25-02-1977 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Concast Ag
Номер заявки: 358275
Дата заявки: 12-05-1975


lo the invention concerns one £ür in the cross section essentially rectangular stealing ranks determined oszil! ierbare open-ended mold with a mould cavity, consisting of a top me indirect cooling and a second, circle-arc-shaped curved in Stranglanfrichtung, lower part with streifenförmigen supporting surfaces and dazwischerdiegenden cooling water channels, which are attached to Wasserzuleitungen. With the continuous casting of steel, in particular with high casting speeds, obtaining of an even, as thick is a strand crust as possible of great importance with the withdrawal of the strand from the Koldlle. By shrinking the Strangk_ruste within the mold the strand stands out aUmähHch against the KokiUenwand, which depending upon Strangqnerschnitt and taper ratio of the form cavity in over the extent seen - irregular request of the strand at the mould wall to the consequence has. By this irregular request, particularly in the lower part of the mold, the strand crust is formed unevenly, so that it is differently thick at the KokiUenausgang and the well-known disadvantages, like Spießkantigkeit, resulting from it, etc. exhibits tears, which can fiähren to break-throughs. For the production of strands the extent of see-even K_rustendicke at the Koldllenausgang therefore short molds with following spray cooling would along be favourable. The crust thickness is however with the withdrawal of the strand from such molds still small and therefore very break-through susceptible, so that already smallest defective equipment in the strand crust can cause break-throughs, why regarding break-throughs long KokiUen would be to be preferred. Long molds result in however in the lower part a very small and over the extent gesehenunrgalmäßige cooling efficiency. They are suitable from there for the production of evenly thick strand crusts and thus f'ür fast and break-through-safe pouring, particularly with Knüppelund cog cross sections. With a well-known reciprocatable mold of the introductory indicated kind the first and top consists of cooled walls, which cool therein the screen end strand crust indirectly, against what the directly following second and lower part with streifenförmigen supporting surfaces and intermediate Küh [hydrodynamic tanks is provided, which straight and diagonally to the curved axle mold high] area run and to Wasserzuleitungen for direct cooling of the strand are attached. This well-known mold has however the Nachtei! that in the cooling water channels the screen end steam can rise itself into the contraction gap between the KokilIenwand and the strand in the indirectly cooled first mold part up to the Badspiegei and cause explosions. Additionally to this disadvantage this mold exhibits however still another further lack. With beßnnenden break-throughs, which lock in the cooling water channels by solidifying again, managing more bartoder tränenartlge unevenness develop at the strand surface. With a larger, break-through beginning a welfare place on short distance, developed in such a way, can fill out even the entire cavity of the cooling water channel. By the relative motion between the reciprocating KokiUe and the moving strand however on the welfare place by the straight lateral delimitation surfaces of the cooling water channel concerned cutting moments are expenditure-practiced, which can break the light places again. Thus on the one hand the break-through-preventing effect of the Kühleinrlchtung is substantially reduced, and on the other hand the ExpIosionsgefahr arising by penetration of water into the broken Straugkruste wescndlch increases. The invention is the basis now the task to create a Koldlle of the introductory indicated kind which does not exhibit the described disadvantages any longer. The mold sol! in the lower part over a high and eñnstellbare cooling performance order, in order to produce stealing ranks with high casting speed with decreased break-through risk and good strand geometry. In particular however a Wiederanffeißen by break-throughs healed within the mold and the danger of explosion due to it are to be eliminated due to penetration of water and/or steam into the strand. This task is solved according to invention thereby that between the top and the lower part of the mold a gap normally open to the Stranglanfrichmng is intended and that in the lower part the cooling water channels in the two follow the even strand sides assigned mould walls in strand direction of travel the K_reisbogen of the mould cavity. The erfändungsgemäße mold makes it possible to cool the strand in the lower KoklUenteil intensively and necessary conditions adaptable without explosions through into the gap between the mold nnd the strand penetrating, into the range of the Badspiege] s ascending steam to develop can. Contrary to Kokällen also in accordance with the state of the art straight and diagonally to the curved strand longitudinal axis can be taken off to landing cooling water channels in the Kühlwasserkanä according to invention] EN healed the break-throughs without demand through on the strand crust working shearing stresses, whereby the break-through rate with high casting speeds