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16-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000005584U1

Установка для получения водного раствора аммиака, состоящая из резервуара смешения с двумя входными патрубками с предохранительными клапанами соответственно для подачи аммиака и ввода воды, смесителя и выводного патрубка с вентилем, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введен блок регулирования высокого давления, емкость хранения, емкость сбора всех утечек, насосные блоки, блок КИП с элементами контроля, узел замера готового раствора, а смеситель выполнен в виде радиально отходящих от входного патрубка подачи аммиака трубок, лежащих в плоскости, параллельной дну резервуара и снабженных расположенными в верхней части по всей длине трубки отверстиями, диаметром, например, равным 3 - 4 мм с равномерным шагом на каждой трети трубки, но уменьшающимся от начала к концу таким образом, чтобы количество отверстий обеспечивали смешение сред на каждой трети трубки соответственно 10, 35 и 55%, кроме того, каждая трубка накрыта струесмешивающим вогнутым козырьком. (19) RU (11) (13) 5 584 U1 (51) МПК C01C 1/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96121632/20, 05.11.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Техоборкон" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Техоборкон" U 1 5 5 8 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Установка для получения водного раствора аммиака, состоящая из резервуара смешения с двумя входными патрубками с предохранительными клапанами соответственно для подачи аммиака и ввода воды, смесителя и выводного патрубка с вентилем, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введен блок регулирования высокого давления, емкость хранения, емкость сбора всех утечек, насосные блоки, блок КИП с элементами контроля, узел замера готового раствора, а смеситель выполнен в виде радиально отходящих от входного патрубка подачи аммиака трубок, лежащих в плоскости, параллельной дну резервуара и снабженных расположенными в ...

16-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000011197U1

Устройство для приготовления аммиачной воды, состоящее из блока редуцирования высокого давления, содержащего запорную арматуру и регулятор давления прямого действия, резервуара смешения со смесителем, выходным патрубком и с двумя входными патрубками и предохранительными клапанами, соответственно, для подачи жидкого безводного аммиака и воды, отличающееся тем, что блок редуцирования высокого давления и резервуар смешения размещены на единой, подвижной раме и снабжены гибкими шлангами подключения соответственно к транспортному средству и емкости слива аммиачной воды, а в блок редуцирования введены баллоны с газообразным азотом, вентили продувки, задвижки, обратные клапаны, устройство измерения жидкого аммиака (УИЖА), а регулятор давления прямого действия выполнен в виде камерной диафрагмы с байпасом, причем гибкий шланг подключения к транспортному средству, задвижки с устройством измерения жидкого аммиака между ними, камерная диафрагма с байпасом соединены последовательно и через обратный клапан связаны с резервуаром смешения, баллоны с газообразным азотом последовательно соединены между собой и через вентили продувки и обратные клапаны связаны со входом задвижки, соединенной с устройством измерения жидкого аммиака, и гибким шлангом - с газовым пространством емкости аммиаковоза. (19) RU (11) 11 197 (13) U1 (51) МПК C01C 1/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98123800/20, 28.12.1998 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.12.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.09.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Грибов Е.П., Асаенок В.П., Рогожинский Д.Л., Чефранов Ю.И., Светличный П.Г. 1 1 1 9 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для приготовления аммиачной воды, состоящее из блока редуцирования высокого давления, содержащего запорную арматуру и регулятор давления прямого действия, резервуара смешения со смесителем, выходным патрубком и с двумя входными патрубками и предохранительными клапанами, ...

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000087692U1

Линия подготовки природного газа в составе производства аммиака, включающая узлы дросселирования и распределительный элемент, отличающаяся тем, что последовательное дросселирование газа давлением 5,5-7,0 МПа проводят с использованием двух дросселирующих устройств, разделенных распределительным элементом газового потока, на первом до 3,5-4,5 МПа, а на втором часть этого газа в количестве 25-45% дросселируют до давления 0,4-1,2 МПа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 87 692 (13) U1 (51) МПК C01C C01B 1/04 3/24 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009120844/22, 01.06.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.06.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Тольяттиазот" (RU) U 1 8 7 6 9 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Линия подготовки природного газа в составе производства аммиака, включающая узлы дросселирования и распределительный элемент, отличающаяся тем, что последовательное дросселирование газа давлением 5,5-7,0 МПа проводят с использованием двух дросселирующих устройств, разделенных распределительным элементом газового потока, на первом до 3,5-4,5 МПа, а на втором часть этого газа в количестве 25-45% дросселируют до давления 0,4-1,2 МПа. 8 7 6 9 2 (54) ЛИНИЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ ПРИРОДНОГО ГАЗА В СОСТАВЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА АММИАКА R U Адрес для переписки: 445004, Самарская обл., г. Тольятти, ул. Кудашева, 116, кв.141, С.В. Афанасьеву (72) Автор(ы): Махлай Владимир Николаевич (RU), Афанасьев Сергей Васильевич (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 87 692 U1 Предлагаемое техническое устройство относится к установкам подготовки природного газа в производстве аммиака, применяемым на крупнотоннажных агрегатах и может быть использовано в химической, нефтехимической, газовой и смежных отраслях промышленности. Известна установка подготовки природного газа для производства аммиака, ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Treatment method and treatment facilities of exhaust gas

Номер: US20120034145A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Plant Technologies Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a treatment method and a plant of an exhaust gas in which corrosion resistance of the exhaust gas treatment plant to a sulfuric acid mist after wet type desulfurization is increased. The treatment method of an exhaust gas in the present invention, wherein sulfur oxide is removed by wet type desulfurization of the exhaust gas and a sulfuric acid mist is removed by feeding ammonia into the exhaust gas, is characterized in that an ammonia gas is mixed into the exhaust gas by feeding inorganic ammonium salt to an alkali desulfurizing agent when the desulfurizing agent is sprayed into the exhaust gas to absorb and remove the sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Controlling Acid Gas Emissions from Cement Plants

Номер: US20120039778A1
Автор: James J. Schwab
Принадлежит: Envirocare International Inc

A method and apparatus for controlling emissions of acid forming gases such as sulfur dioxide from cement plants is disclosed. Gaseous effluent from the cement plant pyroprocessing chamber is routed to the plant's raw mill to heat and dry the feed meal used in cement production. When the raw mill is in operation microfine lime particles are sprayed into the raw mill using a nozzle system. The spraying of hydrated lime into the raw mill scrubs acid forming gases in the process gaseous effluent. When the raw mill is not operational, microfine lime is sprayed into a gas conditioning tower that is also used to reduce the temperature of the effluent gases to facilitate efficient collection of dust particles prior to emission of the cleansed effluent flow into the atmosphere.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Process for the recovery of ammonia from a gaseous stream

Номер: US20120039787A1
Принадлежит: Saipem Spa

A process for the recovery of ammonia contained in a gaseous stream is described, said process comprising the following phases: (a) subjecting the gaseous stream containing ammonia to a washing (S) with an aqueous washing solution ( 5 a ) having a pH lower than 7.0, with the formation of a purified gaseous stream ( 6 ) and an aqueous solution ( 7 ) containing an ammonium salt; (b) subjecting the aqueous solution containing the ammonium salt coming from phase (a) to a distillation process (MD) with a hydrophobic microporous membrane at a temperature ranging from 50 to 250° C. and a pressure ranging from 50 KPa to 4 MPa absolute with the formation of a regenerated washing solution ( 16 ) and a gaseous stream ( 18 ) comprising NH 3 and H 2 O; (c) recycling said generated washing solution to phase (a). The equipment for carrying out the above process is also described.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Destruction of ammonium ions

Номер: US20120128569A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The invention relates to a process for converting ammonium formed in a hydroxylamine phosphate oxime process into molecular nitrogen in an ammonium destruction zone, comprising—preparing a vapour stream comprising nitrogen oxide from ammonia, in an ammonia combustion zone;—bringing into contact by feeding to the ammonium destruction zone, individually and/or as pre-mixed combinations, at least part of said vapour stream, and a first liquid stream, comprising ammonium formed in the hydroxylamine phosphate oxime process, and a second liquid stream, comprising at least one acid selected from nitric acid and nitrous acid in a total nitric+nitrous acid concentration of at least 30 wt. %, thereby forming in the ammonium destruction zone a fluid mixture; and—reacting ammonium ions in the fluid mixture with nitrogen oxide under formation of molecular nitrogen, in the ammonium destruction zone. The invention further relates to an installation for converting ammonium formed in a hydroxylamine phosphate oxime process.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Tagging system and method

Номер: US20120184038A1
Автор: Andrew West, Darrell Green

A method of tracing an aqueous liquid, particularly an aqueous urea used for addition to a selective catalytic reduction system to remove NOx from diesel exhaust, includes adding a tracer comprising a pre-determined amount of a phenol to the liquid. The liquid can subsequently be identified by reacting a sample with a reagent containing a predetermined amount of 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of an initiating compound such that the reaction between the reagent and a phenol in the liquid produces a chromophore and measuring the absorbance of the resulting solution of the chromophore.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for recovering ammonia from a gas stream

Номер: US20120189528A1
Автор: Paolo Casara
Принадлежит: Saipem Spa

The present invention relates to a process for the recovery of ammonia contained in a gaseous stream, said process comprising the following phases: (a) subjecting the gaseous stream containing ammonia to a washing with an aqueous washing solution having a pH lower than 7.0, with the formation of a purified gaseous stream and an aqueous solution containing an ammonium salt; (b) treating the aqueous solution containing the ammonium salt coming from phase (a) in a vertical falling film heat exchanger at a temperature from 50 to 250° C. and an absolute pressure ranging from 50 KPa to 4 MPa with the formation of a regenerated washing solution and a gaseous stream comprising NH 3 and H 2 O; (c) recycling said regenerated washing solution to phase (a). The present invention also relates to equipment for effecting the above process.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for the separation of ammonia and carbon dioxide from aqueous solutions

Номер: US20120228225A1
Принадлежит: Saipem Spa

The present invention relates to a method for contemporaneously recovering ammonia and carbon dioxide from an aqueous solution thereof, possibly comprising their condensates, in a synthesis process of urea, characterized in that it comprises a hydrophobic microporous membrane distillation phase of an aqueous solution comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide and their saline compounds or condensates, said distillation being carried out at a temperature ranging from 50 to 250° C. and a pressure ranging from 50 KPa to 20 MPa absolute, with the formation of a residual aqueous solution, possibly comprising urea, and a gaseous permeate stream, comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide and water. The present invention also relates to an apparatus for effecting the above method and a production process of urea which comprises the above method.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Connected heat conducting structures in solid ammonia storage systems

Номер: US20120231949A1
Принадлежит: Amminex AS

A compacted block of material constructed of one or more units consisting of matter comprising an ammonia-saturated material capable of reversibly desorbing and ad- or absorbing ammonia surrounded by a gas-permeable enclosure made of a flexible material having a thermal conductivity of at least about five times the thermal conductivity of said ammonia-saturated material at −70° C.. to 250° C.. and methods for producing the same are described.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for the Manufacture of an Ammonium Sulfate Composition

Номер: US20130064755A1

The present invention describes a method manufacture of an ammonium sulfate composition having a total organic carbon (TOC) content of 1% by weight or less than 1% by weight, based on the total weight of the composition, comprising the following steps: 1. Method for the manufacture of an ammonium sulfate composition comprising the following steps: 'ii) ammonia in an amount sufficient to obtain a pH of 9.5 or higher: and', 'a) reacting i) waste sulfuric acid comprising an organic tertiary amines with'} 'wherein during the separation the pH of the reaction mixture is maintained at a pH of higher than 10.', 'b) separating the organic tertiary amine from the reaction mixture obtained in step a) to form an aqueous solution comprising the ammonium sulfate and an organic tertiary amine stream;'}2. Method according to wherein the organic tertiary amine is separated from the reaction mixture obtained in step a) in a distillation column.3. Method according to wherein during the distillation ammonia is added to the distillation column.4. Method according to wherein during the distillation ammonia is added to the distillation column in a counter flow to the reaction mixture obtained in step a).5. Method according to wherein during the distillation the reaction mixture obtained in step a) is continuously fed to the upper part of a distillation column and the ammonia is continuously fed to the lower part or the middle part of the distillation column.6. Method according to wherein the ammonia feed is placed at a position of the distillation column such that the aqueous solution claim 5 , which is essentially free of organic tertiary amine and which comprises the ammonium sulfate claim 5 , in the lower part of the column has a pH ranging from 5 to 7.7. Method according to wherein the organic tertiary amine is triethylamine.8. Method according to wherein the aqueous solution claim 1 , which is essentially free of the organic tertiary amine and which comprises the ammonium sulfate ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Process for Producing Ammonia Synthesis Gas

Номер: US20130101490A1

A process for producing ammonia synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon-containing feedstock, with steps of primary reforming, secondary reforming with an oxidant stream, and further treatment of the synthesis gas including shift, removal of carbon dioxide and methanation, wherein the synthesis gas delivered by secondary reforming is subject to a medium-temperature shift (MTS) at a temperature between 200 and 350° C., and primary reforming is operated with a steam-to-carbon ratio lower than 2. A corresponding method for revamping an ammonia plant is disclosed, where an existing HTS reactor is modified to operate at medium temperature, or replaced with a new MTS reactor, and the steam-to-carbon ratio in the primary reformer is lowered to a value in the range 1-5-2, thus reducing inert steam in the flow rate trough the equipments of the front-end. 1. A process for producing ammonia synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon-containing feedstock , the process comprising the steps of primary reforming said feedstock with steam , secondary reforming with an oxidant stream , and further treatment of the synthesis gas involving at least shift , removal of carbon dioxide and methanation , the process being characterized in that:the synthesis gas produced by said secondary reforming is subject to a medium-temperature shift at a temperature between 200 and 350° C.,and in that said primary reforming is operated with a steam-to-carbon ratio lower than 2.2. A process according to claim 1 , said steam-to-carbon ratio being 1.5 to 2 and preferably 1.5 to 1.7.3. A process according to or claim 1 , comprising a step of pre-reforming of said feedstock before the step of primary reforming.4. A process according to any of to claim 1 , said oxidant stream being any of air claim 1 , O-enriched air or substantially pure oxygen.5. A process according to any of to claim 1 , said medium-temperature shift being carried out in a substantially isothermal condition claim 1 , by removing heat with a suitable ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for synthesizing ammonia

Номер: US20130112568A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Zosen Corp

In the ammonia synthesis method, an anode and a cathode are arranged in an electrolyte phase at a predetermined interval; water (H 2 O) is supplied to an anode zone and light is radiated so that water is decomposed by a photoabsorption reaction to generate protons (H + ), electrons (e), and an oxygen gas (O 2 ); a nitrogen gas (N 2 ) is supplied to a cathode zone, and the electrons (e − ) generated in the anode zone are allowed to transfer to the cathode zone through a lead, thereby generating N 3− in the cathode zone; and ammonia (NH 3 ) is synthesized through the reaction between the protons (H + ) that have moved toward the cathode zone from the anode zone in the electrolyte phase and N 3− .

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116472A1
Автор: Auner Norbert
Принадлежит: SPAWNT PRIVATE S.A.R.L.

