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20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024677U1
Автор: Якунин И.М.

1. Устройство для укупоривания банки, включающее крышку, обойму для крышки и хомут для горловины банки, выполненные с возможностью их шарнирного соединения и скрепления замком, отличающееся тем, что обойма для крышки выполнена по диаметру меньше, чем диаметр хомута для горловины банки, крышка по периметру выполнена с отогнутым наружу участком для укладки на нее обоймы, на диаметрально противоположной шарнирному соединению стороне расположен замок, соединяющий хомут и обойму и фиксирующий крышку в закрытом положении, при этом замок выполнен в виде крючка, установленного на перемычке, соединяющей отогнутые наружу участки обоймы, причем крючок выполнен с возможностью зацепления с выступающим наружу участком хомута. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что обойма и хомут выполнены из проволоки или прутка круглого сечения. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что хомут на незамкнутом участке выполнен с двумя отгибами в виде незамкнутых петель, расположенных на расстоянии друг от друга и являющихся элементами шарнирного соединения хомута с обоймой, при этом петли хомута надеты на выгнутый наружу участок обоймы, являющийся осью шарнирного соединения. 4. Устройство по п. 2, отличающееся тем, что у шарнирного соединения хомута с обоймой концы проволоки или прутка, из которого изготовлен хомут, могут быть выполнены с отгибами, образующими оси шарнирного соединения хомута с обоймой и предназначенными для надевания на них петель, образованных на обойме. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на внутренней поверхности крышки в зоне ее контакта с горловиной банки выполнено уплотнение из поливинилхлоридной пасты. (19) RU (11) 24 677 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65D 45/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002106001/20 , 14.03.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.03.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 20.08.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Якунин И.М. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Якунин Игорь ...

20-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000039099U1

1. Крышка с элементом запирания для металлической тары, выполненная в виде цилиндрической штампованной листовой заготовки с плоской верхней поверхностью, отличающаяся тем, что на ее внешней боковой поверхности по всему периметру выполнен элемент запирания в виде углубления, направленного радиально вовнутрь, с возможностью взаимодействия с буртом горловины тары. 2. Крышка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что элемент запирания выполнен в виде углубления трапециевидной формы. 3. Крышка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что элемент запирания выполнен в виде углубления прямоугольной формы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 39 099 (13) U1 (51) МПК B21D B21B B65B B65D 51/44 39/14 7/01 45/16 (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004109358/22 , 29.03.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 20.07.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Барбашов В.М. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 344002, г.Ростов-на-Дону, а/я 1512, Н.В. Ивановой U 1 3 9 0 9 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Крышка с элементом запирания для металлической тары, выполненная в виде цилиндрической штампованной листовой заготовки с плоской верхней поверхностью, отличающаяся тем, что на ее внешней боковой поверхности по всему периметру выполнен элемент запирания в виде углубления, направленного радиально вовнутрь, с возможностью взаимодействия с буртом горловины тары. 2. Крышка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что элемент запирания выполнен в виде углубления трапециевидной формы. 3. Крышка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что элемент запирания выполнен в виде углубления прямоугольной формы. 3 9 0 9 9 (54) КРЫШКА С ЭЛЕМЕНТОМ ЗАПИРАНИЯ ДЛЯ МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКОЙ ТАРЫ R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Капиталинвест" (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 39 099 U1 Предлагаемая полезная модель касается изготовления элемента запирания с ...

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066737U1

1. Упаковка для тонколистового изделия, состоящая из основания с ребрами жесткости, хотя бы одной крышки, снабженной периферическими ребрами и уплотнительной поверхностью, которая вступает в плотный контакт с верхним краем уплотнения, уплотнения, защелки, отличающаяся тем, что снование с ребрами жесткости обеспечивает отсутствие прогиба при нагрузках во время транспортировки и при складировании, ребра жесткости снабжены на вертикальной поверхности пазами или уступами для защелки, уплотнение размещено на основании, выполнено в виде фиксатора из эластомерного материала, имеет расчетную площадь поперечного сечения S, обеспечивающую величину горизонтальной упругопластической деформации L при сжатии фиксатора по вертикали на величину Δ, фиксатор имеет форму, повторяющую форму плоского изделия, причем в ненагруженном состоянии фиксатора между наружной кромкой ограничителя и фиксатором имеется гарантированный зазор, равный величине деформации фиксатора Δ, и основание или крышка снабжена хотя бы одним ограничителем, который имеет высоту, обеспечивающую гарантированный зазор h между ребрами жесткости основания и крышкой при деформированном фиксаторе, крышка выполнена с возможностью разворота вдоль оси соединения крышки и основания, снабжена периферическими ребрами в виде бурта, обеспечивающего перекрытие буртом ребер жесткости основания, размещенных по периметру основания, крышка и/или основание снабжены защелкой. 2. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено односторонним. 3. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено двухсторонним, а крышки размещены по обе стороны основания. 4. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что основание или крышка снабжены несколькими ограничителями. 5. Упаковка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что ограничители размещены по периметру основания. 6. Упаковка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что ограничители размещены в центральной части основания. 7. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что защелка расположена в центральной части ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000084355U1

1. Затвор отверстия сосуда, предназначенного для работы под высоким давлением или вакуумом, содержащий два кольцевых фланца, присоединенных к отверстию сосуда и к его крышке и имеющих на внешней цилиндрической поверхности скосы, образующие при совмещении фланцев усеченный клин, уплотнение для герметизации сосуда при закрытой крышке, кольцо для прижима фланцев друг к другу, включающее два перемещаемых полукольца, имеющих на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности канавку с расширяющимися боковыми стенками для вмещения и сжатия вместе скосов обоих фланцев, стяжной винт с установленными на нем стяжными гайками для стягивания концов разных полуколец, отличающийся тем, что стяжной винт выполнен с возможностью вращения в гайках, снабжен узлом закрепления от продольного перемещения, находящимся от гаек на одинаковом расстоянии и содержащим подшипниковую опору стяжного винта, которая включает подшипник качения, и два хомута, неподвижно охватывающих винт с двух сторон от подшипниковой опоры за счет имеющейся на них гребенчатой проточки, ответной такой же проточке на стяжном винте, и упирающихся торцами в часть подшипниковой опоры, неподвижно соединенную с одним из колец подшипника качения, при этом другая часть подшипниковой опоры, неподвижно соединенная со вторым кольцом подшипника качения, неподвижно присоединена к кронштейну на стенке сосуда, а между стяжным винтом и подшипниковой опорой имеется зазор, стяжные гайки закреплены в проушинах разных полуколец от вращения на стяжном винте с возможностью поворота стяжной гайки в плоскости перемещения стяжного винта, а резьбовые соединения гаек и участков винта, относящихся к проушинам разных полуколец, выполнены с разным направлением резьбы. 2. Затвор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что при расположении запираемого отверстия поперечным сечением параллельно горизонтальной плоскости в проушинах разных полуколец выполнены сквозные отверстия, в каждом из которых закреплена стяжная гайка продольной осью своего резьбового отверстия ...

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000092851U1

1. Надцентровое запирающее устройство, содержащее рукоятку, связанную с рычагом, шарнирно соединенным с первой частью запираемого изделия, на свободном конце рукоятки выполнена поверхность зацепления, зацепляющая вторую часть изделия и фиксирующая указанные части изделия вместе при нахождении рукоятки в положении над линией центров, отличающееся тем, что на свободном конце рукоятки имеется зацепляющий выступ для создания начального открывающего усилия при взаимодействии рукоятки со второй частью изделия во время начальной стадии размыкания изделия. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на свободном конце рукоятки выполнен дополнительный зацепляющий выступ для создания начального закрывающего усилия при взаимодействии рукоятки со второй частью изделия при ее смыкании с первой частью изделия, причем зацепляющие выступы расположены на противоположных сторонах рукоятки в ее продольной плоскости, а поверхность зацепления рукоятки расположена между зацепляющими выступами. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что связь рукоятки с рычагом выполнена подвижной посредством продольного паза в рычаге и подвижно расположенной в пазу оси, соединяющей рукоятку с рычагом. 4. Устройство по пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что на второй части изделия выполнен зацеп, который расположен с возможностью взаимодействия с основным зацепляющим выступом рукоятки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 92 851 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65D 45/34 (2006.01) G02B 6/44 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009145342/22, 08.12.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.12.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Связьстройдеталь" (RU) U 1 9 2 8 5 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Надцентровое запирающее устройство, содержащее рукоятку, связанную с рычагом, шарнирно соединенным с первой частью запираемого изделия, ...

10-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000158488U1

1. Бочка, состоящая из цилиндрического корпуса с горловиной, крышки, отличающаяся тем, что горловина снабжена зацепами, а по периметру крышки шарнирно установлены рычаги защелок, на каждом из которых с эксцентриситетом относительно основной оси рычага установлена серьга для взаимодействия с зацепом горловины. 2. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена шарнирно установленными на корпусе ручками для переноса. 3. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что корпус на боковой поверхности имеет концентричные выемки. 4. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что крышка снабжена герметизирующей прокладкой. 5. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что защелки установлены на крышке равномерно по всей длине. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B65D 1/00 B65D 1/10 B65D 25/28 B65D 43/10 B65D 45/02 (13) 158 488 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015127259/04, 07.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.07.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Радиан" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2016 Бюл. № 1 1 5 8 4 8 8 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Бочка, состоящая из цилиндрического корпуса с горловиной, крышки, отличающаяся тем, что горловина снабжена зацепами, а по периметру крышки шарнирно установлены рычаги защелок, на каждом из которых с эксцентриситетом относительно основной оси рычага установлена серьга для взаимодействия с зацепом горловины. 2. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена шарнирно установленными на корпусе ручками для переноса. 3. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что корпус на боковой поверхности имеет концентричные выемки. 4. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что крышка снабжена герметизирующей прокладкой. 5. Бочка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что защелки установлены на крышке равномерно по всей длине. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) БОЧКА 1 5 8 4 8 8 Адрес для переписки: 426065, Удмуртская Респ., г. ...

22-01-2018 дата публикации

Крышка контейнера для уплотняемого контейнера кнопочного типа

Номер: RU0000176531U1
Автор: Чэн ЛО
Принадлежит: Чэн ЛО

Раскрывается крышка (100) контейнера для уплотняемого контейнера кнопочного типа, содержащая верхнюю крышку (1), нижнюю крышку, чашеобразное уплотняющее кольцо (2), кнопку (3), выполненную с возможностью вращения зубчатую часть (4), вертикальный вал (5) и рычажный и пружинный механизм. Выполненная с возможностью вращения зубчатая часть (4) содержит втулку (401) и N шлицевых зубьев (402). Нижняя часть и верхняя часть каждого шлицевого зуба (402) соответственно содержит винтовую поверхность, при этом верхняя винтовая поверхность (404) и нижняя винтовая поверхность (403) имеют противоположные направления вращения. Вертикальный вал (5) зафиксирован с кнопкой (3), и выполненная с возможностью вращения зубчатая часть (4) установлена с возможностью вращения в нижней части вертикального вала (5). Нижняя пластина (102) верхней крышки содержит шлицевое отверстие (107) с N канавками, нижняя поверхность нижней пластины содержит торцевую шестерню (104), торцевая шестерня (104) содержит 2N торцевых зубьев, и канавки шлицевого отверстия (107) с N канавками размещены в углубленных частях торцевых зубьев. Нижняя крышка содержит торцевое колесо (705) храповика с 2N храповиками, храповики торцевого колеса (705) храповика с 2N храповиками подогнаны под нижние винтовые поверхности (403) шлицевых зубьев (402), где N больше или равно 3. Крышку контейнера этого уплотняемого контейнера кнопочного типа удобно собирать, и она имеет высокую надежность и стабильные рабочие характеристики. Кроме того, раскрыт уплотняемый контейнер кнопочного типа, содержащий такую крышку контейнера. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 531 U1 (51) МПК B65D 43/02 (2006.01) B65D 53/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47J 47/02 (2006.01); B65D 45/28 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016151366, 18.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЛО Чэн (CN) Дата регистрации: 22.01.2018 R U 18.05.2015 ( ...

23-01-2018 дата публикации

Колпачок для наполненных медицинскими жидкостями ёмкостей

Номер: RU0000176559U1

Полезная модель относится к упаковке для стерильных жидкостей, более конкретно к укупорочным средствам - колпачкам для наполненных медицинскими жидкостями емкостей (далее по тексту - колпачок), и может быть использована в медицинской промышленности для стерильной укупорки емкостей, в частности, наполненных жидкостями для инъекции или переливания, с возможностью обеспечения в укупорочном средстве мест прокола для введения в емкость устройства для забора стерильной жидкости (например, шприца) и последующего безопасного извлечения этого устройства с необходимым количеством жидкости. Колпачок для наполненных медицинскими жидкостями емкостей, в частности, емкостей, наполненных жидкостями для инъекции или переливания, включает торцевую стенку и боковую стенку, причем торцевая стенка имеет отрывные элементы с захватными частями для отделения отрывных элементов от торцевой стенки и освобождения мест прокола, захватные части захватный элемент и минимально две тяги, сопряженные с отрывными элементами, при этом наружная часть захватного элемента выступает за пределы боковой стенки колпачка. Полезная модель позволяет достичь уменьшения усилия отделения отрывных элементов для повышения удобства и надежности освобождения мест прокола и упрощения освобождения мест прокола, а также упрощения изготовления колпачка и повышение надежности его эксплуатации. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 559 U1 (51) МПК B65D 8/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 51/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017118393, 29.05.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Иностранное производственное унитарное предприятие "АЛКОПАК" (BY) Дата регистрации: 23.01.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2373125 C1, 20.11.2009. US 2003233083 A1, 18.12.2003. US 4501372 A, 26.02.1985. WO2006024641 A1, 09.03.2006. (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2018 Бюл. № 3 1 7 6 5 5 9 R U (54) ...

