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10-11-2014 дата публикации

Топливно-воздушный отделитель и система двигателя

Номер: RU0000147655U1

1. Топливно-воздушный отделитель, содержащий:камеру с внутренней поверхностью боковой стенки и смежными внутренними верхней и нижней поверхностями;впуск, открывающийся к поверхности боковой стенки, чтобы вводить топливо и воздух и вызывать протекание топлива и воздуха по спирали вниз и вдоль поверхности боковой стенки;погружную трубу, открывающуюся к нижней поверхности и продолжающуюся вдоль оси поверхности боковой стенки до выпуска топлива; ивыпуск воздуха на верхней поверхности.2. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором погружная труба ориентирована вертикально.3. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором внутренняя поверхность боковой стенки является цилиндрической.4. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.3, в котором внутренняя верхняя поверхность расположена непосредственно над внутренней нижней поверхностью.5. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором впуск расположен смежно внутренней верхней поверхности.6. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором впуск выровнен по касательной внутренней поверхности боковой стенки.7. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором внутренняя верхняя поверхность больше в диаметре, чем внутренняя нижняя поверхность.8. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором внутренняя нижняя поверхность больше в диаметре, чем внутренняя верхняя поверхность.9. Топливно-воздушный отделитель по п.1, в котором камера является упруго деформируемой под действием пульсации давления топлива и воздуха, введенных во впуск.10. Система двигателя, содержащая:топливно-воздушный отделитель, имеющий камеру с внутренней поверхностью боковой стенки и смежными внутренними РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 147 655 U1 (51) МПК F02M 55/00 (2006.01) F02M 37/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013155805/06, 16.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.12.2013 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Устройство очистки жидкости

Номер: RU0000161442U1

1. Устройство разделения жидкостей, содержащее корпус с входным и первым выходным патрубками, соединенными спиралеобразным первым каналом, по внешней образующей которого выполнена щель, соединяющая его со спиралеобразным вторым каналом, заканчивающимся вторым выходным патрубком, отличающееся тем, что на половине внешнего витка первый канал выполнен сужающимся по площади поперечного сечения по ходу движения жидкости, а второй канал начинается в области начала сужения первого канала.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что щель, соединяющая первый и второй каналы, заканчивается за 1/4-1/2 витка до конца первого или второго каналов.3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что в области сужения поперечного сечения первого канала, второй канал выполнен расширяющимся по площади поперечного сечения, а от области конца сужения первого канала первый и второй каналы выполнены с постоянным значением площади поперечного сечения.4. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что первый и/или второй патрубки снабжены регулирующим устройством. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 161 442 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/038 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015147679/05, 05.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.11.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Чумак Павел Васильевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2016 Бюл. № 11 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.11.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Чумак Павел Васильевич (RU), Терехов Владимир Валерьевич (RU), Черный Роман Романович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 350040, г. Краснодар, а/я 540, Палий Р.Э. U 1 1 6 1 4 4 2 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство разделения жидкостей, содержащее корпус с входным и первым выходным патрубками, соединенными спиралеобразным первым каналом, по внешней образующей которого выполнена щель, соединяющая его со спиралеобразным вторым каналом, заканчивающимся вторым выходным патрубком, ...

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Устройство сбора плавающих веществ

Номер: RU0000171431U1

Усовершенствование может использоваться в радиальных первичных отстойниках для сбора плавающих на поверхности резервуара со сточной водой веществ.В предлагаемом устройстве погружная емкость выполнена в виде погружной трубы с продольными окнами и закреплена на поплавках, имеет в верхней ее части ролики, а к ферме закреплены лыжи, имеющие возможность при прохождении фермы над погружной трубой надавливать на ролики для погружения погружной трубы в резервуар.Усовершенствование позволяет упростить процесс удаления плавающих веществ с водной поверхности резервуара отстойника путем простой механизации, снизить вынос осветленной воды вместе с удаленными плавающими веществами путем возможности создания плоской радиальной струи, циклично отводимой через нижние борта продольных окон в погружную трубу при ее погружении под уровень водной поверхности резервуара отстойника. 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 431 U1 (51) МПК C02F 1/40 (2006.01) B01D 17/032 (2006.01) E02B 15/10 (2006.01) B63B 35/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016116468, 26.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.04.2016 31.05.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 31.05.2017 Бюл. № 16 Адрес для переписки: 61060, Украина, г. Харьков, ул. Олимпийская, 31, кв. 61, Овечкину Валерию Вячеславовичу (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 821410 A1, 15.04.1981. SU 1288161 A1, 07.02.1987. SU 1636341 A1, 23.03.1991. RU 2520457 C1, 27.06.2014. RU 2068055 C1, 20.10.1996. EP 1747810 B1, 03.02.2010. DE 19512279 A1, 02.10.1996. JP 3153272 U, 03.09.2009. U 1 1 7 1 4 3 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство сбора плавающих веществ, содержащее периодически погружную в резервуар емкость, гибкую жировую трубу, вход которой сообщен с выходом из погружной емкости, вращающуюся над резервуаром ферму, закрепленное к ферме верхнее гребковое устройство, отличающееся тем, что погружная ...

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Устройство гравитационной очистки жидкости

Номер: RU0000174456U1

Устройство гравитационной очистки жидкости содержит установленную на нескольких вертикальных стойках 11 сварную емкость в форме прямоугольного параллелепипеда с последовательно сообщенными одинаковыми отсеками 1 осаждения, в которых в два ряда расположены многоярусные кассеты 2, имеющие параллельные наклонные пластины 3 для осаждения загрязнений (осадка). Каждый из отсеков 1 осаждения снабжен верхней крышкой 4, установленной над кассетами 2, под которыми расположено сужающееся книзу днище 5 с визуальным индикатором накопления осадка в виде прозрачного смотрового окна, с патрубком удаления осадка с верхней и нижней дисковыми задвижками 6, 7 (краны или вентили), установленными с образованием между ними шлюзовых камер 8, и фланцами для установки сменных мешков под нижнюю задвижку 7. Шлюзовая камера 8 представляет собой емкость ромбовидного сечения. На входе в первый по направлению движения жидкости отсек 1 осаждения расположен ламинатор 9 для формирования ламинарного режима течения жидкости, поступающей в отсеки 1 осаждения. Внутри каждого из отсеков 1 осаждения кассеты 2 установлены торцами пластин 3 в сторону ламинатора 9. Каждая из кассет 2 выполнена съемной сменной в виде сваренной аргонодуговой сваркой пространственной рамы, в которой закреплены параллельные наклонные пластины 3, при этом рамы соседних по направлению движения жидкости кассет 2 отделены друг от друга направляющими перемычками 10 со штифтами для фиксации положения кассет 2. При использовании заявляемого технического решения достигается упрощение конструкции, повышение срока службы (эксплуатации) и надежности устройства за счет упрощения доступа для сбора и удаления отфильтрованных загрязнений, обеспечения технологически простой и быстрой восстановления работоспособности путем замены и/или промывки кассет.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Сепаратор нефтесодержащих вод

Номер: RU0000176699U1

Полезная модель относится к судовым техническим средствам по предотвращению загрязнения нефтью окружающей среды и предназначена для повышения эффективности утилизации нефтесодержащих вод.Сепаратор нефтесодержащих вод содержит последовательно соединенные цистерну нефтесодержащих вод с поплавковым заборником, фильтр грубой очистки, а также последовательно соединенные насос, входной клапан и испарительную цистерну, при этом испарительная цистерна имеет дыхательную трубку, нагревательный элемент и термометр, а также фильтрующее устройство, содержащее последовательно соединенные выходной клапан, нагнетательный насос, фильтр, измеритель содержания нефтепродуктов в воде и управляемый клапан, один выход которого соединен с входом нагнетательного насоса, а другой выход является выходом очищенной воды, причем управляемый вход управляемого клапана соединен с управляющим выходом измерителя содержания нефтепродуктов, кроме того, содержит последовательно соединенные подающий насос, вход которого подключен ко второму выходу цистерны нефтесодержащих вод, клапан, вспомогательную цистерну с дыхательной трубкой, нагревателем и смотровым окном, спускной клапан и переключатель, выход которого соединен с входом насоса, при этом второй вход переключателя соединен с выходом фильтра грубой очистки, кроме того, второй выход вспомогательной цистерны подключен к входу выходного клапана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 699 U1 (51) МПК C02F 1/40 (2006.01) B01D 17/022 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 1/40 (2006.01); B01D 17/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017124461, 10.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.01.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.07.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 25.01.2018 Бюл. № 3 1 7 6 6 9 9 R U (54) Сепаратор нефтесодержащих вод (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к судовым техническим средствам по предотвращению загрязнения нефтью окружающей среды и ...

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Коалесцентный фильтр с электролизером для очистки сточных вод на нефтяных предприятиях

Номер: RU0000189420U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для очистки сточных вод и применима на предприятиях нефтяной промышленности. Техническое устройство включает корпус с трубопроводами, две решетки с ячейками различного диаметра, внутренние элементы с отверстиями различного диаметра, смотровую трубку, люк для очистки от механических примесей и взвешенных веществ, нагревательные элементы, а также электролизер с целью отделения нефти от воды.При этом электролизер оборудован анодом и катодом. Из конструкции фильтра исключается трубопровод подачи деэмульгатора с насосом-дозатором.Решетки предназначены для очистки сточной воды от механических примесей и взвешенных веществ, а смотровая трубка для определения уровней нефтепродуктов и воды. Внутренние элементы служат для коалесценции капель нефтепродуктов.Технический результат достигается поэтапной очисткой сточной воды от механических примесей, взвешенных веществ и нефти. При этом процесс отделение нефти от воды ускоряется с помощью электролизера, который расположен до коалесцентного фильтра, и нагревательных элементов в самом фильтре.Необходимо отметить, что на заключительном этапе разделение и отвод нефти и воды происходит с помощью смотровой трубки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 420 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/02 (2006.01) C02F 1/40 (2006.01) C02F 1/461 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 17/02 (2018.08); C02F 1/40 (2018.08); C02F 1/461 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018139232, 06.11.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.05.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 180681 U1, 21.06.2018. RU (45) Опубликовано: 22.05.2019 Бюл. № 15 1 8 9 4 2 0 R U 117423 U1, 27.06.2012. RU 172536 U1, 11.07.2017. RU 2385296 C2, 27.03.2010. RU 153106 U1, 10.07.2015. US 5958213 A1, 28.09.1999. US 5876589 A1, 02.03.1999. (54) КОАЛЕСЦЕНТНЫЙ ФИЛЬТР С ЭЛЕКТРОЛИЗЕРОМ ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ СТОЧНЫХ ...

12-11-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для разделения водонефтяной эмульсии

Номер: RU0000193739U1

Полезная модель относится к области химии, нефтехимии, нефте- и газопереработки, а именно к устройствам и системам разделения гетерогенных жидких смесей, и может применяться, в частности, для разделения водонефтяной эмульсии.Поставленная задача решается тем, что устройство для разделения водонефтяной эмульсии, содержащее корпус, снабженный патрубком подачи водонефтяной эмульсии, патрубками раздельного вывода воды и нефтепродуктов, внутренними разделительными ребрами, герметично контактируемыми с фильтрующим блоком, разделяющим объем корпуса устройства на верхнюю и нижнюю части, при этом патрубок вывода нефтепродуктов расположен в верхней части корпуса над фильтрующим блоком, патрубок вывода воды расположен в нижней части корпуса под фильтрующим блоком, отличается тем, что фильтрующий блок соединяется с корпусом и подающим трубопроводом фланцевым соединением и представляет собой жесткий цилиндрический каркас, обтянутый целлюлозной тканью, пропитанной ZnO, верхняя часть которого гидрофобна и олеофильна и пропитана лаурическим раствором кислого спирта, а нижняя часть гидрофильна и олеофобна и пропитана водоспиртовым раствором едкого натра NaOH / CHOH / HO.Технический результат выражается в повышении эффективности очистки воды от нефтепродуктов за счет непрерывной фильтрации и прохождения всего потока водонефтяной эмульсии через фильтрующий блок. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 739 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/022 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 17/02 (2019.08); B01D 39/00 (2019.08); B01D 2239/0421 (2019.08); B01D 46/003 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019123455, 25.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 12.11.2019 Бюл. № 32 1 9 3 7 3 9 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2456050 C1, 20.07.2012. RU 2124381 C1, 10.01.1999. RU 2289470 C2, 20.12.2006. RU 2173743 ...

02-03-2020 дата публикации

Сепаратор для очистки жидкостей

Номер: RU0000196480U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для очистки от примесей технологических жидкостей, используемых в различных отраслях промышленности, где существует необходимость разделения суспензий, а также для очистки природных вод, бытовых и промышленных сточных вод.Технический результат полезной модели заключается в создании надежного, долговечного и технологичного устройства, позволяющего улучшить качество очистки жидкостей от твердых примесей.Технический результат достигается тем, что корпус представляет собой полый цилиндр, отверстие для ввода очищаемой жидкости располагается в верхней части корпуса, отверстие для вывода очищенной жидкости и отверстие для вывода загрязненной жидкости располагаются в нижней части корпуса, при этом внутри корпуса установлен полый цилиндр, в стенках которого выполнены отверстия, а на его верхнем основании установлено навершие со шнековым завихрителем.Достижению технического результата способствуют также следующие особенности конструкции:сепаратор снабжен одним или несколькими дополнительными отверстиями для вывода загрязненной жидкости;сепаратор снабжен, по меньшей мере, одним промывочным контуром, соединяющим отверстие для вывода загрязненной жидкости и отверстие для ввода очищаемой жидкости;отверстия в стенках полого цилиндра, установленного внутри корпуса, расположены в верхней половине этого цилиндра;отверстия в стенках полого цилиндра, установленного внутри корпуса, выполнены в виде параллельных прорезей, образующих винтовые линии с углом подъема, варьирующимся от 30° до 150°;навершие со шнековым завихрителем имеет два или более шнека, расположенных на равном угловом расстоянии;навершие со шнековым завихрителем крепится на цилиндре, установленном внутри корпуса, посредством резьбового соединения;цилиндр, установленный внутри корпуса, крепится к корпусу посредством резьбового соединения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 480 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/038 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...

05-05-2021 дата публикации

Трехфазный сепаратор

Номер: RU0000204076U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтяной промышленности, в частности к устройствам для подготовки нефти и разделения газожидкостной смеси на составляющие компоненты (ШФЛУ/нефть, газ, воду) при промысловой подготовке нефти и газа. Трехфазный сепаратор обеспечивает повышение эффективности и качества процесса подготовки широкой фракции легких углеводородов и разделения газожидкостной смеси на составляющие компоненты при упрощении изготовления конструкции и использования устройства, повышении качества контроля и регулирования технологического процесса. Также позволяет расширить технические возможности процесса подготовки нефти. Трехфазный сепаратор содержит корпус, вертикальную разделительную переливную перегородку, установленную в корпусе с разделением последнего на входную и выходную секции, сообщенные между собой в верхней части корпуса, трубопровод ввода газожидкостной смеси, установленный во входной секции, штуцер вывода газообразной среды и штуцера вывода легкой и тяжелой фракций жидких сред, установленные в выходной и входной секциях соответственно, водосборник. Штуцер ввода газожидкостной смеси расположен в нижней торцевой части корпуса, с наружной стороны корпуса штуцер соединен с трубопроводом ввода газожидкостной смеси, выше штуцера ввода смеси в вертикальной плоскости дополнительно расположен штуцер ввода газа, соединенный с наружной стороны корпуса с одним концом трубопровода ввода газа, выполненным в вертикальной плоскости параллельно трубопроводу ввода газожидкостной смеси, а другим концом соединен с трубопроводом ввода газожидкостной смеси, при этом трубопроводы ввода газожидкостной смеси и газа соединены вертикальными трубными газоотводами, между штуцером ввода смеси и первой перемычкой на трубопроводе подачи смеси дополнительно установлен струевыпрямитель, внутри корпуса трубопроводы ввода газожидкостной смеси и газа размещены параллельно друг другу в вертикальной плоскости и выполнены на концах с горизонтальными отверстиями, размещенными в горизонтальной ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Вихревое устройство для разделения эмульсий

