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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623125C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым шприцам. Шприц содержит цилиндр, шток и резиновый поршень. При этом цилиндр содержит проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и пустотелую внутреннюю часть. Пустотелая внутренняя часть ограничена внутренней стенкой цилиндрической формы. Шток расположен во внутренней части цилиндра и выполнен с возможностью перемещения в цилиндре. Шток содержит проксимальный конец, расположенный снаружи проксимального конца цилиндра, дистальный конец, расположенный во внутренней части цилиндра, и ось, проходящую через проксимальный конец и дистальный конец штока, дистальный конец штока снабжен стопорным фланцем. Резиновый поршень установлен на штоке, расположен на дистальной стороне стопорного фланца и сконфигурирован таким образом, чтобы контактировать с внутренней стенкой цилиндра непроницаемым для жидкости образом. При этом стопорный фланец содержит основной корпус, сформированный вокруг оси штока, и толкающий и нажимающий участок, сконфигурированный ...

27-11-2020 дата публикации

Инъектор с уменьшенной силой сдвига

Номер: RU2737325C2
Принадлежит: ИНЬЕКТО ГРУП А/С (DK)

Настоящее изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к инъектору для введения лекарственного препарата, причем предложенный инъектор для введения лекарственного состава не содержит силиконовой смазки и имеет: цилиндр, проходящий вдоль продольной оси и имеющий внутреннюю стенку, наружную стенку и выпуск на выпускном конце, противоположном приводному концу, и поршневой блок, содержащий сжимаемую секцию между приводным поршневым элементом, имеющим твердость по Шору (шкала А) в диапазоне от 60 до 80, и пассивным поршневым элементом, имеющим твердость по Шору (шкала А) в диапазоне от 60 до 80. Причем указанные поршневые элементы примыкают к внутренней стенке цилиндра на стыковых переходах, что обеспечивает, таким образом, уплотнение сжимаемой секции при введении поршневого блока в цилиндр. Причем сжимаемая секция характеризуется объемом и имеет осевую длину в диапазоне от 25 до 90% от полной осевой длины поршневого блока в ненапряженном состоянии, при этом сжимаемая секция содержит ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2534607C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к задающим дозу механизмам устройств доставки лекарственного средства, более конкретно к сбрасываемому задающему дозу механизму (устанавливаемому заново) для устройств доставки лекарственного средства, выполненному в форме ручки и предусматривающему самостоятельное введение лекарственного продукта из картриджа с несколькими дозами. В устройстве доставки лекарственного средства со сбрасывающим задающим дозу механизмом указанный механизм содержит корпус, поворотную гильзу в поворотном зацеплении по отношению к указанному корпусу, привод для приведения в движение шпинделя устройства доставки лекарственного средства и шпиндель, функционально связанный с указанным приводом. Привод имеет первый и второй компоненты, функционально связанные вместе посредством вращательного соединения второго компонента с первым компонентом. Когда пользователь задает дозу вращением поворотной гильзы, первый компонент и второй компонент привода осуществляют совместное ...

18-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709546C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к кожуху высокого давления. Кожух высокого давления содержит: цилиндр, имеющий проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и боковую стенку, проходящую по существу в окружном направлении между проксимальным концом и дистальным концом вдоль продольной оси, указанный цилиндр, имеющий внутреннюю поверхность, образующую внутренний объем, выполненный для приема шприца в нем с возможностью ограничения радиального расширения шприца во время процедуры инъекции; и по меньшей мере один элемент удержания кожуха высокого давления, имеющий по меньшей мере один зацеп, выступающий радиально наружу относительно внешней поверхности боковой стенки, причем указанный по меньшей мере один зацеп скошен в осевом направлении вдоль внешней поверхности боковой стенки от дистального конца к проксимальному концу. Причем указанный по меньшей мере один зацеп выполнен с возможностью сцепления с запорным механизмом на инъекторе текучей среды для прикрепления кожуха высокого ...

03-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684037C2
Принадлежит: ГИПРОТЕК, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для введения медицинского препарата. Устройство выполнено в виде многокамерного шприца, включающего: три или более камер, расположенных параллельно друг другу и параллельно центральной оси; отдельные поршни для каждой из трех или более камер и вращающийся корпус выпускного отверстия, соединенный с тремя или более камерами таким образом, что как минимум часть корпуса выпускного отверстия вращается вокруг центральной оси, обеспечивая жидкостную связь выпускного отверстия с одной из трех или более камер с одновременным перекрытием поступления содержимого из остальных камер. При этом многокамерный шприц дополнительно содержит съемный защитный колпачок, закрывающий выпускное отверстие, причем в защитном колпачке предусмотрена возможность хранения губчатого материала и одной или более игл, прикрепленных к защитному колпачку посредством гнезд с фрикционной посадкой. 2 н и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

03-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649473C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к автоматическим инъекторам, выполненным с возможностью установки в них картриджа. Инъектор содержит цилиндр, иглу и узел плунжера, снабженный уплотнением плунжера, и задающего продольную ось. Причем инъектор содержит корпус; держатель картриджа, способный принимать по меньшей мере часть картриджа и сконфигурированный для перемещения относительно корпуса в направлении, параллельном продольной оси картриджа; салазки плунжера, сконфигурированные для перемещения относительно держателя картриджа и установленные с возможностью контактировать по меньшей мере с частью узла плунжера и приводить ее в движение; по меньшей мере один сопрягающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью селективно связывать держатель картриджа с салазками плунжера для их совместного перемещения; вытянутое вдоль оси приводное устройство, связанное с салазками плунжера и установленное с возможностью обеспечивать перемещение указанных салазок в направлении, параллельном ...

12-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625273C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству для извлечения, хранения и/или обработки крови либо других веществ человеческого или животного происхождения, а также для использования соединений крови или других биологических соединений. Устройство для извлечения, хранения и/или обработки крови либо других веществ человеческого или животного происхождения, а также для использования соединений крови или других биологических соединений содержит корпус, внутри которого может продольно перемещаться поршень. Корпус имеет первый конец, в котором создан канал, соединяющий внутреннее пространство корпуса, расположенное между поршнем и каналом, с пространством снаружи корпуса, а также второй конец, через который поршень выступает наружу и который герметично отделен от внутреннего пространства посредством поршня. По меньшей мере часть поршня может отделяться от остальной части устройства, так чтобы поршень не выступал из корпуса. Поршень содержит по меньшей мере одну блокировочную ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018111524A3

28-02-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015143043A3

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017132494A3

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2080882C1

Использование: в медицине, для одноразового применения. Сущность изобретения: шприц 1 выполнен в виде цилиндрического корпуса 2 с проходным концом 3, в котором закрепляется игла для подкожных инъекций 8. С помощью штока 9 и поршня 10, размещенных в корпусе 2, жидкость переносится в шприц 1 и обратно через проходной конец 3. Шток 9 включает блокирующее устройство, сформированное в заданном положении. Вкладыш 25, устанавливаемый на удаленном конце корпуса 2, включает, по крайней мере, один закрепленный на одном конце, простирающийся в продольном направлении гибкий лепесток 28а с радиально действующим направленным внутрь ведомым элементом 31 на свободном конце, который скользит по поверхности штока 9. При перемещении штока 9 в блокирующее положение ведомый элемент 31 входит в зацепление с блокирующим устройством штока 9 с целью блокирования любого дальнейшего продольного перемещения штока 9 и поршня 10, предотвращая какое-либо последующее использование шприца 1. 2 с. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593984C1
Принадлежит: СХЛ ГРУП АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству введения лекарственного средства и, в частности, к усовершенствованному, более удобному для пользователя автоматическому устройству введения лекарственного средства, обеспечивающему пользователю звуковое, тактильное или визуальное подтверждение выполнения инъекции. Устройство введения лекарственного средства содержит трубчатый корпус, имеющий проксимальный конец и противоположный дистальный конец; приводное средство, выполненное с возможностью воздействия на контейнер для лекарственного средства для выталкивания лекарственного средства; удерживающее средство, выполненное с возможностью удержания упомянутого приводного средства в предварительно напряженном состоянии; средство активации, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия с упомянутым удерживающим средством для высвобождения упомянутого приводного средства из предварительно напряженного состояния; и средство обратной связи, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013150687A

... 1. Устройство (1) для перемещения поршня внутри картриджа, имеющего корпус (2) картриджа и поршень (3), установленный в нем с возможностью перемещения вдоль продольной оси (Z) корпуса (2) картриджа, причем устройство (1) содержит:- первую часть (4), имеющую первые соединительные средства (5) для разъемного соединения корпуса (2) картриджа с первой частью (4) таким образом, что в обоих направлениях продольной оси (Z) корпуса (2) картриджа имеется неподвижное соединение и/или фрикционное соединение между корпусом (2) картриджа и первой частью (4),- вторую часть (6), имеющую вторые соединительные средства (7, 11a, 11b, 12; 7, 12, 17a, 17b) для разъемного соединения поршня (3) картриджа со второй частью (6) таким образом, что в обоих направлениях продольной оси (Z) корпуса (2) картриджа имеется неподвижное соединение и/или фрикционное соединение между поршнем (3) и второй частью (6),причем первая (4) и вторая части (6) выполнены с возможностью перемещения относительно друг друга для осуществления ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94035666A

В другом предпочтительном варианте исполнения корпус имеет пару криволинейных прорезей на удаленном конце и пару удерживающих прорезей на ближнем конце, причем прорези имеют такие размеры, чтобы в них ходил кольцевой буртик, выполненный на узле, содержащем баллончик и иглу, и прорези расположены так, чтобы удерживать узел, содержащий баллончик и иглу, в положении использования и в безопасном положении. Держатель проще в использовании и в изготовлении и уменьшает вероятность случайных уколов медицинских работников иглами.

10-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018129310A

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120293A

... 1. Приводной механизм для устройства доставки лекарственного вещества, содержащий:- ходовой винт (5) и гайку (7) ходового винта, выровненные по оси (4), определяющей аксиальное направление и противоположное аксиальное направление,- винтовую резьбу (6), а также по меньшей мере одну дополнительную винтовую резьбу (16) ходового винта (5), при этом винтовая резьба (6) и дополнительная винтовая резьба (16) имеют одинаковый шаг и переплетены, а также- приводной элемент (19) гайки (7) ходового винта, при этом- приводной элемент (19) входит в зацепление с винтовой резьбой (6) и дополнительной винтовой резьбой (16) и для выполнения операции выдачи обеспечивает винтовое перемещение ходового винта (5) относительно гайки (7) ходового винта по меньшей мере в аксиальном направлении.2. Приводной механизм по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:- ось (4), дополнительно определяющую радиальные направления (24), расходящиеся от оси (4),- винтовую резьбу (6) и дополнительную винтовую резьбу (16) ходового винта ( ...

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012146346A

... 1. Устройство (1) введения лекарственного средства, содержащее:приводное средство, выполненное с возможностью воздействия на контейнер для лекарственного средства для выталкивания лекарственного средства;удерживающее средство, выполненное с возможностью удержания упомянутого приводного средства в предварительно напряженном состоянии;средство активации, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия с упомянутым удерживающим средством для высвобождения упомянутого приводного средства из предварительно напряженного состояния;отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно содержит средство обратной связи, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия как с упомянутым удерживающим средством, так и с упомянутым приводным средством для формирования звукового и/или тактильного, и/или визуального сигнала, указывающего, что лекарственное средство полностью вытолкнуто.2. Устройство (1) введения лекарственного средства по п.1, причем устройство дополнительно содержит трубчатый корпус (20), имеющий проксимальный ...

06-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008011890U1

03-05-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001239808B

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Injektionseinrichtung zum Injizieren einer pharmazeutischen Substanz, und Injektionsladeteil für eine solche Injektionseinrichtung

Номер: DE102019220296A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Injektionseinrichtung (1) zum Injizieren einer pharmazeutischen Substanz, mit- einem Proximalteil (5), das einen Antrieb (7) zum Bewirken einer Injektion aufweist, und mit- einem Distalteil (13), das eingerichtet ist zur Aufnahme eines Injektionsladeteils (3), das ein Packmittelaufnahmeteil (17) und ein in dem Packmittelaufnahmeteil (17) gehaltenes Primärpackmittel (23) aufweist, in dem eine pharmazeutische Substanz aufgenommen ist, wobei die pharmazeutische Substanz aus dem Injektionsladeteil (3) injizierbar ist, wenn das Injektionsladeteil (3) in dem Distalteil (13) angeordnet ist, wobei- das Distalteil (13) so ausgebildet ist, dass das Injektionsladeteil (3) axial in das Distalteil (13) eingebracht werden kann, und wobei- die Injektionseinrichtung (1) einen Sichtschutz (15) aufweist, der so ausgebildet und angeordnet ist, dass eine Injektionsnadel (25) des Injektionsladeteils (3) während einer Anwendung der Injektionseinrichtung (1) für einen Anwender verborgen ...

17-03-2011 дата публикации

Druckkolben und Spritze

Номер: DE602008004813D1

05-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008308489D0

29-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001297750A

04-03-2020 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical product preparation device and method

Номер: GB0002576694A

A syringe comprising a plunger 3 moveably disposed within a body 2 and a locking means 4 configured to lock the plunger in a retracted position, the locking means automatically engaging upon the withdrawal of the plunger to its retracted position. The locking means preventing at least distal movement of the plunger from its retracted position. The locking member preferably comprises a biased latching member. In one arrangement the latching member is provided on the plunger and interacts with the body of the syringe, preferably abutting against a finger flange thereof. In another embodiment the latching member is provided on the body of the syringe and is received within an aperture provided in the plunger (31, Fig 3). A syringe of this sort may be used in the reconstitution of a pharmaceutical product, with a first component 101 of the pharmaceutical product provided within the body of the syringe and a second component 102 aspirated into the body through retraction of the plunger. The ...

17-01-2007 дата публикации

Dosage delivery device

Номер: GB0000624470D0

25-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201314381D0

22-06-1994 дата публикации

Retractable hypodermic syringe

Номер: GB0009408773D0

15-08-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to syringes

Номер: GB0000656289A

... 656.289. Hypodermic syringes. LILLY & CO., E. Nov. 3, 1948, No. 28613. Convention date, Nov. 24, 1947. [Class 81 (ii)] A hypodermic syringe, having a barrel 4 serving as a medicament container and a needle 8 integral therewith, is provided with a sheath 18 which normally encloses and protects the needle, but when the syringe is required for use the sheath is removed and attached to the plunger 12 so as to form an actuating rod. The connection may be by screw or bayonet catch. The sheath carries a plug 20, of rubber or cork, into which the needle is pressed so as to seal it during storage. In a modification the extension of the barrel 4, which carries the needle, may have an enlarged bore at its end nearer the plunger, see Fig. 6 (not shown), so that if the syringe is used for aspirating the withdrawn blood may be clearly seen.

28-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001590095A

07-11-2018 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: GB0201815552D0

01-06-1960 дата публикации

Syringe push rod

Номер: GB0000836279A

... 836,279. Hypodermic syringes. AMERICAN HOME PRODUCTS CORPORATION. Jan. 20, 1958 [March 26, 1957], No. 1818/58. Class 81 (2). A push-rod for a disposable syringe has the attachment means for connecting it to the piston stopper, flexibly mounted on it so as to permit slight lateral movement of the push-rod without displacing the stopper. Thus, in the form shown the push-rod 22 is made tubular and the screwed portion 23, for insertion into the threaded hole 24 of the stopper 25, is carried on a thin diaphragm 26, which may be divided to form a number of spokes. The diaphragm may be formed in one piece with the push-rod, if this is made of suitable synthetic resin, or it may be of metal moulded into the material of the rod. The connection between the push-rod and the stopper may be with threaded parts or a selftapping screw may be used in one part. The push-rod, if hollow, may serve as a cover for the needle prior to use, being retained in that position by a screwed or push-on connection. Specification ...

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008877A0

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000530215T

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084071A

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353684T

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122242T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000093149T

15-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000115870T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000220933T

22-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000595096B2

10-10-2019 дата публикации

A syringe comprising a collapsible plunger

Номер: AU2018262454A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

In a general aspect, a syringe terminates the dispensing of a fluid based on a force applied to a plunger member of the syringe. In some aspects, a plunger member of a syringe includes a top portion, a bottom portion, and a contact portion. The top and bottom portions are in contact with the contact portion, and the bottom portion has a length greater than or equal to a length of the top portion. The contact portion permits the top portion to move independent of the bottom portion in response to a stress in the contact portion exceeding a critical stress. The stress in the contact portion is based on a first force applied to the top portion and a second force opposite the first force applied to the bottom portion.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Self-orienting pressure jacket and pressure jacket-to-injector interface

Номер: AU2020201603A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

SELF-ORIENTING PRESSURE JACKET AND PRESSURE JACKET-TO INJECTOR INTERFACE Abstract A pressure jacket for use with a fluid injector includes a barrel having a distal end, a proximal end, and a sidewall extending between the distal end and the proximal end along a longitudinal axis. The pressure jacket includes at least one engagement member protruding from a terminal portion of the proximal end of the barrel in a proximal direction along the longitudinal axis. The at least one engagement member tapers axially in a direction from the distal end toward the proximal end of the barrel. The at least one engagement member engages with a locking mechanism on the fluid injector to releasably lock the pressure jacket with the fluid injector. A taper of the at least one engagement member rotationally guides the barrel into self-alignment with the locking mechanism and axially ejects the barrel upon rotation of the barrel about the longitudinal axis.

18-02-2010 дата публикации

Injection device with tensioning spring and tensioning element

Номер: AU2007236526B2

23-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003281199A1

09-06-2011 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: AU2005247153B2

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a drug delivery device and drug delivery device

Номер: AU2011311615A1

The drive mechanism comprises a lead screw (5) and a lead screw nut, which are aligned with an axis (4). The lead screw has screw threads (6, 16) having the same pitch and being intertwined.

02-12-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separating fluid components

Номер: AU2004242150A1

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Piston for a cartridge and piston rod for a drug delivery device

Номер: AU2010332862B2

10-08-2000 дата публикации

Clamps for securing flexible tubing direct to maleluer connectors

Номер: AUPQ890900A0

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Syringes for prefilled and fill-at-use mixing and drug delivery

Номер: AU2014290084B2

Mixing syringes including a valve mechanism are configured and configurable to enable one or more substances to be prefilled into the syringe. The valve mechanism may be an aspect of a distal seal assembly. Actuation of the valve mechanism permits opening of a fluid passage for the mixing of one or more substances, and the resulting mixed substance can be delivered by the syringe, for example, for administration of a pharmaceutical to a subject.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Spring arrangement and drug delivery device herewith

Номер: AU2015282981A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present invention is generally directed to a spring arrangement for use in a drug delivery device and a drug delivery device comprising such a spring arrangement. The spring arrangement comprises a clutch spring (130) which is located axially interposed between a stationary housing component (10) and an axially movable sleeve (40), which sleeve (40) comprises clutch features (43) adapted to engage corresponding clutch features (121) of a clutch element (120). The clutch spring (130) biases the clutch features (43) and the corresponding clutch features (121) into engagement. The sleeve (40) is coupled to a button (70) such that upon actuation of the button (70) the sleeve (40) is translated against the bias of the clutch spring (130) from a proximal position in which the sleeve (40) is rotationally locked to the housing component (10) into a distal position in which the sleeve (40) is rotationally un-locked from the housing component (10). Upon release of the button (70) the clutch spring ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2012342450A1

Described is an autoinjector (1 ) comprising a case (2.1, 2.2), a drive carriage (22) disposed in the case (2.1, 2.2), and a plunger (11) coupled to the drive carriage (22). The plunger (11) is adapted to releasably engage a needle retraction mechanism in a syringe (3). Translation of the drive carriage (22) in a distal direction (D) relative to the case (2.1, 2.2) causes the plunger (11) to engage the needle retraction mechanism and translation of the drive carriage (22) in a proximal direction (P) relative to the casing (2.1, 2.2) case the plunger (11) to needle retraction mechanism the stopper (5).