24-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000179000U1

Полезная модель относится к пластиковым закрытым контейнерам и может быть использована в качестве многооборотной тары для хранения и транспортировки, например, пищевых товаров. Контейнер пластиковый состоит из полого корпуса (1) и съемной крышки (2). Корпус (1) образован наклонными к днищу (3) стенками (4) и имеет при виде сверху форму прямоугольника со скругленными углами (5), снабженными снаружи ребрами-упорами (6). Ниже края горловины (7) корпуса (1) по его периметру выполнена отбортовка (8) с выступами (9), а крышка (2) содержит отбортовку (10), направленную наружу и образующую по контуру крышки ∩-образную полость (11), контактирующую с краем горловины (7) для обеспечения герметичности контейнера. Корпус (1) и крышка (2) снабжены элементами для опломбирования контейнера в виде соответствующих вертикальных плоских выступов (13) и (14) выполненных на отбортовках (8) и (10) и находящихся напротив друг друга своими плоскостями, когда контейнер собран. Для усиления контейнера в целом на днище (3) корпуса (1) и крышке (2) предусмотрены соответственно углубления (15) и (12), а также различные ребра жесткости (16), (17), (18). Простое конструктивное выполнение контейнера с возможностью опломбирования улучшает его эксплуатационные возможности, повышает технологичность и снижает себестоимость изготовления, увеличивает его прочностные характеристики в целом и продлевает многоразовый срок службы. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил. И 1 179000 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’ 179 000” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 01.08.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 28.04.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 28.04.2020 Бюл. №13 Стр.: 1 па 00061 + ЕП

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000187877U1

Полезная модель относится к упаковочной отрасли, а именно для упаковки мелкосыпучих материалов, использования ее в качестве распылителя содержимого через дозатор, закрытие дозатора застежкой зип-лок и с возможностью полного высыпания содержимого через нижнюю отрывную часть. Техническая задача полезной модели решается тем, что выше дозатора встраивается зип-лок застежка и по верхней линии отрыва наносятся просечки, добавляется нижняя отрывная часть с просечками по линии отрыва. Техническим результатом, обеспечиваемым приведенной совокупностью признаков, является использование упаковки в качестве распылителя продукта через дозатор. Закрытие дозатора зип-лок застежкой позволяет сохранять содержимое пакета от воздействия окружающей среды, а нижняя отрывная часть после отрыва обеспечивает полное высыпание продукта. И 1 187877 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 187 87771 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 22.06.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 19.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 па 418181 ЕП

11-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000201754U1

Полезная модель относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к устройствам, используемым в домашних автоклавах при консервировании пищевых продуктов путем их термической стерилизации в стеклянных банках с обкатными металлическими крышками в герметично закрытых емкостях пароводяных автоклавов. Заявленное устройство защиты содержит пару фиксирующих кольцевых сегментов, установленных на горловине укупоренной стеклянной банки. Каждый такой сегмент выполнены с П-образным поперечным сечением с кольцевой боковой стенкой и перпендикулярными к ней верхней и нижней кольцевыми полками и соответственно, обеспечивающим возможность обхвата венчика горловины стеклянной банки с установленной на венчике обкатной металлической крышкой. Кольцевой бандажный элемент выполнен с возможностью фиксации установленных вышеуказанным образом кольцевых металлических сегментов. Бандажный элемент имеет боковую и верхнюю полки кольцевой формы. Все элементы выполнены из пластичного деформируемого сплава. Технический результат полезной модели - уменьшение вероятности срыва обкатных металлических крышек со стеклянных банок в процессе консервирования в пароводяном домашнем автоклаве. 1 ил. Ц 201754 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“ 201 754" 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ТСУК Изменение сведений об авторе(ах) (72) Автор(ы): Лютин Игорь Леонидович (КП), Втюрин Павел Сергеевич (КП) Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.09.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.09.2021 Бюл. №26 Стр.: 1 па ‘9 ОС ЕП

16-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000206573U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к таре и упаковке различного вида продуктов, в частности к съемным крышкам с желобами, охватывающими края отверстия тары в виде контейнеров для разного вида продуктов с обеспечением возможности зацепления крышки с верхней кромкой контейнера, и может быть использована в пищевой и других видах промышленности. Крышка контейнера включает верхнюю поверхность (1), выполненную с краевым бортиком (2), с внутренней стороны которого выполнена выпуклая часть (3), которая может быть сплошной или прерывистой. При этом по внутренней поверхности краевого бортика (2) установлены замковые элементы (4). Замковые элементы (4) выполнены с возможностью зацепления за верхнюю кромку контейнера. С наружной части краевого бортика по всему периметру выполнен отрывной поясок (5). В основании крышки выполнена полость (6) в виде ниши с дном и открытым верхом, где может быть размещен дополнительный продукт или столовый прибор, например, ложечка. В нижней части основания крышки расположен стопировочный элемент (7), образующий замкнутый контур, выполненный в виде упора, расположенного перпендикулярно основанию крышки. Предлагаемая конструкция крышки обеспечивает прочное крепление крышки к контейнеру. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

System for Stacking Archive Boxes Including A Fire-Resistant Drywall Support Shell

Номер: US20120012493A1
Принадлежит: John D Brush and Co Inc

A system for stacking fire-resistant archive boxes on top of one another is provided. Each of the archive boxes comprise an outer shell, an inner shell disposed within the outer shell, a drywall support shell, and a lid. The inner shell has an opening defining a storage compartment, and is spaced apart from the outer shell defining a cavity therebetween. The inner shell includes a bottom wall and side walls. The drywall support shell is disposed within the cavity and surrounds a substantial portion of the inner shell. The lid is configured to be disposed over the opening in the inner shell to selectively enclose the storage compartment. The drywall support shell of the upper archive box is substantially aligned with the drywall support shell of the lower archive box whereby the lower archive box is supportive of the upper archive box.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Pressure relief cap

Номер: US20120018430A1
Автор: Kevin W. Bork
Принадлежит: Bemis Manufacturing Co

A pressure relief cap engageable with a container includes a vent passage between an interior of the cap and an exterior of the cap. A two-way pressure relief valve is located along the vent passage and is configured to open automatically in response to a positive net interior pressure exceeding a first threshold pressure and in response to a negative net interior pressure exceeding a second threshold pressure. A manual actuator is actuable from the exterior of the cap to open the two-way pressure relief valve. A plug is positioned along the vent passage in series with the two-way pressure relief valve, movable between a first position in which the vent passage is open between the two-way pressure relief valve and the exterior of the cap and a second position in which the plug closes the vent passage between the two-way pressure relief valve and the exterior of the cap.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Air-tight ceramic or glass vessels and lid systems

Номер: US20120024856A1
Автор: Justin Smyers
Принадлежит: Individual

An exemplary embodiment of a vessel-lid combination includes a ceramic or glass vessel having an open top surrounded by a peripheral edge, a lid fabricated of a plastic material, and a seal structure. The lid is configured to attach to the open top by means of a latch or set of latches integrated with the lid, and the seal structure is configured to provide an air-tight seal between the lid and the peripheral edge of the vessel when the lid is attached to the vessel.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Fastening device for a module element in an airplane

Номер: US20120034028A1
Автор: Guenter Schmitz

A fastening device for attaching a module element to a support structure in an aircraft includes a stud having a first end defining a broadened head configured to engage the support structure, a section which adjoins the head and defines a first lateral dimension and a second lateral dimension that is larger than, and is disposed at least substantially perpendicularly to, the first lateral dimension, and a second opposite end connected to a lever which is movable between open and closed positions relative to the stud. A bushing, which may be electrically conductive, is provided on and longitudinally movable along the stud, which is configured to contact the support structure and to support an outer wall of the module element. An eccentric may be actuated by the lever and is responsive to movement of the lever into the closed position to move the bushing along the stud towards the head.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Container with a ratcheting lid

Номер: US20120055926A1
Принадлежит: SC Johnson and Son Inc

The present invention is directed to containers for food or other material having a bowl and a ratcheting lid. The ratcheting lid will reduce the headspace in the container thereby increasing the storage life for the food product or other material in the container and maintaining the freshness of the material. The lid includes a peripheral edge having a diameter corresponding generally to the inside diameter of the bowl to provide an improved locking seal.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Container having septum closure and closing cap having a septum closure

Номер: US20120067887A1
Принадлежит: HEIPHA GMBH

A container ( 1 ) for a fluid having a septum closure is characterized in that the closure comprises a cap ( 2 ) having at least one passage ( 3 ) and that the passage ( 3 ) is filled by an elastic closure material ( 4 ) and closed.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Closure and container having the same

Номер: US20120103993A1
Автор: Dong-Seuk Chae
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a closure and a container having the same. The closure includes a sealing portion 110 assembled to an aperture of a container to seal the container; a plurality of locking protrusions 112 , each lock protrusion being connected to a hinge 111 extending from a lower rim of the sealing portion 110 to protrude inwards and fixed to a locking flange formed on the container; a cover portion 120 having a ring shape and assembled to an outside of the sealing portion 110 to be vertically movable with respect to the sealing portion 110 ; and a plurality of fixing protrusions 121 protruding from an inner circumferential surface of the cover portion 120 to support the locking protrusions 112 . The closure may be opened or closed by just one touch by means of relative vertical movements of the sealing portion and the cover portion, thereby ensuring convenient manipulation as well as excellent airtightness.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Integral handle locking band

Номер: US20120112476A1
Автор: Kenneth J. Kuzelka
Принадлежит: Individual

A locking band for use with a container having an annular end portion defining a top opening and a removable cover overlying said opening. The locking band comprises a split circular ring, generally U-shaped in cross section, having first and second ends and including an outer circumferential wall. The second end is of a larger size than the first end to define a handle. A first notch opens outwardly proximate the first end and a second notch opens inwardly proximate the second end. Circumferential spacing between the notches is a select amount greater than a circumference of a cover. A band link has a first end and a second end, each end including a shaft receivable in the respective first and second notches. Spacing between the shafts is substantially similar to the select amount. In use, with the split circular ring surrounding the removable cover and annular end portion, the handle is forced inwardly toward the first end until the handle overlies the first end to secure the cover on the container.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Storing device

Номер: US20120125937A1
Принадлежит: Hammarplast Consumer AB

A storing device comprises a lid having on its underside a sealing ring, and a box having a bottom and a circumferential wall with an upper portion. The upper portion has an inner surface and an outer surface. The sealing ring comprises an inner sealing lip in sealing contact with said inner surface and an outer sealing lip in sealing contact with said outer surface.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Closure for containers

Номер: US20120136333A1
Автор: Chris Daniel Hatalla
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

Closures for containers and methods for using same are provided. In a general embodiment, the present disclosure provides a closure having a top portion ( 12 ), a bottom portion ( 14 ) and a side portion ( 16 ), an aperture ( 18 ) extending though the closure, a projection ( 20 ) extending from the closure and at least two rib members ( 36 ) on an interior of the projection. The projection may also include a cover. In another embodiment, a method for using a closure includes inserting a spike member into a projection, piercing a membrane ( 28 ) that hermetically seals a medical container, pushing rib members within the projection to center the spike member inserted into the projection, and tearing the membrane to create a vent hole in the membrane.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Strap clamp with transverse oriented cam door

Номер: US20120198664A1
Автор: Scott D. Kolasa

A webbing clamp incorporating a hollow base frame adapted to receive elongated webbing segments in threaded relation through a pair of opposing slot openings and a hinging camming door structure rotatably mounted within the base frame about an axis of rotation. The camming door structure includes a lever projection for user engagement and a camming ear portion extending below the lever projection for disposition at the interior of the base frame. The camming door structure is mounted transverse to the threading direction of the webbing segments and rotates about an axis generally aligned with the threading direction of the webbing segments. Upon closing the hinging door structure, the camming ear portion engages the webbing segments in a compressing manner thereby blocking relative sliding action with the webbing clamp.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Synthetic board stock suitable for direct food contact

Номер: US20120261294A1
Автор: Thomas Marshall Fritz
Принадлежит: Individual

A synthetic bacon board does not wick and may be printed on both the inside of the package, with direct food contact, and on the outside of the package. The synthetic bacon board is lighter than conventional bacon boards, reducing freight costs, and is recyclable (#5 recyclable polypropylene, for example). Since it does not wick, the synthetic bacon board may be more appealing to the consumer. Moreover, consumer messages, such as coupons with optional varying background colors, may be printed on the inside of the packaging.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Structure for a storage unit

Номер: US20120261419A1
Автор: Albert John David
Принадлежит: Albert John David

A structure for substantially sealing a storage unit, wherein the structure includes an elastically stretchable flange cooperable with a lip provided on a rim of the storage unit, wherein the flange is elastically urged to seal against the lip of the storage unit.

08-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120279977A1
Автор: Ching-Wen Chang

A lid of the present invention is provided for covering or sealing a cup by engaging a rim flange of the cup. The lid includes a top portion and an annular side plate which extends downwardly from periphery of the top portion. The plate is formed with a hole. An engagement plate is disposed on the side plate. A bottom edge of the engagement plate is connected to the plate. A top edge of the engagement plate stretches upwardly along the hole, so that the engagement plate is located in the hole. The plates are flexible. As such, the engagement plate can be pressed and bent inwardly when the lid covers a cup. The engagement plate would then engage with the rim flange of the cup so as to enhance engagement of the lid and the cup.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Communication Box

Номер: US20130008905A1
Автор: Hsi-Fan Chang
Принадлежит: General Jack Technology Ltd

A communication box includes a box body and a box lid. The box body has an accommodation space therein. The box lid includes a lid body and two engaging members. Upper and lower ends of the two engaging members are detachably connected to the box body. The two engaging members are respectively and pivotally connected two opposing sides of the lid body, so that the two engaging members are rotatable relative to the lid body. Compared the conventional communication box, the communication box of the present invention can be opened in different ways. Through one of the two engaging members, either side of the box lid can be opened. Alternatively, the box lid can be detached from the box body through disengagement of the two engaging members. The present invention can be used in different occasions and is convenient for operation, without limitation of space.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Seal cap

Номер: US20130048640A1
Автор: Wen-Ping Wang
Принадлежит: CHENG CHUN-YAO

A seal cap includes a main body, a retaining cover and a fastening ring. The main body has a slab shape and is flexible. The main body includes a press collar extending upward from the main body. The press collar has a connecting portion therein. The retaining cover covers the main body, and includes an annular inner wall, an outer covering body, a trough and a coupling portion. The outer covering body covers the annular inner wall and has at least one press opening. The trough is formed between the outer covering body and the annular inner wall, and faces downward. The trough communicates with the at least one press opening. The press collar is inserted located in the trough. The coupling portion encircles the outer covering body, and is located above the engaging portion. The fastening ring is located at an outer side of the connecting portion of the main body, so that the connecting portion is tightly connected to the annular inner wall of the retaining cover. When in use, the seal cap of the present invention is coupled to the opening of a container. The top of the container leans against the coupling portion, and the circumferential wall is against the container to seal the container.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

System and method for holding a hazardous substance

Номер: US20130068761A1
Принадлежит: Oberweis Dairy Inc

Systems and containers for holding and transporting potentially hazardous materials are disclosed. Assembled containers may have locking mechanisms reducing the possibility of the containers being opened by persons that are not opening the container in a safe environment. Moreover, containers with releasably securable members for carrying substances such as frozen carbon dioxide, used for maintaining cold temperatures of various items are disclosed.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Mattress Transporting Roller Box

Номер: US20130081964A1
Автор: Oh Suk Kan
Принадлежит: Zinus Inc.

