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10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2552867C2

В изобретении раскрыты светоизлучающее устройство и способ его изготовления. Светоизлучающее устройство содержит первый слой, имеющий верхнюю и нижнюю поверхности, при этом упомянутая верхняя поверхность содержит первый материал с первым типом проводимости и имеет множество углублений в по существу плоской поверхности, причем упомянутые верхняя и нижняя поверхности характеризуются расстоянием между ними, являющимся меньшим в упомянутых углублениях, чем в областях вне упомянутых углублений; активный слой, лежащий над упомянутой верхней поверхностью упомянутого первого слоя, при этом упомянутый активный слой способен генерировать свет, характеризуемый длиной волны, когда в нем рекомбинируют дырки и электроны; второй слой, содержащий второй материал с вторым типом проводимости, причем упомянутый второй слой содержит слой покрытия, имеющий верхнюю поверхность и нижнюю поверхность, при этом упомянутая нижняя поверхность лежит над упомянутым активным слоем и соответствует по форме упомянутому ...

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2231171C1

Изобретение относится к области полупроводниковых излучающих приборов. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение квантовой эффективности AlGaInN-светодиода и упрощение его монтажа на коммутационную плату. Светоизлучающий диод включает подложку, эпитаксиальную гетероструктуру на основе твердых растворов нитридов металлов третьей группы AlxInyGa1-(x+y)N, (0≤х≤1, 0≤у≤1) с р-n-переходом, образованную последовательностью эпитаксиальных слоев n- и р-типа проводимости, а также металлические контакты, расположенные со стороны эпитаксиальных слоев. При этом по меньшей мере один из металлических контактов расположен на наружной поверхности эпитаксиальных слоев. Подложка выполнена из монокристалла нитрида металла третьей группы АIIIN, в эпитаксиальных слоях со стороны наружной поверхности сформирована мезаструктура, в которой вытравлена канавка на глубину, большую глубины залегания р-n-перехода, разделяющая мезаструктуру на две области. Один из металлических контактов расположен на наружной ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112033A

... 1. Подложка для оптической системы, содержащая тонкоструктурный слой, включающий в себя точки, состоящие из множества выпуклых участков или вогнутых участков, проходящих в направлении от главной поверхности подложки наружу поверхности,при этом тонкоструктурный слой образует множество точечных линий, в которых множество точек размещено с шагом Py в первом направлении на главной поверхности подложки, тогда как множество точечных линий образует множество точечных линий, размещенных с шагом Px во втором направлении, ортогональном первому направлению, на главной поверхности подложки, иодин из шага Py и шага Px является постоянным интервалом нанометрового диапазона, тогда как другой является непостоянным интервалом нанометрового диапазона, или оба они являются непостоянными интервалами нанометрового диапазона.2. Подложка для оптической системы по п. 1, в которой непостоянный интервал нанометрового диапазона имеет переменную ширину δ.3. Подложка для оптической системы по п. 1, в которой шаг Py ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009128232A

... 1. Прибор, содержащий полупроводниковую структуру на основе нитрида элемента III группы, содержащий ! светоизлучающий слой 12, расположенный между областью 11 n-типа и областью 13 p-типа; и текстурированную поверхность, расположенную внутри 1000 Е светоизлучающего слоя. ! 2. Прибор по п.1, в котором светоизлучающий слой 12 является смежным с текстурированной поверхностью. ! 3. Прибор по п.1, в котором текстурированная поверхность расположена внутри области 11 n-типа. ! 4. Прибор по п.1, в котором текстурированная поверхность содержит элементы литографически сформированные на слое нитрида элемента III группы так, что элементы имеют в сечении профиль напоминающий выступы, разделенные углублениями. ! 5. Прибор по п.4, в котором наибольшее горизонтальное расстояние между двумя соседними выступами составляет менее чем 200 нм. ! 6. Прибор по п.1, в котором текстурированный слой содержит слой изоляционного материала 15, расположенный внутри полупроводниковой структуры, причем множество отверстий ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Leuchtdioden und Leuchtdiode

Номер: DE102017105397A1

Das Verfahren ist zur Herstellung von Leuchtdioden eingerichtet und umfasst die folgenden Schritte in der angegebenen Reihenfolge:A) Wachsen einer n-leitenden n-Schicht (22),B) Wachsen einer aktiven Zone (23) zur Erzeugung ultravioletter Strahlung,C) Wachsen einer p-leitenden p-Schicht (24),D) Erzeugen einer p-leitenden Halbleiterkontaktschicht (25) mit einer variierenden Dicke und mit einer Vielzahl von Dickenmaxima (4) direkt an der p-Schicht (24), undE) Anbringen einer ohmsch-leitenden Elektrodenschicht (3) direkt auf der Halbleiterkontaktschicht (25),wobei- die n-Schicht (22) und die aktive Zone (23) je auf AlGaN und die p-Schicht (24) auf AlGaN oder InGaN basieren und die Halbleiterkontaktschicht (25) eine GaN-Schicht ist, und- die Dickenmaxima (4) in Draufsicht gesehen eine Flächenkonzentration von mindestens 10cmaufweisen.

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Halbleiterchip

Номер: DE112017003537A5

01-12-2011 дата публикации

Lichtemittierende Vorrichtung, Verfahren zum Herstellen der Vorrichtung und LED-Lampe, bei der die Vorrichtung verwendet wird

Номер: DE0010393949T5

Eine lichtemittierende Halbleitervorrichtung weist ein Substrat (1), eine Halbleiterschicht (3) und eine lichtemittierende Schicht (5) auf, und das Substrat ist an einer seiner Flächen unter der Halbleiterschicht mit einer unregelmäßigen Konstruktion versehen, die geneigte laterale Flächen aufweist, welche einen im Bereich von 30° < < 60° liegenden Winkel zum Substrat bilden, um eine lichtemittierende Vorrichtung bereitzustellen, deren Lichtabstrahlungsfähigkeit erhöht ist.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Licht emittierendes Bauteil

Номер: DE102005029268B4
Принадлежит: EPISTAR CORP, Epistar Corp.

Licht emittierendes Bauteil mit: – einem Substrat (10); – einem auf dem Substrat (10) hergestellten n-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapel (12); – einer auf dem n-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapel (12) hergestellten Licht emittierenden Nitridschicht (13); – einem auf der Licht emittierenden Nitridschicht (13) hergestellten p-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapel (14) mit einer Anzahl von Sechseckpyramiden-Vertiefungen (141), die sich von der Oberfläche des p-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapels (14), die von der Licht emittierenden Nitridschicht (13) abgewandt ist, nach unten erstrecken; und – einer ersten transparenten, leitenden Oxidschicht (15), die auf dem p-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapel (14) ausgebildet ist, wobei die Sechseckpyramiden-Vertiefungen (141) des p-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapels (14) mit der ersten transparenten, leitenden Oxidschicht (15) aufgefüllt sind, wobei der Brechungsindex der transparenten, leitenden Oxidschicht (15) zwischen dem Brechungsindex des p-Nitrid-Halbleiterstapels (14) und dem Brechungsindex eines Gehäusematerials ...

03-09-2008 дата публикации

Vertical LED

Номер: GB0002447091A

The LED comprises a multilayered reflector108 comprising high refractive index transparent conductive layers (eg ZnO, ITO) and low refractive index transparent dielectric layers (eg MgF, SiN etc). The transparent conductive layer 106 extends over the reflector and electrically connects to the bottom conductive layer of the reflector directly so that a conduction path is present between the electrode 107 and the device layer 104.

23-12-2009 дата публикации

Vertical light emitting diodes

Номер: GB0002447091B

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527571T

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002466141A1

A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device comprises a step of growing a nitride semiconductor layer on a substrate of a different type, a step of, thereafter, joining a support substrate to the nitride semiconductor layer, and a step of, thereafter, removing the substrate of the different type. In the joining step, a conductive layer is formed of an alloy eutectic. In the different-type substrate removing step, the removal is effected by laser beam application, polishing, and chemical polishing. The method further comprises a step of separating the nitride semiconductor layer into chips by etching the exposed surface of the nitride semiconductor layer after the different-type substrate removing step. The method further comprises a step of forming projections and recesses in the exposed surface of the nitride semiconductor layer after the different-type substrate removing step.

07-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002393007A1

This invention describes new LED structures that provide increased light extraction efficiency. The new LED structures include arrays of electrically interconnected micro-LEDs (12) that have an active layer (14) sandwiched between two oppositely doped layers (16, 18). The micro-LEDs are formed on a first spreader layer (18) with the bottom layer (16) of the micro-LEDs in contact with the first spreader (18). A second spreader layer (24) is formed over the micro-LEDs (12) and in contact with their top layer (16). The first spreader layer (18) is electrically isolated from the second spreader layer (24). Each of the spreader layers (20, 24) has a contact (22, 26) and when a bias is applied across the contacts (22, 26), currents spreads to the micro- LEDs (12) and they emit light. The efficiency of the new LED is increased by the increased emission surface of the micro-LEDs (12). Light from each of the micro-LEDs active layer (14) will reach a surface after travelling only a short distance ...

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002754097A1

The present invention relates to an opposed terminal structure having a supporting substrate having conductivity. A nitride semiconductor having a light-emitting layer is also provided along with a first terminal formed on one face of the nitride semiconductor and a second terminal formed on another face of the nitride semiconductor. The first terminal is formed in a pattern of one of a rectangular shape, a plurality of lines, a square shape, a grid pattern, a plurality of dots, a rhombus, a parallelogram, a mesh shape, a striped shape, and a ramose shape branching from one into a plurality of branches. The thermal expansion coefficient of the supporting substrate is approximately the same as the thermal expansion coefficient of the nitride semiconductor. The supporting substrate is formed of nitride semiconductor.

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000600578A5

24-03-2010 дата публикации

Transparent ohmic contacts on light emitting diodes with carrier substrates

Номер: CN0101681972A

A light emitting diode is disclosed that includes an active structure formed of at least p-type and n-type epitaxial layers of Group III nitride on a conductive carrier substrate. A conductive bondingsystem joins the active structure to the conductive carrier substrate. A first transparent ohmic contact is on the active structure adjacent the conductive carrier substrate, a second transparent ohmic contact is on the active structure opposite the conductive carrier substrate, and a third ohmic contact is on the conductive carrier substrate opposite from the active structure.

03-10-2012 дата публикации

LED (Light-Emitting Diode) chip with pyramid array structure and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN102709425A

The invention discloses an LED (Light-Emitting Diode) chip with a pyramid array structure and a manufacturing method thereof. The LED (Light-Emitting Diode) chip with the pyramid array structure comprises a transparent substrate with an epitaxial layer; the surface of the top part of the transparent substrate is of the pyramid array structure; the bottom part of the transparent substrate is the epitaxial layer, the bottom part of the epitaxial layer is the anode and the cathode of a chip electrode; and the pyramid array structure is formed by mutually staggering V-shaped groove arrays. The LED chip has the beneficial effects that the specific surface area is larger, so that a vaporization core can be greatly increased; the vaporization process in the boiling process is favorably evaporated, so that the chip has excellent boiling and heat exchange strengthening capacities, and the processing efficiency of the chip is greatly improved; and the processing process is simple, and the cost is ...

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Preparation technological method for improving luminous efficiency of LED chip

Номер: CN0106784187A

07-01-2020 дата публикации

Preparation method of reversed-polarity-AlGaInP type four-way LED-four-element (LED) chip

Номер: CN0110660886A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

A preparation method of an LED chip and an LED chip

Номер: CN0109216521A

03-05-2017 дата публикации

Alligatoring flip -chip gaAs base LED epitaxial wafer

Номер: CN0206148465U

12-01-2011 дата публикации

LED chip and fabrication method thereof

Номер: CN0101944564A

The invention provides an LED chip and a fabrication method thereof. The edge of the chip is in a corrugated shape or a sawtooth shape. The method for preparing the chip comprises the following steps of: plating a transparent electrode layer on an epitaxial wafer and carrying out MESA graph photoetching; carrying out chemical etching; carrying out plasma etching; carrying out the graph photoetching of a transparent electrode; carrying out the graph photoetching of a chip electrode; and carrying out metal evaporation and peeling to form an electrode, wherein the edge of a photoetching plate used in the step of MESA graph photoetching is fabricated into the corrugated shape or the sawtooth shape. The LED chip has good light extraction efficiency and overcomes the influence of total reflection on the light extraction efficiency.

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of LED base plate, LED base plate and white light LED structure

Номер: CN0102820388A

22-03-2019 дата публикации

Epitaxial wafer of light emitting diode and preparation method

Номер: CN0109509818A

03-08-2018 дата публикации

Low optical loss flip chip solid state lighting device

Номер: CN0108369977A

20-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN0111971805A

25-02-2015 дата публикации

Optoelectronic semiconductor chip and method for producing an optoelectronic semiconductor chip

Номер: CN0102428579B

17-08-2016 дата публикации

High light efficiency light-emitting diode chip and method for preparing the same

Номер: CN0103560183B

14-10-2015 дата публикации

Method of making a device

Номер: CN0103597619B

26-06-2018 дата публикации

A GaN-based LED and its preparation method

Номер: CN0105428493B

16-07-2019 дата публикации

High-quality GaN thin film and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0108538977B

17-12-2019 дата публикации

Patterned surface features based on emission field patterns LED

Номер: CN0105283969B

09-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN0106098889A

01-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101608570B1
Автор: 팅 스티브
Принадлежит: 마누티우스 아이피, 인크.

... 발광 다이오드(LED)는 n-형 III-V족 반도체층, n-형 III-V족 반도체층에 인접한 활성층, 및 활성층에 인접한 p-형 III-V족 반도체층을 포함한다. 활성층은 1개 이상의 V-피트를 포함한다. p-형 III-V족 반도체층의 일부는 V-피트 내에 있다. p-형 III-V족 반도체층의 형성 중에 제공된 p-형 도펀트 주입층은 V-피트 내의 p-형 도펀트의 소정의 농도, 분포 및/또는 균일성을 제공하는 데 도움이 된다.

09-05-2014 дата публикации

AlGaInP light emitting diode with rough GaN layer

Номер: KR0101393605B1

08-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102063482B1

19-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101009744B1
Принадлежит: THELEDS CO., LTD.

PURPOSE: A semiconductor light emitting device and a manufacturing method of the same are provided to reduce the deviation of an optical output according to the change of processing conditions by forming a regular pattern and an irregular pattern at the same time. CONSTITUTION: A p-type semiconductor layer(125), an active layer(120), and an n-type semiconductor layer(115) are a light emitting structure. The light emitting structure has a side against a conductive substrate(140). The semiconductor light emitting device(100) includes a passivation film to cover the side of the light emitting structure. The n-type semiconductor layer includes a first pattern(145) thereon and also includes a second pattern(147) on the first pattern. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2011 ...

11-04-2018 дата публикации

심자외 LED 및 그 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101848034B1

... 설계 파장을 λ로 하는 심자외 LED로서, Al 반사 전극층과, 극박막 금속층과, 투명 p형 AlGaN 콘택층을 기판과는 반대측으로부터 이 순서로 가지고, 상기 투명 p형 AlGaN 콘택층의 두께 방향의 범위 내에 포토닉 결정 주기 구조를 가지며, 또한 상기 포토닉 결정 주기 구조는 포토닉 밴드 갭을 갖는 것을 특징으로 하는 심자외 LED.

23-05-2018 дата публикации

발광 소자

Номер: KR0101860318B1
Автор: 서헌진
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시예에 따른 발광소자는 기판; 기판 상에 배치되는 금속 입자; 및 기판 및 금속 입자 상에 배치되며 제1 반도체층, 제2 반도체층 및 제1 반도체층과 제2 반도체층 사이에 배치되는 활성층을 포함하는 발광구조물;을 포함한다.

