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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 5093. Отображено 198.
20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584840C2

Группа изобретений относится к подготовке высоковязких нефтепродуктов к транспортировке. Устройство содержит корпус со струеобразователем и электромагнит с токоподводом. Корпус выполнен в виде единого проточного модуля, в котором расположены конусный струеобразователь, диспергирующая пята и немагнитная опора внутреннего ярма электромагнита. Выходное сопло конусного струеобразователя расположено соосно с диспергирующей пятой, внутреннее ярмо электромагнита жестко соединено с диспергирующей пятой и имеет общий сквозной канал, а на внутреннее ярмо электромагнита намотана катушка электромагнита постоянного тока, соединенная с электрическим гермовводом. Немагнитная опора внутреннего ярма электромагнита установлена за диспергирующей пятой. Высоковязкие нефтепродукты подают во входной патрубок проточного модуля и проводят в проточном модуле их омагничивание и активацию с обеспечением повышения сдвиговых скоростей посредством ударного диспергирования на выходе из сопла конусного струеобразователя ...

20-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2274597C2

Изобретение относится к области транспортирования жидкости по трубопроводу и может быть использовано в гидравлических системах, используемых в различных отраслях промышленности. Согласно изобретению, при осуществлении способа и реализации трубопроводной линии транспортируемую жидкость и трубопровод выбирают таким образом, что коэффициент поверхностного натяжения жидкости и внутренний диаметр трубопровода находятся в следующем соотношении: σ/d≥10-18 Н/м2, где, σ - коэффициент поверхностного натяжения жидкости, Н/м; d - внутренний диаметр трубопровода, м. Течение жидкости в трубопроводе организуют в ламинарном режиме без разрушения перемещаемого в сторону приемной емкости поверхностного слоя жидкости на границе газ-жидкость с помощью приспособления для организации подачи газа. В трубопроводной линии используют дроссельное устройство, которое выбрано в зависимости от внутреннего диаметра трубопровода и вязкости жидкости таким, что расход газа, протекающего через это устройство, обеспечивает ...

27-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2207449C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для воздействия на поток текучей среды. Устройство имеет насос для непрерывной подачи текучей среды на обработку, канал для прокачивания потока обрабатываемой текучей среды, средство турбулизации потока обрабатываемой текучей среды в этом канале и средство дегазации турбулизованного потока. Причем средство дегазации расположено непосредственно после устройства турбулизации потока и оснащено запорно-регулирующим элементом для управляемого удаления выделяемого газа. Техническим результатом изобретения является уменьшение опасности появления газовых пробок и "суперкавитационных" ударов за счет регулирования концентрации газовых примесей в турбулизуемых текучих средах. 16 з.п.ф-лы, 16 ил.

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2300307C2

Циклонный пылеуловитель, содержащий корпус циклона, имеющий входной воздушный канал, через который запыленный воздух поступает в корпус циклона, причем по меньшей мере часть воздуха, всасываемого в корпус циклона, образует вихревой поток; при этом корпус циклона имеет выходной воздушный канал, соединенный со средством создания разрежения для всасывания воздуха через выходной воздушный канал из вихревого потока и имеющий входное отверстие, расположенное вблизи вихревого потока; и проходной направляющий элемент, расположенный в выходном воздушном канале на расстоянии от входа в указанный канал и предназначенный для уменьшения скорости воздуха, всасываемого через выходной воздушный канал, и для уменьшения турбулентности воздуха, проходящего через этот канал. Циклонный пылеуловитель используется в пылесосе. Использование данной группы изобретений обеспечивает снижение скорости воздуха, всасываемого через входной воздушный канал и шум, возникающий в выходном воздушном канале. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2369798C1

Изобретение относится к гофрированным трубам (в том числе к шлангам), предназначенным для транспортирования газов и газожидкостных смесей. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании изобретения, - подавление шума и вибрации, возникающих за счет турбулентности внутреннего потока среды в гофрированном газопроводе, без потери производительности газопровода, вызванной снижением скорости транспортировки. Этот технический результат достигается в двух вариантах осуществления изобретения. В первом варианте указанный результат достигается тем, что газопровод содержит, по меньшей мере, одну пару гофрированных отрезков трубы, отношение шагов гофры которых лежит в пределах 0,3-0,9, а отношение амплитуд - в пределах 0,8-1,2, при этом каждый указанный отрезок трубы содержит, по меньшей мере, один шаг гофры. Во втором варианте указанный результат достигается тем, что газопровод содержит, по меньшей мере, один гофрированный отрезок трубы с профилем гофры, образованным суммой, по меньшей мере, ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU126776U1

Теплообменная труба, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя часть конечного участка теплообменной трубы согнута и поднята вверх под прямым углом на высоту h'=0,2D, где D- внутренний диаметр теплообменной трубы.

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU51138U1

Особенность данной полезной модели заключается в том, что соединительный переход легко устанавливается в жидкостную магистраль, так как мало весит (изготовлен и полипропилена), имеет повышенный срок службы из-за меньшего зарастания внутренней поверхности, содержащимися в воде. В нем внутренние полости входного и выходного узлов не имеют прямого сообщения друг с другом, что уменьшает объем непосредственного прямого перетекания тяжелых частиц на выход из входного узла соединительного патрубка. Новым является то, что корпус с входным и выходным узлами имеет вид Т-образной фигуры, у которой вертикальная часть представляет собой стакан, а горизонтально расположенные части - входной и выходной узлы, причем сообщение их внутренних полостей выполнено через внутреннюю полость стакана с помощью струеотсекателя, расположенного в корпусе над стаканом, при этом в стакане под струеотсекателем расположен фильтр, а корпус, входной и выходной узлы и струевыпрямитель выполнены из полипропилена или сополимеров ...

27-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164629C1

Способ и устройство могут быть использованы для воздействия на нефтяные пласты с целью повышения притоков или приемистости продуктивных объектов в скважине, для воздействия на забой скважины при бурении с целью интенсификации процесса разрушения проходимых горных пород, для уничтожения микробиологических объектов, для очистки поверхностей от наслоений, для эрозионного разрушения металлов, для ускорения химических реакций, для диспергирования твердых частиц в жидкости и высокомолекулярных соединений, для эмульгирования нерастворимых веществ и в других процессах для эффективного внутреннего массообмена. Способ кавитации является гидродинамическим. Поток в данном сечении канала нагнетательного трубопровода разгоняют до скорости, при которой Re > Reкp, где Re - число Рейнольдса, Rекр - критическое число Рейнольдса, а затем осуществляют прерывание потока с периодом меньше полуфазы гидроудара. За счет этого получают разрывы потока. Устройство для кавитации потока жидкости в канале нагнетательного ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448283C1

Изобретение относится к гидротранспорту высоковязких жидкостей, к химической, нефтехимической промышленности и к экологическим процессам при перекачивании по трубопроводу консистентных нефтешламов и других жидких отходов. Способ перемещения заключается в формировании коаксиального концентрического слоя у внутренней поверхности трубы. Предварительно в воду добавляют метиловый спирт в количестве (17,4÷53)% массовых с образованием спиртового раствора, плотность которого равна плотности перекачиваемой нефти или нефтепродукта. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является создание устойчивого кольцевого слоя маловязкой жидкости за счет нейтрализации силы тяжести и силы Архимеда, возникающих при разности плотностей нефти или нефтепродукта и маловязкой жидкости, двигающейся в коаксиальном концентрическом слое у внутренней поверхности трубы. 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2150616C1

Генератор предназначен для измерения потока газа. Генератор симметричен относительно продольной плоскости симметрии, содержит вход для впуска текучей среды, предназначенной для образования двухмерной струи текучей среды, которая совершает колебания в поперечном направлении относительно плоскости симметрии, препятствие, в котором расположена полость, которая обращена к указанному входу для впуска текучей среды и омывается колеблющейся струей. Препятствие имеет переднюю стенку с передними поверхностями, по существу, плоскими и ограничивающими полость, причем плоскость каждой поверхности приблизительно перпендикулярна плоскости симметрии. Полость определена поверхностью, которая приблизительно параллельна плоскости симметрии в точках, где эта поверхность соединяется с каждой из передних поверхностей, при этом препятствие имеет две боковые стенки, поверхности которых, по существу, параллельны плоскости симметрии в точках, где каждая из них соединяется с соответствующей передней поверхностью ...

27-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2085764C1
Принадлежит: Ормат Инк. (US)

Использование: для управления пограничным слоем потока. Сущность изобретения: в способе управления турбулентностью потока, обтекающего поверхность, при котором осуществляют воздействие на процесс преобразования энергии в потоке текучей среды за счет введения возмущений в структуру завихрений, образующихся при формировании граничного слоя с крупномасштабными завихрениями, расположенными преимущественно в наружной его части и передающими при разложении энергию завихрениям промежуточных масштабов, возникающим во внутренней части граничного слоя и разлагающимся на завихрения мелкого масштаба, рассеивающие энергию в теплоту в вязком подслое, возмущения вводят во внутреннюю часть граничного слоя в виде стохастических возмущений со спектром длин волн преимущественно в диапазоне размеров завихрений промежуточных масштабов. 13 з.п. ф-лы.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481524C1

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту жидкости и может быть использовано при перекачке углеводородных жидкостей по трубопроводам с насосными станциями с использованием противотурбулентных присадок. Способ снижения включает введение присадки во внутреннюю полость трубы в нескольких местах, отстоящих друг от друга на расстоянии, превышающем длину эффективной работы присадки. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение эффективности действия противотурбулентной присадки на всей длине линейного участка трубопровода. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

13-12-2021 дата публикации

Модульная установка сепарации и транспортировки газа по трубопроводам

Номер: RU2761697C1

Изобретение относится к газовой промышленности и может быть использовано в модульных установках, устанавливаемых в магистральных трубопроводах, а также на газораспределительных станциях (ГРС) и газокомпрессорных станциях, на товарно-сырьевых базах и хранилищах сжиженных газов, в установках низкотемпературной сепарации (УНС). В модульной установке сепарационной очистки и транспортировки газообразных продуктов, содержащей корпус 1 цилиндрического трубопровода с расположенной внутри корпуса модульной вставкой, с образованием кольцевого пространства между корпусом и вставкой, причем внутреннее пространство модульной вставки разделено на четыре секции (А, В, С, G). В первой секции (А) размещен тангенциально-осевой завихритель, состоящий из лопастей 6, симметрично размещенных по конической образующей с углом наклона лопастей к осевой. Во второй секции (В) установлен направляющий конус 10, который с одной стороны вплотную примыкает к тангенциально-осевому завихрителю, а с другой стороны, в третьей ...

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008105292A

... 1. Способ увеличения объемного расхода жидкости, включающий создание напора и подачу жидкости по трубопроводу, отличающийся тем, что напорный поток жидкости, созданный гидростатическим или гидродинамическим давлением, закручивают вдоль оси его перемещения, а средство для закручивания потока жидкости располагают возле выхода трубопровода. ! 2. Способ увеличения объемного расхода жидкости по п.1, отличающийся тем, что закручивание потока жидкости осуществляют за счет тангенциального ввода ее в трубопровод, при этом средство для закручивания потока жидкости выполняют в виде тангенциально расположенного патрубка ввода в трубопровод. ! 3. Способ увеличения объемного расхода жидкости по п.1, отличающийся тем, что закручивание потока жидкости осуществляют путем изменения направления движения жидкости с помощью средства для закручивания потока жидкости, которое представляет собой установленную внутри трубопровода лопасть, выполненную, например, в виде половины витка винта Архимеда.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008100530A

... 1. Способ получения кавитации потока жидкости, включающий гидродинамическое воздействие на поток с добавлением в жидкость веществ, способствующих уменьшению усилия для разрыва потока при образовании кавитационных полостей, отличающийся тем, что гидродинамическое воздействие на поток осуществляется за счет взаимодействия внешних поверхностей встречных потоков, при этом сумма модулей скоростей должна удовлетворить следующему соотношению: ! , ! где Vp 1, Vp 2 - значения скоростей потоков, движущихся в противоположных направлениях; ! Ргст - гидростатическое давление жидкости; ! ρ - плотность жидкости; ! с - скорость распространения возмущения в жидкости. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве потоков может быть использована многофазная среда.

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93033626A
Автор: Титов А.А.

Устройство относится к средствам ускорения прохождения жидкостей по трубопроводам и шлангам. Цель изобретения - расширение эксплуатационных возможностей. Устройство для снижения трения в трубопроводах и шлангах содержит вибратор, который установлен в трубопроводе и закреплен в нем с помощью держателей, а в его центре размещен ультразвуковой излучатель.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014114670A

... 1. Способ подготовки высоковязких нефтепродуктов к транспорту, в котором нефтепродукт подвергают воздействию для формирования высоких сдвиговых скоростей и омагничивания, отличающийся тем, что воздействие осуществляют в едином проточном модуле с использованием конусного струеобразователя, на выходе которого создают зону ударного диспергирования.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что нефтепродукты подвергают предварительному охлаждению до температуры ниже температуры застывания нефтепродуктов на 5-7°C.3. Способ по любому из пп. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что повышение сдвиговых скоростей обеспечивают использованием в едином проточном модуле конусного струеобразователя с углом не менее 130.4. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что зону ударного диспергирования создают с использованием диспергирующей пяты, установленной за конусным струеобразователем.5. Способ по любому из пп. 1 или 4, отличающийся тем, что нефтепродукты подвергают многократному воздействию.6. Устройство для подготовки высоковязких ...

10-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003111025A

... 1. Кавитационная установка для создания регулируемой гидродинамической кавитации, включающая цилиндрический корпус с проточным каналом для прокачки основного потока текучей среды и отверстия в стенке канала для подачи в основной кавитирующий поток возмущающей струи и управления гидродинамической кавитацией, геометрическая ось которых пересекается с геометрической осью проточного канала под углом α, причем входной участок канала подключен к средству нагнетания текучей среды в канал, а упомянутые отверстия в стенке канала выполнены как продолжение байпасного патрубка, входной участок которого подключен к средству нагнетания текучей среды в канал, отличающаяся тем, что проточный канал снабжен кавитационной вставкой в виде одно или многоручьевого сопла, рабочей камерой, имеющей канал подачи в проточный канал ингибитора коррозии, и диффузором, причем упомянутые отверстия выполнены в виде дополнительных сопел в стенках рабочей камеры, установленных с возможностью обеспечения условий формирования ...

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129371A

Диспергатор примесей в текучей среде, содержащий устройство для воздействия на поток текучей среды, установленное в трубопроводе, отличающийся тем, что устройство для воздействия на поток текучей среды выполнено в виде двух ободов, установленных последовательно по ходу потока текучей среды в разрыв трубопровода, торцы которого выполнены с фланцами, первый обод выполнен с лопаточным венцом для закрутки потока текучей среды, а второй обод содержит центральный обтекатель и неподвижно установленные между обтекателем и ободом лопатки вентиляторного типа, при этом между ободами установлена цилиндрическая проставка с фланцами по торцам и ободы зафиксированы на трубопроводе между фланцами трубопровода и проставки, а внутренний диаметр проставки и ободов равен внутреннему диаметру трубопровода в месте установки устройства для воздействия на поток текучей среды.

20-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001122036A

... 1. Устройство для воздействия на поток текучей среды, имеющее насос для непрерывной подачи текучей среды на обработку, канал для прокачивания потока обрабатываемой текучей среды, подключенный к нагнетательному патрубку насоса, средство турбулизации потока обрабатываемой текучей среды в этом канале и средство дегазации турбулизованного потока, отличающееся тем, что средство дегазации расположено непосредственно после средства турбулизации потока и оснащено подходящим запорно-регулирующим элементом для управляемого удаления выделяемого газа. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет обратную связь для возврата части текучей среды с гидравлического выхода средства дегазации на вход насоса. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет обратную связь для возврата части текучей среды с гидравлического выхода средства дегазации на вход средства турбулизации. 4. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет обратную связь для возврата части текучей среды со входа в ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123346A

Способ снижения сопротивления при движении однофазного или двухфазного потока в микроканалах с гладкой поверхностью, при котором для снижения сопротивления при движении потока на поверхность микроканала наносят множество наноструктурных областей с гидрофобными свойствами, отличающийся тем, что наноструктурные области выполняют в виде гидрофобных полос шириной L, которые наносят поперек течения на гладкую поверхность микроканала на расстоянии В друг от друга таким образом, чтобы выполнялось соотношение L/B≥1, причем L и В определяют из свойств жидкости и поверхности.

30-10-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для исследования гидродинамики закрученного потока

Номер: SU1687939A1

Изобретение относится к экспериментальной гидроаэромеханике, в частности к установкам для исследования кольцевых течений , и может быть использовано для определениягидродинамических характеристик и визуализации потока в кольцевых каналах с начальной закруткой Цель изобретений расширение функциональных возможностей и повышение точно b / №/jUr-Jbr; ; и Л,, / ..,... -1.Л /:.. .-тч -.- -;,;.--- --.-/- -ru II --ТС гт сти сравнительной оценки эффективности различных способов закрутки Устройство содержит разборный корпус 1 на одном из торцов которою установлены подводящие штуцеры 5 обеспечивающие осевое течение потока на участке 2 корпуса 1. Средства для закрутки потока - тангенциальные шту церы 12 или шнек 14 установлены в средней части 3 корпуса 1. которая выполнена в виде сменной вставки Часть 4 корпуса 1 расположенная за вставкой выполнена оптически прозрачной В корпусе 1 с образованием кольцевого зазора 16 установлена труба 6 снабженная датчиками 8 и 9 При оценке эффективности закрутки по ...

07-11-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для ввода визуализирующей среды в спутное течение за буксируемым телом

Номер: SU1774206A1

Изобретение относится к области гидромеханики , в частности гидродинамическим испытаниям, и может быть использовано для визуализации спутного течения за буксируемым в текучей среде телом. С буксиру- емым телом 1 связана емкость 2 с визуализатором, сообщенная через отверстия 3, 14 и каналы 4, 5 с зоной спутного течения. Указанная цель достигается тем, что емкость 2 оснащена регулируемыми отсечными клапанами 7, управляемыми посредством взаимодействия со штангами 9, 10, установленными в начале и конце рабочего участка.1 ил.

15-08-1988 дата публикации

Выпрямитель потока жидкости

Номер: SU1416767A1

Изобретение относится к области приборостроения . Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности формирования потока. Внутри полого цилиндра 1 установлены концентричные перегородки (П) 2, 3, 4, жестко связанные между собой и с цилиндром радиальными П 5, 6, 7, 8. Диаметры П 2, 3, 4 и шаг между П 5, 6, 7, 8 выбирается т. обр., чтобы плош.адь поперечного сечения образованных ими каналов 9, 10, 11, 12 уменьшалась от центра цилиндра к периферии. Благодаря этому скорости течения малых потоков, проходящих по каналам, имеют макс, величину в центральной части и постепенно уменьшаются в направлении к периферии , и поток жидкости на выходе имеет равномерный профиль скорости параболического типа. 2 ил.

30-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1772436C

30-12-1982 дата публикации

Обтекатель Беляева

Номер: SU985488A1

30-10-1992 дата публикации

Способ определения технического состояния трубопровода гидротранспортной системы

Номер: SU1772436A1

Сущность изобретения: измеряют расход и потерю напора. Сначала создают в системе ламинарный режим течения и по значениям измеренных параметров определяют диаметр проходного сечения трубопровода . Затем создают турбулентный режим. Заново проводят измерения и при фиксированном значении диаметра определяют шероховатость трубопровода ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Vertikales Ultraschallzersetzungsrohr

Номер: DE112015004193T5

Eine Abgasbehandlungskomponente zur Behandlung eines durch einen Motor erzeugten Abgases. Die Abgasbehandlungskomponente enthält ein Gehäuse, ein erstes Abgasbehandlungskomponentensubstrat, das in dem Gehäuse positioniert ist, und ein Dosiermodul zur Eindosierung eines Abgasbehandlungs-Reagensfluids in das Abgas. Das Dosiermodul ist an dem Gehäuse gesichert und stromaufwärts des ersten Abgasbehandlungskomponentensubstrats positioniert. Ein Ultraschallwandler ist zwischen dem Dosiermodul und dem ersten Abgasbehandlungskomponentensubstrat positioniert. Der Ultraschallwandler ist dazu ausgestaltet, eine Vielzahl von Ultraschallwellen in das Abgas, einschließlich des Abgasbehandlungs-Reagensfluids, abzugeben.

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Schwingungsreduzierte Ventilanordnung

Номер: DE102013227062A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Ventilanordnung mit einem Ventilgehäuse, das einen Kanal mit einem gegenüber dem Ventilgehäuse beweglichen Ventilelement aufweist, wobei in dem Kanal eine Druckkammer ausgebildet ist, die an einem ventilelementseitigen Ende durch das bewegliche Ventilelement begrenzt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Druckkammer von einem durchflussquerschnittsreduzierenden Element in zwei Teile geteilt wird.

08-03-2001 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Messung von zumindest einem Parameter eines in einer Leitung strömenden Mediums

Номер: DE0019942502A1

The invention relates to a device (1) for measuring at least one parameter of a medium flowing in a pipe (2), especially the induced air mass of an internal combustion engine. Liquid particles contained in said pipe act upon a measuring element (23) and influence a characteristic behaviour of said measuring element (23), which is used to determine parameters of the flowing medium. The measuring element (23) is located downstream of a protective grill (15, 95) in a pipe or a hollow body (8) in order to reduce the action of the liquid on said measuring element (23). Said protective grill deviates the flow of the medium and diverts the liquid particles. Longitudinal ribs provided downstream of the protective grill (15, 95), or an extraction opening (72) or a turbulator (95) reduce uncontrolled shedding of vortices.

