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09-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2660665C2

Изобретение относится к автоматической системе для культивации растений. Автоматическая система для культивации растений применяется к площадям для культивации, разделенным на участки (1, 2, 3, 4 …), разделенные продольными проходами. При этом как на переднем конце, так и на заднем конце участков предусмотрены автоматические приспособления для продольного и поперечного перемещения элементов, поддерживающих культивируемые растения. Элементы, несущие культивируемые растения, образованы лотками с ячейками, заполненными грунтом для питания растений. Эти лотки помещены на тележки или рейки, перемещающиеся по соответствующим рельсам, оборудованным как в продольном направлении на разных участках, так и в поперечном направлении на их концах. Более того предусмотрено, что срезающее устройство расположено на выходе первичного участка, соответствующем переднему концу. После среза возникает замедление и транспортировка по транспортировочному рельсу, а затем по рельсу для возврата лотков на разные участки ...

20-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128905C1

Изобретение относится к методам и средствам для бессубстратного выращивания растений в вегетационных трубах путем воздействия на корневую систему растений аэрозолью питательного раствора. Технической задачей изобретения является использование энергии растений, а также экономия энергии. Для этого вегетационные трубы переменного сечения, зависящего от объема растения, расположены спирально на устройстве со сферической поверхностью с возможностью поворота и вращения устройства вокруг центральной вертикальной оси. Устройство при этом соединено с генератором электроэнергии. Поворот устройства осуществляется за счет энергии, которая образуется благодаря стремлению растений к источникам света, расположенным внутри вегетационных труб, и гравитации за счет роста растений, связанных между собой в единую цепь, а также импульсивных залповых выбросов аэрозоли и выпуска газовой смеси, обеспечивающей периодическую сушку корневой системы и освобождение от метаболитов дыхания. Устройство снабжено автоматической ...

30-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772990C1
Принадлежит: КОРЕЯ ВИЛ КОРП. (KR)

Изобретение относится к подвесному конвейеру и системе для выращивания растений, в которой он применяется. Подвесной конвейер для перемещения контейнера с растениями внутри предприятия по выращиванию растений содержит путь, выполненный в форме зигзагообразного замкнутого контура на потолке предприятия по выращиванию растений, цепь, выполненную с возможностью перемещения вдоль пути, множество подвесок, прочно соединенных с цепью через равномерные промежутки и перемещающихся вдоль пути вместе с цепью, и опорный элемент для контейнера, прочно соединенный с нижней частью каждой из множества подвесок. Опорный элемент снабжен пластиной для размещения контейнера, на которой надежно установлен контейнер с растениями. Система для выращивания растений содержит предприятие по выращиванию растений с окнами на потолке и внешними стенами, подвесной конвейер, расположенный в верхней части предприятия, блок управления для управления движением подвесного конвейера на основании температуры и влажности в ...

27-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2151493C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к гидропонике без субстрата. Установка для гидропонного выращивания растений содержит замкнутый конвейер, движущийся в горизонтальной плоскости, конвейерную ленту с отверстиями. В одних отверстиях ленты размещены вегетационные сосуды 19 для выращиваемого материала, а в других - светонепроницаемые плавучие элементы 21, причем подача и периодический отвод питательного раствора осуществляются в зоне корней растений с нижней стороны конвейерной ленты. Каждый вегетационный сосуд выполнен в виде сетчатой ячейки, на дне которой находится пористый материал для высеваемых семян. Это обеспечивает улучшение условий для выращиваемых растений при одновременном повышении производительности и эффективности устройства. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95111032A1

Установка для водоминерального питания растений относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к устройствам гидропоники по выращиванию зеленого корма для кормления животных, включающая стеллажи, размещенные на транспортных средствах с ростильнями, покрытыми пленочным материалом, магистральный трубопровод для подачи раствора. К магистральному трубопроводу подсоединена мерная емкость с элементами регулирования дозы питательного раствора для полива, одной ростильни, соединенная через краны с каналами для подачи раствора по растильням, причем на границе каждой секции растильни в канале имеется мерная перегородка, обеспечивающая гарантированный объем раствора для полива секции и отверстие для выхода раствора в растворораспределительную подставку длиной, равной ширине секции растильни, а на противоположной стороне растильни установлен растворосборник с горизонтальным целевым каналом на уровне пленочного покрытия, а растворосборник через кран соединен со сливным патрубком. Кроме того, установка для ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670924C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для выращивания растений. Оборудование содержит множество узлов (3) для удержания питательной среды, содержащих среду для выращивания семян или рассады растений (S), а также помещение (2) для посадочных работ с конструкцией (21а) для предотвращения проникновения бактерий. Конструкция (21а) предотвращает проникновение бактерий в помещение (2) с наружной стороны после выполнения посадочных работ для посадки семян или рассады растений (S) в среде узлов (3) в помещении (2). Помещение (6) для выращивания растений предназначено для выращивания растений (Sa), посаженных в среду узлов (3) посредством перемещения множества узлов (3), в которых осуществлена посадка семян или рассады растений (S) в помещении (2). Помещение (2) включает в себя устройство (23) для подачи активного состава для стерилизации, устройство (24) для определения концентрации активного состава для стерилизации, вытяжное устройство (26) и устройство (25) для подачи наружного воздуха. Устройство ...

27-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97120153A

Технологическая линия для выращивания клубней, включающая по крайней мере одно устройство для укоренения черенков клубней, одно устройство для получения микроклубней и одно устройство для выращивания клубней, причем все перечисленные устройства выполнены в виде гидропонных устройств, отличающаяся тем, что устройство для укоренения черенков клубней выполнено в виде вегетационного сосуда, в котором установлена кассета для укоренения в виде гофрированной вставки, у которой гофры расположены параллельно друг другу с постоянным шагом, причем каждая гофрированная впадина снабжена эластичным прижимом, длина которого соответствует длине впадины, при этом прижим выполнен в виде свернутой в рулон полиэтиленовой пленки, устройство для получения микроклубней выполнено в виде соответствующего вегетационного сосуда с крышкой, в которой выполнены параллельные щели и в каждой из них расположен с деформацией сжатия пористый эластичный материал, имеющий боковые вертикальные прорези с заданным шагом по его ...

23-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1836419C
Принадлежит: БїЧЛГгБЧ@ЛИТK

07-06-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для транспортировки растений

Номер: SU1819543A1

Использование: в сельском хозяйстве. Сущность изобретения: устройство для д. транспортировки растений имеет раму 1 на колесах 2. Направляющие 3 в виде двух вертикальных стоек установлены на раме. Опорная часть 4 в виде лотка для питательного раствора закреплена на стойках с возможностью перемещения и фиксации. При заболевании растений устройство для транспортировки подводят к гидропонной установке, опорную часть фиксируют на высоте лотка гидропонной установки, растения из лотка устанавливают на опорную часть и затем устройство подают в фумига- ционную камеру. Конструкция обеспечивает транспортировку растений без повреждений. 2 ил. ы Ј J 00 -а О $ 00 ...

15-12-1993 дата публикации

Установка для выращивания растений

Номер: RU2004143C1

Использование: изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к конвейерным установкам для искусственного выращивания растений. Сущность изобретения установка содержит многоярусный лотковый конвейер, лотки которого соединены с бесконечными несущими цепями и через ролики качения расположены на направляющих опорных колеях Конвейер приводится в движение приводом. Система полива, сбора жидкости, система досвечивания растений сообщены с конвейером. Лотки поочередно засеваются, после чего перемещаются под распылителем жидкости, где осуществляется орошение. Излишняя жидкость спивается по дренажной системе для повторного использования . Досвечивания осуществляется осветительными лампами, расположенными над каждым ярусом 3 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Vertical tiered growing systems

Номер: GB0002550186A

A vertical tier growing system for plants, the system having at least one vertically tiered shelf section each having one or more arms 87 extending upwardly therefrom and mounted to one or more rails 85, 86 located above the growing system, so that the or each section can be moved along the rail(s), each section having means to provide and direct liquid and lighting to plants growing on said section during use. Each arm may have a roller 88 located at or near its distal end that mounts to the rail. The systems may further comprise one or more floor or ground mounted rails (34 Figure 16) onto which a further roller or set of rollers mounted beneath the section locate. The floor rails may be in vertical alignment with the or each rail above the section.

11-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001473172A

... 1473172 Cultivating plants O RUTHNER 10 June 1974 [6 Nov 1973] 25696/74 Heading AIM The roots of plants cultivated in greenhouses, are encouraged to grow downwardly by a method of cultivation in which seeds are cultivated in synthetic substrates 5, surrounded by a sleeve 10 preventing lateral emergence of the roots, until they reach a certain size when a second piece of substrate 8 is added. The sleeve 10 is then slid down over the combination of substrate bodies to the level at which root emergence is desired for further cultivation within the green house. When the plants are hardy enough to survive their intended environment outside the greenhouse they may be planted in holes lined with nutrient substances, these holes may be irrigated and ventilated by various means. Initial cultivation may take place in green house installation comprising one or more conditioned chambers in which the life cycle of the plant may be accelerated to reduce the time taken to reach a state of growth resistant ...

18-04-1984 дата публикации

Crop cultivator

Номер: GB0002127664A

A cultivator device which may be used for the continuous or essentially continuous cultivation of a hydrophilic crop such as cress, primarily in the home, comprises an open-topped container for an aqueous growing medium, the container having rollers mounted for rotation at each of its two remote ends. A strip of water- absorbent material, arranged in use to contact water in the container, is disposed between the rollers and is movable between the rollers by rotation thereof. At least a portion of the path of the strip between the rollers is adjacent the open top of the container and the container includes means disposed below the strip to support the strip when wet along at least part of the length of that portion of its path. The material of the strip has a tear strength such that the strip is movable between the rollers without tearing when in a wet condition. ...

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for the adjustment of spacing between growing plants

Номер: GB0002592866A

A plant holder engaging mechanism, which may be an electromagnet, is moved by a position mechanism to a predetermined position relative to a plant holder, where it temporarily engages with the plant holder, moves the plant holder, then disengages before repeating the process with another plant holder. The plant holder may include a magnetic material and may suspend plants between parallel rails or sides of a gutter. The rail or gutter may be inclined and may include an electrical circuit for lights. Plants in plant holders may be moved to gradually increases the separation between adjacent plants as they grow and require more space.

22-04-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for high density, automated cultivation

Номер: GB0002578092A

Apparatus for growing plants comprises an annular or circular growing surface, rotatable about an axis perpendicular to the growing surface with means to move the plants relative to the growing surface. Preferably, the environmental conditions can be varied according to radial distance and angular position. Rotation may be performed automatically. Preferably the growing surface is divided into multiple growing trays 701, the floor of each forming a segment of the growing surface. Multiple growing surfaces may be stacked vertically. The apparatus may feature a transparent surface, light sources supported by a mesh and/or a central air duct that may have vets to control the rate of airflow. Sensing apparatus and/or manipulating devices may be attached to a beam that radially spans the growing area, the apparatus and devices preferably capable of moving along the beams. The plants may be held above the growing surface in a carrier.

01-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001512606A

... 1512606 Treating plants O RUTHNER 11 Aug 1976 [5 July 1976] 33483/76 Heading A1E Seed is germinated in a first chamber in boxes arranged in stacks, and the resulting root fleeces are transferred to a conveyor in a second chamber which provides an environment favourable to shoot formation. Boxes 10, with or without a substrate, are loaded with seed from a hopper 1 and are arranged in stacks; the stacks are put in a chamber 4 having air inlet ducts 12 and extraction ducts 13 at opposite sides of each stack. and nozzles 14 for intermittently spraying nutrient solution. Excess nutrient solution gathers on the floor of the chamber and collects in a channel whence it is recirculated. As shown the chamber 4 is divided into sub-chambers 4A, 4B each housing two stacks. Sub-chamber 4A serves for pre-germination, the stacks are then moved to sub-chamber 4B and the spacing between the boxes of a stack increased and light sources 30 introduced. The seeds, together with a substrate if present, then form ...

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for growing plants

Номер: AP0201407663A0

16-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003646A

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for growing plants

Номер: AP2014007663A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for growing plants

Номер: AP0201407663D0

27-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364567B

25-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369619B

15-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA605275A

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA372774A

15-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA113081A

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA241584A

15-09-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for vertical growing of plants

Номер: AT0000520937A4

Eine Vorrichtung (1) zum vertikalen Anbau von Pflanzen (2), insbesondere von Nutzpflanzen, weist ein Grundgerüst (3) und mehrere im Wesentlichen vertikal ausgerichtete Pflanzmodule (5) auf, wobei die Pflanzmodule (5) jeweils wenigstens eine Aufnahme (15) für wenigstens eine Pflanze (2) bzw. einen Pflanzkorb (18) aufweisen. Das Grundgerüst (3) weist ein Fördersystem (4) auf, und die Pflanzmodule (5) sind durch das Fördersystem in eine Förderrichtung (6) bewegbar.

15-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208378A

15-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000766876A

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154979A

25-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000350830B

15-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000931373A

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372774A

15-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000605275A

26-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006767U1

The invention relates to a modular container system (1) for cultivating plants (10), said system comprising at least one first container (2) forming a root compartment (9), and at least one flexible capillary body (5) which penetrates the first container (2) in the region of the bottom (3) or the lateral wall (4) or can be inserted into at least one opening in the region of the bottom or the lateral wall, before or after a culture and/or sale phase. In an individual care phase following a culture and/or sale phase, the first container (2) can be suspended or placed in a second container (8) used as an outer pot. A water compartment (12) is formed between the bottom (3) of the first container (2) and the bottom (11) of the second container (8), and the capillary body (5) suspended in said water compartment (12) essentially extends over the height (h) thereof (12). The aim of the invention is to simplify the operation and reduce costs as much as possible in all phases of plant cultivation ...

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009259T

15-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA38175A

26-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000339086B

25-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331551B

12-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348816B

21-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000501430B2

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Peristaltic pumps in an assembly line grow pod and methods of providing fluids via peristaltic pumps

Номер: AU2018282604A1
Принадлежит: Murray Trento & Associates Pty Ltd

Devices, systems, and methods for providing a predetermined amount of fluid in an assembly line grow pod are provided. Some embodiments include an assembly line grow pod including a tray held by a cart supported on a track, the tray including at least one section. The assembly line grow pod further includes a fluid source and a watering station. The watering station includes a robot device having a movable arm and at least one peristaltic pump coupled to the arm, the peristaltic pump having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet fluidly coupled to the fluid source. A predetermined amount of fluid from the fluid source is delivered to the at least one section of the tray via movement of the movable arm of the robot device to align the outlet of the peristaltic pump with the at least one section and via ejection of the fluid from the outlet.

26-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002222780A1

23-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003266807A1

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for growing plants along an undulating path

Номер: AU2012253156B2
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Plants are grown in a growing machine by advancing a plurality of plant cradles on an endless conveyor along a growing path, at least a portion of the path being an undulating path having alternating upward and downward portions and having a return portion for looping back to the undulating portion. Using a pair of parallel endless conveyors, the cradles are removably supported between the conveyors. The cradles are supplied with growth-sustaining liquid and growth- promoting light. The cradles are advanced along the path until the one or more plants have reached a target growth after which they can be harvested or transferred to one or more subsequent machines until mature for harvest. The machine can be in a controlled environment, including located in modules arranged in series, parallel or combinations thereof.

17-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000541647B2

10-09-1997 дата публикации

Plant cultivation method and installation

Номер: AU0001885497A

04-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001295131C

DEVICE FOR GROWTH OF PLANTS s of the Disclosure The device comprises a hermetically sealed chamber whose interior space accommodates a perforated band held to a driven drum. Part of the chamber is made as a flexible tubing one end of which is connected to the free end of the perforated band, and the other end is turned inside down and held peripherally in the chamber to form a hermetically sealed space along therewith. The interior space of the chamber is connected to the working agent and nutrient medium feeding systems.

02-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001285389C

In a plant cultivating apparatus for cultivating plants by using an artificial light source, partition walls having a high light reflectance are arranged in a cultivation area to divide the cultivation area into small spaces and in each small space a light-reflecting plate is arranged, and the distance between the artificial light source and the plants is narrowed to irradiate the plants with a light having a low illuminance. In accordance with a preferred embodiment, there is provided a plant cultivating apparatus comprising sets of pallets which have plants placed therein and are arranged in rows in a growing chamber where environmental conditions are artificially controlled and which are moved in a direction orthogonal to the row direction in accordance with the growth of the plants, wherein all the peripheral surfaces of the growing chamber are covered with a reflecting plate having a high light reflectance, low-illuminance artificial light sources for emitting a light of low illuminance ...

10-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001039949A1

16-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002401737A1

A rotary growing apparatus comprises a cylindrical structure or drum provided with a series of parallel elongated, longitudinally extending, baskets adapted to receive therein the plants to be grown. A support base is provided for the drum, and a drive mechanism is adapted to rotate the drum on the support base about a rotational axis of the drum. At least one light source extends inside the drum about which the drum and the plants carried thereby can rotate. A feeding system provides nutrient fluid to the growing plants as the drum rotates and the baskets contact the nutrient fluid. The elongated baskets each include a bottom wall and a pair of side walls and are capable of receiving therein a series of plants supported by a growing medium. The elongated baskets define in the bottom and side walls thereof a plurality of apertures for allowing the nutrient fluid to access the plants. The elongated baskets are removably attached to a pair of parallel and opposed rims of the drum.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115140A1

An automated crop production system for controlled environment agriculture that includes a horizontal-to-vertical grow tower interface between a vertical grow structure that includes vertical grow towers and associated conveyance mechanisms for moving the vertical grow towers through a controlled environment, and a processing system that performs one or more processing operationssuch as harvesting, cleaning and/or transplantingon the grow towers in a substantially horizontal orientation. The present disclosure also describes an automated crop production system for controlled environment agriculture that selectively routes grow towers through various processing stages of an automated crop production system.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043234A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Systems and methods for providing an assembly line grow pod are provided. One embodiment of a grow pod includes an exterior enclosure that defines an environmentally enclosed volume, a track that that is shaped into a plurality of helical structures defining a path, and a cart that receives a plant and traverses the track. Some embodiments include a sensor for determining output of the plant, a plurality of environmental affecters that alter an environment of the environmentally enclosed volume to alter the output of the plant, and a pod computing device that stores a grow recipe that, when executed by a processor of the pod computing device, actuates at least one of the plurality of environmental affecters. In some embodiments, the grow recipe alters a planned actuation of the at least one of the plurality of environmental affecters in response to data from the sensor indicating a current output of the plant.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003073136A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A container farm provides a grow zone and a work zone within an enclosure. Plants are grown in vertical grow towers within the grow zone supported by a rotatable carousel grow structure. The grow towers can be moved within the grow zone to a location in which they are accessible from the work zone. A seedling station can be provided within the work zone. Other systems, including an irrigation system, a lighting system, and a climate control system, can be provided to support the growth of plants within the container.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069931A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A system for implementing modified recipes in a plurality of grow pods (100) includes a processor, and a non-transitory, processor- readable storage medium including a computer readable and executable instruction set, which when executed, causes the processor to receive a modified recipe from an assembly line grow pod (100), compare output results of the modified recipe from the assembly line grow pod (100) with expected characteristics for the modified recipe, determine that the output results of the modified recipe are within the expected characteristics for the modified recipe, and in response to determining that the output results of the modified recipe are within the expected characteristics for the modified recipe, store information of the assembly line grow pod (100).

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069825A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A temperature control system includes a shell including an enclosed area (502, 504, 506, 508, 510, 512), one or more carts (104, 204A) moving on a track (102) within the enclosed area (502, 504, 506, 508, 510, 512), an air supplier within the enclosed area (502, 504, 506, 508, 510, 512), one or more vents (304) connected to the air supplier and configured to output air within the enclosed area (502, 504, 506, 508, 510, 512), and a controller. The controller includes one or more processors, one or more memory modules, and machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to: identify a plant on the one or more carts (104, 204A), determine a temperature recipe for the identified plant, and control a temperature of the air output from the one or more vents (304) based on the temperature recipe for the identified plant.

09-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002460465C
Принадлежит: DUMONT, GILLES

A rotary growing apparatus which utilises a single ring mounted on a support, the ring being rotatably driven above the rotational axis thereof, and having a plurality of medium retaining members extending transversely of the ring, each medium retaining member being secured to the ring, and at least one light source interiorly of the ring. The preferred arrangement includes the ring being formed of a plurality of ring segments such that the size may be varied thereby adjust the distance between the light source and the plants.

