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27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2322966C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Изобретение относится к косметическим средствам и касается антиперспирантов и дезодорантов. Композиция эмульсии вода/масло антиперспиранта содержит растворенную стягивающую соль выбранных из солей алюминия, циркония и смешанных солей алюминия-циркония, эмульгатор и, в отдельной фазе, полимер, содержащий группы кислот Бренстеда. Предложенная композиция позволяет уменьшить потоотделение. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 табл.

27-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2424789C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Изобретение относится к области косметики. Безводная антиперспирантная или дезодорирующая композиция, которая содержит: частицы вяжущей антиперспирантной соли; 20-90 мас.% масла-носителя, гелеобразователь для масла-носителя и увлажнитель-полиол, увлажнитель-полиол составляет 0,1-10% в расчете на массу композиции, полиэтиленгликоль имеет среднюю молекулярную массу до 820. Продукт, содержащий композицию, находится в распределяющей емкости, содержащей баллончик, на одном конце которого имеется по меньшей мере одно отверстие, через которое композиция может выталкиваться, а на противоположном, втором конце имеется подъемник, пригнанный к внутренней поверхности баллончика и способный перемещаться к первому концу. Нетерапевтический способ подавления потоотделения или ослабления запаха тела, включающий стадию топического нанесения на кожу композиции. Изобретение обеспечивает хорошие сенсорные свойства композиции. 3 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, табл. 9, 1 ил.

10-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2163798C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно стоматологии, и касается средств для лечения зубов с повышенной чувствительностью. Композиция для лечения зубов содержит эффективное количество десенсибилизирующего средства и носителя для него, при этом в качестве десенсибилизирующего средства используют гекторитную глину, а также способ лечения зубов с повышенной чувствительностью заключается в том, что обрабатывают зубы композицией, содержащей гекторитную глину, в частности лапонитную глину, а также способ блокировки, закупорки или герметизации дентинных канальцев с помощью фторидных средств для полоскания рта, или гелей, содержащих обработанную фторидом лапонитную или гекторитную глину. Композиция и способ позволяют ограничить воздействие на нерв внешних раздражителей. 4 с. и 12 з.п.ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177971C2

Изобретение предназначено для получения косметических композиций для отшелушивания, и/или массажа, и/или очистки кожи. Неорганический гранулированный материал имеет такую прочность гранул, что после 7 мин ультразвуковой обработки при амплитуде 60 мкм менее 5 мас. % остается на влажном сите 45 мкм. Неорганический материал содержит, по крайней мере, 95 мас. % нерастворимых в воде частиц со среднемассовым размером менее 20 мкм, имеющих абсорбцию масла 90-145 см3/100 г. Такой материал выбирают из аморфного SiO2, глинозема, СаСО3, дикальцийфосфата, трехосновного фосфата кальция, метафосфата натрия, пирофосфата кальция, гидроксиапатита, перпита, цеолита, карбоната магния, пемзы. Остальное - нерастворимые в воде частицы со среднемассовым размером частиц менее 20 мкм и абсорбцией масла 150-190 см3/100 г, например аморфный кремнезем. По другому варианту материал не содержит аморфный кремнезем с абсорбцией масла 90-145 см3 /100 г, но содержит аморфный кремнезем с абсорбцией масла 130-190 см3/100 ...

23-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662073C2

Изобретение относится к области косметологии и дерматологии и представляет собой композицию для ухода за кожей, содержащую дерматологически приемлемый носитель, по меньшей мере первый и второй интерферирующие пигменты, при этом диапазон отношения первого интерферирующего пигмента ко второму интерферирующему пигменту составляет от 20:80 до 80:20 по массе, причем цветность упомянутой композиции во всем диапазоне отношений составляет менее 8,5, а индекс уменьшения покраснения (ИУП) данной композиции составляет менее -7,5, и где первый интерферирующий пигмент имеет угол цветового тона (h°) в диапазоне 180-215° и второй интерферирующий пигмент имеет угол цветового тона (h°) в диапазоне 80-95°. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение внешнего вида кожи и, в частности, уменьшение видимости неоднородностей кожи. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685712C2

Представлена композиция для местного применения, содержащая 4-гексилрезорцин и твердый порошок с шириной распределения частиц по размеру по меньшей мере 15 мкм в диапазоне размеров 80% частиц (10-90%). Твердый порошок представляет собой сшитый полимер винилдиметикона/метикона силсесквиоксана. Также представлен способ косметической обработки кожи млекопитающих, включающий местное нанесение на кожу указанной композиции. Композиция по изобретению обеспечивает сохранение активности 4-гексирезорцина. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2500382C2

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и представляет собой эмульсионную композицию «масло в воде» для защиты от ультрафиолетовых лучей, содержащую (а) октокрилен, (б) бис-этилгексилоксифенолметоксифенилтриазин, (в) гексилдиэтиламино-гидроксибензоилбензоат, (г) 4-трет-бутил-4'-метоксибензоилметан, где количество компонентов (а), (б), (в) и (г) составляет 1-40% мас./мас., (д) водорастворимый полимер в количестве 0,01-5% мас./мас., (е) набухающий в воде глинистый минерал в количестве 0,01-4% мас./мас., (ж) масляный компонент, имеющий НОБ 0,05 или более, в количестве 1-70% мас./мас., (з) высшую жирную кислоту в количестве 0,1-10% мас./мас., (и) сурфактант в количестве 0,1-10% мас./мас., (к) воду - остальное, где все количества даны в процентах от суммарного количества эмульсионной композиции «масло в воде». Изобретение обеспечивает создание композиции, проявляющей хороший защитный эффект от ультрафиолетовых лучей, демонстрирующей стабильность эмульгирования и хорошие ощущения ...

10-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2305539C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Изобретение относится к антиперспирантным композициям для применения на коже человека и к приготовлению и применению таких композиций. Прозрачные безводные твердые композиции антиперспиранта содержат от 1 до 30% по массе сыпучей соли-антиперспиранта, суспендированной в несмешиваемом с водой жидком носителе, который отверждается эффективным количеством структурирующего вещества. Заявленные композиции обладают улучшенной прозрачностью. 4 н. и 28 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2392922C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к косметике. Безводная антиперспирантная или дезодорантная композиция включает антиперспирантное активное вещество, несмешивающуюся с водой жидкость-носитель, гелеобразователь, ингибитор расслоения. Расслоение антиперспирантного активного вещества, суспендированного в безводных композициях, в которых используются эфирные масла или нелетучие силиконовые масла, имеющие показатель преломления, по меньшей мере, 1,5, предпочтительно вместе с жирным спиртом, желированные с помощью волокнообразующего амидного гелеобразователя, может быть устранено включением ингибитора расслоения, особенно арилен-алкиленового блок-сополимера, такого как триблок-сополимер, например стирол/этилен-бутилен/стирольного сополимера или стирол/бутиленового сополимера. Изобретение обеспечивает получение стиков с уменьшенным расслоением между верхом и низом антиперспирантного стика. 4 н. и 48 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529796C2

Изобретение относится к косметологии и описывает твердое средство в форме порошка, содержащее порошковый компонент, масляный компонент в качестве связующего вещества и смесь амидов, полученную путем амидирования смеси гексаметилендиамина и бисаминометилциклогексана жирными кислотами гидрогенизированного касторового масла. Средство предотвращает жирный блеск, стекание макияжа и обладает длительным эффектом макияжа. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 10 табл., 10 пр.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694258C2

Группа изобретений относится к области косметологии, конкретно к пленкам с нагревающим и охлаждающим эффектом. Пленка с нагревающим и охлаждающим эффектом содержит в направлении снаружи вовнутрь: несущий слой, заполненный функциональными материалами, и теплоизоляционный слой, непосредственно контактирующий с кожей части тела, на которую накладывается пленка. Несущий слой заполнен функциональными материалами, имеет герметичную полость, герметизированную гибким непроницаемым для воды материалом, при этом герметичная полость заполнена химическим материалом с фазовым переходом «твердое вещество – жидкость», который генерирует тепло при переходе материала из жидкого состояния в твердое и поглощает тепло, когда материал переходит из твердого состояния в жидкое, и приводящим в действие устройством, которое применяется для инициирования экзотермического состояния материала с фазовым переходом «твердое вещество – жидкость»; где по меньшей мере одна сторона несущего слоя снабжена резервуаром для ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2393186C2
Принадлежит: ТУАЯЛЬ ЭРОП (FR)

Изобретение может быть использовано в лакокрасочной промышленности. Для получения состава металлических пигментов исходные частицы металла вводят в жидкий носитель и подвергают полученную таким образом смесь измельчению. Жидкий носитель представляет собой сложный эфир жирной кислоты R'-COOR, в котором R' представляет собой насыщенную или ненасыщенную алифатическую группу, содержащую от 9 до 20 атомов углерода, и R представляет собой алкил, содержащий от 1 до 8 атомов углерода. Предложены краска, чернила, пластмасса и косметическая композиция, содержащие полученный состав металлических пигментов. Изобретение позволяет повысить кроющую способность и глянец лакокрасочных материалов. 6 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 табл.

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355381C2

Изобретение относится к области косметических средств, в частности антиперспирантов. Не содержащая эластомеров, не содержащая суспензии эмульсия вода-в-масле в виде прозрачного геля с вязкостью более 150000 сП и суммарным уровнем силиконовых связующих веществ меньше или равном 3%, включающая: (а) в качестве внутренней фазы - не содержащий глицин активный антиперспирант, стабилизированный бетаином, и систему гликолей, содержащую ≤7,5% мас. пропиленгликоля; (b) в качестве внешней фазы - циклометиконы, силиконсополиол и солюбилизатор ароматизирующих веществ, где максимальный уровень летучих линейных силиконов ≤1% мас., содержание воды превышает 30%. Внешняя фаза не содержит силиконовых ароматизирующих веществ с показателем преломления, превышающим 1,4200, измеренным при температуре 20-25°С. Изобретение обеспечивает получение прозрачной антиперспирантной гелиевой композиции с уменьшенным отбеливанием, низкой липкостью, профилем быстрого высушивания, пониженной способностью раздражать кожу и ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2346683C2
Принадлежит: БАЙЕРСДОРФ АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к области производства косметической продукции. Косметическая композиция содержит, по меньшей мере, одно антиперспирантное вещество на основе активированного алюминия, по меньшей мере, одну альфа-гидроксикарбоновую кислоту, в частности миндальную кислоту, и воду. Композиция обеспечивает эффективность антиперспирации при пониженной липкости и низком содержании антиперспирантного активного вещества. 5 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 1 ил.

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2207837C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической композиции в форме геля для фиксации и/или поддержания прически, содержащей в косметически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере один загущающий полимер (а), один фиксирующий полимер (b) и одно нерастворимое порошкообразное соединение (с), где загущающий агент (а) выбирают из природных полимеров или модифицированных природных соединений (i), сшитых сополимеров акриловой и/или метакриловой кислоты (ii), загущающих сшитых полиакриламидов (iii) и ассоциативных полимеров, содержащих по крайней мере одно гидрофильное звено и по крайней мере одну жирную цепь (iv); фиксирующий полимер (b) представляет собой несшитый полимер, выбранный из анионных, катионных, амфотерных и неионных фиксирующих полимеров и их смесей, и порошкообразное соединение (с) образовано нерастворимым и неслоистым материалом, а также к способу для косметической обработки волос, при котором используют вышеописанную композицию. Технический результат: композиция в форме геля оставляет руки чистыми ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371472C2
Принадлежит: ДЕГУССА ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к системам доставки душистых веществ. Техническая задача - разработка эффективной системы доставки душистых веществ, придающей более устойчивый аромат тканям, обработанным композициями, содержащими систему доставки душистых веществ. Предложена система доставки душистых веществ, включающая водонерастворимые частицы носителя, содержащие на поверхности силанольные группы, на которые прививают кремнийорганическое соединение, полимер, содержащий положительно заряженные функциональные группы, добавленный в указанные частицы носителя, и душистое вещество, адсорбированное на указанных частицах носителя или абсорбированное в указанных частицах носителя. Предложен способ получения указанной системы доставки душистых веществ, а также композиция для смягчения тканей и композиция средства для стирки, каждая из которых включает предложенную систему доставки душистых веществ. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517470C2

Изобретение относится к химико-фармацевтической промышленности и представляет собой безводную жидкую антиперспирантную композицию, содержащую: a) носитель, содержащий i) по меньшей мере один компонент, выбранный из катиона и цвиттер-иона, и ii) донор водородной связи, где содержание носителя выше, чем содержание любого другого вещества в композиции, и катион и/или цвиттер-ион и донор водородной связи образуют эвтектический растворитель; b) по меньшей мере одно активное вещество с антиперспирантной активностью, где катион/цвиттер-ион представляет собой по меньшей мере одно вещество, выбранное из триметилглицина, триметилглицингидрохлорида, глицина, аминокислот и холинхлорида, и где донор водородной связи содержит мочевину. Изобретение обеспечивает создание прозрачной антиперспирантной композиции, которая не оставляет белых следов при нанесении на кожу потребителя и обладает повышенной стабильностью. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 18 табл., 1 пр.

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2454991C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к области косметологии и касается аэрозольной композиции для укладки и освежения волос, содержащей дисперсию i) глины с результирующим отрицательным поверхностным зарядом; и ii) катионного полимера для укладки волос, причем весовое отношение глины к катионному полимеру для укладки волос составляет от 1:5 до 5:1, а содержание катионного полимера для укладки волос составляет от 0,1 до 4 мас.% от общей массы композиции. Изобретение кроме того касается применения указанной композиции для укладки волос, а также способа модифицирования запаха волос с помощью раскрытой композиции. Изобретение обеспечивает продукт, который может быть использован для укладки волос, а также для придания волосам ощущения чистоты и ароматного запаха. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр.

20-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2189219C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к области косметологии. По существу безводная композиция крема для подмышечной области, пригодная для местного нанесения на кожу человека, содержащая антиперспирант и/или дезодорант, 0,5-3 вес.% глинистого суспендирующего или загущающего средства, 5,0-25 вес.% нелетучего маскирующего средства, 3-20 вес.% структурирующего воска с точкой плавления по меньшей мере 45oС и 20-90% летучей несущей жидкости, получаемая смешиванием по меньшей мере антиперспиранта и/или дезодоранта, глины, маскирующего средства, несущей жидкости и воска при температуре выше точки плавления указанного воска. Предложенные композиции улучшают ощущения кожи и не приводят к видимым отложениям после нанесения. 2 с. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 2 ил.

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643334C2

Группа изобретений относится к области создания композиций, которые позволяют снижать дискомфорт, который женщины чувствуют во время приступообразного подъема температуры тела. Однофазная композиция для регулирования температуры для охлаждения кожных покровов, содержит: a) от 0,01 до 10 мас.% нейросенсорного агента; b) от 0,01 до 30 мас.% компонента, являющегося средством от потливости; c) полярного носителя, включающего воду и одноатомный спирт, при отношении количества воды к количеству одноатомного спирта, составляющем от 0,0625:1 до 1,5:1; d) от 0,01 до 5 мас.% компонента, устраняющего раздражение; е) от 0,01 до 10 мас.% дополнительных компонентов, выбранных из отдушек, травяных компонентов, регуляторов рН, консервантов, красителей, структурообразователей, совместимых поверхностно-активных веществ и очищающих компонентов, причем вязкость композиции при комнатной температуре составляет менее 2500 сП, и при этом композиция не содержит газа-вытеснителя. Также раскрывается неаэрозольная ...

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018115396A3

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107104A3

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017124032A3

05-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016151211A3

20-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019112639A3

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517128C2

Изобретение описывает очищающее средство для кожи и рук, содержащее следующие компоненты: a) от 5 до 70 мас.% сложного алкилового эфира и/или диэфира, b) от 0 до 40 мас.% поверхностно-активного вещества, выбранного из группы, включающей этоксилаты жирных спиртов, сульфоэфиры жирных спиртов и соли сульфатированных и/или сульфированных жирных кислот, c) от 0,5 до 10 мас.% средства для придания тиксотропности, такого как органический бентонит, и более 0,1 мас.% гидрофильной пирогенной кремниевой кислоты, d) от 0 до 30 мас.% одного или нескольких абразивных агентов, e) от 0 до 5 мас.% физиологически совместимого сложного эфира угольной кислоты, f) от 0 до <10 мас.% воды, g) при необходимости одно или несколько средств для стабилизации вязкости, h) при необходимости другие косметические вспомогательные вещества. Очищающее средство устраняет особо стойкие загрязнения кожи и рук, обладает пределом текучести, позволяющим предотвратить седиментацию при необходимости использования абразивных частиц ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481097C2

Изобретение относится к области косметологии и представляет собой жидкую косметическую композицию для внешнего применения в аэрозольной форме, содержащую: по меньшей мере, одно активное соединение, выбранное из группы, образованной глиной и какао и/или их производными, по отдельности или в сочетании, непрерывную внешнюю дисперсионную фазу, выбранную из группы, образованной натуральной минеральной родниковой водой и вином, по отдельности или в сочетании, полифосфат натрия, полиакрилат натрия и лимонную кислоту. Изобретение способствует гидратации, прочности и эластичности кожи. 5 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы.

31-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773189C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для тонирования печатных красок, чернил, полимерных материалов, стекол, керамических изделий и композиций декоративной косметики. Пигмент с эффектом металла состоит из алюминиевых пластинок субстрата с покрытием. Алюминиевые пластинки субстрата окружены покрытием из SiO2, на которое нанесено следующее покрытие из Fe2O3. Пигмент имеет значение кроющей способности ΔЕ45°≤3 при содержании пигмента не более 7%, значение насыщенности цветового тона (Suv) в диапазоне от 0,2 до 0,3, значение угла цветового тона (huv) в диапазоне от 50 до 65, значение индекса флоп-эффекта Альмана более 26 и значение Gdiff (зернистость/гранулярность) не более 6. Предложены также способ получения пигмента с эффектом металла и его применение. Технический результат заключается в улучшении колористических характеристик и кроющей способности пигмента. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл, 15 пр.

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431656C1

Изобретение относится к области производства средств гигиены, а именно к мылу туалетному с антимикробными свойствами, которое может быть использовано как для медицинских, так и бытовых целей. Сущность: мыло содержит в мас.%: мыльная основа 70-80, антимикробный агент 1-10, антиоксидант 0,2-0,5, поливинилпирролидон 0,1-1,0, функциональные добавки 2,5-5,0 и вода - остальное. В качестве антимикробного агента используют наночастицы бентонитового порошка, интеркалированного ионами Ag+ или/и ионами Cu2+. Порошок получен при модификации водными растворами нитрата серебра или сульфата меди бентонита, предварительно обогащенного катионами Na+, при обработке его водным раствором неорганической соли натрия с последующей очисткой. Размер частиц бентонитового порошка составляет не более 150 нм. Технический результат - антимикробная защита кожи пролонгированного действия при уменьшении негативного воздействия на нее. 6 з.п. ф-лы.

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2461372C1

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и представляет собой косметическую композицию в виде эмульсии для ухода за кожей, содержащую от 0,1 до 10% по массе порошка пластинчатых частиц, полученных из слюды, серицита, талька, каолина, оксида алюминия, сульфата бария, нитрида бора, N-ацилированного лизина, синтетического флогопита, синтетической слюды, синтетического талька, оксида цинка, диоксида кремния, рыбьей чешуи или оксихлорида висмута, имеющих средний диаметр частиц от 1 до 20 мкм, от 0,1 до 30% по массе масла, имеющего значение отношения неорганический/органический баланс (НОБ) от 0,1 до 0,5, от 0,01 до 5% по массе измельченного агарового геля, от 1 до 20% по массе увлажняющего агента и остальное - ингредиенты, традиционно используемые в косметических средствах. Изобретение обеспечивает отсутствие липкости, продолжительный увлажняющий эффект и превосходный сияющий цвет лица. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

17-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747954C1

Группа изобретений относится к композициям антиперспиранта/дезодоранта. Антиперспирантная композиция содержит активное вещество антиперспиранта, содержащее алюминий, воду и систему консервантов, где система консервантов содержит биоразлагаемый аминокарбоксилат, где биоразлагаемый аминокарбоксилат представляет собой 3-гидрокси-2,2′-иминодиянтарную кислоту (HIDS) или ее соли щелочного металла в количестве 0,1-0,2 вес.% по весу композиции. Также раскрыт способ снижения видимого потоотделения. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение эффективности антиперспиранта. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 2 пр.

11-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705726C1
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к косметологии и раскрывает безводную композицию в аэрозольной форме. Композиция содержит масляную фазу, содержащую в физиологически приемлемой среде, летучее масло, одно или несколько антиперспирантных действующих средств, выбранных из солей алюминия и/или циркония, и один или несколько водонерастворимых пленкообразующих этиленовых блок-сополимеров, выбранных из полимера поли(изоборнилакрилат/изоборнилметакрилат/изобутилакрилат/акриловая кислота),газ-вытеснитель; при этом указанная масляная фаза содержит менее 15% по весу и еще более предпочтительно менее 12% по весу нелетучего полидиметилсилоксана относительно общего веса масел. Группа изобретений может быть использована в косметическом способе уменьшения потоотделения у человека. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 пр.