A roller box assembly includes a roller box and a bedding product contained in the roller box. The roller box includes a cardboard box portion, a pair of fixed-axis wheels, and a handle. The fixed-axis wheels are disposed along a corner edge of a bottom portion of the box portion. The handle portion is attached to the top portion of the box portion. In one embodiment, the bedding product is a mattress that has been compressed and rolled into a cylinder shape. A retail customer can purchase the bedding product at a retail store, and can then transport the purchased product out of the store by pulling the box from the handle such that the box rolls on its rollers. 113-. (canceled)14. A method comprising:retaining a bedding product in a roller box, wherein the roller box has two fixed-axis wheels disposed along a corner edge of a bottom portion of the roller box, and wherein the roller box has a handle attached to a top portion of the roller box.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the roller box has a plurality of cardboard sidewalls.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the bedding product is a roll of material that is contained in a cylindrical-shaped bag.17. The method of claim 15 , wherein the bedding product is a compressed and rolled innerspring mattress claim 15 , and wherein the compressed and rolled innerspring mattress is contained in a cylindrical-shaped bag.18. The method of claim 14 , further comprising:supplying the bedding product in the roller box to a retail customer.19. The method of claim 14 , further comprising:encouraging a retail customer to transport the bedding product out of a retail store by rolling the roller box on its two fixed-axis wheels.2021-. (canceled)22. The method of claim 14 , wherein the bedding product is a mattress claim 14 , and wherein the roller box further comprises:a box portion having the bottom portion, a top portion, and a plurality of sidewalls, wherein the bottom portion meets a first of the sidewalls to define the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082054A1
Автор: GROBEN Martin

A safety apparatus for containers loaded by gas pressure, in particular the gas side () of hydropneumatic devices such as hydraulic accumulators (), is characterized in that the safety apparatus has a connection device () that can be attached to the pressure chamber of the container in order to form a passage () between the gas side () of the container and the outside, and that a means () is present, which normally blocks the passage () and which under the influence of temperature can be transferred into a state that allows a flow path through the passage () to be cleared. 1131192513274163652525. A safety device for containers loaded by gas pressure , in particular the gas side () of hydropneumatic devices such as hydraulic accumulators () , characterized in that it has a connecting device () which can be attached to the pressure chamber of the container to form a passage () between the gas side () of the container and the outside and that there is a means ( , , , ) which normally blocks the passage () and which can be transferred under the influence of temperature into a state which enables the flow path to be cleared through the passage ().227. The safety device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the means which responds to the effect of temperature is a solder () that is made of an alloy which has a desired melting point.32725. The safety device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the solder () claim 2 , located directly in the passage () claim 2 , forms a sealing plug which melts due to a temperature increase.431253339. The safety device according to claim 2 , characterized in that claim 2 , on its end () bordering the gas side claim 2 , the passage () runs axially and on the other end undergoes transition into exit channels ( claim 2 , ) which are perpendicular to the axial direction.52535133741272527. The safety device according to claim 3 , characterized in that the passage () widens toward an axial section () which borders the gas side () ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Container for transporting heated foodstuff and related lid

Номер: US20130082063A1
Автор: Filippo Lizzio
Принадлежит: Individual

Container for transporting heated foodstuff including a bowl vessel provided with an openable lid for the airtight sealing including an inner wall and an outer wall delimiting an intermediate interspace which, in the closed condition of the lid, communicates with the vessel through a plurality of first holes formed in the inner wall and with the atmosphere through a plurality of second holes formed in the outer wall of the lid.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087565A1
Принадлежит: Schmale GmbH & Co. KG

The invention relates to a push catch () for containers (), comprising a push element () which is introduced into a housing () which is set in a container wall. A shoulder () of the housing () is supported on the container wall. The push element () is under the influence of a spring (). The housing () comprises a radial bore (′) and a bushing () is placed in the container wall and protrudes at least in sections into the bore (′). 12222322. Push catch for containers , comprising a push element that is guided in a housing that is inserted into a container wall , wherein the housing supports itself on the container wall with a shoulder , and the push element stands under the influence of a spring , wherein the housing () has a radial bore (′) and wherein a bushing () is provided that is inserted into the container wall and that projects into the bore (′) , at least in certain regions.2223. Push catch according to claim 1 , wherein the clear width of the bore (′) corresponds to the outside diameter of the bushing (). The invention relates to a push catch for containers, comprising a push element that is guided in a housing that is inserted into a container wall, whereby the housing supports itself on the container wall with a shoulder, and which push element stands under the influence of a spring.Push catches in themselves are known (cf. for example DE 652 754 C). Such catches are affixed to containers, generally box-shaped containers such as crates, boxes or cases made of wood, plastic, or the like.A disadvantage of the known push catches consists in that in order to unlock the lid provided under the container, a lever or bracket moves into the interior of the container under the influence of the push element, and thereby releases the lid. This results in the risk that goods accommodated in the container will be damaged. Furthermore, by means of this type of activation, lining the container on the inside with fabric or the like is precluded, because this lining would ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098915A1

A food storage container includes a bowl that connects to a lid in a closed position. Upon movement of the bowl and lid into the closed position, an audible sound or signal is generated as well as visual and tactile indications. 1. A storage container comprising:a bowl having an open end and a bowl wall forming a convex shape, the bowl wall having a middle portion centered about an axis of the bowl that extends in a longitudinal direction, the bowl wall forming a rim extending approximately perpendicular relative to the middle portion of the bowl wall;a connector on the rim; anda lid that connects to the bowl by placing the lid over the open end and rotating the lid and/or the bowl so that a portion of the lid moves in the longitudinal direction away from the rim as the portion of the lid passes over the connector to a closed position.2. The storage container of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the lid passing over the connector to the closed position generates an audible signal.3. The storage container of claim 1 , wherein the connector has a tab that is cantilevered in an aperture through the rim claim 1 , and wherein the tab has a first side that connects to the rim and a second side opposite first side that is free.4. The storage container of claim 3 , wherein the tab has a top surface and a bottom surface claim 3 , wherein the tab has a ramp that protrudes from the top surface claim 3 , and wherein the tab has a third side and a fourth side opposite third side so that ramp increases in height claim 3 , as measured from the top surface of the tab to a top surface of the ramp claim 3 , from the fourth side to the third side.5. The storage container of claim 1 , wherein the lid has lid wall with a top wall and a side wall that forms a curve with the top wall so that the side wall is perpendicular the top wall.6. The storage container of claim 5 , wherein the side wall has an exterior surface and an interior surface opposite the exterior surface claim 5 , and ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Dispensing insert for a medicine containment and dispensing system and associated method

Номер: US20130102989A1
Принадлежит: Target Brands Inc

A dispensing insert is configured to friction fit within a neck of a bottle and to selectively receive an oral syringe. The dispensing insert includes a hollow cylinder, a top plate capping one end of the hollow cylinder, a raised deck extending substantially parallel to and spaced from the top plate, and an annular side wall extending from the top plate upwardly toward the raised deck. The raised deck has a smaller outer diameter than the top plate and defines an opening therethrough configured to provide access to contents of the pharmacy bottle through the dispensing insert. The annular sidewall substantially encompasses an outer perimeter of the raised deck.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105476A1
Принадлежит: DB DESIGN GMBH

The present invention relates to a refillable container system and to a method for assembly of this container system and in particular to a refillable container system in which, on the one hand, deterioration of the sealing properties caused by wear of the closure and, on the other hand, soiling of the cover and a resulting contamination of the refilled content with old and possibly already spoiled rests of the old content are avoided. 10. A container system comprising four components which can be assembled to form a container () , wherein the container system comprises:{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': 2', '2', '1, 'which is adapted to receive an inner container () from a first side and can be connected with the inner container () by means of a first fixing mechanism (B), and'}, {'b': 1', '5', '2, 'wherein, at a second side which is opposite the first side, the outer container () comprises an opening () into which a bottom section (BTA) of the inner container () can be inserted,'}], '(a) an outer container ()'}{'b': '2', 'claim-text': {'b': 1', '1', '1', '4', '2', '4', '2, 'which can be inserted into the outer container () and can be connected with the outer container () by means of the first fixing mechanism (B) and which comprises an opening which can be closed by means of an inner cover (), wherein the inner container () can be connected with the inner cover () by means of a second fixing mechanism (B),'}, '(b) an inner container ()'}{'b': '3', 'claim-text': [{'b': 4', '4', '3', '3', '6', '4, 'which is adapted to receive an inner cover () from a first side and can be connected with the inner cover () by means of a third fixing mechanism (B), wherein, at a second side which is opposite the first side, the outer cover () comprises an opening () into which a section (TA) of the inner cover () can be inserted, and'}, {'b': 4', '1, 'which can be connected by means of a fourth fixing mechanism (B) with the outer container (), and'}], '(c) an outer cover ()'}{'b': '4', ' ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Vented Metallic Container End Closure

Номер: US20130118133A1

A metallic container end closure is provided that generally comprises a dispensing opening and a vent opening. The vent opening improves pourability through the dispensing opening and provides an alternative option for consuming the contents of the container. The end closure may include features to ease opening of the vent opening, such as stiffeners and/or vent form features. Additionally, the end closure may include various safety features, such as a safety fold. In some configurations, the container end closure does not include a pull tab for opening. 1. A vented metallic end closure adapted for interconnection to a neck of a container body , comprising:a peripheral curl;a chuck wall extending downwardly from the peripheral curl;a countersink interconnected to a lower end of the chuck wall; anda central panel interconnected to the countersink, the central panel having a primary score defining a dispensing opening;a secondary score defining a vent opening with a vent panel positioned proximate to the peripheral curl of said central panel, wherein the secondary score termination is directed towards the central panel peripheral curl to form a hinge point, and said vent panel is inclined downwardly toward an interior portion of said central panel to define a ramp.2. The metallic end closure of claim 1 , wherein the central panel further comprises a stiffening structure positioned near the secondary score.3. The metallic end closure of claim 1 , wherein the inclined panel and ramp is oriented to receive an opening tool to apply a downward force to said vent panel.4. The metallic end closure of claim 1 , wherein the vent panel is inclined at an angle of between about 2 degrees and 10 degrees.5. The metallic end closure of claim 1 , wherein the ramp has an upper end positioned in substantially the same horizontal plane as said central panel.6. The metallic end closure of claim 1 , wherein the secondary score comprises at least one of a triangular shape claim 1 , an ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119063A1
Принадлежит: APEX BRANDS, INC.

A locking system includes a carrier member at least one locking member extending from the rod. The carrier member is movable between a first locked position in which the locking member engages a locking receptacle to maintain a container cover in a closed position and a second unlocked position in which the locking member disengages from the locking receptacle and the cover is movable between the closed and open position. The locking system includes a blocking member at a second end of the carrier member. The blocking member is movable between a first engaged position in which the rod abuts a portion of the blocking member and maintains the elongate rod in the first locked position and a second disengaged position in which the rod disengages from the blocking member and a biasing unit urges the rod in the second unlocked position. 1. A container , comprising:a receptacle having walls, a floor, and an open end;a cover pivotally attached to one of the walls of the receptacle, the cover being movable between an open position, in which the open end of the receptacle can be accessed, and a closed position, in which the cover overlies the open end of the receptacle;a locking receptacle mounted on one of the cover and one or more of the receptacle walls; a carrier member having at least one locking member extending from the carrier member, the carrier member being movable between a first locked position in which the locking member engages the locking receptacle to maintain the cover in the closed position and a second unlocked position in which the locking member disengages from the locking receptacle and the cover is movable between the closed and the open position; and', 'a locking indicator assembly having an indicium on an external portion of the container and a movable member connected to the carrier member to move the carrier member between the first locked position and second unlocked position, wherein the movable member overlies the indicium when the carrier member ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126544A1

Disclosed is a lid structure that includes an attachment tab connected to the lid by a living hinge. The attachment tab is configured to be attached to an external structure and the lid defines a ridge and a groove that surrounds the periphery of the lid structure except along the living hinge. Also discloses is a method of manufacturing the lid structure. 1. A method of manufacturing a part , the method comprising:heating a first plastic sheet above a glass transition temperature;heating a second plastic sheet above the glass transition temperature;molding the first plastic sheet with a first mold;molding the second plastic sheet with a second mold; andimpressing the first plastic sheet and the second plastic sheet together between the first and second molds thereby forming the part and a living hinge on the part, wherein the living hinge is between approximately 0.028 inches and approximately 0.040 inches thick.2. The method of further comprising flexing the living hinge before the part has cooled to an ambient temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part includes an elongated structure and a tab claim 1 , wherein the living hinge separates the elongated structure and the tab and wherein the tab is constructed and arranged to be coupled to an external structure.4. The method of wherein the tab is constructed and arranged to slide within a channel.5. The method of wherein the tab is constructed and arranged to receive a plurality of mechanical fasteners to couple the tab to the external structure.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:while compressing the first and second sheets, die cutting the first and second sheets on both ends of the living hinge.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongated structure has a width and wherein the living hinge is continuous and extends across substantially the entire width.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the living hinge is constructed and arranged to flex no more than ninety degrees.9. The method of ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127321A1

A food container and a refrigerator including the same are disclosed. The present invention relates to a food container capable of simultaneously separating fixing members () of a cover according to sliding of a handle and of taking out of food kept therein by opening an auxiliary cover () even in a state of a main cover being closed, only to be usable conveniently, and a refrigerator including the food container. The food container includes a main body having an entrance formed on a topside thereof, a cover opening and closing the entrance of the main body, a plurality of fixing members () comprising ends rotatably secured to a side surface of the main body and the other ends detachably connected with an edge part of the cover, to secure the cover to the main body selectively, and a handle sliding-movable on a top surface of the cover and contactable with the plurality of the fixing members (), to push the plurality of the fixing members () according to the sliding to unlock the securing between the cover and the main body. 1. A food container comprising:a main body having an entrance formed on a topside thereof;a cover opening and closing the entrance of the main body;a plurality of securing members comprising ends rotatably secured to a side surface of the main body and the other ends detachably connected with an edge part of the cover, to secure the cover to the main body selectively; anda handle sliding-movable on a top surface of the cover and contactable with the plurality of the securing members, to push the plurality of the securing members according to the sliding to unlock the securing between the cover and the main body.2. The food container of claim 1 , wherein a rotation shaft of the handle is coupled to a long-hole-shaped shaft hole rotatably and slidingly in a right-and-left direction claim 1 , the shaft hole formed in parallel to a top surface of the cover.3. The food container of claim 2 , wherein the handle comprises a plurality of projecting ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134163A1
Принадлежит: McLaughlin Group, Inc.

