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11-12-2017 дата публикации

Ветроэнергетическая установка

Номер: RU0000175592U1

Полезная модель относится к ветроэнергетике и может быть использована для преобразования кинетической энергии ветра в электрическую.Для увеличения КПД в предлагаемой ветроэнергетической установке (ВЭУ), необходимо минимизировать паразитные нагрузки.Технический результат - минимизация паразитных нагрузок.Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в ветроэнергетической установке, содержащей рабочий орган, систему передачи энергии и преобразователь энергии, тем, что рабочий орган выполнен в виде ветроуловителя, жестко закрепленного в верхней части упругой несущей мачты, опирающейся опорной муфтой, находящейся в нижней части мачты, на амортизационные пружины. 3 ил. Ц 1 175592 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (11) з Хх < о — 302) ВО ` # Со а к У Ц 7 (51) МПК [ОЗр 506 (2006.01) НоОЗр 9/25 (2016.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016152336, 28.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.12.2016 Дата регистрации: 11.12.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 11.12.2017 Бюл. № 35 Адрес для переписки: 443096, г. Самара, а/я 2734, Заметалиной Нине Петровне (72) Автор(ы): Россов Борис Леонидович (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Куми Вячеслав Владимирович (КП), Россов Борис Леонидович (КП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: СВ 2073327 А, 14.10.1981. ВЧ 2157921 С2, 20.10.2000. ]Р 2016023637 А, 08.02.2016. КК 20130077366 А, 09.07.2013. (54) ВЕТРОЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКАЯ УСТАНОВКА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ветроэнергетике и может быть использована для преобразования кинетической энергии ветра в электрическую. Для увеличения КПД в предлагаемой ветроэнергетической установке (ВЭУ), необходимо — минимизировать — паразитные нагрузки. Технический результат - паразитных нагрузок. минимизация Стр.: 1 Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в ветроэнергетической установке, содержащей рабочий орган, систему передачи энергии и преобразователь энергии, ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Ветроэнергетическая установка

Номер: RU0000179541U1

Полезная модель относится к ветроэнергетике и может быть использована для преобразования кинетической энергии ветра в электрическую.Задача создания полезной модели: минимизация потерь, связанных с преобразованием энергии.Технический результат: минимизация потерь, связанных с преобразованием энергии.Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в ветроэнергетической установке, содержащей рабочий орган, систему передачи энергии и преобразователь энергии, отличающейся тем, что система передачи энергии состоит из троса, закрепленного в верхней части мачты, проходящего через успокоительный элемент, содержащий прижимные ролики и трубчатый центратор, и соединенного с пружиной, соединенной с грузом, и преобразователя энергии, представляющего собой шток, жестко соединенный с грузом, имеющий возможность возвратно-поступательного перемещения внутри преобразователя. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 541 U1 (51) МПК F03D 5/06 (2006.01) F03D 9/25 (2016.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F03D 5/06 (2018.02); F03D 9/25 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128389, 08.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Куми Вячеслав Владимирович (RU), Россов Борис Леонидович (RU) Дата регистрации: 17.05.2018 2157921 C2, 20.10.2000. RU 2339841 C1, 27.11.2008. RU 115835 U1, 10.05.2012. JP 2016023637 A, 08.02.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 1 7 9 5 4 1 R U (54) ВЕТРОЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКАЯ УСТАНОВКА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ветроэнергетике и может быть использована для преобразования кинетической энергии ветра в электрическую. Задача создания полезной модели: минимизация потерь, связанных с преобразованием энергии. Технический результат: минимизация потерь, связанных с преобразованием энергии. Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в ветроэнергетической установке, содержащей рабочий орган, систему передачи энергии и Стр.: 1 преобразователь энергии, отличающейся тем, ...

17-03-2021 дата публикации

Роторная ветроустановка

Номер: RU0000202979U1

Техническое решение относится к ветроэнергетике, а именно к ветроустановкам с направляющими устройствами для воздушного потока и может быть использовано для автономного энергоснабжения при малоэтажном домостроении, на кораблях, для подзарядки электрокар.Техническим результатом заявленного технического решения является повышение эффективности работы.Технический результат достигается тем, что в роторной ветроустановке, включающей направляющий аппарат и движитель, состоящий по край не мере из двух модулей каждый из которых содержит ротор с изогнутыми лопастями, роторы модулей жестко закреплены на валах, установленных соосно, а их лопасти ориентированы для вращения роторов в противоположных направлениях, причем валы роторов механически связаны с валом электрогенератора, при этом каждый ротор движителя выполнен в виде барабана для закрепления лопастей под углом 40-60° жестко соединенного с фланцем, снабженным, внутренними криволинейными проходами с входными и выходными отверстиями для забора и отведения воздушного потока от каждой лопасти барабана ротора, причем направляющий аппарат выполнен в виде шторок, представляющих собой поверхность полуцилиндров, установленных с возможностью перемещения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 979 U1 (51) МПК F03D 3/04 (2006.01) F03D 3/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F03D 3/04 (2021.02); F03D 3/0427 (2021.02); F03D 3/064 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020129838, 09.09.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Черкасов Александр Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 17.03.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.09.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 17.03.2021 Бюл. № 8 2 0 2 9 7 9 R U (54) Роторная ветроустановка (57) Реферат: Техническое решение относится к ветроэнергетике, а именно к ветроустановкам с направляющими устройствами для воздушного потока и может быть использовано для автономного энергоснабжения при ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Voltage control at windfarms

Номер: US20120010756A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A voltage control arrangement for a system of multiple windfarms with transmission lines. Voltage is regulated at a point of regulation on the system, such as a high voltage substation or other system bus. Regulation is achieved at the point of regulation by sensing the voltage, comparing to a reference voltage, and adjusting the reactive power output of the wind turbines and other equipment in the system. The regulation point may be shifted to another point if needed to respect voltage limits at that points of the system after attempting to shift reactive load to restore voltage within limits at the other points in the system. The reference voltage may be adjusted to minimize losses for the system of multiple windfarms and transmission lines. A loss optimizing algorithm is applied to the combined multiple windfarm and transmission line to shift reactive load among local windfarms to minimize losses and to shift reactive load among individual wind turbines within an individual windfarm.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Blade pitch controlling drive for a wind turbine

Номер: US20120032627A1
Принадлежит: SSB Wind Systems GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a blade pitch controlling drive for a wind turbine, comprising an electrical converter, an electric motor that is electrically coupled to the converter, a monitoring unit operable to monitor an electric output current supplied by the converter to the electric motor and determine a state of the load on the converter as a function of the electrical output current, a current limiting unit operable to reduce a maximum possible output current to a nominal current when the state of the load is an overload state when the nominal current when in a non-overload state, and a peak current control unit that can be activated. When activated, the peak current may be provided as the maximum possible output current, regardless of the load state of the inverter at the time of the activation.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Corner wind turbine for tall building

Номер: US20120080884A1
Автор: Francois Gagnon
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is base on aerodynamic flows and turbulences that surround tall building under various wind conditions. When buildings are relatively tall, there is more airflow surrounding their walls than over it. When the wind reach in angle a surface of a building, this wind will generally slide on this face to the end of it. As all the wind that come to that surface will run to the same ending point, there will be an important concentration of wind at this point. On the other hand, the following wall will receive no wind and will be under low pressure. This is a perfect location for wind turbine, and the first object of our invention.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for compressing and/or expanding a gas utilizing a bi-directional piston and hydraulic actuator

Номер: US20120096845A1
Принадлежит: General Compression Inc

Systems, methods and devices for optimizing bi-directional piston movement within a device or system used to compress and/or expand a gas, such as air, are described herein. In some embodiments, a compressed air device and/or system can include a first pneumatic cylinder, a second pneumatic cylinder, a hydraulic actuator, and a hydraulic controller. The first pneumatic cylinder has a first working piston disposed therein for reciprocating movement in the first pneumatic cylinder and the hydraulic actuator is coupled to the first working piston. The second pneumatic cylinder has a second working piston disposed therein for reciprocating movement in the second pneumatic cylinder. The hydraulic controller is fluidically coupleable to the hydraulic actuator and is operable in a compression mode.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Wind turbine generator and tidal current generator and operation method thereof

Номер: US20120104752A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the invention is to provide a wind turbine generator or a tidal current generator which is equipped with a hydraulic transmission and achieves a superior power generation efficiency, and a operation method thereof. The wind turbine generator 1 comprises a hydraulic pump 12 of a variable displacement type which is rotated by the main shaft 8 , a hydraulic motor 14 of a variable displacement type which is connected to the generator 20 , and a high pressure oil line 16 and a low pressure oil line 18 which are arranged between the hydraulic pump 12 and the hydraulic motor 14 . The pump controller 32 obtains a target torque of the hydraulic pump 12 at which a power coefficient becomes maximum, and then sets a displacement D p of the hydraulic pump 12 based on the target torque and the pressure in the high pressure oil line 16 . The motor controller 34 sets a displacement D m of the hydraulic pump 14 based on a discharge amount Q p of the hydraulic pump obtained from the displacement D p of the hydraulic pump 12 so that the rotation seed of the generator 20 becomes constant.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Differential gearing for an energy generation plant and operating method

Номер: US20120115661A1
Автор: Gerald Hehenberger
Принадлежит: Individual

A differential gearing for an energy generation plant, in particular for a wind power station, has three drives and outputs, a first drive being connected to a drive shaft of the energy generation plant, one output being connected to a generator ( 8 ), and a second drive being connected to an electrical machine as differential drive ( 6 ). The transmission ratio of the differential gearing ( 3 ) can be fixed at 1 by way of a brake ( 20 ).

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for extracting energy from a fluctuating energy flow from a renewable energy source

Номер: US20120117958A1
Принадлежит: Artemis Intelligent Power Ltd

In an energy extraction device and method for extracting energy from a fluctuating energy flow from a renewable energy source, a hydraulic pump is driven by a rotating shaft, driven in turn by a renewable energy source. A hydraulic motor drives a load and a high pressure manifold communicates between the pump, motor and an elastically deformable fluid retaining body. The hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor comprise working chambers displacing a volume of working fluid selectable on each cycle of working chamber volume by the control of electronic valves. The pressure in the high pressure manifold is measured and the net rate of displacement of working fluid by the hydraulic pump is selected responsive thereto to regulate the torque applied to the said rotating shaft.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Submerged energy storage

Номер: US20120119503A1
Автор: Martinus van Breems
Принадлежит: Individual

A submerged energy storage system and method incorporates a pump having a helix screw coupled with a storage tank on the sea floor and motive means, such as wind driven impellers or wave motion produced by sliding buoys or driving the screw of the pump.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Wind turbine system comprising a doubly fed induction generator

Номер: US20120133137A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A wind turbine includes a gearbox coupled to a rotatable shaft for increasing speed of the rotation of the rotatable shaft, a doubly fed induction generator for generating electrical power from the rotations of the rotatable shaft comprising a stator and a rotor wherein the stator and the rotor comprise a plurality of stator slots and a plurality of rotor slots respectively and a tooth winding wound in at least one of the plurality of stator slots and the plurality of rotor slots wherein the tooth winding includes a fractional slot per pole per phase ratio, and a partial power converter electrically coupled to the doubly fed induction generator for controlling the electrical power for delivery to a power grid.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Asynchronous generator system and wind turbine having an asynchronous generator system

Номер: US20120139246A1
Автор: Axel Rafoth

The present invention relates to an asynchronous generator system for a wind turbine, and a wind turbine with such a system, and the method for operating and starting up such a wind turbine. Herein, the asynchronous generator system is developed especially simply and thus cost-effectively and is able to go through wind storms and the increase of rotational speed associated therewith.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Wind-power and hydraulic generator apparatus

Номер: US20120146334A1
Автор: Shun-Tsung Lu
Принадлежит: Individual

A wind-power and hydraulic generator apparatus has a wind power device, a drive device, multiple pump devices, a reservoir device and a hydraulic device. When the wind blows, the wind power device generates and stores electricity and the drive device drives the pump devices to pump water into the reservoir device. Then the reservoir device generates a water jet enabling the hydraulic device to generate electricity. When the wind does not blow, the electricity stored in the wind power device still enables the water to circulate and to generate the water jet. Whether the wind blows or not, the water of the reservoir device can keep circulating to generate the water jet and the hydraulic device can keep generating electricity. Accordingly, the wind-power and hydraulic generator apparatus can use wind power to generate a water jet.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Power Generation System, Power Generator and Method Thereof

Номер: US20120169061A1
Автор: Hae Sook Lee, Tai Koan Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A power generation system and generator provided through a fluid flow energy source to generate electricity. The system comprising an energy source of one or more wind turbines; a motor; a transmission component comprising a pump, set of water circulators, set of water pipes, and set of transmission devices. Electricity generated from the wind turbine is adjusted, supplied to a vehicle motor, and powers the pump motor for moving water into the circulators. Another power generation system comprises unidirectional conduits for receiving an external fluid flow, a pump, a water turbine operatively connected with a transmission which is connected to a generator. In another embodiment, instead of a water turbine, one or more fluid circulators are operatively connected with a transmission which is connected to a generator. Fluid released from the pump enters a reservoir in fluid connection with a unidirectional conduit, through which fluid is pulled through the system.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Vertical axis wind turbine with multiple flap vanes