A method of producing urea includes reacting SiO/AlOor SiO/AlO-containing material, with addition of a carbon source, with gaseous nitrogen at elevated temperature to produce silicon nitride (SiN)/aluminum nitride (AlN) or silicon nitride/aluminum nitride-containing material; reacting the silicon nitride/aluminum nitride or silicon nitride/aluminum nitride-containing material in the presence of a basic alkali metal compound and/or alkaline-earth metal compound, with water at elevated temperature, to produce ammonia and alkali metal silicates/aluminates and/or alkaline earth metal silicates/aluminates; and reacting the ammonia with carbon dioxide to produce the urea. 1. A method of producing urea comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '3', '3', '4, 'reacting SiO/AlOor SiO/AlO-containing material, with addition of a carbon source, with gaseous nitrogen at elevated temperature to produce silicon nitride (SiN)/aluminum nitride (AlN) or silicon nitride/aluminum nitride-containing material;'}reacting the silicon nitride/aluminum nitride or silicon nitride/aluminum nitride-containing material in the presence of a basic alkali metal compound and/or alkaline-earth metal compound, with water at elevated temperature, to produce ammonia and alkali metal silicates/aluminates and/or alkaline earth metal silicates/aluminates; andreacting the ammonia with carbon dioxide to produce the urea.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the basic alkali metal compound and/or alkaline earth metal compound or a source thereof is added to the silicon nitride/aluminum nitride or silicon nitride/aluminum nitride-containing material before the addition of the water.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the basic alkali metal compound and/or alkaline earth metal compound or a source thereof comprises an SiO- or AlO-containing material.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising in addition to SiO/AlOor SiO/AlO-containing material as a starting material claim 1 , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149230A1

A process for producing ammonium nitrate is disclosed and in which: 1. A process for producing ammonium nitrate in which:a) a gaseous oxidiser feed composed at least substantially of ammonia, steam and an oxidising gas is exposed to conditions whereby the ammonia is oxidised to produce a reaction mixture including nitrogen monoxide and water vapour,b) the reaction mixture is cooled in a heat exchanger whereby the nitrogen monoxide is oxidised, the water vapour is condensed and the products of the nitrogen monoxide oxidation react with and are absorbed by the condensed water to form a nitric acid stream, with substantially all of the nitrogen monoxide in the reaction mixture being converted to nitric acid,c) the nitric acid stream is reacted with a stream of ammonia in an ammonium nitrate producing stage to form the ammonium nitrate,d) at least 80% of the steam within the oxidiser feed is derived from the ammonium nitrate producing stage, ande) at least 10% of the ammonia within the oxidiser feed is derived and carried by the steam from the ammonium nitrate producing stage.2. A process as claimed in wherein the steam derived from the ammonium nitrate producing stage comprises about 100% of the steam component of the gaseous oxidiser feed.3. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ammonia derived from the ammonium nitrate producing stage comprises at least 80% of the ammonia component of the gaseous oxidiser feed claim 1 , with the balance of the required ammonia feed being derived from a different source.4. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ammonia derived from the ammonium nitrate producing stage comprises about 100% of the ammonia component of the gaseous oxidiser feed.5. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the steam and ammonia derived from the ammonium nitrate producing stage comprise about 100% of the steam and ammonia components respectively of the gaseous oxidiser feed.6. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an ammonia feed is fed ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156664A1

Methods of reducing emissions levels during steady-state conditions are disclosed for use with a dry scrubber desulfurization system. A dry calcium hydroxide powder is injected into the gas flowpath and watered in the spray dryer absorber. The resulting slurry is then deposited on the filter bags in the baghouse. This can be done at lower temperatures than the spray dryer absorber would otherwise be operable, enabling desulfurization to occur earlier in the combustion process, particularly during startup of a cold boiler at ambient temperature. The operation of the boiler can also be backed up, made up, trimmed, or augmented depending on various operating scenarios. 1. A method for reducing combustion emissions produced during normal operating conditions in a combustion system system having a gas flowpath that travels from a combustion chamber through a spray dryer absorber to a baghouse downstream of the spray dryer absorber , the method comprising:mixing a dry calcium hydroxide powder into a flue gas at an injection location downstream of the combustion chamber and upstream of the baghouse;spraying water into the flue gas in the spray dryer absorber to humidify and reduce the temperature of the flue gas; andpassing the flue gas through the baghouse, wherein the calcium hydroxide powder captures pollutants in the flue gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein no liquid is added to the carrier gas between the injection location and the spray dryer absorber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water sprayed into the flue gas comes from a recycle system for recycling solids from the baghouse.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas flowpath travels through an air preheater located between the combustion chamber and the spray dryer absorber.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the injection location is located between the air preheater and the spray dryer absorber.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the injection location is upstream of the air preheater.7. The method of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156673A1

An air pollution control system comprises a SOx removal equipment for reducing sulfur oxides from flue gas from a boiler, a cooler for reducing the sulfur oxides that remain in the flue gas and for decreasing a gas temperature, COrecovery equipment including an absorber for bringing COin the flue gas into contact with a COabsorption liquid so as to be reduced, a regenerator for causing the COabsorption liquid to emit COso as to recover COand regenerate the COabsorption liquid, a heat exchanger which for decreasing a temperature of the flue gas, and calcium carbonate spraying equipment for spraying calcium carbonate between the heat exchanger and an electric dust collector, wherein a mist generation material in the flue gas is converted from a gas state to a mist state to arrest and reduce the mist generation material in the mist state using calcium carbonate. 1. An air pollution control system comprising:dust reduction equipment for reducing particulates from flue gas from a boiler;{'sub': 'x', 'SOremoval equipment for reducing sulfur oxides from the flue gas after the dust reduction;'}{'sub': 'x', 'a cooler which is provided on a downstream side of the SOremoval equipment, for reducing the sulfur oxides that remain in the flue gas and for decreasing a gas temperature;'}{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 2', '2, 'an absorber for bringing COin the flue gas into contact with a COabsorption liquid so as to be reduced; and'}, {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'a regenerator for causing the COabsorption liquid to emit COso as to recover COand regenerate the COabsorption liquid;'}], 'COrecovery equipment including{'sub': 'x', 'a heat exchanger which is provided on an upstream side of the SOremoval equipment, for decreasing a temperature of the flue gas; and'}calcium carbonate spraying equipment for spraying calcium carbonate between the dust reduction equipment and the heat exchanger,wherein a mist generation material in the flue gas is converted from a gas state to a mist state ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Fertilizers Containing Dispersed Micronized Sulphur

Номер: US20130167604A1

A method of producing a fertilizer composition containing micronized sulphur wherein elemental sulphur is dissolved in anhydrous or hydrous ammonia to form an ammonia/sulphur solution and the ammonia/sulphur solution is reacted with an acidic component having at least one plant growth constituent to simultaneously form a sulphur composition comprising a sulphur compound and micronized sulphur. The thus formed fertilizer composition is dried and can be formed into various shapes such as pellets, prills, etc. 1. A method of producing fertilizer compositions containing micronized sulphur comprising:dissolving elemental sulphur in an anhydrous or hydrous ammonia solution to form an ammonia/sulphur solutions (AMS solution);reacting said AMS solution with an acidic compound having at least one plant growth constituent to simultaneously form a fertilizer composition comprising a fertilizer compound and micronized sulphur;drying said fertilizer composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said AMS solution is under sufficient pressure to maintain said AMS solution as a liquid until reacted.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said plant growth enhancing constituent is selected from a group consisting of sulfate claim 1 , nitrate claim 1 , phosphate claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising adding additional AMS solution to said fertilizer composition during the drying step.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said micronized sulphur has an average particle size of less than 1 claim 1 ,000 μm.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said average particle size is less than 10 μm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein other components containing plant nutrients can be added to said fertilizer composition.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said AMS solution is formed by dissolving solid elemental sulphur.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein said AMS solution is formed by dissolving molten elemental sulphur.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171053A1

The present invention relates to a method for converting nitrogen (N) into nitrate and/or ammonia comprising the steps of compressing air and separating nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) therefrom, and either reacting earth alkaline metal with oxygen to produce earth alkaline metal oxide, using the high temperatures obtained to react Nand Oto NO, converting the NO with Oto NO, followed by the reaction of NOwith water to result in HNOand NO; or reacting the nitrogen obtained with earth alkaline metal to produce earth alkaline metal nitride and reacting thereof with water to result in earth alkaline metal hydroxide and ammonia. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the earth alkaline metal is in the form of powder or billets.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein an intense light glow obtained in the reaction in step b1) is transferred to photovoltaic cells for production of electricity.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the NO obtained in step c1) is heat exchanged with the compressed air used in step a) claim 1 , the compressed air is then expanded in a gas turbine that turns an electrical generator.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step b2) is carried out at a temperature of about 600-1.000° C.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the earth alkaline metal hydroxides obtained in step b2) are at least partly reacted with nitric acid obtained in step c1).7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the earth alkaline metal hydroxides obtained in step b2) are at least partly reacted with hydrochloric acid according to the following equation{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'Me(OH)+2HCl→MeCl+2HO'} {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'MeCl→Me+Cl,'}, 'wherein the earth alkaline metal chloride is then heated to its melting temperature and electrolyzed'} {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'H+Cl2HCl.'}, 'wherein optionally hydrochloric acid is then prepared by reacting the chlorine gas with hydrogen gas according to the following formula8. Method according to claim 7 , wherein ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177495A1

The invention provides a process comprising: a crystallization step of concentrating and crystallizing the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid from an aqueous solution that contains the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid; a solid-liquid separation step of solid-liquid separating the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid obtained in the crystallization step, and a crystallization mother liquid recycling step of recycling a crystallization mother liquid obtained in the solid-liquid separation step to at least one step selected from the crystallization step and one or more steps that precede the crystallization step, in which not all of the crystallization mother liquid is recycled. 1. A process for producing a nitrogen-containing composition from an aqueous solution which contains an ammonium salt of aliphatic carboxylic acid obtained from a biological starting material , while recovering at least one member selected from an aliphatic carboxylic acid , a salt of aliphatic carboxylic acid and an ammonium salt of sulfuric acid from the solution , wherein the process comprises the following steps (1) to (3):(1) a crystallization step of concentrating and crystallizing the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid from an aqueous solution that contains the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid,(2) a solid-liquid separation step of solid-liquid separating the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid obtained in the crystallization step, and(3) a crystallization mother liquid recycling step of recycling a crystallization mother liquid obtained in the solid-liquid separation step to at least one step selected from the crystallization step and one or more steps that precede the crystallization step, in which not all of the crystallization mother liquid is recycled.2. The process for producing a nitrogen-containing composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a crystallization mother liquid drying step of evaporating to dryness claim 1 , the crystallization mother liquid obtained in the solid-liquid ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183224A1

The present invention provides a catalyst substance that is stable and performs well in the synthesis of ammonia, one of the most important chemical substances for fertilizer ingredients and the like. The catalyst substance exhibits catalytic activity under mild synthesis conditions not requiring high pressure, and is also advantageous from a resource perspective. Further provided is a method for producing the same. This catalyst comprises a supported metal catalyst that is supported on a mayenite type compound including conduction electrons of 10cmor more and serving as a support for the ammonia synthesis catalyst. The mayenite type compound used as the support may take any form, including that of powder, a porous material, a sintered body, a thin-film, or a single crystal. Use of this catalyst makes it possible to increase the electron donating ability toward a transition metal. 1. An ammonia synthesis catalyst comprising a supported metal catalyst that is supported on a mayenite type compound including conduction electrons of 10cmor more and serving as a support for the ammonia synthesis catalyst.2. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the mayenite type compound is 12Ca0.7Al2O3.3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein a metal of the metal catalyst is at least one selected from metal elements belonging to groups 6 claim 1 , 7 claim 1 , 8 and 9.4. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the mayenite type compound take one of forms of powder claim 1 , a porous material claim 1 , a sintered body claim 1 , a thin film claim 1 , or a single crystal.5. A method for producing the catalyst according to claim 1 , the method comprising a step of supporting the metal catalyst on powder of a mayenite type compound claim 1 , including conduction electrons of 10cmor more claim 1 , by one of an impregnation process claim 1 , a physical mixing process claim 1 , a thermal decomposition process claim 1 , a liquid phase process claim 1 , and a vapor deposition ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for preparing ammonium sulfate nitrate

Номер: US20130192323A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Ammonium sulfate nitrate double salts may be produced using a process that result in complete or nearly complete conversion to the 2:1 double salt. In some embodiments, the disclosure pertains to methods of controlling moisture content during the production process.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202514A1

In accordance with the present invention, there is provide and device and method to facilitate the treatment of chlorine bypass dust while preventing increases in chemical cost and concentrations of heavy metals in clinker, and ensuring stability in quality of cement, and to treat chlorine bypass exhaust gas while avoiding coating troubles in a cement kiln etc., and preventing heat losses in a preheater etc., without degradation of clinker production amount. 1. A method of treating chlorine bypass dust and chlorine bypass exhaust gas characterized by , in a chlorine bypass facility extracting a part of combustion gas , while cooling it , from a kiln exhaust gas passage , which runs from an inlet end of a cement kiln to a bottom cyclone , and recovering a chlorine bypass dust from the extracted gas , slurring the recovered chlorine bypass dust , and contacting the slurry with the exhaust gas from the chlorine bypass facility.2. The method of treating chlorine bypass dust and chlorine bypass exhaust gas as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said recovered chlorine bypass dust is slurried after classified claim 1 , and the slurry is contacted with the exhaust gas from the chlorine bypass facility.3. The method of treating chlorine bypass dust and chlorine bypass exhaust gas as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a classification point when the chlorine bypass dust is classified is controlled by an amount of SOcontained in the exhaust gas from the chlorine bypass facility for contacting to the slurry (a product of an amount of the exhaust gas from the chlorine bypass facility and SOconcentration in the exhaust gas).4. The method of treating chlorine bypass dust and chlorine bypass exhaust gas as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said classification point is determined such that 70 mass percent or more and 100 mass percent or less of the recovered chlorine bypass dust passes through 10 μm mesh.5. The method of treating chlorine bypass dust and chlorine bypass exhaust gas as claimed in one ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for determining the degree of saturation of solid ammonia storage materials in containers

Номер: US20130209316A1
Принадлежит: Amminex AS

A method is provided for estimating the degree of saturation (S) of a reversible solid ammonia storage material ( 3 ) in a storage unit ( 1 ). The storage unit ( 1 ) is equipped with a heater ( 2 ) to release ammonia and a connected tube ( 4 ) for ammonia flow. The initial temperature (T INIT ) is measured with a sensor ( 9 ) in or around the storage unit ( 1 ) before any heating is initiated. Heating is initiated while recording the active time of heating (t) or the amount of energy (Q) released by the heater. The desorption pressure created by solid storage material in the storage unit ( 1 ) is measured via a pressure sensor ( 8 ) in fluid communication with the storage unit ( 1 ). The time (t TARGET ), or the heat (Q TARGET ) where the pressure reaches a certain target pressure (P TARGET ) is recorded. The values of the target-pressure time (t TARGET ), or the target-pressure heat (Q TARGET ), and the initial temperature (T INIT ) are used to compute an approximate degree of saturation (S).

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for recovering volatile components from a solid

Номер: US20130209345A1

The invention relates to a method for recovering volatile components from a solid (), characterized by the following method steps: drying () the solid () by means of superheated steam, withdrawing excess steam () from a closed circuit (), and recovering () the volatile components from the excess steam (). 17-. (canceled)8. A method for recovering volatile components from a solid material , the method comprising the steps of:drying the solid material by exposing the solid material to superheated steam circulating in a closed circuit;removing from the closed circuit excess steam that contains volatile components given off by the solid material;separating the volatile components directly from a gas phase of the excess steam without prior condensation of the gas phase.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein separating the volatile components is done by rectification.10. The method according to claim 8 , wherein separating the volatile components is done by scrubbing.11. The method according to claim 8 , further comprising the step of removing a liquid phase mechanically from the solid material before drying the solid material.12. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the solid material is of organic origin and the volatile component is ammonia.13. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the solid material is of organic origin and is subjected to a biological pretreatment prior to drying.14. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the biological pretreatment is anaerobic. The present invention concerns a method for recovering volatile components from excess steam when drying with superheated steam.In conventional drying processes, for example, convection drying of moist biomass by means of warm or hot air, valuable volatile components such as flavor compounds are lost through the exhaust air.When storing solid or liquid organic residual materials such as liquid manure or dung, ammonia is lost by evaporation. This is undesirable for several reasons. First of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Ammonia destruction methods for use in a claus tail gas treating unit

Номер: US20130224094A1
Автор: Mahin Rameshni
Принадлежит: WorleyParsons Group Inc

Oxidative and reductive methods are described for the cost-effective destruction of an ammonia-bearing gas stream, potentially containing minor but significant quantities of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), in a conventional Claus sulfur recovery tail gas treating unit, using controlled rates and compositions of combustion gases in order to obtain the temperatures necessary for the desired destruction of unwanted combustibles. In accordance with the present disclosure, a reductive method for the destruction of ammonia in a Claus tail gas treating unit is described, wherein the method includes introducing an ammonia-containing gas stream into a first combustion zone of a reactor in combination with a first oxygen-containing air stream to generate a first combustion gas stream composition; introducing a hydrocarbon-containing fuel gas stream and a second oxygen-containing air stream into a second combustion zone of the reactor to generate a second combustion gas stream composition; combining the first and second combustion gas stream compositions in a waste heat boiler to generate a waste effluent gas; contacting the waste effluent gas with a Claus tail gas stream to produce a primary waste stream; and contacting the primary waste stream with a hydrogenation catalyst system for a period of time sufficient to reduce NO x in the primary waste stream to ammonia.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230446A1
Принадлежит: GEA Messo GmbH

Method for the production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product by crystallization and installation for carrying out the method. A method for the continuous production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product from an ammonium sulphate solution in a crystallizer operates in accordance with the DTB principle and has an internal suspension circuit and a clarifying zone, from which a clarified partial flow of solution is constantly drawn off into an external circuit, is heated in a heat exchanger so as to dissolve the solids contained therein and is then guided back as a clear solution into the lower region of the crystallizer. In order to ensure production of a product crystallizate with a grain coarseness which is practically constant over time, a fine crystal suspension flow may be drawn off from the clarifying zone as a further partial flow and guided back into the internal circuit of the crystallization stage without any previous dissolution of the solid proportion contained therein. 1. Method for continuous production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product of a grain size in the range of approximately 2.0-3.0 mm by crystallization of an ammonium sulphate solution in a crystallization stage which is operated in accordance with a draft tube baffled (DTB) principle , said method comprising:constantly circulating a suspension of mother solution and ammonium sulphate crystals in an internal circuit while evaporating water from the solution;drawing off a clarified partial flow of solution from a clarifying zone in an upper region of the crystallization stage into an external circuit;heating the solution so as to dissolve the solids contained therein and then guiding the solution back as a clear solution into a lower region of the crystallization stage, and continuously drawing off vapours from a head of the crystallization stage;supplying new ammonium sulphate solution from outside and drawing off a suspension flow containing the coarse-grained ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247631A1

