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01-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637260C2

Изобретение относится к электронной технике и может быть использовано в технологии изготовления варисторов, предназначенных для применения в ограничителях перенапряжений. Керамический материал для варисторов выполнен на основе купрата лития LiCuO, полученного путем смешивания исходных компонентов оксида меди CuO и карбоната лития LiСО, взятых в пропорции, отвечающей химической формуле LiСО4CuO. Компоненты перетирают в среде этилового спирта, обжигают. После повторного измельчения обожжённого порошка из него формуют изделия и спекают при температуре 990С с последующим быстрым охлаждением со скоростью 50-200С/мин. Технический результат изобретения – получение материала для варисторов с необходимыми электрическими свойствами по доступной технологии. 1 ил.

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556181C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения нанопорошков на основе феррита висмута для создания магнитоэлектрических материалов - мультиферроиков и компонентов электронной техники, которые могут найти широкое применение в микроэлектронике, в частности спиновой электронике (спинтронике); в сенсорной и СВЧ-технике; в устройствах для записи, считывания и хранения информации и др. Задача предлагаемого изобретения - получение чистых однородных по дисперсности нанокристаллических порошков на основе феррита висмута, со строгой стехиометрией в один этап - для изготовления материалов и компонентов электронной техники. Техническим результатом изобретения является то, что он позволяет повысить эффективность и снизить энергозатраты при изготовлении чистых однородных по дисперсности нанокристаллических порошков на основе феррита висмута, со строгой стехиометрией, путем нагревания, с различными скоростями, содержащего глицин раствора нитратов соответствующих металлов разной насыщенности. Преимуществами ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2486161C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения материалов на основе сложного оксида Y(BaBe)CuOс широким спектром электрических свойств от высокотемпературных сверхпроводников до полупроводников, которые могут быть использованы в микроэлектронике; электротехнике; энергетике, например для получения пленок методами нанесения покрытий и катодного распыления мишеней из этого материала; проводников тока второго поколения; терморезисторов. Способ включает получение смесей нитратов иттрия, бария, бериллия и меди, обеспечивающих соответствующие стехиометрические составы, с глицином, термообработку указанной смеси при температуре 500°С, при которой процесс сжигания обеспечивает синтез и разрыхление получаемого конечного продукта: нанопорошка с размером частиц 20-50 нм. Синтезированный порошок термообрабатывают при температуре 500-900°С, в результате чего он рекристаллизуется до размеров частиц 20 нм - 10 мкм. Преимуществом данного метода является: возможность однородного распределения материала по составу ...

10-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2056068C1

Использование: в электротехнике для изготовления сверхпроводящего кабеля переключателей, магнитов, микроэлектроника. Сущность изобретения: сверхпроводящая композиция отвечает номинальной формуле BiaSrbCacCu3Ox, где a 1 - 3, b 3/8 - 4, c 3/16 - 2, x =(1,5 + b + c +y), где y 2 - 5 при условии, что сумма b+c равна 3/2 - 5, содержит металлооксидную фазу формулы Bi2Sr3-ZCa2Cu2O8+w, где значение Z - от 0,1 - 0,9, а значения w превышает 0, но меньше 12. Температура перехода композиции Тс77 - 115 К. Способ получения композиции заключается в смешении стехиометрических количеств окислов или предшественников окислов, нагревании смеси с доступом воздуха до температуры 775 - 900oС, выдержке при указанной температуре в течение 8 -48 ч и охлаждении до температуры ниже 100oС. 2 с. и. 8 з. п. ф-лы.

10-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2104256C1
Принадлежит: Хехст АГ (DE)

Сущность изобретения:предложен способ изготовления фасонных изделий из высокотемпературного сверхпроводника, состоящего из окислов висмута, стронция, кальция, меди и в случае необходимости свинца, а также сульфатов стронция и/или бария. При осуществлении способа окислы висмута, стронция, кальция, меди и в случае необходимости свинца в желаемом молярном соотношении, а также дополнительно 2-30 вес.% сульфата стронция и/или 1-20 вес.% сульфата бария, соответственно пересчитанные на смесь окислов, тщательно смешивают друг с другом, расплавляют смесь в тигле из металла платиновой группы при 870-1600oC, разливают расплав в кокили нужной формы и размера и медленно охлаждают в них, освобождают полученные фасонные изделия от материала кокилей и подвергают отжигу в течение 6-200 ч при 700-900oC в атмосфере, содержащей кислород. 6 з. п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

30-08-1993 дата публикации

Способ получения сверхпроводящего соединения

Номер: SU1838242A3

Йспользование:неорганическая химия, синтез сверхпроводящих оксидных материалов . Сущность изобретения: нитрат бария, оксид меди и оксид иттрия или редкоземельного элемента смешивают и измельчают в агатовой ступке. Полученный порошок прессуют в диски. Диск помещают в печь, нагревают до 900°С, выдерживают 30 мин и охлаждают до температуры окружающей среды.

15-02-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003742032C2

09-11-1989 дата публикации

Method for changing the electrical conductance properties of a high-temperature superconductor material

Номер: DE0003814277A1

High-temperature superconductor body (1) having superconducting, non-superconducting and/or metallically conducting zones (5; 61, 62; 30) generated as a result of oxidation or reduction by the action of laser radiation (2). ...

09-09-2004 дата публикации

High temperature superconductive body containing a superconductor compound containing Cu oxide, and obtained by melt texturing useful in the information and energy transfer sectors, e.g. applied to a ceramic or metal band

Номер: DE0010307643A1

High temperature superconductive body containing a superconductor compound containing Cu oxide, and obtained by melt texturing, where the body contains one or more of Ru, Ir, and Rh (group A) and one or more of Zn, Li, Ni, Pd (group B), and the melt textured body consists of a superconductive matrix, containing a region with group A element as an elongated particle, a lamellar structured zone, or a granulate.

02-09-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zur supraleitenden Verbindung von MgB2-Supraleiterdrähten über eine MgB2-Matrix aus einem Mg-infiltrierten Borpulver-Presskörper

Номер: DE102009010112B3
Принадлежит: BRUKER EAS GMBH

Ein Verfahren zur supraleitenden Verbindung von zwei oder mehr Drähten (1, 2), die jeweils mindestens ein Filament (3a-3d) enthaltend MgBoder enthaltend eine Mischung von Mg und B aufweisen, wobei die supraleitende Verbindung durch freigelegte Endbereiche (4) der Filamente (3a-3d) über eine MgB-Matrix erfolgt, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass a) eine Pulverschüttung (4) von Bor-Pulver bereitgestellt wird, in die die freigelegten Endbereiche (4) der Filamente (3a-3d) der Drähte (1, 2) hineinragen, b) die Pulverschüttung (4) mitsamt der hineinragenden, freigelegten Endbereiche (4) der Filamente (3a, 3b) zu einem Presskörper (8) verdichtet wird, c) und der Presskörper (8) von der Oberfläche (13) des Presskörpers (8) aus von einer Magnesium-Schmelze (10) infiltriert wird. Mit dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren kann die Qualität, insbesondere die Stromtragfähigkeit und die kritische Magnetfeldstärke, einer supraleitenden Verbindung von MgB-Supraleiterdrähten verbessert werden.

19-04-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines oxidischen Supraleiters mit einer Wismut-Phase vom 2223-Typ

Номер: DE0019827928B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Supraleiters mit mindestens einem in einer Matrix aus normalleitendem Material eingebetteten Leiterkern, der ein wismuthaltiges, oxidisches Supraleitermaterial mit einer Hoch-Tc-Phase vom 2223-Typ zumindest teilweise aufweist, bei welchem Verfahren - ein Aufbau aus dem Matrixmaterial und mindestens einem Kern aus einem Vorprodukt des Supraleitermaterials erstellt wird, - dieser Aufbau in ein Leiterzwischenprodukt überführt wird, wobei mindestens ein Verformungsschritt vorgesehen wird, und - das Leiterzwischenprodukt in ein Leiterendprodukt überführt wird, indem das Leiterzwischenprodukt - einer Glühbehandlung mit mehreren Zwischenglühschritten und einem Abschlußglühschritt in einer sauerstoffhaltigen Atmosphäre zur Ausbildung eines hohen Anteils an der Hoch-Tc-Phase in dem Leiterkernmaterial sowie - einer Verformungsbehandlung mit mehreren Flachbearbeitungsschritten unterzogen wird, wobei der Abschlußglühschritt bei einem Sauerstoffanteil der Atmosphäre erfolgt ...

04-05-1995 дата публикации

Elongated bismuth cuprate superconductor and process for its manufacture

Номер: DE0004434523A1

The elongated superconductor (2) contains a normally conductive support (4) and at least one conductor region (3a to 3f) joined thereto and containing a superconducting high-Tc phase based on Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x. In the superconductor material there is dispersed an additive material which, according to the invention, is introduced in the form of platelet-shaped crystallites which serve as nucleus formers for ordered growth of the superconducting phase. The superconductor can be produced, in particular, by a powder-in-a-tube technique or by a screen printing technique. ...

06-08-1997 дата публикации

A process for producing a high-temperature superconducting solid material

Номер: GB0009711677D0

08-11-1989 дата публикации

Copper oxide superconductors

Номер: GB0002218085A

A process for the preparation of copper oxide superconductors which comprises (1) mixing copper nitride, an oxidizing agent such as barium peroxide, and yttrium oxide; (2) forming pellets of the aforementioned mixture; (3) heating the pellets; and (4) thereafter cooling the pellets. The process yields copper oxide superconducting compounds in a purity of from about 60 to over 95 percent.

05-08-1992 дата публикации

Method of enhancing the upper critical field (Hc2) in high temperature superconducting ceramic copper oxide perovskites

Номер: GB0002252314A

A method of enhancing the upper critical field (Hc2) in high temperature superconducting ceramic copper oxide perovskites by exposure to gamma radiation.

02-11-1988 дата публикации

Method of forming superconductive ceramic material

Номер: GB0002204033A

Certain ceramic materials produced by specified heat treatment have been found to exhibit superconductivity at temperatures considerably higher than the liquid helium temperatures previously necessary for superconducting alloys. The forming of such superconducting ceramics into useful shapes and components presents difficulties owing to the inherent inflexible characteristics of ceramics. The present invention overcomes this problem by forming the superconductive ceramic from organic solutions of organic compounds of suitable cations. Such solutions may yield a superconducting ceramic powder directly by pyrolysis or more usefully the solutions may be evaporated to produce a gel which may be applied as a coating on a substrate, reduced to a powder by rapid heat treatment or evaporated slowly to produce a monolithic ceramic. The powder may be combined with an organic binder, and flowed into a sheet which is dried and may be cut into tape. The tape may then be wound to the required shape and ...

28-09-1988 дата публикации

Superconducting oxides and oxide-metal composites

Номер: GB2202528A

A superconducting oxide is prepared by combining the metallic elements of the oxide to form an alloy, followed by oxidation of the alloy to form the oxide. Superconducting oxide-metal composites are prepared in which a noble metal phase intimately mixed with the oxide phase results in improved mechanical properties. The superconducting oxides and oxide-metal composites are provided in a variety of useful forms.

03-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008815102D0

25-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398252B

15-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152491A

15-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000126397T

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084917T

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000095008T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000167002T

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000099655T

03-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005757990A

21-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007242891A

07-11-1996 дата публикации

High-Tc superconducting ceramic oxide products and macroscopic and microscopic methods of making the same

Номер: AU0000673330B2

23-03-1995 дата публикации

A superconducting ceramic composition

Номер: AU0000657804B2

17-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000632076B2

10-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000631956B2

23-11-1995 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of multi-element metal oxide powders

Номер: AU0001776695A

21-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003661489A

16-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003411489A

02-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001612888A

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002593028A1

22-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002466484C

It is an object of the present invention to provide a ceramic member with excellent balance between oxygen ion conductivity and endurance (resistance to cracking and the like), an oxygen ion permeation module and a chemical reactor such as an oxygen separator, using such a ceramic member. The ceramic member with oxygen ion conductivity in accordance with the present invention has a perovskite- type crystal structure and a composition represented by the general formula (Ln1-x M x)(T1 1-y Fe y)O3 (where Ln represents at least one element selected from lanthanoids, and M represents at least one element selected from the group containing Sr, Ca, and Ba, 0 < x < 1, 0.4 .ltoreq. y < 1, x + y .gtoreq. 1). The oxygen ion permeation module composed by employing such a ceramic member can be used as a structural component of an oxygen separator, an oxidation reactor (for example, a reactor for partial oxidation of hydrocarbons), and the like.

06-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002000076C

A compound oxide superconductor represented by the general formula: Bi4+d(Sr1-x, Ca x)m Cu n Op+y in which, "d" is an amount of excess bismuth and satisfies a range of 0 < d ~ 1.2, "m" is a number which satisfies a range of 6 ~ m ~ 10, "n" is a number which satisfies a range of 4 ~ n ~ 8, "p"= 6+m+n, "x" is a number which satisfies a range of 0 < x < 1, and "y" is a number which satisfies a range of -2 ~ < y ~ +2.

11-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002002843A1

Superconducting oxide material containing compound represented by the formula: (T1(1-p-q) Bip Pbq)y .gamma.z (.alpha.(1-r).beta.r)S CUv Ow in which each of ".alpha." and ".gamma." is an element selected in IIa group of the periodic table, ".beta." is an element selected from a group comprising Na, K, Rb and Cs, "y", "z", "v", "w", "p", "q", "r" and "s" are numbers each satisfying respective range of 0.5 ? y ? 3.0, 0.5 ? z ? 6.0, 1.0 ? v, 5.0 ? w, 0?p?1.0, 0?q?1.0, 0?r?1.0 and0.5?s?3.0.

11-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001341623C

Compositions having the formula A1 x m 2 x Cu3Oy, wherein A is Y, or a combination of Y, La, Lu, Sc or Yb; M is Ba, or a combination of Ba, Sr or Ca and y is sufficient to satisfy the valence demands, have been found to be bulk electrical superconductors at a temperature above 77°K. The compositions are single phase perovskite-like crystalline structures. They are made by a process involving intimately mixing the metal oxides or their precursors in the proper molar ratios, heating the mixture in the presence of oxygen to a temperature between about 800°C and about 1100°C and slowly cooling the mixture to room temperature in the presence of oxygen over a period of at least four hours.

26-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001313032C

... 52 A method of producing a superconductor including a superconductive oxide. The superconductive oxide is represented by the formula AxByCzD7-.delta. provided that the A is at least one selected from the group consisting of Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu, the B is at least one selected from the group consisting of Be, Sr, Mg, Ca, Ba and Ra, the C includes Cu, the D includes 0, about 0.1 < x < about 2.0, about 1 < y < about 3, about 1 < z < about 3, 0 < .delta. < 5, or by the formula AxByCazCuiOj provided that the A includes Bi or Tl, the B includes Sr or Ba, about 1 < x < about 3, about 1 < y < about 3, about 0 < z S about 3 and about O-< i-~ about 9. A filling material is charged into a metallic pipe for forming a preform. The filling material is at least material selected from the group consisting of a starting material powder of the superconductor, a powder of the superconductor and a compact made of the starting material powder and/or the superconductive ...

30-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001315075C

A method of manufacturing a bismuth type oxide superconductor, wherein a molded body of a bismuth type oxide superconducting substance comprising bismuth, an alkaline earth metal, copper, and oxygen or a precursor thereof is subjected to a heat treatment for producing a superconducting phase and then subjected to one step selected from (1) a step of cooling the heated body from 700.degree.C to 200.degree.C in an atmosphere having an oxygen partial pressure of not less than 0.1 atm at a cooling rate of not less than 10.degree.C/min, (2) a step of cooling the heated body from 700.degree.C in an atmosphere having an oxygen partial pressure of less than 0.1 atm at a cooling rate of less than 10.degree.C/min, and (3) a step of cooling the heated body, and then performing a heat treatment for the cooled heated body in an atmosphere having an oxygen partial pressure of not more than 0.1 atm at a temperature from 700.degree.C to 200.degree.C.

04-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001339978C

A ceramic oxide superconductive composite material comprises a ceramic oxide superconductor and a non-super-conductive material comprising at least one element that does not react with any of the elements of the superconductor. The composite material has improved super-conductive properties such as a higher critical temperature and a larger critical current density.

06-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001341628C

A class of superconductive materials containing copper-oxygen bonding and with mixed cation-occupancy designed with a view to size and valence consideration yield useful values of critical temperature and other properties. Uses entail all applications which involves superconducting materials such as magnets and transmission lines which require continuous superconductivity paths as well as detectors (e.g., which may rely on tunneling).

03-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001320816C

A method of manufacturing a superconductor includes the steps of filling a ceramic superconductor or a material mixture thereof in a metal container, elongating the metal container, slitting the metal container to a predetermined width to partially expose a material inside the metal container, and sintering the material inside the metal container.

03-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001337149C

A class of superconductive materials containing copper-oxygen bonding and with mixed cation-occupancy designed with a view to size and valence consideration yield useful values of critical temperature and other properties. Uses entail all applications which involves superconducting materials such as magnets and transmission lines which require continuous superconductivity paths as well as detectors (e.g., which may rely on tunneling).

03-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002092180C

A manufacturing method wherein a metal sheath is filled with a powder having a composition such that the amounts of Sr, Ca and Cu are larger than conventional so that in addition to the 2223-phase of (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu the phase of Sr-Ca-Cu-O may be precipitated, and then, this metal sheath is subjected to a plastic working, a primary heat treatment, another plastic working, and a secondary heat treatment in this order. A pinning point based on the phase of Sr-Ca-Cu-O is introduced into the superconductor of the obtained bismuth based oxide superconductive wire material, and thereby, the magnetic field characteristic of the critical current density is improved.

04-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008310C

A superconducting wire comprises a flexible base material having average surface roughness of not more than 0.05 .mu.m and an oxide superconducting layer formed on the base material. A superconducting wire comprises a flexible base material of yttria stabilized zirconia containing less than 0.1 percent by weight of an Al impurity and an oxide superconducting layer formed on the base material.

04-08-1990 дата публикации

Superconducting Wire

Номер: CA0002008310A1

03-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002034339A1

A silver tube with one open end is packed with a particulate mixture of reactants comprised of Bi2CaSr2CU2O8?x, Ca2CuO3, cupric oxide and lead oxide, the open end of the packed tube is plugged with silver, the re ulting closed tube is swaged to increase the density of the packed mixture, the swaged tube is wire-drawn, uniaxial pressure is applied to the wire orienting the Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8?x crystals with their caxis parallel to each other forming an initial tape, the inttial tape is fired to convert part of the Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8?x crystals to Bi2-yPbyCa2Sr2Cu3O10?z crystals producing an lntermediate tape containing dilated product, uniaxial pressure is applied to the resulting intermediate tape to remove the dilation in the product, and the pressed intermediate tape is fired to produce a tape comprised of silver enveloping a sintered body of Bi2-yPbyCa2Sr2Cu3O10?z.

