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20-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2597685C1

Использование: изобретение относится к гидроакустике и может использоваться в системах подводной цифровой связи в условиях высокого уровня помех от многолучевости распространения акустического сигнала; сущность: защита от помех многолучевости и реверберации достигается применением в передатчике и приемнике синтезаторов сетки синхронно перестраиваемых частот для передачи и приема каждого отдельного бита кодовой последовательности в сочетании с управляющими тактовыми генераторами, осуществляющими байтовую и битовую синхронизацию данных; технический результат: повышенная помехоустойчивость к внутрисимвольной и межсимвольной интерференции акустических лучей при высокой скорости передачи данных и увеличенной дистанционности канала связи. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483322C1

Изобретения относятся к области радиосвязи, а именно к коротковолновым (KB) радиолиниям, использующим отраженные от ионосферы радиоволны, и, в частности, к радиолиниям, обеспечивающим более устойчивую работу в условиях поляризационных замираний сигнала в точке приема, обусловленных магнитоионным расщеплением отраженной от ионосферы волны. Достигаемый технический результат изобретения - снижение уровня поляризационных замираний сигнала в точке приема путем поляризационной адаптации приемной антенны, учитывающей как поляризацию передающей антенны, так и поляризационную структуру сигнала в точке приема, определяемую магнитоионными компонентами электромагнитной волны, отраженной от ионосферы. Способ заключается в том, что в KB радиолинии, снабженной турникетными приемной и передающей антеннами, выполненными с возможностью изменения их поляризации, зондируют ионосферу сигналами, принимают отраженные от ионосферы сигналы, измеряют параметры и по результатам измерений выбирают поляризацию приемной ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011152402A

Способ измерения эффективной поверхности рассеяния крупногабаритных массивных КМ объектов в безэховой камере (БЭК), включающем облучение установленного на опорно-поворотное устройство КМ объекта и определение мощности отраженных сигналов (Р) при вращении КМ объекта вокруг вертикальной оси, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно проводят эталонирование при остановленном КМ объекте в момент, когда проекция КМ объекта на заднюю стенку БЭК минимальна, для чего КМ объект со стороны облучения закрывают радиопоглощающим экраном и компенсируют остаточные отражения, затем устанавливают эталонный отражатель с известной ЭПР (σ) перед радиопоглощающим экраном и определяют мощность сигнала (Р) отраженного от эталонного отражателя с известной ЭПР (σ) и вычисляют ЭПР (σ) КМ объекта по формуле: ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011104756A

... 1. Моноимпульсная РЛС содержит кварцевый генератор, соединенный через петлю цифровой фазовой автоподстройки частоты (ЦФАПЧ) с генератором, управляемым напряжением (ГУН), выход которого соединен с вторым входом ЦФАПЧ, последовательно соединенные синхронизатор, генератор прямого цифрового синтеза (ГПЦС), первый и второй выходы которого соединены с первым и вторым входами квадратурного векторного модулятора, первый делитель мощности, первый полосовой фильтр, последовательно соединенные первый умножитель частоты и второй полосовой фильтр, последовательно соединенные импульсный модулятор, усилитель мощности, антенный переключатель, суммарно-разностный преобразователь, антенная система, второй, третий и четвертый входы-выходы которой соединены с одноименными входами-выходами суммарно-разностного преобразователя, последовательно соединенные второй умножитель частоты и четвертый полосовой фильтр, первый и второй приемные каналы, второй и первый выходы которых соединены с пятым и шестым, третьим ...

18-01-1990 дата публикации

Separating sensor

Номер: DE0003824163A1

The invention relates to a separation sensor (1) operating on the delay-time principle (propagation-time principle), having a transmitter (2) which emits pulses and having a plurality of receivers (3) which are assigned to successive delay-time intervals of the pulses, and having an evaluation circuit (5-9, 14) for determining the propagation time and, from it, the range. In order to permit precise range determination even using one or a few pulses, it is proposed according to the invention that each receiver (3) be connected to multi-position memories (7) into which the receiver signals are written at a high clock frequency, and that a microprocessor (8) is connected to the memories (7), which microprocessor (8) interrogates and evaluates the signals stored in the memories (7) using its own, lower clock frequency. ...

22-09-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Bestimmen des Abstands zu einem Objekt mittels eines gepulsten elektromagnetischen Signals

Номер: DE0019955637B4

Verfahren zum Bestimmen des Abstands zu einem Objekt (3) mittels eines gepulsten elektromagnetischen Signals (2), wobei die Laufzeit des Signals (2) zu dem Objekt (3) und wieder zurück im Rahmen eines vergleichenden Messprinzips durch Vergleich des Empfangssignals (4) mit dem um eine variable Verzögerung verzögerten Sendesignal (5) ermittelt und aus der ermittelten Laufzeit der Abstand zu dem Objekt (3) bestimmt wird, und wobei im Rahmen des vergleichenden Messprinzips das Empfangssignal (4) in einem homodynen Mischer (32; 33) mit dem verzögerten Sendesignal (5) gemischt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Ausgangssignal (34; 35) des Mischers (32; 33) derart moduliert wird, dass das Ausgangssignal (34; 35) des Mischers (32; 33) auf eine höhere Frequenzebene ungleich Null angehoben wird.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Umfelderfassungssystems eines Fahrzeugs und Umfelderfassungssystem

Номер: DE102012211293A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Umfelderfassungsystems (1) eines Fahrzeugs mit zumindest einer Sende-/Empfangseinheit (2), wobei die Sende-/Empfangseinheit (2) frequenzmodulierte Signale aussendet und die Sende-/Empfangseinheit (2) und/oder eine oder mehrere weitere Sende-/Empfangseinheiten (2) Echosignale des ausgesendeten Signals empfangen. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass die Echosignale gefiltert werden, so dass Bodenechosignalanteile unterdrückt werden. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Umfelderfassungssystem (1) eines Fahrzeuges mit zumindest einer Sende-/Empfangseinheit (2), welche eingerichtet ist, frequenzmodulierte Signale auszusenden und zu empfangen, mit einer Filtervorrichtung (3), welche an die Sende-/Empfangseinheit (2) gekoppelt ist, so dass empfangene Echosignale die Filtervorrichtung (3) durchlaufen können, wobei die Filtervorrichtung (3) eingerichtet ist, um Bodenechosignalanteile zu unterdrücken.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Detektion von Kleidungsreflexionen sowie Vorrichtung zur Detektion von Kleidungsreflexionen

Номер: DE102017101854A1

Ein Verfahren zur Detektion von Kleidungsreflexionen ist beschrieben, bei dem ein gepulstes Radarsignal ausgesandt wird, das auf ein zu untersuchendes Objekt trifft. Das gepulste Radarsignal umfasst zumindest zwei Signalpulse unterschiedlicher Mittenfrequenz. Das Reflexionsspektrum des gepulsten Radarsignals wird erfasst und ausgewertet. Ferner ist eine Vorrichtung zur Detektion von Kleidungsreflexionen beschrieben.

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017000762A1

Eine Radarvorrichtung 10, welche an einem Fahrzeug A eingebaut ist, zum wiederholten Durchführen einer Messung eines Ziels bei jedem vorbestimmten Messintervall, welche ein Sende- und Empfangsteil 14 zum Senden, in jedem der Messvorgänge, einer Messwelle P und Empfangen einer Reflexionswelle R derselben als Detektionswelle und ein Steuergerät 12 zum Steuern des Sende- und Empfangsteils 14 umfasst, wobei das Steuergerät 12 ausgelegt ist, um das Sende- und Empfangsteil 14 so zu steuern, dass eine Länge (T1, T2) jedes der Messintervalle und/oder eine Signalstärke (I1, I2) jeder der Messwellen P mit Zeit geändert wird.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Zeit-zu-Digital-Wandlung mit geregelter zeitlicher Wavelet-Kompression mittels eines Sende-Wavelets mit geregelter Verzögerung und eines Analyse-Wavelets

Номер: DE102016108497B3

Die Vorrichtung führt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Verzögerungszeit eines ersten Wavelets in einer Übertragungsstrecke (I1) aus. Hierzu wird das erste Wavelet zu einem Zeitpunkt nach einem Referenzzeitpunkt in die Übertragungstrecke hineingesendet. Nach Durchgang durch die Übertragungsstrecke wird das verzögerte und typischerweise deformierte Wavelet mit einem zweiten Wavelet skalar-multipliziert. Das Ergebnis wird mit einem Referenzwert verglichen. Zu einem Schneidezeitpunkt (ts) schneidet der Skalar-Produktwert den Referenzwert. In Abhängigkeit von diesem Schneidezeitpunkt (ts) bezogen auf den Referenzzeitpunkt wird die Verzögerung des ersten und/oder zweiten Wavelets gegenüber dem Referenzzeitpunkt geregelt. Eine Amplitudenregelung findet nicht statt.

29-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069620887D1

02-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002023383A1

24-04-1996 дата публикации

Radar system

Номер: GB0009004455D0

04-02-1970 дата публикации

Digital Target Ranging System.

Номер: GB0001180126A

... 1,180,126. Wave-energy ranging. HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO. 3 April, 1967 [8 April, 1966], No. 15164/67. Heading H4D. In a digital target ranging system a control counter 13 and a range counter 14 are provided, a clock pulse gate 11 is terminated by the control counter when it is full, Fig. 2 (c), and the range counter is reset to zero by target returns, Fig. 2 (h), (k). In the embodiment a bi-stable circuit 19 is inhibited between the occurrence t 1 of a synchronizing signal from the pulse radar or laser transmitter and a signal corresponding to minimum range t 2 , Fig. 2 (e); a minimum and maximum range are utilized. Two modes of operation are described: in the " first-target " mode a circuit 16 is enabled from time t 0 to t 3 , Fig. 2 (f), and a gate 15, Fig. 2 (g) can pass target return signals during the period t 2 t 3 ; ,the range counter 14 counts from time t 1 until time t 3 when the first target is detected and the counter 14 is then reset to zero, Fig. 2 (h) by a pulse from a circuit ...

28-03-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the detection of obstacles by electromagnetic waves

Номер: GB0000535120A

... 535,120. Locating objects by reflected waves. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE TELEGRAPHIE SANS FIL. Nov. 30, 1939, No. 31194. Convention date, Dec. 1, 1938. [Class 37] Obstacles are detected and 'their distance measured by measuring the time of propagation of ultra short waves to the obstacle and back after reflection therefrom, the receiver being blocked during the transmission of each impulse by a blocking impulse generator synchronized by the transmitter. An ultra short wave transmitter and a receiver provided with highly directional aerials are arranged side by side. The period of the transmitter impulses is so chosen as to be equal to the time taken by the wave to pass outwards and return between the transmitter and an obstacle located at the limit of the range, the duration of the impulses being very short compared with this period. During the transmission the receiver is blocked, so that it can only receive the reflected wave. The receiver amplifies the received signal and applies it to the ...

23-08-1989 дата публикации

Radar apparatus employing different kinds of pulses

Номер: GB0002214026A

A radar apparatus which employs a pulse train containing an alternating sequence of first and second groups of pulses. The first group comprises a plurality of identical long pulses and the second group comprises a plurality of identical short pulses. The receiver has a single channel, the processing in which is successively adapted for the pulse returns of a group at any one time.

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Radar system

Номер: GB0002348756A

A radar system includes an r.f. oscillator (4) which generates an r.f. pulse (C) having a preset pulse length determined by a timing circuit (2). The pulse is transmitted at TX. A portion (C') of the transmitted pulse is fed via a coupler (6) to a mixing circuit (5) which also receives the corresponding radar return (D). The mixing circuit produces a video pulse (E) of length equal to the interval of common occurrence of the portion (C') and the radar return (D). The video pulse is mixed in one channel CH2 with a bipolar video signal (F) having a transition from one polarity to the other occurring within the time interval of the portion (C') of the transmitted pulse but having no transition coincident with the leading or trailing edges of that pulse. The resulting signal G is then passed via a doppler filter (11) and an integrating circuit (13) to a ratio circuit (14). The video pulse E is also fed along another channel CH1 without any mixing with the ...

29-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002210752B

18-10-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to secret radio and like transmitters and transmission systems

Номер: GB0001087614A

... 1,087,614. Pulse radar; radio signalling. MARCONI CO. Ltd. May 19, 1964 [Nov. 14, 1963], No. 45104/63. Headings H4D and H4L. In a pulsed, frequency-modulated radar system, the transmission is rendered secret by means of superimposed random noise. A compression type Gaussian weighting filter at the receiver converts each long input pulse into a short duration pulse. The noise, having a random frequency distribution is attenuated at its peak valves by the filter and a high signal to noise ratio is produced. On the other hand, an unauthorized receiver receives the pulses together with the superimposed noise unattenuated.

04-09-1996 дата публикации

Dual Mode Radar System

Номер: GB0002298538A

The system operates in low resolution tracking mode as well as a high resolution mode. In the low resolution mode, a region of space is repeatedly scanned with a transmitting beam of radar pulses using a plurality (A-D fig 4) of PRF's and a receiving beam to receive the radar returns. The returns are processed to obtain bearing range and radial velocity data for detected targets. After a target has been detected, on subsequent scans, higher resolution modulated pulses at one of the PRF's (fig 5) are transmitted in the vicinity of the target, and the range gating in store 19 only takes place in the region of the target range obtained from the lower resolution mode, and successive radar returns are motioned compensated using the radial velocity obtained during the lower resolution mode, before the returns are processed to obtain range and Doppler or radial velocity data. Processing demands are thus reduced and high resolution is available in real time.

24-06-2020 дата публикации

Reconfigurable radar transmitter

Номер: GB0002579526A

Techniques that facilitate reconfigurable transmission of a radar frequency signal are provided. In one example, a system includes a signal generator and a power modulator. The signal generator provides a radar waveform signal from a set of radar waveform signals. The power modulator divides a local oscillator signal associated with a first frequency and a first amplitude into a first local oscillator signal and a second local oscillator signal. The power modulator also generates a radio frequency signal associated with a second frequency and a second amplitude based on the radar waveform signal, the first local oscillator signal and the second local oscillator signal.

13-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001299852A

... 1299852 Radar TELEFUNKEN PATENTVERWERTUNGS GmbH 18 Aug 1961 [20 Ang 1960] 29985/61 Heading H4D In a radar system wherein desired targetreflected signals are selected and separated from other incoming signals by selection conjointly dependent on both the range and the velocity of the desired signals, means are provided for transmitting a spectrum of frequencies in which individual adjacent frequencies are spaced by at least 2V max /#, where V max is the maximum target radial velocity and # is the carrier wavelength. In Fig. 1 a carrier frequency f 0 , for example of 1010 c./s., is produced by generator 1 and modulated in a phase modulator 2 by a frequency f 1 , for example 48 kc./s., produced in a generator 3, the modulation being such that only the three frequencies f 0 and f 0 Œf 1 are produced and having the effect of a frequency modulation of f 0 by f 1 . The output of modulator 2 is pulse modulated in unit 5 at frequency f 2 produced in generator 4; f 2 could be 150 kc./s.

03-04-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to airborne triggering systems

Номер: GB0001108880A

... 1,108,880. Pulse doppler radars. COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE THOMSON-HOUSTON HOTCHKISS BRANDT. 15 Dec., 1965 [17 Dec., 1964], No. 53310/65. Heading H4D. The invention relates to a radar device for detonating a missile charge M, Fig. 1, when it is within the radial range r min to r max of a target 0 and within an angular sector L1 to L11 extending either side of the line Lo perpendicular to the missile's path P and passing through the target 0. The range limitation of the area of detonation is ensured by feeding the echo pulses, Fig. 7(c), (d), (e), through a range gate, Fig. 7(b) having a width equal to the echo pulses and a range equivalent width of 1/ 3 (r max-r min), and centred on the range The variation of the output of the gate with varying range is thus as shown in Fig. 7(f). The angular limitation of the area of detonation is partly set by the antenna of the missile being arranged in array form around the circumference of the ...

03-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001204008A

... 1,204,008. Lasers. BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORP. Ltd. 4 March, 1969 [6 March, 1968], No. 10958/68. Heading H1C. [Also in Divisions H3-H5] Specification describes a pulsed laser range finder wherein the laser echo is sought by a walking gate produced by comparison between slow and fast ramp voltages and said gate becomes locked on to the echo on aquisition. The laser 4, Fig. 2, is pulsed by generator 13 (trigger pulses (b), Fig. 3). Pulses (b) also trigger monostable circuit 17 to produce waveform (g). An integrator circuit 18 produces the fast ramp voltage (a), defining the maximum detectable range interval by the duration of the ramp. The laser pulse echo is received by detector 10 and the resulting electrical pulse is fed via amplifiers 14 and 15 to early/late gate assembly 16. In the search mode a range integrator 20 is fed with a steady current from generator 27 and produces a slow ramp of period 1 sec. This is compared with the fast ramp voltage (a) in comparator 21 and the output thereof ...

02-03-1994 дата публикации

Method and circuitry for determining the beginning of echo pulses

Номер: GB0009326501D0

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Optimization of dataset

Номер: GB0002600975A

A method of optimizing a dataset from a phased-array radar to detect micro body movement of subjects due to heartbeat or respiration. The radar creates a 3D point-cloud data set, which is fed into an object identification algorithm to create at least one group of datapoints characterized by their proximity and their pattern of movement. The at least one group belonging to a single subject. Aggregating the datapoints of the group to form a velocity signal. Extracting heart rate or respiration rate from the group by either a) estimating a spectral density from the velocity signal of the group, and extracting a most dominant frequency, setting said most dominant frequency as heart rate or respiration rate, or b) applying a machine learning model on the velocity signal of the group to extract a frequency of the velocity signal, setting the frequency as heart rate or respiration rate. Preferably both a and b are performed in parallel and used as an input for an ensemble learning method.

15-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA593573A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000528662T

15-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000593573A

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0014012001A

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000168785T

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000233904T

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000219252T

10-04-2001 дата публикации

System and method for short range radar

Номер: AU0006901700A

04-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002238437A1
Автор: HEIDECKE, Frank

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Method for determination of subscribers position and zone dependent tariff

Номер: AU0004016997A

08-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002764120C

A method and apparatus for ranging finding of signal transmitting devices is provided. The method of signal reception is digitally based only and does not require receivers that are analog measurement devices. Ranging can be achieved using a single pulse emitting device operating in range spaced relation with a minimum of a single signal transmitter and a single digital receiver and processing circuitry. In general a plurality of transmitting pulsed emitters may be ranged and positioned virtually simultaneously in 3-dimensions (XYZ coordinates) using a configuration of a plurality of digital receivers arranged in any fixed 3-dimensional configuration. Applications may involve at least one single transmitter to receiver design to determine range, or at least one transmitted reflecting signal off from an object to determine range.

