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10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2340337C2
Принадлежит: ДСМ ИП АССЕТС Б.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к лекарственным средствам и касается нутрицевтической композиции, предназначенной для лечения или профилактики ожирения или состояний, связанных с ожирением, таких как инсулин-независимый сахарный диабет (ИНСД, тип II) и синдром X, которая включает эффективные количества галлата эпигаллокатехина (ГЭКГ) и 4-(4-гидроксифенил)-2-бутанона (КМ). Также раскрыт способ лечения или профилактики ожирения или состояний, связанных с ожирением, таких как инсулин-независимый сахарный диабет (ИНСД, тип II) и синдром Х и применение ГЭКГ и КМ в производстве нутрицевтической композиции. Композиции по изобретению проявляют синергетический эффект при лечении или профилактике ожирения. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2417713C2

Изобретение относится к напиткам и другим продуктам типа напитков. Напиток содержит воду, некалорийный подсластитель на основе стевиогликозида, имеющий металлическое послевкусие и анисовую кислоту в количестве, достаточном для маскирования металлического послевкусия некалорийного подсластителя на основе стевиогликозида. Концентрат для производства напитка содержит некалорийный подсластитель на основе стевиогликозида с металлическим послевкусием и анисовую кислоту в количестве, достаточном для маскирования металлического послевкусия некалорийного подсластителя на основе стевиогликозида при смешивании концентрата с разбавителем для приготовления напитка. Напиток, представляет собой концентрат для производства напитков, разведенный водой. Способ маскирования металлического послевкусия некалорийного подсластителя на основе стевиогликозида в продукте типа напитка, при осуществлении которого в продукт типа напитка включают анисовую кислоту в количестве, достаточном для маскирования металлического ...

14-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653735C2

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к композиции, усиливающей соленый вкус. Композиция включает соединение, представленное любой из приведенных ниже общих формул (2)-(6) или его соль, и наполнитель:При этом Q представляет собой гетероатом, q представляет собой 0 или 1; m и n, каждый из них, представляют собой целое число от 1 до 4, и m+n представляет собой целое число от 3 до 5; m' и n', каждый из них представляют собой целое число от 1 до 3, и m'+n' представляет собой целое число от 2 до 4; и k представляет собой целое число от 0 до 3. Изобретение относится также к пищевой добавке, приправе, пищевому продукту и напитку, включающему любое из вышеуказанных соединений или их соли. Изобретение относится к пищевому продукту и напитку, включающему 10 миллионных долей или более любого из вышеуказанных соединений или их солей. Изобретение относится к способу усиления соленого вкуса пищевого продукта и напитка, включающему стадию добавления любого из вышеуказанных соединений ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462038C2

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Получают первый компонент, включающий вспенивающий ингредиент и жирорастворимый ароматический летучий ингредиент. Первый компонент содержит менее чем около 2,0 г жира на порцию напитка. Получают второй компонент, включающий жиросодержащий ингредиент. Второй компонент содержит больше жира, чем первый компонент. Получают упакованный продукт, содержащий первый компонент и второй компонент, упакованные отдельно друг от друга. Напиток может быть приготовлен путем восстановления первого компонента в жидкости в отсутствие второго компонента для высвобождения жирорастворимого летучего ароматического ингредиента в пространство над напитком. Добавляют второй компонент к восстановленному первому компоненту. Группа изобретений позволяет получить продукт с усиленным выделением аромата и с уменьшенным остаточным вкусом в напитке. 4 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 14 пр.

03-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690417C2
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к композиции порошкового напитка с пониженным содержанием сахара. Композиция содержит от 15 до 30 мас.% какао, от 20 до 65 мас.% сахаров, от 8 до 45 мас.% резистентных декстринов и от 2 до 35 мас.% мальтодекстринов, причем в общей сумме углеводы составляют от 70 до 85 мас.% композиции и от 0,90 до 1,7 мас.% лецитина. При этом резистентные декстрины являются аморфными. Кроме того, композиция может содержать от 15 до 50 г пищевых волокон на 100 г композиции. Способ изготовления композиции включает стадию размалывания сухих ингредиентов с последующей паровой агломерацией. Это позволяет получить порошковый напиток с низким содержанием сахара и энергетической ценностью. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 5 табл., 4 пр.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485807C2
Принадлежит: ФИРМЕНИШ СА (CH)

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Продукт содержит эмульсию, включающую от 0,5 до 10 масс.%, по меньшей мере, одного ароматизирующего соединения, выбранного из диэтилсукцината, изоамилциннамата и бензилбутирата. Ароматизирующее соединение имеет величину logP от 1 до 10 и удельную массу от 0,98 до 1,1. Продукт содержит от 0 до 25 масс.% растительного масла, от 1 до 25 масс.% эмульгатора и от 50 до 95 масс.% воды в пересчете на общую массу эмульсии. Изобретение обеспечивает стабильность эмульсии. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 6 пр.

10-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2197873C2

Изобретение касается сухих смесей для напитков и относится к улучшению цвета и вкуса сухих смесей для напитков, обогащенных железом и цинком, имеющих фруктовый и/или ботанический аромат. Такие витамины, как витамины группы В, витамин А, витамин С и витамин Е, могут быть добавлены к сухой смеси для напитков. Обогащенная сухая смесь для напитков может также включать йод, цианин и фолиевую кислоту. Особо раскрываются методы обогащения сухих смесей для напитков цинк- и железосодержащими соединениями. В качестве цинка смесь содержит цинк, хелатированный c аминокислотами, а в качестве железосодержащего соединения - инкапсулированное железо. При этом последнее выбрано из группы, состоящей из двухвалентного железа, трехвалентного железа, сульфата железа и хелата железа с аминокислотами. Данное изобретение позволяет получить напиток, имеющий приятный вкус и не имеющий неприятного, остающегося во рту привкуса при сохранении биоусваиваемости ионов металлов. 6 з.п. ф-лы. 1 табл.

11-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632943C2
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Напиток содержит воду, ароматизатор, эритрит, D-псикозу, подкислитель и подслащивающий компонент, содержащий подслащивающее количество ребаудиозида M. Причем ребаудиозид М составляет по меньшей мере 50 вес.% подслащивающего компонента и присутствует в концентрации от 200 частей на миллион (чнм) до 600 чнм. Также предложен сироп для получения этого напитка. Для получения напитка сироп следует разводить по системе 1 плюс 5 добавляемых частей. Изобретение позволяет получить напиток с приятной сладостью без горького послевкусия. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 10 табл., 9 пр.

28-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019101949A3

17-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016148292A3

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016130831A3

06-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018119685A3

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019102926A3

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133730A3

07-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018114485A3

27-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017135281A3

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2495099C2
Принадлежит: ИНБЕВ С.А. (BE)

Изобретение относится к способу производства пива с применением материала хмелевой дробины. Способ включает последовательные этапы: приготовление сусла, варка сусла и последующее охлаждение сусла с получением сваренного пивного сусла, брожение сваренного сусла с получением пива, причем способ дополнительно включает стадию добавления материала хмелевой дробины, содержащего стильбены и флавоноиды, в процессе варки сусла, перед охлаждением сусла или во время охлаждения сусла или после брожения пива, который позволяет деактивировать кислород в сусле или пиве. Изобретение обеспечивает на различных стадиях технологического процесса производства пива (в процессе варки сусла, перед охлаждением сусла, или во время охлаждения сусла, или после брожения пива) защиту продукта от окисления на протяжении всех последующих этапов процесса производства и придание готовому пиву дополнительных антиоксидантных свойств. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462882C1
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО ИНК. (US)

Модифицирование воспринимаемого вкуса съедобного продукта осуществляют посредством доставки аромата, включающей нанесение, по меньшей мере, одного аромата, усиливающего сладость продукта, на упаковку, вмещающую съедобный продукт, и обеспечение потребителю съедобного продукта, имеющего пониженное содержание сахара. Аромат при высвобождении в атмосферу и потреблении продукта вызывает у потребителя модифицированный вкус продукта. Аромат выбран из группы: фуранеол, ванилин, мальтол, сахарный дистиллят и их комбинации. Съедобным продуктом является напиток, а аромат используют в количестве 0,003 г на 0,1 г упаковки. Наносят аромат распылением на внутреннюю или наружную часть упаковки, которая может дополнительно содержать резервуар для аромата со съемной деталью или ароматизированную ленту с удаляемой пленкой, или механизм высвобождения аромата. Расположен аромат на наружной стороне упаковки в контакте с крышкой упаковки, с возможностью высвобождения аромата при удалении укупорочного средства ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004139115A

... 1. Емкость, содержащая по существу продолговатый трубчатый корпус; множество гранул заданного размера и формы, содержащих заданное количество активного ингредиента; и фильтрующее средство, расположенное на каждом конце или смежно каждому концу трубчатого корпуса, для удерживания гранул по существу внутри корпуса, причем указанная емкость имеет размер, позволяющий жидкости-носителю втягиваться через нее таким образом, что проход жидкости-носителя через емкость вызывает постепенное растворение гранул, при этом высвобождая активный ингредиент в напиток при потреблении, при этом по существу все гранулы имеют диаметр, составляющий от около 25 до 75% внутреннего диаметра трубчатого корпуса. 2. Емкость по п.1, в которой жидкость-носитель является неароматизированным напитком. 3. Емкость по п.1, в которой активный ингредиент содержит ароматизирующий агент. 4. Емкость по п.1, которая выполнена с возможностью использования ее в качестве соломинки для потребления напитка. 5. Емкость по п.1, в которой ...

27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014137403A

... 1. Способ модификации высвобождения вкусового вещества в продукте питания или напитке, включающий получение продукта питания или напитка, содержащего 1,3-пропандиол в количестве, эффективном для обеспечения соотношения 1,3-пропандиола к придающему вкус соединению в продукте питания или напитке от приблизительно 0,005:100 до приблизительно 15:100, для модификации высвобождения придающего вкус соединения из продукта питания или напитка.2. Способ по п. 1, при котором модификация высвобождения придающего вкус соединения представляет собой подавление высвобождения придающего вкус соединения по меньшей мере на 10 %, как определено PTR-MS, по сравнению с другим идентичным продуктом питания или напитком, содержащим пропиленгликоль вместо 1,3-пропандиола в том же соотношении к придающему вкус соединению, и где процент подавления рассчитывается по формуле I:,где I представляет собой высоту пика, Z представляет собой 1,3-пропандиол и PG представляет собой пропиленгликоль.3. Способ по любому из пп.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008151079A

... 1. Продукт типа напитка, содержащий по меньшей мере один стевиогликозид, эритрит и по меньшей мере одну кислоту, при этом напиток имеет титруемую кислотность не менее 8,75 и не более 11 и рН не менее 2,8 и не более 3,3. ! 2. Продукт типа напитка по п.1, в котором напиток имеет титруемую кислотность от около 9 до около 11 и рН от около 2,8 до около 3,1. ! 3. Продукт типа напитка по п.2, в котором по меньшей мере один стевиогликозид выбирают из группы, включающей стевиозид, стевиобиозид, дульцит А, ребаудиозид и их смеси. ! 4. Продукт типа напитка по п.2, в котором по меньшей мере одним стевиогликозидом является стевиозид. ! 5. Продукт типа напитка по п.2, в котором по меньшей мере одной кислотой является по меньшей мере одна кислота, выбранная из группы, включающей лимонную кислоту, фосфорную кислоту и яблочную кислоту. ! 6. Продукт типа напитка по п.2, в котором по меньшей мере одной кислотой является фосфорная кислота и лимонная кислота. ! 7. Продукт типа напитка по п.2, в котором напиток ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008151092A

... 1. Напиток, содержащий ! воду, ! по меньшей мере, один некалорийный подсластитель, имеющий неприятный вкус, и ! по меньшей мере, одно маскирующее неприятный вкус соединение на основе длинно-цепочной жирной кислоты, при этом упомянутое соединение на основе длинно-цепочной жирной кислоты содержится в количестве, достаточном для ослабления неприятного вкуса, по меньшей мере, одного некалорийного подсластителя. ! 2. Напиток по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, один некалорийный подсластитель выбирают из группы, включающей стевиогликозид, Ло-Хань-Го и их сочетания. ! 3. Напиток по п.1, дополнительно содержащий калорийные подсластители. ! 4. Напиток по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, одно соединение на основе длинно-цепочной жирной кислоты выбирают из группы, включающей лауриновую кислоту, миристиновую кислоту, стеариновую кислоту, арахиновую кислоту, бегеновую кислоту, олеиновую кислоту, линолевую кислоту, альфа-линоленовую кислоту, арахидоновую кислоту, эйкозапентаеновую кислоту, докозагексаеновую ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120415A

... 1. Композиция, содержащая: (a) от приблизительно 4% до приблизительно 10 мас.% углеводов от общей массы композиции; (b) по крайней мере, 30 мэкв./л натрия; (c) по крайней мере, 10 мэкв./л хлорида; (d) по крайней мере, 3 мэкв./л калия; и (e) воду; при этом осмолярность композиции в растворе находится в интервале от приблизительно 250 до приблизительно 350 мОсм/кг. 2. Композиция по п.1, где углевод выбирают из сахарозы, мальтозы, мальтодекстрина, глюкозы, галактозы, трегалозы, фруктозы, фрукто-олигосахаридов, бета-глюкана, триоз и их смесей. 3. Композиция по п.1, содержащая от приблизительно 33 до приблизительно 40 мэкв./л натрия. 4. Композиция по п.1, где натрий представляет собой хлорид натрия и цитрат натрия. 5. Композиция по п.1, содержащая от приблизительно 11 до приблизительно 18 мэкв./л хлорида. 6. Композиция по п.1, содержащая от приблизительно 8 до приблизительно 20 мэкв./л калия. 7. Композиция по п.1, дополнительно содержащая от приблизительно 0,1 до приблизительно 6 мэкв./л кальция ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Напиток для улучшения состояния кожи и суставов

Номер: RU2658380C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Напиток включает гидролизат коллагена, гиалуронат натрия, сукралозу, L-карнитин, инулин, витамин С, коэнзим Q., витамин Е, лимонную кислоту, ароматизатор, сорбат калия и воду при следующем соотношении исходных компонентов на 100 мл продукта: гидролизат коллагена - 3,0-6,0 г, гиалуронат натрия - 0,02-0,05 г, сукралоза - 0,01-0,04 г, L-карнитин - 0,01-0,04 г, витамин С - 0,1-0,3 г, инулин - 0,5-1,5 г, коэнзим Q- 0,005-0,020 г, витамин Е - 0,01-0,03 г, лимонная кислота - 0,3-0,6 г, ароматизатор - 0,01-0,03 г, сорбат калия - 0,010-0,025 г и вода - остальное. Изобретение позволяет получить напиток, позволяющий улучшить состояние кожи, предотвратить потерю ее упругости и эластичности, добиться усиления регенеративных процессов в ее клетках, противодействовать появлению морщин и других возрастных изменений и обеспечить ее эффективную антиоксидантную защиту. Регулярный прием напитка способствует лучшему функционированию опорно-связочного аппарата, ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713696C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к безалкогольному напитку и способу его получения. Безалкогольный напиток приготовлен из сахарного сиропа, настоя гибискуса, сока брусники, экстракта березового гриба чаги, экстракта тимьяна (чабреца) и воды питьевой, при следующем соотношении исходных компонентов, на 1000 мл: сахарный сироп (СВ 65%) - 100 мл; настой гибискуса - 21 мл; сок брусники - 2 мл; экстракт березового гриба чаги - 0,015 г; экстракт тимьяна (чабреца) - 0,005 г; вода питьевая - остальное. Для приготовления безалкогольного напитка настой гибискуса готовят в емкости, оборудованной ситами, мешалкой и фильтром, в которую набирают подготовленную воду с температурой 20-25°С и засыпают гибискус. Перемешивают и оставляют раствор для настаивания на 8 часов, периодически перемешивают. Настой гибискуса перекачивают в отдельную емкость, из которой его фильтруют в купажную емкость. Настой чаги готовят из экстрактов чаги и чабреца, которые вносят в емкость, заливают водой ...

26-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2779400C9
Принадлежит: В. МАН ФИС (FR)

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Изобретение относится к продукту, выбранному из группы пищевых продуктов и напитков. Указанный продукт дополнительно содержит композицию, содержащую один или несколько модулирующих вкус соединений. Количество одного или более модулирующего вкус соединения в продукте составляет от 1 до 200 част./млн. Также изобретение относится к способу улучшения восприятия сладкого вкуса, соленого вкуса, вкуса умами, терпкости, слюноотделения и/или горечи в пищевых продуктах или напитках, включающий предоставление пищевого продукта или напитка и добавление вышеуказанной композиции в пищевой продукт или напиток. Изобретения направлены на обеспечение модулирования вкусового восприятия продукта, при этом сами по себе не проявляют каких-либо ощутимых вкусовых и ароматических свойств. 7 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 2 табл., 3 пр.

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014117173A

... 1. Прозрачный высокобелковый напиток, содержащий:воду;от около 4% до около 8 вес. % белка, состоящего из альфа-лактальбумина, или альфа-лактальбумина и гидролизованного коллагена в соотношении альфа-лактальбумин:гидролизованный коллаген от около 60:40 до около 70:30; иароматизатор.2. Напиток по п. 1, имеющий мутность менее чем 10 нефелометрических единиц.3. Напиток по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий питательный подсластитель, причем прозрачный высокобелковый напиток имеет сладость менее чем около 6° Брикс.4. Напиток по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий непитательный подсластитель, причем прозрачный высокобелковый напиток имеет эквивалентную сладость менее чем около 6° Брикс.5. Напиток по п. 1, в котором ароматизатор выбран из одного или более из фруктовых ароматизаторов и растительных ароматизаторов.6. Напиток по п. 1, в котором белок имеет усвояемость белка, скорректированную по аминокислотному числу, по меньшей мере около 0,9, и содержание белка по меньшей мере 5 грамм белка на порцию 4 жидких ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571052C1

Изобретение относится к напитку со вкусом пива с низким общим количеством экстрагированного компонента (компонентов) с насыщенным вкусом. Безалкогольный напиток со вкусом пива с общим количеством экстрагированного компонента (компонентов) 0,3 вес.% или менее имеет pH 3,0 или более и 4,5 или менее. Напиток может иметь калорийность 8,0 ккал/100 мл или менее и содержание сахаридов от 2,0 г/100 мл или менее. Изобретение позволяет получить напиток с насыщенным вкусом и низким количеством экстрагированного компонента. 3 н. и 45 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008151090A

... 1. Диетический продукт типа напитка на основе колы, содержащий ! (а) воду, ! (б) по меньшей мере, один натуральный сильнодействующий некалорийный подсластитель, ! (в) по меньшей мере, один натуральный слабодействующий низкокалорийный подсластитель, ! (г) подкислитель, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну из кислот, включающих молочную, лимонную, винную, яблочную, фумаровую, коричную, малеиновую, адипиновую, глутаровую и янтарную кислоту, ! (д) карамельный краситель, и ! (е) ароматизатор кола. ! 2. Диетический продукт типа напитка на основе колы по п.1, в котором натуральный сильнодействующий некалорийный подсластитель содержит, по меньшей мере, один из подсластителей, включающих экстракт посконника крапиволистного, ребаудиозид А, стевиогликозиды, экстракт лоханьго, порошок лоханьго, могрозид V, монатин, глицирризин, тауматин, браззеин и монеллин. ! 3. Продукт типа диетический напиток на основе колы по п.1, в котором натуральный сильнодействующий некалорийный подсластитель содержит ребаудиозид ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011104719A

... 1. Улучшающий вкус агент для пищевых продуктов и напитков, включающий длинноцепочечную полиненасыщенную жирную кислоту и/или ее эфир и стерол и/или его эфир. ! 2. Улучшающий вкус агент по п.1, в котором длинноцепочечная полиненасыщенная жирная кислота и/или ее эфир подвергнута окислительной обработке. ! 3. Улучшающий вкус агент по п.1 или 2, в котором длинноцепочечная полиненасыщенная жирная кислота представляет собой п-6 длинноцепочечную полиненасыщенную жирную кислоту. ! 4. Улучшающий вкус агент по п.1 или 2, в котором длинноцепочечная полиненасыщенная жирная кислота представляет собой арахидоновую кислоту. ! 5. Улучшающий вкус агент по п.1 или 2, в котором длинноцепочечная полиненасыщенная жирная кислота получена из микроорганизмов. ! 6. Способ улучшения вкуса пищевых продуктов и напитков, включающий добавление в них улучшающего вкус агента по любому из пп.1-5. ! 7. Пищевые продукты и напитки с улучшенным вкусом, полученные способом по п.6. ! 8. Применение комбинации длинноцепочечной ...