24-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002004576C

Novel superconducting oxide material containing compound oxide having a composition represented by the formula: ¢(Tl1-xBix)1-p.alpha.p!qSryCazCuvOw in which ".alpha." is at least one element selected from a group consisting of In, Sn, Sb, Pb, Y and lanthanide elements and "x", "y", "z", "p", "q", "v" and "w" are numbers each satisfying respective range of 0 ? x ? 1.0, 0.5 ? y ? 4.0, 0.5 ? z ? 4.5, 0 ? p ? 0.6, 0.5 ? q ? 3.0, and 1.0 ? v ? 5.5.

21-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002063285C

In a method of preparing an oxide superconducting wire comprising the steps of filling up raw material powder for an oxide superconductor in a metal sheath and rolling the same in this state, frictional force on surfaces of rolls employed for rolling is increased in the rolling step in order to improve denseness of the raw material powder, thereby improving the critical current density of the oxide superconducting wire. In order to increase the frictional force, films having large frictional force are formed on the roll surfaces, a coating material is applied to the roll surfaces during rolling, or the roll surfaces are roughened, for example.

31-08-1993 дата публикации

Ceramic high temp. superconductor prodn. - by pouring starting material into mould, heating, cooling, thermally treating in oxygen@ and cooling, for shield magnetic fields in switching elements

Номер: CH0000682358A5

Prodn. of a ceramic high temp. superconductor (HTSC) in the form of a large moulding made of a powdered starting material comprises: (a) pouring the material into a mould; (b) mould is heated to a 1st temp. to melt the material under low O2 partial pressure and sealed to a melt; (c) mould is cooled to a 2nd temp., in which the melt is solidified to moulding; (d) moulding (3) is thermally post treated in O2 to give a superconductor of high current density; (e) moulding (3) is cooled to room temp.; and (f) moulding (3) is removed from mould (2). Mould (2) is pref. annular and moulding (3) is a hollow cylinder having an inner dia. (d1) of more than 10 cm, height (h) of more than 1 cm and a wall thickness of less than 5 mm. Superconductor is pref. of formula Bi2 Sr2 Ca1 Cu2 O8+x or Ti2 Ba2Ca2Cu3O10+x. USE/ADVANTAGE - HTSC can be used to shield magnetic fields in switching elements.

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000678672A5

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Thin film transistor and method for manufacturing thin film transistor

Номер: US20120037897A1
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

(1) Disclosed is a thin film transistor comprising elements, namely a source electrode, a drain electrode, a gate electrode, a channel layer and a gate insulating film, said thin film transistor being characterized in that the channel layer is formed of an indium oxide film that is doped with tungsten and zinc and/or tin. (2) Disclosed is a bipolar thin film transistor comprising elements, namely a source electrode, a drain electrode, a gate electrode, a channel layer and a gate insulating film, said bipolar thin film transistor being characterized in that the channel layer is a laminate of an organic material film and a metal oxide film that contains indium doped with at least one of tungsten, tin or titanium and has an electrical resistivity that is controlled in advance. (3) Disclosed is a method for manufacturing a thin film transistor comprising elements, namely a source electrode, a drain electrode, a gate electrode, a channel layer and a gate insulating film, said method for manufacturing a thin film transistor being characterized in that at least the channel layer or a part of the channel layer is formed by forming a metal oxide film by a sputtering process using an In-containing target without heating the substrate, and a heat treatment is carried out after forming the above-described elements on the substrate.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Target for sputtering

Номер: US20120055788A1
Принадлежит: Ulvac Inc

A transparent electroconductive film having a low resistivity is provided. In a film-forming method of the present invention, a transparent electroconductive film is formed on a surface of a substrate by sputtering, in a vacuum atmosphere, a target in which ZnO is a main component and Al 2 O 3 and TiO 2 are added to ZnO, and then the transparent electroconductive film is annealed by the heating thereof at a temperature of 250° C. or more and 400° C. or less. The resistivity of the obtained transparent electroconductive film is reduced because the film has ZnO as the main component and Al and Ti added therein. The transparent electroconductive film formed by the present invention is suitable as a transparent electrode for the FDP, etc.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Aluminum alloy reflective film, reflective film laminate, automotive lighting device, illumination device, and aluminum alloy sputtering target

Номер: US20120064370A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

Disclosed is an Al alloy reflective film which has a higher reflectance than that of pure Al films when produced by sputtering, excels in alkali resistance, acid resistance, and moisture resistance, and therefore less suffers from the reduction in reflectance even when a protective coating is not applied. Specifically disclosed is an Al alloy reflective film which contains at least one element selected from Sc, Y, La, Gd, Tb, and Lu in a total amount of from 0.4 to 2.5 atomic percent, with the remainder being Al and inevitable impurities. The Al alloy reflective film has a film surface roughness of 4 nm or less as measured with an atomic force microscope. Also disclosed are an automotive lighting device and an illumination device each provided with the reflective film. Further disclosed is an Al alloy sputtering target for use in the formation of the reflective film.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Titanium Target for Sputtering

Номер: US20120073964A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Mining and Metals Corp

The object of this invention is to provide a high quality titanium target for sputtering capable of reducing the impurities that cause generation of particles and abnormal discharge, which is free from fractures and cracks during high power sputtering (high rate sputtering), and capable of stabilizing the sputtering properties and effectively suppressing the generation of particles upon deposition. This invention is able to solve foregoing problems using a high purity titanium target for sputtering containing, as additive components, 3 to 10 mass ppm of S and 0.5 to 3 mass ppm of Si, and in which the purity of the target excluding additive components and gas components is 99.995 mass percent or higher.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Thin Film Comprising Titanium Oxide as Main Component and Sintered Compact Sputtering Target Comprising Titanium Oxide as Main Component

Номер: US20120196076A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Mining and Metals Corp

A thin film comprising titanium oxide as its main component includes titanium, oxygen and copper, content of Ti is 29.0 to 34.0 at % and content of Cu is 0.003 to 7.7 at % or less with remainder being oxygen and unavoidable impurities. A ratio of oxygen component to metal components, O/(2 Ti+0.5 Cu), is 0.96 or higher. The thin film has a high refractive index and low extinction coefficient. A sintered compact sputtering target suitable for producing the foregoing thin film is also provided and can be used to obtain a thin film with superior transmittance and low reflectance and which is effective as an interference film or protective film of an optical information recording medium, and to obtain a thin film that can be applied to a glass substrate; that is, a thin film that can be used as a heat ray reflective film, antireflection film, and interference filter.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Coated article and method for making the same

Номер: US20120206789A1

A coated article includes an electrochromic layer made of tungsten trioxide doped with metal selected from molybdenum, niobium, and/or titanium. A method for making the device housing is also described there.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing indium tin oxide layer with controlled surface resistance

Номер: US20120213949A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a transparent indium tin oxide conductive layer on a substrate. The method involves using a target having a low indium-to-tin ratio in a low temperature manufacturing process (less than 200° C.), and introducing a plasma gas and a reaction gas into the reaction chamber to allow sputtering of an indium tin oxide layer on the substrate under a low oxygen environment, followed by subjecting the sputtered substrate to a heat treatment at 150˜200° C. for 60˜90 minutes. The indium tin oxide layer thus produced will crystallize completely and have the advantageous properties of low surface resistance and high uniformity.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Sputtering target and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120217157A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

[Problems] To provide a sputtering target that is capable of forming a Cu—Ga film to which Na is favorably added by a sputtering method, and a method for producing the same. [Means for Solving the Problems] The sputtering target is provided wherein 20 to 40 at % of Ga and 0.05 to 1 at % of Na are contained as metal components except fluorine (F) of the sputtering target, a remaining portion has a component composition consisting of Cu and unavoidable impurities, and Na is contained in the state of a NaF compound. Also, a method for producing the sputtering target includes the steps of forming a molded article consisting of a mixed powder of NaF powder and Cu—Ga powder or a mixed powder of NaF powder, Cu—Ga powder, and Cu powder; and sintering the molded article in a vacuum atmosphere, an inert gas atmosphere, or a reducing atmosphere.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Manufacturing method and system of target

Номер: US20120245725A1

The disclosed technology provides a manufacturing method of a target comprising obtaining an initial mass and a residual mass of the target sample, and calculating an etching mass; determining a relative etching depth of the target sample; calculating a relative etching mass based on the etching mass and the relative etching depth; determining a utilization parameter of the target sample based on the relative etching mass and the initial mass of the target sample before being used; and performing a simulation and optimization process on the utilization parameter of the target sample, obtaining target parameters corresponding to a preset value of the utilization parameter, and outputting the target parameters to a manufacturing control center for manufacturing a target. The disclosed technology also provides a manufacturing system of a target.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Oxide for semiconductor layer of thin film transistor, sputtering target, and thin film transistor

Номер: US20130009111A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

Disclosed is an oxide for a semiconductor layer of a thin film transistor, which, when used in a thin film transistor that includes an oxide semiconductor in the semiconductor layer, imparts good switching characteristics and stress resistance to the transistor. Specifically disclosed is an oxide for a semiconductor layer of a thin film transistor, which is used for a semiconductor layer of a thin film transistor and contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of In, Ga and Zn and at least one element selected from the group X consisting of Al, Si, Ni, Ge, Sn, Hf, Ta and W.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Process for producing zinc oxide varistor

Номер: US20130011963A1
Принадлежит: SFI Electronics Tech Inc

A process for producing zinc oxide varistors possessed a property of breakdown voltage (V1mA) ranging from 230 to 1,730 V/mm is to perform the doping of zinc oxide and the sintering of zinc oxide grains with a high-impedance sintered powder through two independent procedures, so that the doped zinc oxide and the high-impedance sintered powder are well mixed in a predetermined ratio and then used to make the zinc oxide varistors through conventional technology by low-temperature sintering (lower than 900° C.); the resultant zinc oxide varistors may use pure silver as inner electrode and particularly possess breakdown voltage ranging from 230 to 1,730 V/mm.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Transparent conductive zinc oxide film, process for production thereof, and use thereof

Номер: US20130048060A1
Принадлежит: Tosoh Corp

A transparent conductive zinc oxide based film according to the present invention contains Ti, Al and Zn in such a proportion that satisfies the following formulae (1), (2) and (3) in terms of atomic ratio, and has a plurality of surface textures different in size on a surface, wherein a center-line average surface roughness Ra of the surface of the transparent conductive film is 30 nm to 200 nm, and an average value of widths of the surface textures is 100 nm to 10 μm. 0.001≦Ti/(Zn+Al+Ti)≦0.079.  (1) 0.001≦Al/(Zn+Al+Ti)≦0.079  (2) 0.010≦(Ti+Al)/(Zn+Al+Ti)≦0.080  (3)

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071689A1
Автор: Lu Ting, Ma Wenbo, Zhou Mingjie

A rare earth elements doping on yttrium oxide luminescent thin film containing conductive oxides and preparation methods thereof are provided. The said luminescent thin film is consisted of YO:Re, ZnAlO, wherein 0 Подробнее

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081944A1
Принадлежит: H.C. Starck, Inc.

In various embodiments, joined sputtering targets are formed at least in part by spray deposition of the sputtering material and/or welding. 1. A joined sputtering target comprising a sputtering material , the joined sputtering target comprising:two discrete sputtering-target tiles joined at an interface therebetween, the tiles comprising the sputtering material,wherein the interface comprises a recess therealong at least partially filled with unmelted powder.2. The joined sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein the two tiles are joined at opposing edges claim 1 , and the interface further comprises portions of the two opposing edges substantially in contact with each other and disposed beneath the at least partially filled recess.3. The joined sputtering target of claim 2 , wherein one of the two opposing edges at least partially overlaps the other opposing edge at the interface below the at least partially filled recess.4. The joined sputtering target of claim 2 , wherein the interface defines a plane that is not perpendicular to at least one of a top surface of the joined sputtering target or a bottom surface of the joined sputtering target.5. The joined sputtering target of claim 1 , further comprising an interlocking joint at the interface claim 1 , the interlocking joint comprising portions of the two tiles.6. The joined sputtering target of claim 5 , wherein the interlocking joint comprises a tongue-in-groove joint claim 5 , a dovetail joint claim 5 , a rabbet joint claim 5 , a finger joint claim 5 , or a spline joint.7. The joined sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the tiles comprises a beveled edge claim 1 , the at least one beveled edge forming at least a portion of the recess.8. The joined sputtering target of claim 7 , wherein the at least one beveled edge has a reentrant surface.9. The joined sputtering target of claim 7 , wherein at least a portion of the at least one beveled edge is substantially planar and forms an angle of greater ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087453A1

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus of forming a sputter target assembly having a controlled solder thickness. In particular, the method includes the introduction of a bonding foil, between the backing plate and the sputter target, wherein the bonding foil is an ignitable heterogeneous stratified structure for the propagation of an exothermic reaction. 1. A sputter target assembly , comprising:a sputter target, a backing plate and a bonding foil, disposed between the backing plate and the sputter target, wherein the bonding foil is an ignitable heterogeneous stratified structure for the propagation of an exothermic reaction in order to bond the sputter target to the backing plate without affecting the microstructure or the flatness of the sputter target in the formation of the sputter target assembly.2. The sputter target assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first solder bond layer disposed between the backing plate and the bonding foil and a second solder bond layer between the target and the bonding foil.3. The sputter target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the bonding foil ranges from about 0.002 to about 0.003 inches.4. The sputter target assembly of claim 2 , further comprising solder layers having a thickness ranging from about 0.005 to 0.010 inches.5. The sputter target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bonding foil is selected from among silicides claim 1 , aluminides claim 1 , borides claim 1 , carbides claim 1 , thermite reacting compounds claim 1 , alloys claim 1 , metallic glasses and composites.6. The sputter target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sputter target is a substantially circular claim 1 , disc-shaped high-purity ferromagnetic nickel claim 1 , nickel alloy claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , or cobalt alloy target.7. The sputter target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic flux across the sputter target is symmetrically distributed. The present application is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098754A1

Disclosed are a transparent conductive composition including a material of the following formula, a target, a transparent conductive thin film using the target, and a method for fabricating the same. The disclosed transparent conductive composition and transparent conductive thin film have superior conductivity (low resistivity) and high light transmittance. Especially, they may be usefully applied for the flexible electronic devices, which may be called the core of the future display industry, because they have low resistivity of not greater than 10Ω·cm and a high light transmittance of at least 90% even when deposition is carried out at room temperature. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for fabricating a transparent conductive thin film comprising:{'sub': x', '1-x, 'preparing a target for fabricating a transparent conductive thin film comprising a material of the formula AlZnO through exploration of a composition of the formula via evaluation of electrical and optical properties upon deposition at differing positions,'}wherein the deposition deposits zinc oxide and aluminum oxide continuously on a substrate by off-axis RF sputtering using sputter guns, respectively loaded with zinc oxide and aluminum oxide, at an angle of 90° to the substrate with varying compositions at differing positions of the substrate, andwherein x is within the range of 0.04≦x≦0.063; anddepositing the target on a substrate by sputtering it at room temperature.8. The method for fabricating a transparent conductive thin film according to claim 7 , wherein x is within the range of 0.042≦x≦0.055.9. The method for fabricating a transparent conductive thin film according to claim 7 , wherein the depositing the target on a substrate by sputtering it at room temperature is performed at a pressure of 1 to 10 mTorr.10. The method for fabricating a transparent conductive thin film according to claim 8 , wherein the depositing the target on a substrate by sputtering it at room temperature is performed at a ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098758A1

The present invention provides a Cu—In—Ga—Se powder containing Cu, In, Ga and Se in which cracks do not occur during sintering or processing, and a sintered body and sputtering target, each using the same. The present invention relates to a powder containing Cu, In Ga and Se, which contains a Cu—In—Ga—Se compound and/or a Cu—In—Se compound in an amount of 60 mass % or more in total. The powder of the present invention preferably contains an In—Se compound in an amount of 20 mass % or less and/or a Cu—In compound in an amount of 20 mass % or less. 1. A powder comprising the elements of Cu , In , Ga and Se , wherein the powder comprising 60 mass % or more in total of a Cu—In—Ga—Se compound a Cu—In—Se compound , or both.2. The powder according to claim 1 , further comprising an In—Se compound in an amount of 20 mass % or less claim 1 , a Cu—In compound in an amount of 20 mass % or less claim 1 , or both.3. The powder according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a total amount of the Cu claim 1 , In claim 1 , Ga and Se in the powder is 100 atomic % claim 1 , the powder comprises:Cu: 20 atomic % or more and 30 atomic % or less;In: 10 atomic % or more and 25 atomic % or less;Ga: 0.1 atomic % or more and 15 atomic % or less; andSe: 40 atomic % or more and 60 atomic % or less.4. The powder according to claim 2 , wherein when a total amount of the Cu claim 2 , In claim 2 , Ga and Se in the powder is 100 atomic % claim 2 , the powder comprisesLCu: 20 atomic % or more and 30 atomic % or less;In: 10 atomic % or more and 25 atomic % or less;Ga: 0.1 atomic % or more and 15 atomic % or less; andSe: 40 atomic % or more and 60 atomic % or less.5. A method for producing the powder according to the method comprising:(1) atomizing a molten metal of a Cu-based alloy comprising In and Ga to obtain a powder (1) comprising elements of In, Ga and Cu;(2) mixing a Se powder with the powder (1) to obtain a mixed powder (2);(3) heat-treating the mixed powder (2) to obtain a reactant (3) ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101807A1

A sputtering target including indium, tin, zinc and oxygen, and including a hexagonal layered compound, a spinel structure compound and a bixbyite structure compound. 1. (canceled)2. The method according to claim 9 , wherein in the sputtering target claim 9 , the hexagonal layered compound is shown by InO(ZnO) claim 9 , the spinel structure compound is shown by ZnSnO claim 9 , and the bixbyite structure compound shown by InO.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein in the sputtering target claim 2 , the atomic ratio of In/(In+Sn+Zn) is in a range of 0.33 to 0.6 and the atomic ratio of Sn/(In+Sn+Zn) is in a range of 0.05 to 0.15.4. The method according to claim 9 , wherein in the sputtering target claim 9 , in X-ray diffraction claim 9 , the maximum peak intensity Iof the hexagonal layered compound claim 9 , the maximum peak intensity Iof the spinel structure compound claim 9 , and the maximum peak intensity Iof the bixbyite structure compound satisfy the following relationship:{'br': None, 'sub': 1', '3, 'I/Iis in a range of 0.05 to 20; and'}{'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2, 'I/Iis in a range of 0.05 to 20.'}5. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the sputtering target claim 9 , comprises an indium-tin-zinc oxide having a three-phase structure of an In-rich phase claim 9 , an Sn-rich phase and a Zn-rich phase.6. The method according to claim 9 , wherein in the sputtering target claim 9 , particles of the hexagonal layered compound and the bixbyite structure compound are dispersed in the matrix of the spinel structure compound.7. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the sputtering target claim 9 , has a bulk resistance in a range of 0.2 to 10 mΩ·cm.8. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the sputtering target claim 9 , has a theoretical relative density of 90% or more.9. A method for producing the sputtering target comprising indium claim 9 , tin claim 9 , zinc and oxygen claim 9 , and comprising a hexagonal layered compound claim 9 , a spinel structure ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102453A1
Автор: Enomoto Tomoko

