Complete Specification Lodged:
Priority :
Related Art Name of Applicant: pqq jrpQp CCMPANY QF CANADA, LIMITED Address of Applicant: The Canadian Road, Oakville, Ontario, Canada Actual Inventor ; GBDRGE COSTA HADJIPANAYIS, CHUAN GAO and DONALD LEE GRAMLICH Address for Service : WATERMARK PATENT & TRADEMARK ATTORNEYS.
LOCKED BAG NO. 5, HAWTHORN, VICTORIA 3122, AUSTRALIA Complete Specification for tft'e invention entitled:
COBALT-BASED MAGNET FREE OF RARE EARTHS The following statement is a full description of this inverttiort, including the best method of performing it known to :-us 1.
COBALT-BASED MAGNET FREE OF RARE EARTHS Background of %he Invention Technical Field This invention relates to the art of making permanent magnets, and more particularly to the art of making cobalt-based magnets.
Discussion of the Prior Art The first major use of cobalt in the making of permanent magnets occurred about .19 69 when used as a base in conjunction with rare earths to attain an energy product material higher than anything attained with the best ALNICO alloys for ferrite magnets. Such cobalt/rare earth magnets possessed strong anisotropism and large coercivities (see U.S. patents 4*081,297; 4,090,892; 4,131,495; 4,213,803; 4,369,075; and articles listed in the Appendix).
Due to the difficulty of obtaining cobalt at reasonable cost, this advancement was overshadowed by the development of stabilized iron-based rare earth magnet alloys which attained many magnetic properties equal to or greater than that of cobalt-based ra-re earth magnets.
Optimization of such iron-based rare earth magnets has continued throughout the 1980's, including resubstitution of cobalt for iron (see Fuerst, CD. and Herbst, J.F.
(1988), "Hard Magnetic Properties of Nd-Co-B Materials", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 64, No. 3, page 1332; and Fuerst, CD., Herbst, J.F., and Pinkerton, F.E.
(1988), "Magnetic Hardening of Pr2Go14B", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 64, No. 10, page 5556) to stabilize magnetic ptopefties at higher temperatures, but did so mi uLiinuiiaJU'ifls Jiw I • * « 1 with significant degradation of the properties of the rare earth system.
With changing economics of raw material supply, including an increase in the abundance of cobalt and an increase in the price of rare earths, it has recently become practical to deploy cobalt as a predominant ingredient of permanent magnets without the presence of rare earths. Applicants are unaware of any prior art that has investigated rare earth free cobalt-based permanent magnets except for an active basic research program carried out at the Massachusetts institute of Technology,. Cambridge, MA, directed to cobalt/boron alloys as evidenced by the article "Magnetic Moment Suppression in Rapidly Solidified Co-TE-B Alloys-, by A.M. Ghemawat et al. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 63, No. 8, pages 3388-3390 (April 15, 1988). This latter work merely observed that the magnetic moment decreased by adding a transition element (TE) to a cobalt/boron of cobalt/copper alloy. The authors reasoned that the TE and boron or copper competed for hybridization of the cobalt state to result in such decrease.
Contrary to this MIT work, an investigation was undertaken in accordance with this invention to see if a stabilized cobalt-based transition metal alloy could be processed to result in significant enhancement of its magnetic properties while possessing high temperature stability and desirable corrosion resistance.
Summary of the Invention Greater microstructural crystallization and different microstructural proportioning of phases was _ found necessary to an enhancement of magnetic properties. This was brought about by reducing the cobalt content (to below 80%) to allow for the addition of a controlled combination of silicon and boron while utilizing a relatively high amount (14-20%) of a transition metal selected from the restricted group of Zr and Hf.
The invention is thus a new hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths, consisting of 14-20% of a transition metal having two unpaired electrons in the outermost d sublevel or ofbital, 1-5% silicon, .3-5.6% boron, and the remainder essentially cobalt, the alloy having a microstructure substantially devoid of nonmagnetic phases and consisting of (Co-SiXTMg and (Co-Si) -TM- magnetic phases, distributed throughout in a regular manner in a fine grain. The alloy may be represented by the formula: Co TM B_ . o-Si, where TM is a x y 7-1.3z z transition metal selected front the group consisting of zirconium and hafnium, x is 73-79; y is 16-20; and z is 1-5.