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994337C

The invention refers to a plant growing system for moving growing plants subject to positive control. The growing system comprises a first guidance panel having first guidance panel slots and a further guidance panel having further guidance panel slots wherein said first guidance panel and said further guidance panel are coaxially arranged and adapted on top of each other to provide a rotation movement between each other around a common rotation axis, wherein plant openings are formed at intersections of said slots with said further slots. Said slots and said further slots are curved such that between said spiral-adjacent or between said circle-adjacent plant openings a radially-adjacent plant opening is located in a radially outward direction on a bisecting line of said plant's opening angle or deviating at an angle of less than 100, preferably less than 8 and more preferably less than 6 from said bisecting line.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002939611A1

A rotatable rack system for growing plants is disclosed which has a frame, a plurality of mobile trays arrayed around the frame, where each mobile tray contains at least one plant and a chain linking said plurality of mobile trays together, supported by the frame with a drive mechanism configured to drive the chain wherein the frame is configured to support the plurality of mobile trays encircling an enclosed space. Several configurations of the frame that are equally energy efficient are also disclosed, along with a method of growing plants using the system.

02-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002753766A1

An apparatus (6) for the cultivation of plants (10) is provided, the apparatus (6) comprising a track assembly (7,8,9,10); a plurality of support assemblies (5,6) mounted to the track assembly (7,8,9,10) so as to be moveable therealong; each support assembly comprising a receptacle for one or more plants (10), wherein the receptacle is removable from the apparatus. A growing room (2), such as a glasshouse or the like, comprising such an apparatus (6) is also provided.

24-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002049338A1

... 2049338 9011008 PCTABS00002 The invention relates to a plant growing arrangement comprising several successive rows of troughs for plants, wherein transport means are provided for transporting said troughs along a cultivation field and successively increasing their spacing as the plants grow. Said transport means comprise successive graspers rows (1, 2, 3) formed of graspers (1a...1c, 2a...2c, 3a...3c) co-acting trough by trough (14). The graspers and/or grasper rows can be brought into engagement with arbitrary groups of troughs for transporting several chosen troughs at a time along the frame. The spacing between successive graspers rows (1, 2, 3) is adjustable by a driving mechanism in connection with the transport. The invention is especially well suited for the automatic cultivation of lettuce grown in separate pots in said elongated troughs (14).

01-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002297501A1

15-04-1967 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Kultivieren von pflanzlichen und tierischen Lebewesen

Номер: CH0000433849A

15-01-1967 дата публикации

Anlage zum Kultivieren von Pflanzen, Bakterien und ähnlichen Organismen

Номер: CH0000428302A

15-11-1968 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Bewegen von Pflanzenkästen

Номер: CH0000465305A
Принадлежит: POSOSTRON AG

30-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000621234A5

15-12-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000593602A5

28-12-1984 дата публикации

Method of raising a plant and cultivating vessel for implementing the method

Номер: CH0000646835A5
Принадлежит: BREVETEAM SA

28-04-2023 дата публикации

Hydroponische Trommel.

Номер: CH0000719074A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine hydroponische Trommel zum Indoor-Farming, insbesondere im gewerblichen Einsatz Zur Verfügung gestellt werden soll eine Trommel (1), die eine hohe Anzahl von Pflanzen aufnehmen kann. Hierzu umfasst die hydroponische Trommel (1) zwei voneinander beabstandete kreisringförmige Drehkränze (2), die mittels einer zentralen Achse (3) und weiterer stabförmiger Elemente miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die Trommel (1) um die Achse (3) drehbar ist. Jeder Drehkranz (2) ist in Rollenlagern (4) drehbar gelagert auf einer Bodeneinheit (5) angeordnet. Weiterhin ist auf jedem stabförmigen Element ein walzenförmiger Pflanzbehälter (8) drehbar angeordnet.

15-07-2022 дата публикации

Procédé et dispositif de culture hors-sol.

Номер: CH0000718251A2

La présente invention concerne un dispositif de culture hors-sol comprenant : au moins un rail (2) agencé pour être monté au-dessus d'un bassin nutritif (11); une pluralité de structures rigides (3) coulissant le long dudit au moins un rail (2) chaque structure (3) étant équipée de plusieurs supports de plants (31) agencés de manière à ce que des plants dans lesdits supports (31) puissent se nourrir dans ledit bassin (11); une pluralité d'éléments flottants agencés de manière à recouvrir ledit bassin nutritif (11) pour limiter l'exposition du bassin nutritif (11) à une source lumineuse. La présente invention concerne aussi un procédé de culture hors sol, comportant les étapes suivantes : planter des plants dans des supports de plants (31) montés sur des structures rigides (3) couissant le long de rails (2) au-dessus d'un bassin nutritif (11) de manière à ce que les plants puissent se nourrir de nutriments dans ledit bassin (11); recouvrir la surface dudit bassin nutritif (11) avec une pluralité ...

30-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201391641A1

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Domestic agricultural soilless culture device

Номер: CN0108513902A

22-12-2017 дата публикации

Brown rice germinating machine

Номер: CN0206776381U

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Hydroponics planting board with protect function

Номер: CN0208227993U

11-02-2020 дата публикации

Vertical rotation fruit and vegetable planting equipment

Номер: CN0110771492A

23-05-2023 дата публикации

Production system and production method for continuous hydroponic forage grass

Номер: CN116138153A

The invention discloses a production system for continuous hydroponic pasture. The system comprises a plant, a spiral tower, a conveying belt, a washing machine, a disinfection machine and a dark light treatment chamber. The method comprises the following steps: (1) earlier-stage treatment; and (2) culturing. The production system has the beneficial effects that the production system is simple in connecting structure and easy to implement; the mechanical cultivation of forage grass is realized, the manual operation steps are reduced, the labor cost is reduced, and the production efficiency is improved; the pasture production efficiency and the effective yield of the pasture are improved.

10-03-1967 дата публикации

Process and installation for the culture hydropone of the plants

Номер: FR0001472285A

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003034088B1
Принадлежит: WILS

28-08-1992 дата публикации

Improved equipment, systems and techniques for automated cultivation on movable extensible supports and improved granulates which can be used for supporting young plants and also for other uses

Номер: FR0002673072A1

Ensemble pour culture automatisée sur supports extensibles mobiles avec granulats légers flottants imperméabilisés supportant les plants. Ensemble pour culture automatisée sur supports extensibles mobiles du type comportant, sous abri, un ou des bacs de cultvre contenant des granulats légers flottant sur une solution nutritive, chaque bac comportant un secteur tournant muni d'ailes de poussée (4), d'un soc de recyclage (17), et de moyens d'entraînement du secteur tournant. Les secteurs tournants sont constitués par des bras rotatifs (6, 7, 8) comportant des moyens pour mettre en ùoeuvre des jets de solution nutritive facilitant le glissement des granulats sur les ailes de poussée (4) et de recyclage (5) et engendrant une poussée s'opposant à la rotation d'ensemble de la masse de granulats contenus dans les bacs de culture (2). Le soc de recyclage (17) est équipé d'un jet de solution nutritive facilitant le refoulement des granulats sous la couche de granulats. Un flotteur-palpeur (29, 29 ...

22-06-2020 дата публикации

Indoor hydroponic cultivation system based on IoT

Номер: KR0102125330B1

27-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: KR2020180003315U

17-04-2017 дата публикации

Номер: KR2020170001370U

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: WO2019208279A1

The purpose of the present invention is to reduce location-related and time-related changes in a cultivation environment in a plant factory. This cultivation device 1A is used in an artificial light plant factory, and is provided with: a closed cultivation room 10A; a plurality of cultivation chambers 20A defined by dividing the cultivation room 10A in the vertical direction; an air circulation device 30 which supplies air adjusted to a predetermined condition to each of the plurality of cultivation chambers 20A at a predetermined flow rate and collects the supplied air from the plurality of cultivation chambers 20A to circulate the air; and a nutrient solution circulation device 40 which supplies a nutrient solution adjusted to a predetermined condition to each of the plurality of cultivation chambers 20A at a predetermined flow rate and collects the supplied nutrient solution from the plurality of cultivation chambers 20A to circulate the nutrient solution.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016129673A1

The present invention addresses the problem of developing a plant cultivation device having a small number of components and low energy consumption. The invention is configured by connecting a plurality of seedling raising units in series. The seedling raising units have a case in which both ends are open and the peripheral surface can be covered. A lighting device 16 is provided inside the case. The cases of the seedling raising units are connected, forming a series of cylindrical spaces, and a cultivation tray 38 is placed in the series of cylindrical spaces formed by the cases, said cultivation tray 38 spanning the cases and being movable downstream. The further downstream in the lighting device 16, the greater the number of light-emitting elements 205, the higher said light-emitting elements 205 are, and the greater the distance between the light-emitting elements and a seedling holding plate 41.

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Стенд для испытания высевающих аппаратов сеялок точного высева

Номер: RU0000201770U1

Полезная модель относится к методам и средствам оценки показателей качества выполнения технологического процесса высевающими аппаратами сеялок, в частности, для оценки неравномерности высева семян.Стенд для испытания высевающих аппаратов сеялок точного высева включает исследуемый высевающий аппарат, с высевающим диском и сошником, систему контроля и фиксирования высеваемого материала, содержащую два емкостных датчика и ячеистый поддон. Стенд снабжен приводом. Первый датчик системы контроля высеваемого материала установлен на выходе с высевающего диска, а второй датчик - в зоне основания сошника. Ячеистый поддон смонтирован ниже второго датчика в непосредственной близости от него, причем ячеистый поддон выполнен без дна и каждая его ячея снабжена счетчиком падающих в нее семян.Эффективность стенда для испытания высевающих аппаратов сеялок точного высева достигается за счет осуществления возможности ускоренных испытаний высевающих аппаратов, улучшения условий труда и повышения производительности труда испытаний. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 770 U1 (51) МПК A01C 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01C 7/00 (2020.08); A01C 7/04 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020121348, 22.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 12.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 U 1 2 0 1 7 7 0 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 60300 U1, 27.01.2007. RU 49674 U1, 10.12.2005. RU 188553 U1, 16.04.2019. RU 2356210 C1, 27.05.2009. RU 69372 U1, 27.12.2007. (54) СТЕНД ДЛЯ ИСПЫТАНИЯ ВЫСЕВАЮЩИХ АППАРАТОВ СЕЯЛОК ТОЧНОГО ВЫСЕВА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к методам и выходе с высевающего диска, а второй датчик средствам оценки показателей качества в зоне основания сошника. Ячеистый поддон выполнения технологического процесса смонтирован ниже второго датчика в высевающими аппаратами сеялок, в частности, непосредственной близости от ...

14-07-2021 дата публикации

Высевающий аппарат

Номер: RU0000205431U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к высевающим аппаратам сеялок.Для повышения эффективности высева семян за счет их равномерного распределения при посеве в высевающем аппарате, включающем бункер для семян со щелью, электромагнитный механизм привода, синхронизируемый со скоростью сеялки через электронный блок управления, установлена разгрузочная пластина, образующая воздушную полость в нижней части бункера со стенкой, выполненной в виде упругой пластины из электротехнической стали с отогнутым концом, обеспечивающим периодическое перекрытие щели бункера при воздействии колебаний с частотой, приводящей семена в псевдоожиженное состояние, при этом вдоль всей щели, под ней расположен распределитель, выполненный в виде параллелепипеда, разделенного в вертикальной плоскости на секции, каждая из которых выполнена в виде пустотелой прямоугольной призмы и имеет сквозное отверстие, соединенное с семяпроводом, причем все сквозные отверстия секций расположены относительно друг друга в шахматном порядке. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 431 U1 (51) МПК A01C 7/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01C 7/04 (2021.02); A01C 7/16 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021100410, 11.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 14.07.2021 Бюл. № 20 2 0 5 4 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2056716 C1, 27.03.1996. SU 826987 A1, 07.05.1981. RU 2481762 C1, 20.05.2013. UA 21339 A, 02.12.1997. KR 20020097300 A, 31.12.2002. (54) Высевающий аппарат (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к высевающим аппаратам сеялок. Для повышения эффективности высева семян за счет их равномерного распределения при посеве в высевающем аппарате, включающем бункер для семян со щелью, электромагнитный механизм привода, синхронизируемый со скоростью ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Singulating seed

Номер: US20120031315A1
Автор: Norbert Beaujot
Принадлежит: Individual

A seed feeding apparatus includes a feed assembly with a V-shaped groove with at least one moving wall and a pocket formed by the walls of the groove and a pocket plate configured to substantially conform to the groove. The pocket plate is located such that the moving wall moves upward at the pocket. Seeds are received and form a pile in the pocket. As the moving wall moves, seeds fall from the pile to the bottom of the groove with sides of the seeds bearing against the walls of the groove such that the seeds are aligned in single file along the bottom of the groove and move upward over the upper edge of the groove and then fall out of the groove one at a time at a constant rate into a furrow.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118393A1
Автор: Stark Magnus
Принадлежит: Vaderstad-Verken AB

A precision seeder for sowing seeds to obtain a predetermined number of plants per unit of length includes a seed discharging tube adapted to feed the seed by an excess air pressure from a seed distributing device to a seed outlet, a seed furrow opener including two sowing discs arranged at an angle relative to each other, and a resilient press surface for pressing the seed into the soil. The press surface is configured such that a direction of flow of the seeds at the seed outlet intersects or is substantially tangent to at least a portion of the press surface. The seed outlet is located between the sowing discs and, as seen in the transverse direction, inside or immediately adjacent to the periphery of at least one of the sowing discs. 116-. (canceled)17. A row unit for precision sowing of seeds to obtain a predetermined number of plants per unit of length , comprising:a seed discharging tube adapted to feed the seed by an excess air pressure from a seed distributing device to a seed outlet;a seed furrow opener, comprising two sowing discs arranged at an angle relative to each other; anda resilient press surface for pressing the seed into the soil;wherein the press surface is configured such that a direction of flow of the seeds at the seed outlet intersects or is substantially tangent to at least a portion of the press surface; andthe seed outlet is located between the sowing discs and, as seen in the transverse direction, inside or immediately adjacent to the periphery of at least one of the sowing discs.18. A row unit according to claim 17 , wherein the seed outlet claim 17 , as seen in a plane perpendicular to the direction of flow of the seeds claim 17 , has substantially a same cross section as the seed discharging tube.19. A row unit according to claim 17 , wherein the whole of the seed outlet is located in front of a vertical plane that is tangent to one of the sowing discs and perpendicular to a main operating direction of the row unit.20. A row unit ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Row Planting Propagation Device Comprising Tubular Casing Divided into Pouches, and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20130167436A1
Автор: Todd B. Chornoby
Принадлежит: Individual

A plant propagating device for propagating plants in one or more rows features a flexible, biodegradable, tubular casing having a longitudinal axis, and a plurality of deposits disposed at spaced apart intervals along the longitudinal axis of the tubular casing, each deposit comprising plant propagation material and at least one of fertilizer and soil. The tubular casing is fastened closed between each adjacent pair of the deposits to separate the deposits into respective pouches spaced along the longitudinal axis of the casing.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Method for Selection of Seed and Placement on Seed Tape

Номер: US20130192134A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for the selection and removal of seeds from containers and placement of the seeds on a seed tape. The systems include a seed extraction assembly and a seed tape assembly. The seed extraction assembly is configured to extract individual seeds from a tray and place the seeds within an accumulator. The accumulator is disposed in the extraction assembly and is rotatable within the assembly. The seed tape assembly is configured to place the seed disposed in the accumulator onto the seed tape. The method includes the steps of using the seed extraction assembly to extract seeds from the tray and place them within the accumulator. The seed tape assembly is then used to place the seed disposed in the accumulator onto the seed tape. 1. A system for selecting seeds disposed in a plurality of containers and placing the selected seeds on a seed tape , the system comprising:a seed extraction assembly configured to extract selected individual seeds from a tray, the seed extraction assembly movably attached to a gantry, an accumulator disposed in the seed extraction assembly and having a cylindrical body with a plurality of pockets disposed in a helical arrangement on an outer surface of the body, the accumulator rotatable within the seed extraction assembly such that adjacent pockets are consecutively in communication with an insertion opening for the placement of individual seed within the pockets; anda seed tape assembly attached to the frame adjacent the distribution manifold, the seed tape assembly configured to place the seed disposed in each of the pockets of the accumulator onto a substrate of the seed tape upon rotation of the accumulator.2. The system of further comprising a container for the seeds and wherein the seed extraction assembly includes a pick head for removing seeds from the container.3. The system of further comprising a container array including a plurality of the containers.4. The system of wherein the pick head has a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192135A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for the selection of individual seeds from a plurality of seeds and placement on a seed tape. The system includes a seed extraction assembly, a distribution manifold, and a tamping assembly. The seed extraction assembly is configured to extract selected individual seeds from a tray, the seed extraction assembly movably attached to a frame. The distribution manifold has a plurality of queues and each of the plurality of queues has a plurality of reservoirs for receiving the selected individual seeds. Each queue has a tube in selective communication with the plurality of reservoirs for the transfer of the selected individual seed from the reservoir to the tube. The tamping assembly is configured to place the selected individual seed disposed in each of the tubes onto a defined location on the seed tape. 1. A system for selecting individual seeds from a plurality of seeds and placing the selected individual seeds on a seed tape , the system comprising:a seed extraction assembly configured to extract selected individual seeds from a tray, the seed extraction assembly movably attached to a frame;a distribution manifold having a plurality of queues, each of the plurality of queues having a plurality of reservoirs for receiving the selected individual seeds, each queue having a tube in selective communication with the plurality of reservoirs for the transfer of the selected individual seed from the reservoir to the tube, the distribution manifold attached to the frame; anda tamping assembly attached to the frame adjacent the distribution manifold, the tamping assembly configured to place the selected individual seed disposed in each of the tubes onto a defined location on the seed tape.2. The system of wherein the seed extraction assembly includes a vacuum head module.3. The system of wherein the vacuum head module has a plurality of spaced-apart vacuum nozzles.4. The system of wherein the seed extraction assembly is movable relative to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Seed Meter

Номер: US20130192504A1
Автор: Sauder Derek, Schaefer Tim

A seed meter for an agricultural planter in which the seed disc is rotatably mounted within a seed meter housing. As the seed disc rotates, the apertures in the disc rotate along a seed aperture path through a horizontally adjacent seed pool area. The seed disc includes cavities disposed along the seed aperture path to agitate the seeds in the seed pool area. A singulator having multiple co-planar singulator surfaces is biased against the seed side surface of the seed disc. 1. A seed meter for an agricultural planter , comprising:a meter housing including a seed housing, said seed housing defining a seed pool area into which seeds are communicated and collected; anda seed disc rotatably mounted within said meter housing, said seed disc having a seed side surface defining a seed plane, said seed disc having a central axis and a direction of rotation, said seed disc further having a plurality of seed apertures spaced radially outward from said central axis, said plurality of apertures defining a seed path along said seed plane, said seed side surface having a plurality of cavities intersecting said seed path, each of said cavities having a portion inward of an inner radius of said seed path, and each of said cavities further having a surface recessed relative to said seed plane.2. The seed meter of claim 1 , wherein each of said cavities includes a forward face extending between said seed plane and said recessed surface claim 1 , said forward face of each of said cavities disposed in a backward-swept orientation relative to said direction of rotation.3. The seed meter of claim 2 , wherein said forward face is substantially normal to said seed side surface.4. The seed meter of claim 3 , wherein each of said cavities further includes a rearward-face extending between said seed plane and said recessed surface claim 3 , said rearward face sloping from said recessed surface toward said direction of rotation.5. The seed meter of claim 2 , wherein each of said cavities is in ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213284A1
Принадлежит: KUHN S.A.