07-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101081169B1

12-11-2014 дата публикации

Nitride light emitting device

Номер: KR0101459764B1

22-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101158077B1

17-08-2017 дата публикации

발광 소자 및 발광 소자 패키지

Номер: KR0101769046B1
Автор: 송현돈
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 발광 소자는 기판, 상기 기판 상에 제1 도전형 반도체층, 활성층, 및 제2 도전형 반도체층이 적층되는 발광 구조물, 상기 제2 도전형 반도체층과 상기 활성층을 관통하여 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층과 접촉하는 접촉 전극들, 상기 제2 도전형 반도체층 및 상기 활성층 각각과 상기 접촉 전극 사이의 패시베이션층, 및 상기 접촉 전극 상의 제1 전극을 포함한다.

08-06-2018 дата публикации

발광 소자, 발광 소자 패키지, 라이트 유닛, 발광 소자 제조방법

Номер: KR0101865919B1
Автор: 박경욱, 정명훈
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시 예에 따른 발광 소자는, 제1 도전형 반도체층, 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층 아래에 활성층, 상기 활성층 아래에 제2 도전형 반도체층을 포함하는 발광구조물; 상기 발광구조물 위에 제1 전극; 상기 발광구조물 아래에 제2 전극; 을 포함하고, 상기 발광구조물의 측면은 제1 경사면과 제2 경사면을 포함하고, 상기 제1 경사면과 상기 제2 경사면은 단차를 가지고 연결된다.

17-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101908546B1
Автор: 정재웅
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시예는 발광소자, 발광소자의 제조방법, 발광소자 패키지 및 조명시스템에 관한 것이다. 실시예에 따른 발광소자는 기판; 상기 기판 상에 복수로 이격된 전도성 유전체 나노막대; 상기 각각의 전도성 유전체 나노막대 상에 각각 형성된 발광구조물; 및 상기 발광구조물 상에 형성된 탄소나노 전극층;을 포함할 수 있다.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102116152B1

07-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102142709B1

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101189429B1

08-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101807105B1
Автор: 구지현
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시예에 따른 발광소자는, 지지 기판과, 지지 기판상에 형성된 제1 전극층과, 제1 전극층 상에 형성되며 제1 반도체층, 제2 반도체층 및 제1 반도체층과 제2 반도체층 사이에 배치되는 활성층을 포함한 발광 구조물과, 제2 반도체층 상에 형성된 요철부를 포함하고, 제2 반도체층은 적어도 하나의 제1 층 및 제2 층을 포함하며, 제1 층은 도펀트가 도핑된 도핑층이며, 제2 층은 도펀트가 도핑되지 않은 언도프드 층으로 형성된다.

01-02-2016 дата публикации

Semiconductor thin film structure and method of forming the same

Номер: KR0101590475B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 헥사솔루션

... 본 발명에서는 실리콘 기판과 질화물 반도체 사이의 격자상수 및 열팽창계수 차이에 의한 응력 발생과 그로 인한 기판 휨 현상을 조절하기 위해서, 희생층을 실리콘 기판 위에 형성하고 다양한 방법으로 패터닝한 후, 그 위에 다공성 AlN 박막을 형성하고 나서 선택적으로 희생층을 제거하여, 실리콘 기판 위에 기판과 AlN 박막으로 정의되는 빈 공간(cavity)을 형성하는 반도체 적층 구조 형성 방법 및 이러한 방법으로 형성된 반도체 적층 구조를 제안한다.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR2011162479A2

An exemplary embodiment of the present invention relates to a light emitting diode (LED) including a substrate, a first nitride semiconductor layer arranged on the substrate, an active layer arranged on the first nitride semiconductor layer, a second nitride semiconductor layer arranged on the active layer, a third nitride semiconductor layer disposed between the first nitride semiconductor layer or between the second nitride semiconductor layer and the active layer, the third nitride semiconductor layer comprising a plurality of scatter elements within the third nitride semiconductor layer, and a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) comprising a multi-layered structure, the substrate being arranged between the DBR and the third nitride semiconductor layer.

08-11-2019 дата публикации

Light emitting device and light emitting device package

Номер: KR0102042540B1

30-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100638666B1

08-08-2011 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device and fabrication method thereof

Номер: KR0101055090B1

28-05-2018 дата публикации

발광소자 및 이를 포함하는 발광소자 패키지

Номер: KR0101861635B1
Автор: 이철규
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시예는 제1 도전형 반도체층; 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층 상에 배치된 활성층; 상기 활성층 상에 배치되고 표면에 요철이 형성된 언도프드(undoped) 반도체층; 및 상기 언도프드 반도체층 상에 배치되고, 표면에 요철이 형성된 제2 도전형 반도체층을 포함하는 발광소자를 제공한다.

07-08-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting Diode and Methods of Manufacturing for Imprint Stemp

Номер: KR0101294000B1

28-06-2016 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR0101634338B1
Принадлежит: 광주과학기술원

... 발광 다이오드 및 이의 제조방법이 개시된다. 발광 다이오드는 제2 도전형 반도체층 상에 형성되는 그래핀층과, 그래핀층 상의 일부 영역에 형성되는 복수개의 금속 나노입자를 포함함으로써 무기물로 구성된 제2 도전형 반도체층과 그래핀층의 접착력이 증대되어, 소자의 안정성 및 신뢰성이 확보될 수 있으며, 균일하게 전류가 확산되어 소자의 전면에서 안정적으로 광이 출사될 수 있다. 또한, 발광 다이오드의 제조방법은 제2 도전형 반도체층 상에 그래핀층을 형성하는 단계, 그래핀층 상에 패턴을 가지는 마스크막을 형성하는 단계, 마스크막의 패턴 내에 금속막을 형성하고, 마스크막을 제거하는 단계 및 상기 금속막을 열처리하여 복수개의 금속 나노입자를 형성하는 단계를 포함함으로써 높은 굴절율을 가지는 금속 나노입자가 그래핀층 상의 일부 영역에 형성되고, 상기 금속 나노입자에 의해 표면 텍스쳐링 효과가 발생되어 발광 효율이 향상될 수 있다.

23-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101067296B1

05-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100992743B1

06-03-2013 дата публикации

Luminescence device and Method of manufacturing the same

Номер: KR0101239859B1

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101911867B1
Автор: 임현철, 정명훈
Принадлежит: 엘지이노텍 주식회사

... 실시예에 따른 발광소자는 제1 도전형 반도체층; 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층 상에 형성된 활성층; 및 상기 활성층 상에 형성된 제2 도전형 반도체층;을 포함하고, 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층은 탄소나노튜브(CNT)를 포함하는 전류 스프레딩층을 포함한다.

06-08-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: KR1020140096654A

09-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100129766A

09-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140069037A

21-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160146547A

According to the present invention, provided are a high voltage light emitting diode (LED) flip chip and a manufacturing method thereof. The chip comprises: two or more regions; a mesa platform having a first groove; a first electrode as a first electrode on the mesa platform, wherein a region between the first electrodes of two neighboring regions forms a second groove; a first insulation layer which covers the first electrodes and the mesa platforms, and fills the second groove and partially fills the first groove, wherein an unfilled part of the first groove forms a third groove; a fourth groove which is formed in the first insulation layer and exposes the surface of the first electrode; and a mutual connection electrode which includes a first area connecting a first semiconductor layer through the third groove of a predetermined region to the first electrode through the fourth groove of the other region adjacent to the predetermined region. Thus, an LED formed thereby has improved performance ...

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100113384A

PURPOSE: An LED chip element getting with the structure of LED chip element, and the manufacturing method thereof with that are that the unevenness pitch is 300nm Lee Hine diffraction grating structure is formed in the surface of the LED chip element. CONSTITUTION: For the unevenness pitch, the diffraction grating structure less than 300nm is formed in the surface of the LED chip element. The diffraction grating structure is formed on the GaP wafer substrate(27). One shape selected from the group consisting of the concavo-convex(51) is cuboid, and cube and cylinder is had. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2011 ...

24-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120094528A

14-05-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting device, method of manufacturing the same and light emitting device package

Номер: KR1020140057798A

29-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190043918A

03-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120031361A

PURPOSE: A light emitting diode with high efficiency is provided to improve reflective efficiency inside a substrate by forming a light reflective structure in a substrate and an electrode pad. CONSTITUTION: A buffer layer(120) is formed on a substrate(110). An n-type semiconductor layer(130) is formed on the buffer layer. An active layer(140) is formed on the n-type semiconductor layer. A p-type semiconductor layer(150) is formed on the active layer. A transparent electrode layer(160) is formed on the p-type semiconductor layer. An electrode pad(170) is formed on the transparent electrode layer. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

23-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130009399A

PURPOSE: A method for manufacturing a substrate for a light emitting diode, a substrate for the light emitting diode manufactured by the method and a method for manufacturing the light emitting diode with the substrate are provided to reduce total reflection by using an upper and a lower concavo-convex part. CONSTITUTION: A nanostructure is coated in the upper surface of a substrate member(s100). The nanostructure is spherical shape. An upper concavo-convex part is formed in the upper surface of the substrate member(s200). The nanostructure is coated in the lower surface of the substrate member(s500). A lower concavo-convex part is formed in the lower surface of the substrate member(s600). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2013 [Reference numerals] (AA) Start; (BB) End; (s100) Coating an upper surface of a substrate member as a nano structure; (s200) Forming a concavo-convex part on an upper surface of a substrate member by using a dry etching process; (s300) Forming a buffer layer on a concavo-convex part ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110043282A

PURPOSE: A light emitting device and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to obtain a current spreading effect and a resonator effect by arranging a current spreading layer. CONSTITUTION: A light emitting structure includes a first conductive semiconductor layer(112), an active layer(114), and a second conductive semiconductor(116). A texture is formed on the first conductive semiconductor layer. A current spreading layer(130) is formed on the first conductive semiconductor layer with the texture. The first conductive semiconductor layer includes an etching preventing layer. A current blocking layer is formed on a part of the first conductive semiconductor layer with the texture. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2011 ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140009796A

11-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100063535A

PURPOSE: A semiconductor light emitting device and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to improve a luminous efficiency including a reflective electrode with a superior adhesive force with a semiconductor layer. CONSTITUTION: A light emitting structure includes a first and second electrical conductive semiconductor layers(101,103) and an active layer(102). First and second electrodes(104,105) are respectively electrically connected to the first and the second electrical conductive semiconductor layer. A first layer(104a) is formed on the single-side of the first electrical conductive semiconductor layer. A second layer(104b) is formed on the first layer. A third layer(104c) is formed on the second layer. An adhesive power improving layer(104d) is formed between the first and the second layer or the second and the third layer. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

14-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150039926A

28-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180137757A

Disclosed is a thin film module integrated with a touch sensor and an LED. The thin film module integrated with a touch sensor and an LED provided on a back surface of a touch panel on which characters or numbers are printed and supplying light irradiated from a light emitting element on the side to the touch panel comprises: a base film; an LED light emitting element mounted on one side of a back surface of the base film and irradiating light; a touch panel on which characters or numbers printed on a front surface of the base film are printed; and an LED electrode printed on the back surface of the base film. The thin film module may achieve the effect of reducing the cost by reducing the material cost and simplifying an assembling process. The thin film module may be applied to a slim and flexible product through gravure printing. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2019 ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120077612A

PURPOSE: A manufacturing method of a light emitting device and the light emitting device manufactured thereby are provided to improve light emitting efficiency by arranging a coating area of a fluorescent substance to be close to an active layer(SQW or MQW). CONSTITUTION: An n-type gallium nitride semiconductor layer(n-GaN) is formed on a sapphire substrate(S1-1). An etching protection film on which a pattern is formed is formed(S1-2). An uneven portion serving as a template of a pillar shape or a hole shape is formed on an n-GaN layer(S1-3). The shape of the uneven portion on the n-GaN layer is maintained by epitaxially growing an active layer(MQW) through an MOCVD(Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition) method or an MBE(Molecular Beam Epitaxy) method(S1-4). A PN junction light emitting diode substrate is manufactured on the top of the active layer while The shape of the uneven portion is to be maintained by epitaxially growing p-type Gallium Nitride(p-GaN) layer(S1-5). COPYRIGHT KIPO ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170116412A

The present invention relates to a light emitting device, a manufacturing method thereof, and a lighting system. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the light emitting device comprises: a first conductive semiconductor layer; an active layer on the first conductive semiconductor layer; a second conductive semiconductor layer on the active layer; a first electrode on one surface of the first conductive semiconductor layer exposed from the active layer; a second electrode on the second conductive semiconductor layer; a first light extraction structure having a random size on the other surface of the first conductive semiconductor layer; a resin layer in contact with the first light extraction structure; and a substrate disposed on the resin layer. Therefore, the light emitting device improves light extraction efficiency and light emitting efficiency. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

08-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160082009A

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a light-emitting device which has an excellent current dispersion efficiency and high electrical reliability. The light-emitting device comprises: an n-type nitride semiconductor layer; a V-pit generation layer which is disposed on the n-type nitride semiconductor layer; an active layer which is disposed on the V-pit generation layer; a p-type nitride semiconductor layer which is disposed on the active layer; a V-pit which passes through the active layer; a high resistance filling layer which at least partially fills the v-pit; and an n-type doping region which at least partially overlaps the active layer. The active layer has a multi quantum well structure which includes a plurality of barrier layers and a plurality of well layers. At least one of interfaces between the barrier layers and the well layers is disposed in the n-type doping region. The n-type doping region has a lower surface and an upper surface. At least one of the lower ...

01-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140095391A

29-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150144936A

The present invention includes a step of stacking an insulating layer for forming an etch mask pattern on a sapphire substrate; a step of coating photoresist layer in the upper part of the insulating layer; a step of forming a pattern on the photoresist layer; a step of reducing the pattern on the photoresist layer by the descum; a step of forming etch mask patterns for etching the sapphire substrate by etching the insulating layer of the sapphire substrate; a step of forming a surface pattern where upper planarization parts are removed, by wet-etching the sapphire substrate by using the pattern of the insulating layer; and reducing temperature by high-temperature sulphuric acid or deionized water to prevent the breaking of the sapphire substrate. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

21-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130067014A

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160008027A

A semiconductor light emitting device according to the embodiment of the present invention includes a base layer made of a first conductivity type semiconductor, a mask layer which is arranged on the base layer and has opening parts for exposing part of the base layer, and nano-light emitting structures which are arranged on the opening part and include a first conductivity type semiconductor core, an active layer and a second conductivity type semiconductor core, respectively. The nano-light emitting structures include a body part of a pillar shape on the mask layer and an upper end part of a cone shape arranged on the body part. In the nano-light emitting structures, the rate of arranging the apex of the upper end part within a distance of 1.5% of the width of the body from the central vertical axis of the body part is 60% or more. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

02-01-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor Light Emitting Diode Comprising Uneven Substrate

Номер: KR1020120000580A

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150120267A

The present invention relates to a nitride semiconductor element and a manufacturing method thereof. The nitride semiconductor element according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: an n-type nitride semiconductor layer; a low temperature growth layer disposed on an upper portion of the n-type nitride semiconductor layer, and grown at a lower temperature than the n-type nitride semiconductor layer; a low concentration doping layer disposed on an upper portion of the low temperature growth layer; a high concentration barrier layer disposed on an upper portion of the low concentration doping layer, and doped with Si; an activation layer disposed on an upper portion of the high concentration barrier layer; and a p-type nitride semiconductor layer disposed on an upper portion of the activation layer. A doping concentration of the low concentration doping layer is lower than a doping concentration of the high concentration barrier layer and the n-type nitride semiconductor layer ...

