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10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583879C2

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике, а конкретно к измерению электрических параметров двухполюсников, используемых в качестве датчиков физических процессов (температуры, давления, уровня жидких и сыпучих сред и др.) на промышленных объектах и транспортных средствах. Техническим результатом является повышение точности измерения, которое достигается путем измерения параметров кабельной линии связи и учета измеренных параметров кабельной сети при определении параметров двухполюсника с помощью схемы замещения. Способ определения параметров двухполюсника заключается в воздействии на двухполюсник, подключенный через линию связи, и эталон синусоидальным напряжением на n заданных частотах, где n - число элементов двухполюсника. Далее производится последовательное измерение значений токов через двухполюсник и эталон на каждой из n заданных частот с последующей фиксацией результатов измерений. Параметры двухполюсника определятся по фиксированным результатам измерений в соответствии ...

21-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648000C2

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике. Устройство для увеличения разрешения распознавания сопротивления, содержащее: контроллер (108); источник (104) переменного тока, вырабатывающий переменный ток в ответ на значение тока, устанавливаемое контроллером; переменный резистор; и АЦП (106), который вырабатывает значение напряжения на основе переменного напряжения. При этом контроллер выполнен с возможностью приема значения напряжения, регулирования значения тока посредством ЦАП (110) на основе принятого значения напряжения таким образом, чтобы контроллер обеспечивал увеличение и/или уменьшение значения тока для обеспечения нахождения переменного напряжения в пределах диапазона напряжений по мере изменения переменного сопротивления, который меньше, чем максимальный диапазон (202, 302, 304, 206) напряжений, который может быть преобразован АЦП (106) в упомянутое значение напряжение; и определения переменного сопротивления на основе принятого значения напряжения и отрегулированного значения ...

19-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617063C2

Изобретение, в общем, относится к системам контроля и, более конкретно, к способу определения электрической проводимости объекта или материала. Система содержит датчик, способный излучать электромагнитное поле при получении возбуждающего сигнала, причем при помещении в указанное электромагнитное поле объекта оно взаимодействует с этим объектом. Контур обработки сигнала, соединенный с датчиком и выполненный с возможностью: обеспечивать регулируемую емкость датчика для регулирования фазового угла тока, проходящего через датчик; производить измерение напряжения, соответствующего напряжению на датчике; производить измерение тока, соответствующего току, проходящему через датчик. Контроллер, соединенный с контуром обработки сигнала, выполненный с возможностью: расчета комплексной проводимости датчика на основании измерения напряжения и измерения тока и определения электрической проводимости объекта на основании рассчитанной комплексной проводимости датчика. Причем система выполнена с возможностью ...

25-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019103982A3

25-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173990U1

Полезная модель относится к четырехзондовому методу измерения слоевого поверхностного сопротивления высокоомных пленок, нанесенных на поверхность мягкого материала, например - на поверхность полиимидных пленок.Сущность заявленного решения заключается в том, что устройство с четырехзондовой головкой состоит из основания и четырех зондов, из которых два предназначены для пропускания тока и два - для измерения на них падения напряжения и отличается тем, что зонды выполнены в виде металлических шариков, причем шарики находятся в каналах из изолятора, часть поверхности шариков выступает из каналов, а при прижиме к поверхности контролируемого образца шарики имеют возможность перемещения по каналу из изолятора таким образом, что расстояние между шариками не изменяется.Технический результат, наблюдаемый при реализации заявленного устройства, заключается в создании устройства с четырехзондовой головкой, позволяющие измерять слоевое сопротивление высокоомных пленок, нанесенных на мягкую поверхность ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU181798U1

Полезная модель относится к области электроизмерительной техники и может быть использована в средствах для диагностики состояния межвитковой изоляции обмотки асинхронного двигателя или трансформатора. Технический результат: повышение точности диагностики межвитковой изоляции обмотки электродвигателя по ЭДС самоиндукции. Сущность: устройство содержит микроконтроллер, делитель напряжения, цифроаналоговый преобразователь, управляемый ключ, индикатор, RC-фильтр, управляемый источник тока, цифроаналоговый преобразователь (ЦАП). Входы управления ЦАВ подключены к регистру данных микроконтроллера посредством второй группы выходов микроконтроллера. Выход цифроаналогового преобразователя подключен к первому входу аналогового компаратора микроконтроллера. 1 ил.

13-12-2019 дата публикации

Измеритель параметров двухполюсников

Номер: RU2709052C2

Изобретение относится к контрольно-измерительной технике и может быть использовано для контроля и определения параметров двухполюсников. Технический результат: повышение точности при дистанционных измерениях за счет уменьшения составляющей погрешности от ошибки значения емкости соединительной линии и от нестабильности этой ёмкости. Сущность: мостовой измеритель содержит последовательно соединённые генератор импульсов с изменением напряжения по закону степных функций, измерительную цепь, аналоговый сумматор, нуль-индикатор, первую линию связи для информативного сигнала, вторую линию связи для питающего сигнала, операционный усилитель, дополнительный резистор. Первый вывод сигнального провода первой линии связи соединён с общим выводом первого и второго резисторов первого двухполюсника, второй вывод этого сигнального провода соединён с общим выводом третьего резистора и второго конденсатора второго двухполюсника. Общий вывод первого резистора и первого конденсатора первого двухполюсника подключен ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU194888U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительным приборам в области радиотехники и предназначена для определения импульсных характеристик, полных комплексных сопротивлений, коэффициентов стоячей волны различных объектов - сверхширокополосных антенн, трактов передачи разного типа, и может быть использована при построении антенно-согласующих устройств. Техническим результатом является увеличение точности измерений импульсных и частотных характеристик сверхширокополосных объектов типа антенн ШПС и трактов передачи разных типов в сверхширокой полосе частот, включая СВЧ. Полезная модель представляет собой стенд, содержащий сверхширокополосный двойной направленный мост, вход которого соединен с импульсным генератором, выход соединен со сверхширокополосным объектом, а порты отраженного и падающего импульсов подключены к первому и второму входу коммутатора, соответственно.

11-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708712C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике в области исследований электрических параметров изделий и предназначено для измерения объемного электрического сопротивления различных изделий, в том числе для изделий из высокоэлектропроводных материалов. Сущность способа измерения объемного электрического сопротивления заключается в том, что испытуемое изделие помещают между двумя пуансонами, выполненными с конфигурацией, воспроизводящей контур поперечного сечения изделия, между пуансонами и изделием устанавливают прокладки из терморасширенного анизотропного пиролитического графита таким образом, чтобы главная плоскость анизотропии была перпендикулярна направлению электрического тока, измерительные электроды выполняют планарными с минимально возможными толщиной и габаритами, устанавливают электроды между торцами изделия и прокладками, термостатируют пуансоны с одинаковой температурой, в зависимости от заданной точности сдавливают изделие с заданным механическим усилием, пропускают через изделие ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014145159A

... 1. Способ измерения составных частей материала, включающий:предоставление по меньшей мере одного датчика на основе метаматериала, при этом каждый датчик содержит по меньшей мере одну антенну, конфигурированнуюв виде передатчика электромагнитной энергии, приемника электромагнитной энергии или их комбинации;размещение по меньшей мере одного датчика на основе метаматериала для исследования материала;возбуждение по меньшей мере одного датчика на основе метаматериала посредством источника сигналов на одной или более частотах;измерение уровня переданной энергии, уровня отраженной энергии, сдвига частоты или их комбинации в ответ на возбуждение датчика; иприменение передаточных функций для оценки с помощью программируемого вычислительного устройства или программируемого блока обработки данных одной или более фракций материала, относящихся к исследуемому материалу, на основе данных об амплитуде, данных о фазе, данных о сдвиге частоты или их комбинации в ответ на уровень переданной энергии, уровень ...

12-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002260290A1

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer elektrischen Größe

Номер: DE102019219840A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer elektrischen Größe zumindest einer Komponente eines Teils eines Bordnetzes vorgeschlagen, wobei der Teil des Bordnetzes zumindest einen Fremdstrom aufweist und der Teil des Bordnetzes eine elektrische Impedanz-Einheit aufweist, und eine Messeinrichtung für den Teil des Bordnetzes eingerichtet ist, eine Vielzahl von Strom- und Spannungswerten für jeweils zumindest zwei unterschiedliche Arbeitspunkte der Impedanz-Einheit zu generieren, mit den Schritten:Bereitstellen der jeweiligen Vielzahl von Stromwerten der Impedanz-Einheit an einem ersten Arbeitspunkt und zumindest einem zweiten Arbeitspunkt;Bereitstellen der jeweiligen Vielzahl von Spannungswerten der Impedanz-Einheit an einem ersten Arbeitspunkt und zumindest einem zweiten Arbeitspunkt;wobei korrespondierende Strom- und Spannungswerte einander zugeordnet sind;Bestimmen der zumindest einen elektrischen Größe der zumindest einen Komponente basierend auf einem Parameterschätzverfahren und einem ...

09-12-1965 дата публикации

Geraet mit Batterieanschluss zum Messen der Feuchtigkeit von festen Stoffen

Номер: DE0001206629B

23-12-1924 дата публикации

Schaltung zur Messung grosser Widerstaende oder kleiner Stroeme, vorzugsweise in lonisationskammern

Номер: DE0000407313C

12-01-1953 дата публикации

Widerstandsmesser mit Nebenschlussschaltung

Номер: DE0000862799C

15-09-1977 дата публикации

Differential amplifier system for source resistance measurement - has inputs switched alternately via calibrated potentiometer for null balance

Номер: DE0001945908B2

The differential amplifier measuring circuit enables metering errors to be determined from the measurement of source resistance values. The two inputs of a differential amplifier (1) are connected to two poles of a four-pole changeover switch (2) so that each input is either connected to one side of the source (7, 8) or to a graduated potentiometer (10) in the feedback circuit of the amplifier. The feedback circuit comprises a load resistor (3) and potential divider resistors (4-6) one of which (6) is connected in parallel with the other two poles of the switch. By switching the inverting and the non-inverting amplifier inputs between one point and the other at the same time adjusting the potentiometer until the amplifier output is zero, the internal resistance of the source (8) is given by the resistance setting of the potentiometer.

09-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002122561A1

01-07-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001766490B1

10-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001766822B2

24-09-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9206428U1

24-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001588244B2

11-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003007152A1

22-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002356838A1

19-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002335832B2

02-10-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002158269C3

22-07-1976 дата публикации

Contactless measurement of electrical resistance - using electron beam probe and secondary emission detection

Номер: DE0002215179B2

The contactless measurement method is particularly useful in the measurement of resistance elements in integrated circuits. Two electron beams are made to impinge upon opposite ends of the resistance element by means of focussing and deflection coils. The relative intensity of each beam is so arranged that secondary electron emission coefficients are less than one and greater than one respectively. A potential difference exists between the ends of the resistance. Measurement of secondary emission current is by suitable apparatus. Since the cathode potentials and beam currents can also be measured, the value of resistance can be determined from the known parameters.

06-01-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in devices for measuring alternating current impedances

Номер: GB0000701966A

... 701,966. Bridge measurements. IGRANIC ELECTRIC CO., Ltd., and FIELD, J. A, Oct. 10, 1950 [Nov. 11, 1949], No. 28940/49. Class 37 An impedance measuring bridge comprises thermionic valves 4, 5 and an A.C. source winding 3 of low voltage and internal impedance connected across impedances 1 and 2 to be compared. The voltages developed across impedances 1 and 2 correspond to the impedance values and form the respective grid/ cathode inputs to triodes 4, 5 whose anodes are connected through load potentiometer 6 and by moving the tapping 13 on 6 until output meter 7 reads zero equal and opposite currents drawn from integrating capacitors 10, 11 must then flow in potentiometer 6 and the ratio of the resistance portions on the two sides of potentiometer tapping 13 equals the ratio of impedances 1 and 2. If the value of impedance 1 is known the value of impedance 2 may be determined or as an alternative mode of operation with tapping 13 fixed at mid-point the meter 7 may be calibrated in impedance ...

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Partial discharge analysis coupling device

Номер: GB0201207523D0

12-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001435221A

... 1435221 A/D converters OKI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO Ltd and JAPAN SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF MACHINE INDUSTRY 24 July 1973 [24 July 1972] 35180/73 Heading H3H An A/D system comprises a plurality of measuring devices each including a sensor adapted to produce a voltage corresponding to a quantity to be measured and a voltage corresponding to a reference quantity, and an A/D converter operatively connected to the measuring devices for receiving from each the measurement voltage at a first input and the reference voltage at a second input, whereby a ratio between the two voltages is obtained in the converter. As shown in Fig. 2, a dual ramp A/D converter 6 is supplied with a reference voltage at 7 derived across a fixed impedance 2 and inverted in polarity at 4, and with an input voltage derived at 5 as the difference between the voltages across the impedance 2 and a variable impedance 3, the two impedances being connected in series across a source of voltage 1, the value of the impedance 3 ...

01-06-2011 дата публикации

Charging systems with direct charging port support and extended capabilities

Номер: GB0201106669D0

14-05-1969 дата публикации

Circuit Arrangements for the Measurement of Admittances, Impedances or Transfer Functions of Networks or Devices

Номер: GB0001152068A

... 1,152,068. Measuring impedance or transfer function. FUNKWERK DRESDEN VEB. Dec.7, 1966, No.54675/66. Heading G1U. A measuring circuit arrangement for automatically indicating couplex two terminal or four terminal parameters such as admittance, impedance or transfer function has three branches meeting at a junction 23, one branch including the test component 3 and the others including a standard conductance 1 and a standard susceptance 2. High frequency signals derived from a source 4 and modulated at 9,8 and 10 at different frequencies W3, W1, W2 respectively are fed into these branches via the transformers 6, 5 and 7. A high frequency quadratic demodulator 14 receives the sum of the voltages across the three branches and the output from this is passed to three channels 15,16,17. Selective amplifiers 15 and 16 select signals at the frequencies W 1 +W 3 and W 2 +W 3 respectively which are proportional to the real and imaginary components of the parameter being measured. These signals are ...

14-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008909485D0

11-08-1954 дата публикации

Device for balancing or measuring the magnitude of an impedance

Номер: GB0000713301A

... 713,301. Transformers. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET L.M. ERICSSON. Oct. 6, 1952 [Oct. 26, 1951; Aug. 21, 1952], No. 25022/52. Class 38(2) [Also in Group XXXVI] The Specification describes a transformer for use with matching the inductance and resistance -of a closed iron core 76 to an impedance measuring circuit (Group XXXVI). The transformer consists of three legs 73, 74, 75 which are of conducting material and one of which carries coil 77 with an iron core 78. A pivoted conducting piece 82 forms a closed circuit across the top at the limbs and enables the iron ring to be placed in position.

16-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001235705A

... 1,235,705. Testing electrical insulation. FURUKAWA DENKI KOGYO K. K. June 13, 1968 [June 15, 1967; May 28, 1968], No.28277/68. Heading G1V. Apparatus for testing electrical insulation comprises two impedances 12, 14, Fig. 3 across one of which a signal is produced when an insulation fault is detected, the voltages across the impedances being passed to respective inputs of a selecting circuit 17 shown in detail in Fig. 1 where they are compared in a comparator 43 which provides an output only on receipt of a voltage from one, but not both, of the impedances, the comparator output being passed to a discriminator 44 which blocks pulses of less than a predetermined size. The selecting circuit 17 prevents an output being given in response to noise or stray signals which result in voltages across both impedances 12, 14 substantially simultaneously. Fig. 3 shows apparatus for testing an insulated cable 11 by drawing it through a bath of semiconducting liquid 22, e.g. distilled water. A high voltage ...

07-04-1988 дата публикации

Measuring the ratio R/R of a resistance half-bridge

Номер: GB0002195457A

The measuring circuit is used to measure the resistance ratio DELTA R/R in a resistance half-bridge comprising two series-connected resistors, of which the one resistor has the resistance R+ DELTA R and the other resistor the resistance R- DELTA R. The two resistances are traversed by the same current which generates a voltage drop at each resistor. By an integrating SC amplifier in successive sampling cycles difference voltages which are proportional to the difference between the voltage drops at the two resistors are integrated to give an integration voltage. Every time the integration voltage exceeds an upper threshold value or drops below a lower threshold value in a compensation cycle a compensation voltage directed oppositely to the difference voltage is superimposed on the integration voltage and is proportional to the sum of the voltage drops at the two resistors. As a measure of the resistance ratio DELTA R/R the ratio of the number of compensation cycles to the number of sampling ...

14-04-1966 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the measurement of electrical impedance

Номер: GB0001025940A

29-03-2017 дата публикации

Resistance measurement tool

Номер: GB0201702409D0

28-12-2011 дата публикации

Charging system with direct charging port support and extended capabilities

Номер: GB0002481480A

A power converter 24 comprises an alternating current AC to direct current DC converter supplying a DC voltage across two power lines, and control circuitry 24 including a resistor R across two data lines 30,32 and detector circuitry such as receiver 70 that detects modulated signals on one of the data lines. An electronic device 46 may be supplied by the converter and comprises a connector 36 having two power line contacts and two data line contacts and circuitry that measures how much resistance is across the data line contacts using a signal and a transmitter to transmit data by modulating the signal to create signal pulses (figs 4,5). The data and power lines can be those of a universal serial bus (USB) and the converter 24 can be used to charge a battery (fig 1, 52) of a portable device. The resistor can have a value of less than 200 ohms and be measured by holding a current source constant and monitoring the voltage. Switch 68 in series with the resistor and controllable current sources ...

02-06-1966 дата публикации

Equipment for measuring the characteristics of electrical networks

Номер: GB0001031657A

13-07-1966 дата публикации

Improvements relating to measurement of electrical parameters at high frequencies

Номер: GB0001035738A

03-08-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measurement of material condition

Номер: GB0002534808A

System and method for characterizing material condition. The system includes a sensor, impedance instrument and processing unit to collect measurements and assess material properties. A model of the system may be used to enable accurate measurements of multiple material properties. A cylindrical model for an electromagnetic field sensor is disclosed for modeling substantially cylindrically symmetric material systems. Sensor designs and and data processing approaches are provided to focus the sensitivity of the sensor to localize material conditions. Improved calibration methods are shown. Sizing algorithms are provided to estimate the size of defects such as cracks and corrosion. Corrective measures are provided where the actual material configuration differs from the data processing assumptions. Methods are provided for use of the system to characterize material condition, and detailed illustration is given for corrosion, stress, weld, heat treat, and mechanical damage assessment.

04-08-2021 дата публикации

Cable insulation testing method

Номер: GB2591439A

A method for determining the state of a cable insulation parameter of a cable in an electrical system, the method comprising the steps of: providing, by an alternating current (AC) voltage source, a plurality of AC signals between a conductor of the cable and an electrical ground, wherein the plurality of AC signals comprise a plurality of frequencies, in which each AC signal comprises a different frequency greater than zero 501; measuring a frequency response for each of the plurality of AC signals; determining a plurality of phase shifts 502, each of the plurality of phase shifts begin between each injected AC signal and the corresponding measured frequency response, extrapolating the phase shifts to provide a parameter of the cable insulation 504; and an associated system. The parameter of the cable insulation may correspond to an insulation resistance, an insulation capacitance or an insulation resistance leakage current value for a direct current response for the cable. Providing the ...