12-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007820408U1
Принадлежит: WALTHER & CIE AG, 5000 KOELN

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009054622A1

Es wird ein Strömungsgitter (110) zur Verwendung in einer Vorrichtung (136) zur Erfassung mindestens einer Eigenschaft einer Strömung eines mit einer Hauptströmungsrichtung (114) strömenden fluiden Mediums vorgeschlagen, insbesondere einem Heißfilmluftmassenmesser (144). Das Strömungsgitter (110) weist mindestens zwei unterschiedlich ausgerichtete Ablenkflächen (120) auf. Weiterhin wird eine Vorrichtung (136) zur Erfassung mindestens einer Eigenschaft einer Strömung eines mit einer Hauptströmungsrichtung (114) strömenden fluiden Mediums vorgeschlagen, insbesondere ein Heißfilmluftmassenmesser (144). Die Vorrichtung umfasst mindestens einen in die Strömung einbringbaren Messfühler (146), wobei der Messfühler (146) mindestens ein Sensorelement (150) zur Erfassung der Eigenschaft des strömenden fluiden Mediums aufweist. Weiterhin umfasst die Vorrichtung (136) mindestens ein dem Messfühler (146) in der Strömung des fluiden Mediums vorgelagertes erfindungsgemäßes Strömungsgitter (110).

11-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002130826A1

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Hydraulic unit e.g. turbine, for use in internal combustion engine, has channel pipe and gas supply unit attached to gas inlet, where discharging of gas e.g. exhaust gas, in fluid stream is carried out upstream to channel pipe

Номер: DE102008044172A1

The unit has a channel pipe (13) in which increase of a flow pressure occurs, where the unit is flow through a fluid e.g. water or fuel. The discharging of a gas e.g. air or exhaust gas, in a fluid stream is carried out upstream to the pipe. A gas inlet (14) and a gas supply unit are provided for discharging the gas, where the supply unit is attached to the inlet and supplies the gas. Pores or low-diameter openings are arranged in the inlet. An insert (18) is arranged in the inlet and made of sintered metal or wire mesh. A gas outlet is provided downstream to the pipe.

21-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001421742A

... 1421742 Gas chromatography PYE LTD 2 March 1973 [4 March 1972] 10210/72 Addition to 1241867 Heading B1H [Also in Division G3] The invention of the parent Specification 1241867 wherein gas is passed through a long flow passage of a control element which is heated to change the viscosity and therefore the flow rate of the gas, is modified essentially by the provision of a gas flow transducer in connection with the inlet of the control element to produce an output signal which is a continuous function of the gas flow rate. The output signal can control means for changing the temperature of the control element. The transducer may be a hot-wire or ionisation anemometer, a piezoelectric crystal, a thermistor, a thermocouple, a resistance thermometer, or a differential heatexchange device responsive to the heat transferred 'between the gas and an element of the transducer. One or more such elements of the transducer may be formed by resistive arms of a Wheatstone bridge circuit, which arms may ...

03-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009300073D0

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Flow controller

Номер: GB0002317025A

A valve for use in fine control of very low flow rates of fluids, such as xenon in an ion thruster, comprises a flow conduit 2,3 having flow restriction means 6 located within it, through which the fluid must pass, and means 7 for controlling the viscosity of the fluid passing through said valve. The viscosity is preferably controlled by changing the temperature of the fluid passing through the restriction. This is preferably be provided by a heating element located outside or within the conduit.

05-01-2011 дата публикации

A flow control arrangement

Номер: GB0002462412B

28-12-2011 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separating or scraping lubricant from a fluid flow within a pipe or conduit

Номер: GB0002481393A

Apparatus, for separating a lubricant fluid from a viscous fluid wherein the lubricant fluid is used to lubricate a tubular conduit 21 carrying a flow of the viscous fluid, comprises a lubricant separation nozzle 20 for separating a layer of fluid flowing adjacent to an inner surface of the conduit from the rest of the fluid flowing within the conduit. The lubricant separation nozzle may have an annular separation channel 26 configured to open into an aperture of the conduit and be coaxially aligned with the conduit; the opening of the channel 26 may be in a direction opposite to the flow of fluid (see figure 4).

06-07-1983 дата публикации

Eccentrically nested tube gas line silencer

Номер: GB0002111719A

A device for attenuating noise of fluid in non-axisymmetric turbulent flow which comprises a conduit and a plurality of parallel aligned nested tubes in said conduit. The nested tubes are of varying cross-sectional size and have approximately the same cross-sectional shape. The tubes are eccentrically aligned with respect to each other such that a lower surface of each tube is in closely spaced relationship or is in substantially line contact with a surface of an adjacent tube along their longitudinal lengths, the line contact between all of the tubes being substantially at a common line, allowing for the thickness of the tube walls. A brace extends through and interconnects the nested tubes. In one embodiment, the noise attenuating device is spaced closely downstream from a reverse flow ball valve to provide a smooth transition from the non-axisymmetric flow discharging from the valve to substantially axisymmetric flow (or fully developed pipe flow) in the conduit downstream of the valve ...

18-05-2011 дата публикации

A tubular conduit with an internal and external helical formation

Номер: GB0002475338A

A tubular conduit (1) comprising a tubular portion (2) made from a flexible material. There is an external helical formation (7) extending around the exterior of, and parallel to the axis of, the tubular portion (2) and defining a first region of the tubular portion (2). The external helical formation (7) is for supporting the tubular portion (2). There is also an internal helical formation (10), protruding inwardly of the interior of the tubular portion (2) and extending parallel to the axis of the tubular portion (2) and defining a second region of the tubular portion (2). The internal helical formation (10) is for imparting helical flow on fluid passing through the tubular portion (2). The first region does not extend throughout the second region but may overlap the second region. An external helical formation may also be provided (11) corresponding to the internal helical formation (10) to provide some support for the conduit in the second region of the conduit. The arrangement provides ...

03-08-1994 дата публикации

Means for linearizing an open air flow

Номер: GB0009411913D0

13-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001479494A

... 1479494 Valves A H ANDERSSON & CO AB 4 Feb 1975 [28 Feb 1974 (2)] 4716/75 Heading F2V In a flow control valve having a housing 32 with an axial inlet 31 and a radial outlet 44, and a conical valve member 34 co-operating with a conical seat 33, an annular chamber 40 is formed downstream of the seat to avoid a subpressure zone being formed. As shown annular grooves 42, 41 form the chamber but the groove 41 may be replaced by a similar surface on the valve member. The conical valve member and seat surfaces may be curved. The valve member is shown screw-operated but a flow-regulating valve with a cup-shaped closure member (118) spring biased to an open position is described, Fig. 5 (not shown).

09-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002075639B

14-03-1962 дата публикации

Liquid flow controlling means

Номер: GB0000891212A

... 891,212. Controlling liquid-flow. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., E. I. Aug. 19, 1960 [Aug. 21, 1959], No. 28786/60. Classes 99(1) and 99(2). In a device for controlling the flow of viscous liquids in conduits and which comprises a body having a plurality of passages therethrough adapted to be located within a conduit, at least one of the passages converges from an area at one end of the body in the vicinity of the periphery to an area at the other end of the body in the vicinity of the axis, and at least one of the passages diverges from an area at the first end of the body in the vicinity of the axis to an area at the other end of the body in the vicinity of the periphery. In one embodiment, Fig. 2a, flow channels 12, 13 direct liquid from the pipe walls to the axis and vice versa respectively. The peripheral entrances 14, axial exits 15, axial entrances 16 and peripheral exits 17 are smoothly contoured. A flange 11 is provided for insertion between the flanges of a piping system. In another ...

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Wear resistant slurry pipe fitting.

Номер: AP0201105796D0

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Wear resistant slurry pipe fitting.

Номер: AP2011005796A0

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Wear resistant slurry pipe fitting.

Номер: AP0201105796A0

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413875B

15-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA128983A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535311T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0004282003A

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507226A1

The invention relates to a microfluid device for dispensing a fluid or a fluid mixture, said device comprising a dispensing channel (5), at least one main fluid delivery channel (1, 10) which lies substantially in the plane of the dispensing channel (5) and runs laterally thereto and merges into at least one subsidiary delivery channel (2, 2', 20, 20') that in turn opens into an inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') lying above or below the dispensing channel (5), which inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') opens into the dispensing channel (5) from above or below via at least one inlet opening (4, 4', 40, 40'), characterized in that the at least one inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') has a cross-sectional shape that changes in the longitudinal direction thereof and/or the at least one inlet opening (4, 4', 40, 40') has an opening width that changes in the transverse direction of the dispensing channel (5).

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507226B1

The invention relates to a microfluid device for dispensing a fluid or a fluid mixture, said device comprising a dispensing channel (5), at least one main fluid delivery channel (1, 10) which lies substantially in the plane of the dispensing channel (5) and runs laterally thereto and merges into at least one subsidiary delivery channel (2, 2', 20, 20') that in turn opens into an inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') lying above or below the dispensing channel (5), which inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') opens into the dispensing channel (5) from above or below via at least one inlet opening (4, 4', 40, 40'), characterized in that the at least one inlet channel (3, 3', 30, 30') has a cross-sectional shape that changes in the longitudinal direction thereof and/or the at least one inlet opening (4, 4', 40, 40') has an opening width that changes in the transverse direction of the dispensing channel (5).

15-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000142748T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011268U1

Beim Erfindungsgegenstand handelt es sich um einen Strömungskanal, bei welchem Wasser mittels einer in einer Umwälzleitung angeordneten Fördereinrichtung in Strömung versetzt ist. Um die Strömung innerhalb des Kanals den jeweiligen Erfordernissen anpassen zu können, bzw. um eine laminare Strömung über den gesamten Strömungsbereich zu erzielen ist eine Mehrzahl von Umwälzleitungen 2, 3, 4 mit je einer regelbaren Fördereinrichtung 6 vorgesehen, wobei die Ausmündungen 25 der Umwälzleitungen 2, 3, 4 über die Stirnwandung 5 des Strömungskanals 1 verteilt sind.

15-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000101248T

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026174T

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000165764T

15-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190244T

03-01-2019 дата публикации

In-line cryogenic method and system for cooling liquid products

Номер: AU2017312473A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Disclosed are an in-line direct cryogenic method and system for cooling heated fluid food products, such as sauces. The method includes injecting cryogen directly into the fluid to be cooled while the flow rate of the fluid to be cooled is adjusted in response to downstream temperature measurements and while maintaining the injection rate of the cryogen into the fluid. According to the method the flow of the sauce is adjusted during the flow of the cryogen to achieve process stability, product uniformity and efficient use of the cryogen.

20-05-2021 дата публикации

Oil Returning Valve Set with Multi-Stage Throttling Control

Номер: AU2019280096A1

Abstract The invention provides an oil returning valve set with multi-stage throttling control which comprises an oil returning channel (13) implemented in oil in an oil hydraulic equipment. The two ends of the oil returning channel (13) are connected 5 to a pressurized oil collecting cavity (11) and a pressurized oil discharging cavity (12) respectively. A plurality of throttling valve plugs and oil returning valve plug (30) are arranged in the oil returning channel (13), and a normally-open draining gap (25) is also formed among the plurality of throttling valve plugs. When the oil returning valve plug (30) is opened, a plurality of the throttling valve plugs are arranged in 10 series to generate multi-stage throttling oil hydraulic draining control, which improves the problem that the valve opening allowance of the throttling valve for oil returning and pressure relief of traditional oil hydraulic equipment is not sufficient. 13a 25 13 30 20 13b Fig. 1 ...

31-01-2002 дата публикации

A fluid flow controller

Номер: AU00PR982302D0

24-02-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for creating a vortex flow

Номер: AU2004264500A1

04-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007611787A

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Fluid flow modification apparatus

Номер: AU2009235475B2

Embodiments of the invention are concerned with mixing of fluids by means of turbulence-creating means, and in particular addresses problems associated with known such devices that are excessively bulky and complex. In at least one embodiment the invention comprises a fluid flow modification apparatus for creating turbulence in a fluid when said fluid is moving relative to the fluid flow modification apparatus. The apparatus comprises: a plurality of turbulence-creating elements arranged in a fractal configuration, each turbulence-creating element having a first surface portion against which the fluid can flow and a second surface portion along which the fluid can flow; an insert for arrangement in the apparatus so as to obstruct the flow of fluid between adjacent said second surface portions of at least two turbulence- creating elements; and a support for holding the turbulence-creating elements in the fluid so as to allow movement of the fluid relative to the turbulence-creating elements ...

08-05-1995 дата публикации

Method and device for dividing or changing the direction of a fluid flowing under pressure in a pipe

Номер: AU0007854594A

13-06-2013 дата публикации

A device for directing the flow a fluid using a pressure switch

Номер: AU2011337137A1

A device for directing the flow of a fluid comprises: a pressure pocket; a first fluid passageway; a pressure source; and a pressure switch, wherein the first fluid passageway operationally connects at least the pressure pocket and the pressure source, and wherein the pressure switch is positioned adjacent to the pressure source. According to an embodiment, depending on at least one of the properties of the fluid, the fluid that flows into the pressure pocket changes. In one embodiment, the change is the fluid increasingly flows into the pressure pocket. In another embodiment, the change is the fluid decreasingly flows into the pressure pocket. According to another embodiment, a flow rate regulator comprises: the device for directing the flow of a fluid; a second fluid passageway; a third fluid passageway; and a fourth fluid passageway.

30-04-1998 дата публикации

Multi-stage static assembly for increasing fluid speed

Номер: AU0000690702B2

17-11-2000 дата публикации

Multiple feed powder splitter

Номер: AU0004811200A

17-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002426615A1

A non-linear flow restrictor that limits the maximum flowrate in a medical aspiration system. The flow restrictor changes the direction of fluid flow to generate non-linear effects in the fluid. This creates a non-linear relationship between the pressure within the system and the flowrate of the fluid. The non-linear relationship may define a pressure versus flowrate curve that has a flat portion where the flowrate does not increase with an increase in pressure.

28-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002552431A1

The present invention relates to a method for achieving even transverse distribution and propagation of a flowing medium. The medium is supplied through a conduit (4) and is deflected during propagation in at least one distribution gap (14, 14~, 14~~, 14~~~) defined by a friction surface. The medium is deflected during diverging propagation along the distribution gap (14, 14~, 14~~, 14~~~); the medium is conveyed via a passage (16) to an outlet gap (20) having a larger gap depth than the distribution gap; the medium is conveyed over an edge (18, 18~, 18~~, 18~~~) extending transverse the direction of the flow, and the edge (18, 18~, 18~~, 18~~~) is designed such that the friction surface obtain a propagation along the flowing path of the diverging medium that provides a substantially even and parallel flow of the medium along the outlet gap (20). The present invention also relates to an apparatus.

06-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436957C

A method to set a hollow device (3) into an undersea flow pipe (1) is disclosed. The hollow device (3) is driven by a flexible pig (4) into the undersea flow pipe (1) to a point where stop means (5) halt the displacement of the hollow device (3), setting it into position.

08-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002686002C

An apparatus for straightening fluid flow in a conduit or pipeline, such as an irrigation pipeline, resides in an integral assembly of a conical fluid flow displacement member effective to substantially lineralize the velocity profile of fluid flowing through the pipeline and a plurality of circumferentially spaced vanes extending longitudinally and radially of the conical member and effective to mitigate swirl and eccentric velocity profiles in the flowing fluid. The conical member consists simply of a single cone that is centered in the pipeline by the vanes. A bolt extending through the wall of the pipe and threaded into a nut on a vane secures the straightener in the line.

16-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773964C

A flow device (50) adapted to operate as a restrictor as well as provide a pressure relief capability in the event of an over-pressurization event within a fluid system containing the device (50). The flow device (50) includes an expandable orifice (64) that has an outer perimeter (62), a plurality of cantilevered tabs (58) surrounded by the outer perimeter (62), and an opening (54) surrounded and defined by the tabs (58). The tabs (58) project from the outer perimeter (62) toward the opening (54), which restricts flow of the bleed air through the expandable orifice (64) at a pressure below a predetermined pressure level, but then expands to relieve an over-pressure condition of the bleed air at a pressure above the predetermined pressure level as a result of the cantilevered tabs (58) being deflected by the over-pressure condition. The device (50) is adaptable for use in aircraft applications, including the regulation of bleed air used in anti- icing/de-icing systems.

13-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766188C

There is disclosed a system adapted to transport two fluids, comprising a nozzle comprising a first nozzle portion comprising the first fluid; and a second nozzle portion comprising the second fluid, wherein the second nozzle portion has a larger diameter than and is about the first nozzle portion; and a tubular fluidly connected to and downstream of the nozzle, the tubular comprising the first fluid in a core, and the second fluid about the core; the first fluid comprising a crude oil having a total acid number greater than 1, and the second fluid comprising a basic solution having a pH greater than 8.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Gas shutoff device

Номер: US20120000551A1
Автор: Mitsuo Yokohata
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides a gas shutoff device that prevents tampering procurement of gas or tamper due to stealing of the gas shutoff device. When an event, in which a gas pressure value of a pressure measuring unit 32 after a predetermined operation performed by a provider in installation is kept equal to or less than a first predetermined pressure value for a first predetermined time or longer and then the gas pressure value is kept equal to or more than a second predetermined pressure value for a second predetermined time or longer, happens at a predetermined number of times, the gas is shut off by a shutoff unit 39 , communication with the outside is performed by an external communication unit 34 , restoration is permitted by a restoring unit 38 while when there is a predetermined operation by the provider after the shutoff, the restoration permission state implemented by communicating with the outside by the predetermined operation by the provider and inputting communication of a response from the outside.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Meter flow conditioner

Номер: US20120188842A1
Автор: Robert Smith
Принадлежит: Komax Systems Inc

A fluid conditioner for a fluid traveling through a conduit, the conduit having a longitudinal axis and substantially circular cross-section. The fluid conditioner includes a static mixing element and a straightener plate. The plate is affixed to a substantially rectangular member located downstream of the static mixing element and oriented substantially perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the conduit, the plate substantially covering the cross-section of the conduit having a plurality of openings to facilitate the passage of the fluid within the conduit.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Fluid resistance reducing method and resistance reducing propulsion device

Номер: US20120227819A1
Автор: Lisong Zou
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid resistance reducing method and a resistance reducing propulsion device are disclosed, wherein vane-shaped devices are inserted in the fluid at a certain interval along a vertical direction to a moving velocity direction of the fluid, and thus the fluid is divided into several limited zones to limit the fluid and solidify moving state; resultantly the fluid is prevented from directly crashing with fixed wall of a surface of an object to be resistance-reduced and thus a moving velocity direction of the vane-shaped device accords with a predetermined direction of a tangent line of the fixed wall and reaction force on the fluid provides a centripetal force for the fluid to turn, so as to force the fluid to gradually change the velocity direction along the fixed wall and manually intervene with parts of the object to force the fluid near a boundary face to moves stratifiedly and orderly.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Water flow restriction device and method

Номер: US20130081730A1
Автор: David Schwartz
Принадлежит: David Schwartz

A device and method restricting water flow from a bathroom fixture is provided herewith. A preferred embodiment of the improved flow restrictor assembly comprises a metallic fitting or housing that accommodates an interior ring assembly and a flow-restrictor disk. The fitting is substantially tubular with a top section, a bottom section and an intersection. The top section of the fitting is defined by an opening, a hollow interior and a ledge upon which the interior ring assembly and flow-restrictor disk are positioned when the flow restrictor assembly is installed and in use. The bottom section features a pair of gripping planes which can be gripped by a specialized tool for purposes of uninstalling the improved flow restrictor assembly.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Adjusting Air Flow without Restricting a Fan

Номер: US20130167934A1
Автор: Bernard D. Regier
Принадлежит: AGCO Corp

A duct may be disclosed. The duct may comprise a wall and a cover. The wall may define a passage, an inlet in fluid communication with the passage, an outlet in fluid communication with the passage, and an opening in fluid communication with the passage. The cover may be arranged to selectively block the opening.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265848A1
Автор: Hartig Stefan, Wurz Dieter
Принадлежит: ESG MBH

A duct in which a fluid can be conducted is bound by duct walls, wherein the duct walls have an inlet opening and an outlet opening through which the fluid can enter the duct and exit the duct. The fluid has a flow velocity which is smaller along the duct walls than at the duct middle, so that a zone of higher flow velocity and a zone of lower flow velocity can be formed in the duct. A flow guide surface is arranged in the duct by means of which a portion of the fluid can be taken from the zone of higher flow velocity and can be mixed into the zone of lower flow velocity. 146-. (canceled)47. A duct section flowed through by a primary fluid having a cross-sectional expansion in the flow direction as well as having installations through which the duct cross-section is divided into at least two part duct , wherein the displacement thickness of at least one portion of the installations increases in the flow direction , characterized in that the installations are designed as V-shaped gusset plates.48. A duct section in accordance with claim 47 , characterized in that the V-shaped gusset plates are provided with rear cover plates claim 47 , so that the V-shaped gusset plates are designed as hollow bodies.49. A duct section in accordance with claim 48 , wherein a plurality of wedge-shaped hollow bodies is arranged claim 48 , in particular at least 3 wedge-shaped hollow bodies are arranged.50. A duct section in accordance with claim 49 , wherein the opening angle in the partial ducts between the wedge-shaped hollow bodies is in the order of magnitude of 0° to 18°.51. A duct section in accordance with claim 49 , wherein the wedge-shaped hollow bodies end at a ring which is arranged concentrically in a section configured as a ring diffusor about its middle axis.52. A duct section in accordance with claim 51 , wherein a hub is arranged along the middle axis.53. A duct section in accordance with claim 52 , wherein the wedge-shaped hollow bodies end on a ring which ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340419A1

