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10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2416137C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использован в качестве рабочего заземления. Техническим результатом является улучшение и удешевление конструкции рабочего заземления, повышение его проводящих свойств, а также обеспечение безопасности при его эксплуатации. Электрод содержит расположенный в грунте (1) в скважине (2) токоввод с влагозащитной и электроизоляционной оболочкой верхней зоны в виде одножильного электрического кабеля (3) и металлическим электродом (4) нижней зоны с открытой токопроводящей поверхностью, находящийся в обсадной трубе (5) с перфорацией и с углеродистой засыпкой (7). Кабель (3) в месте соединения (8) к металлическому токовводу нижней зоны (4) гидроизолирован. Обсадная труба (5) по высоте равна заглублению нижней зоны электрода рабочего заземления в водоносный слой (9) и выполнена закрытой со своих торцов, отверстия перфорации (6) обсадной трубы (5) выполнены меньшим размером, чем фракции углеродистой засыпки (7). При отсутствии водонасыщенных ...

27-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2174274C2

Изобретение относится к герметизированным кожухам кабельных сростков и имеет корпус с выполненным в нем профилированным отверстием. Заземляющая шпилька профилирована для прохода через отверстие в корпус так, чтобы ограничить ее поворот внутри корпуса. Заземляющая шпилька имеет первый конец, вставляемый в соответствующий кабельный кожух для соединения с внутренним заземляющим проводом, и расположенный снаружи кабельного кожуха второй конец для соединения с внешним заземляющим проводом. В корпусе выполнен ввода для размещения внешнего заземляющего провода. Первый конец заземляющей шпильки уплотнен относительно корпуса и кожуха, и второй конец заземляющей шпильки уплотнен относительно корпуса. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности легко разъединять и снова присоединять заземляющие провода с сохранением целостности провода с сохранением целостности уплотнения. 5 с. и 20 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2178224C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству и способу присоединения на массу экранирующих оплеток экранированных проводов, согласно которому оно содержит продольную опору с радиальным сечением U-образной формы, внутрь которой устанавливается высокочастотное соединение, покрытое электропроводящей оболочкой, причем на продольную устанавливается крышка, которая имеет в верхней части ряд контактных гнезд, в которые могут быть установлены экранированные провода. Присоединение на массу экранирующих оплеток обеспечивается за счет присоединения на массу либо электропроводящей продольной опоры, либо электропроводящей оболочки высокочастотного соединения. Технический результат - повышение надежности за счет снижения электрического сопротивления соединения между массой и экранирующими оплетками. 4 с. и 4 з. п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175157C2

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и касается оперативной изолирующей штанги (ОИШ), используемой в высоковольтных электроустановках для включения и отключения предохранителей-разъединителей, а также для снятия и установки их патронов-предохранителей. Техническим результатом является получение легкой, прочной ОИШ, пригодной для использования в любую погоду. ОИШ выполнена разъемной и состоит из двух трубчатых частей: рабочей части с втулкой-катушкой в качестве рабочего элемента и изолирующей части с рукояткой, состыкованных с помощью конического соединения. Она имеет заземляющий провод с контактной струбциной на его конце, закрепленный другим его концом на изолирующей части с помощью хомута. Ее изолирующая часть снабжена рядом изоляционных втулок зонтичной формы, одна из которых - втулка - является одновременно ограничительной для рукоятки. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2444820C2

Устройство (1) предназначено для электрического заземления коаксиального кабеля (2) с внешним изолирующим защитным покрытием (3) и содержит приемник (4) и опускаемый блок (5). Приемник (4) содержит нижний элемент (6), два противоположных боковых элемента (7а, 7b) и две противоположные открытые стороны (8а, 8b). Нижний элемент (6) и боковые элементы (7а, 7b) вместе образуют щель (9), которая является приемником для указанного заземляемого кабеля (2). Опускаемый блок (5) содержит соединение (10) заземления и средство (11) проникновения, которые находятся между собой в электрическом контакте. Опускаемый блок (5) соединен с приемником (4) таким образом, что опускаемый блок (5) во время операции заземления указанного кабеля (2) размещается напротив нижнего элемента (6) приемника (4), при этом кабель (2) охвачен устройством (1), а средство (11) проникновения, имеющее кромку (23а, 23b), проникает сквозь внешнее покрытие (3) кабеля (2), чтобы под углом входить в контакт с внешним проводником, находящимся ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469449C2

Изобретение относится к электрозащитным средствам, в частности к переносным линейным заземлениям, предназначенным для обеспечения электробезопасности при проведении работ по ремонту и обслуживанию воздушных линий электропередачи. Задачей изобретения является создание способа установки переносного заземления и устройства для его осуществления (комплекта переносного заземления для ВЛ), обеспечивающих исключение возможности переноса напряжения с провода ВЛ к работнику при установке первого и снятии последнего фазного зажима, уменьшение физической нагрузки работников при установке его на провода ВЛ с поверхности земли, повышение надежности электроснабжения, а также повышение удобства эксплуатации переносного заземления для ВЛ. Задача решается за счет того, что в способе установки переносного заземления, содержащего фазные зажимы, заземляющую струбцину, закорачивающие проводники и заземляющий проводник, заключающемся в том, что устанавливают заземляющую струбцину на заземлителе, сначала посредством ...

21-11-2022 дата публикации

Изделие для заземления рельсового пути

Номер: RU2783907C1

Изобретение относится к соединениям для заземления рельсового пути. Изделие для заземления рельсового пути содержит захват и прижимной элемент, стальной канат, прикрепленные к нему с двух сторон неразъемные наконечники. При этом с одной стороны наконечник выполнен в виде шпильки с нарезанной внешней резьбой, загнутым захватом и содержит прижимную пластину, пружинную гроверную шайбу и гайку. С другой стороны наконечник имеет внутреннюю прорезь и содержит болт, ввинченный в его корпус. Наконечники выполнены с канатом неразъемно путем их опрессовки. При этом диаметры наконечников в местах их опрессовки с канатом составляют не менее 14 мм. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении надежного качества электрического контакта с рельсом и надежной фиксации заземляющего кабеля в наконечниках. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU18021U1

Участок электрической сети, содержащий питающий кабель с нулевым проводником, к которому присоединена промышленная установка, корпус которой соединен с нулевым защитным проводником, отличающийся тем, что в питающем (m+1)-жильном кабеле, или в питающем m-жильном кабеле с алюминиевой оболочкой, в качестве нулевого проводника использована (m+1)-жила или алюминиевая оболочка соответственно с уменьшенным сечением, последний на протяжении кабельной линии шунтируется сторонними проводящими частями (СПЧ), например, стальным или железобетонным каркасом здания, заземленными по меньшей мере в начале и в конце кабельной линии, при этом ширина сближения кабельной линии со сторонними проводящими частями (СПЧ) должна быть не более 1/20 ее протяженности, а сечение (m+1)-жилы или алюминиевой оболочки должно быть не менее 10 ммпо меди или 16 ммпо алюминию.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157194U1

Устройство выравнивания опорного потенциала, содержащее проводник, один конец которого предназначен для соединения с электронным оборудованием, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит металлические замкнутые профили, обеспечивающие эквивалент опорного потенциала, имеющие металлические ответвления с металлическими шпильками, являющиеся проводниками, предназначенными для соединения с электронным оборудованием, причем металлические замкнутые профили посредством металлических ответвлений соединены между собой в единственном месте без образования замкнутых электрических контуров.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157558U1

... 1. Заземляющее устройство, содержащее проводник, один конец которого снабжен вилкой для соединения со штепсельным разъемом электрической сети, имеющим контактные гнезда и контакт заземления, отличающееся тем, что вилка выполнена в виде корпуса из неэлектропроводного материала с двумя штырями из неэлектропроводного материала, соответствующими контактным гнездам штепсельного разъема, а на корпусе вилки размещен по меньшей мере один металлический контакт заземления, соединенный с проводником.2. Заземляющее устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что металлические контакты заземления расположены на боковой части корпуса вилки.3. Заземляющее устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что металлический контакт заземления расположен на торцевой части корпуса вилки и выполнен в виде штыря с площадью поперечного сечения большей, чем у любого из контактных токоведущих гнезд штепсельного разъема.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173093U1

Анодный заземлитель глубинный. Полезная модель относится к электрохимической защите и может быть использована для анодных заземлений установок катодной защиты от коррозии стальных и железобетонных сооружений, контактирующих с грунтом, речной и морской водой и другими электролитическими средами. Техническая задача, решаемая полезной моделью, - уменьшение сопротивления растеканию анодного тока, т.е. повышение стабильности работы устройства. Сущность устройства: анодный заземлитель 1 содержит электрод 2 анодного заземления, окруженный слоем 5 минерального активатора грунта, в качестве которого используется смесь шунгитового материала с гранулометрическим составом 1,0-20 мм. 2 ил.

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82498U1

Стенд исследования освещенности производственных помещений, измеряя отдельные параметры с помощью измерительного блока, отличающийся тем, что измерительный блок формирует учебную модель, которая содержит автомат включения сети, регулятор напряжения с выходом на розетки для подключения настольных ламп, люминисцентный светильник, включаемый тумблером, прибор для контроля выходного напряжения регулятора - вольтметр и люксметр для приобретения навыков работы с прибором.

11-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178564U1

Полезная модель относится к области радиоэлектронной аппаратуры и может использоваться при конструировании блоков и составных частей изделий радиоэлектронных средств (РЭС) на различных объектах-носителях общего машиностроения при монтаже в местах с ограниченным доступом в независимости от группы исполнения аппаратуры для закорачивания точек электрической схемы (модуля, блока) на корпус объекта-носителя, которые должны быть под потенциалом земли. Технический результат, на достижение которого направлено заявляемое техническое решение, заключается в повышении технологичности монтажа наконечника кабельного шины заземления на головке контактного элемента в местах с ограниченным доступом, исключающего смещение наконечника кабельного шины заземления. Достижение технического результата обеспечивается изменением конструкции ближайшего аналога. В отличие от прототипа, со стороны наружного торца головки контактного элемента выполнены отверстия, расположенные в ряд по окружности, симметрично центральному ...

06-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU205255U1

Полезная модель относится к области электроэнергетики, в частности, к заземляющим устройствам воздушных линий электропередачи с изолированными проводами напряжением до 1 кВ. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение эффективности монтажа устройства, которое достигается как за счет повышения надежности монтажа, путем сохранения целостности проводника перед его присоединением, так и за счет удобства, сокращения времени монтажа и обеспечения безопасности при введении его в контакт, в частности при осуществлении монтажных работ в неудобных условиях или невозможности снятия напряжения с линии, а также повышения надежности смонтированного соединения. Заземляющее устройство воздушных линий электропередачи с изолированными проводами представляет собой изготовленный из металлического каната шунт, выполненный в виде гибкого заземляющего проводника, один конец которого присоединен посредством зажимов к закрепляемому на стойке опоры заземляющему спуску. Второй конец проводника присоединен ...

29-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU171274U1

Полезная модель относится к катодной защите подземных сооружений от коррозии, в частности к анодному заземлителю, и может быть использована в нефтяной, газовой промышленности при защите стальных и железобетонных сооружений, контактирующих с электролитической средой грунта.Анодный заземлитель содержит центральный электрод, установленный в центраторах и окруженный слоем активатора в виде цилиндра. Активатор выполнен из электропроводного гранулированного пористого сыпучего материала и расположен в защитной оболочке.Со стороны одного из торцев электрода установлен герметичный контактный узел для подсоединения кабельного токовывода, который с наружной стороны защитной оболочки подсоединен к кабелю катодной станции. Анодный заземлитель снабжен дополнительным токовыводом, который размещен в слое активатора, ориентирован в направлении продольной оси центрального электрода и подсоединен через дополнительный герметичный контактный узел к электроду со стороны его противолежащего торца и к основному ...

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU79722U1

Устройство обеспечивает повышение надежности эксплуатации заземляющего устройства и экономической эффективности его применения за счет повышения механической прочности и коррозионной стойкости устройства при минимальном соотношении между стоимостью изготовления устройства и долговечностью его работы. Модульно-стержневое заземляющее устройство состоит из отдельных стальных стержней (1) с электропроводящим антикоррозионным покрытием, с резьбой по концам каждого стержня, позволяющей соединение их по длине с помощью муфт (2), выполненных из материала, допустимого для электроконтакта с покрытием стержней. Для погружения в грунт первый стержень (1) с одного конца снабжен установленным на него заостренным наконечником (3), а на противоположном конце каждого последующего стержня установлены последовательно муфта (2) и оголовок (4), предназначенный для воздействия ударного инструмента. Антикоррозионное покрытие стержней (1) и муфт (2) выполнено из цинка, имеет определенную толщину и нанесено термодиффузионным ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157191U1

Устройство выравнивания опорного потенциала, содержащее проводник, один конец которого предназначен для соединения с электронным оборудованием, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит металлические замкнутые профили, обеспечивающие эквивалент опорного потенциала, имеющие металлические ответвления с металлическими шпильками, являющиеся проводниками, предназначенными для соединения с электронным оборудованием, причем к оконцовкам металлических замкнутых профилей подключены электростатические разрядники, а металлические замкнутые профили посредством металлических ответвлений соединены между собой, в единственном месте без образования замкнутых электрических контуров.

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU86033U1

Стенд по исследованию влияния электромагнитных полей на человека в процессе эксплуатации электроэнергетических установок и линий электропередачи сверхвысокого напряжения, включающий управляющую часть, содержащую автомат включения сети, и элементы контроля испытательного напряжения, отличающийся тем, что управляющая часть дополнительно содержит регулятор напряженности электрического поля с переключателем режимов работы, релейный блок задания режимов и блок моделирования экранирующих условий защиты человека, который формирует условия работы, приближенные к реальным, обеспечивая возможность наглядной демонстрации (визуализации) при обучении и эффективного проведения лабораторных работ по электробезопасности.

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU93373U1

Устройство заземления и повышения устойчивости мобильной грузоподъемной машины с гидравлическими опорами, содержащее опоры, подвижные электроды, механизмы погружения электродов, отличающееся тем, что электроды в количестве четырех штук имеют форму изогнутых стержней, оси которых расположены по дуге окружности, соединенных с прямыми стержнями круглого сечения, направленными по радиусу соответствующей окружности, механизм погружения каждого электрода включает в себя ползун с двумя степенями свободы относительно электрода, храповой механизм соединения электрода и опоры-башмака, гидравлический привод поступательного перемещения в виде гидроцилиндра со штоком, электроды имеют электрический контакт и механическое соединение с гидравлическими опорами и опорной платформой мобильной грузоподъемной машины.

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU58800U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и может быть использована, например, в заземлителях, устанавливаемых как отдельно, так и в совмещенных с разъединителями высокого напряжения. Сущность полезной модели состоит в том, что в известном заземлителе, содержащем заземляющий нож с контактом, токопровод, закрепленные к нему контактные элементы, охватывающие указанный контакт при его поступательном движении, контактные элементы снабжены упором с возможностью взаимодействия указанных элементов и упора в момент включения с гололедом на контакте заземляющего ножа, при этом указанный контакт выполнен в виде пластины, контактирующей с контактными элементами поверхностями, расположенными между плоскостями, находящимися на расстоянии толщины материала этого контакта. Выполнение заземлителя подобным образом позволяет снизить усилие включения, нагрузку на привод и, как следствие, повышает надежность заземлителя в эксплуатации.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU137620U1

... 1. Устройство для выполнения ремонтно-восстановительных работ на высоковольтных линиях электропередач, содержащее рабочую часть, электроизолирующее звено, рукоятку и ограничительный упор, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено держателями, выполненными в виде зажимных колец из изоляционного материала и закрепленными на электроизолирующем звене, а также снабжено гибкой связью, например шнуром, с закрепленными на ее свободных концах карабинами, посредством которых гибкая связь соединена с упомянутыми держателями.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что гибкая связь (шнур) снабжена фиксаторами положения гибкой связи на теле работника или на элементах опор линии электропередач.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что гибкая связь снабжена устройством регулирования ее длины, выполненным, например, в виде рулетки, с двумя противоположно расположенными отверстиями для выходных концов гибкой связи и фиксатором ее положения.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU137700U1

... 1. Анодный заземлитель, содержащий центральный электрод с закрепленными на нем металлическими элементами, окруженный слоем активатора в виде цилиндра, активатор выполнен на основе состава из электропроводного гранулированного пористого сыпучего материала и расположен в оболочке, выполненной из стального листа, отличающийся тем, что центральный электрод выполнен из графитопласта, а в качестве активатора использована графитовая крошка.2. Анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стальной лист выполнен тонкостенным толщиной от 0,1-0,4 мм.3. Анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стальной лист выполнен оцинкованным.4. Анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электрод соединен с кабелем посредством герметичного соединительного узла.5. Анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе имеются центраторы.6. Анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на корпусе имеется крепежный кронштейн.

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU188937U1

РефератПолезная модель относится к электротехнике и может быть использована для заземления в различных типах грунтов, например, в вечномерзлых, каменистых или песчаных грунтах, имеющих высокое удельное сопротивление (от 400 Ом∗м и выше), без применения специальной техники и насыпного грунта.Техническим результатом, реализуемым с помощью полезной модели, является увеличение межсервисного временного периода.Технический результат достигается тем, что в активном устройстве заземления, содержащем полый перфорированный металлический электрод, отверстия в котором расположены по всей его длине от узла соединения с заземляющим проводником, а их суммарная площадь не превышает 20% от общей площади его боковой поверхности, с расположенным на нем узлом соединения с заземляющим проводником, внутренний объем электрода заполнен токопроводящим наполнителем, представляющим собой смесь графита и гелеобразующей добавки.В частных вариантах исполнения на нижнем торце устройства заземления может быть установлен ...

06-09-2019 дата публикации

Штанга-манипулятор для установки зажимов измерительных кабелей на вводах высоковольтного оборудования на воздушных линиях электропередач

Номер: RU192188U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к штангам для присоединения зажимов измерительных кабелей к вводам высоковольтного оборудования, расположенных высоко над землей на высоковольтных линиях электропередач, без применения лестниц и подъемников, также служит для облегчения работы и защиты персонала, занятого на монтаже, обслуживания и ремонта электрических сетей и распределительных устройств.Технический результат полезной модели заключается в упрощении процесса манипулирования штангой, а именно, в уменьшении физической нагрузки на работника, при установке съемных зажимов за счет конструктивных изменений самой штанги.Штанга-манипулятор содержит изолирующую штангу, рукоятку со штифтами, цангу с отверстиями, разъем для крепления съемного фазового зажима. Для манипулирования съемным зажимом штанга снабжена поворотным устройством и шнуром, одним концом шнур закреплен на рукоятке, а вторым концом шнур закреплен на разъеме для крепления съемного зажима. Для надежной фиксации ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU128019U1

... 1. Глубинный анодный заземлитель, содержащий гирлянду из последовательно соединенных друг с другом блоков единичных заземлителей, каждый из которых включает размещенный в несущей металлоконструкции рабочий электрод с кабелем присоединения, и средства для соединения блоков единичных заземлителей в гирлянду, отличающийся тем, что каждый блок единичных заземлителей включает рабочий электрод, размещенный в несущей металлоконструкции, выполненной в виде рамного каркаса с возможностью открытого контакта грунта и грунтового электролита с рабочей поверхностью электрода, при этом между электродом и рамным каркасом установлен, по меньшей мере, один вкладыш из гибкого электропроводящего материала.2. Глубинный анодный заземлитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что средства для соединения блоков единичных заземлителей в гирлянду выполнены в виде парных кронштейнов с соосными отверстиями, расположенными в верхней и нижней частях рамного каркаса, и фиксирующих пальцев, выполненных с возможностью одновременного ...

30-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013835C1

Сущность изобретения: заземляющее устройство содержит удлиненное основание, выполненное из проводящих элементов цилиндрической формы, соединенных проводящими стяжками. Цилиндрические проводящие элементы выполнены вращающимися вокруг своей оси и на них расположены шипы. 3 ил.

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496194C2

Изобретение касается устройства для погружения стержневых заземлителей в котлованы опор линий электропередчачи до засыпки в них извлеченного при бурении грунта. Устройство включает удлиненный клиновидный корпус. На верхнем торце корпуса установлена емкость для жидкости. Корпус содержит продольный паз для размещения заземлителя и стока жидкости на дно котлована к острию заземлителя, а также два дополнительных паза, сходящихся к основанию корпуса и снабженных уплотнительными прокладками, предназначенных для установки и уплотнения клиновидной задвижки. Технический результат - снижение трудоемкости монтажа, осуществляемого без применения дорогостоящих механизмов и сварочных работ, и повышение электробезопасности линий электропередачи. 3 ил.

10-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU58266U1

Полезная модель относится к области электроэнергетики, а более конкретно, к заземлениям и может быть использована на участках АТС, либо непосредственно с земли для защиты работающих на отключенных участках воздушных линий электропередач напряжением до 1150 кВ от поражения электрическим током в случае ошибочной подачи напряжения на этот участок, либо появлении на них приведенного напряжения. Устройство заземления включает отдельные стальные стержни с антикоррозийным электропроводным покрытием, соединительные муфты, выполненные из электропроводного материала, способного контактировать с покрытием стержней и заостренный наконечник, расположенный на стержне, который первым погружается в почву, согласно полезной модели по концам каждого стержня выполнены шейки по диаметру меньше диаметра стержня, таким образом, создавая выступ между шейкой и стержнем, в торце каждой шейки имеется отверстие, стержни и шейки выполнены с медным покрытием, а муфта выполнена с внутренним диаметром меньшим внешнего ...

09-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2041536C1
Автор: Кичкин Ю.Ф.

Сущность изобретения: заземляющее устройство состоит из проводника, идущего от электроустановки, соединительной полосы и вертикальных электродов-заземлителей, жестко соединенных между собой и заложенных в траншею длиной, представленной в формуле в описании. 2 ил.

20-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2046475C1

Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что в качестве дополнительного нулевого защитного проводника использован протяженный заземлитель с дискретной или непрерывной утечкой тока, например строительный каркас производственного здания или сооружения, соединенный параллельно с четвертой жилой кабеля электрической сети нулевым защитным проводником. Кабель проложен в зоне, ограниченной двумя круговыми цилиндрами, оси которых совпадают с осью гипотетического эквивалентного проводника, замещающего строительный каркас производственного здания или сооружения протяженный заземлитель. Оптимальное расстояние между кабелем и осью эквивалентного проводника определяется из условия минимума потенциалообразующего тока. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584330C1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике. Устройство заземления содержит горизонтальный и вертикальный заземляющие контуры, установленные в теплоизолированном коробе. Вертикальный заземляющий контур выполнен в виде вертикальных тепловых труб с низкокипящим теплоносителем и соединен с горизонтальным заземляющим контуром из полых труб, по которому осуществляется подвод теплоты жидким теплоносителем от пластинчатого рекуперативного теплообменника радиаторного типа. Теплота к пластинчатому рекуперативному теплообменнику радиаторного типа подается от газотурбинной перекачивающей установки через нагнетатель горячих газов. Циркуляция жидкого теплоносителя осуществляется под действием насоса. Технический результат устройства состоит в увеличении эффективности заземления электроустановки за счет повышения коэффициента теплопередачи и увеличения площади прогрева грунта. 2 ил.

20-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2167476C1

Вертикальный электрод-заземлитель относится к электротехнике и может быть использован для заземления электроустановок. Вертикальный электрод-заземлитель состоит из проводника, идущего от электроустановки полого цилиндра, к верхнему и нижнему торцам которого жестко присоединены цилиндрические пластины, заложенного в скважину. Пластины выполнены толщиной, равной толщине стенки полого цилиндра. Технический результат - увеличение срока службы. 1 ил.