18-04-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to ohmmeters

Номер: GB0000923892A

... 923,892. Electrical resistance measuring. HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. July 10, 1959 [Aug. 18, 1958], No. 23858/59. Class 37. In a direct-reading multi-scale ohmmeter wherein the resistance of a component 87, connected by leads having a finite resistance 71, 77 to a calibrating resistance 39 energized from a voltage-regulated source 18, is measured by a voltmeter 81, resistor 41 in parallel with the series combination of resistors 29, 31, 33, 35, 37 provides an additional current through the calibrating resistance whereby the lead resistance is compensated. Resistor 23 is adjusted for full scale deflection of the meter when the test terminals 73, 79 are open circuit to eater for variations in the characteristics of tubes 21. Compensation for the shunting effect of the meter on higher ranges is achieved by the selection of values of the additional calibrating resistors and series resistors, the mathematical basis for such selection being described. Reference is made to the use of a valve voltmeter ...

15-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001409777A

... 1409777 Measuring conductivity ECONOMICS LABORATORY Inc 17 Aug 1973 [23 Aug 1972] 38917/73 Heading G1U [Also in Division G3] A conductivity sensing device has a pair of electrodes immersed in the medium under test and provides an output representing the conductance of the medium while receiving A.C. power during intermittent bursts. A uni-junction transistor astable multi-vibrator 41 has its output pulses squared and inverted by transistors 47, 60. The resulting negative pulses have a mark-space ratio of approx. 1:100 and are used to trigger the gate of a triac 65. The triac feeds A.C. power from terminals 30, 31 to a bridge comprising resistances 72, 73, 74, 80 and a conductivity cell 75. The bridge output is supplied via the zero setting potentiometer 80 and isolating transformer 78 to an amplifier 18 comprising a Darlington pair 98, 100. Compensation for varying temperature in the cell 75 is provided by a thermistor (not shown) in circuit 108 which provides additional load on the amplifier ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации

Galvanically isolated monitoring circuit

Номер: GB0201317496D0

23-06-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to devices for measuring resistances

Номер: GB0000711189A

... 711,189. Measuring bridges, resistance measurement. COMPAGNIE POUR LA FABRICATION DES COMPTEURS ET MATERIEL D'USINES A GAZ. April 15, 1952, (April 11, 1951.] No. 9401/52. Class 37. [Also in Group XXXVIII] In an automatic resistance measuring device, a standard voltage is connected across a circuit comprising the unknown resistance through a moving coil galvanometer without restoring torque, whose deflection operates a known regulator to produce a variable current such as to produce a voltage drop across the unknown resistance sufficient to counterbalance the standard voltage, the regulator current being measured as an indication of the resistance value. Fig. 1 shows an unknown resistance 1 of magnitude R connected to a standard cell across terminals 2, 21 through a moving coil galvanometer 3 having no restoring torque which operates a variable element of an A.C. regulator 5 feeding a detector amplifier 6 whose unidirectional output current I flows through resistance i in series ...

06-08-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in instruments for the measurement of electrical resistance

Номер: GB0000237829A

... 237,829. Evershed & Vignoles, Ltd., and Midworth, C. Feb. 28, 1925. Resistances, measuring; variable resistances.-An electric resistance 7, Fig. 1, is measured on an indicator 1 with a current passing from a source of E.M.F.5 through resistances 2 and 3 arranged in series and in parallel with the indicator, 6 being a fixed resistance. As the indicator 1 varies with the amount of current passing through it and the source of E.M.F. may vary from time to time it is necessary to compensate the sensitivity of the instrument so that it can be made independent of the varying value of the E.M.F. It is essential that the resistance of such instrument shall remain constant if the accuracy of the calibration is to be maintained. The sensitivity of the indicator is controlled by varying the value of a resistor 2 in series with it in such a manner that no change is produced in the effective resistance of the complete circuit. The resistance of resistor 2 is varied by the movement of a contactor 4 so ...

22-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201716669D0

23-03-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical bridge networks

Номер: GB0000830896A

... 830,896. Measuring bridges. UNILEVER Ltd. July 2, 1956 [June 20, 1955], No. 17811/55. Class 37. Apparatus for measuring the reactive or the resistive component of an impedance containing both components comprises an A.C. bridge having arms containing the unknown impedance and a variable impedance for balancing the bridge for the component required to be measured, a phase-sensitive detector responsive to the bridge unbalance signal, means for supplying a reference alternating voltage to the detector in phase with the unbalance signal component due to the impedance component not required to be measured, and a thermionic vacuum tube connected in the bridge circuit having a control grid responsive to the unidirectional phase detector output so as to produce a corresponding change of impedance to produce bridge balance for the impedance component not required to be measured. In Fig. 1, bridge 1 comprises an unknown impedance arm 2 comprising resistance and capacitance in parallel, a variable ...

27-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001347608A

... 1347608 Measuring resistance and capacitance G O OKIKIOLU 29 June 1972 [20 June 1972] 28715/72 Heading G1U A circuit for measuring resistance or capacitance comprises a resistor 1, Fig.1, a meter 3 connected across the resistor, and a supply source 2 (either A. C. or D.C.) connected from the left-hand end 5 of the resistor 1 to a tapping 6 on it. In use a component 4 to be measured is connected from the right-hand end 7 of the resistor 1 either, as in Fig. 1 to the tapping point 6 or, as in Fig.2, to the left-hand end 5, resulting in a corresponding fall or rise, respectively, in the meter indication. An A. C. source is preferred for measuring capacitance, otherwise the extent and rate of change of transients have to be estimated. A modification Fig.4 (not shown) is described incorporating a switched range change.

20-04-2022 дата публикации

Resonant phase sensing of resistive-inductive-capacitive sensors

Номер: GB0002600003A

A system 112A includes a resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC) sensor 402, a driver configured to drive the RLC sensor at a driving frequency, a measurement circuit coupled to the RLC sensor, and a control loop, e.g. low-pass filter 434 and VCO 416. Displacement of a mechanical member 105 relative to the RLC sensor causes a change in impedance of the sensor, and the measurement circuit is configured to measure phase information associated with the sensor to determine the displacement. The control loop, which comprises a feedforward control loop component (Fig.7, 704) and a feedback control loop component (Fig.7, 706), tracks changes in operating parameters of the system by modifying the driving frequency and/or phase shift associated with the phase information. The driving frequency may be selected based on the resonant frequency of the RLC sensor and the driver may be configured to drive a second resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor either simultaneously (Fig.6) or separately via a time-division ...

06-09-2023 дата публикации

Circuitry for detecting jack plug removal

Номер: GB0002589387B

25-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323840B

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000428936T

15-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA264374A

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung und System zur Bestimmung eines Kapazitätswertes einer Erdungskapazität eines ungeerdeten Stromnetzes

Номер: AT523526B1

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung eines Kapazitätswerts (CE‘) einer Erdungskapazität (CE) eines ungeerdeten Stromnetzes (1), bei dem zur Überwachung eines Isolationswiderstandes (RE) des Stromnetzes (1) mit Hilfe einer Isolationsüberwachungseinrichtung (8) eine periodische Spannung (10) mit einer variablen, von der Erdungskapazität (CE) abhängigen Periodendauer (T) an das Stromnetz (1) aufgeschaltet wird, wobei eine Messkapazität (CM) mit einem bekannten Kapazitätswert (CM‘) an das Stromnetz (1) elektrisch zugeschaltet wird und auf Basis einer sich in Folge der Zuschaltung der Messkapazität (CM) einstellenden Änderung der Periodendauer (T) oder einer dazu proportionalen zeitlichen Größe (~T) der Kapazitätswert (CE‘) der Erdungskapazität (CE) ermittelt wird. Des Weiteren werden eine Vorrichtung und ein System zur Durchführung dieses Verfahrens vorgeschlagen.

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung und System zur Bestimmung eines Kapazitätswertes einer Erdungskapazität eines ungeerdeten Stromnetzes

Номер: AT523526A4

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung eines Kapazitätswerts (CE‘) einer Erdungskapazität (CE) eines ungeerdeten Stromnetzes (1), bei dem zur Überwachung eines Isolationswiderstandes (RE) des Stromnetzes (1) mit Hilfe einer Isolationsüberwachungseinrichtung (8) eine periodische Spannung (10) mit einer variablen, von der Erdungskapazität (CE) abhängigen Periodendauer (T) an das Stromnetz (1) aufgeschaltet wird, wobei eine Messkapazität (CM) mit einem bekannten Kapazitätswert (CM‘) an das Stromnetz (1) elektrisch zugeschaltet wird und auf Basis einer sich in Folge der Zuschaltung der Messkapazität (CM) einstellenden Änderung der Periodendauer (T) oder einer dazu proportionalen zeitlichen Größe (~T) der Kapazitätswert (CE‘) der Erdungskapazität (CE) ermittelt wird. Des Weiteren werden eine Vorrichtung und ein System zur Durchführung dieses Verfahrens vorgeschlagen.

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000733573A

10-10-1934 дата публикации

Mechanism for the regulation of in particular small changes of resistance.

Номер: AT0000139038B

15-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000126991T

15-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264374A

26-11-1923 дата публикации

Device for the determination of the resistance of rod-shaped leaders.

Номер: AT0000094918B

25-03-1930 дата публикации

Electrical resistance measurer.

Номер: AT0000116971B

09-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005762173A

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Reciprocal quantum logic (RQL) serial data receiver system

Номер: AU2017299426A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

One embodiment describes a reciprocal quantum logic (RQL) receiver system. The RQL system is configured to convert a serial input data stream provided from a serial data transmitter into an RQL data stream. The RQL receiver system includes a sampling controller configured to oversample the serial input data stream via a plurality of samples over each sampling window of an RQL clock signal to determine a transition sample corresponding to a transition in a digital value of the serial input data stream in a given one sampling window of the RQL clock signal. The RQL receiver system can be further configured to capture the digital value of the serial input data stream via a capture sample that is a predetermined number of samples subsequent to the transition sample in each sampling window of the RQL clock signal.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Method for detecting insulation damage location in reflux rail of subway/coal mine and transition resistance thereof

Номер: AU2019299873B2
Принадлежит: Madderns Pty Ltd

The present invention discloses a method for detecting an insulation damage location in a reflux rail of a subway/coal mine and a transition resistance thereof. The method includes the following steps: connecting a reflux rail to a negative electrode of a substation, selecting a location at a connecting point as a reference location, and mounting a potential detection apparatus at the reference location; mounting a travel distance detection apparatus and a traction current detection apparatus on a locomotive, traveling, by the locomotive, to the substation along the reflux rail, where the three detection apparatuses send respectively recorded data to a control unit; and determining, by the control unit, a potential jump from received potential data and a corresponding jump time, and determining a running distance of the locomotive at a jump moment and a total running length of the locomotive, so as to determine a ground insulation damage location and correspondingly obtain a transition ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019264668A1

VOLTAGE DETECTION APPARATUS AND METHOD THEREFOR The invention relates to an apparatus (1000) for detecting voltages between a reference and a conductive structure (3000), the apparatus comprises at least two reference members (101) adapted for insertion into a ground (2000). The apparatus (1000) includes a tester (103) electrically connected to the at least two reference members (101) and at least two attachment clamps (105) adapted for attachment to the conductive structure (3000) at at least two locations of the conductive structure (3000). The at least two attachment clamps (105) being electrically connected to the tester (103). The tester (103) is adapted to determine a ground impedance between the at least two reference members (101) in use and alerting to a user when a reading is detected outside of a prescribed set of parameters. An alert signal is generated at least one of the ground impedance, reference impedance or the voltage between the reference and the conductive structure ...

30-07-2003 дата публикации

Admittance sensor for mass detection

Номер: AU2002353308A8

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for non-invasive root phenotyping

Номер: AU2016361433A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present disclosure provides for an electronic sensor for detecting a root of a plant in soil, the electronic sensor that includes a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil, a switch, a power supply, and signal extractor. The switch is electrically coupled to the first conductor plate and is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode. The power supply is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to provide an electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch. The signal extractor is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to extract a signal response at the first conductor plate in the second mode of the switch. The present disclosure further provides a second conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil adjacent to and substantially parallel to the first conductor plate. The second conductor plate is electrically coupled to ground.

07-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001007592A

17-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002477465C

A method and apparatus are provided for measuring impedance and voltage characteristics of cells of multi-cell electrochemical devices, for example a battery or a fuel cell stack. Voltages are measured across individual cells, or groups of cells. At the same time, a load is connected in series with the electrochemical device. Both the device for measuring the voltages and the load are controlled together, preferably by means of a controller, which can include some form of microprocessor. This enables the load to be controlled to provide a desired combination of DC and AC current characteristics. By setting appropriate DC and AC current characteristics, desired characteristics of the impedance of individual cells can be measured.

07-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1104373A

A human limb to be examined is pressurized on the side of the heart to occlude the venous return alone for the measurement of admittance of the limb, and the measured initial admittance is retained and compared with subsequently measured admittance to detect a difference .DELTA.Y therebetween. The blood resistivity p, the length L of the limb segment to be examined and its tissue volume VO are respectively set, and is computated. The initial gradient of the computation result to time is indicative of the blood flow rate in the limb being examined.

09-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002477465A1

A method and apparatus are provided for measuring impedance and voltage characteristics of cells of multi-cell electrochemical devices, for example a battery or a fuel cell stack. Voltages are measured across individual cells, or groups of cells. At the same time, a load is connected in series with the electrochemical device. Both the device for measuring the voltages and the load are controlled together, preferably by means of a controller, which can include some form of microprocessor. This enables the load to be controlled to provide a desired combination of DC and AC current characteristics. By setting appropriate DC and AC current characteristics, desired characteristics of the impedance of individual cells can be measured.

18-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000938672A1
Автор: ABBE R

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003050349A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

An electronic vapour provision device comprises: a first electrical resistive heater for vaporising a precursor material to generate vapour in an airflow for inhalation by a user and a second electrical resistive heater for vaporising the precursor material and/or heating said airflow. The first electrical resistive heater has a first thermal coefficient of resistance which is less than a second thermal coefficient of resistance of the second electrical resistive heater. The device further includes a control system to monitor for a change in the resistance of at least the second electrical resistive heater. The second electrical resistance heater therefore serves both as a heater and as a temperature monitor.

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002970083A1

A conductivity sensor, preferably a structure with a pair of magnetic cores with a primary coil wire around a shared member of both cores, and a secondary coil wire around a non-shared section of each core. When part of one core is immersed in a fluid and current is applied to the primary coil, measurements taken at the secondary coils reveal the conductivity of the fluid. The same structure can be used to measure the level of the fluid, and to determine impedance.

15-08-1930 дата публикации

Elektrischer Widerstandsmesser.

Номер: CH0000141590A

16-11-1926 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zu elektrischen Leitfähigkeitsbestimmungen nach der Brückenmethode von Wheatstone.

Номер: CH0000117594A
Принадлежит: PICCARD JEAN

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Conductivity Sensor

Номер: US20120092025A1

A conductivity sensor, comprising an electrode structure of four concentric electrodes, which are arranged on an end face of a support body. The electrodes are electrically insulated from one another. The electrodes have an equal, constant area in order to claim a space requirement as small as possible for the electrode structure.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Electrical System, Method, and Apparatus of Fingerprint Sensor Using Acoustic Impediography

Номер: US20120092026A1
Принадлежит: Sonavation Inc

Provided is a method of arranging a plurality of sensor elements to form a sensor array. The method includes arranging the plurality of elements to form two or more sub-rows along an axis. Elements in a first of the two or more sub-rows are positioned in a staggered arrangement with the elements in a second of the two or more sub-rows.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for testing of acoustic devices and systems

Номер: US20120256646A1
Принадлежит: Unisyn Medical Technologies Inc

Methods and devices are disclosed for testing an acoustic probe having transducing elements for converting between acoustic and electrical signals. An electrical signal is generated at a frequency with a testing device capable of generating electrical signals over a range of frequencies. The electrical signal is transmitted to at least some of the transducing elements to measure a complex impedance and thereby evaluate a performance of the transducing elements.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Resistance measurement circuit

Номер: US20130043892A1

A resistance measuring circuit for measuring a resistor includes an amplifier, a transistor, a variable resistor, a first resistor, and a second resistor. The transistor includes a base connected to the output of the amplifier, a collector connected to a direct current (DC) power supply, and an emitter. The first resistor includes a first terminal connected to the DC power source, and a second terminal grounded through the variable resistor and connected to the non-inverting terminal of the amplifier. The second resistor includes a first terminal connected to the inverting terminal of the amplifier and connected to the emitter of the transistor through the resistor to be measured, and a second terminal grounded.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Corrosion Detection Apparatus for Monitoring a State of Corrosion

Номер: US20130069676A1

A corrosion detection apparatus for permanently and integrally monitoring a state of corrosion of a component is provided. The corrosion detection apparatus makes it possible to use the change in electrical conductivity to detect corrosion of a component to be monitored. A corrosion-sensitive bridging element that establishes an electrical connection between a first electrical line section and a second electrical line section of a sensor circuit is used to change certain electrical properties of the sensor circuit. On account of the corrosion-sensitive property of the bridging element, the latter changes its electrical conductivity when corrosion starts. This makes it possible to use the sensor circuit to detect corrosion of the bridging element and thus of the component to be monitored. 110-. (canceled)11. A corrosion detection apparatus for permanently and integrally monitoring a state of corrosion of a component , wherein the corrosion detection apparatus comprises: a first electrical line section;', 'a second electrical line section; and', 'a corrosion-sensitive bridging element having a first end and a second end,, 'a sensor circuit configured to detect corrosion on the component, wherein the sensor circuit includes'}wherein, in a initial state, the first end is in electrical connection with the first line section and the second end is in contact with the second line section,wherein the corrosions-sensitive bridging element has a first electrical conductivity in the initial state and a second electrical conductivity in a corrosion state such that the sensor circuit detects corrosion on the basis of the change from the first to the second electrical conductivity.12. The corrosion detection apparatus according to claim 11 , wherein the first electrical line section is a first electrode of a condenser and the second electrical line section is a second electrode of the condenser.13. The corrosion detection apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein the condenser is ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069735A1

A load impedance decision device, a wireless power transmission device, and a wireless power transmission method are provided. At least one of a distance and an angle between two resonators may be measured. A load impedance may be determined based on at least one of the measured distance and the measured angle. When the distance between the two resonators changes, a high power transfer efficiency may be maintained without using a separate matching circuit. Where the load impedance is determined, a test power may be transmitted. Depending on a power transfer efficiency of the test power, the load impedance may be controlled and power may be wirelessly transmitted from the source resonator to the target resonator. 1. A load impedance decision device comprising:a measurement unit to measure at least one of a distance and an angle between a source resonator and a target resonator; anda decision unit to determine the load impedance based on at least one of the measured distance and the measured angle.2. The load impedance decision device of claim 1 , wherein the decision unit determines the load impedance based on both the measured distance and the measured angle.3. The load impedance decision device of claim 1 , wherein the load impedance decision unit is included in the source resonator claim 1 , and the measured angle corresponds to an angle with which the source resonator is tilted with respect to the target resonator.4. A wireless power transmission device comprising:a load impedance decision unit; anda change unit to change an impedance of the wireless power transmission device to be conjugated with a load impedance determined by the load impedance decision unit,wherein the load impedance decision unit comprises a measurement unit to measure at least one of a distance and an angle between the wireless power transmission device and a target resonator, and a decision unit to determine the load impedance based on at least one of the measured distance and the measured ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Occupant sensing and heating textile

Номер: US20130075381A1
Автор: WITTKOWSKI Thomas

A textile electrode material comprises an electrically conductive textile sheet material having a first sheet resistance. According to the invention the electrical properties of at least one specific region of said textile sheet material are modified with respect to the other regions so that in said specific region the textile electrode has a second sheet resistance, which is substantially lower than said first sheet resistance. 1. Textile electrode material comprising an electrically conductive textile sheet material having a first sheet resistance , characterized by an electrically conductive material printed or deposited on said electrically conductive textile sheet material in at least one specific region of said textile sheet material so that in said at least one specific region the textile electrode has a second sheet resistance which is substantially lower than said first sheet resistance.2. Textile electrode material according to claim 1 , in which said textile sheet material comprises a knitted fabric or a woven fabric or an elastic non-woven material made at least partially from electrically conductive yarns.3. Textile electrode material according to claim 2 , wherein said electrically conductive yarns contain fibers of electrically conductive material or fibers individually coated with electrically conductive material.4. Textile electrode material according to claim 1 , wherein said electrically conductive material is printed or deposited in a continuous layer in said at least one specific region on said textile sheet material.5. Textile electrode material according to claim 1 , wherein said electrically conductive material is printed or deposited in locally delimited areas of said at least one specific region on said textile sheet material.6. (canceled)7. Capacitive sensing system claim 1 , comprising a capacitive sensing electrode made of a textile electrode material according to claim 1 , and a capacitive sensing circuit for applying a signal to said ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Control apparatus and method for detecting a type of load

Номер: US20130093440A1
Принадлежит: permundo GmbH

The invention relates to a control apparatus ( 1 ) for controlling a load ( 4 ), wherein the control apparatus ( 1 ) can be connected between a voltage source ( 2 ) and the load ( 4 ), having a control circuit ( 8 ), a first switch (S 3 ) which is driven by the control circuit ( 8 ) and controls a current flowing from the voltage source ( 2 ) to the load ( 4 ) in order to operate the load ( 4 ), and a load type detector ( 6 ). The invention proposes that the load type detector ( 6 ) comprises means (Z 1 , Z 2 , S 1 , S 2 ) for applying a test signal to the load ( 4 ) and at least one measuring device (M 1 , M 2 ), wherein, for the purpose of detecting the type of load ( 4 ), the control apparatus ( 1 ) is set up to carry out the following first detection steps: driving of the means (Z 1 , Z 2 , S 1 , S 2 ) for applying the test signal to the load ( 4 ) by means of the control circuit ( 8 ) with the first switch (S 3 ) open, wherein the application of the test signal results in a test current flowing through is the load ( 4 ) and in a test voltage dropped across the load ( 4 ), recording of at least one variable derived from the test current and/or the test voltage by means of the measuring device (M 1 , M 2 ), and detection of the type of load by analyzing the recorded variable.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099800A1

A controller and infrastructure for an impedance analyzer measures responses to perturbations to respective phases of a multi-phase system at an interface between stages thereof (which may be considered as a source and load in regard to each other), such as a multi-phase electrical power system, to determine a transfer function for each phase of the multi-phase system from which the impedance of each of the source and load can be calculated, particularly for assessing the stability of the multi-phase system. 1. Apparatus for measuring impedances of respective phases of a multi-phase electrical power system at any system interface between stages of said multi-phase electrical power system , said apparatus comprisinga phase locked loop for aligning a frame of reference with an input power vector and a plurality of angles,a sweep generator for applying perturbations to respective phase of said interface over a range of frequency, in sequence, to said multi-phase electrical power system,voltage and current sensors for measuring amplitude and phase of the voltage and current responses to respective perturbations, anda computer to compute impedances of respective phases of said interface from phase and amplitude of voltage and current responses to said perturbations over said range of frequency of respective said perturbations.2. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein said perturbations are produced by amplifiers.3. The apparatus as recited in wherein said perturbations have a magnitude in the range of 1% to 2% of the rated power of said multi-phase electrical power system.4. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein said perturbations are coupled to said multi-phase electrical power system through transformers.5. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein said perturbations are applied at different angles in the d-q frame.6. The apparatus as recited in claim 5 , wherein said perturbations are aligned with the d-axis and q-axis in the d-q frame.7. The ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for Measuring the Local Electrical Resistance of a Surface

Номер: US20130103335A1

Apparatus for measuring the local electrical resistance of a surface, the apparatus comprising: 1. Apparatus for measuring the local electrical resistance of a surface , the apparatus comprising:{'sub': 'pol', 'a DC voltage source for applying a bias voltage (V) to a sample (E) for characterizing;'}a measurement circuit (CM) capable of being connected to a conductive probe suitable for coming into contact with a surface (SE) of said sample in order to generate a signal (S) representative of a contact resistance between said conductive probe and said surface of the sample; anda control device (CMD) for controlling said measurement circuit;the apparatus being characterized in that said measurement circuit comprises:{'sub': 'M', 'a measurement resistive two-terminal network (D) presenting variable resistance and connected between said conductive probe and a ground of the circuit; and'}{'sub': 's', 'a calculation unit (UC) for generating said signal representative of a contact resistance between said conductive probe and said surface of the sample as a function of a voltage (V) across the terminals of said measurement resistive two-terminal network.'}2. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said measurement resistive two-terminal network presents resistance that is variable in steps.3. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said measurement resistive two-terminal network presents a plurality of measurement resistors (R claim 1 , R) of decreasing resistances claim 1 , at least one of which may be connected or disconnected selectively between said conductive probe and ground.4. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said measurement resistive two-terminal network presents resistance that is continuously variable.5. Apparatus according to any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein said control device is adapted to modify the resistance of said resistive two-terminal network as a function of a previously measured value of said contact resistance so as to match the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for sensing human activity by monitoring impedance

Номер: US20130113506A1
Принадлежит: Disney Enterprises Inc

A system for sensing human activity by monitoring impedance includes a signal generator for generating an alternating current (AC) signal, the AC signal applied to an object, a reactance altering element coupled to the AC signal, an envelope generator for converting a returned AC signal to a time-varying direct current (DC) signal, and an analog-to-digital converter for determining a defined impedance parameter of the time-varying DC signal, where the defined impedance parameter defines an electromagnetic resonant attribute of the object.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113552A1

A method of re-offsetting a plurality of amplifier is provided. The method includes testing the plurality of amplifiers based on a re-offset value at bulks of compensation transistors of the plurality of amplifiers; identifying a first group of first amplifiers of the plurality of amplifiers favoring reading a first logic level and/or a second group of second amplifiers of the plurality of amplifiers favoring reading a second logic level different from the first logic level, based on results of the testing step; changing the re-offset value to a new re-offset value; re-offsetting the first group of first amplifiers and/or the second group of second amplifiers based on the new re-offset value; and re-testing the first group of first amplifiers and the second group of second amplifiers. 1. A method of re-offsetting a plurality of amplifiers , comprising:testing the plurality of amplifiers based on a re-offset value at bulks of compensation transistors of the plurality of amplifiers;identifying a first group of first amplifiers of the plurality of amplifiers favoring reading a first logic level and/or a second group of second amplifiers of the plurality of amplifiers favoring reading a second logic level different from the first logic level, based on results of the testing step;changing the re-offset value to a new re-offset value;re-offsetting the first group of first amplifiers and/or the second group of second amplifiers based on the new re-offset value; andre-testing the first group of first amplifiers and the second group of second amplifiers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:re-offsetting the first group of first amplifiers includes, for each first amplifier in the first group of first amplifiers, changing at least one first voltage value at at least one first bulk of at least one first compensation transistor of the each first amplifier; andre-offsetting the second group of second amplifiers includes, for each second amplifier in the second group of second ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134998A1
Принадлежит: Tollgrade Communications, Inc.

A system for measuring electrical properties of a power line comprising a first wire and a second wire. The system comprises a sensor unit configured for connection to the first wire; and an elongated resistive element comprising a first end configured for connection to the sensor unit and a second end configured for connection to the second wire, the elongated resistive element having a distributed resistance. The first wire may be a hot wire and the second wire may be a hot wire or a neutral wire. 1. A system for measuring electrical properties of a power line comprising a first wire and a second wire , the system comprising:a sensor unit configured for connection to the first wire; andan elongated resistive element comprising a first end configured for connection to the sensor unit and a second end configured for connection to the second wire, the elongated resistive element having a distributed resistance.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the sensor unit comprises a voltage sensor configured to measure a voltage difference between the first end of the resistive element and the first wire.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the first end comprises a termination comprising a tap connection point and a distal connection point.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein: a rod having an end;', 'a resistive coating on the rod;', 'a first conductive element attached to the rod a first distance from the end;', 'a second conductive element attached to the rod a second distance from the end, the second distance being greater than the first distance,', 'wherein the tap connection point is formed by the second conductive element., 'the elongated resistive element comprises5. The system of claim 4 , wherein:the elongated resistive element further comprises an insulating spacer between the first conductive element and the second conductive element.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the second end of the elongated resistive element is configured for connection to the second wire via a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Data Input Device with a Potentiometer, and Joystick Intended for Piloting an Aircraft, Said Joystick Comprising the Data Input Device

Номер: US20130147494A1
Автор: Bellon Bernard
Принадлежит: THALES

A data input device is provided, implementing a potentiometer having a first and a second fixed connection point which are respectively situated at each of the ends of the potentiometer, a third fixed connection point situated at an intermediate position on the potentiometer and a fourth, mobile connection point forming a slider. The data input device comprises means converting a position of the slider into an electrical voltage, means for supplying a first fixed voltage to the potentiometer via the third connection point, means for supplying a current source to the potentiometer via the slider, means for measuring a voltage difference between the first and second connection points, the voltage difference forming the electrical voltage that represents the position of the slider. 1. A data input device comprising:a slider,means converting a position of the slider into an electrical voltage,a potentiometer extending between two ends, the potentiometer having a first and a second fixed connection point which are respectively situated at each of the ends of the potentiometer, a third fixed connection point situated at an intermediate position on the potentiometer between the two ends and a fourth, mobile connection point forming the slider and being able to move between the two ends,means for supplying a first fixed voltage to the potentiometer via the third connection point,means for supplying a current source to the potentiometer via the slider, andmeans for measuring a voltage difference between the first and second connection points, the voltage difference forming the electrical voltage that represents the position of the slider.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the first fixed voltage has a positive value with respect to that of the second fixed voltage and wherein the current source uses a third fixed voltage having a negative value in relation to that of the second fixed voltage in order to set up a constant current leaving the potentiometer via the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Electronic component inspection apparatus

Номер: US20130154661A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided an electronic component inspection apparatus. The electronic component inspection apparatus includes a first rotation unit, rotatable based on a first rotating shaft, a plurality of second rotation units rotatably provided in the first rotation unit based on a second rotating shaft, and an inspection unit inspecting characteristics of an electronic component mounted in the second rotation unit.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Real-time, label-free detection of nucleic acid amplification in droplets using impedance spectroscopy and solid-phase substrate

Номер: US20130154671A1

A method for detecting presence of nucleic acid amplification in a test droplet. A set of detection electrodes are provided in contact with a fluidic channel. The test droplet is provided in vicinity of the detection electrodes through the fluidic channel. An alternate current (AC) power at a first frequency is applied across the set of detection electrodes. A first measurement value that reflects electrical impedance of the test droplet at the first frequency is obtained. This value is compared with a corresponding reference value, wherein the corresponding reference value is obtained by measuring a reference droplet containing known amplified nucleic acid or known unamplified nucleic acid at the first frequency. The presence of amplified nucleic acid in the test droplet is thus determined based on the comparison. 1. A method for detecting presence of nucleic acid amplification in a test droplet comprising:providing a set of detection electrodes in contact with a fluidic channel,providing the test droplet in vicinity of said set of detection electrodes through the fluidic channel;applying an alternate current (AC) power at a first frequency across said set of detection electrodes;obtaining a first measurement value reflecting electrical impedance of the test droplet at said first frequency;comparing said first measurement value reflecting electrical impedance of the test droplet with a first corresponding reference value, wherein said first corresponding reference value is obtained by measuring a reference droplet containing known amplified nucleic acid or known unamplified nucleic acid at said first frequency;determining presence of amplified nucleic acid in the test droplet based on said comparison.2. The method as described in claim 1 , wherein said set of electrodes comprises three planar gold electrodes.3. The method as described in claim 1 , wherein said reference droplet contains amplified DNA as a result of PCR.4. The method as described in claim 1 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164191A1
Автор: Coursey Johnathan S.

The invention relates to methods and devices for control of an integrated thin-film device with a plurality of microfluidic channels. In one embodiment, a microfluidic device is provided that includes a microfluidic chip having a plurality of microfluidic channels and a plurality of multiplexed heater electrodes, wherein the heater electrodes are part of a multiplex circuit including a common lead connecting the heater electrodes to a power supply, each of the heater electrodes being associated with one of the microfluidic channels. The microfluidic device also includes a control system configured to regulate power applied to each heater electrode by varying a duty cycle, the control system being further configured to determine the temperature of each heater electrode by determining the resistance of each heater electrode. 1. A microfluidic device for performing biological reactions comprising:a. a microfluidic chip having a plurality of microfluidic channels and a plurality of multiplexed heater electrodes, wherein the heater electrodes are part of a multiplex circuit including a common lead connecting the heater electrodes to a power supply, each of the heater electrodes being associated with one of the microfluidic channels;b. switching elements associated with each heater electrode; andc. a control system configured to:regulate power applied to each heater electrode by varying a duty cycle,control the switching elements to selectively connect the power supply to a subset of two or more of the heater electrodes to facilitate measurements of voltage drops across the subset of heater electrodes and another of the electrodes, anddetermine the temperature of each heater electrode by determining the resistance of each heater electrode.2. A method for determining a selected characteristic of at least one electronic component in a network of similar electronic components , comprising the steps of:a. generating N distinct partitions of the components, whereinN is equal ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176043A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda, Hazani Ami

A system and method for measuring a characteristic impedance of a transmission-line comprises transmitting energy to the line, and shortly after measuring the voltage/current involved and thus measuring the equivalent impedance. The measured characteristic impedance may then be used in order to determine the termination value required to minimize reflections. In another embodiment, the proper termination is set or measured by adjusting the termination value to achieve maximum power dissipation in the terminating device. The equivalent characteristic impedance measurement may be used to count the number of metallic conductors connected to a single connection point. This abstract is not intended to limit or construe the scope of the claims. 1. A device for estimating a termination resistance of a wired transmission line , the device comprising:a port for connecting to the wired transmission line;an energy transmitter coupled to the port for transmitting energy to the wired transmission line;a filter coupled between the energy transmitter and the port, for passing only energy in a predetermined frequency range from the energy transmitter to the wired transmission line; andan impedance measuring unit coupled to the one end of the transmission line for instantaneously measuring a characteristic impedance of the transmission line on the basis of the energy in the predetermined frequency range.2. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a memory coupled to said impedance measuring unit for storing a value of the measured characteristic impedance.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein an estimated value of the termination resistance is determined based on the measured characteristic impedance.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein an estimated value of the termination resistance is equal to the measured characteristic impedance.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a variable resistance selectively connectable to the wired ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181726A1

A device for detecting and quantifying a force applied on a surface comprising a test specimen, an electrically insulating substrate, a first electrode bound to the substrate, a second electrode, an assembly of conductive or semi-conductive nanoparticles in contact with the two electrodes, and a measurement device. The measurement device provides proportional information with respect to an electrical property of the nanoparticles assembly. The electrical property is measured between the first and second electrode. The test specimen is the nanoparticles assembly itself and the electrical property is sensitive to the distance between the nanoparticles of the assembly. The invention uses the nanoparticles assembly itself as a test specimen and allows a force to be quantified even if the nanoparticles assembly is deposited on a rigid substrate. 1. A device for detecting and quantifying a force applied on a surface known as a touch surface comprising:a test specimen;an electrically insulating substrate;a first electrode bound to the substrate and fixed in relation to the substrate;a second electrode;an assembly of conductive or semi-conductive nanoparticles in contact with the two electrodes;a measurement device providing proportional information with respect to an electrical property of the nanoparticles assembly, the electrical property is measured between the first and second electrode, the electrical property being proportional to a variation in distance between the nanoparticles of the assembly; andwherein the test specimen consists in the nanoparticles assembly itself.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the second electrode is remote from the first electrode and mobile relative to the substrate claim 1 , and the nanoparticles assembly is located between the two electrodes such that a movement of the second electrode causes a change in the distance between the nanoparticles of the nanoparticles assembly.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207671A1

An electrode evaluation apparatus for evaluating a characteristic of an electrode based on an electrochemical property includes a potential control unit, an impedance acquiring unit, a current value acquiring unit, and a normalized impedance calculation unit. The potential control unit is configured to control a potential applied to an electrode. The impedance acquiring unit is configured to acquire an impedance characteristic of the electrode under a specific DC operating condition provided by the potential control unit. The current value acquiring unit is configured to acquire a temporal change in direct current value under the specific DC operating condition. The normalized impedance calculation unit is configured to apply the temporal change in direct current value acquired by the current value acquiring unit to calculate a normalized impedance where impedance acquired by the impedance acquiring unit is multiplied by the direct current value. 1. An electrode evaluation apparatus for evaluating a characteristic of an electrode based on an electrochemical property , the electrode evaluation apparatus comprising:a potential control unit configured to control a potential applied to an electrode;an impedance acquiring unit configured to acquire an impedance characteristic of the electrode under a specific DC operating condition provided by the potential control unit;a current value acquiring unit configured to acquire a temporal change in direct current value under the specific DC operating condition; anda normalized impedance calculation unit configured to apply the temporal change in direct current value acquired by the current value acquiring unit to calculate a normalized impedance where impedance acquired by the impedance acquiring unit is multiplied by the direct current value.2. The electrode evaluation apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe current value acquiring unit is configured to acquire the temporal change in direct current value based on ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207736A1
Автор: Lee Dong-Uk, Song Keun-Soo
Принадлежит: SK HYNIX INC.

A resistance measuring method includes: measuring a resistance value of a first path which is formed from an interface pad through a resistor unit to a ground node; measuring a resistance value of a second path which is formed from the interface pad to the ground node but does not pass through the resistor unit; and calculating a resistance value of the resistor unit by subtracting the resistance value of the second path from the resistance value of the first path. 1. A resistance measuring method comprising:receiving a control code;measuring a resistance value of a first path which is formed from an interface pad through a resistor unit to a ground node, wherein the resistor unit is included in an integrated circuit chip and a resistance value of the resistor unit is determined in response to the control code;measuring a resistance value of a second path which is formed from the interface pad to the ground node without passing through the resistor unit; andcalculating the resistance value of the resistor unit by subtracting the resistance value of the second path from the resistance value of the first path.2. The resistance measuring method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , storing the control node when the calculated resistance value of the resistor unit is substantially the same as a target resistance value.3. The resistance measuring method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining whether the calculated resistance value of the resistor unit is substantially the same as a target resistance value;receiving a new control code if it is determined that the calculated resistance value of the resistor unit is not substantially the same as the target resistance value;measuring the resistance value of the first path corresponding to the new control code; andcalculating the resistance value of the resistor unit by subtracting the resistance value of the second path from the resistance value of the first path,wherein the above steps are repeatedly performed ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221996A1
Принадлежит: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Embodiments described herein use capacitive sensing to detect human interaction with living plants. A sensing system may utilize the natural conductive paths found in an organic plant to transmit an electrical signal between the plant and a user interacting with the plant. By directly contacting the plant or coming into proximity of the plant, the user may affect the electrical signal. That is, the electrical properties of the user (e.g., the capacitance of the human body) change a measured impedance curve associated with the electrical signal. Based on this change, the sensing system detects an interaction between the user and the plant and may inform a user interaction device to provide a feedback response to the user. For example, the feedback response may be an audio or video effect that is based on the type of user interaction such as whether the user touched the plant's leaf or stem. 1. A method , comprising:transmitting an alternating current (AC) signal at two different frequencies in an organic plant;detecting a change in a parameter based on measuring impedance values at the two different frequencies, wherein the changed parameter is caused by a subject becoming electrically coupled to the organic plant;identifying an action performed by the subject based on the changed parameter; andproviding a feedback response to the subject based on the identified action.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parameter is changed by a reactance associated with the subject.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is electrically coupled to the organic plant by at least one of (1) directly contacting the organic plant and (2) affecting claim 1 , without physically contacting the plant claim 1 , an electrical field emitted by the organic plant as a result of the AC signal.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:measuring an impedance curve by scanning the AC signal through a frequency range comprising the two different frequencies; andcorrelating the measured ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Standard Capacitance Box Output Device

Номер: US20130223040A1
Автор: Guiying Li
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention discloses a capacitance standard box output device. The number of standard capacitors is reduced, so that the structure of a changeover switch is simplified, and the number of connection wires is reduced, so as to improve the shield effect and reduce uncertainty. The technical proposal of the invention is as follows: The capacitance standard box output device comprises a changeover switch and precision capacitors, wherein the changeover switch is placed in a shield box; the shield box has an input terminal and an output terminal; the input terminal is connected to the changeover switch and the precision capacitor; the output is connected to the changeover switch and outputs the capacitance selected by the changeover switch; the selected capacitance is a product of a unit capacitance and an arbitrary integer value between 0 and 10; the number of the precision capacitors is from 4 to 9, and at least one capacitor is of a unit capacitance. The invention is mainly used for the capacitance standard box to output more accurate capacitance.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234727A1
Автор: Baker Jacob R.

A system for determining the logic state of a resistive memory cell element, for example an MRAM resistive cell element. The system includes a controlled voltage supply, an electronic charge reservoir, a current source, and a pulse counter. The controlled voltage supply is connected to the resistive memory cell element to maintain a constant voltage across the resistive element. The charge reservoir is connected to the voltage supply to provide a current through the resistive element. The current source is connected to the charge reservoir to repeatedly supply a pulse of current to recharge the reservoir upon depletion of electronic charge from the reservoir, and the pulse counter provides a count of the number of pulses supplied by the current source over a predetermined time. The count represents a logic state of the memory cell element. 127-. (canceled)28. A method of measuring a resistance in a circuit , comprising:maintaining a substantially constant voltage across the circuit;repeatedly charging and discharging a capacitance through the circuit;determining a value of the time-average current into the capacitance in response to repeatedly charging and discharging the capacitance during a set time period; anddetermining the resistance in the circuit based on the value of the time-average current.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein repeatedly charging and discharging the capacitance comprises the act of sensing the charge remaining on the capacitance while discharging the capacitance.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the act of repeatedly charging and discharging the capacitance comprises recharging the capacitance with a recharging pulse each time the capacitance voltage drops to a predetermined value.31. The method of claim 30 , wherein the act of determining the value of the time-average current comprises determining a duty cycle of the recharging pulses.32. A resistance measuring circuit claim 30 , comprising:a resistance coupled between a row line and a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Multifunctional Nanoscopy for Imaging Cells

Номер: US20130234740A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus comprising a metal shunt and a planar semiconductor material in electrical contact with the metal shunt, the metal shunt located on a surface of the semiconductor material, thereby defining a semiconductor/metal interface for passing a flow of current between the semiconductor material and the metal shunt in response to an application of an electrical bias to the apparatus, wherein a portion of that semiconductor material surface is not covered by the metal shunt, wherein the semiconductor material and the metal shunt lie in different planes that are substantially parallel planes, the semiconductor/metal interface thereby being parallel to the plane of semiconductor material, and wherein, when under the electrical bias, the semiconductor/metal interface is configured to exhibit a change in resistance thereof in response to a perturbation. Such an apparatus can be used as a sensor and deployed as an array of sensors. 1. An apparatus comprising:a metal shunt; anda planar semiconductor material in electrical contact with the metal shunt;the metal shunt located on a surface of the semiconductor material, thereby defining a semiconductor/metal interface for passing a flow of current between the semiconductor material and the metal shunt in response to an application of an electrical bias to the apparatus, wherein a portion of that semiconductor material surface is not covered by the metal shunt;wherein the semiconductor material and the metal shunt lie in different planes that are substantially parallel planes, the semiconductor/metal interface thereby being parallel to the plane of semiconductor material; andwherein, when under the electrical bias, the semiconductor/metal interface is configured to exhibit a change in resistance thereof in response to a perturbation.2. The apparatus of wherein the change in resistance is indicative of a characteristic of an object in proximity to the apparatus.3. The apparatus of wherein claim 2 , when ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241582A1

The present device includes a high frequency induction thermal plasma generation unit ; a second tube portion , which is connected to a first tube portion and which includes window on at least one side surface; and a testing subject installing pedestal configured to be fixedly attached at a reference position in the second tube portion , wherein the testing subject installing pedestal includes a seating portion for installing the testing subject , and a hold-down portion for fixing the installed testing subject with a part of the testing subject exposed; and an ablated vapor generated from the testing subject is observed through the window from an outer side of the second tube portion. 1. An arc resistance performance evaluation device comprising:a high frequency induction thermal plasma generation unit including a gas flow-in portion, a first tube portion connected to the gas flow-in portion, and an induction coil wound around an outer side of the first tube portion, a high frequency current being supplied to the induction coil with the first tube portion containing gas flowed in from the gas flow-in portion to generate plasma in the first tube portion;a second tube portion, which is connected to the first tube portion and which includes a window on at least one side surface; anda testing subject installing pedestal configured to be fixedly attached at a reference position in the second tube portion, whereinthe testing subject installing pedestal includes a seating portion for installing the testing subject, and a hold-down portion for fixing the testing subject installed on the seating portion with a part of the testing subject exposed; andan ablated vapor generated from the testing subject is observed through the window from an outer side of the second tube portion with the testing subject installed on the testing subject installing pedestal irradiated with the plasma generated in the high frequency induction thermal plasma generation unit.2. The arc resistance ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Electrical resistance measurement apparatus and electrical resistance measurement method

Номер: US20130249573A1
Автор: Akihide Hamano
Принадлежит: Furukawa Co Ltd

An electrical resistance measurement apparatus includes a light irradiation unit that irradiates a conductive thin film with terahertz light, a reflection light detection unit that detects reflection light from the conductive thin film, and a computer containing a storage that stores correlation between the reflectance of the terahertz light from the conductive thin film and electrical resistance of the conductive thin film. The computer further containing a processor that determines, reflectance of the terahertz light from the conductive thin film based on a result of detection performed by the reflection light detection unit, and determines the electrical resistance of the conductive thin film based on the correlation and a result of the determination of the reflectance.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for measuring a value of a resistor

Номер: US20130249575A1
Автор: Volker Hertes
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A device for measuring the value of a resistor has a first RC element with a first time constant and a second RC element with a second time constant. The first RC element has a first capacitor and a resistor. The second RC element has a second capacitor and the resistor to be measured. An evaluation circuit charges the first and second capacitors to a first and a second voltage, respectively, and initiates their discharge. The evaluation circuit measures the time that elapses from the start of the discharge to the instant at which the voltages across the capacitors are equal, and determines the value of the resistor from the values. In the event that the first time constant is larger than the second time constant, the first voltage is smaller than the second voltage, and vice versa.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253862A1

An impedance analyzing device, adapted to a testee comprising an electrode or at least one battery cell, includes a signal capturing unit, a signal adjusting unit, a signal analyzing unit, a processing unit, and a power source supply unit providing a variable-frequency voltage signal to the testee. The signal adjusting unit receiving and adjusts a variable-frequency voltage signal and the current signal to generate an adjusted variable-frequency voltage signal and an adjusted current signal. The signal capturing unit captures a current signal generated by the testee in response to the variable-frequency voltage signal. The signal analyzing unit receives and analyzes the adjusted variable-frequency voltage signal and the adjusted current signal in frequency domain to obtain a frequency domain parameter and/or a time domain parameter. The processing unit receives the frequency domain parameter and/or the time domain parameter to obtain an impedance variation characteristic of the testee. 1. An impedance analyzing device , adapted to a testee comprising an electrode or at least one battery cell , the impedance analyzing device comprising:a power source supply unit, for providing a variable-frequency voltage signal to the testee, the variable-frequency voltage signal having a plurality of frequencies in a range between a first frequency and a second frequency;a signal capturing unit, for capturing a current signal generated by the testee in response to the variable-frequency voltage signal;a signal adjusting unit, coupled to the power source supply unit and the signal capturing unit, for receiving and adjusting the variable-frequency voltage signal and the current signal to generate an adjusted variable-frequency voltage signal and an adjusted current signal;a signal analyzing unit, coupled to the signal capturing unit, for receiving and analyzing the adjusted variable-frequency voltage signal and the adjusted current signal in frequency domain to obtain at least one of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257461A1
Автор: Heidmann Juergen
Принадлежит: Infinitum Solutions, Inc.

A metrology device optically measures the electrical conductivity of a magnetic sample, such as a Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) or Giant-Magneto Resistance (GMR) device, using Time Domain Thermo Reflectance (TDTR) to measure a cooling curve for the sample while a magnetic field is applied to the sample. The thermal conductivity of the sample may be determined using the cooling curve and the variation of the cooling curve with varying applied magnetic fields is measured. The electrical conductivity is determined for the sample in the magnetic field based on the thermal conductivity. If desired, single reflectance changes may be measured at a particular delay after heating, and the reflectance change at this delay may be used to determine the electrical conductivity. Of particular interest is the amount of change in electric conductivity for a given applied magnetic field because this yields a measure of the sensitivity of the sensor. 1. A method comprising:heating a surface of a sample that includes a magnetoresistive element with a pump beam pulse;measuring a reflectance change of the surface of the sample with a probe beam at a delay after heating the surface of the sample with the pump beam pulse;determining an electrical resistivity of the magnetoresistive element using the measured reflectance change; andstoring in memory the electrical resistivity of the magnetoresistive element in the sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the electrical resistivity of the magnetoresistive element comprises searching a library that includes reflectance change values with corresponding electrical resistivity values using the measured reflectance change.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising measuring a plurality of reflectance changes of the surface of the sample claim 1 , wherein each reflectance change of the plurality of reflectance changes is measured at a different delay after heating the surface of the sample claim 1 , and wherein determining the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257463A1
Автор: Peuser Thomas

A circuit arrangement () for monitoring electrical isolation in a power supply system (). Electrical isolation is provided between a high-voltage system () and a low-voltage system (), wherein the high-voltage system () and the low-voltage system () are connected to ground (), and wherein the high-voltage system () has a first connection (T+) for a first supply voltage potential and a second connection (T−) for a second supply voltage potential of a voltage source (). In each case, at least one variable resistor (Rm Rm) is connected between the connections (T+, T−) and ground (), and a voltage measuring device () for detecting a potential shift of the ground () relative to the supply voltage potentials when at least one of the resistors (Rm Rm) is varied. And an evaluation device, which determines the ability of the electrical isolation to function depending on the detected potential shifts. 116789789148101214171412. A circuit arrangement () for monitoring electrical isolation in a power supply system () which electrical isolation is provided between a high-voltage system () and a low-voltage system () of the power supply system () , wherein the high-voltage system () and the low-voltage system () are connected to ground () , and wherein the high-voltage system () has a first connection (T+) for a first supply voltage potential and a second connection (T−) for a second supply voltage potential of a voltage source () , characterized in that in each case at least one variable resistor (Rm , Rm) is connected between the connections (T+ , T−) and ground () , and in that a voltage measuring device () for detecting a potential shift of the ground () relative to the supply voltage potentials when at least one of the resistors (Rm , Rm) is varied and an evaluation device , which determines the ability of the electrical isolation to function depending on the detected potential shifts , are provided.27. The circuit arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the a power supply ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Battery system

Номер: US20130257464A1
Автор: Hideyasu Takatsuji
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A battery system includes: a first battery cell; a second battery cell; a power load supplied with current from the first battery cell and the second battery cell; a connection which electrically connects a negative electrode terminal of the first battery cell and a positive electrode terminal of the second battery cell; a connection which electrically connects the first negative electrode terminal and the second positive electrode terminal; a cell balancing circuit which causes electromotive voltages of the first battery cell and the second battery cell to be substantially equal; and a controller, wherein the controller enables the current to be supplied to the power load after causing the electromotive voltages of the first battery cell and the second battery cell to be substantially equal, thereby determining looseness of the connection.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300432A1
Автор: CHEN Ming-Chih

A method for testing a mask article includes the steps of electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor, applying a bias voltage to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article with a conductor, measuring at least one current distribution of the testing sites with the electrical sensor, and determining the quality of the mask article by taking the at least one current distribution into consideration. 1. A method for testing a mask article including a first layer with a first contact and a second layer with a second contact , the method comprising steps of:applying a bias voltage to the first contact;electrically connecting a conductor to an electrical sensor;contacting the mask article with the conductor to measure a first current distribution with the electrical sensor through the conductor;applying the bias voltage to the second contact;contacting the mask article with the conductor to measure a second current distribution with the electrical sensor through the conductor; anddetermining the quality of the mask article by taking at least one of the current distributions into consideration.2. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the is mask article includes a conductive layer claim 1 , and the bias voltage is applied to the conductive layer.3. The method for testing a mask article of claim 2 , wherein the conductor contacts a plurality of testing sites of the mask article claim 2 , and the determining of the quality of the mask article includes a step of counting a number of testing sites with a current value lower than a threshold value.4. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the mask article includes a dielectric layer on a conductive layer claim 1 , and the bias voltage is applied to the conductive layer.5. The method for testing a mask article of claim 4 , wherein the conductor contacts a plurality of testing sites of the mask article claim 4 , and the determining of the quality of the mask ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300433A1
Автор: CHEN Ming-Chih

A method for testing a mask article includes steps of electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor, applying a bias voltage to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article with a conductor, measuring at least one current distribution of the testing sites with the electrical sensor, and determining the quality of the mask article by taking the at least one current distribution into consideration. 1. A method for testing a mask article , comprising steps of:electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor, wherein the mask article includes a conductive layer, and the electrical connection is formed between the electrical sensor and the conductive layer;applying a bias voltage to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article;measuring at least one current distribution of the testing sites with the electrical sensor; anddetermining the quality of the mask article by taking the at least one current distribution into consideration, wherein the determining of the quality of the mask article includes a step of counting a number of the testing sites with a current value lower than a threshold value.2. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , comprising steps of:contacting a first site of the mask article with a conductor;measuring a first current value passing through the mask article with the electrical sensor;contacting a second site of the mask article with the conductor; andmeasuring a second current value passing through the mask article with the electrical sensor.3. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the step of electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor comprises:forming at least one contact on the mask article; andcontacting a sensing probe of the electrical sensor with the at least one contact.4. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the step of electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor comprises:placing the mask article on a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300434A1
Автор: CHEN Ming-Chih

A method for testing a mask article includes steps of electrically connecting the mask article to an electrical sensor, applying a bias voltage to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article with a conductor, measuring at least one current distribution of the testing sites with the electrical sensor, and determining the quality of the mask article by taking the at least one current distribution into consideration. 1. A method for testing a mask article including a first layer with a first contact and a second layer with a second contact , the method comprising steps of:electrically connecting the first contact to an electrical sensor;applying a bias voltage to the mask article to measure a first current distribution with the electrical sensor;electrically connecting the second contact to the electrical sensor;applying the bias voltage to the mask article to measure a second current distribution with the electrical sensor; anddetermining the quality of the mask article by taking at least one of the current distributions into consideration.2. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the mask article includes a conductive layer claim 1 , and the electrical connection is formed between the electrical sensor and the conductive layer.3. The method for testing a mask article of claim 2 , wherein the bias voltage is applied to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article claim 2 , and the determining of the quality of the mask article includes a step of counting a number of the testing sites with a current value lower than a threshold value.4. The method for testing a mask article of claim 1 , wherein the mask article includes a dielectric layer on a conductive layer claim 1 , and the electrical connection is formed between the electrical sensor and the conductive layer.5. The method for testing a mask article of claim 4 , wherein the bias voltage is applied to a plurality of testing sites of the mask article claim 4 , and the determining of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Test Signal Supplying Device and Semiconductor Integrated Circuit

Номер: US20130307561A1

A test signal supplying device includes a first external terminal, a second external terminal being applied with a predetermined electric potential, an internal load, a first terminal that is connected to the first external terminal through the internal load, a second terminal that is connected to the first external terminal without passing through the internal load, a test signal generating section that generates a test signal and supplies the test signal to the second terminal, a detecting section that detects an amplitude of the test signal, and a controlling section that measures an impedance of an external load connected to the first and second external terminals based on the detected amplitude of the test signal. 1. A test signal supplying device , comprising:a first external terminal;a second external terminal being applied with a predetermined electric potential;an internal load;a first terminal that is connected to the first external terminal through the internal load;a second terminal that is connected to the first external terminal without passing through the internal load;a test signal generating section that generates a test signal and supplies the test signal to the second terminal;a detecting section that detects an amplitude of the test signal; anda controlling section that measures an impedance of an external load connected to the first and second external terminals based on the detected amplitude of the test signal.2. The test signal supplying device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an amplifying section that amplifies an input signal and outputs an output signal to the first terminal,wherein the controlling section controls a gain of the amplifying section based on the measured impedance of the external load.3. The test signal supplying device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a resistor having one end being connected to the test signal generating section and the other end being connected to the second terminal,wherein the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for tomographic imaging

Номер: US20130307566A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Global Research Center

Approaches are disclosed for electrical impedance tomography which apply a current to a region at two or more frequencies and acquire voltage measurements at each frequency to generate a set of multi-frequency voltage measurements. One or more images of the region are generated, using spectral constraints, based on the multi-frequency data.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Joint Connector and Method for Testing for Partial Terminal Insertion

Номер: US20130316593A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Tomohiko
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A joint terminal can be retained, at one housing end part where the joint terminal is to be accommodated, between a completely latched position where tab pieces come into a regular fitted state or become conductively connectable to female terminal fittings inserted in respective terminal accommodation chambers and a tentatively latched position that is shallower than the completely latched position and where the tab pieces are conductively connectable solely to the female terminal fittings inserted up to a specified position in each of the terminal accommodation chambers 1. A joint connector comprising:a plurality of pieces of female terminal fittings;a joint terminal having a plurality of tab pieces to be fit-connected to respective pieces of the female terminal fittings and a joining section for conductively connecting the tab pieces; anda connector housing that is made from a synthetic resin and that has one housing end part which accommodates and holds the joint terminal so that the tab pieces are oriented toward another housing end part and the other housing end part with a plurality of terminal accommodation chambers which bring the female terminal fittings and the corresponding tab pieces into a fitted state when the female terminal fittings is inserted up to a specified position;wherein the joint terminal can be retained, at the one housing end part, between a completely latched position where the tab pieces come into a regular fitted state, or become conductively connectable to the female terminal fittings inserted in the respective terminal accommodation chambers, and a tentatively latched position that is shallower than the completely latched position and where the tab pieces are conductively connectable solely to the female terminal fittings inserted up to the specified position in each of the terminal accommodation chambers.2. The joint connector according to claim 1 , wherein the joint terminal is equipped with completely latching projections that are ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009178A1

An impedance measuring device for an electronic component includes a constant voltage source, a load supplying circuit, a voltage detection circuit, and a controller. The constant voltage source outputs an input voltage. The load supplying circuit supplies a load resistor that is electronically connected in series with the electronic component between the constant voltage source and ground. The voltage detection circuit detects a voltage across the load resistor. The controller receives the voltage across the load resistor from the voltage detection circuit, and calculates an equivalent impedance of the electronic component according to the input voltage, the voltage across the load resistor, and the resistance of the load resistor. 1. An impedance measuring device for an electronic component , comprising:a constant voltage source outputting an input voltage;a load supplying circuit comprising a load resistor that is electronically connected in series with the electronic component between the constant voltage source and ground;a voltage detection circuit detecting a voltage across the load resistor; anda controller electronically connected to the voltage detection circuit and the load supplying circuit, the controller receiving the voltage across the load resistor from the voltage detection circuit, and calculating an equivalent impedance of the electronic component according to the input voltage, the voltage across the load resistor, and the resistance of the load resistor.2. The impedance measuring device of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the load resistor is about equal to the resistance of the equivalent impedance of the electronic component.3. The impedance measuring device of claim 1 , wherein the load supplying circuit comprises a plurality of gate units connected in parallel claim 1 , each gate unit comprises a load resistor claim 1 , the load resistors of the gate units have different resistances claim 1 , the controller controls the load supplying ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Chip on glass substrate and method for measuring connection resistance of the same

Номер: US20140021968A1
Автор: Dae Geun LEE
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A chip on glass substrate includes a substrate, first, second, and third pads that are arranged on the substrate and that are electrically connected to an IC device, and first to fourth conductive patterns. A first conductive pattern is arranged on the substrate, has one end electrically connected to the first pad, and has another end that is electrically floated. Second and third conductive patterns are arranged on the substrate, each have one end electrically connected to the second pad, and each have another end that is electrically floated. A fourth conductive pattern is arranged on the substrate, has one end electrically connected to the third pad, and has another end that is electrically floated.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025326A1

Methods of generating a reference correlation for use with an absorptive capacitance vapor sensor and calibration of the absorptive capacitance vapor sensor. An electronic article including the reference correlation and methods of using the same are also disclosed. 128-. (canceled)29. A method of generating a reference library , the method comprising steps:{'sub': 'ref', 'a) measuring the capacitance (C) of a reference capacitance sensor element while exposed to a known concentration (Y) of a first analyte vapor at standard temperature, wherein the reference capacitance sensor element comprises a layer of dielectric microporous material disposed between and contacting first and second conductive electrodes, and wherein at least a portion of the analyte vapor is absorbed within pores of the dielectric microporous material;'}{'sub': 'ref base', 'b) measuring the baseline capacitance (C) of the reference capacitance sensor element in the absence of the first analyte vapor at the standard temperature;'}{'sub': ref true', 'ref true', 'ref', 'ref base, 'c) determining the true reference capacitance C, wherein C=C−C;'}{'sub': 'n2', 'd) measuring the capacitance (C) of the reference capacitance sensor element while exposed to a known concentration of a second analyte vapor;'}{'sub': n2 ref', 'n2 ref', 'n2', 'ref base', 'ref true, 'e) determining a relative reference capacitance (C), wherein C=(C−C)/C;'}f) repeating steps d) and e) at at least two additional different concentrations of the second analyte vapor;{'sub': 'n2 ref', 'g) determining a first reference correlation between Cand the concentration of the second analyte vapor; and'}h) recording the first reference correlation onto the computer-readable medium.30. The method of generating a reference library of claim 29 , wherein the first analyte vapor and the second analyte vapor are different.31. An electronic device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00029', 'claim 29'}, 'a computer-readable medium having ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Transmission Line Parameter Determination

Номер: US20140025327A1

The invention concerns a method for determining parameters in a model of a transmission line. The method comprises obtaining () measurements of the line comprising reflection coefficient defining data and the total line capacitance, applying () true reflection coefficients obtained through the reflection coefficient defining data in an objective function for the line, which function comprises a sum of error signals, each comprising the difference between a model value of a reflection coefficient and a corresponding true reflection coefficient, minimising () the objective function by utilizing gradients of the objective function with respect to the transmission line parameters to be determined and employing a capacitive length and determining () at least two further transmission line parameters as combinations of a basic resistive transmission line parameter, a basic capacitive transmission line parameter and a basic inductive transmission line parameter of the transmission line model. 123-. (canceled)24. A method , executed in a parameter determining module , for determining transmission line parameters in a model of a transmission line , the method comprising:obtaining measurements of the transmission line comprising reflection coefficient defining data and a total line capacitance;applying, in an objective function for the transmission line, true reflection coefficients obtained through the reflection coefficient defining data, the objective function comprising a sum of error signals, each error signal comprising a difference between a model value of a reflection coefficient and a corresponding true reflection coefficient;minimizing the objective function by utilizing gradients of the objective function with respect to the transmission line parameters to be determined and employing a capacitive length; anddetermining at least two transmission line parameters as combinations of basic transmission line parameters in a first transmission line model, the basic ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Impedance Measurement Using Chirp Signal Injection

Номер: US20140032147A1

A method for impedance measurement using chirp signal injection is provided. The method includes injecting at least one chirp signal into the three-phase AC system, and collecting at least one response to the at least one chirp signal. The method further includes transferring the at least one response from abc coordinates to dq coordinates. At least one impedance is calculated based on the at least one response to the at least one chirp signal. 1. A method of impedance measurement for a three-phase alternating current (AC) system , comprising:injecting at least one chirp signal into the three-phase AC system;collecting at least one response to the at least one chirp signal;transferring the at least one response from abc coordinates to dq coordinates; andcalculating at least one impedance of the three-phase AC system based on the at least one response to the at least one chirp signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one chirp signal includes one of the set consisting of a d-axis chirp signal and a q-axis chirp signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one chirp signal includes a d-axis chirp signal and a q-axis chirp signal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action of transferring the at least one response from abc coordinates to dq coordinates comprises:transforming an AC voltage response to direct current (DC) voltage components; andtransforming an AC current response to DC current components.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action of calculating the impedances of the three-phase AC system comprises:identifying frequency points of interest; andcalculating impedance at each frequency point of interest.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the action of generating a virtual perturbation signal through an injection transfer function matrix comprises: {'br': None, 'i': G', 's', 'A', 'B', ', G', 's', 'A', 'B, 'sub': inj1', '1', '1', 'inj2', '2', '2, 'sup': T', 'T, '()=[]()=[],'}, 'generating two independent perturbation signals using ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Shunt Resistor Integrated in a Connection Lug of a Semiconductor Module and Method for Determining a Current Flowing Through a Load Connection of a Semiconductor Module

Номер: US20140035605A1

A semiconductor module includes a housing, a circuit carrier having an insulation carrier and a metallization layer applied to a side of the insulation carrier, and a connection lug having a first and second load connection sections and a shunt resistor region. The shunt resistor region is electrically arranged between the first and second load connection sections and connected in series with the first and second load connection sections. The shunt resistor region has an ohmic resistance with a temperature coefficient having an absolute value of less than 0.00002/K at a temperature of 20° C. The connection lug in the region of the second load connection section is electrically conductively connected to a first section of the metallization layer by a first cohesive connection. The first load connection section is led out from the housing and has a free end arranged on the outer side of the housing. 1. A semiconductor module , comprising:a circuit carrier comprising an insulation carrier and a metallization layer applied to a first side of the insulation carrier;a connection lug comprising a first load connection section, a second load connection section and a shunt resistor region electrically arranged between the first load connection section and the second load connection section and connected in series with the first load connection section and the second load connection; anda housing,wherein the shunt resistor region has an ohmic resistance with a temperature coefficient having an absolute value of less than 0.00002/K at a temperature of 20° C.,wherein the connection lug in the region of the second load connection section is electrically conductively connected to a first section of the metallization layer by a first cohesive connection,wherein the first load connection section is led out from the housing and has a free end arranged on the outer side of the housing.2. The semiconductor module of claim 1 , wherein the shunt resistor region has a greater electrical ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039820A1

Luminescence-based methods are disclosed for determining quantitative values for the series resistance across a photovoltaic cell, preferably without making electrical contact to the cell. Luminescence signals are generated by exposing the cell to uniform and patterned illumination with excitation light selected to generate luminescence from the cell, with the illumination patterns preferably produced using one or more filters selected to attenuate the excitation light and transmit the luminescence. 2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said first claim 1 , second and third selected regions are all equal in area.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said first claim 1 , second and third selected regions are not all equal in area claim 1 , and said first claim 1 , second and third luminescence signals are area-averaged.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said third selected region corresponds to said first selected region or to said second selected region.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein said third selected region corresponds to a combination of said first and second selected regions.6. A method according to claim 3 , wherein said third selected region corresponds to the entire cell area.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said illumination pattern is produced using one or more filters selected to attenuate said excitation light and transmit said luminescence.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the illumination intensity applied to said first portion is zero.10. A method according to claim 9 , wherein said first claim 9 , second and third selected regions are all equal in area.11. A method according to claim 10 , wherein said first claim 10 , second and third selected regions are the same region.12. A method according to claim 9 , wherein said first claim 9 , second and third selected regions are not all equal in area claim 9 , and said first claim 9 , second and third luminescence signals are area-averaged.13. A method ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043039A1

A condition input device inputs a measurement condition and the information of an electronic apparatus to be measured. A measurement operation program device selects a program that causes the electronic apparatus to perform an measurement operation based on the information of a measuring target object and the measurement condition. A voltage measurement device measures a voltage variation generated by the power source of the electronic apparatus. A wave form calculating device performs an arithmetic processing, such as a filtering processing or a time-frequency conversion (e.g. Fourier conversion) for the measured voltage variation to obtain the frequency characteristics of the voltage variation. An impedance calculating device calculates an impedance from the frequency characteristics of the voltage variation and the frequency characteristics of current and the condition of the measurement operation program. 1. An impedance measurement system that measures an impedance of a power source of an electronic apparatus , comprising:an input device configured to input information of the electronic apparatus and a measurement condition;a measurement operation program device configured to select a predetermined program that operates the electronic apparatus based on the information of the electronic apparatus and the measurement condition input from the input device and to execute the selected predetermined program by the electronic apparatus;a voltage measurement device configured to measure a voltage variation of the power source of the electronic apparatus while the predetermined program is executed by the measurement operation program device;a wave form calculating device configured to calculate frequency characteristics of voltage of the power source from the voltage variation of the power source measured by the voltage measurement device;an impedance calculating device configured to calculate an impedance from the frequency characteristics of the voltage of the power ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Polarizer resistive touch screen

Номер: US20140055688A1
Автор: Robert J. Petcavich
Принадлежит: Unipixel Displays Inc

Touch screen structures may have an on cell resistive touch sensor made up of a a polarizer film or analyzer. The polarizer film has a first high resolution grid pattern printed on it by at least one master plate and a second flexible, optically isotropic transparent substrate carrying a second high resolution pattern may also be used and assembled to the first pattern. The patterns are plated with conductive material and assembled so that the first and the second conductive patterns engage when the substrate is pressed.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081212A1
Автор: Nessel Christiane

An apparatus is presented comprising a lock out member configured to be implemented into a medical device, in particular a dispense interface, attachable to a second medical device, in particular a main body, wherein said lock out member is configured to prevent a second attachment of said medical device to said second medical device, wherein said lock out member has at least a first area with a first cross-sectional area, wherein said lock out member has at least a second area having a second cross-sectional area smaller than the first cross-sectional area, such that an electric resistance is defined between opposite ends of the lockout member and wherein said lock out member, at least in the second area, is made of a conductive material. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus , comprising:a lock out member configured to be implemented into a medical device, in particular a dispense interface, attachable to a second medical device, in particular a main body,wherein said lock out member is configured to prevent a second attachment of said medical device to said second medical device,wherein said lock out member has at least a first area with a first cross-sectional area andwherein said lock out member has at least a second area having a second cross-sectional area smaller than the first cross-sectional area,such that an electric resistance is defined between opposite ends of the lockout member, andwherein said lock out member, at least in the at least one second area, is made of a conductive material.1715. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said apparatus further comprises means configured to be conductively attached to a device , capable of measuring the resistance of at least said second area of said lock out member.1815. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said second cross section is at most 30% , in particular 20% , preferably 10% , of said first cross section.1915. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said lock out member is substantially made of metal.2015 ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081585A1
Принадлежит: CALBATT S.R.L.

The invention concerns a method comprising two fundamental steps. The first one is an innovative process of characterization of the energetic efficiency performed during a charging process of an accumulator, whereby one derives a series of information concerning: the dependency of the electric parameters of the accumulator on the state of charge; the dependency of the efficiency of the charging system on the voltage and current at the output of the charging system. The second step of the proposed method is a process of data calculation for the prediction of the energetic efficiency, wherein one simulates one or more charging processes. The method can be realized by means of a charging system able to perform both a standard process for charging the accumulator and a process of characterization of the energetic efficiency, and a process of prediction of the energetic efficiency. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein one performs step A.2 in said at least a charging process or in one or more different charging processes claim 1 , and wherein one further carries out the following sub-steps:{'sub': in', 'in', 'out', 'out', 'in', 'out, 'A.2.6) measuring, during a pre-determined number of subsequent time intervals wherein the charging system receives as input at least a value of voltage Vdifferent with respect to the values of Vas measured during the steps A.2.1 and/or A.2.3, a pre-determined number of voltage/current pairs (V, I) at the output of the charging system and (V, I) at the input of the charging system, calculating the corresponding values of the efficiency of the charging system;'}{'sup': η', 'η', 'η, 'sub': Vin', 'in', 'Vout', 'Iout', 'CH', 'in', 'out', 'out', 'in', 'out', 'out, 'A.2.7) determining, by means of interpolation of the efficiency values determined in step A.2.6, a function ƒthat provides the values of the efficiency of the charging system as a function of a generic input voltage V, thus obtaining by a method analogous to that of step A.2.5, ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Imaging Systems and Methods

Номер: US20140095094A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one preferred form of the present invention, there is provided method 10 of generating at least one image. The method 10 includes applying electrical signals to an individual at various spaced apart nodes; measuring impedance related data between a number of the nodes; and using the impedance related data to generate three dimensional image data.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Isolation Monitoring Using a Test Signal of Variable Frequency

Номер: US20140097854A1
Принадлежит: SMA Solar Technology AG

In monitoring an isolation of an ungrounded power grid an AC voltage source is connected to the power grid via at least one test resistor. A test signal with a periodic continuous voltage course with regard to ground and with a frequency is applied to the power grid by means of the AC voltage source. A leakage current flowing due to the test signal is measured; and an ohmic isolation resistance is determined from the leakage current. The frequency of the test signal is varied such that an active current part of the leakage current keeps a predetermined recommended value at varying leakage capacitances of the power grid. This provides for a desired level of accuracy at maximum speed of isolation or ground fault detection.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Semiconductor device

Номер: US20140097911A1
Автор: Nakaba Kaiwa, Yutaka Ikeda
Принадлежит: Longitude Semiconductor SARL

A device, comprising an output terminal; an output circuit coupled to the output terminal and having an adjustable impedance; and an impedance adjustment circuit adjusting stepwise the adjustable impedance so as to head toward a first reference impedance. The impedance adjustment circuit changes the adjustable impedance by a first amount when the adjustable impedance is within a first range, and changes the adjustable impedance by a second amount when the adjustable impedance is out of the first range. The first amount is smaller than the second amount.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002077A1

The present disclosure provides a method for testing a USB cable applied in an electronic device. The electronic device includes a battery charged by a charger via the USB cable. The method can include determining at least two different values of charging currents. The method can further include generating a first control signal according to the determined values of charging currents. Sending the first control signal to the charger via the USB cable, to inform the charger to respectively charge the battery by charging currents with the determined values. Detecting values of at least two voltages output to the battery. Comparing a calculated variation degree between the detected values of voltages with a preset variation degree. Generating a first type of message according to a compared result between the calculated variation degree and the preset variation degree. 1. An electronic device comprising:a battery being charged by a charger via a USB cable; anda processor to execute a plurality of modules; a setting module configured to determine at least two different values of charging currents;', 'a signal generating module configured to generate a first control signal according to the determined values of charging currents, and send the first control signal to the charger via the USB cable, thus informing the charger to respectively charge the battery by charging currents with the determined values;', 'a detecting module configured to detect values of at least two voltages output to the battery after the signal generating module sends the first control signal to the charger;', 'an analyzing module configured to calculate a variation degree between the detected values of voltages, and compare the calculated variation degree with a preset variation degree; and', 'a prompting module configured to generate a first type of message according to a compared result between the calculated variation degree and the preset variation degree, to prompt a user whether or not the USB ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Insulation Resistance Measurement Apparatus and Method Thereof

Номер: US20220003823A1
Автор: Sung Gun Lee
Принадлежит: LG Energy Solution Ltd

An insulation resistance measurement apparatus includes a first resistance unit having one end connected to an anode of a battery and the other end connected to ground, and variably having a first resistance value or a second resistance value greater than the first resistance; a second resistance unit having one end connected to a cathode of the battery and the other end connected to ground, and variably having a third resistance value or a fourth resistance value greater than the third resistance value according to control; a voltage measurement unit configured to measure a voltage across the first or second resistance unit; and an insulation resistance calculation unit configured to calculate a first insulation resistance value between the anode of the battery and ground and a second insulation resistance value between the cathode of the battery and ground by using the first to fourth resistance values and the measured voltage.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002168A1

One system includes a pattern generator that generates one or more excitation patterns suitable for probing a hydration level of a tissue of a subject at one or more depths from a surface of the subject into an interrogation region. Each of the excitation patterns has a spatial sensitivity at one of the one or more predetermined depths. A data analysis module receives one or more measured responses of the subject at a plurality of electrodes to excitation applied by the plurality of electrodes based on the one or more excitation patterns and determines one or more hydration changes at the one or more depths within the subject based on the measured responses. Each of the measured responses corresponds to the one of the one or more predetermined depths for which the applied excitation pattern has spatial sensitivity. 1. A soft-field tomography system , comprising:a plurality of electrodes configured to be positioned on a surface of an interrogation region of a subject;a pattern generator configured to determine one or more excitation patterns for probing a tissue of the subject at one or more predetermined depths from the surface of the subject into the interrogation region, wherein each of the one or more excitation patterns has a spatial sensitivity at one of the one or more predetermined depths;a plurality of excitation sources coupled to the plurality of electrodes and configured to apply each of the one or more excitation patterns to the plurality of electrodes to excite the plurality of electrodes substantially simultaneously with each of the excitation patterns; anda plurality of receivers coupled to the plurality of electrodes and configured to measure one or more responses of the subject at the plurality of electrodes to the excitation applied by the plurality of electrodes, wherein each of the one or more responses corresponds to one of the one or more predetermined depths for which the applied excitation pattern has spatial sensitivity.2. The system of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Conductive Thin Film Detector

Номер: US20150002172A1

The invention is directed to products used to detect and methods for detecting conductive materials in the presence of non-conductive materials, including non-conductive materials having dielectric properties. Specifically, the product is a conductive thin film detector, which is, preferably, a hand-held device designed to detect the presence of metal in, on, or under an object. This detection occurs even in the presence of non-conductive materials and other nearby conductive materials on objects that are not being tested. The device preferably comprises: a power source, such as a battery; a method for activation, such as a press button; the necessary components to send and receive a radio frequency, e.g., a radio frequency generator, an antenna, and a radio frequency detector; and an indicator, such as a light or a meter, to, for example, indicate the strength of the radio frequency signal received. 1. A conductive thin film detector , comprising: a power source , an activation mechanism , a radio frequency generator , a radio frequency circulator , a wideband antenna , a radio frequency detector , and an indicator , wherein the conductive thin film detector is not affected by the presence of non-conductive material or the presence of conductive material outside of the thin film.2. The conductive thin film detector claimed in claim 1 , wherein the radio frequency detector comprises an integrated circuit assembly that rectifies the radio frequency signal from the radio frequency generator and outputs a voltage in proportion to the radio frequency signal strength.3. The conductive thin film detector claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indicator is a light emitting diode.4. The conductive thin film detector claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indicator is a meter that measures radio frequency signal strength.5. The conductive thin film detector claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wideband antenna is a monopole or dipole.6. The conductive thin film detector claimed in claim 5 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002177A1

Apparatus for use in performing impedance measurements on a subject. The apparatus includes a processing system for causing a first signal to be applied to the subject, determining an indication of a second signal measured across the subject, using the indication of the second signal to determine any imbalance and if an imbalance exists, determining a modified first signal in accordance with the imbalance and causing the modified first signal to be applied to the subject to thereby allow at least one impedance measurement to be performed. 1) An apparatus for use in performing impedance measurements on a subject , wherein the apparatus includes a number of electrode systems , and wherein each electrode system includes: 'a second substrate having at least two conductive pads mounted thereon, the conductive pads forming first and second electrodes for coupling the signal generator and the sensor to a subject in use.', 'a first substrate having a signal generator and sensor mounted thereon, the signal generator being for applying a first signal to the subject and the sensor for sensing a second signal across the subject; and'}2) The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrode system includes a capacitive cancelling circuit for cancelling capacitive coupling between the drive and sense electrodes.3) The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the capacitive cancelling circuit includes an inverting amplifier for coupling a signal generator output to a sensor input.4) The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the inverting amplifier applies a capacitance cancelling signal to the sensor input to thereby cancel any effective capacitance between the drive electrode and the sense electrode.5) The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein an inverting amplifier output is coupled to the sensor input via at least one of:a resistor;a capacitor; andan inductor.6) The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein at least one of a resistor and capacitor are adjustable claim 5 , thereby allowing a capacitance cancelling ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001821A1

A method for monitoring electrical insulation resistance in an electric system includes: supplying electric power from an external power supply via a first conductor and a second conductor; feeding the electric power to the electric system via a first current collector and a second current collector, each of which are configured to be electrically connected to the electric system via a first main contactor and a second main contactor, respectively; and monitoring the insulation resistance by means of an insulation resistance monitoring unit associated with a control unit and connected to each of the main contactors. The method further includes: maintaining the main contactors in a closed state when the current collectors are disconnected from the conductors, thereby allowing monitoring of the insulation resistance; opening the main contactors and subsequently connecting the current collectors to the conductors; and closing the main contactors thereby allowing monitoring of the insulation resistance. An arrangement for monitoring electrical insulation resistance in an electric system is also provided. 1. A method for monitoring electrical insulation resistance in an electric system , the method comprising:supplying electric power from an external power supply via a first conductor and a second conductor;feeding the electric power to the electric system via a first current collector and a second current collector, each of which are configured to be electrically connected to the electric system via a first main contactor and a second main contactor, respectively; andmonitoring the insulation resistance by means of an insulation resistance monitoring unit associated with a control unit and connected to each of the main contactors;maintaining the main contactors in a closed state when the current collectors are disconnected from the conductors thereby allowing monitoring of the insulation resistance;opening the main contactors and subsequently connecting the current ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for remotely measuring a liquid level using time-domain reflectometry (tdr)

Номер: US20160003662A1

A remote pulse TDR liquid level measurement system and method may include inserting a probe into a body of water. The probe has a probe/air interface, and the body of water includes an air/water interface. A narrow pulse is remotely transmitted to the probe via a coaxial cable. A first impedance mismatch is received from the probe/air interface in a form of a positive reflected pulse, and a second impedance mismatch is received from the air/water interface in a form of a negative reflected pulse. A time between the positive reflected pulse and the negative reflected pulse is calculated, and the time is converted to a distance, the distance being indicative of the water level.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003880A1

The physical parameter measurement method is performed using an electronic circuit () with a resistive sensor (). The resistive sensor includes two resistors (R, R) mounted in series, whose connection node connected to a moving mass (M), is connected to a first input of an amplifier-comparator (). A second input of the amplifier-comparator receives a reference voltage. One output of the amplifier-comparator is connected to a logic unit (), which provides a digital output signal (OUT). A digital-to-analogue converter () provides a measurement voltage (V), as a function of a digital signal provided by the logic unit, to the first resistor (R) in a first phase of a measurement cycle, whereas the second resistor (R) is polarized by a polarization voltage, and to the second resistor in a second phase, whereas the first resistor is polarized by a polarization voltage via a switching unit. 1. A method for measuring a physical parameter by means of an electronic circuit with a resistive sensor , which includes a resistive divider with at least two resistors mounted in series , wherein a connection node of the two resistors is connected to a moving mass , which is elastically retained in a fixed structure of the sensor , and to a first input of an amplifier-comparator , a second input of the amplifier-comparator receiving a reference voltage , one output of the amplifier-comparator being connected to a logic unit for digital processing of the information provided by the amplifier-comparator and for providing at least one digital output signal , and a digital-to-analogue converter capable of providing a measurement voltage to a free end of the first resistor or to a free end of the second resistor via a switching unit , the measurement voltage being defined on the basis of a conversion of a binary word of the logic unit , which defines at least one measurement signal ,wherein the method includes several successive measurement cycles for one measurement conversion, wherein ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Reel Device

Номер: US20180003740A1
Автор: Shih-Hsiang Chien
Принадлежит: Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

A reel device is a casing device for rollingly storing wire. The casing has a turnplate and is coupled with a measuring model. The measuring model has a function of testing the external circuit or power source plug and providing warning or presenting information regarding the external circuit or power source plug.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for measuring quick changes in low surface conductivity of dielectrics under electromagnetic interference of line voltage and equipment to perform this type of measurement

Номер: US20180003758A1
Автор: FRYCÁK Petr

The method for measuring of quick changes of low surface conductivity of dielectrics under electromagnetic interference of line voltage is based on a comparison measurement on a voltage divider and synchronisation of measuring pulses with periodic sinusoidal course of interference when voltage with pre-set parameters of square pulse is brought to the tested dielectric surface and potential is sampled in the voltage divider consisting of the measured dielectric surface and a resistor with preselected resistivity in certain time intervals both before application of the measuring pulse and immediately before its end, and then based on a difference between the values measured using a differential amplifier, the value corresponding to that measured without effect of electromagnetic interference 60 Hz is derived and the result is the possibility to measure quick changes of low surface conductivity of dielectric surface. 1. The method for measuring of quick changes of low surface conductivity of dielectrics under electromagnetic interference of line voltage distinguished by the fact that the measurement is based on a comparison measurement on a voltage divider and synchronisation of measuring pulses with periodic sinusoidal course of interference when voltage with pre-set parameters of square pulse is brought to the tested dielectric surface and potential is sampled in the voltage divider consisting of the dielectric surface measured and a resistor with preselected resistivity in certain time intervals both before application of the measuring pulse and immediately before its end , and then the value corresponding to that measured without effect of electromagnetic interference 60 Hz EMI is derived based on a difference between values measured using a differential amplifier and the result is the possibility to measure quick changes of low surface conductivity of dielectric surface.2. The method for measuring of quick changes of low surface conductivity of dielectrics ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011356A1
Автор: Hu Yang, Wang Chen, XIE Xiaowei

An insulation resistance detection circuit and method are disclosed. The circuit includes a controller configured to: open a first relay, and close second relays, or switch an on/off status of at least one of the second relays; determine, based on a first measurement value between a positive input terminal of an inverter circuit and an earthing point, whether the positive input terminal of the inverter circuit is short-circuited or has low resistance to protective earthing; and determine, based on a second measurement value between a negative input terminal of the inverter circuit and the earthing point, whether the negative input terminal of the inverter circuit is short-circuited or has low resistance to protective earthing, where the first relay is one of in M relays and is connected to at least one impedor in parallel, and the second relays are relays other than the first relay in the M relays. 1. A circuit , comprising:a controller;an inverter circuit, comprising a positive input terminal, a negative input terminal, and N alternating current output terminals;a first direct current voltage source;a second direct current voltage source;a filter circuit, comprising N input terminals and N output terminals; and{'sup': th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th, 'a switch circuit, comprising N input terminals, N output terminals, M relays, and at least one impedor, wherein each relay of the M relays comprises N relay switches, an input terminal of an irelay switch of a first relay is used as an iinput terminal of the switch circuit, and an output terminal of an irelay switch of an Mrelay is used as an ioutput terminal of the switch circuit, and wherein in response to the quantity M being greater than 1, irelay switches of the relays are sequentially connected in series;'}wherein N is an integer greater than 1, M is an integer greater than or equal to 1, and i is an integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to N;wherein a positive electrode of the first direct ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008942A1

Methods and devices are disclosed for testing an acoustic probe having transducing elements for converting between acoustic and electrical signals. An electrical signal is generated at a frequency with a testing device capable of generating electrical signals over a range of frequencies. The electrical signal is transmitted to at least some of the transducing elements to measure a complex impedance and thereby evaluate a performance of the transducing elements.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007406A1

A response procedure for an aerosol-generating device includes detecting a fall or shock using at least one acceleration value and initiating at least one response procedure using a controller. Acceleration values are provided by at least one accelerometer coupled to the aerosol-generating device. The response procedures may include at least one of: initiating a mechanical change in the aerosol-generating device, initiating a modification to an external device interface, generating a human-perceptible beacon, storing data associated with the fall or shock in persistent or non-volatile memory, initiating a diagnostic routine, monitoring for a lost device condition, and initiating a soft shutdown or restart. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for use with an aerosol-generating device having a power source , the method comprising:receiving at least one acceleration value;detecting a fall or shock based on the at least one acceleration value; andinitiating, using a controller of the aerosol-generating device, at least one response procedure in response to detecting the fall or shock, wherein the at least one response procedure comprises storing data associated with the fall or shock in persistent or non-volatile memory of the controller.22. An aerosol-generating device comprising:a power source configured to operably couple to an aerosolizer to generate aerosol from an aerosol-generating substrate;at least one accelerometer configured to measure at least one acceleration value; and{'b': '1', 'a controller operably coupled to the power source and the accelerometer, the controller comprising a processor configured to perform the method of claim .'}23. A non-transitory computer readable storage medium including a stored computer program that claim 21 , when run on programmable electric circuitry claim 21 , causes the programmable electric circuitry to execute the method of .24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the method further comprises detecting an end of the fall or shock ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Selective Characterization of Material Under Test (MUT) with Electromagnetic Impedance Tomography and Spectroscopy

Номер: US20180011040A1

A method of extracting complex impedance from selected volumes of the material under test (MUT) combined with various embodiments of electrode sensor arrays. Configurations of linear and planar electrode arrays provide measured data of complex impedance of selected volumes, or voxels, of the MUT, which then can be used to extract the impedance of selected sub-volumes or sub-voxels of the MUT through application of circuit theory. The complex impedance characteristics of the sub-voxels may be used to identify variations in the properties of the various sub-voxels of the MUT, or be correlated to physical properties of the MUT using electromagnetic impedance tomography and/or spectroscopy. 1. A method of characterizing select volumes of a material under test (MUT) using electromagnetic impedance tomography and spectroscopy , the method comprising:obtaining a complex impedance of a volume or voxel of the MUT with an electrode array including a linear array of electrodes or a planar array of electrodes, in communication with the MUT; andapplying at least one of a series circuit approach or a parallel circuit approach to compute a complex impedance of: segments of the volume, or sub-voxel of the voxel, using the measured values of the volume or voxel of the MUT.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complex impedance is obtained for the voxel of the MUT claim 1 , and wherein the complex impedance of the sub-voxel is correlated with physical properties of the MUT.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrode array includes the linear array of electrodes claim 1 , and wherein the number of electrodes in the linear array is equal to a number of layers (n) of the MUT to be measured plus one (n+1).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a spacing (Δ) between centers of adjacent electrodes in the electrode array is equal and defined by a minimum thickness of the layers of the MUT to be measured.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein electrodes in the linear array or the planar array ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011064A1

A detection method for a USB Type-C connector is provided. The detection method is applied to a dual role port (DRP) device. The detection method includes the following steps: in response to the DRP device being in a Try. SRC state, detecting whether there is a sink device connected to the DRP device; in response to detecting a sink device connected to the DRP device, switching the current source provided to the pull-up resistor connected to the CC pin from the first current value to the second current value, and detecting again whether there is a sink device connected to the DRP device, wherein the first current value is greater than the second current value; and in response to detecting a sink device connected to the DRP device, the DRP device enters an Attached. SRC state. 1. A detection method for a USB Type-C connector , applied to a dual role port (DRP) device , and comprising:in response to the DRP device being in a Try.SRC state, detecting whether there is a sink device connected to the DRP device;in response to detecting the sink device connected to the DRP device, switching a current source provided to a pull-up resistor connected to a CC pin from a first current value to a second current value, and detecting whether there is the sink device connected to the DRP device again, wherein the first current value is greater than the second current value; andin response to detecting the sink device connected to the DRP device, the DRP device enters an Attached. SRC state.2. The detection method for the USB Type-C connector of claim 1 , further comprising:after switching the current source from the first current value to the second current value, and in response to detecting no sink device connected to the DRP device, the DRP device enters a TryWait.SNK state.3. The detection method for the USB Type-C connector of claim 1 , wherein the step of detecting whether there is the sink device connected to the DRP device again comprises:detecting whether a voltage on the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015276A1
Автор: Glocker Raymond
Принадлежит: Kimal plc

A probe () for measuring biomolecules by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is proposed, having a distal end () and a proximal end (), wherein the probe () has the following structure in a cross-section oriented transversely to its longitudinal extent: a base layer () of an insulating material, on a first side of the base layer () at least one layer () of a conducting material, on a second side of the base layer (), which is remote from the first side of the base layer (), at least one layer () of a conducting material, and on the side of the layers of conducting material that is remote from the base layer (), on the outside, in each case an outer layer () of an insulating material, wherein further the at least one layer () of a conducting material on the first side of the base layer () is formed into an annular conductor structure () in the region of the distal end () of the probe, wherein the annular conductor structure () is followed proximally by at least one elongate conductor () which is in the form of a feed line for the annular conductor structure and extends to the proximal end () of the probe (), and wherein the at least one layer () of a conducting material on the second side of the base layer () covers the predominant part of the base surface of the base layer (), wherein the layer () of a conducting material on the second side of the base layer () has in the region of the distal end () of the probe () a polygonal hole () which is arranged concentrically to the annular conductor structure (). 1. Probe for measuring biomolecules by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy , having a distal end and a proximal end , wherein the probe has the following structure in a cross-section oriented transversely to its longitudinal extent: a base layer of an insulating material , on a first side of the base layer at least one layer of a conducting material , on a second side of the base layer , which is remote from the first side of the base layer ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015281A1
Автор: BOGNER Peter

This disclosure describes techniques for measuring the resistance of a component with measurement circuitry that is electrically coupled to the component via one or more electrical conductors (e.g., one or more bond wires). The resistance measurement techniques of this disclosure may measure a resistance of an electrical conductor, and generate a value indicative of a resistance of a component other than the electrical conductor based on the measured resistance of the electrical conductor. The electrical conductor for which the resistance is measured may be the same as or different than one or more of the electrical conductors that the couple the measurement circuitry to the component to be measured. Using an electrical conductor resistance measurement to determine the resistance of a component may improve the accuracy of the resistance measurement for the component. 1. A method comprising:measuring, with circuitry, a resistance of an electrical conductor; andgenerating, with the circuitry, a value indicative of a resistance of a component other than the electrical conductor based on the measured resistance of the electrical conductor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductor is a first electrical conductor claim 1 , and wherein generating the value indicative of the resistance of the component comprises:measuring a resistance of a current path that includes the component and one or more electrical conductors; andgenerating the value indicative of the resistance of the component based on the measured resistance of the current path and the measured resistance of the first electrical conductor.3. The method of claim 2 ,wherein the current path is formed by at least the first electrical conductor, the component, and a second electrical conductor, a first end of the first electrical conductor forming a first end of the current path, a second end of the first electrical conductor being electrically coupled to a first terminal of the component, a second ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015282A1

A testing device for testing resistance value includes a base, an operation pole, a sliding device, and a housing for enclosing the base. The base defines a hook receiving slot. A plurality of contact tabs is formed inside the hook receiving slot for contacting pins of the expansion card. A plurality of conductive tabs is formed on the base for being electrically coupled to the contact tabs. A ground terminal is electrically coupled to one of the conductive tabs coupling to the ground pins. The sliding device includes a resilient tab. The resilient tab includes a first end contacting one of the conductive tabs and a second end. The housing includes a connection portion for contacting the second end of the resilient tab and a test terminal electrically coupled to the connection portion. 1. A testing device for testing a resistance value of signal pins of an expansion card through a multimeter , the testing device comprising: a top surface defining a hook receiving slot and a receiving space below the hook receiving slot,', 'a plurality of contact tabs formed by the base and located within the hook receiving slot, the plurality of contact tabs configured to contact ground pins and the signals of the expansion card;', 'a plurality of conductive tabs electrically coupled to the contact tabs and being formed on the base,', 'a ground terminal electrically coupled to one of the conductive tabs and configured to be coupled to the ground pins;, 'a base having'}an operation pole configured to received be within the receiving space;a sliding device slidably coupled to the operation pole and comprising a resilient tab which comprises a first end contacting one of the conductive tabs and a second end; anda housing for enclosing the base and comprising a connection portion configured to contact the second end of the resilient tab and a test terminal electrically coupled to the connection portion;wherein, in a first configuration, a first probe of the multimeter is electrically ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013233A1
Автор: Motz Mario

Stress compensated systems and methods of compensating for electrical and mechanical stress are discussed. One example system can include a first circuit and a global stress compensation component. The first circuit can be configured to generate a first signal and can comprise at least one local stress compensation component (e.g., employing dynamic element matching, chopping, etc.). The global stress compensation component can comprise one or more stress sensors configured to sense one or more stress components associated with the system. The global stress compensation component can be configured to receive the first signal and to compensate for stress effects on the first signal. 1. A method , comprising:generating at least one reference signal via a reference circuit, wherein generating the reference voltage comprises compensating, via the reference circuit, for stress effects shown via the at least one reference signal, wherein the at least one reference signal comprises at least one of a reference voltage, a reference current, or a reference clock frequency;sensing at least one stress component via at least one stress sensor; andcompensating for the stress effects shown via the at least one reference signal based on the sensed at least one stress component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein compensating claim 1 , via the reference circuit claim 1 , for the stress effects shown via the at least one reference signal comprises employing dynamic element matching (DEM) to cycle between at least one of a plurality of transistors of the reference circuit or a plurality of resistors of the reference circuit.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein compensating claim 1 , via the reference circuit claim 1 , for the stress effects shown via the at least one reference signal comprises chopping or auto-zeroing at least one of an input signal of an amplifier of the reference circuit or an output signal of the amplifier of the reference circuit.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Testing of a Photovoltaic Panel

Номер: US20190013777A9

A method for testing a photovoltaic panel connected to an electronic module. The electronic module includes an input attached to the photovoltaic panel and a power output. The method activates a bypass to the electronic module. The bypass provides a low impedance path between the input and the output of the electronic module. A current is injected into the electronic module thereby compensating for the presence of the electronic module during the testing. The current may be previously determined by measuring a circuit parameter of the electronic module. The circuit parameter may be impedance, inductance, resistance or capacitance. 1. A method for testing a photovoltaic panel connected to an electronic module , said electronic module including an input attached to said photovoltaic panel and a power output , the method comprising the step of:activating a bypass to the electronic module, wherein said bypass provides a low impedance path between the input and the output of the electronic module;injecting a current into the electronic module thereby compensating for the presence of the electronic module during the testing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said current is previously determined by measuring a circuit parameter of said electronic module.3. The method of wherein said circuit parameter is selected from the group consisting of: impedance claim 2 , inductance claim 2 , resistance claim 2 , capacitance.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of:permanently attaching the electronic module to the photovoltaic panel.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said activating includes externally applying selectably either an electromagnetic field or a magnetic field.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic module performs selectably either: DC to DC conversion claim 1 , DC to AC conversion or maximum power point tracking.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said bypass includes selectably either a reed switch ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016951A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed are insulation resistance measuring device and method that are capable of rapidly and accurately calculating insulation resistance, despite parasitic capacitor components present in a battery pack. 1. An insulation resistance measuring device , comprising:a positive electrode test resistor connected to a positive electrode node of a battery assembly;a negative electrode test resistor connected to a negative electrode node of the battery assembly;a switch unit connecting the positive electrode test resistor and the negative electrode test resistor to the positive electrode node and the negative electrode node of the battery assembly respectively such that a certain circuit is formed;a switch control unit configured to control the switch unit;a voltage measurement unit configured to measure a first voltage applied to the positive electrode test resistor and a second voltage applied to the negative electrode test resistor; anda voltage estimation unit configured such that, after the certain circuit is formed, the voltage estimation unit under controlling of the switch control unit reads at least one voltage among the first voltage and the second voltage measured at the voltage measurement unit for at least two cycles according to a predetermined cycle, and estimates a final convergence value of at least one voltage among the first voltage and the second voltage by using the read voltage.2. The insulation resistance measuring device of claim 1 , wherein the switch unit comprises a first switch provided on a first line connecting the positive electrode node of the battery assembly to the positive electrode test resistor to be selectively turned on or off; anda second switch provided on a second line connecting the negative electrode node of the battery assembly to the negative electrode test resistor to be selectively turned on or off.3. The insulation resistance measuring device of claim 2 , wherein the certain circuit is any one of a first circuit in which ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017508A1

A method, apparatus, and system operate to include transmitting a plurality of electromagnetic waves, over a range of frequencies, into a plurality of pipes. The secondary electromagnetic field responses, associated with the electromagnetic waves, from the plurality of pipes are measured. Selective ones of the secondary electromagnetic field responses are canceled or reduced based on a selected pipe for inspection of the plurality of pipes. 1. A method comprising:transmitting electromagnetic energy, at a plurality of frequencies, into a plurality of pipes;measuring secondary electromagnetic field responses, associated with the electromagnetic energy, from the plurality of pipes;calculating weights using pipe information or the secondary electromagnetic field responses;combining a plurality of the responses using the weights, at the plurality of frequencies, to generate a signal insensitive to a subset of the pipes or defects in at least one pipe of the plurality of pipes; anddetermining a feature of the at least one pipe of the plurality of pipes based on the signal.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the weights such that the signal is insensitive to defects of a predetermined size.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defects comprise variations in thickness of the at least one pipe claim 1 , variations in relative magnetic permeability or the at least one pipe claim 1 , or variations in electrical conductivity of the at least one pipe.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the feature of the at least one pipe comprises comparing the signal to a library of functions or a forward simulation model.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defects comprise variations in electrical conductivity of the at least one pipe.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein combining at least two of the responses comprises combining at least N of the plurality of frequencies to generate the signal claim 1 , through adjustment of the weights claim 1 , that is ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Device And Method For Detecting High-Voltage Power Distribution Line Path Having Improved Stability

Номер: US20210018540A1
Автор: Hyun Chang Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

In an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure for solving the problem, disclosed is a stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus. The stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus for tracking a high voltage power line and determining a buried path and a connection configuration up to a final power source of a power distribution system, wherein the high voltage power line is connected to a primary winding of a distribution transformer to supply voltage and current, wherein the distribution transformer converts high voltage for distribution to low voltage in proportion to a ratio of a winding combination may include: an exploration current generator for generating a current pulse signal in inverse proportion to a winding ratio for detecting a magnetic field signal around the high voltage power line, in which the exploration current generator is connected to a secondary winding of the distribution transformer; a buried path probe for tracking the buried path and connection configuration of the high voltage power line by detecting the magnetic field signal which is generated around the high voltage power line when the current pulse signal flows through the high voltage power line; and a reverse current limiter for suppressing a generation of a reverse magnetic field generated by an external conductor of the high voltage power line, to improve a reception performance of the buried path probe.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018567A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A battery monitoring apparatus includes an electric power supply terminal connected with a first electrical path, a voltage input terminal connected with a second electrical path, a signal control unit connected with a third electrical path, a response signal input terminal connected with a fourth electrical path, and a calculating unit. The signal control unit is configured to cause a predetermined AC signal to be outputted from a storage battery with the storage battery itself being an electric power source for the output of the predetermined AC signal. The calculating unit is configured to calculate, based on a response signal of the storage battery to the predetermined AC signal, a complex impedance of the storage battery. Moreover, at least one of the first to the fourth electrical paths is merged with at least one of the other electrical paths into an electrical path that is connected to the storage battery. 1. A battery monitoring apparatus for monitoring a state of a storage battery , the battery monitoring apparatus comprising:an electric power supply terminal which is connected with a first electrical path and via which drive electric power is supplied from the storage battery to the battery monitoring apparatus through the first electrical path;a voltage input terminal which is connected with a second electrical path and via which a terminal voltage of the storage battery is inputted to the battery monitoring apparatus through the second electrical path so as to be measured by the battery monitoring apparatus;a signal control unit connected with a third electrical path and configured to cause a predetermined AC signal to be outputted from the storage battery through the third electrical path;a response signal input terminal which is connected with a fourth electrical path and via which a response signal of the storage battery to the AC signal is inputted to the battery monitoring apparatus through the fourth electrical path; anda calculating unit ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022153A1

The invention relates to a device for detecting a leakage current, comprising means () for measuring a current from an electrical circuit of a vehicle, in particular a motor vehicle, said detection device being configured to be placed on board said vehicle and being such that the measuring means () comprise: a magnetic core () configured to be passed through by one or a plurality of conductive elements () traversed by the current from the electrical circuit, said conductive element(s) () forming a primary winding; a secondary winding (), wound around the core (), to generate a magnetic flux from a reference current; and an oscillator () for generating the reference current though the secondary winding (), the reference current being configured to saturate said core (). According to the invention, the value of the current of the primary winding () is obtained from the average value of the current at the secondary winding () over a period of oscillation covering a complete core () magnetisation and demagnetisation cycle. The invention also relates to various on-board systems using said device. 1. A device for detecting a leakage current , comprising: a magnetic core configured to be passed through by one or more conductive elements through which said current from the electric circuit is passed, said conductive element or elements forming a primary winding;', 'a secondary winding, wound around said core, for generating a magnetic flux on the basis of a reference current;', 'an oscillator for generating the reference current through the secondary winding, the reference current being configured to saturate said core,', 'wherein the value of the current of the primary winding is obtained on the basis of the mean value of the current at the secondary winding over a period of oscillation covering a complete core magnetization and demagnetization cycle., 'a circuit for measuring a current from an electric circuit of a motor vehicle, said detection device being installed in ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022224A1

A touch sensor having a touch sensitive film, a signal filter, electrical circuitry and a processing unit. The film is capable of capacitive or inductive coupling to an external object when a touch is made by the object. The signal filter is formed by the resistance of the film and the capacitive or inductive coupling to the external object, and the filter has properties affected by location of the touch and/or capacitance or inductance of the touch. The electrical circuitry is coupled to the touch sensitive film and configured to supply excitation, amplitude and wave form into the signal filter and to receive response signals from the signal filter. The processing unit is configured to detect the presence or proximity of a touch, the location of said touch, the capacitance and/or inductance of said touch by processing response signals and thereby measuring changes in the properties of the signal filter. 1. A touch sensing device , comprising:a touch sensitive film comprising conductive material having a resistance, the film being capable of capacitive or inductive coupling to an external object when a touch is made by said external object,a signal filter formed at least by the resistance of the touch sensitive film and the capacitive or inductive coupling to the external object, the signal filter having properties that are affected at least by the location of the touch, the capacitance or inductance of the touch or by a combination of said properties of the touch,electrical circuitry resistively or wirelessly coupled to the touch sensitive film at one or more locations, the electrical circuitry being configured to supply one or more excitation signals having at least one frequency, amplitude and wave form into the signal filter and to receive one or more response signals from the signal filter, anda processing unit resistively or wirelessly coupled to the electrical circuitry, wherein the processing unit is configured to detect the presence or proximity of a touch ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Circuit and Method for Detecting the Load Status of an Audio Amplifier

Номер: US20190020960A1

A diagnostic circuit is used for detecting the load status of an audio amplifier. The audio amplifier includes two output terminals for connection to a speaker. The diagnostic circuit may include a first circuit, which configured to generate a first signal indicating whether a signal provided via the two output terminals comprises an audio signal. A second circuit can be configured to detect a first measurement signal being indicative for the output current provided via the two output terminals, and to compare the first measurement signal with at least one threshold in order to generate a second signal indicating whether the output current has a low current amplitude profile or a high current amplitude profile. A third circuit can be configured to generate a diagnostic signal as a function of the first and the second signal. 1. A method for detecting a load status of an audio amplifier , the method comprising:receiving a first signal;determining whether the first signal is an audio signal;detecting a first measurement signal that is indicative of a current provided to a load by the audio amplifier;comparing the first measurement signal with a threshold to generate a second signal indicative of whether the current provided to the load has a low current amplitude profile or a high current amplitude profile; and an open load condition when the first signal is an audio signal and the second signal indicates that the current has a low current amplitude profile,', 'a normal condition when the first signal is an audio signal and the second signal indicates that the current has a high current amplitude profile, and', 'an invalid test condition when the first signal is not an audio signal., 'generate a diagnostic signal indicative of the load status, wherein the diagnostic signal indicates2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a third signal from the audio amplifier;integrating a fourth signal, wherein the fourth signal is based on the third signal; and ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System And Method For High Voltage System Isolation Resistance Measurement

Номер: US20160025816A1
Автор: Anzicek Joshua

A circuit that measures isolation resistance in a battery pack that is associated with a load includes four resistors. Two resistors are connected between terminals of the battery pack and another two resistors are connected in the load in parallel to the resistors in the battery pack. A controller operates two contactors to disconnect the battery from the load and measure first and second voltages in the battery pack and one of the two resistors. The controller operates the two contactors to connect the battery to the load and measures third and fourth voltages in the battery pack and one of the two resistors. The controller identifies the isolation resistance with reference to resistance values of the four resistors and the first, second, third, and fourth measured voltages. 1. A battery isolation resistance measurement circuit comprising:a first plurality of resistors connected in parallel to a plurality of battery cells in a battery cell pack;a second plurality of resistors in a load that receives power from the battery cell pack;a first contactor configured to connect and disconnect a first terminal of the battery cell pack from a first terminal of the load; and operate the first contactor to disconnect the battery cell pack from the load;', 'identify a first voltage and a second voltage in the first plurality of resistors within the battery cell pack while the battery cell pack is disconnected from the load;', 'operate the first contactor to connect the battery cell pack to the load;', 'identify a third voltage and a fourth voltage in the first plurality of resistors within the battery cell pack while the battery cell pack is connected to the load; and', 'identify an isolation resistance of the battery cell pack with reference to the first, second, third, and fourth voltages and predetermined resistance values of the first plurality of resistors and the second plurality of resistors., 'a controller operatively connected to the first contactor, the controller ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Reciprocal quantum logic (rql) serial data receiver system

Номер: US20180024961A1
Автор: Steven Brian SHAUCK
Принадлежит: Northrop Grumman Systems Corp

One embodiment describes a reciprocal quantum logic (RQL) receiver system. The RQL system is configured to convert a serial input data stream provided from a serial data transmitter into an RQL data stream. The RQL receiver system includes a sampling controller configured to oversample the serial input data stream via a plurality of samples over each sampling window of an RQL clock signal to determine a transition sample corresponding to a transition in a digital value of the serial input data stream in a given one sampling window of the RQL clock signal. The RQL receiver system can be further configured to capture the digital value of the serial input data stream via a capture sample that is a predetermined number of samples subsequent to the transition sample in each sampling window of the RQL clock signal.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028891A1

A measurement auxiliary circuit is configured to form a resonance circuit together with a detection target. An ATAC is coupled with the resonance circuit. A signal generator applies an AC probe signal Vto the resonance circuit. After the impedance measurement apparatus enters a stable state, an impedance detection unit measures a voltage at at least one node and/or a current that flows through at least one current path. The impedance detection unit detects the impedance of the detection target based on the measurement value. 1. An impedance measurement apparatus configured to measure an impedance of a detection target , the impedance measurement apparatus comprising:a measurement auxiliary circuit configured to form a resonance circuit together with the detection target;an automatic tuning assist circuit coupled with the resonance circuit, and comprising (i) a first terminal and a second terminal, (ii) N (N represents an integer) auxiliary capacitors, (iii) a plurality of switches, each of which is arranged between two terminals from among the first terminal, the second terminal, and terminals of the N auxiliary capacitors, and (iv) a controller configured to respectively switch each of the plurality of switches;a signal generator configured to apply an AC probe signal to the resonance circuit; andan impedance detection unit configured to measure a voltage at least one node and/or a current that flows through at least one current path after the impedance measurement apparatus enters a stable state, and to detect the impedance of the detection target based on the measurement value.2. The impedance measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the impedance detection unit is configured to detect the impedance of the detection target based on a capacitor voltage that occurs across at least one auxiliary capacitor included in the automatic tuning assist circuit.3. The impedance measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the N auxiliary capacitors ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028892A1
Автор: YEH Yen-Hung

A Data acquisition apparatus for measuring purpose can be used as a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) as well as a LCR meter, and this apparatus can be implemented in semiconductor chip adopted in a handheld case, it includes a DMM and a LCR meter. The LCR meter includes a LCR measuring circuit implemented with integrated circuit. The LCR measuring circuit includes an impedance measuring circuit and an auto-zero amplifier which bias the input offset voltage and amplify the input signal that has passed a big resistor (PTC) to make the signal have a predetermined SNR suitable for the process by the LCR measuring circuit. 1. Data acquisition apparatus enclosed in a housing for measuring parameters from a device under test , output of the data acquisition apparatus being fed to a next stage process circuit of said data acquisition apparatus , then subsequently fed to a display device of the handheld housing to show the parameters , said data acquisition apparatus comprising:a digital multi-meter comprising a multi-meter measuring circuit, said multi-meter measuring circuit being electrically coupled to a first terminal and a second terminal, said housing respectively providing a hole for said first terminal and said second terminal, thus enabling objects outside exterior surface of said housing electrically coupled to said first terminal and said second terminal, said first terminal being coupled to a dc resistor input path having a dc resistor input switch and a first protection device, output of said digital multi-meter being first kind of output signal of the data acquisition apparatus; anda LCR measuring circuit comprising an impedance measuring circuit and an auto-zero amplifier selectively coupled respectively to said first terminal with one LCR input path and to said second terminal through the other LCR input path, said LCR measuring circuit being selectively coupled respectively to said first terminal with one voltage feeding path and to said second terminal with the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and device for determining the division of a total insulation resistance and the division of a total system leakage capacitance in an ungrounded power supply system

Номер: US20200025813A1
Принадлежит: Bender GmbH and Co KG

A method and device for determining a division of a total insulation resistance and of a total system leakage capacitance in an ungrounded power supply system. The basic idea is to determine how the total insulation resistance is divided into partial insulation resistances and how the total system leakage capacitance is divided into partial system leakage capacitances between the active conductors of the ungrounded power supply system from displacement voltages measured between each of the active conductors of the ungrounded power supply system based on values determined in advance for the total insulation resistance and for the total system leakage capacitance of the ungrounded power supply system. By evaluating the displacement voltages in terms of their changes in amplitude, their frequency and their phasing, conclusions can be drawn as to the division of the total insulation resistance and of the total system leakage capacitance between the individual active conductors.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027221A1
Автор: ITO Akira, KAWAZOE Arisa

In an electrical characteristic acquisition apparatus, a condition under which an electrical characteristic of a target object is acquired can be inputted by an operator, and an electrical characteristic of the target object is acquired under the input condition. In a case where a condition is inputted as a condition under which an electrical characteristic of the target object is acquired, an erroneous determination is made due to the different conditions that the target object is not an electrical component which complies with the nominal value, or, in a case where a difference between a value representing an electrical characteristic of the target object and a nominal value of the target object is larger than a permissible tolerance, an erroneous determination is made that the target object is defective. Here, these erroneous determinations are prevented from being made. 1. An electrical characteristic acquisition apparatus for acquiring an electrical characteristic of a target object by supplying an alternating current signal to the target object , the electrical characteristic acquisition apparatus comprising:an operation input section configured to input information which represents at least one of a magnitude and a frequency of the alternating current signal supplied to the target object, the information being input by an operator's operation.2. The electrical characteristic acquisition apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:an alternating current signal generation device configured to generate the alternating current signal supplied to the target object; andan alternating current signal control section configured to control the alternating current generation device, based on the input information input via the operation input section, so as to control the alternating current signal supplied to the target object, wherein an electrical characteristic of the target object is acquired by supplying the alternating current signal controlled by the alternating ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery, method of evaluating negative electrode composite material layer, and method of producing non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery

Номер: US20200028160A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery includes at least a negative electrode composite material layer. The negative electrode composite material layer includes a negative electrode active material, a conductive material, and a binder. The negative electrode active material includes a silicon oxide material and a graphite material. The negative electrode composite material layer has a BET specific surface area not smaller than 3.5 m 2 /g and not greater than 5.0 m 2 /g. In an orthogonal coordinate system having an abscissa representing the elongation of the negative electrode composite material layer and an ordinate representing the electrical resistance of the negative electrode composite material layer, an elongation at a bending point (Cp) in the plot is 12% or higher.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028386A1

A system includes a two-conductor loop in which the loop current or current signal is controlled by a loop current controller to be proportional to a signal output from a sensor. The system further includes energy harvesting circuitry in electrical connection with the two-conductor loop which includes a second current controller in parallel electrical connection with the loop current controller and a power converter in electrical connection with the second current controller. The second current controls a portion of current drawn from the two-conductor loop and delivered to the power converter from an output port thereof. The portion of the current drawn from the two-conductor loop is returned to the loop current controller from the energy harvesting circuit. Noise in the portion of the current drawn from the two-conductor loop by the second current controller is controlled by the second current controller to be below a predetermined threshold. 1. A system comprising a two-conductor loop in electrical connection with a power source and with a loop current controller , the loop current controller comprising a first port having a first terminal and a second terminal to connect to respective conductors of the two-conductor loop and a second port in operative connection with a sensor , the loop current controller controlling a current in the two-conductor loop to be equal to a current signal to transmit the current signal to a receiver connected to the two-conductor loop , the current in the two-conductor loop being controlled by the loop current controller to be proportional to a signal output from the sensor , the system further comprising energy harvesting circuitry in electrical connection with the two-conductor loop , the energy harvesting circuitry comprising a second current controller in parallel electrical connection with the loop current controller and a power converter in electrical connection with the second current controller , the second current controller ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Battery system for a hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20180029490A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A battery system for a vehicle is provided. The battery system includes: first and second output terminals; a battery pack including a primary pole and a secondary pole which are respectively electrically connected or connectable to one of the first and second output terminals; an electrically operable pre-charge switch electrically connected to the primary pole of the battery pack and to the first output terminal; a first resistor arranged in series with the electrically operable pre-charge switch; an isolation monitoring circuit adapted to monitor the overall isolation of the battery system ;a semiconductor switch adapted to bidirectionally conduct a current in a first state and to bidirectionally block the current in a second state; and a second resistor arranged in series with the first resistor and in parallel with the semiconductor switch.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Protective cover structure

Номер: US20150035552A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A protective cover structure includes a protective cover that is fitted to an assembly work opening disposed in a wall of a case in which electric components are accommodated, thereby closing the opening, and a fitting detecting connector that detects that the protective cover is fitted to the assembly work opening. The fitting detecting connector includes a receptacle connector which is fixed to an interior of the case and an insertion/extraction connector which is disposed on the protective cover in a mutually insertable/extractable manner while being opposed to the receptacle connector. The receptacle connector includes a tubular housing and fitting detecting conductors in the tubular housing. The insertion/extraction connector holds a pair of detecting electrodes which are electrically conductible with the fitting detecting conductors, and is molded integrally with the protective cover.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035553A1
Принадлежит: ABB Technology AG

An exemplary voltage sensor device includes at least one high voltage segment and at least one low voltage impedance element. In order to enhance the power dissipation due to impedances spread inside of the device body, the sensor device can be adapted or extended such that at least one high voltage segment, and at least one low voltage impedance element are arranged on an elongated insulating support with adaptive complementary mechanical and electrical interconnection elements on at least one end of the support element. The mechanical and electrical interconnection elements provide a manner of interconnecting at least two elongated insulating supports together in a pivotable way. 1. A voltage sensor device , comprising:at least one high voltage segment;at least one low voltage impedance element; andat least one elongated insulating support having first adaptive complementary mechanical and electrical interconnection elements for pivotably interconnecting with second adaptive complementary mechanical and electrical interconnection elements of at least one other insulating support,wherein the at least one low voltage impedance element is arranged on the at least one elongated insulating support.2. The voltage sensor device according to claim 1 , the at least one elongated insulating support is configured to be or pivoted by an angle in relation to the at least one other elongated insulating support.3. The voltage sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein an arrangement of the at least one low voltage impedance element includes a plurality of low voltage impedance elements arranged in segments of low voltage impedance elements on the at least one elongated insulating support claim 1 , wherein segmentation provides a relative position under an angle which is smaller than 180° C.4. The voltage sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein a resulting value of impedance of the at least one low voltage impedance element can be built up together from at least one ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032294A1
Автор: Christiansen Tom Nohr
Принадлежит: S-Rain Control A/S

The present invention relates to a method for providing watering or non-watering of a specific area of soil through a first plurality of irrigation valves (). Specific irrigation parameters are measured at the specific area of soil through a second plurality of field sensors (). A controller unit () is interconnected to a third plurality of control units (). Each control unit is connected to a specific irrigation valve and/or a specific field sensor. A type declaration providing communication under a second communication protocol is transmitted from the controller unit to the third plurality of control units using a first communications protocol. A second set of instructions are transmitted from the controller unit to the third plurality of control units using a second communications protocol. A first set of instructions are transmitted from the controller unit to the third plurality of control units using the first communications protocol. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for controlling and monitoring irrigation of localized areas of soil , the method comprising the steps of:providing a water pipeline configured for providing water to said localized areas of soil;providing a plurality of controllable irrigation valves, each positioned at a specific area of said localized areas of soil, each of the controllable irrigation valves being connected to said water pipeline and configured for providing watering or non-watering of said specific area of said localized areas of soil and each having a pair of valve control inputs; defining in said line decoder an inrush DC voltage level signal for forcing said core into said second position;', 'defining in said line decoder a hold DC voltage level signal for retaining said core in said second position;', 'determining by means of said line decoder, said first position or said second position of said core;, 'providing a plurality of localized irrigation control units, each of the localized irrigation control units comprising a line ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033280A1

A transformer hydrogen gas monitoring system according to an embodiment of the present invention may comprise: a sensor module, which is disposed to allow at least a part thereof to meet hydrogen gas in a transformer and measures a resistance value of a member having a variable resistance value according to a hydrogen concentration in the transformer; and a multi-task module for receiving a sensing result of the sensor module, generating hydrogen concentration information corresponding to resistance value information included in the sensing result, and remotely transmitting information corresponding to the generated hydrogen concentration information. 1. A transformer hydrogen gas monitoring system , the system comprising:a sensor module measuring a resistance value of a member having at least a portion disposed to meet the hydrogen gas in the transformer and having a variable resistance value according to a hydrogen concentration in the transformer; anda multi-task module receiving a detection result of the sensor module, generating hydrogen concentration information corresponding to resistance value information included in the detection result, and remotely transmitting information corresponding to the generated hydrogen concentration information.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the member includes carbon nanotubes.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor module further includes a temperature control unit changing a temperature of the member claim 1 , andthe multi-task module controls an operation of the temperature control unit so that the temperature of the member is outside of a predetermined temperature range after receiving a first detection result during a first measurement period of the sensor module, controls the operation of the temperature control unit so that the temperature of the member falls within the predetermined temperature range after the temperature of the member is outside of the predetermined temperature range, and receives a second ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033398A1

An apparatus comprises a load resistance connectable in series with the electronic sensor to form a series resistance of the load resistance and the internal impedance of the electronic sensor; an excitation circuit configured to apply a predetermined voltage to a circuit element; and a measurement circuit configured to: initiate applying the predetermined voltage to the series resistance and determining the series resistance; initiate applying the predetermined voltage to the load resistance and determining the load resistance; and calculate the internal impedance of the sensor using the determined series resistance and the load resistance, and provide the calculated internal impedance to a user or process. 1. (canceled)2. A test circuit comprising:an excitation circuit configured to apply excitation signals to an electronic sensor, wherein the excitation circuit includes a configurable first circuit gain stage and a configurable second circuit gain stage, wherein in a first gain mode the excitation circuit generates a first excitation signal from a test signal using a first signal gain applied by the first circuit gain stage and a second signal gain applied by the second circuit gain stage, and in a second gain mode the excitation circuit generates a second excitation signal from the test signal using a third signal gain applied by the first circuit gain stage and a fourth signal gain applied by the second circuit gain stage; anda measurement circuit configured to selectively initiate application of the first excitation signal or the second excitation signal to the electronic sensor and calculate the internal impedance of the electronic sensor.3. The test circuit of claim 2 , wherein the measurement circuit is configured to initiate application of the first excitation signal to the electronic sensor when the internal impedance of the sensor has a first internal impedance range and initiate application of the second excitation signal to the electronic sensor when ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033654A1

A detector for measuring a resistance of a variable resistance sensor (VRS) that varies with respect to a time-varying stimulus (e.g., temperature) includes a voltage reference having variation with respect to operating conditions and a linearized digital-to-analog converter (LIDAC) having a known transconductance that uses the voltage reference to generate a current for pumping into the VRS to cause the VRS to generate a voltage sensed by the detector. The sensed voltage includes error due to the variation of the voltage reference. The detector also includes a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) that gains up the sensed voltage to generate an output signal, an ADC that converts the output signal to a digital value, and a digital processor that computes the resistance of the VRS using the digital value and the known transconductance. The PGA is non-varying with respect to the time-varying stimulus. 1. A detector for measuring a resistance of a variable resistance sensor (VRS) , wherein the resistance of the VRS varies with respect to a time-varying stimulus , comprising:a voltage reference having variation with respect to operating conditions;a linearized digital-to-analog converter (LIDAC) having a known transconductance that uses the voltage reference to generate a current for pumping into the VRS to cause the VRS to generate a voltage sensed by the detector;wherein the sensed voltage includes error due to the variation of the voltage reference;a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) that gains up the sensed voltage to generate an output signal;an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that converts the output signal to a digital value; anda digital processor that computes the resistance of the VRS using the digital value and the known transconductance.2. The detector of claim 1 ,wherein the PGA is non-varying with respect to the time-varying stimulus.3. The detector of claim 1 ,wherein the ADC uses a scaled version of the voltage reference used by the LIDAC to convert the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033690A1
Автор: Kasper Manuel

A method of calibrating an impedance measurement device for measuring DUT impedance includes performing short calibration measurements using a short calibration standard to obtain short raw data; performing first shunt calibration measurements using a first shunt calibration standard to obtain first raw data, the first shunt calibration standard having known first resistance and unknown first inductance; performing second shunt calibration measurements using a second shunt calibration standard to obtain second raw data, the second shunt calibration standard having known second resistance and unknown second inductance; determining first and second complex impedances of the first and second shunt calibration standards by calculating the first and second inductances using the short, first and second raw data applied to a specific error model; and determining general error coefficients for an error model using the first and second complex impedances and the first and second raw data applied to a one-port calibration procedure. 1. A method of calibrating an impedance measurement device for measuring low level impedance of a device under test (DUT) , the method comprising:performing short calibration measurements of the impedance measurement device over a predetermined frequency range using a short calibration standard with force and sense wiring connections to obtain short raw dataperforming first shunt calibration measurements of the impedance measurement device over the predetermined frequency range using a first shunt calibration standard to obtain first raw data, the first shunt calibration standard having a known first resistance value and an unknown first inductance value;performing second shunt calibration measurements of the impedance measurement device over the predetermined frequency range using a second shunt calibration standard to obtain second raw data, the second shunt calibration standard having a known second resistance value and an unknown second ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Testing of a Photovoltaic Panel

Номер: US20220052640A1

A method for testing a photovoltaic panel connected to an electronic module. The electronic module includes an input attached to the photovoltaic panel and a power output. The method activates a bypass to the electronic module. The bypass provides a low impedance path between the input and the output of the electronic module. A current is injected into the electronic module thereby compensating for the presence of the electronic module during the testing. The current may be previously determined by measuring a circuit parameter of the electronic module. The circuit parameter may be impedance, inductance, resistance or capacitance. 221-. (canceled) The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/954,209, filed on Nov. 30, 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/015,219, filed on Jan. 27, 2011, which is a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/314,115 filed on Dec. 4, 2008, (now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,324,921) the disclosures of which are included herein by reference.The present invention relates to production testing of photovoltaic panels, and more specifically to testing of photovoltaic panels which include integrated circuitry.Current voltage (IV) characteristics of a conventional photovoltaic panel are measured using a flash tester. The flash tester measures electrical current characteristics of a photovoltaic panel during a single flash of light of duration typically within one millisecond emitted by the flash lamp. The measurement procedure is based on known properties of a reference photovoltaic panel which has been independently calibrated in an external laboratory. The external laboratory has determined accurately the short circuit current corresponding to standard test conditions (STC) using an AM1.5G spectrum. AM1.5G approximates a standard spectrum of sunlight at the Earth's surface at sea level at high noon in a clear sky as 1000 W/m2. “AM” stands for “air ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038902A1
Автор: Tuck Derek, Wells Thaddeus

An example method includes causing an actuator to apply a compressive force to an object. The compressive force pushes a first electrode against a first end of the object and causes a second end of the object to push against a second electrode. The method further includes detecting an initial magnitude of the compressive force. The method further includes, in response to determining that the initial magnitude of the compressive force is outside of a predetermined range of magnitude, causing the actuator to adjust the compressive force applied to the object. The method further includes detecting a magnitude of the adjusted compressive force. The method further includes, in response to determining that the magnitude of the adjusted compressive force is within the predetermined range of magnitude, detecting a conductance of the object via the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A method for detecting an electrical conductance of an object , the method comprising:causing, via a control system, an actuator to apply a compressive force to the object, wherein the compressive force pushes a first electrode against a first end of the object and causes a second end of the object to push against a second electrode;detecting, via a load cell, an initial magnitude of the compressive force;in response to determining that the initial magnitude of the compressive force is outside of a predetermined range of magnitude, causing, via the control system, the actuator to adjust the compressive force applied to the object;detecting, via the load cell, a magnitude of the adjusted compressive force; andin response to determining that the magnitude of the adjusted compressive force is within the predetermined range of magnitude, detecting a conductance of the object via the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing the actuator to apply the compressive force comprises the control system providing a control signal to a motor of the actuator. ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042344A1

Described is a method for detecting a glow plug replacement of an engine, wherein a first value of a temperature-dependent variable is measured at a first glow plug of the engine and, simultaneously, a second value of the temperature-dependent variable is measured at a second glow plug of the engine. The first value of the temperature-dependent variable is compared with a stored reference value of the first glow plug and a glow plug replacement is detected if the difference of the first value from the reference value exceeds a threshold value. According to this disclosure, it is provided that the reference value is a value which, in an earlier measurement, was measured at the first glow plug simultaneously with the measurement of a value at the second glow plug which corresponds to the second value within a predefined tolerance. 1. A method for detecting a glow plug replacement , comprising:simultaneously measuring first and second values of a temperature-dependent variable at a first glow plug of an engine and at a second glow plug of the engine, respectively;comparing the first measured value with a stored reference value of the first glow plug; anddetecting a glow plug replacement if the difference of the first value from the reference value exceeds a threshold value;wherein, the reference value is a value earlier measured at the first glow plug of the engine together with a value measured at the second glow plug which corresponds to the second value within a predefined tolerance.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature-dependent electrical variable is electrical resistance.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature-dependent variable is measured at a heated glow plug.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , if the difference of the first value from the reference value does not exceed the threshold value claim 1 , checking whether the reference value was measured under the same operating conditions as ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and Device for Person Identification

Номер: US20150042360A1

A method for person identification includes acquiring a data from impedance measurements on the body of a person and comparing the data with a reference data relating to the person. The method further includes inferring an identity of the person from the comparison. The method further includes carrying out the impedance measurements by a combination of at least one two-pole measurement and at least one four-pole measurement. 1. A method for person identification , comprising:acquiring data from impedance measurements on the body of a person;comparing the data with reference data relating to the person; andinferring an identity of the person therefrom,wherein the impedance measurements are a combination of at least one two-pole measurement and at least one four-pole measurement.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:inferring a skin impedance from the at least one two-pole measurement and the at least one four-pole measurement, wherein the at least one four-pole measurement is a tissue impedance.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one four-pole measurement and the at least one two-pole measurement are at least one of (i) static impedance values of various frequencies claim 2 , (ii) a phase angle claim 2 , and (iii) a dynamic response of the body to an incoming current.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the impedance measurements are undertaken on at least one of foot soles claim 1 , inner hand surfaces claim 1 , and an outer circumference of an extremity.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the impedance measurements are undertaken on the outer circumference of the extremity claim 4 , the at least one two-pole measurement and the at least one four-pole measurement are measured by at least one of (i) electrodes on one side of the extremity; and (ii) electrodes on sides of the extremity approximately opposite one another.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one four-pole measurement is at ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040562A1
Автор: Kim Taejin, Lee Dong-Hoon

A display apparatus includes a display panel and a variable resistance area. The display panel includes a foldable area, a non-foldable area, and a folding axis. The variable resistance area may overlap the foldable area and includes a first resistance part and a second resistance part. The first resistance part has a first resistance when the display panel is folded with a curvature greater than a first curvature and a second resistance different from the first resistance when the display panel is folded with a curvature less than the first curvature. The second resistance part has a third resistance when the display panel is folded with a curvature greater than a second curvature and a fourth resistance different from the third resistance when the display panel is folded with a curvature less than the second curvature. The second curvature may be greater than the first curvature. 1. A display apparatus , comprising:a display panel to display an image, the display panel including a foldable area, a non-foldable area, and a folding axis; anda variable resistance area to overlap the foldable area, wherein the variable resistance area includes:a first resistance part having a first resistance when the display apparatus is folded with a curvature greater than a first curvature and a second resistance different from the first resistance when the display apparatus is folded with a curvature less than the first curvature; anda second resistance part having a third resistance when the display apparatus is folded with a curvature greater than a second curvature and a fourth resistance different from the third resistance when the display apparatus is folded with a curvature less than the second curvature, the second curvature being greater than the first curvature.2. The display apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the first resistance part includes a first sub resistance part and a second sub resistance part,the second resistance part includes a third sub resistance ...