Номер: US20120211992A1
Автор: Daniel N. Boone
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved wind turbine device with energy storage comprises a turbine rotor with rotatable vertical shaft, at least one bearing for said vertical shaft, and multiple rotor vanes disposed symmetrically for rotation about the vertical shaft. Each of said multiple rotor vanes is substantially box-shaped with four solid sides and a front and rear side disposed in a radial vertical plane. The front side to each vane is substantially open faced and the rear side has an opening covered by a plurality of flaps. Each of said flaps is capable of moving with the directional passage of wind through the vane.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Wind turbine apparatus

Номер: US20120235418A1
Принадлежит: Via Verde Ltd

A wind turbine apparatus including a shaft, two wind turbines, and a two-piece alternator. The turbines and the alternator are mounted on the shaft. The alternator is located between the turbines. The alternator includes a circular permanent magnet component fixed to the first turbine, and a circular electrical winding component fixed to the second turbine so that, when an effective wind blows in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the shaft, the first turbine and the circular magnet component will rotate around the shaft in a first direction and the second turbine and the circular winding component will rotate around the shaft in a second direction opposite the first direction, thereby generating electrical energy.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Energy extraction device with electrical generator and method of operating energy extraction device electrical generator

Номер: US20130009612A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A wind turbine generator, or other energy extraction device, has a hydraulic circuit comprising a hydraulic pump driven by a rotating shaft and a hydraulic motor driving an electricity generator. When the electricity generator is switched off, it executes one or more pumping cycles to pressurise the high pressure manifold and therefore recover angular kinetic energy from the electricity generator rotor which can later be used to reaccelerate the electricity generator rotor to the correct operating speed for an electricity grid. Overall energy efficiency is increased and the minimum operating high pressure manifold pressure may be reduced as a result.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Energy Generation System Using Underwater Storage of Compressed Air Produced by Wind Machines

Номер: US20130019591A1
Автор: Herbert L. Williams
Принадлежит: Individual

An offshore floating wind farm producing compressed air in varying quantities depending on the wind speed, the compressed air being delivered to a large-volume, thin-walled, underwater storage bladder or tank, the compressed air then being delivered to an electricity-generating power plant to power generators as needed. The system may also include an onshore wind farm that produces compressed air in varying quantities depending on wind speed, the compressed air being delivered directly to the power plant. When compressed air production exceeds the needs of the power plant, the excess compressed air is delivered to the underwater storage tank. When onshore production is inadequate, compressed air is brought from the underwater storage tank to the power plant.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Generating Electrical Power Using an Improved Wind Turbine Blade

Номер: US20130028745A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for generating electrical power using an improved wind turbine blade is described herein. Specifically, a wind turbine blade assembly can include a one or more curved blade mount, each parallel to the other, having a ratio of a linear blade length to a curve depth between 15/99 and 17/99, and a blade, wherein blade is mounted to said one or more blade mounts, wherein said blade comprises a thin flexible material capable of conforming to one or more curved blade mount.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Wind Power Turbine System

Номер: US20130036684A1
Принадлежит: KEMAH POWER LLC

A method and system for mounting a horizontal-axis wind turbine to a building, stadiums and the like, is disclosed. The method and system generally include identifying a building structured to create the necessary air pressure gradient for supporting and operating a wind turbine, mounting the wind turbine in an optimal location on the rooftop, and permitting the wind turbine to operate. The generated electricity is collected and used in the building, either for tenant use or building operations.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine with discretely variable diameter gear box

Номер: US20130043686A1
Принадлежит: IQWind Ltd

A wind turbine includes a rotor shaft having thereon rotor blades exposed to wind energy, a first stage gear set on the rotor shaft, a discretely variable ratio gear set coupled to the first stage gear output shaft and having a gear set output shaft, a differential on the gear set output shaft having a differential control shaft facilitating changing the gear box ratio by whole numbers of gear teeth, and a generator operating at a constant frequency coupled to an electric grid operating at the constant frequency. The wind turbine may take a variable speed input of the gear box to create a fixed speed output fed to the generator operating at constant frequency and coupled directly to the power grid without power electronics. Existing wind turbines whether fixed speed fixed pitch or variable speed variable pitch can be retrofitted with the gear box of the present invention.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Oil supply in renewable energy turbine generator

Номер: US20130049371A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A renewable energy turbine generator ( 1 ), such as a wind turbine generator, comprises a hydraulic pump ( 20 ), a hydraulic motor ( 24 ) and an oil circuit ( 26, 28 ) connecting the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic motor. Oil in the low pressure side ( 28 ) of the oil circuit is cooled and supplied to the working chambers ( 95 ) of the hydraulic pump. A reduced temperature oil feed provides additionally cooled oil to the bearings of the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic motor. Thus, cooler and more viscous oil is supplied to the bearings ( 84 ) of the hydraulic pump and/or hydraulic motor and warmer and less viscous oil is supplied to the working chambers, increasing the efficiency and lifetime of the bearings and of the working portions of the hydraulic pump and motor.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Wind to electric energy conversion with hydraulic storage

Номер: US20130127170A1
Автор: David McConnell
Принадлежит: Lancaster Wind Systems Inc

A system and method for converting natural resources, such as wind, to electrical energy, where the system is capable of long term energy storage in conditions of low, high or intermittent wind speeds. The system further comprises three closed-loop systems, two hydraulic closed loop systems and one gas system.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Power generating apparatus of renewable energy type and control method thereof

Номер: US20130134708A1
Автор: Fumio Hamano
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A power generating apparatus of renewable energy type includes a rotation shaft, a hydraulic pump, a hydraulic motor, a generator and a pitch drive unit. When a fault even occurs, a deviation of a state indicating an operation state from a normal state value is calculated. When the deviation is not less than a first threshold value, the stop control unit performs by means of a hard-wired circuit at least one of switching the hydraulic pump to an idle state, the hydraulic motor to an idle state, and the pitch angle toward a feathering position. When the deviation is less than the first threshold and not less than a second threshold, the stop control unit performs by software control all of switching the hydraulic pump to the idle state, the hydraulic motor to the idle state, and the pitch angle toward the feathering position.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136576A1
Автор: Wojnar Sebastian

The invention extends to an air flow device for wind turbines which includes a number of flow paths which assist in the movement of air through the air flow device which assists in increasing the efficiency and power output of the wind turbine. The air flow device includes flow passages alongside a central channel which houses the wind turbine. 1. A wind turbine air flow device for use to guide the flow of air relative to a wind turbine; the wind turbine air flow device includes a body having at least one side wall which defines a channel which extends through the body; and the at least one side wall having an inlet portion which defines an inlet to the channel , an outlet portion which defines an outlet from the channel , and an intermediate portion which lies between the inlet and outlet portions inside the channel; wherein the inlet portion has at least one device vane so that the channel at the inlet portion is divided into a number of flow paths leading towards the wind turbine; wherein in use the wind turbine is positioned inside the intermediate portion so that air passing through the channel from the inlet to the outlet flows over the wind turbine; wherein the plurality of channel flow paths are configured to focus the air pressure in front of the wind turbine to improve the effect of the air velocity on the wind turbine.2. A wind turbine air flow device according to wherein the configuration of the inlet portion to include a number of separate flow paths each of which is profiled to cause claim 1 , via a venturi effect claim 1 , a decrease in static air pressure and consequently an increase in dynamic pressure and air velocity of air flowing towards the wind turbine; and wherein the channel flow paths focuses the dynamic air pressure in front of the wind turbine.3. A wind turbine airflow device according to wherein the outlet includes at least one guide vane so that the channel at the outlet portion is divided into a number of flow paths leading away from ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Control system for a wind park

Номер: US20130140817A1
Автор: Bo Yin
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A control system for a wind park includes a plurality of limit controllers. Each limit controller is configured to output a limit value set based upon a specific grid code requirement. A selection unit compiles a limit value set from the plurality of limit value sets according to a number of grid code requirements. The control system further includes a plurality of main controllers, wherein a main controller is configured to generate a setpoint for one or more wind turbines of the wind park according to the compiled limit value set. Further, a wind park and a method of controlling a wind park are provided.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

System and methodology for wind compression

Номер: US20130140826A1
Принадлежит: Robert O. Ward

A wind compressor system having one or more wind turbines and a plurality of wind compressors located proximate the one or more wind turbines. The wind compressors optimize the energy created by the wind turbines by redirecting and converging the wind from the wind compressor to the wind turbines. Each of the wind compressors comprises an obstruction having a size and shape adapted to converge the wind currents by means of a Venturi effect toward the one or more turbines thereby increasing the velocity and force of the wind hitting the wind turbine. A plurality of transporters coupled to the wind compressors. The transporters configured to move at least one wind compressors to a location that maximizes the force of the wind encountered by the turbine.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Calibration of Blade Load Sensors

Номер: US20130183151A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Wind SL

A method of calibrating one or more load sensors of a blade of a wind turbine, said wind turbine comprising a main generator, a power electronic converter connected with the main generator, and a rotor operationally connected with the main generator and carrying the blade. The method comprises acting on the power electronic converter to operate the main generator as motor to set the blade in at least one predetermined condition. The method further comprises measuring loads in the predetermined condition using the load sensors of the blade and calibrating the blade load sensors taking into account the measured loads.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of operating a wind turbine, wind turbine, wind turbine controlling system, and processing system

Номер: US20130187384A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

According to an embodiment, a method of operating a wind turbine comprising a DC-to-AC voltage converter is provided, the wind turbine being connectable to a grid via the DC-to-AC voltage converter, the method comprising: determining a line voltage of a power line connecting the DC-to-AC voltage converter to the grid; if the determined line voltage exceeds a predefined voltage threshold value, injecting reactive current into the power line, wherein the amount of reactive current injected is chosen such that an output voltage of the DC-to-AC voltage converter is kept within a predetermined voltage range.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Generator torque control methods

Номер: US20130207394A1

A wind turbine typically includes a generator and a rotating mechanical system having a natural period. The present invention relates to a method of controlling generator torque that minimises oscillations in the speed of the generator rotor. In the event of a grid fault or transient, or a fault in the power converter, the generator torque is decreased at a substantially constant rate with respect to time as shown in graph (c). The rate at which the generator torque is decreases is proportional to the nominal rated torque of the generator and inversely proportional to an integer multiple of the natural period of the rotating mechanical system.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine system

Номер: US20130209288A1
Автор: Cheng-Te Wang
Принадлежит: Individual

A wind turbine system that can comprise a wind power machine, a compressor, at least one energy accumulator, a dynamo, a pressurized heating system, and a depressurized cooling system; the wind power machine is driven by a wind power to transform wind energy into mechanical energy and to drive a compressor; the compressor pressurizes and stores gas in the energy accumulator; the energy accumulator stores and output the pressurized gas to drive the dynamo; the dynamo can comprise an air motor and an AC generator motor; wherein the air motor is driven by a gas outputted from the energy accumulator, and wherein the air motor drives the AC generator motor to generate electricity; the pressurized heating system can comprise a liquid/gas energy converter transforming hydraulic pressure into a gas pressure; the depressurized cooling system is connected between the energy accumulator and the dynamo.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Wind-turbine-generator control system, wind turbine generator, and wind-turbine-generator control method

Номер: US20130214536A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A power-converter controller is provided in a wind turbine generator which is interconnected to a utility grid and in which a generator generates electrical power by rotation of a rotor having blades. The power-converter controller includes a voltage sensor that measures a generator terminal voltage, resonance-component extracting sections that extract an electrical resonance component generated due to the interconnection from a measurement result measured by the voltage sensor, and a control section and a control section that control a current that flows to the utility grid so as to suppress the resonance component, on the basis of the resonance component extracted by the resonance-component extracting sections. Accordingly, the power-converter controller can more effectively suppress the resonance generated due to the interconnection of the wind turbine generator to the utility grid.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method of maintaining hydraulic pump in a renewable energy turbine generator

Номер: US20130216403A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A hydraulic pump comprises ( 1 ) an outward ring ( 24 ), including demountable blocks ( 30 ) comprising piston cylinders ( 32 ), and an inward ring ( 21 ), comprising a ring cam ( 23 ), coupled through a drive shaft ( 8 ) to the blades of a turbine ( 4 ). To enable maintenance, the outward ring is decoupled from a torque limiting device ( 16, 17 ) and rotated relative to the inward ring. Demountable blocks are then removed from the outward ring using a crane ( 61 ) including a line ( 62 ) extending from above the centre of mass of the demountable block and including a resilient portion ( 66 ) so that although the crane supplies the majority of the force required to remove the demountable block, an operator provides some force, enabling the process to be controlled. The method is suitable for maintaining large hydraulic pumps in wind turbine nacelles ( 2 ).

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine control device and method for reducing fluctuation of grid frequency when grid disturbance occurs, and wind turbine generator system thereof

Номер: US20130221669A1
Автор: Akira Yasugi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

When a grid disturbance occurs, output power control is performed for each wind turbine so as to reduce fluctuation of a frequency of an output power of the wind turbine at an early stage of the grid disturbance. The output power control is performed for each wind turbine so as to reduce fluctuation of a grid frequency at an interconnection point, in a late stage of the grid disturbance.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine generator system and operation control method thereof

Номер: US20130234433A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a wind turbine generator system and an operation control method thereof, which has a superior operation efficiency and stability at a low wind speed and during the occurrence of a gust and is equipped with Ride Through function at Grid low voltage condition. The wind turbine generator comprises a hydraulic pump of a variable displacement type which is rotated by the main shaft, a hydraulic motor of a variable displacement type which is connected to the generator, and a high pressure oil line and a low pressure oil line which are arranged between the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic motor. An accumulator is connected to the high pressure oil line via an accumulator valve. ACC valve control unit controls opening and closing of the accumulator valve based on at least one of wind speed and the state of the grid.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259696A1

A vertical axis wind turbine airfoil is described. The wind turbine airfoil can include a leading edge, a trailing edge, an upper curved surface, a lower curved surface, and a centerline running between the upper surface and the lower surface and from the leading edge to the trailing edge. The airfoil can be configured so that the distance between the centerline and the upper surface is the same as the distance between the centerline and the lower surface at all points along the length of the airfoil. A plurality of such airfoils can be included in a vertical axis wind turbine. These airfoils can be vertically disposed and can rotate about a vertical axis. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. An aerodynamic regulator system for a wind turbine comprising:at least one aerodynamic regulator configured to rotate about a first axis and comprising a first moveable airfoil and a second moveable airfoil, wherein the first moveable airfoil and the second moveable airfoil are configured to move in different directions; andwherein movement of said first moveable airfoil and said second moveable airfoil slows the rotational speed of said wind turbine.19. The aerodynamic regulator system of claim 18 , wherein said first moveable airfoil and said second moveable airfoil are rotatable about a second axis wherein said second axis extends outwards from said first axis.20. The aerodynamic regulator system of claim 19 , wherein said aerodynamic regulator is configured to rotate said first moveable airfoil and said second moveable airfoil about said second axis in different directions.21. The aerodynamic regulator system of claim 20 , wherein rotation of said first and second moveable airfoils about said second axis changes the angle of attack of said first and second moveable airfoils and ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Power generation and distribution system for a wind turbine

Номер: US20130264882A1
Принадлежит: Gamesa Innovation and Technology SL

A power distribution system for a wind turbine having a base and a nacelle, the wind turbine being coupled to a power grid. The system can include a main power circuit, the main power circuit including a generator, a main power transformer, and a first current interrupter. The system can further include an auxiliary circuit, the auxiliary circuit including a second current interrupter, an auxiliary transformer, and at least one auxiliary component, and a junction coupled to the main power circuit, the auxiliary circuit, and the power grid.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Excitation control circuit, control method and electrically excited wind power system having the same

Номер: US20130272038A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Shanghai Co Ltd

The present invention provides an excitation control circuit, a control method using the same and an electrically excited wind power system having the same. The excitation control circuit comprises at least one converter and at least one AC/DC conversion module. The converter is located between an AC electric grid and a wind power generator, so as to convert AC power generated by the wind power generator into AC power corresponding to the AC electric grid. The input side of the AC/DC conversion module is electrically connected between the converter and the wind power generator, and the output side is coupled to an excitation device. The AC/DC conversion module is used to convert the AC power from the wind power generator into a DC voltage, and provides an excitation current for the wind power generator using the DC voltage.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280034A1

The present invention relates to a wind direction adjustable blade type vertical axis wind turbine that is configured to allow blades to be automatically swung, thereby making more efficient use of wind power. The wind turbine includes: a rotating shaft adapted to be rotated by means of wind power; an upper plate adapted to be coupled to the upper portion of the rotating shaft; a lower plate adapted to be coupled to the lower portion of the rotating shaft; a plurality of blades disposed between the upper plate and the lower plate; and swing motion units disposed between the top end of each blade and the upper plate and between the underside end of each blade and the lower plate in such a manner as to form the center of rotation of each blade, while allowing each blade to be rotatable in accordance with the wind direction. 16.-. (canceled)7. A wind direction adjustable blade type vertical axis wind turbine comprising:{'b': '700', 'a rotating shaft adapted to be rotated by means of wind power;'}{'b': 100', '700, 'an upper plate adapted to be coupled to the upper portion of the rotating shaft ;'}{'b': 200', '700, 'a lower plate adapted to be coupled to the lower portion of the rotating shaft ;'}{'b': 400', '100', '200', '100', '200', '600', '600, 'one or more blades disposed between the upper plate and the lower plate in such a manner as to be coupled to at least one or more sides of the upper plate and the lower plate by means of swing motion units and to be rotatable around the center shafts of rotation of the swing motion units in accordance with wind direction;'}{'b': '700', 'a generating unit connected to the rotating shaft ; and'}{'b': 800', '700', '800', '700', '700', '820', '870', '820', '850', '870', '870', '860', '870', '870', '850, 'an accelerating unit disposed between the rotating shaft and the generating unit to accelerate the rotary force, the accelerating unit comprising: a connection rod adapted to be coupled to the rotating shaft to receive the rotary ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294886A1

A prime mover that is powered by the energy of a fluid is provided. Such a prime mover may include a first fairing, a second fairing spaced apart from the first fairing to define a gap therebetween and a blade assembly mounted on a shaft that extends between the first and second fairings. The first and second fairings each have a curved peripheral edge for directing a fluid into the gap. When the fluid flows into the gap it contacts the blade assembly to thereby rotate the blade assembly about an axis that is defined by the shaft. The prime mover may be mounted on a cell phone tower and used to generate electricity for powering components of the tower and/or for providing electricity to the power grid.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine control for a weak grid by reducing active power output

Номер: US20130300118A1
Автор: John Bech
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method is provided for controlling a wind turbine connected to a node connected to a utility grid. The node also has a plurality of other wind turbines connected to it. The method includes measuring a quantity indicative of a slope of a voltage at the node in dependence of active power delivered to the node, determining that the slope is smaller than a negative slope limit, and performing a measure, in order to increase the slope above the slope limit.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine with vertical axis

Номер: US20130315703A1
Автор: Joan BAETENS, Walter DACUS
Принадлежит: Individual

A turbine, for example a wind turbine, is equipped with a rotor ( 1 ) with a vertical axis and a screens system ( 31, 32 ) for conducting wind and fluid to the rotor. The turbine is equipped with a direction device ( 57 ) which produces a direction signal, and a way ( 55, 56 ) to direct the screens system ( 31, 32 ) depending on the direction signal. The rotor blades are fitted on the sides turned towards the axis with an open curl shape 34.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Utilizing flux controllable pm electric machines for wind turbine applications

Номер: US20130328317A1
Автор: Richard A. Himmelmann
Принадлежит: Clipper Windpower LLC

A wind turbine is disclosed. The wind turbine comprises a tower with a nacelle mounted to the tower. A hub, with a plurality of blades extending therefrom, is rotatably mounted to the nacelle. A main shaft rotates with the hub, and at least one generator system is operatively connected to the main shaft. The generator system of the wind turbine comprises a permanent magnet generator. The permanent magnet generator comprises a rotor and a stator for generating a high frequency alternating current (HFAC) power output from the rotation of the main shaft, and a magnetic flux diverter circuit for modulating the output of the permanent magnet generator. The generator system may further comprise a power transformation circuit for transforming the HFAC power output into a low frequency alternating current power output.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Wind-Powered Rotor and Energy Generation Method Using Said Rotor

Номер: US20130328320A1
Автор: SEIFERT Jost

A wind power rotor has a first and second rotor device. The first rotor device rotates about a first axis of rotation and has at least two rotor blades moving on a peripheral track about the first axis of rotation. The rotor blades are such that they describe a virtual first shell surface of a virtual first rotating body upon rotation about the first axis of rotation. The second rotor device rotates about a second axis of rotation and has a second rotating body with a closed second shell surface. The second rotating body is arranged at least partially inside of the virtual first rotating body. The first rotor device can be driven by wind in a first direction of rotation and the second rotor device has a drive device, and can be driven in a second direction of rotation which is opposite that of the first direction of rotation. 115-. (canceled)16. A wind power rotor , comprising:a first rotor device configured to rotate about a first axis of rotation and having at least two rotor blades configured to move on a peripheral track about the first axis of rotation, wherein the rotor blades are arranged in such a manner that they define a virtual first shell surface of a virtual first rotating body upon rotation about the first axis of rotation; anda second rotor device configured to rotate about a second axis of rotation and having a second rotating body with a closed second shell surface, wherein the second rotating body is arranged at least partially inside of the virtual first rotating body,wherein the first rotor device is configured to be driven by wind in a first direction of rotation to convert wind energy into a drive force, and the second rotor device has a drive device configured to drive the second rotor device in a second direction of rotation running counter to the first direction of rotation.17. A wind power rotor according to claim 16 , wherein the second rotor device is configured produce a deflection of an air stream caused by the wind inside of the first ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of operating a wind turbine as well as a system suitable therefor

Номер: US20140008912A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

According to a method of the present invention, a method of operating a wind turbine comprising a power generator, a generator side converter connected to the power generator, a line side converter connected to a power grid through power components, and a DC-link connected between the generator side converter and the line side converter is provided, the method comprising: monitoring the grid voltages on the power grid for overvoltage events; if an overvoltage event is detected, operating the line side converter in an overmodulation range for at least a part of the duration of the overvoltage event.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Wind park control system

Номер: US20140035284A1
Автор: John Bech
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A wind park control system for controlling reactive power output of wind turbines is described. The wind park delivers active power and reactive power to a utility grid. A total amount of reactive power required by the utility grid and an individual amount of reactive power for each wind turbine are determined. A capability scheme having an order for selecting the wind turbines to deliver reactive power is calculated based on the individual amount of reactive power and the total electrical power loss contributed by each connection of the wind turbines to the utility grid. An actual amount of reactive power provided by the wind turbines is adjusted. The reactive power output of each wind turbine is controlled based on the capability scheme. The wind turbines are selected for delivering reactive power in the order of the capability scheme so that the total amount of reactive power is fulfilled.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Reciprocal Motion Wind Energy Harvesting Device

Номер: US20220003211A1
Автор: Williams Johnnie Ace

A reciprocal motion wind energy harvesting device has a first vane carrier assembly and a second vane carrier assembly, which are supported by and rotate about a central shaft. The vane carrier assemblies support pluralities of vanes to receive wind force. The vanes are configured to be rotatable in order to produce opposing and reciprocating motion of the lever arm assemblies. The lever arm assemblies are operatively connected to a generator in order to convert the wind force received by the vanes into energy. 1. A reciprocal motion wind energy harvesting device comprising:a central shaft;a first vane carrier assembly;a second vane carrier assembly;at least one generator;the first vane carrier assembly and the second vane carrier assembly being concentrically positioned with and rotatably engaged about the central shaft;the first vane carrier assembly and the second vane carrier assembly being configured to counterrotate relative to each other about the central shaft;the first vane carrier assembly and the second vane carrier assembly being operatively coupled with the at least one generator, wherein the at least one generator is configured to generate power through rotational motion of the first vane carrier assembly and the second vane carrier assembly about the central shaft;the first vane carrier assembly and the second vane carrier assembly each comprising a first vane assembly, a second vane assembly, and a vane rotation mechanism;the first vane assembly and the second vane assembly being positioned opposite each other about the central shaft;the first vane assembly and the second vane assembly each comprising a support frame and a plurality of vanes;the plurality of vanes being rotatably mounted to the support frame;the plurality of vanes of the first vane assembly and the plurality of vanes of the second vane assembly being selectably oriented at an opposing angle to each other; andthe vane rotation mechanism being operatively connected to each of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003217A1
Автор: ALLEGRETTI Claudio

The invention describes a system () for producing electrical energy, configured to be operatively connected to a machine for generating air flows (), consisting in particular but not exclusively of the motor of an air conditioner. The system () comprises at least one wind turbine () and at least one air collector (), arranged between the machine for generating air flows () and such a wind turbine (). The air collector () is configured to channel and constantly reinforce the air flow emitted by the machine for generating air flows () in order to improve the yield of the wind turbine (). 110121014161214161214. System () for producing electrical energy , configured to be operatively connected to a machine for generating air flows () , consisting in particular but not exclusively of the motor of an air conditioner , the system () being characterised in that it comprises at least one wind turbine () and at least one air collector () , arranged between the machine for generating air flows () and said wind turbine () , wherein the air collector () is configured to channel and constantly reinforce the air flow emitted by the machine for generating air flows () in order to improve the yield of the wind turbine ().21016182012221420222426. System () according to claim 1 , characterised in that the air collector () is provided with an outer casing () divided into an air inlet duct () claim 1 , facing towards the machine for generating air flows () claim 1 , and an air outlet duct () claim 1 , facing towards the wind turbine () claim 1 , in which the air inlet and outlet ducts ( claim 1 , ) are separated by a separating wall () provided with a plurality of through holes () for the air.3102028281214. System () according to claim 2 , characterised in that inside the air inlet duct () there is at least one idle fan () claim 2 , in other words not provided with its own actuation means claim 2 , said fan () being set in rotation by the air flow emitted by the machine for generating ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Wind turbine with rotational air guides

Номер: US20180003152A1

Wind turbine according to the invention has at least one movable guide consisting of two rectangular wings () and () set in one plane and fixed with one edge to mounted shaft () set parallel to the axis of the turbine () and in such way that the edge of the first wing () is tangential, with small space, to the edge of the bar () which is an extension of the guide vane () of the body () and is set in the same plane as guide vane (), where the edge of the first wing () rests on resilient members () fixed to the bar (), and spread of the second wing () is smaller than the spread of the first wing () and the shaft () is connected to drive mechanism () equipped with positional switch, where the drive mechanism () is connected to control system. 1141511214104341416101514111313. A wind turbine having stationary body with guide vanes fixed to covers of the cylinder , within which a rotor is mounted , characterized in that it has at least one movable guide , said guide consist of two rectangular wings () and () set in one plane and fixed with one edge to mounted shaft () set parallel to the axis () of the turbine and in such way that the edge of the first wing () is tangential , with small space , to the edge of the bar () , which is an extension of the guide vane () of the body () and is set in the same plane as guide vane () , wherein the edge of the first wing () is rested on resilient members () fixed to the bar () , and spread of the second wing () is smaller than the spread of the first wing () and the shaft () is connected to drive mechanism () equipped with positional switch , where the drive mechanism () is connected to control system.2112056321. The wind turbine according to claim 1 , characterized in that on the shaft () there is at least one clamp () mounted claim 1 , which is connected to cover () or () of the body () with truss ()3141610. The wind turbine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the edge of the first wing () rests on resilient members () ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003182A1
Автор: SATOU Akinori