A functional fertilizer composition containing natural mineral ingredients and a method of preparing the same are disclosed. More particularly, a functional fertilizer composition that is environmentally friendly, significantly accelerates growth of plants, relieves physiological disorders, is suitable for use as an agent for odor removal and a gas generation inhibitor, and enables preparation of a soil conditioner from a residue from which mineral ingredients are extracted and a method of preparing the same are disclosed. To this end, the method includes pulverizing vermiculite, mixing the pulverized vermiculite with water, adding sulfur or sulfuric acid to the mixture of pulverized vermiculite and water, stirring the mixture to which sulfur or sulfuric acid has been added, aging the stirred mixture to prepare an aqueous solution, and separating and extracting an aqueous solution containing mineral ingredients from the prepared aqueous solution. 1. A method of preparing a functional fertilizer composition comprising natural mineral ingredients , the method comprising:{'b': '11', 'pulverizing vermiculite (operation S);'}{'b': '12', 'mixing the pulverized vermiculite with water (operation S);'}{'b': '13', 'adding sulfur or sulfuric acid to the mixture of pulverized vermiculite and water (operation S);'}{'b': '14', 'stirring the mixture to which sulfur or sulfuric acid has been added (operation S);'}{'b': '15', 'aging the stirred mixture (operation S);'}{'b': '16', 'separating and extracting an aqueous solution containing mineral ingredients from the aged mixture (operation S);'}{'b': '21', 'mixing at least one additive selected from the group consisting of ammonium molybdate, copper sulfate, borax or boric acid, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, and magnesium sulfate with water (operation S); and'}{'b': '22', 'adding the separated and extracted aqueous solution containing mineral ingredients to the mixture of the additive and water and mixing, stirring and aging the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287670A1

A process for producing ammonium nitrate is disclosed, which process comprises exposing a gaseous oxidiser feed composed at least substantially of ammonia, steam and an oxidising gas to conditions whereby the ammonia is oxidised to produce a reaction mixture including nitrogen monoxide and water vapour. The reaction mixture is cooled in a heat exchanger whereby the nitrogen monoxide is oxidised, the water vapour is condensed and the products of the nitrogen monoxide oxidation react with and are absorbed by the condensed water to form a nitric acid stream, with substantially all of the nitrogen monoxide in the reaction mixture being converted to nitric acid. The nitric acid stream is reacted with a stream of ammonia to form the ammonium nitrate. 1. A process for producing ammonium nitrate comprising:exposing a gaseous oxidiser feed composed at least substantially of ammonia, steam and an oxidising gas to conditions whereby the ammonia is oxidised to produce a reaction mixture including nitrogen monoxide and water vapour, and cooling the reaction mixture in a heat exchanger whereby the nitrogen monoxide is oxidised, the water vapour is condensed and the products of the nitrogen monoxide oxidation react with and are absorbed by the condensed water to form a nitric acid stream, with substantially all of the nitrogen monoxide in the reaction mixture being converted to nitric acid; andreacting the nitric acid stream with a stream of ammonia to form the ammonium nitrate.2. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oxidising gas comprises a gas containing at least 90% oxygen.3. (canceled)4. A process as claimed in wherein at least 95% of the nitrogen monoxide in the reaction mixture is converted to nitric acid.5. (canceled)6. A process as claimed in wherein claim 4 , if conversion of the carbon monoxide does not approach 100% of that in the reaction mixture claim 4 , the reaction-absorption process is continued in a subsequent reaction-absorber vessel or pipe.7. A ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309161A1
Автор: Akay Galip
Принадлежит: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

An ammonia production process is disclosed. The process uses gasification of biomass waste and the like to produce syngas which, using an integrated system including using nitrogen enriched air and a porous coated catalyst, produces ammonia in a plasma reactor. The ammonia is finally recovered using sulphonated PolyHIPE Polymer which can be used as a fertilizer after neutralisation. 1. A method of production of ammonia comprising the steps of:gasification of combustible material to produce syngas, the gasification process including extracting oxygen from air for use in the gasification process thereby producing nitrogen enriched air;substantially removing oxygen from said nitrogen enriched air to produce substantially oxygen free air;separating hydrogen from said syngas; andreacting said hydrogen with said substantially oxygen free air to produce ammonia.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said oxygen is extracted from the air using an oxygen selective membrane.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said oxygen is removed by combustion with syngas from which hydrogen has been removed.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said hydrogen is extracted from the syngas using at least one hydrogen selective membrane.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said reaction to produce ammonia takes place in a plasma reactor.6. An apparatus for the production of ammonia claim 1 , the apparatus comprising:at least one gasifier for gasification of combustible material to produce syngas, the gasifier including at least one first oxygen removal device for extracting oxygen from air for use in the gasification process thereby producing nitrogen enriched air;at least one second oxygen removal device for substantially removing oxygen from said nitrogen enriched air to produce substantially oxygen free air;at least hydrogen separating device for separating hydrogen from said syngas; and at least one reaction device for reacting said hydrogen with said substantially ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of recovering ammonia and method of recycling ammonia by using the same

Номер: US20130312456A1
Принадлежит: Japan Pionics Ltd

There are provided methods capable of easily and efficiently recovering and recycling ammonia from exhaust gas containing a small amount of ammonia, the exhaust gas being exhausted from a production process of a gallium nitride compound semiconductor. The method of recovering ammonia includes filtering exhaust gas containing ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a solid compound with a filter to remove the solid compound from the exhaust gas; pressurizing and cooling the filtered exhaust gas with a heat pump to liquefy ammonia contained in the filtered exhaust gas; and separating liquefied ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen to recover liquefied ammonia. The method of recycling ammonia includes evaporating recovered liquid ammonia; mixing the evaporated ammonia with another crude ammonia to obtain mixed gas; purifying the mixed gas; and supplying the purified gas to the production process of a gallium nitride compound semiconductor.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Process For Simultaneous Production Of Potassium Sulphate, Ammonium Sulfate, Magnesium Hydroxide And/Or Magnesium Oxide From Kainite Mixed Salt And Ammonia

Номер: US20130315805A1

The present invention provides an integrated process for the recovery of sulphate of potash (SOP), ammonium sulphate and surface modified magnesium hydroxide and/or magnesium oxide utilizing kainite mixed salt and ammonia as the only consumable raw materials. The process involves treating kainite mixed salt with water to obtain solid schoenite and a schoenite end liquor. The latter is desulphated using CaClgenerated in the process itself and thereafter evaporated to obtain carnallite crystals from which KCl is recovered while the liquor rich in MgClserves as a source of MgCL. The gypsum produced during desulphatation is reacted with aqueous ammonia and COto produce ammonium sulphate and calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate so obtained is then calcined to obtained CaO and CO. The CaO is then slaked in decarbonated water and reacted with the MgCl-rich liquor generated above to produce slurry of Mg(OH)in aqueous CaCl. To this surface modifying agent is added under hot condition and, after cooling, the slurry is more easily filterable and yields surface modified Mg(OH). The filtrate rich in CaClis then recycled for desulphatation process above. The solid surface modified Mg(OH)is then calcined to produced MgO or used as such in appropriate applications. The schoenite and KCl are reacted to produce SOP in solid form while the liquor is recycled in the schoenite production step. 1. A process for the simultaneous production of sulphate of potash (SOP) , ammonium sulphate , surface modified magnesium hydroxide and/or magnesium oxide being characterized in the co-generation of the said products using kainite mixed salt and ammonia as the only consumable raw materials , the said process comprising the following steps:a) converting in a first reaction zone, kainite mixed salt into schoenite by the process of aqueous leaching, wherein the aqueous leaching process comprises reacting kainite mixed salt with water and SOP end liquor of step (e) followed by separating the pure ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319060A1

A method for producing urea granules having low moisture absorption capacity, with a urea granulator, having a granule flow inlet side and oppositely a granule flow outlet side, forming an axis alongside which granules from a urea solution and a urea/ammonium salt-stream are formed, whereby the solution and the salt-stream are sprayed as a mixture or separately via a feed system unit via various nozzles into the granulator onto a seed material. In this process the highest amount of the salt-stream is sprayed into the granulator at the granule flow inlet side and the amount of the salt-stream is decreased alongside the axis of the granulator from the granule flow inlet side to the granule flow outlet side. 1. A method for producing urea granules having low moisture absorption capacity , with a urea granulator , having a granule flow inlet side and oppositely a granule flow outlet side , forming an axis alongside which urea granules from a urea solution and a urea/ammonium salt-stream are formed , wherebythe urea solution and the urea/ammonium salt-stream are sprayed as a mixture or separately via a feed system unit via various nozzles into the urea granulator onto a seed materialwhereinthe highest amount of the urea/ammonium salt-stream is sprayed into the urea granulator at the granule flow inlet side and the amount of the urea/ammonium salt-stream is decreased alongside the axis of the urea granulator from the granule flow inlet side to the granule flow outlet side, whereby the urea/ammonia salt-stream comprises a urea:ammonium salt ratio between 4 and 20, a water content of 0-10% by weight and optionally up to 1-5% by weight additives, andthe highest amount of the urea solution is sprayed into the urea granulator at the granule flow outlet side and the amount of the urea solution is decreased alongside the axis of the urea granulator from the granule flow outlet side to the granule flow inlet side.2. A method for producing urea granules having low moisture ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling compounds and conditions in a wet flue gas desulfurization (wfgd) unit

Номер: US20140017119A1

The present invention relates generally to the field of emissions control and, in particular to a new and useful method and/or system by which to control various types of corrosion and/or precipitation issues in at least a portion of a wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) scrubber system. In one embodiment, the method and/or system of the present invention relies on the supply of at least one reducing agent to the slurry of a wet flue gas desulfurization scrubber to lower the oxidation reduction potential in the absorber slurry contained within the wet flue gas desulfurization scrubber. In still another embodiment, the method and/or system of the present invention control the oxidation-reduction potential in at least one bleed stream of an absorber slurry, filtrate, and/or solution from a wet flue gas desulfurization scrubber.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Process and Plant for Ammonia-Urea Production

Номер: US20140018575A1
Принадлежит: Urea Casale SA

A process for ammonia -urea production where: liquid ammonia produced in an ammonia section is fed to a urea section directly at the ammonia synthesis pressure, and where the liquid ammonia is purified at high pressure with the steps of: cooling the liquid ammonia () obtaining a cooled liquid ammonia stream (), separating a gaseous fraction () comprising hydrogen and nitrogen from said cooled liquid ammonia, obtaining purified liquid ammonia () at a high pressure, and reheating said purified liquid ammonia () after separation of said gaseous fraction, obtaining a reheated purified ammonia () having a temperature suitable for feeding to the urea synthesis process. The application also deals with an ammonia -urea plant comprising an ammonia cooler, a liquid-gas separator and an ammonia re-heater and with a method for revamping existing ammonia -urea plants. 1. A process for ammonia-urea production where: liquid ammonia containing minor amounts of hydrogen , nitrogen , methane and eventually other urea-inert gases is produced with an ammonia synthesis process operated at a given ammonia synthesis pressure , and at least a portion of said liquid ammonia is used to provide the ammonia input of a urea synthesis process ,said process for ammonia-urea production being characterized in that liquid ammonia delivered by said ammonia synthesis process is treated directly at said ammonia synthesis pressure with purification process steps adapted to remove urea-inert gases, so that the ammonia input is made available to said urea synthesis process at a pressure close to said ammonia synthesis pressure, said purification process steps including at least the steps of:a) cooling the liquid ammonia obtaining a cooled liquid ammonia stream,b) separating a gaseous fraction comprising hydrogen and nitrogen from said cooled liquid ammonia, obtaining purified liquid ammonia at a high pressure, andc) reheating said purified liquid ammonia after separation of said gaseous fraction, ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033778A1
Принадлежит: SULVARIS INC.

A method is disclosed for producing sulphate or phosphate-based fertilizer from hydrogen sulphide. The method involves feeding a stream containing a substantial volume of hydrogen sulphide and air to a furnace, where it is burned to produce a sulphur dioxide rich gas stream. The sulphur dioxide rich gas stream is then fed to a reactor to produce a sulphuric acid stream and a waste stream comprising carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, trace impurities and trace amounts of unreacted sulphur dioxide. The sulphuric acid stream is finally converted to a sulphate or phosphate-based fertilizer. 1. A method of producing a sulphate or a phosphate-based fertilizer from a waste or by-product stream comprising hydrogen sulphide , said method comprising:a. creating a feedstock stream from the waste or by-product stream;b. feeding the feedstock stream and air to a furnace;c. burning the acid gas stream to produce a stream comprising sulphur dioxide;d. feeding the sulphur dioxide stream to a reactor to produce a stream comprising sulphuric acid and a gaseous waste stream ande. converting the sulphuric acid to a phosphate-based or sulphate-based fertilizer.2. The method of wherein the waste or by-product stream is an acid gas stream produced in a sour gas sweetening process or a coal gasification process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sulphuric acid is reacted with a nitrogen source claim 1 , a carbon source claim 1 , a potassium source or a phosphate source to produce the fertilizer.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the nitrogen source comprises ammonia and the sulphur based fertilizer produced is ammonium sulphate.5. The method of wherein a coal gasification process also produces ammonia claim 3 , which is then used as a nitrogen source to react with the sulphuric acid.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the sulphuric acid is reacted with a carbon source to produce a porous carbon matrix impregnated with sulphuric acid claim 3 , which is then used to chemisorb ammonia to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Process for Ammonia Saturation of Solid Materials, and Corresponding Assembly

Номер: US20140093444A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Systemes D'Echappement

A process for ammonia saturation of a solid material capable of absorbing and desorbing ammonia, the solid material being composed of solid particles and includes placing the solid material in contact with a cooled surface, with the solid material being disposed against the cooled surface in a thin layer having a thickness of less than 100 mm. The process further includes injecting a stream of gaseous ammonia to be in contact with the solid material, while the solid material is in contact with the cooled surface. 1. A process for ammonia saturation of a solid material capable of absorbing and desorbing ammonia , the solid material being composed of solid particles , the process comprising of the following steps:placing of the solid material in contact with a cooled surface, the solid material being disposed against the cooled surface in a thin layer having a thickness of less than 100 mm;injecting a stream of gaseous ammonia to be in contact with the solid material, while the solid material is in contact with the cooled surface.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid material moves along the cooled surface.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid material moves with the cooled surface.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid material moves inside a chamber in which gaseous ammonia is injected claim 1 , with the solid material moving in a continuous fashion relative to the chamber.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous ammonia is injected at a pressure of between 1 and 3 bar absolute.6. The process according to claim 1 , including drying of the solid material by heating and a step of cooling of the solid material claim 1 , preceding in this order the injection of a stream of gaseous ammonia to be in contact with the solid material.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the solid material is moved in a continuous fashion from the step of heating to the step of cooling claim 6 , and then to the step ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001200A1

A Reflux Rinsing apparatus for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization. A pressure vessel contains a liquefied gas solvent, impure crystalline starting material initially, and a purified crystalline mass at the conclusion of the purifying process. A mechanism is provided for providing pressure to contents of the pressure vessel and for heating the lower portion thereof. A timer is also connected to the mechanism, the timer being set to heat the pressure vessel to drive vapors and reflux rinsing to remove impurities at the surface of an impure crystalline mass, to reclaim the solvent, leaving purified crystals and impurities in the pressure vessel, and to open the pressure vessel to remove the purified crystals from the vessel walls and bottom surface and to remove the impurities from the vessel. The angle of a crystal bed in the apparatus can be adjusted. 1. A Reflux Rinsing apparatus for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization , comprising:a) a pressure vessel having walls, a lower portion with a bottom surface, and an upper portion, the pressure vessel for containing a liquefied gas solvent, impure crystalline starting material initially, and a purified crystalline mass at the conclusion of the purifying process;b) means for providing pressure to contents of the pressure vessel;c) means for heating the lower portion of the pressure vessel; and i) gently heat the lower portion of the pressure vessel to drive vapors and reflux rinsing to remove impurities at the surface of a purified crystalline mass;', 'ii) cycling step (i) with control over temperature and pressure as necessary to maximize crystal yield and purity;', 'iii) reclaiming the solvent, leaving the crystals and impurities in the pressure vessel; and', 'iv) opening the pressure vessel to remove the purified crystalline mass from the walls and bottom surface of the vessel and the impurities from the lower portion ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002185A1