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Safety syringe

Номер: AU2012342451A1

Described is a syringe (3) comprising a barrel, a stopper (5) slidably arranged within the barrel, a needle (4) arranged on a distal end of the barrel, a plunger coupling (10) coupled to the stopper (5) and adapted to releasably engage a plunger (1 1 ), and a needle retraction mechanism adapted to retract the needle (4) into the barrel.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Multi-chamber injection device

Номер: AU2014229072B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

A multi-chamber injection device includes multiple syringes. The multiple syringes may be arrayed in a circular, linear, or other format. In some implementations, a needle, port, or similar may be shared by all the syringes in configuration that allows only one syringe to deliver contents at a time while blocking the other syringes from delivering their respective contents. In some implementations, the syringes may be all stored in the same container. One or more of the chambers of a multi-chamber injection device may be preloaded with medication. Different medications may be loaded into different chambers. The medications may be selected to treat the same medical condition.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

An injection device

Номер: AU2014365598A1

An injection device for delivering a liquid composition, comprising a generally elongated housing (2), arranged to hold an exchangeable cartridge (3) containing the liquid composition. The housing comprises a drive device, and a plunger rod (5) connected with the drive device and connected to a plunger within the cartridge, when the cartridge is held at the housing, for driving the plunger within the cartridge. The plunger comprises a rod connector (7) connected with a front end portion (8) of the plunger rod. The rod connector has an entrance opening defined by wall sections of the rod connector, the width of the entrance opening being smaller than the width of the front end portion. The width of a rod portion adjacent to and rear of the front end portion at the most corresponds to the width of the entrance opening. The wall sections are resilient for enabling the front end portion to pass the entrance opening upon exerting an opening force on the wall sections. The rod connector comprises ...

23-11-1972 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002891071A

02-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002526186A1

A floating element for separating components (12, 13, 14) of a physiological fluid comprises two parts (120, 122) that are relatively movable. The two parts (120, 122) define a prescribed volume between them when at their maximum separation, and one of the parts (122) may be moved toward the other (120) to express the fluid contained in the volume between the parts (120, 122). The parts are made of materials having densities so that they assume a desired position in the fluid to allow selected components to be easily obtained and expressed.

31-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002599001A1

A backer plate adapter (10) for a syringe plunger (20). The backer plate adapter (10) includes a first end (26) adapted to be engaged with a syringe plunger (20), wherein a portion of said first end (26) defines a recess. The backer plate adapter (10) further includes a second end (28) having an extension (12) protruding therefrom. The extension (12) includes a shaft portion (14) and a cap portion (16). A cross-section of the cap portion (16) has a first shape and the recess defined by said first end (26) has a shape that is complementary to the first shape.

06-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002439124A1

A disposable syringe assembly 10 including a cylinder body 12, a needle assembly 14, a piston assembly 16, a rear seal assembly 18, a hollow shaft 20, and a valve assembly having a valve port 61 and valve seals 49. The needle assembly may be releasably engaged with the cylinder body. The body and the piston assembly moveable within the body may define each of a fluid chamber 74 and an annular chamber 28. As fluid is drawn into the fluid chamber by movement of the piston assembly, air may be displaced from the annular chamber through the valve assembly. As fluid is discharged from the fluid chamber, the valve assembly may be closed and a vacuum created in the annular chamber. A valve positioner may control connector connectivity and valve port position. Near the end of the fluid discharge piston stroke, a connector 88 engaged with either the shaft of with the piston assembly may engage selectively engage a mating connector on the needle assembly. The needle assembly may be disengaged from ...

14-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002581671A1

A mixing syringe having a first sealed chamber containing a powder (powder housing) and a second sealed chamber containing a liquid (liquid housing). When the user needs to inject a patient, he or she holds the mixing syringe approximately upright and depresses a plunger. This motion causes a piercer to pierce a foil seal separating the two chambers. The liquid then drops down into the powder housing. The liquid flows through a passage in a piston located in the powder housing, where it then comes in contact with the powder itself. As the user continues pressing the plunger downward, the piercer comes to rest within the piston and seals the passage through the piston, thereby locking the piercer and piston together. The device is then ready for an injection. As the plunger is further depressed, the piston expels the powder and liquid mixture through a needle.

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001195199A1

08-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002689922C

A plunger rod. (14) adapted for attachment with a stopper (12) for use with a syringe barrel (16) is disclosed. The plunger rod includes an elongated member (124) having a front end (126) and a back end, the plunger rod extending along a longitudinal axis. The plunger rod includes at least one deflecting arm (130) associated with' the front end of the elongated member. The deflecting arm is capable of deflecting radially inward during insertion of the plunger rod into a stopper, and deflecting outward into contact with an inner surface of the stopper after insertion to lock the plunger rod within the stopper.

05-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691353C

A syringe assembly (100) having passive disabling structure includes a barrel (102) and a plunger rod assembly. The plunger rod assembly includes a plunger rod (108) and a stopper (128) connected by an indexing locking element. The number of strokes of the syringe plunger before the stopper is locked into the barrel rendering the syringe assembly unusable is determined by the number of detents on the plunger rod and stopper which engage the locking mechanism (130). Upon completion of the final delivery stroke, any attempt to withdraw the plunger rod from the barrel will cause the locking element (130) to engage the barrel and trap the stopper (128) in the barrel preventing further use of the syringe.

29-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766084C

A method of filling a drug reservoir is disclosed, which includes placing a reservoir body in an aseptic environment; filling an interior volume of the reservoir body with fluidic media; placing a plunger head into the reservoir body, the plunger head adapted to be movable in an axial direction within the reservoir body; removing the reservoir body from the aseptic environment; and attaching a casing adjacent to at least a portion of the reservoir body with the reservoir body outside the aseptic environment, the casing configured to envelope at least a portion of a plunger arm operatively connected to the plunger head, the casing further configured to allow the plunger arm to move in the axial direction relative to the reservoir body and at least partially within the reservoir body.

13-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1093410A

The disclosure is of a novel syringe plunger characterized by a completely immobile piston head. The plunger is advantageously used in syringe assemblies and facilitates the so-called "micrometer" injection.

05-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002395902A1

A dual chamber syringe in which a dual function piston divides the syringe into two compartments containing powder or fluid in one compartment and fluid in the other. For mixture of the two substances, a passage is opened between the two compartments before or during retraction of the piston to force the substances to be mixed in the front compartment. During forward movement of the piston, the passage between the two compartments is closed to force the mixture of substances through the discharge opening of the syringe.

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001261219A1

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092690A1

A syringe assembly includes a substantially cylindrical syringe barrel including a fluid dispensing end, an open end, and at least one protrusion adjacent the open end, the at least one protrusion projecting inwardly from an inner surface of the syringe barrel, a stopper configured to be received within the open end of the syringe barrel, and a plunger rod having a plunger rod body extending along a longitudinal axis from a proximal end to a distal end and at least one support disk provided on the distal end thereof. The support disk on the plunger rod is configured to bear against the protrusion of the syringe barrel upon misalignment of the plunger rod in the syringe barrel.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058042A1

09-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3058042C
Принадлежит: GORE & ASS, W. L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC.

A syringe for storing and delivering a fluid that includes (1) a stopper and (2) a plunger rod assembly is provided. The plunger rod assembly includes a plunger rod and a threaded member at a plunger-engaging end. The stopper may be formed of an elastomeric material. The stopper has an exterior surface and an inner cavity. The inner cavity of the stopper may have a generally frustoconical shape with at least one engagement surface. The threaded member contacts at least one engagement surface in the inner cavity of the stopper to support the plunger rod assembly in an integrated, non-threaded engagement with the stopper. In some embodiments, the threaded member is freely rotatable within the inner cavity.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003095075A1

The present invention relates to stopper (1) for an injector for delivery of a pharmaceutical composition and to an injector with the stopper. The stopper has a stopper body (2) with an actuating surface (3) opposite an outlet surface (4), an axial length between the actuating surface and the outlet surface, and a transverse diameter, which stopper body defines an access diameter, the stopper at an axial location from the actuating surface comprising a deformable sealing element (5) surrounding the stopper body and having an outer diameter, which is larger than the transverse diameter, which deformable sealing element is made from a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) and has an axial extension in the range of 5% and 95% of the axial length of the stopper body, and the stopper comprising a cavity (6) at the axial location of the deformable sealing element, the cavity having a lateral extension larger than the access diameter of the stopper body.

16-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002501533C

Method for manufacturing plungers for medical syringes, whereby such a plunger (3) consists of at least two parts, namely a longitudinal plunger body (4) made of plastic and a piston body (5) provided at the front end of the plunger body (4) which consists of a plastic which is softer than the plastic of the plunger body (4), characterised in that such a plunger (3), or at least a part (36) thereof, is formed by first manufacturing the piston body (5) and then the plunger body (4), or at least a part (37) of this plunger body (4), by means of injection moulding, whereby the plunger body (4), or the above- mentioned part (37) thereof, is injected against the piston body (5).

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002946838A1

A syringe for a fluid delivery system includes a pressure jacket having a distal end, a proximal end, and a throughbore therebetween. The syringe further includes a rolling diaphragm having a proximal end with an end wall for engaging a plunger, a distal end received within the throughbore of the pressure jacket. A sidewall extends between the proximal end and the distal end of the rolling diaphragm along a longitudinal axis. At least a portion of one of the sidewall and the end wall has non-uniform thickness. At least a portion of the sidewall is flexible and rolls upon itself when acted upon by the plunger such that an outer surface of the sidewall at a folding region is folded in a radially inward direction as the plunger is advanced from the proximal end to the distal end of the rolling diaphragm.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002849063A1

It is described an irradiation device (10; 100) of a paste-type composition (C) comprising a container body (12; 120) equipped with a longitudinal through opening (14; 140), for the transit of the paste-type composition (C) to be irradiated, and with a dispensing head (18; 180) extending from the longitudinal through opening (14; 140); at least one irradiation element (24; 240) arranged in the container body (12; 120) and suitable for irradiating the paste-type composition (C) in transit in the longitudinal through opening (14; 140); and an energy source (26; 260) also arranged in the container body (12; 120) and in electrical connection with the at least one irradiation element (24; 240). It is also described a cartridge (50) for application on a treatment site of a paste-type composition (C) to be irradiated, the cartridge comprising a tube (30; 300) of paste-type composition (C) able to be removably associated with such a irradiation device (10; 100).

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847714A1

The invention relates to a medical drug delivery apparatus which comprises a cartridge (1) being closed at one end by a membrane (12) and at the opposite end by a movable piston (15). A piston rod foot (1) is provided for transferring the pressure from the piston rod (20) of the drug delivery apparatus and onto the piston (15). The piston rod foot (1) comprises a centre part (2) abutting the piston rod (20) and an outer part (3) which centre part (2) and outer part (3) are releasable coupled together such that the two (2, 3) can be released when a force above a certain threshold limit is applied to the outer part (3).

09-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002794206C

A stopper (12) adapted for attachment with a plunger rod for use within a syringe barrel is disclosed. The stopper includes a main body (26) defining an open rearward end and a closed front end (30). The open rearward end is adapted to receive a front forward end attachment portion of the plunger rod. The stopper (12) also includes a core member (32) integrally formed with the main body (26) adjacent the closed front end (30). The core member (32) includes a nose portion (34) having a conical tip configured for entering an outlet opening of the syringe barrel. The closed front end of the stopper has a profile configured to cooperate with an internal surface of the syringe barrel wall to prevent reflux and reduce dead space within the barrel.

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002830554C

Plunger rod and stopper assembly comprising a plunger rod having a front attachment end and a back end; a deflecting arm; and a stopper having a main body defining an open rearward end, a closed front end, and a core member integrally formed with the main body adjacent the closed front end. The core member is interconnected with the main body via a flexible membrane extending between the core member and the main body so as to move the core member independently from the main body. The open rearward end is defined by an inside wall surface and an undercut portion, and is adapted for receiving the front attachment end such that the arm is deflected during insertion of the front attachment end and deflects outward after insertion to become trapped between the inside wall surface and the undercut portion to lock the plunger rod within the stopper.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002823821A1

Micro-volume devices, systems, and associated methods that facilitate the injection or aspiration of precisely controlled volumes of materials at precisely controlled rates are provided. In one embodiment, a micro-volume device includes a syringe and a lead screw connected to a plunger of the syringe. A mechanical interface is connected to the lead screw and includes a first set of cams adjacent a proximal portion and a second set of cams adjacent a distal portion. A mechanism is configured to oscillate a structure in a direction parallel to a longitudinal axis of the lead screw such that one or more projections of the structure to alternatively engage cams of the first and second sets of cams in a manner that results in rotation of the mechanical interface in a single direction for highly controlled linear displacement of the plunger.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878218A1

The invention relates to a device (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d; 40) for the extraction, storage and/or treatment of blood or other substances of human or animal origin, and for the use of blood compounds or other biological compounds, said device comprising a body (2; 41) inside which an at least partially detachable plunger (3; 42) can move longitudinally. The body (2; 41) is provided with an interior space (9; 51) that can be connected to the exterior by means of a conduit (6; 50) at a first end (4; 48) of the body (2; 41). The body (2; 41) and the plunger (3; 42) can be interlocked longitudinally in at least one position in order to allow different degrees of vacuum to be created. The device has multiple uses and is particularly versatile.

16-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002130122A1

Abrégé Dispositif pour la préparation d'une solution, d'une suspension ou d'une émulsion d'une substance médicinale L'invention concerne un dispositif pour la préparation d'une solution, médicinale à partir de deux composants dont l'un est à l'état de poudre, de lyophilisat ou de liquide et dont l'autre est un diluant ou un solvant liquide. Ces composants sont respectivement stockés dans un conteneur distal (11) fermé et un conteneur proximal (13), qui présentent chacun une ouverture obturée par un obturateur-piston-vanne, mobile axialement. Ces deux obturateurs-pistons-vannes (19, 24) sont reliés par une tige de transfert (15) agencée pour assurer une liaison de couplage rigide, étanche et stérile entre les deux obturateurs-pistons-vannes (19, 24) lorsque le dispositif (10) se trouve dans une position de stockage, et pour définir un canal de communication étanche et stérile entre les deux conteneurs (11, 13) lorsque le dispositif se trouve dans une position d'utilisation. Les obturateurs-pistons-vannes ...

15-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002049092A1

... - 1 - HOE 90/F 246 of the disclosure Syringe holder In the syringe holder for cylindrical ampoules, having a receiving device provided for receiving the cylindrical ampoule and a handle with a bore for receiving a longitudinally displaceable piston rod with an actuating device, the receiving device comprises a U-shaped collar with an allround groove in its root.

31-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002159670A1

A syringe comprising: a tubular body which is provided, at its front end portion, with a portion for mounting an injection needle thereon and opens at its rear end portion so as to have a rear end opening; a gasket for sealing the rear end opening of the tubular body, which is slidably inserted into the tubular body; and a plunger rod which is detachably coupled with a rear end portion of the gasket through the rear end opening of the tubular body; wherein a male screw is formed at a front end portion of the plunger rod and is circumferentially alternately divided into at least one male screw portion and at least one first recess portion; wherein a female screw is formed on a rear end face of the gasket and is circumferentially alternately divided into at least one female screw portion and at least one second recess portion; wherein in a state where the male screw portion and the first recess portion of the male screw are, respectively, fitted into the second recess portion and the female ...

31-05-1950 дата публикации

Injektionsspritze und Verfahren zur Herstellung derselben.

Номер: CH0000268694A

31-10-1958 дата публикации

Seringue hypodermique

Номер: CH0000333737A

15-10-1964 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000382921A

15-11-1966 дата публикации

Spritze, insbesondere für medizinische Zwecke

Номер: CH0000424095A

15-11-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000446620A

31-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000540698A

15-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000603170A5
Принадлежит: CONTRAVES AG

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Spindle and Bearing Combination and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120165739A1
Автор: David Plumptre
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

An improved spindle and bearing combination for a drug delivery device is provided that has a first connection between the spindle ( 1 ) and bearing ( 4 ) comprising a web ( 5 ) and a second connection that replaces the first connection when the web ( 5 ) is severed that allows the spindle ( 1 ) to rotate relative to the bearing ( 4 ).

02-08-2012 дата публикации

System Comprising a Drug Delivery Device and a Cartridge Provided with a Bung and a Method of Identifying the Cartridge

Номер: US20120195182A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a bung ( 20 ), to a drug containing cartridge ( 10 ) and to a drug delivery device, wherein the bung ( 20 ) comprises a coding feature ( 28 ) for carrying information regarding at least one of the cartridge ( 10 ) and the content of the cartridge ( 10 ). Furthermore, it relates to a method for identifying a cartridge ( 10 ) containing a medicinal product.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Resetting mechanism for a drug delivery device

Номер: US20120209211A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A resettable dose setting mechanism for a drug delivery device comprising a driver for driving a spindle of the drug delivery device is provided. Said driver comprises a first component and a second component rotationally coupled to said first component. During resetting of said drug delivery device, said first component is rotationally decoupled from said second component.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Resettable Drive Mechanism for a Medication Delivery Device and Medication Delivery Device

Номер: US20120265151A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A resettable drive mechanism for a medication delivery device is proposed, said mechanism comprising a housing ( 13, 17, 40 ) with a proximal end and a distal end, a drive member ( 20 ) rotatable with respect to the housing in a second direction for delivering a dose of a medication, a piston rod ( 12 ) adapted to be driven in a distal direction with respect to the housing by the drive member, when the drive member rotates in the second direction, a stop member ( 26 ) adapted to prevent rotation of the drive member in a first direction opposite to the second direction with respect to the housing, when the stop member engages the drive member, and a clutch member ( 58 ) movable with respect to the housing between a delivery position (D) and a reset position (R), wherein, when the clutch member is in the delivery position, the stop member and the drive member are engaged and the drive member is prevented from rotating in the first direction with respect to the housing, and when the clutch member is in the reset position, the drive member and the stop member are disengaged, the drive member is rotatable in the first direction with respect to the housing and the piston rod is movable in the proximal direction with respect to the housing. Furthermore, a medication delivery device is provided.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20130041327A1
Автор: Mattias Daniel
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Retractable safety syringe

Номер: US20130066269A1

A retractable safety syringe comprises a needle body, a syringe barrel, and a pusher plunger. The needle body has a needle and a needle seat having an upper needle seat and a lower needle seat; the upper needle seat is used for fixing the needle thereon and is provided with a connecting portion on the bottom; and the removable lower needle seat can be embedded to the upper needle seat from below. The pusher plunger has a piston in the front end thereof; the piston has a connecting member, which can connect to the connecting portion on the bottom of the upper needle seat, so that after injection, by applying a force to press and deform the piston till connecting to the connecting portion, the needle body can depart from the needle socket and the abutment and can be drawn back to the interior of the syringe barrel.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Syringe Having a Removable Cover for Use as a Plunger Rod in Rotational Engagement

Номер: US20130085447A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

A syringe assembly includes a syringe barrel defining a chamber, a stopper disposed within the chamber, and a plunger assembly. The plunger assembly includes an elongated plunger rod, a housing, and a handle portion connecting the plunger rod and housing. The plunger assembly transitions from a first position disposed about the syringe barrel, to a second position with the plunger rod engaged with the stopper. Transition of the plunger assembly includes rotational engagement of the plunger rod and stopper.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130096534A1
Принадлежит: ALLERGAN, INC

A delivery system includes a housing along with a tip connected to one end of the housing. A first cannula extending from the tip is provided for inserting a rod implant into tissue. A second cannula, concentrically disposed within the first cannula, is utilized to force the rod implant from the first cannula and for ejecting a fluid behind the inserted rod implant in the tissue. 19.-. (canceled)10. A drug delivery system for introducing a bioerodible implant into the vitreous of an eye , the system comprising:a housing;a tip connected to one end of said housing;a first piston slideably disposed within said housing;a first cannula extending from said tip and having a lumen extending therethrough;a bioerodible implant disposed within the first cannula lumen;a first plunger fixed to said first piston and slideably disposed within said housing for ejecting said implant from the first cannula lumen as the first plunger is moved toward said tip;a second cannula extending from said first piston and concentrically disposed within said first cannula and extendable through the first cannula lumen for forcing said implant out of the first cannula lumen as the first plunger is moved forward;a second piston slideably disposed within said first plunger;a chamber within said first plunger, said chamber being defined between said first piston and said second piston, said second cannula being in fluid communication with said chamber;a rod stabilizing fluid, disposed in said chamber, for preventing movement of the ejected implant in the vitreous as the first and second cannulas are withdrawn from the vitreous; anda second plunger fixed to said second piston for ejecting the rod stabilizing fluid through said second cannula and behind the ejected implant by movement of said second plunger and second piston toward said tip;wherein the rod stabilizing fluid includes a sodium hyaluronate.11. The drug delivery system according to claim 10 , wherein said first cannula has an angulated end ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131606A1
Автор: Bertocci Gina E.