An air handling system comprising an air guide in the form of a convergent divergent shroud and/or diffuser defining a path along which air can flow, such as to generate one or more regions of reduced pressure and/or increased mass flow rate of air within the guide in response to the passage of air through the guide, and a manifold extending from the guide and having an inlet and an exhaust, the exhaust being in fluid communication with the one or more regions of reduced pressure and/or increased mass flow rate and the inlet being in fluid communication with an interior of an air handling unit such as a condenser or air conditioning unit. 1. An air handling system comprising at least one air guide defining a path along which air can flow , the guide being shaped and dimensioned to generate one or more regions of reduced pressure and/or increased mass flow rate of air within the guide in response to the passage of air through the guide; and a manifold extending from the guide and having at least one exhaust in fluid communication with the one or more regions of reduced pressure and/or increased mass flow rate.2. An air handling system according to in which the air guide comprises a duct.3. An air handling system according to in which the air guide defines a convergent and/or divergent path along which air can flow.4. An air handling system according to in which the air guide comprises a single section having a substantially continuous sidewall.5. An air handling system according to in which the air guide comprises two or more sections separated from one another by a respective circumferentially extending gap.6. An air handling system according to comprising a support on which the air guide is mounted claim 1 , the manifold extending through or being formed integrally with the support.7. An air handling system according to in which the air guide defines a restricted throat section at or adjacent which the at least one exhaust is located.8. An air handling system ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Flow Stabilizer

Номер: US20140014216A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A flow stabilizer includes a base, a noise reduction structure, and a plurality of protrusion structures. The noise reduction structure is disposed on the base. The protrusion structures are disposed between the base and the noise reduction structure. The protrusion structures define a plurality of intervals, and at least two intervals are not equal.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034173A1
Автор: Schwartz David
Принадлежит: D.S. Magic Tech LLC

A device and method restricting water flow from a bathroom fixture is provided herewith. A preferred embodiment of the improved flow restrictor assembly comprises a metallic fitting or housing that accommodates an interior ring assembly and a flow-restrictor disk. The fitting is substantially tubular with a top section, a bottom section and an intersection. The top section of the fitting is defined by an opening, a hollow interior and a ledge upon which the interior ring assembly and flow-restrictor disk are positioned when the flow restrictor assembly is installed and in use. The bottom section features a pair of gripping planes which can be gripped by a specialized tool for purposes of uninstalling the improved flow restrictor assembly. 119-. (canceled)20. A flow restrictor device , comprising:a fitting having a top section, a bottom section, and an interior cavity with a support ledge positioned within said interior cavity; anda flow restrictor disk having a perimeter and interior spaces to allow water to pass at a reduced flow rate when said flow restrictor device is in use, said support ledge supporting said perimeter of said flow restrictor disk in said interior cavity.21. The flow restrictor device of further comprising an interior ring assembly claim 20 , having a ring casing and a ring positioned in said ring casing claim 20 , wherein said flow restrictor disk is positioned in said ring casing claim 20 , substantially concealing said ring.22. The flow restrictor device of wherein said interior ring assembly with said flow restrictor disk are positioned inside said interior cavity at said top section.23. The flow restrictor device of wherein said interior ring assembly and said interior cavity each have respective dimensions that enable said interior ring assembly to fit snugly within said interior cavity to prevent tumbling or dislodging of said interior ring assembly during water flow.24. The flow restrictor device of wherein said interior ring assembly ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Infusion method and structure for infusion method

Номер: US20140053936A1

An infusion method for manufacturing a fiber-reinforced composite component. The composite component is evacuated and at least two separated flow fronts of matrix material are spread out in the composite component. At least one of the flow fronts is decelerated and/or guided in respect to its flow directing relative to the other flow front by a control element that is incorporated in a component area of the composite component. Also disclosed is a structure for performing such infusion method wherein the control element is arranged between the construction components, wherein in at least one component area a control element is incorporated in the composite component for decelerating at least one flow front and/or guiding a flow front in respect to its flow directing relative to another flow front through the composite component. 1. An infusion method for manufacturing a fiber-reinforced composite component , wherein the composite component is evacuated and at least two separated flow fronts of matrix material are spread out in the composite component wherein at least one of the flow fronts is at least one of decelerated and guided in respect to its flow directing relative to the other flow front by a control element that is incorporated in a component area of the composite component.2. An infusion method according to claim 1 , wherein the composite component is formed from at least two construction components claim 1 , which form at least one overlapping area as a component area claim 1 , and either the at least two flow fronts have different flow velocities in the construction components claim 1 , and wherein the evacuation is performed via the construction component that is saturated with the slow flow front or the at least two flow fronts have the same flow velocity in the construction components claim 1 , wherein one of the flow fronts is guided along a long path relative to the path of the other flow front claim 1 , and wherein the evacuation is performed via ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001311A1

A system and method for lowering the structural natural frequency of a synthetic jet actuator is disclosed. A synthetic jet actuator is provided that includes a first plate, a second plate spaced apart from the first plate and arranged parallelly thereto, and a spacer element configured to space the first plate apart from the second plate and define a chamber along with the first and second plates. The spacer element includes at least one orifice formed therein such that the chamber is in fluid communication with an environment external to the chamber, and the spacer element is constructed to deform in a bending motion in response to a deflection of at least one of the first and second plates. 1. A synthetic jet actuator comprising:a first plate;a second plate spaced apart from the first plate and arranged parallelly thereto; anda spacer element configured to space the first plate apart from the second plate and defining a chamber along with the first and second plates, the spacer element having a pair of orifices formed therein such that the chamber is in fluid communication with an environment external to the chamber, with each of the pair of orifices acting as an inlet and outlet between the chamber and the environment external to the chamber;wherein the spacer element is constructed to deform in a bending motion in response to a deflection of at least one of the first and second plates.2. The synthetic jet actuator of wherein the spacer element is constructed to deform in an inward and outward bending motion when at least one of the first and second plates is caused to deflect claim 1 , the inward and outward bending motion being in a direction perpendicular to a direction of the deflection of the at least one of the first and second plates.3. The synthetic jet actuator of wherein the spacer element comprises a multi-layered compliant elastomer structure.4. The synthetic jet actuator of wherein the spacer element comprises one of a convex-shaped flexible wall ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Pipe Assembly With Stepped Flow Conditioners

Номер: US20170009788A1
Автор: Sawchuk Daniel A.
Принадлежит: Canada Pipeline Accessories, Co. Ltd.

A pipe assembly for flow measurement characterized by a fluid flow pipe and two or more flow conditioners each having a stepped configuration and disposed in series within the fluid flow pipe in an orientation substantially perpendicular to an axis of the fluid flow pipe. 1. A pipe assembly for flow measurement , comprising:a fluid flow pipe;two or more flow conditioners each having a stepped configuration and disposed in series within said fluid flow pipe in an orientation substantially perpendicular to an axis of said fluid flow pipe,wherein each of the flow conditioners comprises a perforated plate.2. A pipe assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said two or more flow conditioners each comprises:an outer ring extending from a first side of the flow conditioner and comprising a concentric ring of a plurality of holes, wherein the holes define fluid passages from the outer ring to a second side of the flow conditioner;at least one inner ring recessed or stepped from the outer ring, said at least one inner ring comprising a concentric ring of a plurality of holes, wherein the holes define fluid passages from the at least one inner ring to the second side of the flow conditioner; anda central hole or opening,wherein the fluid passages defined by the plurality of holes of the outer ring and the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring are of unequal length.3. A pipe assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the central hole or opening is recessed or stepped from the at least one inner ring.4. A pipe assembly according to claim 2 , wherein a diameter of the central hole or opening may be greater than the diameters of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring claim 2 , and the diameters of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring may be greater than the diameters of the plurality of holes of the outer ring.5. A pipe assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the central hole or opening may define a fluid length claim 2 , which is less than ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Compound water meter

Номер: US20190011302A1
Автор: Dieter Buehler
Принадлежит: Zenner International & Co KG GmbH

Through the arrangement of the spring element in the interior of the switching valve, the switching valve is only sealed via a seal. Through the axial arrangement of the seal, in contrast to the prior art, in which the one radial seal is provided, it is achieved that the sealing point is particularly low-wear. In contrast to the prior art, only one seal is provided in the compound water meter according to the invention, which entails a simplification of the manufacturing process, as well as also an increase of the operational safety.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034337A1

A fluid device includes: a flow path through which a fluid flows; a pressure chamber spaced apart from the flow path in a first direction (Y direction) orthogonal to a flowing direction of the fluid in the flow path; a communication path that is formed along the Y direction and that communicates the flow path with the pressure chamber; and an ultrasonic wave transmitter configured to transmit ultrasonic waves to the fluid in the pressure chamber to generate a standing wave along the Y direction in the flow path. 1. A fluid device comprising:a first flow path through which a fluid flows;a pressure chamber spaced apart from the first flow path in a first direction orthogonal to a flowing direction of the fluid in the first flow path;a first communication path that is formed along the first direction and that communicates the first flow path and the pressure chamber; andan ultrasonic wave transmitter configured to transmit an ultrasonic wave to the fluid in the pressure chamber to generate a first standing wave along the first direction for the fluid in the first flow path.3. The fluid device according to claim 1 , whereina dimension of the first flow path in the second direction orthogonal to the flowing direction and the first direction is smaller than the dimension of the first flow path in the first direction.4. The fluid device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first communication path is coupled to a region in the first flow path that corresponds to any antinode in the first standing wave.5. The fluid device according to claim 1 , whereinthe ultrasonic wave transmitter includes one or more ultrasonic elements, and a vibrator having a fluid contact surface that is in contact with the fluid, and', 'a piezoelectric element that is provided at the vibrator and that is configured to generate flexural vibration to the vibrator in a normal direction of the fluid contact surface., 'the ultrasonic element includes'}7. The fluid device according to claim 5 , whereinthe ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015897A1

This invention is directed to a method for defoaming crude oil by the addition of copolymers based on silicone free alkyl acrylics defoamers for crude oils with densities between 10 and 40° API. The alkyl acrylic copolymers at conditions similar to those of gas-liquid separators are efficient foam formation inhibitors in heavy and super-heavy crude oils to reduce foam levels between 15 and 50% faster than non-dosed crude oil. Some acrylic copolymers exhibited a greater efficiency as defoamers than commercial silicones, which promote the defoaming only 20 or 25 vol % faster than the natural foam collapse. Silicones as defoamers present serious problems as the formation of deposits and the deactivation of catalysts in the refining processes. These problems have originated a series of interdictions to use silicon based defoamers and new chemical compounds completely silicon free are required to control the foam levels in the gas/petroleum separation tanks. 2. The process according to claim 1 , where the copolymers are obtained from monomers selected from the group consisting of methyl acrylate claim 1 , ethyl acrylate claim 1 , butyl acrylate claim 1 , n-amyl acrylate claim 1 , isobornyl acrylate claim 1 , isobutyl acrylate claim 1 , tert-butyl acrylate claim 1 , hexyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-ethylhexylacrylate claim 1 , 3.5 claim 1 ,5-trimethylhexyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-methoxyethyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-phenoxy acrylate claim 1 , 4-tert-butylacyclehexyl acrylate claim 1 , octyl acrylate claim 1 , isodecyl acrylate claim 1 , decyl acrylate claim 1 , lauryl acrylate claim 1 , tridecyl acrylate claim 1 , octadecyl acrylate and behenyl acrylate.3. The process according to claim 1 , where the average molecular mass of copolymers vary preferably between 7 000 and 120 claim 1 ,000 Daltons.4. The process according to where an aqueous phase present during the synthesis of said copolymers is eliminated by distillation at a temperature between 80 and 120° C.5. The process according ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017903A1
Автор: ABE Masaya

A fluid throttle member inserted into a flow passage hole of a flow passage member, the fluid throttle member being adapted to restrict a flow of a fluid, includes a fixing portion fixed to an inner wall of the flow passage hole to form a flow passage through which the fluid flows, wherein a throttle hole is formed to be offset from the fixing portion in the axial direction of the flow passage hole, the throttle hole being adapted to restrict the flow of the fluid.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Venturi By-Pass System And Associated Methods

Номер: US20160025117A1
Принадлежит: Hayward Industries Inc

Exemplary embodiments are directed to venturi bypass systems that generally include a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet. The systems can include a venturi path disposed between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet. The venturi path can include a venturi defining a venturi inlet and a venturi outlet. The systems can include a bypass loop connected to the venturi path at a joint upstream of the venturi outlet. The systems can include a separation tube connected to the venturi outlet. The separation tube can extend fluid flowing through the venturi path downstream of the joint at which the bypass loop connects to the venturi path. Exemplary embodiments are also directed to methods of regulating fluid flow through a venturi bypass system.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023033A1

A variable orifice assembly includes a housing defining a flow orifice therethrough and configured to be connected in fluid communication between two pipes of a particle conveyance system. The assembly includes a plurality of blades pivotally mounted to the housing to pivot between a retracted position and an extended position. Each blade includes a gas path edge. In the retracted position, the gas path edges of the blades conform to the flow orifice. In the extended position, the blades extend inward from the flow orifice wherein the gas path edge of each blade is spaced apart from the other blades. 1. A variable orifice assembly comprising:a housing defining a flow orifice therethrough and configured to be connected in fluid communication between two pipes of a particle conveyance system; anda plurality of blades pivotally mounted the housing to pivot between a retracted position and a extended position, each blade including a gas path edge, wherein in the retracted position the gas path edges of the blades conform to the flow orifice, and in the extended position, the blades extend inward from the flow orifice wherein the gas path edge of each blade is spaced apart from the other blades.2. An assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing includes an axially spaced apart pair of housing rings joined together by a plurality of spacers therebetween.3. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the spacers are circumferentially spaced apart from one another claim 2 , alternating circumferentially with the blades.4. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the blades are pivotally mounted axially between the housing rings.5. An assembly as recited in claim 4 , wherein each blade is pivotally mounted axially between the housing rings by a respective pivot pin passing axially through each of the housing rings and the respective blade.6. An assembly as recited in claim 5 , wherein the pivot pins are mounted to remain stationary relative to the housing rings.7. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023034A1
Автор: KERR Derek J.

A choke for a flow line having an inner diameter has a body with an upstream end, a downstream end, and a sidewall that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end. The sidewall has a diameter that is sized to fit within the inner diameter of the flow line. A fluid impact face is provided at the upstream end of the body. The fluid impact face has a recessed central portion. One or more passages provide fluid communication between the downstream end and the sidewall of the body. 1. A choke element for reducing the velocity and pressure of a fluid flow in a flow line , the flow line having an inner diameter , the choke element comprising:a body having an upstream end, a downstream end, and a sidewall that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end, the sidewall having a diameter that is sized to fit within the inner diameter of the flow line;a fluid impact face at the upstream end of the body, the fluid impact face having a recessed central portion; andone or more passages in fluid communication between the downstream end and the upstream end of the body.2. The choke element of claim 1 , wherein the recessed central portion is a concave surface.3. The choke element of claim 2 , wherein the concave surface is conical.4. The choke element of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall is sized to create a flow restriction between the outer sidewall and the inner surface of the flow line.5. The choke element of claim 4 , wherein the one or more passages comprise one or more inlets formed in the sidewall of the body at a point downstream of the flow restriction between the outer sidewall and the inner surface of the flow line.6. The choke element of claim 5 , wherein the one or more inlets comprise one or more radial passages that extend inward from the sidewall and an axial passage that intersects the one or more radial passages and is in fluid communication with the downstream end of the body.7. The choke element of claim 6 , wherein the radial passages have ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023035A1

A variable orifice assembly includes a housing defining a flow orifice therethrough and configured to be connected in fluid communication between two pipes of a particle conveyance system. The assembly includes a plurality of blades pivotally mounted to the housing to pivot between a retracted position and an extended position. Each blade includes a gas path edge. In the retracted position, the gas path edges of the blades conform to the flow orifice. In the extended position, the blades extend inward from the flow orifice. 1. A variable orifice assembly comprising:a housing defining a flow orifice therethrough and configured to be connected in fluid communication between two pipes of a particle conveyance system; anda plurality of blades pivotally mounted the housing to pivot between a retracted position and a extended position, each blade including a gas path edge, wherein in the retracted position the gas path edges of the blades conform to the flow orifice, and in the extended position, the blades extend inward from the flow orifice.2. An assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing includes an axially spaced apart pair of housing rings joined together by a plurality of spacers therebetween.3. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the spacers are circumferentially spaced apart from one another claim 2 , alternating circumferentially with the blades.4. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the blades are pivotally mounted axially between the housing rings.5. An assembly as recited in claim 4 , wherein each blade is pivotally mounted axially between the housing rings by a respective pivot pin passing axially through each of the housing rings and the respective blade.6. An assembly as recited in claim 5 , wherein the pivot pins are mounted to remain stationary relative to the housing rings.7. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the spacers are mounted to be stationary relative to the housing rings.8. An assembly as recited in claim 2 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Airflow Management for Vaporizer Device

Номер: US20200022417A1

A vaporization device includes a cartridge having a reservoir that holds a vaporizable material, a heating element, and a wicking element that can draw the vaporizable material to the heating element to be vaporized. The wicking element can include two ends in contact with the reservoir. The cartridge can include an airflow control feature for controlling airflow in the cartridge. 1. A cartridge for a vaporizer device , the cartridge comprising:a reservoir chamber defined by a reservoir barrier, the reservoir chamber being configured to contain a liquid vaporizable material;a vaporization chamber in fluid communication with the reservoir chamber and including a wicking element configured to draw the liquid vaporizable material from the reservoir chamber to the vaporization chamber to be vaporized by a heating element;an airflow passageway that extends through the vaporization chamber;an airflow control feature for controlling a reservoir pressure in the reservoir chamber.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the airflow control feature comprises a fluid passageway extending between the reservoir chamber and the airflow passageway.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein a diameter of the fluid passageway is sized to allow a surface tension of the liquid vaporizable material to prevent passage of the liquid vaporizable material through the fluid passageway when the reservoir pressure is approximately the same as a second pressure along the airflow passageway.4. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein the diameter is sized to allow the surface tension of the liquid vaporizable material to be disrupted when the reservoir pressure is less than the second pressure along the airflow passageway thereby allowing a volume of air to pass through the airflow control feature and into the reservoir chamber.5. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the airflow control feature comprises a check valve or a duck bill valve.6. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the airflow control feature ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023600A1

A fluid supply pipe according to an embodiment of the invention includes an internal structure and a pipe body configured to house the internal structure. The pipe body has an inlet and an outlet and has a circular cross-section. The internal structure includes a first portion for diffusing a fluid flowing into the fluid supply pipe through the inlet radially from the center of the fluid supply pipe, the first portion being placed in the inlet side of the pipe body when the internal structure is housed in the pipe body, a second portion placed downstream from the first portion and including a plurality of spiral vanes to swirl the fluid diffused by the first portion, and a third portion placed downstream from the second portion and including a plurality of protrusions on its outer circumferential surface. 1. A fluid supply pipe comprising:an internal structure; anda pipe body configured to house the internal structure, the pipe body having an inlet and an outlet and having a circular cross-section, and a first portion for diffusing a fluid flowing into the fluid supply pipe through the inlet radially from the center of the fluid supply pipe, the first portion being placed in the inlet side of the pipe body when the internal structure is housed in the pipe body;', 'a second portion placed downstream from the first portion and comprising a plurality of spiral vanes to swirl the fluid diffused by the first portion; and', 'a third portion placed downstream from the second portion and comprising a plurality of protrusions on its outer circumferential surface., 'the internal structure comprising2. The fluid supply pipe of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first portion claim 1 , the second portion and the third portion of the internal structure has a circular cross-section.3. The fluid supply pipe of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the internal structure is one end of the internal structure formed in a cone shape.4. The fluid supply pipe of claim 1 , wherein ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Aspirator for Air Flow Amplification

Номер: US20200025226A1

An augmentation amplifier is provided for aspirating gas flow from a surrounding medium. The amplifier connects at an inlet to a pressurized gas source and at an outlet to a gas receiver. Ambient gas from the medium supplements source provided compressed gas. The amplifier includes a Venturi conduit including a throat, an external cavity and a diffusion chamber. The conduit receives and flows pressurized gas from the inlet to the throat. The cavity receives ambient gas from the medium. The chamber expands and accelerates the pressurized gas from the throat to entrain the ambient gas via aspiration. The accelerated and ambient gases combine into an exhaust gas to the outlet. 1. An augmentation amplifier , connected at an inlet to a pressurized gas source and at an outlet to a gas receiver , for aspirating gas flow from a surrounding medium , said aspirator comprising:a Venturi conduit including a throat for receiving and flowing pressurized gas from the inlet to said throat;an external cavity for receiving ambient gas from the medium; anda diffusion chamber for expanding and accelerating said pressurized gas from said throat into an accelerated gas to entrain said ambient gas for combining into an exhaust gas to the outlet.2. The amplifier according to claim 1 , further including an obstruction to said cavity for isolating said chamber from the medium.3. The amplifier according to claim 1 , further including a housing that integrates said conduit claim 1 , said cavity and said chamber.4. The amplifier according to claim 3 , wherein said housing is substantially axisymmetric claim 3 , such that the inlet and the outlet connect in line with said housing.5. The amplifier according to claim 3 , wherein the inlet laterally ports to said housing claim 3 , said conduit and said throat are annular claim 3 , and said cavity is in line with the outlet.6. The amplifier according to claim 1 , wherein said conduit and said throat are axisymmetric claim 1 , and said cavity is ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033159A1

