection sensor that detects a steering angle of the steering wheel, and an inertial force component correcting unit that derives an inertial force component acting on the right-side rim section and the left-side rim section due to rotation of the steering wheel, based on an amount of displacement of the steering angle detected by the steering angle detection sensor, and that corrects the component force detected by the load cells to eliminate an effect of the derived inertial force component.

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для подогрева обода рулевого колеса транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000167628U1

Устройство для подогрева обода рулевого колеса транспортного средства относится к объектам автомобильной техники и может быть использовано как при изготовлении рулевых колес новых автомобилей, так и, в особенности, для улучшения эксплуатационных свойств (модернизации) автомобилей, находящихся в эксплуатации. Устройство для подогрева обода рулевого колеса транспортного средства содержит нагревательный элемент, выполненный из резистивного провода, закрепленный на подложке из непроводящего нетканого материала или непроводящей сетки, термодатчик, подложка из нетканого материала или сетки выполнена в форме волнообразной ленты и снабжена по крайней мере с одной стороны клеящим слоем, длина подложки составляет 1-0,7 длины внешнего периметра обода рулевого колеса, а боковые стороны выполнены волнообразными, ширина подложки составляет 0,7-1 длины периметра сечения обода рулевого колеса, нагревательный элемент размещен волнообразно по меньшей мере в один ряд на подложке из непроводящего материала, термодатчик выполнен с возможностью установки в зоне теплового воздействия, нагревательный элемент подключен к источнику питания через повышающий преобразователь напряжения, термодатчик может быть выполнен в виде одного термореле и включен последовательно с нагревательным элементом. Подложка может быть выполнена по длине по крайней мере из двух частей. Устройство для подогрева обода рулевого колеса транспортного средства пригодно для его установки (монтажа) даже вне массового заводского процесса, т.е. в ремонтных мастерских или автовладельцем самостоятельно. 5 илл РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 167 628 U1 (51) МПК B62D 1/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015154315, 17.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Коняев Андрей Александрович (RU), Коняева Светлана Геннадьевна (RU) 23.12.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.12. ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a steering wheel

Номер: US20120073401A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A steering wheel has a rim with an armature substantially encapsulated by foam. The foam includes a major foam member and a separate minor foam member. The major foam member has a cross-sectional profile effective to cover a major cross-sectional extent of the armature and define a gap in the foam member adjacent the armature. The gap has a maximum cross-sectional width which is equal to or less than the cross-sectional width of the armature, and is substantially filled by said minor foam member.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Driver-adaptive method for vehicle actuation with steering wheel controls

Номер: US20120096969A1
Автор: Danil V. Prokhorov

A steering wheel and associated control system to execute a corresponding algorithm, the steering wheel including a rim which is rotatable about a first axis to steer a vehicle, and a throttle dial disposed in a surface of the rim. The throttle dial controls a throttle of the vehicle and has a variable output to control an amount of the throttle in proportion to an amount the throttle dial is displaced from a nil output position. A similar brake dial is also provided, and is also disposed in the surface of the rim at another location, thus providing hand operation of a throttle and brake of a vehicle without having to remove one's hands from the steering wheel.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Carbon polymer paint steering wheel heating system

Номер: US20120305540A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv ASP Inc

A steering wheel is provided and may include an armature having a rim and a coating at least partially surrounding the rim. A pair of electrodes may be respectively disposed within a pair of grooves formed in the coating. A polymer paint may be disposed on the coating and may include a plurality of carbon filaments that receive voltage from at least one of the pair of electrodes to selectively generate heat.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Sensor system for steering wheel for vehicle

Номер: US20120326735A1
Принадлежит: TK HOLDINGS INC

A sensor system for a steering wheel of a vehicle includes a first sensor disposed within a first portion of the steering wheel to detect contact with a front left surface of the steering wheel. The sensor system includes a second sensor disposed within a second portion of the steering wheel separate from the first portion to detect contact with a front right surface of the steering wheel. The sensor system also includes a third sensor disposed within the steering wheel to detect contact with a rear surface of the steering wheel. The first, second and third sensors are configured to respectively detect touching of the front left surface, the front right, and the rear surface of the steering wheel by a hand or a non-hand part of an operator of the vehicle. The first, second and third sensors can be complex impedance sensors.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Capacitive sensor assembly

Номер: US20130009654A1
Автор: Marcus Kandler
Принадлежит: Individual

A capacitive sensor assembly for a motor vehicle for detecting seat occupancy is provided. The capacitive sensor assembly includes a capacitive sensor element which has at least one first electrical conductor element, and an electrical heating element which has at least one electrically operated heating conductor and which is interspaced from the first electrical conductor element. The first electrical conductor element is designed as an external conductor surrounding the heating conductor.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Alarm device for vehicle

Номер: US20130021144A1
Автор: Jun Hamachi
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An alarm device 1 for a vehicle is provided with at least two tactile units 11 Ra to 11 Rd and 11 La to 11 Ld provided so as to respectively correspond to two or more different portions of at least one hand of the driver. A control unit 3 independently drives each of the at least two tactile units according to the type of alarm by a predetermined drive pattern. As a result of the configuration, a large amount of information can be given to the driver.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Hitch system for steering vehicle for train

Номер: US20130187361A1
Принадлежит: Prairie Machine and Parts Mfg 1978 Ltd

A hitch apparatus for connecting a self-propelled trailing vehicle to a self-propelled leading vehicle and for measuring their relative positions is described. The hitch apparatus includes: a first hitch assembly for connecting a rear end of the leading vehicle to a front end of the trailing vehicle; a first angle sensor operatively connected to a pivot shaft and capable of measuring a horizontal angle between a centerline of a swivel base extending through a pivot shaft and a longitudinal centerline of the leading vehicle; a second hitch assembly for mounting on the front end of the trailing vehicle, the second hitch assembly including a connecting device mounted on the front end of the trailing vehicle and connectible to the swivel base of the leading vehicle; and a distance sensor for measuring a variable distance between a preselected point at the front end of said trailing vehicle and the swivel base.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192412A1

A conductive leather with high conductivity and durability and a steering wheel with such conductive leather. The conductive leather includes a coating layer formed of a base coat layer and a top coat layer, both made up of resin based materials. The top coat layer includes a first top coat layer formed on the base coat and a second top coat layer formed on the first top coat layer. The resin based material used in the second top coat layer is a crosslinked resin and the resin based material used in the first top coat layer is non-crosslinked resin. At least one of the first top coat layer and the second top coat layer includes carbon-based conductive particles. 1. A conductive material comprising:a leather layer;a coating layer including a base coat layer and a top coat layer, the coating layer being formed on a surface of the leather layer;the top coat layer including a first top coat layer formed on the base coat, the top coat layer also including a second top coat layer formed on the first top coat layer;the second top coat layer being formed of a second resin that is a crosslinked resin, the first top coat layer being formed of first resin that is a non-crosslinked resin, and at least one of the first top coat layer and the second top coat layer including carbon-based conductive particles.2. The conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein both the first top coat layer and the second top coat layer contain the carbon-based conductive particles.3. The conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the base coat layer is formed on the surface of the leather.4. The conductive material according to claim 1 , further comprising a steering wheel core claim 1 , at least a portion of the steering wheel core being enclosed within the leather layer such that the top coat layer is on an opposite side of the leather layer from the steering wheel core.5. The conductive material accordingly to claim 1 , wherein the leather layer is formed of natural leather.6. The ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233114A1

There is provided a vehicle steering wheel including a circular rim, a grip forming a part of the rim and being held by a user, and input units formed inside the rim. Each input unit includes first and second input switches to be actuated by a pressing action of a user's thumb, and a third input switch provided between the first and second input switches to be actuated by a sliding action of the user's thumb on the third input switch while the user is holding the grip. The first input switch is located at a position of the user's thumb that can be placed without applying any force when the user is holding the grip. The second input switch is located at a lower position where the user's thumb can be placed without changing positions of other four fingers when the user is holding the grip. 1. A vehicle steering wheel comprising:a circular rim;a grip forming a part of the circular rim and being held by a user; and ["a first input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of the user's thumb;", "a second input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of the user's thumb; and", "a third input switch provided between the first input switch and the second input switch to be actuated by a sliding action of the user's thumb on the third input switch while the user is holding the grip;"], 'input units formed inside the circular rim; wherein each of the input units includesthe first input switch being located at a position of the user's thumb that can be placed without having to apply any force when the user is holding the grip; andthe second input switch being located at a lower position where the user's thumb can be placed without having to change positions of other four fingers when the user is holding the grip.2. The vehicle steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe third input switch has a flat surface; andthe flat surface detects an up-and-down movement of the user's thumb.3. The vehicle steering wheel according to claim 2 , whereinthe first and second input ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233115A1

There is provided a vehicle including a peripheral steering wheel, a grip forming a part of the wheel and being held by a user, and input units formed inside the wheel. Each input unit includes a first input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of a user's thumb, a second input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of the user's thumb, and a third input switch provided between the first input switch and the second input switch to be actuated by a sliding action of the user's thumb on the third input switch on the wheel while the user is holding the grip. The input by the first input switch allows a cyclic change to be performed for changing drive modes. 1. A vehicle including:a peripheral rim;a grip forming a part of the peripheral rim and being held by a user; andinput units formed inside the peripheral rim;each of the input units including:a first input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of a user's thumb;a second input switch to be actuated by a pressing action of the user's thumb; anda third input switch provided between the first input switch and the second input switch to be actuated by a sliding action of the user's thumb on the third input switch while the user is holding the grip;the input by the first input switch allows a cyclic change to be performed for changing drive modes.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe input by the third input switch changes a setting in a desired drive mode.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , whereinthe input by the third input switch changes a speed setting in the desired drive mode.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , whereinthe input by the third input switch changes a setting of a constant distance between a user's vehicle and a preceding vehicle that moves in front of the user's vehicle when the user's vehicle follows the preceding vehicle while maintaining the constant distance between the vehicles in the desired drive mode.5. The vehicle according to any one of claim 2 , whereineach of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233120A1
Принадлежит: Golomb Mercantile Company LLC

The present invention provides a system which integrates motor vehicle component operation into actuators located in the rim of a motor vehicle steering wheel. The two actuators of the system of the present invention are located in an arc segment of the steering wheel defined by the three o'clock and 12 o'clock positions for the right-hand actuator and the nine o'clock and 12 o'clock positions for the left-hand actuator. The actuators may operate in parallel with a conventional stalk switch or controls associated with an on board computer and only operate a motor vehicle component when activated and subsequently depressed. The integrated vehicle control system and apparatus of the present invention further provides for vehicle component operation which does not require a driver to remove his or her hands from the steering wheel. 1. An integrated motor vehicle equipment component control system for use with a motor vehicle steering wheel having an annular ring , the annular ring having a skin , and a motor vehicle equipment component , the motor vehicle equipment component having a plurality of functions , the integrated motor vehicle equipment component control system comprising:a left actuator, the left actuator further comprising a switch array, the left actuator attached to the steering wheel annular ring with one end of the left actuator oriented towards the 9 o'clock position and the opposite end of the left actuator oriented towards the 12 o'clock position on the annular ring, the left actuator covered by the skin;a right actuator, the right actuator further comprising a switch array, the right actuator attached to the steering wheel annular ring with one end of the right actuator oriented towards the 3 o'clock position and the opposite end of the right actuator oriented towards the 12 o'clock position on the annular ring, the right actuator covered by the skin;a controller, the controller connected to the left and right actuators, the controller further ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239733A1
Автор: Nishijima Akio
Принадлежит: ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

An input device of an embodiment includes a ring portion (operation body) which has a substantially circular cross-section, of which an outer peripheral surface is used as an operation surface, and which is twist-operated in a cross-section circumferential direction thereof, first sensor members to detect operation position information on the operation surface, second sensor members to detect twist information when the twist operation is performed, and a controller to output the operation position information based on electric changes of the first sensor members and the twist information based on electric changes of the second sensor members, in order to control activation of an electronic device. 1. An input device comprising:an operation body of which an outer peripheral surface is used as an operation surface, the operation body being twist-operated in a cross-section circumferential direction thereof;first sensor members, each configured to detect operation position information on the operation surface by detecting an electric change;second sensor members, each configured to detect twist information by detecting an electric change when the twist operation is performed; anda controller to output the operation position information and the twist information in order to control activation of an electronic device.2. The input device according to claim 1 ,wherein the operation body includes movable portions which are movable by the twist operation in the cross-section circumferential direction and an installation portion which faces each of the movable portions to install the second sensor member, the second sensor member is deformed depending on the movement of the movable portion, and the twist information is detected based on the electric change of the second sensor member depending on the deformation.3. The input device according to claim 2 ,wherein the second sensor member is provided to be deformed by a twist operation in a first twist direction, and the second ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248507A1
Автор: Cho Man Ho
Принадлежит: Hwajin Co., Ltd.

A method relates to applying an electrically conductive heating element to a surface of a rim of a steering wheel. The rim of the steering wheel is structured such that a plurality of heating elements formed of a conductive paste is applied to outer circumferential surfaces of a rim. A first connection element for electrically connecting the heating elements is applied along circumferential edges of the rim contacting a separation space. A second connection element formed of a conductive paste and adapted to electrically connect the first connection elements is applied in the separation space. 1. A method of applying a heating element to a surface of a rim of a steering wheel , the method comprising:attaching a heating element having a predetermined pattern to a surface of a first pad member which is soft, the heating element comprising an electrically conductive paste;pressing the first pad member on a surface of a rim of a steering wheel and attaching the heating element to the surface of the rim, wherein the surface of the rim of the steering wheel has a processing groove for receiving a seamed portion of a leather;mounting at least two first connection elements arranged adjacent to each other along circumferential edges of a first end portion and a second end portion of the surface of the rim, wherein the first and the second end portions of the surface of the rim are spaced apart from each other via the processing groove, the first connection elements being operable to electrically connect the heating element; andapplying a second connection element to a wall surface and a bottom surface of the processing groove to electrically connect the two first connection elements, the second connection element comprising a conductive paste.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a combined thickness of each of the first connection elements and the second connection element are greater than a thickness of the heating element.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein attaching the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276573A1

A method for producing a steering wheel for a vehicle is provided with the method including the following steps: providing a steering wheel rim, providing a first and a second blank, in particular made of leather, for producing a covering of the steering wheel rim which covering is visible after the steering wheel is completed; producing the covering by connecting a first edge section of the first blank to a first edge section of the second blank via a seam; and finally covering the steering wheel rim with the covering in such a manner that the seam, which connects the first and the second blank to each other, continues essentially along an inner circumference of the steering wheel rim and is visible from the outside in the completed steering wheel. 1. A method for producing a steering wheel for a vehicle comprising the steps:a) providing a steering wheel rim;b) providing a first and second blank, in particular made of leather, for producing a covering of the steering wheel rim wherein the covering is visible after the steering wheel is completed;c) producing the covering by connecting a first edge section of the first blank to a first edge section of the second blank via a seam; andd) finally covering the steering wheel rim with a covering produced according to step c) such that the seam, which connects the first and the second blank to each other, continues essentially along an inner circumference of the steering wheel rim and is visible from the outside in the completed steering wheel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein before sewing according to step c) an edge of the first edge section of the first blank is brought into abutment with an edge of the first edge section of the second blank such that the first and the second edge section essentially do not overlap.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein after covering according to step d) a second edge section of the first blank is connected to a second edge section of the second blank.4. The method ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292368A1
Автор: Cho Man Ho

A steering wheel includes a heating element which heats an entire rim to a uniform temperature. The heating element is coated as an electrically conductive paste on a surface of the rim, and is formed such that an electrical resistance increases away from an inner diameter portion of the rim toward an outer diameter portion of the rim. 1. A steering wheel comprising a rim , and a heating element coated on a surface of the rim , the heating element being heated by power supply ,wherein the heating element comprises an electrically conductive paste which includes:a first heating part which is coated in a longitudinal direction of the rim along an inner diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape;a second heating part which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim along an outer diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape, anda third heating part which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape between the first heating part and the second heating part,wherein an electrical resistance decreases in order of the first heating part, the third heating part, and the second heating part.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of first connection units which electrically connect the first heating part and the third heating part.3. The steering wheel of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of second connection units which electrically connect the second heating part and the third heating part.4. The steering wheel of claim 1 , further comprising a decoration pattern layer which is formed by transferring a transfer film claim 1 , on which a decoration pattern is printed claim 1 , onto a surface of the heating element.5. The steering wheel of claim 3 , further comprising a decoration pattern layer which is formed by transferring a transfer film claim 3 , on which a decoration pattern is printed claim ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Steering device for a vehicle

Номер: US20130298716A1
Автор: Tiziano Salvini
Принадлежит: CNH Amercia LLC

A steering device for a vehicle comprises a steering wheel including a central part arranged for facing a driver and a rim that can be rotated in order to steer the vehicle, the steering wheel further comprising air dispensing means for directing an air flow towards the driver.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312568A1
Автор: Kim Tae Soo
Принадлежит: LG HAUSYS, LTD.