An ergonomic syringe includes a slide member, wherein force exerted on the slide member causes movement of a syringe plunger within a hollow or partially hollow syringe barrel, for withdrawing fluid from a source into the syringe, and also includes a reusable adaptor for use with existing conventional syringes, which has a ring that wholly or partially encircles the barrel and indirectly attaches to a plunger flange. 1. A syringe , comprising:an at least partially hollow barrel having a proximal end and a distal end, with an aperture positioned at the proximal end of the barrel for accepting a plunger, wherein the plunger is adapted for insertion into the aperture and for movement axially within the barrel; anda slide member attached to the plunger, having a ring comprising a radially extending flange;wherein exerting force axially upon the ring produces axial movement of the slide member along the barrel, thereby causing the plunger to move a substantially equal distance along the same axis.2. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the ring is positioned external to the barrel between the proximal end and the distal end of the barrel.3. The syringe of claim 2 , wherein the slide member has a proximal end and a distal end claim 2 , and the ring is positioned closer to the distal end of the slide member than the proximal end.4. The syringe of claim 3 , wherein the ring is positioned substantially at the distal end of the slide member.5. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the barrel includes at least one finger placement aid.6. The syringe of claim 5 , wherein the at least one finger placement aid is chosen from the group contoured barrel claim 5 , finger placement guide claim 5 , and grip-enhancing material.7. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the barrel comprises a first portion and a second portion of unequal outer diameters connected by a tapered surface.8. The syringe of claim 7 , wherein the plunger includes a sealing member positioned at its distal end claim 7 , and the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144222A1
Автор: Kawamura Hideaki
Принадлежит: DAIKYO SEIKO, LTD.

A medicine syringe has a syringe barrel, piston and plunger rod. The syringe barrel is provided with a cylindrical main body defining therein a chamber to be filled with a medical solution, and an injection nozzle portion formed at an end portion of the main body and defining therein a hollow bore in communication with the chamber. The chamber and hollow bore have a total capacity of not greater than 0.5 mL. The chamber and hollow bore are formed such that the piston is slidable in a range of from 20 to 100 mm and is allowed to slide liquid-tight into the hollow bore beyond the chamber. 1. A medicine syringe having a syringe barrel , piston and plunger rod ,said syringe barrel being provided with a cylindrical main body defining therein a chamber to be filled with a medical solution, an injection nozzle portion for injecting the medical solution, said injection nozzle portion being formed at an end portion of the main body and defining therein a hollow bore in communication with the chamber, an opening formed at an opposite end portion of the main body for receiving the piston and plunger, and a flange portion, andsaid plunger rod being in a form of a rod having the piston arranged at an end portion thereof and a plunger flange formed at an opposite end portion thereof, wherein:the chamber in the main body and said hollow bore in the injection nozzle portion have a total capacity of not greater than 0.5 mL, andthe chamber and hollow bore are formed such that the piston is slidable in a range of from 20 to 100 mm and is allowed to slide liquid-tight into the hollow bore of the injection nozzle portion beyond the chamber located in the main body.2. The medicine syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the chamber and hollow bore have a same diameter.3. The medicine syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the injection nozzle portion is further provided with a structure that enables to fit a syringe needle to the injection nozzle portion.4. The medicine syringe according ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190696A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A device for delivery of medicament, which device comprises an elongated housing; a container () mounted within said housing and adapted to contain liquid medicament; a stopper slidably arranged within said container; and actuating means comprising a resilient member (), a driving means () having one end connected to the stopper and a second end being operably connected to the resilient member, retaining means () for releasably retaining said driving means in a first position where said resilient member has an accumulated energy, and activating means operably connected to said retaining means for releasing said driving means to a second position, upon actively operation by an user, such that said accumulated energy is transferred to the driving means for driving the stopper a predetermined distance within the container whereby the medicament within said container i delivered characterized in that the resilient member is a variable force spring adapted for generating a predetermined sequence of at least two different force profiles during the medicament delivery. 1. A device for delivery of medicament , comprising:an elongated housing;a container mounted within the housing and having a slidable stopper contained within and configured to contain a liquid medicament;a plunger rod having a distal end and a proximal end in contact with the stopper:at least two variable force springs where one of the springs has a first end that is connected to a carrier axially fixed to the housing and a second end that is variably wound on the distal end of the plunger rod; anda retainer pivotally arranged to the carrier and comprising a protrusion positioned in a groove on the plunger rod for releasably retaining the plunger rod in a first position where the variable force springs have accumulated energy, where the retainer is configured to release the plunger rod to a second position, upon active operation by a user, such that the accumulated energy is transferred to the plunger rod ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204129A1

A medical fluid injector, replaceable syringe, and coupling mechanism to engage the syringe plunger to the plunger drive ram of the injector are provided wherein coupling involves a cam cleat-like mechanism, thereby allowing for cooperative movement between the plunger drive ram and syringe plunger. The coupling mechanism of the plunger drive ram is provided with first and second movable members, each having toothed, arcuate surfaces, while the coupling mechanism of the syringe plunger is provided with a knurled cavity. Disengagement of the coupling mechanism is facilitated by translational movement of a face plate located on the forward end of the injector housing. 1a cylindrical barrel;a plunger snugly slidable in said cylindrical barrel, said plunger having a rearwardly facing drive ram engaging coupling element thereon in the shape of a rearwardly facing extension, wherein said rearwardly facing extension includes a knurled interior cavity and said rearwardly facing extension does not extend outside of said cylindrical barrel in at least one position of said plunger; anda discharge tip in fluid communication with a forward end of said cylindrical barrel.. A syringe for mounting to an injector for injecting fluids into an animal subject, said syringe comprising: This patent application is continuation of currently pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/872,484, filed Oct. 15, 2007, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/764,630, filed Jan. 18, 2001, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,300,417, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/245,229, filed Feb. 5, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,196,999, which are incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.The present invention relates to injectors for injecting fluid into animals.During many medical procedures, various fluids are injected into patients for purposes of diagnosis or treatment. An example of one such fluid is contrast media used to enhance angiography or CT imaging. The ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Drug delivery device and method for assembling a drug delivery device

Номер: US20130204183A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drug delivery device comprises a first component and a second component, wherein a substance is provided on at least one of the first component and the second component. An inner friction of the substance is great enough to stabilize at least one of the orientation and the position of the first component and the second component with respect to one another. The inner friction of the substance is small enough to allow relative movement of the first component and the second component necessary for the intended operation of the device. Furthermore, a method for assembling a drug delivery device is provided.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20130218074A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device includes a housing; a drive force mechanism slidable in the housing's distal part; a member connected to the drive force mechanism for holding it in a loaded state and axially movable in relation to the distal part a predetermined distance by the housing's proximal part when the parts are moved toward each other; and an actuation member to be biased in relation to the distal part from a non-operating position partially protruding from the distal part to an operating position confined within the distal part. The actuation member can release the drive force mechanism from its loaded state, and is resiliently connected to the distal part such that it is always recoiled after being biased regardless of whether the actuation mechanism is released. The drive force mechanism is released only after the holding member moves and the actuation member is biased from non-operating to operating position. 110.-. (canceled)11. A medicament delivery device , comprising:a generally elongated housing, comprises a proximal housing part and a distal housing part movable relative each other;a drive force mechanism accommodated in the distal housing part and slidably arranged in relation to the distal housing part;a container filled with medicament arranged within the proximal housing part;a holding member operably connected to the drive force mechanism for holding the drive force mechanism in a loaded state and arranged to be axially moved in relation to the distal housing part a predetermined distance toward a distal end of the device by the proximal housing part when the proximal and distal housing parts are moved toward each other; andan actuation member configured to be biased in relation to the distal housing part from a non-operating position, in which the actuation member partially protrudes from the distal housing part, to an operating position, in which the actuation member is confined within the distal housing part;wherein the actuation member is ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Flush Syringe Having Compressible Plunger

Номер: US20130218097A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

An I.V. flush syringe assembly includes a barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end and a distal end with a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. An elongate plunger having a proximal end, a distal end and a stopper is slidably positioned in fluid-tight engagement with the inside surface of the barrel for drawing fluid into and out of the chamber by movement of the stopper relative to the barrel. The plunger includes anti-reflux structure for minimizing stopper deflection when fluid has been delivered from the chamber and the stopper is being forced against the distal end of the chamber.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Drug delivery device for delivery of a medicament

Номер: US20140039412A1
Автор: Axel Forstreuter
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Various embodiments of drug delivery devices and methods of assembling such devices are provided. In one embodiment, a drug delivery device for dispensing medicament comprises a medicament cartridge, wherein the cartridge comprises (i) a distal end, (ii) a proximal end that is opposite the distal end along a body axis of the cartridge, and (iii) a movable piston arranged substantially at the proximate end of the cartridge. The drug delivery device further comprises a piston rod having a distal end for axially moving the piston in the distal direction during dispensing of a set dose of medicament, wherein a relative axial distance between the distal end of the piston rod and a proximal face of the piston is set during assembly of the drug delivery system. The relative axial position between may be set such that the piston rod and the proximal face of the piston abut each other.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Cartridge Holder and Method for Assembling a Cartridge Unit for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20140066863A1
Автор: Philippe Nzike
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A cartridge holder for retaining a cartridge comprising a distal end and a proximal end being spaced apart from one another in the direction of an axis, an interior which is suitable to receive and retain a cartridge in a cartridge retaining section of the interior, and a main part and at least one protrusion which is moveably connected to the main part. The protrusion is arranged to define the radial extension of a subsection of the interior, wherein the subsection is arranged at an axial position which is further away from the distal end than the cartridge retaining section. Furthermore, the protrusion is arranged to vary the radial extension of the subsection when the protrusion is moved with respect to the main part. Moreover, a method for securing a cartridge in a cartridge holder is proposed.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000948A1
Автор: Plumptre David Aubrey

The drive mechanism comprises a lead screw and a lead screw nut, which are aligned with an axis. The lead screw has screw threads having the same pitch and being intertwined. 1. A drive mechanism for a drug delivery device , comprising:a lead screw and a lead screw nut aligned with an axis defining an axial direction and an opposite axial direction,a screw thread and at least one further screw thread of the lead screw, the screw thread and the further screw thread having the same pitch and being intertwined, anda drive feature of the lead screw nut,the drive feature engaging the screw thread and the further screw thread and allowing for a dispense operation a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the lead screw nut at least in the axial direction.2. The drive mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising:the axis further defining radial directions diverging from the axis,the screw thread and the further screw thread of the lead screw having surfaces,drive feature engaging the screw thread between the surfaces, andthe surfaces of the screw thread forming a non-zero angle in the radial directions.3. The drive mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising:a drive member rotationally locked with the lead screw nut,the lead screw being coupled with the drive member, the coupling generating a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the drive member when the drive member is moved in the axial direction with respect to the lead screw, and the coupling being overridden to prevent a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the drive member when the drive member is moved in the opposite axial direction with respect to the lead screw.4. The drive mechanism according to claim 3 , further comprising:a flexible guide feature of the lead screw, anda screw thread of the drive member,the flexible guide feature of the lead screw and the screw thread of the drive member providing the coupling of the lead screw with the drive member.5. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000955A1

Provided is a cassette unit suitable for use with an auto-injector having a drive unit. The cassette unit comprises a cassette unit housing defining a cassette unit housing cavity arranged for receipt of a syringe; a needle projection aperture; a needle cover defining a needle sheath for sheathing of a needle tip of the syringe; a removable cap that in a capping position fits over and thereby, acts such as to close off, the needle projection aperture, the removable cap defining a cap interior; provided to the removable cap, a cap insert; and provided to the cap insert, a connector defining one or more needle cover gripping elements for gripping the needle cover and the connector defines a central hub and the one or more needle gripper elements attach to the central hub and in spaced arrangement relative to each other. The connector locates within the removable cap such that the central hub of the connector is in spaced relationship with a forward end wall or surface of the cap interior and the needle cover gripping elements project away from the forward end cap wall or surface of the cap interior and towards the open end of the cap, and wherein the cap insert is shaped to allow for limited axial travel of the connector there within. 1. A cassette unit for use with an auto-injector having an electrically powered drive unit , said cassette unit comprisinga cassette unit housing defining a cassette unit housing cavity and a needle projection aperture; a barrel for containing a volume of a liquid drug formulation;', 'a hollow needle at a front end of said barrel, said hollow needle defining a needle tip for dispensing of said liquid drug formulation; and', 'a plunger that is axially movable within the barrel;, 'said cassette unit housing cavity arranged for receipt of a syringe comprising'}a needle cover defining a needle sheath for sheathing of said needle tip;a removable cap that in a capping position fits over and thereby, acts such as to close off, the needle ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001013A1
Автор: Holmqvist Anders
Принадлежит: GALDERMA S.A.

The present specification relates to a syringe comprising a barrel, a plunger moveably arranged within the barrel and a plunger rod for driving the plunger, and a mechanism for providing feedback to a user as the plunger rod is moved relative to the barrel for driving said plunger such that feedback is given to a user as the plunger rod is moved relative to the barrel for driving the plunger. The plunger rod is arranged to drive the plunger such that a predetermined relative movement between at least a portion of the plunger od and the plunger is allowed. The present specification further relates to a plunger assembly wherein a predetermined relative movement between at least a portion of the plunger rod and the plunger is allowed 1. Syringe comprisinga barrel, 'a mechanism for providing feedback to a user as the plunger rod is moved relative to the barrel for driving said plunger, which mechanism comprises a feedback triggering portion arranged at an outer surface of the plunger rod and extending along the plunger rod, and a feedback generating element arranged at the barrel, and arranged to generate feedback by being triggered by the feedback triggering portion during movement of the plunger rod relative to the barrel, wherein the plunger assembly comprises a first assembly part consisting of at least a part of the plunger rod, and a second assembly part consisting of at least the plunger, and a connection portion where the first and second assembly parts are connected with a play, thereby allowing a predetermined free relative movement between the first assembly part and the second assembly part within a predetermined distance d, in a longitudinal direction of the plunger rod.', 'a plunger assembly comprising a plunger moveably arranged within said barrel and a plunger rod for driving said plunger, and'}2. Syringe according to claim 1 , wherein said plunger rod comprises a first and second portion such that said second portion is arranged between said plunger and ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008645A1

When at least a part of a shaft portion of a plunger is stored in a proximal end side storage portion of a storage tray, the proximal end side storage portion supports a syringe body and the plunger in a state in which the syringe body and the plunger cannot approach each other since a first contact portion comes into contact with a proximal end surface of a body flange and a second contact portion comes into contact with a distal end surface of a pressing operation portion, and the part of the shaft portion of the plunger is prevented from separating since protruding pieces come into contact with the part of the shaft portion of the plunger. 1. A prefilled syringe storage tray configured to store a prefilled syringe , the prefilled syringe including: a syringe body including a body flange protruding outward at a proximal end portion , a sealing member sealing a distal end opening portion of the syringe body , a gasket slidably stored in the syringe body , a medicine stored in the syringe body , and a plunger for moving the gasket , which includes a gasket pressing portion provided at a distal end , a pressing operation portion provided at a proximal end , and a shaft portion connecting the gasket pressing portion with the pressing operation portion , the prefilled syringe being formed of disposing a part of the shaft portion of the plunger and the pressing operation portion on a proximal end side with respect to the syringe body , the prefilled syringe storage tray comprising:a base portion and a proximal end side storage portion that stands upright from the base portion and stores at least the part of the shaft portion of the plunger;wherein the proximal end side storage portion includes a shaft portion insertion port for inserting the part of the shaft portion of the plunger, and a pair of insertion port forming portions which are disposed to face a portion which is a side upper portion of the part of the shaft portion of the plunger stored in the proximal end ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Infusion pump assembly

Номер: US20150005711A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

An infusion pump assembly includes a locking tab and a pump barrel inside a pump barrel housing, where the pump barrel accommodates a reservoir assembly. The reservoir assembly includes a reservoir and a plunger rod. The infusion pump assembly also includes a locking disc at a terminus of the pump barrel. The locking disc includes a clearance hole for the plunger rod. The locking disc also includes at least one locking tab notch in close proximity with the locking tab. The locking tab is in moveable engagement with the locking tab notch, and the reservoir moves the locking tab from a locked position to an unlocked position when the plunger rod is inserted through clearance hole. The locking disc rotates upon torque being applied to the reservoir assembly, the locking disc rotating from a non-loaded position to a loaded position with respect to the plunger rod and a drive screw.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007772A1
Принадлежит: Nemoto Kyorindo Co., Ltd.