To provide a wind power generation device that can be suitably increased in size while increasing the electricity generation efficiency. A wind power generation device () is characterized by being provided with: a first wind turbine unit () comprising multiple wind turbines (to ) aligned in one line; a pair of blade units (), each of the blade units being disposed adjacent to the first wind turbine unit () and having an inner-side shape extending along the circumferences of circles defined by rotation of the wind turbines (to ) to enhance collection of wind by the rotation; and a conversion unit for converting energy obtained by the rotation of the first wind turbine unit () to electricity. 1. A wind power generation device comprising:a wind turbine unit comprising multiple wind turbines aligned in one line;a pair of blade units which is disposed adjacent to the wind turbine unit and enhances collection of wind by rotation of the wind turbines; anda conversion unit for converting energy obtained by the rotation of the wind turbine unit to electricity,wherein the multiple wind turbines are arranged in a zig-zag form in which the wind turbines adjacent along the one line are alternately offset in the frontward and backward directions along rotation shafts to prevent the adjacent wind turbines from hitting each other while rotating.2. The wind power generation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the pair of blade units is disposed adjacent to the wind turbine unit, and has a corrugated inner-side shape extending along the circumferences of circles defined by the rotation of the wind turbines to enhance collection of wind by the rotation.3. The wind power generation device according to claim 2 ,wherein each blade unit of the pair is pivotable about a rotation shaft disposed at an inner part of the blade unit in a direction along the one line in such a manner as to change the distance between outer ends of the respective blade units.4. The wind power generation device ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Wind Electric Generator

Номер: US20210003113A1

Wind electric generator includes vertical posts attached to support surface, a closed loop rail above support surface, and coupled to vertical posts; sequentially interconnected cars coupled to rail by rollers; frame of each car coupled to first and second vertically-oriented wings; first wing mounted above rail; second wing mounted under rail; turning mechanism coupled to one wing for changing angular orientation relative to wind direction; generator mounted on each frame, having a shaft with a wheel, the wheel engaged to the rail; second rail track below the rail; additional sequentially interconnected cars on second rail track and hingedly coupled with lower end of second wing; and wherein turning mechanism is a flap generating aerodynamic force, coupled to first wing using tail beams; a drive for changing angular position of flap; first and second wings are rigidly coupled using vertical rod; and second wings hingedly coupled to cars on second rail. 1vertically-aligned posts attached to a support surface,a first rail coupled to the vertically-aligned posts and forming a closed loop above the support surface;sequentially interconnected cars, each coupled to the first rail by rollers for movement along the first rail; (a) a frame;', '(b) first and second vertically-oriented wings coupled to the frame,', '(c) the first wing mounted above the first rail;', '(d) the second wing is mounted under the first rail;', '(e) a turning mechanism for changing an orientation of the wing relative to wind direction, wherein the turning mechanism is a flap shaped to generate aerodynamic force, the flap coupled to the first wing using tail beams;', '(f) a generator mounted on the frame, the generator including a shaft with a wheel, the wheel engaged to the first rail;', '(g) the first wing rigidly coupled the second wing using a vertical rod, and', '(h) a drive for changing an orientation of the flap;, 'each car including'}a second rail below the first rail;additional sequentially ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Assembly

Номер: US20190003452A1
Автор: Barcia, JR. Richard T.

A vertical axis wind turbine assembly is described. Embodiments of the vertical axis wind turbine assembly can include a main support structure, a turbine blade sub-assembly, a wind directional panel sub-assembly, and a generator. Wind directional panels can be spaced radially about a plurality of turbine blades. Of note, adjacent wind directional panels can form a plurality of wind tunnels directing wind towards the plurality of turbine blades. The turbine blades can be coupled to an axle that is also coupled to the generator. 1. A vertical axis wind turbine assembly comprising:a main support structure including two or more support members and an axle; a plurality of turbine blades;', 'a turbine blade support structure including a blade support ring and a plurality of blade braces, the turbine blade support structure being coupled to the plurality of turbine blades and the axle of the main support structure;', 'wherein each of the plurality of turbine blades are coupled to the blade support ring of the turbine blade support structure at an angle between 2 degrees to 14.9 degrees from parallel with a radial line of a circle formed by the vertical axis wind turbine assembly;, 'a turbine blade sub-assembly including a plurality of wind directional panels, the plurality of wind directional panels spaced radially about the plurality of turbine blades;', 'a panel support structure including an outer support ring and an inner support ring, the panel support structure being coupled to the plurality of wind directional panels and the two or more support members of the main support structure;', 'wherein each of the plurality of wind directional panels are angled between 60.1 degrees to 80 degrees from parallel with a radial line of the circle formed by the vertical axis wind turbine assembly., 'a wind directional panel sub-assembly including2. The vertical axis wind turbine assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of turbine blades include (i) a central portion ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Windmill electrical power system and Torque Enhanced Transmission

Номер: US20220010781A1
Принадлежит: Legacy IP

A system for generating electrical power in a windmill using a Torque enhanced Transmission. The transmission includes, multiple speed increasers, multiple speed decreasers, and a plurality of flywheels, and clutch assemblies. to form one transmission, The speed increasers speed the flywheel assemblies to a much higher speed than the operating speed of the generator so kinetic energy is maximized before a gear reduction slows down the output shaft to the induction generators operating speed with enhanced torque. The Torque is continually variable while output speeds are designed to be relatively constant. The system allows for multiple input and output shafts and allows for multiple generators to be used in place of a larger single generator. 1. A Wind turbine electrical system comprising wind turbine blades and a torque-enhanced Transmission. A torque-enhanced transmission comprising: An input shaftsa first speed increaser.A clutch attached to the speed increasera first flywheel assembly coupled to clutchA perpendicular shaft coupled to the first flywheel output shaftA second output shaft connected to first flywheel output shaftA second clutcha second speed increaser coupled to the second clutcha second flywheel assembly coupled to the second speed increaserA perpendicular shaft coupled to the output shaft of the second flywheel A second output shaft connected to output shaft of the second flywheel.and a speed decreaser between the second flywheel output shaft and the output shaft of the Torque Enhanced Transmission.2. The Torque Enhanced Transmission of claim 1 ,further including a third clutch coupled toa third speed increaser coupled a third flywheel assemblyA perpendicular shaft coupled to the output shaft of third flywheel{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'A third output shaft connected to output shaft of third flywheel connected between second flywheel and speed decreaser of .'}3. The Torque Enhanced Transmission of claim 2 , further including ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018337A1

An electrical power generating assembly () for a wind turbine (). The electrical power generating assembly comprises a gearbox () comprising a gearbox output shaft, a generator () comprising a rotor () that is coupled to the gearbox output shaft; and a current measuring module () located between the gearbox () and the generator (). The current measuring module () comprises: an electrical pickup () mounted to the electrical power generating assembly (), wherein the electrical pickup () includes an electrical contact () that engages with a slip ring () associated with the rotor (). The current measuring module further comprises: a first current measuring device () mounted with respect to the electrical pickup () to detect current flowing at least through the electrical pickup; and a second current measuring device () mounted with respect to the electrical pickup () to detect current flowing through at least a component associated with the gearbox output shaft. 1. An electrical power generating assembly for a wind turbine comprising:a gearbox comprising a gearbox output shaft,a generator comprising a rotor that is coupled to the gearbox output shaft; anda current measuring module located between the gearbox and the generator, the current measuring module comprising:an electrical pickup mounted to the electrical power generating assembly, wherein the electrical pickup includes an electrical contact that engages with a slip ring associated with the rotor;a first current measuring device mounted with respect to the electrical pickup to detect current flowing at least through the electrical pickup; anda second current measuring device mounted with respect to the electrical pickup to detect current flowing through at least a component associated with the gearbox output shaft.2. The electrical power generating assembly of any claim 1 , wherein the current measuring module is provided as an integrated unit.3. The electrical power generating assembly of claim 1 , wherein each ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025864A1

A mobile electric generating system for charging vehicle batteries, providing mobile refrigeration units, and/or charge lift gates or electric pallet trucks may be wind powered. The mobile electric generating system may include a fan assembly, a fan bushing, a fan shaft, a fan locking collar, a flinger collar, a bearing, a driver bushing, a driver sheave, a motor or generator, and a motor mount. The fan assembly is connected to the generator. Wind turns or rotates the fan assembly which rotates the generator creating electricity. 1. A system comprising:a fan assembly;a fan bushing;a fan shaft;a fan locking collar;a flinger collar;a bearing;a driver bushing;a driver sheave;a motor or generator; anda motor mount.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second fan assembly;a second fan bushing; anda second fan shaft.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprisinga second fan locking collar;a second flinger collar; anda second bearing.4. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a first fan belt and a second fan belt claim 4 , wherein said first fan belt and second fan belt are into engagement with said first fan assembly and second fan assembly.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising:a first flinger collar;a third bearing;a first driven sheave; anda first driven bushing.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising:a second flinger collar;a fourth bearing;a second driven sheave; anda second driven bushing.7. The system of claim 1 , in which said system comprises a wind power generating system.8. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a wind tunnel that is configured to be operable for capturing or directing air to said wind power generating system.9. The system of claim 8 , further comprising a mounting bracket for mounting said wind tunnel and said wind power generating system to an underside of a vehicle.10. A system comprising:a first fan assembly;a first fan bushing;a first fan shaft;a first fan locking collar;a first flinger collar;a first bearing; ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Wind Turbine System

Номер: US20180010574A1
Автор: West Robert R.

A wind turbine system to provide electrical power in areas not connected to the electrical power grid. The wind turbine system includes a frame and a rotatable shaft supported by the frame. A ring and idler gear assembly is coupled to the rotatable shaft. An upper rotor assembly is coupled to the rotatable shaft. The upper rotor assembly is configured to rotate in a first direction and thereby to rotate the rotatable shaft in a first direction. A lower rotor assembly is coupled to the ring and idler gear assembly. The lower rotor assembly is configured to rotate in a second direction which is opposite of the first direction and thereby to rotate the rotatable shaft in the first direction via the ring and idler gear assembly. 1. A wind turbine system comprising:a frame;a shaft supported by the frame;a tube surrounding the shaft;a gear assembly coupled to the shaft;a first rotor assembly coupled to the shaft, the first rotor assembly configured to rotate in a first direction and thereby to rotate the shaft in the first direction; anda second rotor assembly coupled to the gear assembly, the second rotor assembly configured to rotate in a second direction and thereby to rotate the shaft in the first direction via the gear assembly; a sun gear connected to the rotatable shaft;', 'a plurality of idler gears engaged with the sun gear; and', 'a ring gear connected to the tube, wherein the ring gear is engaged with the idler gears, wherein rotation of the ring gear in the second direction drives the idler gears to rotate in the second direction and rotation of the idler gears in the second direction drives the sun gear to rotate in the first direction., 'wherein the gear assembly is a ring and idler gear assembly comprising2. The wind turbine system of claim 1 , including a plurality of connecting bars each having a first end and a second end claim 1 , the first end of the connecting bars is connected to the ring gear and the second end of the connecting bars is connected to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Induced-Flow Wind Power System

Номер: US20180010575A1

A high efficiency induced-flow wind power system engages and converts both potential (to-pull) and kinetic (to-push) wind energies to effective airflow power, delivering induced (accelerated) airflow power in a controlled flow field to a turbine/rotor, impelling a 360-degree torque on the turbine/rotor and, as a result, extracting (converting) more than 80% of the combined effective wind power to mechanical power. The induced push-pull effect results in higher efficiency wind-to-mechanical power extraction (conversion). The induced-flow wind power system can be coupled with (i) an electrical generator, inverter/converter for generating AC and DC power, (ii) pressurized vessel for effective energy storage (iii) a pressurized structure, such as an air supported structure, to ensure its structural integrity. The Induced-Flow Wind System embodiment comprises: a passive-flow nozzle, an active-flow nozzles and a turbine encased in housing interposed within the flow field of the active-flow nozzle and coupled with an electrical generator or a compressor. 1. A high efficiency Induced-Flow Wind Power System configured for engaging and converting both the potential (to pull) and kinetic (to-push) wind energies to effective mechanical power; the induced-flow wind power system comprising:a. a passive-flow nozzle, wherein said passive-flow nozzle is a venturi flow field having an intake, throat (constriction), exhaust (diffuser), wherein said passive-flow nozzle has a vacuum inlet interposed between said throat and said diffuser section of said passive-flow nozzle, wherein said passive-flow nozzle is configured horizontally (parallel to the ground) at an elevation above the ground; wherein said passive-flow nozzle is configured to harness and accelerate higher altitude higher velocity open flow wind through said venture flow field of said passive-flow nozzle, wherein accelerating the open flow wind (airflow) through said venturi flow field produces low pressure in the said ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010577A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling a wind turbine in partial and full load. In order to avoid disadvantages of switching between partial and full load controllers, the wind turbine control system is configured so that both the partial and full load controller provides control action during partial and full load. For that purpose, the partial and full load controllers are configured with variable gains, wherein gain scheduling is performed so that the gain of partial load controller is larger than the gain of the full load controller during partial load and vice verso so that the gain of the full load controller is larger than the gain of the partial load controller during full load. 1. A method for controlling a wind turbine , wherein the wind turbine comprises a rotor with at least one blade having a pitch angle which is controllable dependent on a pitch request , and a power generator connected to the rotor , the power generator having a power production which is controllable dependent on a generator request , wherein a generator speed of the generator is controllable via the pitch request and the generator request , the method comprisescontrolling the generator speed by determining the generator request dependent on a first generator speed error determined dependent on a generator speed reference, the generator speed and a first speed modification, wherein the generator request is determined by minimizing the first generator speed error, wherein the first speed modification is determined so that the generator speed approaches the generator speed reference for wind speeds below a rated wind speed, and wherein the first speed modification is determined so that the generator request approaches a maximum generator request (Pmax, Prated) for wind speeds above the rated wind speed, wherein the maximum generator request is a partial load controller saturation limit, and wherein the first generator speed error is amplified by a variable first gain, ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013364A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

