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27-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2424970C2
Принадлежит: КХС АГ (DE)

Перемещение сосудов (9), в частности ПЭТ-бутылок, осуществляют вращающимся подающим диском (4), захватывающим сосуд в верхней горловинной зоне, и направляющим устройством (11), содержащим предназначенные для направления и поддержания сосуда в его нижней и боковой зонах реборду (12) и кольцеобразное днище (13) и приводящим сосуд в движение. Повышается надежность устройства при высоких скоростях работы. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2412888C2
Принадлежит: АНДРИТЦ ОЙ (FI)

Обработку бревен (12) осуществляют посредством установки (1), содержащей транспортировочный уровень (2) с отверстиями (20), проходящими через него. Узлы (28) опорных элементов отстоят друг от друга и расположены ниже транспортировочного уровня. Каждый узел содержит удлиненный опорный элемент (8), который с возможностью вращения установлен параллельно транспортировочному уровню и перпендикулярно направлению продвижения (Р) бревен и выступает от этого уровня. Ось вращения (6) каждого узла устанавливают таким образом, что при вращении опорные элементы выступают через отверстия над транспортировочным уровнем, посредством чего бревна принимаются в одном или более приемных пространствах, образованных между опорными элементами. Повышается эффективность очистки бревен. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

22-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611477C2
Принадлежит: АЙЗЕНМАНН АГ (DE)

В шпиндельном конвейере для транспортировки обрабатываемых деталей, например автомобильных колесных дисков (14), имеется система (10) направляющих, которая включает в себя несущую направляющую (18), по которой перемещаются несколько транспортных тележек (34), каждая из которых включает в себя ходовой механизм (32) и несущее устройство (42) для обрабатываемых деталей (14), которое одновременно перемещается ходовым механизмом (32). Каждая обрабатываемая деталь (34) является переносимой посредством пары шпинделей (54а, 54b) для обрабатываемых деталей, которые входят в состав несущего устройства (42). Пара (56) шпинделей для обрабатываемых деталей в виде узла установлена с возможностью поворота относительно ходового механизма (32) вокруг вертикальной оси (52) вращения и может принимать первое и второе угловые положения. Обеспечивается возможность создания буферных зон, в которых можно размещать вдоль направляющей то же число обрабатываемых деталей на меньшей площади или большее число обрабатываемых ...

20-06-2017 дата публикации

Способы перемещения дискретных компонентов на полотно

Номер: RU2622828C2

Предлагается способ крепления дискретного компонента к полотну, перемещаемому на несущем элементе. Способ содержит этапы: обеспечения системы перемещения, содержащей элемент перемещения, содержащий поверхность перемещения; приведения дискретного компонента в зацепление с поверхностью перемещения; обеспечения упругого элемента на несущем элементе или на поверхности перемещения; приложения с помощью поверхности перемещения части дискретного компонента к части полотна, когда часть полотна движется на части упругого элемента; и приложения силы к части дискретного компонента, части полотна и части упругого элемента во время первого этапа приложения для крепления части дискретного компонента к части полотна. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 75 ил.

02-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU229348U1

Полезная модель относится к оборудованию для автоматизации технологического процесса, а именно к транспортировке и сортировке продукции. Поворотный накопитель, содержащий поворотную платформу с опорами и упорами для коробов, жестко смонтированными на поворотной платформе, раму основания, установленную на колесных опорах, с опорными роликами, электропривод, шкаф управления со светошумовой сигнализацией, верхний ярус, жестко установленный на опорах, жестко смонтированных на поворотной платформе, а также воронки для коробов, жестко смонтированные на верхнем ярусе, при этом поворотная платформа представлена в форме диска и смонтирована на раме основания при помощи шарнирного соединения с возможностью вращения от электропривода по опорным роликам, шкаф управления установлен в передней части рамы основания, а на кромке поворотной платформы смонтированы путевой выключатель и сухари, при этом поворотная платформа выполнена с возможностью вращения, пока сухарь не коснется путевого выключателя, а ...

03-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624431C1
Принадлежит: КХС ГМБХ (DE)

Способ обработки емкостей (2), например, для заполнения емкостей (2) загружаемым материалом, причем подлежащие обработке емкости (2) с помощью транспортирующего элемента (3), который приводят в действие с возможностью вращения вокруг оси (MA) машины и который содержит приемные крепления (4), подводят к не движущимся вместе с транспортирующим элементом (3) позициям (9, 9а) обработки и после произведенной обработки транспортируют к выходу (7.2) емкостей, отличается тем, что направление вращения транспортирующего элемента изменяют таким образом, предпочтительно периодически изменяют таким образом, что за счет вращения транспортирующего элемента (3) в первом направлении (В) вращения подлежащие обработке емкости (2) подводят к первой зоне (8.1) обработки с по меньшей мере одной позицией (9, 9а) обработки, а за счет вращения транспортирующего элемента (3) в направлении (А0 вращения, противоположном первому направлению вращения, подлежащие обработке емкости (2) подводят ко второй зоне (8.2) с ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации

Способы перемещения дискретных компонентов на полотно

Номер: RU2015110107A

... 1. Способ крепления дискретного компонента к полотну, перемещаемому на несущем элементе, содержащий этапы, на которых:обеспечивают систему перемещения, содержащую элемент перемещения, содержащий в сущности плоскую поверхность перемещения;приводят дискретный компонент в зацепление с в сущности плоской поверхностью перемещения;обеспечивают упругий элемент на несущем элементе или на в сущности плоской поверхности перемещения;прилагают, с помощью в сущности плоской поверхности перемещения, часть дискретного компонента к части полотна, когда часть полотна движется на части упругого элемента; иприлагают силу к части дискретного компонента, части полотна и части упругого элемента во время первого этапа приложения, для крепления части дискретного компонента к части полотна.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором часть дискретного компонента и часть полотна пропускают через зазор после второго этапа приложения, для дополнительного крепления части дискретного компонента к части ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010140367A

... 1. Система конфигурирования изделий, содержащая первый транспортер для переноса изделий от входа, и второй транспортер, расположенный под нелинейным углом относительно первого транспортера, для переноса изделий на выход, при этом система конфигурирования изделий содержит механизм для переноса изделий с первого транспортера на второй транспортер, выполненный и расположенный с возможностью облегчать реорганизацию изделий, транспортируемых первым транспортером так, что когда изделия перенесены на второй транспортер, они размещаются соседними упорядоченными рядами, где количество соседних упорядоченных рядов изделий, транспортируемых на втором транспортере, больше, чем количество соседних рядов изделий, транспортируемых на первом транспортере, при этом механизм для переноса изделий содержит один или более элемент, выполненный и расположенный с возможностью освобождаемого захвата изделий в конфигурированную группу для переноса сконфигурированных групп изделий из первого положения во второе положение ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Überführen von Gegenständen und Umlenkeinheit

Номер: DE102011103563A1

Bei einem Verfahren zum Überführen von Gegenständen, insbesondere von in Verpackungsbeutel (28) eingeschlagenen Produktstapeln (8), von einem Zufördersystem (38), in dem die Gegenstände in einer Zuförderrichtung transportiert werden, auf ein Abfördersystem (40), in dem die Gegenstände in einer in einem vorgegebenen Verdrehwinkel (32) zur Zuförderrichtung orientierten Abförderrichtung weitertransportiert werden, wobei die Gegenstände in einem Überführungsbereich zwischen dem Zu- und dem Abfördersystem (38, 40) mit ihrem Schwerpunkt (70) auf dem Segment einer Kreisbahn geführt werden, sollen, auch wenn die Drehung der Gegenstände relativ zu ihrer Transportrichtung bereits vor dem Verschweißen der Stirnseiten der Verpackungsbeutel (28) erfolgen soll, besonders hohe Durchsatz- und Produktionsraten erreichbar sein. Dazu werden die Gegenstände erfindungsgemäß in der Überführungsphase in ihrer Orientierung relativ zur Zuförderrichtung im Überführungsbereich vorübergehend derart geneigt, dass die ...

19-09-1928 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Verteilen von Foerdergut

Номер: DE0000465477C

08-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003569920D1

26-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005006790D1

04-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006001951D1

22-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002340796A1

04-12-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Plasmabehandlung von Werkstücken

Номер: DE0010224395A1

Das Verfahren und die Vorrichtung dienen zur Plasmabehandlung von Werkstücken. Das Werkstück wird in eine zumindest teilweise evakuierbare Kammer einer Behandlungsstation eingesetzt und zur Unterstützung einer Handhabung der Werkstücke wird mindestens ein Teil der Behandlungsstation relativ zu einem weiteren Teil bewegt. Die Bewegung wird derart durchgeführt, daß eine hülsenförmige Kammerwandung relativ zu einem Kammerboden sowie relativ zu einem Kammerdeckel positioniert wird.

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427458A

... 1427458 Conveying eggs H NOGUCHI 18 March 1974 11987/74 Heading B8A Eggs are fed from a supply 4 to a discharge gate 5 by means of radially extending rollers 3 carried by a rotary shaft 1, the rollers 3 also rotating about their own axes during movement. To cause rotation of the rollers 3 a guide ring 12, contacting the rollers, is provided. Eggs are deflected to the gate 5 by a guide 14 and are directed into either of two paths L, L1 by a pivotal guide 13. The eggs are conveyed along the paths by rollers 15 carried by endless chains and having recesses 151 for seating the eggs.

20-10-2021 дата публикации

Step pin feeding mechanism

Номер: GB0002594181A

A step pin feeding mechanism, comprising a vibrating disc (1). A discharging track (12) having a spiral ascending shape is connected to the outer side of a hopper (11) of the vibrating disc (1); the discharging track (12) is provided with a rotating plate (2); the rotating plate (2) is provided with a plurality of placing grooves (22), each placing groove (22) is of a strip shape and comprises an inner section (23) and an outer section (24), and the width of the outer section (24) is large and the width of the inner section (23) is small; the discharging track (12) is provided with a front baffle (31) and a rear baffle (32); both the front baffle (31) and the rear baffle (32) are provided with a passing port (30); a side baffle (33) having an arc shape is provided on the outer side of the peripheral direction of the rotating plate (2); the side baffle (33) is located between the front baffle (31) and the rear baffle (32) to form a semi-enclosure structure; one end of the side baffle (33 ...

10-06-1992 дата публикации

Rotary conveyors.

Номер: GB0002250495A

Conveying apparatus for feeding objects from one station to another for their processing, the apparatus comprises: a turntable 3, 4 rotatably mounted with respect to a frame 102 of the apparatus, a plurality of stations 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 angularly arranged around the turntables, means 90 mounted on the turntable for holding objects and adapted for advance radial movement with respect to the turntable to an object transfer/processing position and withdrawal to an object transport position, means 110 mounted on the frame at the stations for advance and withdrawal of the object holding means and means 9 for indexing the turntable in rotation whereby objects being transported are angularly moved with the turntable from one station to another. ...

29-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008714650D0

29-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002162159A

A self-service apparatus is provided to be operated by a user for selectively serving foods or drinks. The self-service apparatus includes a support and a cover fixedly supported by the support for covering foods and drinks. A shaft is suspended from the support, and a rotary disk is rotatably mounted on the shaft to be rotated about the shaft upon actuation of a lever. Servers are carried by the rotary disk and hold a food portion or drink. A desired food portion or drink may be selectively served to the user by operating the lever at a desired position.

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Star wheel

Номер: GB0000406230D0

26-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002075943B
Принадлежит: HEINZ CO H J, HEINZ H J CO

26-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008421291D0

02-02-2000 дата публикации

Handling apparatus for use in a bottling plant to handle bottles with neck rings

Номер: GB0009928927D0

23-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001465596A

... 1465596 Grippers INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP 9 Oct 1974 [30 Nov 1973] 43658/74 Heading B8H The apparatus shown in Fig. 1 comprises a pair of grippers 12, 14 which co-operate to transfer an article 10 from one to the other, the grippers 12, 14 being formed from a resilient material such as plastics such that their fingers 26, Fig. 2, are spring-loaded, the fingers being each provided with an inner flat surface 28 at the tip so that when a grapple is holding an article there is an open space formed between each of the surfaces 28 and the article. When the grapple 12 is moved towards the grapple 14 the fingers of the latter enter the said open spaces formed between the fingers of the grapple 12 and the article and the latter-mentioned fingers are forced away from the article as the fingers of grapple 14 engage the article, and on subsequent retraction of the grapple 14 the article 10 is held thereby. Fig. 3 (not shown), discloses a grapple in which the tips (36) are formed by respective ...

16-04-1980 дата публикации

Support for turntables for bottles

Номер: GB0002030954A

A support having a plurality of circularly arranged rotatable platforms for bottles includes a drive mechanism having a plane stationary cam plate and sensing elements for each platform in contact with the cam plate. The drive mechanism is mounted in the support and configured such that the same lever arm, sensing element and platform drive shaft can be utilized for both counterclockwise and clockwise rotation of the platform merely by the angular orientation of the drive mechanism with respect to the cam plate.

02-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002041862B
Принадлежит: YARROW & CO LTD

21-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001542645A

19-12-1979 дата публикации

A transportation device for flanged containers such as yoghurt pots

Номер: GB0002022538A

A transportation device for flanged containers such as yoghurt pots 1 has a driving member such as a finger 16 which is adapted to be engaged against an edge of the flange of the container. Such fingers can be arranged to extend from a disc 11 rotating about a vertical axis, and to be pivotable to and from a container engaging condition. ...

05-10-1966 дата публикации

A new or improved machine for making bolts, nuts and similar articles

Номер: GB0001044920A

... 1,044,920. Metal working presses. NEDSCHROEF OCTROOI MAATSCHAPPIJ N.V. Dec. 9, 1963 [Dec. 10, 1962], No. 48547/63. Heading B3H. A press, particularly for forming metal articles such as nuts and bolts, has a workpieee transfer mechanism comprising a guide 18 along which the workpiece is moved by engagement with a rotatable arm such as la. Four die stations 4a- 4d are provided on a die breast 3 and fed with workpieces along the guide channel 18 by four rotating arms 1a-1d mounted on shafts 2a-2d driven through gearing 5a-5b, 6a-6c and a chain, from the main press drive. Adjacent each die station is a spring-loaded pin 13a- 13d for locating the workpiece as it is pushed into the die by the advancing punch such as 19b, Fig. 2 (not shown). When the workpieces are ejected from the dies they are retained in the guide channel 18 by spring loaded flaps such as 20b, 20c. During the subsequent working stroke of the press ram 23 these flaps are raised by pawls 24b engaging cam plates 25b pivoted to ...

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000350315T

15-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA915580A

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433935T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433936T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489314T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463455T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541801T

15-06-2018 дата публикации

Bending tool storage device

Номер: AT0000519354A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Biegewerkzeug-Speichervorrichtung (1) zum Speichern von Biegewerkzeugen (2), umfassend: - ein Gestell (3), - zumindest einen Werkzeugspeicher (4), der an dem Gestell (3) um eine erste Drehachse (14) drehbar gelagert ist und eine Vielzahl von Führungsschienen (11) zum Halten und Führen von Biegewerkzeugen (2) aufweist, wobei die Führungsschienen (11) bezogen auf die Drehachse (14) jeweils in radialer Richtung oder in einer Richtung mit radialer Komponente verlaufen, und - zumindest eine an dem Gestell (3) gelagerte Transporteinrichtung (5), die ein ausfahrbares Transportmittel (6) zum Verschieben von Biegewerkzeugen (2) entlang der Führungsschienen (11) des Werkzeugspeichers (4) und eine Ablage (7), die das Transportmittel (6) im eingefahrenem Zustand hält, aufweist, wobei die Ablage (7) im Bereich der drehachsennahen Enden der Führungsschienen (11) des Werkzeugspeichers (4) angeordnet ist und in verschiedenen Relativdrehstellungen zwischen Transporteinrichtung ...

15-03-2019 дата публикации

Throwing device for ejecting offcuts

Номер: AT0000520377A1

Wurfvorrichtung (50) zum Auswerfen von Hackgut, umfassend ein durch ein Antriebsmittel in Rotation um eine Drehachse (X) versetzbares Wurfrad (100) mit Schaufelflächen (210) aufweisenden Wurfflügeln (200), wobei das Wurfrad (100) von einer Gehäusetrommel (300) umgeben ist, die eine zur Zufuhr des Hackguts vorgesehene Eintrittsöffnung (310) und eine Austrittsöffnung (320) zum Auswurf des Hackguts aufweist, und die Wurfflügel (200) des in Rotation versetzten Wurfrades (100) das über die Eintrittsöffnung (310) zugeführte Hackgut erfassen und durch die Austrittsöffnung (320) auswerfen, wobei die Wurfflügel (200) an ihrem radial äußeren Endabschnitt ein dem jeweiligen Wurfflügel (200) in radialer Erstreckung überstehendes und gegen die Drehrichtung klappbares Endstück (230) aufweisen.

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554031T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516240T

15-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000915580A

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000311976T

15-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA29189A

25-08-1969 дата публикации

Endless promotion member occupied with magnets

Номер: AT0000273804B

25-10-1965 дата публикации

Machine to deforming workpieces

Номер: AT0000243055B

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Device for the sorted feeding of a packaging machine for bottles and the like

Номер: AU2014286503B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A device for the sorted feeding of a packaging machine for bottles, which comprises means for feeding the bottles (2, 3, 4) to a carousel (5) provided with receptacles (16a, 18a), and comprises pickup star conveyors (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), each receptacle of the carousel (5) being provided with a lever (16c) that is connected to a device (16d) for moving the lever (16c) between a first position for locking a bottle and a second, open position that allows the exit of the bottle toward a pickup star conveyor, the means for moving the lever (16c) being actuated by a cam (20) arranged at the position at which a bottle is accommodated in the corresponding receptacle and by a motor (6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a), which is activated by a signal that arrives from the lane connected to the pickup star conveyor that lacks a bottle.

17-09-2009 дата публикации

System for processing articles

Номер: AU2009223460A1

01-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1166661A
Принадлежит: HEINZ CO H J

A method and apparatus for properly positioning multi-faced containers to facilitate the proper application of labels. This invention, used in conjunction with labeling machines having star-wheel feed mechanisms, facilitates the proper indexing of multi-faced containers to insure that labels are applied consistently in the proper position. This invention may be used with multi-faced containers having any number of flat sides.

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002401246A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for the handling of containers, in particular bottles. In particular, the present invention relates to an apparatus (1) for the handling of containers (24), comprising a frame (2) and a plate (3) disposed on the said frame in a raised position, the said plate (3) supporting from above one or more distribution units (4, 5, 6) and/or one or more operating units (7), the motor drive (18) of the said one or more distribution units (4, 5, 6) and of the said one or more operating units (7) being disposed above the said units, characterized in that it comprises removable fixing means (16) for fixing the said plate (3) to the said frame (2).