Provided is a refractory filler powder, comprising particles, each of which has precipitates of willemite and gahnite. 1. A refractory filler powder comprisingparticles, each of which has precipitates of willemite and gahnite2. The refractory filler powder according to claim 1 , which has a ratio between the willemite and the gahnite of claim 1 , in terms of a molar ratio claim 1 , 99:1 to 70:30.3. The refractory filler powder according to claim 1 , which has a composition comprising claim 1 , in terms of mol % claim 1 , 60 to 79.9% of ZnO claim 1 , 20 to 39.9% of SiO claim 1 , and 0.1 to 10% of AlO.4. The refractory filler powder according to claim 1 , which is produced by a solid phase reaction method.5. A sealing material comprising:a glass powder; anda refractory filler powder,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the refractory filler powder comprises the refractory filler powder according to .'}6. The sealing material according to claim 5 , wherein a content of the refractory filler powder is 0.1 to 70 vol %.7. The sealing material according to claim 5 , wherein the glass powder comprises BiO—BO-based glass.8. The sealing material according to claim 5 , further comprising claim 5 , as another refractory filler powder claim 5 , one kind or two or more kinds selected from cordierite claim 5 , zircon claim 5 , β-eucryptite claim 5 , quartz glass claim 5 , alumina claim 5 , mullite claim 5 , and alumina-silica-based ceramics.9. The sealing material according to claim 5 , further comprising an inorganic pigment.10. The sealing material according to claim 5 , which is substantially free of PbO.11. A manufacturing method for a refractory filler powder claim 5 , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'blending raw materials so as to have a composition comprising, in terms of mol %, 60 to 79.9% of ZnO, 20 to 39.9% of SiO, and 0.1 to 10% of AlO; and'}making the refractory filler powder from the raw materials by a solid phase reaction method, the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105301A1

An object of the present invention is to manufacture a long transparent conductive film comprising a transparent film substrate and a crystalline indium composite oxide film formed on the transparent film substrate. The manufacturing method of the present invention includes an amorphous laminate formation step of forming an amorphous film of an indium composite oxide containing indium and a tetravalent metal on the long transparent film substrate with a sputtering method, and a crystallization step of continuously feeding the long transparent film substrate on which the amorphous film is formed into a furnace and crystallizing the amorphous film. The indium composite oxide preferably contains more than 0 parts by weight and 15 parts by weight or less of the tetravalent metal based on 100 parts by weight of the total of indium and the tetravalent metal. 1. A method for manufacturing a long transparent conductive film comprising a long transparent film substrate and a crystalline indium composite oxide film formed on the long transparent film substrate , the method comprising:an amorphous laminate formation step of forming an amorphous film of an indium composite oxide containing indium and a tetravalent metal on the long transparent film substrate with a sputtering method, anda crystallization step of continuously feeding the long transparent film substrate on which the amorphous film is formed into a furnace and crystallizing the amorphous film, whereinthe indium composite oxide contains more than 0 parts by weight and 15 parts by weight or less of the tetravalent metal based on 100 parts by weight of the total of indium and the tetravalent metal.2. The method for manufacturing a transparent conductive film according to claim 1 , wherein the inside of a sputtering machine is vented to have a vacuum of 1×10Pa or less before the amorphous film is formed in the amorphous laminate formation step.3. The method for manufacturing a transparent conductive film according to ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118774A1

A sputtering target which is composed of a sintered body of an oxide which contains at least indium, tin, and zinc and includes a spinel structure compound of ZnSnOand a bixbyite structure compound of InO. A sputtering target includes indium, tin, zinc, and oxygen with only a peak ascribed to a bixbyite structure compound being substantially observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). 123-. (canceled)24. A method for producing a sputtering target comprising the steps of:preparing a mixture of raw material compounds of indium, tin, and zinc at an atomic ratio of In/(In+Sn+Zn) in a range larger than 0.6 and smaller than 0.75, and an atomic ratio of Sn/(In+Sn+Zn) in a range of 0.11 to 0.23;press-molding the mixture to obtain a molded product;heating the molded product at a rate of 10 to 1,000° C./hour;firing the molded product at a temperature in a range of 1,100 to 1,700° C. to obtain a sintered body; andcooling the sintered body at a rate of 10 to 1,000° C./hour.25. A transparent conductive film obtained by sputtering the sputtering target according to .26. A transparent electrode obtained by etching the transparent conductive film according to .27. The transparent electrode according to claim 26 , having a taper angle at an electrode edge of 30 to 89°.28. A method for forming a transparent electrode comprising etching the transparent conductive film according to with a 1 to 10 mass % oxalic acid aqueous solution at a temperature in a range of 25 to 50° C.29. A transparent conductive film comprising an amorphous oxide of indium (In) claim 25 , zinc (Zn) claim 25 , and tin (Sn) claim 25 , satisfying the following atomic ratio 1 when the atomic ratio of Sn to In claim 25 , Zn claim 25 , and Sn is 0.20 or less claim 25 , and the following atomic ratio 2 when the atomic ratio of Sn to In claim 25 , Zn claim 25 , and Sn is more than 0.20; [{'br': None, '0.50 Подробнее

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118898A1
Принадлежит: UMICORE

A target assembly comprising—a support body having a carrying surface;—a sputtering target having an attaching surface, said carrying surface and said attaching surface being arranged in opposing facing relation to one another, thereby defining an intermediate space between said carrying surface and said attaching surface; and—a bonding material disposed in the intermediate space for binding said attaching surface to said carrying surface,—wherein distinct areas of one or both of said attaching surface and said carrying surface are selectively, superficially treated to enhance the bonding strength of said bonding material in said distinct areas. 1. A target assembly comprisinga support body having a carrying surface;a sputtering target having an attaching surface, said carrying surface and said attaching surface being arranged in opposing facing relation to one another, thereby defining an intermediate space between said carrying surface and said attaching surface; anda bonding material disposed in the intermediate space for binding said attaching surface to said carrying surface,wherein distinct areas of one or both of said attaching surface and said carrying surface are selectively, superficially treated to enhance the bonding strength of said bonding material in said distinct areas.2. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein said bonding material is introduced into said intermediate space in liquid form.3. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein treating the distinct areas comprises enhancing the wetting characteristics of said distinct areas such that the bonding material adheres thereto.4. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein treating the distinct areas comprises changing the surface energy of the distinct areas such that the bonding material adheres thereto.5. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the support body and the sputtering target are cylindrical in shape and are concentrically arranged with respect to one another.61221. The target assembly of ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126345A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

There is provided a silicon device structure, comprising: a P-doped n type amorphous silicon film formed on a silicon semiconductor, and a wiring formed on the P doped n+ type amorphous silicon film, wherein the wiring is formed of a silicon oxide film which is formed on a surface of the P doped n type amorphous silicon film and is also formed of a copper alloy film, and the copper alloy film is a film obtained by forming a copper alloy containing Mn of 1 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less and P of 0.05 atom % or more and 1.0 atom % or less by sputtering. 1. A sputtering target material made of copper alloy that contains only Mn , P , and Cu , wherein in the copper alloy , a concentration of Mn is 1 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less , a concentration of P is 0.05 atom % or more and 1.0 atom % or less , and the remaining except for Mn and P is Cu.2. A sputtering target material made of copper alloy that contains only Mn , P , and Cu , wherein in the copper alloy , a concentration of Mn is 1 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less , a concentration of P is 0.1 atom % or more and 1.0 atom % or less , and the remaining except for Mn and P is Cu.3. A sputtering target material made of copper alloy that contains only Mn , P , and Cu , wherein in the copper alloy , a concentration of Mn is 2 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less , a concentration of P is 0.05 atom % or more and 1.0 atom % or less , and the remaining except for Mn and P is Cu.4. The sputtering target material according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy is prepared by melting and alloying Mn claim 1 , P and Cu by using a casting method.5. The sputtering target material according to claim 2 , wherein the copper alloy is prepared by melting and alloying Mn claim 2 , P and Cu by using a casting method.6. The sputtering target material according to claim 3 , wherein the copper alloy is prepared by melting and alloying Mn claim 3 , P and Cu by using a casting method. The present application is based on Japanese ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126346A1

In one example embodiment, a sputter target structure for depositing semiconducting chalcogenide films is described. The sputter target includes a target body comprising at least one chalcogenide alloy having a chalcogenide alloy purity of at least approximately 2N7, gaseous impurities less than 500 ppm for oxygen (0), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H) individually, and a carbon (C) impurity less than 500 ppm. In a particular embodiment, the chalcogens of the at least one chalcogenide alloy comprises at least 20 atomic percent of the target body composition, and the chalcogenide alloy has a density of at least 95% of the theoretical density for the chalcogenide alloy. 1a target body comprising at least one chalcogenide alloy having a chalcogenide alloy purity of at least approximately 2N7, gaseous impurities less than 500 parts-per-million (ppm) for oxygen (0), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H) individually, and a carbon (C) impurity less than 500 ppm, wherein the chalcogens of the at least one chalcogenide alloy comprise at least 20 atomic percent of the target body composition, and wherein the at least one chalcogenide alloy has a density of at least 95% of the theoretical density for the chalcogenide alloy.. A sputter target structure for depositing semiconducting chalcogenide films, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/606,709, filed Oct. 27, 2009, which claims the benefit, under 35 U.S.C. §119(e), of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/110,520, entitled CHALCOGENIDE ALLOY SPUTTER TARGETS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC APPLICATIONS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME, filed 31 Oct. 2008, and hereby incorporated by reference herein. This application is also related to international PCT application No. PCT/US2007/082405 (Pub. No. WO/2008/052067), entitled SEMICONDUCTOR GRAIN AND OXIDE LAYER FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS, filed Oct. 24, 2007, and hereby incorporated by reference herein.The present disclosure generally relates to ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Mixed targets for forming a cadmium doped tin oxide buffer layer in a thin film photovoltaic devices

Номер: US20130134037A1
Принадлежит: Primestar Solar Inc

Ceramic sputtering targets and mixed metal targets are generally provided for forming a resistive transparent buffer layer. The ceramic sputtering target can include tin, oxygen, and cadmium (and optionally zinc) in relative amounts such that cadmium is included in an atomic amount that is less than 33% of a total atomic amount of tin and cadmium. For example, the ceramic sputtering target can include tin oxide and cadmium oxide (and optionally zinc oxide) in relative amounts such that cadmium (and optional zinc) is included in an atomic amount that is less than 33% of a total atomic amount of tin and cadmium (and optional zinc). The mixed metal sputtering target can include tin and cadmium such that cadmium is included in an atomic amount that is less than 33% of a total atomic amount of tin and cadmium. The mixed metal sputtering target can further include zinc.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Ferromagnetic Material Sputtering Target

Номер: US20130134038A1
Автор: Sato Atsushi, Takami Hideo

A ferromagnetic material sputtering target which is a sintered compact sputtering target made of a metal having Co as its main component, and nonmetallic inorganic material particles, wherein a plurality of metal phases having different saturated magnetization exist, and the nonmetallic inorganic material particles are dispersed in the respective metal phases. By increasing the pass-through flux of the sputtering target, it is possible to obtain a stable discharge. Moreover, it is also possible to obtain a ferromagnetic material sputtering target capable of obtaining a stable discharge in a magnetron sputtering device and which has a low generation of particles during sputtering. Thus, this invention aims to provide a ferromagnetic material sputtering target for use in the deposition of a magnetic thin film of a magnetic recording medium, and particularly of a magnetic recording layer of a hard disk adopting the perpendicular magnetic recording system. 1. A ferromagnetic material sputtering target which is a sintered compact sputtering target made of a metal having Co as its main component , and nonmetallic inorganic material particles , wherein a plurality of metal phases having different saturated magnetization exist , and the nonmetallic inorganic material particles are dispersed in the respective metal phases , a metal phase having the highest saturated magnetization among the plurality of metal phases having different saturated magnetization is in a form of a dispersed material , and the remaining metal phases are in the form of a dispersion medium.2. (canceled)3. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the metal phase having the highest saturated magnetization has a size of 30 μm or more and 250 μm or less claim 1 , and an average aspect ratio of 1:2 to 1:10.4. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the nonmetallic inorganic material particles are an oxide claim 3 , a nitride claim 3 , a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Ceramic, graded resistivity monolith using the ceramic, and method of making

Номер: US20130135078A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

According to one embodiment, a monolithic cassette with graded electrical resistivity is presented. The monolithic cassette has a continuous grain structure between a first end and a second end; wherein electrical resistivity of the monolithic cassette is graded such that the resistance varies continuously from the first end to the second end. Methods and compositions for forming the monolithic cassette are also presented.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of generating high purity bismuth oxide

Номер: US20130136919A1
Принадлежит: Intermolecular Inc

A method for forming and protecting high quality bismuth oxide films comprises depositing a transparent thin film on a substrate comprising one of Si, alkali metals, or alkaline earth metals. The transparent thin film is stable at room temperature and at higher temperatures and serves as a diffusion barrier for the diffusion of impurities from the substrate into the bismuth oxide. Reactive sputtering, sputtering from a compound target, or reactive evaporation are used to deposit a bismuth oxide film above the diffusion barrier.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136921A1
Принадлежит: Intermolecular Inc.

A method for forming and protecting high quality bismuth oxide films comprises depositing a transparent thin film on a substrate comprising one of Si, alkali metals, or alkaline earth metals. The transparent thin film is stable at room temperature and at higher temperatures and serves as a diffusion barrier for the diffusion of impurities from the substrate into the bismuth oxide. Reactive sputtering, sputtering from a compound target, or reactive evaporation are used to deposit a bismuth oxide film above the diffusion barrier. 1. A device structure comprising:a transparent substrate, wherein the transparent substrate comprises glass, and wherein the substrate comprises at least one of Si or alkali metals, or alkaline earth metals;a first layer, wherein the first layer is transparent and wherein the first layer is operable as a diffusion barrier, and wherein the first layer is one of a transparent conductive oxide material or a dielectric material; anda bismuth oxide layer.2. The device structure of wherein the first layer is at least one of SnO claim 1 , Al-doped tin oxide (Al:SnOx) claim 1 , Mg-doped tin oxide (Mg:SnOx) SnZnO claim 1 , tin-doped aluminum oxide (Sn:AlOx) claim 1 , tin-doped magnesium oxide (Sn:MgOx) claim 1 , indium tin oxide (ITO) claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , SiTiO claim 1 , or SiN.3. The device structure of wherein the first layer is TiO.4. The device structure of wherein the first layer has a thickness between about 0.5 nm and about 100 nm.5. The device structure of wherein the first layer has a thickness between about 3 nm and about 15 nm.6. The device structure of wherein the thickness of the first layer is about 10 nm.7. The device structure of wherein the bismuth oxide layer has a thickness between about 10 nm and about 1000 nm.8. The device structure of wherein the bismuth oxide layer has a thickness of about 100 nm.9. The device structure of wherein the bismuth oxide layer has a thickness between about 10 nm and about 1000 nm.10. The device ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136949A1

The present invention provides an Al alloy film that, in a production step of a thin-film transistor substrate, reflective film, reflective anode, touch panel sensor, or the like, can effectively prevent corrosion such as pinhole corrosion (black dots) or corrosion of the Al alloy surface when immersed in a sodium chloride solution, has superior corrosion resistance, is able to suppress hillock formation, and has superior heat resistance. The Al alloy thin film is used as a reflective film or a wiring film on a substrate, and contains 0.01-0.5 at % of Ta and/or Ti and 0.05-2.0 at % of a rare earth element. 1. An Al alloy film , comprising:from 0.01 to 0.5 at. % of Ta, Ti, or a mixture thereof; andfrom 0.05 to 2.0 at. % of a rare earth element.2. The Al alloy film according to claim 1 , wherein the rare earth element is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nd claim 1 , La claim 1 , and Gd.3. The Al alloy film according to claim 1 , wherein when the Al alloy film is immersed in a 1% aqueous sodium chloride solution at 25° C. for 2 hours and a surface of the Al alloy film is observed with an optical microscope at a magnification of 1000 claim 1 , a fraction of a corroded area in an Al alloy film surface relative to a total area of the Al alloy film surface is suppressed to 10% or less.4. A wiring structure claim 1 , comprising:a substrate;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the Al alloy film according to ; and'}a transparent conductive film,wherein from the substrate side,the Al alloy film and the transparent conductive film are formed in that order, orthe transparent conductive film and the Al alloy film are formed in that order.5. The wiring structure according to claim 4 , wherein the Al alloy film is directly connected to the transparent conductive film.6. The wiring structure according to claim 4 ,wherein the Al alloy film and the transparent conductive film are formed in that order from the substrate side, andwherein when an ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140175A1

A field effect transistor including a semiconductor layer including a composite oxide which contains In, Zn, and one or more elements X selected from the group consisting of Zr, Hf, Ge, Si, Ti, Mn, W, Mo, V, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Cr, Nb, Al, B, Sc, Y and lanthanoids in the following atomic ratios (1) to (3): 1. A target comprising a composite oxide which comprises In , Zn , and one or more elements X selected from the group consisting of Zr , Hf , Ge , Si , Ti , Mn , W , Mo , V , Cu , Ni , Co , Fe , Cr , Nb , Al , B , Sc , Y , La , Ce , Pr , Nd , Sm , Eu , Gd , Tb , Dy , Ho , Er , Tm , Yb and Lu in the following atomic ratios (1) to (3):{'br': None, 'In/(In+Zn)=0.2 to 0.8\u2003\u2003(1)'}{'br': None, 'In/(In+X)=0.29 to 0.99\u2003\u2003(2)'}{'br': None, 'Zn/(X+Zn)=0.29 to 0.99\u2003\u2003(3).'}2. The target according to claim 1 , wherein In/(In+Zn)=0.3 to 0.75 claim 1 , In/(In+X)=0.59 to 0.98 claim 1 , and Zn/(X+Zn)=0.45 to 0.98.3. The target according to claim 1 , wherein In/(In+Zn)=0.35 to 0.7 claim 1 , In/(In+X)=0.6 to 0.97 claim 1 , and Zn/(X+Zn)=0.6 to 0.98.4. The target according to claim 1 , comprising a composite oxide which comprises In claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , and one or more elements X selected from the group consisting of Zr claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Al claim 1 , B claim 1 , Sc claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Sm claim 1 , Eu claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Tb claim 1 , Dy claim 1 , Er claim 1 , Tm claim 1 , Yb and Lu.5. The target according to claim 1 , comprising a composite oxide which comprises In claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , and one or more elements X selected from the group consisting of Zr claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Al claim 1 , B claim 1 , Sc claim 1 , and Y.6. The target according to claim 1 , ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140502A1