Preferably, substitution agents of nickel or iron may be used for up to 10% of the cobalt, 2Q substitutional agents of vanadium or niobium may be used for up to 5% of the TM, and substitutional agents of aluminum, copper, or gallium for UP to 2% of the silicon. Preferably, the (Co-Si).TM- phase *•••" ptedominates in a volume ratio of 3:2 to 4:1 with respect to the (Co-Si)23TMg phase. Preferably, the fine grain of the resulting alloy is in the range of 100-500 nanometers (i.e., 1000-5000 angstroms or .1-.5 microns).
The alloy preferably exhibits magnetic properties comprising: H of 4-8 KOe, two phases with one presenting a T of about 600oC and the other about 450oC, M greater than 60 emu/gram,.and BHm in bulk form of 17-30 MKOe. The alloy further exhibits high temperature stability of such magnetic properties Characterized by little or no change in H up to 450oC and only partial reduction in Hc up to 600-800oC. The _ 4 » magnetic alloy exhibits enhanced corrosion resistance characterized by simulation of less than 300 mg/cm per year in sulphuric acid and less than 700 mg/cm per year in hydrochloric acid.
The invention is also the method of making a permanent magnet, comprising the steps of: (a) forming a solidified homogeneous alloy of 14-20% Zr or Hf, a combination of boron and silicon which totals .65-5.0%, and the remainder essentially cobalt, said forming being carried out in a nondxidizing environment; and (b) control cooling said alloy during or subsequent to forming to experience the temperature range of 550-700oC for 5-60 minutes.
A specific method mode for making ribbons, comprises the steps of: (a) rapidly quenching by '•„ melt-spinning a homogeneous alloy of 14-20% transition metal selected from the group of zirconium and hafnium, 1-5% silicon, .3-5.6% boron, and the remainder ♦• essentially cobalt, the rapid quenching being carried out in an nonoxidizing environment to form a ribbon of hard magnetic alloy having a grain size of .1-.5 microns; (b) heat treating said ribbon in a nonoxidizing environment in the temperature range of 550-700o'C for 5-60 minutes; and (c) slow cooling the heat treated ribbon at about l0C/minute resulting in an isotropic permanent magnet.
Advantageously, the resulting ribbons from such method may be bonded together to form a bulk magnet shape or such ribbons may be ground and hot pressed to form a magnetically aligned bulk shape.
A specific method mode for making extruded bulk sized permanent magnets, comprises: (a) extruding a homogeneous solidified alloy consisting of 14-20% transition metal selected from zifconium and hafhium, a combination of boron and silicon according to the relationship B - Si., where g is in the tange of .5-2 . ox x i • • mm m 9 • ft and the remainder essentially cobalt, said extrusion being carried out in a nonoxidizing environment with the alloy at a temperature in the range of 600-800oC to form a strand of desired cross-section and alloy microstructure; and (b) control cooling said extruded alloy to experience heat treatment in the range of 550-700oC for 5-60 minutes.
Summary of the Drawings Figure 1 is a flow diagram of the method aspect of this invention; Figure 2 is a schematic sketch of apparatus to carry out rapid quenchinf; Figure 3 is a schematic sketch of apparatus used to carry out extrusion; Figures 4 and 5 are illustrations corresponding to photographs made with a scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDXA to determine phases present* microstructure, and grain sizes; Figures 6 through 13 are graphical illustrations of magnetic hysteresis loops for various cobalt-based alloys as indicated in each figure, such loops being measured at ambient temperatures except for that indicated in figure 13; and Figures 14 through 18 are graphical ••" • illustrations of M versus T data in designated cobalt-based alloys showing the Curie temperature thereof and existence of phases represented by temperature aberrations.
Detailed Pescriptibn and Best Mode This invention enhances the magnetic properties of a cobalt-based/traftsition metal alloy* To this end, 0 9 * • k * * « m * * - 6 the chemistry of such alloy has been nidified to obtain a new, more selective combination, as follows (in atomic weight percent):
1. Cobalt is restricted to the lower content range of 73-79%.
2. The transition metal is maintained at a high content range of 14-20%, but is restricted to such metals having two unpaired electrons in its outermost d sublevel or orbital/ represented by zirconium and hafnium, and in that preferential order. itanium may be used as the transition metal because it has similar properties to that of Zr and Hf, but due to its atomic size, it does not achieve comparable magnetic properties.
