The invention concerns a plant for the improvement of the storage of biochemical energy in plants by the use of the solar power or other electromagnetic energy in plants, whereby photosynthesis takes place by sunlight or artificial light or their combination in three-dimensional Raumgitterlmlmren with Pflanzenund Lichtgittern.
Game-increasing plants deny an extremely economic life system. They are with their environment in an ecological equilibrium. Humans amended the genetic information of a plant for thousands of years by breeding and agricultural engineering to favour of his living costs so far that the developed cultivated plant run in far higher extent biochemical energy in the form of food supplies. However for the always rising number of people the traditional agricultural methods are not sufficient, in order to procure the necessary food for the future. Also the load of the infrastructure by the Eutrophie, environmental pollution, storage, transportation as well as packing, preservation, etc. constantly increases.
Already for a long time plant cultures under the protection are accomplished by glasshouses. These cultural methods take place in horizontal level. Mau works at it mostly with earth substrates.
With the help of phytotechno] ogischer procedures it became possible to produce independently of the location and the respective Jehreszeiten any quantity of biochemical energy in Stofform by plants in the form of Primärund secondary products. Hiebei is ecologically manipulated the genetic information for the reaching of a certain production goal during its Waehstumsverlaufes within the genetic spread. Lately also hydroponische cultural procedures are used, whereby only few environmental factors are controlled, which mostly to water, nutrients, warmth and ventilation to be limited. The additional assigned lighting mechanisms make primarily a photo-periodic controlling of the growth process for the plant possible, so that e.g. to certain times ornamental plants are brought to flowering (chrysanthemum culture), while the photosynthesis reaction is reached only in most modest extent. This is particularly because of the borders 2s of the lighting possibilities, like lamp distances and economy, etc.
By introduction three-dimensional Lichtund of plant lattice to the continuous crop farming it became possible to operate also a photosynthesis effectively and economically whereby by changes of the two lattices an influence of growth was reached. After modern realizations the growth of a plant depends however on a multiplicity on environmental factors, yields according to Mitcherlich law in a minimum to be present must, in order to be able to improve the use of the plant.
Task of the invention is to be created it a plant, with more softly plant growth the affecting factors be steered in such a way and/or changed that the photosynthesis process is supplied to an optimal value. This is reached according to invention by the fact that the well-known plant lattices and Lichtgitter with at least one measuring lattice and a Umwelffaktorengitter into a multi-lattice system are combined, whereby the measuring lattice with mechanisms for the influence of the environmental factors within the range of the plant is equipped, whereby the formation from photosynthesis products to the energy storage, however the energy-reducing breathing processes are supplied to a IVlaximalwert are reduced to a n mum.
After a further characteristic of the invention the plant preferably works on photosynthesis, whereby in the cultural area the carbonic acid content is increased and that is degraded oxygen content, and if necessary that is increased oxygen content in the branch area during the dark period, however the temperature is degraded.
Further it is according to invention possible that by the regularization of the Lichtgitters and the temperature of the Ku] turraumes both the dark respiration, and the light respiration is to a very large extent limited.
According to invention the Atnnungsprozesse is not to take place only as far as the plant for the maintenance of its own life system to be needed, under any circumstances however the production achievement of the Bidung at primary products, carbohydrates, Polysaccaride etc. and/or secondary products as vitamins, thus alkaloids, Steroide etc. be preferably decreased. Also so much energy is to be supplied to the actual life system of the plant according to invention that it is capable to furnish by additional Energieund food intake an optimum at production achievement. The heat energy freed by incident light radiation is to become been useful a rise in temperature Nr.350832 only according to invention to that extent, when it corresponds to an optimal photosynthesis, whereby with further rise of the temperature the warmth is delivered by means of an air conditioning system from the system. If the costs than the costs, higher in hot/7 mazonen necessary Kühleinrichtunffen of the cultural area, should cause to the artificial Gitterbeleuehtung, then the plant lattice is switched off in relation to in accordance with the incident light radiation erfindungss totally or partly shielded, or sealed heat insulating.
The three-dimensional plant production in the multi-lattice system can take place also after a further remark example of the invention underground, whereby the sunlight is brought preferentially by means of light conductor systems or over inserted translucent openings and/or adjustable strip windows (Lichtbäuder) into the cultural area.