21-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017125750A

29-04-1999 дата публикации

Drink containing water, lemon and fruit syrup

Номер: DE0019747138A1

A drink comprising water, 0.01-10% lemon and 0.01-20% fruit syrup is claimed. Preferably the drink also contains 0.001-10% nicotine.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Leuchtende Spirituose

Номер: DE202012007269U1

Leuchtendes Getränk, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Getränk Fruchtsäfte und/oder Flüssigkeiten, die Fruchtsäfte enthalten oder wässrige Flüssigkeiten sind, die zusätzlich Aromen und/oder Zucker und/oder Säuren und/oder Farbstoffe enthalten, wobei auch Alkohol ein Bestandteil der Getränke sein kann und wobei diesen Getränken ein Vitamin B2 E 101 (Riboflavin) und/oder ein mit und/oder ohne Farbe versetzter Zusatzstoff wie z. Bsp. Gummiarabikum E 414 und/oder ein mit und/oder ohne Farbe versetztes Zitronentrübungsaroma und/oder Chinin beigemischt wird.

18-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069611233D1

27-04-2006 дата публикации

Active agent containing beverage, useful to treat e.g. asthma and sclerosis, comprises water, water mixed with carbonic acid, water Kefir crystals, sugars, fruits, flavorants, acidifying additives, ascorbic acid and natural colorants

Номер: DE102004051717A1

Active agent containing beverage (I) based on- and use- of water-Kefir-crystals comprises water (75 l), 25 l of water mixed with carbonic acid, water Kefir crystals (5 kg), sugars (5 kg), fruits (2-3 kg), flavorants, acidifying additives, ascorbic acid and natural coloring materials, related to 100 l. An independent claim is also included for the preparation of (I). ACTIVITY : Gastrointestinal-Gen.; Antiasthmatic; Antiinflammatory; Dermatological; Antianemic; Hepatotropic; Neuroprotective. MECHANISM OF ACTION : None given.

06-12-2007 дата публикации

Transparente Mikroemulsionen mit hohem Ölgehalt

Номер: DE0060218919T2

25-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE202014001322U1

Red Coffee Getränke sind alkoholische Getränke gekennzeichnet dadurch, ... ...dass diese rote Farbstoffe und extrahierte Inhaltsstoffe der frischen roten Kaffebohnenschalen als Zusatz mitenthalten...

24-02-2011 дата публикации

Fluoreszierendes Energiegetränk auf Koffeinbasis

Номер: DE602008004423D1

25-06-1969 дата публикации

Furan Flavouring Agents

Номер: GB0001156480A

... 1,156,480. Furan derivatives. R. FIRMENICH, G. FIRMENICH, R. E. FIRMENICH, and F. H. FIRMENICH, [trading as FIRMENICH & CIE.]. 2 May, 1966 [30 April, 1965; 18 April, 1966], No. 2381/69. Divided out of 1,156,472. Heading C2C. [Also in Division A2] 2-Isopropenyl-benzofuran.-According to the method described in J.A.C.S. 73, 754 (1951), 2-acetyl-benzofuran is reacted with methylmagnesium bromide to form 2-(2-hydroxyisopropyl)-benzofuran which is converted to its acetate. Pyrolysis of the acetate yields 2-isopropenyl-benzofuran of b.p. 81-83‹ C./0À001 mm. Hg. 7-Ethyl-benzofuran is prepared by the method described in J. Chem. Soc. 1920, 1534, but using o-ethylphenol instead of o-cresol. The MS. of the product thus obtained shows the following ion peaks with the relative intensities given within brackets: 131 (100%), 146 (38%) and 77 (10%). 2,7 - Dimethyl - benzofuran.-7 - Methylbenzofuran is subjected to a WILSMEYER reaction to form 7-methyl-benzofuran-2-aldehyde which is converted into 2,7-dimethylbenzofuran ...

22-05-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to soft drinks

Номер: GB0001114974A

A soft fruit juice drink, which may be in carbonated form, contains not more than 8% of natural fruit juice and between 5mg and 80mg of sodium aspartate or aspartic acid per 100ml of drink. Formulations for orange juice drinks containing the following ingredients in specified preparations, are disclosed: natural fruit juice, sodium aspartate, fine granulated sugar, citric acid, malic acid, orange base, orange essence, sodium dehydro-acetate and permitted colouring.

27-10-2010 дата публикации

A beverage containing a capsaicinoid

Номер: GB0002469658A

A heat-providing composition comprising a capsaicinoid extracted from the fruit of a plant of the Capsicum genus is disclosed. A beverage comprising said composition, water and a flavoured component is described. The beverage, which may be in the form of a concentrate, is preferably non-alcoholic and may contain extracts from one or more fruits or vegetables, or may contain a cola flavouring. The capsaicinoid is preferably extracted from the fruit of Capsicum frutescens, and more preferably from the fruit of the bird's eye chilli. A second beverage consisting of said composition and water is also described. A method of preparing a beverage, including extraction of the heat-providing composition, is disclosed. The method may include contact between the fruit and water that has preferably been heated to a temperature below its boiling point. Also described is a method of modifying a beverage by the addition of the heat-providing composition.

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Soluble beverage gel and delivery utensil

Номер: GB0002488312A

A beverage delivery system 1 comprises a delivery utensil 2 having an elongate handle portion 4, and a delivery portion 6 which extends from the handle portion 4. A soluble beverage product 8 is located on the delivery portion 6 of the delivery utensil 2. The soluble beverage product 8 is a gel which includes a pectin component and a flavouring component. In a preferred embodiment, the beverage gel comprises 60% apple concentrate, 25% fructose, 5% fruit puree, 2% pectin and water. The beverage delivery system may be manufactured by locating the delivery portion of the delivery utensil in a mould, introducing a soluble beverage product into the mould and allowing the beverage product to set.

31-10-2001 дата публикации

A method for manufacturing beverages

Номер: GB0000122085D0

07-03-2012 дата публикации

A carbonated beverage maker

Номер: GB0002483363A

A carbonated beverage maker 10 comprising a reservoir 18 in fluid contact with a carbonation chamber 80, a pressurised carbon dioxide source 60 in fluid communication with the carbonation chamber 80 such that a selected volume of fluid from the reservoir 18 is mixed with carbon dioxide in the carbonation chamber 80, an individually packed single use disposable cup (fig 8) containing a flavour and having a sealed cover that covers and seals the flavour cup, and a piercing mechanism 210 for piercing the flavour cup and mixing the selected volume of fluid with the flavour within the cup and dispensing the blended fluid wherein the carbonation chamber comprises a pressure vessel of a fixed volume such that the carbon dioxide absorption can be controlled. The flow of the carbon dioxide into the carbonation chamber may be controlled by a solenoid and can be pulsed. A carbonated beverage maker including a central processing unit 22 and a carbonated beverage maker with the piercing mechanism (fig ...

23-11-2005 дата публикации

Kokumi flavour compounds and use

Номер: GB0000520842D0

25-06-1969 дата публикации

Pyrrole Aldehydes

Номер: GB0001156477A

... 1,156,477. Pyrrole aldehydes. R. FIRMENICH, G. FIRMENICH, R. E. FIRMENICH, and F. H. FIRMENICH, [trading as FIRMENICH & CIE.]. 2 May, 1966 [30 April, 1965; 18 April, 1966], No. 2378/69. Divided out of 1,156,472. Heading C2C. [Also in Division A2] The invention relates to compounds having the formulµ where R represents an amyl, alpha-methylbuty or thenyl group; and where R1 represents a butyl, amyl, alphamethylbutyl or furfuryl group. Examples describe the preparation of all the above compounds.

18-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000021578D0

18-12-2019 дата публикации

Non-alcoholic malt beverage

Номер: GB0201916057D0

29-11-2023 дата публикации

Method of producing drinks and drinks products

Номер: GB0002619194A

A resource efficient manufacturing process of a drink (in particular a cold drink) for the retail market comprising: mixing essential drink component with purified rainwater, and filling a finalise retail product into a container in a bottling step; wherein the purification of the rainwater is characterised by: Subjecting water collected directly from precipitation to a first filtration process, Subjecting the water obtained from step a) to a reverse osmosis filtration step, and Remineralising the water obtained from step b); and drinks products obtained and obtainable from said method. The method is advantages in that it minimises the amount of water employed for bulk manufacturing whilst providing reproducibly high quality water with a pleasing taste suitable. It also allows drinks of high alkalinity to be prepared, which is very desirable and may have health benefits.

08-08-2007 дата публикации

Soy milk compositions and methods of preparation.

Номер: AP0000001764A

Soy milk and beverage compositions together with methods for preparation, such compositions utilizing soy particulates of consistent micron dimension, either alone or in conjunction with high process pressures, to provide texture and taste characteristics.

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Soy milk compositions and methods of preparation.

Номер: AP2004003075A0

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Soy milk compositions and methods of preparation.

Номер: OA0000012728A

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Soy milk compositions and methods of preparation.

Номер: AP0200403075D0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Soy milk compositions and methods of preparation.

Номер: AP0200403075A0

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357155T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381893T

15-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA896976A

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499012T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469567T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474904T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000496541T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503719A1

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000544358T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519378T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416634T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517559T

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517961A4

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine wässrige Zusammensetzung umfassend mindestens einen Bitterstoff und mindestens zwei Ingwerrhizomextrakte, wobei ein erster Ingwerrhizomextrakt ein Niederdruck- CO2-Extrakt und ein zweiter Ingwerrhizomextrakt ein Hochdruck-CO2-Extrakt ist.

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000402193T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000305233T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252324T

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Unfermented beer-like foaming beverage and method for manufacturing same

Номер: AU2017377602A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

This unfermented beer-like foaming beverage is characterized by containing a steviol glycoside and 0.01-0.03 g/L of iso-α acid, the sugar content being less than 2.0 g/100 mL and the content of steviol glycoside being 0.01-0.08 g/L. The method for manufacturing this unfermented beer-like foaming beverage is characterized by having a steviol glycoside as a raw material, and by the content of the iso-α acid in the beverage being adjusted to 0.01-0.03 g/L.

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Beverage containing tea-polymerized polyphenol and RebD and/or RebM

Номер: AU2017239889B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A tea-polymerized polyphenol-containing beverage, and production method thereof, is provided in which the bitter taste of the tea-polymerized polyphenol is reduced while the favorable tea-like flavor is maintained. The content of tea-polymerized polyphenol in the beverage is adjusted to within a specific range, the total content of RebM and RebD in the beverage is adjusted to within a specific range, and the weight ratio of the total content of RebD and RebM to the content of the tea-polymerized polyphenol is adjusted to within a specific range.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Carbonated beverage

Номер: AU2019303461A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a carbonated beverage in which a refreshing effect originating from a flavor is sustained. A flavor-containing carbonated beverage, wherein the carbonated beverage contains 5-80 mg/100 mL of caffeine, and also contains 5-100 ppm of isoalpha acid and/or 5-100 ppb of quassin.

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Sparkling beverage having effervescence retainability and method for improving effervescence retainability of sparkling beverage

Номер: AU2019270688A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a sparkling beverage having effervescence retainability; and a method for improving effervescence retainability of a sparkling beverage. The present invention provides a sparkling beverage which has a content of Reb. B of 6-45 ppm, while having a gas pressure of from 2.2 kgf/cm ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Colorless transparent beverage containing potassium

Номер: AU2018337452A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The purpose of the present invention is to reduce the harsh taste due to the potassium in a colorless transparent beverage that contains potassium. Lactose and/or at least one type of oligosaccharide is added to this colorless transparent beverage which contains potassium.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Colorless transparent beverage containing potassium

Номер: AU2018337454A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The purpose of the present invention is to reduce the sensation of sliminess, due to the potassium, when drinking a colorless transparent beverage which contains potassium and has a pH greater than or equal to 4.0. At least one item selected from the group consisting of vanillin, ethylvanillin, maltol and ethyl maltol is added to a colorless transparent beverage which contains potassium and has a pH greater than or equal to 4.0.

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Microencapsulated products, clear solutions thereof, and methods of making

Номер: AU2019227917A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Provided herein are methods for producing formulations for incorporation into clear beverages. A variety of solutes may be microencapsulated to provide a formulation that results in a clear solution upon addition to water. Microencapsulation may be achieved by, for example, spray drying. Also provided herein are microencapsulated products and solutions of microencapsulated products in water.

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Intraoral pungent substance

Номер: AU2005308069A1

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003277911A1

16-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003265304A1

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Edible energy composition with low caffeine

Номер: AU2008322414B2

An energy composition includes a methylated xanthine, a choline derivative, and at least one flavorant in a sufficient amount to render the energy composition palatable. The energy composition may also include vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, preservatives, and the like.

18-01-2007 дата публикации

Sports drink acid blend to reduce or eliminate aftertaste

Номер: AU2006202714A1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Inverse emulsion and use thereof

Номер: US20120052154A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to the flavors industry. More particularly, it relates to an inverse emulsion that includes a hydrophilic flavor or sweetener, lecithin, thaumatin, a polar solvent and a hydrophobic component. The invention also relates to the use of such an emulsion in flavored products and to a method for stabilizing an inverse emulsion by adding thaumatin to the dispersed phase of the emulsion.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Tingling and salivating compositions

Номер: US20120129953A1
Автор: Anh Le, Catherine Maurel
Принадлежит: FIRMENICH SA

A sensate composition comprises a salivating component, a tingling component and a flavor, the salivating component being formed of at least a mixture of citric, malic and succinic acid, or of their salts, and the tingling component being formed of an ingredient selected from the group consisting of Jambu oleoresin, spilanthol, any extract containing either or both, and their mixtures. The sensate composition allows the preparation of consumer products having improved salivating properties.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods for Using Rebaudioside C as a Flavor Enhancer

Номер: US20120157553A1

The present invention is directed to the use of one or more rebaudioside C polymorphs, or stereoisomers thereof, to enhance the sweet taste of a flavoring, such as glucosylated steviol glycoside, rebaudioside A, ammoniated glycyrrhizin, neohespherdin dihydrochalcone or thaumatin.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing flavoring agent, and flavoring agent

Номер: US20120258231A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

The problem to be solved of the present invention is to provide a method which can efficiently and economically produce a flavoring agent and can give the original flavor of a raw material to a food and drink. The objective of the present invention is also to provide a flavoring agent. The method for producing a flavoring agent according to the present invention is characterized in comprising the steps of mixing a flavor material with a solvent and extracting a flavor component contained in the fragrant material under pressure; wherein a solubility parameter of the solvent is not less than 8.0 and not more than 25.0.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Protein beverage and method of manufacture

Номер: US20130040037A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A protein beverage includes at least 90 percent egg white and at least one of a flavoring and sweetener. The beverage may be made by mixing pasteurized egg whites with a flavoring sweetener, and/or other biological enhancing agent, homogenizing the mixture, re-pasteurizing the beverage, and then bottling the mixture.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101724A1

The object of the present invention is to provide a technique that incorporates a relatively large volume of essential oil into a beverage, without spoiling the appearance of the beverage or causing peculiar taste. 1. A beverage comprising fermented cellulose and 0.01 to 1.0 mL essential oil per liter of the beverage.2. The beverage of claim 1 , wherein the content of the fermented cellulose is 0.01 to 2.0% w/v.3. The beverage of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is derived from a citrus fruit.4. The beverage of claim 1 , further comprising 1 to 20% v/v alcohol.5. The beverage of claim 1 , which is a packaged beverage.6. A method of producing a beverage claim 1 , comprising adding a suspension of fermented cellulose in water or aqueous alcohol and 0.01 to 1.0 mL essential oil per liter of a beverage.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising adding the essential oil and the fermented cellulose suspension to prepare a beverage syrup and diluting the syrup to produce a beverage.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the essential oil is mixed in advance with the fermented cellulose suspension.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising micronizing the essential oil and the fermented cellulose suspension.10. A method of suppressing the separation of essential oil components in a beverage claim 8 , the method comprising adding fermented cellulose and 0.01 to 1.0 mL essential oil per liter of the beverage. The present invention relates to essential oil-containing beverages. More specifically, the present invention relates to beverages in which fermented cellulose stably disperses and retains a large volume of essential oil.A variety of flavorings are added to beverages to increase their palatability. Flavorings are largely divided into natural flavorings and synthetic flavorings, and natural flavorings are further divided into animal-derived flavorings and plant-derived flavorings. Among these, flavorings principally used for beverages are plant-derived flavorings.One ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of Mixing a Liquid in a Container

Номер: US20130176812A1
Принадлежит: Salvatore Albert Celeste

Presently, there exists a need for a method of mixing (stirring) the ingredients of a liquid preparation within a container without the introduction of any device or manual implement to agitate the contents mechanically. The purpose of the present invention is to provide a method a convenient, economical and effective method of mixing utilizing a chemical reaction to facilitate liquid motion in a container without the use of a stirring implement or external mechanical intervention.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Food And Beverage Products Containing 1,3-Propanediol And Methods Of Suppressing Bitterness And Enhancing Sweetness In Food And Beverage Products Using 1,3-Propanediol

Номер: US20130236597A1

Food or beverages prepared using 1,3-propanediol have shown to have modified flavor profiles, including bitterness suppression of high intensity sweeteners and potassium chloride, relative to comparable food or beverages that do not include 1,3-propanediol. Inclusion of 1,3-propanediol uniquely modifies the flavor profile of food products or food ingredients even when 1,3-propanediol is included in such low amounts that it does not itself contribute flavor to the product. 1,3-propanediol may be included in the food or beverage products in certain amounts to effect this bitterness suppression or in specific ratios relative to one or more high intensity sweeteners or potassium chloride. 1. A method for reducing bitterness in a food or beverage comprising a high intensity sweetener , the method comprising preparing a food or beverage comprising 1 ,3-propanediol in an amount effective to provide a ratio of 1 ,3-propanediol to the high intensity sweetener in the food or beverage of about 0.01:8 to about 0.6:8.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol is included in an amount effective to provide a ratio of 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol to high intensity sweetener of about 0.1:5 to about 0.6:5.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol is included in an amount effective to provide a ratio of 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol to high intensity sweetener of about 1:5 to about 2:5.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the high intensity sweetener is selected from the group consisting of sucralose claim 1 , aspartame claim 1 , saccharine claim 1 , monatin claim 1 , peptide-based high intensity sweeteners claim 1 , cyclamates claim 1 , Luo Han Guo claim 1 , acesulfame potassium claim 1 , alitame claim 1 , saccharin claim 1 , neohesperidin dihydrochalcone claim 1 , cyclamate claim 1 , N-[N-[3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)propyl]-L-a-aspartyl]-L-10 phenylalanine 1-methyl ester claim 1 , N-[N-[3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Composition for Cola Beverage with Enhanced Flavor and Texture

Номер: US20130260006A1
Автор: Wells Peter M.

A composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture combines a carbonated cola and a cola enhancing mixture for an enhanced cola beverage. The cola enhancing mixture may be added to existing cola beverages, or the present invention may be manufactured and distributed as a unit. The cola enhancing mixture includes flavoring syrup, a high-fat liquid dairy product, cinnamon powder, caffeine, and chia powder. The combination of the cola enhancing mixture with the cola beverage produces a unique taste and texture that is a dramatic enhancement over a standard cola beverage. 1. A composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture comprises:a.) carbonated cola; flavoring syrup,', 'a high-fat liquid dairy product,', 'cinnamon powder,', 'caffeine, and', 'chia powder;, 'b.) a cola enhancing mixturethe carbonated cola being present at a range between 60-80 percent weight;the flavoring syrup being present at a range between 15-30 percent weight;the high-fat liquid dairy product being present at a range between 5-10 percent weight;the cinnamon powder being present at a range between 0.4-2.5 percent weight;the caffeine being present at a range between 0.0-0.04 percent weight; andthe chia powder being present at a range between 0.0-0.04 percent weight.2. The composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flavoring syrup is sweet chocolate syrup.3. The composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the high-fat liquid dairy product is half and half cream; andwherein the half and half cream comprises 10-20 percent butterfat by weight.4. The composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the high-fat liquid dairy product is a mixture of milk and liquid butter.5. The composition for a cola beverage with enhanced flavor and texture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cinnamon powder is specifically orange ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Comestible compositions comprising high potency savory flavorants, and processes for producing them

Номер: US20130266708A1
Принадлежит: Senomyx Inc

The present invention relates to the use of certain high potency savory (‘umami’) taste modifiers, as savory flavoring agents and/or enhancers of monosodium glutamate, for the preparation of foods, beverages, and other comestible compositions, and to processes for preparing food flavorant compositions for use in the preparation of comestible food and drink.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280399A1

A production process of an alcohol-free beer-like malt beverage is disclosed. The process comprises reducing the off-flavor originated from wort by adding terpene. The process provides an alcohol-free beer-like malt beverage having an unpleasant wort off-flavor reduced. 1. A method for producing an alcohol-free beer-like malt beverage comprising reducing the off-flavor originated from wort by adding terpene.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the terpene is not heat treated.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the terpene is added after completion of cooling of the wort obtained by boiling process of the wort.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the terpene is terpinolene.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein terpinolene is added so that the ion intensity of 121 m/z is not less than 185% and is less than 22555% relative to the ion intensity of 110 m/z attributable to borneol in the GC/MS analysis of the malt beverage using 25 ppb of borneol as the internal standard.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the terpene is heat treated.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the terpene is added before completion of the cooling process in the case that the method comprises the wort boiling process and the subsequent cooling process.8. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the terpene is heat treated previously before being added to the wort.9. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the terpene is terpinolene.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein terpinolene is added so that the ion intensity of 121 m/z is not less than 40% and is less than 185% relative to the ion intensity of 110 m/z attributable to borneol as the index of terpinolene concentration claim 9 , the ion intensity of 81 m/z is not less than 13% and is less than 60% relative to the ion intensity of 110 m/z attributable to borneol as the index of D-fenchyl alcohol concentration claim 9 , and the ion intensity of 91 m/z is not less than 1% and is less ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287923A1
Автор: Kuhrts Eric

Methods and formulations for improving the sensory characteristics and stability of dietary fatty acids for use in beverages, liquid concentrates, or other formulations are disclosed. 1. A water-soluble formulation , comprising:dietary fatty acid;non-ionic surfactant; andlipophilic taste masking agent.2. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the formulation comprises about 40 to 80 vol % non-ionic surfactant claim 1 , about 2 to 50 vol % dietary fatty acid claim 1 , and about 0.001 to 1 vol % lipophilic taste masking agent claim 1 , and wherein the formulation is devoid of water.3. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the formulation consists essentially of the dietary fatty acid claim 1 , the non-ionic surfactant claim 1 , the lipophilic taste masking agent claim 1 , and optionally claim 1 , water and/or a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the non-ionic surfactant is admixed with the dietary fatty acid while the non-ionic surfactant is within the temperature range from 80° F. to 200° F.5. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the dietary fatty acid is selected from one or more omega-3 fatty acids.6. The formulation of claim 4 , wherein the omega-3 fatty acid is selected from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) claim 4 , docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) claim 4 , conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) claim 4 , and combinations thereof.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the dietary fatty acid has a trigyceride concentration of at least 60 wt %.8. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the dietary fatty acid has a trigyceride concentration of at least 80 wt %.9. The formulation of claim 1 , solubilized in water to form a clear aqueous solution.10. The formulation of claim 9 , wherein the formulation comprises about 10 to 40 vol % non-ionic surfactant claim 9 , about 0.5 to 20 vol % dietary fatty acid claim 9 , about 0.0005 to 0.5 vol % lipophilic taste masking agent claim 9 , and about 50 to 85 vol % water.11. The formulation of claim 9 , ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295229A1

The present invention relates to the use of 3-mercaptoheptyl carboxylate in the form of any one of its stereoisomers or in the form of a mixture thereof. The compounds of the invention are valuable flavoring ingredients capable of imparting fruity, citrus and/or teas aftertaste with a well-balanced long-lastingness. The present invention also concerns the compositions or articles containing the compound. 2. The flavoring composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flavor base has top notes of the citrus-grapefruit claim 1 , teas and/or peach type and/or red fruit claim 1 , followed by bottom notes of the green/black tea type as well as of the citrus-grapefruit and fruity-pear-peach type.4. The flavored article according to claim 3 , wherein the foodstuff base is a bakery claim 3 , a dairy claim 3 , a confectionary claim 3 , a savory claim 3 , an infusion claim 3 , a soft drink claim 3 , a flavored water and a juice product.6. A method to confer claim 5 , enhance claim 5 , improve or modify the flavor properties of a flavoring composition or of a flavored article claim 5 , which method comprises adding to the composition or article an effective amount of at least one compound according to to provide a flavor base having top notes of the citrus-grapefruit claim 5 , teas and/or peach type and/or red fruit.7. A method to confer claim 1 , enhance claim 1 , improve or modify the flavor properties of a flavored article claim 1 , which method comprises adding to the article an effective amount of the flavoring composition according to to provide a flavor base having top notes of the citrus-grapefruit claim 1 , teas and/or peach type and/or red fruit. This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 12/826,047 filed Jun. 29, 2010 which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 11/865,418 filed Oct. 1, 2007 which is a continuation International application PCT/IB2006/051419 filed on 5 May 2006, the entire contents of the applications are expressly incorporated ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Releasable Entrapment Of Aroma Using A Polymeric Matrix

Номер: US20130306634A1
Автор: GIVEN Peter, Zhang Naijie

An aroma delivery system comprising aroma compound entrapped in a polymeric matrix. 1. An aroma delivery system comprising a film of aroma compound releasably entrapped in a polymeric matrix.2. The aroma delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the matrix has a surface and further comprising a secondary covering film covering the surface.3. The aroma delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the aroma compound is selected from the group consisting of a volatile compound claim 1 , a polar compound claim 1 , a hydrophilic compound claim 1 , and blends thereof.4. The aroma delivery system of claim 2 , wherein the aroma compound is selected from the group consisting of a volatile compound claim 2 , a polar compound claim 2 , a hydrophilic compound claim 2 , and blends thereof.5. The aroma delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the polymer matrix is selected from the group consisting of a natural wax claim 1 , a natural biopolymer claim 1 , a natural polymer claim 1 , a synthetic polymer claim 1 , and blends thereof.6. The aroma delivery system of claim 2 , wherein the polymer matrix is selected from the group consisting of a natural wax claim 2 , a natural biopolymer claim 2 , a natural polymer claim 2 , a synthetic polymer claim 2 , and blends thereof.7. The aroma delivery system of claim 3 , wherein the polymer matrix is selected from the group consisting of a natural wax claim 3 , a natural biopolymer claim 3 , a natural polymer claim 3 , a synthetic polymer claim 3 , and blends thereof.8. The aroma delivery system of claim 4 , wherein the polymer matrix is selected from the group consisting of a natural wax claim 4 , a natural biopolymer claim 4 , a natural polymer claim 4 , a synthetic polymer claim 4 , and blends thereof.9. The aroma delivery system of claim 2 , wherein the secondary covering film is selected from the group consisting of a polysaccharide claim 2 , a synthetic polymer claim 2 , a natural wax claim 2 , a natural biopolymer claim 2 , a natural film former claim ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316060A1

A beverage or other composition may include phloretin and trilobtain wherein the weight ratio of phloretin to trilobtain is from about 1:1 to about 3:1. The concentration of phloretin in such a composition may be about 5 ppm to about 150 ppm. The combination of phloretin and trilobtain may remove one or more negative characteristics of the composition. 1. A beverage comprising:one or more high-potency sweeteners;phloretin at about 5 ppm to about 50 ppm; andtrilobtain at about 5 ppm to about 40 ppm;wherein said trilobtain is present in an amount sufficient to decrease a cloying aftertaste of said beverage.2. The beverage of wherein a ratio of said phloretin to said trilobtain is between about 1:1 and about 3:1 by weight.3. The beverage of wherein the beverage provides less than about 40 calories for an 8 ounce serving; andwherein a ratio of said phloretin to said trilobtain is between about 1.25:1 to about 1.75:1 by weight.4. The beverage of further comprising a lemon-lime flavor.5. The beverage of wherein said one or more high-potency sweeteners are selected from the group consisting of stevia leaf extract claim 1 , sucralose claim 1 , luo-han fruit extract claim 1 , acesulfame-potassium claim 1 , aspartame claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The beverage of wherein said one or more high-potency sweeteners possess one or more aftertastes.7. The beverage of wherein said phloretin is present in an amount sufficient to suppress at least one of said one or more aftertastes.8. A beverage comprising:phloretin at about 5 ppm to about 150 ppm; andtrilobtain;wherein a weight ratio of said phloretin to said trilobtain is between about 1:1 and about 3:1.9. The beverage of wherein the beverage is selected from the group consisting of partially sweetened beverages claim 8 , sweetened beverages claim 8 , and non-sweetened beverages.10. The beverage of further including a first sweetener or sweetener blend; andwherein said beverage includes said phloretin and said trilobtain in ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Shelf Stable, Concentrated, Liquid Flavorings And Methods Of Preparing Beverages With The Concentrated Liquid Flavorings

Номер: US20130316066A1
Принадлежит: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC

Concentrated liquid flavorings and methods of preparing flavored beverages using the concentrated liquid flavorings are described herein. The concentrated liquid flavorings are shelf stable for prolonged storage times at ambient temperatures. Shelf stability is provided, at least in part, by acidic pH and/or reduced water activity. By one approach, the concentrated liquid flavorings are intended to provide flavor to a beverage, such as coffee, tea, milk, or other savory beverage. The concentrated liquid flavorings may be provided in a convenient portable and dosable format that can be easily used by a consumer to provide the desired flavor and amount of flavor to a beverage. 1. A concentrated liquid flavoring comprising:about 10 to about 90 percent water;about 2 to about 40 percent flavor component, the flavor component comprising a flavor key in an amount effective to provide about 0.1 to about 10 percent flavor key by weight of the concentrated liquid flavoring, andan amount of sweetener effective to provide the flavoring with a sweetness of about 50 to about 65 degrees Brix,the concentrated liquid flavoring having a pH of about 5.0 to about 7.0.2. The concentrated liquid flavoring according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of sweetener in the flavoring is effective to provide less than 2 degree Brix to a beverage when the concentrated liquid flavoring is diluted in a beverage at a ratio of about 1:40 to about 1:160.3. The concentrated liquid flavoring according to claim 1 , wherein the flavoring has a water activity of less than about 0.76.4. The concentrated liquid flavoring according to claim 1 , wherein the flavoring further comprises less than about 30 percent non-aqueous liquid.5. The concentrated liquid flavoring according to claim 1 , wherein the flavoring has a pH of about 5.0 to about 5.2.6. A concentrated liquid flavoring having reduced water activity claim 1 , the concentrated liquid flavoring comprising:about 10 to about 45 percent water;about 3 to ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Taste improvement agent

Номер: US20130344222A1
Принадлежит: Takasago International Corp

The present invention provides a taste improvement agent that can be obtained from extraction residues of coffee by using a simple and easy method and can impart comprehensive taste to a drink or food; a food or drink containing the taste improvement agent; and a method of improving the taste of a food or drink. The present invention relates to a taste improvement agent for a food or drink, which is obtained from an extraction residue of a coffee.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Proanthocyanidin-rich plant extract

Номер: US20140004239A1
Принадлежит: Suntory Holdings Ltd

To provide an extract or other substance that can impart not only bitterness and aroma but also taste elements such as koku and robustness without increasing astringency or harshness, and to provide a beverage having superior koku and robustness. Increasing hop-derived polyphenols, particularly trimeric proanthocyanidin makes it possible to provide beverages with koku and robustness without increasing astringency or lingering aftertaste.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Flavoring ingredient in oral compositions

Номер: US20140010768A1
Принадлежит: Wild Flavors Inc

An oral composition containing an essential oil that provides a physical warming sensation when administered to the oral cavity and a method for achieving a physical warming sensation by administering the oral composition. The essential oil is rich in cis and trans-Piperitone Oxide and Piperitenone Oxide that impart unique organoleptic characteristics when the essential oil is used as the primary flavoring ingredient or as an additive in flavor compositions for chewing gum, confections, oral care applications, beverages, and general food applications.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Stabilized masticated frozen dessert

Номер: US20140030403A1
Автор: David John Feldpausch
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for preparing a frozen dessert having stabilized ice crystals to imitate the taste of ice cream, which process comprises: (A) providing a KEY ingredient, (B) adding a freeze inhibitor, in suitable amounts, and adequate sweetness to attain a stabilized starting freezing point of about 27° F. and melting point at about 17° F.; (C) adding a stabilizer in suitable amounts to create a microcrystalline ice particles; (D) rapidly freezing the mix until frozen solid at the temperature at which ice cream freezes; (E) masticating the frozen product to yield a soft serve dessert product for immediate consumption, said product having a contantometer rate significantly less than that of prior art desserts.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087053A1
Автор: Alberto Ferrari

The drink includes a mix of apple vinegar ( 1 ), balsamic vinegar ( 2 ) and concentrated grape must ( 3 ).

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000127A1

Rapidly dissolving flavoring composition concentrates are provided. The flavoring composition concentrates have a flavor, a solvent system, a flavor carrier system, and a densifier. The densifier is an acid modifier present in an amount such that it optimizes the rate of dispersion of the concentrate in water. 12-. (canceled)3. A liquid beverage concentrate composition comprising:a flavor;from about 12% to about 20% by weight of citric acid based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition;from about 20% to about 95% by weight of water solvent based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition; anda sweetener, wherein the sweetener comprises from about 0.3% to about 2% by weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.4. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , wherein the flavor comprises less than 2% by weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.5. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , wherein the flavor comprises from about 1% to about 20% by weight based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.6. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , further comprising potassium citrate in an amount from about 0.2 wt. % to about 1.0 wt. % based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.7. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , further comprising potassium citrate in an amount from about 2 wt. % to about 5 wt. % based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.8. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , further comprising sodium citrate in an amount from about 0.4 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. % based on the weight of the liquid beverage concentrate composition.9. The liquid beverage concentrate composition according to claim 3 , wherein the density of the liquid concentrate composition is in a range of from about 1.05 grams per mL to about 1. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000133A1

A food composition described herein contains a protein hydrolysate from a legume and cocoa. The food composition may be in a solid or powder composition, and it may also contain creatine, especially creatine monohydrate. The food composition may also contain at least one B vitamin and/or a zinc compound. 1. Food composition containing:a) a protein hydrolysate from a legume selected from peas, beans and lentils; andb) cocoa.2. Food composition according to claim 1 , which also contains creatine.3. Food composition according to or claim 1 , which also contains at least one B vitamin and/or a zinc compound.4. Food composition according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the protein hydrolysate from a legume is a pea protein hydrolysate.5. Food composition containing:a) hydrolysed pea protein; andb) cocoa.6. Food composition according to claim 5 , which also contains creatine.7. Food composition according to or claim 5 , which also contains at least one B vitamin and/or a zinc compound.8. Food composition claim 5 , especially a drink powder claim 5 , containing:a) 40-80% by weight hydrolysed pea protein;b) 20-50% by weight cocoa. The present invention relates to a food composition that contains a protein hydrolysate from a legume and cocoa.Preferably, the food composition according to the invention, especially when it is a solid or powder-form food composition, also contains creatine, especially creatine monohydrate, more especially Creapure©.More preferably, the food composition according to the invention contains at least one B vitamin and/or a zinc compound.More preferably, the food composition according to the invention contains all 20 standard amino acids in the form of the free amino acid and/or in the form of peptides.In the context of the present invention, the term legume relates to beans, lentils and peas, with preference being given to peas. In the context of the present invention, the term legume does not relate to soya or soybeans, that is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000106A1

A process for infusing a consumable substance is described. The process includes the steps of placing a desired amount of an infusion material into a chamber at atmospheric pressure, placing a desired amount of consumable substance into said chamber, sealing said chamber from the surrounding atmosphere, and applying at least one reduced pressure cycle within said chamber. Methods for separating the infusion material from the consumable substance after completion of the infusion process are also described. In addition, devices for infusing liquids or consumable substances, and/or brewing beverages are described. The present invention relates to an apparatus for brewing beverages or infusing a consumable substance comprising a vessel, said vessel comprising a sealable chamber for holding a brewing or infusion material and a liquid or consumable substance, and a filter assembly connected to the sealable chamber; a liquid supply and conduit for introducing at least a portion of said liquid supply into said sealable chamber; and a vacuum source and conduit for reducing pressure in said sealable chamber. 120-. (canceled)21. A process for infusing a consumable substance , comprising:placing a desired amount of at least one infusion material comprising herbs or botanicals into a chamber;placing a desired amount of a consumable substance into the chamber;sealing the chamber from surrounding atmosphere; andapplying at least one pressure cycle within the chamber, wherein the at least one cycle comprises reducing pressure within the chamber to a first pressure and subsequently adjusting pressure within the chamber to a second pressure.22. The infusion process of further comprising:adding a gas to the chamber.23. The infusion process of claim 22 , wherein the step of adding a gas to the chamber occurs during the at least one pressure cycle.24. The infusion process of claim 22 , wherein the step of adding a gas to the chamber occurs after the at least one pressure cycle.25. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing an aromatised food or beverage product

Номер: US20180000109A1
Автор: Pu-Sheng Cheng
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The present invention relates to a method of producing an aromatised food or beverage product, wherein an aroma fraction is obtained from a plant extract, said aroma fraction is being contacted with a resin to remove undesired aroma compounds, and the aroma fraction from which undesired compounds have been removed are combined with a food or beverage composition to produce an aromatised food or beverage product.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Container for Dispensing Multiple Doses of a Concentrated Liquid

Номер: US20210002057A1
Принадлежит: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC

A container is provided for dispensing a liquid concentrate utilizing one or more desirable properties including a generally consistent discharge across a range of squeeze forces, a generally consistent discharge with the same force without significant dependence on the amount of liquid concentrate in the container, a substantially dripless or leak proof outlet opening, a jet that minimizes splashing when the liquid concentrate impacts a target liquid, and a jet that maximizes mixing between the liquid concentrate and the target liquid to produce a generally homogenous mixture without the use of extraneous utensils or shaking.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007687A1
Автор: Gamay Aly Y.
Принадлежит: DreamPak LLC

The disclosed subject matter provides preservative-free liquid flavored beverage concentrate compositions, food package kits comprising such compositions, and methods of preparing such compositions and kits. 1. A shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition comprising:a flavoring;lactic acid at about 8% to about 90% by weight of the composition; andwater at about 0% to about 88% by weight of the composition.2. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flavoring constitutes from about 1% to about 30% by weight of the composition.3. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , wherein water constitutes about 10% to about 90% by weight of the lactic acid.4. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water constitutes total water content contributed by direct addition of water and/or other components of the composition.5. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , further comprising citric acid in an amount from about 23.0% to about 26.0% by weight of the composition.6. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , further comprising malic acid in an amount from about 23.0% to about 26.0% by weight of the composition.7. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , further comprising ascorbic acid in an amount from about 0.5% to about 23.0% by weight of the composition.8. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 7 , further comprising phosphoric acid in an amount from about 23.0% to about 26.0% by weight of the composition.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. The shelf-stable liquid flavored beverage concentrate composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a buffer in an amount ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003702A1

The invention relates to compounds that specifically bind a T1R1/T1R3 or T1R2/T1R3 receptor or fragments or sub-units thereof. The present invention also relates to the use of hetero-oligomeric and chimeric taste receptors comprising T1R1/T1R3 and T1R2/T1R3 in assays to identify compounds that respectively respond to umami taste stimuli and sweet taste stimuli. Further, the invention relates to the constitutive of cell lines that stably or transiently co-express a combination of T1R1 and T1R3; or T1R2 and T1R3; under constitutive or inducible conditions. The use of these cells lines in cell-based assays to identify umami and sweet taste modulatory compounds is also provided, particularly high throughput screening assays that detect receptor activity by use of fluorometric imaging. 1. A method of identifying one or more compounds that putatively modulate or enhance sweet taste perception comprising (i) screening one or more compounds in a first binding assay that identifies whether said one or more compounds specifically bind to a T1R2/T1R3 receptor composed of hTIR2/hTIR3 and (ii) conducting a second binding assay using compounds identified in the first binding assay to determine whether said identified compounds bind to rTIR2/rTIR3 and (iii) selecting compounds that putatively modulate or enhance sweet taste perception which are identified using the binding assays of (i) and which do not bind in the binding assay of (ii).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a third binding assay is conducted to assay whether the selected compounds of (iii) specifically bind to a T1R2/T1R3 receptor composed of rTIR2/hTIR3.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a third binding assay is conducted to assay whether the selected compounds of (iii) specifically binds to the N-terminal extracellular domain of T1R2 of the hTIR2/hTIR3 receptor.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein another binding assay is conducted to assay whether the selected compounds of (iii) specifically binds to a T1R2/T1R3 ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015384A1