Disclosed is a heating paint coating method for steering wheel and a steering wheel made by the same. The heating paint coating method uniformly form a heating paint layer on an object having a waved surface like in a steering wheel, and also facilely control a thickness of the heat-patterns. In addition, since it is possible to facilely control a position forming the heating paint layer, and a shape and thickness of the heating paint layer, the resistance division by regions is facilitated, and the loss of the heating paint is reduced, and also the processing cost is reduced. 1. A heating paint coating method for steering wheel comprising:filling a heating paint in an intagliated portion formed at a substrate;transferring the filled heating paint to an elastic pad; andtransferring the heating paint to an object to be coated using the elastic pad containing the transferred heating paint.2. The heating paint coating method according to claim 1 , wherein the filling of the heating paint in the intagliated portion formed at the substrate comprises:(1) filling the heating paint in the intagliated portion by coating the heating paint on a surface of the substrate having the intagliated portion; and(2) removing the heating paint coated on the surface of the substrate except the heating paint filled in the intagliated portion.3. The heating paint coating method according to claim 1 , wherein a depth of the intagliated portion is controlled to 50 μm or less.4. The heating paint coating method according to claim 1 , wherein the heating paint contains carbon nanotube.5. The heating paint coating method according to claim 4 , wherein the heating paint further contains silver particle.6. The heating paint coating method according to claim 5 , wherein the silver particle is covalently bound to the carbon nanotube.7. The heating paint coating method according to claim 4 , wherein the heating paint further contains a binder.8. The heating paint coating method according to claim 4 ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Steering Wheel Cover

Номер: US20130333512A1
Автор: Jiangqiang You, Yu He
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to automobile parts, particularly to a cover for a steering wheel, the cover comprising a main collar and an inner collar, wherein the inner collar is made of ethylene-vinyl acetate material and is attached to an inner side of the main collar. The steering wheel cover of the present disclosure provides several advantages: The inner collar of the cover is light, anti-slip, non-toxic, and odorless; it features good elasticity and low cost; and it is environmental friendly. Further, one or more anti-slip sheets which may be provided on the main collar can make the steering wheel cover better anti-slip and safer. One or more air holes may be further provided which can make drivers more comfortable.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013898A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A steering wheel has a gripping formation including an armature substantially encapsulated by a cover of foamed material and a flexible outer skin provided over and around the cover. The flexible skin may be formed of leather or artificial leather. The steering wheel may include a plastic insert engaged within a fixing groove or recess formed in the cover. At least one edge of the outer skin may be positioned within the fixing groove or recess and fixed to the insert by ultrasonic welding, for example. In a preferred arrangement, two opposed edges of the outer skin may be both received within the fixing groove or recess and fixed to the insert therein by ultrasonic welding. 114-. (canceled)15. A steering wheel comprising:a gripping formation having an armature, a cover of foamed material substantially encapsulating the armature and a flexible outer skin over and around the cover; anda plastic insert engaged within a fixing groove or recess formed in the cover,wherein at least one edge of the outer skin is positioned within the fixing groove or recess and fixed to the insert therein by ultrasonic welding.16. The steering wheel according to claim 15 , wherein the outer skin is formed of leather or artificial leather.17. The steering wheel according to claim 15 , wherein two opposed edges of the outer skin are both received within the fixing groove or recess and fixed to the insert therein by ultrasonic welding.18. The steering wheel according to claim 17 , wherein the opposed edges of the outer skin are each fixed to spaced apart side walls of the insert.19. The steering wheel according to claim 15 , wherein the gripping formation includes a rim of the steering wheel and the fixing groove or recess is formed around substantially the entire extent of the rim claim 15 , generally circumferentially with respect to the steering wheel.20. The steering wheel according to claim 15 , further comprising a decorative element affixed to the insert so as to substantially cover ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Vehicle Control System and Apparatus

Номер: US20140022070A1
Принадлежит: Golomb Mercantile Company LLC

The present invention provides a system which integrates motor vehicle component operation into actuators located in the rim of a motor vehicle steering wheel. The two actuators of the system of the present invention are located in an arc segment of the steering wheel defined by the three o'clock and 12 o'clock positions for the right-hand actuator and the nine o'clock and 12 o'clock positions for the left-hand actuator. The actuators may operate in parallel with a conventional stalk switch or controls associated with an on board computer and only operate a motor vehicle component when activated and subsequently depressed. The integrated vehicle control system and apparatus of the present invention further provides for vehicle component operation which does not require a driver to remove his or her hands from the steering wheel. Furthermore, the integrated vehicle control system and apparatus of the present invention when integrated with steering wheel and vehicle position detection systems provides a means to disengage an activated turn signal depending on the position of the steering wheel and/or the vehicle. 1. An integrated turn signal activation system for use with a motor vehicle steering wheel having an annular ring , the annular ring having a skin , and a motor vehicle equipment component , the motor vehicle equipment component having a plurality of functions , the integrated turn signal activation system comprising:a left actuator, the left actuator further comprising a switch array, the left actuator attached to the steering wheel annular ring with one end of the left actuator oriented towards the 9 o'clock position and the opposite end of the left actuator oriented towards the 12 o'clock position on the annular ring, the left actuator covered by the skin;a right actuator, the right actuator further comprising a switch array, the right actuator attached to the steering wheel annular ring with one end of the right actuator oriented towards the 3 o'clock ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026711A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A steering wheel has a rim having an armature encapsulated by a cover of resilient material. The cover has a fixing groove or recess formed therein so as to extend around the rim generally circumferentially with respect to the steering wheel. An outer skin is formed from flexible material and is provided over and around the cover such that two opposed edges of the outer skin are both positioned within the fixing groove or recess and fixed therein. The outer skin includes at least one seam terminating in a seam-end located along one of the opposed edges of the outer skin such that each edge of the outer skin positioned within the fixing groove or recess has at least one seam-end, and wherein each seam-end formed along one of the edges is circumferentially offset around the rim from each seam-end formed along the other edge. 115-. (canceled)16. A steering wheel comprising:a rim having an armature encapsulated by a cover of resilient material having a fixing groove or recess formed therein so as to extend around the rim generally circumferentially with respect to the steering wheel;an outer skin formed from a flexible material and provided over and around the cover such that two opposed edges of the outer skin are both positioned within the fixing groove or recess and fixed therein, the outer skin having at least one seam terminating in a seam-end located along the edge of the outer skin such that each edge of the outer skin positioned within the fixing groove or recess has at least one seam-end;wherein each seam-end formed along each edge is circumferentially offset around the rim from each seam-end formed along the other edge.17. The steering wheel according to claim 16 , wherein the outer skin is formed from a plurality of discrete interconnected panels.18. The steering wheel according to claim 17 , wherein the panels are interconnected by the seams claim 17 , each seam including overlapped regions of at least two discrete panels.19. The steering wheel according to ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Steering Wheel Cover

Номер: US20140053679A1
Автор: Jiangqiang You, Yu He
Принадлежит: Individual

A steering wheel cover that includes an outer cover layer and an inner core layer coupled to the outer cover layer is disclosed herein. The inner core layer includes an inner surface shaped to form and self-maintain an annular channel sized to receiving an automobile steering wheel therein. The inner core layer has a composition that includes ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and on or more hardening agents. The composition of the inner core layer may also include a flexibility agent, a de-molding agent, a flowing agent, an emollient, an oxidizing agent, a cross-linking agent, a coloring agent, a curing agent, and a foaming agent. The inner core layer may also include one or more ribs extending from an inner surface of the inner core layer.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083235A1
Принадлежит: NIHON PLAST CO., LTD.

A lower spoke cored bar of a spoke cored bar constituting a spoke portion couples one end portion of a first coupling portion to a rim cored bar. The lower spoke cored bar couples one end portion of a second coupling portion to a boss cored bar. The lower spoke cored bar is provided with a vertical wall portion which couples a bending-shaped first bent portion to the other end portion of the first coupling portion, and which couples a second bent portion in a bending form to the other end portion of the second coupling portion. The rim cored bar is provided with a deformation allowing portion capable of deforming. The vertical wall portion and deformation allowing portions are arranged substantially on the same line. 1. A handle comprising: an operating rim portion arranged at a position facing an occupant;', 'a boss portion connected to a steering device;', 'a spoke portion connecting the rim portion and the boss portion;', 'a rim cored bar constituting the rim portion;', 'a boss cored bar constituting the boss portion; and', 'a spoke cored bar being connected to the rim cored bar and the boss cored bar and constituting the spoke portion, and, 'a handle main body comprisinga module attached to the handle main body,wherein the spoke cored bar is provided with a first coupling portion, a second coupling portion and a continuous portion,wherein one end portion of the first coupling portion is coupled to the rim cored bar,wherein one end portion of the second coupling portion is coupled to the boss cored bar,wherein the continuous portion has a first bent portion coupled to the other end portion of the first coupling portion at its one end portion,wherein the continuous portion has a second bent portion coupled to the other end portion of the second coupling portion at its other end portion,wherein the handle main body is further provided with an engagement pawl portion provided in a protruding manner in the spoke cored bar,wherein the module is provided with an ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083239A1
Автор: FUJITA Naohiro
Принадлежит: NIHON PLAST CO., LTD.

A steering apparatus includes a grip core and a rim part. The grip core has a cross-sectional area substantially constant in a longitudinal direction of the grip core. The rim part is molded by foaming of a material liquid in a mold, and configured to cover the grip core. A first portion of the rim part is smaller in cross-sectional area than a second portion of the rim part, wherein the mold includes a vent opening facing the first portion of the rim part during the molding of the rim part, wherein the mold includes a material liquid infusion opening facing the second portion of the rim part during the molding of the rim part, and wherein the material liquid is infused into the mold through the material liquid infusion opening, and allowed to flow toward the vent opening. 1. A steering apparatus comprising:a grip core whose cross-sectional area is substantially constant in a longitudinal direction of the grip core; anda rim part molded by foaming of a material liquid in a mold, and configured to cover the grip core, wherein a first portion of the rim part is smaller in cross-sectional area than a second portion of the rim part, wherein the mold includes a vent opening facing the first portion of the rim part during the molding of the rim part, wherein the mold includes a material liquid infusion opening facing the second portion of the rim part during the molding of the rim part, and wherein the material liquid is infused into the mold through the material liquid infusion opening, and allowed to flow toward the vent opening.2. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the grip core has an annular wheel shape;the first portion of the rim part is provided with a spacer covering the grip core; and{'b': '90', 'the spacer has a length covering a range of about degrees around a center of the annular wheel shape of the grip core.'}3. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the spacer includes a pair of parts sandwiching the grip core ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Heating and cooling device for handles, especially of steering mechanisms

Номер: US20140090513A1
Принадлежит: WET Automotive Systems AG

The present invention relates to a device for influencing at least one climatic parameter and more specifically the device is provided to influence a zone meant for handling.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001910A1

Detection device for a steering wheel of a vehicle, said device being configured to detect contact or proximity of a person with or to the steering wheel, comprising sensors, of which there are only three, of which: 1. A detection device , for a steering wheel of a vehicle , configured to detect contact or proximity of a person with the steering wheel , comprising only three sensors , among which:a first sensor is intended to be arranged on a left-hand half of a first face of the steering wheel and to cover at least 45% of a perimeter of the rim or at least 90° of an angular sector defined in a plane normal to an axis of rotation of the steering wheel and centered on the axis of rotation,a second sensor is intended to be arranged on a right-hand half of said first face of the steering wheel and to cover at least 45% of a perimeter of the rim or at least 90° of an angular sector defined in the plane normal to an axis of rotation of the steering wheel and centered on the axis of rotation, and,a third sensor is intended to be arranged on a second face opposed to said first face of the steering wheel and to cover at least 90% of a perimeter of the rim or at least 300° of an angular sector defined in the plane normal to an axis of rotation of the steering wheel and centered on the axis of rotation,wherein said first face is a rear face of the steering wheel.2. A detection device , for a steering wheel of a vehicle , configured to detect a contact or proximity of a person with the steering wheel , comprising sensors , among which:at least a first sensor is intended to be arranged on a first front face of the steering wheel, and,at least a second sensor is intended to be arranged on a second rear face of the steering wheel and to cover only a projecting angular sector of a radial cross-section of said steering wheel,wherein said sensors are arranged in such a way that any radial cross-section of the steering wheel does not comprise more than two sensors and in that said ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Switch device

Номер: US20220001911A1
Автор: Takashi Ueno
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

A switch device includes: a first operation unit disposed in a first region; and at least one of a second operation unit disposed in a second region and a third operation unit disposed in a third region. The first region is a region surrounding a reference point and an upper point. The second region is a region surrounding an outer point, a lower point, and an outer lower point. The third region is a region surrounding an inner upper point and an inner lower point. An outer shape of the first operation unit is smaller than each of an outer shape of the second operation unit and an outer shape of the third operation unit.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001782A1

A steering wheel includes a gripping portion that is gripped by a driver when a conveyance is steered, a light source that is disposed inside the gripping portion and is configured to emit light, a light guide body that is disposed inside the gripping portion such that an end portion of the light guide body faces the light source, the light guide body including an emission surface that is configured to emit light from the light source and incident on the end portion and that is formed on a surface on a driver side, and a covering portion that surrounds the light guide body and forms an outer layer portion of at least a part of the gripping portion around the light guide body. The covering portion is formed with a hole, through which light emitted from the emission surface passes. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a gripping portion that is gripped by a driver when a conveyance is steered;a light source that is disposed inside the gripping portion and is configured to emit light;a light guide body that is disposed inside the gripping portion such that an end portion of the light guide body faces the light source, the light guide body including an emission surface that is configured to emit light from the light source and incident on the end portion and that is formed on a surface on a driver side; anda covering portion that surrounds the light guide body and forms an outer layer portion of at least a part of the gripping portion around the light guide body,wherein the covering portion is formed with a hole, through which light emitted from the emission surface passes.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , further comprising:a cover that is disposed between the light guide body and the covering portion and is configured to transmit light emitted from the emission surface,wherein a surface of the cover on the driver side is formed to be rougher than another surface of the cover.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , further comprising:a cover that is disposed ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001910A1
Автор: Chow Justin J.

