Improvements in and relating to machinery for making mill or pulp board
553,811. Pulp board making-roll; clutches. HAMILTON, A., and JACKSONS' MILLBOARD & FIBRE CO., Ltd. Feb. 10, 1942, No. 1751. [Class 96] [Also in Group XXIV] The making-roll 1, Fig. 4, upon which plies are wound in the production of pulp- or millboard is grooved at 12 or along a longitudinal severing- bar 7, to produce a line of weakness in the pulp along which rupture occurs when the bar 7 is thrust outwardly as by springs, centrifugal force or gravitation, at a pre-determined thickness or after a given number of plies have been wound. The bar 7 is held retracted, as shown, during winding, by cams 16 and rollers 19 &c. as long as the roll 1 is keyed to its shaft 3 by a clutch, Fig. 2. The clutch comprises a barrel 23 keyed to the roll-shaft 3 and within a sleeve 24 keyed to a collar 25 secured to the end plate of the roll 1. The sleeve 24 and barrel 23 are grooved to receive the clutch pin 27 which at the completion of winding is turned, by the actuation of a sear 32 and the spring and lever mechanism illustrated in Fig. 2, so that a recess in the pin 27 permits the roll to continue to turn whilst the shaft 3 is stopped thus allowing the cam-follower rollers 19. Fig. 4, to descend the cam-declivities 17 to release the bar 7 and sever the pulp sheet. The sear 32 is actuated by a sliding vertical bar 41 which is moved downwardly as the thickness of the wound sheet increases and the roll shaft moves upwardly, a lever 39 magnifying the movement. On removal of the severed pulp board, the roll 1 descends, and its continued rotation re-sets the cams and springs, retracts the bar 7 and allows the clutch pin 27 to turn, whereby the roll 1 is again coupled to its shaft 3.