The invention concerns a plate-type heat exchanger, which consists pressed heat exchange plates, which are clamped between two solid plates of a pile in line of sheet metal. The Wärmeaustaus¢h serving central zone of the heat exchange plates the turbulence increasing and with it the heat transition increasing pressing out are provided with.
A goal of the invention is to be lent a such organization of the center section of the plates, which it makes possible, within a certain range, to the heat exchange plate each desired thermal length.
If one assumes the dimensions the heat transmission of serving center section of the plate are fixed, i.e. its length and width as well as the distance to the neighbouring plate, then the thermal length of this disk kind only more ven the organization of the profile of the center section determined.
With many areas of application for plate-type heat exchangers, in particular with large apparatuses, which are used for cooling purposes, the demand exists that the entire heat transmission rate on the length of a stone path must take place, i.e. that with these apparatuses all plates are joined in parallel and the two media the apparatus the against the current to flow through.
If one assumes for a given setting of tasks also a certain pressure loss is to arise within the heat exchanger, then hiedurch also the ideal thermal length of the Wärmeaustausehers and/or its plates is given. This length is given then, if with the given pressure loss straight that liquid quantity flows through the disk channel, with which the desired change of temperature arises. If the thermal length of the used disk type is too large, then must, in order not to exceed the given maximum pressure loss, more heat exchange plates into the apparatus to be inserted would be than for the thermal effect necessary and the apparatus is thus oversized.
If the thermal length is however too small, then the flow rate per disk channel must be so far reduced, until the temperature program is fulfilled. The decrease of the disk admission causes however at the same time a reduction of the heat transition number, which leads to that assigned heat exchangers often need kind of such a substantially larger exchange surface than those with the correct thermal length.
In order to meet these well-known facts, one builds heat exchange plates same size with different profiles, in order to approach in the case of need more near to the ideal thermal length. Most modern plates exhibit a profile, which consists running waves in their center section, which cross with the waves of the neighbouring plate directed opposite of diagonal to the longitudinal axis and concomitantly to the Str6mungsrichtung. The angles, which include these waves regarding the longitudinal axis, lie mostly between 35 and 65°. They are for $5 the thermal length of the plate of determining importance and can these for instance in the relationship 1:4 affect. Hiebei is valid that the thermal length with reduction of the angle decreases.
After a well-known system two disk kinds with different angles of the incoming goods become! len assigned, - everyone used for itself - the flow channels with large and with small thermal length devoted. A combination by alternating use of both disk kinds results in channels of middle thermal length. It is plausible that this system can be from there not satisfying only a rough gradation of the thermal length made possible and.
After another proposal the center section of the plate is divided into several streifenförmige fields running transverse to the longitudinal axis, which exhibit for their part waves of different angle of inclination regarding the longitudinal axis.
The streifenförmigen fields are formed with the help of replaceable shaped parts in the pressing tool. By simultaneous use of fields with large angle and such with small the thermal length of the plate lets itself change. It is possible to approach more near to the ideal length but is also this construction with disadvantages connected. A profile with small angle results in the case of Strömungsverhä! tnissen within the turbulent range a heat transition number, which is below 50% that one, which is obtained with the profile with large angle, if both profiles with the same liquid quantity are beaufsehlagt. From it results a middle heat transition number, which is under that one, which one selects obtained if one a uniform profile with that angle, which results in exactly the demanded thermal length of the disk channel.
With the subject of the invention this is reached by the following measures:
The center section of the plate possesses numerous circular fields closely lined up with wellenförmigeu developments. The waves are diagonally arranged to the longitudinal axis of the plates. For the production a pressing tool serves the plate, in whose center section disk-shaped stamps are assigned, whose exhibit top side a profile suitable for coining/shaping the waves. The stamps are swivelling stored in the tool, whereby the angle, which the waves include regarding the longitudinal axis of the pressing tool and thus the heat exchange plate, lets itself change. In this way it is possible to give to the heat exchanger plate exactly that profile which is needed for the achievement of the necessary thermal length.
For the reaching of the desired effect different execution variants are possible, by which some are deeply descriptive.
Fig.1 shows a heat exchange plate, whose center section possesses arranged pressing out regarding the transverse axis CD symmetrically, in opinion; Fig.2 shows a section of the same M [ttelteiles with changed angle of the waves; Fig.3 shows the same section, however with other grouping of the direction of the waves; Fig.4 shows the Mitteltei! one regarding the transverse axis CD asymmetrically implemented plate; Fig.5 points an embossing to the production of a circular wave field and a section of the pressing tool on average; Fig.6 shows the same embossing in plan view.
Fig.1 shows a heat exchange plate in opinion. In their center section --1-- are numerous circular fields --2-- pressed in, which from waves --3-- exist, which are represented as lines in the designs. For the elucidation of the representation the wave fields are surrounded in the designs of a circular line 4. The remaining places lying between the circle fields are with waves --5-- equipped. Places in the center section, those from constructional (geometrical} reasons for the mounting of the fields --2-- are too small, can with according to smaller circular fields --6-- provided its, those likewise waves --7--possess.