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2317619C1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и может быть использовано для обеспечения безопасности при эксплуатации стационарных установок нефтяной и газовой промышленности в условиях крайнего севера. Устройство содержит вертикальные заземлители - тепловые трубы с низкокипящим теплоносителем, находящиеся в теплоизолированном коробе и соединенные горизонтальными заземляющими профилями. Вертикальные заземлители - тепловые трубы соединены сваркой с газопроводом посредством горизонтального заземляющего профиля. Теплота к теплоизолированному коробу подается от газотурбинной перекачивающей установки через нагнетатель горячих газов. Технический результат - увеличение эффективности заземления электроустановки, повышение долговечности и снижение трудозатрат при монтаже устройства. 2 ил.

17-06-2024 дата публикации

Заземляющее устройство электрооборудования в грунтах высокого удельного сопротивления

Номер: RU2821018C1

Заземляющее устройство электрооборудования в грунтах высокого удельного сопротивления предназначено для заземления электрооборудования в качестве защитных мер электробезопасности и создания необходимых режимов работы электрических сетей. Физическая сущность коэффициента влияния заключается в том, что ток растекания по одному, например, вертикальному электроду, приводит к возникновению противоположного индукционной ЭДС в смежном расположенном вертикальном электроде, увеличивая сопротивления току растекания. Техническим результатом предлагаемого технического решения является уменьшение величины сопротивления заземляющего устройства электрооборудования от климатического влияния, а также уменьшение электромагнитного влияния от токов растекания в смежных заземляющих металлических проводниках. 2 ил.

20-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95104987A1
Автор: Кичкин Ю.Ф.

Вертикальный заземлитель относится к электротехнике и безопасности жизнедеятельности и может быть использован для заземления электроустановок. Вертикальный заземлитель состоит из проводника 1, идущего от электроустановки, жестко присоединенного к трубе 2, заложенной на дно скважины 3, формируемой самоходными буровыми машинами. Труба 2 выполнена в виде трубчатого стержневого заземлителя наружным диаметром, равным диаметру скважины, высотой lв определяемой по формуле, указанной в описании.

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004135915A

... 1. Способ установки или переустановки опоры, конструкции и им подобного объекта в землю с помощью полимерной композиции, включающий образование указанной полимерной композиции, диспергирование проводящего материала в полимерной композиции и нанесения указанной полимерной композиции на указанную опору или подобные конструкции. 2. Способ по п.1, где стадия образования включает образование пенополиуретановой композиции и указанная стадия нанесения включает нанесение указанной пенополиуретановой композиции. 3. Способ по п.2, дополнительно включающий образование пенополиуретановой композиции in situ. 4. Способ по п.2, где указанная стадия образования пенополиуретановой композиции in situ включает соединение полиизоцианата, органического спиртового компонента, асфальтового компонента, жидкого, не смешивающегося с водой компонента в количестве, эффективном для образования пены достаточной прочности для удерживания опоры в присутствии воды, катализатора, неионогенного поверхностно-активного вещества ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003136132A

Заземлитель, состоящий из отдельных стальных стержней с электропроводимым антикоррозионным покрытием, с резьбой по концам каждого стержня, позволяющей соединение их по длине через муфты, выполненные из материала, допустимого для электроконтакта с покрытием стержней, причем при погружении на первый стержень наворачивается заостренный наконечник, а на каждый последующий через муфту - оголовок, отличающийся тем, что в качестве покрытия стержней используется цинковое покрытие типа ZINGA.

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008129101A

... 1. Система ПТВН-электропередачи, содержащая путь возврата между первой ПТВН-подстанцией (5) и второй ПТВН-подстанцией (6), причем путь возврата содержит первый электрод (7), подсоединенный к первой подстанции, и второй электрод (8), подсоединенный ко второй подстанции, отличающаяся тем, что путь возврата содержит первую часть (11), содержащую первую низкоомную зону (4а) сквозь земную кору (3), в которую заделан первый электрод, вторую часть (13), содержащую земную мантию (2), и третью часть (12), содержащую вторую низкоомную зону (4b) сквозь земную кору (3), в которую заделан второй электрод. ! 2. Система ПТВН-электропередачи по п.1, в которой низкоомная зона (4) содержит хрупкий разлом в коре. ! 3. Система ПТВН-электропередачи по п.1 или 2, в которой первый электрод (7) и второй электрод (8) содержит множество заглубленных электродов. ! 4. Способ формирования пути возврата между первой ПТВН-подстанцией (5) и второй ПТВН-подстанцией (6), содержащего первый электрод (7), подсоединенный к ...

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95103673A

Изобретение относится к высоковольтному аппаратостроению, а именно к высоковольтным заземлителям комплектных распределительных устройств с элегазовой изоляцией (КРУЭ). При вращении вала 5 через рычажный механизм 3 и тягу 4 перемещение передается заземляющему стержню 2, который соединяется с главным токоведущим контуром КРУЭ, при этом электрически соединенной с заземляемым элементом оказывается сначала часть 8 стержня 2, а затем при дальнейшем перемещении часть 7 стержня 2, посредством которой элемент заземляется через токосъемные контакты 6, соединенные с заземленным корпусом 1. При контакте части 8 стержня 2 с заземляемым элементом 7 токоведущий контур КРУЭ электрически соединяется с проходным изолятором 12 посредством гибкого изолированного провода 11, что позволяет провести градуировку схемы измерения ЧР, например системы диагностики изоляции КРУЭ, по значению единичного импульсного заряда ЧР, используя вывод проходного изолятора 12, и измерить сопротивление участка цепи главного токоведущего ...

20-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93037434A

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и используется для выбора компонентов обработки грунта с улучшенными характеристиками заземлителей. Сущность способа состоит в том, что одновременно в одинаковых условиях проводятся сравнительные испытания моделей заземлителей, где искусственно выравнивают естественные факторы, определяющие электропроводность, вводят факторы обработки грунта. Для этого грунт предварительно высушивают, перелопачивают и перемешивают до пылевидного состояния, равными количествами грунта заполняют контейнеры с электродами - модели заземлителей, группируют модели по признаку подобия сопротивления, в грунт части контейнеров добавляют различные количества разнообразных компонентов, в изотермическом объеме теплообменника ступенями равномерно изменяют температуру грунта, снимают характеристику сопротивления грунта в зависимости от температуры и обработки, по полученным данным выдают рекомендации по обработке грунта заземлителей для грунтотемпературных условий эксплуатации ...

20-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94036293A

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к заземляющим устройствам передвижных источников электрической энергии и может быть использовано для защиты обслуживающего персонала от поражения электрическим током. Изобретение упрощает конструкцию заземляющего устройства, повышает удобство его эксплуатации и уменьшает габариты. Заземляющее устройство состоит из основания 1, электродов 2, расположенных на внешней поверхности основания, проводящих стяжек 3, крепящихся к основанию и ходовой части электроустановки с помощью шпилек 5.

10-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95118542A

Способ эксплуатации поверхностного электролитического заземлителя, выполненного в виде резервуара с дном в виде проводящей пористой пробки, заключающийся в том, что заземлитель устанавливают на поверхность грунта, заливают в него электролит через отверстие для заливки электролита в резервуаре, устанавливают после достижения заземлителем нормированного значения сопротивления растеканию электрического тока в это отверстие дополнительную пористую пробку, в процессе непосредственного использования заземлителя по назначению устанавливают факт необходимости очистки проводящей пористой пробки от частиц примесей электролита по полному и частичному прекращению фильтрации электролита через проводящую пористую пробку дна резервуара заземлителя при превышении сопротивления растеканию электрического тока заземлителя нормированного или допустимого значения, в случае необходимости очистки проводящей пористой пробки дна резервуара заземлителя извлекают дополнительную пористую пробку, снимают заземлитель ...

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003111571A

... 1. Заземляющий зажим, содержащий скобу, верхняя полка которой снабжена контактным узлом с контактами, прижимное устройство, состоящее из рабочей части и резьбового соединения, образованного винтом, связанным с изолирующей штангой, и нижней полкой скобы, причем рабочая часть прижимного устройства расположена на верхней части винта и имеет возможность поступательного перемещения, гнездо для размещения заземляемого проводника, образуемое контактным узлом и рабочей частью прижимного устройства, клемму для подсоединения заземляющего провода, отличающийся тем, что контактный узел и винт прижимного устройства выполнены в виде двух соосно расположенных отрезков труб разного диаметра с возможностью вхождения трубы меньшего диаметра в полость трубы большего диаметра, в нижней части отрезка трубы, представляющей контактный узел, выполняются, по востребованности, или лишь одна конусообразная, или лишь одна вертикальная прорези, или обе прорези одновременно, при этом вертикальные оси симметрии прорезей ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU5047293A

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно, к защитным средствам, обеспечивающим безопасное проведение работ в электроустановках напряжением 0,4 - 10 кВ. Предложенная штанга переносного заземления служит для наложения с земли на провода воздушной линии электропередачи закороток-прищепок, имеющих общий заземляющий спуск, присоединенный к колу заземления. Последний вбивается в землю и присоединяется к заземляющему спуску перед заземлением каждого провода в отдельности. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что: штанга переносного заземления, содержащая ствол с изолирующим звеном, контактный зажим, состоящий из основания, прижимной части, стержня и заземляющего спуска, с целью повышения производительности труда, стержень установлен на штанге, основание и прижимная часть снабжены пружиной и оснащены отверстиями для вхождения стержня. Изобретение внедрено в серийное производство. Все виды испытаний прошли в НИЦ ВВА Минэнерго. Выдерживает 2,5 кА тока термической стойкости в течение ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004107897A

... 1. Ручной инструмент, предназначенный для захвата железнодорожного контактного рельса, для облегчения его заземления, содержащий первый рабочий орган, содержащий первую зажимную губку на его конце, рукоятку на его противоположном конце и первую промежуточную часть, проходящую между первой зажимной губкой и рукояткой; второй рабочий орган, шарнирно соединенный с первым рабочим органом, содержащий вторую зажимную губку на его конце, набор храповых зубьев на его противоположном конце и вторую промежуточную часть, проходящую между второй зажимной губкой и набором храповых зубьев, причем первая и вторая зажимные губки выполнены с возможностью поворота в направлении друг к другу и захвата соответствующих противолежащих боковых частей железнодорожного контактного рельса при повороте рукоятки в первом направлении так, чтобы вторая промежуточная часть имела электрический контакт с железнодорожным контактным рельсом; и собачку, проходящую от первого рабочего органа, выполненную с возможностью вхождения ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95103373A1

Изобретение относится к радиотехники, а именно к проблеме устройства высокоэффективного заземления и может быть использовано при действии мощных кратковременных электромагнитных импульсов. Цель: расширение частотного диапазона заземляющего электрода, при котором переходное сопротивление току при его перетекании от электрода в землю становится малой величиной. Это достигается тем, что в качестве заземляющего электрода используется плоская клинообразная самодополнительная антенна М-образного типа, работающая как рассеивающая нагрузка, причем генератором здесь становятся устройства молниезащиты с наведенной на них энергией от мощного ЭМИ.

20-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94036293A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к заземляющим устройствам передвижных источников электрической энергии и может быть использовано для защиты обслуживающего персонала от поражения электрическим током. Изобретение упрощает конструкцию заземляющего устройства, повышает удобство его эксплуатации и уменьшает габариты. Заземляющее устройство состоит из основания 1, электродов 2, расположенных на внешней поверхности основания, проводящих стяжек 3, крепящихся к основанию и ходовой части электроустановки с помощью шпилек 5.

27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: SU841397A1

Анодный заземлитель, содержащий углеграфитовый полый электрод, отличающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения срока службы, электрод выполнен перфорированным и заполнен водорастворимым веществом, окисляющимся на электроде при потенциалах его, соответствующих области потенциалов окисления воды.

07-10-1986 дата публикации

Скважинный анодный заземлитель

Номер: SU1262613A1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и может быть использовано в анодных заземлителях катодных установок . Цель изобретения - повьшение экономичности. Заземлитель содержит насыпной электрод, размещенный в скважине, и токоввод. Ферросилидовые частицы засыпки насыпного электрода выполнены в виде невыпуклого многогранника с звездообразным сечением. Частицы могут иметь форму пирамиды или призмы с звездообразным основанием . Звезда может быть трех-, четырехили многоконечной. При таком выполнении фермы частиц электрический контакт между частицами осуществляется в основном по остроугольным ребрам контакты имеют точечный илн линейный характер. Цель достигается путем жения электросопротивления и увеличе (Я ния срока службы заземлителя. 2 ил.

23-03-1992 дата публикации

Заземляющее устройство

Номер: SU1721675A1

Изобретение относится к наземному оборудованию аэродромов и может бить-, использовано для снятия статического электричества , образующегося на воздушных судах и топливозаправщиках при заправке топливом. Цель - повышение надежности заземления путем снижения величины переходного сопротивления заземления и упрощение в эксплуатации. Заземляющее устройство содержит заземляющий электрод , расположенный в грунте. Присоединенная к нему заземлительная головка расположена у поверхности грунта и выполнена в виде магнита, полюса которого выведены к поверхности грунта и разделены перегородкой из немагнитного материала. К заземлительной головке подсоединяется заземлйтельный элемент .подвижного объекта . 1 ил.

07-07-1991 дата публикации

Узел заземления

Номер: SU1661881A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, в частности к заземляющим устройствам, и может быть широко использовано в различных отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение пожарной безопасности путем обеспечения стабильности температурных режимов на рабочих местах, сокращение трудоемкости и продолжительности работ по обслуживанию электроустановок. Узел заземления содержит концевую пластину с отверстиями в нижней части, в верхней части которой установлен контактный болт, к которому присоединены заземляющие элементы от корпуса электрооборудования, промежуточный токопроводящий элемент в виде присоединенного к элементу от магистрали заземления металлического стакана из немагнитного материала, например нержавеющей стали, с заглушкой в нижней части, в которой помещена ферромагнитная токопроводящая жидкость, затвердевающая при намагничивании, и нижняя часть зачищенной концевой пластины, съемный кольцевой магнит, надетый снаружи на стакан. 2 ил.

26-09-1962 дата публикации

Стальной заземляющий электрод

Номер: SU150145A1

23-07-1980 дата публикации

Телескопический зещемлитель

Номер: SU750618A1

15-05-1988 дата публикации

Узел заземления электрооборудования

Номер: SU1396186A1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике , может быть использовано при заземлении электрооборудования и кабелей преимзпдествённо в судовых электроэнергетических системах, подверженных воздействию атмосферных осадков, морской воды, воздуха с повышенной влажностью. Цель - повьшение, надежности. Узел содержит латунную или медную шпильку 1, к которой подсоединяется заземляющий токопровод 6, и стальную бонку 7, привариваемую к стальному фундаменту (к корпусу судна). Узел заземления выполнен герметичным . Для заправки узла консервиг- рующей жидкостью, например маслом, в шпильке 1 предусмотрено сквозное отверстие 12 по ее оси, а также кольцевая полость между шпилькой и бон- кой, сообщающаяся с осевым отверсти- ем 12. Цель достигается выполнением шпильки и бонки, приводящим к увеличению плотности соприкосновения их контактирующих поверхностей при снижении требования к их обработке. А ил. (О (Л ...

30-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SU955293A1

30-03-1987 дата публикации

Заземляющее устройство

Номер: SU1300586A1

Изобретение относится к электро- эне;ргетике, в частности к заземляющим устройствам. Цель - улучпжние условий электробезопасности на подст ан- цин путем уменьшения вероятности появления опасных напряжений на поверхности при неоднородном многослойном грунте. К заземляющей сетке 1 подсоединено оборудование подстанции, нейтраль трансформатора 3 заземлена с помощыо глубинного электрода 5, который расположен под сеткой. Глубина заложения электрода 5 , или t h, соответственно при р, р или р, PJ , где h, и h,j мощность первого и второго слоев многослойного грунта, р, и р4 - удельное сопротивление первого и второго слоев многослойного грунта. Цель достигается расположением и глубиной заложения глувинного электрода, а также соединением его с нейтралью трансформатора изолированным проводником. 1 ил., . 1 табл. :о СП СХ) ...

23-07-1985 дата публикации

Узел заземления

Номер: SU1169055A1

... 1. УЗЕЛ ЗАЗЕМЛЕНИЯ корпуса электрооборудования на металлическое основание, содержащий болт, расположенный в сквозном резьбовом отверстии корпуса, контактирующего по поверхности с основанием, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности и экономичности, он снабжен шайбой, сформированной из обрезков взаимно переплетенных металлических проволок, смешанных с герметиком, и расположенной меясду торцом болта и основанием.

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Машина для устройства контуров заземлений

Номер: SU122187A1
Автор: Романов Г.Г.

28-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1798843C

23-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1823044C

30-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1791882C

01-01-1938 дата публикации

Способ выполнения электрического заземления

Номер: SU54066A1
Автор: Попов В.Н.

15-05-1993 дата публикации

Заземляющее устройство для передвижных источников электроэнергии

Номер: SU1815704A1

Сущность изобретения: производящий корпус устройства выполнен в виде сетчатого каркаса, в котором размещена пена - электропроводящий состав, воздействующий на грунт. Пена подается посредством гибкого электропроводящего трубопровода в зависимости от величины измеренного сопротивления заземления. 1 ил.

07-08-1992 дата публикации

Основание электроустановки

Номер: SU1753524A1

Сущность изобретения: основание электроустановки содержит располагаемый на естественном грунте объем насыпного материала, нижний слой которого выполнен из электропроводного пористого материала, и заземляющий элемент, расположенный в нижнем слое. Нижняя поверхность нижнего слоя объема насыпного материала расположена ниже промерзания основания. 3 з.п.фт лы, 3 ил. сл с ...

30-12-1985 дата публикации

Высоковольтное заземляющее устройство

Номер: SU1201935A1

ВЫСОКОВОЛЬТНОЕ ЗАЗЕМЛЯЮЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО, содержащее подземную шахту в виде стакана, в котором коаксиально расположен подвижный контакт в виде полого цилиндра из проводящего немагнитного материала соединенный с подземной шахтой линейный электродвигатель, статор которого охватьшает подвижный контакт а ротор расположен на последнем , и узел скользящего контакта, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повьшения экономичности, надежности и быстродействия работы в холодный период года, оно снабжено индуктором, охватьшающим подвижньй контакт в его нижней части, стержневым магнитопроводом, вьтолненным в продольном сечении в виде двутавра и кольцевым магнитопроводом с кольцевым полюсом в основании, i при этом кольцевой магнитопровод с кольцевым полюсом установлен в основании шахты под индуктором,а стержневой магнитопровод установлен в основании подвижного контакта. 8 .

28-02-1993 дата публикации

Переносное устройство для заземления проводов линии электропередачи

Номер: SU1798843A1

Сущность изобретения г устройство содержит соединенные;между собой изолирующую и токопровоД ящу ю штанги. На изолирующей штанге укреплен; индикаторный блок с индикатором напряжения. На верху токопроводящей штанги сооснр с ней укреплен преобразователь напряжения. На токопроеодящей штанге выполней контактный зажим, выполненный а виде двух пар .подпружиненных губок, 3 ил, ...

15-07-1988 дата публикации

Поверхностный переносной электролитический заземлитель

Номер: SU1410142A1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и может быть использовано для защитного или рабочего заземления передвижных электроустановок. Цель - повышение эффективности за- землителя путем снижения сопротивления растеканию тока. Рабочее основание металлического резервуара 1 обра-, зовано пористьп- элементом 2 и металлической электролитопроницаемой мембраной 3, размещенной в нижнем торце рабочего основания и имеющей гальваническую связь с резервуаром. Сетчатая многослойная электролитопроницаемая мембрана вьшолнена из металлических нитей. Под рабочим основанием по его периметру расположен металлический пояс 5, Соединенный с рабочим основанием и имеющий гальваническую связь с электролитопроницаемой мембраной Металлический пояс заглубляется в грунт. 1 ил. б & (Л ...

23-06-1992 дата публикации

Рабочее заземление электропередачи постоянного тока

Номер: SU1742911A1

Использование: в электроэнергетике. Сущность изобретения: провод выносной воздушной рабочей линии через спуски передает ток заземлителям. От источника света к светоприемнику по светопроводу передается пучок света. Светопровод прикреплен к выносной воздушной рабочей линии по всей ее длине. При обрыве провода выносной воздушной рабочей линии обрывается светопровод, при этом свето- приемник вызывает переключение реле. 1 ил.

07-07-1986 дата публикации

Способ изготовления зажима заземления

Номер: SU1243054A1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и предназначено для изготовления зажимов заземления (ЗЗ). Цель изобретения - упрощение изготовления 33. В корпусе 1 выполняют шли- цеобразное отверстие с внутренним диаметром (д) - меньшим и наружным Д- большим Д болта 3.. Лепестки (л) 4 отгибают на угол меньше 90 по отношению к стенке корпуса 1 в одну сторону на одинаковую высоту, до получения внутреннего Д, большего Д болта 3. При сборке размещают в полученном отверстии болт 3, располагая его головку со стороны, противоположной отогнутым л 4. На болт 3 навинчивают гайку 5, при этом создается давление, достаточное для пластической деформации Л 4. В процессе деформации внутренних кромок Л 4 они трутся о стержень болта 3 и прилегадощую поверхность гайки 5, в результате лакокрасочное покрытие Л 4 корпуса, -а также оксидные пленки болта и гайки разрушаются, обнажая чистые слои металла, и создается стабильная металлическая связь корпуса болта и гайки в неразъемном соединении..Цель изобретения достигается ...

23-04-1986 дата публикации

Анодный заземлитель

Номер: SU1226561A1

Изобретение относится к анодным заземлителям и может быть использовано при катодной защите подземных сооружений от коррозии и передаче электроэнергии постоянного тока по системе провод-земля. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции и повышение надежности заземлителя. Заземлитель содержит электроды (Э) 1, установленные в скважине 7 последовательно друг на друга. Верхние концы Э заострены, а нижние имеют полость , например, в форме усеченного конуса, переходящего в круглый цилиндр . Внутри полости образован кольцевой выступ с острой кромкой, обеспечивающий непосредственный линейный электрический контакт двух Э между собой. Э с токовводом размещен в верхней части заземлителя. Э могут иметь между собой и точечный контакт. Цель изобретения достигается за счет непосредственного контактирования Э друг с другом под действием массы вышележащих Э и наличия токоввода лишь у верхнего Э. 2 3. п. ф-лы, 2 ил. с (Л с N9 to а СП а ...

30-11-1992 дата публикации

Анодный заземлитель

Номер: SU1778833A1

Сущность изобретения: анодный зазем- литель состот из пруткового протяженного токопровода из металла, покрывающегося диэлектрической пленкой при стекании анодного тока, например титана, размещенного вдоль анодного заземлителя, к которому с определенным шагом по соосной винтовой линии приварены прутковые малоизнашиваемые электроды из того же металла , покрытые слоем двуокиси марганца толщиной 500 мкм, под углом 30 - 45° к оси токопровода, при этом все электроды могут располагаться в двух вертикальных плоскостях , угол между которым составляет 90°, или в трех вертикальных плоскостях, углы между которыми составляют 60°. В случае размещения анодного заземлителя в вертикальной скважине к нижнему концу токопровода прикрепляют монтажный груз-для обеспечения свободного спуска анодного заземлителя в скважину. 2 ил.

