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20-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2334356C2

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Достигаемый технический результат - облегчение манипулирования количеством сигналов обработки для постановки в очередь кадров передачи, принятых по обратной линии связи канала, и обработка их в пакете. Способ замедления отклика на инструкции управления мощностью в каналах линии связи заключается в том, что сохраняют рабочую историю в течение заданной длительности времени инструкций управления мощностью, включенных в первое множество кадров, принятых в одном направлении по линии связи канала, причем первое множество кадров выстроено в очередь перед обработкой, генерируют команды управления мощностью для второго множества кадров, передаваемых в обратном направлении канала, причем первое и второе множества кадров пакетируют для последующей обработки в виде пакета для передачи. Шлюз системы беспроводной связи содержит приемопередатчик и обрабатывающую подсистему. Испытательная система беспроводной связи содержит эмулятор шлюза и моделирующее устройство ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2439788C2

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи для генерирования цифровых коэффициентов для фильтра. Технический результат: уменьшение деструктивных эффектов рабочей характеристики. Генерирование коэффициентов полагается на преобразование Фурье, выполняемое на импульсной характеристике во временной области, которая дополняется нулями, например, нули добавляются к массиву, соответствующему дискретизированному входному сигналу длиной М. Единичный фильтр-прототип генерируется по характеристике в частотной области длиной NFFT=M+NS-1, в которой NS представляет собой длину дискретизации поступающего сигнала. Затем единичный фильтр-прототип циклически сдвигается, чтобы генерировать полосовой фильтр, центрированный на требуемой частоте. Циклически сдвинутые фильтры добавляются поточечным образом для генерирования совокупности композитных цифровых коэффициентов, чтобы фильтровать поступающий сигнал. Опорные частоты для композитного фильтра извлекаются из сообщения, принимаемого от одной или ...

27-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2136108C1

Предлагаются система и способ для распределения трафика через спутники на низких околоземных орбитах. Каждый спутник в то время, когда он находится в пределах видимости земной станции, ориентирован под определенным углом возвышения. Способ включает обеспечение каждого спутника приемником для приема сигналов от земной станции и передатчиком для передачи сигналов на абонентские терминалы, определение в ответ на запрос на обслуживание, можно ли спутнику с самым высоким углом назначить новый канал связи; если да, то назначение нового канала спутнику с самым высоким углом; если нет, то определение, можно ли спутнику со вторым по величине углом возвышения назначить новый канал связи; и если да, то назначение нового канала связи спутнику со вторым по величине углом возвышения, что и является достигаемым техническим результатом. Возможность назначения зависит от числа каналов связи и/или уровня мощности луча спутника. В предпочтительном варианте абонентские терминалы используют разнесенный прием ...

10-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139633C1

Заявлены способ и устройство для управления служебным каналом базовой станции в мобильной системе связи. Способ включает операции вычисления нагрузки базовой станции, если вычисленная нагрузка достигает порогового значения, то передачи сообщения запроса назначения дополнительного служебного канала процессору интерфейса платы каналов и дополнительного назначения служебного канала, и если вычисленная нагрузка снижается, то передачи сообщения запроса отмены назначения служебного канала процессору интерфейса платы каналов и отмены упомянутого служебного канала. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности и стабилизации характеристик мобильной системы связи. 2 с. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл, 4 ил.

10-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139642C1

Предложен способ выделения сдвига псевдошумового (ПШ) пилот-сигнала для базовой станции в цифровой мобильной системе связи. В способе распределения сдвигов пилот-сигнала единая группа подразделяется на множество подгрупп и множество основных базовых станций и резервных базовых станций, каждая из которых имеет множество секторов, упорядочиваются в каждой из соответствующих подгрупп. Затем сдвиг ПШ пилот-сигнала выделяется каждому сектору так, чтобы разность сдвигов ПШ сигнала между сектором и следующим сектором в той же самой базовой станции была равна приращению пилот-сигнала, умноженному на число подгрупп в группе, соответственно номерам секторов, разность сдвигов ПМ сигнала между одинаковыми секторами в соответствующих базовых станциях в различных подгруппах соответствовала приращению пилот-сигнала и разность сдвигов ПШ сигнала между одинаковыми секторами в данной базовой станции и в следующей базовой станции в одной и той же подгруппе была равна числу подгрупп, умноженному на число секторов ...

10-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2117393C1
Принадлежит: Алькатель Н.В. (NL)

Устройство предназначено для выбора спутника для установления связи с терминалом (Т) в спутниковой системе радиосвязи, содержащий совокупность спутников связи, движущихся по орбитам. Это устройство содержит средство измерения, предназначенное для выработки информации о местоположении (D), представляющей собой функцию положения данного терминала по отношению к каждому из ближайших к нему спутников (S1, S2, S3), от которых терминал принимает сигналы синхронизации, средство оценки, предназначенное для определения продолжительности прогнозируемой радиовидимости каждого из этих спутников на основе упомянутой информации о местоположении, и средство выбора, предназначенное для выбора того из упомянутых спутников (S2), для которого эта оценка продолжительности прогнозируемой радиовидимости является наибольшей, что и является достигаемым техническим результатом. 5 с и 6 з. п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2108671C1
Принадлежит: Войсковая часть 60130

Система внутрикорабельной аварийной связи относится к системам низкочастотной связи и может быть использована для организации связи на подвижных объектах - кораблях, судах, подводных аппаратах, и позволяет повысить надежность и живучесть аварийной связи. Система содержит симметричную направляющую линию, вдоль которой расположены абонентские приборы безбатарейной телефонной связи, малогабаритные приемопередатчики, портативные радиостанции и блоки сопряжения абонентских приборов безбатарейной телефонной связи с приемопередатчиками. Для передачи и приема речевой информации используется физическая цепь двухпроводной линии, по которой передаются электромагнитные волны. Сигналы с приемопередатчика передаются по двухпроводной линии связи в обе стороны и через блок сопряжения поступают на другие приемопередатчики, эти же сигналы проходят через приемопередатчики, усиливаются в блоках сопряжения и излучаются в отсеках корабля. Излучение принимается портативными радиостанциями. Для повышения живучести ...

27-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005136867A

... 1. Способ осуществления связи в сети беспроводной связи с двумя ретрансляционными участками, в которой передатчик (210), приемник (220) и, по меньшей мере, одна ретрансляционная станция (215) участвуют в сеансе связи, и ретрансляционная станция (215) пересылает сигналы из первой линии связи между передатчиком (210) и ретрансляционной станцией (215) во вторую линию связи между ретрансляционными станциями (215) и приемником (220), отличающийся тем, что пересылку, осуществляемую, по меньшей мере, одной ретрансляционной станцией (215), адаптируют в соответствии с оцененными характеристиками радиоканала. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором в сеансе связи участвует совокупность ретрансляционных станций (215), и их соответствующую пересылку адаптируют на основании относительного параметра передачи, характерного для каждой ретрансляционной станции, и общего параметра передачи, который является общим для всех ретрансляционных станций. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором способ содержит этапы, на которых определяют ...

04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729037C1

Изобретение относится к средствам спутниковой связи и может быть использовано для организации радиолиний спутниковой связи при работе через стволы ретрансляторов космических аппаратов, находящихся на геостационарной и высокоэллиптической орбитах. Техническим результатом является обеспечение образования различных каналов с повышенной пропускной способностью и ведения по ним устойчивой связи при различных режимах работы станции при работе как на стоянке, так и в движении. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в подвижную станцию спутниковой связи, содержащую антенную систему, дуплексер, малошумящий усилитель, блок усилителей-преобразователей частоты приема, модем, блок усилителей-преобразователей частоты передачи и усилитель мощности, дополнительно введены блок дистанционного управления антенной, навигационная система, блок цифровой обработки сигналов, блок опорного генератора, приемный синтезатор частоты, передающий синтезатор частоты, блок управления станцией, коммутатор ...

10-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94037589A

В системах цифровой связи, таких, как подвижные системы цифровой радиосвязи с сотовой структурой зон обслуживания 1 многостанционного доступа в системах с частотным разделением каналов (FDMA) и многостанционным доступом с временным разделением каналов (ТДМА), в которых ряд приемопередатчиков базовой радиостанции (BSI, BS2, BS3) связаны с рядом подвижных радиостанций (MS1, MS2, MS3), используются методы скачкообразной перестройки частоты для борьбы с замираниями. Известны два основных метода скачкообразной перестройки частоты: скачкообразная перестройка частоты переключением полосы частот модулирующих сигналов и скачкообразной перестройкой частоты синтезатора. При выполнении таких методов скачкообразной перестройки частоты необходимо осуществлять маршрутизацию пачек импульсов данных между приемопередатчиками (RFUI, RFU2, ..., RFUn) и контроллерами приемопередатчиков (RCCI, RCC2, ..., RCCn) в приемопередатчиках базовых радиостанций (BSI, BS2, BS3) в соответствии с алгоритмом скачкообразной ...

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95104151A

Изобретение обеспечивает повышение достоверности приема двоичной информации за счет введения четырех пар полосовых фильтров 9 и 10, детекторов огибающей 11 и 12, двух сумматоров 13 и 14 для некогерентного сложения четырех сигналов и вычитателя 15, реализующего принцип выбора максимальной амплитуды сигнала.

19-11-2024 дата публикации

Устройство автоматизированного радиоконтроля за излучениями радиоэлектронных средств

Номер: RU230186U1

Полезная модель относится к автоматизированным методам динамического использования спектра на основе временной регламентации работы радиоэлектронных средств (РЭС), использующим устройства автоматизированного радиоконтроля за излучениями радиоэлектронных средств в полосе радиочастот 70 МГц - 6 ГГц и выявления превышения заданных порогов. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение функциональности устройства автоматизированного радиоконтроля за излучениями радиоэлектронных средств различного назначения в полосе радиочастот 70 МГц - 6 ГГц и выявления превышения заданных порогов. Устройство автоматизированного радиоконтроля за излучениями радиоэлектронных средств различного назначения в полосе радиочастот 70 МГц - 6 ГГц и выявления превышения заданных порогов с возможностью декодирования параметров базовых станций сотовой связи стандартов GSM\UMTS\LTE\NR включает модуль одновременного обзора спектров множественных диапазонов частот, модуль оценки параметров базовых станций сотовой ...

07-05-1989 дата публикации

Цифровая радиорелейная система передачи

Номер: SU1478357A1

Изобретение относится к многоканальной радиорелейной связи. Цель изобретения - повышение пропускной способности системы. Для достижения цели в систему введены новые блоки и связи между ними. Кроме того, для передачи информации в предлагаемой системе используется балансный алфавитный код 4В6В. На выходах параллельного регистра присутствуют одновременно четыре сигнала на интервале времени, равном двум тактовым интервалам исходных двоичных сигналов. В соответствии с таблицей в первом преобразователе происходит преобразование четырех символов исходного сигнала и шести символов передаваемого сигнала. Применение этого кода позволяет также повысить надежность работы устройств тактовой синхронизации в регенераторах. 3 ил., 1 табл.

24-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069430785T2

14-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003773513D1

In a transmission network with subscribers stations coupled together via a converter and a central station, with the converter at a geographically effective site and with transmission using TDMA, one or more converters are fixed geographically or are movable on the earth's surface, or are mobile in the air close to the earth's surface. The network uses radio or wire transmission or a combination of the two. In the converter is arranged a store which so sorts the information arriving from the subscriber station, that in the transmission direction from the converter to the individual stations, the information is sent coherently from all stations. The radio converter may be mounted in one or more balloons, helicopters or similar aircraft.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation und Kommunikationssystem für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102012208641B4

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7) für ein Fahrzeug (5), bei dem- zumindest eine vorgegebene Betriebsgröße des Fahrzeugs (5) ermittelt wird und/oder zumindest eine vorgegebene Netzbetriebsgröße eines vorgegebenen Mobilfunknetzes, mit dem die Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7) signaltechnisch koppelbar ist,- abhängig von der zumindest einen Betriebsgröße des Fahrzeugs (5) und/oder der zumindest einen Netzbetriebsgröße ein vorgegebenes Aktivierungssignal (A) erzeugt und an die Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7) gesendet wird, und- abhängig von einer von außerhalb des Fahrzeugs (5) gesendeten, vorgegebenen Anforderungsnachricht für die Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7) das Aktivierungssignal (A) erzeugt und an die Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7) gesendet wird,- wobei die Kleinst-Funkzellen-Basisstation (7)-- signaltechnisch koppelbar ist mit einer ersten Antenneneinrichtung (10) des Fahrzeugs (5), die ausgebildet und angeordnet ist, Funksignale zumindest ...

07-10-1976 дата публикации

Transmit-time equaliser has chain of fixed and variable equalisers - separated by amplifiers allowing one parameter to set linearity

Номер: DE0002512752A1

The transit-time equaliser has its linearity adjusted by altering one parameter only, and consists of six networks separated by amplifiers. Three of these networks are pre-set fixed equalisers (3FE), the fourth is a transit--tie equaliser (FLE) with re-solderable step-wise adjustment, the fifth is an adjustable AM equaliser (AE). The composite equaliser is connected to the mixer's output, via an amplifier and pre-emphasiser, and to the input of the output amplifier. The advantage of altering only one parameter in setting linearity naturally lies in simplicity.

28-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069102635D1

03-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002021887A1

13-05-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001919215C3

11-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069930554D1

10-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002741630B2

20-01-2000 дата публикации

Transceiveranordnung für ein Smart-Antennensystem in einer mobilen Kommunikationsbasisstation

Номер: DE0019927710A1

Es wird eine Transceiveranordnung für ein Smart-Antennensystem einer mobilen Kommunikationsbasisstation beschrieben. Eine Empfangsvorrichtung umfaßt N Array-Antennen, N AFEUs für das Abwärtswandeln jedes der Signale, die von den N Array-Antennen empfangen werden, in N unterschiedliche Frequenzen, einen N : 1 Leistungskombinierer für das Kombinieren der umgewandelten N Signale in ein Signal, einen Breitbandtransceiver für das Abwärtswandeln des kombinierten Signals in ein Basisfrequenzband, einen Breitband-Analog-Digital-Wandler für das Umwandeln des abwärtsgewandelten Signals in ein digitales Signal, N digitale Filter für das Aufteilen des digitalen Signals in N unterschiedliche digitale Signale und L Strahlformungsmodule für das einzelne Empfangen von N digitalen Signalen, die durch jede der N digitalen Teilungsvorrichtung aufgeteilt wurden, und für das Ausbilden eines adaptiven Strahls, wobei L die Anzahl der Teilnehmer darstellt. Eine Sendevorrichtung umfaßt L Strahlformungsmodule für ...

01-07-2010 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Verstärkung und Uberwachung eines Verstärkers

Номер: DE0060044415D1

15-04-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Sendeleistungsregelung

Номер: DE0060141432D1
Принадлежит: NEC CORP, NEC CORP.

16-05-2012 дата публикации

Wireless monitoring and control of solar photovoltaic devices using repeaters

Номер: GB0002485335A

This invention relates to renewable energy monitoring systems using wireless repeaters designed for short range wireless data transmission. A solar photovoltaic monitoring and control system, comprises: a wireless transceiver coupled to a solar photovoltaic inverter, said solar photovoltaic inverter comprising a device monitor monitoring and controlling said solar photovoltaic inverter, said monitoring comprising generating monitoring data defining a status of said solar photovoltaic system and transmitting said monitoring data using said wireless transceiver coupled to said solar photovoltaic inverter; a wireless repeater, said wireless repeater receiving said monitoring data from said solar photovoltaic inverter and retransmitting said monitoring data; a wireless transceiver coupled to an gateway, said gateway communicating said retransmitted monitoring data received using said wireless transceiver coupled to said gateway to a monitoring station, said gateway transmitting control data ...

03-01-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for reduction of unwanted feedback

Номер: GB0009522204D0

07-10-1938 дата публикации

Two-way directive wireless system

Номер: GB0000493429A

... 493,429. Wireless signalling. LORENZ AKT.-GES., C. April 8, 1938, No. 10858. Convention date, April 8, 1937. [Class 40 (v)] In a central station A, Fig. 1, for two-way radio-beam communication with a group of outlying stations B ... G, only one central transmitter Sa is used to co-operate with each of the substations as required. At the central station, directive receiving aerials E point towards each of the distant stations, and on the receipt of a calling signal from any one of them, a relay automatically turns the central transmitter Sa in the required direction As shown in Fig. 2, a calling signal from the station G, Fig. 1, energizes a relay Rg to close the circuit of a motor 5, which rotates a shaft 2 until the transmitting aerial Sa points in the require direction.. At that moment, the armature 9g drops into a notch 7 in a disc 6, mounted on the shaft 2, and so open-circuits the motor. The transmitter Sa is similarly aligned towards any station which sends out a call. An auxiliary ...

