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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 11442. Отображено 199.
20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594433C2
Принадлежит: ХЕМИКС Б.В. (NL)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам определения активности болезни. Система содержит блок управления, выполненный с возможностью получения признаков из обнаруженных значений интенсивности света по меньшей мере в двух различных состояниях перфузии интересующей области и определения активности болезни в качестве единственного значения или скалярного значения, используя эти признаки с помощью использования предопределенного вектора регрессии. Способ определения активности болезни использует систему и носитель данных, содержащий команды, предписывающие процессорной системе выполнять способ. Использование изобретений позволяет облегчить анализ текущего состояния болезни и/или будущего ее течения. 3 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 4 табл.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606455C2

Изобретение относится к области оптического приборостроения и касается спектроскопического измерительного устройства. Устройство включает в себя разделяющую оптическую систему для разделения измеряемого луча на первый и второй измеряемые лучи, формирующую изображение оптическую систему для обеспечения интерференции первого и второго лучей, средство обеспечения непрерывного распределения разницы длины оптического пути между первым и вторым лучами, детектор для детектирования распределения интенсивности интерференционного света и процессор для получения картины интерференции и выполнения преобразования Фурье. Устройство также включает в себя формирующую изображение оптическую систему, расположенную между измеряемым объектом и разделяющей оптической системой таким образом, что обладает общей сопряженной плоскостью с разделяющей оптической системой. Кроме того, устройство содержит средства обеспечения периодичности, расположенные на сопряженной плоскости и предназначенные для обеспечения пространственной ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469639C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине и медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для оценки оптической глубины в соответственном образце. Устройство включает источник излучения, способный испускать излучение с начальной поляризацией, первый и второй световод для излучения, причем первый световод оптически соединен с источником излучения для испускания излучения на образец. Световоды имеют соответствующие концевые части, по существу расположенные вровень друг с другом, причем концевые части далее предназначены для регистрации излучения, отраженного от образца. Также устройство содержит детектор, оптически соединенный с первым и вторым световодом, причем детектор предназначен для измерения, в пределах оптического поддиапазона, индикации: первой поляризации отраженного излучения, второй поляризации отраженного излучения, причем вторая поляризация отличается от первой поляризации, и первой и второй интенсивности отраженного излучения в первом и втором световоде соответственно. С детектором ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2470590C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройствам молекулярного обмена. Устройство содержит корпус, имеющий две внутренние полости с проксимальным и дистальным концами, разграниченные разделителем. Разделитель расположен вдоль центральной оси корпуса. Полости пролегают от проксимального конца к дистальному концу корпуса, и в них располагаются проводящие каналы для жидкостей на соосных сторонах разделителя. В корпусе выполнены обменные апертуры. По меньшей мере, часть каждого из проводящих каналов, находящихся в области обменной апертуры корпуса, выполнена пористой. Разделитель установлен вдоль корпуса, по меньшей мере, на длину обменной апертуры. Система для контроля концентраций первого вещества в проводящем канале для жидкостей устройства молекулярного обмена включает в себя устройство молекулярного обмена и контролирующее устройство, подсоединенное к устройству молекулярного обмена. Контролирующее устройство измеряет концентрации второго вещества в проводящих каналах для жидкостей и контролирует ...

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727242C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к эндокринологии, и может быть использована для неинвазивного определения in vivo концентрации глюкозы в протекающей крови в кровеносном сосуде внутри тела. Тело облучают ультразвуковым излучением с ультразвуковой частотой для маркировки кровеносного сосуда. Причем тело с кровеносным сосудом облучают излучением, имеющим по меньшей мере первую длину волны, при которой интенсивность обратнорассеянного излучения зависит от концентрации глюкозы. Тело с кровеносным сосудом облучают излучением, имеющим вторую длину волны, которая соответствует линии поглощения воды, положение которой зависит от температуры крови. Обратнорассеянное излучение детектируют с использованием по меньшей мере одного датчика. Соответствующие компоненты сигнала, модулированные с частотой модуляции, зависящей от частоты ультразвука, извлекают с использованием вычислительного блока из сигналов, выдаваемых датчиком. Определяют значение показателя для концентрации глюкозы с ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532296C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Устройство анализа стенки кровеносного сосуда обеспечено структурой, обеспечивающей возможность точного измерения компонентов бляшки на стенке кровеносного сосуда в состоянии, которое уменьшает нагрузку на пациента. При анализе стенки кровеносного сосуда свет измерения излучается на участок измерения внутри кровеносного сосуда, например на сонную артерию, из блока излучения света, обеспеченного снаружи кровеносного сосуда, в то время как свет от участка измерения обнаруживается в блоке приема света, обеспеченном снаружи кровеносного сосуда. Соответственно, так как состояние стенки кровеносного сосуда можно анализировать без введения устройства, используемого в измерении, в кровеносный сосуд, то нагрузка на пациента во время измерения уменьшается. Кроме того, в результате выполнения измерения с использованием света ближней инфракрасной области спектра (компонент света в диапазоне длин волн от 780 нм до 2750 нм), который демонстрирует характеристики ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2378977C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для наблюдения биологических объектов. Устройство содержит осветительную секцию и секцию управления обработкой сигналов, которая управляет операциями секции съемки изображения и выдает снятый сигнал изображения в устройство отображения, фотоэлектрически преобразует свет, отраженный от живого организма, на основании облучающего света и формирует снятый сигнал изображения. Устройство также содержит секцию вычисления, которая формирует спектральный сигнал, соответствующий оптическому изображению в узкой полосе длин волн, исходя из снятого сигнала изображения, посредством обработки сигналов, секцию регулировки цвета, которая, при выдаче спектрального сигнала в устройство отображения, регулирует отличающийся цветовой тон для каждой из множества полос, формирующих спектральный сигнал, и секцию коррекции качества изображения, которая корректирует качество изображения в сигнале, подлежащем выдаче в устройство отображения. Для первого ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2589313C2

Изобретение относится к системе и к способу для обработки данных, полученных из входного сигнала, содержащего физиологическую информацию. Технический результат - эффективное определение состояния человека. Система содержит средство обнаружения для обнаружения, по меньшей мере, одного отличительного признака жизненных функций во входном сигнале и средство преобразования для создания выходного сигнала посредством модификации входного сигнала в зависимости от обнаруженного отличительного признака жизненных функций. Выходной сигнал содержит искусственный отличительный признак, по меньшей мере, частично заменяющий соответствующий отличительный признак жизненных функций из, по меньшей мере, одного отличительного признака жизненных функций во входном сигнале. В одном варианте осуществления система дополнительно содержит сенсорное средство для обнаружения видимого электромагнитного излучения в пределах, по меньшей мере, одного конкретного диапазона длин волн. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640777C2

Изобретения относятся к медицине. Способ непрерывного неинвазивного измерения физиологического параметра человека осуществляют с помощью автономного носимого оптического устройства. При этом с помощью первого блока испускают первое оптическое излучение к телу человека для создания второго оптического излучения, рассеиваемого от тела человека. С помощью второго блока увеличивают пространственные изменения упорядоченного во времени пространственного распределения интенсивности второго оптического излучения. С помощью третьего блока определяют временную последовательность пространственного распределения интенсивности второго оптического излучения. С помощью четвертого блока извлекают информативный сигнал из определенной временной последовательности и извлекают физиологический параметр человека из упомянутого информативного сигнала. Информативный сигнал является пространственным информативным сигналом, содержащим одно или более из пространственного сдвига между последовательными пространственными ...

10-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018134766A3

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015143889A3

19-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014153621A3

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016144349A3

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016118559A3

28-12-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для исследования отражающей способности кожного покрова

Номер: RU186082U1

Диагностирующее устройство, включающее источник измерительного сигнала, приемник измерительного сигнала и средство для визуального отображения уровня функционального состояния организма, при этом в качестве источника измерительного сигнала использован источник света, а приемник измерительного сигнала выполнен как фотоприемник, размещенные в корпусе устройства, отличается тем, что в качестве фотоприемника использован полупроводниковый фотоэлектронный умножитель, один выход которого через операционный усилитель связан с первым выводом аналого-цифрового преобразователя, а второй выход полупроводникового фотоэлектронного умножителя связан со вторым выводом аналого-цифрового преобразователя, при этом первый и второй выходы аналого-цифрового преобразователя связаны с входами источника света, а его третий выход связан со схемой индикации, кроме того, третий и четвертый входы аналого-цифрового преобразователя подключены через кнопочный выключатель к выводам источника питания, кроме того, оптический выход источника света и оптический вход полупроводникового фотоэлектронного умножителя размещены в полости ниши, выполненной на стороне корпуса устройства, прикладываемой к коже пациента, при этом кромка ниши по всему периметру снабжена выступающей юбкой из упругого материала, выполненной с возможностью изолирования полости ниши от внешней среды. Кроме того, в качестве схемы индикации использован световой индикатор. Кроме того, в качестве источника света использованы светодиоды с излучением в спектре видимого диапазона, с длиной волны в диапазоне от 450 до ≥630 нм. Устройство обеспечивает возможность дифференцированной оценки уровня функционального состояния организма человека и является компактным. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 186 082 U1 (51) МПК A61B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61B 5/0075 (2006.01); A61B 5/44 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018122925, 22.06.2018 ( ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452925C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к медицине и ветеринарии, а именно, к измерениям для диагностических целей путем измерения температуры частей тела и может найти применение во врачебной практике для диагностики заболеваний и для контроля динамики заболевания в процессе проведения лечения. Способ включает ввод в базу компьютера изображения обследуемой области тела биологического объекта, которое выводят на монитор компьютера, при этом точки измерения температуры на обследуемой области объекта отображают на изображении объекта на экране монитора и после проведения измерений и обработки результатов измерений в компьютере изображение температурного поля компьютерной программой формируют на изображении обследуемой области объекта. Техническим результатом, получаемым при использовании заявляемого способа, является повышение точности диагностических мероприятий. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

06-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686868C1
Принадлежит: ТЮБИТАК (TR)

Использование: для портативной спектроскопии диффузного отражения. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что оптическое устройство для получения спектра отражения, содержит: a) средство для вырабатывания надлежащего света; b) средство для передачи и приема указанного света указанной подложкой, причем указанное средство представляет собой оптический зонд, выполненный из материала поли(метилметакрилата) (ПММА), содержащий: точно два компактных коаксиальных стержня из ПММА, вложенные друг в друга, для захвата и для освещения, внутренний стержень (13) длиннее, чем наружный стержень (12), внутренний стержень (13) изолирован от наружного стержня (12) с помощью полузеркального изолятора (14); c) средство для захвата отраженного света, который был отражен из глубины подложки, внутренним стержнем (13); d) средство для отделения указанного диффузно отраженного света от зеркально отраженного света для получения информации о концентрации хромофоров в указанной подложке. Технический результат: обеспечение ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013154764A

... 1. Способ обнаружения жизнедеятельности, содержащий этапы, на которых:освещают живой объект электромагнитной волной, длина волны которой включена в назначенный диапазон волн, или длина волны относится к назначенному пику; иобнаруживают активность по меньшей мере в локальном участке в живом объекте.2. Способ обнаружения жизнедеятельности по п. 1, в котором:назначенный диапазон волн относится к длине волны не менее 0,84 мкм, но не более 110 мкм.3. Способ обнаружения жизнедеятельности по п. 1, в которомназначенный пик относится к значению химического сдвига не менее δ1,7 м.д. (миллионной доли), но не более δ4,5 м.д.4. Способ управления жизнедеятельностью, содержащий этапы, на которых:освещают живой объект электромагнитной волной, длина волны которой включена в назначенный диапазон волн, или длина волны относится к назначенному пику; иуправляют активностью по меньшей мере в локальном участке в живом объекте.5. Способ управления жизнедеятельностью по п. 4, в котором:назначенный диапазон волн ...

28-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739681C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Измерительный аппарат включает в себя источник излучения, выполненный с возможностью выдавать излучение в средней инфракрасной области спектра, детектор, выполненный с возможностью облучать объект измерения излучением, выдаваемым из источника излучения, и детектировать отраженное излучение, отражаемое объектом измерения, и устройство измерения уровня глюкозы в крови, выполненное с возможностью измерять уровень глюкозы в крови объекта измерения. В качестве волнового числа измерения уровня глюкозы в крови для измерения уровня глюкозы в крови используется волновое число между множеством волновых чисел пиков поглощения глюкозы. 3 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 50 ил.

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007146448A

... 1. Устройство для наблюдения биологических объектов, содержащее: ! осветительную секцию, которая излучает свет на живой организм, который является объектом, подлежащим исследованию; ! секцию съемки изображения, которая фотоэлектрически преобразует свет, отраженный от живого организма, на основании излучаемого света и формирует снятый сигнал изображения; и ! секцию управления обработкой сигналов, которая управляет операциями осветительной секции и/или секции съемки изображения и выдает снятый сигнал изображения в устройство отображения, при этом секция управления обработкой сигналов содержит: ! секцию формирования спектрального сигнала, которая формирует спектральный сигнал, соответствующий оптическому изображению в узкой полосе длин волн, исходя из снятого сигнала изображения, посредством обработки сигналов; ! секцию регулировки цвета, которая при выдаче спектрального сигнала в устройство отображения назначает отличающийся цветовой тон для каждой из множества полос, формирующих спектральный ...

27-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014111041A

... 1. Система (1a, 1b, 1c) администрирования данных, содержащая:- сенсорный блок (10) для удаленного получения данных изображения, по меньшей мере, части тела живого существа (2),- блок (12) выделения основных показателей состояния организма для выделения одного или более основных показателей состояния организма упомянутого живого существа (2) из удаленно полученных данных изображения упомянутого живого существа (2),- блок (14) выделения признаков для выделения одного или более признаков упомянутого живого существа (2) из удаленно полученных данных изображения упомянутого живого существа (2),- идентификационный блок (16) для определения индивидуального обозначения упомянутого живого существа (2) с использованием упомянутого одного или более выделенных признаков упомянутого живого существа (2) и- блок (18) взаимосвязи данных для установления связи одного или более выделенных основных показателей состояния организма упомянутого живого существа (2) с определенным индивидуальным обозначением упомянутого ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013136493A

... 1. Устройство (100) для оптического анализа ассоциированной ткани (116), при этом устройство содержит:- спектрометр (102) для получения данных измерений, характеризующих оптический спектр ассоциированной ткани (116), причем спектрометр содержит- источник (104) света,- приемник (106) оптического излучения,- процессор (110), и- базу данных (114), при этом упомянутая база данных функционально соединена с процессором (110), причем база данных (114) содержит предварительно заданные данные, характеризующие оптический спектр желчи человека,причем процессор (110) выполнен с возможностью- приема данных измерений,- определения, по данным измерений и предварительно заданным данным, характеризующим оптический спектр желчи человека, первого параметра, являющегося признаком концентрации желчи в упомянутой ассоциированной ткани (116), и- определения, по первому параметру, второго параметра, являющегося признаком типа ткани.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором процессор (110) дополнительно выполнен с возможностью ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015102162A

... 1. Биопсийное устройство, содержащее:стержень (10) и трубчатый элемент (50), при этом стержень размещается с возможностью перемещения внутри трубчатого элемента,причем стержень имеет продольную ось (14) и дистальный конец (12), причем на дистальном конце стержня сформирован скос (30), причем скос обращен вверх,причем, по меньшей мере, два канала сформированы внутри стержня (10) в продольном направлении стержня, причем каждый канал формирует отверстие в скошенной поверхности, причем оптическое волокно (40) размещается внутри каждого из каналов, ипричем углубление (20) сформировано в стержне рядом с дистальным концом стержня;характеризующееся тем, что углубление обращено в боковом направлении; причем, направление вверх и боковое направление являются направлениями, которые взаимно смещены в окружном направлении вокруг продольной оси (14) стержня.2. Биопсийное устройство по п. 1, в котором расстояние (45) между двумя отверстиями в скошенной поверхности больше, чем диаметр стержня.3. Биопсийное ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016000119T5
Автор: CHIBA TORU, Chiba, Toru

Eine Analysevorrichtung gemäß einer Ausführungsform der vorliegenden Erfindung umfasst: eine Lichtquellenvorrichtung; einen Bildsensor, der durch Aufnehmen eines Bilds von durch von der Lichtquellenvorrichtung erzeugtes Licht beleuchtetem biologischem Gewebe Farbbilddaten erzeugt; eine Einheit zur Berechnung eines Indikators, die auf der Grundlage der Farbbilddaten einen Indikator X berechnet, der eine Eigenschaftsgröße Q des biologischen Gewebes aufzeigt, und eine Einheit zur Ermittlung einer Eigenschaftsgröße, die auf der Grundlage des Indikators X die Eigenschaftsgröße Q ermittelt. Die Einheit zur Ermittlung einer Eigenschaftsgröße umfasst eine Beitragsberechnungseinheit, die auf der Grundlage von mindestens zwei Farben unter in den Farbbilddaten enthaltenen Einzelfarbbilddaten einen Beitrag C, den Beitrag C der Streuung in einer spektralen Kennlinie des biologischen Gewebes, berechnet. Ebenso ermittelt die Einheit zur Ermittlung einer Eigenschaftsgröße auf der Grundlage des Indikators ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Messvorrichtung für biologisches Material

Номер: DE112017006565T5

Eine Steuerung korrigiert ein Spektrum S (λ), das bei einer Wellenlänge λ des Signallichts erfasst wird, zu S' (λ) gemäß den folgenden Ausdrücken:undwobei 11 die Intensität des bei der Wellenlänge λ1 von Referenzlicht erfassten Infrarotlichts und 12 die Intensität der bei einer Wellenlänge λ2 von Korrekturlicht erfassten Infrarotlichts ist.

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060317085D1

14-12-1995 дата публикации

Gerät zur Untersuchung von Gewebe in vivo

Номер: DE0004420599A1

An apparatus for in vivo examination of tissues has a light source (4, 41 to 4n) for generating light of various wavelengths ( lambda , lambda 1 à lambda n), a light output zone (2) through which the light generated by the light source (4, 41 to 4n) during operation of the apparatus exits and falls on the tissues to be examined, and a light input zone upon which falls the light emanating from the examined tissues during operation of the apparatus. The light with various wavelengths ( lambda , lambda 1 à lambda n) falling through the light input zone is supplied to image generating means that generate an image of the area from which light is emitted into the light input zone, and to a spectroscopic device with display and evaluation means (6, 14). Optics (8, 16, 17) associated with the light input zone receive light from a narrow area whose dimensions do not exceed those of the light input zone (2).