23-08-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor Light Emitting Diode and Method for Manufacturing thereof

Номер: KR1020130093937A

01-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120085500A

PURPOSE: A semiconductor light emitting device and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to improve luminous efficiency by including an island-shaped mask which can efficiently prevent crystal defects inside the semiconductor layer. CONSTITUTION: A buffer layer(102) is formed on a substrate(101). A first base layer(103) is formed on the buffer layer. A dislocation blocking layer(104) is formed on the first base layer. A second base layer(105) is formed on the first base layer which includes the dislocation blocking layer. A light emitting structure is formed on the second base layer. The light emitting structure comprises a first conductivity type semiconductor layer(106), an active layer(107), and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer(108). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

24-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140035762A

20-06-2011 дата публикации

Photoelectrochemical etching for chip shaping of light emitting diodes

Номер: KR1020110067046A

04-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200023316A

20-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170105942A

An embodiment of the present invention relates to a light emitting device, a manufacturing method thereof, a light emitting device package, and a lighting apparatus. The light emitting device according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a substrate, a buffer layer on the substrate, a first GaN-based superlattice layer including a first GaN layer and a first conductive type second GaN layer on the buffer layer, a second GaN-based superlattice layer including a third GaN layer and a first conductive type fourth GaN layer on the first GaN-based superlattice layer, a first conductive type semiconductor layer on the second GaN-based superlattice layer, an active layer on the first conductive type semiconductor layer, and a second conductive type semiconductor layer on the active layer. Accordingly, the present invention can improve light extraction efficiency. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

23-04-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting device and light emitting device package

Номер: KR1020140047803A

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190049101A

08-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130047120A

09-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160049180A

Disclosed are a nitride semiconductor light emitting device with an excellent crystalline attribute and a brightness property and a manufacturing method of the same. According to the present invention, the nitride semiconductor light emitting device comprises: a substrate having a surface with an uneven pattern; silica formed on the substrate and as a type of a particle to expose a portion of the substrate; a lower nitride semiconductor layer arranged on the silica and the exposed substrate surface; and a multi-layer light emitting structure formed on the lower nitride semiconductor layer and including a first conductivity-type nitride semiconductor layer, a second conductivity-type nitride semiconductor layer, and an active layer. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

15-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150065412A

The present invention relates to a light emitting device and a lighting device having the same. According to an embodiment, the light emitting device comprises: a first semiconductor layer including a first pit having a first depth from an upper surface, and a second pit having a depth smaller than the first depth of the first pit and connected to the first pit; a second semiconductor layer arranged on the first semiconductor layer; an active layer arranged on the second semiconductor layer; and a third semiconductor layer arranged on the active layer. The second semiconductor layer comprise an AlGaN-based first nitride layer, and a second nitride layer having other semiconductors which are different from the first nitride layer on the first nitride layer. The density of the second pit arranged on the upper surface of the first semiconductor layer is higher than the density of the second pit arranged on an upper surface of the second semiconductor layer. The first pit has the same density ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device having a lateral passibation layer

Номер: US20120012878A1
Автор: Sun Kyung Kim
Принадлежит: Sun Kyung Kim

Provided are a light emitting device, a light emitting device package, and a lighting system. The light emitting device includes a light emitting structure comprising a first conductive type semiconductor layer, a second conductive type semiconductor layer, and an active layer between the first conductive type semiconductor layer and the second conductive type semiconductor layer, and a passivation layer protecting a surface of the light emitting structure. The passivation layer includes a first passivation layer on a top surface of the light emitting structure and a second passivation layer having a refractive index different from that of the first passivation layer, the second passivation layer being disposed on a side surface of the light emitting structure. The second passivation layer has a refractive index greater than that of the first passivation layer.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing vertical light emitting diode

Номер: US20120021545A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A method of manufacturing a vertical light emitting diode includes: providing a first substrate; forming a lapping stop layer on the first substrate, the lapping stop layer being harder than the first substrate; depositing an epitaxial layer on the lapping stop layer; bonding a second substrate on the epitaxial layer; and removing the first substrate from the lapping stop layer.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20120025251A1
Автор: Takuya Kazama
Принадлежит: Stanley Electric Co Ltd

A semiconductor light-emitting device includes a reflective electrode on a support; a first cladding layer; a light-emitting layer; a second cladding layer having a terrace structure formed of recesses and protrusions, a light-extracting structure having projections and depressions being formed on top surfaces of the protrusions and bottom surfaces of the recesses; and surface electrodes on the top surfaces of the protrusions. The second cladding layer has a stacked structure, which includes a first current-spreading layer, a first light-extracting layer on the first current-spreading layer and having the light-extracting structure on the bottom surfaces of the recesses, a second current-spreading layer on the first light-extracting layer, and a second light-extracting layer on the second current-spreading layer and having the light-extracting structure on the top surfaces of the protrusions, and the first and second light-extracting layer have lower light absorptance and higher resistance than the first and second current-spreading layer.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for fabricating group iii-nitride semiconductor

Номер: US20120028446A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of fabricating a group III-nitride semiconductor includes the following steps of forming a first patterned mask layer with a plurality of first openings deposited on an epitaxial substrate; epitaxially growing a group III-nitride semiconductor layer over the epitaxial substrate and covering at least part of the first patterned mask layer; etching the group III-nitride semiconductor layer to form a plurality of second openings, which are substantially at least partially aligned with the first openings; and epitaxially growing the group III-nitride semiconductor layer again.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Re-emitting semiconductor construction with enhanced extraction efficiency

Номер: US20120074381A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A stack of semiconductor layers ( 310 ) forms a re-emitting semiconductor construction (RSC). The stack ( 310 ) includes an active region ( 316 ) that converts light at a first wavelength to light at a second wavelength, the active region ( 316 ) including at least one potential well. The stack ( 310 ) also includes an inactive region ( 318 ) extending from an outer surface of the stack to the active region. Depressions ( 326 ) are formed in the stack ( 310 ) that extend from the outer surface into the inactive region ( 318 ). An average depression depth is at least 50% of a thickness of the inactive region. Alternatively, the average depression depth is at least 50% of a nearest potential well distance. Still other alternative characterizations of the depressions ( 326 ) are also disclosed. The depressions ( 326 ) may have at least a 40% packing density in plan view. The depressions ( 326 ) may also have a substantial portion of their projected surface area associated with obliquely inclined surfaces.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Heterogeneous substrate, nitride-based semiconductor device using same, and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120086017A1

Provided are a heterogeneous substrate, a nitride-based semiconductor device using the same, and a manufacturing method thereof to form a high-quality non-polar or semi-polar nitride layer on a non-polar or semi-polar plane of the heterogeneous substrate by adjusting a crystal growth mode. A base substrate having one of a non-polar plane and a semi-polar plane is prepared, and a nitride-based nucleation layer is formed on the plane of the base substrate. A first buffer layer is grown faster in the vertical direction than in the lateral direction on the nucleation layer. A lateral growth layer is grown faster in the lateral direction than in the vertical direction on the first buffer layer. A second buffer layer is formed on the lateral growth layer. A silicon nitride layer having a plurality of holes may be formed between the lateral growth layer on the first buffer layer and the second buffer layer.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120086029A1
Автор: Chang-Hsin Chu, Kuo-Hui Yu
Принадлежит: Chi Mei Lighting Technology Corp

A light-emitting diode (LED) device includes a substrate and an epitaxial layer which is disposed on a surface of the substrate. A depression is disposed to a sidewall of the LED device, and a reflective layer is disposed to on least one portion of the depression. By the reflective layer disposed to the depression of the sidewall of the LED device, the light loss caused by the interface of the substrate and the epitaxial layer can be reduced, the light absorbed by the substrate can be decreased, and the angle of the light exiting from the LED device can be adjusted. A manufacturing method of the LED device is also disclosed.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for Fabricating a Vertical Light-Emitting Diode with High Brightness

Номер: US20120088318A1
Принадлежит: Tekcore Co Ltd

A method for fabricating a vertical light-emitting diode comprises forming a stack including a plurality of epitaxial layers on a patterned first substrate, placing a second substrate on the stack, removing the first substrate to expose the first surface, planarizing a first surface of the stack that was in contact with the patterned first substrate and has a pattern corresponding to a pattern provided on the first substrate to form a planarized second surface, and forming a first electrode in contact with a side of the second substrate that is opposite to the stack, and a second electrode in contact with the second surface of the stack. A roughening step can be performed to form uneven surface portions on a region of the second surface for improving light emission through the second surface of the stack.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting element

Номер: US20120104431A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a light emitting element includes a light emitting layer, a cladding layer, a current spreading layer, a second layer, and an electrode. The light emitting layer is capable of emitting emission light. The current spreading layer includes a surface processed layer and a first layer. The surface processed layer has a surface including convex portions and bottom portions provided adjacent to the convex portions. The first layer is provided between the surface processed layer and the cladding layer. The second layer is provided between the surface processed layer and the cladding layer and includes a region having an impurity concentration higher than an impurity concentration of the current spreading layer. The electrode is provided in a region of the surface of the surface processed layer where the convex portions and the bottom portions are not provided.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Pixelated led

Номер: US20120119237A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A pixelated light emitting diode (LED) and a method for pixelating an LED are described. The pixelated LED includes two or more monolithically integrated electroluminescent elements disposed adjacent each other on a substrate, wherein at least a portion of each electroluminescent element immediately adjacent the substrate includes an inverted truncated pyramidal shape. The method for pixelating an LED includes selectively removing material from the major surface of an LED to a depth below the emissive region, thereby forming an array of inverted truncated pyramid shapes. The efficiency of the pixelated LEDs can be improved by incorporating the truncated pyramidal shape. Additionally, the crosstalk between adjacent LED pixels can be reduced by incorporating the truncated pyramidal shape.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: US20120122258A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

One embodiment provides a method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting device, including: forming a semiconductor light emitting device wafer, by: forming a plurality of semiconductor layers on a principal surface of a substrate; and forming a P-type semiconductor layer on the semiconductor layers as an uppermost layer; and forming a plurality of surface irregularities on the P-type semiconductor layer, by putting the semiconductor light emitting device wafer into a heat treating furnace; and performing a heat treatment on the semiconductor light emitting device wafer with (i) a mixed gas of hydrogen and ammonia or (ii) a mixed gas of nitrogen and ammonia.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and method for fabricating the same

Номер: US20120132951A1
Автор: Su-Hyoung Son
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

The disclosed light emitting diode includes a substrate provided, at a surface thereof, with protrusions, a buffer layer formed over the entirety of the surface of the substrate, a first semiconductor layer formed over the buffer layer, an active layer formed on a portion of the first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer formed over the active layer, a first electrode pad formed on another portion of the first semiconductor layer, except for the portion where the active layer is formed, and a second electrode pad formed on the second semiconductor layer. Each protrusion has a side surface inclined from the surface of the substrate at a first angle, and another side surface inclined from the surface of the substrate at a second angle different from the first angle.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Epitaxial Structure With An Epitaxial Defect Barrier Layer And Methods Making The Same

Номер: US20120138947A1
Принадлежит: Aqualite Co Ltd

An epitaxial structure for an LED is provided. The epitaxial structure includes a patterned epitaxial defect barrier layer disposed over a first portion of a substantially flat substrate to expose a second portion of the substrate. The epitaxial structure also includes a patterned buffer layer over the second portion of the substrate. The epitaxial structure further includes a first semiconductor layer over the patterned buffer layer and the patterned epitaxial defect barrier layer, an active layer over the first semiconductor layer, and a second semiconductor layer over the active layer.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for fabricating semiconductor lighting chip

Номер: US20120142133A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A method for fabricating a semiconductor lighting chip includes steps of providing a substrate with an epitaxial layer thereon. The epitaxial layer comprises a first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer successively grown on the substrate. The epitaxial layer has dislocation defects traversing the first semiconductor layer, the active layer and the second semiconductor layer. The epitaxial layer is then subjected to an etching process which remove parts of the second semiconductor layer and the active layer along the dislocation defects to form recesses recessing from the second semiconductor layer to the active layer. Thereafter a first electrode and a second electrode are formed on the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, respectively.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

High-quality non-polar/semi-polar semiconductor element on an unevenly patterned substrate and a production method therefor

Номер: US20120153257A1
Автор: Geun Ho Yoo, Ok Hyun Nam
Принадлежит: Seoul Optodevice Co Ltd

Provided are a high-quality non-polar/semi-polar semiconductor device with reduced defect density and improved internal quantum efficiency and light extraction efficiency, and a manufacturing method thereof. The manufacturing method is a method for manufacturing a semiconductor device, in which a template layer and a semiconductor device structure are formed on a sapphire substrate having a crystal plane for growing a non-polar or semi-polar nitride semiconductor layer. The sapphire substrate is etched to form uneven patterns, and the template layer including a nitride semiconductor layer and a GaN layer is formed on the sapphire substrate in which the uneven patterns are formed.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20120175591A1
Автор: Jeong Soon Yim
Принадлежит: Yim Jeong Soon

A light emitting device including a substrate, a first conductive semiconductor layer on the substrate, an active layer on the first conductive semiconductor layer, a second conductive semiconductor layer on the active layer, and a reflective layer under the substrate and including a light reflection pattern configured to reflect light emitted by the active layer in directions away from the reflective layer.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting structure

Номер: US20120193664A1
Автор: Jhih-Han Lin
Принадлежит: Lextar Electronics Corp

A semiconductor light emitting structure includes a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer and two electrodes. The substrate has a top surface and a bottom surface. The top surface is not parallel to the bottom light emitting surface of the active layer. The first semiconductor layer is disposed on the top surface. The active layer is disposed on at least one portion of the first semiconductor layer. The second semiconductor layer is disposed on the active layer. In an embodiment, the top surface can be realized by an oblique surface, a curved surface or a zigzag surface.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

High-quality non-polar/semi-polar semiconductor device on porous nitride semiconductor and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120205665A1

Provided are a high-quality non-polar/semi-polar semiconductor device having reduced defect density of a nitride semiconductor layer and improved internal quantum efficiency and light extraction efficiency, and a manufacturing method thereof. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor device is to form a template layer and a semiconductor device structure on a sapphire, SiC or Si substrate having a crystal plane for a growth of a non-polar or semi-polar nitride semiconductor layer. The manufacturing method includes: forming a nitride semiconductor layer on the substrate; performing a porous surface modification such that the nitride semiconductor layer has pores; forming the template layer by re-growing a nitride semiconductor layer on the surface-modified nitride semiconductor layer; and forming the semiconductor device structure on the template layer.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Nitride based light emitting device with excellent crystallinity and brightness and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120217470A1
Автор: JOO Jin, Kun Park
Принадлежит: Semimaterials Co Ltd

Disclosed is a nitride-based light emitting device having an inverse p-n structure in which a p-type nitride layer is first formed on a growth substrate. The light emitting device includes a growth substrate, a powder type seed layer for nitride growth formed on the growth substrate, a p-type nitride layer formed on the seed layer for nitride growth, a light emitting active layer formed on the p-type nitride layer, and an n-type ZnO layer formed on the light emitting active layer. The p-type nitride layer is first formed on the growth layer and the n-type ZnO layer having a relatively low growth temperature is then formed thereon instead of an n-type nitride layer, thereby providing excellent crystallinity and high brightness. A method of manufacturing the same is also disclosed.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Nitride based light emitting device using silicon substrate and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120217504A1
Автор: JOO Jin, Kun Park
Принадлежит: Semimaterials Co Ltd

