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27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121924A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2005 121 924 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ A44B 18/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005121924/12, 11.12.2003 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÇÌ Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 27.01.2003 US 10/351,907 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÑÅÒ Äæåéøðè (US) (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 29.08.2005 (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Áåçðóêîâà Îëüãà Ìèõàéëîâíà (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 03/39357 (11.12.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 115054, Ìîñêâà, Ïàâåëåöêà ïë., 2, ñòð.2, Ñêâàéð, Ñàíäåðñ àíä Äåìïñè (Ìîñêâà) ËËÑ, ïàò.ïîâ. Î.Ì.Áåçðóêîâîé R U Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ñïîñîá èçãîòîâëåíè òêàíåâîé êîíñòðóêöèè ñ ðàññå÷åííûìè äëèííûìè íèò ìè, âêëþ÷àþùèé ñîçäàíèå îñíîâû, âêëþ÷àþùåé äâå ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå ãëàâíûå ïîâåðõíîñòè, êàêîâà îñíîâà âêëþ÷àåò ÷åðåäóþùèåñ ðóá÷èêè è áîðîçäû íà îäíîé èç äâóõ ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûõ ãëàâíûõ ñòîðîí; ñêðåïëåíèå ñîâîêóïíîñòè ìíîæåñòâà äëèííûõ íèòåé ê äâóì èëè áîëåå ðóá÷èêàì ÷åðåäóþùèõñ ðóá÷èêîâ è áîðîçä; è ðàññå÷åíèå ñîâîêóïíîñòè ìíîæåñòâà äëèííûõ íèòåé â ìåñòàõ ìåæäó äâóì èëè áîëåå ðóá÷èêàìè äë îáðàçîâàíè ðàññå÷åííûõ äëèííûõ íèòåé. 2. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî êàæäà äëèííà íèòü èç ìíîæåñòâà äëèííûõ íèòåé ïåðåñåêàåò ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå ÷àñòü îäíîé áîðîçäû, íàõîä ùóþñ ìåæäó ñîñåäíèìè ðóá÷èêàìè ÷åðåäóþùèõñ ðóá÷èêîâ è áîðîçä. 3. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî âêëþ÷àåò äîïîëíèòåëüíî êîððåêòèðîâêó îðèåíòàöèè ðàññå÷åííûõ äëèííûõ íèòåé ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê ëîêàëüíîé ïëîñêîñòè îñíîâû. 4. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî êàæäà èç ðàññå÷åííûõ äëèííûõ íèòåé âêëþ÷àåò âíåøíèé êîíåö, ïðè÷åì ñïîñîá äîïîëíèòåëüíî âêëþ÷àåò ïðèäàíèå ñïåöèàëüíîé ôîðìû âíåøíèì êîíöàì ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå íåêîòîðûõ ðàññå÷åííûõ äëèííûõ íèòåé. 5. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ïðèêðåïëåíèå êàæäîé íèòè èç ìíîæåñòâà äëèííûõ íèòåé âêëþ÷àåò ýêñòðóäèðîâàíèå ïîñòî ííîãî ëèíåéíîãî îáúåìà ìàòåðèàëà íèòè íà ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå äâà èëè áîëåå ðóá÷èêà. 6. Ñïîñîá èçãîòîâëåíè ýëåìåíòîâ êðåïëåíè , ...

27-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116659A

1. Шлифовальное устройство с установочным элементом, с которым разъемно соединен абразивный элемент, при этом разъемное соединение образовано первой сцепляющейся структурой на установочном элементе и второй сцепляющейся структурой на абразивном элементе, каковые сцепляющиеся структуры взаимодействуют между собой по типу текстильной застежки, отличающееся тем, что первая сцепляющаяся структура (1) и вторая сцепляющаяся структура (2) имеют по множеству выступов (3), каждый из которых имеет увеличивающееся к его свободному концу (7) поперечное сечение. ! 2. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы (3) первой сцепляющейся структуры (1) и/или второй сцепляющейся структуры (2) по меньшей мере частично выполнены упругими. ! 3. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы (3) первой сцепляющейся структуры (1) и/или второй сцепляющейся структуры (2) выполнены идентичными друг другу. ! 4. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы (3) первой сцепляющейся структуры (1) идентичны выступам (3) второй сцепляющейся структуры (2). ! 5. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы (3) первой сцепляющейся структуры (1) и/или выступы (3) второй сцепляющейся структуры (2) расположены на равном расстоянии друг от друга. ! 6. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы (3) первой сцепляющейся структуры (1) расположены друг от друга на таком же расстоянии, на котором друг от друга расположены выступы (3) второй сцепляющейся структуры (2). ! 7. Шлифовальное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что первая сцепляющаяся структура (1) и вторая сцепляющаяся структура (2) выполнены из о РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2009 116 659 (13) A (51) МПК B24D 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009116659/02, 06.09.2007 (71) Заявитель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 05.10.2006 DE ...

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006121343A

... 1. Застежка типа липучки для применения в застегивающих системах типа крючочки - петельки, включающая непрерывное гибкое термопластичное основание с выполненными заодно с ним вертикальными элементами крючочков, имеющими участки ножек и шляпок, и, по крайней мере, с некоторым количеством элементов крючочков, которые имеют, по крайней мере, одну плоскую поверхность и противоположную ей не плоскую поверхность, а также, с несколькими, по крайней мере, элементами крючочков, которые имеют участки выступания, выходящие за периметр ножек. 2. Застежка типа липучки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что пленочное основание, ориентированное, по крайней мере, в одном направлении, и имеющее толщину от 25 до 250 μм, имеющее участки выступания на расстояние от 0,01 до 0,3 мм, а также на расстояние от 0,02 до 0,25 мм. 3. Застежка типа липучки по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что пленочное основание имеет толщину от 25 до 250 μм. 4. Застежка типа липучки по пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что элементы крючочка имеют участки ...

13-04-2000 дата публикации

Gegossener Flächenhaftverschluss

Номер: DE0069515422D1

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004017289D1

16-03-1966 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001022715A

... 1,022,715. Strip fastenings. R. V. MATHISON. Feb. 7, 1964 [Feb. 11, 1963], No. 5325/64. Heading E2S. A fastener comprises a supporting structure 1 of a synthetic polymer with smooth sided, substantially rigid, sloping, closely spaced projections 2 integrally formed of the polymer on at least one side of the supporting structure and tapering from their bases to relatively pointed tips for fastening engagement in surface openings 7 of a material, the projections having sides 4 (Fig. 2, not shown) defining a straight line from the respective base to the respective tip thereof. The projections are preferably conical or pyramidal, make an angle of 30 to 80 degrees with the supporting structure, and are arranged close together in parallel rows with the tips of one overlapping the base of the next (Fig. 2, not shown). The surface openings 7 may be loops on the surface of a textile fabric 8 formed of synthetic filaments or openings in an open-weave fabric. The looped fabric is assembled with the ...

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535391T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521256T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554674T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511363T

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000186198T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161400T

20-10-1998 дата публикации

Fastener members and methods and molds for making them

Номер: AU0006573098A

29-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003285139A1

19-06-2008 дата публикации

Fastener having adjustable fastening strength

Номер: AU2007331133A1

19-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002450380A1

Loop materials are provided for touch fastening. The loop materials include a web of nonwoven fibrous material defining a plane, the web including: (a) raised areas (12), elevated above the plane of the web, defining loops constructed for engagement with male touch fastener elements; (b) rib areas (14, 16) surrounding the raised areas to anchor the loops; and (c) between the rib areas, either open areas, or planar areas (18) that are substantially in the plane of the web.

29-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002407762A1

A segmented hook and loop type fastener (10) accommodates molding contours. Each segment (12) may be surrounded by a gasket (22) barrier, or covered by another sort of cover (322), or left unprotected. The fastener component (10) is a plurality of fastening segments (12). Carried on the fastening face (18) of a base member (16) are a plurality of fastening elements (20), either hook- type or loop-type. Located between and joining each adjacent pair of fastening segments (12) is a flexible neck (14) that is narrower than the fastening segment (12). The flexible neck (14) region is typically flexible around two or three orthogonal axes. Each segment may have a barrier for use during an operation to incorporate the fastener (10) into a molded body (53). The barrier would prevent any liquid foaming material from contacting the fastening elements (20) if the fastener is placed in the mold (53) with the fastening elements (20) pressed against the wall of the mold (53). The cover (322) may be ...

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002359370A1

... ▓▓▓A method of forming a fastener is provided, including (a) forming, from a ▓thermoformable material, a preform product having a sheet-form base (12) and ▓an array of preform stems (104) integrally molded with and extending from the ▓base to corresponding terminal ends (109); (b) heating the terminal ends (109) ▓of the stems to a predetermined softening temperature, while maintaining the ▓sheet-form base and a lower portion of each stem at a temperature lower than ▓the softening temperature; and (c) contacting the terminal ends with a contact ▓surface that is at a predetermined forming temperature, lower than the ▓softening temperature, to deform the terminal ends to form heads therefrom ▓that overhang the sheet-form base. Fasteners and other methods of forming them ▓are also provided.▓ ...

13-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002344805A1

A slip control article including a backing layer (21, 52) having a first surface (24) with an array of at least 15,5 upstanding stems (26, 56) per square centimeter and a second surface (25). At least a portion of the upstanding stems is an elastomeric material and the stems have an aspect ratio of at least 1.25. The first surface has a static coefficient of friction when dry of at least 0.6 and a static coefficient of friction when wet within 20 % of the static coefficient of friction when dry. The first surface has a peel strength and a tensile strength of substantially zero when engaged with another slip control article. The first surface has a relatively high shear strength when engaged with another slip control article. The high shear forces are due primarily to the frictional properties of the elastomeric materials, not a mechanical interlock of the stems, such as on a mechanical fastener.

24-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639587C
Принадлежит: APLIX, APLIX SA

Objet moulé en matière thermoplastique de forme quelconque ayant une surface extérieure de laquelle fait saillie au moins un crochet d'une pièce avec l'objet moulé, notamment un champs de crochets, l'objet moulé et le ou. les crochets ayant été formés par moulage par injection,chaque crochet comportant une partie de base et une partie de tête ou d'accrochage faisant saillie de la partie de base, et étant délimité par des première et deuxième surfaces latérales s'étendant chacune sur la surface extérieure de l'objet moulé en étant séparées l'une de l'autre par une surface intermédiaire formant le chant du crochet, les tronçons de courbe, définis par les intersections d'au moins une des première et/ou deuxième surfaces latérales avec les plans qui sont parallèles au plan de base dont est issu le crochet et qui sont à des distances h données de ce plan de base, ayant une courbure qui varie en fonction de la distance h, la courbure du tronçon de courbe pour h=0 (le plan de base et ledit plan ...

22-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002749929C

Apparatus and process are described for forming projections on a substrate for use as hook-type fasteners in touch fastening systems, wherein vibration energy may be used to soften a substrate which may be positioned between a mold and a source of vibration. The mold may include a plurality of cavities into which the softened substrate may be forced to form the projections. The substrate may comprise a film, sheet, web, compos-ite, laminate, etc. and be useful as an attachment strip for temporary or permanent fastening. The source of vibration may be an ultrasonic horn. The process to form such projections may be operated in a continuous, semi-continuous or intermittent manner.

07-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002728885A1

The invention relates to a mounting device (1) with one metallic base plate (2), from which a plurality of mounting eyelets (3) protrude. The mounting device (1) is obtainable by incising a plurality of arc-shaped eyeled blanks (4) while leaving two connection sections (5) per eyelet blank (4) into the surface of the base plate (2) and production of the mounting eyelets (3) by bending the eyelet blanks (4) out of the base plate (2) around a bending edge (6) in the area of the connection sections (5). At least part of the eyelet blanks (4) are arranged as groups (7) of eyelet blanks (4) with the latter being nested to each other. Preferably, the group (7) of eyelet blanks (4) are arranged rotated relative to each other. The invention further relates to a method for the production of the mounting device (1).

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002818317A1

A fastening product, in the form of a flexible, sheet-form substrate (102) having a surface (108); a plurality of walls (104) extending from the surface (108) and defining therebetween an array (114) of cells (116) bounded by the walls (104) such that the walls separate adjacent cells of the array, the substrate (102) forming a floor (122) of each cell; and a plurality of fastener elements (106) extending from the surface (108) and interspersed among the cells (116). The fastener elements having heads (130) spaced above the surface (108) to define loop engagement overhangs (134) disposed within the cells. The cells (116) of the array (114) are arranged in columns (124) and rows (126), each column and each row comprising at least three of the cells, such that there exists at least one closed path (136) within the substrate (102) that fully circumscribes at least one of the cells.

22-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002155753C

This invention describes a hook design for the hook portion of a hook and loop fastener system, and the hook strip made up of a multiplicity of such hooks projecting from a common base. The hook design encompasses a thickened stem portion (14) projecting from the base (12) and connecting to lobes (9) of a crook portion at a neck (15). The stem portion (14) is substantially thicker than the crook portion and terminates at the neck. The lobes (9) and the stem (14) are tapered whereby the hook can be easily withdrawn from its mold cavity during the molding operation. The hook characterized by improved engageability and closure performance.

01-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002148946C

... (see fig.I) The invention is a hook fastening material for use with a complementary loop fas tening material, which hook fastening material has from about 1600 to about 2500 prongs per square inch and is substantially non-ab rasive and non-irritating to human skin. In one embodiment the hook fastening material has prongs with an engaging means at an angle of abo ut 90.degree. to about 160.degree. relative to the extension of the perpendicular to the plane of the substrate. In another embodiment the hook fast ening material is formed on a compressible substrate. In still another embodiment the hook fastening material has prongs made of an ethyl ene vinyl acetate based polymer or a polyethylene based polymer. Methods for making such hook fastening materials and articles of use ar e also disclosed.

30-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002205945A1

01-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002183134A1

A surface fastener comprising: a substrate sheet; a multiplicity of engaging elements projecting from on surface of the substrate sheet; and an elastic member laying over the one surface of the substrate sheet. The elastic member has an upper surface normally in contact with lower ends of locking portions of the engaging elements so as to support circumferential surfaces of stem portions of the engaging elements. The upper surface of the surface fastener is therefore less rough so that waste pieces of yarn and nap cannot be caught by the locking portions.