25-04-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in multiplex ultra-short wave radio relay communication systems

Номер: GB0000652653A

... 652,653. Radio signalling. SOC. FRANCAISE RADIO-ELECTRIQUE. March 24, 1948, No. 8693. Convention date, April 18, 1947. Drawings to Specification. [Class 40 (v)] In an ultra short wave multiplex radio relay system the relay stations comprise wide-band low gain amplifiers, such as travelling wave tubes, with input and output connected to directional receiving and re-radiating aerials or horns, relatively oriented at an angle of a little less than 180 degrees to avoid interference, no change of frequency taking place. The stations are relatively close together, with low power input and output, e.g. 10-7 and 10-3 watt. The communication path may follow power transmission pylons. Frequency modulation may be used.

19-06-1930 дата публикации

Arrangement for influencing the rau?ation of electric waves

Номер: GB0000330750A

... 330,750. Lorenz Akt.-Ges., C. Oct. 20, 1928, [Convention date]. Directive signalling.- Directive effects are obtained by employing parabolic wire reflectors with the aerial more than a quarter wave-length away from the reflector and with a reflector having large dimensions relatively to the wavelength employed. A prism or other refracting or diffracting device of similar large dimensions may be placed in the beam to deflect the rays, or lenses may be formed to produce convergent or divergent rays as in optics. The reflecting, refracting or diffracting bodies may be arranged to be rotated. The Figure shows a parabolic circular reflector adapted to radiate in a plane above the houses. Specification 18632/12 is referred to.

28-06-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to multichannel radio systems for communication with moving vehicles

Номер: GB0000625478A

... 625,478. Multiplex pulse signaling ; radiolocation. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. March 21, 1947, No. 7814. Convention date, March 28, 1946. [Classes 40 (v) and 40 (vii)] In a pulse multiplex system for communication between terminal stations linked by a chain of repeaters and mobile units, the insertion by the repeaters of the signals from the mobile units in correct time position in the interleaved pulse train is controlled by measuring the time delay between pulses transmitted to, and pulses received from, the mobile units. An interleaved pulse train from the west terminal is passed to the east terminal on one carrier and back on a second carrier by a cable or radio link having at intervals repeater stations which also transmit the east-bound signal to the mobile units. At each mobile unit the signal received on frequency f1 by receiver 24, Fig. 4, is demodulated and the channel allotted to that unit is selected at 31 by a base wave generated at 27 from marker pulses separated at ...

07-10-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in transponder devices

Номер: GB0000698025A

... 698,025. Radio signalling. MARCOU, J. C. P. Feb. 5, 1952 [Feb. 7, 1951], No. 2987/52. Class 40 (v). A transponder comprises a receiver 1 and retransmitter 7 connected by a narrow passband filter, e.g. H.F. amplifier 5, and gating means 2, e.g. a quench oscillator, arranged to block in phase opposition the receiver and retransmitter so that the retransmitted waves have no effect on the receiver, and yet the frequency band of the retransmitter is derived from that of the incoming waves. The bandwidth of the receiver preceding the filter, and of the retransmitter are large in relation to the gate frequency to prevent interaction. Preferably the received waves are reduced in frequency by a local oscillator 4 before passing to the filter 5, then the filtered waves again increased in frequency by that of the oscillator 4. The filter output and hence retransmitted waves may occupy a frequency band the same as or differing by a multiple of the quench frequency from that of the received waves. Both ...

18-06-1997 дата публикации

Communications apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002301988B

05-05-1999 дата публикации

A radio repeater comprising two transceivers connected by a data link

Номер: GB0002330985A

A first unit 20 is arranged to receive signals from remote data gathering units (eg. a seismic sensor array) 8, 10 and 12 and to send their information over a data link 24 to the second unit 22 for retransmission to the base station 14. The first unit may frequency convert each signal received to one or more other frequencies for retransmission via the data link. The incoming signals may be down converted to new frequencies. Alternatively each incoming signal may be demodulated to recover its base band signal and a plurality of base band signals may be multiplexed over the datalink. The base station can transmit control data to the radio transmitters 8, 10 and 12 and also to each repeater. The repeater units may also accept data from local sensors 26 which may be added to the data transmitted by the repeater unit. The data link may comprise electrical cables, a wave guide, a fibre optic link, a radio link or an infra red link.

23-09-2009 дата публикации

Improvements relating to on-channel repeaters

Номер: GB0002426415B

05-06-1996 дата публикации

Spillover prevention in signal repeaters

Номер: GB0002295748A

A signal repeater system comprises a receiver fed via signal combiner means with respective received signals from two directional receiver antennas to provide a resultant signal which is amplified by the transmitter and re-radiated from a transmitter antenna. The transmitter antenna is positioned and arranged with respect to the receiver antennas so that signals transmitted from the transmitter antenna and received by the receiver antennas are substantially nullified in the signal combiner means. ...

24-05-2000 дата публикации

A communications system

Номер: GB0002344023A

A communication system which includes at least one receiver 14a -g located within range of a first transmitter 34, the receives 14 being coupled or in communication with a second transmitter 24. A receiver 14 is used to receive a transmission from the first transmitter 34, the transmission being directed to the second transmitter 24 for re-transmission to, for example, a remote receiver. The first transmitter could be a thermal image camera 36 carried by a firefighter 38. Images are transmitted to the receivers 14a-g, which are connected by cables 22a-g to a roof mounted transmitter 24 which radiates to a mobile control unit. The system may be used within the structure of a shopping complex with individual units 12a-f.

28-09-2005 дата публикации

Method of oerating TDD/virtual FDD hierarchical cellular telecommunication system

Номер: GB0002412541A

A method of constructing a micro- or pico-cells and a virtual macro-cell hierarchical cellular system structure comprising contiguous cells each containing a base station and sectors, wherein a virtual cell comprising three surrounding FDD macro-cell base stations over underlay the TDD micro- or pico-cells. In the proposed TDD/virtual FDD hierarchical cellular structure, a method of locating underlay cells' base station and macro-cells' base station to keep a least interference distance and a method of aligning the TDD micro-or pico-cells' sectors antenna beam direction with the FDD macro-cells' sectors beam direction are proposed, such that this system can suppress the additional inter-system interference and adjacent channel interference. The algorithm of utilising and borrowing the underused FDD macro-cells' resource and the mechanism of deciding the feasible resource borrowing region and smart antenna applicable region is proposed in such a way that the radio network controller and ...

07-11-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to relay station apparatus for use in telecommunication systems

Номер: GB0000660459A

... 660,459. Carrier transmission. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Ltd., ASPIN, J. J. E., and STOVE, J. P. Oct. 11, 1949 [Oct. 11, 1948], No. 26466/48. Class 40 (iv). [Also in Group XL (c)] Part of the signal received by apparatus 1 for retransmission by apparatus 3 at a radio or line relay station is demodulated at 5 to derive a supervisory or other tone which is modulated on the incoming signal. This tone is passed through a phase reverser 6 and is used to remodulate the signal to cancel at least in part the existing tone modulation so that by operating a circuit interrupter 8 the succeeding stations may be signalled. The invention is described with reference to an F.M. radio system of the type described in Specification 654,016, [Group XL (c)], and includes an attenuator 7 to adjust the level of the remodu- 1ating tone. The interrupter is a telephone dial and may be arranged to operate lamps or a calling bell at the succeeding station in accordance with the code signal dialled.

27-12-2006 дата публикации

Base station applies interference cancellation to separate out bridging station transmissions

Номер: GB0002427528A

A communication network comprises a plurality of bridging station BRS1-BRS6 deployed around a base station 130, so defining a circumference around it. Each bridging station BRS1-BRS6 comprises one or more directional antennas operable to generate a coverage area 101-106 lying predominantly outside the circumference. This forms an outer zone predominantly outside the circumference serviced by the bridging stations BRS1-BRS6 and an inner zone within the circumference serviced by the base station 130. In operation, the base station 130 applies an interference cancellation technique (943, fig.11) to separate out signal components originating from respective bridging station BRS1-BRS6 transmissions. The interference cancellation technique may comprise reconstructing the stronger signals from the bridging stations BRS1-BRS6 and subtracting the reconstructed signals from the received signal to leave only the remaining inner zone signals superposed upon each other. A multi-user detection (MUD) ...

11-06-2008 дата публикации

Base station repeater

Номер: GB0002444565A

Operating a base station repeater having a power control function, the mobile terminal uplink transmit power decreases in response to an increase in signal strength of the uplink signal received at the network, including increasing the gain of the repeater (at 202, Fig. 5) in response to an increase in the uplink signal received above a threshold (Th1) for a time interval (T1), and subsequently decreasing the gain of the repeater (at 204, 206, Fig. 5) until the measured power in the uplink signal received exceeds a threshold (Th1) for a time interval (T1). Due to the power control function, increasing the gain of the repeater causes the transmit power of the mobile terminal, and hence the uplink signal received at the repeater, to decrease. Again, due to the power control function, decreasing the gain of the repeater causes the transmit power of the mobile terminal, and hence the uplink signal received at the repeater, to increase. If the threshold is not exceeded this is indicative of ...

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Load distribution

Номер: GB0002445988B

07-05-2008 дата публикации

Relay station for multi-hop communication system

Номер: GB0002443466A

Relays in mobile communication systems are generally used to increase the range or coverage of mobile communication reception. However, due to the non-linear nature of multipath fading they can also be used to reduce attenuation even in an area with adequate reception. By making a base station communicate via a relay station even if it does not need to fading effects can be reduced. However, the transmitted messages need to be a certain structure to allow both legacy and new mobile devices to take advantage and communicate with the relay station rather than directly with the base station. For example, a message containing a preamble must be transmitted in a first transmission window of a transmission interval. The transmission windows can be, for example, time slots in a TDMA system.

24-06-1998 дата публикации

A receiver or transmitter for both terrestrial and satellite communication having a shared mixer

Номер: GB0002320631A

A dual mode radio frequency receiver or transmitter capable of operating in a terrestrial mode in which signals are routed over a terrestrial network, and a satellite mode in which signals are routed over a satellite network. The radio frequency receiver includes a terrestrial front-end RF stage which receives signals from a terrestrial network, a satellite front-end RF stage which receives signals from a satellite network, and a common RF stage which includes mixing circuitry for frequency down-converting the signals received from the front-end RF stages.

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Method for exchanging signals via nodes

Номер: GB0000405334D0

11-03-2015 дата публикации

Telecommunications Relay Function and Data Aggregator

Номер: GB0002517905A

This application relates to a repeater for amplifying a received signal which is distributed over at least two frequency bands. The repeater includes a filtering module which can be adapted to select the at least two frequency bands from a greater number of available bands. In an embodiment the repeater may aggregate two or more received signals, each occupying a separate distinct frequency band. In this case the received signals may be received over a 3GPP interface and the aggregated signal output over a non-3GPP air interface such as WLAN interface.

05-07-1948 дата публикации

Radio communication and guiding system for mobile units

Номер: GB0000604445A

... 604,445. Radio navigation; radio signalling. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. April 27, 1945, No. 10724. Convention date, May 5, 1944. [Classes 40 (v) and 40 (vii)] In a system for guiding a mobile unit, e.g. an aircraft, along a course line defined by a plurality of equi-signal course beacons, successive. beacons along the course transmit on frequencies F1, F2, F1, F2, &c. and a marker beacon transmitting at the same frequency as one of a pair of adjacent course beacons is located in the region of overlap of the directive patterns from the adjacent course beacons, the purpose of the marker beacon being to switch over the tuning of the receiver on the mobile unit from F1 to F2 or vice versa as the mobile unit moves out of the predominating field of one course beacon into the predominating field of the adjacent beacon. The system is described as combined with an intercalated pulse multiplex repeater system similar to that described in Specification 604,203 for communication between terminals ...

18-07-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in radio transmitting and receiving stations

Номер: GB0000655244A

... 655,244. Radio signalling. MURPHY RADIO, Ltd., DAVIES, K. S., and HAWKINS, G. F. Sept. 6, 1945, No. 23003. [Class 40 (v)] The invention relates to a radio broadcasting relay system comprising a master transmitter and a plurality of relay stations, the transmitting frequencies being sufficiently spaced so that their beat frequencies lie outside the modulation range, but sufficiently close so that all fall within the range of a broadly tuned receiver. According to the invention, the receiver at each relay station operates as a superhet, the intermediate frequency in each case being equal to the difference between the retransmitted frequency and the frequency of the signals received from the master station. The arrangement enables reasonably uniform field strength to be provided over an area, to improve reception by ultimate receivers. Fig. 1 shows the elements at a relay station, in which signals from the master transmitter are received on aerial RA and after frequency changing, detection ...

13-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009206994D0

06-05-1998 дата публикации

Method for controlling transmitting power in base station transceiver subsystem

Номер: GB0009804992D0

10-11-1999 дата публикации

Communication system

Номер: GB0009921290D0

26-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001563509A

07-05-2004 дата публикации

Digital broadcast system using satellite direct broadcast and terrestrial repeater.

Номер: OA0000011532A

30-09-2000 дата публикации

Digital broadcast system using satellite direct broadcast and terrestrial repeater.

Номер: AP2000001925A0

A digital broadcast system is provided which uses a satellite direct radio broadcast system having different downlink modulation options in combination with a terrestrial repeater network employing different re-broadcasting modulation options to achieve high availability reception by mobile radios (14), static radios and portable radios (14)in urban areas, suburban metropolitan areas, and rural areas, including geographically open areas and geographic areas characterized by high terrain elevations. Two-arm and three-arm receivers are provided which each comprise a combined architecture for receiving both satellite and terrestrial signals, and for maximum likelihood combining of received signals for diversity purposes. A terrestrial repeater is provided for reformatting a tdm satellite signal as a multicarrier modulated terrestrial signal. Configurations for indoor and outdoor terrestrial repeaters are also provided.

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for a relay suitable for operating in digital and analogue mode.

Номер: AP2012006309A0

30-09-2000 дата публикации

Digital broadcast system using satellite direct broadcast and terrestrial repeater

Номер: AP0200001925A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for a relay suitable for operating in digital and analogue mode.

Номер: AP0201206309A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for a relay suitable for operating in digital and analogue mode.

Номер: AP0201206309D0

30-09-2000 дата публикации

Digital broadcast system using satellite direct broadcast and terrestrial repeater

Номер: AP0200001925D0

10-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361541B

10-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361044B

15-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA309773A

15-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000025675A

15-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309773A

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508676A4

The invention relates to a method for constructing and operating a wireless packet-switching data transmission network for the purpose of stationary telecommunication on the basis of an interconnected network (N) of identical radio stations (1) each identified by a unique station number, wherein the following steps are performed: a. after switching on the first radio station (1), an omnidirectional module (4) transmits request information containing the station number of the first radio station (1) to other radio stations in the receiving range of the first radio station (1), and b. the radio stations receiving the request information transmit a response information comprising the station number thereof to the first radio station (1), and c. the first radio station (1) transmits connection requests to radio stations the response information of which was received by the first radio station, and d. the first radio station (1) establishes a directional radio connection (RF) for transmitting ...

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Repeater und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines solchen Repeaters

Номер: AT0000013329U1

Ein Repeater (1), bei dessen Betrieb möglichst wenig elektromagnetische Strahlung emittiert wird, wird angegeben. Danach umfasst der Repeater (1), der zur Übertragung von Kommunikationssignalen zwischen einer Basisstation (4A) und einem Netzendgerät (5A) eines Funkübertragungsnetzes (2), insbesondere eines Mobilfunknetzes, vorgesehen ist, einen Sender (9), welcher dazu dient, die Kommunikationssignale als Funk-Signal zu dem Netzendgerät (5A) auszusenden. Weiterhin umfasst der Repeater (1) einen Sensor (11) zur Detektion eines Schaltsignals, sowie eine Steuereinheit (13), die dazu ausgebildet ist, den Sender (9) abhängig von dem Schaltsignal zwischen einem passiven und einem aktiven Betriebszustand umzuschalten. Dabei ist die Sendeleistung des Senders (9) in dem passiven Betriebszustand geringer als in dem aktiven Betriebszustand.