Disclosed is a nitride-based light emitting device using a silicon substrate. The nitride-based light emitting device includes a silicon (Si) substrate, a seed layer for nitride growth formed on the silicon substrate, and a light emitting structure formed on the seed layer and having a plurality of nitride layers stacked therein. The seed layer for nitride growth is comprised of GaN powders, thereby minimizing occurrence of dislocations caused by a difference in lattice constant between a nitride layer and the silicon substrate. A method of manufacturing the same is also disclosed.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Nitride based light emitting device with excellent crystallinity and brightness and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120217536A1
Автор: JOO Jin, Kun Park
Принадлежит: Semimaterials Co Ltd

Disclosed is a nitride-based light emitting device capable of improving crystallinity and brightness. The nitride-based light emitting device includes a growth substrate, a lattice buffer layer formed on the growth substrate, a p-type nitride layer formed on the lattice buffer layer, a light emitting active layer formed on the p-type nitride layer, and an n-type ZnO layer formed on the light emitting active layer. The lattice buffer layer is formed of powders of a material having a Wurtzite lattice structure. The lattice buffer layer is formed of ZnO powders, thereby minimizing generation of dislocations during nitride growth. A method of manufacturing the same is also disclosed.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120267656A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of fabricating a light emitting device comprising: providing a substrate; forming an epitaxial stack on the substrate wherein the epitaxial stack comprising a first conductivity semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second conductivity semiconductor layer; forming a mesa on the epitaxial stack to expose partial of the first conductivity semiconductor layer; layer and etching the surface of the first conductivity semiconductor layer and forming a least one rough structure on the surface of the first conductivity semiconductor layer wherein the first conductivity semiconductor layer is sandwiched by the substrate and the active layer.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device with light extraction structures

Номер: US20120267668A1

Structures are incorporated into a semiconductor light emitting device which may increase the extraction of light emitted at glancing incidence angles. In some embodiments, the device includes a low index material that directs light away from the metal contacts by total internal reflection. In some embodiments, the device includes extraction features such as cavities in the semiconductor structure which may extract glancing angle light directly, or direct the glancing angle light into smaller incidence angles which are more easily extracted from the device.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Lateral-epitaxial-overgrowth thin-film led with nanoscale-roughened structure and method for fabricating the same

Номер: US20120273752A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention discloses a lateral-epitaxial-overgrowth thin-film LED with a nanoscale-roughened structure and a method for fabricating the same. The lateral-epitaxial-overgrowth thin-film LED with a nanoscale-roughened structure comprises a substrate, a metal bonding layer formed on the substrate, a first electrode formed on the metal bonding layer, a semiconductor structure formed on the first electrode with a lateral-epitaxial-growth technology, and a second electrode formed on the semiconductor structure, wherein a nanoscale-roughened structure is formed on the semiconductor structure except the region covered by the second electrode. The present invention uses lateral epitaxial growth to effectively inhibit the stacking faults and reduce the thread dislocation density in the semiconductor structure to improve the crystallization quality of the light-emitting layer and reduce leakage current. Meanwhile, the surface roughened structure on the semiconductor structure can promote the external quantum efficiency.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120273757A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A light emitting diode and a light emitting diode (LED) manufacturing method are disclosed. The LED comprises a substrate; a first n-type GaN layer; a second n-type GaN layer; an active layer; and a p-type GaN layer formed on the substrate in sequence; the second n-type GaN layers has a bottom surface interfacing with the first n-type GaN layer, a rim of the bottom surface has a roughened exposed portion, and Ga—N bonds on the bottom surface has an N-face polarity.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: US20120280260A1
Автор: Hyung Jo Park
Принадлежит: Hyung Jo Park

Provided are a semiconductor light emitting device and a method for manufacturing the same. The semiconductor light emitting device comprises a first electrode on an region of top surface of a first conductive semiconductor layer; a second electrode layer under a second conductive semiconductor layer; and a conductive support member under the second electrode layer, wherein the second conductive semiconductor layer includes a plurality of recesses on a lower portion of the second conductive semiconductor layer, wherein the second electrode layer has an uneven structure corresponding to the plurality of recesses.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Non-polar nitride-based light emitting device and method for fabricating the same

Номер: US20120286286A1

Disclosed are a non-polar nitride-based light emitting device and a method for fabricating the same. The non-polar nitride-based light emitting device includes a substrate, a first-type semiconductor layer on the substrate, an active layer on the active layer, a second-type semiconductor layer on the active layer, a light extraction layer on the second-type semiconductor layer and including at least one layer including indium having a plurality of unit structures having an inverted pyramidal intaglio shape, a first electrode electrically connected to the first-type semiconductor layer, and a second electrode electrically connected to the second-type semiconductor layer.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and method of fabrication thereof

Номер: US20120292629A1

A method includes providing an LED element including a substrate and a gallium nitride (GaN) layer disposed on the substrate. The GaN layer is treated. The treatment includes performing an ion implantation process on the GaN layer. The ion implantation process may provide a roughened surface region of the GaN layer. In an embodiment, the ion implantation process is performed at a temperature of less than approximately 25 degrees Celsius. In a further embodiment, the substrate is at a temperature less than approximately zero degrees Celsius during the ion implantation process.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode array and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120292633A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

An LED array includes a substrate and a plurality of LEDs formed on the substrate. The LEDs are electrically connected with each other. Each of the LEDs includes a connecting layer, an n-type GaN layer, an active layer, and a p-type GaN layer formed on the substrate in sequence. The connecting layer is etchable by alkaline solution. A bottom surface of the n-type GaN layer which connects the connecting layer has a roughened exposed portion. The bottom surface of the n-type GaN layer has an N-face polarity. A method for manufacturing the LED array is also provided.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device, light emitting device package including the same and lighting system

Номер: US20130001616A1
Автор: Shin Kim
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Disclosed is a light emitting device including a light emitting structure comprising a first conductive type semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second conductive type semiconductor layer, a first electrode disposed on the first conductive type semiconductor layer, a second electrode disposed on the second conductivity type semiconductor layer, and a low temperature oxide film disposed on the light emitting structure, with an irregular thickness.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emmiting device

Номер: US20130015480A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, in a semiconductor light emitting device, a substrate has a first surface and a second surface to face to each other, and side surfaces each having a first region extending approximately vertically from the first surface toward the second surface side and a second region sloping broadly from the first region toward the second surface side. A semiconductor laminated body is provided on the first surface of the substrate and includes a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type which are laminated in the order. A reflection film is provided on the second surface of the substrate.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20130015487A1
Автор: Koji Okuno
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

To improve light extraction efficiency. A semiconductor light-emitting device wherein each layer is formed of a Group III nitride-based compound semiconductor. The light-emitting device comprises a sapphire substrate having a plurality of stripe-patterned grooves 11 arranged in parallel to a first direction (x axis) on a surface of the substrate 10 , a dielectric 15 discontinuously formed at least in the first direction on the surface 10 a of the sapphire substrate and in the grooves 11 , a base layer being grown on side surfaces of the grooves and made of a Group III nitride-based compound semiconductor covering the surface 10 a of the sapphire substrate and the top surfaces 15 a of the dielectrics 15 , and a device layer constituting a light-emitting device formed on the base layer.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Posts in glue layer for group-iii nitride leds

Номер: US20130020597A1

A semiconductor light emitting device and a method for making the semiconductor light emitting device are described. The semiconductor light emitting device includes an epitaxial structure having a first type doped layer, a light emitting layer, and a second type doped layer. The epitaxial structure may further include an undoped layer. A substrate is bonded to at least one surface of the epitaxial structure with an adhesive layer. One or more posts are located in the adhesive layer. The posts may have different widths depending on the location of the posts and/or the posts may only be located under certain portions of the epitaxial structure.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Resonant Optical Cavity Semiconductor Light Emitting Device

Номер: US20130032825A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a light emitting device apparatus and method of fabrication. The structure employs a waveguide in the lateral (x) direction formed via materials index, resonant wavelength and/or current-induced index changes. In the vertical (y) direction a resonant optical cavity is formed via distributed Bragg reflector and/or metal mirrors with sufficient reflectivity so as to create a substantial standing wave. The light is thereby constricted to propagate in the longitudinal (z) direction. A tapered output section may be employed to suppress lasing in the longitudinal direction or to losslessly transfer the light from the confined section to a resonant output coupler. Conversely, feedback may be employed to induce lasing in the longitudinal direction by suitable means, such as a periodic variation in the material index, resonant wavelength, gain or loss. The resonant output coupler may be formed by suitable means, such as mirror or cavity modulation.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Distributed current blocking structures for light emitting diodes

Номер: US20130032847A1
Принадлежит: Bridgelux Inc

An LED device includes a strip-shaped electrode, a strip-shaped current blocking structure and a plurality of distributed current blocking structures. The current blocking structures are formed of an insulating material such as silicon dioxide. The strip-shaped current blocking structure is located directly underneath the strip-shaped electrode. The plurality of current blocking structures may be disc shaped portions disposed in rows adjacent the strip-shaped current blocking structure. Distribution of the current blocking structures is such that current is prevented from concentrating in regions immediately adjacent the electrode, thereby facilitating uniform current flow into the active layer and facilitating uniform light generation in areas not underneath the electrode. In another aspect, current blocking structures are created by damaging regions of a p-GaN layer to form resistive regions. In yet another aspect, current blocking structures are created by etching away highly doped contact regions to form regions of resistive contact between conductive layers.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069107A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A nitride semiconductor light emitting device includes: an uneven substrate having an uneven structure in which recesses are formed; a first nitride semiconductor layer of a first conductive type formed on the uneven structure; a first light emitting layer formed on the first nitride semiconductor layer; and a second nitride semiconductor layer of a second conductive type formed on the light emitting layer, wherein each protrusion has a bottom made of a material or composition having a thermal expansion coefficient larger than the thermal expansion coefficient of the material or composition of the first nitride semiconductor layer. 1. A nitride semiconductor light emitting device comprising:an uneven substrate having an uneven structure in which a recess is formed;a first nitride semiconductor layer of a first conductive type formed on the uneven structure;a first light emitting layer formed on the first nitride semiconductor layer; anda second nitride semiconductor layer of a second conductive type formed on the first light emitting layer, the second conductive type being different from the first conductive type,wherein the recess has a bottom having a heat expansion coefficient larger than a heat expansion coefficient of the first nitride semiconductor layer.2. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 ,wherein the uneven substrate includes a first substrate comprising silicon, an insulating layer formed on the first substrate, and a second substrate comprising silicon formed on the insulating layer,the recess is an opening formed in the second substrate such that the bottom of the recess is part of a surface of the insulating layer, andthe recess has a side surface having a plane direction different from a plane direction of a main surface of the second substrate.3. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 2 ,wherein the side surface of the recess is a (111) silicon plane.4. The nitride semiconductor light ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Fabricating method of nano structure for antireflection and fabricating method of photo device integrated with antireflection nano structure

Номер: US20130078750A1

A method of fabricating nanostructure for antireflection and a method of fabricating a photo device integrated with the nanostructure for antireflection are provided. The fabrication of the nanostructure for antireflection includes coating a solution containing a combination of metal ions with organic or inorganic ions on a substrate, sintering the coated solution using an annealing process to grow nanoscale metal particles, and chemically etching the substrate using the metal particles as mask or accelerator to form a subwavelength nanostructure on the surface of the substrate, thereby manufacturing the nanostructure for antireflection without an apparatus requiring a vacuum state using a simple method for a short amount of time to minimize reflection of light at an interface between a semiconductor material and the air, and producing a photo device having good luminous efficiency and performance at low cost in large quantities by applying it to the photo device.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting devices having light coupling layers with recessed electrodes

Номер: US20130082290A1
Принадлежит: Bridgelux Inc

A light emitting device comprises a first layer of an n-type semiconductor material, a second layer of a p-type semiconductor material, and an active layer between the first layer and the second layer. A light coupling structure is disposed adjacent to one of the first layer and the second layer. In some cases, the light coupling structure is disposed adjacent to the first layer. An orifice formed in the light coupling structure extends to the first layer. An electrode formed in the orifice is in electrical communication with the first layer.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode

Номер: US20130087818A1

A light emitting diode including a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer is provided. The substrate includes a first surface and a second surface, and the second surface is a light emitting surface of the LED. The first semiconductor layer, the active layer, and the second semiconductor layer are stacked on the first surface in that order. A first electrode electrically is connected with the first semiconductor layer. A second electrode is electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer. A number of three-dimensional nano-structures are located on at least one surface of the substrate and aligned side by side, and a cross section of each of the three-dimensional nano-structure is M-shaped.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode

Номер: US20130087820A1

A light emitting diode is provided. The light emitting diode includes a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a first electrode and a second electrode. The active layer is sandwiched between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, and a surface of the second semiconductor layer which is away from the active layer is a light extraction surface of the LED. The first electrode is electrically connected with the first semiconductor layer. The second electrode electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer. A number of three-dimensional nano-structures are formed on the light extraction surface of LED, the number of the three-dimensional nano-structures are aligned side by side, and a cross section of each three-dimensional nano-structure is M-shaped.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087823A1

A light emitting diode chip, a light emitting diode package structure and a method for forming the same are provided. The light emitting diode chip includes a bonding layer, which has a plurality of voids, or a minimum horizontal distance between a surrounding boundary of the light emitting diode chip and the bonding layer is larger than 0. The light emitting diode chip, the light emitting diode package structure and the method may improve the product yields and enhance the light emitting efficiency. 145-. (canceled)46. A light emitting diode chip , comprising:a growth substrate having a first boundary; anda stack structure depositing on the growth substrate, wherein the stack structure comprises a first semiconductor layer, a light emitting layer, and a second semiconductor layer formed sequentially thereon, and the stack structure further having has a second boundary,wherein the light emitting diode chip is characterized by a connecting layer disposed on a top surface of the second semiconductor layer, and an interface between the connecting layer and the second semiconductor layer occupies 20-99% of the top surface of the second semiconductor layer, and a minimum horizontal distance between the first boundary and the second boundary is of more than about 3 μm to prevent cracking when stripping away the growth substrate from the stack structure.47. The light emitting diode chip of claim 46 , wherein the minimum horizontal distance is of more than about 10 μm.48. The light emitting diode chip of claim 46 , further comprising a passivation layer disposed on side walls of the light emitting layer and side walls of the first semiconductor layer.49. The light emitting diode chip of claim 48 , wherein the passivation layer is further disposed between the second semiconductor layer and the connecting layer claim 48 , wherein a portion of the connecting layer still directly contacts the second semiconductor layer.50. The light emitting diode chip of claim 46 , wherein the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for making light emitting diode

Номер: US20130089939A1

A method for making light emitting diode is provided. The method includes following steps. A light emitting diode chip is provided, the light emitting diode includes a first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor layers stacked on a surface of a substrate in that order. A patterned mask layer is located on the second semiconductor layer, and the patterned mask layer includes a number of bar-shaped protruding structures aligned side by side. The second semiconductor layer is etched to form a number of three-dimensional nano-structures preform. The mask layer is removed to form a number of M-shaped three-dimensional nano-structures. The second semiconductor layer and the active layer are etched to expose a portion of the first semiconductor layer. A first electrode is electrically connected with the first semiconductor layer. A second electrode is electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting Diodes with Smooth Surface for Reflective Electrode

Номер: US20130102095A1
Автор: Chao-Kun Lin, Heng Liu
Принадлежит: Bridgelux Inc

A light emitting diode comprising an epitaxial layer structure, a first electrode, and a second electrode. The first and second electrodes are separately disposed on the epitaxial layer structure, and the epitaxial layer structure has a root-means-square (RMS) roughness less than about 3 at a surface whereon the first electrode is formed.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of fabricating semiconductor substrate and method of fabricating light emitting device