An oxide sintered body including an oxide of indium (In), gallium (Ga), and positive trivalent and/or positive tetravalent metal X, wherein the amount of the metal X relative to the total amount of In and Ga is 100 to 10000 ppm (weight). 1. An oxide sintered body comprising an oxide of indium (In) , gallium (Ga) , and positive trivalent and/or positive tetravalent metal X , whereinthe amount of the metal X relative to the total amount of In and Ga is 100 to 10000 ppm (weight).2. The oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the metal X is one or more selected from Sn claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ge and Hf.3. The oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the metal X comprises Sn.4. The oxide sintered body according to any of claim 1 , wherein an atomic ratio Ga/(Ga+In) is 0.005 to 0.15.5. The oxide sintered body according to any of claim 1 , wherein the bulk resistivity is 10 mΩcm or less.6. The oxide sintered body according to any of claim 1 , wherein the particle size of dispersed gallium is 1 μm or less.7. The oxide sintered body according to any of claim 1 , wherein gallium and metal X are dispersed in the solid-solution state in the bixbyite structure of InO.8. A method for producing the oxide sintered body according to any of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:mixing indium compound powder having an average particle size of less than 2 μm, gallium compound powder having an average particle size of less than 2 μm and metal X compound powder having an average particle size of less than 2 μm such that the atomic ratio Ga/(In+Ga) becomes 0.001 to 0.10 and the amount of the metal X relative to the total amount of In and Ga becomes 100 to 10000 ppm;shaping the mixture to prepare a shaped body; andfiring the shaped body at 1200 to 1600° C. for 2 to 96 hours.9. The method for producing an oxide sintered body according to claim 8 , wherein the firing is conducted in the atmosphere of oxygen or under pressure.10. A sputtering target comprising the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods of producing deformed metal articles

Номер: US20130149553A1
Принадлежит: Global Advanced Metals USA Inc

A method of making metal articles as well as sputtering targets is described, which involves deforming an ingot to preferred dimensions. In addition, products made by the process of the present invention are further described.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Multilayer transparent electroconductive film and method for manufacturing same, as well as thin-film solar cell and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130153024A1

A multilayer transparent electroconductive film is obtained by stacking a transparent electroconductive film (II) on a transparent electroconductive film (I), and in this structure, the transparent electroconductive film (I) contains one or more added elements selected from aluminum and gallium, and the content of the added elements is in a range represented by −2.18×[Al]+1.74≦[Ga]≦−1.92×[Al]+6.10. The transparent electroconductive film (II) contains one or more added elements selected from aluminum and gallium, and the content of the added elements is in a range represented by −[Al]+0.30≦[Ga]≦−2.68×[Al]+1.74. In this case, [Al] is the aluminum content expressed as the atomic ratio (%) Al/(Zn+Al) and [Ga] is the gallium content expressed as the atomic ratio (%) Ga/(Zn+Ga).

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Fe-Pt-Based Ferromagnetic Material Sputtering Target

Номер: US20130168240A1

An Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target comprising a metal and a metal oxide, wherein the metal has a composition in which Pt is contained in an amount of 5 mol % or more and 60 mol % or less and the remainder is Fe. An object of the present invention is to provide a ferromagnetic material sputtering target, which enables to form a magnetic recording layer composed of a magnetic phase such as an Fe—Pt alloy, and a non-magnetic phase to isolate the magnetic phase, and in which a metal oxide is used as one of the materials for the non-magnetic phase. Provided is a ferromagnetic material sputtering target wherein an inadvertent release of the metal oxide during sputtering and particle generation due to abnormal electrical discharge starting at a void inherently included in the target are suppressed, the adherence between the metal oxide and the matrix alloy is enhanced, and its density is increased. 1. An Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target comprising a metal and a metal oxide , wherein the metal has a composition in which Pt is contained in an amount of 5 mol % or more and 60 mol % or less , one or more elements selected from B , C , Ru , Ag , Au , and Cu are contained as an additive element in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more and 20 mol % or less , and the remainder is Fe.2. The Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein a value of wettability for a molten metal of the metal oxide is 25 (J/molK) or less.3. The Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein a content ratio of the metal oxide is 15 to 70 vol %.4. The Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the metal oxide having a grain size between 0.1 and 50 μm is dispersed in a matrix of the metal.5. The Fe—Pt-based ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 4 , wherein the metal oxide refers to one or more oxides selected from Zr claim 4 , Mg claim ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175167A1
Автор: Ikeda Yuki, Takami Hideo

Provided is a ferromagnetic sputtering target having a composition containing 20 mol % or less of Cr, 5 to 30 mol % of Pt, 5 to 15 mol % of SiO, 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn, with Co as a remainder thereof, wherein the Sn is contained in SiOparticles (B) dispersed in a metal substrate (A). The method yields a ferromagnetic sputtering target containing dispersed nonmagnetic particles. The target can prevent the abnormal electrical discharge of oxides which causes the generation of particles during sputtering. 1. A ferromagnetic sputtering target having a composition containing 20 mol % or less of Cr , 5 to 30 mol % of Pt , 5 to 15 mol % of SiO , 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn , and Co as a remainder thereof , wherein the Sn is contained in Sioparticles (B) dispersed in a metal substrate (A).2515. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in addition to the SiO claim 1 , one or more types of oxides selected from TiO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , CrO claim 1 , TaO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , BO claim 1 , CoO claim 1 , and CoOare contained in an amount of to mol % claim 1 , the oxides are dispersed in the metal substrate (A) claim 1 , and the Sn is contained in the oxides.3. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein one or more types of elements selected from Ru claim 2 , B claim 2 , and Ta are contained in an amount of 0.5 to 10 mol %.4. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein a relative density is 97% or higher.5. A method of producing a ferromagnetic sputtering target claim 3 , wherein SiOpowder and SnOpowder or Sn powder are blended and mixed in advance to achieve a composition of 20 mol % or less of Cr claim 3 , 5 to 30 mol % of Pt claim 3 , 5 to 15 mol % of SiO claim 3 , 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn claim 3 , and Co as a remainder thereof claim 3 , Co powder claim 3 , Cr powder claim 3 , and Pt powder similarly blended to achieve the composition are mixed with the mixed powder claim 3 , and the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192986A1

Provided are a method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder, by which a high quality Cu—Ga alloy powder to be produced readily; a Cu—Ga alloy powder; a method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target; and a Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target. Specifically, a Cu—Ga alloy powder is produced by stirring a mixed powder containing a Cu powder and a Ga in a mass ratio of 85:15 to 55:45 at a temperature of 30 to 700° C. in an inert atmosphere thereby accomplishing alloying. Also a Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target is produced by molding the Cu—Ga alloy powder followed by sintering. 1. A method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder comprising stirring a mixed powder containing a Cu powder and a Ga in a mass ratio of 85:15 to 55:45 at a temperature of 30 to 700° C. in an inert atmosphere thereby accomplishing alloying.2. The method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the mixed powder is stirred at a temperature of 30° C. or higher and below 400° C. in an inert atmosphere and a Cu—Ga binary alloy layer is formed on the surface of the Cu powder.3. The method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the mixed powder is stirred at a temperature of 400° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower in an inert atmosphere and a Cu—Ga binary alloy is formed inside of the Cu powder.4. The method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the mixed powder is stirred at a temperature of 30° C. or higher and below 400° C. in an inert atmosphere thereby accomplishing alloying and the resultant alloyed powder is subjected to a heat treatment at a temperature of 400° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower in an inert atmosphere.5. The method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein a mean particle size of the Cu powder is 1 to 300 μm.6. A Cu—Ga alloy powder produced by the method according to .7. A method for producing a Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target claim 1 , the method comprising:a preparation step for preparing ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199929A1
Принадлежит: Plansee Se

A coating source for physical vapor deposition has at least one component, which has been produced from at least one pulverulent starting material in a powder metallurgy production process and at least one ferromagnetic region embedded in the component. The at least one ferromagnetic region, is introduced into the component and fixedly connected to the component during the powder metallurgy production process. 113-. (canceled)14. A coating source for physical vapor deposition , comprising:at least one component formed in a powder-metallurgical production process from at least one pulverulent starting material; andat least one ferromagnetic region embedded in said at least one component, said at least one ferromagnetic region having been introduced into said at least one component and fixedly connected to said at least one component in the powder-metallurgical production process.15. The coating source according to claim 14 , wherein said at least one ferromagnetic region includes at least one region made of ferromagnetic material introduced in powder form in the powder-metallurgical production process.16. The coating source according to claim 14 , wherein said at least one ferromagnetic region comprises at least one permanent-magnetic region.17. The coating source according to claim 14 , wherein said at least one ferromagnetic region comprises at least one ferromagnetic body introduced in the powder-metallurgical production process.18. The coating source according to claim 14 , wherein the coating source comprises a target and the at least one ferromagnetic region is arranged in the target.19. The coating source according to claim 14 , comprising a target and a back plate fixedly connected to said target and configured for thermal coupling to a cooled support of a coating facility claim 14 , and said at least one ferromagnetic region being arranged in one or both of said target or said back plate.20. The coating source according to claim 14 , comprising a target and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206038A1

[Problem to be Solved] 1. A low-friction ZnO coating comprising (002) and (103) planes , and further comprising (100) , (101) , (102) , and (104) planes in lower proportions than those of the (002) and (103) planes.2. The low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 1 , wherein the coating is prepared by sputtering using a zinc target in a sputter gas environment claim 1 , wherein the sputter gas comprises an inert gas and oxygen gas claim 1 , and an oxygen gas ratio is controlled.3. The low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a nonpolar molecule liquid claim 1 , the coating has a lower friction coefficient than an uncoated object.4. The low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 2 , wherein when the oxygen gas ratio is controlled to be higher than 59% and lower than 61% claim 2 , the coating has a lower friction in a vacuum than in the atmosphere.5. The low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 2 , wherein when the oxygen gas ratio is controlled to be 10% or 30 to 100% claim 2 , the coating has a lower friction in the atmosphere than an uncoated object.6. The low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 2 , wherein when the oxygen gas ratio is controlled to be 60 to 80% claim 2 , the friction coefficient is reduced with increases in normal load and number of sliding cycles in friction measurements with a ball-on-plate tribometer in a nonpolar molecule solution.7. A method for preparing a low-friction ZnO coating claim 2 , comprising: sputtering using a zinc target in a sputter gas environment claim 2 , wherein the sputter gas comprises an inert gas and oxygen gas claim 2 , and an oxygen gas ratio is controlled.8. The method for preparing a low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 7 , wherein the sputtering is radio-frequency magnetron sputtering.9. The method for preparing a low-friction ZnO coating according to claim 7 , wherein the ZnO coating is formed on a stainless steel substrate.10. The method for preparing a low-friction ZnO ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Manufacture of High Density Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Sputtering Target

Номер: US20130206590A1
Автор: Baluch Dotsen

A process for manufacturing indium tin oxide (ITO) sputtering targets is provided. The process includes: precipitating indium and tin hydroxides, calcining the hydroxides to produce granulated ITO powder, preparing an aqueous slurry of the ITO powder with additives such as special sintering aids, dispersing agent and binders, milling the slurry to obtain a slip, preparing compacted ITO green bodies by casting the slip using porous molds or drying the slip to yield granulated ITO powder and cold isostatic pressing the powder, and sintering the green body to yield ITO target of high density greater than 99% of theoretical. 1. A method of producing a high density ITO target , comprising forming an aqueous slip of ITO powder with ITO powder content greater than 80% by weight , said slip comprising one or more sintering aids in the form of one or more compounds of arsenic , antimony , bismuth , selenium , tellurium and/or boron.2. A method according to where one of the sintering aids is arsenic(III) oxide in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of dry ITO powder.3. A method according to or claim 1 , where one of the sintering aids is antimony(III) oxide in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of dry ITO powder.4. A method according to claim 1 , or claim 1 , where one of the sintering aids is bismuth(III) oxide in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of dry ITO powder.5. A method according to any preceding claim claim 1 , where one of the sintering aids is boric acid in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of dry ITO powder.6. A method according to any preceding claim claim 1 , where one of the sintering aids is tellurium(IV) oxide in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of dry ITO powder.7. A method according to any preceding claim claim 1 , where one of the sintering aids is bismuth(III) oxide in a concentration between 0.001% and 1% by weight of ITO powder.8. A method according to any preceding claim claim 1 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Sputtering Target for Magnetic Recording Film and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20130206591A1

Provided is a sputtering target for a magnetic recording film containing SiO, wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains B (boron) in an amount of 10 to 1000 wtppm. An object of this invention is to obtain a sputtering target for a magnetic recording film capable of inhibiting the formation of cristobalites in the target which cause the generation of particles during sputtering, shortening the burn-in time, and realizing a stable discharge with a magnetron sputtering device. 1. A sputtering target for a magnetic recording film containing SiO , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains B (boron) in an amount of 10 to 1000 wtppm.2. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film is made from Cr in an amount of 20 mol % or less claim 1 , SiOin an amount of 1 mol % or more and 20 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being Co.3. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film is made from Cr in an amount of 20 mol % or less claim 1 , Pt in an amount of 1 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less claim 1 , SiOin an amount of 1 mol % or more and 20 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being Co.4. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film is made from Fe in an amount of 50 mol % or less claim 1 , Pt in an amount of 50 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being SiO.5. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 4 , additionally containing one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 4 , V claim 4 , Mn claim 4 , Zr claim 4 , Nb claim 4 , Ru claim 4 , Mo claim 4 , Ta claim 4 , and W in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more and 10 mol % or less.6. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 5 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206593A1

Provided is a ferromagnetic material sputtering target comprising a metal having a composition that Cr is contained in an amount of 20 mol % or less, Ru is contained in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less, and the remainder is Co, wherein the target has a structure including a base metal (A) and, within the base metal (A), a Co—Ru alloy phase (B) containing 35 mol % or more of Ru. The present invention provides a ferromagnetic material sputtering target that can improve leakage magnetic flux to allow stable discharge with a magnetron sputtering apparatus. 1. A ferromagnetic material sputtering target comprising a metal having a composition that Cr is contained in an amount of 20 mol % or less , Ru is contained in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less , and the remainder is Co , wherein the target has a structure including a base metal (A) and , within the base metal (A) , a Co—Ru alloy phase (B) containing 35 mol % or more of Ru.2. A ferromagnetic material sputtering target comprising a metal having a composition that Cr is contained in an amount of 20 mol % or less , Ru is contained in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less , Pt is contained in an amount of 0.5 mol % or more , and the remainder is Co , wherein the target has a structure including a base metal (A) and , within the base metal (A) , a Co—Ru alloy phase (B) containing 35 mol % or more of Ru.3. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein 0.5 mol % or more and 10 mol % or less of at least one element selected from the group consisting of B claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , V claim 2 , Mn claim 2 , Zr claim 2 , Nb claim 2 , Mo claim 2 , Ta claim 2 , W claim 2 , Si claim 2 , and Al is contained as additive element.4. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the base metal (A) contains at least one inorganic material component selected from the group consisting of carbon claim 3 , oxides claim 3 , nitrides ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Sintered body, sputtering target and molding die, and process for producing sintered body employing the same

Номер: US20130213801A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is an apparatus that includes a molding die for producing a sintered body. The molding die is configured for cold isostatic pressing and includes a knockdown mold frame comprised of plural frame members and a bottom plate provided in contact with the knockdown mold frame. An upper punch is provided to be movable along the inner surface of the knockdown mold frame. The frame members configured to be movable relative to each other to accommodate an expansion of a green body which takes place at the time of reducing the pressure after the completion of pressing.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220796A1

A composite target and method for manufacturing the same are described, which manufactures the composite target according an etching condition of a waste target. The waste target is generated after an original target at least haying a substrate layer and a metal layer is processed through a sputtering process by a sputtering apparatus with a first magnetic field line distribution. By determining the etching condition caused by the first magnetic field line distribution, a magnetic layer with a second magnetic field line distribution is decided to dispose on the original target. The metal layer is formed on the substrate layer and/or the magnetic layer. The substrate layer, the magnetic layer and the metal layer are combined by a connection layer to form the composite target. The composite target can provide the second magnetic field line distribution to adjust the first magnetic field line distribution. 1. A method for manufacturing a composite target , which manufactures the composite target according an etching condition of a waste target , wherein the waste target is generated after an original target at least having a substrate layer and a metal layer is processed through a sputtering process by a sputtering apparatus with a first magnetic field line distribution , and the method includes:determining the etching condition of the waste target caused by the first magnetic field line distribution to decide a second magnetic field line distribution, wherein the second magnetic field line distribution is used to adjust the first magnetic field line distribution applied on the composite target while being disposed on the sputtering apparatus;disposing a magnetic layer corresponding to the second magnetic field line distribution on the substrate layer of the original target;disposing the metal layer on the magnetic layer and the substrate layer; anddisposing a connection layer among the substrate layer, the magnetic layer and the metal layer to combine the substrate ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220803A1
Автор: Nakahata Motomu
Принадлежит: ULVAC, INC.