A process for production of ammonia includes: providing a reaction stream including carbon monoxide and hydrogen; passing the reaction stream and steam over a water gas shift catalyst in a catalytic shift reactor, forming a shifted gas mixture depleted in carbon monoxide and enriched in hydrogen; passing the shifted gas mixture with an oxygen-containing gas over a selective oxidation catalyst at ≧175° C., forming a selectively oxidized gas stream with a portion of the carbon monoxide converted to carbon dioxide; removing some of the carbon dioxide from the selectively oxidized gas stream in a carbon dioxide removal unit; passing the carbon dioxide depleted stream over a methanation catalyst in a methanator to form a methanated gas stream, optionally adjusting its hydrogen:nitrogen molar ratio to form an ammonia synthesis gas; and passing the ammonia synthesis gas over an ammonia synthesis catalyst in an ammonia converter to form ammonia. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for the production of ammonia comprising the steps of:(a) providing a reaction stream comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen;(b) passing the reaction stream and steam over a water gas shift catalyst in a catalytic shift reactor to form a shifted gas mixture containing methanol;(c) passing the shifted gas mixture with an oxygen-containing gas over a selective oxidation catalyst at an inlet temperature ≧175° C. to form a selectively oxidised gas stream;(d) removing at least a portion of the carbon dioxide and steam from the selectively oxidised gas stream in a carbon dioxide removal unit;(e) passing the carbon dioxide depleted stream over a methanation catalyst in a methanator to form a methanated gas stream,and(f) passing the methanated gas stream over an ammonia synthesis catalyst in an ammonia converter to form ammonia.16. A process according to wherein the inlet temperature is in the range 175° C. to 250° C.17. A process according to wherein the selective oxidation is operated adiabatically in the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002306A1

A Reflux Rinsing method for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization. Feed material having tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is inserted into a reaction vessel having walls, and upper portion, and a lower portion with a bottom surface. The feed material is exposed to a hydrocarbon liquid in the reaction vessel in a quantity sufficient to keep liquid present in equilibrium with gas in the reaction vessel through the recrystallization process, forming a raw extract having THC. The walls and bottom surface of the reaction vessel are coated with raw extract. The reaction vessel is heated and then the heating is discontinued. Vapor/thin-film DER is promoted in the reaction vessel for a predetermined length of time with no solvent reflux, resulting in formation of purified crystals of THC acid under pressure. The hydrocarbon solvent is reclaimed from the reaction vessel, leaving the purified crystals and impurities. When the reaction vessel is opened, the purified crystals and impurities are removed. 1. A method for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization (DER) , the steps comprising:a) inserting feed material having tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) into a reaction vessel having walls, an upper portion, and a lower portion with a bottom surface;b) exposing the feed material to a hydrocarbon liquid in the reaction vessel in a quantity sufficient to keep liquid present in equilibrium with gas in the reaction vessel through the recrystallization process, forming a raw extract having THC;c) coating the walls and the bottom surface of the reaction vessel with raw extract;d) heating the reaction vessel;e) discontinuing the heating step (d):f) forming purified crystals of THC acid under pressure;g) reclaiming the hydrocarbon solvent from the reaction vessel, leaving therein the purified crystals of THC acid and impurities; andh) opening the reaction vessel and removing the purified crystals of THC acid ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008083A1

Provided is a method for producing nickel powder from a nickel ammine sulfate complex solution, comprising treatment steps of: (1) a seed crystal production step of producing nickel powder having an average particle size of 0.1 to 5 μm; (2) a seed crystal addition step of adding the nickel powder obtained in the step (1) as seed crystals to form a mixed slurry; (3) a reduction step of forming a reduced slurry containing nickel powder formed by precipitation of a nickel component in the mixed slurry on the seed crystals; and (4) a growth step of performing solid-liquid separation to separate and recover the nickel powder as a solid phase component and then blowing hydrogen gas into a solution prepared by adding the nickel ammine sulfate complex solution to the recovered nickel powder to grow the nickel powder to form high purity nickel powder. 1. A method for producing nickel powder from a nickel ammine sulfate complex solution , the method comprising treatment steps of:(1) a seed crystal production step of mixing a nickel sulfate solution and hydrazine to produce nickel powder having an average particle size of 0.1 to 5 μm serving as seed crystals;(2) a seed crystal addition step of adding the nickel powder having an average particle size of 0.1 to 5 μm obtained in the step (1) as seed crystals to the nickel ammine sulfate complex solution to form a mixed slurry;(3) a reduction step of blowing hydrogen gas into the mixed slurry obtained in the seed crystal addition step (2) to form a reduced slurry containing nickel powder formed by precipitation of a nickel component in the mixed slurry on the seed crystals; and(4) a growth step of subjecting the reduced slurry obtained in the reduction step (3) to solid-liquid separation to separate and recover the nickel powder as a solid phase component and then blowing hydrogen gas into a solution prepared by adding the nickel ammine sulfate complex solution to the recovered nickel powder to grow the nickel powder to form high ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Separation and Storage of Fluids Using ITQ-55

Номер: US20160008756A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite ITQ-55 has claim 1 , in calcined state and in absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols claim 1 , an empiric formula{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', ':g', 'g, 'sub': 1/n', '2', '2', '2', '2, '(MXO):YOGeO:(1−)SiO'}in which{'sup': '+', 'M is selected between H, at least one inorganic cation of charge +n, and a mixture of both,'}X is at least one chemical element of oxidation state +3,Y is at least one chemical element with oxidation state +4 different from Si,x takes a value between 0 and 0.2, both included,y takes a value between 0 and 0.1, both included,g takes a value between 0 and 0.5, both included.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein x takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , and g takes a value of essentially zero.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein a) x takes a value of greater than zero claim 2 , b) y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , c) g takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , or d) a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the membrane comprises particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 having a mean particle size of about 20 nm to about 1 micron.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles of crystalline molecular sieve zeolite ITQ-55 comprise a contiguous layer of particles.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 comprise a layer of particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 on a support.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the support comprises glass claim 7 , fused quartz claim 7 , silica claim 7 , silicon claim 7 , clay claim 7 , metal claim 7 , porous glass claim 7 , sintered porous metal claim 7 , titania claim 7 , cordierite claim 7 ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024762A1
Автор: WANG Qi, Yu Changjun

Disclosed is a system and method for preparing hydrogen chloride and ammonia gas by using ammonium chloride. The system includes a decomposition reactor and at least one regeneration reactor, or includes a reactor that may serve as the decomposition reactor and the regeneration reactor; ammonium chloride in particle form is continuously added to the decomposition reactor via a solid particle feed apparatus, and reacts with molten-state ammonium hydrogen sulfate to generate hydrogen chloride gas and an intermediate material; the intermediate material is discharged to the regeneration reactor, and heated therein to decompose into ammonium hydrogen sulfate and ammonia gas; and the ammonium hydrogen sulfate is returned to the decomposition reactor for recycling. The present disclosure provides an industrial feasible implementation solution for continuous decomposition of ammonium chloride, lowers volatilization of ammonium chloride by continuously and slowly adding ammonium chloride in particle form, and improves utilization rate of the ammonium chloride. 1. A system for preparing hydrogen chloride gas and ammonia gas by using ammonium chloride , whereinthe system comprises at least one reactor;the ammonium chloride and ammonium hydrogen sulfate are subjected to a decomposition reaction in the at least one reactor to output the hydrogen chloride gas and obtain an intermediate material;the intermediate material is subjected to a regeneration reaction to output the ammonia gas and obtain the ammonium hydrogen sulfate; andthe decomposition reaction and the regeneration reaction take place in different working stages of a same reactor of the at least one reactor, or take place in multiple reactors of the at least one reactor which can be communicated, and the ammonium chloride is continuously added to the at least one reactor in solid particle form.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the ammonium hydrogen sulfate is in a molten state.3. The system according to ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for recovering volatile components from a solid

Номер: US20160016808A1

In a method for recovering volatile components from a solid material, a liquid phase is mechanically removed from the solid material. Subsequently, the solid material is dried by exposing the solid material to superheated steam circulating in a closed circuit. From the closed circuit excess steam that contains volatile components given off by the solid material is removed. The volatile components are separated from the excess steam by condensing the excess steam to a condensed phase and the volatile components are from the condensed phase by adding suitable ions to the condensed phase to crystallize the volatile components.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016201A1

The invention refers to a free-flowing ammonium nitrate (AN) product which comprises a mixture of AN particles and beads or granules of activated alumina, a process for preparing the same and the use of said beads or granules as free-flowing additive for AN particles. 1. An ammonium nitrate (AN) product comprising a mixture of:i) AN particles; andii) beads or granules of activated alumina (AA).2. The AN product according to consisting essentially of a mixture of:i) AN particles; andii) beads or granules of AA.3. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AN particles are coated with an organic anticaking agent.4. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AN particles are technical grade AN particles claim 1 , preferably porous technical grade AN particles.5. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AA is present in an amount ranging from about 0.01 wt % to about 2 wt %.6. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AA is present in an amount ranging from about 0.1 wt % to about 1.0 wt %.7. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the beads or granules of AA have a specific surface area ranging from about 100 to about 500 mg.8. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the beads or granules of AA have a specific surface area ranging from about 250 to about 400 mg.9. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the beads or granules of AA have a particle size distribution ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 mm.10. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the beads or granules of AA have a particle size distribution ranging from 1.5 to 3.0 mm.11. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AN product is suitable as a raw material for explosives manufacture.12. The AN product according to claim 1 , wherein the AN product is suitable as oxidizer in explosives.13. An explosive comprising the AN product as defined in .14. A method for preparation of an ammonium nitrate (AN) product comprising mechanical mixing AN particles with beads ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016556A1
Автор: LEDOUX Francois

The present application relates to a closed container containing ammonium nitrate (AN) particles in an amount of 91 to 99.75 weight % and desiccant in an amount of 0.25 and 9 weight %, wherein the AN particles have a water content of between 0 and 0.7 weight %, and the desiccant particles comprise between 50 and 95 weight % of AN and between 5 and 50 weight % of magnesium nitrate dispersed in the AN. The application furthermore relates to a method for producing of ammonium nitrate particles that are stored in a closed container and having improved anti-caking properties. 1. A closed container comprising ammonium nitrate (AN) particles in an amount of 91 to 99.75 weight % and desiccant in an amount of 0.25 and 9 weight % , whereinthe AN particles have a water content of between 0 and 0.7 weight %; andthe desiccant comprises particles containing between 50 and 95 weight % of AN and between 5 and 50 weight % of magnesium nitrate dispersed in the AN.2. The closed container according to claim 1 , wherein the final concentration of magnesium nitrate in the container is between 0.12 and 4.5 weight % of the total weight of AN particles and desiccant.3. The closed container according to claim 2 , wherein the final concentration of magnesium nitrate in the container is between 0.12 and 1 weight % of the total weight of AN particles and desiccant.4. The closed container according to claim 3 , wherein the final concentration of magnesium nitrate in the container is between 0.12 and 0.45 weight % of the total weight of AN particles and desiccant.5. The closed container according to claim 1 , wherein the total amount of AN particles and desiccant adds up to 100 weight %.6. The closed container according to claim 1 , wherein the AN particles are ANPP claim 1 , high density AN claim 1 , or AN containing fertilizers.7. The closed container according to claim 6 , wherein the AN particles are ANPP.8. The closed container according to claim 1 , wherein the water content of the AN ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017034A1

Methods, systems, and apparatuses for anaerobic digestion of waste fibrous material and the recovery of nutrients are provided. Methods, systems, and apparatuses disclosed herein provide mechanisms to release dissolved gases from anaerobic digester effluent. Methods, systems and apparatuses disclosed herein can recover one or more nutrients from anaerobic digested effluent using a range of temperatures, aeration rates, aeration times, pH ranges, and settling times. 1. A method for recovering a nutrient comprising:(a) heating and aerating anaerobic digester effluent in an aeration reactor to convert soluble ammonium to gaseous ammonia;(b) providing gaseous ammonia from the aeration reactor to a stripping tower, said stripping tower providing controlled amounts of acid that reacts with gaseous ammonia; and(c) recovering an ammonium salt produced from reacting the acid with gaseous ammonia in the stripping tower.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the anaerobic digester effluent comprises using a heat exchanger with the exhaust from a biogas engine gen set as the heated air stream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the anaerobic digester effluent comprises heating the effluent to a temperature from about 140° F. to about 170° F.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein aerating the anaerobic digester effluent is accomplished using micro-aerators that aerate the effluent at a rate from 5 gallons/cfm to 25 gallons/cfm.5. The method of further comprising pumping the anaerobic digester effluent from the aeration reactor to a solids settling system after providing the gaseous ammonia to the stripping tower.6. The method of further comprising collecting phosphorous-rich solids from the solids settling system.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising digesting waste fibrous material in an anaerobic digester prior to step (a).8. The method of further comprising pumping the effluent from the solids settling system to a vessel and reacting biogas from the digester ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Production of n-13 ammonia radionuclide

Номер: US20180019034A1
Автор: Francis Y. Tsang

A method of producing 13 N-ammonia for use in medical imaging is provided, which includes irradiating 14 N (having a natural abundance of 99.64%) with a collimated bremsstrahlung radiation (gamma-ray beam) obtained by directing high-energy electrons onto a high-Z converter. The 14 N to be irradiated may be in the form of liquid ammonia ( 14 NH 3 ) or ammonia gas to directly produce 13 N-ammonia ( 13 NH 3 ) or in the form of liquid nitrogen to indirectly produce 13 N-ammonia through conversion of the irradiated liquid nitrogen (N 2 ) via known conversion processes to 13 N-ammonia. The photons have an energy level above the threshold of the 14 N(γ,n) 13 N reaction (about 10.5 MeV).

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040633A1

The present disclosure provides an automatic control system for emission indexes of a desulfurization device of a thermal power unit, which comprises a first controller, a second controller and a flow controller. At the same time, the present disclosure provides an automatic control method for emission indexes of a desulfurization device of a thermal power unit. The present disclosure runs through the production and operation data of waste gas desulfurization treatment facilities, and establishes a pH optimization set value prediction model according to the data, and can realize automatic regulation and control of pH value by optimizing and controlling the pH optimization set value and the slurry flow optimization set value every moment through the dynamic model, thus solving the problem that the pH value control process is large in lag and slow in dynamics, and improving the pH value control quality. 1. An automatic control system for emission indexes of a desulfurization device of a thermal power unit , wherein the desulfurization device of the thermal power unit is provided with an absorption tower and a limestone slurry regulating valve , wherein the automatic control system comprises{'sub': '2', 'a first controller comprising a first input terminal, a first memory, a first output terminal and a first processor; wherein the first processor is configured to receive the SOconcentration at the outlet of the absorption tower through the first input terminal, calculate and obtain the pH optimization set value according to the pH optimization set value prediction model constructed based on GPC algorithm and stored in the first memory, and send the pH optimization set value through the first output terminal;'}a second controller comprising a second input terminal, a third input terminal, a second output terminal and a second processor; wherein the second processor is configured to receive the real-time pH value at the outlet of the absorption tower through the second ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Dibasic acid sensor and method for continuously measuring dibasic acid concentration in a substance

Номер: US20170023507A1
Автор: Rikard Hakansson

A method is provided for measuring a concentration of dibasic acid in a substance in a gas cleaning process, the method comprising the steps of sending a plurality of voltage pulses through the substance by a first electrode and a second electrode, wherein the first and second electrodes are in contact with the substance, receiving current responses generated by the plurality of voltage pulses, and analyzing the current responses using a multivariate data analysis for calculation of the concentration of dibasic acid in the substance. Also provided is a dibasic acid sensor, control unit and analysing unit for performing such a method.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023615A1
Принадлежит: Carmeuse North America

Compositions for the treatment of flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent may generally comprise, based on weight percent of the composition, at least 50% fly ash, up to 20% calcium oxide and/or calcium hydroxide, up to 2% plasticizer and a balance of incidental impurities. Methods for the treatment of flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent using the composition for the treatment of flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent are also described. 1. A non-Newtonian fluid comprising a composition for the treatment of flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent and flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent having greater than 5000 ppm of at least one of dissolved sulfite and dissolved sulfate , wherein the non-Newtonian fluid is characterized by:a liquid-to-solids ratio of about 1:4 to 4:5;a viscosity from about 1,000 cP to about 100,000,000 cP;{'sup': '3', 'a specific gravity of less than about 2 g/cm;'}{'sup': '−5', 'a permeability less than 10cm/s; and'}a compressive strength of at least 700 psf when cured to be self-supporting.2. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the liquid-to-solids ratio is from 1:2 to 7:10.3. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 10 claim 1 ,000 cP to 10 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 cP.4. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 25 claim 1 ,000 cP to 500 claim 1 ,000 cP.5. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the specific gravity is from 1 g/cmto 2 g/cm.6. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the specific gravity is from 1.1 g/cmto 1.5 g/cm.7. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the permeability is from 10cm/s to 10cm/s.8. The non-Newtonian fluid of claim 1 , wherein the compressive strength is at least 10 claim 1 ,000 psf when cured to be self-supporting.9. The non-Newtonian fluid of comprising flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent and having a ratio of the composition to the flue gas desulfurization scrubber effluent from 1:100 to 3:1.10. The non ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024196A1

