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22-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654758C2

Изобретение относится к области производства сгорающих материалов (СМ) для жестких сгорающих картузов. Материал имитатора жесткого сгорающего картуза включает связующее поливинилацетат, целлюлозу волокнистой формы со степенью размола 42-48°ШР в качестве армирующего компонента, порошкообразный наполнитель в виде древесной муки и влагу не более 3,0 мас.%. Изобретение позволяет снизить удельное давление прессования и гигроскопичность материала. 1 табл.

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539336C2

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к бумажному листу, распадающемуся в воде. Грамматура предлагаемого бумажного листа составляет от 80 г/мдо 400 г/м, при этом лист является каландрированным бумажным листом суховоздушного формования. Предлагаемый бумажный лист получен из целлюлозных волокон, связанных между собой с помощью водорастворимого связующего агента, содержащего крахмал, при этом количество упомянутого связующего агента в составе этого бумажного листа составляет от 30% до 70%. Кроме того, предлагаемое изобретение относится к трубчатому сердечнику, выполненному в форме цилиндра, имеющего стенку, которая содержит по меньшей мере один лист бумаги, полученной сухим путем, в которой целлюлозные волокна связаны между собой с помощью водорастворимого связующего агента. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175605C2

Станок для изготовления картонных навивных барабанов включает установленные на станине устройство раската рулонного барабана с тяговым прессом, устройство отрезки полотна и формующий барабан с устройством захвата кромки. При этом он дополнительно снабжен механизмами отбортовки навитого барабана и удержания внутреннего и наружного дна, а также устройствами осевой и торцевой сшивки навитого барабана. Технический результат, достигаемый в изобретении, связан с совершенствованием станка, обеспечивающим выполнение дна барабана одновременно с навивкой корпуса, а также исключение клеевого скрепления навиваемых слоев картона. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

22-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670324C2

Предложена упаковка, подобная стик-упаковке, но дополненная поперечной разрывной нитью и внутренним контейнером с продуктом. Для открытия упаковки необходимо обвести разрывную нить вокруг упаковки с некоторым усилием, необходимым для разрыва термосвариваемой основы внешнего пакета, и снять верхнюю часть пакета. Открывшаяся верхняя часть контейнера обладает стерильностью, достаточной для прямого приема содержимого контейнера в ротовую полость человека. 2 ил.

10-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU16103U1

1. Устройство для изготовления упаковочных бумажных трубок, пакетов или мешков, содержащее механизм подачи полотна с рулона, нож для отрезания заготовки, намоточный элемент с зажимным приспособлением и приспособление для нанесения клея, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено расположенным на намоточном элементе выступом, приспособление для нанесения клея включает ванну с клеем и по крайней мере, частично размещенный в ней валик для формирования продольного шва, при этом расстояние между наружной поверхностью валика и наружной поверхностью намоточного элемента не более высоты указанного выступа. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено приспособлением для межслоевой склейки бумаги. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что приспособление для межслоевой склейки выполнено в виде ванны с клеем и связанного с ней валика. 4. Устройство по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающееся тем, что намоточный элемент выполнен в виде барабана. 5. Устройство по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающееся тем, что намоточный элемент выполнен в виде поворотной рамки. 6. Устройство по любому из пп. 1-5, отличающееся тем, что зажимное приспособление было выполнено в виде отгибаемого внутрь участка намоточного элемента. 7. Устройство по п.6, отличающееся тем, что выступ размещен на наружной поверхности отгибаемого участка намоточного элемента. 8. Устройство по любому из пп. 1-7, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено приспособлением для торможения рулона полотна. 9. Устройство для изготовления упаковочных бумажных трубок, пакетов или мешков, содержащее механизм подачи полотна с рулона, нож для отрезания заготовки, намоточный элемент с зажимным приспособлением и приспособление для нанесения клея, отличающееся тем, что приспособление для нанесения клея включает ванну с клеем, связанный с ней валик для межслоевой склейки и валик для образования продольного шва, установленный с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения и периодического контактирования с заготовкой. 10. Устройство по п.9, ...

27-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2334620C1

Способ включает загрузку на карусельный механизм картонных заготовок боковой вырубки, нанесение клея, свивание, термическое склеивание противоположных сторон вырубки с образованием бокового шва. Кроме того, способ включает вырубку заготовок донной части из картонного полотна, соединение боковой вырубки и донной части, вальцевание дна и окончательную формовку полученного изделия. Причем на карусельный механизм дополнительно подают вставку, выполненную из полимерного материала и осуществляют совмещение и склеивание внешней стороны полимерной вставки с внутренней стороной боковой вырубки. После чего производят соединение боковой вырубки и донной части путем наклеивания на дно полимерной вставки донной картонной заготовки. При этом в качестве клея для соединения используют водную дисперсию синтетической смолы. Соединение бокового шва осуществляют при температуре 520-560°С, склеивание боковой вырубки и полимерной вставки осуществляют при температуре 360-390°С, а наклеивание донной части на дно ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586198C1

Изобретение относится к области производства сгорающих материалов (СМ) для жестких сгорающих картузов. Материал инертного имитатора жесткого сгорающего картуза, включающий связующее и армирующий компонент, отличающийся тем, что не содержит взрывоопасных компонентов, в качестве армирующего компонента применяются непластифицированные волокна целлюлозы, а в качестве связующего компонента поливинилацетат, дополнительно содержит алюминий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: поливинилацетат - 20-25, алюминий - 1,5-2,5, целлюлоза со степенью размола 42-48°ШР - остальное. 1 табл.

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007142780A

... 1. Способ изготовления бумажной трубки многоугольного сечения, содержащий: ! процесс намотки по спирали множества бумажных полосок на наружную поверхность вращающегося сердечника многоугольного сечения так, чтобы они накладывались друг на друга, причем бумажные полоски, за исключением нижней полоски, предварительно покрыты адгезивом; и ! процесс непрерывного перемещения множества бумажной полосок, намотанных на сердечник, в продольном направлении сердечника посредством приведения элемента перемещения, установленного на сердечнике, в контакт с внутренней поверхностью нижней полоски, намотанной на наружную поверхность сердечника, так что элемент перемещения может перемещаться в продольном направлении сердечника в состоянии, когда по меньшей мере часть элемента перемещения постоянно выступает из наружной поверхности сердечника, на которую намотаны полоски. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что процесс перемещения выполняют одновременно с прижатием верхней поверхности намотанной полоски ...

20-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006108112A

... 1. Способ изготовления картонных трубок путем намотки множества лент (U, L) на шпиндель (1), при этом заданное число упомянутых лент (U, L) приклеивают по их нижней поверхности; при этом заданное количество дополнительного быстроотверждающегося клея наносят на нижнюю поверхность последней ленты (U), наматываемой на шпиндель (1), вблизи по меньшей мере продольного края (BU) упомянутой ленты (U), формируя соответствующую полосу быстроотверждающегося клея (G) поперек сечения (ST) этой же ленты, обрабатываемой последующей нарезкой, выполняемой после шпинделя (1); отличающийся тем, что этап нанесения упомянутой по меньшей мере одной полосы дополнительного клея (G) выполняют через интервалы, соответствующие заданной длине упомянутой ленты (U). 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутую полосу быстроотверждающегося клея (G) распределяют вблизи обоих продольных краев (BU) упомянутой ленты (U). 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что быстроотверждающийся клей является «горячерасплавленным ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011128128A

... 1. Способ изготовления распадающегося в воде бумажного листа, включающий следующие стадии: обеспечение наличия по меньшей мере одной ленты из растворимого в воде связующего материала в виде сухой пленки (F), обеспечение наличия по меньшей мере двух лент (В1, В2), каждая из которых выполнена по меньшей мере из одного слоя из целлюлозных волокон, размещение упомянутой ленты из растворимого в воде связующего материала между упомянутыми двумя лентами из целлюлозных волокон, увлажнение (7, 7', 8, 10, 10'), соединение (3, 5) и сжатие упомянутых трех лент, высушивание полученной составной ленты.2. Способ по п.1, при котором осуществляют соединение по меньшей мере двух лент из растворимого в воде связующего материала с по меньшей мере тремя лентами из целлюлозных волокон, при этом каждую ленту из связующего материала размещают между лентами из целлюлозных волокон.3. Способ по п.1, включающий по меньшей мере одну стадию, при которой ленту из растворимого в воде связующего материала (F, F1, F2) размещают ...

27-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98114712A

... 1. Станок для изготовления картонных навивных барабанов, включающий установленные на станке устройство раската картонного рулона с тяговым прессом, устройство отрезки полотна и формующий барабан с устройством захвата кромки, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно снабжен механизмами отбортовки и удержания наружного дна, а также устройствами осевой и торцевой сшивки навитого барабана. 2. Станок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что устройство раската выполнено в виде подъемника с подвижной вильчатой кареткой, на которой закреплены валы с регулируемыми конусами для установки картонного рулона. 3. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство отрезки полотна выполнено в виде отрезной линейки, состоящей из реверсивного цепного транспортера, на котором закреплена каретка с лезвием. 4. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что формующий барабан состоит из центрального полого вала, на котором закреплен обод, состоящий из одной жесткой и трех подвижных частей, а также имеет два пневмоцилиндра между подвижными ...

15-02-1987 дата публикации

Способ обработки бумажных патронов

Номер: SU1289700A1

Изобретение относится к обработке бумажных патронов, в частности к их пропитке, которые широко используются в текстильной промьшшенности для намотки нитевидных материалов , и позволяет повысить производительность процесса при сохранении качества патронов. Способ заключается в следующем. Бумажньй патрон помещают в автоклав и вакуумиру- ют. После этого заполняют автоклав термореактивной смолой, например резольной феноло-формальдегидной, и вьщерживают под избыточным давлением . Пропитьшающий раствор удаляют из автоклава и вновь повьпвают давление до 3-5 атм на 10-15 мин. Затем давление сбрасывают и сразу патроны подвергают сушке при подъеме температуры до 130 С. 1 табл. «5 сл е ю 00 ;о «vj ...

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Способ изготовления гипсобумажных труб

Номер: SU143308A1

30-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1785507C

23-04-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для навивки труб из листовых материалов

Номер: SU1810226A1

Сущность изобретения: устройство включает смонтированные на раме 1 оправку 3 с приводом, прижимной валок 13 с приО водом его вертикального перемещения, вогнутую направляющую 15 и контактирующее с оправкой подающее средство, выполненное в виде двух смонтированных под оправкой поддерживающих приводных валков 9 и 10, соединенных посредством зубчато-цепной передачи с приводом оправки. Устройство также имеет расположенный перед оправкой клеенаносящий узел, установленный в выполненных на раме 1 горизонтальных направляющих 18 и снабженный приводом 23 перемещения его в направляющих , клеенаносящим валиком 21, установленным с возможностью взаимодействия с оправкой 3 и смонтированным на корпусе 19 узла столом 2. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. Ё ...

30-05-1993 дата публикации

Устройство по изготовлению бумажных трубок для ульев пчел-опылителей люцерны

Номер: SU1818244A1

Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит механизм намотки трубок из заготовок , впереди которого размещен наклеечный механизм, а снизу - съемочный. Механизм намотки содержит неподвижный цилиндр с вращающейся на нем кареткой, в которой размещены намоточные спицы равного диаметра по всей ее длине. Каждая спица контактирует с внешней, шероховатой поверхностью цилиндра и установлена в этой каретке обоими концами в отверстиях с диаметром, равным ее диаметру, один конец спицы заострен, другой выполнен с головкой , а взаимодействующий с этой головкой захват съемочного механизма выполнен с пазом по радиусу, равному радиусу установки этой спицы на каретке. 3 з.п,ф-лы, 8 ил.

30-07-1988 дата публикации

Способ изготовления бумажного патрона

Номер: SU1412997A1

Изобретение относится к способам получения бумажных патронов, которые широко применяются в текстильной промьшленности для намотки нитевидных материалов, и позволяет увеличить срок службы патронов за счет повьшения их прочностных характеристик и устойчивости к запарке. Способ включает в себя подачу рулонного материала на шпулезаверточную машину, вырезку заготовки, нанесение на нее крахмально-казеинового клея, завертку заготовки и ее температурную обработку. Непосредственно перед подачей рулонной бумаги на шпулезаверточную машину ее пропускают через раствор термореактивной смолы, совместимой с клеем. При использовании крахмально-казеинового клея рулонную бумагу пропускают через водный раствор мочевиноформальдегидной смолы. Температурную обработку осу- шествляют при 125-135 С в течение 80-100 мин. 2 табл. (Л ...

30-04-1983 дата публикации

Гильзоклеильный станок

Номер: SU1014752A1

ГИЛЬЗОКЛЕИЛЬНЫЙ СТАНОК, содержащий раскатные устро1 ства, направлякнцие для лент, средства для нанесения клея на ленты, шаберы, устройство для намотки лент, режущий механизм и гильзоприемное устройство , отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения качества гильз, средство дпя нанесения клея содержит расположенную между напргшляющими трубу с прорезью для подачи, клея к каждой ленте и закрепленную на трубе под углом к плоскости направляющую пластину с отверстиями для разравнивания слоя клея. 4 СЛ ю ...

30-06-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для зиговки корпусов картонных барабанов

Номер: SU1574510A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может использоваться в станках для изготовления тары в виде картонных барабанов. Целью изобретения является повышение качества заготовки и экономия металла. Устройство содержит станину 1, привод 2, внутренний 3 и наружный 10 зигующие ролики. Ролик 3 состоит из смонтированных на планшайбе секторов, приводимых в движение от пневмоцилиндра 23 через шток 22 и рычаги 25. Соосно ролику 3 установлен центратор 12, приводимый от цилиндра 11. Барабан 17 подается на устройство, где с помощью центратора 12 подают его до упора в планшайбу ролика 3, который фиксирует барабан 17 по внутреннему диаметру. При включении привода 2 к вращающемуся барабану от действия кинематически связанного с приводом коромысла 9 подводится ролик 10, который, обкатываясь по барабану 17, делает "зиг" на обруче и корпусе барабана. При завершении оборота кулачка 6 ролик 10 отводится, и барабан 17 снимается и транспортируется на второе устройство для обработки другого торца барабана. 1 ...

31-08-1936 дата публикации

Способ изготовления толстостенных фибровых трубок

Номер: SU49788A1

30-11-1932 дата публикации

Способ изготовления вулканизированных бумажных трубок

Номер: SU28391A1

11-06-1943 дата публикации

Wickelmaschine zur Herstellung von Rohren und Huelsen aus schraubenfoermig gewickelten Streifen

Номер: DE0000736300C

11-11-1924 дата публикации

Verfahren und Maschine zur Herstellung runder Schachteln mit Boden

Номер: DE0000405892C

12-10-1923 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von geflanschten Rollen

Номер: DE0000383297C

18-04-1925 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Wickeln von Rohren und vollen Rundstaeben aus Vulkanfiber oder aehnlichen Stoffen

Номер: DE0000412262C

17-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002036450B2

14-12-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002226881A1

15-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002452293A1

17-04-1926 дата публикации

Maschine zur Herstellung von Huelsen aus einzelnen Papierblaettern oder aehnlichem Stoff

Номер: DE0000427700C

25-09-1939 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen gewickelter Huelsen aus Papier, Pappe o. dgl.

Номер: DE0000681513C

31-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002808102A1

26-07-1934 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Wickeln von Huelsen aus Karton, Pappe, Asbestpappe o. dgl.

Номер: DE0000600561C

12-06-1937 дата публикации

Maschine zum Herstellen von Papierhuelsen beliebiger Konizitaet

Номер: DE0000643064C

21-01-1965 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001908877U

18-02-1953 дата публикации

An automatic machine for converting flexible sheet material, such as paper, into a tight roll or stick having no centre airspace

Номер: GB0000687517A

... 687,517. Winding fabrics; cutting webs. FISHER, R. A. Sept. 19, 1950. No. 22971/50. Classes 31 (i) and 42 (ii). [Also in Groups VI and XVII] A machine for the manufacture of tightly rolled sticks or rolls from paper or other flexible sheet material comprises an assembly of parallel rollers all rotatable in the same direction and including pressure rollers R1, R2 and guide rollers M1. M2 mounted on fixed axes and a pressing roller R3 mounted on a movable axis so as to be movable between said guide rollers towards and away from said pressure rollers, means for feeding sheets of paper or other flexible material individually into said roller assembly, and means for first moving said pressing roller towards pressure rollers to cause a sheet of paper or other flexible material fed into the roller assembly to be rolled thereby into a tight compact stick or roll and for then moving said pressing roller away from said pressure rollers to eject or release ...

30-08-1915 дата публикации

A New or Improved Machine or Apparatus for Folding Strips of Paper and like Material.

Номер: GB0191419244A

... 19,244. Milde, G. S., and Textilite Engineering Co. Aug. 29. Folding paper.-In a machine for making weavable paper yarn by folding a strip of paper into a four-fold strand having the original edges of the strip within the fold, the folding of the strip is done in stages, consisting, in first folding the edges over to meet in the middle of the strip so as to form a strand one-half of the original width, and then folding this strand centrally. The strand is preferably passed through pressing-rollers after each stage. Fig. 1 shows a machine diagrammatically, and Figs. 3, 5, 6, and 7 show suitable constructions of dies. The strip passes from a reel a to a channel-shaped die d having a tongue-piece r which causes the strip to assume the shape 2, Fig. 1, and thence through a die e which presses the edges down so as to meet as shown at 3, Fig. 1. The folded strip passes between pressing-rollers f and thence directly or over a turning-bar g to a die k, which folds the strand centrally as shown ...

11-01-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to tubes formed by helical winding

Номер: GB0000743115A

... 743,115. Cutting tubes. ROBINSON, E. B. May 9, 1952 [Feb. 9, 1951], No. 3156/51. Class 31 (1). [Also in Groups XXVIII and XL (b)] In apparatus for producing rims, i.e. lengths of tubing appropriate to form the bodies of containers by winding strip material helically on a mandrel to form a tube, and cutting the tube into lengths under the control of marks or irregularities on the strip or the tube, the control means is caused to be alternately in operative and inoperative states for such periods that the control means is operated by every mark, alternate marks only or by every third mark, and so on. The control means may be rendered operative immediately before a control mark arrives at a detecting position and inoperative immediately the cut is completed, and may remain inoperative until immediately before the next control action. Forming the tube.-A web 5, Fig. 1, bearing patterns printed at an angle with trim spacing between certain patterns is drawn off a roll 6 and over a gumming roller ...

13-11-1968 дата публикации

Apparatus for forming spiral tubing from a ribbon of thin material

Номер: GB0001133181A

... 1,133,181. Making tubing. UNIVERSAL METAL HOSE CO. 22 Feb., 1967, No. 8398/67. Heading F2P. [Also in Division B3] Apparatus for forming helically wound tubing from a ribbon 161 of material such as metal or plastics material comprises a pair of axiallyaligned rotatable mandrels 38, 39 connected to drive means, e.g. electric motors (136), (143), Fig. 2 (not shown), for rotating the mandrels in opposite directions, and means for guiding and continuously feeding the ribbon diagonally on to and around the two mandrels in succession, the drive means serving to rotate the first mandrel to receive the ribbon in a direction opposite to the direction of wrap of the ribbon fed to that mandrel; means are provided for securing or joining the meeting edges of successive wraps of the ribbon to produce helically wound tubing on the second mandrel. A ribbon storage reel 165 mounted on a frame 28, tilted and pivotable about an upright axis A-A, is driven by an electric motor 171, the ribbon 161 being fed ...

21-02-1940 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to driving gear mechanism for machines for winding paper and other strip or sheet material, cables or the like

Номер: GB0000518255A

... 518,255. Winding cables &c. TAINE, R. Jan. 30, 1939, No. 3177. Convention date, Feb. 9, 1938. [Class 78 (v)] [Also in Groups IX, XVI and XXIV] Driving-mechanism for machines for winding or re-winding thick cables, pipes or the like wherein the winding is effected from a relatively small to a relatively large diameter, comprises a belt-driven casing 3, a driven shaft 9 coaxial with the casing and forming or coupled with the winding spindle of the machine and a sun-and-planet gear system within the casing having a set of three integral planet gears 5, 6, 7, the gear 6 engaging the central sun gear 14 secured to the shaft 9 and the gears 5, 7 respectively engaging corresponding sun gears 10, 11 freely mounted on the shaft 9 and secured to brake pulleys 12, 13, one arranged on either side of the casing; the gears 5, 6 may be replaced by a single wide gear meshing with the sun gear 14 and an intermediate gear engaging the gear 10. The casing 3 is driven by a belt 4 and to initiate the winding ...

