Filterkörper in form eines als filter wirkenden bodenprofils zur reinigung kontaminierter oberflächenwässer

15-01-2006 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 04-20-1017
Дата заявки: 15-06-2004


(10) RK 413,279 B (12) patent specification (21) registration number: A 1017/2004 (22) registration day: 2004-06-15 (42) beginning of the patent duration: 2005-06-15 (45) expenditure day: 2006-01-15 (51) IntCI.7: C02F1/28 B01D 24/00 (30) priority: (73) Patentee: (56) 25.07.2003 RKs A 1204/03 stresses. Holding out: DE4422496A1 CH671571A5 GB502962A DE200103112U DE10127545A1 HUSZ GEORGE DIPL.ING. Dr. A-4592 LEONSTEIN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). GROI I bNTHALER FRANZ XAVER engineer A-4081 HARD CHURCHES, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). KNOLL GÜNTHER DIPL.ING. A-4050 TRAUN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). (72) Inventor: HUSZ GEORGE DIPL.ING. DR. LEONSTEIN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). GROTI hNTHALER FRANZ XAVER engineer HARD CHURCHES, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). KNOLL GÜNTHER DIPL.ING. TRAUN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK).


(30) Priority: (73) Patentee: (56) 25.07.2003 RKs A 1204/03 stresses. Holding out: DE4422496A1 CH671571A5 GB502962A DE200103112U DE10127545A1 HUSZ GEORGE DIPL.ING. Dr. A-4592 LEONSTEIN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). GROI I bNTHALER FRANZ XAVER engineer A-4081 HARD CHURCHES, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK). KNOLL GÜNTHER DIPL.ING. A-4050 TRAUN, UPPER AUSTRIA (RK).




(54) Of a working, into which C = landscape integrated, FILTER BODY IN FORM of a WHEN FILTER of WORKING BODENPROFILS FOR CLEANING CONTAMINATING OBERFLÄCHENWÄSSER (of 57) filter bodies in form as filters, in or several ground concentration of of the examined material in the waste water (mg/l) connection capacity of the Filtermateriales (mg/kg) for the examined material filter surface (m2) drying room weight of the filter material (t/m3) horizons (A, B, C-situations) comprehensive ground SKs; profile for the cleaning of contaminated surface more abflusswässer, from or several determines F = selected raw materials, if necessary from or several determines selected d' D aggregates formed characteristic values exhibits.


is and defined meant.


Power (filter-strain = L) of the filter body, expressed in meter (m), according to the formula J. SWA. C L = SKs. F. d', it computes, where J = number of years, which is necessary, in order the filter with pollutants), as heavy metals, organic pollutants, salts for melting snow, phosphates, to be e.g. satisfied: the annual waste water accumulation (m3) SWA DVR 0078018 2 RKs 413,279 B the invention refers to a filter body in form as filter working, into which integrated landscape, in or several ground horizons (A, B, C-situations) of comprehensive bodenprofils for the cleaning of contaminated Oberflächenabflusswässer. It refers in particular to a filter body, which itself to the combined, layer-moderate employment for the physical, 5 physikochemische and biochemical cleaning of contaminated Oberflächenabflusswäs sern is suitable. /. Introduction the protection of the groundwater and/or its quality has world-wide priority in environmental protection. In the natural water circulation there is a phase of the cleaning: It is this the seeping phase of the water by the ground. The groundwater and thus the natural quality of drinking water is thus a function of the filter and/or cleaning capacity of the ground. Nearly all Was-15 serschutzfragen depends from there on the soil quality. Grounds have thereby among other things vital filter functions. These can be divided in three main of effective ranges: a) Into the physical, b) physiko the chemical and C) the biological and/or biochemical filter effect in the course of the so-called sealing of surfaces, are lost ever more grounds with Filterfunkti-25 on, while the Niederschlagswässer resulting at these surfaces (roads, roofs, concrete and asphalt surfaces, yard surfaces, Wirtschaftswege in the rural area, airports, large parking lots and such a thing) usually seeped in more or less contaminated condition or otherwise to be disposed of to have. Preferential treatment for such dirty Niederschlagswässer is the infiltration. These plants function however possibly like concentration mechanisms for this Wässer, which can lead to the accumulation of pollutants, which then for their part as sources of pollutant and not when work ecologically lasting lowering. There is from there the trend for large-laminar infiltration, whereby the filter characteristics are to be used by natural grounds. With the “small-area” infiltration plants (seeping basins and/or “hollows” etc.) the filter effect and/or filter characteristics of the ground filter body is to be particularly considered, because more dirty rain water on smaller 40 surface must be cleaned. //. State of the art: There is still no secured calculation, by which the goal of the cleaning achievement, 45 of economy and the long-term behaviour can be optimized by infiltration plants. Thus on the one hand uncertainties in engineer-moderate planning and execution arise and on the other hand ecological risks. Guarantees can be only heavily delivered and it exist increased aftercare need. The selection of the necessary materials is not from there with difficulty and often is available a desired material, wes-50 because of it from large interest is direct to bring need-referred filter material on the market. The latter is particularly for the encouraged part of such filters the case, which is responsible for the dismantling of organic dirt and pollutants. In addition, the organization of such plants is already because of that variety of the occurring 55 kinds of contamination and - freight only with difficulty of schematizing and also from other RKs 413,279 B obvious reasons of arranging individual. Uniformly for all plants the natumahe organization should be. This particularly concerns the desired filter achievement, as she can be observed with natural Bodenprofilen. Are usual: Versickerungsbecken, with which those is to constitute the vesiegelten surface assigned infiltration surface about 1/15 or 1/10 of the sealing surface. Then still seeping speeds of > 10 are recommended highly minus 5 m/s and connecting of sale basins or hollows in the inlet. Hollow infiltration: With these plants the relationship of the attached sealing surface to the infiltration surface is < 15. The hollows are appropriate for cure-early unity rope, whereby the unity rope height should not exceed 30 cm, in order to meet the danger of the Verschlickung. Hollows - Rigolensysteme: With this system downward afterwards still another so-called Rigole is inserted in the hollow, which catches and over a tubing drainage system derives the Sickerwasser with difficulty permeable underground.