3. A controlled combination of silicon and boron is added, the silicon varying between 1-5% and boron between .3-5.6%. The combination is controlled according to the relationship B- , _ Si , where x is 1-5.
Substitional agents of nickel or iron may be present for up to 10% of the cobalt; substitional agents of vanadium and niobium may be present for up to 5% of the transition metal; and substitutional agents of aluminum, copper or gallium may be present for up to 2% of the silicon.
The minimum content of Cobalt is interrelated with the maximum content of the transition metal in that •• * a reduction of one will lead to an increase of the other. If cobalt falls below 73%, thereby in most cases increasing the transition metal to above 20%, an • 30 undesired third phase will usually appear causing a degradation in the magnetic properties. The combination of silicon and boron preferably should not exceed 6.6% of the alloy, and, if such is experienced, there will be a progressive dilution of the magnetic moment. If the total content o£ silicon and boron is under 1%, the JMiiaWilUffkflrhiJ- l t • * microstructure of the resulting alloy will be too amorphous, particularly in a rapidly quenched shape.
With the above chemistry, the alloy is more crystalline, maintains its magnetic properties even at temperatures up to at least 450oC, and higher in some other cases, and possesses greater corrosion resistance.
Processing plays an important role in the attainment of enhanced properties herein. As shown in figure 1, the molten alloy can be shaped into a magnetic material by (i) rapidly quenching into ribbons, which ribbons are either ground to particles and hot pressed to a bulk shape or bonded to form such bulk shape, or (ii) cast to shape preferably by extrusion at extrusion temperatures close to but below the T temperature of the lower bf the two phases of the alloy. The solidified shape should then be given an annealing hsat treatment in the temperature range of 550—700*0 for 5-6Q minutes, followed by a slow cooling sequence such as l0C/minute to assure crystallization.
When the shape is formed by rapid quenching, the following steps are preferred: (a) melt spinning of a homogeneous alloy of 16-20% transition metal selected from the group of Zt and Hf, B7 , -..Si , where x is 1-5, and the remainder being essentially cobalt, the melt spinning being carried out in a ndnoxidizing environment to form a ribbon of hard magnetic alloy having a grain size of .1-.5 microns; (b) heat treating such ribbon in a nonoxidizing environment in the temperature range of 550-700,,C for 5-60 minutes; and <c) slow cooling such heat treated ribbon at about l0C/minute.resulting in an anisotropic magnet.
Preferably, the purity of the molteft metal __ should be at least 99*§% pure> and the melting oi the alloy by arc melting carried out sevetal times to ensure homogeneity, the rapid queftching by melt-spinaing is preferably carried out by use of a single copper wheel (see figure 2) rotating with a surface speed of about 450 rpra resulting in continuous ribbons typically 2mm wide and about 200 microns in thickness. The ribbons can be sealed in quartz tubes under vacuum and heat treated, at temperatures in the range indicated for carrying out annealing, to optimize the rnagnetic properties.
To achieve the magnetic shape by extrusion, the method preferably comprises: (a) extruding (see figure 3) a homogeneous solidified alloy of 16-20% transition metal selected from the group of Zr and Hf, with the combination of B _ Si , where x is .1-2, and the remainder being essentially boron, said extrusion being carried out in a nonoxidizing environment with the alloy at a temperature in the range of 600-800oC to form a strand of desired cross-section and desired alloy microstructure; and (b) control cooling the extruded alloy to experience heat treating in the range of 55Q-7Q0oC for 5-60 minutes followed by slow cooling, such as about I'C/minute, resulting in an anisotropic magnet shape.
Resulting Microstructure f • • The resulting microstructure will be comprised of two magnetic phases constituted of (Co-Si)23zr6 which is hereinafter referred to as the 4:1 phase, and (Co-Si)11Zr2 which is hereinafter referred to as the 6:1 phase. The microstructure will have the 6:1 phase predominating, sufch phase having a T temperature of higher than 600*0. the 4:1 phase will be in minor The _ 6:1 phase attracts silicon atoms rtiore easily and therefore promotes the role of silicon to nbt only crystallize the microstructure but to promote a more proportioh having a T temperature about 450"C.
» ft • rf t " w * * * J»ftt» uniform distribution and isolation of the magnetic phases. Accordingly, it is desirable to have a greater proportion of the 6:1 phase facilitating silicon to carry- out such isolation.