01-06-1994 дата публикации

Separator of corrugated paper and method

Номер: GB0002246765B

07-05-1943 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to methods of and apparatus for manufacturing tubular bodies from a web

Номер: GB0000553109A

... 553,109. Winding tubular articles. COOK & SON, Ltd., M., and WARBEY, B. F. Dec. 8, 1941, No. 15832. [Class 99 (ii)] A tubular article tapered or otherwise shaped internally or externally at one end if formed by winding a length of paper, fabric or like web from one edge of which has been removed a strip of progressively increasing or decreasing width, winding being commenced from the narrow end of the remaining web when the tube is to be shaped internally, and from the wider end when the tube is to be shaped externally. The web 1 is passed between tension bars 2 on a frame 2a, over a roller 3, between further tensioning-bars 4 on a frame 4a, over a roller 5 applying an adhesive, and through a guide 6 to the former 7 on which the tube is wound. The web is severed at the point for commencing the winding by a cutter 50, the cut end being then drawn through and connected to the former 7. The strip of varying width is cut from the web as winding proceeds, by a cutter wheel 36 carried by a lever ...

07-06-1943 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to machinery for making mill or pulp board

Номер: GB0000553811A

... 553,811. Pulp board making-roll; clutches. HAMILTON, A., and JACKSONS' MILLBOARD & FIBRE CO., Ltd. Feb. 10, 1942, No. 1751. [Class 96] [Also in Group XXIV] The making-roll 1, Fig. 4, upon which plies are wound in the production of pulp- or millboard is grooved at 12 or along a longitudinal severing- bar 7, to produce a line of weakness in the pulp along which rupture occurs when the bar 7 is thrust outwardly as by springs, centrifugal force or gravitation, at a pre-determined thickness or after a given number of plies have been wound. The bar 7 is held retracted, as shown, during winding, by cams 16 and rollers 19 &c. as long as the roll 1 is keyed to its shaft 3 by a clutch, Fig. 2. The clutch comprises a barrel 23 keyed to the roll-shaft 3 and within a sleeve 24 keyed to a collar 25 secured to the end plate of the roll 1. The sleeve 24 and barrel 23 are grooved to receive the clutch pin 27 which at the completion of winding is turned, by the actuation of a sear 32 and the spring and lever ...

03-04-1968 дата публикации

A paper tube

Номер: GB0001108077A

... 1,108,077. Paper tubes. TECHNO-CHEMIE KESSLER & CO. G.m.b.H. 13 April, 1966 [17 April, 1965], No. 16141/66. Heading F2P. A corrugated paper tube comprises a strip of paper which is helically wound over a helical coil of wire 5 such as galvanized steel wire, and which covers a plurality of turns of said coil at a time, the winding pitch of the strip being the same as the winding pitch of the coil and the overlapping convolutions 1a, 1b and 1c of the strip being adhered together, and a helically wound external textile cord 8 adhered to the outer surface of the formed tube between the corrugations. As illustrated in Fig. 1 (not shown), the steel wire 5 is fed by a guide roller 5 on to a rotating mandrel 3, said wire being pre-bent by a stationary member 6 and spaced on the mandrel by a profiled roller 4. The paper strip is made to conform to the wire coil by another profiled roller 2. The paper is preferably an extensible paper, such as crepe paper.

01-06-1989 дата публикации

Continuous helical cross-winding laminated-pipe production unit

Номер: GB0002210016A

Apparatus to wind hollow structures comprises a stationary mandrel about which two or more winding units oppositely rotate to helically wind strip, e.g. wood veneer, onto the mandrel. Each winding unit carries:- a rotating member carrying a guide, e.g. an inclined cylinder 11, for the strip 13; a member 10 with helical edge to push wound strip along the mandrel; and a hollow casing 12 applying radial restraint to the wound strip. The wound strip is bonded. Each winding unit may have a strip tensioner. ...

05-05-1965 дата публикации

Core for pressure-sensitive adhesive tape or sheet

Номер: GB0000991368A

... 991,368. Non-metallic tubes. MINNESOTA MINING & MANUFACTURING CO. Sept. 15, 1961 [Sept. 19, 1960], No. 33183/61. Heading F2P. [Also in Division B8] A tube 10 from which annular cores for rolls of adhesive tape are sliced (see Division B8) comprises a body 11 formed from helically wound adhesively-bonded plies of chipboard or jute paper, a strip 12 of tough sheet material, e.g. parchmentized paper, helically wound and bonded to body 11, and an overlying helicallywound strip 13 of tough delamination resistant material, e.g. parchmentized paper, metal foil or polyethylene, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride film, or woven fabric, which is bonded to body 11 and/or strip 12 with its edges abuttingly juxtaposed and positioned over strip 12. The strip 13 presents an outer surface or coating thereon to which the tape will adhere but be readily removable therefrom when the tape is unwound. Specifications 645,057, 683,927 and 843,539 are referred to.

26-05-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tensioning devices for machines for forming tubes of paper or the like

Номер: GB0000180972A

... 180,972. Wade, H., (National Paper Can Co.). Nov. 26, 1920. Feeding webs.-Relates to means for applying tension to paper strips fed into machines, such as are described in Specification 180,707, [Class 99 (ii), Pipes, tubes, &c.], for forming paper tubes by winding the strips on to a rotating mandrel. According to the invention, (1) the paper strip 6 in its passage to the mandrel 2, Fig. 2, passes between a driven roller 95, Fig. 7, and a free roller 96. The peripheral speed of the roller 95 is less than that of the mandrel, so that it exerts a drag on the strip. The roller 95 is connected to its driving shaft 101 by a regulatable friction clutch 100, whereby the amount of drag may be regulated by the slipping of the roller relatively to the shaft. (2) The paper strip is guided on to the mandrel by a spring-pressed plate 117 and a foot 125 on a pivoted arm 118. At the moment that the end of the strip passes from between the rollers 95, 96, the arm 118 is raised by a special cam device,.

05-02-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in connection with Machines and Apparatus for Forming Paper Cylinders and Tubes.

Номер: GB0000123120A

... 123,120. Spicer & Sons, J., and Holmes, J. S. Dec. 5, 1917. Feeding sheets.-In the manufacture of paper tubes such as are used for the bodies of containers for jam or other foods, a sheet of paper is taken from a pile the support for which is automatically adjusted to maintain the topmost sheet at a predetermined level. The sheet may pass between printing rollers on its way to the mandrel. The sheets 5 are piled on a carriage 2 which is wheeled into place. Flexible cables 6, secured at one end to the frame of the machine, pass under pulleys 4 on the carriage and are secured to chains passing over sprocket wheels 13. A weight 9 is hung on the end of the chain. The sprocket 13 is moved round step-by-step automatically by means of a ratchet wheel and pawl mechanism 14. The pawl 14 is oscillated during the running of the machine. Means, not shown, controlled by a roller resting on the topmost sheet. are provided to raise the pawl out of engagement and allow it to oscillate idly when the ...

26-11-1980 дата публикации

Production of yeast cells at high cell densities

Номер: GB0002047268A
Автор: Wegner, Eugene Herman

A method of producing a single cell protein material which comprises culturing under aqueous aerobic fermentation conditions at least one yeast species in an aqueous ferment employing effective amounts of carbon and energy substrate, assimilable nitrogen, and feeding a high salts concentration aqueous mineral salts medium comprising a primary mineral salts medium and a trace mineral medium to the ferment and recovering the resulting microorganisms as a single cell protein material, wherein said aqueous mineral salts medium is added to the ferment at such a rate as to maintain in the ferment the following elements in at least the designated weights, per litre of ferment: P-1.9 g, K-1 g, Mg-0.15 g, Ca-0.06 g, S-0.1 g, Fe-6 mg, Zn-2 mg, Cu-0.6 mg, and Mn-0.6 mg, and said fermentation is conducted under such conditions as to maintain a cell density of at least about 60 to 160 grams, on a dried basis, per litre of ferment. Also disclosed are novel yeast cultures having high productivity in the ...

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002047268B
Принадлежит: PROVESTA CORP

22-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001459653A

... 1459653 Supporting and conveying a spirally wound tube KURARAY CO Ltd 6 Nov 1974 [7 Nov 1973] 48027/74 Heading F2P Apparatus for supporting and conveying a tube 8 formed from a helically wound strip and having a helical seam, comprises two or more parallel spaced apart shafts, 11, each supporting a plurality of support rollers 12, each support roller having its axis adjustably inclined relative to the longitudinal axis of the shaft 11, on which it is supported. The support rollers 12 are positioned by stop means 13 on the shafts 11 and may be tilted by tilt rollers 14 which abut one side of their respective support rollers. The bore of each support roller 12 has a curved surface (121) (Fig. 5, not shown) the curvature of which depends on the thickness of the roller. Each support roller is adjusted to a tilt position such that its angle of tilt relative to the tube 8 is the same as that of the helical seam of the tube. Tilt rollers 14 are mounted on members fixed to a slide bar ...

03-06-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for forming tubes of paper or the like

Номер: GB0000252578A

... 252,578. Lane, J. D. Aug. 10, 1925. Making paper tubes. - -Relates to tube-making machines of the type in which sheets of paper coated with adhesive are coiled on a rotary mandrel which is encircled by a device for applying pressure radially inwards, with means for releasing said pressure when the tube is formed, and ejecting the tube. According to the invention the radial pressure is applied by a flexible resilient sheet metal gripper 14 which is welded to a strut 19 oscillatably mounted on a fixed cross-bar 16. The rear end of the gripper is secured to a bar 22 pivoted at 21 which exerts a pull on the gripper by means of a spring 26. The bar 22 is controlled by a roller 28 and rotary cam 30. When the projection on the cam 30 is in contact with the roller the gripper releases its pressure on the mandrel 12. Paper is introduced between the gripper and roller in the relaxed position and is coiled continuously under pressure until relaxed by the timed rotation of the cam 30. The mandrel is ...

30-06-1932 дата публикации

Method of and means for the manufacturing of helically grooved endless hose or tubes

Номер: GB0000375676A

... 375,676. Flexible tubing. KOPETZ, J., 289, Schonbrunnerstrasse, Vienna. Nov. 9, 1931, No. 31029. Convention date, Nov. 10, 1930. [Class 99 (ii).] Long lengths of helically grooved tubing of flexible material are made by winding the flexible material in strip form from adjustable supply rolls 14, Fig. 1, on to a smooth stationary mandrel 2, uniting the turns of the material by an adhesive, and then withdrawing the formed tube from the mandril and simultaneously grooving it by means of rotatable threaded socket 8 and a coacting spindle 7. The tube is held against rotation during making by counterweighted rollers 25. The spindle 7 is mounted on a shaft 6 disposed within the mandrel, and both the shaft 6 and a sleeve 9 which carries the socket 8 are rotated at the same speed by a shaft 3 ; the latter shaft also rotates a disc 10, mounted loosely upon the mandrel, which carries the supply rolls 14 and an adhesive container. 13 complete with a brush 24 at its outlet 23, Fig. 2. In making reinforced ...

20-01-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of cartons, barrels and the like

Номер: GB0000478565A

... 478,565. Collapsable mandrels for winding paper. GABBOTT, E. P., and PETERS, R. P. May 20, 1936, No. 14257. [Class 100 (i)] [Also in Group XVII] A machine for winding paper tubes for cartons, barrels, drums, &c. from a roll 160, Fig. 2, comprises a collapsable mandrel 91, 92, 93, Figs. 2 and 5, hinged to provide jaws 97 which grip the paper while the mandrel rotates to wind the paper thereon, gum being applied to the under surface of the paper from a trough 62 so arranged that the first coil of paper is not gummed, and the paper being severed by a knife 67. The mandrel is driven by a flange which carries a toothed flange 13, Fig. 2, connected by a chain to a chain wheel 19 on a driving shaft 16, Fig. 2, beneath the mandrel shaft 11. The mandrel is expanded by rotating a shaft 94 on segment 91 carrying levers 95 which engage cam faces on partitions 96 in segment 92. Return springs 95a on levers 95 provide for contraction of the mandrel. Shaft 94 is rotated when the mandrel is stationary ...

04-07-1962 дата публикации

A container

Номер: GB0000900439A

... 900,439. Making tubes. CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Oct. 27, 1960 [Nov. 9, 1959], No. 36887/60. Class 99(2). [Also in Group XVII]. A container 10 is formed by spirally winding an inner ply 11 of fibrous material having its adjacent edges butt-jointed and an outer ply 13 of fibrous material bonded in its outer side to a label 15 and on its inner side to the inner ply 11 except where the ply 11 is masked by a tear strip 14 covering the butt-joint, the container being opened by pulling a lift tab 28 formed in the label 15, outer ply 13 and strip 14, which exposes the butt-joint of the inner ply along a spiral strip. Score lines 44 are cut in the outer ply 13 either side of the buttjoint of the inner play 11; and the tab 28 is formed by a periodic cut made through the label 15, the outer ply 13 and the strip 14 across the width of the space between the score lines 44. A layer 12 of paper-backed foil is adhered to the inner face of the inner ply 11 which may be of chipboard. The outer ply ...

27-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001481408A

... 1481408 Observing moving webs ROBINSON & SONS Ltd 9 Oct 1974 [10 Oct 1973] 47234/73 Heading G1A A moving web having regularly repeating patterns and control marks is scanned by two photo-cells fixed an integral number of pattern repeats apart in the direction of movement and an electrical signal is generated when the photo-cell outputs differ. The photo-cells preferably observe adjacent patterns and the output signal may be used to control web movement or a cutter acting on the web or a tube formed therefrom. The output signal results from deliberate pattern irregularities or from marks printed at spaced intervals along the web. The process may be used in the production of laminated tubes by winding on a mandrel.

15-02-1969 дата публикации

New derivatives of hydrazine and their preparation.

Номер: OA0000001262A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Tubular packing and its method for realization.

Номер: OA0000002043A

10-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364767B

10-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364770B

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387400T

26-06-1972 дата публикации

Procedure and mechanism for laying on caper mass on a current course, in particular a paper web

Номер: AT0000299684B

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352518B

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000455711T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000462851T

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA395675A

15-02-2020 дата публикации

Pressure resistant box

Номер: AT0000521461B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Dose, enthaltend ein flüssiges und/oder ein gasförmiges Medium, das Überdruck aufweist oder bei Transport oder Lagerung einen solchen entwickelt, wobei der zylindrische Dosenmantel (101) der Dose hauptsächlich aus Papier- bzw. Kartonmaterial besteht und mit einem Bodenelement und mit einem Deckel verschlossen ist.

15-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA202876A

16-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000006361U1

Устройство для нанесения клея в виде двух полос при изготовлении спиральной навивкой картонных изделий, включающее ванну с клеенаносящим барабаном, отличающееся тем, что намазываемая лента картона огибает клеенаносящий барабан со смещением по ширине ленты таким образом, что на непромазанную полосу ленты клей другого состава наносится с помощью дополнительной ванны с установленным в ней клеенаносящим роликом заданной ширины. (19) RU (11) (13) 6 361 U1 (51) МПК B31C 13/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 97112746/20, 05.08.1997 (46) Опубликовано: 16.04.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Парусов Роман Николаевич, Солопов Василий Семенович (73) Патентообладатель(и): Парусов Роман Николаевич, Солопов Василий Семенович U 1 6 3 6 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для нанесения клея в виде двух полос при изготовлении спиральной навивкой картонных изделий, включающее ванну с клеенаносящим барабаном, отличающееся тем, что намазываемая лента картона огибает клеенаносящий барабан со смещением по ширине ленты таким образом, что на непромазанную полосу ленты клей другого состава наносится с помощью дополнительной ванны с установленным в ней клеенаносящим роликом заданной ширины. 6 3 6 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ НАНЕСЕНИЯ КЛЕЯ В ВИДЕ ДВУХ ПОЛОС ПРИ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИИ КАРТОННОНАВИВНЫХ БАРАБАНОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Парусов Роман Николаевич, Солопов Василий Семенович RU 6 361 U1 RU 6 361 U1 RU 6 361 U1

10-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037041U1
Автор: Добашин А.А.

1. Рулонное бумажное полотно с размоточным механизмом, включающее рулон и размоточный механизм, отличающееся тем, что бумажная основа рулона выполнена с применением полотна бумаги или бумажной кальки и сориентирована в виде непрерывной ленты, разматываемой из рулона, при этом на бумажной основе размещена координатная сетка увеличенного по сравнению с миллиметровой бумагой масштаба, а размоточный механизм представляет собой внутреннее основание рулона, на которое намотан рулон, с прикрепленной к нему боковой ручкой, предназначенной для размотки рулона. 2. Рулонное бумажное полотно с размоточным механизмом по п.1, отличающееся тем, что координатная сетка выполнена в сине-белой цветовой гамме с шагом 7 мм. (19) RU (11) 37 041 (13) U1 (51) МПК B42D B65H B65H B31C 15/00 16/00 20/00 1/00 (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003135399/20 , 16.12.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.12.2003 Адрес для переписки: 142190, Московская обл., г. Троицк-2, а/я 7, пат.пов. Е.А. Данилиной, рег.№ 370 (для "Кроста (54) РУЛОННОЕ БУМАЖНОЕ ПОЛОТНО С РАЗМОТОЧНЫМ МЕХАНИЗМОМ 3 7 0 4 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Рулонное бумажное полотно с размоточным механизмом, включающее рулон и размоточный механизм, отличающееся тем, что бумажная основа рулона выполнена с применением полотна бумаги или бумажной кальки и сориентирована в виде непрерывной ленты, разматываемой из рулона, при этом на бумажной основе размещена координатная сетка увеличенного по сравнению с миллиметровой бумагой масштаба, а размоточный механизм представляет собой внутреннее основание рулона, на которое намотан рулон, с прикрепленной к нему боковой ручкой, предназначенной для размотки рулона. 2. Рулонное бумажное полотно с размоточным механизмом по п.1, отличающееся тем, что координатная сетка выполнена в сине-белой цветовой гамме с шагом 7 мм. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 3 7 0 4 1 (73) ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000117853U1

1. Устройство размерной резки для получения кислотно-основных, реагентных и диагностических индикаторных полос, содержащее корпус с двумя вмонтированными параллельными валами и соединенными шестернями и фланцами, на которые насажено по одинаковому количеству дисковых ножей, разделенных втулками такой же ширины и находящихся в контакте при смежном взаимном шахматном расположении, в крышке корпуса сделан приемный канал с бортами по всей границе дисковых ножей для ввода заготовок индикаторной бумаги для резки, внизу корпуса расположен поддон для нарезанных индикаторных полос, в боковой стороне корпуса к передаче вала присоединена державка с рукояткой для приведения в действие вращения валов встречно в направлении друг к другу. 2. Устройство размерной резки для получения кислотно-основных, реагентных и диагностических индикаторных полос по п.1 изготовлено из высококачественной нержавеющей стали или титана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 117 853 U1 (51) МПК B31C 11/04 (2006.01) G01N 1/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012112918/12, 04.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.04.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2012 Бюл. № 19 1 1 7 8 5 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство размерной резки для получения кислотно-основных, реагентных и диагностических индикаторных полос, содержащее корпус с двумя вмонтированными параллельными валами и соединенными шестернями и фланцами, на которые насажено по одинаковому количеству дисковых ножей, разделенных втулками такой же ширины и находящихся в контакте при смежном взаимном шахматном расположении, в крышке корпуса сделан приемный канал с бортами по всей границе дисковых ножей для ввода заготовок индикаторной бумаги для резки, внизу корпуса расположен поддон для нарезанных индикаторных полос, в боковой стороне корпуса к передаче вала присоединена державка с рукояткой для приведения в действие вращения валов встречно в ...

27-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155205U1
Принадлежит: ФУТУРА С.п.а.

1. Машина для изготовления картонных трубок посредством наматывания по винтовой линии одной или более полос картона, частично перекрывающих друг друга, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит множество формовочных групп, которые опираются на одну конструкцию (S) и расположены под наклоном одна относительно другой в вертикальном и горизонтальном направлениях, и тем, что каждая из упомянутых формовочных групп (1, 2) содержит средство для изготовления картонной трубки таким образом, что машина может изготавливать множество картонных трубок одновременно. 2. Машина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит две формовочные группы (1, 2) таким образом, что машина может производить две картонные трубки одновременно. 3. Машина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что каждая из упомянутых формовочных групп содержит два формовочных ролика (1а, 1b, 2a, 2b), один из которых (1b, 2b) снабжен приводом, то есть соединен с соответствующим двигателем (1m; 2m), который управляет его вращением с заданной угловой скоростью, и ремень (1с, 2с), намотанный таким образом, что он образует форму "восьмерки" на упомянутых роликах (1а, 1b, 2а, 2b) и соответствующем шпинделе (1d, 2d) с горизонтальной осью, при этом ролики каждой из формовочных групп размещены на противоположных сторонах относительно соответствующего шпинделя и ролики (1а, 1b, 2а, 2b) каждой из формовочных групп (1, 2) опираются на соответствующую металлическую планку (1е; 2е), которая, с противоположной стороны, обеспечивает опору для соответствующего двигателя (1m, 2m), и при этом каждая из упомянутых планок (1е, 2е) имеет задний выступ (1f, 2f), посредством которого она прикрепляется к упомянутой конструкции (S). 4. Машина по п. 3, отличающаяся тем, что упомянутые формовочные группы представляют собой нижнюю формовочную группу (1) и верхнюю формовочную группу (2), и они расположены таким образом, что оси (1g, 1h) роликов (1а, 1b) нижней формовочной группы (1) параллельны горизонтальному основанию (S2) конструкции (S), в то время как оси ( ...