An air flow mixer that mixes two or more air streams that may enter air moving equipment at significantly different temperatures. In particular, methods, systems and apparatuses are disclosed that are directed to an air flow mixer that is structured and arranged to promote cross flow of portions of the air streams relative to each other through the air flow mixer. The cross flow resulting from the structure and arrangement of the air flow mixer avoids sharp delineations or fluid borders between the air streams that can be caused, for example, by a relatively higher temperature of one of the air streams and a relatively lower temperature of another one of the air streams. 1. An air flow mixer comprises:a frame configured to promote mix of air flow, the frame includes first members extending in a first direction, andsecond members extending in a second direction,the first members are structured and arranged to define first channels through the frame,the second members are structured and arranged to define second channels through the frame,the first members are structured and arranged to extend across the second direction that the second members extend,the second members are structured and arranged to extend across the first direction that the first members extend,the first members include blocking surfaces relative to the second direction, andthe second members include blocking surfaces relative to the first direction.2. The air flow mixer according to claim 1 , wherein the first members are structured and arranged to extend over and under the second channels claim 1 , and the second members are structured and arranged to extend over and under the first channels.3. The air flow mixer according to claim 1 , wherein the first channels are configured to receive a first air flow or air stream that is generally at one temperature claim 1 , the second channels are configured to receive a second air flow or air stream that is generally at another temperature claim 1 , where ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030555A1

The present invention provides for an enhanced eductor element that significantly increases the amount of pressure generated at the siphon tube without significantly increasing the flow resistance through the eductor. The invention further provides for breath-actuated inhalation devices including the enhanced eductor element as an actuation mechanism. 1. An enhanced eductor element comprising:a conduit comprising an inner surface, an outer surface, an inlet, an outlet, and a hollow bore extending between the inlet and the outlet, the bore tapering in a constriction zone between the inlet and the outlet;a modification member in the constriction zone and protruding from the inner surface to locally reduce a cross-sectional area of the constriction zone; anda siphon channel providing fluid communication between a siphon inlet at the conduit outer surface and a siphon outlet at the conduit inner surface, the siphon outlet being positioned adjacent to the modification member;wherein the modification member is configured to increase a siphon pressure drop at the siphon inlet without a substantial increase in a pressure drop across the eductor element.2. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein the modification member comprises a bump on the inner surface of the conduit in the constriction zone.3. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein the modification member comprises a conical bump and the siphon channel extends to an apex of the conical bump.4. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the modification member is disposed intermediate the conduit inlet and the siphon outlet in the constriction zone.5. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein the siphon channel extends through the modification member to the inner surface.6. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein the constriction zone defines a first diameter claim 1 , the first diameter being constant throughout the constriction zone.7. The eductor element of claim 1 , wherein the constriction ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041061A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide apparatus and methods for reducing non-uniformity and/or skews during substrate processing. One embodiment of the present invention provides a flow equalizer assembly for disposing between a vacuum port and a processing volume in a processing chamber. The flow equalizing assembly includes a first plate having at least one first opening, and a second plate having two or more second openings. The first and second plates define a flow redistributing volume therebetween, and the at least one first opening and the two or more second openings are staggered. 1. A flow equalizer assembly for disposing between a vacuum port and a processing volume in a processing chamber , comprising:a first plate having at least one first opening; anda second plate having two or more second openings, wherein each of the first and second plates is a circular plate having a central opening, and the first and second plates are positioned parallel to each other, the first and second plates define a flow redistributing volume therebetween, and the at least one first opening and the two or more second openings are staggered.2. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the two or more second openings are evenly distributed azimuthally along the second plate.3. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an outer wall attached to outer edges of the first and second plates.4. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the number of the first openings and the number of the second openings are different.5. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 4 , wherein the number of the first openings is twice the number of the second openings.6. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 1 , further comprising two or more first dividers disposed between the first plate and the second plate claim 1 , wherein the two or more first dividers divide the flow redistributing volume into multiple sections.7. The flow equalizer assembly of claim 6 , wherein ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045063A1
Автор: Iba Taiki

[PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED BY THE INVENTION] 1. An apparatus for preventing gas accumulation characterized in that a means for delivering gas between a tank or an equipment and an outlet pipe is provided , wherein the means is configured by a drawing pipe inlet at the top of the tank or the equipment where gas is accumulated , a drawing pipe which delivers gas and a negative pressure generating head which discharges gas to the outlet pipe.2. An apparatus for preventing gas accumulation characterized in that the apparatus is configured by a drawing pipe inlet at the top of a tank or an equipment where gas is accumulated , a drawing pipe which delivers gas , a negative pressure generating head which discharges gas to an outlet pipe , and a spiral rotation generating part for liquid , wherein power to deliver gas between the tank or the equipment and the outlet pipe is generated.3. An apparatus for preventing gas accumulation characterized in that the apparatus is configured by a drawing pipe inlet at the top of a tank or an equipment where gas is accumulated , a drawing pipe connected to an outlet pipe to deliver gas , and a water wheel at a spiral rotation generating part for liquid , wherein power to deliver gas between the tank or the equipment and the outlet pipe is generated.4. An apparatus for preventing gas accumulation characterized in that the apparatus is configured by a drawing pipe inlet at the top of a tank or an equipment where gas is accumulated , a drawing pipe which delivers gas , a negative pressure generating head which discharges gas to an outlet pipe , and a valve of a buoyant type , a gravity type or a spring type , wherein power to deliver gas between the tank or the equipment and the outlet pipe is generated.5. An apparatus for preventing gas accumulation characterized in that the apparatus is configured by a drawing pipe inlet at the top of a tank or an equipment where gas is accumulated , a drawing pipe which delivers gas , a negative pressure ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Device for controlling the swirl of a fluid flowing in a pipeline

Номер: US20200049176A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech MGW GmbH

The invention relates to a device for controlling the swirl of a fluid (2, 7) flowing in a pipeline (1, 6), comprising a pipeline (1, 6) in which a fluid (2, 7) flows. The invention was based on the object of creating a device with which the adaptation of the swirl of a fluid (2, 7) flowing in a pipeline (1, 6) to the desired flow conditions in the pipeline (1, 6) is possible. Said object is achieved in that the device has at least one predetermined series of flow straighteners (5, 8) and swirl generators (4, 9, 10).

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074438A1
Автор: Beasley David Cutler

A diverter test cell can include an enclosure having a body and a cover removably coupled to the body, where the body forms a cavity that is enclosed by the cover, where the body includes an inlet port and an outlet port in communication with the cavity. The diverter test cell can also include an insert removably disposed within the cavity, where the insert has a channel that forms continuously from a first end to a second end of the insert, where the channel has first width at the first end and a second width at the second end, where the first width is less than the second width, where the first end of the insert is adjacent to the inlet port of the enclosure, and where the second end of the insert is adjacent to the outlet port of the enclosure. 1. A diverter test cell comprising:an enclosure comprising a body and a cover removably coupled to the body, wherein the body forms a cavity that is enclosed by the cover when the cover is coupled to the body, wherein the body comprises an inlet port and an outlet port in communication with the cavity, and wherein the inlet port and the outlet port are disposed on opposite sides of the body; andan insert removably disposed within the cavity, wherein the insert has a channel that forms continuously from a first end to a second end of the insert, wherein the channel has a first height and a first width at the first end and a second height and a second width at the second end, wherein the first width is less than the second width, wherein the first end of the insert is adjacent to the inlet port of the enclosure, and wherein the second end of the insert is adjacent to the outlet port of the enclosure.2. The diverter test cell of claim 1 , wherein the first height is greater than the second height.3. The diverter test cell of claim 1 , wherein the inlet port is configured to receive a fluid claim 1 , and wherein the fluid flows at a substantially constant flow rate through the channel of the insert between the inlet port and ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061237A1

A vehicle ventilation system includes an airflow circuit providing a flow pathway between a blower, an evaporator core, a heater core and an airflow restrictor. The airflow restrictor is provided downstream from the heat or cold and functions to increase the residence time of the air in the heater core to enhance heating performance of the vehicle ventilation system. 1. A vehicle ventilation system , comprising:an air flow conduit providing a flow pathway between;(a) a blower;(b) an evaporator core for cooling and dehumidifying air forced through said conduit by said blower;(c) a heater core for warming said air forced through said conduit by said blower; and(d) an air flow restrictor downstream from said heater core that increases residence time of said air in said heater core to enhance heating performance of said vehicle ventilation system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said heater core includes a cover defining an air manifold between said heater core and said cover.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein said cover includes a slot and said air flow restrictor is mounted in said slot of said cover.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said air flow restrictor comprises a plate including a plurality of apertures.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein said plurality of apertures have a diameter of between 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein a total air flow area of said plurality of apertures is between 35% and 75% of a total air flow section area of said ventilation system.7. The system of claim 4 , wherein said plurality of apertures are of uniform diameter.8. The system of claim 4 , wherein said air flow restrictor includes a mounting base having a surface for abutting said cover claim 4 , said plate projecting from said surface.9. The system of claim 3 , wherein said air flow restrictor comprises a frame forming a grid including a plurality of openings.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein a mesh extends across said openings in said grid.11. The system ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Bi-Directional Oil-Flow Adapter for Attaching to a Valve-Controlled Port of a Transformer

Номер: US20180059087A1

Certain embodiments of the disclosure relate to a bi-directional oil-flow adapter that is attachable to a valve-controlled port of a transformer housing in which oil is contained for cooling parts of the transformer such as a primary coil and a secondary coil. The bi-directional oil-flow adapter not only allows for an oil sample to be drawn out of the transformer housing via the valve-controlled port but also allows for the oil sample to be used (along with an additional volume of oil if so desired) for flushing the valve-controlled port in order to ensure that a subsequent oil sample is different than a current oil sample. The oil sample can be provided to a dissolved gas analyzer for detecting and analyzing one or more gases that may be present in the oil sample, the one more gases indicative of a level of contamination of the oil sample. 1. A system comprising:a transformer comprising a valve-controlled port for use when accessing oil contained inside the transformer; an oil outlet port configured to output an oil sample acquired from the transformer via the valve-controlled port and the bi-directional oil-flow adapter when the bi-directional oil-flow adapter is attached to the valve-controlled port;', 'a first conduit contained inside the bi-directional oil-flow adapter, the first conduit having a first cross-sectional area that is selected to provide a first oil flow velocity to the oil sample when flowing from the valve-controlled port and through the bi-directional oil-flow adapter to the oil outlet port;', 'an oil inlet port configured to accept an inflow of a volume of oil into the bi-directional oil-flow adapter; and', 'a second conduit contained inside the bi-directional oil-flow adapter, the second conduit having a second cross-sectional area that is smaller than the first cross-sectional area, the second cross-sectional area selected to provide a second oil flow velocity to the volume of oil when flowing from the oil inlet port and through the bi- ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064595A1

A fluid tube includes: a first fluid tube; a second fluid tube connected to the first fluid tube; and a flow velocity equalizer in the second fluid tube, where the flow velocity equalizer increases a uniformity of fluid flow passed therethrough, the second fluid tube is wider than the first fluid tube, and the flow velocity equalizer includes a diverging tube and a converging tube. The fluid tube may further include a fluid divider between the flow velocity equalizer and the first fluid tube. The diverging tube of the flow velocity equalizer may have a width increasing in a fluid flow direction, and the converging tube of the flow velocity equalizer may include a plurality of converging tubes having widths decreasing in the fluid flow direction. 1. A fluid tube comprising:a first fluid tube;a second fluid tube connected to the first fluid tube; anda flow velocity equalizer in the second fluid tube,whereinthe flow velocity equalizer increases a uniformity of fluid flow passed therethrough,the second fluid tube is wider than the first fluid tube, andthe flow velocity equalizer comprises a diverging tube and a converging tube.2. The fluid tube of claim 1 , further comprising:a fluid divider between the flow velocity equalizer and the first fluid tube.3. The fluid tube of claim 1 , whereinthe diverging tube has a width increasing in a fluid flow direction, andthe converging tube comprises a plurality of converging tubes having widths decreasing in the fluid flow direction.4. The fluid tube of claim 1 , whereinthe converging tube has a width decreasing in a fluid flow direction, andthe diverging tube comprises a plurality of diverging tubes having widths increasing in the fluid flow direction.5. The fluid tube of claim 1 , wherein the flow velocity equalizer has substantially the same outer shape as a cross-section of the second fluid tube.6. The fluid tube of claim 3 , wherein a plurality of holes widening in the fluid flow direction is defined in the diverging tube.7. ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071692A1

A helix amplifier pipe fitting may include an elbow or straight pipe fitting including an expanded helix portion, a plurality of helix vanes at an angle of incidence to the incoming fluid flow to impart rotational velocity on the fluid. A helix amplifier may include a helix discharge amplifier having a tapered canister, a tapered helix portion including a plurality of helix vanes, and a tapered mixing chamber. 1. A helix straight pipe fitting for a piping system having a nominal upstream pipe interior diameter and a nominal downstream pipe inner diameter , the helix straight pipe fitting comprising:an inlet, including an inlet connection portion, and an opposed outlet, including an outlet connection portion;a helix portion extending from a helix portion inlet having, a first expanded cross-section relative to the nominal upstream pipe cross-section to a helix portion outlet having a second expanded cross-section relative to the nominal downstream pipe cross-section, the expanded cross-sections symmetrical and concentric with the respective upstream and downstream nominal pipe cross-sections, the helix portion further including a plurality of helix vanes disposed equidistantly around the circumference of the helix portion and extending along the length of the helix portion, each of the helix vanes extending from a helix vane first end proximate the helix portion inlet to a helix vane second end proximate the helix portion outlet, and oriented at an angle of incidence to the incoming fluid or media, wherein the helix vane first end is upstream of the helix vane second end;an expander extending from the inlet connection portion to the helix portion inlet; and,a reducer extending from the helix portion outlet to the outlet connection portion.219. The apparatus of claim , further comprising:wherein the helix portion second cross-section is smaller than the helix portion first cross-section, and the helix portion includes a continuous taper from the helix portion first ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088514A1
Автор: CHOI Young-Hwa

The present invention relates to a double pipe and, more specifically, to a double pipe for uniformly distributing a flow, which can distribute as uniformly as possible a flow which should be distributed toward branch pipes thereof. The present invention relates to a double pipe for uniformly distributing a flow, and can be applied to a seawater desalination device or a water purification device using a membrane and can be thus employed in the water treatment plant industry. 1. A double pipe for uniformly distributing a flow that is installed in a water purification device , where water purification is done in a plurality of filters by distributing and supplying source water to the plurality of filters ,the double pipe comprising:an outer tube with a plurality of fluid supply holes penetrated through an outer surface thereof in a length direction, spaced at regular intervals, and a plurality of branch pipes protruded to communicate to the fluid supply holes and serve as a passageway that lets in water to the plurality of filters; andan inner tube, one end of which is open to supply the source water to the inside, and the other end of which is closed inside the outer tube, with a plurality of discharge holes formed on an outer surface thereof to discharge the fluid to the outside.2. The double pipe of claim 1 , wherein the other end of the inner tube is brought to a closed state by making tight contact with an inner side surface of the outer tube.3. The double pipe of claim 2 , wherein a separate resistance member with a through hole penetrated therethrough to pass the fluid through is fitted in such a way as to wrap around the inner tube claim 2 , in order to increase resistance to the flow of fluid flowing out through the discharge hole.4. The double pipe of claim 3 , wherein the through hole formed in the resistance member is penetrated corresponding in position to the discharge hole formed in the inner tube.5. The double pipe of claim 3 , wherein a steel wire is ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076565A1
Автор: Van Buskirk Paul D.

Implementations of an orifice plate used to regulate flow through a conduit are provided. In some implementations, a balanced restriction orifice (BRO) plate configured to maximize pressure loss is provided. In some implementations, the BRO plate may be configured to limit pipe and plate noise, erosion, cavitation, shear stress, etc. while maximizing pressure loss, and limiting flow to required values. In some implementations, openings through a BRO plate may be configured to satisfy the Velocity-Head Pressure-Loss equation: ΔP=kρV Gc. 1. A restriction orifice plate comprising:A plate configured to be positioned in a conduit through which a fluid passes, wherein the plate includes two or more openings therethrough; andeach of the two or more openings include an inlet and an outlet, the inlets of the two or more openings are the same diameter and the outlets of the two or more openings are the same diameter;{'sup': 'n', 'sub': 'c', 'wherein the two or more openings of the plate are configured to equally satisfy the relationship, ΔP=kρV/2 G, where,'}ΔP=pressure loss across the plate;n=velocity exponent;k=velocity head loss;ρ=fluid density;V=fluid velocity; and{'sub': 'c', "G=Newton's conversion constant."}2. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the plate includes a non-perforated central region about which the two or more openings are positioned.3. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the values for n range between 1.8 to 2 claim 1 , inclusive of 1.8 and 2.4. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a blunt edge.5. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a knife edge.6. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a tapered beveled edge.7. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a contoured edge.8. The ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Flow Conditioner and Method for Optimization

Номер: US20170074298A1
Автор: Brown Gregor J.
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

A flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis. The flow conditioner includes a plate having a face to be disposed in the circular pipe with the face of the plate perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. The plate has a central circular passage area through which fluid flows surrounded by two or more concentric arrays of segmented annular passages for fluid flow defined by separating and subdividing ligaments, with at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament. Alternatively, or in addition, there is at least one array of annular passages having a radial width different than a radial width of a second array of annular passages and at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament. A method of producing an optimized geometry of flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis. 1. A flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis comprising: a plate having a face to be disposed in the circular pipe with the face of the plate perpendicular to the axis of the pipe , said plate having a central circular area surrounded by two or more concentric arrays of segmented annular passages for fluid flow defined by separating and subdividing ligaments , with at least one array of annular passages having a same radial width different than a same radial width of a second array of annular passages and all passages have a substantially equal hydraulic diameter.2. The flow conditioner of wherein the plate has at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament.3. The conditioner of whereby the central circular channel is subdivided into 2 or more separate passages.4. The conditioner of whereby the subdivision into segmented annular passages is achieved by means of ligaments aligned along a radius of the circular geometry of the conditioner.5. The conditioner of whereby the subdivision into segmented annular ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083262A1
Автор: Van Buskirk Paul D.