The present invention relates to a tea beverage that contains (a) an amount of a natural sugar corresponding to a sweetness intensity X1, (b) an amount of a high-sweetness sweetener corresponding to a sweetness intensity X2, (c) less than 50 mg of sodium per 100 ml of said tea beverage, and (d) 0.1-32 mg of potassium per 100 ml and/or 0.1-32 mg of calcium per 100 ml of said tea beverage. The high-sweetness sweetener includes at least one high-sweetness sweetener b1 selected from the group consisting of rebaudioside M, rebaudioside D, rebaudioside N, rebaudioside O, rebaudioside E, a extract, mogroside V, and thaumatin. The tea beverage satisfies 0.1<(X1+X2)≤20. 1. A tea beverage comprising:(a) a natural sugar in an amount corresponding to a sweetness intensity X1;(b) a high-intensity sweetener in an amount corresponding to a sweetness intensity X2;(c) less than 50 mg/100 ml of sodium; and(d) 0.1 to 52 mg/100 ml of potassium and/or 0.1 to 52 mg/100 ml of calcium,wherein the high-intensity sweetener comprises at least one high-intensity sweetener b1 selected from the group consisting of rebaudioside M, rebaudioside D, rebaudioside N, rebaudioside O, rebaudioside E, a Luo han guo extract, mogroside V, and thaumatin; and0.1<(X1+X2)≤20 is satisfied.2. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , wherein a sodium content is 7 mg/100 ml or more and less than 40 mg/100 ml.3. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , comprising 0.1 to 32 mg/100 ml of potassium and/or 0.1 to 32 mg/100 ml of calcium.4. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , wherein energy is 50 Kcal/100 ml or less.5. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , wherein X1 is 0.1 to 5.9.6. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , comprising 200 to 600 ppm of polyphenol.7. The tea beverage according to claim 6 , comprising 200 to 600 ppm of catechin.8. The tea beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the natural sugar is at least one selected from the group consisting of glucose claim 1 , sucrose claim 1 , fructose claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006901A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

A method is provided for preparation of a syrup or concentrate containing one or more stable suspensions of steviol glycosides comprising the steps of: adding one or more steviol glycosides to an aqueous solution to provide a steviol mixture; adjusting the pH of the steviol mixture at ambient temperatures to a pH in a range of about 7-9; then again adjusting the pH of the steviol mixture, with a sufficient amount of an acidic aqueous solution, to a pH in a range of about 2-4 to provide a liquid beverage concentrate containing a stable suspension of one or more solid steviol glycoside particles having a size of about 10-80 um long and 0.1-2 um thick, and having a concentration of up to about 1000-3000 ppm. Syrup or concentrate compositions are also provided. 1. A liquid beverage concentrate comprising:a stable aqueous suspension at a pH in a range of about 2-4 containing one or more solid steviol glycoside particles having a size of about 10 um to about 80 um long and about 0.1 um to about 2.0 um thick at a concentration of at least 500 ppm.2. The concentrate of , wherein the concentration of the one or more steviol glycoside particles ranges from about 1000 ppm to about 3000 ppm. The concentrate of , wherein the steviol glycoside is rebaudioside B.4. The concentrate of further comprising sodium benzoate.5. The concentrate of further comprising one or more emulsifiers at a concentration of about 0.1-1.0 wt %.6. The concentrate of claim 5 , wherein the emulsifier is gum arabic claim 5 , a mono- or diglyceride ester claim 5 , a sucrose ester claim 5 , methylcellulose claim 5 , other surfactants claim 5 , or combinations thereof.7. The concentrate of further comprising a flavorant claim 1 , wherein the flavorant is lemon claim 1 , lime claim 1 , orange claim 1 , grape claim 1 , lemon-lime claim 1 , cola claim 1 , root beer claim 1 , peach claim 1 , kiwi claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The concentrate of claim 1 , wherein the NTU of the suspension is at least 1200.9. ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017564A1
Автор: GAN Xian-Wen, YIN Dan-Ting
Принадлежит: FIRMENICH SA

The present disclosure generally relates to various formulations and uses of the compound Isomogroside IV. In some aspects, the disclosure provides compositions that include Isomogroside IV. In some embodiments, the compositions are comestible compositions, including, but not limited to, packaged food and beverage products and tabletop sweeteners. In some aspects, the disclosure provides certain compositions that include such mogroside compounds, such as compositions that include such mogroside compounds and one or more other sweeteners. In some other aspects, the disclosure provides methods of reducing the caloric content of a sweetened article, such as a sweetened food or beverage product. 2. A method of sweetening or enhancing a sweet taste of a comestible composition claim 1 , the method comprising introducing a mogroside compound of to a comestible composition.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mogroside compound is present in the comestible composition at a concentration ranging from 1 ppm to 1000 ppm.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the comestible composition comprises one or more additional sweeteners.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more additional sweeteners are selected from the group consisting of: sucrose claim 4 , fructose claim 4 , glucose claim 4 , allulose claim 4 , sugar alcohols (such as xylitol and erythritol) claim 4 , sucralose claim 4 , aspartame claim 4 , acesulfame potassium claim 4 , cyclamate claim 4 , steviol glycosides (such as rebaudioside A claim 4 , rebaudioside D claim 4 , rebaudioside E claim 4 , and rebaudioside M) claim 4 , other mogrosides (such as mogroside III claim 4 , mogroside IV claim 4 , mogroside V claim 4 , siamenoside I claim 4 , isomogroside V claim 4 , mogroside IV claim 4 , isomogroside IV claim 4 , mogroside III claim 4 , 11-oxomogroside V claim 4 , and 1 claim 4 ,6-α isomer of siamenoside I) claim 4 , and any combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the comestible composition ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008845A1

A method of providing a cooling effect to a product includes the incorporation into the product of at least one compound of the formula I 2. The method according to claim 1 , in which X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and Z are independently selected from H claim 1 , OH claim 1 , Me and OMe.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen and Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of Me claim 1 , Et and C-Cbranched alkyl.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , Rand Rtogether form a monocyclic claim 1 , bicyclic or tricyclic radical having up to 10 carbons.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound of formula I is used in combination with at least one other cooling compound comprising menthol claim 1 , menthone claim 1 , isopulegol claim 1 , N-ethyl p-menthanecarboxamide claim 1 , N claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-trimethyl-2-isopropylbutanamide claim 1 , menthyl lactate claim 1 , menthone glycerine acetal claim 1 , mono-menthyl succinate claim 1 , mono-menthyl glutarate claim 1 , O-menthyl glycerine claim 1 , menthyl-N claim 1 ,N-dimethylsuccinamate claim 1 , or 2-sec-butylcyclohexanone.8. The product according to claim 7 , wherein X claim 7 , Y claim 7 , and Z are independently selected from H claim 7 , OH claim 7 , Me and OMe.10. The product according to claim 7 , wherein Ris hydrogen and Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of Me claim 7 , Et and C-Cbranched alkyl.11. The product according to claim 7 , wherein R claim 7 , Rand Rtogether form a monocyclic claim 7 , bicyclic or tricyclic radical having up to 10 carbons.12. The product according to claim 7 , wherein the product is used in combination with at least one other cooling compound comprising menthol claim 7 , menthone claim 7 , isopulegol claim 7 , N-ethyl p-menthanecarboxamide claim 7 , N claim 7 ,2 claim 7 ,3-trimethyl-2-isopropylbutanamide claim 7 , menthyl lactate claim 7 , menthone glycerine acetal claim 7 , mono-menthyl succinate claim 7 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008461A1
Автор: Anderson Gerald

A beverage bottle dressing assembly for dressing a beverage bottle with granular flavoring includes a beverage bottle that has a neck and an opening extending into the neck for drinking. A cylinder is included that has a pair of chambers therein and the chambers are fluidly discrete from each other. Each of the chambers contains a respective one of a fluid and a granular flavoring. The cylinder has a pair of openings each extending into a respective one of the chambers and each of the openings insertably receiving the neck of the beverage bottle for depositing the fluid and granular flavoring on the neck. In this way the fluid and granular flavorings enhance consuming a beverage contained in the beverage bottle. 1. A beverage bottle dressing assembly , said assembly comprising:a beverage bottle having a neck and an opening extending into said neck for drinking;a cylinder having a pair of chambers therein, said chambers being fluidly discrete from each other, each of said chambers containing a respective one of a fluid and a granular flavoring, said cylinder having a pair of openings each extending into a respective one of said chambers, each of said openings having a circumference such that the neck of the beverage bottle is selectively insertable into each chamber for depositing the fluid and granular flavoring on the neck wherein said fluid and granular flavorings are configured to enhance consuming a beverage contained in said beverage bottle; anda pair of lids, each of said lids being removably coupled to said cylinder, each of said lids being aligned with a respective one of said openings for closing said respective opening.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said cylinder has a first end claim 1 , a second end and an outer wall extending therebetween claim 1 , said cylinder having a dividing wall being positioned therein to define each of said chambers claim 1 , said dividing wall being positioned between said first end and said second end claim 1 , ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Acrylamide-degrading self-cloning aspergillus oryzae

Номер: US20150010676A1
Принадлежит: Ozeki Corp, UCC Ueshima Coffee Co Ltd

Provided are self-cloning Aspergillus oryzae that expresses amidase without induction culture exhibiting high amidase degradation activity, and a method for reducing acrylamide in which this self-cloning Aspergillus oryzae is used. Self-cloning Aspergillus oryzae , which has a gene which codes a polypeptide with a specific amino acid sequence indicated in SEQ ID NO:1, or has a base sequence hybridizable to a complementary sequence of the gene encoding SEQ ID No:1 under stringent conditions, has a protein with amidase activity which the gene is expressed without induction culture, the process of reducing acrylamide by contact treatment with the above described self-cloning Aspergillus oryzae and acrylamide-containing matter, and a method of producing reduced acrylamide food or beverage.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010689A1
Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC

Heating an oil from a plant or animal while supplying oxygen at a dissolved oxygen supply speed of not less than 0.058 mg/L/min to the oil from plant or animal is a convenient production method of a material for food or drink, which is capable of imparting an aroma and/or a flavor, which are/is mellow and rich in variety, to a food or drink. 1. A method of producing a material for food or drink , which comprises heating an oil from a plant or animal while supplying oxygen at a dissolved oxygen supply speed of not less than 0.058 mg/L/min to said oil from a plant or animal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said dissolved oxygen supply speed is not less than 0.1 mg/L/min.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said dissolved oxygen supply speed is not less than 1.0 mg/L/min.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated to a temperature of 50 to 200° C.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated to a temperature of 50 to 200° C.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated to a temperature of 50 to 200° C.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated for a time of 2 to 24 hours.8. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated for a time of 2 to 24 hours.9. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated for a time of 2 to 24 hours.10. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is heated for a time of 2 to 24 hours.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal has a dissolved oxygen concentration of not less than 6.5 mg/L before said heating.12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said oil from a plant or animal is an animal fat or oil.13. A material for food or drink claim 1 , which is prepared by a method according to .14. The material for food or ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Water preparation system

Номер: US20210008508A1
Автор: Wendell D. Brown
Принадлежит: Individual

A system, apparatus and method are provided for preparing water for human consumption. Water from a public or other source is input to the system or apparatus and is filtered internal or external to the system/apparatus. A temperature adjustment may be applied, such as cooling or heating the water to a specific or approximate temperature. One or more water enhancements may be added to the water, in specified amounts or proportions. Enhancements potentially include flavoring agents, sweeteners, vitamins, nutrients, minerals, carbonation, and so on. A given combination of enhancements and corresponding amounts, and possibly other characteristics (e.g., the temperature, a quantity of water to prepare), may be saved as a recipe. The system, apparatus and method operate in association with an application or online service for creating, sharing, and preparing recipes.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Coffee StiX, a convenient method of dispensing coffee condiments (cream, flavoring, sweetener) by means of a coffee stirrer without the time, waste, sanitation problems and mess of conventional methods

Номер: US20180014676A1
Автор: Young Kerry

A visit to any well equipped coffee station will show containers of paper sweetner packets, a large, separate sugar container, powdered or liquid creamer/flavoring and stirring devices (plastic or wooden). All the necessary condiments to flavor your coffee to your taste and stir it into your coffee. Customers can't help make a mess as the condiments are added and stirred. Spilled sugar, creamer/flavoring and small bits of paper from opening the sugar packets. A disposal can or wastebasket is usually provided to address the mess and encourage customers to clean up after themselves. Coffee StiX avoids all of this with one sanitary, each portion covered, condiment stick, wooden or plastic. Since all the condiments are on the stirring stick and they are individually protected by a thin paper or plastic film, only the user touches the stick. This is done quickly and easily, avoiding the long lines at coffee stations/bars. No clean up is necessary as there is no mess, freeing up employees to perform other tasks. 1. A means whereby a stirring device is coated with flavoring (e.g. , cream and sweetener). Freeze drying is one possible means , rapid dehydration , as in sugar cube formation , may be another.2. The multiple combinations of flavoring and sweetener or flavoring or sweetener alone.3. The packaging of said coated stirring device , for the convenience of the consumer , eliminating clean up of spilled sweetener , cream or flavoring and their wrappers.4. Coffee preparation time for the consumer and cleanup time by the restaurateur is minimized; saves time and money.5. Provides a sanitary serving means whereby the coffee stirring sticks are touched only by the consumer. Rights of this invention belong to the inventor. No federally sponsored research and/or development was involved.Not applicable.Field of Invention. Convenience of coffee condiment dispensing. When preparing to drink coffee tailored to individual desires a sweetener or sugar substitute (for example, ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015073A1

Beverage compositions having portions of coffee cherries are described, as well as methods of forming the beverage compositions. The beverage compositions may include at least one fluid and a solid composition admixed with the fluid. The solid composition may include a particulate composition having one or more portions of a dried deseeded coffee cherry. The particulate composition may have an average particle size of about 80 μm to about 3000 μm. 1. A beverage composition comprising:at least one fluid;a solid composition admixed with the fluid, wherein the solid composition comprises a particulate composition comprising one or more portions of a dried deseeded coffee cherry, and wherein the particulate composition has an average particle size of about 0.1 μm to about 3000 μm.2. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more portions of the dried deseeded coffee cherry comprises one or more of a hull claim 1 , a mucilage claim 1 , a silverskin claim 1 , a parchment coat claim 1 , a pectin layer claim 1 , a pulp claim 1 , and an outer skin.3. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the particulate composition consists of the deseeded coffee cherry.4. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more portions of the dried deseeded coffee cherry consists of one or more of a pulp claim 1 , a mucilage claim 1 , and a hull.5. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the particulate composition has an average particle size of about 120 μm to about 200 μm.6. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the particulate composition is present in the solid composition in an amount of about 1% to about 70% by weight of the solid composition.78.-. (canceled)9. The beverage composition of claim 1 , wherein the solid composition further comprises one or more of tapioca flour claim 1 , rice flour claim 1 , oat flour claim 1 , wheat flour claim 1 , buckwheat flour claim 1 , barley flour claim 1 , rye flour claim 1 , corn flour claim 1 , bean ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017106A1

The present invention provides an agent for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality of a flavor composition to be added to a food, drink, pharmaceutical product, oral care product, or the like, the agent comprising γ-aminobutyric acid and naringenin, as well as a method for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality of the flavor composition. 1. An agent for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality of a flavor composition , the agent comprising γ-aminobutyric acid and naringenin.2. The agent for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality according to claim 1 , whereinthe weight ratio of γ-aminobutyric acid to naringenin is 1:10000 to 100000:1.3. The agent for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality according to claim 1 , whereinthe γ-aminobutyric acid and the naringenin are originated from a processed tomato product.4. A method for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality of a flavor composition claim 1 , the method comprisingadding γ-aminobutyric acid and naringenin to the flavor composition.5. The method according to claim 4 , whereinthe γ-aminobutyric acid and the naringenin are added to the flavor composition such that a weight ratio of the γ-aminobutyric acid to the naringenin is from 1:10000 to 100000:1.6. A flavor composition claim 1 , which comprises the agent for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality according to claim 1 , or which has aroma intensity and/or aroma quality enhanced by a method which comprises adding γ-aminobutyric acid and naringenin to the flavor composition.7. The flavor composition according to claim 6 , whereinthe content of the γ-aminobutyric acid is 0.1 to 10000 ppm, andthe content of the naringenin is 0.01 to 10000 ppm.8. A method for enhancing aroma intensity and/or aroma quality of a food claim 6 , drink claim 6 , pharmaceutical product claim 6 , or oral care product claim 6 , the method comprising the step of adding the flavor composition according to to the food claim 6 , drink claim 6 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum Infusion Machine and Vacuum Infusion Method

Номер: US20150017297A1

A process for infusing a consumable substance is described. The process includes the steps of placing a desired amount of an infusion material into a chamber at atmospheric pressure, placing a desired amount of consumable substance into said chamber, sealing said chamber from the surrounding atmosphere, and applying at least one reduced pressure cycle within said chamber. Methods for separating the infusion material from the consumable substance after completion of the infusion process are also described. In addition, devices for infusing liquids or consumable substances, and/or brewing beverages are described. The present invention relates to an apparatus for brewing beverages or infusing a consumable substance comprising a vessel, said vessel comprising a sealable chamber for holding a brewing or infusion material and a liquid or consumable substance, and a filter assembly connected to the sealable chamber; a liquid supply and conduit for introducing at least a portion of said liquid supply into said sealable chamber; and a vacuum source and conduit for reducing pressure in said sealable chamber. 1. A process for infusing a consumable substance , comprising:placing a desired amount of at least one infusion material into a chamber;placing a desired amount of a consumable substance into said chamber; andapplying at least one pressure cycle within said chamber, wherein said at least one cycle comprises reducing pressure within said chamber to a first pressure and subsequently adjusting pressure within said chamber to a second pressure.2. The infusion process of claim 1 , wherein the consumable substance comprises a liquid.3. The infusion process of claim 1 , wherein the consumable substance comprises a solid.4. The infusion process of claim 3 , further comprising the step of substantially melting the solid consumable substance prior to applying the at least one pressure cycle within said chamber.5. The infusion process of claim 1 , wherein said chamber is sealed from ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Emulsified dispersant and emulsified composition

Номер: US20150017306A1
Принадлежит: Ajinomoto Co Inc, KANAGAWA UNIVERSITY

Emulsifying dispersants, comprising an amphipathic substance and an electrolyte, wherein the amphipathic substance forms two or more layers, are capable of stably dispersing a large amount of oil even when used in a small amount. Emulsion compositions containing such an emulsifying dispersant show high emulsion stability even when added to a food or drink containing an electrolyte, and can be used to prepare a final product without the need for a complicated operation.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015489A1
Автор: MISRA Srikumar

A Curcumin infused milk beverage composition comprising 0.05% to 0.15% alkalized Curcumin, standardized milk with fat, sugar and stabilizing agents, wherein the pH of resultant composition is maintained at 6.8. 1. A process of preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverage comprising the steps of:adding standardized milk at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees Celsius into a product mixing tank;adding an alkalized Curcumin solution, and a mixture of sugar and Carrageenan into the product mixing tank, wherein the quantity of sugar and Carrageenan are in the ratio of 10:1;mixing for 5 minutes with continuous agitation;transferring the final batch of the product to a Ready Beverage tank;adding flavour and colors to the Ready Beverage tank and mixing with continuous agitation; andprocessing the mixture at 140 degrees Celsius for 4 seconds with 250/50 bar upstream homogenization.2. The process of preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverage as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said standardized milk is maintained at a temperature of 6 to 8 degree Celsius.3. The process of preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverage as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said mixture of sugar and Carrageenan is a dry mixture prepared by adding sugar and Carrageenan at a ratio of 10:1 and mixing through a blender.4. The process of preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverage as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said alkaline Curcumin solution with particle size of 125 micrometers is calibrated to a concentration of 0.5% to 0.15% and a pH greater than 6.4 but less than 7.5. A process for preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverage comprising the steps of:taking a batch of 9000 kg milk at 4 to 8 degrees Celsius into a product mixing tank and standardize milk to have a specific fat content;preparing an alkalized Curcumin solution with particle size of 125 micrometers and a dry mixture of ten parts sugar and one-part Carrageenan;recirculation of the standardized milk through a blender;selecting PHE in Chilling profile and ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015126A1
Автор: Ahtchi-Ali Badreddine