A method for obtaining crystals from a mother solution operates such that mother solution is fed into a crystallisation device. Supersaturation of the mother solution is brought about by open and/or closed-loop control of the temperature (□). Seed crystals are added to the mother solution at a seeding point (Sp). The seed crystals are grown as nuclei by continuous closed-loop process control and are finally removed from the method as crystals. They form the product yield. The formation of crystal nuclei in the mother solution is countered by steps in the closed-loop process control. During the closed-loop process control and the crystallisation procedure, the position of the limit (M) of the formation of secondary nuclei is determined using sensors that detect data currently, wherein the position of the limit (M) is established as a value of the concentration (c) and the temperature (□) from these data. This determined position of the limit (M) of the formation of crystal nuclei is used as the basis for the closed-loop process control of the crystallisation. 1. A method for obtaining crystals from a mother solution ,in which mother the solution is fed into a crystallisation device,in which supersaturation of the mother solution is brought about by open and/or closed-loop control of the temperature (θ),in which seed crystals are added to the mother solution at a seeding point (Sp),in which the seed crystals are grown as crystal nuclei by continuous closed-loop process control and are finally removed from the method as crystals and form the product yield,in which the formation of crystal nuclei in the mother solution is countered by steps in the closed-loop process control,characterisedin that, during the continuous closed-loop process control and while the method is running, in that the mother solution data are currently determined by sensors,in that from these data the position of the limit (M) of the formation of crystal nuclei is determined while the method is ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029344A1

A device and a method produces fertilizer from the exhaust gases of a production system, for example a system for producing cement. The exhaust gases are completely converted such that the exhaust gases are not released into the environment. For this purpose, the exhaust gases are introduced directly into the device from the production system. Exhaust gases such as NOand/or SOare first oxidized in the device and then reprocessed into NHNOor (NH)SO. COis reprocessed into NHHCOin the device while nitrogen is converted into ammonia, and the ammonium, among others, is used to produce NHHCOfrom CO. 121-. (canceled)22: Apparatus for the production of fertilizers from exhaust gases of a production system , wherein{'b': 1', '4', '2', '3', '2', '4, 'sub': 2', '2', 'x', '2, 'the apparatus () has a first container (), which is connected with the production system () by way of a first line (), wherein an exhaust gas from the production system () can be introduced into the first container (), wherein the exhaust gas contains CO, Nas well as NOand/or SO;'}{'b': '4', 'sub': 2', '2', 'x', '2, 'in the first container (), N, and COcan be separated from NOand/or SO,'}{'b': 4', '6', '5', '6', '5, 'sub': 2', '2, 'the first container () is connected with a second container () by way of a second line (), wherein COand Ncan be transferred to the second container () by way of the second line (), and'}{'sub': 3', '3', '2, 'b': 6', '15', '6', '12', '11', '12, 'a solution containing NHcan be introduced into the second container () by way of a third line (), wherein the temperature in the second container () can be adjusted in such a manner that NHand COreact in the solution to form ammonium hydrogen carbonate, wherein the solution containing ammonium hydrogen carbonate can be transferred to a crystallization apparatus () by way of a fourth line (), and wherein ammonium hydrogen carbonate can be crystallized out in this crystallization apparatus ().'}234: Apparatus according to claim 22 , ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031916A1
Автор: Kiss Guenter Hans

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing urea as a nitrogen-rich synthetic fertilizer from refuse of any composition, preferably from domestic waste. The organic waste components are first turned into gas in a high-temperature reactor with oxygen (O) which has been obtained in a cryogenic air separation plant. A synthesis gas arises which predominantly comprises carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H) and carbon dioxide (CO). The carbon monoxide (CO) contained in the synthesis gas is subsequently converted with steam into hydrogen (H) and carbon dioxide (CO). The hydrogen is subsequently separated and is used for ammonia synthesis together with the elementary nitrogen (N) which arises as a by-product in cryogenic air separation, In the last process step, urea (CO(NH)) is manufactured from ammonia (NH) and the further synthesis gas component carbon dioxide (CO). 1urea is manufactured from municipal solid waste of any composition without producing any gaseous emissions, comprising the following steps:{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'a) generation of a synthesis gas (CO, COand H) by high-temperature treatment of municipal solid waste in a reactor at a temperature of at least 1000° C. to 2000° C. with Owhich is produced by means of a cryogenic air separation process, in which the indwell time of the synthesis gas in the reactor is 1.0 to 5.0 seconds;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'b) conversion of the CO contained in the synthesis gas using HO into CO+H(water shift reaction) and separation of the COfrom the H;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'c) conversion of the Hobtained from step b) using Nwhich originates from the cryogenic air separation from step a) for forming ammonia (NH); and'}{'sub': 3', '2', '2', '2, 'd) conversion of the NHfrom step c) using COfrom step b) for forming urea (CO(NH)).'}. A method for the manufacture of urea (CO(NH)), characterized in that The invention relates to a method of manufacturing urea as a nitrogen-rich synthetic fertilizer from refuse of any ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048781A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A system and method of generating ammonia can include an acid and an ammonia precursor. 1. A method of generating ammonia comprising:{'sup': 6', '8, 'providing an ammonia precursor including a d-dtransition metal nitride; and'}exposing the ammonia precursor to an acid to generate ammonia.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes an iron nitride or a nickel nitride.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes FeN or NiN.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the d-dtransition metal nitride is an iron nitride or nickel nitride.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia precursor is exposed to the acid at a temperature of less than 100 degrees C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia precursor is exposed to the acid at a pressure of less than 2 atmospheres.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acid is an aqueous acid.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acid includes sulfuric acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , or perchloric acid.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes FeN or NiN and the acid includes sulfuric acid.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recovering the ammonia as NHor NH.11. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling an amount of acid to control an amount of ammonia generated.12. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recovering a transition metal ion released by the ammonia precursor.13. An ammonia generator comprising:a reaction chamber including an ammonia precursor;an acid source adjacent to the reaction chamber; andan acid delivery device configured to transport an acid from the acid source to the reaction chamber.14. The ammonia generator of claim 13 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes a d-dtransition metal nitride.15. The ammonia generator of claim 13 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes an iron nitride or a nickel nitride.16. The ammonia generator of claim 13 , wherein the ammonia precursor includes FeN or NiN.17. The ammonia ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048785A1
Автор: Robbins Riley Davis

The disclosed technology includes a method for producing ultrafine alumina from salt slag waste generated in aluminum recycling useful in the manufacture of durable ceramic products; a system for recovering alumina from salt slag waste; a method and systems for recovering salts, aluminum and alumina from salt slag waste; and a method and systems of capturing ammonia in a process recovering salts, aluminum and alumina from salt slag waste. The methods and systems provided crush the dry particles of the salt slag waste, scrub the slag with water, and with steam and by means of a vented alumina press, dewater the scrubbed slag particles. In some methods and systems of the disclosed technology, the particles of the pressed alumina cake are further reduced. In some methods and systems, the salt in the salt effluent is crystalized. In some methods and systems of the disclosed technology, the ammonia is contained and captured. 1. A method for producing ultrafine alumina from salt slag waste generated in aluminum recycling , the ultrafine alumina being useful in the manufacture of durable ceramic products , the method comprising the steps of:a. crushing the dry particles of the salt slag waste to a size less than or equal to 4 mm;b. by means of an attrition scrubber, scrubbing the slag with water to release the salt into the water, resulting in a mixture of solid alumina and salt brine;c. with steam and by means of a vented alumina press, dewatering the scrubbed slag particles, resulting in alumina cake and salt effluent; andd. further reducing the size of the particles of the pressed alumina by cycling the particles through a particle size reduction apparatus and an air classifier, to an ultrafine size of equal to or less than 1 mm.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of diluting the mixture of solid alumina and salt brine with water to a liquid to solid ratio of between 0.9 and 1.1 claim 1 , and pumping the diluted mixture to the vented alumina press by ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031681A1
Автор: Akay Galip

The present invention is a production method for ammonia and ammonia derivatives in a Multi-Reaction Zone Reactor. Said production method comprising the steps of: a) producing at least some section of ammonia as a result of balance reaction of ammonia by means of nitrogen and hydrogen catalyst in at least one primary reaction zone (RZ-), b) realizing absorption by means of chemical or physical absorbents of at least some section of ammonia which is in gas form and which is produced in primary reaction zone (RZ-) in at least one secondary reaction zone (RZ-) which is not separated by discrete physical barriers with the primary reaction zone (RZ-). 1. A production method for ammonia and ammonia derivatives in a Multi-Reaction Zone Reactor , comprising:a) producing at least some section of ammonia as a result of balance reaction and/or conversion into ammonia by means of nitrogen and hydrogen with catalyst in at least one primary reaction zone,{'b': '1', 'b) realizing absorption in at least one secondary reaction zone by means of chemical or physical absorbents of at least some section of ammonia which is in gas form and which is produced in primary reaction zone, wherein the secondary reaction zone is not separated from the primary reaction zone by discrete physical barriers.'}2. Production method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperatures of each reaction zone are controlled by means of at least one heating/cooling coil.3. Production method according to claim 2 , wherein in said heating/cooling coil claim 2 , at least one of nitrogen claim 2 , hydrogen claim 2 , and ammonia is circulated.4. Production method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (a) claim 1 , a temperature of the primary reaction zone is in a range from 100 and 300° C.5. Production method according to claim 4 , wherein in step (a) claim 4 , the temperature of the primary reaction zone is in a range from 200 and 250° C.6. Production method according to claim 1 , wherein in step (b) claim 1 , the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Methods and systems for ammonia production

Номер: US20140120023A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for ammonia synthesis using a water-gas shift membrane reactor (WGSMR) is presented. The method includes carrying out a water-gas shift reaction in the WGSMR to form a first product stream and a carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) stream, wherein the first product stream includes nitrogen (N 2 ) and hydrogen (H 2 ), and a molar ratio of H 2 to N 2 in the first product stream is about 3. The method further includes separating at least a portion of the residual CO 2 in the first product stream in a CO 2 separation unit to form a second product stream, and separating at least a portion of the residual CO 2 and carbon monoxide (CO) in the second product stream in a methanator unit to form a third product stream. The method further includes generating an ammonia stream from the third product stream in an ammonia synthesis unit. A system for ammonia synthesis is also presented.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039896A1

A method of a hydrocarbon product and ammonia comprises introducing CHto a positive electrode of an electrochemical cell comprising the positive electrode, a negative electrode, and a proton-conducting membrane between the positive electrode and the negative electrode. The proton-conducting membrane comprising an electrolyte material having an ionic conductivity greater than or equal to about S/cm at one or more temperatures within a range of from about ° C. to about ° C. Nis introduced to the negative electrode of the electrochemical cell. A potential difference is applied between the positive electrode and the negative electrode of the electrochemical cell. A system for co-producing higher hydrocarbons and NH, and an electrochemical cell are also described. 1. A method of forming a hydrocarbon product and ammonia , comprising:{'sub': 2', '6, 'sup': '−2', 'introducing CHto a positive electrode of an electrochemical cell comprising the positive electrode, a negative electrode, and a proton-conducting membrane between the positive electrode and the negative electrode, the proton-conducting membrane comprising an electrolyte material having an ionic conductivity greater than or equal to about 10S/cm at one or more temperatures within a range of from about 150° C. to about 600° C.;'}{'sub': '2', 'introducing Nto the negative electrode of the electrochemical cell; and'}applying a potential difference between the positive electrode and the negative electrode of the electrochemical cell.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting the proton-conducting membrane to comprise at least one perovskite material having a H conductivity greater than or equal to about 10-2 S/cm at one or more temperatures within a range of from about 400° C. to about 600° C.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein selecting the proton-conducting membrane to comprise at least one perovskite material comprises selecting the at least one perovskite material to comprise one or more of BZCYYb ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Process for the ammonia production

Номер: US20180044192A1
Принадлежит: Casale SA

Process and plant for the synthesis of ammonia from a hydrocarbon feedstock, comprising: primary reforming with steam and air-fired secondary reforming wherein primary reforming is performed at a temperature and pressure of at least 790° C. and 50 bar, and secondary reforming is carried out substantially in absence of excess air, the so obtained make-up synthesis gas having a H 2 to N 2 molar ratio in the range 2.5 to 3.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046925A1
Автор: Luo Jing, Xu Changxiang

Methods, apparatus, and compositions for cleaning gas. The use of segmented multistage ammonia-based liquid spray with different oxidation potentials to remove sulfur compounds from gas. The use of different oxidation potentials may reduce unwanted ammonia slip. 2. The apparatus of claim l wherein the first source produces ammonia bearing liquid having an ammonia concentration that is different from the ammonia concentration of the liquid produced by the second source.3. The apparatus of wherein the ammonia bearing liquid of the first source has a pH greater than 4.6.4. The apparatus of wherein the first chamber is configured to be maintained at an operating temperature between 30° C. (86° F.) and 70° C. (158° F.).5. The apparatus of wherein the demister is within the first chamber.6. The apparatus of wherein the spray array includes a pattern of cone-shaped sprays that together are angled consistent with reaching inner walls of a vessel having a width no less than 110% the maximum horizontal width of the first chamber.7. The apparatus of wherein the spray arrays claim 1 , in aggregate claim 1 , are configured to deliver no less than 0.2 L of liquid per cubic meter (1.5 gallon liquid per 1000 cubic feet) of gas flow volume.8. The apparatus of wherein the particle control chamber:is situated downstream from, and in gaseous communication with, the first chamber;is separated from the first chamber by a liquid-collector that allows vapor to pass downstream; and a washing spray array; and', 'a conduit connecting the washing spray array to a particle washing liquid source., 'includes9. The apparatus of wherein:the demister is a first demister; andthe particle control chamber includes a second demister.10. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a baffle plate type.11. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a ridge type.12. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a packing type.13. The apparatus of wherein the second demister ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053835A1
Автор: Novek Ethan J.

The present invention relates to processes and systems for ammonia recovery and/or acid-gas separation. In some embodiments, a system for acid gas separation may be integrated with an ammonia abatement cycle employing a high temperature absorber. In some embodiments, a system for acid gas separation may employ a higher temperature absorber due to the lower energy consumption and cost of the integrated ammonia abatement cycle. Advantageously, heat may be recovered from the absorber to power at least a portion of any acid gas desorption in the process. Reverse osmosis or other membranes may be employed. 1(a) absorbing ammonia from an ammonia containing gas stream into an ammonia-lean, an ammonia-ultra-lean, or ammonia free solution, to form an ammonia-rich solution; (b) enriching said ammonia-rich solution with one or more acid gases to form an ammonia-rich, acid gas rich solution; and(c) concentrating said ammonia-rich, acid gas rich solution using one or more membranes to form a first retentate and a permeate wherein said permeate is suitable for use as at least a portion of the ammonia-ultra-lean or ammonia-free solution in step (a); and(d) adding said first retentate to a larger volume of ammonia-acid gas solution to form a first combined solution; and(e) further concentrating said first combined solution using a membrane to form a second retentate and a second permeate wherein the second permeate comprises an amount of water that is the same or greater than an amount of water in the first retentate.. A process for separating or recovering basic gases comprising: The instant application claims priority to the following provisional applications wach of which is incorporated by reference for U.S. purposes: U.S. Ser. Nos. 62/622,528 filed Jan. 26, 2018; 62/648,549 filed Mar. 27, 2018; 62/670,124 filed May 11, 2018; 62/684,085 filed Jun. 12, 2018; 62/684,796 filed Jun. 14, 2018; 62/686,749 filed Jun. 19, 2018; 62/713,711 filed Aug. 2, 2018; 62/726,503 filed Sep. 4, ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050144A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

The air pollution control system including: a flue gas duct through which flue gas flows; a heat exchanger provided to the flue gas duct; a limestone supply device for reducing SOin the flue gas supplies CaCOto the flue gas flowing in an upstream of the heat exchanger; an upstream SOmeasurement device measures the SOin the flue gas flowing in a stream upper than a position where the limestone supply device supplies the CaCO; and a control device determines a quantity supplied of the CaCObased on a relationship between a quantity of the SOmeasured by the upstream SOmeasurement device and a molar ratio of SOto CaCOand which supplies the determined quantity supplied of the CaCOfrom the limestone supply device to the flue gas duct. 1. An air pollution control system , comprising:a flue gas duct through which flue gas flows;a heat exchanger disposed in part of the flue gas duct;{'sub': 3', '3, 'a limestone supply device for reducing SOin the line gas provided to an upstream of the heat exchanger which supplies CaCOto the flue gas;'}{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '3', '3, 'an upstream SOmeasurement device provided to a stream upper than a position where the limestone supply device for reducing the SOin the flue gas supplies the CaCO, the upstream SOmeasurement device measures the SOin the flue gas,'}{'sub': 3', '3', '3, 'a downstream SOmeasurement device provided to a steam downer than the heat exchanger; the downstream SOmeasurement device measures the SOin the flue gas; and'}{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3, 'a control device which determines a quantity supplied of the CaCObased on a relationship between a quantity of the SOmeasured by the upstream SOmeasurement device and a molar ratio of SOto CaCO, which corrects the determined quantity supplied of the CaCObased on a quantity of the SOmeasured by the downstream SOmeasurement device and which supplies to the flue gas duct the corrected quantity supplied of the CaCOfrom the limestone supply device for ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Dust removal and desulfurization of fcc exhaust gas

Номер: US20190054419A1

Apparatus and methods for denitrification and desulfurization of and dust removal from an FCC tail gas by an ammonia-based process. The apparatus may include a first-stage waste heat recovery system, a denitrification system, a dust removal and desulfurization system, a tail gas exhaust system, and an ammonium sulfate post-processing system. The dust removal and desulfurization system may include a dedusting tower and an absorption tower disposed separately. The top and the bottom of the absorption tower may be connected respectively to the tail gas exhaust system and the ammonium sulfate post-processing system. The absorption tower may include sequentially, from bottom to top, an oxidation section, an absorption section, and a fine particulate control section. The methods may be implemented with the apparatus.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057857A1

A method for producing a dry reagent composition includes preparing a reagent solution including a Good's buffer in a concentration of more than 2.5 mM, an ammonium salt, a drying protection agent, and a nucleic acid amplification enzyme, and drying the reagent solution. A method for suppressing a decrease in enzyme activity during drying includes adding a Good's buffer in a biochemical reagent comprising an ammonium salt and an enzyme prior to drying the enzyme. 1. A method for producing a dry reagent composition , comprising:preparing a reagent solution comprising a Good's buffer in a concentration of more than 2.5 mM, an ammonium salt, a drying protection agent, and a nucleic acid amplification enzyme, anddrying the reagent solution.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the Good's buffer is 5 mM or more.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the Good's buffer is at least one selected from the group consisting of N claim 1 ,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (BES) claim 1 , N claim 1 ,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine (Bicine) claim 1 , N-cyclohexyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (CHES) claim 1 , 3-[N claim 1 ,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonic acid (DIPSO) claim 1 , 3-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]propanesulfonic acid (EPPS) claim 1 , 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) claim 1 , 2-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]propanesulfonic acid (HEPPSO) claim 1 , 3-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid (MOPS) claim 1 , piperazine-1 claim 1 ,4-bis(2-hydroxy-3-propanesulfonic acid (POPSO) claim 1 , N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid (TAPS) claim 1 , 2-hydroxy-N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid (TAPSO) claim 1 , N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (TES) claim 1 , and N-[tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]glycine (Tricine).4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the Good's buffer is at least one selected from the group ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062172A1
Принадлежит: Boost Environmental systems Inc.