18-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001318013C

A pulsed coherent radar altimeter is described which employs a narrow band receiver and utilizes a novel digital coherent pulse generator. A coherent pulse radar transmits a pulse comprised of the sum of at least two phase related RF signals closely spaced in frequency. The phase shift due to platform motion and return surface irregularity of the return signal is approximately the same for each carrier. The receiver produces a signal representative of the difference of the two carriers which is substantially free of decorrelation effects, and which can be processed in a narrow band receiver to produce range information.

05-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1056038A

A range measurement system wherein range accuracies of fractions of a meter may be obtained. Nanosecond pulses, one triggered by the transmitter trigger with an appropriate delay and the other triggered by a received echo pulse, are launched from opposite ends of a transmission line. The location on the transmission line at which the two short pulses coalence and able delay of the transmitter triggered short pulse established the range of the echoing object to an accuracy determined by the short pulse, pulse width.

30-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002325697A1

Characteristics of a target are measured by a radar or sonar. Pulses (101, 102, 103) are transmitted and in between (X) the transmissions of pulses a signal is received which depends on the transmitted pulses and on the distribution of the characteristics measured at different ranges. The distribution at different ranges of the characteristics measured is determined by representing it by means of a substantially linear system of equations in which the variables are the values of the characteristics measured at desired ranges, and by solving the system of equations for the variables. The transmitted pulses form a cyclically repeated pulse code or a continuously changing pulse train.

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002516796A1

Pulse transit time-based method for distance measurement employs a complex multi-parametric modulation of emitted pulses with adaptive control of the parameters of modulation. An evaluation of the pulse transit time-variable's observability in a measuring cycle is used as an input of the adaptive control loop. The achieved special pattern of received pulses provides for obtaining a vector of characteristic elements on the pattern with low sensibility to active and passive disturbances present during measurement. These characteristic elements are used by the method for the accurate measurement of the pulse transit time, and consequently, for the calculation of the distance between the emitter of pulses and the target.

04-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002160351C

An ultrawide (UWB) receiver utilizes a strobed input line (14) with a sample r (10) connected an amplifier (18). In a differential configuration (18), +UWB inputs (14a) ale connected to separate antennas or to two halves of a dipole antenna. The two input lines ( 14) include samplers (10) which are commonly strobed (12) by a gating pulse with a very low duty cycle. In a single ended configuration, only a single strobe input line and sampler is utilized. The samples integrate, o r average, up to 10,000 pulses to achieve high sensitivi ty and good rejection of uncorrelated signals.

14-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002199120A1

A bi-static radar configuration measures the direct time-of-flight of a transmitted RF pulse and is capable of measuring this time-of-flight with a jitter on the order of about one pico-second, or about 0.01 inch of free space distance for an electromagnetic pulse over a range of about one to ten feet. A transmitter (53) transmits a sequence of electromagnetic pulses in response to a transmit timing signal, and a receiver (58) samples the sequence of electromagnetic pulses with controlled timing response to the samples. A timing circuit supplies the transmit timing signal to the transmitter and supplies the receive timing signal to the receiver. The receive timing signal causes the receiver to sample the sequence of electromagnetic pulses such that the time between transmission of pulses in the sequence and sampling by the receiver sweeps over a range of delays.

28-02-1970 дата публикации

Télémètre à laser

Номер: CH0000486701A

15-05-1973 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Entfernungsmessung

Номер: CH0000537024A
Принадлежит: IMMATRA AG

30-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000572253A5

31-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000634417A5

29-11-1985 дата публикации

Pulsed radar

Номер: CH0000652832A5

A pulsed radar is specified which exhibits an automatic distance calibration independent of a radar testing device. For this purpose, the series circuit of a delay circuit (SAW) which produces a time delay do and of a calibration switch (ES), the closing times of which are controlled by a computer (RN), is inserted between the output of a mixer (MX2) and the input of an intermediate-frequency amplifier (ZFV) of the radar. The computer (RN) determines from the time between the start of a calibration signal (Sx) and its evaluation a time value de, the difference de-do=F being used as error difference for correcting a distance value dc, determined in each case, in accordance with the formula d=dc-F, d being the appropriately corrected distance value. ...

15-01-2021 дата публикации

GWR-Sonde zur Trennschichtmessung für viskose Fluide.

Номер: CH0000716407A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Sonde, die mit einem Füllstandmessinstrument verwendet wird, das eine Impulsschaltung zum Erzeugen von Impulsen beinhaltet. Ein Koaxialanschluss ist am Sondengehäuse (60) befestigt, so dass das Sondengehäuse (60) elektrisch mit der Erdungsabschirmung verbunden ist. Ein Mittelstab (66) weist ein oberes Ende auf, das in das Sondengehäuse aufgenommen wird und sich in ein Prozessfluid erstreckt. Der Mittelstab ist elektrisch mit dem Mittelanschluss zum Leiten der Impulse verbunden. Die Erdungsstäbe (68, 69, 70, 71) sind um den Mittelstab (66) verteilt und am Sondengehäuse (60) befestigt. Die Sonde stellt eine offene Konfiguration bereit, die weniger anfällig für Ablagerungen zwischen dem Mittelstab und den Erdungsstäben ist. Einer oder mehrere der Erdungsstäbe können durch Rohre, die mit einer Spülschnittstelle verbunden sind, mit Düsen zum Reinigen des Mittelstabes versehen sein. Ein weiterer Erdungsstab kann rohrförmig sein, um einen Leiter zu tragen, der zur Messung ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790581A1

26-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200300879A1

Изобретение относится к устройству для определения уровня содержимого (2) в емкости (3). В основе изобретения лежит задача создания высокоточной схемы (9) задержки. Задача решается посредством схемы (9) задержки, содержащей следующие элементы: передающий генератор (14), вырабатывающий передаваемые импульсы с частотой (f2) передачи; дискретизирующий генератор (15), вырабатывающий дискретизирующие импульсы с частотой (f1) дискретизации, причем частота (f1) дискретизации меньше частоты (f2) передачи; цифровую дискретизирующую схему (17), которая дискретизирует передаваемые импульсы посредством дискретизирующих импульсов; блок (16) регулирования/управления, который устанавливает разность (f2-f1) частот между передающим (14) и дискретизирующим (15) генераторами с возможностью достижения заданного коэффициента преобразования. Международная заявка была опубликована вместе с отчетом о международном поиске.

11-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000103666C2

Изобретение относится к радиосвязи и радиолокации. Способ оптимизации обнаружения сигналов, маскируемых белым шумом, заключается в замене выходного колебания согласованного фильтра, поступающего на пороговое устройство, на колебание, являющееся функцией взаимной корреляции самого выходного колебания согласованного фильтра и полученного из него искусственным путём тестового колебания. Тестовое колебание формируют из выборок, полученных в результате дискретизации выходного колебания согласованного фильтра. При формировании тестового колебания добиваются сохранения в нём информации о сигнале и его пиковом значении при любом положении сигнала на временной оси и максимально возможного ослабления линейной зависимости значений исходной и формируемой шумовых функций, т.е. их взаимной корреляции. Перемножением тестового колебания и выходного колебания согласованного фильтра с последующим интегрированием произведения получают колебание, являющееся функцией взаимной корреляции. Техническим результатом ...

26-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200300877A1

14-08-2020 дата публикации

Non-coherent scattering radar data inversion method based on genetic algorithm

Номер: CN0111537987A

30-06-2017 дата публикации

OFDM-based radio proximity detection method and intellectualized method

Номер: CN0106908780A

09-08-2006 дата публикации

Generations of sequences of waveforms

Номер: CN0001816755A

10-07-2002 дата публикации

Two-wire level transmitter

Номер: CN0001087423C

27-01-2010 дата публикации

Generations of sequences of waveforms

Номер: CN0100585431C

A sequence of waveforms is generated by producing a primary symbol sequence and, for each symbol within the sequence, substituting a randomly-selected waveform. The primary symbol sequence has a narrow autocorrelation function, and may be a train of pulses, with the pulses arranged in packets of predetermined configuration. Objects can be detected by transmitting the waveforms, forming a representation of the transmitted waveform and delaying that representation, and correlating the representation with signals received as a result of reflection of the transmitted waveforms.

30-03-1990 дата публикации

Radar appts.

Номер: FR0002637087A1

24-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002363234A

L'invention est relative à un modulateur modulaire à largeur d'impulsion variable. Le modulateur comporte un étage séparateur connecté à une source d'alimentation haute tension. La sortie de l'étage séparateur est connectée à un circuit générateur d'impulsions lui-même relié par l'intermédiaire d'un circuit coupleur 4 au tube d'émission 5. Ce circuit générateur d'impulsions comporte une pluralité de cellules à retard élémentaire 61... 6n connectée chacune au circuit de couplage 4 par l'intermédiaire d'au moins un circuit de commutation 71, 72... 7n et l'électrode de déclenchement des circuits de commutation à un circuit de commande 8 délivrant en séquence des signaux de déclenchement à des instants différents déterminés. Application aux émetteurs radar à durée d'émission variable.

30-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002189752B1

28-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002098430B1

24-04-1964 дата публикации

Oscillator at variable frequency

Номер: FR0001359164A

18-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002700615B1

08-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002390742A

Senseur d'alarme par intrusion pour détecter la présence d'une cible en mouvement, en présence de phénomènes stationnaires ou périodiques interférents avec ladite cible Ce senseur comprend un dispositif générateur d'oscillations d'une fréquence déterminée, un dispositif transducteur accouplé au générateur pour transmettre ces oscillations impulsées, un transducteur de réception des ondes de retour impulsées, un mélangeur produisant des signaux décelés par impulsions et transportant une information Doppler, un dispositif d'élaboration de signaux impulsés de cette information, ainsi qu'un système de démodulation fournissant en sortie des signaux d'alarme.

01-08-1980 дата публикации

Procédé de contrôle de processus souterrains de combustion et de gazéification dans des veines de charbon.

Номер: FR0002445856A
Автор: Klaus Helbig.

Procédé de détection en particulier du lieu du front de combustion et de l'amplitude des variations des caractéristiques électriques du charbon lors de la combustion ou de la gazéification. Le procédé consiste à émettre des signaux radar dans la veine elle-même à l'aide d'une antenne placée dans un trou et pénétrant dans la veine et à enregistrer les signaux radar dans la veine elle-même au moyen d'au moins une antenne réceptrice placée dans un autre forage ou au moyen de l'antenne émettrice de manière à permettre la détermination de leur temps de transit et de leur amplitude. Application à la production de gaz de réaction, à l'aide d'agents chimiques provoquant éventuellement une combustion incomplète, dans des veines souterraines de grande profondeur.

13-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002763135A1

L'invention concerne les systèmes à radar de mesure d'altitude.Un système à radar destiné à déterminer l'altitude comprend un émetteur et un récepteur radar à impulsions, et un système de poursuite destiné à la poursuite d'impulsions renvoyées d'écho. Le système radar a un circuit de commande destiné à ajuster, sous forme d'une paire approximativement adaptée, à la fois la largeur de l'impulsion émise et la largeur de bande du récepteur en fonction de la hauteur de recherche-poursuite, le système de poursuite étant destiné à être déclenché par des parties des flancs antérieurs des impulsions des échos.Application aux altimètres à radar.

23-02-1962 дата публикации

Radar with difficulty brouillable

Номер: FR0000077352E

23-02-1962 дата публикации

Radar with difficulty brouillable

Номер: FR0000077351E

30-04-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002016095A5

20-03-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002012699A5

20-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002151988A5

05-05-1972 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002106966A5

15-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002327552B3

12-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002815128A1

Dispositif de capteurs avec un système de radar impulsionnel à échos comprenant un signal porteur d'un oscillateur d'émission à micro-ondes (2), de forme impulsionnelle, avec un taux de répétition impulsionnelle prédéterminé émit dans une fenêtre d'émission, pour être réfléchi par un objet cible et être exploité dans un mélangeur (7) pour déterminer la position de l'objet cible à partir du temps nécessaire à l'émission de l'impulsion et au retour du rayonnement réfléchi et - un interrupteur à commande aléatoire (Ri, R1 - R4) qui émet les impulsions selon une probabilité prédéterminée. Les suites stochastiques d'impulsion de la fenêtre d'émission sont connues dans la branche de réception (7, 9, 10).

07-11-1969 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002003336A1

18-08-1950 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000964519A

12-12-1950 дата публикации

Electrical circuits being able to use cathode-ray tubes and applications of these circuits

Номер: FR0000969035A

26-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100954599B1
Принадлежит: • LIG NEX1 CO., LTD.

PURPOSE: A method of determining the reliability of an electronic threat signal is provided to detect a lobe of radar signal by extracting a pulse group based on pulse detailed information. CONSTITUTION: In a method of determining the reliability of an electronic threat signal, a pulse group is extracted from pulses in a received radar. Differential values is calculated by differentiating the pulse amplitude of each pulse. A pulse amplitude change rate of the pulse group is calculated by using differential values(S46). The pulse amplitude change rate of the pulse group is compared with a predetermined standard value(S47). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

09-12-2020 дата публикации

Pulse radar system and method for operating a pulse radar system

Номер: KR0102189108B1
Автор: 앤더스 실랜더
Принадлежит: 사브 에이비

본 발명은 펄스 레이더 시스템을 작동시키기 위한 방법에 관한 것으로, 상기 펄스 레이더 시스템은 전송 신호를 전송하도록 구성된 전송 안테나, 반사 신호를 수신하도록 구성된 수신 안테나 및 전송 신호를 생성하도록 구성된 신호 생성 수단을 포함한다. 상기 방법은 제1 중심 주파수에서 제1 전송 신호를 생성하는 단계, 제2 중심 주파수에서 제2 전송 신호를 생성하는 단계 및 예정된 전송 시간 윈도우 동안 제1 및 제2 전송 신호를 전송하는 단계를 포함한다. 상기 제1 전송 신호는 상기 제2 전송 신호보다 크게 길다. 상기 제2 전송 신호의 전송은 상기 제1 전송 신호의 전송 동안 또는 끝에서 시작되고, 상기 전송 시간 윈도우의 종료에서 본질적으로 종료된다. 상기 제1 및/또는 제2 전송 신호가 타겟을 맞히는 경우 제1 반사 신호 및/또는 제2 반사 신호가 생성되고, 상기 제1 반사 신호의 중심 주파수는 상기 제1 전송 신호의 중심 주파수와 서로 관련되고, 상기 제2 반사 신호의 중심 주파수는 상기 제2 전송 신호의 중심 주파수와 서로 관련되며, 상기 방법은 상기 제1 및/또는 제2 반사 신호를 수신한느 단계를 추가로 포함한다. The present invention relates to a method for operating a pulsed radar system, the pulsed radar system comprising a transmitting antenna configured to transmit a transmitted signal, a receiving antenna configured to receive a reflected signal, and signal generating means configured to generate a transmitted signal. . The method includes generating a first transmission signal at a first center frequency, generating a second transmission signal at a second center frequency, and transmitting the first and second transmission signals during a predetermined transmission time window. . The first transmission signal is longer than the second transmission signal. The transmission of the second transmission signal begins during or at the end of the transmission of the first transmission signal and essentially ends at the end of the transmission time window. When the first and/or second transmission signal hits a target, a first reflected signal and/or a second reflected signal are generated, and the center frequency of the first reflected signal is correlated with the center frequency of the first transmission signal. Wherein the center frequency of the second reflected signal is correlated with the center frequency of the second transmitted signal, and the method further comprises receiving the first and/or second reflected signal.