Methods, systems, and apparatus for automatically regulating activation of one or more driving modes of a vehicle. The system includes a steering wheel sensor connected to a steering wheel and configured to detect whether two hands of a driver are in contact with the steering wheel. The system, includes a driving mode button configured to receive an indication from the driver to activate a driving mode, the driving mode adjusting at least one vehicle performance setting including a throttle sensitivity setting, a shift control setting, a traction control setting, or a stability control setting. The system includes an electronic control unit (ECU) configured to adjust the at least one vehicle performance setting in response to receiving the indication from the driver to activate the driving mode and receiving an indication from the steering wheel sensor that the two hands of the driver are in contact with the steering wheel. 1. A system for automatically regulating activation of one or more driving modes of a vehicle , the system comprising:a steering wheel sensor connected to a steering wheel and configured to detect whether two hands of a driver are in contact with the steering wheel;a driving mode button configured to receive an indication from the driver to activate a driving mode, the driving mode adjusting at least one vehicle performance setting including a throttle sensitivity setting, a shift control setting, a traction control setting, or a stability control setting; andan electronic control unit (ECU) connected to the driving mode button and the steering wheel sensor and configured to adjust the at least one vehicle performance setting in response to receiving the indication from the driver to activate the driving mode and receiving an indication from the steering wheel sensor that the two hands of the driver are in contact with the steering wheel.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the driving mode is a sport driving mode claim 1 , andwherein adjusting at ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001911A1
Автор: CARD Gary Andrew
Принадлежит: Rivian Automotive, LLC

The present disclosure provides a steering wheel that includes a core assembly defining a body, at least one functional element wrapped about the body, and a cover arranged over the functional element. The cover includes a first end portion and a second end portion opposite the first end portion. The first and second end portions are joined and superimposed on the functional element at a notch such that the second end portion is positioned between the functional element and the first end portion. The functional element may be a heating element or a touch sensor. The steering wheel may include both a heating element and a touch sensor. In one form, the cover includes two zones and the notch extends along a diameter of the rim and/or along at least a portion of a front face of the steering wheel. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a core assembly including a rim;a padding member disposed on the rim and defining a groove;a functional element wrapped about the padding member; anda cover arranged about the rim over the functional element, the cover forming a layered seam at which a first end portion of the cover and a second end portion of the cover are joined in an overlapping manner, wherein the layered seam is superimposed at the groove, such that the second end portion is positioned between the functional element and the first end portion.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the layered seam joins two shorts sides of the cover claim 1 , and the groove circumferentially extends about the rim to accommodate the layered seam and the functional element.3. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the functional element has a varying thickness claim 1 , and a thinner portion of the functional element is disposed along the groove.4. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the functional element includes at least one of a heating element operable to generate heat or a touch sensor.5. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the first end portion and the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002008A1

A steering wheel includes a core metal, a resin layer molded so as to cover a part of the core metal, a wiring including a base part covered with the resin layer so as to be integral with the part of the core metal and an extending part configured to be continuous to the base part and extend from the resin layer, a covering member deformably covering at least a part of the wiring, and an accommodating part provided in the core metal and configured to accommodate the part of the wiring together with the covering member. 1. A steering wheel , comprising:a core metal;a resin layer molded so as to cover a part of the core metal;a wiring including a base part covered with the resin layer so as to be integral with the part of the core metal and an extending part configured to be continuous to the base part and extend from the resin layer;a covering member deformably covering at least a part of the wiring; andan accommodating part provided in the core metal and configured to accommodate the part of the wiring together with the covering member.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the accommodating part is partitioned by a pair of ribs protruding from the core metal.3. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the accommodating part is recessed in the core metal. The present application is based on, and claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-128427, filed Jun. 30, 2017, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present application relates to a steering wheel which can be used in a vehicle, such as an electric vehicle.In recent years, as one of efforts to preserve the global environment and suppress the generation of greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicles with less environmental impact have been spreading instead of gasoline engine vehicles.In a case of an electric vehicle, its power source is configured by a combination of storage batteries and an electric motor and basically, the electric vehicle must ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002009A1
Принадлежит: NIHON PLAST CO., LTD.

Provided is a steering wheel which includes a spacer () having a first base portion () and a second base portion () which are respectively disposed on a front side and a rear side with a rim metal core portion () interposed therebetween and are engaged with each other to cover the rim metal core portion (), in which the first base portion () and the second base portion () are each divided into a plurality of portions at positions different from each other in a circumferential direction of the rim metal core portion (). 1. A steering wheel , comprising:a grip portion for operation;a grip portion metal core of the grip portion; anda base portion including a first base portion and a second base portion which are engaged with each other with the grip portion metal core interposed therebetween and are fixed with each other while covering the grip portion metal core, whereinthe first base portion and the second base portion are each divided into a plurality of portions at positions different from each other in a circumferential direction of the grip portion metal core.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , further comprising:a resin layer which covers the grip portion metal core and the base portion, and constitutes at least a portion of the grip portion.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , further comprising:an electronic component to be attached to the base portion. This application is entitled to the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-128428 filed on Jun. 30, 2017, the disclosure of which including the specification, drawings and abstract is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The disclosure relates to a steering wheel including a grip portion which is gripped and operated by an occupant.In recent years, as part of efforts to preserve the global environment and to suppress generation of greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicles (EV) with less environmental load to replace gasoline engine vehicles have become widespread.Since an ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017137A1

The present invention relates to a new generation dual-handle, adjustable steering console used for steering tracked military land vehicles. The present invention, considering the weight of the console, vehicle's condition on the ground, and the confined volume of the driver's cabinet, particularly relates to a new generation dual-handle steering console that comprises a linear motion lock (), an angular motion lock (), and a wrist motion lock () that allow for individually adjusting the steering console to the best position for the driver. 1. A dual-handle , adjustable , new generation steering console used for steering tracked military land vehicles , characterized by comprising;{'b': 10', '30', '20, 'at least one steering wheel () comprising; controllers () that allow for controlling the critical systems of the vehicle, as well as systems including lighting, communications, radio, wipers, etc. without compromising the handling of the vehicle; a display () that allows the user to view and control the information regarding the vehicle while driving the vehicle either by standing or by sitting, and to obtain footage from vehicle cameras when necessary, that supports adding an infinite number of pages, that is programmable and that is capable of functioning in full cooperation with the subsystems of the vehicle;'}{'b': 40', '43', '42', '41', '41, 'at least one linear motion lock () that allows the user to adjust the position as desired by moving the column forwards and backward by coming out of the hole located on the column inner closure (), by upwardly moving the fixing pin () connected to the handle when the user presses the linear motion lock handle (), and that does not fix the position when the user releases the handle ();'}{'b': 50', '52', '54', '51', '51, 'at least one angular motion lock () that removes the angular fixing pin () from the angular motion positioning gear seat () when the user pulls the angular motion lock handle () and that fixes the position ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009310A1
Автор: Sasaki Ken, SEKI Takaaki

A steering device is disclosed in which multiple notches are formed at two edge portions of a sheet-shaped base member by partially cutting out the sheet-shaped base member. An enlarged portion that is an enlarged part of each notch is formed at a leading end position of the notch. The two edge portions of the base member are wound along a cover portion while facing each other at an inner side of a curved portion of the cover portion. The enlarged portions cancel out a difference in length between the outer and inner sides due to the curved portion of the cover portion, thereby enabling suppression of formation of a wrinkle of the base member. The steering device can have a good appearance and provide a good touch-feeling to a driver when the driver holds the steering device in a state where the heater is covered by a skin portion. 1. A steering device comprising:a grip-part core metal;a cover portion that is formed while covering the grip-part core metal and that has a partially curved portion at least;a heater that is attached to the cover portion; anda skin portion that covers the heater, wherein a sheet-shaped base member that is wound along the cover portion while two edge portions of the sheet-shaped member are placed to face each other at an inner side of the curved portion of the cover portion,', 'a heating wire that is held by the sheet-shaped base member integrally and that is configured to generate heat by energization, and', 'a plurality of notches each having an enlarged portion at a leading end position of the notch, the enlarged portion being an enlarged part of the notch, the notches being formed at each of the two edge portions of the base member by partially cutting out the base member., 'the heater includes2. The steering device according to claim 1 , wherein the base member is stretchable at least toward the two edge portions of the base member.3. The steering device according to claim 1 , wherein the base member includes a plurality of holes ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Changeable-Shape Steering Wheel

Номер: US20220024510A1

A changeable-shape steering wheel of a motor vehicle has a steering wheel rim composed of a plurality of rim parts, of which some can be pivoted relative to one another, in order for it to be possible, in addition to a circular shape, for it to also be transferred into an approximately oval shape. In a neutral position of the steering wheel which is rotatable about a circular shape center point, the semi-major axis in an oval shape is oriented at least substantially horizontally. The rim parts are movable by way of levers which are provided on the steering wheel rim, such that, in the neutral position, the semi-major axis of the oval shape of the steering wheel is no longer than half the diameter in the case of a circular shape of the steering wheel. In the neutral position, central rim side parts are preferably connected rigidly to a central steering wheel hub structure, whereas a single actuator which brings about a shape change can pivot, and pivot back, the lower rim side parts in the neutral position of the steering wheel in the direction of the circular shape center point in the case of the transition from the circular shape to the oval shape. 15.-. (canceled)6. A changeable-shape steering wheel of a motor vehicle , comprising:a plurality of rim parts forming a steering wheel rim, some of which are pivotable relative to one another, in order, in addition to a circular configuration, to also be convertable into an approximately oval shape having a semi-major axis, whereinin a neutral position of the steering wheel, which steering wheel is rotatable about a circular shape center point, the semi-major axis in the oval shape is oriented at least approximately horizontally,the plurality of rim parts are displaceable via a mechanism provided on the steering wheel rim such that, in the neutral position, the semi-major axis of the oval shape of the steering wheel is no longer than half a diameter of the circular configuration of the steering wheel.7. The changeable- ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009462A1

A decorative member for a steering wheel which is used for being attached to a resin member formed around a ring core metal of a steering wheel. The decorative member includes a base layer attached to the resin member, a design part arranged on the base layer, and a heater arranged between the design part and the base layer. The base layer may include an extraction part at an intermediate position in a longitudinal direction thereof such that a lead wire connected with the heater is led out of the extraction part. 1. A decorative member for a steering wheel , which is used for being attached to a resin member formed around a ring core metal of a steering wheel , comprises:a base layer attached to the resin member;a design part arranged on the base layer; anda heater arranged between the design part and the base layer.2. The decorative member for a steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the heater comprises a heater wire to heat the design part and a reinforcement to reinforce the heater wire.3. The decorative member for a steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the base layer comprises a resin material.4. The decorative member for a steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the base layer comprises a sliced veneer.5. A decorative member for a steering wheel claim 1 , used for being attached to a resin member formed around a ring core metal of a steering wheel claim 1 , comprises:a base layer attached to the resin member;a design part arranged on the base layer; anda heater arranged between the design part and the base layer,wherein the base layer comprises an extraction part at an intermediate position in a longitudinal direction thereof, andwherein a lead wire connected with the heater is led out of the extraction part.6. The decorative member for a steering wheel according to claim 5 , wherein the extraction part comprises an opening formed so as to expose a part of a heater wire of the heater.7. The decorative member for a steering wheel ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009185A1
Автор: Lemyre Daniel

An exemplary steering wheel cover is presented. The steering wheel cover is useful for providing a mental diversion for a driver when waiting in traffic or waiting to pick someone up at a hotel, store, airport, etc. The steering wheel cover is round. The steering wheel cover may be any size but should fit tightly around a steering wheel. The steering wheel cover is preferably made of a vinyl material but other materials are hereby contemplated including, but not limited to, plastic, rubber, etc. The steering wheel cover has one or more sensor/pad combinations that have a predetermined sound associated with each of them, such as a snare drum, tom drum, cymbal, etc. When any of the pad/sensor combinations is actuated the predetermined sound is heard over the speaker system. 1. A steering wheel cover for providing a mental diversion for a parked driver , the steering wheel cover consisting of:a plurality of sensors;a plurality of pads, each of the plurality of pads being coupled to each of the plurality of sensors;each of the plurality of sensors being coupled to a speaker in a vehicle;the plurality of pads and the plurality of sensors being coupled to the steering wheel cover, wherein the steering wheel cover being made of a rubber material; andpredetermined sounds, wherein a first of the predetermined sounds being a guitar sound, and wherein when one of the plurality of pads is actuated, the coupled one of the plurality of sensors is activated and a predetermined sound of the predetermined sounds being communicated to the speaker.2. The steering wheel cover of claim 1 , wherein a second of the predetermined sounds being a snare drum.3. The steering wheel cover of claim 1 , wherein a second of the predetermined sounds being a tom drum.4. The steering wheel cover of claim 1 , wherein a third of the predetermined sounds being a cymbal.5. The steering wheel cover of claim 1 , wherein a fourth of the predetermined sounds being a hi hat drum.6. The steering wheel cover of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010041A1
Автор: MINAKAWA Yasuhiro

An occupant restraint structure () includes a steering wheel () provided with a grip section (), an instrument panel () having a panel () on the side of a driver's seat, and an airbag (). The grip section () has an acyclic shape. The airbag () is deployed behind a rear end reference surface (S) that is an end surface of the panel () on the side of the driver's seat on a rear side of the vehicle. At least a part of the grip section () is disposed further forward with respect to the vehicle than the rear end reference surface (S) of the panel () on the side of the driver's seat. 1. An occupant restraint structure comprising: a steering apparatus provided with a grip section , an instrument panel , and an airbag ,wherein the grip section has an acyclic shape,the airbag is deployed behind a rear end reference surface that is a virtual plane in contact with the instrument panel from behind in an upward direction and both of leftward and rightward direction of the grip section, andat least a part of the grip section is disposed further forward with respect to the vehicle than the rear end reference surface.2. The occupant restraint structure according to claim 1 , wherein at least a front end portion of an upper end portion of the grip section is disposed in front of the rear end reference surface.3. The occupant restraint structure according to claim 1 , wherein the grip section is able to adjust a position in a forward/rearward direction claim 1 , andat least a part of the grip section is disposed in front of the rear end reference surface even when the grip section is disposed at the rearmost position.4. The occupant restraint structure according to claim 1 , wherein the steering apparatus comprises a pair of grip sections divided and disposed in the leftward/rightward direction of the vehicle claim 1 , and a connecting section configured to connect lower sections of the pair of grip sections to each other.5. The occupant restraint structure according to claim 1 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Steering Wheel Cover Manipulating Device

