1,022,715. Strip fastenings. R. V. MATHISON. Feb. 7, 1964 [Feb. 11, 1963], No. 5325/64. Heading E2S. A fastener comprises a supporting structure 1 of a synthetic polymer with smooth sided, substantially rigid, sloping, closely spaced projections 2 integrally formed of the polymer on at least one side of the supporting structure and tapering from their bases to relatively pointed tips for fastening engagement in surface openings 7 of a material, the projections having sides 4 (Fig. 2, not shown) defining a straight line from the respective base to the respective tip thereof. The projections are preferably conical or pyramidal, make an angle of 30 to 80 degrees with the supporting structure, and are arranged close together in parallel rows with the tips of one overlapping the base of the next (Fig. 2, not shown). The surface openings 7 may be loops on the surface of a textile fabric 8 formed of synthetic filaments or openings in an open-weave fabric. The looped fabric is assembled with the fastener as shown in Fig. 5 with the projections passing through the loops and the tension applied to the looped fabric in a direction opposite to the slope of the projections. The fastener can be secured to a further layer of material 14 by sewing a stapling through hole 13. If the supporting structure is sloping with respect to the vertical with the projections vertical, a looped fabric may be supported vertically (Fig. 6, not shown). The angle of slope and length of the projection may vary from one end of the fastener to the other.