15-07-1976 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 733573
Дата заявки: 23-08-1973


The invention refers sees to a mechanism for the measurement of the parameters a complex resistance of exhibiting one port, with a steered switches, whose entrance clamps are put at earth potential to a Gleichspannungsquelle and, and with a tension comparator, whose exit is on the other hand connected with time measuring instrument on the one hand with a gate circuit for the change over switch and, how the exit of the change over switch over the series connection of the Zweipo which can be measured! it and a reference one port with the entrance of the Spannungskomparaters as well as with the entrance of tension measuring instrument is connected. It is a mechanism of this kind bekaantgeworden, with which with measuring a parallel hitting a corner rice or a series RL circle as reference one port a normal resistance and a home fairs of a Sel0 of rien PC circle a Normaikundensater are used. BeimMessen is put released by an exterior signal, by means of the gate circuit the Gleichspannungsquelle to the measuring circle, consisting of the series connection of the reference one port with the one port which can be measured. A transient on engagement arises, after whose fade away over the gate circuit the tension at the knot of the series connection in a storage facility is stored. At the same time those output voltage of the measuring circle of the Spaunungsmeßeinrichtung is supplied. , Released from the gate circuit, the entrance of the measuring circle is switched on that from the Gleichspannungsquelle on earth. At the same time begins measuring procedure of the time measuring instrument, which so for a long time persists, until the tension at the exit of the measuring circle that Tei e-ten! corresponds to the stored tension. During this well-known measuring instrument however no high Meßgenauigkelt can be achieved, since between the sizes of the one port which can be measured and the measured tensions uud a linear Zusannnenhang does not exist times. Further the Eingangswiderstaad of the Spannungskomparaters lies parallel to the one port which can be measured and/or the reference one port, what affects the measuring accuracy unfavorably. A substantial disadvantage of the well-known mechanism does not lie also in it that a parallel RL circle is not accessible to the measurement, there after according to the end at the beginning of lively transient on engagement the river and the output voltage of the measuring circle by the size of inductance L, but by the relationship of the Verlustwiderstände Prüfund of measuring inductance bestim n is. It is a goal of the invention of creating a mechanism which is free from the mentioned Nachdellen and which ensure besides a higher measuring speed. This goal lets itself reach with measuring instrument of the initially mentioned kind, with which according to invention between the exit of the Uraschalters and the entrance of the tension comparator a against-coupled DC voltage amplifier is switched, whose branch of inverse feedback is formed by that reference one port by the one port which can be measured or, and there additionally to (first) the Gleichspannungsque! a le further (second) Gleichspaunangsquelle is intended, which is on the other hand to the Eeferenzspannungsbildung connected with the tension comparator on the one hand with an entrance of the change over switch and. If the Zweipo which can be examined! of the 1°arallelschaltung of otnnschen resistances and inductances, is formed the branch of inverse feedback of the DC voltage amplifier consists of dern reference one port designed as Ohm's resistance. The Zweipo which can be examined exists! from the parallel connection of Ohm's resisting and capacities, then is the branch of inverse feedback of the DC voltage amplifier of the Referenzzweipo designed as condenser! formed. The branch of inverse feedback of the DC voltage amplifier is formed and as Refereazzweipol an inductance consulted of the one port which can be examined, if the Zweipo which can be examined! of the series connection of Ohm's resistances and inductances consists. If a one port consisting of the series connection of ohm-before-resisted and capacities is to be examined, then the Gegenkopplnngszweig of the DC voltage amplifier is formed by the one port which can be examined and as Referenzzwelpo! a Ohm's resistance consulted. The invention is more near described in the following on the basis example-wise execution forms, which are illustrated in the designs. The Fig shows. 1 to 4 the block diagrams three-execution forms of the invention and the Fig.Sa and b the course of the tensions at the exits of the gate circuit and/or the direct current amplifier. In accordance with Fig. 1 points the mechanism according to invention a change over switch --1-- up, that from three electronic switches --2, 3 and 4-- for example Transisterscha! tern, exists. Hereunder applies A! s first entrance --5-- the change over switch --1-- that entrance of the electronic switch --3--, as the second entrance --6-- the change over switch --1-- the entrance elektronischea of the switch --4-- and as the third entrance --7-- the entrance of the electronic switch --2--. As exit of the change over switch --1-- become those among themselves connection exits of the electronic switches --2, 3 and 4-- designated. The first entrance --5-- the change over switch --1-- is on denAusgang a first Gleichspannnngsquelle --8-- turned on” in well-known way as halbleiterbesüickte circuit implemented, during the second entrance is --6-- is grounded. Furthermore the mechanism points a gate circuit --9-- up, those from trigger attitudes --10, 11, 12 Nr.335566 and 13-- and an interval timer --14-- exists, which approximately as in well-known way implemented mono-stable multivibrator is trained. To the unity entrance of the trigger circuit --11--, Zero-entrance of the trigger circuit --12-- and to the entrance of the interval timer --14-- an exterior signal of an appropriate source is supplied (not represented). The exit of the interval timer --14-- is with the unity entrance of the Triggerscha - tung --10-- and that zero-entrance of the trigger circuit --11-- connected. The exits of the trigger circuits --10, 11 and 12-- are in each case with the control inlets of the electronic switches --2, 3 and 4-- connected. The exit of the change over switch --1-- that is in the available variant of the mechanism from the I ara over the complex resistance (one port), which can be measured! lelschaltung a resistance --15-- and an inductance --16-- , with the reference one port, that is formed in the variant of the mechanism of a normal resistance, described here --17-- formed, into row one switches. To the normal resistance a direct current amplifier is parallel --18-- switched. The exit of the amplifier --18-- is with an entrance of a S'parmungsmeßeinrichtung --19--, preferably a Dlgitalvoltmeter, and with the entrance of a tension comparator --20-- connected. The Kornparator --20-- consists of three Vergleichssctmltungen --21, 22, 23-- and two Spaunungsteilern --24 and 25--, which exist about out ever mvei resistances. The direct current amplifier --18-- and each of the comparison circuits --21, 22 and 23-- are designed as integrated circuits. An entrance of first comparison circuit --21-- , and in each case an entrance second is grounded and/or. third Vergleichssehaltung --22, 23-- is with the exit of the voltage dividers --24 and/or 25-- connected. The other entrances of the comparison circuits --21, 22 and 23-- are together because of that exit of the direct current amplifier--18--. The exit of the first Verg [calibration circuit --21-- is with the zero-entrance of the trigger circuit --10--, with the Einseingaag of the trigger circuit --12-- and with an entrance of the Spannungsmeßeinriehtung --19-- connected. The exit of the second Vergleiehsschaltung --22-- is with the unity entrance of the Triggerschaltuag --13-- and the exit of the third Yergleichsschaltung --23-- with the zero-entrance of the trigger attitude--13-- connected. The mechanism is also with time measuring instrument --26-- to measuring time intervals equipped. This mechanism consists of a crystal-controlled, semiconductor-equipped Impulsgeaerator --27--, from electronic switches --28 and 29--, those the electronic Sehaltern --2, 3 and 4-- are similar and from Dekadenzählern --30 and 3I-- with number display. The exit hnpulsgenerators --27-- is with the entrances of the electronic switches --28 and/or 29-- connected, their control inlets with the exits of the Triggerschaitungen --10 and/or i3-- and their exits with the entrances of the counters --30 and 31--are connected. The third entrance --7-- the change over switch --1-- is just like the entrances of the voltage dividers --24 and 25-- with that exit of a second Gleichspannungsquelle --32-- connected, those the source --8-- is similar, but another polarity exhibits. The Fig. a something similar execution variant of the mechanism according to invention shows 2. The difference consists here of that as examining one port the parallel connection of one resistance --33-- (Fig. 2) with a condenser --34-- be present as standard cell becomes here a normal condenser --35-- used. With a third execution variant (Fig. 3) the series connection of one resistance is appropriate for the mechanism as measuring one port --36-- with a Indul ivität --37-- forwards, those parallel to the Gleichspaunungsverstärker --18-- lies. As Normalelemeat a Normalinduk serves ivität --38--, those in series with the amplifier --18-- lies. A fourth execution variant of the invention shown in Fig points the series connection of a resistance as one port which can be measured --39-- with a condenser --40-- up. Parallel to this series connection the direct current amplifier lies --18--. In row to this electric circuit a normal resistance is as standard cell--41-- switched. The function of the mechanism according to invention is described in the following. On an exterior signal up become by signals of the interval timer --14-- (Fig. 1) the trigger circuits --11 and/or 12-- in denEinsbzw. in denNullzustand set. The interval timer --14-- TON begins with dern Auszähler of a given time interval, whereby those output signal itself of the trigger circuit in the one state --11-- the electronic switch --3-- the change over switch --1-- and the output signal of the trigger circuit opens --12-- the electronic switch --4-- closes. This leads to that DC voltage - E0 of the Gleichspannungsquelle --8-- directly over the open switch --3-- to the measuring circle--15, 16, 17, 18--arrived. To assist in the understanding of the Wirkuugsweise of the mechanism according to invention are in Fig. 5a and b of two tent diagrams represented, whereby on the Abzissenachse the time and on the Y-axis the tensions U1 and/or U2 are based at the exit of the change over switch and/or on the exit of the direct current amplifier. The tension - E0 and the Zeßintervall TON are represented on the diagram 5a. Over the stoßkreis a river begins to flow, at the entrance of the direct current amplifier arrived, in its branch of inverse feedback the normal resistance --17-- with the resistance value R0 is switched on. Of the exit of the direct current amplifier --18-- the tension U2 is removed (Fig. 5b), which is proportional the river flowing by the IV eßkreis. The comparison of this river with two reference stream is thus replaced by the comparison of the tension U2 with two reference voltages. This comparison becomes by means of the comparison circuits --22 and 23-- the Spannuagnkomparators --20-- accomplished, to their entrances the reference voltages Ua and U4 U4 > U3 > R lie, che of the exits of the voltage dividers --24 and/or 25-- are removed. At the time, to that the BezugsI0 tension U of the tension amAusgang the direct current amplifier --18-- , speaks the comparison circuit is alike --22-- on, and it output signal places che trigger circuit --13-- into the one state. The electronic switch --29-- the time measuring instrument --26-- one geöffnst and the impulses of the surge generator --27-- arrive at the entrance of the decade counter --31-- that the ZeitintervaU tI (Fig. 5h) between those times to measure begins, in which the tension amAusgang the direct current amplifier--18-- equals the two reference voltages in sequence. At the time, in that the Bezugsspannnng U4 and the tension at the exit of the direct current amplifier --18-- are alike, speaks the comparison circuit --23-- on, their output signal the trigger circuit --13-- into the zero state returns. The electronic switch --29-- and the Dekadenzähler is closed --31-- terminates the measurement of the ZeitintclwaIls T1. NachAblauf of the given time interval TON of TONS > steps at the exit of the interval timer --14-- a signal up, that the trigger circuit--10-- in the one state and the Triggerschaltuag--11-- indenNu] lzustand zurückbringt° the electronic switch --3-- one closes, while the electronic switches --2 and 28-- are opened. Arrive from the surge generator --27-- outgoing impulse to the entrance of the Dekadenz [ffernzählers --30--, that the time interval t2 (Fig. ) to measure, during the exit of the change over switch begins 5b --1-- over the opened elek rnnischeu switch --2-- to its third entrance --7-- one connects through. Thus the Gleichspannungsquelle becomes --32-- (Tension +E0) to the measuring circle put (Fig. 5a). The tension U2 (Fig. 5b) at the exit of the direct current amplifier --18-- begins itself to reduce. As soon as this tension approximately zero is and accordingly also the river Nul flowing by the measuring circle! is, the one grounded entrance speaks aufweisendc first comparison circuit --21-- on. Their output signal places the TriggerschaItung --10-- in the zero state and the trigger circuit --11-- into the one state back. The electronic switches --2 and 28-- are closed, the electronic switch --4-- one opens. The Dekadenzähler terminates --30-- measuring the time interval t2 (Fig. Self-service), DC voltage lively to the measuring circle is switched off and the exit of the change over switch --1-- to its second grounded entrance --6-- connected through. In addition the Spannungsmeßelnrichtung measures--19--, released by the VergIeichsschaltung --21--, those at the exit of the GIeichstromverstärkers --18-- lying tension U, which the river propoßional is, that by the measuring circle after its connection to the grounded second entrance --6-- the change over switch --1-- flows. Due to the measured time intervals t! and clearly the size of inductance L of the inductance coil knows t2 and the tension U--16-- the one port which can be examined, which are determined size of its Zeitkonstaate 1 and the size of the effect conductivity G =: U “- U3 