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Detektieren eines Fahrerzustands basierend auf biometrischen Signalen des Fahrers

Номер: DE102016123159A1

Eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Detektieren von biometrischen Signalen eines Fahrers und Klassifizieren des Fahrers in einen Normalzustand oder einen Ermüdungszustand basierend auf den biometrischen Signalen sind vorgesehen. Eine derartige Vorrichtung kann aufweisen: einen biometrische-Signal-Messteil (100), der konfiguriert ist, um die biometrischen Signale einschließlich einer Blutflussrate im Gehirn des Fahrers mittels einer Elektroenzephalografie (EEG), einer Elektrokardiografie (EKG) und einer funktionellen Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (fNIRS) des Fahrers zu messen, einen biometrisches-Signal-Integrierteil (110), der konfiguriert ist, um die gemessenen biometrischen Signale zu integrieren, Charakteristiken der jeweiligen biometrischen Signale aus den gemessenen biometrischen Signalen zu extrahieren und die extrahierten Charakteristiken dann zu integrieren oder die extrahierten Charakteristiken der biometrischen Signale zu klassifizieren und dann die klassifizierten Charakteristiken ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Biometriksensorfusion für die Klassifizierung des Zustands eines Fahrzeuginsassen

Номер: DE102019201695A1

Ein neuronales Netz wird in einer Fahrzeugkomponente verwendet, um den Stresspegel oder Erregungspegel eines Fahrzeuginsassen zu bestimmen. Sensoren in der Fahrzeugkabine und zum Beispiel in dem Sitz erfassen biologische Eigenschaften des Insassen wie z.B. neuroelektrische Signale, kardiale Eigenschaften, die Körpertemperatur usw. Das neuronale Netz kann den emotionalen Zustand des Insassen in Echtzeit berechnen und klassifizieren. Das Fahrzeug kann Warnungen, Indikatoren und Stressgegenmaßnahmen auslösen, wenn der Insasse einen Schwellwert überschreitet. Die Gegenmaßnahmen können eine visuelle und akustische Rückmeldung in der Fahrzeugkabine umfassen. Das neuronale Netz kann historische emotionale Zustände des Insassen vorsehen, die durch das Navigationssystem verwendet werden können, um Fahrtabschnitte zu vermeiden, die unerwünschte emotionale Zustände des Insassen auslösen können.

20-02-2003 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur bildgebenden und spektroskopischen Diagnose von Gewebe

Номер: DE0010136191A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur bildgebenden und spektroskopischen Diagnose von Gewebe unter alternativer oder kombinierter Anwendung von drei Diagnosemethoden, nämlich einem Modus A zur bildgebenden Weißlichtdiagnose, einem Modus B zur bildgebenden Fluoreszenzdiagnose und einem Modus C zur fluoreszenzspektroskopischen Diagnose. Die Vorrichtung weist ein erstes Leuchtmittel auf, dessen Licht als Strahlenbündel über einen ersten Strahlengang in einen zu einem Endoskop führenden Lichtleiter eingekoppelt werden kann und ein zweites Leuchtmittel, dessen Licht als Strahlenbündel über einen zweiten Strahlengang in denselben Lichtleiter eingekoppelt werden kann. Im ersten Strahlengang ist ein die Bündelöffnung weitendes Element für das in den Lichtleiter eintretende Lichtstrahlenbündel angeordnet und im zweiten Strahlengang ist ein die Bündelöffnung begrenzendes Element für das in den Lichtleiter eintretende Lichtstrahlenbündel angeordnet. In den beiden Strahlengängen sind außerdem ...

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Spectral imaging using single-axis spectrally dispersed illumination

Номер: GB0201413600D0

17-11-2021 дата публикации

Spectral analysis of a sample

Номер: GB0002594980A

Spectral analysis of a sample, for example Raman spectroscopy of pharmaceutical dosage forms e.g. tablets or capsules, uses delivery optics 16 to direct probe light to a region 13 of the sample 12, collection optics 20 to collect probe light scattered from a region 17 of the sample, and a spectrometer 26 having an entrance port 28, the spectrometer receiving the collected probe light from the collection optics at the entrance port, and detecting spectral features in the received probe light. The collection optics comprise Koehler integration optics 100 to process the collected probe light such that the collected light from each point of the collection region is distributed across the entrance port of the spectrometer. The collection optics may include an optical fibre bundle 32, collimator lenses and spectral filters. The spectral filters may block wavelengths of the probe light but allow Raman scattered wavelengths to pass.

06-03-2013 дата публикации

Optical apparatus for use with a medical imager

Номер: GB0201301280D0

31-08-2005 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for quantifying tissue histology

Номер: GB0002411467A

This PCT Application to be published without Abstract.

11-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009121230D0

10-02-2016 дата публикации

Spectral imaging using single-axis spectrally dispersed illumination

Номер: GB0002528864A

A system for performing spectral imaging of a target sample comprises a broadband illumination source, optically manipulated such that it produces a generally collimated beam; a spectrally dispersing element, such as a diffraction grating, aligned such that the beam is spectrally spread along the target sample in a first (x) direction; a focussing element such as a cylindrical lens disposed and oriented such that the spectrally dispersed beam is focused onto the target sample only in the first (x) direction, such that the dispersed beam illuminates a two-dimensional area of the target sample; and a two-dimensional imaging array disposed such that it captures two dimensional images of the target sample as the illumination beam is scanned relative to the sample in the first (x) direction. A spectral cube may be assembled incorporating the spectral data for each imaged location. The illumination of a two-dimensional area enables the use of a higher intensity illumination source than with spectrally ...

27-09-2017 дата публикации

Optical probes for corridor surgery

Номер: GB0002548779A

Optical probes for port-based corridor surgery are provided, including a device comprising: a surgical tool mounting adaptor configured for mounting to a surgical tool; an optical probe attached to the surgical tool mounting adaptor, the optical probe comprising: an optical interface end; an optical output end, distal the optical interface end, the optical output end comprising illumination optics and collection optics, the illumination optics configured to illuminate tissue proximal the optical output end, the collection optics configured to collect an optical signal from the tissue; one or more illumination optical fibers configured to convey illumination light from the optical interface end to the illumination optics; and, one or more collection optical fibers configured to convey the optical signal collected by the collection optics to the optical interface end.

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Deformable and shape-able surgical lighting device and system

Номер: GB0002553718A

The present disclosure provides a conductor-less, shape-able surgical lighting system for use in surgical applications in which a medical clinician, once having established a surgical site, can shape the lighting system to selectively illuminate desired volumes of the surgical site. The system includes one or more preselected lengths of an elongate light emitting member formed of a transparent elastomer matrix material having a glass transition temperature of lower than or substantially equal to room temperature to render the elongate light emitting member bendable and shape-able. Embedded in the transparent elastomer matrix material are particles of a transparent material having a refractive index different from a refractive index of the matrix material dispersed in the elastomer matrix material so that light coupled into the elongate light emitting member is scattered and refracted out of the elongate light emitting member along its length. One end of the elongate light emitting member ...

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Spectral emission device for health examination

Номер: GB0002570188A

A spectral emission device suitable for health examination (such as muscle oxygen saturation Sm02) comprises a base 1, power interfaces 2 and a plurality of LED lamps 3 of different wavelengths. The power interfaces are disposed on one side of the base, and are electrically connected to one of the LED lamps. The LED lamps are evenly distributed on an end surface of the base. The power interface may comprise a notched anode port 4 and a plurality of cathode ports, wherein one of the LEDs is connected between any one of the cathode ports and the anode port. There may be five LEDs, having wavelengths of 660nm, 730nm, 850nm, 810nm and 940nm. The LEDs with wavelengths of 660nm, 730nm and 850nm may be disposed on one side of the base, and the LEDs having wavelengths of 810nm and 940nm may be disposed on another side of the base. The anode port may be disposed on the same side of the base as the LEDs having wavelengths of 810nm and 940nm.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Spinal phantom and spinal navigation

Номер: GB0201107691D0

08-06-2005 дата публикации

Determining the age of skin bruises

Номер: GB0000508840D0

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Analyte Detection apparatus and method of detecting an analyte

Номер: GB0002557311A
Автор: STEFAN BANKE, Stefan Banke

An analyte detection apparatus comprises a radiation source (8, fig 2) for irradiating a sample such as the skin (11, fig 2); and a receiver 10, to receive an optical Raman spectrum of radiation transmitted back from the sample (11, fig 2) in response to the received radiation from the source (8, fig 2). The receiver 10 comprises a plurality of different types of analysis device 181-4 each arranged to receive a selected part of the received optical spectrum transmitted back from the sample (11, fig 2). There may be filtration elements 141-4 to split the energy in dependence on frequency or wavelength and direct selected parts of the spectrum 161-4 to the desired analysis device 18, such that more data may be derived from the most important parts of the spectrum. The analysis devices 18 may include CCD-based and CMOS-based spectrometers, and may have different levels of resolution or signal-to-noise ratio. The apparatus may be used to determine the concentration of an analyte in the blood ...

01-09-2021 дата публикации

Oral care device

Номер: GB0002592524A

An oral care device comprises a head portion and a handle portion. The head portion comprises at least one supporting arm and a base. The supporting arm extends from the base. A sensor is exposed from the supporting arm. The handle portion is configured to move relative to the head portion. The handle portion comprises a processor, wherein the processor is configured to receive signals from the sensor and analyze the signals received from the sensor.

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Spectrometric analysis

Номер: GB0002554180A

A method of spectrometric analysis comprises obtaining one or more sample spectra for an aerosol, smoke or vapour sample. The one or more sample spectra are subjected to pre-processing and then multivariate and/or library based analysis so as to classify the aerosol, smoke or vapour sample. The results of the analysis are used for various surgical or non-surgical applications.

08-07-2020 дата публикации

Superluminescent diode module

Номер: GB0002579801A

A module 5 accommodates multiple superluminescent light emitting diodes (SLEDs) 12. The SLEDs 12 are arranged in an enclosure 10 and output respective light beams to propagate into free space within the enclosure. The individual light beams from the SLED sources are combined into a single beam path within the enclosure using beam combiners 40. Each beam combiner 40 is realised as a planar optical element, the back side of which is arranged to receive an SLED beam and route it through the optical element to the front side where it is combined with another SLED beam that is incident on and reflected by the front side. The free-space propagating combined beam is output from the module via a port, the port may connect to an optical fibre 42 or may be a window in the enclosure. The module can be used as part of an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system, a fundus imaging system or endoscopic imaging system.

18-04-2018 дата публикации

Vein visualization device

Номер: GB0201803402D0

19-12-2018 дата публикации

Spectral emission device for health examination

Номер: GB0201818125D0

30-10-2019 дата публикации

Traumatic brain injury detection

Номер: GB0201913476D0

14-06-2023 дата публикации

An apparatus and method for capturing biometric data from a human or other animal

Номер: GB0002613671A

An apparatus for capturing biometric data from a human or animal includes an ear portion 15 receivable in a subject’s ear 6. The ear portion 15 comprises molecular spectroscopy means 2 to capture biometric data relating to the molecular constituents of blood passing through the ear 6 and/or of ear tissue. The spectroscopy means 2 may be Raman spectroscopy sensors. There may be an integrated, wired or wirelessly connected handheld portion 17 with a display (14, fig 1). The ear portion 15 may be an earphone or earbud. Biometric data may be captured from the ear drum/tympanic membrane 9, ear canal 7, 8 or middle ear. There may be an additional sensor 10 for capturing biometric data from another body part such as an external ear, neck 11 or hand. In another embodiment, the ear portion 15 includes photoplethysmography sensor means for capturing data from non-pigmented ear tissue.

09-11-2022 дата публикации

Hyperspectral imaging method

Номер: GB0002606385A

Spectral modulator 102 modulates broadband light from source 101 to provide a plurality of modulated spectra which illuminate sample 105. A detector, e.g. longwave infrared camera 106, collects spectral image data using a combination of bandpass sampling and non-uniform sampling. The sample is imaged by reconstructing spectral image data, perhaps recorded onto a single spectral mask. The detector may have a 3-14 micron wavelength band. A bandpass filter may be located between the light source and modulator, or modulator and detector. The modulated spectra may be calibrated using a characteristic of the bandpass sampling, and optimised using a Fourier-transform or bandpass sampling characteristic of the spectral image data. Non-uniform sampling may involve selecting variable density sampling of points so that spectral image data is sampled at less that 25% of the Nyquist-limited sampling rate. The hyperspectral image may be reconstructed from a Fourier-transform characteristic of the spectral ...

14-12-2022 дата публикации

Contactless inspection of reproductive cellular structures using optical measurement of biomechanical properties

Номер: GB0002607785A

A method of measuring at least one biomechanical property of a reproductive cellular structure is provided. The method includes illuminating the reproductive cellular structure with radiation; detecting at least a portion of radiation scattered from the illuminated reproductive cellular structure; analyzing a frequency spectrum of the detected scattered radiation to identify at least one Brillouin frequency shift in the frequency spectrum; and determining the at least one biomechanical property based on the Brillouin frequency shift. The method further includes determining a viability index of the reproductive cellular structure based on the at least one biomechanical property.

07-09-2022 дата публикации

Spectrometric analysis

Номер: GB0002602212B
Принадлежит: MICROMASS LTD [GB]

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371413T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475902T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000550984T

15-09-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Überwachung der Wundheilung

Номер: AT0000513325B1

The invention relates to a method and a device for monitoring wound healing by means of at least one sensor which is arranged on or in a wound dressing material (12), wherein the light absorption of the wound (11) is measured at at least two different wound depths.

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505720T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506236A1

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Non-invasive detection of skin disease

Номер: AU2017229690A1

In some aspects, the present disclosure provides methods for identifying a disease in an epithelial tissue of a subject. Methods for identifying a disease in an epithelial tissue comprise the generation of a depth profile of the epithelial tissue using signals generated from the tissue by pulses of light directed towards a surface of the epithelial tissue. In some aspects, the present disclosure provides apparatuses consistent with the methods herein.

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for electrosurgical illumination

Номер: AU2017325877B2
Автор: VAYSER ALEX, Vayser, Alex
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

An illuminated energy device comprising a handle, an illumination element coupled to the handle and disposed continuously and circumferentially about an electrosurgical tip, the electrosurgical tip at a distal end of the handle. The illumination element is preferably adjustably coupled to the handle, and adjustment of the illumination element moves a distal end of the illumination element closer to or further away from a target such as tissue in a surgical field.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Optimizing organic growth using spectrial measurement

Номер: AU2019337093A1

A system for measuring a market performance metric of an animal comprising: a sensor unit that detects an emitted spectrum from the animal wherein the sensor unit filters the received emitted spectra to a set of spectral values; and a memory unit that comprises a set of predetermined chemometric data correlated to at least the market performance metric, wherein the memory unit is correlated to the set of spectral values.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Medical imaging device

Номер: AU2020201748A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An imaging device including: a camera body; a light unit provided in the camera body and including a first light source and a second light source that have characteristics different from each other; and a filter unit including at least one independent filter, and capable of placing the filter on an optical axis of the camera body and displacing the filter from the optical axis of the camera body, wherein the imaging device is configured to conduct successive capturing by capturing an image of an object by the camera body in a state in which the object is illuminated by the light unit with light from the first light source and the filter is placed by the filter unit on an optical axis of the camera body or displaced by the filter unit from the optical axis of the camera body in a first mode, and successively by capturing an image of the object by the camera body in a state in which the object is illuminated by the light unit with light from the second light source and the filter is placed ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Spectral Bioluminescence Tomography Method and System

Номер: AU2020103296A4

The disclosure relates to a multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography (BLT) method and system. This method and system introduces a Log-sum penalty function model into the BLT research. It uses multi-spectral information to increase the effective measurement and reduce the ill-posed characteristic of BLT reconstruction, and establishes a non-convex BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. Further, in order to simplify the solution process of the non-convex model and improve the reconstruction performance, this method uses a non-monotonic accelerate proximal gradient (nmAPG) algorithm to solve the established BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. The method obtains the reconstruction result quickly and accurately. Acquire image data of an organism Estah1ih a finite element rid hsd on ariiired comnited tomngahy (CT) 1 image data of the organism, use a finite element method to determine a diffusion 101 approximation (DA) model of a radiation transmission ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode based diffuse optical spectroscopy tool

Номер: AU2019272601A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Systems and methods for use in detecting health condition of a physiological cavity or passageway are disclosed herein. In one example, the system may include one or more illuminators configured to illuminate a target area with light at discrete wavelengths. The system may additionally include detectors that are configured to receive a reflectance spectrum based on light emitted at discrete wavelengths from tissue and tissue constituents associated with the target area under analysis. Communicatively coupled to the one or more detectors, the processing unit is configured to analyse data associated with the reflectance spectra to produce one or more output values that identify the health condition.

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Assessment of tissue or lesion depth using temporally resolved light scattering spectroscopy

Номер: AU2020226981A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method is described to enhance the ability to evaluate the depth of a tissue component or a lesion having optical properties different from a surrounding tissue using time resolved optical methods. This invention may be particularly suitable for the evaluation of lesion depth during RF ablation (irreversible tissue modification/damage) using specially designed devises (catheters) that deliver heat in a localized region for therapeutic reasons. The technique allows for increased ability to evaluate the depth of the ablated lesion or detect the presence of other processes such as micro-bubble formation and coagulation with higher sensitivity compared to that offered by steady state spectroscopy. The method can be used for in-vivo, real-time monitoring during tissue ablation or other procedures where information on the depth of a lesion or tissue is needed. Exemplary uses are found in tissue ablation, tissue thermal damage, lesion and tissue depth assessment in medical applications.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Negative pressure wound therapy system using eulerian video magnification

Номер: AU2018269113A1
Принадлежит: Patent Attorney Services

Embodiments of tissue monitoring in combination with negative pressure wound therapy systems and methods are disclosed. In some embodiments, a monitoring and therapy system comprises collecting video images of a tissue site and amplifying said video images via Eulerian Video Magnification. Depending upon the changes detected via Eulerian Video magnification, negative pressure wound therapy may be delivered to the tissue site, stopped, or altered in some manner.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Methods, systems, and devices for calibration and optimization of glucose sensors and sensor output

Номер: AU2018332727A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A continuous glucose monitoring system may utilize externally sourced information regarding the physiological state and ambient environment of its user for externally calibrating sensor glucose measurements. Externally sourced factory calibration information may be utilized, where the information is generated by comparing metrics obtained from the data used to generate the sensor's glucose sensing algorithm to similar data obtained from each batch of sensors to be used with the algorithm in the future. The output sensor glucose value of a glucose sensor may also be estimated by analytically optimizing input sensor signals to accurately correct for changes in sensitivity, run-in time, glucose current dips, and other variable sensor wear effects. Correction actors, fusion algorithms, EIS, and advanced ASICs may be used to implement the foregoing, thereby achieving the goal of improved accuracy and reliability without the need for blood-glucose calibration, and providing a calibration-free ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019201325B2

... [00862] Provided herein is the design and synthesis of novel molecular rotor fluorophores useful for detection of amyloid or amyloid like proteins. The fluorophores are designed to exhibit enhanced fluorescence emission upon associating with amyloid or amyloid like proteins as compared to unbound compound. Also disclosed herein are the methods for treating of diseases associated with an amyloid or amyloid like proteins.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for identifying refractive-index fluctuations of a target

Номер: AU2007281932B2

Systems and methods for identifying refractive-index fluctuations of a target are described in this application. One embodiment includes identifying one or more properties of emergent light, the emergent light to be emergent from a target, and determining refractive-index fluctuations of the target based on the one or more properties of the emergent light. The determining refractive-index fluctuations further comprises determining one or more of the variance of the refractive- index fluctuations and the spatial correlation length of the refractive- index fluctuations. The determining refractive-index fluctuations further comprises determining one or more of the variance of the refractive- index fluctuations and the spatial correlation length of the refractive- index fluctuations.

14-05-2009 дата публикации

Wireless flow sensor

Номер: AU2008237586A1

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for recognizing abnormal tissue using the detection of early increase in microvascular blood content

Номер: AU2007254086B2

The present invention, in one aspect, relates to a method of and apparatus for examining a target for tumors or lesions using what is referred to as "Early Increase in microvascular Blood Supply" (EIBS) that exists in tissues that are close to, but are not themselves, the abnormal tissue and in tissues that precede the development of such lesions or tumors. While the abnormal tissue can be a lesion or tumor, the abnofmal tissue can also be tissue that precedes formation of a lesion or tumor, such as a precancerous adenoma, aberrant crypt foci, tissues that precede the development of dysplastic lesions that themselves do not yet exhibit dysplastic phenotype, and tissues in the vicinity of these lesions or pre-dysplastic tissues.