16-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100391928B1

20-03-2001 дата публикации

Medindo a espessura de materiais

Номер: BR9911642A

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: WO2019155062A1

The present invention provides an electric or electronic device module (10), also referred to as electric or electronic installation material. The electric or electronic device module (10) comprises an electric or electronic device (1), such as light switch, a sensor, a socket, a USB device, a lighting device, a thermostat, a video door station, a display, a detector, a speaker device, a wireless router, means (2) for powering the electric or electronic device module (10), and at least one radar sensor (4) having a detection range. The electric or electronic device module (10) further comprises a processor (5) adapted for calibrating the at least one radar sensor (4) by at least partly automatically defining and calculating parameters of boundaries of a predefined geometry (11), also referred to as predefined volume, or predefined shape, or predefined space, or area of interest of the radar sensor (4), in which the at least one radar sensor (4) has to measure, in order to prevent the at ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013147947A3

Various techniques are disclosed for providing a radar system. In one example, such a radar system includes a radar unit adapted to broadcast radar signals and receive return signals in response thereto. The radar unit includes a waveform generator adapted to provide the radar signals, a power amplifier adapted to amplify the radar signals for broadcast, an antenna adapted to broadcast the radar signals and receive the return signals, a signal directing device adapted to selectively direct the radar signals to the antenna and the return signals from the antenna, and a transmission interface adapted to transmit radar data based on the return signals from the radar unit to a base station. Other examples of radar systems and related methods are also provided.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Interference rejection device, radar device, and target finding method

Номер: US20130342383A1
Автор: Tatsuya Kojima
Принадлежит: Furuno Electric Co Ltd

An interference rejection device includes a change amount calculator, a detector, and a rejecter. The change amount calculator is configured to find change amounts in at least one of amplitude and phase of received signals of a plurality of sweeps in a distance direction between a first distance and a second distance. The detector is configured to detect radar interference occurring between the first distance and the second distance by comparing the change amounts calculated by the change amount calculator between the plurality of sweeps. The rejecter is configured to reduce the amplitude of the received signal corresponding to a position of the radar interference.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for load aware radar altimeters

Номер: US20170010350A1
Автор: Benjamin J. Winstead
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for load aware radar altimeters are provided. In one embodiment, a method for a load aware radar altimeter comprises: transmitting from a radar altimeter on an aircraft at least one RF radar pulse having a frequency of f 0 ; receiving a first return RF signal from a signal modifying target device attached to a load suspended below the aircraft, wherein the first return signal is a modified version of the at least one RF radar pulse; calculating a range from the aircraft to the signal modifying target device as a function of a propagation delay between transmitting the at least one RF radar pulse and receiving the first return RF signal; and desensitizing the radar altimeter to return RF signals having a frequency of f 0 within a load window calculated as a function of the range from the aircraft to the signal modifying target device.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025840A1

Described are radar systems and methods. A transmit pulse is generated by the radar system. A first portion of the transmit pulse is processed by the radar system to form transmit pulse data. A second portion of the transmit pulse is directed by the radar system into a monitored volume. A return signal is received by the radar system, the return signal at least partially comprising a portion of the second portion of the transmit pulse reflected by one or more objects in the monitored volume. The return signal is processed, by the radar system, to form return signal data. 1. A method performed by a Doppler radar system comprising:generating, by the radar system, a transmit pulse;processing, by the radar system, a first portion of the transmit pulse to form transmit pulse data;directing, by the radar system, a second portion of the transmit pulse into a monitored volume;receiving, by the radar system, a return signal, the return signal at least partially comprising a portion of the second portion of the transmit pulse reflected by one or more objects in the monitored volume;tuning a local oscillator based on one or more frequencies of the transmit pulse; andprocessing, by the radar system, the return signal to form return signal data wherein the processing comprises down converting the return signal based on a signal from the local oscillator to form an intermediate frequency signal, wherein the signal from the local oscillator is calculated based on the transmit pulse.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing, by the radar system, the transmit pulse data and the return signal data to a Doppler processing module;comparing, by the Doppler processing module, the transmit pulse data and the return signal data to determine at least one of relative phase information and relative frequency information.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing, by the radar system, the transmit pulse data and the return signal data to a Doppler processing module; ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Object Detection System with a Side Communication Channel

Номер: US20220043134A1

The system comprises at least two sensors of object detection that each comprise a transmitter for producing an original periodic signal, one or two antennas for transmitting the original signal and, after the original signal has reflected off the object, receiving a reflected signal, and a receiver for detecting an information related to the object using the received reflected signal, wherein the transmitting antenna has a radiation pattern including a main lobe and side lobes at various angles, characterized in that the two sensors have respective coverage areas that overlap, and the transmitter of one of the two sensors, that is the transmitter sensor, encodes data to be transmitted to the other one of the two sensors, that is the receiver sensor, by modulating the original signal radiated by the transmitting antenna of the transmitter sensor. 1. An object detection system comprising: at least one antenna configured to transmit an original periodic signal with a radiation pattern including a main lobe and side lobes at various angles, and further configured to receive a reflected signal after the original periodic signal has reflected off an object,', 'a receiver configured to detect information related to the object using the received reflected signal; and', 'a transmitter configured to produce the original periodic signal,, 'at least two sensors of object detection having respective coverage areas that overlap, each of the at least two sensors comprisingthe transmitter of a first sensor from the at least two sensors is configured to encode data to be transmitted to the receiver of a second sensor from the at least two sensors by modulating transmission of the original periodic signal.2. The object detection system according to claim 1 , wherein the first sensor and the second sensor are disposed so that the at least one antenna of the second sensor is configured to receive claim 1 , within an angular range claim 1 , the side lobes of the transmission of the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Pulse generation device

Номер: US20160028566A1

Provided is a pulse generation device capable of suitably adjusting and outputting a pulse pattern by a simple configuration. A pulse generation device ( 100 ) includes a radio frequency oscillator ( 110 ) that generates a carrier wave of a certain frequency, a baseband pulse generating unit ( 120 ) that generates a signal having a certain pulse shape at a baseband, a timing generator ( 130 ) that controls a timing to generate a pulse through the baseband pulse generating unit ( 120 ), and a mixer ( 140 ) that modulates the carrier wave output from the radio frequency oscillator ( 110 ) using the pulse output from the baseband pulse generating unit ( 120 ). The timing generator ( 130 ) can adjust a waveform of the pulse output from the baseband pulse generating unit ( 120 ).

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Electronic Devices Having Millimeter Wave Ranging Capabilities

Номер: US20210033714A1

An electronic device such as a wristwatch may be provided with a phased antenna array for conveying first signals at a first frequency between 10 GHz and 300 GHz and a non-millimeter wave antenna for conveying second signals at a second frequency below 10 GHz. The device may include conductive housing sidewalls and a display. Conductive structures in the display and the conductive housing sidewalls may define a slot element in the non-millimeter wave antenna. The phased antenna array may be mounted within the slot element, aligned with a spatial filter in the display, or aligned with a dielectric window in the conductive housing sidewalls. Control circuitry may process signals transmitted by the phased antenna array and a reflected version of the transmitted signals that has been received by the phased antenna array to detect a range between the device and an external object. 1. A wristwatch comprising:a housing configured to receive a wrist strap;wireless circuitry in the housing and configured to generate radio-frequency signals at a frequency between 10 GHz and 300 GHz; anda phased antenna array in the housing that is coupled to the wireless circuitry and that is configured to transmit the radio-frequency signals.2. The wristwatch defined in claim 1 , further comprising:a touch screen mounted to the housing.3. The wristwatch defined in claim 2 , wherein the housing comprises a conductive housing sidewall claim 2 , the touch screen comprises a display module and a display cover layer that covers the display module claim 2 , and the display module is configured to display images through the display cover layer claim 2 , the phased antenna array being mounted between the conductive housing sidewall and the display module and configured to transmit the radio-frequency signals through the display cover layer.4. The wristwatch defined in claim 3 , further comprising:a non-millimeter wave antenna, wherein the conductive housing sidewall and conductive structures in the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220075049A1

A device and method therein for improving measurement result made by a radar unit are disclosed. The device comprises the radar unit and at least one motion sensor unit. The radar unit transmits at least one radar pulse in a frequency range and receives at least one radar pulse response associated to reflections of the at least one transmitted radar pulse. The radar unit determines at least one measurement based on the transmitted and received radar pulses. The radar unit further receives information on movement of the device from the at least one motion sensor unit during radar pulse transmission and reception and adjust the at least one measurement based on received information on movement of the device from the at least one motion sensor unit. 1. A device comprising a radar unit and at least one motion sensor unit , wherein the radar unit is configured to:transmit at least one radar pulse in a frequency range;receive at least one radar pulse response associated to reflections of the at least one transmitted radar pulse;determine at least one measurement based on the transmitted and received radar pulses;receive information on movement of the device from the at least one motion sensor unit during radar pulse transmission and reception; andadjust the at least one measurement based on received information on movement of the device from the at least one motion sensor unit.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the radar unit is configured to apply a compensation term associated to the movement of the device when adjusting the at least one measurement.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the radar unit is configured to average multiple measurements when determining and adjusting the at least one measurement.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the radar unit is configured to average motion information over a period of time for multiple radar pulse transmissions and receptions when determining and adjusting the at least one measurement.5. The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063563A1

A system and corresponding method are described. The system comprises an RF transmission unit comprising an arrangement of one or more transmission antenna elements configured for transmitting radiation in one or more elected frequency ranges toward an inspection region; RF collection unit comprising one or more collection antenna elements configured for receiving radiation in said one or more frequency ranges from at least a portion of said inspection region; and a control system. The control system is configured for receiving and processing data on collected RF signals from the RF collection unit for determining one or more parameters on a at least one object located in said inspection region. 1. A system comprising:RF transmission unit comprising an arrangement of one or more transmission antenna elements configured for transmitting radiation in one or more elected frequency ranges toward an inspection region;RF collection unit comprising one or more collection antenna elements configured for receiving radiation in said one or more frequency ranges from at least a portion of said inspection region; anda control system configured for receiving and processing data on collected RF signals from the RF collection unit for determining one or more parameters on a at least one object located in said inspection region.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said one or more parameters comprise one or more parameters associated with micro vibrations of the at least one objects.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said one or more parameters comprise parameters in indicative of at least one of heart rate and breathing rate of one or more humans located in the inspection region.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said control system comprises at least one processor configured for receiving and processing said data on collected RF signals claim 1 , said processing comprises determining at least one time shifting correlation function between RF signals collected at selected sampling ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082676A1

Provided is a method for stably and flexibly performing ranging between a plurality of devices. According to an embodiment, a method of operating a first device for performing ranging by using ultra-wide band (UWB) may include: transmitting a first ranging control (RC) frame to a second device; performing ranging with the second device for a number of ranging rounds determined based on the first RC frame; changing at least one ranging parameter based on a change request received from the second device; and transmitting a second RC frame including the changed at least one ranging parameter. 1. A method for performing ranging by a first device using ultra-wide band (UWB) , the method comprising:transmitting a first ranging control (RC) frame to a second device, wherein the first RC frame comprises information related to a number of ranging rounds controlled by the first RC frame;receiving a change request to request change of at least one ranging parameter from the second device; andtransmitting a second RC frame including information related to at least one changed ranging parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first RC frame includes information about a ranging parameter and information about a ranging interval.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first RC frame includes information about at least one of a multiplier for a minimum block length claim 1 , a minimum block length claim 1 , the number of ranging rounds claim 1 , a ranging round length claim 1 , and a ranging slot length.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second device comprises at least one controlee.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first RC frame includes information about ranging intervals claim 1 , andthe information about the ranging interval includes information about at least one of a block interval, a round interval, a ranging interval update (RIU) interval, and a number of RIU frames remaining until transmission of a next RC frame.6. The method of further comprising: ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074179A1
Автор: Liao DaHan

A radar system for detecting a target containing electronic components. The radar system includes a radiofrequency transmitter which generates a radar signal at a fundamental frequency. A modulator modulates the radar signal at a modulation frequency and the modulated radar signal is coupled to a transmission antenna. A receiver receives an echo from the radar signal. A filter isolates the harmonics of the fundamental frequency from the echo and a demodulator then compares the phase of the harmonics of the echo with the phase of the harmonics of the radar signal and generates an output signal representative thereof. An imaging algorithm receives the output signal and creates a two-dimensional image of the received echo and then displays that image on a display. 1. A method of identifying a target containing nonlinear electronic components comprising the steps of:transmitting a radar signal at a fundamental frequency,receiving an echo from said radar signal at least one harmonic frequency of said fundamental frequency,processing said echo to determine the location of the target.2. The method as defined in wherein said transmitting step comprises the step of transmitting said radar signal in sequential frequency steps over a predetermined frequency range over wideband.3. The method as defined in wherein said receiving step comprises the step of receiving said echo over a plurality of harmonics of said fundamental frequency.4. The method as defined in wherein said processing step comprises the step of forming a two-dimensional image.5. The method as defined in wherein said processing step further comprises the step of processing said echo for each harmonic of said fundamental frequency.6. The method as defined in wherein said processing step comprises the step of forming a two-dimensional image for each harmonic.7. The method as defined in wherein said processing step comprises the step of modifying the echo by the electromagnetic parameters of the environment in which ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078537A1

A first device includes: a first reference signal source; a first transmitting/receiving unit which transmits two or more first carrier signals and receives two or more second carrier signals using an output of the first reference signal source; and a calculating unit. A second device includes: a second reference signal source configured to be operated independently from the first reference signal source; and a second transmitting/receiving unit configured to transmit two or more second carrier signals and receive two or more first carrier signals using an output of the second reference signal source. A frequency group of two or more first carrier signals and a frequency group of two or more second carrier signals differ from each other. The calculating unit calculates a distance between the first device and the second device based on a phase detection result obtained by receiving the first and second carrier signals. 1. A distance measurement device which calculates a distance based on carrier phase detection , the distance measurement device comprising a calculating unit configured to calculate a distance between a first device and a second device , at least one of the first device and the second device being movable based on phase information acquired from the first device and the second device , whereinthe first device includes:a first reference signal source; anda first transmitting/receiving unit configured to transmit two or more first carrier signals and receive two or more second carrier signals using an output of the first reference signal source,the second device includes:a second reference signal source configured to be operated independently from the first reference signal source; anda second transmitting/receiving unit configured to transmit the two or more second carrier signals and receive the two or more first carrier signals using an output of the second reference signal source,a frequency group of the two or more first carrier signals and a ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Radar System and Control Method thereof

Номер: US20140168004A1

A radar system comprises a transmitting device comprising a reference frequency source, for generating a reference frequency signal; a direct-digital synthesizer, coupled to the reference frequency source, for generating a synthesized frequency signal according to the reference frequency signal; a phase lock loop, coupled to the direct-digital synthesizer, for converting the synthesized frequency signal to an output signal; a transmitting antenna, coupled to the phase lock loop, for emitting the output signal to the air; and a loop switch module, coupled to the phase lock loop, for switching the phase lock loop between an open loop mode and a closed loop mode; and at least one receiving device, for receiving at least one wireless signal, and processing the at least one wireless signal according to the output signal generated by the phase lock loop.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140168005A1

A pulse radar ranging apparatus and a ranging algorithm thereof are provided. The pulse radar ranging apparatus includes a radio frequency pulse generator, a radio frequency filter, a radio frequency switch and a transceiver aerial. The radio frequency pulse generator generates a pulse signal. The radio frequency filter receives the pulse signal and generates a high-pass filter signal, wherein the high-pass filter signal includes a radio frequency pulse reference signal. The radio frequency switch controls an output of the radio frequency pulse reference signal. The transceiver aerial transmits the radio frequency pulse reference signal. The radio frequency pulse reference signal contacts an object and generates a return signal, and the transceiver aerial receives the return signal. The ranging algorithm processes and analyzes the signals obtained by the pulse radar ranging apparatus, and calculates a distance between pulse radar ranging apparatus and the object by using polynomial interpolation. 1. A pulse radar ranging apparatus , comprising:a radio frequency pulse generator is configured to generate a pulse signal;a radio frequency filter coupled to the radio frequency pulse generator, is configured to receive the pulse signal to generate a high-pass filter signal, wherein the high-pass filter signal comprises a radio frequency pulse reference signal;a radio frequency switch coupled to the radio frequency filter, is configured to control an output of the radio frequency pulse reference signal; anda transceiver aerial coupled to the radio frequency switch, is configured to transmit the radio frequency pulse reference signal that is controlled by a first digital signal, and receive a return signal.2. The pulse radar ranging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the radio frequency switch comprises a first radio frequency switch and a second radio frequency switch claim 1 , where the first radio frequency switch is coupled to the radio frequency filter claim 1 , ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086531A1
Автор: Rick David L.

A method for constructing a frequency profile of an emitted signal suitable for use in a non-contact ranging system with multi-scale spectral analysis includes determining N stepped frequency chirps, wherein each frequency chirp of the N stepped frequency chirps has a linear FM modulation of predetermined bandwidth and slope, and wherein a starting frequency for each of the plurality of stepped frequency chirps is chosen so that a non-linear step profile is created which extends over a predetermined total bandwidth, sorting the plurality of N stepped frequency chirps into P sub-sequences, where P is equal to the product of decimation factors to be used in the multi-scale spectral analysis, and ordering the P sub-sequences end to end in time. 1. A method for constructing a frequency profile of an emitted signal suitable for use in a non-contact ranging system with multi-scale spectral analysis , comprising:determining N stepped frequency chirps, wherein each frequency chirp of the N stepped frequency chirps has a linear FM modulation of a predetermined bandwidth and slope, and wherein a starting frequency for each of the plurality of stepped frequency chirps is chosen so that a non-linear step profile is created which extends over a predetermined total bandwidth,sorting the plurality of N stepped frequency chirps into P sub-sequences, where P is equal to the product of decimation factors to be used in the multi-scale spectral analysis, andordering the P sub-sequences end to end in time.2. The method of wherein each of the plurality of N stepped frequency chirps is represented only once in the P sub-sequences and each of the P sub sequences extends to at least 90% of the predetermined total bandwidth.3. The method of wherein the duration of emitting the P sub-sequences or a multiple of the P sub-sequences is equal to the duration of a longest duration frame in the multi-scale spectral analysis or a multiple thereof.4. The method of wherein claim 2 , on each analysis ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Systems for Synthetic Aperture Radar Transmit and Receive Antennas

Номер: US20190101640A1
Принадлежит: Planet Labs Inc.