A pushing unit is stopped just before abutting against a rear end of a syringe to reliably prevent unwanted extrusion of a chemical liquid from a syringe. An injecting apparatus for injecting a chemical liquid includes: an injection head to which a syringe filled with the chemical liquid is to be mounted; a pushing unit provided on the injection head and pushing a rear end of the syringe; a rear end detection unit provided on the injection head and detecting the rear end in a contactless manner; and a control unit configured to control the injection head, the control unit acquiring a forward movement distance that the pushing unit is to be moved forward after the rear end is detected, and causing the pushing unit to move forward by the forward movement distance after the rear end is detected and to stop at a position separated from the rear end. 19.-. (canceled)10. An injecting apparatus for injecting a chemical liquid , the injecting apparatus comprising:an injection head to which a syringe filled with the chemical liquid is to be mounted;a pushing unit provided on the injection head and pushing a rear end of the syringe; anda rear end detection unit provided on the injection head and detecting the rear end in a contactless manner,wherein the rear end detection unit includes a light emitting portion and a light receiving portion, and the light emitting portion and the light receiving portion are held by the pushing unit so as to protrude in front of the pushing unit.11. An injecting apparatus according to claim 10 , further comprising a control unit configured to control the injection head claim 10 , the control unit acquiring a forward movement distance that the pushing unit is to be moved forward after the rear end is detected claim 10 , and causing the pushing unit to move forward by the forward movement distance after the rear end is detected and to stop at a position separated from the rear end.12. An injecting apparatus according to claim 11 , wherein the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Quick release plunger

Номер: US20180008780A1
Принадлежит: Bayer HealthCare LLC

A syringe system and components thereof are disclosed. The system may include a syringe body having a hollow lumen, a proximal open end, and a distal end. The syringe body may be configured to house a fluid therein. The syringe system may further include a plunger positioned in the hollow lumen of the syringe body, forming a seal with an inner wall of the syringe body. The plunger may include a removable piston having a shaft extending from the distal end towards the proximal open end, a stopper removably connected to a distal portion of the shaft, and at least one coupler attached to the distal portion of the shaft. The stopper may be configured to slidably move within the hollow lumen to facilitate movement of the fluid within the syringe body. The coupler may be configured to facilitate removal and attachment of the stopper from the piston.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008289A1

A gasket pressing tool includes a syringe attachment member attached to an outer tube, a gasket pressing member that presses a gasket of a syringe, a pressing member biasing body accommodated in the gasket pressing member, a biasing body pressing tubular member that accommodates a rear end portion of the pressing member biasing body and has side portions provided with opening portions, and movement restriction members of the pressing member held by the tubular member and having engagement protrusions that enter through the opening portions of the tubular member. The pressing tool has an engaged state maintaining function for the engagement protrusion of the movement restriction member and the pressing member-side engagement portion of the pressing member, and an operation function for the engagement protrusion for releasing the engagement therebetween. 1. A gasket pressing tool configured to move a gasket in a distal end direction of an outer tube of a syringe , the outer tube having a rear end portion provided with a flange , the gasket being slidably accommodated in the outer tube , the gasket pressing tool comprising:a gasket pressing member configured to press the gasket in the distal end direction;a syringe attachment member attached to the flange of the outer tube;a pressing member biasing body having a distal end portion accommodated in the gasket pressing member and having a rear end portion protruding from the gasket pressing member;a biasing body pressing tubular member that accommodates the rear end portion of the pressing member biasing body and has a flange portion that is provided at a distal end portion of the biasing body pressing tubular member and is accommodated in the syringe attachment member, and an opening portion that is provided proximal to the flange portion; anda movement restriction member that is held by the biasing body pressing tubular member and/or the syringe attachment member, includes an engagement protrusion that enters into the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008290A1

The present invention relates to a fat suction and graft syringe, and more specifically, to a fat suction and graft syringe having a negative pressure adjustment means, wherein a negative pressure state in a barrel can be maintained during a procedure only by pulling and releasing a plunger, and only by slightly rotating the plunger, the plunger can be pushed inside the barrel without being constrained by a multi-level holding plate and a single-surface rotation clip, whereby the syringe has enhanced convenience in the use and production thereof so that many practitioners accustomed to using a normal syringe can easily use the syringe without separately learning how to manipulate the syringe. 1. A fat suction and graft syringe having a negative pressure adjustment means , the syringe having a plunger moving forward and rearward by being inserted into a barrel which is empty , and a needle coupled to an end of the barrel by a connector , the syringe comprising:the negative pressure adjustment means supplying pressure allowing fat to be suctioned into the barrel by maintaining an inner space between an end of the plunger and the end of the barrel at a state of negative pressure during the rearward movement of the plunger,wherein the negative pressure adjustment means comprises:a multi-level holding plate formed in an inner space between partition walls of the plunger having a cross-shaped structure formed by the partition walls, the multi-level holding plate composed of at least one plate being formed perpendicularly to the partition walls and dividing the inner space between the partition walls into multi-level areas; anda single-surface rotation clip coupled to a side of an entrance of the barrel and having a bent part configured to be rotated only upward and not to be rotated downward.2. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the multi-level holding plate is installed at every position at which a size of the inner space of the barrel in which the state of negative ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023541A1
Автор: FABIEN David

An autoinjector having a reservoir () containing fluid and a piston; a needle; a driver () having a body; a piston rod () movable between a rest position and an injection position; an injection spring (); and a force control mechanism () for causing the force exerted by the injection spring to vary in predetermined manner during injection, and a lever () and a cam (), the lever () pivotally mounted on the piston rod, being connected to the injection spring (), and co-operating with the cam; and an interface module () fastened to the driver that receives a reservoir () before each actuation. The interface module having a selector ring () mounted to turn on the driver module, and pivot elements () fastening the reservoir module in the interface module. 1. An autoinjector , characterized in that it comprises:a reservoir module comprising a reservoir containing fluid and a piston, and including a needle; a body;', 'a piston rod that co-operates with the piston of said reservoir, said piston rod being moved between a rest position and an injection position in which said piston rod has moved the piston of the reservoir so as to inject the fluid through said needle;', 'an injection spring for urging said piston rod towards its injection position; and', 'force control means, for causing the force exerted by said injection spring on said piston rod to vary in predetermined manner throughout the injection stage, said force control means comprising a lever and a cam, said lever being pivotally mounted at one end on said piston rod, being connected to said injection spring, and co-operating at its other end with said cam; and, 'a driver module comprisingan interface module that is fastened to the driver module and that receives a reservoir module before each actuation, said interface module comprising a selector ring that is mounted to turn on the driver module, and pivot elements for fastening the reservoir module in the interface module.2. An autoinjector according to claim 1 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Bearing for a Piston Rod Body for a Drug Delivery Device, a Piston Rod Arrangement and a Piston Rod Body

Номер: US20190009033A1

The present disclosure concerns a bearing for a piston rod body for a drug delivery device. The bearing has an axis and comprises a first and a second surface which are spaced apart in the direction of the axis and a third surface, wherein the third surface connects the first and the second surface, wherein an opening is provided in each of the first and the third surface, and wherein the opening in the first surface is connected to the opening in the third surface. Further, the present disclosure concerns a piston rod body and a piston rod arrangement comprising said bearing and the piston rod body. 120-. (canceled)21. A drug delivery device comprising:{'b': '10', 'a cartridge unit comprising a cartridge retaining member, the cartridge retaining member being configured to retain a cartridge therein, the cartridge having an outlet at its distal end, wherein the cartridge contains medication therein and a bung () is disposed within the cartridge, the bung being movable in a distal direction with respect to the cartridge to dispense medication from the cartridge through the outlet of the cartridge during operation of the drug delivery device, and'}a drive mechanism comprising a housing and a piston rod arrangement retained in the housing, the piston rod arrangement comprising a piston rod body and a bearing axially fixed to the piston rod body, the piston rod body being rotatable relative to the bearing, wherein the bearing has an axis and comprises a first surface, a second surface, and a third surface, wherein the first surface is axially spaced apart from the second surface, and the third surface connects the first and second surfaces, wherein each of the first and third surfaces defines an opening, and the opening in the first surface is connected to the opening in the third surface,wherein the cartridge unit and the drive mechanism are releasably secured to one another, wherein the cartridge retaining member is provided with a fixing member for attaching the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Drug delivery device

Номер: US20200009317A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

The subject invention provides a drug delivery device for injecting medicament which includes a tubular reservoir; a stopper slidably disposed in the reservoir; a spring for moving the stopper in the reservoir; at least one needle, the needle having a distal end for insertion into a patient, and a lumen extending proximally from the distal end, the lumen being in direct or indirect communication with the reservoir; a needle driver for displacing the needle; and an actuator. Activation of the actuator causes the spring to move the stopper and the needle driver to displace the needle. The needle moves relative to, and separately from, the reservoir with the needle being displaced. Advantageously, with the subject invention, a drug delivery device is provided wherein a needle is moved, relative to the reservoir, in being displaced for injection. This permits control of the needle displacement separate from the reservoir.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031964A1
Принадлежит: Credence Medsystems, Inc.

A system for injecting includes a syringe body having proximal and distal ends, a syringe interior, and a syringe flange at the proximal end thereof. The system also includes a stopper member disposed in the syringe interior. The system further includes a plunger member coupled to the stopper member. The plunger member includes a rotatable member configured to insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body with rotation of the rotatable member. The plunger member further includes a proximal portion proximal of the rotatable member configured to be moved distally to also insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body to eject about microliters of fluid from the syringe interior. 1. A system for injecting , comprising:a syringe body having proximal and distal ends, a syringe interior, and a syringe flange at the proximal end thereof;a finger flange removably coupled to the syringe flange, the finger flange including proximally directed external threads;a stopper member disposed in the syringe interior; anda plunger member coupled to the stopper member; a rotatable member disposed on the proximally directed external threads and configured to insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body with rotation of the rotatable member, and', 'a portion located proximal of the rotatable member and configured to be moved distally to further insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body., 'the plunger member comprising'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein moving the portion distally to further insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body ejects about 50 microliters of fluid from the syringe interior.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a safety member removably coupled to the portion of the plunger member to prevent distal movement thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015227A1
Автор: Al-Omar Hamad M.

For a plunger for a syringe, particularly an injection syringe, which comprises a hollow body receiving the plunger, comprising a plunger head for fluid dense limiting a fluid chamber of the syringe, and a piston rod fixed to the plunger head with an actuation section, at which the plunger can be actuated for inserting into the hollow body, wherein the piston rod is formed by several longitudinally extending axial webs that comprise an outwardly radial extension rfrom the longitudinal axis and lead into a common crossing section, which receives the longitudinal axis, wherein at least one free activation edge, which radially protrudes the radial extension r, is provided on the piston rod, which when inserting the plunger, is engageable with a vibration activator of the hollow body such that an acoustic signal is emitted, it is intended, that a swinging arm body arranged between two axial webs couples the activation edge with the crossing section such that in case of a vibration activation in an axial direction the swinging arm body comprises a radial swinging arm length rbetween the activation edge and a crossing section of at least 40% of the radial extension r. 1. A plunger for an injection syringe , which comprises a hollow body receiving the plunger , comprising a plunger head for fluid dense limiting a fluid chamber of the syringe , and a piston rod fixed to the plunger head with an actuation section , at which the plunger can be actuated for inserting into the hollow body , wherein the piston rod is formed by several longitudinally extending axial webs that comprise an outwardly radial extension rfrom the longitudinal axis and lead into a common crossing section , which receives the longitudinal axis , wherein at least one free activation edge , which radially protrudes the radial extension r , is provided on the piston rod , which when inserting the plunger , is engageable with a vibration activator of the hollow body such that an acoustic signal is emitted , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015231A1
Автор: Kawamoto Eiji

An injection needle assembly includes a needle tube, a needle hub, a main body portion, a connecting portion, and an biasing portion. The main body portion is configured to move between a first position in which the needle tip of the needle tube is exposed and a second position in which the main body portion covers the needle tip of the needle tube. 1. An injection needle assembly comprising:a needle tube having a needle tip configured to puncture a living body;a needle hub holding the needle tube, the needle hub having a contact surface configured to come into contact with the living body when the needle tip of the needle tube punctures the living body;a main body portion that is movable between a first position at which the needle tip of the needle tube is exposed, and a second position at which the main body portion covers the needle tip of the needle tube;a connecting portion that rotatably connects the main body portion to the needle hub; anda biasing portion that is attached to the main body portion and is configured to bias the main body portion from the first position toward the second position when in an elastically deformed state.2. The injection needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:when the main body portion is in the first position, at least a part of the main body portion protrudes to a needle tip side of the needle tube relative to the contact surface.3. The injection needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the main body portion has an end face that comes into contact with or approaches the contact surface in the second position, andthe end face is inclined toward the needle tip side of the needle tube relative to the contact surface when the main body portion is in the first position.4. The injection needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the main body portion comprises a contact protrusion that protrudes toward the needle tip side of the needle tube relative to the contact surface when the main body portion is in the first ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Bearing Component for a Piston Rod of a Drug Delivery Device, Piston Rod Comprising the Bearing Component, and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20160015901A1
Автор: Plumptre David Aubrey

The bearing component comprises a contact surface inside a periphery, which surrounds a centre, and a coupling feature arranged inside the periphery for rotatably engaging a component of a piston rod perpendicular to the contact surface. The coupling feature includes at least one flexible feature extending from the periphery towards the centre, and the flexible feature is arranged to be deflected towards the periphery by a force exerted on the flexible feature in a direction towards the contact surface and deflected towards the centre by a force exerted on the flexible feature in the opposite direction. The flexible feature may have a sloping surface facilitating assembly and preventing disassembly in combination with a further component of the piston rod. The component of the piston rod may be a lead screw, and the piston rod may be used in a drug delivery device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016008A1

Described herein are assisted syringes. The syringes provide a higher force to the plunger tip than the extrusion force applied to the plunger. The assisted syringes can be used to inject or extrude viscous materials. 1. An electromechanical assisted syringe comprising:a syringe body comprising a material cavity;an actuator coupled to the syringe body and configured to drive a plunger tip disposed within the material cavity;a plunger coupled to a carriage and comprising a selector portion disposed longitudinally between a forward button and a reverse button of the carriage, the selector portion being configured to activate the actuator via contact with the forward button or the reverse button; anda spring coupled to the selector portion, the spring configured to provide a spring force against the plunger,wherein a force can be applied to the plunger to overcome the spring force to actuate the forward button and the force is translated by the actuator into a higher force to extrude a viscous material.2. The electromechanical syringe of claim 1 , wherein the plunger selector portion is configured to engage the forward button when the spring has been compressed.3. The electromechanical syringe of claim 2 , wherein the forward button is configured to activate the actuator in a first direction.4. The electromechanical syringe of claim 1 , wherein the plunger selector portion is configured to engage the reverse button when the spring has been extended.5. The electromechanical syringe of claim 4 , wherein the reverse button is configured to activate the actuator in a second direction.6. The electromechanical syringe of claim 1 , wherein a distal axial force can be applied to the plunger to overcome the spring force.7. The electromechanical syringe of claim 1 , wherein a proximal axial force can be applied to the plunger to overcome the spring force.8. The electromechanical syringe of claim 1 , wherein the higher force is at least 20 N.9. An electromechanical assisted ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023135A1

A syringe assembly () has a syringe barrel (), a plunger rod () and stopper () where the syringe barrel has an open end receiving the plunger rod and stopper in a sliding direction. The plunger rod includes a shaft () having a longitudinal axis with a first end having a coupling member () for coupling with the stopper. The shaft has a least one plunger rod support () extending radially outer from the shaft and spaced from the first end for cooperating with an inner surface of the syringe barrel () to resist lateral movement and tilting of the plunger rod relative to the longitudinal axis of the axial passage of the syringe barrel. The shaft in one embodiment has at least two spaced apart points of support () and () for maintaining the axis of the plunger rod on axis with the syringe barrel to limit twisting and tilting of the stopper thereby resisting distortion of the stopper that can cause leakage. 1. A plunger rod configured for use with a syringe barrel , said plunger rod comprising:a shaft having a longitudinal axis with a first end and a second end opposite said first end;a coupling member at said first end configured for coupling to a stopper;said shaft having at least one support extending radially outward from said shaft and having a dimension for engaging an inner surface of the syringe barrel to resist lateral movement of said plunger rod relative to the syringe barrel.2. The plunger rod according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft further comprises a coupling member comprises a post extending axially from said shaft and an enlarged head for coupling with the stopper.3. The plunger rod according to claim 2 , wherein said shaft comprises an annular shaped base plate extending radially outward from said shaft and configured to support an end of the stopper.4. The plunger rod according to claim 3 , wherein said support on said shaft is an annular shaped support plate and is spaced axially from said annular base plate toward said second end.5. The plunger rod ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Multi-Chamber Injection Device

Номер: US20160030671A1

A multi-chamber injection device includes multiple syringes. The multiple syringes may be arrayed in a circular, linear, or other format. In some implementations, a needle, port, or similar may be shared by all the syringes in configuration that allows only one syringe to deliver contents at a time while blocking the other syringes from delivering their respective contents. In some implementations, the syringes may be all stored in the same container. One or more of the chambers of a multi-chamber injection device may be preloaded with medication. Different medications may be loaded into different chambers. The medications may be selected to treat the same medical condition. 130.-. (canceled)31. A multi-chamber syringe comprising:three or more chambers arranged perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to a central axis;plungers associated with each of the chambers; andan outlet body rotatably connected to the chamber such that at least a portion of the outlet body rotates around the central axis positioning an outlet in fluid communication with one of the chambers while blocking release of fluid from the other chambers;wherein two or more of the chambers contain different drugs both usable to treat a same medical condition.32. The syringe of claim 31 , further comprising a fourth chamber arranged perpendicular to the other chambers and to the central axis claim 31 , wherein the fourth chamber contains epinephrine.33. The syringe of claim 31 , wherein the three or more chambers are formed from a single piece of material.34. The syringe of claim 31 , wherein a volume or one or more of the chambers is from about 1 mL to about 140 mL.35. The syringe of claim 31 , wherein the three or more chambers are formed from two or more pieces of material and the chambers are fixed in position relative to each other by attachment to the outlet body.36. The syringe of claim 31 , wherein the outlet body has only a single outlet.37. The syringe of claim 31 , wherein the outlet ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Injection System

Номер: US20160030677A1
Принадлежит: Hospira Inc

Methods and systems for an injection system are provided. An example injection system includes a container for a pharmaceutical that is sealed at a proximal end with a plunger having a pushing surface for engaging an inner surface of the hollow body. A plunger rod extends axially from the proximal end of the container and is covered with a plunger rod cover. Removal of the cover activates the system and allows for delivery of the pharmaceutical product from the container by advancing the plunger within the container towards the seal.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Flush Syringe Having Compressible Plunger

Номер: US20150032064A1

An I.V. flush syringe assembly includes a barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end and a distal end with a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. An elongate plunger having a proximal end, a distal end and a stopper is slidably positioned in fluid-tight engagement with the inside surface of the barrel for drawing fluid into and out of the chamber by movement of the stopper relative to the barrel. The plunger includes anti-reflux structure for minimizing stopper deflection when fluid has been delivered from the chamber and the stopper is being forced against the distal end of the chamber. 115-. (canceled)16. An I.V. flush syringe assembly comprising: a barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber for retaining fluid , an open proximal end and a distal end including a distal wall with an elongate tip extending distally therefrom having a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with said chamber; and a plunger including an elongate body portion having a proximal end having a compressible portion , a distal end , and a stopper being slidably positioned in fluid-tight engagement with said inside surface of said barrel for drawing fluid into and driving fluid out of said chamber by movement of said stopper relative to said barrel , said elongate body portion extending outwardly from said open proximal end of said barrel; wherein deflection of said stopper is minimized when fluid has been delivered from said chamber and said stopper is in contact with said distal wall.17. The syringe assembly of claim 16 , wherein the compressible portion of the proximal end of the elongate body portion of the plunger comprises a compressible spring including a plurality of ribs.18. The syringe assembly of claim 16 , wherein said stopper defines an annular groove concentrically surrounding said base.19. The syringe assembly of claim 16 , wherein said base includes threads for engaging said stopper.20 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Methods And Apparatus For Disinfecting And Reflux Prevention Flush Syringe Assembly

Номер: US20210031019A1
Автор: Tekeste Girum Yemane

Embodiments of the invention are directed to flush syringe assemblies comprising an integrated contamination-prevention device integrated with device connector flushing positioned so that the practitioner cannot forget to apply disinfectant. The flush syringe assemblies comprise a barrel with an elongate plunger rod disposed therein and a cap comprising a passageway. The plunger rod includes a stopper of which at least a portion can be embedded in the passageway of the cap to form a plug in the cap. Methods of flushing a vascular access device (VAD) while providing a flush syringe assembly described herein are also disclosed. 1. A method of flushing a vascular access device (VAD) comprising the steps of:(a) providing a flush syringe assembly comprisinga barrel,a luer tipa threaded connection surrounding the luer tip on the barrel,a sleeve external to the barrel having a distal end and an inside surface and an outside surface,a hub comprisinga disinfecting system comprising a disinfectant contained in the hub,a proximal end for releasably attaching the hub to a distal end of the sleeve and a distal end having a protective cover for releasably covering the disinfecting system wherein the sleeve in combination with barrel and the hub form a sealed chamber, the sealed chamber housing the luer tip and the threaded connection(b) removing the protective cover from the distal end of the hub thereby exposing the disinfectant contained in the hub;(c) using one hand to apply the disinfectant to the connector of the VAD;(d) using the same hand as in (c) to engage the outside surface of the sleeve to eject the hub from the distal end of the sleeve;(e) coupling the luer tip of the flush syringe assembly to the VAD;(f) using one hand to hold the flush syringe assembly and depress a plunger rod disposed within the barrel to flush the VAD with a flush solution that is contained in a chamber of the barrel;(g) using the same hand to decouple the flush syringe from the VAD.2. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Injection Device

Номер: US20160038676A1
Автор: Morris Anthony Paul

The invention refers to a handheld injection device comprising a housing (), a piston rod (), defining a first longitudinal axis (I) and located within the housing (), a driver () coupled to the piston rod (), a dose setting means (), which is rotatable during dose setting, a power reservoir () for driving the driver (), and a number wheel () for displaying a dose set by the dose setting means (). 2708090911301314011012091708090131130. The injection device according to claim 1 , wherein the driver ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) comprises an internal ring gear () claim 1 , the number wheel () comprises a gearwheel () and the dose setting means () is rotationally constrained to a planet carrier () having at least one planet gear () claim 1 , which meshes with the internal ring gear () of the driver ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) and the gearwheel () of the number wheel ().311011212091131. The injection device according to claim 2 , wherein the planet carrier () comprises three bosses () claim 2 , each carrying a planet gear () claim 2 , which meshes with the internal ring gear () of the driver and the gearwheel () of the number wheel.414040140130130140. The injection device according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , further comprising an additional number wheel () for displaying a dose set by the dose setting means () claim 2 , wherein the additional number wheel () is coupled to the number wheel () such that a continuous rotation of the number wheel () is translated into an intermittent motion of the additional number wheel ().5130132150151152130150132151140150141153. The injection device according to claim 4 , wherein the number wheel () comprises a single tooth () which engages with an index wheel () having a set of gear teeth () claim 4 , with a cam interface () with the number wheel () constraining rotation of the index wheel () when the gear teeth ( claim 4 , ) are not engaged claim 4 , and wherein the additional number wheel () interfaces with the index wheel () via ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038685A1

A method for assembling a syringe includes supporting a syringe barrel having a stopper being movably disposed therein. A distal end of a plunger rod is inserted into the compartment of the syringe barrel. An initial digital image is taken of the stopper within the syringe barrel. The distal end of the plunger rod is coupled to the stopper located within the syringe barrel so that the plunger rod is secured to the stopper. A plurality of further digital images of the stopper within the syringe barrel are taken during or after coupling the distal end of the plunger rod to the stopper. Information determined from each of the further digital images is compared to information determined from the initial digital image using a computer processor to determine if the stopper in each of the further digital images has moved relative to the syringe barrel. 1. A method for assembling a syringe , the method comprising:supporting a syringe barrel that bounds a compartment extending between a loading end and an opposing dispensing end, a stopper being movably disposed with the compartment of the syringe barrel with a liquid dosage being disposed within the compartment between the stopper and the dispensing end;inserting a distal end of a plunger rod into the compartment of the syringe barrel at the loading end thereof;taking an initial digital image of the stopper within the syringe barrel either before, during or after inserting the distal end of the plunger rod into the compartment of the syringe barrel;coupling the distal end of the plunger rod to the stopper located within the compartment of the syringe barrel so that the plunger rod is secured to the stopper;taking a plurality of further digital images of the stopper within the syringe barrel during or after coupling the distal end of the plunger rod to the stopper; andcomparing information determined from each of the further digital images to information determined from the initial digital image using a computer processor to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054759A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A medicament delivery device comprising:a housing having a proximal end;a pre-filled syringe positioned within the housing and comprising a needle, a dose of medicament and a sliding stopper;a tubular activation member comprising two distally projecting arms and a proximal end portion terminating in a radial flange, where the tubular activation member is slidably positioned within the housing to move from a first position to a second position and then to a final locked position;a spring located in the proximal end of the tubular activation member, where the spring is in a compressed state when the tubular activation member is in the second position;a plunger rod operatively connected to the stopper, where the plunger can only move proximally relative to the tubular activation member when the tubular activation member is in the second position;wherein each of the distally projecting arms comprises a distal portion that forms a lock when the tubular activation member is in the locked position such that the tubular activation member is prevented from moving proximally relative to the housing and exposing the needle, andwherein the radial flange is positioned outside of the proximal end of the housing when the tubular activation member is in the first position, the second position, and the locked position.2. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the proximal ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Drive Control Mechanisms And Automatic Injectors For Injectable Cartridges

Номер: US20190038837A1

An automatic injector includes a housing having a guide, a drive control mechanism, a transmission assembly, a motor, and an energy source. The housing may further include a cartridge cover. A drive control mechanism includes a drive screw, a cartridge carrier, a plunger carrier, and one or more control transfer instruments, such as a puck or cylinder. The drive screw interfaces and connects with the plunger carrier. The automatic injector is configured to accept a variety of syringes as cartridges for drug delivery. The cartridges may be ejected from the injector and safely disposed after use, making the injector a reusable automatic injector. The reusable automatic injector may further include one or more sensors, such as a cartridge sensor and a patient sensor. The novel incorporation of the drive control mechanisms into the automatic injectors of the present invention enables a single motor and transmission assembly to drive the function of multiple components, which may include the steps of: preparation and alignment of a cartridge for injection, removal of a safety cap or needle shield, needle injection, drug dose delivery, and syringe and/or needle retraction. Methods of manufacture and methods of use are also disclosed. 1. A method of operating an automatic injector to inject a fluid from a cartridge , the method comprisingdisposing the cartridge in the automatic injector with at least a portion of a barrel disposed within a cartridge carrier, and a plunger assembly disposed for confrontation with a plunger carrier, a needle end of the cartridge defining a distal end of the automatic injector and an opposite end of the cartridge defining a proximal end of the automatic injector;coupling the cartridge carrier to the plunger carrier;utilizing a single drive mechanism to move the plunger carrier and the cartridge carrier to advance the cartridge in an axial direction toward the distal end;decoupling the cartridge carrier from the plunger carrier;utilizing the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045741A1
Автор: Byerly Roy Howard

A medication cartridge plunger including a sealing member, which is formed of a resilient material, and a force distributing member, which is attached to sealing member and formed of a material more rigid than the resilient material. The force distributing member is shaped complementary with the sealing member to distribute to the sealing member a medication expelling force that may be applied to the force distributing member by an external drive element to drive the plunger forward. The force distributing member includes a radial periphery fit within a hollow of the sealing member. The radial periphery has a plurality of apex regions connected by spanning regions, which apex regions are disposed along a common circle centered on an axial center of the medication cartridge plunger. The spanning regions are disposed within the common circle, and each apex region, relative to the common circle, is not in diametric alignment with any of the other apex regions. 1. A medication cartridge plunger comprising:a sealing member formed of a resilient material, said sealing member including a body with a forward end, a rearward end, and a length that extends in an axial direction between said forward end and said rearward end, wherein along said body length said sealing member includes at least one sealing surface extending around said body for a slideable, fluid-tight sealing engagement with an interior surface of a cartridge barrel in which the medication cartridge plunger is installed for use, wherein a central region of said rearward end of said body includes a recessed surfaced that defines a hollow; anda force distributing member attached to said sealing member, said force distributing member formed of a material more rigid than said resilient material, said force distributing member shaped complementary with said sealing member to distribute to said recessed surface a medication expelling force that may be applied to said force distributing member by an external drive ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043097A1

Provided is a drive unit for an auto-injector having a drive unit housing arranged for docking receipt of a syringe or of a cassette unit comprising a syringe movable from a rest position, in which a needle tip of the syringe is within the drive unit housing to a use position, in which the needle tip protrudes from a needle delivery aperture; and a drive arrangement including one or more electrically powered sources of axial drive; a first drive transfer element for advancing the syringe to said use position; and a second drive transfer element for moving a plunger into the barrel of the syringe to eject liquid contents thereof. The drive unit housing is provided with a skin sensor arrangement having an array of plural skin sensor electrodes located about the needle delivery aperture. 1. A drive unit for an auto-injector comprising:a drive unit housing arranged for receipt of a syringe, wherein said syringe is movable from a rest position, in which a needle tip of the syringe is within the drive unit housing, to a use position, in which said needle tip protrudes from a needle delivery aperture of the drive unit housing; anda drive arrangement comprising an electrically powered source of axial drive for advancing the syringe to said use position and ejecting at least part of a volume of liquid drug formulation,wherein the drive unit housing is provided with a skin sensor arrangement comprising an array of at least three skin sensor electrodes located peripherally around the needle delivery aperture.2. A drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein said array of at least three skin sensor electrodes is evenly spaced peripherally around the needle delivery aperture.3. A drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein the needle delivery aperture is essentially circular in shape and the array of at least three skin sensor electrodes is arranged circumferentially around the needle delivery aperture.4. A drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein each of the at least three skin ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Syringe Assembly with Pivoting Plunger and Integral Tip Guard

Номер: US20180043100A1

The invention provides a syringe assembly comprising a syringe barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber, an open proximal end, and a distal end having an opening therethrough. An elongated plunger rod extends between a first end and a second end, with a cap or guard disposed on the first end of the plunger rod. A plunger head extends within the chamber of the syringe barrel, and is adapted for slidable movement within the syringe barrel between the proximal end and the distal end, with the second end of the plunger rod connected with the plunger head through a pivotable connection. The plunger rod is adapted to pivot with respect to the plunger head between a first position in which the guard is adjacent the distal end of the syringe barrel and a second position in which the plunger rod is in general axial alignment with the syringe barrel, and is further adapted for axial movement so as to cause sliding movement of the plunger head through the syringe barrel to expel contents thereof. 1. A syringe assembly , comprising:a syringe barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber, an open proximal end, and a distal end;an elongated plunger rod extending between a first end and a second end;a guard disposed on the first end of the plunger rod; anda plunger head extending within the chamber of the syringe barrel, the second end of the plunger rod interconnected with the plunger head through a pivotable connection,wherein the plunger head is adapted for slidable movement within the syringe barrel between the proximal end and the distal end,wherein the plunger rod is adapted to pivot with respect to the plunger head between a first position in which the guard is adjacent the distal end of the syringe barrel and a second position in which the plunger rod is in general axial alignment with the syringe barrel, and is further adapted for axial movement so as to cause said slidable movement of the plunger head through the syringe barrel, andwherein the guard is ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

O-Ring Plunger for a Prefilled Syringe and Method

Номер: US20180043102A1

A multi-piece plunger configured to be slideably advanced through a syringe barrel to expel fluid therefrom is provided. The plunger includes a head portion having a proximal end, a distal end, and an annular sidewall extending therebetween. The sidewall can define at least two annular grooves. The plunger also includes annular seals disposed within each of the at least two annular grooves, such that at least a portion of each of the annular seals protrudes radially beyond an outer surface of the sidewall to form a slideable seal with an inner sidewall of the syringe barrel. The head portion can be formed from a first material, such as a rigid plastic material, and the annular seals can be formed from a second material, such as a thermoset rubber or a thermoplastic elastomer. A prefilled syringe including the multi-piece plunger is also provided herein. 1. A plunger configured to be slidably advanced through a syringe barrel to expel fluid therefrom , the plunger comprising:a head portion comprising a proximal end, a distal end, and an annular sidewall extending therebetween, wherein the sidewall defines a first annular groove and a second annular groove;a first annular seal disposed within the first annular groove; anda second annular seal disposed within the second annular groove, such that at least a portion of each of the first and second annular seals protrudes radially beyond an outer surface of the sidewall to form a slideable seal with an inner sidewall of the syringe barrel.2. The plunger of claim 1 , wherein the head portion comprises a first material claim 1 , and the annular seals comprise a second material that is different from the first material.3. The plunger of claim 2 , wherein the first material comprises one or more of polypropylene claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , cyclic olefin polymer or copolymer claim 2 , polycarbonate claim 2 , and polyester claim 2 , and wherein the second material comprises one or more of a thermoset rubber and a ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Syringe plunger and pressure indicator

Номер: US20180043110A1

A syringe plunger for insertion within a barrel of a syringe for expelling the contents of the barrel from an open end thereof and a pressure indicator for fitting to a syringe plunger. The syringe plunger and pressure indicator comprising: a first portion; a second portion moveable with respect to the first portion if a relative force between the first portion and the second portion exceeds a threshold; and an indicator, wherein translation of movement of the first portion relative to the second portion causes mechanical movement of the indicator.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043372A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

A reusable safety syringe training device is provided. The device comprises a syringe contained within a syringe protective member. The syringe protective member is movable vertically within an outer protective sheath from a first position to a second position and back to the first position. In the first position, the device is in an injection-ready position with the needle exposed and the syringe protective member in a locked vertical position with respect to the outer protective sheath. In the second position, the device is in a post-injection position such that the syringe protective member is no longer vertically locked with respect to the outer protective sheath and has moved vertically upward thereby rendering the needle within the outer protective sheath. The plunger carries a release flange sufficient to engage release latches that otherwise retain the syringe protective member in the first position. The release flange engages that release latches when the user pushes the plunger down to effectuate the injection. Once pressure is removed from the plunger after the injection has concluded, a springe mechanism drives the syringe protective member upwards to the second position. The user can then turn the plunger such that the release flange is no longer able to engage the release latches and push the plunger back down to lock the syringe protective member in its first position. The user is then able to pull the plunger back up while the syringe protective member remains locked, turn the plunger back to a position where the release flange is in a position to engage the release latches again, and perform another injection. 1. A safety syringe injector device for use in patient training comprising:a first tubular member having an inner annular cavity comprising an upper portion, a spring housing portion, and a body portion, wherein the body portion is positioned distally with respect to the spring housing portion and the upper portion positioned proximately with ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046733A1

A medical delivery device for advancing a piston in a medicament container to expel a medicament. A support structure supports the container and a drive assembly that advances the piston. The drive assembly includes a drive ribbon that can be retracted and extended. The retracted ribbon defines a spiral and the extended ribbon defines a helix. The drive ribbon is incrementally moveable between the retracted spiral configuration and extended helical configuration. A mechanical drive rotates the drive ribbon to selectively extend and retract the ribbon. A thrust member having a helical ramp engages a proximal edge of the drive ribbon where it transitions between a spiral and helix. A bearing member at the distal end of the drive ribbon exerts an axial force on the piston when the ribbon is extended. 1. A medical delivery device for use with a medicament container having a container body holding the medicament and defining an outlet , the medicament container further including a piston disposed within the container body , advancement of the piston in the container body expelling medicament through the outlet; the delivery device comprising:a support structure adapted to support the medicament container; anda drive assembly supported on the support structure and adapted to advance the piston within the container body wherein the drive assembly comprises:a drive ribbon having a distal edge section and a proximal edge section, the drive ribbon having a retracted configuration and an extended configuration wherein a retracted portion of the drive ribbon in the retracted configuration defines a spiral and an extended portion of the drive ribbon in the extended configuration defines a helix, the drive ribbon being incrementally moveable between the retracted and extended configurations, movement of the drive ribbon from the retracted configuration to the extended configuration defining a drive axis;a mechanical drive operably coupled with the drive ribbon and selectively ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Quick release plunger

Номер: US20160051761A1
Принадлежит: Bayer HealthCare LLC, Bayer Medical Care Inc

A syringe system and components thereof are disclosed. The system may include a syringe body having a hollow lumen, a proximal open end, and a distal end. The syringe body may be configured to house a fluid therein. The syringe system may further include a plunger positioned in the hollow lumen of the syringe body, forming a seal with an inner wall of the syringe body. The plunger may include a removable piston having a shaft extending from the distal end towards the proximal open end, a stopper removably connected to a distal portion of the shaft, and at least one coupler attached to the distal portion of the shaft. The stopper may be configured to slidably move within the hollow lumen to facilitate movement of the fluid within the syringe body. The coupler may be configured to facilitate removal and attachment of the stopper from the piston.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Prefilled syringe and method of sterilizing a prefilled syringe

Номер: US20210052816A1
Принадлежит: F Hoffmann La Roche AG

A prefilled syringe is disclosed that includes a barrel, a stopper displaceable within and defining a sealed chamber in an interior of the barrel, a liquid filled in the chamber of the barrel, and a plunger extending within the barrel. The stopper expels the liquid out of the barrel via an orifice when being forwarded towards the orifice by the plunger such that a volume of the chamber is reduced. The plunger includes a proximal portion, a distal portion and a rod portion extending between the proximal portion and the distal portion. The plunger is shaped to form a pathway between an opening of the barrel and a segment where the proximal portion of the plunger is neighboring the stopper such that a sterilizing agent can be provided through the opening of the barrel to the segment where the proximal portion of the plunger is neighboring the stopper.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049966A1

An apparatus for delivering an injectate to a patient includes a piston mechanism including an outer piston. The outer piston is slideably disposed in a chamber of the apparatus and has a channel extending therethrough. The piston mechanism also includes an inner piston including a stop and a plunger element, the plunger element being slideably disposed in the channel of the outer piston. The piston mechanism is configurable into a number of configurations including a first configuration in which the stop of the inner piston is not in contact with the outer piston such that the inner piston is movable in the channel without causing movement of the outer piston and a second configuration in which the stop of the inner piston is in contact with the outer piston such that the inner piston and the outer piston move together in the chamber. 1. An apparatus for delivering an injectate to a patient , said apparatus comprising:a chamber for holding the injectate, the chamber having an orifice through which the injectate is delivered disposed at a chamber distal end; an outer piston slideably disposed in the chamber, said outer piston having a channel extending through the outer piston from a proximal end of the outer piston to a distal end of the outer piston, and', 'an inner piston having an inner piston proximal end including a stop and an inner piston distal end including a plunger element, the plunger element being slideably disposed in the channel of the outer piston; and, 'a piston mechanism disposed at least partially in the chamber, the piston mechanism including'}a driver element coupled to the inner piston and configured to cause movement of the piston mechanism in the chamber for delivery of the injectate; a first configuration in which the stop of the inner piston is not in contact with the outer piston such that the inner piston is movable in the channel without causing movement of the outer piston, and', 'a second configuration in which the stop of the inner ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050158A1

A prefilled syringe includes a syringe body filled with a medical fluid, which has a nozzle at a front side, the nozzle being closed with a cap, and which is closed at a rear side with a displaceable plunger; and a plunger rod that can be inserted into the syringe body via the rear side. The plunger rod has a connecting portion at a front side, via which the plunger rod can be connected to the plunger. At least three annular elements, which extend at least in some sections about a longitudinal axis of the rod, are arranged on a rear side of the connecting portion on the plunger rod in such a manner that they are located in the syringe body when the plunger rod is fully connected to the plunger. The three annular elements support a coaxial connection of the rod to the plunger positioned in the syringe. 115-. (canceled)16. A prefilled syringe comprisinga syringe body which is filled with a medical fluid and comprises on a front end a nozzle, which is closed by way of a cap, and is closed on a rear end by way of a displaceable plunger, anda plunger rod which is insertable into the syringe body via the rear end and comprises on a front end a connecting portion, by means of which the plunger rod is connectable to the plunger, wherein at least three annular elements, which extend at least in portions about a longitudinal axis of the plunger rod, are arranged on the plunger rod on a rear end of the connecting portion such that when the plunger rod is fully connected to the plunger, they are situated in the syringe body.17. The prefilled syringe as claimed in claim 16 , wherein a position of the plunger in the prefilled syringe body and the position of the three annular elements on the plunger rod are matched to one another such that in a first step claim 16 , when the plunger rod is placed by way of its connecting portion on the plunger claim 16 , the two front rings are arranged in the interior of the syringe body.18. The prefilled syringe as claimed in claim 16 , wherein ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140128818A1

An applicator comprises a transmission member, a housing guiding a reciprocation of the transmission member, and a cap covering the housing. The transmission member is provided with a stopper extending in a direction orthogonal to an axial direction thereof. An upper end of the housing is formed with a projection sliding the stopper. The inside of the cap is formed with a lead part. The stopper is slid by the lead part to an end part of the projection when the cap is pushed and thereafter disengages from the projection when the cap is further pushed, so that the transmission member transmits the biasing force of an elastic member to a microneedle. This enables the microneedle to be applied to a skin. 1. An applicator applying a microneedle to a skin , the applicator comprising:a transmission member transmitting a biasing force of an elastic member to the microneedle;a housing containing at least a part of the transmission member and guiding a reciprocation of the transmission member; anda cap disposed so as to cover the housing and adapted to impart the biasing force to the elastic member by being pressed toward the transmission member;wherein the transmission member is provided with a stopper extending in a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the transmission member;wherein one end of the housing adapted to mount the stopper is formed with a projection sliding the stopper along one circumferential direction;wherein the inside of the cap is formed with a lead part adapted to come into contact with the stopper when the cap is pushed; andwherein the stopper is slid by the lead part to an end part of the projection when the cap is pushed toward the transmission member and thereafter disengages from the projection when the cap is further pushed toward the transmission member, so that the transmission member transmits the biasing force to the microneedle.2. The applicator according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the cap is pushed toward the transmission ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072237A1

An agent delivery device comprises: one or more agent containers at a proximal end of the agent delivery device, wherein the one or more agent containers are configured to contain one or more fluids; an insertion section comprising a tube defining one or more lumens, the insertion section coupled to the agent containers such that the one or more fluids may flow from the agent containers to the one or more lumens and out of one or more outlets of the one or more lumens; and a distal impingement structure at the distal end of the insertion section, the distal impingement structure comprising an impingement surface arranged relative to one or more outlets to impinge the one or more fluids dispensed from the one or more outlets to cause mixing of the one or more fluids for application of the fluids at a treatment site. 1. An agent delivery device , comprising:one or more agent containers at a proximal end of the agent delivery device, wherein the one or more agent containers are configured to contain one or more fluids;an insertion section connected to the proximal end of the one or more agent containers, the insertion section comprising a tube defining one or more lumens, the insertion section coupled to the agent containers such that the one or more fluids may flow from the agent containers to the one or more lumens and out of one or more outlets of the one or more lumens; anda distal impingement structure at the distal end of the insertion section, the distal impingement structure comprising an impingement surface arranged relative to one or more outlets to impinge the one or more fluids dispensed from the one or more outlets to cause mixing of the one or more fluids for application of the fluids at a treatment site.2. The agent delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more agent containers comprise two syringes claim 1 , the one or more lumens comprise two lumens claim 1 , each syringe is in fluid communication with a respective lumen of the two lumens claim ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Injector with variable dosage

Номер: US20180056009A1
Принадлежит: West Pharma Services IL Ltd

Drug delivery devices of a standard size are adapted for injecting different doses. The device comprises an injection needle, a reservoir having an available volume, and a plunger for evacuating the volume into the needle for injection. A spacer is placed with the plunger in the reservoir to take up some of the available volume and leave a residual amount of available volume in the reservoir to correspond to a currently desired dose size. The spacer may be selected from different sizes corresponding to different doses.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054253A1
Принадлежит: Gaplast GmbH

An implant syringe with a syringe needle holder, having an axially adjoining preparation receptacle; an outer sleeve with a radially projecting front gripping section, connected together for common axial movement; an inner sleeve, on which the outer sleeve is slidably located and in which the syringe needle is movable with the preparation receptacle. The inner sleeve has axial slots, through which webs engage, which connect the outer sleeve to the syringe needle holder, further including a rod-shaped piston, fastened to a rear gripping section partially surrounded by a rear sleeve, movably engaged in the inner sleeve. The rod-shaped piston is advanceable through the preparation receptacle in the syringe needle so that a distance remains between the tip of the syringe needle and the head end of the piston approximately equal to the length of the preparation to be delivered. 1. An implant syringe comprises a syringe needle holder , which holds an injection needle , an axially adjoining preparation receptacle and an outer sleeve with a radially projecting front gripping section on its rear end section , wherein the injection needle holder and the outer sleeve are connected together for common axial movement , including an inner sleeve , on which the outer sleeve is slidably located and in which the syringe needle is movable with the preparation receptacle , wherein the inner sleeve has axial slots , through which webs extend , which connect the outer sleeve to the syringe needle holder , further including a rod-shaped piston , which is fastened to a rear gripping section and is partially surrounded by a rear sleeve , which movably engages in the inner sleeve , wherein the rod-shaped piston is advanceable through the preparation receptacle into the syringe needle so far that a spacing remains between the tip of the syringe needle and the head end of the piston , which is approximately equal to the length of the preparation to be delivered , and the advance of the piston ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060576A1
Автор: Block Jon, Kwolek Marilyn
Принадлежит: KB Medical, LLC

A syringe exostructure incudes a main body which removably receives a syringe having a syringe barrel and a syringe plunger. A drive plunger is reciprocatably mounted on the main body, and a plunger bar is slidably received in an axial channel on the drive plunger. The plunger bar is configured to removably couple to the syringe plunger when the syringe is introduced into the main body. A drive pawl assembly is fixed to an upper surface of the drive plunger and transfers forward motion of the drive plunger to the plunger bar as the drive plunger is advanced and disengages from the plunger bar when the drive plunger is retracted. A locking pawl assembly is fixed to the main body and extends through a slot formed in the bottom of the axial channel in the drive plunger. The locking pawl engages the plunger bar and allows the plunger bar to be advanced by the drive plunger as the drive plunger is advanced but prevents the plunger bar from being retracted by the drive plunger as the drive plunger is retracted. 1. A syringe exostructure comprising:a main body configured to removably receive a syringe having a syringe barrel and a syringe plunger;a drive plunger reciprocatably mounted on the main body;a plunger bar slidably received in an axial channel on the drive plunger and configured to removably couple to the syringe plunger when the syringe is introduced into the main body;a drive pawl assembly fixed to an upper surface of the drive plunger and configured to transfer forward motion of the drive plunger to the plunger bar as the drive plunger is advanced and to disengage from the plunger bar when the drive plunger is retracted; anda locking pawl assembly fixed to the main body and extending through a slot formed in the bottom of the axial channel in the drive plunger and configured to engage the plunger bar and allow the plunger bar to be advanced by the drive plunger as the drive plunger is advanced but prevents the plunger bar from being retracted by the drive ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060625A1
Автор: Koch Brian D.

An injection includes a tube having opposite first and second ends. A hub is coupled to the first end. A sheath is coupled to the tube and the hub. The hub is movable relative to the tube to move the sheath between a first orientation in which the sheath covers an orifice in the second end and a second orientation in which the sheath is spaced apart from the orifice. Kits and methods of use are disclosed. 1. An injection needle comprising:a tube having opposite first and second ends;a hub coupled to the first end; anda sheath coupled to the tube and the hub,wherein the hub is movable relative to the tube to move the sheath between a first orientation in which the sheath covers an orifice in the second end and a second orientation in which the sheath is spaced apart from the orifice.2. An injection needle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the hub is rotatable relative to the tube to move the sheath from the first orientation to the second orientation.3. An injection needle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the tube comprises an inner surface defining a passageway and a cavity that extends into the inner surface claim 1 , the hub comprising a flange that is positioned within the cavity to allow the hub to rotate relative to the tube to move the sheath from the first orientation to the second orientation.4. An injection needle as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a pin positioned within the hub that couples the sheath to the hub.5. An injection needle as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a pin positioned within the hub that couples the sheath to the hub claim 1 , the hub comprising a track claim 1 , the pin being movable along the track as the hub is moved relative to the tube.6. An injection needle as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a pin positioned within the hub that couples the sheath to the hub claim 1 , the hub comprising a helical track claim 1 , the pin being movable along the helical track as the hub is rotated relative to the tube to move the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Infusion Pump Assembly

Номер: US20220080112A1

A removable power supply cover assembly for an infusion pump is disclosed. The assembly includes a housing body configured to removably attach to an infusion pump, a conductor assembly attached to the housing body, a power supply contact assembly, and a spring attached to the power supply contact assembly and the conductor assembly. An electrical coupling between a power supply to the conductor assembly is formed through the spring. 1. A removable power supply cover assembly configured to be removably attached to an enclosure assembly of a power supply assembly , the cover assembly comprising:a removable cover body configured to cover a power supply cavity in the power supply assembly;a conductor assembly attached to the cover body and having a tab for conducting electricity to the power supply cavity;a spring having a first and second end, the first end attached to the conductor assembly; anda non-conductive power supply interface assembly defining an aperture configured for receiving a positive terminal of a power supply, the power supply interface assembly attached to the second end of the spring and disposed, when the spring is in a relaxed state, further from the removable cover body than a portion of the conductor assembly most distal to the removable cover body, wherein an electrical coupling between a power supply and the conductor assembly is established through the spring.2. The removable power supply cover assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a battery.3. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the removable power supply cover assembly further comprises:a sealing assembly for releasably engaging at least a portion of an enclosure assembly of the power supply assembly and forming an essentially water-tight seal between the removable cover assembly and the enclosure assembly.4. The removable power supply cover assembly of claim 3 , wherein the sealing assembly comprises an o-ring assembly.5. The removable power supply cover assembly of ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a medication delivery device and medication delivery device

Номер: US20200061295A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive mechanism for a medication delivery device containing a resilient member and having a rotation member configured to be rotated in a first direction during setting of a dose of a medication and to be rotated in a second direction during delivery of the dose, where the rotation member is coupled to a drive member that is coupled to a piston rod such that on dose delivery the piston rod is displaced in a distal direction to dispense a medicament and where the resilient member prevents movement of the drive member and the piston rod during dose setting.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Deformable Piston Washer

Номер: US20180064878A1

The present invention provides a piston washer () for a drug delivery device, the piston washer () comprising a central portion () arranged about a centre axis, a peripheral portion (), and an axially pliable structure () connecting the central portion () and the peripheral portion (). The axially pliable structure () is preconfigured to undergo permanent deformation in response to a difference between a first resultant force acting on the peripheral portion () and a second resultant force acting on the central portion () exceeding a threshold level. The piston washer () is configured to transition permanently by deformation of the axially pliable structure () from a first state in which the central portion () and the peripheral portion () are physically connected and assume a first relative axial position to a second state in which the central portion () and the peripheral portion () are physically connected and assume a second relative axial position in response to the difference between the first resultant force and the second resultant force transiently exceeding the threshold level. 2. A piston washer according to claim 1 , wherein the axially pliable structure is configured to exhibit plastic deformation.3. A piston washer according to claim 1 , wherein the central portion comprises a proximal surface configured for abutment with a piston rod and a distal surface configured for abutment with a piston.4. A piston washer according to claim 1 , wherein the central portion and the peripheral portion are radially separated claim 1 , and the axially pliable structure constitutes a radially extending deformation zone claim 1 , which is configured to deform before any area of the central portion and the peripheral portion claim 1 , when the difference between the first resultant force and the second resultant force exceeds the threshold level.5. A piston washer according to claim 4 , wherein the axially pliable structure comprises a plurality of radial bridges claim 4 ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Universal Adapter for a Medical Injector and Syringe Identification System

Номер: US20170065763A1

A universal adapter for connecting a syringe to an injector is provided. The universal adapter for connecting a syringe to an injector includes: a body having a proximal end configured to connect to an injector; at least one radial support connected to the body and biased in an inward direction; and at least one axial support biased to position the syringe in an axial direction toward a distal end of the adapter. The at least one radial support defines a notch positioned to contact and engage a portion of a barrel of the syringe. A fluid delivery system and system for identification of a syringe, which include a universal adapter for connecting a syringe to an injector, are also described herein. 1. A universal adapter for connecting a syringe to an injector comprising:a body having a proximal end configured to connect to an injector;at least one radial support connected to the body and biased in an inward direction, the at least one radial support defining a notch positioned to contact and engage a portion of a barrel of a syringe; andat least one axial support biased to position the syringe in an axial direction toward a distal end of the adapter.2. The universal adapter of claim 1 , wherein the radial support and the axial support are configured to receive syringes across a range of different dimensions and geometries.3. The universal adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one radial support is configured to align a longitudinal axis of the syringe with a longitudinal axis of the body.4. The universal adapter of claim 1 , further comprising a plunger rod enclosed in a proximal portion of the body claim 1 , the plunger rod being moveable in a distal direction to engage a plunger of the syringe.5. The universal adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one radial support comprises a block claim 1 , and wherein the block is pivotally connected to a portion of the body claim 1 , such that the block rotates about the portion of the body in a first direction when ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088315A1

A delivery system includes a cartridge storing a liquid, and a dosing mechanism being configured to connect to the cartridge and to dispense a predetermined amount of liquid from the cartridge. The cartridge is non-reversibly transformable from a filling configuration, in which liquid can be drawn into the cartridge, to a dispensing configuration, in which liquid can only be dispensed from the cartridge 1. A delivery system comprising:a cartridge storing a liquid; anda dosing mechanism configured to connect to the cartridge and to dispense a predetermined amount of the liquid from said cartridge;wherein the cartridge is non-reversibly transformable from a filling configuration, in which the liquid can be drawn into the cartridge, to a dispensing configuration, in which the liquid can only be dispensed from the cartridge.2. The delivery system according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge is connectable to the dosing mechanism only when the cartridge is in the dispensing configuration.3. The delivery system according to claim 1 , wherein the dosing mechanism has a first end to which the cartridge is connected.4. The delivery system according to claim 3 , wherein the dosing mechanism further comprises an opposite end being provided with a manual injection control means.5. The delivery system according to claim 4 , wherein the manual injection control means comprises a control button.6. The delivery system according to claim 1 , wherein the dosing mechanism is configured to control dispensing of a specific volume of the liquid from the cartridge claim 1 , the specific volume being less than a total volume of the liquid stored inside the cartridge claim 1 , wherein the specific volume is adjustable.78-. (canceled)9. The delivery system according to claim 6 , wherein the dosing mechanism comprises a quantity control device being configured to adjust the specific volume being dispensed from the cartridge claim 6 , wherein the quantity control device is provided as a turn ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069870A1

A syringe includes a body and a plunger movably disposed within the body. The syringe may be used with an injector including a drive member. The drive member preferably includes at least one pin adapted to form a retractable abutting connection with an interior of a plunger to enable the drive member to retract the plunger with the body of the syringe. 1. A syringe comprising:a syringe body; and a base having a circumferential wall with an inner surface;', 'a ledge projecting inwardly from the inner surface;', 'at least one rib proximal to the ledge and projecting inwardly from the inner surface; and', 'a cover attached to the base, the cover having an outer surface at least a portion of which is in contact with an inner surface of the syringe body., 'a plunger disposed within the syringe body and engageable with a piston of a fluid injector to move the plunger within the syringe body, the plunger comprising2. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the base has an annular shape.3. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the circumferential wall of the base has a cylindrical shape with a proximal end and a distal end claim 1 , and wherein the inner surface extends between the proximal end and the distal end.4. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the ledge extends continuously around the inner surface of the circumferential wall.5. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the ledge is configured to engage one or more retractable pins on an abutment section of the piston.6. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib abuts the ledge.7. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib is a plurality of ribs that are circumferentially spaced apart around the inner surface.8. The syringe of claim 7 , wherein the plurality of ribs are evenly or randomly spaced apart relative to each other.9. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rib is configured to engage an abutment section of the piston.10. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the cover is integrally formed with the base ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069889A1
Автор: LIN LI-YU

A device for positioning a needle tip to a desired location by signaling pressure change is provided. The device includes a barrel, a piston, a biasing element, and a plunger. The barrel defines a reservoir, and it includes a distal end connectable to a puncturing apparatus. The plunger is slidably engaged with the piston, and both are movable within the reservoir. The biasing element connects the plunger and the piston, and its change in length corresponds to the relative position of the plunger and piston. In operation, the piston is at a first position relative to the plunger when the biasing element is at a first length. The piston later moves to a second relative position in response to the biasing element's change of the length resulting from a pressure change inside the reservoir when the puncturing apparatus reaches a location of a mass. The position's change of the piston is visually detectable. 1. A syringe for detecting pressure change , comprising:a barrel defining a reservoir for receiving a constituent, and the barrel includes a proximal end and a distal end with an outlet;a piston movable within the reservoir;a plunger movable within the reservoir and slideably engaged with the piston;a biasing element disposed between the plunger and the piston, wherein the biasing element's change in length corresponds to relative position of the plunger and piston; anda puncturing apparatus, detachably connected to the distal end of the barrel,wherein the piston is at a first position relative to the plunger when the biasing element is at a first length, and the piston moves from the first position to a second position in response to the biasing element's change of the length resulting from a pressure change inside the reservoir when the puncturing apparatus reaches a location of a mass,wherein the piston's change of position is visually detectable.2. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the plunger comprises a stopper for creating a resistance between the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077734A1

Syringe assemblies are described herein. A syringe assembly includes an assembly housing, a first syringe, a second syringe, and a connecting gear. The first syringe is disposed within the assembly housing. Each plunger is movable within the respective syringe cavity and defines a respective chamber in the respective syringe cavity, wherein the respective chamber is in fluid communication with the respective syringe port, the respective plunger comprising a respective gear rack extending longitudinally along the respective plunger. The connecting gear is rotatably coupled to the assembly housing. The connecting gear is configured to be in meshed engagement with at least one of the first gear rack and the second gear rack of the syringes. 1. A syringe assembly , comprising:an assembly housing; a first syringe body defining a first syringe cavity and a first syringe port, wherein the first syringe port is in fluid communication with the first syringe cavity; and', 'a first plunger movable within the first syringe cavity and defining a first chamber in the first syringe cavity, wherein the first chamber is in fluid communication with the first syringe port, the first plunger comprising a first gear rack extending longitudinally along the first plunger;, 'a first syringe disposed within the assembly housing, the first syringe comprising a second syringe body defining a second syringe cavity and a second syringe port, wherein the second syringe port is in fluid communication with the second syringe cavity; and', 'a second plunger movable within the second syringe cavity and defining a second chamber in the second syringe cavity, wherein the second chamber is in fluid communication with the second syringe port, the second plunger comprising a second gear rack extending longitudinally along the second plunger; and, 'a second syringe disposed within the assembly housing, the second syringe comprisinga connecting gear rotatably coupled to the assembly housing, wherein the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077742A1

A three-position plunger is provided including a sleeve having an opening at a distal end, a pre-load cavity proximal to and in communication with the opening, a first cavity proximal to and in communication with the pre-load cavity, a second cavity proximal to and in communication with the pre-load cavity, and at least one rib. The rib(s) is generally aligned with the first cavity. The plunger further includes an insert configured to be displaced from the pre-load cavity to the first cavity and from the first cavity to the second cavity. The insert is configured to provide support for the compression of the rib(s) when the insert is positioned in the first cavity. 1. A three-position plunger comprising: a sleeve having an opening at a distal end thereof , a pre-load cavity proximal to and in communication with the opening , a first cavity proximal to and in communication with the pre-load cavity , a second cavity proximal to and in communication with the first cavity , and at least one rib , the at least one rib being generally aligned with the first cavity; and an insert configured to be displaced from the pre-load cavity to the first cavity and from the first cavity to the second cavity , the insert being configured to compress the at least one rib outwardly when the insert is positioned in the first cavity.2. The three-position plunger of claim 1 , further including a connector body operably connected to the sleeve claim 1 , wherein a portion of the connector body is positioned within the sleeve and is configured to provide support for compression of the sleeve against an inner surface of a sidewall of a barrel.3. The three-position plunger of claim 2 , further including a plunger rod having a shaft configured to displace the insert from the first cavity to the second cavity when the shaft is displaced from a first position to a second position claim 2 , wherein the plunger rod is operably connected to the connector body.4. The three-position plunger of claim 1 ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077798A1
Автор: Koch Brian D.