Pit infiltration: This plant requires a rapid flow velocity and is suitable from there in principle only for little dirty rain water. It offers from there ecologically no large security, because the pollutants be rather deeply penetrated and the risk of a Grundwasser-25 contamination can be excluded on a long-term basis not completely. Surface infiltration. Here belong also plants, which are put on broad planar also along traffic routes or other impermeable sheeting surfaces. Also permeable proofs or Filter-30 of stones, which are furnished for the attachment by surfaces, can be ranked among it, if the filtration is connected with a cleaning effect actually also, the contamination ensured by groundwater or Perkolationswasser. In the literature reference to the necessity for the cleaning of contaminated Re-35 towards water and a set of investigations is over the effectiveness of such plants. In a hollow plant M.Schulze [Schulze, Michael finds: Pollutant accumulation in a decentralized rain water infiltration plant, correspondence waste water, 1998 (45) Nr.2] after six-year enterprise no pollutant accumulation and also no change of the 40 permeability of the filter ground. D.Naass reports [Naass, Dieter. Rain water management and infiltration, experiences and developments correspondence waste water, 1999 (46) No. 10, P. 1536-38] that those is rain water management (Hamburg) of rising importance and the municipalities regard this as 45 active contribution to the active ground-water protection. A.Nadler and E. Meißner [Nadler, A. and Meißner, E.: Results of a test range for the infiltration of the precipitation water of roads. 2001 (48) No. 5, P. 624-638] 6 parallel arranged ground filters examine and come KA-water management, waste water, waste around the best Opti-50 on for the cleaning of Straßenwässern to find out at the conclusion that three years observation period are not sufficient, in order to be able to quantify lasting effects clearly, find however that bewachsener surface can exclude a groundwater endangerment to a large extent with laminar infiltration. 55 Vth Pick et al., 2002 [Pick, V., greasy, J., Miethe, M., Stüber (Höxter), K.: Decentralized treatment RK 413,279 B of the precipitation discharge of traffic surfaces in a multi-level pit. 2002 (49) Nr.3, S.312-320] examined KA-water management, waste water, waste a multi-level pit as decentralized treatment of the resulting, contaminated precipitation water, whereby the test range was examined over 21 months. There was a joggle pit to 5 and a filter pit. The latter was fed with Filterkies and roughened activated charcoal. A satisfying Rückhaltung of suspended matter and the Kontaminantien adsorbed to it showed up. For solved materials it was less clear. As main advantage the small space requirement and the possibility are rated of exchanging the filter body time-fairly. IO And Kasting, [Kasting, And, Gameh, 0. and Grottehusmann, D.: Ground filtering units for the cleaning of discharges of strongly dirty traffic surfaces (selection of suitable ground substrates) KA-water management, waste water waste 32001 (48) No.: 9, P. 1274-84] examines different substrates for its adsorptive capacity opposite heavy metals and phosphate, by accordingly contaminating „" solutions with the substrates paying ELT and these substrates also in halftechnical yardstick examines. The research project justifies itself on the fact that it „so far few references to requirements, which are to be placed against filter substrates " give. The authors recommend the Z0 as evaluation basis - appoximate values of the LAGA 20 [report of the land working group waste (LAGA) 20, requirements to the material utilization of mineral residual substances/wastes, 6 Nov. 1997], which indicate the maximum Belas tung for unrestricted use. Are to be used so far as possible the Eluatwerte. It is however as can be prove secured that this values won from a solid/a water relationship from 1 to 10 after 24 hours vibration time do not show under any circumstances the material seeping water concentrations in the capillary system of grounds for instance in the condition of the full water saturation. By all theoretical work and practical experiences the common realization pulls itself through that filter bodies should work versatile and that bewachsenes surface material in a given profile exhibits the main filter effect. But there are at present neither quantifying sets of rules nor quantified, causal-theoretical connections between 30 to the kind of contaminating and the contaminating degree, as well as the structural measures and the kind of the aftercare need (lastingness and ecological location conformity) of the plant and/or the filter body. These missing criteria are created by the quantification of the respective requirements to the 35 flexible characteristics of the filter body which can be developed. ///. The subject of the invention: The invention concerns a filter body in form as filter working, into which integrated landscape 40, in or several ground horizons (A, B, C-situations) of comprehensive Bodenprofils for the cleaning of contaminated Oberflächenabflusswässer. It refers in particular to a filter body, which itself to the combined, layer-moderate employment for the physical, physikochemische and biochemical cleaning of contaminated Oberflächenabflusswässern and/or dirty Niederschlagswässer after the model of naturally grown grounds is suitable, 45 whereby soil characteristics and/or passage barriers special by means of defined parameters for special requirements is created. Task of the invention is now the creation of such a filter body, to which from state of the art disadvantages admitted any longer do not adhere and with the help of its a pure ISO gung contaminated Oberflächenabflusswässer in simpler and efficient way is attainable. This task is solved according to invention by the fact that the filter body from one or more raw materials in the following specified, i.e. - sandiger loam to lehmiger sand, (ground excavation, waste, drilling