22-09-2011 дата публикации

Flexible carbohydrate-bearing polymer

Номер: AU2006322176B2

A sensor for the detection or measurement of a carbohydrate analyte in fluid comprises components of a competitive binding assay the readout of which is a detectable or measurable optical signal retained by a material that permits diffusion of the analyte but not the assay components, the assay components comprising: a carbohydrate binding molecule labelled with one of a proximity based signal generating/modulating moiety pair; and a carbohydrate analogue capable of competing with the analyte for. binding to the carbohydrate binding molecule, the carbohydrate analogue being a flexible water-soluble polymer comprising: polymerized or co-polymerised residues of monomer units, the monomer unit residues bearing pendant carbohydrate or carbohydrate mimetic moieties and pendant moieties which are the other of the proximity based signal generating/modulating moiety pair.

24-11-2011 дата публикации

Systems and methods for correcting optical reflectance measurements

Номер: AU2006241076B2

We disclose measurement systems and methods for measuring analytes in target regions of samples that also include features overlying the target regions. The systems include: (a) a light source; (b) a detection system; (c) a set of at least first, second, and third light ports which transmit light from the light source to a sample and receive and direct light reflected from the sample to the detection system, generating a first set of data including information corresponding to both an internal target within the sample and features overlying the internal target, and a second set of data including information corresponding to features overlying the internal target; and (d) a processor configured to remove information characteristic of the overlying features from the first set of data using the first and second sets of data to produce corrected information representing the internal target.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Systems, Methods and Computer-Accessible Medium Which Provide Microscopic Images of at Least One Anatomical Structure at a Particular Resolution

Номер: US20120008146A1
Принадлежит: General Hospital Corp

Exemplary embodiments of apparatus, systems and methods can be provided for providing at least one electro-magnetic radiation to at least one sample. For example, a plurality of wave-guiding arrangements can be provided which are configured to (i) provide the electro-magnetic radiation(s), and (ii) at a point of emission of each of the wave guiding arrangements, cause a phase of each of the electro-magnetic radiation(s) to have a predetermined value. The exemplary apparatus can be part of a probe. Further the exemplary apparatus can include an interferometric arrangement provided in communication with the probe and/or be part of the probe.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Device for evaluating condition of skin or hair

Номер: US20120041283A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc

A hand-held device for evaluating skin or hair condition which includes a housing, a hydration meter, and a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs). The hydration meter is supported within the housing and has an external surface portion contactable against skin or hair to measure moisture content. At least one of the LEDs both emits and absorbs light. Advantageously the LEDs include a red, a blue, a green and two infrared wavelength light emitters.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Re-calibration of pre-recorded images during interventions using a needle device

Номер: US20120059251A1

Re-calibration of pre-recorded images during interventions is proposed, utilizing an interventional system comprising an imaging device providing images of an object, a needle device, and a processing device. The needle device comprises a sensor for providing data corresponding to tissue properties. The processing device is adapted to perform an overlay registration of pre-recorded images and live images provided by the imaging device, utilizing the data from the sensor. Thus, the accuracy of an overlay of images is increased.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for analysis and treatment of a body lumen

Номер: US20120078121A1
Принадлежит: Cornova Inc

A catheter for placement within a body lumen, the catheter including a flexible conduit that is elongated along a longitudinal axis, the flexible conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, at least one delivery waveguide and at least one collection waveguide extending along the flexible conduit, a lumen-expanding inflatable balloon disposed about a portion of the conduit, a transmission output of the at least one delivery waveguide and a transmission input of the at least one collection waveguide located within the balloon; and, at least one elongate arm connected to the conduit and positioned within the balloon, the at least one elongate arm radially translatable with respect to the conduit, and wherein at least one of the transmission output and transmission input is coupled to the elongate arm.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for analyzing biological specimens by spectral imaging

Номер: US20120082362A1
Принадлежит: Northeastern University Boston

A method for analyzing biological specimens by spectral imaging to provide a medical diagnosis includes obtaining spectral and visual images of biological specimens and registering the images to detect cell abnormalities, pre-cancerous cells, and cancerous cells. This method eliminates the bias and unreliability of diagnoses that is inherent in standard histopathological and other spectral methods. In addition, a method for correcting confounding spectral contributions that are frequently observed in microscopically acquired infrared spectra of cells and tissue includes performing a phase correction on the spectral data. This phase correction method may be used to correct various types of absorption spectra that are contaminated by reflective components.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

System and method for raman chemical analysis of lung cancer with digital staining

Номер: US20120083678A1
Автор: Amy Drauch, John Maier
Принадлежит: ChemImage Corp

The present disclosure provides for a system and method for diagnosing biological samples that combines the visual staining features familiar to pathologists with the accurate, reliable, and nondestructive capabilities of Raman chemical imaging. The invention disclosed herein may be applied to diagnose lung cancer samples. A method may comprise illuminating a biological sample to generate interacted photons, filtering said interacted photons using a tunable filter, and detecting interacted photons to generate a test Raman data set representative of said sample. The method may further comprise applying at least one chemometric technique and/or a digital stain to said test Raman data set. This test Raman data set may be analyzed to diagnose said sample as comprising at least one of: adenocarcinoma, mesothelioma, and combinations thereof. A system may comprise an illumination source, a tunable filter, and a detector configured to generate a test Raman data set representative of a biological sample.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for providing information useful in the diagnosis of abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract

Номер: US20120136209A1

Disclosed are methods useful for providing information useful in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal abnormalities as well as ingestible devices useful for providing information useful in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal abnormalities.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Common detector for combined raman spectroscopy-optical coherence tomography

Номер: US20120188538A1

In one aspect of the present invention, an apparatus includes a first light source for generating a broadband light, and a second light source for generating a monochromatic light, a beamsplitter optically coupled to the first light source for receiving the broadband light and splitting the received broadband light into a reference light and a sample light, a reference arm optically coupled to the beamsplitter for receiving the reference light and returning the received reference light into the beamsplitter, and a sample arm optically coupled to the beamsplitter and the second light source for combining the sample light and the monochromatic light, delivering the combined sample and monochromatic light to the target of interest, collecting a backscattering light and a Raman scattering light that are generated from interaction of the sample light and the monochromatic light with the target of interest, respectively, returning the backscattering light into the beamsplitter so as to generate an interference signal between the returned backscattering light and the returned reference light in the beamsplitter, and directing the Raman scattering light in an output optical path, and a single detector optically coupled to the beamsplitter for collecting the interference signal.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Intrinsic and swept-source raman spectroscopy

Номер: US20120203114A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention pertains to a method and an apparatus for Raman spectroscopy of human tissue. Human tissue is illuminated with a laser emitting a first wavelength of light. A Raman signal is measured and optical properties are determined at this wavelength such that the measured Raman signal can be corrected based on determined optical properties. Determined optical properties may be the scattering coefficient and absorption coefficient of the tissue. A system for Raman spectroscopy of human tissue includes a frequency sweeping laser light source for illumination, and a filtered detector for collecting the Raman signal.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Optical imaging probes, optical imaging systems, methods of optical imaging, and methods of using optical imaging probes

Номер: US20120220870A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide for radionuclide probes, methods of using the radionuclide probes, methods of detecting an optical signal from radionuclides, methods of detecting an optical signal from a quantum dot(s) that receives optical energy from a radionuclide(s), system for analyzing optical energy emitted by a radionuclide(s), system for imaging a target within a living subject or a sample, methods of imaging a disease or condition, and the like.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Bodily fluid composition analyzer with disposable cassette

Номер: US20120232362A1
Принадлежит: Optiscan Biomedical Corp

Disclosed is an apparatus for analyzing the composition of bodily fluid. The apparatus can include a fluid handling network including a patient end configured to maintain fluid communication with a bodily fluid in a patient and a pump unit in operative engagement with the fluid handling network. The pump unit can have an infusion mode, in which the pump unit is operable to deliver infusion fluid to the patient through the patient end, and a sample draw mode, in which the pump unit is operable to draw a sample of the bodily fluid from the patient through the patient end. The apparatus can include a spectroscopic analyzer positioned to analyze at least a portion of the sample; a processor in communication with or incorporated into the spectroscopic analyzer; and stored program instructions executable by the processor to obtain measurements of two or more properties of the sample.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for endoscopic angle-resolved low coherence interferometry

Номер: US20120281224A1
Автор: Adam Wax, John W. Pyhtila
Принадлежит: Duke University

Fourier domain a/LCI (faLCI) system and method which enables in vivo data acquisition at rapid rates using a single scan. Angle-resolved and depth resolved spectra information is obtained with one scan. The reference arm can remain fixed with respect to the sample due to only one scan required. A reference signal and a reflected sample signal are cross-correlated and dispersed at a multitude of reflected angles off of the sample, thereby representing reflections from a multitude of points on the sample at the same time in parallel. Information about all depths of the sample at each of the multitude of different points on the sample can be obtained with one scan on the order of approximately 40 milliseconds. From the spatial, cross-correlated reference signal, structural (size) information can also be obtained using techniques that allow size information of scatterers to be obtained from angle-resolved data.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to detect coronary artery calcification or disease

Номер: US20120283530A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Coronary artery calcification (CAC) occurs at an earlier age in diabetes and is a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) in subjects with or without diabetes. One postulated mechanism for the increased CAC is the accelerated accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the vasculature. As certain collagen AGEs fluoresce, skin intrinsic fluorescence (SIF) can act as a novel maker of collagen AGEs levels. The present invention provides methods and apparatuses for detecting SIF that can be a useful marker of CAD risk and a therapeutic target.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Tissue imaging system and in vivo monitoring method

Номер: US20120289801A1
Автор: Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

An in vivo monitoring method in a laparoscope system is provided. An object image is sequentially created with expression of a surface color of an object in a body cavity. A lock area (specific area) is determined within the object image, the lock area being movable by following motion of the object. A monitor image including a graph of oxygen saturation is generated according to a part image included in the object image and located in the lock area. The monitor image is displayed. Preferably, the oxygen saturation of the lock area is acquired according to two spectral data with respect to wavelengths of which an absorption coefficient is different between oxidized hemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin in data of the object image. The object is constituted by a blood vessel.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Hand-Held Raman Laser Device for Distant Life-Death Determination by Molecular Peri-Mortem Plume Fuzzy Membership Function

Номер: US20130006062A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

Multiple functional systems are integrated to configure a portable handheld decision-aid device for first responder medics. Fuzzy membership functions of “life” and “death” are used to determine the status of fallen people using remote measurements. EO/IR cameras can be used to detect and identify casualties in a mass injury situation, while also estimating body temperature. Using the temperature, along with the remote estimation of a second vital sign, the life membership proportion can be estimated from the ground truth by using a 2D projection of stable vital signs. The other fuzzy membership function, death, can be estimated by the presence or absence of peri-mortem and post-mortem molecules. These molecules are only released after death and provide a certain indication of death. Solid state UV laser resonance Raman backscattering from these molecules allows the device to analyze the molecules present in a plume around the casualty.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Medical Device for Diagnosis Pressure Ulcers

Номер: US20130030308A1
Автор: Mark B. Friedman
Принадлежит: AugmenTech Inc

Medical device or instrument for diagnosing pressure ulcers using optical reflectance spectroscopy. The device may comprise a tip and a controller. The tip is pressed against the skin of the patient and collects the optical reflectance data. The controller processes the data to determine whether there exists a pressure ulcer and, if there is one, its depth. The tip may also include a pressure sensor for sensing the pressure at which the tip is applied to the patient's skin.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Detection of lipid core plaque cap thickness

Номер: US20130053698A1
Принадлежит: Infraredx Inc

Described are methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer program products for examining a blood vessel wall. The blood vessel wall is illuminated with near-infrared light. Reflected near-infrared light from the blood vessel wall is received. A reflectance spectrum based on the reflected near-infrared light from the blood vessel wall is determined. Whether the reflectance spectrum is indicative of a presence of a lipid core plaque (LCP) by applying an LCP classifier to the reflectance spectrum is determined. A thickness of an LCP cap is determined by applying an LCP cap thickness classifier to the reflectance spectrum if the reflectance spectrum is indicative of the presence of the LCP. Indicia of the thickness of the LCP cap are displayed.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Digital Holographic Method of Measuring Cellular Activity and Measuring Apparatus with Improved Stabililty

Номер: US20130088568A1
Автор: David D. Nolte

Motility contrast imaging (MCI) is a depth-resolved holographic technique to extract cellular and subcellular motion inside tissue. The holographic basis of the measurement technique makes it highly susceptible to mechanical motion. The motility contrast application, in particular, preferably includes increased mechanical stability because the signal is based on time-varying changes caused by cellular motion, which should not be confused with mechanical motion of the system. Apparatus for motility contrast imaging that provides increased mechanical stability is disclosed. It is based on common-path configurations, in which the signal and reference beams share optical elements in their paths to the detector. The two beams share mechanical motions in common, and hence these motions do not contribute to the signal.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Digital Holographic Method of Measuring Cellular Activity and of Using Results to Screen Compounds

Номер: US20130096017A1
Автор: David D. Nolte, Kwan Jeong

Motility contrast imaging (MCI) is a depth-resolved holographic technique to extract cellular and subcellular motion inside tissue. The holographic basis of the measurement technique makes it highly susceptible to mechanical motion. The motility contrast application, in particular, preferably includes increased mechanical stability because the signal is based on time-varying changes caused by cellular motion, not to be confused with mechanical motion of the system. The use of the resulting spectrogram response signatures, or “fingerprint” data, of known compounds is disclosed to screen new compounds for leads as to those having potentially beneficial mechanisms of action. The “fingerprint” data of known toxic compounds can be used to screen new compounds for toxicity.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096395A1
Принадлежит: CORVENTIS, INC.

Methods and apparatus combine patient measurement data with demographic or physiological data of the patient to determine an output that can be used to diagnose and treat the patient. A customized output can be determined based the demographics of the patient, physiological data of the patient, and data of a population of patients. In another aspect, patient measurement data is used to predict an impending cardiac event, such as acute decompensated heart failure. At least one personalized value is determined for the patient, and a patient event prediction output is generated based at least in part on the personalized value and the measurement data. For example, bioimpedance data may be used to establish a baseline impedance specific to the patient, and the patient event prediction output generated based in part on the relationship of ongoing impedance measurements to the baseline impedance. Multivariate prediction models may enhance prediction accuracy. 1. An apparatus to monitor a patient , the apparatus comprising:at least two electrodes coupled to circuitry to measure an impedance of the patient;at least one processor to receive the measured impedance and patient data, the at least one processor configured to determine an output based on the impedance and the patient data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the patient data corresponds to a demographic of the patient.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the patient demographic corresponds to one or more of a gender of the patient claim 2 , an age of the patient claim 2 , or a race of the patient.4. (canceled)5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the patient data corresponds to fat of the patient comprising one or more of a percent body fat of the patient claim 1 , a body mass index claim 1 , a height of the patient claim 1 , a weight of the patient claim 1 , a caliper measure of the fat of the patient claim 1 , a tape measure test of the patient claim 1 , a near infrared interactance claim 1 , images of the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for detecting temple hot spot temperature of a live body

Номер: US20130096437A1
Автор: Vincent Weng
Принадлежит: Radiant Innovation Inc

The present invention discloses a method for detecting temple hot spot temperature of a live body. Firstly, an infrared thermometer is used to continuously scan a temple of testee's forehead to obtain a plurality of measured infrared signals. Next, the measured infrared signals are sequenced from a greatest to a smallest measured infrared signal. Two output infrared signals closest to the greatest measured infrared signal are selected from the sequenced infrared signals. An average signal value is worked out from the selected infrared signals. Then, the average signal value is converted into a temple hot spot temperature of the testee's forehead. Thereby, not only the test result is more precise, but also the testee can learn the test result sooner.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Micro Vein Enhancer

Номер: US20130102905A1

The present invention is a Miniature Vein Enhancer that includes a Miniature Projection Head. The Miniature Projection Head may be operated in one of three modes, AFM, DBM, and RTM. The Miniature Projection Head of the present invention projects an image of the veins of a patient, which aids the practitioner in pinpointing a vein for an intravenous drip, blood test, and the like. The Miniature projection head may have a cavity for a power source or it may have a power source located in a body portion of the Miniature Vein Enhancer. The Miniature Vein Enhancer may be attached to one of several improved needle protectors, or the Miniature Vein Enhancer may be attached to a body similar to a flashlight for hand held use. The Miniature Vein Enhancer of the present invention may also be attached to a magnifying glass, a flat panel display, and the like.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Biological photometric device and biological photometry method using same

Номер: US20130102907A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

The present invention is capable of separating/removing the influence of skin blood flow contained in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signals and extracting a brain- or brain cortex-origin signal. Moreover, the present invention enables versatile separation of brain-origin and skin-origin signals in view of differences among individuals. A biological photometric device, wherein light transmitters and light receivers are located in such a manner that measurement can be conducted at a plurality of source-detector (SD) distances and light received by the individual light-receivers can pass through the gray matter to thereby separate a brain-origin signal and a skin-origin signal. Individual component analysis (ICA) is conducted on data obtained at the individual measurement points. Then, it is determined whether each individual component originates in the brain or in the skin with the use of the SD distance-dependency of the weighted value of each of the separated components.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109975A1

A monolithic device for the non-invasive measurement of optical parameters relating to a biological tissue comprising: at least one light emitter that emits light having a range of wavelengths and/or at least one detector for detecting light in a range of wavelengths transmitted or backscattered by the tissue, wherein one or more structures with sub-wavelength features is formed on the at least one emitter and/or the at least one detector. 1. A monolithic device for non-invasive measurement of optical parameters relating to a biological tissue , the monolithic device comprising at least one of:at least one light emitter that emits light having a range of wavelengths orat least one detector for detecting light in a range of wavelengths transmitted or backscattered by the tissue, wherein one or more structures with sub-wavelength features is formed on the at least one light emitter or the at least one detector.2. A device as claimed in wherein at least two light emitters are provided on the monolithic device.3. A device as claimed in wherein the sub-wavelength features on the at least two emitters are such that light emitted by the at least two emitters is of different wavelengths.4. A device as claimed in wherein at least two detectors are provided on the monolithic device.5. A device as claimed in wherein the at least one light emitter and the at least one detector are provided on the monolithic device.6. A device as claimed in wherein the at least one light emitter and the at least one detector are made of different material.7. A device as claimed in wherein the at least one light emitter or the at least one detector comprise semiconductor material.8. A device as claimed in wherein the semiconductor material is inorganic.9. A device as claimed in wherein the at least one light emitter or the at least one detector comprise emitting or absorbing dyes.10. A device as claimed in wherein the sub-wavelength features form part of one or more gratings.11. A device as ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116573A1
Автор: Herman Cila