21-08-2017 дата публикации

Устройство сборки ёмкости с этикеткой

Номер: RU0000173304U1

Полезная модель относится к области станков, обеспечивающих сборку этикетки с ранее изготовленной ёмкостью. Техническим результатом является увеличение эффективности станка, а именно скорости работы станка за счёт уменьшения времени подачи этикетки, увеличения точности позиционирования этикетки перед приклеиванием; возможность точного позиционирования этикетки для любой формы оборачиваемой ёмкости и различных форм этикеток без необходимости разборки большей части станка и без замены механически задающей движение всех прижимов детали; возможность изменения направления нахлёста этикетки. Технический результат достигается за счёт выполнения устройства сборки ёмкости с этикеткой, содержащего основной стол 1 с размещённым на нём корпусе с оправками 5, устройство подачи необёрнутых ёмкостей 2, устройство подачи этикетки 3, транспортёр обёрнутой ёмкости 4, нижний прижим 6, боковые прижимы 7 и 8 и верхний прижим 9, при этом нижний прижим 6 дополнительно содержит независимо управляемый отдельный привод 12, боковой прижим 7 дополнительно содержит независимо управляемый отдельный привод 15, боковой прижим 8 дополнительно содержит независимо управляемый отдельный привод 16, и верхний прижим 9 имеет независимо управляемый отдельный привод 11. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 173 304 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Манько Алексей Александрович (BY) Адрес для переписки: 127083, Москва, ул. Мишина, 26, ком. 15, ООО "ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННО-ТОРГОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ЮФ" Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 11.01.2022 РД0384571 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.01.2022 1 7 3 3 0 4 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННО-ТОРГОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ЮФ" (RU) R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Общество с ...

29-09-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для упаковки

Номер: RU0000199956U1

Полезная модель относится к упаковочному оборудованию и может быть использована для упаковки объектов в стрейч-пленку с целью обеспечения защиты их поверхностей от загрязнений и повреждений, например при транспортировке. Технический результат - упрощение конструкции устройства. Устройство для упаковки содержит основание, направляющий элемент, нижний конец которого неподвижно соединен с основанием, узел закрепления и подачи упаковочного материала, установленный с возможностью линейного перемещения вдоль направляющего элемента, поворотный элемент, установленный над основанием и соединенный с приводом вращения. Поворотный элемент выполнен с опорой для размещения упаковываемого объекта и с прижимными элементами, один из которых выполнен неподвижным, а другой подвижным. Подвижный прижимной элемент выполнен с возможностью взаимодействия со штоком пневмоцилиндра и с пружинным элементом. С поворотным элементом неподвижно соединен полый шток, один конец которого соединен с рабочей полостью пневмоцилиндра, а другой конец выполнен с возможностью подключения к источнику сжатого воздуха. Полый шток поворотного элемента проходит внутри полого выходного вала редуктора привода вращения и неподвижно соединен с ним. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 956 U1 (51) МПК B65B 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65B 11/02 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020123837, 13.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Николаев Вячеслав Викторович (RU), Кречетович Александр Павлович (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.09.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 89075 U1, 27.11.2009. RU 4734 U1, 16.08.1997. RU 139145 U1, 10.04.2014. RU 2283800 C1, 20.09.2006. US 6470657 B2, 29.10.2002. (45) Опубликовано: 29.09.2020 Бюл. № 28 1 9 9 9 5 6 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УПАКОВКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к упаковочному оборудованию и может ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Packaging material

Номер: US20120055119A1
Автор: Donald E. Weder
Принадлежит: Individual

A packaging material comprising a plurality of flexible strips of material integrally interconnected to one another along one end thereof so as to form a unitary mass and so that the strips of material are intertwineable with one another to form a resilient tuft. The strips of material interconnected via a border have a bonding material disposed thereon for bondingly connecting the packaging material to a container.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a container of paper material for food, for example liquids, in partiuclar drinks such as a paper glass for hot drinks

Номер: US20120094816A1
Принадлежит: Novacart Spa

A method has been conceived for the manufacture of containers in paper material for foodstuffs such as drinks, in particular hot drinks, comprising a bottom wall ( 2 ) and a lateral wall ( 3 ) arising from the bottom wall ( 2 ) and forming in cooperation with the latter a cavity ( 4 ) for containing the product; means ( 5 ) are also provided to allow the hand of a user to be thermally insulated with respect to the product contained in the cavity ( 4 ). The method comprises a step of turning the lateral wall ( 3 ) back outwards and downwards so that the material constituting the upper portion of the lateral wall of the preliminary container comes step by step to constitute the external strip ( 6 ).

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Live welding method and arrangement for aluminum electrolytic cell under series full current

Номер: US20120305630A1
Автор: Bin Cao, Tao Yang

A device using the live welding method for aluminum electrolytic cell overhauling under series full current consists of short-circuit buses at the bottom of the cell ( 1 ), pillar buses ( 2 ), an anode bus ( 3 ), a balance bus ( 4 ), a inter-cell standby bus ( 5 ), a door-shaped pillar clamp ( 6 ), an arcuate clamp ( 7 ) of anode buses, a current conversion switch ( 8, a mechanical switching device ( 9 ) for the short-circuit port, a voltage sensor and wires thereof ( 10 ), a temperature sensor and wires thereof ( 11 ), a system ( 12 ) for data acquiring, displaying, analyzing and alarming, an A-side welding area ( 13 ), a B-side welding area ( 14 ) and compression-joint points ( 15 ) on pillar soft belts of overhauling cells; and the live welding method comprises the following steps: when welding is required to be performed in some zone, the currents of short-circuit buses at the bottom of the cell ( 1 ) and pillar buses ( 2 ) which influence the welding area most are cut off, the serial currents are shunted to other pillar buses ( 2 ), other buses at the bottom of the cell ( 1 ) and the inter-cell standby buses ( 5 ) such that the magnetic field intensity at the welding area can be lowered to the extent that welding can be performed so as to perform welding, and such a device and method can achieve live welding of aluminum electrolytic cells overhauling under series full current.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111853A1

An apparatus and method is provided for forming a flower pot cover with at least one indented portion to retain the flower pot cover on the flower pot. 1. A method of decoratively covering a pot , comprising the steps of:disposing a flower pot having an upper rim into an object opening of a preformed flower pot cover, the preformed flower pot cover comprising a base having an open upper end and a lower end, wherein the upper rim of the flower pot is disposed below the upper end of the base of the preformed flower pot cover, the preformed flower pot cover further comprising a skirt extending upwardly and outwardly from the upper end of the base and at least one indented portion located between the base and the skirt, the at least one indented portion extending inwardly into a portion of the object opening of the base prior to disposing the flower pot within the preformed flower pot cover; andwherein the at least one indented portion extends inwardly into the object opening a distance sufficient to extend over the upper rim of a flower pot, thereby retaining the preformed flower pot cover on the flower pot.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one indented portion of the preformed flower pot cover is an indented ring portion.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the indented ring portion is a continuous ring portion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one indented portion of the preformed flower pot cover comprises at least two indented segments claim 1 , wherein the at least two indented segments form an indented ring portion.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one indented portion of the preformed flower pot cover is a single indentation.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lower end of the base of the preformed flower pot cover is closed.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base of the preformed flower pot cover comprises a plurality of overlapping folds.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the skirt of the preformed flower pot ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123086A1
Автор: Benedetti Paolo

A method for producing a container comprising a sleeve-like main portion and an end piece attached to the main portion; the method comprises the steps of: advancing, along a given path, at least one forming member having an axis transversal to the path, and delimited by a top surface and by a lateral surface extending around said axis; feeding the end piece on the top surface of the forming member; wrapping a sheet of packaging material around the lateral surface of the forming member such that the opposite side edges of the sheet parallel to the axis overlap one another; joining the overlapped edges of the sheet by a longitudinal seal so as to form the sleeve-like main portion of the container; and joining a peripheral edge of the end piece to an upper end of the sleeve-like main portion by a transversal seal extending around the axis. 1. A method for producing a container comprising a sleeve-like main portion and an end piece attached to said main portion , said method comprising:advancing, along a given path, at least one forming member having an axis transversal to said path, and delimited by a top surface and by a lateral surface extending around said axis;feeding said end piece on said top surface of said forming member;wrapping a sheet of packaging material around said lateral surface of said forming member such that the opposite side edges of the sheet parallel to said axis overlap one another;joining said overlapped edges of said sheet by a longitudinal seal so as to form the sleeve-like main portion of the container; andjoining a peripheral edge of said end piece to an upper end of said sleeve-like main portion by a transversal seal extending around said axis.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said end piece fully closes the upper end of said sleeve-like main portion claim 1 , to which it is sealed.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said end piece is provided with a neck closed by a removable cap.4. A method as claimed in claim 3 , ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Paper Box Forming Machine

Номер: US20130130877A1
Автор: Shun-Fa Su

A paper box forming machine includes a machine body and a mandrel rotatably mounted around an axle of the machine body. A pressing device movable relative to the mandrel includes a frame having upper and lower portions and first and second side portions extending between the upper and lower portions. A tunnel extends from the first side portion through the second side portion and has a size larger than the mandrel. A pressing plate is provided to an inner side of each of the upper and lower portions and the first and second side portions. The pressing plates are actuatable to move relative to and in the frame to exert pressure on an outer periphery of the mandrel to make a paper box body from a corrugated paper layer wound around the outer periphery of the mandrel.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152832A1

A shipping platform system may include a top deck, and a top block joined to the top deck. The system may also include a bottom deck, and a bottom block joined to the bottom deck. The system may further include a joint that yields under a predetermined load that joins the top block to the bottom block. 1. A shipping platform system comprising:a top deck;a top block joined to the top deck;a bottom deck;a bottom block joined to the bottom deck; anda joint that yields under a predetermined load that joins the top block to the bottom block.2. The system of wherein the joint comprises interlocking surfaces.3. The system of wherein one interlocking surface includes a male fitting and another interlocking surface includes a female fitting that mates with the male fitting.4. The system of wherein the mated male fitting and the female fitting produce an interference fit that yields at a selected threshold.5. The system of wherein one interlocking surface includes a channel and another interlocking surface includes a retainer that engages the channel.6. The system of further comprising a frangible member that joins the channel and the retainer together.7. The system of wherein the frangible member is replaceable.8. The system of wherein the frangible member include a failure point.9. The system of wherein one interlocking surface includes a spring and another interlocking surface includes a catch that engages the spring.10. The system of wherein the catch releases the spring at a selected threshold.11. A method comprising:joining a top block to a top deck;joining a bottom block to a bottom deck; andjoining the top block to the bottom block through a joint that yields under a predetermined load.12. The method of further comprising including interlocking surfaces as part of the joint.13. The method of further comprising mating one interlocking surface that includes a male fitting to another interlocking surface that includes a female fitting.14. The method of providing an ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174763A1

A system may include a bottom deck to a shipping platform. The system may also include a component affixed to the bottom member opposite the shipping platform's top to lower static coefficient of friction between the component and a floor the shipping platform in its load bearing usage position is resting on. 1. A system comprising:a bottom member to a shipping platform; anda component affixed to the bottom member opposite the shipping platform's top to lower static coefficient of friction between the component and a floor the shipping platform in its load bearing usage position is resting on.2. The system of wherein the component comprises at least one of plastic claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene claim 1 , polyoxymethylene claim 1 , wood claim 1 , composites claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , metal claim 1 , banding claim 1 , and polymer applications.3. The system of wherein the component is affixed to the bottom member by at least one of nails claim 1 , screws claim 1 , fasteners claim 1 , adhesion claim 1 , banding claim 1 , and joinery.4. The system of wherein the component is partially recessed into the bottom member.5. The system of wherein the component is affixed to each corner of the shipping platform.6. The system of wherein the component is also affixed within an area defined by the shipping platform's four corners.7. The system of wherein the component tapers away from the bottom member.8. The system of wherein the component comprises a plurality of components affixed to a corner of the shipping platform.9. A method comprising:providing a shipping platform; andaffixing a component to a bottom member opposite the shipping platform's top to lower static coefficient of friction between the component and a floor the shipping platform in its load bearing usage position is resting on.10. The method of further comprising selecting the component based upon its lower coefficient of friction relative to the bottom member. ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178818A1
Автор: Fung Paul Y.
Принадлежит: McNeil-PPC, Inc.

A method of individually packaging an absorbent article and attaching the absorbent article to an undergarment including the steps of providing a tri-folded absorbent article having two end portions and an intermediate portion, providing a pouch containing the tri-folded absorbent article, opening the pouch to thereby expose a garment-facing surface of the intermediate portion of the absorbent article prior to exposing a garment facing surface of either of the end portions of the absorbent article. 1. A method of individually packaging an absorbent article and attaching the absorbent article to an undergarment comprising the steps of:providing a tri-folded absorbent article including a garment-facing surface, a body-facing surface, a first fold line, a second fold line, a first end portion, a second end portion, and an intermediate portion arranged between the first end portion and the second end portions, the first end portion being separated from the intermediate portion by the first fold line, the second end portion being separated from the intermediate portion by the second fold line, and the intermediation portion being located between the first fold line and the second fold line;providing a pouch for containing the tri-folded absorbent article, the pouch formed from a sheet material having a first terminal edge, a second terminal edge and a line of weakness arranged between the first terminal edge and the second terminal edge; andopening the pouch along the line of weakness and lifting the sheet material to expose a garment-facing surface of the intermediate portion of the article prior to exposing the garment-facing surface of the first end portion and the garment-facing surface of the second end portion.212. The method according to claim , further comprising:attaching the garment-facing surface of the intermediate portion to an undergarment.313. The method according to claim , further comprising:lifting the portion of the sheet material released from napkin ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Degradable heat insulation container

Номер: US20130193199A1
Автор: Ching-Wen Chang
Принадлежит: Rich Cup Bio Chemical Tech Co Ltd

A container includes a paper-made container body, a waterproofing layer and a foaming layer. The container body has an outer surface and an inner surface. The waterproofing layer is coated on the inner surface in the manner of lamintaing. The waterproofing layer mainly consists of talcum powder, resin and calcium carbonate. The foaming layer is disposed on at least a part of the outer surface. The foaming layer consists of a binder and a thermo-expandable powder. The binder is selected from a group consisting of polyvinyl acetate resin, ethylene vinyl acetate resin, polyacrylic acid resin and a mixture thereof. The thermo-expandable powder consists of a plurality of thermo-expandable microcapsules, each of which consists of a thermoplastic polymer shell and a low-boiling-point solvent wrapped by the thermoplastic polymer shell.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Perfected tubular support for the winding of material in sheets and method for its production

Номер: US20130200205A1
Автор: Peccetti Eraldo
Принадлежит: COLINES S.P.A.

A tubular support for winding a material in sheet form includes a corrugated tubular element, wherein the corrugated tubular element is positioned inside at least one outer coating element in sheet form. The internal corrugated tubular element has outer longitudinal portions and inner longitudinal portions connected by annular radial walls which form an inner corrugated wall. The internal corrugated tubular element and the outer coating element in sheet form are connected at the outer longitudinal portions. In a different embodiment, a corrugated tubular element is positioned between two coating elements in sheet form, in outer and internal positions respectively. 111121213. A tubular support () for the winding of material in sheets comprising a corrugated tubular element () characterized in that said corrugated tubular element () is positioned inside at least one outer coating element in sheets ().21112141516. The tubular support () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said inner corrugated tubular element () has outer longitudinal portions () and inner longitudinal portions () connected by annular radial walls () which form an inner corrugated wall.311121314. The tubular support () according to claim 2 , characterized in that said inner corrugated tubular element () and said at least one outer coating element in sheets () are connected in correspondence with said outer longitudinal portions ().411161417161518. The tubular support () according to one or more of the previous claims claim 2 , characterized in that two annular radial walls () claim 2 , when connected by an outer longitudinal portion () claim 2 , define inner annular interspaces () claim 2 , whereas two annular radial walls () claim 2 , when connected by an inner longitudinal portion () claim 2 , define outer annular interspaces ().5111718. The tubular support () according to claim 4 , characterized in that said interspaces ( claim 4 , ) have a substantially rectangular profile according to the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210596A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing a hollow fiber membrane sheet-like object including: a connecting process of forming a ring-shaped section by winding a hollow fiber membrane capable of being continuously supplied, around two or more rolls so as to surround the two or more rolls and connecting a leading end portion of the wound hollow fiber membrane and an adjacent hollow fiber membrane, or of putting a ring-shaped section created in advance, on two or more rolls, and connecting a leading end portion of a hollow fiber membrane capable of being continuously supplied, to the ring-shaped section; a winding process of winding the hollow fiber membrane around the rolls by moving the leading end portion of the hollow fiber membrane by rotating at least one roll of the two or more rolls; a fixing process of forming a fixed section by fixing the hollow fiber membrane wound around the two or more rolls, into the form of a sheet in a width direction; and a cutting process of performing cutting-out along the fixed section, thereby obtaining a sheet-like object to which end portions of the hollow fiber membranes are connected in the width direction. According to the present invention, a hollow fiber membrane sheet-like object can be produced with a simple configuration and a change in sheet length can be easily performed. 1. A method for producing a hollow fiber membrane sheet object , the method comprising:(I) forming a ring-shaped section by winding a hollow fiber membrane capable of being continuously supplied, around two or more rolls so as to surround the two or more rolls, to obtain a wound hollow fiber membrane, and connecting a leading end portion of the wound hollow fiber membrane and an adjacent hollow fiber membrane, orputting a ring-shaped section created in advance, on two or more rolls, and connecting a leading end portion of a hollow fiber membrane capable of being continuously supplied, to the ring-shaped section;(II) winding the hollow ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods, systems and products involving sheet products

Номер: US20130225385A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A method for forming a tubular sheet product roll includes providing a sheet product roll having a first configuration and a void, centering a rotational axis of the sheet product roll on a longitudinal axis of a first tool, and inserting the first tool into the void of the sheet product roll to define an inner diameter of the void and to form the sheet product roll having a second configuration different from the first configuration.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225386A1

A method for forming a tubular sheet product roll includes providing a sheet product roll having a first configuration and a void, centering a rotational axis of the sheet product roll on a longitudinal axis of a first tool, and inserting the first tool into the void of the sheet product roll to define an inner diameter of the void and to form the sheet product roll having a second configuration different from the first configuration. 1. A method for forming a tubular sheet product roll including:providing a sheet product roll having a sheet product wound on a removable core, the removable core having a first distal end, a second distal end and a longitudinal outer surface;centering a rotational axis of the sheet product roll on a longitudinal axis of a first tool; andengaging the first distal end of the removable core with the first tool to slidably move the removable core relative to the sheet product roll to expose a portion of the longitudinal outer surface of the removable core.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removable core includes a wound sheet product.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removable core is cylindrically shaped.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further includes slidably removing the removable core from the sheet product roll.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further includes further engaging the first distal end of the removable core with the first tool to slidably remove the removable core from the sheet product roll. This application is a divisional of the legally related U.S. application Ser. No. 12/607,195 filed Oct. 28, 2009; which is fully incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates generally to methods and systems for manufacturing sheet products.Sheet products such as, for example, absorbent sheets are often packaged in tightly wound rolls. Tightly winding sheet product allows additional sheet product to fit on a roll with a desired outer diameter. The roll is often installed in a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232921A1
Принадлежит: Align Technology, Inc.

