30-06-2010 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 21-70-20084
Дата заявки: 30-01-2006


Area of technology the present invention relates down the device for the level measurement and density of liquid before the reservoir, such as underground storage tank for the oil. The description of the previous technological level magnetostrictive measuring converters widely are used for the level measurement of liquid. See, for example, before the patent of USA 4839590,і and others, is described measuring device for the precise level measurement of liquid before the underground storage tank, which, in combination with the measurement of temperature, makes it possible to reveal very small leakages from the reservoir. Also there is a need at the point of the precise measurement of the density of product before the same containers, where the measurement of product level is produced. Is widely known the method of measurement of density, based beyond the hydrostatic principle, which is consisted before the fact that the decrease in weight of object before the liquid is equal down the weight of the extruded liquid. This method uses before the hydrometers, where the lower body part relatively larger before the weight is completely immersed before the liquid, and high narrow upper part with the scale is located above the surface. The submersion depth of hydrometer is inversely proportional down the density of liquid. Hydrometer will float up above before the heavy liquid and will less float up before the light liquid. The sensitivity of hydrometer is inversely proportional down the section of upper part. The narrower this part appears, the more sensitive hydrometer appears. The range of the measurement of hydrometer is directly proportional down the height of upper part. The higher the upper part, the greater the large scale of measurement has a hydrometer. There are also devices, which combine the level measurement and density before one magnetostrictive measuring converter. See, for example, the patent of USA 5253522, To and other, and the patent of Russia 2138028. The device, described before the patent of Russia, as is in general form illustrated on Fig. 1A, 1[] and 1[s], it contains the float of 17 densities of liquid and the float of the level measurement of the liquid (it is not shown). The float of level measurement is relatively less sensitive to a change in the density of liquid, while the float of 17 densities of liquid is relatively more sensitive to a change in the density of liquid. The float of 17 densities of liquid is executed in the form submerged cylinder of 16 and four narrow vertical rods 15, which are placed beyond the upper part of the cylinder on its perimeter and reveal above the surface. Actually, this is group of four connected together hydrometers. The diameter of the float of 17 densities must be sufficient to large so that the float of liquid level could be moved freely between rods 15. Size is one of the deficiencies in a similar device. As it is described above, magnetostrictive measuring converters widely use for detecting the leakages before the buried tanks. A similar detection of leakages requires the appropriate measurement of very small changes in liquid level, in the range or it is less from 0.001 inches (0, 025 mm). In order to reach this degree of accuracy, float for the level measurement must be sufficiently to heavy and, therefore, sufficient large in order to overcome friction between float and housing of converter, in other words, the effect, known as “adhesion” can disguise leakage. At the same time standard openings before the reservoirs for the installation of converter are usually 4 inches (100[mm]) before the diameter or less, which limits the permitted diameter of float. An increase in the size of the opening of reservoir would lead down the rise in price. For guaranteeing the possibility of the combination of the level measurement and density before one converter, established before the standard opening of reservoir, without disrupting in this case the possibilities of detecting the leakage, it is required that the float of density would occupy, how this possibly, the small part of the diameter of opening would leave sufficiently space for the float of level. The essence of invention according to present invention, the form of the float of density measurement makes it possible to decrease its diameter. This is reached by preparing the upper part of the float of density in essence in the form of hollow cylinder with the outside diameter less than the diameter of opening before the reservoir and with the inside diameter more than the outside diameter of the float of level. The brief description of drawings down Fig. 1A, 1[] and 1[s] are shown respectively top view, side view and common form the devices of density measurement of liquid on the previous technological level. On Fig. of 2[a], 2[] and 2[s] are shown respectively top view, side view and the common form of float the densities of device for the level measurement and density of liquid according to present invention. On Fig., are shown the sections of device for the level measurement and density of liquid, shown down Fig. of 2[a] and 2[], illustrating positions of float before the liquids of different density. The description of the preferable version of the realization of invention since the present invention assumes that the version of the realization of invention can be represented before many various forms, invention further will be in detail described with the aid of the concrete version of the realization of invention, taking into account that the present description is the illustration of the signs of invention and does not limit the volume of invention by the illustrated concrete version of its realization. The device for the level measurement and density of liquid, in the general case designated by 20, it is shown on Fig. of 2[a], 2[], 2[s], at the point of. Device 2 0 for the level measurement and density of liquid contains the standard of the elongated form magnetostrictive measuring converter 21, and also first 24[a] and the second of 24[] magnetic measuring converter. First 24[a] magnetic measuring converter is inserted beside the float of 22 densities of liquid, which is relatively more sensitive to changes in the density of liquid. By the second of 2 4[] magnetic measuring converter is inserted beside the float of 23 levels of liquid, which is relatively less sensitive to changes in the density of liquid. Floats 22, 23 can freely be moved along converter 21. The float of 23 levels of liquid is used for the level measurement of liquid, while the float of 22 densities of liquid is used for density measurement of liquid. The float of 22 densities of liquid has lower part of 2 6, completely immersed before liquid 28, and upper part of 30, partially immersed before liquid 28. Upper part of 30 is executed, actually, in the form hollow cylinder, with the inside diameter, which establishes the boundaries of the cavity of 30[a]. The inside diameter of the cavity of 30[a] about the size is more than the outside diameter of the float of 23 levels of liquid. Therefore the float of 22 densities of liquid can move upward and downward, without catching the float of 23 levels of liquid. The float of 22 densities of liquid is shown before relatively the denser liquid down.[Za] and before relatively the less dense liquid down.[Z]. The difference before the height “ofі” indicates the relative difference before the density of two liquids. The float of 22 densities of liquid is preferably made from the material of low density and has a ballast before the lower part. Its lower part of 2 6 preferably has a diameter approximately equal to 95 mm. its upper part it preferably has outside diameter equal to 95 mm and inside diameter equal to approximately 82 mm. The float of liquid level is preferably made from the material of low density. Its diameter is preferably approximately 72 mm. Openings 34 are executed beyond upper part of 30 so that the liquid could flow beside the cavity of 30[a]. Since usually the cylindrical upper part of 30 floats of 22 densities of liquid has before the circle large mass, than the float of the density of liquid on the previous technological level, its diameter can be reduced for the passage down the usual four-one inch opening of reservoir. The upper part of 30 floats of 22 densities of liquid can be another form, different from the cylindrical. For example, it can have the conical shape, caused as far as formation by the latter during the process of molding. On the basis mention aboveed it should be noted that numerous changes and modifications can be realized, without falling outside essence and volume of present invention. It is necessary to understand, that the concrete device, described here, does not limit or cannot indicate the limitation of the volume of invention. The accompanying formula of invention covers all similar modifications as the falling under the volume formulas of invention.