property, mineral starting from-ss space material) RK 413,279 B - humus overburden (organstoffhaltiges surface material) - green cut (tree and bush cut, grass cut) - crust material - wood (cut up including mature timber,) 5 - paper fiber mud (fiber and lignin residual substances of the paper industry) - sawdust - Sägemehl and/or wood abrasive dust - agricultural harvest arrears - Agro manufacturers of arrears of arrears IO - local sewage sludge - powdered minerals, - mineral one washdredges from the crushed stone preparation - river-dredges and ponddredges - mineral types of dust, 15 - coal dust - clay/tone (including Bentonit and zeolite, mountain-freshly or it processes) and if necessary one or more aggregates in the following specified, i.e. - raw gypsum (CaS04.2H20,) - lime (CaCOs) 20 - dolomite or dolomitischer lime [CaMg (C03) 2] - magnesite (MgCOa) - Kieserit (MgSCU.HsO) - epsom salt (MgS04.7H20) - raw phosphates 25 - potassium sulfate (K2SO4) - Polyacrylamid is formed and that the filter body exhibits characteristic values in the following specified: - Macropores (>10|j) = 20 to 35 VOL. - % 30 - central pores (10 to 0,2m) = 13 to 27 VOL. - % - Micropores (< 0,2|j) = 8 to 15 \ /o \. - %, - flocculation of the colloids in aqueous suspension after 3 at the latest hours - Kh-values (Bindigkeitzahlen) for each horizon 30 to 85 - clay content 3 to 30% 35 - pH (KCI) or pH (CaCl2) = 6.8 to 8.5 - cation exchange capacity. LiCI method: > 30. BaCfe method: >100, CaCb method > 75 mmolc/kg dry weight (TM) - water-soluble ions of the Porengleichgeweichtslösung (maximum values in mg/kg TM): AI = 0.71, As = 0.02, well = 71, Cl =71, PO4 = 0.5 Fe = 10, Mn =0,53, CN = 0.02, F = 0.53, 40NO2 = 0.35, NO3 = 18, CO = 1.0, Pb = 0.033, CD = 0.003, CR = 0.03, cu = 0.06, Ni = 0.03, Hg = 0.001, Zn = 1.8, B = 0.6, CN = 0.05, NH4 = 0.33, SO4 = 250, V = 0.06, Ti = 0.01, SE = 0.15, Mo = 0.018 - water-soluble carbon (DOC) with filter withdrawal: < 250 mg/kg TM - exchangeable ions: Approx., mg, K, well, NH4, AI, H expressed in % the Katonenaustausch-45 capacity: A-situation: Approx.: 65 to 90, mg: 10 to 20, K: 1,5 to 6, well: 0 to 4, if necessary so available: B and C-situation: Approx.: 70 to 95, mg: 5 to 20, K: 0,2 to 6, well: 0 to 3 - lime content: 5 to 80% TM - humus content for filter earth: A-situation: 3 to 18%, if necessary, so available: for filter substrates (B and/or C-situation): to 5% 50 - C/N Verhätnis: 9 to 16 (in the case of existing organic substance) - pore gas composition: CO2: CO2: CH4 = (1 to 5): (10 to 20): (<0,5) in a-situation and (2 to 18): (>2): (<1) in if necessary existing B and/or C-situation in the condition of the half field capacity (water content at approximately 2 bar of capillary tension). 55 thereby a Bodenprofil as more versatile, integral cleaning filter to function, must erfin RK 413,279 B can be present or develop dung in accordance with such certain soil characteristics. After a further arrangement of the filter body in accordance with the invention in or several aggregates are vaguely distributed or than horizontal barriers inserted in the filter body the forming material. According to a characteristic of the invention the filter body points a filter power (filter-strain L) expressed in meter (m) on (valid for a filter situation), which according to the following formula (I) is computed: J. SWA. C L =----------------- (I) SKs. F. D " where means: J = number of years, which is necessary, around the filter with pollutants), as heavy metals, organic pollutants, salts for melting snow, phosphates, to be e.g. satisfied SWA = the annual waste water accumulation (m3) 20 C = concentration of of the examined material in the waste water (mg/l) SKs = connection capacity of the Filtermateriales (mg/kg) for the examined material F = filter surface (m2) d' = drying room weight of the filter material (t/m3). Under attention parameter indicated above can be manufactured thus in easily comprehensible and efficient way all requirements and/or of the necessary cleaning achievement of a filter body fairly becoming Bodenprofil wished in each case, which was not possible under the conditions given so far according to the before-well-known state of the art. After a further characteristic of the invention the filter body is characterized by the fact that it exhibits a top (A-situation) from humosem to humus-free material with a power from 10 to 100 cm and the Unterboden (C-situation) from humus-poor to humus-free material is developed, whereby the filter body is built in a profile power up to 2, 50 m. After an arrangement according to invention of the filter body are inserted in this probes for control purposes and/or sampling devices, by means of which temporarily or continuously the quality of the Sickerwassers is controllable. 40 these parameters represents soil characteristics or permits such to derive. The grouping of the parameters and the adherence to certain ranges of values of each individual parameter ensure together the desired cleaning achievement. The subject of the invention including its arrangements according to invention 45 are valid in principle for all kinds of the filtering units, in which the filter function of grounds is crucial. Physical filter achievement: Here it concerns the Rückhaltung of individual impurities and/or suspended matter and to them on in such a way sorbed or in you contained materials. On this function achievement the pore distribution of the filter ground essentially decides: With respect to the Bodenkunde between rough, central and micropores one differentiates: - Width macropores: > 50 pm 55 - tightness macropores: 50-10 |jm 7AT 413,279 B - central pores: 10-0,2 |jm - micropores: < seeping finds 0.2 pm in the macropores, and/or free water movement downward and it 5 only particles with a diameter of > 10 can be held back pm. Effectively floating materials (cloudy materials of colloid size) are however smaller than 2p, so that in the pore-satisfied condition suspended materials up to a grain diameter of 10 break