09-06-1995 дата публикации

Fastening Device

Номер: CA0002137434A1

15-12-1964 дата публикации

Elément d'accrochage séparable

Номер: CH0000385539A

10-01-2001 дата публикации

Moulded surface fasteners, and apparatus, and method for manufacturing them

Номер: CN0001279155A

15-03-2006 дата публикации

Loop fastening component made from thermally retracted materials

Номер: CN0001245119C

30-04-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002015550A1

09-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100666456B1

18-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: KR0000152165B1

03-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060019583A

A unitary fastener of a thermoplastic resin comprising a base film layer having generally parallel upper and lower major surfaces, arranged in a first direction the base film layer being oriented at least in the first direction. The backing layer having on at least one surface separated surface elements extending at an angle to said first direction. The invention is also related to a method of forming a unitary fastener. The method includes the steps of extruding a thermoplastic resin in a machine direction through a die plate having a continuous base portion cavity and one or more rib cavities extending from the base portion cavity, forming a strip having a base layer and continuous rib. This scoring or cutting the ribs and at least a surface layer of the film structure forms predetermined separable elements. This inelastically stretching the strip to separated projections and the separated separable surface elements across the strip. The spacings between adjacent separated separable surface ...

29-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020050085651A

A method for forming a unitary polymeric projection or fastener comprising a base layer, and a multiplicity of spaced projections or hook members projecting from the upper surface of the unitary base layer the method generally including extruding of forming a thermoplastic resin through a die plate or mold. A die plate, if used, is shaped to form a base layer and spaced ridges, projecting above a surface of the base layer. When the die forms the spaced ridges or ribs the cross sectional shape of the projections are formed by the die plate. The ridges are then cut at spaced locations along their lengths to form discrete cut portions of the ridges. The cut portions are then heat treated resulting in shrinkage of at least a portion of at least the cut portion thickness by from 5 to 90 percent, preferably 30 to 90 percent thereby forming discrete upstanding projections. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Fastener strip having vent holes

Номер: TWI237556B

The invention is a fastener strip (10) with vent holes (12) through the base layer (15), underneath hooks (11) or other fastening elements, to prevent air from being trapped beneath fastener strip (10) when it is placed on a forming mold (16) in a foam object molding process. Side sealing means (13), end sealing means (14), and magnetic or other holding means may also be incorporated into fastener strip 10.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008040612A1
Автор: HUSER, Werner

The invention relates to a grinding device, comprising a mounting body which is detachably connected to a grinding element, said detachable connection being designed such that the mounting body has a first adhering arrangement and the grinding element has a second adhering element and the adhering elements correspond in the manner of a Velcro fastener. The aim of the invention is to improve the quality and efficiency of the detachable connection for exchange of the grinding element of the claimed grinding device. Said aim is achieved, wherein the the first adhering element (1) and the second adhering element (2) comprise a number of projections (3) each with a cross-sectional widening in the direction of the free end (7) of the projection (3).

06-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002067714A3

A mechanical fastener (30) with a plurality of hooks (33) on one side of a substrate (31) and a plurality of loops (37) on the second side. The holding power of this fastener is as great as, or greater than, the holding power of conventional hook and loop type fasteners.

08-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002060294A1

A fastening tape has a sheet-form base carrying an array of hooking members (10, 22, 24, 34) each having a height (h) of about 0.008 inch (0.2 millimeter) or less, as measured from the base, and fiber-engaging features, such as re-entrant tips (18, 32), disposed less than about 0.003 inch (0.08 millimeter) from their upper surfaces, as measured normal to the base. Such hooking members are employed to releasably engage directly into foams and fine denier non-woven materials, such as those of insulation, filters, construction moisture barriers, disposable gowns and diapers.

22-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998020767A1
Автор: HAMMER, Pavel

The invention concerns a method and device for producing a hook-and-pile type closure part with catching means formed integrally with a support. The catching means are produced by feeding a thermoplastic plastics to the gap between a pressure roller and a shaping roller. The shaping roller comprises a sieve with open cavities produced by etching or by means of laser, such that the finished catching means are produced solely as a result of the fact that the thermoplastic plastics harden at least partially in the open cavities in the shaping roller sieve. Owing to the invention, the shaping roller can be produced very economically, and the hitherto conventional second operating stage when forming the catching means is rendered superfluous.

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Hook fastener components and methods of their manufacture

Номер: US20060200951A1

A molded plastic hook fastener component for hook and loop fastening has individual raised bases distributed over a common area, each carrying an individual hook element while a laterally contiguous portion of each raised base raises the lower bound for the loop region beneath the fastener head. During molding, fastener elements are pulled from their mold cavities through cavity portions of the raised bases.

10-10-1989 дата публикации

Multi-hook fastener member

Номер: US0004872243A1
Автор: Fischer; James R.
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries B.V.

A method of continuously producing an elongated strip-like fastener member is disclosed which facilitates highly efficient formation of the fastener member with a great multiplicity of resiliently flexible hook-like projections. The method comprises the formation of an extrusion of plastic material which is shaped between a pair of coacting first and second rollers. Notably, one of the rollers defines a plurality of hook-forming cavities about its periphery within which the hook projections of the fastener member are formed. The forming roller is suitably cooled so as to effect substantial reduction in the temperature of the molten plastic extrusion from which the fastener member is formed. In this manner, the fastener member may be removed or stripped from the forming roller without opening of the hook-forming cavities, thus promoting highly efficient formation of the fastener member without resort to unduly complex equipment of processes.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Fasteners engageable with loops of nonwoven fabrics and with other open structures, and methods and machines for making fasteners

Номер: US20030106188A1

A method of forming a fastener is provided, including (a) forming, from a thermoformable material, a preform product having a sheet-form base and an array of preform stems integrally molded with and extending from the base to corresponding terminal ends; (b) heating the terminal ends of the stems to a predetermined softening temperature, while maintaining the sheet-form base and a lower portion of each stem at a temperature lower than the softening temperature; and (c) contacting the terminal ends with a contact surface that is at a predetermined forming temperature, lower than the softening temperature, to deform the terminal ends to form heads therefrom that overhang the sheet-form base. Fasteners and other methods of forming them are also provided.

26-05-1998 дата публикации

Molded surface fastener, and method and apparatus for manufacturing the same

Номер: US5755015A

A molded surface fastener comprises: a substrate sheet; and a multiplicity of engaging elements standing on one surface of the substrate sheet, each of the engaging elements being composed of a stem rising from the one surface of the substrate sheet, and an engaging head projecting from an upper end of the stem for detachably engaging a companion loop. After a surface fastener is manufactured on a die wheel by continuous injection molding as a primary-intermediate surface fastener, a heating and pressing roller disposed downstream of the die wheel presses the engaging head, while heating, to bend the engaging head from the stem and, at the same time, to form a pair of protuberances projecting in opposite directions from opposite side edges of the top of the engaging head perpendicularly with respect to a direction lengthwise of the engaging head.

03-12-1996 дата публикации

Interengaging fastener having locating feature

Номер: US5579562A

An interengaging fastener is provided including two fastener members and structure for locating one fastener member with respect to the other fastener member. In one embodiment, the locating structure includes a protrusion extending from one fastener member and an opening formed in the other fastener member.

19-06-2001 дата публикации

Fasteners and methods of making fasteners

Номер: US0006248276B1

A method of forming a fastener is provided, including (a) forming, from a thermoformable material, a preform product having a sheet-form base and an array of preform stems integrally molded with and extending from the base to corresponding terminal ends; (b) heating the terminal ends of the stems to a predetermined softening temperature, while maintaining the sheet-form base and a lower portion of each stem at a temperature lower than the softening temperature; and (c) contacting the terminal ends with a contact surface that is at a predetermined forming temperature, lower than the softening temperature, to deform the terminal ends to form heads therefrom that overhang the sheet-form base. Fasteners and other methods of forming them are also provided.

09-12-2008 дата публикации

Articles and methods of their formation

Номер: US0007461437B2

A fastener product includes a base; and an array of fastener projections extending integrally from a first surface of the base, the projections each including a stem portion of resin molded integrally with the first surface of the base, and a head portion disposed at a distal end of the stem portion and configured to releasably engage a complementary fastener element to form a fastening; wherein the stem portions of the fastener projections and at least a portion of the base are integrally formed of a single resin; and wherein at least a portion of the single resin of the base is in a foamed state.

21-04-2005 дата публикации

Laminated composites

Номер: US2005084647A1

A laminated composite suitable for use in medical products such as tapes and wraps. The composite includes, for example, a first nonwoven fiber layer, an elastic layer, a melt blown adhesive fiber layer, and a second nonwoven fiber layer. A scrim layer serves as a deadstop, or stretch limit, to prevent over stretching. The non-woven fiber layer(s) and/or the scrim layer form suitable loops for a hook and loop fastening system. The scrim layer in some embodiments is employed to make the composite finger tearable. The melt blown adhesive layer, nonwoven web layer and elastic layer form a breathable, porous elastic composite. Methods of manufacturing the composite are also disclosed.

01-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing closure elements for metal touch-and-close fasteners according to the method

Номер: US0008683840B2

To produce closure elements for metal touch-and-close fasteners in a metal carrier (3), notches (13) corresponding to the outlines of hook elements (1) are made, while leaving a connecting line for each notch. Bending operations are carried out to raise the regions delimited by the notches (13) out of the plane of the carrier (3) as hooking elements (1) around the connecting lines serving as bending lines. The carrier (3) is guided through the region (5) of the tooth engagement between rotational bodies (7, 9) having peripheral teeth. The tooth shapes of the rotational bodies (7, 9) and the type of the tooth engagement are selected such that the tooth engagement cuts the notches (13) and stamps the metal carrier the bending operations.

22-09-2005 дата публикации

Closure mechanism for apparel

Номер: US2005204517A1

A flexible and extensible closure apparatus for use in apparel is disclosed. The flexible and extensible closure apparatus provides continuity to securely join different pieces of material. In addition, a slider apparatus is disclosed to assist a user in joining and separating the flexible and extensible closure apparatus ...

13-03-2007 дата публикации

Method for making a mushroom-type hook strip for a mechanical fastener

Номер: US0007188396B2

A mushroom-type hook strip for a hook-and-loop fastener has a flexible backing of thermoplastic resin and, integral with backing, an array of upstanding stems distributed across at least one face of the backing, each having a mushroom head. The stems have a molecular orientation as evidenced by a birefringence value of at least 0.001. The mushroom-type hook strip can be produced continuously by injecting resin into cavities of a cylindrical mold while evacuating and cooling the cavities so that the cooled resin becomes molecularly oriented, thus affording to the stems excellent stiffness, durability, and tensile and flexural strength.

18-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000942667B1
Автор: PARELLADA, Luis

03-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001365669A1

A fastening tape has a sheet-form base carrying an array of hooking members (10, 22, 24, 34) each having a height (h) of about 0.008 inch (0.2 millimeter) or less, as measured from the base, and fiber-engaging features, such as re-entrant tips (18, 32), disposed less than about 0.003 inch (0.08 millimeter) from their upper surfaces, as measured normal to the base. Such hooking members are employed to releasably engage directly into foams and fine denier non-woven materials, such as those of insulation, filters, construction moisture barriers, disposable gowns and diapers.

31-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000932346B1
Автор: HAMMER, Pavel
Принадлежит: Gottlieb Binder GmbH & Co.

07-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005792072B2

02-04-2003 дата публикации

Male fasteners with angled projections

Номер: GB0000304697D0

17-01-1996 дата публикации

Hook structure for molded surface fastener

Номер: GB0002291114A

The fastener is composed of male and female members (1, 2) such as a hook and loop type fastener, the hook-shape engaging element (11) comprises a stem (12) standing substantially perpendicularly from a flat plate-like base (10).A hook-shape head (13) extends forwardly from a part of the upper end portion of the stem (12), and a branch (14) extends from another part of the upper end portion of the stem (13) above the hook-shape head (13) by a predetermined distance and bends away from the head (13). As the members (1, 2) are brought together, the branch (14) engages the female member (2), which causes the stem (12) to be tilted over, lifting the head (13) away from the base and so allowing it to engage more readily with the loops (21). Conversely, the branch (14) engages with the loops (21) during separation, and so holds the stem upright, resisting deformation as the loops (21) pull on the head (13), and so increasing the resistance to separation. ...

10-11-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001253437A

... 1,253,437. Separable fastener. AMERICAN VELCRO Inc. 11 Aug., 1969 [12 Aug., 1968], No. 40081/69. Heading E2S. A hook member for a separable fastener of the type in which two complementary surfaces have hook and loop engaging elements, is made from non-woven material. The material consist of either a bilaminate or uniaxial or biaxial material e.g. polyethylene terephthalate. The material is characterised in that it shrinks when treated in some way e.g. by heat. If the surface only is treated the material distorts. Triangular cuts 16 (or rectangular), are stamped in the sheet 11. These are bent out of the plane of the sheet, as at 22A, subsequent heat treatment forms them into hooks 12. The hooks are formed in rows with adjacent rows of hooks pointed towards each other. The hooks are aligned parallel to an axis of assymetry 20. A backing sheet 13 may be applied by adhesive 14 to the hook sheet 11. The hooks are made by first stamping the triangular cuts in the sheet as at 22 in Fig. 5. The ...

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152588T

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000298987T

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280561T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367106T

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411748T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444003T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000495685T

20-03-1997 дата публикации

Molded surface fastener

Номер: AU0000676747B1

30-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002015692A

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Loop fastening material

Номер: AU0003882197A

18-02-1997 дата публикации

Structured surface fastener

Номер: AU0006345896A

13-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002414074A1

An easy-to-grip diaper fastener tab has an array of hook-shaped fastener elements arranged in parallel rows, each fastener element including a stem and a crook extending from the stem in a predetermined direction to a distal tip. The array includes a plurality of rows of fastener elements arranged such that, in each row, all of the crooks (20) face in the same direction and parallel to the direction of the row, with the crooks (20) of adjacent rows facing in opposite directions. The longitudinal spacing between opposing tips of adjacent hooks (12) of adjacent rows is greater in a first portion of the array than the longitudinal spacing between opposing tips of adjacent hooks (12) of adjacent rows in a second portion of the array, such that the crooks (20) of the hooks (12) of the first portion are more exposed for engaging loops than the crooks (20) of the hooks (12) of the second portion. Methods and molds for forming such arrays are also provided.