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006105346A

... 1. Стабильный раствор антиперспиранта, содержащий от примерно 15 до примерно 40% в расчете на безводное твердое вещество соли, выбранной из тетрахлоргидрата алюминия/циркония, пентахлоргидрата алюминия/циркония и октахлоргидрата алюминия/циркония, при атомном отношении алюминия к цирконию (Al/Zr) в указанной соли в пределах заштрихованных областей А, В и С, соответственно, на графике, представленном в описании изобретения, причем атомное отношение Al/Zr в тетрахлоргидрате алюминия/циркония составляет от примерно 2 до примерно 6 и атомное отношение металл/хлорид равно от примерно 0,9 до примерно 1,25, атомное отношение Al/Zr в пентахлоргидрате алюминия/циркония составляет от примерно 6 до примерно 10 и атомное отношение металл/хлорид равно от примерно 1,5 до примерно 1,65, и атомное отношение Al/Zr в октахлоргидрате алюминия/циркония составляет от примерно 6 до примерно 10, и атомное отношение металл/хлорид равно от примерно 0,9 до примерно 1,5. 2. Раствор антиперспиранта по п.1, отличающийся ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003128954A

... 1. Жидкая композиция для личного использования, содержащая: (а) поверхностно-активную систему, содержащую: (i) от 5 до 30 мас.% поверхностно-активного вещества, выбранного из анионных поверхностно-активных веществ, амфотерных поверхностно-активных веществ, неионных поверхностно-активных веществ, катионных поверхностно-активных веществ и их смесей; (ii) от 0,1 до 10 мас.% растворимого в воде загустителя в указанной поверхностно-активной системе; (b) от 2 до 20 мас.% дисперсии типа “частицы-в-масле”, включающей: (i) от 60 до 99 мас.% вазелина или загущенного смягчающего масла, содержащего смешиваемые с водой полимеры, при этом указанный вазелин или загущенное масло имеют плотность свыше 10000 сП при 0,1 S-1 и 25°С и способны суспендировать твердые частицы, имеющие плотность свыше 1,05 при комнатной температуре в течение более чем 3 месяцев, без видимого физического разделения; и (ii) от 1 до 40% частиц, выбранных из: (а) твердых частиц, имеющих размер от 0,5 до 150 мкм; и (b) капсул, имеющих ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009127807A

... 1. Композиция твердого вяжущего косметического карандаша в форме эмульсии типа «вода-в-масле», содержащая антиперспирантную соль, а также содержащая: ! от 34 до 70 мас.% диспергированной водной фазы, содержащей от 15 до 30 мас.% водорастворимой вяжущей антиперспирантной соли алюминия-циркония, ! от 29 до 65 мас.% масляной фазы, содержащей, по меньшей мере, одно масло и углеводородный воск, который отверждает масло; углеводородный воск содержит, по меньшей мере, 1 ч. мас./мас. полиэтилена промежуточной молекулярной массы, представляющей собой среднемассовую молекулярную массу, составляющую от 360 до 460 Да на 8 частей масляной фазы, и от 0,125 до 2,0 мас.% силиконового эмульгатора. ! 2. Композиция по п.1, которая содержит от 18 до 25 мас.% указанной водорастворимой антиперспирантной соли. ! 3. Композиция по п.1, в которой водная фаза содержит указанную водорастворимую антиперспирантную соль с концентрацией в указанной фазе, составляющей от 35 до 55 мас.% и, предпочтительно от 45 до 52,5 ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012131334A

... 1. Композиция с ориентированными частицами, включающая видимые частицы с соотношением сторон более чем 1:1,5 и размером частиц по длинной стороне от 50 мкм до 5000 мкм, где плоскости x-y как минимум 50% этих видимых частиц практически параллельны, параллельны или совпадают с плоскостями x-y других видимых частиц, и где указанная композиция включает структурный материал.2. Визуально структурированная ориентированная композиция, включающая:a) как минимум одну первую визуально видимую зону, включающую видимые частицы с соотношением сторон более 1,5:1 и размером частиц по длинной стороне от 50 мкм до 5000 мкм, где длинная сторона этих видимых частиц ориентирована в плоскости, практически параллельной плоскости потока этой первой визуально видимой зоны; иb) как минимум одну вторую визуально видимую зону, находящуюся в физическом контакте с как минимум одной первой визуально видимой зоной,где указанная как минимум одна первая визуально видимая зона и указанная как минимум одна вторая видимая ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010129048A

... 1. Твердая композиция в форме эмульсии вода-в-масле, включающая в косметически приемлемом носителе: ! i) по меньшей мере, одну дисперсную водную фазу; ! ii) по меньшей мере, одну жировую фазу, включающую, по меньшей мере, один воск в форме кристаллитов, имеющих коэффициент формы более или равный 2 и имеющих точку плавления 70-110°C; ! iii) по меньшей мере, один силиконовый эмульгатор, выбранный из группы, состоящей из алкилдиметиконсополиолов формулы (I) iii) по меньшей мере, один алкилдиметиконсополиол формулы (I) ниже: ! ! в которой: ! R1 обозначает прямую или разветвленную C12-C20, предпочтительно C12-C18, алкильную группу; ! R2 обозначает группу: --CnH2n--(-OC2H4-)x--(-OC3H6-)y--O-R3; ! R3 обозначает атом водорода или прямой или разветвленный алкильный радикал, содержащий от 1 до 12 атомов углерода; ! a представляет собой целое число от 1 до приблизительно 500; ! b обозначает целое число от 1 до приблизительно 500; ! n представляет собой целое число от 2 до 12, и предпочтительно от ...

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007128057A

... 1. Способ получения состава металлических пигментов, заключающийся в том, что исходные частицы металла (Pi) вводят в жидкий носитель и подвергают полученную таким образом смесь измельчению, отличающийся тем, что жидкий носитель представляет собой сложный эфир жирной кислоты R'-COOR, в котором R' представляет собой насыщенную или ненасыщенную алифатическую группу, содержащую от 9 до 20 атомов углерода, и R представляет собой алкил, содержащий от 1 до 8 атомов углерода. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, чтосложный эфир R'-COOR выбран из сложных эфиров, в которых R' представляет собой насыщенную группу CnH2n+1, причем n находится в интервале от 9 до 20. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, чтосложный эфир представляет собой метиллаурат. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, чточастицы металла Pi выбраны из частиц алюминия, меди, цинка, олова, золота, серебра или сплавов указанных металлов, а также из частиц нержавеющей стали или бронзы. 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, чтометаллическиечастицы ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013125481A

... 1. Антиперспирантная активная композиция, содержащая соль алюминия, где соль алюминия (i) имеет молярное отношение алюминия к хлориду от 0,3:1 до 3:1, и (ii) характеризующаяся спектромAl ЯМР с распределением молекул, включая по меньшей мере 90% катиона полигидроксиоксоалюминия Alв качестве преобладающих молекул, детектируемыхAl ЯМР в соли алюминия, где соль алюминия характеризуется хроматограммой SEC с площадью пика 4 SEC по меньшей мере 90% от общей площади пиков 1, 2, 3, 4 и 5 на хроматограмме SEC.2. Антиперспирантная активная композиция по п. 1, где спектрAl ЯМР имеет распределение молекул, включая по меньшей мере 95% катиона полигидроксиоксоалюминия Alв качестве преобладающих молекул, детектируемыхAl ЯМР в соли алюминия.3. Антиперспирантная активная композиция по любому из указанных выше пунктов, где спектрAl ЯМР имеет распределение молекул, включая не более 5% катиона полигидроксиоксоалюминия Alв молекулах, детектируемыхAl ЯМР в соли алюминия.4. Антиперспирантная активная композиция ...

27-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002122751A

... 1. Коллоидная водная дисперсия соединения церия и по меньшей мере еще одного элемента М, выбранного из отличных от церия редкоземельных элементов, титана, ванадия, хрома, марганца, железа, кобальта, никеля, меди, цинка, алюминия, галлия и циркония, отличающаяся тем, что она обладает удельной электропроводностью не выше 5 мС/см. 2. Дисперсия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет концентрацию оксида церия и по меньшей мере одного другого из названных выше элементов по меньшей мере 50 г/л и, более предпочтительно, по меньшей мере 80 г/л. 3. Дисперсия по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит церий (III). 4. Дисперсия по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что содержание в ней церия (III) по отношению к общему церию не превышает 50% и, более предпочтительно, не превышает 35%. 5. Дисперсия по одному из предыдущих пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что количество содержащегося в ней элемента М не превышает 50%, выраженных отношением молей элемента М к сумме молей элемента М и церия. 6. Дисперсия по одному ...

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006111453A

... 1. Не содержащая эластомеров, не содержащая суспензии эмульсия вода в масле, которая представляет собой прозрачный гель, имеющий прозрачность 50-250 NTU при 21,0°C, вязкость, превышающую 150000 сантипуаз, и с общим уровнем силиконовых смягчающих веществ, который равен или меньше 3 мас.%, где прозрачный гель содержит (a) внутреннюю фазу, содержащую (i) 14-30 мас.% не содержащего глицина активного антиперспиранта с низким соотношением металл:хлорид, находящемся в диапазоне (0,9-1,3):1, и стабилизированного бетаином; (ii) высокое содержание воды, так что уровень воды всей композиции составляет более 30 мас.% от полной гелевой композиции, и (iii) 3,5-10 мас.% системы гликолей, включающей пропиленгликоль и второй гликоль, выбранный из группы, состоящей из гликолей и полигликолей, в которой общее количество пропиленгликоля в общей гелевой композиции составляет от 0,2 до 7,5 мас.%, и (b) внешнюю фазу, содержащую (i) один или несколько циклометиконов, имеющих температуру вспышки 100°C или ниже; ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120482A

... 1. Антиперспирантная композиция, содержащая водную фазу, антиперспирантную соль и полимер, содержащий группы кислот Бренстеда, отличающаяся тем, что антиперспирантная соль и полимер суспендированы в водной фазе и композиция имеет средний размер частиц по Заутеру (D[3,2]) 30 мкм или менее. 2. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.1, где полимер действует в качестве со-загустителя для антиперспирантной соли. 3. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.2, где антиперспирантная соль и полимер находятся в виде частиц со-геля, суспендированного в водной фазе. 4. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.3, где антиперспирантная соль и полимер находятся в виде частиц со-геля, имеющего средний размер частиц по Заутеру (D[3,2]) 30 мкм или менее. 5. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.1, где полимер является водорастворимым. 6. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.1, где водная фаза представляет собой непрерывную фазу. 7. Антиперспирантная композиция по п.6, содержащая капли эмульгированного масла и частицы суспендированного ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009138736A

... 1. Композиция средства личной гигиены, содержащая одну структурированную гелевую фазу, которая имеет, по меньшей мере, две визуально отличные области, причем каждая визуально отличная область содержит соответствующий структурированный водный гелевый компонент, содержащий соответствующую визуальную добавку, придающую соответствующий индивидуальный вид соответствующему структурированному водному гелевому компоненту; по меньшей мере, один действующий агент, выбранный из увлажняющего агента и очищающего агента, причем, по меньшей мере, один действующий агент диспергирован в, по меньшей мере, двух визуально отличных областях, посредством чего, по меньшей мере, два гелевых компонента обычно обеспечивают, по меньшей мере, один из очищающего и увлажняющего эффектов. ! 2. Композиция средства личной гигиены по п.1, где композиция содержит увлажняющий агент и очищающий агент, причем оба из увлажняющего агента и очищающего агента диспергированы в, по меньшей мере, двух визуально отличных областях, ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010114718A

... 1. Гибридная индуцируемая высвобождающая оболочка для высвобождения активного ингредиента, содержащая гель, который содержит биополимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из углеводных полимеров, белковых полимеров и их смесей, неорганического носителя и по меньшей мере одного активного ингредиента, связанного с упомянутым неорганическим носителем, в котором высвобождение активного ингредиента запускается при контакте оболочки с внешним стимулом. ! 2. Гибридная индуцируемая высвобождающая оболочка по п.1, полученная сначала изготовлением геля, а затем введением неорганического носителя в гель. ! 3. Гибридная индуцируемая высвобождающая оболочка по п.1 или 2, в которой неорганический носитель является неорганической частицей, выбранной из группы, состоящей из смектитов, слоистых двойных гидроксидов, Ag, Au, Fe2O3, MgCl2, AlCl3, ZnCl2, SiO2, TiO2, ZnO и MgO. ! 4. Гибридная индуцируемая высвобождающая оболочка по п.2, в которой неорганический носитель вводят в гель в форме компонентов, из которых ...

10-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007107611A

... 1. Оральная композиция для удаления пятен, содержащая орально приемлемый носитель и ПАВ в количестве, эффективном для удаления пятен с зубов, где композиция представляет собой композицию жевательной резинки или конфеты и где ПАВ содержит соль жирной кислоты, имеющую, по меньшей мере, одну гидроксильную группу. 2. Композиция по п.1, где соль жирной кислоты представляет собой соль рицинолевой кислоты. 3. Композиция по п.1, где ПАВ присутствует в количестве от примерно 0,001 до примерно 20% от массы оральной композиции. 4. Композиция по п.1, где ПАВ присутствует в количестве от примерно 0,05 до примерно 10% от массы оральной композиции. 5. Композиция по п.1, где ПАВ присутствует в количестве от примерно 0,05 до примерно 2% от массы оральной композиции. 6. Композиция по п.1, где соль включает ион металла, выбранный из ионов двухвалентных и одновалентных металлов. 7. Композиция по п.6, где ион металла выбирают из группы, состоящей из натрия, калия, кальция, магния и их комбинаций. 8. Композиция ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009128875A

... 1. Прозрачный предотвращающий потовыделение или дезодорирующий гелевый состав в виде эмульсии вода-в-масле вязкостью примерно от 40 до 250 Па·с при температуре 21°С, содержащий ! а) от 70 до 90 мас.% водной фазы, в которой растворены ! а) i) от 3 до 25 мас.%, по меньшей мере, одной предотвращающей потовыделение соли, и ! а) ii) по меньшей мере, один водорастворимый многовалентный С2-С9-алканол с 2-6 гидрокси-группами и/или, по меньшей мере, один водорастворимый полиэтиленгликоль с 3-20 этиленоксидными единицами, а также их смеси, ! б) от 10 до 30 мас.% масляной фазы, включающей ! б) i) от 5 до 25 мас.% циклогексасилоксана, ! б) ii) циклотетрасилоксан и циклопентасилоксан в максимальном общем количестве 5 мас.%, ! б) iii) по меньшей мере, один замещенный простым полиэфиром силиконовый эмульгатор для эмульсий типа вода-в-масле, ! б) iv) нелетучее масло в количестве от 0 до 2 мас.%. ! 2. Гелевый состав по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеет вязкость в пределах от 50 до 150 Па·с, особенно предпочтительно ...

27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009142879A

... 1. Композиция антиперспиранта, содержащая продукт смешения: ! (a) по крайней мере одной соли, выбранной из по крайней мере одной алюминиевой соли, по крайней мере одной алюминиево-циркониевой соли, по крайней мере одного алюминиевого солевого комплекса и по крайней мере одного алюминиево-циркониевого солевого комплекса, где алюминиевая соль или алюминиевый солевой комплекс представляет собой по крайней мере одну соль, выбранную из хлорида алюминия, хлоргидрата алюминия, секвихлоргидрата алюминия и дихлоргидрата алюминия; ! (b) по крайней мере одной косметически приемлемой бета-гидроксикислоты; и ! (c) по крайней мере одного бетаина, выбранного из внутренней соли гидроксида 1-карбокси-N,N,N-триметилметанаминия и гидрохлорида внутренней соли гидроксида 1-карбокси-N,N,N-триметилметанаминия; ! где относительные количества компонентов (a), (b) и (c) являются такими, что водный раствор данных компонентов с теми же относительными количествами при 25% концентрации (a) + (b) после хранения раствора ...

11-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002509399A1

13-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069520892D1

01-07-1965 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001195906B

11-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002747370A1

24-02-2005 дата публикации

Composition used as a beauty care product contains talc, alumen ustum, white clay, amylum tritici, magnesia usta, camphorae plv and zinc oxide

Номер: DE202004015104U1

Composition contains 15-20 % talc, 1-2.5 % alumen ustum, 12-18 % white clay, 12-18 % amylum tritici, 30-50 % magnesia usta, 1-3 % camphorae plv and 1-2 % zinc oxide.

17-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003879221T2

19-06-2019 дата публикации

Wasserstoffperoxid-Formulierungen in Sperrschicht-Folien mit einer metallisierten Schicht

Номер: DE102017223050A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein kosmetisches Produkt zur Veränderung der natürlichen Farbe keratinischer Fasern, insbesondere menschlicher Haare, welches mindestens eine Verpackung (VP) sowie eine in dieser Verpackung (VP) befindliche kosmetische Zusammensetzung (KM) enthält. Die Verpackung ist aus einer mehrlagigen Folie (F), welche mindestens zwei Polymerschichten (P1) und (P2) sowie mindestens eine Barriereschicht (BS) enthält. Die kosmetische Zusammensetzung umfasst mindestens ein Oxidationsmittel, mindestens einen C-C-Alkohol und mindestens ein nichtionisches Tensid. Der Einsatz der Verpackung (VP) in Kombination mit der kosmetischen Zusammensetzung (KM) führt überraschenderweise nicht zu einem Aufblähen der Verpackung oder einem übermäßigen Wasserverlust des Mittels (KM) während der Lagerung.

22-06-2006 дата публикации

Eingekapselte Nanopartikel zur Absorption elektromagnetischer Energie im Ultraviolettbereich

Номер: DE112004000328T5

Ultraviolettstrahlungsabsorbierendes Partikel, umfassend: (a) einen Kern; und (b) eine Schale, wobei die Schale den Kern einkapselt; und wobei entweder der Kern oder die Schale ein leitfähiges Material umfasst, wobei das Material einen negativen Realteil der Dielektrizitätskonstante in einem vorherbestimmten Spektralband aufweist; und wobei entweder (i) der Kern ein erstes leitfähiges Material umfasst und die Schale ein zweites leitfähiges Material umfasst, welches von dem ersten leitfähigen Material verschieden ist; oder (ii) entweder der Kern oder die Schale ein brechendes Material mit einem Brechungsindex größer als ungefähr 1,8 umfasst.

23-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015004867U1

Zusammensetzung, die Farbpartikel, Stearalkoniumhectorit, Polyhydroxystearinsäure und polaren Aktivator umfasst, wobei die Farbpartikel gleichförmig durch die Zusammensetzung hindurch verteilt sind.

13-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002345560C3

02-07-2009 дата публикации

Cosmetic composition, useful for the care and preservation of natural functions of keratin fibers and increasing the brightness of keratin fibers, preferably human hairs, comprises a powder of a gemstone or semi-precious stone

Номер: DE102007033184A1

Cosmetic composition for the care and preservation of natural functions of keratin fibers, comprises at least a powder of a gemstone or semi-precious stone. Independent claims are included for: (1) a cosmetic preparation comprising an active substance complex consisting of a powder of a gemstone or semi-precious stone and at least a fatty substance; and (2) a method for the treatment of keratin fibers, comprising applying the preparation on the fibers and rinsing the preparation after an exposure time of 1-45 minutes.

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Kosmetika in Stiftform und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE0069624953T2

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Kosmetisches Licht- und Sonnenschutzmittel

Номер: DE102017119863A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein kosmetisches Licht- und Sonnenschutzmittel mit spezieller Wirksamkeit für Hauttypen der Kategorie IV und V. Das Mittel besteht aus UVA- und UVB-Filtern, Pigmenten mit unterschiedlichen Teilchengrößen, Kühlmitteln und Radikalfängern, die insbesondere aus Pflanzenextrakten ausgewählt sind.

24-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020209428U1

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Kosmetisches Aerosolspray mit anhaltendem Frischeeffekt

Номер: DE102011087662A1

Kosmetische Produkte, bestehend aus einer Wasser-in-Öl-Emulsion, enthaltend a) mindestens ein schweißhemmendes Aluminiumsalz, b) mindestens einen Wasser-in-Öl-Emulgator mit einem HLB-Wert im Bereich von 1,5 bis 6,5, c) mindestens einen Öl-in-Wasser-Emulgator oder Lösungsvermittler mit einem HLB-Wert im Bereich von > 7 bis 20, bevorzugt im Bereich von > 12 bis 19, besonders bevorzugt im Bereich von > 14 bis 18 und außerordentlich bevorzugt im Bereich von 15 bis 17, d) mindestens ein kosmetisches Öl, das kein Riechstoff und kein ätherisches Öl ist, e) 5-Methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexyl-N-ethyloxamat, bevorzugt (1R,2S,5R)-5-Methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexyl-N-ethyloxamat, mindestens einem Treibmittel und einer Aerosol-Abgabevorrichtung, zeichnen sich bei hoher Stabilität der Emulsion durch eine geringe Korrosionsneigung, eine gute kosmetische Wirkung, einen nachhaltigen Frischeeffekt auf der Haut, gute Hautverträglichkeit und geringe Rückstandsbildung bei und nach der Applikation aus.

27-09-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002713236C3
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG, 6000 FRANKFURT

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Färben von keratinischem Material, umfassend die Anwendung von einer siliciumorganischen Verbindung, eines Effektpigments und eines filmbildenden Polymers

Номер: DE102019214205A1

Gegenstand der vorliegenden Erfindung ist ein Verfahren zum Färben von keratinischem Material, insbesondere menschlichen Haaren, umfassend die folgenden Schritte:- Anwendung eines Mittels (a) auf dem keratinischen Material, wobei das Mittel (a) mindestens eine organische Siliciumverbindung (a1) enthält, und- Anwendung eines Mittels (b) auf dem keratinischen Material, wobei das Mittel (b) enthält:(b1) mindestens eine farbgebende Verbindung, umfassend mindestens Effektpigment, umfassend a) ein Substratplättchen, umfassend synthetischen Glimmer, und β) eine Beschichtung, umfassend mindestens eine erste Metalloxid(hydrat)schicht, und (b2) mindestens ein filmbildendes Polymer.Die Anmeldung offenbart auch eine Mehrkomponenten-Verpackungseinheit, welche in zwei getrennt konfektionierten Containern die zwei Mittel (a) und (b) enthält.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur schonenden, chemischen Haarbehandlung

Номер: DE102018218945A1

Die Anmeldung beschreibt ein kosmetisches Verfahren zur chemischen Behandlung keratinischer Fasern, bei demi. eine kosmetische Zusammensetzung als Vorbehandlungsmittel auf keratinische Fasern aufgebracht wird, undii. die keratinischen Fasern innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 5 Sekunden bis 24 Stunden nach Schritt i. einer chemischen Behandlung mit einem Oxidationsmittel und/oder einem Reduktionsmittel unterzogen werden, wobei die kosmetische Zusammensetzung - bezogen auf ihr Gesamtgewicht - 0,01 bis 4,00 Gew.-% eines Polyorganosiloxans der Formel (I)umfasst.Durch den Einsatz des speziellen Vorbehandlungsmittels kann die Schädigung der keratinischen Fasern durch die eingesetzten Oxidations- und/oder Reduktionsmittel reduziert werden.

08-01-2004 дата публикации

Modifizierter Bentonit

Номер: DE0004300996B4

Modifizierter Bentonit, der in Wasser dispergiert werden kann, um rheologische Eigenschaften einer wäßrigen Flüssigkeit einzustellen, der dadurch erhalten wird, indem man einem wasserfreien, gereinigten Bentonit wenigstens ein Alkyltrialkoxysilan, das durch Formel (I) wiedergegeben wird: R1Si(OR2)3(I) worin R1 für eine gesättigte Alkylgruppe mit 1 bis 22 Kohlenstoffatomen steht und R2 für eine Methylgruppe, eine Ethylgruppe, eine Propylgruppe oder eine Butylgruppe steht, in einer Menge von 0,5 bis 15 Gew.-Teilen pro 100 Gew.-Teile Betonit zusetzt und danach die Mischung in wasserfreier Atmosphäre rührt und pulverisiert, wobei eine Alkylsilylgruppe an einen Teil der Oberfläche der Bentonitteilchen addiert.