Implementations of an orifice plate used to regulate flow through a conduit are provided. In some implementations, a balanced restriction orifice (BRO) plate configured to maximize pressure loss is provided. In some implementations, the BRO plate may be configured to limit pipe and plate noise, erosion, cavitation, shear stress, etc. while maximizing pressure loss, and limiting flow to required values. In some implementations, openings through a BRO plate may be configured to satisfy the Velocity-Head Pressure-Loss equation: ΔP=kρVGc. Alternatively, in some implementations, the hole pattern of an orifice plate may be optimized through the use of a provided Reynolds matching (RM) equation. In some implementations, an orifice plate may be optimized to improve process variable measurements, minimize system pressure drop, recover pressure, and reduce noise and other inefficiencies within the system using equations provided herein. 1. A restriction orifice plate comprising:A plate configured to be positioned in a conduit through which a fluid passes, wherein the plate includes two or more openings therethrough;{'sup': 'n', 'sub': 'c', 'claim-text': ΔP=pressure loss across the plate;', 'n=velocity exponent;', 'k=velocity head loss;', 'ρ=fluid density;', 'V=fluid velocity; and', {'sub': 'c', "G=Newton's conversion constant."}], 'wherein the two or more openings of the plate are configured to satisfy the relationship, ΔP=kρV/2G, where,'}2. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the values for n range between 1.8 to 2 claim 1 , inclusive of 1.8 and 2.3. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a blunt edge.4. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a knife edge.5. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of each of the two or more openings has a tapered edge.6. The restriction orifice plate of claim 1 , wherein the inlet of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Vortex Breaker With Dome Integration

Номер: US20180080484A1

A vortex breaker and a drainage assembly with a plurality of fins extending radially outward from a common central axis to respective terminal edges. Each fin has an attachment member for cooperation with bars of a domed strainer installed over a drain inlet. Engagement of the attachment members and domed strainer rigidly fixes the vortex breaker relative to the domed strainer. 1. A vortex breaker for use in conjunction with a domed strainer , comprising:a plurality of fins, each fin extending radially outward from a common central axis to a respective terminal edge, wherein each fin includes an attachment member for cooperation with the bars of the domed strainer to rigidly fix the vortex breaker to the domed strainer.2. The vortex breaker of claim 1 , wherein the cooperation of the attachment member and bars of the domed strainer rotationally fixes the vortex breaker about the axis.3. The vortex breaker of claim 1 , comprising three fins equiangularly spaced from one another about the axis.4. The vortex breaker of claim 3 , wherein each of the fins includes an attachment member for cooperation with bars of the domed strainer.5. The vortex breaker of claim 4 , wherein each of the attachment members on the fins is substantially identical.6. The vortex breaker of claim 4 , wherein the attachment members are independently selected from the group consisting of a tapered outer surface that tapers outward from the top edges of the fins claim 4 , a projection extending outward from a fin proximate the fin terminal edge claim 4 , and a fork at the terminal edge of the fin claim 4 , the fork comprising two spaced fingers that extend radially from the terminal edge of the fin.7. The vortex breaker of claim 1 , wherein the attachment members are defined by an outer surface of the fins that tapers outward from the top edges of the fins.8. The vortex breaker of claim 1 , wherein the attachment members are each a projection extending outward from a fin proximate the fin terminal ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Material Flow

Номер: US20190078716A1
Автор: Farrow Nigel Richard

A device is insertable into a conduit, such as a pipe, for guiding fluid flow of a material. The device includes a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path there between, enabling fluid to flow through the device. In order to improve fluid flow, the internal surface or wall of the tubular member includes one or more helical profiled portions which extend radially inwardly towards the axis of the tubular member. The helical profile portions can have from 180° to 900° turns along the length of the portion. In certain embodiments two parallel, identical helices, axially offset from one another can be included. 1. A device insertable into a conduit , such as a pipe , for guiding fluid flow of a material , said device comprising a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path therebetween , enabling fluid to flow through the device;the internal surface or wall of the tubular member including one or more helical profiled portions extending radially inwardly, wherein at least one helical profiled portion of the one or more helical profiled portions has a quadrilateral cross-section.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one helical profiled portion extends from 0.60 cm to 1.10 cm into the cylindrical fluid path of the tubular member.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one helical profiled portion has a trapezoidal cross-section.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the leading edge of the at least one helical profiled portion describes a reflex angle with the inner wall of the tubular member.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the trailing edge of the at least one helical profiled portion is perpendicular to the inner wall of the tubular member.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one helical profiled portion describes a from 180° to 900° turn along the length of the at least one helical profiled portion.7. The device ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084246A1

The invention to a valve unit () for a synthetically commutated fluid working machine (), comprising a valve body (), a movably arranged valve unit () and a separate fluid flow influencing unit (). The fluid flow influencing unit () comprises a fluid flow influencing means part () and an attachment means part () for mechanical connection with the valve body (). The attachment means part () and the fluid flow influencing unit () are connected to each other by a connection means part (). The circumferential extent of the attachment means part () is larger as compared to the circumferential extent of the connection means part (). 1. A valve unit for a fluid working machine , in particular for a synthetically commutated fluid working machine , comprising a valve body , a movably arranged valve closure device and at least one separate fluid flow influencing unit , wherein said fluid flow influencing unit comprises at least one fluid flow influencing means part and at least one attachment means part for mechanical connection with said valve body , wherein said attachment means part and said fluid flow influencing unit are connected to each other by at least one connection means part , wherein the circumferential extent of said attachment means part is larger as compared to the circumferential extent of said connection means part.2. The valve unit according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential extent of said attachment means part covers large parts of the circumference and preferably covers essentially the full circumference.3. The valve unit according to claim 2 , wherein the mechanical connection between said at least one attachment means part and at least part of said valve body is effectuated using at least one additional fixation means claim 2 , in particular by at least one connecting wire means and/or at least one snap ring means and/or at least one circlip means.4. The valve unit according to claim 3 , wherein at least one attachment means part and/or said ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080576A1
Автор: Whynall Scott M.

A fluid flow resistor includes: a body having entry and exit fluid flow ports, and an internal fluid flow path fluidly extending between the entry and exit fluid flow ports; the internal fluid flow path having a first spiral fluid flow path in a first spiral direction, and a second spiral fluid flow path in a second spiral direction opposite the first spiral direction; each of the first spiral flow path and the second spiral flow path having a plurality of discrete flow chambers fluidly connected in series via interconnecting fluid flow restriction passages; the first and second spiral flow paths having a connecting fluid flow path therebetween; the fluid flow resistor being configured to resistively permit fluid flow from the entry fluid flow port to the exit fluid flow port via the first spiral flow path, the connecting fluid flow path, and the second spiral flow path, in succession. 1. A fluid flow resistor , comprising:a body comprising an entry fluid flow port, an exit fluid flow port, and an internal fluid flow path fluidly extending from the entry fluid flow port to the exit fluid flow port;the internal fluid flow path comprising a first spiral fluid flow path in a first spiral direction, and a second spiral fluid flow path in a second spiral direction opposite the first spiral direction;each of the first spiral fluid flow path and the second spiral fluid flow path comprising a plurality of discrete fluid flow chambers fluidly connected in series via interconnecting fluid flow restriction passages;the first spiral fluid flow path and the second spiral fluid flow path comprising a connecting fluid flow path therebetween;wherein the fluid flow resistor is configured to resistively permit fluid flow from the entry fluid flow port to the exit fluid flow port via the first spiral fluid flow path, the connecting fluid flow path, and the second spiral fluid flow path, in succession.2. The resistor of wherein:the interconnecting flow restriction passages are entrance ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165719A1

A linear water meter system may include a metering system, a ball valve, a power generation system, a wireless communication system, or a combination thereof. The linear water meter system may provide a linear pathway through the meter that minimizes pressure loss in the system. Two pathways may be provided through the power generation system. One pathway may be utilized to generate power, and the other pathway may provide a bypass that can be utilized to maintain a desired water pressure level in the system. 1. A water meter comprising:a metering system comprising an inlet with a tapered section, a counting wheel with one or more blades embedded with a magnet, and one or more electronic switches near the counting wheel housing, wherein the magnet trips the one or more electronic switches when rotating by; and a turbine positioned along a first flow stream in the power generation system, wherein the fluid flowing through the first flow stream causes the turbine to rotate, and', 'a door position in a second flow stream, wherein when a flowrate of the fluid is below a predetermined amount the door is in a closed position to prevents fluid flow through the second flow stream, and when the flowrate of the fluid exceed the predetermined amount the door is in an open position to allow fluid flow through the second flow stream., 'a power generation system coupled to the metering system, the power generation system comprising'}2. The water meter of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined amount 5 gallons per minute.3. The water meter of claim 1 , further comprising a ball valve coupled to the metering system claim 1 , wherein the ball valve is integrated with the water meter claim 1 , and the fluid flow through the metering system claim 1 , ball valve claim 1 , and the power generation system is a linear pathway.4. The water meter of claim 1 , wherein the water meter has a 60:1 turndown ratio or greater.5. The water meter of claim 1 , wherein the water meter provides accurate ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088368A1

Introduced herein are a dimensionless relationship between a volumetric flow rate, a head and a kinematic viscosity in a pump operation and a method that uses the dimensionless relationship to predict a viscous performance of a pump from water performance characteristics. Using the introduced dimensionless relationship, which is called Ketan's viscous head number, the introduced method determines a viscous head correlation that allows the prediction of the pump performance to be made accurately at any given speed, flow rate and viscosity. The introduced Ketan's viscous head number and method thus allow a prediction of a pump performance in a viscous application to be made from water performance characteristics without physically testing the pump in the viscous application. 1. A method for predicting a performance of a pump in fluid of interest at a desired RPM , comprising:receiving water performance characteristics of the pump at a fixed RPM;determining Ketan's viscous head numbers for flow rates of the pump in water at a desired RPM using the water performance characteristics of the pump at the fixed RPM, the Ketan's viscous head numbers representing ratios of the flow rates to corresponding heads at a fixed internal resistance and at the desired RPM;determining a viscous head correlation between normalized flow rates of the pump in water at the desired RPM and normalized Ketan's viscous head numbers corresponding to the normalized flow rates using water performance characteristics of the pump at the desired RPM; andpredicting the performance of the pump in the fluid of interest at the desired RPM using the viscous head correlation.2. The method of further comprising calculating the water performance characteristics of the pump at the desired RPM using affinity laws and the water performance characteristics of the pump at the fixed RPM claim 1 , and the water performance characteristics of the pump at the fixed RPM includes best efficiency point (BEP) water ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091145A1

The present invention generally relates to the production of fluidic droplets. Certain aspects of the invention are generally directed to systems and methods for creating droplets by flowing a fluid from a first channel to a second channel through a plurality of side channels. The fluid exiting the side channels into the second channel may form a plurality of droplets, and in some embodiments, at very high droplet production rates. In addition, in some aspects, double or higher-order multiple emulsions may also be formed. In some embodiments, this may be achieved by forming multiple emulsions through a direct, synchronized production method and/or through the formation of a single emulsion that is collected and re-injected into a second microfluidic device to form double emulsions. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a first microfluidic channel;a second microfluidic channel; andat least five side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel, wherein the first microfluidic channel has a cross-sectional area at least 20 times greater than the smallest cross-sectional area of the at least five side channels.2. An apparatus , comprising:a first, microfluidic channel having a length of at least about 5 mm;a second microfluidic channel substantially parallel to the first microfluidic channel; andat least five side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel.3. The apparatus of any one of or , comprising at least 10 side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel.4. The apparatus of any one of - , comprising at least 30 side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel.5. The apparatus of any one of - , comprising at least 100 side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel. ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Improved Generalized Flow Profile Production

Номер: US20190085879A1

Various examples are provided related to improvements in generalized flow profile production. In one example, a method includes determining a downstream flow profile including a pressure profile and a velocity profile; fabricating a pressure profile generator including distortion screen(s) disposed on a backing structure; fabricating a velocity profile generator including turning vanes in a flow path through the velocity profile generator that are configured to generate the velocity profile; attaching the pressure profile generator to an input side of the velocity profile generator; and installing the flow conditioning device in the flow field of interest. Flow through the flow conditioning device produces the downstream flow profile in the flow field of interest. In another example, a flow conditioning device includes a pressure profile generator with distortion screen(s) disposed on a backing structure; and a velocity profile generator with turning vanes attached to an input side of the velocity profile generator. 1. A method , comprising:determining a downstream flow profile comprising a pressure profile and a velocity profile;fabricating a pressure profile generator comprising one or more distortion screens disposed on a backing structure to generate the pressure profile in a flow field of interest;fabricating a velocity profile generator comprising turning vanes in a flow path through the velocity profile generator, the turning vanes configured to generate the velocity profile in the flow field of interest;attaching the pressure profile generator to an input side of the velocity profile generator to form a flow conditioning device; andinstalling the flow conditioning device in the flow field of interest, where flow through the flow conditioning device produces the downstream flow profile in the flow field of interest.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein fabricating the pressure profile generator comprises:disposing the one or more distortion screens on the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085880A1
Автор: Marta Ion

A method of and for optimizing pressure waves in fluids and profiling openings of elements of mechanical system to optimize systems, is provided. The method aids in the generation of pressure waves with predetermined waveform in elastic fluids and can be used to increase the energy efficiency in the pipeline technologies for the transportation of flowable media, one-phase and multi-phase, homogeneous, and heterogeneous media; powders, disperse mixtures; and technologies of forced extraction of liquids from capillary porous saturated media. Wherein, in the use of the method, changing a value of at least one of the parameters of the generating waves consisting of the shapes, sizes and single-position location of surfaces profiles of openings, amplitude, frequency, waveform, and the pressure difference (P−P) measured on the pump of generating compression and rarefaction pressure waves so, that an energy efficiency of a process of generating pressure waves determined by minimal value of the specific ratio and therefore a maximum energy efficiency of the interaction of the specific wave energy with the elastic fluid flow, is optimized. 1. A method of optimizing a value of at least one characteristic of an elastic fluid flow in a mechanical system for the moving of elastic fluid flows through conduits , with respect to energy efficiency of the flow process of the elastic fluid , comprising the steps of: a controlled drive;', 'a first housing having an inner chamber formed with a first end cap and a second end cap held in a generally parallel configuration to each other and rigidly connected to a shaft of the controlled drive so that it is rotatable, the first housing having a first wall, having an inner surface and an outer surface and a first longitudinal end and a second longitudinal end and a first lateral end and a second lateral end, and an opening defined in the first wall, the first wall being connected to the first end cap and the second end cap, respectively at ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086034A1

The present invention generally relates to the production of fluidic droplets. Certain aspects of the invention are generally directed to systems and methods for creating droplets by flowing a fluid from a first channel to a second channel through a plurality of side channels. The fluid exiting the side channels into the second channel may form a plurality of droplets, and in some embodiments, at very high droplet production rates. In addition, in some aspects, double or higher-order multiple emulsions may also be formed. In some embodiments, this may be achieved by forming multiple emulsions through a direct, synchronized production method and/or through the formation of a single emulsion that is collected and re-injected into a second microfluidic device to form double emulsions. 147-. (canceled)48. An apparatus , comprising:a first microfluidic channel;a second microfluidic channel;at least five side microfluidic channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel; anda plurality of auxiliary microfluidic channels connecting to each of the at least five side microfluidic channels.49. The apparatus of claim 48 , comprising at least 10 side channels each connecting the first microfluidic channel with the second microfluidic channel.50. The apparatus of claim 48 , wherein each of the at least five side channels has a length of between about 90% and about 110% of the average length of the side channels.51. The apparatus of claim 48 , wherein the first microfluidic channel and the second microfluidic channel have a distance of separation that is between about 90% and about 110% of the average distance of separation.52. The apparatus of claim 48 , wherein the at least five side channels are positioned such that the distance of separation between any neighboring side channels is between 90% and about 110% of the average distance of separation between neighboring side channels.53. The apparatus of claim 52 , wherein the at least ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096641A1

A flow regulating device in a fluid system according to one embodiment may include a housing defining a cavity receiving an orifice body. The orifice body defines a bore extending axially therethrough and includes a flexible end section, with axial slits in one example, to allow the end section to be radially compressed to change a cross-section of a flow passageway when the bore of the orifice body is included in the flow passageway. 1. A flow regulating device used in a fluid system , comprising:an orifice body defining a longitudinal axis and having a central bore extending axially therethrough between first and second ends of the orifice body, the fluid system in fluid communication with the bore at the second end, the first end having a plurality of circumferentially spaced-apart radially-flexible fingers extending axially from the first end, the fingers having ends adjacent the first end cooperating to define a flow-controlling orifice area in the bore, the fingers configured to reduce an orifice area in response to force applied radially inwardly adjacent the first end;a housing cooperatively receiving the orifice body and configured to apply an increasing radial inward force on the fingers when the orifice body is moved axially relative the housing; andan adjusting apparatus for adjusting the relative axial position of the housing and the orifice body.2. The flow regulating apparatus of wherein distal ends of the fingers cooperate with the housing to define an outlet area of the bore.3. The flow regulating apparatus of wherein the orifice body first end has a conical shape and is matingly received in a conical cavity in the housing.4. A flow regulating device used in a fluid system claim 1 , comprising:an orifice body defining a longitudinal axis and having a central bore extending axially therethrough between first and second ends of the orifice body, the orifice body having a conical end section coaxial with the bore at the first end and having a plurality ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180091714A1

An imager assembly for a vehicle includes a base plate. An imager is disposed above the base plate. A shroud is configured to engage a top portion of the base plate. The shroud includes a tapered profile with a narrow forward end and a widened rearward end. The widened rearward end defines an aperture that receives a lens cover in optical communication with the imager. An air scoop is disposed on a top portion of the shroud. The air scoop includes a forward mouth for receiving air and a rearward discharge that moves air across the lens cover. 1. An imager assembly for a vehicle comprising:a base plate;an imager disposed above the base plate;a shroud configured to engage a top portion of the base plate, the shroud including a tapered profile with a narrow forward end and a widened rearward end, wherein the widened rearward end defines an aperture that receives a lens cover in optical communication with the imager; andan air scoop disposed on a top portion of the shroud, the air scoop including a forward mouth for receiving air and a rearward discharge that moves air across the lens cover.2. The imager assembly of claim 1 , wherein the forward mouth is larger than the rearward discharge.3. The imager assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a recess defined in the top portion of the shroud, the recess being disposed adjacent to the forward mouth.4. The imager assembly of claim 3 , further comprising:a forward lip disposed between the recess and the forward mouth of the air scoop.5. The imager assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lens cover includes side flanges extending rearwardly from the lens cover.6. The imager assembly of claim 1 , wherein the air scoop includes an upper lateral portion and a lower vertical portion claim 1 , and wherein the upper lateral portion is shorter in length than the lower vertical portion.7. The imager assembly of claim 6 , wherein the upper lateral portion includes a forwardly-extending lip.8. An external imager assembly comprising:an ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094369A1
Принадлежит: SRAM, LLC

An air deflector that is at least partially disposable within a tubeless tire of a bicycle wheel includes a body. The body includes at least one wall defining an air input end and an air output end of the body. The body is attachable to a valve of the tubeless tire at the air input end, such that when air is introduced into the body via the valve, at least some of the air is deflectable by one or more walls of the at least one wall out of the body at the air output end. 1. An air deflector disposable at least partially within a tubeless tire of a bicycle wheel , the air deflector comprising:a body including at least one wall defining an air input end and an air output end of the body,wherein the body is attachable to a valve of the tubeless tire at the air input end, such that when air is introduced into the body via the valve, at least some of the air is deflectable by one or more walls of the at least one wall out of the body at the air output end.2. The air deflector of claim 1 , wherein the body is a hollow body.3. The air deflector of claim 2 , wherein the body includes:an input opening at the air input end of the body, an input air axis being a central axis extending through the input opening; andan output opening at the air output end of the body,wherein the air output end of the body is at a distance relative to the input air axis.4. The air deflector of claim 3 , wherein the air output end faces in a direction that is at a positive acute angle relative to the input air axis.5. The air deflector of claim 3 , wherein the body is a bent tube or a curved tube.6. The air deflector of claim 3 , wherein the output opening is elliptical claim 3 , square claim 3 , rectangular claim 3 , or circular.7. The air deflector of claim 2 , wherein the air output end is a first air output end claim 2 , and the output opening is a first output opening claim 2 ,wherein the body further has a second air output end, andwherein the body further includes a second output opening at ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Electropermanent magnet activated microfluidic droplet size modulation

Номер: US20180093265A1

An active microfluidic droplet generation device includes a droplet generation junction joining at least one continuous phase channel for carrying a ferrofluid, and a dispersed phase channel for carrying a dispersed phase (e.g., aqueous) flow. A miniature electropermanent magnet (EPM) upstream from the junction generates a magnetic field to modulate a flow rate of a ferrofluid in the continuous phase channel so that dispersed phase droplets are generated with volumes actively controlled on-demand and under continuous flow. 1. A method for active microfluidic droplet generation , the method comprising:positioning a miniature electropermanent magnet (EPM) such that a magnetic field of the EPM overlaps with microfluidic channels connected to a droplet generation junction upstream from the droplet generation junction;controlling the magnetic field of the EPM to modulate a continuous phase ferrofluid flow rate in the microfluidic channels while a dispersed phase flows through a dispersed phase channel connected to the droplet generation junction;whereby dispersed phase droplets are generated with volumes actively controlled on-demand and under continuous flow.2. The method ofwherein positioning the EMP comprisesaligning the EMP such that the magnetic field is substantially orthogonal to the microfluidic channels containing the ferrofluid.3. The method ofwherein controlling the magnetic field of the EPM to modulate the continuous phase ferrofluid flow rate comprisescontrolling the magnetic field to induce a change in viscosity of the ferrofluid through the magnetoviscous effect.4. The method ofwherein controlling the magnetic field of the EPM to modulate the continuous phase ferrofluid flow rate comprisesgenerating current pulses through a coil of the EPM to activate and deactivate the magnetic field of the EPM.5. The method ofwherein controlling the magnetic field of the EPM to modulate the continuous phase ferrofluid flow rate comprisescontrolling a magnitude of current ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097127A1
Автор: Lenz Eric H.

A system for supplying precursor gas to a substrate processing chamber includes a first mass flow controller including an inlet to receive a carrier gas and an outlet. An ampoule is configured to supply a precursor gas. A valve system, in fluid communication with the first mass flow controller and the ampoule, is configured to supply the precursor gas and the carrier gas to a momentum-based flow restriction member. A pressure sensing system is configured to sense an inlet pressure at an inlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member and an outlet pressure at an outlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member. A controller is configured to determine a flow rate of the precursor gas at the outlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member based on a difference between the inlet pressure and the outlet pressure. 1. A system for supplying precursor gas to a substrate processing chamber , comprising:a first mass flow controller including an inlet to receive a carrier gas and an outlet;an ampoule configured to supply a precursor gas;a momentum-based flow restriction member including an inlet and an outlet;a valve system, in fluid communication with the first mass flow controller and the ampoule, configured to supply the precursor gas and the carrier gas to the momentum-based flow restriction member;a pressure sensing system configured to sense an inlet pressure at the inlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member and an outlet pressure at the outlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member; anda controller configured to determine a flow rate of the precursor gas at the outlet of the momentum-based flow restriction member based on a difference between the inlet pressure and the outlet pressure.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to adjust a flow rate of the carrier gas supplied by the first mass flow controller claim 1 , based on a predetermined relationship between the flow rate of the precursor gas and the pressure ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097411A1
Принадлежит: Canada Pipeline Accessories, Co. Ltd.