A collection tank for use in a vacuum operated earth reduction system, the collection tank comprising a closed first end, an open second end defining a tank sealing flange and a body extending between the closed first end and the open second end. An internal chamber defined by the body, the closed first end and the open second end has a door coupled to the open second end and is configured to releasably seal the open second end. An automated door closer is coupled to a center of the door, wherein the automated door closer provides a closing force at the center of the door so that the closing force is equally distributed about a periphery of the door to seal the door against the tank sealing flange. 1. A collection tank for use in a vacuum operated earth reduction system , said collection tank comprising:a. a closed first end;b. an open second end defining a tank sealing flange;c. a body extending between said closed first end and said open second end;d. a door coupled to said open second end and configured to releasably seal said open second end; and (i) a cross bar rigidly attached to said door, said cross bar having a first end and a second end,', '(ii) a first linkage assembly having a first end coupled to said cross bar first end, a second end coupled to said body and a first pivot point intermediate said first and said second ends, and', '(iii) a second linkage assembly having a first end coupled to said cross bar second end, a second end coupled to said body and a second pivot point intermediate said first and said second ends,, 'e. a powered door closer having'}whereinwhen said first linkage assembly first pivot point rotates to a point below the coupling of said first linkage second end and said body,when said second linkage assembly second pivot point rotates to a point below the coupling of said second linkage second end and said body, said door is in a locked position and is released from the locked position when said first and second pivot points are ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136573A1

A pallet moulded from plastics material for supporting a flexible intermediate bulk container. It has a generally planar central panel portion, a pair of parallel inverted open channels extending across the pallet to form a respective pair of open-ended tunnels each tunnel having an upper wall and two side walls, and a pair of edge panel portions generally co-planar with the central panel. An array of raised elongate hump portions bulges upwards from the upper walls of the tunnels, each hump portion extending laterally across an upper wall. The two ends of the hump portions abut respective buttresses which extend up the side walls. 2. The pallet according to wherein a first selection of said buttresses rise above the height of their abutting said first hump portions.3. The pallet according to wherein a second selection of said first hump portion and associated said first buttress and said second buttress are located at each end of each said tunnel claim 2 , and said first hump portions in said second selection rise to substantially the same height as the buttresses in said second selection.4. The pallet according to whereinan array of raised elongate second hump portions is moulded into each said edge panel,each said second hump portion extends from a said inboard edge of said edge panel to an outer edge of said edge panel, and transverse to the longitudinal direction of said tunnels, andeach said second buttress abuts an end of a respective said second hump portion.7. The pallet according to wherein said buttresses are hollow and fully open along their length to the underside of the pallet.8. The pallet according to wherein the nominal wall thicknesses of the plastics material in the central panel portion claim 7 , the edge panel portions and the tunnels differ by no more than 50% of their smallest nominal thickness.9. The pallet according to wherein all the nominal wall thicknesses of the plastics material in the central panel claim 8 , the edge panels and the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146599A1

A catheter product package and method of forming same in which the package comprises a sheet material wrapped about the catheter product to form a package for the catheter product. The catheter product extends generally longitudinally within the package, and the sheet material extends from a point beyond the proximal end to a point beyond the distal end of the catheter product. The sheet material of the package is wrapped about the catheter product in a mariner defining confronting proximal end edges, confronting distal end edges, and confronting side edges. The confronting proximal end edges, distal end edges and side edges of the sheet material are joined by a seal after the sheet material is wrapped about the catheter product to define a sealed cavity. The sheet material has a tear strip affixed to it which causes the sheet material to tear along the tear strip to thereby cause the package to open along an intended opening line. A method of forming a package for a catheter product comprises the steps of providing a sheet material for the package and placing the catheter product on the sheet material. It also includes affixing a tear strip to the sheet material and wrapping the sheet material around the catheter product. Further, the method includes the step of sealing the sheet material to form a sealed cavity with the catheter product being disposed within the sealed cavity. 1. A combination of an elongated medical product and a package , comprising:a sheet material wrapped about the elongated medical product, the sheet material having confronting proximal end and distal end sheet edges and confronting side sheet edges wherein the confronting proximal end sheet edges are sealed, the confronting distal end sheet edges are sealed and the confronting side sheet edges are sealed such that the sheet material defines a generally rectangular package having a sealed cavity, the generally rectangular package including a front panel, a rear panel, and a pair of parallel ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175234A1

A portable beverage container (e.g., an insulated, double-walled bottle) is disclosed. The container includes a lid pivotably connected to it by a hinge. The lid is arranged to be automatically pivoted open by the spring assembly when a catch on the lid is released so that the lid opens in a controlled, non-jarring manner. The spring assembly comprises an elastomeric member and a contact surface (e.g., a recess in a cap of the bottle). The elastomeric member is arranged to cooperate with the contact surface whereupon the elastomeric member operates bi-modally to effect the automatic opening of the lid. 1. A portable container for holding a liquid therein , said container comprising a hollow vessel , a lid pivotably connected to the vessel by a hinge and a spring assembly , said lid being coupled to said spring assembly to selectively close off or expose the interior of said vessel , said spring assembly being arranged to automatically cause said lid to be pivoted from a fully closed state to an opened state upon the release of a catch , said spring assembly comprising an elastomeric member and a contact surface , said contact surface being located at a member coupled to said container , said elastomeric member being arranged to cooperate with said contact surface whereupon said elastomeric member operates bi-modally.2. The container of wherein said elastomeric member of said spring assembly operates as a reed and compression spring when said lid is in the fully closed state and operates as a reed spring after said lid has begun opening to carry said lid to its opened state.3. The container of whereupon when said lid is in the fully closed state said elastomeric member pushes against said contact surface to cause said elastomeric member to flex and be in compression to store energy therein.4. The container of wherein said spring assembly is arranged when the catch is released to enable the energy stored in said elastomeric member to be released claim 3 , whereupon ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Rectangular food container with double sealing structure

Номер: US20130175269A1
Автор: Ya-Chien Chen
Принадлежит: CHOU LI-HWA

The invention relates to a rectangular food container with double sealing structure comprises: a rectangular container body having an upward opening, a periphery of the upward opening outward folded to from a lower U-shaped body and the lower U-shaped body having an inner side surface forming a first sealing groove and an outer side surface forming a second sealing groove; and a rectangular cover having a downward opening, a periphery of the downward opening having an upper U-shaped body for fitting to each other, the upper U-shaped body having an inner side surface forming a third sealing groove and an outer side surface forming a fourth sealing groove for forming a double sealing structure of the inner side and outer side surfaces of the upper U-shaped body and lower U-shaped body.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175273A1
Автор: Jamie Fox

A screw-on closure, and a dispensing fitment for a container neck have co-operating orientation means defining a predetermined relative rotating orientation of the closure with respect to the fitment when it is screwed onto a container neck.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Sterile container

Номер: US20130175276A1
Принадлежит: Aesculap AG

A sterile container for the sterilization of surgical instruments is provided. The sterile container has a bottom wall, a side wall and a lid which, in a closed position of the sterile container, has a lid rim which engages over a free rim arranged on a side of the side wall that faces away from the bottom wall. At least one projection element is arranged between the bottom wall and the free rim. The projection element projects from the side wall in the direction of an outside of the sterile container at least as far as the lid rim and is located at a shorter distance from the bottom wall than the lid rim. The side wall, in a wall area between the at least one projection element and the free rim, does not protrude in the direction of a center of the sterile container over the side wall.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Foldable and Overlappable Carrier Box

Номер: US20130180982A1
Автор: Choi Byung Min

Disclosed herein is a foldable and overlappable carrier box. The carrier box includes a base panel, a pair of first side panels erected along any two facing edges of the base panel, and a pair of second side panels erected along remaining facing edges of the base panel. Each of the first side panels is divided into an upper face and a lower face along a horizontal line, the upper face being foldable downwards, and each of the second side panels is divided into an upper portion and a lower portion along a horizontal line. Thus, when carrier boxes are stacked in multiple layers by folding the upper face, a lower portion of a carrier box located at an upper position is overlappable with an upper portion of a carrier box located at a lower position. 1. A foldable and overlappable carrier box , comprising:a base panel;a pair of first side panels erected along any two facing edges of the base panel; anda pair of second side panels erected along remaining facing edges of the base panel,wherein each of the first side panels is divided into an upper face and a lower face along a horizontal line, the upper face being foldable downwards, andeach of the second side panels is divided into an upper portion and a lower portion along a horizontal line,whereby, when carrier boxes are stacked in multiple layers by folding the upper face, a lower portion of a carrier box located at an upper position is overlappable with an upper portion of a carrier box located at a lower position.2. The foldable and overlappable carrier box as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the base panel has a rectangular shape claim 1 ,each of the first side panels is a short side panel that is erected on a short side of the base panel, andeach of the second side panels is a long side panel that is erected on a long side of the base panel.3. The foldable and overlappable carrier box as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a lower end of the upper face is hingedly connected to an upper end of the lower face claim 1 , ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180991A1
Автор: Williams David A.

A self-adjusting striker assembly, for use with a box having a lid, a box body and a latch, includes a striker bar mounted to the lid which is operative to move linearly relative to the latch in the event of misalignment between the lid and box body. 1. A box , comprising:a number of interconnected walls forming a hollow interior having an open top, and a lid movable between an open position and a closed position relative to said open top;a latch mounted to one of said walls or to said lid; (a) a base mounted to the other of said one wall and said lid, said base being formed with a channel having opposed ends;', '(b) a bracket having a side plate and a bottom plate, said bottom plate being movable within said channel of said base in a first direction toward one of said ends and in a second direction toward said opposite end;', '(c) a spring element located within said channel of said base in position to engage said bottom plate of said bracket, said spring element being effective to exert a return force on said bottom plate in response to movement of said bottom plate in either one of said first and second directions;', '(d) a striker bar mounted to said bracket in position to engage said latch upon movement of said lid to said closed position, said bracket being movable relative to said base in either of said first and second directions in the event of misalignment between said striker bar and said latch., 'a striker assembly comprising2. The box of in which said base includes a top wall claim 1 , a bottom wall claim 1 , opposed first and second side walls and opposed ends claim 1 , said channel extending between said first and second side walls and between said opposed ends claim 1 , said base being formed with a gap along said top wall defining a first portion and a second portion of said top wall.3. The box of in which a first part of said channel includes a cavity extending between said opposed ends of said base claim 2 , said cavity being defined by said first ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186914A1
Автор: Deeds Rinely M.
Принадлежит: DIVERSEY, INC.

A dispensing system for dispensing material from a container having an opening secured by a cap through which material from the container is dispensed. The dispensing system comprises a dispenser defining a receptacle shaped to receive the container and a retainer releasably engagable with the cap, wherein the retainer is engagable with the cap via a releasable and resiliently deformable connection providing resistance against withdrawal of the container from the receptacle. In some embodiments, an aperture defined in the retainer is shaped and dimensioned to receive a portion of the cap. In some embodiments, a portion of the retainer is resiliently deformable, and at least partially defines the resiliently deformable connection. In some embodiments, the portion of the retainer is a protrusion extending in a direction toward the receptacle. In some embodiments, the releasable and resiliently deformable connection provides a snap fit engagement between the retainer and the cap. 15-. (canceled)6. A dispensing system for dispensing material from a container , the dispensing system comprising:a dispenser defining a receptacle shaped to receive the container;a closure secured to the container and supported by the receptacle, the closure including a cap having an opening through which material from the container is dispensable, a portion of the closure movable relative to the cap to selectively expose the opening in the cap;a drive system operably engaged with the closure to drive the movable portion to selectively dispense material from the container; anda retainer coupled to the receptacle and releasably engageable with the cap, the cap and the retainer having a keyed relationship and engageable with each other via a resiliently deformable connection to resist removal of the container from the receptacle and to maintain engagement of the drive system with the closure during use.7. The dispensing system of claim 6 , wherein the retainer defines at least a portion of an ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193144A1
Автор: Bursztein Stawomir
Принадлежит: FORMASTER S.A.

Lid for a container, in particular a liquid container, comprising an opening () for filling the container with its contents from above, the opening being closable by means of a pivotable closure element () mounted on the inner side of the lid so as to be rotatable about a first axis (X), the axis (X) being horizontal when the lid is located on top of the container, the closure element () comprising a part () for closing the top opening of the container, the part () being located on one side of the axis (X), and a part constituting a counterweight () of the part () on the other side of the axis (X). A pivotable bias element () is provided between the closure element () and the lid (), the bias element () falling by gravity on the counterweight part () and causing that the closing part () is being pressed to the opening (). 123344546316542. Lid for a container , in particular a liquid container , comprising an opening () for filling the container with its contents from above , the opening being closable by means of a pivotable closure element () mounted on the inner side of the lid so as to be rotatable about a first axis (X) , the axis (X) being horizontal when the lid is located on top of the container , the closure element () comprising a part () for closing the top opening of the container , the part () being located on one side of the axis (X) , and a part constituting a counterweight () of the part () on the other side of the axis (X) , characterized in that a pivotable bias element () is provided between the closure element () and the lid () , the bias element () falling by gravity on the counterweight part () and causing that the closing part () is being pressed to the opening ().261. Lid according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pivotable bias element () is mounted on the inner side of the lid () claim 1 , rotatably on a second axis (Y) which is parallel to the first axis (X).363771. Lid according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second axis (Y) ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195383A1
Автор: Daugs, JR. Michael Craig

A closable tarp allows a user to put household items, such as grass clippings, leaves, clothes and the like, on the tarp. The user can fold the tarp in half and close it to create an interior storage and transportation section. Handles can be provided to allow for easy transportation of the closed tarp. The closable tarp of the present invention is easy to clean and completely reusable. 1. A closable tarp comprising:a tarp body;a zipper disposed along an outer periphery of the tarp body, the zipper operable to close the tarp when the tarp is folded onto itself along a mid-line thereof; andone or more handles disposed along the outer periphery of the tarp body.2. The closable tarp of claim 1 , further comprising corner handles disposed on each corner of the tarp body.3. The closable tarp of claim 1 , further comprising fold line handles disposed on opposite sides of the tarp body.4. The closable tarp of claim 3 , wherein the fold line handles have ends that attach to opposite sides of the mid-line of the tarp body.5. The closable tarp of claim 1 , further comprising grommets disposed along the outer periphery of the tarp body.6. The closable tarp of claim 5 , wherein pairs of grommets align with each other with the tarp body is folded.7. The closable tarp of claim 1 , wherein the tarp body lies flat on a surface when the zipper is unzipped.8. A closable tarp comprising:a tarp body;a zipper disposed along an outer periphery of the tarp body, the zipper operable to close the tarp when the tarp is folded onto itself along a mid-line thereof;corner handles disposed on each corner of the tarp body;fold line handles disposed on opposite sides of the tarp body; andgrommets disposed along the outer periphery of the tarp body.9. The closable tarp of claim 8 , wherein the fold line handles have ends that attach to opposite sides of the mid-line of the tarp body.10. The closable tarp of claim 8 , wherein the tarp body lies flat on a surface when the zipper is unzipped. This ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Product Dispensing Apparatus with Sample Holder

Номер: US20130200072A1
Принадлежит: World Wide Packaging, Inc.