18-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992752A1

... ²Nappe à éléments d'accrochage, comportant une bande de ²base en matière thermoplastique et au moins un élément ²issu de la bande, l'élément étant constitué d'une tige ²s'étendant dans une direction transversale au plan de la ²bande de base, notamment verticale, ayant une section ²transversale sensiblement constante ou décroissante de la ²bande de base vers le sommet de la tige, notamment ²jusqu'au sommet de la tige, et une partie formant tête qui ²fait saillie latéralement du sommet de la tige.² ...

26-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002728885C

The invention relates to a mount-ing device (1) with one metallic base plate (2), from which a plurality of mounting eyelets (3) protrude The mounting device (1) is obtainable by incising a plurality of arc-shaped eyeled blanks (4) while leaving two connection sections (5) per eyelet blank (4) into the surface of the base plate (2) and production of the mounting eyelets (3) by bending the eyelet blanks (4) out of the base plate (2) around a bending edge (6) in the area of the connection sections (5) At least part of the eyelet blanks (4) are arranged as groups (7) of eyelet blanks (4) with the latter be-ing nested to each other Preferably, the group (7) of eyelet blanks (4) are arranged rotated rela-tive to each other The invention further relates to a method for the production of the mounting device (1) ...

25-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002046058C

Hook elements of a surface fastener can intermesh reliably with the loop elements of a companion surface fastener and can be unfastened from the loop elements very smoothly. The integrally molded hook element has softness and strength similar to those of monofilamentary hooks of a woven surface fastener.

24-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002130699C

A surface fastener molded of synthetic resin, comprises: a plate-like substrate; and a multiplicity of hooks formed on one surface of the substrate integrally, each of the hooks being composed of a rising portion having a front surface rising from the substrate, a rear surface rising obliquely from the substrate along a smooth curved line and a reinforcing rib located on at least one side surface, and a hook-shape engaging portion extending forwardly from a distal end of the rising portion. After the molding, the plate-like substrate is biaxially stretched to have a smaller thickness and, at the same time, to increase the toughness in substantially all directions of the substrate.

21-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002175176C

In a molded surface fastener, at least part of a substrate sheet and hook elements are molded of synthetic resin, and simultaneously with the molding of the substrate sheet, at least part of foundation structure of a pile woven or knit core sheet is integrated with the substrate sheet which is molded of synthetic resin in such a manner that loop elements in the form of piles standing from the pile woven or knit core sheet are exposed to the front surface of the substrate sheet. The height of the hook elements is greater than that of the loop elements, and the foundation structure of the pile woven or knit core sheet is a coarse woven or knit structure having adequate pores throughout its entire area to allow molten resin to pass through. The hook elements and loop elements stand on the same surface or either of the front and back surfaces of the substrate sheet.

26-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002163605C

In a structure of the surface fastener of this invention, a substrate sheet has on its surface a plurality of dimples each defining a hollow large enough to receive a companion loop, and engaging elements are integrally molded and stand from the bottom surface of the dimple. With the surface fastener of this invention, the height of the hooks in appearnace is short and the flexibility of the molded surface fastener is secured, and the hooks are prevented from falling laterally and forwardly excessively so that an adequate degree of durability for repeated use can be achieved and the flexibility of the substrate sheet and reliability of molding can be improved while securing engaging strength and a high rate of engagement with a loop of the companion surface fastener.

12-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002214000A1

An enhanced flexibility fastener product (30) has a base (35) and hook elements (34a, 34b, 34c) integrally molded with and extending from the base (35). Hump-shaped formations (36a, 36b, 36c) (referred to as "rip stops"), that are integrally molded with base (35), are offset relative to the hook elements to reduce widthwise stiffness of the fastener product (30). The edge margins (31) of the fastener (30) are feathered in that they taper or otherwise reduce in thickness over an extended distance, preferably from at or near the hooks (34a, 34b, 34c) to the edge, resulting in a softer, less irritating fastener tape (30). Fasteners products according to the invention are particularly advantageous on disposable absorbent garments (10) such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and other articles of wear which come into contact with the user's skin.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Adhesive closure piece

Номер: US20130067702A1
Автор: Jan Tuma
Принадлежит: Gottlieb Binder GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to an adhesive closure piece ( 10 ), comprising a substrate part ( 12 ) and closure pieces ( 20 a, 20 b ) of at least one type arranged upright thereon, said closure pieces each having a head part ( 14 a, 14 b ), which, at a free end face thereof has at least one contact surface ( 22 a, 22 b ) for detachably adhering to another component by means of adhesive force, wherein said adhesive closure piece is characterized in that at least one connection section ( 16 a, 16 b ) is present on the edge of at least one of the head parts ( 14 a, 14 b ), wherein said connection section protrudes beyond the edge of said head part ( 14 a, 14 b ) in at least one direction ( 30, 36 ) in such a way that the size of the contact surface ( 22 a, 22 b ) of the corresponding head part ( 14 a, 14 b ) is changed.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Composite hook and loop fasteners, methods of their manufacture, and products containing them

Номер: US20130239371A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A composite hook and loop fastener in the form of an elongated strip has an elongated loop component, a hook component permanently affixed to the loop component, and a backing layer disposed on a face of the wrap tie in a discrete region. The backing layer is used for permanent attachment of the wrap tie to a supporting surface. One end of the loop component is available for encircling an object to be wrapped and engaging the fastener elements of the hook component. The loop component has a self-supporting web of entangled fibers, the fibers forming both a sheet-form body and hook-engageable, free-standing loops extending from at least one surface of the body, and the hook component has fastener elements extending from a common base. The backing layer may be a pressure sensitive adhesive or a synthetic resin.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Spaced multi-rib zipper

Номер: US20130305500A1

The present disclosure relates to a one piece multi-rib fastener including at least two groups of ribs, each rib with one or more hooks, wherein the groups are separated by a space less than the width of the maximum number of ribs within one of the groups.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Self Adhering Connection Surfaces, Straps, Snaps and Bands

Номер: US20190008240A1

A system of attachment surface structures that find their best use in the form of repeatedly removable straps and bands for securing one object to another. The surfaces are preferably constructed of narrow sheets of flexible polymer plastic materials having generally high tensile strength. A first embodiment includes shaped parallel ridges on one surface that interlock with mating parallel ridges on an opposing surface. These parallel ridges may be double sided (interlocking on both sides of each shaped ridge with the next shaped ridge on either side) or single sided (interlocking with a single ridge oriented 180 degrees from the first). Further embodiments include an array of shaped posts of various regular geometric shapes that interlock with an opposing array of similar or distinct posts. 1. Interlocking attachment surfaces , releasably connectable one to another in a face to face orientation , the attachment surfaces comprising:a first attachment surface comprising a first substrate and a plurality of parallel double-sided post ridges spaced one from the next at a first gap distance, each double-sided post ridge having a height, and comprising parallel first and second ridge side walls supporting a ridge cap having a generally isosceles trapezoid shaped cross-section pointing away from the first substrate, the ridge cap having a base width and a top width; anda second attachment surface comprising a second substrate and a plurality of parallel triplet ridge groups spaced one from the next group at a second gap distance generally equal to the base width of the ridge caps of the first attachment surface, each triplet ridge group comprising parallel first and second outward oriented prong ridges, and a single blocking ridge positioned between and parallel to the prong ridges, each of the prong ridges having a common height generally equal to the height of the double-sided post ridges on the first attachment surface, and each blocking ridge having a height equal to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084870A1
Автор: Rocha Gerald

A fastening strip for touch fasteners is provided which includes a corrugated portion as well as fastening elements. The corrugated portion allows the strip to be bent in a plane perpendicular as well as parallel with the longitudinal axis of the strip such that it may be applied to curved surfaces and remain substantially flat. Fastening elements such as hooks, loops, mushroom-shaped, bulbous and double hooks may be included on both sides of the strip and on the walls of the channels that form the corrugations as well as between the corrugations. The corrugated fastening strips may be useful for automotive seating and diaper applications. Processes for forming the corrugated fastening strip area also disclosed. 135-. (canceled)36. A touch fastening strip comprising:a corrugated strip defining an undulating surface and forming a plurality of channels and a base portion between adjacent channels, the corrugated strip defining a plane, the corrugated strip constructed and arranged to be bendable within the plane and out of the plane, and such that when the corrugated strip bends within the plane, the corrugated strip remains in the plane;fastening elements formed on and projecting from at least portions of a top of said undulating surface that define a fastening location, wherein a thickness of said undulating surface of the corrugated strip at said fastening location is relatively thicker than adjacent locations of said undulating surface of the corrugated strip.37. The touch fastening strip of claim 36 , further comprising a removable protective material that includes a protective cover applied to said fastening elements.38. The touch fastening strip of claim 36 , further comprising a removable protective material that encapsulates at least a portion of said fastening elements.39. The touch fastening strip of claim 36 , wherein the fastening elements project from a top surface of said channels and a top surface of said base portion.40. The touch fastening strip of ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Self Adhering Connection Surfaces, Straps, Snaps and Bands

Номер: US20160157565A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system of attachment surface structures that find their best use in the form of repeatedly removable straps and bands for securing one object to another. The surfaces are preferably constructed of narrow sheets of flexible polymer plastic materials having generally high tensile strength. A first embodiment includes shaped parallel ridges on one surface that interlock with mating parallel ridges on an opposing surface. These parallel ridges may be double sided (interlocking on both sides of each shaped ridge with the next shaped ridge on either side) or single sided (interlocking with a single ridge oriented 180 degrees from the first). Further embodiments include an array of shaped posts of various regular geometric shapes that interlock with an opposing array of identical posts.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162022A1

Sheet having fastening elements, comprising a base strip made of thermoplastic material and at least one element made from the strip, the element consisting of a stem extending in a transverse, in particular vertical, direction to the plane of the base strip, and having a cross section which is substantially uniform or decreases from the base strip towards the apex of the stem, in particular as far as the apex of the stem, and a part forming a head which protrudes laterally from the apex of the stem. 1. A method for manufacturing a sheet comprising a base strip and at least one fastening element made from one side of the strip , said fastening element comprising a stem part and a head part protruding laterally from the stem , comprising the steps in which:a preform sheet comprising said base strip and at least one preform element made from said one side of the strip, said preform element comprising a preform stem part and a preform head part protruding laterally from said preform stem part is passed into an interstice formed between a support surface and a pressing surface, wherein said preform head part protrudes laterally in a machine direction, more on a first machine direction side than on a second machine direction side, wherein said first machine direction side is opposite from said second machine direction side;said preform element being passed into said interstice such that said at least one preform element is deformed to obtain thus said sheet comprising said base strip and said at least one fastening element made from one side of the strip, said fastening element comprising a stem part and a head part protruding laterally from the stem in said machine direction, more on said second machine direction side than on said first machine direction side.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said support surface is curved.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said pressing surface is curved.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said support surface and said pressing surface ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168291A1
Автор: Fennell Michael P.

A fixturing apparatus that includes a housing defining an interior space and having a trapezoidal cross-section, a first end, and an opposing second end, and is formed to include an aperture extending therethrough from the first end to said second end. The fixturing apparatus further comprises a flexible strap and a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip to allow identifying and tracking the fixturing apparatus. 1. A RFID enhanced fixturing apparatus comprising:a housing defining an interior space and comprising a trapezoidal cross-section, a first end, and an opposing second end, and is formed to include an aperture extending therethrough from the first end to said second end;a first plurality of locking teeth disposed within said aperture;a second plurality of locking teeth disposed within said aperture;a flexible fabric strap comprising a first end attached to the housing, an opposing second end, and a pull tag attached to the second end; anda radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip coupled to the RFID enhanced fixturing apparatus.2. The RFID enhanced fixturing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said housing comprises a first and a second assembly claim 1 , each assembly comprising a bottom claim 1 , a first lip extending outwardly from said bottom claim 1 , an opposing second lip extending outwardly from said bottom claim 1 , a first side wall extending outwardly from said bottom and connecting a first end of said first lip and a first end of said second lip claim 1 , a second side wall extending outwardly from said bottom and connecting a second end of said first lip and a second end of said second lip claim 1 , and said plurality of locking teeth extending outwardly from said bottom claim 1 , wherein said plurality of locking teeth are disposed between said first lip claim 1 , said second lip claim 1 , said first side claim 1 , and said second side;wherein:said first side wall and said second side wall comprise a first height where said first side wall and ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Fixturing Apparatus

Номер: US20170196316A1
Автор: Michael P. Fennell
Принадлежит: Individual

A fixturing apparatus which includes a tubular member formed to have an aperture extending therethrough, the aperture having a first end and a second end, in combination with a plurality of locking teeth disposed on a surface defining said aperture and extending into the aperture.

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Molded Surface Fastener

Номер: US20140298628A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A surface fastener member includes left and right longitudinal protective wall sections and front and rear lateral protective wall sections. Each of the lateral protective wall sections includes an outer first lateral wall section and an inner second lateral wall section. The first lateral wall section includes a continuous lateral wall body which is continuously placed between the left and right longitudinal protective wall sections at a predetermined height. The second lateral wall section includes a plurality of divided lateral wall bodies which are intermittently placed along a width direction, and a plurality of second engagement elements. According to this, when the molded surface fastener is integrally molded on a cushion body, it is possible to prevent resin material from entering an engagement element region of the surface fastener member.