Номер: US20220032431A1
Автор: Kyle Broderick

A steering wheel cover manipulating device for installing and removing a steering wheel cover includes a bar, which is flat. The bar is arcuate proximate to a first end thereof defining a linear section of the bar and a tool head. The tool head is substantially semicircularly shaped when viewed from a respective opposed side of the bar. The tool head is substantially complementary to a cross-sectional segment of a steering wheel. The linear section can be grasped in a hand of a user so that the user is positioned to position the tool head between a steering wheel cover and the steering wheel. The tool head can be slid along an interface of the steering wheel cover and the steering wheel to facilitate installation and removal of the steering wheel cover. 1. A steering wheel cover manipulating device comprising a bar , the bar being flat , the bar being arcuate proximate to a first end thereof defining a linear section of the bar and a tool head , the tool head being substantially semicircularly shaped when viewed from a respective opposed side of the bar , such that the tool head is substantially complementary to a cross-sectional segment of a steering wheel , wherein the linear section is configured for grasping in a hand of a user , positioning the user for positioning the tool head between a steering wheel cover and the steering wheel , wherein the tool head is configured for sliding along an interface of the steering wheel cover and the steering wheel for facilitating installation and removal of the steering wheel cover.2. The steering wheel cover manipulating device of claim 1 , further including an imaginary line extending between the first end and a junction of the linear section and the tool head claim 1 , the imaginary line being transverse to the linear section.3. The steering wheel cover manipulating device of claim 2 , wherein the imaginary line is at forty five degrees to the linear section4. The steering wheel cover manipulating device of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Vehicular Airbag Device

Номер: US20170014078A1

An occupant information sensing device includes a plurality of heater electrodes that are provided at a vehicle steering wheel and insulated and separated from one another and that generate heat by conduction. Power sources provide electrical current for heater electrodes. Electrical circuit elements enable the system to provide occupant biological condition monitoring, gripping detecton, and electrical stimulation. The circuits enable common electrical connecting to the heater electrodes to provide multiple functions through the use of filtering and time division multiplexing. 1. An occupant information sensing device , comprising:at least two heater electrodes that are provided at a vehicle steering wheel and electrically separated from one another and that generate heat by conduction;at least one heater power source that feeds power to the at least two heater electrodes; anda signal processing circuit that is connected to the at least two heater electrodes and processes an occupant information signal output from the at least two heater electrodes.2. The occupant information sensing device according to claim 1 , further comprising wherein the at least one heater power source is in the form of an insulated type DC power source and a capacitor connected to an input portion of the signal processing circuit.3. The occupant information sensing device according to claim 1 , further comprising a switching element that is provided in a circuit from the at least one heater power source to the at least two heater electrodes and that establishes a conduction state or a non-conduction state between the at least one heater power source and the at least two heater electrodes.4. The occupant information sensing device according to claim 1 , further comprising a control circuit that switches the switching element by time division multiplexing claim 1 , whereinthe control circuit connects the at least two heater electrodes to one of the heater power source and the signal ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016524A1

The present invention is directed to systems for providing a pathway for at least one electrical conductor from a power source to a steering wheel comprising at least one working element therein or thereon. The working element of the steering wheel may comprise an exemplary heating element to which the electrical conductor(s) connect. Alternatively, the steering wheel may comprise controllers for vehicle functions, e.g., radio, telephone and the like to which the electrical conductor(s) connect. More specifically, several embodiments of the invention comprise an electrical conductor pathway from a power source and on/off switch through the steering column to exemplary steering wheel heating elements with accommodation for the continuous winding and unwinding that occurs when the steering wheel is turned relative to the steering column which remains stationary. 1. A system for providing an electrical conductor pathway from a power source to a working element located on or in the steering wheel of a vehicle , comprising:a stationary element having a housing and in non-rotational connection with a steering column of the vehicle;a rotational element having a housing and connected with the steering wheel and in rotational engagement with the stationary element and the steering column;an annular space defined by the stationary element housing and the rotational element housing and capable of receiving at least one electrical conductor therein; a stationary element lumen capable of receiving at least a portion of the steering column and', 'a guiding slot radially offset from the stationary element lumen, the guiding slot in operative communication with the annular space and capable of receiving the at least one electrical conductor therethrough;, 'a steering column clamp fixed to the steering column;'}, 'the stationary element further comprising'} a rotational element lumen capable of receiving at least a portion of the steering column and in rotational engagement with the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015932A1

Steering wheel sensor systems are described in which a sensor array is attached to or integrated with a steering wheel and provides information about the forces exerted on the steering wheel for interacting with or controlling other vehicle systems. 1. A sensor system , comprising:an array of sensors, each sensor including a set of conductive traces in contact with piezoresistive material; andsensor circuitry configured to selectively energize the sensors, and to receive sensor signals from the array of sensors, each sensor signal representing a force associated with a corresponding one of the sensors, the sensor circuitry being further configured to adjust each sensor signal using calibration data for the corresponding sensor, and to repeatedly recalculate the calibration data for each sensor.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor circuitry is configured to adjust each of the sensor signals by applying an offset value associated with the corresponding sensor to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) output value representing the sensor signal thereby generating an offset-adjusted value representing the sensor signal.3. The sensor system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor circuitry is further configured to register a force event for a first sensor by determining that the offset-adjusted value corresponding to the first sensor is beyond a threshold for a number of samples of the offset-adjusted value corresponding to the first sensor.4. The sensor system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor circuitry includes memory in which the calibration data for the array of sensors are stored claim 2 , the calibration data for each sensor including a plurality of offset values claim 2 , each offset value for each sensor corresponding to a temperature and one of a plurality of possible ADC output values.5. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor circuitry includes memory in which the calibration data for the array of sensors are stored claim 1 , the calibration data ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015941A1
Автор: HINO Taichi

A steering wheel decorative member is used for being attached to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel. The decorative member includes a hollowed-out portion including an opening that is formed on a surface of the decorative member facing the resin member and that extends in a longitudinal direction of the decorative member. 1. A steering wheel decorative member , which is used for being attached to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel , comprising a hollowed-out portion comprising an opening that is formed on a surface of the decorative member facing the resin member and that extends in a longitudinal direction of the decorative member.2. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the hollowed-out portion comprises a groove formed in communication with the opening claim 1 , andwherein at least part of the groove is filled with a softer material than the decorative member.3. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 2 , wherein the soft material comprises an adhesive that bonds the decorative member to the resin member.4. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the hollowed-out portion comprises a curved surface having an arc-shape in cross section.5. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the decorative member further comprises a wood material.6. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the hollowed-out portion comprises a plurality of hollowed-out portions at a position symmetrical with respect to a center axis along the longitudinal direction of the decorative member.7. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the hollowed-out portion comprises a cross section with no stress concentrated in a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the decorative member.8. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the hollowed- ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Active Safety Illumimated Steering Wheel

Номер: US20190016383A1

A steering wheel () having a hub portion (), a rim () and at least one spoke () connected to the hub portion () and to the rim (), the rim () having a groove and a surface of the steering wheel (); a number of actuatable light sources located in or under the groove; light diffuser or lens () positioned in the groove above the light sources. 1102118112114118112112122124. A steering wheel () having a hub portion () , a rim () and at least one spoke () connected to the hub portion () and to the rim () , the rim () being hollow and made of a top or first portion () and bottom or second portion () having a groove and a surface of the steering wheel;a number of actuatable light sources located in or under the groove;{'b': '140', 'a light diffuser or lens () positioned in the groove above the light sources; and'}{'b': '154', 'at least one vibrator () which when activated creates an informational signal for the driver.'}2102160. The steering wheel () according to including a controller () to activate the light sources in a predictable matter.3102. The steering wheel () according to wherein the groove substantially extends about the periphery of the top surface.4102. The steering wheel () according to wherein a pattern or sequence of activating the light sources is chosen to provide an informational signal claim 2 , which signal includes a warning signal to a driver.5102152150. The steering wheel () according to wherein each light source is an LED () claim 1 , with a predetermined number of LEDs secured to a circuit board ().6102150. The steering wheel () according to wherein each circuit board () has a mounting surface upon which electrical components can be mounted claim 5 , the mounting surface having a curved top edge and a curved lower edge.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9102140. The steering wheel () according to wherein the groove is other than circular and the lens () follows the shape of the groove.10102150114. The steering wheel () according to wherein each vibrator is ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017136A1

Disclosed is a method for introducing electric conductors () into an overmolding () of a steering wheel frame (). The electric conductors () are used in particular for heating and shielding purposes and for sensing contact on a steering wheel. Said method comprises the following steps: in a first method step, introducing at least one cut () into the overmolding () using a cutting tool (); and, in a second method step, simultaneously introducing both a first layer () of an electric conductor () and a second layer () of an electric conductor () into the cut () that has been created. The first layer () preferably forms both a heating layer for heating the steering wheel and a guard layer which, together with the second layer () acting as a sensor layer, allows the capacitive sensing of hand contact. 122201822. A method for introducing electric conductors () into an overmolding () of a steering wheel frame () , wherein the electric conductors () are used in particular for heating and shielding purposes and for sensing contact on a steering wheel , comprising the following steps:{'b': 26', '20', '34, 'in a first method step, introducing at least one cut () into the overmolding () using a cutting tool (), and'}{'b': 22', '22', '22', '22', '26, 'i': a', 'b, 'in a second method step, simultaneously introducing both a first layer () of an electric conductor () and a second layer () of an electric conductor () into the cut () that has been created.'}2222022ab. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer () is introduced more deeply into the overmolding () than the second layer ().32222ab. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer () and the second layer () are introduced at a distance of from 0 to 3 mm claim 1 , preferably from 0.8 to 1.5 mm claim 1 , from each other.42222ab. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer () and the second layer () are introduced at a substantially constant distance from each other.522a. The method ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016819A1

At a rim portion of a steering wheel, a shielding layer is disposed between a sensor electrode and a rim metal core portion. The shielding layer extends with respect to the sensor electrode. Therefore, generation of capacitive coupling between the sensor electrode and the rim metal core portion can be suppressed properly by the shielding layer, and parasitic capacitance that is generated at the sensor electrode can be reduced. 1. A steering body , comprising:a grasped portion by which a vehicle is steered due to the grasped portion being grasped and operated by a vehicle occupant;a sensor electrode that is provided at a portion of an outer peripheral portion of the grasped portion, and by which electrostatic capacitance between the sensor electrode and a nearby vehicle occupant is detected;an electrically conductive member that is provided at the grasped portion at an inner side of the sensor electrode; anda shielding member that is provided at the grasped portion between the sensor electrode and the electrically conductive member, that extends out with respect to the sensor electrode, and that suppresses generation of capacitive coupling between the sensor electrode and the electrically conductive member.2. The steering body of claim 1 , wherein the shielding member surrounds the electrically conductive member.3. The steering body of or claim 1 , further comprising a decorative member that is provided at a portion of the outer peripheral portion of the grasped portion claim 1 , at which the sensor electrode is not provided at a grasped portion inner side.4. The steering body of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive member is a metal core portion that is made of metal.5. The steering body of claim 1 , wherein the shielding member is an electrically conductive material that is film-shaped.6. The steering body of claim 1 , wherein the shielding member is insulated with respect to the sensor electrode and with respect to the electrically conductive member.7. ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021309A1
Автор: Cho Man Ho

The present invention relates to a steering wheel having a heating element and a fail-safety device using the same. The steering wheel having a heating element has a rim, a surface of which is coated with an electrically conductive heating element. The heating element includes a plurality of unit heating elements arranged in parallel, each of which includes a first unit line, each of two ends of which connect a positive power-applying terminal and a negative power-applying terminal together in series; a second unit line spaced apart from the first unit line, each of two ends of which connects the positive power-applying terminal and the negative power-applying terminal together in series; and a connection line for connecting the first and second unit lines. 1. A steering wheel having a rim , comprising:an electrically conductive heating element configured to coat a surface of a rim of a steering wheel, a first unit line, each of two ends of which connect a positive power-applying terminal and a negative power-applying terminal together in series;', 'a second unit line spaced apart from the first unit line, each of two ends of which connects the positive power-applying terminal and the negative power-applying terminal together in series; and', 'a connection element for connecting the first and second unit lines., 'wherein the heating element comprises a plurality of unit heating elements arranged in parallel, each unit heating element comprising2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the connection elements are provided and each of the connection elements includes a first sub-connection line for connecting the first and second unit lines and a second sub-connection line for connecting the first and second unit lines.3. The steering wheel of claim 2 , wherein the first sub-connection line connects the first and second unit lines in a diagonal direction.4. The steering wheel of claim 2 , the second sub-connection line connects the first and second ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039213A1

An electric heating device, in particular for automotive application, includes at least one heating member and electric terminals that are provided as electric connections connectable to an electric power supply. The heating member includes at least one dielectric, planar, flexible carrier formed as a textile carrier or as a polymeric foam carrier and having an upper surface and an opposite lower surface arranged in parallel to the upper surface, wherein at least one out of the upper surface and the lower surface is equipped with an attached continuous layer of electrically conductive material, which extends over a major part of an area of the respective surface of the at least one flexible carrier. At least one electric terminal is arranged at and electrically connected to each end of the electrically conductive material layer of each heating member. 1. An electric heating device , in particular for automotive application , comprising:at least one heating member including at least one dielectric, planar, flexible carrier being formed as a textile carrier or as a polymeric foam carrier and having an upper surface and an opposite lower surface arranged in parallel to the upper surface, wherein at least one out of the upper surface and the lower surface is equipped with an attached continuous layer of electrically conductive material, which extends over a major part of an area of the respective surface of the at least one flexible carrier, andat least one electric terminal arranged at and electrically connected to each end of the electrically conductive material layer of each heating member, wherein the electric terminals are provided as electric connections that are connectable to an electric power supply.2. The electric heating device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in an operable state claim 1 , the at least one heating member comprises a double bend in opposite directions and perpendicular to a direction of the largest extension such that in a direction ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023667A1

A steering wheel provided with a vibration device. The vibration device includes a vibration motor with a weight attached to a rotational axis protruding out of a motor body, a mounting bracket which mounts the motor on the steering wheel body, a circuit substrate which includes a connector for feeding the vibration motor with electricity and a terminal which is plugged in a terminal hole of a mounting base of the motor body such that the circuit substrate is connected to the motor body, and a clip which is assembled with the motor body and mounted on the mounting bracket together with the motor body. The clip includes a pressing section which presses the circuit substrate against the motor body and a retaining element that is engaged with and holds the mounting bracket so as to help the pressing section to keep pressing the circuit substrate toward the motor body. 1. A steering wheel comprising a steering wheel body provided with a ring section for holding for steering and a vibration device that transmits vibration to a driver holding the ring section , the vibration device comprising:a vibration motor that includes a motor body, a rotational axis protruding out of the motor body and an eccentric weight attached to the rotational axis, the motor body including a mounting base provided with a terminal hole;a mounting bracket that holds the motor body and mounts the vibration motor on a mounting section of the steering wheel body;a circuit substrate that includes a connector to which a lead wire is connected for feeding the vibration motor with an electric power and a terminal which is plugged in the terminal hole of the mounting base of the motor body such that the circuit substrate is connected to the mounting base of the motor body; anda clip that is mounted on the motor body and assembled with the mounting bracket together with the motor body, the clip including a pressing section that presses the circuit substrate against the motor body and a retaining element ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023677A1