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178747T

15-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000032641T

15-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000034643T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335319T

15-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000100654T

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208538T

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Backhaul link with reference signal for distributed antenna system

Номер: AU2017278371A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A distributed antenna and backhaul system provide network connectivity for a small cell deployment. Rather than building new structures, and installing additional fiber and cable, embodiments described herein disclose using high-bandwidth, millimeter-wave communications. An overhead millimeter-wave system can be used to provide backhaul connectivity. Modules can be placed onto existing infrastructure, such as streetlights and utility poles, and the modules can contain base stations and antennas to transmit the millimeter-waves to and from other modules. Uplink and downlink signals (i.e., signals directed to/from a base station from/to acommunication node) can be spectrally divided into control channels, uplink/downlink spectral segments each including modulated signals which can be frequency converted to their original/native frequency band for enabling the communication nodes to communicate with one or more mobile or stationary devices, and pilot signals which can be supplied with some ...

24-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000500585B2

29-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000577739B2

09-12-2002 дата публикации

Intelligent gain control in an on-frequency repeater

Номер: AU2002304917A8

15-06-2006 дата публикации

Transmitting data using multi-frames

Номер: AU2004222718B2

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Relay station, base station, relay method and communication method used in wireless communications network

Номер: US20120008547A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A relay station includes a wireless communication interface configured to receive radio signals transmitted from plural mobile stations; and a processor configured to descramble the radio signals and extract identification information of physical layers of the mobile stations, and to convert the identification information of the physical layers to identification information of MAC layers, which are data link layers, and form a protocol data unit which includes the identification information of the MAC layers in a header and includes service data units of the radio signals.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Radio communication system, relay device, control device, and communication method

Номер: US20120015601A1
Автор: Masafumi Tsutsui
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A radio communication system including a first communication device configured to transmit a signal, a relay device which includes a receiver configured to receive the transmitted signal, an amplifier configured to amplify the received signal according to a gain determined by a processor included in a control device, and a transmitter configured to transmit the amplified signal to a second communication device, the second communication device being configured to receive the amplified signal, and the transmitted signal, which is transmitted directly from the first communication device, and the control device being configured to improve a reception quality of the amplified signal and the directly transmitted signal.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method in a wireless repeater employing an antenna array for interference reduction

Номер: US20120015608A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A wireless repeater with an antenna array determines the antenna weights to modify the spatial selectivity of the antenna array to reduce interference and improve the quality of signal reception. The antenna weights are determined using an error minimizing algorithm to minimize the error between a desired receive signal and a reference signal or an adaptive metric optimization algorithm to calculate adaptively antenna weights to minimize the signal-to-noise ratio of a desired receive signal.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for transceiving data with both a mobile station and a relay station in a broadband wireless communication system

Номер: US20120039241A1
Автор: Hanbyul Seo

A method for transceiving data with both a mobile station and a relay station in a mobile communication system are disclosed. In a present invention, the base station transmits an ACK signal regardless of whether a result of the decoding is successful or unsuccessful to the terminal for using a uplink packet data transmitted from the relay station. And, the relay station operates two operation modes. Procedures of downlink/uplink packet data transmission according to the operation mode are disclosed.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Communication technique for a repeater using a transmission indicator

Номер: US20120039243A1

To prevent the self-interference of an inband relay node, a base station transmits a transmission indication on the downlink of a Un interface. Only when the base station receives an ACKnowledgment (ACK) signal in response to the transmission indication from the relay node, the base station transmits a Un interface downlink signal to the relay node in a specific time area. The time area allocated by the transmission indication may be a time area added to a statically allocated time area.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method, relay node, and system for processing data on relay link

Номер: US20120039245A1
Автор: Ke Wang, Yan Peng
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A method, a device, and a system for processing data in a relay link are provided. A method for processing data in a relay link includes: processing, by a relay node by using a first protocol stack, data received by the relay node, where the first protocol stack includes a first MAC layer that is configured to define a media access protocol and an RLC layer that is configured to define a radio link layer, and the first MAC layer is configured to perform tunnel processing on the data. Processing data by using the protocol stacks provided in embodiments of the present invention implements flexible scheduling in the relay link and reduces scheduling overhead in the relay link.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Relaying system and method with partner relays and selective transmission

Номер: US20120069779A1

Partner relay systems and methods are provided in which relaying is performed by a pair of partner relays. Signals received from a base station are translated by a first of the pair of partner relays to a different transmission resource for communication between the pair of partner relays, and then upon reception by a second of the pair of partner relays, the signal is translated back to the original transmission resource and re-transmitted towards the receiver.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Base station, communication system, mobile terminal, and relay device

Номер: US20120076070A1
Автор: Hiroaki Takano
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A base station including an allocation unit for allocating the downlink of the relay link or the access link and the downlink of the direct link to a resource block included in a same resource block group, and allocating the uplink of the relay link or the access link and the uplink of the direct link to a resource block included in a same resource block group.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Radio communication system

Номер: US20120083275A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A method used in a radio communication system including a first radio base station, a second radio base station that communicates with the first radio base station, a relay station which communicates with the second radio base station via the first radio base station, and a mobile station, the method transmits a request, by the second radio base station, for requesting the first radio base station to communicate with the relay station for the second radio base station and communicating, by the requested first radio base station, with the relay station for the second radio base station and transmits a communication result to the second radio base station.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Network Element for Changing the Timeslot Type According to the received Information

Номер: US20120093071A1
Автор: Lei Du, Min Huang, Yong Teng

It is described a mobile network, in particular an LTE network, including a relay node and a base station. The relay node is adapted for receiving signals from the base station during timeslots of a first type and for transmitting signals to a connected user equipment during timeslots of a second type differing from the first type of timeslots. The base station is adapted for transmitting signals to the relay node during timeslots of the first type and for sending information to the relay node indicating a change of the timeslot type. The relay node is further adapted for changing the timeslot type according to the received information.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for scheduling in wireless communication system

Номер: US20120099454A1

A scheduling method and apparatus in a wireless communication system. The scheduling method for a node B in a wireless communication system supporting a plurality of carriers includes determining a delay weight for each of a plurality of user equipment (UEs) according to a preset weight application time point. The method also includes determining a scheduling metric value of each UE per carrier using the delay weight, and determining a priority of each UE per carrier using the scheduling metric value.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Managing Multicast Membership in Wireless LANs

Номер: US20120106547A1
Автор: Ramsundar Janakiraman
Принадлежит: Aruba Networks Inc

Processing of MLD control packets in an access point (AP) connected to a digital network. According to the present invention, an AP in a network converts MLD queries from multicast to unicast and sends these unicast packets to each client of the AP. These MLD query packets may be filtered or restricted by per-user client rules These MLD query packets may also be tagged as high priority packets to speed their delivery. The AP also suppresses the retransmission of MLD Join packets to clients of the AP.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Base station, communication system, mobile terminal, and relay device

Номер: US20120113888A1
Автор: Hiroaki Takano
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A base station is provided with a communication unit for communicating with a mobile terminal via a relay link between the base station and a relay device and an access link between the relay device and the mobile terminal, and a selection unit for selecting an allocation pattern of an uplink of the relay link, a downlink of the relay link, an uplink of the access link, and a downlink of the access link to frequency-time blocks from a plurality of allocation patterns that are different in delay occurring between the base station and the mobile terminal.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Cooperative communication methods and a device for a target terminal and a cooperative terminal

Номер: US20120142345A1

Provided is a cooperative communication technology of a target terminal and a cooperative terminal. In an environment in which interference exists between cells, cooperation between terminals may be performed in order to improve quality of signals that are received from a base station.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for setting a frame in a wireless communication system comprising a relay station

Номер: US20120155374A1

Provided are a method and apparatus for setting a frame of a relay station in a wireless communication system. A base station sets an access zone frame and a relay zone frame adjacent the access zone frame. The access zone frame comprises a downlink (DL) access zone in which the base station or the relay station transmits a signal to a terminal, and an uplink (UL) access zone in which the terminal transmits a signal to the base station or to the relay station. The relay zone frame comprises a DL relay zone in which the base station transmits a signal to the terminal or to the relay station, and a UL relay zone in which the terminal or the relay station transmits a signal to the base station.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of using component carrier by relay station in multi-carrier system and relay station

Номер: US20120163288A1

A method of using component carrier by a relay station in a multi-carrier system comprises: receiving a component carrier (CC) link configuration information from a base station (BS); allocating a CC to at least one of a backhaul link between the BS and the RS and an access link between the RS and an RS user equipment (UE) according to the CC link configuration information; and transmitting or receiving a signal by using the CC in the allocated link.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Access control system, access control method, relay station apparatus, terminal station apparatus, transmitting side processing method, receiving side processing system, and receiving side processing method

Номер: US20120201193A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp

Provided is a wireless relay system that improves system throughput between terminal stations and flexibly makes system throughput variable with respect to short-term traffic fluctuations. In the wireless relay system, a plurality of relay stations relay communication between two terminal stations that perform random access. The terminal stations and the relay stations include a slot synchronization unit, a time synchronization unit, and a transmission unit. The slot synchronization unit synchronizes slot timing of a time slot indicating a unit time. The time synchronization unit performs time synchronization for synchronization of the slot timing. The transmission unit transmits a transmission packet to a wireless line in synchronization with the slot timing. A transmission right is allocated for at least one time slot to each of a plurality of groups which are configured so that a group of a terminal station or a relay station and a group of an adjacent terminal station or an adjacent relay station are different from each other. The transmission unit transmits the transmission packet to the wireless line only in a time slot in which the transmission right is allocated to the group to which the terminal station or the relay station belongs.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Quality of service control in a relay

Номер: US20120236782A1
Автор: Paul Bucknell, Zhaojun Li
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A method in a communications system in which a plurality of user equipments are transmitting data to a donor node via a relay node, the plurality of user equipments each storing the data in its own UE buffer prior to transmission to the relay node, the relay node storing the data received from the plurality of user equipments in a relay buffer prior to transmission to the donor node. The method comprises at the relay node, sending a relay buffer status report from the relay node to the donor node when a buffered data value passes a threshold value. The buffered data value representing either data stored in the UE buffers or data stored in the relay buffer.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for frequency shifting of a wireless signal and systems using frequency shifting

Номер: US20120236906A1
Автор: Ami Hazani, Yehuda Binder
Принадлежит: Ami Hazani, Yehuda Binder

Coverage for a wireless network is improved using a frequency shifting scheme. A wireless signal in a frequency band is shifted to another band, and carried in the shifted band to another location where the signal is shifted back to the original frequency band. The frequency shifting may utilize frequency shifting schemes such as mixer/filter and heterodyne. The wireless signal can be frequency shifted by converting it to other representing signals (such as I/Q components) and forming the frequency-shifted signal from the representations. The transmission medium may use dedicated wiring or existing service wiring in a residence or building, including LAN, telephone, AC power and CATV wiring. The system may be enclosed as a stand-alone unit, housed in integrated form as part of a service outlet or as a snap-on/plug-in module.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for communication

Номер: US20120250604A1

An apparatus and a method for communication are provided. The apparatus is configured to: communicate with a network via a cell created by a relay node; receive from the relay node information required in reception of backhaul transmission sent by a base station of the network to the relay node, the transmission including at least one data packet designated to the apparatus and in decoding of the at least one data packet; receive a backhaul transmission sent by a base station of the network to the relay node and decode the at least one data packet from the transmission.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in Communication Systems

Номер: US20120294224A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Improved amplify-and-forward relaying in a communication network is described, including an example network of multiple single-antenna mobile stations, a multi-antenna relay station, and a multi-antenna base station. Bi-directional communication with improved transmission efficiency is enabled by suitable transmit/receive processing at the relay station without drawbacks of current relaying techniques. Linear transmit and receive processing matrices are disclosed, and it is shown that the numbers of antennas at the relay station and the base station can be substantially the same without reducing network capacity, closely matching the performance for low and high signal to noise ratios of current techniques that require the relay station to have twice as many antennas as the base station.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Relay frame structure for supporting transparent and bidirectional relays

Номер: US20120307694A1
Автор: Ki-Dong Lee, Li-Hsiang Sun

A method for transmitting data includes receiving at a first relay station first data from a parent station during a downlink period comprising a plurality of downlink zones. A network coding zone is one of the plurality of downlink zones and is located at an end of the downlink period, and the first data is received in at least one of the plurality of downlink zones other than the network coding zone. The method further includes receiving at the first relay station from a child station, second data during an uplink zone, and transmitting third data by the first relay station to the child station, during the network coding zone using a resource. The method further includes transmitting the third data to the parent station, during the network coding zone, using the resource. The third data results from the first data being effectively logically XOR-ed to the second data.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Mobile repeater system and method having geophysical location awareness without use of gps

Номер: US20120309293A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A repeater system and method for implementing within a mobile platform includes repeater circuitry configured for repeating signals between devices and signal sources such as base transceiver stations. The repeater circuitry has a plurality of configurable settings for controlling operation of the repeater circuitry. Movement sensors sense the movement of the mobile platform and controller circuitry is configured to use inputs from the movement sensors to determine a current path of the mobile platform and to compare the determined current path to the known path information for the mobile platform for determining the location of the mobile platform and repeater system to vary the configurable settings of the repeater system based upon the determined location. Other information such as identification information from a signal source or information from the mobile platform are also used to vary the configuration and configurable settings of the repeater system.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Interference wave suppressing apparatus, relay apparatus, relay system, and interference wave suppressing method

Номер: US20120314824A1
Автор: Akinori Fujimura
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An interference wave suppressing apparatus includes a digital demultiplexing unit configured to demultiplex a reception signal into demultiplexed signals having predetermined bandwidth, an interference-wave detecting unit configured to determine, for each of the demultiplexed signals, based on a power value, whether an interference wave is present, an interference-wave suppressing unit configured to change a signal value of the demultiplexed signal, in which the interference-wave detecting unit determines that an interference wave is present, to a value equal to or smaller than a predetermined value, output the demultiplexed signal, and output the demultiplexed signal, in which the interference-wave detecting unit determines that an interference wave is absent, and a digital multiplexing unit configured to multiplex the signals output from the interference-wave suppressing unit.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Relay station, base station, mobile station, communication system, and communication method

Номер: US20120322363A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A relay station capable of communicating with a first base station, a second base station, and a mobile station, includes a relay unit configured to relay communication between the first base station and the mobile station; a receiving unit configured to receive load information concerning the second base station; and a changeover unit configured to change, from the first base station over to the second base station, a communication counterpart of the mobile station, communicating with the mobile station via the relay unit, the communication counterpart being changed based on the received load information.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Use in a Mobile Communications System Comprising a Relay Node

Номер: US20130044674A1

A method selecting one of a plurality of communication options, each communication option providing a different division of resources between a first link between at least one relay node and a base station and a second link between said at least one relay node and a plurality of user equipment configured to communicate with said at least one relay node; and using said selected communication option to control the division of resources between said first and second links, wherein said using includes sending information to a user equipment to control an activity of that user equipment in dependence on said selected communication option

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Method, enodeb, and relay node for un subframe configuration processing

Номер: US20130044675A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A method and a relay node (RN) for Un subframe configuration processing are disclosed. The method includes: receiving, by an RN, a radio resource control (RRC) reconfiguration message sent by an eNodeB (eNB), where the RRC reconfiguration message includes subframe reconfiguration information of the RN; and applying, by the RN, a RRC reconfiguration immediately upon reception of the RRC reconfiguration message, and applying a Un subframe reconfiguration. The foregoing technical solution can implement the Un subframe configuration of the eNB and the RN and improve communication quality.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Relay Station, Mobile Station, Wireless Communication System, And Load Distribution Method

Номер: US20130045674A1
Автор: Kenichiro Koyanagi
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A relay station includes a load measuring unit configured to measure a load of the relay station; a load calculating unit configured to calculate, based on the load of the relay station and based on a load of an upstream base station or an upstream relay station directly connected to the relay station, a load reflecting a load of an upstream station; and a reporting unit configured to report the calculated load as load information to a mobile station or a downstream relay station.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Power control method in two-way relay network

Номер: US20130072113A1
Принадлежит: KT Corp

Provided is a method for power control in a two-way relay network. The power control method may maximize a minimum transmission rating and a synthesized transmission rating of the overall system when there are restrictions on the synthesized power of terminals and a repeater in the two-way relay network. The power control method may include determining a power ratio for allocating power to each terminal and a repeater for each subcarrier under restriction on synthesized power of the terminals and the repeater and determining power allocated for each subcarrier according to the determined power ratio.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for implementing network attach of relay node