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Multigrip touch closure fasteners

Номер: US20150250271A1
Автор: John W. Ogilvie
Принадлежит: Individual

Specialized tape and tape-built articles help reduce problems such as load slippage, odd or varying load sizes, or the inconvenience of knots. A touch closure fastening means allows users to releasably fasten together different portions of the article. Example touch closure fastening means include hooks, mushroom heads, loops, a mat, or nanofibers. Some articles include a tape which is laned, striped, staggered, mottled, spiraled around a core, and/or braided; some include multiple tapes braided with one another. Some articles include suture material, polypropylene, nylon, or a para-aramid synthetic fiber in a tape substrate. Some articles include a grip strip to facilitate multigripping—not only does the article releasably fasten to itself, it also restricts movement of a load or other work piece. A grip strip and a tape can be spiraled or braided together. The grip strip has a mechanical indentation grip, or an adhesion grip, for example.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170265602A1
Автор: Rocha Gerald

Apparatus and process are described for forming projections on a substrate for use as hook-type fasteners in touch fastening systems, wherein vibration energy may be used to soften a substrate which may be positioned between a mold and a source of vibration. The mold may include a plurality of cavities into which the softened substrate may be forced to form the projections. The substrate may comprise a film, sheet, web, composite, laminate, etc. and be useful as an attachment strip for temporary or permanent fastening. The source of vibration may be an ultrasonic horn. The process to form such projections may be operated in a continuous, semi-continuous or intermittent manner.

31-07-2008 дата публикации

Mounting device, method for producing and using such a mounting device

Номер: DE102004048464B4
Принадлежит: Reinz Dichtungs GmbH

Halterungsvorrichtung (10) mit einer metallischen Grundplatte (11), von der eine Vielzahl von Vorsprüngen (12) vorsteht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie erhältlich ist durch: a) Einschneiden einer Vielzahl von Hakenvorformen (13) unter Belassung mindestens einer Biegekante (14) je Hakenvorform (13) in die Oberfläche der Grundplatte (11); b) Herstellen von hakenartigen Vorsprüngen (12) durch Biegen der Hakenvorformen (13) um die Biegekante (14) aus der Grundplatte (11) heraus und gegebenenfalls c) Herstellen von seitlichen Auskragungen an den Vorsprüngen (12) und/oder d) Verdrillen der Vorsprünge (12) um ihre Längsachse. Mounting device (10) having a metallic base plate (11) from which protrudes a plurality of projections (12), characterized, that it is available through: a) cutting a plurality of hook preforms (13) leaving at least one bending edge (14) per hook preform (13) in the surface of the base plate (11); b) producing hook-like projections (12) by bending the hook preforms (13) around the bending edge (14) out of the base plate (11) and optionally c) producing lateral protrusions on the projections (12) and / or d) twisting the projections (12) about their longitudinal axis.

11-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE60310529T2
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

07-12-1995 дата публикации

Fastening device

Номер: DE9412526U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co

23-07-2009 дата публикации

Method for producing closure elements for metal touch-and-close fasteners and closure element produced according to the method

Номер: WO2009089881A1
Автор: Jan Tuma, Metin Efe
Принадлежит: GOTTLIEB BINDER GmbH & Co. KG

A method for producing closure elements for metal touch-and-close fasteners, in a metal carrier (3) notches (13) corresponding to the outlines of hook elements (1) to be configured being made, while leaving a connecting line in each case, and bending operations being carried out in order to raise the regions delimited by the notches (13) as hooking elements (1) around the connecting lines serving as bending lines out of the plane of the carrier (3), is characterized in that the carrier (3) is guided through the region (5) of the tooth engagement between rotational bodies (7, 9) having peripheral teeth, wherein the tooth shapes of the rotational bodies (7, 9) and the type of the tooth engagement are selected such that the tooth engagement is effective with respect to cutting for the configuration of the notches (13) and effective with respect to stamping for the bending operations.

07-01-1992 дата публикации

Mushroom-type hook strip for a mechanical fastener

Номер: US5077870A
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co

A mushroom-type hook strip for a hook-and-loop fastener has a flexible backing of thermoplastic resin and, integral with backing, an array of upstanding stems distributed across at least one face of the backing, each having a mushroom head. The stems have a molecular orientation as evidenced by a birefringence value of at least 0.001. The mushroom-type hook strip can be produced continuously by injecting resin into cavitites of a cylindrical mold while evacuating and cooling the cavities so that the cooled resin becomes molecularly oriented, thus affording to the stems excellent stiffness, durability, and tensile and flexural strength.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing hook fasteners

Номер: WO2010085492A1
Автор: Gerald Rocha
Принадлежит: Gerald Rocha

Apparatus and process are described for forming projections on a substrate for use as hook-type fasteners in touch fastening systems, wherein vibration energy may be used to soften a substrate which may be positioned between a mold and a source of vibration. The mold may include a plurality of cavities into which the softened substrate may be forced to form the projections. The substrate may comprise a film, sheet, web, composite, laminate, etc. and be useful as an attachment strip for temporary or permanent fastening. The source of vibration may be an ultrasonic horn. The process to form such projections may be operated in a continuous, semi-continuous or intermittent manner.

10-03-1998 дата публикации

Touch fastener with magnetic attractant

Номер: US5725928A
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastening component of a separable fastener has some portion that is necessary for its fastening function, such as the hooks, the base to which the hooks are attached or a substrate that is used for another purpose, comprised of a magnetically attractive constituent. Another portion of the fastening component is comprised of a magnetically inert constituent. The fastening element may be the hook portion or the loop portion of a typical fastener. The fastening elements and the base may be unitary, or of different precursors, such as in a woven fastener component. The magnetically inert constituent may comprise a polymeric plastic or a thermoplastic elastomer. The magnetic attractant may impregnate the magnetically inert constituent, or it may coat or be coated by the magnetically inert constituent. The magnetic attractant may comprise a metal powder. The metal may be selected from the group consisting of iron powder. The magnetic attractant may be an organo-iron or a rare earth metal. In a woven fastener, either the base structure or the hooks may include the magnetic attractant, or both may do so. The material that forms the hooks may be entirely of a magnetically attractive material, with the material that forms the woven base being magnetically inert. Rather than the magnetically attractive material being incorporated into the fastening elements or the base, it may be incorporated into the substrate that is formed from a precursor element that is separate from the base, and that is joined to the base.

22-08-1996 дата публикации

Touch fastener with magnetic attractant

Номер: WO1996025064A2

A fastening component of a separable fastener has some portion that is necessary for its fastening function, such as the hooks, the base to which the hooks are attached or a substrate that is used for another purpose, comprised of a magnetically attractive constituent. Another portion of the fastening component is comprised of a magnetically inert constituent. The fastening element may be the hook portion or the loop portion of a typical fastener. The fastening elements and the base may be unitary, or of different precursors, such as in a woven fastener component. The magnetically inert constituent may comprise a polymeric plastic or a thermoplastic elastomer. The magnetic attractant may impregnate the magnetically inert constituent, or it may coat or be coated by the magnetically inert constituent. The magnetic attractant may comprise a metal powder. The metal may be selected from the group consisting of iron powder. The magnetic attractant may be an organo-iron or a rare earth metal. In a woven fastener, either the base structure or the hooks may include the magnetic attractant, or both may do so. The material that forms the hooks may be entirely of a magnetically attractive material, with the material that forms the woven base being magnetically inert. Rather than the magnetically attractive material being incorporated into the fastening elements or the base, it may be incorporated into the substrate that is formed from a precursor element that is separate from the base, and that is joined to the base.

15-06-1999 дата публикации

Mushroom-type hook strip for a mechanical fastener and its preparing method

Номер: KR100195586B1

훅-루우프 파스너용 버섯형 훅 스트립은 열가소성수지의 신축성 배면과, 상기 배면과 일체로 구성되고 상기 배면의 최소한 한 표면 이상을 가로질러 열을 지어 분포되고 버섯형 헤드를 갖는 직립 스템을 구비한다. 상기 스템은 복굴절 값이 최소한 0.001 이상인 분자 방향성을 가진다. 버섯형 훅 스트립은 냉각된 수지가 분자 방향성을 가지도록 공동을 진공상태와 냉각시키는 동안 원통형 모울드의 공동속으로 수지를 연속적으로 주사시켜 생산할 수 있으며, 그 결과 상기 스템은 뛰어난 경도, 내구성, 인장력 및 신축력을 가진다. A mushroom hook strip for a hook-loop fastener has an elastic backing of a thermoplastic resin and an upright stem integrally formed with the backing and distributed in rows across at least one surface of the backing and having a mushroom head. The stem has molecular orientation with a birefringence value of at least 0.001 or greater. Mushroom hook strips can be produced by continuously injecting the resin into the cavity of a cylindrical mold while vacuuming and cooling the cavity so that the cooled resin has molecular orientation, and as a result the stem has excellent hardness, durability, tensile strength and Have elasticity.

09-02-2004 дата публикации

Integral molded surface fastener

Номер: JP3494529B2
Автор: 柳一 村崎, 満 明野
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

10-03-2012 дата публикации

Grinding device with detachable abrasive element

Номер: RU2444428C2
Принадлежит: Роберт Бош Гмбх

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to abrasive processing and may be used in grinding devices incorporating detachable grinding elements. Grinding device comprises mount whereto abrasive element is coupled that may be detached therefrom. Detachable joint is made up of first hooking structure on abrasive element. Said hooking structures interact as zip fastener. Said structures have multiple ledges with cross section increasing toward ledge free end. EFFECT: higher quality and efficiency of abrasive element replacement. 11 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 444 428 (13) C2 (51) МПК B24D 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009116659/02, 06.09.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.09.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 05.10.2006 DE 102006047139.3 (72) Автор(ы): ХУЗЕР Вернер (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.11.2010 Бюл. № 33 2 4 4 4 4 2 8 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2012 Бюл. № 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 95/19242 A, 20.07.1995. US 3266113 A, 16.09.1966. WO 01/58302 A, 16.08.2001. RU 2196047 C2, 10.01.2003. RU 2261032 C2, 27.09.2005. 2 4 4 4 4 2 8 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2007/059346 (06.09.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 05.05.2009 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2008/040612 (10.04.2008) Адрес для переписки: 101000, Москва, М.Златоустинский пер., д.10, кв.15, "ЕВРОМАРКПАТ", пат.пов. И.А.Веселицкой, рег.№ 0011 (54) ШЛИФОВАЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО С РАЗЪЕМНО СОЕДИНЕННЫМ АБРАЗИВНЫМ ЭЛЕМЕНТОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области абразивной обработки и может быть использовано в шлифовальных устройствах со сменными абразивными элементами. Шлифовальное устройство содержит установочный элемент, с которым разъемно соединен абразивный элемент. Разъемное соединение образовано первой сцепляющейся ...

16-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR2998628B1
Автор: Anthony Mahe
Принадлежит: Aplix SA

15-05-2000 дата публикации

Facing interlocking zipper member

Номер: KR200181169Y1

본 고안은 상호 결합 과정에 요구되는 결합력을 증가시키지 않는 반면에, 해제력을 증강시키는 상호 결합식 파스너 부재를 제공하기 위하여 기저부(12) 및 다수의 헤드 스템(14)를 포함하는 파스너 부재(10)에 관한 것이다. 각각의 헤드스템(14)는 기저부(12)의 표면과 인접하고 그것으로 부터 직렬로 돌출하는 스템(16) 및 스템(16)의 단부에 형성된 헤드(18)을 포함한다. 헤드(18)은 스템(16)에 인접하고 스템(16)의 외측 외주로 부터 외측으로 연장되는 바닥표면(20) 및 스템(16)으로 부터 바닥면(20)의 맞대한 측면에 배치된 정점(24)를 구비한다. 결합력 감소 수단은 각가의 헤드내에 형성된 하나 이상의 홈 또는 헤드가 스템에 인접한 구역내의 각각의 헤드 스템내에 형성된 언더컷 형태를 취할 수 있다. The present invention does not increase the binding force required for the interlocking process, while the fastener member 10 including the base 12 and the plurality of head stems 14 to provide an interlocking fastener member that enhances the release force. ). Each headstem 14 includes a stem 16 proximate the surface of the base 12 and protruding therefrom in series and a head 18 formed at the end of the stem 16. Head 18 is a vertex disposed adjacent butt side of bottom surface 20 from stem 16 and bottom surface 20 adjacent stem 16 and extending outward from the outer periphery of stem 16. 24 is provided. The coupling force reducing means may take the form of an undercut formed in each head stem in an area in which one or more grooves or heads formed in each head are adjacent to the stem.

16-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: JPH1142249A
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

(57)【要約】 【課題】所要の係合力が確保され、しかも装脱操作が簡 単で且つ肌触りに優れ、更に加えて使用後の廃棄にあた り、その折り畳み形態を崩すことなく、衛生的に取り扱 うことのできる構造をもつ使い捨ておむつと、その折り 畳み固定方法を提供する。 【解決手段】おむつ本体(1) の背部(20)から左右に延設 されて一方側の面ファスナー(50)とおむつ本体(1) の腹 部(10)の表面に配された他方側の面ファスナー(60)とを 有する使い捨ておむつにあって、前記面ファスナー(50, 60) の係合素子(52,62) のうち少なくともいずれかが水 溶性樹脂材料から構成される。背部(20)側のおむつ本体 (1) の略1/3 〜2/5 を内側に折り込んだあとで、前記腹 部(10)側に向けてロール状に巻き込み、そのロール状体 の左右両端から突出する前記一方側の面ファスナー(50) 及び他方側の面ファスナー(60)の係合素子(52)及び/ 又 は被係合素子(62)に水分を付与して、前記水溶性樹脂材 料を溶融させ、次いでロール状体の左右両端から突出す る前記一方側の面ファスナー(50)を前記他方側の面ファ スナー(60)に押し付けて接着固定させる。

24-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: JPH11509609A

(57)【要約】 それぞれの表面に組織面を備えた第1の部材と第2の部材とを有するファスナに関する。第1の部材は、対向するように設けた2個の主要面を有し、各主要面の少なくとも一部に組織面がある。第2の部材は組織面を備えた少なくとも1個の主要面を有する。第1の部材の2個の主要面が第2の部材の組織面の間に配設されると、第1の部材は第2の部材に係着され、組織面の素子は、係着されている間は摩擦接合するとともに湾曲したりねじ曲がったりしている。

19-02-2004 дата публикации

Hook and loop fastener

Номер: US20040031130A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

Forming a fastener component having heads constructed to engage loops formed e.g. of fibers of a mating component, comprises forming, from a thermoformable material, a preform product having a sheet-form base and an array of preform stems integrally molded with and extending from the base to corresponding terminal ends, by a process having a machine direction and a cross-machine direction. Each molded stem has at least two terminal features spaced from one another in the cross-machine direction, the features having a transverse shape about which engaging fibers can bend, the features having a thickness of about 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) or less, preferably about 0.20 mm (0.008 inch), and for personal care products and the like preferably about 0.1 mm (0.004 inch) or less. The terminal ends of the features are heated to a predetermined softening temperature and the terminal ends are contacted to reform the terminal ends to form heads therefrom that overhang the sheet-form base sufficiently to engage loops. Also shown are molded stems that have at least two terminal features spaced from one another in the machine direction; molded preform having substantially parallel side surfaces on all sides, e.g., of “M” or crossed “M” profile of substantially thin fin or crossed thin fin form of molded stems that carry upwardly directed, spaced apart prongs. Preforms are shown having at least three prongs along at least one coordinate. Each prong of a group of at least two neighboring prongs is coalesced to form a head or all prongs of a stem are coalesced to form a single head.