08-04-1971 дата публикации

Schweissverhinderndes Mittel in Aerosolform

Номер: DE0001617730A1

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Öl-in-Wasser Nanoemulsion mit Füllstoffen

Номер: DE602005005585T2
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Kosmetische Zusammensetzung enthaltend Korundpartikel und ein Hetero-polysaccharid

Номер: DE602005002674D1
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

26-07-2007 дата публикации

Cosmetic stick composition comprises a lipid or wax, a nonionic oil-in-water emulsifier, a nonionic water-in-oil emulsifier, an oil, a polyol or polyethylene glycol, water and cosmetic ingredients

Номер: DE102006004955A1

Cosmetic stick composition in the form of a water-in-oil dispersion or emulsion comprises a lipid or wax, a nonionic oil-in-water emulsifier with a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of more than 7, a nonionic water-in-oil emulsifier with a HLB of 1-7, an oil with a defined solubility parameter, a polyol or polyethylene glycol, water and selected cosmetic ingredients. An independent claim is also included for producing a composition as above by melting the wax and oil components together with the emulsifiers at 90-95[deg]C, adding the water (also heated to 90-95[deg]C) and the water-soluble ingredients while stirring, adding any other ingredients, cooling the mixture, pouring it into dispenser molds, and cooling it to room temperature under static conditions. Cosmetic stick composition in the form of a water-in-oil dispersion or emulsion comprises a lipid or wax component with a mleting point above 50[deg]C; a nonionic oil-in-water emulsifier with a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB ...

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Antitranspirantprodukt auf Basis von Mikroemulsionen

Номер: DE0010149362A1

The invention relates to an antiperspirant product, containing alcohol-free transparent or translucent oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsions and a pump spray for preventing excessive sweating of the skin and unpleasant odour development.

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Antitranspirantprodukt auf Basis von Mikroemulsionsgelen

Номер: DE0010149373A1

The invention relates to an anti-perspirant product containing transparent or translucent micro-emulsion gels, devoid of alcohol and of the oil-in-water type (O/W), comprising an oil phase and a water phase and containing: one or more polyethoxylated O/W emulsifiers and/or one or more polypropoxylated O/W emulsifiers and/or one or more polyethoxylated and polypropoxylated O/W emulsifiers, optionally in addition containing one or more W/O emulsifiers. Said product has an emulsifier content of less than 20 wt. %, in relation to the total weight of the emulsion, an anti-perspirant content of between 5 and 40 wt. %, in particular of between 7 and 25 wt. %, in relation to the total content of the emulsion. Said product can be obtained by heating a mixture of the main constituents comprising the water phase, oil phase, one or more of the inventive O/W emulsifiers, optionally one or more W/O emulsifiers and optionally additional auxiliary agents, additives and/or active ingredients to a temperature ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000325840D0

29-09-1913 дата публикации

A Lotion for Treating the Skin.

Номер: GB0191222006A

... 22,006. Gibson, G. L. Sept. 27. Cosmetics.-Consists essentially of mucilage prepared from cydonia vulgaris (quince seed) or from gums of the arabin type, and non- plastic clay such as corn brash, Bradford clay, fuller's earth, or forest marble. The mixture is dried in the form of briquets to which tolu gum and oil of bergamot may be applied directly or after powdering and mixing with water for use.

24-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008619814D0

01-05-1996 дата публикации

Antiperspirant aerosol composition and method of making same

Номер: GB0009604340D0

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001313863A

... 1313863 Antiperspirant compositions A TROMANS (J B Williams Co Inc) 17 June 1970 29352/70 Heading A5B [Also in Division C4] An antiperspirant powder-dispensing, substantially anhydrous, aerosol composition comprises (a) at least 2.0% by weight of a suspended, topically administrable, powdered astringent material of the aluminium chlorohydroxide complex or aluminium salt type, (b) a non-polar, non-hygroscopic oleaginous organic liquid carrier, (c) a liquefied aerosol propellant and (d) an effective amount of fumed alumina as a suspending and skin-adherence-improving agent. Antibacterial agents such as hexachlorophene may also be present.

29-08-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to personal deodorants

Номер: GB0000656747A

A personal deodorant and anti-perspirant preparation comprises a basic aluminium amino acetate and a preformed cationic bacterio-static or bactericidal compound, such as hydroxyethyl heptadecenyl glyoxalidine sulphate and lauryl pyridinium sulphate. Other deodorants such as aluminium chlorhydrate may be present. One example relates to a mixture of sorbitan monostearate, polyoxyalkylene sorbitan monostearate, diethylene glycol monostearate, beeswax, basic aluminium amino acetate perfume and water with lauryl pyridinium sulphate and the other to a similar mixture having hydroxyethyl heptadecenyl glyoxalidine sulphate as bactericidal constituent.

01-09-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to antiperspirant and deodorant preparations

Номер: GB0000714551A

An antiperspirant and deodorant preparation comprises a cation-exchange resin having the carboxy radical as the functional group thereof and a water-soluble aluminium salt of an organic acid, dispersed in a hydrophilic base, which contains water at least in the external phase. The preparaton contains 8 to 35, and preferably 15 to 25, per cent of the cation exchange resin and 5 to 25, preferably 10 to 20, per cent of the aluminium salt. Specified aluminium salts are those of the acids acetic, propionic, citric, tataric, methionic and phenolsulphonic. The resin may be prepared by copolymerizing maleic anhydride and styrene in the presence of a cross-linking agent such as divinylbenzene, trivinylbenzene, ethylene diacrylate, or diallyl maleate, fumarate or itaconate, or by copolymerizing acylic or methacrylic acid with such a cross-linking agent. The hydrophillic base may be in the form of a cream, paste or ointment comprising a fatty substance dispersed in an aqueous medium by means of an ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning or cosmetic compositions comprising natural zeolites

Номер: US20120058164A1
Принадлежит: ZEOSOFT Ltd

The invention describes compositions which are useful as cleansers of the skin. The compositions described comprise zeolitic ingredients which are in general softer than known products. The natural zeolitic ingredients are inherently soft. The softness is due to a number of factors including but not limited to younger zeolitic rock types, softer constituent elements, more porous rock types and less dense rock types. The overall softness provided by the compositions according to the invention provides a cleaning product that is softer to the skin, especially the human skin.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Maintaining feet dry to prevent freezing

Номер: US20120070397A1
Автор: Scotty Wales
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of keeping the feet warm when engaging in activities in cold weather, comprising the step of applying antiperspirant to the feet. This is done prior to donning foot coverings such as socks. The foot coverings may comprise a wicking fabric or wool. The antiperspirant may be a liquid based product including aluminum chlorohydrate, or a solid type product including aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrox GLY.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Composition for keratin fibres

Номер: US20120103357A1

Conditioning and shine enhancing compositions dramatically and condition hair excellently in terms of combability, elasticity, smoothness and softness for keratin fibres especially human hair are disclosed. Particularly, the compositions disclosed comprise synthetic mica coated with metal oxide or oxides and having a volume particle size distribution of 1 to 750 μm at a concentration of 0.01 to 10% by weight, calculated to total composition, which gives hair shimmery shine.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Surface modified pigment

Номер: US20120148648A1
Принадлежит: Kobo Products Inc

A composition comprising a pigment particle that is coated with a cationic material and isopropyl titanium triisostearate. The pigment particle can be included in a cleansing composition for deposition on a surface, such as skin.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Emulsified Antiperspirant Composition And Method For Making Same

Номер: US20120195843A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Antiperspirant compositions that include a continuous phase employing a water-immiscible liquid and a structurant, and a disperse phase employing a solution of antiperspirant active in water.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Personal Care Articles and Methods

Номер: US20120246851A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A personal care article can include a composition and a substrate. The article can be compliant to a surface.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Ultraviolet Absorber-Including Clay Mineral And Cosmetics Containing The Same

Номер: US20120263769A1
Автор: Hideo Hata
Принадлежит: Shiseido Co Ltd

The present invention provides an ultraviolet absorber-including clay mineral, which allows an ultraviolet absorber to be blended, as a powder component, into cosmetic preparations, can effectively absorb a wide range of ultraviolet light, and has excellent inclusion amount and inclusion strength; and cosmetics containing the same. The ultraviolet absorber-including clay mineral is characterized in that a polybase and an anionic ultraviolet absorber are intercalated between the layers of a water-swellable clay mineral. The polybase is preferably a polymer having a nitrogen-containing group that can become a cation. The anionic ultraviolet absorber is preferably one or more selected from 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid, and their sodium salts.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Color Cosmetic with High Coverage and Naturalness

Номер: US20120276031A1
Принадлежит: Avon Products Inc

Described herein is a cosmetic composition comprising a mixture of metal oxide pigments having different shapes and sizes which provides high coverage and a natural look upon application.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Easily appliable, storage stable, radiation-curable, pigmented, artificial nail gel coatings

Номер: US20130034512A1
Принадлежит: Mycone Dental Supply Co Inc

A composition, method, and use of a UV curable, thixotropic, radiation curable, low viscosity gel is described. The composition is comprised of thixotropic additive(s) and in some cases dispersants for additional dispersion stability. The thixotropic pigmented gel has prolonged shelf life and long time storage at ambient conditions. It also contains negligible amounts of unreactive solvent. The thixotropic additive also changes the rheological properties of the gel, which allows the nail gel to be easily applied to nails at a lower viscosity due to shear thinning.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid powder of halloysite nanotube and light-scattering nanoparticle, method for preparing the same, and uvscreening cosmetic composition containing the same as active ingredient

Номер: US20130078293A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a hybrid powder of halloysite nanotubes and light-scattering nanoparticles, a method for preparing the same, and a UV-screening cosmetic composition containing the same as an active ingredient. The hybrid powder of halloysite nanotubes and light-scattering nanoparticles according to the present invention, in which the light-scattering nanoparticles are loaded into the halloysite nanotubes, can prevent the light-scattering nanoparticles from penetrating the skin, which minimizes side effects, and has excellent UV-screening effect. Thus, the hybrid powder of halloysite nanotubes and light-scattering nanoparticles according to the present invention can be effectively used as a UV-screening cosmetic composition.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Hair care composition

Номер: US20130084260A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc

A method of treating hair comprising the following steps: i) applying to the hair a composition comprising a group III or group IV metal salt or combination thereof; ii) followed by washing the hair.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149361A1
Автор: Gan David
Принадлежит: MARY KAY INC.

Disclosed is a particle, compositions having the particle, and methods of using the particle or composition, that includes a core having an active ingredient, a coating surrounding the core, and pink tourmaline that is included in the core and/or in the coating. 1. A particle comprising a core having an active ingredient , a coating surrounding the core , and pink tourmaline that is included in the core and/or in the coating.2. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the core consists of the active ingredient.3. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the core consists of the active ingredient and the pink tourmaline.4. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the active ingredient is a combination of an oil-soluble vitamin C derivative and retinol claim 1 , wherein the oil-soluble vitamin C derivative is ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate.5. The particle of claim 4 , comprising 1 to 10% by weight of ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and 1 to 10% by weight of retinol.6. The particle of claim 5 , comprising 7% by weight of ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and 7% by weight of retinol.7. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the coating is a polymeric coating comprising polymethyl methacrylate.8. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the particle has a pink hue.9. The particle of claim 1 , comprising 0.1 to 10% by weight of pink tourmaline.10. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the coating further comprises an antioxidant or a plasticizer or a combination thereof.11. The particle of claim 10 , wherein the antioxidant is butylated hydroxytoluene and the plasticizer is tricaprylin.12. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the particle is comprised in a cosmetic composition.13. The particle of claim 12 , wherein the particle is dispersed in a continuous phase of the composition.14. The particle of claim 12 , wherein the composition is a cream claim 12 , lotion claim 12 , gel claim 12 , serum claim 12 , or emulsion.15. The particle of claim 12 , wherein the composition further includes a moistuization agent claim 12 , a UV ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164354A1

Disclosed is a method for the preparation of cosmetic compositions having the texture of a cream. Said preparation is made at the time when the composition is used and includes bringing into contact with each other (A) a liquid phase, (B) a powder containing a gelling agent for the liquid phase (A), and (C) an active cosmetic ingredient, whereby the elements are brought into contact by adding phase (A) to phase (B), subjecting a solid powder containing phase (B) and phase (A) in an immobilized form to mechanical stress to release phase (A). Further disclosed are compositions comprising phase (B) and phase (A) in an immobilized form which are transformed into a cream when applied to the skin). 118-. (canceled)19. A cosmetic composition comprising:an aqueous liquid phase;a gelling agent for the liquid phase, the gelling agent comprising a starch modified by carboxymethyl groups; andmineral or organic particles having a hydrophobic surface nature,wherein the cosmetic composition is in a powder form that is transformed into a cream upon application.20. The cosmetic composition of claim 19 , wherein the mineral or organic particles comprise at least one of titanium dioxide claim 19 , iron claim 19 , or aluminum based metallic oxide.21. The cosmetic composition of claim 19 , wherein the particles are titanium dioxide claim 19 , iron claim 19 , or aluminum based particles.22. A cosmetic composition comprising:an aqueous liquid phase; and a gelling agent for the liquid phase, the gelling agent comprising a starch modified by carboxymethyl groups; and', 'mineral or organic particles having a hydrophobic surface nature,, 'a powder, the powder comprisingwherein the liquid phase is encapsulated in or immobilized on the surface of a solid carrier, the solid carrier being dispersed in the powder or a component of the powder, andwherein the cosmetic composition is in a powder form that is transformed into a cream upon application.23. The cosmetic composition of claim 22 , wherein ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Active Compositions and Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20130209387A1
Автор: Pan Long, Pappas Iraklis
Принадлежит: Colgate-Palmolive Company

An antiperspirant active composition comprising an aluminum salt, the aluminum salt (i) having an aluminum to chloride molar ratio of 0.3:1 to 3:1; and (ii) exhibiting an Al NMR spectrum with a species distribution including at least 90% A130 polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation as the predominant species detectable by Al NMR within the aluminum salt. The composition can optionally include zirconium. Also disclosed are a method of making an antiperspirant active composition and the use of a heating step at elevated temperature to convert Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cations in the species detectable by Al NMR within an aqueous aluminum salt solution into Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cations in the species detectable by Al NMR without increasing a SEC Peak 3 area in the SEC chromatogram of the aluminum salt. 1. An antiperspirant active composition comprising an aluminum salt , the aluminum salt (i) having an aluminum to chloride molar ratio of 0.3:1 to 3:1; and (ii) exhibiting an Al NMR spectrum with a species distribution including at least 90% Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation as the predominant species detectable by Al NMR within the aluminum salt , wherein the aluminum salt exhibits a SEC chromatogram having a SEC Peak 4 area of at least 90% of a total area of Peaks 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 in the SEC chromatogram2. The antiperspirant active composition of claim 1 , wherein the Al NMR spectrum has a species distribution including at least 95% Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation as the predominant species detectable by Al NMR within the aluminum salt.3. The antiperspirant active composition of claim 1 , wherein the Al NMR spectrum has a species distribution including at most 5% Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation in the species detectable by Al NMR within the aluminum salt.4. The antiperspirant active composition of claim 3 , wherein the Al NMR spectrum has a species distribution including no Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation in the species detectable by Al NMR within the aluminum salt.5. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Spreading implement

Номер: US20130211350A1
Принадлежит: Acrux DDS Pty Ltd

This invention relates to an implement 1 for applying a volume of liquid to a treatment surface. The implement includes a support means 3 onto which is mounted a receptacle 2 , the receptacle defining a reservoir space 4 which receives the liquid. The receptacle includes a wall 6 having a working surface that is used to spread the liquid over the treatment surface. The wall 6 is resiliently deformable so in use the working surface maintains contact with the treatment surface when spreading the liquid. The implement has a specific application in applying a transdermal lotion to the axilla area of the user. The invention also relates to a system for transdermal administration of a physiological active agent from a liquid composition and a method of conducting the same.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Aluminum Salt Containing High Percentage of Al30

Номер: US20130224140A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

A composition comprising an aluminum chlorohydrate salt, the aluminum chlorohydrate salt having at least 50 mole % Al 30 polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation of all polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cations detectable by quantitative 27 Al NMR within the aluminum chlorohydrate salt, and a buffer. The composition can optionally include zirconium. Also disclosed are a method of making an aluminum salt using an increased molar concentration of a starting aluminum salt with a buffer, a method of reducing perspiration with the aluminum chlorohydrate salt, and a method of treating water with the aluminum chlorohydrate salt.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Superabsorbent polymers and silicone elastomer for use in hair care compositions

Номер: US20130243717A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A hair composition containing from about 0.01% to about 10%, of an superabsorbent polymer, from about 0.1% to about 70%, of a silicone elastomer; from about 1% to about 30% humectants, and from about 20% to about 98% of water.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Cross linked silicone copolmyer networks in a thickened aqueous phase

Номер: US20130243834A1
Автор: Paul Robert Tanner
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A thickened aqueous composition in the form of an emulsion that has from about 1% to about 10% of an acrylate cross linked silicone copolymer network, and from about 0.01% to about 10% of a gum, clay, cellulose, modified cellulosic composition, and mixtures thereof; and from about 20% to about 97% of water.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Spray Formulations With Reduced Clogging/Sedimentation Characteristics

Номер: US20130330282A1
Автор: John S. Trent
Принадлежит: SC Johnson and Son Inc

Spray compositions are formulated with powders (e.g. corn starch) which improve skin feel, and also have a hydrophobically modified oxide additive (e.g. modified silica) to reduce the incidence of can/bottle clogging and sedimentation caused by the powder. The oxide is a mixed hydrophobic/hydrophilic oxide such as hydrophobicly modified fumed silica (e.g. silica dimethyl silylate). In one embodiment DEET can be delivered by such formulations.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Lip Balm

Номер: US20130330289A1
Автор: Lucia Smigel, Tammy Ha
Принадлежит: Robell Research

A lip balm for protecting and rehydrating lips is disclosed containing a synthetic ceramide, an anti-irritant compound, sodium hyaluronate, a cosmetic wax, boswellian oil, extract of the Portuluca pilosa plant, a peptide, dehydrated microspheres of marine collagen and glycosaminoglycans, and mica.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Active Compositions Having SEC Chromatogram Exhibiting High SEC Peak 4 Intensity

Номер: US20140017189A1
Автор: Pan Long
Принадлежит: Colgate-Palmolive Company

An aluminum salt composition comprising an aluminum chlorohydrate having an aluminum to chloride molar ratio of about 0.3:1 to about 3:1, exhibiting a SEC chronatogram having a SEC Peak 4 to Peak 3 intensity ratio of at least 7, a SEC Peak 3 area of less than 5% of a total area of Peaks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the SEC chromatogram, and a Peak 4 intensity greater than a Peak 5 intensity in aqueous solution. 1. An aluminum salt composition comprising an aluminum chlorohydrate salt having an aluminum to chloride molar ratio of about 0.3:1 to about 3:1 , exhibiting a SEC chromatogram having a SEC Peak 4 to Peak 3 intensity ratio of at least 7 , a SEC Peak 3 area of less than 5% of a total area of Peaks 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 in the SEC chromatogram , and a Peak 4 intensity greater than a Peak 5 intensity in aqueous solution.2. The aluminum salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum chlorohydrate salt further comprises zirconium to form an aluminum-zirconium salt.3. The aluminum salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum chlorohydrate salt is buffer free and has an OH to Al ratio of about 2:1 to about 2.6:1.4. The aluminum salt composition of further comprising a buffer claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of buffer to aluminum is about 0.1:1 to about 3:1.5. The aluminum salt composition of claim 4 , wherein the buffer is at least one buffer chosen from an amino acid claim 4 , glycine claim 4 , and betaine.6. The aluminum salt composition of claim 2 , wherein a molar ratio of aluminum to zirconium is about 5:1 to about 10:1.7. The aluminum salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has no SEC Peak 3 area in the SEC chromatogram.8. The aluminum salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has no SEC Peak 5 area in the SEC chromatogram.9. The aluminum salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a SEC Peak 4 area of 95 to 100% claim 1 , no SEC Peak 3 area claim 1 , and no SEC Peak 5 area of a total area of Peaks 1 claim 1 , 2 ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018275A1

Hair care composition comprising a metal pyrithione, characterized by from 0.00001 to 0.005% wt. a purple or pink or red colouring component. 1. Hair care composition comprising a metal pyrithione , characterized by from 0.00001 to 0.005% wt. a purple or pink or red colouring component.2. Composition according to wherein the metal s selected from magnesium claim 1 , barium claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , strontium claim 1 , copper claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , cadmium claim 1 , zirconium and mixtures thereof.3. Composition according to wherein the metal pyrithione is zinc pyrithione.4. Composition according to comprising from 0.01 to 3% wt. metal pyrithione.5. Composition according to wherein the colouring component is selected from Acid Red 1 claim 1 , Acid Red 14 claim 1 , Acid Red 18 claim 1 , Acid Red 26 claim 1 , Acid Red 27 claim 1 , Acid Red 33 claim 1 , Acid Red 41 claim 1 , Acid Red 50 claim 1 , Acid Red 52 claim 1 , Acid Red 155 and Acid Red 163.6. Composition according to comprising a pearliser system characterized by a bismuth oxychloride component and a mica component.7. Composition according to comprising from 0.01 to 5% wt. bismuth oxychloride component.8. Composition according to comprising from 0.01 to 5% wt. mica component.9. Composition according to comprising from 2 to 50% cleansing surfactant.10. Composition according to wherein the cleansing surfactant comprises a surfactant selected from anionic surfactants claim 9 , amphoteric surfactants and nonionic surfactant and mixtures thereof.11. Composition according to wherein the colouring component is present in an amount of from 0.00005 to 0.0003 wt %. The present invention relates to an improved hair care composition comprising pyrithione.Despite the prior art there remains a need for hair care compositions with improved aesthetics. Pyrithione-containing compositions are typically dull and the inclusion of micas or pearlescers typically has no effect on the visual appearance.Accordingly, the present ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Composition and Methods for Permanent Hair Removal

Номер: US20140044814A1
Автор: Brown Rachel

Compositions and methods to prevent future hair growth are shown. After a skin treatment area is subjected to standard stripping procedures (such as sugaring or waxing), turmeric or a composition containing turmeric is applied to the skin treatment area. The composition is partially deposited into the generally empty hair follicles and cuts off blood supply necessary for new hair growth. After a period of time, the composition may be wiped off the skin's surface (remaining in the follicle) and oil may be applied to the skin to aid healing. Multiple treatments consisting of hair stripping and applying the turmeric composition may result in hair follicles that breakdown and are unable to grow hair again. 1. A method for preventing future hair growth , the method comprising:applying a topical application of turmeric or a turmeric containing composition to skin from which hair has been stripped before any noticeable regrowth has occurred.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises applying the turmeric containing composition to an area of skin having excess or unwanted hair growth and allowing the turmeric containing composition to dry.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the turmeric or turmeric containing composition is worked over an area of the skin so as to encourage at least some of the turmeric or turmeric containing composition to be deposited in the hair follicles below an outer surface of the skin and applying oil to the skin to help retain the turmeric or turmeric containing composition in the hair follicle.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step of applying a topical application of turmeric or turmeric containing composition comprises applying a mixture of turmeric and clay to the skin.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step of applying a topical application of turmeric or turmeric containing composition comprises applying a mixture of turmeric and at least one of milk claim 1 , soy milk claim 1 , coconut ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056837A1