The present disclosure relates beverage nanoemulsions and methods for making such beverage nanoemulsions. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to methods for making beverage nanoemulsions using high shear processing. 128.-. (canceled)29. A beverage nanoemulsion comprising:(a) an oil in an amount from 12 wt % to 40 wt %;(b) an emulsifier in an amount from 1 wt % to 30 wt %;(c) optionally a preservative; and(b) water;{'sup': −1', '−1, 'wherein the nanoemulsion has a particle size of d95 from 0.05 micron to 1 micron and a viscosity of 2800 cp at 10 sto 50,000 cp at 10 5; and'}wherein the beverage nanoemulsion is not processed through a high pressure homogenizer during preparation.30. The nanoemulsion of claim 29 , wherein the oil is a flavorless oil selected from the group consisting of medium chain triglycerides claim 29 , grapeseed oil claim 29 , soybean oil claim 29 , palm oil claim 29 , rapeseed oil claim 29 , sunflower seed oil claim 29 , peanut oil claim 29 , cotton seed oil claim 29 , olive oil claim 29 , avocado oil claim 29 , coconut oil claim 29 , safflower oil claim 29 , and combinations thereof.31. The nanoemulsion of claim 29 , wherein the oil is a flavor oil selected from the group consisting of citrus oil claim 29 , cola oil claim 29 , almond oil claim 29 , grapefruit oil claim 29 , cinnamon oil claim 29 , lemon oil claim 29 , lime oil claim 29 , orange oil claim 29 , peppermint oil claim 29 , tangerine oil claim 29 , and combinations thereof.32. The nanoemulsion of claim 29 , wherein the oil is a hydrophobic clouding agent selected from group consisting of sterol esters claim 29 , stanol esters claim 29 , and combinations thereof.33. The nanoemulsion of claim 29 , wherein the oil is present in an amount from 14 wt % to 28 wt %.34. The nanoemulsion of claim 29 , wherein the emulsifier is selected from the group consisting of gum arabic claim 29 , modified starch claim 29 , pectin claim 29 , xanthan gum claim 29 , guar gum claim 29 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015501A1

The embodiments disclose a method including processing and treating at least one water source supply for mixing with humic acid and fulvic acid, chopping and pulverizing at least one humate source, mixing the chopped and pulverized at least one humate source with the processed and treated at least one water source supply, processing the chopped and pulverized at least one humate source and the processed and treated at least one water source supply for separating, segregating, and suspending fulvic acid and humic acid molecules from the at least one humate source, storing the fulvic acid and humic acid molecules in a fresh quantity of the treated water source supply, adjusting the pH level of the stored fulvic acid and humic acid, and creating at least one or more beverage product for human consumption using the fulvic acid and humic acid molecule ingredients and other ingredients including vitamins, flavorings and additives. 1. A method , comprising:processing and treating at least one water source supply for mixing with extracted humic acid and fulvic acid molecules;chopping and pulverizing at least one humate source;mixing the chopped and pulverized at least one humate source with the processed and treated at least one water source supply;processing the chopped and pulverized at least one humate source and the processed and treated at least one water source supply for separating, segregating, and suspending fulvic acid and humic acid molecules from the at least one humate source;storing the fulvic acid and humic acid molecules in a fresh quantity of the processed and treated water source supply;adjusting the pH level of the stored fulvic acid and humic acid; andcreating at least one or more beverage product for human consumption using the stored fulvic acid and humic acid molecule ingredients and other ingredients including vitamins, flavorings and additives.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein processing the chopped and pulverized at least one humate source and the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017476A1

A beer-taste beverage, containing a carbon dioxide-extracting product of a plant raw material containing fruit peels of a citrus plant. The present invention provides a beer-taste beverage which is capable of favorably providing an aroma component of a citrus plant and a method for producing the same, which can provide a new taste as luxury products. 1. A beer-taste beverage , comprising a carbon dioxide-extracting product of a plant raw material comprising fruit peels of a citrus plant.2Citrus sinensisCitrus junosMandarinCitrus unshiuCitrus aurantiumCitrus sphaerocarpaCitrus depressa. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the plant raw material comprises one or more members selected from the group consisting of orange () peels claim 1 , grapefruit peels claim 1 , yuzu () peels claim 1 , lemon peels claim 1 , lime peels claim 1 , () peels claim 1 , daidai () peels claim 1 , kabosu () peels claim 1 , shequasar () peels claim 1 , and Japanese kinkan peels.3. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of a content of linalool oxide to a content of linalool in the carbon dioxide-extracting product is 10% or less.4. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of a content of linalool oxide to a content of linalool in the carbon dioxide-extracting product is 5% or less.5Citrus sinensis. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the plant raw material comprises orange () peels.6. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of a content of valencene to a content of linalool in the carbon dioxide-extracting product is 1000% or more.7. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of a content of valencene to a content of linalool in the carbon dioxide-extracting product is 1500% or more.8. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of a content of valencene to a content of nootkatone in the carbon dioxide-extracting ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020165A1
Автор: Moore Anthony Sean
Принадлежит: 48th Parallel Incorporated

According to embodiments, a hop tincture includes from about 20.0% to about 95.0% alcohol solution by weight based on the hop tincture and from about 5.0% to about 50.0% at least one hop extract solution by weight based on the hop tincture. Also described are carbonated beverages including carbonated water, sweetener, an acidulant, and the hop tincture and methods for making the hop tincture. 1. A hop tincture comprising:from about 20.0% to about 95.0% alcohol solution by weight based on the hop tincture; andfrom about 5.0% to about 50.0% at least one hop extract solution by weight based on the hop tincture.2. The hop tincture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one hop extract solution comprises tetrahydroiso-α-acid claim 1 , rho-iso-α-acid claim 1 , hexahydroiso-α-acid claim 1 , salts thereof claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The hop tincture of claim 2 , wherein the at least one hop extract solution has a concentration of from about 8.0% to about 40.0% hop extract by weight based on the hop extract solution.4. The hop tincture of claim 1 , further comprising from about 0.5% to about 1.5% at least one hop essential oil by weight based on the hop tincture.5. The hop tincture of claim 4 , wherein the at least one hop essential oil comprises myrcene claim 4 , humulene claim 4 , caryophyllene claim 4 , or combinations thereof.6. The hop tincture of claim 1 , wherein the hop tincture comprises:from about 20.0% to about 40.0% alcohol solution by weight based on the hop tincture;from about 5.0% to about 15.0% at least one hop extract solution by weight based on the hop tincture, the at least one hop extract solution comprising tetrahydroiso-α-acid or salts thereof; andfrom about 50.0% to about 70.0% water by weight based on the hop tincture.7. The hop tincture of claim 1 , wherein the hop tincture comprises:from about 20.0% to about 40.0% alcohol solution by weight based on the hop tincture;from about 5.0% to about 15.0% at least one hop extract solution by weight based ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020802A1
Автор: Ali Abdulkadir Hashi

A natural composition comprises a plurality of ingredients that are mixed in predetermined percentages to formulate a natural, healthful, and flavorful composition that integrates into at least one consumable item to produce a flavorful, healthful enhanced consumable item. The ingredients of the composition include a Frankincense oil, a gum, and a fruit aroma compound. The ingredients are mixed together in varying weight percentages for a desired outcome when integrated with the consumable item. The combination of ingredients creates a synergy that enhances the consumable item. The composition is mixed, dissolved, distilled, or ground with the consumable item. The consumable item may include a tobacco, a charcoal briquette, an energy drink, mineral water, butter, a mouthwash, and toothpaste. 1. A composition comprising:a plurality of ingredients being configured to be mixed in predetermined weight percentages, said plurality of ingredients comprising a Frankincense oil, a gum, and a fruit aroma compound.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said ingredients are natural claim 1 , and generally nonvolatile.356. The composition of claim 2 , in which said Frankincense comprises about percent acid resin claim 2 , soluble in alcohol and having said formula: CHO.4. The composition of claim 3 , in which said gum comprises gum Arabic 30-36%.5. The composition of claim 4 , in which said fruit aroma compound comprises an apple aroma compound.6. The composition of claim 5 , in which said fruit aroma compound comprises a banana aroma compound.7. The composition of claim 6 , in which said fruit aroma compound comprises a cherry aroma compound.8. The composition of claim 7 , in which said fruit aroma compound comprises a coconut aroma compound.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein said composition is configured to integrate into at least one consumable item.10. The composition of claim 9 , wherein said composition is configured to mix with said at least one consumable item.11. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039433A1

In one aspect, the disclosure relates to sweetener compositions, methods of making same, and products comprising same. In various aspects, the disclosed sweetener compositions comprise a sweetening agent and a taste modulator component. The taste modulator component improves key properties associated with many sweetening agents, including maximal sweetness response; mitigates flavor profile issues such as bitter and/or licorice-like off-tastes; improves sweetness onset rate and lingering sweet aftertaste properties; improves desensitization/adaptation profile issues; and improves body/mouthfeel characteristics. This abstract is intended as a scanning tool for purposes of searching in the particular art and is not intended to be limiting of the present disclosure. 130-. (canceled)31. A beverage composition comprising:a sweetening agent selected from at least one non-caloric sweetener, at least one caloric sweetener, and combinations thereof; and [{'sup': '2+', 'a first taste modulator component consisting essentially of a first salt having a first cation Mg and a first anion;'}, {'sup': '2+', 'a second modulator component consisting essentially of a second salt having a second cation Ca and a second anion; and optionally'}, {'sup': '+', 'a third modulator component consisting essentially of a third salt having a first cation K and a third anion;'}], 'a taste modulator composition consisting essentially of'}wherein the first taste modulator component is at a concentration of from about 0.1 mM to about 10 mM;wherein the second taste modulator component is at a concentration of from about 0.1 mM to about 10 mM;wherein the third taste modulator component, when present, is at a concentration of from about 0.1 mM to about 25 mM;wherein the at least one non-caloric sweetening agent is present in an amount of from about 0.1 mg/L to about 1000 mg/L;wherein the at least one caloric sweetening agent is present in an amount of from about 1 wt % to about 15 wt %; andwherein the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Protective Drinking Guard

Номер: US20220039573A1
Автор: Pippin Tonya

This present invention relates to a protective barrier for a rim of a beverage container, such as a glass, cup, mug, or the like. More specifically, the protective barrier is removably attachable on the rim of the beverage container, thereby allowing the user to place his or her lips and mouth on the protective barrier, rather than directly on the beverage container. The protective barrier may be disposable or reusable, and may further be comprised of an antimicrobial substance, an adhesive and a plurality of flavor crystals that release a flavor to the beverage as it is consumed across the protective barrier. 1. A protective drinking accessory comprising:a piece of material having a fold line, wherein the fold line divides the piece of material into a first portion, a second portion, and a center portion and further wherein the piece of material is water resistant;the piece of material further comprising an inner surface and an exterior surface and having a width ranging from about 1.2 inches to about 3.14 inches, and a length ranging from about 2.8 inches to about 4.7 inches; andwherein the first portion is longer than the second portion, and the center portion is sized and configured to fit on a rim of a drinking container.2. The protective drinking accessory as recited in claim 1 , wherein the piece of material is comprised of one of a food grade plastic claim 1 , a vinyl claim 1 , a rubber claim 1 , a silicone claim 1 , a paperboard or a cardboard.3. The protective drinking accessory as recited in claim 1 , wherein the piece of material is further comprised of at least one of an adhesive claim 1 , a flavored substance and an antimicrobial substance.4. The protective drinking accessory as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least one edge of one of the first and second portions is comprised of an adhesive for removably attaching the piece of material to the drinking container.5. The protective drinking accessory as recited in claim 1 , wherein the piece of material ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Supplement and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20140106033A1
Автор: Roberts Matthew P.

A beverage supplement and method for making the same is disclosed. In some embodiments the beverage supplement is comprised of a first frozen composition made from at least one additive mixed with at least one liquid and a second frozen composition made from at least one additive mixed with at least one liquid, wherein the resulting frozen compositions may have different/varying surface areas, shapes, volumes, flavors, and concentrations. Varying the combination of surface areas, shapes, volumes, formulas, flavors, and concentrations of frozen compositions influences the duration of complete liquefaction and the release of additives, allowing a user to create an iced beverage with greater flavor control. 1. A beverage supplement comprising:a first beverage enhancer comprised of at least one additive and at least one liquid, which together form a first composition, wherein the first composition is frozen; anda second beverage enhancer comprised of at least one additive and at least one liquid, which together form a second composition, andwherein the first and second beverage enhancers have varying compositions and are configured to melt into a beverage.2. The beverage supplement of wherein the composition of the first beverage enhancer and second beverage enhancer differ by their combination of additives and liquids.3. The beverage supplement of claim 1 , wherein the composition of the first beverage enhancer and second beverage enhancer differ in concentration.4. The beverage supplement of claim 1 , wherein the first beverage enhancer has a surface area configured to allow for quicker liquefaction than the second beverage enhancer.5. The beverage supplement of claim 1 , wherein the first beverage enhancer is further comprised of a plurality of frozen portions.6. The beverage supplement of claim 1 , wherein the first frozen composition forms a shape and volume that is different than the combination of shape and volume formed from the second frozen composition.7. A ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022140A1

The present invention relates to a composition for the synthesis of ATP as an energy supplementation. The composition comprises a plant extract or a plant fraction suitable to produce ATP upon exposure to light. The present invention also relates to the isolation of such plant extract and to its use in energy drinks. 1. A composition for energy supplementation , the composition comprising isolated chloroplasts and phosphorus.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is dehydrated and wherein upon rehydration claim 1 , said composition produces ATP upon exposure to light.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the chloroplasts comprises functional thylakoid and chloroplastic membranes able to produce ATP in the presence of light.4. A composition for the synthesis of ATP as an energy supplementation claim 1 , the composition comprising phosphorus and a plant extract or a plant fraction suitable to produce ATP upon exposure to light and water.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the plant extract or a plant fraction comprises chloroplasts in admixture with a carrier material.6. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the plant extract comprises chloroplasts which comprises functional thylakoid membranes able to produce ATP in the presence of light.7. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the chloroplasts are dehydrated or in an aqueous medium.8. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a food coloring agent and/or a flavoring agent.9. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the amount of chloroplasts present in solution is evaluated on the basis of total chlorophylls claim 3 , wherein the total chlorophylls in the solution range from 0.01 ng/ml to 10 mg/ml.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. An energy drink comprising the composition as defined in claim 1 , in an aqueous medium claim 1 , said aqueous medium having a viscosity of 2-10 centipoise.13. The energy drink of claim 12 , further comprising a food coloring agent and/or a flavoring agent.14. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022385A1
Принадлежит: Kirin Kabushiki Kaisha

An object of the present invention is to provide a low-saccharide squeezed carrot juice and a concentrate thereof as well as low-saccharide carrot-containing vegetable beverage and carrot-containing vegetable fruit beverage, in which natural carrot aroma/taste has been achieved. The present invention provides a low-saccharide squeezed carrot juice and a concentrate thereof, each comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin. The present invention also provides low-saccharide carrot-containing vegetable beverage and carrot-containing vegetable fruit beverage, each comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin. 1. A squeezed carrot juice and a concentrate thereof , each having a saccharide concentration of 2.5 g/100 mL or less and comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin.2. A carrot-containing vegetable beverage having a saccharide concentration of 2.5 g/100 mL or less and comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin.3. A carrot-containing vegetable fruit beverage having a saccharide concentration of 4.5 g/100 mL or less and comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin.4. The carrot-containing beverage according to claim 3 , which comprises a squeezed carrot juice or a concentrate thereof claim 3 , said squeezed carrot juice or concentrate thereof having a saccharide concentration of 2.5 g/100 mL or less and comprising either or both of a fructooligosaccharide and an inulin.5. The carrot-containing beverage according to claim 3 , wherein the rate of carrot used in the beverage is 10% or more.6. The squeezed carrot juice and the concentrate thereof according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of the fructooligosaccharide and the inulin satisfy Formula (I):{'br': None, 'i': F+', 'I, '0.3≤⅓\u2003\u2003[Mathematical Formula 1]'}wherein F represents the content (g/100 mL) of the fructooligosaccharide in the squeezed juice and the concentrate; and I represents the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

N-acyl-amino acid derivatives for improvement of the flavour profile of edible compositions

Номер: US20210022376A1
Принадлежит: Givaudan SA

The use of a compound according to formula (I) or the edible salts thereof in an edible composition to mask or modulate an undesired taste or off-taste contained in the edible composition wherein R 1 is an alkyl residue containing 6 to 20 carbon atoms, or an alkene residue containing from 9 to 25 carbon atoms with 1 to 6 double bonds, R 1 together with the carbonyl group to which it is attached is a residue of a carboxylic acid, and NR 2 R 3 , in which R 3 is H or together with R 2 and the N-atom to which they are attached, a 5-membered ring, is a residue of an amino acid, in particular a proteinogenic amino acid, ornithine, gamma-aminobutyric acid or beta alanine, or a 1-amino cycloalkyl carboxylic acid.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023002A1
Принадлежит: Azurity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

The invention relates to stable vancomycin hydrochloride powder for oral liquid formulations. Also provided herein are methods of using vancomycin oral liquid formulations for the treatment of certain diseases such as pseudomembranous colitis and as well as kits and related products thereof. 129-. (canceled)30. A non-sterile stable liquid formulation formulated for oral administration , consisting of:(a) buffering agent,(b) water,(c) a sweetener,(d) preservative,(e) vancomycin hydrochloride, and(f) at least one excipient selected from the group consisting of buffering agents, preservatives, sweeteners, flavoring agents, coloring agents, tonicity agents, chelating agents, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, syrup and oils,wherein the non-sterile stable liquid formulation is homogenous and stable for at least 1 week at ambient and refrigerated temperature and has a pH of 2.5-4.5.31. The liquid formulation of claim 30 , wherein the buffering agent is 0.1-0.4% w/v citric acid.32. The liquid formulation of claim 30 , wherein the preservative is selected from the group consisting of ascorbic acid claim 30 , ascorbyl palmitate claim 30 , benzyl alcohol claim 30 , BHA claim 30 , BHT claim 30 , erythorbic acid claim 30 , fumaric acid claim 30 , malic acid claim 30 , propyl gallate claim 30 , sodium ascorbate claim 30 , sodium benzoate claim 30 , sodium bisulfate claim 30 , sodium metabisulfite claim 30 , sodium sulfite claim 30 , parabens claim 30 , benzoic acid claim 30 , potassium sorbate claim 30 , and vanillin.33. The liquid formulation of claim 30 , wherein the buffering agents is selected from the group consisting of citric acid claim 30 , sodium citrate claim 30 , sodium tartarate claim 30 , sodium acetate claim 30 , sodium carbonate claim 30 , sodium polyphosphate claim 30 , potassium polyphosphate claim 30 , sodium pyrophosphate claim 30 , potassium pyrophosphate claim 30 , disodium hydrogenphosphate claim 30 , trisodium phosphate claim 30 , tripotassium phosphate claim 30 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024221A1

A cooling agent composition includes a methyl menthol derivative represented by the following general formula (1). In the formula (1), a symbol * indicates an asymmetric carbon atom, X represents a hydrogen atom or a substituent, and Y represents an aryl group having 6 to 20 carbon atoms which may have a substituent. 2. The cooling agent composition according to claim 1 , wherein X in the general formula (1) represents a hydrogen atom claim 1 , a hydroxyl group claim 1 , an acetoxy group claim 1 , an oxo group claim 1 , or a methyl group claim 1 , and Y in the general formula (1) represents a phenyl group which may have a substituent.4. The cooling agent composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one kind of cooling substance other than the methyl menthol derivative.5. The cooling agent composition according to claim 4 , wherein the cooling substance other than the methyl menthol derivative is at least one cooling substance selected from the group consisting of:one or more kinds of compounds selected from menthol, menthone, camphor, pulegol, isopulegol, cineole, cubenol, menthyl acetate, pulegyl acetate, isopulegyl acetate, menthyl salicylate, pulegyl salicylate, isopulegyl salicylate, 3-(1-menthoxy)propane-1,2-diol, 2-methyl-3-(1-menthoxy)propane-1,2-diol, 2-(1-menthoxy)ethane-1-ol, 3-(1-menthoxy)propane-1-ol, 4-(1-menthoxy)butan-1-ol, menthyl 3-hydroxybutanoate, menthyl glyoxylate, p-menthane-3,8-diol, 1-(2-hydroxy-4-methylcyclohexyl)ethanone, menthyl lactate, menthone glycerin ketal, menthyl-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate, monomenthyl succinate, alkali metal salts of monomenthyl succinate, alkaline earth metal salts of monomenthyl succinate, monomenthyl glutarate, alkali metal salts of monomenthyl glutarate, alkaline earth metal salts of monomenthyl glutarate, N-{[5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexyl]carbonyl}glycine, p-menthane-3-carboxylic acid glycerol ester, menthol propylene glycol carbonate, menthol ethylene glycol carbonate, p-menthane-2,3 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Functional beverage