Номер: US20130109121A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Opto Device Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides a method of fabricating a semiconductor substrate and a method of fabricating a light emitting device. The method includes forming a first semiconductor layer on a substrate, forming a metallic material layer on the first semiconductor layer, forming a second semiconductor layer on the first semiconductor layer and the metallic material layer, wherein a void is formed in a first portion of the first semiconductor layer under the metallic material layer during formation of the second semiconductor layer, and separating the substrate from the second semiconductor layer by etching at least a second portion of the first semiconductor layer using a chemical solution. 1. A method of fabricating a light emitting device , the method comprising:a preparing a plurality of substrate growth chambers;second preparing a substrate to grow a nitride semiconductor layer;growing a first nitride semiconductor layer in a first growth chamber; andgrowing a second nitride semiconductor layer in a second growth chamber,wherein solution the second nitride semiconductor layer is disposed on the first nitride layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first chamber is connected to the second chamber via a communication path.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a shutter is disposed between the communication path and the first chamber or the second chamber.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the substrate is transferred from the first chamber to the second chamber while remaining under vacuum.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the growth of the second nitride semiconductor layer further comprises growing an active layer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the second nitride semiconductor layer comprises a different material than the first nitride semiconductor layer.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the growth of the first nitride semiconductor layer produces reaction by-products different from the growth of the second nitride semiconductor layer.8. The method of ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: US20130126919A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to an embodiment, a semiconductor light emitting device includes a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, a dielectric film and an electrode. The first semiconductor layer is capable of emitting light. The second semiconductor layer has a first major surface in contact with the first semiconductor layer and a second major surface opposite to the first major surface, the second major surface including a first region having convex structures and a second region not having the convex structures. The dielectric film is provided at least at a tip portion of the convex structures, and the electrode is provided above the second region.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode element, method for manufacturing light guide structure thereof and equipment for forming the same

Номер: US20130126924A1

A light-emitting diode (LED) element is provided. The LED element includes a substrate, a diode structure layer and several light-guide structures. The light-guide structures are formed on at least one of the substrate and the diode structure layer. Each light-guide structure has an inner sidewall, and several spiral slits formed on the inner side wall.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134466A1

An LED package is provided, which includes a base, a lighting device, and a sealing material. The lighting device is disposed on the base. The sealing material is disposed on the lighting material, and the out surface of the sealing material includes a plurality of micro-structures. The micro-structures comprise of protruded micro-structures, depressed micro-structures or any combination thereof. At least of a partial of a light from the lighting element is transmitted to an ambient through the micro-structure. 1. An LED package , comprising:a base;a lighting device, disposed on the base; anda sealing material, disposed on the lighting device and comprising a plurality of micro-structures, wherein the micro-structures are composed of a plurality of protruded micro-structures, a plurality of depressed micro-structures or any combination thereof, andwherein at least a partial of a light emitted from the lighting element is transmitted to an ambient through the micro-structures.2. The LED package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the protruded micro-structures and the depressed micro-structures have a pyramid shape.3. The LED package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the protruded micro-structures is a micro particle whose refraction index is equal to the refraction index of the sealing material.4. The LED package as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the micro particles are spaced apart from each other by a distance ranging between 0 and 500 micrometers (μm).5. The LED package as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the diameter of each of the micro particles rages between 10 and 500 μm.6. The LED package as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the protruded micro-structures are the micro particles claim 3 , and the Ra roughness of the surface of the sealing material is about 30 μm.7. The LED package as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the micro particles are formed in a circular shape claim 3 , an elliptical shape or polygonal or any combination of these shapes.8. The LED package as ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting, Photovoltaic Or Other Electronic Apparatus and System

Номер: US20130146905A1

The present invention provides an electronic apparatus, such as a lighting device comprised of light emitting diodes (LEDs) or a power generating apparatus comprising photovoltaic diodes, which may be created through a printing process, using a semiconductor or other substrate particle ink or suspension and using a lens particle ink or suspension. An exemplary apparatus comprises a base; at least one first conductor; a plurality of substantially spherical or optically resonant diodes coupled to the at least one first conductor; at least one second conductor coupled to the plurality of diodes; and a plurality of substantially spherical lenses suspended in a polymer attached or deposited over the diodes. The lenses and the suspending polymer have different indices of refraction. In some embodiments, the lenses and diodes have a ratio of mean diameters or lengths between about 10:1 and 2:1. The diodes may be LEDs or photovoltaic diodes, and in some embodiments, have a junction formed at least partially as a hemispherical shell or cap. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a base;at least one first conductor coupled to the base;a plurality of substantially spherical diodes coupled to the at least one first conductor, wherein about fifteen percent to fifty-five percent of a surface of each diode of substantially all of the plurality of substantially spherical diodes has a penetration layer or region having a first majority carrier or dopant and the remaining diode substrate has a second majority carrier or dopant; andat least one second conductor coupled to the plurality of substantially spherical diodes.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a lens structure optically coupled to the plurality of substantially spherical diodes.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of lenses suspended in a first polymer and coupled to the plurality of substantially spherical diodes.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of lenses are substantially ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146928A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A nitride semiconductor light-emitting element is a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element which has a multilayer structure , the multilayer structure including an active layer which is made of an m-plane nitride semiconductor. The multilayer structure has a light extraction surface which is parallel to an m-plane in the nitride semiconductor active layer and light extraction surfaces which are parallel to a c-plane in the nitride semiconductor active layer . The ratio of an area of the light extraction surfaces to an area of the light extraction surface is not more than 46%. 1. A nitride semiconductor light-emitting element comprising a multilayer structure , the multilayer structure including an active layer made of an m-plane nitride semiconductor ,wherein the multilayer structure has a first light extraction surface which is parallel to an m-plane in the active layer and a plurality of second light extraction surfaces which are parallel to a c-plane in the active layer, anda ratio of an area of the second light extraction surfaces to an area of the first light extraction surface is not more than 46%.2. The nitride semiconductor light-emitting element of claim 1 , whereinthe multilayer structure has one or a plurality of third light extraction surfaces, andthe one or plurality of third light extraction surfaces are inclined with respect to a normal direction of the first light extraction surface.3. The nitride semiconductor light-emitting element of claim 2 , wherein the one or plurality of third light extraction surfaces are inclined by 30° with respect to the normal direction of the first light extraction surface.4. The nitride semiconductor light-emitting element of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer structure includesa substrate which has a first surface and a second surface, the second surface being provided on an opposite side to the first surface, anda plurality of nitride-based semiconductor layers provided on the first surface of the substrate, the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode with current diffusion structure and a method for fabricating the same

Номер: US20130161669A1
Принадлежит: HIGH POWER OPTO Inc

An LED with a current diffusion structure comprises an N-type semiconductor layer, a light emitting layer, a P-type semiconductor layer, an N-type electrode, a P-type electrode and a current blocking layer. The N-type semiconductor layer, light emitting layer and P-type semiconductor layer form a sandwich structure. The N-type and P-type electrodes are respectively arranged on the N-type and P-type semiconductor layers. The current blocking layer has the pattern of the N-type electrode and is embedded inside the N-type semiconductor layer. Thereby not only current generated by the N-type electrode detours the current blocking layer and uniformly passes through the light emitting layer, but also prevents interface effect to increase impedance. Thus is promoted lighting efficiency of LED. Further, as main light-emitting regions of the light emitting layer are far from the N-type electrode, light shielded by the N-type electrode is reduced and illumination of LED is thus enhanced.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Group iii nitride semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20130161676A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

The invention provides a Group III nitride semiconductor light-emitting device which has a light extraction face at the n-layer side and which provides high light emission efficiency. The light-emitting device is produced through the laser lift-off technique. The surface of the n-GaN layer of the light-emitting device is roughened. On the n-GaN layer, a transparent film is formed. The transparent film satisfies the following relationship: 0.28≦n×d 1 ×2/λ≦0.42 or 0.63≦n×d 1 ×2/λ≦0.77, wherein n represents the refractive index of the transparent film, d 1 represents the thickness of the transparent film in the direction orthogonal to an inclined face thereof, and λ represents the wavelength of the light emitted from the MQW layer.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175571A1
Принадлежит: TOYODA GOSEI CO., LTD.

In a semiconductor light emitting element having a sapphire substrate , and a lower semiconductor layer and an upper semiconductor layer laminated on the sapphire substrate , the sapphire substrate includes a substrate top surface , a substrate bottom surface , first substrate side surfaces and second substrate side surfaces ; plural first cutouts and plural second cutouts are provided at a border between the first substrate side surface , the second substrate side surface and the substrate top surface ; the lower semiconductor layer includes a lower semiconductor bottom surface, a lower semiconductor top surface , first lower semiconductor side surfaces and second lower semiconductor side surfaces ; plural first projecting portions and plural first depressing portions are provided on the first lower semiconductor side surface ; and plural second protruding portions and second flat portions are provided on the second lower semiconductor side surface 1. A semiconductor light emitting element having a substrate and a semiconductor layer , which includes a light emitting layer that emits light by current flow and is laminated on the substrate , wherein:the substrate includes a substrate top surface on which the semiconductor layer is laminated, a substrate bottom surface provided on an opposite side of the substrate top surface, and a substrate side surface formed to enclose limbs of the substrate top surface and the substrate bottom surface, and is provided with a plurality of cutouts, which are formed by cutting out a part of the substrate and are arranged at intervals along a border between the substrate top surface and the substrate side surface;the semiconductor layer includes a semiconductor bottom surface provided in contact with the substrate top surface, a semiconductor top surface provided on an opposite side of the semiconductor bottom surface, and a semiconductor side surface provided to enclose limbs of the semiconductor bottom surface and the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181245A1

A light-emitting device including: a light-emitting stacked layer having first conductivity type semiconductor layer, a light-emitting layer formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer, and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer formed on the light-emitting layer, wherein the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer is a textured surface; a first planarization layer formed on a first part of the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer; a first transparent conductive oxide layer formed on the first planarization layer and a second part of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer, including a first portion in contact with the first planarization layer and a second portion having a first plurality of cavities in contact with the second conductivity type semiconductor layer;; and a first electrode formed on the first portion of the first transparent conductive oxide layer. 1. A light-emitting device comprising:a light-emitting stacked layer having first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a light-emitting layer formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer formed on the light-emitting layer, wherein the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer is a textured surface;a planarization layer formed on a first part of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer; anda transparent conductive oxide layer formed on the planarization layer and a second part of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer, including a first portion on the planarization layer and a second portion having a first plurality of cavities on the second conductivity type semiconductor layer.2. The light-emitting device according to claim 1 , further comprising an electrode formed on the first portion of the transparent conductive oxide layer.3. The light-emitting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a second ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting element and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130187127A1

The present invention provides a light-emitting element comprising: a carbon layer comprising a graphene; a plurality of fine structures having grown toward the upper side of the carbon layer; a thin film layer for coating the fine structures; and a light-emitting structure layer formed on the thin film layer.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Wavelength converted light emitting device

Номер: US20130187184A1

Embodiments of the invention include a semiconductor light emitting device ( 10 ) capable of emitting first light having a first peak wavelength and a semiconductor wavelength converting element ( 12 ) capable of absorbing the first light and emitting second light having a second peak wavelength. The semiconductor wavelength converting element ( 12 ) is attached to a support ( 51 ) and disposed in a path of light emitted by the semiconductor light emitting device. The semiconductor wavelength converting element is patterned to include at least two first regions ( 46 ) of semiconductor wavelength converting material and at least one second region ( 48 ) without semiconductor wavelength converting material disposed between the at least two first regions.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203192A1

According to one embodiment, a semiconductor light emitting device includes a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer and a light emitting part. The first semiconductor layer includes an n-type semiconductor layer. The second semiconductor layer includes a p-type semiconductor layer. The light emitting part is provided between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, and includes a plurality of barrier layers and a well layer provided between the plurality of barrier layers. The first semiconductor layer has a first irregularity and a second irregularity. The first irregularity is provided on a first major surface of the first semiconductor layer on an opposite side to the light emitting part. The second irregularity is provided on a bottom face and a top face of the first irregularity, and has a level difference smaller than a level difference between the bottom face and the top face. 1. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting device including a first semiconductor layer including an n-type semiconductor layer; a second semiconductor layer including a p-type semiconductor layer; and a light emitting part provided between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer , and including a plurality of barrier layers and a well layer provided between the barrier layers , the first semiconductor layer having: a first major surface on an opposite side to the light emitting part , a first irregularity provided on the first major surface and having a bottom face and a top face , and a second irregularity provided on the bottom face and the top face and having a bottom portion and a top portion , the first irregularity having a first level difference between the bottom face and the top face along a first direction from the first semiconductor layer toward the second semiconductor layer; and a second irregularity having a second level difference between the bottom portion and the top portion along ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207074A1

A gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor light emitting device and a method for fabricating the same are provided. The gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor light emitting device includes: a substrate; a p-type ohmic electrode layer formed on the substrate; a p-type gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor layer formed on the p-type ohmic electrode layer; an n-type gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor layer formed on the p-type gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor layer; an n-type ohmic electrode layer formed on the n-type gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor layer; and first and second refractive index adjustment layers having refractive index smaller than those of the n-type gallium nitride-based group III-V compound semiconductor layer and the n-type ohmic electrode layer, wherein a pyramid structure is formed on the surface of the second refractive index adjustment layer. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a substrate;a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, and an active layer disposed therebetween, arranged on the substrate; anda refractive index adjustment layer arranged on the first semiconductor layer, the refractive index adjustment layer having a refractive index that is smaller than a refractive index of the first semiconductor layer.2. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index adjustment layer comprises:a first refractive index adjustment layer arranged on the first semiconductor layer, the first refractive index adjustment layer having a refractive index that is smaller than the refractive index of the first semiconductor layer; anda second refractive index adjustment layer arranged on the first refractive index adjustment layer, the second refractive index adjustment layer having a refractive index that is smaller than the refractive index of the first refractive index adjustment layer,wherein ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device having a photonic crystal pattern formed thereon, and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130207149A1

The present invention relates to a semiconductor light-emitting device having a two-stage photonic crystal pattern formed thereon, and to a method for manufacturing same. According to the present invention, a second photonic crystal pattern is formed inside a first photonic crystal pattern formed on a semiconductor layer or transparent electrode layer, in order to improve light extraction efficiency. Also, according to the present invention, in order to form a second fine nanoscale photonic crystal pattern in the first photonic crystal pattern, a nanosphere lithography process employing polymer beads is used, and a trapping layer made of a thermoplastic resin was used to conveniently form polymer beads in a single layer so as to eliminate the inconvenience of having to calculate and change process variables according to polymer bead sizes in traditional nanosphere lithography processes.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Optoelectronic semiconductor chip and method for producing optoelectronic semiconductor chips

Номер: US20130207156A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An optoelectronic semiconductor chip includes a carrier and a semiconductor body having a semiconductor layer sequence, the semiconductor body arranged on the carrier wherein an emission region and a detection region are formed in the semiconductor body having the semiconductor layer sequence; the semiconductor layer sequence includes an active region arranged between a first semiconductor layer and a second semiconductor layer and provided in the emission region to generate radiation; the first semiconductor layer is arranged on the side of the active region facing away from the carrier; and the emission region has a recess extending through the active region.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and manufacturing method thereof, light emitting device

Номер: US20130214309A1
Автор: Richard Rugin Chang
Принадлежит: Enraytek Optoelectronics Co Ltd