30-06-1984 дата публикации

Скважинный анодный заземлитель

Номер: SU1100667A1

... 1. СКВАЖИННЫЙ АНОДНЫЙ ЗАЗЕМЛИТЕЛЬ , содержащий.полые электроды , электрически соединенные между собой посредством межэлектродных соединителей с вертикальными каналами , выполненные с влагоэащищенными токовводами, и токопроводы, отличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения технологии изготовления и монтажа, межэлектродные соединители выполнены с внутренней полостью, сообщающейся с полостью нижнего, по отношению к данному соединителю электрода, а токовводы размещены в верхней части указанных полостей. 2. Заземлитель по п. 1, о т л ичающ . ийся тем,что межэлектродные соединители выполнены по внешнему диаметру двухступенчатыми, причем ступени большего диаметра жестко закреплены на нижних концах электродов, а ступени меньшего диа (Л метра расположены с зазором в верхних концах нижних электродов.

12-10-1973 дата публикации

Шунтирующая штанга

Номер: SU402099A1
Автор: Брюзгин В.А.

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1815702C

07-05-1993 дата публикации

Электролитический заземлитель

Номер: SU1814119A1

Сущность изобретения: заземлйтель содержит резервуар для электролита, в основании которого расположены электроды со сферическим основанием, выполненные с каналами для протекания электролита и электромагнитными клапанами, регулирующими расход электролита. Катушки электромагнитных клапанов первым концом подключены к одному зажиму источника питания . Другой зажим источника питания заземлен через выносной заземлителТ. Второй конец катушек элект-ром агнитных клапанов соединен со сферическим электродом , 6 ил.

31-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019609480B4

Kabelkanaldeckel, der aus einem länglichem Zuschnitt (26) aus Metallblech gefertigt ist, der einen U-förmigen Querschnitt hat, nämlich eine Basis (20) und zwei seitliche U-Schenkel (22, 24) ausbildet, und der in Abständen angeordnete Flachstecker (30) für eine Polausgleichsverbindung aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Zuschnitt (26) breiter ausgebildet ist als die Gesamtlänge der Basis (20) und der beiden seitlichen U-Schenkel (22, 24) beträgt, daß das Metallblech am freien Ende mindestens eines der U-Schenkel (z. B. 24) unter Querschnittsverdopplung zurückgebogen ist und an der Innenwand des betreffenden U-Schenkels (z. B. 24) und auch an einem Teil der Innenwand der Basis (20) verläuft, und daß in dem Teilstück (42) des zurückgebogenen Zuschnitts (26), der der Innenwand der Basis (20) gegenüberliegt, die Flachstecker (30) ausgebildet sind.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum elektrisch leitenden Kontaktieren

Номер: DE102013107430A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung 2 zum elektrisch leitenden Kontaktieren eines elektrisch leitenden, insbesondere länglichen, beispielsweise im Wesentlichen zylindrischen, Körpers 4, 4, beispielsweise eines Rohres oder eines Kabels. Die erfindungsgemäße Einrichtung 2 ist versehen mit einem Grundkörper 11, der ein als um den zu kontaktierenden Körper 4 spannbare Schelle ausgebildetes Trägerelement 12 aus Metall aufweist, das in Umfangsrichtung 14 offen ausgebildet ist. Ferner weist die erfindungsgemäße Einrichtung 2 mit Verbindungsmittel 18 auf, die wenigstens ein Verbindungsglied 20 aufweisen, durch das die in Umfangsrichtung 14 freien Enden des Trägerelementes 12 mittels in Montageposition miteinander verbindbar bzw. verbunden sind. Zudem weist eine erfindungsgemäße Einrichtung 2 und mit Kontaktmitteln 24 zum Herstellen einer elektrisch leitenden Verbindung zwischen dem zu kontaktierenden Körper 4 und einem Leiter 27 auf, insbesondere einem Erdungskabel. Die Erfindung ist dadurch ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Elektrische Verbindungsanordnung

Номер: DE102016005940A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine elektrische Verbindungsanordnung (1), umfassend mindestens zwei elektrische Geräte (G), welche mittels mindestens einer geschirmten elektrischen Verbindungsleitung (2) elektrisch miteinander verbunden sind. Erfindungsgemäß ist ein Leitungsschirm (4) der geschirmten elektrischen Verbindungsleitung (2) mit einem außerhalb der elektrischen Geräte (G) angeordneten geräteexternen Potentialanschluss (M), insbesondere Massepotentialanschluss, elektrisch verbunden.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Masseanschlussfahne und Erdungsvorrichtung hiermit

Номер: DE112008002974B4

Eine Masseanschlussfahne (1, 1A, 1B) zur Befestigung an einem gemeinsamen Masseteil (50) zusammen mit wenigstens einer weiteren, zweiten Masseanschlussfahne (1B) mit gleicher Ausgestaltung in einer aufeinanderliegenden Weise, aufweisend: einen ringförmigen Anschlusskörper (3) mit einer Durchgangsöffnung (9), welche den Durchtritt des Masseteils (50) erlaubt; einen Kabelbefestigungsabschnitt (5) mit einer Bodenwand (20) und einem Paar von zylindermantelförmigen Wänden (21), welche jeweils von der Bodenwand (20) hochstehen, wobei der Kabelbefestigungsabschnitt (5) an einem Ende eines elektrischen Kabels mittels einer plastischen Verformung des Paars von zylindermantelförmigen Wänden (21) befestigbar ist; einen Klemmabschnitt (11) mit einem hochstehenden Abschnitt (15), der von einer äußeren Umfangskante des Anschlusskörpers (3) in einer Richtung entgegengesetzt zu derjenigen der zylindermantelförmigen Wände (21) des Kabelbefestigungsabschnitts (5) hochsteht und einem distalen Endabschnitt ...

30-05-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008502230U1

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Earth contact arrangement for fixing electrical connection at vehicle body, has metallic threaded bolt fastened at body, and slot provided in area of internal thread of fixing unit for retaining of wear or lacquer debris

Номер: DE102006034501A1

The arrangement (2) has a metallic threaded bolt (3) fastened at a vehicle body (1) by an arc stud welding, for fixing of an electrical connection (12), and a detachable metallic fixing unit (8) connected with the threaded bolt. An internal thread (10) is adapted to an external thread (4) of the threaded bolt, and a slot (22) is provided in the area of the internal thread of the fixing unit for retaining of wear debris or lacquer debris. The threaded bolt has a plane covering surface, which are turned towards the fixing unit.

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Tiefenerder für eine Blitzschutzanlage

Номер: DE0010012512B4

Tiefenerder für eine Blitzschutzanlage, umfassend einen rohrförmigen Grundkörper mit einer Oberfläche aus Kupfer und einer Anschlußanordnung am freien äußeren Ende, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Grundkörper durch ein zur Erhöhung der statischen Festigkeit ausgegossenes Kupfenohr (2) gebildet ist.

10-12-2018 дата публикации

Erdungssenkschraube mit Segmentschneide

Номер: DE202017004671U1
Принадлежит: RAMSAUER DIETER, Ramsauer, Dieter

Erdverbindung mit einer Erdungsschraube (10) mit Senkkopf (12) mit Einsenkungsbereich (22) und mit einem vom Senkkopf (12) ausgehenden zylindrischen Gewindeschaft (14) zur mechanischen und elektrischen Verbindung eines ersten Metallblechteils (16), mit einem anderen Metallteil (18), wobei das an der Kopfseite der Erdungsschraube liegende erste Metallblechteil (16) allseitig eine Lackschicht (20) aufweist, die von einem Einsenkungsbereich (22) des Kopfes (12) ausgehenden Vorsprungs (24) beim Anziehen der Schraube (12) durchbrochen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die kopfseitige Bohrung (38) zylindrisch und mit einem Durchmesser D1 ausgestattet ist, der geringfügig kleiner als der Kopfdurchmesser D2 des Kopfes (28) ist und dass die Blechkante des ersten Metallblechteils (16) als Gegenlager die schräge Umfangsfläche (34) der Erdungschraube (10) benutzt, die den Lack beim Anziehen der Schraube durchtrennt, ohne Lackspäne zu erzeugen. Gleichzeitig zentriert die Segmentschneide oder Vorsprung ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Elektrische Steckverbindung zum Übertragen von verschiedenen Signalen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit

Номер: DE102004017543B4

Elektrische Steckverbindung aufweisend: einen ersten Stecker (1) und einem zweiten Stecker (1c), wobei der erste Stecker (1) aufweist: ein Gehäuse (12), in dem mindestens ein Plussignal-Anschluss (13) und mindestens ein Minussignal-Anschluss (14) untergebracht sind, wobei jedem Plussignal-Anschluss (13) genau ein erster Erdanschluss (15) und jedem Minussignal-Anschluss (14) genau ein zweiter Erdanschluss (16) zugeordnet ist, und der erste und der zweite Erdanschluss (15, 16) ebenfalls in dem Gehäuse (12) untergebracht sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der zweite Stecker (1c) aufweist: einen passenden Plussignal-Anschluss (48), einen passenden Minussignal-Anschluss (49), einen passenden ersten Erdanschluss (50), und einen passenden zweiten Erdanschluss (51), wobei diese passenden Anschlüsse (48, 49, 50, 51) jeweils ein erstes elektrisches Kontaktteil (52) an einem Ende für die elektrische Verbindung mit den Anschlüssen (13, 14, 15, 16) des ersten Steckers (1) und ein zweites elektrisches ...

20-04-2006 дата публикации

Welding stud for metric bolts, has concentric press ring designed at supporting flange at distance from winding shaft, where inner diameter of press ring is greater than diameter of winding shaft

Номер: DE102004050677A1

The stud has a supporting flange, and a cap nut (9) screwed on a winding shaft. The cap nut exhibits a tap hole and a clamping surface. One of concentric press rings is designed at the flange at a distance from the winding shaft, where the inner diameter of the press ring is greater than the diameter of the winding shaft. The shaft in the stud serves as a waisted shank, and the clamping surface is designed as another press ring. An independent claim is also included for an application of the welding stud.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Erdungsschelle mit seitlichem Verdrehschutz

Номер: DE202020106633U1
Принадлежит: MD ELEKTRONIK GmbH

Erdungsschelle (1) zum Befestigen und elektrischen Kontaktieren von zumindest zwei Kabeln an einer separaten Oberfläche (100), aufweisend: eine Platte (10) mit einer ersten Längskante (12) und einer, der ersten Längskante (12) gegenüberliegenden, zweiten Längskante (14), wobei sich beide Längskanten (12, 14) in einer ersten Richtung (X) der Platte (10) erstrecken, und einer ersten Querkante (16) und einer, der ersten Querkante (16) gegenüberliegenden, zweiten Querkante (18), wobei sich beide Querkanten (16, 18) senkrecht zur ersten und zweiten Längskante (12, 14) in einer zweiten Richtung (Y) der Platte (10) erstrecken; einen ersten Kabelbefestigungsbereich (30) zum Befestigen und elektrischen Kontaktieren eines ersten Kabels an der Platte (10), wobei sich der erste Kabelbefestigungsbereich (30) entlang der ersten Querkante (16) erstreckt; einen zweiten Kabelbefestigungsbereich (32) zum Befestigen und elektrischen Kontaktieren eines zweiten Kabels an der Platte (10), wobei sich der zweite ...

29-08-1927 дата публикации

Profilleitungen z.B. fuer Blitzableiter oder Erdleitungen mit einem UEberzug aus nicht rostendem Metall

Номер: DE0000448954C

05-04-2001 дата публикации

Anschweißlasche für eine Erdungsbrücke

Номер: DE0020101299U1

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Schraubenlose Klemmvorrichtung für elektrische Leiter

Номер: DE102015010312A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine schraubenlose Klemmvorrichtung für elektrische Leiter, insbesondere Blitzschutz- oder Erdungsleiter mit gleicher oder unterschiedlicher Querschnittsfläche, bestehend aus mindestens zwei gegenüberliegenden Federschenkeln aus elektrisch leitfähigem Material, die ein Federschenkelpaar bilden und welche eine Formgebung zum Aufnehmen und Kontaktieren eines Abschnitts des jeweiligen elektrischen Leiters besitzen, sowie mit einem Verbindungsabschnitt zwischen den Federschenkeln. Erfindungsgemäß sind ein erstes Klemmenteil mit mindestens zwei Federschenkeln und ein zweites Klemmenteil mit mindestens zwei Federschenkeln vorgesehen, wobei die jeweiligen Verbindungsabschnitte zwischen den Federschenkeln Rücken an Rücken liegend verbindbar angeordnet sind.

03-07-2020 дата публикации

Стойка линии электропередач

Номер: RU0000198331U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, в частности к строительству линий электропередачи, заземлению опор, металлических конструкций, молниеприемников.Для достижения технического результата в стойке линии электропередач, выполненной в виде полого столба из предварительно напряженного железобетона, имеющей поперечное прямоугольное сечение и продольно-поперечную арматуру, выполненную в виде двух одинаковых блоков, каждый из которых состоит из преднапряженной арматурной проволоки, разделенной на две группы, отдаленные друг от друга относительно поперечной оси поперечного сечения стойки и расположенные симметрично по отношению к ней и выстроенные в ряд, параллельный продольной оси поперечного сечения стойки, который обвит плоской спиралью, согласно полезной модели, нижняя часть стойки снабжена заземляющим устройством, содержащим оголовок, тело из протекторного сплава, установленное в перфорированной оболочке и соединенное с предназначенным для присоединения к защищаемым заземляемым элементам линии электрическим проводом, проходящим через полость стойки, имеющую круглое сечение диаметром на 3-5 см больше диаметра оголовка заземляющего устройства, а сам оголовок имеет длину не менее длины погружаемой части заземляющего устройства, при этом перфорированная оболочка выполнена в виде трубы из электропроводящего материала, протекторное тело установлено со смещением внутрь перфорированной оболочки с одного ее конца, а со стороны глухого конца на перфорированной оболочке установлена винтовая лопасть. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 331 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/12 (2006.01) H01R 4/66 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04H 12/12 (2020.02); H01R 4/66 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020105111, 03.02.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 03.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 03.07.2020 Бюл. № 19 1 9 8 3 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connection between conductive elements

Номер: US20120241215A1
Принадлежит: Pfaudler Werke GmbH

A method of forming an electrically conductive connection between two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) is provided, as is the resulting connection. Wherein the two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are coated with a non-conductive coating ( 7 ), wherein an at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) is located in a region ( 12 ) between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) at regions of the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) which are substantially free from any non-conductive coating ( 7 ). The method comprising positioning one or more sealing elements ( 20 ) such that they completely isolate the partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ), such that after the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are connected together, the sealing element ( 20 ) is held, and preferably compressed, between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) and form a seal separating the at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) from the surrounding environment.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133943A1
Принадлежит: Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.

A split electrical grounding bushing having adjacent bushing portions with insulating bushing portions having guard tabs covering a gap formed between the insulating bushing portions creating a continuous insulating ring. The bushing portions are connected by a hinge permitting the bushing to be placed over electrical conductors or wires after being installed. Gaps in the insulating bushing portion are covered by attached guard tabs improving the safety of a split electrical bushing. Locking tabs and openings are used to securely hold the insulating bushing portions onto the bushing portions. The split electrical bushing is placed on a distal end of an electrical conduit. The split bushing may be an electrical grounding bushing providing an electrical ground connection. 1. A split electrical grounding bushing for placement on the end of an electrical conduit comprising:a first bushing portion having first ends;a second bushing portion having second ends placed adjacent the first ends of said first bushing portion, said first and second bushing portions forming a ring having gaps between the first and second ends of said first bushing portion and said second bushing portion;a first locking tab formed adjacent each first end of said first bushing portion;a second locking tab formed adjacent each end of said second bushing portion;a first insulating bushing portion attached to said first bushing portion, said first insulating bushing portion having a first locking tab opening adjacent each of said first locking tabs;a second insulating bushing portion attached to said second bushing portion, said second insulating bushing portion having a second locking tab opening adjacent each of said first locking tabs; anda guard tab extending from said first and second insulating bushing portions placed on and covering the gaps between the first and second ends of said first and second bushing portions,whereby a continuous electrical insulating ring is formed and said first and ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Universal Ground Adapter for Marine Cables

Номер: US20140041938A1

An adapter is provided for electrically connecting an interior surface of a conduit and an external surface of a cable. The adapter includes a flat strip extending longitudinally from first to second ends with first and second transverse edges and composed of an electrically conductive and mechanically flexible material. The strip includes a longitudinal ribbon that forms a ring for wrapping around the cable by curling the first and second ends together in a direction transverse to the sheet, and a plurality of first and second incisions from the transverse edges towards the ribbon, the incisions being disposed at respective intervals that correspond to a longitudinally regular pattern. The first incisions form tapering tabs for bending in the direction transverse to the sheet to produce petals that extend radially inward from the ring to engage the cable. The second incisions form peripheral tabs for bending in an opposite direction transverse to the sheet to produce flanges that extend radially outward from the ring to engage the conduit. 1. An adapter for electrically connecting an interior surface of a conduit and an external surface of a cable , said adapter comprising: [ 'said ribbon forms a ring for wrapping around the cable by curling said first and second ends together in a direction transverse to said sheet, and', 'a longitudinal ribbon from said first to second ends, wherein'}, said first incisions form tapering tabs for bending in said direction transverse to said sheet to produce petals that extend radially inward from said ring to engage the cable, and', 'said second incisions form peripheral tabs for bending in an opposite direction transverse to said sheet to produce flanges that extend radially outward from said ring to engage the conduit., 'a plurality of first and second incisions from said transverse edges towards said ribbon, said incisions being disposed at respective intervals that correspond to a longitudinally regular pattern, wherein'}], 'a ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080331A1
Автор: Jeon Myoungsoo

Circuit board assembly including an electrical connector having a connector body having a mounting side and an array of signal contacts disposed along the mounting side. The array of signal contacts has gaps formed between adjacent signal contacts of the array. The circuit board assembly also includes a circuit board having an engagement side. The circuit board includes signal vias and ground vias that are exposed along the engagement side. The circuit board assembly also includes a grounding matrix that is positioned between the engagement side and the mounting side. The grounding matrix includes a plurality of ground contacts that are interconnected in a web-like manner to define a plurality of openings, wherein the signal contacts of the electrical connector extend through the openings to engage the signal vias. The ground contacts electrically couple the ground vias of the circuit board to a ground pathway through the electrical connector. 1. A circuit board assembly comprising:an electrical connector comprising a connector body having a mounting side and an array of signal contacts disposed along the mounting side, the array of signal contacts having gaps formed between adjacent signal contacts of the array;a circuit board having an engagement side, the circuit board including signal vias and ground vias; anda grounding matrix positioned between the engagement side and the mounting side, the grounding matrix including a plurality of ground contacts that are interconnected in a web-like manner to define a plurality of openings, wherein the signal contacts of the electrical connector extend through the openings to engage the signal vias, the ground contacts electrically coupling the ground vias of the circuit board to a ground pathway through the electrical connector.2. The circuit board assembly of claim 1 , wherein the circuit board includes a conductive layer that is exposed along the engagement side claim 1 , the conductive layer being coupled to the ground ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083730A1
Принадлежит: Green Innovations Holding LLC

A ground electrode includes a base plate having an upper and a lower side. The ground electrode includes a plurality of tubes each having a first and a second end. The first ends of the tubes are connected to the lower side of the base plate. The tubes are tilted so that the second ends converge in the circular base of a cone. A magnetic coupler is attached to the upper side of the base plate. The magnetic coupler includes a body plate electrically connected to the base plate. Two arm plates and a head plate are connected to the body plate. A permanent magnet is wrapped around a section of the head plate. The ground electrode includes a plurality of diffusers each circumferentially wrapping a section of a respective tube. 1. A ground electrode , comprising:a triangular base plate having an upper and a lower side;three tubes each having a first and a second end, the first ends connected to the lower side of the triangular base plate, the tubes tilted so that the second ends converge in the circular base of a cone; and a housing;', 'a body plate positioned in the housing and electrically connected to the triangular base plate;', 'two arm plates connected to the body plate, a portion of the arm plates protruding from the side of the housing;', 'a head plate connected to the body plate, a portion of the head plate protruding from the top of the housing;', 'a permanent magnet wrapped around a section of the head plate; and', 'three diffusers each circumferentially wrapping a section of a respective tube., 'a magnetic coupler attached to the upper side of the triangular base plate, the magnetic coupler comprising2. The ground electrode of claim 1 , wherein the diffusers are frustum-shaped formed of a conductive material.3. The ground electrode of claim 1 , wherein the diffusers are rings formed of a conductive material.4. The ground electrode of claim 1 , further comprising a respective threaded through bore in the two arm plates and the head plate for receiving a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Site Grounding and Bonding System

Номер: US20160006222A1
Автор: Warren David

A site grounding and bonding system provides for the grounding of a plurality of facilities at a field site using a ground box through which electrical connections are made between one or more ground devices and a distribution panel electrically connected to the facilities. The grounding devices may include one or more grounding plates and one or more ground rods buried beneath the earth. A bumper pole may be placed adjacent to the ground box and bonded to the grounding devices through the ground box. The system allows for the safe grounding of a number of facilities at a site without the necessity of placing separate grounding rods and connecting conductors for each facility. 1. A field site grounding apparatus , comprising:a. a ground box;b. a first grounding plate;c. a grounding plate conductor bonded to the first grounding plate so as to allow the flow of electrical current into the first grounding plate from the grounding plate conductor, wherein the grounding plate conductor comprises a grounding plate conductor end that passes into the ground box;d. a first ground rod bonded to the grounding plate conductor so as to allow the flow of electrical current into the ground rod from the grounding plate conductor;e. a distribution panel;f. a distribution panel conductor electrically connected to the distribution panel, wherein the distributor box conductor comprises a distribution panel conductor end that passes into the ground box and is bonded to the grounding plate conductor end within the ground box; andg. a plurality of facilities electrically connected to the distribution panel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first grounding plate and the first ground rod are positioned at least six feet apart.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a. a second ground rod; andb. a ground rod conductor bonded to the second ground rod and electrically connecting the first ground rod and the second ground rod.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013600A1

A method of installing an electrical grounding system at a site can comprise the steps of inserting a hollow electrode into a hole formed into native soil at the site, the hollow electrode comprising an electrically conductive tube configured for communication with a fault current source, and a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube; positioning the hollow electrode in the hole circumferentially around a ground member driven into native soil at a bottom of the hole; and electrically interconnecting the ground member and the hollow electrode. 1. A method of installing an electrical grounding system at a site , comprising the steps of: an electrically conductive tube configured for communication with a fault current source, and', 'a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube;, 'inserting a hollow electrode into a hole formed into native soil at the site, the hollow electrode comprising'}positioning the hollow electrode in the hole circumferentially around a ground member driven into native soil at a bottom of the hole; andelectrically interconnecting the ground member and the hollow electrode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber layer comprises carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of claim 1 , prior to the step of inserting the hollow electrode into the hole claim 1 , fastening a salt replenishment tube to an undriven portion of the ground member claim 1 , the salt replenishment tube configured to contain electrolytic salt and having a tube wall defining an interior surface and an exterior surface claim 1 , the interior surface of the tube wall defining a salt chamber claim 1 , wherein the tube wall defines a weep hole extending from the exterior surface of the tube wall claim 1 , through the tube wall claim 1 , and ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Terminal set of electrical connector

Номер: US20150017822A1
Автор: Haven Yang
Принадлежит: All Best Precision Technology Co Ltd

A terminal set of an electrical connector includes signal terminal duos and ground terminal duos. The signal terminal duos have two signal terminals. The signal terminals are spaced apart by a first distance and each have a first recess. The direction of the depth of the first recess equals the longitudinal direction of the signal terminals. The ground terminal duos have two ground terminals. The signal terminal duos are disposed between the ground terminals. The ground terminals each have a second recess. The direction of the depth of the second recess equals the longitudinal direction of the ground terminals. The ground terminal and the adjacent signal terminal are spaced apart by a second distance. The first distance is shorter than the second distance. The ground terminals each partially bulges out transversely to form at least a bulging portion. The terminal set features terminal electrical impedance and alleviated inter-terminal resonance.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017823A1