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002643515C
Принадлежит: ANDRITZ OY

The present invention relates to a method of processing logs (12) by means of an apparatus (1) comprising a transportation level (2) in the advancing direction (P) of the logs, where they are arranged to be transported in a position perpendicular to their advancing direction (P), and where orifice members (20) going therethrough and extending in the advancing direction (P) of the logs. In the method, at least two support member units (28) spaced from each other are arranged below the transportation level (2) whereby each support member unit (28) comprises at least one elongated support member (8), which is arranged rotatably parallel to the transportation level (2) and perpendicular to the advancing direction (P) and protruding therefrom, and said axis of rotation (6) of each support member unit (28) is adapted so that when rotating, the support members (8) protrude through the orifice members (20) above the transportation level (2) whereby the logs (12) are received in one or more receiving ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002916625A1

An automated handling line guide rail assembly is provided for use on an automated handling line that is adjustable to define a path of varying width. The assembly comprises a segmented guide rail, with segments that define a generally arcuate perimeter of the path, the perimeter being positioned at a radius from a central axis. An actuator member is rotatable about the central axis and is arranged to extend at a substantially constant radius from the central axis. Rotation of the actuator member causes substantially radial movement of the segments thereby allowing the segments to define the perimeter at a plurality of different radii. The segments are positioned and have a width such that adjacent segments overlap each other. Their overlapping portions move circumferentially relative to each other when the segments move radially such that the extent of overlap of adjacent segments varies with the radial position of the segments.

16-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002015502C

A preform carrying apparatus comprising: a rotary disk; a fixed plate disposed opposite to the rotary disk; first and second cams provided on the fixed plate; a support arm which can freely expand and contract in the radial direction from the rotary disk, the base end of which is rockably supported by the rotary disk, and which is provided with a first cam follower which is guided by the first cam and a second cam follower which is guided by the second cam; and a coupling disposed at the forward end of the support arm so as to removably support the neck portion of the preform. The support arm is expanded and contracted in the longitudinal direction in accordance with the trailing position of the first cam follower and rocked around the base end as the fulcrum in accordance with the trailing position of the second cam follower. The feeding of the preform can be accelerated, decelerated or stopped during the continuous rotation of the rotary disk.

31-10-1967 дата публикации

Magnetischer Förderer

Номер: CH0000446184A

31-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000573765A5

31-05-1968 дата публикации

Fördervorrichtung mit einem mit Magneten besetzten Förderglied

Номер: CH0000457265A

15-02-1983 дата публикации

Device for loading objects onto a conveyor, particularly for automatic sorting

Номер: CH0000634527A5

The device includes means (1, 4, 9, 22 to 27) making it possible to bring the objects onto an intermediate injection surface (2) having an edge (5, 31, 32) at its lower part. The objects are entrained by fins (6) towards an interrupted part of the edge via which they are conveyed onto the conveyor (8). This device may be used for postal sorting or loading luggage in airports. ...

28-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000598096A5

29-06-1984 дата публикации

Apparatus making it possible to make a point of a linearly movable piece coincide successively with different locations of a packaging pallet

Номер: CH0000643793A5
Принадлежит: STOCO SA

The pallet (1), pierced with holes (3) intended to receive pieces (2) arranged on concentric circles, is driven in rotation by a motor (6) whose shaft (7-10) traverses an elongate opening (8) of a linearly movable table (9). The pallet (1) is integral with a cam (22) having a groove (24) formed by open concentric circles linked, at their ends, by oblique rectilinear groove portions. A finger (26), integral with the table (9), engages in the groove (24). The cam (22) is integral with a positioning disc (27) having openings (28) disposed in the same arrangement as the holes (3) in the pallet (1). These openings (28) are sighted by a photoelectric cell (30). An actuator (31) activates an extractor (34) carried by the table (9) and which extracts the pieces (2) from the holes (3). After each rotation turn of the pallet (1), driven step-by-step by the motor (6), the passage of the pin (26) from one circle of the groove (24) to the next displaces the table (9) laterally, bringing the extractor ...

15-01-1986 дата публикации

Device for turning piece goods on a horizontal conveyor belt

Номер: CH0000653645A5
Принадлежит: PAXONA AG

The packages coming from a carton-wrapping machine must, to be packed economically, be rotated on the conveyor belt (2) through 90 DEG . Arranged, for this purpose, in the transport path of the packages (P) is an intermittently rotating turning disc (13) which has, on its circumference, three cutouts (14) offset with respect to each other by 120 DEG . Shortly before it strikes against the cutout (14), the arriving package (P) interrupts the light beam of a light barrier (16) which actuates an electromagnetic coupling and thereby causes the turning disc (13) to rotate. After in each case one rotation through 120 DEG the disc rotation is interrupted by a proximity switch (17) which is actuated by a disc cam (12) arranged on the drive shaft (11) of the turning disc in a manner such that it is fixed against rotation. Said disc cam has on its circumference three cam notches (a, b, c) offset by 120 DEG . By virtue of its high operating rate, low inertia and low production and maintenance costs ...

26-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000681296A5

31-08-2005 дата публикации

Gerot and procedure for attachment orders of returnable bottles.

Номер: CH0000694885A5

31-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000699596A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (10) und ein Verfahren zur Bearbeitung von Gegenständen (100, 110) mit einer Mehrzahl von Werkzeugen (20) sowie mit einem Werkzeug-Antriebsmittel (30). Die Werkzeuge (20) umfassen jeweils wenigstens einen Hebel (21) sowie ein Wirkelement (22), das mit dem Gegenstand (100, 110) zusammenzuwirken kann. Die Hebel (21) sind am Werkzeug-Antriebsmittel (30) an Lagerpunkten (23) schwenkbar angebracht und können durch Bewegung des Werkzeug-Antriebsmittels (30) entlang einer geschlossenen Umlaufbahn angetrieben werden. Die Wirkelemente (22) sind vom Lagerpunkt (23) beabstandet. Mit einem Führungsmechanismus (40) kann die Schwenkposition der Hebel (21) relativ zum Werkzeug-Antriebsmittel (30) in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Position entlang der Umlaufbahn eingestellt werden. Erfindungsgemäss ist der Führungsmechanismus (40) verstellbar, wobei durch die Verstellung unterschiedliche Abstände (d, d´) benachbarter Wirkelemente (22) in einem vorbestimmten Referenzbereich ...

15-12-2010 дата публикации

Device and procedure for processing printering products.

Номер: CH0000701214A1

Die Druckereiprodukte (24) werden mittels Aufnahmeelementen (32) der Verarbeitungseinrichtung (12) der Wegführstation (16) zugeführt. Diese weist einerseits einen Entnahmeförderer (18) und andererseits einen bezüglich diesem in Umlaufrichtung (U) der Aufnahmeelemente (32) stromabwärts angeordneten Klammertransporteur (20) auf. Die Greiferzangen (22) des Entnahmeförderers (18) ergreifen die Druckereiprodukte (24) bei der Seitenkante (26) und fördern diese aus den Ausnahmeelementen (32) heraus. Die jeweils nachlaufende Wand (36) jedes Aufnahmeelements (32) ist mit einem Führungselement (50) versehen, welches das betreffende Druckereiprodukt (24) jeweils stützt und in eine geöffnete Klammer (28) des Klammertransporteurs (20) einführt. Die Klammern (28) erfassen die Druckereiprodukte (24) beim Rand (30), mit welchem die Druckereiprodukte (24) vorgängig am Boden (42) der Aufnahmeelemente (32) anlagen.

30-06-2020 дата публикации

The invention relates to a module for separating agglomerated mechanical parts.

Номер: CH0000715670A1

L'invention concerne un module (1) comportant un élément de convoyage (31) permettant l'acheminement de pièces mécaniques agglomérées, par exemple de joints graissés, (P) à séparer, et un élément de séparation (32), permettant la dispersion des pièces mécaniques (P) sur l'élément de convoyage (31). L'élément de séparation (32) comporte un bras de séparation (321) disposé de manière transversale par rapport à la trajectoire (T) des pièces mécaniques (P). L'invention concerne encore une chaine d'assemblage comportant un tel module (1) et une méthode de séparation de pièces mécaniques (P) agglomérées.

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Multi-angle rotary bearing platform

Номер: CN0108861515A

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Novel integrated type lifting material-transferring machine

Номер: CN0108820927A

04-02-2009 дата публикации

Distribution star with adaptable grippers

Номер: CN0101357745A

The present invention relates to a distribution star for containers of the type used in systems for manipulating containers (particularly bottles), for example in filling plants. More particularly, the present invention relates to a distribution star (1) of the type used in systems for manipulating containers, comprising a ring structure (2) characterised in that it comprises: - an annular fixed element (13) that carries a plurality of grippers (12); an annular displacing element (10) that carries cam means (11) for the grippers (12); wherein the said annular displacing element (10) is displaceable along a circumference of the said ring structure (2) to set the said annular displacing element (10) at different positions of the cam means (11) with respect to the grippers (12).

26-10-2016 дата публикации

For conveying for rod-like articles of the tobacco processing industry method, apparatus

Номер: CN0103491811B

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002849790B1

30-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002467804A

Procédé et appareil pour l'alimentation d'un dispositif d'évacuation d'objets de forme régulière. L'appareil comprend un disque 16 entraîné en rotation au-dessus d'un plateau horizontal fixe 13 à l'intérieur d'un guide circulaire 15 également fixe, les objets placés dans des logements ménagés entre le guide fixe et des encoches périphériques du disque étant entraînés à glissement sur le plateau jusqu'à l'orifice supérieur 23 du dispositif d'évacuation 24, un contact placé immédiatement à l'amont de l'orifice par rapport à la direction d'entraînement des objets interrompant la rotation du disque pendant un temps prédéterminé lorsqu'il est touché par un objet arrivant. L'appareil est particulièrement bien adapté à l'évacuation de bouteilles.

20-10-1989 дата публикации

Procede de positionnement dans une orientation determinee d'articles allonges heterogenes et mecanismes destines a sa mise en oeuvre

Номер: FR0002630093A

Le mecanisme comprend une goulotte verticale 3 de stockage des articles 1 et une tourelle 4 pourvue de quatre pinces 5 qui saisissent le bouchon 1 puis le font cooperer avec un dispositif non represente de centrage de son bouchon par rapport a la pince. Celle-ci effectue ensuite une rotation de 90° de maniere que le bouchon soit dispose sur le couteau 5 en position horizontale. Apres ouverture du doigt 56 de la pince 5 le bouchon tombe dans l'orientation desiree.

26-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002938245B1

23-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002655630B1

08-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002513976A


25-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002821606B1

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Methods for transferring items

Номер: US20130068589A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of transferring items comprises feeding items toward a carrier mechanism from one or more input streams and engaging void areas in the items with one or more rods extending from the carrier mechanism. The method further comprises manipulating the carrier mechanism relative to the one or more input streams into a position substantially aligned with one or more output streams and feeding the items to the one or more output streams. The configuration of items in each input stream is different than the configuration of items in each output stream.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126306A1

Bandoliers of pouches or separate pouches are carried by suction cups on a transfer wheel and operated to hold and release pouches through solenoid valves, each coupled to a respective cup. The solenoid valves are operated by a controller to release pouches from the respective cups at precise angular positions of the wheel to control the configuration of the bandolier in a package or tray. Embodiments provide lateral shifting or rotation of pouches held by the cups. Fold-leading or fold-trailing bandolier configurations are produced. Solenoid valves are disposed proximate cups at the wheel periphery or elsewhere and operably coupled to the cups. 1. Pouch transfer apparatus comprising:a plurality of pouch-holding capable suction cups oriented in a circumferential pattern of stations extending radially from an axis of rotation;a valve operably connected to a cup at each said station for selectively coupling to a cup oriented at that station and a pouch discharge pressure; anda programmable controller for selectively operating said valves for holding or discharging pouches from said cups respectively coupled to respective valves.2. Apparatus as in wherein said valves are oriented proximate said cups at said station.3. Apparatus as in wherein said apparatus is programmed to hold independent distinct pouches not connected one to the other.4. Apparatus as in wherein said apparatus is programmed to hold multiple pouches connected one to the other.5. Apparatus as in wherein said controller is programmed to drop off selected pouches from selected stations while holding other pouches at other stations and later dropping said other pouches to generate a folded bandolier dropped from said stations.6. Apparatus as in wherein said apparatus is programmed to drop a folded bandolier with a leading fold.7. Apparatus as in wherein said apparatus is programmed to drop a folded bandolier with a trailing fold.8. Apparatus as in wherein said suction cups are rotatably mounted in each ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126311A1
Автор: FEHRENBACH Christian

The invention relates to a device for handling notes of value, comprising at least one shaft () on which at least one transport element () for transporting the notes of value is arranged. The transport element () comprises a first segment () and a second segment () separated from the first segment () in an unmounted state. In a mounted state the first segment () and the second segment () are firmly connected to each other and enclose the shaft (). 1. A device for handling notes of value ,{'b': 12', '16, 'comprising at least one shaft () on which at least one transport element () for transporting the notes of value is arranged,'}{'b': 16', '32', '32', '32, 'i': a', 'b', 'a, 'characterized in that the transport element () comprises a first segment () and a second segment () separated in an unmounted state from the first segment () and'}{'b': 32', '32', '12', '32', '32, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'in that in a mounted state the first segment () and the second segment () are firmly connected to each other and the shaft () is enclosed by the connected segments (, ).'}2323212ab. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first segment () and the second segment () can be connected to each other such that they can be mounted radially on the shaft ().33232ab. The device according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the segments ( claim 1 , ) in a mounted state are connected to each other via at least one snap connection and/or at least one plug connection.43232ab. The device according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the segments ( claim 1 , ) in a mounted state are connected to each other via at least two screws.53232ab. The device according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the connection of the segments ( claim 1 , ) can be released non-destructively.63232ab. The device according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the segments ( claim 1 , ) in a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146421A1
Автор: Zoni Roberto
Принадлежит: SIDEL S.p.A. con Socio Unico

There is disclosed a conveying apparatus for articles, provided with a first conveyor having an inlet section for articles to be conveyed and an outlet section for the articles, and with a second conveyor which can be selectively set in communication with a transfer section of the first conveyor; the first conveyor is selectively set in a first operative release configuration of the articles at the outlet section and in at least one second operative release configuration of the articles at its transfer section; the second conveyor is selectively set in a first operative withdrawal configuration of the articles from the first conveyor at its transfer section and at least in one second operative inhibition configuration of this withdrawal. 1. A conveying apparatus for articles , comprising:a first conveyor having an inlet section to receive articles to be conveyed and an outlet section for the articles, defining with said inlet section, a first conveying line (R) of said articles; anda second conveyor having a transfer section which can be selectively set in communication with a transfer section of said first conveyor, said transfer section of said first conveyor being interposed between said inlet section and said outlet section along said first conveying line (R);said first conveyor being selectively set in a first operative release configuration to release said articles at said outlet section and to at least one second operative release configuration to release said articles at its transfer section; andsaid second conveyor being selectively set in a first operative withdrawal configuration to withdraw said articles from said first conveyor at its transfer section and in at least one second operative inhibition configuration to inhibit such withdrawal, said second operative configuration of said first conveyor and said first operative configuration of said second conveyor defining a second conveying line (S) of said articles distinct from said first conveying line ( ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168206A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A device for the transfer of fittings, such as labels during container labelling, having at least two gripper units that are offset in the circumferential direction around a transfer axis of a transfer station whereby it is possible to activate each in a clocked manner, whereby each of said gripper units takes over, via a movement around the transfer axis generated via a drive, a fitting individually from a moving take-over position of a feeder and transfers it through the transfer station to a moving hand-over position that is offset in the circumferential direction of the transfer station, at least two of the gripper units are arranged such that they can be moved around the transfer axis relative to one another, and stationary drive motors are provided for the gripper units that can be moved relative to one another, with which drive motors individually periodically non-uniform movements of the gripper units can be generated in the circumferential direction within one rotation. According to the method, each gripper unit is driven within one full rotation in the transfer station, relative to another, in a periodically non-uniform manner. 1. Device for the transfer of container fittings , comprising at least two gripper units that are offset in the circumferential direction around a transfer axis of a transfer station , each gripper unit being able to be activated in a clocked manner , wherein the gripper units take over from a feeder , via a movement around the transfer axis generated via a drive , the fittings individually from a moving take-over position and transfer the fittings through the transfer station to a moving hand-over position that is offset in the circumferential direction of the transfer station , at least two of the gripper units are arranged such that they can be moved around the transfer axis relative to one another and drive motors are provided in the transfer station for the gripper units that can be moved relative to one another , with which ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175142A1

A method for transporting printed products is provided. The method includes the steps setting a nip to a first size for printed products having a first thickness, sensing a printed product having a second thickness different from the first thickness, the printed product sensing occurring prior to the printed product entering the nip, adjusting the first size of the nip, to a second size different from the first size, to receive the printed product having a second thickness; and transporting the printed product having the second thickness through the nip. 1. A method for transporting printed products comprising the steps of:setting a first nip to a first size for printed products having a first thickness;sensing a printed product having a second thickness different from the first thickness, the printed product sensing occurring prior to the printed product entering the first nip;adjusting the first size of the first nip, to a second size different from the first size, to receive the printed product having a second thickness; andtransporting the printed product having the second thickness through the first nip.2. The method as recited in wherein the printed product is gripped prior to the printed product entering the nip.3. The method as recited in further comprising the step of returning the size of the nip from the second size to the first size automatically.4. The method as recited in further comprising the steps of setting a second nip to the first size for printed products having a first thickness and adjusting the first size of the second nip claim 1 , to the second size to receive the printed product having the second thickness.5. The method as recited in wherein the first nip and second nip are adjusted at the same time.6. The method as recited in further comprising the steps of setting a second nip to the first size for printed products having a first thickness claim 1 , adjusting the first size of the second nip claim 1 , to the second size to receive the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and unit for feeding beads