The proportioning of the two types of magnetic phases is shown by a comparison of figures 4 and 5. The samples were polished and etched with a solution of 3% nitric acid in methanol and were then mounted on specimen holders with carbon paint, in figure 4, an alloy containing 80% cobalt and 20% zirconium was examined with a scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDXA to determine phases present and the grain sizes. The sample of figure 4 was composed of two phases, one bright and one dark, intertwined with each other in a dentritic structure., The bright phase contained 80.51% cobalt and 19.49% zirconium, whicli is the 4*1 phase, while the dark phase contained 85*93% cobalt and 14.08% zirconium, which represents the 6:1 phase, You will note that there is a predominance of the 4:1 phase by the existence of a greater proportion of bright phase. This alloy has poor coercivity and less than desired magnetic moment in bulk form.
In figure 5, the sample examined was of 76% cobalt, 18% zirconium, 3% silicon, and 3% boron. This sample had the same dentritic structure as the previous sample, but with a major difference. This example did not have the core area from which the dentrites of the other sample originated.; The cobalt-rich phase (the dark phase) was the most abundant (being the 6:1 phase), and the bright phase (4:1 phase) was present only as dentrites, in a minor proportion. The size of the dentrites were about 3 microns wide and about 9 microns _ long. The composition of the bright phase was, on average, 74.76% cobalt/ 22.23% zirconium, and 3.01% silicon, while the composition of the dark phase was 81% II 6 « II & II « * » cobalt, 14.94% zirconium, and 4.06% silicon.
In addition to the unusual characteristic in the alloys o€ this invention having a higher preponderance of the 6:1 phase, there was an absence of a third phase, ZrCo2 (a soft magnetic phase), which begins to appear in chemistries containing less than 73% cobalt. The presence of such third phase is detrimental to the magnetic properties of the shape because the H will be considerably lower.
The intermetallic magnetic phases are isolated by the presence of nonmetallic silicon in the microstructure and are maintained in a relatively fine grain structure by the presence of such silicon. Fin£ grained is used herein to mean an absolute particle size range of .1-.5 microns. The shaped maghet will have a coercivity H in the range of 4-8 KOe, a magnetic saturation of greater than 60 emu/gram or 7-10.5 KOe (exhibited in bulk form), a Curie temperature greater than 400<>G, and maintaining such properties in a high value up to eOO'C. In order to confirm the enhanced 1 thermal stability of the shaped magnet herein, the CO-gZr-gB-Si- alloy was heated to the temperature of 300oC for 10 minutes and properties measured, and then heated to the level of 590oC for 100 minutes and measured, The coercive force was measured after the first stage to be substantially the same as at ambient temperature with only slight variation; at 590<,G, H c dropped off to 4.1* this shows that the alloy of the present invention is mat® isagnetically stable than Fe/fare earth alloys* When aa feg-Nd-Bg alloy is heated to 300oC for 100 fliinutes, the coercive force drops substantially to zero.
The ribbon-formed samples 6f the Alloys of th& present invention wete measured with respect to their 33 csfrosica resistance. This was carried out by immersing -V>"M HIWWW -li¬ the samples in aqueous solutions of 1N-H2S04/ 1N-HC1, and IN-NaCl, at 300C for one week to carry out the corrosion test. The obtained results are shown in Table I:
TABLE I Corrosion Rate (mq/cm/year) Co76Zr18B3Si3 1N-H-SO.
(20oC) 27.2 1N-HC1 (30.o.C) 36.5 IN-NaCl I1P0C) 0.0 Fec.Co«-Zr.rt 1658.8 CoaflHf .B«Si- 80 x4 3 3 23.0 30.1 10.1 0.0 Examples Alloys with the compositions as designated in Table II were prepared from raw materials by arc melting and were prepared using materials of 99.99% purity. The Table II samples were melted several time to ensure homogeneity. For ribbons, melt-spinning was used with a single rotating wheel at a speed of 4500 rpm. The apparatus for such melt-spinning is as shown in figure 2. The ribbons were sealed in quartz tubes under vacuum and heat treated at temperatures in the range of 55Q-700oC for 40 minutes. As the data in Table II shows, the samples having a chemistry within the ranges as disclosed fox* this invention exhibited a crystallization characterized by coercivities in the range d£ 4-8 KOe.