0 after a further characteristic of the invention during photosynthesis that is kept as low as possible to oxygen content in the cultural area, according to which the sauerstoffangereieherte air of the cultural area is preferably used for the carbonic acid production by burn by fuel EN such as Pflanzenresten or waste materials and/or by hydrocarbons such as methane, propane, butane etc., whereby Kohlensäureund water vapour mixture developing thereby is led back again into the cultural area for the increase of the photosynthesis achievement.
The cultural area during the dark period normal outside air in preferably cooled condition is led according to invention. Preferably by means of a cooling system the cultural space atmosphere is cooled down, whereby the biochemical reaction rate of the respiration of the plant is substantially lowered.
The invention is more near described in the following on the basis the Fig.1 to 9. The Fig shows. 1 a perspektivisehe representation of a Nlultigittersystems, the Fig.2 a sehematische enlargement of the representation after Fig.1, the Fig.3 a schematic frontal view of the Fig.2, the Fig.4 a yield time diagram, the Fig.5 a COz Aufnahmebzw. Delivery diagram, the Fig.6 the Gasweehsel Beleuchtungsdiagramm of plants, the Fig.7 photosynthesis and respiration during Tagund night periods, the Fig.8 the process of the point of light compensation of different plants over a longer period and the Fig.9 the Schattenbfldung in a three-dimensional cultural area than function of the time.
The Fig. 1 shows a remark example of the invention as multi-lattice system --7-- in perspective representation with a Pflauzengitter --1--, a Lichtgitter --2--, a measuring lattice --3--, a building lattice --4-- and an environmental factor lattice --5--, The plant lattice --1-- is mobile and under the growth of the plant variable. Its grating spaces can be shifted in the area by spacer change between individual plants. The Lichtgitter --2-- stably plant orbits, it lie are constantly, however in his density of light by adjustable circuits arbitrarily variable between that. The cultural areas can be illuminated IE as required more strongly or less strongly. This is particularly necessary if a respiration of the Primäroder 3s of secondary products of the plant is to be prevented. The density of light can be adapted to the point of compensation, which is described later, to a very large extent.
The measuring lattice --3-- by means of fixed or mobile arranged measuring instruments the entire cultural area regarding density of light, COz and Oz and H2 0-Gehalt etc. is stable and had constant lattice spacings and examined, whereby the gas reactions of photosynthesis and/or the breathing process are controlled at the same time.
The building lattice --4-- see manifested in the mobile orbits and the stably constant construction parts. Also the external casing --6-- is a part of the building lattice --4--.
The environmental factor lattice --5-- maraumes serves and in the special for the influence of the range of the plant regarding 4s temperature, dampness etc., and has mechanisms with Auslaß6ffnungen or nozzles for the delivery of water, nutritive solutions, hydraulic brines, aerosols, oxygen, carbonic acid etc. for the influence the atmospheric condition of the Kl, whereby the activation of these mechanisms takes place preferentially via electrical control and/or regulation.
The Fig.2 and 3 show an increased cutout of the multi-lattice system --7-- after Fig.1 in perspective and/or in front-regards. Thus a veränderliehes, circulating plant lattice works --1--, so constantly and variably sturdy Lichtgitter --2--, a constantly sturdy measuring lattice --3--, a constantly sturdy and/or partly moved building lattice --4--, as well as a constantly sturdy environmental factor lattice --5-- so together that the growth process of the plants in the space grid can be regulated with priority by the environmental factors light, warmth, carbonic acid, Sauerstoffund steam content.
Nr.350832 the combination of the plant lattice --1-- with the Lichtgitter --2-- and the remaining lattices furnishes a set of Vortellen:
1. Large use of the spacer law (quantitative light use, r umllche addition of the densities of light). The Lächtgitter --2-- made possible in the context of the spacer laws a considerable increase of the density of light. The number of lamps can be reduced to a large extent. Like that it is e.g. possible, vertical cultural surfaces up to 8 m2 per lamp (400 Watts), to illuminate however in lattices installed with 20000 to 30000 lux which equals enormous Energieund cost saving. The plant lattice spacings are for each density of light exactly calculably and are subject to ökophysiologischen regularities.