A flow conditioner includes a single disk having a first side and a second side; an outer ring comprising a plurality of holes, wherein the holes extend from the outer ring to the first side of said disk; at least one inner ring recessed from the outer ring, said at least one inner ring comprising a plurality of holes, wherein the holes extend from the at least one inner ring to the first side of said disk; and a central hole recessed from the at least one inner ring. The plurality of holes in the outer ring and in the at least one inner ring provide fluid passages of unequal length from a first side of the flow conditioner to a second side of the flow conditioner. 1. A flow conditioner , comprising:a single disk having a first side and a second side;a central hole that opens on a first side of the disk;at least one inner ring comprising a concentric ring of a plurality of holes, wherein the holes define fluid passages from the at least one inner ring to the first side of said disk; andan outer ring comprising a concentric ring of a plurality of holes, wherein the holes define fluid passages from the outer ring to the first side of said disk;wherein 1) a diameter of the central hole is greater than the diameters of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring, and 2) the diameters of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring are greater than the diameters of the plurality of holes of the outer ring, andwherein 1) the central hole defines a fluid passage having a length which is less than the length of the fluid passages of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring, and 2) the length of the fluid passages of the plurality of holes of the at least one inner ring is less than the length of the fluid passages of the outer ring, wherein the at least one inner ring is in a stepped, recessed configuration from the outer ring.2. A flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of holes of the outer ring and on the plurality of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Flow Distributor

Номер: US20190093685A1

A flow distributor for a fluid flow entering a deceleration vessel from an inlet conduit comprises a plurality of spaced vanes arranged extending substantially parallel to each other across a width of the distributor and being angled from the upstream to the downstream end so as to form flow channels therebetween to direct flow outwardly away from a central portion of the distributor. 1. A flow distributor for a fluid flow entering a deceleration vessel , the distributor having an upstream end in an inlet channel and a downstream end in the vessel , and comprising a plurality of spaced vanes arranged extending across a width of the distributor and being angled from the upstream to the downstream end so as to form substantially parallel flow channels therebetween to direct flow outwardly away from a central portion of the distributor.2. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the flow channels expand in depth from the upstream end to the downstream end of the distributor.3. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the channels are angled progressively more steeply from a central portion of the distributor towards each edge thereof.4. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the vanes are curved in shape.5. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 4 , in which the radius of curvature of the vanes increases from the centre portion to each edge portion of the distributor.6. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 1 , in which at least two of the blades are joined at the upstream end and diverge towards the downstream end so as to direct flow away from a region between the divergent ends.7. A flow distributor as claimed in claim 1 , in which there are between 8 and 20 vanes.8. A filter system for a pipeline comprising a pressure vessel for containing a filter claim 1 , and an inlet conduit for the pressure vessel claim 1 , the pipeline communicating with the inlet conduit claim 1 , and a distributor as claimed in .9. A filter system as ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Pressure Control Using An External Trigger

Номер: US20220147070A1
Принадлежит: MKS Instruments Inc

A gas delivery system and associated method includes a flow channel, a control valve, a downstream pressure sensor, and a controller. The control valve controls flow of gas in the flow channel. The downstream pressure sensor, located downstream of the control valve, measures gas pressure in the flow channel. The controller has an external trigger input to receive a trigger signal applied to a shutoff valve downstream from the control valve. The controller operates in separate modes based on a state of the trigger signal. In a non-triggered mode, the controller controls pressure at the pressure sensor via the control valve in accordance with a first gain schedule. In the triggered mode, the controller controls the pressure at the pressure sensor via the control valve in accordance with a second gain schedule that is distinct from the first gain schedule.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102797A1
Автор: Farrow Nigel Richard

A device is disclosed which is insertable into a conduit, such as a pipe, for guiding fluid flow of a material. The device includes a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path there between, enabling fluid to flow through the device. In order to improve fluid flow, the internal surface or wall of the tubular member includes one or more helical profiled portions which extend radially inwardly towards the axis of the tubular member. The helical profile portions can have from 180° to 900° turns along the length of the portion. In certain embodiments two parallel, identical helices, axially offset from one another can be included. 1. A device insertable into a conduit , such as a pipe , for guiding fluid flow of a material , said device comprising a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path therebetween , enabling fluid to flow through the device;the internal surface or wall of the tubular member including one or more helical profiled portions extending radially inwardly.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each helical profiled portion extends from 0.60 cm to 1.10 cm into the cylindrical fluid path of the tubular member.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each helical profiled portions has a quadrilateral cross-section.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the helical profile portion has a trapezoidal cross-section.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the leading edge of the or each helical portions describes a reflex angle with the inner wall of the tubular member.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the trailing edge of the or each helical profiled portion is perpendicular to the inner wall of the tubular member.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the helical profiled portion describes a from 180° to 900° turn along the length of the helical profiled portion.8. The device according to claim 7 , wherein the helical profiled ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182720A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a pipeline system, comprising at least one pipeline loop () which is connected at one end to a converger () and at a second end to a distributor (), wherein the converger () and the distributor () are arranged above one another, and when the converger () lies on top pressurized gas can be fed into the converger and the distributor () is connected to a drainage container (), and when the distributor () lies on top pressurized gas can be fed into the distributor () and the converger () is connected to a drainage container (), the drainage container () lying lower than the converger () and the distributor (). 1975757521557212175. A pipeline system , comprising at least one pipeline () which is connected at one end to a converger () and at a second end to a distributor () , wherein the converger () and the distributor () are arranged at a different geodetic height , and when the converger () lies on top pressurized gas can be fed into the converger and the distributor () is connected to a drainage container () , and when the distributor () lies on top pressurized gas can be fed into the distributor () and the converger () is connected to a drainage container () , the drainage container () lying lower than the converger () and the distributor ().27597575. The pipeline system according to claim 1 , wherein the converger () and the distributor () are respectively configured in the form of a pipeline claim 1 , and the pipelines () which are connected at one end to the converger () and at the other end to the distributor () claim 1 , respectively branch with one end from the converger () and with the other end from the distributor ().3755957. The pipeline system according to claim 1 , wherein the converger () and the distributor () are connected to one another at one end claim 1 , so that liquid which does not flow from the distributor () into a pipeline () is conveyed at the end of the distributor () into the converger ().43759713511. The pipeline ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102650A1

Female quick couplings are disclosed that have a housing defining an axial bore having a first shoulder and a first slot transverse to the axial bore, a removable insert defining a restriction orifice seated against the first shoulder within the axial bore, and a locking member slidingly received in the first receptacle. The removable insert defines a restriction orifice having an upstream conical frustum and a downstream conical frustum mated at their respective smaller diameter. The upstream conical frustum has a largest diameter substantially similar to an internal diameter of the first sealing member and the downstream conical frustum has a largest diameter substantially similar to an internal diameter of the axial bore extending downstream of the first shoulder. The largest dimeter of the upstream conical frustum is larger than the largest diameter of the downstream conical frustum. Engine systems incorporating the female quick coupling are also disclosed. 1. A female quick coupling comprising:a housing defining an axial bore having a first shoulder and a first slot transverse to the axial bore;a removable insert defining a restriction orifice seated against the first shoulder within the axial bore;a locking member slidingly received in the first receptacle.2. The female quick coupling of claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , in order claim 1 , seated upon the removable insert claim 1 , a first sealing member claim 1 , a spacer claim 1 , a second sealing member claim 1 , and a lock washer.3. The female quick coupling of claim 2 , wherein the axial bore has a dual stepped bore defining the first shoulder and a second shoulder claim 2 , wherein the lock washer is seated against the second shoulder.4. The female quick coupling of claim 1 , wherein the removable insert defines a restriction orifice having an upstream conical frustum and a downstream conical frustum mated at their respective smaller diameter.5. The female quick coupling of claim 4 , wherein the upstream ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101089A1
Принадлежит: Quest Engines, LLC

Embodiments of apparatus for controlling the movement of matter, including but not limited to one-way fluid valves, are disclosed. The apparatus may include a transition nozzle, a funnel nozzle, and a reverse flow blocker arranged in series in a case. A counter-flow area may be disposed about the funnel nozzle. The apparatus may permit matter to flow in a first direction, and discourage or prevent flow in a direction reverse to the first direction. Control over the flow of matter also may enable matter to be harvested, sorted, separated or combined with injected matter. 1. An engine or pump comprising:a chamber having a chamber wall separating a chamber interior from a chamber exterior;a chamber port extending through the chamber wall to provide communication between the chamber interior and the chamber exterior; anda valve disposed proximal to the chamber port, said valve having one or more components having a stationary position relative to each other and relative to the chamber wall, and said valve being configured to control a flow of fluid,wherein the valve permits the flow of fluid from the chamber exterior to the chamber interior,wherein the valve substantially restricts the flow of fluid from the chamber interior to the chamber exterior, andwherein the one or more components of the valve remain in the stationary position relative to each other and relative to the chamber wall to permit the flow of fluid from the chamber exterior to the chamber interior and to substantially restrict the flow of fluid from the chamber interior to the chamber exterior.2. The engine or pump of claim 1 , further comprising:first and second opposing pistons disposed in the chamber,wherein the chamber port is disposed between, and approximately equidistant from the first and second opposing pistons.3. The engine or pump of claim 1 , further comprising:a piston disposed in the chamber; andan exhaust port extending through the chamber wall to provide communication between the chamber ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Surface for directional fluid transport

Номер: US20190101142A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A capillary structure for passive, directional fluid transport includes a capillary having a forward direction and a backward direction, the capillary including first and second capillary units each having a sequence of capillary components including a connective section in fluid communication with a diverging section, the diverging section having a forward side and dimensions inducing a concave meniscus in the forward direction, wherein the connective section of the second capillary unit is connected to the forward side of the diverging section of the first capillary unit to form at least one transition section, and wherein a change in the dimensions in the transition section induces in the backward direction a convex liquid meniscus or a straight liquid meniscus with an infinite radius of curvature.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Low Flow Drain Pipe

Номер: US20140196809A1
Автор: Klein Gary

A pipe fitting includes a pipe fitting body having a first end in fluidic communication with a second end, the ends configured to receive a pipe. At least one of the first or second ends comprises a non-circular sectional shape having a low flow enhancement channel disposed at a bottom. The low flow enhancement channel is configured to comprise a first depth of a fluid that is greater than a second depth of the same fluid in a substantially circular section pipe where the non-circular sectional shape and the circular section pipe comprise substantially the same overall cross sectional area. A stand may be associated with the pipe fitting, the stand configured to accept the pipe fitting body in an orientation where the low flow enhancement channel is disposed at the bottom of the non-circular shape. 1. A pipe fitting , comprising:a pipe fitting body comprising a first end in fluidic communication with a second end, where the first and second ends are each configured to receive a pipe;wherein at least one of the first or second ends comprise a non-circular sectional shape; andwherein the non-circular sectional shape comprises a low flow enhancement channel disposed at a bottom of the non-circular sectional shape.2. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein the low flow enhancement channel comprises a first radius smaller than an upper or a middle radius of the non-circular sectional shape.3. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein a first area defined as comprising a lower half of the non-circular sectional shape is less than a second area defined as comprising an upper half of the non-circular sectional shape.4. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein a first area defined as comprising a lower third of the non-circular sectional shape is less than a second area defined as comprising a middle third of the non-circular sectional shape.5. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein a first area defined as comprising a lower third of the non-circular sectional shape is less than a third area defined as ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116534A1

An apparatus and method for use in determining one or more fluid flow properties of a fluid in a conduit is disclosed. The apparatus includes a substrate including a barrier, a first flow sensor coupled to the substrate and a second flow sensor coupled to the substrate. The first flow sensor is located at a first sensor distance from a first barrier surface, and the second flow sensor is located a second sensor distance from the second barrier surface. The first sensor distance is substantially equal to the second sensor distance. In operation, the first flow sensor produces a first sensor signal, and the second flow sensor produces a second sensor signal. The direction of flow for the fluid is determined by comparing the first sensor signal to the second sensor signal. 1. An apparatus for use in determining one or more fluid properties of a fluid flowing in a conduit , the apparatus comprising:a substrate including a barrier having a first barrier surface and a second barrier surface;a first flow sensor to generate a first velocity sensor signal, the first flow sensor located at a first sensor distance from the first barrier surface; anda second flow sensor to generate a second velocity sensor signal, the second flow sensor located at a second sensor distance from the second barrier surface, wherein the first sensor distance and the second sensor distance are selected to disturb the fluid flowing in the conduit in such a way as to enable determination of the one or more fluid flow properties from the first velocity sensor signal and the second velocity sensor signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a third sensor including a pair of third sensor conductive pins claim 1 , the pair of third sensor conductive pins embedded in the barrier and the substrate.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first flow sensor includes a pair of first sensor conductive pins including a distance between the pair of first sensor conductive pins of between about 0.025 ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Vortex Generators for Use in Meters and Related Systems and Meters

Номер: US20200132094A1
Автор: Sokol Benjamin John

A vortex generator for use in a flowtube of a meter is provided. The vortex generator includes a plurality of raised elements on an inner surface of a flowtube. The plurality of raised elements are positioned on the inner surface of the flowtube upstream of a widening of the flowtube. The presence of the plurality of raised elements improves boundary layer adherence. Related systems and meters are provided. 1. A vortex generator for use in a flowtube of a meter , the vortex generator comprising a plurality of raised elements on an inner surface of the flowtube , the plurality of raised elements being positioned on the inner surface of the flowtube upstream of a widening of the flowtube , wherein presence of the plurality of raised elements improves boundary layer adherence.2. The vortex generator of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of raised elements on the inner surface of the flowtube promote a turbulent flow in the flowtube.3. The vortex generator of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of raised elements comprise a plurality of shapes molded into a plastic inner surface of the flowtube.4. The vortex generator of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of shapes comprise a plurality of V shapes.5. The vortex generator of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of raised elements comprise a plurality of shapes positioned and affixed on a plastic inner surface of the flowtube.6. The vortex generator of claim 1 , wherein the meter comprises a gas meter.7. A system for improving boundary adherence in a flowtube of a meter claim 1 , the system comprising:a flowtube configured to have an increased cross-section at an end thereof, the increased cross-section providing an increased area of flow to decelerate a flow in the flowtube; anda vortex generator comprising a plurality of raised elements on an inner surface of the flowtube upstream of the increased cross-section, presence of the plurality of raised elements improving boundary layer adherence in the flowtube.8. The system of claim 7 , ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Module for the metered provision of a liquid

Номер: US20160146082A1

A module for the metered provision of a liquid includes a chamber having a chamber wall enclosing, at least partially, a chamber space of the chamber. The chamber is surrounded at least partially by a hood. At least one cavity is arranged between the hood and the separated chamber and the hood is heatable. 114-. (canceled)151. A module () for metered provision of a liquid , comprising:{'b': '5', 'claim-text': [{'b': '41', 'a chamber space (), and'}, {'b': 7', '41, 'a chamber wall () at least partially enclosing the chamber space ();'}], 'a chamber () having{'b': 8', '5, 'a hood () at least partially surrounding the chamber (); and'}{'b': 9', '8', '5, 'at least one cavity () arranged between the hood () and the chamber (),'}{'b': '8', 'wherein the hood () is heatable.'}1618. The module () according to claim 15 , wherein the hood () comprises metal.1718114230438. The module () according to claim 16 , wherein the hood () is coated with a plastic layer () having a layer thickness () of less than % of a metal thickness () of the hood ().18188. The module () according to claim 15 , wherein the hood () comprises plastic and claim 15 , into the hood () are at least one selected from the group consisting of the following components:{'b': '13', 'at least one heating element (), and'}{'b': '31', 'at least one heat distributing structure ().'}1917108. The module () according to claim 15 , wherein the chamber wall () has a chamber opening () closed by the hood ().2018710. The module () according to claim 19 , wherein the hood () is connected in a material-to-material manner to the chamber wall () at the chamber opening ().211810512. The module () according to claim 19 , wherein the hood () is sealed at the chamber opening () of the chamber () by a seal ().2218101341. The module () according to claim 19 , wherein the hood () is connected at the chamber opening () to an electric heating element () arranged in the chamber space ().231814815164456. The module () according to claim ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224369A1

A steam diffusing apparatus may include a steam inlet tube having steam-dispersion openings adjacent a lower end thereof and a mass of filaments surrounding the plurality of steam dispersion openings. The steam diffusing apparatus may also include a retaining tube surrounding the mass of filaments, a housing surrounding the retaining tube and having outlet openings therein, and an upper end cap coupled to an upper end of the housing and having an opening therein receiving the steam inlet tube. A lower end cap may be coupled to a lower end of the housing. 1. A steam diffusing apparatus comprising:a steam inlet tube having plurality of steam-dispersion openings adjacent a lower end thereof;a mass of filaments surrounding the plurality of steam dispersion openings;a retaining tube surrounding said mass of filaments;a housing surrounding said retaining tube and having a plurality of outlet openings therein;an upper end cap coupled to an upper end of said housing and having an opening therein receiving said steam inlet tube; anda lower end cap coupled to a lower end of said housing.2. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said mass of filaments extend upwardly to a medial portion of said steam inlet tube.3. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said retaining tube is coextensive with said mass of filaments.4. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said steam inlet tube has a closed lower end.5. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said mass of filaments comprises wire wool.6. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a mesh screen covering the plurality of outlet openings.7. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said housing is spaced apart from said retaining tube.8. The steam diffusing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said housing has a cylindrical shape.9. A steam diffusing apparatus comprising:a steam inlet tube having plurality of steam-dispersion openings adjacent a closed lower end ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142354A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide apparatus and methods for reducing non-uniformity and/or skews during substrate processing. One embodiment of the present invention provides a flow equalizer assembly for disposing between a vacuum port and a processing volume in a processing chamber. The flow equalizing assembly includes a first plate having at least one first opening, and a second plate having two or more second openings. The first and second plates define a flow redistributing volume therebetween, and the at least one first opening and the two or more second openings are staggered. 1. A method for pumping a processing chamber , comprising: flowing one or more gases from the processing volume through the two or more second openings to a flow redistributing volume defined between the first and second plates; and', 'flowing the one or more gases from the flow redistributing volume through the at least one first opening to the vacuum port., 'directing fluid flow from a processing volume to a vacuum port through a flow equalizer assembly, wherein the flow equalizer assembly comprises a first plate having at least one first opening, and a second plate having two or more second openings, the at least one first opening and the two or more second openings are staggered, and directing the fluid flow comprises2. The method of claim 1 , wherein flowing one or more gases to the flow redistributing volume comprises flowing the one or more gases through each of the two or more second openings to a corresponding sub-redistributing volume divided by two or more dividers positioned between the first and second plates claim 1 , and each of the sub-redistributing volume is in connection with one of the at least one first opening.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting locations of the two or more dividers to adjust flow distribution in the flow redistributing volume.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adding an additional first divider between ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190139378A1

An exemplary communication or signaling system that includes an energy emission system that can include a control system, a fluid reservoir, fluid transfer structures, a fluid pumping system, an emission structure, an enclosure extending away from the fluid emission structure, a fluid recovery system, and a lens structure adapted to pass energy through the lens structure. The emission structure can include a porous structure and/or structure(s) with a number of fluid emission sections that generate one or more fluid structures such as droplets or other fluid shapes which increase or decrease fluid surface area on the fluid emission structure and thereby increase or decrease energy emissions or absorption on or in relation to the fluid emission structure. The control system can selectively modulate pressure/fluid transfer via the pump into the fluid transfer structures which alter energy emission or absorption that can be detected at a distance. 1. A selective communication or signaling system comprising:a porous media comprising a first and an opposing second side, the first side is formed with an emissive surface having a first surface area, the porous media formed with internal structures that carry fluid in deterministic flow paths such that the porous media causes unsteady flow fields in a fluid resulting in said fluid passing to said first surface area of the emissive surface, wherein the emissive surface is formed with a plurality of apertures configured to selectively exude fluid from the porous media as semi-spherical shapes, droplet or beads form to create a second surface area that is greater than said first surface area;a fluid reservoir including a thermal control system configured to store, collect, transfer, thermally regulate, and/or filter the fluid;a fluid pump coupled to fluid reservoir and the fluid reservoir that selectively pumps said fluid from the reservoir;an input valve in fluid communication with the fluid reservoir and the second side of ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Material Flow

Номер: US20180142827A1
Автор: Farrow Nigel Richard

A device is insertable into a conduit, such as a pipe, for guiding fluid flow of a material. The device includes a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path there between, enabling fluid to flow through the device. In order to improve fluid flow, the internal surface or wall of the tubular member includes one or more helical profiled portions which extend radially inwardly towards the axis of the tubular member. The helical profile portions can have from 180° to 900° turns along the length of the portion. In certain embodiments two parallel, identical helices, axially offset from one another can be included. 1. A device insertable into a conduit , such as a pipe , for guiding fluid flow of a material , said device comprising a tubular member having an inlet and an outlet and defining a cylindrical fluid path therebetween , enabling fluid to flow through the device;the internal surface or wall of the tubular member including one or more helical profiled portions extending radially inwardly.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each helical profiled portion extends from 0.60 cm to 1.10 cm into the cylindrical fluid path of the tubular member.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each helical profiled portion has a quadrilateral cross-section.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the helical profile portion has a trapezoidal cross-section.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the leading edge of the or each helical portion describes a reflex angle with the inner wall of the tubular member.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the trailing edge of the or each helical profiled portion is perpendicular to the inner wall of the tubular member.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the helical profiled portion describes a from 180° to 900° turn along the length of the helical profiled portion.8. The device according to claim 7 , wherein the helical profiled portion describes a ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230942A1
Принадлежит: TOYODA GOSEI CO., LTD.