A steering wheel provided with a vibration device. The vibration device includes a vibration motor with an eccentric weight attached to a rotational axis protruding out of a motor body and a mounting bracket which mounts the motor on a mounting section located at a region continuous with a ring section on a steering wheel core. The mounting section includes a vibration receiving section and a mounting base. The mounting bracket includes a pressing section which presses the motor body against the vibration receiving section and a mounting tongue which is secured to the mounting base. The mounting bracket is mounted on the mounting base with the motor body disposed on the pressing section in such a manner as to press a region of the motor body facing the vibration receiving section against the vibration receiving section and transmit a vibration of the motor body to the vibration receiving section. 1. A steering wheel comprising a steering wheel body and a vibration device which transmits vibration to a driver , a generally annular ring section for holding for steering;', 'a boss section disposed at a center of the ring section and secured to a steering shaft;', 'a spoke interconnecting the ring section and the boss section; and', 'a core that has such a contour that the ring section, the boss section and the spoke are interconnected;, 'wherein the steering wheel body comprises a vibration motor that includes a motor body, a rotational axis protruding out of the motor body and an eccentric weight attached to the rotational axis; and', 'a mounting bracket that mounts the vibration motor on a mounting section formed at a region continuous with the ring section on the core;, 'wherein the vibration device comprises a vibration receiving section that receives vibration of the motor body of the vibration motor; and', 'mounting bases that are located on opposite sides of the vibration receiving section;, 'wherein the mounting section comprises a pressing section in which the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021854A1

A steering wheel includes a ring-shaped rim is to be gripped by a driver (the rim includes a rim core and a rim molding portion covering the rim core), a boss disposed at the center of the rim, plural spokes connecting the rim with the boss, an arm whose base end portion is integrated with the rim core and that is extended toward the inside of the rim core in a cantilever manner, and a vibration generator attached to the arm for generating vibrations that are to be transmitted to the rim through the arm. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a ring-shaped rim that is to be gripped by a driver, the rim including a rim core and a rim molding portion that covers the rim core;a boss that is disposed at a center of the rim;a plurality of spokes that connect the rim with the boss;an arm whose base end portion is integrated with the rim core, and that is extended toward an inside of the rim core in a cantilever manner; anda vibration generator that is attached to the arm, and generates vibrations to be transmitted to the rim through the arm.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe base end portion of the arm is integrally molded with the rim core by metal injection molding.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration generator includes an electric motor and an eccentric weight that is fixed firmly with a rotating shaft of the electric motor.4. The steering wheel according to claim 3 , whereinthe electric motor is attached to the arm by an attachment bracket,the attachment bracket includes a motor accommodating/holding portion that accommodates and holds the electric motor therein, a first fixing tab that is extended from one end of the motor accommodating/holding portion, and a second fixing tab that is extended from the other end of the motor accommodating/holding portion, the first fixing tab and the second fixing tab being extended so as to be overlapped with each other,the motor accommodating/holding portion includes an outer shell for ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022374A1

A steering wheel grip detection device includes a series circuit including an inductance element, a thermostat incorporated into a steering wheel, and a heater incorporated into the steering wheel; an electrostatic sensor circuit that detects a grip of the steering wheel by means of an electric or electromagnetic field; and a voltage detecting circuit that detects an open/closed state of the thermostat. 1. A steering wheel grip detection device comprising:a series circuit electrically connected to between a positive electrode and a negative electrode of a power supply and including a first inductance element, a thermostat incorporated into a steering wheel, and a heater incorporated into the steering wheel; andan electrostatic sensor circuit electrically connected to an end of the heater to which the first inductance element is electrically connected, or to a middle of a wiring path of the heater, the electrostatic sensor circuit detecting a contact with the steering wheel by means of an electric or electromagnetic field,wherein the steering wheel grip detection device includes a voltage detecting circuit electrically connected:to between a wiring path of the positive electrode and any one of connecting points between the first inductance element, the thermostat, and the heater;to between a wiring path of the negative electrode and any one of connecting points between the first inductance element, the thermostat, and the heater;to two ends of the first inductance element;to two ends of the heater;or to two ends of the thermostat,wherein output of the voltage detecting circuit is electrically connected to the electrostatic sensor circuit, andwherein the electrostatic sensor circuit corrects output of the electrostatic sensor circuit based on an open or closed state of the thermostat obtained from output of the voltage detecting circuit.2. The steering wheel grip detection device of claim 1 , further comprising a second inductance element electrically connected to an ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Knitted Fastener Stringer and Cover Member

Номер: US20220042218A1

A knitted fastener stringer of the invention includes: a fastener tape; and a continuous element row which is fixed upon knitting the fastener tape, the fastener tape has a tape main body portion and an element attachment portion, the tape main body portion has a first region which neighbors the element attachment portion, a second region which neighbors the first region, and a third region which neighbors the second region and forms an outermost side edge portion, the second region is formed thinner than the first region, and the third region is formed thinner than the second region. 1. A knitted fastener stringer including:a fastener tape which is formed by a knitting structure; anda continuous element row which is fixed upon knitting the fastener tape,the knitted fastener stringer whereinthe fastener tape has a tape main body portion and an element attachment portion which extends in a tape width direction from a side edge of the tape main body portion and in which the continuous element row is fixed,the tape main body portion has, in the tape width direction, a first region which neighbors the element attachment portion, a second region which neighbors the first region, and a third region which neighbors the second region and forms a side edge portion on a side opposite to a side of the element attachment portion of the tape main body portion,the second region is formed thinner than the first region, andthe third region is formed thinner than the second region.2. The knitted fastener stringer according to claim 1 , whereina dimension of the first region in the tape width direction is equal to or less than a half of a dimension of a whole of the tape main body portion in the tape width direction.3. The knitted fastener stringer according to claim 1 , whereina dimension of the second region in the tape width direction is equal to or less than the dimension of the first region in the tape width direction.4. The knitted fastener stringer according to claim 1 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024115A1

A steering wheel configured to be rotated around a central axis of rotation includes a boss section that is located in a lower portion of the steering wheel and in a vicinity of the central axis of rotation, an outer peripheral portion that is disposed in an outer edge of the steering wheel in a circumference of the boss section, and a central portion that covers an entirety of a region located farther towards the boss section than the outer peripheral portion including a region above the boss section. The outer peripheral portion includes a grip portion to be gripped by the driver. The central portion includes a raised portion that protrudes farther upward than the outer peripheral portion along the central axis of rotation. The raised portion includes, in the upper portion, a cushion portion having such a resiliency that makes the cushion portion restorably dentable. 1. A steering wheel for a vehicle adapted to be held by a driver and rotated around a central axis of rotation , the steering wheel comprising:a boss section that is located in a lower portion of the steering wheel and in a vicinity of the central axis of rotation;an outer peripheral portion that is disposed in an outer edge of the steering wheel in a direction orthogonal to the central axis of rotation in a circumference of the boss section;a grip portion that is located in the outer peripheral portion to be held by the driver for steering operation; anda central portion that covers an entirety of a region located farther towards the boss section than the outer peripheral portion including a region above the boss section, the central portion including a raised portion that protrudes farther upward than the outer peripheral portion along the central axis of rotation, wherein the raised portion includes, in an upper portion thereof, a cushion portion having such a resiliency that makes the cushion portion restorably dentable.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein a sheet member composed of a fabric ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024116A1

A flexible electric heating device includes a planar flexible carrier foil, at least two electrically conductive bus lines attached to a surface of the carrier foil, and at least one electric heating member, including first and second electrically conductive electrodes, electrically connected to one of the bus lines. Each electrode has at least one curved edge, wherein the curved edges are located at a distance and are facing each other. The heating member further includes a resistive heater layer, at least partially overlapping the curved edges of the electrodes to form a resistive connecting region. The curved edges are arranged such that locations of the resistive connecting region are facing the first electrode or the second electrode in directions parallel to at least three mutually orthogonal directions that lie in the carrier foil, wherein one of the orthogonal directions is aligned parallel to an edge of the carrier foil. 2. The electric heating device as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a plurality of electric heating members claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electric heating members is divided into subsets of electric heating members that are characterized in that the conductive electrodes of a subset of electric heating members are electrically connected to one of the bus lines by the same electric line.3. The electric heating device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the curved edge of the first electrode is formed as a circular arc of a first radius claim 1 , and the curved edge of the second electrode is formed as a circular arc of a second radius that is larger than the first radius claim 1 , and wherein the circular arcs are arranged in a substantially concentric manner claim 1 , and the second circular arc forms a central angle that is larger than 180°−2 arcsin(R/R) by at least 30% claim 1 , and wherein the circular arcs are arranged symmetrically about a direction that is arranged parallel to an edge of the planar flexible carrier foil.4. The electric ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028015A1

A heating system for a steering wheel includes a rim is covered with different materials having a leather part and a wood grain part. The heating system includes a first heating body provided in the leather part and a second heating body is provided in the wood grain part. A power supply is connected with the first and second heating bodies so as to supply electric power thereto. A controller has a target temperature set for the first and second heating bodies and serves to, if the steering wheel needs to be heated, control the power supply to sequentially apply maximum electric power to the first and second heating bodies so as to regulate the heating operation of the first and second heating bodies. 1. A heating system for a steering wheel comprising:a rim covered with different materials including a leather part and a wood grain part;a first heating body provided in the leather part so as to provide heat with electric power;a second heating body provided in the wood grain part so as to provide heat through electric power;a pair of temperature sensors provided in the steering wheel so as to check the temperature of the leather part and the wood grain part, respectively;a power supply connected with the first and second heating bodies so as to supply electric power thereto; anda controller having a target temperature set for the first and second heating bodies and serving to, if the steering wheel needs to be heated, control the power supply to sequentially apply maximum electric power to the first and second heating bodies so as to regulate a heating operation of the first and second heating bodies.2. The heating system for a steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the wood grain part is formed partly around an upper portion of the rim claim 1 , and the leather part is formed around the remaining portion of the rim.3. The heating system for a steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the power supply to firstly apply electric ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025824A1
Автор: ODATE Shotaro

On a steering wheel unit, a sensitive region for detecting contact of a human body with respect to a steering wheel is formed by arranging an electrostatic capacitance sensor on an outer circumferential portion of a rim of the steering wheel, and non-sensitive regions that do not detect contact of the human body with respect to the steering wheel are formed, respectively, on a left portion (left spoke connected part) positioned relatively to the left on the rim, and on a right portion (right spoke connected part) positioned in facing relation to the left portion via a center portion of the rim when the steering wheel is in a neutral state. 1. A steering wheel unit configured to detect by a sensor contact of a human body with respect to a steering wheel of a vehicle , comprising:an electrostatic capacitance sensor provided on the steering wheel and configured to detect a magnitude of an electrostatic capacitance accompanying contact of the human body with respect to the steering wheel,wherein, on the steering wheel unit, a sensitive region configured to detect the contact of the human body with respect to the steering wheel is formed by arranging an electrostatic capacitance sensor on an outer circumferential portion of a rim of the steering wheel; andnon-sensitive regions that do not detect the contact of the human body with respect to the steering wheel are formed, respectively, on a left portion positioned relatively to left on the rim, and on a right portion positioned in facing relation to the left portion via a center portion of the rim when the steering wheel is in a neutral state.2. The steering wheel unit according to claim 1 , wherein the non-sensitive regions are further formed in a lower portion positioned relatively low on the rim when the steering wheel is in the neutral state.3. The steering wheel unit according to claim 1 , wherein the non-sensitive regions are formed at connected parts between spokes of the steering wheel and the rim.4. The steering ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025974A1

A steering wheel with a touch area dynamically set up based on the driver's hand position may include touch input configured to receive a touching input of a driver; and a touch controller configured to set up a touch area for manipulation on the touch input to control components of a vehicle based on a touch area, in which the touching input is received, wherein the touch controller is further configured to determine a palm touch area of the driver and set up a touch area for manipulation around the palm touch area. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a touch input device configured to receive a touching input of a driver; anda controller configured to set up a touch area for manipulation on the touch input device to control components of a vehicle based on a touch area, in which the touching input is received,wherein the controller is further configured to determine a palm touch area of the driver and set up a touch area for manipulation around the palm touch area.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the touch input device is disposed on a rim portion of the steering wheel.3. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to set an area a predetermined offset away from the palm touch area to the touch area for manipulation.4. The steering wheel of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to set two areas a predetermined offset away from the palm touch area in opposite directions to the touch area tor manipulation.5. The steering wheel of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the touching input is received in the touch area for manipulation claim 3 , the controller is configured to change the offset based on a point at which the touching input is received in the touch area for manipulation.6. The steering wheel of claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured to change the offset based on a distance between the point at which the touching input is received and a point in the palm touch area.7. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Connection structure, touch sensor and method for forming connection structure

Номер: US20200025590A1
Автор: Hajime Ito
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

A connection structure includes a terminal with an electric wire attached thereto and with an insertion hole, a sheet-shaped conductive member including a cut portion formed by being cut in to be pierced from a front surface to a rear surface thereof, and a rivet swaged while inserting a swaged portion into the insertion hole and the cut portion and rolling together the conductive member of the cut portion to have a conduction between the terminal and the conductive member.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028288A1
Автор: Akers John

An absorption towel disclosed here illustrates a towel arrangement, which will effectively protect the workout equipment from damage or stains, and protecting the user from contacting disease-causing germs. The absorption towel comprises a fabric section and a pocket section. The fabric section is configured to cover a body contact component of a workout equipment. The pocket section is defined at an upper portion of the fabric section, where the pocket section is configured to conform to an end surface the body contact component. The fabric section is configured to absorb secretions from body of a user, and to prevent the surface of the body contact component from damages due to the contact of the user's body with the body contact equipment. 1. An absorption towel comprising;a fabric section configured to frontally cover a body contact component of a workout equipment; anda pocket section defined at an upper portion of the fabric section, wherein the pocket section is configured to conform to an end surface the body contact component, wherein the fabric section is configured to absorb secretions from body of a user, and to prevent the surface of the body contact component from damages due to the contact of the users body with the body contact equipment.2. The absorption towel of claim 1 , wherein the body contact component is a backrest member of the workout equipment.3. The absorption towel of claim 1 , wherein the workout equipment is one of an adjustable bench claim 1 , a utility bench claim 1 , and a flat bench.4. The absorption towel of claim 1 , wherein the pocket section is generally configured to absorb secretions generated proximal to a head of the user.5. The absorption towel of claim 1 , wherein the fabric section is configured to frontally cover a car seat claim 1 , wherein the secretions from the body of the user permeating through a cloth worn by the user is absorbed by the fabric section.6. The absorption towel of claim 1 , wherein the fabric section ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048552A1