Synthetic aperture radar transmit and receive antenna systems and methods of transmitting and receiving radar signals are disclosed. In one embodiment, a transmit and receive antenna system includes a transmit antenna array configured to transmit a plurality of radio frequency transmit signals, the transmit antenna array including a plurality of patch antenna elements mounted to a printed circuit board, each patch antenna element belonging to a subarray, and one or more power amplifiers, each power amplifier feeding a subarray of the patch antenna elements, and a reflectarray receive antenna configured to receive radio frequency signals including a plurality of reflectarray antenna elements mounted to a printed circuit board, at least one antenna feed configured to receive radio frequency signals reflected from the plurality of reflectarray antenna elements, and at least one low noise amplifier electrically connected to the at least one antenna feed. 1. A transmit and receive antenna system comprising: a plurality of patch antenna elements mounted to a printed circuit board, each patch antenna element belonging to a subarray; and', 'one or more power amplifiers, each power amplifier feeding a subarray of the patch antenna elements; and, 'a transmit antenna array configured to transmit a plurality of radio frequency transmit signals, the transmit antenna array comprising a plurality of reflectarray antenna elements mounted to a printed circuit board;', 'at least one antenna feed configured to receive radio frequency signals reflected from the plurality of reflectarray antenna elements; and', 'at least one low noise amplifier electrically connected to the at least one antenna feed., 'a reflectarray receive antenna configured to receive radio frequency signals comprising2. The transmit and receive antenna system of claim 1 , the transmit antenna array further comprising at least one Wilkinson divider electrically connected to a plurality of patch antenna elements.3. ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129400A1

A method of using a directional sensor for the purposes of detecting the presence of a vehicle or an object within a zone of interest on a roadway or in a parking space. The method comprises the following steps: transmitting a microwave transmit pulse of less than 5 feet; radiating the transmitted pulse by a directional antenna system; receiving received pulses by an adjustable receive window; integrating or combining signals from multiple received pulses; amplifying and filtering the integrated receive signal; digitizing the combined signal; comparing the digitized signal to at least one preset or dynamically computed threshold values to determine the presence or absence of an object in the field of view of the sensor; and providing at least one pulse generator with rise and fall times of less than 3 ns each and capable of generating pulses less than 10 ns in duration. 1. A battery operated sensor system for detecting a presence of a vehicle or of an object within a zone of interest on a roadway or in a parking space , comprising:a sensing element comprising a transmitter and a receiver and housed within a sensor enclosure;at least one of a second transmitter and a second receiver collocated with the sensor enclosure that is communicatively coupled with an in-vehicle device;the in-vehicle device comprising a third transmitter and a third receiver and further comprising a unique identification of a vehicle and being configured to be mounted either inside or on the body of the vehicle; anda processor for combining sensor status information from the sensing element with the unique vehicle identification, received from the in-vehicle device, to enable identification of the vehicle to facilitate processing of the vehicle for one or more of payment, enforcement, data collection, and advertising purposes.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensing element is a radar sensor.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the radar sensor produces an output derived from a duration of ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220283291A1
Автор: KAWANISHI Tetsuya

To provide a foreign-object system which uses a plurality of radars, and which can detect a foreign object that is present on a runway or the like and which can suppress interference between radars. A foreign-object detection system including a first radar , a second radar connected to the first radar via a network , and a signal source for transmitting a synchronization signal to the first radar and the second radar via the network, said foreign-object detection system wherein interference generated due to a radar signal outputted from the second radar being reflected by a reflective body and inputted to the first radar is prevented by controlling a delay time that corresponds to |τ−τ|, where τis the time taken for the synchronization signal to be transmitted from the signal source to the first radar, and τis the time taken for the synchronization signal to be transmitted from the signal source to the second radar. 1. A foreign object detection system comprising:a first radar;a second radar connected to the first radar via a network; anda signal source configured to transmit a synchronization signal to the first radar and the second radar via the network, wherein{'sub': '1i', 'τdenotes time for transmitting the synchronization signal from the signal source to the first radar,'}{'sub': '2j', 'τdenotes time for transmitting the synchronization signal from the signal source to the second radar, and'}{'sub': 1i', '2j, 'the foreign object detection system controls a delay time corresponding to |τ−τ| to prevent an interference occurring due to input of a radar signal to the first radar, the radar signal being output from the second radar and reflected by a reflective object,'}wherein the first radar and the second radar are provided on the ground, and{'sub': 1i', '2j', '1i', '2j', 'm', 'm, 'wherein |τ−τ| is controlled so as to satisfy |τ−τ|>2L/c (where c denotes a signal velocity and Ldenotes a measurement limit length of the first radar).'}2. A foreign object detection ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180143313A1
Автор: Kimmel Ron, Wetzler Aaron

A tracking system, comprising: multiple beacons, each associated with a different cyclic equivalence class of code-word length n, and each configured to broadcast a bit-stream comprising a repeating code-word, where the code-word belongs to the associated cyclic equivalence class; and a mobile tracking unit, comprising: a sensor, and a processor, wherein the sensor is configured to simultaneously detects at least some of the bit streams, and provide each sensed bit stream in real-time to the processor, wherein for each bit-stream received by the processor from the sensor, the processor is configured to identify the beacon that broadcasted the bit-stream using the first n received bits. 1. A tracking system , comprising:multiple beacons, each associated with a different cyclic equivalence class of code-word length n, and each configured to broadcast a bit-stream comprising a repeating code-word, wherein the code-word belongs to the associated cyclic equivalence class; and a detector, and', 'a processor,, 'a mobile tracking unit comprisingwherein the detector is configured to simultaneously detect at least some of the bit streams, and provide each sensed bit stream in real-time to the processor,wherein for each bit-stream received by the processor, the processor is configured to identify the beacon that broadcasted the bit-stream using the first n received bits.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to determine any of a spatial position and an orientation of the tracking unit using a known position of each identified beacon.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further configured to determine six degrees of freedom of the spatial position and the orientation of the tracking unit when the detector detects at least four non-coplanar bit-streams.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further configured to determine multiple spatial positions and orientations over time claim 2 , thereby tracking the tracker.5. ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Precursor based penetrating radar system

Номер: US20220291375A1

Various examples are provided related to penetrating radar based upon precursors. In one example, a method includes transmitting a radio frequency (RF) signal; and receiving a return signal associated with the RF signal, where the return signal is a precursor having no exponential decay. The precursor can be one of a sequence of precursors, which can be used to improve resolution of the system. The RF signal can be a short pulse generated by an RF front end, without automatic level control. The return signal can be processed without filtering.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200145042A1

A method and electronic device for motion assisted leakage removal. The electronic device includes a radar transceiver, a sensor, and a processor. The processor is configured to determine, based on information obtained from the sensor, that the electronic device is in a first motion state, during the first motion state of the electronic device, control the radar transceiver to transmit a first set of signals, generate a first channel impulse response (CIR) based on the received first set of signals being received, apply a filter that estimates a leakage depicted by the first CIR, in a second motion state, control the radar transceiver to transmit a second set of signals, generate a second CIR based on the received second set of signals, and apply the estimated leakage from the first CIR to the second CIR to remove leakage from the second CIR. 1. An electronic device comprising:a radar transceiver configured to transmit and receive signals;a sensor configured to detect motion of the electronic device; determine, based on information obtained from the sensor, a first motion state of the electronic device,', 'during the first motion state of the electronic device, control the radar transceiver to transmit a first set of signals,', 'generate a first channel impulse response (CIR) based on the first set of signals being received,', 'apply a filter that estimates a leakage included in the first CIR,', 'during a second motion state of the electronic device, control the radar transceiver to transmit a second set of signals,', 'generate a second CIR based on the second set of signals, and', 'apply the estimated leakage from the first CIR to the second CIR to remove the leakage from the second CIR., 'a processor operably connected to the radar transceiver and the sensor, the processor configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising:a camera configured to generate an image of an environment surrounding the electronic device,wherein the processor is ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156908A1
Автор: Silander Anders
Принадлежит: SAAB AB

The invention relates to a method for operating a pulsed radar system, wherein the pulsed radar system comprises a transmitting antenna, configured to transmit transmission signals, a receiving antenna, configured to receive reflected signals and a signal generating means, configured to generate transmission signals. The method comprises the steps of generating a first transmission signal at a first centre frequency, generating a second transmission signal at a second centre frequency and transmitting the first and the second transmission signals during a predefined transmission time window. The first transmission signal is significantly longer than the second transmission signal. The transmission of the second transmission signal starts during or at the end of the transmission of the first transmission signal and ends essentially at the end of the transmission time window. When the first and/or second transmission signal hits a target a first reflected signal and/or a second reflected signal is generated, wherein the centre frequency of the first reflected signal correlate to the centre frequency of the first transmission signal and the centre frequency of the second reflected signal correlate to the centre frequency of the second transmission signal, and wherein the method further comprises the method step of receiving the first and/or second reflected signal. 2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A method of operating a pulsed radar system according to claim 1 , wherein the pulsed radar system additionally comprises a first and a second signal filter means claim 1 , wherein a first signal filter means is matched to the first centre frequency and a second signal filter means is matched to the second centre frequency claim 1 , wherein the first and second signal filter means are used to separate the first reflected signal from the second reflected signal by means of respective centre frequency.5. A method for operating a pulsed radar system according to claim 1 , wherein ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160390A1

A pulse transmission controller generates transmission timing signals for a high-frequency radar transmission signal in every transmission cycle. A transmission phase shifter gives a transmission signal generated by a modulator phase shifts each corresponding to a transmission cycle on the basis of the transmission timing signals generated at intervals that are equal to the transmission cycle. A reception phase shifter gives a reception signal that is output from an A/D converter reception phase shifts that are opposite in direction to the respective transmission phase shifts given by the transmission phase shifter on the basis of the transmission timing signals generated at intervals that are equal to the transmission cycle. 1. A radar apparatus comprising:a code generator that generates complementary code sequences in every 2n transmission cycles using two or more code sequences having a prescribed code length, n being an integer that is larger than or equal to 1;a modulator that generates a baseband transmission signal in every transmission cycle by modulating the complementary code sequences;a transmission phase shifter that gives a phase shift to the baseband transmission signal in every 2n transmission cycles; andan RF transmitter that converts a phase-shift-added baseband transmission signal into a radio-frequency radar transmission signal and transmits the radio-frequency radar transmission signal from a transmission antenna.2. The radar apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the code generator generates m sets of complementary code sequences in every two transmission cycles using 2m code sequences, m being an integer that is larger than or equal to 1; andthe transmission phase shifter gives a phase shift to the baseband transmission signal in every two transmission cycles.3. The radar apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the code generator generates m sets of complementary code sequences in every four transmission cycles using 2m first code sequences ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180164419A1
Принадлежит: Acconeer AB

According to one aspect of the inventive concept there is provided a transmitter-receiver system comprising: a transmitter arranged to transmit a wavelet; a receiver arranged to receive a wavelet; a wavelet generator arranged to generate a reference wavelet; and timing circuitry arranged to receive a reference clock signal, output a first trigger signal for triggering transmission of a wavelet and output a second trigger signal for triggering generation of a reference wavelet. The timing circuitry further comprises a delay line including at least one delay element and being arranged to receive a signal at an input of the delay line and transmit a delayed signal at an output of the delay line, wherein a state of each delay element of at least a subset of said at least one delay elements is switchable between at least a first state and a second state. A delay element in said first state, i.e. switched to its first state, presents a first propagation delay. A delay element in said second state, i.e. switched to its second state, presents a second propagation delay which differs from the first propagation delay by a value which is smaller than a period of the reference clock signal. Thereby a total propagation delay of the delay line is configurable by controlling the state of each delay element of said subset. The system further comprises a controller arranged to control a delay between the first trigger signal and the second trigger signal by controlling the total propagation delay of the delay line. The system is arranged to correlate the reference wavelet with a received wavelet for at least one setting of the total propagation delay. 1. A transmitter-receiver system comprising:a transmitter arranged to transmit a wavelet;a receiver arranged to receive a wavelet;a wavelet generator arranged to generate a reference wavelet;timing circuitry arranged to receive a reference clock signal, output a first trigger signal for triggering transmission of a wavelet and output a ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Object Locating Method And Apparatus

Номер: US20220308194A1

This application provides example object locating methods and apparatuses. One example method includes performing, by a first device, pulse measurement on a target object with assistance of a second device, where the pulse measurement is performed on the target object by using two types of pulse signals, and pulse repetition frequencies of the two types of pulse signals are different. The first device can then locate the target object based on a pulse measurement result of the pulse measurement. 1. An object locating method , comprising:performing, by a first device, pulse measurement on a target object with assistance of a second device, wherein the pulse measurement is performed on the target object by using two types of pulse signals, and pulse repetition frequencies of the two types of pulse signals are different; andlocating, by the first device, the target object based on a pulse measurement result of the pulse measurement.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pulse repetition frequencies of the two types of pulse signals are prime numbers of each other.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the pulse measurement is performed in a fine timing measurement (FTM) process of the first device and the second device.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the two types of pulse signals are both sent by the second device claim 3 , and wherein the performing claim 3 , by a first device claim 3 , pulse measurement on a target object with assistance of a second device comprises:sending, by the first device, a first information frame to the second device, wherein the first information frame triggers the second device to perform pulse measurement on the target object by using a target pulse signal, and the target pulse signal is one or two of the two types of pulse signals.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein:the two types of pulse signals are sequentially sent by the second device after the second device sends the first information frame for ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184568A1

A system includes a moveable element adapted to move relative to a coordinate system defined for a robot, an object detection transceiver unit adapted to be mounted on the moveable element, and a controller. The controller controls the object detection transceiver unit to emit a signal and obtain a return signal for an operational cell of the robot at each of a series of predetermined positions to emulate a transceiver aperture larger than an aperture of the object detection transceiver unit. A location corresponding to a marker present in the operational cell is determined from the return signals. A predetermined operation is carried out where the predetermined operation includes using the determined location to guide movement of the robot. 1. A system , comprising:a moveable element adapted to move relative to a coordinate system defined for a robot;an object detection transceiver unit adapted to be mounted on the moveable element; and control the object detection transceiver unit to conduct a synthetic aperture array scan of an operational cell of the robot by emitting a radar emit a signal and obtaining a return signal for the operational cell of the robot at each of a series of predetermined positions to emulate a transceiver aperture larger than an aperture of the object detection transceiver unit;', 'determine a location corresponding to a marker present in the operational cell from the return signals, the marker reflective of the signals emitted by the object detection transceiver unit, and the location corresponding to the marker specified by the controller in the coordinate system; and', 'carry out a predetermined operation including using the determined location to guide movement of the robot., 'a controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the location determination includes generating claim 1 , by the controller claim 1 , a composite return image in the form of a topological map of at least a portion of the operational cell of the robot ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195674A1
Автор: Lovegren Eric Russell

A level transmitter includes an analog-to-digital convertor clock signal generator that receives a transmitter clock signal that is used to establish when an incident signal is transmitted toward a material boundary. The analog-to-digital convertor clock signal generator uses the received transmitter clock signal to generate an analog-to-digital convertor clock signal. An analog-to-digital convertor samples an analog waveform based on the analog-to-digital convertor clock signal and generates a digital value for each sample of the analog waveform. An analysis module analyzes the digital values to determine a distance to the material boundary. 1. A level transmitter comprising:an analog-to-digital convertor clock signal generator that receives a transmitter clock signal and uses the received transmitter clock signal to generate an analog-to-digital convertor clock signal, where the transmitter clock signal is used to establish when an incident signal is transmitted toward a material boundary;an analog-to-digital convertor that samples an analog waveform based on the analog-to-digital convertor clock signal and generates a digital value for each sample of the analog waveform; andan analysis module that analyzes the digital values to determine a distance to the material boundary.2. The level transmitter of wherein at least one transition in the transmitter clock signal causes the analog-to-digital clock signal to transition.3. The level transmitter of wherein the analog-to-digital clock signal generator comprises hardware dedicated to generating the analog-to-digital clock signal.4. The level transmitter of wherein the analog-to-digital clock signal generator comprises a counter having a clock input that receives a signal formed at least in part by the transmitter clock signal.5. The level transmitter of wherein the analog-to-digital clock signal transitions in a first direction when the counter reaches a first count and transitions in a second direction when the ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210255298A1
Автор: Leabman Michael A.

A method for operating a stepped frequency radar system is disclosed. The method involves performing stepped frequency scanning across a first frequency range using frequency steps of a first step size, the stepped frequency scanning performed using at least one transmit antenna and a two-dimensional array of receive antennas, changing from the first step size to a second step size, wherein the second step size is different from the first step size, and performing stepped frequency scanning across a second frequency range using the at least one transmit antenna and the two-dimensional array of receive antennas and using frequency steps of the second step size. 1. A method for operating a stepped frequency radar system , the method comprising:performing stepped frequency scanning across a first frequency range using frequency steps of a first step size, the stepped frequency scanning performed using at least one transmit antenna and a two-dimensional array of receive antennas;changing from the first step size to a second step size, wherein the second step size is different from the first step size; andperforming stepped frequency scanning across a second frequency range using the at least one transmit antenna and the two-dimensional array of receive antennas and using frequency steps of the second step size.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the frequency step size is changed in accordance with a digital frequency control signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second step size is smaller than the first step size.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:evaluating data generated from the stepped frequency scanning across the first frequency range; andchanging from the first step size to the second step size in response to the data evaluation.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein evaluating data generated from the stepped frequency scanning across the first frequency range comprises identifying an increase in magnitude of received RF energy at wavelengths that ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210255299A1
Автор: Leabman Michael A.

Operating a stepped frequency radar system involves performing stepped frequency scanning across a frequency range using at least one transmit antenna and a two-dimensional array of receive antennas and using frequency steps of a fixed step size, processing a first portion of digital data that is generated from the stepped frequency scanning to produce a first digital output, wherein the first portion of the digital data is derived from frequency pulses that are separated by a first step size that is a multiple of the fixed step size, and processing a second portion of digital data that is generated from the stepped frequency scanning to produce a second digital output, wherein the second portion of the digital data is derived from frequency pulses that are separated by a second step size that is a multiple of the fixed step size, wherein the first multiple is different from the second multiple. 1. A method for operating a stepped frequency radar system , the method comprising:performing stepped frequency scanning across a frequency range using at least one transmit antenna and a two-dimensional array of receive antennas and using frequency steps of a fixed step size;processing a first portion of digital data that is generated from the stepped frequency scanning to produce a first digital output, wherein the first portion of the digital data is derived from frequency pulses that are separated by a first step size that is a multiple of the fixed step size; andprocessing a second portion of digital data that is generated from the stepped frequency scanning to produce a second digital output, wherein the second portion of the digital data is derived from frequency pulses that are separated by a second step size that is a multiple of the fixed step size;wherein the first multiple is different from the second multiple.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of digital data is processed to generate ranging information as the first digital output and the ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160245906A1
Автор: Kim Hyounkuk
Принадлежит: S-1 CORPORATION

An ultra-wideband transceiver includes: one antenna for transmitting a first ultra-wideband signal at time and receiving a second ultra-wideband signal at time ; a transfer unit that transfers the first ultra-wideband signal from a first node to the antenna or transfers the second ultra-wideband signal received by the antenna to the first node, based on characteristics of an input signal; and a first buffer that generates a first pulse signal for the first ultra-wideband signal and outputs the same to the first node at time 1. An ultra-wideband transceiver comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'one antenna for transmitting a first ultra-wideband signal at time and receiving a second ultra-wideband signal at time ;'}a transfer unit that transfers the first ultra-wideband signal from a first node to the antenna or transfers the second ultra-wideband signal received by the antenna to the first node, based on characteristics of an input signal; and{'b': '1', 'a first buffer that generates a first pulse signal for the first ultra-wideband signal and outputs the same to the first node at time ,'}{'b': '1', 'wherein a first input signal input into the transfer unit at time , which is the input signal, is a combined signal of the first pulse signal and a first analog voltage signal.'}2. The ultra-wideband transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the transfer unit comprises:one transistor connected to the antenna; anda voltage distributor for distributing the voltage of the first node,the transistor comprising:a collector that is connected to a first impedance element connected to the first node and is connected to the antenna;a base that is connected to a second impedance element connected to the voltage distributor; andan emitter that is connected to a grounded third impedance element.32. The ultra-wideband transceiver of claim 1 , further comprising a second buffer that generates and outputs a second pulse signal for receiving the second ultra-wideband signal at time claim 1 ,{'b': '2', ' ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238997A1
Принадлежит: Magnetrol International, Inc.