[Problem] To suppress the generation of particles by reducing the average particle diameter to several dozen μm or less. 1. A method of producing a tungsten target , comprising:producing a preform compact having a relative density of from 70% or more to 90% or less and an oxygen content of from 100 ppm or more to 500 ppm or less, andsintering the preform compact by a hot isostatic pressing method at a temperature of from 1700° C. or more to 1850° C. or less.2. The method of producing the tungsten target according to claim 1 , wherein a sintering temperature of the preform compact is 1700° C. or more to 1750° C. or less.3. A tungsten target claim 1 , produced by the method according to .4. A tungsten target having an average particle diameter of 20 μm or less with standard deviation of 10 μm or less claim 1 , having a relative density of 99% or more claim 1 , and an oxygen content of 10 ppm or less.5. The tungsten target according to claim 4 , wherein the average particle diameter is 15 μm or less. The present invention relates to a tungsten target formed of a tungsten powder sintered compact and a method of producing the same.In recent years, tungsten having heat resistance and low resistance characteristics is widely used as a wiring material and an electrode material in the semiconductor manufacturing art. A tungsten film is typically formed by a sputtering method. In the sputtering film formation of the tungsten film, argon ions produced by plasma discharge are collided with a tungsten target to knock tungsten fine particles out from a surface of the target and to deposit the tungsten fine particles on a substrate disposed facing to the target. At this time, it is known that there is a great problem in the process that particles produced from the surface of the target attach on the substrate to decrease properties of the film. Accordingly, a tungsten target having fine and uniform crystal grains and a high relative density is necessary for stably forming a high ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Ferromagnetic Material Sputtering Target

Номер: US20130220804A1

Provided is a ferromagnetic material sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 5 mol % or more of Pt and the balance of Co, wherein the target has a structure including a metal base (A) and a phase (B) of a Co—Pt alloy containing 40 to 76 mol % of Pt in the metal base (A). Further provided is a ferromagnetic material sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 5 mol % or more of Pt, 20 mol % or less of Cr, and the balance of Co, wherein the target has a structure including a metal base (A) and a phase (B) of a Co—Pt alloy containing 40 to 76 mol % of Pt in the metal base (A). The present invention provides a ferromagnetic material sputtering target that can improve the leakage magnetic flux to allow stable discharge with a magnetron sputtering device. 1. A ferromagnetic material sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 5 mol % or more of Pt and the balance of Co , wherein the target has a structure including a metal base (A) and a phase (B) of a Co—Pt alloy containing 40 to 76 mol % of Pt in the metal base (A) , and the phase (B) has a particle diameter of 10 μm or more and 150 μm or less.2. A ferromagnetic material sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 5 mol % or more of Pt , 20 mol % or less of Cr , and the balance of Co , wherein the target has a structure including a metal base (A) and a phase (B) of a Co—Pt alloy containing 40 to 76 mol % of Pt in the metal base (A) , and the phase (B) has a particle diameter of 10 μm or more and 150 μm or less.3. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 2 , further comprising 0.5 mol % or more and 10 mol % or less of at least one element selected from B claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , V claim 2 , Mn claim 2 , Zr claim 2 , Nb claim 2 , Ru claim 2 , Mo claim 2 , Ta claim 2 , W claim 2 , Si claim 2 , and Al as additional elements.4. The ferromagnetic material sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the metal base (A) contains at least one inorganic ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224059A1

In various embodiments, planar sputtering targets are produced by forming a billet at least by pressing molybdenum powder in a mold and sintering the pressed powder, working the billet to form a worked billet, heat treating the worked billet, working the worked billet to form a final billet, and heat treating the final billet. 1110.-. (canceled)111. A method of making a planar sputtering target comprising:{'sub': 'o', 'forming a billet having a diameter D, the formation comprising pressing molybdenum powder in a mold and sintering the pressed powder;'}{'sub': 2', 'o, 'working the billet to form a worked billet having a diameter Dsmaller than D;'}heat treating the worked billet;{'sub': f', '2, 'working the worked billet to form a final billet having a diameter Dlarger than D; and'}heat treating the final billet.112. The method of claim 111 , wherein the powder is pressed at a pressure selected from the range of 200 MPa to 275 MPa.113. The method of claim 111 , wherein the powder is pressed at a pressure of at least 100 MPa.114. The method of claim 111 , wherein pressed powder is sintered at a temperature of at least 1785° C.115. The method of claim 111 , wherein pressed powder is sintered at a temperature selected from the range of 1785° C. to 2200° C.116. The method of claim 111 , wherein a ratio of Dto Dis at least 3:1.117. The method of claim 111 , wherein a ratio of Dto Dis selected from the range of 3:1 to 5:1.118. The method of claim 111 , wherein the worked billet is heat treated at a temperature selected from the range of 800° C. to 1300° C.119. The method of claim 111 , wherein the powder is pressed isostatically.120. The method of claim 111 , wherein the pressed powder is sintered in hydrogen.121. The method of claim 111 , wherein working the billet comprises extruding the billet.122. The method of claim 121 , wherein the billet is extruded at a temperature of at least 900° C.123. The method of claim 121 , wherein the billet is extruded at a temperature ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233706A1

There is provided an Al-based alloy sputtering target, which can provide an enhanced deposition rate (or sputtering rate) when the sputtering target is used, and which can preferably prevent the occurrence of splashes. The Al-based alloy sputtering target of the present invention includes Ta and may preferably include an Al—Ta-based intermetallic compound containing Al and Ta, which compound has a mean particle diameter of from 0.005 μm to 1.0 μm and a mean interparticle distance of from 0.01 μm to 10.0 μm. 1. An Al-based alloy sputtering target comprising Ta.2. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , comprising an Al—Ta-based intermetallic compound comprising Al and Ta claim 1 , which compound has a mean particle diameter of from 0.005 μm to 1.0 μm and a mean interparticle distance of from 0.01 μm to 10.0 μm.3. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 2 , having an oxygen content of from 0.01 atomic % to 0.2 atomic %.4. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one element selected fromthe group consisting of a rare earth element, Fe, Co, Ni, Ge, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Cr, Mo, W, Si, and Mg.5. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 3 , further comprising a rare earth element.6. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 3 , further comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Fe claim 3 , Co claim 3 , Ni claim 3 , and Ge.7. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 5 , further comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Fe claim 5 , Co claim 5 , Ni claim 5 , and Ge.8. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 6 , further comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 6 , Zr claim 6 , Hf claim 6 , V claim 6 , Nb claim 6 , Cr claim 6 , Mo claim 6 , and W.9. The Al-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 7 , further comprising at least one ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234081A1

This oxide sintered compact is obtained by mixing and sintering powders of zinc oxide, tin oxide and indium oxide. As determined by X-ray diffractometry of this oxide sintered compact, the oxide sintered compact has a ZnSnOphase as the main phase and contains an In/InO—ZnSnOsolid solution wherein In and/or InOis solid-solved in ZnSnO, but a ZnInOphase (wherein x, y and z each represents an arbitrary positive integer) is not detected. Consequently, the present invention was able to provide an oxide sintered compact which is suitable for use in the production of an oxide semiconductor film for display devices and has both high electrical conductivity and high relative density. The oxide sintered compact is capable of forming an oxide semiconductor film that has high carrier mobility. 1. An oxide sintered compact obtained by a method comprising mixing and sintering powders of zinc oxide , tin oxide , and indium oxide ,wherein the oxide sintered compact comprises:{'sub': 2', '4, 'a ZnSnOphase as a main phase;'}{'sub': 2', '3', '3', '3', '2', '3, 'an In/InO—SnOsolid solution comprising ZnSnO, and dissolved therein, In, InO, or both; and'}{'sub': x', 'y', 'z, 'substantially no ZnInOphase,'}wherein x, y, and z are each independently a positive integer detected upon X-ray diffractometry.2. The oxide sintered compact of claim 1 , wherein the oxide sintered compact comprises metal elements Zn claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , and In in contents claim 1 , by atomic percent claim 1 , of [Zn] claim 1 , [Sn] claim 1 , and [In]; anda ratio of[In]/([Zn]+[Sn]+[In]) is from 0.01 to 0.30,[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.50 to 0.75, and[Sn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.25 to 0.50.3. The oxide sintered compact of claim 2 , wherein the ratio of[In]/([Zn]+[Sn]+[In]) is from 0.10 to 0.30,[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.50 to 0.67,[Sn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.33 to 0.50.4. The oxide sintered compact of claim 1 , wherein the oxide sintered compact has a maximum peak intensity of Iin a (311) plane of the ZnSnOphase and a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Composite target sputtering for forming doped phase change materials

Номер: US20130234093A1

A layer of phase change material with silicon or another semiconductor, or a silicon-based or other semiconductor-based additive, is formed using a composite sputter target including the silicon or other semiconductor, and the phase change material. The concentration of silicon or other semiconductor is more than five times greater than the specified concentration of silicon or other semiconductor in the layer being formed. For silicon-based additive in GST-type phase change materials, sputter target may comprise more than 40 at % silicon. Silicon-based or other semiconductor-based additives can be formed using the composite sputter target with a flow of reactive gases, such as oxygen or nitrogen, in the sputter chamber during the deposition.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248351A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologie, LLC.

This invention relates to a method of refurbishing sputter targets comprising: providing a sputter target comprising a temperature sensitive alloy, having regions depleted of material; providing a powder having a first phase comprising the desired temperature sensitive alloy onto the surface; and pressing the powder onto the surface to form a refurbished target, at temperatures lower than that which would damage the temperature sensitive alloy. 1. A method comprising:providing a sputter target comprising copper and indium having a surface with at least one region depleted of material;providing a powder having a first phase comprising copper and indium onto the surface on at least the at least one region depleted of material; andcold isostatic pressing the powder onto the surface to form a refurbished target.2. The method of where in the sputter target comprises at least one phase having both copper and indium in the phase.3. The method of wherein the sputter target further comprises one or more of gallium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , sodium claim 1 , selenium claim 1 , sulfur and oxygen.4. The method of wherein the first phase in the powder comprises at least copper claim 1 , indium and gallium and the atomic ratio of gallium plus indium to copper is from 0.5:1 to 2:1.5. The method of wherein the first phase comprises at least 3% by weight of the powder.6. The method of wherein the first phase comprises at least 10% by weight of the powder.7. The method of wherein the temperature during pressing is less than 500° C.8. The method of wherein the temperature is less than 150° C.9. The method of further comprising at least one of providing a surface treatment to the depleted regions prior to applying the powder claim 1 , or applying a material that will form a bond or indicator layer prior to applying the powder.10. The method of further comprising sputtering from the refurbished target to form a film.11. The method of wherein the standard deviation of the atomic ratio ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Sputtering Target for Magnetic Recording Film and Process for Production Thereof

Номер: US20130248362A1

A sputtering target for a magnetic recording film containing SiO, wherein a peak strength ratio of a (011) plane of quartz relative to a background strength (i.e. quartz peak strength/background strength) in an X-ray diffraction is 1.40 or more. An object of this invention is to obtain a sputtering target for a magnetic recording film capable of inhibiting the formation of cristobalites in the target which cause the generation of particles during sputtering, shortening the burn-in time, magnetically and finely separating the single-domain particles after deposition, and improving the recording density. 1. A sputtering target for a magnetic recording film containing SiO , wherein a peak strength ratio of a (011) plane of quartz relative to a background strength (i.e. quartz peak strength/background strength) in an X-ray diffraction is 1.40 or more.2. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains Cr in an amount of 20 mol % or less (excluding 0 mol %) claim 1 , SiOin an amount of 1 mol % or more and 20 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being Co.3. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains Cr in an amount of 20 mol % or less (excluding 0 mol %) claim 1 , Pt in an amount of 1 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less claim 1 , SiOin an amount of 1 mol % or more and 20 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being Co.4. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains Pt in an amount of 5 mol % or more and 60 mol % or less claim 1 , SiOin an amount of 20 mol % or less claim 1 , and remainder being Fe.5. The sputtering target for a magnetic recording film according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target for a magnetic recording film contains Pt in an amount of 5 mol % or more and 60 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Oxide for semiconductor layer of thin-film transistor, sputtering target, and thin-film transistor

Номер: US20130248855A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd, Samsung Display Co Ltd

This oxide for a semiconductor layer of a thin-film transistor contains Zn, Sn and In, and the content (at %) of the metal elements contained in the oxide satisfies formulas (1) to (3) when denoted as [Zn], [Sn] and [In], respectively. [In]/([In]+[Zn]+[Sn])≧−0.53×[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn])+0.36 (1) [In]/([In]+[Zn]+[Sn])≧2.28×[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn])−2.01 (2) [In]/([In]+[Zn]+[Sn])≦1.1×[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn])−0.32 (3) The present invention enables a thin-film transistor oxide that achieves high mobility and has excellent stress resistance (negligible threshold voltage shift before and after applying stress) to be provided.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264200A1

Planar or tubular sputtering targets made of a silver base alloy and at least one further alloy component selected from indium, tin, antimony, and bismuth accounting jointly for a weight fraction of 0.01 to 5.0% by weight are known. However, moving on to ever larger targets, spark discharges are evident and often lead to losses especially in the production of large and high-resolution displays having comparatively small pixels. For producing a sputtering target with a large surface area on the basis of a silver alloy of this type, which has a surface area of more than 0.3 mas a planar sputtering target and has a length of at least 1.0 m as a tubular sputtering target, and in which the danger of spark discharges is reduced and thus a sputtering process with comparatively high power density is made feasible, the invention proposes that the silver base alloy has a crystalline structure with a mean grain size of less than 120 μm, an oxygen content of less than 50 wt.-ppm, a content of the impurity elements, aluminium, lithium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, barium, and chromium, each of less than 0.5 wt.-ppm, and a metallic purity of at least 99.99% by weight. 1. A sputtering target comprising a silver base alloy and at least one further alloy component selected from indium , tin , antimony , and bismuth , wherein the at least one further alloy component is present in a total weight fraction of 0.01 to 5.0% by weight , and having a crystalline structure with a mean grain size of less than 120 μm , an oxygen content of less than 50 wt.-ppm , a content of the impurity elements , aluminium , lithium , sodium , calcium , magnesium , barium , and chromium , each of less than 0.5 wt.-ppm , and a metallic purity of at least 99.99% by weight , with the proviso that when the sputtering target is planar the target has a surface area of more than 0.3 m , and with the proviso that when the sputtering target is tubular the target has length of at least 1.0 m.2. The sputtering target ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Indium Sputtering Target And Method For Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20130270108A1

An indium sputtering target with a short time to attain a stable film deposition rate once sputtering has begun is provided. An indium sputtering target having a surface to be sputtered with an arithmetic average roughness Ra of from 5 μm to 70 μm prior to sputtering. 1. An indium sputtering target having a surface to be sputtered with an arithmetic average roughness Ra of from 5 μm to 70 μm prior to sputtering.2. An indium sputtering target having a surface to be sputtered with a ten point average roughness Rzjis of from 100 μm to 400 μm prior to sputtering.3. An indium sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein a decrease in film deposition rate after ten hours is 30% or less compared with an initial film deposition rate.4. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 1 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using dry ice particle blasting.5. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 2 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using dry ice particle blasting.6. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 3 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using dry ice particle blasting.7. An indium sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein a decrease in film deposition rate after ten hours is 30% or less compared with an initial film deposition rate.8. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 1 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using an abrasive paper having a grain size of #60 or greater.9. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 2 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using an abrasive paper having a grain size of #60 or greater.10. A method of manufacturing an indium sputtering target according to claim 3 , comprising a step of treating a surface to be sputtered using an abrasive paper having a grain size of #60 ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273346A1

The present invention provides a gallium nitride sintered body and a gallium nitride molded article which have high density and low oxygen content without using a special apparatus. According to the first embodiment, a gallium nitride sintered body, which is characterized by having density of 2.5 g/cmto less than 5.0 g/cmand an intensity ratio of the gallium oxide peak of the (002) plane to the gallium nitride peak of the (002) plane of less than 3%, which is determined by X-ray diffraction analysis, can be obtained. According to the second embodiment, a metal gallium-impregnated gallium nitride molded article, which is characterized by comprising a gallium nitride phase and a metal gallium phase that exist as separate phases and having a molar ratio, Ga/(Ga+N), of 55% to 80%, can be obtained. 1. A gallium nitride sintered body , characterized in that the sintered body has density of 2.5 g/cmto less than 5.0 g/cmand an intensity ratio of the peak of gallium oxide in the (002) plane to the peak of gallium nitride in the (002) plane is less than 3% , as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis.2. The gallium nitride sintered body according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sintered body contains oxygen in an amount of not more than 11 atm %.3. The gallium nitride sintered body according to claim 1 , characterized in that voids contained therein have open pores and closed pores and the volume ratio of said open pores with respect to a total volume of said voids is not less than 70%.4. The gallium nitride sintered body according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least a part of said voids contained therein contains metal gallium; that said gallium nitride and said metal gallium exist in said sintered body as separate phases; and that a molar ratio of Ga/(Ga+N) is 55% to 80% in the entirety of said sintered body.5. The gallium nitride sintered body according to claim 4 , characterized in that not less than 30% of a total volume of said voids is filled with said ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Sputtering target and manufacturing method thereof, and transistor

Номер: US20130277895A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

One object is to provide a deposition technique for forming an oxide semiconductor film. By forming an oxide semiconductor film using a sputtering target including a sintered body of a metal oxide whose concentration of hydrogen contained is low, for example, lower than 1×10 16 atoms/cm 3 , the oxide semiconductor film contains a small amount of impurities such as a compound containing hydrogen typified by H 2 O or a hydrogen atom. In addition, this oxide semiconductor film is used as an active layer of a transistor.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of producing an internal cavity in a ceramic matrix composite

Номер: US20130285296A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A process for producing an internal cavity in a CMC article and mandrels used therewith. The process entails incorporating a mandrel made of a fusible material that is melted and drained during a thermal treatment of a CMC preform to form the CMC article. The mandrel material is preferably non-wetting and non-reactive with any constituents of the CMC preform during the thermal treatment. The mandrel is preferably tin or an alloy of tin.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Transparent conductive film and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20130288047A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

Disclosed is a highly productive method for manufacturing a transparent conductive film. The method includes the step of sputter depositing a transparent, amorphous tin-indium oxide conductive layer on a transparent substrate. The surface of the substrate, on which the transparent conductive layer is formed, has an arithmetic mean roughness Ra of 1.0 or less. The sputter depositing step is performed under an atmosphere having a water partial pressure of 0.1% or less based on an AR gas partial pressure at a base material temperature of more than 100° C. and 200° C. or less, using a metal target or oxide target in which the amount of tin atoms is more than 6% by weight and 15% by weight or less, based on the total weight of indium and tin atoms.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

FE-PT-Based Ferromagnetic Sputtering Target and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20130292245A1
Автор: Ikeda Yuki, Takami Hideo

A ferromagnetic sputtering target having a composition comprising 5 to 50 mol % of Pt, 5 to 15 mol % of SiO, 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn, and Fe as the balance, wherein the Sn is contained in SiOgrains (B) dispersed in a metal base (A). Provided is a nonmagnetic grain-dispersed ferromagnetic sputtering target which can suppress abnormal electric discharge of the oxide that may cause particle generation during sputtering. 1. A ferromagnetic sputtering target having a composition comprising 5 to 50 mol % of Pt , 5 to 15 mol % of SiO , 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn , and Fe , wherein the Sn is contained in SiOgrains (B) dispersed in a metal base (A).2. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 1 , further comprising 5 to 15 mol % of one or more oxides selected from TiO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , CrO claim 1 , TaO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , BO claim 1 , CoO and CoOin addition to the SiO claim 1 , wherein the oxides are dispersed in the metal base (A) and the Sn is contained in the oxides.3. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 2 , further comprising 0.5 to 10 mol % of one or more elements selected from Ru claim 2 , B and Cu.4. The ferromagnetic sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the sputtering target has a relative density of 97% or more.5. A method for producing a ferromagnetic sputtering target claim 3 , the method comprising the steps of: preparing and mixing SiOpowder and SnOpowder or Sn powder to obtain a raw powder; further preparing Fe powder and Pt powder claim 3 , or Fe-Pt alloy powder to be mixed with the raw powder so as to achieve a composition comprising 5 to 50 mol % of Pt claim 3 , 5 to 15 mol % of SiO claim 3 , 0.05 to 0.60 mol % of Sn claim 3 , and Fe; and hot pressing the resulting mixed powder to disperse the SiOgrains (B) in the metal base (A) claim 3 , thereby obtaining a sintered compact having a structure in which the Sn is contained in the dispersed SiOgrains (B).60. The method for producing a ferromagnetic ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299347A1
Принадлежит: H.C. Starck, Inc.