Hysteresis loops, as shown in figures 6-13 for — the individual alloys, identified in such figures, exhibits high coercivity when the chemistry of this invention is followed. It should be noted that figures and 11 differ not in the chemistry of the clloy, but rather in the velocity at which the ribbons were rapidly quenched, figure 10 having a wheel velocity of 130 and the results for figure 11 were at a wheel velocity of 140.
Figure 13 demonstrates changes in the hysteresis loop, and thus H , as a function of test temperatures; the significance of this is very important. Note that at a tempefature of 150PC, the alloy has an H of about 5.5 KOe; such temperature is the maximum that will usually be experienced by a magnet in an automotive starter application.
Figures 14 through 18 represent M versus T data plotted for the specific alloys noted in such figures, wherein a variation in the cooling rate demonstrates the formation of different phases having their own a specific Curie temperatures at such phase change, this corroborates the existence of the desirable two phases when the chemistry is within thaft claimed herein.
Table III demonstrates the effects of varying certain process parameters, the most important being to hot extrude the alloy melt with the temperature range of 600-800oC, It also was found useful to incorporate Cu in the alloy in an amount of 1-3% to facilifeatfe extrusion.
The extrusion technique or rapid quenching creates a fine gfain microstructure that promotes magnetic properties without precipitation hasfening. The ability to directly cast a high performance magnet by extrusion is of great significance. The need for silicon and boron is greatly reduced and cycle processing time is greatly reduced.
While particular embodiments Of the invention have been illustrated and described, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications may be made without departing from the invention, and it is intended to cover in the appended claims all such, modifications and equivalents as fall witRift the true spirit and scope of this invention.
1Q 1. A hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths, consisting of, by atomic weight:
14-20% of a transition metal having two unpaired electrons in the outermost d sublevel or orbital; B7 . ,51, with x being 1-5; and the remainder essentially cobalt, said alloy having a microstructure substantially devoid of nonmagnetic phases and consisting of (C0-Si)2«TMg and (Co-Si),.TML magnetic phases distributed throughout in a regular manner in a fine grain.
2. The magnetic alloy as in claim 1, in which the grain structures is sized in the range of 100-500nm.
3. The magnetic alloy as in claim 1, which is characterized by the following magnetic properties: H of 4-8 KOe, T greater than 400oC., M_ greater than 60 c s emu/gram, all at ambient temperature.
4. The magnetic alloy as in claim 3,, having enhanced corrosion resistance,, represented by the alloy experiencing less than 300 mg/cm |>er year when immersed in a sulphuric acid and less than 700 mg/crs per year when immersed in a hydrochloric acid.
M 5, The magnetic alloy as in clainj 1, in which said (Co-Si),jTM- phase predominates in a volume ratio of 3:2 to 4:1 with refarence to the (Co-SiKTML phase.
6. The magnetic alloy as in claim l, which has an tt of 4-8 KOe up to an elevated temperature of 4S0oC and an H, of 3-.6 KOe up to SOOC. A hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths, consisting of 14-20% of a transition metal (Zr or Hf), 1-5% silicon, .3-5.6% boron, and the remainder essentially cobalt, the alloy having a microstructure substantially devoid of nonmagnetic phases and consisting of a high proportion of (Co-Si)11TM2 phase and a lesser proportion of (Co-Si)23TM6 phase, such phases being distributed throughout in a regular manner in a fine grain. Substitution agents of nickel or iron may be used for up to 10% of the cobalt, substitutional agents of vanadium or niobium may be used for up to 5% of the TM, and aluminium, copper, or gallium for up to 2% of the silicon. The alloy has high coercivity, high temperature stability, and excellent corrosion resistance. The alloy may be processed directly by extrusion with reduced requirements for boron and silicon. THE CLAIMS DEFINING THE INVENTION ARE AS POLLCWS:
1Q 1. A hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths, consisting of, by atomic weight:
14-20% of a transition metal having two unpaired electrons in the outermost d sublevel or orbital; B7 . ,51, with x being 1-5; and the remainder essentially cobalt, said alloy having a microstructure substantially devoid of nonmagnetic phases and consisting of (C0-Si)2«TMg and (Co-Si),.TML magnetic phases distributed throughout in a regular manner in a fine grain. 2. The magnetic alloy as in claim 1, in which the grain structures is sized in the range of 100-500nm. 3. The magnetic alloy as in claim 1, which is characterized by the following magnetic properties: H of 4-8 KOe, T greater than 400oC., M_ greater than 60 c s emu/gram, all at ambient temperature. 4. The magnetic alloy as in claim 3,, having enhanced corrosion resistance,, represented by the alloy experiencing less than 300 mg/cm |>er year when immersed in a sulphuric acid and less than 700 mg/crs per year when immersed in a hydrochloric acid.