A single seeder with a foldable chassis composed of a central section arranged transversely with respect to the direction of work and of two lateral sections articulated on the central section, seeder elements being distributed in a regular manner on the chassis, the seeder including burying coulters for the distribution of product extending at the front of a respective seeder element, a distribution head and pipes connected on the distribution head and ending at the burying coulters. The distribution head is arranged at the rear of the seeder, behind the seeder elements, taking into account the direction of advance. 1. A single seeder with a foldable chassis composed of a central section arranged transversely with respect to the direction of work , and of two lateral sections articulated on the central section , seeder elements being distributed in a regular manner on the chassis , the seeder including burying coulters for the distribution of product extending at the front of a respective seeder element , one distribution head and pipes connected on the distribution head and ending at the burying coulters , wherein the distribution head is arranged at the rear of the seeder , behind the seeder elements , taking into account the direction of advance.2. The seeder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the distribution head extends beyond the displacement zone of the seeder elements between a work position and a transport position.3. The seeder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein one movable guide allows the guiding of the pipes supplying the burying coulters mounted on the lateral sections.4. The seeder as claimed in claim 3 , wherein each movable guide has a base claim 3 , the base is connected to the beam of the lateral section and extends perpendicularly to the beam claim 3 , being inclined by an acute angle with respect to the horizontal.5. The seeder as claimed in claim 3 , wherein each movable guide has a curved shape directed towards the distribution head in the work ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333601A1

Metering devices for an agricultural implement are provided for applying a field input, for example, pneumatically delivered granular product including seed or fertilizer or sprayed liquid product including fertilizer and the like, to an agricultural field. In the applying of the field input, the rate of application of the dispensers of one section of the implement can be collectively varied in relation to the rate of application of the dispensers of a different section of the implement frame. 1. An implement for applying an input product to an agricultural field , the implement comprising:a frame arranged to be supported for movement across the field in a forward working direction in which the frame includes a plurality of designated frame sections;a plurality of product dispensers supported on the frame in association with each designated frame section;a product supply arranged to store the input product therein so as to be supported for movement across the field together with the frame;a plurality of conveying lines communicating between the product supply and respective ones of the product dispensers;a plurality of metering devices in which each metering device is associated with one of the designated frame sections and communicates with at least one main line in communication with the respective conveying lines of the product dispensers associated therewith;the metering devices being arranged to meter the input product therethrough from the product supply to the respective conveying lines at an adjustable rate relative to one another.2. The implement according to wherein each metering device is arranged to be operated in a closed condition such that no input product is conveying through the conveying lines of the associated frame section.3. The implement according to wherein each metering device is operable at a rate which is responsive to a respective speed input representing a speed of the respective frame section across the field in the forward working ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000130A1
Принадлежит: Go Green Agriculture, Inc.

A method is disclosed that includes growing romaine lettuce in a greenhouse using a hydroponic technique and using purified water. The romaine lettuce has a heart and outer leaves. The heart is separated from the outer leaves of the romaine lettuce. The outer leaves are packaged in a first container and the heart is packaged in a second container. The first container and the second container are separate from one another. The first container and the second container are transferred to a storage device of approximately 32 to 41 degrees F. The packaging the outer leaves and the heart, and the transferring the first container and the second container, occur in an environment of less than or equal to 41 degrees F. The method occurs in a single, environmentally-controlled facility. 1. A method comprising:growing romaine lettuce in a greenhouse using a hydroponic technique and using purified water, the romaine lettuce having a heart and outer leaves;separating the heart from the outer leaves of the romaine lettuce;packaging the outer leaves in a first container and the heart in a second container, wherein the first container and the second container are separate from one another; andtransferring the first container and the second container to a storage device of approximately 32 to 41 degrees F.;wherein the packaging the outer leaves and the heart, and the transferring the first container and the second container occur in an environment of less than or equal to 41 degrees F.; andwherein the method occurs in a single, environmentally-controlled facility.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein 90% or more of the outer leaves of each romaine lettuce are packaged.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the separating step claim 1 , the packaging step and the transferring step are performed in a total of approximately 1 to 5 minutes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein after the heart is separated from the outer leaves claim 1 , the heart and the outer leaves are moved to the environment ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007304A1
Автор: Kuhns Bradford

A spiral growing system is configured to be housed in a vertically elongated silo growth chamber to grow an agricultural crop. The spiral growing system broadly includes a spiral growing assembly and a movable crop support. The spiral growing assembly extends along an assembly length to at least partly define a spiral growing space to receive and feed the agricultural crop therein. The spiral growing assembly includes a continuous track and a feeding system. The track extends continuously along the assembly length and is configured to direct the agricultural crop along a generally downward spiral path. The movable crop support is operably supported by the track and is configured to be advanced downwardly along the assembly length to thereby direct the agricultural crop through the growing space with the feeding system providing direct root application of a supply of water and/or nutrients to the agricultural crop along the track. 1. A silo growing system configured to grow an agricultural crop , said silo growing system comprising:a silo presenting a vertically elongated silo growth chamber; said track extending continuously along the assembly length of the spiral growing assembly and presenting a generally downward spiral path that defines a path axis, with the track configured to direct the agricultural crop along the spiral path,', 'said feeding system extending along the track to direct a supply of water and/or nutrients in the spiral growing space along the spiral path by providing direct root application of the supply of water and/or nutrients to the agricultural crop; and, 'a spiral growing assembly positioned in the silo growth chamber and extending along an assembly length to at least partly define a spiral growing space to receive and feed the agricultural crop therein, said spiral growing assembly including a continuous track and a feeding system,'}a movable crop support configured to support at least some of the agricultural crop, said movable crop ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Spiral Tower Growing Systems and Methods

Номер: US20220030787A1
Принадлежит: Mobius Farm, LLC

The present invention relates to a self-contained growth system that functions as a stand-alone growth system or combined with a hydroponic or aeroponic growth system for the controlled growth of plants. A Spiral Tower having an entry port for seedling or seeds embedded onto trays floating on a downward spiraling water flow provides a closed environment with optimum nutrient and growth conditions for each plant type. The Spiral 1. A Spiral Tower comprising:a. a spiral containment path having an entry port and exit port;b. a downward spiraling sheet of water balanced for pH and nutrient levels;c. trays containing seeds in a growth matrix moving down the spiral path.d. A light source emitting those spectrums best suited to plant growth at a particular stage in the germination sequence for a particular species.2. The Spiral Tower of wherein the stream of water is pH balanced and contains nutrients for germinating a specific seed type.3. The Spiral Tower of wherein the Seed Tray contains seedlings ready for transplanting at the exit port.4. The Spiral Tower of wherein the local environment is maintained at an optimum temperature claim 1 , humidity and light levels for germinating seeds.5. The Spiral Tower of wherein an exit port is located at the end point along the spiral6. The Spiral Tower of wherein the seeds are located on the seed tray in an optimum growth matrix.7. The Spiral Tower of wherein the seed tray has a trapezoid perimeter to limit light exposure to the roots and facilitate movement down the spiral path.8. The Spiral Tower of wherein flow rate claim 1 , nutrient levels claim 1 , and environmental factors are controlled from outside the system.9. An Automated Grow Center comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a. a Spiral Tower of with a purpose of germinating seeds to produce robust seedlings;'}{'b': '5', 'b. a section dedicated to taking the seedlings to maturity and an automated system to both , transplant the seedlings and harvest ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014456A1

A system for electronically pulsing agricultural product with seed includes a seed transport mechanism affixed to a seed planter row unit. A seed sensing device senses dispensation of the seed from the seed transport mechanism. An agricultural product conduit dispenses agricultural products into the seed transport mechanism to provide dispensing of the products with the seed as the seed and product exit the seed transport mechanism. A control interface electronic system dispenses a particular quantity of product with the seed in the seed transport mechanism. A pulsing valve dispenses products from the conduit when the seed sensing device senses the dispensation of the seed. A seed release speed is provided which is proportional to the ground speed of the seed planter row unit to minimize seed tumbling and optimize accurate placement of seed and product at varying ground speeds of the row unit. 2. The system wherein said seed transport mechanism and said agricultural product tube are in an integrated assembly for accurate placement of the chemical granules with the seed.3. The system of wherein said seed transport mechanism comprises a paddle belt assembly.4. The system of wherein said seed transport mechanism comprises a brush belt assembly.5. The system of wherein said seed transport mechanism comprises a disc/seed pocket assembly.6. The system of wherein said seed transport mechanism comprises a seed tube assembly.7. The system of further comprising said agricultural product metering system claim 1 , wherein said agricultural product metering system includes an in-meter diffuser.8. The system of further comprising said agricultural product metering system claim 1 , wherein said agricultural product metering system includes a single slope in-meter diffuser.9. The system of further comprising said agricultural product metering system claim 1 , wherein said agricultural product metering system includes a double slope in-meter diffuser.10. The system of further ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Hydroponic Vegetable Culture Device

Номер: US20160021838A1
Автор: Sheng-Hsiung Cheng
Принадлежит: Individual

A hydroponic vegetable culture device generally includes a plurality of side-by-side arranged tanks and a plurality of slide boards set on the tanks. The slide boards extend across and straddle the tanks and are movable along the tanks. The slide boards are each provided with retainer frames that respectively correspond to the tanks and each includes an absorbent piece attached thereto. The tanks receive therein a nutrient solution. The absorbent pieces of the retainer frames receive vegetable seeds to be deposited therein. The absorbent pieces are allowed to absorb and keep therein the nutrient solution so as to achieve culture of hydroponically cultured vegetables. The slide boards are sequentially moved rearward so that when the slide boards reach an end of the tanks, the hydroponically cultured vegetables growing therein can be harvested. Thus, the culture of hydroponically cultured vegetables is made easy and efficient.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039342A1
Принадлежит: Local Bounti Corporation

A farming method may be shown and described. In an exemplary embodiment, plants may begin in a germination phase. Next, plants are brought to a nursery for a period of time before optionally being transplanted to one or more subsequent nurseries. Finally, plants are transplanted to a greenhouse where they may grow until they are ready for harvest. In an exemplary embodiment, the nursery phases may be vertical farms while the greenhouse phase may be a traditional, hydroponic, or other type of farm which may receive sunlight. AI may be implemented to optimize environmental conditions and robotics may be used to harvest the plants. Plants may be indexed to efficiently expedite plant growth and optimize the time and plant density/spacing in each phase. 1. A method for farming plants , comprising:planting a plurality of seeds or seedlings on one or more plant trays having individual plant sites, and beginning a germination phase;after the germination phase, identifying a plurality of plants germinated from the plurality of seeds or seedlings, transporting the plurality of plants to a nursery in one or more nursery phases, arranging the plurality of plants vertically on a plurality of vertically-aligned shelving units, and illuminating the plurality of plants by a plurality of artificial light sources in each nursery phase;transplanting the plurality of plants to a greenhouse, beginning a greenhouse phase, and illuminating the plurality of plants with sunlight and/or artificial light during the greenhouse phase; andharvesting the plurality of plants from the greenhouse;wherein the method further comprises:a step of monitoring, by at least one sensor or monitoring device, a plurality of plant parameters; anda step of adjusting, by a control unit, a plurality of environmental parameters, wherein the step of adjusting the environmental parameters occurs during one or more of the germination phase, the one or more nursery phases, and the greenhouse phase;wherein the control ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021238A1

One variation of a method for automatically redistributing plants throughout an agricultural facility includes, at a mobile robotic system: delivering a first module—defining a first array of plant slots at a first density and loaded with a first set of plants in approximately a second growth stage—from a grow area within a facility to a transfer station within the facility; delivering a second module—located within the facility and defining a second array of plant slots at a second density less than the first density—to the transfer station; and following transfer of a first subset of plants from the first array of plant slots in the first module into the second array of plant slots in the second module at the transfer station, delivering the second module to the grow area in the facility. 1. A method for automatically redistributing plants throughout an agricultural facility comprising , at a mobile robotic system:navigating to a first module located in a grow area within a facility, the first module defining a first array of plant slots at a first density and loaded with a first set of plants in approximately a second growth stage;delivering the first module to a first transfer station within the facility;navigating to a second module located within the facility, the second module defining a second array of plant slots at a second density less than the first density and empty of plants;delivering the second module to the first transfer station;following transfer of a first subset of plants, in the first set of plants, from the first array of plant slots in the first module into the second array of plant slots in the second module at the first transfer station, delivering the second module to the grow area in the facility; andfollowing removal of the first set of plants from the first array of plant slots in the first module and insertion of a second set of plants into the first array of plant slots in the first module, returning the first module to the grow area ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046875A1

A tower assembly for use with an overhead conveyor of a hydroponic vertical farm system. The tower assembly includes a tower frame, a face plate, and a connector. The tower frame has a top portion opposite a bottom portion. The face plate is configured to be removably attached to the tower frame. When the face plate is attached to the tower frame, the face plate is configured to support at least one plant as the at least one plant grows. The connector is attached to the top portion of the tower frame. The connector is configured to be removably attached to the overhead conveyor. 1. A tower assembly for use with an overhead conveyor , the tower assembly comprising:a tower frame having a top portion opposite a bottom portion;a face plate configured to be removably attached to the tower frame, the face plate being configured to support at least one plant as the at least one plant grows when the face plate is attached to the tower frame; anda connector attached to the top portion of the tower frame, the connector being configured to be removably attached to the overhead conveyor.2. The tower assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tower frame comprises first and second channels that are spaced apart from and aligned with one another claim 1 ,the face plate comprises a first edge portion opposite a second edge portion, andthe face plate is removably attached to the tower frame by sliding the first and second edge portions into the first and second channels.3. The tower assembly of claim 2 , wherein the tower frame comprises a through-hole in communication with the first channel claim 2 , and the tower assembly further comprises:a pin received inside the through-hole and extending into the first channel, the pin preventing the face plate from sliding downwardly with respect to the tower frame.4. The tower assembly of claim 2 , wherein the face plate is a first face plate claim 2 , the at least one plant is at least one first plant claim 2 , the tower frame comprises a front ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029200A1

Plants are positioned in containers on a conveyor having conveyor rails. The conveyor rails pass into a radiation space above a roof of a building, along an exterior side of the building and into a processing space below the roof of the building. One or more of the conveyor rails in the radiation space may be supported by a frame. A part of the conveyor extends horizontally above the roof of the building, and another part of the conveyor extends vertically along the exterior side of the building. Water pipelines and a dispenser are provided in the processing space and not in the radiation space, the dispenser being positioned below the roof of the building. The conveyor moves the plants between the radiation space and the processing space during the plants' lives. The frame may be moved to raise or reposition the conveyer in the radiation space. 1. A horticulture method to grow plants , the method comprising:positioning the plants in a plurality of containers supported by a conveyor, the conveyor having a path defined by a set of conveyor rails;laying the conveyor rails to pass into a radiation space above a roof of a structure, and into a processing space different from the radiation space, wherein one or more of the conveyor rails in the radiation space are supported by a frame that extends above at least a portion of the roof;providing water pipelines and a dispenser in the processing space and not in the radiation space; and ["positioning the plants in the radiation space during first portions of the plants' lives, the first portions of the plants' lives being relatively longer than second portions of the plants' lives in which the plants are not in the radiation space;", 'moving, by the conveyor, the plants in the processing space, wherein the dispenser administers water to one container after another to administer a controlled quantity of water to the plants when in the processing space; and', 'returning the plants from the processing space and back to the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053712A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

A controller for an air supplier of an assembly line grow pod is provided. The controller identifies a plant on one or more carts; determines an airflow rate based on an airflow recipe for the identified plant; controls an air supplier to output air through one or more outlet vents at the airflow rate; obtains an image of the plant; identifies a type of contaminants deposited directly on the plant based on the obtained image; and adjusts a power of the air output from the air supplier to remove the contaminants from the plant by the air based on the identified type of contaminants deposited directly on the plant. 1. A controller for an air supplier of an assembly line grow pod , the controller comprising:one or more processors;one or more memory modules storing lighting recipes; and{'claim-text': ['identify a plant on one or more carts;', 'determine an airflow rate based on an airflow recipe for the identified plant;', 'control an air supplier to output air through one or more outlet vents at the airflow rate;', 'obtain an image of the plant;', 'identify a type of contaminants deposited directly on the plant based on the obtained image; and', 'adjust a power of the air output from the air supplier to remove the contaminants from the plant by the air based on the identified type of contaminants deposited directly on the plant.'], '#text': 'machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to:'}2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that claim 1 , when executed by the one or more processors claim 1 , cause the controller to change a direction of the air exhausted from the one or more outlet vents.3. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that claim 1 , when executed by the one or more processors claim 1 , cause the controller to: ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039755A1

Embodiments disclosed herein generally relate to systems and methods for emptying and/or cleaning a tray within in an assembly line grow pod. In one embodiment, a sanitizer component for cleaning a tray coupled to a cart in an assembly line grow pod is disclosed. The sanitizer component is coupled to a track such that the cart and the tray are received in the sanitizer component via the track. The sanitizer component comprises a first actuator arm positioned underneath the track and extendable through an opening in the track and an aperture at a bottom end of the cart to contact the tray such that the tray rotates in a first direction. The sanitizer component further includes an actuator motor coupled to the first actuator arm for extending the first actuator arm and a controller. The controller is communicatively connected to the actuator motor in the sanitizer component. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of cleaning a tray coupled to a cart placed on a track , the method comprising:directing movement of the cart along the track into a sanitizer component; anddirecting movement of a first actuator arm positioned underneath the track and extendable through an opening in the track and an aperture at the bottom of the cart such that the first actuator arm extends through the opening in the track and the aperture at the bottom of the cart to contact the tray such that the tray rotates in the first direction.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:receiving, from a sensor of an automatic inspection system, information relating to a presence of contents in the tray; anddetermining that the contents in the tray are to be emptied from the tray.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:applying a high pressure wash, the high pressure wash directing water towards the tray to remove particulate material from the tray.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:contacting a contact scrubber with the tray, the contact scrubber removing particulate material from ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061239A1

A plant cultivation tray for a gravity-driven plant cultivation system includes: (a) a tray body; (b) a plurality of plant cavities in and open to a top of the tray body for holding plants; (c) a nutrient chamber internal the tray body and in fluid communication with the plant cavities for holding plant nutrient solution. The nutrient chamber is bounded from below by a nutrient chamber bottom wall lying in a horizontal plane. The tray body has at least one underside surface for engagement with a sloped gravity conveyor to rollingly support the plant cultivation tray thereon. The at least one underside surface slopes downwards relative to the horizontal plane from a rear to a front of the tray body for maintaining a generally constant depth of the plant nutrient solution across the nutrient chamber bottom wall when the tray is supported on the gravity conveyor. 1. A plant cultivation tray for a gravity-driven plant cultivation system , comprising:a) a tray body;b) a plurality of plant cavities in and open to a top of the tray body for holding plants;c) a nutrient chamber internal the tray body and in fluid communication with the plant cavities, the nutrient chamber for holding plant nutrient solution, and the nutrient chamber bounded from below by a nutrient chamber bottom wall of the tray body, the nutrient chamber bottom wall lying in a horizontal plane; andd) wherein the tray body has at least one underside surface for engagement with a sloped gravity conveyor to rollingly support the plant cultivation tray on the gravity conveyor, the at least one underside surface sloping downwards relative to the horizontal plane from a rear of the tray body to a front of the tray body for maintaining a generally constant depth of the plant nutrient solution across the nutrient chamber bottom wall when the tray is supported on the gravity conveyor.2. The tray of claim 1 , wherein the tray body has a pair of the underside surfaces spaced laterally apart from each other for ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049040A1

An agricultural implement is provided that includes a number of row units. The row units include one or more seed meters for receiving, singulating, and dispensing seed to the ground such that preferred spacing of subsequent seed is attained. A seed delivery system is included to aid in transporting the seed from the seed meter to the ground in a controlled manner to mitigate skips and to aid in controlling the spacing of the seeds, which can be based upon the ground speed of the implement as it moves through the field. The ground speed can be mechanically transferred to the seed delivery system. The seed dispensing system can control the transport of the seed to a furrow in the field such that the seed can experience zero or near zero relative velocity so that the seed will have little to no movement once positioned in the furrow. 1. A row unit for use with an agricultural implement , comprising:at least one seed meter comprising a seed disc and a seed exit; anda seed delivery system for transporting seed from the seed meter to a furrow in the ground, the seed delivery system comprising:a seed tube operatively connected to the seed meter;a resilient member positioned near a bottom of the seed tube for transporting seed at least partially between the seed tube and the resilient member to discharge the seed towards the furrow; anda ground contact drive operatively connected to resilient member and configured to translate the ground speed of the row unit to a rotational velocity for the resilient member.2. The row unit of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member comprises a substantially circular member.3. The row unit of claim 1 , wherein the rotational velocity of the resilient member is determinative on the ground speed of the row unit such that a seed discharged will experience a net zero velocity when dropped in the furrow.4. The row unit of claim 1 , wherein the seed meter comprises a seed chute for receiving seed released from the seed disc and positioned ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055461A1

