The invention has a device as well as a procedure for pointing out inhomogeneities into at least a snow-laminated to the article. Snow layers can represent a threat of civilization and nature, are it from populated areas, traffic routes, forests od. to such. Snow is in both aforementioned areas a potential danger, whereby for reasons of the space requirement and/or the optimal routing the probability of a risk of an avalanche is considered. The structure of snow layers and the foreign bodies contained in it are from double interest. On the one hand the different deposit of snow from the atmosphere represents a potential danger. Depending upon adhesion of the snow layers on the underground, for example powder snow, the probability of a Schneelawine knows meadow, rock, harsh, for example Naß avalanche, dust avalanche, to be judged. On the other hand it is after outlet of a such avalanche of special importance, foreign body, in particular organism, to locate in the again secondarily deposited snow-laminated. For the detection of humans it is well-known to equip the same with a transmitter for electromagnetic waves. After burying these persons in a Schneelawine it is necessary to locate and then for the salvage of these persons calculation carry appropriate signals. A condition for this is however, daß the potentially endangered persons are equipped with an appropriate transmitter and then a determination in the appropriate frequencies take place. So far the mostly expenditure-practiced procedure for the Dedektierung of persons with or without transmitters consists of it, daß over mechanical probes, for example thin staffs, inhomogeneity places in the snow to be determined, which an appropriate reference to persons to give to be able. A such sounding in an avalanche can be supported by dogs with a pronounced sense of smell to the Lozierung of the victims. Is of special importance the preventive evaluation of snow layers, whereby so far the subjective evaluation could not be replaced yet. Here a profile from the surface to the firm underground, earth, becomes rock od. such, abgegraben, and the individual layers are examined for example on its compression ability and also group among themselves. For example if a powder-snow-laminated rests upon on harsh-snow-laminated, then can be counted starting from a certain slope inclination on an avalanche. From the EP 0,172,445 A1 a clock with a bracelet becomes admits, which exhibits a transmitter to the Lozierung of avalanche victims. In the EP 0,075,199 A1 a procedure and a device are described for locating buried one, with which two bundled electromagnetic high frequency energy beams with frequencies lying apart far are radiated into the soil. The radiation portions reflected at the boundary surface between soil and organism are received, evaluated strengthened, according to the characteristic reflection characteristics the boundary surface between soil and organism, and brought to the announcement. Unfavorably with that so far well-known procedures and devices for the evaluation of snow layers and in it contained inhomogeneities is daß if necessary; a two-dimensional evaluation is only accomplished. These two-dimensional evaluations exhibit the disadvantage, daß neighbouring regions not to be considered and thus in particular below inhomogeneity places no information to be received be able. Is posed to the available invention to the task to create a procedure and a device and/or it permitted to determine inhomogeneity places both in primarily deposited snow layers and in secondarily deposited snow layers whereby additionally to the vertical two-dimensional structure in form of a vertical sectional view also a spatial collection of the inhomogeneity places by Korelation of the Meß data made possible is, and also under inhomogeneity places, e.g. Organism, further inhomogeneities erfaß t to become to be able. Also is to be made possible to make measurements of uneven surfaces. The inhomogeneity within a snow-laminated begins partly already during the snow, particularly if the precipitation temperature changes strongly or higher wind velocities arise. Mainly however the clearly recognizable layerings result from the subsequent changes during the snow breaks and shipping periods. The longer such intervals last, the more effectively can the meteorological influences affect themselves and all the become stronger the continuing transformations, which take place both inside and at the surfaces of the deposits, to progress. The layering, which layer condition and the kind of the layer federation is the main causes for the sliding procedures by those the snow deposits is seized. The condition changes take place via freezing made of water vapour and liquid water as well as via evaporation and fusion. As layer borders solidifications by freezing or lubrication layer formations appear by bloom and rain water. These dividing lines can become for following layer packages the sliding horizon. Likewise layerings can develop, because the snow crystals by the temperature gradient within the Schneedecke ungleichmäß industrial union to be loosened. Particularly strong inhomogeneities arise in the