Patented June 9, 1936 2tO43,830 UNITED STATES PATENT 0 FFICE 2,043,830 MACHINE FOR NMAPPING ARTICLES Don&Id l[L Grant, Canajoharie, and Edward J. Hambrecht, Palatine Bridge, N. Y., assignors to Beech-Nut Packing Company, Canajoharie, Y., a corporation of New York Original avviicauon December 16 1931, Serial No. 581,316. Divided and this application June 14, 1934, Serial No. 730,606 3 Claims. One method at present employed In the wrapping of hard or cooked candies in stacks or rolls, has been to first wrap the roll with a waxed paper wrapper which is wound around the peripheral surface of the roll, and its ends tucked in over the ends of the roll. After the roll has thus been completely wrapped with the -waxed paper, a sheet of foil is siniilarly wrapped about the waxed paper wrapper and its ends tucked in over 10 the tucked In ends thereof. Suitable degrees of heat and pressure are then applied over the entire cylindrical surface and tucked ends of the foil wrapper so as to cause the wax of the paper wrapper to melt and when allowed to cool, tight35 ly seal the longitudinal seam and the end tucks of the paper wrapper and to cause the paper and foil wrappers to adhere firmly together substantially throughout their contacting surfaces. With this method as heretofore commercially 20 employed, it has been found that as the waxed paper wrapper contacts directly with the candies, when the wax is melted as above described and allowed to cool to seal the package, wax is hkely to adhere to the candy, especially to the 25 edges thereof which, of course, is objectionable. In a co-pending application Serial No. 581,316, faed December 16, 1931, of which the present apphcation is a division, a novel method of wrapping articles, such as hard candies, which over30 comes the disadvantages of the method heretofore employed as above described, and a novel and iinproved package produced by the method are disclosed and claimed. The principal object of the present invention 35 is to provide a machine adapted to carry out the new method and to produce the new package. For an understanding of the invention reference may be had to the accompanying &awings of which:. 40 Mg. I is a view in perspective of the waxed paper wrapper and the unwaxed paper wrapper of a package which may be formed by our improved machine; Mgs. 2, 3 and 4 are perspective views illustrat45 ing steps in the wrapping of a stack of., diseshaped articles with the wrappers of Fig. 1; Flg. 5 is a view in perspective of a completed package formed by our improved machine; Mg. 6 is a view sinlilar to Flig. 2 but showing 50 the wrapper of Mg. 1 partly applied in a different form of package; Mg. 7 is 9, view In perspective of the completed package of the form shown In Fig. 6; Mg. 8 is a rear view of a portion of the im55 proved wrapping machine; (Cl. 93-2) Mg. 9 is a sectional view along the line 9-9 of Mg. 8; and Mg. 10 is a diagrammatical view showing the arrangement of certain wrapping devices of the machine near the start of the operation of wrapping a cylindrical article. In wrapping a stack or roU of articles 2, such as hard candies in the form of circular discs, in accordanc e with our improved method, a sheet of waxed paper 4 and a sheet of unwaxed paper 10 6, which preferably is glassine paper, are positioned one upon the other with one end of the glassine paper projecting slightly beyond the corresponding end of the waxed paper. The glassine wrapper is of slightly greater width than the 1.5 length of the roll of articles, and the waxed paPer wrapper is of greater width than the glassine paper. The two wrappers are then wrapped slightly more than two complete turns around the roll so that their edges overlap slightly as shown, 20 the glassine wrapper being on the inside and its longitudinal edges projecting shghtly beyond the ends of the roll. The projecting ends of the two wrappers are then tucked in over the ends of the roll, tWs operation crimping over the slight- 25 ly projecting ends of the glassine wrapper, the projecting ends of the waxed paper wrapper preferably being tucked in by radially extending tucks. When the roll has thus been complet ely wrapped with the two wrappers, a sheet 8 of foil 30 is then first wrapped about the peripheral surface of the paper wrappers and then its e'nds are tucked in over the tucked in ends of the waxed paper wrapper. The foil wrapper instead of being wrapped twice around the article, as is pref- 35 erably the case with the paper wrappers