Номер: US20130094435A1
Автор: Deng Yun, Wang Guanzhou

The disclosure discloses a method and a system for implementing network attach of a Relay Node (RN). The method includes: the RN carries indication information of the RN in a message to be sent to a Donor eNodeB (DeNB) during an initial attach process, and the DeNB selects a Mobility Management Entity (MME) supporting the RN functionality for the RN according to the indication information of the RN. The disclosure makes minor changes to protocol and can make the RN smoothly attach a network to work. 1. A method for implementing network attach of a Relay Node (RN) , comprising:carrying, by the RN, indication information of the RN in a message to be sent to a Donor eNodeB (DeNB), during an initial attach process; andselecting for the RN, by the DeNB, a Mobility Management Entity (MME) supporting the RN functionality according to the indication information of the RN.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:before the RN sends the message to the DeNB,selecting a cell to be attached according to a pre-configured base station list or cell list or according to information contained in a cell system broadcast message on whether attach of the RN is allowed, and initiating an initial attach to the DeNB to which the selected cell to be attached belongs.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe message carrying the indication information of the RN sent from the RN to the DeNB comprises: a Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection setup complete message or an RRC connection request message.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the selecting for the RN claim 1 , by the DeNB claim 1 , an MME supporting the RN functionality according to the indication information of the RN comprises:configuring for the RN, by the DeNB, an RN dedicated parameter according to the indication information of the RN, after receiving the information.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:after the DeNB selects the MME for the RN,selecting for the RN, by the MME, ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for feedback cancellation in repeaters

Номер: US20130114651A1
Принадлежит: Andrew LLC

An apparatus for repeating signals includes a receive antenna for receiving input signals, processing circuitry for processing the input signals to form repeated signals, and a transmit antenna for transmitting the repeated signals. The processing circuitry includes an adaptive digital filter configured to generate cancellation signals that are added to the input signals to cancel unwanted feedback signals from the input signals. A frequency shifting circuit adds a frequency shift to the input signals, after the addition of the cancellation signals, to form repeated signals that are frequency shifted from the input signals. A digital signal processor is coupled to the adaptive digital filter for digitally adapting the filter. The digital signal processor utilizes the frequency shift of the transmission signals to adapt the adaptive digital filter.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Portable radio-frequency repeater

Номер: US20130122803A1
Автор: Ian James Forster
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

A portable radio-frequency repeater includes a housing and a transceiver. The transceiver is disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to alternatively operate in a transmitting mode and a sleep mode. The transceiver includes an antenna and a control unit. The control unit is in electrical communication with the antenna. When the transceiver operates in the transmitting mode, the control unit is configured to receive an RFID signal from the antenna, convert the RFID signal into a converted RFID signal, and transmit the converted RFD signal to the antenna. When the transceiver operates in the sleep mode, the control unit is configured to detect an interrogation signal from the antenna and not to transmit any converted RFID signal to the antenna.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Multi-relay transmission apparatus and method using interference alignment

Номер: US20130128802A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There are provided a multi-relay transmission apparatus and method. The multi-relay transmission apparatus includes: a source node repeatedly alternately performing a first phase in which preceding data is transmitted during a first transmission period equivalent to a transmission period during which unit frames are transmitted and a second phase in which subsequent data that follows the preceding data is transmitted during a second transmission period that follows the first transmission period; and a relay network including a plurality of relay nodes receiving data from the source node, in which, in the first phase, a predetermined relay node, among the plurality of relay nodes, receives the preceding data from the source node and the remaining relay nodes, among the plurality of relay nodes, and in the second phase, the remaining relay nodes receive the subsequent data from the source node.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Mapping method and apparatus for resource status process

Номер: US20130201900A1

The present invention discloses a mapping method and apparatus for resource status process, and the method comprises the following steps: DeNB receives resource status information from RN; said DeNB acquires the address of source eNB according to said resource status information and context information; said DeNB sends said resource status information to said source eNB according to the address of said source eNB. In the present invention, context information on DeNB is established for source eNB to enable DeNB to route resource status response message or resource status report to correct source eNB apparatus according to context information.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Frequency Control in a Frequency Shifting Repeater

Номер: US20130244573A1
Автор: Ahmadreza Rofougaran
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Aspects of a method and system for frequency control in a frequency shifting repeater are provided. In this regard, a reference frequency may be divided to generate a first pair of local oscillator (LO) signals, the first pair of LO signals may be divided to generate a second pair of LO signals. The two pairs of LO signals may be utilized to frequency shift a received signal for repeating the signal on a different frequency. The frequency shifted signal may be generated by down-converting the received signal utilizing the first pair of LO signals, up-converting the down-converted signal utilizing the second pair of LO signals, and combining the resulting up-converted signals. The reference frequency may be divided by a first scaling factor to generate the first pair of LO signal which, in turn, may be divided by a second scaling factor to generate the second pair of LO signals.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250846A1

The relay device includes a first switch interposed between a first extraction unit and a second superimposing unit and a second switch interposed between a second extraction unit and a first superimposing unit. The first switch opens and closes a path where a superimposed signal is relayed from a first transmission path to a second transmission path. The second switch opens and closes a path where a superimposed signal is relayed from the second transmission path to the first transmission path. The first switch is controlled in response to reception of a first control signal to be turned off when a superimposed signal is relayed from the second transmission path to the first transmission path. The second switch is controlled in response to reception of a second control signal to be turned off when a superimposed signal is relayed from the first transmission path to the second transmission path. 1. A relay device which is interposed between a first transmission path and a second transmission path and is used in a communication system allowing communication by use of a first communication signal and a second communication signal superimposed on the first communication signal which are transmitted through the first transmission path and the second transmission path , the relay device comprising:a first extraction unit configured to extract the second communication signal from a signal transmitted through the first transmission path;a first shaping unit configured to subject the second communication signal extracted by the first extraction unit, to shaping;a second superimposing unit configured to superimpose the second communication signal subjected to shaping by the first shaping unit, on the first communication signal on the second transmission path, to send the second communication signal to the second transmission path;a second extraction unit configured to extract the second communication signal from a signal transmitted through the second transmission path;a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Operating A Mobile Robot

Номер: US20130268118A1
Принадлежит: iRobot Corp

A robot system that includes an operator control unit, mission robot, and a repeater. The operator control unit has a display. The robot includes a robot body, a drive system supporting the robot body and configured to maneuver the robot over a work surface, and a controller in communication with the drive system and the operator control unit. The repeater receives a communication signal between the operator control unit and the robot and retransmits the signal.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273834A1

A technique for self-interference suppression control for a relay node is provided. The relay node comprises a transmitter and a receiver, and is adapted to transmit and received simultaneously using the same frequency channel or using proximate frequency channels. The relay node further comprises an interference signal estimator having a first input adapted to receive a transmitter signal from the transmitter, a second input adapted to receive adaptation metric and an output adapted to output an estimated interference signal generated by the interference signal estimator based on the transmitter signal and the adaptation metric. A subtractor is coupled to the output of interference signal estimator and configured to subtract the estimated interference signal from a received signal in the receiver so as to actively cancel a signal transmitted from the relay node that leaks back into the receiver of the relay node to suppress self-interference. 1. A relay node configured to control suppression of self-interference , the relay node comprising:a transmitter (TX) and a receiver (RX), wherein the relay node is configured to transmit and receive simultaneously using one of a same frequency channel and proximate frequency channels; a first input configured to receive a transmitter signal from the transmitter (TX); and', 'a second input configured to receive an adaptation metric; and', 'an output configured to output an estimated interference signal generated by the interference signal estimator based on the transmitter signal and the adaptation metric; and, 'an interference signal estimator havinga subtractor coupled to the output of the interference signal estimator and configured to subtract the estimated interference signal from a received signal in the receiver (RX) so as to actively cancel a signal transmitted from the relay node that leaks back into the receiver (RX) of the relay node to suppress self-interference.2. The relay node of claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Control station apparatus and control method thereof, communication apparatus and control method thereof, and wireless communication system

Номер: US20130273835A1
Автор: Toshihiko Myojo
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A control station apparatus performs wireless communication with a plurality of communication apparatuses and sends data to the communication apparatuses. The control station apparatus receives, from each of the communication apparatuses, identification information of other communication apparatuses with which the communication apparatus is capable of wireless communication; selects, from among the plurality of communication apparatuses, at least one relay apparatus that relays transmission of the data, based on the received identification information; determines a communication timing for the relaying performed by the selected relay apparatus; and notifies the selected relay apparatus of an instruction to perform data relay and the communication timing. The control station selects the relay apparatus so that a communication apparatus that receives the data from the control station apparatus via two or more transmission paths is present.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Radio base station, relay station and radio communication method

Номер: US20130273837A1
Автор: Masato Okuda
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A relay station that includes a receiver configured to receive a signal sequence indicating a connection request, the signal sequence being selected from a predetermined signal sequence group which is used by a plurality of radio terminals, and to measure reception quality; and a control circuit configured to generate a ranging request message indicating that a radio terminal requesting connection exists when determining that adjustments are not necessary based on the reception quality; and a transmitter configured to transmit the ranging request message to a radio base station.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281009A1

The present disclosure relates to devices, systems, and methods for relaying data. An exemplary device includes a mast having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining a cavity; an antenna disposed within the cavity; and a radio housing engageable with a utility structure by a mounting bracket fastened to the radio housing. 1. A relay module comprising:a mast having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining a cavity;an antenna disposed within the cavity; anda radio housing engageable with a utility structure by a mounting bracket fastened to the radio housing.2. The relay module of claim 1 , wherein the mast is movable relative to the radio housing.3. The relay module of claim 1 , further comprising a spring coupling the radio housing to the mast.4. The relay module of claim 3 , wherein the spring includes an upper section claim 3 , a middle section claim 3 , and a lower section claim 3 , the middle section having a diameter larger than the upper section claim 3 , the upper section having a diameter equal to the middle section.5. The relay module of claim 3 , further comprising an RF connector disposed within the spring and connected to the antenna.6. The relay module of claim 1 , wherein the radio housing includes a front casing and a back casing claim 1 , a back surface of the back casing being concavely shaped.7. The relay module of claim 6 , wherein the mounting bracket includes a roll pin.8. The relay module of claim 6 , wherein the radio housing includes at least one battery in the back casing.9. The relay module of claim 1 , wherein the radio housing is positioned underneath at least a portion of the mounting bracket.10. The relay module of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is configured as a printed circuit board with copper traces.11. The relay module of claim 1 , wherein the utility structure is a fire hydrant.12. The relay module of claim 11 , wherein the mast is a hydrant marker.13. The relay module of claim 11 ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286927A1
Автор: Jiao Bin

Disclosed are a method and device for implementing an MBMS service when a relay node is deployed in a network. By employing the technical solution provided in embodiments of the present invention, a cell served by the relay node is used by a base station as the cell therefor, corresponding configuration information is transmitted to an MCE for registration, and a corresponding MBMS service is triggered. The base station is used as a proxy of the relay node to allow the scheduling of the MBMS service and data forwarding. Thus, the shortcoming in the prior art of the lack of support for the relay node to implement the MBMS service is obviated, and compatibility with the MBMS service is implemented on the relay node. The range of MBMS service coverage to is expanded in a network via the deployment of the relay node. At the same time, on the basis of lower hardware construction investment costs, seamless support for the MBMS service is implemented throughout the network when the relay node is deployed. 129-. (canceled)30. A method for implementing MBMS service when relay node is deployed in network , wherein , comprising the following steps:A base station receiving configuration information, reported by a relay node, of all cells served by the relay node, said configuration information comprises MEMS service configuration information of all cells served by the relay node, wherein the configuration information, reported by a relay node, of all cells served by the relay node is acquired from OAM equipment by the relay node;The base station sending configuration information of all cells served by the relay node to an MCE;When MBSFN Area configuration information returned from the MCE received from said base station contains MBSFN Area configuration information of one or several cells served by the relay node, the base station sending the above MBSFN Area configuration information of one or several cells served by the relay node to the relay node to configure one or several ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286930A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

To prevent throughput of a macro terminal connecting to a radio base station from deteriorating due to an interference signal from a relay station provided in a cell of the radio base station in a radio communication system using relay transmission techniques, a relay transmission method of the invention has a step in which a relay station receives data to a relay terminal from a radio base station via a backhaul link, a step in which the relay station allocates a radio resource to the relay terminal to a certain frequency region over a plurality of TTIs, and a step in which the relay station transmits the data to the relay terminal via an access link using the allocated radio resource. 1. A relay transmission method comprising: receiving data to a relay terminal from a radio base station via a backhaul link;', 'allocating a radio resource to the relay terminal to a certain frequency region over a plurality of transmission time intervals; and', 'transmitting the data to the relay terminal via an access link using the allocated radio resource., 'in a relay station,'}3. The relay transmission method according to claim 2 , wherein the number of resource blocks in the frequency domain is updated based on the number of resource blocks that are actually used in a previous radio frame.4. The relay transmission method according to claim 1 , wherein the radio resource over the plurality of transmission time intervals are allocated to a contiguous frequency region starting from a predetermined start position.5. The relay transmission method according to claim 1 , wherein the radio resource over the plurality of transmission time intervals are divided and allocated to different frequency regions.6. A relay station comprising:a storage section configured to store data to a relay terminal received from a radio base station via a backhaul link;an allocation section configured to allocate a radio resource to the relay terminal to a certain frequency region over a plurality of ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Base station, relay, system and method for packet re-transmission in a multi-hop network

Номер: US20130286932A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and methods for packet re-transmission in multi-hop wireless networks are provided. In some embodiments, RLP packet re-transmission only starts from the hop where L 1 ARQ fails. This can result in an increased efficiency of radio resource utilization, such as in implementations where the last hop is more unstable than the remaining hops. In some embodiments, a short RLP recovery delay enables a higher number of re-transmissions of lost RLP packets which, in turn, translates into a higher target physical layer FER (frame error rate) being allowed and/or an increased system capacity. Alternately or additionally, a short RLP recovery delay may reduce the possibility of TCP re-transmission and slow start.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288592A1
Автор: BEN-TOLILA Itsick
Принадлежит: Techmer Ltd.