A level measurement instrument comprises an analog circuit for transmitting a pulse signal at a target of interest and receiving reflected echoes of the pulse signal and developing an echo waveform representative of the reflected echoes. A programmed digital circuit is operatively coupled to the analog circuit and comprises a programmed controller and memory. The controller is operatively programmed to identify peaks in the echo waveform and store an active peak list in the memory from a current measurement scan and a buffer peak list from prior measurement scans. The controller is further programmed to match peaks in the active peak list to peaks in the buffer peak list, to select a target peak from the active peak list based on which of the matched peaks have moved, and determining material level responsive to the target peak. 1. A level measurement instrument comprising:an analog circuit for transmitting a pulse signal at a target of interest and receiving reflected echoes of the pulse signal and developing an echo waveform representative of the reflected echoes; anda programmed digital circuit operatively coupled to the analog circuit, and comprising a programmed controller and memory, the controller being operatively programmed to identify peaks in the echo waveform and store an active peak list from a current measurement scan and a buffer peak list from prior measurement scans, to match peaks in the active peak list to peaks in the buffer peak list, to select a target peak from the active peak list based on which of the matched peaks have moved, and determining material level responsive to the target peak.2. The level measurement instrument of wherein the controller is operable to select a first moving echo as the target peak.3. The level measurement instrument of wherein the controller is operable to store a prevailing target region and the target peak is selected based on one of a moving peak found closer than the prevailing target region claim 1 , a moving ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210302532A1

An electrical circuit for providing an output signal based on a first input signal and a second input signal has: a mixer which is configured to receive and mix the first and second input signals in order to generate a mixer output signal and to switch on or off based on the first input signal, wherein a DC signal component of the mixer output signal depends on whether the mixer is switched on or off; and a downstream circuit which is configured to switch on or off based on the DC signal component of the mixer output signal and to provide the output signal based on the mixer output signal.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259632A1
Автор: Kishigami Takaaki

A radar apparatus includes a radar transmitter that transmits a radar signal in a predetermined transmission cycle and a radar receiver that receives a reflection wave signal being a reflection of the radar signal on a target. The radar transmitter includes a phase rotation controller that randomly varies a pattern of a phase rotation every period corresponding to a plurality of transmission cycles, the pattern being to be applied to the radar signal within a period, and a transmission phase rotator that assigns a first phase rotation to the radar signal in accordance with the pattern. The radar receiver includes a reception phase rotator that assigns a second phase rotation in a direction opposite to a direction of the first phase rotation to the reflection wave signal in accordance with the pattern. 1. A radar apparatus , comprising:a radar transmitter which transmits a radar signal in a predetermined transmission cycle; anda radar receiver which receives a reflection wave signal being a reflection of the radar signal on a target, whereinthe radar transmitter includesa phase rotation controller which randomly varies a pattern of a phase rotation amount every period corresponding to a plurality of transmission cycles, the pattern being to be applied to the radar signal within a period, anda transmission phase rotator which assigns a first phase rotation to the radar signal in accordance with the pattern, andthe radar receiver includes a reception phase rotator which assigns a second phase rotation in a direction opposite to a direction of the first phase rotation to the reflection wave signal in accordance with the pattern.2. The radar apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a difference between phase rotation amounts in patterns different from each other is 0 or π.3. The radar apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pattern is based on a pseudo random code.4. The radar apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the phase rotation controller further assigns a ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Time domain reflectometry instrument with bottom up algorithm

Номер: US20190257935A1
Автор: Steven R. Page
Принадлежит: Magnetrol International Inc

A radar transmitter for emulsion measurement comprises a probe mountable to a bottom of a vessel and defining a transmission line extending upward into the vessel, in use, for sensing impedance. A pulse circuit is connected to the probe for periodically generating pulses on the transmission line and receiving a reflected signal from the transmission line, each reflected signal comprising a waveform of probe impedance over time. A controller is operatively connected to the pulse circuit and comprises a programmed processor and a memory. The memory stores trace data of a plurality of individual waveforms. The processor is programmed to profile a first section of the waveforms which does not change over time and a second section of the waveforms which changes over time, representing an emulsion moving in the vessel. The controller locates where the waveforms indicates motion to determine emulsion level.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Multitone Radar with Range Determination and Method of Use

Номер: US20160282457A1

Method for determining distance to target using a multitone nonlinear radar system comprising providing a transmitter that transmits a signal comprising at least two predetermined frequency components; receiving transmitted signal upon reflection from target; determining the phase relationships of the frequency components when signal strikes target; determining distance the signal has travelled to target based upon the phase relationship of the frequency signal components at the time of reflection from target; computing the distance to target. A system comprising a transmitter subsystem that transmits radar signal comprising at least two frequency components; a receiver subsystem configured to receive a return signal comprising intermodulation and harmonic products; at least one processor configured to extract frequency samples from the return signal within a frequency range, apply a window function to the extracted frequency samples and perform an inverse fast Fourier transform on the resulting function to create a range profile. 1. A method for determining distance to an electronic target using a multitone nonlinear radar system comprising:providing a transmitter that transmits a signal comprising at least two predetermined frequency components; the at least two predetermined frequency components having identical initial phase;receiving the transmitted signal upon reflection from a target;determining the phase relationships of the at least two predetermined frequency components when the signal strikes a target;determining the distance the signal has travelled to the target based upon the phase relationship of the at least two predetermined frequency signal components at the time of reflection from the target;computing the distance to the target based upon the distance the at least two predetermined frequency components have travelled.2. The method of further comprising creating a graphical representation of the harmonic and intermodulation products from the at ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271762A1
Автор: TOKUDA Yoshikatsu

Provided is a distance measuring device which allows the measurement accuracy to be improved while the memory size is reduced. A distance measuring device includes a light emitting element which emits range-finding light as pulse light, a light receiving element which receives reflected range-finding light obtained as the range-finding light is reflected on a measurement object, an AD converter which converts the light reception signal output from the light receiving element from an analogue signal to a digital signal, multiple memories which have different memory sizes from each other and store sampled data output from the AD converter, and a rough distance calculator which calculates a distance on the basis of the sampled data stored in the multiple memories. 1. A distance measuring device which irradiates a measurement object with range-finding light as pulse light and measures a distance to the measurement object based on a time required for the pulse light to make a round trip , comprising:a light emitting element which emits the range-finding light as the pulse light;a light receiving element which receives reflected range-finding light obtained as the range-finding light is reflected on the measurement object and outputs a light reception signal corresponding to the reflected range-finding light;an AD converter which converts the light reception signal output from the light receiving element from an analog signal to a digital signal;multiple memories which have different memory sizes from one another and store sampled data output from the AD converter; anda distance calculator which calculates the distance based on the sampled data stored in the multiple memories.2. The distance measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the multiple memories each have a memory size smaller than a memory size necessary for storing the sampled data for a maximum measurement distance.3. The distance measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising a controller ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271772A1

Please replace the Abstract originally filed with the following: A method and device for suppressing range ambiguity and a computer readable storage medium are provided. The method includes: determining a pulse timing relationship of a transmission signal; determining orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation signals; modulating the transmission signal by using the orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation signals; transmitting the modulated transmission signal according to the pulse timing relationship, and determining echo data of the modulated transmission signal; and generating an image according to a polarization scattering matrix for the echo data of the modulated transmission signal. 1. A method for suppressing range ambiguity , comprising:determining a pulse timing relationship of a transmission signal;determining orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation signals;modulating the transmission signal by using the orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation signals;transmitting the modulated transmission signal according to the pulse timing relationship, and determining echo data of the modulated transmission signal; andgenerating an image according to a polarization scattering matrix for the echo data of the modulated transmission signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the pulse timing relationship of the transmission signal comprises:determining the pulse timing relationship of the transmission signal according to a pulse repetition frequency of the transmission signal, wherein the pulse timing relationship is represented as PRI=1/PRF, and PRF denotes the pulse repetition frequency of the transmission signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation signals comprises:determining a time-frequency relationship function of nonlinear frequency modulation signals according to a piecewise linear function, and determining a time domain function of the nonlinear frequency modulation signals according to ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200278445A1

This disclosure enables various technologies for determining space object attitude stabilities from radar cross-section statistics. In particular, such determinations can be made via employing various phased-array radars with various fields of views, which can monitor various space objects (e.g., satellites, space debris, rocket bodies, space stations) over various periods of time (e.g., minutes, hours, days, weeks, months) as the space objects come into the fields of views. For example, a technique for estimating attitude stability of low-Earth RSOs using RCS statistics from various radars (e.g., group of radars, phased-array radar network). Assuming a non-isotropic shape, an Earth-oriented RSO can have an elevation-angle dependent RCS when viewed from a ground-based radar. Therefore, an RSO attitude stability can be tested by looking for a difference in a median or mean RCS when the RSO is viewed at different elevation angles. 1. A method comprising:receiving, via a processor, a plurality of RCS measurements of a space object from a radar having a field of view, wherein the RCS measurements are obtained from a plurality of passes of the space object into the field of view;estimating, via the processor, a first expected RCS value based on the RCS measurements when the space object is within the field of view at a first elevation angle relative to the radar, and a second expected RCS value based on the RCS measurements when the space object is within the field of view at a second elevation angle relative to the radar, wherein the first elevation angle is greater than the second elevation angle;determining, via the processor, an SI based on the first expected RCS value and the second expected RCS value;receiving, via the processor, an RCS measurement from the radar when the space object is within the field of view at the first elevation angle or the second elevation angle, wherein the RCS measurement is received after the SI has been determined;inputting, via the ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200297236A1

Systems and methods for detecting a body part like a human hand near a base station or a user equipment are disclosed. A plurality of radar pulses is transmitted from a communication device in succession and the reflected plurality of radar pulses is received sampled and adaptively processed to remove transmit and receive antenna mutual coupling and clutter from stationary objects near the body part. In one aspect the adaptive processing is accomplished with a single tap adaptive filter. The processed signal may be used to determine if there is a human body part near the communication device allowing the device to determine whether it is safe for the device to transmit a millimeter wave communication signal. 1. A method of detecting a human body part comprising:transmitting a plurality of millimeter wave pulses from a communication device;receiving the plurality of millimeter wave pulses; andadaptively filtering the plurality of millimeter wave pulses to remove an undesired signal component.2. The method of wherein the removed signal component includes antenna to antenna mutual coupling.3. The method of wherein the removed signal component includes clutter caused by a static object.4. The method of wherein the removed signal component is a slowly varying signal component.5. The method of wherein the plurality of millimeter wave pulses is filtered by using a sample from each of the previously received plurality of millimeter wave pulses to extract a slowly varying signal component.6. The method of wherein the extracted slowly varying time signal is used to drive an adaptive 1-tap cancellation filter.7. The method of wherein the plurality of millimeter wave pulses is filtered with an infinite impulse response filter or any low pass filter.8. The method of wherein the plurality of millimeter wave pulses is filtered using a single tap delay line.9. The method of wherein the millimeter wave pulses are frequency modulated continuous wave pulses.10. The method of wherein ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Radar signal processing method and apparatus

Номер: US20150338507A1

Provided is a radar signal processing method and apparatus, the method including transmitting a radar signal through a transmission antenna, receiving, through a reception antenna, a first reflection signal generated based on the radar signal reflected by an obstacle and a second reflection signal generated based on the radar signal reflected by a target located behind the obstacle, performing filtering by using a filter for removing the first reflection signal, and processing the second reflection signal extracted based on a result of the filtering.

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160341816A1

Described are radar systems and methods. A transmit pulse is generated by the radar system. A first portion of the transmit pulse is processed by the radar system to form transmit pulse data. A second portion of the transmit pulse is directed by the radar system into a monitored volume. A return signal is received by the radar system, the return signal at least partially comprising a portion of the second portion of the transmit pulse reflected by one or more objects in the monitored volume. The return signal is processed, by the radar system, to form return signal data. 1. A method performed by a Doppler radar system comprising:generating, by the radar system, a transmit pulse;processing, by the radar system, along a receiver path, a first portion of the transmit pulse to form transmit pulse data;directing, by the radar system, a second portion of the transmit pulse into a monitored volume;receiving, by the radar system, a return signal, the return signal at least partially comprising a portion of the second portion of the transmit pulse reflected by one or more objects in the monitored volume; andprocessing, by the radar system, along the receiver path, return signal to form return signal data.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing, by the radar system, the transmit pulse data and the return signal data to a Doppler processing module;comparing, by the Doppler processing module, the transmit pulse data and the return signal data to determine at least one of relative phase information and relative frequency information.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating claim 1 , by the radar system claim 1 , the transmit pulse comprises generating the transmit pulse with one or more open loop power oscillators.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more open loop power oscillators comprise one or more magnetrons.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating the transmit pulse with a first open loop power oscillator;generating a second ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Pulsed radar level gauge system and method for reduced relative bandwidth

Номер: US20180328771A1
Автор: Olov Edvardsson

A radar level gauge system comprising: pulse generating circuitry for generating an electromagnetic transmit signal in the form of a first pulse train formed by a time-sequence of substantially identical transmit pulses, each exhibiting a full period waveform; and an electromagnetic reference signal in the form of a second pulse train formed by a time-sequence of substantially identical reference pulses, each exhibiting a half period waveform; a propagation device arranged to propagate the transmit signal towards a product in a tank, and to return a surface reflection signal resulting from reflection of the transmit signal at a surface of the product; measurement circuitry for forming a measurement signal based on a time-correlation between the surface reflection signal and the reference signal; and processing circuitry connected to the measurement circuitry for determining the filling level based on the measurement signal.

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170343659A1

A parking space status sensing system is used for detecting a state of a parking space. A parking space status sensing system includes a first antenna array transmitting a first signal, a second antenna array receiving a second signal feedback reflected from an object, a radio-frequency transceiver receiving the second signal and performing down-conversion and demodulation on the second signal with receiving a local signal modulated from a triangularly modulated signal by the radio-frequency transceiver, to generate a first beat frequency signal. An analog-distance-signal-integral information and an analog-speed-signal-integral information of the object are obtained from the first beat frequency signal by related analog signal processes. 1. A parking space status sensing system for detecting a status of a parking space , comprising: a first antenna array transmitting a first signal;', 'a second antenna array receiving a second signal, which is formed by reflecting the first signal from an object;', 'a radio-frequency transceiver performing down-conversion and demodulation the second signal with a local signal, which is modulated from a triangularly modulated signal by the radio-frequency transceiver, and generating a first beat frequency signal;', 'a first amplifying filter connected with the radio-frequency transceiver, amplifying and filtering the first beat frequency signal to obtain a second beat frequency signal, which comprises a signal indicating a specific distance range between the microwave detecting module and the object;', 'a first integration circuit connected with the first amplifying filter, and integrating the second beat frequency signal to obtain integral information of an analog distance signal of the object;, 'a microwave detecting module, comprisingan envelope demodulator connected with the first amplifying filter, performing envelope detection and amplitude modulation (AM) demodulation on the second beat frequency signal to obtain a first ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170343661A1

A pulse radar includes pulse generation circuitry that generates a transmission pulse signal, radio frequency transmission circuitry that transmits a radio frequency signal obtained by performing a frequency conversion on the transmission pulse signal, radio frequency reception circuitry that converts a reflected-wave signal to a reception pulse signal, the reflected-wave signal being a part of the radio frequency signal reflected back from an object to be measured and received via a reception antenna, signal processing circuitry that calculates a distance between the object and the pulse radar, detection circuitry that detects a main pulse, and correction filter coefficient calculation circuitry that calculates an amount of delay and a phase difference of the one or more error pulses with reference to the main pulse to update a parameter of the correction filter circuitry. The correction filter circuitry updates a filter characteristic using the updated parameter. 1. A pulse radar comprising:pulse generation circuitry that generates a transmission pulse signal;radio frequency transmission circuitry that transmits, from a transmission antenna, a radio frequency signal obtained by performing a frequency conversion on the transmission pulse signal;radio frequency reception circuitry that converts a reflected-wave signal to a reception pulse signal, the reflected-wave signal being a part of the radio frequency signal reflected back from an object to be measured and received via a reception antenna;signal processing circuitry that calculates a distance between the object to be measured and the pulse radar by using the reception pulse signal;detection circuitry that detects, using the reception pulse signal, a main pulse corresponding to the object to be measured and one or more error pulses existing after the main pulse;correction filter circuitry including a first filter that is disposed between the pulse generation circuitry and the radio frequency transmission ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350963A1
Автор: Nakamura Shigeki

A radar device includes transmission signal generation circuitry that generates one or more transmission signals, a transmission amplifier that amplifies a power level of the one or more transmission signals, a transmission gain controller that adjusts a gain of the transmission amplifier, transmission antenna circuitry that converts each of the one or more amplified transmission signals into each of one or more radio signals and transmit the one or more radio signals to a measurement target space, reception antenna circuitry that receives the one or more radio signals from the measurement target space, and one or more receivers that detect a power level of a transmission/reception leakage signal using the one or more received radio signals. The transmission gain controller adjusts the gain of the transmission amplifier in accordance with a result of comparison between the detected power level and a power level of a transmission/reception leakage signal measured in advance. 1. A radar device comprising:transmission signal generation circuitry that generates one or more transmission signals;a transmission amplifier that amplifies a power level of the one or more transmission signals;a transmission gain controller that adjusts a gain of the transmission amplifier;transmission antenna circuitry that converts each of the one or more amplified transmission signals into each of one or more radio signals and transmit the one or more radio signals to a measurement target space;reception antenna circuitry that receives the one or more radio signals from the measurement target space; andone or more receivers that detect a power level of a transmission/reception leakage signal by using the one or more received radio signals, whereinthe transmission gain controller that adjusts the gain of the transmission amplifier in accordance with a result of comparison between the detected power level of the transmission/reception leakage signal and a power level of a transmission/ ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Generation of Constant Time Envelope with Prescribed Fourier Transform Magnitude Signal

Номер: US20160363658A1

The invention is an iterative process for performing iteratively the phase retrieval of an adaptive signal x(t) matching two sets of constraint both concerning the time envelope u e (t) of signal x(t) and magnitude distribution U m (f) of its spectral representation. At each iteration k the process computes an estimate {tilde over (x)} k (t) of signal x(t) which is obtained from a first projection P A on a first set of constraint in time domain of a computed value x k (t) of x(t), x k (t) deriving from an estimate {tilde over (X)} k-1 (f) of the spectrum of signal x(t), said estimate {tilde over (X)} k-1 (f) being itself obtained from a second projection P B on a second set of constraints in spectral domain of the Fourier transform X k (f) of the estimate {tilde over (x)} k-1 (t) of x(t) computed at iteration k−1. Iterative computation of estimate {tilde over (x)} k (t) is repeated until {tilde over (x)} k (t) meets a predefined criterion which indicates that estimate {tilde over (x)} k (t) is close enough to expected signal x(t).