It is provided process of extracting ammonia gas from a source containing magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) particles such as wastewater comprising the steps of isolating MAP particles from the wastewater, heating the MAP particles to a temperature of 50-120° C. in an atmosphere with a relative humidity between 50-120%, decomposing the MAP and producing a solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; and collecting the ammonia gas. The MAP particles are MgNHPO.6HO or struvite. 1. A process of extracting ammonia gas from a source containing magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) particles comprising the steps of:a) isolating MAP particles from the source;b) heating MAP particles to a temperature of 50-120° C. in an atmosphere with a relative humidity between 50-120%, decomposing the MAP and producing a solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; andc) collecting the ammonia gas.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are MgNHPO.6HO.3. The process of or claim 1 , wherein the source of MAP particles is heated a temperature of 75-85° C.4. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the relative humidity is between 80-100%.5. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are heated and decomposed for up to 24 hours.6. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are heated and decomposed for 1-2 hours.7. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the source of MAP particles is wastewater.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the wastewater is municipal wastewater claim 7 , industrial wastewater or agriculture wastewater.9. The process of any one of - claim 7 , further comprising the steps of:d) mixing the solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate with the source of MAP particles;e) isolating the MAP particles;f) heating the MAP particles mixed with to the solid decomposing the MAP and producing a new solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; andg) collecting ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Nanofilaments of Catalytic Materials for Chemical Process Improvements

Номер: US20150071843A1

A Haber-Bosch process including the steps of providing a reactor having a substrate with catalyst filaments formed thereon. The catalyst filaments are formed of a metal including iron. A nitrogen compound and hydrogen are injected into the reactor such that at least a portion of the nitrogen compound and hydrogen contact the catalyst filaments. The nitrogen compound and hydrogen are reacted with the catalyst filaments at a temperature of less than about 600° F. and a pressure of less than about 2000 psig. 1. A Haber-Bosch process comprising the steps of:{'sup': 2', '2, '(a) providing a reactor including substrate elements having catalyst filaments formed on the substrates elements, the catalyst filaments comprising (i) a diameter of about 10 nm to about 500 nm; (ii) a length of about 30 nm to about 5000 nm; (iii) a packing density of between 5 mg/cmand about 200 mg/cm; and (iv) being formed of a metal including iron;'}(b) injecting a nitrogen compound and hydrogen into the reactor such that at least a portion of the nitrogen compound and hydrogen contact the catalyst filaments;(c) reacting the nitrogen compound and hydrogen with the catalyst filaments at a temperature of less than about 600° F. and a pressure of less than about 2000 psig.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen compound is N.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst filaments are formed of either iron or iron with osmium layers.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction pressure is less than about 1250 psig.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction pressure is less than about 1000 psig and the reaction temperature is between about 250° F. and about 450° F.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate elements are substantially nonporous.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the filaments packing density is at least about 20 mg/cm.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate elements are formed of ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Anti-inflammatory ion and uses thereof

Номер: US20150072026A1
Автор: LI Yunyuan

The present invention related to a pharmaceutically acceptable amount of ammonium salt as an anti-inflammation agent thereof, and a pharmaceutical composition, a functional cosmetic composition, a health food, health beverages, a food additive and animal feeds containing the same. 1. A method for treatment of inflammation and related swell , pain , edema , adhesions and combinations thereof comprising administration to a patient in need thereof a medicament consisting essentially of a therapeutically effective amount of ammonium ion (NH) represented by Formula (NH)—R. Wherein “n” is optional number of 1 or more than 1.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the medicament is administrated in preparation selected from the group consisting of an oral preparation claim 1 , a preparation for injection claim 1 , or a topical preparation.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the topical preparation is selected from the group consisting of an ointment claim 2 , a liquid extract claim 2 , a plaster claim 2 , a wet towel claim 2 , a liniment claim 2 , and a paint.4. A health food adjuvant or health beverage comprising a therapeutically effective amount of ammonium ion (NH) as an active ingredient.5. The health food adjuvant or health beverage according claim 4 , wherein the health food adjuvant or health beverage is used for prevention or treatment of inflammation.6. A food additive comprising a therapeutically effective amount of ammonium ion (NH) as an active ingredient.7. The food additive according claim 6 , wherein the food additive is used for prevention or treatment of inflammation.8. An animal feed composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of ammonium ion (NH) as an active ingredient.9. The animal feed composition according to claim 8 , wherein the animal feed composition is used for prevention or treatment of inflammation.10. A functional cosmetic composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of ammonium ion (NH) as an active ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072338A1

Systems and methods for enhanced separation of H2S and NH3 in an H2S stripper using carbon dioxide and/or an inert gas. 1. A system for separating hydrogen sulfide and ammonia , which comprises:a hydrogen sulfide stripper for separating the hydrogen sulfide and the ammonia; anda stripping gas stream connected to the hydrogen sulfide stripper, wherein the stripping gas stream comprises at least one of a carbon dioxide and an inert gas.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream is connected to the hydrogen sulfide stripper near a bottom of the hydrogen sulfide stripper.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream comprises only the carbon dioxide.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream comprises only the inert gas.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the inert gas is selected from the group consisting of Hydrogen claim 4 , Helium claim 4 , Boron claim 4 , Neon claim 4 , Argon claim 4 , Krypton claim 4 , Xenon claim 4 , Radon claim 4 , diatomic nitrogen claim 4 , methane claim 4 , and ethane.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream comprises equal amounts of the carbon dioxide and the inert gas.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream comprises more of the carbon dioxide than the inert gas.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stripping gas stream comprises more of the inert gas than the carbon dioxide.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen sulfide stripper contains a fluid mixture of the hydrogen sulfide and the ammonia.10. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a hydrogen sulfide stripper overheads stream connected to a top of the hydrogen sulfide stripper and a hydrogen sulfide stripper bottoms stream connected to a bottom of the hydrogen sulfide stripper claim 1 , the hydrogen sulfide stripper overheads stream comprising hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , water claim 1 , and is substantially ammonia free claim 1 , and the hydrogen sulfide stripper bottoms stream comprising ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072382A1

The invention related to a material that can stably hold an imide anion (NH) therein even in the atmosphere or in a solvent, and a method for synthesizing the material and a use of the material. A mayenite-type compound into which imide anions are incorporated at a concentration of 1×10cmor more are provided. The mayenite-type compound can be produced by heating a mayenite-type compound including electrons or free oxygen ions in a cage thereof, in liquefied ammonia at 450 to 700° C. and at a pressure of 30 to 100 MPa. The compound has properties such that active imide anions can be easily incorporated into the compound and the active imide anions can be easily released in the form of ammonia from the compound, and the compound has chemical stability. 1. A mayenite-type compound , wherein imide anions are incorporated into the mayenite-type compound at a concentration of 1×10cmor more.2. A method for producing the mayenite-type compound according to comprising:heating a mayenite-type compound including electrons or free oxygen ions in a cage thereof, in liquefied ammonia at 450° C. to 700° C. and at a pressure of 30 to 100 MPa.3. An imide anion supplying material comprising the mayenite-type compound according to .4. An ammonia supplying material comprising the mayenite-type compound according to . The present invention relates to a mayenite-type compound containing an imide anion (NH), a method for producing the same, and a use thereof.A metal imide containing an imide anion (NH), for example, magnesium imide (MgNH) or the like, can be changed into magnesium hydride and a magnesium amide through a reaction with hydrogen without changing the basic structure. Since this change is reversible, metal imides have attracted attention as a precursor of a hydrogen storage material (NON-PATENT DOCUMENT 1) in recent years.In addition, for example, it is well known that an imide compound such as EuNH accelerates catalytic reactions of olefins as a strong base, such as an ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071315A1
Автор: Zhao Ji-Cheng

The present invention discloses a method and a process of producing ammonia from methane extracted from methane-hydrate at the site of methane-hydrate extraction. The method and the process comprise coupled chemical reactions. During the first reaction, carbon dioxide reacts methane-hydrate to produce carbon-dioxide-hydrate and methane: carbon dioxide+methane-hydrate⇄carbon-dioxide-hydrate+methane (CO+CH-hydrate⇄CO-hydrate+CH). The produced methane is reacted with water to produced carbon dioxide and hydrogen via the second reaction: methane+water⇄carbon dioxide+hydrogen (CH+2HO⇄CO+4H). One embodiment of the second reaction is a combination of the methane steam reforming reaction (CH+HO⇄CO+3H) and the water-gas shift reaction (CO+HO⇄CO+H), both are widely known in the art. The carbon dioxide produced in the second reaction is recycled and used for the first reaction. The hydrogen produced in the second reaction is reacted with nitrogen produced from an air separation process that is known in the art to produce ammonia via the third reaction: nitrogen+hydrogen→ammonia (N+3H→2NH). One embodiment of the third reaction is the well-known Haber-Bosch process. The current invention is related to co-locating the ammonia synthesis at the methane-hydrate extraction sites to minimize the cost of transporting both methane and carbon dioxide over long distances. The process and the associated method also have the advantage of on-site carbon sequestration. The ammonia product produced via the current invention is easily transportable in liquid form from the production sites to the end-use sites as a carbon-free liquid fuel, a fertilizer and a chemical feedstock. 1. A method for producing ammonia from methane-hydrate at the location of the methane-hydrate extraction , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4, 'providing at said location of the methane-hydrate extraction carbon dioxide to react with methane-hydrate to produce methane and carbon-dioxide-hydrate via a first ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071338A1

The present invention is a process, a method, and system for recovery and concentration of dissolved ammonium bicarbonate from a wastewater containing ammonia (NH3) using gas separation, condensation, and crystallization, each at controlled operating temperatures. The present invention includes 1) removal of ammonia from waste (sludges, semi-solids, and solids and liquids) without the use of chemicals at a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius, 2) condensing the gaseous containing ammonia, carbon dioxide and water vapor to remove water vapor concentrating the amount of gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide, 3) concentrating the ammonia and carbon dioxide in the water by established means, such as concentrating the gas using partial condensation followed by passing the concentrated gas through an absorption column at a temperature of between about 20 and 50 degrees Celsius to form dissolved ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate, or total condensation followed by dewatering using reverse osmosis, and 4) crystallizing concentrated dissolved ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate at a temperature of less than about 35 degrees Celsius to form solid ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbonate. 1. A process to treat livestock waste containing ammonia nitrogen comprising:treating livestock waste at a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius to create a gas and, without the use of chemicals, converting substantially all ammonia in the waste to gaseous form in the gas, said gas also containing carbon dioxide and water vapor;treating said gas containing gaseous ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, using partial condensation to concentrate the ammonia and carbon dioxide followed by absorption of the concentrate gases, or total condensation of said gas followed by dewatering using Reverse Osmosis, or a combination of these methods; all without the use of chemical(s) and remove from said gas a significant amount of water vapor in liquid condensate form, ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Control of aqueous arsenic, selenium, mercury or other metals from flue gas

Номер: US20200071219A1
Автор: Steven Feeney
Принадлежит: Steve Feeney Consulting LLC

The invention pertains to methods of reducing dissolved elements such as arsenic, selenium and mercury in aqueous solutions using, for example, various barium compounds to partition said elements to a solid phase. Such methods are particularly useful for reducing such elements at various points in coal and oil-fired power plants prior to final waste water treatment.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220093950A1

A high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell arrangement fueled by a hydrogen or hydrocarbon fuel and generating electricity and anunonia as a byproduct comprises: (a) a cathode area fed with a humid air; (b) an anode area fed with the fuel; and (c) an oxygen-conducting electrolyte disposed between the cathode and anode areas. The cathode has an ammonia-rich tail-gas stream. The fuel cell further comprises a gas separator configured for separating ammonia generated on the cathode from tail-gas stream and means for utilizing separated ammonia selected from the group consisting of: an ammonia reformer configured for generating hydrogen to be admixed to the fuel fed to the anode, a collecting tank for storing the anunonia and an auxiliary solid oxide fuel cell fueled by the separated anunonia and any combination thereof. 1. A high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell arrangement fueled by a hydrogen or hydrocarbon fuel and generating electricity and ammonia as a byproduct; said fuel cell comprising:a. a cathode area fed with a humid air;b. an anode area fed with said fuel; 'wherein said cathode has an ammonia-rich tail-gas stream; said fuel cell further comprises a gas separator configured for separating ammonia generated on said cathode from tail-gas stream and means for utilizing separated ammonia selected from the group consisting of: an ammonia reformer configured for generating hydrogen to be admixed to said fuel fed to said anode, a collecting tank for storing said ammonia and an auxiliary solid oxide fuel cell fueled by said separated ammonia and any combination thereof.', 'c. an oxygen-conducting electrolyte disposed between said cathode and anode areas;'}2. The fuel cell arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said gas separator comprises a compressor and a membrane arrangement; said compressor configured for pumping said tail-gasses via said membrane arrangement such that ammonia is separated from other exhausted gases.3. The fuel cell arrangement according to ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083972A1

Method for purification of ammonia or mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen, or nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia, where ammonia or a mixture of gases under pressure of from 0.1 to 25 MPa is passed through a column packed with aluminium oxide with a large specific surface area, the ammonia or mixture of gases is then passed through a column packed with CaO, NaOH, KOH or an NaOH/KOH melt, separately or in a mixture, at 20 to 70° C. and under pressure of from 0.1 to 25 MPa, and the ammonia or mixture of gases is passed through a column packed with activated carbon having a specific area of 100-3000 m/g with sodium, potassium, caesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium or cerium nitrates(V) or nitrates(III) deposited on its surface, separately or in a mixture. 1. A method for purification of ammonia or mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen , or nitrogen , hydrogen and ammonia , using a step of hydrocarbons and water removal by adsorption , wherein:{'sup': '2', 'a) ammonia or a mixture of gases under pressure of from 0.1 to 25 MPa is passed through a column packed with aluminium oxide with a specific surface area not lower than 50 m/g,'}b) the ammonia or mixture of gases is then passed through a column packed with CaO, NaOH, KOH or an NaOH/KOH melt, separately or in a mixture, at 20 to 70° C. and under pressure of from 0.1 to 25 MPa,{'sup': 2', '3', '3, 'c) next, the ammonia or mixture of gases is passed at 170-425°C. through a column packed with activated carbon having a specific area of 100-3000 m/g with sodium, potassium, caesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium or cerium nitrates(V) or nitrates(III) deposited on its surface separately or in a mixture, and activated before use with a stream of an inert gas or hydrogen, or their mixture, with a pressure of 0.1-25 MPa and at 250-700° C., the aforementioned steps being realised in a serial process at a gas stream flow rate in the range of 100 dm/h to 1000 m/h.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein for purification of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for reducing forces (hot fill/re-fill)

Номер: US20180079652A1
Принадлежит: Amminex Emissions Technology AS

A method for controlling the magnitude of mechanical forces exerted by a solid ammonia storage material on walls of a container: determining a mechanical-strength limit of the container in terms of a hydraulic pressure P LIMIT or force F LIMIT under which the walls of container do not undergo plastic deformation, or deformation of more than 200% of deformation at the yield point; using a correlation between a temperature T SAT for the ammonia saturation/resaturation process, and the hydraulic pressure P MAT , or F MAT generated by the storage material during saturation/resaturation, to identify a minimum temperature T SATMIN where P MAT , or F MAT is kept below the limit for the mechanical strength by carrying out the saturation/resaturation process at the temperature T SAT fulfilling the condition of T SAT ≧T SATMIN .