A vehicle steering wheel is provided that includes a rotatable rim comprising a core structure, a steering angle sensor sensing an angle of rotation of the rim, and a plurality of proximity sensors located on the rim and spaced apart from one another along an arc length. The vehicle steering wheel also includes a controller processing sensed outputs generated by each of the plurality of proximity sensors and determining operator input commands based on the sensed outputs. The controller assigns a function to each of the proximity sensors that changes as the rim is rotated at an angle such that a given function associated with a proximity sensor remains at the same position in space. 1. A vehicle steering wheel comprising:a rotatable rim comprising a core structure;a steering angle sensor sensing an angle of rotation of the rim;a plurality of proximity sensors located on the rim and spaced apart from one another along an arc length; anda controller processing sensed outputs generated by each of the plurality of proximity sensors and determining operator input commands based on the sensed outputs, wherein the controller assigns a function to each of the proximity sensors that changes as the rim is rotated at an angle such that a given function associated with a proximity sensor remains at the same position in space.2. The vehicle steering wheel of further comprising a cover wrap surrounding the plurality of proximity sensors and the core.3. The vehicle steering wheel of further comprising a display disposed within an opening defined by the rim.4. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 3 , wherein the display displays a function identifier associated with at least one sensor of the plurality of proximity sensors.5. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of proximity sensors comprises proximity sensors located on multiple sides of the rim.6. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of proximity sensors are located on a front ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048553A1

A steering wheel includes: a hub; a rim connected to the hub through a plurality of spokes; and a first steering wheel remote control and a second steering wheel remote control arranged on sides of the hub, respectively, in a symmetric manner. A biological parameter measuring apparatus includes: a first conductive bezel arranged around the first steering wheel remote control; a second conductive bezel arranged around the second steering wheel remote control; and a signal processor, which is electrically connected to the first and second conductive bezels, configured to process and calculate a biological parameter based on a signal detected by at least one of the first conductive bezel or the second conductive bezels. The first conductive bezel is spaced apart from the second conductive bezel. 1. A steering wheel , comprising:a hub;a rim connected to the hub through a plurality of spokes;a first steering wheel remote control and a second steering wheel remote control arranged on sides of the hub, respectively, in a symmetric manner; and{'claim-text': ['a first conductive bezel arranged around the first steering wheel remote control;', 'a second conductive bezel arranged around the second steering wheel remote control; and', 'a signal processor, which is electrically connected to the first and second conductive bezels, configured to process and calculate a biological parameter based on a signal detected by at least one of the first conductive bezel or the second conductive bezels,'], '#text': 'a biological parameter measuring apparatus including:'}wherein the first conductive bezel is arranged to be spaced apart from the second conductive bezel,wherein the first conductive bezel and the second conductive bezel are disposed on the plurality of spokes.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the signal processor is electrically connected to a first printed circuit board (PCB) of the first steering wheel remote control claim 1 ,wherein the first conductive ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034622A1
Автор: Sasaki Ken

The present invention is directed to a steering wheel. Turning portions are alternately formed in a longitudinal direction by way of heater wires of heating portions that are fixed to a skin body main body formed in a belt shape. Of the turning potions, on an outer circumferential side of an arc of a rim portion main body, central turning portions in a plurality of arrays are formed so as to be displaced from each other in a longitudinal direction of the rim portion main body. Among the turning portions, on an inner circumferential side of the arc of the rim portion main body, lateral turning portions are formed in such a manner that a dimension in the longitudinal direction of the rim portion main body is smaller in length than that of a respective one of turning pattern portions of the central turning portions. 2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthree or more heater wires are disposed in the direction crossing the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body,the central turning portion is disposed in the heater wire that is positioned at a center side in the direction crossing the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body, anda turned portion of the inner circumferential side are disposed in the heater wire that is positioned along both sides in the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe covering portion main body has a plurality of covering piece portions which are jointed with each other in a longitudinal direction,the turned portions are respectively disposed in the covering piece portions,the heating portion has a connecting portion which is formed by the heater wire at a position at which the covering piece portions are jointed with each other,the connecting portion being configured to extend along the jointed position and connect the turned portions of the covering piece portions to each other. This application claims priority of Japanese ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Steering Wheel

Номер: US20160039449A1

A steering wheel that enables heat to be efficiently conducted to a steering wheel outer covering. The steering wheel includes: a core; a spacer member arranged around an outer periphery of a rim portion of the core; a temperature adjusting element provided on the spacer member; and a resin layer formed to cover an outside portion of the spacer member. The spacer member keeps at least a part of the temperature adjusting element away from the core. 1. A steering wheel with a temperature adjusting feature , the steering wheel comprising:a core;a spacer member arranged around an outer periphery of a rim portion of the core;a temperature adjusting element supported by or integrated with the spacer member;a resin layer formed to cover an outside portion of the spacer member, andwherein the spacer member separates at least a part of the temperature adjusting element from the core.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer member is a framework-like frame structure claim 1 , andthe resin layer is formed to enter between the core and the spacer member and to cover the outside portion of the spacer member.3. The steering wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the temperature adjusting element is formed integrally by the frame structure claim 2 , andthe temperature adjusting element is a structure that generates heat when an electric current is passed through the frame structure.4. The steering wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the temperature adjusting element is a heating unit provided outside the frame structure.5. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer member is a flexible cushion layer that covers the core claim 1 ,the temperature adjusting element is a heating unit provided outside the cushion layer, andthe resin layer is formed to cover an outside portion of the cushion layer.6. The steering wheel according to further comprising wherein the spacer member is formed of two components assembled together around the core.7. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036688A1

The present invention provides a steering wheel and a heater unit used for the steering wheel that does not give discomfort to a user when operating the steering wheel. A heater unit is comprised of a substrate made of a polymeric foam; and a cord-shaped heater arranged on the substrate , wherein a thickness of the substrate is thinner at a portion on which the cord-shaped heater is arranged than other area so that the portion is formed along a shape of the cord-shaped heater and the heater unit is flat. A steering wheel, comprised of the above described heater unit; a wheel core material; and a covering material, wherein the heater unit is arranged between the wheel core material and the covering material. 1. A heater unit , comprising:a substrate made of a polymeric foam; anda cord-shaped heater arranged on the substrate, wherein a thickness of the substrate is thinner at a portion on which the cord-shaped heater is arranged than other area so that the portion is formed along a shape of the cord-shaped heater and the heater unit is flat.2. The heater unit according to claim 1 , wherein a heat-fusing portion is formed on an outermost layer of the cord-shaped heater.3. A steering wheel claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the heater unit according to ;'}a wheel core material; anda covering material, whereinthe heater unit is arranged between the wheel core material and the covering material.4. A method of manufacturing a heater unit claim 1 , the heater unit comprising:a substrate made of a polymeric foam; anda cord-shaped heater,the method comprising the steps of:arranging the cord-shaped heater on the substrate in a predetermined pattern shape; andthermally compressing the substrate by a flat plate, whereina thickness of the substrate is thinner at a portion on which the cord-shaped heater is arranged than other area so that the portion is formed along a shape of the cord-shaped heater and the heater unit is flat. 1. Field of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037247A1

A steering wheel for a vehicle is provided. The steering wheel includes a steering wheel rim with an operating member formed as a ring segment of the steering wheel rim and has an exterior shell with at least a first shell part and a second shell part. The exterior shell is configured to at least partially rotate from an initial position around a framework structure. At least one first switch is switchable to at least partially rotate the exterior shell from the initial position around the framework structure. The exterior shell is in the initial position, at least one of the first shell part and the second shell part are actuated toward or away from the framework structure to switch at least one second switch. 1. A steering wheel for a vehicle , comprising:a steering wheel rim with an operating member formed as a ring segment of the steering wheel rim,wherein the operating member includes an exterior shell having at least a first shell portion and a second shell portion,wherein the exterior shell partially surrounds a framework structure fixed to the steering wheel rim or formed as part of the steering wheel rim, andwherein the exterior shell is rotatably coupled with the framework structure and configured to partially rotate the exterior shell from an initial position around the framework structure; andat least one first switch configured to be partially displaced by the rotation of the exterior shell from the initial position around the framework structure,wherein the operating member includes at least one second switch which is not actuated by the rotation of the exterior shell out of the initial position at least partially around the framework structure, andwherein the exterior shell disposed in the initial position at least one of the first shell part and the second shell part are configured to be displaced toward or away from the framework structure when the at least one second switch is actuated.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036527A1

According to various implementations, a sensor mat includes a mat substrate, a sensor electrode, and a shield electrode. At least a portion of the sensor and shield electrodes are spaced apart from and parallel to each other on a first surface of the mat substrate. The shield electrode is electrically coupled to a voltage source to create a capacitance between the shield electrode and the sensor electrode, and the sensor electrode is used to detect a change in the capacitance. The shield electrode may also be alternately used for heating the surface of the vehicle part adjacent the mat. For example, the sensor may be disposed adjacent a portion of a steering wheel or a seat assembly and is used for sensing presence of an occupant's hands or body adjacent the steering wheel or seat assembly. 1. A sensor mat comprising:a mat substrate;a sensor electrode disposed adjacent a first surface of the mat substrate, at least a portion of the sensor electrode being disposed in a plane; anda shield electrode disposed adjacent the first surface of the mat substrate, at least a portion of the shield electrode being spaced apart from and parallel to and in the same plane as the at least a portion of the sensor electrode,wherein the shield electrode is electrically coupled to a voltage source to create a capacitance between the shield electrode and the sensor electrode, said sensor electrode used to detect a change in the capacitance.2. The sensor mat of claim 1 , wherein the voltage source is controllable to cause a first current or a second current to flow through the shield electrode claim 1 , the first current being smaller than the second current.3. The sensor mat of claim 2 , wherein the second current heats the sensor mat and the first current shields the sensor electrode from parasitic capacitance.4. The sensor mat of claim 1 , wherein the sensor electrode and shield electrode are conductive wires coupled to the mat substrate.5. The sensor mat of claim 4 , wherein the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041299A1

This operating device for a vehicle includes: a holding portion provided at a steering wheel of the vehicle and adapted to be held by an operator; a first operation member provided on a surface of the holding portion, the first operation member having a first operating surface that is operatable by a finger of the operator through a contact operation and through a tilting operation; and a second operation member provided at a central portion of the first operating surface, the second operation member having a second operating surface that is operatable by the finger of the operator through a contact operation and through a pressing operation, wherein the first operating surface has an annular concave shape with the central portion being furthest recessed to an inside. 1. An operating device for a vehicle comprising:a holding portion provided at a steering wheel of the vehicle and adapted to be held by an operator;a first operation member provided on a surface of the holding portion, the first operation member having a first operating surface that is operatable by a finger of the operator through a contact operation and through a tilting operation; anda second operation member provided at a central portion of the first operating surface, the second operation member having a second operating surface that is operatable by the finger of the operator through a contact operation and through a pressing operation, whereinthe first operating surface has an annular concave shape with the central portion being furthest recessed to an inside.2. The operating device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the second operating surface has a shape that is curved in a convex shape protruding toward the operator.3. The operating device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a boundary between the first operating surface and the second operating surface is located on a surface of the annular concave shape.4. The operating device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038795A1
Принадлежит: Vorbeck Materials Corp.

Article comprising at least one leather and/or artificial leather component that is coated with an ink or coating comprising graphene sheets. 1. An article , comprising , at least one leather and/or artificial leather component that is coated with an ink or coating comprising graphene sheets and/or graphite.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating comprises graphite.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating comprises graphene sheets.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises leather.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises synthetic leather.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 300 mg/m.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 400 mg/m.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating has an electrical conductivity of at least about 0.001 S/m.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating has an electrical conductivity of at least about 1 S/m.10. The article of claim claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating has an electrical conductivity of at least about 1000 S/m.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating has thermal conductivity of at least about 1 W/m·K.12. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ink or coating further comprises carbon black.13. The article of claim 1 , in the form of a heater or heater component.14. The article of claim 1 , in the form of a vehicle component.15. The article of claim 1 , in the form of an article of apparel.16. The article of claim 14 , in the form of a glove.17. The article of claim 13 , in the form of a steering wheel or steering wheel component.18. The article of claim 13 , in the form of a seat component. The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application 61/923,749, filed on Jan. 5, 2014, U.S. Provisional Application 61/924,692, filed on Jan. 7, 2014, and U.S. Provisional Application 62/018,683, filed on Jun. 30, 2014, ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Composite monitoring apparatus and method

Номер: US20190038230A1
Автор: Jae Joon Kim
Принадлежит: UNIST Academy Industry Research Corp

A composite monitoring apparatus includes a biosensor configured to sense a biometric signal of a driver in a motor vehicle, an air quality sensor configured to sense an air quality inside the motor vehicle, and a control unit. The control unit determines whether data on the air quality sensed by the air quality sensor exceeds an air quality reference value when data on the biometric signal sensed by the biosensor exceeds a biometric signal reference value. Further, the control unit generates an air quality warning alarm when the data on the air quality sensed by the air quality sensor exceeds the air quality reference value.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055534A1

The invention relates to a motor vehicle steering wheel comprising a horn device, the steering wheel comprising: •—a frame (), •—an attachment support () movable between a rest position and a depressed position, •—means for guiding the attachment support, comprising a first guiding part (), and a second guiding part (), •—an electrical circuit part with at least one switch comprising a first contact terminal (), and a second contact terminal (), •—resilient return means (), •—deformable damping means (), •—the second guiding part comprising a push interface () for receiving the return force of the resilient return means, characterized: •—in that the push interface is arranged between the resilient return means and the damping means, and •—in that the second contact terminal is supported by the second guiding part. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A motor vehicle steering wheel comprising a horn device , the steering wheel comprising:a frame,an attachment support which is arranged to receive a safety module and which is movable relative to the frame between a rest position and a depressed position,an element for guiding the attachment support, comprising a first guiding part integral with the frame, and a second guiding part integral with the attachment support,a horn electrical circuit part with at least one switch comprising a first contact terminal, arranged on the frame, and a second contact terminal, embedded with the attachment support,a resilient return element, arranged to automatically exert a return force on the second guiding part in order to push it from the depressed position back toward the rest position,a deformable damping element, separate from the resilient return element, positioned between the attachment support and the second guiding part,the second guiding part comprising a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039536A1
Автор: OKADA Izuru

A steering wheel includes: a ring part; a boss part; a spoke part; and a core material. A vibration device is configured to be attached to an attachment seat provided in the core material. The vibration device includes: a vibration motor; and an attachment bracket which is clamped by a screw in the attachment seat. The attachment bracket includes: an attachment piece; and a holding piece which holds the vibration motor. The attachment seat and the attachment bracket correspond to each other so as to arrange a rotation regulating unit, configured to regulate a rotation of the attachment piece during screw-clamping in the attachment seat, and a floating regulating unit, configured to regulate floating of the attachment piece from the attachment seat due to declining of the holding piece holding the vibration motor when the attachment piece is arranged in the attachment seat directed upward. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a ring part configured to be gripped during steering;a boss part arranged in a center of the ring part;a spoke part connecting the ring part and the boss part; anda core material arranged to connect the ring part, the boss part, and the spoke part, wherein:a vibration device is configured to be attached to an attachment seat provided in the core material, so as to generate a vibration in the ring part;the vibration device includes a vibration motor in which a weight is provided in a rotary drive shaft of a motor body and an attachment bracket which holds the vibration motor and is clamped by a screw in the attachment seat of the core material; an attachment piece which is fixed in the attachment seat by one screw, has an insertion hole for inserting the screw, and is attached to the attachment seat by the screw which passes through the insertion hole to be fastened to an attachment hole of the core material; and', 'a holding piece which extends to be bent from an end part of the attachment piece apart from the insertion hole and holds the vibration ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039573A1
Автор: Shibata Shinji