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160377711A1

A radar system includes a controller is operable to receive a first signal from a first antenna and a second signal from a second antenna arising from the reflection of the first pulse by an object located in the radar field-of-view. The controller is also operable to calculate, before reception of the reflection of the second pulse by the object is finished, a first transformation of the first signal and the second signal to determine range-data based on the reflection of the first pulse. The range-data includes a phase-component and an amplitude-component. The first transformation is followed by calculate a complex non-coherent integration of the phase-component and the amplitude-component to determine averaged-range-data that includes a Doppler-phase and a Doppler-amplitude. 1. A radar system comprising:a transmitter operable to transmit a radar-signal characterized by a series of pulses, wherein the radar-signal includes a first pulse and a second pulse;a plurality of antennas operable to detect a reflected-signal indicative of a reflection of the radar-signal by an object, said plurality of antennas includes a first antenna operable to output a first signal and a second antenna operable to output a second signal; and receive the first signal and the second signal during reception of the reflection of the first pulse, and', 'calculate, before reception of the reflection of the second pulse is finished, a first transformation of the first signal and the second signal to determine range-data based on the reflection of the first pulse, wherein the range-data includes a phase-component and an amplitude-component, said first transformation followed by calculate a complex non-coherent integration of the phase-component and the amplitude-component to determine averaged-range-data that includes a Doppler-phase and a Doppler-amplitude., 'a controller operable to'}2. The system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the controller is further operable to normalize the phase- ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200355790A1

An electronic device disposed on a door frame includes a back plate attached to the door frame, a housing coupled to the back plate, a first antenna that transmits or receives a signal having a first wavelength with an external electronic device, a second antenna that is disposed closer to the back plate than the first antenna and that transmits or receives a signal having the first wavelength with the external electronic device, an electric-wave blocking member that is disposed between the back plate and the second antenna and that blocks a signal reflected by the door frame, and at least one processor operatively connected with the first antenna and the second antenna. The first antenna and the second antenna are disposed inside the housing, and an antenna pattern of the second antenna is different from an antenna pattern of the first antenna. 1. An electronic device disposed on a door frame , the electronic device comprising:a back plate attached to the door frame;a housing coupled to the back plate;a first antenna configured to transmit or receive a first signal having a first wavelength with an external electronic device;a second antenna disposed closer to the back plate than the first antenna and configured to transmit or receive a second signal having the first wavelength with the external electronic device;an electric-wave blocking member disposed between the back plate and the second antenna and configured to block a third signal reflected by the door frame; andat least one processor operatively connected with the first antenna and the second antenna,wherein the first antenna and the second antenna are disposed inside the housing, andwherein an antenna pattern of the second antenna is different from an antenna pattern of the first antenna.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the antenna pattern of the second antenna has a greater length claim 1 , area claim 1 , or volume than the antenna pattern of the first antenna.3. The electronic device of ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372519A1
Принадлежит: HiLevel Co., Ltd.

A taper pipe-shaped area flow meter uses a magnetostrictive distance measurement method through which a flow rate may be accurately measured by measuring a height of a float through a magnetostrictive method. A taper pipe-shaped area flow meter using a magnetostrictive distance measurement method includes a taper pipe including an inlet at a lower portion thereof and an outlet at an upper portion thereof and formed in a taper shape having a diameter decreasing downward, a float in which a magnet is embedded and a height of the float is changed according to a flow rate in the taper pipe, a probe shaft in which a magnetrostrictive line is embedded and which is installed in the taper pipe and detects a position of the float through the magnetostrictive method, and a magnetostrictive distance measuring part, which is configured to apply a pulse to the probe shaft, receive a signal reflected by the magnet of the float, measure a position of the float, and calculate a flow rate from the position of the float. The taper pipe-shaped area flow meter using the magnetostrictive distance measurement method has a high accuracy because the magnetostrictive method is applied thereto and may inexpensively measure a flow rate by using a simple mechanical structure, and there is an advantage in that a measured value is provided as an electric signal and used in various fields such as a process control. 1. A taper pipe-shaped area flow meter using a magnetostrictive distance measurement method , comprising:a taper pipe including an inlet at a lower portion thereof and an outlet at an upper portion thereof and formed in a taper shape having a diameter decreasing downward;a float in which a permanent magnet is embedded, wherein a height of the float is changed according to a flow rate in the taper pipe, and a through hole is formed in a center of the float;a probe shaft formed in a rod shape in which a magnetrostrictive line is embedded, configured to pass through the through hole of ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200378758A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for detecting fall and rise. The apparatus includes a first sensor unit disposed at a first height and configured to sense a movement of a resident, a second sensor unit disposed at a second height higher than the first height and configured to sense the movement of the resident, and a controller configured to sense a falling behavior and a rising behavior of the resident based on distances from the resident measured by the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit. The controller sets the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit such that, among three axis coordinates of the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit in a 3D orthogonal coordinate system, two axis coordinates thereof coincide with each other. 1. An apparatus for detecting fall and rise , comprising:a first sensor unit disposed at a first height and configured to sense a movement of a resident;a second sensor unit disposed at a second height higher than the first height and configured to sense the movement of the resident; anda controller configured to sense a falling behavior and a rising behavior of the resident based on distances from the resident measured by the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit,wherein the controller sets the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit such that, among three axis coordinates of the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit in a 3D orthogonal coordinate system, two axis coordinates thereof coincide with each other.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller calculates a height of the resident based on the distances from the resident measured by the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit claim 1 , and determines the falling behavior and the rising behavior of the resident using the height of the resident.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the first sensor unit and the second sensor unit measure respective shortest distances from the resident; andthe controller calculates the height of the resident ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190377063A1

Disclosed are a method and a device for adaptively configuring a threshold for object detection by means of radar, the device including: a position-specific maximum signal value extraction unit extracting a maximum value of a signal for each position by obtaining the signal when there is no moving object; a position-specific signal magnitude sorting unit obtaining signals caused by a moving object, and sorting magnitudes of the obtained signals for each position in descending order for a time index; a candidate signal index selection unit selecting a candidate signal index; a signal index determination unit setting weighting factors for the respective signals up to the candidate signal index, and determining a sum of the weighting factors as a signal index; and a position-specific threshold configuring unit configuring the threshold for each position by using a signal of the determined signal index and a scaling factor. 1. A device for adaptively configuring a threshold for moving object detection by means of radar , the device comprising:a position-specific maximum signal value extraction unit extracting a maximum value of a signal for each predetermined position by obtaining the signal when there is no moving object in a detection space;a position-specific signal magnitude sorting unit obtaining signals caused by a moving object for a predetermined time, and sorting magnitudes of the obtained signals for each the position in descending order with respect to a time index;a candidate signal index selection unit selecting, among the sorted signals by using a variation of a slope of the sorted signals, a candidate signal index for configuring the threshold;a signal index determination unit setting weighting factors for the respective signals up to the candidate signal index, and determining a sum of the set weighting factors as a signal index for configuring the threshold; anda position-specific threshold configuring unit configuring the threshold for each the ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

System for Sensing a Position of a First Member Relative to a Second Member Based on a Radio Frequency Characteristic of a Bias Member

Номер: US20200384976A1

A system for sensing a position of a first member relative to a second member based on a radio frequency characteristic of a bias member is disclosed. The bias member may be configured to bias the second member relative to the first member. Radio frequency circuitry may be configured to apply a radio frequency signal to the bias member and provide one or more signals indicative of a position of the first member relative to the second member based on a radio frequency characteristic of the bias member. 1. A position sensor system comprising:a first member:a second member movable relative to the first member;a bias member configured to bias the second member relative to the first member; andradio frequency circuitry configured to apply a radio frequency signal to the bias member and provide one or more signals indicative of a position of the first member relative to the second member based on a radio frequency characteristic of the bias member.2. The position sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the bias member is coupled to each of the first member and second member.3. The position sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the bias member is configured to bias the second member away from the first member.4. The position sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the second member is pivotally coupled to the first member.5. The position sensor system claim 1 , wherein the bias member comprises a coil spring.6. The position sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the radio frequency circuity comprises a radio frequency generator electrically coupled with the bias member at a first location of the bias member and configured to apply the radio frequency signal to the bias member at the first location.7. The position sensor system of claim 6 , wherein the radio frequency circuity comprises a spectrum analyzer electrically coupled with the bias member at the first location of the bias member and configured to detect the radio frequency signal reflected by the bias member at the first location.8 ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200400779A1

A method for close-range detection, includes transmitting, via a radar transceiver, radar signals to detect an object. The method also includes determining whether the object includes a pattern code based on reflections of the radar signals received by the radar transceiver. In response to determining that the object includes the pattern code, the method includes identifying range information about a range between the electronic device and the pattern code. The method further includes selecting, based on the range information, one or more signals from the reflections of the radar signals that are reflected off of the pattern code. Additionally, the method includes identifying, based on the one or more signals, information about the pattern code. 1. An electronic device for close-range detection , the electronic device comprising:a radar transceiver; and transmit, via the radar transceiver, radar signals to detect an object,', 'determine whether the object includes a pattern code based on reflections of the radar signals received by the radar transceiver,', 'in response to a determination that the object includes the pattern code, identify range information about a range between the electronic device and the pattern code,', 'select, based on the range information, one or more signals from the reflections of the radar signals that are reflected off of the pattern code, and', 'identify, based on the one or more signals, information about the pattern code., 'a processor operably connected to the radar transceiver, the processor configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein:to determine that the object includes the pattern code, the processor is configured to identify, from the reflections of the radar signals that are reflected off of the pattern code, multiple strips, wherein a first portion of the multiple strips are a first level of reflectiveness and a second portion of the multiple strips are a second level of reflectiveness and a strip from the first ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200411960A1

A method and electronic device for applying a maximum permissible exposure (MPE) operation on the electronic device. The electronic device includes a plurality of antenna arrays and a processor operably connected to the plurality of antenna arrays. The processor is configured to detect a MPE condition for radio frequency exposure and apply a MPE operation, from among a plurality of MPE operations, to at least one of the plurality of antenna arrays to modify the radio frequency exposure. The MPE operation includes coordination of at least two antenna arrays for signal transmission. 1. An electronic device comprising:a plurality of antenna arrays; and detect a maximum permissible exposure (MPE) condition for radio frequency exposure; and', 'apply a MPE operation, from among a plurality of MPE operations, to at least one of the plurality of antenna arrays to modify the radio frequency exposure,', 'wherein the MPE operation comprises coordination of at least two of the antenna arrays for signal transmission., 'a processor operably connected to the plurality of antenna arrays, the processor configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein:the processor is further configured to apply the MPE operation based on a predefined priority rule, andthe predefined priority rule comprises the processor further configured to at least one of (i) apply the MPE operation on a physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) without uplink control information (UCI) while not applying the MPE operation on a physical uplink control channel (PUCCH), a physical random access channel (PRACH), and a PUSCH with UCI, or (ii) apply the MPE operation on a secondary carrier before a primary carrier.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising:a radar transceiver, detect the MPE condition by determining whether an object is within a threshold distance of the electronic device;', 'based on the object being within the threshold distance, determine a distance of the object from the ...

14-09-1995 дата публикации

Level measurement appts.

Номер: DE4407823A1
Принадлежит: VEGA Grieshaber KG

The appts. includes an antenna (1) for radiating pref. linearly polarised microwaves in a defined propagation direction through a plate (5). The plate is transparent to microwaves travelling into the inner chamber of a container. The plane of the plate is essentially orthogonal to the direction of propagation. At least one set of mutually parallel grid rods (9) is arranged parallel to the plane of the plate, in or on the plate and at a defined distance (d) apart. The grid rods are arranged at least approximately orthogonally wrt. the electrical field components of the microwaves.

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220350008A1
Автор: FUKUDA Yuta, ITO Kunihiko

A railroad crossing obstacle detection system including: a laser radar device that includes an irradiator and a light receiver, the irradiator applying laser light at irradiation angles set every prescribed angle, and the light receiver receiving the laser light reflected; and a controller, wherein the laser radar device is configured to be supported by an object such that the laser radar device is located above a detection area of an obstacle in railroad crossing, and to apply the laser light from above to the detection area, and the controller is configured to detect an obstacle on the basis of measurement result representing a distance to an object having reflected the laser light, and an irradiation angle for the object; and monitor a change of at least one of a position or a direction of the laser radar device on the basis of the measurement result by the laser radar device. 1. A railroad crossing obstacle detection system comprising:a laser radar device that includes an irradiator and a light receiver, the irradiator applying laser light at irradiation angles set every prescribed angle, and the light receiver receiving the laser light reflected; anda controller, whereinthe laser radar device is configured to be supported by a support object such that the laser radar device is located above a detection area of an obstacle in a railroad crossing, and to apply the laser light from above to the detection area, andthe controller is configured to:detect an obstacle located in the detection area on the basis of a measurement result representing a distance to an object having reflected the laser light, and an irradiation angle for the object; andmonitor a change of at least one of a position or a direction of the laser radar device on the basis of the measurement result by the laser radar device.2. The railroad crossing obstacle detection system according to claim 1 , comprising a reference object disposed in an irradiation region of laser light claim 1 , whereinthe ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Радиолокационная станция охраны объектов "Сова"

Номер: RU2669383C1

Изобретение относится к области радиолокации, в частности к радиолокационным средствам автоматического обнаружения, распознавания и сопровождения различных типов подвижных объектов. Достигаемый технический результат - обеспечение возможности автоматического обнаружения и сопровождения не только движущихся наземных и надводных целей, но и воздушных, автоматического распознавания типа цели (техника-человек). Указанный результат достигается за счет того, что радиолокационная станция содержит приемопередающее устройство, двухкоординатное опорно-поворотное устройство, выполненное с возможностью крепления на треноге, сетевой блок питания, при этом приемопередающее устройство выполнено в едином корпусе и содержит волноводно-щелевые приемную и передающую антенны, приемопередающий блок, обеспечивающий непрерывную генерацию зондирующего сигнала с линейной частотной модуляцией (ЛЧМ), блок первичной обработки информации, вычислительное устройство, вторичный источник питания, а также содержит с возможностью демонтажа приемник GPS/ГЛОНАСС, антенну приемника GPS/ГЛОНАСС. При этом блок первичной обработки информации содержит дополнительный информационный выход, а вычислительное устройство дополнительно содержит информационный вход, образующие звуковой канал, вычислительное устройство выполнено на одноплатной ЭВМ, опорно-поворотное устройство соединено с приемопередающим устройством с помощью кабеля и выполнено с возможностью автоматического сканирования приемопередающего устройства по азимуту и углу места, а также перехода в режим предварительного подогрева при рабочей температуре ниже минус 10°C. 6 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 669 383 C1 (51) МПК G01S 13/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 13/04 (2006.01); G01S 13/106 (2006.01); G01S 13/52 (2006.01); G01S 13/66 (2006.01); G01S 7/03 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017137423, 23.05.2017 23.05.2017 Дата регистрации: 11.10.2018 (45) ...

22-03-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus for evaluating the performance of frequency modulated continuous wave distance measuring apparatus and method thereof

Номер: KR101022733B1
Автор: 엄원영, 정명숙, 최재현
Принадлежит: 국방과학연구소

FMCW(frequency modulated continuous wave) 거리 측정 장치의 성능 평가를 위한 장치가 개시된다. 거리 측정 장치의 신호를 수신하여 거리 측정 대상과의 거리에 따라 설정된 비트 주파수(f b_fixed )만큼 주파수 변환하고, 주파수 변환된 신호를 상기 거리 측정 장치로 송신하는 송수신 모듈과, 상기 거리 측정 장치가 상기 주파수 변환된 신호를 수신하여 검출한 비트 주파수(f b_measured )를 상기 거리 측정 장치로부터 제공받고, 상기 제공받은 비트 주파수(f b_measured )와 상기 설정된 비트 주파수 (f b_fixed )를 비교하여 상기 거리 측정 장치의 거리 측정 성능을 평가하는 제어 연산 모듈을 포함하는 FMCW 거리 측정 장치의 성능 평가를 위한 장치를 구성한다. 상기와 같은 FMCW 거리 측정 장치의 성능 평가를 위한 장치 및 방법에 따르면, 거리 측정 장치로부터 목표물의 거리에 해당하는 비트 신호를 직접 생성함으로써, 신호의 크기 거리 정보를 쉽고 효율적으로 가변할 수 있고, 저비용으로 구현할 수 있는 효과가 있다. An apparatus for evaluating the performance of a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMC) distance measuring apparatus is disclosed. A transceiving module for receiving a signal of a distance measuring device and frequency converting the set bit frequency f b_fixed according to the distance to the distance measuring object, and transmitting the frequency converted signal to the distance measuring device; Receiving the frequency converted signal and receiving the detected bit frequency f b_measured from the distance measuring device, and comparing the provided bit frequency f b_measured with the set bit frequency f b_fixed to determine the An apparatus for evaluating the performance of the FMCW distance measuring apparatus including a control calculation module for evaluating the distance measuring performance is configured. According to the apparatus and method for performance evaluation of the FMCW distance measuring device as described above, by directly generating a bit signal corresponding to the distance of the target from the distance measuring device, it is possible to easily and efficiently vary the size distance information of the signal, low cost There is an effect that can be implemented. FMCW, 거리 측정 장치, 비트 신호, 거리 분해능, 전력, 주파수 합성 FMCW, rangefinder, beat signal, distance resolution, power, frequency synthesis

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Method of determining range to surface of earth

Номер: RU2717233C1

FIELD: radar equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to radar engineering and can be used in designing various radar systems intended for determining range from a moving object to ground surface, using the principle of reflection of radio waves. Method of determining range to surface of earth, comprising using as probing signals radio pulses consisting of N monochromatic subpulses, with non-periodic phase-code internal pulse manipulation, change of carrier frequency of radio pulses of repetition period and duration from radio pulse to radio pulse, reception of signals reflected from ground surface, performing coordinated filtration of reflected signals and determining range to ground surface at preliminary stage repetition period, duration of probing radio pulses and the number of monochromatic subpulses are fixed, and detection of reflected signals is carried out simultaneously in the entire range of determined ranges with breaking the range of determined ranges to the surface of the earth into ƒ subbands, in each of which there performed is matched filtration of reflected signals. EFFECT: shorter time for detection of reflected signals and rough determination of range to surface of earth. 1 cl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 717 233 C1 (51) МПК G01S 13/08 (2006.01) G01S 13/10 (2006.01) G01S 13/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 5/06 (2020.01); G01S 13/08 (2020.01); G01S 13/10 (2020.01); G01S 13/103 (2020.01); G01S 13/106 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019130413, 25.09.2019 25.09.2019 Дата регистрации: 19.03.2020 2 7 1 7 2 3 3 R U Адрес для переписки: 607188, Нижегородская обл., г. Саров, пр. Мира, 37, ФГУП "РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ", зам. директора Департамента инновационно - проектной деятельности и корпоративного управления начальнику УИСНТИ В.Е. Миронову (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2685702 C1, 23.04.2019. RU 2637817 C1, 07.12.2017. RU 2510043 C1, 20.03.2014. ...