In the connector disclosed herein, a shunting member is arranged between the case and the cover member. The shunting member has a first contact piece elastically deformed by contact with a terminal inserted into a first terminal hole in the case, and a second contact piece elastically deformed by contact with a terminal inserted into a second terminal hole. 1. A connector comprising:a case having a plurality of terminal holes formed to insert terminals in one direction from one side;a cover member attached to the other side of the case in the one direction and having a plurality of terminal holes formed to correspond to the plurality of terminal holes; anda shunting member arranged between the case and the cover member, the shunting member having a first contact piece elastically deformed by contact with a terminal inserted into a first terminal hole in the case, and a second contact piece elastically deformed by contact with a terminal inserted into a second terminal hole; the shunting member being a metal plate, and', 'the first contact piece and the second piece being elastically deformed towards each other on the inside., 'wherein2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the shunting member has an intermediate piece engaging the cover member between the first contact piece and the second contact piece.3. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the shunting member has a fixing portion inserted into the cover member in the same direction as the terminal insertion direction.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the shunting member has a fixing portion inserted into the cover member in the same direction as the terminal insertion direction. The Present Disclosure claims priority to prior-filed Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-008521, entitled “Connector,” filed on 18 Jan. 2012 with the Japanese Patent Office. The content of the aforementioned Patent Application is incorporated in its entirety herein.The Present Disclosure relates, generally, to a connector and, more ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020538A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed toward techniques and configurations for a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly mountable to a computer chassis. In one instance, the PCB assembly may comprise a PCB having two through holes and a PCB mounting device that may include a U-shaped component having a non-linear portion and two rods extended from the non-linear portion and a housing having a base with protrusions extending from ends of the base. The rods may be extended through the protrusions such that the base and the non-linear portion of the U-shaped component form an opening to engage a mounting element of the chassis. The extended portions of the rods may be inserted into and soldered to the through holes of the PCB, to electrically couple the PCB to the PCB mounting device and the chassis to ground the PCB. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018860A1
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

An adjustable clamping device for mechanical and electrical connection to sides of a conductor includes a first clamping member having a first base and a first arm, a second clamping member having a second base and a second arm, and a coupling member configured to adjustably couple the first clamping member with the second clamping member such that the first arm is spaced from the second arm by a desired distance. The coupling member is also configured to prevent decoupling of the first clamping member from the second clamping member. 1. An adjustable clamping device for mechanical and electrical connection to sides of a conductor , the adjustable claiming device comprising:a first clamping member having a first base and a first arm;a second clamping member having a second base and a second arm; anda coupling member configured to adjustably couple the first clamping member with the second clamping member such that the first arm is spaced from the second arm by a desired distance, the coupling member being configured to prevent decoupling of the first clamping member from the second clamping member.2. The adjustable clamping device of claim 1 , further comprising an adjustment member threadedly received through a threaded opening in the first arm or the second arm for engagement with an adjacent side of the conductor.3. The adjustable clamping device of claim 2 , wherein the length of the adjustment member is greater than individual discrete adjustment increments between the first clamping member and the second clamping member to provide a continuous range of adjustments for different width conductors.4. The adjustable clamping device of claim 1 , the first base and the second base are elongated and extend substantially parallel to one another in a longitudinal direction.5. The adjustable clamping device of claim 4 , wherein the first clamping member includes a cutout in the first base claim 4 , and the second clamping member includes a coupling member extending from ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019526A1

A grounding system includes an electrical connection device and a ground rod is provided. The electrical connection device includes a ground rod driver, such as a coupler, capable of being connected to the ground rod, and a conductor cable that is welded to the ground rod driver. 1. An electrical connection device comprising:a ground rod driver capable of being connected to a ground rod;a conductor cable having one end welded to the ground rod driver and a free end.2. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a female coupler for attachment to the ground rod.3. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the female coupler comprises a threaded receptacle for attachment to the ground rod.4. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the female coupler comprises a tapered receptacle for press-fit attachment to the ground rod.5. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a male coupler for attachment to the ground rod.6. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the male coupler comprises a threaded coupler for attachment to the ground rod.7. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the male coupler comprises an end for press-fit attachment to the ground rod.8. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises at least one of copper claim 1 , brass claim 1 , stainless steel and brass.9. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the conductor cable is connected to the coupler utilizing an exothermic welding process.10. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a coupler for joining ground rods.11. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 10 , wherein the coupler comprises a press-fit coupler.12. The electrical connection device as recited ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028283A1
Автор: Foser Thomas

An earthing contact for creating an electrical contact between an earthing cable and a component comprising an electroconductive component surface, comprises an electroconductive contact plate and a fixing element, the contact plate having a first contact surface for placing the contact plate on the component surface, a second contact surface for placing an earthing cable on the contact plate, and a passage for the fixing element, the fixing element comprising a fixing section for fixing the fixing element in the component, a pressure element for pressing the contact plate onto the component surface and a holding section for arranging in the passage of the contact plate, when the pressure element presses the contact plate onto the component surface, the first contact surface being tiltable in relation to the fixing section by a tilting angle of at least 6° when the holding section is arranged in the passage. 1. A ground contact for making electrical contact between a ground cable and a component with an electrically conductive component surface , comprising an electrically conductive contact plate and a fastening element , wherein the contact plate has a first contact surface for applying the contact plate to the electrically conductive component surface , a second contact surface for applying a ground cable to the electrically conductive contact plate and a passage for the fastening element , wherein the fastening element has a fastening section for fastening the fastening element to the electrically conductive component , a pressure element for pressing the electrically conductive contact plate to the electrically conductive component surface and a holding section for arranging in the passage of the electrically conductive contact plate when the pressure element presses the electrically conductive contact plate to the electrically conductive component surface , wherein the first contact surface is tiltable with respect to the fastening section by a tilt angle of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus For Mounting Solar Panels

Номер: US20150034355A1
Принадлежит: J2L Consulting, LLC

Solar panel array with a plurality of solar panels on support system attached at corners or off such corners for foundation structure needs and irregularities secured to roof by lag bolt with mount channel and flashing pre-assembled into mount by crimp for positive seal and mount riser height adjustable can include bilateral or quadrilateral mounts, a coupler seat to affix panel to mount and lateral movement seat for solar panel. An intercalative junctionpiece, nut, or washer has tines for grounding, a dissociation guide and flexture and keeps off the surface for association and perforation to clamp panel firmly via different clamps including wedge clamps, top restraints, lip end clamps, side support clamps, compression clamps, etc. 1. A solar panel mount system comprising:a solar panel coupler seat;a solar panel movable restraint situated in proximity to said solar panel coupler seat;a dissociation guide to which said solar panel movable restraint is responsive; anda retainer configured to secure said solar panel movable restraint at a desired position relative to said solar panel coupler seat.2. A solar panel mount system as described in further comprising a clamp position adjuster to which said solar panel movement restraint is responsive.3. A solar panel mount system as described in wherein said clamp position adjuster to which said solar panel movement restraint is responsive comprises a threaded adjuster.4. A solar panel mount system as described in further comprising a wedge member responsive to said threaded adjuster.5. A solar panel mount system as described in wherein said solar panel movable restraint situated in proximity to said solar panel coupler seat comprises a solar panel lip overhang.610-. (canceled)11. A solar panel mount system as described in wherein said dissociation guide to which said solar panel movable restraint is responsive comprises at least one mount integral dissociation guide.12. A solar panel mount system as described in wherein ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044886A1

A plug connector includes a mating tongue defining top and bottom surfaces thereon. Each surface is provided with a plurality of conductors in one row wherein the characters/categories of the conductors on the top surface are sequentially arranged to be same with those on the bottom surface with a pair of power conductors in two notches at two lateral side edges. The corresponding receptacle connector mounted upon a printed circuit board, defines a receiving cavity to receive the mating tongue therein. Opposite top and bottom rows of contacts are respectively located by upper and bottom sides of the receiving cavity and categorized essentially in a same sequence with the conductors of the plug connector for respectively connecting to the corresponding conductive pads, respectively. A pair of power contacts are located by two lateral sides of the receiving cavity to couple to the corresponding power conductor portions in the notches. 1. An electrical connector assembly comprising:a plug connector defining an external mating tongue with two opposite first and second surfaces thereon;a plurality of first conductors formed on the first surface;a plurality of second conductors formed on the second surface;both said first conductor and said second conductor categorized with at least power pads, differential pads and grounding pads;wherein the mating tongue defines a pair of notches with corresponding conductor portions therein for both electrical connection and mechanical retention.2. The electrical connector assembly as claimed in claim 1 , further including a receptacle connector defining an insulative housing with a receiving cavity therein claim 1 , wherein two rows of contacts are disposed respectively upon an upper interior surface and a bottom interior surface claim 1 , and a pair of power contacts are respectively located on two opposite lateral side interior surfaces for coupling to the corresponding conductor portions in the corresponding notches.3. The ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Grounding Conductor

Номер: US20150047869A1
Принадлежит: Dish Network L.L.C.

An electrical device and/or a connected component is grounded utilizing a dedicated listed grounding conductor that permanently connects to a chassis of the electrical device and a grounded receptacle. The grounding conductor is dedicated to and listed for grounding the electrical device and/or connected components. The grounding conductor includes a first portion that is permanently connectible to a chassis of the electrical device, a second portion that is permanently connectible to the grounding receptacle, and a conductor portion that connects the first portion and second portion. In some implementations, the first portion may include a terminal lug that connects to a port of the chassis and may be secured by a nut that may require mechanical assistance to remove. In various implementations, the second portion may include a ring that is operable to receive a screw that mates with a screw hole of the grounding receptacle. 1. A grounding conductor , comprising:a first portion that is permanently connectible to a chassis of an electrical device;a second portion that is permanently connectible to grounded receptacle; anda conductor portion that connects the first portion and the second portion;wherein the grounding conductor is a dedicated listed grounding conductor for at least one of the electrical device or at least one connected component.2. The grounding conductor of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises a terminal lug.3. The grounding conductor of claim 2 , wherein the terminal lug connects to a port on the chassis.4. The grounding conductor of claim 3 , wherein the port comprises a female coaxial connector.5. The grounding conductor of claim 4 , wherein the terminal lug is permanently connectible to the female coaxial connector utilizing a nut.6. The grounding conductor of claim 4 , wherein the female coaxial connector connects to a coaxial cable that is connectible to at least one antenna.7. The grounding conductor of claim 6 , wherein the grounding ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063077A1

A unitary tool that combines a ground rod to a self-hammering mechanism in a trapped configuration. The ground rod has a length ranging between forty-two and fifty-two inches for facilitating the self-hammering functionality. The ground rod is made from copper-bonded steel for more effectively grounding an electrical connection than the prior art.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190051996A1

An earth connector for a fence panel includes a member with a sharp edge which penetrates protective material on rods of the panel to come into electrical contact with at least two of the rods. 1. An earth connector for use with a fence panel which includes a plurality of rods which are interconnected in a mesh configuration , the earth connector comprising at least one conductive member which is in electrical contact with at least two of the rods , and at least one fastener which is fixed to and which is in electrical contact with the conductive member and which is configured to be electrically connected to at least one earthing conductor.2. The earth connector according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive member is welded or clamped to the panel.3. The earth connector according to claim 1 , further comprising at least first and second said conductive members which are on opposed respective sides of the panel and which are fixed to the panel and to each other.4. The earth connector according to claim 1 , further comprising a stud which projects through or from the conductive member and to which an earth strap is connected.5. The earth connector according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive member has an edge which is used to penetrate a protective coating on at least one of the rods whereby the conductive member is brought directly into electrical contact with said rod.6. The earth connector according to claim 1 , wherein each conductive member is cup-shaped and has an edge which penetrates a protective coating on rods of the fence panel against which the edge bears.7. The earth connector according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive member is in electrical engagement with metallic cladding which is applied to the fence panel.8. A fence comprising at least two spaced apart fence posts claim 1 , a fence panel which is fixed to the fence posts claim 1 , the fence panel including a plurality of rods in a mesh configuration which are coated with a protective material ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052065A1

An assembly contains a housing defining an internal space of the assembly, an electronic circuit arranged in the internal space, and a protection strip arranged in the internal space for protecting the electronic circuit against external influences. Accordingly, the protection strip forms a ground conductor that is electrically connected to the housing and to a ground connection of the electronic circuit. Furthermore, a method for producing the assembly is disclosed. 1. An assembly , comprising:a housing defining an internal space of the assembly;an electronic circuit disposed in said internal space and having a ground connection; anda protection strip disposed in said internal space for protecting said electronic circuit against external influences, said protection strip forming a ground conductor that is electrically connected to said housing and to said ground connection of said electronic circuit.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said housing has two housing parts claim 1 , each of said housing parts has a circumferential boundary area claim 1 , said circumferential boundary areas are connected to each other to form said housing.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said housing parts are connected to each other via a welding seam that connects said circumferential boundary areas to one another.4. The assembly according to claim 3 , wherein said protection strip is configured to protect said electronic circuit against the external influences generated upon welding of said welding seam.5. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said protection strip is disposed in said internal space such that said protection strip overlaps with both said circumferential boundary areas on an inside of said housing claim 2 , and said inside of said housing faces said electronic circuit.6. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said protection strip comprises a wing protruding from a portion of said protection strip that extends along the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Connector And Bonding System

Номер: US20210057832A1

An electrical connection system includes a mounting stud having a base configured for mounting to a conductive surface. One or more one ring-shaped lugs, formed of an electrically conductive material, are configured for being positioned on the mounting stud for surrounding the mounting stud. The ring-shaped lug includes one or a plurality of interior channels extending around the inside diameter thereof. A contact spring is seated within a respective interior channel and is electrically conductive and dimensioned to extend radially inwardly from the channel and contact the mounting stud when the ring-shaped lug is positioned thereon. The contact spring is configured to at least partially collapse in the radial direction and to provide a spring bias against the mounting stud for providing an electrical connection between the ring-shaped lug and mounting stud. A locking cap is positioned on the mounting stud over the at least one ring-shaped lug for locking with the mounting stud and securing the ring-shaped lugs on the mounting stud for a secure electrical connection. 1. An electrical connection system comprising:a mounting stud having a base configured for mounting to a conductive surface;at least one ring-shaped lug configured for being positioned on the mounting stud for surrounding the mounting stud, the ring-shaped lug being formed of an electrically conductive material and including an interior channel extending around the inside diameter thereof;a contact spring seated within the interior channel, the contact spring being electrically conductive and dimensioned to extend radially inwardly from the channel and contact the mounting stud when the ring-shaped lug is positioned thereon, the contact spring configured to at least partially collapse in the radial direction and to provide a spring bias against the mounting stud for providing an electrical connection between the ring-shaped lug and mounting stud; anda locking cap configured for positioning on the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Grounding System

Номер: US20170054229A1

A remotely controllable grounding system including at least one movable rod element having at least one conductive and isolating sections and at least one conductor configured to be electrically connected to ground and the movable rod element. The grounding system including at least one pair of positive and negative grounding terminals arranged to be fixedly connected to electric equipment to be grounded. The grounding system includes a rod propulsion system arranged to be remotely controlled and configured to move the at least one movable rod element from an ungrounded position (U), in which the positive and negative grounding terminals are isolated from one another by the isolating section, into a grounded position (G), in which the positive and negative grounding terminals are galvanically connected with one another by the conductive section and in which grounded position the conductive section is connected to ground via the at least one conductor. 1. A modular multilevel voltage source converter system comprising high voltage electric equipment to be grounded when not in use and a grounding system , said high voltage electric equipment comprising a modular multilevel voltage source converter having cells with capacitors and a plurality of pairs of positive and negative grounding terminals respectively assigned to the cell capacitors ,said grounding system comprising a rod element interacting with said terminals, whereby said rod element comprises at least one conductive section and at least one isolating section;whereby the grounding system further comprises a rod propulsion system arranged to be remotely controlled and configured to move said rod element along its longitudinal axis from an ungrounded position,in which the positive and negative grounding terminals are isolated from one another by the isolating section,into a grounded position, in which the positive and negative grounding terminals are galvanically connected with one another by the conductive ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072562A1

A plug connector includes a mating tongue defining top and bottom surfaces thereon. Each surface is provided with a plurality of conductors in one row wherein the characters/categories of the conductors on the top surface are sequentially arranged to be same with those on the bottom surface with a pair of power conductors in two notches at two lateral side edges. The corresponding receptacle connector mounted upon a printed circuit board, defines a receiving cavity to receive the mating tongue therein. Opposite top and bottom rows of contacts are respectively located by upper and bottom sides of the receiving cavity and categorized essentially in a same sequence with the conductors of the plug connector for respectively connecting to the corresponding conductive pads, respectively. A pair of power contacts are located by two lateral sides of the receiving cavity to couple to the corresponding power conductor portions in the notches. 1. An electrical connector assembly comprising:a plug connector including:an insulative housing unit essentially having a pair of housings each equipped with a plurality of contacts thereof, each of said contacts defining a front contacting section and a rear tail section;a paddle card sandwiched, in a vertical direction, between the pair of housings with circuit pads mechanically and electrically connected to the corresponding rear tail sections, respectively; anda pair of metallic shells enclosing a rear portion of the housing unit but exposing a front portion of the housing unit to cooperate with a front region of the shell to be a mating tongue;said mating tongue forms a pair of notches on two opposite lateral side edges, respectively, anda pair of conductive segments located on the two opposite lateral side edges with locking regions exposed in the notches, respectively.2. The electrical connector assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an overmolded cover encloses the pair of shells with a rearwardly extending cable which is ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Conductive Contact Point Pin and Charged Particle Beam Apparatus

Номер: US20180068824A1

A conductive contact point pin includes a pin body, and a plurality of convex portions formed in a tip portion of the pin body, wherein the conductive contact point pin breaks, by pressing a substrate where a film to be broken is formed on a conductive film from above the film to be broken, the film to be broken in order to be electrically connected to the conductive film. 1. A conductive contact point pin comprising:a pin body; anda plurality of convex portions formed in a tip portion of the pin body, whereinthe conductive contact point pin breaks, by pressing a substrate where a film to be broken is formed on a conductive film from above the film to be broken, the film to be broken in order to be electrically connected to the conductive film.2. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 1 , wherein a height dimension of the plurality of convex portions is formed to be longer than a film thickness of the film to be broken.3. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the film to be broken includes chromic oxide (CrO), and'}an interspace between adjacent convex portions of the plurality of convex portions is formed to be equal to or greater than 1.3 μm.4. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 1 , wherein one of a chromium (Cr) film and a tungsten (W) film is used as the conductive film.5. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 1 , wherein one of a semiconductor substrate and an exposure mask substrates is used as the substrate.6. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of convex portions includes sides forming a tip top surface.7. The conductive contact point pin according to claim 6 , wherein a shape of the each of the plurality of the convex portions is one of a cylindrical shape claim 6 , triangular prismatic shape claim 6 , quadrangular prismatic shape claim 6 , pentagonal prismatic shape claim 6 , hexagonal prismatic shape claim 6 , and other ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067852A1

An electronic device includes a ground element, a conductive assembly, a circuit board, an insulating element and a conductive element. The conductive assembly includes a base and a screw element. The base is disposed at the ground element and contacts the ground element. The screw element has a fixing portion and a clamping portion connected to the fixing portion. The outer diameter of the clamping portion is larger than the outer diameter of the fixing portion, and the fixing portion is fixed to the base. The circuit board is disposed between the base and the clamping portion of the screw element. The insulating element is disposed between part of the clamping portion and the circuit board. The conductive element is disposed at the circuit board and contacts the conductive assembly. The circuit board is electrically connected to the ground element through the conductive element and the conductive assembly. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a ground element; a base, disposed at the ground element and contacting the ground element; and', 'a screw element, having a fixing portion and a clamping portion connected to the fixing portion, wherein an outer diameter of the clamping portion is larger than an outer diameter of the fixing portion, and the fixing portion is fixed to the base;, 'a conductive assembly, wherein the conductive assembly comprisesa circuit board, disposed between the base and the clamping portion of the screw element;an insulating element, disposed between part of the clamping portion and the circuit board; anda conductive element, disposed at the circuit board and contacting the conductive assembly, wherein the circuit board is electrically connected to the ground element through the conductive element and the conductive assembly.2. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is in contact with the screw element of the conductive assembly claim 1 , and the conductive element is electrically connected to the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069976A1
Автор: HERRON Lee Scott

A temporary grounding assembly is provided that includes a ground clamp, a tensioning member, a tensioner device, a first conductor, and a ground rod. The ground clamp has a main body with a plurality of teeth that are configured to make electrical connection with an outer diameter of a pipe. The tensioning member is secured to one end of the ground clamp. The tensioner device is securable to the tensioning member and to an opposite end of the ground clamp. The first conductor is in electrical connection with the ground clamp. The ground rod is in electrical connection with the first conductor. 1. A temporary grounding assembly , comprising:a ground clamp having a main body with a plurality of teeth that are configured to make electrical connection with an outer diameter of a pipe;a tensioning member secured to one end of the ground clamp;a tensioner device securable to the tensioning member and to an opposite end of the ground clamp;a first conductor in electrical connection with the ground clamp; anda ground rod in electrical connection with the first conductor.2. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a grounding mat and a second conductor claim 1 , wherein the first electrical conductor is in electrical connection with the ground rod through the grounding mat and the second conductor.3. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth define a contact surface that has a diameter that conforms to the outer diameter of a single pipe.4. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth define at least two contact surfaces that each match an outer diameter of a different sized pipe.5. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth are disposed on the main body so that a leading edge of the teeth have an orientation selected from the group consisting of facing away from one another claim 1 , facing towards one another claim 1 , perpendicular to a radius of ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077921A1

A mounting apparatus is used to mount a hard disk drive to a storage rack. The mounting apparatus includes a supporting frame and two grounding members. The supporting frame includes a handle, and two side brackets extending from opposite ends of the handle, and attached to opposite sides of the hard disk drive. Each grounding member is made of resilient and conductive material, and includes a mounting plate mounted to the side bracket, and two abutting plates extending out from two opposite ends of the mounting plate. A part of each abutting plate is exposed out of the corresponding side bracket. when the mounting apparatus mounting the hard disk drive in a storage rack, the abutting plates are sandwiched between the storage rack and the hard disk drive. 1. A grounding member , comprising:a mounting plate;two abutting plates extending out from two opposite ends of the mounting plate;wherein the grounding member is made of resilient and conductive material, each abutting plate comprises an arc-shaped first abutting portion extending from the mounting plate and arced toward a first direction, and an arc-shaped second abutting portion extending from a distal end of the first abutting portion and arced toward a second direction opposite to the first direction.2. The grounding member of claim 1 , wherein each abutting plate is substantially S-shaped.3. The grounding member of claim 1 , wherein two opposite sides of the mounting plate define two pairs of cutouts adjacent to the abutting plates.4. The grounding member of claim 1 , wherein an end of the mounting plate define a receiving slot extending along a lengthwise direction of the mounting plate claim 1 , a resilient tongue extends into the receiving slot from an end wall bounding the receiving slot.5. The grounding member of claim 4 , wherein a protrusion extends out from a distal end of the tongue.6. A mounting apparatus for mounting a hard disk drive in a storage rack claim 4 , the mounting apparatus comprising:a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079820A1
Автор: Harris Nelly