Номер: US20130180827A1

The subject matter of the application is a method of feeding beads in the tobacco industry system, in a unit for transferring a stream of beads (), from receiving pockets () to outfeeding pockets (), where the beads are transferred along guiding grooves (A, B, A, B, C) disposed on guiding plates (), comprising the steps in which: the beads are fed to a guiding chamber () formed at the intersection of the guiding groove (A, B) of the first guiding plate () and the guiding groove (A, B, C) of the second guiding plate (); at least one guiding plate is rotated relative to the second guiding plate, which forces the movement of the guiding chamber () so that the distance of the guiding chamber () to the axis of rotation of the guiding plates changes; the beads are conveyed from the guiding chamber () to the outfeeding pocket (). The subject matter of the application is also a device for the implementation of the method. 1218215566656. A method of feeding beads , in a unit for transferring a stream of beads () in tobacco industry system , from receiving pockets () to outfeeding pockets () , where the beads are transferred along guiding grooves (A , B , A , B , C) disposed on guiding plates ( , ) , comprising the steps in which:{'b': 2', '22', '22', '22', '5', '5', '5', '5', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6, 'beads () are fed to a guiding chamber (, ′, ″) formed at the intersection of a guiding groove (A, B) of a first guiding plate (, ′) and a guiding groove (A, B, C) of a second guiding plate (, ′);'}{'b': 22', '22', '22', '22', '22', '22, 'at least one guiding plate is rotated relative to the second guiding plate, which forces the movement of the guiding chamber (, ′, ″) so that the distance of the guiding chamber (, ′, ″) to the axis of rotation of the guiding plates changes;'}{'b': 22', '22', '22', '21', '21, 'beads are conveyed from the guiding chamber (, ′, ″) to an outfeeding pocket (, ′).'}22182121. A unit for feeding a stream of beads () in a machine of tobacco industry ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Universally Adjustable Star Wheel

Номер: US20130199894A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A universally adjustable star wheel for conveying articles on an automated handling line is disclosed. In one embodiment, the adjustable star wheel includes rotatable elements that are configured to rotate around a central axis. Each rotatable element has a central axis, a periphery, and at least one control surface for assisting in controlling the article being conveyed. The control surfaces on the rotatable elements are arranged to together form at least one pocket for the article, wherein the pocket has a width and a depth. The angle defining the control surface on at least one rotatable element is different from the angle of another rotatable element to form the depth of at least a portion of the pocket. In this embodiment, the boundaries of the pocket are configured solely by at least partially rotating at least some of the rotatable elements to adjust the location of the control surfaces of the different rotatable elements to form a pocket for the article being conveyed. An automated adjustment mechanism for adjusting a star wheel to accommodate different articles is also disclosed. The automated adjustment mechanism may be used with any suitable star wheel. 1an adjustable star wheel for conveying three dimensional articles around an arcuate path said articles having a shape, wherein the star wheel is rotatable around a central axis; andan adjustable guide rail disposed outwardly of the arcuate path, wherein said adjustable guide rail has a length and is movable inwardly and outwardly relative to the central axis, and said adjustable guide rail is also flexible along its length.. An adjustable star wheel assembly comprising: The present invention is directed to an adjustable star wheel conveyor for conveying articles on an automated handling line, and more particularly to an adjustable star wheel with relatively few moving parts that can accommodate a virtually unlimited number of size and shape articles. An automated adjustment mechanism for adjusting an ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216642A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A transport device and a transport method for a container treatment plant as well as a blow molding machine is provided. The transport device comprises at least one transport star for transporting receptacles to or away from a treatment station of the container treatment plant, wherein the at least one transport star is arranged obliquely to the treatment station. 1. A transport device for a container treatment plant , the transport device comprising:at least one transport star for transporting receptacles to or away from a treatment station of the container treatment plant,wherein the at least one transport star is arranged obliquely to the treatment station.2. The transport device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transport star comprises a first transport star for transporting receptacles to a treatment station of the container treatment plant claim 1 , and a second transport star for transporting the receptacles away from the treatment station of the container treatment plant claim 1 , wherein the first transport star and/or the second transport star are/is arranged obliquely to the treatment station.3. The transport device according to claim 2 , wherein the first and second transport stars and the treatment station are movable relative to each other.4. The transport device according to claim 2 , wherein the first transport star is rotatable around a first rotation axis and the second transport star is rotatable around a second rotation axis claim 2 , and wherein the first and second transport stars are rotatable together around a third rotation axis.5. The transport device according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second rotation axes are each arranged obliquely to the third rotation axis claim 4 , and/or the first rotation axis is arranged in parallel to the second rotation axis.6. The transport device according to claim 2 , wherein the first transport star is arranged adjacent to the second transport star claim 2 , such that the treatment ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248325A1

A system for forming and wrapping a plurality of stacks of sheet like product is provided. The system includes a separator apparatus for converting a stream of spaced apart sets of stacks into a repeating stepped configuration. The system includes a mechanism for merging the stepped configuration of stacks into a single file stream of stacks. The system includes a cutoff apparatus for cutting a plastic sleeve in which the stacks are wrapped. The system includes a turner apparatus for changing the direction of travel of individual units comprising of a stack of product within a length of the sleeve 90 degrees while maintaining the orientation of the units. 153-. (canceled)54. A turner apparatus comprising:a carousel rotatable about a carousel axis of rotation; anda plurality of sleeved stack control mechanisms, each sleeved stack control mechanism carried by the carousel for rotation about a sleeved stack control mechanism axis of rotation of the corresponding sleeved stack control mechanism, each sleeved stack control mechanism configured relative to the carousel such that as the carousel rotates the sleeved stack control mechanism along a predetermined arcuate path through a predetermined carousel angle about the carousel axis of rotation, the sleeved stack control mechanism rotates about the sleeved stack control mechanism axis of rotation of the corresponding sleeved stack control mechanism approximately 90 degrees relative to the carousel.55. The turner apparatus of claim 54 , further comprising:a transport conveyor upstream of the carousel, the transport conveyor supplying a continuous stream of spaced apart units having a downstream end and an upstream end with a longitudinal unit axis extending between the downstream and upstream ends and a transverse unit axis extending generally perpendicular to the longitudinal unit axis, each unit comprising a stack of sheets within a plastic sleeve, the continuous stream of spaced apart units traveling along a feed path ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255885A1
Автор: Carmichael James
Принадлежит: SIDEL S.p.A. con Socio Unico

There is disclosed a series of article-handling machines, comprising: a common first rotating element rotatable about an axis; characterized in that each article-handling machine comprises a carousel for conveying a plurality of articles along a path and a first connecting element which is angularly integral with carousel and is releasably connected to first rotating element. 1. A series of article-handling machines , comprising:a common first rotating element rotatable about an axis;wherein each article-handling machine comprises:a carousel for conveying a plurality of articles along a path; anda first connecting element which is angularly integral with said carousel and is releasably connected to said common first rotating element.2. Series of article-handling machines according to claim 1 , wherein each said article-handling machine comprises:a wheel carrying a plurality of elements which are each movable between a relative rest position in which it is axially detached from relative said article and a relative operative position in which it cooperates with relative said article; anda second connecting element which is angularly integral with said wheel and is releasably connected to said common first rotating element3. Series of article-handling machines according to claim 1 , comprising a common shaft surrounding and angularly integral with said first rotating element; a first portion to which said second connecting member of each article-handling machine is fitted;', 'a second portion to which said first connecting member of each article-handling machine is fitted;, 'said common shaft comprisinga first outer diameter of said second portion being larger than a second outer diameter of said first portion4. Series of article-handling machines claim 1 , wherein said first connecting element of each article-handling machine is arranged claim 1 , in use claim 1 , below relative said second connecting element;the inner diameter of said first connecting element being ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256097A1
Принадлежит: YUYAMA MFG. CO., LTD.

A medicine counting device including a rotary container broadening radially in an upward direction and configured to rotate around an axis of the rotary container; a guide member fixed with a predetermined gap on a top surface side of the rotary container, spirally extending from the central portion towards an outer circumference of the rotary container, and configured to guide a medicine moved by a rotation of the rotary container from the central portion towards the outer circumference of the rotary container. The medicine counting device further includes a detector provided outside of the rotary container and a regulator configured to feed a medicine having been moved to the outer circumference and being in contact with the guide member towards the detector but returns the medicines which are not being in contact with the guide member to the central portion side of the rotary container by overpassing the guide member. 115-. (canceled)16. A medicine counting device comprising:a rotary container broadening radially in an upward direction and configured to rotate around an axis of the rotary container by a drive means, wherein a plurality of medicines are configured to be fed into a central portion of the rotary container;a guide member fixed with a predetermined gap on a top surface side of the rotary container, spirally extending from the central portion of the rotary container towards an outer circumference thereof, and configured to guide a medicine moved by a rotation of the rotary container from the central portion of the rotary container towards the outer circumference of the rotary container;a detector provided outside of the rotary container; anda regulator configured to feed a medicine having been moved to the outer circumference and being in contact with the guide member towards the detector, and to return a medicine having been moved to the outer circumference and not being in contact with the guide member to the central portion side of the rotary ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Material Feeder System and Method of Use

Номер: US20130284520A1

This invention relates to a material feeder system and method of use. The present invention relates particularly to a particulate feeder system that includes, among other features, one or more: feeder assemblies for advancing material that incorporate a spool having a channel disposed within its outer circumference for advancing material, the spool having a plurality of circumferentially spaced contours configured so as to not form transverse barriers within the channel; motors configured to connect to the feeder assemblies; and scales for weighing advanced material. The system also includes a computer in communication with the one or more motors and scales, and capable of performing operations to advance a predetermined material weight as well as various related operations. The invention also includes a method using the above. 1. A material feeder system comprising: [ an inlet aperture for receiving material into the housing,', 'an outlet aperture for exiting material from the housing,', 'a bore located between the inlet and outlet apertures the bore having an integral', 'key along a length of its circumference and the integral key forming a barrier,, 'a housing with'}, 'the assembly further having a feeder spool configured to rotate within the bore, the spool having a channel disposed within its outer circumference for advancing material when the spool is rotated, the channel further shaped to achieve a close fit with the key; and', 'the assembly further having a shaft in communication with the feeder spool and disposed coaxially relative to the feeder spool aperture., 'a feeder assembly for advancing particulate material, wherein said assembly includes'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of circumferentially spaced contours are disposed within the channel to provide traction to the feeder spool with respect to material claim 1 , said contours configured so as to not form transverse barriers within the channel.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein a first ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306439A1

A sputtering device includes a main body and a loading device received in the main body. The main body includes a top portion, a bottom portion, a sidewall connected between the top portion and the bottom portion, an upper bearing mounted on the top portion, and a lower bearing mounted on the bottom portion. The loading device includes an outer frame, an inner frame received in the outer frame, and a gear device arranged between the outer frame and the inner frame. The outer frame is rotatably connected to the upper bearing and includes a plurality of first rods arranged in a first circle. The inner frame is rotatably connected to the lower bearing and includes a plurality of second rods arranged in a second circle. The gear device is configured for rotating the outer frame and the inner frame in opposite directions. 1. A loading device , comprising:an outer frame comprising a plurality of first rods arranged in a first circle;an inner frame received in the out frame and comprising a plurality of second rods arranged in a second circle; anda gear device arranged between the outer frame and the in inner frame, the gear device being configured for bringing the outer frame and the inner frame to rotate in two directions reverse to each other.2. The loading device of claim 1 , wherein the outer frame comprises a first plate and a second plate claim 1 , the first rods are arranged between the first plate and the second plate claim 1 , each first rod comprises two ends rotatably connected to the first plate and the second plate.3. The loading device of claim 2 , wherein the second plate comprises an inner circumferential surface claim 2 , the inner circumferential surface is toothed and forms a plurality of inner teethes.4. The loading device of claim 3 , wherein the inner frame comprises a third plate and a fourth plate claim 3 , the second rods are arranged between the third plate and the fourth plate claim 3 , each second rod comprises two end respectively rotatably ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Transferring Particulate Material

Номер: US20140069779A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

An apparatus for transferring, at high speed and in a very effective and accurate manner, particulate material from a feeder into reservoirs of a moving endless surface, e.g. a drum, by use of a pressure means, e.g. a specific three-dimensional plate, for applying pressure onto said particulate material present between said plate and said moving endless surface, and then transferring the particulate material with said moving endless surface with reservoirs to a substrate; the apparatus and method being particularly useful for the production of absorbent structures for absorbent articles. 1. A method for making a structure that comprises particulate material supported or enclosed by a substrate material , including the steps of:a) feeding a first particulate material with a feeder to a first moving endless surface with a plurality of reservoirs, adjacent said feeder; i) a first surface area substantially parallel to said first moving endless surface; and;', 'ii) a second surface area neighboring said first surface area, being downstream (in MD) from said first surface area, said second surface area being non-parallel to said first moving endless surface and leading from said first surface area towards said first moving endless surface, said first surface area and said second surface area are connected to one another, typically under an angle, and said second surface area having an average angle with said first moving endless surface from about 10° to about 80°., 'b) allowing flow of said particulate material, or part thereof, into a volume space present between said first moving endless surface and a three-dimensional plate, adjacent said feeder and adjacent and opposing said first moving endless surface; and contacting a part of said particulate material with said three dimensional plate, said plate having a first plate face adjacent said first moving endless surface, and said plate face havingc) applying a pressure with said plate onto at least a portion of said ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001986A1

An installation for transporting containers having necks, the installation comprising an intermediate rotary platform provided in its periphery with slots each having a jaw mounted in the vicinity thereof in order to pivot between a closed position and an open position. Each jaw is provided with blocking means for blocking it in each of its positions, and includes a first contact surface projecting into the slot when the jaw is in the open position in such a manner that when the neck is inserted into the slot it pushes against the first contact surface and brings the jaw into the closed position, and a second contact surface facing the slot when the jaw is in the closed position in such a manner that when the neck is discharged from the slot it pushes against the second contact surface and brings the jaw into the open position. 1. An installation for transporting containers having necks , the installation comprising an intermediate rotary platform provided in its periphery with slots and bordered by a feed unit for bringing containers into the slots and a unit for discharging containers from the slots , a jaw being mounted on the platform in the vicinity of each slot in order to pivot between a closed position for holding the container in the slot and an open position , each jaw being provided with blocking means for blocking it in each of its positions , and including a first contact surface projecting into the slot when the jaw is in the open position in such a manner that when the neck is inserted into the slot it pushes against the first contact surface and brings the jaw into the closed position , and a second contact surface facing the slot when the jaw is in the closed position in such a manner that when the neck is discharged from the slot it pushes against the second contact surface and brings the jaw into the open position.2. An installation according to claim 1 , wherein the platform has stops defining the closed and open positions.3. An installation ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Installation for transporting containers

Номер: US20160001987A1
Принадлежит: Serac Group SAS

An installation for transporting containers, the installation comprising a rotary platform ( 1, 2 ) provided in its periphery with slots ( 7.1, 7.2 ), a jaw ( 8.1, 8.2 ) being mounted on the platform in the vicinity of each slot in order to be movable between a closed position for holding a container in the slot and an open position. Each jaw comprises a resilient element ( 9.1, 9.2 ) having a portion ( 9.11, 9.21 ) fastened to the platform in the vicinity of the slot in order to have a free end ( 9.12, 9.22 ) that extends facing the slot and that is elastically deformable between a rest state in which the free end co-operates with a side wall of the slot to define a section smaller than the cross-section of the neck, and a deformed state in which the free end cooperates with the side wall of the slot to define a section greater than the cross-section of the neck.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028711A1

A shutter disc for use in a cluster tool assembly having a processing chamber and a transfer arm includes an inner disc and an outer disc configured to be disposed on the inner disc. The inner disc includes a plurality of locating features configured to mate with locating pins of a transfer arm of a cluster tool assembly and a plurality of centering features configured to mate with alignment elements of a substrate support disposed in the processing chamber of the cluster tool assembly. 1. A shutter disc for use in a cluster tool assembly comprising a processing chamber and a transfer arm , the shutter disc comprising:an inner disc; and a plurality of locating features configured to mate with locating pins of a transfer arm of a cluster tool assembly; and', 'a plurality of centering features configured to mate with alignment elements of a substrate support disposed in the processing chamber of the cluster tool assembly., 'an outer disc configured to be disposed on the inner disc, wherein the inner disc comprises2. The shutter disc of claim 1 , wherein the outer disc comprises a sealing surface configured to form a seal with a portion of a sealing assembly of the processing chamber.3. The shutter disc of claim 1 , wherein the inner disc comprises material selected from a group consisting of aluminum oxide (AlO) claim 1 , zirconium oxide (ZrO) claim 1 , silicon carbide (SiC) claim 1 , and aluminum nitride (AlN).4. The shutter disc of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of locating features comprise the same material as the inner disc.5. The shutter disc of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of locating features has a grooved surface.6. The shutter disc of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of locating features has a concave surface.7. The shutter disc of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of locating features has a flat surface.8. The shutter disc of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of centering features comprise the same material as the inner disc.9. The ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014121A1

The invention relates to a device for providing a bead to a number of workstations, the device includes a frame and a turret rotatable relative to the frame around an indexing axis between one or more predetermined positions relative to the frame, the turret including arms extending substantially radially relative to the indexing axis and being provided with bead-holding members for holding a substantially circular bead, wherein each of the bead-holding members is adapted to rotate around an associated axis of rotation for rotating a bead around its center.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014126A1
Автор: Snow Gerald F.

A multi-row magnetic dial assembly that conveys work pieces, such as fasteners, includes a work piece engaging surface disposed around an outer perimeter, adjacent a first dial surface and/or adjacent a second dial surface. Multiple magnets are disposed adjacent the work piece engaging surface to exert a magnetic force on work pieces to magnetically hold them against a dial. The magnets include a first magnet and a second magnet that exert magnetic forces so that the work piece engaging surface magnetically attracts and holds first and second rows (or more) of work pieces, the first row being distal from the second row by a row separation distance. The dial can be oriented in a horizontal plane or a non-horizontal plane. Related methods of operation are also provided.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Intelligent Microbial Sample Treatment System

Номер: US20220033760A1
Автор: Linsheng HE, Qiang Yuan

An intelligent microbial sample treatment system includes a workbench, and a sample treatment assembly, a culture medium treatment assembly, a streaking assembly and a culture medium storage assembly that are disposed on the workbench; the sample treatment assembly comprises a sample transfer device, a filling device, and a scanning device, a weight detection device, a filling location, a shaking device and waiting locations that are disposed in sequence; and the sample transfer device moves a sample cup among the scanning device, the weight detection device, the filling location, the shaking device and the waiting locations. The intelligent microbial sample treatment system disclosed by the present invention enables improvement of work efficiency and reduction of space occupation and has a reasonable structural layout and high work efficiency.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for processing electronic devices

Номер: US20140102850A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for processing electronic devices includes a rotary turret having first device concentric around the rotary turret, which transfer the electronic devices; a rotary wheel having second device holders concentric around the rotary wheel, which receive the electronic devices and a processing device to process the electronic devices. The rotary turret rotates the first device holders along a first circular path, and the rotary wheel rotates the second device holders along a second circular path. The first axis of the rotary turret is perpendicular to the second axis of the rotary wheel, and that a projection of the second circular path of the second device holders in a direction perpendicular to the second axis of the rotary wheel onto the first circular path of the first device holders defines a line from the inside to the outside of the first circular path of the first device holders.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102855A1
Принадлежит: LANFRANCHI S.R.L.