A damper opening and closing device includes an outer cylinder, an inner cylinder that is disposed inside the outer cylinder, is supported movably relative to the outer cylinder and has a fluid passage therein, and a damper group that includes a plurality of dampers disposed in the fluid passage so that the fluid passage is openable and closable. The plurality of dampers are arranged in a circumferential direction of the fluid passage and disposed in the fluid passage in such a way that inner peripheral edges of the dampers are opposed to each other. The damper opening and closing device further includes an angle control unit configured to control the tilt angle of the damper in conjunction with movement of the inner cylinder relative to the outer cylinder. 1. A damper opening and closing device comprising:an outer cylinder;an inner cylinder that is disposed inside the outer cylinder, is supported movably relative to the outer cylinder and has a fluid passage therein; anda damper group that includes a plurality of dampers disposed in the fluid passage so that the fluid passage is openable and closable,wherein the plurality of dampers are arranged in a circumferential direction of the fluid passage and disposed in the fluid passage in such a way that inner peripheral edges of the dampers are opposed to each other,each of the dampers is swingably supported to the inner cylinder and an tilt angle of the damper to an axial direction of the fluid passage is changed by swinging the damper relative to the inner cylinder in order to adjust the flow amount of fluid passing through the fluid passage, andthe damper opening and closing device further comprises an angle control unit configured to control the tilt angle of the damper in conjunction with movement of the inner cylinder relative to the outer cylinder.2. The damper opening and closing device according to claim 1 , wherein a space between outer peripheral edges of the dampers and the inner cylinder is closed and a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Axial Flow Conditioning Device for Mitigating Instabilities

Номер: US20160153602A1
Принадлежит: Combustion Res and Flow Technology Inc

A flow conditioning device for incrementally stepping down pressure within a piping system is presented. The invention includes an outer annular housing, a center element, and at least one intermediate annular element. The outer annular housing includes an inlet end attachable to an inlet pipe and an outlet end attachable to an outlet pipe. The outer annular housing and the intermediate annular element(s) are concentrically disposed about the center element. The intermediate annular element(s) separates an axial flow within the outer annular housing into at least two axial flow paths. Each axial flow path includes at least two annular extensions that alternately and locally direct the axial flow radially outward and inward or radially inward and outward thereby inducing a pressure loss or a pressure gradient within the axial flow. The pressure within the axial flow paths is lower than the pressure at the inlet end and greater than the vapor pressure for the axial flow. The invention minimizes fluidic instabilities, pressure pulses, vortex formation and shedding, and/or cavitation during pressure step down to yield a stabilized flow within a piping system.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210183347A1
Автор: Diaz Juan Manuel

Plates and plate assemblies for noise attenuators and other devices and methods of making the same are described herein. An example disc-shaped plate described herein includes a plurality of sector-shaped plates that have openings defining flow paths. Each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates has a first radial edge forming a first mating feature and a second radial edge forming a second mating feature that is complementary to the first mating feature such that, when the plurality of sector-shaped plates are arranged together, the first mating feature of each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates mates with the second mating feature of an adjacent one of the plurality of sector-shaped plates. 1. A disc-shaped plate for a noise attenuator , the disc-shaped plate comprising:a plurality of sector-shaped plates, the plurality of sector-shaped plates having openings defining flow paths, each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates having a first radial edge forming a first mating feature and a second radial edge forming a second mating feature that is complementary to the first mating feature such that, when the plurality of sector-shaped plates are arranged together, the first mating feature of each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates mates with the second mating feature of an adjacent one of the plurality of sector-shaped plates.2. The disc-shaped plate of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates is the same shape and size.3. The disc-shaped plate of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the plurality of sector-shaped plates are arranged together claim 1 , a portion of each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates overlaps in an axial direction with an adjacent one of the plurality of sector-shaped plates.4. The disc-shaped plate of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of sector-shaped plates is constructed via layers of fused material.5. The disc-shaped plate of claim 1 , wherein the openings are tear-drop shaped.6. The disc-shaped ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154326A1
Автор: Palmer Brad P.
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Company

The invention relates to distributing reactants more evenly across the interior space of a reactor vessel utilizing a distributor at the inlet end that initially directs the flow of reactants through a flange plate and a series of ring plates. The ring plates are physical spaced such that vapor along the wall of the inlet is mildly obstructed by the flange plate and the ring plates cause the vapor to alter course temper down any diverse velocities that may create hot spots within the catalyst bed. 1. A process for damping down higher velocity vapor flows that are concentrated asymmetrically across a generally cylindrical inlet to a reactor vessel caused by one or more bends within a conduit conveying vapor to the generally cylindrical inlet of the reaction vessel , wherein the generally cylindrical inlet comprises a peripheral wall with a length from the conduit to the reactor vessel , the process comprising:a) providing a first obstruction generally transverse within the generally cylindrical inlet of the reactor vessel at a first position along the length of the generally cylindrical inlet and near the peripheral wall of the generally cylindrical inlet and having a generally circular opening wherein the size of the first obstruction and the size of the circular opening create a pressure drop of no more than 0.25 pounds for the vapor passing through the generally cylindrical inlet;b) providing a top, ring-like obstruction spaced inwardly from the peripheral wall of the generally cylindrical inlet at a second position along the length of the generally cylindrical inlet wherein the size and shape of the top, ring-like obstruction create a pressure drop of no more than 0.25 pounds for the vapor passing through the generally cylindrical inlet;c) providing a middle, ring-like obstruction spaced further inwardly from the peripheral wall of the generally cylindrical inlet as compared to the top, ring-like obstruction at a third position along the length of the generally ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Valve apparatus

Номер: US20200149642A1

A valve apparatus includes a valve block with a main flow path, a first valve installed on the valve block and connected to the main flow path so that when the first valve turns on, a first fluid is supplied from the main flow path to a process chamber via the first valve, and a second valve installed on the valve block and connected to the main flow path so that when the first valve turns off and the second valve turns on, a second fluid is supplied from the main flow path to a waste gas treatment system via the second valve. The main flow path is disposed parallel to a central axis passing through a center of the valve block and two opposing surfaces of the valve block perpendicularly thereto. The main flow path is disposed to be offset from the central axis toward the first valve.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180164044A1

Process for uniformizing the temperature of a liquid coming from a conduit with a constant total flow rate (Qtot), said temperature having a periodic trend in time defined by a first waveform, in which a tank () is provided, defining a longitudinal axis, having a lower zone () and an upper zone (), and provided with at least two inlets arranged in a succession between the lower zone () and the upper zone (), with a first inlet () proximal to the upper zone () and an n-th inlet (n) proximal to the lower zone (), and provided with at least one outlet () arranged between the first inlet () and the upper zone (), and wherein each inlet is arranged at a predetermined distance from the next one along said longitudinal axis. 1. A process for uniformizing the temperature of a liquid coming from a conduit with a constant total flow rate Q , said temperature having a periodic trend over time defined by a first waveform ,{'b': '9', 'wherein there is provided a tank defining a longitudinal axis, having a lower zone and an upper zone, provided with at least two inlets arranged in a succession between the lower zone and the upper zone, with a first inlet proximal to the upper zone and an n-th inlet proximal to the lower zone, and provided with at least one outlet () arranged between the first inlet and the upper zone, wherein said at least two inlets are connected to said conduit with a constant total flow rate Qtot and wherein each inlet is arranged at a predetermined distance from the next one along said longitudinal axis, said process comprising the steps of{'sub': 1', '2', '3', 'k', '1', '2', '3', 'k, 'a) decomposing the first waveform in at least two sinusoidal waves, each having a respective semi-period Δt, Δt, Δt. . . Δt, with Δt>Δt>Δt> . . . Δt;'}{'sub': '1', 'b) carrying out a first sum of the first waveform with a second waveform equal to said first waveform and out of phase with respect to the latter by a first semi-period Δtof a first sinusoidal wave of said at least ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307637A1

Female quick couplings have a housing defining an axial bore therethrough that has a frustum-shaped bore portion that defines a restriction orifice, a first slot transverse to the axial bore, an a first shoulder between the first slot and the restriction orifice, and a locking member slidingly received in the first slot. The frustum-shaped bore can have an upstream conical frustum and a downstream conical frustum mated at their respective smaller diameter. The upstream conical frustum has a largest diameter that is larger than a largest diameter of the downstream conical frustum. Engine systems incorporating the female quick coupling and female quick coupling kits are also disclosed. 1. A female quick coupling comprising:a housing defining an axial bore therethrough that has a frustum-shaped bore portion that defines a restriction orifice, a first slot transverse to the axial bore, an a first shoulder between the first slot and the restriction orifice;a spacer seated against the first shoulder within the axial bore; anda locking member slidingly received in the first slot, thereby locking the spacer in the axial bore.2. The female quick coupling of claim 1 , comprising a sealing member and a lock washer seated on the spacer.3. The female quick coupling of claim 2 , wherein the axial bore has a dual stepped bore defining the first shoulder and a second shoulder claim 2 , wherein the lock washer is seated against the second shoulder.4. The female quick coupling of claim 1 , wherein the frustum-shaped bore portion has an upstream conical frustum and a downstream conical frustum mated at their respective smaller diameter.5. The female quick coupling of claim 4 , wherein the upstream conical frustum has a largest diameter substantially similar to an internal diameter of the first sealing member and the downstream conical frustum has a largest diameter substantially similar to an internal diameter of the axial bore extending downstream of the first shoulder.6. The female ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176152A1
Принадлежит: Kromek Limited NETPark

A vapour conduit for use in an apparatus for bulk vapour phase crystal growth, an apparatus for bulk vapour phase crystal growth, and a process for bulk vapour phase crystal growth are described. The vapour conduit is a flow conduit defining a passage means adapted for transport of vapour from a source volume to a growth volume, wherein a flow restrictor is provided in the passage means between the source volume and the growth volume and wherein the flow conduit further comprises a flow director structured to direct vapour flow downstream of the flow restrictor away from a longitudinal centre line of the conduit and for example towards an edge of the conduit. 1. A vapour conduit for use in an apparatus for bulk vapour phase crystal growth comprising:a flow conduit defining a passage means adapted for transport of vapour from a source volume to a growth volume, wherein a flow restrictor is provided in the passage means between the source volume and the growth volume and wherein the flow conduit further comprises a flow director structured to direct vapour flow downstream of the flow restrictor away from a longitudinal centre line of the conduit.2. The vapour conduit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the flow director comprises a formation located within the flow path of the flow conduit being at least one of structured and positioned in the flow path such as to produce a modified downstream vapour flow so modified that peak vapour flow is directed away from a longitudinal centre line of the conduit.3. The vapour conduit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the flow director comprises a formation structured to tend to guide or direct vapour flow away from a longitudinal centre line of the conduit and/or to restrict vapour flow along a longitudinal centre line of the conduit.4. The vapour conduit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the flow director comprises an apertured formation structured to direct vapour flow downstream of the flow restrictor in a direction ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170171A1

A device for transporting a medium includes at least one channel which extends in an axial direction and through which the medium is guided. The channel is enclosed by an electrically conductive inner envelope that is connected to a first potential equalization conductor. An electrically conductive outer envelope is provided between the channel and an electrically conductive outer casing and is connected to an electrically conductive second potential equalization conductor. Arranged between the channel and the outer envelope is an electrically insulating intermediate layer which is produced from heat-insulating material. 1. A device for transporting a medium , comprising:a first potential equalization conductor;an electrically conductive inner envelope configured to enclose a channel which extends in an axial direction for passage of a medium, said inner envelope being connected to the first potential equalization conductor;an outer casing configured to be electrically conductive;an electrically conductive second potential equalization conductor;an electrically conductive outer envelope provided between the channel and the outer casing and connected to the second potential equalization conductor; andan electrically insulating intermediate layer arranged between the channel and the outer envelope and produced from heat-insulating material.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is made of thermoplastic resin with 1 to 6 wt % carbon nanotubes.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is made of 4 to 6 wt % carbon nanotubes and thermoplastic urethane.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an end piece and a conductive cap placed upon the end piece.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising a conductive shrink tube applied to the cap and to at least one area of the outer casing to secure the cap and to conductively connect the cap to the outer casing.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the cap is made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)7. ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184806A1

The apparatus consists of modular stages arranged in series, each stage including a main chamber and a nozzle opening. In practice, a fluid passing through the opening is subject to a pressure drop as it enters a main chamber of a subsequent stage in the series. This multi-stage pressure drop avoids a sharp drop in temperature, as would occur if the total pressure drop was achieved in one stage, that may cause hydrates to form in an oil/gas pipeline. 1. An apparatus for installation in a pipeline to minimise the effect of Joule-Thomson cooling , comprising a plurality of stages arranged in series , each stage including a main chamber and an opening wherein , in use , a fluid passing through the opening is subject to a pressure drop as it enters a main chamber of a subsequent stage in the series.2. The apparatus of wherein the pressure drop between stages generates sonic flow through the opening.3. The apparatus of wherein the length of a main chamber is at least twice its internal diameter.4. The apparatus of wherein the cross sectional area of subsequent openings varies across the plurality of stages or is adjustable.5. The apparatus of wherein the opening is a nozzle.6. The apparatus of wherein the opening is formed in a disc or plate abutting or located across a pipe section.7. The apparatus of wherein there are multiple openings.8. The apparatus of wherein the pressure drops between stages by a factor of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 claim 1 , most preferably 1.8-2.0.9. The apparatus of wherein the main chamber is in the form of a cylindrical bore or pipe section.10. The apparatus of wherein the stages are a plurality of modular components claim 1 , each including a main chamber and opening claim 1 , that fit together to provide the series of stages communicating there-between via the opening(s).11. The apparatus of wherein at least one of the modular components includes a tapered or conical end toward the opening.12. The apparatus of wherein the modular component ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Vibratory meter with pointed flow tube

Номер: US20200173830A1
Принадлежит: Micro Motion Inc

A vibratory meter ( 5 ), and methods of manufacturing the same are provided. The vibratory meter includes a pickoff, a driver, and a flow tube ( 700 ) comprising a tube perimeter wall with: a first substantially planar section ( 706 a ), a second substantially planar section ( 706 b ) coupled to the first substantially planar section to form a first angle θ 1 ( 704 ), a third substantially planar section ( 706 c ), a fourth substantially planar section ( 706 d ), and a fifth substantially planar section ( 706 e ).

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194086A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Aircraft, air conditioning systems, and air diffusers that may be used to create a quiet, comfortable environment within an aircraft cabin are disclosed. For example, an aircraft cabin air diffuser, which may be used in an air conditioning system and/or an aircraft, may include an inlet section, a neck section downstream of the inlet section, an outlet section downstream of the neck section, and a flow controller within the neck section. The flow controller may be a passive pressure controller (configured to affect air flow through the passive pressure controller in response to an air pressure differential across the passive pressure controller) and/or a vortex inducer (configured to create a vortex of air downstream of the vortex inducer). 1. An aircraft cabin air diffuser comprising:an inlet section with an open interior;a neck section with an open interior, downstream of the inlet section;an outlet section with an open interior, wherein the outlet section is downstream of the neck section; anda flow controller within the open interior of the neck section, wherein the flow controller is a passive pressure controller configured to affect air flow through the passive pressure controller in response to an air pressure differential across the passive pressure controller.2. The air diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the passive pressure controller is configured to maintain a substantially constant air flow of greater than 700 grams per minute (g/min) through the passive pressure controller when an air pressure in the inlet section is greater than a predefined threshold of greater than 60 kilopascals (kPa).3. The air diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the passive pressure controller is configured to be actuated by air pressure in the inlet section.4. The air diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the passive pressure controller is configured to be actuated by air velocity through the passive pressure controller.5. The air diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the passive pressure controller ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Asymmetrical Orifice for Bypass Control

Номер: US20150198124A1
Принадлежит: CATERPILLAR, INC.

An asymmetrical orifice for bypass control in a clean fuel module may include a body having first and second end surfaces and an inner surface defining a bore through the body extending from a first opening through the first end surface to a second opening through the second end surface. The first opening has a first opening inner diameter and the second opening has a second opening inner diameter that is less than the first opening inner diameter. The asymmetrical orifice also includes a flow control contour in the second end surface surrounding the second opening of the bore. The configuration may give the asymmetrical orifice a first discharge coefficient for fluid flowing from the first opening to the second opening that is greater than a second discharge coefficient for fluid flowing in a second direction from the second opening to the first opening 1. An asymmetrical orifice for bypass control in a clean fuel module , comprising:a body having a first end surface and a second end surface;an inner surface defining a bore through the body extending from a first opening through the first end surface to a second opening through the second end surface, wherein the first opening has a first opening inner diameter and the second opening has a second opening inner diameter that is less than the first opening inner diameter; anda flow control contour in the second end surface surrounding the second opening of the bore.2. The asymmetrical orifice of claim 1 , wherein the bore has a bore longitudinal axis and the flow control contour is centered along the bore longitudinal axis.3. The asymmetrical orifice of claim 2 , wherein the body has a body longitudinal axis that is coincident with the bore longitudinal axis.4. The asymmetrical orifice of claim 1 , wherein the flow control contour comprises a toroidal groove in the second end surface encircling the second opening of the bore.5. The asymmetrical orifice of claim 4 , wherein the toroidal groove has a semi-circular ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198187A1

A fluid pressure reduction device is provided. The fluid pressure reduction device includes a body and a diffuser. The body defines an inlet, an outlet, and a fluid passageway extending between the inlet and the outlet. The body is made of a first material having a first hardness. A seating area is defined within the body. The diffuser is removably coupled to the seating area and disposed within the fluid passageway of the body. The diffuser defines at least one flowpath for reducing a pressure of a fluid flowing through the fluid passageway. The diffuser includes a second material having a second hardness greater than the first hardness of the first material. 1. A fluid pressure reduction device adapted to be disposed between a first pipe and a second pipe , the fluid pressure reduction device comprising:a body defining an inlet, an outlet, and a fluid passageway extending between the inlet and the outlet;a seating area defined within the body;a diffuser disposed within the fluid passageway of the body and coupled to the seating area, the diffuser defining a plurality of flowpaths arranged for reducing a pressure of a fluid flowing through the fluid passageway; andwherein the diffuser comprises an erosion-resistant material.2. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser comprises an orifice plate defining the plurality of flowpaths.3. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser comprises a disk.4. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser is removably coupled to the seating area.5. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 4 , wherein the diffuser includes a threaded outer surface and is removably coupled to a threaded portion of the seating area.6. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser is coupled to the seating area by welds.7. The fluid pressure reduction device of claim 4 , wherein the seating area of the body includes an inwardly extending rib ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222815A1

The invention relates to an arrangement () having a liquid tank (), at least one line () connected to the liquid tank (), through which liquid (F) can be transported from the liquid tank (), and a pump () connected to the at least one line () for conveying the liquid (F) from the liquid tank () through the at least one line () in the direction of flow (R) during an operating phase, wherein a pressure accumulator () connected to the at least one line () is provided, by means of which a pressure can be generated in the at least one line () outside of the operating phase, and a ventilating element (), which can be transitioned into an open position and into a closed position, is arranged along the at least one line (), wherein, outside of the operating phase, a pressure impulse within the at least one line () can be generated by the pressure generated by the pressure accumulator () and a subsequent transition of the ventilating element () into the open position in order to drain the line () of the fluid (F). 1. Arrangement , havinga liquid tank,at least one line connected to the liquid tank, through which line liquid can be transported from the liquid tank, anda pump connected to the at least one line for conveying the liquid from the liquid tank through the at least one line in the direction of flow during an operating phase,wherein a pressure accumulator connected to the at least one line is provided, by means of which a pressure can be generated in the at least one line outside of the operating phase, and a ventilating element, which can be transitioned into an open position and into a closed position, is arranged along the at least one line, wherein, outside of the operating phase, a pressure impulse within the at least one line can be generated by the pressure generated by the pressure accumulator and a subsequent transition of the ventilating element into the open position in order to drain the line of the liquid, characterized in that the at least one line has ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140290492A1

Embodiments herein relate generally to distribution of flow into vessels containing packed beds of media. An example application of such beds is to pressure swing or temperature swing adsorption systems. Systems herein may include a vessel and a distributor for distributing flow into a lower portion of the vessel. The system may include: a vessel comprising a top head and a bottom head; and a bottom head feed/effluent nozzle. A lower distributor having at least one flow permitting surface is disposed within the vessel and encompasses an inlet of the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle. A flow gap is formed between a bottom portion of the lower distributor and the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle. 1. A system , comprising:a vessel comprising a top head and a bottom head;a bottom head feed/effluent nozzle;a lower distributor having at least one flow permitting surface disposed within the vessel and encompassing an inlet of the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle; anda flow gap between a bottom portion of the lower distributor and the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lower distributor is disposed within the vessel to provide the flow gap having dimensions sufficient to permit a liquid to drain from the vessel into the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle and to retain a solid medium disposed within the vessel proximate the lower distributor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one flow permitting surface is configured to distribute at least a portion of a flow of gases in a direction normal to an axis of the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one flow permitting surface is configured to distribute at least a portion of a flow of gases in a direction parallel to the axis of the bottom head feed/effluent nozzle.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lower distributor further comprises at least one structural support fins configured to extend below a lowermost edge of the flow permitting ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Flow modulation device for dispensing pressurized fluids