substantially reduced and the danger of explosion is switched off by a penetration of water in damaged strand crusts. The direct Kühlnng in the nnteren part of the mold results in also in the case of high casting speeds a sufficiently thick and even crust, so that in particular Knüppelund are producible cog formats with good strand geometry. For the improvement of the cooling efficiency of the two the curved strand sides assigned Koldllenwände, in addition, for the increase of the uniformity of the direct cooling within the KokiUe between that the curved and the even strand sides assigned mould walls is it after an additional characteristic RST of the invention of advantage, if the depth of the cooling water channels is constant in the two the curved strand sides assigned mould walls. A break-through healed in a cooling water channel forms a managing beard-like unevenness, which are blocked when shrinking the strand crust to the width of the cooling water channel limiting surface and/or a Schermoment suffer can at the strand surface. In order to switch this disadvantage off, it is of advantage, if those increases width of the cooling water channels in strand direction of travel. Additional advantages regarding the replacement of such unevenness of the mould wall are attainable, even if the depth of the cooling water channels in the mould walls in strand direction of travel increases. In order to permit large tolerances for the production and Adjustiemng of such mould walls provided with cooling water channels, the mould wall can exhibit a middle concave range and two with each cooling water channel in the cross section seen to this following convex ranges after a further characteristic of the invention. In order to prevent that scales and/or flux powder cinder add to the generally open mould cavity, it can be limited with advantage the gap on that the mold to course closer side through away from the strand sloping bent surfaces. The edges, which are formed for the strand by this bent Fältchen and by that course-turned sides, can serve as stripping edges. Furthermore it is possible, the bent surfaces by water, compressed air od.dgl, to keep clean. An effective and even cooling with a small water pressure is attainable after favourable training, if the Wasserzuleitungen on the strand-intake-lateral face of the cooling water channels are arranged. Further details and advantages of the invention are to be inferred from the following description of a remark example on the basis the designs. To these point: Fig.1 a vertical cut by a mold and a Fig.2 according to invention a cut after the line IM1 in Fig.1. In Fig.1 is also ---I--- a mold also in strand direction of travel circle-arc-shaped gckrümmtem Koldllenhohlraum for example square clubs or cogs marks. By a schematically represented Oszillationsantrleb --2-- becomes the mold --1-- in oscillations shifts. The mold --1-- is multipart and essentially consists of a top --3-- and a lower part --6--. The top --3-- indirectly one cools for the mold and consists of the Koki! lenhohlraum limiting wassergeldihlten copper walls --9--. The mould cavity tapers itself according to shrinking downward. With --4-- is normal for strand direction of travel --13-- open gap marks. Spray nozzles --10-- can in this gap the strand spray. Thus the strand before the entering the lower part can --6-- the KokiUe the needs to be cooled accordingly intensively. The lower part --6-- the Koki! le additionally still is in the example shown on the Einlau£seite with a supporting element cooling supporting the strand indirectly and --11-- provided. This transverse to the Stranglanfrichtung --13-- around the mould cavity running Stiitzelement --11-- is with a stripping edge --12-- provided. The gap --4-- strand outward through away from the strand sloping bent surfaces are --15-- limited. To the top --3-- the mold following, normally for strand direction of travel --13-- open gap --4-- is in strand direction of travel preferably 3 to 20 mm long. This length is selected usually in such a way that the turn-around time of the strand amounts to less by this open gap than i second. With club formats of for example 120X120 mm the turn-around time amounts to with a length of the intermediate area with a casting speed of 4m/min --4-- of 12mm 0,18sec. In such short time periods break-throughs possibly beginning have too little time, to an incurable break-through ztt to develop. The lower part --6-- the Koldlle essentially consists of streifenförmig arranged supporting surfaces --17-- and intermediate, a haIbkreisförmigen cross section exhibiting cooling water channels --18--. These cooling water channels --i8-- are with Wasserzuleitungen --19-- provided. The delimitations the width ---40--- the cooling water channels --18-- in the two the even strand sides assigned mould walls --45-- are in Stranglau£richtung --13-- the circular arc of the form cavity accordingly curved. The depth --41-- the cooling water channels --18-- in the two the curved strand sides assigned mould walls --44-- is constant. The width --40-- the cooling water channels --18-- can in Stranglaufrlchtung --13-- increase. In the example shown also the depth takes --41 - - of the cooling water channels --18-- in Stranglanfrichtung --13-- for