as above described, is wrapped approximately one and onequarter turns around the roll, and the overlapping portions thereof are arranged so as to overlie the outer longitudinal edges of the paper 40 wrappers. After the roll has been thus wrapped with both the paper and foil wrappers, a suitable degree of heat is applied, preferably to the entire area of the peripheral surface and tucked in ends of the 45 foil wrapper to melt the wax of the paper wrapper. The package is then subjected to a rolling and pressing action, and the ends of the package are subjected to pressure. Such operations are preferably continued until the wax has become 50 thoroughly cool or set. Such rolhng and pressing action is preferably of such a nature as to tend to cause the,wrappers to more or less tightly engage or grip the roll, and to insure that the overlapping peripheral portions of the paper 55 2 2,043,830 wrappers are thoroughly sealed. and the foil wrapper sealed or affixed to the Waxed paper wrapper throughout the peripheral area thereof. The pressing operation applied to the ends of ,5 the package is preferably such as to Insure that the tucked in ends of both the waxed paper wrapper and the foil are tightly secured or ironed flat against the ends of the roll, which Insures that the successively overlapping tucks of the 10 paper wrapper are securely and tightly sealed together and that the end tucks of the foil w,-apper are securely sealed to the end tucks of the waxed paper wrapper. By wrapping the roll of candies in accordance 15 with our improved.method, it will be apparent that the peripheral surface and edges of the candies are thoroughly protected from the melted wax during the heat-sealing operation. The inner end of the glassine wrapper insures against 20 the wax working over the inner edge of the waxed paper wrapper into contact with the candies. Also, the projecting longitudinal edges or convolutions of the glassine wrapper insures against the melted wax coming into contact with the 25 outer edges of the outermost end candies. If desired, at the completion of the heat-sealing operation, the usual label 7 may be secured about the package. In the form of package illustrated In Mgs. 6 30 and 7 instead of the hard candies being arranged in stacks or rolls, a series of three single candies 2' are arranged in edge to edge relation in a row. In wrapping the articles as thus arranged, the glassine paper 6' and the waxed paper 35 41 are together wrapped about the row of articles with the glassine innermost, with its inner end projecting slightly beyond the inner end of the waxed paper and its longitudinal edges projecting slightly beyond the outer edges of the articles, 40 as shown in Flg. 6. When the two wrappe@-s have beencompletely wrapped two or more times about the row of articles, the projecting ends of the waxed paper wrapper may be suitably folded over the ends of the article. The package may be 45 sealed by the application of heat to the waxed paper wrapper. VIhen the package has thus been heat-sealed, a label IC may be placed around the package. In this form of package also it will be apparent 50 that the articles are thoroughly protected from the melted wax during the heat sealing. the machine illustrated in Figs. 8, 9 and 10 is of the type of the one described and claimed in the patent to Harry E. Townsend, "Wrapping 55 machine", No. 1,813,974, dated July 14, 1931. As shown, this machine is provided with lower and upper wrapping rolls 12 and 14, respectively, arranged horizontally in the same vertical plane for receiving the article to be wrapped between them, 60 and is further provided with retaining rolls 16 for engaging opposite sides of the article so as to retain the article between the wrapping rolls durIng the wrapping operation. The wrapping rolls serve to wind the wrapper about the article, the 65 ends of the wrapper projecting beyond the ends of the 'article. Tucking members 18 are arranged adjacent the ends of the lower roll for tucking in the projecting ends of the wrapper over the ends of the article after the wrapper has been 70 wound about the article. The wrapping material from which the wrappers are formed Is fed downwardly by means of feed rous 20, between cutting bff knives 22. A suita)Ae article conveying device 30 conveys the 75 articles to the wrapping rolls. As each article is conveyed to the wrapping rolls, It engages the portion of the wrapper that projects below the knives 22 and carries the same therewith