The present invention provides an LED and the manufacturing method thereof, and a light emitting device. The LED includes a first electrode, for connecting the LED to a negative terminal of a power supply; a substrate, located on the first electrode; and an LED chip, located on the substrate; in which a plurality of contact holes are formed through the substrate, the contact holes are evenly distributed and filled with electrode plugs connecting the first electrode to the LED chip. The light emitting device includes the LED, and further includes a base and an LED mounted on the base. The manufacturing method includes: providing a substrate; forming on the substrate an LED chip and a second electrode successively; forming a plurality of evenly distributed contact holes on a backface of the substrate, the contact holes extending through the substrate and to the LED chip; and filling the contact holes with conducting material till the backface of the substrate is covered by the conducting material. The LED has a high luminous efficiency and the manufacturing method is easy to implement.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221391A1

A light emitting device comprising: a substrate, wherein the substrate comprising a first major surface, a second major surface opposite to the first major surface, and a sidewall wherein at least partial of the sidewall is a substantially textured surface with a depth of 10˜150 μm; and a light emitting stack layer formed on the substrate. 1. A light emitting device , comprising:a substrate, wherein the substrate comprising a first major surface, a second major surface opposite to the first major surface, and a sidewall wherein at least partial of the sidewall is a substantially textured surface with a depth of 10˜150 μm; anda stack of semiconductor epitaxial layers formed on the substrate.2. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the textured surface is a convex-concave structure or continuous roughed surface.3. The light emitting device of claim 2 , wherein the extension direction of the convex-concave structure is longitudinal.4. The light emitting device of claim 3 , wherein the extension direction can be a direction originating from the first major surface of the substrate and heading to the second major surface of the substrate.5. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the stack of semiconductor epitaxial layers comprising:a first conductive-type semiconductor layer formed on the first major surface of the substrate;an active layer formed on the first conductive-type semiconductor layer; anda second conductive-type semiconductor layer formed on the active layer.6. The light emitting device of claim 3 , further comprising an electrode formed on the light emitting stack.7. The light emitting device of claim 6 , further comprising a transparent conductive oxide layer formed between the electrode and the light emitting stack.8. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first major surface is a substantially textured surface.9. The light emitting device of claim 5 , wherein the upper surface of the second conductive-type semiconductor layer ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228791A1

A semiconductor light emitting device includes a first conductive semiconductor layer including a V-shaped recess in a cross-sectional view. An active layer is disposed on the first conductive semiconductor layer, conforming to the shape of the V-shaped recess. An intermediate layer is disposed on the active layer and is doped with a first impurity. A second conductive semiconductor layer is disposed on the intermediate layer. The intermediate layer includes a first intermediate layer and a second intermediate layer. The first intermediate layer is disposed on the active layer, conforming to the shape of the V-shape recess. The second intermediate layer is disposed on the first intermediate layer and includes a protrusion to fill the V-shaped recess. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a first conductive semiconductor layer including a V-shaped recess in a cross-sectional view;an active layer disposed on the first conductive semiconductor layer, the active layer conforming to the shape of the V-shaped recess;an intermediate layer disposed on the active layer and doped with a first impurity; anda second conductive semiconductor layer disposed on the intermediate layer,wherein the intermediate layer including a first intermediate layer and a second intermediate layer, the first intermediate layer disposed on the active layer and conforming to the shape of the V-shape recess, and the second intermediate layer disposed on the first intermediate layer and including a protrusion filling the V-shaped recess.2. The semiconductor light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first and the second intermediate layers include a first and a second concentration of the first impurity along a vertical direction claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , and the second concentration is more uniform than the first concentration.3. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second intermediate layer has a flat upper surface.4. The nitride ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240833A1
Автор: YOON Ho Sang
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

Disclosed are a semiconductor light emitting device and a method for manufacturing the same. The semiconductor light emitting device comprises a substrate under a light emitting structure having an active layer. A bottom surface of the substrate includes a first portion and a second portion around the first portion, the first portion includes a first recess and the second portion includes a second recess, and the first recess and the second recess are formed in a direction toward the upper surface from the bottom surface of the substrate. The first recess and the second recess have a different depth from the bottom surface of the substrate, the first recess is formed along a transverse direction and a longitudinal direction in the bottom surface of the substrate, and the first recess and the second recess has a depth smaller than a thickness of the substrate. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device , comprising:a substrate; anda light emitting structure on an upper surface of the substrate and comprising a first conductive semiconductor layer, a second conductive semiconductor layer, and an active layer between the first conductive semiconductor layer and second conductive semiconductor layer,wherein a bottom surface of the substrate includes a first portion and a second portion around the first portion,wherein the first portion includes a first recess and the second portion includes a second recess,wherein the first recess and the second recess are formed in a direction toward the upper surface from the bottom surface of the substrate,wherein the first recess and the second recess have a different depth from the bottom surface of the substrate,wherein the first recess is formed along a transverse direction and a longitudinal direction in the bottom surface of the substrate, andwherein the first recess and the second recess have a depth smaller than a thickness of the substrate.2. The semiconductor light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240919A1
Принадлежит: VERTICLE, INC.

The present invention relates to a semiconductor device capable of emitting light upon application of voltage and a method for manufacturing the same, and more particularly to a semiconductor device having a polygonal or circular columnar shape and a method for manufacturing the same. The semiconductor device of the present invention comprises a plurality of semiconductor structures and a connecting support layer that supports the plurality of the semiconductor structures, wherein each of the plurality of the semiconductor structures comprises a P-type first semiconductor layer, an N-type second semiconductor layer, and a light-emitting layer located between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, and forms a column having a polygonal or circular shape. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a plurality of semiconductor structures; anda connection support layer that supports the plurality of the semiconductor structures,wherein each of the plurality of the semiconductor structures comprises:a P-type first semiconductor layer;an N-type second semiconductor layer; anda light-emitting layer located between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, andwherein the plurality of the semiconductor structures forms a column having a polygonal or circular shape.2. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of the semiconductor structures are periodically spaced apart from each other and disposed on the connection support layer.3. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the connection support layer is a metal layer.4. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the connection support layer comprises at least one of a semiconductor and a metal oxide.5. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of the semiconductor structures are arranged so that a street line of the polygonal or circular shape versus an area of the polygonal or circular shape is minimized.6. The semiconductor device of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130244359A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A process for the production of an optoelectronic device, such as a photovoltaic cell or a light emitting diode is disclosed. The process comprises providing a substrate having a conductive coating on at least one surface, the conductive coating having an initial roughness and at least one or more spikes, and applying a functional component to the coated surface of the substrate. The surface of the substrate having the conductive coating has been subjected to a polishing step using at least one brush to reduce the height of the spikes inherent to the conductive coating and to give the conductive coating a final roughness. By reducing the spikes there is less potential for the optoelectronic device to suffer from electrical shunts which reduce the efficiency of the device. 121-. (canceled)23. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the initial roughness and the final roughness are substantially the same.24. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the final roughness is less than the initial roughness by between 5% and 40%.25. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the final roughness is 40% lower than the initial roughness.26. The process as claimed in claim 25 , wherein the final roughness is 30%-40% lower than the initial roughness.27. The process as claimed in claim 26 , wherein the final roughness is 20%-30% lower than the initial roughness.28. The process as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the final roughness is 10%-20% lower than the initial roughness.29. The process as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the final roughness is 5%-10% lower than the initial roughness.30. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the optoelectronic device comprises a photovoltaic cell.31. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the functional component is a component of a photovoltaic device.32. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the optoelectronic device is a light emitting diode device.33. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the functional ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Gallium nitride based semiconductor light-emitting element, light source, and method for forming unevenness structure

Номер: US20130248877A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The light extraction surface of a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element, including a crystal plane other than a c plane, is subjected to a surface modification process to control its wettability, and then covered with a layer of fine particles. By etching that layer of fine particles after that, an unevenness structure, in which roughness curve elements have an average length (RSm) of 150 nm to 800 nm, is formed on the light extraction surface.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256692A1

Epitaxial growth methods and devices are described that include a textured surface on a substrate. Geometry of the textured surface provides a reduced lattice mismatch between an epitaxial material and the substrate. Devices formed by the methods described exhibit better interfacial adhesion and lower defect density than devices formed without texture. Silicon substrates are shown with gallium nitride epitaxial growth and devices such as LEDs are formed within the gallium nitride. 1. A method of forming a light emitting diode device , comprising:applying a block copolymer to a silicon surface;organizing the block copolymer into a substantially regular pattern;selectively etching the silicon surface of using the regular pattern of the organized block copolymer as a mask to form a corresponding textured surface of the substrate;forming epitaxial gallium nitride on the textured surface, wherein a geometry of the textured surface reduces a lattice mismatch between the epitaxial gallium nitride and the silicon surface; andforming a P-N junction within the gallium nitride to provide a desired wavelength of light.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selectively etching the silicon surface includes forming the textured surface so that a periodicity of the texture corresponds to a value within approximately +/−25% of an integer multiple of the lattice constant of the epitaxial gallium nitride.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein selectively etching the silicon surface includes forming the textured surface to include a number of regularly spaced pyramidal structures.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein selectively etching the silicon surface includes forming the textured surface to include a number of regularly spaced conical-shaped structures.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein selectively etching the silicon surface includes forming the textured surface to include a number of asymmetric angled surfaces.6. A method of forming a light emitting diode device claim 1 , comprising: ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diodes and optical elements

Номер: US20130256726A1

An LED comprises a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a first electrode and a second electrode. The first semiconductor layer, the active layer, and the second semiconductor layer are stacked in that order and located on a surface of the substrate. A number of first three-dimensional nano-structures are located on a surface of the second semiconductor layer away from the active layer. The first three-dimensional nano-structures are linear protruding structures, a cross-section of each linear protruding structure is an arc. The present disclosure also relates to an optical element.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256731A1

This disclosure discloses a light-emitting device. The light-emitting device comprises: a substrate; and a first light-emitting unit comprising a plurality of light-emitting diodes electrically connected to each other on the substrate. A first light-emitting diode in the first light-emitting unit comprises a first semiconductor layer with a first conductivity-type, a second semiconductor layer with a second conductivity-type, and a light-emitting stack formed between the first and second semiconductor layers. The first light-emitting diode in the first light-emitting unit further comprises a first connecting layer on the first semiconductor layer for electrically connecting to a second light-emitting diode in the first light-emitting unit; a second connecting layer, separated from the first connecting layer, formed on the first semiconductor layer; and a third connecting layer on the second semiconductor layer for electrically connecting to a third light-emitting diode in the first light-emitting unit. 1. A light-emitting device comprising:a substrate;a transparent conductive layer;a reflective layer having a first protrusion arranged between the substrate and the transparent conductive layer; anda light-emitting stack formed on the transparent conductive layer.2. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , further comprising a pad substantially corresponding to a position of the first protrusion.3. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer further comprises a second protrusion being narrower than the first protrusion.4. The light-emitting device of claim 3 , wherein the first protrusion or the second protrusion has an inclined side surface.5. The light-emitting device of claim 3 , wherein the first protrusion has a side surface being steeper than that of the second protrusion.6. The light-emitting device of claim 3 , further comprising an extension substantially corresponding to a position of the second protrusion.7. The light-emitting device ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Optimizing light extraction efficiency for an led wafer

Номер: US20130260484A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a method of fabricating a light-emitting diode (LED) wafer. The method first determines a target surface morphology for the LED wafer. The target surface morphology yields a maximum light output for LEDs on the LED wafer. The LED wafer is etched to form a roughened wafer surface. Thereafter, using a laser scanning microscope, the method investigates an actual surface morphology of the LED wafer. Afterwards, if the actual surface morphology differs from the target surface morphology beyond an acceptable limit, the method repeats the etching step one or more times. The etching is repeated by adjusting one or more etching parameters.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting Device Substrate with Inclined Sidewalls

Номер: US20130260490A1

A light emitting device having improved light extraction is provided. The light emitting device can be formed by epitaxially growing a light emitting structure on a surface of a substrate. The substrate can be scribed to form a set of angled side surfaces on the substrate. For each angled side surface in the set of angled side surfaces, a surface tangent vector to at least a portion of each angled side surface in the set of angled side surfaces forms an angle between approximately ten and approximately eighty degrees with a negative of a normal vector of the surface of the substrate. The substrate can be cleaned to clean debris from the angled side surfaces. 1. A method comprising:epitaxially growing a light emitting structure on a surface of a substrate;scribing the substrate to form a set of angled side surfaces on the substrate, wherein a surface tangent vector to at least a portion of each angled side surface in the set of angled side surfaces forms an angle between approximately ten and approximately eighty degrees with a negative of a normal vector of the surface of the substrate; andcleaning the substrate and the light emitting structure after the scribing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle is approximately thirty degrees.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning includes placing the substrate in a potassium hydroxide solution.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a light emitting diode from the light emitting structure and substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a second set of angled side surfaces on the light emitting structure claim 1 , wherein a vector of each angled side surface in the second set of angled side surfaces on the light emitting structure forms a second angle between approximately ten and approximately eighty degrees with the normal vector of the surface of the substrate.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the angle and the second angle are different.7. The method of claim 1 , further ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260491A1

A method for making a LED comprises following steps. A substrate having a first surface and a second surface is provided. A patterned mask layer is applied on a first surface. A number of three-dimensional nano-structures are formed on the first surface and the patterned mask layer is removed. A first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer are formed on the second surface. A first electrode and a second electrode are formed to electrically connect with the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor pre-layer respectively. 1. A method for making a light emitting diode , comprising steps of:providing a substrate having a first surface and a second surface;applying a patterned mask layer on the first surface, wherein the patterned mask layer comprises a plurality of linear walls aligned side by side, and a groove is defined between each adjacent linear walls to form an exposed portion of the first surface;etching the exposed portion and removing the patterned mask layer to form a plurality of three-dimensional nano-structures, wherein the plurality of three-dimensional nano-structures are linear protruding structures, and a cross-section of each linear protruding structure is an arc;forming a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer on the second surface;electrically contacting a first electrode with the first semiconductor layer; andapplying a second electrode to cover a second semiconductor layer surface at a distance from the active layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of linear walls are uniformly distributed in the patterned mask layer to form an array.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of linear walls in the array are substantially equidistantly arranged claim 2 , concentric circularly arranged claim 2 , or concentric rectangularly arranged.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of linear walls are arranged in a straight line claim 1 , a curvy ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260492A1

A method for making a LED comprises following steps. A substrate having a surface is provided. A first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor pre-layer is formed on the surface of the substrate. A patterned mask layer is applied on a surface of the second semiconductor pre-layer. A number of three-dimensional nano-structures is formed on the second semiconductor pre-layer and the patterned mask layer is removed. The substrate is removed and a first electrode is formed on a surface of the first semiconductor layer away from the active layer. A second electrode is formed to electrically connect with the second semiconductor pre-layer. 1. A method for making a light emitting diode , comprising steps of:providing a substrate having a first surface;forming a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor pre-layer on the first surface;applying a patterned mask layer on a second semiconductor pre-layer surface, wherein the patterned mask layer comprises a plurality of linear walls aligned side by side, and a groove is defined between each adjacent linear walls to form an exposed portion of the second semiconductor pre-layer surface;etching the exposed portion and removing the patterned mask layer to form a plurality of three-dimensional nano-structures, wherein the plurality of three-dimensional nano-structures are linear protruding structures, and a cross-section of each linear protruding structure is an arc;removing the substrate to form an exposed first semiconductor layer surface located away from the active layer;covering the exposed first semiconductor layer surface by a first electrode; andelectrically connecting a second electrode with the second semiconductor pre-layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of linear walls are uniformly distributed in the patterned mask layer to form an array.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of linear walls in the array are substantially equidistantly ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode

Номер: US20130270603A1

A light emitting diode includes a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a first electrode, and a second electrode. The first semiconductor layer, the active layer, and the second semiconductor layer are orderly stacked on the substrate. The second semiconductor layer is covered with stepped three-dimensional nano-structures in a particular shape, which act to reabsorb wide-angle incident light and re-emit the light at narrower angles of incidence, to increase the light-giving properties of the light emitting diode

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277681A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Gosei Co., Ltd.