A system and/or method for facilitating wireless communication in an area where it is difficult to transmit and receive signals may use a preexisting wired emergency communication infrastructure to transmit signals between elements of a radio repeater system. Optionally, the system may include synchronization of retransmissions. Analogue and/or digital signals and/or data may optionally be transferred over the preexisting network. Data and/or signals may optionally include audio and/or video signals, digital data, telemetry data, and/or synchronization data. The system may optionally include multiple wireless receivers and/or a voter to select a version of a signal from at least one of the receivers. A network for concurrent repeating of a direct mode simplex wireless signal may optionally include multiple receivers and/or a voter. The simplex network may optionally include a coloring circuit. The power of retransmission and/or the insulation between a receiver and a transmitter may optionally be adjusted. 1. A wireless communication system using a preexisting emergency communication infrastructure , the preexisting emergency communication infrastructure including at least one pair of wires , said at least one pair of wires connecting a panel to a plurality of locations , the wireless communication system comprising:a) a plurality of end units, at least two of said plurality of end units including,i) a wireless receiver; andii) a communication adaptor connecting said wireless receiver to said at least one pair of wires;b) a controller including;i) a communication interface communicating with said at least two end units over said at least one pair of wires; andii) a voter for identifying a plurality of versions of a signal and selecting a version from said plurality of versions; andc) a first network transmitter for retransmitting said selected version.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of said at least two end units is connected to a separate respective pair of ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for Distributed Relay Discovery and Data Forwarding

Номер: US20130294331A1

A method of discovering relay agent in a wireless communications system is provided. A wireless station first sends a relay solicitation frame to query availability of relay agent. The wireless station then receives one or more relay acknowledgement frames from one or more candidate relay agents in response to the relay solicitation frames. The wireless station determines a selected relay agent, and establishes a wireless link with the selected relay agent. The selected relay agent performs data forwarding between the station and an access point. The method allows a wireless station to initiate the relay agent discovery process by soliciting a specific relay agent or broadcasting a request to all potential relay agents. The selected relay agent can be determined with minimum power and based on link quality associated with the relay agent and specific requirement of the wireless station. 1. A method comprising:transmitting a relay solicitation frame by a station to query availability of relay agents in a wireless communications system;receiving one or more relay acknowledgement frames from one or more candidate relay agents in response to the relay solicitation frames;determining a selected relay agent; andestablishing a wireless link with the selected relay agent, wherein the selected relay agent performs data forwarding between the station and an access point.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the relay solicitation frame is a probe request frame claim 1 , and wherein the acknowledgement frame is a probe response frame.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the relay solicitation frame is broadcasted to all candidate relay agents in the wireless communications system.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a relay announcement frame transmitted by a relay agent, wherein the solicitation frame is unicasted to the relay agent.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the relay solicitation frame is transmitted according to a specific transmit power or a specific ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303145A1
Принадлежит: Eden Rock Communications, LLC

A method for adjusting a base station antenna may include receiving measured data including signal strength data for a signal received from the base station and location data from one or more user equipment, receiving planned radio coverage data, comparing the measured data with the planned radio coverage data, generating adjustment parameters based on a result of the comparison, and adjusting the antenna based on the adjustment parameters. 1. A system for auditing a configuration of a cellular antenna of a base station , the system comprising:a processor; anda non-transitory computer readable medium with computer executable instructions stored thereon which, when executed by the processor, perform the following method:receiving measured data including signal strength data for a signal received from the base station and location data from one or more user equipment;receiving planned radio coverage data;comparing the measured data with the planned radio coverage data; andgenerating adjustment parameters based on a result of the comparison.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cellular antenna is a steerable antenna claim 1 , and the non-transitory computer readable medium with computer executable instructions stored thereon includes further instructions which claim 1 , when executed by the processor claim 1 , automatically adjust the steerable antenna based on the adjustment parameters.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one user equipment is a plurality of user equipment.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein comparing the measured data with the planned radio coverage data includes calculating a fit value and comparing the fit value to a threshold value.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the non-transitory computer readable medium with computer executable instructions stored thereon further includes instructions which claim 4 , when executed by the processor claim 4 , cause the processor to perform the following steps:adjusting the planned radio coverage ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308522A1
Автор: Li Guoqing, Yang Yi, Zhao Yali

Disclosed are a resource processing method and device based on relay node (RN) switching. The method comprises: an RN determining, according to a preset policy, whether a destination evolved Node B device DeNB is required to divide resources for the RN; and informing the destination DeNB of a determination result. In the embodiments of the present invention, sub-frame configuration of a backhaul link can be performed in the switching process, configuration of a carrier aggregation cell is coordinated, influence on operation of the RN is reduced, service continuity of a user is ensured maximally, and the number of discarded packets is reduced, thereby providing good network experiences for the user. 1. A resource processing method based on relay node switching , wherein , comprising:the RN determining, according to a preset policy, whether the DeNB is required to divide resources for the RN, and the RN informing the DeNB of the determination result.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the RN determining claim 1 , according to a preset policy claim 1 , whether the DeNB is required to divide resources for the RN claim 1 , comprising:when the Un launches CA function, the RN determining, according to the preset policy, whether the DeNB is required to divide resources for the RN for every frequency point.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the RN determining claim 1 , according to the preset policy claim 1 , whether the DeNB is required to divide resources for the RN claim 1 , comprising:the RN determining, according to the preset policy, whether the DeNB is required to configure the backhaul sub-frame information for the RN.432-. (canceled)33. The method according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , the RN determining claim 3 , according to the preset policy claim 3 , whether the DeNB is required to configure the backhaul sub-frame information for the RN claim 3 , comprising:the RN determining, according to frequency information of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Communication system with channel compensating equalizer

Номер: US20130336370A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A communication system and method for extending coverage of a base transceiver station. The communication system includes processing circuitry that receives a communication signal over a wireless channel. The received communication signal is processed through an adaptable equalizer to reduce noise, distortion, interference, and frequency errors. In another aspect of the invention, a frequency of a reference signal in the communication system is adjusted to compensate for frequency errors between the communication system and the source of the communication signal. The equalized and frequency adjusted communication signal is then retransmitted into an extended coverage area. Wireless coverage is thereby provided between a base transceiver station and a mobile device in the extended coverage area.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for receiving downlink signal and method for transmitting same, and device for receiving same and device for transmitting same

Номер: US20130343340A1

The present invention relates to a method for a transmission device to transmit data and a reference signal for demodulation for the data, to a reception device. The transmission device of the present invention appropriately configures the reference signal for demodulation of the data being transmitted to the reception device by the transmission device, and transmits the reference signal to the reception device with the data. According to embodiments of the present invention, the demodulation performance for the data transmitted from the transmission device to the reception device is enhanced.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003326A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Relay station () in a communication system using PCells and Scells for backhaul communication, and configuring DL BHSFs of the PCell, and UL BHSFs of the PCell located after a prescribed number of subframes after a DL BHSF includes: ACK/NACK generator () generating a response signal for a downlink signal received in PCell and SCells from base station (); transmitter () transmitting a response signal in response to a downlink signal received in an SCell in a DL BHSF configured at a timing different from that of the DL BHSF of the PCell, the response signal in UL BHSFs of the SCell a prescribed number of subframes after the DL BHSF, and a response signal for a downlink signal received in an SCell in a DL BHSF having the same timing as that of the DL BHSF of the PCell, and the response in a UL BHSF of the PCell. 1. A relay station used in a communication system configured to use a first component carrier and a second component carrier for backhaul communication between a base station and the relay station and to configure a first subframe of the first component carrier used for backhaul communication in downlink and a second subframe of the first component carrier used for backhaul communication in uplink , the second subframe being a subframe located after a predetermined number of subframes from the first subframe , the relay station comprising:a generating section that generates a response signal for a downlink signal received using each of the first component carrier and the second component carrier from the base station; anda transmitting section that transmits the response signal to the base station, wherein:the transmitting section transmits a response signal for a downlink signal received using the second component carrier in a third subframe configured at a timing different from that of the first subframe, the response signal being transmitted in a fourth subframe of the second component carrier, the fourth subframe being located after a predetermined number ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Wireless communication method, relay node, and base station

Номер: US20140022979A1
Автор: Akira Ito, Hongyang CHEN
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A wireless communication method includes: receiving, at a second apparatus wirelessly connected to a first apparatus, a signal containing a signal from the first apparatus; calculating a receiving weight matrix based on the received signal and a channel matrix that is for communication between the first apparatus and the second apparatus; and multiplying the received signal by the receiving weight matrix.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Telecommunications system and method

Номер: US20140029497A1
Принадлежит: Multitone Electronics PLC

A telecommunications system including a plurality of repeater nodes, each repeater node having a transceiver unit operable to transmit and receive data to or from one or more other of the repeater nodes or a control node or a mobile device within a predetermined range. The control node operable to transmit data to and receive data from the mobile device via the repeater nodes using a time frame divided into a plurality of time slots. The time slots of the time frame are allocated to the repeater nodes to the effect that each repeater node transmits to another repeater node in one of the upstream or the downstream directions in a time slot which is a minimal time from the time slot in which the other repeater node transmits in the upstream or downstream direction.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Intra cell interference mitigation in a wireless network employing relay nodes

Номер: US20140029507A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A method and relay node (RN) in a wireless communications network for controlling downlink transmissions to User Equipments (UEs) being served by the RN. An RN transceiver circuit requests each UE to measure and report a Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and a UE total downlink interference. An RN receiver circuit receives and forwards the reported RSRP and UE total downlink interference for each UE. An RN processing and control circuit measures an RN total downlink interference; determines which UEs are closely located to the RN based on the reported RSRP of each UE; creates a UE-list with UEs determined to be closely located to the RN and which experience UE total downlink interference similar to the measured RN total downlink interference; determines whether the measured RN total downlink interference exceeds an RN interference threshold; and if so, controls the downlink transmissions to the UEs in the created UE-list.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029508A1

A method and device for a transmitting and receiving a signal from a relay station in a radio communication system is provided. The method includes: receiving offset time information from a base station; configuring a time difference between an access downlink transmission subframe that transmits an access downlink signal to a relay station terminal according to the offset time information and a backhaul downlink reception subframe that receives a backhaul downlink signal from the base station; transmitting a control signal from the access downlink transmission subframe to the relay station terminal; and receiving the backhaul downlink signal from the base station in the backhaul downlink reception subframe. 1receiving offset time information from a base station;configuring a time difference between an access downlink transmission subframe through which an access downlink signal is transmitted to a relay user equipment and a backhaul downlink reception subframe through which a backhaul downlink signal is received from the base station based on the offset time information;transmitting a control signal to the relay user equipment through the access downlink transmission subframe; andreceiving the backhaul downlink signal from the base station through the backhaul downlink reception subframe.. A method of a relay station transmitting and receiving a signal in a wireless communication system, the method comprising: This application is a Continuation of co-pending application Ser. No. 13/201,805 filed Aug. 16, 2011, which is the national phase of PCT International Application No. PCT/KR2010/000950 filed on Feb. 16, 2010, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Nos. 61/152,951 filed on Feb. 16, 2009, 61/187,266 filed on Jun. 15, 2009, 61/219,727 filed on Jun. 23, 2009, 61/236,162 filed on Aug. 24, 2009, and 61/298,862 filed on Jan. 27, 2010, and which claims priority to Korean Application No. 10-2010-0013907 filed on Feb. 16, 2010. The entire contents of all ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056212A1

Systems and methods are presented for conducting a relayed communication involving a source node, a plurality of intermediate nodes, and at least one destination node, involving at the source node transmitting a signal associated with the relayed communication on a first medium allocation, at each one of the plurality of intermediate nodes relaying the signal onto a next medium allocation in response to receiving the signal as transmitted on at least one medium allocation up to a current medium allocation, and at the at least one destination node receiving the signal as transmitted on at least one medium allocation up to a last medium allocation, wherein at least one node among the plurality of intermediate nodes and the at least one destination node receives signals associated with the relayed communication from multiple intermediate nodes as transmitted on at least one medium allocation. 168.-. (canceled)69. A method for conducting a relayed communication in a network comprising a plurality of nodes , the plurality of nodes including a source node that transmits a signal , intermediate nodes that relay the signal , and a destination node that receives the signal , the method comprising:initiating the relayed communication by transmitting the signal from the source node;receiving multiple instances of the signal at one or more of the intermediate nodes;constructively combining energy from a subset of the multiple instances of the signal before relaying the signal from at least one of the one or more of the intermediate nodes; andreceiving and decoding the relayed signal at the destination node,wherein each of the plurality of nodes in the network are configured to initiate the relayed communication as the source node, relay the signal as one of the intermediate nodes, and receive and decode the relayed signal as the destination node.70. The method of claim 69 , wherein the source node claim 69 , the intermediate nodes claim 69 , and the destination node are part of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057553A1

The present invention relates to a cooperative relaying system () and method () in which many different units in the network can be used in a common channel and time interval by way of repetition without requiring additional relay coordination in cases where the connection between the source and the destination is insufficient in wireless communication networks. The inventive system () and method () increases the probability of the transmission of the source data with the maximum diversity gain requiring no coordination thanks to determining the relays () without pre-selection and keeping the amount of band spent to a minimum. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for enabling a transmission to be relayed in a common channel and time interval and for processing an incoming signal , the method comprising:detecting a broadcast coming from a source;deciding whether a relaying action is necessary or not;remaining silent if the relaying action is not necessary;checking whether the condition of being a relay is met or not based on a parameter indicating the quality of a transmission that the relay received from the source;remaining silent if the condition of being the relay is not met;deciding for the relaying method if the condition of being the relay is met;performing repetition in a common channel by a plurality of relays; andprocessing of signals with a suggested receiver structure in a destination receiver;wherein processing of signals with the suggested receiver structure step is performed in the destination receiver;and wherein detecting, deciding, remaining silent, checking, deciding and performing repetition steps are performed in the relay.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the decision to perform relaying is made according to the received power level or signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).15. The method of claim 13 , wherein other metrics depending on coding and modulation are also used for deciding to perform relaying.16. The method according to claim 13 , wherein repetition ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for receiving downlink signal and method for transmitting same, user equipment, and base station

Номер: US20140064204A1

Presented is a plan for utilizing resources not being used in a subframe consisting of relay transmission, and being thrown away thereafter. The present invention enables efficient utilization of the resources by reducing the waste of the resources in a wireless communication system supporting a relay.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Relay Transmission Method and Apparatus

Номер: US20140078943A1
Автор: Li Zhongfeng, Shang Zheng
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

A relay transmission method and apparatus are provided. The method includes: configuring a subframe of a Time Division Duplex relay frame for a subframe of relay link), where the configuring the subframe of the TDD relay frame for the subframe of relay link includes: configuring a downlink subframe of the TDD relay frame for a DL subframe of relay link, and/or configuring the DL subframe of the TDD relay frame for an uplink subframe of relay link, and/or configuring a UL subframe of the TDD relay frame for the UL subframe of relay link; and performing relay transmission according to the subframe of relay link. When data is transmitted, a subframe that can be used for relay link transmission is configured, data transmission performed by using relay link complies with inherent constraints of a TDD frame structure in the prior art. 1. A relay transmission method , comprising:configuring a subframe of a Time Division Duplex (TDD) relay frame for a subframe of relay link, wherein the configuring the subframe of the TDD relay frame for the subframe of relay link comprises: configuring a downlink (DL) subframe of the TDD relay frame for a DL subframe of relay link, and/or configuring the DL subframe of the TDD relay frame for an uplink (UL) subframe of relay link, and/or configuring a UL subframe of the TDD relay frame for the UL subframe of relay link; andperforming relay transmission according to the subframe of relay link.2. The relay transmission method according to claim 1 , wherein when the DL subframe of the TDD relay frame is configured for the subframe of relay link claim 1 , a first N Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) symbols of the DL subframe are configured for access link transmission claim 1 , and are configured to send a DL reference signal claim 1 , or a DL reference signal and control signaling; and rest OFDM symbols of the DL subframe are used for relay link transmission and/or a guard period (GP); andthe DL subframe comprises M OFDM ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014258A1

An enhanced L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) may include LDACS ground stations, and LDACS airborne stations configured to communicate with the LDACS ground stations. The enhanced LDACS may also include a Cloud-based network controller configured to allocate LDACS resources to the LDACS ground stations and the LDACS airborne stations based upon a number of LDACS airborne stations, respective flight paths of each LDACS airborne station, a respective type of each LDACS airborne station, and historical data on communication use for each LDACS airborne station. 1. An enhanced L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) comprising:a plurality of LDACS ground stations;a plurality of LDACS airborne stations configured to communicate with the LDACS ground stations; anda Cloud-based network controller configured to allocate LDACS resources to the plurality of LDACS ground stations and the plurality of LDACS airborne stations based upon a number of LDACS airborne stations, respective flight paths of each LDACS airborne station, a respective type of each LDACS airborne station, and historical data on communication use for each LDACS airborne station.2. The enhanced LDACS of claim 1 , wherein the Cloud-based network controller is configured to allocate LDACS resources based on weather patterns.3. The enhanced LDACS of claim 1 , wherein the Cloud-based network controller is configured to allocate LDACS resources based on changing weather causing flight path changes.4. The enhanced LDACS of claim 1 , wherein the Cloud-based network controller is configured to allocate LDACS resources in a form of LDACS channels.5. The enhanced LDACS of claim 1 , wherein the Cloud-based network controller is configured to allocate LDACS resources based on cost.6. The enhanced LDACS of claim 1 , wherein the Cloud-based network controller is configured to allocate LDACS resources based upon different Service Level Agreements (SLAs).7. The enhanced LDACS of claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007223A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Briefly, in accordance with one or more embodiments, an apparatus of a user equipment (UE) comprises one or more baseband processors to generate a first set of one or more radio resource control (RRC) messages to create a packet data convergence protocol (PDCP) and RRC entity at a donor Fifth Generation evolved NodeB (DgNB), and to generate a second set of one or more RRC messages to create a radio link control (RLC) entity at a serving relay node (RN) to couple with the DgNB in a multi-hop relay network, and a memory to store the first set of one or more RRC messages or the second set of one or more RRC messages. 130-. (canceled)31. An apparatus of a user equipment (UE) , comprising:one or more baseband processors to generate a first set of one or more radio resource control (RRC) messages to create a packet data convergence protocol (PDCP) and RRC entity at a donor Fifth Generation evolved NodeB (DgNB), and to generate a second set of one or more RRC messages to create a radio link control (RLC) entity at a serving relay node (RN) to couple with the DgNB in a multi-hop relay network; anda memory to store the first set of one or more RRC messages or the second set of one or more RRC messages.32. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein a radio bearer (RB) of the UE is supported by the serving RN and the DgNB together claim 31 , and wherein a radio bearer between two relay nodes or between a relay node and the DgNB does not include any PDCP entity or RRC entity.33. An apparatus of a relay node (RN) claim 31 , comprising:one or more baseband processors to process one or more radio resource control (RRC) messages from a user equipment (UE) to create a radio link control (RLC) entity to serve the UE, and to process packets transported between the UE and a donor Fifth Generation evolved NodeB (DgNB) in a multi-hop relay network; anda memory to store the one or more RRC messages.34. The apparatus of claim 33 , wherein a radio bearer (RB) of the UE is supported by the serving ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Information Transmission Method And Apparatus

