RK 407,892 B the invention refers to a brake stopper f {3r T0ren, with a brake element arranged in the Bodenbereicl T0r.
For the determination of Teren is it admits (WHERE 92/03630 A), at the “Terblatt within the range of the lower edge installed determination elements to plan, with which a T0r can be clamped in any nungswinkel by wedging with the ground. Wedging L0sen of the T {3r effected via a manual lowering and/or raising of a Exzenterrolle, so this FeststelleJemente for the delimitation of the Offnungswinkels of a T0r unsuitable is and also in a Tnrblatt to integrate does not leave.
In order to prevent a fastening yon T0ren at lime trees, Einrichtungsgegenst inden or other Hil nits, it is well-known welters to fasten Bremsoder of attack elements from rubber plastic to the ground or to the wall. These brake stoppers are clearly visibly read min animal and make more difficult with their managing Stopperk0rpern a Bodenreini and such.
The invention is the basis from there the task, a brake stopper that initially gesch ten kind to create, which is dutch its adjustableness and its insurance of operation auszei and vollst indig in a T0r integrable.
The invention 10st this task thereby, there the brake element adjustably in that animal gE and 0bet one by the T0rbewegung pray itigten place-rubbed from one with geschtossener Ti; rnckgezogenen basic position into its with ge0ffneter T0r the “l-Brunterkante 0berragende Br position is move forwardable, whereby beabstandete steering of the backdrop place-rubbed against the T0rstock or against the Ful ground consists of one along the T0runterkante schiebeveJ without stored backdrop for the swiveling adjustment in L ingsrichtung unverschiebbar of the gef0 of brake element and of a Gesture to yon the drag axis of the T0r.
Dutch alas cooperation yon brake element and place-rubbed the Bremseleme Abh ngigkeit yon the Offnungsweite of the door from animal basic position into the brake position ode of the brake position into the basic position is swivelled and thus the T0r either in a v tuned Offenstellung braked or for movement released. The Brerr remains ment and place-rubbed because of their arrangement within the lower edge range of the T0r un to a large extent bar and it gives also none in the ground or at the wall festmontierten attack od. such.
A particularly simple and operator-safe construction results, if the Ges consists nen pipe of a Gelenkverbindung, a threaded rod and one with an internal thread vet to L lngsverstellung, since with the help of this Gestures the distance of the SE to the drag axis and thus animal maximum brake range of the Tnre can be adjusted easily.
If the backdrop points a L ngsnut with an expansion in the range of the brake element Al intervenes the brake element in the groove with a F0hrungsnase, guaranteed, dab the BJ element is fast and without at the ground to sharpen by schweroder federkraftbec turning movement to the effect comes and with a Schliel3en of the T0r due to the run-away resulted in from the expansion directly from its brake position also like direction of the basic position zur0ckklappen can.
In the design the invention article is for example represented, to pointer Fig. 1 invention in accordance with l EN a brake stopper in schematischei cut under-face, Fig, built into a T {Jr. 2 and 3 a backdrop in L tngsbzw. Stirnansicht, Fig. 4 and 5 a clevis mounting fnr this backdrop in L and/or in the cross section, Fig ngsansicht. 6 to 10 alas brake element of the brake stopper in different Funktionsstellunge Ausf0hrungsformen and Fig. 11 and 12 place-rubbed the brake stopper with GET of ffneter and closed T0r.
A brake stopper for T0ren 1 umfal3t a Bremsel 11 and a SteUtrieb provided with a brake lining 12 for the brake element 11. That place-rubbed consists of a Gest Inge ngsverstellbaren in scenes blacken 8 gef ihrten backdrop 7 and a If of one with a I thread provided pipe 4, a threaded rod 5 and a Gelenkst0ck 6. the Bremss! recess 2 the T0rblattunterseite 1 is eingeselzt and/or eingeschrau backdrop 7 exhibits a L ngsnut 9 and becomes push adjustable yon the two on a common Grundplal zenden Kulissenlagerb0cken 8 along the T0runterkante yon Gleitsteiner Stiffen 10 the KulissenlagerbScke 8 gef0hrt into a Fr suncj and/or. The backdrop 7 carry the brake element 11 zwi the TOtOffoder dal3 tderbzw.
and; lung Iderhnet Dhrt r msstellmarten Anit in “out > rbesele icht - nge before [ulisf and emsingte itself more ler in teilund 1lent camp nen:)more pper, t. The Te more sitcoder achene RK 407,892 B RST the Lagerbbcken 8, whereby the LSngsnut 9 of the backdrop 7 with an expansion 14 within the range of the brake element 11 is provided and the brake element 11 ngsnut into L 9 rnit a F0hrungsnase 13 intervenes. The Gelenkst0ck 6 is linked einerends at a T0rstock 15 or Ful3boden with distance to the drag axis of the T0r 1 and andernends one with dern of a clevis mounting 3 gefl hrten pipe 4 connected. Backdrop 7 and pipe 4 are coupled by means of the Gewinclestange 5 I=fingsverstellbar.
The brake stopper, which can cover or also several brake elements 1 a 1 (Fig. 6 to 8 and/or Fig. 9 and 10), is with closed T0r in its zur0ckgezogenen basic position (Fig. 12). One opens the gates, the Tarblatt with rising Offnungswinkei enffernt itself increasingly from the coupling point of the Gelenkst0ckes 6 (Fig. 11) and thus the backdrop 7 pulls relatively toward the tl the rstockes 15. Starting from a Offnungswinkel of the T r adjustable by means of animal threaded rod is released the brake element yon to animal expansion 14 of the scenes groove downward, folds with a turn around the Kulissenl ngsachse and brakes the T0r. Moving the brake element 11 forward from its basic position with closed T0r into its brake position with gebffneter Ti3r effected dutch the dead weight or an initial stress in the spring of the brake element 11, however becomes the brake element 11 with the SchlieBen of the dead toward the basic position by yon the expansion 14 formed run-away zur0ckklappt, which a unerw0nschtes loops or chutes of the brake element at the ground prevents. The aim of the invention is to create a stopper for doors (1) which presents a brake element (11) in the floor area of the door (1) and is characterized in that it is adjustable, functions reliably and can be fully integrated into a door (1). To this end the brake element (11) is adjustably mounted in the door (1) and by way of an actuator controlled by the movement of the door can be moved from a retracted normal position, in which it is situated when the door is closed, forward into a braking position in which it projects beyond the lower edge of the door when the door is open. 1. Brake stoppers f0r T0ren, by arranged a brake element, thereby, within the ground range of the T0r, marked, dal the brake element (11) adjustably in the T {3r gef0hrt and Libero one by the T rbewegung betatigten place-rubbed from one during closed T0r zur0ckgezogenen basic position into its with gebffneter T0r the Tt down-edged 0berragende brake position are move forwardable, whereby place-rubbed from one along the T (3runterkante push-adjustably stored backdrop (7) to the SchwenkversteUung in L ngsrichtung unverschiebbar of the gef0hrten of brake element (11) and from a Gesture to the of that drag axis of the T0r beabstandeten linking the backdrop 7 at the T0rstock (15) or at the FuBboden exists. 2. Brake stopper according to requirement 1, by it characterized, dal3 the Gesture from eirler Gelenkverbindung (B), a threaded rod (5) and a pipe provided with an internal thread (4) to L mgsverstel ung exists. 3. Brake stopper after one the Anspr0che 1 or 2, by it characterized, dab the backdrop (7) a long groove (9) with an expansion (14) within the range of the brake element (11) and the brake element (11) exhibits in the groove with a F0hrungsnase (13) intervenes.