15-06-1987 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 67082
Дата заявки: 22-02-1982


The invention concerns an energy absorber for the utilization of environmental heat from the atmosphere, with absorber elements some Rohrleltung and heat conducting with this connected ribs exhibits and with main sewers, which are attached to the ends of the pipings mentioned, whereby the connections between the absorber elements and the main sewers by means of pipe unions, which exhibit a hollow axle for the Durehtritt of a liquid heat distribution medium and sealing rings at the extent, taken place and whereby each absorber element by at least one supporting profile, which attacks at least one of its ribs, in a certain turning situation is definable and the absorber elements are held for one or more rows in the main sewers in next to each other and ribs of neighbouring absorber elements lie in one level or parallel to each other is and form channels between itself. Energy absorbers for the utilization of in the atmosphere of received warmth must exhibit large surfaces, so that usable amounts of heat can be won. It depends therefore on that large surfaces are created, without the costs of a plant become too high. The liquid heat distribution medium medium must be nonfreezing, so that usual water cannot be used. Antifreeze is expensive, why a plant should contain if possible little heat distribution medium medium. With a well-known energy absorber of the kind initially specified (DE-OS 2624646) the swivellingness of the absorber elements is used, in order to be able to use the absorber also as sun protection. For this purpose the Absorbereiemente is connected by a common drive, so that a simultaneous turning of all elements is possible. The elements must be fixed in their longitudinal direction, in order to guarantee the swivellingness. The interference depth of the tap-like ends of the absorber elements into the main sewers is so large that it is not possible to install the elements at the main sewers if their distance is constant. An assembly is conceivable only in the way that after would bring in the absorber elements into a first main sewer the opposite second main sewer to the first main sewer one approximates and the ends of the absorber elements into the second main sewer are at the same time inserted. Admits (CH-PS Nr.604111, Nr.600271) is also energy absorber, which exhibits lamellas out of sheet metal, which on firmly installed pipes is swivelling arranged. This makes in a simple manner an optimal orientation possible of the lamellas regarding its turning situation, however the heat transition between the firmly installed pipes and the lamellas is unsatisfactory, under what also the achievement of the entire absorber suffers. Admits (CH-PS No. 595597, Nr.619768) furthermore is energy absorber, whose absorber elements exhibit trained ribs einstückig with a pipe. With the energy absorber after the CH-PS Nr.595597 a broad tangential wall is set to the pipe, from which many small ribs abragen, which are so curved that from the hollow side of a rib reflected l%Tärme from the convex side of a neighbouring rib is caught. With the energy absorber after the CHIPS Nr.619768 u-shaped curved ribs are tangential arranged at a single pipe or a double tube. The concave sides of the ribs are to reflect incident sunbeams on the pipe. The two block letters are not concerned with the problem of the attachment of the individual absorber elements at an energy absorber. Furthermore it is well-known at the same time to swivel several absorber elements designed as parabolic reflectors with a rack in order to adjust these according to the angle of incidence of the sun (CH-PS Nr.597573). Such constructions are not intended for a unique attitude. An adjustment drive by means of rack is structurally complex and not for energy absorbers, like e.g. so-called energy fences, unprotected set up in the free one, suitably. Finally is also a solar collector admits (DE-AS 2605927), which of a box covered with a windowpane consists, in which a hose within a channel formed out of two together-put sheet metals is mäanderförmig moved. The hose ends are fixed by means of with them connected nipple, which exhibits radially abragende flags, which intervene in developments, which are at the channel ends. The nipples do not serve the purpose to store the hoses swivelling. The invention however is concerned with an energy absorber, with which an operational adjustment of the absorber elements is not intended. The absorber elements are to be able to be oriented in adjustment to the location in such a way that an optimal absorption of warmth takes place. After this attitude the absorber elements are to become secured against twists. The assembly larger and different arranged absorbers with long absorber elements should be comfortably possible. The invention is the basis accordingly the task to train an energy absorber of the kind initially specified in such a way that the absorber elements between firmly installed main sewers or between a firmly installed Sammelkanai and a firmly installed intermediate post with small work expended to be used to be able and that after using and orienting the absorber elements these are clamped surely in the selected turning situation, whereby different arrangements and orientations of the absorber elements should be possible. This task is solved after the invention thereby that the pipe unions are screwed in the main sewers and intervene into the ends of the pipings, which at least exhibit cylindrical inner surfaces in the zone of contact, how the sealing rings at the cylindrical! 5 inner surfaces lie close and the absorber elements between the main sewers or between a main sewer and an intermediate post within a range are adjustable, which is at least the same as the screwing in length of a pipe union, whereby on adjustment of the ribs in one level the ribs have distances from each other. In an execution form of the invention it is intended that the pipe unions one federation exhibit each, which rests against the main sewers and within a range between the sealing ring and the federation behind-cut is e.g. in a truncated cone, whose large surface area lies near the sealing ring, so that the absorber elements are diagonally postponable onto the pipe unions. This Hinterschneidung of the pipe unions makes an assembly possible of the absorber in such a manner that first main sewers, e.g. Pfösten of an energy fence, are installed and that thereafter only the absorber elements are used. Hiebei are completely pushed the absorber elements in more easily inclination first onto a connecting piece, afterwards the absorber element is aligned to the other connection point and the other pipe union, which already is in the absorber element, is screwed in into the main sewer. With the energy absorber according to invention single connecting pieces can occur. In addition, according to invention it can be intended that two connecting pieces are combined into a double union, which