A method is provided. In this method, a first tray positioned at a first end of a trough assembly at a selected tier is engaged. The first tray is then lifted and removed. A second tray is then engaged and moved vertically to the selected tiers. It is placed in the trough assembly at a second end. Other trays—which are positioned within the trough assembly between the first and second ends of the selected tier—are moved toward the first end of the trough assembly. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising:a frame having a plurality of tiers;a plurality of trough assemblies, wherein each trough assembly is secured to the frame and positioned in at least one of the tiers, and wherein each trough assembly includes at least one reservoir dimensioned by first and second end plates with at least one trough segment secured therebetween;a load assembly that is aligned with the frame, wherein the load assembly is secured to the frame and is configured to access each of the tiers, and wherein the load assembly includes first and second arm that are spaced apart at a predetermined distance dimensioned so as to load or unload at least one tray from at least one of the trough assemblies;a plurality of conveyor assemblies, wherein each conveyor assembly is secured to the frame and is associated with at least one tier, and wherein each conveyor assembly is configured to engage and transfer at least one tray across its associated trough assembly;a feed assembly that is configured to provide nutrient laden water to the plurality of trough assemblies.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the trough assembly further comprises first and second tracks that are configured to engage at least one tray.23. The apparatus of claim 22 , wherein the frame further comprises:a plurality of frame sections, wherein each frame section includes a plurality of vertical support members interconnected to a plurality of cross support members; anda plurality of horizontal support members, wherein each ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055471A1
Автор: NG Jack Soon Hoe
Принадлежит: SKY Urban IP Pte Ltd

A rotatable rack system for growing plants is disclosed which has a frame, a plurality of mobile trays arrayed around the frame, where each mobile tray contains at least one plant and a chain linking said plurality of mobile trays together, supported by the frame with a drive mechanism configured to drive the chain wherein the frame is configured to support the plurality of mobile trays encircling an enclosed space. Several configurations of the frame that are equally energy efficient are also disclosed, along with a method of growing plants using the system. 2. The rotatable rack system of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a first side and a second side claim 1 , wherein the gradient of the first side differs from the gradient of the second side claim 1 , such that the trays on the first side requires less effort to drive the chain than on the second side.3. The rotatable rack system of claim 1 , further comprising an irrigation system for supplying water to the rotatable rack system.4. The rotatable rack system of claim 3 , wherein said irrigation system supplies water to the drive mechanism claim 3 , wherein the drive mechanism comprises a water wheel.5. The rotatable rack system of claim 4 , wherein said irrigation system comprises a bath in which the mobile trays are allowed to at least partially immerse in.6. The rotatable rack system of claim 5 , wherein said irrigation system comprises a water tank in fluid connection with the bath.7. The rotatable rack system of claim 4 , wherein said water wheel comprises a controller to adjust the rate of rotation of the water wheel claim 4 , which affects the rate of movement of the chain.8. The rotatable rack system of claim 4 , wherein said water wheel comprises a port for an external crank that allows for the water wheel to be rotated manually.9. The rotatable rack system of claim 1 , further comprising a chain guide that guides the chain claim 1 , said chain guide also being able to lock the trays in place in the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220078983A1

A gravity-driven plant cultivation system includes: (a) a frame; (b) a plurality of stacked conveyor assemblies mounted to the frame, each conveyor assembly including at least one gravity conveyor extending along a sloped conveyor axis; and (c) a plurality of plant cultivation trays rollingly supported on each gravity conveyor and urged to translate along a corresponding conveyor axis via gravitational force. Each tray includes: (i) a tray body having at least one underside surface parallel and in engagement with the gravity conveyor for supporting the tray thereon; (ii) a plurality of plant cavities in the tray body for holding plants; and (iii) a nutrient chamber internal the tray body for holding plant nutrient solution for the plants. The nutrient chamber is bounded from below by a nutrient chamber bottom wall lying in a horizontal plane for maintaining a constant depth of the plant nutrient solution. 1. A gravity-driven plant cultivation system , comprising:(a) a frame having a frame upstream end and a frame downstream end spaced horizontally apart from the frame upstream end;(b) a plurality of vertically stacked conveyor assemblies mounted to the frame, each conveyor assembly including at least one gravity conveyor extending between the frame upstream end and the frame downstream end along a conveyor axis, the conveyor axis sloping downwards relative to a horizontal plane from the frame upstream end to the frame downstream end; and{'claim-text': ['a tray body having a front directed toward the frame downstream end, a rear axially opposite the front and directed toward the frame upstream end, and at least one underside surface extending from the tray rear to the tray front parallel with the conveyor axis and in engagement with the conveyor for supporting the tray on the conveyor;', '(ii) a plurality of plant cavities in the tray body and open to a top of the tray body, the plant cavities for holding plants; and', '(iii) a nutrient chamber internal the tray body ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087119A1
Автор: Millar Gary Bret
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

Devices, systems, and methods for providing and operating a valve control module and valves in an assembly line grow pod are provided herein. Some embodiments include an assembly line grow pod having a plurality of fluid lines fluidly coupled between a fluid source and a fluid destination within the assembly line grow pod, a plurality of valves, each coupled to a fluid line such that fluid movement through the fluid lines is selectively controlled by the valves, and a master controller communicatively coupled to the valves. The master controller is programmed to receive information relating to fluid delivery within the assembly line grow pod, determine one or more valves to direct the fluid, determine valve parameters for each of the valves that achieve the fluid direction, and transmit one or more control signals to the valves for directing the fluid within the assembly line grow pod. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of installing a plurality of valves in an assembly line grow pod , the method comprising:providing the assembly line grow pod comprising a fluid source and at least one fluid destination;disposing the plurality of valves in the assembly line grow pod between the fluid source and the at least one fluid destination and fluidly coupling the plurality of valves to a first fluid line fluidly coupled to the fluid source and at least one second fluid line fluidly coupled to the at least one fluid destination such that the plurality of valves, when operated, selectively controls movement of a fluid flow in the first fluid line and the at least one second fluid line from the fluid source to the at least one fluid destination; andcommunicatively coupling the plurality of valves to a master controller within the assembly line grow pod, wherein the master controller is programmed to receive a recipe relating to a predetermined amount of fluid to be delivered to a particular plant at a predetermined location within the assembly line grow pod, determine one or more ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087123A1

An aeroponic growing system includes a plurality of parallel vertical aeroponic growing apparatuses each having a closable loop articulated wall made up of vertical strips or panels that are pivotally attached side-by-side together with flexible joints. The motor-driven articulated wall moves on rails as an oblong-shaped carousel. The panels are provided with numerous plant-growing cups such that the growing plant extends outwardly out of the cup while the roots thereof are located inwardly of the wall. A spraying system delivers nutrients to the roots in darkness. On the external side, plants are exposed to controlled lighting provided by a programmable vertical LED system. Every growing step of the plants is optimized and supported by sensors and interactive software. The articulated wall is disengageable from its aeroponic growing apparatus to be displaced along a railing system between a grow room and other areas, and/or inverted for the roots to face outward. 1. An aeroponic growing system , comprising:a grow area and a second area distant from the grow area,an aeroponic growing apparatus located in the grow area;a second apparatus located in the second area,an articulated wall comprising a plurality of panels articulated relative to each other holding a plurality of plant-growing containers adapted for plants to grow therein, anda motorized railing system connecting the aeroponic growing apparatus and the second apparatus, and adapted to selectively displace the articulated wall between the aeroponic growing apparatus and the second apparatus.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aeroponic growing apparatus is adapted to handle the articulated wall as a carousel claim 1 , and wherein the aeroponic growing apparatus comprises a lighting system and a nutrient delivery system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the nutrient delivery system is located inside the carousel and the lighting system is located outside the carousel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200068821A1

A system for vertical hydroponic plant growing. The system, and associated apparatuses and methods, may include or use sprockets, a sprocket drive device that is connected to at least one sprocket among the sprockets, a first continuous loop chain that is mounted on the sprockets, a second continuous loop chain that is mounted on the sprockets, and trays. Each tray includes a first end and a second end that includes a drain hole. The trays are attached to the first continuous loop chain and to the second continuous loop chain. The system also includes a fluid-dispensing device that is configured to dispense a fluid into a tray that is moved by the chains to a position adjacent to the fluid-dispensing device. The chains are configured to longitudinally tilt a tray downward towards the drain hole while the tray is near the position adjacent to the fluid-dispensing device. 1. A system for vertical hydroponic plant growing , the system comprising:a plurality of sprockets;a sprocket drive device that is connected to at least one sprocket of the plurality of sprockets;a first continuous loop chain that is mounted on the plurality of sprockets;a second continuous loop chain that is mounted on the plurality of sprockets;a plurality of trays, wherein each tray of the plurality of trays includes a first end and a second end that includes a drain hole, and wherein the plurality of trays are attached to the first continuous loop chain and to the second continuous loop chain; anda fluid-dispensing device that is configured to dispense a fluid into a tray among the plurality of trays that is moved by the first continuous loop chain and the second continuous loop chain to a position adjacent to the fluid-dispensing device;wherein the second continuous loop chain is configured to longitudinally tilt the tray downward towards the drain hole while the tray is near the position adjacent to the fluid-dispensing device.2. The system for vertical hydroponic plant growing of claim 1 , ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Cultivation System for Cultivation on Water in a Basin and Floating Carriers Therefor

Номер: US20190075742A1

A carrier for growing crops, such as lettuce, is disclosed. The carrier floats on water in a pond, and includes at least one floating beam and a carrier connectable to the floating beam, and a number of growth locations for the crops where holders for the crops or roots of the crops extend into the water. 1. A carrier for growing crops while floating on water in an elongate production pond with an infeed end and an opposite outfeed end , wherein the floating carrier is elongate , and is configured to be moved in a longitudinal direction of the elongate production pond through the production pond from the infeed end to the outfeed end at a rate corresponding to bringing the crops to full growth , which floating carrier comprises at least one floating beam and a carrier connectable to the at least one floating beam and comprising a number of growth locations for the crops where holders for the crops or roots of the crops extend into the water.2. A carrier as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a length of at least one of the carriers corresponds to a width of the elongate production pond.3. A carrier as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the floating beam is hollow or manufactured from buoyant material claim 1 , and extends as a strengthening beam over substantially the whole length of the elongate floating carrier.4. A carrier as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the growth locations are arranged to the side of the beam.5. A carrier as claimed in comprising at least two parallel floating beams claim 1 , wherein the growth locations are arranged between adjacent floating beams.6. A carrier as claimed in claim 5 , wherein two connecting elements are arranged between and connected to both floating beams claim 5 , extending there between to define the carrier and the growth locations thereof.7. A carrier as claimed in claim 1 , wherein adjacent growth locations are arranged along the at least one floating beam at equal mutual intermediate distances claim 1 , and growth locations at ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158204A1
Принадлежит: CNH Canada, Ltd.

A sectioned meter box assembly for an agricultural metering system is provided. One metering system for distributing an agricultural product in a field includes a drive input and a drive shaft coupled to the drive input and configured to be driven in rotation by the drive input. The metering system also includes a first meter box assembly having a first housing, a first metering shaft extending through a first plurality of meter rollers within the first housing, and a second metering shaft extending through a second plurality of meter rollers within the first housing. The metering system includes a second meter box assembly having a second housing, a third metering shaft extending through a third plurality of meter rollers within the second housing, and a fourth metering shaft extending through a fourth plurality of meter rollers within the second housing. Each metering shaft is configured to be independently driven by the drive shaft. 1. A metering system for distributing an agricultural product in a field , comprising:a drive input;a drive shaft coupled to the drive input and configured to be driven in rotation by the drive input;a first meter box assembly having a first housing, a first metering shaft extending through a first plurality of meter rollers within the first housing, and a second metering shaft extending through a second plurality of meter rollers within the first housing; anda second meter box assembly having a second housing, a third metering shaft extending through a third plurality of meter rollers within the second housing, and a fourth metering shaft extending through a fourth plurality of meter rollers within the second housing;wherein each metering shaft is configured to be independently driven by the drive shaft.2. The metering system of claim 1 , wherein the first meter box assembly comprises a bearing assembly disposed between the first metering shaft and the second metering shaft.3. The metering system of claim 1 , wherein the first meter ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Automated Aeroponic Systems For Growing Plants

Номер: US20180077884A1

The present invention may relate to Aeroponic Systems and their individual elements. More particularly to automated systems capable of monitoring and adjusting some if not all of the light, nutrient, water quality and environmental factors required for the propagation and sustained growth of all types of plants. It may also describe methods to support the plants during propagation from seeds and for growth and harvesting. It may describe various methodologies for reducing space requirements and for increasing plant density without detriment to the growth cycles. 1. A self-contained , compact plant growth system comprising:a common side plant multiple movement system output external enclosure; a first growth phase maximal spatial density matrix of vertically stacked, horizontal foundation closely adjacent, movable grow supports; and', 'a second growth phase maximal spatial density matrix of horizontally stacked, vertical foundation, vertically pivotable, vertical plant growth row supports,, 'a plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports having multiple plant placement locations and forming an overlapping, selected growth phase maximal spatial density matrix comprisinga plurality of individual plant growth foundations configured to be placed at each of said multiple plant placement locations and to hold plants;a circuitous path, continuous growth sequence support movement system to which said plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports are movably responsive;a centralized plant water supply system configured to supply water for release to each of said multiple plant placement locations on said plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports as they pass said centralized supply;a nutrient supply system configured to supply nutrients for release to said multiple plant placement locations on said plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports; anda distributed light supply system configured to supply select wave lengths of light to each of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084822A1
Автор: CESCHINI Mauro

A method for harvesting and post-production packaging of leafy crops by hydroponic technique comprises the steps of spraying a plurality of vital plants such to create a water film on leaves to keep them hydrated. The method includes pre-cooling the vital plants at a temperature lower than or equal to +5° C. within a period of about 12 hours and cutting and separating the plants from the supporting substrate and from roots. The method also includes packaging the plants at a temperature not higher than 5° C. The invention also includes a plant for harvesting and post-production packaging of leafy crops by hydroponic technique. 1. A method for harvesting and post-production packaging of leafy crops by hydroponic technique comprising the steps of:spraying a plurality of vital plant such to create a water film on leaves to keep them hydrated, said plants being anchored by their respective roots to a supporting substrate;gradually pre-cooling the vital plants at a temperature lower than or equal to +5° C. within a period of about 12 hours, in order to slow down their development and ripening;cutting and separating the plants from the supporting substrate and from roots.packaging the plants at a temperature not higher than 5° C.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising after the spraying step the further steps of:automated stacking of a plurality of channels on which the vital and ripe plants are housed coming out from a greenhouse.moving the stacked channels with the plants and relevant supporting substrate in a cooling environment;3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising before and after the cutting step the further steps of:moving the channels with the cut plants to subsequent processing steps at a temperature not higher than 5° C.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising after the cutting step the further step of:sorting and discarding not suitable or not entire produce.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising after the cutting step the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084837A1
Автор: Counne Jacob David

The present disclosure is directed to improved vertical farming using autonomous systems and methods for growing edible plants, using improved stacking and shelving units configured to allow for gravity-based irrigation, gravity-based loading and unloading, along with a system for autonomous rotation, incorporating novel plant-growing pallets, while being photographed and recorded by camera systems incorporating three dimensional/multispectral cameras, with the images and data recorded automatically sent to a database for processing and for gauging plant health, pest and/or disease issues, and plant life cycle. The present disclosure is also directed to novel harvesting methods, novel modular lighting, novel light intensity management systems, real time vision analysis that allows for the dynamic adjustment and optimization of the plant growing environment, and a novel rack structure system that allows for simplified building and enlarging of vertical farming rack systems. 1. A vertical farming system for optimizing a plant growing process , comprising:a shelving system, said shelving system comprising a plurality of shelves, each of said plurality of shelves having a first end and a second end with said first end being located higher than said second end, each of said plurality of shelves configured to accept and secure at least one grow tray, said plurality of shelves comprising a plurality of rollers, said plurality of rollers capable of rotating and configured such that a grow tray placed on said rollers will be transported from said first end to said second end using gravitational force;a lift, said lift positioned at the said second end of said plurality of shelves, said lift configured to remove said grow tray from a first of said plurality of shelves and moving said grow tray to a second of said plurality of shelves;said grow tray comprising at least one port, said port located and configured on said grow tray such that when said grow tray fills with water ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165890A1
Автор: Graham Charles T.
Принадлежит: Deere & Company

A seeding machine, such as a row crop planter, is described which is adapted to switch between two or more seed varieties as the machine traverses a field. The control system uses a programmed quantity of seed representing a number of seeds in the seed meter that need to be substantially consumed once the flow of a first seed variety is stopped before introducing a second seed variety to minimize seed mixing. The seed quantity can be determined by a calibration process or published from the manufacturer or third parties. The seed quantity can also be part of a seeding prescription that includes assignment of where each seed variety is to be planted in a field. The seed quantity and the distance traveled to empty the meter can be used to optimize the planting operation including the machine direction which can also be part of the prescription. 1. A seed distributing machine comprising:a seed meter having a housing adapted to hold a pool of seed to be singulated and delivered sequentially;a seed sensor adapted to generate a signal for each seed delivered by the meter and passing the sensor,a seed delivery system to provide at least two different varieties of seed to the meter, the seed delivery system having a switching mechanism to change from a first variety of seed to a second variety of seed being delivered to the meter housing;a controller adapted to operate the switching mechanism to control which seed variety of the first and second seed varieties is delivered to the meter based on the location of the machine in a field wherein the controller is adapted to stop supplying a first seed variety to the meter before supplying a second variety to allow for substantial consumption of the first variety of seed in the seed pool prior to supplying the second variety of seed to the seed meter, the location of the machine in the field where supply of the first variety of seed to the meter is stopped is based on a programmed quantity of seed and the seeding rate wherein the ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for Automatically Adhering Seeds to Biodegradable Mulching Film Having Anti-Blocking Function and Method for Adhering Seeds by Using Same

Номер: US20150096265A1
Автор: Choe Young Hoon

The present invention relates to an apparatus for automatically adhering seeds (hereinafter “seeds” shall refer to pre-germination seed rice when adhered to the mulching film, and to seeds which have germinated and divided after being planted and growing deeper roots in a rice paddy) to a biodegradable mulching film having an anti-blocking function, and to a method for adhering the seeds by using the apparatus. More specifically, the present invention relates to the apparatus for automatically adhering the seeds, which forms by means of a cutting means or a punching means through-holes or germination gaps on the mulching film on which germination holes have not been punched, can process adhesive coating and seed adhering in an accurate, swift, and automatic manner, and which is provided with a releasing agent so as to coat the releasing agent after coating the adhesive, thereby preventing blocking due to overlapping of the mulching film when winding same. 1. An apparatus for automatically adhering seeds to a mulching film , comprising:an unwinder which is configured to wind the mulching film and store in a roll shape;a moving means which is configured to move the mulching film wound around the unwinder to a work space;a punching means which is provided at the work space and forms a plurality of through holes each having a predetermined diameter, on the mulching film which has been moved to the work space or a cutting means which forms a plurality of germination gaps each having a predetermined length, on the mulching film;an adhesive coating means which is provided at the work space and coats an adhesive on the mulching film which has the germination gaps;a seed adhering means which is configured to adhere the seeds to a portion where the adhesive is coated by the adhesive coating means;a release agent coating means which is configured to coat a release agent on the seed-adhered mulching film for thereby eliminating an adhering force of the adhesive;a rewinder which ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142041A1

A mounting assembly for an agricultural product meter includes an upper mount configured to support at least a portion of a weight of the agricultural product meter. The upper mount is configured to couple to a support structure. The mounting assembly also includes a pin configured to engage the agricultural product meter via movement of the pin along a longitudinal axis of the pin. In addition, the mounting assembly includes a lower mount configured to selectively receive the pin via movement of the pin along the longitudinal axis of the pin. The lower mount is configured to couple to the support structure, and the pin is configured to block movement of the agricultural product meter away from the support structure while the pin is engaged with the agricultural product meter and the lower mount. 1. A mounting assembly for an agricultural product meter , comprising:an upper mount configured to support at least a portion of a weight of the agricultural product meter, wherein the upper mount is configured to couple to a support structure;a pin configured to engage the agricultural product meter via movement of the pin along a longitudinal axis of the pin; anda lower mount configured to selectively receive the pin via movement of the pin along the longitudinal axis of the pin, wherein the lower mount is configured to couple to the support structure, and the pin is configured to block movement of the agricultural product meter away from the support structure while the pin is engaged with the agricultural product meter and the lower mount.2. The mounting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pin has an engagement portion extending substantially perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the pin claim 1 , the lower mount has a recess configured to receive the engagement portion of the pin via rotation of the pin about the longitudinal axis of the pin while the pin is engaged with the agricultural product meter and the lower mount claim 1 , and the lower mount comprises a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143847A1