Номер: US20200188939A1
Принадлежит: Cryoconcepts LP

A flow modulation device 300 for controlling a rheological state of a dispensed pressurized fluid includes a porous element 304 and an exit tube. The porous element 304 is in fluid communication with a distal end of an outlet tube 303 and receives pressurized fluid in a first rheological state. The porous element 304 includes a plurality of channels that divide a flow channel into a plurality of flow paths through which the pressurized fluid flows and that modulates the flow of the pressurized fluid. The exit tube 305 includes proximal end 355 and distal end 345 and an intermediate body including a sidewall 365 defining a hollow internal lumen 375. The exit tube 305 is in fluid communication with the porous element 304 and receives the modulated pressurized fluid from the plurality of flow paths and refocuses the fluid to dispense the pressurized fluid in a second rheological state.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231143A1

A device to augment gas flow so an exit gas flow will have a higher exit velocity than an inlet gas flow has an inner structure having a first open end and a second open end. The inner structure is hollow. The inner structure tapers down from both the first open end and the second open end to a neck area. At least one opening is formed in the neck area. An outer structure has a first open end and a second open end. The outer structure is hollow. A diameter of the first open end of the outer structure and the second open end of the outer structure are approximately equal and allow the inner structure to slide within the outer structure. At least one outer structure opening is formed in a central area of the outer structure. A housing is attached to the at least one outer structure directing gas flow from a propulsion device within the housing into the device. 1. A device to augment gas flow so an exit gas flow will have a higher exit velocity than an inlet gas flow comprising:an inner structure having a first open end and a second open end, the inner structure being hollow, wherein the inner structure tapers down from both the first open end and the second open end to a neck area;at least one opening formed in the neck area;an outer structure having a first open end and a second open end, the outer structure being hollow, wherein a diameter of the first open end of the outer structure and the second open end of the outer structure are approximately equal, wherein the diameter of the first open end of the outer structure and the second open end of the outer structure allow the inner structure to slide within the outer structure;at least one outer structure opening formed in a central area of the outer structure; anda housing attached to the at least one outer structure directing gas flow from a propulsion device within the housing into the device.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the first opening and the second opening are approximately equal in size.3 ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305528A1
Автор: DAMIZET Patrick

The invention relates to a device () for adjusting a rate of flow of air flowing along an air duct, comprising: a tubular body () extending along an axis (); at least one flap () able to pivot about an axis transverse to the axis () of the body (); a ring () mounted to pivot on an end portion () of the body () about the axis () of this body; each flap () being provided with a male drive means and the ring () being provided with a female drive means, or vice versa, the male drive means and the female drive means being arranged in such a way that, in response to the ring () being pivoted about the body (), the male drive means engages with the female drive means to alter the position of each flap () and hence the cross section available for the passage of air. 1. A device for adjusting a flow rate of air flowing in an air duct , comprising:a tubular body extending along an axis fluidly connected to the air duct;at least one flap extending inside the body and adapted to pivot about an axis transverse to the axis of the body, to occupy a plurality of positions corresponding to a plurality of air passage cross sections;a ring pivotally mounted on an end portion of the body about the axis of this body;each flap being provided with a male drive means, and the ring being provided with a female drive means, or vice versa,the male drive means and the female drive means being arranged in such a way that, in response to a pivoting of the ring on the body, the male drive means cooperates with the female drive means to alter the position of each flap and, as a consequence, the air passage cross section.234. The device according to claim 1 , wherein each flap is provided with the male drive means claim 1 , and the ring () is provided with the female drive means.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the pivot axis of each flap extends at an upstream end portion of the body claim 1 , in the air flow direction claim 1 , and the male and female drive means are disposed at a ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245973A1
Автор: Scruggs James Alan

A tubular or cylindrical unit that creates a vortex effect with externally supplied pressurized fluid injected angularly within a transport structure is provided. Such a unit is utilized to either accelerate the vacuum and/or air conveyance of liquids, solid aggregates, and gases, reduce the energy required for such materials transport processes, or both. Such a result is achieved through the introduction of pressurized fluid via a plurality of injectors situated evenly around the circumference of the subject tube, pipe, and/or cylinder, and angled uniformly for an even pressure injection of fluid within the conveyance component thereof. In effect, through such injection of pressurized fluid, the overall transport system may be operated at significantly reduced cost while increasing the efficiency of overall vacuum and air conveyance systems simultaneously. The method of utilization of such a device is also encompassed within this invention. 1. A particle accelerator transport device including a pulse electromagnet and a miniature cylinder , pipe , and/or tube conveyance component having an external portion and an internal portion , both measuring the same length and sharing the same first end and same opposing second end , wherein said conveyance component comprises at least three air injectors substantially evenly spaced circumferentially around said external portion and substantially evenly spaced at differing locations along said length of said external portion , said at least three air injectors and housed around the circumference of the external portion thereof providing internal introduction of forced air angularly within the internal portion of said conveyance component , wherein said at least three air injectors are aligned to provide uniform angles of air introduction within said conveyance component internal portion , and wherein said uniform angles of air introduction create a vortex effect within said conveyance component upon uniform introduction of ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170227029A1

The invention relates to a fluid transport pipe. A first unit channel in which a channel cross-sectional area continuously decreases toward a downstream side and a second unit channel in which a channel cross-sectional area continuously increases toward the downstream side are alternately combined. A ratio A (=L/{[Smax]-[Smin]}) is set within a range in which a drag reduction rate Rbecomes a positive value. The fluid transport pipe includes: a first opening formed in a channel wall of the first unit channel; a second opening formed in a channel wall of the second unit channel; and a bypass channel that allows by-passing of a flow from the first unit channel to the second unit channel through the openings. 1. A fluid transport pipe , comprising:a first unit channel in which a channel cross-sectional area continuously decreases toward a downstream side, anda second unit channel that is a unit channel that is alternately combined with the first unit channel, and in which a channel cross-sectional area continuously increases toward the downstream side,wherein the fluid transport pipe is configured so that, in a relation between a ratio obtained by dividing a total channel length of the first unit channel and the second unit channel by a difference between a root of a maximum area of a channel cross-section of the fluid transport pipe and a root of a minimum area of the channel cross-section, and a rate of reduction in a total drag that acts inside the fluid transport pipe in comparison to a reference pipe that is defined as described hereunder, the ratio is set within a range in which the rate of reduction in the total drag becomes a positive value,wherein the reference pipe corresponds to a pipe in which a channel cross-sectional area thereof is constant at an average channel cross-sectional area of a channel cross-section of a pair of the first unit channel and the second unit channel, and in which a total channel length of the pipe is equal to a total channel length ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190219077A1

The rectifier for symmetrical flow of fluid in a pipeline is formed with at least one double chamber, consisting of the expansion chamber wherein the inlet axial rectifying member is mounted which is circumferentially provided with a radial circumferential perforation and the compression chamber provided with the outlet opening, while the expansion chamber is separated from the compression chamber at least one radial rectifying member with an axial perforation, while the radial rectifying member is formed by at least one radial plate with many openings which form an axial perforation. 1) A rectifier for symmetrical flow of fluid in a pipeline wherein it consists of at least one double chamber , which consists of the expansion chamber wherein inlet axial rectifying member is mounted and which is circumferentially provided with a radial circumferential perforation and the compression chamber provided with the outlet opening , while the expansion chamber is separated from the compression chamber at least with one radial rectifying member with an axial perforation , while the radial rectifying member is formed with at least one radial plate with many openings which form an axial perforation.2) The rectifier for symmetrical flow of fluid in a pipeline according to the claim 1 , wherein that the radial member is formed by a system of radial plates arranged in a row and the axial perforation which is formed by the sieve and/or steel wool and/or porous matter. The invention concerns the rectifier for symmetrical flow of fluid in a pipeline, in particular but not exclusively, the fluid flow symmetry rectifiers in high pressure piping for the remote transport of fluids.The very frequent requirement in piping systems for the transport of fluids is accurate measuring of trade transported liquids, or their exact dosage. The continuous flow measurement is carried out in various ways of measuring e.g. by means of turbine, ultrasonic flow meter etc. To achieve the high accuracy of ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217336A1

An inlet flow structure can comprise: a plurality of bellmouth elements, each of the plurality of bellmouth elements including a bellmouth and a diffuser; a plurality of supply plenums, each of the plurality of supply plenums surrounding a respective one of the plurality of bellmouth elements, wherein the plurality of supply plenums are divided by a wall which provides equivalent air flow to each bellmouth element. The inlet flow structure comprises an inlet plenum disposed on the plurality of supply plenums and an outlet plenum disposed on the plurality of bellmouth elements. 1. An inlet flow structure , comprising:a plurality of bellmouth elements, each of the plurality of bellmouth elements including a bellmouth and a diffuser; anda plurality of supply plenums, each of the plurality of supply plenums surrounding a respective one of the plurality of bellmouth elements,wherein the plurality of supply plenums are divided by a wall.2. The inlet flow structure according to claim 1 , wherein the bellmouth is disposed inside the plurality of supply plenums.3. The inlet flow structure according to claim 2 , wherein the wall comprises a side wall and a back wall.4. The inlet flow structure according to claim 3 , wherein the side wall surrounds the bellmouth of the each of the plurality of bellmouth elements and the each of the plurality of bellmouth elements passes through the back wall.5. The inlet flow structure according to claim 4 , wherein a side length of the side wall from the back wall is larger than a distance of the bellmouth in the plurality of supply plenums from the back wall.6. The inlet flow structure according to claim 5 , further comprising an inlet plenum disposed on the plurality of supply plenums and an outlet plenum disposed on the diffuser of the plurality of bellmouth elements.7. The inlet flow structure according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of bellmouth elements are spaced apart from each other.8. The inlet flow structure according to claim ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240843A1

A flow conditioner includes a single disk comprising an array of holes and at least one integral vane, for example a plurality of integral vanes. The at least one integral vane is machined out of the same material as the flow conditioner and is not attached to the flow conditioner via a weld connection or adhesive. 1. A flow conditioner , comprising:a single disk comprising a plurality of holes including an outer ring of holes; anda plurality of integral vanes,wherein each integral vane is defined by a substantially flat inwardly-facing surface between two outer holes and two curved sides, each curved side defined by and integral with part of the circumference of an outer hole.2. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , further comprising a flange that is flush with an upstream end or downstream end of the flow conditioner.3. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vanes is machined out of the same material as the single disk.4. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vanes follows a contour or pattern of a hole from a first surface of the flow conditioner to a second surface of the flow conditioner.5. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of integral vanes are on an upstream side of the flow conditioner.6. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of integral vanes are on a downstream side of the flow conditioner.7. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of integral vanes are on both sides of the flow conditioner.8. The flow conditioner according to claim 1 , further comprising: a second set of integral vanes at least partially following a circumferential contour or pattern of an inner ring of holes.9. The flow conditioner according to claim 8 , wherein each integral vane of the second set of integral vanes is defined by 1) a first substantially inner flat surface between two inner holes and an opposing second curved surface ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Flow Conditioner

Номер: US20160238046A1
Автор: Reiss Thomas

A flow conditioning device for insertion in a flow conduit transporting a flow stream includes a lop flange defining a flow conditioning opening having an opening area size and receiving the flow stream, a bottom base receiving the flow stream after the flow stream passes through the top flange having a base area size, and a conditioning wall joining the top flange to the bottom base, where the opening area size is greater than the base area size. 1. A flow conditioning device for insertion in a flow conduit transporting a flow stream , comprising:a top flange defining a flow conditioning opening having an opening area size and receiving the flow stream;a bottom base receiving the flow stream after the flow stream passes through the top flange, the bottom base having a base area size; anda conditioning wall joining the top flange to the bottom base,wherein the opening area size is greater than the base area size.2. The flow conditioning device of claim 1 , wherein the top flange and the bottom base are circular such that the top flange claim 1 , bottom base and conditioning wall form a conical cup that receives the flow stream.3. The flow conditioning device of claim 1 , wherein the conditioning wall forms defines a circular cross section at each point on the circular wall between the lop flange and the bottom base claim 1 , the circular cross section at each point having a diameter that decreases along the length of the conditioning wall extending from the top flange to the bottom base.4. The flow conditioning device of claim 3 , wherein the conditioning wall is formed in a radial curve along the length of the conditioning wall such that decrease in diameter is non-linear.5. The flow conditioning device of claim 1 , wherein the conditioning wall includes a plurality of conditioning wall apertures allowing the flow stream to pass claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , through the conditioning wall.6. The flow conditioning device of claim 5 , wherein the size of the ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238358A1

Disclosed is a system including a substrate having a first side and a second side and a layer of photoacoustic material disposed on the first side of the substrate. The layer of photoacoustic material is configured to generate a directional ultrasound wave in response to a laser beam impinging on the layer. A conduit may be coupled to the housing and have an opening adjacent to the layer of photoacoustic material; the directional ultrasound wave may be directed through fluid that is contained in the conduct to generate a liquid jet in a liquid. 1. A system comprising:a substrate having a first side and a second side; anda layer of photoacoustic material disposed on the first side of the substrate, the layer of photoacoustic material being configured to generate a directional ultrasound wave in response to a laser beam impinging on the layer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photoacoustic layer comprises nanoparticles.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles includes noble metal nanoparticles.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the photoacoustic layer is selected from a group consisting of carbon nanotubes claim 2 , graphene claim 2 , graphene oxide claim 2 , molybdenum diselenide claim 2 , tungsten disulfide claim 2 , and molybdenum disulfide.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles have a size that is smaller than or equal to a wavelength of the laser beam.6. The system of claim 2 , the nanoparticles are gold nanoparticles claim 2 , wherein a plasmonic resonance frequency of the gold nanoparticles is in a range of 520 nm to 900 nm.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein a propagation energy of the directional ultrasound wave depends claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on an angle of incidence of the laser beam on the substrate.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is configured such that a laser beam directed in a first direction enters the substrate from the second side and generates the ultrasound wave away from the first side ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238464A1
Принадлежит: Fluidmaster, Inc.

Some embodiments include a flow regulator with a main body dimensioned to be received within a flow passageway that includes an inlet and an outer surface, and an inner volume positioned within the main body and extending from the inlet along at least a partial length of the main body. Some embodiments includes two separate spiral structures positioned spiraled around the main body where one spiral extends further from the outer surface than the other. Some embodiments include a fluid flow space extending between the spirals. Based on a fluid pressure, the spirals can expand and contract to control the fluid flow space and affect downstream, fluid flow rate as a function of upstream fluid pressure. 1. A flow regulator , comprising:a main body dimensioned to be received within a flow passageway, the main body including at least one inlet and an outer surface;an inner volume positioned within the main body and extending from the at least one inlet along at least a partial length of the main body;a first spiral positioned spiraled around at least a partial length of the main body, the first spiral including a first spiral edge extending a first distance from the outer surface;a second spiral positioned spiraled around at least a partial length of the main body, the second spiral including a second spiral edge extending a second distance from the outer surface, wherein the first distance is greater than the second distance; anda fluid flow space extending between at the first spiral and the second spiral, and between the outer surface and at least the first and second spiral edges, the fluid flow space configured to receive fluid from at least a portion of the flow passageway, wherein the fluid comprises a fluid flow rate and a fluid pressure.2. The flow regulator of claim 1 , wherein the fluid flow space is configured and arranged to change based on the fluid pressure.3. The flow regulator of claim 2 , wherein the change is caused by movement of at least the outer ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252823A1

A system includes an inlet pipe configured to convey a fluid and a buffer volume configured to buffer the fluid. The buffer volume includes a smallest diameter tube having a smallest diameter, a first inlet end, and a first outlet end. The first inlet end is configured to receive the fluid from the inlet pipe. The buffer volume also includes an intermediate tube surrounding the smallest diameter tube having a first capped end and a second outlet end. The first capped end is positioned next to the outlet end of the smallest diameter tube. The buffer volume also includes a largest diameter tube surrounding the intermediate tube second capped end and a third outlet end. The second capped end is positioned next to the second outlet end of the intermediate tube. The system also includes an outlet pipe configured to convey the fluid from the buffer volume. 1. A system , comprising: an inlet;', 'a plurality of nested tubes;', 'an outlet; and', 'a fluid flow path through the inlet, the plurality of nested tubes, and the outlet, wherein the fluid flow path extends from the inlet to the outlet via a tortuous path between walls of adjacent tubes of the plurality of nested tubes in a first direction from the inlet towards the outlet and in a second direction from the outlet towards the inlet;', 'wherein the fluidic buffer volume device is configured to reproduce a transient event occurring upstream of the inlet in a fluid downstream of the outlet after the fluid travels along the fluid flow path., 'a fluidic buffer volume device, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises a fuel and the transient event comprises a change in a composition of the fuel.3. The system of claim 2 , comprising a gas turbine claim 2 , and a fuel flow path from a fuel source to the gas turbine claim 2 , wherein the fluidic buffer volume device is located along the fuel flow path upstream of the gas turbine.4. The system of claim 3 , comprising instrumentation to analyze the ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160252113A1

The present invention relates to a method and a device comprising a self-regulating pressure pipe for increasing a rate of a fluid flow of a fluid and configured to respond to the volume of the fluid or the viscosity of the fluid by decreasing or increasing the pressure within the self-regulating pressure pipe. 1. A self-regulating pressure pipe for increasing a rate of a fluid flow of a fluid and configured to respond to the volume of the fluid or the viscosity of the fluid by decreasing or increasing the pressure within the self-regulating pressure pipe , the pipe having a cylindrical inner wall forming an axially positioned central passageway having an upstream portion and a downstream portion for the fluid flow through the central passageway , the self-regulating pressure pipe comprising:a first plurality of spaced, arcuate vanes of substantially constant width disposed within the pipe and having a first end and a second end, the first end fixedly attached to the inner wall of the self-regulating pressure pipe, and the second end free and spaced inwardly from the first end, the arcuate vanes projecting inwardly from the interior wall and formed into a first helical spiral, the curvature of the arcuate vanes being substantially the same as the curvature of the inner wall, the arcuate vanes configured to impart a swirling tangential component to the fluid flow such that a vortex having a low pressure bore forms in the center of the central passageway, thereby increasing an axial velocity of the fluid flow as the fluid moves through the bore of the central passageway from the upstream portion to the downstream portion, with the proviso that there is no component that impedes or restricts the fluid flow through the central passageway, the low pressure bore having the capability of expanding or contracting in response to the volume of fluid or the viscosity of the fluid flowing through the central passageway, thereby decreasing or increasing the pressure within the ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160252114A1

An apparatus for measuring airflow through a diffuser of an HVAC system includes a hood for being positioned adjacent the diffuser so that airflow discharged from the diffuser is directed into the hood. The hood is configured to divide and direct the airflow through a plurality of discharge channels. Sensor probes measure the airflow through each discharge channel. 1. An apparatus for measuring airflow through a diffuser of an HVAC system , comprising:a hood for being positioned adjacent the diffuser so that airflow discharged from the diffuser is directed into the hood, the hood being configured to divide and direct the airflow through a plurality of discharge channels; andsensor probes for measuring the airflow through each discharge channel.2. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the hood comprises flow disrupting structures for mixing and distributing the airflow evenly throughout the discharge channels.3. The apparatus recited in claim 2 , wherein the flow disrupting structures comprise turbulators.4. The apparatus recited in claim 2 , wherein each flow disrupting structure comprises a plurality of tooth-shaped fins arranged in saw tooth-like rows.5. The apparatus recited in claim 2 , wherein the flow disrupting structures are positioned adjacent inlets of the discharge channels.6. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the hood comprises internal walls that divide the airflow and funnel the airflow into the discharge channels.7. The apparatus recited in claim 6 , wherein the internal walls have a peaked configuration and slope in a converging manner toward the discharge channels.8. The apparatus recited in claim 6 , wherein the hood comprises an upper portion that defines an open space into which airflow is discharged claim 6 , the internal walls and the discharge channels being positioned downstream of the upper portion.9. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the hood comprises four quadrants through which the divided airflow is directed claim ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Device For Inducing A Vortical Fluid Flow

Номер: US20140338768A1
Автор: Mario Marcic
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for inducing a vortical fluid flow includes a central hub and a plurality of vanes that extend radially from the central hub. Each vane has an interior edge that extends substantially along the length of the hub, a top edge that tapers from narrow to wide in the direction from an inlet end towards an outlet end of the device, a vertical outer edge, and an outside corner at the outlet end bent inwardly at a 45-degree angle to a longitudinal axis of the central hub.

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Flow Conditioner and Method for Optimization

Номер: US20140338771A1
Автор: Brown Gregor J.

A flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis. The flow conditioner includes a plate having a face to be disposed in the circular pipe with the face of the plate perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. The plate has a central circular passage area through which fluid flows surrounded by two or more concentric arrays of segmented annular passages for fluid flow defined by separating and subdividing ligaments, with at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament. Alternatively, or in addition, there is at least one array of annular passages having a radial width different than a radial width of a second array of annular passages and at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament. A method of producing an optimized geometry of flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis. 1. A flow conditioner for a circular pipe having an axis comprising: a plate having a face to be disposed in the circular pipe with the face of the plate perpendicular to the axis of the pipe , said plate having a central circular passage area through which fluid flows surrounded by two or more concentric arrays of segmented annular passages for fluid flow defined by separating and subdividing ligaments , with at least one array of annular passages having a radial width different than a radial width of a second array of annular passages.2. The flow conditioner of wherein the plate has at least one subdividing ligament having a width different than a width of a second subdividing ligament.3. The conditioner of whereby the central circular channel is subdivided into 2 or more separate passages.4. The conditioner of whereby the subdivision into segmented annular passages is achieved by means of ligaments aligned along a radius of the circular geometry of the conditioner.5. The conditioner of whereby the subdivision into segmented annular passages is achieved with ligaments that ...