An electric power-steering control device has a substrate, a heat-generating component, and a heat-storing body. The heat-generating component is disposed on one surface of the substrate and generates heat when activated. The heat-storing body is capable of storing the heat from the heat-generating components. The heat-storing body has a main body having a rectangular plate shape and disposed on the one surface of the substrate. The heat-storing body has a notch section or a recess section. 1. An electric power-steering control device having a control unit that controls a motor configured to output assistive torque to assist steering by a driver , the electric power-steering control device comprising:a substrate;a heat-generating component that is provided on one surface of the substrate and generates heat during operation; and a main body that has a rectangular plate shape and is provided on the one surface of the substrate; and', 'a notch section that is formed into a notch shape at an outer edge of the main body when viewed in a thickness direction of the substrate,, 'a heat-storing body that is configured to store the heat from the heat-generating component, the heat-storing body havingwherein the notch section is located in one of four corners of the main body, the one being furthest from the heat-generating component, when viewed in the thickness direction of the substrate, andwherein the heat-storing body has a linear asymmetric shape, when viewed in the thickness direction of the substrate.2. An electric power-steering control device having a control unit that controls a motor configured to output assistive torque to assist steering by a driver , the electric power-steering control device comprising:a substrate;a heat-generating component that is provided on one surface of the substrate and generates heat during operation; and a main body that has a rectangular plate shape and is provided on the one surface of the substrate; and', 'a notch section that is ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057874A1
Автор: YAMADA Tomoki

A self-capacitance-system electrostatic-capacitance detection sensor includes: a first electrode and a second electrode, one of the first and second electrodes being set as a sense electrode, and the other of the first and second electrodes being set as a drive electrode; a sense-signal generating unit that generates a sense signal to be applied to the sense electrode; a detecting unit that detects, as a detection value, an amount of charge movement corresponding to an electrostatic capacitance of the sense electrode; and a determining unit that determines whether or not a detection target is in close proximity to both the first and second electrodes, based on a subtraction difference between detection values detected by the detecting unit when a first drive signal is applied to the drive electrode and when a second drive signal having the same frequency and a different phase is applied to the drive electrode. 1. An electrostatic-capacitance detection sensor based on a self-capacitance system , the sensor comprising:a first electrode and a second electrode, one of the first electrode and the second electrode being set as a sense electrode, and the other of the first electrode and the second electrode being set as a drive electrode;a sense-signal generating unit configured to generate a sense signal to be applied to the sense electrode;a detecting unit configured to detect, as a detection value, an amount of electric charge transfer corresponding to an electrostatic capacitance of the sense electrode, when the sense signal is applied to the sense electrode from the sense-signal generating unit; anda determining unit configured to determine whether or not a detection target is in close proximity to both of the first electrode and the second electrode, based on a subtraction difference between a first detection value detected by the detecting unit in a state in which a first drive signal is being applied to the drive electrode, and a second detection value detected by ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043920A1
Автор: Fujii Takahiro

A steering wheel decorative member that is configured to be attached corresponding to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel. The decorative member includes a base member constituting a design part, a heater provided on a back surface of the base member and an attachment part that is configured to attach the base member to the resin member. The attachment part is configured so as to electrically connect a terminal of the heater to a power supply side terminal provided in the resin member. 1. A steering wheel decorative member that is configured to be attached corresponding to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel , the decorative member comprising:a base member constituting a design part;a heater provided on a back surface of the base member; andan attachment part that is configured to attach the base member to the resin member,wherein the attachment part is configured so as to electrically connect a terminal of the heater to a power supply side terminal provided in the resin member.2. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment part comprises an engaging fixing piece that claim 1 , at a first end side thereof claim 1 , is electrically connected to the terminal of the heater and that claim 1 , at a second end side thereof claim 1 , protrudes from the back surface of the base member and is electrically connected to the power supply side terminal.3. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 2 , wherein the engaging fixing piece comprises an electrically conductive material.4. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply side terminal is provided in an attachment opening into which the attachment part is inserted and pushed.5. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 2 , wherein the engaging fixing piece is formed separate from the base member and comprises an electrically conductive material.6. The ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123474A1
Автор: Cho Man Ho
Принадлежит: Hwajin Co., Ltd.

A method of forming a heating element for use with a steering wheel includes (i) forming a first heating part of a heating element which is coated in a longitudinal direction of the rim along an inner diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape, (ii) forming a second heating part of the heating element which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim along an outer diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape, (iii) forming a third heating part of the heating element which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape between the first heating part and the second heating part; and (iv) adjusting an electrical resistance of the heating element according to a coating width or thickness of the conductive paste. 1. A method of forming a heating element for use with a steering wheel and heating an entire rim of the steering wheel to an uniform temperature , comprising:forming a first heating part of a heating element which is coated in a longitudinal direction of the rim along an inner diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape;forming a second heating part of the heating element which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim along an outer diameter portion of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape;forming a third heating part of the heating element which is coated in the longitudinal direction of the rim by continuously connecting loops having the same shape between the first heating part and the second heating part; andwherein the first heating part, the second heating part and the third heating part comprise a conductive paste;adjusting an electrical resistance of the heating element according to a coating width or thickness of the conductive paste.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the electrical resistance comprises forming the second ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063403A1
Автор: Shin Sang Hoon

A multifunctional switch system for an autonomous vehicle may include a plurality of docking stations in the interior of the autonomous vehicle, sets an operation mode of a mobile operation device for each of positions of the plurality of docking stations, and operates in an operation mode corresponding to the position of the docking station as the mobile operation device is docked to the docking station to enable a driver in the autonomous vehicle to conveniently operate various convenience devices regardless of the driver's location, and an operating method thereof.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063699A1

A steering wheel includes a boss, a grip having a substantially rod shape and arranged away from the boss, and a spoke portion connecting the boss and the grip. The grip includes a core for the grip, a coating layer which covers an outer peripheral side of the core, and the decorative body exposed on the upper surface side of the grip. The decorative body has a decorative main body exposed on the upper surface side of the grip and a mounting portion having a long shape, being arranged substantially along the grip, holding the decorative main body and being attached to the coating layer. Mounting fitting portions to be attached to the coating layer is arranged on a lower surface side of the mounting portion and on a side separated from the boss and the spoke portion with respect to the core in a cross section of the grip.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063700A1

A vehicle steering wheel is provided that includes a rim having a core structure, a plurality of heaters surrounding at least a portion of the core structure to define a plurality of heating zones, at least one sensor for sensing location of a user's hand on the steering wheel, and a controller controlling the plurality of heaters to activate one or more of the heaters based on the sensed location of the hand.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063723A1
Автор: Tsuda Yuki

A force module and a haptic device configured to prevent the vibration property from being diminished are offered.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Steering wheel horn assembly

Номер: US20190047470A1
Автор: Otnid Bellot Thompson
Принадлежит: Individual

A steering wheel horn assembly operates the horn of a vehicle through driver initiated application of pressure on a steering wheel body. The assembly permits a driver to activate a vehicle horn without the driver having to remove one or more hands from the steering wheel. A circular steering wheel body is bifurcated into first and second steering wheel body sections having cooperating first and second electrical contact members. The steering wheel body sections are pressed together through application of pressure from the driver's hands to an active position. In the active position, the electrical contact members engage to complete a circuit; thereby actuating an audible sound from the horn. Springs bias the steering wheel body sections apart to disengage the electrical contact members to an inactive position. Applying pressure to create the active position also actuates illumination from vehicle lights, simultaneously with the audible sound from the horn.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047604A1

A steering wheel includes a functional device and a control device, which is electrically connected to the functional device. The functional device includes a functional case, which constitutes a housing of the functional device. The control device includes a control case, which constitutes a housing of the control device. A first connector is partially exposed to an outside of the functional case. A second connector is partially exposed to an outside of the control case. The first connector is coupled to the second connector, so that the functional device is electrically connected to the control device without a harness between the functional case and the control case. 1. A steering wheel comprising a functional device and a control device , which is electrically connected to the functional device , whereinthe functional device includes a functional case, which constitutes a housing of the functional device,the control device includes a control case, which constitutes a housing of the control device,a first connector is partially exposed to an outside of the functional case,a second connector is partially exposed to an outside of the control case, andthe first connector is coupled to the second connector, so that the functional device is electrically connected to the control device without a harness between the functional case and the control case.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the functional device further includesa functional substrate, which is located inside the functional case and on which a functional part is mounted, anda stress absorbing portion, which is located inside the functional case and absorbs stress transmitted from the functional substrate to the first connector.3. The steering wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the stress absorbing portion is constituted by a harness claim 2 , which in a slack state electrically connects the functional substrate and the first connector with each other in the functional case.4. The steering ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047605A1

A steering wheel for a motor vehicle, including at least one translucent touch-sensitive wall, arranged on the inside of the rim of the steering wheel, the touch-sensitive wall having a front surface and a rear surface, the touch-sensitive wall includes a single capacitive detection sheet that is configured to detect the presence and a position of a thumb on the front surface and the presence of at least one other finger on the rear surface. 1. A steering wheel for a motor vehicle , comprising:at least one translucent touch-sensitive wall, arranged on an inside of a rim of the steering wheel, the touch-sensitive wall having a front surface and a rear surface, the touch-sensitive wall comprising a single capacitive detection sheet that is configured to detect a presence and a position of a thumb on the front surface and a presence of at least one other finger on the rear surface.2. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the capacitive detection sheet comprises a matrix array formed by N first conductors extending in a first direction and M second conductors extending in a second direction.3. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the capacitive detection sheet comprises a guard ring.4. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the capacitive detection sheet is controlled by a processing unit that is connected to the first and second conductors claim 2 , with specific inputs/outputs for the guard ring.5. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the guard ring substantially surrounds the matrix array of the first conductors and second conductors.6. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the presence of at least one other finger is detected on the rear surface by virtue of the guard ring.7. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the capacitive detection sheet comprises at least one ground track.8. The steering wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the capacitive detection sheet defines a central ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

System for detecting activities that pose a risk during driving, based on checking the position of the two hands on the steering wheel

Номер: US20210053488A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for detecting activities that pose a risk during driving is described. The system includes a vehicle comprising a steering device. Sensors are placed around various positions of the steering device that are configured to detect a presence of one or two hands on the steering device. The system further includes processing circuitry configured to: identify a position of the one or two hands on the steering device or a lack thereof based on binary signals received from the plurality of sensors; and determine whether to generate an alert to the operator of the vehicle based on the position of the one or two hands on the steering device or lack thereof, the alert requesting the operator of the vehicle to place one or two hands on the steering device and/or any other authorized device.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047618A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

The present invention ascertains an action schedule of an automatic driving system when a host vehicle is travelling in an automatic driving mode, and uses an indirect weak expression to convey the action schedule to a driver, at an action schedule presentation start location (P) which has more leeway with respect to a scheduled action location (P) (steps S, S). In the case of an acceleration/deceleration action schedule, an illuminance distribution of the speedometer dial plate, a virtual pointer or the like is used to express the action schedule such that the driver is able to intuitively ascertain the acceleration or deceleration. In the case of a steering action schedule, the steering direction is expressed using a change in illumination near the steering wheel representing the direction of steering or the like is used. 1. An automatic driving information transmission method which presents , on an automatic driving vehicle mounted with an automatic driving control unit configured to recognize situations in front of and around a traveling direction of an own vehicle and generate an action schedule related to driving of the own vehicle based on a result of the recognition , information corresponding to the action schedule to a driver of the automatic driving vehicle , the automatic driving information transmission method comprising:in a case where the automatic driving control unit generates the action schedule, at a timing with a margin with respect to a time point at which the action schedule is performed,controlling a display device or an illumination device which can be viewed by the driver; andindirectly representing information related to a target speed of the action schedule by at least one of an area, a direction, and movement of the display or illumination.2. The automatic driving information transmission method according to claim 1 ,wherein a background area of a speedometer of the own vehicle is divided into at least two background areas with a vicinity ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054637A1
Автор: Kim Dae Jong, KIM Jin Oh

A warning alarm apparatus for a steering wheel includes at least one piezoelectric transducer provided in the rim of the steering wheel; a current supplier; one or more sensors, equipped in the steering wheel or a motor vehicle, sense a dangerous factor; and a controller that determines whether a sensor value sensed by the sensor is included in a warning alarm range, and controls operation of the current supplier according to the sensor value. 1. A warning alarm apparatus for a steering wheel , comprising:at least one piezoelectric transducer provided in a rim of the steering wheel;a current supplier;one or more sensors, equipped in the steering wheel or a motor vehicle to sense a dangerous factor; anda controller configured to determine whether a sensor value sensed by the one or more sensors is within a warning alarm range, and to control operation of the current supplier according to the sensor value;wherein if the sensor value is within the warning alarm range, the controller operates the current supplier to supply driving currents to the at least one piezoelectric transducer, andthe at least one piezoelectric transducer converts the driving currents supplied from the current supplier into a vibration to vibrate the steering wheel.2. The warning alarm apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the at least one piezoelectric transducer is of a disc, disc ring or cylindrical shape.3. The warning alarm apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein the at least one piezoelectric transducer comprises two or more disc-, disc ring- or cylinder-shaped consecutive piezoelectric transducers, andan intensity of the vibration is adjusted in proportion to the number of the piezoelectric transducers.4. The warning alarm apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein a diameter of the at least one piezoelectric transducer is the same as or within 2 mm of a cross section diameter of the rim of the steering wheel.5. The warning alarm apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the controller enables driving currents to be supplied to ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132042A1
Принадлежит: TAKATA AG

The invention relates to an occupancy detection device for detecting an occupancy of a seat of a motor vehicle. The occupancy detection device comprises 1. An occupancy detection device for detecting an occupancy of a seat of a motor vehicle , comprisingan electric resonant circuit which includes a first and a second inductance and at least one sensor element;means for charging the resonant circuit with an alternating voltage;means for determining at least one electrical parameter in the resonant circuit, wherein the electric resonant circuit experiences a change due to a change of the surroundings of the sensor element, so that with reference to the determined electrical parameter an occupancy of the seat can be detected; anda first and a second terminal, via which a heater control can be connected with the occupancy detection device, in order to be able to simultaneously operate the sensor element as heater, wherein the first and the second terminal are arranged such that a direct current provided at these terminals by the heater control is supplied to the sensor element via the first and the second inductance.2. The occupancy detection device according to claim 1 , wherein an input terminal of the first inductance is connected with the first terminal and an input terminal of the second inductance is connected with the second terminal.3. The occupancy detection device according to claim 2 , wherein the sensor element includes a first terminal claim 2 , which is connected with the output terminal of the first inductance claim 2 , and a second terminal claim 2 , which is connected with an output terminal of the second inductance.4. The occupancy detection device according to claim 2 , further comprising a first capacitance claim 2 , which is connected with the input terminal of the first inductance claim 2 , and a second capacitance claim 2 , which is connected with the input terminal of the second inductance.5. The occupancy detection device according to claim 4 , ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073122A1