Wächtenbereichen and in their lee. Squeezed together on the luffing side will with strong wind the streamlines, it develops an increase of the flow rate and individual snow particles to become loose and drug along. After the Kantenabriß spread in Lee the streamlines, whereby the near-surface streamlines form an air eddy, which causes the Wächtenaufbau along the comb line. By the wind pressure and because of the rapid freezing ability of the snow a Wächte develops. The ground-remoter streamlines slide over the Wächte away and deposit the snow freight for the time being than loose material. Gliding the snow layers is favoured: Those erfindungsgemäß e device for pointing out inhomogeneities into at least a snow-laminated with a transmitter with antenna for electromagnetic waves, in particular with a frequency of 0.1 gigahertz to 10 gigahertz, and a receiver with antenna for the arranged waves, whereby the antenna of the transmitter and those of the receiver are locally from each other separate, reflected by the inhomogeneities, it consists essentially of it, daß the antenna of the transmitter tiltable is, and the transmitter and/or receiver a local detector, e.g. Odometerrad, global positioning system (GPS), inertia navigator, assigned is/is. By the separation of the antennas for the transmitter from the receiver and the local identification can be achieved, daß not only the upper inhomogeneity place is determined, but below the same lying laminate with only one frequency erfaß t and to be represented can. Thus a better collection can be achieved by inhomogeneity places, since supposed differences in a vertical level are not only determined, but also spatially within narrow ranges limited inhomogeneity places, as for example organism, in particular humans, spatially erfaß t and to be also represented can. By swivelling the antenna of the transmitter several Meß can; results for a Meß point of different Meß locate to be received, which are then set in Korelation. Further the jet can be aligned exactly e.g. in measurement from a fissured snow surface. If the antenna of the receiver is tiltable, then even a partial spatial illustration of the inhomogeneity places can be achieved with stationary situation of the antenna of the transmitter. If a memory, in particular a Aufzeicheneinrichtung, for the necessary time of the reflected electromagnetic waves from the transmitter to the inhomogeneity and for the place of the receiver and for the necessary time of the electromagnetic waves by the transmitter antenna and to this back, is if necessary intended, then a determination of one or the inhomogeneity place on particularly simple way (n) can to take place, whereby an identification is made possible both by the place of the transmitter and by the place of the receiver. Exhibit the antenna of the transmitter and the receiver to each other a continuous distance, then particularly simply the local determination of inhomogeneity places is made possible, since the distance of the two antennas represents a constant to each other. A particularly small expenditure is given if the transmitter and the receiver exhibit a common electrical amplifier and data-processing system if necessary. That erfindungsgemäß e procedure for pointing out inhomogeneities in, at least only, a snow-laminated, whereby by a transmitter electromagnetic waves, in particular with a frequency of 0.1 gigahertz to 10 gigahertz, are radiated, and from a receiver for the reflected waves the same to be received, and a time between outlet of the electromagnetic waves and receipt the same is measured, consists essentially of it, daß additionally the distance between the antenna of the transmitter and that of the receiver as well as the relative Winkellage of the antenna of the transmitter and/or receiver are intended and/or the time of the sent waves up to the return for the transmitter/become. By the separation of the antennas from transmitter and receiver one makes possible, daß a spatial representation of inhomogeneity places takes place, whereby by the determination to the Winkellage of the antennas an additional is given parameter for the local regulation, which can be replaced by determination of the time, which needs the waves from the transmitter to the inhomogeneity place and back. If the antenna of the transmitter and/or the receiver, common with the transmitter and/or receiver above and along the snow-laminated, becomes if necessary e.g. with a carriage, helicopter, moves, then rapidly a profile of the inhomogeneities can be provided without releasing avalanches. If the frequency of the waves, in particular gradually, sent by the transmitter, is changed and received with the receiver the signals of this wavelength, then additional information can be received due to the different reflection behavior from inhomogeneity places concerning the frequency. Further can in a simple manner time admits to become, which waves frequency of transmitters to receivers needs to send, since on the one hand the time, at which one begins, waves with a certain frequency and on the other hand the time, for which these waves reflected by an inhomogeneity at the receiver in-long, can