The waves --3-- the upper half of the center section include a certain angle A OFF regarding the Mlttelachse. In the lower part - mirror-image to it - a equivalent large angle “'in the designs this angle is 30°. The Mitteltei! the neighbouring plate around one perpendicularly to the plate plane standing axle center is rotated around 180°, so that the waves of the two plates cross, is appropriate for field over field. The crossing signs! the waves amounts to then 2 “, that are 60°. This angle would result in a flow channel of short thermal length.
Fig.2 shows the center of a homogenously arranged heat exchange plate, with which however the angle amounts to A 60°. The crossing angle of two kind of such implemented plates results in 120°, 3S which a profile with large thermal length corresponds.
Fig.3 shows a Mitteltei! , its wave fields --2-- in the horizontal rows constantly changing direction of the waves --3-- exhibit. When laying two neighbouring plates on top of each other it comes to crossing the waves and thus to the same effect as with the plate of the Fig.1.
Fig.4 shows a center section, with that the wave fields --2-- regarding the Queraohse --CD-- not mirror-image, but to each other are transferred arranged. This has the consequence that with two following each other plates, whose center sections are against each other twisted around one perpendicularly to the plate plane standing axle center around 180° the wave fields --2-- the waves lying in the small intermediate zones --5-- überdeeken. In this way particularly homogeneous training of the flow channels is obtained.
Fig.5 places an embossing --8-- for the production of incoming goods! lenfeldes --2-- on average. Fig.6 shows the embossing --8-- in plan view. This round tool tools are in the main plate --9-- the pressing tool let in installs and with a central screw --IL-- fastened. This construction makes a twist of the embossing and thus any variation for the direction possible of the ribs --10-- in the pressing tool. If one regards the explained tool section as lower part, then the upper section can be designed in similar way as Gegenform. It is however also possible to design one of the two tool halves as rubber pad press form.
The execution according to invention of the disk pressing tool does not only permit to give it to the heat exchange plate within certain borders each thermal length, but it offers also the possibility of the production of special plates, whose center section exhibits a gradually changing flow characteristic. The center section can begin e.g. km upper range with a set of fields with large angle “and end when reduction in the form of steps the Winke1 s per row, within the lower range with a small angle A.
Such plates are suitable for the heat exchange of materials, whose viscosity changes strongly with the temperature. One uses then the zone with the small angle A thus with the profile, which less flow resistance offers - on that side, where the flow medium l0 exhibits the higher viscosity.
A further area of application of such special plates are disk evaporators, with which due to partial evaporation of the liquid in the disk channel a strong Volumenzunahme arises.
In this case one lets the medium at that disk end influxes, which can be evaporated, whose profile causes the largest flow resistance. A plate heat exchanger where a number of heat exchange plates of two different types are clamped between two massive pressure plates. The heat exchanger plates are provided with a first flow zone surrounded by an edge seal having first passage openings for a first fluid medium. The heat exchanger plates are further provided with a second flow zone having second passage openings surrounded by an annular seal for a second fluid medium outside of the first flow zone. The annular seal is embedded in a first reinforcing seam having a bottom wall and upwardly and outwardly tapering side walls. The heat exchanger plates further include a bottom plate adjoining the annular seal and which is provided with a second reinforcing seam disposed parallel and below the first reinforcing seam and which broadens in an upward direction. The second reinforcing seam is provided with a plurality of supporting bulges extending into and narrowing the second reinforcing seam. The supporting bulges are in contact with the bottom wall of the first reinforcing seam. The first flow zone is in part defined by the bottom plate and the bottom wall of the first reinforcing seam. The first fluid medium flows under the annular seal and simultaneously between the supporting bulges. A second seal spaced from the annular seal having the same characteristics as the annular seal is preferably provided. 1. Detachable plate-type heat exchanger also out of sheet metal pressed heat exchange plates, whose the heat exchange serving center section numerous wavy pressing out exhibits, which it face each other diagonally to the Längsaehse of the plate running with neighbouring plates crossing, in the fact characterized that the wavy pressing out (3) into numerous circular wave fields (2) is arranged, which closely lined up the center section cover (1) of the plate. 2. Plate-type heat exchanger according to requirement 1, by characterized that the wave fields overlap (2) with neighbouring plates. 3. Plate-type heat exchanger according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the wave fields (2) is so arranged that of the neighbouring plate in each case between the circle fields (2) lying area with the waves (5) of the wave fields (2) to be covered. 4. Pressing tool for the production of heat exchange plates according to the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that it at least from a baseplate (9) exists, on which numerous circular embossing (8) is fastened in a way that in such a way they can be turned around its senkrechte axle (FF) that the ribs (10), for pressing the waves (3) die3D nen, which regarding the longitudinal axis of the plate (OFF) includes desired angle A.
(Hiezu 2 sheets designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna