'Digitalized position code' input method
The invention is a small keyboard digitalized position code input method. Letters and symbols through a digital arrangement palace position , this invention is suitable for various mode Chinese character input method, solves the problem that the computer, electronic computer, communication products small, miniature, the difficult problem of the key, the same time, it also solves the Chinese character input method in the use of on the keypad. The keyboard of the computer of this invention in three rows, each row of letter, symbol with a small keyboard 0-9 numerical key positioning, three alphabetical symbols corresponding to keys are as follows: (A) section (1) rows small keyboard keys letter palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key Q W E U R P Y T I O (1) 1 of the Q for palace position ; W of the palace position (1) 2 ; (1) 3 of the palace position E; (1) 4 of R for palace position ; for palace position (1) 5 of the T; the Y then (1) 6; (1) 7 of the U for palace position ; for palace position (1) 8 of the I O of the palace position (1) 9; palace position to the P (1) 0. (B) resolution (2) rows small keyboard keys letter, symbol palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key G A J F D S L K H ; (2) 1 of the palace position A palace position S (2) 2 of the; for palace position D of (2) 3; (2) 4 of the palace position F ; (2) 5 of the palace position G; for palace position of H (2) 6; (2) 7 of the palace position J ; (2) 8 of K for palace position ; (2) 9 of the L for palace position ; ; Of the palace position (2) 0. (C) section (3) rows small keyboard keys letter, symbol palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key N V Z X C M B , . / (3) 1 of the palace position Z; X of the palace position (3) 2 ; (3) 3 of the palace position C; (3) 4 of the V for palace position ; (3) 5 of the palace position B ; (3) 6 of N the palace position ; (3) 7 palace position M of the ;, palace position (3) 8 of the ;. (3) 9 of the palace position ; (3) 0/for palace position ; Computer keyboard letter, symbol distribution and small keyboard Letters, symbols corresponding to number keys palace position table Small keyboard palace position by section (1) row, line section (2), section (3) corresponding to the numeric key letter, symbol form. The input letter, symbol, can be through upper and lower keys paragraph (1) row, line section (2), the mutual conversion section (3) line, in other words can be rapidly, conveniently input alphabet, symbol. The conversion relationship is as follows: Line conversion into the section (1) line (2), only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (2) line conversion into the (3) line, only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (3) line conversion into the (1) row, only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (1) line conversion into the (3) line, only mobile key to the hitting point. Line conversion section (2) into the section (1) row, only mobile key to the hitting point. Section (3) line conversion into the (2) line, only mobile key to the hitting point. From the above description, that the section (1) of the section (1) numeric key letter palace position , said section (2) of the section (2) numerical letter, symbol palace position , paragraph (3) section (3) of the numerical keys of the alphabet, symbol. if strikes -click point section (2) row, in other words Figure 3 said D, digital 7 J said; section hitting point (3) line, a digital 3 also expresses C, digital 7 M said; section hitting point (1) line, a digital 3 also expresses E, digital 7 said U. The invention is suitable for all kinds of Chinese character input method, such as two in the pen input method "myat" word, the second pen coding for M, when D, and for (3) 78 the palace position[...] 3, the operation process is converted into the first section (3) line, batts numeric keys 7, keys 8, and then on the hitting point keys, numeric keys the line strikes converted into the section (2) 3. Now examples of: two pen input method, Wubizixing, double-spelling. Chinese character b T coding two-stroke digitalized position code ( 1) 3 the second EH [...] 6 ( 3) 5 the pen BQQ [...] 11 Output S; (2) 204 F ( 1) 44 into the RR Chinese character five T coding five-pen digitalized position code Five GGHG (2) 5565 ( 1) 55 the pen TTFN [...] the 4 [...] 6 Word (1) 0 the PBF [...] the 5 [...] 4 Type GAJF (2) 5174 Chinese character shuangpin coding double puts together the palace bits digital coding ( 1) 7 the double- UD [...] 3 ( 1) 0 the splicing PN [...] 6 XR (3) 2 the selected [...] 4 ( 3) 1 the word ZI [...] 8 The Figure illustrates: Figure 1 the mobile handset types of small communication products numerical key alphabet, symbol arrangement chart , Figure 2 is a computer types of small mobile handset numerical key letter, sign permutation map. A "Digitalized position code" input method for inputting numerals, letters, signs and Chinese characters on communication products or computer features that the letters and signs are divided into 3 lines on keyboard and their positions in each line are expressed by 10 numeral keys .Its advantages are small size of keyboard, and convenient use of numerals to search Chinese characters. 1, the invention is a small keyboard digitalized position code input method. Reference to a computer keyboard letter, the arrangement of the symbols, a computer keyboard Letters, symbols are divided into three rows, each row of letter, symbol with a small keyboard 0-9 correspond to coded digital key. (A) section (1) rows small keyboard keys letter palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key Q W E U R P Y T I O (1) 1 of the Q for palace position ; W of the palace position (1) 2 ; (1) 3 of the palace position E; (1) 4 of R for palace position ; for palace position (1) 5 of the T; Y of the palace position (1) 6; (1) 7 of the U for palace position ; for palace position (1) 8 of the I; O of the palace position (1) 9; palace position to the P (1) 0. (B) resolution (2) rows small keyboard keys letter, symbol palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key G A J F D S L K H ; (2) 1 of the palace position A ; (2) 2 the S for palace position ; for palace position D of (2) 3; (2) 4 of the palace position F ; (2) 5 of the palace position G; for palace position of H (2) 6; (2) 7 of the palace position J ; (2) 8 of K for palace position ; (2) 9 of the L for palace position ; ; Of the palace position (2) 0. (C) section (3) rows small keyboard keys letter, symbol palace position are as follows: 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9 key 0 key N V Z X C M B , . / (3) 1 of the palace position Z; X of the palace position (3) 2 ; (3) 3 of the palace position C; (3) 4 of the V for palace position ; (3) 5 of the palace position B ; (3) 6 of N the palace position ; (3) 7 palace position M of the ;, palace position (3) 8 of the ;. (3) 9 of the palace position ; (3) 0/for palace position ; Computer keyboard letter, symbol distribution and small keyboard Letters, symbols corresponding to number keys palace position table 2, the above-mentioned three rows of keys corresponding to the letter, symbol constitute a digitalized position small keyboard. Yoshikami under the paragraph (1) cell line, line section (2), the mutual conversion section (3) rows, can rapidly input letter, symbol. The conversion relationship is as follows: Line conversion into the section (1) line (2), only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (2) line conversion into the (3) line, only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (3) line conversion into the (1) row, only by clicking the lower mobile key. Section (1) line conversion into the (3) line, only mobile key to the hitting point. Line conversion section (2) into the section (1) row, only mobile key to the hitting point. Section (3) line conversion into the (2) line, only by clicking the lower mobile key. 3, according to the right 1, rights 2, the numerical keys the lines of letter or symbol. For example: strikes line (2), in other words Figure 3 said D, digital 7 J said; section hitting point (3) line, a digital 3 also expresses C, digital 7 M said; section hitting point (1) line, a digital 3 also expresses E, digital 7 said U. The invention is suitable for all kinds of Chinese character input method, such as two in the pen input method "myat" word, the second pen coding for M, when D, and for (3) 78 the palace position[...] 3, the operation process is converted into the first section (3) line, batts numeric keys 7, keys 8, and then on the hitting point keys, numeric keys the line strikes converted into the section (2) 3.