An injection includes a tube having opposite first and second ends. A hub is coupled to the first end. A sheath is coupled to the tube and the hub. The hub is movable relative to the tube to move the sheath between a first orientation in which the sheath covers an orifice in the second end and a second orientation in which the sheath is spaced apart from the orifice. Kits and methods of use are disclosed. 119-. (canceled)20. An injection needle comprising:a cannula having opposite first and second ends, the cannula comprises an inner surface defining a passageway, a cavity that extends into the inner surface and an orifice that extends perpendicular to an axis defined by the passageway;a hub coupled to the first end, the hub comprising a helical track, the hub comprising a flange that is positioned within the cavity to allow the hub to rotate relative to the cannula;a plunger positioned within the cannula;a spring positioned between the hub and the plunger;a drug pellet positioned within the cannula;a sheath coupled to the cannula and the hub; anda pin positioned within the hub that couples the sheath to the hub, wherein the hub is rotatable relative to the cannula such that the pin moves along the helical track to move the sheath between a first orientation in which a distal end of the sheath covers the orifice and a second orientation in which the sheath is spaced apart from the orifice, andwherein the spring is configured to move the plunger to push the drug pellet through the orifice when the sheath is in the second orientation.21. The injection needle recited in claim 20 , wherein the cannula extends in a straight line along a longitudinal axis from the first end to the second end claim 20 , no portion of the orifice being coaxial with the axis.22. The injection needle recited in claim 20 , wherein the hub comprises a wall claim 20 , the hub being coupled to the cannula such that the wall extends across the passageway to block the passageway.23. The injection ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080841A1

An infusion assembly is provided. Such an infusion assembly includes a first infusion body and a first nozzle operably engaged with the first infusion body. A first plunger is configured to translate longitudinally within the first infusion body for dispensing a first substance out of the first infusion body through the first nozzle. The plunger has a translating member and a stopper piston separable and removable from the translating member. Once separated, the stopper piston is capable of receiving a second nozzle of a second infusion body such that the first substance, along with a second substance in the second infusion body, are capable of being sequentially administered to a target site. An associated method and kit are also provided. 1. An infusion assembly , comprising:a first infusion body;a first nozzle operably engaged with the first infusion body; and a translating member; and', 'a stopper piston separable and removable from the translating member., 'a first plunger configured to translate longitudinally within the first infusion body for dispensing a first substance out of the first infusion body through the first nozzle, the first plunger comprising2. An infusion assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the stopper piston defines a cavity extending partially therethough claim 1 , and the stopper piston further comprising a penetrable portion capable of being pierced so as to allow a second nozzle to extend therethrough via the cavity.3. An infusion assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stopper piston is compressible such that the stopper piston is capable of collapsing so as to allow the second nozzle to pierce the penetrable portion.4. An infusion assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the stopper piston defines a cavity claim 1 , and further wherein the translating member comprises a shaft having first and second ends claim 1 , the first end having a guide surface configured to facilitate advancement of the first plunger claim 1 , and the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Housing and Drug Delivery Device herewith and Method for Producing a Housing

Номер: US20180079119A1

The present disclosure is generally directed to a drug delivery device for selecting and dispensing a number of user variable doses of a medicament and to a housing for such a device. The housing comprises a twin-shot injection moulded casing with at least one window and at least one interface for engaging a further component part of the drug delivery device. The casing comprises a first shell injection-moulded in a translucent material and a second shell injection-moulded in an opaque material. Further, the disclosure is directed to a method for producing such a housing. 1. A housing for a drug delivery device , the housing comprising:a twin-shot injection-molded casing with at least one window and at least one interface for engaging a further component part of the drug delivery device, wherein the casing comprises a first shell injection-molded translucent material and a second shell injection-molded in an opaque material.2. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the first shell and the second shell are permanently joined with each other.3. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the second shell at least partly surrounds the first shell.4. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the first shell comprises the at least one window and the at least one interface for engaging a further component part of the drug delivery device.5. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the second shell comprises the at least one interface for engaging a further component part of the drug delivery device.6. The housing according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one interface for engaging a further component part of the drug delivery device comprises a thread claim 5 , a rib claim 5 , a groove claim 5 , a bead claim 5 , a tooth claim 5 , a ramp and/or an arm.7. The housing according to a claim 1 , wherein the first shell comprises a tubular portion with an axially extending protrusion at a distal end of the tubular portion and a series of crown teeth at an opposite claim ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Rotation resistant friction adapter for plunger driver of drug delivery device

Номер: US20170080157A1
Автор: Oz Cabiri, Ran HEZKIAHU
Принадлежит: Medimop Medical Projects Ltd

A method and system are disclosed for driving a plunger in a drug reservoir. In some embodiments, a variable friction element interconnects between a pushing shaft and a wall of the reservoir. For example, rotation of a driving element in a first direction relative to the pushing shaft may advance the pushing shaft in the reservoir. The friction element may have increased friction resistance to rotation of the pushing shaft in the first direction in comparison to frictional resistance to advancing the pushing shaft. For example, the increased friction may result from wedging a radial element between the pushing shaft and the wall of the reservoir.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080158A1

A method and system are disclosed for driving a plunger in a drug reservoir. In some embodiments, a variable friction element interconnects between a pushing shaft and a wall of the reservoir. For example, rotation of a driving element in a first direction relative to the pushing shaft may advance the pushing shaft in the reservoir. The friction element may have increased friction resistance to rotation of the pushing shaft in the first direction in comparison to frictional resistance to advancing the pushing shaft. For example, the increased friction may result from wedging a radial element between the pushing shaft and the wall of the reservoir. 1. An assembly for driving a plunger and in a drug reservoir , the plunger dividing between a drug in a distal portion of the reservoir and a proximal opening of the reservoir; the assembly comprising:a telescoping shaft that extends by rotation of a driving element in a first rotational direction with respect to a distal shaft;a distal end of said distal shaft configured to engage the plunger; anda radial element extending from said distal shaft to contact an interior side wall of the reservoir, said element configured and oriented to wedge between said interior wall and said distal shaft when said distal shaft is rotated in said first rotational direction.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said element includes a virtual sprag having a long axis and wherein said long axis intersects said interior side wall.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein said long axis intersects said interior side wall at an angle between 91 and 120 degrees from said first rotational direction.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said element includes a virtual beam having a preferred bending direction opposite said first rotational direction.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a plunger interface configured to engage the plunger; said plunger interface irrotationally interconnecting said distal shaft and the plunger when said plunger ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Medication Delivery Device

Номер: US20170080159A1
Автор: Wei Min

A mechanical device for assisting medication injection is provided herein comprising a connector having a distal end and a proximal end; a piston rod locked in said connector before medication injection; a spring configured to bias said piston rod distally; a releasable restraining means configured to releasably restrain said piston rod in a locked state against said biasing of said spring, wherein, upon release of said releasable restraining means, said piston rod moves distally under force of said spring; an activation means configured to release said releasable restraining means; and a mounting means for mounting a syringe at said distal end of said connector. 1. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection comprising:a connector having a distal end and a proximal end;a piston rod locked in said connector before medication injection;a spring configured to bias said piston rod distally;a releasable restraining means configured to releasably restrain said piston rod in a locked state against said biasing of said spring, wherein, upon release of said releasable restraining means, said piston rod moves distally under force of said spring;an activation means configured to release said releasable restraining means; anda mounting means for mounting a syringe at said distal end of said connector.2. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said connector having a means for finger gripping.3. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , further comprising a means for preventing incidental activation of said activation means.4. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said mounting means is through engagement between said connector and a sheath claim 1 , wherein said syringe placed in said sheath.5. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said mounting means is through engagement between said connector and a sheath claim 1 , ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085881A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A drive mechanism for use in a medicament delivery device , the drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a longitudinal axis;a spring biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder having a proximal end and enclosing all but a proximal portion of the plunger rod, where the plunger rod is releasably fixed relative to the holder to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state,wherein the holder has a resilient member positioned at the proximal end.2. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member is configured to abut a distal end of a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device.3. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member comprises a flexible arm.4. The drive mechanism of claim 3 , wherein the flexible arm is arc-shaped.5. The drive mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the resilient member comprises two proximally directed arc-shaped flexible arms that are configured to flex radially outward relative to the longitudinal axis when engaged with a distal end of a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device.6. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the spring is positioned within a hollow portion of the plunger rod.7. The drive mechanism of claim 6 , wherein the plunger rod has an open distal end and a closed ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085882A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A drive mechanism for use in a medicament delivery device , the drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a hollow portion, a longitudinal axis and an outer surface;a spring positioned within the hollow portion and biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder comprising a flexible tongue that is releasably fixed to the outer surface of the plunger rod to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state and axially fix the plunger rod relative to the holder.2. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the plunger rod has an open distal end and a closed proximal end claim 1 , where the proximal end is configured to engage and move a slidable stopper in a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device and when the spring changes from the pre-tensioned state to a released state.3. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the holder has two flexible tongues each comprising inwardly directed protrusions and where the outer surface of the plunger rod has two cut-outs that are releasably engaged with the protrusions.4. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the flexible tongue is biased inwardly relative to the longitudinal axis when the spring is in the pre-tensioned state.5. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the flexible tongue is configured to flex outwardly relative to the longitudinal ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085883A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A method of operating a medicament delivery device , comprising the steps of ,providing a medicament delivery device having a housing holding a drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a hollow portion, a longitudinal axis and an outer surface;a spring positioned within the hollow portion and biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder comprising a flexible tongue that is releasably fixed to the outer surface of the plunger rod to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state and axially fix the plunger rod relative to the holder,activating the medicament delivery device by releasing the flexible tongue from the plunger rod, andproviding an audible signal to a user of the medicament delivery device by using a signal generating member of the medicament delivery device to transmit an audible sound to signal complete expulsion of medicament from the medicament container.2. The method of further comprising providing an activation member slidably positioned within the housing and configured to move from a first position to a second position and then to a third position.3. The method of further comprising moving the activation member from the first position to the second position by engaging a proximal end face of the activation member with an injection site and pushing the housing proximally relative to the activation member.4. The method ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20160089498A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. An operation member for use with a medicament delivery device , the operation member comprising:an outer surface comprising at least one co-acting member configured to interactively connect to an activation member, rotatably and coaxially arranged on an extension part, and', 'configured to move from a first position to a second position corresponding to a pre-tensioned state and a released state of a resilient member., 'the operation member'}2. The operation member of whereinthe operation member is configured to rotate from the first position to the second position.3. The operation member of whereinthe at least one co-acting member comprises at least one groove.4. The operation member of whereinthe at least one groove is configured to interactively connect with at least one protrusion of the activation member.5. The operation member of whereinthe at least one protrusion of the activation member comprises a radial inwards extending protrusion.6. The operation member of whereinthe at least one groove comprises a lock, the lock configured to prevent movement of the activation member.7. The operation member of wherein the lock comprisesa flexible tongue configured to lock a radially inward protrusion of the activation member when the radially inward protrusion is moved over the flexible tongue.8. The operation member of claim 1 ,wherein the operation member ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089499A1

A syringe includes a gasket, a barrel, and a plunger. The plunger includes a helical rib provided on an outer surface of a head portion, and the gasket comprises a helical valley portion for threadedly engaging with the helical rib, a plunger-retaining annular rib, and an accommodation portion for a part of the plunger at which the helical rib is formed. The annular rib comprises a rib absent portion for guiding, to the accommodation portion, the helical rib reaching the annular rib as threaded engagement is advanced between the plunger and the gasket. The helical rib comprises an entrance-restricting terminal end portion for restricting the entrance of the helical rib into the rib absent portion after the part of the plunger at which the helical rib is formed is stored in the accommodation portion of the gasket. 1. A syringe comprising:a cylindrically-shaped gasket comprising a closed distal end, an open proximal end, and an inner cavity portion extending distally from a proximal side;a barrel comprising a distal opening portion and configured to slidably store the gasket; anda plunger comprising a head portion configured to be stored in the inner cavity portion of the gasket,wherein the plunger comprises a helical rib provided at the head portion, the helical rib comprising a starting end on a distal side and a terminal end on a proximal side,wherein the gasket comprises, on an inner surface of the inner cavity portion, a helical crest portion forming a helical valley portion configured to threadedly engage with the helical rib of the plunger, and a plunger-retaining annular rib positioned distally from the helical crest portion, wherein the inner cavity portion further comprises an accommodation portion positioned distally from the plunger-retaining annular rib, the accommodation portion configured to store a part of the head portion of the plunger at which the helical rib is formed, and wherein the plunger-retaining annular rib further comprises a rib absent ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086040A1

An infusion pump assembly includes a locking tab and a pump barrel inside a pump barrel housing, where the pump barrel accommodates a reservoir assembly. The reservoir assembly includes a reservoir and a plunger rod. The infusion pump assembly also includes a locking disc at a terminus of the pump barrel. The locking disc includes a clearance hole for the plunger rod. The locking disc also includes at least one locking tab notch in close proximity with the locking tab. The locking tab is in moveable engagement with the locking tab notch, and the reservoir moves the locking tab from a locked position to an unlocked position when the plunger rod is inserted through clearance hole. The locking disc rotates upon torque being applied to the reservoir assembly, the locking disc rotating from a non-loaded position to a loaded position with respect to the plunger rod and a drive screw. 1. A reservoir assembly comprising:a reservoir, said reservoir having an interior volume and terminating with a hub connector on a first end; 'a removable filling aid, said filling aid comprising a threaded portion and a handle portion, wherein said threaded portion threads to said threaded portion of said plunger rod.', 'a plunger rod, said plunger rod comprising a threaded portion and a notched portion; and'}2. The assembly of wherein the hub connector is a septum.3. The assembly of wherein the hub connector is a luer connector.4. The assembly of further comprising a hub adapted to attach to said hub connector.5. The assembly of wherein the hub and hub connector are moldably attached.6. The assembly of further comprising a plunger connected to the plunger rod.7. The assembly of wherein the plunger further comprising at least one seal.8. The assembly of wherein the reservoir is substantially curved.9. The assembly of wherein the plunger rod is substantially curved.10. A reservoir assembly comprising:a substantially round housing;a curved channel formed in a portion of the housing, the curved ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Syringe Assembly with Inverse Delivery

Номер: US20200086056A1

A reduced profile syringe assembly is provided that includes an overall profile that is substantially similar to a profile of a syringe barrel. The syringe assembly includes a plunger rod that is significantly disposed within the syringe barrel when filled for use, with the plunger rod adapted to be retracted from the syringe barrel during dispensing of contents of the syringe barrel. 1. A syringe assembly having a reduced profile prior to use , comprising:a syringe barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber, an open proximal end, and a distal end having an opening therethrough;a plunger assembly disposed at least partially within the syringe barrel, the plunger assembly comprising an elongate plunger rod and a plunger head disposed on the plunger rod and slidably disposed within the syringe barrel, the plunger head separating the chamber of the syringe barrel into a proximal chamber adjacent the proximal end and a distal chamber adjacent the distal end; anda conduit extending across the plunger head between the proximal chamber and the opening at the distal end of the syringe barrel, wherein the conduit is radially centered with respect to a general elongated axis of the syringe barrel,wherein the syringe assembly is adapted to contain a fluid in the proximal chamber,wherein the fluid contained within the proximal chamber is adapted to be expelled through the conduit and out of the opening at the distal end of the syringe barrel upon movement of the plunger head toward the proximal end of the syringe barrel, andwherein movement of the plunger head toward the proximal end of the syringe barrel occurs based on conventional operation of expelling fluid from a conventional syringe with a squeezing movement between a thumb and forefinger.2. The syringe assembly of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upon movement of the plunger head toward the proximal end of the syringe barrel claim 1 , the conduit remains fixed with respect to the syringe barrel.3. The syringe ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Infusion Pump Assembly

Номер: US20180093037A1

A removable power supply cover assembly for an infusion pump is disclosed. The assembly includes a housing body configured to removably attach to an infusion pump, a conductor assembly attached to the housing body, a power supply contact assembly, and a spring attached to the power supply contact assembly and the conductor assembly. An electrical coupling between a power supply to the conductor assembly is formed through the spring. 1. A removable power supply cover assembly configured to be removably attached to an infusion pump , the cover assembly comprising:a removable cover body configured to removably attach to the infusion pump, wherein the removable cover body is a cover for a power supply cavity in an infusion pump;a conductor assembly attached to the cover body;a spring having a first and second end, the first end attached to the conductor assembly; anda power supply contact assembly attached to the second end of the spring and extending further from the removable cover body than the conductor, wherein an electrical coupling between a power supply to the conductor assembly is formed through the spring.2. The removable power supply cover assembly of further comprising a battery.3. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the housing body further comprising:a sealing assembly for releasably engaging at least a portion of an enclosure assembly and forming an essentially water-tight seal between the removable cover assembly and the enclosure assembly.4. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the sealing assembly comprising an o-ring assembly.5. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the housing body is configured to allow access to a power supply cavity and effectuate removable insertion of a removable power supply assembly into the power supply cavity.6. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the removable cover body seals the power supply cavity.7. The removable power supply cover assembly of wherein the ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093041A1

Provided is a drive unit for an auto-injector having a drive unit housing arranged for docking receipt of a syringe or of a cassette unit comprising a syringe movable from a rest position, in which a needle tip of the syringe is within the drive unit housing to a use position, in which the needle tip protrudes from a needle delivery aperture; and a drive arrangement including one or more electrically powered sources of axial drive; a first drive transfer element for advancing the syringe to said use position; and a second drive transfer element for moving a plunger into the barrel of the syringe to eject liquid contents thereof. The drive unit housing is provided with a skin sensor arrangement having an array of plural skin sensor electrodes located about the needle delivery aperture. 1. A method of determining degree of skin proximity or contact at a needle delivery aperture of a drive unit for an auto-injector comprising:providing a drive unit housing of said drive unit with a skin sensor arrangement comprising an array of plural skin sensor electrodes located about the needle delivery aperture;sensing skin proximity or contact at each individual skin sensor electrode of said array;sending an individual skin sensing signal for each of the plural skin sensor electrodes to an electronic control unit;at said electronic control unit, collating said individual skin sensing signals to determine a skin sensing state for the array of plural skin sensor electrodes as a whole.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said electronic control unit employs a decision algorithm to decide upon and signal a control action dependent upon said determined skin sensing state.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said decision algorithm references different decision making parameters or routines dependent upon whether an auto-injection procedure has started or not.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the electronic control unit sends a command to a display unit to display ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Disinfecting and Reflux Prevention Flush Syringe Assembly

Номер: US20160101277A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

Embodiments of the invention are directed to flush syringe assemblies comprising an integrated contamination-prevention device integrated with device connector flushing positioned so that the practitioner cannot forget to apply disinfectant. The flush syringe assemblies comprise a barrel with an elongate plunger rod disposed therein and a cap comprising a passageway. The plunger rod includes a stopper of which at least a portion can be embedded in the passageway of the cap to form a plug in the cap.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: US20200093994A1
Принадлежит: Norton Healthcare Ltd

An injection device including a barrel having a medicament reservoir therein capable of fluid communication with a needle assembly at a distal end thereof and sealed at a proximal end thereof with a stopper. The injection device further includes a plunger rod having a distal rod end which is couplable with said stopper, wherein, when the plunger rod is coupled to the stopper, forward axial movement of the plunger rod causes forward axial movement of the stopper coupled thereto into the medicament reservoir in order to expel medicament through the needle assembly. Further, the plunger rod can be decoupled from the stopper by applying a rearward axial force on the plunger rod, said rearward axial decoupling force being less than a rearward axial force required to move the stopper rearwardly with respect to the barrel.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094454A1

A syringe includes a barrel having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending substantially circumferentially between the proximal end and the distal end along a longitudinal axis. The barrel is formed from an injection molding process including aligning a mold die defining an internal shape of the barrel in a molding cavity defining an external shape of the barrel, the molding cavity defined by first and second mold sections. Each mold section includes at least one gate adapted to control the flow of a molding material into the molding cavity. The gates of each mold section are opened to permit the first and second melt streams of molding material to fill the molding cavity surrounding the mold die, where the molding material takes the shape of the molding cavity. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending substantially circumferentially between the proximal end and the distal end along a longitudinal axis, wherein the barrel is formed from an injection molding process comprising:aligning a mold die defining an internal shape of the barrel in a molding cavity defining an external shape of the barrel, the molding cavity defined by a first mold section and a second mold section, each mold section comprising at least one gate adapted to control the flow of a molding material into the molding cavity, the at least one gate of the first mold section located diametrically opposite the at least one gate of the second mold section within the molding cavity;supplying a first melt stream of molding material to the gate of a first mold section, and supplying a second melt stream of molding material to the gate of the second mold section; andopening the gates of the first mold section and the second mold section to permit molding material from the first melt stream and the second melt stream to fill the molding cavity surrounding the mold die, wherein the molding material takes the shape of the molding cavity.2. ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Dental Syringe with Stabilizer for Removable Needle

Номер: US20180099096A1
Автор: Lee Alexander E.

A needle assembly (), for use with a syringe () and a medicine cartridge (); has a molded body (B). A needle (A) is housed in, affixed to, and reinforced by the molded body (B). The needle (A) has a single tube which includes a tip (), and a tip-ward needle () extending ring-ward from said tip into the molded body (B). The tip-ward needle becomes a cartridge needle () within the molded body (B). The cartridge needle () extends tip-ward from the molded body (B). The molded body (B), is molded as a single structure, and includes: a domed cylinder (), at the molded body (B)'s tip-ward end; a flange () ringward of the molded body (B); and fins (). The fins are molded radially from the domed cylinder (). The fins are vertically molded from the flange (); and reinforce the fins to the flange. A second cylinder (), is extended ringward from the flange (). A conical portion () is molded ringward from the second cylinder (). The cone flares out ring-ward to a widest part () of the conical portion (), at a ringward end () of the molded body to an annular surface () at the widest part () of the conical portion (). The cartridge needle () has a molded support located tip-ward of the annular surface (). A needle shaft () is at a central longitudinal axis of the molded body (B). The needle (A) passes through needle shaft. 114314. A needle assembly () , for use with a syringe () and a medicine cartridge; said needle assembly () comprising:{'b': '14', 'a molded body (B);'}{'b': 14', '14, 'a needle (A) housed in, affixed to, and reinforced by the molded body (B);'}{'b': '14', 'claim-text': [{'b': '311', 'a tip (),'}, {'b': 31', '14, 'a tip-ward needle () extending ring-ward from said tip into the molded body B;'}, {'b': 531', '14, 'said tip-ward needle becoming a cartridge needle () within the molded body (B);'}, {'b': 531', '14, 'said cartridge needle () extending tip-ward from the molded body (B);'}], 'said needle (A) comprising a single tube which tube comprises{'b': '14', 'claim ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

3D printing systems and methods

Номер: US20180099457A1

The coupling between the plunger and the piston can be removable. The removal of the plunger can form a split syringe, which can be used for ease of transport. The split syringe can be mounted on a print head for printing using a 3D printer. 1. A split syringe comprisinga barrel, wherein the barrel comprises a nozzle at one end, wherein the nozzle is configured to be coupled with a needle,a piston disposed inside the barrel, wherein the piston is configured for a tight fitting in the barrel that allows retracting and expelling a material in the barrel through the nozzle,wherein the piston is configured to be removably coupled to a plunger,wherein the plunger is configured to be coupled to a translation mechanism,wherein the translation mechanism translates a turning motion of a rotatable component into a linear motion of the piston.2. A split syringe as inwherein the piston comprises a shaft, wherein the shaft is shorter than the half the barrel.3. A split syringe as inwherein the coupling of the nozzle comprises a Luer lock.4. A split syringe as in further comprisinga mounting assembly to support the barrel, wherein the mounting assembly is configured to couple the barrel to a print head, wherein the print head is configured to be mounted in a printer system.5. A split syringe as in further comprisinga mounting assembly to support the barrel, wherein the mounting assembly is configured to couple the barrel to a 3D printer.6. A split syringe as inwherein the translation mechanism comprises a first coupler, wherein the first coupler is coupled to the rotatable component, wherein the first coupler is coupled to the plunger.7. A split syringe as inwherein the translation mechanism comprises a lead screw mechanism with the rotatable component being the lead screw shaft.8. A split syringe as inwherein the piston comprises a thread for mating with the plunger.9. A split syringe as inwherein the plunger is rotatably coupled to a first coupler, wherein the first coupler is ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100958A1

A drive assembly includes a drive ribbon that can be retracted and extended. The retracted ribbon defines a spiral and the extended ribbon defines a helix. The drive ribbon is incrementally moveable between the retracted spiral configuration and extended helical configuration to move a piston within a container. A medical delivery device for advancing a piston in a medicament container to expel a medicament can include such drive assembly. 1. A drive assembly for a device for use with a container , the container having a container body and a slidable piston therein , comprising: a drive ribbon movable between an axially retracted configuration and an axially extended configuration to advance said piston axially within the container body , the drive ribbon comprising a proximal edge section and a distal edge section , wherein , during movement of the drive ribbon , a retracted portion of the drive ribbon defines a spiral about a drive axis , and an extended portion of the drive ribbon defines a helical column about said drive axis in which the proximal edge section of the drive ribbon is in engaged with the distal edge section that is adjacent to the proximal edge section , wherein the extended portion defines a distal end of the drive ribbon that is disposed within the container body to advance said piston.2. The drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein the drive ribbon includes a radially inward facing surface and a plurality of gear teeth disposed along the radially inward facing surface.3. The drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein the drive ribbon includes a radially exterior surface and a plurality of gear teeth disposed along the radially exterior surface.4. The drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein in the spiral the proximal edge section and the distal edge section lie in a common plane.5. The drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distal edge section of the drive ribbon in the axially retracted configuration lies in a first plane claim 1 , and the proximal edge ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Injection Device

Номер: US20220168510A1
Принадлежит: Congruence Medical Solutions Llc

A controlled multidosing delivery device for use with a syringe includes a housing, a plunger rod and a drive shell. The housing having an axially extending chamber including openings at either end, the distal end being adapted for attachment to the syringe barrel. The plunger rod includes a contact button at the proximal end of an elongated shaft and a pusher feature at the distal end. The drive shell is disposed for axial translation within the axially extending chamber. The drive shell includes a head disposed for translation along the axis to provide dose delivery, a plurality of engagement surfaces for engagement by the pushing feature, and a retention feature that inhibits proximal movement of the drive shell when engaged. Depression of the contact button axially translates the elongated shaft and pusher feature in engagement with the at least one of the engagement surfaces to translate the drive shell in the distal direction, whereby the retention feature engages to maintain axial position of the drive shell in the housing following dose delivery, and a biasing structure translates the plunger rod in the proximal direction following translation of the drive shell.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Mechanism for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20160106926A1
Автор: Plumptre David Aubrey

The present invention concerns a mechanism for a drug delivery device, having a longitudinal axis and comprising a first member comprising a first contact surface and a second member comprising a second contact surface, wherein the first member is configured to be assembled to the second member, wherein the first member and the second member are configured such that the first contact surface abuts the second contact surface when the first member is assembled to the second member, wherein the first contact surface is arranged such that a force applied to the mechanism in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis is split up into a first component in a direction perpendicular to a surface normal of the first contact surface and a second component parallel to the surface normal, wherein the first member and the second member are configured such that the first member is detached from the second member by the force applied to the mechanism in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis if the absolute value of the force is stronger than a first predetermined value, and wherein the first predetermined value is defined as the absolute value of the force which has a first component strong enough to move the first contact surface out of abutment with the second member. 115-. (canceled)16. Mechanism for a drug delivery device ,wherein the mechanism has a longitudinal axis,wherein the mechanism comprises a first member comprising a first contact surface,wherein the mechanism comprises second member,wherein the first member is configured to be assembled to the second member,wherein the first member and the second member are configured such that the first contact surface abuts the second member when the first member is assembled to the second member,wherein the first contact surface is arranged such that a force applied to the mechanism in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis is split up into a first component in a direction perpendicular to a surface normal of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Dental Syringe with Stabilizer for Removable Needle

Номер: US20180104420A1
Автор: Alexander E Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A cartridge syringe system includes a syringe ( 5 ). The syringe has a tip-ward direction and a ring-ward direction. The syringe ( 5 ) has a syringe body ( 9 ) and an actuator ring ( 7 ). A shaft ( 10 ) slidably mounts the actuator ring ( 7 ) to the syringe body ( 9 ), with a harpoon ( 11 ) at a tip-ward end of the shaft ( 10 ). The syringe body ( 9 ) has a spiral mount external to the syringe body ( 9 ) for removably mounting a sheath ( 20 ) to the syringe body ( 9 ), on a cooperating internal spiral sheath mount. The syringe body ( 9 ) and the sheath have similar openings. The sheath opening can be rotated to coincide with the syringe body opening, for inserting a needle assembly into the syringe body, or for removing the needle assembly. The sheath opening can be rotated to obstruct the syringe body opening, for retaining the needle assembly in the syringe body.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101231A1

An apparatus for a firing mechanism for use in an injection device and including: a rear cap having an elongate member extending axially forwards when installed within the injection device; a plunger releasably connected, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member and, upon release of the connection to the elongate member, axially displaceable in a forward direction; and a plunger driver to drive the plunger axially forwards upon release of the connection to the elongate member, wherein the plunger and the rear cap define an axial length of the assembly, which in turn determines a start position of a forward end of the plunger before release of the connection to the elongate member, and wherein, during construction of the assembly, the plunger is releasably connectable, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member at one of a plurality of positions for controlling the axial length of the assembly. 1. An assembly for a firing mechanism for use in an injection device and comprising:a rear cap having an elongate member extending axially forwards when installed within the injection device;a plunger releasably connected, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member and, upon release of the connection to the elongate member, axially displaceable in a forward direction; anda plunger driver to drive the plunger axially forwards upon release of the connection to the elongate member,wherein the plunger and the rear cap define an axial length of the assembly, which in turn determines a start position of a forward end of the plunger before release of the connection to the elongate member,and wherein, during construction of the assembly, the plunger is releasably connectable, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member at one of a plurality of positions for controlling the axial length of the assembly.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of the plunger and the elongate member comprises a plurality of connection features for connection between the ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114109A1
Автор: Lavi Gilad

A system for medicament preparation and delivery is provided. The system includes a housing having a chamber for containing a liquid and a plunger movable within the chamber for drawing and dispensing liquid. The plunger and the housing are configured such that the plunger is movable via a drive mechanism capable of engaging a side of the plunger or alternatively by applying a force to a top of a shaft of the plunger. 1. A system for medicament preparation and delivery comprising:(a) a housing including a chamber for containing a liquid; and(b) a plunger movable within said chamber for drawing and dispensing liquid, said plunger and said housing being configured such that said plunger is movable via a drive mechanism capable of engaging a side of said plunger wherein a top of a shaft of said plunger is connectable to a manually operable plunger interface.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a toggle for switching between movement of said plunger via said drive mechanism or movement of said plunger via said force to said top of said shaft of said plunger.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein said shaft of said plunger is configured with at least one groove for engaging said drive mechanism.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said at least one groove is a spiral groove.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein said at least one groove engages a drive element of said drive mechanism.6. The system of claim 3 , wherein said toggle is capable of engaging said at least one groove.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising said drive mechanism.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein said drive mechanism is attachable to a side wall of said housing.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein said drive mechanism includes a motor having a drive gear.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein said drive gear is a pinion.11. The system of claim 9 , wherein said drive gear is a worm drive gear.12. The system of claim 9 , wherein said drive gear is capable of engaging at least one groove in said ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190111205A1
Автор: KIM Young Mu
Принадлежит: E-WHA MEDITECH INC.

A liquid medicine injection apparatus of the present invention is directed to improvement of a precise and detailed technology that can implement two functions of a high liquid medicine injection pressure and easy filling of the apparatus with a liquid medicine in a single apparatus without a separate additional unit, i.e., a technology for effectively adjusting an internal pressure of the apparatus depending on a liquid medicine filling mode and a liquid medicine injection mode. In the liquid medicine injection apparatus of the present invention, when an internal pressure of the apparatus exceeds a preset pressure due to a gas generated in a gas-generating unit of the apparatus, a switch member in the liquid medicine injection apparatus can operate as a pressure regulating valve, thereby constantly keeping the internal pressure of the apparatus at the preset pressure. 1. An internal pressure-adjustable liquid medicine injection apparatus comprising:a cylinder having one end with a liquid medicine-flowing tube connected thereto and the other end with a gas-generating unit coupled thereto, wherein a liquid medicine flows into and out of the cylinder through the liquid medicine-flowing tube and the gas-generating unit has a gas-generating space in which a gas is generated;an injection piston hermetically movable in the cylinder and dividing an internal space of the cylinder into a liquid medicine storage space and a gas-supplied space, wherein the liquid medicine flows through the liquid medicine-flowing tube and fills the liquid medicine storage space and the gas generated in the gas-generating unit is supplied to the gas-supplied space; anda switch member provided between the gas-supplied space and the gas-generating space to connect the gas-supplied space to an atmosphere upon filling of the liquid medicine storage space with the liquid medicine and to connect the gas-supplied space to the gas-generating space upon injection of the liquid medicine.2. The internal ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Rolling diaphragm syringe with piston engagement portion

Номер: US20210138149A1
Принадлежит: Bayer HealthCare LLC

A rolling diaphragm syringe has a proximal end having an end wall, a distal end, and a sidewall extending between the proximal end and the distal end. The rolling diaphragm syringe further has a piston engagement portion protruding proximally from a central portion of the end wall, the piston engagement portion having a central axis, and a plurality of grooves recessed inward relative to an outer surface of the piston engagement portion. The grooves are spaced apart from each other in a direction about the central axis. The piston engagement portion is configured for engagement with at least one engagement element of a piston of a fluid injector at least during movement of the piston in a proximal direction

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108202A1

A syringe includes a body and a plunger movably disposed within the body. The syringe may be used with an injector including a drive member. The drive member preferably includes at least one pin adapted to form a retractable abutting connection with an interior of a plunger to enable the drive member to retract the plunger with the body of the syringe. 1. A syringe for use with an injector having a piston with at least one flange and at least one retractable pin , the syringe comprising:a syringe body; anda plunger having a base with an inner surface,a ledge projecting inwardly from the inner surface configured to interact with the at least one retractable pin of the piston, andat least one rib proximal to the ledge and projecting inwardly from the inner surface, the at least one rib having an engagement surface, andwherein, upon application of a rotational force on the syringe body, the engagement surface on the at least one rib is configured to contact an opposing engagement surface on the at least one flange to prevent rotation of the plunger and transmit the rotational force to the piston thereby enabling removal of the syringe from the injector.2. The syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a cover attached to the base claim 1 , the cover having an outer surface at least a portion of which is in contact with an inner surface of the syringe body.3. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the base has an annular shape.4. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the ledge extends continuously around the inner surface of the base.5. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the ledge is configured to engage the at least one retractable pin on an abutment section of the piston.6. The syringe of claim 5 , wherein rearward movement of the piston relative to the plunger extends the at least one retractable pin radially outward to contact the ledge claim 5 , thereby permitting rearward movement of the plunger with the rearward movement of the piston.7. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121050A1
Автор: David Fabien

An autoinjector comprising a body ( 1, 2 ), and a reservoir (S) containing fluid and including a piston (P) and a needle (A), such as a pre-filled syringe, said autoinjector further comprising a piston rod ( 5 ) that is suitable for co-operating with the piston (P) of said reservoir (S), said piston rod ( 5 ) being movable between a rest position and an injection position in which said piston rod ( 5 ) has moved the piston (P) of the reservoir (S) so as to inject the fluid through the needle (A), an actuator spring ( 6 ) being provided so as to urge said piston rod ( 5 ) towards its injection position, the autoinjector further comprising a force-adjustment system ( 7, 8 ) that exerts a force (F 2 ) on said piston rod ( 5 ), said force (F 2 ) adding to the force exerted by said actuator spring ( 6 ) on said piston rod ( 5 ) at the beginning of injection, so as to amplify the force exerted on said piston (P) by said piston rod ( 5 ) at the beginning of injection.

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Syringe With Plunger Rod Having a Flexible Portion

Номер: US20180117257A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

A syringe assembly including a plunger rod having a first end, a second end, and a rod portion extending therebetween, wherein at least a portion of the rod portion is flexible is disclosed. The flexible portion of the rod portion allows a stopper to be moved between a first position and a second position within a syringe barrel while the overall length of the syringe assembly remains the same throughout the movement between the first position and the second position. In another embodiment, a syringe assembly including a restraining member adapted to communicate with the flexible portion of the rod portion such that movement of the first end of the plunger rod in a first direction actuates movement of the second end of the plunger rod in a second direction different than the first direction is disclosed.