A light-emitting device includes a case including a first substrate and a sidewall on the first substrate, a light-emitting, element that is mounted on the first substrate in a region surrounded by the sidewall and includes a second substrate and a crystal layer, the light-emitting element being formed rectangular in a plane viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first substrate, and a low-refractive-index layer that is located between the light-emitting element and the sidewall and has a smaller refractive index than the second substrate. A side surface along a longitudinal direction of the second substrate is provided with a tapered portion on a side of the first substrate. 1. A light-emitting device , comprising:a case comprising a first substrate and a sidewall on the first substrate;a light-emitting element that is mounted on the first substrate in a region surrounded by the sidewall and comprises a second substrate and a crystal layer, the light-emitting element being formed rectangular in a plane viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first substrate; anda low-refractive-index layer that is located between the light-emitting element and the sidewall and has a smaller refractive index than the second substrate,wherein a side surface along a longitudinal direction of the second substrate is provided with a tapered portion on a side of the first substrate.2. The light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein a non-tapered portion on the side surface along the longitudinal direction of the second substrate has a higher smoothness than a side surface along the lateral direction of the second substrate.3. The light-emitting device according to claim 2 , wherein the second substrate comprises a GaN substrate having a c-plane as a principal surface claim 2 ,wherein the non-tapered portion on the side surface along the longitudinal direction of the second substrate comprises an m-plane, andwherein the side surface along the lateral direction of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280835A1

A method for manufacturing a light emitting diode includes providing an epitaxial wafer having a substrate and an epitaxial layer allocated on the substrate. The epitaxial layer comprises a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer sequentially allocated, and at least one blind hole penetrating the second semiconductor layer, the active layer and inside the first semiconductor layer; then a first electrode is formed on the first semiconductor layer inside the at least one blind hole and a second electrode is formed on the second semiconductor layer; thereafter a first supporting layer is allocated on the first electrode and a second supporting layer is allocated on the second electrode. 1. A method for manufacturing a light emitting diode , comprising:providing an epitaxial wafer having a substrate and an epitaxial layer allocated on the substrate, wherein the epitaxial layer comprises a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer sequentially allocated, and at least one blind hole penetrating the second semiconductor layer, the active layer and inside the first semiconductor layer;forming a first electrode on the first semiconductor layer inside the at least one blind hole and a second electrode on the second semiconductor layer; andallocating a first supporting layer on the first electrode and a second supporting layer on the second electrode.2. The method for manufacturing the light emitting diode as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising forming an electrically insulating layer between the first electrode and the epitaxial layer before allocating the first supporting layer and the second supporting layer.3. The method for manufacturing the light emitting diode as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor layer comprises a rough light emitting surface opposite to the active layer. This patent application is a divisional application of patent application Ser. No. 13/028,076, filed on Feb. 15, ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device and manufacturing method of the same

Номер: US20130285011A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a semiconductor light emitting device includes a first nitride semiconductor layer, a nitride semiconductor light emitting layer, a second nitride semiconductor layer, a p-side electrode, and an n-side electrode. The nitride semiconductor light emitting layer is provided on the p-side region of the second face of the first nitride semiconductor layer. The second nitride semiconductor layer is provided on the nitride semiconductor light emitting layer. The p-side electrode is provided on the second nitride semiconductor layer. The n-side electrode is provided on the n-side region of the second face of the first nitride semiconductor layer. The nitride semiconductor light emitting layer has a first concave-convex face in a side of the first nitride semiconductor layer, and a second concave-convex face in a side of the second nitride semiconductor layer.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285073A1

An example includes subject matter (such as an apparatus) comprising a planar substrate including a first surface that is planar, at least one bare light emitting diode (“LED”) die coupled to the substrate and conductive ink electrically coupling the at least one bare LED die, wherein the conductive ink is disposed on the substrate and extends onto a surface of the LED that is out-of-plane from the first surface. 1a substantially planar substrate including a first surface that is substantially planar; a substantially planar N-doped region located substantially parallel to the substantially planar substrate and facing away from the substantially planar substrate; and', 'a P-doped region defining a mesa-shaped section facing away from the substantially planar substrate, the P-doped region disposed parallel the N-doped region, further away from the substantially planar substrate than the N-doped region; and, 'at least one bare light emitting diode (“LED”) die coupled to the first surface, the at least one bare LED die comprisingan insulator disposed between the N-doped region and the substantially planar substrate, along a portion of the at least one bare LED die, from a side of the mesa, along the N-doped region, and onto a side of the N-doped region.. An apparatus, comprising: This patent application is a continuation of and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/492,718, entitled “LED Light Disposed on a Flexible Substrate and Connected with a Printed 3D conductor” filed on Jun. 8, 2012 (Attorney Docket No. 3523.001US2), which claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/346,518, entitled “LED Light Disposed on a Flexible Substrate and Connected with a Printed 3D conductor,” filed on Jan. 9, 2012 (Attorney Docket No. 3523.001US1), which claims the benefit of priority, under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e), to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/542,736, entitled “LED Light ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285098A1

A patterned substrate includes a substrate and a plurality of protrusions. The protrusions are formed on the substrate. Each protrusion has a top face and a base. Each pair of immediately adjacent protrusions is minimally parted by 0 to 0.2 μm. When the distance between the adjacent protrusions falls as 0 μm, the bases thereof contact each other. A horizontal and a vertical light emitting diode structures using the patterned substrate are also discussed. 1. A patterned substrate comprising:a substrate; anda plurality of protrusions formed on the substrate, each of the protrusions having a top face and a base and each pair of immediately adjacent protrusions being minimally spaced by 0 to 0.2 μm.2. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein when the minimal distance between the pair of immediately adjacent protrusions is 0 μm claim 1 , the bases thereof contact each other.3. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of sapphire substrate claim 1 , silicone substrate or silicone carbide substrate.4. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the top face and the distance between each pair of immediately adjacent top faces having a ratio between 1/5 to 5.5. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the distance between each pair of immediately adjacent top faces is equal to or less than 10 μm.6. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein each protrusion resembles a polyhedron claim 1 , the top face is truncated flat claim 1 , the base defines a plurality of base corners and a plurality of base sides claim 1 , and each of the base corners contacts or is proximate to the neighboring base corners or base sides.7. The patterned substrate according to claim 1 , wherein each of the protrusions resembles a cone claim 1 , the top face is truncated flat claim 1 , the base defines a round edge claim 1 , each of the base edges contacts or is proximate to the neighboring base edges ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285103A1
Автор: KIM Yu-Sik, LEE Seung-jae

An emitting device including a first electrode, a second electrode spaced apart from the first electrode, an emitting pattern including a portion between the first electrode and the second electrode, and a block pattern including a portion between the emitting pattern and the first electrode and/or on a same level as the first electrode. 149-. (canceled)50. A light-emitting apparatus comprising:a circuit board;a emitting device on the circuit board includinga first electrode,a second electrode spaced apart from the first electrode,an emitting pattern including a portion between the first electrode and the second electrode,a first block pattern including a portion between the emitting pattern and the first electrode and/or on a same level as the first electrode, anda second block pattern including a portion between the emitting pattern and the second electrode and/or on a same level as the second electrode, wherein the first block pattern and the second block pattern face each other across the emitting pattern;a phosphor layer on the emitting device; anda first transparent resin on the phosphor layer.51. The light-emitting apparatus of claim 50 , wherein the phosphor layer includes a second transparent resin covering the emitting device claim 50 , and a phosphor on the second resin.52. The light-emitting apparatus of claim 51 , wherein the phosphor is between the first transparent resin and the second transparent resin.53. The light-emitting apparatus of claim 51 , wherein the phosphor includes nitride-based and/or oxide-based material activated by lanthanide.54. The light-emitting apparatus of claim 50 ,wherein the circuit board includes a first conductive region and a second conductive region electrically separated from the first conductive region,wherein the first conductive region and the second conductive region are electrically connected with the first electrode and the second electrode respectively.55. The light-emitting apparatus of claim 54 , further ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285109A1

A sapphire substrate having a principal surface for growing a nitride semiconductor to form a nitride semiconductor light emitting device comprises a plurality of projections on the principal surface. Each of the projections has a bottom that has a substantially polygonal shape. Each side of the bottom of the projections has a depression in its center. Vertexes of the bottoms of the respective projections extend in a direction that is within a range of ±10 degrees of a direction that is rotated counter-clockwise by 30 degrees from a crystal axis “a” of the sapphire substrate. 1. A sapphire substrate having a principal surface for growing a nitride semiconductor to form a nitride semiconductor light emitting device , the sapphire substrate comprising a plurality of projections on the principal surface ,wherein each of the projections has a bottom that has a substantially polygonal shape,wherein each side of the bottom of the projections has a depression in its center, andwherein vertexes of the bottoms of the respective projections extend in a direction that is within a range of ±10 degrees of a direction that is rotated counter clockwise by 30 degrees from a crystal axis “a” of the sapphire substrate.2. The sapphire substrate according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of projections are arranged so that any straight line that is drawn at any position in any direction in a plane including the bottom surfaces of the plurality of projections passes through the inside of at least one of projections.3. The sapphire substrate according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the projections has a substantially polygonal pyramid shape or substantially truncated polygonal pyramidal shape.4. The sapphire substrate according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of projections are arranged so that one of vertexes of the bottom of one projection of neighboring projections is located in a region defined by connecting points of two vertexes of the bottom and the deepest point of the depression ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292643A1

A light-emitting device comprising: a light-emitting stacked layer having a first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a light-emitting layer formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer formed on the light-emitting layer; a transparent conductive oxide layer formed on the second conductivity type semiconductor layer wherein the transparent conductive oxide layer having a first portion and a second portion and the upper surface of the transparent conductive oxide layer is a textured surface; a first electrode formed on the second portion of the transparent conductive oxide layer, and a second electrode formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a planarization layer formed on the first portion of the transparent conductive oxide layer, and the second electrode; and a reflective layer formed on the planarization layer that is devoid of the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A light-emitting device , comprising:a semiconductor contact layer having a rough top surface, wherein the rough top surface comprises any two adjacent crests having a highest point respectively and a trough having a lowest point between the two adjacent crests; anda transparent current spreading layer having a top surface on the semiconductor contact layer;wherein the top surface of the transparent current spreading layer comprises any two adjacent crests having a highest point respectively and a trough having a lowest point between the two adjacent crests;wherein the rough top surface of the semiconductor contact layer is substantially directly under the top surface of the transparent current spreading layer;{'sub': '1', 'wherein two oblique lines formed by connecting the highest points and the lowest point of the rough top surface on the semiconductor contact layer, and a first angle θformed between the two oblique lines;'}{'sub': '2', 'wherein two oblique lines formed by connecting the highest points ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292693A1

An LED includes a substrate, a first n-type GaN layer, a connecting layer, a second n-type GaN layer, a light emitting layer, and a p-type GaN layer formed on the substrate in sequence. The connecting layer is etchable by alkaline solution. A bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer faces towards the connecting layer and has a roughened exposed portion. The GaN on the bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer has an N-face polarity. A blind hole extends through the p-type GaN layer, the light emitting layer and the second n-type GaN layer to expose the connecting layer. An annular rough portion is formed on the bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer and surrounds each blind hole. 1. An LED (light emitting diode) comprising:a substrate;a first n-type GaN layer, a connecting layer, a second n-type GaN layer, a light emitting layer, and a p-type GaN layer formed on the substrate in sequence, a top surface of the second n-type GaN layer away from the connecting layer comprising a first area and a second area, the light emitting layer, and the p-type GaN layer formed on the first area of the top surface of the second n-type GaN layer in sequence, the connecting layer being etchable by alkaline solution, an outer edge of a bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer which connects the connecting layer having a roughened exposed portion, the GaN on the bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer having an N-face polarity;a blind hole extending through the p-type GaN layer, the light emitting layer and the second n-type GaN layer to reach the connecting layer and expose the connecting layer; andan annular rough portion formed on the bottom surface of the second n-type GaN layer and surrounding the blind hole.2. The LED as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a p-type electrode is formed on the p-type GaN layer claim 1 , and an n-type electrode is formed on the second area of the second n-type GaN layer.3. The LED as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the p-type ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292731A1

A light-emitting device wherein the light-emitting device having a corner, comprising: a light-emitting stacked layer having a first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a light-emitting layer formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer formed on the light-emitting layer; a transparent conductive oxide layer formed on the second conductivity type semiconductor layer wherein the upper surface of the transparent conductive oxide layer is a textured surface; a first electrode formed on the upper surface of the transparent conductive oxide layer; a second electrode formed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a planarization layer formed on partial of the transparent conductive oxide layer and the second electrode; and a reflective layer formed on the upper surface of the planarization layer wherein the projection of the edge of the reflective layer is not overlapped with the edge of the first electrode or the second electrode.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292732A1
Автор: Park Hyung Jo

Disclosed are a semiconductor light emitting device. The semiconductor light emitting device comprises a light emitting structure comprising a III-V group compound semiconductor, a reflective layer comprising mediums, which are different from each other and alternately stacked under the light emitting structure, and a second electrode layer under the reflective layer. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a light emitting structure including a first conductive semiconductor layer, an active layer under the first conductive semiconductor layer, and a second conductive semiconductor layer under the active layer;a reflective structure comprising a first layer having a first refractive index and a second layer having a second refractive index different from the first refractive index under the light emitting structure;a first electrode layer formed on the first conductive semiconductor layer;a metal layer under the reflective structure; anda conductive support member having a metal material under the metal layer,wherein the metal layer includes a plurality of protrusions and the plurality of protrusions are protruded in a direction toward a lower surface of the second conductive semiconductor layer,wherein the metal layer makes electric contact with the reflective structure and the light emitting structure,wherein the first conductive semiconductor layer includes an upper surface,wherein the upper surface of the first conductive semiconductor layer includes a first region formed in a roughness and a second region formed in a flat surface under the first electrode layer,wherein the first conductive semiconductor layer includes an AlGaN based semiconductor layer and the second conductive semiconductor layer includes an AlGaN based semiconductor layer,wherein an outer sidewall of the conductive support member extends outward beyond an outer sidewall of the light emitting structure, andwherein the lower surface of the second conductive semiconductor layer is ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device and Manufacturing Method Thereof

Номер: US20130302927A1

A light emitting device and a method of fabricating thereof are provided. The method of fabricating the light emitting device comprises: providing a substrate having a first major surface and a second major surface; forming a plurality of light-emitting stacks on the first major surface; forming an etching protection layer on each of the light emitting stacks; forming a plurality of holes by a discontinuous laser beam on the substrate; etching the plurality of holes; and slicing off the substrate along the plurality of holes to form a light emitting device. The light emitting device has a substrate wherein the sidewall of the substrate comprising a first area with a substantially flat surface and a second area with substantially textured surface. 1. A method of fabricating a light-emitting device comprising:providing a substrate;forming semiconductor layers on the substrate;forming discontinuous holes directly on the substrate;etching the discontinuous holes; andcleaving the substrate along the discontinuous holes.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of forming an etching protection layer on the semiconductor layers claim 1 , wherein the etching protection layer comprises a material of SiOor SiNx.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising a step of removing the etching protection layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of etching the discontinuous holes is performed with an etching solution in a temperature ranging between 100 and 300° C.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the etching solution comprises HPOor a mixture of HPOand HSO.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming the discontinuous holes is conducted by using a laser.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the laser is configured to generate a laser beam in a regular or an irregular pulse.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of forming a mesa structure on at least one of the semiconductor. layers.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the mesa structure is ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309795A1