An agricultural robot is disclosed, the agricultural robot comprising a chassis comprising a plurality of ground-engaging mechanisms for propelling the robot in a direction of travel; a supply module mounted on the chassis and comprising a fluid providing unit, a power providing unit, a supply interface operatively connected to the fluid providing unit and to the power providing unit and for providing at least one of fluid and power; and a controller for operating the plurality of ground-engaging mechanisms and the supply interface. 1. A robot comprising:a chassis comprising a plurality of ground-engaging mechanisms for propelling the robot in a direction of travel; a resource providing unit,', 'a supply interface operatively connected to the resource providing unit for providing a resource; and, 'a supply module mounted on the chassis and comprisinga controller for operating the plurality of ground-engaging mechanisms and the supply interface.2. The robot as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resource comprises a fluid claim 1 , and the resource providing unit comprises a fluid reservoir and the supply interface comprises a fluid outlet operatively connected to the fluid reservoir.3. The al robot as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the supply interface further comprises a fluid inlet operatively connected to the fluid reservoir.4. The robot as claimed in claim 2 , further wherein the supply interface comprises a robotic arm comprising an end effector; further wherein the fluid outlet is mounted at the end effector of the robotic arm.5. The robot as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resource comprises electrical power claim 1 , and the resource providing unit comprises a battery pack comprising a plurality of batteries and a power connection operatively connected to the battery pack for providing power from the battery pack.6. The robot as claimed in claim 5 , further wherein the supply interface comprises a robotic arm comprising an end effector; further wherein the power ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Rotary type automatic agricultural cultivating equipment

Номер: US20140182197A1
Автор: Chun-Neng Chung

Agricultural cultivating equipment includes a support unit, a rotating unit, a driving unit for driving the rotating unit, a transmission unit extending around the rotating unit, a plurality of loading units, and a supply unit. The transmission unit includes a plurality of hangers. The loading units are disposed respectively on the hangers. Each of the loading units is circulatable between an upper limit position and a lower limit position. The supply unit includes a water supplying device for supplying water into the loading units, and a lighting device for lighting the loading units.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182199A1

The invention provides a multiple density growth substrate product (1) formed of a coherent matrix of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) bonded with binder, having an upper surface (2) provided with a recess (3) adapted to receive a seed or seedling and an opposite lower surface (4) on which the product rests when in use, the product being formed of at least two layers including an upper layer (5) positioned at the upper surface and having a first density and a lower layer (6) positioned at the opposite lower surface and having a second density, wherein the first density is less than the second density by at least 5 kg/mand wherein the loss on ignition (LOI) in the upper layer is at least 3.5 wt %. The invention also provides the use in methods for growing plants, especially pepper plants, of a mono density growth substrate product formed of a coherent matrix of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) bonded with binder, having an upper surface provided with a recess adapted to receive a seed or seedling wherein the density of the product is not more than 70 kg/mand the loss on ignition (LOI) is at least 3.5 wt %. 1. A growth substrate product formed of a coherent matrix of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) bonded with binder , having an upper surface provided with a recess adapted to receive a seed or seedling and an opposite lower surface on which the product rests when in use ,{'sup': '3', 'the product being formed of at least two layers including an upper layer positioned at the upper surface and having a first density and a lower layer positioned at the opposite lower surface and having a second density, wherein the first density is less than the second density by at least 5 kg/mand wherein the loss on ignition (LOI) in the upper layer is at least 3.5 wt %.'}2. A growth substrate product according to wherein the binder is a cured binder formed of a composition which claim 1 , prior to curing claim 1 , comprises a) a sugar component claim 1 , and b) a reaction product of a ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200100446A1

The invention relates to a device and to a method for promoting the growth of plants (), comprising a conveyor belt () which can be moved along a conveyor path () for transporting, at least in sections, plants () which are at least temporarily supplied with nutrients by a nutrient supply () and illuminated by an illumination unit () during movement along the conveyor path (). The conveyor path () is at least approximately horizontal in at least one first section (), and is at least approximately vertical in at least one second section (). The technical solution described is characterized in that the plants () are at least temporarily fixed relative to the conveyor belt () during transport along the conveyor path () such that at least parts of roots of the plants () protrude into a region () located below a lower surface of the conveyor belt (), while at least parts of leaves and/or fruits of the plants () protrude into a region () located above an upper surface of the conveyor belt which opposes the lower surface. As a result of the use of modularly constructed conveyor belt ribbons, growing periods of an arbitrary length are adjusted or an adapted required space of the plant assembly is ensured. 1. A device for promoting the growth of plants , the device comprising: a conveyor belt which can be moved along a conveyor path and is configured for transporting , at least in sections , plants which are at least temporarily supplied with nutrients by a nutrient supply and illuminated by an illumination unit during transport along the conveyor path , the conveyor path being at least approximately horizontal in at least one first section , and being at least approximately vertical in at least one second section , characterized in that the plants are at least temporarily fixed relative to the conveyor belt during transport along the conveyor path such that at least parts of roots of the plants protrude into a region located below a lower surface of the conveyor belt , while ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122162A1
Автор: Horsch Thomas

A distributing unit () for granular material such as seed grains (), fertilizers or the like is disclosed, in particular a seeding unit () of a distributing or seeding machine. The unit () comprises a housing () with at least one inlet opening () for conveying granular material or conveyed seed grains () and an outlet opening () and also a rotating conveying device () with at least one rotating conveying element () for taking hold of the granular material or the seed grains (), which conveying element is arranged or extends approximately axially with respect to the housing (). The grains are held by centrifugal forces on an inner lateral surface region () of the housing (), are crowded together there and are aligned with respect to one another and are ordered in a line or are rowed at an angle which corresponds to an angular position between the lateral surface and the radial conveying element (), with the result that in each case only one single grain () at the end of the row extends in a predefined path along the lateral surface () and, at the end of the separation process, leaves the outlet opening () approximately tangentially. 1. Distributing unit for granular material such as seed grains , fertilizer , or the like , particularly a seeding unit of a distributing or seeding machine , comprising a housing with at least one inlet opening for the conveyance of granular material or conveyed seed grains and an outlet opening and a rotating conveying device having at least one rotating conveying element arranged or running approximately axially to the housing for taking hold of the granular material or the seed grains , the seed grains being held by centrifugal forces on an inner circumferential surface of the housing , are crowded together there and align themselves against each other and in a line or in a row at an angle which corresponds to an angular position between the circumferential surface and the conveying element , with the result that only a single grain ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202075A1
Принадлежит: Raypress Corporation

A seed label including a label layer removably attached to a clear film layer by an adhesive layer, and at least one seed disposed between the label layer and clear film layer. The label layer may be made of a biodegradable material. The adhesive layer may be a dry release-clean release adhesive layer. The label layer may include water-based ink printing thereon. The adhesive layer may be a water-based adhesive. The seed label may be removably affixed to a package. The seed label may be disposable in a container for germinating the seeds. A method of manufacturing a seed label, includes providing a label layer, automatically placing at least one seed on one side of the label layer, and automatically attaching the label layer to a clear film layer by an adhesive layer, with the seed disposed between the label layer and clear film layer. 1. A seed label comprising:a label layer removably attached to a clear film layer by an adhesive layer; andat least one seed disposed between the label layer and clear film layer.2. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the label layer is made of a biodegradable material.3. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive layer is a dry release-clean release adhesive layer.4. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the label layer includes water-based ink printing thereon.5. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive layer is made of a water-based adhesive.6. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the seed label is removably affixed to a package.7. A seed label according to claim 1 , wherein the seed label is disposable in a container for germinating the seeds.8. A method of manufacturing a seed label claim 1 , comprising:providing a label layer;automatically placing at least one seed on one side of the label layer; andautomatically attaching the label layer to a clear film layer by an adhesive layer, with the seed disposed between the label layer and clear film layer.9. A method of manufacturing ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210153445A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

Devices, systems, and methods for providing and operating a pump control module and one or more pumps in an assembly line grow pod are provided herein. Some embodiments include the assembly line grow pod having one or more pumps, a master controller with a plurality of bays and being communicatively coupled to the pumps, and a pump control module within one of the bays such that the pump control module is communicatively coupled to the master controller and the pumps. The pump control module is programmed to receive information regarding fluid within the assembly line grow pod, determine one or more control signals necessary to provide or pressurize the fluid, and provide the one or more control signals to the one or more pumps. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of providing a pump control module in an assembly line grow pod , the method comprising:providing a pump control module within a bay of a plurality of bays of a master controller within the assembly line grow pod such that the pump control module is communicatively coupled to one or more pumps of the assembly line grow pod via the master controller,wherein the pump control module is programmed to receive information regarding a unique fluid requirement for each of a first location and a second location within the assembly line grow pod, determine one or more control signals necessary to provide or pressurize the fluid for delivery of a first amount of fluid to the first location within the assembly line grow pod and the second amount of fluid to a second location within the assembly line grow pod based on the unique fluid requirement for each of the first location and the second location, and provide one or more control signals to the one or more pumps to operate in accordance with the one or more control signals.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:providing the master controller within the assembly line grow pod.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein providing the pump control module comprises: ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132441A1

A method of using conveyor belts for hydroponic growing includes distributing seeds onto at least one conveyor belt, watering the seeds on the conveyor belt, providing lighting to the conveyor belt to facilitate photosynthesis of the seeds thereon, advancing the conveyor belt in intervals as the seeds sprout and grow, and harvesting the sprouts at the end of the conveyor belt. 1. A hydroponic conveyor system , comprising:at least one conveyor belt;a seed distributor for distributing seeds onto the conveyor belt;a hydration system;a plurality of light-emitting diodes; andan HVAC system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydration system comprises a water tank for mixing nutrients therein.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydration system comprises a moveable hydration arm located above a conveyor belt claim 1 , wherein the moveable hydration arm comprises a plurality of drippers for dripping water on the conveyor belt.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a seed hopper for providing sees to the seed distributor.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of conveyor belts are stacked vertically in a rack.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the rack comprises curtains to form plenum walls.7. A hydroponic conveyor system claim 5 , comprising:a plurality of conveyor belts stacked vertically in a rack, the conveyor belts forming rows in the rack, the conveyor belt divided into zones;a plurality of seed distributors located in the first zone of the rack for distributing seeds onto the plurality of conveyor belts;a hydration system comprising a moveable hydration arm in each row of the rack, each movable arm having a plurality of drippers for dripping water;a plurality of light-emitting diodes in each row of the rack, the light-emitting diodes facilitating photosynthesis;an HVAC system; andan automation control system, wherein the automation control controls the speed of the conveyor belts and the timing of the hydration system.8. The system of claim 7 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Growing System and Apparatus

Номер: US20220279742A1
Автор: Tremblay Francois

A growing system is described. The growing system includes a conveyor system, at least one floating tray, a plurality of multifunction beams arranged to contain at least one row, a microclimate exchange system, and a nutriment supply system. 1. A multifunction beam for a growing system , the multifunction beam for installation along rows of the growing system , the beam comprising:a profiled shape comprising a plurality of enclosed chambers and a plurality of slots or channels to interact with the growing system.2. The beam of claim 1 , comprising a gas chamber in communication with a plurality of orifices to permit gas to be distributed to a crop.3. The beam of claim 2 , further comprising a port for each orifice to receive a vented screw.4. The beam of claim 3 , further comprising an irrigation chamber and wherein the irrigation chamber is in communication with a drainage channel via a plurality of drainage ports.5. The beam of claim 4 , further comprising a drainage connector for collecting drained liquid via the irrigation chamber.6. The beam of claim 5 , comprising a lighting profile to support a lighting device.7. The beam of claim 6 , further comprising at least one assembly guide to be inserted in corresponding assembly slots in an adjacent beam.8. A microclimate exchanger device claim 6 , comprising:a body comprising an air flow guide to guide air from an inlet through a cool coil assembly, through a hot coil assembly, and to an outlet;at least one fan at the inlet of the body;an air direction controller at the outlet of the body; andan air filter positioned between the inlet and the outlet.9. A microclimate exchange system claim 6 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', 'claim 8'}, 'at least one exchanger device according to ;'}a chiller;a boiler;a plurality of fans positioned within an area of a growing system to direct air through the at least one exchanger device; anda plurality of enclosure panels to isolate the area.10. The system of claim ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133063A1

Typically greenhouse crop production uses 85% of the floor area for growing crops. The present invention provides a fourfold increase in the usable growing area by using a conveyor to move plants around a closed loop with a plurality of carriages mounted on the conveyor and at least one tray configured to be received on each of the plurality of carriages, each tray configured for growing at least one plant by means of hydroculture. 1. A soilless plant growing system , comprising:a conveyor for moving plants around a closed loop;a clean room in which the conveyor is located, the clean room provided with a filtered air supply and held at a pressure above ambient atmospheric pressure;a plurality of carriages configured to be mounted on the conveyor for movement thereon; andat least one tray configured to be received on each of the plurality of carriages, each tray configured for growing at least one plant in the absence of soil.2. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , wherein the conveyor is a floor-mounted conveyor.3. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , wherein each carriage may be removably replaceable on the conveyor.4. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of carriages are arranged in a first order on the conveyor claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of carriages are re-orderable on the conveyor into a second order.5. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , wherein the clean room comprises light-transmissible windows composed of polycarbonate.6. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , further comprising lighting disposed adjacent to the conveyor claim 1 , and configured to be stationary with respect thereto claim 1 , such that each carriage passes the lighting as the carriage passes around the closed loop.7. The soilless plant growing system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one watering station configured to irrigate the plants on each carriage as the carriage is passed adjacent to the watering ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210169014A1
Автор: Millar Gary Bret

An image capture system for a grow pod includes a master controller that has a processor, a memory, and cameras that are communicatively coupled to the master controller and positioned to capture images of plants or seeds. The memory stores a grow recipe and a logic. The grow recipe defines instructions for growing the plants or seeds and expected attributes corresponding to the instructions. The logic, when executed by the processor, causes the master controller to perform at least the following: receive, from the cameras, the images of the plants or seeds, determine attributes of the plants or seeds from the images, compare the attributes of the plants or seeds from the images to the expected attributes defined by the grow recipe, and adjust the instructions of the grow recipe for growing the plants or seeds based on the comparison of the attributes to the expected attributes. 1. An image capture system for a grow pod comprising:a master controller that includes a processor and a non-transitory computer readable memory; and the non-transitory computer readable memory stores a grow recipe and a logic,', 'the grow recipe defines one or more instructions for growing the plurality of plants, seeds, or both and one or more expected attributes corresponding to the one or more instructions of the grow recipe, and', receive, from the one or more cameras, the one or more images of the plurality of plants, seeds, or both,', 'determine one or more attributes of the plurality of plants, seeds, or both from the one or more images,', 'compare the one or more attributes of the plurality of plants, seeds, or both from the one or more images to the one or more expected attributes defined by the grow recipe, and', 'adjust the one or more instructions of the grow recipe for growing the plurality of plants, seeds, or both based on the comparison of the one or more attributes to the one or more expected attributes., 'the logic, when executed by the processor, causes the master ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190141921A1

A vertical agriculture apparatus is provided, including a drive mechanism, chain tensioning mechanism, connection assembly for connecting trays to a roller chain, tray assemblies, tray hangers, and a watering system. The watering system includes seal members attached to a spring-biased moveable member that is actuated by a surface attached to a tray. The connection assembly includes a connector member defining an inner aperture for receiving pins of a roller chain and an outer aperture for receiving a bolt or rod passing through a tray aperture. The apparatus has a tray that is supported on first and second vertical loops at positions that are spaced apart in two perpendicular horizontal directions. Water is added to the trays on a downward leg of the vertical loop to drive travel of the vertical loop or augment a drive mechanism. 1. A watering system for use with a vertical agriculture apparatus comprising a tray for holding a plant growth medium , and a drive mechanism for moving the tray in a vertical loop , the watering system comprising:(a) a first reservoir;(b) a first seal member;(c) a moveable member to which the first seal member is attached, wherein the moveable member is moveable between a first position wherein the first seal member prevents fluid communication from the first reservoir to the tray, and a second position wherein the first seal member permits fluid communication from the first reservoir to the tray;(d) a spring for biasing the moveable member to the first position; and(e) an actuator for direct or indirect attachment to the tray, the actuator comprising a surface contoured to move the moveable member from the first position to the second position when the surface is moved, by the tray, in sliding engagement with the moveable member.2. The watering system of claim 1 , further comprising:(a) a second reservoir; and(b) a second seal member attached to the moveable member, wherein when the movable member is in the first position, the second ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190150375A1
Принадлежит: ELM Inc.

A seedling growing system according includes: a cargo transport container provided with heat insulating treatment; a movement robot configured to move on a path in the cargo transport container; seedling growing tray racks including a multi-shelf germination racks configured to hold, until germination, a seedling growing tray wherein seeds are sown, a multi-shelf seedling growing racks configured to hold a seedling growing tray wherein seedlings have germinated and including an artificial light source and an automatic watering device, and a multi-shelf shipment rack configured to hold a seedling growing tray for shipping grown seedlings, the racks being disposed side by side on a side or sides of the path in the cargo transport container; and a transfer means provided to the movement robot and configured to transfer each seedling growing tray between movement robot and each of the multi-shelf germination racks, multi-shelf seedling growing racks, and the multi-shelf shipment rack. 111-. (canceled)12. A seedling growing system comprising:a) a storage provided with heat insulating treatment;b) a movement means configured to move on a predetermined path in the storage;c) seedling growing tray racks including a multi-shelf germination rack configured to hold, until germination, a seedling growing tray on which seeds are sown, a multi-shelf seedling growing rack configured to hold a seedling growing tray on which seedlings have germinated and including an artificial light source and an automatic watering device, and a multi-shelf shipment rack configured to hold a seedling growing tray for shipping grown seedlings, the racks being disposed side by side on a side or sides of the path in the storage; and a holding unit capable of moving from the movement means vertically to the path and substantially horizontally;', 'a pinion gear capable of meshing with steps on a bottom part of a seedling growing tray and provided at a leading end of the holding unit; and', 'an arm at a ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185892A1

A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit includes a particle belt configured to be disposed apart from a particle metering and singulation unit and a particle acceleration system configured to apply a force to a particle to accelerate the particle from the particle metering and singulation unit and to guide the particle toward the particle belt. The particle belt is configured to receive the particle accelerated from the particle metering and singulation unit, and the particle acceleration system is configured to apply the force to the particle to accelerate the particle from the particle metering and singulation unit to the particle belt, such that a particle speed of the particle reaches a target particle speed, is within a target percentage of a belt speed of the particle belt, or both, as the particle reaches the particle belt. 1. A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit , comprising:a particle belt configured to be disposed apart from a particle metering and singulation unit; anda particle acceleration system configured to apply a force to a particle to accelerate the particle from the particle metering and singulation unit and to guide the particle toward the particle belt, wherein the particle belt is configured to receive the particle accelerated from the particle metering and singulation unit, and the particle acceleration system is configured to apply the force to the particle to accelerate the particle from the particle metering and singulation unit to the particle belt, such that a particle speed of the particle reaches a target particle speed, is within a target percentage of a belt speed of the particle belt, or both, as the particle reaches the particle belt.2. The particle delivery system of claim 1 , comprising a controller comprising a memory and a processor claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to receive an input signal indicative of the particle speed of the particle at the particle belt and to output an ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185893A1

A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit includes a shuttle track configured to be disposed adjacent to a particle metering and singulation unit, shuttles movably disposed along the shuttle track, and a track belt disposed inwardly of the shuttle track. Each shuttle is configured to receive a particle from the particle metering and singulation unit at a particle reception section of the shuttle track and release the particle toward a trench in soil at a particle deposition section of the shuttle track. The track belt includes paddles, and each paddle is configured to move a respective shuttle along a particle transfer section of the shuttle track from the particle reception section to the particle deposition section. 1. A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit , comprising:a shuttle track configured to be disposed adjacent to a particle metering and singulation unit; receive a particle from the particle metering and singulation unit at a particle reception section of the shuttle track; and', 'release the particle toward a trench in soil at a particle deposition section of the shuttle track; and, 'a plurality of shuttles movably disposed along the shuttle track, wherein each shuttle of the plurality of shuttles is configured toa track belt disposed inwardly of the shuttle track, wherein the track belt comprises a plurality of paddles, and each paddle of the plurality of paddles is configured to move a respective shuttle of the plurality of shuttles along a particle transfer section of the shuttle track from the particle reception section to the particle deposition section.2. The particle delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the shuttle track comprises a shuttle queue section that enables one or more shuttles of the plurality of shuttles to queue prior to receiving the particle from the particle metering and singulation unit.3. The particle delivery system of claim 2 , comprising a rotation mechanism disposed along the shuttle queue section ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185895A1