A system for packaging mass-customized items includes a computer system including a database containing item identification information unique to each item; (2) outer container identification apparatus that applies the item identification information received from the database to each outer container in a plurality of outer containers; (3) inner pack identification apparatus that applies the item identification information received from the database to each inner pack in a plurality of inner packs; and (4) inner pack filling apparatus that fills each inner pack with a specific item matched to that inner pack by the item identification information received from the database. Each item is associated with its unique item identification information and is inserted into an inner pack with matching item identification information, and each outer container is presented for loading with one or more inner packs matched to that outer container by the item identification information received from the database. 143-. (canceled)44. Apparatus for inserting an item into a bag having an open end defined between opposed side walls , comprising:an insertion mechanism, comprising a receiving bed on which an item is initially placed, a loading channel adjacent the receiving bed, and a pushing element operable to push the item from the receiving bed into the loading channel;a bag opening mechanism, comprising a vacuum head selectably operable to engage a side wall of the bag and to open the bag, and a pair of fingers operable for selective insertion into the open end of the bag to maintain the separation of the side walls thereof; anda ram element selectably operable to push the item from the loading channel into the bag through the open end thereof.45. The apparatus of claim 44 , wherein the item is identified by item identification information associated with the item in a computer system database claim 44 , and wherein the apparatus inserts the item into a bag identified with the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247520A1
Принадлежит: Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.

Methods for forming packages from a web of preformed bags. In one exemplary method of forming packages from a web of preformed bags, a first bag is held open with air. A product is loaded into the first bag that is held open with air. An opening of the first bag is sealed. A next bag is indexed such that an opening of the next bag is proximate to an engagement member. The web is engaged with the engagement member to pre-open the next bag. The web is disengaged by the engagement member. The next bag is opened with air for loading. 123-. (canceled)24. An apparatus for forming packages comprising:a supply of a web of preformed bags, each bag having a first ply and a second ply;an indexing mechanism for moving the web along a path of travel;a blower positioned to sequentially blow air into the bags of the web to open the bags for loading with a product;an engagement member configured to contact the first ply along the path of travel;a sealer that seals bags loaded with said product to form packages; and actuate the sealer to seal an opening of the first bag;', 'index a next bag such that an opening of the next bag is proximate to the engagement member;', 'move the engagement member to pre-open the next bag by moving the first ply relative to the second ply with the engagement member., 'a controller in communication with the indexing mechanism, the engagement member, and the sealer, wherein the controller is programmed to25. The apparatus of wherein the engagement member moves from a first position where the engagement member is spaced apart from the web to a second position where the engagement member engages the web.26. The apparatus of wherein the engagement member moves from the first position to the second position prior to pre-opening the next bag.27. The apparatus of wherein the engagement member is configured and controlled to pre-open the next bag by moving the first ply downward relative to the second ply.28. The apparatus of wherein the engagement member is ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Storage Device for Elongated Articles

Номер: US20130247522A1
Автор: Phillips Brandyn B.

An apparatus and method for storing an elongated article, such as a light string or the like. The apparatus includes a hollow tube and an elongated sock. The elongated sock is fed onto the hollow tube such that end of said sock is in proximity to the end of the tube. In use, one end of the elongated article is inserted through the hollow tube and is pulled through the tube along with the sock. As the length of the elongated article is pulled through the tube along with the sock, the length of the elongated article is disposed within the length of the sock. 1. A method of storing an elongated article , said method comprising:grasping a hollow tube having a diameter sized to receive the elongated article therethrough, said hollow tube having a first end, a second end and a length, the elongated article having a first end, a second end, and a length;grasping an elongated sock having a first open end, a second end, a length, and a diameter sized to receive the elongated article and to receive a portion of said length of said hollow tube, said length of said elongated sock being substantially longer than said length of said hollow tube and about as long as or greater than said length of the elongated article;placing said first open end of said elongated sock over said first end of said hollow tube;feeding substantially said length of said elongated sock onto said portion of said length of said hollow tube until said second end of said elongated sock is proximate said first end of said hollow tube;inserting said first end of the elongated article into said second end of said hollow tube and feeding a portion of said length of the elongated article through said hollow tube until said first end of the elongated article extends beyond said first end of said hollow tube and into said elongated sock;grasping the elongated article extending into said elongated sock beyond said first end of said hollow tube and pulling on the elongated article together with said elongated sock ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252794A1

A winding machine () includes a frame (), a drive unit (), an introduction unit (), and a guide member () of a plastic strip (). The frame () is separable into a plurality of pieces. The drive unit () interposes a preceding part and a subsequent part of the plastic strip () in a joined state. The drive unit () transmits power to the plastic strip (). The introduction unit () interposes the plastic strip () while spirally aligning the plastic strip (). The introduction unit () includes a roller portion that does not transmit power at least to the subsequent part of the plastic strip (). The drive unit () and the introduction unit () are disposed above a horizontal surface including a axial center of the frame (). 1. A winding machine for forming a rehabilitating pipe by spirally winding a plastic strip , comprising:a frame that includes a plurality of plates and a plurality of rollers, the plurality of plates coupling one another in a circumferential direction, the plurality of plates being combined in approximately ring shape, the plurality of rollers being rotatably disposed between the plates facing one another, the frame being separable into a plurality of pieces;an introduction unit disposed at the frame, the introduction unit including an inner roller and an outer roller, the inner roller and the outer roller interposing, a preceding part and a subsequent part of the plastic strip in a spirally aligned state, the inner roller and the outer roller including a roller portion, the roller portion not transmitting power at least to the subsequent part of the plastic strip;a drive unit disposed at the frame, the drive unit including an inner roller and an outer roller, the inner roller and the outer roller interposing a preceding part and a subsequent part of the plastic strip in a joined state, the inner roller and the outer roller transmitting power to the plastic strip; andat least one guide member disposed at the frame, the guide member guiding the plastic strip, ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283730A1
Автор: Actis Bradley P.

A bagging assembly for bagging bales of fibrous material is disclosed. The bagging assembly incorporates a chute defining a channel for receiving a bale, which is pushed there between by a stuffing assembly. Aspects of the bagging assembly include raising a bale using a bale elevator to a higher elevation position so that the bale could be stuffed by the stuffing assembly and using a bag retrieving mechanism for retrieving a bag from a bag location for use in bagging the bale. 1. A bagging assembly for bagging a pressed bale comprising:a frame having a first end, a second end, and a longitudinal length between the first end and the second end;a bale stuffing assembly comprising a projection having an end to push a pressed bale into a bag; said bale stuffing assembly being arranged on the frame and movable along the longitudinal length of the frame;a retrieval assembly for retrieving a bag;a bag positioning assembly comprising at least two arms for opening an end of a bag, the at least two arms arranged to be movable away from one another;a gripper for gripping a bag; anda chute having a length, two side walls defining a space therebetween and non-continuous along a radial direction relative to the length, and wherein the chute is sized to be positioned inside a bag.2. The bagging assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a bale transfer assembly comprising at least one of a conveyor system claim 1 , a motorized vehicle claim 1 , and a hand truck for delivering a pressed bale to the chute.3. The bagging assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retrieval assembly is at least one of a plate with a vacuum source claim 1 , a pickup head on a Cartesian coordinate robot claim 1 , and a robot arm with an end effector.4. The bagging assembly of claim 1 , wherein the two arms of the bag positioning assembly are mounted on at least one rotatable guide rod so that the two arms are translatable along the longitudinal length of the frame and are rotatable from a first orientation to a ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291485A1

A bale bagging apparatus for wrapping a bag around a bale of compressed material includes a base frame member having a first end and a second end, a transportation system, a bale chute and a bag retrieval system. The transportation system is provided to transport a bale through the bale chute having a bag for wrapping the bale. Additionally, the bale bagging apparatus has the bag retrieval system to position a bag from a first position to a second position to a third position, where in the third position an open end of the bag is positioned around the output end of the bale chute when the bale is transported by the transportation system through the bale chute. 1. A bale bagging apparatus having a first end and a second end for wrapping a bag around a bale , said apparatus comprising:a base frame member having a first end and a second end;a transportation system configured to transport a bale from the first end of the bale bagging machine to the second end of the bale bagging machine, wherein said transportation system has a gap section;a bale chute having an input end close to the first end of the bale bagging machine and an output end downstream of the input end closer to the second end of the bale bagging machine, wherein said bale chute comprises at least two pivotable sections configured to pivot between at least a closed position and an open position; anda bag retrieval system configured to position a bag from a first position to a second position to a third position, wherein said second position is arranged so that a closed end of a bag is positioned in the gap section of the transportation system and wherein said third position is arranged so that an open end of the bag is positioned around the output end of the bale chute.2. A bale bagging apparatus having a longitudinal feed direction for wrapping a bag having an open end and a closed end around a bale , said apparatus comprising:a base frame member having a first end and a second end that is parallel to ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291491A1
Принадлежит: SOREMARTEC S.A.

Process and corresponding apparatus for wrapping a product in a wrapper of sheet material, adhering to the surface of the product, the process comprising the steps of:

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291998A1
Автор: Konnerth Hans

The invention relates to a method and device for filling packages with a bulk cushioning material, in particular foam peanuts, where the cushioning material is conveyed to the package by a feed unit. 114. Verfahren zum Befüllen von Paketen mit einem Polstermaterial in Schüttgutform , insbesondere mit Polsterflips , wobei das Polstermaterial dem Paket () mit einer Zuführeinheit zugeleitet wird ,dadurch gekennzeichnet,{'b': 14', '23', '24, 'dass mittels einer Messeinheit ein zu befüllendes Volumen des Paketes () ermittelt wird, dass in einen Aufnahmebehälter () der Zuführeinrichtung mittels eines Mengenvariierers () eine variierbare Menge an Polstermaterial einfüllbar ist, und dass diese eingeflillte Menge in ein Paket eingebracht wird.'}2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1 ,dadurch gekennzeichnet,{'b': 14', '24, 'dass die Messeinheit ein Linienscanner ist, mit dem der zu befüllende Innenraum des Paketes () zumindest bereichsweise gescannt wird, dass die von der Messeinrichtung ermittelten Werte in einer Recheneinheit ausgewertet und in eine Befüllvorgabe für den Mengenvariierer () umgerechnet werden.'}318-. (canceled) The invention relates to a method and device for filling packages with a bulk cushioning material, in particular foam peanuts, where the cushioning material is conveyed to the package by a feed unit.The invention also relates to a device that can in particular be used to execute the above-mentioned method.Particularly at mail-order companies, packages are usually individually filled according to customer wishes at a fully automated high bay warehouse. The articles ordered by the customer are placed into the package. Different package sizes are used depending on the number of articles to be placed in them. In order to prevent the articles inside from being damaged during postal transport, the rest of the package is then filled with bulk cushioning material. In particular, foam peanuts are used. As a rule, these foam peanuts are composed of a biodegradable ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Machine For The Production Of Tubes And Related Method

Номер: US20130331249A1
Принадлежит: Fabio Perini S.p.A.

The machine includes a forming unit with a spindle around which one or more strips of web material are wound; an adhesive applicator to apply an adhesive on at least one surface of at least one strip of web material; a feed path of the at least one strip of web material from the adhesive applicator to the forming unit. The length of the feed path can be modified according to at least one opening parameter. 123-. (canceled)24. A machine for producing tubes by winding at least one strip of web material comprising:a forming unit with a spindle around which at least one strip of web material is wound;an adhesive applicator for applying an adhesive on at least one surface of said at least one strip of web material;a feed path for said at least one strip of web material from said adhesive applicator to said forming unit; wherein length of said feed path is modifiable according to at least one operating parameter.25. The machine as claimed in claim 24 , wherein along said feed path at least one diverter device is arranged claim 24 , position of said at least one diverter device being modifiable to modify the length of said feed path.26. The machine as claimed in claim 25 , wherein said at least one diverter device comprises at least one guide roller for the at least one strip of web material claim 25 , the position of said at least one guide roller being adjustable to modify the length of the feed path.27. The machine as claimed in claim 25 , wherein said at least one diverter device is controlled by an actuator to modify the position of said diverter device.28. The machine as claimed in claim 25 , wherein said at least one diverter device comprises a diverter roller positioned along said feed path claim 25 , a guide roller for the at least one strip of web material being positioned upstream of said diverter roller claim 25 , a section of path being defined between said guide roller and said diverter roller along which the adhesive applicator is positioned claim 25 , ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Device And A Method For Extracting Winding Spindles From A Log Of Web Material

Номер: US20130333183A1

The device includes at least a first gripping member and a second gripping member, arranged and controlled so that they extract two winding spindle portions from opposite ends of a log in a longitudinal extraction direction parallel to the axis of the log. The first gripping member and a second gripping member are movable along a log advancing path and extract the two winding spindle portions as they advance along the log advancing path together with the log and the two winding spindle portions. 126-. (canceled)27. A device for extracting a winding spindle from a log of web material wound around said winding spindle , comprising at least a first gripping member and a second gripping member constructed and arranged to extract two winding spindle portions from opposite ends of a log , moving in a longitudinal extraction direction parallel to an axis of the log , wherein said first gripping member and said second gripping member are movable along a log advancing path and extract said two winding spindle portions as said two winding spindle portions advance together with the log along said log advancing path.28. The device according to claim 27 , wherein said first gripping member and said second gripping member are arranged to move along diverging trajectories alongside the log advancing path.29. The device according to claim 27 , wherein said first gripping member and said second gripping member respectively form part of a first series of gripping members and a second series of gripping members claim 27 , each of which comprises a plurality of gripping members.30. The device according to claim 28 , wherein said first gripping member and said second gripping member respectively form part of a first series of gripping members and a second series of gripping members claim 28 , each of which comprises a plurality of gripping members.31. The device according to claim 29 , wherein the plurality of gripping members of said first series of gripping members are structured to ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001306A1

A film winding core () of the present invention includes a core body () and a plurality of film supporting portions (). The core body () has a tubular shape. The plurality of film supporting portions () are provided around the core body (). The film supporting portions () protrude from the outer peripheral surface () of the core body () respectively at a plurality of positions in a rotational direction of the core body () so that a film () is supported away from the outer peripheral surface () of the core body (). Each of the film supporting portions () is made of a material that can be deformed when the film () is wound on the film winding core (). 1. A film winding core on which a long film is to be wound , comprising:a core body having a tubular shape; anda plurality of film supporting portions provided around the core body, the film supporting portions protruding from an outer peripheral surface of the core body respectively at a plurality of positions in a rotational direction of the core body so that the film is supported away from the outer peripheral surface of the core body, and each of the film supporting portions being made of a material that can be deformed when the film is wound on the film winding core.2. The film winding core according to claim 1 , wherein the material is an elastically deformable material.3. The film winding core according to claim 1 , wherein the material comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of sponge claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , and foam.4. The film winding core according to claim 1 , wherein the film supporting portions are arranged at regular intervals in the rotational direction.5. The film winding core according to claim 1 , wherein the positions of the film supporting portions claim 1 , the number of the film supporting portions claim 1 , and a height of the film supporting portions protruding from the outer peripheral surface of the core body are adjusted so that the core body fits within a polygon having a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018221A1
Автор: PERINI Fabio

Method for producing cardboard tubes by winding a plurality of ribbons (U, L) onto a spindle (), a preset number of the ribbons (U, L) being glued in correspondence of the lower or radial inner surface thereof, characterized in that a predetermined amount of supplementary quick setting glue is applied on the lower surface of the last ribbon (U) destined to be wound on the spindle (), in proximity to at least a longitudinal edge (BU) of the ribbon (U) forming a corresponding stripe of quick setting glue (G) astride of a section (ST) of the same ribbon interested or intersected by a subsequent cutting action executed downstream of the spindle (). 1. A method for producing a tube using a plurality of ribbons and a spindle , the method comprising the steps of:winding a first ribbon of the plurality of ribbons on the spindle to form a tube;winding a second ribbon of the plurality of ribbons on a radial outside of the first ribbon which forms the tube;fastening the second ribbon to the radial outside of the first ribbon one of during or after said winding of the second ribbon on top of the first ribbon; andapplying a stripe of adhesive to the second ribbon before the second ribbon is wound on top of the first ribbon, said applying of the stripe of adhesive is performed on a side of the second ribbon which will be facing radially inward on the tube, said applying of the stripe of adhesive being supplemental to said fastening of the second ribbon to the first ribbon, said applying of the stripe of adhesive being performed at intervals corresponding to a preset length of the second ribbon.2. A method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising:determining a tube cut position on the tube where the tube will be cut, with the second ribbon being cut at the tube cut position; anddetermining a ribbon cut position on the second ribbon before the second ribbon is wound on top of the first ribbon, the ribbon cut position being arranged at the tube cut position when the second ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Machine and method for producing cardboard tubes

Номер: US20140024511A1
Автор: Fabio Perini
Принадлежит: Individual

Method for producing cardboard tubes by winding a plurality of ribbons (U, L) onto a spindle ( 1 ), a preset number of the ribbons (U, L) being glued in correspondence of the lower or radial inner surface thereof, characterized in that a predetermined amount of supplementary quick setting glue is applied on the lower surface of the last ribbon (U) destined to be wound on the spindle ( 1 ), in proximity to at least a longitudinal edge (BU) of the ribbon (U) forming a corresponding stripe of quick setting glue (G) astride of a section (ST) of the same ribbon interested or intersected by a subsequent cutting action executed downstream of the spindle ( 1 ).

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060720A1
Принадлежит: Rundpack AG

A machine uses a method for producing a cup from an outer shell and inner cup. For this purpose, the machine includes first holding devices that are arranged on a first rotatably housed star- or wheel-like holding device carrier, and second holding devices arranged on a second rotatably housed star- or wheel-like holding device carrier. Further, a first working station arranged at least in the region of the first holding devices for carrying out first working steps and at least one second working station arranged in the region of the second holding devices for carrying out second working steps are provided. Finally, the machine includes a transfer station for transferring a finished outer shell from a first holding device to a second holding device. 1. A machine for producing a cup made of composite material , namely from an outer shell and an inner cup , comprising:a plurality of first holding devices, which are arranged on a first rotatably mounted star- or wheel-like holding device carrier,a plurality of second holding devices, which are arranged on a second rotatably mounted star- or wheel-like holding device carrier,at least one first workstation arranged in the region of the first holding devices for performing at least one of the steps: providing a winding for forming the outer shell, winding the winding onto or into one of the first holding devices, compressing and/or adhering ends of the winding wound onto or into one of the first holding devices, with the ends forming a seam area of the outer shell,a transfer station for transferring a finished outer shell from one of the first holding devices of the first holding device carrier to one of the second holding devices of the second holding device carrier,at least one second workstation arranged in the region of the second holding devices for performing at least one of the steps: pushing the outer shell into one of the second holding devices or pushing the inner cup onto one of the second holding devices, ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070046A1
Автор: Dunn Randolph A.
Принадлежит: Souhegan Wood Products, Inc.

A method is provided for the production of structural cylinder with a wound material shell, the method comprising: providing a extruded wood core cylinder; wrapping a flexible material about an exterior surface of the cylinder; applying an adhesive between the interior of the material and the exterior profile of the core; allowing the adhesive to cure providing a structural cylinder with a wrapped material exterior. 1. A structural unit; said structural unit comprising:a extruded core comprising wood fiber and a thermoset resin having a central hole coaxial with a major axis of said core and an exterior;a plurality of layers of settable material forming a shell, disposed about the exterior of said core.2. The structural unit of further comprising a finish layer.3. The structural unit of wherein said finish layer comprises a wood veneer.4. The structural unit of wherein said finish layer comprises a simulated veneer.5. The structural unit of wherein said finish layer comprises a plaster skim coat.6. The structural unit of wherein said finish layer comprises a patterned paper.7. The structural unit according to wherein said settable material is selected from the group of settable materials consisting of coated paper claim 1 , fiberglass claim 1 , composites claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , silicon based polymers claim 1 , vinyl claim 1 , elastic polymers claim 1 , inelastic polymers claim 1 , and coated textiles.8. The structural unit according to further comprising a water and moisture impenetrable barrier enlacing said structural unit.9. The structural unit according to wherein said water and moisture impenetrable barrier comprises a heat shrunk polymeric layer.10. The structural unit according to wherein said water and moisture impenetrable barrier comprises a stretch wrap polymeric layer.11. The structural unit according to wherein said plurality of layers of settable material comprises overlapping layers of preformed tubular segments and ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075893A1
Автор: Weder Donald E.

