13-01-1920 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 2245864
Дата заявки: 20-07-1918


S PATENT OFF.ICE. WI-LT.TA -B. HARSEL, OF AKRON, OHIO, ASS-GNOR TO THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COXPANY, OF AKRON, OHIO, A CORPORATION OF OHIO. TIRE-MAKING MACHINE. 1,327,910. Specifteatio3i of Letters Patent. ]Pdt-ented Jan. 13,1920. Application filed Tuly 20, 1918. Serial No. 245,864. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that 1, WiLLiAm B. HARSFL, a ' citizen of the TTnited States, and resident of -kkron, Ohio, bave invented new .tnd useful' Iiiiprovements in Tire-Making Machines, of which the follow'mg is a specification. This invention relates primarily to tirebtiilding machines, and more parti@ularly to a strficture for applying certain so-called 10 "finishing" strips to the carcass which eveiituaII3, becomes the casing of t pneum t' tire. This c . areass is customarily built up on the carcass-foi- ing core ()f a plurality of iL5 successively-applied plies of rubberized fabric. In building tires of the pneumatic type, it i@ usual practice to apply the several differeirt kinds of strips to this caicass, by hand and, genei-Ally, as separate and succes20 sil-e operations. The eareass having been @finished, the first'finishing elem'ent applied thereto is the socalled "chafing" strip which colyiprises a narrow strip of rubberized fhbric which is applied to the carcass so 25 that it wijll entirely cover the bead. The next elements to be applied aro the so-called "side-walls" wbich, iiiider, the present modus of factory pi-ocedure, comprise a, series of' thin, narrow rubber strips -which are I ap30 plied to the sides of the careass separately, these being so positioned in respect to.the -beads that there shall be a substantial -tinount or bulk of rubber built u'p'against these beads. 35 The final step in this procedure is to apply the socalled "cushion" strip,.this beina aP7 I)Iied about the out.er circumference ol the c,treass which, by its application, becomeg a completed e-arcass and read-y for its initial 40 CUre. These sever.@l operatiohs not only require :i considerable time but involve care and @ccui-,,tcy on the part of the tirebuilder to instire the making of a satisfacto pr(iduct;, ry 45 and, besides, involve several steps and oper,ttions. The principal object of my inventioii is to eliminate what I regard as unnecessary steps in this procedure and to effect a con5o venient and easy application of the chafing strip and side-walls to the carcass. To this erid, my invention primarily re--ide.s eans for accurately and posi in ni @ively placing these various fmishing st.rips on the car cass. and thereby. avoid unsatisfactory 55 - auess-work on thi3 part of the tire builder. - These and other important objects and.adva ntgg6s, ih@t will be app(arent from the foll ow.ing description, may be accomplished by the structure illustrated in the accom- 60 pa nying. drawings which are, however, inten ded merely to be illustrative, since this str ucture is stiseeptible. of a wide range of ii:i odification and variation without departf m the spirit of the invention or sac- 65 ln rile inrgo a@y of its salient features or underlyi n I g principles., n these drawihgs: Figure I is a view. in front elevation of the structure, ther6 being two careass-form@ 70 ing @ores @hown -therein; Fig. 2 is a fragmentary view in side elevat ion of the same; Fig. 3 is. a fragmentary view, in perspectiv e, sl-xowing the stitcher-head and a portion :75 of the carcass-forming core, and r4 ig. 4 is a similar view illustrating the stit cher-head on a larger scale and showing mo re clearly the strip-laying r6llers and po sitioning-guide formi.ng a paft of the 80 str ucture. Referring to'thege drawings, the referen ce-numeral-10 designates a, carcass-forming core I 4:)f an3- suitable construction and diri iensions, there being two of these here 85 sh own; but it is to be understood that thore m,, ty, if desii-ed, be several of them.arranged in series Eacli of these cores is supported upon a core'-chuck and drive, designated ge , ii@rally by the reference-character 11, tnese go instrumentalities being sustained by a ped7 estal or iandard 12. Adapted to travel in front of the standard 12 and to bepositioned in. operaiiv'e relatio,n to one or another ot the cores 10 is a 95 tinit-supl)orting carriage 13 which t-raverses. tracks 14. On this carriage . is mounted a stitcherbead uniti designated geilerally by the reforence-numeral 15, the details of which will ioo hereinafter be more fully described. Juxtap6sod to the structure just described is a roll-suppofting fr@,me 16 comprising 13?sts 17 and a, cross-pie6e 18: On this crosspiece is mounted a series of fabric su'PPIY-. 105 rolls 19, a ptiir. of the@e beirig @6curately,positioned over each, coke S'O that the operator may simultaneously apply two strips of fab-


.1,327,910 ric therefrom onto. the re. It is to be un- main suppl), cii the rolls 19, the core is then co derstood tli@Lt, ,tliliougli I have here shown thes e rolls as carrving material for chafing strips; nevertheless they iiiay lilrewise carry iiiaterial for the @ide-wall and ciishion strips, these to be ipplied fi-oiii these rolls to the core in a maiiiier similar to that whi.ch will heteinafter be explained. In other words, these varioi-is i-olls are to be intp-i-changeably 10 inou.nted on ilie ei,oss-piece 18; and, to.this end the rolls are, supported on a 'seri@s of studs 20. Disposed ir, a. plane above the rolls 19 are liner take-iip rolls 21, tlie,se being mounted 15 1on curved siipport,, 22 pii-oted on ihe crosspiece 18, ts QIiowii in Fig. 1. These rolls are held in en-agement with - the f,,tbrie-rolls 19 by the force of gravity aiid, as these rolls rotate, the), will in tui-n caii-,(-@ the liner rolls 20 to rotat6 ,tiid, thus, take up liner material froin the rolls 19 as the atter rotate to siipply sti-ips to t-he core. The aforeiileiitioned stitelier-liead tinit 15 iiicludes a cairiage 23 adaptecl to liave ad25 vancing aii(I rece ii movemeii-ts in respect to the coi-e 10 , s movemeiits being ef fee.ted by -,t etrivilig-screw 24 whicli is opertted by a lian(:].- wlieel 25. Mounted on ancl carried by the carriage 30 23 is a pair O'f etiii-operated stitcher-ariiis 26 Cal-i-3,iiig stit,- ,Iiei--rolls or disks 27 at their outer extreniities. Bolted to and upstandin from each of the trms 26 is a bi-,,teket 28 lieli supports a sti,ip-guide 29. Oii the 3,5 und6r-side of eacli guide is a br,,Lcket 30 whic.h pivot,,illy stippol-ts @t Ushaped oke y 31 carrying a fabric-itiying roller 32. The function of tl-ese rollers is to press the sti-ips agailist the coi-e, the yokes 31 acting under 40 the influeii(!e of a spring 33 for this purpose. The arms 26 are actuated by a.-iiiaiitiallyarnis 26 ai-e positiojied in respect to tlie, fab.45 ric being laid upon the cor6. Operatio,,i.-In opei-ating the structure, above described, the tire bliilder first places the i,eqiilred, carcass-covered cores IIPO" @ the series of cliiieks., Tliereupoii, lie POSi@ions 5o the cai-i-iage 2@l,' in fl-oiit of th6 first core and opefates the lialid-wheel 25 to calise the cariage to be ttdvanced into a position ivhere l@he fabric-gliides 29 will be in clo8e pi-oximitytotheb(@adsontlie-careass. Tlieii-tlie 55 ends of the fabric-strip ai,e tlire,,tded througli these guides 29 anil under the i-oll 32, so tli-,tt they niay I-ie attaclied to -the carcass. The nature of the rubberized fal)ric. is siieh as to catise these ends to adhere to the c,,treass 60 while the operator catises the core slowly to revolve iintil a complete strip of the f@Lbric has been positioned over the entire be,,tdthis operation occur@ino, siinult,,iiieoiisly oii b6th sides o-f the core. The fabric, the'n be65 ing severed at the proper length from the set into rapi(I oper,,ition. The stitcher-c,,trri,,ige is next tdvanced slowly to-war the core and, ,tt the same tliiie, the sticher-dislc8 -)7 are, by ttie manually-operated cam-IneIll- 7 0 ber 34 force(I inwal,dly to engage the stri@be it ,i chafing or side-strip,-the simultaneous action of these supplying rolls and the r:idial moveiiiont of the carriage 23 restilting in t-lie stipp@viiig rolls trqN-ei-siilopractically 7,5 the entire willth of the sti-ip; these operations beino, (,,oiitiiiued iiiitil the str'l 'ls COIIIpleteiy sti@,'elie@L doivii over the beats. Then the carria,-e 23 is retrticted and the unitsupportiii(, cairiage - 13 is positio'iied in front 80 of the next core, wliereupon it is operated iii the manne r just described. These operations are contiiiuod iintil 111 of the cores have beeii'fiiiished. If clesired., the tforeiiientioiied cushion 85 strip niay be -epplied by posit laying 1-oller 35 agaiiist the t f the carcass. This roller is e Lipper e,xtr(,,if.@ity of a lever 36 pivoted at 37 ltnd actuate(l b3, linlc 38 ivliieli iii turn is go pivotally coy)iiected to ,t foot-lever 39. Fron-i th(,, forep,,oino,, it will b6 perceivecl that iii this conil)iiied strip-applying ,tnd stitcher deviee are inouiited upoll and operate([ bv the ,triiis 26 which, iii turii, 95 are opei-ate(I I)v ttie iiieiiiber 34, this being comiiion to bot@ of tlic@, arnis to effect simult-,ti-ieotis iiioi-eineiit of the ariiis 26.. More-@ over, wliile the gtiides 29 tire positioning the strips in pi-op(@r relition to the boa(Is on the i.00 caretiss, the rcills ;32 ,tre oper,,ttilig to effect @,t preliniinar\l lay'li' I g of these strips oii the I)eads wlici-etipoi-i tlle stitcher-disks 2T ai-e broti(rht into operition to coiiiplete the , stitch-iiig Lloivii of these @@trips. 105 What I

claim is: 1. A strip-applyiyig structure iiieltiding.@t oper,ited @aiii-iiieiiiber 31, aiid by wbich the' tii-e-foi-miiig core, I.C-,Il@i-iage iiioi,,tble iii relatioi-i thereto a O-Liide-stistaining stipp6l,t. elli'llie(I bN, cii-i-iage, 110 tiid iiiovable with tlie aii(I a strip-giiidiiig eleiiieiit on tlit@, stil)pol-t an(I positioiiable therebv opposite a side of the cor(,, for applyln,- @a strip of iiiiteri,i] flatwisp, tbel-(@to. -),. A strip-,tpplyiii- striietlire including a ii5 revoliil)le core, t nioN,,@ible si-ipport tissociated tlierewith, aiid i stril)-gtiiding eleiiierit; tlie, i@i@iding-elenient tnicl pressing-iiieinber beiii,g simiiltaneoiislv positioiiable b3, the,mov,,tble stip@oi-t iiioval)le oii the slipport and posi- 120 tioiiable for active opei-atioii opposit,e a si@le of the eore. 3. A strip-,tpplyiiig ,;trtiettire iiiclitditi,,, t r t, iiiovible stippoi-t, i st ip-guidilig qleitient tliei-eon,, and a fabric-pressin . g I iiieiiiber 125 juxtaposed to btit iii I -,t (lifferent relative plane froiii the eleiiient for action on a ,trip in ,iiece,,.@sioii to the po,,-,itioiiing of tli6 stril) b.@ the eleiileiit. 4. A strip-ap lying- - stiucture including @a i3o p

1,327,910 revoluble core, a strip-guiding element positionable opposite a side of the core for applying a strip of material thereon, and a fabi-ic-pressing member associated w the guiding olement for action on the, strip in succession to the action of the element in Applvinz the same to--the core; both the guidilrig-elen-ient and the pressinkrmen-lber being simultaneously_ posicioiiable in relation to lo the core. 5. A strip-applying structure including a revoluble core, a strip-guiding element positionable opposite a side of th6'core for appl ing a strip of material thereon, a fabric'- y 15, p,ressing member associated with the guiding elenient for action on the strip in succes- . Sion to the action of the element iD applying the same to the'core, and a fabric-stitching instrumentality op.eratively associated with 20 the pressmg member. for action on - the strip. in succession to the a@tion thereon of that element. 6. A strip-applying structure including an clen-ient-sustaining supp@rt, a @trip-sup25 plying eletnent,thereon@ a core operativel y associated with the siipplying element, and a strip"applying device movable radiall ' y in relation to the axi-s of the core and having an indep - endent swinging inovement in relw30 tion to'the, side of the core, whereby a strip of materi:xl iiiay b@6 @ucce'ssive' sup@lied to, positioned:@airainst. a@d applieyd to the @gideof the core. 7. A strip-applying structure includ'mg a MiWr4al-supplying element there35 fraiiie, E@, on, a cor . e suroported in operative relation to the sii,op'lying eleii@e@t, a strip-applying device 'p'ositionable in relation to the side of the core and operable to appi,yi",a strip to 40 said side from the supplying i3lerrie'nt, dnd a inaterial-pres member juxtaposed, and @ing opei-ating on said strip in succession to the. ,tpplying device. 8. A stril)-a plying sti-ucture including a p 45 franie, iiiate@ial-supplying elements thereon, a i-evoluble core supported- in operative relation to the supplying- elements, a strip,tpplying device po itionable in relation to the core and including a supporting-meni-, ,)o I)el.l a strip-guiding element thereon, and a D iatei-ial-rolling in6mber also disrosed on the stipporting-member. 9. A sti-ip-applyiiig structuro including,,& fr,iine, material-stipplyifig oloments i&reon 55 a rev(@luble core supported in' operative',j-elt@. t tioii to the supplying eleinents, a s rip-an-- p]3,ing de%-ice positionable in;relati ' t-o tfie . gn core and including a supporting-iiiemb6r, -a sti-ip-gtiidiiig element thereon, a material(i(i rolling itieiiiber als6 disposed on the siipI)oi-ting-riieji,iber. and a jyi,,tterial-stitching. in,itriiiyient,ility 'juxtaposed to the guiding element. 10. A stril)-al)plying'structur@ including (i5 a friine, material-su@@lying clemeiiis thereon, a revoluble core -supported in operati-ve relation to the supplying elements, @i stripapplying device Positi6nable in relatibii to t he core and S u - men-ib er, a stripg a ma7 0 t erial-ro in I g e , on the st ipp g -inember in "I different f ro o f the guiding elen-ient for action o n a str o f mater-ial in succession to thpa ctiol]L 0 t he appl ing device, and a mate7 5 y ri al@stitchino@ instrtin-ientality jux aposed to f he guiding ele-ment. ii. A strip-ap-plying structure including tt fraine, material-supplying elements thereo n, a'; fi@voluble c.ore supported in operative 8 0 r elation io the supplying el,6ments, a stripa pplying device positionable in relation to t he core and including a siipp6rtino,-men-iber sl iiftable toward and away from th.e eore, a st rip-gpiding element. thereon, a sprlng8 5 p ressed hiaterial-rolling member also @di,3- p osed on tho, supportink-mernber, and a ii-ia@ te rial-stitching instrumentality juxtaposed to the guiding element. 12. A strip-applying structure including go a fraine, material-suppiying elemenfs-thereo n, a revoluble core supported in operative, r elatio@ to the supplying 6lements means fo r e:ffecting rotation of the core, a sti-ip a pplying device positiona.ble in relaiion to 9 5 th e core and including a supporting-meinbeisli iftable to*ard and away from the core, ti st r-ip-gtiiding elenient thereon, a springpi -essed n-iaterial-rolling member also disp osed on the stipportina-meii3ber and derivlo g in g motion by contactil@g with the core, and a lllatE,,rial-stitching instrumentality jpxtap osed to the guiding eleinent. 13. A stri -applying structure includir,' p 9 A frame, ma.terial-supplyin- elements tlief-e1 05 o n, a revoluble cor6 ;8uppo;ted in operative r elatioii to the supplying elements, a stripa plying deyiee positionable in relation to p th e core and including a. supportin -mem9 b er, a strip-guiding elenient thereon, a ma1 10 te rial-i-olling member also disposed on the s upporting-member,.and a carriage for sust @ining the strip-app@lying device and, mova ble radiall in i-elation to the axis of the y c ore. 14. A strip-applying structure including@ a fianie iiiatei-ial-,,u.,P,plyiiik eleriients thereon, a ii3voluble core su]ppoi-t@od in opei-ativ@'i-ela tion to the supplying elements, iiieans for ef fecting rotation.-of the 6ore,,a strip@applv1 20 in g dovice po@itio-nable in relation t(j' the co@e a nd including a. . suppoktirig-memb@i-, a sti-ipg uiding elenient thereon, a mat@erial-i-olling in eiiiber also disp6sed on tho supportingntembet- an(I deriving motii)n by contacting 1 25 iv itb the rolttable core, and a carriage f6ls ustaining the st@ip-applying device and iii oval)16 radially in relation to the axis of th e core. 15. A strip-applying structui-e includiiig a 130

@,327,910 frame, material-supplying elements thereoh, a r6voluble core supported in operati@e rez lation to the supplying element , a stkipapplying device positionable in relation to the core aiid includiiig a siipporting-member, a strip-giiidi-ng element thereon and. through which fabric from the supplying elements is threaded - a material-rolling ihember also disposed on the supportinglo member in a plane different from that occupied by the rolling-member, and a carriage fo@- sustaining the stripapplying device and. movable radially in relation to the axis of the core. 15 16. A strip-@@pJying structure including a, series of revoluble' cores a frame juxtaposed thereto, a series of material-supplying rolls oii the frame, a. traveling.