12-05-2005 дата публикации

Heat treated profile extruded hook

Номер: US20050101926A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A method for forming a unitary polymeric projection or fastener comprising a thin, strong flexible backing, and a multiplicity of thin spaced hook members projecting from the upper surface of the unitary backing the method generally including extruding a thermoplastic resin through a die plate which die plate is shaped to form a base layer and spaced ridges, ribs or hook elements projecting above a surface of the base layer. When the die forms the spaced ridges or ribs the cross sectional shape of the hook members are formed by the die plate while the initial hook member thickness is formed by transversely cutting the ridges at spaced locations along their lengths to form discrete cut portions of the ridges. Subsequently longitudinal stretching of the backing layer (in the direction of the ridges on the machine direction) separates these cut portions of the ridges, which cut portion then form spaced apart hook members. The extruded hook members or cut rib hook members are then heat treated resulting in shrinkage of at least a portion of at least the hook head portion thickness by from 5 to 90 percent, preferably 30 to 90 percent.

18-06-2009 дата публикации

Microhook fastener apparatus

Номер: JP2009132454A
Принадлежит: Panduit Corp

【課題】優れた可撓性、改善された耐へたり性、及び強化された剥がれ抵抗を有するキノコ型マイクロファスナを提供。 【解決手段】ウェブ12の一方の面と一体に形成され順応性のあるループ14と、反対の面に取り付けられたフック22を備え、ループは、取り外し可能にフックと係合させる。フックは、複数の直線状に等間隔で、ウェブの横幅を横断する方向に互い違いに配置されているので、各フックは、隣接する行の2つのフックの間に位置している。ウェブの長さ方向で隣接する行内のフックの中心線間の距離は、同じウェブの横方向の行内の隣接するフック間の等距離の中心線間の寸法より大きい。各フックは、ウェブのフック側に取り付けられている柱脚26と、柱脚の一部を形成している頭部28を含み、頭部は、柱脚の半径方向の境界を超えて半径方向に伸張おり、頭部と柱脚の間の丸みを帯びた接合部から頭部の縁まで伸張している平坦、又は傾斜した下側を持つ。 【選択図】図2

30-05-2006 дата публикации

Heat treated profile extruded hook

Номер: US7052636B2
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A method for forming a unitary polymeric projection or fastener comprising a thin, strong flexible backing, and a multiplicity of thin spaced hook members projecting from the upper surface of the unitary backing the method generally including extruding a thermoplastic resin through a die plate which die plate is shaped to form a base layer and spaced ridges, ribs or hook elements projecting above a surface of the base layer. When the die forms the spaced ridges or ribs the cross sectional shape of the hook members are formed by the die plate while the initial hook member thickness is formed by transversely cutting the ridges at spaced locations along their lengths to form discrete cut portions of the ridges. Subsequently longitudinal stretching of the backing layer (in the direction of the ridges on the machine direction) separates these cut portions of the ridges, which cut portion then form spaced apart hook members. The extruded hook members or cut rib hook members are then heat treated resulting in shrinkage of at least a portion of at least the hook head portion thickness by from 5 to 90 percent, preferably 30 to 90 percent.

26-11-2002 дата публикации

High strength, flexible, light weight hook and loop bundling straps

Номер: US6484371B1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A mechanical fastener is provided which is lightweight, thin, flexible, and strong, and whose holding power is as great as, or greater than, the holding power of conventional hook and loop type fasteners.

29-11-2000 дата публикации

Hook for hook and loop fasteners

Номер: CN1058861C
Автор: G·A·普罗沃斯特
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

一种用于钩环扣件系统中的模制塑料钩,它特别适用于高度低的环状物。钩子结构包括底座,支柱和钩杆,穿入环状物的环圈内的钩子部分的体积被定义为置换体积。这种特别运用于高度低的环状物的钩子具有的置换体积小于6×10 -6 立方英寸。

17-11-2017 дата публикации

For producing the method and apparatus of hook fastener

Номер: CN107351371A
Автор: 杰拉尔德·罗查
Принадлежит: Individual


28-09-2005 дата публикации

Seat fasteners

Номер: JP3699896B2
Автор: 柳一 村崎
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

02-03-1999 дата публикации

Integrally molding hook-and-loop fastener

Номер: JPH1156413A
Автор: Mitsuru Akeno, 満 明野
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

(57)【要約】 【課題】連続成形により成形される熱可塑性樹脂からな る微小な寸法の係合素子にあって、倒伏しがたく十分な 係合力を有すると共に微小なパイル片に対する係合を確 実にする耐久性に富んだ成形面ファスナーを提供する。 【解決手段】前記係合素子(2) は単一の起立部(21)と、 同起立部(21)の上端部から各首部(22)を介して前記起立 部(21)からそれぞれが反対方向に屈曲して略直線的に延 出する係合頭部(23)とを有しており、各係合頭部(23)の 先端部に切欠部(23b) を有し、その係合頭部(23)の頂部 (23a) には同頭部(22)の延出方向と直交して略水平に膨 出する膨出部(23a′) が形成されると共に、各頂部(23 a) の上面が略平坦面をなしており、各係合頭部(22)の 基端から先端にかけてその上下方向の肉厚が漸減されて いる。

27-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004121156A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2004 121 156 (13) A A 44 B 18/00 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2004121156/12, 15.01.2003 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): 3Ì Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 15.01.2002 US 10/050,403 07.08.2002 US 10/214,051 11.12.2002 US 10/316,686 (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 16.08.2004 (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Áåçðóêîâà Îëüãà Ìèõàéëîâíà (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 03/059110 (24.07.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 115054, Ìîñêâà, Ïàâåëåöêà ïë., 2, ñòð.2, Ñêâàéð, Ñàíäåðñ àíä Äåìïñè (Ìîñêâà) ËËÑ, ïàò.ï îâ. Î.Ì.Áåçðóêîâîé R U Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Îòäåëüíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè èç ýëàñòè÷íîãî ðàñò ãèâàþùåãîñ ïîëèìåðíîãî ìàòåðèàëà, âêëþ÷àþùà â ñåá áàçîâûé ïëåíî÷íûé ñëîé, èìåþùèé, îáû÷íî, âåðõíþþ è íèæíþþ îñíîâíûå ïîâåðõíîñòè, êîòîðûå ïàðàëëåëüíû, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå 50 øòóê íà êâàäðàòíûé ñàíòèìåòð ðàñïîëîæåííûõ íà íåêîòîðîì ðàññòî íèè äðóã îò äðóãà êðþ÷êîâ, âûñòóïàþùèõ èç âåðõíåé ïîâåðõíîñòè âûøåíàçâàííîãî áàçîâîãî ñëî ; ðàññòî íèå îò íàçâàííûõ êðþ÷êîâ äî óïîìèíàåìîé âåðõíåé ïîâåðõíîñòè ìåíåå 1000 ìêì; êàæäûé êðþ÷îê ñîñòîèò èç íîæêè, çàêðåïëåííîé îäíèì êîíöîì ê âûøåíàçâàííîìó îñíîâàíèþ, è ãîëîâêè, ðàñïîëîæåííîé íà êîíöå âûøåíàçâàííîé íîæêè íàïðîòèâ âûøåíàçâàííîãî îñíîâàíè ; òîëùèíà ãîëîâêè, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå, ñîñòàâë åò îò 50 äî 200 ìêì â äàííîì ïåðâîì íàïðàâëåíèè, êîòîðîå â öåëîì ïàðàëëåëüíî ïîâåðõíîñò ì âûøåíàçâàííîé ïîäëîæêè. 2. Îòäåëüíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî íàçâàííà íîæêà èìååò øèðèíó â äèàïàçîíå îò 50 äî 50 ìêì âî âòîðîì íàïðàâëåíèè, êîòîðîå, â öåëîì, ðàñïîëàãàåòñ ïîä ïð ìûì óãëîì ê íàçâàííîìó ïåðâîìó íàïðàâëåíèþ, è ïàðàëëåëüíîìó ïîâåðõíîñò ì âûøåíàçâàííîé ïîäëîæêè; íàçâàííà ãîëîâêà èìååò áîëüøóþ øèðèíó, ÷åì íàçâàííà íîæêà, à îáùà øèðèíà ñîñòàâë åò îò 100 äî 800 ìêì â íàçâàííîì âòîðîì íàïðàâëåíèè; â äàííîé çàñòåæêå ïðåäóñìîòðåí óêëîí õîáîòêà îò 100 äî 500 ìêì. 3. Îòäåëüíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.2, ...

02-10-1979 дата публикации

Fastening materials

Номер: US4169303A
Автор: Jerome H. Lemelson
Принадлежит: Individual

Structures are provided in strip or sheet-like fastening materials formed by molding together with an apparatus and method for producing same. In one form, a strip-like fastening material is formed by molding a plurality of narrow strips, each containing at least one row of fastening elements extending longitudinally therealong and guiding said strips into edgewise abutment whereafter they are fastened together, such as by welding, to form a wider strip or sheet of fastening material containing a plurality of rows of molded fastening elements. The fastening elements may comprise molded hooks with or without barbs, arrowhead formations, mushroom-like formations, loops of plastic or otherwise formed formations which may intermesh with the same or different formations of another strip to effect the fastening of the two strips together. In a particular form, hook or barb-shaped elements are formed along respective strips of metal or plastic by stamping or molding and the strips are hingedly joined together.

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Coextruded profiled webs

Номер: US20050271861A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Coextrusion of multiple polymeric components into a single layer cast film is relatively common in the art. Often, multiple polymeric flow streams are combined in a die or feedblock in a layered fashion to provide a top to bottom multilayer film. The diverse polymer flowsteams are typically combined in a feedblock section or the like and then flow in a layered configuration into a conventional coat hanger die arrangement, where the flowstreams flatten out into a film-like flowstream and are extruded onto a casting roll or the like. This arrangement creates films where the polymers form into layers in the thickness dimension.

10-05-2007 дата публикации

Bendable fastener strips

Номер: US20070101557A1
Автор: Christopher Gallant
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastener strip configured to be plastically deformed to a desired shape and to retain the desired shape without a significant amount of recovery.

23-10-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing projections on a substrate

Номер: EP3243631B1
Автор: Gerald Rocha
Принадлежит: Individual

28-02-2017 дата публикации

Dimensionally flexible touch fastener strip

Номер: CA2805424C
Автор: Gerald Rocha
Принадлежит: Individual

A fastening strip for touch fasteners is provided which includes a corrugated portion as well as fastening elements. The corrugated portion allows the strip to be bent in a plane perpendicular as well as parallel with the longitudinal axis of the strip such that it may be applied to curved surfaces and remain substantially flat. Fastening elements such as hooks, loops, mushroom-shaped, bulbous and double hooks may be included on both sides of the strip and on the walls of the channels that form the corrugations as well as between the corrugations. The corrugated fastening strips may be useful for automotive seating and diaper applications. Processes for forming the corrugated fastening strip area also disclosed.

23-09-1997 дата публикации

Molded surface fastener

Номер: US5669120A
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

In a molded surface fastener, at least part of a substrate sheet and hook elements are molded of synthetic resin, and simultaneously with the molding of the substrate sheet, at least part of foundation structure of a pile woven or knit core sheet is integrated with the substrate sheet which is molded of synthetic resin in such a manner that loop elements in the form of piles standing from the pile woven or knit core sheet are exposed to the front surface of the substrate sheet. The height of the hook elements is greater than that of the loop elements, and the foundation structure of the pile woven or knit core sheet is a coarse woven or knit structure having adequate pores throughout its entire area to allow molten resin to pass through. The hook elements and loop elements stand on the same surface or either of the front and back surfaces of the substrate sheet.

22-08-2000 дата публикации

Coextruded mechanical fastener constructions

Номер: US6106922A
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A web of material has a plurality of stems extending from at least one side of the web. The web includes a first layer of material having a first side and a second side and a second layer of material. The second layer of material has a first side which faces the first side of the first layer and a second side from which the plurality of stems extend. The first and second layers of material are joined together while they are both molten, before either layer has cooled. The first and second layers of material can be formed of thermoplastic material or melt processable polymeric material. A method of making a web of material includes selecting a first material for a first layer of material and selecting a second material for a second layer of material. The first and second layers of material are melt formed. Then, the first and second layers of material are joined while the layers are in the molten state to form a multiple layer sheet. Next, a plurality of stems are formed on at least the second layer of material. Melt forming can include simultaneously melt forming the first and second layers of material such as by coextrusion.