A thermal imaging system includes a data processing system and a geometrical scanning system constructed to communicate with the data processing system. The geometrical scanning system is adapted to scan at least a section of a surface of a subject under observation. The thermal imaging system also includes an infrared imaging system constructed to communicate with the data processing system. The infrared imaging system is adapted to image at least a portion of the section of the surface of the subject under observation. The data processing system is configured to receive data from the geometrical scanning system and to construct a surface map of the section of the surface of the subject under observation and to identify geometrical markers on the surface map based on the data from the geometrical scanning system. The data processing system is also configured to receive data from the infrared imaging system and to construct a thermal map of the portion of the section of the surface, to identify thermal markers on the thermal map based on the data from the infrared imaging system, and to register the thermal map to the surface map based on a correspondence between at least some of the geometrical and thermal markers. The data processor is configured to correct temperatures of the thermal map based on the surface map subsequent to the registering. 1. A thermal imaging system , comprising:a data processing system;a geometrical scanning system constructed to communicate with said data processing system, said geometrical scanning system being adapted to scan at least a section of a surface of a subject under observation; andan infrared imaging system constructed to communicate with said data processing system, said infrared imaging system being adapted to image at least a portion of said section of said surface,wherein said data processing system is configured to receive data from said geometrical scanning system and to construct a surface map of said section of said ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123639A1
Автор: Ando Hideo

According to a measuring method or a control method of life activity, a life object is illuminated with an electromagnetic wave including a wavelength in a designated waveband, and a characteristic in a local area of the life object is detected, or a life activity thereof is controlled. This “local area” is an area constituted by one or more cells. The “designated waveband” is defined based on any one of the following phenomena: 1. A detecting method of life activity , comprising:illuminating the life object with an electromagnetic wave of which a wavelength is included in a designated waveband or the wavelength relates to a designated peak; anddetecting the activity at least in a local area in the life object.2. A controlling method of life activity , comprising:illuminating the life object with an electromagnetic wave of which a wavelength is included in a designated waveband or the wavelength relates to a designated peak; andcontrolling the activity at least in a local area in the life object.3. A transmission method of information related to life activity , comprising:illuminating the life object with an electromagnetic wave of which a wavelength is included in a designated waveband or the wavelength relates to a designated peak; andtransmitting information obtained on the basis of detection of the activity at least in a local area in the life object.4. The detecting method of life activity according to claim 1 , wherein:the designated waveband relates to a wavelength of not less than 0.84 μm but not more than 110 μm.5. The detecting method of life activity according to claim 1 , whereinthe designated peak relates to a chemical shift value in a range of not less than δ1.7 ppm but not more than δ4.5 ppm.6. The designated method of life activity according to claim 1 , whereinthe designated waveband is determined on the basis of transition energy between a plurality of states constituted by a specific ground state in the local area which ground state is able to ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Multimodal detection of tissue abnormalities based on raman and background fluorescence spectroscopy

Номер: US20130131488A1
Принадлежит: British Columbia Cancer Agency BCCA

Methods and apparatus for classifying tissue use features of Raman spectra and background fluorescent spectra. The spectra may be acquired in the near-infrared wavelengths. Principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis of reference spectra may be used to obtain a classification function that accepts features of the Raman and background fluorescence spectra for test tissue and yields an indication as to the likelihood that the test tissue is abnormal. The methods and apparatus may be applied to screening for skin cancers or other diseases.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131518A1
Принадлежит: WELCH ALLYN, INC.

A medical instrument including a probe adapted to be inserted into an orifice of an animal's body. The instrument includes an emitter of electromagnetic radiation that is sensed by a sensor mounted on the probe. The sensor can then determine, by variations in the amount of radiation received from the emitter, whether a probe cover is mounted over the probe. A sensor can also be used to determine whether the walls of the body orifice block the radiation received from the emitter, thereby indicating position of the sensor, and thus, the probe within the orifice. A special probe cover is disclosed, and methods of using the medical instrument are also disclosed. 1. A medical instrument includinga support structure;a probe attached on said support structure, said probe possessing an outer peripheral surface and adapted to be inserted into an orifice in an animal's body;a sensor adapted to sense electro-magnetic radiation from a source of said radiation remote from the animal's body, said sensor mounted on said outer peripheral surface of said probe in a position so as to receive said radiation; anda microprocessor operatively connected to said sensor, said microprocessor configured to monitor the magnitude of said radiation sensed by said sensor and to evaluate the degree of any reduction of said monitored magnitude as an indication of the insertion of said probe into the body orifice.2. The medical instrument according to wherein said radiation is substantially different from ambient radiation present in the vicinity of said medical instrument.3. The medical instrument according to wherein said radiation includes ambient radiation in the vicinity of said medical instrument.4. The medical instrument according to wherein said radiation is substantially outside the visible spectrum.5. The medical instrument according to wherein said radiation is substantially within the visible spectrum.6. The medical instrument according to wherein said support structure includes a head ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144134A1
Принадлежит: T2 Biosystems, Inc.

This invention relates generally to NMR systems for in vivo detection of analytes. More particularly, in certain embodiments, the invention relates to systems in which superparamagnetic nanoparticles are exposed to a magnetic field and radio frequency (RF) excitation at or near the Larmor frequency, such that the aggregation and/or disaggregation of the nanoparticles caused by the presence and/or concentration of a given analyte in a biological fluid is detected in vivo from a monitored RF echo response. 1. A nuclear magnetic resonance system for assessing the presence or concentration of an analyte contained in a body fluid of a mammal in-vivo , the system comprising:(a) a sensor suitable for partial or complete implantation within the mammal's body, the sensor comprising structure defining a sample volume and a port, the sample volume containing magnetic particles, and the port allowing the analyte to enter the sample volume and preventing, partly or completely, the magnetic particles from leaving the sample volume, the extent of aggregation of the magnetic particles being indicative of the presence or concentration of the analyte in the sample volume;(b) a reader for disposition outside the mammal's body, the reader providing results based on sensor indication of presence or concentration of the analyte in the sample volume;(c) a magnet or magnetic field generator;(d) a radiofrequency coil for applying a radiofrequency pulse sequence to the sample volume in the presence of a magnetic field provided by the magnet or magnetic field generator; and(e) means for determining the position of the sensor within the mammal's body.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the radiofrequency coil acts as a sensing radiofrequency coil and an excitation radiofrequency coil.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises the radiofrequency coil of (d) or a further radiofrequency coil.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reader comprises the radiofrequency coil of (d) or a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

System and Method For Determining Modified States of Health of Living Tissue

Номер: US20130144151A1

A phenotypic profiling method for drug/dose physiological response of living bodies utilizes feature recognition to segment the information in time-frequency tissue-response spectrograms to construct N-dimensional feature vectors. The feature vectors are used to generate a correlation matrix among a large number of different stimuli in the form of drugs, doses and conditions. Multi-dimensional scaling is applied to the correlation matrix to form a two-dimensional map of response relationships that retains rank distances from the higher-dimensionality feature matrix. The two-dimensional phenotypic profile space displays compact regions indicative of particular physiological responses, such as regions of enhanced active transport, membrane undulations and blebbing. 1. A method for creating a phenotypic profile useful for drug screening , comprising:generating a spectrogram of a differential dynamic physiological response of a living body to a stimuli, including a new drug and condition; andgenerating a feature vector whose elements are obtained by an inner product between a feature mask and the spectrogram, in which the feature mask corresponds to a known response at an isolated region of a frequency-time spectrogram.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the frequencies in the feature mask are obtained through an ensemble average over many spectrograms.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the frequencies in the feature mask are obtained through a level-set approach that is averaged over many spectrograms.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the level-set is set to zero.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feature masks are selected morphometrically using the spectrogram to define its own masked regions.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein quantitative index values are constructed from combinations of individual features.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the quantitative index value is an apoptotic index representative of apoptotic activity in the living sample.8. The method ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150726A1

Featured are methods, apparatus and devices for detecting a hematoma in tissue of a patient. In one aspect, such a method includes emitting near infrared light continuously into the tissue from a non-stationary near infrared light emitter and continuously monitoring the tissue using a non-stationary probe so as to continuously detect reflected light. The near infrared light is emitted at two distances from a brain of the patient, so the emitted light penetrates to two different depths. Such a method also includes applying a ratiometric analysis to the reflected light to distinguish a border between normal tissue and tissue exhibiting blood accumulation. 1. A method for detecting a hematoma , comprising the step(s) of:emitting near infrared light and directing the emitted light towards tissue of a patient;measuring reflected light corresponding to two depths of penetration;obtaining a ratiometric measure of the reflected light corresponding to the two depths of penetration;determining from the obtained ratiometric measure at least the presence of a blood event, the blood event being representative of a blood-tissue injury.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step(s) of:moving an emitter of the near infrared light and a reflected light detection section for detecting the reflected light along an external surface of the tissue; andperforming said steps of emitting, measuring and determining during said step of moving.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said ratiometric measure is representative of a ratio of densities representing the reflected light of the two penetration depths.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said determining includes evaluating the ratiometric measure to distinguish between normal tissue and tissue exhibiting blood accumulation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the blood event is at least one of an intracranial arachnoid hemorrhage a subdural hematoma or an epidural hematoma.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step(s) ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Rapid Diagnosis of A Disease Condition Using Infrared Spectroscopy

Номер: US20130153770A1
Принадлежит: The Ohio State University

Reliable and rapid diagnostic methods for many functional syndromes (FS) such as Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (IC) are not available. Exemplary embodiments include rapid and accurate methods for diagnosing FS in humans and other mammals using infrared microspectroscopy (IRMS). Exemplary methods utilize Soft Independent Modeling by Class Analogy (SIMCA) to create classification models. Exemplary methods utilize classification models to categorize a subject's condition (e.g., healthy/sick and or flare/remission). Using these classification models, various embodiments enable diagnosis based on spectra data from a blood sample or other biomedical specimen. Exemplary embodiments may be useful for rapid diagnosis of IC and various other conditions in humans, cats, and/or other mammals. 1. A method for rapidly diagnosing a disease condition , comprising:receiving a fluid biomedical specimen from a test subject;separating the specimen to obtain a desired fraction;depositing an aliquot of the desired fraction onto a slide;drying the aliquot;collecting infrared spectral data from the aliquot; andidentifying a test subject's condition by analyzing the infrared spectral data using multivariate classification models.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:developing multivariate classification models using previously provided spectra corresponding to reference films of afflicted subjects and non-afflicted subjects.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe drying step further comprises the step of forming a dried film on the slide; andthe collecting step comprises obtaining infrared spectral data from at least two regions of the dried film.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the step of:diluting the specimen to form a specimen-water solution prior to the depositing step.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the specimen-water solution contains at least one part water for each part fluid specimen.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the separating ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System For Diagnosing and Identifying Genetic Features, Genetic and Congenital Syndromes And Developmental Abnormalities

Номер: US20130158437A1
Автор: Moalem Sharon

The invention is a system for diagnosing and identifying of genetic characteristics, genetic syndromes, congenital syndromes, developmental and exposure related syndromes, and veterinary breed characteristics in fetuses, children and adults, in humans and animals. The system takes a set of facial anatomical measurements of an individual target and biological relatives of the individual target, normalizes the facial anatomical measurements, and compares the normalized measurements with a database of set of anatomical features associated with a desired diagnostic data set. 1. A system for the identification and diagnosis of genetic features , genetic syndromes , congenital and developmental abnormalities of a human or animal target , the system comprising:a first data collection module, capable of obtaining facial anatomical measurements of the target;a database of data correlating facial anatomical measurements with a diagnostic data set;a second data collection module, capable of obtaining facial anatomical measurements of biological relatives of the target;a data filter module, capable of comparing the target's facial anatomical measurements with the facial anatomical measurements of the biological relatives to produce a filtered set of target facial measurements;a data processing module, capable of comparing the filtered set of target facial anatomical measurements with the database; anda reporting module, capable of providing a report of the comparison.2. The system of claim 1 , where the diagnostic data set comprises genetic characteristics.3. The system of claim 1 , where the diagnostic data set comprises genetic syndromes.4. The system of claim 1 , where the diagnostic data set comprises congenital syndromes.5. The system of claim 1 , where the diagnostic data set comprises developmental and exposure related syndromes.6. The system of claim 1 , where the diagnostic data set comprises veterinary breed characteristics.7. The system of claim 1 , further ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for displaying the temperature field of a biological subject

Номер: US20130165797A1

Measurements for medical diagnostic purposes measure the temperature of parts of the body to diagnose illnesses and for monitoring dynamics of an illness during treatment. This increases accuracy and clarity and simplifies technical implementation. An image of the region of the body of a biological subject under investigation is input into a computer database, with the image being output to a monitor of the computer, wherein the measurement points for measuring the temperature in the region of the subject under investigation are displayed in the image of the subject on the monitor screen and, once the measurements have been taken and the results of the measurements have been processed in the computer, an image of the temperature field is generated by a computer.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172741A1

An analysis apparatus which analyses a state of a specimen and includes: a temperature adjustment unit which lowers a temperature of the specimen by cooling the specimen; a light source which heats at least a part of the specimen cooled by the temperature adjustment unit, by illuminating the specimen with light; a first temperature measurement unit which measures a temperature change of the specimen caused by the heating by the light source; and an analysis unit which analyzes the state of the specimen based on the temperature change of the specimen. For example, the first temperature measurement unit has an ultrasonic probe which transmits an ultrasonic pulse to the specimen and receives a reflected wave that is the ultrasonic pulse reflected from the specimen, and measures the temperature of the specimen based on a signal of the reflected wave. 1. An analysis apparatus which analyzes a state of a specimen , the apparatus comprising:a temperature adjustment unit configured to lower a temperature of the specimen by cooling the specimen;a light source which heats at least a part of the specimen cooled by the temperature adjustment unit, by illuminating the specimen with light;a first temperature measurement unit configured to measure a change in the temperature of the specimen caused by the heating by the light source; andan analysis unit configured to analyze the state of the specimen based on the temperature change of the specimen.2. The analysis apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first temperature measurement unit includes:an ultrasonic probe which transmits an ultrasonic pulse to the specimen and receives a reflected wave that is the ultrasonic pulse reflected from the specimen; andan ultrasonic wave analysis unit configured to measure the temperature of the specimen based on a signal of the reflected wave received by the ultrasonic probe,the analysis apparatus further comprisesa storage unit configured to store, into a memory unit, the signal of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172753A1
Автор: Angott Paul G.

A multi-modality breast cancer test assembly () of the type for detecting the position of potential breast cancer by performing thermography and optical spectroscopy and ultrasound tests (). A contour recorder () takes and stores a contour-shape of the breast and a first contour analysis program () analyzes the contour-shape to generate and store a 3D model () of the breast having at least one testing coordinate () relative to a mass of the breast. At least one diagnostic program () initiates the diagnostic tests () at the at least one testing coordinate () and a data analysis program () analyzes the spatial interrelationship of said tests () at said testing coordinate () to detect the spatial position of a potential breast cancer within the breast. 1108606264464850. A method of detecting the position of potential cancer in a breast of a patient using a contour recorder () and a plurality of diagnostic tests ( , , ) and a computer () having a processor () and a memory () , said method comprising the steps of;taking and storing a contour-shape of the breast,{'b': 112', '114, 'analyzing said contour shape to generate and store a 3D model () of the breast having at least one testing coordinate () relative to the breast,'}{'b': 60', '62', '64', '114, 'performing a plurality of diagnostic tests (, , ) each having a different modality at the testing coordinate (), and'}{'b': 60', '62', '64', '114, 'characterized by analyzing the spatial relationship of the plurality of diagnostic tests (, , ) at the testing coordinate () to detect the spatial position of a potential breast cancer within the breast.'}212. A method as set forth in claim further comprising the steps of;{'b': 60', '62', '64', '60', '62', '64', '114, 'said performing a plurality of diagnostic tests (, , ) including performing at least one of a thermography test () and an optical spectroscopy test () and an ultrasound test () at the testing coordinate ().'}310822465054561101161201221241261285890100102104106106. ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178748A1
Принадлежит: Novadaq Technologies Inc.

A method is described for computing a statistically significant difference between dysplasia and Barrett's esophagus (both with and without inflammatory component) using a discriminate function with diffuse reflectance measurements performed at a minimum of four different wavelengths of 485, 513, 598, and 629 nm. The discriminate function found depends both on local blood fraction volume Tand oxygenation SO. A pull-back approach of spectral data acquisition is disclosed which takes into account tissue motility in esophagus and measurement geometry peculiarities. The pull-back approach provides a significant improvement of measurement reproducibility and reduction of data deviation by 75-100%, resulting in a better discrimination between different histological groups. 1. A method for assessing cancer risk by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy , comprising the steps of:illuminating tissue with light in a wavelength range that includes at least a portion of the visible spectrum,selecting at least four distinct narrow wavelength bands in the wavelength range of the illumination light,measuring intensity of diffusely reflected light in the at least four distinct narrow wavelength bands at different tissue sampling sites,computing a parameter value with a predetermined linear discriminate function, andassessing malignancy of the tissue based on the computed parameter values from the different tissue sampling sites.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least four distinct narrow wavelength bands include the wavelength 485±5 claim 1 , 513±5 claim 1 , 598±2 claim 1 , 629±5 nm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the diffuse reflectance measured at 485±5 claim 3 , 513±5 claim 3 , 598±2 claim 3 , 629±5 nm is normalized with respect to reflectance in the infrared wavelength range (650-750 nm) where absorption of blood is negligible.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of lifting a measurement probe (pull-back) from close proximity to the tissue surface to a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for decoding sensory and cognitive information from brain activity

Номер: US20130184558A1

Decoding and reconstructing a subjective perceptual or cognitive experience is described. A first set of brain activity data produced in response to a first brain activity stimulus is acquired from a subject using a brain imaging device and converted into a corresponding set of predicted response values. A second set of brain activity data produced in response to a second brain activity stimulus is acquired from a the subject and decoded using a decoding distribution and the probability the second set of brain activity data corresponds to said predicted response values is determined. The second set of brain activity stimuli is then reconstructed based on the probability of correspondence between the second set of brain activity data and the predicted response values.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing an electrophysiological map of the heart

Номер: US20130184569A1

Methods and systems for producing an electrophysiological map of a heart of a patient are disclosed. An example method may include determining a target location and an orientation of a catheter tip, confirming that the tip is located at the target location, measuring the heart parameter value at each of the target locations, and superimposing a plurality of representations of the heart parameter value. Confirmation that the tip of the catheter is located at a target location can be accomplished by comparing the current location of the tip with the target location, a corresponding heart parameter value being measured at each of the target locations by a heart parameter sensor, and the representations of the heart parameter value being superimposed on an image of the heart at the target location to produce the electrophysiological map. 1. A method for producing an electrophysiological map of a heart , the method comprising:reconstructing a three-dimensional model of the heart from a plurality of two-dimensional images, wherein a coordinate system of the three-dimensional model is registered with a medical positioning system coordinate system;for each of a plurality of target points within the heart, determining a target point location associated with the three-dimensional model and a respective target probe orientation at which a heart parameter value is to be measured;for each target point, confirming that a probe of a catheter is located at the target point location by comparing a currently detected location of the probe with the respective target point location;for each target point, confirming that the probe is oriented at the probe orientation by comparing the currently detected orientation of the probe with the respective target probe orientation;for each target point, measuring the heart parameter value with a heart parameter sensor; andproducing the electrophysiological map.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coordinate system of the three- ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Near Infrared Imaging

Номер: US20130184591A1
Автор: TESAR John C.