A rotary conveyor apparatus, for collecting, transferring and releasing containers, includes: 112. Rotary conveyor apparatus () , for collecting , transferring and releasing containers () , of the type comprising{'b': '9', 'a. a platform () rotating according to a rotation axis (AA);'}{'b': 3', '9', '12', '9', '6', '3', '9, 'b. means (), supported by said structure (), and slidable in a corresponding slit () which is extended from the periphery (B) to the center of rotation (AA); through an internal conduit (), within said trolleys (), a certain degree of suction is created for a determined rotation angle of the platform () through'}{'b': 4', '9', '7', '4, 'c. a suction box (), arranged at the lower part and in contact with said platform (), comprising a suction opening () which is extended along an angular section thereof on the suction box ();'}{'b': 3', '9', '9', '9, 'characterized in that said means () are trolleys that are movable relative to the rotation of the platform () and are moved from the periphery (B) to the center of rotation (AA) and vice versa during a complete rotation of the platform ().'}2313415993. Apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that said action of moving the trolley () is directed by means of a guide () closed loop-like on the suction box () and radial guide means () on the platform (); during the rotation of the disc () claim 1 , said trolley () is moved:{'b': '15', 'a. Along a radial direction given by the guide (), according to a reference integral with the platform,'}{'b': '13', 'b. Along a loop-like path given by the guide (), according to a reference fixed outside the apparatus.'}313143. Apparatus according to claim 2 , characterized in that said means () comprise a track claim 2 , closed loop-like; in said track claim 2 , a pin () is engaged for rolling the trolley () claim 2 , such pin extended below such trolley.4153. Apparatus according to claim 2 , characterized in that said means () are guides integral with the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Mass Transit Facilitation System and Method

Номер: US20150021142A1
Автор: Morgan Robert W.

A mass transit system. The system comprises a first platform for supporting a cargo compartment, a rotating platform having a center area, and a conveyor system for moving the cargo compartment from the first platform to the center area of the rotating platform, while the rotating platform is rotating. The system also includes apparatus for moving the cargo compartment from the center area of the rotating platform to a point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform. Finally, the system may include apparatus for moving the cargo compartment from the center area to a point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform. 1. A mass transit system , comprising:a first platform for supporting a cargo compartment;a rotating platform, having a center area; anda conveyor system for moving the cargo compartment from the first platform to the center area of the rotating platform, while the rotating platform is rotating.2. The system of and further comprising apparatus for moving the cargo compartment from the center area of the rotating platform to a point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform.3. The system of wherein the apparatus for moving the cargo compartment comprises a radial track on the rotating platform.4. The system of wherein the apparatus for moving the cargo compartment comprises apparatus for maintaining a front-to-rear orientation of the cargo compartment in a direction tangential to the radial track.5. The system of wherein the apparatus for moving the cargo compartment comprises apparatus for moving the cargo compartment at a constant radial speed.6. The system of and further comprising apparatus for transferring the cargo compartment from the point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform to a transport vehicle.7. The system of wherein the apparatus for transferring the cargo ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110222A1
Принадлежит: VOLPAK, S.A.U.

The present invention relates to a packaging method comprising the operation of transferring containers to an endless conveyor element moving forward continuously, conveying suspended containers and describing a closed trajectory imposed by a series of rotary diverting elements using to that end a container transferring device assembled on one of the diverting elements of the endless conveyor element, and rotating in a synchronized manner therewith. A device for putting the method into practice comprises a rotary body driving a plurality of clamps guided by mechanisms which can further slow down the displacement of the clamps without changing the rotating speed of the rotary body. 1. A packaging method comprising the operations ofconveying held suspended previously formed flexible containers by means of an endless conveyor element with continuous forward movement, describing the endless conveyor element a closed trajectory imposed by a series of rotary diverting elements, the containers being manipulated during conveyance, for example for filling and sealing; and{'b': '3', 'transferring formed containers () from a position located outside the closed trajectory which the endless conveyor element follows to the mentioned endless conveyor element for holding, conveying and manipulating them, wherein in the operation of transferring the containers, a container transferring device assembled on one of the diverting elements, rotating in a synchronized manner therewith, is used.'}2. The method according to wherein said diverting element is located within the area demarcated by the closed trajectory which the endless conveyor element follows.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein with said diverting element being configured in the form of a diverting wheel claim 1 , in the operation of transferring containers claim 1 , the containers are transferred to the endless conveyor element while it contacts or links up with the diverting wheel and follows an arc of ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Carrier members or transfer surfaces having a resilient member

Номер: US20140110226A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A carrier member configured to convey one or more webs and to receive a discrete absorbent article from a transfer assembly is disclosed. The transfer assembly comprises a transfer member having a transfer surface. The transfer surface is configured to engage the discrete article. The carrier member comprises a body and a resilient member positioned on the body. The resilient member has a Shore A hardness of between about 20 and about 50.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031654A1
Принадлежит: Inman S.R.L.

Apparatus for transferring an object from a first station to a second station with a different orientation compared to that at the first station is disclosed. The apparatus has a stator, a rotor rotatable externally of the stator about an axis of rotation, and at least one retaining member for retaining the object. The retaining member can rotate integrally with the rotor, and it is in turn rotatable with respect to the rotor about its own axis of rotation. The stator is provided with a cam profile coupled to and functionally cooperating with at least one axially extending follower which is constrained to the retaining member in such a way as to cause it to be rotated about said axis of rotation thereof as a function of the relative position of the follower with respect to the cam profile. The axis of rotation of the retaining member and the axis of extension of the follower are substantially always incident to the axis of rotation of the rotor. 1. Apparatus for transferring an object from a first station to a second station with a different orientation compared to that at said first station , comprising a stator , a rotor rotatable externally of said stator about an axis of rotation , and at least one retaining member for retaining said object , said retaining member being rotatable integrally with said rotor with respect to said stator and being in turn rotatable with respect to said rotor about an own axis of rotation , wherein said stator is provided with a cam profile coupled to and functionally cooperating with at least one axially extending follower , said at least one follower being constrained to said at least one retaining member in such a way as to cause said at least one retaining member to be rotated about its own axis of rotation as a function of the relative position of said follower with respect to said cam profile , wherein said axis of rotation of said at least one retaining member and the axis of extension of said follower are substantially always ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Chain disk corner

Номер: US20200031583A1
Принадлежит: Hog Slat Inc

Disclosed is a chain disk corner. In certain embodiments, the chain disk corner includes a bi-directional orientation independent chain disk corner wheel. In particular, the wheel is molded and devoid of moving parts. In certain embodiments, the chain disk corner includes a window portion. In particular, a bottom housing subassembly includes a bottom body of an opaque material and a hingedly attached window portion. In certain embodiments, the chain disk corner includes a reinforcing washer. In particular, a top washer is attached by injection molding to an interior of the top body, and/or a bottom washer is attached by injection molding to an interior of the bottom body. In certain embodiments, the chain disk corner includes a top surface devoid of pockets. In particular, a top body includes a plurality of ribs positioned at an interior surface of the top body.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039617A1
Автор: Clusserath Ludwig

A conveyor system includes a rotating conveyor element with container holders arranged around a circumference thereof for moving containers between container positions, and a securing installation that suspends the conveyor element. The securing installation includes a structural element that forms an axis of rotation. A projecting portion of the structural element projects beyond the conveyor element's underside. A functional element, which is either a transfer installation or a guiding element is held at this projecting portion so that it can interact with the conveyor element. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus for at least one of delivering containers to a container-processing machine and removing containers from said container-processing machine , said apparatus comprising a conveyor system , said conveying system comprising a conveyor element , container holders , a securing installation , a structural element , and a functional element selected from the group consisting of a guide element and a transfer element , wherein said conveyor element rotates about a vertical machine axis , wherein said container holders are circumferentially arranged around said conveyor element , wherein said conveyor element moves containers from a first position to a second position , wherein said securing installation stands on an installation surface , wherein said securing installation suspends said conveyor element , wherein said structural element is a constituent of said securing installation , wherein said structural element forms said vertical machine axis , wherein said structural element comprises a projecting portion that protrudes beyond an underside of said conveyor element , wherein said functional element interacts with said conveyor element , and wherein said functional element is held at said projecting portion.14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein said securing installation comprises a rack that at least partially spans a top of said conveyor element.15. The ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Pet blow moulding machines

Номер: US20150044620A1
Автор: Glenn Robert Beale
Принадлежит: B&R Industries Pty Ltd

A blow moulding machine for blow moulding a container having an integrally formed handle; said container blow moulded from a previously injection moulded preform; said preform comprising a body portion and said integrally formed handle; said machine including a preform loading station at which said preform is oriented by a preform orienting apparatus.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Handling Device, Processing System and Method for Handling and Processing a Workpiece

Номер: US20150053533A1
Принадлежит: Hinterkopf GmbH

A handling device for handling workpieces including a rotor mounted for rotation about a rotor axis, a rotary drive for introducing a rotary motion into the rotor and at least one workholder assembly, the workholder assembly including at least two workholders which are mounted on the rotor and designed for an at least paired picking up of workpieces at a pickup position and for an at least paired delivery of workpieces at a delivery position during the rotary motion of the rotor, and further including adjusting means which are coupled to at least one workholder of the workholder assembly and which are designed for a cyclical adjustment of a spacing of workholders of the workholder assembly as a function of the rotary motion of the rotor.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050455A1

According to the invention, there is provided a boat which comprises, a surface on which a plurality of electronic components can be supported, the surface having a plurality holes defined therein through which a vacuum can be passed to hold components on the surface; and a first vacuum inlet which is in fluid communication with the plurality of holes, wherein the first vacuum inlet can be fluidly connected to a first vacuum generating means so that the first vacuum generating means can provide a vacuum at the plurality of holes; a second vacuum inlet which is in fluid communication with the same plurality of holes with which the first vacuum inlet is in fluid communication with, wherein the second vacuum inlet can be fluidly connected to a second vacuum generating means so that the second vacuum generating means can provide a vacuum at the plurality of holes. There is further provided a corresponding method of handling electrical components using the boat and a corresponding component handling assembly which comprises one or more boats. 1. A boat which comprises ,a surface on which a plurality of electronic components can be supported, the surface having a plurality holes defined therein through which a vacuum can be passed to hold components on the surface; anda first vacuum inlet which is in fluid communication with the plurality of holes, wherein the first vacuum inlet can be fluidly connected to a first vacuum generating means so that the first vacuum generating means can provide a vacuum at the plurality of holes;a second vacuum inlet which is in fluid communication with the same plurality of holes with which the first vacuum inlet is in fluid communication with, wherein the second vacuum inlet can be fluidly connected to a second vacuum generating means so that the second vacuum generating means can provide a vacuum at the plurality of holes.2. A boat according to wherein the boat further comprises claim 1 ,a single vacuum chamber which is provided below the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050807A1

An object is to improve a conveyor device including a curved passage and to provide a conveyor device that enables the curvature radius of a curved passage to be reduced. A conveyor device () includes an introducing side linear conveyor (), a curved passage conveyor (), and a discharging side linear conveyor (). The curved passage conveyor () conveys an object with a rotation trajectory of approximately 180°. The curved passage conveyor () includes a circular plate (), and the upper face of the circular plate () functions as a conveying surface. The circular plate () is curved or bent. A part of the circular plate () other than the curved passage conveyor () gets under the conveying surfaces of the introducing side linear conveyor () and the discharging side linear conveyor (). 1. A conveyor device comprising:a curved passage part made of a thin metal plate;an object introducing part that introduces an object into the curved passage part;an object discharging part that discharges the object from the curved passage part;a plate body planarly rotating around a curvature center of the curved passage part or the vicinity of the curvature center; anda rotating unit for rotating the plate body,wherein a surface of the plate body is exposed in a rotation region from the object introducing part to the object discharging part, andwherein the surface of the plate body is curved or bent downward to get under a different member in a rotation region from the object discharging part through the object introducing part.2. A conveyor device comprising:a curved passage part made of a thin metal plate;a plate body; anda rotating unit for rotating the plate body,wherein a part of the plate body is located in the curved passage part to constitute a conveying surface of the curved passage part,wherein the rest part of the plate body located at a position other than the curved passage part is curved or bent downward to be shielded by a different member, andwherein the curved passage part ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060233A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An assembly for sorting optoelectronic devices () is specified, said assembly comprising: a plurality of inner bins () arranged alongside a inner circle having a first diameter, a plurality of outer bins () arranged alongside an outer circle having a second diameter greater than the first diameter, a conveyor (), wherein the conveyor () is configured to transport a plurality of optoelectronic devices (), the inner circle, the outer circle and the conveyor () are arranged concentric with respect to each other and share a common axis (), the conveyor () is arranged between the inner circle and the outer circle, the conveyor () is pivot-mounted with respect to the axis (), and the conveyor () is rotatable with respect to the inner bins () and the outer bins (). 1. Assembly for sorting optoelectronic devices comprising:a plurality of inner bins arranged alongside a inner circle having a first diameter,a plurality of outer bins arranged alongside an outer circle having a second diameter greater than the first diameter,a conveyor, which is configured to transport a plurality of optoelectronic devices, whereinthe inner circle, the outer circle and the conveyor are arranged concentric with respect to each other and share a common axis,the conveyor is arranged between the inner circle and the outer circle,the conveyor is pivot-mounted with respect to the axis, andthe conveyor is rotatable with respect to the inner bins and the outer bins.2. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the conveyor has the shape of a ring.3. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the inner bins and the outer bins are arranged stationary.4. Assembly according to claim 1 , whereineach bin has a opening configured for receiving an optoelectronic devices,each opening is arranged at the same height as a transport surface or below the transport surface of the conveyor.5. Assembly according to further comprising means at each bin configured for guiding an optoelectronic device from the transport surface ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Variable volume containers useful in pack-off operations

Номер: US20160059984A1
Автор: Brian Klem
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are container apparatuses that have variable volume capacity, which are useful, for example, as pack-off containers in operations involving manufactured articles. The container apparatuses can have vertically translatable bottom members to adjust volume capacity, and the bottom members can also be rotatable to facilitate the presentation of manufactured articles for removal. The vertically translatable bottom members can be suspended flexible sheet materials, portions of which can be raised or lowered to re-contour the shape of and adjust the volume capacity of the container apparatuses.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061171A1
Автор: Herron Kim Harold

A pay-per-use receptacle, suitable for use in an attended or unattended manner, especially at a trash or waste disposal facility. The receptacle is a generally box-like enclosure, having a payment terminal for receiving a payment and an access door on the front surface for receiving a bag of material (such as trash) after a payment is made. The bag of material is placed on a generally horizontal surface of a rotatable bin, positioned immediately inside the access door. Upon closing the access door, the rotatable bin rotates, thereby moving the deposited bag to a discharge position above a chute guide. The bag is urged from the rotatable bin by the motion of the bin and gravity, and falls downwardly and outwardly through an opening in the rear of the receptacle, into an external bin, dumpster, or compactor. Also disclosed is an ornamental design for a pay-per-use receptacle, and a process for controlling the operations thereof. 1. A pay-per-use receptacle for use in receiving a payment for deposit of a bag of material and directing the bag of material into an external bin or other external container , comprising:a front surface for engaging a person for receiving a payment and a deposited bag of material, the front surface comprising a control panel with a payment-receiving terminal and an access door to the interior of the receptacle;an access door interlock controlled by a controller for keeping the access door locked until a valid payment is received;a rotatable bin mounted for rotation within the receptacle, the rotatable bin divided into a plurality of segments, each segment defined by a circular plate on each end and a generally rectangular divider plate, confined within the receptacle;a rear surface including a rear discharge opening for directing a deposited bag of material externally of the receptacle, the discharge opening being of a size substantially the same as a segment on the rotatable bin;a motor for rotating the rotatable bin a predetermined angular ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069271A1

A system for sterilizing plastic containers and in particular plastic parisons with a transport device which transports the plastic parisons along a predetermined transport path (P), has a first sterilizing device which is suitable for applying radiation to an external surface of the plastic containers in order to sterilise this external surface, and a second sterilizing device which is suitable for applying radiation to an internal surface of the plastic containers in order to sterilise this internal surface. At least one holding device is disposed on the transport device and has an engaging element which can be introduced into a mouth region of the plastic container in order to hold it, wherein at least one component of the second sterilizing device is integrated into this holding device. 1. A system for sterilising plastic containers and in particular plastic parisons with a transport device which transports the plastic parisons along a predetermined transport path , including a first sterilising device which is suitable for applying radiation to an external surface of the plastic containers in order to sterilise this external surface , and a second sterilising device which is suitable for applying radiation to an internal surface of the plastic containers in order to sterilise this internal surface , wherein at least one holding device is disposed on the transport device and has an engaging element which can be introduced into a mouth region of the plastic container in order to hold it , wherein at least one component of the second sterilising device is integrated into the holding device.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the first sterilising device is disposed along a transport path of the holding device in such a way that the plastic containers are at least intermittently sterilised simultaneously by the first sterilising device and by the second sterilising device.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the system has a delivery device which ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068346A1
Автор: VAN DEN BRINK Hendrik

The present invention relates to an apparatus for transferring eggs from a upstream first endless roller conveyor () to a downstream second endless roller conveyor (), wherein the eggs during transfer are guided by means of a star wheel unit (), thereby rotating and taking over the eggs at the very downstream down going end of the first conveyor, guiding the eggs during a downward movement over a saddle (), and releasing the eggs onto the very upstream end of the second conveyor (), wherein the first conveyor () has a first transporting speed v and the second conveyor () has a second transporting speed v, with substantially v/v=r, with r a real number>1, wherein at least the second conveyor is transporting the eggs in a transporting direction in a substantial horizontal plane, wherein the eggs are transferred onto an horizontal part of said second conveyor. The system of the invention has appeared very suitable for both remedying breakage of eggs, for increasing egg processing capacities, and for manufacturing conditions. The invention also provides a method for transferring eggs. 2. Apparatus of claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 ,{'b': 1', '2', '2', '1, 'for the first transporting speed v and for the second transporting speed v, said ratio v/v is substantially equal to 2.'}3. Apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 ,the loader conveyor and the supply conveyor have substantially the same roller distances.4. Apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 ,the eggs are transported by and positioned on every second subsequent pair of rollers.5. Apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 ,the saddle has a downward slope having at least one angle with the horizontal part, with a range for said angle φ, comprising 10°<φ<60°.6. Apparatus of claim 5 , characterized in that claim 5 ,the saddle has two downward slopes having according two angles φ1, φ2, in the downstream direction, with 10°<φ1< ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074239A1