exhibits a tubular center piece to its Enderi one federation each are arranged, to which the connecting piece attaches, whereby the center piece at that not when main sewer serving intermediate post is fastened by means of clips preferably. The single connecting pieces serve for the connection to main sewers, while the double unions are used for the connection by together following absorber elements. The energy absorber according to invention can be characterised also by that the falling profiles lie in the range of the main sewers and/or intermediate posts and are connected with this. There the supporting profiles with the Samme! , mounting plates for supporting profiles are connected for channels and/or intermediate posts are particularly avoided. At the supporting profiles special according to invention recesses for the interference of the ribs can be present. It st however also possible to fall the ribs at straight edges i.e. if at least two ribs rest in such a manner against the straight edge that the turn is prevented in both directions. The supporting profiles can in a further execution form of the invention of sections exhibit, which extend parallel to the absorber elements and which ranges cover, in which the Abserberelemente to the main sewers are attached. The supporting profiles fulfill then two functions. A particularly universally usable absorber element is characterized according to invention by that the absorber elements exhibit two, preferably, broad ribs (view ribs), provided lying in one level, with Randwulsten, which about tangential to the piping run and that at the surface of the piping understanding over the view ribs Zwischenrippen are of smaller width radially, preferably radial, arranged. The view ribs lying in one level can serve e.g. as faces a Fassadenverkleidung. In another execution form of the energy absorber according to invention it is intended that those removes width of the Zwischenrippen with increasing distance from the view ribs. These rib lengths have the advantage that despite the asymmetrical arrangement of the ribs the warmth of the piping is supplied distributed over approximately their entire extent evenly. In the designs remark examples are represented. Fig.1 a final opinion shows to an absorber element in a something made smaller yardstick, Fig.2 a partial section by an absorber right-angled for the longitudinal direction of the absorber elements, whereby the absorber elements have an arrangement suitable for a Fassadenverkleidung, Fig.3 one the Fig.2 appropriate cross section during a closer arrangement of the absorber elements, Fig.4 I0 the Fig.2 and 3 appropriate cross section during a still closer arrangement of the absorber elements, Fig.5 a partial cross section by an absorber in the exchange area of an absorber element at a main sewer, Fig.6 an appropriate cut with bilateral connection of absorber elements to a main sewer, Fig.7 a partial section in the range of the attachment of absorber elements at an intermediate post, Fig.8 a perspective schematic Darstell5 lung the liquid guidance in an absorber, Fig.9 a perspective representation of an absorber located on a roof area, Fig.10 a perspective representation of an absorber and a Fig.11 a perspective representation of an absorber trained trained as energy fence as energy wall. In Fig.1 the represented, altogether also --i-- marked absorber element is an extruded section from aluminum, which has a same cross section naturally over its entire length, so that the final opinion represents a cross section at the same time after Fig.1 also. The element has a piping --2-- of circular cross section. The inner wall --2a-- the piping is smooth and cylindrical. The absorber element is symmetrical to the level symbolized by the dash-dotted line 3. On both sides the symmetry plane 3 view ribs extend --4 and 5--. These view ribs set about tangential at the piping --2-- on and lie in one level. At the trailing edges of the view ribs are edge rings --6--. Between the view ribs --4 and 5-- are altogether five Zwischenrippen --7 to 11-- arranged. These ribs extend radially to the axle of the piping --2-- . The width l of the Zwischenrippen decreases to the symmetry plane, so that the rib lying in the symmetry plane --9-- is shortest. Also the Zwischenrippen --7 and ii-- are shorter than the view ribs --4 and 5--. A meant level (in Fig.1 symbolizes 12 by the dash-dotted line), those to the trailing edges of the Zwischenrippen --8,9 and 10-- is put on, is natural to the view ribs --4,5-- parallel. The middle Zwischenrippe --9-- if straight reaches up to this level, could be also somewhat shorter however than this level. As was already mentioned, Fig.1 is a something reduced representation. A suitable dimension for the width B is e.g. 200 mm. The wall thickness SR of the ribs can be e.g. 2 mm. The wall thickness of the piping --2-- is preferably a little larger. The endlessly driven out extruded section is cut to suitable effective lengths, which can be relatively large, e.g. to lengths from 3000 to 4000 mm. The individual absorber elements are joined to absorbers. Fig.2 shows a partial section by an absorber, as it in Fig.9 is represented, Fig.8 a cross section by an absorber, as it in Fig.10 is represented and Fig.4 a cross section by an absorber, as he is shown in Fig.ll. First is to be regarded after the absorber the Fig.2 and 9. Altogether also --13-- characteristic absorbers has two main sewers --14 and 15--, those right-angled for the longitudinal direction of the absorber elements --1-- run. The absorber elements are arranged in such a turning situation and at such places that the view ribs --4,5-- neighbouring absorber elements in one level lie. Between the longitudinal folds, thus the edge rings --6--, of neighbouring absorber elements --I-- are distances --16--, which can have a width of e.g. 30 mm. This makes a ventilation possible of the area --17--, which is underneath the view ribs. The turning situation of the absorber elements --1-- it becomes secured by the fact that the ends of the Zwischenrippen --8,9,10-- at an edge --18-- one altogether also --19--designated supporting profile lie close. With each of the two main sewers --14,15-- such a supporting profile is connected. The cross section of the supporting profile is from Fig.5 to recognize (although Fig.5 shows a cut at an absorber, which corresponds the Fig.3 and 10). The cross section of the supporting profile has three sections --20,21 and 22--. The section --20-- is because of the main sewer --15 '-- on. That right-angled in addition running section --21-- covers the range, in that the absorber element to the main sewer --15 '-- and the section is attached --22--, relatively briefly is and parallel to the first section extended, serves themselves as support for the absorber elements, thus for their turning position protection. The connection of the absorber elements to the main sewers --14,15-- again the Fig.5 corresponds. For the connection to the main sewer --15 '-- serves altogether also --23--characteristic pipe union. The connecting piece has a front threaded piece --24--, that into a threaded bore at the main sewer --15-- is screwed in. A flexible poetry --25--, those between a federation --26-- and the main sewer, ensures the tightness is clamped. The connecting piece has a flexible sealing ring within its front range --27-- in form of a round-cord ring. The range --28--, that between the sealing ring and the federation --26-- lies, tapers themselves on the basis of the poetry to the federation. Altogether this range is conically trained. When the assembling of the absorber first the main sewers become --14,15-- installs firmly. Already one of the main sewers is, e.g. the lower main sewer --14--, with pipe unions --23-- equipped. Into an end of the absorber elements --1-- connecting pieces are put in, before placing at the main sewers takes place. The absorber elements are attached now first under more easily skew to the connecting pieces already screwed on. After sufficient far plug-on the absorber elements are aligned to the other connection point. Now the connecting piece put loosely into the absorber element is put into the preparatory threaded bore of the other main sewer. One can imagine to Hiezu that in Fig.6 the main sewer --14 '-- the main sewer --14-- from Fig.9 corresponds. First thus the element becomes on at the channel --14 '-- pipe unions present --23-- attached. After aligning then the threaded piece becomes --24-- on the right of pipe union present --23-- screwed in into the threaded bore of the main sewer. The long main sewers --14,15-- are divided by transverse walls into chambers. This is schematically in Fig.8 represented. Fig.8 shows two main sewers --29 and 30--. In the main sewer --29-- is a partition --31--, those the main sewer in two chambers --29a and 29b-- subdivided. Into the chamber --29a-- a supply connecting piece flows --32-- and into the chamber --29b-- a discharge connecting piece --33--. Into the chamber --29a-- furthermore flow two of the descriptive pipe unions --23-- for the connection of absorber elements. Into the chamber --29b-- flow two further pipe unions --23--. At the upper main sewer --30-- are likewise four pipe unions --23-- arranged, which are however not represented. As the dash-dotted lines show, the heat distribution medium medium flows first out of the chamber --29a-- over two absorber elements parallel into the channel --30-- and from there back into the chamber --29b--. With longer training of the channels the end face of the channel became --30-- a partition its, SE that altogether a mäanderförmiges flow pattern develops. It is reached by this guidance of the heat distribution medium medium that the entire parallel flowed through cross section has a suitable size, e.g. in such a manner that with the given throughput a flow rate of 0,4 m/s develops. This flow rate is particularly favorable for a complete admission of that warmth, which is caught “5 by the ribs. In Fig.7 is an intermediate post --34-- in the cross section shown, which not when main sewer serves, but only to the support of the absorber elements. At this post are altogether also --35-- marked double union arranged. These double unions have a tubular center section --36--, that by means of a clip --37-- at the post --34-- is fastened. At the ends of the double union are pipe unions --25 '--, those the same form have as the screwing connecting pieces already described --23--. On the basis the Fig.6 and 7 again the assembly of the absorber elements can be made clear. The absorber element --1-- becomes first on the pipe unions --25 '-- the double union --35-- attached. Into the other end of the absorber element a screwable pipe union is put, that after aligning the absorber element into the tapped hole --38-- the main sewer --14 '-- one screws in. Fig.6 shows also still another another form of a supporting profile --39--. This supporting profile is with a wall --40-- at collecting kana! --14 '-- fastened and in all other respects is to this wall --40-- symmetrically trained. It forms therefore two here also --22 '-- designated walls, which serve for the support and thus turning position protection of the absorber elements. Fig.3 shows a Absorher with a relatively close arrangement of the absorber elements. The division distance t between the absorber elements --1-- is only little more than half so large in the comparison with the arrangement after Fig.2. The turning situation of the absorber elements --1-- is like that. that the view ribs --4,5-- include an angle A of 40° with a normal one to the general level of the absorber. The turning situation is fixed thereby that of each absorber two ribs --5 and 11-- in recesses --41-- intervene themselves, in the section --22-- the sheet metal --19 '-- find. The cutouts --41-- are arranged in same distances. By the gaps --42-- between neighbouring absorber elements --1-- air can pass through, which is helpful to the heat emission of air to the ribs. The arrangement of the recesses --41-- it is like that their division distance is equal half of the division distance t of the absorber elements. Fig.4 shows a still more compact arrangement of absorber elements --1--. It concerns two arrangements inserted into each other as it were in accordance with Fig.3. So that inserting into each other is possible, however the division distance is t' 1, Smal as large as the division distance t during the arrangement after Fig.3. Neighbouring absorber elements --1-- the two rows are as it were backs because of backs, however with a certain distance from each other, so that channels --43-- remain, air to pass through can. In addition the Zwischenrippen can come intensively with the ambient air into contact, there also here passages --44-- for air are present. Into the Fig.9 to 11 remark different versions for absorbers are shown. Fig.9 shows one on a roof --45-- a house --46-- arranged absorber. The longitudinal directions of the absorber elements run parallel to the Fallinie of the roof area --45--. The absorber elements --1-- have a certain distance from the roof area --45--, in order to make a Luftzirkulation possible. Fig.10 shows one altogether also --4_7-- marked absorber, which is designed as so-called energy fence. The posts --48,49-- the fence, which are arranged at the ends, are at the same time main sewers. The posts present between them --50,51-- correspond to the intermediate post --34-- after Fig.7. The span A of the absorber elements --1-- is relatively large, which owing to the large rigidity of the absorber elements --1-- is possible. For example the span can amount to 4 m. Fig. 11 shows one altogether --52-- marked absorbers in form of an energy wall. This energy wall has a lower main sewer --53-- and an upper main sewer --54--. These main sewers are by posts --55,56 and 57-- against each other supported. The absorber elements --1-- are vertically arranged, preferably in this case according to Fig.4, which represents then a horizontal partial section by the absorber.