27-03-2001 дата публикации

Composite hook and loop fasteners, and products containing them

Номер: US6205623B1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A composite hook and loop fastener in the form of an elongated strip has an elongated loop component, a hook component permanently affixed to the loop component, and a backing layer disposed on a face of the wrap tie in a discrete region. The backing layer is used for permanent attachment of the wrap tie to a supporting surface. One end of the loop component is available for encircling an object to be wrapped and engaging the fastener elements of the hook component. The loop component has a self-supporting web of entangled fibers, the fibers forming both a sheet-form body and hook-engageable, free-standing loops extending from at least one surface of the body, and the hook component has fastener elements extending from a common base. The backing layer may be a pressure sensitive adhesive or a synthetic resin.

03-05-2001 дата публикации

Making touch fasteners of multiple resins

Номер: US20010000547A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

Touch fasteners with different portions having different material properties, and methods and apparatus for making such a product. In one embodiment, the fastener includes a cross-linkable polymer, and a first portion of the fastener is cross-linked and a second portion of the fastener is not cross-linked or is cross-linked to a degree less than said first portion. In another embodiment, the fastener is made in a continuous process on a rotating mold roll having a plurality of fastener element mold cavities extending into the mold roll from its outer circumferential surface. The method includes applying a first polymer to the mold roll and forcing some of the first polymer into the mold cavities, with some of the first polymer remaining on the surface of the mold roll in the form of a film having thickness; with a doctoring blade, removing at least some of the first polymer remaining on the surface of the mold roll to at least reduce the thickness of the film of the first polymer on the mold roll surface (in some cases, substantially all of the polymer on the mold roll surface is removed); and applying a second polymer to the mold roll, the second polymer being compatible with, and adhering to, the first polymer.

08-11-2001 дата публикации

Forming fastener components of multiple streams of resin

Номер: US20010038161A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastening component of a separable fastener has some portion that is necessary for its fastening function, such as the hooks, the base to which the hooks are attached or a substrate that is used for another purpose, comprised of a magnetically attractive constituent. Another portion of the fastening component is comprised of a magnetically inert constituent. The fastening element may be the hook portion or the loop portion of a typical fastener. The fastening elements and the base may be unitary, or of different precursors, such as in a woven fastener component. The magnetically inert constituent may comprise a polymeric plastic or a thermoplastic elastomer. The magnetic attractant may impregnate the magnetically inert constituent, or it may coat or be coated by the magnetically inert constituent. The magnetic attractant may comprise a metal powder. The metal may be selected from the group consisting of iron powder. The magnetic attractant may be an organo-iron or a rare earth metal. In a woven fastener, either the base structure or the hooks may include the magnetic attractant, or both may do so. The material that forms the hooks may be entirely of a magnetically attractive material, with the material that forms the woven base being magnetically inert. Rather than the magnetically attractive material being incorporated into the fastening elements or the base, it may be incorporated into the substrate that is formed from a precursor element that is separate from the base, and that is joined to the base.

15-10-2002 дата публикации

Fastening body made of synthetic resin

Номер: US6463634B1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A fastening body having a flat substrate made of synthetic resin. The flat substrate has two synthetic resin layers having different molding shrinkage rates. With the two synthetic resin layers, the flat substrate can have a desired curvature in width direction. The fastening body is fixed by engagement in each of engaging groove portions of a mounting body. The mounting body has a substantially U-shaped section, formed along both side edges in a width direction, so that openings formed by the U-shaped section oppose each other.

08-07-2003 дата публикации

Male fasteners with angled projections

Номер: US6588073B1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A male component of a male and female fastening system, such as a hook and loop fastener, that can remain fastened to a female component under high levels of shear force. The male component has a backing material with projections extending from the backing material at an angle toward the direction of fastener force. The combination of the male component with a standard female loop component results in a secure fastening system. The combination of the male component with a standard female loop component is particularly beneficial when used in absorbent articles.

17-02-2004 дата публикации

Discrete fastener regions

Номер: US6692674B1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastener product includes a planar base, multiple discrete plateaus molded integrally with and extending from an upper surface of the base each plateau having an upper surface that is smaller in area than an overall area of the base covered by the plateau, and an array of discrete fastener elements integrally molded with and extending from the upper surface of the plateau. The product is molded on a mold roll covered by a sleeve either made of a resilient material or having apertures intersecting an inner surface of the sleeve at an inner opening that is smaller than an outer opening of the aperture at an outer sleeve surface to form an edge of the fastener product of decreased sharpness.

16-01-2001 дата публикации

Molding fastener products having backings

Номер: US6174476B1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

An extruded hook fastener strip is created on a roll having hook forming cavities in its surface by extruding plastic material into the interface between the forming roll and a second strip carried by a backing roll. The second strip is firmly bonded to the fastener strip on that side opposite the formed hooks.

28-04-1998 дата публикации

Laminated hook fastener

Номер: US5744080A
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

An extruded hook fastener strip is created on a roll having hook forming cavities in its surface by extruding plastic material into the interface between the forming roll and a second strip carried by a backing roll. The second strip is firmly bonded to the fastener strip on that side opposite the formed hooks.

30-09-2004 дата публикации

Laminated hook fastener

Номер: US20040187275A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

An extruded hook fastener strip is created on a roll having hook forming cavities in its surface by extruding plastic material into the interface between the forming roll and a second strip carried by a backing roll. The second strip is firmly bonded to the fastener strip on that side opposite the formed hooks.

01-04-2003 дата публикации

Forming fastener components of multiple streams of resin

Номер: US6540863B2
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastening component of a separable fastener is molded out of two separate flows of resin joined under pressure in a nip as the fastening elements are molded in cavities of a cavity roller. The joined flows of resin travel about the cavity roller while being cooled, and are then passed about a stripping roller to pull the formed fastener strip from the cavity roller.

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Stretched fasteners

Номер: US20040045142A1
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A running length of fastener product is formed of longitudinally pre-oriented synthetic resin. The product is characterized by a base web and an array of discrete fastener elements protruding from at least one side of the web, the web being in a laterally stretched molecular oriented condition. After forming a preform having discrete fastener elements integral with a base web in a stretchable state, the preform is stretched in a manner that substantially increases the fastener element spacing and reduces the thickness of the base web. A machine is shown that is capable of lengthwise orienting before forming and widthwise stretching after forming, which employs controlled heating to render the product widthwise stretchable while preserving or achieving a desired shape of the fastener elements. There are shown fastener products that include products that are laterally stretched to between two and ten times the width of the original preform fastener products, having lateral rip resistance due to molecular orientation of film form webs produced by stretching, applied to complex or extensive surfaces. Also shown are laminated products formed by joining an added material to the stretched web, and methods for laminating.

23-01-2003 дата публикации

Elastic fastener

Номер: US20030015819A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An elastic web of material has a multiplicity of stems extending from at least one side of the web. The web includes a first continuous layer of elastic material having a first side and a second side and a second layer of material. The second layer of material has a first side which faces the first side of the first layer and a second side from which the stems extend. The first and second layers of material are joined together. The second layer of material can be formed of thermoplastic material or melt processable polymeric material. The first and second layers of material are melt formed. They are joined by coextrusion or lamination to form a multiple layer sheet on which a multiplicity of stems are formed on at least the second layer by a process such as embossing the stems into the heated web using a patterned roll or mold.

19-11-2002 дата публикации

Composite hook and loop fasteners, methods of their manufacture, and products containing them

Номер: US6481063B2
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A composite hook and loop fastener in the form of an elongated strip has an elongated loop component, a hook component permanently affixed to the loop component, and a backing layer disposed on a face of the wrap tie in a discrete region. The backing layer is used for permanent attachment of the wrap tie to a supporting surface. One end of the loop component is available for encircling an object to be wrapped and engaging the fastener elements of the hook component. The loop component has a self-supporting web of entangled fibers, the fibers forming both a sheet-form body and hook-engageable, free-standing loops extending from at least one surface of the body, and the hook component has fastener elements extending from a common base. The backing layer may be a pressure sensitive adhesive or a synthetic resin.

28-06-2011 дата публикации

Coextruded profiled webs

Номер: US7968172B2
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film having a top surface, a bottom surface, a midline, and a series of peaks and valleys oscillating around the midline and forming continuous ridges in a first direction on both the top surface and the bottom surface of the film. The nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film has two or more polymer layers with at least one polymer layer partitioned disproportionally in the peaks such that at least two of the two or more polymer layers vary in thickness across the width of the nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film.

16-03-2010 дата публикации

Coextruded profiled webs

Номер: US7678316B2
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A method that includes coextruding two or more thermoplastic resin streams through a profiled die plate, which die plate is shaped to form a nonplanar film (three dimensional) preferably with a regularly oscillating peak and valley structure that oscillates from a top surface to a bottom surface forming longitudinally extending ridges on both faces of the film. The film is formed by coextruding the film through the oscillating die plate opening causing partitioning of the resins in different zones in the width direction of the film. Flattening of the film results in a film with side-by-side zones formed of different polymers or relative proportions of polymers.

03-06-2010 дата публикации

Coextruded profiled webs

Номер: US20100136297A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film having a top surface, a bottom surface, a midline, and a series of peaks and valleys oscillating around the midline and forming continuous ridges in a first direction on both the top surface and the bottom surface of the film. The nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film has two or more polymer layers with at least one polymer layer partitioned disproportionally in the peaks such that at least two of the two or more polymer layers vary in thickness across the width of the nonplanar, thermoplastic polymeric film.

28-09-2000 дата публикации

Superimposed embossing of capped stem mechanical fastener structures

Номер: AU724679B2
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005115838A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2005 115 838 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ A44B 18/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005115838/12, 03.11.2003 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÇÌ Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 17.12.2002 US 10/321,899 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.03.2006 Áþë. ¹ 8 (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 03/34994 (03.11.2003) (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Áåçðóêîâà Îëüãà Ìèõàéëîâíà Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 115054, Ìîñêâà, Ïàâåëåöêà ïë., 2, ñòð.2, Ñêâàéð, Ñàíäåðñ àíä Äåìïñè (Ìîñêâà) ËËÑ, ïàò.ïîâ. Î.Ì. Áåçðóêîâîé R U (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Åäèíà ïëåíî÷íà êîíñòðóêöè èç ïîëèìåðíîé ñìîëû, ñîñòî ùà èç îñíîâíîãî ïëåíî÷íîãî ñëî , èìåþùåãî, êàê ïðàâèëî, ïàðàëëåëüíûå âåðõíþþ è íèæíþþ îñíîâíûå ïîâåðõíîñòè, èìåþùèå âûñòóïû, ðàñïîëàãàåìûå ð äàìè, íå ìåíåå 25 îòñòî ùèõ äðóã îò äðóãà âûñòóïîâ íà ñàíòèìåòð â ð äó, è âûñòóïàþùèå, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå, ñ âåðõíåé ïîâåðõíîñòè óïîì íóòîé îñíîâû. 2. Ïëåíêà åäèíîé êîíñòðóêöèè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî âûñòóïû âë þòñ êðþ÷êîîáðàçíûìè ýëåìåíòàìè, èìåþùèìè ãîëîâî÷íûå ÷àñòè, êîòîðûå âûñòóïàþò â íàïðàâëåíèè, ïîïåðå÷íîì ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê íàïðàâëåíèþ ð äîâ êðþ÷êîîáðàçíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ. 3. Åäèíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî èìååò íå ìåíåå 5 îòñòî ùèõ äðóã îò äðóãà êðþ÷êîîáðàçíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ íà ñàíòèìåòð â ð äó. 4. Åäèíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî óïîì íóòûé ïîëèìåðíûé ìàòåðèàë ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé òåðìîïëàñòè÷íóþ ñìîëó, à ãîëîâêè êðþ÷êîâ èìåþò ñêðóãëåííûå óãëû. 5. Åäèíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå, ãîëîâî÷íà ÷àñòü êðþ÷êà èìååò ìîëåêóë ðíóþ îðèåíòàöèþ ìåíåå 10%, à îñíîâàíèå êðþ÷êîîáðàçíîãî ýëåìåíòà, ïðèëåãàþùåå ê îñíîâå, èìååò ìîëåêóë ðíóþ îðèåíòàöèþ ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå 10%. 6. Åäèíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.5, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî îñíîâíîé ïëåíî÷íûé ñëîé âë åòñ â îñíîâíîì íå îðèåíòèðîâàííûì. 7. Ñïîñîá ôîðìîâàíè ëåíòû ñ íàïðàâëåííûìè ââåðõ âûñòóïàìè, âêëþ÷àþùèé â ñåá ñòàäèè ôîðìîâàíè ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Moulded catching elements and method for manufacturing same

Номер: KR102146590B1
Автор: 안소니 마헤
Принадлежит: 아플릭스

발명은 막대 부분(1) 및 포획 부분(2)을 포함하는 수형-암형 또는 수형-수형 자체-파지 장치의 포획 요소에 관한 것으로서, 막대 부분은 베이스 스트립(B)를 가로지르는 축을 따라서 연장하고 포획 부분은 막대 부분으로부터 측방향으로 돌출하고, 적어도 포획 부분이 25 ℃에서 1000 MPa 초과, 구체적으로 1200 MPa 초과, 특히 1500 MPa 초과의 굴곡 탄성율을 가지는 열가소성 수지로 제조되고, 포획 요소는 몰딩에 의해서, 특히 사출 몰딩에 의해서 생산되고, 후크에 대한 온도 기록도가 그려질 때, 다시 말해서 시차 주사 열량측정법이 실시될 때, 제1 온도 상승에서, 유리 전이에 인접한 완화 엔탈피의 부재(absence) 또는 근-부재가 확인될 수 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. The invention relates to a catching element of a male-female or male-male self-holding device comprising a rod portion (1) and a catch portion (2), wherein the rod portion extends along an axis transverse to the base strip (B) and is captured. The part protrudes laterally from the rod part, and at least the capture part is made of a thermoplastic resin having a flexural modulus of more than 1000   MPa, specifically more than 1200   MPa, in particular more than 1500   MPa at 25° C., the capture element by molding, In particular, when produced by injection molding, and when thermograms for hooks are drawn, that is, when differential scanning calorimetry is carried out, at the first temperature rise, the absence or near-absence of relaxation enthalpy adjacent to the glass transition It is characterized in that the absence can be identified.