M 5, The magnetic alloy as in clainj 1, in which said (Co-Si),jTM- phase predominates in a volume ratio of 3:2 to 4:1 with refarence to the (Co-SiKTML phase. 6. The magnetic alloy as in claim l, which has an tt of 4-8 KOe up to an elevated temperature of 4S0oC and an H, of 3-.6 KOe up to SOOC. 7. A hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths, consisting of CoxTMyBy.i.azSiz, where TM is a transition element selected from the group consisting of zirconium and hafnium, and x is 73-79, y is 16-20, and z is 1-5. 8. The magnetic alloy as in Claim 7, having (i) substitutional agents of nickel or iron for up to 10 atomic weight % of the cobalt; (i i) substitutional agents of vanadium or niobium for up to 5 atomic weight % of TM; and (i i i) substitutional agents pf aluminium, copper, or gallium for up to 2 atomic weight % of the silicon. 9. A hard magnetic alloy consisting of 76 atomic weight % cobalt, 18 atomc weight % zirconium, 3 atomic weight % boron, and 3 atomic weight % silicon, and having a coercivity at room temperature of at least about 6.7 KOe. 10. A hard magnetic alloy free of rare earths consisting of 78 atomic weight % cobalt, 16 atomic weight % hafnium, 3 atomic weight % boron, and 3 atomic weight % silicon, characterised by a coercivity after annealing at a temperature of 650oC for 30 minutes and slow cooled, said coercivity being at least about 6.5 KOe. 11. A method of making a permanent magnet, comprising the steps of:
(a) forming a solidified homogeneousi alloy of 14-20% Zr or Hf, 0.3-5.6 atomic weight % boron and 1-5 atomic weight % silicon and the remainder essentially cobalt, said forming being carried out in a nonoxidizing environment; and (b) control cooling said alloy during or subsequent to forming to experience the temperature range of 550-700oC for 5-60 minutes.
JD/LPS:JJC AU6208690.WPC {DOC.23] ft I t i i \ t i 12. A method of making a permanent magnet, comprising the steps of:
„\ • (a)., .rapidly quenching a homogeneous alloy of 16-20j% transition metal having two unpaired electrons in the outermost d sublevel or orbital, one combination of boron/silicon according to the relationship B7-l 5xS*x wh®re x s 1~5' and fciie remainder essentially cobalt, said rapid quenching being carried out in a nonoxidizing environment to form a ribbon of hard alloy having a grain size of .1-.5 microns; (b) heat treating said ribbons in a nonoxidizing environment in the temperature range of 55Gi-700oC for 5-60 minutes; and (c) slow cooling said heat treated ribbons at about l0C/minute resulting in an isotropic permanent magnet. 13. The method as in claim 11, in which said ribbons are additionally bonded together to forin a bulk magnet shape. 14. The method as in claim 11, in which said cooled ribbons are ground and hot pressed under magnetic alignment to form a bulk anisotropic magnet. 15. A method of making a permanent magnet, comprising the steps of:
(a) extruding, a -homogeneous solidified alloy consisting of 14-20,% transition metal selected from zirconium and hafnium, a combination of boron and silicon according to the relationship B ,_.Si where x is in the range of .1-2 and the remainder essentially cobalt, said extrusion being carried out in a nonoxidizing environment with the alloy at a temperature in the range Iq of eeO-SOOC to form a strand of desired cross-sectioa and alloy fiiierostructure; and (b) control cooling said extruded alloy to experience heat treatment in the range of 550-7G0oC for 5-60 minutes. 16. The method as in claim 15, in which said heat treatment is followed by slow cooling at about l0C/minute to 2000G. 17. The magnet resulting from the practice of the method in claim 15, characterized by a BH of 12-25 MKOe. 18. The method as in claim 15, in which said alloy contains 1-3!% Cu.
DATED this 31st day of August 1990.