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078480A1

Described herein is a method for detecting steady state ammonia slip for a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine and an emissions control system. The emissions control system includes a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device, a NOx sensor, and a controller. The controller executes a method for ammonia slip detection that includes determining if the SCR device is at steady state, comparing a NOx measurement from the NOx sensor with a predicted NOx value. If the NOx measurement exceeds the predicted NOx value by a threshold, perturbing a reductant injection, the perturbation having a selected magnitude and a selected duration. The method also includes measuring a NOx value resulting from the perturbation and computing a gradient thereof relative to the measured NOx, and ascertaining if a gradient of the NOx resulting from the perturbation exceeds a threshold and identifying a reductant slip condition if so. 1. An emissions control system for treating exhaust gas in a motor vehicle including an internal combustion engine , the emissions control system comprising:a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Device;a NOx sensor; anda controller that is configured to perform reductant slip detection by:determining if the SCR device is in a steady state operating condition with a steady state reductant injection;comparing a steady state NOx measurement from the NOx sensor with a predicted steady state NOx value; andin response to a magnitude of the steady state NOx measurement exceeding the predicted steady state NOx value by a first threshold value:perturbing the reductant injection corresponding to the steady state; the perturbation of the reductant injection having a selected magnitude and a selected duration;measuring a NOx value resulting from the perturbation of the reductant injection and computing a gradient in the NOx value resulting from the perturbation of the reductant injection relative to the NOx value measured at steady state;determining if the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Wet Scrubber Apparatus For Ammonia Capture

Номер: US20150086435A1

A device for removing ammonia from a gas stream has a plurality of conduits that divide the gas steam into a plurality of separate gas streams. Spray nozzles located in each of said conduits spray a dilute acid solution into the streams. The acid solution is aqueous sulfuric acid and ammonium sulfate is produced. The conduits are substantially unobstructed enabling the device to create less than 10 Pa back pressure to the gas stream. 1. A device for removing a substance from a gas stream by spraying a liquid into said gas stream , said device comprising:a plurality of conduits for dividing said gas stream into a plurality of separate gas streams, said conduits being substantially unobstructed to permit flow of said separate gas streams therethrough without significant resistance;at least one spray nozzle positioned in each said conduit for spraying said liquid into each of said separate gas streams thereby subjecting said entire gas stream to said liquid while passing through said conduits.2. The device according to further comprising a plenum having an inlet for receiving said gas stream and an outlet in fluid communication with said conduits.3. The device according to claim 2 , further comprising a fan in fluid communication with said plenum for forcing said gas stream through said conduits.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said conduits are vertically oriented.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a filter positioned within said gas stream upstream of said conduits for removing particulate matter from said gas stream.6. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a reservoir for holding said liquid claim 1 , said reservoir being in fluid communication with said spray nozzles for spraying said liquid into said plurality of conduits.7. The device according to claim 6 , further comprising a pump in fluid communication with said reservoir and said nozzles for pumping said liquid from said reservoir to said conduits.8. The device ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods for quantifying nitrogen-containing compounds in subterranean treatment fluids

Номер: US20180080917A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

It can sometimes be difficult to quantify the amount of polymer present in a subterranean treatment fluid, particularly at a job site. Methods for analyzing a treatment fluid for a polymer can comprise: receiving a sample of a treatment fluid comprising a nitrogen-containing polymer; placing the sample of the treatment fluid and an aqueous base in an oilfield retort; heating the sample of the treatment fluid and the aqueous base together in the oilfield retort at least until the nitrogen-containing polymer has been substantially hydrolyzed to one or more volatile nitrogen compounds; distilling the one or more volatile nitrogen compounds from the oilfield retort; and determining a quantity of the nitrogen-containing polymer in the sample of the treatment fluid based upon a quantity of the one or more volatile nitrogen compounds distilled from the oilfield retort. Analyses of other nitrogen-containing compounds may take place similarly.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Method and System for Anhydrous Ammonia Recovery

Номер: US20140161699A1
Принадлежит: SAES Pure Gas, Inc.

An apparatus for recycling exhaust gas includes a vessel containing a reversible ammonia sorber material which is exothermic when sorbing (“loading”) ammonia and which is endothermic when releasing (“unloading”) ammonia. A first valve selectively couples a source of exhaust gas including ammonia to a first port of the vessel, a second valve selectively couples a vacuum pump to the vessel, and a third valve selectively coupling a second port of the vessel to an output. A controller opens and closes the first valve, the second valve and the third valve to implement a loading phase, an intermediate venting phase and an unloading phase for the vessel. 1. A method for recycling exhaust gas containing ammonia comprising:loading a vessel, during a loading phase, with an input gas containing ammonia via a vessel inlet proximate to a first portion of the vessel, wherein the vessel contains a reversible ammonia adsorber material;{'sub': '2', 'venting the vessel via a venting outlet, under a vacuum condition, during an intermediate venting phase after the loading phase, wherein the intermediate venting phase has a duration defined by at least one of a time threshold, a vapor pressure threshold and an Ncontent threshold; and'}unloading the vessel via an unloading outlet, under a vacuum condition, during an unloading phase after the intermediate venting phase.2. A method for recycling exhaust gas containing ammonia as recited in wherein the venting outlet and the unloading outlet are the same.3. A method for recycling exhaust gas containing ammonia as recited in wherein the vessel inlet and the unloading outlet are the same.4. A method for recycling exhaust gas containing ammonia as recited in wherein the unloading outlet is different from the vessel inlet and is positioned in the first portion of the vessel.5. A method for recycling exhaust gas containing ammonia as recited in wherein claim 1 , at the end of the intermediate venting phase claim 1 , less than 1% of the vented ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096995A1

A carbon dioxide recovery system includes: a first heat exchanger that is disposed between a boiler and a desulfurization device, cools exhaust gas g flowing from the boiler to the desulfurization device, and heats a first heat medium w; and a carbon dioxide recovery device that, when supplied with heat of the first heat medium w, separates and recovers carbon dioxide from an absorber having absorbed the carbon dioxide. 19-. (canceled)10. A carbon dioxide recovery method , comprising:cooling exhaust gas flowing from a boiler to a desulfurization device and heating a first heat medium by a first heat exchanger disposed between the boiler and the desulfurization device; andseparating and recovering carbon dioxide from an absorber having absorbed the carbon dioxide by supplying heat of the first heat medium to a carbon dioxide recovery device. The present invention relates to a carbon dioxide recovery system and a carbon dioxide recovery method that separate and recover carbon dioxide from an absorber having absorbed the carbon dioxide.Conventionally, a carbon dioxide recovery system that separates and recovers carbon dioxide from an absorber having absorbed the carbon dioxide has been known. For example, Patent Literature 1 discloses a configuration in which steam discharged from the exit of a steam turbine is compressed to increase temperature at a compressor, and then supplied to an adsorbent-filled tank for carbon dioxide desorption.However, with the above-described conventional configuration, since steam for carbon dioxide desorption needs to be compressed to increase temperature at the compressor, energy for driving the compressor is needed, which is a problem.An object of the present invention, which has been made to solve the above-described problem, is to provide a carbon dioxide recovery system and a carbon dioxide recovery method that can achieve energy saving.In order to achieve the above-described object, a carbon dioxide recovery system according to one ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081207A1

Techniques for growing crystalline calcium carbonate solids such that the crystalline calcium carbonate solids include a volume of 0.0005 mmto 5 mm, include a slaker to react quicklime (CaO) and a low carbonate content fluid to yield a slurry of primarily slaked lime (Ca(OH)); a fluidized-bed reactive crystallizer that encloses a solid bed mass and includes an input for a slurry of primarily slaked lime, an input for an alkaline solution and carbonate, and an output for crystalline calcium carbonate solids that include particles and an alkaline carbonate solution; a dewatering apparatus that includes an input coupled to the crystallizer and an output to discharge a plurality of separate streams that each include a portion of the crystalline calcium carbonate solids and alkaline carbonate solution; and a seed transfer apparatus to deliver seed material into the crystallizer to maintain a consistent mass of seed material. 137-. (canceled)38. A system for growing crystalline calcium carbonate solids in the presence of an alkaline carbonate solution such that each of at least portion of the crystalline calcium carbonate solids comprise a volume from about 0.0005 mmto about 5 mm , comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a slaker configured to react quicklime (CaO) and a fluid that is substantially free from carbonate to yield a slurry of primarily slaked lime (Ca(OH));'}{'sup': 3', '3, 'a fluidized-bed reactive crystallizer that encloses a solid bed mass and comprises an input for the slurry of primarily slaked lime, an input for an alkaline carbonate solution comprising between 0.1M to 4.0M hydroxide and between 0.1M to 4.1M carbonate, and an output for crystalline calcium carbonate solids that comprise particles each with a volume between about 0.0005 mmand about 5 mmand the alkaline carbonate solution;'}a dewatering apparatus that comprises an input coupled to the output of the fluidized-bed reactive crystallizer and an output configured to discharge a plurality of separate streams ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079653A1
Автор: Bauch Christian

The invention relates to a method for increasing the purity of oligosilanes and/or oligosilane compounds, in which a first liquid substance mixture formed from at least 50% oligosilane compounds comprising inorganic oligosilanes and/or halogenated oligosilanes and/or organically substituted oligosilanes is provided, and the first liquid substance mixture is subjected to at least one purification sequence, wherein in a first step a) the liquid substance mixture is temperature adjusted to a temperature at which at least one fraction of the oligosilane compounds solidify, and in a second step b) at least one fraction of the liquid substance mixture is separated. 1. A method for increasing the purity of oligosilanes and/or oligosilane compounds , in which a liquid substance mixture of at least 50% oligosilane compounds , comprising inorganic oligosilanes and/or halogenated oligosilanes and/or organic-substituted oligosilanes is prepared , and the liquid substance mixture undergoes at least one purification sequence , wherein in a first step a) the substance mixture is temperature-adjusted at a temperature at which at least one fraction of the oligosilane compounds solidifies , and in a second step b) at least one fraction of the liquid substance mixture is separated.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that solids formed in step a) are completely separated from the liquid substance mixture in step b).3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in the at least one purification sequence in step b) at least 15% and at most 50% of the liquid substance mixture is separated.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in at least one further purification sequence at least 10% and at most 80% claim 1 , preferably 15% to 45% of the liquid substance mixture is separated.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one fraction of the separated liquid substance mixture is added to a further liquid substance ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190083924A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A method for controlling an amount of seawater supplied to a scrubber that purifies sulfur oxide contained in exhaust gas by bringing the sulfur oxide into contact with seawater, includes calculating a minimum amount of seawater necessary for an absorption reaction of the sulfur oxide by the seawater, from an engine output, a sulfur content of fuel oil, and a predetermined alkalinity of the seawater, calculating a corrected amount of seawater as an amount of seawater at which the sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas discharged into atmosphere from the scrubber is equal to or less than a set variable based on a measured value of the sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas, calculating a set amount of seawater by summing the minimum amount of seawater and the corrected amount of seawater and implementing control such that seawater corresponding to the set amount is supplied to the scrubber. 1. An amount of seawater control method for a scrubber , which controls an amount of seawater supplied to a scrubber that purifies sulfur oxide contained in exhaust gas by bringing the sulfur oxide into contact with seawater , comprising the steps of:calculating a minimum amount of seawater which is a minimum amount of seawater necessary for an absorption reaction of the sulfur oxide by the seawater, from an engine output, a sulfur content of fuel oil and a predetermined alkalinity of the seawater;calculating a corrected amount of seawater which is an amount of seawater at which the sulfur oxide contained in the exhaust gas discharged into atmosphere from the scrubber is equal to or less than a set variable based on a measured value of the sulfur oxide contained in the exhaust gas;calculating a set amount of seawater by summing the minimum amount of seawater and the corrected amount of seawater; andimplementing control such that seawater corresponding to the set amount of seawater is supplied to the scrubber.2. The amount of seawater control method for a scrubber according to claim 1 , further ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Method Of Recycling Of By-Products For The Production Of Soda Ash And Ammonium Sulphate

Номер: US20150093309A1

A method of producing soda ash and ammonium sulphate by recycling by-products of Merseberg and Solvay processes includes treating brine with soda ash distiller waste for desulphatation of the brine to obtain gypsum, recovering pure salt from the desulphated brine and utilizing it in manufacture of soda ash in a Solvay process, washing the gypsum and reacting it with liquor ammonia and carbon dioxide to obtain CaCOand ammonium sulphate, separating the CaCOfrom the ammonium sulphate solution and recovering solid ammonium sulphate, washing the CaCOfollowed by calcination to generate COand lime, recycling the COin the Solvay process to obtain soda ash, recycling the lime with ammonium chloride generated in the Solvay process to recover ammonia and obtain distiller waste containing CaClas a by-product, recycling the by-product distiller waste for the desulphatation of the brine, and recycling the ammonia recovered. 1. A method of recycling of by-products of Merseberg process and Solvay process in an integrated process for the production of soda ash and ammonium sulphate employing brine , ammonia and COas raw materials , the process comprising the steps of:i. treating the brine with soda ash distiller waste for desulphatation of brine to obtain gypsum;ii. recovering pure salt from desulphated brine and utilizing it in manufacture of soda ash in Solvay process;{'sub': '3', 'iii. washing the gypsum obtained in step (i) and reacting it with liquor ammonia and carbon dioxide to obtain CaCOand ammonium sulphate;'}{'sub': '3', 'iv. separating CaCOfrom the ammonium sulphate solution obtained in step (iii), and recovering solid ammonium sulphate from the solution;'}{'sub': 3', '2, 'v. washing the CaCOobtained in step (iv) followed by calcination to generate COand lime;'}{'sub': '2', 'vi. recycling the COfrom step (v) in the Solvay process to obtain soda ash;'}vii. recycling the lime from step (v) with ammonium chloride generated in the Solvay process to recover ammonia and obtain ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170725A1

A method and system for collecting gaseous nitrogen compounds into an aqueous solution are provided. The method enables the combination of gaseous sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the aqueous solution to generate ammonium compound components, to include ammonium sulfate. Sulfur may be pressure injected into the solution as gaseous sulfur dioxide. Optionally, carbon may be introduced into the solution as gaseous carbon dioxide. The sulfur may be earlier sourced by a burning of a sulfurous solid. The pH of the solution may be monitored and the introduction of ammonia, carbon and/or sulfur may be halted or constrained while the pH of the solution is measured outside of specified range. The solution may be allowed to age to permit a mix of compounds of ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbomate to restabilize and thereby encourage a renewed surge of ammonium sulfate generation. 1. A method comprising:a. forming a volume of fluid water;b. burning sulfur in the presence of oxygen to form sulfur dioxide;c. exposing the volume of fluid water to the sulfur dioxide, whereby the volume of fluid water is transformed into an aqueous solution having a pH below 5;d. exposing the aqueous solution to an atmospheric gas volume comprising gaseous ammonia; ande. removing a component of the aqueous solution from the aqueous solution, the component comprising nitrogen compounds.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the component comprises ammonium sulfate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the component is removed from the aqueous solution in a solution comprising a portion of the aqueous solution.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:f, continuing to expose the aqueous solution to the sulfur dioxide until a pH measurement of the aqueous solution of approximately four is generated; andg. halting the exposure of the sulfur dioxide until a pH measurement of the aqueous solution of approximately five is generated; andh. resuming exposure of the aqueous solution to ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Synthesis of Ammonia Using Cycle-Generated Hydrogen Sulfide

Номер: US20220135413A1

Improved methods of synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen sulfide and lithium nitrate are disclosed. Specifically, in a continuous cycle, hydrogen sulfide reactant is regenerated from the elemental sulfur that is extracted from a product of the ammonia synthesis, and the regenerated hydrogen sulfide is fed back into the ammonia synthesis reaction. The cycle that regenerates the hydrogen sulfide uses either a water-containing or a water and carbon-containing feedstock to facilitate the regeneration of the hydrogen sulfide from the elemental sulfur.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Cyclic Process for Producing Taurine from Monoethanolamine