Endoscopes and wands, useful for near infrared imaging, particularly for medical purposes, have transmitting members that transmit between about 95% and 99.9% of the energy at a wavelength within the infrared spectrum. The wands and endoscopes have at least one channel for transmitting and receiving light in the visible spectrum and at least one channel for transmitting and receiving light in the infrared spectrum. 1. An endoscope or wand device comprising light transmitting members , said light transmitting members comprising an optical coating that transmits between about 95% and about 99.5% of light energy at a wavelength within the infra red spectrum.232-. (canceled) This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/771,288 filed on Feb. 7, 2006, and entitled “Endoscopes and Wands”, U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/793,979 filed on Apr. 20, 2006 and entitled “Endoscopes and wands”, and U.S. Provisional Ser. Application No. 60/828,627 filed on Oct. 6, 2006 and entitled “Endoscopes and Wands”. Each of these applications is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Each of these are incorporated by reference in their entirety.This application relates to endoscopes and similar devices.An endoscope or wand viewing apparatus is usually configured in a way that is well suited for illumination and imaging in visible light.In this background section endoscopes and wand like devices shall be described in terms of their internal working components. In the second portion of the background section the shortcomings of these predicate devices shall be described with respect to their use for laser induced fluorescence imaging.An endoscope is an opto-mechanical imaging device characterized by the following: an objective lens assembly containing an optional deviating prism assembly, a relay system forming a plurality of intermediate images for the case of a rigid endoscope, an ocular, a camera system containing multiple detectors with a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189641A1

A detection device comprises a proximal end and a light-transmitting portion, wherein the proximal end comprises a light detection means and the light-transmitting portion comprises means for transmitting light along a path from a surface of interest to the light detection means. The light transmitting portion is optimised for use in detecting a low light signal generated by fluorescence or luminescence in conditions of ambient light. The device is adapted to detect the presence of a disclosing substance which has been applied to a surface of interest. 1. A detection device comprising a proximal end and a light-transmitting portion , wherein the proximal end comprises a light detection means and the light-transmitting portion comprises means for transmitting light along a path from a surface of interest to the light detection means , characterised in that the light transmitting portion is optimised for use in detecting a low light signal generated by fluorescence or luminescence in conditions of ambient light; and wherein the device is adapted to detect the presence of a disclosing substance which has been applied to a surface of interest.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the light transmitting portion is positioned adjacent to and is adapted to fit around the surface of interest.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the low light signal is detected in close succession to the application of the disclosing substance to the surface of interest.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises an elongate member.5. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the proximal end further comprises a lens.6. A device according to claim 5 , wherein the lens is located at a position along the path for transmitting light from a surface of interest to the light detection means.7. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the means for transmitting light is a prism or reflective surface.8. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a mirror ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190628A1

In order to guide electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range over long distances of several meters with low bending losses and large bandwidth, a device, a system and a method are provided such that electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range can be coupled into a wire having a core structure and at least one confinement structure, wherein the confinement structure extends continuously along a length of the wire. 1. (Currently Amended) A device for guiding electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range , comprising:{'b': 100', '10', '21', '22, 'a wire () having a core structure () and at least one confinement structure (, ),'}{'b': 21', '22', '100', '21', '10', '22', '100', '10, 'wherein the confinement structure (, ) extends continuously along a length of the wire () and includes at least one groove () formed in the core structure () and/or at least one rib () formed along the wire () prominent from the core structure ().'}2102122100102122100100. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the core structure () and the at least one confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) of the wire () are integrally formed and/or wherein the core structure () and the at least one confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) of the wire () are made of the same material and/or wherein the wire () is a profiled wire.3102122. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the core structure () has a substantially circular cross-section and/or the confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) has a substantially triangular and/or rectangular cross-section.42122212210. The device according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein at least one dimension of the confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) has sub-wavelength dimension and/or wherein dimensions of the confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) are smaller than the diameter of the core structure ().5102122. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the core structure () and/or the confinement structure ( claim 1 , ) is made of a conducting material claim 1 ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-modality compact bore imaging system

Номер: US20130204113A1
Автор: Raz Carmi

A multi-modality imaging system ( 100 ) includes a gantry ( 101 ), including at least first and second imaging modalities ( 102, 104 ) respectively having first and second bores ( 113, 112 ) arranged with respect to each other along a z-axis, and a subject support ( 108 ) that supports a subject for scanning. The gantry is configured to alternately move to a first position at which the subject support extends into the first bore of first imaging modality for scanning an extremity of the subject and to a second position at which the subject support extends into the second bore of second imaging modality for scanning the extremity of the subject.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204121A1

The present invention relates to a method and nano-sized particles for image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) of a target tissue. More specifically, the invention relates to nano-sized particles comprising X-ray-imaging contrast agents in solid form with the ability to block x-rays, allowing for simultaneous or integrated external beam radiotherapy and imaging, e.g., using computed tomography (CT). 1. A composition comprising nano-sized particles comprising a solid form of a compound detectable by X-ray imaging for use in image-guided radiotherapy of a target tissue in an individual , the target tissue comprising undesirably growing cells.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the image-guided radiotherapy comprises:a) administering said composition to said individual;b) recording X-ray images of the target tissue to obtain a definition of the target tissue; andc) using the definition of the target tissue obtained in b) to direct radiotherapy to the target tissue;wherein b) and c) are performed sequentially or simultaneously.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles have a half-life in circulation of at least 1 hour.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles have a number average diameter of 10 to 150 nm.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles are selected from the group consisting of liposomes claim 1 , polymersomes claim 1 , dendrimers claim 1 , water-soluble cross-linked polymers claim 1 , hydrocolloids claim 1 , micelles claim 1 , coated metal particles claim 1 , and coated particles wherein the core is a solid salt.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles are liposomes.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles are coated particles where the core comprises a solid metal and/or a solid metal salt.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized particles comprise a shell or ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211208A1

Sensors mounted on a textile include at least one of electrically conductive textile electrodes; single or multiple optically coupled infrared and red emitter and photodiode or photo transistor; and thin film or Resistive Temperature Detector (RTD). Textile electrodes, electrical connections, and electrical functionalization use at least one of nanoparticles, nanostructures, and mesostructures. Conductive thread, for electrical connections, may include a fiber core made from conductive materials such as but not limited to metals, alloys, and graphine structures, and a sheath of insulating materials such as but not limited to nylon, polyester, and cotton. 1. Sensors mounted on a textile , comprising at least one of:a. electrically conductive textile electrodes;b. single or multiple optically coupled infrared and red emitter and photodiode or photo transistor; andc. thin film or Resistive Temperature Detector (RTD).2. Textile electrodes , electrical connections , and electrical functionalization using at least one of nanoparticles , nanostructures , and mesostructures.3. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles claim 2 , nanostructures and mesostructures comprise ink suspensions in organic binders.4. A device according to claim 3 , wherein the ink suspensions in organic binders include acrylic claim 3 , epoxy claim 3 , heat curable claim 3 , and photo curable resins.5. A device according to claim 3 , wherein the ink suspensions are compatible with textile compatible pattern transfer techniques.6. A device according to claim 5 , wherein the patter transfer techniques include screen printing claim 5 , stamping claim 5 , ink jet claim 5 , and gravure.7. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles claim 2 , nanostructures and mesostructures are deposited on textile.8. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the nanoparticles claim 2 , nanostructures and mesostructures are deposited on textile by at least one of flocking and dyeing.9. A ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211246A1
Автор: PARASHER Vinod

Described herein are methods and devices for performing gastrointestinal surgical procedures using near infrared (nIR) imaging techniques. Described herein are imaging systems, endoscopes, and methods making use of near infrared (nIR) imaging techniques. The imaging systems, endoscopes, and methods can be used, for example, in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for visualization of the intraduodenal portion of the bile duct, and in procedures to visualize and to direct treatment of bleeding ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and tumors, for example, a pancreatic mass. 1. An imaging system for an endoscope comprising:a light source capable of emitting near-infrared (nIR) light;an objective lens;an optical filter;an imaging sensor; andan image display unit.2. The imaging system of wherein the light source is capable of emitting nIR light having a wavelength of 800 nm.3. The imaging system of wherein the optical filter is a band-pass filter centered at 830 nm or a long-pass filter excluding light below 810 to 820 nm.4. The imaging system of wherein the light source is further capable of emitting visible light.5. The imaging system of wherein the imaging sensor is a camera.6. The imaging system of wherein the camera is a solid state nIR sensitive camera.7. The imaging system of wherein the image display unit is a monitor.8. The imaging system of wherein said endoscope is adapted for use in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).9. The imaging system of wherein said endoscope is adapted for use in esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).10. An endoscope comprising:a distal portion for insertion into a patient;a proximal portion which is external to the patient; andan imaging system having a light source capable of emitting near-infrared (nIR) light; an objective lens; an optical filter; and an imaging sensor.11. The endoscope of wherein the light source and objective lens are positioned at a distal end of the endoscope.12. The endoscope of ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215428A1
Автор: Ishimaru Ichiro

Multiple rays such as scattered lights and fluorescent lights emitted radially in a variety of directions from each bright point in a measurement area enter an objective lens, where the multiple rays are converted into a parallel beam. The parallel beam is reflected by both a reference mirror unit and an oblique mirror unit, and the reflected beams pass through an imaging lens to form an interference image on a light-receiving surface of a detection unit. The detection of the light intensity of the interference image on the light-receiving surface enables an acquisition of the interferogram (the waveform of the change of imaging intensity) in which the light intensity continuously changes. By Fourier-converting the interferogram, spectral characteristics can be obtained which show the relative intensities for each wavelength of the lights emitted from one bright point of an object to be measured. 1. A spectroscopic measurement device , comprising:a) a division optical system for joining light rays emitted in a variety of directions from a measurement point of an object to be measured to form a beam, and for dividing the beam into a first beam and a second beam;b) an imaging optical system for focusing the first beam and the second beam on a single line that extends in a direction which is different from those of optical axes of the first beam and the second beam so as to form a linear interference image;c) an optical path length difference changer for giving a continuous change of an optical path length difference between the first beam and the second beam;d) a detection unit for detecting a light intensity distribution of the linear interference image along the interference image; ande) a processing unit for obtaining an interferogram of the measurement point of the object to be measured based on the light intensity distribution of the interference image detected by the detection unit and for Fourier-converting the interferogram to obtain a spectrum.2. A ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Interventional In-Situ Image-Guidance by Fusing Ultrasound and Video

Номер: US20130218024A1

An augmentation device for an imaging system has a bracket structured to be attachable to an imaging component, and a projector attached to the bracket. The projector is arranged and configured to project an image onto a surface in conjunction with imaging by the imaging system. A system for image-guided surgery has an imaging system, and a projector configured to project an image or pattern onto a region of interest during imaging by the imaging system. A capsule imaging device has an imaging system, and a local sensor system. The local sensor system provides information to reconstruct positions of the capsule endoscope free from external monitoring equipment. 1. A system for providing visual information for use in guiding the use of an instrument relative to a body during a procedure , comprising:a body imaging system configured to image a body along an image plane,a camera configured to observe a region of imaging during operation of said imaging system, anda projector aligned with said image plane,wherein said camera is aligned off-axis relative to said image plane;wherein said projector is configured to project an image that indicates a location of the image plane;wherein an image recorded by said camera is displayed on a screen, andwherein the system is configured to superimpose guidance information on the camera display such that intersection of the image plane and the plane formed by the superimposed guidance forms a line that corresponds to a desired trajectory of the instrument.21. A system according to wherein the display screen is configured to display the image produced by the imaging system together with the image recorded by said camera.3. (canceled)4. A system for providing visual information for use in guiding the use of an instrument relative to a body during a procedure , comprising:a body imaging system configured to image a body along an image plane,a camera configured to observe a region of imaging during operation of said imaging system, and ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226007A1

The present invention relates to a system and a method for processing data obtained from an input signal () comprising physiological information () representative of at least one at least partially periodic vital signal (). The physiological information () is derivable from visible radiation () reflected by an object (). The system comprises a detector means () for detecting at least one vital signature () in the input signal () and a converter means () for creating an output signal () by modifying the input signal () depending on the detected vital signature (). The output signal () comprises an artificial signature () at least partially replacing a respective vital signature () of the at least one vital signature () of the input signal (). In one embodiment the system further comprises a sensor means () for detecting visible electromagnetic radiation () within at least one particular wavelength range. 124. Privacy preservation system for processing data obtained from an input signal () comprising physiological information derived from visible radiation reflected by an object , the physiological information being representative of at least one at least partially periodic vital signal , the system comprising:a detector means for detecting at least one vital signature in the input signal, wherein the input signal comprises a continuous or discrete sequence of image frames related to a specific signal space, the at least one vital signature varying over time and corresponding to the at least one at least partially periodic vital signal, wherein the at least one at least partially periodic vital signal is selected from the group consisting of heart rate, respiration rate, and heart rate variability, and wherein the at least one at least partially periodic vital signal is obtained from slight variations of skin tone color over time,a converter means for creating an output signal by modifying the input signal depending on the detected vital signature,wherein the output ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231573A1

Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy can be applied to identify preneoplastic lesions of the bronchial tree. Real-time in vivo Raman spectra of lung tissues may be obtained with a fiber optic catheter passed down the instrument channel of a bronchoscope. Using prototype apparatus, preneoplastic lesions were detected with sensitivity and specificity of 96 and 91% respectively. The use of Raman spectroscopy apparatus and methods in conjunction with other bronchoscopy imaging modalities can substantially reduce the number of false positive results. 1. Apparatus for characterization of lung tissues , the apparatus comprising:{'sup': −1', '−1, 'a Raman spectrometer configured to generate a Raman spectrum in the relative wavenumber range of 1500 cmto 3400 cm;'}{'sup': −1', '−1, 'a Raman spectrum analysis unit configured to characterize tissues on the basis of features in the relative wavenumber range of 1500 cmto 3400 cmof the Raman spectrum; and'}a feedback device capable of being driven in response to an output of the Raman spectrum analysis unit to produce a human-perceptible signal indicative of a characterization of the tissues by the Raman spectrum analysis unit.2. Apparatus according to wherein the Raman spectrum analysis unit is configured to process the Raman spectrum to provide smoothed 2order derivative spectrum and to characterize tissues on the basis of features in the smoothed 2order derivative spectrum.3. Apparatus according to wherein the Raman spectrum analysis unit is configured to generate the smoothed 2order derivative spectrum by applying a Savitzky-Golay six point quadratic polynomial to each spectrum.4. Apparatus according to wherein the Raman spectrum analysis unit is configured to process the Raman spectrum by performing a 3-point smoothing operation and to characterize tissues on the basis of features in the 3-point smoothed spectrum.5. Apparatus according to wherein the Raman spectrum analysis unit is configured to base the characterization on first ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Mitigating Noise Affecting a Transcutaneous Signal

Номер: US20130237787A1
Принадлежит: IVWATCH, LLC

A system and method include a sensor overlying a target area of skin to aid in diagnosing subcutaneous fluid leakage. The sensor includes an absorbent that minimizes noise in detected electromagnetic radiation to make it easier to analyze a signal that is indicative of subcutaneous fluid leakage. 1. A method of evaluating an anatomical change over time in perivascular tissue , the method comprising:emitting a first electromagnetic radiation signal through an epidermis; andabsorbing a second electromagnetic radiation signal, the second electromagnetic radiation signal being a first portion of the first electromagnetic radiation signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected by the epidermis.2. The method of wherein the second electromagnetic radiation signal impinges on a surface of a housing claim 1 , and absorbing the second electromagnetic radiation signal includes the housing absorbing the second electromagnetic radiation signal.3. The method of wherein emitting the first electromagnetic radiation signal includes a first end face of a first optical fiber emitting the first electromagnetic radiation signal claim 2 , and detecting the third electromagnetic radiation signal includes a second end face of a second optical fiber detecting the third electromagnetic radiation signal claim 2 , and the surface cinctures the first and second end faces.4. The method of claim 3 , comprising potting the first and second optical fibers in the housing.5. The method of wherein potting the first and second optical fibers includes cincturing at least portions of the first and second optical fibers with an electromagnetic radiation absorbing material.6. The method of wherein potting the first and second optical fibers includes injecting epoxy into the housing.7. The method of wherein emitting the first electromagnetic radiation signal comprises a first end face of a first optical fiber emitting the first electromagnetic radiation signal.8. The method of wherein ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237841A1

A medical instrument that comprises: a first-stage optic responsive to a tissue surface of a patient; a spectral separator optically responsive to the first stage optic and having a control input; an imaging sensor optically responsive to the spectral separator and having an image data output; aid a diagnostic processor having an image acquisition interface with an input responsive to the imaging sensor and a filter control interface having a control output provided to the control input of the spectral separator. 1. A multispectral or hyperspectral medical instrument comprising:{'b': 36', '46, '(A) an optical acquisition system () comprising an image sensor () that is configured to acquire multispectral, hyperspectral, or ultraspectral images; and'}{'b': '38', 'claim-text': [{'b': '54', '(i) a general-purpose operating module () having output to a display,'}, {'b': 50', '46, '(ii) an image acquisition interface () having an input responsive to the output of the image sensor () and further having an image acquisition interface output that is provided to the general-purpose processing module, and'}, {'b': 56', '50, '(iii) instructions for applying any one of a plurality of diagnostic protocol modules () to the image acquisition interface output provided from the image acquisition interface (), wherein each respective diagnostic protocol module in the plurality of diagnostic protocol modules is adapted to detect a particular characteristic of the surface of one or more types of tissue through the application of filtering and acquiring instructions associated with the respective diagnostic protocol.'}], '(B) a diagnostic processor () comprising2364046. The multispectral or hyperspectral medical instrument of claim 1 , wherein the optical acquisition system () comprises a first-stage imaging optic () in optical communication with the image sensor () claim 1 , the first-stage imaging optic including an adjustable lens.346. The multispectral or hyperspectral medical ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Mitigating Noise Affecting a Transcutaneous Signal

Номер: US20130237856A1
Принадлежит: IVWatch LLC

A system and method include a sensor overlying a target area of skin to aid in diagnosing subcutaneous fluid leakage. The sensor includes an absorbent that minimizes noise in detected electromagnetic radiation to make it easier to analyze a signal that is indicative of subcutaneous fluid leakage.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237860A1
Автор: Ince Can
Принадлежит: MicroVision Medical Holding BV

The present application discloses systems and methods for the comprehensive monitoring of the microcirculation in order to assess the ultimate efficacy of the cardiovascular system in delivering adequate amounts of oxygen to the organ cells. In some cases, system embodiments may utilize reflectance avoidance by reflectance filtering, such as OPS imaging or Mainstream Dark Field imaging, or by Sidestream Dark Field imaging, which utilizes external direct light on the tip of the light guide to achieve reflectance avoidance whereby incident and reflected light do not travel down the same pathway. 1. A handheld system for sidestream dark field analysis of tissue beneath a tissue surface , comprising:an elongate body portion including an imaging passage extending along a length of the elongate body portion;one or more illumination passages which are disposed radially about the imaging passage within the elongate body portion and which are optically isolated from the imaging passage along an entire length of the imaging passage for surface reflection avoidance or reduction when an examination tip of the elongate body portion is proximate the tissue surface;a plurality of light sources which are disposed in optical communication with the one or more illumination passages and which are configured to project light onto a first tissue site via the one or more illumination passages; andan analysis section optically coupled to the imaging passage and configured to capture data of tissue beneath the tissue surface from a second tissue site different from and adjacent to the first tissue site.2. The system of further comprising at least one isolation surface which is configured to optically isolate an illumination field of the first tissue site from an imaging field of the second tissue site.3. The system of further comprising a disposable detachable cap disposed over a distal portion of the elongate body portion having a distal window configured to allow illumination and imaging ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253330A1
Автор: Demos Stavros G.