instance in the relationship 1: 100 too. The width --40-- the cooling water channels --18-- and the width of the supporting surfaces --17-- can be selected depending upon strand format between 5 to 50 mm. With a club format 100 X 100 mm have themselves mm broad cooling water channels --18-- and 10 mm broad supporting surfaces --17-- well proves. As variant to the semicircular border line of the cross section of the cooling water channels in the upper half of the Fig.2 the mould walls point in the lower half --44, 45-- with each cooling water channel --18-- in the Querschnltt seen a middle concave range and two to this following convex ranges up, i.e. the border line of the cross section consists of a circular arc with the radius --48-- and two against-intimately curved roundings --49--. The cooling performance of the lower part --6-- the mold is on the one hand by the adjustable quantity of water and on the other hand by the depth --41-- the cooling water channels --18-- influenceable, whereby with removing depth --41-- with same quantity of water the cooling performance becomes larger. Usually the channels become --18-- with a depth up to approximately 4 mm manufactured. The inlets --i9--- for the cooling water it is at the front side in such a way attached with advantage S that the cooling water along the strand in its Lanfrichtung --13-- flows. In addition, it is possible, the water transverse to the Stranglanfrichtung --13-- to introduce into the channels. The channels --18-- can itself also continuous over the entire length of the lower part --6-- extend. The water can with a strand break-through within the nnteren part --6-- and with a partial catch of such channels escape also above. The lower part ---6--- the mold is by a support frame --43-- with the top --3-- connected. By means of a not represented Einstellvorriehtung, for example by means of SteUschrauben, the lower part can --6-- the mold in relation to the top --3-- are adjusted. Around the strand in the lower part --6-- better to lead and the abrasion in this part by the strand to decrease, a not drawn roller ring can be attached to their discharge with advantage. In the lower part --6---, its length 30 to 60% of the upper part --3-- the mold amounted to can become, about 50 to 70% of the surface of the still thin strand crust supported. The strand surface is cooled intensively by the moving by water. By the high velocity of flow of the cooling water in on one side open KüKühlkanälen an increase of pressure is practically completely prevented within the channels, and with a allf'ällig damaged strand crust a penetration of steam and water into the strand is thus avoided. The Gesamdänge of the descriptive multipart Kokälle amounts to for example i'ür a K_.nüppelquerschnitt 120 X 120 mm and with a casting speed of 4 m/min about 950 mm. The descriptive Kokiile can find also with slab formats application. PATENTANSPKÜCHIq. : 1. Consisting for in the cross section essentially rectangular stealing ranks determined reciprocatable open-ended mold with curved a mould cavity, of a top with indirect cooling and a second, an circle-arc-shaped in strand direction of travel, lower part with streifenförmigen supporting surfaces and intermediate K ühlwasserkanälen, those attached to Wasserzuleitungen sirtd, D A D u r C h g e k e n n - z e i C h n e t that between the top (3) and the lower part (of 6) normally open a gap to the Stranglauffichtung (4) is intended and that in the lower part (6) the cooling water channels (18) in the two the even strand sides assigned mould walls (45) in strand direction of travel (13) that Circular arcs of the mould cavity follow. 2. Mold according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the depth of the cooling water channels (18) in the two the curved strand sides assigned Koki! lenwänden (44) is constant. 3. Mold according to requirement 1 or 2, by characterized that those increases width of the cooling water channels (18) in strand direction of travel (13). 4. Kol¢Äle according to requirement 1 or 3, by characterized that the depth of the cooling water channels (18) in the mould walls (44, 45) in strand direction of travel (13) increases. Mold after one of the requirements i to 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mould wall (44 and/or 45) exhibits a middle concave range and two with each Kühlwasserkahal (18) in the cross section seen to this following convex ranges. 6. Mold after one of the requirements 1 to 5, by the fact characterized that the gap (4) on that the mold exit closer side is through away from the strand sloping bent surfaces (15) limited. 7. Mold after one of the requirements 1 to 6, by characterized that the Wasserzuleirungen (19) strangeinlaufseitigert on Stimseite of the cooling water channels (18) is arranged. 8. Mold after one of the requirements i to 7, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that between the top (3) and the lower part (of 6) spray nozzles (10) is arranged, which to the gap (4) is arranged. 9. KoklUe after one of the requirements 1 to 8, by the fact characterized that the length of the intermediate area (4) in strand direction of travel (13) between 3 to 20 mm amounts to. (Hiezu 1 sheet designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna


An oscillatory or reciprocating continuous casting mold having a hollow mold cavity which is curved or arc-shaped in the direction of travel of the strand for cooling an essentially rectangular steel strand which is forming, the mold comprising a first cooling device for the indirect cooling of the strand and a second cooling device equipped with strip-shaped support surfaces and intermediately located cooling water channels, these cooling water channels being provided with water infeed means. Between the first cooling device and the second cooling device there is arranged an intermediate space which is open at all sides. In the second cooling device the course of the cooling water channels in both of the mold walls associated with the straight or planar sides of the strand in the direction of travel of the strand follows the arc of the hollow mold cavity.

The cooling performance of the lower part --6-- the mold is on the one hand by the adjustable quantity of water and on the other hand by the depth --41-- the cooling water channels --18-- influenceable, whereby with removing depth --41-- with same quantity of water the cooling performance becomes larger. Usually the channels become --18-- with a depth up to approximately 4 mm manufactured. The inlets --i9--- for the cooling water it is at the front side in such a way attached with advantage S that the cooling water along the strand in its Lanfrichtung --13-- flows. In addition, it is possible, the water transverse to the Stranglanfrichtung --13-- to introduce into the channels. The channels --18-- can itself also continuous over the entire length of the lower part --6-- extend. The water can with a strand break-through within the nnteren part --6-- and with a partial catch of such channels escape also above. The lower part ---6--- the mold is by a support frame --43-- with the top --3-- connected. By means of a not represented Einstellvorriehtung, for example by means of SteUschrauben, the lower part can --6-- the mold in relation to the top --3-- are adjusted. Around the strand in the lower part --6-- better to lead and the abrasion in this part by the strand to decrease, a not drawn roller ring can be attached to their discharge with advantage. In the lower part --6---, its length 30 to 60% of the upper part --3-- the mold amounted to can become, about 50 to 70% of the surface of the still thin strand crust supported. The strand surface is cooled intensively by the moving by water. By the high velocity of flow of the cooling water in on one side open KüKühlkanälen an increase of pressure is practically completely prevented within the channels, and with a allf'ällig damaged strand crust a penetration of steam and water into the strand is thus avoided. The Gesamdänge of the descriptive multipart Kokälle amounts to for example i'ür a K_.nüppelquerschnitt 120 X 120 mm and with a casting speed of 4 m/min about 950 mm. The descriptive Kokiile can find also with slab formats application. PATENTANSPKÜCHIq. :

1. Consisting for in the cross section essentially rectangular stealing ranks determined reciprocatable open-ended mold with curved a mould cavity, of a top with indirect cooling and a second, an circle-arc-shaped in strand direction of travel, lower part with streifenförmigen supporting surfaces and intermediate K ühlwasserkanälen, those attached to Wasserzuleitungen sirtd, D A D u r C h g e k e n n - z e i C h n e t that between the top (3) and the lower part (of 6) normally open a gap to the Stranglauffichtung (4) is intended and that in the lower part (6) the cooling water channels (18) in the two the even strand sides assigned mould walls (45) in strand direction of travel (13) that Circular arcs of the mould cavity follow.

2. Mold according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the depth of the cooling water channels (18) in the two the curved strand sides assigned Koki! lenwänden (44) is constant.

3. Mold according to requirement 1 or 2, by characterized that those increases width of the cooling water channels (18) in strand direction of travel (13).

4. Kol¢Äle according to requirement 1 or 3, by characterized that the depth of the cooling water channels (18) in the mould walls (44, 45) in strand direction of travel (13) increases. Mold after one of the requirements i to 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mould wall (44 and/or 45) exhibits a middle concave range and two with each Kühlwasserkahal (18) in the cross section seen to this following convex ranges.

6. Mold after one of the requirements 1 to 5, by the fact characterized that the gap (4) on that the mold exit closer side is through away from the strand sloping bent surfaces (15) limited.

7. Mold after one of the requirements 1 to 6, by characterized that the Wasserzuleirungen (19) strangeinlaufseitigert on Stimseite of the cooling water channels (18) is arranged.

8. Mold after one of the requirements i to 7, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that between the top (3) and the lower part (of 6) spray nozzles (10) is arranged, which to the gap (4) is arranged.

9. KoklUe after one of the requirements 1 to 8, by the fact characterized that the length of the intermediate area (4) in strand direction of travel (13) between 3 to 20 mm amounts to.