A ground cable plug assembly configured to accept a cable and provide necessary connections for accomplishing a grounding function. In one approach, the cable plug assembly is configured to accept and ground a coaxial cable. In another approach, the cable plug assembly accepts and grounds an HDMI cable. 1. A method for grounding a cable , comprising:providing a grounding plug assembly including a main body and an extension housing projecting therefrom, the exterior housing including first and second female cable receptacles;placing the grounding plug assembly in a wall socket;attaching a male end of a first cable within the first female cable receptacle;grounding the first cable through the wall socket;attaching a male end of a second cable within the second female cable receptacle;placing the second cable in communication with the first cable; andattaching a second male end of the second cable to a communication device.2. A system for grounding a cable comprising:a wall outlet including a ground;a first cable with a first male end;a second cable with a second male end; anda grounding plug assembly including a main body with a ground prong, and an extension housing exterior from the main body, the exterior housing including a first female receptacle, a second first receptacle and a connection to the ground prong;wherein the first cable is attached to the first female receptacle and grounded to the wall ground, the second cable is attached to the second female receptacle, and the first cable is placed in electronic communication with the second cable. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Application Ser. No. 61/877,833, filed Sep. 13, 2013, the entire disclosure of which is expressly incorporated herein.The present invention relates generally to electrical grounding, and more particularly to grounding coaxial, HDMI and other cables.Companies that operate fiberoptic and wired, third-party distribution systems for broadcast programming are subject to electrical ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220094082A1

An electrified vehicle assembly includes, among other things, a grounding block secured to a frame member of an electrified vehicle. The grounding block includes a bore configured to receive a fastener to hold a grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block. 1. An electrified vehicle assembly , comprising:a grounding block secured to a frame member of an electrified vehicle, the grounding block including a bore configured to receive a fastener to hold a grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block.2. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bore is unthreaded prior to receiving the fastener claim 1 , wherein the fastener is a thread-cutting fastener.3. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the grounding block is secured to an unapertured area of the frame member such that the grounding block spans over no aperture within the frame member.4. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame member has a hollow cross section claim 1 , at least one internal surface that faces the hollow cross section claim 1 , and at least one external surface that faces away from the hollow cross-section claim 1 , wherein the grounding block is secured to an external surface of the frame member.5. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , further comprising the grounding strap connector and the fastener claim 1 , the grounding strap connector held directly against the grounding block by the fastener.6. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 5 , further comprising a locating system that locates the grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block.7. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 6 , wherein the bore is disposed along an axis claim 6 , wherein the locating system is configured to locate the grounding strap circumferentially about the axis relative to the grounding block.8. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 6 , wherein the bore is disposed along an axis claim 6 , wherein the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079175A1

The present invention relates to a carbon steel part coated with a coating of multiple layers of various materials, such as zinc, copper, and tin, and a sealing coating based on a product known commercially as Solderex TB-Br. The part can be used to produce conductors and electrodes which receive and carry electricity and which can, in turn, form part of an electrical energy control system. The present invention also relates to a method for coating a carbon steel part with a coating of multiple layers of various materials, wherein said method comprises: applying a zinc layer coating the surface of a carbon steel support material; applying a copper layer on the zinc layer; applying a tin layer on the copper layer; and applying a sealing layer on the tin layer. 1. A coated carbon steel part comprising:i) a steel support material that contains 0.002-0.80% carbon;ii) a zinc layer with a thickness of 18-40 μm covers the carbon steel support material; andiii) a layer of copper nanoparticles with a thickness of 7-20 μm applied on the zinc layer.2. The part of claim 1 , where the part has a surface electrical conductivity of at least 28%.3. The part of claim 1 , wherein the zinc coating has a pressure resistance of 275 g/m2.4. The part of claim 1 , wherein the carbon steel support material is selected from the group consisting of: Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS) and Deep Drawing Steel Type A and B (DDS).5. The part of claim 4 , where the carbon steel support material is Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS).6. The part of claim 1 , wherein the layer of copper nanoparticles contains an aqueous mixture of 60 g/L of sodium cyanide claim 1 , 45 g/L of copper cyanide claim 1 , and 20 g/L of Rocheltex® salt claim 1 , a liquid additive agent for electroplating solutions.7. The part of claim 1 , wherein the carbon steel part is formed as any one of or combination of strips claim 1 , lines claim 1 , rods claim 1 , wires claim 1 , wire rods claim 1 , plates claim 1 , foils claim 1 , and ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Flow drill screw attached grounding block

Номер: US20150087168A1

A grounding block is provided. The grounding block includes a means for fastening and a formed metallic block. The formed metallic block further comprises two or more flanges, where each flange is configured to accept the means for fastening. The formed metal block further comprises a uniform clearance formed into the underside of the grounding block between the flanges and a hole formed through the grounding block configured to accept a bolt. Various embodiments include angled surfaces to optimize assembly ergonomics and variable depth to optimize the mass of the blocks.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Permanent Ground Point for Splicing Connectors

Номер: US20150087171A1

A permanent ground point for a splicing connector is provided. The ground point is comprised of a ground rod that is permanently attached to a port on the splicing connector. A grounding clamp may then be attached to the ground point after the system is de-energized in order to provide a safe connection to system ground. 1. An electrical connector assembly , comprising:a yoke, which is comprised of an outer housing and a central conductor provided within the outer housing, wherein the central conductor comprises at least three outwardly extending portions;a first outwardly extending portion and a second outwardly extending portion of the central conductor which are operatively coupled to first and second power cables, respectively; anda third outwardly extending portion of the central conductor comprised of a permanent ground point that is mechanically and electrically connected to the central conductor and allows for the entire connector assembly to be grounded when a grounding device that is connected to system ground is attached to the permanent ground point.2. The electrical connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the yoke comprises a two-way yoke claim 1 , a three-way yoke claim 1 , or a four-way yoke.3. The electrical connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the first outwardly extending portion and the second outwardly extending portion further comprise a spade portion for connecting to the first and second power cables claim 1 , respectively.4. The electrical connector assembly of claim 3 , further comprising first and second crimp connectors coupled to the first and second power cables claim 3 , respectively claim 3 , and wherein the first and second crimp connectors are configured for securing to the spade portions of the first and second outwardly extending portions claim 3 , respectively.5. The electrical connector assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first cable receptacle for providing an interface between the first outwardly extending ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Externally Switchable Lid

Номер: US20200083617A1
Автор: Michael Moore

An externally switchable lid for securing to a utility tracer wire access housing and for selectively conductively engaging and disengaging a buried ground rod in order to locate a utility line via the tracer wire. The lid has a first surface supporting a switch and a second surface supporting a first terminal for connecting a tracer wire directly to the lid and the first terminal having a first end of a switch jumper fixedly secured thereto and a second terminal for connecting a ground wire to the ground switch. A locking mechanism is provided for securing the lid to the access housing while the lid is accessible above-ground. The lid connects to the access housing which has a length of the tracer wire and the ground wire extending from connection with the lid and extending underground.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210098981A1
Автор: ROBINSON James D.

A cover assembly for a grounding arrangement having a ground stud electrically connected to a conductive surface. The cover assembly includes a cable boot configured to enclose at least a part of the ground stud and the conductive surface. The cable boot has an aperture. The cover assembly further includes a plug boot is insertable into the aperture of the cable boot. The plug boot includes a stud receiving portion defining an interior space. At least a portion of the ground stud is received in the interior space when the plug boot is inserted into the aperture. A handle portion extends from the stud receiving portion. 1. A cover assembly for a grounding arrangement having a ground stud electrically connected to a conductive surface , the cover assembly comprising:a cable boot configured to enclose at least a part of the ground stud and the conductive surface, the cable boot having an aperture; and a stud receiving portion defining an interior space, at least a portion of the ground stud being received in the interior space when the plug boot is inserted into the aperture; and', 'a handle portion extending from the stud receiving portion;, 'a plug boot that is insertable into the aperture of the cable boot, the plug boot comprisingwherein the plug boot is free from contact with the ground stud when the portion of the ground stud is received in the interior space such that an air gap exists between the plug boot and the ground stud.2. The cover assembly of wherein the plug boot includes a flange that extends circumferentially about the stud receiving portion claim 1 , the flange engaging with the cable boot when the plug boot is inserted into the aperture of the cable boot.3. The cover assembly of wherein the plug boot includes a groove that extends circumferentially about the stud receiving portion claim 1 , the groove engaging a periphery of the aperture when the plug boot is inserted into the aperture of the cable boot.4. The cover assembly of wherein the plug ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107869A1

A block for electrical bonding and grounding made by punching and bending a metal sheet is provided. The block for electrical bonding and grounding has a fixing section formed on its bottom end and a connecting section formed uprightly on one side of the fixing section. The fixing section has a ground portion formed thereon by bending a cut portion into a U-shape portion, and the ground portion has a ground wire passage for passing through of a ground wire. The ground wire passage has a shrunk neck portion provided for limiting the ground wire. A threaded hole is provided correspondingly such that a fastening screw can be threaded through the threaded hole to clamp the ground wire securely in position. The overall manufacturing process is easier, more convenient and quicker so that the overall cost is lowered. 1. A block for electrical bonding and grounding , which is formed by punching and bending a metal sheet , having a fixing section formed on its bottom end and a connecting section formed uprightly on one side of the fixing section; the connecting section has a connecting passage provided thereon and the fixing section has a ground portion formed thereon by bending a cut portion into an U-shape portion;the ground portion has a ground wire passage for passing through of a ground wire; the ground wire passage has a limiting segment with a shrunk neck portion; a threaded hole is provided correspondingly such that a fastening screw can be threaded through the threaded hole to clamp the ground wire securely.2. The block for electrical bonding and grounding as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a double-head connector is provided to correspond to the connecting passage of the block for electrical bonding and grounding; at least one flat face is formed within the connecting passage which is engaged with at least one flat cut-out face formed on a flange periphery of the double-head connector.3. The block for electrical bonding and grounding as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150109183A1
Автор: Smith Richard

This disclosure relates to electrical connectors that exhibit low passive intermodulation. A conductive shielding layer of a coaxial cable can be coupled to a ground plane. The ground plane can include an extruded hole that includes a side wall that is integrally formed with the body of the ground plane. The conductive shielding layer can be soldered to the inside surface of the side wall of the extruded hole in the ground plane. 1. An antenna system comprising:an antenna; an inner conductor configured to transmit signals to or from the antenna;', 'an insulating layer disposed over the inner conductor;', 'a conductive shielding layer disposed over the insulating layer; and', 'an insulating outer jacket disposed over the shielding layer;, 'a coaxial electrical cable for coupling the antenna to an electrical component, the coaxial electrical cable comprising a generally planar sheet of conductive material;', 'a hole extending through the generally planar sheet of conductive material; and', 'a side wall integrally formed with the generally planar sheet of conductive material, wherein the side wall surrounds the hole and extends away from the generally planar sheet of conductive material, and wherein the side wall comprises a substantially cylindrical inside surface; and, 'a ground plane comprisingsolder mechanically and electrically coupling the conductive shielding layer of the coaxial electrical cable to the substantially cylindrical inside surface of the side wall.2. The antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the ground plane is configured to reflect radio waves emitted by the antenna.3. The antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the ground plane provides electrical ground to the system.4. The antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is mounted to the ground plane.5. The antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is positioned at a center of the ground plane.6. The antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the ground plane has a substantially circular shape.7. The ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190103684A1

A corrosion-protected electrical assembly includes a metallic component (e.g. a utility pole or a guy anchor rod or direct buried tower steel) having an outer surface, and a water-impermeable, electrically-conductive, covering applied to at least a portion of the outer surface. A covering for a metallic component includes a water-impermeable polymeric matrix, and a particulate carbonaceous material dispersed in the polymeric matrix. A method for protecting a metallic component from corrosion includes applying a covering to an outer surface of the metallic component at the bottom portion of the metallic component. The covering is water-impermeable and electrically-conductive. 1. A covering for a metallic component , the covering comprising:a) a water-impermeable heat-shrink polymeric matrix; andb) a particulate carbonaceous material dispersed in the polymeric matrix.2. The covering of claim 1 , wherein the particulate carbonaceous material comprises a calcined petroleum coke claim 1 , a conductive carbon black claim 1 , single wall carbon nanotubes claim 1 , fluid coke claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , and/or a carbon fiber.3. A corrosion-protected electrical assembly claim 1 , comprising:a) a metallic component having an outer surface;b) a water-impermeable, electrically-conductive, heat-shrink covering applied to at least a portion of the outer surface.4. The corrosion-protected electrical assembly of claim 3 , wherein the metallic component is a utility pole or a guy anchor rod or direct buried tower steel.5. The corrosion-protected assembly of claim 4 , wherein the metallic component has a buried portion claim 4 , and the heat shrink covering is applied to the buried portion.6. The corrosion-protected electrical assembly of claim 3 , wherein the covering comprises a water-impermeable heat-shrink polymeric matrix claim 3 , and a particulate carbonaceous material dispersed in the polymeric matrix. A method for protecting a metallic component from corrosion claim 3 , ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114677A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

The invention relates to an aeronautic engine (), comprising: 1. An aeronautic engine , comprising:a housing,a first metal piece, andelectrical equipment, fixed on the housing and connected to the first metal piece with an electrically conductive connection path,wherein the housing is made of electrically insulating material, and the housing comprises at least one first connecting flange, adapted to fix the housing to the first metal piece, the connection path being connected to the first metal piece with said first connecting flange.2. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , further comprising a second metal piece claim 1 , and wherein:the connection path is further adapted to connect the housing to the second metal piece, andthe housing comprises at least one second connecting flange, adapted to fix the housing to the second metal piece, the connection path being connected to the second metal piece by means of said second connecting flange.3. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , wherein the connection path comprises at least one of the following elements: a metal-metal contact claim 1 , a ground braid.4. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , wherein the metal-metal contact comprises a metal support fixed both to the electrical equipment and also to the first connecting flange.5. The aeronautic engine according to claim 4 , wherein:the electrically insulating material of the housing comprises a composite material, said composite material comprising a fibrous reinforcement densified by a polymer matrix,at the level of the contact between the metal support of the electrical equipment and the housing, the fibres of the composite material of the housing are at least partially exposed to improve metal-metal contact between the metal support and the first connecting flange and improve contact between the connection path and the first connecting flange.6. The aeronautic engine according to claim 5 , wherein the first metal piece and the second metal ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200106196A1
Принадлежит: KAM Technologies, LLC

The grounding damp system is for use with an electrically insulated pole and for attachment to an electrical conductor in angled configurations. The grounding clamp system includes a damping mechanism having an actuatable damp and an associated ground conductor connector. An attachment coupler is configured to attach to the electrically insulated pole, and an angular adjustment mechanism is coupled between the clamping mechanism and the attachment coupler. The adjustment mechanism is configured to provide angular adjustment between the clamping mechanism and the attachment coupler in at least one axis while also transferring force to actuate the actuatable damp when attaching the clamping mechanism to the electrical conductor at a selected angular position. The damping mechanism is configured to create a path to pass ground fault current from the electrical conductor to a ground conductor coupled to the ground conductor connector without including the angular adjustment mechanism in the path. 1. A grounding clamp system for use with an electrically insulated pole and for attachment to an electrical conductor in angled configurations , the grounding clamp system comprising:a clamping mechanism including an actuatable clamp and an associated ground conductor connector;an attachment coupler configured to attach to the electrically insulated pole: andan angular adjustment mechanism coupled between the clamping mechanism and the attachment coupler, and configured to provide angular adjustment between the clamping mechanism and the attachment coupler in at least one axis while also transferring force to actuate the actuatable clamp when attaching the clamping mechanism to the electrical conductor at a selected angular position;wherein the clamping mechanism is configured to create a path to pass ground fault current from the electrical conductor to a ground conductor coupled to the ground conductor connector without including the angular adjustment mechanism in the path.2 ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114505A1
Автор: Klein Erik D.

A timber access mat having an electrical grounding feature includes an electrically conductive cover layer that is removably carried over the top of the body of the timber access mat. The electrically conductive cover layer can be formed from one or more sheets of expanded metal such as expanded steel. The layer is joined to a perimeter frame that includes offset connector tabs that allow mats to be positioned side-by-side. The connector tabs are paired with cable guides to protect the cable leads that connect the mats. The perimeter frame and conductive cover layer can be added to traditional timber access mats when electrical grounding is required and then removed and stored when not required. 1. A timber access mat with an electrical grounding feature; the mat comprising:a mat body having an upper perimeter edge;a metal frame disposed around the upper perimeter edge of the mat body;metal connector tabs extending outwardly from the metal frame; the metal connector tabs being disposed in complementary positions on opposite sides of the metal frame; the complementary positions of the metal connector tabs adapted to allow a pair of timber access mats being placed side-by-side without the metal connector tabs interfering with each other; anda conductive cover layer being connected to the metal frame and disposed over the mat body.2. The timber access mat of claim 1 , further comprising a cable guide connected to the frame; the cable guide defining an opening.3. The timber access mat of claim 2 , further comprising a flexible electrical cable lead connected to one of the metal connector tabs; the flexible electrical cable lead extending through the cable guide.4. The timber access mat of claim 1 , wherein the frame defines four sides and four corners; a cable guide being disposed between each corner and one of the metal connector tabs; each of the cable guides defining an opening.5. The timber access mat of claim 4 , further comprising a flexible electrical cable lead ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118726A1

An adjustable mounting system for mounting solar panels on roofs is disclosed. The system allows a user to mount the solar panels either with or without rails. The mounting assemblies are adjustable to allow the user to mount a base plate in a chosen location (either on a roof joist or other structural member or not) and to adjust the mounting location for the panel in as many as three axis of adjustment from the location of the base plate. A system for mounting and grounding the panels at the same time is also disclosed. 1. (canceled)2. An electrically conductive grounding clip for mounting solar panels to an underlying structure , comprising:a central section having a lower portion with first and second at least partially vertical surfaces for disposition between edge surfaces of first and second solar panels;first and second side sections having first and second horizontal bottom surfaces, respectively, extending laterally from said first and second vertical surfaces of said central section, respectively, wherein said horizontal bottom surfaces are adapted to engage and compress against top surfaces of the first and second solar panels, respectively;at least first and second grounding points extending from said first and second bottom horizontal surfaces, respectively, wherein said first and second grounding points are adapted to at least partially penetrate electrically conductive surfaces of the first and second solar panels when said horizontal surfaces are compressed against the solar panels; andan aperture extending through said central section between said first and second side sections.3. The clip of claim 2 , wherein said grounding points comprise tips of screws extending through said side sections.4. The clip of claim 2 , further comprising:a threaded element having an upper portion disposed through said aperture and a lower threaded portion adapted to threadably engage a mating threaded structure, wherein upon said lower threaded portion engaging the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202728A1
Автор: FUKUDA Kiyohito
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

There are provided: a shield projecting portion (A) being a part of a shield layer () of a shield wire () projected outside of an exterior covering () to be exposed; an annular member for grounding (A, B) disposed in a position surrounding an outer circumference of the shield wire () and including a housing chamber () having an opening () along an annular shape of the annular member for grounding and being configured to house the shield projecting portion (A) and a ground wire () inserted from the opening (); and a push-in member (B) inserted from the opening () and housed in the housing chamber () after insertion of the ground wire () and the shield projecting portion (A) to bring the shield projecting portion (A) and the ground wire () into close contact with each other. 1. A ground connection structure for a shield wire , comprising:a shield projecting portion being a part of a shield layer of the shield wire projected outside of an exterior covering to be exposed;an annular member for grounding disposed in a position surrounding an outer circumference of the shield wire, the annular member for grounding including a housing chamber having an opening along an annular shape of the annular member for grounding and being configured to house the shield projecting portion and a ground wire inserted from the opening; anda push-in member inserted from the opening and housed in the housing chamber after insertion of the ground wire and the shield projecting portion to bring the shield projecting portion and the ground wire into close contact with each other.2. The ground connection structure for a shield wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe annular member for grounding is elastically deformable in directions to expand the opening,the push-in member is inserted into the housing chamber by expanding the opening with elastic deformation, andthe opening of the housing chamber is configured to return to an original size after insertion of the push-in member into the housing ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160126645A1
Автор: MUNDLE Terry D.

An electrical grounding device comprises an elongate shaft with plate members projecting radially outward from a lower region of the shaft. The shaft and plate members are made of an electrically-conductive material, and are connected such that an electric current can flow between the plates and the shaft. The device is installed by boring a hole into the earth to a selected depth less than the length of shaft above the plates. The grounding device is inserted into the borehole and driven into the earth below the borehole until the upper end of the shaft projects a desired distance above the adjacent earth surface, leaving the shaft projecting sufficiently to allow connection of grounding cables. The borehole is preferably filled with gravel or other suitable fill material, and water may be added to the fill to enhance electrical conductivity between the device and the earth. 1. A grounding device comprising:(a) an elongate shaft made from an electrically-conductive material, and having an upper end, a lower end, and a shaft length; and(b) one or more plate members made from electrically-conductive material;wherein:(c) each plate member has a plate width, a plate length, and a plate thickness, said plate thickness being less than the plate width and less than the plate length;(d) each plate member is characterized by a plane defined by the plate member's plate width and plate length;(e) each plate member has an inner side edge, an outer side edge, an upper edge, and a lower edge, with the length of the inner side edge corresponding to the plate length and being less than the shaft length; and(f) each plate member is connected along its inner side edge to a lower region of the shaft such that the plane of the plate member extends generally radially outward from the shaft, and such that electrical current can flow between the shaft and the one or more plate members.2. A grounding device as in claim 1 , further comprising ground connection terminal means connected to ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220271446A1
Автор: Qiu Ning, Sun Zhen

A grounding segment for a segmented grounding electric device, including a plurality of segment single bodies disposed in a matched manner, wherein a curved concave surface is formed in an outer side surface of each segment single body; a chute is formed in the curved concave surface; an interior of the chute is in sliding connection with an elastic member; two ends of the elastic member are respectively connected to sliders; the sliders are in sliding connection with the interior of the chute; each slider is movably connected to a curved fixing member matching a grounding conductor; the curved fixing member is made of a conductive material applicable to grounding conductors of different sizes; and a locking apparatus is connected between the plurality of segment single bodies. A user conveniently transports and mounts the grounding segment to reduce a land excavation area. Universality of the grounding segment is improved. 1. A grounding segment for a segmented grounding electric device , comprising a plurality of segment single bodies disposed in a matched manner , wherein a curved concave surface is formed in an outer side surface of each of the plurality of segment single bodies; a chute is formed in the curved concave surface; an interior of the chute is in sliding connection with an elastic member; two ends of the elastic member are respectively connected to sliders; the sliders are in sliding connection with the interior of the chute; each of the sliders is movably connected to a curved fixing member matching a grounding conductor; the curved fixing member is made of a conductive material applicable to grounding conductors of different sizes; and a locking apparatus is connected between the plurality of segment single bodies.2. The grounding segment according to claim 1 , wherein the chute is formed in a middle of the curved concave surface; and the chute and the curved concave surface are disposed in parallel.3. The grounding segment according to claim 2 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160134031A1
Автор: Klein Erik D.