A preformed decorative wrapper for covering a flower pot and methods of production and use thereof are disclosed. 1. A method of assembling a decorative plant package , the method comprising:positioning a preformed decorative wrapper about an outer peripheral surface of a pot, the preformed decorative wrapper comprising a tubular body having an open upper end having an upper edge, an open lower end having a lower edge, an outer surface, an inner surface, and an interior space, whereby at least a portion of the inner surface of the preformed decorative wrapper surrounds and engages a portion of the outer peripheral surface of an upper end of the pot, wherein at least a portion of the preformed decorative wrapper extends beyond the upper end of the pot and at least a portion of a bottom of the pot extends through the open lower end of the preformed decorative wrapper, and whereby the open lower end of the preformed decorative wrapper is positioned adjacent an upper one-half of the pot and the upper edge of the preformed decorative wrapper is positioned a distance above the upper end of the pot, thereby forming a skirt for the pot.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preformed decorative wrapper is constructed of a material selected from the group consisting of paper claim 1 , cellophane claim 1 , foil claim 1 , polymer film claim 1 , woven fabric claim 1 , unwoven fabric claim 1 , synthetic fabric claim 1 , natural fabric claim 1 , a material having an appearance or texture simulating the appearance or texture of cloth claim 1 , a material having an appearance or texture simulating the appearance of paper claim 1 , a matted material claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of securing a portion of the preformed decorative wrapper to a portion of the outer peripheral surface of the pot.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a bonding material is disposed on at least a portion of at least one of the preformed decorative ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076790A1

The present invention provides a central core element a reverse osmosis separator assembly useful in the purification of fluids. The central core element comprises an outer exhaust conduit defining an inner volume and a gap starting at a first end thereof the outer exhaust conduit and extending towards a second end of the outer exhaust conduit, and an inner porous exhaust conduit comprising a first section disposed within the inner volume defined by outer exhaust conduit and a second section configured to abut and seal the first end of the outer exhaust conduit. The outer exhaust conduit is configured to accommodate a first portion of a membrane stack assembly within the inner volume and a second portion of the membrane stack assembly disposed as a multilayer membrane assembly on an outer surface of the outer exhaust conduit. The gap is configured to accommodate a transition section of the membrane stack assembly linking the first portion of the membrane stack assembly with the second portion of the membrane stack assembly. The first inner porous exhaust conduit section is configured to be disposed within the first portion of the membrane stack assembly. 1. A central core element for a reverse osmosis separator assembly , said central core element comprising:an outer exhaust conduit defining an inner volume and a gap starting at a first end of the outer exhaust conduit and extending towards a second end of the outer exhaust conduit; andan inner porous exhaust conduit comprising a first inner porous exhaust conduit section disposed within the inner volume defined by the outer exhaust conduit, and a second inner porous exhaust conduit section configured to abut and seal the first end of the outer exhaust conduit,wherein said outer exhaust conduit is configured to accommodate a first portion of a membrane stack assembly within said inner volume and a second portion of the membrane stack assembly disposed as a multilayer membrane assembly on an outer surface of the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083271A1
Автор: Lai Chun-Chen

A synchronous cutting mechanism for a pipe mill includes a carrying table having a sliding pedestal; a speed-adjustable driving set having a speed-adjustable power source, an axle coupled to a driving wheel of the speed-adjustable power source, and a link having one end pivotally connected to the driving wheel at an eccentric point on the driving wheel and an opposite end pivotally connected to the sliding pedestal; a pipe-clamping set for holding a to-be-cut pipe coming from the pipe mill; and a pipe-cutting set for cutting the to-be-cut pipe. When the driving wheel rotates, the link is driven to swing, thereby driving the carrying table and the pipe running out to move in the same direction and with the same velocity, so that the to-be-cut pipe can be cut according to a predetermined length. 1. A synchronous cutting mechanism for a pipe mill , the synchronous cutting mechanism comprising:a carrying table having a sliding pedestal mounted on and sliding along a base;a speed-adjustable driving set that has a speed-adjustable power source, an axle coupled to a driving wheel of the speed-adjustable power source, and a link, in which the link has one end pivotally connected to the driving wheel at an eccentric point on the driving wheel and an opposite end pivotally connected to the sliding pedestal;a pipe-clamping set deposited on the carrying table for holding a to-be-cut pipe coming from the pipe mill; anda pipe-cutting set deposited on the carrying table for cutting the to-be-cut pipe,whereby when the driving wheel rotates, the link is driven to swing, so as to drive the carrying table and the to-be-cut pipe coming out from the pipe mill to move in the same direction and with the same velocity, so that the pipe-cutting set cuts the to-be-cut pipe according to a predetermined length.2. The synchronous cutting mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the sliding pedestal is mounted on the base through a slide rail assembly claim 1 , so that the sliding pedestal is able to ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099502A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention concerns a heat-sealable biodegradable packaging material, which comprises a fibrous substrate and one or more polymer coating layers extruded onto said substrate. According to the invention the packaging material includes at least one polymer coating layer containing polylactide and at least about 1 weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended therewith. The invention further concerns a heat-sealed product package made from the packaging material, as well as uses of the resin as blends with polylactide in extrusion coating, for improving line speed and neck-in in extrusion, adhesivity of the coating to the fibrous substrate, and heat-sealability of the coating. 11. A heat-sealable biodegradable packaging material , comprising a fibrous substrate and one or more polymer coating layers extruded onto said substrate , characterized in that the packaging material includes at least one polymer coating layer containing polylactide and at least about weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended therewith.2. The packaging material of claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one polymer coating layer contains at least 2 weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended with polylactide.3. The packaging material of claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one polymer coating layer contains at least 4 weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended with polylactide.4. The packaging material of claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one polymer coating layer contains at least 10 weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended with polylactide.5. The packaging material of any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one polymer coating layer contains at most 20 weight-% of terpene phenolic resin blended with polylactide.6. The packaging material of claim 1 , characterized in that the fibrous substrate is paper or board.7. The packaging material of claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one coating layer is in a direct contact ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001564A1

A system comprising a mandrel, a winding device for helically winding strips around the mandrel to form a base tube moving away from the mandrel at a tube speed, a strip suppling device for supplying the strips to the winding device, and a cutting device for cutting the base tube at a predetermined length to form the lengths of tube while the base tube is moving in a tube direction at the tube speed, and a method. 1. A system for producing lengths of tube , such as drinking straws , from helically wound strips , said system comprising:a mandrel,a winding device for helically winding strips around the mandrel to form a base tube moving away from the mandrel at a tube speed,a strip suppling device for supplying the strips to the winding device,a cutting device for cutting the base tube at a predetermined length to form the lengths of tube while the base tube is moving in a tube direction at the tube speed, wherein:the cutting device comprises a knife which is movable along a knife trajectory surrounding a centre axis and extending over a knife axial distance along the centre axis,the knife trajectory forms, when viewed in a direction of the centre axis, a virtual circle having a knife radius distance and a circle centre coinciding with the centre axis,the knife trajectory comprises a cutting part in which the knife is moved over the knife axial distance in the tube direction while, when viewed in the direction of the centre axis, moving along the virtual circle,the knife trajectory further comprises a retrieving part in which the knife is moved over the knife axial distance and opposite to the tube direction while, when viewed in the direction of the centre axis, moving along the virtual circle,the cutting device is configured to cut the base tube with the knife moving along the cutting part of the knife trajectory,the cutting device comprises:a first displacement unit configured to displace the knife around the centre axis and, when viewed in the direction of centre ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002047A1

A cone-shaped edible container according to the present invention comprises: an edible outer shell, an edible inner shell, and an edible first adhesive layer provided between the outer shell and the inner shell to adhere the outer shell and the inner shell to each other. The outer shell and the inner shell are rolled into a cone shape in a state of being adhered to each other so as to have a basic structure of a cone shape. The outer shell forms the outermost side of the basic structure, and the inner shell has a stronger rigidity than the outer shell. Thus, assuming a cone-shaped structure implemented only by the outer shell, even if an external force of a magnitude capable of breaking the assumed structure is applied to the basic structure, the basic structure is maintained. 1. A conical edible container comprising:an edible outer shell;an edible inner shell; andan edible first adhesive layer provided between the outer shell and the inner shell to bond the outer shell and the inner shell,wherein the outer shell and the inner shell are wound in a conical shape in a state in which the outer shell and the inner shell are bonded to each other to form a basic structure of the conical shape,wherein the outer shell forms an outermost side of the basic structure, andwherein the inner shell has a strength that is stronger than that of the outer shell such that the basic structure is maintained even when, with an assumption that the conical structure is implemented only by the outer shell, an external force of a magnitude, by which there is a possibility of the assumed structure being damaged, is applied to the basic structure.2. The conical edible container of claim 1 , further comprising:a second adhesive layer provided between an inner part of the outer shell and an outer part of the outer shell, which is superposed on the inner part, in the conical state to restrain the outer shell and the inner shell from being released from the conical shape due to the inner shell ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for expanding flat-stock precursor material

Номер: US20160001518A1
Принадлежит: FoldedPak Inc

A base has an end plate adapted to rotate about an axis substantially orthogonal to the base. A first jaw extends from the end plate and is pivotably engaged with the end plate. As the end plate rotates about the axis, the first jaw defines a first separation angle when the end plate is at a first position and the first jaw defines a second separation angle when the end plate is at a second position.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001588A1
Автор: KATHARANI Disha

An automated multi-purpose quilling device includes a housing and a driver element. The housing accommodates an electrical unit. The housing defines a through-hole and is configured to receive at least one tool attachment to perform one or more functions of quilling. The driver element is attached to the electrical unit of the housing. A first end of the driver element is placed onto the electrical unit within the housing and a second end of the driver element protrudes externally from the through-hole. The second end of the driver element is configured to receive the at least one tool attachment. The driver element is further configured to rotate when actuated by the electrical unit and in turn operate the at least one tool attachment. 1. An automated multi-purpose quilling device comprising:a housing for accommodating an electrical unit, the housing defining a through-hole and configured to receive at least one tool attachment to perform one or more functions of quilling; anda driver element attached to the electrical unit of the housing, a first end of the driver element being placed onto the electrical unit within the housing and a second end of the driver element protruding externally from the through-hole, the second end of the driver element configured to receive the at least one tool attachment, the driver element further configured to rotate when actuated by the electrical unit and in turn operate the at least one tool attachment.2. The automated multi-purpose quilling device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one tool attachment comprises a slotted tool attachment for curling at least one quilling strip into a coil claim 1 , the slotted tool attachment comprising:a slotted element positioned in the second end of the driver element;a slotted pin positioned in the slotted element, the slotted pin comprising a slot for receiving the at least one quilling strip; anda first disk positioned around the slotted pin and the slotted element to rest over ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002136A1

A method for cleaning a separator core in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention is a method for cleaning a separator core having an outer peripheral surface around which a separator is to be wound, the method including: an end face cleaning step of removing a foreign object adhered to an end face of the separator core. 1. A method for cleaning a separator core having an outer peripheral surface around which a nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery separator is to be wound , the method comprising:an end face cleaning step of removing a foreign object adhered to an end face of the separator core.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:an unevenness inspection step of inspecting the separator core in order to determine whether or not there is damage to the outer peripheral surface.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:a damage repair step of, in a case where damage to the outer peripheral surface is found in the unevenness inspection step, repairing the damage.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:an outer peripheral surface cleaning step of removing a foreign object adhered to the outer peripheral surface.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:a whole core cleaning step of wiping a whole of the separator core with a fiber member.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin the end face cleaning step, a pressure-contact member is pressed into contact with the end face.7. The method according to claim 6 , whereinthe pressure-contact member is in the form of a sheet.8. The method according to claim 7 , whereinthe pressure-contact member has asperities or a plurality of micropores.9. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin the end face cleaning step, a liquid which has been accelerated is caused to impact the end face.10. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin the end face cleaning step, the end face is treated with a solvent which is aprotic.11. The method according to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002153A1

A solution for a logistical problem within the beverage industry, specifically related to hot beverages such as coffee and tea; namely, storing the means to sell the beverages, which generally includes a cup, a lid for the cup, and an insulation sleeve that allows holding the cup in a comfortable way for the consumer, avoiding burns due to the high temperatures of the liquid. Thus, the container presented here unifies the 3 elements, comprising a body formed by a base and a wall, where the upper edge of said container has a group of flaps that in their closed position enables liquid containment and prevents spillage in case the container is moved, and through a modification in the cross profile of the wall. Additionally, the container has an insulation sleeve that keeps the contact surface at a low temperature. 1. A liquid container , comprising:a base;a wall joined to the base; andseveral flaps joined to the upper edge of the container in such a way that when they close, the mouth of the container formed by the base and the wall is covered;characterized in that the wall joined to the base has a circular profile in its lower edge which modifies its geometry up to a polygonal profile in its upper edge, where the sides of the polygonal profile are the junction point between the wall and the flaps; andthe overlap of the flaps in closed position forms several sealing points, where one of the vertices of the polygonal profiles includes a first cut in one internal flap and a second cut in one external flap, in a manner that when the flaps are closed an opening for pouring is formed enabling the extraction of the liquid from the container.21. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein the wall is joined to the base in a perpendicular manner , where the joint angle is equal or greater than 90°.31. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein the polygonal profile is a rectangular profile.41. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein one of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008920A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method includes flowing an inlet solution having an inlet salinity and an inlet ion concentration from an inlet to a membrane filtration system, dynamically adjusting the salinity or ion concentration of the inlet solution in situ as the inlet solution flows to an inlet of a microfluidic cell, and determining a wettability alteration in situ while dynamically adjusting the salinity or ion concentration of the inlet solution. A system includes a fluid inlet, a microfluidic cell fluidly coupled to the fluid inlet, the microfluidic cell having a surface representative of a reservoir rock, and a membrane filtration system coupled between the microfluidic cell and the fluid inlet. 1. A method comprising:introducing an inlet solution having an inlet salinity and an inlet ion concentration from an inlet to a membrane filtration system;passing the inlet solution through a first membrane of the membrane filtration system to provide a first permeate having a first salinity and a first ion concentration;flowing the first permeate into a microfluidic cell;determining a first wettability of a surface of the microfluidic cell associated with the first salinity and the first ion concentration;adjusting the membrane filtration system to move a second membrane into fluid communication with the inlet and the microfluidic cell;passing the inlet solution through the second membrane of the membrane filtration system to provide a second permeate having a second salinity and a second ion concentration, wherein the second salinity is different from the first salinity or the second ion concentration is different from the first ion concentration;determining a second wettability of a surface of the microfluidic cell associated with the second salinity and the second ion concentration; anddetermining a wettability alteration based on the first wettability and the second wettability.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting the membrane filtration system comprises rotating a filtration ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Device for Processing Water, System, and Methods

Номер: US20210008500A1

Apparatus and methods for use in water processing include housing sections that house in their interiors water treating membranes, the respective interiors being separate from one another. A distributor chamber for containing a flow of water to be treated conveys water to be treated from a feed inlet and distributes the water to be treated into the interiors of the housing sections. A collector chamber for collecting treated water from the interiors of the housing sections is provided to communicate a merged flow of the treated water to an extraction outlet. The device may be employed in subsea systems or in a topside water processing system 1. A device for water processing , the device comprising:a plurality of housing sections for housing filter membranes for treating the water by filtration in the interiors of the housing sections, wherein the interiors of the housing sections are separate from one another;a feed inlet for supplying the device with water to be treated;an extraction outlet for extracting treated water from the device;a distributor chamber for containing a flow of water to be treated from the feed inlet and distributing the water to be treated into the interiors of the housing sections; anda collector chamber for collecting treated water from the interiors of the housing sections and communicating a merged flow of the treated water to the extraction outlet.2. A device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing sections comprise tubular sections claim 1 , wherein ends of the tubular sections comprise openings through which treated water can pass from the interiors of the tubular housing sections into the collector chamber.3. A device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one filter membrane in the interior of each housing section.4. A device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the filter membranes are ultrafiltration membranes or microfiltration membranes.5. A device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising walling or casing configured ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024669A1

A packing material including a plurality of discrete cushioning elements and methods for making the same. The discrete cushioning elements may be cellulosic cushioning elements. A flexible linkage may connect the plurality of discrete cushioning elements in the packing material. The packing material may also include a bottom cellulosic sheet connected to a top cellulosic sheet with the plurality of cellulosic cushioning elements positioned between the top cellulosic sheet and the bottom cellulosic sheet. The packing material may also be a molded packing material that includes bonds comprising adhesive and cellulosic fibers. The adhesive and cellulosic fibers of the bonds may be dispersed between the folds of each of the cellulosic cushioning elements. 1. A packing material comprising:a plurality of discrete cushioning elements, the plurality of discrete cushioning elements being arrayed in a first direction and having an order with each cushioning element of the plurality of discrete cushioning elements being adjacent to at least one other cushioning element of the plurality of discrete cushioning elements, the at least one other cushioning element of the plurality of discrete cushioning elements being a first adjacent cushioning element, and each cushioning element being spaced apart from a respective first adjacent cushioning element with a first gap formed between each cushioning element and the respective first adjacent cushioning element; anda flexible linkage connecting the plurality of discrete cushioning elements, each cushioning element being connected to the respective first adjacent cushioning element by the flexible linkage, the flexible linkage spanning the first gap between each cushioning element and the respective first adjacent cushioning element.2. The packing material according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of discrete cushioning elements are arrayed in a second direction and having an order with each cushioning element of the plurality of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013573A1
Автор: Nevo Shlomo

A pallet for carrying load, comprising: 1. A pallet for carrying load , comprising:an upper surface for carrying load;a bottom surface; andat least one beam extending below the bottom surface, the beam comprising a force carrying element having a first end and a second end and a tension element, the tension element extending from said first end to said second end below said force carrying element to maintain a tension of said force-carrying element.2. A pallet according to claim 1 , wherein said tension element is attached along the length of the force carrying element for maintaining a curvature of the force carrying element.3. A pallet according to claim 2 , wherein the force carrying element is prestressed before attaching the tension element to the force carrying element.4. A pallet according to claim 2 , wherein the beam is prestressed by stressing the tension element.5. A pallet according to claim 4 , wherein the tension element is stressed to between 50-200 kg tensile strength.6. A pallet according to claim 3 , wherein the tension element comprises one member of the group consisting of a cable attached to a hook and wherein the cable is stressed by rotating the hook claim 3 , a cable and turnbuckle and wherein the cable is stressed by rotating the turnbuckle claim 3 , and a cable that is shorter than the force-carrying element claim 3 , and/or where the force-carrying element comprises one member of the group consisting of a flat element claim 3 , an element in the form of a curved arch claim 3 , and an element in the form of a cross-section of a dome.79-. (canceled)10. A pallet according to claim 1 , wherein at least three equally distanced beams are attached to the bottom surface of the pallet.11. A pallet according to claim 1 , wherein the pallet when racked is adapted to carry between 120-200 kg of load for each 1 kg of raw material of the pallet.12. A pallet according to claim 1 , wherein the beam is one member of the group consisting of being integrally ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033129A1

A coated paperboard container includes an inner paperboard substrate, an outer paperboard substrate, a first aqueous barrier coating located on the inner paperboard substrate, and a second aqueous barrier coating located on the outer paperboard substrate. The inner paperboard substrate and the outer paperboard substrate are coupled with an adhesive. The first aqueous barrier coating and the second aqueous barrier coating include a pigment and a binder and the first aqueous barrier coating is heat sealable. 1. A coated paperboard container , comprising:an inner paperboard substrate;an outer paperboard substrate;a first aqueous barrier coating located on the inner paperboard substrate; anda second aqueous barrier coating located on the outer paperboard substrate.2. The coated paperboard container of wherein the inner paperboard substrate and the outer paperboard substrate are coupled with an adhesive.3. The coated paperboard container of comprising a first base coating located between the inner paperboard substrate and the first aqueous barrier coating.4. The coated paperboard container of comprising a second base coating located between the outer paperboard substrate and the second aqueous barrier coating.5. The coated paperboard container of wherein the second aqueous barrier coating is located on an interior surface of the outer paperboard substrate.6. The coated paperboard container of wherein the second aqueous barrier coating is located on an exterior surface of the outer paperboard substrate.7. The coated paperboard container of wherein the first aqueous barrier coating is located on an inside surface of the inner paperboard substrate.8. The coated paperboard container of comprising a top coat layer located on an exterior surface of the outer paperboard substrate.9. The coated paperboard container of comprising a top coat layer located on the second aqueous barrier coating.10. The coated paperboard container of wherein the outer paperboard substrate comprises ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015417A1

A cleaning method for a water treatment membrane () provided with a primary surface () for inflow of untreated water and a secondary' surface () for outflow of treated water, the method including a first cleaning step of bringing a first cleaning fluid containing a metal eluent into contact with at least the primary surface and eliminating metallic scale () attached to the water treatment membrane, and then a second cleaning step for bringing a second cleaning fluid containing an oxidizing agent into contact with at least the primary surface and eliminating organic scale () attached to the water treatment membrane. 110-. (canceled)11. A cleaning method for a water treatment membrane provided with a primary surface for inflow of untreated water and a secondary surface for outflow of treated water , the method comprising:a first cleaning step of bringing a first cleaning fluid containing phosphonic acid as a metal eluent into contact with at least the primary surface and eliminating metallic scale attached to the water treatment membrane; anda second cleaning step of bringing a second cleaning fluid containing an oxidizing agent into contact with at least the primary surface and eliminating organic scale attached to the water treatment membrane,12. The cleaning method for a water treatment membrane according to claim 11 , wherein in the first cleaning step claim 11 , after the first cleaning fluid is passed in the forward direction from the primary surface to the secondary surface claim 11 , at least the primary surface is kept in a state immersed in the first cleaning fluid.13. The cleaning method for a water treatment membrane according to claim 11 , wherein in the second cleaning step claim 11 , after the second cleaning fluid is passed in the reversed direction from the secondary surface to the primary surface claim 11 , at least the primary surface is kept in a state immersed in the second cleaning fluid.14. The cleaning method for a water treatment membrane ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Double container and exterior sleeve used in double container

Номер: US20180016052A1

A double container includes: an inner container having a cylindrical barrel portion the upper circumferential edge of which is formed to have a curled portion, and a bottom portion provided on a lower end of the barrel portion so as to close the lower face thereof; and a exterior sleeve) which covers the barrel portion, and is secured thereto, so as to form a thermal insulating space between itself and the outer side of the barrel portion. The outer surface of the barrel portion of inner container is provided over the entire circumference thereof with a plurality of elongated projections, which consist of thermoplastic resin, arranged in a row and spaced apart in the circumferential direction, the projections extending in elongated fashion circumferentially and each having an amount of projection of 1.0 to 2.0 mm. REPLACEMENT SHEET

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015281A1

A method for forming an overwrap container includes the steps of a) providing a base container having a first side seam on a side wall that extends along a longitudinal axis to define an internal volume, and a bottom secured to the side wall; b) providing the side wall of the base container with connecting elements on an outer periphery of the side wall; c) providing an overwrap having a second side seam over the side wall of the base container such that the overwrap is joined in spaced apart relationship by the connecting elements to the side wall of the base container; d) clamping the overwrap to the base container along the second side seam to form a first compressed area; e) clamping the overwrap to the base container in an area 180° removed from the second side seam to form a second compressed area: and f) reforming the second compressed area to define an overwrap container having a substantially uniform spacing and air gap between the base container and the overwrap except in the first compressed area. 1. An apparatus for producing an overwrap container comprising:a first mechanized arrangement configured to provide a base container having a side wall and a bottom connected thereto, the side wall being formed with a first side seam extending longitudinally thereof; anda second mechanized arrangement connected with the first mechanized arrangement and configured to provide a set of connecting elements on the side wall of the base container, and configured to position an overwrap having a second side seam around the side wall of the base container such that the side wall of the base container is joined in spaced apart relationship to the overwrap,the second mechanized arrangement including a clamping apparatus configured to clamp the overwrap to the base container along the second side seam to form a first compressed area, and to clamp the overwrap to the base container in an area 180° removed from the second side seam to form a second compressed area;the second ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102046A1
Принадлежит: BEUMER GmbH & Co. KG

A process for wrapping a stack of goods in film, wherein a portion of film is drawn from a film supply, cut, opened by a film opening means and pulled over the stack of goods by a travelling pulling means, wherein, after being drawn off and cut, the portion of film is transported lengthwise by a film transport means to the film opening means, characterised in that the portion of film is transported from the cutting unit as far as the film opening means by being gripped by frictional engagement between at least two conveyor members pressed together and circulating endlessly in a transport direction. 1. A process for wrapping a stack of goods in film , wherein a portion of film is drawn from a film supply , cut off , opened by a film opening means and pulled over the stack of goods by a travelling pulling means , wherein , after being drawn off and cut , the portion of film is transported lengthwise by a film transport means to the film opening means , wherein the portion of film is transported from the cutting unit as far as the film opening means by being gripped by frictional engagement between at least two conveyor members pressed together and circulating endlessly in a transport direction.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein by moving the pulling means claim 1 , a lower film edge is pulled from an initial sheathing height up to a final sheathing height claim 1 , wherein the portion of film below the initial sheathing height is drawn from the film supply and cut and is transported by the film transport means at least up to the initial sheathing height (H).3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the portion of film below the initial sheathing height (H) is welded into a film shroud which is closed on one side.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the portion of film within a film preparation region (V) claim 1 , which extends from below the final sheathing height (h) to no more than 75% of the initial sheathing height (H) claim 1 , is ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Container With Score Lines

Номер: US20140103038A1
Автор: Wnek Patrick H.

A container for holding an article. The container comprises a lamination layer at least partially secured to a base layer, a bottom wall, and a side wall. The bottom wall and the side wall cooperate to at least partially define a cavity of the container with the lamination layer at least partially comprising an interior surface of the container adjacent the cavity. A plurality of score lines extend in the container for at least partially reducing buckling of the lamination layer into the cavity of the container. 1. A container for holding an article , the container comprisinga lamination layer at least partially secured to a base layer;a bottom wall and a side wall cooperating to at least partially define a cavity of the container with the lamination layer at least partially comprising an interior surface of the container adjacent the cavity; anda plurality of score lines extending in the container for at least partially reducing buckling of the lamination layer into the cavity of the container.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the score lines of the plurality of score lines at least partially define respective grooves in the interior surface of the container.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the score lines of the plurality of score lines at least partially define respective protrusions in an exterior surface of the container.4. The container of claim 2 , further comprising a bottom corner connecting the bottom wall and the side wall claim 2 , wherein the plurality of score lines extend in at least the bottom corner.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the bottom corner is curved and is convex from an exterior surface of the container so that the lamination layer generally has a smaller radius of curvature than the base layer.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the side wall comprises a side region and an end region claim 4 , and the plurality of score lines comprises a first plurality of score lines extending in the bottom corner adjacent the side ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Insulating container

Номер: US20140103103A1
Автор: Matthew R. Cook, Thomas Fu

A package or container includes a side wall, the side wall having an inner surface and an outer surface. At least one of the inner surface or the outer surface of the side wall may be at least partially coated by a layer of a insulating material. The material may be adapted to be expanded to provide thermal insulation.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021380A1

A wrapper () comprising a film () having a plurality of reinforcing tear strips () extending at least partially across the film Each tear strip includes a tab portion (). The wrapper () is configured such that pulling the tab of a first tear strip causes a tear to propagate through the film () to separate a first portion of the film attached to the first tear strip, from the remainder of the film Pulling the tab of a second tear strip causes a second tear to propagate through the film to define a second portion of the film attached to the second tear strip. The second portion of film attached to the second tear strip comprises the remainder of the film once the first portion is removed with the first tear strip. Also, an apparatus and method for manufacturing such a wrapper. 1. A wrapper comprisinga film having a plurality of reinforcing tear strips extending at least partially across the film,each tear strip including a tab portion,the wrapper configured such that pulling the tab of a first tear strip causes a tear to propagate through the film to separate a first portion of the film attached to the first tear strip, from the remainder of the film, and pulling the tab of a second tear strip causes a second tear to propagate through the film to define a second portion of the film attached to the second tear strip,wherein the second portion of film attached to the second tear strip comprises the remainder of the film once the first portion is removed with the first tear strip.2. A wrapper according to wherein the tabs and the first and second tear strips are configured so that the tear each tear strip causes in the film when the respective tab is pulled claim 1 , extends in a substantially opposite direction to each other.3. A wrapper according to wherein the film comprises a first side and a second claim 1 , opposite side claim 1 , and the reinforcing tear strips extends from one of the first and second sides of the film.4. A wrapper according to wherein the tabs of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Vessel and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20150021382A1
Автор: Herman Peter

A vessel composed of a sheet of flexible material, cut, rolled, and affixed to form a frusto-conically shaped base region. The sheet when rolled including an upper region having two opposing flaps, each flap delineated from a remaining portion of the sheet by a path along which the sheet is scored, so that the flaps, when folded along their respective paths, define a single elevated drinking portion having a spout formed between an extension of the base region and at least one of the two flaps. 1. A spouted cup for holding and dispensing substances , the cup comprising:a base region comprising an inner surface sidewall and having an opening at a lower end thereof;a bottom secured in that opening;a first flap extending from the base region, the first flap having a first curved edge and comprising a first spout-forming region;a second flap extending from the base region, the second flap having a second curved edge and comprising a second spout-forming region,the first flap and the second flap configured such that, when the flaps are folded: 'at least a portion of the first curved edge is in physical contact with an opposing portion of the inner surface sidewall of the base region; and', 'the first flap overlies that base region, such that 'at least a portion of the second flap overlaps at least a portion of the first flap;', 'the second flap overlies the base region, such thatsuch that at least a portion of the second spout-forming region overlies at least a portion of the first spout-forming region, so as to form a spout extending to a first height above a bottom edge of the base region.2. The spouted cup according to claim 1 , wherein:the first flap further comprises a first vent-forming region; and 'at least a portion of the second vent-forming region overlies at least a portion of the first vent-forming region so as to form a vent extending to a second height above the bottom edge of the base region, the first height being greater than the second height.', 'the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Device for making a paper pad product

Номер: US20140106954A1

The present invention relates to a device ( 10 ) for manufacturing a cushioning product made of paper. The device comprises a crumpling machine ( 16 ), which compresses and/or crumples a paper web ( 34 ), a cutting machine ( 18 ) which is arranged thereafter viewed in the conveyance direction ( 38 ), and which detaches a section of the crumpled paper, and a discharge shaft ( 20 ) with a delivery channel ( 124 ), which leads the detached paper section to a delivery opening ( 123 ) of the delivery channel ( 124 ). A cross section height (W) and a curvature (K) of the delivery channel ( 124 ) are adapted to each other in such a manner that a typical user cannot reach the cutting machine ( 18 ) from the opening ( 123 ) through the delivery channel ( 124 ).

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Containers comprising cellulose hydrate and methods of manufacture

Номер: US20220041319A1
Принадлежит: Hope Tree International GmbH

The invention relates to the field of cups, bowls and containers, particularly beverage cups, and to the production of cups, bowls and containers. According to the invention, the cups, bowls and containers comprise, in a first variant, a first layer ( 5 ) made of cellulose hydrate, also known as cellophane, or cellulose hydrate which is coated with a primer material ( 4 ). In addition, the cups, bowls and containers can comprise a second layer ( 3 ), made of paperboard or fibre/cellulose-starch mix, for example. In a second variant, the cups, bowls and containers according to the invention comprise a first layer made of natural rubber or plant-based wax and a second layer made of cellulose hydrate, paperboard or fibre/cellulose-starch mix. By using exclusively biodegradable materials, the present invention can provide completely biodegradable/compostable cups, bowls and containers. The invention also relates to a method for producing such cups, bowls and containers. In addition, the present invention also comprises the production of lids made of the aforementioned materials and the provision of cups, bowls and containers having such lids.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023317A1
Автор: Luo Min, ZHAI Jianwen

This specification describes a method for lowering the content of monovalent ions in a final concentrate of a nanofiltration system relative to a brine and a corresponding nanofiltration system. The nanofiltration system comprises at least three stages of nanofiltration, wherein the concentrate from each segment flows into the next segment. A feed stream is sent into one stage to generate a concentrate stream, and a first portion of the concentrate stream is recirculated to the one stage. The pH of the feed stream is controlled in a range of 2-7. The temperature of the feed stream is in a range of 20-60° C. The feed stream includes the recirculated concentrate stream and at least part of a concentrate generated from an upstream stage. The method and the system described herein can reduce the concentration of monovalent ions in the final concentrate during a nanofiltration separation process. 1. A method for operating a nanofiltration system , the nanofiltration system comprising at least three stages of nanofiltration with concentrate staging between the stages , the method comprising:introducing a feed liquid to one stage and producing a concentrate;recirculating a first portion of the concentrate to the one stage; andcontrolling the feed liquid in a pH range of 2 to 7 and a temperature range of 20° C. to 60° C.,wherein the feed liquid comprises at least part of a previous concentrate produced by a previous stage and the first portion of the concentrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one stage is the last stage claim 1 , and the previous stage is the last but one stage.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream is controlled in a pH range of 3 to 7 and a temperature range of 20° C. to 50° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculating is carried out with a recirculation rate of 2 or more.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculation rate is 5 or more.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed liquid further comprises a deionized ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-use reconfigurable packaging

Номер: US20150028086A1
Автор: Daniel Joel Freschl
Принадлежит: Individual

An article of manufacture is provided. The article of manufacture includes a sheet of foldable material. The sheet of foldable material is configured to be folded a first way to form a package for an object. The sheet of foldable material is configured to be folded a second way to form a supplementary structure for a light source.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031603A1

A container () includes a first container portion () and a second container portion (). One or both can include an end member () and a cylindrical sidewall () extending from the end member. The cylindrical sidewall can include a central layer (), an inner wrap (), and an outer wrap (). The central layer and the outer wrap can define one or more axially aligned apertures (). A hang tab () defining a loop () and one or more socles () can be inserted through the apertures with the loop disposed exterior of the cylindrical sidewall and the one or more socles disposed between the central layer and the inner wrap. 1. A container portion , comprising:an end member;a cylindrical sidewall extending from the end member, the cylindrical sidewall comprising a central layer, an inner wrap, and an outer wrap, the central layer and the outer wrap defining axially aligned apertures; anda hang tab defining a loop and one or more socles, the loop disposed exterior of the cylindrical sidewall and the one or more socles disposed between the central layer and the inner wrap.2. The container portion of claim 1 , the end member substantially planar.3. The container portion of claim 1 , the inner wrap thicker than the outer wrap.4. The container portion of claim 3 , one or more of the inner wrap and the outer wrap comprising a paper-based material.5. The container portion of claim 3 , one or more of the inner wrap or the outer wrap adhesively coupled to the central layer.6. The container portion of claim 3 , the central layer thicker than the inner wrap.7. The container portion of claim 6 , the central layer comprising a cardboard-based material.8. The container portion of claim 1 , the one or more socles adhesively coupled to an interior of the central layer.9. The container portion of claim 1 , the outer wrap comprising visual indicia disposed along an outer surface of the outer wrap claim 1 , the visual indicia disposed 180 degrees about the cylindrical sidewall from the hang tab.10. ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116013A1
Автор: Doke Michael J.
Принадлежит: Cornerstone Automation Systems, LLC

A tote and method for automated packing of items and documents. In one embodiment, the tote includes: (1) a sidewall defining an interior having a tote height, (2) a divider coupled to the sidewall to define an item bin and a document transport slot in the interior, the divider having a divider height less than the tote height further to define and provide support for a document cradle over the item bin and the document transport slot and (3) a door coupled to the sidewall and moveable between a closed position in which the door forms a floor for only the item bin and an open position in which the floor is displaced to open the item bin. 1. A tote , comprising:a sidewall defining an interior having a tote height;a divider coupled to said sidewall to define an item bin and a document transport slot in said interior, said divider having a divider height less than said tote height further to define and provide support for a document cradle over said item bin and said document transport slot; anda door coupled to said sidewall and moveable between a closed position in which said door forms a floor for only said item bin and an open position in which said floor is displaced to open said item bin.2. The tote as recited in wherein said tote is elongated and said document cradle and said document transport slot span a width thereof.3. The tote as recited in wherein said sidewall has a ledge operable to provide further support for said document cradle.4. The tote as recited in wherein said tote is elongated and said sidewall has ledges spanning a width thereof and operable to provide further support for said document cradle.5. The tote as recited in further comprising a hinge coupling said door to said sidewall.6. The tote as recited in wherein said divider is a first divider and said tote further comprises a second divider claim 1 , said document transport slot centrally located in said interior.7. The tote as recited in wherein said item bin is a first item bin claim 1 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033228A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A paper sheet storing mechanism (for example, a banknote storing mechanism ()) includes an image capturing unit () that can capture an image of an inside of a storage bag (for example, a banknote storage bag ()) held by holding unit (for example, holding members ()), and a control unit () that determines a storing state of a paper sheet in the storage bag based on the image of the inside of the storage bag captured by the image capturing unit (). 1. A paper sheet storing mechanism that stores a paper sheet in a storage bag having an opening on one side thereof , comprising:a holding unit for holding a part near the opening of the storage bag;an image capturing unit that captures an image of an inside of the storage bag held by the holding unit; anda control unit that determines a storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag based on the image of the inside of the storage bag captured by the image capturing unit.2. The paper sheet storing mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upon determining that the storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag held by the holding unit is a predetermined storing state claim 1 , the control unit outputs information representing that the storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag is the predetermined storing state.3. The paper sheet storing mechanism as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising an alarm unit that raises an alarm claim 2 , when the control unit determines that the storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag held by the holding unit is the predetermined storing state claim 2 , that the storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag is the predetermined storing state claim 2 , based on the information output from the control unit.4. The paper sheet storing mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a mark for determining the storing state of the paper sheet in the storage bag is arranged on an inner part of the storage bag to be held by the holding unit.5. The paper sheet ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053981A1

A compressed coreless rolled product is described, including an inner surface defining a central cavity having an inner diameter and an outer surface having an outer diameter larger than the inner diameter. The outer diameter is at least five inches and a ratio of the inner diameter to the outer diameter is at least 0.35. Also described is a compressed coreless rolled product with similar inner and outer surfaces, wherein: a difference between the outer diameter and the inner diameter defining a thickness of at least 2.9 inches; and a ratio of the inner diameter to the outer diameter is at least 0.35. An associated method of producing the product is also described, including steps of: winding an absorbent sheet around a forming core member; removing the forming core member to form a coreless rolled product with a diameter ratio of at least 0.35; and compressing the product. 1. A compressed coreless rolled product comprising:an inner surface defining a central cavity having an inner diameter; andan outer surface having an outer diameter larger than the inner diameter, the outer diameter is at least five inches; and', 'a ratio of the inner diameter to the outer diameter is at least 0.35., 'wherein2. The product of claim 1 , wherein the inner diameter is at least 1.75 inches.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein the inner diameter ranges from 1.75 to 4.0 inches.4. The product of claim 1 , wherein the inner diameter is at least 2.0 inches.5. The product of claim 1 , wherein the inner diameter is 2.0 inches and the outer diameter is 5.0 inches.6. The product of claim 1 , wherein the inner diameter is between 2.0 and 3.0 inches.7. The product of claim 6 , wherein the inner diameter is 2.50 inches.8. The product of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter is 5.6 inches and the ratio is 0.36.9. The product of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter is 7.0 inches and the ratio is 0.40.10. The product of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter is between 7.0 and 12.0 inches.11. A ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Load bearing structure

Номер: US20150047537A1
Принадлежит: Unitload Pty Ltd

A pallet including a deck, a frame and one or more elements. The deck is for carrying cargo. The frame is about a perimeter of the pallet and is formed of horizontally extending tubular portions. The elements support the frame above a support surface to overlie one or more openings for receiving the tines of a lifting device. The tubular portions include lengthwise corrugations.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Insulated shipping container and method of making

Номер: US20170043937A1
Автор: Lantz Gary W.

An improved insulated shipping container including an external or outer corrugated cardboard box, receiving an inner product box centrally disposed therein. Between the inner and outer cardboard boxes are plural strata or layers of insulating pellets compressed or compacted to a selected degree. Compression of the insulating pellets both interlocks these insulating pellets so as to prevent their migration during transit of the shipping container, and substantially reduces the interstitial space or volume that would otherwise exist among the pellets. The bulk insulating value of the pellets is significantly improved. The entire container is biodegradable, and may be composted. 1. An improved insulated and cushioning shipping container , said shipping container comprising:an exterior cardboard box defining a cavity;an inner cardboard box within said cavity, said inner cardboard box defining a product cavity;a compressed mass of insulating material of pellet/granular form received in said cavity and around said inner cardboard box; andsaid compressed mass of insulating material having a compression ratio of at least 1.125:1 in comparison to a free-flowing loose-filled condition of the pellet/granular insulating material, wherebypellets/granules of said insulating material mutually engage and interlock with one another, and said compressed insulating material provides a thermal insulating value (R value) substantially equal to EPS.2. The insulated shipping container of wherein said insulating material is made of a vegetable material selected from the group consisting of: corn claim 1 , sorghum claim 1 , corn husks claim 1 , corn stalks claim 1 , coffee husks claim 1 , coconut husks claim 1 , cotton fibers claim 1 , and mushrooms.3. The insulated shipping container of wherein said insulating material is made of corn claim 2 , and said compression ratio is at least 1.125:1 or greater.4. The insulated shipping container of wherein said insulating material is made of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124518A1

An insulating cup including an essentially liquid-tight inner cup and an outer sleeve enveloping the inner cup at least in sections, with the outer sleeve including a blank made of paper material and an insulating layer applied on the paper material. The insulating layer is applied merely on a partial section of the blank, wherein an overlapping region of the blank, in which region the outer sleeve has a material thickness at least twice the thickness of the paper material, is not provided with the insulating layer. 1. An insulating cup comprising an essentially liquid-tight inner cup and an outer sleeve enveloping the inner cup at least in sections , with the outer sleeve including a blank made of paper material and a basically two-dimensional insulating material applied on the paper material ,whereinthe two-dimensional insulating material is applied merely on a partial section of the blank, wherein an overlapping region of the blank, in which region the outer sleeve has a material thickness at least twice the thickness of the paper material, is not provided with the insulating material.2. The insulating cup according to claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional insulating material is made of foam material.3. The insulating cup according to claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional insulating material is made of two-dimensional claim 1 , wood-type material claim 1 , in particular wood veneer.4. The insulating cup according to claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional insulating material is made of material including natural fibers claim 1 , in particular cotton fibers.5. The insulating cup according to claim 1 , wherein the inner cup has a frustoconical shape and the blank has a segment of a circle shape.6. The insulating cup according to claim 5 , wherein the lateral edges of the blank are disposed perpendicular to the curved upper edge and lower edge of the blank claim 5 , wherein the approximately rectangular overlapping region of the blank remains exposed.7. The insulating ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Valent Ion Concentration Using Multi-Stage Nanofiltration

Номер: US20210053848A1

A system and method for producing from saline source water a product containing an increased ratio of multi-valent ions to mono-valent ions, which includes multiple nanofiltration units arranged to selectively remove mono-valent ions from the water fed into each nanofiltration stage in the nanofiltration permeate stream while retaining multi-valent ions in the nanofiltration reject stream. The rate at which the increase in the multi-valent ion- to mono-valent ion ratio is obtained may be enhanced by introduction of lower salinity water into the nanofiltration reject between stages, and by recirculating a portion of downstream nanofiltration reject flow into an upstream nanofiltration unit. The enhanced multi-valent ion product is suitable for multiple uses, including irrigation of plants and remineralization of desalinated water. The relative concentrations of the multi-valent ions in the product may be adjusted, for example by selection of nanofiltration membrane technologies which have higher or lower rejection for specific multi-valent ions. 1. A multi-valent ion concentration system , comprising:a plurality of nanofiltration units, [ reject in a nanofiltration reject stream multivalent ions from a feed water supplied to the at least one of the nanofiltration units, and', 'pass in a nanofiltration permeate stream mono-valent ions from the feed water supplied to the at least one of the nanofiltration units,, 'at least one of the plurality of nanofiltration units is configured to'}, 'a first one of the plurality of nanofiltration units is configured to receive saline source water as the feed water to the first nanofiltration unit,', 'the plurality of nanofiltration units are interconnected such that the nanofiltration reject stream from the first nanofiltration unit is the feed water to a second one of the plurality of nanofiltration units, and', 'the plurality of nanofiltration units are interconnected such that the nanofiltration reject stream from at least one ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050827A1

A bag carrying mechanism for a bag and insert combining apparatus for combining a stream of inserts with a stream of bags is provided. The bag carrying mechanism includes a plurality of bag holding arrangements operably coupled to one another for rotation about a rotational axis. Each bag holding arrangement includes first and second segments movable relative to one another and forming a receiving cavity therebetween. First and second holding features hold opposite sides of the bag within the receiving cavity and selectively hold the bag in an open position for receipt of an insert through an open end of the bag. Methods of using the bag carrying mechanism and systems incorporating the bag carrying mechanism are provided. 1. A bag carrying mechanism for a bag and insert combining apparatus , the bag carrying mechanism comprising:a plurality of angularly spaced apart bag holding arrangements, the bag holding arrangements operably coupled to one another for rotation about a rotational axis;each bag holding arrangement including a first arm segment and a second arm segment positioned adjacent the first arm segment forming a receiving cavity therebetween, the first and second arm segments being movable relative to one another to adjust a spacing between the first and second arm segments;each first arm segment including a first holding feature for holding a first side of a bag received in the receiving cavity;each second arm segment including a second holding feature for holding a second side of the bag received in the receiving cavity; anda control device moving the first and second arm features away from one another while the first holding feature is holding the first side of the bag and the second holding feature is holding the second side of the bag to maintain the bag in an open state.2. The bag carrying mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the control device moves the first and second arm features toward one another after the bag is received in the receiving cavity and ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130451A1

A plastic film wrapping device has a chassis, at least one conveyer device, pair of feeders, and enclosing device. The feeders supply plastic film from the two sides of the chassis. An enclosing device straddles between two sides of the conveyer device and has at least one pair of sealing blades that are reciprocally movable in a horizontal direction which forms a film sealing opening, whereby the inward movement of the two sealing blades into the film sealing opening combine with each other to fuse and on together ends of the plastic films. A leading edge of the article contacts and pulls forward the joined plastic films to have the plastic films wrapped around an outer circumference of the article and then the rear ends of the plastic films are fused to seal the article. 1. A plastic film wrapping device , comprising:a chassis;at least one conveyer device, which is mounted on the chassis and is adapted to convey a plurality of articles-to-be-packaged;at least one pair of feeders, which are respectively coupled to two sides of the chassis, each of the feeders comprising a roll of plastic film wound thereon in order to supply plastic films from the two sides of the chassis; andat least one enclosing device, which straddles between opposite sides of the conveyer device, the enclosing device comprising at least one pair of sealing blades that are reciprocally movable inward and outward in horizontal direction, the sealing blades forming therebetween a film sealing opening, whereby the inward movement of the two sealing blades into the film sealing opening make them combined with each other to fuse and joint together ends of the plastic films supplied from the two sides of the chassis by the two feeders in the film sealing opening and when a leading edge of one of the articles-to-be-packaged on the conveyor device passes through the film sealing opening between the two sealing blade, the leading edge of the article-to-be-packaged contact and pull forward the jointed ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071421A1

The present invention provides a method for the manufacture of disposable straws (preferably having an average length between 10 cm and 30 cm) and cup lids from fibrous materials preferably including paper, cardboard, plant fibers, animal fibers, artificial fibers, fabrics made from one or more thereof; or non-woven materials made from one or more thereof. These manufacturing steps generally and preferably include: (1) feeding a strip of fibrous material into a tank of adhesive or glue for treating fibrous material with a solution of cellulose ester in a solvent; (2) feeding the treated fibrous material into a press or spiral winding unit; (3) drying, cutting, and forming the fibrous material into disposable straws or cup lids; (4) testing the formed disposable straws or cup lids for quality control; and (5) packaging the disposable straws or cup lids. 1. A method for the manufacture of a disposable straw comprising the steps of:a. feeding a strip of fibrous material into a tank of adhesive for treating said fibrous material with a solution of cellulose ester in a solvent having a concentration of 10% to 40% by weight of cellulose ester;b. feeding said treated fibrous material into a spiral winding unit for forming an endless tube;c. feeding said endless tube into a cutting unit for cutting said endless tube into segmented tubes each having a predetermined length; andd. feeding said segmented tubes into a drying chamber for evaporating said solution from said segmented tubes, wherein said dried segmented tubes form disposable straws.2. A method of manufacturing a disposable straw according to claim 1 , wherein said fibrous material is selected from the group consisting of paper claim 1 , cardboard claim 1 , plant fibers claim 1 , animal fibers claim 1 , artificial fibers claim 1 , fabrics made from one or more thereof claim 1 , and non-woven materials made from one or more thereof.3. A method of manufacturing a disposable straw according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059188A1
Автор: LIBERMAN Boris

An osmosis element comprising a central permeate tube and a membrane element, the membrane having a first part and a second part, the first part having a top edge for location adjacent the central tube, the second part being disposed at the opposite edge, the first part comprising a material to allow water to flow therethrough, the second part comprising at least two adjacent permeate spacers extending from the first part to allow water to flow therethrough, the permeate spacers having a semi-permeable membrane attached to opposed faces of the two adjacent permeate spacers, the first part comprising a barrier extending from the vicinity of the top edge, the central tube comprising an external wall and a longitudinally extending internal separator defining a first channel and a second channel each extending longitudinally of the central permeate tube, at least one first aperture extending from the first channel though the external wall and at least one second aperture extending from the second channel through the external wall. 1. An osmosis element comprising a central permeate tube and a membrane element ,the membrane having a first part and a second part, the first part having a top edge for location adjacent the central tube, the second part being disposed at the opposite edge, the first part comprising a material to allow water to flow therethrough, the second part comprising at least two adjacent permeate spacers extending from the first part to allow water to flow therethrough, the permeate spacers having a semi-permeable membrane attached to opposed faces of the two adjacent permeate spacers, the first part comprising a barrier extending from the vicinity of the top edge,the central tube comprising an external wall and a longitudinally extending internal separator defining at least one first channel and at least one second channel each extending longitudinally of the central permeate tube, at least one first aperture extending from the at least one first ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Container Having Sidewall with Ring Shaped Shaping

Номер: US20180057247A1
Автор: Marshall Neil

The present invention relates to a process for the production of a cup having a bottom and a sidewall attached to the bottom, wherein the sidewall preferably comprises a rolled rim at its upper edge opposite to the bottom, wherein the sidewall comprises a single layer or a plurality of layers, wherein at least one of the layers is produced from a paper material, carton, plastic, PLA, a renewable and/or a biodegradable resource and or any other comparable material, where-in at least one shaping is shaped into at least one of the layers of the sidewall, wherein the shaping is at least partially ring-shaped, wherein the shaping extends at least partially over the perimeter of the sidewall, wherein the shaping is inwardly or outwardly directed, wherein the shapings are compressed in height such that an edge of each shaping touches an opposite segment of the shaping and/or that both edges of each shaping touch each other and are joined together, and a cup produced by this process. 1. Process for the production of a container having a bottom and a sidewall attached to the bottom , the process comprising:forming a sidewall from flat paper or carton material, said sidewall having a first end and a second end wherein the first end is attached to the bottom and the sidewall has a rolled rim at the second end;forming at least one shaping into the sidewall, the at least one shaping extending at least partially over the perimeter of the sidewall and wherein the at least one shaping is inwardly or outwardly directed; andcompressing the shaping in its height.2. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the compressing step generates a void volume defined by the shaping.3. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the compressing step generates a flat profile of the shaping.4. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the shaping is shaped such that a rib is formed during the compressing step.5. Process for the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060412A1

A biodegradable foamed material is formed from corn meal, corn flour and distillers grains, especially dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS). The foamed material has a low density and is cheaper to produce, has a more pleasing color and may be formed faster and into larger pellets than packaging material formed from corn meal without corn flour and distillers grains. The foamed material is useful in packaging, as insulation and the like. 1. A biodegradable foamed material formed from corn meal , corn flour and distillers grains.2. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the distillers grains comprises dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS).3. The material according to claim 2 , formed with 25-75 wt % corn meal claim 2 , 0.5-15 wt % corn flour and 10-45 wt % DDGS claim 2 , all weights based on total weight of corn meal claim 2 , corn flour and DDGS.4. The material according to claim 2 , formed with 40-60 wt % corn meal claim 2 , 7-15 wt % corn flour and 30-45 wt % DDGS claim 2 , all weights based on total weight of corn meal claim 2 , corn flour and DDGS.5. The material according to claim 2 , formed with 50 wt % corn meal claim 2 , 10 wt % corn flour and 40 wt % DDGS claim 2 , all weights based on total weight of corn meal claim 2 , corn flour and DDGS.6. The material according to having a density 1.05 times or more less than density of a material formed from corn meal without corn flour and distillers grains.7. The material according to which is a biodegradable foamed pellet.8. The material according to having a moisture content in a range of 1-5 wt % based on weight of the material.9. A process for producing biodegradable foamed material claim 2 , comprising extruding a mixture of corn meal claim 2 , corn flour and distillers grains in an extruder at a temperature in a range of 125° C. to 165° C. to produce an extruded foamed material.10. The material according to claim 9 , wherein the distillers grains comprises dried distillers grains with ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061300A1

A dunnage crumpling apparatus is provided having first and second entry-side crumpling members and first and second exit-side crumpling members. The first and second entry-side crumpling members define an entry therebetween. The first and second exit-side crumpling members define an exit therebetween that is disposed along the longitudinal path downstream of the entry. A crumpling zone being defined between the entry and exit. The first entry-side crumpling member is configured for moving at an first rate and is associated with the second entry-side crumpling member for moving sheet material through the entry in a first direction along a longitudinal path at an entry rate. The first exit-side crumpling member is configured for moving at an second rate and is associated with the second exit-side crumpling member for moving the sheet material through the exit in the first direction along the path at a exit rate that is slower than the entry rate to crumple the sheet material for producing dunnage. The entry and exit-side crumpling members are displaced laterally along the path with respect to each other to cause shearing of the sheet within the crumpling zone. 1first and second entry-side crumpling members defining an entry therebetween, the first entry-side crumpling member being configured for moving at an first rate and being associated with the second entry-side crumpling member for moving sheet material through the entry in a first direction along a longitudinal path at an entry rate; andfirst and second exit-side crumpling members defining an exit therebetween that is disposed along the longitudinal path downstream of the entry in the first direction, a crumpling zone being defined between the entry and exit, the first exit-side crumpling member being configured for moving at an second rate and being associated with the second exit-side crumpling member for moving the sheet material through the exit in the first direction along the path at a exit rate that is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061989A1
Автор: Sager Yildiray

A box suitable for the packaging of a consumer product is formed by helically wrapping an elongated continuous strip of material around a mandrel to form a main body with a plurality of bands. In one embodiment, adjacent bands partially overlie one another to form a multi-paneled main body with an open top end and an open bottom end. An adhesive is disposed within the region of contact between adjacent bands to retain the shape of the main body. First and second sets of slots are formed in the main body to create flaps dimensioned to selectively enclose the open top and bottom ends, respectively. To define the flaps and promote pivotal articulation, the main body is also preferably provided with score lines. By adjusting the configuration of the mandrel, a customized box can be constructed that is sized to receive a consumer product with limited wasted space. 1. A box , comprising:(a) a continuous strip wound in a helical configuration so as to define a main body with a plurality of bands;(b) wherein adjacent bands are coupled together to render the main body unitary in construction.2. The box as claimed in wherein the continuous strip comprises a front surface claim 1 , a rear surface claim 1 , a top edge and a bottom edge.3. The box as claimed in wherein the continuous strip is constructed of a material from the group consisting of cardboard and plastic.4. The box as claimed in wherein adjacent bands of the main body are in contact with one another.5. The box as claimed in wherein adjacent bands of the main body are partially overlapping.6. The box as claimed in wherein adjacent bands of the main body are in direct vertical alignment.7. The box as claimed in wherein adjacent bands of the main body engage one another through a mating interface.8. The box as claimed in wherein adjacent bands of the main body engage one another through a stepped mating interface.9. The box as claimed in further comprising an adhesive for fixedly securing together adjacent bands of ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081157A1
Автор: LI Haiwei, ZHANG Yipeng

Disclosed is a floor decker, which includes: a first metal plate, a plurality of first protrusions are formed on the first metal plate by stamping; and a second metal plate disposed below the first metal plate, a lower end surface of each of the plurality of first protrusions is attached to an upper end surface of the second metal plate, and the first metal plate is fixedly connected to an edge of the second metal plate, and a plurality of supporting legs are provided at a lower end of the second metal plate. 1. A floor decker , comprising:a first metal plate, wherein a plurality of first protrusions are formed on the first metal plate by stamping; anda second metal plate disposed below the first metal plate, wherein a lower end surface of each of the plurality of first protrusions is attached to an upper end surface of the second metal plate, and the first metal plate is fixedly connected to an edge of the second metal plate, and a plurality of supporting legs are provided at a lower end of the second metal plate.2. The floor decker of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of second protrusions are formed on the second metal plate by stamping claim 1 , and the lower end surface of each of the plurality of first protrusions is attached to a upper end surface of each of the plurality of second protrusions.3. The floor decker of claim 2 , wherein a first through-hole for draining water is configured to penetrate between the first protrusions and the second protrusions in a vertical direction.4. The floor decker of claim 2 , wherein a circular groove is formed in the first metal plate at a position corresponding to each of the plurality of first protrusions and in the second metal plate at a position corresponding to each of the plurality of second protrusions.5. The floor decker of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of supporting legs is a hollow conical supporting leg claim 1 , one end of the conical supporting leg connected to the second metal plate is a large-diameter ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069056A1

A bottle made of polyethylene terephthalate does likely undergo that a gas having a small molecular weight or volatile component escapes from the bottle in a short time in comparison with a glass bottle, steel can, and aluminum can. For a countermeasure, a simple operation prevents hydrogen molecules, helium gas, and volatile component from scattering and being lost. A container filled with gas, or liquid or viscous fluid in which gas is dissolved, or metal granules adsorbing gas is given a cap, and then, the whole of the container including the cap is packed with a metal foil laminated film superior in gas-barrier properties to be vacuum packaged. 1. A container superior in air-tightness characterized in that the container is filled with hydrogen molecules , helium gas , smell component , or liquid , viscous fluid , or solid body each containing any of these gases and is given a cap or sealed , and the whole of the container including the cap or seal is then packed with a metal foil laminated film superior in resistance against gas permeability (gas-barrier properties) to be vacuum packaged.2. A container superior in air-tightness as set forth in wherein the container is vacuum packaged with a film superior in gas-barrier properties claim 1 , so that the surface of the container and the inner surface of the film high adhere to each other to unite the container and the film claim 1 , thereby preventing the gas components from scattering and being lost from the inside of the container and improving the gas-barrier properties.3. A container superior in air-tightness as set forth in wherein when the container filled with hydrogen molecules claim 1 , helium gas claim 1 , smell component claim 1 , or liquid claim 1 , viscous fluid claim 1 , or solid body each containing any of these gases is given a top or cap claim 1 , and the whole of the container including the top or cap is then covered with a metal foil laminated film to be vacuum packaged claim 1 , a pressure gauge ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069169A1
Автор: Hashiuchi Koji
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A detacher for detaching from a roll a spool supporting the roll, and the detacher includes a detacher body; and a plurality of hooking parts disposed on a circumference of the detacher body to engage a plurality of projections of a flange disposed at an end of the spool. With the hooking parts engaging the projections of the flange, the roll and the detacher are relatively displaced so that the spool is detached from the roll. 1. A detacher for detaching from a roll a spool supporting the roll , the detacher comprising:a detacher body; anda plurality of hooking parts disposed on a circumference of the detacher body to engage a plurality of projections of a flange disposed at an end of the spool,wherein, with the hooking parts engaging the projections of the flange, the roll and the detacher are relatively displaced so that the spool is detached from the roll.2. The detacher as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hooking parts and the detacher body define a gap dimensioned to accommodate the projections of the flange.3. The detacher as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a gear disposed at the end of the spool claim 1 ,wherein the detacher body comprises a hollow portion dimensioned to accommodate the gear.4. The detacher as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a flange having a diameter larger than a diameter of an outer circumference of the plurality of hooking parts of the detacher body.5. An image forming apparatus comprising:the spool to support the roller; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the detacher as claimed in to detach the spool form the roll.'}6. The image forming apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the detacher is disposed at a bottom portion of an apparatus body of the image forming apparatus.7. The image forming apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the detacher is disposed with the hooking parts facing upward.8. The image forming apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the detacher is movable. The present ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070485A1
Автор: Mitchell Michael P.

A method, apparatus and program product control a dispense rate of a packaging material dispenser of a stretch wrapping apparatus by utilizing a combination of a sensed rate of packaging material exiting the dispenser and a predicted geometric relationship between the packaging material dispenser and the load. 1. A method of wrapping a load with packaging material using a wrapping apparatus of a type including a packaging material dispenser for dispensing packaging material to the load , the method comprising:generating relative rotation between the packaging material dispenser and the load about a center of rotation;sensing a rate of the packaging material exiting the packaging material dispenser; andcontrolling a dispense rate of the packaging material dispenser during the relative rotation based at least in part on a geometric relationship between the packaging material dispenser and a calculated location of at least one corner of the load within a plane perpendicular to the center of rotation, and further based at least in part on the sensed rate of the packaging material exiting the packaging material dispenser.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one corner includes a first corner claim 1 , the method further comprising calculating the position of the first corner based at least in part upon one or more dimensions of the load.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more dimensions includes a length and a width.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more dimensions are input by an operator.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more dimensions are sensed by one or more sensors directed at the load.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more dimensions are retrieved from a wrap profile stored in the wrapping apparatus.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more dimensions are based at least in part upon a standard load type representative of the load claim 2 , and wherein the one or more dimensions are determined ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076027A1
Автор: Weder Donald E.