Номер: US20170027194A1
Принадлежит: Lotte Fine Chemical Co Ltd

A functional beverage is disclosed. The disclosed functional beverage comprises a mother liquor and a liquid additive, wherein the liquid additive comprises a poorly water-soluble natural product, an edible surfactant, an edible cosurfactant, and edible oil.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Drinking Water with Nutrients

Номер: US20170027195A1

Drinking water with nutrients contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids to replenish the body and build muscle mass. The water is bottled in single servings, in an hourglass-shaped bottle to facilitate a secure grip despite such problems as perspiration and condensation, and is similar in most respects to electrolyte waters, such as Gatorade®. 1. A drinking water solution , comprising: a water solution; said water solution containing electrolytes , vitamins , minerals , and amino acids.2. The drinking water solution of claim 1 , wherein said electrolytes include at least one of: sodium claim 1 , chloride claim 1 , potassium claim 1 , bicarbonate claim 1 , and phosphate.3. The drinking water solution of claim 1 , wherein said water solution further contains a small amount of glucose such that the water solution and electrolytes are more easily absorbed when drank.4. The drinking water solution of claim 1 , wherein said water solution further contains creatine.5. The drinking water solution of claim 1 , wherein said water solution is provided in a bottle; said bottle providing a cap; said bottle having an hourglass shape with a tapering point at the center of mass.6. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said electrolytes include at least one of: sodium claim 5 , chloride claim 5 , potassium claim 5 , bicarbonate claim 5 , and phosphate.7. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said water solution further contains a small amount of glucose such that the water solution and electrolytes are more easily absorbed when drank.8. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said water solution further contains creatine.9. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said cap is a threaded cap.10. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said bottle further provides a label.11. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said bottle is provided in a twelve-ounce size.12. The drinking water solution of claim 5 , wherein said bottle ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for enhancing saltiness of food or drink , food or drink obtained using the method, and saltiness enhancer

Номер: US20160029675A1
Принадлежит: Matsutani Chemical Industries Co Ltd

Disclosed herein are a method for improving the saltiness of a food or drink, and the saltiness of a food or drink containing a salt and a grain. The saltiness enhancing method enhances the saltiness of salt-containing food or drink by adding a rare sugar to a raw material of the food or drink. The saltiness enhancing method is a method for reducing the salt content in a food or drink containing a salt, or a method for masking a grain odor due to a grain in a raw material of the food or drink that contains the grain as a part thereof and contains a salt. The rare sugar contains at least D-psicose.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Clear beverages containing fruit flavorings

Номер: US20180027844A1
Принадлежит: Suntory Beverage and Food Ltd

A clear beverage containing a fruit flavoring is provided that is capable of masking an off-flavor from the fruit flavoring. Vanillin, maltol, ethyl maltol, ethyl octanoate or 2-undecanone is incorporated in the clear beverage containing a fruit-like aroma/taste component, with their respective amounts being 5 ppb or more, 500 ppb or more, 100 ppb or more, 3 ppb or more, or 50 ppb or more.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027845A1
Автор: BEDOUKIAN Matthew

A composition containing at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester in an amount effective to impart a fragrance or flavor to the composition. A fragrance or flavor composition containing at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester in an amount effective to impart a fragrance or flavor to the composition. A consumer product containing the fragrance or flavor composition having at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester in an amount effective to impart a fragrance or flavor to the composition. A method of imparting a fragrance or flavor to a consumer product by adding to the consumer product a fragrance or flavor composition containing at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester in an amount effective to impart a fragrance or flavor to the consumer product. 1. A composition comprising at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester in an amount effective to impart a fragrance or flavor to the composition.2. The composition of wherein the at least one isomeric alkadienyl ester is selected from the group consisting of Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl formate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl acetate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl propionate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl butyrate claim 1 , and Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl isobutyrate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl valerate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl isovalerate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl hexanoate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl benzoate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl lactate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl pyruvate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl salicylate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl tiglate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl methyl carbonate claim 1 , Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl cis-3-hexenoate claim 1 , and Z claim 1 ,E-3 claim 1 ,5-heptadienyl alpha methyl butyrate.3. The composition of wherein the at least one ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027855A1

The present invention relates to spray-dried compositions capable of retaining volatile compounds and methods relating to the same. The present invention also relates to the powders produced by such methods. 1. A method for producing a spray-dried flavor composition capable of retaining volatile compounds comprising spray drying a flavor containing volatile compounds in a spray dryer , the spray dryer having an inlet temperature of less than 100° C. and an inlet air humidity of 0-4 g HO/kg dry air and having an outlet temperature between 35° C. and 55° C. and an outlet air humidity of 10- 20 g HO/kg dry air to obtain a spray-dried flavor composition , wherein the volatile compounds are present in the spray-dried flavor composition in an amount that is at least 20% of the volatile compounds originally contained in the flavor.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising drying the spray-dried flavor composition in a fluid-bed chamber attached at the spray dryer outlet claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the air of the fluid-bed unit is at or below the outlet temperature of the spray dryer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the volatile compounds are acetaldehydes claim 1 , dimethyl sulfides claim 1 , ethyl acetates claim 1 , ethyl propionates claim 1 , methyl butyrates claim 1 , or ethyl butyrates.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the volatile compounds have a boiling point of less than 200° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flavor emulsion further comprises a carrier material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flavor further comprises a solvent.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the solvent is a volatile solvent.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the flavor and carrier material comprise 40% and 70% as dry solid material of the total composition.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein air of the spray dryer is partially or wholly nitrogen or carbon dioxide.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water activity of the composition is in the range of 0.1 to 0.6. ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Flavor deterioration inhibitor and inhibitor for the generation of citral deterioration smell

Номер: US20140113058A1
Принадлежит: Ogawa and Co Ltd

A flavor deterioration inhibitor which comprises an extract obtained by extracting Angelica keiskei , avocado, Cassia tora, Plantago asiatica L, hawthorn, fermented tea leaves or semi-fermented tea leaves with water, an organic polar solvent or a mixture thereof; and a deterioration smell inhibitor for citral or a citral-containing product. By adding the above flavor deterioration inhibitor to foods, drinks or oral care products, it is possible to inhibit the deterioration of a flavor which is easily affected by light, heat, oxygen and so on. In particular, a remarkable inhibitory effect can be achieved on deterioration due to light. By blending the above deterioration smell inhibitor with citral or a citral-containing product, the generation of the deterioration smell (caused by p-cresol and p-methylacetophenone) due to the passage of time or heating can be effectively inhibited.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030749A1
Принадлежит: Sapporo Breweries Limited

Provided are a plant raw material liquid and a beverage that are reliably prevented from containing an alcohol and have excellent flavor, and a method related thereto. A method according to the present invention includes bringing a first plant raw material liquid into contact with inactivated yeast to produce a second plant raw material liquid to be used for production of a beverage. The method may also further include producing the beverage using the second plant raw material liquid.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028485A1

Described are edible citrate-rich compositions, including natural juice beverages fortified with natural occurring citrates and synthesized citrate sources that will aid in treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and other urinary tract disorders. Urolithiasis encompasses conditions in which stones are formed or reside in the urinary system and includes nephrolithiasis (stones in the kidneys), ureterolithiasis (stones in the ureter) and cystolithiasis (stones in the bladder) 1. A formulation for treating urinary tract disorders comprising ,at least one natural juice,water,a sweetener,citric acid,a citric blend; andflavoring.2. The soluble calcium , soluble potassium , soluble magnesium , soluble zinc , mineral supplements , vitamin supplements , soluble fiber , sugar or sugar alternative. The natural juice is selected from the group consisting of lemon , lime , orange , grapefruit , cranberry and raspberry.3. The formulation for treating urinary tract disorders according to claim 1 , wherein the citric blend is comprised of potassium citrate claim 1 , magnesium citrate and monosodium citrate.4. The formulation for treating urinary tract disorders according to claim 1 , wherein the citric blend is comprised of zinc citrate claim 1 , magnesium citrate anhydrous and monosodium citrate.5. The formulation for treating urinary tract disorders according to claim 1 , wherein the natural juice is a citrate-containing juice in the form of juice concentrates selected from the group consisting of orange juice claim 1 , lemon juice claim 1 , lemonade claim 1 , tangerine juice claim 1 , pineapple juice claim 1 , grape juice claim 1 , cranberry juice and grapefruit juice.6. The formulation for treating urinary tract disorders according to claim 1 , wherein citrate is present in a range of 2000 mg-6400 mg per 8 ounce serving and the source of citrate is at least one source selected from the group consisting of a citrate-containing juice claim 1 , potassium citrate claim 1 , sodium ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046958A1

A fortified beverage composition and process of preparing thereof is disclosed. a plurality of the micronutrient nanoparticles encapsulated within one or more phospholipid layers, wherein the micronutrient nanoparticles being selected from a group consisting vitamin C, lysine, and proline, wherein the micronutrient nanoparticles comprise 0.5% wt of vitamin C, 0.25% wt of lysine, 0.05% wt of proline and a fruit juice comprising at least one of mango pulp, sugar, stevia, citric acid, flavoring agent, and water. 7.A process for preparing a fortified beverage composition comprises mixing and homogenizing the phospholipid blended water and the plurality of micronutrient dissolved water to form micronutrient encapsulated phospholipid layers, adding of citric acid to the homogenized solution and the mixed solution is passed through a sonicator. Next blending of the sonicated solution along with a fruit juice and passing of final product through homogenizer, ultra-heat treatment and to a filling machine for packing. 1. A fortified beverage composition , comprising:{'claim-text': ['wherein the micronutrient nanoparticles being selected from a group consisting vitamin C, lysine, and proline,', 'wherein the micronutrient nanoparticles comprise', '0.5% wt of vitamin C,', '0.25% wt of lysine,', '0.05% wt of proline; and'], '#text': 'a plurality of the micronutrient nanoparticles encapsulated within one or more phospholipid layers,'}a fruit juice comprising at least one of mango pulp, sugar, stevia, citric acid, flavoring agent, stabilizer and water.2. The composition as acclaimed in claim 1 , wherein the fruit juice comprises21.5% wt of mango pulp,9% wt of sugar,0.01% wt of citric acid,0.05% wt of flavouring agent, and67.14% wt of water.3. The composition as acclaimed in claim 1 , wherein the fruit juice comprises50% wt of mango pulp,0.02% wt of stevia,0.01% wt of citric acid,0.05% wt of flavouring agent, and47.62% wt of water.4. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046969A1

The present invention primarily relates to a mixture comprising or consisting of a) D-allulose and b) a taste modifying compound selected from the group consisting of hesperetin, hersperetindihydrochalcone, phloretin, glycosylated rubusosides, balansines, phyllodulcin, eriodictyol, homoeriodictyol, matairesinol, and mixtures thereof. A further aspect of the present invention relates to a food or beverage product comprising a mixture according to the present invention. 1. A mixture comprising:a) D-allulose; andb) a taste modifying compound chosen from selected from the group consisting of hesperetin, hesperetin dihydrochalcone, phloretin, alpha-glycosyl rubusosides, balansines, phyllodulcin, eriodictyol, homoeriodictyol, matairesinol, and mixtures thereof, preferably hesperetin, hesperetin dihydrochalcone, alpha-glycosyl rubusosides, phloretin, and mixtures thereof.2. A mixture according to comprising:b1) a taste modifying compound chosen from hesperetin, homoeriodictyol, eriodictyol, phloretin, matairesinol, and mixtures thereof, andb2) a taste modifying compound chosen from hesperetin dihydrochalcone, alpha-glycosyl rubusosides, balansines, phyllodulcin, and mixtures thereof.3. A mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of D-allulose to the total mass of all compounds of group b) ranges from 100 claim 1 ,000:1 to 10:1.4. A mixture according to claim 2 , wherein the weight ratio of the total mass of all compounds of group b1) to the total mass of all compounds of group b2) ranges from 100:1 to 1:100.5. A mixture according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more flavorings and/or aroma substances.6. A mixture according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more carbohydrates chosen from sucrose claim 1 , D-fructose claim 1 , D-glucose claim 1 , lactose claim 1 , palatinose claim 1 , lactulose claim 1 , D-tagatose claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. A mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the total amount by weight of D-allulose ranges from 0.1 to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029291A1
Автор: Singer Nicholas J.

A water soluble shell or binder is used to encapsulate nutrients, flavoring, other food grade ingredients or combinations thereof together as a single serving or unit. The unit or single serving may be distributed to people to provide nutrition to people in mass casualty situations. In this manner, more nutrients may be delivered since water which has a significant amount of weight and volume need not be transported to the people. Moreover, in normal situations, the water soluble shell or binder dissolves sufficiently quick so that the user can quickly consume nutrients. 1. A method of manufacturing a solid form having a binder and an ingestible food product for conveniently mixing the ingestible food product with drinkable water , the method comprising the steps of:providing the ingestible product as a plurality of granules or powder;providing an ingestible water dissolvable binder that is dissolvable in 80 degree Fahrenheit water in under 10 minutes when the ingestible water dissolvable binder is submersed under water and the water is still;mixing the ingestible water dissolvable binder and the powdered ingestible food product;filling a cavity of a die with the mixed ingestible water dissolvable binder and powdered ingestible food product;binding the powered ingestible food product into the solid form with the ingestible water dissolvable binder.2. The method of wherein a dimension of the cavity is so that a width of the solid form is smaller than a mouth of a container and a length of the solid form is shorter than a height of the container.3. The method of wherein the ingestible food product is sugar claim 1 , flavor claim 1 , protein or combinations thereof.4. The method of wherein the ingestible water dissolvable binder is cellulose based claim 1 , rice based.5. The method of wherein the ingestible water dissolvable binder is provided in a liquid form.6. The method of wherein the food product is a flavor claim 1 , sugar claim 1 , protein claim 1 , carbohydrate ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Flavor System and Method for Making Sherry Wine Like Beverages

Номер: US20180030393A1
Автор: Marcq Pauline
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A method of making a sherry wine-like beverage includes combining water, ethanol and a plurality of flavor compounds in an amount sufficient to impart the flavor of a sherry wine without the need for fermentation and/or aging. 136-. (canceled)37. A kit for making a sherry wine-like beverage , the kit including:a flavor system having a quantity of each of a plurality of flavor compounds, the plurality of flavor compounds including at least one cheesy, sweaty aroma flavor compound; at least one malty, buttery and/or sweet aroma flavor compound; at least one floral and/or honey aroma flavor compound; at least one fruity aroma flavor compound; at least one smoky, coconut, woody aroma flavor compound; at least one cooked, seasoning, fatty aroma flavor compound; and at least one phenolic/medicinal aroma flavor compound;wherein the plurality of flavor compounds can be combined in amounts sufficient to form different sherry wine-like beverages when added to a predetermined quantity of an aqueous solution.38. The kit of claim 37 , further including:(a) a container sized to contain the flavor system and a predetermined quantity of an aqueous solution;(b) instructions for combining the plurality of flavor compounds in different combinations and/or quantities with a predetermined quantity of an aqueous solution to form different sherry wine-like beverages;(c) a quantity of dearomatized wine solutions and/or powders;(d) a quantity of an aqueous solution comprising a mixture of water, ethanol, and optional colorants;(e) a quantity of sugar; and/or(f) a quantity of ethanol.39. The kit of claim 37 , wherein the plurality of flavor compounds further include a quantity of at least one sour taste flavor compound; a quantity of at least one sweet taste flavor compound; a quantity of at least one salty and bitter taste flavor compound; and/or a quantity of at least one astringent claim 37 , mouth feel flavor compound.40. The kit of claim 37 , wherein:the at least one at least one cheesy ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Carbonated drink and method of making same

Номер: US20200029599A1
Автор: Alex Getahoun
Принадлежит: Speed Laboratory Inc

In a method of making a drink, a first predetermined quantity of a sweetener phase containing a base salt is dispensed into a bottle. A second predetermined quantity of an acidic aqueous phase is dispensed to the bottle. The bottle is sealed with a substantially airtight seal within a predetermined amount of time after the first predetermined quantity and the second predetermined quantity has been dispensed into the bottle. A fortified drink includes a first predetermined quantity of a sweetener phase, a second predetermined quantity of an acidic aqueous phase, a predetermined quantity of gesho extract and a pharmaceutically effective amount of an additive.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030028A1

The present invention pertains to a fruit juice composition wherein the content of an aroma component is reduced but the content of a nutritional functional component and the content of a saccharide are not substantially reduced, a method for producing the composition, and a food or beverage containing the composition. 1. A fruit juice composition reduced in content of a flavor component and not substantially decreased in two or more components of nutritional function components and one or more components of saccharides , as compared with a grape juice as a raw material.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nutritional function components are at least two selected from the group consisting of mineral claim 1 , organic acid claim 1 , vitamin claim 1 , polyphenol claim 1 , protein claim 1 , amino acid claim 1 , dietary fiber and glucide (except for saccharides).3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nutritional function components are at least two selected from the group consisting of malic acid claim 1 , tartaric acid claim 1 , total polyphenol claim 1 , and total sixteen amino acids except for asparagine claim 1 , cysteine claim 1 , glutamine and tryptophan among twenty amino acids constituting proteins.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the saccharides correspond to at least one selected from the group consisting of fructose and glucose.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flavor component is one or more selected from the group consisting of flavor components of aldehydes claim 1 , flavor components of alcohols claim 1 , flavor components of esters claim 1 , flavor components of ketones and flavor components of amines.6. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein any one or more of a total content of the flavor components of aldehydes claim 5 , a total content of the flavor components of alcohols claim 5 , a total content of the flavor components of esters claim 5 , a total content of the flavor ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037814A1

A mushroom extract is obtained by a specific production process. The production process includes solvent-extracting at least one of a mushroom of the genus and a mushroom of the genus , thereby obtaining a solvent extract. A flavor component is removed from the solvent extract. 1BoletusAmanita. A mushroom extract , which is obtained by a production process comprising: solvent-extracting at least one of a mushroom of the genus and a mushroom of the genus ; and removing a flavor component from a solvent extract.2. The mushroom extract according to claim 1 , wherein a solvent to be used in the solvent extraction is water claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , or hydrous ethanol.3. The mushroom extract according to claim 1 , wherein the flavor component is removed by performing an adsorption treatment using a synthetic adsorbent or active carbon and removing an adsorbed fraction.4. The mushroom extract according to claim 1 , wherein the flavor component is removed by performing a liquid-liquid extraction with water and an organic solvent and removing an organic solvent layer portion.5. The mushroom extract according to claim 1 , wherein the flavor component is removed by distilling the solvent extract and removing a distilled liquid.6BoletusBoletus edulis, Boletus aestivalis, Boletus hiratsukaeBoletus violaceofuscusAmanitaAmanita hemibaphaAmanita caesarea.. The mushroom extract according to claim 1 , wherein the mushroom of the genus is at least one selected from Nagasawa claim 1 , and and the mushroom of the genus is at least one of and7. A taste improving agent for a food or drink claim 1 , which comprises the mushroom extract according to .8. A food or drink comprising the mushroom extract according to .9. The mushroom extract according to claim 2 , wherein the flavor component is removed by performing an adsorption treatment using a synthetic adsorbent or active carbon and removing an adsorbed fraction.10. The mushroom extract according to claim 2 , wherein the flavor ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035664A1

The present invention is directed to flavored ionized water compositions designed with effective concentrations of hydronium characterized by pH levels selected to improve oral health. In particular, the compositions of the present invention control the window of the effective concentration of hydronium in a flavored ionized water composition to afford novel flavored alkaline water compositions. 1. A flavor-optimized ionized water composition comprisingalkaline ionized water selected to achieve a controlled effective concentration window (ECW) of hydronium in the composition characterized by a pH of 8.5 to 10; andan optimized flavoring agent suitable to maintain the hydronium concentration within the ECW after combination with the alkaline ionized water.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the controlled effective concentration window (ECW) of hydronium is characterized by a pH of 9 to 10.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the controlled effective concentration window (ECW) of hydronium characterized by a pH of 9.1 to 9.5.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the optimized flavoring agent is present in 0.1% to 0.2% weight by weight.5. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising one or more additional components suitable to maintain the hydronium concentration within the ECW.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the additional component is a sweetening agent.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the sweetening agent is Monk Fruit Extract.8. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the additional component is one or more dental health components.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the dental health component is selected from the group consisting of xylitol claim 8 , a fluoride contributing component claim 8 , a calcium contributing component claim 8 , and any combination thereof.10. The composition of claim 9 , wherein the fluoride contributing component is Fluorosilicic Acid.11. The composition of claim 9 , wherein the calcium contributing component ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035695A1
Автор: ALLENO Yannick