through pm. Silt and clay/tone parliamentary groups remain hanging partly in the central pores. Thus it comes theoretically to a so-called storage compression and/or a relative decrease of the IO seeping speed [shift of the distribution of sizes of pores to favour of the micropores at the expense of the macropores, which leads to the storage us compression]) in the open land is under favorable conditions ground dynamics in the course, which this compression by colloid flocculation and aggregate formation on the one hand and Bioturbation (e.g. Earthworm activity) on the other hand partly rear-stop. Physikochemi and chemical filter achievement this predominantly works by adsorption processes, adjustment procedures by secondary layer silicates and by precipitation procedures. The supply of a minimum exchange capacity by clay/tone colloids and mineral-organic complexes (clay humus Komoplexe) as well as the Sesquioxyde and by the functional groups of the Huminsäuren are decisive for this kind of the filter achievement. The chemical composition of the ground solution, particularly also the anions controls the precipitation procedures. Calcium carbonate (lime) is decomposed by acid, buffers thus the registered acids off and decreased at the same time the solubility of many materials. Therefore thus a certain measure of ground characteristics for good physikochemische 30 a filter and/or a cleaning achievement is to be demanded: - pH - Worth as reference to the acid condition of the filter body - lonenaustauschkapazität for the quantification of the adsorptive capacity - water-soluble ions and exchangeable ions (Ba, approx., mg, K, well, NH4, Fe, Mn, cu, Zn, 35Co, Mo, CR, Ni, Pb, CD, Hg, V as well as As, B03, N03, S04, Cl, P04, Si04, HC03) - lime content, - humus content (here because of its important portion of functional groups, which can be counted to the exchange capacity) 40 biochemical filter achievement: An unforseeably large number at microorganisms - kinds and ground small animals provides for a continuous intensive material conversion in the ground. Hardly an organic material, which not when raw material or energy source is used of one of the bio systems or which would not be result one of the metabolic procedures, and which again source of food for ande 45 RH of bio systems is not. In this predominantly micro biological biochemical material transformation dynamics there are however nevertheless also „final products ", as for instance carbon dioxide (CO2), water and heat energy or materials, which occur more and more stably in the entire happening and enrich themselves up to a certain degree: There is this the Huminstoffe. 50 in the encouraged ground is steady with conditions favorable for it thus in the long run only ground-typical materials. Foreign bodies are decomposed and transformed under energy release and usually under oxygen connection to ground-own materials. Whereupon the self cleaning and hygienization function of the encouraged surface are essentially based. It is best promoted by the fact that one promotes the living conditions of the microorganisms and the ground of 55 animals. In addition belong an as even water and an air supply and an RK as possible 413,279 B physiologically favorable lonenkonzentration and - to combination in the existing bodenwasser, in addition, a constant supply of carbon by organic substance high-energy, which is secured by the photosynthesis reaction of the vegetation covering. That is also the reason, why filter surfaces should be preferential bewachsen, because then a self regeneration and a self adjustment are possible when disturbances by the entry of organic foreign matter (no accumulation of organic poison materials). The most important material conditions for the biochemical filter achievement and/or for its evaluation can be marked by the following parameters: - Humus content - C: N - Relationship - mineral nitrogen portion of the total nitrogen and/or content in the ground solution and of the sorption complex (N03 and NH4 (wasserl.), NH4 (adsorbed) 15 - soluble organically substance (DOC, or as CSB = chemical Sauerstoffbedarf) - composition of the pore gas (relationship of CO2: CO2: CH4) IV. Production of a “filter earth”, a “filter ground”, a “filter substrate” and/or a “filter profile” or “filter body " definitions and work terms: Filter earth and filter ground are to be regarded as synonyms. It is a material, which contains and also the requirements quantified indicated above in Tab.1 (physical mechanical, chemical and micro-biological filter effect) fulfilled, organic substance and micro is biologically active. Filter substrates are such, which fulfill the requirements of the point III. and the Tab.1 only in as much as for them no substantial micro-biological activity is presupposed. No requirements are therefore placed against biochemical filter reactions; but they, depending upon 30 need, can for special functions (e.g. Barriers for special materials) to be prepared. Filter material = comprehensive term for filter earth and filter substrate filter profile calls the structure and the layering of the filter body out filter working 35 ground connection and filter substrates. Filter body is the entire Filtermasse within the filtering unit after the invention-moderate concept is now the filter materials for the setting up a Boden-40 to be arranged profusely in such a way that they fulfill and the functions quantified described above in table 1 by ranges of values. In addition it gives to be produced in principle the possibility that 45 a) such materials on the market or waste sector is selected to exist and now according to the criteria indicated above and used for the setting up a filter profile (humus overburden, ground excavation, sediment material etc.) b) the materials particularly with the targets of the table 1. C) with the structure of a filter profile is used both material from the group of materials a) and b). From these three possibilities the group of b) requires a special explanation, since