The present disclosure is directed to a method of transferring discrete articles from or to a moving carrier member using a transfer assembly. The transfer assembly comprises a frame defining a rotation axis and a transfer member comprising a transfer surface configured to receive one of the discrete articles. The method comprises rotating the transfer member about the rotation axis and maintaining the transfer surface at a substantially constant minimum distance away from the moving carrier member at the point of discrete article transfer. 1. A method of transferring discrete articles from or to a rotating carrier member using a transfer assembly comprising a frame defining a rotation axis and a transfer member comprising a substantially flat transfer surface configured to receive one of the discrete articles , the method comprising:rotating the transfer member about the rotation axis; andmaintaining a substantially constant pressure between the substantially flat transfer surface and the rotating carrier member throughout a zone of discrete article transfer.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising radially displacing the substantially flat transfer relative to the rotation axis in the zone of discrete article transfer to maintain the substantially constant pressure.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising maintaining the substantially flat transfer surface at substantially the same tangential velocity as the velocity of the rotating carrier member throughout the zone of discrete article transfer.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising rotating the substantially flat transfer surface about a second rotation axis between a first position and a second position claim 1 , wherein the rotation axis extends in a first direction claim 1 , and wherein the second rotation axis extends in a second claim 1 , different direction.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the substantially flat transfer surface is rotated between about 80 degrees and about 100 degrees between the first ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072521A1

A removable magazine may include a plurality of connection elements. The connection elements are arranged in a plurality of chambers from which they can be unloaded individually and specifically. Further, a setting device is disclosed that may operate in combination with this removable magazine. 1. A removable magazine in which a plurality of connection elements is dischargeably storable at a plurality of defined positions , wherein the removable magazine is connectable with a loading station and a setting device for transfer and removal of connection elements , wherein the removable magazine comprises the following features:a. a storage plate having a plurality of defined arranged and only one-sided open chambers, the shape of which is adapted to a connection element to be received, especially to a type of a connection element to be received, so that at least one connection element is position-orientated storable therein,b. a closing component closing the plurality of defined arranged chambers such that at least for an unloading of the plurality of defined arranged chambers, only one chamber is opened, whereinc. the storage plate and the closing component are rotatable and/or pivotable and/or movable with respect to each other so thatd. the respective chamber is movable with respect to the chamber opening such that at least a chamber-specific unloading of the respective chamber takes place via the chamber opening.2. Removable magazine according to claim 1 , in which the storage plate is a rotatable disk having a thickness parallel to a rotational axis and the chambers are arranged with a longitudinal axis parallel or perpendicular to the rotational axis.3. Removable magazine according to claim 2 , in which the chambers are arranged defined in one or a plurality of concentric circles and/or spiral-like and/or radially around the rotational axis and/or matrix-like.4. Removable magazine according to claim 3 , the chambers of which are arranged accessible from an outer ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158501A1

A transfer assembly includes a transfer starwheel having recesses to receive an article. Each recess includes a vacuum port and at least one insert formed from a compliant material. The at least one insert at least partially defines a shape of the recess, which corresponds to an aspect of the article. The transfer assembly includes a mounting hub including a plurality of circumferential sets of vacuum openings extending axially along the mounting hub and coupled to a vacuum source. A vacuum is delivered to the vacuum openings. The transfer starwheel is mounted on a mounting hub to align the vacuum ports of the transfer starwheel with a selected set of vacuum openings on the mounting hub. The mounting hub rotates so that the transfer starwheel receives the article into one of the recesses at a first position and rotates to a second position while holding the article with the vacuum. 1. A system for transporting articles , comprising:a transfer starwheel assembly including one or more recesses, each recess being configured to receive an article, and each recess including a vacuum port and at least one insert formed from a compliant material, the at least one insert at least partially defining a shape of the recess, the shape of the recess corresponding to an aspect of the article; anda mounting hub assembly including a plurality of circumferential sets of vacuum openings extending axially along the mounting hub assembly and coupled to a vacuum source, a vacuum being delivered to the vacuum openings,wherein the transfer starwheel assembly is configured to be mounted on the mounting hub assembly, the transfer starwheel assembly being positioned on the mounting hub assembly to align the vacuum ports of the transfer starwheel assembly with a selected one of the sets of vacuum openings on the mounting hub assembly, the mounting hub assembly and the transfer starwheel assembly rotating so that the transfer starwheel assembly receives the article into one of the recesses at ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Stepped pin loading mechanism

Номер: US20220143765A1
Принадлежит: Hengdian Group Innuovo Electric Co Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a stepped pin loading mechanism which can be used for loading stepped pins, comprising a vibrator bowl. A spirally rising discharge track is connected to an outer side of a hopper of the vibrator bowl, and a swivel plate is provided on the discharge track, and several receiving slots are provided on the swivel plate. The strip-shaped receiving slot consists of an inner segment and an outer segment, and the width of the outer segment is greater than that of the inner segment. A front baffle and a rear baffle, both of which are provided with a through opening, are provided on the discharge track, an arc-shaped side baffle, which is located between the front baffle and the rear baffle to form a semi-enclosed structure, is provided on an outer circumferential side of the swivel plate. One end of the side baffle deviates from the through opening of the rear baffle, and the height of an upper edge of the side baffle gradually increases from the rear baffle to the front baffle so that an upper edge at the other end of the side baffle is as high as an upper side of the through opening of the front baffle.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096562A1
Автор: FU Ting-Ming

An electronic element inspection equipment is provided, which is adapted to inspect an electronic element. The electronic element inspection equipment includes a first transmission track, a first rotational unit, a first image capturing device, a second image capturing device, a third image capturing device, a second rotational unit, a fourth image capturing device, and a second transmission track. The first rotational unit rotates around a first axis. When the first rotational unit moves the electronic element, the first image capturing device, the second image capturing device, and the third image capturing device capture images of the electronic element. The second rotational unit rotates around a second axis, wherein the second axis is perpendicular to the first axis. When the second rotational unit moves the electronic element, the fourth image capturing device captures one image of the electronic element. 1. An electronic element inspection equipment , adapted to inspect an electronic element , comprising:a first transmission track;a first rotational unit, rotating around a first axis, wherein the first rotational unit is adapted to pick up the electronic element from the first track;a first image capturing device, wherein when the first rotational unit moves the electronic element, the first image capturing device captures a first image of a first side of the electronic element;a second image capturing device, wherein when the first, rotational unit moves the electronic element, the second image capturing device captures a second image of a second side of the electronic element;a third image capturing device, wherein when the first rotational unit moves the electronic element, the third image capturing device captures a third image of a third side of the electronic element, the second side is opposite to the third side, and the first side is perpendicular to the second side and the third side;a second rotational unit, rotating around a second axis, wherein ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Rotating an Absorbent Article

Номер: US20160106596A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An apparatus and method for rotating and transferring a discrete article. The rotation apparatus may include a slot portion defining a longitudinal slot axis. A head assembly may be positioned adjacent to the slot portion. The head assembly may include a transfer member. The transfer member may define a longitudinal transfer axis. A support member extending from the transfer member toward the slot portion may rotate about the longitudinal transfer axis. A first follower and a second follower may be operatively engaged with the support member. The first follower may include a first follower outer surface defining a first longitudinal follower axis and the second follower may include a second follower outer surface defining a second longitudinal follower axis. The first follower and the second follower may be positioned such that the first longitudinal follower axis and the second longitudinal follower axis intersect the longitudinal slot axis.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Rotating an Absorbent Article

Номер: US20160106597A1

An apparatus and method for rotating and transferring a discrete article. The rotation apparatus may include a rib portion defining a longitudinal rib axis. A head assembly may be positioned adjacent to the rib portion. The head assembly may include a transfer member. The transfer member may define a longitudinal transfer axis. A support member extending from the transfer member toward the rib portion may rotate about the longitudinal transfer axis. A first follower and a second follower may be operatively engaged with the support member. The first follower may include a first follower outer surface defining a first longitudinal follower axis and the second follower may include a second follower outer surface defining a second longitudinal follower axis. The first follower and the second follower may be positioned such that the first longitudinal follower axis and the second longitudinal follower axis intersect the longitudinal rib axis. 1. A rotation apparatus for rotating a discrete article , the rotation apparatus comprising:a rib portion extending radially outward from a mounting surface, the rib portion comprising a first rib surface and a second rib surface opposite the first rib surface, wherein the rib portion defines a longitudinal rib axis of rotation;a head assembly positioned adjacent to the rib portion, wherein the head assembly comprises a transfer member having a proximal end portion and a distal end portion, wherein the transfer member defines a longitudinal transfer axis of rotation, and wherein at least a portion of the head assembly is configured to rotate about the longitudinal transfer axis;a support member extending from the transfer member toward the rib portion, the support member having a proximal end portion and a distal end portion opposite the proximal end portion, wherein the proximal end portion of the support member is associated with the distal end portion of the transfer member; anda first follower and a second follower operatively ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176674A1

A rotary seat including a base includes an outer surface, and a composite material layer attached to at least a part of the outer surface. The base also includes a recess for accommodating a turntable and including a first opening on the outer surface. The material of the composite material layer includes fibers and a resin. Therefore, the rotary seat may be more lightweight. A rotary table is also provided and includes the rotary seat, a driving device which drives the rotary seat to rotate, and a turntable which is rotatably disposed in the recess of the base. 1. A rotary seat comprising:a base, including a recess and an outer surface, wherein the recess comprises a first opening on the outer surface and is configured to accommodate a turntable, and the base is made of metal; anda composite material layer configured to being attached to at least a part of the outer surface of the base, wherein the composite material layer comprises fiber and resin.2. The rotary seat as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composite material layer is a stacked structure and comprises a plurality of stacked layers claim 1 , the plurality of stacked layers is stacked along a first axial direction perpendicular to the outer surface claim 1 , the fibers of each of the plurality of stacked layers are arranged in a direction parallel to a second axial direction claim 1 , the second axial directions of at least two of the plurality of stacked layers are not parallel claim 1 , and the second axial direction is perpendicular to the first axial direction.3. The rotary seat as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the second axial directions of the plurality of stacked layers are symmetrically arranged in the first axial direction.4. The rotary seat as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the outer surface of the base is provided with at least one recessed region claim 3 , the composite material layer further comprises at least one reinforcing layer claim 3 , the at least one reinforcing layer and the plurality ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111812A1

The present invention relates to a rotor of an apparatus for forming and/or filling containers made from preforms. The object of the invention is to propose a rotor of such an apparatus, that allows the preforms or the filled containers to be transferred with reduced forces to a processing station downstream. This object is achieved by a rotor 100 of such an apparatus having a rotational axis A and having processing stations that rotate about the rotational axis for receiving preforms or containers, wherein the processing stations move along a closed path 1 about the rotational axis A, which is characterized in that the distance of path 1 from the rotational axis A varies depending upon the position on path 1, and the radius of curvature of path 1 in at least one section 12 is greater than the greatest distance of path 1 from the rotational axis A. 1. A rotor of an apparatus for forming containers from preforms or for filling containers made from preforms , having a rotational axis and having processing stations rotating about the rotational axis for receiving preforms to be formed into containers or containers to be filled , wherein the processing stations move along a closed path around the rotational axis of the rotor , wherein a distance of the closed path from the rotational axis varies at different positions along the closed path , and wherein a radius of curvature of at least one section of the closed path is greater than a greatest distance between the closed path and the rotational axis.2. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor is equipped with telescopic claim 1 , pivotable or bendable supporting arms for supporting the processing stations.3. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein radial positioning of the processing stations is carried out via cam control.4. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein the processing stations are equipped with a processing selected from the group consisting of a forming head claim 1 , a filling head claim 1 , a ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle Cleaning Installation and Method for Cleaning Vehicles

Номер: US20220176918A1

Rotary vehicle cleaning installation, the installation comprising a vehicle support platform that is rotatable around a central platform axis and is configured to support a number of vehicles on a vehicle surface of the vehicle support platform, and a drive assembly that is operatively connected to the vehicle support platform and that is configured to rotate the vehicle support platform, and a number of cleaning devices that is positioned at a working distance from the vehicle surface of the vehicle support platform. The invention also relates to a method for cleaning a vehicle using a rotary vehicle cleaning installation according to the invention. 1. Rotary vehicle cleaning installation , the installation comprising:a vehicle support platform that is rotatable around a central platform axis and is configured to support a number of vehicles on a vehicle surface of the vehicle support platform;a drive assembly that is operatively connected to the vehicle support platform and that is configured to rotate the vehicle support platform; anda number of cleaning devices that is positioned at a working distance from the vehicle surface of the vehicle support platform.2. Rotary vehicle cleaning installation according to claim 1 , further comprising a support assembly that is configured to claim 1 , preferably rotatably claim 1 , support the vehicle support platform with respect to a ground surface.3. Rotary vehicle cleaning installation according to claim 2 , wherein the support assembly comprises at least one support set including a plurality of ground supports that are positioned between a base surface that is positioned opposite the vehicle surface and the ground surface.4. Rotary vehicle cleaning installation according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of ground supports is positioned in a ring having a ring radius with a central axis that coincides with the central platform axis.5. Rotary vehicle cleaning installation according to claim 3 , wherein the support ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Product transfer device

Номер: US20180118469A1
Автор: Jiajia Shan, Min Xu, Yu Yang

Embodiments of the present invention provide a product transfer device. The product transfer device includes a moving assembly, a supporting assembly and a rotating assembly. The moving assembly is configured to drive the supporting assembly to move, the supporting assembly is configured such that a product is placed on the supporting assembly, and the rotating assembly is able to be connected with the supporting assembly to rotate the product placed on the supporting assembly.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135651A1

The present invention relates to machines and apparatuses for manufacturing and filling containers, specifically to machines and apparatus for transporting flexible pouches between manufacturing and filling stations with the ability to open and close the flexible pouch. The apparatus includes a movable base with a pair of side arms. Each of the side arms is movable between a first position and a second position. A center arm is attached to the base. The center arm is disposed between the pair of side arms. A gripping mechanism is disposed at an end portion of each of the side arms and the center arm. The pouches are moved between production stations by movement of the base. The present disclosure also includes a method for opening, closing, and moving a flexible pouch between one or more production stations. 1) An apparatus for moving a flexible pouch between production stations comprising:a moveable base;a pair of side arms movably attached to the base, each of the side arms movable between a first position and a second position;a center arm attached to the base, the center arm disposed between the pair of side arms;a gripping mechanism disposed on an end portion of each of the side arms and the center arm; andwherein the pair of side arms and center arm grip one or more flexible pouches, with the flexible pouches being transitioned between an open condition and a closed condition by movement of the side arms between the first position and the second position, and the pouch moved between production stations by movement of the base.2) The apparatus of further comprising:the gripping mechanism disposed at the end of each side being a pinch mechanism, the pinch mechanism having a first pinching member and a second pinching member, the first pinching member pivotally coupled to the second pinching member, the first pinching member rotatable relative to the second pinching member;wherein rotation of the first pinching member provides the pinch mechanism with an open ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for automatically replacing fountain pen refill

Номер: US20200122931A1
Автор: Chen Wanli

The invention discloses an apparatus for automatically replacing fountain pen refill, and includes a box body, the left and right sides of the box body are respectively provided with a left inner cavity and a right inner cavity, an upper boss is fixedly connected to an inner wall of an upper part of the right inner cavity, and an inner wall of an upper part of the right inner cavity is fixedly connected to a lower boss at the lower left of the upper boss, a grooved wheel device is rotatably connected to the lower boss, a swivel rod device is connected below the swivel device, and a mechanical claw is fixedly connected to the lower part of the swivel device; The invention provides a relatively efficient automatic refill device, and at the same time, it can collect the used refills, which saves the time of refills and disposal of the used refills. 1. An apparatus for automatically replacing fountain pen refill , comprising a box body provided with a left inner cavity with an opening facing left , and a right side of the left inner cavity with an opening facing upward and connecting with the left inner cavity a lid opening device is provided on the right inner cavity , and a left opening of the left inner cavity and an opening on the upper side of the right inner cavity are respectively provided , and the lid opening device located at the left inner cavity opening can be opened. the box body thus takes out the old refill located in the left inner cavity , and the lid opening device located at the right inner cavity opening can open the box to replace the new refill located in the right inner cavity. an upper boss is fixedly connected to the inner wall at the rear end of the right lumen , and a lower boss located at the lower left of the upper boss is fixed to the inner wall at the rear end of the right lumen; a baffle located below the lower boss is fixedly connected on the wall surface , the baffle is provided with a baffle through hole , and a sheave device is ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150139759A1

A rotation mechanism includes a mandrel, a rotation axle, a needle roller bearing and an angular bearing. The mandrel includes a shaft portion, a first annular contact portion and a second annular contact portion. The shaft portion has an outer surface, and the first annular contact portion and the second annular contact portion are located on the outer surface and respectively surround the axis of the mandrel. The rotation axle includes an annular portion, a third annular contact portion and a fourth annular contact portion. The annular portion has a shaft hole and an inner surface forming the shaft hole. The third annular contact portion and the fourth annular contact portion are located on the inner surface, and the mandrel passes through the shaft hole. The needle roller bearing is in contact with the first annular contact portion and the third annular contact portion, and is located between them. 1. A rotation mechanism comprising:a mandrel comprising a shaft portion, a first annular contact portion and a second annular contact portion, wherein the shaft portion has a outer surface, and the first annular contact portion and the second annular contact portion are located on the outer surface and respectively surround the axis of the mandrel;a rotation axle comprising an annular portion, a third annular contact portion and a fourth annular contact portion, wherein the annular portion has a shaft hole and an inner surface forming the shaft hole, the third annular contact portion and the fourth annular contact portion are located on the inner surface, and the mandrel passes through the shaft hole;a needle roller bearing in contact with the first annular contact portion and the third annular contact portion, and being located between them; andan angular bearing in contact with the second annular contact portion and the fourth annular contact portion, and located between the outer surface and the inner surface.2. The rotation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Methods for Transferring Items

Номер: US20160145052A1

A method of transferring items, such as rolled absorbent product. The method includes the steps of feeding one or more input streams of items toward a turret having a longitudinal axis and arms for engaging the items, the arms being rotatable about the longitudinal axis. The arms can engage at least one of the items from at least one of the one or more input streams and rotate away from the input streams and into a position aligned with one or more output streams. The number of input streams can be different than the number of output streams. The items can be fed onto the one or more output streams. 1. A method of transferring items , comprising:feeding one or more input streams of items toward a turret having a longitudinal axis and arms for engaging the items, the arms being rotatable about the longitudinal axis;engaging at least one of the items from at least one of the one or more input streams with the arms;rotating the arms away from the input streams and into a position aligned with one or more output streams wherein the number of the one or more input streams is different than the number of the one or more output streams; andfeeding the items onto the one or more output streams.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising accelerating the rotatable arms between at least one of the input streams and at least one of the output streams.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the items are packages of sanitary tissue products.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein more than one item is engaged from at least one of the one or more input streams.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the arms are radially expandable rods and radially expanding at least one of the rods claim 4 , and the items are engaged from an interior void by inserting the rods into the void and expanding.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the items are sanitary tissue products having cores defined therein claim 5 , and wherein the engaging step comprises positioning at least some of the rods at least partially ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145090A1

A conveyor device having a rotor and container carriers that suspend containers around the rotor includes a container support to support the sides of the suspended containers. The container support has an outer container guide with a height-adjustable outer container support surface that defines a tapered surface surrounding a machine axis about which the rotor rotates. The outer container support surface supports the containers on a radially outward portion of their surface and an inner container support surface supports the containers on a radially inward position of their lateral surface. The two support surfaces define a receptacle that receives the container's base. The receptacles width decreases as a function of distance from the container carriers. The inner container support surface is height-adjustable for adapting the container support device to different container base diameters.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Methods for transferring discrete articles

Номер: US20170151099A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure is directed to a method of transferring discrete articles from or to a moving carrier member using a transfer assembly. The transfer assembly comprises a frame defining a rotation axis and a transfer member comprising a transfer surface configured to receive one of the discrete articles. The method comprises rotating the transfer member about the rotation axis and maintaining the transfer surface at a substantially constant minimum distance away from the moving carrier member at the point of discrete article transfer.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297949A1
Принадлежит: ANTARES VISION S.P.A.