Wind power generating equipment includes: a generator that is driven by a blade which rotates by receiving the wind; a power converter that converts an electric output of the generator such that the output is interconnected with an electric power system; a power converter controller that controls the power converter; and a wind turbine control board that transmits, to the power converter controller, an active power command value that is used as a command value of the electric output which is transmitted from the power converter. The power converter controller controls the output of the power converter in response to an active power command value, depending on a reduction amount of a system voltage when instantaneous reduction occurs in the system voltage interconnected with the wind power generating equipment. This permits stable operation of the wind power generating system when instantaneous voltage reduction occurs such as during a system abnormality. 1. Wind power generating equipment comprising:a generator that is driven by a blade which rotates by receiving the wind;a power converter that converts an electric output of the generator such that the output is interconnected with an electric power system;a power converter controller that controls the power converter; anda wind turbine control board that transmits, to the power converter controller, an active power command value that is used as a command value of the electric output which is transmitted from the power converter,wherein the power converter controller controls an electric output of the power converter in response to an active power command value depending on a reduction amount of a system voltage when instantaneous reduction occurs in the system voltage interconnected with the wind power generating equipment.2. The wind power generating equipment according to claim 1 ,wherein, in order to obtain an active power command value depending on the reduction amount of the system voltage, the power converter ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014317A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling a wind turbine which comprises a transformer has a variable turns ratio such as an on load tap changer transformer. The adjustment of the turns ratio is possible when a primary side current or a secondary side current of the transformer is less than a switching current threshold. The method comprises operating the wind turbine so that the primary or secondary side current is above the switching current threshold. In response to obtaining a condition for changing the turns ratio of the transformer, the wind turbine is operated so that the primary or secondary side current is reduced below the switching current threshold so that the turns ratio can be changed during the temporary current reduction. 1. A method for controlling a wind turbine which comprises a generator , a power converter with a generator side converter and a line side converter , and a transformer with a secondary side connected to the line side converter and a primary side connected to a power line , where the transformer has a variable turns ratio which enables adjustment of the voltage ratio of a primary side voltage of the transformer and a secondary side voltage of the transformer and where the adjustment of the turns ratio is possible when a primary side current or a secondary side current of the transformer is less than a switching current threshold , where the method comprises:operating the wind turbine so that the primary or secondary side current is above the switching current threshold,obtaining a condition for changing the turns ratio of the transformer,operating the wind turbine so that the primary or secondary side current is reduced below the switching current threshold, andchanging the turns ratio of the transformer when the primary or secondary side current is below the switching current threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transformer includes a tap changer claim 1 , and where the turns ratio is set by changing a tap ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

System for supplying electronic power

Номер: US20220034301A1
Автор: Chak Alexander, Chak Mark

A system for supplying electric power has at least one moving vehicle, a rotary element provided in the moving vehicle and rotatable by a wind when the moving vehicle is moving, at least one electrical battery provided in the moving vehicle and charging components of the moving vehicle, at least one electrical generator having a rotor connected with and rotatable by the rotary element when the rotary element is rotated during moving of the moving vehicle, so as to generate electric current, and an electrical connection for electrically connecting the electrical generator with the tleast one electrical battery so that the at least one electrical battery is charged by the electric current generated by the electrical generator. 110-. (canceled)11. A system for supplying electric power , comprisinga moving vehicle having a roof exposed to an action of a wind;a wind guiding unit arranged on the roof of the moving vehicle and having a casing with a wind inlet and a wind outlet;a rotary element located inside the casing and rotatable under the action of a wind entering the casing through the wind inlet of the casing and exiting through the wind outlet of the casing when the moving vehicle travels forwards;a housing accommodated completely in the moving vehicle;a shaft supporting the rotary element in the casing and extending into the housing;an electrical generator accommodated in the housing and having an immovable stator fixed in the housing and surrounding in the housing a rotatable rotor accommodated in the housing, connected with the rotary element for joint rotation with the rotary element and rotatable relative to the stator in the housing during moving of the motor vehicle so as to generate electric current;two roller bearings spaced from each other in a direction of elongation of the shaft and located inside the housing around the rotor and at both sides of the rotor as considered in a direction of its elongation thus allowing a rotation of the rotor in the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017494A1

A system can include a wind turbine and a generator coupled with the wind turbine for converting wind energy to electrical energy. The system can also include a variable displacement machine configured to use the wind energy to compress a fluid (e.g., when the wind energy exceeds a capacity limit of the generator). The variable displacement machine can also be coupled between the generator and the storage tank and configured to use the compressed fluid to furnish power to the generator (e.g., when the generator experiences a capacity vacancy). The system can also include a storage tank for storing fluid compressed by the variable displacement machine. A variable displacement machine that can be used as a compressor or an expander may include pistons that can be shifted (e.g., to adjust the strokes of the pistons). Further, the variable displacement machine can include a plate with a wobble angle that can be adjusted to be positive, neutral, or negative.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017966A1

A drive train arrangement preferentially for a wind power plant having a rotor shaft, a generator, and a gear, which is indirectly or directly connected to the rotor shaft and the generator. The gear is at least partly or completely integrated in the rotor shaft. 1. A drive train arrangement comprising:a rotor shaft;a generator; anda gear that is indirectly or directly connected to the rotor shaft and the generator,wherein the gear is at least partly or completely integrated in the rotor shaft.2. The drive train arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising:a machine support, which is fixed in place, is arranged between the generator and the gear seen in an axial direction of the rotor shaft, and on which the generator is fixed directly on a one side and the gear indirectly or directly on a side located diametrically opposite.3. The drive train arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the gear is connected to the rotor shaft by a torsionally rigid coupling.4. The drive train arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor shaft is mounted on a surrounding structure by sliding bearings or rolling bearings mounted on an outside of the rotor shaft.5. The drive train arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the generator is connected to a driveshaft configured as an output shaft of the gear.6. The drive train arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the gear is configured as a planetary gear.7. The drive train arrangement according to claim 6 , wherein the gear comprises:at least two planetary stages, internal gears of the at least two planetary stages are fixed to one another indirectly through housing components or directly and non-rotatably, as a result of which a sequential housing group of at least the internal gears is formed.8. The drive train arrangement according to claim 7 , wherein the gear further comprises a planet carrier connected to a machine support by a torsionally rigid coupling.9. The drive train arrangement according to claim 7 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018961A1

An array of wind turbine generators comprises a plurality of groups of generators, each group being connected to a mains electricity grid sub-station by means of a respective high-voltage cable. 1. An array of wind turbine generators arranged in first and second groups , the generators within each group being connected to an electricity sub-station using respective first and second mutually isolated high-voltage cables , further comprising a first low-voltage cable connected between a first generator in the first group and a second generator in the second group , the arrangement being such that , in the event of a fault in the first high-voltage cable causing the first generator to be disconnected from the sub-station , auxiliary power can be supplied via the first low-voltage cable from the second generator to the first generator.2. An array of wind turbine generators as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first low-voltage cable is connected between the second generator and a plurality of generators in the first group.3. An array of wind turbine generators as claimed in claim 2 , and arranged such that claim 2 , in the event of a fault in the first high-voltage cable auxiliary power is supplied via the first low-voltage cable from the second generator sequentially to each of the plurality of generators in the first group.4. An array of wind turbine generators as claimed in claim 2 , and arranged such that claim 2 , in the event of a fault in the first high-voltage cable auxiliary power is supplied via the first low-voltage cable from the second generator simultaneously to each of the plurality of generators in the first group.5. An array of wind turbine generators as claimed in claim 4 , and arranged not to supply power to the sub-station when supplying auxiliary power simultaneously to the plurality of generators in the first group.6. An array of wind turbine generators as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a second low-voltage cable is connected between a generator in ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021922A1

A wind energy apparatus is made up of a plurality of modular wind energy devices or units. Each unit has a housing and at least two turbines mounted on the housing. Each of the turbines has a blade set extending upward from the housing. Each blade set has a vertical axis extending upward in relation to the housing. Each of the turbines has a generator connected thereto, each generator being disposed in the housing, and having a rotor and a stator. Each turbine is rotatably mounted with respect to the housing, and mounted to the rotor so that they rotate together. Each housing has a positive connector and negative connector on each side of the respective unit. The units, when placed together, connect their respective poles, positive and negative, together completing a circuit. Therefore, one may connect multiple units together. 130-. (canceled)31. A wind energy unit comprising:a. a housing;b. at least two turbines mounted on the housing each using a bearing, each of the turbines having a blade set having a vertical axis orientation for rotation in the same rotational direction and extending upward in relation to the housing;c. each of the turbines having a generator connected thereto for generating electrical current in response to wind energy turning the turbines, each of the generators is disposed in the housing; andd. wherein there is a positive contact and a negative contact disposed proximate a first end of the housing, and a positive contact and a negative contact proximate a second end of the housing remote from the first end, for electrical connection to the electrical current from the generator.32. The wind energy unit of claim 31 , wherein each of the turbines is directly connected to the rotor in a one to one rotational relationship.33. The wind energy unit of claim 31 , wherein the housing has three turbines disposed along a line.34. The wind energy unit of claim 31 , further comprising a solar panel.35. The wind energy unit of claim 31 , further ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

System and Methodology for Wind Compression

Номер: US20140105724A1
Автор: Mazur Ed

A wind compressor system having one or more wind turbines and a plurality of wind compressors located proximate the one or more wind turbines. The wind compressors optimize the energy created by the wind turbines by redirecting and converging the wind from the wind compressor to the wind turbines. Each of the wind compressors comprises an obstruction having a size and shape adapted to converge the wind currents by means of a Venturi effect toward the one or more turbines thereby increasing the velocity and force of the wind hitting the wind turbine. A plurality of transporters coupled to the wind compressors. The transporters configured to move at least one wind compressors to a location that maximizes the force of the wind encountered by the turbine. 1. A wind directing system , comprising:one or more wind turbines, at least one of said wind turbines having a magnet configuration acting in opposition to gravity, said magnet configuration capable of levitating a rotor when in operation, thereby reducing gravitational friction forces;one or more wind compressors proximate said one or more wind turbines, each of the one or more wind compressors comprising an obstruction, the obstruction configured to redirect a wind flow from each of the wind compressors towards said one or more wind turbines; anda plurality of transporters, one or more of the wind compressors coupled to at least one transporter, each of the transporters configured to move at least one of said wind compressors to another location having greater force of the wind encountered by the respective at least one wind compressor.2. The wind directing system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a controller configured to adjust the position of said one or more wind compressors based upon the direction of ambient wind flow.3. The wind directing system according to claim 2 , further comprising:a processor, said processor calculating an optimum position for said one or more wind compressors to capture ambient ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105738A1
Автор: Bassett Clifford E.

A fluid flow nozzle including an elongated first wall and an opposing spaced elongated second wall defining an elongated nozzle volume therebetween, wherein the elongated first wall has a first proximal edge and a first distal edge and wherein the elongated second wall has a second proximal edge and a second distal edge. The nozzle inlet is defined by the first and second proximal edges and an opposing nozzle outlet is defined by first and second distal edges. The elongated nozzle has a cross-sectional shape configured to accelerate a fluid flowing from the nozzle inlet to the nozzle outlet without materially increasing fluid turbulence within the flow. 2. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the elongated first wall and the elongated second wall define a divergent passageway near the nozzle inlet claim 1 , a divergent passageway near the nozzle outlet claim 1 , and a convergent passageway therebetween.3. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first wall and the second wall define a convergent passageway from the inlet to the outlet.4. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the elongated first wall and the elongated second wall each have a curvilinear shape and define a passageway of uniform width between the nozzle inlet and the nozzle outlet.5. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle further comprises:at least one body disposed in the nozzle volume between the first elongated wall and the second elongated wall for affecting a flow of air through the nozzle.6. The nozzle of claim 5 , wherein the at least one body splits fluid flowing through the nozzle volume into two distinct air flow portions exiting the nozzle.7. The nozzle of wherein the at least one body is elongated and wherein the at least one body is positioned generally parallel to the first and second walls.8. A fluid acceleration system claim 5 , comprising: a side wall defining a funnel;', 'a pair of vertical vanes operationally connected to the funnel for accelerating and directing wind; and', 'a vertical slit ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105743A1
Автор: Bassett Clifford E.