Номер: US20210007011A1

An information transmission method is provided, wherein the method includes: determining, by a relay node, first information, where the first information includes at least one of the following information: a buffer status at a granularity of the relay node, a buffer status at a granularity of an RB between the relay node and at least one first node, a buffer status at a granularity of each first node in the at least one first node, and a buffer status at a granularity of an RB between each first node in the at least one first node and a child node, where the at least one first node is a child node of the relay node; and sending, by the relay node, a first packet that carries the first information to a second node. 1. An information transmission method , comprising:determining, by a relay node, first information, wherein the first information comprises at least one of the following information: a buffer status at a granularity of the relay node, a buffer status at a granularity of a radio bearer (RB) between the relay node and at least one first node, a buffer status at a granularity of each first node in the at least one first node, or a buffer status at a granularity of an RB between each first node in the at least one first node and a child node, and wherein the at least one first node is a child node of the relay node; andsending, by the relay node, a first packet that carries the first information to a second node.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining claim 1 , by a relay node claim 1 , first information comprises:monitoring, by the relay node, a buffer status of the relay node to obtain the buffer status at the granularity of the relay node, the buffer status at the granularity of the radio bearer RB between the relay node and the at least one first node, and the buffer status at the granularity of each first node in the at least one first node.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining claim 1 , by a relay node claim 1 ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029694A1
Автор: Ishii Atsushi

Apparatus, methods and procedures are provided to handle congestion via access restrictions, e.g., access barring or cell barring, in a wireless relay network. Apparatus, methods, and procedures are also provided to notify nodes and terminals of an IAB-based relay network when some contents of the essential information change. 1. A wireless access node of a radio access network (RAN) , the wireless access node comprising:transmitter circuitry configured to transmit system information comprising first information and second information, the first information being used for a user equipment (UE) and a relay node, the second information being dedicated to the relay node;processor circuitry configured to generate a notification message upon at least one change is made on the system information;the transmitter circuitry configured to transmit the notification message; whereinthe notification message indicates the at least one change is made on either or both of the first information and the second information.2. The wireless access node of claim 1 , wherein the transmitter circuitry is further configured not to send the notification in a case that the at least one change is made on the second information.3. The wireless access node of claim 1 , wherein the notification message comprises one or more first indications and one or more second indications claim 1 , the one or more first indications indicating a change is made on the first information claim 1 , the one or more second indications indicating a change is made on the second information.4. A relay node of a radio access network (RAN) claim 1 , the relay node comprising:receiver circuitry configured to receive:system information comprising first information and second information, the first information being used for a user equipment (UE) and a relay node, the second information being dedicated to the relay node;a notification message indicating at least one change is made on either or both of the first information ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for allocating a control channel resource of a relay node in a backhaul subframe

Номер: US20160013912A1

A method and apparatus for configuring a control channel between a first transceiver and a second transceiver in a communication system are provided. The method includes generating, by the first transceiver, a signaling message including information for the control channel; transmitting, by the first transceiver, the signaling message including information for the control channel to the second transceiver; generating, by the first transceiver, the control channel based on the information for the control channel; and transmitting, by the first transceiver, the generated control channel to the second transceiver, wherein the information for the control channel includes resource allocation information, and information related to whether interleaving applied and a type of reference signal.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016333A1

The present invention relates to a method and device for performing a connection to a distribution system (DS) through a station working as a non-access point (AP) in a wireless communication system. In particular, any station (referred to hereinafter as ‘a first STA’) works as an AP having DS connection performance in first frequency band wireless local area network (WLAN) communication when performing WLAN communication to connect to a distribution system (DS), wherein a direct link setting procedure is performed with a specific STA (referred to hereinafter as ‘a second STA’) working as a station that is not an AP in second frequency band WLAN communication, in the second frequency band WLAN communication; and a connection is made to the DS through the direct link in the second frequency band WLAN communication. 1. A method for wireless local area network (WLAN) communication for accessing a distribution system (DS) by a first station , the method comprising:performing a direct link setup procedure with a second STA in a second frequency band WLAN communication, the second STA operating as an access point (AP) having a DS access capability in a first frequency band WLAN communication and operating as a non-AP STA in the second frequency band WLAN communication; andaccessing the DS through the direct link established with the second STA in the second frequency band WLAN communication.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a coverage by a specific AP in the second frequency band WLAN communication is wider than a coverage by a specific AP in the first frequency band WLAN communication.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first STA and the second STA are enabled by a same enabling STA in the second frequency band WLAN communication.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the accessing comprises transmitting a packet comprising a first address field indicating a transmission STA address claim 1 , a second address field indicating a reception STA ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013958A1

Provided is an apparatus and method for wideband short-range wireless communication using a directional antenna in a millimeter wave band, and the method for wideband short-range wireless communication according to an embodiment may determine a first time interval and a second time interval for a cooperated data frame transfer based on a packet transmission time at each transmission from a source node to a destination node, transmit a frame to a relay node through an antenna pattern directed towards the relay node at a start point of the first time interval, and transmit the frame to the destination node through an antenna pattern directed towards the destination node after a predetermined period of time from a start point of the second time interval. 1. A method for wireless communication performed by a source node , the method comprising:identifying a first time interval for transmission from the source node to a relay node and a second time interval for transmission from the source node to a destination node;transmitting a data frame to a relay node through an antenna pattern directed towards the relay node at a start point of the first time interval; andtransmitting the data frame to the destination node through an antenna pattern directed towards the destination node after a predetermined period from a start point of the second time interval,wherein the second time interval is allocated after the first time interval.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first time interval is determined based on a period of time during which the source node transmits the data frame to the relay node, andthe second time interval is determined based on a predetermined period, a period of time during which the relay node transmits the data frame received from the source node to the destination node, a period of time during which the source node transmits the data frame to the destination node, a period of time during which the destination node transmits an acknowledgment frame to ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013960A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. One method may include monitoring, via one or more sensors of a first user equipment (UE), at least one of a thermal overload condition or an exposure condition associated with a first communication link between a first UE and a base station. Based on the monitoring, for example, the first UE may determine that at least one of the thermal overload condition or the exposure condition exceeds a corresponding predetermined switch threshold. Based on the determining, a second communication link may be established between the first UE and a second UE, where the second UE is configured to operate as a relay UE, for communications between the first UE and the base station via (in-part) the second communication link. 1. A method for wireless communications by a first user equipment (UE) comprising:monitoring, via one or more sensors of the first UE, at least one of a thermal overload condition or an exposure condition associated with a first communication link between the first UE and a base station;determining, based at least in part on the monitoring, that at least one of the thermal overload condition or the exposure condition exceeds a corresponding predetermined switch threshold;establishing, based at least in part on the determining, a second communication link between the first UE and a second UE, wherein the second UE is configured to operate as a relay UE for communications between the first UE and the base station via the second communication link; andcommunicating with the base station via the second communication link and the relay UE.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first communication link claim 1 , the second communication link claim 1 , or both the first communication link and the second communication link comprise millimeter wave carrier frequencies claim 1 , and establishing the second communication link includes:transmitting a data forwarding request to the base station via the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Layer NOMA Wireless Communication for Repeating Transmission of a Transport Block

Номер: US20200014457A1
Автор: Tang Chien-Hsin
Принадлежит: Google LLC

The present disclosure describes methods and systems applicable to multi-layer non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) wireless communication for repeating transmission of a transport block (TB). The methods and systems are applicable to transmitting one transport block on multiple NOMA layers, where the same transport block on the multiple NOMA layers have different redundancy versions (RVs). By combining multiple transmissions of the one transport block on the multiple NOMA layers, a base station can obtain a correctly decoded transport block and can successfully decode the data therein. 1. A method for detecting , by a base station , data transmitted from a user equipment , the method comprising:determining, by the base station, a first plurality of multiple-access (MA) resources for the user equipment to use to transmit an uplink transmission;transmitting, by the base station to the user equipment, a first configuration message that includes an indication of the first plurality of MA resources;receiving, by the base station, a first uplink transmission corresponding to the first configuration message;initiating, by the base station, a decoding operation on data in the first uplink transmission;determining, by the base station, a second plurality of MA resources that are a subset of the first plurality of MA resources based on a failure to decode a portion of the data in the first uplink transmission, the portion of the data corresponding to the second plurality of MA resources;transmitting, by the base station and based on the failure to decode the portion of the data, a negative acknowledgment for the portion of the data corresponding to the second plurality of MA resources;detecting, by the base station, additional data transmitted from the user equipment, the additional data including a same transport block, but a different redundancy version, on each MA resource of the second plurality of MA resources; andcombining, by the base station, the additional data ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105253A1

A two-way relay, a wireless apparatus and a signal processing method thereof are provided. The two-way relay comprises a transceiver and a processor. The transceiver receives a relay receiving signal including a first terminal transmitting signal transmitted by a first wireless apparatus and a second terminal transmitting signal transmitted by a second wireless apparatus. The processor, which is electrically connected to the transceiver, uses a mapping function to transform the relay receiving signal into a relay signal and enables the transceiver to broadcast the relay signal. 1. A two-way relay for a wireless communication system , comprising:a transceiver, being configured to receive a relay receiving signal, wherein the relay receiving signal comprises a first terminal transmitting signal transmitted by a first wireless apparatus and a second terminal transmitting signal transmitted by a second wireless apparatus; anda processor electrically connected to the transceiver, being configured to use a mapping function to transform the relay receiving signal into a relay signal and enable the transceiver to broadcast the relay signal; {'br': None, 'i': f', 'x', 'c', 'x+C,B, 'sub': 'MF', '()=α·mod(β)'}, 'wherein the mapping function is {'br': None, 'i': c', 'x', '+jx', ',B', 'x', ',B', 'j', 'x', ',B, 'sub': I', 'Q', 'I', 'Q, 'mod()=mod()+mod()'}, 'where, α is a transmit power scaling factor, β is a phase rotation factor, x is the relay receiving signal, C is an offset, B is a modulus, and c mod(·) is a complex modulo function and is defined as follows{'sub': I', 'Q, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': A,B', 'A+B/', 'B]−B/, 'mod()=[(2)% 2'}, 'where xis a real component of a complex input signal, x, is an imaginary component of the complex input signal, and mod(·) is a modulo function and is defined as followswhere A is an input signal and % is an asymmetric modulo operator defined as follows: p % q=p−└p/q┘q where p and q are any two real numbers and └p/q┘ means taking the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Layer 2 Relay To Support Coverage And Resource-Constrained Devices In Wireless Networks

Номер: US20180020442A1
Автор: Nair Suresh P.
Принадлежит: Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

Embodiments provide a mobile communications device that includes a processor configured to communicate with a transceiver and a memory. The transceiver is configured to exchange control signals with a network node. The memory contains instructions that when executed by the processor configure the processor to operate the transceiver to exchange the control signals. The instructions further configure the processor to pass a first proper subset of the control signals to a remote device without operating according to the control signals, and to operate according to control signals in a second proper subset of the control signals. The processor is thereby configured to operate on behalf of a remote communication device to support communication between the remote communication device and the network node. 1. A mobile communications relay device , comprising:a transceiver configured to exchange control signals with a network node;a processor; anda memory coupled to said processor and containing instructions that configure the processor to operate the transceiver to exchange said control signals,wherein said instructions further configure the processor to pass a first proper subset of said control signals to a remote device without operating according to said control signals, and to operate according to control signals in a second proper subset of said control signals thereby operating on behalf of a remote communication device to support communication between said remote communication device and said network node.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein said processor is further configured by said instructions to support or more radio links with said network node claim 1 , each radio link being identified by a unique identifier.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein said second proper subset includes LTE signals RLC claim 1 , MAC and PHY4. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein said instructions further configure said processor to implement an E-UTRAN ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Green Relay Scheduler

Номер: US20140106737A1

The embodiments herein relate to a method in a relay node () for relaying data from a first network node () to a second network node () in a radio communication network (). The relay node ()receives the data from the first network node () and decodes the received data. The relay node () determines a delay constraint of the decoded data and recodes the decoded data. The relay node () relays the recoded data to the second network node () based on the determined delay constraint and according to a radio communication protocol. The communication between the relay node (), the first network node () and the second network node () is based on the same radio communication protocol. 115-. (canceled)16. A method , in a relay node , for relaying data from a first network node to a second network node in a radio communication network , the method comprising:receiving the data from the first network node;decoding the received data; determining that the decoded data is time critical; or', 'determining that the decoded data is not time critical, storing the decoded data determined as not time critical, and starting a timer associated with stored not time critical data;, 'determining a delay constraint of the decoded data, wherein the determining of the delay constraint of the decoded data further comprisesrecoding the decoded data; andrelaying the recoded data to the second network node based on the determined delay constraint and according to a radio communication protocol, andwherein the communication between the relay node, the first network node and the second network node is based on the same radio communication protocol, and wherein the relaying of the recoded data to the second network node based on the determined delay constraint and according to a radio communication protocol further comprises:relaying the not time critical data when the timer has expired or when time critical data is received.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the relaying the recoded data to the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Cellular wide-area radio communication system with relay-enhanced cells

Номер: US20140106760A1

In a cellular wide-area radio communications system, comprising a plurality of base stations, a plurality of relay stations, and a plurality of mobile stations, wherein each of the relay stations is associated with at least one of the base stations, each of the mobile stations is associated with at least one of the base stations or one of the relay stations, wireless data transmissions between mobile stations and base stations take place either as single-hop data transmissions between the mobile stations and their associated base stations, or as multi-hop data transmissions between the mobile stations and their associated relay stations and a data transmission between the relay stations and the base stations associated with the relay stations, wherein an average number of multi-hop data transmissions in the radio communications system equals at least an average number of single-hop data transmissions.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021354A1

Technology for a vehicle on-frequency repeater system is disclosed. The vehicle repeater can comprise a donor antenna. The vehicle repeater can comprise a server antenna. The vehicle repeater can comprise a first direction amplification path communicatively coupled between the donor antenna and the server antenna. The vehicle repeater can comprise a second direction amplification path communicatively coupled between the donor antenna and the server antenna. The donor antenna can be configured to be mounted on an exterior of a vehicle. The server antenna can be configured to be mounted on or directed towards an exterior of the vehicle facing substantially away from the vehicle to provide an amplified radio frequency signal about the vehicle for communicating with a communication system. 1. A vehicle on-frequency repeater system comprising:a donor antenna;a server antenna;a first direction amplification path communicatively coupled between the donor antenna and the server antenna;a second direction amplification path communicatively coupled between the donor antenna and the server antenna;wherein the donor antenna is configured to be mounted on an exterior of a vehicle; andwherein the server antenna is configured to be mounted on the exterior of the vehicle or is mounted facing substantially away from the vehicle to provide an amplified radio frequency signal about the vehicle for communicating with a wireless device.2. The vehicle on-frequency repeater system of claim 1 , wherein the donor antenna is mounted on a telescoping pole to enable the donor antenna to be extended away from the server antenna to provide increased isolation between the donor antenna and the server antenna.3. The vehicle on-frequency repeater system of claim 1 , wherein the donor antenna is mounted on a pivotable pole operable to pivot to be substantially flush with the vehicle.4. The vehicle on-frequency repeater system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of server antennas configured ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170026105A1