The present invention is directed to a dispensing apparatus configured to store and dispense a product, while also providing a storage space for an object, e.g., a sample product container, via a recessed chamber located in the cap. 1. A dispensing apparatus comprising:a body having an inner chamber and a top end; anda cap secured to the top end of the body, the cap having a top surface and a bottom surface, wherein the cap comprises a recessed chamber in the top surface, and optionally an opening extending through the top surface and the bottom surface into the inner chamber of the body.2. The dispensing apparatus of further comprising a lid claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the lid is removeably secured to the cap.3. (canceled)4. The dispensing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the lid is permanently affixed to the cap.5. The dispensing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the lid is a flip-top claim 2 , a screw-on lid or a snap-on lid.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The dispensing apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the flip-top comprises at least two sections which flip independently of each other.9. The dispensing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein one of the at least two sections of the flip-top resides over the opening of the cap and the other of the at least two sections of the flip-top resides over the recessed chamber.10. A cap comprising:a) a top surface;b) a bottom surface;c) a recessed chamber in the top surface; andd) optionally, an opening extending through the top surface and the bottom surface.11. The cap of further comprising a lid claim 10 , wherein at least a portion of the lid is removeably secured to the cap.12. (canceled)13. The cap of claim 11 , wherein at least a portion of the lid is permanently affixed to the cap.14. The cap of claim 11 , wherein the lid is a flip-top claim 11 , a screw-on lid or a snap-on lid.15. The cap of claim 14 , wherein the lid is a flip-top.16. The cap of claim 15 , wherein the flip-top comprises at least ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200074A1

An opening device of a liquid food container includes a bottom, a main body, and a top part joined to an upper end of the main body and formed with thermoplastic resin. The top part has a lid integrally moulded with thermoplastic resin. The lid divides the top part and includes weakening lines, a first lid part, a second lid part, and a gripper. A first hinge is formed between the first lid part and the second lid part, the weakening lines are cut when the gripper is pulled up, and the-first lid part rotates on the-first hinge such that the weakening lines open narrowly. A second hinge is formed in an edge of the second lid part, the weakening lines are cut by further pulling the gripper, and the second lid part rotates on the second hinge such that the weakening lines open more widely. 1. An opening device of a liquid food container comprising:a bottom and a main body formed with a packaging material which is laminated on both sides of a paper substrate with thermoplastic resin; anda top part which is joined to an upper end of the main body and formed with thermoplastic resin, wherein;the top part has a lid integrally moulded with the thermoplastic resin and covering a spout, the lid divides the top part and have includes weakening lines configured for sealing and adapted to be easily cut, and the lid comprises a first lid part on a front-face side of the container, a second lid part on a rear-face side of the container, and a gripper projected from the first lid part, whereina first hinge is formed between the first lid part and the second lid part, the weakening lines are cut when the gripper is pulled up, and the first lid part rotates on the first hinge; such that the weakening lines are cut to open narrowly, and whereina second hinge is formed in an edge of the second lid part by the rear-face side of the container, the weakening lines are cut by further pulling the gripper, and the second lid part rotates on the second hinge; such that and the weakening lines ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206761A1
Автор: Lepace Francis

A container closure () is provided and comprises a base () and a lid (), and the footprint of the lid is larger than the footprint of the base. 114-. (canceled)15. A container closure comprising a base and a lid , the footprint of the lid being larger than the footprint of the base , in which the periphery of the lid is substantially flush fitting with the periphery of container region onto which it closes.16. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the footprint of the lid is larger than the footprint of the base by an amount of at least 10%.17. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the footprint of the lid is larger than the footprint of the base by an amount in the range of 10% to 100%.18. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the footprint of the lid is larger than the footprint of the base by an amount in the range 100% to 200%.19. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the base is connected to the lid by a hinge.20. A closure as claimed in claim 19 , in which the hinge extends inwardly from the periphery of the lid to connect to the base.21. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the lid is sized to match the size of a container shoulder.22. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the base is sized to match the size of a container neck.23. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the shape of the base is substantially the same as the shape of the lid when viewed in plan.24. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the shape of the base is different to the shape of the lid when viewed in plan.25. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the base is located substantially centrally with respect to the lid when viewed in plan.26. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the base includes a dispensing Orifice.27. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the closure is provided with an opening mechanism which allows fear one-handed opening.28. A closure as claimed in claim 15 , in which the base is circular and the lid is ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206769A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH

A forcing-off device of an, in particular, explosion-proof or flameproof container for electronic devices, the container including at least one base body having an opening surrounded by an opening edge and a cover part that can be placed onto or inserted into the opening edge. A forcing-off shoulder is formed on the base body or cover part at least in a section in circumferential direction of the container. The forcing-off shoulder is part of a shoulder running around the opening edge, and at least one forcing-off part is rotatably mounted in a lateral recess of the cover part or on the base body in an eccentric fashion between a forcing-off position and a passive position. The forcing-off part is an eccentric disc and in the forcing-off position is in abutment with the forcing-off shoulder for the gap-forming spacing of cover part and base body. 1. A forcing-off device of an explosion-proof or flameproof container for electronic devices , the container comprising at least one base body having an opening surrounded by an opening edge and a cover part that can be placed onto or inserted into the opening edge ,wherein a forcing-off shoulder is formed on, at least one of, the base body or the cover part, at least in a section in a circumferential direction of the container,wherein the forcing-off shoulder is part of a shoulder running around the opening edge, and at least one forcing-off part rotatably mounted in a lateral recess of the cover part or on the base body, in an eccentric fashion between a forcing-off position and a passive position,the at least one forcing-off part including an eccentric disc and in the forcing-off position is in abutment with the forcing-off shoulder for the gap-forming spacing of the cover part and the base body.2. The forcing-off device according to claim 1 ,wherein the lateral recess is opened at least in the direction of the forcing-off shoulder.3. The forcing-off device according to claim 1 ,wherein the lateral recess has an ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206771A1
Принадлежит: Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH

The invention relates, in the first instance, to an electrically operated food processor () with a cooking vessel () and a lid () for the cooking vessel (), wherein it is possible to lock the lid () in the closed position in relation to the cooking vessel (), wherein, furthermore, the cooking vessel () has a base and a wall () extending upwards from the base, wherein the cooking-vessel wall () merges into a radially projecting cooking-vessel periphery (), wherein, furthermore, the lid () has a periphery () which, in the closed position, coincides with the cooking-vessel periphery (). The invention also relates to a vessel () with a lid (). In order further to improve a food processor and/or a vessel of the type in question, in particular in respect of the lid-locking means, it is proposed that the locking means is formed from a locking part () which is intended for engaging over the lid () and, by rotation about an axis (y), can be displaced from a release position into the locking position and vice versa, wherein the locking part () is of elongate design in the direction in which the axis (y) extends. 114-. (canceled)156101066121213101613171017202122211316106. Vessel () having a lid () , in the closed position the lid () being lockable against the vessel () , the vessel () also having a vessel base and a vessel wall () extending upwardly from the base , the vessel wall () merging into a radially outwardly projecting vessel rim () , the lid () also having a lid edge () which in the closed position overlies the vessel rim () , the locking being formed from a locking part () which is for engaging over the lid () , the locking part being displaceable from a release position into the locking position and vice versa by rotation about an axis (y) , the locking part () being elongated in the direction of extent of the axis (y) , wherein the locking part , which is formed with an overall wave-like design , is provided with a cavity () that extends over the axial length , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Container and Closure Assembly

Номер: US20130212986A1
Автор: Allen David O.

A closure is provided for a container having a body defining an opening and a chime around the opening extending radially outward from the container body. The closure includes a top panel having a periphery and a continuous circumferential skirt extending from the periphery and configured to define a gap between the skirt and the chime. The closure further includes a pair of latch elements defined in diametrically opposite portions of the skirt, each latch element including a lug projecting radially inward from the skirt to engage the under surface of the chime. The skirt is continuous across the pair of latch elements and is flexible so that pulling one of the portions of the skirt away from the container disengages the lug from the under surface of the chime and generate a hoop tension that reduces the gap at portions of the skirt adjacent the other latch element. 1. A closure for selectively covering a container of a product , the container having a body defining an opening for access to the product within the container and a chime around the opening , the chime having an under surface facing away from the opening and extending radially outward from the container body , the closure comprising:a top panel configured to cover the opening of the container, the top panel having a periphery;a continuous circumferential skirt integral with said top panel and extending from said periphery away from said top panel, said skirt configured to be radially offset from the body of the container when the closure is covering the container opening to define a gap between said skirt and the chime when the closure is covering the container opening; anda pair of latch elements defined in diametrically opposite portions of said skirt, each latch element including a lug projecting radially inward from said skirt, said lug positioned and configured to engage the under surface of the chime when the closure is covering the container opening,wherein the skirt is continuous across said ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213967A1
Принадлежит: The Hillshire Brands Company

A resealable package includes a bottom portion defining an interior and comprising a sealing surface extending about a top of the interior; a film coupled to the bottom portion along at least a portion of the sealing surface and comprising a tab portion extending inward from one side of the top film; and a seal disposed between the film and the bottom portion and comprising at least first and second sides that intersect and form a seal portion tip. The seal seals the film to the bottom portion such that the film is configured to be resealably peeled away from the bottom portion along at least a portion of the seal area upon application of a force to the seal tip portion via the tab portion.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220963A1
Автор: Walker-Smith Richard

A projecting structure is integrally formed with a neck of a bottle or preform, or with a closure. The projecting structure comprises a ring-like element that extends around the neck or closure body and is supported therefrom by a plurality of discrete web formations. Adjacent web formations define in the projecting structure an optionally elongate aperture therebetween. 1. A bottle or bottle preform comprising:a projecting structure that is integrally formed with and located at or adjacent to a neck of the bottle/preform, the projecting structure comprising a ring-like element that extends around the neck and is supported therefrom by a plurality of discrete web formations, wherein adjacent web formations in the projecting structure define an aperture therebetween.2. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjacent web formations define in the projecting structure an elongate aperture therebetween claim 1 ,3. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the projecting structure further comprises a sleeve that is located at or adjacent to the neck to surround the neck claim 1 , wherein the plurality of discrete web formations are integrally formed with and to project outwardly from an outside wall of the sleeve.4. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the web formations comprises:(i) a pair of closely spaced, opposing element support webs for supporting the ring-like element;(ii) a single wall having a width comparable to a width of the sleeve.5. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 4 , wherein each element support web defines a concave lateral surface facing into the aperture.6. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an in-use underside surface of each of the web formations defines an ergonomic curvature configured for a user's finger to be closely received against the underside surface in use.7. The bottle or bottle preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221016A1
Автор: Sekse Jan
Принадлежит: Consult Supply AS

A device in a drilling-mud container () including bulkheads of plates () provided with vertical and horizontal profiles () forming a frame (), the drilling-mud container () being provided with at least one sliding lid () which is arranged to be displaced in a sliding track () by means of at least one opening mechanism () independently of the position of a second hatch (), wherein a toothed wheel (), which is rotatably arranged in the drilling-mud container (), is in engagement with a pitch rack () arranged in the sliding lid (), and the pitch rack () is provided with an end portion () which is inclined in the direction of the toothed wheel (), the abutment of the end portion () against the toothed wheel () causing the sliding lid () to be displaced in a vertical direction into sealing abutment against an abutment portion () on the drilling-mud container (). 1. A drilling mud container of plates with vertical and horizontal profiles forming a frame , the drilling-mud container comprising:a sliding lid with an open position and a closed position;a sliding track wherein the sliding lid moves along the sliding track;an opening mechanism having a toothed wheel wherein the opening mechanism moves the sliding lid;a hinged service hatch having an open position and a closed position wherein the opening mechanism is operable with the hinged service hatch in the open position and in the closed position;an abutment portion connected to the frame; anda pitch rack connected to the sliding lid, the pitch rack having an end portion wherein the end portion is inclined in the direction of the toothed wheel and further wherein the end portion abuts against the toothed wheel when the sliding lid is in the closed position causing the sliding lid to be displaced in a vertical direction and seal against the abutment portion; wherein the opening mechanism is operable when the hinged service hatch is in the closed position.2. The drilling-mud container of further comprising:a winch system ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233855A1
Автор: DeSiena Jessica
Принадлежит: MEDport LLC

This concerns sealable containers for household use that combine a container for food, beverages and the like with a lid for closing the container in a tightly sealed manner. The container bottom on the outside has a downwardly projecting flange within which is an open outside volume, while the lid top on the outside has an upwardly projecting raised panel with a sidewall. The raised panel of the lid snappingly and realeasably fits into the outside volume at the bottom of the container, by virture of which the lid snaps onto the container bottom, creating a stackable situation. Also, the lid can contain on its inside a temperature-maintenance block such as a freezer pack that affects temperature within the container. 1. A container and lid combination , comprising:an open-mouthed container having a sidewall and a bottom wall defining an inside volume and an open mouth for accommodating and containing products, particularly food or beverage products, the sidewall having an upstanding peripheral lip opposite the bottom wall;a lid for closing the container, the lid having a lower inner surface and a groove sealingly engageable with the peripheral lip of the container;the container having a bottom outer surface, the container bottom outer surface having an outwardly protruding flange and an open outside volume inward of the flange;the lid has an upper outer surface, the upper outer surface having a raised panel, the raised panel having a sidewall that spaces the raised panel outwardly from at least a portion of the lid upper outer surface;at least one of the outwardly projecting flange of the container or the sidewall of the lid has an interference member; andthe container bottom releasably secures to the lid top, the open outside volume of the container bottom outer surface being adapted, sized and shaped to closely receive the raised panel of the lid upper outer surface such that the interference member is a component of snapping or clicking engagement between the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233873A1

A container lid includes a panel portion and an outer wall portion having a ledge protruding inwardly therefrom. A plurality of tabs extend downward from the outer wall portion. At least two of the plurality of tabs are separated from one another by a gap. The ledge of the outer wall portion extends across the gap to provide a seal across the gap. A tear strip removably connects the plurality of tabs to one another. 1. A container lid comprising:a panel portion;an outer wall portion having a ledge protruding inwardly therefrom;a plurality of tabs extending downward from the outer wall portion, two of the plurality of tabs separated from one another by a gap, the ledge of the outer wall portion extending across the gap; anda tear strip removably connecting the plurality of tabs to one another.2. The container lid of wherein the ledge includes a bridge portion extending across the gap.3. The container lid of wherein the bridge portion protrudes inwardly from the outer wall portion less than other portions of the ledge.4. The container lid of further including a stress riser in the outer wall portion above the gap.5. The container lid of wherein the stress riser is a narrowed portion at an upper portion of the gap.6. The container lid of wherein the gap is one of a plurality of gaps between the plurality of tabs claim 1 , the ledge extending above each of the plurality of gaps.7. The container lid of installed on an upper portion of a wall of a container claim 1 , the wall including an outwardly protruding lip claim 1 , wherein the ledge provides continuous contact with the lip claim 1 , including across the gap.8. The container lid of wherein the ledge includes a bridge portion extending across the gap.9. The container lid of wherein the bridge portion protrudes inwardly from the outer wall portion less than other portions of the ledge.10. The container lid of wherein the outer wall portion is annular.11. The container lid of further including:an inner wall portion ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Container with multiple covers

Номер: US20130233874A1
Автор: John Phillip Sundnes
Принадлежит: Individual

A storage container comprised of a container bottom, and with multiple sealable covers, configured to connect the covers to the container bottom in both open and closed arrangements, and where the covers will link to link or seal to the container, and to each other. The containers may be proportioned to stack or nest into other container bottoms, as well allow open covers to rest vertically alongside the container without significantly contacting the surface the container is resting on.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Nesting Container Lids with Snap On Wings

Номер: US20130234406A1
Принадлежит: WKI Holding Co Inc

Stackable lids for a container each include a top surface facing generally in a first direction and a bottom surface opposite the top surface and facing generally in a second direction. Pivotable wing portions extend from each side edge of the lid and each pivotable wing portion is joined to its respective side edge by a hinge. The wing portions are moveable between engaged and disengaged positions, and an inner surface of each wing includes a tab member configured for detent engagement with a rim of the container. The lid also includes corner portions extending between the side edges. Each corner portion includes a skirt portion extending generally in the second direction. Each corner portion also defines a recessed shoulder configured to receive the skirt portion of another when the lids are stacked.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236607A1
Принадлежит: ON FOOD, INC.

A container for a prepackaged dietary daily meal plan comprises a hollow body portion. Individually prepackaged containers are configured to be received within the hollow body portion. The individually prepackaged containers each comprise an edible component of a dietary daily meal plan and each of the edible components has a predetermined caloric content. The edible components together provide a predetermined daily caloric content. The individually prepackaged containers comprise a first individually prepackaged container comprising a first edible component having a first caloric content (A), a second individually prepackaged container comprising a second edible component having a second caloric content (B), a third individually prepackaged container comprising a third edible component having a third caloric content (C), and a fourth individually prepackaged container comprising a fourth edible component having a fourth caloric content (D). The predetermined daily caloric content (E) is determined by the following relationship: E≧A+B+C+D. 1. A container for a prepackaged dietary daily meal plan , the container , comprising:a hollow body portion; andindividually prepackaged containers configured to be received within the hollow body portion, each of the individually prepackaged containers comprising an edible component of a dietary daily meal plan, the edible components each having a predetermined caloric content, wherein the edible components together provide a predetermined daily caloric content (E) when consumed; a first individually prepackaged container comprising a first edible component having a first caloric content (A);', 'a second individually prepackaged container comprising a second edible component having a second caloric content (B);', 'a third individually prepackaged container comprising a third edible component having a third caloric content (C); and', 'a fourth individually prepackaged container comprising a fourth edible component having a fourth ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Spill Inhibitors for Containers

Номер: US20130240524A1
Принадлежит: Kalytera, Inc.