A sputtering target that includes at least two consolidated blocks, each block including an alloy including a first metal (e.g., a refractory metal such as molybdenum in an amount greater than about 30 percent by weight) and at least one additional alloying ingredient; and a joint between the at least two consolidated blocks, the joint being prepared free of any microstructure derived from a diffusion bond of an added loose powder. A process for making the target includes hot isostatically pressing (e.g., below a temperature of 1080° C.), consolidated preform blocks that, prior to pressing, have interposed between the consolidated powder metal blocks at least one continuous solid interface portion. The at least one continuous solid interface portion may include a cold spray body, which may be a mass of cold spray deposited powders on a surface a block, a sintered preform, a compacted powder body (e.g., a tile), or any combination thereof. 1) A sputtering target , comprising:a. at least two consolidated blocks, each block including an allay including molybdenum in an amount greater than about 30 percent by weight and at least one additional alloying element:b. at least one continuous solid interface portion derived from a cold spray deposition, a sintered preform body, a compacted powder body or any combination thereof; andc. a joint between the at least two consolidated blocks, which joins the blocks together to define a target body, the joint including the at least one continuous solid interface portion, wherein the sputtering target along the joint exhibits a transverse rupture strength per ASTM B528-10, of at least about 400 MPa.2) The sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein throughout the target body there is a substantially continuous and uniform distribution of three phases.3) The sputter target of claim 2 , wherein throughout the target body there is a substantially continuous and uniform distribution of a substantially pure molybdenum phase claim 2 , a ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Oxide sintered body and sputtering target

Номер: US20130306469A1
Принадлежит: Kobelco Research Institute Inc

Provided is an oxide sintered body suitably used for producing an oxide semiconductor film for a display device, the oxide sintered body capable of forming an oxide semiconductor film exerting excellent conductivity, having high relative density and excellent in-plane uniformity, and exhibiting high carrier mobility. This oxide sintered body is obtained by combining and sintering a zinc oxide powder, a tin oxide powder, and an indium oxide powder. The oxide sintered body satisfies the following equation (1) when the oxide sintered body is subjected to X-ray diffraction, Equation (1): [A/(A+B+C+D)]×100≧70. In equation (1), A represents the XRD peak intensity in the vicinity of 2θ=34°, B represents the XRD peak intensity in the vicinity of 2θ=31°, C represents the XRD peak intensity in the vicinity of 2θ=35°, and D represents the XRD peak intensity in the vicinity of 2ν=26.5°.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306471A1

Provided are a sputtering target for forming a magnetic recording medium film, on which a film having a low ordering temperature can be formed and which can suppress generation of particles, and a method for producing the same. The sputtering target for forming a magnetic recording medium film consists of a sintered body having a composition represented by the general formula: {(FePt)Ag}C, wherein x, y, and z are represented by atomic percent as 30≦x≦80, 1≦y≦30, and 3≦z≦63. Also, the method for producing the sputtering target has a step of hot pressing a mixed powder of AgPt alloy powder, FePt alloy powder, Pt powder, and graphite powder or carbon black powder in a vacuum or an inert gas atmosphere. 1. A sputtering target for forming a magnetic recording medium film comprising:{'sub': x', '100-x', '(100-y)', 'y', '(100-z)', 'z, 'a sintered body having a composition represented by the general formula: {(FePt)Ag}C, wherein x, y, and z are represented by atomic percent as 30≦x≦80, 1≦y≦30, and 3≦z≦63.'}2. The sputtering target for forming a magnetic recording medium film according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a part of the Ag is substituted with at least one of Au and Cu and the substituted metal is given as M claim 1 , the sputtering target consists of a sintered body having a composition represented by the general formula: {(FePt)(AgM)}C claim 1 , wherein x claim 1 , y claim 1 , and z are represented by atomic percent as 30≦x≦<80 claim 1 , 1≦y≦30 claim 1 , 3≦z≦63 claim 1 , and 0 Подробнее

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313110A1

Provided is an oxide sintered body suitably used for the production of an oxide semiconductor film for a display device, wherein the oxide sintered body has both high conductivity and relative density, and is capable of depositing an oxide semiconductor film having high carrier mobility. This oxide sintered body is obtained by mixing and sintering powders of zinc oxide, tin oxide and indium oxide, and when an EPMA in-plane compositional mapping is performed on the oxide sintered body the percentage of the area in which Sn concentration is 10 to 50 mass % in the measurement area is 70 area percent or more. 1. An oxide sintered body , comprising: powders of zinc oxide , tin oxide , and indium oxide ,wherein when an EPMA in-plane compositional mapping is performed on the oxide sintered body, a percentage of an area in which Sn concentration is from 10 to 50 mass % in a measurement area is 70 area % or more.2. The oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein when the EPMA in-plane compositional mapping is performed on the oxide sintered body claim 1 , a percentage of an area in which In concentration is from 2 to 35 mass % in a measurement area is 70 area % or more.3. The oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , whereina ratio of [In]/([Zn]+[Sn]+[In]) is from 0.01 to 0.30,a ratio of [Sn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.20 to 0.60, and[Zn], [Sn], and [In] represent contents by atomic % of respective metal elements in the oxide sintered body.4. The oxide sintered body according to claim 3 , whereinthe ratio of [In]/([Zn]+[Sn]+[In]) is from 0.10 to 0.30; andthe ratio of [Sn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is from 0.33 to 0.60.5. The oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide sintered body has a relative density of 90% or more claim 1 , and a specific resistance of 1 Ω·cm or less.6. A sputtering target claim 1 , comprising the oxide sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target has a relative density of 90% or more claim 1 , and a specific resistance of 1 ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313549A1

Disclosed is a sputtering target having a good appearance, which is free from white spots on the surface. The sputtering target is characterized by being composed of an oxide sintered body containing two or more kinds of homologous crystal structures. 117-. (canceled)18. A semiconductor film comprising an oxide includes Indium element (In) , Gallium element (Ga) , and Zinc element (Zn) , and wherein said In , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, '0.1≦In/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.9'}{'br': None, '0.05≦Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.6'}{'br': None, '0.05≦=Zn/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.9.'}19. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said In claim 18 , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, '0.2≦In/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5'}{'br': None, '0.1≦Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5'}{'br': None, '0.25≦Zn/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5.'}20. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said In claim 18 , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, '0.3≦In/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5'}{'br': None, '0.3≦Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5'}{'br': None, '0.3≦Zn/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.5.'}21. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said In claim 18 , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, 'Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.38.'}22. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said In claim 18 , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, 'Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.32.'}23. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said In claim 18 , Ga and Zn are present in the following atom ratio:{'br': None, 'Ga/(In+Ga+Zn)≦0.23.'}24. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said oxide comprises a metal element (X) having positive four or more valences.25. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said semiconductor film is an amorphous film having 6.0 g/cmor more of a relative density.26. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein said semiconductor film is an non-degeneration semiconductor having 10to 10/cmof a carrier concentration.27. The semiconductor film of claim 18 , wherein band gap is 2.0 to 6.0 eV.28. ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Cu-Ga Target, Method of Producing Same, Light-absorbing Layer Formed from Cu-Ga Based Alloy Film, and CIGS System Solar Cell Having the Light-absorbing Layer

Номер: US20130319527A1

A Cu—Ga alloy sintered-compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance, wherein the sintered-compact sputtering target is characterized in that the relative density is 80% or higher, and the compositional deviation of the Ga concentration is within ±0.5 at % of the intended composition. A method of producing a Cu—Ga alloy sintered-compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance, wherein the method thereof is characterized in that Cu and Ga raw materials are melted and cooled/pulverized to produce a Cu—Ga alloy raw material powder, and the obtained material powder is further hot-pressed with a retention temperature being between the melting point of the mixed raw material powder and a temperature 15° C. lower than the melting point and with a pressure of 400 kgf/cmor more applied to the sintered mixed raw material powder. Provided are a sputtering target having very low compositional deviation and high density; a method of producing the target; a light-absorbing layer having a Cu—Ga based alloy film; and a CIGS solar cell including the light-absorbing layer. 1. A Cu—Ga alloy sintered compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance , wherein the relative density is 80% or higher , and no Ga phase is present.2. The Cu—Ga alloy sintered compact sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the target is produced by hot-pressing a pulverized raw material mixture prepared by melting and cooling Cu and Ga raw materials.3. A method of producing a Cu—Ga based alloy sintered compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance claim 1 , comprising the steps of:producing a Cu—Ga alloy raw material powder by melting, cooling and pulverizing Cu and Ga raw materials; and{'sup': '2', 'hot-pressing the raw material powder at a retention temperature being between the melting point of the mixed raw material powder ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Oxide Semiconductor Sputtering Target, Method Of Manufacturing Thin-Film Transistors Using The Same, And Thin Film Transistor Manufactured Using The Same

Номер: US20130320336A1

An oxide semiconductor sputtering target which is used for depositing a thin film having high electron mobility and high operational reliability, a method of manufacturing thin-film transistors (TFTs) using the same, and a TFT manufactured using the same. The oxide semiconductor sputtering target is used in a sputtering process for depositing an active layer on a TFT. The oxide semiconductor sputtering target is made of a material based on a composition including indium (In), tin (Sn), gallium (Ga) and oxygen (O). The method includes the step of depositing an active layer using the above-described oxide semiconductor sputtering target. The thin-film transistor may be used in a display device, such as a liquid crystal display (LCD) or an organic light-emitting display (OLED). 1. An oxide semiconductor sputtering target which is used in a sputtering process for depositing an active layer of a thin-film transistor , comprising a material based on a composition including indium (In) , tin (Sn) , gallium (Ga) and oxygen (O).2. The oxide semiconductor sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes gallium oxide claim 1 , tin oxide and indium oxide claim 1 , content ratios of the In claim 1 , the Ga and the Sn being claim 1 , by atomic percent claim 1 , 60 to 70 claim 1 , 10 to 25 and 5 to 30 with respect to a total of In+Ga+Sn.3. A method of manufacturing thin-film transistors claim 1 , comprising depositing an active layer using the oxide semiconductor sputtering target as recited in .4. The method of claim 3 , comprising annealing the active layer in a temperature ranging from 200 to 400° C. after depositing the active layer.5. The method of claim 4 , comprising annealing the active layer in a temperature ranging from 250 to 350° C. after depositing the active layer.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the thin-film transistor is a thin-film transistor that is provided in a liquid crystal display or an organic light-emitting display.7. A thin film ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Oxide sintered body and sputtering target

Номер: US20130334039A1
Автор: Hiroshi Goto, Yuki Iwasaki
Принадлежит: Kobelco Research Institute Inc

Provided are an oxide sintered body and a sputtering target which are suitable for use in producing an oxide semiconductor film for display devices and combine high electroconductivity with a high relative density and with which it is possible to form an oxide semiconductor film having a high carrier mobility. In particular, even when used in production by a direct-current sputtering method, the oxide sintered body and the sputtering target are less apt to generate nodules and have excellent direct-current discharge stability which renders long-term stable discharge possible. This oxide sintered body is an oxide sintered body obtained by mixing zinc oxide, tin oxide, and an oxide of at least one metal (M metal) selected from the group consisting of Al, Hf, Ni, Si, Ga, In, and Ta, and sintering the mixture, the oxide sintered body having a Vickers hardness of 400 Hv or higher.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a molybdenum sputtering target for back electrode of cigs solar cell

Номер: US20130336831A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for manufacturing a molybdenum sputtering target for a back electrode of a CIGS solar cell is provided to minimize thermal activating reaction by employing an electric discharge plasma sintering process. The method for manufacturing a molybdenum sputtering target for a back electrode of a CIGS solar cell comprises the steps of: charging molybdenum powder in a mold of graphite material, mounting the mold in a chamber of an electric discharge sintering apparatus, making a vacuum in the chamber, forming the molybdenum powder to the final target temperature while maintaining constant pressure on the molybdenum powder, heating the molybdenum powder in a predetermined heating pattern when reaching the final target temperature, maintaining the final target temperature for 1 to 10 minutes, and cooling the inside of the chamber while maintaining a constant pressure.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337159A1
Принадлежит: H.C. Starck Inc.

In various embodiments, a sputtering target initially formed by ingot metallurgy or powder metallurgy and comprising a sputtering-target material is provided, the sputtering-target material (i) comprising a metal, (ii) defining a recessed furrow therein, and (iii) having a first grain size and a first crystalline microstructure. A powder is spray-deposited within the furrow to form a layer therein, the layer (i) comprising the metal, (ii) having a second grain size finer than the first grain size, and (iii) having a second crystalline microstructure more random than the first crystalline microstructure. Spray-depositing the powder within the furrow forms a distinct boundary line between the layer and the sputtering-target material. 152.-. (canceled)53. A method of rejuvenating a sputtering target , the method comprising:providing a sputtering target initially formed by ingot metallurgy or powder metallurgy and comprising a sputtering-target material, the sputtering-target material (i) comprising a metal, (ii) defining a recessed furrow therein, and (iii) having a first grain size and a first crystalline microstructure; andspray-depositing a powder within the furrow to form a layer therein, the layer (i) comprising the metal, (ii) having a second grain size finer than the first grain size, and (iii) having a second crystalline microstructure more random than the first crystalline microstructure,wherein spray-depositing the powder within the furrow forms a distinct boundary line between the layer and the sputtering-target material.54. The method of claim 53 , wherein the sputtering target comprises a backing plate upon which the sputtering-target material is disposed.55. The method of claim 54 , wherein the powder is spray deposited without removal of the backing plate from the sputtering-target material.56. The method of claim 53 , wherein spray-depositing the powder comprises cold spray.57. The method of claim 53 , wherein the metal comprises at least one of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341180A1
Автор: Yamazaki Shunpei

To form an oxide film with a high degree of crystallinity, which includes a plurality of metal elements. Further, to provide a sputtering target which enables the oxide film to be formed and a method for using the sputtering target. The sputtering target includes a polycrystalline oxide containing a plurality of crystal grains whose average grain size is less than or equal to 3 μm. The plurality of crystal grains each have a cleavage plane. When the sputtering target includes a plurality of crystal grains whose average grain size is less than or equal to 3 μm, by making an ion collide with the sputtering target, a sputtered particle can be separated from the cleavage plane of the crystal grain. 1. A sputtering target comprising:a polycrystalline oxide comprising a plurality of crystal grains,wherein an average grain size of the plurality of crystal grains is 3 μm or less.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 ,wherein a proportion of crystal grains having a grain size of 0.4 μm to 1 μm is 8% or higher in the plurality of crystal grains.3. The sputtering target according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of crystal grains are hexagonal crystals.4. The sputtering target according to claim 1 ,wherein the polycrystalline oxide comprises indium and zinc.5. The sputtering target according to claim 4 ,wherein the polycrystalline oxide further comprises at least one element selected from Ga, Sn, Hf, Al, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu.6. The sputtering target according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of crystal grains include a cleavage plane.7. A method for using a sputtering target comprising the steps of:forming sputtered particles by cleaving the sputtering target comprising a polycrystalline oxide; anddepositing the sputtered particles over a substrate,wherein the polycrystalline oxide comprises a plurality of crystal grains, andwherein an average grain size of the plurality of crystal grains is 3 μm or less.8. The method for using a ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341181A1

A zinc oxide (ZnO)-based sputtering target, a method of manufacturing the same, and a thin-film transistor (TFT) having a barrier layer deposited using the same. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target includes a sinter containing zinc oxide doped with gallium oxide, the content of the gallium oxide ranging, by weight, from 10 to 50 percent of the sinter, and a backing plate bonded to the rear surface of the sinter to support the sinter. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target can be subjected to direct current (DC) sputtering, and improve the contact and etching characteristics of a barrier layer that is deposited using the same. 1. A zinc oxide-based sputtering target comprising:a sinter comprising zinc oxide doped with gallium oxide, a content of the gallium oxide ranging, by weight, from 10 to 50 percent of the sinter; anda backing plate bonded to a rear surface of the sinter to support the sinter.2. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein a resistivity of the sputtering target is 100Ω·cm or less.3. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 2 , the sputtering target being available for direct current sputtering.4. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 6 , wherein a power density that is applied during the direct current sputtering ranges from 0.1 to 8 W/cm.5. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein a density of the sputtering target is 5.3 g/cmor greater.6. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein aggregates of the gallium oxide are distributed at a size of 1 μm or less inside the sinter.7. The zinc oxide-based sputtering target of claim 1 , wherein the sinter comprises at least one selected from group III elements and group IV elements.8. A method of manufacturing a thin-film transistor which includes an electrode and an oxide semiconductor layer claim 1 , the method comprising depositing a barrier layer between the electrode and the oxide semiconductor layer using the zinc oxide-based ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341183A1
Автор: Goto Hiroshi, Iwasaki Yuki
Принадлежит: Kobelco Research Institute Inc.