A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit includes a particle belt housing configured to be disposed adjacent to a particle metering and singulation unit and a particle belt disposed within the particle belt housing. The particle belt includes a base, a plurality of flights extending from the base, a particle engagement section configured to receive a particle from the particle metering and singulation unit, and a particle exit section configured to expel the particle toward a trench in soil. The particle delivery system includes a flex system coupled to the particle belt housing proximate to the particle exit section of the particle belt, where the flex system is configured to drive each flight of the plurality of flights to temporarily flex, such that the flight drives the particle to accelerate through the particle exit section in response to straightening of the flight. 1. A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit , comprising:a particle belt housing configured to be disposed adjacent to a particle metering and singulation unit;a particle belt disposed within the particle belt housing, wherein the particle belt comprises a base, a plurality of flights extending from the base, a particle engagement section configured to receive a particle from the particle metering and singulation unit, and a particle exit section configured to expel the particle toward a trench in soil; anda flex system coupled to the particle belt housing proximate to the particle exit section of the particle belt, wherein the flex system is configured to drive each flight of the plurality of flights to temporarily flex, such that the flight drives the particle to accelerate through the particle exit section in response to straightening of the flight.2. The particle delivery system of claim 1 , wherein each flight of the plurality of flights has a first end portion at the base and a second end portion disposed opposite the first end portion claim 1 , and the flex ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185896A1

A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit includes a particle belt having a particle engagement section configured to receive a particle from a particle metering and singulation unit and a particle exit section configured to expel the particle toward a trench in soil. The particle delivery system includes an air flow system configured to establish an air flow toward the particle engagement section of the particle belt to accelerate the particle toward the particle belt, such that a particle speed of the particle reaches a target particle speed, is within a target percentage of a belt speed of the particle belt, or both, as the particle reaches the particle engagement section of the particle belt. The air flow toward the particle engagement section is a substantial portion of a total air flow established by the air flow system relative to other sections of the particle belt. 1. A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit , comprising:a particle belt having a particle engagement section configured to receive a particle from a particle metering and singulation unit and a particle exit section configured to expel the particle toward a trench in soil; andan air flow system configured to establish an air flow toward the particle engagement section of the particle belt to accelerate the particle toward the particle belt, such that a particle speed of the particle reaches a target particle speed, is within a target percentage of a belt speed of the particle belt, or both, as the particle reaches the particle engagement section of the particle belt, wherein the air flow toward the particle engagement section is a substantial portion of a total air flow established by the air flow system relative to other sections of the particle belt.2. The particle delivery system of claim 1 , comprising a particle belt housing claim 1 , wherein the particle belt is disposed within the particle belt housing claim 1 , the particle belt housing comprises a panel ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185897A1

A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit includes a particle belt having a particle acceleration section. The particle belt is configured to receive a particle from a particle metering and singulation unit, to accelerate the particle at the particle acceleration section, and to expel the particle toward a trench in soil. The particle delivery system includes a first wheel engaged with the particle belt at a first location and a second wheel engaged with the particle belt at a second location. The particle acceleration section extends between the first location and the second location, a substantially no-slip condition exists between the first wheel and the particle belt at the first location and between the second wheel and the particle belt at the second location, and the second wheel is configured to rotate faster than the first wheel to accelerate the particle at the particle acceleration section. 1. A particle delivery system of an agricultural row unit , comprising:a particle belt having a particle acceleration section, wherein the particle belt is configured to receive a particle from a particle metering and singulation unit, to accelerate the particle at the particle acceleration section, and to expel the particle toward a trench in soil;a first wheel engaged with the particle belt at a first location; anda second wheel engaged with the particle belt at a second location, wherein the particle acceleration section extends between the first location and the second location, a substantially no-slip condition exists between the first wheel and the particle belt at the first location and between the second wheel and the particle belt at the second location, and the second wheel is configured to rotate faster than the first wheel to accelerate the particle at the particle acceleration section.2. The particle delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the particle belt comprises a base and a plurality of flights extending from the base claim 1 , and each ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200154647A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

A control system includes a shell including an enclosed area, one or more carts moving on a track within the enclosed area, an air supplier within the enclosed area, one or more vents connected to the air supplier and configured to output air within the enclosed area, and a controller. The controller is configured to: identify a plant on the one or more carts; determine a humidity recipe for the identified plant; control the air output from the one or more vents based on the humidity recipe for the identified plant; receive an image of the plant the in one or more carts captured by the imaging sensor; and update the humidity recipe for the plant based on the captured image of the plant. 1. A control system comprising:a shell including an enclosed area;one or more carts moving on a track within the enclosed area;an air supplier within the enclosed area;an imaging sensor configured to capture an image of a plant in the one or more carts;one or more vents connected to the air supplier and configured to output air within the enclosed area; anda controller comprising:one or more processors;one or more memory modules; and identify the plant on the one or more carts;', 'determine a humidity recipe for the identified plant;', 'control the air output from the one or more vents based on the humidity recipe for the identified plant;', 'receive an image of the plant the in one or more carts captured by the imaging sensor; and', 'update the humidity recipe for the plant based on the captured image of the plant., 'machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules claim 1 , when executed by the one or more processors claim 1 , cause the controller to:identify another plant on the one or more carts, the another plant being a different type from the plant;determine another ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Hydroponic apparatus

Номер: US20210195858A1
Принадлежит: Seven Seas Productions Ltd

A hydroponic apparatus comprises an enclosed housing ( 2 ). A plurality of levels is provided in the enclosed housing ( 2 ) for supporting plant containers ( 9 ) for containing seeds or plants ( 11 ) to be grown. The apparatus includes a conveyor system ( 16, 14, 15 ) for moving the plant containers ( 9 ) on each level and/or from one level to another level within the enclosed housing ( 2 ), and a control system for controlling environmental plant growing conditions in the enclosed housing ( 2 ). The plant containers ( 9 ) can be moved to different levels within the enclosed housing ( 2 ) at different stages of growth of the plants ( 11 ) in the containers ( 9 ).

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168111A1
Автор: YASUKURI Yoshio

A sapling growing apparatus includes: a carriage including racks in eight tiers and traveling along a circulation path in indoor space externally shielded from light and externally heat insulated; an LED mounted on the carriage and emitting light to the multiple saplings in a tray on the racks; a watering unit arranged in the indoor space and supplying water to the saplings in the tray; a water vapor generator and a cold air flow generator that creates given temperature and humidity environment in the indoor space; and an illumination management unit that creates light environment distinguishing between day and night artificially by turning on and off the LED. A large number of saplings are grown uniformly on a large scale while being moved in a circular pattern under the artificial growing environment. 1. A sapling growing apparatus comprising:a carriage including a mounting unit for mounting of multiple saplings thereon and traveling along a circulation path in indoor space externally shielded from light and externally heat insulated;a semiconductor light-emitting element mounted on the carriage and emitting light to the multiple saplings mounted on the mounting unit;a watering unit arranged at a right place in the circulation path and supplying water to the multiple saplings mounted on the mounting unit;a temperature and humidity environment creation unit that creates given temperature and humidity environment in the indoor space; anda controller that creates light environment distinguishing between day and night artificially by turning on and off the semiconductor light-emitting element.2. The sapling growing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor light-emitting element is an LED that emits light of a wavelength for growing.3. The sapling growing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the saplings are grafted saplings.4. The sapling growing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the watering unit is arranged at at least one place in the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Automated Aeroponic Systems For Growing Plants

Номер: US20190166777A1

The present invention may relate to Aeroponic Systems and their individual elements. More particularly to automated systems capable of monitoring and adjusting some if not all of the light, nutrient, water quality and environmental factors required for the propagation and sustained growth of all types of plants. It may also describe methods to support the plants during propagation from seeds and for growth and harvesting. It may describe various methodologies for reducing space requirements and for increasing plant density without detriment to the growth cycles. 1. A self-contained , compact aeroponic plant growth system comprising:a plant movement system external enclosure having an output;a circuitous path, continuous growth sequence support movement system within said plant movement system external enclosure; a first maturity growth phase maximal spatial density matrix of vertically stacked, vertically pivotable, movable vertical plant grow supports;', 'a second maturity growth phase maximal spatial density matrix of vertically stacked, vertically pivotable, movable vertical plant grow supports, wherein said second maturity growth phase is adjacent said first maturity growth phase maximal spatial density matrix and is at a different maturity growth phase from said first maturity growth phase; and', 'a plurality of individual plant growth foundations configured to be placed at each of said multiple plant placement locations and to hold plants,, 'a plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports having multiple plant placement locations and forming a collective of different selected growth phase maximal spatial density matrices configured in an oval and responsive to said circuitous path, continuous growth sequence support movement system to move in a circuitous path, said plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow supports comprisingwherein said plant movement system external enclosure is configured to allow said plurality of closely adjacent, movable grow ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Growing Crops and Components Therefor

Номер: US20160183486A1
Автор: KABAKOV Bentsion

A system for growing crops includes a plurality of growing troughs with intake regions for receiving a nutrient solution and drains for releasing run-off of the nutrient solution. A nutrient circulation system with circulation subsections provides the nutrient solution to crops in the growing troughs. For each circulation subsection a piping arrangement with pipe outlets distributes the nutrient solution from a reservoir to the intake regions of a first subset of the growing troughs, and collects the nutrient solution from the drains of a non-identical second subset of the growing troughs in a drainage arrangement. The nutrient solution follows a flow path circulating through the reservoirs. The flow paths to the pipe outlets are sequentially split for equivalent flow impedance through each of the flow paths. A conveyor system moves the growing troughs from a planting location to a harvesting location and periodically increases the spacing between adjacent growing troughs. 1. A system for growing crops comprising: (i) an intake region for receiving a nutrient solution; and', '(ii) a drain for releasing a run-off of the nutrient solution;, '(a) a plurality of growing troughs, each of said growing troughs comprising (i) a piping arrangement with a plurality of pipe outlets for distributing the nutrient solution to said intake regions of a subset of said growing troughs;', '(ii) a reservoir in fluid flow connection with said piping arrangement;', '(iii) a pump in fluid flow connection with said reservoir configured to pump the nutrient solution from said reservoir through said piping arrangement to said pipe outlets; and', '(iv) a drainage arrangement for collecting nutrient solution from said drains of a subset of said growing troughs,, '(b) a nutrient circulation system for providing the nutrient solution to crops in said growing troughs comprising a plurality of circulation subsections, each of said circulation subsections comprisingwherein, for each of said ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160192607A1
Автор: Kitagawa Katsuyuki

In order to provide an efficient hydroponic cultivation system, the present invention provides a hydroponic cultivation system comprising: a plurality of vessels extending in a predetermined direction; a plant holding plate that holds a plant and is disposed to span across the plurality of vessels; and at least one support mechanism provided between vessels adjacent to each other among the plurality of vessels, wherein each of the plurality of vessels is configured to contain a culture solution required for the growth of the plant, and the support mechanism supports the plant holding plate above the plurality of vessels. 1. A hydroponic cultivation system comprising:a plurality of vessels extending in a predetermined direction; anda plant holding plate that holds a plant and is disposed to span across the plurality of vessels thereabove,wherein each of the plurality of vessels is configured to contain a culture solution required for the growth of the plant.2. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 1 , wherein there is a space between the plant holding plate and the culture solution.3. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one support mechanism provided between vessels adjacent to each other among the plurality of vessels.4. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 1 , further comprising a conveyor mechanism for conveying the plant holding plate along the predetermined direction.5. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 3 , further comprising a conveyor mechanism for conveying the plant holding plate along the predetermined direction claim 3 , wherein the support mechanism comprises the conveyor mechanism.6. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured such that the culture solution flows inside the vessels.7. The hydroponic cultivation system of claim 6 , wherein the vessel further has a turbulence generating section configured to generate turbulence in a flow of the culture solution.8 ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180184599A1
Принадлежит: Green Production Systems BVBA

A system for cultivating a crop includes a guide and a plurality of gutters. Each gutter is provided to contain a plurality of crop units and the guide is provided to guide the gutters in a first direction and to gradually increase the distance between adjacent gutters in said direction so that the number of crop units per square metre in the area substantially decreases. The area comprises first and second zones, and each gutter in the first zone contains crop units with a first intermediate distance and each gutter in the second zone contains crop units with a second intermediate distance. The first intermediate distance is considerably smaller than the second intermediate distance and the distance between gutters in the first zone at the position of a transition from the first zone to the second zone is considerably greater than the distance between gutters in the second zone. 1. A system for cultivating a crop , comprising:a guide for guiding a plurality of gutters in a predetermined area, wherein each gutter is provided to contain a plurality of crop units of the crop and wherein the guide is provided to guide the gutters in a first direction extending from a first edge to a second edge of the area, wherein the guide is further provided to gradually increase the distance between adjacent gutters in said first direction, such that the number of crop units per square metre in the area substantially decreases from the first edge to the second edge,wherein the area comprises a first zone adjacent to the first edge and a second zone adjacent to the second edge, and wherein each gutter in the first zone is provided to contain crop units with a first intermediate distance and wherein each gutter in the second zone is provided to contain crop units with a second intermediate distance, andwherein the first intermediate distance is considerably smaller than the second intermediate distance and wherein the distance between adjacent gutters in the first zone at the ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190183076A1

[Object] To provide a hydroponic cultivation system that is capable of transporting a seedbed with a simple mechanism and has excellent durability. 1. A hydroponic cultivation system , comprising:a plurality of long seedbeds configured to receive seedlings of a plant being transplanted to the seedbeds;a hanging part that hangs each of the plurality of seedbeds while the plurality of seedbeds are arranged in a predetermined horizontal direction from a planting side of the seedlings to a harvesting side of the seedlings; anda transport mechanism that transports the plurality of seedbeds in the predetermined horizontal direction while widening spaces between the seedbeds in the predetermined horizontal direction in a stepwise or continuous manner.2. The hydroponic cultivation system according to claim 1 , whereineach of the seedbed or the transport mechanism includes a sliding mechanism that slides the seedbed in the predetermined horizontal direction at a time of transporting the seedbed.3. The hydroponic cultivation system according to claim 1 , whereinthe transport mechanism includes one screw formed to have a pitch that is increased in a stepwise manner toward the predetermined horizontal direction, the screw including grooves, upper ends of the seedbeds being capable of configured to engage with the grooves.4. The hydroponic cultivation system according to claim 3 , whereinend portions of ridges of the screw on the planting side include cutouts that are configured for slidably inserting upper ends of a predetermined number of seedbeds that arc to be newly planted in the predetermined horizontal direction collectively and causing the seedbeds to engage with the grooves.5. The hydroponic cultivation system according to claim 3 , wherein 'the roller member has a width in the predetermined horizontal direction, the width matching a pitch of an end portion of the screw on the planting side.', 'the seedbeds each include a roller member that slides, on the hanging part ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Vertical farming system with plant displacement assembly and irrigation unit for vertical farming system

Номер: US20200187427A1
Автор: Martin Brault
Принадлежит: Inno-3b Inc

A vertical farming system comprising: a plant storage frame including a plurality of horizontal guiding members; a plurality of plant receiving trays received on a corresponding horizontal guiding member for receiving a plurality of plants, the plant receiving trays being disposed adjacent each other and being laterally movable along the horizontal guiding members towards and away from an open front end of the storage frame, the plant receiving trays being connectable to each other such that movement of one of the plant receiving trays in a lateral direction moves the remaining plant receiving trays in the same lateral direction, the plant receiving trays being detachable from each other to allow each plant receiving tray to be removed from the storage frame through the open front end to be tended individually from the other plant receiving trays.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170202162A1

A closed loop system for growing vegetation is provided. The closed loop system includes at least a first transport conveyor and a second transport conveyor. Each of the first and second transport conveyors includes a front end opposite a rear end. The present invention further includes at least a first transfer conveyor. A lighting system is positioned to emit light towards the first transport conveyor and a second transport conveyor. The present invention further includes at least one terrace structure. The first transport conveyor transports at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end, the first transfer conveyor transfers the at least one terrace structure from rear end of the first transport conveyor to the front end of the second transport conveyor and the second transport conveyor transports the at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end. 1. A mobile terrace growing system comprising:a first transport conveyor comprising a front end and a rear end;a second transport conveyor comprising a front end and a rear end;a first transfer conveyor;a lighting system positioned to emit light towards the first transport conveyor and the second transport conveyor; and a bottom portion configured to support the terrace structure in an upright position; and', 'at least one growing panel extending from the bottom portion and comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, wherein the outer surface comprises a plurality of adjoining risers and terrace levels, wherein a plurality of openings are formed through the terrace levels and a substantially enclosed space is formed within the terrace structure, wherein, 'at least one terrace structure comprisingthe first transport conveyor transports the at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end,the first transfer conveyor transfers the at least one terrace structure from the rear end of the first transport conveyor to the front end of the second transport conveyor, ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170202163A1

The disclosure relates to an aeroponic culture line comprising a surface for separating the follicular space and radicular space, provided with openings for receiving porous culture supports and spray means arranged on the radicular side of the surface. The spray means are designed to produce a spray area that is smaller than 10% of the total area of the separation surface, the spray means being mounted on a carriage that can move in parallel to the separation surface, on the radicular side, in order to periodically cover all of the area of the surface provided with culture supports. 1. An aeroponic culture line comprising a surface for separating the follicular space and the radicular space , provided with openings for receiving porous culture supports and spray means arranged on the radicular side of the surface , wherein the spray means are designed to produce a spray area that is smaller than 10% of the total area of the separation surface , with the spray means being mounted on a carriage that can move in parallel to the separation surface , on the radicular side , in order to periodically cover all of the area of the surface provided with culture supports.2. The aeroponic culture line according to claim 1 , wherein the separation surface consists of a strip having a plurality of openings for positioning individual culture blocks.3. The aeroponic culture line according to claim 2 , wherein the separation surface is movable to ensure the displacement of the openings receiving the culture supports between a loading end and a harvesting end.4. The aeroponic culture line according to claim 2 , wherein the openings comprise culture supports comprising blocks made of porous material.5. The aeroponic culture line according to claim 1 , wherein the separation surface is horizontal and longitudinally extends above the guide rail of a carriage that can move longitudinally claim 1 , with the spray means provided on the carriage being supplied by a conduit connecting a ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Multiple Seed-Type Planting System With Charging System

Номер: US20150223390A1

A system for planting multiple types of seed and automatically switching between the varieties during planting in a single planting pass of a planting session of row-crop or other planting of an agricultural field. The system may include a bulk storage system, an on-row storage system, and a charging system that selectively delivers seeds of different varieties from the bulk storage system to the on-row storage system. The system may include a seed metering system that can be controlled at each of multiple row units to selectively plant different types or varieties of seed based on seed type or variety zones agricultural field, which may correspond to field characteristics defined in a seed variety prescription map. 1. A method of planting or seeding multiple types of seed in a single planting pass during row-crop planting or seeding of an agricultural field with an agricultural implement , the method comprising:storing seeds of multiple types including at least a first type and a second type in multiple compartments of an on-row storage system;delivering seeds of the first type from a first one of the compartments of the on-row storage system to the seed-metering system;releasing seeds of the first type from the seed-metering system to a first type zone of multiple type zones of the agricultural field;delivering seeds of the second type from a second one of the compartments of the on-row storage system to the seed-metering system; andreleasing seeds of the second type from the seed-metering system to a second type zone of the multiple type zones of the agricultural field.2. The method of wherein the agricultural implement is a planter having multiple row units and the metering system includes a seed meter at each of the multiple row units claim 1 , wherein the multiple compartments of the on-row storage system include a first compartment and a second compartment at each of the row units claim 1 , and wherein the first and second compartments of the on-row storage ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190208722A1

An installation for the aeroponic/hydroponic production of plants (P) comprises at least a table (), trays () able to move on the table () and intended to support the plants (P) so as to transfer the plants (P), the installation being characterized in that it comprises a dipping station () comprising a lift for lowering and raising at least one tray () between a raised position and a lowered position so as to dip the roots (PR) in a dipping bath () containing a liquid in the lowered position for a predetermined length of time. 1. An installation for the aeroponic/hydroponic production of plants including at least one table , mobile trays on the table designed to support the plants and transfer the plants to the installation's different stations , the roots of plants being suspended under the trays , the installation being characterised by the fact that it includes a soaking station with an elevator for lowering and raising at least one tray between a high position and a low position so as to soak the roots in a soaking tank containing a liquid for a predetermined length of time in the low position.2. The installation according to claim 1 , wherein the table includes two raised rails parallel to each other along a horizontal longitudinal direction claim 1 , the trays including rollers to roll on the raised rails claim 1 , the elevator including two sections of rails aligned with the raised rails of the table when the elevator is in the high position.3. The installation according to claim 2 , wherein the first of the raised two rails includes a first flat claim 2 , horizontal rolling surface claim 2 , the second of the two raised rails includes a second embossed rolling surface claim 2 , each tray including at least one cylindrical roller to roll on the first surface and at least two grooved rollers whose cross-section is complementary with the second surface to ensure a linear guidance of the tray on the table.4. The installation according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Method and System for Moving a Plant Growing Container

Номер: US20210243963A1
Принадлежит: LOGIQS B.V.