A method for attaching a relay module to a fire hydrant comprises positioning the relay module adjacent to the fire hydrant, the fire hydrant comprising a hydrant body and a bonnet coupled to the hydrant body by a plurality of fasteners, the bonnet mounted on top of the hydrant body, the relay module comprising a radio housing defining a top surface, a mast connected to the radio housing and extending upwards from the top surface, and a mounting bracket attached to the top surface, the mounting bracket engageable with the hydrant body; and securing the relay module to the fire hydrant such that the mounting bracket and a portion of the top surface is positioned beneath the bonnet. 1. A method for attaching a relay module to a fire hydrant comprising: a radio housing defining a top surface,', 'a mast connected to the radio housing and extending upwards from the top surface, and', 'a mounting bracket attached to the top surface, the mounting bracket engageable with the hydrant body; and, 'positioning the relay module adjacent to the fire hydrant, the fire hydrant comprising a hydrant body and a bonnet coupled to the hydrant body by a plurality of fasteners, the bonnet mounted on top of the hydrant body, the relay module comprisingsecuring the relay module to the fire hydrant such that the mounting bracket and a portion of the top surface is positioned beneath the bonnet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio housing defines a concave surface which conforms to an outer surface of the hydrant body claim 1 , and positioning the relay module further comprises positioning the concave surface of the radio housing adjacent to and facing the outer surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein positioning the relay module further comprises:positioning a back casing of the radio housing beneath the bonnet, the back casing defining the concave surface of the radio housing; andpositioning a front casing of the radio housing external to the hydrant body and the bonnet, the mast ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170026107A1

A digital repeater system for repeating RF signals comprises: a receiving section for receiving an RF input signal, the RF input signal comprising at least one frequency band including a multiplicity of subbands associated with a multiplicity of communication channels; and at least one transmitting section for transmitting the RF output signal. The receiving section is constituted to digitize the RF input signal to obtain a digital input signal and to isolate, within the digital input signal, the multiplicity of subbands from each other to obtain a multiplicity of digital subband signals. The at least one transmitting section is constituted to combine the digital subband signals to obtain a digital output signal and to convert the digital output signal to an RF output signal. In addition, the receiving section comprises a power profile estimation unit for determining a power estimate for each digital subband signal associated with the multiplicity of subbands and a muting device for muting a digital subband signal of a particular subband based on the power estimate. In this way a digital repeater system for repeating RF signals is provided which allows for a detection of unused portions of a frequency band in order to improve the performance of the overall system. 1. A digital repeater system for transmitting signals , comprising:a receiving section for processing a digital input signal, the digital input signal comprising at least one frequency band including a multiplicity of subbands associated with a multiplicity of communication channels;at least one transmitting section for transmitting an output signal, wherein the receiving section is constituted to isolate, within the digital input signal, the multiplicity of subbands from each other to obtain a multiplicity of digital subband signals, and wherein the at least one transmitting section is constituted to combine the digital subband signals to obtain an output signal for transmission;a power profile estimation ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028470A1

A method for performing HARQ includes: receiving information to determine downlink subframes used for a relay station to receive scheduling information from a BS; determining uplink subframes for performing a HARQ with the DL subframes, each of the UL subframes corresponding to each of the DL subframes; assigning sequentially each of a plurality of HARQ processes to each of the UL subframes one by one; and performing HARQ with the BS at at least one of the HARQ processes. An n-th subframe is configured for a corresponding UL subframe if an (n−4)-th subframe is configured for one of the DL subframes, n denoting an integer. The HARQ processes are equal in number to the UL subframes. The DL subframes are configured in at least one radio frame having 10 subframes indexed from 0 to 9. Subframes having indexes 0, 4, 5 and 9 are not configured as a DL subframe. 1. A method for performing a hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:determining, by a relay station (RS), a plurality of allocated downlink (DL) subframes which are used by the RS to receive scheduling information from the BS;assigning, by the RS, sequentially each of a plurality of uplink HARQ processes to a corresponding one of the plurality of allocated DL subframes one by one; andperforming, by the RS, an uplink HARQ with the BS by using at least one of the plurality of uplink HARQ processes,wherein the plurality of allocated DL subframes are configured in at least one radio frame having 10 subframes indexed from 0 to 9, andwherein subframes of the 10 subframes having indexes 0, 4, 5 and 9 are not configured as an allocated DL subframe.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, by the RS, a plurality of uplink (UL) subframes for performing the uplink HARQ based on the plurality of allocated DL subframes, each of the plurality of UL subframes corresponding to a corresponding one of the plurality of allocated DL subframes,3. The method of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Wireless repeater with arbitrary programmable selectivity

Номер: US20170026851A1
Автор: Frank Pergal
Принадлежит: Frank Pergal

The invention relates to wireless repeater systems and methods. In embodiments, such systems and methods involve receiving a wireless transmission signal; and processing the wireless transmission signal using a digital signal processing facility (DSP); wherein the DSP is adapted to filter at least one sub-band of the wireless transmission signal using a digital bandpass filter.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045741A1

A technology is described for a repeater. A repeater can comprise: a server port; a donor port; a first uplink (UL) amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the UL amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a UL signal of a first band and a UL signal of a second band through a first bandpass filter; a first downlink (DL) amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the first DL amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a DL signal of the first band and a DL signal of a third band through a second bandpass filter. 1. A repeater comprising:a server port;a donor port;a first first-direction amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the first-direction amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a first-direction signal of a first band and a first-direction signal of a second band through a first bandpass filter;a first second-direction amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the first second-direction amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a second-direction signal of the first band and a second-direction signal of a third band through a second bandpass filter;a second first-direction amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the second first-direction amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a first-direction signal of the third band through a third bandpass filter; anda second second-direction amplification and filtering path coupled between the server port and the donor port, wherein the second second-direction amplification and filtering path is configured to pass a second-direction signal of the second band through a fourth bandpass filter.2. The repeater of claim 1 , wherein the first-direction is an uplink (UL) direction and the second-direction ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Parallel Filtering for Power Distribution and Isolation

Номер: US20220045743A1

A technology is described for a repeater having a Fourier Transform Matrix (FTM). The repeater can comprise a first set of N M-plexers having M ports on a first side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers and a single port on a second side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers; a first set of M N by N (N×N) FTMs, with each of the M FTMs in the first set having N first side ports and N second side ports; and a first inverse N×N FTM comprising N first side ports and N second side ports; an antenna port coupled to a Pth port of a second side of the first inverse N×N FTM; and a signal port at the Pth port of a first side of each of the M N×N FTMs in the first set. 1. A repeater having Fourier Transform Matrix (FTM) combined filters , the repeater comprising:a first set of N M-plexers having M ports on a first side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers and a single port on a second side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers, where N is a positive integer and M is a positive integer; the N second side ports of a first N×N FTM of the first set are connected to a first selected port of the first side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers, respectively;', 'the N second side ports of a second N×N FTM of the first set are connected to a second selected port of the first side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers, respectively;', 'the N second side ports of a Mth N×N FTM of the first set are connected to an Mth selected port of the first side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers, respectively;, 'a first set of M N by N (N×N) FTMs, with each of the M FTMs in the first set having N first side ports and N second side ports, whereina first inverse N×N FTM comprising N first side ports and N second side ports, wherein a single port of the second side of each of the first set of the N M-plexers is connected to one of the N second side ports of the first inverse N×N FTM;an antenna port coupled to a Pth port of a first side of the first inverse ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Amplifier Networks in a Repeater

Номер: US20220045744A1

Technology for a repeater with a trumped amplifier network is disclosed. The repeater can include two or more signal paths corresponding to two or more bands. The repeater can include a first coupler network communicatively coupled to the two or more signal paths. The repeater can include a second coupler network communicatively coupled to an antenna port. The repeater can include two or more amplifier networks between the first coupler network and the second coupler network. A signal received via the first coupler network can be distributed to the two or more amplifier networks for amplification and combined using the second coupler network to produce an amplified output signal. 1. A repeater with a trumped amplifier network , comprising:two or more signal paths corresponding to two or more bands;a first coupler network communicatively coupled to the two or more signal paths;a second coupler network communicatively coupled to an antenna port; andtwo or more amplifier networks between the first coupler network and the second coupler network, wherein a signal received via the first coupler network is distributed to the two or more amplifier networks for amplification and combined using the second coupler network to produce an amplified output signal.2. The repeater of claim 1 , wherein the first coupler network includes one or more hybrid couplers and the second coupler network includes one or more hybrid couplers.3. The repeater of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first coupler network and the second coupler network includes directional coupler structures with coupling values other than 3 decibels (dB) and phase shifts other than ±90 degrees or ±180 degrees.4. The repeater of claim 1 , wherein:the first coupler network includes:a first hybrid coupler having a first input port, and a second input port;a second hybrid coupler having a third input port, and a fourth input port;a third hybrid coupler communicatively coupled to the first hybrid coupler and the second ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045775A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a control node may transmit, to a repeater node, full duplex configuration information. The control node may determine, based at least in part on a signal transmitted by the repeater node, a self-interference of the repeater node associated with the signal. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a repeater node , comprising:transmitting and receiving a signal for self-interference measurement; andtransmitting, to a control node, one or more of a copy of the signal or an indication of a parameter of the signal based at least in part on the reception of the signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting and receiving the signal for self-interference measurement comprises:transmitting the signal via a first antenna panel; andreceiving the signal via a second antenna panel.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of:receiving, before transmitting and receiving the signal for self-interference measurement, the signal via a transmitter node;digitizing the signal;storing the signal; orregenerating the signal.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating, before transmitting and receiving the signal for self-interference measurement, the signal.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after receiving the signal for self-interference measurement and before transmitting the copy of the signal claim 1 , one or more of:digitizing the signal;storing the signal; orregenerating the signal.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indication of the parameter of the signal based at least in part on the reception of the signal comprises one or more of:a received signal strength indicator,an indication of a total received power in a baseband,an indication of a received power on resources occupied by the signal,an indication of a reference signal received power of the signal, ora ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028178A1
Автор: OH Yung Keun
Принадлежит: SOLiD, INC.

Provided are a base station signal matching device, and a base station interface unit and a distributed antenna system including the base station signal matching device. The base station signal matching device included in a distributed antenna system receiving a base station signal from at least one base station and transmitting the base station signal to at least one user terminal includes: a signal matching unit receiving a first base station signal from a corresponding base station and matching the first base station signal to be suitable for signal processing of the distributed antenna system; and a signal processing unit receiving the matched first base station signal from the signal matching unit, receiving a matched second base station signal from another base station signal matching device, and combining the matched first base station signal with the matched second base station signal. 1. A base station signal matching device included in a distributed antenna system receiving a base station signal from at least one base station and transmitting the base station signal to at least one user terminal , the base station signal matching device comprising:a signal matching unit receiving a first base station signal from a corresponding base station and matching the first base station signal to be suitable for signal processing of the distributed antenna system; anda signal processing unit receiving the matched first base station signal from the signal matching unit, receiving a matched second base station signal from another base station signal matching device, and combining the matched first base station signal with the matched second base station signal.2. The base station signal matching device of claim 1 , wherein the signal processing unit is configured to transmit the combined signals to another base station signal matching device.3. The base station signal matching device of claim 1 , wherein the signal processing unit is configured to transmit the combined ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046695A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a forwarding node may receive, from a first wireless communication device and during a receipt occasion, an unscheduled communication for forwarding to a second wireless communication device or a control node. The forwarding node may transmit, to the second wireless communication device or the control node and based at least in part on receiving the unscheduled communication during the receipt occasion, an indication of receipt of the unscheduled communication. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a forwarding node , comprising:receiving, from a first wireless communication device and during a receipt occasion, an unscheduled communication for forwarding to a second wireless communication device or a control node; andtransmitting, to the second wireless communication device or the control node and based at least in part on receiving the unscheduled communication during the receipt occasion, an indication of receipt of the unscheduled communication.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting, to the second wireless communication device or the control node, a regeneration of the unscheduled communication, ortransmitting, to the second wireless communication device or the control node, a communication that is based at least in part on the unscheduled communication.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, from one or more additional wireless communication devices and during one or more additional receipt occasions, one or more additional unscheduled communications for forwarding to the second wireless communication device; andtransmitting, to the second wireless communication device or the control node, regenerations of the unscheduled communication and the one or more additional unscheduled communications or one or more communications that are based at least in part on the unscheduled ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036555A1

A radio transceiver and corresponding method include a transmission unit configured to transmit an uplink signal to a base station. A receiving unit is configured to receive a relay signal, which comprises the uplink signal and a downlink signal received from the base station. An extraction unit is configured to extract the downlink signal from the relay signal based on the uplink signal. 1. A radio transceiver , comprising:a transmission unit configured to transmit an uplink signal to a base station;a receiving unit configured to receive a relay signal, which comprises the uplink signal and a downlink signal received from the base station; andan extraction unit configured to extract the downlink signal from the relay signal based on the uplink signal.2. The radio transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the receiving unit is further configured to receive the relay signal from a proximity device through a short range wireless communication network set with respect to the proximity device.3. The radio transceiver of claim 1 , wherein resources to transmit the uplink signal from the transmission unit are same as resources to transmit the downlink signal from the base station.4. The radio transceiver of claim 1 , whereinthe transmission unit transmits the uplink signal to the base station through a first communication scheme using first resources, andthe receiving unit receives the relay signal from a proximity device through a second communication scheme using second resources, wherein the second communication scheme uses a lower transmission power than a transmission power used by the first communication scheme.5. The radio transceiver of claim 1 , further comprising:a sharing unit configured to share information on resources allocated by the base station,wherein the transmission unit transmits the uplink signal using the resources, and the relay signal is based on an overlapped signal of the uplink signal and the downlink signal using the resources.6. The radio transceiver ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036593A1
Автор: Uchino Tooru, Umesh Anil

In order to prevent a mismatch between an HFN used by a PDCP layer on a transmitting side and an HFN used by a PDCP layer on a receiving side, and thereby to avoid a decrease in the throughput due to a failure in deciphering processing on PDCP-PDU in the PDCP layer on the receiving side. In a mobile station UE according to the present invention, a transmission unit is configured to, if an HFN report trigger is detected, send a radio base station eNB the HFN or COUNT value most recently used in the deciphering processing on a PDCP-PDU. 1. A mobile station comprising:a receiver unit configured to receive a PDCP(Packet Data Convergence Protocol)-PDU with a PDCP-SN added as a header at a PDCP layer from a radio base station; anda transmitter unit configured to transmit the PDCP-PDU at the PDCP layer to the radio base station, whereinthe receiver unit is configured to, if the PDCP-SN added as the header to the received PDCP-PDU exists in a receive window, perform deciphering processing on the PDCP-PDU by using a COUNT value composed by an HFN (Hyper Frame Number) and the PDCP-SN, andthe transmitter unit is configured to, if a predetermined trigger is detected, send the radio base station the HFN or the COUNT value most recently used in the deciphering processing on the PDCP-PDU.23.-. (canceled)4. A radio base station comprising:a receiver unit configured to receive a PDCP(Packet Data Convergence Protocol)-PDU with a PDCP-SN added as a header at a PDCP layer from a mobile station; anda transmitter unit configured to transmit the PDCP-PDU at the PDCP layer to the mobile station, whereinthe receiver unit is configured to, if the PDCP-SN added as the header to the received PDCP-PDU exists in a receive window, perform deciphering processing on the PDCP-PDU by using a COUNT value composed by an HFN (Hyper Frame Number) and the PDCP-SN, andthe transmitter unit is configured to, if a predetermined trigger is detected, send the mobile station the HFN or the COUNT value most ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Digital repeater having bandpass filtering, adaptive pre-equalization and suppression of natural oscillation

Номер: US20140119411A1
Автор: Thomas Kummetz

A signal repeating system includes at least one input antenna that receives input signals, at least one output antenna that radiates output signals, and a signal path between the input and output antennas. The signal path includes circuitry for conditioning the input signals with down conversion circuitry that converts input signals to lower frequency signals and analog-to-digital conversion circuitry that converts the input signals to digital signals. A suppression circuit suppresses feedback and interference in the repeated output signals with a digital signal processor configured for receiving samples of the input signals, samples of the output signals, and samples of an interference reference signal and an adaptive filter under the control of the digital signal processor for generating echo cancellation signals and interference cancellation signals.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035309A1