Nanocomposite compositions forming mixed clathrates and methods for using such compositions for entrapping guest moieties such as malodors, molds and cells are disclosed. 1. A composition which spontaneously forms a supramolecular mixed host clathrate that entraps desired guest moieties ,which composition comprises at least first and second components that are different from each other, are hydrophilic and spontaneously self-assembling to form an asymmetric intercalated lattice and framework, wherein when contacted with potential guest moieties said composition forms nanocages that are conformationally mimetic and antisymmetric to said guest moieties.2. The composition of which is a powder.3. The composition of wherein said composition further effects hydrogen bonding to the guest moiety.4. The composition of wherein said composition further effects Van der Waals bonding claim 1 , pi bonding or ionic bonding.5. The composition of wherein said first component has a high surface area providing hydrogen bonding ability and assembles into nanocages andsaid second component is less hydrophilic and more electronegative than said first component.6. The composition of wherein said first component has a surface area of at least 380 m/g and >8 functional reactive hydrogen-bonding groups per nm.7. The composition of wherein the second component has a surface area of at least 425 m/g.8. The composition of wherein the first component is reactive fumed silica subassemblies with a surface area of at least 380 m/g and the second component is a synthetic or natural zeolite Y claim 1 , faujasite or mordenite.9. The composition of wherein the second component is synthetic zeolite Y.10. A composition which comprises a first component of reactive fumed silica nanoparticle subassemblies with a surface area of at least 380 m/g and a second component which is synthetic or natural zeolite Y claim 8 , faujasite or mordenite.11. The composition of wherein the second component is synthetic ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000665A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention relates to a composition in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion, comprising, in a cosmetically acceptable medium: A) a continuous aqueous phase and B) an oily phase dispersed in the said aqueous phase and comprising at least one hydrocarbon-based oil; C) at least one mixture consisting of: i) at least one nonionic surfactant containing a saturated linear by drocarbon-based chain comprising at least 16 carbon atoms, the said surfactant being other than a fatty alcohol, and ii) at least one fatty alcohol in pure form containing at least 16 carbon atoms or a mixture consisting exclusively of fatty alcohols containing at least 16 carbon atoms; D) at least one wax with a melting point of greater than 45° C. comprising one or more C-Cester compounds and not comprising any C-Cester compounds, in an amount from 1 to 10% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition and E) at least one water-soluble polysaccharide; the said composition having a viscosity, measured at 25° C. with a Rheomat RM 180 viscometer at 200 sat room temperature with a No. 3 or No. 4 spindle after 10 minutes, ranging from 1500 mPa·s to 12 000 mPa·s and preferably from 2000 mPa·s to 8000 mPa·s. The present invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating and/or caring for human keratin materials, characterized in that it consists in applying to the surface of the keratin material a composition as defined previously. The present invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating human perspiration and/or perspiration-related body odour, which consists in applying to the surface of a human keratin material a composition as defmed previously com prising at least one deodorant active agent and/or one antiperspirant active agent. 1. Composition in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion comprising , in a cosmetically acceptable medium:A) a continuous aqueous phase andB) an oily phase dispersed in the said aqueous phase and comprising at least one hydrocarbon- ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Oral Care Compositions

Номер: US20160000666A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

Described herein are oral care compositions comprising an effective amount of aluminum chlorohydrate suspended in a carrier for preventing, reducing or inhibiting dentinal hypersensitivity, the aluminum chlorohydrate exhibiting a SEC chromatogram having a SEC Peak 4 to Peak 3 intensity ratio of at least 7 and a Peak 4 intensity greater than a Peak 5 intensity; and methods of using the same.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000681A1

The present invention relates to a composition in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion, comprising, in a cosmetically acceptable medium: A) a continuous aqueous phase and B) an oily phase dispersed in the said aqueous phase and comprising at least one hydrocarbon-based oil; C) at least one mixture consisting of: i) at least one nonionic surfactant containing a saturated linear hydrocarbon-based chain comprising at least 16 carbon atoms, the said surfactant being other than a fatty alcohol, and ii) at least one fatty alcohol chosen from: —a pure fatty alcohol comprising more than 16 carbon atoms; —a mixture consisting exclusively of fatty alcohols containing at least 16 carbon atoms and comprising at least 50% by weight of fatty alcohol containing at least 18 atoms relative to the weight of the fatty alcohol mixture; and D) at least one wax with a melting point of greater than 45° C. comprising one or more C-Cester compounds and not comprising any C-Cester compounds, in an amount from 1 to 10% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition and E) at least one water-soluble polysaccharide; the said composition having a hardness measured at 32° C. and at a humidity of 40% ranging from 20 kPa to 200 kPa and preferably ranging from 25 kPa to 150 kPa. The present invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating and/or caring for human keratin materials, characterized in that it consists in applying to the surface of the keratin material a composition as defined previously. The present invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating human perspiration and/or perspiration-related body odour, which consists in applying to the surface of a human keratin material a composition as defined previously comprising at least one deodorant active agent and/or one antiperspirant active agent. 1. Composition in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion comprising , in a cosmetically acceptable medium:A) a continuous aqueous phase andB) an oily phase dispersed in ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000701A1
Автор: KINA Toru

[Problem] To provide a decorating powder composition for decorating the surface of a solid cosmetic material, in particular, for obtaining a solid cosmetic material having a beautiful appearance which is decorated with a glossy powder, and a decorating method using the decorating powder composition. 12-. (canceled)3. A method for decorating a solid cosmetic material , the method comprising:adhering a decorating powder composition to a printing plate while the decorating powder composition remains in a powder state, the decorating powder composition comprising a glossy pearl agent which has been surface-treated with a silane compound or a silazane compound,bringing the printing plate into contact with the solid cosmetic material, andtransferring the decorating powder composition to a surface of the solid cosmetic material for decoration.4. A decorating powder composition for transferring the decorating powder composition from a printing plate to a surface of a solid cosmetic material and decorating the surface of the solid cosmetic material , the composition comprising a glossy pearl agent which has been surface-treated with a silane compound or a silazane compound. The present invention relates to a decorating powder composition for decorating the surface of a solid cosmetic material such as eve shadow, foundation, and lipstick.In solid cosmetic materials such as eye shadow, foundation, and lipstick, it is important to use a technique for decorating the surface of the cosmetic materials by means of, for example, patterns and letters using titanated mica (pearl agent) having gloss, or the like, in order to realize a beautiful appearance to attract consumer's attention.As a technique for decorating the surface of a cosmetic material with a pattern or the like, an electrostatic screen printing method is known which a voltage is applied between a powder coating material on a screen and an object to be coated so as to charge the object and the powder, and an ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000711A1

The present disclosure relates to the use of kaolin as an opacifier in cosmetic compositions, cosmetic compositions comprising kaolin and methods of making said cosmetic compositions. 1. A cosmetic composition comprising:a cosmetically acceptable carrier;calcined kaolin; andoptionally less than about 0.5 wt % of an opacifier;wherein the cosmetic composition has an opacity equal to or greater than about 40%.2. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has an opacity equal to or greater than about 50%.3. (canceled)4. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a L* whiteness equal to or greater than about 80.5. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a b* yellowness equal to or less than about 1.6. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a pH ranging from about 3 to about 8.7. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a sedimentation of less than 5% (v/v) after centrifugation at 1600 rpm for 15 minutes in a tube having a height of 10 cm and a diameter of 1.5 cm.8. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition comprises equal to or less than about 0.4 wt % opacifier.9. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition comprises 0 wt % of an opacifier.10. (canceled)11. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the kaolin has a dranging from about 0.5 to about 0.9 μm.12. The cosmetic composition of claim 11 , wherein the kaolin has a dranging from about 1.8 to about 2.2 μm.13. The cosmetic composition of claim 12 , wherein the kaolin has a dranging from about 0.2 to about 0.6 μm.14. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the kaolin has a L* whiteness of at least about 88.15. The cosmetic composition of claim 14 , wherein the kaolin has a b* yellowness equal to or less than about 3.16. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the kaolin has a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000700A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

A hair bleaching process reduces hair damage to bleached hair and comprises the steps of (i) preparing an aqueous bleaching composition by mixing three compositions (a), (b) and (c), wherein the composition (a) is a substantially anhydrous composition comprising at least one compound with bleaching effect, the composition (b) is an aqueous composition comprising at least one oxidizing agent, and the composition (c) comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of water soluble silk protein, water soluble silk protein hydrolysate and of derivatives of water soluble silk protein and water soluble silk protein hydrolysate, (ii) reducing cysteic acid content and formation in bleached hair by applying the aqueous bleaching composition onto hair and (iii), after processing of 5 to 45 min at a temperature in the range of 20 to 45° C., rinsing the aqueous bleaching composition off from the hair. 1. A hair bleaching process for reducing hair damage to bleached hair , the process comprising the steps of:preparing an aqueous bleaching composition by mixing three compositions (a), (b) and (c), whereinthe composition (a) is a substantially anhydrous composition comprising at least one compound with bleaching effect,the composition (b) is an aqueous composition comprising at least one oxidizing agent, andthe composition (c) comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of water soluble silk protein, water soluble silk protein hydrolysate and of derivatives of water soluble silk protein and water soluble silk protein hydrolysate; andreducing cysteic acid content and formation in bleached hair by applying the aqueous bleaching composition onto hair and, after processing of 5 to 45 min at a temperature in the range of 20 to 45° C., rinsing the aqueous bleaching composition off from the hair.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition (c) comprises water soluble silk protein hydrolysate at a concentration of 0.001 to 2.5% by ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000708A1
Автор: Doering Thomas
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present disclosure relates to antiperspirant cosmetic agents, in the case of which the total amount of antiperspirant compounds can be clearly reduced without the antiperspirant effect of said agents or the storage stability of said agents being impaired, comprising—in each case with respect to the total weight of the antiperspirant cosmetic agent—a) 1 to 30 wt % of at least one antiperspirant compound, b) 0.1 to 10 wt % of salicylic acid, c) at least one compound of formula (I), in which n represents 0 or 1, X represents —H, Na+, K+, or NH4+, R1 is selected from —H, —COOX, or —(CH2)—COOX, R2 is selected from —H, C1-10 alkyl, or COOX, R3 is selected from —(CH2)—COOX, —(CH2)2-N[(CH2)—COOX]2, —CH(R1)—COOX, —(CH2)2-NH[CH(COOX)(CH2COOX)], —CH(R4)—C(R5)(R6)—COOX, R4 is selected from —H, C1-10 alkyl, or COOX, and R5 and R6 are, independently of each other, —H, —OH, or C1-10 alkyl. 2. The antiperspirant cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , comprising from about 2 to about 25 wt % aluminium chlorohydrate.3. The antiperspirant cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , comprising from about 2.5 to about 29 wt % aluminium-zirconium chlorohydrate.4. The antiperspirant cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , comprising from about 0.11 to about 8 wt % salicylic acid.10. The antiperspirant cosmetic composition according to claim 8 , wherein the compound(s) of formula (Id) is selected from the group of N-(1 claim 8 ,2-dicarboxy-2-hydroxyethyl) glycine claim 8 , N-(1 claim 8 ,2-dicarboxy-2-hydroxyethyl) alanine claim 8 , N claim 8 ,N-biscarboxymethyl-3-alanine claim 8 , N-(1 claim 8 ,2-dicarboxy-2-hydroxyethyl) sarcosine claim 8 , N-(1 claim 8 ,2-dicarboxy-2-hydroxyethyl) iminodiacetic acid and the alkaline metal salts.11. A non-therapeutic cosmetic method for preventing and/or reducing body perspiration in which an antiperspirant cosmetic composition according to is applied to skin claim 1 , and remains in contact with the skin for at least about 1 hour.12. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method of making high performance activated aluminum sesquichlorohydrate powders

Номер: US20170000701A1
Автор: Zijun Li
Принадлежит: Gulbrandsen Technologies Inc

Activated aluminum sesquichlorohydrate (AASCH) powders and method of making are disclosed. The AASCH powder has Al:Cl atomic ratio of from about 1.60 to about 1.90 and Band III polymer concentration of at least about 20% and Band IV polymer concentration of at least about 15% when analyzed with Size Exclusion Chromatogram (SEC) operated by High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC). The method of making the active comprises (a) diluting the concentrated aluminum sesquichlorohydrate (ASCH) solution to from about 10% to about 25% by weight and (b) heating the diluted solution to obtain a Band III polymer concentration of at least about 20% and a Band IV polymer concentration of at least about 15%, and (c) drying the heated solution to powders having Al:Cl ratio of about 1.60 to about 1.90 and (d) optionally screen or light mill the powders to free flowing spherical particles.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007845A1
Автор: TEBOUL Karen

The present invention relates to a device for applying a composition for treating keratin fibres, comprising a hydrophobic film-forming polymer and a volatile solvent, and also to a process for treating keratin fibres using such a device. The composition makes it possible to obtain a shampoo-fast coating, leaving the treated fibres individualized, with improved cosmetic feel and added body and volume. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for applying a treatment composition to keratin fibers , comprising:i) an applicator means that is capable of retaining an amount of the treatment composition in a container, andii) a holding member that can engage with the applicator means, in order, during a longitudinal movement of the device relative to a lock of keratin fibers, to hold the lock in engagement with the applicator means so as to enable the lock to be coated with the treatment composition,wherein the applicator means comprises an applicator tip mounted on the container and comprising an outlet orifice equipped with an opening/closing member, which, in a first position, closes off the outlet orifice, and which, in a second position, at least partially releases the outlet orifice, the passage from the first to the second position taking place in response to a stress exerted on the opening/closing member by engaging the lock between the holding member and the opening/closing member; andwherein the treatment composition comprises at least one hydrophobic film-forming polymer and at least one volatile solvent.17. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the holding member is mobile relative to the applicator means.18. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the holding member and the applicator means form two separate pieces or alternatively are linked via a connecting means and form a single piece.19. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the applicator tip comprises a surface that is capable of storing and releasing the treatment composition.20. The device according ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007507A1

Inventive embodiments disclosed herein includes a free standing cosmetic stick. The free standing stick includes a formulation that includes Isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight. The formulation also includes one or more coloring agents; one or more constituents for rendering the formulation into a solid stick; wherein the formulation is free from volatile ingredients. 1. A free standing cosmetic stick , comprising:a formulation comprising isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight;one or more coloring agents;one or more constituents for rendering the formulation into a solid stick;wherein the formulation is free from volatile ingredients.2. A free standing cosmetic stick , comprising:isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight;petrolatum;carnauba wax;euphorbia cerifera;dimethicone/divinyldimethicone/silsesquioxane crosspolymer and Copernicia Cerifera wax;color agent; andpolymethylsilsesquioxane.3. A free standing cosmetic stick , comprising:isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight;microchrystalline;ozokerite;carnauba wax;candelilla wax;dimethicone/divinyldimethicone/silsesquioxane crosspolymer and Copernicia Cerifera wax;kaolin;talc; andpolymethylsilsesquioxane.4. A free standing cosmetic stick , comprising:isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight;petrolatum;microcrystalline;carnauba wax;candelilla wax;dimethicone/divinyldimethicone/silsesquioxane crosspolymer and Copernicia Cerifera wax;silica;kaolin; andtalc.5. A free standing color cosmetic stick comprising isopentyl laurate in a concentration of at least 33% by weight and one or more agents for imparting color.6. The free standing stick of claim 5 , further comprising one or more constituents for rendering the formulation into a solid stick;7. The free standing stick of claim 5 , wherein the free standing color cosmetic stick is free from volatile ingredients.8. A method of making a free standing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007510A1

Anhydrous antiperspirant composition in aerosol form comprising an antiperspirant active agent and a water-insoluble film-forming block ethylenic polymer The present invention relates to an anhydrous composition in aerosol form containing: i) an oily phase comprising, in a physiologically acceptable medium: —at least one volatile oil, and —one or more antiperspirant active agents chosen from aluminium and/or zirconium salts, and —one or more water-insoluble film-forming block ethylenic polymers comprising a first block with a glass transition temperature (Tg) of greater than or equal to 85° C. and a second block with a Tg of less than or equal to 20° C., and ii) one or more propellants; the said oily phase containing less than 15% by weight and even more preferably less than 12% by weight of non-volatile polydimethylsiloxane relative to the total weight of the oils. The invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating human perspiration, to a use of the same and to an aerosol device using the said cosmetic composition. 115.-. (canceled)17. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one antiperspirant agent chosen from aluminium salts are chosen from aluminium chlorohydrate claim 16 , aluminium chlorohydrex claim 16 , aluminium chlorohydrex PEG claim 16 , aluminium chlorohydrex PG claim 16 , aluminium dichlorohydrate claim 16 , aluminium dichlorohydrex PEG claim 16 , aluminium dichlorohydrex PG claim 16 , aluminium sesquichlorohydrate claim 16 , aluminium sesquichlorohydrex PEG claim 16 , aluminium sesquichlorohydrex PG claim 16 , alum salts claim 16 , aluminium sulfate claim 16 , aluminium zirconium octachlorohydrate claim 16 , aluminium zirconium pentachlorohydrate claim 16 , aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrate claim 16 , or aluminium zirconium trichlorohydrate.18. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the first and second blocks are linked together via an intermediate segment comprising at least one constituent monomer of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Solid Stick Antiperspirant Compositions Having Non-Volatile Silicones

Номер: US20170007515A1

Solid stick antiperspirant compositions include an antiperspirant active, one or more waxes, and a plurality of liquids. The one or more waxes include a polar wax. The plurality of liquids include about 60% or greater, by weight of the plurality of liquids, of a non-volatile silicone. The solid stick antiperspirant composition is substantially or completely free of volatile silicones. Antiperspirant product containing solid stick antiperspirant compositions are also described herein. 1. A solid stick antiperspirant composition comprising:an antiperspirant active;one or more waxes comprising a polar wax; and{'sup': 1/2', '1/2, 'a plurality of liquids comprising two or more emollients, wherein a first emollient of the two or more emollients comprises a polydimethylsiloxane having a viscosity of about 2 to about 6 centistokes, wherein the plurality of liquids comprise about 60% or greater, by weight, of the polydimethylsiloxane, and wherein the plurality of liquids are a homogeneous mixture and have an aggregate polarity from about 0.9 MPato about 3.4 MPa; and'}wherein the solid stick antiperspirant composition is substantially or completely free of volatile silicones.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The solid stick antiperspirant composition of claim 2 , wherein the polydimethylsiloxane has the following formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 'x', 'M-D-M'}{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '2, 'wherein M is (CH)SiO, D is ((CH)SiO), and x is from 4 to 11.'}6. The solid stick antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the polydimethylsiloxane comprises a concentration from about 25% to about 50% claim 1 , by weight of the solid stick antiperspirant composition.7. The solid stick antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein a second emollient of the two or more emollients is selected from the group consisting of C-alkyl benzoate claim 1 , isopropyl myristate claim 1 , isopropyl palmitate claim 1 , and octyldodecanol.8. The solid stick antiperspirant composition of claim 7 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007531A1

Stabilized silicate compositions and methods of making them are disclosed, and more particularly to compositions comprising polysilicic acids, optionally stabilized by a growth retardant, and their uses as antiperspirant compositions. 1. An antiperspirant composition comprising a stabilised silicate composition which comprises polysilicic acids , wherein the antiperspirant composition has a pH between 2.5 and 5.0 and wherein the application of the antiperspirant composition to a subject causes a pH shift in the composition that induces growth of the polysilicic acids to form a gel thereby providing an antiperspirant active ingredient.2. (canceled)3. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the pH shift is to a pH of above 5 and below 8.4. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the pH shift occurs in skin pores and causes production of the silicate gel in the pores.5. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the composition is between pH 3.0 and 5.0.6. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the stabilised silicate is stabilised by at least one growth retardant.7. The antiperspirant composition of claim 6 , wherein the growth retardant is a carboxylic acid claim 6 , an amino acid claim 6 , an inorganic anion claim 6 , a polyol claim 6 , saccharide and/or a quaternary ammonium cation.8. The antiperspirant composition of claim 7 , wherein the carboxylic acid is a Cdicarboxylic acid claim 7 , the amino acid is aspartic acid claim 7 , the polyol is a monomeric polyol claim 7 , polyalkylene glycol claim 7 , or a saccharide claim 7 , and the quaternary ammonium cation is choline.9. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the stabilised polysilicic acid particles are incorporated into an antiperspirant composition or a cosmetic formulation comprising one or more polyalkylene glycols.10. (canceled)11. The antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the stabilised polysilicic acid particles are poorly ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008239A1
Принадлежит: Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc.