be intended. If the waves are temporally interrupted sent, then the power supply of the transmitter for longer periods can be guaranteed, whereby further disturbances, which go out for example continuously, can be simply determined and during the evaluation been ruled out. If the temperature of the surface is measured, then an additional parameter is given for the evaluation of the snow layers. Becomes the Meß rate different frequencies with the Meß if worth same frequencies compared, then Rückschluß can due to the different reflection behavior of inhomogeneity places on their characteristics; are pulled. So for example harsh, organism can on the condition the same a Rückschluß due to the different dielectric constants of powder snow; are pulled. In the following the invention is more near described on the basis the designs. Show: In Fig. 1 represented arrangements consist of a transmitter unit and a receiver computer unit. The transmitter unit points a transmitter S of the electromagnetic waves with a frequency between 0.1 gigahertz and 10 gigahertz to send can, global positioning a system GPS, which can determine the exact location of the antenna AS over satellites, as well as an antenna AS, which is electrically or electronically tiltable trained in actually well-known way mechanically, so daß the maximum of the envoys electromagnetic jets to be exactly arranged can. A such antenna can be for example electrically fokusierend. The receiver computer unit exhibits a receiver E and likewise an antenna AE, with which both the local position of the transmitter antenna determines AS and the position of the receiver antenna AE over GPS, and which times as well as the Winkellage of the antennas are taken up. The receiver antenna AE can be electrically or electronically tiltable trained also mechanically. These data are entered into the data-processing system data processing, stored there and processed if necessary. For transmitters and receivers a common amplifier can be intended. The Meß results for a Meß point of different places it can be set in Korealition whereby particularly exact results will receive. The speeds of electromagnetic waves in the snow depend on the dielectric constant of the respective snow, thus whether a dry snow, a wet snow or also a ice-laminated are present. For the exact local determination of inhomogeneity places it is necessary to determine first the propagation speed of the elekromagnetischen waves in the medium which can be gone through. For this there are different procedures, which essentially equivalently to each other are. So receiver antenna AE and given angle can to the radiation and for the receipt of electromagnetic waves after a positioning of transmitter antenna and receiver antenna, if necessary after two positionings the same with a well-known distance between transmitter antenna AS and, which running time in the snow-laminated is determined. The local positioning can be made here by different systems, as for example Odometerrad, inertial navigation preferentially by means of GPS. The effect angle of the antenna of the transmitter AS and the receiver AE to horizontals can with appropriate electrical sensors, for example on basis of a condenser with dielectric liquid contained in it, which changes its capacity depending upon inclination, erfaß t become. To the determination of the time, which knows a signal sent by the transmitter necessarily, until it arrives at the receiver, for example a such signal in groß EN time intervals to be delivered, daß between delivery of the signal and receipt of the signal no further signals to be delivered, or also, if an accelerated procedure is necessary, the possibility exists, daß the frequency of the signals, e.g. gradually, delivered by the transmitter, is changed, so daß already the frequency a characteristic for the time of the delivery of the signals represents and only the time of the outlet of the signals with a certain frequency and arrival of the signals with a certain frequency to be determined muß. Also a comparison of the times can be accomplished by jets with same and different frequency. A further procedure for the determination of the propagation speed consists of it, daß first the distance of an inhomogeneity is determined to the transmitter antenna and the time interval is then determined, which needs a signal from the transmitter antenna to the inhomogeneity and if necessary back or for the receiver antenna. One works according to the radar principle. According to determination of the speed of the electromagnetic waves in the respective snow-laminated know the antenna AS of the transmitter S and the receiver AE, like in Fig. 2 represented, in particular with one gleichmäß igen speed gemäß Arrow v over the snow layers to be moved. Such moving can take place for example via it, daß both the antenna of the transmitter AS and the receiver AE in a separate or also in a common carriage are arranged. Is of special importance, if the two antennas are arranged in a helicopter, whereby a given distance of the antennas can be present. Thus the possibility exists of arranging the transmitter antenna AS in the front range and the receiver