Method and system for moving a plant growing container, wherein the method makes use of a system comprising a cultivation track, a conveying track, a lift and a guide assembly, and the method comprises the steps of moving the plant growing container at the first level along a first direction from a first end of the cultivation track onto the lift next to the first end of the cultivation track, and lowering the plant growing container from the first level to the second level onto the conveying track. To reduce blocking of the system the guide is movable to a third level higher than the first level and the method further comprises a step of guiding the plant growing container by means of moving said guide to said third level once the container has been moved onto the lift. 1. A method for moving a plant growing container , the method using:a cultivation track for supporting and moving the plant growing container at a first level over the cultivation track along a first direction (X), the cultivation track comprising a first end,a conveying track for conveying the plant growing container along a second direction (Y) transverse to the first direction (X) and at a second level lower than the first level, wherein the first end of the cultivation track is located next to the conveying track,a lift comprising a lift support surface and a lift actuator for driving the lift support surface for moving the plant growing container between the first and the second level, the lift arranged next to the first end of the cultivation track for receiving the plant growing container from the cultivation track on the lift support surface and lowering said plant growing container onto the conveying track,a guide assembly comprising a guide for guiding the plant growing container onto the conveying track, wherein the guide is located at the first end of the cultivation track next to the conveying track at a level in between the first level and the second level;and the method comprising the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Integral Seed Meter Drive Motor

Номер: US20140312055A1

A metering device () for an agricultural planter () has a metering chamber () with a seed discharge () area has and a metering disc () rotatable within the metering chamber (). The metering disc () h a plurality of seed pockets () for carrying seeds on the metering disc (), the seed pockets () being disposed at mutually spaced locations about the metering disc (). The metering disc also has a magnetic drive ring () in the outer periphery of the metering disc (). The metering device also has a stator positioned adjacent the metering disc. The stator () interacts with the magnetic drive ring () to rotate the metering disc () within the metering chamber () such that the seed pockets () move successively in proximity to the discharge area () during rotation of the metering disc (). 1. A metering device for an agricultural planter , the metering device comprising:a metering chamber having a seed discharge area;a metering disc rotatable within said metering chamber and having a plurality of seed pockets for carrying seeds on said metering disc, said seed pockets being disposed at mutually spaced locations about said metering disc, and a magnetic drive ring on said metering disc; anda stator positioned adjacent the metering disc, said stator interacting with the magnetic drive ring to rotate said metering disc within said metering chamber such that said seed pockets move successively in proximity to said discharge area during rotation of said metering disc.2. The metering device of wherein the magnetic drive ring is in the outer periphery of the metering disc.3. The metering device of wherein the magnetic drive ring comprises a plurality of permanent magnets. 1. Field of InventionThis invention relates to agricultural planting equipment and, more particularly, to a metering device drive motor for dispensing seeds and/or fertilizer.2. Description of Related ArtAs is well-known, a farmer engaged in mechanized planting of seeds utilizes a planting machine pulled behind a ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150237793A1
Автор: Rans Monte J.

A seed delivery mechanism for an agricultural planter that receives seeds from a seed meter of the planter and delivers the seeds to a seed trench as the planter moves in a planting direction has a first endless belt trained about a first drive pulley and a second endless belt trained about a second drive pulley. The first and second drive pulleys rotate the first and second endless belts to provide confronting belt segments that form a seed delivery path between a conveyor entry point and a release point. The first and second endless belts are configured with a downward reach oriented to move seeds predominantly downward and a rearward reach oriented to move the seed predominantly rearward. The rearward reach provides a rearward velocity component to seeds at the release point that offsets a forward velocity of the planter as the planter moves in the planting direction. 1. A seed delivery mechanism for an agricultural planter that receives seeds from a seed meter of the planter and delivers the seeds to a seed trench as the planter moves in a planting direction , the seed delivery mechanism comprising:a first endless belt trained about a first drive pulley; anda second endless belt trained about a second drive pulley, the first and second drive pulleys rotating the first and second endless belts to provide confronting belt segments that form a seed delivery path between a conveyor entry point and a release point;wherein the first and second endless belts comprise a downward reach oriented to move seeds predominantly downward and a rearward reach oriented to move the seed predominantly rearward, and wherein the rearward reach provides a rearward velocity component to seeds at the release point that offsets a forward velocity of the planter as it moves in the planting direction.2. The seed delivery mechanism of wherein the first and second drive pulleys drive the first and second belts at the same belt speed.3. The seed delivery mechanism of wherein the first and ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Seed Planting Apparatus

Номер: US20150257330A1
Автор: Remme Randy P.

A seed planting apparatus provides a simplified way of planting seeds. The apparatus includes an elongated tape. A plurality of seeds is couplable to the tape. The seeds extend along a longitudinal axis of the tape when the seeds are coupled to the tape. 1. A seed planting apparatus comprising:an elongated tape; anda plurality of seeds being couplable to said tape, said seeds extending along a longitudinal axis of said tape when said seeds are coupled to said tape.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising said tape including a plurality of layers.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said plurality of layers includes an upper layer claim 2 , a lower layer and a medial layer coupled to and positioned between said upper layer and said lower layer.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising said medial layer having a plurality of spaced holes positioned therein claim 3 , each of said seeds being positionable in an associated one of said holes.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising said holes being aligned in a row extending along said longitudinal axis of said tape.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising:each of said plurality of layers having a top surface and a bottom surface; anda first adhesive positioned on said bottom surface of said upper layer.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , further comprising a second adhesive positioned on said top surface of said lower layer.8. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising each of said plurality of layers being comprised of a biodegradable material.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising said tape being positionable to form a roll claim 1 , a free end of said tape being extendable outwardly away from said roll.10. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising each of said holes being evenly spaced from adjacently positioned ones of said holes.11. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising said seeds having a size and shape such that a top of each of said seeds defines an associated ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160255765A1

A manually operated seed transferring device that is portable, self-contained and simple to operate. The device consists of a barrel, a nib holder, and a nib. The barrel is hollow and acts as a reservoir for a liquid. The outside of the barrel is designed to be held comfortably in the fingers. The nib holder is attached to the barrel and is designed to hold the nib securely. The nib is of a material which absorbs liquids such as water which is conveyed from inside the barrel to the nib through capillary action and gravity. When the moist nib comes into contact with a seed the seed is attracted to the nib and can be transferred to a wet substrate such as moist planting media. 1. A manually operated seed transferring device for picking up a single seed and depositing it in a moist growth media , comprising:means for providing a reservoir and providing a handle to be grasped by the user;means for providing a way to secure the nib to the barrel, which is rigidly connected to said means for providing a reservoir and providing a handle to be grasped by the user;means for providing a conduit for liquid to flow through thus providing a moist surface for the seed to adhere to, frictionally retained to said means for providing a way to secure the nib to the barrel; andmeans for picking up seeds or small parts then transferring the seeds or small parts which is self-contained.2. The manually operated seed transferring device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said means for providing a reservoir with handle to be grasped by the user comprises a hollow barrel.3. The manually operated seed transferring device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said means for providing a way to secure the nib to the barrel comprises a secure nib holder.4. The manually operated seed transferring device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said means for providing a conduit for liquid to flow through which provides a moist surface for the seed to adhere to comprises a porous nib.5. The manually ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200236838A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

A method for wetting seeds for an assembly line grow pod includes positioning a first batch of seeds within a tank, directing water from a water source to the tank through a lower portion of the tank, wetting the first batch of seeds within the tank with the water from the water source, initiating germination of the first batch of seeds, draining the water from the tank after a predetermined submersion time, subsequent to draining the water from the tank, directing water from the water source to the tank through the lower portion of the tank, wetting the first batch of seeds within the tank with the water from the water source for the predetermined submersion time, and releasing the first batch of seeds from the tank to a pod line in fluid communication with an assembly line grow pod after a predetermined time. 1. A method for wetting seeds for an assembly line grow pod , the method comprising:positioning a first batch of seeds within a tank;directing water from a water source to the tank through a lower portion of the tank;wetting the first batch of seeds within the tank with the water from the water source, initiating germination of the first batch of seeds;draining the water from the tank after a predetermined submersion time;subsequent to draining the water from the tank, directing water from the water source to the tank through the lower portion of the tank;wetting the first batch of seeds within the tank with the water from the water source for the predetermined submersion time; andreleasing the first batch of seeds from the tank to a pod line in fluid communication with an assembly line grow pod after a predetermined time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tank is an initial tank claim 1 , the method further comprising moving the first batch of seeds from the initial tank to a secondary tank positioned below the initial tank.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising directing water from the water source to the secondary tank through a lower portion of ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200236882A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

A system for germinating seeds according to a germination recipe is disclosed. The system for germinating seeds for a grow pod includes a plurality of germination sub-tanks configured to receive seeds, the plurality of germination sub-tanks receiving different species of seeds, respectively, a master germination tank configured to receive seeds from one or more of the plurality of germination sub-tanks, and a controller. The controller includes one or more processors, one or more memory modules storing germination recipes, and machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to: determine a ratio of the different species of seeds based on a germination recipe, operate the plurality of germination sub-tanks to provide seeds to the master germination tank based on the ratio, and provide the seeds in the master germination tank to one or more carts. 1. A system for germinating seeds for a grow pod , the system comprising:a plurality of germination sub-tanks configured to receive seeds, the plurality of germination sub-tanks receiving different species of seeds, respectively;a master germination tank configured to receive seeds from one or more of the plurality of germination sub-tanks; and one or more processors;', 'one or more memory modules storing germination recipes; and', determine a ratio of the different species of seeds based on a germination recipe;', 'operate the plurality of germination sub-tanks to provide seeds to the master germination tank based on the ratio; and', 'provide the seeds in the master germination tank to one or more carts., 'machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to], 'a controller comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules claim 1 , when executed by the one or more ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Hydroponic high density grow board for deep water culture

Номер: US20210289725A1
Принадлежит: Brightfarms Inc

The present disclosure provides a raft design for use in hydroponically growing crop seeds. The raft has a plurality of ribs that have a plurality of furrows between them. Media and crop seeds are placed in the furrows. The ribs have rounded tops so that the media and crop seeds do not get stuck on the top of the rib, but rather fall into the furrows. The raft also has a curved or arched underside, so that when the rafts are stacked on top of one another, air can circulate. The present disclosure also provides a process for filing the raft with growing media, seeding, and/or a topcoat. The furrows of the raft are oriented with respect to a hopper to provide a high efficiency.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200245534A1

A particulate material sensing and agitation control system of an agricultural system having a drive system configured to operate an agitating system, and a controller having a memory and a processor. The controller is configured to receive at least one sensor signal indicative of a profile of a particulate material within the agricultural system, and output a control signal to instruct the drive system to operate the agitating system in a selected operating mode of a plurality of operating modes based on the profile of the particulate material. The agitating system is configured to interact with the particulate material in each operating mode of the plurality of operating modes, and the plurality of operating modes includes an agitation mode and a leveling mode. 1. A particulate material sensing and agitation control system of an agricultural system , comprising:a drive system configured to operate an agitating system; and receive at least one sensor signal indicative of a profile of a particulate material within the agricultural system; and', 'output a control signal to instruct the drive system to operate the agitating system in a selected operating mode of a plurality of operating modes based on the profile of the particulate material, wherein the agitating system is configured to interact with the particulate material in each operating mode of the plurality of operating modes, and the plurality of operating modes comprises an agitation mode and a leveling mode., 'a controller comprising a memory and a processor, wherein the controller is configured to2. The particulate material sensing and agitation control system of claim 1 , wherein the leveling mode is a symmetric leveling mode claim 1 , a heavily biased leveling mode claim 1 , a moderately biased leveling mode claim 1 , a slightly biased leveling mode claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The particulate material sensing and agitation control system of claim 2 , wherein the agitating system comprises an ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200245535A1

A distribution and leveling system for a particulate material storage compartment includes an auger configured to be disposed within the particulate material storage compartment. The auger is configured to move particulate material across the particulate material storage compartment via rotation of the auger about a first rotational axis. The distribution and leveling system also includes an agitator positioned below the auger. The agitator is configured to agitate the particulate material via rotation of the agitator about a second rotational axis. In addition, the first rotational axis is substantially parallel to the second rotational axis, rotation of the auger and rotation of the agitator are independently controllable, and the first rotational axis and the second rotational axis are substantially aligned with one another along a longitudinal axis of the particulate material storage compartment. 1. A distribution and leveling system for a particulate material storage compartment , comprising:an auger configured to be disposed within the particulate material storage compartment, wherein the auger is configured to move particulate material across the particulate material storage compartment via rotation of the auger about a first rotational axis; andan agitator positioned below the auger, wherein the agitator is configured to agitate the particulate material via rotation of the agitator about a second rotational axis;wherein the first rotational axis is substantially parallel to the second rotational axis, rotation of the auger and rotation of the agitator are independently controllable, and the first rotational axis and the second rotational axis are substantially aligned with one another along a longitudinal axis of the particulate material storage compartment.2. The distribution and leveling system of claim 1 , comprising a first drive unit configured to drive the auger to rotate claim 1 , and a second drive unit configured to drive the agitator to rotate.3. ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200245536A1
Автор: Erker Gregory Jacob

A particulate material sensing and agitation control system of an agricultural system includes an agitator configured to induce movement of particulate material through the agricultural system, a drive system coupled to the agitator, and a sensing system configured to determine a current flowing through the drive system. The drive system is configured to move the agitator, and the drive system is powered via an electrical circuit. The sensing system includes a first input coupled to a first point on the electrical circuit, the sensing system includes a second input coupled to a second point on the electrical circuit, the sensing system is configured to determine a voltage differential between the first point and the second point, and the sensing system is configured to determine current flowing through the electrical circuit based on the voltage differential. 1. A particulate material sensing and agitation control system of an agricultural system , comprising:an agitator configured to induce movement of particulate material through the agricultural system;a drive system coupled to the agitator, wherein the drive system is configured to move the agitator, and the drive system is powered via an electrical circuit; anda sensing system configured to determine a current flowing through the drive system, wherein the sensing system comprises a first input coupled to a first point on the electrical circuit, the sensing system comprises a second input coupled to a second point on the electrical circuit, the sensing system is configured to determine a voltage differential between the first point and the second point, and the sensing system is configured to determine current flowing through the electrical circuit based on the voltage differential.2. The particulate material sensing and agitation control system of claim 1 , comprising a resistance component electrically disposed between the first point and the second point claim 1 , wherein the resistance component has a known ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200245537A1

A modular meter roller for an agricultural metering system. The modular meter roller includes a first roller segment that couples to and rotates with a shaft to meter flowable particulate material. The first roller segment includes a body that defines an aperture. The aperture receives the shaft and the aperture defines a plurality of vertices. A first plurality of fins extending radially outward from the body. The first plurality of fins defines a first plurality of grooves in the first roller segment that receives flowable particulate material. A vertex of the plurality of vertices of the aperture is offset from a longitudinal axis of a fin of the first plurality of fins. 1. A modular meter roller for an agricultural metering system , comprising: 'a first plurality of fins extending radially outward from the body, the first plurality of fins defining a first plurality of grooves in the first roller segment that receive flowable particulate material;', 'a body defining an aperture, wherein the aperture is configured to receive the shaft, and wherein the aperture defines a plurality of vertices;'}, 'a first roller segment configured to couple to and rotate with a shaft to meter flowable particulate material, the first roller segment comprisingwherein a vertex of the plurality of vertices of the aperture is offset from a longitudinal axis of a fin of the first plurality of fins; anda second roller segment with a second plurality of fins, wherein the second roller segment is substantially identical to the first roller segment, and wherein the first plurality of fins is staggered with respect to the second plurality of fins by rotating either the first roller segment or the second roller segment one hundred and eighty degrees.2. (canceled)3. The modular meter roller of claim 1 , wherein the aperture is a hexagon.4. The modular meter roller of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of fins is a multiple of six.5. The modular meter roller of claim 3 , comprising ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246769A1

The present disclosure is directed to an agitating system having a sub-hopper configured to receive particulate material, an agitator disposed within the sub-hopper and configured to promote movement of the particulate material through the sub-hopper, and a deflector configured to block a portion of the particulate material from exerting a force onto the agitator as the particulate material flows through the sub-hopper. The deflector is positioned such that the agitator extends beyond a first distal edge and a second distal edge of the deflector along a lateral axis. 1. An agitating system , comprising:a sub-hopper configured to receive particulate material;an agitator disposed within the sub-hopper, wherein the agitator is configured to promote movement of the particulate material through the sub-hopper; anda deflector configured to block a portion of the particulate material from exerting a force onto the agitator as the particulate material flows through the sub-hopper, wherein the deflector is positioned such that the agitator extends beyond a first distal edge and a second distal edge of the deflector along a lateral axis.2. The agitating system of claim 1 , wherein the deflector has a first leg and a second leg disposed at an angle with respect to one another to form a triangular shape.3. The agitating system of claim 2 , wherein a first length of the first leg is approximately equal to a second length of the second leg.4. The agitating system of claim 1 , wherein the deflector is positioned above the agitator claim 1 , and a top of the agitator extends beyond the first distal edge and the second distal edge of the deflector along a vertical axis.5. The agitating system of claim 1 , wherein the deflector is formed from metal claim 1 , composite claim 1 , or both.6. The agitating system of claim 1 , wherein the agitator comprises a shaft extending along a longitudinal axis claim 1 , and the deflector is substantially aligned with the shaft along the lateral ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Hydroponic Growth and Cutting Method and Device

Номер: US20210321585A1
Автор: Martin Ivan Z.