the purposeful production of filter ground connection and filter substrates in the sense of the invention special criteria must follow: 55 RKs 413,279 B procedures for the production of filter ground connection (filter bodies) 1) selection of the raw materials: These must be selected meaningful way in such a way that them or after mixture and/or physikochemischer, chemical and biological reaction (whereby they partly or completely use themselves by education of new materials) the conditions indicated above and/or the table 1. to correspond. As such materials are applicable e.g.: Organstoffhaltige of materials: In such a way green bush and tree cut cut, gehäckselt sawdust, crusts, Holzschreddermaterial agricultural harvest arrears (cut up) of 15 vegetable wastes paper fiber-dredge local clarify-dredge composts agricultural Wirtschaftsdünger 20 cut up waste paper Rübenschnitzel molasses, firm of arrears from carrot washing plants surface soil material 25 coals (husbands) mineral materials sand, clay/tone, loams (kalkhaltig and lime-free) ashes, washdredge from sand and Scot works, various powdered minerals mineral ground excavation, Feinkies, brick-split building residual substance recycling material of aggregates: 40 lime, gypsum, dolomite of ammonium salts, nitrates, phosphates, potash salts, Kieserit, epsom salt structure-forming one or aggregate-stabilizing materials including such from plastics special adsorption materials, like zeolites, layer silicates, activated charcoal, artificial ion exchangers or hydrophobe Adsorbenten for organic materials inclusively hydrocarbons. 2) analysis of the materials each raw material after the so-called „fractionated analysis” [ÖNORM (proposal 2002) S 2122-2 and 3, Vienna, Austrian Normungsinstitut] examined and judged. From the different materials according to reaction mixtures their reactive (= water 50 soluble and exchangeable) parliamentary groups as reaction components and in each case the aggregates resulting in from the mixture prescription will provide themselves. After thorough homogenizing and adjusting of the water content, between 20 and 40%, a fermentation drum is preferably fed or a triangle rent is presented. The reactions begin when correct mixture within hours. They are exothermic. Temperatures are reached from 50 to 55 70oC.


RK 413,279 B this material mixture is analyzed now for quality assurance. The received analysis values must correspond now with sufficient approach the goal size the mixture prescription. After departure of 50 Gew. - % of the organic mass as the mass loss by the fermentation process, which can be expected, can be made prognoses on the final product quality, whereby the goal values into the ranges of values the Tab. 1 to be aimed at. If these should not be achieved in the first beginning, can be intervened by addition materials or components correcting. After fading away the biological transformation intensity, perceptibly at removing the temperature, again a control analysis is made, in order to place surely that the material itself the targets the Tab. 1 actually approximates. The IO material cools down finally on ambient temperature, is however only applicable if by humidification of the same up to approximately 30% and secured aeration no substantial wiedererwärmung (up to maximally 420C tolerably) full-finds. By adjustment at the ambient temperature, as well as measurement that pore gases, can be examined and/or measured stability regarding its being. Then a quality certificate can be issued, which can serve the filter ground connection quality as guarantee. In such a way produced filter body fulfills the requirements, like it in Tab. 1, and as surface material in the Bodenrprofil are used (A-situation) 3J production of the filter substrate are aforementioned: This is done via mixture of mineral components, which can reach up to a gesamtmächtigkeit of maximally 1.8 m. The mixture is put on in such a way also here that the demanded ranges of values indicated above are reached. When these mixtures only physikochemische reactions are expected however no micro-biologically caused biological or biochemical processes, why organic mass is to be present at the most slightly and only in stable form. The filter profile in principle after the model of naturally developed grounds developed whereby the encouraged surface in its power by the oxygen supply depth limi-30 tiert is. This can be accepted with well structured and drained Bodenprofilen up to a meter as secured. Natural grounds point encouraged surface to often less than 30 cm to (A-horizon, corresponds AS-situation) and are therefore pretty often in their filter achievement limited.


The central ground can be differentiated still from the Unterboden, if a reason exists for it (ABC). Otherwise it is possible in addition, to arrange the Unterboden continuous uniform (AC profile, compares schematic example of a filter profile indicated down). The material cools down finally on ambient temperature, is however only applicable if by humidification of the same up to approximately 30% and secured aeration no substantial Wiedererwärmung (up to maximally 42 “C tolerably) takes place. Schematic example of a Bodenprofils A situation 0-40 (60) cm Humoses surface material, that the ranges of values of the filter functions corresponds to A situation 0-40 (60) cm Humoses surface material, that the ranges of values of the filter functions corresponds to B and C situation of 40 (60) - 180 (250) cm mineral ground excavation or Mi schungen from ground excavations 11AT 413,279 B A, B and C situations are on underground [D-situation; starting from 180 (250) cm, consisting of original material (crushed stone) in original storage] up, that no more to the filter profile belongs. V. Case example: From a set of possibilities due to results of analysis and economy reasons the following output materials were selected for the production of a filter earth: A = local sewage sludge (surplus sludge, expenditure-putrefied, drained, stabilized) IO B = activated