A timber access mat having an electrical grounding feature includes an electrically conductive cover layer that is removably carried over the top of the body of the timber access mat. The electrically conductive cover layer can be formed from one or more sheets of expanded metal such as expanded steel. The layer is joined to a perimeter frame that includes offset connector tabs that allow mats to be positioned side-by-side. The connector tabs are paired with cable guides to protect the cable leads that connect the mats. The perimeter frame and conductive cover layer can be added to traditional timber access mats when electrical grounding is required and then removed and stored when not required. 1. A timber access mat with an electrical grounding feature; the mat comprising:a mat body having an upper perimeter edge;a metal frame disposed around the upper perimeter edge of the mat body;metal connector tabs extending outwardly from the metal frame; the metal connector tabs being disposed in complementary positions on opposite sides of the metal frame; the complementary positions of the metal connector tabs adapted to allow a pair of timber access mats being placed side-by-side without the metal connector tabs interfering with each other; anda conductive cover layer being connected to the metal frame and disposed over the mat body.2. The timber access mat of claim 1 , further comprising a cable guide connected to the frame; the cable guide defining an opening.3. The timber access mat of claim 2 , further comprising a flexible electrical cable lead connected to one of the metal connector tabs; the flexible electrical cable lead extending through the cable guide.4. The timber access mat of claim 1 , wherein the frame defines four sides and four corners; a cable guide being disposed between each corner and one of the metal connector tabs; each of the cable guides defining an opening.5. The timber access mat of claim 4 , further comprising a flexible electrical cable lead ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144373A1

A ground apparatus applicable to an array of solar cell modules includes at least one first ground unit and a plurality of second ground units, and a plurality of depression plates. The first ground unit mounted to a lateral side of one specific solar cell module includes a grounding dock coupling to an out-extending ground line. The second ground unit mounted at a lateral side of each respective solar cell module also has another grounding dock. Any of the grounding docks is formed as a -shape metal plate having two opposing prolonged ends to extend outward, in which each of the ends has at least one matching member, or in which each of the ends is extended to a respective matching frame of the solar cell modules. In addition, the ground apparatus is fixed with a predetermined fastening pattern. 1. A ground apparatus , applicable to an array of plural solar cell modules , each of the solar cell modules being formed by at least one solar panel and a plurality of matching frames packed fixedly to respective lateral sides of the at least one solar panel , the solar cell modules being arranged into an array manner , the ground apparatus comprising:at least one first ground unit, mounted on a lateral side of one respective said solar cell module, further including a grounding dock connected to an out-going ground line;a plurality of second ground units, mounted on individual lateral sides of the respective solar cell modules, each of the second ground units further having one said grounding dock;{'img': {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00011', '@he': '3.13mm', '@wi': '2.46mm', '@file': 'US20150144373A1-20150528-P00001.TIF', '@alt': 'custom-character', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}, 'wherein the grounding dock is formed as a -shape metal plate having two opposing prolonged ends to extend outward to the respective matching frames, and the ground apparatus is fixed with a predetermined fastening pattern.'}2. The ground apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147897A1
Автор: Healy Donall B.

A holder for supporting electrified inserts that may vary in width, comprises a base having a groove into which the insert can be placed. Two or more gaskets can be positioned in the groove with each gasket including a resilient section adapted to engage the insert so as to retain the insert securely in place within the groove. Each of the gaskets also includes an electrical conductor, such as an electrical wire, which may be embedded in the gasket, in a position where it makes electrical contact with the electrical terminals on the insert. 1. A holder for supporting an insert having front and rear surfaces , and containing electrical terminals parallel to , and attached to , at least one of said surfaces for enabling the supply of electrical power to the insert , comprising:a base,a groove in the base for receiving the insert,at least one gasket positioned in the groove, said gasket including a resilient section adapted to engage at least one of said surfaces of the insert for retaining the insert securely in place within the groove, andat least one electrical conductor attached to the gasket in a position where it makes electrical contact with one of the electrical terminals on the insert, when the insert is placed in the groove.2. A holder according to claim I , wherein at least two gaskets are positioned in said groove , said gaskets adapted to engage said front and rear surfaces opposite sides of said insert , and wherein each gasket includes an electrical conductor for engaging an one of said electrical terminals on the insert when the insert is placed in the groove.3. A holder according to claim 2 , wherein said electrical conductors are embedded in said gaskets.4. In combination claim 2 , a holder and an electrified insert claim 2 , said insert having front and rear surfaces claim 2 , and containing electrical terminals parallel to claim 2 , and attached to claim 2 , said front and rear surfaces for enabling a supply of electrical power to be applied to the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170141489A1

A fastening device for fastening an earthing contact to a metallic protective tube. The fastening device includes an annular guide eyelet having an end face, a half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw which is integrally moulded on the end face, and a loose clamping jaw configured to be clamped to the fixed clamping jaw. In an assembled state, the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw and the loose clamping jaw are configured to clamp the metallic protective tube. The fastening device further includes at least one of the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw and the loose clamping jaw comprising a receptacle-forming clamping jaw having an inner surface that forms a receptacle configured to receive the earthing contact. 17-. (canceled)8. A fastening device for fastening an earthing contact to a metallic protective tube , the fastening device comprising:an annular guide eyelet having an end face;a half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw which is integrally moulded on the end face;a loose clamping jaw configured to be clamped to the fixed clamping jaw;wherein in an assembled state the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw and the loose clamping jaw are configured to clamp the metallic protective tube, at least one of the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw and the loose clamping jaw comprising a receptacle-forming clamping jaw having an inner surface that forms a receptacle configured to receive the earthing contact.9. The fastening device of claim 8 , wherein the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw comprises a first fixing rib and the loose clamping jaw comprises a second fixing rib configured to engage a depression in a helical turn of the metallic protective tube in the assembled state.10. The fastening device of claim 9 , wherein at least one of the half-shell-shaped fixed clamping jaw and the loose clamping jaw comprise at least two fixing ribs claim 9 , the at least two fixing ribs configured to engage respective depressions in the helical turn of the metallic protective ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Fastener, Shield, and Corresponding Systems and Methods

Номер: US20170141555A1

A system () includes a threaded boss () defining a central axis (), a metal panel (), and a fastener () to couple the metal panel to the threaded boss. The fastener includes a threaded shaft () terminating at a paddle (), which can be oblong. The metal panel can define an oblong aperture (), where the paddle is to pass through the oblong aperture when rotated () to a first rotational alignment () about the central axis. The metal panel can also include one or more retention contours () disposed adjacent to the oblong aperture. Each retention contour can include a ramp () defined by a curved central axis () and a retention bridge () defining a recess () to receive the oblong paddle when rotated to a second rotational alignment () about the central axis. 1. A system , comprising:a threaded boss defining a central axis;a metal panel; anda fastener to couple the metal panel to the threaded boss, the fastener comprising a threaded shaft terminating at an oblong paddle;the metal panel defining an oblong aperture having a major dimension defined along a first axis and a minor dimension defined along a second axis, the oblong paddle to pass through the oblong aperture when rotated to a first rotational alignment about the central axis; andthe metal panel comprising one or more retention contours disposed adjacent to the oblong aperture, each retention contour comprising a ramp defined by a curved central axis and a retention bridge defining a recess to receive the oblong paddle when rotated to a second rotational alignment about the central axis.2. The system of claim 1 , the first rotational alignment oriented substantially orthogonally with the second rotational alignment.3. The system of claim 1 , the curved central axis defined by a radius having a focus disposed within a perimeter of the oblong aperture.4. The system of claim 1 , each recess defining a median axis claim 1 , the median axis oriented substantially parallel with the second axis.5. The system of claim 1 , ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Electrical Earthing Systems

Номер: US20220294132A1

A system and method are disclosed for an electrical earthing or grounding system to protect electrical systems and structures. Such systems and structures are efficient at dissipating broadband energy. An earthing mix system in contact with a grounding electrode is separated into functional components; a conductive earthing mix which is in contact with an electrical conductor and an impedance transitioning earthing composition which is in contact with the conductivity earthing mix. The conductive earthing mix absorbs, radiates, conducts, and dissipates electrical energy. The impedance transitioning earthing mix acts as a lossy impedance matching media to reduce reflections and improve energy transfer. A conductive slurry mix fills in voids and aids in contact between the other elements. A grounding electrode system connects an electrically conductive electrode with an earthing mix system to achieve reduced impedance mismatch between the local soil and the grounding system itself while expanding the bandwidth of the overall system's grounding capability beyond traditional solutions. 1. An earthing system comprising:a. an electrode for placement in a hole in the ground;b. at least one conductive earthing mix contacting the electrode in the hole in the ground, andc. at least one impedance transitioning earthing mix contacting the at least one conductive earthing mix in the hole in the ground.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrode is in communication with a current source.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrode comprises a plurality of electrically conductive materials within different frequency bands.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of electrically conductive materials further comprises a first conductive material comprising copper and a second conductive material comprising carbon fiber.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a third conductive material comprising nickel or iron.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238716A1

An underwater connection assembly comprises an underwater device and an optical cable segment. The optical cable segment is configured to be coupled to a first sea earth by means of a first sea earthing electrode and the underwater device is configured to be coupled to a second sea earth by means of a second sea earthing electrode. In use, the first sea earthing electrode and the second sea earthing electrode are disposed at separated locations from each other. 1. An underwater connection assembly , comprising:a branching unit;a first optical cable segment; anda second optical cable segment configured to convey electrical and optical signals between the branching unit and a terminal station;wherein the first optical cable segment is configured to be coupled to a first sea earth by means of a first sea earthing electrode and the branching unit is configured to be coupled to a second sea earth by means of a second sea earthing electrode through the second optical cable segment; andwherein the first sea earthing electrode and the second sea earthing electrode are configured to be disposed at separated locations from each other.2. The underwater connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first sea earthing electrode and the second sea earthing electrode are separated from each other by means of a sea earthing unit claim 1 , and wherein the sea earthing unit is configured to maintain the first sea earthing electrode and the second sea earthing electrode separated from each other.3. The underwater connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the branching unit comprises a submarine branching unit.4. A submarine optical telecommunication system claim 1 , comprising:a submarine branching unit;a first optical cable segment; anda second optical cable segment configured to convey electrical and optical signals between the submarine branching unit and an offshore platform;wherein the first optical cable segment is configured to be coupled to a first sea earth by means of a first ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156535A1
Автор: ASPER Jon Scott

Disclosed herein are cords comprising two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a water basin at the base of a Christmas tree. Also disclosed herein are cords comprising two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a trunk of a Christmas tree. Also disclosed herein are bases for a Christmas tree, the base comprising a GFI socket, wherein the GFI socket is in electrical communication with a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe; wherein the GFI socket is in electrical communication with a three-wire cord, configured to be plugged into a wall socket. 1. A cord comprising:two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a water basin at the base of a Christmas tree.2. The cord of claim 1 , wherein the probe is embedded in the body of the water basin claim 1 , while maintaining electrical communication with water in the water basin.3. The cord of claim 1 , wherein the cord further comprises a socket configured for a Christmas tree light strand to be plugged therein.4. The cord of claim 3 , wherein the socket is a GFI socket.5. A cord comprising;two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a trunk or a limb of a Christmas tree.6. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the probe is a sharp-pointed metal piece.7. The cord of claim 6 , wherein the probe has a length of at least one inch.8. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the Christmas tree is an artificial Christmas tree claim 5 , having a metal body claim 5 , and wherein the probe is in electrical communication with the both.9. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the cord further comprises a socket configured for a Christmas tree light strand to be plugged therein.10. The cord of claim 9 , wherein the socket is a GFI socket.11. A base for a Christmas tree claim 9 , the base ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Grounding Attachment for Radius Block for Stringing Conductors

Номер: US20220311156A1
Автор: Seekell Robert

A grounding attachment for use with a CRS Roller. The grounding attachment has a body having two arms. Each arm is pivotally attached to the body. The arms are configured to be biased downward onto a conductor positioned on the CRS Roller. Preferably a torsion spring biases the arms downward such that a roller attached to each arm rests on a conductor positioned within the radius block. Energy is conducted from the conductor, through the roller and arm to a grounding lug that is configured for a lineworker to attach a ground to the grounding device to allow the energy to reach the earth. 1. A grounding attachment for a stringing block for an energy conductor , the stringing block having a channel defined by two opposing walls and having a floor comprising a series of stringing rollers , the channel being configured for placement therein of an energy conductor , said grounding attachment comprising:a body, wherein said body is configured to extend parallel to the channel of the roller when said grounding attachment is attached to the stringing block;a first arm pivotally attached to said body;a first roller attached to said first arm, wherein said first roller is electrically conductive, wherein said first roller and said first arm is configured such that when said grounding attachment is attached to the stringing block said first roller is positioned above the channel of the stringing block;wherein said first arm is biased to pivot downward so as to assert force onto a conductor positioned between said first roller and the stringing rollers of the stringing block when said grounding attachment is connected to the stringing block to allow energy from the conductor to transfer to the first roller;a grounding lug configured for attachment to a ground, wherein said grounding lug is in electrical connection with said first roller; andwherein said grounding attachment is configured to attach to the stringing block.2. The grounding attachment of claim 1 , wherein said ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190173203A1

An electrical grounding system can include an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source, wherein the electrically conductive column can include an open-ended copper tube, and carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column, the carbon fiber fabric having a conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive column. 1. An electrical grounding system , comprising:an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source, wherein the electrically conductive column comprises an open-ended copper tube; andcarbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column, the carbon fiber fabric having a conductive relationship with least a portion of the electrically conductive column.2. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber fabric comprises a plain weave fabric.3. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , whereinthe electrically conductive column has an exterior surface, a cross-section of the electrically conductive column defining a perimeter of the exterior surface; andthe carbon fiber fabric surrounds the perimeter.4. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive column defines a column wall and a fill hole formed into the column wall claim 1 , and wherein the electrically conductive column is configured for placement into native soil in a horizontal position.5. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , further comprising a salt replenishment tube configured for attachment to a ground member claim 1 , the salt replenishment tube having a tube wall defining an interior surface and an exterior surface claim 1 , the interior surface of the tube wall defining a tube chamber claim 1 , wherein the tube wall defines a weep hole extending from the exterior surface of the tube wall claim 1 , through the tube wall claim 1 , and ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190181567A1
Автор: Nakamura Ginga

An electric connection structure includes: a connection terminal that includes a compression coil spring part; a terminal holding part that includes a base supporting one end surface side of the compression coil spring part and a guide part provided along an outer surface of the compression coil spring part; and a lead wire that includes a folded-back part in one end part. In the electric connection structure, the folded-back part is held between the one end surface of the compression coil spring part and a support part and two lines of the folded-back part are brought into contact with the connection terminal, and the connection terminal and the lead wire are thereby electrically connected. 1. An electric connection structure comprising:a connection terminal that includes a compression coil spring part;a terminal holding part that includes a base supporting one end surface side of the compression coil spring part and a guide part provided along an outer surface of the compression coil spring part; anda lead wire that includes a folded-back part in one end part, whereinthe folded-back part is held between the one end surface of the compression coil spring part and the base and two lines of the folded-back part are brought into contact with the connection terminal, and the connection terminal and the lead wire are thereby electrically connected.2. The electric connection structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe connection terminal includes an extending part that extends outward from one end part of the compression coil spring part, andthe terminal holding part includes a first locking part that locks the extending part from another end surface side of the compression coil spring part.3. The electric connection structure according to claim 2 , wherein the guide part includes a slit that extends in a circumferential direction of the guide part claim 2 , and the slit is used as the first locking part.4. The electric connection structure according to claim 3 , wherein ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170215306A1

A shield can device is provided. The shield can device includes a frame which is fixed to a printed circuit board (PCB) and surrounds at least one circuit device as an electromagnetic shielding target, a cover which is coupled to the frame and closes an opening formed in a top of the frame, and a plurality of contact projections which are formed between the frame and the cover and allow the frame and the cover to be in electrical contact with each other. 1. A shield can device comprising:a frame which is fixed to a printed circuit board (PCB) and surrounds at least one circuit device;a cover which is coupled to the frame and closes an opening formed in a top of the frame; anda plurality of contact projections which are formed between the frame and the cover and allow the frame and the cover to be in electrical contact with each other.2. The shield can device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frame has a bent portion which forms a periphery of the opening claim 1 , andthe plurality of contact projections protrude from a top surface of the bent portion or a bottom surface of the cover.3. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are located close to an edge of the bent portion.4. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are in point contact with a contact target.5. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections has a conical shape.6. The shield can device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein while the plurality of contact projections are pressed in response to the contact projection being in contact with a contact target claim 5 , the plurality of contact projections are deformed in such a manner that a front tip of each contact projection is in surface contact with the contact target.7. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are formed to have a flat front tip or a curved front ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180219307A1
Автор: AN Kwanseung, KIM Jongdoo

Provided is an earthing structure of an earthing truck that includes a frame with a terminal connection part and a moving part configured to support the frame and is configured to ground a bus or a cable while the moving part moves. The structure including: an earthing plate provided on a lower surface of the moving part; and an earthing member configured to provide a contact pressure to the earthing plate as it contacts the earthing plate when the moving part moves. 1. An earthing structure of an earthing truck that comprises a frame with a terminal connection part and a moving part configured to support the frame and that is configured to ground a bus or a cable while the moving part moves , the structure comprising:an earthing plate provided on a lower surface of the moving part; andan earthing member configured to provide a contact pressure to the earthing plate as the earthing member contacts the earthing plate when the moving part moves.2. The earthing structure of claim 1 , wherein the earthing member is installed on a bottom surface of a distribution panel cutoff chamber.3. The earthing structure of claim 2 , wherein the earthing member comprises:an earthing board configured to move downward through the earthing plate according to a movement of the moving part; andat least one elastic member positioned below the earthing board and configured to provide an elastic force upward when the earthing board moves downward to provide a contact pressure between the earthing plate and the earthing board.4. The earthing structure of claim 3 , wherein the earthing board is formed by stacking a plurality of copper boards.5. The earthing structure of claim 3 , wherein the earthing board compresses the elastic member while bent downward as the earthing plate closely contacts according to a movement of the moving part and the earthing board returns to its original position through the elastic member when the close contact with the earthing plate is released according to a ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Grounding Element for Solar Panel Mounting Systems

Номер: US20140318604A1

Disclosed is a device and a system that provides a bond and ground for the mounting of solar panel systems. The grounding element is pressed into and captivity held in a mounting component of a solar panel system. This can be done during the fabrication process at the manufacturer or distributor so that the mounting component and grounding element can be transported together as a single unit. In an installed solar panel system, the mounting component that includes the captive grounding element makes contact with other elements of the solar panel mounting system and electrically bonds with them. 1. A combination for use in a solar panel system , comprising:a grounding element formed from spring metal comprising a hollow cylindrical shaped body, a first end, a second end, and a through-slot oriented length-wise along the hollow cylindrical shaped body from the first end to the second end; andthe first end and the second end are sharped edges.2. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each are beveled sharpened edges.3. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each include a plurality of tooth shaped sharpened edges.4. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each include a plurality of points along each of their corresponding sharpened edges.5. The combination of claim 1 , further including:a metal plate, the metal plate includes a first surface and a second surface opposing the first surface;the metal plate includes a through-hole with a through-hole diameter smaller than a diameter of the grounding element; andthe grounding element is inserted into the through-hole so that the first end extends away from the first surface and the second end extends away from the second surface.6. The combination of claim 1 , further including:a solar panel end-clamp, the solar panel end-clamp includes a base portion, the base portion includes a first surface and a second surface opposing the ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140319372A1
Принадлежит: NuFlare Technology, Inc.

A mask cover according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises a frame body having an opening at the center, a conductive earth plate installed on the frame body such that its end protrudes into the opening of the frame body, an earth pin provided on the end of the earth plate and electrically connected to the earth plate, and a conductive cover part surrounding the earth pin such that the tip end of the earth pin protrudes and a gap is present between the cover part and the earth pin. 1. A mask cover comprising:a frame body having an opening at the center,a conductive earth plate installed on the frame body such that its end protrudes into the opening of the frame body,an earth pin provided at the end of the earth plate and electrically connected to the earth plate, anda conductive cover part surrounding the earth pin such that the tip end of the earth pin protrudes and a gap is present between the cover part and the earth pin.2. The mask cover according to claim 1 , wherein the earth plate and the cover part are made of any of ZrO—TiN claim 1 , SiC claim 1 , WC and TiC.3. The mask cover according to claim 1 , wherein the gap between the earth pin and the cover part is wider toward the tip end of the earth pin.4. The mask cover according to claim 1 , further comprising a conductive support pin electrically connected to the earth plate and supporting the earth plate.5. The mask cover according to claim 1 , wherein the frame body is such that a conductive film is formed on a surface of a low magnetic material made of any of AlO claim 1 , ZrOand SiC.6. The mask cover according to claim 5 , wherein the conductive film is made of TiN.7. A charged particle beam drawing apparatus comprising:a first chamber for placing, on a mask in which a resist film is formed on a light shielding film, a mask cover having a frame body with an opening at the center, a conductive earth plate installed on the frame body such that its end protrudes into the opening of the frame ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Electric cable, method for producing an electric cable, and welding device for producing an electric cable

Номер: US20140326501A1

Electric cable having an inner conductor a primary isolation surrounding the inner conductor an electric shield surrounding the primary isolation and a secondary isolation surrounding the shield, wherein at least at one end of the cable the secondary isolation is removed so that the shield is stripped. A contacting of the shield to a vehicle body is electrically and mechanically ensured in that a sleeve is pushed over the stripped shield in that a part of the shield protruding beyond the sleeve in the direction of the end of the cable is put over the sleeve and in that the part of the shield that is put over the sleeve is intermetallically connected to the sleeve 1. Electric cable , in particular a high-voltage cable , in particular for use in a motor vehicle , in particular a hybrid or electric vehicle , havingan inner conductor,a primary isolation surrounding the inner conductor,an electric shield surrounding the primary isolation, anda secondary isolation surrounding the shield,wherein at least at one end of the cable the secondary isolation is removed so that the shield is stripped,a sleeve is pushed over the stripped shield,a part of the shield protruding beyond the sleeve in the direction of the end is folded back over the sleeve,whereinthe sleeve has a step-like offset such that the sleeve has a first diameter at a first side and a second, smaller diameter than the first diameter at a second side facing towards the end of the cablein that the part of the shield that is put over the sleeve is intermetallically connected to the sleeve.2. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the shield is a metal braid or a metal foil and/or in that the shield is formed from a non-ferrous metal or alloys thereof claim 1 , in particular from copper or alloys thereof or aluminum or alloys thereof.3. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve has a circumferential groove claim 1 , in particular in the region of the offset.4. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the part of the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Automatic bonding system for grounding mobile equipment

Номер: US20190234146A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

In some aspects, the present disclosure includes methods and systems for grounding mobile equipment at a site, such as a hydrocarbon drilling and production site. In one embodiment, the system comprises a mobile unit; one or more ground rods configured to penetrate a portion of a grounded surface; one or more grounding connectors coupled to the one or more ground rods and the mobile unit; and one or more actuators coupled to the mobile unit. The one or more actuators may be used to drive the one or more ground rods into the portion of the grounded surface, thereby creating an electric flowpath to allow for the discharge of electricity.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140338951A1

A termination structure for high-speed transmission line includes a high-speed transmission line including a signal line configured to transmit a signal, an insulation which covers the signal line and an external conductor disposed at an outer periphery of the insulation, and a termination terminal disposed at a terminal of the high-speed transmission line. The termination terminal includes a holder disposed sandwiching the external conductor exposed at the terminal of the high-speed transmission line from both sides. The holder includes a holding part to hold the high-speed transmission line and is electrically connected to the external conductor. The holding part is formed so as to have a shape along an outer shape of the external conductor. 1. A termination structure for high-speed transmission line , comprising:a high-speed transmission line comprising a signal line configured to transmit a signal, an insulation which covers the signal line and an external conductor disposed at an outer periphery of the insulation; anda termination terminal disposed at a terminal of the high-speed transmission line,wherein the termination terminal comprises a holder disposed sandwiching the external conductor exposed at the terminal of the high-speed transmission line from both sides,wherein the holder comprises a holding part to hold the high-speed transmission line and is electrically connected to the external conductor, andwherein the holding part is formed so as to have a shape along an outer shape of the external conductor.2. The termination structure for high-speed transmission line according to claim 1 , wherein a solder or a conductive adhesive is interposed between the external conductor and the holder.3. The termination structure for high-speed transmission line according to claim 1 , wherein the high-speed transmission line is configured such that the two signal lines arranged in parallel are collectively covered with the insulation and the external conductor is ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Ground rod grabber