07-05-2007 дата публикации

Information reading device for processing input information together with position of information source, and information management server for managing the same

Номер: KR100714414B1
Автор: 박수영
Принадлежит: 박수영

입력된 정보를 정보제공원의 위치와 함께 처리하는 바코드 입력기와 같은 정보 입력 기기 및 이를 관리하는 정보 관리 서버가 개시된다. 정보 입력 기기는, 외부에서 제공되는 바코드 정보와 같은 정보를 스캐닝 등에 의해 입력하기 위한 입력부, 및 외부 기기로부터 송신되는 GPS 신호와 같은 위치 측정용 신호를 수신하는 신호수신부를 구비한다. 입력부를 통해 입력된 정보에 대한 데이터, 및 신호수신부를 통해 수신된 위치 측정용 신호에 대한 데이터는 데이터 전송부를 통해 관리 서버로 전송되며, 관리 서버는 정보제공원에 대한 데이터를 판독하여 저장함과 동시에 정보제공원의 위치를 산출하여 저장한다. 이때, 정보제공원의 위치 산출이 정보 입력 기기에서 이루어지고 산출된 위치데이터가 정보 관리 서버로 전송되도록 할 수도 있다. 사물의 정보를 판독 또는 입력하는 기능과 함께 이러한 정보를 가진 정보제공원의 위치를 파악하는 기능이 제공되므로, 사물에 대한 정보와 함께 그 사물의 위치에 대한 정보를 입력하여 관리하는 것이 요구되는 다양한 분야에서 활용 가능한 편리한 기능을 제공한다. Disclosed are an information input device such as a bar code input device for processing inputted information together with a location of an information park and an information management server managing the same. The information input device includes an input unit for inputting information, such as barcode information provided from the outside, by scanning or the like, and a signal receiving unit for receiving a position measuring signal such as a GPS signal transmitted from an external device. The data about the information input through the input unit, and the data on the position measurement signal received through the signal receiver is transmitted to the management server through the data transmission unit, and the management server reads and stores the data for the information park. The location of the information park is calculated and stored. In this case, the location calculation of the information park may be performed by the information input device, and the calculated location data may be transmitted to the information management server. In addition to reading or inputting information of an object, a function of identifying a location of an information park having such information is provided. Therefore, various types of information required for inputting and managing the location of the object together with information about the object are required. It provides convenient functions that can be used in the field. 정보, ...

30-07-2008 дата публикации

Object detection

Номер: EP1949129A1

An object is detected by generating a binary signal having an irregular sequence of states and in which transitions between states occur at varying time offsets with respect to a nominal regular clock. The binary signal is transmitted, and a reflection of the transmitted signal is processed with a reference version of the binary signal. The reference signal is delayed, and then used to sample the reflected signal. The samples are used to derive a combined value representing the average time derivative of the reflected signal at locations within the reflected signal which substantially correspond to the times of the transitions in the reference signal. The presence of an object at a range corresponding to the delay is determined from the combined value.

19-06-2007 дата публикации

Radar level gauge with switch for selecting transmitter or receiver mode

Номер: US7233278B2
Автор: Mikael Eriksson

A radar level gauge (RLG), intended for measuring with a close-range low-power radar a distance to a content surface in a container relatively to a measuring position, which is located above the surface and fixed in relation to a lower boundary of said container. The RLG comprises a transmitter for transmitting an electromagnetic transmitter pulse, a signal medium interface connectable to means for directing said transmitter pulse towards said surface and for receiving a reception pulse reflected back from said surface, and a receiver for receiving said reception pulse. A switch connects said signal medium interface to said transmitter while said transmitter pulse is transmitted, and said signal medium interface to said receiver while said reflected pulse is received, the switch having a switching time short enough to enable short distance detection. According to this design, signal losses can be reduced significantly compared to prior solutions.

27-05-2011 дата публикации

Method and device for measuring distance

Номер: RU2419813C2

FIELD: physics. ^ SUBSTANCE: proposed device comprises signal source to output signal with multiple frequency components in one definite bandwidth, transmission module to transmit signal in the form of wave oscillation, module to detect mixed wave Vc resulted from mixing transmitted travelling wave VT and reflected wave VRk consisting of travelling wave VT reflected from measurement object, module to analyse frequency component of detected mixed wave Vc, and module of distance computation designed to obtain distance spectrum, process analysed data and compute distance to measurement object. ^ EFFECT: simple design, possibility to measure short distances and reduced errors. ^ 22 cl, 24 dwg (19) РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ RU (11) 2 419 813 (13) C2 (51) МПК G01S 13/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008112680/09, 25.08.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.08.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): САЙКА ТЕКНОЛОДЖИКАЛ ИНСТИТЬЮТ ФАУНДЕЙШН (JP) 2 4 1 9 8 1 3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.10.2009 Бюл. № 28 2 4 1 9 8 1 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2003104841 A1, 18.12.2003. RU 2228516 C2, 20.11.2003. RU 2032915 C1, 10.04.1995. RU 1641922 A1, 15.04.1991. WO 02079799 A1, 10.10.2002. US 5266956 A, 30.11.1993. US 4829305 A, 09.05.1989. JP 2004069693 A, 04.03.2004. C 2 C 2 (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2011 Бюл. № 15 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 02.04.2008 (86) Заявка PCT: JP 2006/316683 (25.08.2006) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/029519 (15.03.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Ю.Д.Кузнецову, рег.№ 595 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ РАССТОЯНИЯ И СПОСОБ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ РАССТОЯНИЯ (57) Реферат: Предложены устройство расстояния и способ измерения Достигаемым техническим изобретения являются простота возможность ...

28-11-1985 дата публикации

Distance measuring apparatus by radio wave

Номер: JPS60239684A
Принадлежит: Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

09-09-2004 дата публикации

Radar device

Номер: JP2004251725A
Принадлежит: Denso Ten Ltd

【課題】目標物15の距離の分解能を向上すること。 【解決手段】送信手段12から目標物15に送信波を送信し、その反射波を受信波として受信手段13で受信し、変換手段21では、送信波と受信波との時間差W1を、電圧に変換し、こうして得られた電圧を、処理回路23でアナログ/デジタル変換して距離を演算して求める。時間差W1を電気信号のレベルに変換する変換特性は、予め定める最小検知距離L1から検知必要距離L2にわたる第1範囲S12では、電気信号のレベルの時間差に対応する変化率R1,R1aを検知必要距離L2を超える第2範囲S23の変化率R2,R2aに比べて、大きく設定する。さらに時間差W1から、送信手段12および受信手段13を含む電気回路の動作の遅延時間ΔW1を減算した値W2を求め、この値W2を、電気信号のレベルに変換する。 【選択図】 図1

15-02-2022 дата публикации

Detection apparatus using radar, and control method thereof

Номер: KR102363729B1
Автор: 오대건, 최원영
Принадлежит: 재단법인대구경북과학기술원

The present invention relates to a radar detection device and an operation method thereof, wherein the radar detection device improves analysis performance of a radar reception signal in relation to the radar detection device of a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) method. The radar detection device includes: a transmitter for transmitting a radar transmission signal which is generated so that the frequency changes at a constant slope with respect to time based on a local oscillator (LO) signal according to a preset transmission period; a receiver which filters an intermediate frequency (IF) signal obtained by synthesizing the radar reception signal and the local oscillation signal received after the radar transmission signal is reflected from a target, and calculates a distance from the filtered intermediate frequency signal to the target; and the control unit which varies a generation period of the local oscillation signal set to the same period as the transmission period of the radar transmission signal to control a detection period, which is a time period in which the intermediate frequency signal is filtered, to vary according to a variable generation period of the local oscillation signal.

27-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for determining four distances from each of the two measuring stations to each of the two transponders

Номер: RU2665034C1

FIELD: radio engineering and communications.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of engineering of radio engineering positioning means and can be used, for example, to control the movement of mobile objects. This result is achieved due to the fact that in the ranging method, the generation of two continuous low-frequency oscillations in each measurement station is performed with simultaneous generation in each measuring station high-frequency oscillations, the frequency of which is known, but in each measuring station has its own, the radiation of these oscillations through the transmitting antennas, the reception of these oscillations in both transponders, the shift to a known low frequency, which for each transponder has its own and is generated by a low-frequency transponder generator, reradiation, secondary reception and allocation of combinational components with these frequencies with the subsequent measurement of phase difference of these combination components and signals of local low-frequency generators. After that, the frequencies of the high-frequency generators of each measuring station are reversed and measurements similar to those described above are made. As a result, four phase differences are obtained, which determine four ranges from each of the two measurement stations to each of the two transponders.EFFECT: reducing the frequency resource used while maintaining the update rate of the position data of the object.1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 665 034 C1 (51) МПК G01S 13/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 13/32 (2006.01); G01S 13/08 (2006.01); G01S 13/10 (2006.01); G01S 13/75 (2006.01); G01S 13/87 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017133648, 27.09.2017 27.09.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "Генезис-Таврида" (RU) Дата регистрации: 27.08.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 2 6 6 5 0 3 4 R U (54) Способ определения четырех расстояний от ...

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Radar equipment

Номер: JP4392409B2
Автор: 政治 内野

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System for making a driver operate a car easily and controlling methodl of the same

Номер: KR101254228B1
Автор: 이재은
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명은 선행차량과 적정거리를 유지하면서 주행하는 도중에 적색 신호등의 정보가 수신되면 선행차량을 추종하지 않고 차량의 주행을 정지시키도록 한 운전자 편의 시스템 및 그 제어방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a driver convenience system and a control method for stopping driving of a vehicle without following the preceding vehicle when information such as a red signal light is received while driving while maintaining a proper distance with the preceding vehicle. 이를 위하여 본 발명은 차량에 장착되어, 선행차량에 레이더신호를 방사하고 그 선행차량으로부터 반사된 레이더신호를 수신하는 레이더모듈; 신호등 송신장치로부터 브로드캐스팅된 신호등의 정보를 수신하는 통신모듈; 및 상기 레이더모듈에 의해 상기 선행차량과 적정거리를 유지하면서 주행하는 중에 상기 통신모듈에 의해 수신된 신호등의 정보를 분석하여 상기 차량의 주행 또는 정지를 결정하는 전자제어유닛을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 운전자 편의 시스템을 제공한다. To this end, the present invention includes a radar module mounted to the vehicle, for emitting a radar signal to the preceding vehicle and for receiving the radar signal reflected from the preceding vehicle; A communication module for receiving information of a broadcast signal signal from a traffic light transmitter; And an electronic control unit configured to determine driving or stopping of the vehicle by analyzing information such as a signal received by the communication module while driving while maintaining a proper distance with the preceding vehicle by the radar module. Provide a driver comfort system. 선행차량, 신호등, 브로드캐스팅, ACC, TJA, 거리, 편의, 주행, 정지, 적색 Preceding Vehicle, Traffic Light, Broadcasting, ACC, TJA, Distance, Convenience, Driving, Stop, Red

08-08-2007 дата публикации

Radar level gauge with switch for selecting transmitter or receiver mode

Номер: CN101014875A


04-02-2010 дата публикации

Amplitude modulation radar and method for measuring distance thereof

Номер: KR100940577B1
Автор: 김강욱
Принадлежит: 이엠와이즈 통신(주)

PURPOSE: An amplitude modulation radar and a distance measuring method using the same are provided to minimize the phase distortion and improve the distance measuring accuracy by only detecting an amplitude modulated signal reflected by a target object. CONSTITUTION: An amplitude modulated signal generator(110) generates an amplitude modulating signal using a modulated frequency signal. A transceiver(120) transmits the amplitude modulating signal to a target object and receives a signal reflected by the target object. A phase detector(130) detects an envelop curve signal for the signal received by the transceiver and extracts only the amplitude modulating signal reflected by the target object and detects the phase delay between the reflected amplitude modulating signal and the modulated frequency signal.

06-10-2004 дата публикации

Ultra wideband receiver

Номер: JP3573747B2

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Wind speed radar

Номер: JP4258570B2
Автор: 克之 今井
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

02-07-1991 дата публикации

Icing hazard detection for aircraft

Номер: US5028929A

An airborne Icing Hazard Detector for aircraft uses dual frequency radar beams which are transmitted into a cloud ahead of the aircraft. The reflected signals at each of the two frequencies are compared and processed to determine the presence, amount and location of regions of liquid water in the cloud. The presence of liquid water is determined as a result of liquid water attenuating the power of one of the signals a greater amount than the other signal, due to different attenuation characteristics of the two signals at the two frequencies. A temperature sensor provides ambient temperature information to determine if the detected liquid water is super-cooled. Upon detection of a predetermined amount of liquid water and the determination that it is super-cooled, an advance warning indication is provided to allow the pilot to avoid flying through the volumetric region of supercooled liquid water and risking ice formation on the aircraft.

26-08-2008 дата публикации

Removal of spurious aircraft detections on weather radar

Номер: US7417578B1

A weather radar detects and removes spurious aircraft from a weather radar display by using one of the methods of differentiating radar return length, estimating a vertical gradient of reflectivity, tracking radar returns into regions that are eliminated from the weather display to provide differentiation, tracking areas of radar returns that allow detection and removal of the spurious aircraft in relative geometries, differentiating Doppler velocity, and differentiating spectral width. The methods may be used individually or in combination to improve performance.

13-01-2011 дата публикации

Radar Signals Clustering Method using Frequency Modulation Characteristics and Combination Characteristics of Signals, and System for Receiving and Processing Radar Signals using the same

Номер: KR101007662B1
Принадлежит: 국방과학연구소

본 발명은, 수신한 레이더 신호의 펄스를 상기 펄스의 주파수 및 방위에 기초하여, 주파수 변수 및 방위 변수로 구성되는 셀에 할당하는 제1 단계; 잡음 신호만 존재하는 잡음 셀을 제거하는 제2 단계; 커널 밀도 추정치를 이용하여 각 셀의 펄스 밀도 분포를 계산하는 제3 단계; 계산된 상기 펄스 밀도 분포가 주파수 고정 클러스터 임계치 보다 큰 경우 해당 셀을 상기 주파수 고정 클러스터로서 추출하는 제4 단계; 상기 주파수 고정 클러스터로서 추출되지 않은 잔여 셀을 병합하여 셀 그룹을 형성하는 제5 단계; 상기 셀 그룹에 대해 커널 밀도 추정치를 이용하여 각 셀 그룹의 펄스 밀도 분포를 계산하는 제6 단계; 및 각 셀 그룹에 대해 계산된 상기 펄스 밀도 분포를 주파수 변경 클러스터의 신호 결합 형태에 따른 각 임계치와 비교하여, 각 셀 그룹을 상기 신호 결합 형태에 따라 구분하고 추출하는 제7 단계를 포함하는 주파수 변조 특성 및 신호 결합 특성을 이용한 레이더 신호의 클러스터링 방법을 제공한다. The present invention includes a first step of assigning a pulse of a received radar signal to a cell consisting of a frequency variable and an azimuth variable based on the frequency and azimuth of the pulse; Removing a noisy cell having only a noisy signal; Calculating a pulse density distribution of each cell using the kernel density estimate; Extracting the corresponding cell as the frequency fixed cluster when the calculated pulse density distribution is larger than a frequency fixed cluster threshold; A fifth step of merging residual cells not extracted as the frequency fixed cluster to form a cell group; Calculating a pulse density distribution of each cell group using a kernel density estimate for the cell group; And a seventh step of classifying and extracting each cell group according to the signal combining type by comparing the pulse density distribution calculated for each cell group with each threshold according to the signal combining type of the frequency change cluster. Provided are a clustering method of radar signals using characteristics and signal coupling characteristics. 레이더, 펄스, 클러스터링, 신호 분석 Radar, Pulse, Clustering, Signal Analysis

20-03-1978 дата публикации

Radar distance indicating system

Номер: JPS5329691A
Автор: Eizo Kubota
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

31-01-2018 дата публикации

Radar equipment

Номер: JP6272703B2

06-10-1992 дата публикации

Range information from signal distortions

Номер: US5153595A
Автор: Henning F. Harmuth
Принадлежит: Geophysical Survey Systems Inc

An electromagnetic signal having originally the time variation of a rectangular pulse is transmitted into a medium with conductivity σ. It is distorted by the medium to a signal f(σ,d,t) if it traveled the distance d from a transmitter to a scattering or reflecting object and the same distance d back to the transmitter. The time variation f(σ,d,t) of the distorted signal can be calculated for any conductivity σ and distance d. Using the conductivity σ known from previous measurements, the returned, distorted signal f(t) is compared with computed distorted signals f(σ,d,t) for various distances d. The computed signal f(σ,d,t) that is most similar to the actually received signal f(t) determines the distance d to the scattering or reflecting object. The comparison between the computed, distorted signals and the actually received signal is done by cross-correlations. The peak amplitude or the energy of the received signal becomes unimportant if cross-correlation is used, which means the physical size or radar cross-section of the scattering or reflecting object becomes unimportant.