A method for extracting and concentrating the flavours of one of more foodstuffs, including the steps of (a) cooking the foodstuff or foodstuffs under vacuum for a duration of 1 to 15 hours, preferably between 1.5 and 13 hours, at a temperature of between 50 and 90° C., preferably between 70 and 88° C., more preferably between 80 and 86° C., in order to obtain an exudate of the foodstuff or foodstuffs, (b) collecting the exudate, (c) crystallising the water contained in the exudate in the form of ice by freezing the exudate, and (d) obtaining a concentrated extract of flavours from the exudate by separating the ice crystals from the remainder of the exudate, wherein step (a) of under vacuum cooking is carried out in bags of the vacuum bag type. 1. Method for extracting and concentrating flavours of one or more foodstuffs , comprising the steps of(a) cooking the foodstuff or foodstuffs under vacuum for a duration of 1 to 15 hours at a temperature of between 50 and 90° C. in order to obtain an exudate of the foodstuff or foodstuffs,(b) collecting the exudate,(c) crystallising the water contained in the exudate in the form of ice by freezing the exudate, and(d) obtaining a concentrated extract of flavours from the exudate by separating the ice crystals from the remainder of the exudate, wherein step (a) of under vacuum cooking is carried out in bags of the vacuum bag type.2. Method for extracting and concentrating flavours according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of fermenting the foodstuffs before step (a) and/or the concentrated extract after step (d) claim 1 , the fermentation process preferably being a lactic claim 1 , alcoholic claim 1 , acetic claim 1 , butyric claim 1 , propionic and/or malo-lactic fermentation process.3. Method for extracting and concentrating flavours according to claim 2 , comprising a fermentation step before step (a) claim 2 , the fermentation being carried out using yeasts or bacteria contained in and on the foodstuff or foodstuffs ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Glucosylated steviol glycoside composition as a flavor modifier

Номер: US20180035702A1
Принадлежит: PureCircle Sdn Bhd

A taste and flavor profile enhancing composition is described. The composition includes glucosylated steviol glycosides which can enhance the intensity of a taste and/or a flavor in a food or beverage product.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037636A1

The present invention provides means for reducing the culture medium odor of a beverage resulting from lactic acid bacteria while maintaining the clean sensation of the beverage, for a beverage containing a lactic acid bacterium powder and a high-intensity sweetener. The beverage according to the present invention contains a lactic acid bacterium powder, a high-intensity sweetener, 10 to 5000 ppb of nootkatone and 2.5 to 2000 ppb of linalool. It is preferable that the mass ratio of linalool and nootkatone be nootkatone/linalool=1 to 1000. 1. A beverage comprising a lactic acid bacterium powder , a high-intensity sweetener , 10 to 5000 ppb of nootkatone and 2.5 to 2000 ppb of linalool.2. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of linalool and nootkatone is nootkatone/linalool=1 to 1000.3. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the lactic acid bacterium is cultured in a milk-free culture medium.4. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the lactic acid bacterium powder is comprised in an amount of 0.005 mass % or more and 0.5 mass % or less.5. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the lactic acid bacterium has a disrupted cell structure.6. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the high-intensity sweetener is one or more high-intensity sweeteners selected from acesulfame potassium claim 1 , sucralose and aspartame.7. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the sugar content is 0.1 to 7.0 Bx.8. The beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the energy is 20 kcal/100 ml or less.9. A method for producing a beverage claim 1 , comprising a step of mixing a lactic acid bacterium powder claim 1 , a high-intensity sweetener claim 1 , 10 to 5000 ppb of nootkatone and 2.5 to 2000 ppb of linalool.10. A method for improving the flavor of a beverage claim 1 , comprising allowing the beverage to contain a lactic acid bacterium powder claim 1 , a high-intensity sweetener claim 1 , 10 to 5000 ppb of nootkatone and 2.5 to 2000 ppb of linalool ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

N-Acyl Derivatives of Gamma Amino- Butyric Acid and Beta Alanine as Food Flavouring Compounds

Номер: US20150044332A1

A flavour composition comprising a compound according to the formula (I) 2. A compound according to wherein the residue connected to the carbonyl group by a nitrogen atom is the residue of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA).3. A compound according to wherein the residue connected to the carbonyl group by a nitrogen atom is the residue of beta alanine (Beta Ala).4. A compound according to wherein the carboxylic acid residue has 10 claim 2 , 12 claim 2 , 14 16 or 18 carbon atoms claim 2 , which carboxylic acid residue may be saturated or unsaturated with one or two double bonds claim 2 , and the amino acid residue is a residue of GABA.5. A compound according to wherein the carboxylic acid residue has 10 claim 3 , 12 claim 3 , 14 16 or 18 carbon atoms claim 3 , which carboxylic acid residue may be saturated or unsaturated with one or two double bonds claim 3 , and the amino acid residue is a residue of beta alanine (Beta Ala).6. A compound according to wherein the carboxylic acid residue has 18 carbon atoms and has two double bonds claim 1 , and the amino acid residue is a residue of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) or of beta alanine (Beta Ala).7. A stock solution comprising 0.01 to 1% by weight of a compound according to formula (I) of .8. A stock solution according to wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of: ethanol claim 7 , triacetine claim 7 , glycerol and miglyol or mixtures thereof.9. An edible composition which comprises a compound of formula (I) according to .10. A flavour composition comprising a compound of formula (I) according to .11. A flavour composition according to further comprising at least one flavour co-ingredient.12. A flavour composition according to comprising an ingredient selected from the group consisting of: sugars claim 10 , fats claim 10 , salt claim 10 , MSG claim 10 , calcium ions claim 10 , phosphate ions claim 10 , organic acids claim 10 , proteins claim 10 , purines and mixtures thereof.13. A flavour composition ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Flavoring Dispenser for Dressing a Beverage Bottle Neck

Номер: US20160044953A1

A dispenser for delivering a pourable, edible substance, such as salt, to the exterior surface of a bottle neck provides a body with a closed end and an open end. An interior compartment contains the pourable substance. The closed end has a planar exterior surface for securely positioning the dispenser on a horizontal surface such as a countertop. The open end has a mouth sized to receive the beverage bottle neck. A movable cap is attached to the body or a removable closure assembly. 1. A dispenser for delivering a pourable , edible substance to the exterior surface of a bottle containing a beverage , the dispenser comprising: the closed end defines a generally planar exterior surface for securely positioning the dispenser on a horizontal surface;', 'the open end defines a generally circular dispenser mouth sized to receive the neck of a beverage bottle or the dispensing end of a beverage can flush against the dispenser mouth;', 'the interior compartment defines an end wall adjoining a generally cylindrical side wall, the side wall terminating at the dispenser mouth, the interior compartment sized to receive at least a portion of the bottle neck or can end;, 'a tubular body having a closed end, an open end, and defining an interior compartment for containing the pourable, edible substance, whereina dispenser closure assembly removably attached to the tubular body and having a cap movable between a closed position, wherein the cap closes the dispenser mouth, and an open position, allowing insertion of the bottle neck or can end into the interior compartment.2. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the cap is mounted for movement relative to the tubular body or a closure assembly base.3. The dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the cap is pivotally mounted.4. The dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the closure assembly is removably attached to the tubular body by mating screw threads claim 2 , friction fit claim 2 , interference fit claim 2 , snap-on attachment claim 2 , or a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042181A1
Автор: Fiaschi Robert J.

A device and method for producing flavored ice cubes. The device comprises an upper portion and a lower portion. The upper portion comprises the internal parts of the ice machine for dispensing flavored ice cubes that produces the flavored ice, including a beverage holding tank to hold one or more beverages. Coupled to the beverage holding tank is a fill channel for transporting the beverage from a first location to the tank, and for re-circulating melted flavored ice cubes formed therein. A first supply hose fluidly connects the beverage holding tank to a pump which, when activated, transports the beverage from the beverage holding device to a pressurized supply line. After receiving the beverage, the ice maker device produces ice cubes in the flavor of the beverage and stores them in a flavored ice cube storage container. 1. A method of producing flavored ice comprising: storing said flavored liquid in a first holding tank;', 'pressurizing said flavored liquid to form a pressurized flavored liquid;', 'moving said pressurized liquid from said first holding tank to a fluid holding tray;', 'forming a flavored ice by circulating said flavored liquid over an ice generator of a flavored ice making device., 'providing a flavored liquid to be formed into a frozen state;'}2. The method of producing flavored ice according to wherein said circulating said flavored liquid over an ice generator includes a circulating cycle of between 12 and 14 minutes.3. The method of producing flavored ice according to wherein forming a flavored ice by circulating said flavored liquid over an ice generator includes the steps of:using a pump to transfer said flavored liquid stored within fluid holding tray to an ice generator evaporator;continuously circulating said flavored liquid over said ice generator evaporator for a predetermined time period to form one or more layers of frozen flavored liquid.4. The method of producing flavored ice according to wherein said step of continuously ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042279A1

The present invention relates to a process for manufacturing a fat-based flavour concentrate obtained by a thermal reaction wherein the process comprises the step of providing a flavour precursor composition comprising at least one polyol and at least one amino compound comprising amino acids, amino acid derivatives and peptides with a dairy ingredient;followed by heating the flavour precursor composition with the dairy ingredient to generate a fat-based flavour concentrate; and cooling the fat-based flavour concentrate. 1. Process for manufacturing a fat-based flavour concentrate yielding a caramel and/or biscuit profile obtained by a thermal reaction wherein the process comprises a fat base ranging from 40 to 62% w/w and further providing a flavor precursor composition comprising:at least one added polyol ranging from 0.25 to 2% w/w (preferably 0.5 to 1%);at least one added amino compound comprising amino acids ranging from 1 to 4% w/w; anda dairy ingredient ranging from 35-48%,wherein the ratio between added polyols and added amino acid compounds is between 1:4 to 1:8 and the ratio between added precursors (sum of polyols+amino acids) and milk ingredient ranges between 1:8 to 1:10;heating the flavor precursor composition with the dairy ingredient to generate a fat-based flavour concentrate; andcooling the fat-based flavour concentrate.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein heating step is performed in a continuous oil phase at a low moisture content ranging from 0 to 5% added water.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein oil phase is selected from the group consisting of fractionated palm kernel oil claim 2 , hydrogenated palm kernel oil cocoa butter claim 2 , anhydrous milk fat (AMF) claim 2 , hydrogenated vegetable oil claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein oil phase is hydrogenated palm kernel oil.5. The process according to wherein the at least one polyol is a reducing sugar.6. A process according to wherein the at least one polyol is ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061358A1
Автор: Abe Hiroyuki, Inui Takako

A beer-taste beverage containing 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP), wherein the mass ratio of 4MMP to an α-acid 4MMP (ppt)/α-acid (ppm)) is 45 or more. According to the present invention, a beer-taste beverage having excellent flavors, capable of giving a rich, black currant-like aroma and having lowered disagreeable bitterness originated from hops can be provided. 1. A beer-taste beverage comprising 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP) , wherein the mass ratio of 4MMP to an α-acid (4MMP (ppt)/α-acid (ppm)) is 45 or more.2. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the content of 4MMP is from 10 to 400 ppt.3. The beer-taste beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the content of an α-acid is 1.0 ppm or less.4. A method for producing a beer-taste beverage as defined in claim 1 , comprising adding a hop processed product obtained by high-temperature-and-high-pressure-treating a hop-containing water under the conditions of from 130° to 160° C. and 0.27 to 0.62 MPa to any of the steps in the production of the beer-taste beverage.5. The method for production according to claim 4 , wherein the hops used in the preparation of the hop processed product comprise one or more varieties selected from the group consisting of Apollo claim 4 , Cascade claim 4 , Saaz claim 4 , Citra claim 4 , Simcoe claim 4 , Strisselspalt claim 4 , Chinook claim 4 , Nelson Sauvin claim 4 , and Hallertauer Blanc.6. A method for producing a hop processed product claim 4 , comprising the step of high-temperature-and-high-pressure-treating a hop-containing water under the conditions of from 130° to 160° C. and 0.27 to 0.62 MPa.7. A hop processed product obtained by a method for production as defined in . The present invention relates to a beer-taste beverage and a method for producing the same, and a hop processed product and a method for producing the same.With the diversification of the inclinations of the consumers in the recent years, the development of beer-taste beverages ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method of Manufacturing a Flavoring and Sweetening Gelatin Drop for a Beverage

Номер: US20220061359A1
Автор: Thomas McDowell
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of manufacturing a flavoring and sweetening gelatin drop for a beverage gradually sweetens and flavors a hot beverage. The method includes a first quantity of water, a quantity of gelatin, a second quantity of water, a quantity of base sweetening mixture, a quantity of emulsification mixture, a quantity of high-intensity flavoring mixture, and a first quantity of grain-based starch. The method begins by heating and mixing the quantity of gelatin into the first quantity of water. The quantity of base sweetening mixture and the second quantity form a slurry solution. The quantity of emulsification mixture is mixed into the slurry solution. The gelatin solution and the slurry solution form the final solution. The quantity of high-intensity flavoring mixture is mixed into the final solution. The final solution is deposited into the quantity of grain-based starch, and the final solution is cured for a specified time period.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061368A1
Принадлежит: FIRMENICH SA

The various aspects presented herein relate to methods and compositions for use in flavored articles containing non-animal proteins, having an improved sensory profile. 1. A composition comprising a yeast lysate; and(a) a yeast lysate; and(b) a flavor composition selected from the group consisting of: (i) a soy masking composition comprising steviol glycosides having additional glucose units added to the base steviol glycoside molecules via enzymatic glucosylation; (ii) a vanilla flavor composition comprising vanillin; (iii) a cream flavor composition comprising lactones; and (iv) any combinations thereof; and(c) a non-animal protein.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of yeast lysate in the composition ranges from 0.0025 weight percent to 0.2 weight percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.35-. (canceled)6. A flavored article claim 1 , which comprises the composition of .7. The flavored article of claim 6 , wherein a concentration of yeast lysate in the flavored article ranges from 0.0025 weight percent to 0.2 weight percent claim 6 , based on the total weight of the flavored article.8. The flavored article of claim 7 , wherein the flavored article is a food or beverage product.9. A method of improving a flavor profile of a flavored article claim 7 , the method comprising:providing a flavored article comprising a non-animal protein having an off taste; andintroducing to the flavored article a flavor modifying composition comprising: (a) a yeast lysate; and (b) a flavor composition selected from the group consisting of: (i) a soy masking composition comprising steviol glycosides having additional glucose units added to the base steviol glycoside molecules via enzymatic glucosylation; (ii) a vanilla flavor composition comprising vanillin; (iii) a cream flavor composition comprising lactones; and (iv) any combinations thereof.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein improving a flavor profile comprises: reducing bitterness claim 9 ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Powder Flavour Composition

Номер: US20150050408A1

A powder flavour composition comprising a compound according to the formula (I) or edible salts thereof, and at least one flavour co-ingredient 9. A powder flavour composition according to wherein the compound is selected from the group consisting of: N-palmitoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C16:0-ACCA) claim 1 , N-stearoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C18:0-ACCA) claim 1 , N-linoleoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C18:2-ACCA) claim 1 , N-linolenoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C18:2-ACCA) claim 1 , N-oleoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C18:1-ACCA) claim 1 , N-(9-palmitenoyl) 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C16:1-ACCA) claim 1 , N-decanoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C10:0-ACCA): N-geranoyl 1-amino-cyclopropyl carboxylic acid (C10:2-ACCA); C10-GABA claim 1 , C12-GABA claim 1 , C12:1-GABA claim 1 , C14-GABA claim 1 , C16-GABA claim 1 , C16:1-GABA claim 1 , C18-GABA claim 1 , C18:1-GABA claim 1 , C18:1c-GABA claim 1 , and C18:1t-GABA claim 1 , and 18:2-GABA; C18:2-Beta Ala; N-palmitenoyl-L-leucine claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-L-leucine claim 1 , N-linolenoyl-L-leucine claim 1 , N-linoleoyl-L-leucine and N-oleoyl-L-leucine; N-oleoyl-Ile; N-palmitenoyl-L-valine claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-L-valine claim 1 , N-linolenoyl-L-valine claim 1 , N-linoleoyl-L-valine and N-oleoyl-L-valine; N-geranoyl-Pro claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-Pro claim 1 , N-palmiteneoyl-Pro claim 1 , N-stearoyl-Pro claim 1 , N-linoleoyl-Pro and N-linolenoyl-Pro; N-geranoyl-Glu claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-Glu claim 1 , N-palmitenoyl-Glu claim 1 , N-stearoyl-Glu claim 1 ,N-linoleoyl-Glu and N-linolenoyl-Glu; N-geranoyl-Asp claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-Asp claim 1 , N-palmitenoyl-Asp claim 1 , N-stearoyl-Asp claim 1 , N-linoleoyl-Asp and N-linolenoyl-Asp; N-geranoyl-Gln claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-Gln claim 1 , N-palmitenoyl-Gln claim 1 , N-stearoyl-Gln claim 1 , N-linoleoyl-Gln and N-linolenoyl-Gln; N-geranoyl-Asn claim 1 , N-palmitoyl-Asn claim 1 , N-palmitenoyl-Asn claim 1 , N-stearoyl-Asn ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160050966A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a flavor deterioration inhibitor which is capable of significantly suppressing a flavor deterioration phenomenon caused by light, heat or the like. The present invention relates to a flavor deterioration inhibitor which contains a solvent extract of parsley leaves. 1. A flavor deterioration inhibitor comprising a solvent extract of a parsley leaf.2. The flavor deterioration inhibitor according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent extract is obtained by extraction with water claim 1 , an organic solvent or a mixture thereof.3. A food or drink claim 1 , comprising the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppb by mass to 500 ppm by mass in terms of solid weight.4. A method for inhibiting flavor deterioration of a food or drink claim 1 , comprising adding the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppb by mass to 500 ppm by mass in terms of solid weight to a food or drink.5. A flavor claim 1 , comprising the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppm by mass to 50 mass % in terms of solid weight.6. A method for inhibiting flavor deterioration of a flavor claim 1 , comprising adding the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppm by mass to 50 mass % in terms of solid weight to a flavor7. A food or drink claim 2 , comprising the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppb by mass to 500 ppm by mass in terms of solid weight.8. A method for inhibiting flavor deterioration of a food or drink claim 2 , comprising adding the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppb by mass to 500 ppm by mass in terms of solid weight to a food or drink.9. A flavor claim 2 , comprising the flavor deterioration inhibitor according to in an amount of from 1 ppm by mass to 50 mass % in terms of solid weight.10. A method for inhibiting flavor deterioration of a flavor claim 2 , ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051987A1

Sweetener and flavor compositions with improved taste profiles are disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of making and methods of using such sweetener and flavor compositions. 1. A composition comprising: [{'i': 'Stevia', '(A) a non-sweetening agent;'}, '(B) a reducing sugar having a free carbonyl group; and', '(C) one or more amine donors having a free amino group; and, 'a Maillard reaction product (MRP) composition formed from a reaction mixture comprising{'i': 'Stevia', 'wherein the non-sweetening agent is selected from the group consisting of sweet tea extracts, swingle extracts, glycosylated sweet tea extracts, glycosylated swingle extracts, glycosylated sweet tea glycosides, glycosylated mogrosides, glycyrrhizine, glycosylated glycyrrhizinse, rubusoside, glycosylated rubusoside, suaviosides, glycosylated suaviosides, mogrosides, glycosylated mogrosides and sucralose, and'}wherein the MRP composition is present in the composition in an amount in the range of 0.0001-100 wt %.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a sweetener composition and wherein the MRP composition is present in an amount in the range of 0.1-100 wt %.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a food product and wherein the MRP composition is present in an amount in the range of 0.001-1 wt %.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a bakery product and wherein the MRP composition is present in an amount in the range of 0.001-1 wt %.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a dairy product and wherein the MRP composition is present in an amount in the range of 0.0001-1 wt %.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture further comprises thaumatin claim 1 , or neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHDC) claim 1 , or both.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more amine donors consist of thaumatin.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more amine donors comprise an amino acid and thaumatin.9. ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Compositions for Prevention and/or Treatment of Gastrointestinal Imbalances in Digestive Disorders

Номер: US20160051468A1
Автор: Simmons Donald L.