Номер: US20210300738A1
Принадлежит: Ies Residential Inc

An apparatus includes a support attachment to couple a ground rod grabber to a top support; an upper line coupled to the support attachment; a hoist unit coupled to the upper line; a rod attachment to couple the ground rod grabber to a ground rod; and a lower line coupled to the rod attachment and threaded through the hoist unit. A method includes coupling a ground rod grabber to a ground rod; coupling the grabber to a top support while retaining at least two dimensions of freedom; and operating the hoist unit to exert pulling force on the lower line. A device includes a tube having a length-wise window; a threaded shaft disposed within the tube; a nut threaded on the threaded shaft within the tube; and a lifting lug coupled to the nut, extending through the window, and having a hole sized to fit a ground rod.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Grounding structure for power socket

Номер: US20190245307A1
Автор: Xiao-Ming Zheng
Принадлежит: Yueqing Hongchang Radio Co Ltd

A grounding structure for power socket includes a grounding main body, which consists of a basic section, a first connecting section, a second connecting section, a grounding section and a contact section. The first and the second connecting section are separately downward extended from two opposite ends of the basic section, such that the basic section and the first and second connecting sections together define a receiving space in between them. The contact section is downward extended from a side edge of the basic section into the receiving space; and the first connecting section is outward bent at its lower end to form the grounding section. And, the grounding section is provided at an outer end with a grounding opening.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180254569A1

An electrical grounding system can include an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source and a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive column. The system can also include a salt replenishment tube configured for attachment to a ground member, the salt replenishment tube having a tube wall defining a weep hole. The system can further include electrolytic fill disposed within a column chamber at least partially-defined by the electrically-conductive column, the electrolytic fill comprising a material configured to conduct at least a portion of any fault current received by the ground member radially outwardly from the ground member. The system can further include a bus bar comprising electrically-interconnected bus bar connectors, wherein the bus bar electrically communicates with the electrically conductive column and with the fault current source. 1. An electrical grounding system , comprising:an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source; anda carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with least a portion of the electrically conductive column.2. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber layer comprises carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column.3. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , whereinthe electrically conductive column has an exterior surface, a cross-section of the electrically conductive column defining a perimeter of the exterior surface; andthe carbon fiber layer surrounds the perimeter.4. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive column defines a column wall and a fill hole formed into the column wall claim 1 , and wherein the electrically conductive column is configured for placement into native soil in a horizontal position.5. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , further ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Non-polarized geophysical electrode

Номер: US20150270627A1
Автор: Lu Yi

The non-polarized geophysical electrode has an electrically conductive metal disk mounted at its bottom opening. A mixture of an adhesive such as epoxy, inorganic binder, or RTV silicone, and fine particles in micron or nano size of graphene, nickel, nanotube, or graphite is applied on the outer bottom surface of the conductive metal disk. A lead wire of the electrode is connected to the inner surface of the conductive metal disk and extends outward through a liquid-tight strain relief mounted at a cap provided at the top of the housing of the electrode. 1. A non-polarized geophysical electrode comprising:a hollow housing having a bottom opening,an electrically conductive metal disk mounted in said housing and said disk having an outer bottom surface located immediately adjacent to and covering said bottom opening,a dry coating of a mixture of fine particles of an electrically conductive substance with an adhesive material applied on said outer bottom surface of said conductive disk,a lead wire connected to an inner surface of said conductive disk and extending outward from an upper end of said housing.2. A non-polarized geophysical electrode according to including a supporting disk mounted in said housing and located in contact with said inner surface of said conductive metal disk for maintaining said conductive metal disk in a securely fixed position within said housing.3. A non-polarized geophysical electrode according to wherein said housing has a funnel shape with a round lower portion and a round upper end portion claim 2 , said lower portion being larger in diameter than the diameter of said round upper end portion.4. A non-polarized geophysical electrode according to wherein said fine particles of electrically conductive substance comprises of micron size graphene.5. A non-polarized geophysical electrode according to wherein said fine particles of electrically conductive substance comprises of nano size graphene flakes.6. A non-polarized geophysical ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170271788A1

A portable grounding device for effective grounding of a motor vehicle is provided. The portable grounding device can be attached to a motor vehicle like a recreational vehicle to avoid the dangers associated with a hot-skin condition. The portable grounding device includes a housing, stake, and a wire. Additionally, one or more magnets can be used to secure the portable grounding device to a motor vehicle while not in use.

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Physical Infrastructure Management System Having an Integrated Cabinet

Номер: US20140363992A1
Принадлежит: PANDUIT CORP.

A data center physical infrastructure management system has a cabinet having rack spaces and a sensor. A data communication system transmits signals to a management database. Personal or automated intervention is determined algorithmically by a data processor. A human interface for the data center management system is provided. Removable electronic assets contained in the rack spaces each have an identifier tag. An identifier tag reader is installed on the cabinet body. A door sensor provides a signal responsive to whether a cabinet door is closed, open, locked, or unlocked. Also, a secure contact arrangement has a base terminal formed of electrically conductive material, and first and second electrically conductive elements. A resilient non-conductive element is interposed between the first and second electrically conductive elements, and a compression element compresses the resilient non-conductive element to cause the first and second electrically conductive elements to communicate with one another. 1. A secure contact arrangement comprising:a base terminal formed of electrically conductive material;a first and a second electrically conductive elements;a resilient non-conductive element interposed between the first and second electrically conductive elements; anda compression element for applying an axial force through the first electrically conductive element, the resilient non-conductive element, the second electrically conductive element, and the base terminal, whereby a compression force applied by the compression element compresses the resilient non-conductive element to cause the first and second electrically conductive elements to communicate electrically with one another.2. The secure contact arrangement of claim 1 , wherein there is further provided an electrical contact monitoring arrangement for determining whether adequate axial force has been applied by the compression element to compress the resilient non-conductive element and thereby cause the ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Method and Structure for Positioning and Wrapping Wire Leads

Номер: US20180269596A1
Автор: Chuang Li-Jen

A method and a structure for positioning and wrapping wire leads involve providing two leads of a transmission wire for transmitting power and/or signal with appropriate orientational limit therebetween by: wrapping a predetermined range of the two leads extending from a predetermined object with one or more segments of strip-shaped net for orientational limit that maintain independent extension and juxtaposition of the two leads, so as to prevent the leads of the transmission wire from entwining with each other after frequent orientational change caused by an external force. 1. A method for positioning and wrapping wire leads in order to maintain an appropriate orientational limit between two leads of a transmission wire for transmitting power or signals , the method comprising: wrapping predetermined segments of the two leads extending from a predetermined object with one or more segments of a limiting medium by means of in-mold injection wrapping , so as to provide orientational constraint on the two leads and limit them in a respectively small range; wrapping the limiting medium and the two adjacent leads with one or more segments of a predetermined length of a strip-shaped net; adhering an adhesive tape to a start end of the strip-shaped net wrapping the limiting medium so as to provide orientational constraint to the start end of the strip-shaped net; placing the limiting medium on the two leads extending from the predetermined object that is wrapped by the strip-shaped net into a mold; and molding a limiting member into a predetermined form to provide the strip-shaped net on the limiting medium with orientational constraint by means of in-mold injection wrapping , thereby allowing the limiting member to permeate into the limiting medium through holes in the strip-shaped net and integrating the limiting member and the limiting medium as a unity to provide orientational constraint to the end of the strip-shaped net , thereby allowing the two leads extending ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160301147A1

A system and apparatus for providing a temporary electrical bonding/grounding connection between a first conductive member and a second conductive member. The apparatus includes an electrically conductive cable having first and second ends. At least one magnet assembly is provided for mounting to the first conductive member. The at least one magnet assembly has multiple arcuate surfaces of different radiuses of curvature, with respective surfaces of the multiple arcuate surfaces being configured to properly mount to a respective arcuate surface of the first conductive member. A conductive coupling is provided on the at least one magnet assembly. The conductive coupling is configured to be electrically coupled to the first end of the cable. The second end of the cable is configured to be detachably and electrically coupled to the second conductive member. 1. An apparatus for providing a temporary electrical bonding/grounding connection between a first conductive member and a second conductive member , the apparatus comprising:an electrically conductive cable having first and second ends;at least one magnet assembly for mounting to the first conductive member, the at least one magnet assembly having multiple arcuate surfaces of different radiuses of curvature, respective surfaces of the multiple arcuate surfaces being configured to properly mount to a respective arcuate surface of the first conductive member;a conductive coupling provided on the at least one magnet assembly, the conductive coupling configured to be electrically coupled to the first end of the cable; andthe second end of the cable configured to be detachably and electrically coupled to the second conductive member.2. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the magnetic assembly includes a magnet and shoes claim 1 , the shoes provided at either end of the magnet.3. The apparatus as recited in claim 2 , wherein the multiple arcuate surfaces are provided on the shoes claim 2 , each of the shoes has ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Locking Grounding Clamp

Номер: US20200295476A1

A grounding clamp includes a safety lock-out which locks the operation of the clamp in the absence of a cooperating hot-stick. The lock-out employs a clutch which prevents the translation of the clamping members relative to one another until the clutch is disengaged. The cooperating hot-stick is required for the disengagement of the clutch.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160322717A1

A water bonding fixture is provided herein which includes a shaft and a plurality of electrically conductive plates disposed at one end of the shaft and spaced apart from each other so as to provide a gap between adjacent plates. Each electrically conductive plate defines two planar surfaces each of which are substantially exposed and each electrically conductive plate is electrically connected to each other electrically conductive plate to provide a surface area of conductive surface approximately equal to the exposed surface area of all of the electrically conductive plates. The water bonding fixture is preferably used in conjunction with swimming pool equipment such as pool pumps, skimmers and filters. 1. A water bonding fixture , comprising:a shaft; anda plurality of electrically conductive arcuate shaped plates disposed at one end of the shaft and spaced apart from each other so as to provide a gap between adjacent plates.2. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , wherein each electrically conductive plate defines two planar surfaces each of which are substantially exposed and each electrically conductive plate is electrically connected to each other electrically conductive plate to provide a surface area of conductive surface approximately equal to the exposed surface area of all of the electrically conductive plates.3. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electrically conductive plates have a quadrangular periphery.4. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electrically conductive plates have a circular periphery.5. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , wherein the shaft has a threaded portion.6. The water bonding fixture of claim 5 , further comprising a nut mounted to the threaded portion of the shaft.7. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , wherein said fixture is configured to connect to a grounding wire.8. The water bonding fixture of claim 1 , further comprising at least one seal positionable on the ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180310744A1
Автор: ASPER Jon Scott

Disclosed herein are cords comprising two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a water basin at the base of a Christmas tree. Also disclosed herein are cords comprising two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a trunk of a Christmas tree. Also disclosed herein are bases for a Christmas tree, the base comprising a GFI socket, wherein the GFI socket is in electrical communication with a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe; wherein the GFI socket is in electrical communication with a three-wire cord, configured to be plugged into a wall socket. 1. A cord comprising:two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a water basin at the base of a Christmas tree.2. The cord of claim 1 , wherein the probe is embedded in the body of the water basin claim 1 , while maintaining electrical communication with water in the water basin.3. The cord of claim 1 , wherein the cord further comprises a socket configured for a Christmas tree light strand to be plugged therein.4. The cord of claim 3 , wherein the socket is a GFI socket.5. A cord comprising:two live wires and a ground wire, wherein the ground wire terminates in a probe configured to be placed in a trunk or a limb of a Christmas tree.6. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the probe is a sharp-pointed metal piece.7. The cord of claim 6 , wherein the probe has a length of at least one inch.8. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the Christmas tree is an artificial Christmas tree claim 5 , having a metal body claim 5 , and wherein the probe is in electrical communication with the body.9. The cord of claim 5 , wherein the cord further comprises a socket configured for a Christmas tree light strand to be plugged therein.10. The cord of claim 9 , wherein the socket is a GFI socket.11. A base for a Christmas tree claim 9 , the base ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170317433A1

A through roof connector assembly for connecting an air termination conductor to a conducting rod through a roof of a structure while limiting water ingress into the roof. The through roof connector assembly includes a universal top, a threaded stud, a conduit connection component with an upper threaded tap hole and a lower threaded tap hole which do not meet to provide a completely weatherproof connection, and a conduit extending through a roof membrane when installed in the roof. The conduit has within a conducting rod, the conducting rod threaded the lower threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component. The air terminal also threads into the threaded stud. An o-ring is located between the conduit connection component and the conduit to provide a further weatherproof connection. 1. A through roof connector assembly for connecting an air termination conductor to a conducting rod while limiting water ingress through a roof , the through roof connector assembly comprising:a universal top;a threaded stud;a conduit connection component having an upper threaded tap hole and a lower threaded tap hole, the upper threaded tap hole and lower threaded tap hole not meeting through the conduit connection component; anda conduit for extending through a roof membrane and a roof of a structure, the conduit having within a conducting rod, the conducting rod being threaded into the lower threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component.2. The through roof connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the threaded stud extends through the universal top into the upper threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component.3. The through roof connector assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an o-ring claim 1 , the o-ring located between the conduit connection component and the conduit to provide a weatherproof connection.4. The through roof connector assembly of claim 3 , wherein the o-ring is composed of a natural or synthetic rubber.5. The through roof connector assembly of ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Grounding Blocks for Wires/Coaxial Cables

Номер: US20170317435A1
Автор: Hanson Brian K.
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

A grounding block includes a conductive grounding surface configured to electrically ground a wire to a grounded structure, a retention member rotationally fixed about an axis orthogonal to the grounding surface and slidable toward and away from the conductive grounding surface in a direction parallel to the axis, and a biasing element configured to apply a first force to the retention member in the direction toward the conductive grounding surface to electrically ground the wire to the housing to satisfy a first regulatory requirement. A fastener is operative to apply a second force to the retention member in the direction toward the grounding surface to apply a mechanical load to satisfy a second regulatory requirement. 1. A grounding block , comprising:a conductive grounding surface configured to electrically ground a wire to a grounded structure;a retention member rotationally fixed about an axis orthogonal to the grounding surface and configured to slide toward and away from the conductive grounding surface in a direction parallel to the axis;a biasing element configured to urge the retention member in the direction toward the conductive grounding surface with a first force to electrically ground the wire to the conductive grounding surface to satisfy a first regulatory requirement; anda fastening member configured to move the retention member in the direction toward the conductive grounding surface with a second force to apply a mechanical load to satisfy a second regulatory requirement.2. The grounding block of claim 1 , wherein the second force is greater than the first force.3. The grounding block of claim 1 , wherein the biasing element is a coil spring.4. The grounding block of claim 1 , wherein the conductive grounding surface is a bridge electrically coupled with an input port and an output port configured to receive ends of a cable.5. The grounding block of claim 4 , wherein the retention member is a retention clip configured to clamp the wire to the ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190312366A1
Автор: GENDRE Guillaume

An apparatus for restricting a contact head of a catenary grounding device unintentionally falling from a catenary in use that is connectable to the contact head. The apparatus forming part of a contact head of a catenary grounding device for restricting the contact head unintentionally falling from a catenary in use. 1. An apparatus for restricting a contact head of a catenary grounding device unintentionally falling from a catenary in use , the apparatus comprising:means for coupling the apparatus to a said contact head;first and second arms moveable relative to each other which in a closed configuration cooperate to define a passage for surrounding a catenary in use, the first and second arms being moveable relative to each other out of the closed configuration against biasing means which acts to return the first and second arms into the closed configuration; andinitial engagement means arranged such that when urged against a catenary in use the first and second arms are moved relative to each other from the closed configuration against action of the biasing means;wherein the apparatus is configured such that by urging the initial engagement means against a catenary in use the apparatus can be moved translationally relative to the catenary from a first position in which the initial engagement means first contacts the catenary to a second position in which the catenary is pinched between the first and second arms and further wherein the first and second arms are configured such that upon continued translational movement of the apparatus relative to the catenary in use the first arm disengages from the catenary while the second arm remains in contact therewith for causing the apparatus to turn relative to the catenary as the first and second arms move relative to each other and return to the closed configuration under action of the biasing means so that the passage defined by the arms surrounds the catenary.2. A catenary grounding device comprising:a contact head, ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200313315A1
Автор: ANDRESEN Jens

A contacting device for contacting a shielding conductor of an electrical line with a grounding portion includes: a housing which encloses a receptacle space into which the electrical line including the shielding conductor is insertable, the housing being attachable to the grounding portion such that the grounding portion extends in the receptacle space; and a spring element which is arranged on the housing so as to be pivotable about a pivot axis from an open position into a clamping position, in order, in the clamping position, to contact the shielding conductor of the electrical line inserted into the receptacle space with the grounding portion to which the housing is attached. 1. A contacting device for contacting a shielding conductor of an electrical line with a grounding portion , comprising:a housing which encloses a receptacle space into which the electrical line comprising the shielding conductor is insertable, the housing being attachable to the grounding portion such that the grounding portion extends in the receptacle space; anda spring element which is arranged on the housing so as to be pivotable about a pivot axis from an open position into a clamping position, in order, in the clamping position, to contact the shielding conductor of the electrical line inserted into the receptacle space with the grounding portion to which the housing is attached.2. The contacting device according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element has an actuating leg which is pivotally mounted on the housing claim 1 , and a clamping leg which is bent towards the actuating leg and is configured to be brought into clamping abutment with the shielding conductor of the electrical line inserted into the receptacle space.3. The contacting device according to claim 2 , wherein the clamping leg has an end edge remote from the actuating leg claim 2 , and an abutment portion which is spaced apart from the end edge and curved about the pivot axis claim 2 , andwherein, in the clamping ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Washer for Establishing Electrical Continuity

Номер: US20160336661A1

A washer is designed to establish a reliable electrical connection between the washer and a core structure of the main conductor aircraft structure. The washer includes a conductive central main body arranged substantially in a first plane and including an opening adapted to receive a fastener and an outer edge and at least three serrated conductive projections. Each serrated projection includes a first end and a second end. The first end is attached to the conductive central main body and the second end is a free end including at least one conductive tooth. The second end is located in a second plan other than the first plane and is of the type that can deform under pressure. The attachment between the conductive central main body and each serrated conductive projection is of the type that can deform under pressure. 1. A washer for establishing electrical conductivity comprising: an opening adapted to receive fastening means, and', 'an outer edge, and, 'a conductive central main body arranged substantially in a first plane, and comprisingat least three serrated conductive projections, wherein each serrated projection comprises a first and second end, wherein the first end of the serrated conductive projection is attached to said conductive central main body and the second end is a free end comprising at least one conductive tooth,wherein the second end of each serrated conductive projection is located in a second plane other than the first plane of the conductive central main body of the washer, said second end being of the type that can deform under pressure, andwherein the attachment between the conductive central main body and each serrated conductive projection is of the type that can deform under pressure.2. The washer according to claim 1 , wherein each of the second ends of the at least three serrated conductive projections comprises a plurality of teeth.3. The washer according to claim 1 , wherein between the first plane claim 1 , where the conductive ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170331203A1
Автор: MUNDLE Terry D.

A method for electrically grounding structures or equipment includes providing an open-topped enclosure having peripheral sidewalls defining an interior cavity, positioning the enclosure over an in situ soil mass, placing a selected soil material in the cavity, and installing a grounding device in the soil contained in the cavity, so as to establish electrically-conductive continuity between the grounding device and the soil material in the cavity, and between the soil material in the cavity and the underlying in situ soil mass. Electrical cables can then be run between the grounding device and a structure or equipment to effect electrical grounding thereof. The effectiveness of the resultant electrical grounding may be enhanced by moistening the soil material in the enclosure and/or the in situ soil mass. The enclosure may have an open bottom, or may have a floor element with apertures allowing passage of moisture. 1. A method for electrically grounding a structure or equipment component , said method comprising the steps of:(a) providing an open-topped enclosure having peripheral sidewalls defining an enclosure cavity;(b) positioning the enclosure over an in situ soil mass;(c) placing a selected quantity of a selected soil material in the enclosure cavity, so as to establish electrically-conductive continuity between the soil material in the enclosure cavity and the in situ soil mass;(d) installing a grounding device in the soil material in the enclosure cavity, so as to establish electrically-conductive continuity between the grounding device and the soil material in the enclosure cavity; and(e) connecting an electrical cable between the grounding device and the structure or equipment component.2. A method as in claim 1 , comprising the further step of moistening the soil material in the enclosure cavity.3. A method as in claim 2 , comprising the further step of moistening the in situ soil mass.4. A method as in wherein the enclosure includes a floor element ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200321714A1
Автор: Johnson Robert

A method of transporting grounding plates is provided, having a step of providing a plurality of grounding plates made from an electrically conductive material. Each grounding plate has a plate body with first and second faces that are planar, opposed, and parallel to each other, and a grounding connector formed from the same material and having a first end connected to the plate body. The grounding connector is bendable about the first end from a planar configuration to a functional configuration. In the planar configuration, the grounding connector is aligned with and parallel to the first and second faces of the plate body, and in the functional configuration, the grounding connector is at an angle relative to the first face of the plate body. The method has the further steps of stacking the plurality of grounding plates in the planar configuration and transporting the stack to a destination. 1. A method of transporting grounding plates , comprising: a plate body, the plate body having a first face and a second face opposite and parallel to the first face, the first and second faces being planar;', 'a grounding connector formed from the same material as the plate body, having a first end and a second end, the first end being connected to the plate body;', 'wherein the grounding connector is bendable relative to the plate body about the first end of the grounding connector from a planar configuration to a functional configuration, wherein, in the planar configuration, the grounding connector is aligned with and parallel to the first and second faces of the plate body, and in the functional configuration, the grounding connector is at an angle relative to the first face of the plate body; and, 'providing a plurality of grounding plates that are made from an electrically conductive material, each grounding plate comprisingstacking the plurality of grounding plates in the planar configuration; andtransporting the stacked plurality of grounding plates to a destination ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Power communication electrical connector

Номер: US20170338597A1
Автор: TIAN YU

A power communication electrical connector is provided, comprising: a plug and a socket which are matched and plugged for connecting a power source circuit or a high-power load circuit; wherein power source connectors and the signal connectors are respectively provided on both the plug and the socket, the power source connectors are for connecting a power source of the power source circuit or a high-power load of the high-power load circuit; the signal connectors are for connecting an external chip of the power source circuit or an external chip of the high-power load circuit, wherein a power ground of the power source connectors the a signal ground of the signal connectors are separately provided. In addition, an anti-spark power communication electrical connector is further provided. 1. A power communication electrical connector , comprising: a plug and a socket which are matched and plugged for connecting a power source circuit or a high-power load circuit;wherein power source connectors and signal connectors are respectively provided on both the plug and the socket, the power source connectors are for connecting a power source of the power source circuit or a high-power load of the high-power load circuit; the signal connectors are for connecting an external chip of the power source circuit or an external chip of the high-power load circuit;wherein a power ground of the power source connectors the a signal ground of the signal connectors are separately provided.2. The power communication electrical connector according to claim 1 , wherein the power source connectors comprise a power source end claim 1 , a power source ground end claim 1 , a power line and a power ground line which are respectively connected with the power source end and the power source ground end; the signal connectors comprise a signal end claim 1 , a signal ground end claim 1 , a signal line and a signal ground line which are respectively connected with the signal end and the signal ground ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200328538A1
Автор: Jensen Henrik Abild