27-07-2007 дата публикации

Composite fabrics with discrete elastic polymer areas

Номер: RU2303531C2

FIELD: composite materials. SUBSTANCE: invention aims at manufacturing composite fabrics comprising substrate with one or several discrete polymer areas. At least some of them are formed from elastomeric thermoplastic composition transferred onto substrate from recesses formed in transferring roller. Discrete elastomer polymer areas can be utilized to impart elasticity to substrate or to control degree of elasticity of the substrate. EFFECT: achieved flexibility in controlling elasticity of fabrics. 10 cl, 27 dwg, 22 ex ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 303 531 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ B32B 37/00 A44B 18/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2004113951/12, 16.09.2002 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÄÆÅÊÑÎÍ Áàéðîí Ì. (US), ÈÒÎÍ Áðýäëè Â. (US), ÂÓÄ Ëè Å. (US), ÒÓÌÀÍ Ñêîòò Äæ. (US) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 16.09.2002 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÇÌ Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.03.2005 R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 05.11.2001 US 10/013,304 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 27.07.2007 Áþë. ¹ 21 2 3 0 3 5 3 1 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 4732800 A, 22.03.1988. WO 0050229, 31.08.2000. US 5614281 A, 25.03.1997. US 5858515 A, 12.01.1999. RU 2090172 C1, 20.09.1997. RU 2127572 C1, 20.03.1999. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 07.06.2004 2 3 0 3 5 3 1 R U (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 03/039868 (15.05.2003) C 2 C 2 (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 02/29269 (16.09.2002) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 125009, Ìîñêâà, Ðîìàíîâ ïåð., 4, ñòð. 2, Ñêâàéð, Ñàíäåðñ ýíä Äåìïñè (Ìîñêâà) ËËÑ, ïàò.ïîâ. Î.Ì.Áåçðóêîâîé (54) ÊÎÌÏÎÇÈÒÍÛÅ ÒÊÀÍÈ Ñ ÄÈÑÊÐÅÒÍÛÌÈ ÝËÀÑÒÈ×ÍÛÌÈ ÏÎËÈÌÅÐÍÛÌÈ ÎÁËÀÑÒßÌÈ (57) Ðåôåðàò: Çàäà÷åé èçîáðåòåíè âë åòñ èçãîòîâëåíèå êîìïîçèòíûõ òêàíåé, ñîäåðæàùèõ ïîäëîæêó ñ îäíîé èëè íåñêîëüêèìè äèñêðåòíûìè ïîëèìåðíûìè îáëàñò ìè. Ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå íåêîòîðûå èç äèñêðåòíûõ ïîëèìåðíûõ îáëàñòåé ñôîðìèðîâàíû èç ýëàñòîìåðíîé ...

10-03-1995 дата публикации

Integrally molded surface fastener

Номер: KR950001607Y1

내용 없음.

31-03-2004 дата публикации

Mfg. for capped stem mechanical fastener structure

Номер: CN1143637C
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co


20-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005127413A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2005 127 413 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ A44B 18/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005127413/12, 17.02.2004 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÇÌ Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 25.03.2003 US 10/396,652 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.02.2006 Áþë. ¹ 5 (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 2004/004592 (17.02.2004) (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Áåçðóêîâà Îëüãà Ìèõàéëîâíà Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 115054, Ìîñêâà, Ïàâåëåöêà ïë., 2, ñòð.2, Ñêâàéð, Ñàíäåðñ àíä Äåìïñè (Ìîñêâà) ËËÑ, ïàò.ïîâ. Î.Ì.Áåçðóêîâîé R U Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè èç ïîëèìåðíîé ñìîëû, ñîñòî ùà èç ïëåíî÷íîé îñíîâû, îáëàäàþùåé äâóì â öåëîì ïàðàëëåëüíûìè ñòîðîíàìè, è ðàçíåñåííûìè êðþ÷êàìè, ðàñïîëîæåííûìè íà âåðõíåé ñòîðîíå îñíîâû, êàæäûé èç êîòîðûõ ñîñòîèò èç ñòåðæí , îäíèì êîíöîì êðåï ùåãîñ ê âûøåóïîì íóòîé îñíîâå, è âåðõíåé ÷àñòè, ðàñïîëîæåííîé íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîé îñíîâå êîíöà ñòåðæí , ïðè÷åì ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå íåêîòîðûå èç âåðõíèõ ÷àñòåé êðþ÷êîâ îáëàäàþò äâóì èëè áîëåå ëàï÷àòûìè ýëåìåíòàìè, âûñòóïàþùèìè, ïî ñóùåñòâó, â îäíîì íàïðàâëåíèè. 2. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî âûñòóïàþùèå â îäíîì íàïðàâëåíèè ëàï÷àòûå ýëåìåíòû êàæäîãî èç êðþ÷êîâ îòäåëåíû äðóã îò äðóãà èëè ðàñõîä òñ â ðàçíûå ñòîðîíû. 3. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.2, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî ñîîòíîøåíèå òîëùèíû âåðõíåãî ýëåìåíòà è òîëùèíû ñòåðæí ñîñòàâë åò îò 0,1 äî 0,9. 4. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.2, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî ñîîòíîøåíèå òîëùèíû âåðõíåãî ýëåìåíòà è òîëùèíû ñòåðæí ñîñòàâë åò îò 0,25 äî 0,5. 5. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.2, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî îðèåíòàöè îñíîâû ïðîòèâîïîëîæíà íàïðàâëåíèþ ñöåïëåíè âåðõíèõ ýëåìåíòîâ êðþ÷êà. 6. Ìîíîëèòíà çàñòåæêà ñ êðþ÷êàìè ïî ï.2, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî âåðõíèå ýëåìåíòû, ðàñïîëîæåííûå íàâåðõó êàæäîãî èç ñòåðæíåé, ñëó÷àéíûì îáðàçîì ðàñõîä òñ ñ ñîñåäíèìè ýëåìåíòàìè, íàõîä ùèìèñ íà òîé æå ñòîðîíå ñòåðæí , è âåðõíèìè ýëåìåíòàìè, íàõîä ...

22-05-2007 дата публикации

Fastening member comprising shaped tab

Номер: US7219403B2
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A fastening member used for, e.g., a disposable absorbent article is disclosed. The fastening member extends in a longitudinal direction and in a lateral direction and has a lateral centerline. The fastening member comprises a base panel and a shaped tab extending laterally from the base panel. The shaped tab has a longitudinal centerline, a lateral centerline, a distal portion and a proximal portion. The shaped tab has a contour edge comprising a shaped upper edge and a shaped lower edge. The shaped upper edge and the shaped lower edge are symmetric with respect to the longitudinal centerline of the shaped tab when relatively shifted in the longitudinal direction and are asymmetric with respect to the lateral centerline of the fastening member.

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006142191A

1. Способ формирования термопластичной полимерной пленки, включающий:(a) объединение двух или более потоков расплава полимеров в двухслойный практически копланарный поток;(b) экструдирование объединенных потоков расплава, имеющих верхнюю зону и нижнюю зону, в головку;(c) экструдирование объединенного копланарного потока через матрицу, имеющую вырезанное непрямоугольное профилированное отверстие, конфигурация которого колеблется от верхней зоны до нижней зоны, таким образом непропорционально разделяя, по крайней мере, порцию полимера в верхней зоне до верхней области, а также непропорционально разделяя, по крайней мере, порцию полимера в нижней зоне до нижней области, с целью получения, по крайней мере, верхнего и нижнего слоев полимера;(d) формирование пленки, имеющей не менее одного верхнего или нижнего слоя, с варьируемой по ширине пленки толщиной благодаря разделению потоков расплавов полимера в матрице головки экструдера, и в результате чего упомянутая полимерная пленка снабжается серией гребней, простирающихся в виде чередующихся пиков и впадин от верхней до нижней ее поверхности; эти пики и впадины простираются в первом направлении, тем самым образуя непрерывные гребни на верхней и нижней поверхностях пленки.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся дальнейшей процедурой разглаживания полимерной пленки.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся, во-первых, тем, что неплоская пленка не имеет плоских участков между пиками и впадинами, а во-вторых, тем, что пленка имеет толщину от 25 до 1000 мкм.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пики идут от средней линии пленки до внешней плоскости по синусоиде, что расстояние от средней линией до ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2006 142 191 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ B29C 47/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006142191/12, 06.05.2005 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÇÌ Èííîâåéòèâ Ïðîïåðòèç Êîìïàíè (US) (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 08.06.2004 US 10/863,717 (43) ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации

Elastic Fastener

Номер: KR100497442B1

소정 재료로 된 탄성 웹의 적어도 한 면에 뻗어 있는 다수개의 스템을 가진다. 이 웹은 제1면 및 제2면을 가진 연속 탄성 물질의 제1층을 포함한다. 제2 재료층은 제1층의 제1면을 마주보는 제1면 및 다수개의 스템이 퍼져있는 제2면을 포함한다. 제1 및 제2 재료층을 서로 결합한다. 제2 재료층은 열가소성 또는 용융가공성 물질로부터 형성될 수 있다. 제1 및 제2 재료층은 용융물로 형성된다. 이들은 공압출되거나 적층되어 다수개의 스템이 패턴화된 롤 또는 주형을 이용하여 가열된 웹을 따라 엠보싱하는 등의 방법으로 적어도 제2층에 형성되어 있는 다층 시트로 결합된다. It has a plurality of stems extending on at least one side of an elastic web of certain material. The web comprises a first layer of continuous elastic material having a first side and a second side. The second material layer includes a first face facing the first face of the first layer and a second face on which a plurality of stems are spread. The first and second material layers are joined to each other. The second material layer can be formed from a thermoplastic or melt-processable material. The first and second material layers are formed of melts. These are co-extruded or laminated so that a plurality of stems are joined into a multi-layered sheet formed at least in the second layer, such as by embossing along the heated web using a patterned roll or mold.

24-03-2005 дата публикации

Hook fasteners, closure, disposable absorbent garment and methods of manufacture

Номер: KR100478769B1

본 발명은 훅 파스너 부재(18)에 관한 것으로서, 열로 정렬된 평면에 놓이고 다수 열로 성형된 훅 형상 파스너 요소(114)와, 상기 훅 파스너 부재의 베이스(112)에 거의 평행하게 놓여 있고 적어도 약간의 파스너 요소(114)의 최외단부에 실질적으로 편평한 플레이트부(118)를 포함하는 훅 파스너 부재에 관한 것이다. 상기 플레이트부(118)는 체결하는 루프 부재(22), 특히 매우 얇은 부직 루프 파스너 요소와 훅 파스너 요소의 맞물림을 개선할 수 있다. 또한, 파스너 부재(18)의 제조 방법도 제공한다. 성형 수지를 인출한 다음 성형 롤러(50)에 가하여 예비 성형체를 성형한다. 적어도 약간의 최외단부는 일반적인 플레이트부를 성형하도록 편평하게 성형된다. 일회용 흡수성 외피(10)는 상기 훅 파스너 부재를 이용하는 것이 유리하다. The present invention relates to a hook fastener member (18), wherein the hook-shaped fastener element (114) lies in a row aligned plane and is formed in a plurality of rows and substantially parallel to the base (112) of the hook fastener member. Hook fastener member comprising a substantially flat plate portion 118 at the outermost end of the fastener element 114 of FIG. The plate portion 118 can improve the engagement of the loop member 22 to fasten, in particular the very thin nonwoven loop fastener element and the hook fastener element. Moreover, the manufacturing method of the fastener member 18 is also provided. The molded resin is taken out and then added to the forming roller 50 to form a preform. At least some of the outermost ends are shaped flat to form a common plate portion. The disposable absorbent sheath 10 advantageously utilizes the hook fastener member.

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Touch fastener with magnetic attractant

Номер: CN1175889A
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV


08-05-2003 дата публикации

Composite webs with discrete elastic polymeric regions

Номер: US20030087059A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Composite webs and methods and systems for manufacturing composite webs including a substrate with one or more discrete polymeric regions located thereon are disclosed. At least some of the discrete polymeric regions are formed of an elastomeric thermoplastic composition that is transferred to the substrate in depressions formed on a transfer roll. The discrete elastomeric polymeric regions can be used to provide elasticity to a substrate that is not elastic or they may be used to adjust the elasticity of a substrate that is itself elastic.

19-08-1975 дата публикации

Self-gripping device with preformed gripping elements

Номер: US3899803A
Автор: George C Brumlik
Принадлежит: Ingrip Fasteners Inc

A self gripping device is disclosed which includes a sheet member containing gripping elements having distinct gripping means integrally formed therein within a frame in substantially the same plane as the sheet, the gripping elements being adapted to be positioned, for example by bending, in a generally upright position from one or both sides of the sheet for self gripping engagement with a receiving layer. The gripping elements may be positioned parallel to one side of the sheet, crosswise or in any predetermined orientation with respect to each other and to the sheet. When bent out of plane, the gripping elements may be perpendicular to the sheet or at any angle less than ninety degrees. A process for making the self gripping device, apparatus for erecting the gripping elements, and a process for rendering a surface self gripping utilizing the self gripping device are also disclosed.

25-04-2000 дата публикации

J hook-type hook strip for a mechanical fastener

Номер: US6054091A
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co

A method of making a hook strip having J-shaped hooks that can be used as a mechanical fastener. The method includes using an initial substrate of material formed as an array of upstanding precursor stems having distal tips at their ends opposite a backing. In addition, a heat source adapted for heating and a mechanism for deforming stem tips is provided. The substrate is positioned relative to the heat source such that a portion of the upstanding stems on the array is heated. Subsequently, the substrate is moved to a position relative to the mechanism for deforming to create a hook strip of J-shaped hooks from the heated portion of the upstanding stems. In addition, an article of manufacture, made in accordance with the method, is provided which includes a hook portion of a hook-and-loop type of mechanical fastener.