L T1 E0 R “L t2 = Te - the function of the second Ausführungaform of the invention (Fig. 2) is similar described to the above. The difference consists only of that by the Einsehaitung of the condenser --35-- into the branch of inverse feedback of the direct current amplifier --18-- the output voltage of this amplifier the integral of the river flowing by the measuring circle propoßiona! is. Due to the measured time intervals clearly the resistance value R of the one port which can be measured knows T1 and t and the tension U --33, 34-- and the time constant as well as the capacity C to this one port of belonging condenser --34-- to be determined as follows: U4 - U3 T1 = E0 RC0 t2 = TON - l C also the function of the third execution form of the invention after Fig. 3 is similar to the evenly described. The difference exists only in that use that! aduktivität --38-- as Normalelemeat and by the unity attitude of the series connection of the resistance --36-- with inductance --37-- into the branch of inverse feedback of the Gleiehstromverstärkers --18--. Therefore the measuring circle with a linear variable river is fed and the output voltage of the direct current amplifier --18-- corresponds to the tension which is because of the measuring circle. Due to the measured time intervals T1 and t2 and the tension U knows clearly the size of the 1 effect conductivity G = -- the resistance --36-- the Zwe [pole those size of the time constant and the quantity R of inductance L of the inductance coil --3? -- are determined: U4 - US Lo T1 = EO R t2= ToL U= E0 L0 with the fourth execution form of the invention (Fig. 4) becomes as Normalelemeat the resistance --41-- used. In the branch of inverse feedback of the direct current amplifier --38-- the series connection of the resistance lies as examining one port --39-- with the condenser --40--. From the measured Zeitintervallea tI and clearly the size of the capacity G of the condenser knows t2 and the tension U --40-- the size of the Zeitkonstantea of the one port and the size of the resistance value R of the Widerstaades --39-- to be determined as follows: U4 - U3 T1 = E0 R0 C t2 = TON - RC U = the mechanism according to invention is characterised by high casting speed, universal usefulness and a high measuring accuracy. The mechanism makes further a decrease for the energy dissipation possible in the measuring circle, whereby also the characteristic values of film-like RC-Eleraente can be measured and spent digitally.

1. Mechanism for the measurement of the parameters a complex resistance of exhibiting one port, with a steered switches, whose entrance clamps are put at earth potential to a Gleichspannuagsquelle and, and with a tension comparator, whose exit is on the other hand with a Zeitmeßeinriehtung connected to No. 335566 on the one hand with a gate circuit for the Umsehalter and, whereby the exit of the owner is connected by the Seriensehaltung of the one port which can be measured and a reference one port with the entrance of the tension comparator as well as with the entrance of a Spaanungsmeßelnrichtung, thereby geke nnzeiehnet that between the exit of the change over switch (1) and the entrance of the tension comparator (20) a against-coupled Gleichspaunungsverstärker (18) is switched, its branch of inverse feedback vun the one port which can be measured (16, 15; 33, 34; 36, 37; 39, 40) or of lqeferenzzweipol (17, 35, 38, 41) it is formed and that additionally to (first) the Gleichspannungsquelle (8) a further (second) Gleichspannungsquelle (32) is intended, which on the one hand with an entrance (7) of the Umsehalters (1) and on the other hand for reference tension formation] with the tension comparator (20) is connected.

2. Mechanism according to requirement 1, with which the one port which can be examined consists of the parallel connection of Ohm's resistances and inductances, by it characterized, there the branch of inverse feedback of the DC voltage amplifier (18) of as Ohm's resistance (17) the trained

3. Mechanism according to requirement 1, hei which can be examined the one port from the Parallelscha [tung of Ohm's and it exists capacities, by the fact characterized that the branch of inverse feedback of the Gleichspaanungsverstärkers (18) of as condenser (35) the training reference one port

4. Mechanism after requirement 1, with which the one port which can be examined consists of the series connection of Ohm's resistances and inductances, by it characterized that the branch of inverse feedback of the DC voltage amplifier (18) of the zuuntersuchenden one port (36 + 37) gehildet and as mechanism according to requirement 1, with which the one port which can be examined consists of the series connection of Ohm's and capacities thereby characterized that Gegenkopplungszweigdes of DC voltage amplifier (18) in an educated manner by the one port which can be examined (39 + 40) and as

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