A device and a process for the orientation of containers with a carousel rotating about a vertical axis with a circumferential plurality of rotating seats imparting a rotation to each container causing a rotation-revolution. A recording device with illuminator recording multiple sequential images of the container during rotation-revolution. A controller adapted learn the lateral surface of said container in a number of positions. Learning each of the N positions said container is positioned with a random initial orientation, and during rotation a number of images are recorded. The controller acquires one current image, processes a similarity function representing the similarity between each current image and the images recorded in the same position in said learning step, calculates the similarity functions and the angle corresponding to the maximum value of this sum is used for the orientation of said container. 1. A device for the orientation of containers comprisinga rotating carousel rotating about a carousel vertical axis thereof having a circumferential plurality of seats each of which rotates about a seat axis to impart to each container housed therein a rotation about a container vertical axis and jointly with said rotating carousel a movement of rotation-revolution,a fixed illuminator of said container and a single fixed recording device recording multiple sequential images of said container during said movement of rotation-revolution, said recording device being in a position to acquire the light reflected from said container illuminated by said illuminator,an electronic controller comprising a learning device, a validation device and an operating device, the learning, validation, and operating devices operating together in a temporal sequence, said learning device being adapted to carry out a step of learning the entire lateral surface of one said container in a number N of positions within the field framed by said recording device, in which, when said ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158436A1
Автор: Slurink Oscar

An electronic cigarette tubes individualiser apparatus individualises tubes received from a first track without spacing and provides the tubes to a second track with a spacing. The apparatus includes a rotary carrousel configured to rotate about a rotation axis and provided with a guide extending with the longitudinal axis partially along a line substantially intersecting the rotation axis; a stationary cam track extending around the rotation axis; a carriage mounted to the carrousel for traveling in a reciprocating movement along the guide driven by a cam follower following the cam track while the carousel is rotating; and a receiver connected to the carriage for receiving the tube from the first track close to the rotation axis and delivering the tube to the second track further away from the rotation axis with a pitch. 1. An electronic cigarette tubes spacing adjustment apparatus for adjusting spaces between tubes received from a first track with a first spacing and delivered to a second track with a second spacing , wherein the apparatus comprises:a rotary carrousel configured to rotate about a rotation axis and provided with a guide extending with the longitudinal axis partially along a line substantially intersecting the rotation axis;a stationary cam track extending around the rotation axis;a carriage mounted to the carrousel for traveling in a reciprocating movement along the guide driven by a cam follower following the cam track while the carousel is rotating; anda receiver connected to the carriage for receiving the tube from the first track at a first distance from the rotation axis and delivering the tube to the second track at a second distance from the rotation axis while adjusting the spacing from the first spacing to the second spacing between delivering and receiving the tube.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stationary cam track is provided in a plane substantially perpendicular to the rotation axis.3. The apparatus according to ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167820A1

An article-handling machine for carrying out an operation on an article is disclosed. The article-handling machine includes a carousel configured to convey the article along a path. The carousel includes one of at least one seat or at least one pin. The article-handling machine further includes a modular operative group configured to carry out the operation on the article. The modular operative group includes the other one of at least one seat or at least one pin. The at least one pin is configured to engage the at least one seat, so as to dock the modular operative group to the carousel. The article-handling machine further includes at least one constraining assembly for constraining the at least one pin inside the at least one seat. The constraining assembly is configured to move towards and away from the at least one seat between a rest configuration and an operative configuration. 1. An article-handling machine for carrying out an operation on an article , comprising:a carousel configured to rotate about a first axis and to convey the article along a path, the carousel comprising one of at least one seat or at least one pin: anda modular operative group configured to carry out the operation on the article, the modular operative group comprising the other one of at least one seat or at least one pin, wherein the at least one pin is configured to engage the at least one seat, so as to dock the modular operative group to the carousel;at least one constraining assembly for constraining the at least one pin inside the at least one seat; a rest configuration, in which the constrain n assembly is detached from the at least one pin engaging the at least one seat; and', 'an operative configuration, in which the constraining assembly cooperates with the at least one pin engaging the at least one seat, so as to constrain the at least one pin inside the at least one seat., 'wherein the constraining assembly is configured to move towards and away from the at least one seat ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167895A1

A container-processing machine includes a rotor with processing positions formed thereon, a transfer station, and a static lifting element used by all the processing positions. Each processing position has a processing head and a container carrier. The lifting element is a static lifting element that is used by all of the processing positions. When the processing position is at the transfer station, the lifting element causes relative motion between a container carrier and a processing head of the processing position. This causes the processing position to transition between receiving and discharge states. 116-. (canceled)17. An apparatus for container processing , said apparatus comprising a container-processing machine , wherein said container-processing machine comprises a rotor configured to be driven to rotate about a vertical machine axis thereof , a first transfer station , a first lifting element , a drive associated with said lifting element , and a plurality of processing positions formed on said rotor , each of which comprises a processing head and a container carrier , wherein said first lifting element is a static lifting element that is used by all of said processing positions , wherein , when said processing position is at said first transfer station , said first lifting element is configured to cause relative motion between a container carrier and a processing head of said processing position , wherein said relative motion causes causing a transition of said processing position between a receiving state , and a discharge state , wherein , in said receiving state , said processing position is prepared to receive a container to be processed , wherein in said discharge state , said processing position is prepared to discharge a processed container , wherein containers to be processed are transferred to said first processing position at said first transfer station , and wherein containers that have been processed are transferred from said first ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Puck handling device

Номер: US20190161287A1
Принадлежит: Flexlink AB

Puck handling device for a conveyor system, comprising a puck handling disc and a drive means for rotating the puck handling disc, where the puck handling disc comprises a first semi-circular disc comprising a first cut-out and a second semi-circular disc comprising a second cut-out, where the first semi-circular disc and the second semi-circular disc are individually rotatable by the drive means, and where the first cut-out and the second cut-out forms a recess adapted to hold a puck when the puck handling disc is arranged in a first holding state. The advantage of the invention is that a puck handling device adapted to direct a puck from any of two infeed conveyors to any of two outfeed conveyors is provided. This allows for a flexible and quick handling of pucks.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251754A1

Provided is an apparatus for handling containers. The apparatus comprises a moveable carrier, a plurality of treatment stations arranged on the moveable carrier for treating the containers, each treatment station having at least one element that is moveable in relation to the carrier, and a stationary guide curve. The elements are temporarily coupled to the guide curve. A movement between a treatment station of the plurality of treatment stations and the guide curve translates to a movement of the at least one element. A coupling device comprises at least one guide roller which at least temporarily contacts the guide curve. At least one of the guide roller or the guide curve includes an imidized polymer material.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251764A1

A machine for processing sheets of different formats includes a pneumatic drum having an outer sleeve with pneumatic nozzle channels and an inner sleeve with a covering segment for covering the nozzle channels in a format-dependent way. A motor is provided to rotate the inner sleeve relative to the outer sleeve while the machine is running to carry out a flying format change of the pneumatic drum.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Dishwashing Conveyance System And Method

Номер: US20200165076A1

A system for conveying dishware through a cleaning cycle. The system includes a conveyance assembly having a receiving surface to receive and retain dishware. The conveyance assembly rotates the receiving surfaces about an axis to convey the dishware to each of at least two unique locations. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for conveying dishware through a cleaning cycle , comprising:providing a conveyance assembly having a receiving surface to receive and retain dishware;grasping dishware from a location;transporting the dishware from the location to the receiving surface of the conveyance assembly; androtating the conveyance assembly about an axis to convey the dishware to at least two unique locations.14. (canceled)15. The method of claim 13 , further comprising independently actuating a grasping element associated with the receiving surface to grasp the dishware.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein grasping the dishware comprises actuating a robotic manipulator having an end effector to grasp the dishware.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the end effector comprises at least one of a magnetic grasping element claim 16 , a mechanical grasping element claim 16 , a suction cup claim 16 , and a vacuum grasping element.18. The method of claim 15 , wherein the grasping element comprises at least one of a magnetic grasping element claim 15 , a mechanical grasping element claim 15 , a suction cup claim 15 , and a vacuum grasping element.19. The method of claim 13 , wherein rotating the conveyance assembly physically isolates each of the at least two unique locations.20. The method of claim 13 , wherein at least one of the at least two unique locations corresponds to a stage selected from the group consisting of an acquisition stage claim 13 , a cleaning stage claim 13 , a rinse stage claim 13 , a drying stage claim 13 , a sanitizing stage claim 13 , and an unloading stage. This invention relates to dishwashing appliances, and more particularly, to conveyance systems for ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Dishwashing Conveyance System And Method

Номер: US20200165077A1
Принадлежит: Dishcraft Robotics Inc

A system for conveying dishware through a cleaning cycle. The system includes a conveyance assembly having a receiving surface to receive and retain dishware. The conveyance assembly rotates the receiving surfaces about an axis to convey the dishware to each of at least two unique locations. A corresponding system and method are also disclosed and claimed herein.

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150191263A1

An apparatus for producing container bundles without a shrink film or strapping has container guides, which are either base or head guides, a grouping unit, one or more application elements, a multiple track container feed providing multiple container streams, and a container transporter for each stream. The guides are disposed on the container transporter. An application element near the transporter applies adhesive to containers. The grouping unit groups and compress a predetermined number of containers to form a container bundle. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus for producing bundles , said apparatus comprising at least one application element , container guides , a grouping unit , a multiple track container feed providing multiple container streams , and a container transporter for each container stream , wherein said container guides are selected from the group consisting of base guides and head guides , wherein said container guides are disposed on said container transporter , wherein said at least one application element is disposed in a region of said container transporter , wherein said at least one application element is configured to apply adhesive to containers , wherein said grouping unit is selected from the group consisting of a partitioning unit , a compressing unit , a partitioning section , and a compressing section , wherein said grouping unit is configured to group and compress a predetermined number of containers , wherein said grouping unit is disposed immediately downstream from a structure selected from the group consisting of said container transporter and an outlet device , and wherein said grouping unit is configured to combine said predetermined number of containers to form a bundle of containers downstream of said transporter for transportation onward.14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein said container transporter comprises both base guides and head guides.15. The apparatus of claim 14 , wherein said bottom guides comprise turntables ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Concentric shaft split timing screw system

Номер: US20170183165A1
Принадлежит: Lighthouse Instruments LLC

A split shaft screw system includes a screw configured to convey an article along a movement path. The screw includes a plurality of threads, each thread having a crest, a root and a pair of sidewalls, wherein the root and pair of sidewalls are configured to capture the article. Provided are a first screw segment connected to a first drive shaft configured to be driven by a first motor, and a second screw segment immediately adjacent to the first screw segment and connected to a second drive shaft concentric to the first drive shaft, the second drive shaft configured to be driven by a second motor independently of the driving of the first screw segment.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194155A1
Автор: Doherty Thomas

An automated handling line guide rail assembly is provided for use on an automated handling line that is adjustable to define a path of varying width. The assembly comprises a segmented guide rail, with segments that define a generally arcuate perimeter of the path, the perimeter being positioned at a radius from a central axis. An actuator member is rotatable about the central axis and is arranged to extend at a substantially constant radius from the central axis. Rotation of the actuator member causes substantially radial movement of the segments thereby allowing the segments to define the perimeter at a plurality of different radii. The segments are positioned and have a width such that adjacent segments overlap each other. Their overlapping portions move circumferentially relative to each other when the segments move radially such that the extent of overlap of adjacent segments varies with the radial position of the segments. 1. An automated handling line guide rail assembly comprising a segmented guide rail , an actuator member and a cam mechanism , wherein:the segmented guide rail comprises segments that together define the perimeter of a path that a container will follow when conveyed along part of an automated handling line, the perimeter being generally arcuate about a central axis and positioned at a radius from the central axis;the actuator member is rotatable about the central axis and is arranged to extend at a substantially constant radius from the central axis;the cam mechanism links the segments to the actuator member such that rotation of the actuator member about the central axis causes substantially radial movement of the segments relative to the central axis thereby allowing the segments to define the perimeter at a plurality of different radii from substantially the same central axis; andthe segments are positioned and have a width such that adjacent segments overlap each other with overlapping portions that move circumferentially relative to ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Device for transporting a container

Номер: US20190185308A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A device for transporting a filled container in a rotary device, for example from a rotary filler to a capper, includes a rotary element rotating about an axis of rotation with a holding element for accommodating the container. The holding element is designed such that the filled container is held so that a container axis, which passes through and is perpendicular to a mouth aperture cross-sectional plane of the container, is oriented below the holding element toward the axis of rotation.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for Orienting Components of a Rotary Machine

Номер: US20160200524A1

Apparatus and method for orienting components of a rotary machine, such as a container treatment machine, where the rotary machine comprises a stator and a rotor and also at least one component which is arranged on the stator, wherein the apparatus comprises at least one reference element which is arranged on the stator and a sensor which is arranged on the rotor so as to rotate with it, wherein the sensor is suitable for measuring the distance from the reference element and from the component, and the stator, the rotor and the component can be oriented in relation to one another based on the values measured by the sensor. 1. An apparatus for orienting components of a rotary machine , where said rotary machine comprises a stator and a rotor and also at least one component which is arranged on said stator , wherein said apparatus comprises at least one reference element which is arranged on said stator and a sensor which is arranged on said rotor so as to rotate with said rotor , where said sensor is suitable for measuring the distance from said reference element and from said component , and said stator , said rotor and said component can be oriented in relation to one another based on the values measured by said sensor.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor can determine the distance between said sensor and said reference element and/or said component while said rotary machine is at a standstill and/or said rotor of said rotary machine is moved.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor comprises at least one of a pneumatically operated measuring gauge claim 1 , an optical sensor claim 1 , and an ultrasonic sensor.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the orientation of said stator claim 1 , said rotor and said component relative to one another can be done manually or automatically.5. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one orientation apparatus is provided which is suited to change a relative position ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194499A1

There is described a conveying and cooling apparatus () for conveying and cooling receptacles () comprising a conveying device () for advancing receptacles () along a conveying path (P), a cooling device () for cooling the receptacles (). The cooling device () comprises a supply unit adapted to supply a cooling medium, a plurality of advancing injection nozzles () adapted to be in fluid connection with the supply unit and for directing a cooling medium onto the receptacles () and a plurality of valve members (), each one associated to one respective injection nozzle () and adapted to selectively open or close the fluid connection between the respective injection nozzle () and the supply unit (). 1. An apparatus for conveying and cooling a plurality of receptacles , the apparatus comprising:a conveying device configured to advance the receptacles along a conveying path from a receiving station to a transfer station, wherein the conveying device includes a plurality of retaining units, each retaining unit configured to retain at least one respective receptacle during advancement of the respective receptacle along the conveying path; and each injection nozzle is associated with at least one respective retaining unit;', 'the injection nozzles are movable along a nozzle path at least partially parallel to the conveying path and through the receiving station and the transfer station;', 'the cooling device further includes a plurality of valve members, each valve member being associated with at least one respective injection nozzle and being adjustable between an open configuration, in which the valve member is configured to open the fluid connection between the supply unit and the respective injection nozzle, and a closed configuration, in which the valve member is configured to close the fluid connection between the supply unit and the respective injection nozzle;, 'a cooling device configured to cool the receptacles, wherein the cooling device includes a supply unit for ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Rotating Platform Acceleration System and Method

Номер: US20150210486A1
Автор: Morgan Robert W.