antenna AE in the rear range of the helicopter. Thus for example a distance of both antennas of 10 m can be kept. A tiltable storage of the antennas in the helicopter is particularly simply possible. In Fig. 3 a diagram of the running times of the electromagnetic waves is gemäß with a profile; Fig. 2 represented, with which is recognizable, daß particularly a replica is possible. As in Fig. 4 evidently, can be made by different positionings both the transmitter antenna AS and receiver antenna AE in each case an exact positioning of an inhomogeneity. Due to the different distances to the inhomogeneity I times of different lengths, which put the electromagnetic waves back from the transmitter to the receiver, lie forwards. According to the movement of the transmitter and receiver over the inhomogeneity a hyperbolic function for the running times lies forwards (Fig. 5). As in Fig. explained, also the same local position of the antennas for the transmitter AS and receiver AE can do 6 only by swivelling the same a maximum of the intensity with an appropriate angle α and/or α ′ are determined. By making smaller or Vergröß ern the angle can one, as in Fig. 6 particularly clearly evidently, also a spatial collection of inhomogeneities would drive through, there the jets also under an inhomogeneity place I1 on a further inhomogeneity place I2 stoß EN can. These inhomogeneity places can be for example trunks, organisms. For the support of the evaluation of the snow layers also the temperature at the surface can be determined. The system has a transmitter (AS) horizontally separated from a receiver (AE). The transmitter and receiver may be set at angles to the horizontal (alpha,alpha') to optimize reception of return signals from the surface of the snow and subsurface layers and inhomogenieties (I1,I2). The transmission delay of pulsed signals is also measured. The return signals may be evaluated to assess the risk of an avalanche. Device for pointing out inhomogeneities in at least a snow-laminated with a transmitter (s) with antenna (AS) for electromagnetic waves, in particular with a frequency of 0.1 gigahertz to 10 gigahertz, and a receiver (e) marked by antenna (AE) for the arranged waves, whereby the antenna (AS) of the transmitter (s) and those of the receiver (e) are locally from each other separate, reflected by the inhomogeneities, dadurch, daß the antenna (AS) of the transmitter (s) tiltable is, and the transmitter (s) and/or receiver (e) a local detector, e.g. Odometerrad, global positioning system (GPS), inertia navigator, assigned is. Device according to requirement 1, dadurch characterized, daß the antenna (AE) of the receiver (e) is tiltable. Device according to requirement 1 or 2, dadurch characterized, daß a memory, in particular a Aufzeicheneinrichtung, for which necessary time of the reflected of electromagnetic waves of the transmitter (s) to the inhomogeneity (I) and for the place of the receiver (e) and if necessary for the necessities time of of the electromagnetic waves by the transmitter antenna (AS) and to this back, intended is. Device according to requirement 1, 2 or 3, dadurch characterized, daß the antenna (AS) of the transmitter (s) and the receiver to each other a continuous distance exhibit. Device after one of the requirements 1 to 4, dadurch characterized, daß the transmitter (s) and the receiver (e) exhibit a common electrical amplifier and/or data-processing system (data processing). Procedure for pointing out inhomogeneities in, at least only, a snow-laminated, whereby by a transmitter (s) electromagnetic waves, in particular with a frequency of 0.1 gigahertz to 10 gigahertz, are radiated, and from a receiver (e) for the reflected waves the same to be received, and a time between outlet of the electromagnetic waves and receipt the same measured is marked, in particular by a device after one of the requirements 1 to 5, dadurch, daß additionally the distance between the antenna (AE) of the transmitter (s) and that of the receiver (e) as well as the relative Winkellage of the antenna (AS) of the transmitter (s) and/or receiver (e), in particular related to the horizontal and/or the time of the sent waves up to the return to the transmitter (s), is determined becomes. Procedure according to requirement 6, dadurch characterized, daß the antenna (AS, IT) of the transmitter (s) and/or receiver (e), if necessary together with the transmitter (s) and/or receiver (e), above and along that snow-laminates, e.g. with a carriage, helicopters, is moved. Procedure according to requirement 6 and 7, dadurch characterized, daß the frequency of the waves, in particular gradually, sent by the transmitter (s), is changed, and with which receivers (e) will receive the signals of these wavelengths. Procedure after one of the requirements 6, 7 or 8, dadurch characterized, daß the waves to be temporally interrupted sent. Procedure after one of the requirements 6, to 9, dadurch characterized, daß the temperature of the surface the snow-laminated is measured. Procedure after one of the requirements 6 to 10, dadurch characterized, daß the Meß rate the different frequencies with Meß rate same frequency to be compared.