A method is described to enhance the ability to evaluate the depth of a tissue component or a lesion having optical properties different from a surrounding tissue using time resolved optical methods. This invention may be particularly suitable for the evaluation of lesion depth during RF ablation (irreversible tissue modification/damage) using specially designed devises (catheters) that deliver heat in a localized region for therapeutic reasons. The technique allows for increased ability to evaluate the depth of the ablated lesion or detect the presence of other processes such as micro-bubble formation and coagulation with higher sensitivity compared to that offered by steady state spectroscopy. The method can be used for in-vivo, real-time monitoring during tissue ablation or other procedures where information on the depth of a lesion or tissue is needed. Exemplary uses are found in tissue ablation, tissue thermal damage, lesion and tissue depth assessment in medical applications. 1. An optical time-resolved method for real-time evaluation of at least one in-vivo cardiac tissue lesion formation parameter , comprising:producing a lesion in in-vivo cardiac tissue;simultaneously with the step of producing a lesion, directing a pulse of optical interrogation radiation onto a first tissue site of said in-vivo cardiac tissue to produce induced radiation;collecting said induced radiation to produce collected radiation having at least one signal temporal profile of intensity versus time;quantifying a difference between signal data from said at least one signal temporal profile and reference data from at least one reference temporal profile to produce at least one quantification parameter (QP); anddetermining, from said QP, at least one instantaneous condition of said in-vivo cardiac tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an ablation catheter configured for delivering ablation energy to said in-vivo cardiac tissue to produce said lesion claim 1 , ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253331A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A method and apparatus for reducing the effects of noise on a system for measuring physiological parameters, such as, for example, a pulse oximeter. The method and apparatus of the invention take into account the physical limitations on various physiological parameters being monitored when weighting and averaging a series of measurements. Varying weights are assigned different measurements, measurements are rejected, and the averaging period is adjusted according to the reliability of the measurements. Similarly, calculated values derived from analyzing the measurements are also assigned varying weights and averaged over adjustable periods. More specifically, a general class of filters such as, for example, Kalman filters, is employed in processing the measurements and calculated values. The filters use mathematical models which describe how the physiological parameters change in time, and how these parameters relate to measurement in a noisy environment. The filters adaptively modify a set of averaging weights to optimally estimate the physiological parameters. 1. A noninvasive physiological monitor comprising: a signal processor communicating with a detector responsive to light attenuated by body tissue , said detector producing a detector output waveform , said signal processor receiving said detector output waveform and configured to transform said detector output waveform into spectral data , said signal processor further configured to identify spectral peaks and frequencies corresponding to said spectral peaks from said spectral data , and configured to apply a plurality of rules to said spectral peaks and said corresponding frequencies in order to determine a pulse rate estimate.2. The noninvasive physiological monitor of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said plurality of rules compares amplitude information and frequency information about said spectral peaks.3. The noninvasive physiological monitor of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said plurality of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253335A1
Принадлежит: DERMASENSOR, INC.

A non-invasive, optical method and device for the detection of melanoma in skin lesions. The detection of the presence of melanoma is accomplished optically by looking for specific changes (signatures) in the spectrum of optical light elastically scattered off melanoma molecules. Elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS) converts subcellular morphological changes into scattering spectrum signatures. A melanoma discrimination analysis is performed by illuminating the lesion with a handheld device that also collects a portion of the scattered light, converts it into digital signals, analyzes the requisite spectral signatures, and provides a logical output showing the user the presence (or absence) of melanoma in the subject lesion. 1. A process for the optical detection of melanoma lesions comprising:illuminating a segment of skin sequentially with N frequencies of light, wherein each of the N frequencies are within a range of approximately 300 nm and 950 nm;receiving an elastic scattering spectrum from the segment of skin at each of the N frequencies;determining a measure of reflectance of the received elastic scattering spectrum over the N frequencies;comparing the measure of reflectance of the received elastic scattering spectrum over the N frequencies to a measure of reflectance indicative of the presence of melanoma; anddisplaying a message indicative of the presence or absence of melanoma based on the comparing.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the measure of reflectance comprises a measure of a rate of change of an intensity measure between two of the N frequencies.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the measure of reflectance comprises an area determined by two or more of the N frequencies.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the N Frequencies are taken from the group consisting of 355 nm claim 1 , 405 nm claim 1 , 420 nm claim 1 , 445 nm claim 1 , 532 nm claim 1 , 600 nm claim 1 , 635 nm claim 1 , 650 nm claim 1 , 700 claim 1 , nm claim 1 , 780 claim 1 , nm and ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253336A1
Принадлежит: GE Healthcare Finland OY

A sensor for measuring a concentration of a respiratory gas component is disclosed herein. The sensor comprises at least one radiation source configured to emit radiation and at least one radiation sensing detector configured to receive radiation and provide a signal indicative of the concentration of the gas component. The sensor further comprises an electronics board configured to receive and process the signal to determine the concentration, and an energy storage device configured to supply energy to the radiation source. The electronics board is configured to choose from among at least two different modes, one being an operation mode allowing sufficient energy supply to the radiation source, and another being a rest mode allowing reduced energy supply compared to the operation mode to limit radiation for saving energy within the breathing cycle. A gas analyzer and method for measuring a concentration of a respiratory gas component are also provided. 1. A sensor for measuring a concentration of at least one respiratory gas component in a breathing gas , which concentration is varying during a breathing cycle having an inspiration phase , an expiration phase and a phase between the inspiration and expiration , the sensor comprising:at least one radiation source configured to emit radiation;at least one radiation sensing detector configured to receive radiation and provide a signal indicative of the concentration of the at least one respiratory gas component;an electronics board configured to receive and process the signal from the at least one radiation sensing detector to determine the concentration of the at least one respiratory gas component; andan energy storage device configured to supply energy to the at least one radiation source;wherein the electronics board is configured to choose from at least a first and a second t energy supply mode to the at least one radiation source, wherein the first energy supply mode is an operation mode configured to allow ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Indicating the Emergence of an Ulcer

Номер: US20130261495A1
Принадлежит: PODIMETRICS Inc

A method of monitoring a patient's foot forms a thermogram of the sole of at least one foot of the patient, and determines whether the thermogram presents at least one of a plurality of prescribed patterns. The method also compares the thermogram against a prior thermogram of the same foot, and produces output information indicating the emergence of an ulcer on a given portion on the at least one foot as a function of 1) whether the thermogram is determined to present the at least one pattern, and 2) the comparison with the prior thermogram, which shows non-ulcerated tissue at the given location.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Comprehensive measuring method of biological materials and treatment method using broadly tunable laser

Номер: US20130267855A1
Принадлежит: SWAT Inc

A noninvasive method for measuring biological materials which is configured to enable an immediate diagnosis is used in an analytical absorption spectroscopy apparatus including a broadly tunable infrared laser oscillation device, a photodetection device, and an analysis device. The method applies an infrared ray to an analyte organism while tuning the wavelength from the laser oscillation device with or without the ray going through a nonlinear optical device. The photodetection device detects a reflected beam, a transmitted beam, or a scattering beam from the organism or ultrasound generated within the organism by using the detection device. The analysis device analyzes a signal input by the photodetection device.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274596A1
Принадлежит: Children's National Medical Center

System and method for tracking and control in medical procedures. The system including a device that deploys fluorescent material on at least one of an organ under surgery and a surgical tool, a visual light source, a fluorescent light source corresponding to an excitation wavelength of the fluorescent material, an image acquisition and control element that controls the visual light source and the fluorescent light source, and captures and digitizes at least one of resulting visual images and fluorescent images, and an image-based tracking module that applies image processing to the visual and fluorescent images, the image processing detecting fluorescent markers on at least one of the organ and the surgical tool. 1. A system for tracking and control in medical procedures , the system comprising:a device configured to deploy fluorescent material on at least one of an organ under surgery and a surgical tool;a visual light source;a fluorescent light source corresponding to an excitation wavelength of the fluorescent material;an image acquisition and control element configured to control the visual light source and the fluorescent light source, and configured to capture and digitize at least one of resulting visual images and fluorescent images; andan image-based tracking module configured to apply image processing to the visual and fluorescent images, the image processing detecting fluorescent markers on at least one of the organ and the surgical tool.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a surgical robot; anda visual servoing control module configured to receive tracking information from the image-based tracking module and to control the surgical robot, based on the tracking information, to perform a surgical operation.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:a manual control module configured to enable manual control of the surgical robot in place of control by the visual servoing control module.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the visual servoing ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274612A1
Автор: Cuccia David

Method and apparatus for obtaining qualitative and quantitative analysis of the optical properties or structures of tissue or turbid medium at one or more wavelengths via 1) detection at a single spatial location on the surface of a turbid medium (such as tissue) under two or more structured light conditions or 2) detection at two or more spatial locations on the surface under a single structured light condition. 1. An apparatus for determining surface or sub-surface optical properties and/or structures of a sample of turbid media over an area of the sample comprising:a source to expose the area of the sample to one structured illumination;one or more single element detectors configured to receive optical signals from one or more spatial locations on the surface of the sample; anda signal processor coupled to the one or more single element detectors and configured to reconstruct the optical data from one or more spatial locations.2. The apparatus of wherein the signal processor is a computer.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The apparatus of wherein the source is configured to generate one structured light condition.7. The apparatus of wherein the one or more single element detectors comprise two or more spatially diverse single element detectors configured to collect remitted light signals from two or more spatially diverse locations.8. (canceled)9. The apparatus of wherein the single element detector is the entrance pupil for an optical relay device.10. The apparatus of wherein the optical relay device is an optical fiber.11. The apparatus of wherein an individual one of the one or more spatial locations comprises a region on the order of a feature of the one structured illumination.12. The apparatus of wherein an individual one of the one or more spatial locations comprising comprises a region on the order of or smaller than a feature of the one structured illumination.13. The apparatus of wherein an individual one of the one or more spatial locations ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295192A1

A system and method for identifying metabolic activity within the heart muscle (myocardium). Metabolic activity is determined through spectrographic analysis of the myocardium. More particularly, oxygen saturation of the myocardium is measured through the spectrographic analysis, and metabolic activity is measured by a decrease in oxygen saturation of the myocardium over time. 1. A method comprising the steps of:i. inserting a distal end of a photonic needle within myocardium;ii. emitting light from the distal end of the photonic needle within the myocardium;iii. detecting light reflected from the myocardium;iv. processing the reflected light to measure oxygen saturation of the myocardium; andv. establishing a baseline oxygen saturation level of the myocardium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a decrease in the measured oxygen saturation of the myocardium from the baseline oxygen saturation level during protected cardiac arrest is indicative of ongoing myocardial aerobic and metabolic activity.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of providing corrective action to protect the myocardium in response to the decrease in the measured oxygen saturation of the myocardium.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of providing corrective action includes the step of applying additional cardioplegia solution claim 3 , or altering the composition of the cardioplegia solution5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photonic needle includes a shaft claim 1 , a first optic fiber within the shaft for emitting light from the distal end claim 1 , and a second optic fiber within the shaft for receiving the reflected light.6. A method of measuring oxygen saturation in the myocardium claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:i. inserting a photonic needle within the myocardium, wherein the photonic needle includes a shaft, a first optic fiber extending within the shaft and coupled to a light source, and a second optic fiber extending within the shaft and coupled to ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296709A1

A hyperspectral imaging system having an optical path. The system including an illumination source adapted to output a light beam, the light beam illuminating a target, a dispersing element arranged in the optical path and adapted to separate the light beam into a plurality of wavelengths, a digital micromirror array adapted to tune the plurality of wavelengths into a spectrum, an optical device having a detector and adapted to collect the spectrum reflected from the target and arranged in the optical path and a processor operatively connected to and adapted to control at least one of: the illumination source; the dispersing element; the digital micromirror array; the optical device; and, the detector, the processor further adapted to output a hyperspectral image of the target. The dispersing element is arranged between the illumination source and the digital micromirror array, the digital micromirror array is arranged to transmit the spectrum to the target and the optical device is arranged in the optical path after the target. 136-. (canceled)37: A method of obtaining a hyperspectral image of a target comprising the steps of:generating a light beam;dispersing said light beam with a dispersing element;separating said dispersed light beam into a first complex spectrum using a spatial light modulator;illuminating said target with said first complex spectrum, wherein said first complex spectrum subsequently reflects off of said target as a first reflected light beam;collecting said first reflected light beam;directing said collected first reflected light beam to a detector to capture a first spectral image data;separating said dispersed light beam into a second complex spectrum using said spatial light modulator;illuminating said target with said second complex spectrum, wherein said second complex spectrum subsequently reflects off of said target as a second reflected light beam;collecting said second reflected light beam;directing said collected second reflected ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296710A1

A hyperspectral imaging system having an optical path. The system including an illumination source adapted to output a light beam, the light beam illuminating a target, a dispersing element arranged in the optical path and adapted to separate the light beam into a plurality of wavelengths, a digital micromirror array adapted to tune the plurality of wavelengths into a spectrum, an optical device having a detector and adapted to collect the spectrum reflected from the target and arranged in the optical path and a processor operatively connected to and adapted to control at least one of: the illumination source; the dispersing element; the digital micromirror array; the optical device; and, the detector, the processor further adapted to output a hyperspectral image of the target. The dispersing element is arranged between the illumination source and the digital micromirror array, the digital micromirror array is arranged to transmit the spectrum to the target and the optical device is arranged in the optical path after the target. 145-. (canceled)46: A method of monitoring a tissue or an organ viability during periods of ischemia comprising the steps of:forming a hyperspectral image of said tissue or said organ, wherein said hyperspectral image comprises a quantitative measure of oxygenation of said tissue or said organ;calculating a length of time of said tissue or said organ viability based on said quantitative measure of oxygenation of said tissue or said organ.47: The method according to claim 46 , wherein said step of forming a hyperspectral image is performed with an apparatus comprising:an illumination source adapted to output a light beam, said light beam illuminating said tissue or said organ;a dispersing element arranged in said optical path and adapted to separate said light beam into a plurality of wavelengths;a spatial light modulator adapted to tune said plurality of wavelengths into a spectrum;an optical device comprising a detector and adapted to ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Sensor-synchronized spectrally-structured-light imaging

Номер: US20130308045A1
Принадлежит: Digimarc Corp

A smartphone is adapted for use as an imaging spectrometer, by synchronized pulsing of different LED light sources as different image frames are captured by the phone's CMOS image sensor. A particular implementation employs the CIE color matching functions, and/or their orthogonally transformed functions, to enable direct chromaticity capture. A great variety of other features and arrangements are also detailed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310643A1
Принадлежит: The General Hospital Corporation

An exemplary apparatus for obtaining data for at least one portion within at least one luminal or hollow sample can be provided. For example, the apparatus can include a first optical arrangement configured to transceive at least one electromagnetic radiation to and from the portion(s). The apparatus can also include a wavelength dispersive second arrangement, which can be configured to disperse the electromagnetic radiation(s). A housing can be provided with a shape of a pill, and enclosing the first and second arrangements. 1. An apparatus for obtaining data for at least one portion within at least one luminal or hollow sample , comprising:a first optical arrangement configured to transceive at least one electromagnetic radiation to and from the at least one portion;a wavelength dispersive second arrangement which is configured to disperse the at least one electromagnetic radiation; anda housing having a shape of a pill, and enclosing the first and second arrangements.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a tether arrangement connected to the outer periphery.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a further arrangement configured to track at least one of position claim 2 , acceleration or velocity of the tether.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a further arrangement configured to track at least one of position claim 1 , acceleration or velocity of the apparatus.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a video camera arrangement which is connected to the outer periphery.6. An apparatus for obtaining data regarding at least one portion within at least one luminal or hollow sample claim 1 , comprising:an optical first arrangement configured to transceive at least one electromagnetic radiation to and from the at least one portion;a second arrangement which is configured to forward at least one return radiation from the at least one luminal or hollow sample to an optical microscopy ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317367A1
Автор: Shuler Michael Simms

A wireless near-infrared spectrometry sensor includes a light source for emitting near-infrared energy into tissue and a light receiver for receiving the near-infrared energy after it exits the tissue. The sensor may include a portable energy source for supplying energy to the light source. A processing module may control the light source and process readings in connection with the light source. A wireless transceiver may be coupled to the processing module for at least one of transmitting and receiving information, wherein the light source emits near-infrared energy at predetermined intervals in order to conserve energy in the portable energy source. The portable energy source may include at least one of a battery, a capacitor, a thermoelectric generator, a kinetic energy transducer, electricity derived from RF energy, and any combination thereof. The sensor may further include a substrate for support and which may be part of a sterile bandage. 1. A wireless near-infrared spectrometry sensor comprising:a light source for emitting near-infrared energy into tissue;a light receiver for receiving the near-infrared energy after it exits the tissue;a portable energy source coupled to the light source and for supplying energy to the light source;a processing module coupled to the light source and for controlling the light source and processing readings in connection with the light source; anda wireless transceiver coupled to the processing module for at least one of transmitting and receiving information, wherein the light source emits near-infrared energy at predetermined intervals in order to conserve energy in the portable energy source.2. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising a substrate for supporting the light source claim 1 , portable energy source claim 1 , the processing module claim 1 , and wireless transceiver.3. The sensor of claim 2 , wherein the substrate is part of a sterile bandage.4. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the portable energy source ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System for Mitigating the Effects of Tissue Blood Volume Changes to Aid in Diagnosing Infiltration or Extravasation in Animalia Tissue

Номер: US20130317373A1
Принадлежит: IVWATCH, LLC

A system including a sensor and a device coupled to the sensor. The sensor is configured to detect in Animalia tissue (i) a first electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by absorption of a first wavelength and (ii) a second electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by scattering of a second wavelength. The device is configured to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in the Animalia tissue based on the first and second electromagnetic radiation extinctions detected by the sensor. 1. A system to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in Animalia tissue , the system comprising: a housing including a surface configured to confront an epidermis of the Animalia tissue;', 'a first waveguide being partially disposed in the housing and configured to transmit first and second signals that enter the Animalia tissue through the epidermis, the first signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 800 nanometers and approximately 1,050 nanometers, and the second signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 570 nanometers and approximately 620 nanometers; and', 'a second waveguide being partially disposed in the housing and configured to transmit third and fourth signals that exit the Animalia tissue through the epidermis, the third signal including a portion of the first signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue, and the fourth signal including a portion of the second signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue;, 'a sensor including—'}a dressing being configured to couple the sensor to the epidermis; an optics bench including a first light emitting diode, a second light emitting diode and a photodiode, the first light emitting diode being configured to emit the first signal transmitted by the first waveguide, the second light emitting diode being configured to emit the second signal transmitted by the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335729A1
Автор: Towler Mark Robert