A spill inhibitor for a container includes a spill inhibitor body configured to be releasably secured to or integral with a container. The spill inhibitor body defines an opening therethrough and has a plurality of compliant finger projections extending from the spill inhibitor body. The finger projections are arranged to impede movement of an item through the opening of the spill inhibitor body for controlling passage of the item through a mouth of the container. 1. A spill inhibitor comprising:a spill inhibitor body defining an opening; anda plurality of compliant finger projections extending from the spill inhibitor body into the opening for impeding movement of an item through the opening; at least one finger projection having a durometer of between about 30 Shore A and about 60 Shore A, and at least one finger projection extending substantially uniformly in cross-sectional size from a proximal end portion to a free distal end portion disposed in the opening.2. The spill inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein at least one finger projection defines a substantially rectangular claim 1 , elliptical claim 1 , or circular cross-sectional shape.3. The spill inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein the finger projections are arranged substantially co-planar claim 1 ,4. The spill inhibitor of claim 3 , wherein the finger projections are arranged substantially co-planar in at least two layers spaced from each other along a longitudinal axis defined by the spill inhibitor body.5. The spill inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein the finger projections extend radially inwardly toward a longitudinal axis defined by the spill inhibitor body; such that the finger projections substantially provide a closure of the opening.6. The spill inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein the spill inhibitor body defines a continuous ring about the opening.7. A spill inhibitor comprising:a spill inhibitor body defining an opening; anda plurality of compliant finger projections extending from the spill inhibitor body into the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Molded hollow cylinder with a thread and process for its manufacture

Номер: US20130240528A1
Принадлежит: VOSS Automotive GmbH

A process for the fabrication of a molded part with circular cross section and a hollowed-out cylindrical base body. An inner channel of the molded part, designed for the sealing with a connector part, has segments with various functions in axial direction. A fiber containing plasticized polymeric mass is injected into the cavity of a molding tool, and following hardening of the polymeric mass, the molded part is removed from the tool. In order to improve strength in a reliable manner, injection into the cavity is carried out radially from the inner channel towards the exterior, in a segment, or in an area of a segment, that does not serve for the mounting of a circumferential seal, or the mounting, and/or arrest of the connector part. 1. A process for the fabrication of a molded part with circular cross section:providing a molding tool defining a cavity in the shape of the molded part, the molded part having a hollowed-out cylindrical base body, and an inner channel configured for sealing engagement with a connector part, the inner channel having a plurality of segments formed along the axial length thereof and configured to perform a variety of functions, the base body further including at least one of an internal thread and an external thread,injecting into the cavity of a molding tool a fiber-containing plasticized polymeric mass via at least one injection port provided in the molding tool,hardening the polymeric mass to form the molded part,removing the molded part from the tool,wherein the step of injecting into the cavity is carried out radially outward via the injection port from the inner channel in a direction towards the exterior and occurs in at least one of the plurality of segment, or in an area of a segment, which does not serve for the mounting of a circumferential seal, or the mounting and/or arrest of the connector part.2. The process according to claim 1 ,wherein the segments are formed with varying internal diameters and/or with varying wall ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240612A1
Автор: Glinert Kenneth

A foldable packaging which may include a die-cut form that is initially substantially planar and foldable to provide a container that can be assembled having a fastening mechanism that is removable for additional uses. 1. A packaging comprising: i. a plurality of adjacent walls including a back wall, a front wall and three side walls, the back wall and front wall each being connected to each of the side walls;', 'ii. a first fastening device located onto the front wall;, 'an envelope portion having;'}a cover portion located adjacent and attached to the envelope portion, the cover portion including a second removable fastening device;wherein upon locating the cover portion in an overlying relationship with the envelope portion, the first fastening device and second fastening device facilitate closure of the packaging whereby the cover portion remains in overlying relationship with the envelope portion until the first and second fastening device are disengaged from one another; andwherein the second fastening device is removably affixed for removal from and re-attachment to the cover portion.2. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the second fastening device is contacted with a strip including an adhesive so that that the second fastening device remains located on the cover portion until the strip is removed.3. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the first and second fastening device are magnetic.4. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the front wall of the envelope portion includes a top side and a bottom side and the first fastening device is located onto the bottom side of the front wall.5. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the cover portion includes a top side and a bottom side and the second fastening device is located on the bottom side of the cover portion.6. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the second fastening device is a ball marker.7. The packaging of claim 1 , wherein the second fastening device can be used for an additional non-fastening use and then ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Container for storing semiconductor device

Номер: US20130248400A1
Принадлежит: Gudeng Precision Industrial Co Ltd

A container for storing semiconductor devices is revealed. The container includes a receiving body and a cover. The receiving body is disposed with at least one fastener and at least one driver therein. The fastener includes a rolling element that is in contact with the driver. When the driver is rotated, it drives the fastener to move in the receiving body. At least one fixing part of the fastener is moved toward at least one fastening part of the cover. The cover is fixed on the receiving body by the fixing part locked in the fastening part. Moreover, friction between the fastener and the driver is minimized by the rolling element which reduces contact area between the fastener and the driver so as to prevent production of contaminants in the container and protect semiconductor devices stored in the container from being polluted. Thus the container is of high cleanness.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Crossbar assembly

Номер: US20130256324A1
Автор: William Shane Meacham
Принадлежит: Aluminum Ladder Co

A crossbar assembly for use in connection with a hatch on the upper surface of a container is disclosed. The crossbar assembly may include a main body and an adjustable body. The adjustable body is preferably slideably aligned with the main body and preferably includes an adjusting device attached to the main body and the adjustable body for transitioning the adjustable body between positions along the main body. Two extenders may be positioned extending outwardly from the main body and the adjustable body. The main body and adjustable body also may each include stops for securing the crossbar assembly within the hatch of the container so as to preferably prevent workers from falling into the hatch.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Forming A Container Having A Receptacle And An Integral Cap And Product Formed Therby

Номер: US20130264304A1

An apparatus for forming a container generally comprises a first mold part having an injection mold portion and a blow mold portion and a second mold part having a core pin. The core pin is configured to cooperate with the injection mold portion in a first position to define an injection mold cavity for forming a preform and an integral cap. The core pin is also configured to cooperate with the blow mold portion in a second position to define a blow mold cavity for forming a receptacle from the preform. The cap may be closed at the blow mold portion to seal the receptacle. One or more threads may be formed on a neck of the container. 1. An apparatus for forming a container having a receptacle and an integral cap , comprising:a first mold part having an injection mold portion and a blow mold portion; anda second mold part having a first core pin and a second core pin configured to cooperate with the injection mold portion in a first position to define an injection mold cavity for forming a preform and the integral cap, the first core pin further configured to cooperate with the blow mold portion in a second position to define a blow mold cavity for forming the receptacle of the container from the preform, wherein the second mold part is moveable between the first position and second position with the preform being supported by the first core pin and the cap being supported by the second core pin.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the first mold part further including an injection passage configured to supply molten material to the injection mold cavity to form the preform and integral cap.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , the second mold part further including a gas passage configured to supply pressurized gas to an exterior surface of the first core pin when the second mold part is in the second position so that the preform expands to the shape of the blow mold cavity.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:two or more threaded members coupled to the first mold part ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264342A1
Автор: Bratsch Christian
Принадлежит: XOLUTION GMBH

The invention relates to a filled and reclosable pressure vessel, in which a body is filled with a fluid, non-detachably closed with a lid element () and subjected to a heat treatment, with a lid surface (), and a closure means () made of plastics as a lid element (), and at least one seal () arranged on the closure means (), the lid element () being arranged in such a way that the closure means () faces the interior of the sealed pressure vessel, wherein the lid surface () and the closure means () are arranged in such a way that the lid surface () has a first distance (a) from a first reference plane (E) which substantially extends through the at least one sealing surface (a) on the first surface () of the lid surface (), and the closure means () extends at a second distance from a second reference plane which extends through the at least one seal (), with the first distance (a) being chosen to be larger than the second distance. 11310100111101410100141111111016141611111110101001011014141111014111101116111111101421612aa. A method for producing filled and reclosable pressure vessels , in which a vessel body with a cylindrical jacket () and a bottom part is filled with a fluid , whereupon it is non-detachably closed with a lid element ( , ) and optionally subsequently subjected to a heat treatment , with a lid surface ( , ) , preferably made of metal , and a closure means () made of plastics being provided for use as a lid element ( , ) , the closure means () being fastened to a first surface () of the lid surface ( , ) , and at least one seal () arranged on the closure means () being brought into contact with at least one sealing surface () arranged on the first surface () of the lid surface ( , ) , and the lid element ( , ) formed by the lid surface ( , ) and the closure means () being arranged upon closing the pressure vessel in such a way that the closure means () faces the interior of the sealed pressure vessel characterised in that wherein the lid surface ( , ) ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270286A1
Автор: FUKUI Naoyuki
Принадлежит: TOYODA GOSEI CO., LTD.

A two-way-opening storage box includes a box body, a lid, a link mechanism, and a restrictor. The lid includes a base member, and a movable member. The base member covers the box body. The movable member is held onto the base member slidably. The restrictor is disposed in at least one of the base member and the movable member, and is capable of restricting the link mechanism from being actuated under such a condition as the movable member has fully slid, and/or under such another condition as the movable member is sliding 1. A two-way-opening storage box , comprising:a box body with, a storage section being provided therein;a lid being capable of swinging; thereby enabling itself to open and close the storage section from an opposite end side of the storage section, or from another opposite-end side thereof, in a first direction;the lid including a base member covering the storage section, and a movable member covering the base member;a link mechanism being disposed between opposite ends of the base member in a second direction, which differs from the first direction, as well as between opposite ends of the box body in the second direction, the link mechanism being capable of selectively swinging the lid either to the opposite-end side in the first direction, or to the other opposite-end side therein, with respect to the box body;the movable member being held onto the base member slidably in the second direction; anda restrictor being disposed in at least one of the base member and the movable member, the restrictor being capable of restricting the link mechanism from being actuated under such a condition as the movable member has fully slid, and/or under such another condition as the movable member is sliding,2. The two-way-opening storage box according to claim 1 , wherein:the link mechanism comprises a push-button switch for swinging, a front locking pin, and a rear locking pin,the switch for swinging being disposed in the base member of the lid,the front locking ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277265A1
Автор: Varbanov Petar

The present invention relates to a container () and a pouch (). The container and pouch is preferably mutually shaped so that the pouch fits tightly into the container. The container comprises a closure () for closing the container and preferably being adapted to maintain the pouch in an open state in a position where its opening is facing upwardly. In addition, the closure comprises a lid (), allowing re-closable access to the contents stored in the pouch. 1. A kit comprising a pouch and a container adapted to receive the pouch:the container comprisinga body part having one or more side walls and a bottom forming an open ended container, the one or more side walls defining an opening positioned opposite to the bottom, anda closure with a lid;the pouch is suitable for containing a dry consumable product, comprises a top having flaps hermetically sealed together, and is suitable for being inserted into the body part of the container; andduring use of the kit, the flaps are folded around a distal end of the one or more side walls and the closure is adapted to accommodate the distal end of the one or more side walls with the flaps folded around to provide a closure of the container with the pouch arranged internally.2. A pouch in a container kit according to claim 1 , wherein the pouch comprises four side walls thereby defining a box shape and the top of the pouch is folded into a gusset form by folding along folding lines comprising:horizontal folding lines encircling the pouch,first vertical folding lines of the side walls,a pair of oblique folding lines on two opposite side walls extending from intersections between a horizontal folding line and a vertical folding line to an intersection between the oblique folding lines, andsecond vertical folding lines extending from the intersection between the oblique folding lines and upwardly to an upper edge of the side walls in question.3. A pouch in a container kit according to claim 1 , wherein the flaps are tapered having ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292417A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

A lockable pushbutton includes a locking mechanism configurable to provide a pushbutton locked position and a pushbutton unlocked position. When the locking mechanism is positioned in the locked orientation, the locking mechanism prevents actuation of the pushbutton. When the locking mechanism body is positioned in the unlocked orientation the locking mechanism permits actuation of the pushbutton. 1. A lockable pushbutton , comprising:a locking mechanism body having a locked orientation and an unlocked orientation;a locking mechanism receiving area sized to receive the locking mechanism in either the locked orientation or the unlocked orientation; andan actuatable pushbutton;such that when the locking mechanism body is received into the locking mechanism receiving area in the locked orientation, the locking mechanism prevents actuation of the pushbutton, and when the locking mechanism body is received into the locking mechanism receiving area in the unlocked orientation, the locking mechanism permits actuation of the pushbutton.2. The lockable pushbutton of claim 1 , wherein the locking mechanism body further comprises:a base portion having a front side and a back side;two spaced apart locking projections extending outwardly from the back side of the base portion, and each including an associated locking post; andtwo spaced apart unlocking projections extending outwardly from the back side of the base portion substantially parallel with the locking projections.3. The lockable pushbutton of claim 2 , wherein when the locking projections are oriented toward the pushbutton claim 2 , the locking posts prevent actuation of the pushbutton.4. The lockable pushbutton of claim 2 , wherein when the unlocking projections are oriented toward the pushbutton claim 2 , the unlocking projections permit actuation of the pushbutton.5. A dispenser claim 2 , comprising:a housing including a back plate and an openable front cover;a container inside of the housing having a supply of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Kitchen Appliance and Method of Using Same

Номер: US20130306638A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Beach Brands Inc

A kitchen appliance includes a housing that defines a cavity. The housing has a housing rim defining an opening to the cavity. A heating or cooling element is disposed within the housing to heat or cool the cavity. A container has a generally hollow interior and a container rim. A lid is sized and shaped to at least partially cover the opening of the container when placed on the container. The lid has an exterior surface and an opposing interior surface. At least one handle is pivotally mounted to one of the exterior surface of the side wall of the housing and the exterior surface of the lid. The handle is pivotable between an engaged position to retain the lid in sealing engagement with the container rim and disengage position to permit the lid to be removed from the container rim.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313259A1

A hole cover mountable in a hole in a panel without exceeding the specified value for the insertion load, and which is capable of remaining secure after mounting. The relative movement between locking claws and a panel from the start of the hole cover insertion until mounting is complete is indicated by the movement strokes upward from a reference line R on the panel. The magnitude of the insertion load with respect to each stroke is determined by the shapes of the respective inclined surfaces. The peak load-generating stroke position (dash-dot-dot line) at the time of panel insertion is controlled by giving the inclined surfaces on the locking claws of the hole cover different shapes, thereby keeping the insertion load peak value for the hole cover product as a whole within the specified value for the insertion load. 1. A hole cover comprising a flange and a main body that extends downward from the flange and has an engaging and locking portion , which hole cover is adapted to close a hole in a panel by insertion of the main body into the hole in the panel and fastening of the main body to the panel with the flange and the engaging and locking portion , wherein the engaging and locking portion comprises a plurality of locking claws which are provided on an outside surface of the main body and are configured so as to , during insertion of the main body , come into contact with an edge of the hole in the panel and deflect inward , the plurality of locking claws being composed of a plurality of different types of locking claws , which plurality of types of locking claws have insertion load peak values at the time of insertion that differ temporally.2. The hole cover according to claim 1 , wherein the locking claws have inclined surfaces that contact the edge of the hole in the panel during insertion and the different types of locking claws have inclined surfaces of different shapes claim 1 , by which means the insertion load peak values at the time of insertion differ ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314856A1