2. For the photo-periodic lighting effects the temporal light control is always given.
3. The light quality can be changed by employment by lamps of arbitrary wavelength in such a way that special photoelectric effects (e.g. Phytochrom 730 effect) are obtained, whereby the number of these lamps can remain limited, since the plant in the lattice constantly the same is led past.
4. Since the Iächtquellen is arranged in a space grid, the plant is through-radiated by all sides beund, so that a Lichtsättigumg rapidly reached and shadowings are omitted by sheets etc. to a very large extent.
The lighting time is independent of the season and can be expanded up to daily 24-stündiger lighting.
6. To reduce the density of light over the point of compensation of photosynthesis and the breathing process held by the respiration to a large extent, whereby automatic control Kohlensäureund of oxygen gas content of the cultural atmosphere takes place.
7. Prevention that light, respiration during to strong incident light radiation by CO2und oxygen control of the measuring lattice mechanisms of the measuring lattice --3--.
8. The movement of the plant lattice --1-- in the Lichtgitter --2-- a constant fluctuation of the density of light at the plant furnishes as such that a light sprinkling the same gleiehkommt and for the transport of the Assimilate e.g. in the Chloroplasten of importance is.
9. The Lichtgitter --1-- relatively even irradiation of the plant and thus an even morphologic shape, and/or structure furnishes.
The moved plant lattice --1-- a mutual Beschattungo creates so that warmth and light thawing in the cultural area is avoided.
11. The plant lattice --1-- produced in the cultural area by the transpiration and/or water evaporation a cooling EFF acct of the one forest culture corresponds and cooling costs e.g. in hot arid 35 zones lowers.
12. The Lichtgitter --2-- made possible those alternatively formation of light-close light distribution, creation of certain light average values and light effects, which e.g. affect the material transfer in the plants.
13. The plant lattices --1-- can be moved with adjustable peripheral speeds from alternatively 0 to preferably 5 m or more highly per minute. This is necessary for the Arbeitstechnäk (harvest, etc.).
14. The plant lattice --1-- made possible that at certain times of day the Aberntung takes place.
As well known the content of Primärund secondary products at certain times of day is different.
15. Over the environmental factor lattice --5-- supplementing all different one the plant stature if affecting environmental sizes within the range of the plant can such as humidity (discharge openings for water, e.g. than protection during to large heat development), Gaszusmmnensetzung of air (CO2, CO2 -, aerosol content etc.), as well as the chemical condition of the materials in the root area (substrate, feed] ösung, fertilization etc.) be favourably affected.
The multi-lattice system --7-- after Fig. 1 to 3 makes possible to compensate the sun exposure in such a way into the cultural areas that they affect optimally photosynthesis km n. In a widespread Barnen takes place the regulation, whereby the Lichtgitter --2-- however switched off, which photosynthesis thus exclusively by the sun is managed, or over all possible Zuund combines switching on variations the irradiation of the sun either perfectly with the borrowing lattice --2-- for photosynthesis for effect, and/or the sun exposure comes is switched off perfectly. For the choice of the respective lVlischungsvarianten the plant type is crucial, e.g. whether Sonnenoder Schattenpflanzen, the situation of the point of compensation as well as not least the costs. Hiebei is to be considered that only to often the cooling costs in hot zones can exceed the lighting costs by far.
By above mutual combinations of the lattice systems it is possible, the plant, to feed except its own life-system-appropriate power requirement, additionally with energy. It is particularly made certain that not only rapidly le does not breathe the developed plant products (Primärund of secondary products) in an educated manner, but also, i.e. to remain thus. R-S results thus a kontlnuierlich producing cultural plant, which permits, at any geographical place indifferently whether in arid, hot deserts or in the cold polar area or the plant production underground to arrange optimal, to improve and/or stabilize. Hiebei is made possible according to invention it, using the spacer laws of the light by the combination of the assigned lattice systems, in particular by the appropriate change of the respective grating spaces, to manage with a need minimum of electricity photosynthesis.
The Fig.4 shows the growth process of a plant, which under natural environmental condition after the time T1 attained, a mass m2, while the same plant under the conditions already furnishes a higher mass ms in accordance with the invention after the shorter time t2. The differences RK = T1 - time and at = the ms - ml are supplied to a maximum value according to invention.