A conical fan assembly, having a generally conical support member having an exterior surface and a vertical major axis, and a plurality of generally crescent-shaped fan blades extending from the exterior surface of the support member, wherein the plurality of fan blades define a helix configured to urge a fluid to flow in a spiral flow pattern up and around the support member. 1. A conical fan assembly , comprising:a generally conical support member having an exterior surface and a vertical major axis; anda plurality of generally crescent-shaped fan blades extending from the exterior surface of the support member, wherein the plurality of fan blades define a helix configured to urge a fluid to flow in a spiral flow pattern up and around the support member.2. The conical fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein upon rotation of the support member a laminar flow of fluid is urged in a spiral flow pattern up and around the support member.3. The conical fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein the blades are oriented at a low approach angle with the exterior surface.4. The conical fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein the support member is frustoconical and hollow claim 1 , and further comprises an upper aperture and a lower aperture claim 1 , the lower aperture having a larger diameter than the upper aperture.5. The conical fan assembly of claim 4 , the conical fan further comprising:an internal fan positioned at or below the lower aperture, the internal fan capable of rotation to force a fluid along the vertical axis.6. The conical fan assembly of claim 5 , wherein the fan blades are sickle-shaped.7. The conical fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein each respective fan blade has a respective proximal end and a respective distal end; and wherein the respective fan blades are sized and positioned such that the respective distal of each respective fan blade is a uniform distance from the major axis.8. The conical fan assembly of claim 7 , wherein upon rotation claim 7 , the respective distal ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022971A1
Автор: Liu Hailong

A bi-directional contra-rotating circular rail bearing Y-shaped compound blade fluid energy collection multi-unit power generating windmill, the windmill comprising: a windmill remote automatic control system (); a Y-shaped compound blade () from a combining of single blades; a circular rail windmill body () bearing the Y-shaped compound blade (); a circular windmill rail () bearing the circular rail windmill body () for operation; a circular rail connection cable pulling vehicle () running on the circular cable pulling vehicle rail to pull the circular rail windmill using a stay cable (); a hydraulic energy collection multi-unit power generating system () or pneumatic energy collection multi-unit power generating system (); the Y-shaped compound blade () is born by three circles of the circular rail windmill body () arranged equidistant thereon; the circular rail windmill body () has six circles. 124-. (canceled)25123243520967. A bi-directional contra-rotating circular-rail bearing Y-shaped compound blade fluid energy collection multi-unit power generating windmill , comprising a remote automatic windmill control system () , Y-shaped compound blades () formed by individual blades , a circular-rail windmill body () bearing the Y-shaped compound blade () , a circular windmill rail () bearing the circular-rail windmill body () for running , circular-rail one-piece cable pulling vehicles () running on a circular cable pulling vehicle rail to pull a circular-rail windmill using a stay cable () , hydraulic energy collection multi-unit power generating systems () or pneumatic energy collection multi-unit power generating systems () , wherein:{'b': 2', '3', '3, 'the Y-shaped compound blades () are borne by three circles of the circular-rail windmill body () and are arranged successively and equidistantly on the circular-rail windmill body ();'}{'b': 3', '2', '3', '2', '3, 'the circular-rail windmill body () has six circles, and the opening angle of the Y-shaped compound ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022975A1
Автор: De Boer Wolfgang

A method for feeding electric energy into an electric power supply network by means of a wind turbine, wherein the wind turbine generates electric power from wind having a variable wind speed by means of an aerodynamic rotor and a generator and feeds it at least partially into the electric power supply network and/or uses it at least partially for supplying electric devices of the wind turbine, wherein the generated electric real power is set as function of an ambient temperature and/or wherein the rotor has a variable rotational speed and the rotational speed is set as a function of the ambient temperature. 1. A method comprising:feeding electric energy into an electric power supply network by a wind turbine, wherein the feeding includes:using the wind turbine to generate electric power from wind having a variable wind speed by an aerodynamic rotor and a generator, wherein the wind turbine provides at least some of the generated electric power to at least one of the electric power supply network and electric devices of the wind turbine, wherein at least one of:the generated electric power is set as a function of an ambient temperature; andthe rotor has a variable rotational speed and the rotational speed is set as a function of the ambient temperature.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein after a first temperature threshold has been reached claim 1 , at least one of the generated electric power and the rotational speed is reduced claim 1 , wherein the generated electric power and the rotation speed is reduced linearly as the temperature continues to reduce.3. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the wind turbine is shut down when a second temperature threshold is reached that is less than the first temperature threshold.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the generated power is used for:heating rotor blades of the rotor,heating the generator,heating at least one droplet separator for drying air,heating at least one ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Thermal Management and Power System for Computing Infrastructure

Номер: US20200022289A1
Автор: Marazzo Christopher

A data center is cooled by a cryogenic cooling system which is wind driven, and powered by energy stored in the cryogenic liquid. The cooling occurs through downwardly passing cryogenic liquid which is recycled and pushed back to a top of a system in a cyclic manner. 1. A data center , comprising:a plurality of computer servers;a cooling subsystem including a cooling fluid for removing heat from said plurality of computer servers, and collecting said cooling fluid following heating thereof by said plurality of computer servers;a nitrogen liquefying subsystem liquefying gaseous nitrogen to form liquid nitrogen; anda fluid return subsystem receiving said heated cooling fluid and using said liquid nitrogen to cool said heated cooling fluid and to provide pressure for returning said heated cooling fluid, following cooling thereof, to said cooling subsystem.2. The data center of claim 1 , further comprising:a pressure swing absorber adapted to isolate gaseous nitrogen from ambient air; anda wind turbine functionally associated with said pressure swing absorber and with said nitrogen liquefying subsystem, said wind turbine adapted to introduce ambient air into said pressure swing absorber.3. The data center of claim 2 , wherein said cooling subsystem includes a cooling fluid reservoir claim 2 , and wherein said pressure swing absorber provides said gaseous nitrogen into said cooling fluid reservoir claim 2 , from where the gaseous nitrogen enters said nitrogen liquefying subsystem.4. The data center of claim 2 , wherein power of said wind turbine power said nitrogen liquefying subsystem.5. The data center of claim 1 , wherein said fluid return subsystem includes:a heated fluid expansion chamber;a fluid turbine, receiving fluid under pressure from said heated fluid expansion chamber, said fluid under pressure driving said fluid turbine, electricity generated by said fluid turbine adapted to operate at least part of said plurality of computer servers; anda fluid return pipe ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042492A1

A method for managing the offtake of power produced by an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft. The method comprises a step of calculating a maximum capacity for offtake of mechanical power that the auxiliary power unit can provide to the aircraft, a step of determining an actual offtake of mechanical power taken off by a first mechanical power offtake system of the auxiliary power unit, a step of comparing the maximum capacity for offtake of mechanical power and the actual offtake of mechanical power, a step of optimizing the offtake of mechanical power which step, based on the comparison of the maximum capacity for offtake of mechanical power and the actual offtake of mechanical power, determines at least one corrective action. A device for managing the offtake of power produced by an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft and an aircraft including such a device are provided. 1. A method for managing the offtake of power produced by an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft , the auxiliary power unit comprising a power unit , at least one pneumatic power offtake system acting as a pneumatic-type power source for the aircraft and at least a first mechanical offtake system acting as an electrical-type power source for the aircraft , the aircraft comprising at least one other electrical-type power source , at least one electrical-type load and at least one pneumatic-type load; wherein the method comprises:a step of calculating a maximum capacity for offtake of mechanical power that the auxiliary power unit can provide to the aircraft,a step of determining an actual offtake of mechanical power taken off by the first mechanical power offtake system,a step of comparing the maximum capacity for the offtake of mechanical power and the actual offtake of mechanical power, anda step of optimizing the offtake of mechanical power which step, based on a comparison between the maximum capacity for offtake of mechanical power and the actual offtake of mechanical power, determines at ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024634A1

Systems, methods, and computer program products for providing an inertial response by a wind power system to power fluctuations in an electrical grid. The system includes a synthetic inertial response generator configured to generate a power offset in response to fluctuations in grid voltage. The power offset signal is generated by determining a quadrature component the grid voltage using an internal reference voltage having an angular frequency and phase angle that is synchronized to the electrical grid by a control loop. The quadrature component is used to determine a synchronous power level. A control loop error signal is produced by the difference between the synchronous power level and the wind turbine system power output. Changes in the grid frequency produce an error signal that is added to the power set point of wind turbine system output controllers to provide a power system inertial power output response. 1. A method for controlling a power output from a wind power system coupled with an electrical grid at a connection point , the method comprising:measuring, at the connection point, a grid voltage of the electrical grid;comparing a first phase angle of the grid voltage to a second phase angle of an internal reference voltage to generate a quadrature component of the grid voltage;generating, based on the quadrature component of the grid voltage, a synthetic inertial response signal representing a desired inertial response to be provided to the electrical grid by the wind power system; andapplying, responsive to a magnitude of the generated synthetic inertial response signal exceeding a non-zero predefined threshold value, a power offset signal to a power set point signal of the wind power system,wherein the power offset signal includes the synthetic inertial response signal as a component.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: generating a feedback signal from a mathematical product of the angular frequency of the internal reference voltage and a ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Wind turbine fault detection circuit and method

Номер: US20140112032A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

A wind turbine fault detection circuit and method is disclosed herein. In a described embodiment, the wind turbine fault detection circuit comprises a magnetometer in the form of a hall-effect sensor coupled between a power converter and a ground element of the power converter and configured to measure a ground current from the power converter to obtain a real ground current Ig; and a comparator configured to determine presence of a fault based on the real ground current.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112783A1
Автор: Caggiano Mario
Принадлежит: 7142871 Canada, Inc.

An HMSWT is disclosed which is constructed of successive cage type turbine assemblies. The multiple turbine assemblies are preferably induced into a reverse rotational movement from one another in a coupling effect. A first turbine assembly is propelled and forced into a rotational movement propelled by the oncoming wind which in turn induces a second, inner turbine assembly to rotate in an opposite and reverse direction. This coupling effect enables the rotational movement of two or more turbines with the same oncoming wind and airflow. The particular design of these multiple blades not only enhance the propelling force of the wind by increasing rotational movement, but simultaneously redirects the same airflow inward increasing the velocity of the airflow and propelling it onto the inner turbine assembly. 1. A multiple stage turbine comprising:a first cylindrical turbine assembly having a plurality of blades positioned longitudinally around a circumference of the first turbine assembly;a second cylindrical turbine assembly having a plurality of blades positioned longitudinally around a circumference of the second turbine assembly, said inner second cylindrical turbine assembly extending longitudinally within the first cylindrical turbine assembly;wherein the blades of the first turbine assembly are shaped, positioned and angled to cause rotation of the first turbine assembly in a first direction when exposed to airflow, and to channel the airflow inward toward the second cylindrical turbine assembly;and where the blades of the second turbine assembly are shaped, positioned and angled to cause rotation of the second turbine assembly in a second direction which is opposite the first direction when exposed to the airflow.2. The turbine assembly of claim 1 , further including:a third cylindrical turbine assembly having a plurality of blades positioned longitudinally around a circumference of the third turbine assembly, said third cylindrical turbine assembly extending ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Wind turbine and method for operating a wind turbine

Номер: US20160032891A1
Принадлежит: Wobben Properties GMBH

The invention relates to a wind turbine that comprises a rotor ( 106 ) having at least two rotor blades ( 108 ), an electrical generator that is directly or indirectly coupled to the rotor ( 106 ) of the wind turbine and said generator generates electrical power while the rotor ( 106 ) rotates, and a control unit ( 120 ) for controlling the operation of the wind turbine. The control unit ( 120 ) activates a first malfunction operating mode if parameters of a supply network exceed or fall below a threshold value. The control unit ( 120 ) is embodied in the first operating mode for the purpose of reducing the rotational speed of the rotor ( 106 ) to zero and for the purpose of activating a consumer ( 400 ) in order to consume, by means of the consumer ( 400 ), the electrical power that is generated in the malfunction operating mode by means of the generator.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System and method for controlling a power output of a wind turbine generator

Номер: US20160032896A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for controlling the power output of a wind turbine, which includes a transformer with multiple taps, is provided. The method includes sensing a voltage of the transformer during operation of the wind turbine, determining the reactive power, and automatically maintaining a set value of the reactive power by controlling the output voltage of the transformer.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method to detect or monitor the demagnetization of a magnet

Номер: US20170030984A1
Автор: Heng DENG
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method to detect a decrease of the demagnetization of permanent magnets of the generator of a wind turbine, wherein a frequency converter is able to adapt to the variable frequency of the generator output voltage to the frequency of a power grid, wherein the AC/DC converter or the DC/AC converter of the frequency converter is been disabled, the electrical connections between the generator and the frequency converter are switched on via circuit breakers, the generator speed is determined; the generator output voltage is determined by a voltage sensor which is part of the frequency converter, the magnetic flux density of the generator is calculated depending on the generator speed and the generator output voltage, a demagnetization event is determined by comparing the resulting flux density value with a predetermined flux density value is provided.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030958A1
Принадлежит: University of Malta

A hydro-pneumatic energy storage system for deep sea water (DSW) is described. The system includes a floating support structure including a floating support platform, and a floating air chamber mounted on the floating support platform. The floating air chamber is configured for holding compressed air. The system also includes a sea-bottom mounted structure including a sea-bottom accumulator chamber configured for holding the compressed air and the DSW to store the DSW under pressure of the compressed air, and an air umbilical pneumatically interconnecting the floating air chamber with the sea-bottom accumulator chamber. 123-. (canceled)24. A hydro-pneumatic energy storage system for deep sea water (DSW) , the hydro-pneumatic energy storage system comprising:a sea-bottom mounted structure including a sea-bottom accumulator chamber configured for holding compressed air and the DSW to store the DSW under pressure of the compressed air;a floating support structure including a floating support platform and a floating air chamber mounted on the floating support platform, wherein the floating air chamber is configured for holding the compressed air and has a volume sufficient for the compressed air in the floating air chamber to provide stability to the floating support platform by providing a necessary buoyant force to the floating support platform; andan air umbilical including an air conduit pneumatically interconnecting the floating air chamber with the sea-bottom accumulator chamber to link compressed air volumes of the floating air chamber and the sea-bottom accumulator chamber to increase the compressed air volume of the sea-bottom accumulator chamber, thereby absorbing pressure transients resulting from intermittent supply of the DSW into the sea-bottom accumulator chamber and pressure transients induced by the DSW discharge, and maintaining a stable pressure within the sea-bottom accumulator chamber as the hydro-pneumatic energy storage system charges with the DSW ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032772A1

A wind turbine is provided. The wind turbine comprises: a generator (), one or more power converters () arranged between the generator and a point of connection to a main transformer (), and one or more wind turbine electrical components (). The main transformer () is configured to connect a busbar () to an auxiliary wind turbine transformer, wherein the busbar is configured to receive electrical power from an electrical grid with a main voltage. The wind turbine electrical components are configured to be connected to the auxiliary wind turbine transformer (), wherein a selection of the wind turbine electrical components is further configured to be connected to the busbar through a service voltage transformer () when the main transformer () is disconnected from the busbar. Systems comprising such wind turbines are also provided. Methods for connecting a wind turbine main transformer to a grid are also provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A wind turbine , comprising:a generator;one or more power converters arranged between the generator and a point of connection to a main transformer, the main transformer configured for connecting a bus bar that receives electrical power from an electrical grid having a main voltage to an auxiliary wind turbine transformer;one or more of wind turbine electrical components configured for connecting to the auxiliary wind turbine transformer; andwherein a selection of the wind turbine electrical components are configured for connecting to the bus bar through a service voltage transformer when the main transformer is disconnected from the busbar.17. The wind turbine according to claim 16 , wherein a first set of the wind turbine electrical components are connectable to the main transformer through the auxiliary wind turbine transformer.18. The wind turbine according to claim 17 , wherein a second set of the wind turbine electrical components are connectable to the bus bar through the service voltage transformer.19. The wind turbine according to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Power generation device

Номер: US20150037151A1
Автор: Sheng-Chu TAI
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a power generation device ( 1 ), comprising a shaft column ( 11 ) and at least two blade units ( 12 - 17 ), wherein the blade units ( 12 - 17 ) are sheathed onto the shaft column ( 11 ) and capable of rotating around the shaft column ( 11 ), the adjacent s blade units rotate in opposite rotational directions, each blade unit ( 12 - 17 ) has a plurality of arm portions ( 121 - 171 ) and a plurality of movable blades ( 122 - 172 ), the arm portions ( 121 - 171 ) extend radially outwardly from the shaft column ( 11 ), each of the movable blades is connected to one side of the corresponding arm portion and, after passing through a first radial centre line ( 19 ) of the shaft column ( 11 ), expands gradually, and after being expanded, does not interfere with the adjacent blade unit, the first radial centre line ( 19 ) is parallel to a fluid flow direction, and each of the movable blades is gradually closed after it rotates through a rotation angle. The power generation device ( 1 ) can maximize the use of energy in the fluid so as to improve power generation efficiency.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Generator Torque Control after Grid Event

Номер: US20210033065A1

A method of operating a wind turbine comprising a generator in the event of a voltage dip is disclosed. The method comprises detecting an end of the voltage dip, determining an acceleration of a rotor of the generator, and increasing a torque of the generator when the end of the voltage dip is detected according to a selected torque profile. The selected torque profile is selected from a plurality predetermined torque profiles, wherein the predetermined torque profiles describe torque as a function of time. The selected torque profile is selected based on the determined acceleration of the rotor of the generator. Also provided are wind turbines configured for such methods. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of operating a wind turbine comprising a generator in the event of a voltage dip , the method comprising:detecting an end of the voltage dip;determining an acceleration of a rotor of the generator,increasing a torque of the generator when the end of the voltage dip is detected according to a selected torque profile;wherein the selected torque profile is selected from a plurality predetermined torque profiles, wherein the predetermined torque profiles describe torque as a function of time; andwherein the selected torque profile is selected based on the determined acceleration of the rotor of the generator.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the plurality of predetermined torque profiles comprises only two predetermined torque profiles.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the predetermined torque profiles comprise a first torque profile having a first torque recovery rate and a second torque profile having a second torque recovery rate claim 16 , wherein the first torque recovery rate is higher than the second torque recovery rate.19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the first torque profile is selected when the acceleration of the rotor of the generator is above a threshold value for the acceleration.20. The method according to claim 19 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033067A1

The disclosure relates to a hydraulic driving system and a driving method for barring. The driving system comprises: three or more main drive hydraulic cylinders, which are divided into two groups to provide pulling and pushing forces to a driven impeller, each main drive hydraulic cylinder including a cylinder body and a piston rod which divides the cylinder body into a rod cavity and a godless cavity, wherein an oil line for the rod cavity and an oil line for the godless cavity of each main drive hydraulic cylinder are controlled by one control valve module; and a control device, which controls the control valve module according to wind and/or load signals, to simultaneously convert flow directions of hydraulic oil in the oil line for the rod cavity and the oil line for the godless cavity of at least one of the three or more main drive hydraulic cylinders. 1. A hydraulic driving system for barring for use in a wind generator set , characterized in comprising:three or more main drive hydraulic cylinders, which are divided into two groups to provide pulling and pushing forces to a driven impeller, each main drive hydraulic cylinder including a cylinder body and a piston rod which is disposed within the cylinder body to divide the cylinder body into a rod cavity and a godless cavity, wherein an oil line for the rod cavity and an oil line for the godless cavity of each main drive hydraulic cylinder are controlled by a same control valve module; anda control device, which controls the control valve module according to wind and/or load signals, to simultaneously convert flow directions of hydraulic oil in the oil line for the rod cavity and the oil line for the godless cavity of at least one of the three or more main drive hydraulic cylinders.2. The hydraulic driving system for barring according to claim 1 , wherein the control valve module of at least one of the main drive hydraulic cylinders comprises a reversing valve which is connected to the oil line for the rod ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Direct-Drive Wind Turbine

Номер: US20210033073A1

Direct-drive wind turbines () are disclosed. The wind turbine comprise a generator () mounted on a frame (), the generator () comprising a generator stator () and a generator rotor () configured to rotate about a rotation axis (RA), the frame () has a protruding portion () extending beyond the generator (), the protruding portion () comprising a first structure and a second structure; wherein the first and second structures are configured to rotate relative to each other and about the rotation axis (RA); wherein the first structure is attached to the generator stator () and the second structure is attached to the generator rotor (); a brake system () attached to the first and second structures, the brake system () being spaced away from the generator () along the rotation axis (RA). Also disclosed are methods () for braking a direct-drive wind turbine (). 115-. (canceled)16. A direct-drive wind turbine comprising:a generator mounted on a frame, the generator comprising a generator stator and a generator rotor configured to rotate about a rotation axis, the frame has a protruding portion extending beyond the generator, the protruding portion comprising a first structure and a second structure;wherein the first and second structures are configured to rotate relative to each other and about the rotation axis; wherein the first structure is attached to the generator stator and the second structure is attached to the generator rotor; anda brake system attached to the first and second structures, the brake system being spaced away from the generator along the rotation axis.17. The direct-chive wind turbine according to claim 16 , wherein the protruding portion extends towards a rotor hub of the wind turbine along the rotation axis.18. The direct-drive wind turbine according to claim 16 , wherein the protruding portion extends away from a rotor hub of the wind turbine along the rotation axis.19. The direct-drive wind turbine according to claim 16 , wherein the first ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Roller Pitch Bearings

Номер: US20210033076A1

In a first aspect, a roller pitch bearing for a wind turbine is provided. The roller pitch bearing comprises a first bearing component and a second bearing component, the first bearing component being configured to rotate with respect to the second bearing component; wherein one of the first and the second bearing components is configured to be coupled to a wind turbine blade and the other one of the first and the second bearing components is configured to be coupled to a rotor hub of a wind turbine. The roller pitch bearing further a limiting structure attached to the first bearing component, the limiting structure radially extending from the first bearing component towards the second bearing component to limit a radial movement between the bearing components. In further aspect, a rotor for a wind turbine comprising a roller pitch bearing is provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A roller pitch bearing for a wind turbine comprising:a first bearing component and a second bearing component, the first bearing component being configured to rotate with respect to the second bearing component;wherein one of the first and the second bearing components is configured to be coupled to a wind turbine blade and the other one of the first and the second bearing components is configured to be coupled to a rotor hub of a wind turbine;one or more rows of rollers arranged between the first and the second bearing components; anda limiting structure attached to the first bearing component, the limiting structure radially extending from the first bearing component towards the second bearing component, wherein the limiting structure comprises an engaging portion engaging with an engaging portion of the second bearing component to limit a radial movement between the bearing components.17. The roller pitch bearing according to claim 16 , wherein the first bearing component is configured to be coupled to a wind turbine blade and the second bearing component is configured to be coupled to a rotor ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Eddy current heat generating apparatus

Номер: US20180035493A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A heat generating apparatus includes a rotary shaft, a heat generating drum, a plurality of permanent magnets, a magnet holding ring, a switching mechanism, and a heat recovery system. The magnets are arrayed in a circumferential direction along the circumference of the rotary shaft throughout the whole circumference such that magnetic pole arrangements of circumferentially adjacent ones of the permanent magnets are opposite to each other. The magnet holding ring holds the magnets. The switching mechanism switches between a state to generate magnetic circuits between the magnets and the heat generating drum and a state to generate no magnetic circuits between the magnets and the heat generating drum. The heat recovery system collects heat generated in the heat generating drum. Thereby, thermal energy can be recovered from the kinetic energy of the rotary shaft efficiently.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Fault ride-through capability for wind turbine

Номер: US20190036343A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A wind turbine system (20, 70) is connected to an electrical grid (42) by an inverter (38) that provides turbine terminal voltage (Vt) support to the grid during a grid low voltage fault that is concurrent with a lack of real power production from the generator (30) by providing reactive power to the grid. A processor (46) controls the inverter to preserve a minimum voltage on a local DC bus (34) by stopping the reactive power output when the DC bus voltage drops to a threshold value (59) that is above a low bus voltage trip setpoint (56). An energy storage device (48) such as a battery may be connected to the DC bus to provide power that supports a prolonged ride-through capability during the grid fault.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036400A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

Provided is a magnet structure (MS) which includes a plurality of permanent magnets () fixed onto a baseplate (), and a cover structure () for covering the plurality of permanent magnets (). The cover structure () includes a plurality of covers () that is formed of a non-magnetic material and covers the plurality of permanent magnets (). A relative position between the plurality of covers () is fixed, and there is a gap (G) between the neighboring covers (). 1. A magnet structure comprising:a plurality of permanent magnets fixed onto a baseplate; anda cover structure configured to cover the plurality of permanent magnets,wherein the cover structure includes a plurality of covers that is formed of a non-magnetic material and covers the plurality of permanent magnets,a relative position between the plurality of covers is fixed, andthere is a gap between the neighboring covers.2. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein there is a gap between the permanent magnets.3. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein the baseplate is a magnetic material.4. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein the number of covers is smaller than the number of permanent magnets.5. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein surfaces of the permanent magnets are covered with a resin.6. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein:lateral surfaces of the baseplate have grooves extending in longitudinal directions thereof; andeach of the covers includes bent parts fitted into the grooves.7. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein holes for inserting fixing components for fixing the covers are not provided in lateral surfaces of the baseplate.8. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein lateral surfaces of the covers have protrusions that protrude in a longitudinal direction of the baseplate.9. The magnet structure according to claim 6 , wherein lateral surfaces of the grooves of the baseplate which are close to the permanent ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Wind power plant having frequency measurement

Номер: US20160040652A1
Автор: Roman Bluhm
Принадлежит: Senvion GmbH

A method for controlling a wind turbine which is connected to an electrical grid, detects a grid frequency present in the grid and in the case of which the power output is regulated on the basis of the grid frequency by a controller and, in particular, switches off the power feed into the electrical grid if a limit value of a grid frequency is exceeded, wherein a change in the grid frequency over time is detected, a rate of change is determined and the rate of change is compared with a rate of change limit value and a modified frequency value is used to regulate the power output in the event of the rate of change limit value being exceeded.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038341A1
Автор: Fukami Koji