A panel having positioning function is disclosed in the present invention. The panel includes a body covering an opening on an extrusion casing, and a positioning mechanism having at least one position set. The position set includes a first rib disposed on a first side of the body, a first contact portion disposed on the first rib and contacting against an inner surface of the extrusion casing, a second rib disposed on a second side of the body, and a second contact portion disposed on the second rib and contacting against the other inner surface of the extrusion casing. A position of the second rib on the second side is symmetrized to a position of the first rib on the first side, so that the panel can align with the extrusion casing due to deformation of the position set. 1. A panel having positioning function , the panel comprising:a body covering an opening on an extrusion casing, the body comprising a first side, a second side, a third side and a fourth side, the first side being substantially parallel to the second side, and the third side being substantially parallel to the fourth side; and [ a first rib disposed on the first side of the body;', 'a first contact portion disposed on the first rib and contacting against a first inner surface of the extrusion casing in a deformable manner;', 'a second rib disposed on the second side of the body opposite to the first side, a position of the second rib on the second side being symmetrized to a position of the first rib on the first side; and', 'a second contact portion disposed on the second rib and contacting against a second inner surface of the extrusion casing opposite to the first inner surface in the deformable manner, so that the panel aligns with a boundary of the extrusion casing via deformation of the position set;, 'at least one position set disposed on the body, the position set comprising, 'wherein the position set is deformed when the panel is assembled with the extrusion casing, a deformation value ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Multipart cover made of paper and method for producing a cover

Номер: US20130334227A1
Автор: STAHLECKER Werner

A multipart cover made of paper material and including a base body having a cover plate and a circumferential cover collar extending from the cover plate, wherein the cover collar, in a condition where same is placed onto a vessel to be closed, surrounds an upper rim of a vessel to be closed, and a reinforcement ring surrounds the cover collar at least sectionally on the radially exterior side of the cover collar. The cover collar includes at least one bead encircling the cover collar in the circumferential direction, and when viewed in the elevation direction the bead is disposed at a constant distance from the cover plate. 1. A multipart cover made of paper material , comprising a base body which includes a cover plate and a circumferential cover collar extending from the cover plate , wherein the cover collar , in a condition placed onto a container to be closed , surrounds an upper rim of the container to be closed , and a reinforcement ring which surrounds the cover collar at least sectionally on the radially exterior side of the cover collar.2. The multipart cover according to claim 1 , wherein the cover collar includes at least one bead encircling the cover collar in the circumferential direction claim 1 , wherein viewed in the elevation direction the bead is disposed at a constant distance to the cover plate.3. The multipart cover made of paper material according to claim 1 , wherein the bead extends radially inwards relative to a portion of the cover collar immediately adjacent to the cover plate.4. The multipart cover according to claim 3 , wherein a portion between the bead and the cover plate is curved radially outwards claim 3 , as viewed in cross section.5. The multipart cover according to claim 4 , wherein a portion of the cover plate claim 4 , immediately adjacent to the cover collar claim 4 , is curved outwards as viewed in cross section and extends claim 4 , starting from the transition between cover collar and cover plate claim 4 , downwards ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Multipart cover made of paper material and method for producing a multipart cover

Номер: US20130334228A1

A multipart cover made of paper material and including a one-piece base body having a cover plate and a circumferential cover collar extending from the cover plate. The cover collar, when placed onto a container to be closed, extends upwards away from the container, and a reinforcement ring connected to the cover collar by means of a peripheral skirt. The reinforcement ring in a region below the cover plate, on a side of the cover plate opposite to the cover collar, includes a peripheral skirt forming a circumferential step along the periphery on a radially interior side of the reinforcement ring, or includes a circumferential bead along the periphery. 1. A multipart cover made of paper material comprising a one-piece base body including a cover plate and a circumferential cover collar extending from the cover plate , wherein the cover collar , in a condition placed onto a container to be closed , extends upwards away from the container , and a reinforcement ring connected to the cover collar by means of a peripheral shroud or skirt ,whereinthe reinforcement ring in a region below the cover plate, that is, on a side of the cover plate opposite to the cover collar, includes a peripheral skirt forming a circumferential step along the periphery on a radially interior side of the reinforcement ring, and/or a circumferential bead along the periphery.2. The multipart cover according to claim 1 , wherein the bead extends radially outwards.3. The multipart cover according to claim 1 , wherein the bead extends radially inwards.4. The multipart cover according to claim 1 , wherein the peripheral skirt above the cover plate is cylindrical.5. The multipart cover according to claim 1 , wherein an inner diameter of the reinforcement ring at the lower rim is greater than an outer diameter of the peripheral skirt above the cover plate.6. The multipart cover according to claim 4 , wherein the reinforcement ring is enlarged radially outwards in the region of the lower rim thereof.7. ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341342A1

A plastic container comprising a rim and a lid, said rim and lid each having channels which, upon installation, produce a liquid-tight fit by means of complementary pairs of projections from the walls of the channels. 1. A plastic container and lid , said container comprising an open end with a rim on the top and a closed end on the bottom , said lid at its periphery comprising an inner channel facing toward the bottom and the rim comprising an outer channel slightly larger than the inner channel and facing in the same direction as the open end , the inner and outer channels each comprising a first and second interior wall and one exterior wall and further comprising a projection from each of the three walls so that , when the inner and outer channels are pressed together , each of said projections on the inner channel slides past and engages a complementary projection on the outer channel , and each of said complementary pairs of projections produces three seal/latch combinations.2. The plastic container as is claim 1 , wherein the container is a cylinder.3. The plastic container and lid is in claim 1 , wherein the inner and outer channels are not damaged substantially when the projections in each of the complementary pairs slide past and engage the other.4. The plastic container and lid as in claim 1 , the outer channel further comprising claim 1 , from outside in and adjacent to one another end to end claim 1 , a shoulder projecting from the first interior wall claim 1 , a bottom claim 1 , a flexible finger and a locking tab between and defined by the second interior wall and the exterior wall of the outer channel claim 1 , the locking tab comprising a head projecting from the exterior wall and a knob projecting from the second interior wall of the outer channel claim 1 , and the inner channel further comprising claim 1 , from inside out and adjacent end to end claim 1 , a first interior wall of the inner channel having a first surface and a second surface ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003985A1

A lid apparatus for a medical device for extracorporeal blood treatment that includes a lid which is hinged by means of at least one pivot joint at the medical device is disclosed. The pivot joint includes thereby a first joint section which may be positioned at the lid, and a second joint section which may be connectable to the medical device, wherein the joint sections are pivotable about a pivot axis at least between a first position, in which the lid is open, and a second position, in which the lid covers at least a part of the medical device, wherein also the joint sections are latchable in at least one pivoting position. The lid apparatus includes at least one pair of contact surfaces which are perpendicular to the axis of rotation and resiliently biased against each other, wherein at least one of the contact surfaces includes a rolling and latching geometry which is configured such that the lid latches in the second position and the pivoting moveability of the pivot joint is only released when the resilient biasing force is overcome. A medical device for extracorporeal blood treatment including a peristaltic pump and such a lid apparatus is also disclosed. 1. Lid apparatus for a medical device for extracorporeal blood treatment , comprising a lid which is hinged by means of at least one pivot joint at the medical device , wherein the pivot joint comprises a first joint section and a second joint section , wherein said joint sections are pivotable with respect to each other about a pivot axis at least between a first position , in which the lid is open , and a second position , in which the lid covers at least a part of the medical device , and wherein also said joint sections are releasably lockable in at least one pivoting position ,whereinthe lid apparatus comprises at least one pair of contact surfaces which, perpendicular to the axis of rotation, are resiliently biased against each other, wherein at least one of the contact surfaces comprises a rolling ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014661A1
Автор: Taylor Dale W.

A two piece clamping ring and lever system for retaining removable lids to containers comprises a split circular ring. The ring first end includes outwardly extending receiving hooks. The second end of the ring includes pivot bosses comprising a pivot shaft and enlarged button. A lever with pivot shafts engages with the ring first end. When the lever is closed contact surfaces on an inwardly projecting transverse beam on the underside of the lever and outwardly projecting beams on the ring first end engage to relieve stresses on the lever pivot shafts and ring first end pivot receiving hooks. A second stress transfer relationship is engaged as an inwardly facing transverse beam extending between the sidewalls of the ring second end is slideably engaged into corresponding receiving channels outwardly facing from the ring first end thereby relieving stresses on the pivot bosses and corresponding longitudinally extending lever bearing surface. 1. A two piece clamping ring and lever system for retaining removable lids to containers , comprising:a split circular ring, having an inwardly opening, U-shaped channel and having first and second ends, said ring first end including opposed, outwardly facing side surfaces; said ring second end including a pivot boss having a fixed end by which it is mounted to the ring second end and further having a free end configured to extend into an interior region of the ring second end; anda lever having an inwardly opening U-shaped channel, having mutually inwardly facing internal surfaces slideably moveable in adjacency over the side surfaces of the ring first end, said lever having an end configured for pivotable engagement with the ring first end; said lever having a pivot boss bearing surface, against which the pivot boss is rotatably receivable, whereby said ring first and second ends are drawn together as said lever is moved from a radial position to a tangential position to close the split circular ring.2. The two piece clamping ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034548A1

Improvements in a semiconductor wafer container for reducing movement of semiconductor wafers within a wafer carrier using flexible wall segments, panels or flexible inserts in the base member's main inner containment diameter. These walls allow a vertical containment surface to move and capture the entire stack of wafers rather than a few wafers. The surface that contacts the wafers moves uniformly inward. The wafer stack is secured by reducing or eliminating the gap between the wafer container and the wafer stack. Further improvements include the addition of a ramped engagement surfaces in the top and/or bottom cover that provides mechanical advantage for easier assembly of the top and bottom cover. This design also allows for automated loading and unloading of the wafer stack because once the top cover is removed, the flexible walls spring back outward. Thus providing a small gap in which to freely remove the wafers. 1. A wafer container comprising:the bottom housing having a base with at least one rib that extends perpendicular from the base of the bottom housing;the at least one rib on the bottom housing comprising at least one living hinge arranged normal to the base of the bottom housing,wherein the living hinge is formed from at least one movable wall segment,wherein the at least one movable wall segment is a flexible panel within the at least one rib on the bottom housing, andwherein the at least one movable wall segment is unsupported on three sides.2. The wafer container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib comprises a plurality of wall segments.3. The wafer container of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of wall segments move radially to maintain the at least one semiconductor wafer concentric with the wafer container.4. The wafer container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib comprises at least two movable walls.5. The wafer container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib comprises at least four movable walls.6. The wafer container of claim 1 ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Lock Ring for Securing a Container Lid

Номер: US20140049057A1
Автор: Richard P. BRANDT
Принадлежит: Container International Inc

A lock ring for securing a lid to a drum-type container has a body with a discontinuous ring shape and first and second free ends. The body has an annular wall and two spaced apart flanges defining a clamping channel facing radially inward. A lever has a grip section and a pivot section at opposite ends. The pivot section is pivotally attached to the body near the first free end. The lever is pivotable between a closed position and an open position and has two walls spaced from one another and connected by a third wall. A lever end is adjacent the first free end and is formed by the annular wall and one flange of the two flanges continuing to the first free end and the other flange of the two flanges terminating short of the first free end. When the lever is in the closed position, the third wall of the lever lies adjacent the annular wall, the annular wall of the lever end is positioned between the two walls of the lever, the body is captured between the two walls of the lever along the grip section, and a portion of one wall of the two walls of the lever lies generally in the same plane as the other flange along the lever end.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Lock Ring for Securing a Container Lid

Номер: US20140054905A1
Автор: Brandt Richard P.
Принадлежит: Container International, Inc.

A low profile lock ring for securing a lid to a drum-type container has a body with a discontinuous ring shape and two free ends. The body has an annular wall and two spaced apart flanges forming a clamping channel facing radially inward. The two flanges define a profile height of the body. A lever has a grip section and a pivot section at opposite ends. The pivot section is pivotally attached to the body near a first of the free ends. The lever is pivotable between a closed position and an open position and has two walls spaced from one another and connected by a third wall. The spacing of the two walls defines a profile height of the lever. A lever end is adjacent the first free end of the body and is formed by the annular wall continuing to the first free end and the two flanges terminating short of the first free end. When the lever is in the closed position, the third wall lies adjacent the annular wall, the annular wall of the lever end is positioned between the two walls, and the two walls lay generally adjacent edges of the annular wall. 1. A lock ring for securing a lid to a drum-type container , the lock ring comprising:a body having a discontinuous circular ring shape, the body having a first free end and a second free end, the body having an annular wall and two spaced apart flanges together defining a clamping channel facing radially inward, the two flanges defining a profile height of the body;a lever having a grip section at one end and a pivot section at an opposite end, the pivot section pivotally attached to the body near the first free end, the lever pivotable between a closed position and an open position and having two walls spaced from one another and connected by a third wall, the spacing of the two walls defining a profile height of the lever; anda lever end adjacent the first free end of the body, the lever end formed by the annular wall continuing to the first free end and the two flanges terminating short of the first free end,wherein, ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Application System

Номер: US20140061233A1

A fluid application system includes a diluent reservoir, a chemical container, a sprayer housing, a manifold located in the sprayer housing, and a pump assembly in fluid communication with an outlet of the manifold. The manifold includes a diluent inlet in fluid communication with the diluent reservoir, a chemical inlet in fluid communication with the container, a mixing chamber in fluid communication with the diluent inlet and the chemical inlet and the outlet of the manifold. The pump assembly draws a mixture of the chemical and the diluent from the manifold and sprays the mixture of the chemical and the diluent from the nozzle. 1. A fluid application system for mixing a chemical with a diluent and spraying a mixture of the chemical and the diluent , the system comprising:a sprayer housing;a diluent reservoir for holding the diluent;a chemical container for containing the chemical, the chemical container including a chemical dip tube for delivering chemical to a valve in an opening of the chemical container, the chemical dip tube being in fluid communication with a restriction orifice having a smaller inner diameter than an inner diameter of an adjacent section of the chemical dip tube wherein the valve has a closed position in which fluid flow is blocked from the opening of the container and the valve has an open position in which fluid can flow from the opening of the container, the valve being moved from the closed position to the open position when the chemical container is attached to the sprayer housing;a manifold located in the sprayer housing, the manifold including a diluent inlet in fluid communication with the diluent reservoir and a mixing chamber of the manifold, the manifold including a chemical inlet in fluid communication with the chemical dip tube and the mixing chamber, the manifold including an outlet in fluid communication with the mixing chamber; anda pump assembly including a pump chamber in fluid communication with the outlet of the manifold ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064885A1

Provided is a cover opening/closing apparatus which includes: a wafer conveyance port having an opening edge and configured to be opened/closed by an opening/closing door; and a cover removal apparatus installed on the opening/closing door and configured to remove a cover of a FOUP which is formed with a substrate outlet having a opening edge. When the cover removal apparatus removes the cover of the FOUP, the opening edge of the substrate outlet is closely contacted with the opening edge of the wafer conveyance port. The cover removal apparatus includes: a latch key which is engaged with the cover of the FOUP, a driving unit configured to drive the latch key, and an accommodation unit configured to accommodate the driving unit. The cover opening/closing apparatus further includes an exhaust system configured to exhaust a space within the accommodation unit. 1. A cover opening/closing apparatus comprising:a wafer conveyance port having an opening edge and configured to be opened/closed by an opening/closing door; a latch key which is engaged with the cover of the FOUP,', 'a driving unit configured to drive the latch key, and', 'an accommodation unit configured to accommodate the driving unit; and, 'a cover removal apparatus installed on the opening/closing door and configured to remove a cover of a FOUP which is formed with a substrate outlet having an opening edge, wherein, when the cover removal apparatus removes the cover of the FOUP, the opening edge of the substrate outlet is closely contacted with the opening edge of the wafer conveyance port and the cover removal apparatus includesan exhaust system configured to exhaust a space within the accommodation unit.2. The cover opening/closing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust system includes:an exhaust line passing through the space within the accommodation unit, andan exhaust pump connected to the exhaust line.3. The cover opening/closing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the exhaust system includes a ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Airtight container for keeping food

Номер: US20140069925A1
Автор: Do Hwan Hwang
Принадлежит: SAMKWANG GLASS CO Ltd

The present invention relates to an airtight container for preserving food, and more particularly, in order to make the molding of the container easy, reduce the manufacturing cost of the container while minimizing the fraction defective, and manufacture a tempered glass container which is not broken by collision among containers during production or distribution by making the thickness of the entire container uniform, the present invention provides an airtight container for preserving food comprising a container body wherein a lid with a locking member is detachably coupled on the upper portion on the peripheral surface and a space for food accommodation is provided therein, wherein a stumbling sill 121 with a lateral groove toward the inner direction is formed on the outer surface of the wall 12 of the container body, a side wall of groove 122, which is extended downwardly from the width of the stumbling sill to the outer surface of the wall, is formed on both ends of the stumbling sill, and protruded surface 124 corresponding to the groove depth of the stumbling sill is formed internally in the inner surface of the wall, thereby forming the wall with a uniform thickness.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Automated Wafer Container with Equipment Interface

Номер: US20140076774A1
Автор: Kaashoek Kurt F.