From the Fig.5 is evident the COs Aunahme of a plant as function of the temperature, whereby the portion of photosynthesis and the respiration of the plant are separately represented. The difference of the two values results in strichliert drawn in net photosynthesis, which possesses an optimum for instance in the center of the curve. By collection of the CO2 - content by means of in more lVleßgitter --3-- it is e.g. possible for contained sensors, over the Lichtgitter --2-- and the environmental factor lattice --5-- to positively affect net photosynthesis.
For the explanation of the point of compensation the Fig.6 serves. Is Sauerstoffbzw.
Carbonic acid admission and - delivery of a plant as function of the density of light represented, whereby the example of a sun plant (full line) and a Schattenpflanze (strichliert) was selected.
Above the point of compensation the plant oxygen delivers and tunes KSO of a sun plant and/or KS of a Schattenpflanze carbonic acid for photosynthesis up, while the plant breathes oxygen below the point of compensation unwanted and delivers carbonic acid. Also this important connection for the favourable process of growth is positively and optimally influenceable with the mechanisms of the multi-lattice system.
In Fig. the natural periodic process of this gas change achievement of a plant is time-dependently represented 7 after Fig.6 in diagram form. By day photosynthesis takes place, whereby carbonic acid is taken up and oxygen is delivered by the “plant. In addition, at the same time a breathing process (light respiration) takes place, i.e. oxygen is taken up and delivered carbonic acid, whereby this process can take considerable values, if it takes place uncontrolled. According to invention this unwanted breathing process can be controlled and reduced to a minimum, whereby the influence takes place in such a manner via the above mechanisms of the multi-lattice system that as required oxygen is e.g. taken from the Kulmrraum and carbonic acid is supplied. At the night likewise a respiration (dark respiration) of the plant takes place, which can be controlled likewise and reduced to a minimum.
The Fig.8 shows the jahreszeitiichen process of the point of compensation of different plants. How is to be recognized from it, in the spring at the beginning of the Belaubung on a strong change of the point of light compensation, and the regulation of the Lichtgitters will particularly have to be counted --2-- must take place accordingly.
The Fig.9 shows the temporal increase of the shadowing in the dreiäimensionalen cultural area, which from constant shade components (root area, pendant and girder construction, the circulation with chains, wheels etc., the structural steelwork and the covering --6--) comes off on the one hand and the increasing shade component of the plant. It is also here with the help of the mechanisms of the measuring lattice system --3-- to check possible the Schattenbfldung in the desired measure, by for example, according to the measured density of light a regulation of the density of light of the Lichtgitters --2-- in the shadow zone concerned will take place, and thus also the respective intensity of the sunlight to be adapted can. A plurality of space lattices arranged within an enclosed cultivation space, wherein one space lattice consists of plants which are arranged to move in a continuous vertical serpentine path within the space lattice. A space lattice formed of illumination means is arranged in an interstitial manner relative to the circulating plant lattice and serves to artifically illuminate the plants while they are circulating. A measurement space lattice is arranged coextensive with the illumination space lattice and serves to make measurements of selected parameters of environmental parameters within the cultivation space. An environmental factor space lattice is also arranged coextensive with the illumination space lattice and is connected to suitable sources so that moisture, nutrients and selected gases may be supplied to the plants as they circulate through the cultivation space. 1. Plant for the improvement of the storage of biochemical energy in plants by the use of the solar power or other electromagnetic energy in plants, how photosynthesis by sunlight or Idinst! iches light or their combination in three-dimensional space grid cultures with Pflanzenund Lichtgittern takes place, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the well-known plant lattices (i) and Lichtgitter (Z) with at least one measuring lattice (3) and an environmental factor lattice (5) into a multi-lattice system (7) to be combined, whereby the measuring lattice (3) with measuring instruments and the environmental factor lattice (5) with mechanisms for the influence of the environmental factors within the range of the plant to be equipped, whereby the formation from photosynthesis products to the energy storage, however the energy-reducing breathing processes are supplied to a maximum value are reduced to a minimum. 2. Plant according to requirement I, D A D u rch e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the multi-lattice system (7) a building lattice (4) enthärt, which from the mobile orbits, which is formed for stably constant construction parts as well as the external casing (6). 3. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k EN n z e i C h n e t that the biochemical energy storage takes place via functionally dependent shift of the structure of the lattice systems and/or the respective grating spaces, whereby the change of the Abstäude in the Lichtgqtter (2) to additions of the density of light leads and so that in the plant lattice effective and/or high photosynthesis values 2s is furnished. 4. Plant according to requirement I, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t i that the spatial density of light preferentially over the Kompensationspußkt of photosynthesis and the breathing process lies.