A method and apparatus for hydroponically growing seed and cutting grown plants into more easily digestible pieces. The method and apparatus comprising a seed delivery mechanism, advancing culture belts, at least two distinct environmental zones designed to promote ideal environments for the germination and growth of the seeds, irrigation and lighting systems, an optional recycling system for irrigation water, and a cutter assembly to cut grown plants as they advance into the cutter. 1. An automated hydroponic seed growth and cutting system comprising:a cabinet having an interior and at least one divider within said interior, wherein said cabinet interior may be isolated from the ambient environment thereby creating two or more distinct environmental zones;at least one looped belt for conveying seed, wherein said looped belt is supported by a plurality of rollers within the cabinet interior and connected to a corresponding conveyor drive sprocket;a seed delivery system comprised of a hopper, an elevating feed screw, and a horizontal feed screw, wherein said seed delivery system is mechanically engaged with and energized through movement of the looped belt;at least one gravity-fed seed chute having two ends, wherein the seed chute is attached to the horizontal feed screw on one end and to a seed delivery gate on the opposing end, wherein each seed chute is positioned above a respective looped belt for depositing a desired depth of seed on said respective looped belt;at least one liquid delivery device positioned above each looped belt to facilitate irrigation;at least one light source positioned above each looped belt to facilitate photosynthesis;a timer for selecting a desired growth period and corresponding rate of advancement of each looped belt;a cutter drum assembly comprised of a plurality of cutter knives, wherein the cutter drum assembly is mounted within the cabinet interior such that it may move vertically within said interior; andat least one motor ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus, Systems And Methods For Applying Fluid

Номер: US20190254225A1

The disclosed apparatus, systems and methods relate to fluid distribution systems. The fluid distribution systems being made up of a plurality of positive displacement pumps disposed on a fluid distribution manifold and proximate to the tank and the point of product discharge. The system optionally has a valve system for precision control of fluid discharge. 1. A row liquid distribution system for an agricultural implement , comprising:a. a supply tank;b. a manifold in fluidic communication with the supply tank;c. a plurality of discharges; andd. a plurality of pumps distributed along the manifold so as to be proximate to the plurality of dischargeswherein the system is constructed and arranged to utilize an electronic signature to establish volumetric flow via an open loop system.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a high precision flow meter in fluidic communication with the supply tank.3. (canceled)4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic signature comprises at least one of applied current claim 1 , applied voltage claim 1 , pump characteristics claim 1 , the viscosity/fluid characteristics of the applied fluid claim 1 , the motor characteristics and/or pump rotational speed.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a. a second supply tank;b. a second manifold in fluidic communication with the supply tank;c. a plurality of second discharges; andd. a plurality of second pumps distributed along the second manifold so as to be proximate to the plurality of second discharges,wherein the plurality of first and second pumps are variable speed positive displacement pumps.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a switching valve system constructed and arranged for intermittent application of fluid.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a calibration system.8. A fluid distribution system for an agricultural implement claim 1 , comprising:a. a tool bar;b. a manifold disposed along the tool bar;c. a plurality of pumps in fluidic ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Modular Hydroponic Growth System

Номер: US20170265408A1
Принадлежит: Ponix LLC

A modular hydroponic growth system is presented which supports a variety of plant growth with flexible conditions. The modularity is supported in part by quick-connect systems which allow liquids and air to be brought to and from subunits in an efficient manner. An advanced HVAC system allows for fresh air to be brought down one wall and stale air to be extracted from an opposing wall. The system allows for automation through the use of intelligent trolleys.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200260637A1

An agricultural product delivery system having a controller with a non-transitory computer readable medium configured to store instructions and a processor configured to execute the instructions. The instructions may include instructions to determine a first time-to-target of a first metering section of an agricultural implement in a field, determine a second time-to-target of a second metering section of the agricultural implement in the field, control a first motor coupled to the first metering section to an ON state when the first time-to-target is less than or equal to a first delivery delay of the first metering section, and control a second motor coupled to the second metering section to the ON state when the second time-to-target is less than or equal to a second delivery delay of the second metering section. 1. An agricultural product delivery system comprising a controller , wherein the controller comprises a non-transitory computer readable medium configured to store instructions , and a processor configured to execute the instructions , wherein the instructions comprise instructions to:determine a first time-to-target of a first metering section of an agricultural implement in a field;determine a second time-to-target of a second metering section of the agricultural implement in the field;control a first motor coupled to the first metering section to an ON state when the first time-to-target is less than or equal to a first delivery delay of the first metering section; andcontrol a second motor coupled to the second metering section to the ON state when the second time-to-target is less than or equal to a second delivery delay of the second metering section.2. The agricultural product delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the first time-to-target is based at least in part on a speed of the agricultural implement in the field claim 1 , a first position of the first metering section on the agricultural implement claim 1 , and a first distance from the ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190270466A1
Автор: Flow Thomas

An apparatus for transporting hanging crops comprising a container having an open top and defining an interior compartment extending between first and second sides, a plurality of rigid elongate rods adapted to span between the first and second sides of the container, a plurality of pairs of rod supports secured to the first and second sides of the container proximate to the open top, adapted to removably receive the plurality of rigid elongate rods thereon; and a plurality of rollers secured to a bottom of the container. A method for transporting hanging crops supporting a plurality of crops along each of the plurality of elongate rods, adapted to span between the first and second sides of the container and lowering each of the plurality of elongate rods with the plurality of crops thereon into the interior compartment and suspending each of the plurality of elongate rods from the pairs of rod supports. 1. An apparatus for transporting hanging crops comprising:a container having an open top and defining an interior compartment extending between first and second sides;a plurality of rigid elongate rods adapted to span between said first and second sides of said container;a plurality of pairs of rod supports secured to said first and second sides of said container proximate to said open top, adapted to removably receive said plurality of rigid elongate rods thereon; anda plurality of rollers secured to a bottom of said container.2. The apparatus of wherein said container is formed in a generally rectangular configuration.3. The apparatus of wherein said container includes a longitudinal horizontal open slot extending through said container proximate to said bottom thereof.4. The apparatus of wherein said slot extends through a front or a back of said container.5. The apparatus of further comprising a removable tray corresponding to a bottom of said interior compartment and adapted to pass through said open slot.6. The apparatus of wherein said tray includes upright ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180279544A1
Принадлежит: KVERNELAND AS

A single-grain sowing device comprising: a drum rotatable about an axis of rotation, a cavity formed in the drum, wherein an end face of the cavity is delimited by a sowing disc, in which multiple sowing holes are arranged on a notional circular path at a distance to each other, a body arranged in the cavity, rotatable about an axis arranged at a distance and parallel to the axis of rotation, with one part of the surface thereof resting against the sowing disc such that, when the sowing disc rotates, same temporarily seals a respective passed sowing hole on the inside, wherein the body can be rolled out on an outer casing surface surrounding the cavity, and a pressure spring, wherein the pressure spring presses the body against the casing surface. 1. A device for the scattered delivery of seeds , comprising:a drum rotatable about an axis of rotation;a cavity formed in the drum, wherein an end face of the cavity is delimited by a sowing disc, in which multiple sowing holes are arranged on a notional circular path at a distance from each other;a body is arranged in the cavity, wherein the body is rotatable about an axis, which is arranged at a distance and parallel to the axis of rotation, said body including a part of its surface that rests against the sowing disc in such a way that, when the sowing disc rotates, said body temporarily seals a respective passed sowing hole on the inside, wherein the body can be rolled on an outer jacket surface, which encompasses the cavity; anda pressure spring, wherein the pressure spring presses the body against the jacket surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure spring presses the body against the jacket surface in the radial direction with respect to the axis of rotation of the drum.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure spring is arranged on a pressure plate.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure spring is arranged in a coulisse of an arm claim 1 , on an outer end of ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170295717A1
Автор: Brockmeier Gary G.

An adjustment mechanism is provided for a multi-row seed planter to provide infinite adjustability of the seed discs to allow precision planting with staggered seed rows. The adjustment mechanism comprises an idler roller on the end of a pivotal arm about which the drive chain is trained. The position of the roller can be adjusted to modify the chain path, and thereby rotate the seed metering sprocket and associated seed disc to a desired angular position before planting begins. 1. A seed planter , comprising:a hopper to hold seed;a seed meter to dispense seeds from the hopper;the seed meter having a sprocket;a drive shaft with a sprocket;a chain trained about the drive shaft sprocket and the seed meter sprocket;a threaded adjustment rod to adjust an angle of a section of the chain and thereby rotate the seed meter sprocket to adjust dispensement of the seed.2. The seed planter of wherein the rod is connected to a pivotal arm with a roller claim 1 , with the chain trained about the roller.3. The seed planter of wherein the rod is movable in opposite axial directions to pivot the arm in opposite directions and thereby move the chain in opposite directions claim 2 , so as to rotate the seed meter sprocket in opposite directions.4. The seed planter of wherein movement of the rod in a first direction rotates the seed meter sprocket in a first direction and movement of the rod in an opposite second direction rotates the seed meter sprocket in an opposite second direction.5. The seed planter of further comprising a seed disc connected to the seed meter sprocket for rotation with the seed meter sprocket.6. A triple row seed planter claim 1 , comprising:left, center and right planting units to plant seeds in spaced apart lines in a single raised bed;each planting unit have a seed disc with a sprocket;a drive shaft with first, second and third sprockets;first, second and third chains trained about the left, center and right planting unit sprockets and the first, second and ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150305260A1
Автор: NG Jack
Принадлежит: SKY Urban IP Pte Ltd

A rotating vertical racking system for growing plants, the system comprising: a frame; a drive mechanism coupled to said frame; and a plurality of racking trays coupled to said drive mechanism, each of said racking trays being capable of supporting at least one plant; wherein said drive mechanism is configured to rotate said plurality of racking trays. The system may be powered by water. A method of growing plants using the system is also disclosed. 1. A rotatable vertical racking system for growing plants , the system comprising:a frame;a drive mechanism coupled to said frame, the drive mechanism further comprises a water drive wheel operable to be driven by a source of water via conduits; anda plurality of racking trays coupled to said drive mechanism, each of said racking trays being capable of supporting at least one plant;wherein said drive mechanism is configured to rotate said plurality of racking trays such that at least a portion of water supplied from the source of water is usable to drive said water drive wheel.2. The system of claim 1 , whereinthe source of water is provided by an elevated tank.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said racking trays are maintained in a substantially horizontal orientation as said racking trays rotate.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said drive mechanism is powered by at least one of water claim 1 , electricity claim 1 , and solar power.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said drive mechanism further comprises:a first plurality of sprockets coupled to one side of said frame, said first plurality of sprockets configured to receive and drive a first drive element;a second plurality of sprockets coupled to an opposite side of said frame, said second plurality of sprockets configured to receive and drive a second drive element; andthe water drive wheel configured to drive at least one of said sprockets using water power; whereineach of said plurality of racking trays is coupled to said first and second drive elements.6. The ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200296902A1

One variation of a method for automatically redistributing plants throughout an agricultural facility includes, at a mobile robotic system: delivering a first module—defining a first array of plant slots at a first density and loaded with a first set of plants in approximately a second growth stage—from a grow area within a facility to a transfer station within the facility; delivering a second module—located within the facility and defining a second array of plant slots at a second density less than the first density—to the transfer station; and following transfer of a first subset of plants from the first array of plant slots in the first module into the second array of plant slots in the second module at the transfer station, delivering the second module to the grow area in the facility. 1. A method for automatically redistributing plants throughout an agricultural facility comprising , at a mobile robotic system:navigating to a first module located in a grow area within a facility, the first module defining a first array of plant slots at a first density and loaded with a first set of plants in approximately a second growth stage;delivering the first module to a first transfer station within the facility;navigating to a second module located within the facility, the second module defining a second array of plant slots at a second density less than the first density and empty of plants;delivering the second module to the first transfer station;following transfer of a first subset of plants, in the first set of plants, from the first array of plant slots in the first module into the second array of plant slots in the second module at the first transfer station, delivering the second module to the grow area in the facility; andfollowing removal of the first set of plants from the first array of plant slots in the first module and insertion of a second set of plants into the first array of plant slots in the first module, returning the first module to the grow area ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Placing Bulbs

Номер: US20190308822A1

There is discussed a method of picking and placing bulbs, in which bulbs are supplied on a supply surface of a bulbs supply system; the bulbs being identified and picked from the supply surface with a pick-and-place head; wherein picked bulbs are transferred from the pick-and-place head, shoot-first and roots-last to a transfer-receptacle comprising at least one bulb-receptor, wherein the bulb-receptor temporarily clutches said bulb. 2. The method of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:providing the transfer-receptacle in a first orientation and placing said picked bulb into said at least one bulb-receptor, shoot-first and roots last;rotating said transfer-receptacle in a vertical plane to a second orientation in which the bulb clutched in the bulb-receptor is at an attitude from substantially horizontal to substantially upright, prior to the impaling step; andwherein the method comprises the step of impaling the bulb in said holder while the bulb is in the bulb-receptor.3. The method of wherein said at least one bulb-receptor comprises an aperture defined by a rim claim 1 , and a negative pressure is applied in the aperture to clutch the bulb against the aperture rim claim 1 , preferably wherein the bulb-receptor is a suction cup4. The method of wherein said at least one bulb-receptor comprises an aperture defined by a rim and a compressive gripping elements are provided to hold the bulb in said aperture.5. The method of wherein the picked bulb is transferred in a substantially inverted orientation claim 1 , and placed atop the transfer-receptable claim 1 , and the method comprises the steps of reorienting the transfer-receptacle to upright the bulb claim 1 , and thereafter placing the upright bulb into a holder claim 1 , preferably impaling the upright bulb onto upstanding pins in a pin-bearing holder; while the bulb is clutched in said bulb-receptor.6. The method of wherein a plurality of bulb-receptors are provided claim 1 , and a plurality of bulb-receptor ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180325054A1
Принадлежит: Green Production Systems BVBA

A system for cultivating a crop includes a sowing unit for sowing at least two crop seeds per substrate unit; a transfer unit for transferring a plurality of substrate units from a first zone to a second zone; a harvesting unit for harvesting the crop; a first transport system in the first zone for transporting substrate units from the sowing unit to the transfer unit; and a second transport system in the second zone for transporting substrate units from the transfer unit to the harvesting unit. The sowing unit can sow the at least two crop seeds in the substrate unit with a predetermined mutual distance and orientation, wherein the first and second transport system and the transfer unit are configured to respectively transport and transfer the plurality of substrate units such that the substrate units display a predetermined orientation progression from the sowing unit to the harvesting unit. 1. A system for cultivating a crop , comprising:a sowing unit for sowing at least one crop seed per substrate unit; anda guide for guiding a plurality of gutters, wherein each gutter is provided to contain a plurality of substrate units with an intermediate distance in the longitudinal direction of the gutter;wherein the sowing unit is provided to sow the at least one crop seed in the substrate unit and wherein the substrate unit is situated in the gutter during germination of the at least one crop seed.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sowing unit is provided to sow the at least one crop seed in the substrate unit when the substrate unit is situated in the gutter.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of gutters are situated in a predetermined area claim 1 , and wherein the guide is provided to guide the gutters in a first direction which extends from a first edge to a second edge of the area claim 1 , wherein the area comprises a first zone adjacent to the first edge and a second zone adjacent to the second edge claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150351316A1
Автор: Gilstring Gert
Принадлежит: Vaderstad-Verken AB

A sealing gasket made of a resilient rubber material or rubber-like material. The sealing gasket is formed as a rotationally symmetric body with a substantially constant cross-sectional profile. The cross-sectional profile includes: a first sealing part located furthest away from a center of rotation of the body and a second sealing part located radially inside the first sealing part, as viewed in the radial direction. An open space is defined by the first and second sealing parts. The second sealing part essentially curves through an angle away from the center of rotation. A seed housing can include such a seal and a seeder can include such a seed housing. 1. (canceled)2. A seed housing for a seeder that discharges seeds using excess pressure , comprising:first and second seed housing partsconfigured to be joined together to form the seed housing,a singulating disc, which is movably arranged in the seed housing, anda sealing gasket configured to provide a seal between the seed housing parts and between one of the seed housing parts and the singulating disc.3. The seed housing according to claim 2 , wherein the sealing gasket includes a resilient elastic material claim 2 ,the sealing gasket being formed as a rotationally symmetric body with a constant cross-sectional profile, the cross-sectional profile including:a first sealing part located furthest away from a center of rotation of the body, anda second sealing part located radially inside said first sealing part, as viewed in the radial direction,an open space being defined by the first and second sealing parts,wherein the second sealing part curves through an angle away from the center of rotation.4. The seed housing according to claim 3 , wherein the first sealing part is configured to provide a seal between the seed housing parts and the second sealing part is configured to provide a seal between one of the seed housing parts and the singulating disc.5. The seed housing as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180332785A1
Автор: Overgaag Petrus

An apparatus for strip growing is presented. The apparatus includes a strip unit with an open channel throughout its length that is configured to hold multiple rectangular root balls with a desired spacing between root balls. The strip unit is defined by an outer bottom wall, an outer sidewall on each side of the outer bottom wall extending upwardly and terminating in an inwardly extending peripheral lip. The open channel is defined by a skirt extending downwardly from the lip and at an angle towards the outer sidewall and terminating at an inner vertical wall, and the inner vertical wall terminating at an inner bottom wall thereby forming the open channel with its bottom section larger than its top opening. A trough unit configured for automated harvesting, and to capture and guide irrigation water down the open channel is coupled to one end of the strip unit. 1. An apparatus for strip growing of plants comprising:a strip unit with an open channel throughout its length and a coupling lumen, wherein the open channel is configured to hold one or more rectangular root balls with a desired spacing between root balls; anda trough unit coupled to said strip unit through said lumen, wherein said trough unit comprises a proximal section that is configured to capture irrigation water from a dripper mounted above the trough unit and to guide the water down the open channel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said strip unit comprises an outer bottom wall claim 1 , an outer sidewall on each side of the outer bottom wall and extending upwardly and terminating in an inwardly extending peripheral lip that is about one quarter the width of the outer bottom wall.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the open channel is defined by a skirt extending downwardly from the lip at an angle towards the outer sidewall and terminating at an inner vertical wall that extends to approximately one-third of the height of the outer sidewall from the outer bottom wall claim 2 , with the inner ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum system

Номер: US20200329628A1

A vacuum system that includes a planter frame. A row unit bracket couples to the planter frame. A fan couples to the planter frame and draws air through a row unit. An exhaust duct extends through the row unit bracket. The exhaust duct couples to the fan and discharges airflow from the fan towards the ground. A diffuser reduces a speed of and/or redirects the airflow as the airflow exits the exhaust duct.

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180341730A1

A robotic assembly cell is configured to generate a physical mesh of physical polygons based on a simulated mesh of simulated triangles. A control application configured to operate the assembly cell selects a simulated polygon in the simulated mesh and then causes a positioning robot in the cell to obtain a physical polygon that is similar to the simulated polygon. The positioning robot positions the polygon on the physical mesh, and a welding robot in the cell then welds the polygon to the mesh. The control application captures data that reflects how the physical polygon is actually positioned on the physical mesh, and then updates the simulated mesh to be geometrically consistent with the physical mesh. In doing so, the control application may execute a multi-objective solver to generate an updated simulated mesh that meets specific design criteria. 1. A computer-implemented method for operating an assembly cell of robots to assemble a mesh , the method comprising:selecting a first simulated polygon that is included in a first simulated mesh;causing a first robot to obtain a first physical polygon that corresponds to the first simulated polygon;causing the first robot to position the first physical polygon on a first physical mesh; andcausing a second robot to attach the first physical polygon to the first physical mesh, wherein at least a portion of the first physical mesh is geometrically similar to the first simulated mesh.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining optical data related to the first physical polygon; anddetermining, based on the optical data, that a first portion of the first physical mesh is geometrically different than a first portion of the first simulated mesh.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein determining that the first physical mesh is geometrically different than the first portion of the first simulated mesh comprises determining that a position associated with a vertex of the first ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Growing Organic Matter

Номер: US20190335681A1
Автор: John H. Oberthier
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates generally to agricultural growing apparatuses and methods. More specifically the present invention relates to a dynamic, modular, rotating apparatus, and methods related to the apparatus' use and/or function.

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum system

Номер: US20200337222A1

A vacuum system that includes a planter frame. A row unit bracket couples to the planter frame. A fan couples to the planter frame and draws air through a row unit. An exhaust duct extends through the row unit bracket. The exhaust duct couples to the fan and discharges airflow from the fan towards the ground.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Cultivation System for Cultivation on Water in a Basin and Floating Carriers Therefor

Номер: US20160366845A1

The present invention relates to a floating carrier and a cultivation system for crops such as lettuce in floating carriers on water. The cultivation system comprises a basin comprising at least one elongate production pond with an infeed end on a short side and an opposite outfeed end and with water therein, a number of elongate floating carriers, the length of which corresponds to the width of the elongate production pond and which move in an orientation transversely of a longitudinal direction of the elongate production pond through the production pond from the infeed end to the outfeed end at a rate corresponding to bringing the crops to full growth, which floating carriers each comprise a number of growth locations for the crops where holders for the crops or roots of the crops extend into the water, and a transport system comprising a lifting mechanism and conveyors. 1. Cultivation system for crops such as lettuce in floating carriers on water , comprising:a basin comprising at least one elongate production pond with an infeed end on a short side and an opposite outfeed end and with water therein;a number of elongate floating carriers, which move in an orientation transversely of a longitudinal direction of the elongate production pond through the production pond from the infeed end to the outfeed end at a rate corresponding to bringing the crops to full growth, which floating carriers each comprise a number of growth locations for the crops where holders for the crops or roots of the crops extend into the water; a lifting mechanism at the outfeed end and a lowering mechanism at the infeed end;', 'at least one conveyor along the long side of the elongate production pond; and', 'at least one pivot mechanism between the conveyor along the infeed end and the at least one conveyor along the long side of the elongate production pond and/or between the conveyor along the outfeed end and the at least one conveyor along the long side of the elongate production pond., ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180359901A1
Автор: Millar Gary Bret

A system for removing seeds includes a track, one or more carts moveably disposed on the track, one or more sensors, a removing device, and a controller. The controller includes one or more processors, one or more memory modules, and machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to determine a location of one or more of one or more contaminated seeds and one or more contaminated plants on the one or more carts based on information received from the one or more sensors and instruct the removing device to remove one or more of the one or more contaminated seeds and the one or more contaminated plants based on the location. 1. A system for removing seeds , the system comprising:a track;one or more carts moveably disposed on the track;one or more sensors;a removing device; and one or more processors;', 'one or more memory modules; and', determine a location of one or more of one or more contaminated seeds and one or more contaminated plants on the one or more carts based on information received from the one or more sensors; and', 'instruct the removing device to remove one or more of the one or more contaminated seeds and the one or more contaminated plants based on the location., 'machine readable instructions stored in the one or more memory modules that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to], 'a controller comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the removing device is a vacuum robot arm.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein one or more trays are disposed on the one or more carts claim 1 , each of the one or more trays comprising a plurality of cells claim 1 , each cell supporting one or more of one or more seeds and one or more plants.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sensors comprise one or more of a camera claim 3 , a contaminant sensor claim 3 , and a weight sensor.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the weight sensor ...