Systems, methods, and devices for communicating data in a wireless communications network are described herein. In some aspects, a relay provides relay services for network communication between a first station and a second station. In one aspect, the relay may receive data packets sent to the second station by the first station, and retransmit the data packets if it determines that the second station has not acknowledged the data packet. In one other aspect, the first station may be configured to transmit a relay-able acknowledgement that includes a sequence number identifying data being acknowledged. The relay may be configured to receive a transmission of a first relay-able acknowledgement by the first station and retransmit a second relay-able acknowledgement if it determines the second station did not receive the first relay-able acknowledgement sent by the first station. In some aspects, the second station is an access point. 1. A method for relaying data in an 802.11 wireless communications network between a first station and a second station using a relay , comprising:receiving, by the relay, a data packet transmitted to the first station by the second station;determining, by the relay, whether an acknowledgement has been transmitted by the first station during a time period following the receiving; andtransmitting, by the relay, the data packet to the first station if no acknowledgement has been transmitted during the time period.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising not transmitting claim 1 , by the relay claim 1 , the data packet to the first station if an acknowledgement is transmitted by the first station.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving claim 1 , by the relay claim 1 , an acknowledgement transmitted by the first station within a point coordination function inter-frame space time period after receiving the data packet.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising not receiving an acknowledgement from the first station by ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035437A1

The present disclosure relates to a mobile communications network, method, base station comprising a controller, relay node and communications terminal. The base station can be arranged to receive measurement information from one or more infrastructure units, comprising one or more relay nodes and one or more mobile communication terminals, and this measurement information can be used by the base station to create a look-up table. The controller can then transmit, based on analysis of the measurement information, an indication of connections between relay node and communications terminals in the network, assigned communications resources to each of the infrastructure units in the network. The relay nodes in the network can then transmit channel sounding signals to be measured by other infrastructure units they have connections with as indicated by the controller, in their assigned communications resource, and with a specified transmission power, which is equal to the largest path loss between the relay node and any other infrastructure unit it is linked to. The infrastructure units which detect the channel sounding signals can then use them to measure and estimate a state of the channel, and as such, determine which frequency resources to use when scheduling transmissions. Time slots may be assigned periodically, aperiodically or in response to an event. Alternatively, channel sounding signals may be sent by more than one relay node simultaneously. The channel sounding signals may cover the entire bandwidth of the network, or may only cover a part of the network. In this latter case, a plurality of channel sounding signals may be transmitted in order to build up a profile of the state of the channel's entire bandwidth. 1. A mobile communications network comprising a base station , one or more relay nodes , and one or more communications terminals , the base station comprisinga transmitter configured to transmit signals with accordance with a wireless access ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053486A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to repeater controlled by a base station. The repeater receives control signaling including control information in association with traffic relayed through the repeater, between a first wireless communication device and a second wireless communication device, the repeater obtains a time division duplex state from the control information, obtains a fronthaul-link transmission control indicator (TCI) state index from the control information, obtains an access-link TCI state index from the control information, obtains a time domain resource allocation from the control information, and configures a relay unit of the repeater to communicate the traffic between the first wireless communication device and the second wireless communication device based the control information comprising at least one of: the time division duplex state, the fronthaul-link TCI state index, the access-link TCI state index, and the time domain resource allocation. The base station sends the control signaling to control the repeater. 1. A method of wireless communication at a wireless repeater device controlled by a base station in a wireless communication network , comprising:receiving, from the base station, control signaling comprising control information, in association with traffic relayed through the repeater device between a first wireless communication device and a second wireless communication device;obtaining a time division duplex state from the control information;obtaining a fronthaul-link transmission control indicator (TCI) state index from the control information;obtaining an access-link TCI state index from the control information;obtaining a time domain resource allocation from the control information; andconfiguring a relay unit of the repeater device to communicate the traffic between the first wireless communication device and the second wireless communication device using at least one of: the time division duplex state, the fronthaul-link TCI ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037398A1

In a communication control method according to one embodiment, a first radio terminal executes, control to establish a predetermined connection through a second radio terminal that is a relay terminal. The predetermined connection is used for transmitting control information related to the first radio terminal between the first radio terminal and a base station. The first radio terminal starts control to establish the predetermined connection, in response to receiving authorization information indicating that establishing the predetermined connection is possible. 1. A communication control method , comprising:executing, by a first radio terminal, control to establish a predetermined connection through a second radio terminal that is a relay terminal,using the predetermined connection to transmit control information related to the first radio terminal between the first radio terminal and a base station; andstarting, by the first radio terminal, control to establish the predetermined connection, in response to receiving authorization information indicating that possible to establishing the predetermined connection is possible.2. The communication control method according to claim 1 , wherein the first radio terminal receives the authorization information from the base station.3. The communication control method according to claim 1 , wherein the first radio terminal receives the authorization information from the second radio terminal.4. The communication control method according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, by the first radio terminal, specification information indicating a first path or a second path as a downlink path,the first path being a path from the base station to the first radio terminal via the second radio terminal, andthe second path being a path from the base station to the first radio terminal not via the second radio terminal; andreceiving, by the first radio terminal, downlink information from the base station through the first path or ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036765A1

An apparatus comprising at least one processor and at least one memory including computer code for one or more programs, the at least one memory and the computer code configured, with the at least one processor, to cause the apparatus at least to support for a determined period at least one hop within a multi-hop self-backhaul communications, wherein the determined period comprises: a first part within which information for controlling dynamic allocation between backhaul and access links within resource slots is passed between the apparatus and at least one further apparatus in the multi-hop self-backhaul communications; and a second part within which a dynamic slot pattern is implemented based on the information for controlling dynamic allocation between backhaul and access links within resource slots is passed between the apparatus and at least one further apparatus in the multi-hop self-backhaul communications. 1. An apparatus comprising at least one processor and at least one memory including computer code for one or more programs , the at least one memory and the computer code configured , with the at least one processor , to cause the apparatus at least to support for a determined period at least one hop within a multi-hop self-backhaul communications , wherein the determined period comprises:a first part within which information for controlling dynamic allocation between backhaul and access links within resource slots is passed between the apparatus and at least one further apparatus in the multi-hop self-backhaul communications; anda second part within which a dynamic slot pattern is implemented based on the information for controlling dynamic allocation between backhaul and access links within resource slots is passed between the apparatus and at least one further apparatus in the multi-hop self-backhaul communications.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the determined period comprises a third part within which feedback associated with the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036769A1

Various arrangements for spectrum sharing among a terrestrial network and a non-terrestrial network are presented herein. A first bandwidth part having a first frequency range for may be assigned use for communication between one or more UE of a plurality of UE and a terrestrial cellular network when a high signal strength is present. A second bandwidth part having a second frequency range may be assigned for use for communication between one or more UE of the plurality of UE and the terrestrial cellular network when a low signal strength is present. A third bandwidth part having a third frequency range can be assigned for use for communication between one or more UE of the plurality of UE and a non-terrestrial network. The third bandwidth part can overlap with the first bandwidth part but not the second bandwidth part. 1. A method for spectrum sharing among a terrestrial cellular network and a non-terrestrial network , the method comprising:assigning, by a network coordination system, a first bandwidth part having a first frequency range, for use for communication between one or more of a plurality of user equipment (UE) and a terrestrial cellular network when a high signal strength is present; the second frequency range of the second bandwidth part overlaps with the first frequency range of the first bandwidth part and uses a same subcarrier spacing;', 'a third bandwidth part having a third frequency range is assigned for use for communication between one or more of the plurality of UE and the non-terrestrial network; and', 'the third bandwidth part overlaps with the first bandwidth part but not the second bandwidth part; and, 'assigning, by the network coordination system, a second bandwidth part, having a second frequency range, for use for communication between one or more of the plurality of UE and the terrestrial cellular network when a low signal strength is present, whereinscheduling communications between the terrestrial cellular network and one or more of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041062A1

An antenna system includes a donor antenna sub-system, a server antenna sub-system, and a processor to optimize the gain of the repeater in the system. The gain in the antenna system is increased by optimizing the isolation between the donor and/or server antenna sub-systems according to a cost function. 1. An antenna system for optimizing gain of a repeater comprising:a donor antenna sub-system that accepts an incoming signal;a server antenna sub-system configured to relay an optimized version of the incoming signal;a processor to determine an optimal configuration for the antenna system for generating the optimized version of the incoming signal, the optimal configuration being based on an optimal value of a cost function of operating the donor antenna sub-system and/or the server antenna sub-system in each of one or more operational configurations, the cost function being based on one or more operational inputs;wherein each of the donor antenna sub-system and the server antenna subsystem provide a radiation pattern that is orthogonal to each other, an orthogonality of the radiation pattern is dynamically changed by the processor according to the configuration, and the radiation pattern is changed by a change in a null position of one or both of the donor antenna sub-system and the server antenna subsystem.211.-. (canceled)12. A method of optimizing gain of an antenna system of a repeater , the method comprising:tuning, by a measuring system, to an operating frequency of a donor antenna sub-system of the antenna system, the donor antenna sub-system being configured to accept an incoming signal;tuning, by the measuring system, to an operating frequency of a server antenna subs-system of the antenna system, the server antenna sub-system being configured to relay an optimized version of the incoming signal;measuring, by the measuring system, one or more operational inputs from the operation of the donor antenna sub-system and/or server antenna sub-system at the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041063A1
Принадлежит: SCA IPLA Holdings Inc

A wireless communications system including a base station, a relay device, and a terminal device. The terminal device is operable to receive from the base station an allocation of uplink resources for transmitting uplink data to the relay device, and to transmit uplink data to the relay device using the uplink resources allocated to the terminal device. The relay device is operable to receive the transmitted uplink data from the terminal device on the allocated resources, to receive an allocation of uplink data resources for relaying the received uplink data to the base station, and to transmit the received uplink data to the base station using the uplink resources allocated to the relay device. 1: A relay device for wirelessly relaying data from a terminal device to a base station , the relay device comprising:a receiver for receiving from the terminal device uplink data transmitted on resources allocated to the terminal device by the base station; anda transmitter for transmitting the received uplink data to the base station using uplink resources allocated to the relay device.2: A relay device according to claim 1 , whereinthe base station is operable to transmit the allocation of uplink resources to the terminal device on a shared channel; andthe relay device is operableto monitor the shared channel and detect an allocation of uplink resources transmitted from the base station to the terminal device on the shared channel; andto prepare to receive the uplink data from the terminal device on the resources allocated for transmitting the uplink data to the relay device based on the detected allocation of resources made on the shared channel.3: A relay device according to claim 2 , wherein the relay device is operable to detect the allocation of uplink resources made to a terminal device using an identifier of the terminal device.4: A relay device according to claim 2 , wherein the relay device is operableto derive an allocation of uplink resources for relaying the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Allocating energy resources in a network signaling node

Номер: US20160044608A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A method of allocating energy resources in a network signalling node during an interval of time the network signalling node having internal processing components for maintaining operation of the node and relaying components for relaying data between other nodes in the network. The method comprises determining an amount of energy available for use by the node during the interval, determining a willingness parameter that defines the willingness of the node to supply energy to the relaying components during the time interval, determining, based on the willingness parameter, a portion of the available energy to allocate to the internal processing components during the time interval; and allocating the remainder of the available energy to the relaying components.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041809A1
Автор: Zhan Hongtao

Provided herein are apparatus and methods for radio frequency (RF) signal boosters. In certain implementations, a multi-band signal booster is provided for boosting the uplink and downlink channels of at least a first frequency band and a second frequency band. In certain configurations, the downlink channels of the first and second channels are adjacent, and the signal booster includes a first amplification path for boosting the uplink channel of the first frequency band, a second amplification path for boosting the uplink channel of the second frequency band, and a third amplification path for boosting both downlink channels of the first and second frequency bands. 1. (canceled)2. A radio frequency (RF) signal booster comprising:a first antenna port;a second antenna port; and 'a shared amplification path configured to provide amplification to at least a portion of a Band XII downlink channel of the first RF input signal and to provide amplification to at least a portion of a Band XIII downlink channel of the first RF input signal, wherein the shared amplification path comprises at least one amplifier configured to simultaneously boost both the at least a portion of the Band XII downlink channel and the at least a portion of the Band XIII downlink channel.', 'circuitry configured to receive a first RF input signal from the first antenna port and to generate a first amplified RF output signal for the second antenna port based on amplifying a plurality of downlink channels of the first RF input signal, wherein the circuitry is further configured to receive a second RF input signal from the second antenna port and to generate a second amplified RF output signal for the first antenna port based on amplifying a plurality of uplink channels of the second RF input signal, wherein the circuitry comprises3. The radio frequency signal booster of claim 2 , wherein the circuitry further comprises a first band-pass filter configured to pass both the at least a portion of the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Antenna Integrated Radio With Wireless Fronthaul

Номер: US20220060213A1

A system is disclosed, comprising: a wireless fronthaul access point coupled to a radio mast and in communication with a remote baseband unit, the wireless fronthaul access point further comprising a first millimeter wave wireless interface; and an antenna-integrated radio for providing access to user equipments (UEs), mounted within line of sight on the radio mast with the wireless fronthaul access point, the antenna-integrated radio further comprising: a second millimeter wave wireless interface configured to receive the digital I and Q signaling information from the remote baseband unit wirelessly via the wireless fronthaul access point, wherein the wireless fronthaul access point thereby wirelessly couples the remote baseband unit and the antenna-integrated radio. 1. A system , comprising: a processor,', 'a processor memory in communication with the processor, and', 'a first wireless fronthaul radio in communication with the processor and providing a fronthaul connection with a fronthaul Access Point (AP), wherein the connection with the fronthaul AP accommodates compression of a raw digital signal; and, 'an antenna radio head, further comprising a baseband processor,', 'a baseband memory in communication with the baseband processor, and', 'a cellular transceiver (TRX) processing chain in communication with the baseband processor,, 'a baseband processing unit in communication with the processor of the antenna radio head via the fronthaul connection, the baseband processing unit further comprisingwherein the antenna radio head is configured to receive digital In-phase (I) and Quadrature (Q) signaling information via the fronthaul connection, output an access radio signal, amplify the access radio signal, filter the access radio signal, and transmit the access radio signal, thereby providing access to user equipments (UEs) via the transmitted radio access signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compression of the raw digital signal comprises lossless I/Q ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060254A1

An information processing device calculates a communication available period for communication between a satellite station and an earth station on the basis of orbit information regarding the satellite station and location information regarding the earth station, and section that performs reservation processing for reserving a communication reservation period for the communication between the satellite station and the earth station, among reservation target periods selected from the communication available period. 1. An information processing device comprising:at least one memory configured to store computer program code;at least one processor configured to access the computer program code and operate as instructed by the computer program code, the computer program code including:period calculation code configured to cause the at least one processor to calculate communication available period for communication between a satellite station and an earth station on a basis of orbit information regarding the satellite station and location information regarding the earth station; andreservation management code configured to cause the at least one processor to perform reservation processing for reserving a communication reservation period for the communication between the satellite station and the earth station, among reservation target periods selected from the communication available period.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the reservation management code is configured to cause the at least one processor to select the reservation target periods from the communication available period by performing selection processing according to a selected plan.3. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a network including a plurality of earth stations conforming to mutually different technical specifications claim 1 , the period calculation code and the reservation management code are configured to cause the at ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044607A1
Автор: Chang Henry, KALHAN Amit

An origination device transmits a “received data signal” to a signal forwarding device. The “received data signal” comprises a first set of data. The origination device also transmits at least one “received control signal” to the signal forwarding device and to a destination device. The at least one “received control signal” comprises a first set of control information and a second set of control information. The first and second sets of control information are both associated with the first set of data. The first set of control information contains instructions pertaining to the signal forwarding device processing the first set of data. The second set of control information contains instructions pertaining to the destination device processing the first set of data. The signal forwarding device transmits a “forwarded signal” to the destination device. The “forwarded signal” contains forwarded data, based on the first set of data. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at a signal forwarding device, at least one received data signal comprising a first set of data;receiving, at the signal forwarding device and at a destination device, at least one received control signal comprising a first set of control information and a second set of control information, the first set of control information associated with the first set of data and comprising instructions pertaining to the signal forwarding device processing the first set of data, the second set of control information associated with the first set of data and comprising instructions pertaining to the destination device processing the first set of data; andtransmitting, from the signal forwarding device, a forwarded signal to the destination device, the forwarded signal comprising forwarded data, based at least partially on the first set of data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one received control signal comprises one received control signal that comprises the first set of control information and the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Relay station, control station, satellite communication system, control circuitry and computer readable medium

Номер: US20210050912A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A terminal according to the present invention includes an array antenna including an aperture, and an antenna pattern calculation unit. The antenna pattern calculation unit calculates antenna patterns of the array antenna that divide the aperture to correspondingly orient each of the aperture divisions toward a plurality of relay stations when control frames are received, and orient the aperture toward one of the plurality of relay stations when a data frame is received.