Provided is an electromagnetic grounding arrangement for power cables of a wind turbine that includes a tower mounted on a foundation, which electromagnetic grounding arrangement includes an electrically conductive sheet including at least one aperture through which a power cable passes; a first current path from a jacket of the power cable to the electrically conductive sheet; and a second current path from the electrically conductive sheet to ground. 1. An electromagnetic grounding arrangement for power cables of a wind turbine that comprises a tower mounted on a foundation , the electromagnetic grounding arrangement comprising:an electrically conductive sheet comprising at least one aperture through which a power cable passes;a first current path from a jacket of the power cable to the electrically conductive sheet; anda second current path from the electrically conductive sheet to ground.2. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive sheet extends to fill a cross-sectional area of the tower.3. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive sheet is a metal mesh.4. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the first current path is effected by an electrically conductive tube dimensioned to fit about the power cable.5. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the electrically conductive tube comprises a metal flange extending outward from a base of the electrically conductive tube for connection to the electrically conductive sheet.6. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 4 , comprising a metal hose clamp arranged to secure a shielding layer of the power cable to the electrically conductive metal tube.7. The electromagnetic grounding arrangement according to claim 4 , comprising a metal bracket attached to the electrically conductive sheet and to the power cable.8. The ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180337465A1
Автор: Cayzac Gaspard

The device for holding at least one electrically conductive pipe on an electrical conductive structure with an electrical connection between such a structure and at least one such pipe includes a holding half-flange, a fastening half-flange to be fastened to the structure, to be assembled with the holding half-flange, and an electrical connection device for electrically connecting the structure and the pipe or pipes. The electrical connection device includes at least one pad, made of an electrically conductive flexible material, lining the fastening half-flange, and configured to electrically cooperate with one of the pipes. The device also includes at least one pusher, made of an electrically conductive material, configured to electrically cooperate with the structure as well as with the pad or with one of the pads of the fastening half-flange, movable in displacement between an extended position outside the fastening half-flange and a retracted position inside this fastening half-flange. 1. A device for holding at least one electrically conductive pipe on an electrical conductive structure with an electrical connection between the structure and the at least one pipe , said device comprising:a flange being comprised of a fastening half-flange fastened to the structure;a holding half-flange assembled with the fastening half-flange and complementary to the fastening half-flange,{'b': '5', 'wherein each half-flange is comprised of a rigid body and at least one recess opposite the other half-flange, each configured to receive a pipe, each arranged in front of another recess the other half-flange includes, and each complementing such other recess in order to form an accommodation () for receiving the pipe or one of the pipes; and'}electrical connection means electrically connecting the structure and the pipe the fastening half-flange includeswherein at least one pad, each pad being comprised of an electrically conductive flexible material, each pad lining the recess of ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190341703A1

In an aspect, a connection adapter is provided for connecting an earthing line to a metal protective hose, where the adapter includes an electrically conductive substantially hollow cylindrical body having an end face with a pass-through opening therein for passage of electrical conductors and the earthing line therethrough, and a receiving shoe connected to the end face, which is configured to seat the earthing line. The cylindrical body includes a plurality of inwardly facing tabs and is sized to fit over the metal protective hose. The tabs are configured to contact and slide over and the metal protective hose. 1. A connection adapter for connecting an earthing line to a metal protective hose , comprising:an electrically conductive substantially hollow cylindrical body having an end face with a pass-through opening therein for passage of electrical conductors and the earthing line therethrough; anda receiving shoe connected to the end face, the receiving shoe being configured to seat the earthing line,wherein the cylindrical body includes a plurality of inwardly facing tabs, the cylindrical body being sized to fit over the metal protective hose and the tabs being configured to contact and slide over and the metal protective hose.2. A connection adapter according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving shoe is shaped to be crimped to the earthing line to fasten the connection adapter to the earthing line.3. A connection adapter according to claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical body is shaped to be crimped to fasten the connection adapter to the metal protective hose.4. A connection adapter according to claim 3 , wherein the cylindrical body is formed from sheet stock and has a parting line therein.5. A connection adapter according to claim 1 , wherein the tabs are formed by punching a wall forming the cylindrical body.6. A connection adapter according to claim 1 , wherein the metal protective hose has an undulating envelop featuring peaks and valleys and at least one of ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Ground Current Diverter

Номер: US20150380839A1
Автор: Tait Michael J.

A device which can be used on a water pipe has a first metallic, tubular section and a second metallic, tubular section. The first and second metallic, tubular sections are separated from one another by an electrically non-conductive section. The device also has a first metallic wire that extends through the tubular wall of the first metallic, tubular section in at least five locations and further extends across the first interior three times. The first metallic wire is electrically coupled to the second metallic, tubular section. 1. A device comprising:a first metallic, tubular section comprising a tubular wall and defining a first interior;a second metallic, tubular section;a section of electrically non-conductive tube separating the first metallic, tubular section from the second metallic, tubular section; anda first metallic wire, the first metallic wire extending through the tubular wall of the first metallic, tubular section in at least five locations and extending across the first interior three times, wherein the first metallic wire is electrically coupled to the second metallic, tubular section.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first metallic wire is copper or an alloy of copper.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first metallic claim 1 , tubular section is copper or an alloy of copper.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second metallic claim 1 , tubular section is copper or an alloy of copper.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first metallic wire and the first metallic claim 1 , tubular section are formed of the same metal.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first metallic wire and the second metallic claim 1 , tubular section are formed of the same metal.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the section of electrically non-conductive tube is formed of polyvinyl chloride.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first metallic wire is soldered to the wall of the first metallic claim 1 , tubular section.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Flush earth ground connector

Номер: US20170373407A1
Автор: Tobin Michael James

This invention is a connecting device for earth grounding aircraft and aerospace equipment. The connector assembly has two parts, an upper and lower. The upper part of the connector provides a receptacle to secure an aerospace chassis ground wire. An internal magnet holds the upper part to the lower part. The lower part is secured in the ground and is flush with the surrounding surface. It is subterraneously connected to a ground rod. Upon disconnection and removal of the upper part, the lower part stays in place and provides a smooth and unencumbered surface. 1. An aircraft , aerospace vehicle , and/or associated aeronautical or aerospace support equipment , flush to the surrounding surface , electrical earth grounding connector , with said connector assembly comprising of: a bottom portion of the connector that is flush to the surrounding surface that is connected , subterraneously , to a ground rod; an upper portion of the connector that is attracted to the bottom portion through an incorporated magnet , with a handle that contains an opening with set screws to accept an aircraft , aerospace , and/or support equipment static grounding cable.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein: the bottom portion of the connector has a semispherical claim 1 , cylinder type shape to withstand the compression forces of large aircraft and aerospace vehicles.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein: the bottom portion of the connector has sufficient metallurgical composition to be electrically conductive.4. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein: the bottom portion of the connector has sufficient metallurgical composition to be attracted to magnets.5. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein: the bottom portion of the connector is mounted to an auger or screw type mount claim 2 , or to the surrounding surface claim 2 , or attached directly to a ground rod.6. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein: a ground cable is welded claim 2 , clamped claim 2 , ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200358208A1
Автор: MUNDLE Terry D.

A ground clamp comprises an electrically-conductive main member with outwardly-projecting upper and lower flanges. One or more lugs or abutments (which may have pointed tips) project upward from the lower flange, and a bolt rotatably engages a threaded hole or nut on the upper flange, such that the lower end of the bolt stem is oriented toward the lower flange. The lower end of the bolt stem has a concave recess with a sharp-edged circumferential rim. When a conductive element of a structure or equipment unit requiring grounding is disposed between the lugs and the bolt stem, rotation of the bolt will clamp the conductive element between the lugs and the bolt stem, with the bolt stem's sharp-edged circumferential rim tending to rotatingly penetrate any surficial contaminants on conductive element, thus establishing or enhancing electrically-conductive contact with sound metal beneath the surficial contamination on the conductive element. 2. A ground clamp as in wherein one or more components of the ground clamp are made from a conductive material selected from the group consisting of carbon steels claim 1 , stainless steels claim 1 , and hardened steels.3. A ground clamp as in wherein one or more of the one or more lugs have sharply-pointed tips.4. A ground clamp as in wherein the tips of one or more of the one or more lugs have substantially flat surfaces.5. A ground clamp as in wherein the substantially flat surfaces of the lugs are textured for slip resistance. The present disclosure relates in general to electrical grounding devices for use in either permanent or temporary installations, and relates in particular to devices for making secure electrically-conductive connections to equipment or structures that need to be grounded.For reasons well known to persons skilled in the art, it is commonly necessary to provide either permanent or temporary electrical connections between metal structures (such as but not limited to buildings and large pieces of equipment) ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Grounding Devices, Systems, and Associated Kits and Methods

Номер: US20180375231A1
Автор: Everett John, Kent Jereme

Grounding devices, systems, and associated methods and kits for grounding electrical equipment are described herein. An example embodiment of a grounding device includes a main body that has a main body first end, a main body second end, a main body top, a main body bottom, a main body first surface, a main body second surface, and defines a first passageway, a slot, and a track. The slot extends into the main body from the main body second end toward the main body first end to the track. The track has a track first end, a track second end, a track first portion, and a track second portion. The track first portion extends from the slot and away from the main body top. The track second portion extends from the track first portion, away from the main body first end and the main body top, to the track second end. 1. A grounding device for grounding electrical equipment , the grounding device comprising:a main body having a main body first end, a main body second end, a main body top, a main body bottom, a main body first surface, a main body second surface, and defining a first passageway, a slot, and a track, the first passageway extending from the main body first surface to the main body second surface, the slot extending into the main body from the main body second end toward the main body first end to the track, the slot extending from the main body first surface to the main body second surface, the track having a track first end, a track second end, a track first portion, and a track second portion, the track in communication with the slot, disposed between the first passageway and the main body second end, and extending from the main body first surface to the main body second surface, the track first portion extending from the slot and away from the main body top, the track second portion extending from the track first portion, away from the main body first end, and away from the main body top to the track second end.2. The grounding device of claim 1 , wherein ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Locking Grounding Clamp

Номер: US20190363462A1

A grounding clamp includes a safety lock-out which locks the operation of the clamp in the absence of a cooperating hot-stick. The lock-out employs a clutch which prevents the translation of the clamping members relative to one another until the clutch is disengaged. The cooperating hot-stick is required for the disengagement of the clutch. 1. A grounding clamp system comprising:a grounding clamp having at least one movable jaw and a first actuator to selectively close and open the at least one movable jaw relative to a second jaw whereby a conductor is selectively captured and released from the clamp, respectively,a selectively releasable lock-out to prevent operation of the first actuator while the lock-out is locked and to enable operation of the actuator while the lock-out is released,an electrically insulated pole having a head at a head end of the pole, and an opposite handle end, opposite to the head end, a coupler mounted in the head and having a corresponding actuating linkage extending from the head along the pole,second and third actuators mounted on the handle end of the pole,wherein the second actuator cooperates with the actuating linkage to actuate the coupler,wherein actuation of the second actuator engages the coupler with the lock-out and draws the lock-out onto the head so as to couple the grounding clamp onto the head, andwherein the third actuator further cooperates with the actuating linkage and is adapted to be actuated sequentially after the actuation of the second actuator so as to release the lock-out thereby allowing actuation of the first actuator.2. The system of wherein the lock-out includes a clutch.3. The system of wherein the clutch is chosen from a group comprising:toothed clutch, splined clutch, friction clutch, magnetic clutch.4. The system of wherein the clutch includes two mating members claim 2 , wherein a second mating member of the two mating members is coupled to a pull claim 2 , and wherein the coupler in the head of the ...

14-02-2008 дата публикации

Electrical-contact screw connection for vehicle has one thread with clearing sector and expulsion sector for paint

Номер: DE102007027497A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

The screw connection (1) consists of two components (6, 7), with two connecting elements (2, 3) having internal and external threads (4, 5). One of the threads has a clearing sector and an expulsion sector. The clearing cavity clears off the paint when the threads are screwed together, and the expulsion sector expels any residual paint.

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Locking Grounding Clamp

Номер: US20220352653A1

A grounding clamp includes a safety lock-out which locks the operation of the clamp in the absence of a cooperating hot-stick. The lock-out employs a clutch which prevents the translation of the clamping members relative to one another until the clutch is disengaged. The cooperating hot-stick is required for the disengagement of the clutch. 1103710. A grounding clamp mountable , when in use , onto a hot-stick () , the grounding clamp having a safety lock-out () cooperating with the hot-stick () and comprising:{'b': 36', '34', '31', '31', '31', '31', '20', '31, 'a frame () and a clamping member () defining a capture cavity () and an opening (A), said opening (A) providing access into said cavity () for a conductor () to be captured in said cavity (),'}{'b': 34', '36', '34', '31', '31', '31', '31', '20', '36', '34', '20', '31, 'said clamping member () cooperating with said frame () and selectively biasable by a user between an unclamped position wherein said clamping member () is retracted to open the cavity () and opening (A) and a clamped position wherein the cavity () and opening (A) are closed so that the conductor () is clamped against said frame () by said clamping member () when the conductor () is positioned in said cavity (),'}characterised by:{'b': 37', '36', '37', '34', '10', '34', '36', '34', '34', '36', '10', '36', '10', '34', '20', '31, 'a lock-out () mounted on said frame (), said lock-out () adapted to lock movement of said clamping member () in the absence of the hot-stick () so as to prevent movement of said clamping member () relative to said frame (), and to unlock said clamping member () to allow movement of said clamping member () relative to said frame () when coupled to the hot-stick (), whereby, when said frame () is mounted on the hot-stick (), the clamping member () is moveable to clamp a conductor () positioned in the cavity ().'}2373434373734. The clamp of wherein said lock-out () has first and second positions and cooperates with said ...

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Lightening arrestor terminal combining device for extra-high voltage substations, capable of preventing the twisting and loosing of lead wires

Номер: KR101817971B1
Автор: 오명훈
Принадлежит: (주)진광건설엔지니어링

The present invention relates to a device for coupling an arrester terminal for an ultra-high voltage substation, capable of connecting and fixing a lead wire (2) connected to a fixed terminal of a polymer arrester (1) at various positions, directions, and angles. The device for coupling an arrester terminal of the present invention comprises: ball joints (10a, 10b) formed as a pair to have a fixing screw (14) at an upper end of a polymer arrester (1), formed with a protrusion (12) having a screw hole (11) to have the fixing screw (14) at an upper end of the polymer arrester (1) at both sides thereof, and integrally formed with a ball fixing holder (16) in the center thereof to separately have a rotation groove (13) for inserting a ball and a fixing hole (15) for fastening the fixing screw (14); and a rotating ball (20) installed to be rotated in the rotation groove (13) of the paired ball joints (10a, 10b), and integrally formed with a clamp (22) for inserting and fixing a lead wire (2) on an outer surface thereof to be rotated.

24-03-2009 дата публикации

Structure and one side earth section of under ground cables

Номер: KR100889929B1
Автор: 하체웅, 한성흠
Принадлежит: 한국수력원자력 주식회사

본 발명은 지중 송전선로의 편단 접지 구조에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 편단 접지를 적용한 선로에 리액터로된 시스 순환전류 저감장치를 사용하여 변형된 크로스본드 접지를 구성함으로써, 정상상태에서 시스 순환전류를 최소화시키고, 사고시 사고 전압을 최소화시켜 사고전류가 원활히 흐르도록 하여 계통을 안정화시키는 접지구조에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a single-ended grounding structure of an underground transmission line, and more particularly, by forming a modified cross-bond ground using a sheath circulating current reducing device which is a reactor in a line to which a single-sided ground is applied, a sheath circulating current in a steady state. Minimizes the voltage, minimizes the voltage at the time of accident, and smoothes the fault current so that the system stabilizes the system. 지중 송전 케이블, 크로스본드, 편단, 접지, 시스 순환전류, 사고전류 Underground transmission cable, cross bond, one end, ground, sheath circulating current, fault current

07-07-2015 дата публикации

A terminal for earthing

Номер: KR200477645Y1
Автор: 김광환, 이정희
Принадлежит: 주식회사 유라코퍼레이션

본 고안은, 고정을 위한 볼트가 체결될 수 있도록 제1 볼트체결홀이 중앙에 형성된 제1 몸체부와, 상기 제1 볼트체결홀의 후방에 배치되어 전선이 체결되는 제1 바렐부를 포함하는 제1 접지용 단자와, 상기 제1 접지용 단자 상에 안착되고, 상기 제1 볼트체결홀과 대향되는 제2 볼트체결홀이 중앙에 형성된 제2 몸체부와. 상기 제2 볼트체결홀의 후방에 배치되어 전선이 체결되는 제2 바렐부를 포함하는 제2 접지용 단자를 포함하고, 상기 제1 접지용 단자는, 상기 제1 몸체부의 측면에서 상기 제2 접지용 단자가 안착되는 방향 방향으로 연장되는 제1 고정부를 포함하고, 제2 접지용 단자는, 상기 제1 고정부에 장착되도록 상기 제2 몸체부에서 돌출 형성된 제2 고정부를 포함하는 접지용 단자가 개시된다. The first aspect of the present invention provides a bolt fastening device comprising a first body portion having a first bolt fastening hole formed at the center thereof so that a bolt for fastening can be fastened and a first barrel portion disposed at a rear of the first bolt fastening hole and fastened with a wire, A second body portion having a ground terminal and a second bolt fastening hole seated on the first ground terminal and facing the first bolt fastening hole at the center; And a second grounding terminal disposed on the rear side of the second bolt fastening hole and including a second barrel portion to which a wire is fastened, wherein the first grounding terminal is provided on the side of the first body portion, And the second grounding terminal includes a grounding terminal including a second fixing portion protruding from the second body portion to be mounted on the first fixing portion, .

11-11-2010 дата публикации

Carbon grounding module for impedance reduction type

Номер: KR100993595B1
Автор: 정용기
Принадлежит: (주)의제전기설비연구원

PURPOSE: An impedance reduction type carbon earth module is provided to have a discharging member which has good conductivity more than carbon resistance, thereby current due to surface effect of carbon resistance is discharged more rapidly to the ground. CONSTITUTION: A carbon resistance(100) is formed extensively according to the longitudinal direction. A conductive cored bar(200) is installed in transverse section central part of the carbon resistance to the longitudinal direction. A discharging member(300) covers the adhesive state about the outer circumference of the carbon resistance. A metal sheet(310) copes with the outer shape and is transformed.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method of protective earthing of overhead system at replacement of rail-and-sleeper grid with wide front

Номер: RU2714276C1

FIELD: electrical engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention is related to method of protective grounding of overhead system at replacement of rail-sleeper grid with wide front. Proposed method comprises grounding of contact suspension electrically connected with rails, portable earthing rods of contact network and artificial earthing devices submerged mechanically into soil at depth of not less than one meter at distance from each other of not more than 200 meters. At the same time contact suspension is additionally connected by means of earthing wires with earthing circuits: signal points, electric signaling posts, complete transformer substations and complete transformer substations of single-phase ones. At that earthing wire with copper equivalent cross-section of not less than 50 mm 2 can be used, as well as clamps of type KS-053 or KS-054. EFFECT: higher electrical safety of personnel during operations. 4 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 714 276 C1 (51) МПК B60M 1/28 (2006.01) H01R 4/66 (2006.01) H01R 4/38 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60M 1/28 (2019.08); H01R 4/66 (2019.08); H01R 4/38 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019116937, 31.05.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.02.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.05.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 13.02.2020 Бюл. № 5 2 7 1 4 2 7 6 R U (54) СПОСОБ ЗАЩИТНОГО ЗАЗЕМЛЕНИЯ КОНТАКТНОЙ СЕТИ ПРИ ЗАМЕНЕ РЕЛЬСОШПАЛЬНОЙ РЕШЕТКИ ШИРОКИМ ФРОНТОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способу защитного заземляющих проводов с заземляющими заземления контактной сети при замене рельсоконтурами: сигнальных точек, постов шпальной решетки широким фронтом. Способ электрической сигнализации, комплектных включает заземление контактной подвески, трансформаторных подстанций и комплектных электрически соединенной с рельсами, трансформаторных подстанций однофазных. При переносными заземляющими штангами этом могут быть использованы ...

30-04-2012 дата публикации

Grounding device having projecting parts on the body and including ceramic carriers therein

Номер: KR101139841B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엔투비

PURPOSE: A grounding device having a projection unit and a ceramic carrier are provided to form a plurality of projection units on a ground rod to increase the surface area to radiate the electric charge, thereby enhancing the radiation efficiency. CONSTITUTION: A grounding device includes a ground rod which is buried. The ground rod is composed of a board shaped grounding board(100) as a body on which a protrusion unit is formed. A through hole is installed on the protrusion unit. The grounding board is formed as a rectangular shape, a polyhedral shape, a cylindrical shape, or a rolled shape with a fixed diameter. The inside of the ground rod includes a filler.

19-06-2006 дата публикации

220 Volt Outlet's Ground Terminal Structure

Номер: KR200419194Y1
Автор: 진미연
Принадлежит: 주식회사 일신전기산업

본 고안은 220 볼트 콘센트의 접지 단자 접속 구조에 관한 것으로서, The present invention relates to a ground terminal connection structure of a 220-volt outlet, 특히 220 볼트 콘센트의 접지 단자를 어스 단자에 접속함에 있어서, Especially when connecting the ground terminal of the 220 volt outlet to the earth terminal, 접지 단자와 어스 단자의 어느 일측에 안착공이 형성된 삽입 통공을 형성하는 한편, 다른 일측에는 좌,우 양 측벽 사이에 공간부가 구비된 걸림턱을 돌출시켜, While forming an insertion hole in which a seating hole is formed on one side of the ground terminal and the earth terminal, while the other side protrudes a locking step provided with a space between the left and right side walls, 접속 단자 접속시, 상기 걸림턱을 삽입 통공에 삽입시킨 뒤, 90 도 회전시켜 삽입 통공의 양 측면이 걸림턱의 외측벽에 긴밀히 안착된 상태로 접속되게 함으로써, When the connecting terminal is connected, the locking jaw is inserted into the insertion hole and then rotated by 90 degrees so that both sides of the insertion hole are connected to the outer wall of the locking jaw tightly, 조립성과 접속력이 우수하고, 원가를 절감시켜 생산성을 크게 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 것이다. Its excellent assembly and connection power and cost can be greatly improved in productivity. 220 볼트 콘센트의 접지 단자 접속 구조 Ground terminal connection structure of 220 volt outlet

18-04-2022 дата публикации

Protective earthing

Номер: RU2770424C1

FIELD: energy saving. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of energy saving in the system of electrochemical protection against corrosion of underground structures, electrically connected to the protective earthing system, and can be used, for example, in the oil and gas industry. The protective earthing conductor consists of metal elements buried in the ground, coated with electronegative metals, and additionally contains at least one non-metallic insert connecting the metal elements and containing a voltage drop unit electrically connected to the metal elements. The voltage drop assembly consists of electrical elements that provide a voltage drop of any kind and polarity, such as one or more pairs of semiconductor diodes connected back-to-back, as well as an electric capacitor to reduce the AC resistance of the earth electrode. EFFECT: elimination of the negative impact exerted by protective grounding elements on the parameters of electrochemical protection of cathodic protected underground structures and directly on equipment, reducing electricity consumption by cathodic protection stations, increasing the service life of anode ground electrode systems, providing the necessary reserve of cathodic protection converters for current and power. 2 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 770 424 C1 (51) МПК H01R 4/66 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01R 4/66 (2022.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021124115, 10.08.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 18.04.2022 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Гипрогазцентр" (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 176327 U1, 17.01.2018. RU 89289 U1, 27.11.2009. RU 2148820 C1, 27.05.2014. US 6515220 B1, 04.02.2003. RU 103424 U1, 10.04.2011. (45) Опубликовано: 18.04.2022 Бюл. № 11 2 7 7 0 4 2 4 (54) ЗАЗЕМЛИТЕЛЬ ЗАЩИТНОГО ЗАЗЕМЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области тока ...