Compositions comprising a combination of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and non-digestible oligosaccharides are described to prevent and/or treat one or more gastrointestinal (GI) imbalances associated with digestive disorders. 1. An oral composition for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one gastrointestinal imbalance associated with at least one digestive disorder in a human being , the composition comprising:a) a therapeutic amount of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG); andb) a therapeutic amount of at least one non-digestible oligosaccharide (NDO).2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 100 mg to about 800 mg of EGCG.3. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 200 mg to about 600 mg of EGCG.4. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 300 mg of EGCG.5. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 1 gram to about 10 grams of the at least one NDO.6. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 3 grams to about 8 grams of the at least one NDO.7. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 5 grams of the at least one NDO.8. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the EGCG is derived from a decaffeinated green tea plant extract.9. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the at least one NDO is xylo-oligosaccharides claim 1 , soy oligosaccharides claim 1 , short chain fructooligosaccharides claim 1 , galacto-oligosaccharides claim 1 , isomalto-oligosaccharides claim 1 , inulin claim 1 , oligofructose or mixtures thereof.10. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , further comprising:a) at least one flavor;b) at least one sweetener; and/orc) at least one buffering agent.11. A composition according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the composition is provided in ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Aroma particles

Номер: US20140127390A1
Принадлежит: SYMRISE AG

The invention relates to vitreous aroma particles and the preparation thereof, as well as to the use thereof in foods, consumer articles and pharmaceuticals.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Flavour system

Номер: US20220066539A1
Принадлежит: ASADIPOUR Ali

A system to deliver to a user artificial flavor sensations equivalent to a selected desired real flavor having a database in which is stored data of a number of real flavors broken down into components selected from taste, smell, feel and appearance, A head mounted display device is provided to deliver visual and audio cues of a flavor from the database and a bite sensation component is mounted in the mouth of a wearer of the head mounted display controlling the delivery of taste, feel, and smell components of the flavor to the user.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051232A1

The present invention relates to the novel flavor and fragrance use of 2,6-dipropyl-5,6-dihydro-2H-thiopyran-3-carbaldehyde. 1. A method of improving , enhancing or modifying a flavor composition through the addition of an olfactory acceptable amount of 2 ,6-dipropyl-5 ,6-dihydro-2H-thiopyran-3-carbaldehyde.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flavor composition further comprising a material selected from the group consisting of a foodstuff claim 1 , a chewing gum claim 1 , a dental product claim 1 , an oral hygiene product and a medicinal product.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the olfactory acceptable amount is greater than about 0.1 parts per billion by weight of the flavor composition.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the olfactory acceptable amount is from about 1 part per billion to about 1000 parts per million by weight of the flavor composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the olfactory acceptable amount is from about 10 parts per billion to about 100 parts per million by weight of the flavor composition.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the olfactory acceptable amount is from about 100 parts per billion to about 10 parts per million by weight of the flavor composition. This application is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 14/546,462, filed Nov. 18, 2014, now allowed, the contents hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in its entirety.The present invention relates to the incorporation and use of a new chemical entity as a flavor and fragrance material.There is an ongoing need in the flavor industry for flavor chemicals that enhance or provide new flavors for food preparations. There is a similar ongoing need for fragrance chemicals to give perfumers and other persons the ability to create new fragrances for perfumes, colognes and personal care products. Those with skill in the art appreciate how differences in the chemical structures of the molecules can result in significant differences in the odor, notes and characteristics. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

T1r hetero-oligomeric taste receptors, cell lines that express said receptors, and taste compounds

Номер: US20200049699A1
Принадлежит: Firmenich Inc

The invention relates to compounds that specifically bind a T1R1/T1R3 or T1R2/T1R3 receptor or fragments or sub-units thereof. The present invention also relates to the use of hetero-oligomeric and chimeric taste receptors comprising T1R1/T1R3 and T1R2/T1R3 in assays to identify compounds that respectively respond to umami taste stimuli and sweet taste stimuli. Further, the invention relates to the constitutive of cell lines that stably or transiently co-express a combination of T1R1 and T1R3; or T1R2 and T1R3; under constitutive or inducible conditions. The use of these cells lines in cell-based assays to identify umami and sweet taste modulatory compounds is also provided, particularly high throughput screening assays that detect receptor activity by use of fluorometric imaging.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method of assessing a plurality of water recipes and method of selecting a water recipe

Номер: US20200050634A1

In a method of assessing a plurality of water recipes and selecting a water recipe suitable for a user, wherein the water recipe determines the concentration of ions in the water the following steps are performed: determining a plurality of water drinking purposes; assigning a set taste weighting to each of the plurality of water drinking purposes, wherein the set taste weighting indicates the weighting of the taste for selection the most suited water recipe; assigning a set mineralization weighting to each of the plurality of water drinking purposes, wherein the set mineralization weighting indicates the weighting of the mineralization for selection the most suited water recipe; and storing the set taste weighting and the set mineralization weighting for each of the plurality of water drinking purposes in a computer. 1. A method of assessing a plurality of water recipes , wherein the water recipe determines the concentration of ions in the water , comprising the steps of:determining a plurality of water drinking purposes;assigning a set taste weighting to each of the plurality of water drinking purposes, wherein the set taste weighting indicates the weighting of the taste for selection the most suited water recipe;assigning a set mineralization weighting to each of the plurality of water drinking purposes, wherein the set mineralization weighting indicates the weighting of the mineralization for selection the most suited water recipe; andstoring the set taste weighting and the set mineralization weighting for each of the plurality of water drinking purposes in a computer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of water drinking purposes comprises at least one purpose selected from a list of purposes consisting of: pleasure;thirst; health; refreshment; diet; pregnancy; breastfeeding; accompaniment of a predetermined type of wine; accompaniment of a predetermined type of food; water for brewing a predetermined type of tea; water for brewing a ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071236A1

Disclosed is a spoonable smoothie with fibrous, non-chalky, non-gritty texture. The spoonable smoothie has more than 34% by weight of a combination of fruit and vegetable sources, a texturant, a protein source, a vitamin source, and a mineral source. In some embodiments, the spoonable smoothie may be produced via high-pressure processing or thermal processing. In some embodiments in which high-pressure processing is employed, acid whey may be used to help obtain the non-chalky, non-gritty texture. In other embodiments in which thermal processing is employed, order of ingredients may be used to help obtain the non-chalky, non-gritty texture. In those thermally processed embodiments, the texturant and the protein source may be separately hydrated to control the competition for water absorption between the texturant and the protein source. 1. A spoonable smoothie comprising:between about 34% and about 45% by weight of a combination of fruit and vegetable sources, based on a total weight of the spoonable smoothie;a texturant including at least one of pectin, rice flour, tapioca flour, locust bean gum, or a combination thereof;a protein source; andone or more of a vitamin source and a mineral source.2. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein the protein source comprises whey protein isolate.3. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein the protein source comprises acid whey.4. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein the spoonable smoothie includes the mineral source and the mineral source comprises calcium citrate.5. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein the spoonable smoothie has a degree of Brix between about 14 and about 18.6. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein a zero shear viscosity of the spoonable smoothie is between about 4500 Pa·s and about 98 claim 1 ,000 Pa·s when the spoonable smoothie is submitted to a flow ramp test on a rheometer at a constant temperature of 5° C.7. The spoonable smoothie of claim 1 , wherein a yield stress of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055072A1

Provided is a liquid composition that is suitable for mixing with a beverage and that contains 0.2-3.5% by volume of citrus fruit peel essential oil, 5-20 mg/kg/Acid of citropten, and 300 mg/kg/Acid or more of hesperidin. In addition, the liquid composition preferably contains rutin at a concentration of 50 mg/kg/Acid or less. The citropten, hesperidin, and rutin are preferably derived from citrus fruit peel. 1. A liquid composition comprising an essential oil from peel of a citrus fruit , citropten , and hesperidin ,wherein a content of the essential oil from peel is in a range of 0.2-3.5% by volume of the total amount of the composition;wherein a concentration of the citropten with respect to acidity is in a range of 5-20 mg/kg/Acid; andwherein a concentration of the hesperidin with respect to acidity is 300 mg/kg/Acid or more.2. The liquid composition according to claim 1 , wherein the citropten and hesperidin are derived from peel of one or more of citrus fruits.3. The liquid composition according to further comprising rutin claim 1 , wherein a concentration of rutin with respect to acidity is 50 mg/kg/Acid or less.4. The liquid composition according to claim 3 , wherein the rutin is derived from peel of one or more of citrus fruits.5. The liquid composition according to which has an acidity of 2.0% or less.6. A drink containing the liquid composition according to at a concentration in a range of 0.1-15% by weight based on the total weight of the drink. The present invention relates to liquid compositions containing essential oils of citrus fruits. More particularly, the present invention relates to liquid compositions that comprise essential oils from peel and specified amounts of citropten and hesperidin and which are capable of inclusion within drinks.Some citrus fruits are high in acidity and unsuitable for eating raw but the distinctive fragrance of essential oil components contained in the peel is appreciated. In particular, the juice of citrus fruits ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055077A1

A method to confer, enhance, improve or modify the flavor properties of a flavoring composition or flavored article by adding to the composition or article the compound 3-mercaptoheptyl acetate or an optically active enantiomer thereof in an amount effective to provide a flavor base having top notes of the citrus-grapefruit, teas and/or peach type and/or red fruit. The compound is typically added to provide an amount of from 0.0001 to 500 ppm in the flavoring composition or flavored article. Also, the resultant flavored composition or flavored article. 1. A method to confer , enhance , improve or modify the flavor properties of a flavoring composition or flavored article , which method comprises adding to the composition or article the compound 3-mercaptoheptyl acetate or an optically active enantiomer thereof in an amount effective to provide a flavor base having top notes of the citrus-grapefruit , teas and/or peach type and/or red fruit.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound is added to provide an amount of from 0.0001 to 500 ppm in the flavoring composition or flavored article.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound is added to provide an amount of from 0.0003 to 5 ppm in flavored article.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound is present in a flavoring composition that is added to the flavored article.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the flavoring composition comprises at least one ingredient selected from the group consisting of a flavor carrier and a flavor base; and optionally at least one flavor adjuvant.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the compound is provided in the flavoring composition in an amount of from 0.0000001 to 0.03% by weight thereof.7. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the compound is provided in the flavoring composition in an amount of from 0.0000002 to 0.01% by weight thereof.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the flavored article includes a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055082A1

A method of manufacturing a combined protein and plant food product includes hydrating at least one pectin source to form a pectin hydrate, hydrating at least one protein source to form a protein hydrate, and mixing the pectin hydrate with the protein hydrate to form a combined hydrate. The method further includes adjusting, if necessary, the pH of the combined hydrate to the range of 3.7 to 4.4. The method also includes homogenizing the combined hydrate to form a homogenized hydrate and adding at least one edible plant source to the homogenized hydrate to form the combined protein and plant food product. A combined protein and plant food product includes at least one edible fruit or vegetable plant source and at least one protein source mixed with the edible fruit or vegetable plant source. The protein and plant product is in a fluid form for consumption directly from a pouch. 1. A method of manufacturing a combined protein and plant food product comprising the steps of:hydrating at least one pectin source to form a pectin hydrate;hydrating at least one protein source to form a protein hydrate;mixing the pectin hydrate with the protein hydrate to form a combined hydrate;adjusting, if necessary, a pH of the combined hydrate to the range of 3.7 to 4.4;homogenizing the combined hydrate to form a homogenized hydrate; andadding at least one edible plant source to the homogenized hydrate to form the combined protein and plant food product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one edible plant source is selected from the group consisting of at least one fruit juice concentrate claim 1 , at least one vegetable juice concentrate claim 1 , fruit bits claim 1 , vegetable bits claim 1 , at least one crushed fruit claim 1 , at least one crushed vegetable claim 1 , at least one fruit puree claim 1 , at least one vegetable puree claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protein source is selected from the group consisting of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055787A1
Автор: MISRA Srikumar

A Curcumin infused milk beverage composition comprising 0.05% to 0.15% alkalized Curcumin, standardized milk with fat, sugar and stabilizing agents, wherein the pH of resultant composition is maintained at 6.8. 1. A Curcumin infused milk beverage composition comprising 0.05% to 0.15% alkalized Curcumin , standardized milk with fat , sugar and stabilizing agents characterized in that the pH of resultant composition is maintained to be greater than 6.4 but less than 7.2. The milk beverage composition as claimed in wherein said milk beverage also comprises a flavoring agent and one or more coloring agents.3. The milk beverage as claimed in wherein said alkalized Curcumin is prepared by adding a 50% Disodium Phosphate solution to a 5% to 15% solution of 95% pure Curcumin with particle size of 125 micrometers in hot water at 55 degrees Celsius and calibrating the resulting solution to the pH 6.8.4. The milk beverage as claimed in wherein said standardized milk is maintained at a temperature of 6 to 8 degree Celsius.5. The milk beverage as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said stabilizing agents is a mixture of natural linear polysaccharide comprising at least Carrageenan.6. The milk beverage as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said flavoring agent is selected from a group consisting of cocoa powder claim 2 , vanilla flavor claim 2 , strawberry flavor claim 2 , peach flavor claim 2 , mango flavor claim 2 , caramel flavour and Kesar Badam flavour.7. The milk beverage as claimed in wherein said natural linear polysaccharide content is kept at 0.34% to 0.58% wt/wt of the beverage.8. The milk beverage as claimed in wherein said coloring agents include Beta-carotene and natural coloring pigments.9. A process of preparing a Curcumin infused milk beverages comprising the steps of:a. adding standardized milk at a temperature of 6 to 8 degree Celsius into a product mixing tank.b. adding an alkalized Curcumin solution, and a mixture of sugar and Carrageenan into a product mixing tank, ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055850A1

The invention describes one or more compositions for causing an increase in thermogenesis in mammals, comprising at least caffeine, hordenine and β-phenylethylamine and optionally the addition of B vitamins. The caffeine is often provided from green coffee bean extracts and normally comprises from 0.0001 g to 0.30 g of caffeine from 0.00001 g to 0.1 g of hordenine from barley and from 0.00001 g to 1.0 g β-phenylethylamine from cocoa beans. The present invention finally provides a method that may cause a simultaneous and synergistic increase in central nervous system activity assisted by the addition of vitamin B as well as thermogenesis in mammals prior to physical exercise, the method comprising providing a composition comprising a source of caffeine, hordenine and β-phenylethylamine. 1. One or more nutraceutical beverage formulations providing enhanced thermogenesis , mental concentration , and stamina to mammals , comprising at least three distinct synergistic components including caffeine , β-phenylethylamine , and hordenine , wherein said at least three distinct components are combined with water and wherein said formulations reduce or eliminate undesirable side effects during or after mammalian consumption of said beverage formulations.2. The beverage formulations of claim 1 , wherein said mammals are humans.3. The beverage formulations of claim 1 , wherein said hordenine is hordenine HCl.4. The beverage formulations of claim 1 , wherein said β-phenylethylamine is β-phenylethylamine citrate.5. The beverage formulations of claim 1 , wherein said β-phenylethylamine is a combination of β-phenylethylamine citrate and β-phenylethylamine HCl.6. The beverage formulations of claim 1 , wherein said synergistic components act to increase catecholamine and indoleamine concentrations and wherein synergism is accomplished as said catecholamine and indoleamine concentrations in a blood stream cross a blood-brain barrier within a brain of a consumer after consumption of said ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055548A1

A flavor system for a non-animal derived protein consumable is provided. The flavor system includes an aqueous component; a protein binder including a mixture of at least one terpene and at least one carbonyl compound; one or more off-note blocking compounds; and a flavorant. 1. A flavor system comprising:a protein binder including a mixture of at least one terpene and at least one carbonyl compound; andone or more off-note blocking compounds.2. The flavor system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one terpene is selected from the group consisting of carotenes; monoterpenes; sesquiterpenes; saponins; lipids;triterpenoids; alpha-pinenes; cis-beta-ocimenes and bisabolenes.3. The flavor system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one terpene is selected from the group consisting of alphacarotene; beta-carotene; gamma-carotene; delta-carotene; lycopene; neurosporene; phytofluene; phytoene; canthaxanthin; cryptoxanthin; aeaxanthin; astaxanthin; lutein; rubixanthin; limonene; perillyl alcohol; caryophyllene; β-caryophyllene; zingiberene; phytosterols; campesterol; beta sitosterol; gamma sitosterol; stigmasterol; tocopherol; omega-3 claim 1 , -6 claim 1 , and -9 fatty acids; oleanolic acid; ursolic acid; betulinic acid; moronic acid; alpha-bisabolene and gamma-bisabolene.4. The flavor system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one carbonyl compound is selected from the group consisting of aldehydes and ketones.5. The flavor system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one carbonyl compound is selected from the group consisting of acetone; acetyl methyl carbinol; acetophenone; 2-butanone; L-carvone; D-carvone; diacetyl; 2-heptanone; beta-ionone; L-menthone; anisyl acetaone; methyl cyclopentenolone; methyl nonyl ketone; methyl heptenone; 2-nonanone; 2-octanone; 2-pentanone; 2-undecanonen; 4-hydroxy-2 claim 1 ,5dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone; nootkatone; tridecanone; tetradecalactone; decalactone; butyrolactone; 2-tridecanone; benzaldehyde; n- ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055554A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a carbonated beverage comprising high-intensity sweeteners characterized in that cinnamaldehyde and the total taste balance are stably maintained. 1. A carbonated beverage comprising cinnamaldehyde , aspartame , and a stevia extract , wherein total steviosides are contained as the stevia extract at a concentration of 0.6 ppm to 50 ppm.2. The carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the cinnamaldehyde is contained at a concentration of 0.25 ppm to 16 ppm.3. The carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the cinnamaldehyde is contained at a concentration of 1.0 ppm to 10 ppm.4. The carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the carbonated beverage is a low-calorie beverage.5. The carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the carbonated beverage has a pH of not more than 3.3.6. A carbonated beverage comprising cinnamaldehyde and high-intensity sweeteners claim 1 , wherein at least aspartame and a stevia extract are contained as the high-intensity sweeteners claim 1 , and wherein total steviosides are contained as the stevia extract.7. The carbonated beverage according to claim 6 , wherein the cinnamaldehyde is contained at a concentration of 0.25 ppm to 16 ppm.8. The carbonated beverage according to claim 6 , wherein the carbonated beverage is a low-calorie beverage.9. The carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , wherein the aspartame is contained at a concentration of not less than 0.05 g/L.10. A method for producing a low-calorie carbonated beverage claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of: dissolving cinnamaldehyde and high-intensity sweeteners in water claim 1 , wherein the high-intensity sweeteners comprise at least aspartame and a stevia extract claim 1 , and wherein the stevia extract comprises total steviosides claim 1 , and performing sterilization. The present invention relates to a carbonated beverage containing a high-intensity sweetener, and a method for producing the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055555A1
Принадлежит: FIRMENICH SA

Provided is a liquid system comprising a first component and a second component the components selected from the group consisting of carbohydrates, sugar alcohols, food grade acids, food grade non-aqueous solvents and food grade salts wherein: a. the second component is different than the first component; b. the system has a melting point lower than each of the components; and c. the liquid system comprises 7% or less water. The systems are useful for protecting an active ingredient in a food system wherein the ingredient is stable at room temperature and retains its sensory properties after being diluted into an aqueous beverage for example to form a flavored aqueous beverage. 1. A liquid system comprising a first component and a second component the components selected from the group consisting of carbohydrates , sugar alcohols , food grade acids , food grade salts , and food grade non-aqueous solvents wherein:i) the second component is different than the first component;ii) the system has a melting point lower than each of the components; andiii) the liquid system comprises 7% or less water.2. The system as recited in wherein the first component and second component is selected from malic acid claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , maleic acid claim 1 , lactic acid claim 1 , tartaric acid claim 1 , glucose claim 1 , erythritol claim 1 , fructose claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , sucrose claim 1 , trehalose claim 1 , glycerin claim 1 , propylene glycol and 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol.3. The system as recited in further comprising an active ingredient wherein the ingredient is susceptible to oxidation and/or acid-catalyzed degradation.4. The system as recited in any one of wherein the combined weight of the first and second components is provided in an amount claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , from about 50 to about 99% of the total weight of the system.5. The system as recited in any one of wherein the ingredient is provided in an amount of from about 1% to 50% claim 1 , by weight ...