Methods of diagnosing bone disease such as osteoporosis are provided. The methods comprise detecting changes in the physical or chemical structure of a keratinized tissue as correlates of disease. The methods include detecting changes in the hardness, modulus, or level of sulfur bonding, particularly the level of disulfide bonding, in a keratinized tissue sample such as nail, hair, or skin. Changes in these variables serve as diagnostic markers of bone diseases that are associated with changes in bone elasticity and bone density. 127-. (canceled)28. A method of diagnosing a bone disease in a subject , the method comprising:obtaining a keratinized tissue sample from a subject;using a Raman spectrometer to obtain Raman and non-Raman signals from the sample;removing the non-Raman signal;using a computer to normalize the Raman signal, thereby producing a normalized Raman signal;using the computer to analyze the normalized Raman signal to make a positive or negative diagnosis of a bone disease; andusing the computer to generate an output that is indicative of the positive or negative diagnosis of the bone disease.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the keratinized tissue sample is a nail clipping.30. The method of claim 28 , wherein the Raman signal covers between 300 cmand 1800 cm.31. The method of claim 28 , wherein obtaining the Raman signal comprises using a laser light source.32. The method of claim 28 , wherein analyzing the normalized Raman signal includes measuring a level of sulfur bonding indicated by at least one peak in a Raman spectrum.33. The method of claim 32 , wherein the measuring is accomplished by a technique that is selected from the group consisting of: comparison of the width at half maximum of a peak claim 32 , comparison of a relative peak height claim 32 , and area integration under a peak.34. The method of claim 32 , wherein the at least one peak is at 510 cm.35. The method of claim 28 , wherein the bone disease is osteoporosis.36. A method of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System for Mitigating the Effects of Tissue Blood Volume Changes to Aid in Diagnosing Infiltration or Extravasation in Animalia Tissue

Номер: US20130338462A1
Принадлежит: IVWATCH, LLC

A system including a sensor and a device coupled to the sensor. The sensor is configured to detect in Animalia tissue (i) a first electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by absorption of a first wavelength and (ii) a second electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by scattering of a second wavelength. The device is configured to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in the Animalia tissue based on the first and second electromagnetic radiation extinctions detected by the sensor. 1. A system to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in Animalia tissue , the system comprising: a housing including a surface configured to confront an epidermis of the Animalia tissue;', 'a first waveguide being partially disposed in the housing and configured to transmit first and second signals that enter the Animalia tissue through the epidermis, the first signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 800 nanometers and approximately 1,050 nanometers, and the second signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 570 nanometers and approximately 620 nanometers; and', 'a second waveguide being partially disposed in the housing and configured to transmit third and fourth signals that exit the Animalia tissue through the epidermis, the third signal including a portion of the first signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue, and the fourth signal including a portion of the second signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue;, 'a sensor including—'}a dressing being configured to couple the sensor to the epidermis; an optics bench including a first light emitting diode, a second light emitting diode and a photodiode, the first light emitting diode being configured to emit the first signal transmitted by the first waveguide, the second light emitting diode being configured to emit the second signal transmitted by the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Mitigating the Effects of Tissue Blood Volume Changes to Aid in Diagnosing Infiltration or Extravasation in Animalia Tissue

Номер: US20130338511A1
Принадлежит: IVWATCH, LLC

A system including a sensor and a device coupled to the sensor. The sensor is configured to detect in Animalia tissue (i) a first electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by absorption of a first wavelength and (ii) a second electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by scattering of a second wavelength. The device is configured to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in the Animalia tissue based on the first and second electromagnetic radiation extinctions detected by the sensor. 1. A system to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in Animalia tissue , the system comprising:a sensor configured to emit first and second signals entering the Animalia tissue and to detect third and fourth signals exiting the Animalia tissue, the first signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 800 nanometers and approximately 1,050 nanometers, the second signal having a peak wavelength between approximately 560 nanometers and approximately 660 nanometers, the third signal including a portion of the first signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue, and the fourth signal including a portion of the second signal that is at least one of reflected, scattered and redirected from the Animalia tissue; anda device coupled to the sensor and configured to output a notice based on the third and fourth signals, the third signal is configured to detect infusate accumulation over time in the Animalia tissue, and the fourth signal is configured to detect tissue blood volume changes in the Animalia tissue.2. The system of wherein the notice comprises one of (i) an infiltration/extravasation examination of the Animalia tissue is indicated and (ii) an infiltration/extravasation examination of the Animalia tissue is contraindicated.3. The system of wherein the device comprises an analog-to-digital converter configured to (i) represent the third signal with a first sequence of values ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Mitigating the Effects of Tissue Blood Volume Changes to Aid in Diagnosing Infiltration or Extravasation in Animalia Tissue

Номер: US20130338512A1
Принадлежит: IVWatch LLC

A system including a sensor and a device coupled to the sensor. The sensor is configured to detect in Animalia tissue (i) a first electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by absorption of a first wavelength and (ii) a second electromagnetic radiation extinction dominated by scattering of a second wavelength. The device is configured to aid in diagnosing at least one of infiltration and extravasation in the Animalia tissue based on the first and second electromagnetic radiation extinctions detected by the sensor.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345542A1

A method is described for determining a value for quantifying the deviation from a mean value of a distribution of a divergence in severity between an initial instant and a later instant subsequent to the initial instant. 1. A method of determining a value for quantifying a deviation from a mean value of a distribution of a divergence in severity between an initial instant and a later instant subsequent to the initial instant , the severity depending on the contrast between zones receiving a treatment and zones receiving a vehicle , the method comprising the following steps:acquiring, for at least one patient, at in initial instant and at least one later instant subsequent to the initial instant, at least one hyperspectral image comprising at least one zone selected from the group consisting of a diseased zone receiving treatment, a healthy zone receiving treatment, a diseased zone receiving vehicle and a healthy zone receiving vehicle,determining a breakdown of the hyperspectral images into independent components,determining a representative component maximizing the divergence between healthy zone and pathological zone, for each image, from among the independent components,storing a linear combination of spectral bands corresponding to a representative component, for each image,determining the mean over all the images, of absolute values of the linear combinations of the spectral bands each corresponding to the representative component of an image,determining a representative component corrected as a function of the mean of the representative components for each image,determining a value of the divergence in severity as a function of the corrected representative components of the hyperspectral images acquired, for each patient and for each measurement instant, anddetermining a value for quantifying the deviation from the mean value between a distribution of the divergence in severity at the initial instant and a distribution of the divergence in severity at a later ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345556A1

The present invention provides scanning mechanisms for imaging probes using for imaging mammalian tissues and structures using high resolution imaging, including high frequency ultrasound and/or optical coherence tomography. The imaging probes include adjustable rotational drive mechanism for imparting rotational motion to an imaging assembly containing either optical or ultrasound transducers which emit energy into the surrounding area. The imaging assembly includes a scanning mechanism having including a movable member configured to deliver the energy beam along a path out of said elongate hollow shaft at a variable angle with respect to said longitudinal axis to give forward and side viewing capability of the imaging assembly. The movable member is mounted in such a way that the variable angle is a function of the angular velocity of the imaging assembly. 1. An imaging probe comprising:a hollow shaft;an imaging conduit at least partially residing within said hollow shaft;an imaging assembly mechanically coupled to said imaging conduit at a location remote from a proximal portion of said imaging conduit, said imaging conduit being configured to deliver energy to said imaging assembly, said imaging assembly including a tiltable member for delivering an energy beam along an energy beam path from said tiltable member out of said hollow shaft at a variable imaging angle with respect a longitudinal axis of said hollow shaft;an imaging angle encoder coupled to said imaging assembly, wherein said imaging angle encoder is configured to produce a signal representative of the tilt angle of said tiltable member; anda signal delivery channel coupled to said imaging angle encoder and extending through said hollow shaft for delivering the signal representative of the tilt angle to a proximal portion of said hollow shaft.2. The imaging probe according to wherein said imaging angle encoder is configured to direct an incident energy beam onto a surface associated with said ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345570A1
Принадлежит: Hypermed Imaging, Inc.

Balloon probes, adapted for use in endoscopy and other medical procedures, are useful to obtain spectroscopic information reflected or emitted from a tissue of interest in the infrared spectral region. The information collected by the probe is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The invention also relates to methods utilizing these probes to analyze a surface of interest, in a minimally invasive manner, in connection with the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 175to . (canceled)76. A probe device , comprising: i.) a proximal end;', 'ii.) a distal collection end opposite said proximal end of the collection fiber, the distal collection end adapted to collect radiation; and', 'iii.) a conductive core located between said proximal end of the collection fiber and said distal collection end;, 'a.) a collection fiber, said collection fiber comprisingb.) a sheath; andc.) an anchoring balloon disposed along said sheath;wherein said collection fiber is in apposition with an exterior surface of the anchoring balloon, without extending into the anchoring balloon, such that the distal collection end of said collection fiber extends away from the anchoring balloon.77. The probe device of claim 76 , wherein said conductive core comprises a bend proximate to said distal collection end.78. The probe device of claim 76 , wherein the conductive core comprises a reflector that is configured to redirect light from the distal collection end to the proximal end of the collection fiber.79. The probe device of claim 76 , further comprising a spectrometer optically coupled to the proximal end of said collection fiber and a detector optically coupled to said spectrometer.80. The probe device of claim 79 , wherein the detector comprises a detector array.81. The probe device of claim 79 , further comprising a diagnostic processor having an image acquisition interface responsive to said detector.82. The probe device of claim 76 , further comprising an illumination fiber claim 76 , ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and compositions for targeting sites of neovascular growth

Номер: US20140004040A1

Compositions and methods for targeted delivery to and detection of sites of neovascular growth, including tumor vasculature, are provided. Compositions include polypeptides conjugated to or complexed with a bioactive compound, wherein the polypeptide is capable of binding to an OEC or a circulating progenitor thereof. Methods for identifying additional polypeptides with the same binding characteristics are further provided. Methods for targeted delivery of a bioactive compound to a site of neovascular growth are provided in which polypeptides capable of binding OECs or progenitors thereof are conjugated to or complexed with the bioactive compound and administered to a subject in need thereof. Methods for detecting neovascular growth are also provided, wherein the polypeptides conjugated to or complexed with a detectable label are administered to a subject and the label is detected.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005553A1
Принадлежит: CorNova, Inc.

A system is provided for probing a body lumen that includes a flexible conduit that is elongated along a longitudinal axis, the flexible conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, at least one delivery waveguide and at least one collection waveguide extending along the flexible conduit, a transmission output of the at least one delivery waveguide and a transmission input of the at least one collection waveguide located along a distal portion of the conduit. A spectrometer is connected to the at least one delivery waveguide and the at least one collection waveguide, the spectrometer configured to perform spectroscopy. A controller system is configured to calculate a distance between the flexible conduit and the wall of the body lumen based on a spectroscopic measurement of the at least one primary radiation signal that traveled between the flexible conduit and body lumen. 1. A system for analyzing a body lumen comprising:a catheter comprising a flexible conduit that is elongated along a longitudinal axis, the flexible conduit having a proximal end and a distal end;at least one delivery waveguide and at least one collection waveguide extending along the flexible conduit, a transmission output of the at least one delivery waveguide and a transmission input of the at least one collection waveguide located along a distal portion of the conduit;a spectrometer connected to the at least one delivery waveguide and the at least one collection waveguide, the spectrometer configured to perform diffuse reflectance spectroscopy through blood, wherein the spectrometer emits at least one primary radiation signal of a wavelength of between about 750 and 2500 nm that is directed through the transmission output to a wall of the body lumen, and wherein the transmission input collects radiation directed from the body lumen wall; anda controller system comprising computer-readable memory programmed to store the signal measured by the spectrometer and to enable the controller to ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Projecting Hyperspectral Images

Номер: US20140012140A1
Принадлежит: Hypermed Imaging, Inc.

The invention is directed to methods and systems of hyperspectral and multispectral imaging of medical tissues. In particular, the invention is directed to new devices, tools and processes for the detection and evaluation of diseases and disorders such as, but not limited to diabetes and peripheral vascular disease and cancer, that incorporate hyperspectral or multispectral imaging. 129-. (canceled)30. A method of displaying information about a region of interest of a subject , the method comprising:a) resolving light obtained from the region of interest into a plurality of component spectral bands;b) constructing a hyperspectral image from the plurality of component spectral bands; andc) projecting the hyperspectral image onto the subject.31. The method of claim 30 , the method further comprising applying a fiducial label to the subject and wherein the projecting comprises co-registering the hyperspectral image with the fiducial label.32. The method of claim 30 , wherein the projecting comprises using information from a calibration pad that includes a diffusely reflective surface that quantifies an intensity of illumination at each wavelength represented by the plurality of component spectral bands to co-register the hyperspectral image with the subject.33. The method of claim 30 , wherein the hyperspectral image is a pseudo color hyperspectral image.34. The method of claim 33 , wherein the pseudo color hyperspectral image allows discrimination between tissue types.35. The method of claim 34 , wherein the pseudo color hyperspectral image allows discrimination of a superficial blood vessel.36. The method of claim 30 , wherein a wavelength range of each respective component spectral band in the plurality of component spectral bands is adjacent to the wavelength range of another component spectral band in the plurality of component spectral bands.37. The method of claim 30 , wherein each respective component spectral band in the plurality of component spectral bands ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018635A1

A signal processing apparatus for determining a heart rate includes a plurality of sensors configured to detect changes in blood properties in a user's skin and a heart rate Kalman filter configured to compute a heart rate on the basis of signals obtained from the plurality of sensors. A method of computing a heart rate using the apparatus includes detecting changes in blood properties with a plurality of sensors, and computing with a heart rate Kalman filter the heart rate on the basis of signals obtained from the plurality of sensors. 1. A signal processing apparatus to determine a heart rate comprising:a plurality of sensors configured to detect changes in blood properties in a user's skin; anda heart rate Kalman filter configured to compute a heart rate on the basis of signals obtained from the plurality of sensors;a communication link between the sensors and the heart rate Kalman filter to transmit the signals; anda housing to contain at least the plurality of sensors to maintain them in proximity to the user's skin.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sensors comprise:an optical sensor comprising a plurality of light emitting devices and at least one photodetector, wherein the photodetector is configured to detect optical signals from the light emitting devices and ambient light; andan accelerometer configured to detect motion adding a noise signal to the optical signals.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a driver to control a periodic emission level and timing of light output from the light emitting devices and a period of off state of the light emitting devices.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a signal quality estimator to determine the emission level of the light emitting devices on the basis of the detected optical signals.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein a one or more of a plurality of filters is configured to filter noise outside specified frequency bands from the optical signals claim 4 , and wherein ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023993A1

A multiphoton microscope is provided. The microscope includes: an excitation source for providing an optical excitation beam at an excitation wavelength λ; a scanner for scanning the excitation beam on a sample; an objective for irradiating the sample with the excitation beam scanned by the scanner and for collecting an emission beam from the sample; a first detector for detecting a plurality of multiphoton signals; and an emission light path allowing transmission from the objective to the first detector a wavelength band limited to greater than or equal to λ/2 and less than λ, wherein the plurality of multiphoton signals have wavelengths within the wavelength band; wherein the plurality of multiphoton signals comprises a first multiphoton signal and a second multiphoton signal of different types. Fast image capture rate multiphoton microscopes for in vivo imaging, as well as photothermolysis methods using the microscopes are also provided. 1. A microscope comprising:an excitation source for providing an optical excitation beam at an excitation wavelength λ;a scanner for scanning the excitation beam on a sample;an objective for irradiating the sample with the excitation beam scanned by the scanner and for collecting an emission beam from the sample;a first detector for detecting a plurality of multiphoton signals;an emission light path allowing transmission from the objective to the first detector a wavelength band limited to greater than or equal to λ/2 and less than λ, wherein the plurality of multiphoton signals have wavelengths within the wavelength band;wherein the plurality of multiphoton signals comprises a first multiphoton signal and a second multiphoton signal of different types.2. A microscope according to wherein the first multiphoton signal comprises a two photon fluorescence signal.3. A microscope according to wherein the second multiphoton signal comprises a second harmonic generation signal.4. A microscope according to wherein the emission light path ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031656A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Various embodiments of an tracheal tube having a sensor coupled to a selectively permeable membrane are provided. In some embodiments, the membrane may be permeable to one or more blood gases and/or blood analytes. Certain embodiments of the endotracheal tube may be capable of deploying the sensor during intubation to sense one or more indicators of blood flow characteristics, such as a level of blood gases and/or blood analytes, in the respiratory tract. Embodiments of the present invention may include positioning of the sensor in a variety of suitable positions with respect to the permeable membrane, such as mounting the sensor to the underside of an inflatable permeable membrane. 120.-. (canceled)21. A tracheal tube system , comprising:a tubular body having a recess disposed therein and an open distal end for ventilating a patient;a cuff disposed around the tubular body above the open distal end and configured to be inflated to seal the cuff against a wall of a trachea;a sensor coupled to a membrane that is selectively permeable to an analyte or a gas, wherein the sensor is configured to measure a concentration of the analyte or the gas in the trachea, and wherein the recess receives the sensor during intubation and extubation; anda monitor coupled to the sensor and configured to receive a signal from the sensor and provide an output related to the concentration of the analyte or the gas in the trachea.22. The tracheal tube system of claim 21 , wherein the monitor comprises a display configured to display the output.23. The tracheal tube system of claim 22 , comprising an interface circuit coupled to the sensor and the monitor claim 22 , wherein the interface circuit is configured to process the signal from the sensor.24. The tracheal tube system of claim 21 , wherein the sensor comprises a carbon dioxide sensor.25. The tracheal tube system of claim 21 , wherein the sensor comprises an oxygen sensor.26. The tracheal tube system of claim 21 , wherein the sensor ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Surgical and Medical Instrument Tracking Using a Depth-Sensing Device

Номер: US20140031668A1

A motion-sensing mechanism is provided that facilitates numerous aspects of the medical industry. In one aspect, the motion-sensing mechanism is used to track instruments and personnel in a field of view relative to a patient such that the instrument or personnel may be displayed on a heads-up display showing a model of the patient's anatomy. In another aspect, the motion-sensing mechanism makes a reference image of a patient, visitor, or staff such that when the subject of the reference images passes another (or the same) motion-sensing mechanism, the identity of the subject is determined or recognized. In still other aspects, the motion-sensing mechanism monitors motion of a portion of a patient's anatomy and compares the same to an expected motion for diagnostic evaluation of pain generators, physical therapy effectiveness, and the like. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor;a memory coupled to the processor to store a model of anatomical pathology of a patient;a motion-sensing mechanism having a depth sensor coupled to the processor, the motion-sensing mechanism adapted to register the location of a patient's topography in a field and adapted to track movement of an object in the field relative to the patient's topography using the depth sensor to determine relative distances and translate the movement into position information; anda display coupled to the processor,wherein the processor fetches the model from the memory and displays the model relative to the patient's topography and the processor retrieves the position information and displays the object relative to the patient's topography and the model.2. The apparatus of wherein the motion-sensing mechanism comprises a projector and a receiver that cooperate to track a plurality of objects in the field.3. The apparatus of wherein the projector is an x-ray emitter.4. The apparatus of wherein the projector is an electromagnet.5. The apparatus of further comprising a microphone.6. The apparatus of further ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031697A1

An endoscopic microscopic system for collecting and processing a sequence of images in order to provide diagnosis and treatment is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for making and using the system in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic applications. 142-. (canceled)43. A method for diagnosing and treating a patient , comprising:obtaining one or more CARS images of tissue within the patient; and as a function of one or more attributes of the CARS images, determining if the tissue comprises abnormal or cancer cells, and if the CARS images indicate that the tissue comprises abnormal or cancer cells, then removing at least a portion of the abnormal or cancer cells.44. (canceled)45. The method of claim 43 , further comprising:calculating global registration for one or more of the images;applying the global registration to one or more of the images;calculating deformable registration for one or more of the images; andapplying the deformable registration to one or more of the images.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein calculating the global registration for one or more of the images comprises:calculating the global registration for one or more of the images by iteratively minimizing an energy equation that is a function of normalized mutual information.47. (canceled)48. The method of claim 46 , wherein calculating the global registration for one or more of the images by iteratively minimizing an energy equation that is a function of normalized mutual information comprises:iteratively estimating an actual transformation one or more of the images49. (canceled)50. The method of claim 46 , wherein calculating the global registration for one or more of the images by iteratively minimizing an energy equation that is a function of normalized mutual information comprises:iteratively estimating an actual transformation one or more of the images; andoptimizing the estimate of the actual transformation using cubature kalman filtering.51. The method of claim 45 , wherein ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039309A1
Принадлежит: EVENA MEDICAL, INC.