The energy absorber is composed of a plurality of elongated absorber elements (1) having the cross-section shown in end view in Figure 1. The absorber elements (1) are mounted by having the ends of their pipes (2) placed on pipe unions. The absorber elements (1) can be rotated about the said unions, in such a way that they can be rotated into an optimum position. Ribs (4 to 11) of different widths (1) are moulded on to the pipe (2). The rib widths (1) decrease towards the plane of symmetry (3). The widest ribs (4, 5) situated in a plane form in general the visible side of an energy absorber. The absorber elements (1) can be joined, for example, to form a fence, a wall or a roof absorber. <IMAGE>

1. Energy absorbers for the utilization of environmental heat from the atmosphere, with absorber elements, the one piping and heat conducting with this connected ribs exhibit and with main sewers, which are attached to the ends of the pipings mentioned, whereby the connections between the absorber elements and the main sewers by means of pipe union, which depresses a hollow axle for a liquid heat distribution medium and sealing rings at the extent exhibit, taken place and whereby each absorber element by at least one supporting profile, which attacks at least one of its ribs, in a certain turning situation is definable and the absorber elements are held for one or more rows in the main sewers in next to each other and ribs of neighbouring absorber elements lie in one level or and between itself channels parallel to each other are it forms, by the fact characterized that the pipe unions (23) are screwed in the main sewers (14,15) and into the ends of the pipings intervene (2), which at least exhibit cylindrical inner surfaces in the zone of contact, whereby the sealing rings (27) rest against the cylindrical inner surfaces and the absorber elements between the main sewers (14,15) or between a main sewer (14,15) and an intermediate post (34) in a range is adjustable, which is at least the same as the screwing in length of a pipe union (23), whereby on adjustment of the ribs (4,5) in one level the ribs have distances (16) from each other.