Plant according to requirement i, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h ne t, there carbonic acid, Sauerstoffund Feuchtigkeltsgehalt of the cultural space atmosphere by means of measuring instruments of the measuring lattice (3) is registered, whereby the gas reaction both photosynthesis and the breathing process by spatially fixed and/or mobile arranged measuring instruments of the measuring lattice system (3) to be controlled. 6. Plant according to requirement I, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the plant 3s preferably works on photosynthesis, whereby in the cultural area of the Kohlensfiuregehalt and that is increased is degraded oxygen content, and, if necessary, the oxygen contents in the branch area during the dark period is increased, however the temperature is degraded. - 7. Plant according to requirement i, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that by the regularization of the Lichtgitters (2) and the Temperatul of the cultural area both the dark respiration, and the light respiration to a very large extent reduced wh'd. 8. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e IC h n e t that the breathing processes take place only as far, when the plant needs for the Aufreehterhaltung of its own life system under no circumstances however the production achievement of the education at primary products, preferably carbohydrates, Polysaccariden etc., and/or Sekundärprcdukten, as vitamins, alkaloids, Steroiden etc., are decreased. 9. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e ke n n z calibrate n e t that so much energy is supplied to the actual life system of the plant that it is capable to furnish by additional Energieund food intake an optimum at Produktionsleismng.
I0. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e IC h n e t that the irradiated sunlight is used weitgehenst to photosynthesis, whereby in the three-dimensional plant lattice (1) arising shade area by means of a Lichtgitters (2), which by measuring instruments of a measuring lattice (3) is controlled is furnished, which necessary density of light by adjustment of the Lichtgitters (2):
Nr.350832 11. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the heat energy freed by fan radiation is used only to that extent to a rise in temperature, when it corresponds to an optimal photosynthesis, whereby with further rise of the temperature the warmth is delivered by means of an air conditioning system from the system. 12. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e IC h n e t that if the cooling costs of the cooling of the cultural area lie more highly than the costs of the artificial lattice lighting the plant lattice (1) in relation to the incident light radiation totally or partly shielded, is switched off or sealed heat insulating. 13. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the Kultlvation of the plants takes place e.g. underground in perfectly locked lichtund thermally insulated cultural areas, in particular if the costs of the temperature heat sink or the supply more highly lie than the lighting costs. 14. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the plant production takes place three-dimensional in underground areas, whereby the Sormenlicht is brought by means of light conductor systems into the cultural areas.
Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that translucent openings and/or adjustable strip windows (optical patterns) are built in the cultural area. 16. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the growth process of the plants in the space grid is regulated with priority by the environmental factors light, warmth, carbonic acid, Sauerstoffund steam content. 17. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that during photosynthesis that is kept as low as possible oxygen content in the cultural area, according to which the oxygen-enriched air of the cultural area is preferably used for the carbonic acid production by burn by fuels such as Pflanzenresten or waste materials and/or by hydrocarbons such as 2s methane, propane, butane etc., whereby Kohlensäureund water vapour mixture developing thereby is led back again into the cultural area for the increase of the photosynthesis achievement. 18. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that during the dark period into the cultural area normal outside air is however preferably reconducted, in cooled condition. 19. Plant according to requirement 18, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that by means of a cooling system the cultural space atmosphere is cooled down, whereby the biochemical reaction rate of the respiration is lowered.
Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that into the Lichtgitter (2) lamps with different wavelengths to be built (e.g. for Phytochroäeffekte), whereby the number of these lamps can remain limited, since the plants in the lattice are led past constantly the same. 21. Plant according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z egg C h n e t that the activation of the mechanisms of the environmental factor lattice (5) taken place via electrical control and/or regulation.