A method for manufacturing an LED chip is disclosed wherein a substrate is provided. A first semi-conductor layer is formed on the substrate. A photoresist layer with an inverted truncated cone shape and a blocking layer with an inclined inner surface facing and surrounding the photoresist layer are formed on the first semi-conductor layer. The photoresist layer is removed and an epitaxial region surrounded by the blocking layer is defined. A lighting structure is formed inside the epitaxial region. The blocking layer is then removed and the first semi-conductor layer is exposed. Electrodes are formed and respectively electrically connected to the first semi-conductor layer and the lighting structure. 1. A method for manufacturing an LED (light emitting diode) chip , comprising:providing a substrate;forming a first semi-conductor layer on the substrate;forming a photoresist layer with an inverted truncated cone shape and a blocking layer with an inclined inner surface facing and surrounding the photoresist layer on the first semi-conductor layer;removing the photoresist layer and defining an epitaxial region surrounded by the inner surface of the blocking layer;forming a lighting structure inside the epitaxial region;removing the blocking layer and exposing the first semi-conductor layer; andforming electrodes respectively electrically connecting the first semi-conductor layer and the lighting structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photoresist layer is formed by a photolithography process.3. The method of claim 1 , a center of the photoresist layer is coincident with or adjacent to a center of the first semi-conductor layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a height of the blocking layer is less than a height of the photoresist layer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a periphery surface of the photoresist layer is inclined relative to the first semi-conductor layer by an acute angle claim 1 , and the inner surface of the blocking layer is inclined ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313540A1
Автор: Kristukat Christian
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A method for producing an optoelectronic component includes: providing a substrate, applying a solution to a main side of the substrate, applying a standing ultrasonic field to the substrate and to the solution, curing and drying the solution to form a layer having a wavy top side facing away from the substrate, and applying a layer stack on the top side of the wavy layer, said layer stack being designed to generate light during the operation of the finished component. 1. A method for producing an optoelectronic component comprising:providing a substrate,applying a solution to a main side of the substrate,applying a standing ultrasonic field to the substrate and to the solution,curing and drying the solution to form a layer having a wavy top side facing away from the substrate, andapplying a layer stack on the top side of the wavy layer, said layer stack being designed to generate light during the operation of the finished component.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the layer stack replicates a shape of the wavy layer claim 1 , wherein a side of the layer stack which faces away from the substrate claim 1 , with a tolerance of at most 20% of an average wave height of waves of the layer claim 1 , is shaped like the top side of the layer.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein polymer chains are dissolved in the solution and wherein particles are dispersed in the solution.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the wavy layer is a continuous layer, wherein an average periodicity of waves of the layer corresponds to an average half-wavelength of ultrasonic waves of the standing ultrasonic field in the solution.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the wavy layer and the substrate are partly transmissive to the light generated in the layer stack.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the wavy layer is embodied in an electrically conductive fashion.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the standing ultrasonic field is generated by ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting device having patterned interface and the manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130313596A1
Принадлежит: Epistar Corp

The present disclosure provides a light-emitting device having a patterned interface composed of a plurality of predetermined patterned structures mutually distinct, wherein the plurality of predetermined patterned structures are repeatedly arranged in the patterned interface such that any two neighboring patterned structures are different from each other. The present disclosure also provides a manufacturing method of the light-emitting device. The method comprises the steps of providing a substrate, generating a random pattern arrangement by a computing simulation, forming a mask having the random pattern arrangement on the substrate, and removing a portion of the substrate thereby transferring the random pattern arrangement to the substrate.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313597A1

A semiconductor light-emitting device includes a substrate having an upper surface and a plurality of bumps positioned on the upper surface in a periodic manner, a first conductive type semiconductor layer positioned on the substrate, a light-emitting structure positioned on the first conductive type semiconductor layer, and a second conductive type semiconductor layer positioned on the light-emitting structure. The first conductive type semiconductor layer includes a plurality of protrusions each facing a portion of the substrate between the bumps, the protrusions are positioned in a ring manner at a peripheral region of the first conductive type semiconductor layer, and the protrusions are spaced apart from the bumps. 1. (canceled)2. A semiconductor light-emitting device , comprising:a substrate comprising bumps and an upper surface between at least two of the bumps; anda semiconductor layer comprising a first protrusion facing the upper surface and a second protrusion facing one of the bumps.3. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second protrusion is spaced apart from at least one of the bumps.4. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second protrusions connects to at least one of the bumps.5. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second protrusion is narrower or shorter than the first protrusion.6. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first protrusion is disposed in a peripheral region of the semiconductor layer.7. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the bumps is not covered by the semiconductor layer.8. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the bumps are arranged in a periodic configuration.9. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first protrusion contacts the upper surface.10. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second protrusion is ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: US20130316481A1

A method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting device is provided. The method includes forming a light emitting structure by sequentially growing a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer on a semiconductor growth substrate A support unit is disposed on the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer, so as to be combined with the light emitting structure. The semiconductor growth substrate is separated from the light emitting structure. An interface between the semiconductor growth substrate and a remaining light emitting structure is wet-etched such that the light emitting structure remaining on the separated semiconductor growth substrate is separated therefrom. The semiconductor growth substrate is cleaned.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320301A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Opto Device Co., Ltd.

Disclosed are a light emitting diode (LED) having a photonic crystal structure and a method of fabricating the same. An LED comprises a support substrate, a lower semiconductor layer positioned on the support substrate, an upper semiconductor layer positioned over the lower semiconductor layer, an active region positioned between the lower and upper semiconductor layers, and a photonic crystal structure embedded in the lower semiconductor layer. The photonic crystal structure may prevent the loss of the light advancing toward the support substrate and improve the light extraction efficiency. 1. A light emitting diode (LED) , comprising:a support substrate;a first semiconductor layer disposed on the support substrate;a second semiconductor layer disposed on the first semiconductor layer;an active region disposed between the first and second semiconductor layers; anda photonic crystal structure embedded in the first semiconductor layer.2. The LED of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor layer comprises a p-type contact layer claim 1 , and the second semiconductor layer comprises an n-type contact layer.3. The LED of claim 2 , wherein the active region comprises an AlGaN well layer claim 2 , and the p-type contact layer comprises a p-type GaN layer or a p-type AlInGaN layer.4. The LED of claim 1 , wherein the photonic crystal structure comprises a pattern of voids arramed along a surface of the support substrate.5. The LED of claim 4 , wherein a width and a height of each void of the pattern of voids is within a range of 50 to 200 nm claim 4 , and a distance between two adjacent voids is within a range of 50 nm to 1 μm.6. The LED of claim 4 , wherein the first semiconductor layer comprises at least one AlGaN layer disposed between the voids and the active region.7. The LED of claim 6 , wherein the first semiconductor layer further comprises a p-type contact layer disposed between the voids and the support substrate claim 6 , wherein the p-contact layer covers the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Substrate Structure, Method of Forming the Substrate Structure and Chip Comprising the Substrate Structure

Номер: US20130320355A1

A groove structure formed on a surface of a substrate. The groove structure includes a lateral epitaxial pattern in a cross section perpendicular to the surface, which has: a first edge inclined to the surface; a second edge adjacent to first edge and parallel to the surface; a third edge parallel to the first edge, having a projection on the surface covering the second edge; and a fourth edge adjacent to the third edge. A first intersection between the second edge and the third edge on the second edge and an injection of a second intersection between the third edge and the fourth edge on the second edge are located on two sides of a third intersection between the first edge and the second edge, or the injection of the second intersection between the third edge and the fourth edge on the second edge coincides with the third intersection. 1. A substrate structure , comprising:a substrate; andat least a groove structure formed on a surface of the substrate, the groove structure having a lateral epitaxial pattern in a cross section perpendicular to the surface of the substrate,wherein the lateral epitaxial pattern comprises:a first edge inclined with respect to the surface of the substrate;a second edge adjacent to the first edge and parallel to the surface of the substrate;a third edge parallel to the first edge, having a projection on the surface of the substrate at least entirely covering the second edge; anda fourth edge adjacent to the third edge,in which the second edge is the bottom of the groove structure; and a first intersection point between the second edge and the third edge on the second edge and an injection of a second intersection point between the third edge and the fourth edge on the second edge are located on two sides of a third intersection point between the first edge and the second edge, or the injection of the second intersection point between the third edge and the fourth edge on the second edge coincides with the third intersection point ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320362A1

A high voltage LED package includes a substrate and LED chips formed on a top surface of the substrate. A periphery of each LED chip is roughened. The LED chips are electrically connected in series. 1. An HV LED (high voltage light emitting diode) package comprising:a substrate; anda plurality of LED chips formed on a top surface of the substrate, the LED chips being electrically connected together in series, a periphery of each LED chip being roughened.2. The HV LED package of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of continuous protrusion is formed on the periphery of each LED chip to roughen the periphery of each LED chip.3. The HV LED package of claim 2 , wherein each LED chip comprises an epitaxial portion and a diffusion portion formed on a top end of the epitaxial portion claim 2 , and a periphery of the epitaxial portion and a periphery of the diffusion portion are roughened.4. The HV LED package of claim 3 , wherein a top surface of the diffusion portion is roughened.5. The HV LED package of claim 4 , wherein a plurality of continuous protrusions is formed on the top surface of the diffusion portion.6. The HV LED package of claim 1 , wherein the top surface of the substrate is roughened.7. The HV LED package of claim 6 , wherein a plurality of continuous protrusions is formed on the top surface of the substrate claim 6 , and the LED chips are formed on the protrusions.8. The HV LED package of claim 7 , wherein a packaging layer is mounted on the substrate and encloses the LED chips therein.9. A method for manufacturing an HV LED (high voltage light emitting diode) package comprising following steps:providing a substrate;growing an epitaxial layer on the substrate;forming a diffusion layer on a top end of the epitaxial layer;forming a photoresist layer on a top end of the diffusion layer;etching the photoresist layer along a height direction of the LED package to divide the photoresist layer into a plurality of spaced photoresist portions and patterning a periphery ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328075A1

According to one embodiment, a semiconductor light emitting device includes first and second electrodes, first and second semiconductor layers and a light emitting layer. The first electrode includes a first region, a second region, and a third region provided between them. The first semiconductor layer includes a first portion on the first region and a second portion on the second region. The light emitting layer includes a third portion on the first portion and a fourth portion on the second portion. The second semiconductor layer includes a fifth portion on the third portion and a sixth portion on the fourth portion. The insulating layer is provided between the first and second portions on the third region and between the third and fourth portions. The second electrode includes a seventh portion provided on the insulating layer, eighth and ninth portions contacting side surfaces of the fifth and sixth portions. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a first electrode having a major surface, the first electrode including a first region, a second region apart from the first region in a plane parallel to the major surface, and a third region provided between the first region and the second region;a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, the first semiconductor layer including a first portion provided on the first region and a second portion provided on the second region;a light emitting layer including a third portion provided on the first portion and a fourth portion provided on the second portion;a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type, the second semiconductor layer including a fifth portion provided on the third portion and a sixth portion provided on the fourth portion, the fifth portion having a first side surface opposing the sixth portion, the sixth portion having a second side surface opposing the fifth portion;an insulating layer provided between the first portion and the second portion on the third region ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328079A1

A semiconductor structure includes a first semiconductor layer, a active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a third optical symmetric layer, a metallic layer, a fourth optical symmetric layer, and a first optical symmetric layer stacked in sequence. The first semiconductor layer, the active layer, and the second semiconductor layer constitute a source layer. A refractive index of the third optical symmetric layer or the fourth optical symmetric layer is in a range from about 1.2 to about 1.5. A refractive index difference between the source layer and the first optical symmetric layer is less than or equal to 0.3. 1. A semiconductor structure comprising:a source layer comprising a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer stacked in sequence;a third optical symmetric layer disposed on and contacting a surface of the second semiconductor layer away from the first semiconductor layer, wherein a refractive index of the third optical symmetric layer is in a range from about 1.2 to about 1.5;a metallic layer disposed on and contacting a surface of the third optical symmetric layer away from the first semiconductor layer;a fourth optical symmetric layer disposed on and contacting a surface of the metallic layer away from the first semiconductor layer, wherein a refractive index of the fourth optical symmetric layer is in a range from about 1.2 to about 1.5; anda first optical symmetric layer disposed on and contacting a surface of the fourth optical symmetric layer away from the first semiconductor layer, wherein a refractive index difference between the source layer and the first optical symmetric layer is less than or equal to 0.3.2. The semiconductor structure of claim 1 , wherein a material of the metallic layer is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and an alloy thereof.3. The semiconductor structure of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index of the third optical ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode

Номер: US20130328081A1

A light emitting diode includes a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a third optical symmetric layer, a metallic layer, a fourth optical symmetric layer, and a first optical symmetric layer, and a second optical symmetric layer stacked with other in the listed sequence. The light emitting diode further includes a first electrode electrically connected with the first semiconductor layer and a second electrode electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer. A refractive index of the third optical symmetric layer or the fourth optical symmetric layer is in a range from about 1.2 to about 1.5. A refractive index difference between the source layer and the first optical symmetric layer is less than or equal to 0.3. A refractive difference between the second optical symmetric layer and the substrate is less than or equal to 0.1.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for making light emitting diode

Номер: US20130330849A1

A method for making light emitting diode includes following steps. A substrate having an epitaxial growth surface is provided. A first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer are epitaxially grown on the epitaxial growth surface of the substrate in that sequence. A cermet layer is formed on the second semiconductor layer. A first electrode is applied to electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer. A second electrode is applied to electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330869A1
Автор: SEKIYA Kazuma

An optical device processing method including: a groove forming step of forming a plurality of grooves on a front side of a sapphire substrate; a film forming step of forming an epitaxial film on the front side of the sapphire substrate after performing the groove forming step, thereby forming a plurality of optical devices and a plurality of crossing division lines for partitioning the optical devices; and a dividing step of dividing the sapphire substrate with the epitaxial film along the division lines after performing the film forming step, thereby obtaining a plurality of individual optical device chips. 1. An optical device processing method comprising:a groove forming step of forming a plurality of grooves on a front side of a sapphire substrate;a film forming step of forming an epitaxial film on the front side of the sapphire substrate after performing the groove forming step, thereby forming a plurality of optical devices and a plurality of crossing division lines for partitioning the optical devices; anda dividing step of dividing the sapphire substrate with the epitaxial film along the division lines after performing the film forming step, thereby obtaining a plurality of individual optical device chips.2. The optical device processing method according to claim 1 , wherein the grooves to be formed in the groove forming step are respectively aligned with the division lines to be formed in the film forming step.3. The optical device processing method according to claim 1 , wherein the sapphire substrate has a diameter of 8 inches or more and a thickness of 1 mm or less. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a processing method for an optical device composed of a sapphire substrate and an epitaxial film formed on the sapphire substrate.2. Description of the Related ArtA nitride semiconductor such as gallium nitride (GaN) has a wide bandgap and allows the emission of blue light, so that it is widely used for the manufacture of LED (Light ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Led with surface roughening

Номер: US20130341663A1
Принадлежит: Cree Inc

An LED having a p-type layer of material with an associated p-contact, an n-type layer of material with an associated n-contact and an active region between the p-type layer and the n-type layer, includes a roughened emitting-side surface to further enhance light extraction.