sludge (liquid) C = Danube sediment from Uberschwemmungsbereich (schluffig - toniger sand, lime-rich, drying) D = bush and tree cut, gehäckselt E = wood, geschreddert the respective portions for mixture (mixture prescription) in dependence of the results of analysis so was computed that the necessary biochemical and physikochemischen reactions a) had to enter and that b) the final result of the transformation reactions the ranges of values corresponded to 20, like it for the filter functions is demanded (point III. of this text and ranges of values the Tab. 1). A mixing ratio of the fresh VOL around units of A resulted for the concrete case after consideration of the drying room and fresh specific gravity of the individual components: B: C: D: E = 100: 5: 65: 200: 50, whereby for reasons of the better airing barness and for the reduction of the machine wear and the energy costs the component C (Danube sediment) to approximately % immediately and % were given after in such a way fading away the heat gang. The thermal file phase can be also accelerated and thus time be won by latter measure. After setting a triangle rent with a cross section of approximately 3.5 m the rent reached base width and 1.8 m height after 1 week over 60oC and dropped after 2 weeks on 500C to drop 35 over after approximately 8 weeks under 30oC. The pore gas composition shows an explosive development and a lasting intensity of the mikrobiellen life activity by the high CCVWerte, which run wrongly proportionally to sow erstoffparzialdruck. Methane does not arise practically, which indicates process of the 40 shifting processes to the aerobes. The final result is the table 1 to infer (= obtained values) table 1 function-oriented ground parameters for the Sicherstellung of the filter functions RK 413,279 B physical filter effect, (back attitude individual impurities) value-range-obtained value I/O position layer which can be unit-aimed at C-situation Kn-value (ground weight) - 40-120 85/75 macropores (> 10 (j,) V% 20-35 central pores. (10-0,2 |jm) V% 13-27 micropores (< 0.2 pm) v% 8-15 flocculation inclination and/or flocculation of the colloids complete flocculation complete complete aggregate stability high highly highly relative one vertical Kh-succession (A-situation): (B-situation): (C-Iage): <1: < (1: <1): : 0,85: 0.75 physical filter effect, (back attitude individual impurities) value-range-obtained value I/O position layer which can be unit-aimed at C-situation Kn-value (ground weight) - 40-120 85/75 macropores (> 10 (j,) V% 20-35 central pores. (10-0,2 |jm) V% 13-27 micropores (< 0.2 pm) v% 8-15 flocculation inclination and/or flocculation of the colloids complete flocculation complete.




Aggregate stability high highly highly relative one vertical Kh-succession (A-situation): (B-situation): (C-Iage): <1: < (1: <1): : 0,85: 0.75 Physikochemi filter effect (adsorption and precipitation reactions) Physikochemi filter effect (adsorption and precipitation reactions) pH in KCl or CaCfe 6.8 - 8.5 7.77 7.64 cation exchange capacity (KAK) mmolc/kg >35* cation allocation of the sorption complex A-situation (% of KAK) le. C-situation (% of KAK) Ca= 65 - 90 mg =10-20 K = 2-6, Na= 0 4 approx. = 70 - 90 mg = 5 - 20 K = 0.2 - 6 well = 0 3,0.5,0.5 Wasserlösl. Ions (C-situation, lower edge) mg/l ground solution of <Grunwasser desired values - according to lime content (CaC03) % 5-80 20.1 19.1 humus content A-situation of B-situation of % C-situation of 3-18 <5 <2 8.2,1.3,1.3 biological filter effect: Biochemical dismantling and change processes pH in KCl or CaCfe 6.8 - 8.5 7.77 7.64 cation exchange capacity (KAK) mmolc/kg >35* cation allocation of the sorption complex A-situation (% of KAK) le. C-situation (% of KAK) Ca= 65 - 90 mg =10-20 K = 2-6, Na= 0 4 approx. = 70 - 90 mg = 5 - 20 K = 0.2 - 6 well = 0 3,0.5,0.5 Wasserlösl. Ions (C-situation, lower edge) mg/l ground solution of <Grunwasser desired values - according to lime content (CaC03) % 5-80 20.1 19.1 humus content A-situation of B-situation of % C-situation of 3-18 <5 <2 8.2,1.3,1.3 biological filter effect: Biochemical dismantling and change processes RK 413,279 B humus content (A-situation) % 3-18 8.2 - C: N-relationship 10-14 13.8 - mineral nitrogen mg/100g <10 3.5,4.7 NO3 in the ground solution mg/l <45 2.0 2.72 Lösl. org. Substance (DOC, CSB) mg/kg (filter lower edge) <250 - <100 pore gas composition VOL %: A-situation: CO2: CO2: CH4 B and C-situation: CO2: CO2: CH4 (10-20): (“\ - 5): (<0,5) (>2): (<18): (<1) 19:0,5: <0,1 5:3: 0 humus content (A-situation) % 3-18 8.2 - C: N-relationship 10-14 13.8 - mineral nitrogen mg/100g <10 3.5,4.7 NO3 in the ground solution mg/l <45 2.0 2.72 Lösl. org. Substance (DOC, CSB) mg/kg (filter lower edge) <250 - <100 pore gas composition VOL %: A-situation: CO2: CO2: CH4 B and C-situation: CO2: CO2: CH4 (10-20): (” \ - 5): (<0,5) (>2): (<18): (<1) 19:0,5: <0,1 5:3: 0 *gilt for excerpt with 0,5 molecular LiCI. When using BaCb: 100 and with CaC^: 75 mmolc/kg VITH sample applications to the formula (I): Example 1: A surface filter is established in only one filter situation. The following parameters are determined and/or given: Lastingness of the Filtewirkung, waste water accumulation concentration of of the limiting material in the Sickerwasser during full water saturation specific sorption capacity of the filter material filter surface drying room weight to compute (J) =128 years (SWA) = 24,000 m3 (C) = 0.5 mg/l (SKs) =1970 mg/kg TS (F) =1000mr (D ") =1,3 t/m3 the power of the filter body (filter-strain L) is according to formula (I): J. SWA. C 128.24000.0, 5L=----------------=--------------------- 0.60 m SKs.F.d'1970.1000.1, 3 example 2: A surface filter is composed of three filter situations, comparably a Bodenprofil with the horizons A 45 (humoser surface), B (weakly humoser central ground) and C (humus-free Unterboden). The filter lastingness (J) is 100 years to amount to. A situation 60 cm power are not to exceed, in order the oxygen supply in the entire A-situation are surely to be placed.