Provided are an oxide sintered body and a sputtering target that are ideal for the production of an oxide semiconductor film for a display device. The oxide sintered body and sputtering target that are provided have both high conductivity and high relative density, are capable of forming an oxide semiconductor film having a high carrier mobility, and in particular, have excellent direct-current discharge stability in that long-term, stable discharge is possible, even when used by the direct-current sputtering method. The oxide sintered body of the invention is an oxide sintered body obtained by mixing and sintering zinc oxide, tin oxide, and an oxide of at least one metal (M metal) selected from the group consisting of Al, Hf, Ni, Si, Ga, In, and Ta. When the in-plane specific resistance and the specific resistance in the direction of depth are approximated by Gaussian distribution, the distribution coefficient σ of the specific resistance is 0.02 or less. 1. An oxide sintered body obtained by mixing zinc oxide , tin oxide , and an oxide of at least one metal M selected from the group consisting of Al , Hf , Ni , Si , Ga , In , and Ta , and sintering the mixture ,wherein, when an in-plane specific resistance and a specific resistance in a depth direction of the oxide sintered body are approximated by a Gaussian distribution, a distribution coefficient σ of the specific resistance is 0.02 or less.2. The oxide sintered body of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a total amount of metal elements in the oxide sintered body is set to 1 claim 1 , and [Zn] claim 1 , [Sn] claim 1 , and [M metal] are contents claim 1 , in atomic % claim 1 , of Zn claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , and M metal claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , a ratio of [M metal] to [Zn]+[Sn]+[M metal] claim 1 , a ratio of [Zn] to [Zn]+[Sn] claim 1 , and a ratio of [Sn] to [Zn]+[Sn] respectively satisfy:{'br': None, '[M metal]/([Zn]+[Sn]+[M metal])=0.01 to 0.30;'}{'br': None, '[Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn])=0.50 to 0.80;'}{'br': None, ' ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for using sputtering target and method for manufacturing oxide film

Номер: US20140001032A1
Автор: Shunpei Yamazaki
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A method for using a sputtering target which enables an oxide film with a high degree of crystallinity, which contains a plurality of metal elements, to be formed is provided. In the method for using a sputtering target including a polycrystalline oxide containing a plurality of crystal grains which include a cleavage plane, an ion is made to collide with the sputtering target to separate sputtered particles from the cleavage plane, and the sputtered particles are positively charged, so that the sputtered particles are deposited uniformly on a deposition surface while repelling each other.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Ferromagnetic Sputtering Target with Less Particle Generation

Номер: US20140001038A1

Provided is a nonmagnetic-material-dispersed sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 20 mol % or less of Cr and the balance of Co. The target has a structure including a phase (A) in which a nonmagnetic oxide material is dispersed in the basis metal, and a metal phase (B) containing 40 mol % or more of Co; the area proportion of grains of the nonmagnetic oxide material in the phase (A) is 50% or less; and when a minimum-area rectangle circumscribed to the phase (B) is assumed, the proportion of the circumscribed rectangle having a short side of 2 to 300 μm is 90% or more of all of the phases (B). The ferromagnetic sputtering target can suppress particle generation during sputtering and can improve leakage magnetic flux to allow stable electrical discharge with a magnetron sputtering apparatus. 1. A nonmagnetic-material-dispersed sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 20 mol % or less of Cr and the balance of Co , wherein:the target structure includes a phase (A) in which a nonmagnetic oxide material is dispersed in a basis metal, and a metal phase (B) containing 40 mol % or more of Co;the area proportion of grains of the nonmagnetic oxide material in the phase (A) is 50% or less; andwhen a minimum-area rectangle circumscribed to the phase (B) is assumed, the aspect ratio of the circumscribed rectangle is in a range of 1:1 to 1:15 in all of the phases (B) and the proportion of the circumscribed rectangle having a short side of 2 to 300 μm is 90% or more of all of the phases (B).2. A nonmagnetic-material-dispersed sputtering target having a metal composition comprising 20 mol % or less of Cr , 5 mol % or more and 30 mol % or less of Pt , and the balance of Co , wherein:the target structure includes a phase (A) in which a nonmagnetic oxide material is dispersed in a basis metal, and a metal phase (B) containing 40 mol % or more of Co;the area proportion of grains of the nonmagnetic oxide material in the phase (A) is 50% or less; andwhen ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Cu-Ga Alloy Sputtering Target and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20140001039A1

The purpose of the invention is to provide a sputtering target formed from a Cu—Ga alloy having a Ga composition of 29 at % or more. 1. A melted and cast Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target containing 29 to 42.6 at % of Ga and remainder being Cu and unavoidable impurities , wherein an average crystal grain size of a sputter front face is 3 mm or less , and a cross section structure of the target is a columnar structure that has grown in a direction from the sputter front face toward a center plane which is parallel to a sputter face.2. The Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein content of respective impurities of P claim 1 , S claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , and Ag is each less than 10 wtppm.3. The Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein content of gas components C claim 2 , O claim 2 , N claim 2 , and H is claim 2 , in total claim 2 , 300 wtppm or less.4. The Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein a structure of the target is a γ phase claim 3 , single phase structure.5. The Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target according to claim 4 , wherein the target has a columnar structure that has grown from both wide faces of the target toward a center plane which is parallel to a sputter front face claim 4 , one of said wide faces being the sputter front face.6. The Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target according to claim 5 , wherein the target is produced via continuous casting.7. A method of producing a Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target containing 29 to 42.6 at % of Ga and remainder being Cu and unavoidable impurities claim 5 , including the steps of melting a target raw material in a crucible claim 5 , pouring resulting molten metal in a mold comprising a water-cooled probe to continuously produce a casting formed from a Cu—Ga alloy claim 5 , and additionally machining the obtained casting to produce the Cu—Ga alloy target claim 5 , wherein a solidification rate of the casting reaching 400° C. from a melting point is controlled ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001040A1

A sputtering target containing oxides of indium (In), gallium (Ga) and zinc (Zn), which includes a compound shown by ZnGaOand a compound shown by InGaZnO. 113-. (canceled)14. A sputtering target comprising a compound shown by InGaZnOas a main component , which further contains a metal element with an atomic valency of positive tetravalency or higher wherein the content of the metal element with an atomic valency of positive tetravalency or higher is 100 ppm to 10000 ppm relative to the total metal elements in the sputtering target.15. (canceled)16. The sputtering target according to claim 14 , wherein the content of the metal element with an atomic valency of positive tetravalency or higher is 200 ppm to 5000 ppm relative to the total metal elements in the sputtering target.17. The sputtering target according to claim 14 , wherein the content of the metal element with an atomic valency of positive tetravalency or higher is 500 ppm to 2000 ppm relative to the total metal elements in the sputtering target.18. The sputtering target according to claim 14 , which has a bulk resistance of less than 1×10Ωcm.19. The sputtering target according to claim 14 , wherein the metal element with an atomic valency of positive tetravalency or higher is at least one element selected from the group consisting of tin claim 14 , zirconium claim 14 , germanium claim 14 , cerium claim 14 , niobium claim 14 , tantalum claim 14 , molybdenum and tungsten.2023-. (canceled) The invention relates to a sputtering target and an oxide semiconductor film.An oxide semiconductor film comprising a metal complex oxide has a high degree of mobility and visible light transmission, and is used as a switching device, a driving circuit device or the like of a liquid crystal display, a thin film electroluminescence display, an electrophoresis display, a moving particle display or the like.Examples of an oxide semiconductor film comprising a metal complex oxide include an oxide semiconductor film comprising an ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Thin-film transistor and zinc oxide-based sputtering target for the same

Номер: US20140001469A1

A thin-film transistor includes a metal electrode and a zinc oxide-based barrier film that blocks a material from diffusing out of the metal electrode. The zinc oxide-based barrier film is made of zinc oxide doped with indium oxide, the content of the indium oxide ranging, by weight, 1 to 50 percent of the zinc oxide-based barrier film. A zinc oxide-based sputtering target for deposition of a barrier film of a thin-film transistor is made of zinc oxide doped with indium oxide, the content of the indium oxide ranging, by weight, 1 to 50 percent of the zinc oxide-based sputtering target.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014500A1

A sintered body which includes at least indium oxide and gallium oxide and comprises voids each having a volume of 14000 μmor more in an amount of 0.03 vol % or less. 1. A sintered body which comprises at least indium oxide and gallium oxide and comprises voids each having a volume of 14000 μmor more in an amount of 0.03 vol % or less.2. The sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein one surface of the sintered body has an area of 25000 mmor more and a thickness of 5 mm or more.3. The sintered body according to claim 1 , which has an atomic ratio represented by Ga/(In+Ga) of 0.01 to 0.13 and comprises a bixbyite structure represented by InO.4. The sintered body according to claim 1 , which comprises tin in an amount of 100 to 10000 ppm.5. The sintered body according to claim 1 , which comprises Al in an amount of 100 to 10000 ppm.7. The method for producing a sintered body according to claim 6 , wherein the heating is conducted by the following heating pattern:average heating rate at a temperature of 400° C. or more and less than 700° C. (first average heating rate): 0.2 to 1.5° C./minaverage heating rate at a temperature of 700° C. or more and less than 1100° C. (second average heating rate): 0.15 to 0.8° C./minaverage heating rate at a temperature of 1100° C. or more and less than 1400° C. (third average heating rate): 0.1 to 0.5° C./minthe first average heating rate>the second average heating rate>the third average heating rate.8. The method for producing a sintered body according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in the heating step claim 6 , the average heating rate is 0.3 to 0.5° C./min at 700° C. or more and less than 1100° C.9. The method for producing a sintered body according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in the heating step claim 6 , the average heating rate is 0.15 to 0.4° C./min at 1100° C. or more and 1400° C. or less.10. The method for producing a sintered body according to claim 6 , wherein the atomic ratio of the mixture represented by Ga/(In+Ga) is ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016243A1

Provided in a dielectric ceramic having flat capacitance characteristics and a high dielectric constant, and a multilayer ceramic electronic component (such as a multilayer ceramic capacitor) in which the dielectric ceramic is used. A multilayer ceramic capacitor includes a multilayer body having a plurality of dielectric ceramic layers and a plurality of internal electrodes, and external electrodes formed on the multilayer body. The composition of the multilayer body includes any of a bismuth layered compound containing Sr, Bi and Ti, a bismuth layered compound containing Sr, Bi and Nb, and a bismuth layered compound containing Ca, Bi and Ti as a primary ingredient, Bi and at least one of Cu, Ba, Zn and Li, and satisfies the conditions that if the Ti content is 400 molar parts or the Nb content is 200 molar parts, then (Bi content-Ti content) or (Bi content-Nb content) is equal to or greater than 1 molar part and less than 7.5 molar parts and the total content of Cu, Ba, Zn and Li is equal to or greater than 1 molar part and less than 10 molar parts. 1. A multilayer ceramic component comprising:a multilayer body having a plurality of laminated dielectric ceramic layers and a plurality of internal electrodes each disposed at an interface between said dielectric ceramic layers; andan external electrode disposed on an outer surface of said multilayer body and electrically connected to an internal electrode,wherein the composition of said dielectric ceramic layer comprises one of a bismuth layered compound containing Sr, Bi, and Ti or Nb, and a bismuth layered compound containing Ca, Bi and Ti as a primary ingredient, Bi and at least one member of the group consisting of Cu, Ba, Zn and Li, andwherein if the Ti content is 400 molar parts or the Nb content is 200 molar parts, then (Bi content-Ti content) or (Bi content-Nb content) is equal to or greater than 1 molar part and less than 7.5 molar parts and the total content of Cu, Ba, Zn and Li is equal to or greater than ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021043A1

An FePt—C-based sputtering target contains Fe, Pt, and C and has a structure in which an FePt-based alloy phase and a C phase containing unavoidable impurities are mutually dispersed, the FePt-based alloy phase containing Pt in an amount of 40 at % or more and 60 at % or less with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities. The content of C is 21 at % or more and 70 at % or less based on the total amount of the target. 1. An FePt—C-based sputtering target containing Fe , Pt , and C ,wherein the FePt—C-based sputtering target has a structure in which an FePt-based alloy phase and a C phase containing unavoidable impurities are mutually dispersed, the FePt-based alloy phase containing Pt in an amount of 40 at % or more and 60 at % or less with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities, andwherein C is contained in an amount of 21 at % or more and 70 at % or less based on the total amount of the target.2. An FePt—C-based sputtering target containing Fe , Pt , and C and further containing one or more kinds of metal elements other than Fe and Pt ,wherein the FePt—C-based sputtering target has a structure in which an FePt-based alloy phase and a C phase containing unavoidable impurities are mutually dispersed, the FePt-based alloy phase containing Pt in an amount of 40 at % or more and less than 60 at % and the one or more kinds of metal elements other than Fe and Pt in an amount of more than 0 at % and 20 at % or less with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities and with the total amount of Pt and the one or more kinds of metal elements being 60 at % or less, andwherein C is contained in an amount of 21 at % or more and 70 at % or less based on the total amount of the target.3. The FePt—C-based sputtering target according to claim 2 ,wherein the one or more kinds of metal elements other than Fe and Pt are one or more kinds of Cu, Ag, Mn, Ni, Co, Pd, Cr, V, and B.4. The FePt—C-based sputtering target according to claim 2 ,wherein the one or more kinds ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034490A1
Принадлежит: TOSOH SMD, INC

A method of making a diffusion bonded sputter target assembly is provided. A target blank comprising a first metal or alloy has a first surface defining a sputtering surface and a second surface. A second metal or alloy is placed around the target blank. A backing plate is provided adjacent the second metal or alloy that is positioned alongside of the second target surface. This assembly is then diffusion bonded, and a portion of the second metal overlying the sputtering surface of the target is removed to expose the target sputtering surface. W target or W alloy target/Ti or Ti alloy backing plate assemblies are provided with an Al inter-layer positioned intermediate the W or W alloy target and backing plate. The assembly has a bond strength exceeding 50 MPa. 1. A method of making a target/backing plate assembly comprising:(a) providing a target blank of a first metal or alloy, said target blank having a first surface defining a sputtering surface, and a second surface;(b)(i) providing a second metal or alloy and (ii) placing said second metal or alloy alongside said first and second target surfaces;(c)(i) providing a backing plate and (ii) placing said backing plate adjacent said second metal or alloy that is positioned alongside said second target surface; said target blank, second metal and backing plate thereby defining a combined assembly;(d) diffusion bonding said combined assembly to form a diffusion bonded assembly; and(e) removing at least a portion of said second metal alongside said sputtering surface of said target thereby exposing at least a portion of said sputtering surface.2. Method as recited in wherein said target is W or alloy thereof and wherein said first and second surfaces of said target are coated with a thin layer of Ti claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , or Cr prior to said step (b)(ii).3. Method as recited in wherein said target is W or alloy thereof and wherein said second metal or alloy comprises a metal having modulus of elasticity in tension of ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Metal Foil Provided with Electrically Resistive Layer, and Board for Printed Circuit Using Said Metal Foil

Номер: US20140041910A1
Автор: Toshio Kurosawa
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Mining and Metals Corp

Metal foil provided with an electrically resistive layer, characterized in that an alloy (in particular, a NiCrAlSi alloy) resistive layer containing 1 to 6 mass % of Si is formed on the metal foil controlled to have a ten-point average roughness Rz, which was measured by an optical method, of 4.0 to 6.0 μm, and the variation in the resistance value of the electrically resistive layer is within ±10%. Provided is a copper foil that allows embedding of a resistive material in a board by further forming an electrically resistive layer on the copper foil, and further allows improving the adhesiveness and suppressing the variation in resistance value within a certain range. As needed, metal foil provided in advance with a copper-zinc alloy layer formed on the surface thereof and a stabilizing layer composed of at least one component selected from zinc oxide, chromium oxide, and nickel oxide formed on the copper-zinc alloy layer is used.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042431A1

There are provided an oxide semiconductor material, capable of attaining stability of a threshold voltage (Vth) (threshold voltage shift amount ΔVth within a range of ±3 V in PDS and NBIS) and field-effect mobility of 5 cm/Vs or more necessary for the operation of an OLED display device. An oxide semiconductor target in which an oxide semiconductor material with one or more of oxides of W, Ta, and Hf of 5d transition metal added each by 0.07 to 3.8 at %, 0.5 to 4.7 at %, and 0.32 to 6.4 at % to a semiconductor material with Zn—Sn—O as a main ingredient is sintered; a semiconductor channel layer formed by using the target, and an oxide semiconductor material for TFT protective film, as well as a semiconductor device having the same. 1. An oxide semiconductor target formed by sintering a Zn—Sn—O oxide semiconductor material comprising zinc oxide and tin oxide as a main ingredient ,wherein a compositional ratio of Zn that constitutes the Zn—Sn—O oxide semiconductor material: [Zn]/([Zn]+[Sn]) is within a range from 0.5 to 0.85 by at %,a 5d transition element is added to the oxide semiconductor material, andthe 5d transition metal is W (tungsten) and the addition amount of the W is within a compositional ratio of 0.07 to 3.8 at %.2. The oxide semiconductor target according to claim 1 , wherein the addition amount of the W is within a compositional range of 0.07 to 2.0 at %.3. The oxide semiconductor target according to claim 1 ,wherein Ta (tantalum) is used instead, of the W as the 5d transition metal, andthe addition amount of the Ta is in a compositional range of 0.5 to 4.7 at %.4. The oxide semiconductor target according to claim 3 , wherein the addition amount of the Ta is in a compositional range of 0.5 to 2.2 at %.5. The oxide semiconductor target according to claim 1 ,wherein Hf (hafnium) is used instead of the W as the 5d transition metal, andthe addition amount of the Hf is in a compositional range of 0.32 to 6.4 at %.6. The oxide semiconductor target according ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for forming sputtering target

Номер: US20140042674A1
Автор: Shunpei Yamazaki
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

To provide a sputtering target which enables an oxide film containing a plurality of metal elements and having high crystallinity. A plurality of raw materials are mixed and first baking is performed thereon, whereby a crystalline oxide is formed. The crystalline oxide is ground to form a crystalline oxide powder. The crystalline oxide powder is mixed with water and an organic substance to make slurry, and the slurry is poured into a mold provided with a filter. The water and the organic substance are removed from the slurry through the filter, so that a molded body is formed. The residual water and the residual organic substance in the molded body are removed, and then second baking is performed.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048414A1

Provided are a sputtering target which has excellent machinability and is capable of forming a compound film that mainly contains Cu and Ga and a method for producing the sputtering target. The sputtering target of the present invention has a component composition that contains 20 to 40 at % of Ga, 0.1 to 3 at % of Sb, and the balance composed of Cu and unavoidable impurities. A method for producing the sputtering target includes a step of producing a starting material powder that is obtained by pulverizing at least Cu, Ga and Sb as simple substances or an alloy that contains two or more of these elements; and a step of subjecting the starting material powder to hot processing in a vacuum, in an inert atmosphere or in a reducing atmosphere, wherein Ga is contained in the starting material powder in the form of a Cu—Ga alloy or in the form of a Ga—Sb alloy. 1. A sputtering target having a component composition containing 20 to 40 at % of Ga , 0.1 to 3 at % of Sb , and the balance composed of Cu and unavoidable impurities.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the sputtering target has a structure including at least one of a Sb simple substance or a compound including Sb and Cu within crystal grains or grain boundaries of an alloy phase mainly containing a Cu—Ga alloy.3. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein Ga in the sputtering target material is contained in the form of a Cu—Ga binary alloy.4. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein Na is contained as an NaF compound claim 1 , an NaS compound claim 1 , or an NaSe compound and Na is contained in 0.05 to 2 at % with respect to all metal elements in the sputtering target.5. A method for producing the sputtering target according to claim 1 , the method comprising:a step of producing a starting material powder that is obtained by pulverizing at least Cu, Ga and Sb as simple substances or an alloy that contains two or more of these elements; anda step of subjecting the starting ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Sputtering target and organic light-emitting display device including black matrix deposited thereby

Номер: US20140048782A1

A sputtering target and an organic light-emitting display device including a black matrix deposited thereby. The sputtering target is used in a sputtering process for depositing a black matrix in an organic light-emitting display device. The sputtering target has a cermet structure in which a metal and a metal oxide are mixed.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048783A1

A sputtering target that can form a black matrix having high-resistance and low-reflection characteristics and an organic light-emitting display device including the black matrix deposited thereby. The sputtering target that is used in a sputtering process for depositing a black matrix contains one selected from the group consisting of Mo—Si—O, W—Si—O and Mo—W—Si—O, the content of the Mo or W being at least 0.5 times the content of the Si. 1. A sputtering target used in a sputtering process for depositing a black matrix , the sputtering target comprising one selected from the group consisting of Mo—Si—O , W—Si—O and Mo—W—Si—O , a content of the Mo or W being at least 0.5 times a content of the Si.2. An organic light-emitting display device comprising:a substrate having defined thereon a first area and a second area;a black matrix formed on the second area;an insulating layer formed on the first area and the black matrix;an organic light-emitting device formed on the insulating layer corresponding to the first area; anda thin-film transistor formed on the insulating layer corresponding to the second area,wherein the black matrix comprises one selected from the group consisting of Mo—Si—O, W—Si—O and Mo—W—Si—O, a content of the Mo or W being at least 0.5 times a content of the Si.3. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 2 , having a bottom emission structure.4. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 2 , wherein the insulating layer is made of Si.5. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 2 , wherein a transmittance of the black matrix is 5% or less.6. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 2 , wherein the sputtering comprises direct-current magnetron sputtering. The present application claims priority from Korean Patent Application Number 10-2012-0089333 filed on Aug. 16, 2012, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein for all purposes by this reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Manufacturing and Applications of Metal Powders and Alloys

Номер: US20140061549A1
Автор: Matheson Andrew
Принадлежит: Boston Electronic Materials, LLC

Disclosed is a process to reduce mixtures of at least one metal halide by molten metal reduction of the liquid phase metal halide in an alkali or alkaline earth metal to form a reaction product comprising at least one metal mixture and a halide salt coating, in which the at least one metal halide is in stoichiometric excess to the molten metal reductant and wherein the reductant is consumed in the reaction and does not need to be removed at the end of the reaction. 1. A process to reduce mixtures of at least one metal halide by molten metal reduction of the liquid phase of a metal halide in an alkali or alkaline earth metal to form a reaction product comprising at least one metal mixture and a halide salt coating ,wherein the at least one metal halide is in stoichiometric excess to the molten metal reductant, and wherein the reductant is consumed in the reaction and does not need to be removed at the end of the reaction.2. The process of wherein the at least one metal halide mixture comprises a mixture of metal chlorides and the molten metal reductant comprises metallic sodium.3. The process of wherein the sodium in the molten metal reductant is obtained from NaK.4. The process of wherein the reaction temperature is 275° C. and the particle size of the reaction product primary particles ranges from 10 to 50 nm.5. Powder metallurgical products comprising the reaction product of .6. The powder metallurgical product of fabricated into an anode.7. A capacitor produced from the anode of .8. The powder metallurgical product of fabricated into a product selected form the group consisting of a metal sheet claim 5 , a surface coating claim 5 , a porous metal element claim 5 , and a sputtering target.9. The process of wherein the reaction temperature is 550° C. and the particle size of the reaction product primary particles ranges from 20 to 100 nm.10. Powder metallurgical products comprising the reaction product of .11. The powder metallurgical product of fabricated into an ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

High-Purity Copper-Manganese-Alloy Sputtering Target

Номер: US20140097084A1

Provided is a high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target comprising 0.05 to 20 wt % of Mn and the remainder being Cu and inevitable impurities. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target is characterized in that the in-plane variation (CV value) in Mn concentration of the target is 3% or less. It is thus possible to form a thin film having excellent uniformity by adding an appropriate amount of a Mn element to copper and reducing the in-plane variation of the sputtering target. In particular, there is provided a high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target which is useful for improving the yield and the reliability of semiconductor products which are making progress in a degree of refinement and integration. 1. A high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target comprising 0.05 to 20 wt % of Mn and the remainder being Cu and inevitable impurities , wherein the target has an in-plane variation (CV value) in Mn concentration of 3% or less.2. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target comprising 0.05 to 20 wt % of Mn and the remainder being Cu and inevitable impurities according to claim 1 , wherein the target has an in-plane variation (CV value) in Vickers hardness of 15% or less.3. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target comprising 0.05 to 20 wt % of Mn and the remainder being Cu and inevitable impurities according to claim 2 , wherein the target has an in-plane variation (CV value) in electrical conductivity of 3% or less.4. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target comprising 0.05 to 20 wt % of Mn and the remainder being Cu and inevitable impurities according to claim 3 , wherein the target has an in-plane variation (CV value) in thermal conductivity of 5% or less.5. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the target has an in-plane variation (CV value) in electrical conductivity of 3% or less.6. The high-purity copper-manganese-alloy ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Polycrystalline Silicon Sputtering Target

Номер: US20150001069A1

Provided is a polycrystalline silicon target produced by a melting method. In the polycrystalline silicon sputtering target, the average amount of nitride or carbide grains having a size of 100 μm or more for samples of 100×100 mm taken from an arbitrary plane of the target is less than three. Also provided is a method of producing a polycrystalline silicon sputtering target. The method is characterized in that a silicon ingot is produced by melting silicon as a raw material with an electron beam and pouring the molten silicon into a crucible heated at 90° C. or more, and the resulting ingot is machined into a target. The present invention has focused on polycrystalline silicon produced by a melting method, and an object of the present invention is to provide a polycrystalline silicon sputtering target having high quality by reducing the presence of silicon nitride and silicon carbide and to provide a polycrystalline silicon sputtering target having a high bending strength by devising the production process. 1. A polycrystalline silicon sputtering target produced by a melting method , wherein the an average amount of nitride or carbide grains having a size of 100 μm or more for samples of 100×100 mm taken from an arbitrary plane of the target is less than three , and the target has a bending strength of 50 MPa or more.2. The polycrystalline silicon sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the average amount of nitride or carbide grains having a size of 20 μm or more for samples of 100×100 mm is less than three.3. The polycrystalline silicon sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein the target has a purity claim 2 , excluding gas components claim 2 , of 6N or more.4. The polycrystalline silicon sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the bending strength of the target is 100 MPa or more.5. A method of producing a polycrystalline silicon sputtering target claim 3 , comprising the steps of:producing a silicon ingot by melting silicon as a raw ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004363A1

A coated article includes a substrate and a diamond-like carbon layer formed on the substrate. The diamond-like carbon layer has a plurality of nano-sized bumps on its outer surface. The nano-sized bumps alter the contact angle between a given fluid and the coated article, thus making the coated article extremely hydrophobic. The diamond-like carbon layer also makes the coated article extremely hard. A method for making the coated article is also provided. 1. A coated article , comprising:a substrate; anda diamond-like carbon layer formed on the substrate, the diamond-like carbon layer comprising a plurality of nano-sized bumps on an outer surface thereof.2. The coated article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the diamond-like carbon layer has a thickness between about 1 μm and about 1.5 μm.3. The coated article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the diamond-like carbon layer consists of elemental carbon and elemental hydrogen.4. The coated article as claimed in claim 3 , wherein in the diamond-like carbon layer claim 3 , the mass percentage of the elemental carbon is between about 30 and about 40% claim 3 , the mass percentage of the elemental carbon is between about 60 and about 70%.5. The coated article as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a metal layer formed between the substrate and the diamond-like carbon layer.6. The coated article as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the metal layer is tungsten layer.7. The coated article as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the metal layer comprises a plurality of nano-sized bumps on a surface thereof claim 5 , the diamond-like carbon layer having a profile corresponding to a profile of the metal layer.8. The coated article as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the metal layer has a thickness of about 1 μm to about 2 μm.9. The coated article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of glass claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , high speed steel or die steel.10. A method for making a coated article claim 1 , comprising: ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002755A1

An oxide sintered body containing indium, hafnium, tantalum, and oxygen as constituent elements, in which when indium, hafnium, and tantalum are designated as In, Hf, and Ta, respectively, the atomic ratio of Hf/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.002 to 0.030, and the atomic ratio of Ta/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.0002 to 0.013. 1. A transparent conductive oxide film , comprising:an oxide including indium, hafnium, tantalum, and oxygen as constituent elements,wherein the oxide satisfies that an atomic ratio of Hf/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.002 to 0.030, and that an atomic ratio of Ta/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.0002 to 0.013, where In, Hf and Ta are indium, hafnium, and tantalum, respectively.2. The transparent conductive oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Hf/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.005 to 0.025.3. The transparent conductive oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Hf/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.007 to 0.021.4. The transparent conductive oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Ta/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.001 to 0.010.5. The transparent conductive oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Ta/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.003 to 0.010.6. The transparent conductive oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Hf/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.005 to 0.025 claim 1 , and the atomic ratio of Ta/(In+Hf+Ta) is equal to 0.001 to 0.010. The present application is a divisional of and claims the benefit of priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 16/078,488, filed Aug. 21, 2018, which is the National Stage of the International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2017/006045, filed Feb. 20, 2017, which is based upon and claims the benefit of priority to Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2016-031403, filed Feb. 22, 2016, and 2016-223540, filed Nov. 16, 2016. The entire contents of all of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to an oxide sintered body, a sputtering ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003036A1

A coating source for physical vapor deposition has a coating material which consists of a brittle material and has cracks. The coating source additionally has a support element which is joined to the coating material at a surface of the coating material. Furthermore, the coating material has structuring on at least parts of a surface of the coating material. There is also described a process for producing a coating source. 120-. (canceled)21. A coating source for physical vapor deposition , the coating source comprising:a coating material being a brittle material and having cracks, said coating material having structuring on at least parts of a surface of said coating material; anda support element joined to said coating material at a surface of said coating material.22. The coating source according to claim 21 , wherein said cracks run primarily along said structuring.23. The coating source claim 21 , according to claim 21 , wherein a proportion of more than 50% of a total crack length of said cracks runs along said structuring.24. The coating source according to claim 21 , wherein said structuring is formed on a surface of said coating material averted from said support element.25. The coating source according to claim 21 , wherein said structuring comprises an arrangement of a first group of parallel linear depressions and a second group of parallel linear depressions claim 21 , and wherein said second group of parallel linear depressions is oriented to enclose an angle of between 70° and 110° with said first group of parallel linear depressions.26. The coating source according to claim 21 , wherein said coating material has a coefficient of thermal expansion αthat is greater than a coefficient of thermal expansion αof said support element.27. The coating source according to claim 21 , wherein said coating material is a material selected from the group consisting of TiB claim 21 , SiC claim 21 , BC claim 21 , MoSiB and CrSiB.28. The coating source according to ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005576A1
Автор: Tsukamoto Shiro

A high-purity titanium target for sputtering having a purity of 5N5 (99.9995%) or higher, wherein the high-purity titanium target has no macro pattern on the target surface. An object of this invention is to provide a high-quality titanium target for sputtering, in which impurities causing particles and abnormal discharge phenomena are reduced, and which is free from fractures and cracks even during high-rate sputtering, and capable of stabilizing the sputtering characteristics, effectively inhibiting the generation of particles during deposition, and improving the uniformity of deposition. 1. A high-purity titanium target for sputtering having a purity of 5N5 (99.9995%) or higher , wherein the high-purity titanium target has no macro pattern on the target surface.2. The high-purity titanium target for sputtering according to claim 1 , wherein an average crystal grain size is 10 μm or less.3. A method of producing a high-purity titanium target for sputtering having a purity of 5N5 (99.9995%) or higher claim 1 , wherein a melted and cast ingot is subject to primary forging at a temperature of 800 to 950° C. claim 1 , and subject to secondary forging at a temperature exceeding 500° C. but 600° C. or lower to produce the target having no macro pattern on its surface.4. The method of producing a high-purity titanium target for sputtering according to claim 3 , wherein cold rolling is performed after the secondary forging claim 3 , heat treatment is additionally performed at 400 to 460° C. claim 3 , and the ingot is thereafter processed into a target.5. (canceled)6. The method of producing a high-purity titanium target for sputtering according to claim 4 , of which average crystal grain size is 10 μm or less.7. The method of producing a high-purity titanium target for sputtering according to claim 3 , wherein an average crystal grain size of the target is 10 μm or less. The present invention relates to a high-quality titanium target for sputtering which is capable of ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Color filter substrate, a method of fabricating the same, a display device including the same, and method of fabricating the display device

Номер: US20150009461A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A color filter substrate including a base substrate, a color layer on the base substrate, a conductive layer on the color layer, and a grain compensation layer between the color layer and the conductive layer. The grain compensation layer includes zinc oxide and a metal oxide other than zinc oxide. A content of the metal oxide is lower than that of the zinc oxide in the grain compensation layer. The grain compensation layer increases the grain size of the conductive layer.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009335A1
Автор: Yamakoshi Yasuhiro

A target is formed of a sintering-resistant material of high-melting point metal alloy, high-melting point metal silicide, high-melting point metal carbide, high-melting point metal nitride or high-melting point metal boride comprising a structure in which a material formed of a sintering-resistant material of high-melting point metal alloy, high-melting point metal silicide, high-melting point metal carbide, high-melting point metal nitride or high-melting point metal boride and a high-melting point metal plate other than the target are bonded. A production method of such a target is provided. Further the generation of cracks during the target production and high power sputtering, and the reaction of the target raw material with the die during hot pressing can be inhibited effectively, and the warpage of the target can be reduced. 1. A production method of a composite sputtering target including a sputtering target comprising a sintered body formed of a powder of a sinter-resistant material of an alloy of high-melting point metals or a silicide , carbide , nitride or boride of a high-melting point metal , comprising the steps of:placing a secondary plate having a thickness of 2 to 6 mm and made of a high-melting point metal different from the high-melting point metals constituting the alloy or the high melting point metal of the silicide, carbide, nitride or boride of the sputtering target in a die;filling the die with powder formed of the alloy of high-melting point metals or the silicide, carbide, nitride or boride of the high-melting point metal of the sinter-resistant material of the sputtering target, the high-melting point metal or metals of the sputtering target having a melting point of 1700° C. or higher;additionally inserting a further secondary plate made of a high-melting point metal different from the metal or metals of the sputtering target on the filled powder to obtain a trilaminar structure;subsequently subjecting the trilaminar structure to ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic Surface Modification Materials and Methods of Use Thereof

Номер: US20220024824A1

Porous, binderless ceramic surface modification materials are described, and applications of use thereof. The ceramic material may include a metal oxide and/or metal hydroxide, and/or hydrates thereof, on a substrate surface. 1. A composition comprising a binderless porous ceramic material on a substrate.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic material is primarily crystalline.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a metal oxide claim 1 , a hydrate of a metal oxide claim 1 , a metal hydroxide claim 1 , a layered double hydroxide claim 1 , and/or a hydrate of a metal hydroxide.4. (canceled)5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a surface area of about 10 mto 1500 mper square meter of projected substrate area.6. (canceled)7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a mean pore diameter of about 2 nm to about 20 nm.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the pore size distribution is multimodal.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a thickness up to about 50 micrometers.1011.-. (canceled)12. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a porosity greater than about 10%.13. (canceled)14. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a void volume of about 100 mm/g to about 7500 mm/g as determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry.15. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises aluminum claim 1 , an aluminum alloy claim 1 , a steel alloy claim 1 , an iron alloy claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , a zinc alloy claim 1 , copper claim 1 , a copper alloy claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , nickel alloys claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , titanium alloys claim 1 , glass claim 1 , a polymer claim 1 , a co-polymer claim 1 , or plastic.16. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic material comprises a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009923A1

A transparent heat shielding and insulating member of the present invention includes a transparent base and a functional layer formed on the transparent base. The functional layer includes an infrared reflecting layer, a primer layer and a protective layer laminated in this order from the transparent base side. The primer layer is formed of a modified polyolefin resin having an acid group or a hydroxyl group, and the protective layer is formed of an ionizing radiation curable resin or a thermosetting resin. 1. A transparent heat shielding and insulating member comprising a transparent base and a functional layer formed on the transparent base , whereinthe functional layer comprises an infrared reflecting layer, a primer layer and a protective layer laminated in this order from the transparent base side,the primer layer is formed of a modified polyolefin resin having either an acid group or a hydroxyl group, andthe protective layer is formed of an ionizing radiation curable resin or a thermosetting resin.2. The transparent heat shielding and insulating member according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer has a thickness in a range of 0.1 μm to 2.5 μm claim 1 , and a normal emittance at the protective layer side in compliance with JIS R3106 is not more than 0.3.3. The transparent heat shielding and insulating member according to claim 1 , wherein the primer layer has a thickness in a range of 0.05 μm to 10 μm.4. The transparent heat shielding and insulating member according to claim 1 , wherein the primer layer is formed directly on the infrared reflecting layer.5. The transparent heat shielding and insulating member according to claim 1 , wherein the infrared reflecting layer is formed of a conductive laminated film comprising a metal oxide layer claim 1 , a metal layer and a metal oxide layer in this order.6. The transparent heat shielding and insulating member according to claim 1 , wherein after a weathering test of 1000 hours in compliance with JIS A5759 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011119A1

Certain example embodiments relate to electric, potentially-driven shades usable with insulating glass (IG) units, IG units including such shades, and/or associated methods. In such a unit, a dynamic shade is located between the substrates defining the IG unit, and is movable between retracted and extended positions. The dynamic shade includes on-glass layers including a transparent conductor and an insulator or dielectric film, as well as a shutter. The shutter includes a resilient polymer, a conductor, and optional ink. Holes, invisible to the naked eye, may be formed in the polymer. Those holes may be sized, shaped, and arranged to promote summertime solar energy reflection and wintertime solar energy transmission. The conductor may be transparent or opaque. When the conductor is reflective, overcoat layers may be provided to help reduce internal reflection. The polymer may be capable of surviving high-temperature environments and may be colored in some instances. 1. An insulating glass (IG) unit , comprising:first and second substrates, each having interior and exterior major surfaces, the interior major surface of the first substrate facing the interior major surface of the second substrate;a spacer system helping to maintain the first and second substrates in substantially parallel spaced apart relation to one another and to define a gap therebetween; and a first conductive film provided, directly or indirectly, on the interior major surface of the first substrate;', 'a dielectric or insulator film provided, directly or indirectly, on the first conductive film; and', 'a shutter including a polymer material supporting a second conductive film and a reflection-reducing coating, the second conductive film having first and second sides corresponding to its first and second major surfaces, the reflection-reducing coating being formed on the first side of the second conductive film, the polymer material being extendible to serve as a shutter closed position and ...