A method of accelerating an item with a rotating platform. The rotating platform has a center point, a perimeter, and a radius from the center point to the perimeter. The method delivers the item to a center area of the rotating platform by delivering the item to a first radial distance on the rotating platform; the item has a first speed at the center area and tangential to the first radial distance. Also, while the rotating platform is rotating, the method moves the item, in an apparatus-controlled orderly path, from the center area to a point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform and that is located at a second radial distance greater than the first radial distance; the item has a second speed tangential to the second radial distance and the second speed is greater than the first speed. Finally, while the rotating platform is rotating, the method moves the item, from the point, to a location beyond the perimeter of the rotating platform. 1. A method of accelerating an item with a rotating platform having a center point , a perimeter , and a radius from the center point to the perimeter , the method comprising:delivering the item to a center area of the rotating platform by delivering the item to a first radial distance on the rotating platform, wherein the item has a first speed at the center area and tangential to the first radial distance;while the rotating platform is rotating, moving the item, in an apparatus-controlled orderly path, from the center area to a point relative to the rotating platform that is adjacent a perimeter of the rotating platform and that is located at a second radial distance greater than the first radial distance, wherein the item has a second speed tangential to the second radial distance and the second speed is greater than the first speed; andwhile the rotating platform is rotating, moving the item, from the point, to a location beyond the perimeter of the rotating platform.2. The ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Feeding mechanism and method

Номер: US20160207713A1

A feeding mechanism and method for feeding objects singulated from a bulk mass of objects includes receiving the bulk mass into a hopper system having a hopper screw set including first and second hopper screws and a plurality of feeding pockets defined by the thread forms of the hopper screws. Rotation of the hopper screws tumbles the bulk mass to cascade and singulate individual objects into respective feed pockets. An object set including at least one singulated object is discharged from the hopper screw set by rotation of the hopper screws. A discharge assembly including a ramp and star wheel receives the discharged object set, and transfers the object set to a discharge outlet. The object set output from the discharge outlet is received by a target defined by a receiving article. In one example, the object is rounded, the target is an opening of a container.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and Arrangement for Handling Test Tubes

Номер: US20160209438A1

A novel solution is proposed for processing a test tube transported on a test tube carrier by a conveyor so that spilling of the liquid in the test tube is reduced or even prevented, particularly an arrangement for sequencing and guiding travel of test tube carriers transported on at least one conveyor. The arrangement includes at least one rotatable deviator positioned to intersect the at least one conveyor. The deviator includes a horizontal deviator plate including at least one grip for receiving a test tube carrier. One contact surface is positioned vertically at a distance from the deviator plate and aligned with the grip. The contact surface is formed to contact the test tube carrier at a distance from the contact level of the grip and the carrier. 1. An arrangement for sequencing and guiding travel of test tube carriers transported on at least one conveyor , the arrangement comprising:at least one conveyor,at least one rotatable deviator positioned to intersect the at least one conveyor, the deviator comprising a horizontal deviator plate including at least one grip for receiving a test tube carrier, andat least one push plate positioned in proximity of the at least one deviator plate and having at least one pushing surface formed as an arc that starts as a tangent of a circle defined by the track that the bottom of the recess of the grip travels and then curves outwards from said circle.3. The arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one contact surface positioned vertically at a distance from the deviator plate and aligned with the grip claim 1 , the contact surface being formed to contact the test tube carrier at a distance from the contact level of the grip and the carrier.4. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the grip is a recess on a circular plate.5. The arrangement according to claim 3 , wherein the contact surface is a recess on a circular plate.6. The arrangement according to claim 3 , wherein the grip and the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Bag Transfer Device

Номер: US20150217888A1
Автор: NAKAMOTO Kakue
Принадлежит: TOYO JIDOKI CO., LTD.

A rotary-type bag transfer device including a plurality of pairs of left and right grippers () provided around an intermittently rotating table (). A first support shaft () and a second support shaft () are provided on the base portion of each of the arms () of the grippers. A first link () linked at its one end to the table and pivotable horizontally is linked at another end thereof to the center of a second link (), the second link is linked at one end thereof to the first support shaft, and a sliding member () installed at the other end of the second link is provided to slide in a slot () formed in the table. The slot is parallel to a reference plane (N). A restricting link () linked at one end to the table is linked at another end to the second support shaft. 2. The bag transfer device according to claim 1 , whereinthe conveying member is a table that intermittently rotates by a constant angle around a vertical axis thereof,the plurality of pairs of grippers are disposed around the table, andthe movement path is in a circular shape.3. The bag transfer device according to claim 2 , whereina cylindrical cam whose center coincides with the axis of table and that is capable of up-and-down movement is provided under the table; and a pivot lever that is linked at an intermediate position thereof to the table and is pivotable within a horizontal plane,', 'a cam lever that is disposed between the cylindrical cam and the pivot lever and is axially supported at an intermediate position thereof by the table, the cam lever having at one end thereof a cam follower that rotates over a cam face of the cylindrical cam with another end thereof coming into contact with one end of the pivot lever,', 'a third link that is provided more to an outer peripheral side of the table than the pivot lever and is linked at one end thereof to the table and pivotable within a horizontal plane,', 'a fourth link that extends in a radial direction of the table between the pivot lever and the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Bag Transfer Device

Номер: US20150217889A1
Автор: NAKAMOTO Kakue
Принадлежит: TOYO JIDOKI CO., LTD.

A rotary bag transfer device used in a bag filling and packaging apparatus and provided with a plurality of pairs of grippers installed around an intermittently rotating table. The bag transfer device includes an arm support mechanism (), which supports the base portion of an arm () of each one of the pair of grippers (), and a drive force transmission mechanism (), which actuates the arm support mechanism. A link () that is part of the drive force transmission mechanism is linked at its one end to an adjusting ring (), a link () is linked at its one end to the arm support mechanism, and these links are linked together at their other ends. When the adjusting ring rotates, a center plane (M) between the grippers is displaced (for amount Da) to offset from a reference plane (N) that passes through the center (O) of the table. 2. The bag transfer device according to claim 1 , wherein when the gripper layout adjustment mechanism operates claim 1 , the arm support mechanism of each one of the grippers operates in a same direction.3. The bag transfer device according to claim 1 , wherein an adjustment ring that is installed on the table and is rotated intermittently along with the table and that is capable of rotating relative to the table around the axis of the table, and', 'a ring drive mechanism that rotates the adjustment ring;, 'the gripper layout adjustment mechanism comprisesa pair of first links is provided so that one end of each one of the first link is, as part of the drive force transmission mechanism, linked to the arm support mechanism of each one of the grippers;a pair of second links is provided so that one end of each one of the second links is linked to another end of each one of the first links, with another end of one of the second links being linked to the adjustment ring and another end of another one of the second links being linked to the table; andwhen the ring drive mechanism is operated, the adjustment ring is rotated, and drive force caused ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Landscape Material Placement Machine

Номер: US20140306029A1

A landscape material placement machine that spreads landscaping material quickly and easily for any landscaping project. The machine has a hopper where material is held and falls onto a conveyor that is ran by a small motor with a throttle cable so the flow of the material can be controlled by the owner. This machine has the ability to pour material at a 180 degree radius while the conveyor belt is running and while the entire machine is in motion. The ability of the 180 degree turn table makes it easier to spread material evenly, and the ability of the motorized conveyor belt makes the spreading of material quicker than doing it with a shovel or other gardening tool. This machine can easily be pulled by the tow bar with a lawn mower. 1. A landscape material placement machine that can unload material evenly and quickly at a 180 degree radius , involving:a. Turntable top with two main pieces of plate—an upper plate and lower plate.b. Lower plate holds the roller bearings and is bolted to the framec. Upper plate has center shaft that turns and holds hopper and conveyor.2. A landscape material placement machine equipped with a conveyor belt.3. A landscape material placement machine that can be towed with lawn mower. This invention is a landscape material placement machine used to improve the way someone distributes landscaping material such as mulch, rock etc. while performing any landscaping project.In the field of landscaping there are not any machines made with a purpose for spreading material evenly throughout the landscape. Today, in order to spread material one needs to open a heavy bag of material into a wheelbarrow then proceed to pour and rake the material evenly in the desired area. This is what the invention is drawn toward in order to make the process of spreading and placing material easier and faster.Considerably, this invention is a fast and easy way to load and spread landscaping material evenly. This machine is made so instead of lifting heavy bags the ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Machine for treating containers and table plates for machines for treating containers

Номер: US20140306392A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A machine for treating containers, particularly a labeling machine, comprising a portal and a base support with a carousel for receiving containers to be treated therein, the portal having an opening for transporting containers to be treated to the carousel, the opening being restricted by a support element provided with supports for supporting the portal at the ground, an upper part to which at least a part of the carousel is mounted, and two connecting elements for connecting the support element and the upper part with one another, the upper part extending from one connecting element to the other connecting element.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190219121A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT Schweiz AG

The present disclosure provides a tube catcher for a hot forming machine comprising a foot for mounting the tube catcher in the hot forming machine, an upper contact surface for catching a glass tube as it falls into the hot forming machine, and a damping element, which is arranged below the upper contact surface in such a way that it allows the upper contact surface to elastically recede in the direction of the falling direction of the glass tube. This minimizes damage to glass tubes on impact and permits a high production speed. For this purpose, the damping element includes a compressible chamber that can be filled with a gas. 1. A tube catcher for a hot forming machine , comprising:a foot for mounting the tube catcher in the hot forming machine;an upper contact surface for catching a glass tube as the glass tube falls along a falling direction into the hot forming machine; anda damping element arranged below the upper contact surface in such a way that it allows the upper contact surface to elastically recede in the direction of the falling direction of the glass tube,wherein the damping element comprises a compressible chamber which can be filled with a gas.2. The tube catcher of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure control device connected to the compressible chamber.3. The tube catcher of claim 1 , further comprising an outlet channel connected to the compressible chamber.4. The tube catcher of claim 1 , further comprising a fixing device adapted to fix the upper contact surface in a compressed state of the chamber.5. The tube catcher of claim 4 , wherein the fixing device comprises a magnet.6. The tube catcher of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the chamber is in a compressed state claim 1 , the upper contact surface is fixed in the hot forming machine such that it is further movable at least in the direction of the falling direction of the glass tube.7. A method for catching a glass tube in a hot forming machine claim 1 , comprising the steps of: ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210259304A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A bead delivery disk, system and method of delivering flavor beads to a tobacco rod or tow including a bead source, a bead delivery disk in communication with the bead source, including a central disk portion having front and back sides and a first central thickness, an inner annular rim around the central disk portion, the inner annular rim having a second thickness less than said first thickness, a series of pockets spaced around the inner annular rim and multiple vacuum transmission apertures located on one side of the disk, each aperture communicating with at least one of the pockets. 1. A bead delivery system comprising: a central disk portion having a first side and a second side,', 'an inner annular rim around the central disk portion, the inner annular rim between the first side and the second side, the inner annular rim offset in a perpendicular direction from the first side and the second side,', 'a plurality of pockets defined in the inner annular rim; and', 'a plurality of apertures on the first side of the central disk portion, each of the plurality of apertures fluidly communicating with at least one of the plurality of pockets., 'a bead delivery disk including,'}2. The bead delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the bead delivery disk further includes an outer annular rim around a periphery of the inner annular rim.3. The bead delivery system of claim 2 , whereinthe central disk portion defines a first thickness,the inner annular rim defines a second thickness different than the first thickness, andthe outer annular rim defines a third thickness different than the first thickness and the second thickness.4. The bead delivery system of claim 3 , whereinthe second thickness is less than the first thickness, andthe third thickness is less than the second thickness.5. The bead delivery system of claim 4 , wherein the bead delivery disk is configured to pick up a plurality of beads claim 4 , each of the plurality of beads defines a nominal diameter greater ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Rotary Conveyor with Suction and Change of Pitch for Transferring Containers

Номер: US20160244270A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The conveyor has a plurality of sliding runners ( 5 ) coupled to guiding elements ( 2 ) that are fixed to a rotary platform ( 1 ). Each runner ( 5 ) has fixed thereto a cam follower ( 6 ) inserted in a groove ( 3 ) of the rotary platform ( 1 ) and coupled to a stationary closed-loop cam ( 4 ), and a retaining element ( 7 ) having a suction port ( 8 ) for retaining a container (M) and a suction outlet ( 9 ) in communication with the suction port ( 8 ). A stationary suction chamber ( 10 ) located above the rotary platform ( 1 ) has a perforated side wall ( 11 ) parallel to a portion of the closed-loop cam ( 4 ). Each suction outlet ( 9 ) moves in a path facing and adjacent to the perforated side wall ( 11 ) of the suction chamber ( 10 ) during a part of each rotation of the rotary platform.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200231318A1

Apparatus for handling containers has a support which is rotatable about an axis of rotation (D), wherein a plurality of receiving discs are arranged on the support, wherein the receiving discs are each rotatable about axes of rotation and are suitable and intended for supporting the containers. The apparatus includes a drive, which is rotatable about predetermined axes of rotation are arranged on the support and which is coupled non-rotatably to the receiving discs, and arranged on the support, wherein the rotary discs can be removed from the drive, and the drive and/or the rotary discs have a coupling for transmitting torque between the drive and the receiving discs. 1: An apparatus for handling containers comprising a support which is rotatable about an axis of rotation (D) , wherein a plurality of receiving discs are arranged on the support , wherein the receiving discs are each rotatable about axes of rotation and are configured for supporting the containers , wherein a drive , which is rotatable about predetermined axes of rotation is arranged on the support and which is coupled non-rotatably to the receiving discs , wherein the rotary discs are removable from the drive , and the drive and/or the rotary discs have a coupling configured to transmit torque between the drive and the receiving discs.2: The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling has projections which are arranged on the receiving discs and/or on the drive and which are configured to engage in recesses arranged on the drive and/or on the receiving discs.3: The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling is formed in two parts claim 1 , wherein a first part is configured to provide a rotary coupling by a form fit claim 1 , and wherein a second part is configured to provide an axial coupling.4: The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at a plurality of recesses are arranged on the drive and/or the receiving discs claim 1 , which are adjacent relative to one another in a ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Medicine Conveying Apparatus

Номер: US20180244476A1
Автор: Fujii Takayuki

A medicine conveying apparatus includes storage containers and a circulation driving unit configured to circulate the storage containers so as to make a round along a circulation path, wherein an introduction position and a discharge position are set on the circulation path, so that the medicine introduced into each storage container that has arrived at the introduction position, and the medicine is discharged from each storage container that has arrived at the discharge position, the circulation path includes a first directional path and a second directional path, and the circulation driving unit allows an operator to select one of the first and second directional paths through which the storage containers are conveyed from the introduction position to the discharge position and circulates the storage containers through the selected path. 1. A medicine conveying apparatus configured to convey solid medicine , comprising:a plurality of storage containers configured to temporarily store the medicine; anda circulation driving unit configured to circulate the plurality of storage containers along a circulation path, whereinan introduction position and a discharge position are set on the circulation path, so that the medicine is introduced into each of the plurality of storage containers that has arrived at the introduction position, and the medicine is discharged from each of the plurality of storage containers that has arrived at the discharge position,the circulation path includes a first directional path that extends from the introduction position to the discharge position and a second directional path that extends from the introduction position to the discharge position and is different from the first directional path, andthe circulation driving unit allows an operator to select one of the first directional path and the second directional path through which the plurality of storage containers are conveyed from the introduction position to the discharge position and ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Automated Adjustment System for Star Wheel

Номер: US20140343725A1

A universally adjustable star wheel for conveying articles on an automated handling line is disclosed. In one embodiment, the adjustable star wheel includes rotatable elements that are configured to rotate around a central axis. Each rotatable element has a central axis, a periphery, and at least one control surface for assisting in controlling the article being conveyed. The control surfaces on the rotatable elements are arranged to together form at least one pocket for the article, wherein the pocket has a width and a depth. The angle defining the control surface on at least one rotatable element is different from the angle of another rotatable element to form the depth of at least a portion of the pocket. In this embodiment, the boundaries of the pocket are configured solely by at least partially rotating at least some of the rotatable elements to adjust the location of the control surfaces of the different rotatable elements to form a pocket for the article being conveyed. An automated adjustment mechanism for adjusting a star wheel to accommodate different articles is also disclosed. The automated adjustment mechanism may be used with any suitable star wheel. 1. A method of automatically adjusting an adjustable star wheel for conveying three dimensional articles within pockets along an arcuate path , wherein the adjustable star wheel comprises stacked concentric rotatable elements having a center and peripheries , and comprising control surfaces that define the boundaries of said pockets , wherein the pockets defined by control surfaces of said rotatable elements have an adjustable configuration to accommodate different size and/or shape three dimensional articles , and an adjustment mechanism for adjusting the configuration of the pockets by adjusting the relative angular position between rotatable elements , the method comprising:providing a computer with a computer-aided design software program, said computer being in communication with the adjustment ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210298558A1

A counter system () for transferring at least partially unpackaged foodstuffs, wherein the counter system () has a first region () assigned to the counter staff and a second region () segregated therefrom and assigned to the customer. The counter system () has a dishwasher () for cleaning items of washware (). The dishwasher () has at least one treatment zone () and at least one conveyor apparatus () for conveying the items of washware () to be cleaned from an introduction region () of the dishwasher () through the treatment zone () of the dishwasher () to a removal region () of the dishwasher (), wherein the introduction region () of the dishwasher () is accessible from the second region () of the counter system () and the removal region () of the dishwasher () is accessible from the first region () of the counter system (). 11010111210121362413151411210511110. A counter system () for transferring at least partially unpackaged foodstuffs , wherein the counter system () has a first region () assigned to the counter staff and a second region () segregated therefrom and assigned to the customer , and wherein the counter system () has a dishwasher () for cleaning items of washware () in the form of mugs , cups , glasses , bowls or plates , wherein the dishwasher () has at least one treatment zone () and at least one conveyor apparatus () for conveying the items of washware () to be cleaned from an introduction region () of the dishwasher () through the at least one treatment zone () of the dishwasher () to a removal region () of the dishwasher () , wherein the introduction region () of the dishwasher () is accessible from the second region () of the counter system () and the removal region () of the dishwasher () is accessible from the first region () of the counter system ().2101110121014. The counter system () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first region () of the counter system () is segregated from the second region () of the counter system () via a counter (). ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264361A1
Автор: Clusserath Ludwig

“A method for processing containers includes periodically causing a reversible transporter to periodically transition between rotating in a first direction and rotating in a second direction that is opposite the first direction. When rotating in the first direction, the transporter feeds containers to a first processing region. When rotating in the second direction, the transporter feeds containers to a second processing region. Each processing region has as at least one processing position.” 117-. (canceled)18. A method for processing containers , said method comprising receiving containers at a container inlet , moving said containers into container mounts of a reversible transporter , rotating said reversible transporter about a machine axis thereof , bringing said containers to processing positions that do not move with said reversible transporter , processing said containers at said processing positions , and after processing said containers , conveying said containers to a container outlet , wherein rotating said reversible transporter comprises periodically causing said reversible transporter to transition between rotating in a first direction and rotating in a second direction that is opposite said first direction , wherein rotating said reversible transporter in said first direction comprises feeding containers that are to be processed to a first processing region having at least one processing position , wherein rotating said reversible transporter in said second direction comprises feeding containers that are to be processed to a second processing region having at least one processing position , and , while processing containers at said first processing region , using said reversible transporter to feed containers that are to be processed into said second processing region.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising disengaging a container from said reversible transporter prior to processing said container.20. The method of claim 18 , further ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248593A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A bearer for bearing a honeycomb green body includes a solid main body provided with a groove in which a concave arc surface extends along one direction; and a single-layer or multi-layer sponge layer attached to the arc surface of the groove. The sponge layer is curved along the arc surface of the groove and has a bearing surface curved along the arc surface. 1. A method of producing a honeycomb green body , the method comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a step in which an extruder extrudes through a die a honeycomb green body so that a lattice of cell-walls is formed in accordance with a structure of the die, the lattice of cell-walls defining a plurality of cells extending in an extrusion direction of the honeycomb green body by the extruder, the number of cells per 1 cmin a plane perpendicular to the extrusion direction being 30 to 180, and the thickness of the cell-wall being 0.05 to 0.30 mm; and'}a step in which a bearer bears at a vertically downward position the honeycomb green body extruded from the extruder, whereinthe bearer comprises:a solid main body provided with a groove in which an arc surface recessed vertically downward extends along the extrusion direction; anda single-layer or multi-layer sponge layer attached to the arc surface of the groove, the sponge layer being curved along the arc surface of the groove and having a bearing surface curved along the arc surface.2. The method of producing a honeycomb green body according to claim 1 , wherein the sponge layer includes at least urethane or polyethylene.3. The method of producing a honeycomb green body according to claim 1 , wherein the sponge layer is an open cell sponge layer.4. The method of producing a honeycomb green body according to claim 1 , wherein a value of 25% hardness of the bearing surface of the sponge layer based on JIS K 6401 standard is equal to or less than 130N.5. The method of producing a honeycomb green body according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the sponge layer is between 10 ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180256409A1
Автор: INOUE Daisuke