A particulate metal oxide is provided that includes a cationic portion containing a zinc portion, a first manganese dopant portion and a second dopant portion selected from the group consisting of iron and aluminum, wherein the zinc portion is about 99% by weight or more of the cationic portion and the manganese dopant portion and second dopant portion are present in a weight ratio of from about 5:1 to 1:5. 1. A particulate metal oxide comprising a cationic portion , wherein the cationic portion comprises about 99% by weight or more of a zinc portion , a first manganese dopant portion and a second dopant portion selected from the group consisting of iron and aluminum , wherein the first manganese dopant portion and the second dopant portion are present in a weight ratio from about 1:5 to about 5:1.2. The particulate metal oxide of having a Long-Short Absorbance Ratio that is greater than a Long-Short Absorbance Ratio of a comparable particulate metal oxide.3. The particulate metal oxide of claim 1 , wherein the first manganese dopant portion and the second dopant portion are present in a weight ratio from 1:4 to about 4:1.4. The particulate metal oxide of claim 1 , wherein the first manganese portion and the second dopant portion are present in a weight ratio from 1:3 to about 3:1.5. The particulate metal oxide of claim 1 , wherein the first manganese portion and the second dopant portion are present in a weight ratio of 1:1.5.6. The particulate metal oxide of wherein the second dopant portion is iron.7. The particulate metal oxide of wherein the second dopant portion is aluminum.8. The particulate metal oxide of wherein the first manganese dopant portion is divalent.9. The particulate metal oxide of wherein the first manganese dopant portion is divalent and the iron dopant is divalent.10. The particulate metal oxide of having a Long-Short Absorbance Ratio of 1.75 or greater.11. The particulate metal oxide of having a Long-Short Absorbance Ratio of 1.80 or greater. ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008245A1

Described herein are topical skin compositions useful for protecting the skin from the sun. The topical skin compositions comprise cosmetic ingredients such as homosalate, octisalate, oxybenzone, octocrylene, avobenzone, dimethicone, butylene glycol, styrene/acrylates copolymer, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, dicaprylyl carbonate, glycerin, ceteareth-25, dimethicone crosspolymer, magnesium aluminum silicate, acetyl dipeptide-1 cetyl ester, extract, hydrolyzed algin, ascorbic acid, plankton extract, and fruit extract. The compositions may also comprise other cosmetic ingredients, examples of which include film formers, preservatives, emulsifiers, conditioning agents, and moisturizers. Also disclosed are methods of using the topical skin compositions. 1. A topical skin composition comprising:homosalate;octisalate;oxybenzone;octocrylene;avobenzone;dimethicone;butylene glycol;styrene/acrylates copolymer;C12-15 alkyl benzoate;dicaprylyl carbonate;glycerin;ceteareth-25;dimethicone crosspolymer;magnesium aluminum silicate;acetyl dipeptide-1 cetyl ester;{'i': 'Crithmum maritimum', 'extract;'}hydrolyzed algin; andascorbic acid.2. The topical skin composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of homosalate claim 1 , octisalate claim 1 , oxybenzone claim 1 , octocrylene claim 1 , and avobenzone capable of protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays.3. The topical skin composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of acetyl dipeptide-1 cetyl ester capable of inducing a release of signals that enhance skin comfort and/or relaxation claim 1 , modulating perception of unpleasant sensations claim 1 , promoting the production of constituents of elastic fibers claim 1 , and/or strengthening skin.4Crithmum maritimum. The topical skin composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of extract capable of conditioning skin claim 1 , toning skin claim 1 , repairing skin claim 1 , and/or reduce the signs ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008246A1
Автор: Norman Greg

Described herein are compositions useful for protecting the skin from the sun. The compositions comprise cosmetic ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, butyloctyl salicylate, and a dermatologically acceptable vehicle. The compositions may further comprise additional ingredients such as cyclopentasiloxane, neopentyl glycol diheptanoate, butylene glycol, caprylyl methicone, PEG-9 polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethicone, glycerin, polyglyceryl-6 polyricinoleate, lauric acid, aluminum hydroxide, potassium sorbate, and citric acid. 1. A composition comprising:zinc oxide;titanium dioxide;butyloctyl salicylate;cyclopentasiloxane;neopentyl glycol diheptanoate;butylene glycol;caprylyl methicone;PEG-9 polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethicone;glycerin;polyglyceryl-6 polyricinoleate;lauric acid;aluminum hydroxide;potassium sorbate; andcitric acid.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide capable of protecting against UVA and/or UVB rays claim 1 , absorbing light claim 1 , and/or reflecting away light.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of butyloctyl salicylate capable of solubilizing sunscreen ingredients claim 1 , improving formulation aesthetics claim 1 , and/or imparting an elegant moisturizing feel to skin.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of zinc oxide claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , and butyloctyl salicylate capable of protecting skin from ultraviolet rays and/or having an SPF of at least 20.5. The composition of comprising:1 to 10% by weight of zinc oxide;1 to 10% by weight of titanium dioxide;1 to 10% by weight of butyloctyl salicylate;5 to 15% by weight of cyclopentasiloxane;1 to 10% by weight of neopentyl glycol diheptanoate;1 to 10% by weight of butylene glycol;1 to 10% by weight of caprylyl methicone;1 to 5% by weight of PEG-9 polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethicone;0.5 to 5% by ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008263A1
Автор: MENDOZA Ricky

Described herein are lipstick compositions that are substantive, aesthetically appealing, do not pool on the lips, are easy to spread, and moisturize the lips. The compositions comprise cosmetic ingredients such as conditioning agents, moisturizing agents, antioxidants, structuring agents, emulsifiers, silicone containing compounds, essential oils, thickening agents, preservatives, and colorants, for example. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises:0.01 to 0.1% by weight of stearalkonium hectorite;0.001 to 0.1% by weight of polyhydroxystearic acid; and0.001 to 0.1% by weight of a polar activator.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polar activator is propylene carbonate.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises microspheres that increase blendability of the composition.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the microspheres comprise HDI/Trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer and silica.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises 0.5 to 15% by weight of HDI/Trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer and silica.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises:{'i': 'Helianthus annus', '(sunflower) seed oil;'}pentaerythrityl tetraisostearate;bis-diglyceryl polyacyladipate-2;isononyl isononanoate;polyethylene;mica;ozokerite;silica;microcrystalline wax/cire microcrystalline; andHDI/Trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer.8. The composition of claim 7 , wherein the composition comprises:{'i': 'Helianthus annus', '3 to 15% by weight of (sunflower) seed oil;'}1 to 15% by weight of pentaerythrityl tetraisostearate;7 to 13% by weight of bis-diglyceryl polyacyladipate-2;7 to 15% by weight of isononyl isononanoate;2 to 8% by weight of polyethylene;3 to 15% by weight of mica;1 to 4% by weight of ozokerite;1 to 6% by weight of silica;0.1 to 4% by weight of microcrystalline wax/cire microcrystalline; and0.5 to 15% by weight of HDI/Trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer.9. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Skin Care Composition

Номер: US20180008525A1

A thickened aqueous composition containing about 0.01% to about 10%, by weight, of an superabsorbent polymer, about 0.1% to about 20%, of a silicone elastomer; about 0.1% to about 20%, by weight, of a fatty alcohol; and from about 20% to about 98% of water. 1. A thickened aqueous composition comprising:a. about 0.01% to about 10%, by weight, of a superabsorbent polymer;b. about 0.1% to about 20%, by weight, of a silicone elastomer;c. about 0.1% to 20%, by weight, of a fatty alcohol; andd. about 20% to about 98% of water.2. The thickened aqueous composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous composition is mixed with an oil phase to form an oil-in-water or water-in-oil-in-water emulsion.3. The thickened aqueous composition of claim 2 , wherein the oil phase is from about 1% to about 60% claim 2 , by weight claim 2 , of the emulsion.4. The thickened aqueous composition of claim 1 , further comprising from about 1% to about 40% claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of a UV active selected from a group consisting of avobenzone claim 1 , cinoxate claim 1 , dioxybenzone claim 1 , homosalate claim 1 , menthyl anthranilate claim 1 , octyl salicylate claim 1 , oxybenzone claim 1 , padimate O claim 1 , phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid claim 1 , sulisobenzone claim 1 , trolamine salicylate claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , diethanolamine methoxycinnamate claim 1 , digalloy trioleate claim 1 , ethyl dihydroxypropyl PABA claim 1 , glyceryl aminobenzoate claim 1 , lawsone with dihydroxyacetone claim 1 , red petrolatum claim 1 , ethylhexyl triazone claim 1 , dioctyl butamido triazone claim 1 , benzylidene malonate polysiloxane claim 1 , terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid claim 1 , disodium phenyl dibenzimidazole tetrasulfonate claim 1 , diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate claim 1 , bis diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl benzoate claim 1 , bis benzoxazoylphenyl ethylhexylimino triazine claim 1 , drometrizole trisiloxane claim 1 , methylene bis-benzotriazolyl ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007950A1

An antiperspirant (AP) aerosol product comprising (A) an aerosol composition comprising a volatile propellant and an AP active comprising a basic aluminium chloride compound of formula AIOHCIto AIOHCI, a water-soluble calcium salt and an amino acid, and (B) an aerosol dispenser comprising a container body comprising a chamber for holding the aerosol composition and an aerosol valve, the aerosol valve comprising a housing holding the valve stem and a spring, said aerosol valve being held into the container body by a valve cup internally lacquered with a protective coating, wherein the AP active has a molar ratio of calcium to aluminium of greater than 1:20 and a molar ratio of glycine to aluminium of greater than 1:5. 1. An antiperspirant aerosol product comprising: a volatile propellant and', {'sub': 2', '4.4', '1.6', '2', '4.9', '1.1, 'claim-text': 'wherein the AP active has a molar ratio of calcium to aluminium of greater than 1:20 and a molar ratio of glycine to aluminium of greater than 1:5,', 'an AP active comprising a basic aluminium chloride compound of formula AlOHClto AlOHC, calcium chloride and glycine; and'}], 'A) an antiperspirant (AP) aerosol composition comprising a container body comprising a chamber configured to hold the aerosol composition; and', housing holding the valve stem; and', 'a spring;', 'wherein the aerosol valve is held into the container body by a valve cup internally lacquered with a protective coating., 'wherein the aerosol valve comprises, 'an aerosol valve configured to release the composition through a valve stem of the aerosol valve,'}], 'B) an aerosol dispenser comprising2. An antiperspirant aerosol product according to claim 1 , wherein the AP active has a molar ratio of glycine to aluminium of greater than 1:4.3. An antiperspirant aerosol product according to claim 1 , wherein the valve cup and the internal surface of the chamber of the aerosol dispenser are internally lacquered with polyethylene terephthalate or an ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007955A1

The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition for a keratin substance, for example the skin such as that of the face, comprising: (i) at least one moisturizer; (ii) at least one film-forming polymer; and (iii) a combination of the following fillers: (a) hydrophobic silica: (b) perlite; (c) urethane polymer powder; and (d) acrylic polymer powder. “Long-lasting” effects of a cosmetic composition for a keratin substance comprising at least one moisturizer without creating any dry feeling can be achieved by using both a film-forming polymer and a combination of the following fillers: (a) hydrophobic silica: (b) perlite; (c) urethane polymer powder; and (d) acrylic polymer powder. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for improving long-lasting effects without creating any dry feeling in a cosmetic composition , comprising adding at least one film-forming polymer and a combination of the following fillers: (a) hydrophobic silica , (b) perlite , (c) urethane polymer powder , and (d) acrylic polymer powder to a cosmetic composition for a keratin substance comprising at least one moisturizer.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one moisturizer is chosen from emollients claim 16 , humectants claim 16 , or mixtures thereof.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one moisturizer is chosen from emollients claim 16 , wherein the emollients are chosen from non-volatile oils.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one moisturizer is chosen from ester oils claim 16 , lipophilic amino acid derivatives claim 16 , or mixtures thereof.20. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one moisturizer is present in an amount ranging from about 0.001% to about 20.0% by weight claim 16 , relative to the total weight of the composition.21. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one moisturizer is present in an amount ranging from about 0.05% to about 10% by weight claim 16 , relative to the total ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008773A1
Принадлежит: Colgate-Palmolive Company

A composition comprising an aluminum chlorohydrate salt, the aluminum chlorohydrate salt having at least 50 mole % Alpolyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation of all polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cations detectable by quantitative Al NMR within the aluminum chlorohydrate salt, and a buffer. The composition can optionally include zirconium. Also disclosed are a method of making an aluminum salt using an increased molar concentration of a starting aluminum salt with a buffer, a method of reducing perspiration with the aluminum chlorohydrate salt, and a method of treating water with the aluminum chlorohydrate salt. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of making an aluminum chlorohydrate salt comprising:I) heating an aqueous solution containing a first aluminum salt and a buffer, wherein the first aluminum salt is present in a molar concentration of at least 0.75M, wherein the buffer is an amino acid or betaine and a molar ratio of buffer to aluminum is at least 0.1:1, at a temperature of 50° C. to 100° C. for a period of time of 1 hour to 6 hours to obtain a first aluminum salt solution;II) adding to the first aluminum salt solution an aqueous solution of an inorganic base to obtain a first aluminum chlorohydrate salt solution having an OH:Al molar ratio of at most 2.6:1, and a pH of 2 to 5; andIII) heating the first aluminum chlorohydrate salt solution at a temperature of 50° C. to 100° C. for a period of time of at least 8 hours to obtain a second aluminum chlorohydrate salt solution containing an aluminum chlorohydrate salt having at least 50 mole % Al30 polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cation of all polyhydroxyoxoaluminum cations detectable by quantitative 27Al NMR within the aluminum chlorohydrate salt.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the molar concentration of the first aluminum salt is at least 1M.23. The method of further comprising adding an aqueous solution containing a zirconium compound to the second aluminum chlorohydrate salt solution to thereby obtain an aluminum-zirconium salt solution ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008733A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present disclosure relates to a method for reduction of perspiration of the body and/or reduction of the body odor released by the perspiration in which antiperspirant cosmetic agents containing phosphate (M1) are applied to the human skin and remain on the application point for at least about 1 hour. Use of at least one phosphate compound in this method has an antiperspirant effect or a reduction of the body odor released by sweat. 1. A cosmetic method for reduction of perspiration of the body and/or reduction of the body odor released by the perspiration comprising:applying an antiperspirant cosmetic agent (M1) to the human skin wherein the antiperspirant cosmetic agent (M1) remains on the application point for at least one hour, wherein the antiperspirant cosmetic agent (M1) in a cosmetically compatible carrier—relative to the total weight of the cosmetic agent (M1)—comprises:a) at least one phosphate compound andb) a maximum of about 1.0 weight % of antiperspirant aluminum and/or aluminum zirconium salts.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic agent (M1) comprises about 0 wt. % of antiperspirant aluminum and/or aluminum-zirconium salts claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the cosmetic agent (M1).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one phosphate compound is selected from linear or cyclic phosphate compounds and mixtures thereof.4. The methods according to wherein the at least one phosphate compound has the formula (I){'br': None, 'sub': x', 'y', 'z', '3z+1, 'MHPO\u2003\u2003(I),'}wherex and z, each independently of one another, denote integers from 1 to about 50;y denotes integers from 0 to about 100; andM denotes a monovalent or polyvalent cation selected from the group of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, organic cations or aluminum.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein M denotes the organic cation claim 4 , and wherein the organic cation is selected from the group of basic amino ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008751A1

A dry shampoo composition is provided that is highly absorbent and light weight. The water-based composition may be formulated as an aerosol mousse. The aerosol mousse may be formed by combining a propellant and a mousse concentrate, and dispensing the combination from an aerosol dispenser. The dry shampoo mousse concentrate may include at least one sebum-absorbing powder, at least one cleansing surfactant, at least one anti-caking agent, at least one plasticizer, and at least a minimum amount of an aqueous solvent. 1. A dry shampoo mousse concentrate comprising:at least one sebum-absorbing starch,at least one cleansing surfactant,at least one anti-caking agent,at least one plasticizer, andat least 2 wt. % aqueous carrier, based upon the total weight of the mousse concentrate.2. The dry shampoo mousse concentrate of claim 1 , where the sebum-absorbing starch is selected from the group consisting of cornstarch claim 1 , potato starch claim 1 , tapioca starch claim 1 , rice starch claim 1 , wheat starch claim 1 , and cassaya starch claim 1 , aluminum starch octenylsuccinate claim 1 , sodium starch octenylsuccinate claim 1 , calcium starch octenylsuccinate claim 1 , distarch phosphate claim 1 , hydroxyethyl starch phosphate claim 1 , hydroxypropyl starch phosphate claim 1 , sodium carboxymethyl starch claim 1 , and sodium starch glycolate claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The dry shampoo mousse concentrate of claim 1 , where the sebum-absorbing starch includes one or more of rice starch and corn starch.4. The dry shampoo mousse concentrate of claim 1 , where the total amount of sebum-absorbing powder claim 1 , based upon the total weight of the mousse concentrate claim 1 , is from about 10 to about 50 wt. %.5. The dry shampoo mousse concentrate of claim 1 , where the cleansing surfactant is selected from the group consisting of alkyl sulphates claim 1 , alkyl ether sulphates claim 1 , alkaryl sulphonates claim 1 , alkanoyl isethionates claim 1 , alkyl succinates claim ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008753A1

An aerosol antiperspirant composition is provided. The aerosol antiperspirant composition includes a propellant having a concentration from 30% to 65% by weight and an antiperspirant composition. The antiperspirant composition includes one or more liquid materials, wherein the one or more liquid materials comprise one or more non-volatile silicone fluids having a concentration from 40% to about 70% by weight; antiperspirant active particulates; one or more non-antiperspirant active particulates that are substantially inert; and wherein the antiperspirant composition has a total particulate concentration from 30% to about 60% by weight and the antiperspirant composition has a viscosity greater than 1,000 centipoise. 1. An aerosol antiperspirant composition , comprising:a liquid propellant having a concentration from 30% to 65% by weight of aerosol antiperspirant composition; one or more liquid materials comprising 70% to 100% by weight of the liquid materials, of non-volatile polydimethyl siloxane fluid; the one or more liquid materials having a concentration from 40% to 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition;', 'antiperspirant active particulates;', 'wherein the antiperspirant composition has a L/P ratio of from about 0.6 to about 1.6, an A/P ratio of from about 0.1 to about 0.95, and a viscosity from 1,000 centipoise to about 50,000 centipoise., 'an antiperspirant composition comprising2. The aerosol antiperspirant composition of claim 1 , wherein the antiperspirant composition is in the form of a dispersion.3. An aerosol antiperspirant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more liquid materials of the antiperspirant composition consist essentially of non-volatile polydimethyl siloxane fluid claim 1 , a liquid fragrance material and silicone gum.4. An aerosol antiperspirant composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a particulate fragrance material having a concentration from about 0.25% to about 5% by weight of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008754A1

An aerosol antiperspirant composition is provided. The aerosol antiperspirant composition includes a propellant and an antiperspirant composition. The antiperspirant composition includes one or more liquid materials, wherein the one or more liquid materials comprise one or more non-volatile silicone fluids having a concentration from 40% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition; antiperspirant active particulates having a concentration from about 16% to about 32% by weight of the antiperspirant composition; one or more non-antiperspirant active particulates that are substantially inert, wherein the one or more non-antiperspirant active particulates that are substantially inert have a concentration from 10% to 30% by weight of the antiperspirant composition; and wherein the antiperspirant composition has a total particulate concentration from 30% to about 60% by weight of the antiperspirant composition. 1. An aerosol antiperspirant composition , comprising:a propellant; one or more liquid materials comprising 70% to 100% by weight of the liquid materials, of non-volatile polydimethyl siloxane fluid; the one or more liquid materials having a concentration from 40% to 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition;', 'antiperspirant active particulates;', 'one or more non-antiperspirant active particulates that are substantially inert; and', 'wherein the antiperspirant composition has a L/P ratio of from about 0.6 to about 1.6., 'an antiperspirant composition comprising2. An aerosol antiperspirant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more liquid materials of the antiperspirant composition consist essentially of the non-volatile polydimethyl siloxane fluid claim 1 , a liquid fragrance material and a silicone gum.3. An aerosol antiperspirant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the non-volatile silicone fluids have a concentration from about 40% to 55% by weight of the antiperspirant composition.4. An aerosol antiperspirant ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Effect Pigments with High Chroma and High Brilliancy, Method for the Production and Use Thereof

Номер: US20200009023A1

The invention relates to an absorbent effect pigment including a nonmetallic substrate in platelet form and a coating applied thereto, wherein the coating includes at least one spacer layer. The invention further relates to a process for production of and to the use of the absorbent effect pigment. 1. An absorbent effect pigment comprising a nonmetallic substrate in platelet form and a coating applied to the substrate , wherein the coating includesa) optionally a layer 1 comprising or consisting of at least one of tin oxide, tin hydroxide or tin oxide hydrate,b) a layer 2 comprising at least one of metal oxide, metal hydroxide or metal oxide hydrate,c) a layer 3 comprising at least one of metal oxide, metal hydroxide or metal oxide hydrate,at least one of layers 2 and 3 comprises at least two different metal ions and layers 2 and 3 are interrupted by a spacer layer, wherein the at least one spacer layer includes connections and cavities and wherein the at least one spacer layer has a network density of <85%.2. The absorbent effect pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nonmetallic substrate in platelet form is selected from the group consisting of natural mica platelets claim 1 , synthetic mica platelets claim 1 , iron mica claim 1 , glass platelets claim 1 , SiOplatelets claim 1 , AlOplatelets claim 1 , kaolin platelets claim 1 , talc platelets claim 1 , bismuth oxychloride platelets and mixtures thereof claim 1 , and the nonmetallic substrate in platelet form has optionally been coated with at least one metal oxide claim 1 , metal hydroxide and metal oxide hydrate.3. The absorbent effect pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the effect pigment comprises further layers of high or low refractive index and optionally at least one further spacer layer.4. The absorbent effect pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two different metal ions of layers 2 and 3 are selected from the group of metals consisting of Ti claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Mn ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009032A1

Methods of making personal care compositions including microcapsules and methods of enhancing the efficacy of the microcapsules in said personal care compositions. 1. An anhydrous stick deodorant composition , comprising:a) one or more non-volatile liquid carriers;b) one or more structurants having a concentration from about 1% to about 25% by weight of the composition, wherein the one or more structurants comprises one or more waxes; andc) a moisture-triggered fragrance delivery system;wherein the stick deodorant composition is a single phase.2. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the one or more non-volatile liquid carriers comprises a non-volatile silicone.3. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the one or more non-volatile liquid carriers comprises a non-volatile organic fluid.4. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the anhydrous stick composition is a soft-solid deodorant.5. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the anhydrous stick composition is an invisible solid deodorant.6. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the moisture-triggered fragrance delivery system comprises a starch.7. The anhydrous stick of claim 6 , wherein the starch comprises a raw starch claim 6 , pregelatinized starch claim 6 , modified starch claim 6 , or combination thereof.8. The anhydrous stick of claim 7 , wherein the modified starch is a corn starch.9. The anhydrous stick of claim 8 , wherein the modified corn starch is an octenyl succinate.10. The anhydrous stick of claim 9 , wherein the octenyl succinate comprises a substituted waxy corn starch.11. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the deodorant composition further comprises a volatile silicone carrier.12. The anhydrous stick of claim 1 , wherein the deodorant composition comprises from about 1% to about 20% of the non-volatile liquid carriers.13. An anhydrous stick deodorant composition claim 1 , comprising:a) one or more non-volatile liquid carriers;b) one or more structurants having a concentration from ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013712A1

The present invention provides a powdery solid hair cosmetic that enables easy hairdressing, enables hairdressing into an intended hairstyle without sticky feeling, can impart a natural texture, and has an unprecedented, novel form. The powdery solid composition for hair of the present invention is in a powdery solid form, is used for hair, and contains a powder and an oil. 1. A powdery solid composition for hair which has a powdery solid form obtained by compression molding and which is used for performing hairdressing of hair ,wherein the powdery solid composition is obtained by compression molding a mixture which is obtained by mixing and stirring a powder and an oil, andthe powdery solid composition comprisesthe powder; andthe oil.2. The powdery solid composition for hair according to claim 1 , wherein the powder is contained in an amount of 30 to 95% by mass.3. The powdery solid composition for hair according to claim 1 , wherein the oil is contained in an amount of 5 to 70% by mass.4. A powdery solid hair cosmetic comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the powdery solid composition for hair used for performing hairdressing of hair according to ; and'}a container storing the powdery solid composition for hair.5. A method for producing a powdery solid hair cosmetic comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the powdery solid composition for hair used for performing hairdressing of hair according to ; and'}a container storing the powdery solid composition for hair, the method comprising:a first step of mixing and stirring the powder and the oil to yield a mixture as the powdery solid composition for hair;a second step of directly charging the mixture obtained in the first step into the container or charging the mixture into an inner plate to be installed in the container; anda third step of compression molding the charged mixture.6. A method for hairdressing using the powdery solid hair cosmetic according to claim 4 , the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Oral Care Compositions Comprising Calcium Carbonate and a Clay

Номер: US20170014321A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

The present invention provides an oral care composition comprising, by total weight of the composition: (a) 15 to 35 weight % calcium carbonate; (b) 0.5 to 2 weight % cellulose ether thickening agent; (c) 1 to 6 weight % clay thickening agent; and (d) at least 35 weight % water; wherein, when the composition comprises less than 28 weight % calcium carbonate and less than 4 weight % clay thickening agent, the cellulose ether thickening agent is present in an amount of greater than 1 weight %.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015012A1

An anhydrous antiperspirant aerosol composition comprising a particulate antiperspirant active system, suspending agent, carrier oil, and liquefied propellant gas, characterised in that the particulate antiperspirant active system comprises an aluminium sesquichlorohyrate of formula AIOHCIto AIOHCIactivated with a water soluble calcium salt. 1. An anhydrous antiperspirant aerosol composition comprising a particulate antiperspirant active system , suspending agent , carrier oil , and liquefied propellant gas , characterised in that the particulate antiperspirant active system comprises an aluminium sesquichlorohyrate of formula AlOHClto AlOHClactivated with a water soluble calcium salt.2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the particulate antiperspirant active system comprises an aluminium sesquichlorohyrate of formula AlOHClto AlOHClactivated with a water soluble calcium salt and an amino acid.3. A composition according to claim 2 , wherein amino acid is glycine.4. A composition according to claim 2 , to claim 2 , wherein the aluminium sesquichlorohyrate in the particulate antiperspirant active system has a Band III content of at least 40%.5. A composition according to claim 4 , wherein the aluminium sesquichlorohyrate in the particulate antiperspirant active system has a Band III content of at least 60%.6. A composition according to claim 4 , wherein the aluminium sesquichlorohyrate in the particulate antiperspirant active system has a Band III to Band II ratio of 2:1 or greater.7. A composition according to claim 6 , wherein the aluminium sesquichlorohyrate in the particulate antiperspirant active system has a Band III to Band II ratio of 5:1 or greater8. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminium sesquichlorohyrate in the particulate antiperspirant active system has a molar ratio of calcium to aluminium of at least 1:20 and a molar ratio of amino acid to aluminium of at least 1:10.9. A composition according to claim 8 , wherein the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015306A1

The present invention relates to a pack composition containing an illite extract as an active ingredient. The pack composition consists of: a first agent comprising, with respect to 85.76 parts by weight of an illite extract, 2 parts by weight of carbomer, 0.04 parts by weight of adenosine, 1.2 parts by weight of caffeine, 1.2 parts by weight of β-glucan, 0.6 parts by weight of an oriental raisin fruit extract, 0.6 parts by weight of a green tea extract, 0.6 parts by weight of a whitening composition, 0.5 parts by weight of a black bean extract, 0.5 parts by weight of an oregano extract, 0.2 parts by weight of a extract, 0.2 parts by weight of a sophora root extract, 3.0 parts by weight of acetyl hexapeptide-8, 2.0 parts by weight of copper tripeptide-1, 1.0 part by weight of an oat kernel extract, 0.3 parts by weight of dermosoft® Octiol and 0.3 parts by weight of phenoxyethanol; and a second agent comprising, with respect to 53.8 parts by weight of the illite extract, 1 part by weight of a extract, 1 part by weight of a green tea extract, 2 parts by weight of a white flower complex, 2 parts by weight of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 0.2 parts by weight of polyepsilon-lysine, and 40 parts by weight of sodium silicate, wherein the first agent and the second agent are mixed at a ratio of 1:1. 1. A pack composition containing an illite extract as an active ingredient comprising:a first formulation having skin enhancement effect; anda second formulation having skin whitening effect,wherein the first formulation and the second formulation are mixed in the same ratio,wherein the first formulation comprises:based on 85.76 parts by weight of the illite extract,2 parts by weight of carbomer;0.04 parts by weight of adenosine;1.2 parts by weight of caffeine;1.2 parts by weight of β-glucan;{'i': 'Hovenia dulcis', '0.6 parts by weight of a fruit extract;'}0.6 parts by weight of a green tea extract;0.6 parts by weight of a whitening composition;0.5 parts by weight of a black soybean ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015312A1

A cosmetic formulation can include a salt based cosmetic astringent and an active peptide. The salt based cosmetic astringent can form at least about 0.1% by total weight of the cosmetic formulation. The active peptide can include at least one of (i) a dipeptide including Arginine and Tyrosine and (ii) an oligopeptide with at least four amino acids. 1. A cosmetic formulation comprising:a salt based cosmetic astringent, the salt based cosmetic astringent comprising at least about 0.1% by total weight of the cosmetic formulation; andan active peptide including at least one of (i) a dipeptide including Arginine and Tyrosine and (ii) an oligopeptide with at least four amino acids.2. The cosmetic formulation of claim 1 , wherein the salt based cosmetic astringent comprises between about 0.1% to about 15.0% by total weight of the cosmetic formulation.3. The cosmetic formulation of claim 1 , wherein the active peptide is a dipeptide including Arginine and Tyrosine.4. The cosmetic formulation of claim 3 , wherein the active peptide includes Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester.5. The cosmetic formulation of claim 1 , wherein the active peptide is an oligopeptide with at least four amino acids.6. The cosmetic formulation of claim 5 , wherein the active peptide is selected from the group consisting of: Acetyl Hexapeptide-20 claim 5 , Pentapeptide-18 claim 5 , Acetly Dipeprtide-1 Cetyl Ester claim 5 , Pentapeptide-3 claim 5 , Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-19 claim 5 , and Palmitoyl Heptapeptide-18 claim 5 , and any combinations thereof.7. The cosmetic formulation of claim 1 , wherein the active peptide comprises between about 0.0001% to about 1.0000% by total weight of the cosmetic formulation.8. The cosmetic formulation of claim 1 , wherein the salt based cosmetic astringent is selected from the group consisting of: Ammonium and Potassium Alum claim 1 , Aluminum Triphosphate claim 1 , Aluminum Glycinate and Aluminum Phenolsulfate claim 1 , Alcloxa claim 1 , Aldioxa claim 1 , Aluminum ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015718A1

Disclosed is a microcapsule comprising inorganic particle and benefit agent wherein the microcapsule has a sphericity of 0.15 to 0.74, wherein said benefit agent is distributed throughout the particle, and wherein said microcapsule is not core-shell microcapsule having a single core. The inorganic particle preferably comprises bismuth oxychloride, aluminium oxide, barium sulfate, boron nitride, zirconium oxide, mica, clay, silicate, talc or combination thereof. The benefit agent is preferably a fragrance or pro-fragrance. The microcapsule may be prepared by mixing the inorganic particle with benefit agent at 0 to 40° C. A home or personal care composition comprises the microcapsules. It may further comprise a cleansing surfactant. 1. A microcapsule comprising inorganic particle and benefit agent , wherein the microcapsule has a sphericity of 0.15 to 0.74 , wherein: (a) said benefit agent is distributed throughout the particle , (b) said microcapsule is not core-shell microcapsule having a single core; and (c) said benefit agent comprises fragrance , pro-fragrance , organic sunscreen , skin lightening agent , anti-aging agent or a mixture thereof.2. The microcapsule according to wherein the particle comprises bismuth oxychloride claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , barium sulphate claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , zirconium oxide claim 1 , mica claim 1 , clay claim 1 , silicate claim 1 , talc claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The microcapsule according to wherein the microcapsule has platy shape.4. The microcapsule according to claim 1 , wherein the microcapsule comprises one single inorganic particle.5. The microcapsule according to claim 1 , wherein the benefit agent is fragrance claim 1 , pro-fragrance claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The microcapsule according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the particle to the benefit agent is from 1:4 to 20:1.7. The microcapsule according to claim 1 , wherein the microcapsule has a sphericity of from 0.18 to 0.74.8. ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150020915A1

A method of filling a hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device includes a body having a reservoir. The method includes filling the reservoir with a first composition having a non-volatile silicone fluid, an antiperspirant active, an organoclay material, and at least one liquid activation enhancer having a Hansen Solubility Parameter for Hydrogen Bonding, δbetween about 2 and about 6 and a light transmittance value greater than 90%. The method further includes filling the reservoir with a liquid fragrance material after the reservoir is filled with the first composition to form an antiperspirant composition, attaching a valve to the body; and filling the reservoir with a propellant, wherein the hand held spray device has a propellant concentration after filling from about 30% to about 90% by weight of the total fill of materials within the reservoir and the non-volatile silicone fluid has a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition. 1. A method of filling a hand held spray device comprising:providing a body having a reservoir comprising a total fill of materials;{'sub': 'h', 'filling the reservoir with a first composition comprising a non-volatile silicone fluid, an antiperspirant active, an organoclay material, and at least one liquid activation enhancer having a Hansen Solubility Parameter for Hydrogen Bonding, δ, between about 2 and about 6 and a light transmittance value greater than 90%;'}filling the reservoir with a second composition comprising a liquid fragrance material after the reservoir is filled with the first composition to form an antiperspirant composition, wherein the non-volatile silicone fluid has a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition;providing a valve and attaching the valve to the body; andfilling the reservoir with a propellant, wherein the hand held spray device has a propellant concentration after filling from about 30% to about 90% by ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150020916A1

A method for filling a hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device has a body with a reservoir. The method includes mixing a non-volatile silicone fluid, an antiperspirant active, at least one liquid activation enhancer and a first portion of an organoclay material to form a first composition, wherein the liquid activation enhancer has a Hansen Solubility Parameter for Hydrogen Bonding, δ, between about 2 and about 6 and a light transmittance value greater than 90%. The method further includes mixing a liquid fragrance material and a second portion of an organoclay material to form a second composition. The method further includes filling the reservoir by either mixing the first composition and the second composition to form an antiperspirant composition and adding the antiperspirant composition to the reservoir or by filling the reservoir with the first composition and thereafter filling the reservoir with the second composition after the reservoir is filled with the first composition, to form an antiperspirant composition; attaching a valve to the body; and filling the reservoir with a propellant, wherein the hand held spray device has a propellant concentration after filling from about 30% to about 90% by weight of the total fill of materials within the reservoir. 1. A method for filling a hand held spray device comprising:providing a body with a reservoir having a total fill of materials;{'sub': 'h', 'mixing a non-volatile silicone fluid, an antiperspirant active, at least one liquid activation enhancer and a first portion of an organoclay material to form a first composition, wherein the liquid activation enhancer has a Hansen Solubility Parameter for Hydrogen Bonding, δ, between about 2 and about 6 and a light transmittance value greater than 90%;'}mixing a liquid fragrance material and a second portion of an organoclay material to form a second composition;filling the reservoir by either mixing the first composition and the second composition to ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020799A1

Low pH compositions for topical administration to skin are provided. They comprise a buffering agent having a pKa of about 2.8 to about 4.2 and a cosmetically acceptable active ingredient having a pKa within about 1 unit of the pKa of the buffering agent. The composition has a pH of about 3.3 to 4 and a buffer capacity of at least about 0.15. A method of increasing the topical delivery of a cosmetically acceptable active ingredient having a pKa of about 2.8 to about 4 is also provided. 2. The topical composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetically acceptable active ingredient has a pKa within about 0.7 units of the pKa of the buffering agent.3. The topical composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetically acceptable active ingredient comprises hyaluronic acid.4. The topical composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetically acceptable active ingredient comprises cross-linked hyaluronic acid.5. The topical composition of claim 1 , wherein the buffering agent is selected from the group consisting of lactic acid claim 1 , glycolic acid claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , tartaric acid claim 1 , gluconic acid claim 1 , and gluconolactone.6. The topical composition of claim 1 , wherein the buffering agent is lactic acid.8. The topical composition of claim 7 , wherein the hyaluronic acid comprises cross-linked hyaluronic acid.9. The topical composition of further comprising a thickener selected from the group consisting of magnesium aluminum silicate claim 7 , hydroxyethyl acrylate/sodium acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer claim 7 , xanthan gum claim 7 , silica claim 7 , cetyl hydroxyethylcellulose claim 7 , and polyacrylate-13/polyisobutylene/polysorbate-20 blend claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.10. The topical composition of claim 9 , wherein the thickener comprises hydroxyethyl acrylate/sodium acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer.11. A method of increasing the topical delivery of a cosmetically acceptable active ingredient having a pKa of about 2.8 to about 4 claim 9 , ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105841A1
Принадлежит: Beiersdorf AG

Disclosed is cosmetic or dermatological preparation which comprises one or more antiperspirant substances and one or more cationic surfactants. 2. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein in formula (I) Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated linear C-Calkyl group.3. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein in formula (I) Rrepresents —CHCHCH—.4. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein in formula (I) X represents halide claim 1 , CH—O—SO(methosulfate) or CH—O—SO(ethosulfate).5. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein in formula (I) Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated linear alkyl group having from 10 to 18 carbon atoms claim 1 , Rrepresents —CHCHCH—R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rindependently of one another represent hydrogen or a C-Calkyl group claim 1 , and X represents halide claim 1 , CH—O—SO(methosulfate) or CH—O—SO(ethosulfate).6. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio (i):(ii) is from 3:1 to 8:1.7. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein (i) comprises one or more aluminum compounds.8. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein (ii) further comprises at least one anionic surfactant.9. The preparation of claim 8 , wherein (ii) comprises laureth-7 citrate.10. The preparation of claim 8 , wherein a weight ratio of the one or more cationic surfactants to the at least one anionic surfactant is from 10:1 to 1:3.11. The preparation of claim 10 , wherein the weight ratio is from 6:1 to 1:2.12. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation is present as a roll-on.13. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation is present as a stick.14. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation is present as a liquid aerosol.15. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein (i) comprises one or more aluminum compounds and the weight ratio (i):(ii) is from 1:1 to 20:1.16. The preparation of claim 15 , wherein (ii) further comprises one or more anionic surfactants and a weight ratio of one or more cationic surfactants to the one or more anionic surfactants is from 10:1 to 1:3.17. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Coated Pigments, Method for the Production and the Use Thereof, Coating Agent and Article

Номер: US20180021240A1

The present invention relates to a particularly effective protective coating for metallic objects, the coating method, and the special applications thereof. The particularly high protective effect is achieved by the adaptation of the inorganic fraction and the organic polymer fraction of the coating to the specific surface of the object. Further adjustments of the coating can be used for further optimization, for example of the protection properties or other product properties. 1. A pigment comprising a metallic substrate and at least one inorganic/organic hybrid layer ,wherein the inorganic/organic hybrid layer comprises at least one metal oxide, at least one network former, and at least one organic polymer,wherein the at least one metal oxide does not constitute an oxidation product of the metallic substrate, and the term “metal oxide” comprises oxides, hydroxides, and oxide hydrates of the metals and semimetals,wherein the network former is joined at least partially covalently to the metal oxide and to the organic polymer,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the ratio of the amount of metal oxide of the inorganic/organic hybrid layer to the specific surface area of the uncoated metal pigment is in a range from 16.1 mg/mto 25 mg/m, and'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'the ratio of the amount of organic polymer of the inorganic/organic hybrid layer to the specific surface area of the uncoated metal pigment is in a range from 3.9 mg/mto 10.1 mg/m.'}2. The pigment according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is platelet-shaped.3. The pigment according to claim 1 , wherein the organic polymer is not polyethylene.4. The pigment according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the amount of metal oxide of the coating to the specific surface area of the uncoated metal pigment is in a range from 17.2 mg/mto 23 mg/m.5. The pigment according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the amount of organic polymer of the inorganic/organic hybrid layer to the specific surface area of the uncoated metal ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Depilatory Wax Additive and Process

Номер: US20220040049A1

A depilatory wax additive and process. The depilatory wax additive may modify a depilatory hard wax composition to include visual, olfactory, or skin treatment components. A depilatory wax additive may include molded hard wax component and glitter, a color modifier, a scent modifier, or a skin treatment. A preexisting hard wax composition of solid particles may be heated to a liquid. The depilatory wax additive may be added to the liquefied preexisting hard wax composition, mixed, and heated to disperse the glitter, a color modifier, a scent modifier, or a skin treatment in the wax mixture. 1. A method for using a depilatory wax composition , comprising:obtaining a depilatory wax additive, the depilatory wax additive comprising a molded hard wax composition and glitter;obtaining the depilatory wax composition, the depilatory wax composition comprising solid particles;heating the depilatory wax composition to form a liquefied wax composition;mixing the depilatory wax additive with the liquefied wax composition to form a wax mixture; andheating the wax mixture until the depilatory wax additive liquefies, such that the glitter is dispersed in the wax mixture to form a liquefied wax mixture having the glitter.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising applying the liquefied wax mixture to skin for hair removal.3. The method of claim 2 , comprising removing the liquefied wax mixture from the skin to remove hair from the skin.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the depilatory wax additive has a hard wax to glitter volumetric ratio of 3:1 to 5:1.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the depilatory wax additive to the depilatory wax composition is 1:80 to 1:160.6. A depilatory wax additive claim 1 , comprising:a molded hard wax composition; andglitter.7. The depilatory wax additive of claim 6 , wherein the depilatory wax additive has a hard wax to glitter volumetric ratio of 3:1 to 5:1.8. The depilatory wax additive of claim 6 , wherein the molded hard wax ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150023883A1

A hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device has a body with a reservoir, an actuator having an actuator exit orifice, a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir, and a propellant and antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir. The propellant has a concentration from 30% to 70% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir. The antiperspirant composition includes a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer. 1. A hand held spray device , comprising:a body comprising a reservoir to house a total fill of materials;an actuator comprising an actuator exit orifice;a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir;a propellant stored in the reservoir, the propellant having a concentration from 30% to 70% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir; and {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2, 'R—X—R'}, 'an antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir, the antiperspirant composition comprising a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer having the following formula (I){'sub': 1', '2', '6', '6, 'wherein Rcontains from about 8 to about 20 carbon atoms, X is selected from the group consisting of an alcohol, ester, amide and aryl group, and Ris selected from the group consisting of null, H, 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and CH.'}2. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid activation enhancer is selected from the group consisting of isopropyl myristate claim 1 , isopropyl palmitate claim 1 , ethyl stearate claim 1 , methyl stearate claim 1 , propyl stearate claim 1 , butyl stearate claim 1 , ethyl ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150023884A1

A hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device has a body with a reservoir, an actuator having an actuator exit orifice, a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir, and a propellant and antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir. The propellant has a concentration from 72% to 90% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir. The antiperspirant composition includes a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, greater than 1% substantially inert particulates, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer. 1. A hand held spray device , comprising:a body comprising a reservoir to house a total fill of materials;an actuator comprising an actuator exit orifice;a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir;a propellant stored in the reservoir, the propellant having a concentration from 72% to 90% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir; and {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2, 'R—X—R'}, 'an antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir, the antiperspirant composition comprising a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, greater than 1% substantially inert particulates, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer having the following formula (I){'sub': 1', '2', '6', '6, 'wherein Rcontains from about 8 to about 20 carbon atoms, X is selected from the group consisting of an alcohol, ester, amide and aryl group, and Ris selected from the group consisting of null, H, 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and CH.'}2. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid activation enhancer is selected from the group consisting of isopropyl myristate claim 1 , isopropyl palmitate claim 1 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150023885A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device has a body with a reservoir to house a total fill of material, an actuator having an actuator exit orifice, a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir, and a propellant and antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir. The propellant has a concentration from 30% to 70% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir. The antiperspirant composition includes a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer, and optionally a liquid fragrance material.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150023886A1

A hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device has a body with a reservoir to house a total fill of material, an actuator having an actuator exit orifice, a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir, and a propellant and antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir. The propellant has a concentration from 72% to 90% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir. The antiperspirant composition includes a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, greater than 1% substantially inert particulates, an organoclay material, at least one liquid activation enhancer, and optionally a liquid fragrance material. 1. A hand held spray device , comprising:a body comprising a reservoir to house a total fill of material;an actuator comprising an actuator exit orifice;a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir;a propellant stored in the reservoir, the propellant having a concentration from 72% to 90% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir;{'sub': 'h', 'an antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir, the antiperspirant composition comprising a non-volatile silicone fluid having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition, an antiperspirant active, greater than 1% substantially inert particulates, an organoclay material and at least one liquid activation enhancer having a Hansen Solubility Parameter for Hydrogen Bonding, δ, between about 2 and about 6 and a light transmittance value greater than 90%.'}2. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the liquid activation enhancer is from 2% to 30% by weight of the antiperspirant composition.3. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid activation enhancer has the following formula (I ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Antiperspirant Spray Devices and Compositions

Номер: US20150023887A1

A hand held spray device is disclosed. The spray device includes a body with a reservoir, an actuator with an actuator exit orifice, a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir and a propellant and antiperspirant composition stored in the reservoir. The propellant has a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the total fill of materials stored within the reservoir and a boiling point at 1 atmosphere from about −10° C. to about 10° C. The antiperspirant composition includes a liquid carrier and an antiperspirant active. 1. A hand held spray device , comprising:a body comprising a reservoir comprising a total fill of materials including a propellant and an antiperspirant composition;an actuator comprising an actuator exit orifice;a valve in fluid communication with the actuator exit orifice and the reservoir;the propellant having a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the total fill of materials and a boiling point at 1 atmosphere from about −10° C. to about 10° C.; andthe antiperspirant composition comprising a liquid carrier and an antiperspirant active.2. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the propellant further comprises a vapor equilibrium pressure from about 45 kPa to about 175 kPa.3. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the propellant is A-17 or A-20.4. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid carrier comprises a non-volatile silicone fluid claim 1 , a volatile silicone fluid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The hand held spray device according to claim 4 , wherein the liquid carrier comprises a non-volatile silicone fluid.6. The hand held spray device according to claim 5 , wherein the non-volatile silicone fluid has a concentration from about 30% to about 70% by weight of the antiperspirant composition.7. The hand held spray device according to claim 1 , wherein the propellant concentration is from about 50% to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Antiperspirant stick

Номер: US20190021964A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

Antiperspirant sticks containing (A) at least one perspiration-inhibiting substance from the group formed by aluminium or aluminium-zirconium salts (B) at least one hydrophobic carrier material (C) behenyl behenate (D) behenate from the group formed by cetyl behenate and stearyl behenate, wherein the ratio of the proportion by weight of the behenyl behenate (C) with respect to the total weight of the antiperspirant stick to the proportion by weight of the behenate from the group formed by cetyl behenate and stearyl behenate with respect to the total weight of the antiperspirant stick is 4:1 to 1:4, and a method employing said antiperspirant sticks.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for multi-tonal color modification of keratinous fibers

Номер: US20190021980A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

The subject matter of the present disclosure is a method for treatment keratinous fibers which make it possible to color the hair in a single treatment session and simultaneously achieve a multi-tonal coloring with sections (strands) having different colors, more particularly lighter (“highlights”) sections (strands), wherein the use of solid, flat separating aids, more particularly foils from solid materials such as aluminum, paper or Styrofoam and similar materials is not required.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Therapeutic Preparations and Articles

Номер: US20190021996A1
Автор: Rivera Gregory A.

A therapeutic preparation and article treated with tourmaline nano-particles and a method of manufacturing the same. The therapeutic preparation comprises a gel and tourmaline nano-particles held in suspension in said gel. The therapeutic article comprises a fabric and tourmaline particles attached to said fabric. In one embodiment, an adhesive containing tourmaline is applied to non-treated fabric to form the article. In another embodiment, the tourmaline is integral to the fabric. A method of manufacturing the therapeutic article comprises the steps of submerging a fabric in an aqueous solution comprising tourmaline nano-particles and drying said fabric. 1. A therapeutic preparation comprising:a binding agent; andtourmaline particles held in suspension in said binding agent.2. The therapeutic preparation of claim 1 , wherein said preparation is selected from a group comprising a gel claim 1 , a cream claim 1 , an ointment and a lotion.3. The therapeutic preparation of claim 1 , wherein said binding agent comprises propylene glycol.4. The therapeutic preparation of claim 1 , wherein the tourmaline particles have a diameter greater than 100 nanometers.5. The therapeutic preparation of claim 1 , wherein the tourmaline particles are selected from a group comprising black tourmaline claim 1 , white tourmaline and gray tourmaline.6. The therapeutic preparation of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the tourmaline particles is about 20% of an overall volume of the therapeutic preparation.7. A therapeutic article comprising:a fabric; andtourmaline particles attached to said fabric.8. The therapeutic article of claim 7 , wherein the tourmaline particles are ionized into the fabric.9. The therapeutic article of claim 8 , wherein the article is ionized to about 500 ions per cubic centimeter.10. The therapeutic article of claim 7 , further comprising an adhesive applied to the fabric claim 7 , wherein the tourmaline particles are included in the adhesive.11. The therapeutic ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Use of a dry film for cosmetic topical applications

Номер: US20210022966A1
Автор: Jean Paufique

The present invention concerns the use of a dry film having a water activity of less than 0.6, for a non-therapeutic cosmetic topical treatment of the skin, which dry film comprises at least one polymer of natural origin, at least one mineral filler, at least one plasticizer and at least one surfactant. The dry film has a moisturizing and anti-sebum effect when applied to the skin. The invention also concerns a method of non-therapeutic cosmetic treatment of the skin.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027826A1
Автор: ORIGO Piero

The present invention relates to a cosmetic product having a visible pattern consisting of one or more colours, comprising a cosmetic composition including one or more dyes and/or pigments which contain magnetic or magnetisable particles, characterised in that said cosmetic composition is housed in a container enclosing a magnet capable of generating a magnetic field, whereby said dyes and/or pigments are positioned and/or oriented in the container by said magnetic field, thereby creating the visible pattern. 1. Cosmetic product having a visible pattern consisting of one or more colours , comprising a cosmetic composition including one or more dyes and/or pigments which contain magnetic or magnetisable particles , wherein said cosmetic composition is housed in a container enclosing a magnet capable of generating a magnetic field , whereby said dyes and/or pigments are positioned and/or oriented in the container by said magnetic field , thereby creating the visible pattern.2. The cosmetic product according to claim 1 , wherein the visible pattern consists of two or more colours forming coloured areas visibly separated from each other.3. The cosmetic product according to claim 1 , wherein the visible pattern consists of one colour and said dyes and/or pigments are oriented in the container by said magnetic field claim 1 , thereby creating the visible pattern.4. The cosmetic product according to claim 1 , wherein the dye and/or pigment is a dye and/or pigment acceptable for cosmetic use.5. The cosmetic product according to claim 4 , wherein the dye and/or pigment is a pearly dye and/or pigment.6. The cosmetic product according to claim 5 , wherein the pearly dye or pigment is based on substrates selected from the group consisting of natural or synthetic mica claim 5 , synthetic fluorphlogopite claim 5 , silica claim 5 , calcium aluminium borosilicate claim 5 , calcium sodium borosilicate claim 5 , aluminium calcium sodium silicate claim 5 , acrylates copolymer claim 5 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027827A1

The inventors have investigated a fluorescent substance being safe and having a high color developing property, and it is one of objects of the present disclosure to obtain an inorganic red fluorescent substance consisting of an element which exerts no bad influence upon human bodies. 2. The cosmetic according to having the inorganic particle content of 0.1 to 100 wt % relative to the total amount of the cosmetic.3. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particles have a hexagonal plate shape.4. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , the inorganic particles have an average particle diameter of 5 to 100 μm.5. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , the inorganic particles have a luminance Y of 0.1 or more when a light having an excitation light wavelength of 450 nm is irradiated.6. The cosmetic according to claim 2 , wherein the inorganic particles have a hexagonal plate shape.7. The cosmetic according to claim 2 , the inorganic particles have an average particle diameter of 5 to 100 μm.]8. The cosmetic according to claim 3 , the inorganic particles have an average particle diameter of 5 to 100 μm.9. The cosmetic according to claim 2 , the inorganic particles have a luminance Y of 0.1 or more when a light having an excitation light wavelength of 450 nm is irradiated.10. The cosmetic according to claim 3 , the inorganic particles have a luminance Y of 0.1 or more when a light having an excitation light wavelength of 450 nm is irradiated.11. The cosmetic according to claim 4 , the inorganic particles have a luminance Y of 0.1 or more when a light having an excitation light wavelength of 450 nm is irradiated. The present disclosure relates to a cosmetic containing an aluminate composite oxide.It is known that a fluorescent substance is mixed in a cosmetic (for example, patent document 1). Such cosmetic is expected that the color of skin is adjusted by color development derived from the fluorescent substance and an unconventional cosmetic property is shown by ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030331A1
Автор: Harvey Nelson

The present invention relates an oral care composition, comprising one or more functional agents selected from a group consisting of a whitening agent, a re-mineralizing agent, an anti-plaque agent, an anti-gingivitis agent, a detoxifying agent and its combinations. The composition further comprises a probiotic blend consisting of beneficial oral bacterial population and at least one essential oil comprising antimicrobial activity. 1. An oral care composition , comprising:One or more functional agents selected from a group consisting of a whitening agent, a re-mineralizing agent, an anti-plaque agent, an anti-gingivitis agent, a detoxifying agent and any of its combinations;a probiotic blend comprising beneficial oral bacteria; andat least one essential oil comprising antimicrobial activity.2. The composition of claim 1 , further comprises a nutritional supplement claim 1 , wherein the nutritional supplement comprises Norwegian kelp.3L. rueteri, L. fermentum, L. rhamnosus, S. thermophilus, S. salivarius. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the probiotic blend comprises of bacteria selected from a group consisting of and its combinations thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is selected from a group consisting of clove oil claim 1 , cinnamon oil claim 1 , oregano oil claim 1 , peppermint oil claim 1 , sesame oil and its combinations thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the anti-plaque agent and the anti-gingivitis agent comprises enzymes to digest plaque and act against gingivitis.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the enzymes are selected from a group consisting of bromelain claim 5 , papain and its combinations thereof.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the whitening agent is selected from a group consisting of sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , calcium peroxide claim 1 , sodium phosphate claim 1 , Himalayan pink salt and its combinations thereof.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the re-mineralizing agent is ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030768A1

The present invention has an object to provide a flaky particulate material giving skin an excellent smoothness, which is free from whitening problem upon use thereof owing to its high transparency. The present invention also has another object to provide a cosmetic composition containing the flaky particulate material. The present invention relates to flaky particulate material, which has an average coefficient of friction is not more than 0.50, and a total light transmittance is not less than 85%. A particle in the flaky particulate material comprises a substrate particle made of one material selected from the group consisting of mica, a synthetic mica, sericite, talc, barium sulfate and aluminum oxide. The present invention provides a flaky particulate material that gives skin excellent smoothness, a natural tone, and a matt appearance. The flaky particulate material of the present invention gives a cosmetic composition which provides great comfort of use, and an excellent appearance. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. A process for producing a flaky particulate material comprising substrate particles having surfaces coated with a fatty acid metal salt , the process comprising the steps of:suspending the substrate particles in water, whereby a slurry is formed;adding an aqueous solution of a water-soluble metal salt to the slurry in an amount sufficient to provide a fatty acid metal salt on the substrate particles in an amount of 0.1 to 15% by mass of the flaky particulate material;adding an aqueous basic solution over a period of 30 minutes or more to basify the slurry;adding an aqueous solution of a water-soluble fatty acid salt drop-wise to the slurry for 30 minutes or more in an amount sufficient to provide a fatty acid metal salt on the substrate particles in an amount of 0.1 to 15% by mass of the flaky particulate material; andageing the slurry for 30 minutes or more;whereby the flaky particulate material comprising ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030203A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Hair treatment agents and methods for treating hair are provided. An exemplary hair treatment agent includes, based on the weight of the hair treatment agent, from about 0.001 to about 20 wt. % of at least one alpha-substituted aldehyde, at least one bivalent or trivalent metal salt, and at least one organic acid. 1. A hair treatment agent comprising , based on the weight of the hair treatment agent ,a) from about 0.001 to about 20 wt. % of at least one alpha-substituted aldehyde,b) at least one bivalent or trivalent metal salt, andc) at least one organic acid.2. The hair treatment agent according to claim 1 , wherein the hair treatment agent comprises claim 1 , based on the weight of the hair treatment agent claim 1 , from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of alpha-substituted aldehyde(s) of formula (I){'br': None, 'Y—CH(X)—CHO \u2003\u2003(I)'}in which{'sub': 2', 'n', '2', 'm, 'X represents —OH or —Cl or —Br or —I or —O—(CH)—, where n=1, 2, 3, 4, or —O—(CH)—OH, where m=1, 2 or 3; and'}{'sub': 3', '3', '2', 'k', '2', 'p, 'Y represents —H or —CHor HC—(CH)—, where k=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or —OH or —(CH)—OH, where p=1, 2, 3, 4 or —CHO.'}4. The hair treatment agent according to claim 1 , wherein the hair treatment agent comprises claim 1 , based on the weight of the hair treatment agent claim 1 , from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of at least one bivalent or trivalent metal salt from the group of organic or inorganic copper claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , iron(II) claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , iron(III) claim 1 , lanthanum(III) claim 1 , and aluminum salts.5. The hair treatment agent according to claim 1 , the the hair treatment agent comprises claim 1 , based on the weight of the hair treatment agent claim 1 , from about 0.001 to about 10 wt. % of organic acid(s) from the group of formic acid claim 1 , oxalic acid claim 1 , maleic acid claim 1 , lactic acid claim 1 , tartaric acid claim 1 , succinic acid and citric acid.6. The hair treatment agent according to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037264A1
Автор: Bellamy Graham Lee

An antiperspirant composition comprising a suspension of from 1 to 50% of an aluminium and/or zirconium containing antiperspirant active, a carrier substance in which the antiperspirant active is insoluble, and a poly(ethylene glycol) solution of a polyelectrolyte salt comprising sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride and bromide ions, the weight ratio of sodium to the other named cations being less than 3:2 and the weight ratio of the bromide to chloride anion being greater than 1:99, in said solution.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Gel Technology Suitable for Use in Cosmetic Compositions

Номер: US20160038384A1

A gel system comprising a fractal network of nanoparticles and macroscopic particles is disclosed. The gel system is capable of forming an “optical gel” effective to blurrfine lines and wrinkles as a consequence of the size domain differences between the fractal particles and the macroscopic particles. Cosmetic compositions comprising such gels and methods for their use are also disclosed. 1. A method for optically blurring the appearance of skin imperfections selected from the group consisting of wrinkles , fine lines , and pores comprising the step of applying to the skin gel comprising (a) a fractal network of nanoparticles dispersed in a suitable medium such that the nanoparticles coalesce to form the fractal network; and; (b) translucent macroscopic elastomeric particles enveloped in said fractal network of nanoparticles; where the refractive index of the nanoparticles does not match the refractive index of the macroscopic particles; and wherein the gel is anhydrous.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second nanoparticles have a particles size of between about 50 to about 900 nm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second nanoparticles have a refractive index of from about 1.38 to about 2.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the translucent macroscopic elastomeric particles have particle size of between about 1-200 microns.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein translucent macroscopic elastomeric particles have a refractive index of from about 1.38 to about 1.6.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first nanoparticles comprise alumina claim 1 , and the second nanoparticles comprise silica.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the translucent macroscopic elastomeric particles comprise a silicone elastomer.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the fractal particles to the macroscopic particles is from about 1:10 to about 10:1. This application is a divisional ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038387A1

Treated silica materials are disclosed, together with methods of making such materials and dentifrice compositions comprising the treated silica materials. 120-. (canceled)21. A dentifrice composition comprising:(i) a precipitated silica material comprising from about 0.5 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of aluminum, and wherein the precipitated silica material is characterized by:a loss on ignition at 900° C. of less than about 3 wt. %; anda pellicle cleaning ratio (PCR) at 20% loading of at least 90; and(ii) one or more dentifrice components selected from an abrasive, a rheological aid, a whitener, a sweetener, a flavoring additive, a surfactant, a colorant, or a combination thereof.22. The composition of claim 21 , wherein the precipitated silica material comprises from about 1 wt. % to about 4 wt. % of aluminum.23. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the composition comprises up to 35 wt. % of the precipitated silica material.24. The composition of claim 21 , wherein the composition comprises up to 30 wt. % of the precipitated silica material.25. The composition of claim 21 , wherein the precipitated silica material is further characterized by an Einlehner abrasion value in a range from 18 to 34.8 mg lost/100 claim 21 ,000 revolutions.26. The composition of claim 21 , wherein the precipitated silica material is characterized by a pellicle cleaning ratio (PCR) at 20% loading of from 90 to about 110.27. The composition of claim 26 , wherein the precipitated silica material comprises from about 1 wt. % to about 4 wt. % of aluminum.28. The composition of claim 27 , wherein the composition comprises up to 35 wt. % of the precipitated silica material.29. The composition of claim 26 , wherein the composition comprises up to 30 wt. % of the precipitated silica material.30. The composition of claim 26 , wherein the precipitated silica material is further characterized by an Einlehner abrasion value in a range from 18 to 34.8 mg lost/100 claim 26 ,000 revolutions.31. A ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035671A1
Автор: Zhao Ming

The present invention relates to a peelable transparent diamond nail-care coat. The peelable transparent diamond nail-care coat mainly contains the following components in parts by weight: 40-50 parts of polyacrylate-2-cross-linked polymer, 5-12 parts of benzophenone, 20-30 parts of ethyl methacrylate, 8-16 parts of polydimethylsiloxane, 0.01-0.05 part of a compound of formula I, and 10-15 parts of trimethylolpropane triacrylate. The nail-care coat disclosed by the present invention can be cured to form a film only by being subjected to LED light curing for 1 to 2 minutes, and is stable in performance and washable, without a pungent smell, and healthy and environment-friendly; and the nail-care coat disclosed by the present invention is a two-in-one product composed of a prime coat and a top coat, and is capable of being peeled or torn as a whole, without the need of washing and without residue. 2. The nail-care coat according to claim 1 , characterized in that the nail-care coat contains one or a pigment-filler mixture of titanium dioxide claim 1 , kaolin and color paste.3. The nail-care coat according to claim 1 , characterized in that: the nail-care coat contains 6-9 parts of first composite regulator and 7-11 parts of second composite regulator;the first composite regulator comprises a mixture composed of polyglycerol-2-triisostearate, glycerol and ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer according to a mass ratio of 1:(3 to 4):(1 to 2); andthe second composite regulator comprises a mixture composed of diisostearyl malate, silica silylate and butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane according to a mass ratio of 1:(2 to 4):(1 to 3).4. The nail-care coat according to claim 3 , characterized in that: the nail-care coat contains 3-7 parts of third composite regulator; and the third composite regulator comprises a mixture composed of chitosan with a deacetylation degree of 70%-80% claim 3 , oligosaccharide with a molecular weight of 1800 Daltons-2000 Daltons claim 3 , and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036211A1

Disclosed herein are foamable gritty foam compositions that can suspend particulate mechanical scrubbers with particles sized from about 100 microns to about 800 microns that is capable of being foamed through a non-aerosol, or unpressurized pump dispenser. 1. A non-aerosol dispenser containing a foamable gritty composition , the non-aerosol dispenser comprising an unpressurized container having a dispenser pump configured to mix air with the foamable gritty composition under low pressure conditions during dispensing to form a gritty foam; and the foamable gritty composition comprising:a) constituents includinga solvent present in a range from about 0.5% w/w to about 30.0% w/w, said solvent including any one or combination of D'limonene and sunflower oil methyl ester;a particulate scrubbing agent present in a range from about 1.0% w/w to about 8% w/w;a surfactant present in a range from about 0.5% w/w to about 30.0% w/w;skin conditioner present in a range from 0.01% w/w to about 5.00% w/w; anda non-Newtonian thickening agent present in a range from about 0.05% w/w to about 10% w/w;water; and{'sup': '2', 'b) wherein the non-Newtonian thickening agent is selected to give the foamable gritty formulation a critical strain force greater than or equal to about 30 dynes/cm, and a viscosity in a range from about 500 cPoise to about 4000 cPoise such that said foamable gritty composition is dispensible as a foam from a non-aerosol foam dispenser.'}2. The non-aerosol dispenser containing a foamable gritty composition according to wherein the surfactant includes any one or combination ofi) an anionic surfactant present in a range from about 1% w/w to about 20% w/w if present alone;ii) an amphoteric surfactant present in a range from about 0.5% w/w to about 5.0% w/w if present alone;iii) a non-ionic surfactant present in a range from about 0.5% w/w to about 20% w/w if present alone; andwherein a total amount of surfactant of any combination of surfactants present is in a range ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Water-in-oil emulsion cosmetic material

Номер: US20190038526A1
Автор: Takayuki Omura
Принадлежит: Shiseido Co Ltd

A water-in-oil emulsion cosmetic, has good stability and does not cause a decrease in viscosity when a large quantity of fragrance material is blended. The water-in-oil emulsion cosmetic, includes: (a) 5 to 15% by mass of a fragrance material, (b) 1.5 to 3% by mass of dimethyldistearylammonium hectorite, and, (c) a nonionic surfactant, wherein, the (c) nonionic surfactant comprises (c1) 2 to 10% by mass relative to the total weight of the composition of a polyether modified silicone having a C12-22 branched hydrocarbon chain, and may comprise (c2) 10% by mass or less relative to the total weight of the composition of a polyether modified silicone having no alkyl chain, wherein, a ratio of the total blending quantity of the component (c 1) and the component (c2) relative to a blending quantity of the component (b) is 2 or more, a ratio of the total blending quantity of the component (c1) and the component (c2) to a blending quantity of the component (a) is 0.8 or more, the total blending quantity of the component (c1) and the component (c2) is 4% by mass or more, a ratio of a blending quantity of the component (c1) to that of the component (c2) is 0.8 or more, and the composition has a hardness of 6 or more as measured using a rheometer.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038530A1

A cosmetic composition that can be heat cast and molded, comprising from 10 to 40% by weight of one or more clays, preferably selected from the following families of clays: kaolin, bentonite, laponite, smectite, illites, chlorites, vermiculites, sepiolites, attapulgites as well as their derivatives and their mixtures and combinations, from 10 to 60% by weight of water, from 5 to 70% by weight of one or more humectants and from 3 to 10% by weight of one or more viscosity agents. 1. A cosmetic caro composition that can be heat cast and molded comprising from 10 to 40% by weight of one or more clays , 10 to 60% by weight of water , 5 to 70% by weight of one or more humectants , and 3 to 10% by weight of one or more viscosity agents.2. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the humectants are selected from the group consisting of urea claim 1 , amino acids and their derivatives claim 1 , organic acids and their salts claim 1 , glycerin and all types of polyols claim 1 , natural and synthetic derivatives of sugars and polysaccharides claim 1 , hydrolysates of silk claim 1 , keratin or soya claim 1 , and their mixtures and combinations.3. The cosmetic composition according to claim 2 , wherein the humectants are propylene glycol claim 2 , glycerin or a combination thereof.4. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the viscosity agent are fatty acids comprising a carbon chain having between 12 and 22 carbon atoms claim 1 , neutralized by one or more organic or mineral bases claim 1 , and their mixtures and combinations.5. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising: 0.5 to 10% of a dye claim 1 , a mineral or organic pigment in solid form or in a slurry claim 1 , an opacifying agent claim 1 , pearlescent agents claim 1 , flakes claim 1 , exfoliating particles claim 1 , and their mixtures or combinations.6. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:0.01 to 5% by weight of one or more suspending ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038301A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous dispersion consisting of water, a nano-sized, organic, insoluble UV filter and a Calkyl poly-glucoside as well as to cosmetic compositions comprising said dispersion in combination with at least one inorganic micropigment, characterized in that said cosmetic compositions are substantially free of any Calkyl poly-glucoside. 1. An aqueous dispersion consisting essentially of(i) 30-70 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the aqueous dispersion, of a nano-sized, organic, insoluble UV-absorber,{'sub': '8-10', '(ii) 2 to 15 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the aqueous dispersion, of a Calkyl poly-glucoside,'}(iii) 0 to 3 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the aqueous dispersion of at least one additive, and(iv) 25 to 60 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the aqueous dispersion, of water.2. The aqueous dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized claim 1 , organic claim 1 , insoluble UV-absorber is methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol or 2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-tris(biphenyl-4-yl)-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazin claim 1 , preferably methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol.3. The aqueous dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized claim 1 , organic claim 1 , insoluble UV-absorber has a mean particle size distribution D50 as determined by light scattering of less than 200 nm.4. The aqueous dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one additive is selected from the group consisting of wetting agents claim 1 , thickeners and anti-foaming agents as well as mixtures thereof.5. The aqueous dispersion according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one additive is selected from the group consisting of propyleneglycol claim 4 , a silicon anti-foam agent claim 4 , xanthan gum and gellan gum as well as mixtures thereof.6. The aqueous dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the Calkyl poly-glucoside has a ratio (%/%) of caprylyl (C) mono-glucoside to capryl (C) mono-glucoside ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045976A1
Автор: ANDO Yumi

A powder-containing composition contains an aqueous solvent, a cationic polymer that is present in the aqueous solvent and a powder that bears a negative charge on a surface in the aqueous solvent and has a BET specific surface area of less than 50 m/g. A ratio of the mass in the composition of the cationic polymer to a total surface area in the composition of the powder is 1 μg/mto 100,000 μg/m. 1. A powder-containing composition , comprising:an aqueous solvent;a cationic polymer that is present in said aqueous solvent;{'sup': '2', 'a powder that bears a negative charge on a surface in said aqueous solvent and has a BET specific surface area of less than 50 m/g; and'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein a ratio of a mass in the composition of said cationic polymer to a total surface area in the composition of said powder is 1 μg/mto 100,000 μg/m.'}3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein:said cationic polymer is adsorbed to said powder.4. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:said powder has an aspect ratio of at least two, the aspect ratio being an average value of a ratio of a second length in a longitudinal direction to a first length in a transverse direction in each particle.5. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sup': 2', '2, 'said powder has a BET specific surface area of 1 m/g to 30 m/g.'}6. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:said powder is at least one powder selected from a group consisting of talc and mica.7. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:a content of said powder relative to the mass of the composition is 0.2% by mass to 10% by mass.8. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:a content of said cationic polymer relative to the mass of the composition is 0.00005% by mass to 0.5% by mass.11. The composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:said cationic polymer is vinylpyrrolidone/N,N′-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate/stearyl acrylate/tripropylene ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Grip Enhancing Compositions, and Methods and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20210045980A1
Автор: Alimi Nicholas Kamron
Принадлежит: Collidion, Inc.

The present specification discloses a composition comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of one or more grip enhancers, one or more hydrophilic clays, and/or one or more polysaccharides, kits comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of a disclosed composition, methods and uses to improve the grip capacity of an individual by applying a disclosed composition, and methods and uses to improve the grip capacity of an object by applying a disclosed composition. 1. A topical grip enhancing composition for improving a grip capacity of an individual , comprising: one or more chalks , one or more polysaccharides , and one or more silicate clays , wherein the grip enhancing composition does not include an alcohol and wherein the topical grip enhancing composition is formulated for application onto a skin region of an individual and improves the grip capacity of the individual.2. The topical grip enhancing composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more bentonite clays claim 1 , one or more hectorite clays claim 1 , one or more kaolinite clays claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The topical grip enhancing composition according to claim 2 , wherein the one or more bentonite clays include a potassium bentonite clay claim 2 , a sodium bentonite clay claim 2 , a calcium bentonite clay claim 2 , an aluminum bentonite clay claim 2 , or any combination thereof.4. The topical grip enhancing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more silicate clays include a lithium magnesium sodium silicate clay claim 1 , a sodium magnesium fluorosilicate clay claim 1 , or any combination thereof.5. The topical grip enhancing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more polysaccharides comprise cellulose claim 1 , one or more cellulose ether derivatives claim 1 , one or more cellulose ester derivatives claim 1 , any salt thereof claim 1 , or any combination thereof.6. The topical grip enhancing composition according to claim ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045406A1

A method of manufacture of an anhydrous cosmetic composition comprising the mixing of dried calcium chloride with liquid carrier material and fragrance comprising a solvent to give a give a base composition, followed by the gassing of the base composition with a propellant to give an aerosol composition, wherein the fragrance and the solvent therein are pre-mixed and this mixture comprises one or more components having a log P of greater than 5.5 and a vapour pressure at 25° C. of less than 0.001 mm Hg (0.1333 Pa) and does not comprise dipropyleneglycol at 3% or greater of this mixture; the method enhancing the homogeneity and stability of the composition. 1. A method of manufacture of an anhydrous cosmetic composition comprising the mixing of dried calcium chloride with liquid carrier material and fragrance comprising a solvent to give a give a base composition , followed by gassing of the base composition with a propellant to give an aerosol composition , wherein the fragrance and the solvent therein are pre-mixed and this mixture:i). comprises one or more components having a log P of greater than 5.5 and a vapour pressure at 25° C. of less than 0.001 mm Hg (0.1333 Pa);ii). does not comprise dipropyleneglycol at 3% or greater of this mixture.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein a dried alum salt is also mixed into the base composition prior to gassing.3. A method according to or claim 1 , wherein a suspending agent is also mixed into the base composition prior to gassing.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the suspending agent is hydrophobically modified clay.5. A method according to any of the preceding claims claim 3 , wherein the pre-mixed fragrance and solvent does not comprise dipropyleneglycol at 1% or greater.6. A method according to any of the preceding claims claim 3 , wherein the pre-mixed fragrance and solvent comprises one or more components having a log P of greater than 5.5 and a vapour pressure at 25° C. of less than 0.001 mm Hg at a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Composition For The Treatment Of Hyperhidrosis

Номер: US20160045410A1
Автор: Brier Michael

An inventive composition for the treatment of hyperhidrosis comprises an active ingredient, namely aluminum chloride in the range of 14.25% to 15.75% by weight and water in the range of about 75% to 80% by weight. The solution of the inventive composition is applied to a body via a pre-soaked towelette by dabbing the towelette over the parts of the body susceptible to excessive sweating. The composition includes a skin protein that binds with the active ingredient to effectively block the pores and sweat glands to control excessive perspiration. The solution of the composition is applied in the evening before bedtime, and immediately after showering in hot water, so that the pores are most receptive to the solution and the composition effectively blocks the pores. 1. A deodorant composition for the treatment of hyperhidrosis comprising:(a) an active deodorant in a range from about 14.25% to about 15.75% by weight;(b) a carrier liquid in a range from about 75.00% to about 80.00% by weight;(c) a surfactant in a range from about 1.00% to about 5.00% by weight; and(d) a first anti-inflammatory agent in a range from about 1.00% to about 5.00% by weight.2. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a humectant claim 1 , wherein the humectant is present in a range from about 0.10% to about 0.50% by weight.3. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a skin protein to bind with the active deodorant claim 1 , wherein the skin protein is present in a range from about 0.10% to about 0.50% by weight.4. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a skin conditioning agent claim 1 , wherein the skin conditioning agent further includes antibacterial properties for preventing infection claim 1 , wherein the skin conditioning agent is present in a range from about 0.10% to about 1.00% by weight.5. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising an antiseptic agent claim 1 , wherein the antiseptic agent is present in a range from about 0.10% to about 0.50% by weight.6. ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042835A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present disclosure relates to cosmetic compositions for personal care. In one example, a cosmetic preparation includes, based on the total weight of the composition, an oil mixture in a total quantity of about 40 to about 99 wt. %. The oil mixture includes a) at least one ester, which is formed from at least one linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated mono-, di-, or tricarboxylic acid with 3 to 30 carbon atoms, wherein the acid can optionally contain one or more hydroxyl groups, and at least one linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated alcohol with 1 to 30 carbon atoms, b) at least cyclic polydimethylsiloxane, and c) at least one linear polydimethylsiloxane which has a kinematic viscosity of less than about 20 cSt at 25° C. 1. Cosmetic preparation for personal care , comprising , (relative to the total weight of the cosmetic preparation , an oil mixture in a total quantity of from about 40 to about 99 wt. % , wherein the oil mixture comprises:a) at least one ester that is formed from at least one linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated mono-, di- or tricarboxylic acid with from 3 to 30 carbon atoms, which comprises one or more hydroxyl groups, and at least one linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated alcohol with 1 to 30 carbon atoms,b) at least one cyclic polydimethylsiloxane, andc) at least one linear polydimethylsiloxane that has a kinematic viscosity of less than about 20 cSt at 25° C.2. Cosmetic preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the oil mixture comprises:at least one ester a-1) selected from 2-ethylhexyl laurate, 2-ethylhexyl myristate, 2-ethylhexyl palmitate, 2-ethylhexyl cocoate, 2-ethylhexyl stearate, 2-ethylhexyl isostearate, hexyldecyl laurate, hexyldecyl stearate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl stearate, isooctyl stearate, isononyl isononanoate, isononyl stearate, isotridecyl nonanoate, 2-octyldodecyl palmitate, isocetyl stearate and/or mixtures thereof, andat least one ester a-2), selected from methyl-, ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Compositions Having Perspiration Reduction Properties

Номер: US20150050227A1

A composition containing polymeric microparticles is disclosed. The composition effectively reduces perspiration in the absence of aluminum/zirconium antiperspirant compounds. 1. A sweat reducing composition comprising:an aluminum-based antiperspirant active in an amount of less than 15% by weight based on the total weight of the composition;about 1% to about 20%, by weight, of water and oil adsorbing polymeric microparticles, anda carrier.2. A sweat reducing composition , consisting of:water and oil adsorbing polymeric microparticles in an effective amount to reduce the generation of human perspiration in at least 50% of users tested by at least 10% one hour after contacting the skin and/or by at least 10% twenty-four hours after contacting the skin;a carrier; andoptionally one or more of an aluminum-based antiperspirant active in amount less than 15% by weight, an odor control active material, an emollient, a fragrance, a dye, a moisturizer, a skin protectant, an antimicrobial, a cosmetic biocide, an opacifier, a surfactant, a gelling or thickening agent, a suspending agent, and a film-forming polymer,wherein the reduction in perspiration is measured in accordance with the testing protocol defined at 21 CFR §350.60.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the microparticles are present in an effective amount to reduce the generation of human perspiration in at least 50% of users tested by at least 20% one hour after contacting the skin and/or by at least 20% twenty-four hours after contacting the skin.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises the aluminum-based antiperspirant active in an amount of less than 10% by weight.5. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising an odor control active material.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the odor control active material is selected from the group consisting of antimicrobial agents claim 5 , antioxidants claim 5 , enzyme inhibitors claim 5 , odor absorbers claim 5 , fragrances claim 5 , ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046421A1

A sprayable sunscreen cosmetic contains substantially no ultraviolet ray scattering agents which cause whiteness, and which is transparent immediately after being applied/sprayed, and that has excellent ultraviolet ray protection effect and a good sensation in use. The ultraviolet ray protection effect is not reduced, and the effects improve when in contact with water. A water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic comprises: (A) 6 to 40 mass % of an ultraviolet ray absorbing agent; (B) an organically modified clay mineral; (C) an oil phase thickener other than the aforementioned (B); (D) a silicone-based surfactant having an HLB of less than 8; (E) a spherical resin powder; and (F) a volatile silicone oil; wherein a ratio defined as [total amount of ingredient (B) and ingredient (C)]/[total amount of (G) non-volatile liquid oils other than silicone oils] is at least 0.04 and less than 0.68. 18.-. (canceled)9. A water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic , comprising:(A) 6 to 40 mass % of an ultraviolet ray absorbing agent;(B) an organically modified clay mineral;(C) an oil phase thickener which is not (B);(D) a silicone-based surfactant having an HLB of less than 8;(E) a spherical resin powder; and(F) a volatile silicone oil;wherein a ratio of [total amount of ingredient (B)+ingredient (C)]/[a total amount of (G) non-volatile liquid oils other than silicone oils] is at least 0.04 and less than 0.68.10. The water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic claim 9 , as in claim 9 , wherein:the (F) volatile silicone is volatile dimethicone.11. The water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic claim 9 , as in claim 9 , which is used by being sprayed.12. The water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic claim 9 , as in claim 9 , wherein:the (E) spherical resin powder is a 3:1 to 1:3 mixture of a spherical organic resin powder and a spherical silicone resin powder.13. The water-in-oil emulsified sunscreen cosmetic claim 9 , as in claim 9 , wherein:the (A) ultraviolet ray absorbing ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Hair treatment methods and kits

Номер: US20160051025A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A method for cosmetic treatment of a mesh of hair, the method, including abrading the hair mesh by mesh by using a composition having abrasive particles applied onto the mesh and manually exerting pressure along the mesh during passes, the number of passes over a mesh being greater than five passes, and applying a cosmetic treatment composition to the hair, before, after, and/or during abrasion of the hair.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051454A1

This invention relates to a cosmetic composition comprising a physiologically acceptable medium containing aqueous phase, an oily phase and nacre particles, constituted of a substrate partially or totally coated with one or more layers. 1. Cosmetic composition comprising a physiologically acceptable medium containing:(1) an aqueous phase;(2) an oily phase with a density less than that of the aqueous phase; and(3) nacre particles, dispersed in the aqueous phase, constituted of a substrate partially or totally coated with one or more layers, with at least one of the layers being a layer of metal oxide,said nacre particles being chosen from the following particles:either nacre particles of which the average size is between 2 μm and 1,000 μm, wherein the substrate is mica or alumina,said particles do not comprise a silica layer on the surface, andwith the reserve that, when the layer of metal oxide comprises more than 30% by weight of titanium oxide with respect to the total weight of the particles, the average size of said particles is between 2 μm and 20 μm;or nacre particles wherein the substrate is chosen from the comprising silica, borosilicate, mica and alumina, and when the substrate is mica or alumina, the nacre particles comprise a layer of silica on the surface, andwhen the metal oxide is an iron oxide, the iron oxide content is less than 50% by weight with respect to the total weight of the particles,said cosmetic composition comprising from 5% to 85% by weight of oily phase with respect to the total weight of said composition.2. Cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nacre particles have an average size between 2 μm and 1 claim 1 ,000 μm claim 1 ,the substrate being mica or alumina,at least one of the layers being a layer of metal oxide,said particles do not comprise a silica layer on the surface, andwith the reserve that, when the layer of metal oxide comprises more than 30% by weight of titanium oxide with respect to the total weight of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127143A1

It has been found that toothpastes containing balance amounts of calcium based abrasive, copolymer of vinylmethylether and maleic acid and clay have significantly better stability even at elevated temperature. It has also been determined that the selected combination allows for complete removal of or at least a significant reduction in thickening silica, with almost no adverse effect on rheology. Disclosed is a toothpaste composition comprising: (i) a calcium based abrasive; (ii) a copolymer of vinylmethyl ether and maleic acid; and (iii) a clay, wherein ratio of the calcium based abrasive to said copolymer of vinylmethyl ether and maleic acid is at least 1:0075 and ratio of said calcium based abrasive to said clay is at least 1:0.02. 1. A toothpaste composition comprising:(i) 30 to 60 wt % a Calcium based abrasive;(ii) a copolymer of vinylmethyl ether and maleic acid; and,(iii) a clay,wherein ratio of said Calcium based abrasive to said copolymer of vinyl methyl ether and maleic anhydride is at least 1:0.0075 and ratio of said Calcium based abrasive to said clay is at least 1:0.02 and wherein said composition comprises up to 2 wt % thickening silica.2. A toothpaste composition as claimed in wherein said clay is a smectite clay.3. A toothpaste composition as claimed in comprising 0.1 to 2 wt % copolymer of vinylmethyl ether and maleic acid.4. A toothpaste composition as claimed in comprising 0.2 to 3 wt % clay.5. A toothpaste composition as claimed in comprising 0.1 to 2 wt % gum.6. A toothpaste composition as claimed in wherein viscosity of said composition is 80 claim 1 ,000 to 500 claim 1 ,000 cps.7. A cosmetic method of promoting oral hygiene comprising a step of applying to the teeth an effective amount of a toothpaste composition as claimed in .8. A toothpaste composition as claimed in for use in oral hygiene. The present invention relates to toothpastes containing Calcium based abrasive.Toothpastes are generally of two types; opaque and transparent. Opaque ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127151A1
Принадлежит: Colgate-Palmolive Company

A method of producing an anhydrous antiperspirant composition comprising (a) providing a mixture of at least one antiperspirant active including a metal salt, and an anhydrous carrier for the at least one antiperspirant active in which the at least one antiperspirant active is dissolved, the carrier comprising a eutectic mixture of at least one basic compound selected from a basic amide and a basic amine and at least one member chosen from a cation and zwitterion; and (b) heating the mixture to form a stabilized eutectic system of the at least one antiperspirant active and the anhydrous carrier, and wherein the at least one antiperspirant active, the at least one basic compound and the at least one member chosen from a cation and zwitterion form a ternary eutectic system. 1. A method of producing an anhydrous antiperspirant composition , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a mixture of at least one antiperspirant active including a metal salt, and an anhydrous carrier for the at least one antiperspirant active in which the at least one antiperspirant active is dissolved, the carrier comprising a eutectic mixture of at least one basic compound selected from a basic amide and a basic amine and at least one member chosen from a cation and zwitterion; andb) heating the mixture to form a stabilized eutectic system of the at least one antiperspirant active and the anhydrous carrier, andwherein the at least one antiperspirant active, the at least one basic compound and the at least one member chosen from a cation and zwitterion form a ternary eutectic system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises at most 2 wt % water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in step (b) the mixture is heated to melt the carrier and dissolve the at least one antiperspirant active therein.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein in step (b) the mixture is heated at a temperature below the melting temperature of each of the at least one basic compound and the at least one ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127274A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention concerns a composition comprising a physiologically acceptable medium containing perlite and at least one vinyl polymer bearing at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit. The composition is used in the care of and for making up the skin, in particular to provide a matt effect. 1. Composition comprising a physiologically acceptable medium containing perlite and at least one vinyl polymer bearing at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit.5. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl polymer bearing at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit is present in an active material content of from 0.5% to 20% by weight relative to the total weight of the said composition.6. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the perlite is in the form of particles claim 1 , at least 50% of the particles of which are smaller than 25 μm in size.7. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the perlite represents from 0.001% to 15% claim 1 , by weight relative to the total weight of the said composition.8. Composition according to claim 1 , comprising a fatty phase.9. Composition according to which is claim 1 , in the form of an emulsion.10. Composition according claim 1 , comprising a lipophilic structuring agent.11. Composition according to claim 1 , comprising a dyestuff.12. Composition according to claim 1 , comprising a thickener or gelling agent.13. Composition according to claim 1 , in the form of fluid foundation.14. Use claim 1 , in a cosmetic composition for making up and/or caring for the skin claim 1 , of perlite and of at least one vinyl polymer bearing at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit claim 1 , for increasing the remanence of the matt effect imparted by the said composition.15. Cosmetic treatment process comprising the application to the skin of a composition according to .16. Composition according claim 4 , wherein the vinyl polymer bearing at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit is present in an active ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049667A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The instant invention relates to a composition for caring for and/or making up keratin materials comprising, in a physiologically acceptable medium, at least one microcapsule containing at least one encapsulated releasable material(s) said microcapsule comprising at least one core and at least one layered coating surrounding said core, and said encapsulated materials) being at least one particle having a high wet point and being optionally porous, and being only released from said microcapsule(s) when said composition is applied onto a keratin material, such as keratin fibers or skin. The invention further relates to a cosmetic process for caring for and/or making up keratinic materials, comprising application on said keratinic materials in particular on the skin of a composition as defined above. 1: Composition for caring for and/or making up keratin materials comprising , in a physiologically acceptable medium , at least one microcapsule containing at least one particle having a high wet point and being optionally porous said microcapsule comprising at least one core and at least one layered coating surrounding said core , and said particle having a high wet point and being optionally porous , being only released from said microcapsule(s) when said composition is applied onto a keratin material.2: Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the particle(s) having a high wet point is (are) porous.3: Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the particle(s) having a high wet point has a high wet point at least for oil(s).4: Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the encapsulated particle having a high wet point and being optionally porous claim 1 , is only present in the core of the microcapsules.5: Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the core of said microcapsule includes the particle(s) having a high wet point and being optionally porous claim 1 , and at least one binder.6: Composition according to claim 1 , wherein said layered coating comprises at ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071853A1
Принадлежит: Sunstar Suisse SA

Provided is an oral composition containing particles that have properties to seal dentinal tubules and excellent adhesion properties in dentinal tubules. Specifically, provided is an oral composition containing hydroxyapatite particles, wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a ratio of a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=32° to a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=26° of 0.8 to 1.6 in an x-ray powder diffraction pattern as measured with CuKα characteristic X-rays. 1. An oral composition comprising hydroxyapatite particles , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a ratio of a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=32° to a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=26° of 0.8 to 1.6 in an x-ray powder diffraction pattern as measured with a CuKα characteristic X-ray.2. The oral composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a Ca/P molar ratio of less than 1.67.3. The oral composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a median diameter of 5 μm or less.4. The oral composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a specific surface area of 30 to 200 m2/g.5. The oral composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles have a ratio of a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=34° to a diffraction peak intensity around 2θ=32° of 1 or less in an x-ray powder diffraction pattern as measured with a CuKα characteristic X-ray.6. The oral composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyapatite particles are each an aggregate of plate-like crystals of hydroxyapatite.7. The oral composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a fluorine compound.8. The oral composition according to claim 1 , further comprising tin fluoride.9. The oral composition according to claim 1 , further comprising potassium nitrate.10. The oral composition according to claim 1 , further comprising silica.11. The oral composition according to claim 1 , further comprising aluminum lactate.12 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Compositions for Treating Cutaneous Fungal Infections

Номер: US20180055745A1
Автор: Schanbacher Carl L.

The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the treatment of dermatophytic conditions such as tinea pedis. Such conditions can progress through multiple stages, such as fungal and bacterial stages, making effective treatment results difficult to achieve. The invention relates to a combined therapy effective for treatment of the condition that utilizes daily administration of a balanced combination of antifungals, antiperspirants and drying agents to achieve a beneficial therapeutic effect, irrespective of the stage of the disease upon commencement of the treatment. 1. A method for treatment of a dermatophytic infection , comprising the steps of:topically applying an antifungal;topically applying an antiperspirant comprising an aluminum salt;topically applying a solvent vehicle comprising an alcohol,wherein the antifungal, the antiperspirant and the solvent vehicle are all applied during a single administration event; andrepeating the administration event not more than daily.2. The method of wherein the antifungal is a fungicide comprising an allylamine.3. The method of wherein the antifungal is terbinafine claim 2 , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.4. The method of wherein the antifungal is a fungicide comprises at least one of amorolfin claim 1 , butenafine claim 1 , naftifine claim 1 , terbinafine or tolnaftate claim 1 , or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.5. The method of wherein the application is repeated until the infection is resolved claim 1 , as measurable by a KOH microscopy test.6. The method of wherein the antiperspirant is aluminum chloride hexahydrate.7. The method of wherein the solvent vehicle consists essentially of ethanol.8. The method of wherein a duration of the treatment is between one and four weeks9. The method of wherein the antifungal comprises at least one of an azole claim 1 , including at least one of clotrimazole claim 1 , ketoconazole claim 1 , fluconazole claim 1 , flutrimazole claim 1 , ...