2. Energy absorber according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the pipe unions one federation exhibit each, which rests against the main sewers and within a range (28) between the sealing ring (27) and the federation (26) behind-cut is, e.g. in a truncated cone, whose large surface area lies close near the sealing ring (27) so that the absorber elements (1) 5 diagonally on the pipe unions (23) postponable is.

3. Energy absorber according to requirement 1 or 2, by characterized that two connecting pieces (25 ') are combined into a double union (35), which exhibits a tubular center piece (36), at its ends one federation each are arranged, to which the connecting piece (25 ') attaches, whereby the center piece (36) at that not when main sewer serving intermediate post (34) is fastened, preferably by means of clips (37).

4. Energy absorber according to the requirements 1 to 3, by characterized that the supporting profiles (19,39) lie in the range of the main sewers (14,15) and/or intermediate post (34) and are connected with this. Energy absorber according to the requirements i to 4, by characterized that at the supporting profiles (19 ', 39) recesses (41) for the interference of the ribs are.

6. Energy absorber according to requirement 5, by characterized that the supporting profiles (19.19 ',

39) Sections (21) exhibit, which itself parallel to the absorber elements (1) extend and which cover ranges, in which the absorber elements (1) to the main sewers (14,15) are attached.

7. Energy absorber according to the requirements 1 to 6, by the fact characterized that the absorber elements (1) two in one level lying, preferably with P, andwulsten (6) provided broad ribs (4,5) (view ribs) exhibit, which about tangential to the piping (2) run and that at over the view ribs (4,5) managing the surface of the piping Zwischenrippen (7,8,9,10,11) of smaller width (L) radially, preferably radial, arranged is.

8. Energy absorber according to requirement 7, by the fact characterized that those width (L) of the Zwischenrippen (7 to 11) with increasing distance of the view ribs (4,5) decreases. (Hiezu 3 81att designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech Vienna