The present device includes a rotor that is rotated around a cam drum and includes a plurality of units, each unit including: a mover that is guided by the cam drum and reciprocates in an axial direction of the cam drum by virtue of the rotation of the rotor; a first belt linked to the mover; a first pulley and a second pulley that rotate with the first belt wound therebetween; a pad that reciprocates in the axial direction in accordance with the reciprocation of the mover, while holding a sheet piece; a second belt linked to the pad; a third pulley and a fourth pulley that rotate with the second belt wound therebetween; and a transmission mechanism that transmits the rotation of the second pulley to the third pulley and changes a rotation speed of the third pulley with respect to a rotation speed of the second pulley. 1. A device for manufacturing a disposable worn article , the device comprising:a cam drum; anda rotor that is rotated around the cam drum, wherein:the rotor includes a plurality of units; andeach of the units includes:a mover that is guided by the cam drum and reciprocates in an axial direction parallel to an axial line of the cam drum by virtue of the rotation of the rotor;a first belt linked to the mover;a first pulley and a second pulley between which the first belt is wound and which rotate together with the first belt;a pad that reciprocates in the axial direction in accordance with the reciprocation of the mover, while holding a sheet piece, which is a part of the worn article;a second belt linked to the pad;a third pulley and a fourth pulley between which the second belt is wound and which rotate together with the second belt; anda transmission mechanism that transmits the rotation of the second pulley to the third pulley and changes a speed of reciprocation of the pad with respect to a speed of reciprocation of the mover.2. The device for manufacturing a disposable worn article according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission mechanism is ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Double-sided adhesive attaching device and method for attachment of the double-sided adhesive

Номер: US20170259548A1

A device for attachment of double-sided adhesive and a method for attachment of the double-sided adhesive are provided. The device includes a driver, a platform and a robot arm provided above the platform. The robot arm is connected with the driver and configured to, under the driving of the driver, place the double-sided adhesive onto a preset position of the platform, strip off the first protective film of the double-sided adhesive at the preset position, press the printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) at the preset position against the double-sided adhesive without the first protective film, and unload the PCBA attached with the double-sided adhesive from the preset position. A positioning structure is provided at the preset position and configured to secure the adhesive layer and the second protective film when the robot arm strips off the first protective film, and release the securing of the adhesive layer and the second protective film when the double-sided adhesive is attached to the PCBA.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140353114A1
Автор: Cavina Luigi

A system for weighing containers includes a movable member having a peripheral edge in which a recess forms a seat for drawing a container, the movable member being activatable in a first movement direction such that a first wall of the seat abuts and draws the container; a container-weighing cell comprising a support plane for receiving and supporting the container; a container guide. The weighing cell, the movable member and the guide are reciprocally arranged such that when the container is drawn by the movable member the container can slide on the support plane and be guided by guide externally of the seat. The movable member is further activatable in a second, opposed, movement direction to detach the seat from the container and leave the container on the support plane for weighing. 1. A system for weighing containers including:a movable member for drawing at least one container, the movable member featuring a peripheral edge wherein a recess forming a seat for drawing the container is achieved, the movable member being movable in a first movement direction so as a first wall of the seat abuts and draws the container;a weighing cell for weighing said container, including a support plane for receiving and supporting the container;wherein:the system includes guide means for guiding the container;the weighing cell, the movable member and the guide means are arranged in such a way that when the container is drawn by the movable member the container can slide on the support plane and being guided by the guide means outwards with respect to the seat;the movable member is further movable in a further second movement direction, opposite to the first movement direction, for detaching the seat from the container and leave the container on the support plane for weighing.2. The system according to the claim 1 , wherein the seat includes two lateral walls that are opposite one another and an internal wall connected to the two lateral walls claim 1 , said first wall being ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150274438A1

A machine for carrying out at least one operation onto a first article and a second article is disclosed. The machine comprises feeding means for advancing a succession of the first article and the second article along a path and with a first speed; a first operative group, which comprises a first tool configured for carrying out operation onto the first article and which can be operated with a second speed associated to the first speed; gap creating means selectively controllable to create a first gap, which is arranged inside succession and is bounded between the first article and the second article; and a second operative group, which comprises a second tool configured for carrying out operation onto the second article and which can be operated at the second speed. 1. A machine for carrying out at least one operation onto a first article and a second article , comprising:feeding means controllable to advance a succession of the first article and the second article along a path and with a first speed; anda first operative group, which comprises a first tool configured for carrying out the operation onto the first article and which can be operated, in use, with a second speed associated to the first speed;gap creating means selectively controllable to create a first gap, which is arranged inside the succession and is bounded between the first article and the second article; anda second operative group, which comprises a second tool configured for carrying out the operation onto the second article and which can be operated at the second speed.2. The machine of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit programmed for decelerating the first operative group from the second speed or for accelerating the second operative group up to the second speed claim 1 , when the gap creating means creates claim 1 , in use claim 1 , the first gap.3. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the first gap is bounded by an immediately adjacent upstream second article and an immediately ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180262085A1

A drive device configured to drive a container transporting device for transporting a container is provided. The drive device includes a motor which generates power, a brake configured to brake a movement generated by the power of the motor, and a speed reducer which has an output shaft connected to a driven portion of the container transporting device, includes a lubricant enclosed therein, and is configured to decelerate the power of the motor and transmit the decelerated power to the output shaft, in which the speed reducer, the brake, and the motor are disposed in this order from above in a vertical direction, a first seal member configured to block the lubricant is provided between the speed reducer and the brake, and the brake includes an accommodation chamber which accommodates a leaked lubricant in a case where the lubricant enclosed in the speed reducer leaks past the first seal member. 1. A drive device configured to drive a container transporting device for transporting a container , comprising:a motor which generates power;a brake configured to brake a movement generated by the power of the motor; anda speed reducer which has an output shaft connected to a driven portion of the container transporting device, includes a lubricant enclosed therein, and is configured to decelerate the power of the motor and transmit the decelerated power to the output shaft,wherein the speed reducer, the brake, and the motor are disposed in this order from above in a vertical direction,wherein a first seal member configured to block the lubricant is provided between the speed reducer and the brake, andwherein the brake includes an accommodation chamber which accommodates a leaked lubricant in a case where the lubricant enclosed in the speed reducer leaks past the first seal member.2. The drive device according to claim 1 ,wherein the motor includes a sensor configured to detect information required to control the motor.3. The drive device according to claim 1 , further ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Container Conveyor Apparatus with an Adjustable Railing

Номер: US20180265301A1
Автор: Anderson William P.

A container conveyor apparatus that conveys containers along a container path includes a front rail of an adjustable railing apparatus that is arcuately shaped along a container path and forms part of a surface facing radially inwardly; and a rear rail of the adjustable railing apparatus that is arcuately shaped along the container path and forms another part of the surface facing radially inwardly; the front rail and the rear rail of the adjustable railing apparatus move with respect to one another to change the width of the container path and accommodate containers of different sizes 1. A container conveyor apparatus that conveys containers along a container path , the apparatus comprising:a front rail of an adjustable railing apparatus that is arcuately shaped along a container path and forms part of a surface facing radially inwardly; anda rear rail of the adjustable railing apparatus that is arcuately shaped along the container path and forms another part of the surface facing radially inwardly,wherein the front rail and the rear rail are linked with each other via a pivot extending through portions of the front rail and the rear rail, and wherein the front rail and the rear rail of the adjustable railing apparatus move and pivot with respect to one another to change the width of the container path and accommodate containers of different sizes.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the front rail or the rear rail includes a slot.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the slot is arcuately shaped and the pivot includes a fastener.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rear rail comprises a first rear rail member and a second rear rail member that are spaced apart and connected by a connecting portion located in between the first rear rail member and the second rear rail member.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein a portion of the front rail is disposed between the first rear rail member and the second rear rail member.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Spacing star wheel for transporting and transferring containers

Номер: US20210380351A1
Автор: Thomas HÖELLRIEGL
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

The invention relates to a spacing star wheel for transporting and transferring containers, comprising a plurality of gripping elements for gripping a one container each and a curve guide, the spacing star wheel is configured such that, during operation, the gripping elements, guided by the curve guide, revolve around the axis of rotation of the spacing star wheel along a curved path. By activating at least one curve guide segment, the shape of the curve guide can be adjusted such that the spacing distance between two adjacent gripping elements in the region of the curve guide segment changes.

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140374218A1
Принадлежит: KHS GmbH

An apparatus for treating containers includes an annularly closed guiding-and-carrying element, a chain of container carriers, and a central drive. Each container carrier receives a container and has a holding-and-centering unit, an individual drive, and guide unit. The drive is configured to turn the container about its axis. The guide unit circulates the container carriers on the guiding-and-carrying element. A vertical axis of the holding-and-centering unit and that of the drive are congruent with the container axis. The guiding-and-carrying element has straight sections and curved sections. Each holding-and-centering units is connected by connecting elements that are mounted or secured on it in a manner flush with its vertical axis or concentrically to the rotational axis of the holding-and-centering unit. As a result, all endlessly circulating axes of rotation of the holding-and-centering units and containers located therein move at a common speed in every section of the guiding-and-carrying element. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus for treating containers , said apparatus comprising an annularly closed guiding-and-carrying element , a multiplicity of container carriers , and a central drive , wherein said container carriers are connectable in a chain-like manner , wherein each container carrier is configured for receiving a container , wherein each container carrier comprises a holding-and-centering unit , an individual drive , and a chute-like or carriage-like guide unit , wherein said holding-and-centering element is configured for holding-and-centering an inserted container , wherein said individual drive is configured for at least one of turning and rotating said inserted container about a vertical axis thereof , wherein said chute-like or carriage-like guide unit is configured to endlessly circulate said container carrier on said guiding-and-carrying element , wherein a vertical axis of rotation of said holding-and-centering unit and of said individual ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283190A1
Автор: KIM Jong Bong

A rotary table according to the exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure includes a piston having a first tapered portion , and a clamp having a second tapered portion . When the first tapered portion comes into close contact with the second tapered portion by a movement of the piston , a pallet base is fixed to a table base , and thus the pallet base is rotated, thereby maintaining a preset posture. 1. A rotary table comprising:a table base which has a worm shaft;a center shaft which is rotatably disposed in the table base;a pallet base which is installed on the center shaft, and has a worm wheel gear-engaged with the worm shaft;a bearing housing which is installed in the table base, and has a first flow path and a second flow path;a piston which is installed at an outer circumferential edge of the bearing housing, has a first tapered portion formed at an end portion of the piston, and is moved by hydraulic pressure provided to the first flow path and the second flow path; anda clamp which is installed in the pallet base, and has a second tapered portion that is formed at an inner circumferential edge of the clamp and repeatedly comes into close contact with the first tapered portion of the piston when the piston reciprocally moves.2. The rotary table of claim 1 , wherein the piston further includes a lug which protrudes from an inner circumferential surface of the piston claim 1 , and the rotary table further includes: a stopper which is installed at an end portion of the bearing housing outside the piston claim 1 , a first chamber which is formed in one side direction of the lug so as to communicate with the first flow path; and a second chamber which is formed in the other side direction of the lug so as to communicate with the second flow path.3. The rotary table of claim 1 , wherein the piston includes a slit which is formed at an end portion where the first tapered portion is formed claim 1 , and penetrates an inner circumferential surface and an outer ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200275600A1

A seed transportation system and method for using the same, the seed transportation system including a rotatable wheel with at least one seed supports for holding a seed, wherein the at least one seed support has one or more fixed support structures configured to restrict movement of the seed in a circumferential direction relative to the rotatable wheel and in a direction away from an axis of rotation of the rotatable wheel, and wherein the at least one seed support has an access opening in its radially outer side, the access opening permitting access to the seed for creating an opening in the seed. 1. A seed transportation system comprising: a rotatable wheel with at least one seed support for holding a seed; wherein said at least one seed support has one or more fixed support structures configured to restrict movement of the seed in a circumferential direction relative to the rotatable wheel and in a direction away from an axis of rotation of the rotatable wheel; wherein said at least one seed support has an access opening in a radially outer side , said access opening permitting access to the seed; said access opening is a tangential groove; said tangential groove permitting access to the seed along a secant line cutting the circumference of the rotatable wheel.2. A seed transportation system according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fixed support structures comprise two support bars extending on a radially outer side of the at least one seed support claim 1 , one on each side of the tangential groove.3. A seed transportation system according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one seed support is a cavity with a loading opening for receiving a seed from an axial direction relative to the rotatable wheel.4. A seed transportation system according to claim 1 , characterized in that the rotatable wheel further comprises at least one movable pin for fixing the position of the seed within the at least one seed support.5. A seed transportation ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Applying Elastic Parts Under Tension to an Advancing Carrier

Номер: US20170290712A1

The present disclosure relates to assembling, advancing, reorienting, and/or transferring stretched elastic parts during the assembly of absorbent articles. As described herein, a transfer assembly reorients a stretched elastic part from a first orientation, wherein the direction of stretch is generally parallel to the machine direction, to a second orientation, wherein the direction of stretch is generally perpendicular to the machine direction. The reoriented elastic part is then transferred to a carrier while maintaining the stretched condition of the elastic part. The orientation and/or configuration of vacuum apertures in a carrier surface relative to the direction of stretch of the elastic part and relative to the machine direction helps to prevent the elastic part from contracting, while at the same time helps to allow the elastic part to slide off the carrier surface without snagging and/or sticking to aperture perimeter edges. 1. A method for transporting a discrete elastic part to a carrier , the method comprising the steps of:providing a transfer member comprising a carrier surface, a first elongate aperture in the carrier surface, and a second elongate aperture in the carrier surface, the first and second elongate apertures each comprising a side edge and an end edge, wherein the side edge is longer than the end edge;rotating the transfer member about a first axis;rotating the carrier surface about a second axis to a first orientation wherein the side edges of the first and second apertures extend generally parallel to the first axis;positioning the discrete elastic part in a stretched condition on the carrier surface, wherein the carrier surface is in the first orientation;forcing a first portion of the discrete elastic part into the first aperture and a second portion of the discrete elastic part into the second aperture to counteract contraction of the discrete elastic part between the side edge of the first aperture and the side edge of the second ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297622A1

Apparatus for positioning containers houses containers () upright in lower and upper compartment sections () vertically aligned with one another on a periphery of a conveyor device () and has a transfer wheel () extracting containers () from both lower and upper compartments () on two levels and an intercalation wheel () extracting containers from the upper level of the transfer wheel (), dropping them to a lower level over the course of one turn, and placing them again on the lower level of the transfer wheel () in an intercalated position between the containers () previously transferred to the lower level, and all the containers () are transferred from the lower level of the transfer wheel () to an output conveyor (). 1. An apparatus for positioning containers , comprising:a conveyor device having alignment compartments moving along a closed circuit, where each alignment compartment comprises a lower compartment section and an upper compartment section vertically aligned with one another, and where each lower and upper compartment section is sized for housing a container upright on its base; anda loading device placing containers upright inside lower and upper compartment sections of the alignment compartments;characterized in that it comprises:a rotating transfer wheel having on its periphery lower transfer recesses and upper transfer recesses receiving containers from the lower and upper compartment sections, respectively, of the alignment compartments of the conveyor device; andan intercalation device receiving the containers from said upper transfer recesses and transferring them to said lower transfer recesses in intercalated positions between the containers previously transferred to the lower transfer recesses of the transfer wheel, from where all the containers are transferred to an output conveyor;deflecting elements being arranged which transfer the containers from the conveyor device to the transfer wheel, from the transfer wheel to the intercalation ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Transport Device And Method For Transporting Objects From Work Station To Work Station Of A Production System And Production System For The Manufacturing Of Products With A Transport Device Of This Type

Номер: US20190283193A1
Автор: Heppe John

The invention relates to a transport device comprising a rotary object carrier which comprises object carrier elements arranged so as to be distributed around the circumference, on which carrier elements objects are arranged which are transported on a circular movement path from work station to work station of a production facility. Furthermore, the invention relates to a production facility for making products, in particular containers filled with a medical product, comprising a transport device of this kind, as well as to a method for transporting objects from work station to work station of a production facility. The transport device according to the invention is characterised in that one or more actuator units are assigned to one object carrier element or to a plurality of object carrier elements , which units can move together with the object carrier element or the object carrier elements . Since the actuator units rotate together with the object carrier elements, process steps can be performed on the objects that are assigned to the object carrier elements directly on the object carrier elements. A stationary arrangement of actuators that engage with the objects from the outside is therefore not required. This makes the entire production process more flexible. The actuator units are preferably provided with media by a central supply device by means of a rotary feedthrough. 1. Transport device for transporting objects from work station to work station of a production facility , comprisingan object carrier, on which a plurality of object carrier elements for placing down one or more objects are arranged, the object carrier being rotatable about its central axis in successive cycles, and the object carrier elements being able to be transported from work station to work station on a circular movement path, anda drive unit for driving the object carrier,characterised in thatat least one object carrier element of the plurality of object carrier elements is arranged ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Transfer system for transferring items

Номер: US20180290837A1
Автор: Oscar Slurink
Принадлежит: Sluis Cigar Machinery BV

Transfer system for transferring items, which transfer system comprises a first transfer device for receiving the items, a second transfer device for discharging the items, and a buffer device for buffering items between the first transfer device and the second transfer device, wherein the first transfer device comprises a first transfer rotator and the second transfer device comprises a second transfer rotator and the transfer system is configured to adjust at least one of a first transfer speed of the first transfer rotator and a second transfer speed of the second transfer rotator.