A vehicle steering wheel is provided that includes a rim having a core structure, a plurality of heating zones surrounding at least a portion of the core structure, each heating zone having conductive circuitry to define a heater and a capacitive sensor for sensing location of a user's hand on the steering wheel, and a controller controlling the conductive circuitry in each heating zone to operate as the capacitive sensor to sense a presence of the user's hand in at least one heating zone and to switch to operate as the heater to heat the at least one heating zone when the hand is sensed in the at least one heating zone. 1. A vehicle steering wheel comprising:a rim having a core structure;a plurality of heating zones surrounding at least a portion of the core structure, each heating zone having conductive circuitry to define a heater and a capacitive sensor for sensing location of a user's hand on the steering wheel; anda controller controlling the conductive circuitry in each heating zone to operate as the capacitive sensor to sense a presence of the user's hand in at least one heating zone and to reconfigure the conductive circuitry to operate as the heater to heat the at least one heating zone when the hand is sensed in the at least one heating zone.2. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the conductive circuitry operating as the capacitive sensor also operates as the heater.3. The vehicle steering wheel of further comprising switching circuitry for selectively switching operation of the conductive circuitry between the capacitive sensor and the heater.4. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 3 , wherein the controller controls the switching circuitry to switch operation of the conductive circuitry between the capacitive sensor and the heater.5. The vehicle steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the conductive circuitry comprises a first electrode comprising a first plurality of electrode fingers and a second electrode comprising a second plurality of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073123A1

A steering wheel for a transport vehicle comprises a hub and a rim which extends around the hub, wherein the rim is pivotably supported between a steering position and at least one non-steering position about a tilting axis. The steering wheel has at least one releasable locking arrangement having a hub-side hub locking device and a rim-side rim locking device for blocking the pivoting by use of mutual engagement. The hub locking device and the rim locking device are configured to engage with each other with spacing from the tilting axis. 1. A steering wheel for a vehicle , the steering wheel comprising:a hub;a rim which extends around the hub, wherein the rim is pivotably supported between a steering position and at least one non-steering position about a tilting axis; andat least one releasable locking arrangement having a hub-side hub locking device and a rim-side rim locking device for blocking the pivoting by mutual engagement, wherein the hub locking device and the rim locking device are configured to engage with each other with spacing from the tilting axis.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the movable components of the at least one releasable locking arrangement are arranged either only at a rim side or only at a hub side.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one releasable locking arrangement can be moved into a locking position and a release position claim 1 , and wherein a pretensioning of the at least one releasable locking arrangement moves the at least one releasable locking arrangement into the locking position.4. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the rim locking device can be changed in position relative to the tilting axis by rotating the rim about the tilting axis claim 1 , while the hub locking device is fixed relative to the tilting axis.5. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the tilting axis is orientated parallel with a plane which is defined by the rim.6. The steering ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073138A1

A method for operating a lane guidance system involves determining a time period from the time of a request from the lane guidance system to a vehicle user to touch the steering handle until the occurrence of a sensor signal caused by a touch of the steering handle in the sensor region and comparing it with a predetermined time window. An activation option of the lane guidance system is blocked in the event that the determined time duration is greater than the predetermined time window. In the event of a first request to touch the steering handle after an idle state, an activation option of the lane guidance system is disabled until a subsequent idle state. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for operating a vehicle lane guidance system having a steering handle comprising a touch-sensitive sensor , the method comprising:determining a time period from a time of a request from the lane guidance system to a vehicle user to touch the steering handle until occurrence of a sensor signal caused by a touch of the steering handle in a region of the touch-sensitive sensor and comparing the determined time period with a predetermined time window;blocking, responsive to the determined time period being greater than the predetermined time window, an activation option of the lane guidance system responsive to a first request to touch the steering handle after an idle state,wherein the activation option is disabled until a subsequent idle state and the lane guidance system is no longer available until the subsequent idle state.11. The method of claim 10 , further comprising:enabling the activation option of the lane guidance system takes responsive to the determined period of time being less than the predetermined time window.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the request from the lane guidance system to a vehicle user to touch the steering handle occurs with an occurrence of an operational readiness of the lane guidance system.13. The method of claim 10 , wherein the request from the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200053482A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

Provided is a transducer that can be manufactured without using a volatile adhesive or an organic solvent. A transducer is provided with: a first electrode sheet provided with a plurality of first through-holes; a dielectric layer, of which a first surface is disposed on the first-electrode-sheet side; and a first fusion-bonding layer formed from a fusion-bonding material, the first fusion-bonding layer joining together, by fusion bonding of the fusion-bonding material, a boundary region between a body portion of the dielectric layer and a first inner surface of the first electrode sheet and a boundary region between the body portion of the dielectric layer and a first inner circumferential surface of at least some of the plurality of first through-holes. 1. A transducer comprising:a first electrode sheet provided with a plurality of first through-holes;a dielectric layer with a first surface that is disposed on a side of the first electrode sheet; anda first fusion-bonding layer formed from a fusion-bonding material, wherein the first fusion-bonding layer joining together, by fusion-bonding of the fusion-bonding material, a boundary region between a body portion of the dielectric layer and a first inner surface of the first electrode sheet and a boundary region between the body portion of the dielectric layer and a first inner circumferential surface of at least some of the plurality of first through-holes.2. The transducer according to claim 1 ,wherein the dielectric layer is formed from a thermoplastic material,the first fusion-bonding layer applies a part of the dielectric layer as the fusion-bonding material and bonds the respective boundary regions through fusion-bonding of the part of the dielectric layer, andthe first fusion-bonding layer is formed from the same material constituent as that of the dielectric layer.3. The transducer according to claim 1 ,wherein the dielectric layer is formed from a non-thermoplastic material, andthe first fusion-bonding ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061264A1
Автор: Pohanka Martin

The steering apparatus includes a steering handle which is in the form of a greatly reduced, skeleton-like so-called horned steering wheel without a continuous steering wheel rim. The steering handle is fastened to an airbag module by fasteners that taper in a V-shape. 1. A steering apparatus for a motor vehicle , having a steering handle which comprises two opposite hand grips of curved form and in which there is arranged an airbag module , wherein the steering handle is composed of a steering handle structure and comprises shift paddles and rotary switches arranged to both sides of the airbag module , and the steering handle is configured to be mounted on the airbag module by means of two fasteners in a V-shaped orientation , which fasteners extend downward to both sides of the airbag module when the steering handle is in an installed position.2. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotary switches are integrated into the steering handle structure and the shift paddles are arranged behind the rotary switches as viewed in relation to a front side of the steering wheel.3. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the steering handle structure comprises frame elements which are arranged on both sides of the airbag module and which are each provided with an approximately rectangular or square opening and which are connected below the airbag module claim 1 , by a transverse web.4. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the frame elements of the steering handle structure each comprise an outer holding strip claim 3 , which is connected to the hand grips claim 3 , and a respectively opposite inner frame strip claim 3 , which is connected to integrally formed transverse webs of the airbag module.5. The steering apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the transverse webs are arranged on the airbag module one above the other and with a spacing with respect to one another and are provided claim 4 , on the ends claim 4 , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054954A1

A system for detecting the position of a steering wheel of a motor vehicle, the system includes: a matrix-array optical detecting device, of the type known as a time-of-flight camera, enabling three-dimensional detection, the device including an infrared light source and a matrix-array optical sensor; and optical reference elements arranged on the rim of the steering wheel, on the side opposite the driver, the matrix-array optical detecting device being arranged in an instrument panel of the vehicle, and being configured to detect the optical reference elements on the steering wheel, and to deduce therefrom the adjustment position of the steering wheel at least depthwise. 1. A system for detecting the position of a steering wheel of a motor vehicle , the steering wheel being equipped with a system for adjusting position , at least depthwise , the system comprising:a matrix-array optical detecting device, as a time-of-flight camera, enabling three-dimensional detection, said device including an infrared light source and a matrix-array optical sensor; andoptical reference elements arranged on a rim of the steering wheel, on a side opposite the driver,the matrix-array optical detecting device being arranged in proximity to or in an instrument panel of the vehicle, and being configured to detect the optical reference elements on the steering wheel, and to deduce therefrom the adjustment position of the steering wheel at least depthwise.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the optical reference elements comprise at least 3 almost-point-like optical reference marks.3. The system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the steering wheel has a neutral position corresponding to driving in a straight line claim 2 , and one of the almost-point-like optical reference marks is located in a highest position when the steering wheel is in the neutral position.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the optical reference elements are placed substantially on an arcuate curve ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055468A1
Автор: ODATE Shotaro
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a steering wheel unit with which misdetections due to contact between a steering wheel and the thigh part of the legs of an overweight person can be avoided, and gripping (contact) by a hand can be accurately detected. In a contact sensor, the contact sensitivity [pF/mm] of a prescribed area (an area including a blank portion on the side of a rim part of the steering wheel that is near a seat surface of a driver's seat when the vehicle is in a straight traveling state is set to be lower than the contact sensitivity of another area (an area comprising only a conductive part) of the rim part. 1. A steering wheel unit comprising a contact sensor configured to detect contact of an occupant with a rim portion of a steering wheel of a vehicle ,wherein the contact sensor includes a reduced contact sensitivity part in a region of the rim portion of the steering wheel adjacent to a seating surface of a driver's seat when the vehicle is traveling straight, a contact sensitivity of the reduced contact sensitivity part being lower than a contact sensitivity in a remaining region of the rim portion,the contact sensor is a capacitive sensor including an electrode surface formed in a circumferential direction of the rim portion of the steering wheel, and part of the electrode surface in the reduced contact sensitivity part is formed into a non-conductive part, andthe reduced contact sensitivity part is partially formed in a cross-section in a direction intersecting with the circumferential direction of the rim portion in a front view of the steering wheel.2. The steering wheel unit according to claim 1 , wherein the reduced contact sensitivity part is a region located adjacent to a lower end of the steering wheel when the vehicle is traveling straight.34-. (canceled)5. The steering wheel unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the electrode surface is conductive paint applied on an outer surface of the rim portion of the steering wheel or a conductive sheet covering the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Monitoring System for Motor Vehicles

Номер: US20160061669A1
Автор: Denis Guezelocak
Принадлежит: Individual

A monitoring system for motor vehicles has a number of sensors, which are arranged on control and/or actuation devices of the motor vehicle, which have a core and an outer envelope covering the same to some extent. The sensors are embedded between the core and the outer envelope thereof and deliver an output signal when a force is exerted onto the outer envelope. The sensors are formed by a sensor unit, which can be stretched or clamped onto the core, with a first foil with a first conducting trace pattern and with a second foil, arranged thereabove, with a second conducting trace pattern. The conducting trace patterns are arranged on mutually facing surfaces of the two foils and the mutually facing surfaces of the foil are connected to one another via spacer elements in such a manner that the foils are elastically biased away from one another and a contact between the first and second conducting trace patterns can be produced by exerting a force onto at least one of the foils.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068346A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

A steering wheel for a vehicle may include a frame, a foam layer, a decorative member, a switch assembly and a contact element. The frame may include a central hub, a rim, and a spoke extending between the central hub and the rim. The foam layer may encase at least a portion of the frame. The decorative member may be mounted to the frame and may be at least partially formed of an electrically conductive material. The switch assembly may be mounted to the decorative member. The contact element may extend from the decorative member and may contact the frame to electrically connect the electrically conductive material of the decorative member with the frame. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a frame including a central hub, a rim, and a spoke extending between the central hub and the rim;a foam layer encasing at least a portion of the frame;a decorative member mounted to the frame and at least partially formed of an electrically conductive material;a switch assembly mounted to the decorative member; anda contact element extending from the decorative member and contacting the frame to electrically connect the electrically conductive material of the decorative member with the frame.2. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the contact element extends through an opening in the foam layer.3. The steering wheel of claim 2 , wherein the foam layer encases the spoke.4. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the contact element directly contacts the frame.5. The steering wheel of claim 1 , wherein the contact element includes a central portion and first and second legs extending from opposing ends of the central portion.6. The steering wheel of claim 5 , wherein the central portion is attached to and directly contacts the decorative member.7. The steering wheel of claim 6 , wherein the first and second legs extend through first and second openings claim 6 , respectively claim 6 , in the foam layer.8. The steering wheel of claim 6 , wherein the central portion engages the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062288A1

A steering wheel cover has an inner core and an outer casing. The inner core has a series of alternating ribs and openings that together form a spring-like structure that more easily fits over a steering wheel while retaining its initial shape once installed. The inner core requires significantly less material than conventional steering wheel cover cores 1. A steering wheel cover comprising:an inner core made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material or molded ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) foam and comprising front and rear spines and a plurality of ribs extending in arcs between the front and rear spines and separated by openings; andan outer casing that at least partially encloses the core.2. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 1 , each of the front and rear spines having a lip.3. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 1 , each of the ribs including:a stem connected to the front spine and a stem connected to the rear spine; anda plurality of branches connected to each stem and separated by a slot.4. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 3 , the inner core further comprising conjoined areas between the branches of adjacent ribs.5. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the core has a thickness of approximately 0.55 inches claim 1 , which is approximately 13.97 mm.6. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the ribs are wider than the openings.7. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the ribs are narrower than the openings.8. A steering wheel cover comprising: front and rear spines;', 'a plurality of spaced slots extending from the front spine and a plurality of spaced slots extending from the rear spine, the slots defining a plurality of spaced arc-shaped ribs extending between the front and rear spines; and, 'an inner core comprisingan outer casing that at least partially encloses the core.9. The steering wheel cover as set forth in claim 8 , wherein the ribs are wider than the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062289A1

A heating and capacitive sensing device for a steering wheel of a motor vehicle. The device includes a support made from an electrically insulating flexible material to which at least an electrically conductive first track and at least an electrically conductive second track are fixed. An electronic control unit including a capacitance reading module is electrically connected to the at least one second track. The electronic control unit is configured to control the at least one first track and at least one second track, so that the at least one first track is suited to generate heat for heating the steering wheel, and at least one second track is configured to operate as a capacitive sensor means by sending capacitance values to the electronic control unit. 1. A heating and capacitive sensing device for a steering wheel of a vehicle , the device comprising:a support made of flexible, electrically insulating material, to which are fixed at least one first electrically conductive track and at least one second electrically conductive track, distinct from the at least one first track;an electronic control unit electrically connected to the at least one first track, configured to be electrically connected to an electrical power source, and comprising a capacitance reading module, electrically connected to the at least one second track, wherein the electronic control unit is configured to control the at least one first track and the at least one second track, so that the at least one first track is adapted to generate heat for heating the steering wheel, and the at least one second track is adapted to operate as capacitive sensing means, sending capacitance values to the electronic control unit; at least one metal element connected to the electronic control unit, said at least one metal element being destined to come into contact with a metal frame of the steering wheel to dissipate heat,', 'an electrical connection, which connects the electronic control unit to the at ...