25-04-2012 дата публикации

A pulse-echo ranging system and method

Номер: EP2444818A1
Автор: George Burcea
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

In a pulse-echo ranging system and method transmit burst pulses (TX) are transmitted to a target (9) at a first repetition frequency (f 1 ), an intermediate frequency signal (IF) is generated by sampling the received echo pulses (RX) from the target (9) at a second repetition frequency (f 2 ) slightly lower than the first repetition frequency (f 1 ), and the intermediate frequency signal (IF) is evaluated to determine the target distance. In order to compensate for phase error and thermal drift which may occur when the transmit and sampling instants are generated, the transmit burst pulses (TX) are periodically and alternately transmitted at the first and second repetition frequencies (f 1 , f 2 ) while simultaneously the received echo pulses (RX) are sampled at the second and first repetition frequencies (f 2 , f 1 ), and the target distance (d1) is determined as half of the distance between echoes appearing in the intermediate frequency signal (IF) and resulting from the different clocks (CLK 1 , CLK 2 ).

04-06-1985 дата публикации

High-resolution, coherent pulse radar

Номер: US4521778A
Автор: Udo Knepper
Принадлежит: Dornier System GmbH

The invention concerns a procedure and a circuit arrangement for a coherent, high-resolution pulse radar applicable to distances from several tens of meters down to less than one meter and which evinces at the same time an accuracy in the cm range; the application is in particular to industrial monitoring operations. Two highly stable pulse sequences are generated in the transmitter and differ only slightly with respect to their pulse repetition frequencies. Both sequences are shaped into microwave pulse bundles and one sequence is processed into transmitter pulses, the other sequence being processed into scanning pulses for a time-expansion procedure. Heterodyning with the scanning pulses takes place in the receiver mixer, the result being a combined formation of intermediate-frequency (IF) and time-expansion. In this manner the signal bandwidth is already decreased by the time-expansion factor in the IF part. This is made possible in that coherent phases are used, i.e., there is an arbitrary but constant time relationship between the rising edge of the controlling pulse and the starting time (initial phase) of the carrier oscillation produced in the microwave oscillator. The oscillators used are microwave resonators driven by extremely short control pulses.

04-11-2008 дата публикации

Error corrector for radar timing systems

Номер: US7446699B2
Автор: Thomas Edward McEwan

A feedback loop corrects timing errors by reducing deviations from a constant radar sweep rate. Errors are detected and fed back to a phase corrector in a high gain feedback system. A precision radar rangefinder can be implemented with a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) that includes feedback error correction for reducing range errors by, for example, 100 times, or to 0.1 mm. An error-corrected DDS swept timing system can enable a new generation of highly flexible, repeatable and accurate radar, laser and guided wave rangefinders.

12-05-2015 дата публикации

System and method for pulse-echo ranging

Номер: US9031811B2
Автор: George Burcea
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A pulse-echo ranging system and method wherein transmit burst pulses are transmitted to a target at a first repetition frequency, an intermediate frequency signal is generated by sampling the received echo pulses from the target at a second repetition frequency slightly lower than the first repetition frequency, and the intermediate frequency signal is evaluated to determine the target distance. In order to compensate for phase error and thermal drift which may occur when the transmit and sampling instants are generated, the transmit burst pulses are periodically and alternately transmitted at the first and second repetition frequencies while the received echo pulses are simultaneously sampled at the second and first repetition frequencies, and the target distance is determined as half of the distance between echoes appearing in the intermediate frequency signal and resulting from the different clocks.

13-09-2007 дата публикации

Error corrector for radar timing systems

Номер: US20070210955A1
Автор: Thomas McEwan

A feedback loop corrects timing errors by reducing deviations from a constant radar sweep rate. Errors are detected and fed back to a phase corrector in a high gain feedback system. A precision radar rangefinder can be implemented with a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) that includes feedback error correction for reducing range errors by, for example, 100 times, or to 0.1 mm. An error-corrected DDS swept timing system can enable a new generation of highly flexible, repeatable and accurate radar, laser and guided wave rangefinders.

30-07-2009 дата публикации

Pulse radar ranging system

Номер: US20090189800A1

A pulse radar ranging system having a measurement channel and a reference channel is described. In the measurement channel containing an antenna and a measurement target, the normal measurement is performed by processing an echo from the target. In the reference channel containing signal delay means, a reference echo is processed to obtain temperature compensation information.

26-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017118191A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 118 191 A (51) МПК G01S 13/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017118191, 25.05.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Министерство промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.05.2017 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.11.2018 Бюл. № Адрес для переписки: 196084, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Коли Томчака, 9, лит. Н, АО "Заслон" (72) Автор(ы): Коврегин Валерий Николаевич (RU), Коврегина Галина Михайловна (RU) Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 1 8 1 9 1 R U A (57) Формула изобретения Способ обнаружения, измерения дальности и скорости низколетящей малоскоростной цели в импульсно-доплеровских радиолокационных станциях (РЛС) при высокой (ВЧП) частоте повторения импульсов (ЧПИ) и инвертируемой линейной частотной модуляцией (ЛЧМ), основанный на излучении пачек зондирующих радиоимпульсов (ПЗИ) с заданной частотой повторения (ЧПИ) Fп - из набора ЧПИ, заранее рассчитанного для раскрытия «слепых» зон обнаружении при ВЧП - и с внутриимпульсой ЛЧМ несущей частоты ƒ0, приеме отраженных от цели и земли сигналов, измерении по сигналам обнаруженной цели неоднозначной задержки τз и смещенной при ЛЧМ доплеровской частоты F, отличающийся тем, что при поиске и обнаружении излучают последовательность ПЗИ {Пi, i=1, 2, …, N} с заданными ЧПИ Fп i и ЛЧМ, причем знаки крутизны в последовательности ПЗИ sign (Si+1)≠sign (Si); после приема отраженных сигналов пачки Пi (i=N) с ЧПИ Fп i, на которой произошло обнаружение ВЦ, измерения и запоминания значений задержки τз i и смещенной частоты Fi излучают еще одну ПЗИ Пi+1 с ЧПИ Fп i+1=Fп i и ЛЧМ с инвертированным знаком sign (Si+1)≠sign (Si), измеряют значения задержки τз i+1 и смещенной частоты Fi+1; по запомненным Fi и текущим Fi+1 значениям измеренных частот определяют расчетные значения дальномерных частот: с учетом индекса ЧПИ F*i=Fi+Кчпи i Fп i,; F*i+1=Fi+1+Кчпи i+1 Fп ...

14-06-2004 дата публикации

Pulse radar equipment

Номер: JP3538183B2
Автор: 克治 松岡
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

08-10-2021 дата публикации

Precise ADC sampling clock for high-precision wireless guided wave radar

Номер: CN109945950B
Принадлежит: Rosemount Inc


12-07-2022 дата публикации

System and method for acquiring data of deep hole wall surface stress relief drilling machine in real time

Номер: CN114740462A


20-03-2016 дата публикации

Method to detect reservoir filling level

Номер: RU2578022C2

FIELD: measurement equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a device and method to detect level, using electromagnetic waves for detection of distance to surface of product contained in the reservoir. The method to detect product filling level in the reservoir includes the following steps: a) electromagnet probing signal is transmitted to the target area of the product surface; b) reflected probing signal is received, which is reflection of the electromagnet probing signal from this surface; c) value of the parameter is detected, being the reflected probing signal amplitude index; if the amplitude index value is more than the preset threshold value; d) the electromagnetic measurement signal is transmitted to this target area of product surface; e) the return signal is received, which is reflection of the electromagnet measurement signal on the surface; and f) filling level is detected on the basis of time ratio between the electromagnetic measurement signal and the return signal. EFFECT: increased reliability and energy efficiency, in particular, due to provision of shorter active time of device operation. 9 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G01F 23/284 (13) 2 578 022 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014109546/28, 27.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.09.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ВЕНГЕР Фабиан (SE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): РОУЗМАУНТ ТАНК РАДАР АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.10.2015 Бюл. № 30 R U 21.09.2011 US 13/238,443 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2016 Бюл. № 8 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 21.04.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 7 8 0 2 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2166737 C2 10.05.2001. US 7551122 B1 23.06.2009. EA 005504 B1 24.02.2005. US 5457990 A 17.10.1995. US 7823446 B2 02.11.2010. 2 5 7 8 0 2 2 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: ...

06-07-2009 дата публикации

Narrow-band interference suppression method in uwb ranging systems

Номер: KR100906383B1
Автор: 강우식, 곽경섭, 장유화

본 발명은 초광대역 레인징 시스템에서 협대역 간섭제거 방법에 관한 것으로, 특히 특정 주파수를 사용하여 레인징 에러율을 낮춘 초광대역 레인징 시스템에서 협대역 간섭제거 방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 초광대역 레인징 시스템의 협대역 간섭제거 방법은 두개의 협대역 간섭제거 파형을 사용하여 초광대역 레인징 시스템에서 협대역 간섭 신호를 제거하여 레인징 시스템의 정확성을 향상시키는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a narrowband interference cancellation method in an ultra-wideband ranging system, and more particularly, to a narrowband interference cancellation method in an ultra-wideband ranging system in which a ranging error rate is reduced by using a specific frequency. The narrowband interference cancellation method of the ranging system removes the narrowband interference signal from the ultra-wideband ranging system using two narrowband interference cancellation waveforms, thereby improving the accuracy of the ranging system. 협대역 간섭, 광대역, 레인징, 레인징 에러율 Narrowband interference, wideband, ranging, ranging error rate

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Method of detecting, measuring range and speed of low altitude low-speed target in pulse-doppler radar stations with high frequency of pulses repetition and inverted linear frequency modulation

Номер: RU2697509C2

Изобретение относится к радиолокации воздушных целей (ВЦ) и может быть использовано в импульсно-доплеровских радиолокационных станциях (РЛС). Технический результат – повышение точности обнаружения, измерения дальности и скорости низколетящей малоскоростной цели. Указанный результат достигается за счет того, что способ основан на излучении пачек зондирующих радиоимпульсов (ПЗИ) с заданными частотой повторения импульсов (ЧПИ) и линейной частотной модуляцией (ЛЧМ) несущей частоты, приеме отраженных от цели и земли сигналов, измерении неоднозначной задержки и смещенной при ЛЧМ доплеровской частоты сигнала ВЦ. Текущие и запомненные частотные измерения при необходимости пересчитываются, с учетом возможного изменения индекса ЧПИ, и используются для определения скорости и однозначной дальности. В том случае, если за интервал между ПЗИ, произошло заметное смещение неоднозначной задержки, расчет дальности осуществляется с учетом этого смещения. На основании однозначной дальности определяется номер периода повторения и с учетом текущего измерения неоднозначной задержки определяется точное значение текущей дальности (с точностью измерения задержки). 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 697 509 C2 (51) МПК G01S 13/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 13/08 (2019.02); G01S 13/103 (2019.02); G01S 13/341 (2019.02); G01S 13/52 (2019.02); G01S 13/58 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017118191, 25.05.2017 25.05.2017 15.08.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.05.2017 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.11.2018 Бюл. № 33 (45) Опубликовано: 15.08.2019 Бюл. № 23 2 6 9 7 5 0 9 R U (54) СПОСОБ ОБНАРУЖЕНИЯ, ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ДАЛЬНОСТИ И СКОРОСТИ НИЗКОЛЕТЯЩЕЙ МАЛОСКОРОСТНОЙ ЦЕЛИ В ИМПУЛЬСНО-ДОПЛЕРОВСКИХ РАДИОЛОКАЦИОННЫХ СТАНЦИЯХ ПРИ ВЫСОКОЙ ЧАСТОТЕ ПОВТОРЕНИЯ ИМПУЛЬСОВ И ИНВЕРТИРУЕМОЙ ЛИНЕЙНОЙ ЧАСТОТНОЙ МОДУЛЯЦИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к радиолокации запомненные частотные измерения при воздушных ...

03-04-2013 дата публикации

A pulse-echo ranging system and method

Номер: EP2444818B1
Автор: George Burcea
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

25-01-2012 дата публикации

A pulse radar ranging system

Номер: EP2068169B1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

19-12-2022 дата публикации

Estimation device of radar direction of arrival based on time division analog to digital converter, and method thereof

Номер: KR102478751B1
Автор: 신민건, 이성호, 주하람
Принадлежит: 한국전자기술연구원

본 발명은 주파수 변조 연속파 레이더에 있어서, 목표 객체의 도래각을 추정하는 장치와 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은, 하나 이상의 아날로그 RF 수신 신호를 시분할로 순차적으로 반복하여 디지털 RF 수신 신호로 변환 한 다음, 지정한 지연 시간 간격 별로 변환된 디지털 RF 수신 신호를 선택하고 이를 통합하여 RF 수신 참조 데이터를 생성할 수 있다. 그리고 RF 수신 참조 데이터로부터 방위각에 따른 RF 수신 신호의 스펙트럼을 생성한 다음, RF 수신 신호의 스펙트럼에서 최대 값을 나타내는 방위각을, 목표 객체의 도래각으로 추정할 수 있다. The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for estimating an angle of arrival of a target object in a frequency modulated continuous wave radar. The present invention converts one or more analog RF reception signals into digital RF reception signals by sequentially repeating them in time division, and then selects the converted digital RF reception signals for each designated delay time interval and integrates them to generate RF reception reference data. can After generating a spectrum of the RF reception signal according to the azimuth from the RF reception reference data, the azimuth representing the maximum value in the spectrum of the RF reception signal may be estimated as the angle of arrival of the target object.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Aerodrome radar set of air traffic control

Номер: RU2697504C2

FIELD: aviation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to flight control of aircrafts. For this purpose, aerodrome radar set of air traffic control comprises signal processor, control panel, device for displaying trajectory information, connected to signal processor, primary radar channel and secondary radar channel connected to signal processor via switching device. Complex is additionally equipped with a channel of automatic dependent surveillance of broadcasting type, which is connected to a signal processor through a switching device. Switching device additionally comprises a logic circuit which is configured to assign statistical weight to data from channels, combine and transmit them to a signal processor. Combined weighted data are transmitted from three channels, or combined weighted data from any two channels, or data from any one channel. Signal processor is configured to output to the device for displaying trajectory information of coordinates of the target with accuracy determined by the composition and statistical weight of data from the channels. System further includes an indicator of connected and/or disconnected channels connected to the signal processor. EFFECT: technical result is higher reliability and high accuracy during operation in normal mode. 1 cl, 2 tbl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 697 504 C2 (51) МПК G01S 13/91 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 13/91 (2019.02); G01S 13/106 (2019.02); G01S 13/24 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016145479, 21.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 15.08.2019 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 18.12.2018 Бюл. № 35 (45) Опубликовано: 15.08.2019 Бюл. № 23 2 6 9 7 5 0 4 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 34759 U1, 10.12.2007. RU 2556708 C1, 20.07.2015. RU 2308737 C1, 20.10.2007. WO 02/086535 A1, 31.10.2002. US 5748142 A, 05.05.1998. (54) Аэродромный радиолокационный ...

29-06-2006 дата публикации

A radar level gauge system

Номер: WO2006068604A1

A method and a system for radar-based gauging of a filling level of a filling material is disclosed, wherein the tank has at least one interfering structure. The method comprises: transmitting at a first time moment a microwave signal towards the surface of the filling material; receiving microwave signals as reflected against the surface of the filling material and as reflected against said at least one interfering structure; calculating based on propagation times of the transmitted and reflected microwave signals at least two distances to reflective surfaces in the tank; and repeating at a second time moment the transmitting, the detecting and the calculating, wherein said first time moment is timely separated from said second time moment. Based on the several repeated measurements, the distance to the surface of the filling material is determiend as the calculated distance that exhibits the greatest change between said first and second time moments. Based on this time difference analysis, it is possible to discinguish moving surfaces very easy and acurate. The method is specifically advantageous in overfill or high level alarm systems.

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Marking tank obstructions using an electronic level gauge

Номер: US9618612B2
Автор: Mark L. Muldowney
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

An obstruction marking method includes generating a first echo curve using an electronic level gauge (ELG) coupled to a tank from a first reflected signal (echo signal) received when a material in the tank is at a first level. The ELG includes a radar-based obstruction detection algorithm stored in a memory coupled thereto. A processor implementing the obstruction detection algorithm identifies at least a first feature in the first echo curve to provide at least one suspected obstruction along with its position (first feature position). A second echo curve is generated from a second reflected signal when the material is at a second level. A third echo curve is generated from a third reflected signal when the material is at a third level. The suspected obstruction at the first feature position is stored in the memory as a verified obstruction with its first feature position.

21-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for clustering an radar signal

Номер: KR101632167B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 빅텍

본 발명은 수집된 레이더 신호의 도착방향의 차이 및 도착시간의 차를 이용하여 레이더 신호를 클러스터링하는 방법에 관한 것으로, 레이더 신호를 수신하여 신호 수집부에 의해 생성된 복수의 PDW 데이터를 펄스 도착시간(TOA)에 따라 정렬해 놓은 PDW 리스트를 입력받는 단계와, 입력된 PDW 리스트를 구성하는 각 PDW 데이터들을 거리계산함수를 호출하여 유사성을 갖는 그룹 신호들로 클러스터링하되, 상기 거리계산함수를 이용해 그룹화하고자 하는 PDW 데이터의 펄스 도착시간을 포함하는 신호특징변수들의 값과, 그룹화된 각 그룹을 대표하는 신호특징변수들 값과의 차를 구하여 각 신호특징변수들에 대하여 정해진 임계치와 비교하는 방식을 통해 가장 가까운 거리에 존재하는 그룹을 찾아 상기 그룹화하고자 하는 PDW 데이터를 추가하거나 새로운 그룹으로 생성하여 유사성을 갖는 그룹 신호들로 클러스터링하는 단계를 포함함을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a method of clustering radar signals using difference in arrival direction and arrival time of collected radar signals, and more particularly, to a method of clustering radar signals using a difference in arrival direction of a radar signal, Receiving a PDW list sorted according to a TOA; inputting PDW data constituting the input PDW list to a grouping signal having similarity by calling a distance calculation function, The difference between the value of the signal feature parameters including the pulse arrival time of the PDW data to be searched and the value of the signal feature parameters representative of the grouped group is obtained and compared with a predetermined threshold value for each signal feature variable The PDW data to be grouped may be added to a group existing at the closest distance, And clustering the group signals into group signals having similarity.

07-02-1983 дата публикации

Measuring device for distance

Номер: JPS5821177A
Принадлежит: NEC Corp, Nippon Electric Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。