Some embodiments of this disclosure relates to systems and methods for imaging a patient's vasculature. For example, near infrared (NIR) light can be used to illuminate a target area and light that is reflected or scattered from the target area can be used for generate an image of the target area. In some embodiments, the system can be configured such that the image shows the presence, absence, or extent of infiltration or extravasation in the target area. The system can be configured to document that presence, absence, or extend of infiltration or extravasation at an infusion site. In some embodiments, an imaging system can be mounted onto a patient so that the imaging system can monitor an infusion site, and the imaging system can be configured to automatically detect the presence of infiltration or extravasation. 1194.-. (canceled)195. A method of detecting infiltration or extravasation in tissue surrounding an infusion site on a patient , the method comprising:illuminating the tissue surrounding the infusion site with near infrared (NIR) light of a first wavelength during a first time;receiving light of the first wavelength reflected or scattered from the tissue onto one or more light sensors;illuminating the infusion site with near infrared (NIR) light of a second wavelength during a second time;receiving light of the second wavelength reflected or scattered from the tissue onto the one or more light sensors;generating one or more images of the tissue using the light of the first wavelength received by the one or more light sensor and using the light of the second wavelength received by the one or more light sensors;displaying the one or more images of the tissue to a medical practitioner; anddetecting the presence of infiltration or extravasation in the tissue based at least in part on the one or more images of the tissue.196. The method of claim 195 , further comprising infusing an imaging enhancement agent through the infusion site claim 195 , wherein ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Luminescent Tension-Indicating Orthopedic Strain Gauges for Non-Invasive Measurements Through Tissue

Номер: US20140046191A1
Принадлежит: Clemson University

Strain gauges that can provide information with regard to the state of implantable devices are described. The strain gauges can exhibit luminescence that is detectable through living tissue, and the detectable luminescent emission can vary according to the strain applied to the gauge. A change in residual strain of the device can signify a loss of mechanical integrity and/or loosening of the implant, and this can be non-invasively detected either by simple visual detection of the luminescent emission or through examination of the emission with a detector such as a spectrometer or a camera. 1. What is claimed is:An implantable strain gauge comprising:a first plate;a second plate that is located at a distance from the first plate, the second plate including a window, the second plate being movable relative to the first plate from a first position to a second position, the first and second plates being configured to be implanted within tissue;a luminescent material, an emission of the luminescent material being detectable through the tissue, wherein at the first position the emission of the luminescent material is detectable through the window and at the second position either no luminescent emission is detectable through the window or a second luminescent emission is detectable through the window that differs from the emission detected through the window at the first position.2. The implantable strain gauge of claim 1 , wherein the luminescent material is located on an upper surface of the first plate.3. The implantable strain gauge of claim 2 , wherein the luminescent material is located on the upper surface of the first plate in a pattern comprising multiple pattern elements.4. The implantable strain gauge of claim 1 , further comprising a second luminescent material claim 1 , an emission of the second luminescent material being detectable through the tissue claim 1 , wherein at the second position claim 1 , the emission of the second luminescent material is ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046196A1

An apparatus and method of mesoscopic imaging which provide improved contrast to changes in tumor microenvironments are disclosed. The apparatus includes a light which illuminates tissue in vivo, a spectrometer which varies at least one parameter of the light, and optics which transmit light backscattered from the tissue. The optics comprise any one of (i) a small aperture 4-focal length (4-f) lens system within an angular cone of 2°-5°, (ii) a telecentric lens, and (iii) an anti-scatter grid and a camera lens. 1. A method of imaging tissue on a mesoscopic scale , comprisingilluminating tissue in vivo with light,varying at least one parameter of the light with a spectrometer, andforming an image of the tissue by collecting backscattered light from the tissue using any one of (i) a small aperture 4-focal length (4-f) lens system within an angular cone of 2°-5°, (ii) a telecentric lens, and (iii) an anti-scatter grid and a camera lens.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein an area of tissue at least 10 mm in diameter and up to 100 mm in diameter is imaged as a single image.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the tissue is epithelial tissue.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein areas of tissue with basal cell carcinoma claim 3 , squamous cell carcinoma and/or melanoma are identified.5. A method according to claim 4 , additionally comprising analyzing the image to determine subclinical hyperemia.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the analyzing comprises comparing data from the image to data stored in a database claim 5 , wherein the data in the database correlates to degrees of subclinical hyperemia in tissues.7. A method according to claim 6 , additionally comprising predicting claim 6 , based on the analyzing claim 6 , an area of the tissue at risk for development of epithelial cancer.8. A method according to claim 1 , additionally comprising demarcating tumor margins for a surgeon in real time during surgery.9. A mesoscopic imaging apparatus ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046197A1

The present invention deals with discrimination of malignant tissue from normal and benign tissue in a single patient on the basis of optical spectroscopic measurements. Starting from spectroscopic measurements in normal tissue, reference values are obtained for the normal class. With spectroscopic measurements in other tissues data points can be assigned to new class(es) when the spectral characteristics fall outside a threshold defining the reference class. Thresholds between different classes can also be defined. Finding (the transition to) malignant tissue is based on comparing the spectroscopic values to the classification threshold discriminating normal and benign versus malignant tissue. Thus, the basis of normal spectroscopic measurements is tuned to the individual patient characteristic. Discriminating the normal plus benign and malignant from that reference is more efficient compared to the reference of the all patient database. 1. A system for obtaining at least one threshold for the discrimination among different tissue types , the system comprising:an optical probe arranged for obtaining light measurements at one or more positions in a tissue of a first type; anda console arranged for spectrally analyzing the light measurements and defining data points in a score plot of a multivariate statistical analysis to form a first tissue type class on the basis of predetermined spectral characteristics derived from fits in the light measurements, wherein the console is arranged for defining a first threshold for the cloud of data points belonging to this first tissue type class by using spectral characteristics of reference tissue,wherein the optical probe is further arranged for obtaining further light measurements at further positions in the tissue; andwherein the console is further arranged for testing whether the predetermined spectral characteristics of the further light measurements fall outside the first threshold in said score plot and if this is the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Fluid handling cassette

Номер: US20140058228A1
Принадлежит: Optiscan Biomedical Corp

A fluid handling module that is removably engageable with a bodily fluid analyzer is provided. The module may comprise a fluid handling element, and a fluid component separator that is accessible via the fluid handling element and configured to separate at least one component of a bodily fluid transported to the fluid component separator. The fluid handling element may have at least one control element interface.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058271A1
Принадлежит: Angiolight, Inc.

A system for analyzing a body lumen including a flexible conduit that is elongated along a longitudinal axis, the flexible conduit having a proximal end and a distal end; at least one delivery waveguide and at least one collection waveguide extending along the flexible conduit, a transmission output of the at least one delivery waveguide and a transmission input of the at least one collection waveguide located along a distal portion of the conduit; a spectrometer connected to the at least one delivery waveguide and the at least one collection waveguide, the spectrometer configured to perform diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, wherein the spectrometer emits at least one primary radiation signal of a wavelength having an absorption coefficient of between about 8 cmand about 10 cmwhen transmitted through a highly aqueous media; a controller system configured to calculate at least one of an extent, area, and volume of highly aqueous media based on the amount of absorption of the at least one primary radiation signal measured through the highly aqueous media by the spectrometer. 1a flexible conduit that is elongated along a longitudinal axis, the flexible conduit having a proximal end and a distal end;at least one delivery waveguide and at least one collection waveguide extending along the flexible conduit, a transmission output of the at least one delivery waveguide and a transmission input of the at least one collection waveguide located along a distal portion of the conduit;{'sup': −1', '−1, 'a spectrometer connected to the at least one delivery waveguide and the at least one collection waveguide, the spectrometer configured to perform diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, wherein the spectrometer emits at least one primary radiation signal of a wavelength having an absorption coefficient of between about 8 cmand about 10 cmwhen transmitted through a highly aqueous media; and'}a controller system configured to calculate at least one of an extent, area, and volume of highly ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Non-invasive method for monitoring autoregulation

Номер: US20140073888A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

A system includes a controller that receives a blood pressure signal and an oxygen saturation signal. The blood pressure signal represents a non-invasive measure of blood pressure. The oxygen saturation signal represents a non-invasive measure of oxygen saturation. The controller generates an autoregulation status signal representing a status of cerebral autoregulation. The autoregulation status signal is based, at least in part, on a relationship between the measured blood pressure and the measured oxygen saturation. An exemplary method may include receiving the blood pressure signal and the oxygen saturation signal, defining a relationship between the measured blood pressure and the measured oxygen saturation, determining an autoregulation status based at least in part on the defined relationship, and generating an autoregulation status signal representing the determined autoregulation status.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081133A1

According to one aspect, a system for intraoperatively providing anatomical guidance in a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure is disclosed. In one embodiment, the system includes: a first light source configured to emit a beam of visible light; second light source configured to emit a beam of near-infrared light; a handheld probe optically coupled to the second light source; a second imaging device configured to detect visible light; a third imaging device configured to detect near-infrared light having a first predetermined wavelength; a fourth imaging device configured to detect near-infrared light having a second predetermined wavelength; a display for displaying at least one visual representation of data; and, a controller programmed to generate at least one real-time integrated visual representation of an area of interest and to display the real-time visual representation on the display for guidance during the diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. 1. A system for intraoperatively providing anatomical guidance in a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure , comprising:(a) a first light source configured to emit a beam of visible light to an area of interest of a living subject;(b) a second light source configured to emit a beam of near-infrared light to the area of interest;(c) a handheld probe device optically coupled to the second light source, comprising an optical fiber configured to deliver the emitted beam of near-infrared light to illuminate the area of interest and configured to collect light that is scattered or emitted from a contrast agent introduced into target tissues in the area of interest, in response to illumination by the second light source;(d) a first imaging device optically coupled to the handheld probe device and configured to detect the collected light and to generate a corresponding signal that comprises collected light data, and wherein the handheld probe device is further configured to transmit the collected light to the first imaging device ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081149A1

An optical measurement apparatus according to the present invention includes a probe having an irradiation fiber that propagates light supplied from a base end and irradiates the light from a leading end and a plurality of light receiving fibers that propagate light incident from leading ends and output the light from base ends; a light source unit that generates white light to be irradiated onto the body tissue and supplies the white light to the irradiation fiber; a measurement unit that performs spectrometry for returned light from the body tissue output from each of the light receiving fibers at a predetermined measurement timing; and a determination unit that determines whether or not a measurement value measured by the measurement unit is equal to or smaller than a predetermined threshold value, and causes the light source unit to perform a light emission process for obtaining a characteristic value of the body tissue for a predetermined time and causes the measurement unit to perform a spectrometry process for obtaining a characteristic value of the body tissue for the predetermined time if it is determined that the measurement value measured by the measurement unit is equal to or smaller than the predetermined threshold value. 1. An optical measurement apparatus that performs spectrometry of returned light reflected or scattered by body tissue to obtain a characteristic value of the body tissue , the optical measurement apparatus comprising:a probe having an irradiation fiber that propagates light supplied from a base end and irradiates the light from a leading end and a plurality of light receiving fibers that propagate light incident from leading ends and output the light from base ends;a light source unit that generates white light to be irradiated onto the body tissue and supplies the white light to the irradiation fiber;a measurement unit that performs spectrometry for the returned light from the body tissue output from each of the light receiving ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081150A1

Methods for fabricating metal nano-particle embedded enhancement substrates used for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) including ion implanting metal nano-particles into the substrate and etching the substrate to partially expose the metal nano-particles. The resulting material is useful as a SERS substrate for detection of molecules adsorbed on it by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. 1. A method for fabricating substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) comprising the steps of:implanting negatively or positively charged metal ions into a matrix material, andgrowing near-surface or subsurface metal nano-particles within the matrix.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:prior to the growing step, thermal annealing the implanted matrix.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:subsequently to the growing step, selective surface etching the surface of the matrix to expose or partially expose the metal nano-particles.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the etching is selected from the group consisting of chemical etching claim 3 , electrochemical etching claim 3 , ion etching claim 3 , reactive ion etching claim 3 , mechanical chemical polishing claim 3 , and mixtures or combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implanting metal is selected from the group consisting of metals from the periodic table of elements including alkali metals claim 1 , alkaline earth metals claim 1 , transition metals claim 1 , lanthanide metals claim 1 , actinide metals or mixtures and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implanting metal is selected from the group consisting of ruthenium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , gold claim 1 , and mixtures or combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implanting metal is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088435A1
Автор: Roth Jason
Принадлежит: BROOKLANDS, INC.

Systems, methods and apparatus are provided through which in some implementations a non-contact thermometer determines a temperature of a subject from a carotid source point of the subject. 1. An apparatus to determine a body temperature from a carotid artery source point , the apparatus comprising:a housing;a non-contact electromagnetic sensor operably mounted to the housing, the non-contact electromagnetic sensor being operable to receive electromagnetic energy from the carotid artery source point of a subject and operable to generate a numerical representation of the electromagnetic energy of the carotid artery source point; 'calculating the body temperature from the numerical representation of the electromagnetic energy of the carotid artery source point, a representation of an ambient air temperature reading, a representation of a calibration difference, and a representation of a bias in consideration of the temperature sensing mode; and', 'wherein determining the body temperature of the subject further comprises, 'a printed circuit board mounted in the housing, electrically coupled to the non-contact electromagnetic sensor and operable to determine the body temperature of the subject from the numerical representation of the electromagnetic energy of the carotid artery source point,'}a button operably coupled to the printed circuit board.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the carotid artery source point further comprises:not more than one carotid artery source point.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bias further comprises:+0.5° C.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body temperature of the subject further comprises:a core temperature of the subject.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body temperature of the subject further comprises:an axillary temperature of the subject.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body temperature of the subject further comprises:a rectal temperature of the subject.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Multispectral imaging for quantitative contrast of functional and structural features of layers inside optically dense media such as tissue

Номер: US20140092288A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for evaluation of target media parameters using visible through near infrared light is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a light source, illuminator/collector, optional illumination wavelength selector, optional light gating processor, imager, detected wavelength selector, controller, analyzer and display unit. The apparatus illuminates an in situ target. The sample absorbs some light while a large fraction of the light is diffusely scattered within the sample and some light exits the sample and may be detected in an imaging fashion using wavelength selection and an optical imaging system. The method extends the dynamic range of the optical imager by extracting additional information from the detected light that is used to provide reconstructed contrast of smaller concentrations of chromophore. Using a reiterative calibration method, acquired spectra and images are analyzed and displayed in near real time in such a manner as to characterize functional and structural information of the target tissue

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098359A1

The present invention pertains to a method for monitoring a treatment of a patient, preferably for monitoring hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration and/or peritoneal dialysis, the method comprising the steps of irradiating a sample of a dialysis liquid used in the treatment with irradiation light of at least a first irradiation wavelength, detecting light emitted by the irradiated sample in at least a first detection wavelength, the detection wavelength being different from the first irradiation wavelength, and determining the presence and/or concentration of at least one analyte in the sample on the basis of the detected light. 1. Method for monitoring a treatment of a patient , preferably for monitoring hemodialysis , hemodiafiltration and/or peritoneal dialysis , the method comprising the steps of:irradiating a sample of a dialysis liquid used in the treatment with irradiation light of at least a first irradiation wavelength;detecting light emitted by the irradiated sample in at least a first detection wavelength, the detection wavelength being different from the first irradiation wavelength; anddetermining the presence and/or concentration of at least one analyte in the sample on the basis of the detected light.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the detected light includes fluorescence light and the presence and/or concentration of the at least one analyte in the sample is determined on the basis of the detected fluorescence light.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the presence and/or concentration of the analyte in the sample is determined on the basis of detected light of at least a first detection wavelength and a second detection wavelength claim 1 , the first and second detection wavelengths being different from one another claim 1 , and/orwherein the presence and/or concentration of the analyte in the sample is determined on the basis of the spectrum of the detected light of the sample.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the irradiation light is ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000414A1

Systems and methods for detecting a cognitive diseases and/or impairments in humans are disclosed. The method may include providing a saliva sample from a human subject, and subjecting at least a portion of the saliva sample to a spectroscopic analysis to produce a sample spectroscopic signature. The method may also include analyzing the produced sample spectroscopic signature using a predetermined statistical model. The predetermined statistical model may be based on spectroscopic signatures for a plurality modeling samples, and the spectroscopic signatures for each of the plurality of modeling samples may be associated with one of a plurality of predetermined cognitive categories. Additionally, the method may include correlating the produced sample spectroscopic signature with one of the plurality of predetermined cognitive categories based on the spectroscopic signatures for each of the plurality of modeling samples of the predetermined statistical model. 1. A method for detecting a cognitive disease , the method comprising:providing a saliva sample from a human subject;subjecting at least a portion of the saliva sample to a spectroscopic analysis to produce a sample spectroscopic signature for the saliva sample;analyzing the produced sample spectroscopic signature using a predetermined statistical model, the predetermined statistical model based on spectroscopic signatures for a plurality modeling samples,wherein the spectroscopic signatures for each of the plurality of modeling samples are associated with one of a plurality of predetermined cognitive categories; andcorrelating the produced sample spectroscopic signature with one of the plurality of predetermined cognitive categories based on the spectroscopic signatures for each of the plurality of modeling samples of the predetermined statistical model.2. The method of claim 1 , where the plurality of predetermined cognitive categories include:a cognitive healthy class;an Alzheimer's disease class; anda mild ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Fiber Optic Flow And Oxygenation Monitoring Using Diffuse Correlation And Reflectance

Номер: US20190000321A1

Disclosed are fiber optic devices and related methods that allow for measurement of blood flow and oxygenation in real time. These devices have particular application to the spinal cord. Such devices have applicability in, for example, the care of military members sustaining combatant and noncombatant spinal injuries, as well as to civilians. The devices also have utility in the acute and subacute management of spine trauma, enhancing the efficacy of interventions aimed at the prevention of secondary ischemic injury, and ultimately improving neurologic outcome. 1. A device , comprising:a first illuminator fiber having a distal end; anda first detector fiber having a distal end located at a first distance from the distal end of the first illuminator fiber,the first illuminator fiber being in optical communication with an illumination source, andthe first detector fiber being capable of in optical communication with a first illumination detector.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a computer processor in communication with the first illumination detector claim 1 , the computer processor being adapted to estimate claim 1 , based on illumination received by the first illumination detector claim 1 , blood oxygenation claim 1 , oxy-hemoglobin claim 1 , deoxy-hemoglobin claim 1 , blood flow claim 1 , oxygen metabolism claim 1 , water content claim 1 , lipid presence claim 1 , tracer presence claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a second detector fiber claim 1 , the second detector fiber having a distal end located at a second distance from the distal end of the first illuminator fiber.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the second detector fiber is in communication with the first illumination detector.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first distance is in the range of from about 0.01 to about 20 cm.6. The device of claim 3 , wherein the first and second distances differ from one another.7. The device of claim 6 , ...