Variable power different for the computation of filter bodies (A, B and C-situations): RK 413,279 B parameter variable situation of A situation of B LageC thread means J SWO C 0.8,0.8,0.8 Ad 0.8 Ac2 0.32 Ac3 0.11 SKs F d' 1.30 1.42 1.50 Lt 0.611 1.117 1.389 LA 0.30 LtB 0.44 LB 0.30 LtC 0.19 LC of 0.20 parameters variable situation of A situation of B LageC thread means J SWO C 0.8,0.8,0.8 Ad 0.8 Ac2 0.32 Ac3 0.11 SKs F d' 1.30 1.42 1.50 Lt 0.611 1.117 1.389 LA 0.30 LtB 0.44 LB 0.30 LtC 0.19 LC 0.20 note: Lt means filter-strains (position power) if the respective position layer (A, B or C) the entire filter effect alone in each case to take over should. 35LA is the planned filter position power (filter-strain) of the situation 1. you is in the given case thus lower than if this situation for itself alone the entire filter effect for 100 years take over should. From there the filter situation B and/or C is to be counted must this hold back on a break-through of the observed element (material) already in former times and. 40LtB is the filter position power, which would be necessary, around the entire, from the situation of A by coming element quantity restrainable. However only the calculating portion from the filter situation of A must be held back, if the filter body of only 2 layers (A and B) would consist. In this case a filter power for LtB would result by 0,44 M. however a third filter situation is there intended, can these either as additional “reserve” to serve, in 45 which case the filter situation of B 0.44 m be powerful would have, or they are limited will with 0,30 m, then held back must the remainder of the coming through element quantity of the filter situation of C. LB is the planned filter power of the B-situation and is 0.30 m to amount to. Then remains a coming through element quantity, which must be held back by the C-situation. soLtc the filter position power, which is necessary, is around the remaining element quantity mende from the situation B durchkom restrainable. It was computed with 0,19 m and is laid out for practical and/or safety reasons of favourable way in planning rounded (LC = 0,20 or 0.30 cm).


55 example 3:15 RK 413,279 B of a filter material with filter-strain 30 cm, consisting of encouraged surface material or earth (A-situation), is the lastingness of a filter basin (filter hollow) to compute (lastingness = length of time up to the filter saturation, with which the filter body must be exchanged). Variable one: F = filter surface of the hollow 300 m2 SWA = m3/Jahr c= waste water concentration of the limiting element (e.g. Zn) = 0,5mg/l SKs = specific sorption capacity of the filter body regarding zinc = (connection capacity) = 500 mg/kg TS. d'= drying room weight = 1.42 t/m3 from the formula: l - J. SWA. C - L SKs F.d' SKs. F. D " SWA C and from this for the concrete case of example: /- 0.30. 500.,1, 42 _____ ^O lahre* 0.5 from the formula: l - J. SWA. C - L SKs F.d' SKs. F. D " SWA C and from this for the concrete case of example: /- 0.30. 500.


.1, 42 _____ ^O lahre* 0.5 Patemräansprüehe: 1. Of a working, into which it integrated landscape filter body in form as filters, in or several ground horizons (A, B, C-situations) of a comprehensive Bodenprofils for the cleaning of contaminated Oberflächenabflusswässer, by the fact characterized that the filter body from one or more raw materials in the following specified, i.e. 35 - sandiger loam to lehmiger sand, (ground excavation, waste, drilling property, mineral excavated material) - humus overburden (organstoffhaltiges surface material) - green cut (tree and bush cut, grass cut) - crust material 40 - wood (cut up including mature timber,) - paper fiber mud (fiber and lignin residual substances of the paper industry) - sawdust - Sägemehl and/or wood abrasive dust - agricultural harvest arrears 45 - Agro manufacturers of arrears - local sewage sludge - powdered minerals, -Mineral one washdredges mineral types of dust from the crushed stone preparation - it river-dredges and ponddredges in such a way -, - coal dust - clay/tone (processed including Bentonit and zeolite, mountain-freshly or) and if necessary one or more aggregates in the following specified, i.e. - raw gypsum (CaS04.2H20,) 55 - lime (CaC03) 16 RKs 413,279 B - dolomite or dolomitischer lime [CaMgtCOa^] - magnesite (MgCOa) - Kieserit (MgSC^.hbO) - epsom salt (MgSC^JHzO) 5 - raw phosphates - potassium sulfate (K2SO4) - Polyacrylamid is formed and that the filter body exhibits characteristic values in the following specified: 10 - Macropores (>10m) = 20 to 35 VOL. - % - Central pores (10 to 0,2m) = 13 to 27 VOL. - % - Micropores (< 0,2p) = 8 to 15 VOL. - %, - flocculation of the colloids in aqueous suspension after 3 at the latest hours - Kh-values (Bindigkeitzahlen) for each horizon 30 to 85 15 - clay content 3 to 30% - pH (KCI) or phKCaClz) = 6.8 to 8.5 - cation exchange capacity. LiCI method: > 30. BaCb method: >100, CaCb method > 75 mmolc/kg dry weight (TM) - water-soluble ions of the Porengleichgeweichtslösung (maximum values in mg/kg TM): 20AI = 0.71, As = 