A wind turbine blade includes a blade body; and a vortex generator mounted to a surface of the blade body. The vortex generator includes a plurality of fin sets, each fin set including a plurality of fins disposed to protrude from the surface of the blade body at different positions from one another in a blade spanwise direction. The plurality of fin sets is positioned so that, in a planar development view of the surface of the blade body, an angle θ formed by a center axis of a blade root of the blade body with a line connecting two of the fin sets which are adjacent in the blade spanwise direction increases toward the blade root, at least in a part of a region of the blade body between a position of the blade root and a maximum chord-length position of the blade body in the blade spanwise direction. 1. A wind turbine blade , comprising:a blade body; anda vortex generator mounted to a surface of the blade body,wherein the vortex generator includes a plurality of fin sets, each fin set including a plurality of fins disposed so as to protrude from the surface of the blade body at different positions from one another in a blade spanwise direction, andwherein the plurality of fin sets is positioned so that, in a planar development view of the surface of the blade body, an angle θ formed by a center axis of a blade root of the blade body with a line connecting two of the fin sets which are adjacent in the blade spanwise direction increases toward the blade root, at least in a part of a region of the blade body between a position of the blade root and a maximum chord-length position of the blade body in the blade spanwise direction.3. The wind turbine blade according to claim 2 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the plurality of fin sets is positioned so that the angle θ satisfies an expression θ≦(0.0034/μ)×(180/π) [°].'}4. The wind turbine blade according to claim 2 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the plurality of fin sets is positioned so that the angle θ satisfies an expression θ≧(0.0021 ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038348A1
Автор: Lu Fei, WANG Changyong

A medium voltage wind power generation system comprises a first boost device and a wind power generation device; the first boost device has a medium voltage side and a high voltage side, and the high voltage side of the first boost device is electrically connected to a grid; the wind power generation device comprises wind generators, rotor side converters and line side converters; the wind generators comprise stator windings and rotor windings; the stator windings are coupled to the medium voltage side of the first boost device; the rotor side converters are coupled to the rotor windings; one end of the line side converters are coupled to the rotor side converters, and the other end thereof is coupled to the medium voltage side of the first boost device via a second boost device. 1. A medium voltage wind power generation system , comprising:a first boost device, which has a medium voltage side and a high voltage side, the high voltage side of the first boost device being electrically connected to a grid; anda doubly-fed wind power generation device, wherein the doubly-fed wind power generation device comprising:at least one wind generator, which comprises stator windings and rotor windings, the stator windings being coupled to the medium voltage side of the first boost device;at least one rotor side converter, which is coupled to the rotor windings; andat least one line side converter, one end of which is coupled to the rotor side converter, and the other end of which is coupled to the medium voltage side of the first boost device via a second boost device.2. The medium voltage wind power generation system according to claim 1 , wherein the doubly-fed wind power generation device comprises:a plurality of wind generators, the stator windings of which are electrically connected to the medium voltage side of the first boost device;a plurality of rotor side converters, correspondingly electrically connected to the rotor windings of the plurality of wind generators; ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036311A1

Provided is a method of assessing rotor temperature during operation of a permanent magnet synchronous machine, including a stator having at least one winding set, the method including: providing reference flux linkage values for different rotor and stator temperature values and current values of an operating winding set; measuring an actual rotor temperature value; measuring an actual stator temperature value; measuring an actual current value of an operating winding set; deriving and storing reference flux linkage values for a given set of operating conditions, in particular, by means of a reference run; deriving a reference flux linkage value (for the measured actual rotor and stator temperature values and the measured actual current value of the operating winding set) using the flux model; obtaining a voltage value; deriving an estimated flux linkage value; deriving a rotor temperature offset; and assessing the rotor temperature based on the rotor temperature offset. 1. A method of assessing rotor temperature during operation of a permanent magnet synchronous machine , including a stator having at least one winding set , the method comprising:providing, as a flux model, temperature dependent reference flux linkage values for different rotor temperature values) and multiple current values of an operating winding set;measuring an actual rotor temperature value;measuring an actual current value of an operating winding set;deriving a reference flux linkage value for the measured actual rotor temperature value and stator temperature value and the measured actual current value of the operating winding set using the flux model;obtaining a voltage value related to at least one winding set;deriving an estimated flux linkage value based on the obtained voltage value and on current values and/or machine parameters;deriving a rotor temperature offset based on a difference between the reference flux linkage value for the measured actual rotor temperature value and the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036639A1

The application involves a stability evaluation method and system of direct-drive wind turbine generator, which belongs to the technical field of wind power generation. It solves the problems of poor stability of direct-drive wind turbine generator, low safety performance, failure to realize mutual cooperation between online stability evaluation and parameter adjustment in the existing technology. Firstly, the variation of direct-drive wind turbine generator terminal voltage, current, power and PLL angle of direct-drive wind turbine generator is measured, the terminal energy and the energy negative gradient of direct-drive wind turbine generator is calculated. Then, the system stability is assessed according to the value of energy negative gradient, the influence of the critical parameters on system stability is analyzed and the preliminary adjustment strategy is proposed. It realizes the mutual cooperation between stability level evaluation and parameter adjustment, and improves the working efficiency of the system. 5. The stability evaluation method of direct-drive wind turbine generator according to claim 4 , assessing the system stability level according to η: when η is positive claim 4 , the system is stable and the bigger the value of η is claim 4 , the higher the system stability level is; when η is zero claim 4 , the system is critically stable; when η is negative claim 4 , the system will go unstable claim 4 , and as the absolute value of η increases claim 4 , system stability level will drop.7. A stability evaluation system of direct-drive wind turbine generator claim 4 , comprising: a PMU claim 4 , a first processor claim 4 , a second processor claim 4 , a third processor and result output terminal claim 4 , whereinthe PMU is used to collect variation of voltage, current, active power and PLL (Phase Locked Loop) angle at the terminal of direct-drive wind turbine generator;the first processor is used to calculate the terminal energy of direct-drive wind ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041154A1

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for controlling an electrical power system connected to a power grid. The method includes determining, via a negative sequence regulator programmed in a controller of the electrical power system, a negative sequence component of at least one electrical condition of the electrical power system. Further, the method includes determining a desired current response based on the negative sequence component of the at least one electrical condition of the electrical power system. Thus, the method also includes determining a control command for the power converter as a function of the desired current response so as to achieve a desired relationship between a voltage condition in the power grid and the negative sequence component of the electrical condition of the electrical power system. 1. A method for controlling an electrical power system connected to a power grid , the electrical power system having a power converter electrically coupled to a generator , the method comprising:determining, via a negative sequence regulator programmed in a controller of the electrical power system, a negative sequence component of at least one electrical condition of the electrical power system;determining a desired current response based on the negative sequence component of the at least one electrical condition of the electrical power system; and,determining a control command for the power converter as a function of the desired current response so as to achieve a desired relationship between a voltage condition in the power grid and the negative sequence component of the electrical condition of the electrical power system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control command comprises a modulation index command for the power converter.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the desired current response as a function of a desired negative sequence admittance characteristic of the electrical power system.4. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056886A1

A main shaft assembly of a wind turbine and method for manufacturing the same are provided. Accordingly, the main shaft assembly includes a structural/shaft body defining a cavity therein. The shaft body is configured to transmit a load of the wind turbine developed in response to the wind. An inner body is located within the cavity. The inner body is non-loadbearing with respect to the load. At least one sensor is coupled to the inner body and positioned within the cavity for detecting a deflection of the shaft body in response to the load. 1. A shaft assembly of a wind turbine , the shaft assembly comprising:a shaft body defining a cavity therein and a load path for transmitting a load generated by the wind turbine in response to wind;an inner body disposed within the cavity and coupled to the shaft body, the inner body being non-loadbearing with respect to the load, wherein the shaft body and the inner body are concentric and have a synchronized rate of rotation about an axis; andat least one sensor coupled to the inner body and positioned within the cavity for detecting a deflection of the shaft body in response to the load.2. The shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling of the at least one sensor to the inner body defines a physical separation between the at least one sensor and an adjacent wall of the cavity in a radial direction.3. The shaft assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a proximity sensor claim 2 , the proximity sensor being configured to indicate a radial deflection of the shaft body.4. The shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises an array of sensors disposed at a first axial location of the axis claim 1 , the array of sensors circumscribing the inner body claim 1 , each sensor of the array of sensors defining a circumferential separation with at least one adjacent sensor of the array of sensors.5. The shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is coupled to the inner ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040865A1

The present invention relates generally to the offshore renewable energy utilization technology. A novel floating wind-wave integrated power generation system is based on the braceless semi-submersible floating wind turbine concept and the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy generator. The integrated system includes the offshore wind energy system and the oscillation water column wave energy system. The novel floating wind-wave integrated power generation system transfers the rise and fall movement of the water column into the air in and out movement which is converted into the electricity by the air turbine generator. This invention makes good use of pontoons at of the semi-floating platform and the mooring lines. Since the wave energy system will move with the wave movement, which will reduce the power generation efficiency. The pontoon can help to mitigate this movement. The mooring system can further prevent the movement of the wave energy device. This invention uses the braceless structure, which simplifies the construction process and reduce the fatigue issues for the braces. Compared with the traditional three columns semi-submersible wind turbine, this invention enlarges the water plane area. The moment of inertia for hydrostatic stability is enhanced, and the stability of the floating foundation is improved. 1. A novel floating wind-wave integrated power generation system , wherein a novel floating wind-wave integrated power generation platform without supporting pillars; it includes offshore wind power device and oscillation water column wave energy device; the described offshore wind power device includes offshore wind turbine , tower tube , and a semi-submerged floating platform without supporting pillars consisting of three pillars , floating box and anchor chain;the OWC wave energy system described in this invention is located outer of the columns and fixed to pontoons; OWC wave energy system described above consists of chamber cover, water ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040870A1
Автор: Monto Mark

A wind harvesting assembly for a wind turbine, having: a Venturi tube having a hollow interior having a first air pressure; an open top end having a first diameter; an open bottom end having the first diameter; a tube length spanning between the open top end and the open bottom end; and a constricted section located above the bottom end, the constricted section adapted to increase a velocity of air passing through by having a second diameter smaller than the first diameter; a plurality of vertical wind turbine blades arranged around the Venturi tube, wherein each vertical blade of the plurality of vertical wind turbine blades is associated with permanent magnets. 1. A wind harvesting assembly for a wind turbine , the wind harvesting assembly comprising: a hollow interior having a first air pressure;', 'an open top end having a first diameter;', 'an open bottom end having the first diameter;', 'a tube length spanning between the open top end and the open bottom end; and', 'a constricted section located above the bottom end, the constricted section being adapted to increase a velocity of air passing through the Venturi tube and cause an expulsion of air out of the Venturi tube by having a second diameter smaller than the first diameter;, 'a Venturi tube havinga plurality of vertical wind turbine blades arranged around the Venturi tube, wherein each vertical blade of the plurality of vertical wind turbine blades is associated with a magnet, such that a rotation of the vertical blade causes a rotation of the magnet; and a blade top end;', 'a blade bottom end; and', 'a blade length spanning between the blade top end and the blade bottom end, the length being the same as the tube length, and being aligned with the tube length, such that the blade top end is aligned with the open top end, and the blade bottom end is aligned with the open bottom end;, 'wherein each vertical blade of the plurality of vertical wind turbine blades haswherein the first air pressure within the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045177A1

A combined omnidirectional flow turbine system includes rotors that are disposed in a vertical position and enclosed in a motionless structure that receives air flows from any external direction which are manipulated by an airfoil to cause the rotors to rotate. The rotors can be connected to a transformation element, which transforms mechanical energy generated by the rotation of the rotors into electrical energy. The motionless structure is a hollow body and it is formed by a support structure and cover, being said interior space adapted to store electronic components, which can be directly supplied by the energy, produced. 2. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein each of the sidewalls of the motionless structure includes one or more airfoil components.3. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the blades of the one or more rotors comprise composite materials claim 1 , magnesium alloys or injected polymers.4. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the turbine employs secondary flows from HVAC systems.5. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the energy transformation element is disposed in a center area of the turbine.6. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the energy transformation element is an electric generator.7. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the top cover's outer surface of the motionless structure is covered with photovoltaic cells.8. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the fixation mechanism between the support structure and the cover of the motionless structure is screw type.9. The turbine according to claim 1 , further comprising a mounting mast connected to the support structure.10. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the motionless structure comprises a metallic material claim 1 , a composite material claim 1 , a concrete or textile material.11. The turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the motionless structure surface is of a radiofrequency-wave-transparent material.12. The turbine according to claim 1 ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045180A1
Принадлежит: Wobben Properties GMBH

A method for operating a wind turbine is disclosed. The rotational speed and power of the wind turbine are reduced when the prevailing wind speed exceeds a predetermined first limit value. The rotational speed and power are reduced further with an increasing wind speed until the rotational speed reaches a predetermined minimum rotational speed and/or the power reaches a predetermined minimum power. The wind energy turbine maintains the minimum rotational speed, or the minimum power, if the wind speed increases even further. 1. A method for operating a wind turbine comprising:reducing a rotational speed of a rotor of the wind turbine and a power output of the wind turbine when a prevailing wind speed exceeds a predetermined first limit value;further reducing the rotational speed and the power output with an increasing wind speed beyond the predetermined first limit value until at least one of: the rotational speed reaches a predetermined minimum rotational speed and/or the power output reaches a predetermined minimum power; andif the wind speed further increases, maintaining at least one of the minimum rotational speed and the minimum power.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:if the wind speed further increases, maintaining at least one of: the minimum rotational speed and the minimum power for higher wind speeds and refraining from switching off the wind turbine.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising:when the predetermined minimum rotational speed is reached or when the predetermined minimum power is reached, adjusting blade angles of the rotor blades of the wind turbine so that the power output remains constant.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined first limit value depends on at least one of a gustiness and a gust frequency of the prevailing wind.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the minimum power is at least sufficient to supply operating devices of the wind turbine for operating the wind turbine.6. ...
