Beschmibung the invention concerns .eine FSrdervorrichtung in accordance with ss the generic term of the requirement 1.
When measuring KSrpem with impact-sensitive Oberfl& che, in particular yon cylindrical rollers for W more lzlager, become this K0rper, the polished and/or Obeffl& provided with a finish; chen exhibit, by means of a MagneffSrdervorrichtung isolated, in which they are held for state of suspension with the help of a Magneffeldes irn. The isolated K0rper becomes then to downstream at the outlet side, essentially kreisfSrmige FSrdervorrichtung a Qbergeben, which the KSrper at Durchmesserund L& ngenmesseinrichtungen moved by. This FSrdervorrichtung was designed so far as cell wheel, with which in constructional and kostenm& to ssig fQr one K6rper an own magnetic system for holding the KSrpers in the admission, which can be measured, is assigned complex way of each admission. 0berdies is the cell wheel only a relative to the PrQfung of parts within small diameter range geeignet.
The available invention aims now off to out-arrange a FSrdervorrichtung of the introductory indicated kind in such a way that it ermSglicht in constructionally simple way transport yon cylindrical K6rpern within a far diameter range the same. It is characterised the effindungsgem the sse device by the fact that it to the characteristics in the generic term of the requirement 1 also the characteristics in the characteristic aufweist.
Preferably the photographs are exhibiting swivelling second disk against essentially homogenous disks with another circular pitch and/or another Offnungswinkel of the photographs austauschbar.
The invention ermSglicht it to change over and to the respective Bedaft adapt the device in a simple manner. The constructional expenditure becomes by planning only one magnetic system more gegenQber the introductory erSrterten well-known AusfQhrung at the same time substantially reduziert.
Further characteristics of the invention become following at a AusfQhrungsbeispiel with reference to the design n& ago erl& utert, in the Fig. 1 a schematic side view of a FSrdervorrichtung in accordance with ss the Effindung and Fig. 2 a cut after the line I1-II in Fig. 1 zeigen.
The F6rdervorrichtung represented in the design exhibits a kreisfSrmige being certain disk 1 from not magnetic material, e.g. aluminum, the Qber the grSssten part of their extent extending with a permanent magnet ring section 2 is equipped. The disk 1 is installed at a AbstQtzung not shown and with a central DurchtrittsSffnung 3 fQr an axis of rotation 4 einet swivelling second disk 5 provided, which likewise consists disk 1 of not magnetic material and is arranged in small distance of that parallel to this. The disk 5 exhibits an extent flange 6, which is provided also in the disk plane V-f6rmigen photographs 7, which are distributed with pre-determined distance more eber the disk extent. The V-fSrmigen photographs 7, of those in Fig. 1 only one is shown, takes up ever one the cylindrical K6rper which can be measured, which to the swivelling 8cheibe 5 in the left upper quadrant in accordance with ss Fig. 1 by a not represented MagnetfSrdervorrichtung Qbergeben and under Kraft of the magnet 2 in the admission 7 one holds. The disk 5 is turned in the clockwise direction and does not transport the KSrper at not represented, preferably measuring instrument, formed which can be measured, by a laser to measuring the KSrperdurchmessers past, those in a recess 8 of the disk 1 arranged ist.
The cylindrical K6rper in the right upper quadrant becomes subsequently, in accordance with ss Fig. 1 at second measuring instrument not shown for determining the KSrperl nge moves by and to the magneffreien extent extent of the being certain disk 5 to a likewise discharge mechanism not shown abgegeben.
The swivelling disk 5 can be moved continuously or intermittent. The disk 5 is installed Qber their axis of rotation 4 at a driving device not shown 15sbar, so that it on simple Wise against another disk with another division of the V-fSrmigen photographs and/or with another AufnahmengrSsss bzw.
another (Dffnungswinkel of the photographs to be exchanged can. For example the division of the photographs i.e. the dual spacing between neighbouring photographs know 20, 30 or 40 mm and the 0ffnungswinkel 90o betragen.
It understands itself that erl& uterte AusfQhrungsbeispiel in the context of the general Effindungsgedankens to be occasionally modified can. Thus for example the magnet ring section can consist it of individual parts in line and kSnnen the photographs in the cross section also different form haben.
PatentansprQche 1st FSrdervorrichtung for moving by cylindrical ferromagnetischsn KOrpem measuring instruments for measuring the KSrperdumhmessers and the K5rperl nge, whereby the FSrdervordchtung is provided essentially kreisfSrmig trained and at their extent with Aufnahrnen fQr the KSrper, by the fact characterized that it a abgestQtzte being certain kreisfSrmige disk (1) from not magnetic material, which at its Urnfang 0ber at least a Tell of their extent extending with a Permanentmagnetdngabschnitt (2), and, a swivelling second disk arranged coaxially to the being certain disk (5) from not magnetic material is equipped exhibits, which the extent of the being certain 8cheibe (1) with einern extent flange (6) Qbergreift, in that photographs (7) fQr the cylindrical KSrper which can be measured in circumferential direction with distance trained sind.
2. FSrdervorrichtung according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that those the photographs (7) aufwei3 CH 681,296 A5 send swivelling second disk (5) against essentially homogenous disks with another circular pitch and] or to another Offnungswinkel of the photographs exchangeably ist.
3. F (rdervorrichtung according to requirement 1 or 2, dadumh characterized that the being certain disk (1) a central Durchtdtts6ffnung (3) for an axis of rotation (4) of the second disk (5) aufweist.
4. F6rdervorrichtung after one the AnsprSche 1 his 3, by the fact characterized that the photographs (7) V-fSrmig trained sind.
RST P, 4 r Conveyor for rollers being measured for dia. and length has fixed and rotatable circular plates with magnetic ring section and V=shaped body holders 1. Promotion device for moving by cylindrical bodies
measuring instruments for measuring the body diameter and the body
length, whereby the promotion device is provided essentially in a
circle trained and at their extent with photographs for the bodies,
thereby marked that it exhibits a supported being certain circular
disk (1) from not magnetic material, which are equipped at their
extent over at least a part of their extent extending with a permanent
magnet ring section (2) and, a swivelling second disk (5) from not
magnetic material, arranged coaxially to the being certain disk, which
spreads the extent of the being certain disk (1) by an extent flange
(6), in which with mutual extent distance photographs (7) for the
cylindrical bodies, which can be measured V-shaped ones the in
particular, is trained. 2. Promotion device according to requirement 1, by
the fact characterized that the photographs (7) exhibiting swivelling
second disk (5) is approximately in the incoming goods DE 40 02 045 AI
sentlichen homogeneous disks with another circular pitch and/or
another opening angle of the photographs exchangeable. 3.
Promotion device according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact
characterized that the being certain disk (1) exhibits a central
depressing opening (3) for an axis of rotation (4) of the second disk