Allov C°76Zr18B3si3 C07sZt1QV2Si2 C076Zr18v3B3 Co76Zr16V2B3Si3 C076Zri4Nb4B3Si3 €07322084513 C078Zr16B3si3 C082ZrI2B3Si3 Co69Zr25B3Si3 C076Zri7.4B5.6Si! CO76Zri8.7S.3Si5 CO74Zr16B0si10 CO73Zr20B7 C076Zr21B3 .
G077Zr18B5Cu2 C076.Zr16B6Ti2 C076Zr16B6M02 G076Zr17B5Gai G076Zri6S62 GogoZrl6B4 TABLE II Hc inRibbon Form Ms inBulk Form(emu/aram) Presenceof 2 Phases 6.7 96 yes 5.7 64 yes 3.9 67 yes 6.1 86 yes 4.0 74 yes 4.1 61 yes 6.2 89 yes 2.8 •54 no 1.9 49 3rd phase 6.4 92 yes 6.1 90 yes 4.8 51 yes 1.9 62 yes 2.3 48 3rd phase 3.9 60 yes 3.6 45 yes 3.5 52 yes 4.2 62 yes 2.6 38 yes 3.5 49 no •MMMMMftMHRMMta* TABLE II (Continued) i a * • » « 4 Alloy c076Zr16Ba C074Zr2oB6 Co72Ni5Zr1aB3Si3 C078Hf16B3Si3 CovsHfxaBsSia C074Hf2oB3Si3 eo74Hf18B4Si3 C077Zr15B6Nd2 CoaoZr16B4 C076Zr16B3 C074Zr2oB6 C076Hfi8B3Ga3 C076Hf18B3C3 He inRibbon Form(KO&)1.3 Ms inBulk Form(emu/aram) Presenceof 2 Phases 48 yes 3.3 52 3rd phase 5.3 59 yes 6.5 89 yes 5.2 70 yes 4.2 63 yes 4.1 54 yes 2.$ 47 yes 3.5 54 no 1.3 5.6 yes 3.3 49 yes .9 62 yes 1.8 39 yes »1* • I * • • t * * m • • 4 • * TABLE III (Co762r18B3Si3) Hc in H inc 11 ins Ribbons Bulk Form Bulk Form (KOe) (KOe) (KOe) Rapidly Quenched Ribbons 6.7 (Preferred Mode) Without Annealing 1.6 Without Slow Cooling 5.1 ",<,..* Ground Ribbons & Hot Pressed 6.6 : ,*',. Extruded at Temp. 610oC Extruded at Temp. 790oC l f 9 * f • 7.6 6.3 8.4 9.5 9.8 9.1 APPENDIX i * i * 1. Greedan et al., "An Analysis of the Rare Earth contribution to The Magnetic Anisotropy in RC05 and R2Co17 Compounds'', Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 6, 1973, pp 387-395. 2. Leamy et al., "The Structure of Co—Cu—Fe—Ce Permanent Magnets", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. MAG—9, No. 3, Sep* 1973, pp, 205-209. 3. Ray et al., "Easy Direction on Magnetization in Ternary R2(Co,Fe) Phases", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Sep. 1972, pp. 516-518. 4. Melton et al., "A Electron Microscope Study of Sm—Co—Cu—Based Magnetic Materials with the SmCou Structure", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 48, No.
6, Jun, 1977, pp. 2608-2611. 5. SennO et al., "Magnetic Properties of Sm—Co—Ee—Cu Alloys for Permanent Magnetic Materials", Japan J.
Appl. Phys., vol. 14, (1975), No. 10\, pp. 1619-1620. 6. Nezu et al., "Sm2(Co, Fe, Cu)i7 Permanent Magnet Alloys with Additive Element Hf", pp. 437-449.
Mainichi Daily News, Saturday, Jun. 4, 1983, "Strongest Magnet Unveiled". 7. Nagel et al., "Influence of Cu-Content on the Hard Magnetic Properties of Sm(co>Cu) 2:17 Compounds", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. MAG-14, No. 5, Sep. 1978, pp. 671-673, 8. Ojima et al., "Magnetic Properties of a New Type of Rare-Earth Cobalt Magnetst Sm2(CO, Cu,, Fe, M);i7"/ IEEE Transactions on Magnetics/ vol, MAG-13, No. 5, Sep. 1977, pp. 1317-1319., 9. El Masry et al., "Phase Equilibria in the Co-Sm-B System", Journal of the Less-Common Metals, vol,. 96, Jan./ 1984, pp. 165-170.