21-09-1999 дата публикации

Hook fasteners and methods of manufacture

Номер: US5953797A
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A hook fastener member having rows of molded hook-shaped fastener elements that lie in planes aligned with the rows, with generally planar plate portions at the outermost ends of at least some of the fastener elements, the plate portions lying generally parallel to the base of the fastener member. The plate portions can enhance engagement of the hook fastener members with mating loop fastener members, particularly with low loft non-woven loop fastener members. A method of making fastener members is provided. Molten resin is extruded and applied to a molding roller, creating preforms. The outermost portions of at least some of the preforms are flattened, thereby forming generally plate shaped portions. Disposable absorbent garments advantageously incorporate the hook fastener members.

09-07-1998 дата публикации

Interlocking device

Номер: WO1998029003A1
Автор: Leonard Duffy
Принадлежит: Leonard Duffy

Two portions are joined by a set of islands (06) provided on one surface (01) engaged within apertures (05) provided on a second surface (04), the islands (06) being configured so as to provide apertures (05) between sets of adjacent islands (06) so that when the assembly is subjected to a relative shearing force, the islands (06) are slidingly engaged within complementary apertures (05), defined by undercut sidewalls (02) and held in full engagement by a coupling member (08), thus forming a secure union which may readily disconnected and reconnected, is adjustable and which is useful as a fastener for diverse rigid and flexible materials. Also provided are alternate shapes and configurations of the device; diverse means for coupling the assembly in pre-engaged and engaged positions; and embodiments which may provide a reusable seal, an electrical connector, a singular set of the device, a linear plurality, a two dimensional array, a plurality which connects two coplanar parts by connection to a third part, and other designs.

14-01-2004 дата публикации

Moulded surface fasteners, and apparatus, and method for manufacturing them

Номер: CN1134333C
Принадлежит: YKK Corp


22-10-2009 дата публикации

Fastening Member Comprising Shaped Tab

Номер: US20090264852A1

A fastening member used for, e.g., a disposable absorbent article is disclosed. The fastening member extends in a longitudinal direction and in a lateral direction and has a lateral centerline. The fastening member comprises a base panel and a shaped tab extending laterally from the base panel. The shaped tab has a longitudinal centerline, a lateral centerline, a distal portion and a proximal portion. The shaped tab has a contour edge comprising a shaped upper edge and a shaped lower edge. The shaped upper edge and the shaped lower edge are symmetric with respect to the longitudinal centerline of the shaped tab when relatively shifted in the longitudinal direction and are asymmetric with respect to the lateral centerline of the fastening member.

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Multi-purpose holder with metal base plate has several projections formed by cutting in several hooked shapes which are then bent round

Номер: DE102004048464A1
Принадлежит: Reinz Dichtungs GmbH

The holder has a metal base (11) with several protruding projections (12) obtained by cutting in a number of hooked shapes to leave a bending edge in the surface of the plate for each hook. The hook projections are then made by bending round the shapes around the bending edge. Where necessary side collars can be made on the projections and/or the projections can be twisted around their longitudinal axis. The side collars can be made by fusing parts of the projections. An INDEPDENT CLAIM is included for a method of making a holder by cutting in the preformed hooks and bending them round their edges.

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Mounting device having a metallic base plate with multiple hook-like projections obtained by stamping or laser cutting and bending

Номер: WO2006037624A1

The present invention relates to a mounting device (10) having a metallic base plate, from which multiple projections (12) project, and a method for manufacturing this mounting device (10). The mounting device (10) may be obtained by cutting multiple hook preforms into the surface of the base plate while leaving at least one bending edge per hook pre-form. Furthermore, hook-like projections (12) are manufactured by bending the hook preforms out of the base plate around the bending edge and possibly lateral protrusions (15) are manufactured on the projections or these are twisted.

27-11-2012 дата публикации

Mounting device having a metallic base plate with multiple hook-like projections obtained by stamping or laser cutting and bending

Номер: US8316516B2
Принадлежит: Reinz Dichtungs GmbH

The present invention relates to a mounting device having a metallic base plate, from which multiple projections project, and a method for manufacturing this mounting device. The mounting device may be obtained by cutting multiple hook preforms into the surface of the base plate while leaving at least one bending edge per hook preform. Furthermore, hook-like projections are manufactured by bending the hook preforms out of the base plate around the bending edge and possibly lateral protrusions are manufactured on the projections or these are twisted.

02-09-2010 дата публикации

Process for producing closure elements for metallic adhesive closures and closure element produced by the process

Номер: DE102008005178B4
Принадлежит: Gottlieb Binder GmbH and Co KG

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Verschlusselementen für metallische Haftverschlüsse, wobei in einem metallischen Träger (3) dem Umriss von zu bildenden Verhakungselementen (1) entsprechende Einschnitte (13) unter Belassung jeweils einer Verbindungslinie (15) vorgenommen und Biegevorgänge durchgeführt werden, um die durch die Einschnitte (13) begrenzten Bereiche als Verhakungselemente (1) um die als Biegelinien dienenden Verbindungslinien (15) aus der Ebene des Trägers (3) hochzustellen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Träger (3) durch den Bereich (5) des Verzahnungseingriffes zwischen eine umfängliche Verzahnung aufweisenden Rotationskörpern (7, 9) hindurch geführt wird, wobei die Zahnformen der Rotationskörper (7, 9) und die Art des Verzahnungseingriffes so gewählt werden, dass der Verzahnungseingriff sowohl für die Bildung der Einschnitte (13) schneidend wirksam als auch für die Biegevorgänge prägend wirksam wird. Method for the production of closure elements for metallic adhesive closures, wherein incisions (13) are made in a metallic carrier (3) corresponding to the contour of hooking elements (1) to be formed while leaving a respective connecting line (15) and bending operations are performed by the incisions (13) limited areas as hooking elements (1) to the connecting lines (15) serving as bending lines from the plane of the carrier (3), characterized in that the carrier (3) through the region (5) of the toothing engagement between a circumferential toothing having rotational bodies (7, 9) is guided through, wherein the tooth shapes of the rotary body (7, 9) and the type of meshing engagement are chosen so that the tooth engagement both for the formation of the incisions (13) cutting effective and for the bending processes formative takes effect.

15-04-2010 дата публикации

mounting device

Номер: DE102008031251B3

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Halterungsvorrichtung mit einer metallischen Grundplatte, über die eine Vielzahl von Halterungsösen vorsteht. Die Halterungsvorrichtung ist erhältlich durch Einschneiden einer Vielzahl von bügelförmigen Ösenvorformen unter Belassung zweier Verbindungsabschnitte je Ösenvorform in die Oberfläche der Grundplatte und Herstellen der Halterungsösen durch Biegen der Ösenvorformen um eine Biegekante im Bereich der Verbindungsabschnitte aus der Grundplatte heraus. Zumindest ein Teil der Ösenvorformen ist zu mehreren ineinander geschachtelt als Nester auf der Grundplatte angeordnet. Bevorzugt sind die Ösenvorformen gegenüber anderen Ösenvorformen auf der Grundplatte gedreht angeordnet. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Verfahren zur Herstellung der Halterungsvorrichtung. The invention relates to a mounting device with a metallic base plate, protruding over a plurality of mounting eyelets. The retainer device is obtainable by cutting a plurality of bow-shaped eyelet preforms while leaving two connecting portions per eyelet preform in the surface of the base plate and making the eyelets by bending the eyelet preforms around a bending edge in the region of the connecting portions from the base plate. At least part of the Ösenvorformen is nested in several nests on the base plate. The eyelet preforms are preferably arranged rotated relative to other eyelet preforms on the base plate. The invention further relates to a method for producing the mounting device.

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Mounting Device Having a Metallic Base Plate with Multiple Hook-Like Projections Obtained by Stamping or Laser Cutting and Bending

Номер: US20080244878A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a mounting device having a metallic base plate, from which multiple projections project, and a method for manufacturing this mounting device. The mounting device may be obtained by cutting multiple hook preforms into the surface of the base plate while leaving at least one bending edge per hook preform. Furthermore, hook-like projections are manufactured by bending the hook preforms out of the base plate around the bending edge and possibly lateral protrusions are manufactured on the projections or these are twisted.

13-10-2015 дата публикации

Molded surface fastener

Номер: KR101559688B1

본 발명의 성형면 파스너(1, 2, 3, 4)에서는, 면 파스너 부재(10, 40, 50, 60)가 좌우의 종 방벽부(12, 42)와 전후의 횡 방벽부(13, 43, 53)를 구비하고, 횡 방벽부(13, 43, 53)는 외측의 제1 횡벽부(14, 44, 54)와 내측의 제2 횡벽부(15, 45, 55)를 갖는다. 제1 횡벽부(14, 44, 54)는 소정의 높이 치수를 가지고 좌우의 종 방벽부(12, 42) 사이에 연속하여 배치된 연속 횡벽체(14a, 44a, 54a)를 구비하고, 제2 횡벽부(15, 45, 55)는 폭 방향을 따라서 간헐적으로 배치된 복수의 분할 횡벽체(15a, 45a, 55a)와, 복수의 제2 계합 소자(22, 23)를 구비한다. 이에 의해, 성형면 파스너(1, 2, 3, 4)를 쿠션체에 성형 일체화할 때에, 수지 재료가 면 파스너 부재(10, 40, 50, 60)의 계합 소자 영역으로 침입하는 것을 억제할 수 있다. In the molded surface fastener 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the present invention, the face fastener members 10, 40, 50 and 60 are provided with the left and right longitudinal wall portions 12 and 42 and the front and rear lateral wall portions 13 and 43 53 and the transverse barriers 13, 43, 53 have an outer first lateral wall 14, 44, 54 and an inner second lateral wall 15, 45, 55. The first transverse wall portions 14, 44 and 54 are provided with continuous transverse walls 14a, 44a and 54a having a predetermined height dimension and arranged continuously between the left and right longitudinal wall portions 12 and 42, The transverse wall portions 15, 45 and 55 include a plurality of divided transverse walls 15a, 45a and 55a and a plurality of second engaging elements 22 and 23 intermittently arranged along the width direction. As a result, when the molded surface fasteners 1, 2, 3, and 4 are formed integrally with the cushion body, the resin material can be prevented from intruding into the engaging element regions of the face fastener members 10, 40, 50, have.

03-11-2005 дата публикации

Web constructions with severed elongate strands

Номер: KR20050105181A
Автор: 제이쉬리 세쓰

적어도 하나의 표면에 위치한 절단된 신장 스트랜드(242)를 갖는 웹 구성물이 기재된다. 절단된 신장 스트랜드는 웹(110)의 하나 또는 두 개의 주요 표면에 접착되며, 행 및 열로 배열될 수 있다. 신장된 스트랜드는 연속된 스트랜드를 웹 구성물 위에 압출시킨 후, 간격을 두고 웹에 스트랜드를 선택적으로 접착시켜서 제조할 수 있다. 접착 후에, 상기 신장된 스트랜드는 접착점(212) 사이의 위치(218)에서 절단될 수 있다. 절단된 신장 스트랜드는 웹 이면(backing)에서 패스닝 요소로서 사용될 수 있다. 패스닝 요소로서 사용될 때, 웹은 예컨대, 의복(가운 기저귀, 트레이닝 팬츠 등), 침구 등에 사용될 수 있다. 또한, 절단된 신장 스트랜드를 갖는 웹을 위한 다른 용도들로서, 예를 들면, 개인용 케어 용품(피부 각질 제거 용품, 등), 연마용품, 광택용품, 필터 구성물(예, 절단된 신장 스트랜드는 필터링 요소 및/또는 스페이서로 기능한다) 등이 예시될 수 있다.

15-07-2000 дата публикации

Interengaging fastener member

Номер: KR200187950Y1

베이스와 인접하며 베이스로 부터 돌출되는 다수의 헤드스템을 갖는 패스너 부재가 개시된다. 헤드스템들은 베이스 상에서 패턴을 취하여 배열되고, 상기 패턴은 전단방향으로 해제력을 증가시키는 경향을 갖는다. A fastener member having a plurality of headstem adjacent to and protruding from the base is disclosed. The headstems are arranged taking a pattern on the base, which pattern tends to increase the release force in the shear direction.

20-10-1999 дата публикации

Method and device for producing hook-and-pile type closure part from thermoplastic plastics

Номер: CN1232372A
Автор: 帕维尔·哈默
Принадлежит: Gottlieb Binder GmbH and Co KG


08-06-1995 дата публикации

Mechanical fastener and method for its manufacture

Номер: NO952271D0
Принадлежит: Procter & Gamble

05-05-1998 дата публикации

Multi-layer female component for refastenable fastening device and method of making the same

Номер: CA2103278C
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present invention provides a female component (22) for engaging a complementary hook component in a refastenable fastening device (20). The female component (22) comprises at least two, and preferably three zones or layers. These include a first zone (31) for admitting and engaging at least some of the hooks of the complementary hook component (the "entanglement" zone), a second zone (32) for providing space for the hooks to occupy after they have been admitted by the entanglement zone (referred to as the "spacing" zone), and a backing (34) adjacent to the spacing zone (32) for providing a foundation for the entanglement and spacing zones. The present invention also provides a fastening device having a hook fastening component and a female component that comprises the multilayer female component of the present invention. The present invention also relates to disposable articles and more particularly to a disposable diaper having such an improved fastening device.

09-04-2013 дата публикации

Fastener products

Номер: US8413306B2
Принадлежит: Velcro Industries BV

A fastener product includes an elongate strap, projections molded of resin extending from a first region of the strap, and a head element molded of resin extending from a second region of the strap. The head element includes a hole sized to receive an end of the strap.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Dimensionally flexible touch fastener strip

Номер: CA2805424A1
Автор: Gerald Rocha
Принадлежит: Individual

A fastening strip for touch fasteners is provided which includes a corrugated portion as well as fastening elements. The corrugated portion allows the strip to be bent in a plane perpendicular as well as parallel with the longitudinal axis of the strip such that it may be applied to curved surfaces and remain substantially flat. Fastening elements such as hooks, loops, mushroom-shaped, bulbous and double hooks may be included on both sides of the strip and on the walls of the channels that form the corrugations as well as between the corrugations. The corrugated fastening strips may be useful for automotive seating and diaper applications. Processes for forming the corrugated fastening strip area also disclosed.