Devices and apparatuses for packing, shipping, and/or storing containers, as well as methods of producing and using same, are disclosed. 1. A method of packing , shipping , and/or storing a stack of floral containers , the method comprising the steps of:moving at least one structural support member from a collapsed condition to an erect condition, the structural support member having a flattened condition and an erect condition and a top, a bottom, a sidewall, an outer peripheral surface, and an inner peripheral surface that defines a receiving space when the structural support member is in the erect condition, the structural support member being shaped to support at least a portion of a floral container;disposing the at least one structural support member on a surface of a platform to form an apparatus; and (a) the outer peripheral surface of the structural support member contacts at least a portion of a peripheral surface of a terminal floral container in the stack of floral containers; and', '(b) the receiving space of the structural support member receives at least a portion of a terminal floral container in the stack of floral containers., 'disposing at least one stack of floral containers on the apparatus so that the at least one structural support member stabilizes the at least one stack of floral containers and reduces shifting, leaning, and/or instability of the at least one stack of floral containers, and wherein at least one of2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the floral containers is selected from the group consisting of a preformed flower pot cover claim 1 , a container for a floral grouping claim 1 , and a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of structural support members are moved to an erect condition and disposed on the surface of the platform claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of structural support members comprises at least two different sizes and/or shapes of structural support members.4. The method of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Container with product visualization aperture

Номер: US20190070790A1
Принадлежит: Sonoco Development Inc

The present invention relates to a method for providing a product viewing window in a container. The container has at least a body ply and a liner ply, wherein the body ply has at least one aperture therethrough. The liner ply is adhered to the inner surface of the body ply and has a portion extending across the aperture, forming a window into the container. The method involves providing a window-finishing machine that comprises at least two platens and, optionally, a machine pocket positioned between them, a heating element extending through at least one of the platens, and a pressurized air device that is adapted to release pressurized air into the container through at least one of the platens. The container is engaged between the platens in an airtight manner and, optionally, the container window is positioned adjacent the inside wall of the machine pocket. The heating element heats the window of the container to the desired temperature, pressurized air is injected into the container such that the window is forced at least partially through the aperture of the container (and optionally into contact with the machine pocket wall), and the container window is then cooled to the desired temperature.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Paper Profile and Use of a Paper Profile

Номер: US20190070823A1

The invention relates to a paper profile (), in particular for a packaging element or packaging equipment of food packaging. The paper profile () has an elongated shape. The paper profile () is formed by at least one round or almost round, flexurally rigid paper rod () or a plurality of round or almost round, flexurally rigid solid paper rods (). The flexural rigidity of the paper profile () corresponds in at least one bending direction to the flexural rigidity of one of the rigid paper rods (). 1. A paper profile , in particular for a packaging element or packaging equipment of food packaging , wherein the paper profile has an elongated shape , characterised in that the paper profile is formed from at least one round or almost round flexurally rigid , in particular solid , paper rod or from a plurality of round or almost round flexurally rigid paper rods , in particular solid paper rods , wherein the flexural rigidity of the paper profile in at least one bending direction corresponds at least to the flexural rigidity of one of the flexurally rigid paper rods , and wherein , preferably , a restoring force counteracting the bending direction can be generated at least in sections by bending the paper profile.2. The paper profile according to claim 1 , characterised in that the flexural rigidity of the paper profile exceeds the flexural rigidity of one of the paper rods in at least one bending direction.3. The paper profile according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one of the paper rods is machined through flattening claim 1 , so that the paper profile is flat.4. The paper profile according to one of the claims 1 , characterised in that the profile is formed from at least one layer of paper rods in which at least two paper rods are arranged next to and parallel to one another claims 1 , preferably at least one paper rod comprising claims 1 , at least in sections claims 1 , a curvature and/or slope arranged on at least one long side or on at least one narrow ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070458A1
Автор: Schalk Bastian

An apparatus for the production of a three-dimensional packaging product, such as a cushion product, from a single- or multi-layer paper strip may include a preforming station deforming the paper strip to a three-dimensional packaging product with at least one crumple hollow space extending in the strip direction, and a rotation cutter following the preforming station in the feed direction of the paper strip, which is cutting a preformed paper strip to the desired length of the packaging product from a preformed paper strip. A cutting shaft on which a blade of the rotation cutter is mounted and a counter shaft on which the cutting pad is mounted may be included. A set-on element is mounted to the cutting shaft and/or the counter shaft for enlarging the flushing radial extension of the shaft and forming a flush profile channel wall section, the flushing profile course of the set-on element extending in the axial direction of the shaft to at least half of the width of the preformed paper strip section. 1. An apparatus for the production of a three-dimensional packaging product including a cushion product from a single- or multi-layer paper strip , the apparatus comprising:a preforming station that is deforming the paper strip to the three-dimensional packaging product with at least one crumple hollow space extending in strip direction;a rotation cutter following the preforming station in the feed direction of the paper strip, that is cutting off a preformed paper strip to a desired length of the packaging product from a preformed paper strip;a cutting shaft, on which a blade of the rotation cutter is mounted;a counter shaft, on which a cutting pad is mounted, in which the blade is engaging during the cutting process; anda set-on element mounted to the cutting shaft or the counter shaft for enlarging the flushing radial extension of the shaft and forming a flush profile channel wall section, whose flush profile course is extending in the axial direction of the shaft at ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Tubular Core for Tissue Paper Rolls and Method for the Production of Such a Tubular Core

Номер: US20200071121A1
Автор: BIAGIOTTI Guglielmo

The tubular core () for tissue paper rolls consists of at least one tape () of tissue paper with one or more spirally wound tapes, such that the pitch of the winding helix is much smaller than the width of the tape () itself, so that two consecutive coils (S) are partially overlapped. In the tubular core () there may be several tissue paper tapes () wound simultaneously in relative helical coils preferably offset along the longitudinal axis of the same tubular core (). The coils (S) of each tape (), in the areas in which they are partially overlapped, are mutually fixed by means of an adhesive film () interposed between them. The adhesive film () is preferably continuous according to the winding direction of the coils (S) themselves. The presence of said adhesive films () produces a solid connection between the helical coils (S) and confers the necessary structural resistance to the tubular core () to receive, for wrapping on it, a tissue paper roll for hygienic use or domestic or other tape material. 110.-. (canceled)11. A tubular core designed for wrapping tissue paper rolls or other tape paper material , comprising:at least one tape of spiral wound tissue paper of one or more plies, so that a pitch of a winding helix is smaller than a width of the tape itself, so that in a generic section perpendicular to an axis of the tubular core is superposed a predetermined number greater than or equal to three coils of the tape are overlapped; andan adhesive film wound in a spiral with the tape, so as to be interposed between each pair of subsequent partially overlapping coils of the tape, the adhesive film connecting the coils and providing structural strength of the tubular core.12. The tubular core according to claim 11 , further comprising a plurality of tissue paper tapes claim 11 , each spirally wound according to a helix pitch smaller than its width claim 11 , and in that each tape is wound on a preceding one so that its coils are offset along a longitudinal axis of ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Insulated Cup

Номер: US20150083791A1

The use of embossed paper material allows for inexpensive production of a re-useable, recyclable, and consumer safe hot beverage container. The beverage container may consist of a bio-degradable polymer coating on the inside lining of the cup, and a petrol based chemical coating on the outside of the cup. In a preferred embodiment, the use of embossed paper material allows for inexpensive production of a re-useable, recyclable, and consumer safe hot beverage container. 1. A cup comprising:a shell featuring a pattern of protruding fins;a base; and,secured attachment of the base to the shell.2. The cup of claim 1 , wherein the pattern of protruding fins are from any of the group of fins consisting essentially of either: vertical bars claim 1 , curved bars claim 1 , horizontal bars claim 1 , diagonal bars claim 1 , helical bars claim 1 , or a pictorial or alphanumeric design.3. The cup of claim 1 , wherein the shell further comprises a petrochemical based coating on the outer surface.4. The cup of claim 1 , wherein the protruding fins are formed from an embossing of the shell.5. The cup of claim 4 , wherein the protruding fins feature at least one taper in one direction along the cup.6. The cup of claim 5 , wherein the protruding fins feature a bi-directional taper claim 5 , wherein the top of the fins taper in one direction down a predetermined length of the cup claim 5 , and then taper in another direction down a predetermined length of the cup.7. The cup of claim 5 , wherein the protruding fins form an obtuse triangle.8. The cup of claim 4 , wherein the depth of the embossing ranges from ¼ inch to ½ inch.9. The cup of claim 1 , wherein both the shell and base are composed of paper.10. The cup of claim 9 , wherein the thickness of the paper ranges from 1/32 inch to ⅛ inch.11. The cup of claim 1 , wherein both the shell and the base are composed of corrugated paperboard claim 1 , in which the type of corrugated paperboard is selected from any one of the following: ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Off-set gears and methods of using off-set gears for producing cushioning material

Номер: US20140162012A1
Принадлежит: Nuevopak International Ltd

Some embodiments of the present invention comprise an off-set gear assembly for use in producing cushioning material and methods for using the same. Each gear of the off-set gear assembly has at least two sections. Each section includes a set of gear teeth. The gear teeth of the two sections can be rotationally off-set and this can result in the production of cushioning material with staggered ridges. Some embodiments of the present invention also comprising cushioning material with staggered ridges.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Coiler for a dunnage conversion machine and method for coiling a strip of dunnage

Номер: US20220097338A1
Принадлежит: Ranpak Corp

A coiler for producing tighter or smaller coils of dunnage uses a cam to move fork pins from a dunnage-receiving position inwardly to a more closely-spaced coiling position. The fork pins are coupled to pin mounts that cooperate with the cam and slots in a guide plate to move the parallel fork pins between the dunnage-receiving and coiling positions. The fork pins are mounted to extend perpendicular to and through the guide plate on opposing sides of a path of the dunnage to capture and wind a dunnage strip into a coil.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084264A1

A method is proposed for manufacturing a cup intended for containing a food beverage. The method includes cutting out at least one sheet of coated paperboard to form a side wall and a bottom and joining the sheets thus cut out by heat-sealing to form the cup. The at least one paperboard sheet is coated on at least the interior side of the cup with a biodegradable varnish according to a coating/spreading technique. In this way, the cup is easy to manufacture, and complies with environmental standards in being easy to recycle and compost, even at home. Thus, the biodegradable varnish does not disturb or pollute the operation of the pulper used in the paper industry. 1. A method for manufacturing a cup intended for containing a food beverage , comprising:cutting out at least one sheet of coated paperboard to form a side wall and a bottom; and applying the sheet against at least one bubbling cylinder each plunging into a tub containing said varnish,', 'passing the thus coated sheet before an air knife generator to ensure a uniform thickness of the varnish throughout a surface of the paperboard, and', 'a subsequent act of drying the thus coated sheet before a drying station., 'joining the at least one sheet thus cut out by heat-sealing to form the cup, wherein said at least one sheet is coated on at least the interior side of the cup with a biodegradable varnish according to a coating/spreading technique, comprising the following acts2. The method for manufacturing according to claim 1 , wherein the coating/spreading technique also comprises the following act:passing the coated sheet to a cooling calendar.3. The method for manufacturing according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one sheet is applied against a succession of several cylinders plunging into tubs containing different densities of varnish depending on a deposit to be made claim 2 , wherein first of the tubs placed in contact with the sheet have greater dilution than following tubs for an application in ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090226A1
Автор: RUGE Martin

The invention relates to a transportable packaging unit (), having a packaging content (), a covering () surrounding the packaging content () and connecting means (-) connecting the packaging content () and the covering (). The covering () has an outer shape which can roll. A packaging unit which is particularly simple and flexible to use is achieved such that the connecting means (-) fix the content of the packaging () in the covering (). 1101020202125303340445256606162. A transportable packaging unit ( , ′ , , ′ , , , , , , , , , , , ) comprising:{'b': 11', '12', '22', '29', '31', '34', '39', '45', '11', '15', '16', '18', '22', '26', '28', '32', '36', '42', '49', '58', '11', '12', '22', '29', '31', '34', '39', '45', '12', '12', '22', '26', '29', '34', '45', '51', '57', '15', '16', '18', '22', '26', '28', '32', '36', '42', '49', '58', '11', '12', '22', '29', '31', '34', '39', '45, 'i': a', 'd', 'a, b', 'a', 'd', 'a, b', 'a, b', 'a, b', 'a', 'd', 'a, b', 'a, b', 'a', 'd', 'a, b', 'a', 'd', 'a, b', 'a, b, 'packaging contents (), a casing (, , , , , , ) surrounding the packaging contents (), and a connecting means (-, , , , -, , , , , , ) connecting the packaging contents () to the casing (, , , , , , ), wherein the surrounding casing (, , , -, , , , , ) includes an external shape of a rollable body, wherein the connecting means (-, , , , -, , , , , , ) fixes the packaging contents () in the casing (, , , , , , ).'}212222931343945. The packaging unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the casing ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) comprises a round three-dimensional shape.3606162. The packaging unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the casing comprises a cylindrical or barrel shape ( claim 2 , claim 2 , ).412222931343945. The packaging unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the casing ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) comprises a spherical shape.5. The packaging unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the casing ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135270A1
Автор: Grubbs Ronald
Принадлежит: Alliance Plastics, LLC

A manually operated stretch wrap device comprising: a rigid, cylindrical support member comprising: a proximal section adapted to support a stretch wrap roll, and to facilitate rotational dispensing of the stretch wrap from said roll, a distal section adapted to support a stretch wrap roll, and to facilitate rotational dispensing of the stretch wrap from said roll, and a center section adapted to be held by a person using one hand and adapted to facilitate rotational dispensing of the stretch wrap from the proximal and distal sections of the device.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Paper cup

Номер: US20200087017A1
Автор: Shlomo Harush
Принадлежит: Individual

The disposable paper cup has a body formed of a cylindrical wall with a recess at the top. The portions of the body wall adjacent either side of the recess are aligned into a flap. The flap is folded over and secured to the exterior surface of the body wall to entirely enclose the cup body, except for an integral spout formed by the recess.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097026A1
Автор: Duggan Kenneth, Lu Wei

The present invention relates to a container () comprising a wall () having a closed base () at one end and a generally circular or oval rim () of at an opposite end, the rim defining a top opening () of the container. The container () further comprises an arrangement of flaps () whereby the counteracting forces between a rim of a first flap () and the inner face of a second flap () are sufficient to push the respective rim and the inner face together into a tight contact. A closure arrangement () is provided to restrict flap openings () formed at or below the rim () of the container between the flaps () to prevent splashing and reduce the rate of spillage if the container is knocked over. The present invention thus improves the spill-resistant properties for the container (), whilst, if required for drinking or pouring, permitting the container to allow the passage of a liquid when tilted for drinking and pouring. 1. A container comprising a wall having a closed base at one end and a generally circular or oval rim of at an opposite end , the rim defining a top opening of the container , the container further comprising:a pair of substantially arcuate crease lines formed in the wall of the container at opposite sides of the wall below the rim; wherein each crease line has first and second ends coinciding with the rim; wherein each crease line and the portion of the rim between the first and second ends of the crease line define a flap having an outer face and an inner face; wherein each crease line is configured to act as a hinge allowing each flap to toggle between two stable positions upon application of an initial external force on the flap, the two stable positions being an open upright position in which the flap is convex and forms part of the wall of the container, and a closed slanted position in which the flap changes its shape to concave; wherein the resilience of the flap material causes the flap to complete the toggle and prevents the flap from stopping ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174328A1

The present invention provides a pallet, which includes a pallet body, a plurality of recesses formed in a bottom of the pallet body, two retention tabs mounted to the bottom of the pallet body and respectively extending downward from two opposite sides of each of the recesses, and a plurality of legs mounted to the retention tabs and respectively receivable in the recesses. The pallet includes the rotatable legs, so that in using the pallet, the legs are rotated out and the coupling pins are applied to fix the legs for supporting and when the pallet is not in use, the coupling pins are removed to allow the legs to rotate in order to set the legs in recesses, whereby the pallet occupies a reduced amount of space for storage and transportation and thus the capacity of storage and transportation can be improved to thus lower down transportation cost. 1. A pallet , comprising a pallet body , a plurality of recesses formed in a bottom of the pallet body , two retention tabs mounted to the bottom of the pallet body and respectively extending downward from two opposite sides of each of the recesses , and a plurality of legs mounted to the retention tabs and respectively receivable in the recesses.2. The pallet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pallet body is in the form of a flat board.3. The pallet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the legs each have two opposite side faces each of which forms a projection claim 1 , the retention tabs forming first through holes corresponding to the projections claim 1 , the projections being received and retained in the first through holes in such a way that the legs are rotatably coupled to the retention tabs.4. The pallet as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the legs each form a second through hole extending through the two opposite side faces claim 3 , the retention tabs each forming a third through hole corresponding to the second through hole claim 3 , a coupling pin being receivable through the third through holes and the second ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Composite Pallet Structure

Номер: US20180093795A1

A composite pallet structure includes a unit pallet including: upper and lower basic supporting boards, at least two spaced-apart auxiliary rods attached to each of the corresponding sides of the upper and lower basic supporting boards, a plurality of spacers distributed between the auxiliary rods on the upper basic supporting board and the auxiliary rods on the lower basic supporting board, and a plurality of fixing elements for restricting the spacers within the space between the upper and lower basic supporting boards in order for the unit pallet to have high supporting strength. The composite pallet structure needs no soldering and, therefore, can be easily repaired and recycled. 1. A unit pallet comprising: an upper basic supporting board; a lower basic supporting board; a plurality of spacers distributed at equal or unequal spacings between corresponding sides of the upper basic supporting board and the lower basic supporting board; a plurality of fixing elements each having a fastening member and a press-fit member , with each said fastening member having spaced-apart elastic stopper portions , with each said press-fit member being received in a space at an end of a corresponding fastening member , with the plurality of fixing elements securing the upper basic supporting board , the lower basic supporting board , and the plurality of spacers in a predetermined configuration; and at least two spaced-apart auxiliary rods attached to each of the corresponding sides of the upper basic supporting board and the lower basic supporting board , wherein the plurality of spacers is distributed between the at least two spaced-apart auxiliary rods on the upper basic supporting board and the at least two spaced-apart auxiliary rods on the lower basic supporting board , wherein the plurality of spacers and the at least two spaced-apart auxiliary rods being restricted between the upper basic supporting board and the lower basic supporting board in position by the plurality ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140175701A1
Принадлежит: HENNECKE GMBH

The invention relates to a method for the production of form parts from multi-component reactive plastic material, especially from polyurethane, wherein a plurality of moulds are moved by means of mould carriages () at least temporarily along a closed, preferably oval, production line (). To allow a simple and quick import and export of mould carriages in the respectively out of the production line the invention proposes that the mould carriages () are provided with rolls () and are moved on a stationary ground () by the same and that a plurality of supply carriages () are arranged along the closed production line () at a conveying element (), which supply carriages () are moved by means of the conveying elements (), wherein a mould carriage () is approached to a not occupied supply carriage () and is coupled with the same to introduce the mould carriage () into the production line (), wherein for the movement along the production line () the mould carriage () is guided and moved by the supply carriage () in a coupled state between the mould carriage () and the supply carriage () and wherein the mould carriage () is decoupled from the supply carriage () and is moved away from the production line () for taking the mould carriage () out of the production line (), wherein here the mould carriage () is moved with its roils () on the stationary ground (). Furthermore, the invention relates to a respective device. 1. Method for the production of form parts from multi-component reactive plastic material , comprising:moving a plurality of moulds by means of mould carriages at least temporarily along a closed production line,whereinthe mould carriages are provided with rolls and are moved on a stationary ground by the same andthat a plurality of supply carriages are arranged along the closed production line at a conveying element, which supply carriages are moved by means of the conveying elements,wherein a mould carriage is approached to a not occupied supply carriage and ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Paper Dunnage Apparatus

Номер: US20170100906A1
Принадлежит: Lincoln Coders Corp

An apparatus for forming paper dunnage from rolled paper web includes a frame, a paper trough connected to the frame for supporting and retaining a paper roll, and a crumpling mechanism connected to the frame for drawing and receiving the paper web from the paper roll and crumpling the paper web to form paper dunnage. A paper guide is connected to the frame for receiving and guiding the paper web intermediate the paper trough and the crumpling mechanism. The paper guide is spring biased to maintain the paper web in tension between the paper roll and the crumpling mechanism. The paper guide can be a spring biased, pivotally mounted guide bar. Alternatively, the paper guide can be a cantilevered sheet of springy material having a free end that engages the paper web.
