Water-cooled plate mould for continuous casting

12-05-1969 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Mannesmann Ag
Номер заявки: 361367
Дата заявки: 17-04-1967


The invention concerns a continuous casting mold consisting of plates, which is particularly suitable for pouring off high-melting metals and their alloys in broad strand dimensions (slabs). In the enterprise those expands the liquid casting material turned mould wall more than the cold parts of the Stützgerüstes. By the forces arising with it forgave yourself the Kokilhnwand. This forgiven is the stronger, the more largely the mould wall and the higher the temperature of the casting material is. With the molds used so far one tried to meet forgiven thereby that the mould wall, which normally consists of copper was connected by short pins with the Stützgerüst (E.Herrmann “manual of the continuous casting” aluminum publishing house, Duesseldorf S.640, 641.651). The pins are screwed in directly into the copper plate. The tapped holes are however vividly deformed by the strong shear stresses of the pins arising in the enterprise, so that a safe seat of the pins is no longer ensured and the KokiUenwand forgave yourself, which leads to errors in the strand and to increased mold wear. Furthermore is a plate mould admits (USA patent specification Nr.2, 893.080), with which for circulation of cooling water between the mould wall and a support plate a system is loosely inserted by senkrechten and horizontal conducting surfaces. The conducting surfaces get thereby their stop that the mould wall over pins is fastened to the support plate. Also during this device the disadvantage remains existing that the pins must be screwed in into the mould wall. The danger of twisting the mould wall does not let itself avoid from there. Instead of the cooling water channels, as they are usual with the descriptive molds, conducting surfaces are well-known, which surround the mould wall spiralenförmig (österr. Patent specification Nr.201250). The conducting surfaces are firmly connected with the mould wall and the Kokilhnmantel. This arrangement serves the mold for the guidance of the cooling agent and is meant only for tube molds, which are fastened only to a flange, usually to the upper end, and lead with those contrary to plate moulds the developing forces because of the self-supporting characteristic of the tube mold to no resulderenden demand of the Stützgerüstes. The invention is the basis in contrast to this the task, forgave the KokiUe to prevent. That happens through according to invention to the exteriors of the mold plates in distances welded stretch-rigid Längsrippen, which are connected by starkwandige distance pieces among themselves fixed. In addition, it can be made of a piece a Längsrippe with one Zwischenstiick each. By fixing bolts, which are inserted into the distance pieces, the mould wall can be connected with the Stützgerüst. The advantage of the mold according to invention is in that the extension forces developing in the mould wall are taken up no longer punctiformly by the pins, but flächenförmig by the ribs and passed on from there only to the Stützgerüst. Ribs and distance pieces work in this case as basic construction and serve beside it for the circulation of cooling water. Into the Fig.1 to 3 a remark example of the erfindnngsgemäßen mold construction is represented. Fig.1 shows the mold partly than cut in the side view. Fig.2 shows an arc-shaped KokiUe in the same opinion. Fig.3 represents a Dranfsicht after the cut A-A to the Fig.1. To the Kokällenwand --1-- are the ribs --2-- welded, those by the distance pieces --3-- are connected. The fixing bolts --4--, which are attached at the upper and lower KokiUenende, the KokiUenwand holds --1-- at the Stützgerüst --7-- firmly. Between the fixing bolts --4-- can still additional retaining screws --5-- arranged its, the one bulge of the Koldllenwand --1-- prevent. For the K'ühlwasserdurchfluß is between the mould wall --1-- and the distance pieces --3-- a gap --6-- planned. The arrows in Fig.1 and 2 indicate the direction of the cooling water river.


1,147,092. Continuous casting moulds. MANNESMANN A.G. 9 May, 1967 [10 May, 1966], No. 21495/67. Heading B3F. A water cooled continuous casting mould comprises a cavity forming portion constituted by side and end plates 1 and an external supporting frame, stiffening ribs 2 welded to the external surface of the plates so as to be located between the plates and the supporting frame, supporting elements 3 located between the ribs and welded thereto and which are secured at their ends to the supporting frame by screws 4. The supporting elements 3 are spaced from the plate members 1 to form cavities 6 for the passage of coolant. A screw 5 may be positioned intermediate the ends of the supporting elements to promote further rigidity of the mould structure. The interior casting surface of the mould may be straight or curved.

1. Water-cooled of plates consisting Stranggußkokflle for pouring off high-melting metals and their alloys, characterized through to the exteriors of the Kokällenplatten (1) in distances welded stretch-rigid Längsrippen (2), which by starkwandige distance pieces (among themselves 3) are fixed connected.

2. Continuous casting mold according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the distance pieces (3) over fixing bolts (4) with a basic Stützgerüst (7) is connected.

3. Continuous casting mold according to the requirements 1 and 2, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the extension forces taking up Befestigungsschranben (4) within the range of the ends of the distance pieces (3) is arranged.

4. Continuous casting mold according to the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that between the fixing bolts (4) additional retaining screws (5) is arranged. (Hiezn 1 sheet designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna