Patented June 24, 1930 117689466. UNITED STATES PATE I NT OF@FICE@ VERLINGTON FARROW HITT AND TOSEPH ORD EVANS, OF MIAXI 33EACH, FLORIDA RU:RYIBLE SEAT Applicat-ion filed Narch 6, This invention relates to improvements in automobiles of the roadster an(i coup6 types of bodies, an object being to provide an auxiliary or rumble seat for bodies of the type mentioned which may be moved into positi6ii, whereby the occupant,s may e-,i-ter aiid leave the autoniobile without climbino- oveithe fender, and thus elirninate danger of injury to the finish as well as provide a more convenient maiiner of entering and leaving. Aiiother object of th6 invention is the provis@ion of means for mouliting the seat so that it inay be swung horizontally and jr, pivotall outward, leaving no obstruction for the entrance to or exit from 'the seat so that danger due to stumbling or tripping will be rediiced to a minimum. With the above and other objects in view, 20 the invention furtherincludes the T-ollowin.01 novel features and details of construction to be 1-iereinafter more f-Lilly described, illustrated in the accompanying drawings and pointed out in the appencled claims. 25 In the drawings Figure I is a fraoinentary plan view showing the rear portion of an auton-iobile body with the invention applied the seat beil n swung to open position. 9 so Figyure 2 is a side view of the same. Fio,ure 3 is a fragmentary perspective view showing one corner of the frame of the automobile and illustratiiig the manner of iiiouriting the seat. 35 Figure 4 is a fragmentary rear elevation. Figure 5 is a fral Ymentary elevation partly in section showinithe hinge connection between the seat and bracket. Referring to the drawings in detail where40 in like characters of reference denote corresponding parts, the seat which i@s indicated at 10, may be of any suitable construction and is designed to be housed beneath the 45 rear deck of the automobile body w,@th a portion of this deck forming the back 11 of the seat. Extending along the outer rear edge of the seat is a section 12 which forms a continuar)o tion of the back il when the seat is closed 1929. S6rial No..344,786. aiid thus forms a portion of the rear de,ck of the vehicle body. For the ptirpose of ilaountina the seat @the invention provicles .i bracket6l3 which i vertically disposed ajid v@hich iises frorn a 55 . right ai!gLil,,tr base 14 whose arli I is are seelire-d to the rear cross bar 15 and to 6ne of the @@id e bars 16 of the vehicle f@anie at the juncture of these bars. The bracket 13 is provided with vertically spaced ears 17 which 60' receiv e between them a' sleeve 18 which is carrie cl at the oliter end of @an arm 19, the, inner end of ivhich is seciired to the corner of the, seat 10. A hintye pin 20 passes throlig h tl-ie sleeae 18 and tlii-ougli the ears 65 17 and is surroui-ided by anti--elriction bearings 21 ai-id@ anti-frictioii. bearing@ 22, the latter providitig thrust bearings for the pin. The pin'and sleeve are locked together as indicat ed a@ 23.' The seat will thus be 76 mount ed for horizontal sw,iiiaing inovement in such manner as to pernil@t o@ its being freely @ and easily movable even when occupied . In order to relieve t he Iiinoe froin,undue 75 strain, the seat carries at its under side ;a roller 24 is inovable over an arcua track 25 arranged within the bottom of the vehicl e. As the portion 12 is rigid with the seat, '80 this p6rtion inay be utilized to support t spare tire rack 26 or ,t trunk C,,trrier. A st6p 27 is proviclecl f-or convenience in ente or leaviiig tlle seat r@nge end of the seat is 'curved as indicated s5 tt 28 and is received within eu ved porIt r tion 29 within the vehicle body so that the seat will be iiiore firmly held in positioii when swung inward. arries at each end an ai-nl 30 ,60 The back 11 c whicli is pivotally seelired to an arm 31 at ea6h end of the section 12, Nihile a latch 32 is arranged at one end of the se,,tt so as to hold tho latter in closed position. The back 11 is provicled with the usual 95 latch or lock 33 so as to hold the back closecl. The invention is susceptible of various changes in its forin, proportions and minor details of construction and the right is herein reserved to make such changes as prop- i6o 2 1,768,466 erly fall within the scope of the appencled claims. Having described the invention what is clairned is ,5 1. In an automobile, a rumble se,,,t ,trranged within the rear deck thereof and comprisiiiu a seat portion aiid a sectional back portion having one section rigicl ivith the se"Lt portion and ad,,tpted to sul)l@ort a 10 tire carrier or trunk, and the other se@tion relatively movable iii.eans to iiiount the seat for horizontal sivingin(y n-iovement to project one end of the selt beyond the rear end of the autoiiiobile body when the seat is 15 swung outward, and ineans to prevent 6,,itw,tr(, -1 sivin,-ing iiiovenient of the seat. 2. In an a-Litoiiiobile, a rumble sett trranged withiii the rear clecl7,. thereof, a vertic,tlly disposed bracket secured to the franie 20 of the vehicle at one rear corner, s-,tid bracket including Lshaped b,,tse for attael-iment to the rear cross n-iernber and ,idjacent Portion of the side rflei-iiber of the automobile frqlne, ineaiis to pivotally seelire one 25 corner of the seat to the bracl@et, -wbereby the seat iu,,ty be swun- oiit-w,,trci, and i-iie,,tns to hold the seat against OLitw,,ird swingiii(y movement. 3o 3. In an automobile, a ri-imble seat Prr,,Ln(,ed within the, rear deck thereof, iiieans to mount the seat for horizontal swiiio-iiir n zn inoiti@ii'lent to project o,.ie end of the seat beyond the rear end of tl-ie autoinobile bocly when the seat is swung outward, inea,-is to 35 prevent outwolrd swiiiging movemeiit o-L' the seat, aiid a stationary arcuate track carried by the body of the automobile an,,] spaced from the se,,tt iiiounting to slipport the free end of the seat. 40 In testimony whereof we affix our signatures. VERLINGTON FARROW HITT. JOSEPH ORD EVANS. 45 50 ,55 60 65