- support mova,ble from core to core, a carria@Dre on the sup:- 20 port and having advancing and receding movements, in respe@t to the core, stitchersupporting arms supported on and movab.le with the carriage, means cornmon to the arms for actuat ng then@ in unison and a 25 strip-applying device on each arm and positionable thereby in relation to the core. 17. A strip-applying str.ucture including a series of revoluble cores a frame juxtaposed thereto a, series of material- upplying rolls 30 on the frame,, a - traveling-support movable from core to core, a carriage oii the. support and having advancing and r,6ceding movements in, respect to the core ' stitchersupporting arms supported on and mo-@able' 35 with the carriage, means common to -the arms for actuating them in unison, and a rip--applying device oii each arm-and positionable thered in relation to the core and y including a strip-,-uiding elernent. 40 18. A strip-applying structure including a series of revoluble cores 'a frame juxtaposed thereto, a s6rie8 of rnaterial-supplyjng rolls on the frame, a travelii@g-support movable from core to core, a carriage on the sup-. ding 45 port I and @having advancing and rece movements in respect to the core, stitchersupporting arms supported on and mov@ble with the carriage, means common to the arms for actuating them in unison,-@Lnd a 50 stri@-applying device on each arm and positionable thereby in-relation to the core, ineluding a strip-guiding elemeiit and a material-rolling member juxtaposed thereto. 19. A strip-applying structure includinlg .55 a s6ries of revoluble cores, a frame juxtaposed thereto, a seties of materialsu@@lying rolls'on.the frame a traveling-support movable from core to core, a carriagye on the support aiid havi advancing and receding ng oo movements in respect to the corq, stitchersupportin arms @,upported on aiid.movable,' 9 with the carria.(,re, means..coxnmon to the@. arms for actuating them,in unison, and a .an stripapplying device on,'ea@h ai@@ d positioiiable thereby iii relation,to the core, in- 65 Cliidmg strip-guiding (@,lement, a'materialrolliiag mernber juxtap-osed ihereio and 'a stitcher-instrumentality Clispo@ed adjacent. the guiding-element. 20.. A strip - applying structure includin @7. 0 a series of revoluble cores, a roll-sustain support associated with ihe cores a plural of material-@upplying ro on the support, there being a series of th for each core a traveling-siipport mov@ble from core to 75 core and in relation to each series of rolls a c@arriage on th6 support and having advancing and receding movements in respect to the core, stifcher-su-Vporting arms Su - ported on and movabl6 with, the carriage 80 means common tO the arms for actuating them 'm unison., and a strip-applyilig d6vice on each arm ii@d positionable thereby in reliltion to the core, including a strip-guiding element, a materia;l-rolling member juxta- 85 posod thereto, a stitcher-instru'mentality disposed adjacent the guiding-element, and liner,take-up @olls juxtaposed on the frame and contacting by force of,gravity -with the material-suppiyink rolls. 90 21. A strip-supplying. siru6t-Lire including a revoluble core, a fabric-Su plying element associated with the core, an@ a strip-applying devic6 associated with the core and su - @p plying-element and con-iprising a siipport, a 05 strip-positioning e,lement, and an associated fabric-pressing member 6n the support, both the strip-positioning eletnent and the pressing-member being.actuatable by the support -toward and away from the core simultane- 100 ously and functioning successively to apply ' fabric-strip to the core and, then, to press the same thereon. 22. The herein described structure including a plurality of juxtaposed tire-forming 105 cores, a scries'of fabric-supplying devices associated with each core, a traveling sup-. poit movable from cor6 to core and, thus, positionable in relation to each of the fabri'cs-upplying devices, and a strilp7-applyirig de- ilo vibe on the traveling support and operable to lay a strip of materi@l on one of the cores. 23. A strip@applying structure including a.series of juxtaposed tire-forming cores, a fabric-supplying device associated,with eacil 115 core, a stri applying device for laying fabric olito t@e- core as it is delivered t6: the core froiri the fabric-supplying device, and a movable su@port for the sfri@-applying de vice for shifting it from core to core' 120 In witness whoreof I have. hereunto signed my name in the presence of two sub.. setibing witnesses. WILLTAM B. HARSEL. Witnesses R. S. TpoGNFR, E. C. LEADFNIETAX,