0.02, well = 71, Cl =71, PO4 = 0.5 Fe = 10, Mn =0,53, CN = 0.02, F = 0.53, NO2 = 0.35, NO3 = 18, CO = 1.0, Pb = 0.033, CD = 0.003, CR = 0.03, cu = 0.06, Ni = 0.03, Hg = 0.001, Zn = 1.8, B = 0.6, CN = 0.05, NH4 = 0.33, SO4 = 250, V = 0.06, Ti = 0.01, SE = 0.15, Mo = 0.018 - water-soluble carbon (DOC) with filter withdrawal: < 250 mg/kg TM 25 - exchangeable ions: Approx., mg, K, well, NH4, AI, H expressed in % the Kato nenaustauschkapazität: A-situation: Approx.: 65 to 90, mg: 10 to 20, K: 1,5 to 6, well: 0 to 4, if necessary so available: B and C-situation: Approx.: 70 to 95, mg: 5 to 20, K: 0,2 to 6, well: 0 to 3 - lime content: 5 to 80% TM 30 - humus content for filter earth: A-situation: 3 to 18%, if necessary, so available: for filter of substrates (B and/or C-situation): to 5% - C/N relationship: 9 to 16 (in the case of existing organic substance) - pore gas composition: CO2: CO2: CH4 = (1 to 5): (10 to 20): (<0,5) in a-situation and (2 to 18): (>2): (<1) in if necessary existing B and/or C-situation in the 35Zustand of the half field capacity (water content at approximately 2 bar of capillary tension). 2.Filterkörper according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that one or more aggregates are inserted as horizontal barriers in the filter body the forming material vaguely distributed or. 3.Filterkörper according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact characterized that it a filter power (filter-strain = L) expressed in meter (m) exhibits, (valid for a filter situation,) according to the following formula (I) is computed: 45J. SWA. C L =------------------- (I) SKs. F. d', where means: J = number of years, which is necessary, around the filter with pollutants), as heavy metals, organic pollutants, salts for melting snow, phosphates, to be e.g. satisfied SWA = the annual waste water accumulation (m3) C = concentration of of the examined material in the waste water (mg/l) 55 SKs = connection capacity of the Filtermateriales (mg/kg) for the examined material 17 RKs 413,279 B F = filter surface (m2) d' = drying room weight of the filter material (t/m3). 4. Filter body after one of the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that it exhibits 5 a top (A-situation) from humosem to humus-free material with a power from 10 to 100 cm and the Unterboden (C-situation) from humus-poor to humus-free material is developed, whereby the filter body is built in a profile power up to 2, 50 m. IO 5th filter body after one of the requirements 1 to 4, by it characterized that into this probes for control purposes and/or sampling devices are built, by means of which temporarily or continuously the quality of the Sickerwassers controllable is. No design


A filter integrated into the landscape has one or more layers including profiles for purifying contaminated surface water and is made from specified materials, while having specified characteristics. - A filter integrated into the landscape has one or more layers including profiles for purifying contaminated surface water and: - (a) is made from the following materials : sand-like loam to loam-like sand (excavated soil, soil from boring or waste minerals); humus waste; green cuttings (e.g. from trees or grass); bark; wood (including scrap); pulp or lignin waste; sawdust or wood shavings; agricultural crop or other waste; communal sludge; crushed stone; mineral washings or gravel; river or pond sludge; mineral or coal dust; or clay (including crude or processed bentonite or zeolites) optionally with additives comprising gypsum, chalk, dolomite, magnesite, magnesium sulfate monohydrate, Epsom salts, crude phosphate, potassium sulfate or polyacrylamide; and - (b) has the following characteristics : coarse pores (above 10 mu ) = 20-35 volume %; medium pores (10-0.2 mu ) = 13-27 volume %; fine pores (below 0.2 mu ) = 8-15 volume %; colloidal flocculation in aqueous suspensions at the longest 3 (sic); Kh value (cohesion number) per zone = 30-85; clay content = 3-30; pH (KCl or CaCl2) = 6.8- 8.5; cation exchange capacity = above 30 (LiCl method), above 100 (BaCl2) and above 75 (CaCl2), each per kg dry weight; water-soluble ion maximum concentrations (mg/kg dry weight) Al = 0.71, As = 0.02, Na = 71, Cl = 71, PO4 = 0.5, Fe = 10, Mn = 0.53, CN = 0.02, F = 0.53, NO2 = 0.35, NO3 = 18, Co =1.0, Pb = 0.033, Cd =0.003, Cr = 0.03, Cu = 0.06, Ni = 0.03, Hg = 0.001, Zn =1.8, B = 0.6, CN (sic) = 0.05, NH4 = 0.33, SO4 = 250, V = 0.06, Ti = 0.01, Se = 0.15 and Mo = 0.018; water-soluble carbon on filtering = below 250 mg/kg dry weight; exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, Al and H ions as a percentage of cation-exchange capacity : Layer A Ca 65-90, Mg 10-20, K 1.5-6 and Na 0-4, B and C layers Ca 70-95, Mg 5-20, K 0.2-6 and Na 0-3; chalk content = 5-80% on dry weight; humus content for filter earth : layer A 3-18% and layers B and C up to 5%; C/N ratio = 9-16; and pore gas composition CO2 : O2 : CH4 = (1-5) : (10-20) : (below 0.5) in layer A and (2-18) : (below 0.5) : (below 1) in layers B and C (water content at ca. 2 bar capillary pressure).