An improved wafer container is provided for use with automated equipment. The container includes a top lid that engages with a bottom base to form a housing having an inner cavity for storing semiconductor wafers. The lid includes a handling member that interfaces with automated equipment for engaging the lid with the base and removing the lid from the base. The container includes latches that can be actuated between a locked position and an unlocked position by automated equipment. The container can hold multiple stacked wafer separator rings, each of which has automation tabs extending outwardly from the ring outer rim. The automation tabs allow for automated equipment to transfer the wafer separators rings between the container and a staging area. 1. A wafer container for use with automated equipment , the container comprising:a top lid adapted for engagement with a bottom base to form a housing having an inner cavity for storing at least one semiconductor wafer;wherein the lid includes a handling member adapted to interface with automated equipment for placing the lid into engagement with the base and removing the lid from engagement with the base;wherein the base includes a latch member and the lid includes a latch retainer portion adapted for receiving the latch member when the lid is in engagement with the base; andwherein when the lid is in engagement with the base and the latch member is received by the lid latch retainer portion, the latch member can be actuated between a locked position and an unlocked position by automated equipment.2. The wafer container of wherein the latch member includes a tab adapted to protrude through a latch hole disposed in the lid when the lid is engagement with the base.3. The wafer container of wherein the tab can be rotated between the locked position and the unlocked position when it protrudes through the latch hole.4. The wafer container of wherein the tab is disposed within a recess in the lid when the tab is in ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076893A1
Автор: CHEEK Alan

A container may include a body portion having opposing open and closed ends, and a trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side extending laterally between the open and closed ends. The open end may include a latch portion extending laterally and being opposite to the trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side. The container may also include a handle coupled to the open end, and switchingly coupled to the latch portion. 1. A container comprising:a body portion having opposing open and closed ends, and a trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side extending laterally between said open and closed ends;said open end comprising a latch portion extending laterally therefrom and being opposite to said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side; anda handle coupled said open end, and switchingly coupled to said latch portion.2. The container of wherein said closed end comprises a first handle recess longitudinally aligned with said latch portion and for gripping by a user.3. The container of wherein said latch portion comprises a second handle recess for gripping by the user.4. The container of wherein said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side extends laterally adjacent said open end a first distance and extends laterally adjacent said closed end a second distance less than the first distance.5. The container of wherein said body portion has a diameter; and wherein said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side has a width greater than the diameter adjacent said open end.6. The container of wherein said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side includes a flat outer surface.7. The container of wherein said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side includes an inner surface having a medial bump.8. The container of further comprising a lid portion to be coupled to said open end; and wherein said lid portion comprises opposing laterally extending sides for respectively coupling to said latch portion and to said trapezoid-shaped longitudinal side.9. The container of wherein said open end comprises a flanged rim.10. A container ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076894A1
Автор: CHEN Wei Ling
Принадлежит: KATTOE CO., LTD.

An airtight cover aims to cover an opening edge of a container and includes an upper rigid lid and an airtight flexible plate located below the upper rigid lid. The airtight flexible plate includes a sealing rim in contact with the opening edge and a central portion and a peripheral portion located respectively on an inner side and an outer side of the sealing rim. The sealing rim and upper rigid lid are interposed by a gap. When the airtight flexible plate contacts with the opening edge through the sealing rim to make the central portion continuously move downward, the peripheral portion is forced to warp upward, and the upper rigid lid presses the peripheral portion to bend downward. Hence the contact area between the sealing rim and opening edge increases, which can securely seal the container to meet requirements of usage. 1. An airtight cover for covering an opening edge of a container , comprising:an airtight flexible plate including a sealing rim in contact with the opening edge and a central portion and a peripheral portion located respectively on an inner side and an outer side of the sealing rim; andan upper rigid lid which is located above the airtight flexible plate, and includes an annular grasp portion which is extended upward from the upper rigid lid and includes an installation hole, wherein the airtight flexible plate includes an annular flange corresponding to and latching on the installation hole, and wherein the sealing rim and a distal end of the upper rigid lid are interposed by a gap.2. The airtight cover of claim 1 , wherein the airtight flexible plate includes a groove formed on the peripheral portion claim 1 , and the upper rigid lid includes a flange corresponding to the groove.3. The airtight cover of claim 2 , wherein the airtight flexible plate includes an inverse flange extended from the groove.4. The airtight cover of claim 1 , wherein the airtight flexible plate includes an air vent formed in the annular flange to hold a check valve. ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076901A1

A fastening device for fastening a cover to a body of an explosion-proof enclosure can include a bracket having a back side mechanically coupled to a bottom side at a first angle and to a top side at a second angle, where the top side includes an engagement portion, where the first angle is substantially parallel to an under side of the body flange, and where the second angle is substantially parallel to a top side of the cover flange. The fastening device can also include a cam fixedly coupled to an outer surface of the cover flange and hingedly coupled to the engagement portion. The fastening device can further include a lever fixedly coupled to the cam and having a closed position and an open position. 1. A fastening device for fastening a cover to a body of an explosion-proof enclosure , the fastening device comprising:a bracket comprising a back side mechanically coupled to a bottom side at a first angle and to a top side at a second angle, wherein the top side comprises an engagement portion, wherein the first angle is substantially parallel to an under side of a flange, and wherein the second angle is substantially parallel to a top side of an opposing flange;a cam fixedly coupled to an outer surface of the opposing flange and hingedly coupled to the engagement portion; anda lever fixedly coupled to the cam and having a closed position and an open position,wherein the bracket engages the opposing flange and the body flange when the lever is in the closed position, andwherein the bracket is disengaged from the opposing flange and the flange when the lever is in the open position.2. The fastening device of claim 1 , further comprising a securing device mechanically coupled to the top side of the bracket claim 1 , wherein the securing device engages the lever when the lever is in the closed position.3. The fastening device of claim 2 , wherein the securing device comprises at least one detent that claim 2 , when engaged claim 2 , allows the lever to move into ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Kitchen Appliance With Locking Handles

Номер: US20140084006A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Beach Brands Inc

A kitchen appliance includes a housing that defines a cavity. A heating or cooling element is disposed within the housing to heat or cool the cavity. A container fits within the cavity. A lid at least partially covers the container when placed thereon. At least one handle assembly is engageable by a user for carrying the kitchen appliance, and includes a handle anchor positioned on the housing and a handle pivotably connected thereto. The handle is pivotable between an engaged position in which at least a portion of the handle contacts the lid to retain the lid in sealing engagement with the container rim, and a disengaged position in which the portion of the handle is spaced-apart from the lid to permit the lid to be removed from the container rim. The handle includes a locking mechanism for locking the handle in the engaged position.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091582A1

Enclosure clamps and clamp systems are provided for fastening a cover to an enclosure body to provide an explosion-proof container, while minimizing the number of bolts used over conventional systems. The enclosure clamps and clamp systems create a sufficient force so as to provide a flamepath between the cover and the enclosure body. The enclosure clamps described include a channel for receiving the cover and a flange on the enclosure body. The enclosure clamp is secured to the enclosure body by one or more bolts and/or by a cam actuated securing mechanism. The clamp systems described include a force distributing plate secured to a cover by cam actuated securing mechanism that is coupled to an enclosure body. The enclosure clamps and clamp systems allow a user to attach or remove the cover from the enclosure body more easily than possible with conventional explosion-proof enclosures. 1. An enclosure clamp system , comprising:a clamping member comprising at least one portion, wherein the at least one portion is configured to abut against an explosion-proof enclosure;a securing arm comprising a latching flange and a actuation end, wherein the latching flange of the securing arm is movably coupled to the clamping member; andan actuation base comprising a pivot point, wherein the actuation base is configured to mechanically couple to the explosion-proof enclosure, and wherein the actuation end of the securing arm is movably coupled to the pivot point,wherein the latching flange of the securing arm is coupled to the clamping member when the actuation end of the securing arm is in a first position relative to the actuation base,wherein the latching flange of the securing arm is decoupled from the clamping member when the actuation end of the securing arm is in a second position relative to the actuation base, andwherein the clamping member applies a clamping force to the explosion-proof enclosure wherein the latching flange of the securing arm is coupled to the clamping ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Enclosure clamps and clamp systems

Номер: US20140091583A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

Enclosure clamps and clamp systems are provided for fastening a cover to an enclosure body to provide an explosion-proof container, while minimizing the number of bolts used over conventional systems. The enclosure clamps and clamp systems create a sufficient force so as to provide a flamepath between the cover and the enclosure body. The enclosure clamps described include a channel for receiving the cover and a flange on the enclosure body. The enclosure clamp is secured to the enclosure body by one or more bolts and/or by a cam actuated securing mechanism. The clamp systems described include a force distributing plate secured to a cover by cam actuated securing mechanism that is coupled to an enclosure body. The enclosure clamps and clamp systems allow a user to attach or remove the cover from the enclosure body more easily than possible with conventional explosion-proof enclosures.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000271A1
Автор: PARK Sou Kyu

Disclosed is a container lid for vacuum sealing which generates negative pressure in the internal space of a container, which is provided by covering the open upper part of a container main body, and seals same. An annular packing is mounted so as to go around the inner surface of a lid main body, and a check valve is mounted in the inner part of the outer surface of the lid main body. The check valve generates negative pressure in the internal space of the container by allowing air inside the container to flow to the outside but preventing outside air from flowing into the container when a pressure difference occurs between the inside and outside of the container. A plurality of self catching protrusions are provided respectively at a plurality of points on the edges of the lid main body, and a plurality of locking members are mounted respectively and pivotably in sections adjacent to the plurality of self catching protrusions. Each locking member comprises: self-locking protrusions which are press-fitted and coupled to the self catching protrusions in a closed state so that the locking members are not released; and main body-locking protrusions which prevent the container lid from being taken off from the container main body by being caught by the circumference of the opening part of the container main body or a main body catching protrusion, even if the container lid rises due to the expansion of the packing as a result of a decrease in the negative pressure generated inside the container. 1. A container lid for vacuum sealing for maintaining negative pressure in an internal space provided by covering an opened top portion of container main body and seals , the container lid comprising:a packing-installing groove provided so as to go around an internal surface of a lid main body for covering an open upper part of the container main body;a closed-loop shape packing installed in the packing-installing groove and sealing contacting surface by press-fitting between ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000818A1
Автор: Gorab Glenn

A bottle or jar identification device comprising a multi-layer token that produces a permanent image when pressure is applied to a writing surface. The token may be affixed to the cap or cover or to the bottle or jar itself. The token can comprise a magic slate, ink meant to fail, lottery type rub-off material, microencapsulated ink, or any other material that produces an image when pressure is applied using a stylus, a fingernail, or any other sharp instrument. The token may also have an adhesive layer. The token having an adhesive layer may be applied to any surface. 1. A method of marking a container wherein the container comprises at least one side which in turn comprises at least one closed surface , said method comprising:a) affixing to the container a writable area further comprising a writable token taken from the group consisting of a magic slate, an element comprising ink meant to fail, and an element comprising microencapsulated ink; andb) applying pressure in a desired pattern to the writable token using a stylus, a fingernail, or any sharp instrument,whereby, a mark is produced on the writable token in the desired pattern where the pressure has been applied.2. The method of wherein the writable token is affixed to the at least one side of the container.3. The method of wherein the container further comprises a top and a bottom.4. The method of wherein the container further comprises a removable cap that is attached to the container at its top.5. The method of wherein the writable token is affixed to the removable cap.6. A container comprising:a) at least one side which in turn comprises at least one closed surface;b) a writable area affixed to the container wherein said writable area further comprises a writable token taken from the group consisting of a magic slate, an element comprising ink meant to fail, and an element comprising microencapsulated ink;whereby:application of pressure in a desired pattern to the writable token using a stylus, a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001212A1
Автор: Varbanov Petar

The present invention relates to a container and a pouch. The container and pouch is preferably mutually shaped so that the pouch fits tightly into the container. The container comprises a closure for closing the container and preferably being adapted to maintain the pouch in an open state in a position where its opening is facing upwardly. In addition, the closure comprises a lid, allowing re-closable access to the contents stored in the pouch. 1. A container comprising:one or more side walls and a bottom;an opening defined by the one or more side walls, positioned opposite to the bottom, and configured such that a pouch is inserted through the opening into the container;a securing member configured to fix the pouch relative to the container; anda closure comprising a lid comprising a lock comprising a flap that extends down to and snaps onto a rim of the closure, and the closure is configured to close the container, with the pouch internally arranged in the container, by accommodating flaps of the pouch folded around a distal end of the one or more side walls.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the securing member comprises knobs to which the flaps of the pouch attach on opposite sides of the container.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the lid rotates relative to a frame of the closure.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the lid is rotatably connected to the frame at an opposite end of the lid from the lock.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein the closure comprises a recess that receives the flaps folded onto the distal end of the one or more side walls of the container.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the closure comprises a skirt portion that comprises the recess.7. A pouch comprising:one or more side walls;a top comprising flaps configured to fold around distal ends of side walls of a container while the distal ends of the container side walls are accommodated by a closure of the container in which the pouch is arranged; anda reinforcement tongue ...