A liquid level and density measurement device is disclosed. The device comprises an elongated magnetostrictive transducer and at least two transducer magnets embedded into floats that can freely move along a transducer. One float is relatively more sensitive to liquid density variation than the other float. The less sensitive float is used for liquid level measurement and the more sensitive float is used for liquid density measurement. The liquid density float has a lower part completely immersed into a liquid and an upper part partially immersed into a liquid. The upper part is made substantially in the form of a hollow cylinder with an internal diameter larger than the external diameter of the liquid level float. Therefore the liquid density float can move up and down without touching the liquid level float.

1. Device for the arrangement before the reservoir of liquid for determining of level and density of liquid before the reservoir, which includes: float is the sensor of the density of liquid, which has lower major portion and upper part, which constantly considerably speaks in favor of the outline of major portion and that establishing the boundaries of cavity; float is sensor liquid level, placed in the cavity; and block for determining the height of the float of the sensor of the density of liquid and float of the sensor of liquid level.

2. The device on.1, before which float the sensor of density and float the sensor of the level contain magnet, and block contains magnetostrictive measuring converter.

3. Device on p. 2, before which float the sensor of density and float the sensor of the level contain opening for the adoption with the possibility of the slip of magnetostrictive measuring converter.

4. The device on.1, before which the float the sensor of density is executed this size so as to penetrate the four-one inch opening to reservoir.

5. The device on.1, before which upper part is, actually, cylindrical.

6. Device for the arrangement before underground of liquid, the device for determining of level and density of liquid before the reservoir, which includes: the magnetostrictive measuring converter, usually placed vertically before the reservoir; float the sensor of density, which has lower major portion and, actually, cylindrical upper part, which constantly considerably speaks in favor of the outline of major portion and that establishing the boundaries of cavity, in which the float the sensor of density, contains magnet, and major portion has an opening for the method with the possibility of the slip of magnetostrictive measuring converter; float is the sensor of level, placed with the possibility of slip in the cavity and that having opening for the method with the possibility of the slip of the magnetostrictive measuring converter, before which the float the sensor of the level contains magnet; and the block, united with the measuring converter for determining the position of magnets with respect to the measuring converter.

7. System for measuring of height and density of liquid, which includes: underground is storage tank, that contains liquid and that having nominally four-one inch opening; the magnetostrictive measuring converter, usually placed vertically before the reservoir; float the sensor of the density of liquid, which has lower major portion and usually the cylindrical upper part, which constantly considerably speaks in favor of the outline of major portion and that establishing the boundaries of cavity, before which the float the sensor of density contains magnet, and major portion has an opening for the method with the possibility of the slip of measuring converter; float is the sensor of level, placed with the possibility of slip in the cavity and that having opening for the method with the possibility of the slip of the measuring converter, before which the float the sensor of the level contains magnet; and the block, united with the measuring converter, for determining the position of magnets relative to measuring converter.

8. The device for the level measurement and density of liquid, which includes the elongated form magnetostrictive measuring converter and, at least, two magnets of converter, inserted beside the float of the density of liquid and the float of liquid level and placed along the converter, before which the float of the density of liquid is considerably more sensitive to changes in the density of liquid, than the float of liquid level, and the float of the density of liquid has the lower part, completely immersed before the liquid, before which the improvements consist before the fact that: the upper part of the float of the density of liquid, partially immersed before the liquid, is executed, in essence, in the form hollow cylinder with the inside diameter it is more than the outside diameter of the float of liquid level. On the warrant