Номер: US20220135519A1
Автор: HU Songzhou

There is disclosed a cyclic process for producing taurine from monoethanolamine comprising the steps of: (a) recovering monoethanolamine sulfate from an aqueous mother liquor solution; (b) reacting the monoethanolamine sulfate with sulfuric acid to form an aqueous solution comprised of monoethanolamine bisulfate; (c) heating the aqueous solution comprised of the monoethanolamine sulfate and optionally added monoethanolamine sulfate to yield 2-aminoethyl hydrogen sulfate ester; and (d) reacting the ester with ammonium sulfite or an alkali sulfite to yield taurine.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087152A1
Автор: XU Xiaodi, ZHOU Honghui

The present invention discloses a process for recovering ammonia from vanadium preparation for ammonium preparation and recycling wastewater. A conventional vanadium extraction process is complex, and the most difficult to control and treat are ammonia emissions and wastewater treatment. The present process can directly extract ammonium metavanadate and ammonium polyvanadate from the beginning of mining and smelting, and gather all emitted ammonia to prepare ammonium in the process of preparing high-purity vanadium pentoxide by using the ammonium metavanadate or the ammonium polyvanadate, thereby ensuring zero emission of the exhaust gas, and effectively treat all wastewater generated in the above process by using a polyacid ester folucculation technology, thereby ensuring that the wastewater is not discharged but recycled, and realizing that the purity of all products reaches 99.5-99.99%. 1. A process for recovering ammonia from vanadium preparation for ammonium preparation and recycling wastewater , wherein a vanadium preparation process comprises: 1) preparing ammonium metavanadate and ammonium polyvanadate; 2) using the ammonium metavanadate and the ammonium polyvanadate to prepare high-purity vanadium pentoxide , the process comprising the following steps: a , alkali dissolution: dissolving the ammonium metavanadate (NHVO) or the ammonium polyvanadate (NH)VOin an alkali (NaOH) , heating the ammonium metavanadate (NHVO) or the ammonium polyvanadate (NH)VOfor dissolution , a large amount of ammonia (NH) being generated , subjecting the ammonia (NH) and water to a thermal separation technology , so that the ammonia (NH) enters a recovery tower , while a water vapor falls into a reactor; b , adjustment of pH: adjusting the pH with an acid while dissolving , during which ammonia (NH) enters the recovery tower , and a part of ammonia (NH) forms metal ammonium (NH) due to the action of the acid; c , synthesis: wherein ammonium (NH) is inside a sodium vanadate (NaVO) ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087153A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Process for the co-production of methanol and ammonia together with urea production from a hydrocarbon feed without venting to the atmosphere carbon dioxide captured from the methanol or ammonia synthesis gas and without using expensive air separation units and water gas shift. Carbon dioxide removal from flue gas from reforming section to convert partially or fully all ammonia into urea. Synergi of having methanol, ammonia and urea production to produce coating material for the urea production. 1. Process for co-producing methanol , ammonia and urea from a hydrocarbon feedstock , said process comprising the steps of 'from a second methanol processes, comprising a second reforming step and a second methanol conversion step obtaining a second effluent comprising methanol and a second gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides;', 'a) from a first methanol process, comprising a first reforming step and first methanol conversion step obtaining a first effluent comprising methanol and a first gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides, and'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b) producing an ammonia synthesis gas from the first and/or second gas effluent in a common catalytic methanation stage and withdrawing said ammonia synthesis gas preferably having a H:Nmolar ratio of approximately 3:1;'}c) catalytically converting the nitrogen and hydrogen of the ammonia synthesis gas in a common ammonia synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent comprising ammonia and a purge-gas stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and/or methane; andd) reacting at least part of the effluent comprising ammonia with at least part of a flue gas comprising CO2 from at least one of the first and second reforming steps to produce urea.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein in each of the first and second methanol processes claim 1 , the following steps are carried out:1) producing a methanol synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon oxides and nitrogen by ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087154A1
Автор: Novek Ethan J.

The present invention relates to processes and systems for basic gas, e.g., ammonia, recovery and/or acid-gas separation. In some embodiments, a system for acid gas separation may be integrated with an ammonia abatement cycle employing a high temperature absorber. In some embodiments, a system for acid gas separation may employ a higher temperature absorber due to the lower energy consumption and cost of the integrated ammonia abatement cycle. Advantageously, heat may be recovered from the absorber to power at least a portion of any acid gas desorption in the process. Reverse osmosis or other membranes may be employed. 1. A process for separating or recovering basic gases comprising:(a) absorbing a basic gas from a basic gas containing gas stream into a basic gas-lean, a basic gas-ultra-lean, or basic gas-free solution, to form an basic gas-rich solution;(b) enriching said basic gas-rich solution with one or more acid gases to form a basic gas-rich, acid gas rich solution; and(c) concentrating said basic gas-rich, acid gas rich solution using one or more membranes to form a retentate and a permeate wherein said permeate is suitable for use as at least a portion of the basic gas-ultra-lean or basic gas-free solution in step (a);wherein one or more solutions comprise a compound selected from the group consisting of water and another reagent selected from one or more non-ammonia reagents with a hydration radius less than the molecular weight cutoff of one or more membranes.2. The process of wherein the non-ammonia reagent with a hydration radius less than the molecular weight cutoff of one or more membranes is urea or a derivative thereof.3. The process of wherein the non-ammonia reagent with a hydration radius less than the molecular weight cutoff of one or more membranes is selected from the group consisting ofacetonitrile, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerol, and mixtures thereof.4. The process of wherein the non-ammonia reagent with a hydration radius less ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098888A1

The invention provides a process for producing ammonia or ammonium from an organic material, the method by contacting the organic material with at least one hydrolytic enzyme, in a medium, to produce a medium including hydrolyzed or partially hydrolyzed organic material suitable for microbial fermentation. The hydrolyzed or partially hydrolyzed medium with organic material is then fermented in the presence of at least one microorganism capable of ammonification, wherein the fermenting is under conditions, and for a sufficient period of time, to produce a fermentation product that comprises ammonia or ammonium. The organic material includes nitrogenous compounds suitable for conversion to ammonia or ammonium. 1. A process for producing ammonia or ammonium from an organic material , the method comprising:(a) contacting the organic material with at least one hydrolytic enzyme, to produce medium comprising hydrolyzed or partially hydrolyzed organic material suitable for microbial fermentation,(b) fermenting the medium comprising hydrolyzed or partially hydrolyzed organic material in the presence of at least one microorganism capable of ammonification, wherein the fermenting is under conditions, and for a sufficient period of time, to produce a fermentation product that comprises ammonia or ammonium;wherein the organic material comprises nitrogenous compounds such as amines and/or proteins suitable for conversion to ammonia or ammonium.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the medium of step (b) is enriched with a carbohydrate suitable for promoting microbial growth.3Aeromonas, Citrobacter, Clostridium, Bacillus, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, PseudomonasStaphylococcus.. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one microorganism is a bacterium selected from the group consisting of a genus of and4Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium beijerinckiiClostridium butyricum. The process of claim 3 , wherein the bacteria is selected from the group consisting of or or a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

3D Gradient porous structure for Phase Separation Utilizing Additive Manufacturing Methods

Номер: US20210095902A1
Принадлежит: Mott Metallurgical Corp

Disclosed herein are advantageous phase separator devices, and related methods of fabrication and use thereof. The present disclosure provides improved phase separator devices for phase separation of feedstreams, and improved systems/methods for utilizing and fabricating the phase separator devices. More particularly, the present disclosure provides porous (e.g., three-dimensional gradient porous) phase separator devices for phase separation of fluid mixtures (e.g., to separate a two-phase fluid mixture) to a first fluid phase flow (e.g., to a liquid flow) and to a second fluid phase flow (e.g., to a gas flow). At least a portion of the phase separator devices of the present disclosure can be fabricated via machining, powder metallurgy (e.g., sintering), and/or produced utilizing additive manufacturing techniques.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092645A1

A high-concentration ammonia production method includes: synthesizing ammonia through electrolysis using water and nitrogen as raw materials; subjecting a resultant generation gas to treatment using an ammonia separation membrane or an ammonia PSA to separate the generation gas into high-concentration ammonia and a residual gas; recycling the residual gas as a nitrogen gas raw material of an ammonia synthesis reactor, and liquefying the high-concentration ammonia recovered through the ammonia separation membrane or the ammonia PSA; and subjecting an unliquefied gas separated from liquefied ammonia to the treatment using the ammonia separation membrane or the ammonia PSA again. According to the present disclosure, ammonia is synthesized by adopting an electrolysis method in which the synthesized ammonia substantially does not contain hydrogen, in combination with ammonia separation and recovery treatment using membrane separation or PSA. With this, high-concentration ammonia can be synthesized and recovered with high efficiency through an entire process. 1. A high-concentration ammonia production method , comprising:subjecting a resultant generation gas to treatment using an ammonia separation membrane or an ammonia PSA to separate the generation gas into high-concentration ammonia and a residual gas;recycling the residual gas as a nitrogen gas raw material of an ammonia synthesis reactor, and liquefying the high-concentration ammonia recovered through the ammonia separation membrane or the ammonia PSA; andsubjecting an unliquefied gas separated from liquefied ammonia to the treatment using the ammonia separation membrane or the ammonia PSA again.2. The high-concentration ammonia production method according to claim 1 , further comprising:discharging, as a purge gas, part of the residual gas to be recycled to an outside of a system to suppress condensation of argon; andmixing at least part of the purge gas to be discharged in the high-concentration ammonia recovered ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178273A1

A treatment device configured to receive a flow of exhaust from a power source is disclosed. The treatment device may have a first layer, a second layer, and a substrate layer. The first layer may include a selective catalytic reduction layer, and the second layer may be disposed downstream of the first layer and include an oxidation catalyst support. The substrate layer may be disposed adjacent to the second layer. Additionally, an additive may be disposed downstream of the first layer. The additive may be operative to substantially prohibit migration of a component of the second layer to the first layer upon treatment of the flow of exhaust by the oxidation catalyst support. 1. A treatment device configured to receive a flow of exhaust from a power source , the treatment device comprising:a first layer including a selective catalytic reduction layer;a second layer disposed downstream of the first layer and including an oxidation catalyst support;a substrate layer disposed adjacent to the second layer; andan additive disposed between the first and second layers, wherein the additive is operative to substantially prohibit migration of a component of the second layer to the first layer upon treatment of the flow of exhaust by the oxidation catalyst support.2. The treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the component of the second layer comprises platinum.3. The treatment device of claim 2 , wherein the component of the second layer is chemically bonded to aluminum oxide in the second layer.4. The treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises a precious metal.5. The treatment device of claim 4 , wherein the precious metal comprises one of palladium and cerium.6. The treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises a component of the second layer.7. (canceled)8. The treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises aluminum oxide.9. The treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises at least one of aluminum oxide and a ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101987A1

The present invention provides a method of processing discharge gas containing ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and an organic metal compound discharged from the production process of a gallium nitride compound semiconductor. The discharge gas is brought into contact with a cleaning agent prepared by impregnating an alkali metal compound with a metal oxide to remove the organic metal compound from the discharge gas. The discharge gas from which an organic metal compound is removed is brought into contact with an ammonia decomposition catalyst on heating to decompose the ammonia into nitrogen and hydrogen. The discharge gas in which ammonia is decomposed is brought into contact with palladium alloy membrane on heating to recover hydrogen that has penetrated through the palladium alloy membrane. After an organic metal compound is removed to liquefy the ammonia contained in the discharge gas as described above, a pressurization process and a cooling process is conducted by a heat pump to pressurize and cool the discharge gas from which an organic metal compound is removed to liquefy the ammonia contained in the discharge gas and separate the liquefied ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen so as to recover the liquefied ammonia. The recovered hydrogen and ammonia are supplied to and reused in the production process of a gallium nitride compound semiconductor. 1. A method of recovering ammonia comprising:a removal step of bringing discharge gas containing ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and an organic metal compound discharged from the production process of a gallium nitride compound semiconductor into contact with a cleaning agent prepared by impregnating an alkali metal compound with a metal oxide to remove the organic metal compound from the discharge gas; andan ammonia recovery step of conducting a pressurization process and a cooling process by a heat pump to pressurize and cool the discharge gas from which an organic metal compound is removed after the removal step to ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101322A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Roehm GmbH

The present invention describes a method of removing ammonia from alcoholic solution in the presence of carbonic acid compounds while avoiding fouling by supplying the solution to be separated to the upper part of a distillation column and adjusting the temperature at the introduction point such that the ammonium salts of the carbonic acid compound in question are soluble in the in question at the top of the distillation column under the operating conditions. 1. A method of removing ammonia from an alcoholic solution comprising at least one alcohol , one carbonic acid compound and ammonia , the method comprising:a) introducing the alcoholic solution to a middle, top half or top of a distillation column; andb) adjusting, pressure and temperature at the introduction point such that ammonium salts of the carbonic acid compound are soluble in the alcohol under operating conditions.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ammonia concentration at an uppermost tray of the distillation column does not exceed 10 wt %.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein column reflux is generated in dephlegmatic fashion and ammonia is removed predominantly in gaseous form.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ammonium salt of the carbonic acid compound is deposited outside the distillation column in solid form on at least one condenser and thereby separated from the ammonia.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the distillation column is operated at 0.05-5 bar.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the alcoholic solution is introduced at the top of the distillation column.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the carbonic acid compound in the alcoholic solution is between 0.01 and 2 wt %.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the alcoholic solution further comprises water.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a concentration of ammonia in the alcoholic solution is 2-30 wt %.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Fertilizer

Номер: US20170101349A1

Disclosed is a liquid fertilizer including: (i) an aqueous composition including ammonium thiosulfate; and (ii) a complex of a metal ion and a chelating agent, wherein the metal ion is selected from the group consisting of zinc, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and molybdenum. The complex lowers the freeze point of the aqueous composition when creating a liquid fertilizer including the ammonium thiosulfate and the complex. Optionally, the liquid fertilizer includes borate ions. Methods of using the liquid fertilizer are also disclosed. 1. A liquid fertilizer comprising:an aqueous composition including ammonium thiosulfate, the composition having a first freeze point; anda complex of a metal ion and a chelating agent, wherein the metal ion is selected from the group consisting of zinc, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and molybdenum,wherein the fertilizer has a second freeze point that is lower than the first freeze point of the aqueous composition.2. The fertilizer of wherein:the chelating agent is selected from aminocarboxylic acids, heterocyclic carboxylic acids, polycarboxylic acids, monocarboxylic acids, phosphonic acids, and mixtures and salts thereof.3. The fertilizer of wherein:the chelating agent is selected from aminocarboxylic acids, and mixtures and salts thereof.4. The fertilizer of wherein:the metal ion is selected from the group consisting of zinc, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, and calcium.5. The fertilizer of wherein:the metal ion is selected from the group consisting of zinc, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, and calcium, andthe chelating agent is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.6. The fertilizer of wherein:the first freeze point of the aqueous composition is in a range of 31° F. to 45° F.7. The fertilizer of wherein:the first freeze point of the aqueous composition is in a range of 31° F. to 33° F.8. The fertilizer of wherein:the second freeze point of the fertilizer is less than or equal to 30° ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105419A1
Автор: Birke Daniel

A process for preparing nitric acid may involve vaporizing ammonia in at least one first ammonia vaporizer to produce an ammonia gas, oxidizing this ammonia gas to nitrogen dioxide in a plant section of a nitric acid plant, and absorbing the nitrogen dioxide in water to produce nitric acid. A residual gas containing nitrous gases may be taken off from the plant section of the nitric acid plant and conveyed to a residual-gas cleaning apparatus. The residual gas containing nitrous gases may be reduced by means of ammonia in the residual-gas cleaning apparatus, wherein ammonia-containing wastewater obtained in the at least one first ammonia vaporizer may be conveyed to the residual-gas cleaning apparatus. Such a process may eliminate or at least substantially reduce ammonia-containing wastewater. Furthermore, a plant can be used in this process for preparing nitric acid. 1. A process for preparing nitric acid comprising:vaporizing ammonia in an ammonia vaporizer to produce an ammonia gas;oxidizing the ammonia gas to nitrogen dioxide in a plant section of a nitric acid plant;absorbing the nitrogen dioxide in water to produce nitric acid;taking off a residual gas containing nitrous gases from the plant section of the nitric acid plant;conveying the residual gas to a residual-gas cleaning apparatus;conveying ammonia-containing wastewater to the residual-gas cleaning apparatus; andreducing the residual gas by way of ammonia in the residual-gas cleaning apparatus.2. The process of wherein the ammonia-containing wastewater is supplied to a line upstream of the residual-gas cleaning apparatus or to the residual-gas cleaning apparatus directly.3. The process of wherein the ammonia vaporizer is a first ammonia vaporizer claim 1 , the process comprising supplying the ammonia-containing wastewater to a second ammonia vaporizer where the ammonia-containing wastewater is vaporized and supplied as ammonia gas to a line upstream of the residual-gas cleaning apparatus or to the ...