to a position between the rolls. The knives then cut off a length of the wrapping material and the 5 wrapping rolls and associated parts operate to wrap the wrapper about the article, the wrapping material during this time being fed downwardly by the rolls 20 to present a length thereof to the next article to be wrapped. At the completion 10 of the wrapping of each article with paper, the wrapped article may be delivered to similar wrapping mechanism for placing a foil wrapper thereon. Except for the wrapper feed rolls 20, the parts 15 of the machine above described may be and pr,-ferably are of the construction of the corresponding parts of the machine of said Patent No. 1,813,974, to which reference niay be had for a fWl and complete description of the same. 20 In accbrdance with the present invention, two strips 24 and 26 of wrapping matekial are fed between the feed rolls and between the knives 22, the former being of waxed paper and the other of glassine. These two strips are separately 25 drawn FTOM supply rolls 28 mounted on stud shafts 29 on the machine frame. Each of the supply rolls 28 is frictionally held from overrunning by a, plate-like arm 3 1, the lower end of wbich is pivoted on a rod 32 and its upper end is 30 pressed against the periphery of the roil by a coiled spring 34. The feed roll 20 that engages the gla@sine strip 26 is slightly larger In diameter than the other feed roll, the two rolls being driven at the same 35 speed. With this constructi(in the glassine strlp 26 is fed downwardly slightly faster than the waxed paper 24 so that when the lower end portions of the two strips are positioned across the path of the article to be wrapped, the- end of the 40 glassine strip projects slightly beyond the end of the v7axed paper strip. The portions of the two stril?s below the knives are carried by the article f6 the wrapping devices, in the same manner as the corresponding portion of the single 45 wrapping strip of said patented machine. The knives 22 then cut off the projecting lengths of the two strips to form superposed wmppers such as luustrated in Mgs. 1 to 4 of the drawings, the wrapping devices then wrapping the article in the 50 glassine and waxed paper wrappers as above described. As will be evident to those skflled in the art, our invention permits various modilleations without departing from the spirit thereof or the scope 55 of the appended claims. What we claim is: 1. In a machine, for wrapping a cylindrical article of the class described, the combination of devicer, adapted to wrap an article when the 60 artidle and its wrapper are presented thereto, devices for feeding a strip of waxed paper and a devices with the y greater rate of strip, and means 85 d portions of the prese g them with the article to said wrapping means, the two lengths being wrapped simiiltaneously about the article with the unwaxed Paper on the inside and 70 with its inner end projecting a distance beyond the end of the waxed paper. 2. In a machine for wrapping a cylindrical article of the claw described, the combination of means for feeding a strip of waxed pa per and a 73 2,048,880 3 strip of unwaxed paper comprising opposed feed rolls between which the tw6 strips pass, the roll engaging the unwaxed strip feeding the strip slightly faster than the waxed strip is fed, means for cutting off lengths of the end portions of the strips to form superposed wrappers, and means for winding the wrappers about the cylindrlcal surface of the article and tucking in the ends of at least the waxed wrapper over the ends of the 10 article, the unwaxed wrapper being on the Inside and its inner end projecting a distance beyond the inner end of the waxed wrapper. 3. In an article wrapping machine of the class described, the combination of a pair of supply 15 rolls, one for delivering a strip of waxed paper and one for delivering a strip of glassine paper, a pair of feed rolls positioned to receive therebetween the paper strips from said supply rolls, that one of said feed rofls engaging the glassine paper being of relatively larger diameter than the other of said feed rolls whereby the glassine paper strip is fed relatively faster than and its end projects a distance beyond the end of the waxed paper, means for cutting off lengths of the paper strips and means for wrapping the cut lengths of paper about an article with the glassine paper next the article and the projecting end thereof Innermost. DONAID R. GRANT. 5 10 EDWARD J. HAM33RECELT. 15