Номер: RU0000205875U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для непрерывного разделения эмульсий на фазы и может быть использована в нефтяной, пищевой, энергетической и других отраслях промышленности. Вихревое устройство для разделения эмульсий, состоящее из вертикальной трубы, внутри которой коаксиально установлена труба меньшего диаметра с образованием межтрубного пространства, ограниченного верхней и нижней кольцевой перегородками. Нижняя кольцевая перегородка имеет равномерно расположенные по окружности круглые отверстия для отвода тяжелой фазы. Верхняя часть внутренней трубы имеет поперечную перегородку и круглые отверстия для отвода легкой фазы, равномерно расположенные по окружности трубы между поперечной перегородкой и верхней кольцевой перегородкой. В средней части внутренней трубы равномерно по окружности выполнены овальные прорези, которые направляют поток эмульсии в межтрубное пространство. Суммарная площадь сечений прорезей равна площади сечения внутренней трубы, а максимальная ширина прорези не превышает разницу между внутренними радиусами наружной и внутренней труб. Полезная модель имеет простую конструкцию и эффективно разделяет эмульсии за счет формирования регулярной вихревой структуры. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 875 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/02 (2006.01) B01D 17/038 (2006.01) B04B 1/04 (2006.01) B04C 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 17/02 (2021.05); B01D 17/0217 (2021.05); B04B 1/04 (2021.05); B04C 5/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021117825, 18.06.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.08.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 0 5 8 7 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2456052 C2, 20.07.2012. RU 2243814 C2, 10.01.2005. RU 2628777 C2, 22.08.2017. RU 88997 U1, 27.11.2009. US 3780865 A1, 25.12.1973. US 2449738 A1, 21.09.1948. (54) ВИХРЕВОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РАЗДЕЛЕНИЯ ЭМУЛЬСИЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная ...

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Аппарат глубокой очистки воды

Номер: RU0000206542U1

Полезная модель направлена на создание аппарата очистки воды от нефтепродуктов и механических примесей, имеющего относительно простую недорогостоящую надежную, ремонтоспособную конструкцию с возможностью быстрой и эффективной самоочистки блока насадок. Аппарат глубокой очистки воды состоит из горизонтального корпуса 1, штуцера 2 ввода пластовой воды, отбойника-распределителя 3, распределительной решетки 4, перегородки 5 и блока насадок 6. Блок насадок 6 выполнен из пакета размещенных по высоте корпуса параллельных гофрированных пластин. Ребра гофрированных пластин блока насадок расположены наклонно относительно горизонтальной плоскости аппарата под углом в пределах от 45° до 60° относительно горизонтальной плоскости аппарата. Гофры имеют трапециевидную форму. Отбойник-распределитель 3 включает горловину с фланцем, из которой выходят два совмещенных дугообразных патрубка с перфорацией. Аппарат имеет систему промывки насадок 7, систему размыва донных отложений 8 и штуцер их слива 9. Для разделения и вывода легких фракций имеется колпак 10 со штуцерами вывода нефти 11, газа 12. В нижней части емкости имеется система 13 вывода очищенной воды. В перегородке 5 выполнены технологические отверстия, в центральной части перегородки - отверстия для блока насадок и сверху отверстие 14 для образования нефтяного слоя. Конструкция аппарата обеспечивает достаточную производительность при достижении заданных параметров очищенной пластовой воды, проста в изготовлении и эксплуатации. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 542 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/028 (2006.01) B01D 21/02 (2006.01) C02F 1/40 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 17/02 (2021.02); B01D 21/02 (2021.02); C02F 1/40 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020140147, 04.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственное предприятие "Контэкс" ...

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Сепарирующий фильтр

Номер: RU0000206575U1

Полезная модель может быть использована при подготовке топлива на нефтепродуктовых базах в сельскохозяйственной, транспортной, нефтехимической и других отраслях промышленности.Задача полезной модели - повышение эффективности при очистке больших объемов топлива, как от механических примесей, так и от воды, применяя конусообразную форму фильтрирующих элементов, с обеспечением регенерации путем процесса противотока на основе гидродинамических процессов.Техническим результатом является наличие двух взаимосоприкасающихся зон: верхней - фильтрации и нижней - сепарации, с фильтрующими элементами усеченной конусообразной формы. При таком расположении создаются максимальные условия применения гидродинамического процесса очистки топлива. Регенерация осуществляется противотоком при помощи переключения перепускных запорных устройств. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 575 U1 (51) МПК B01D 17/02 (2006.01) F02M 37/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 17/02 (2021.05); F02M 37/22 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021104543, 24.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 16.09.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 16.09.2021 Бюл. № 26 2 0 6 5 7 5 R U (54) СЕПАРИРУЮЩИЙ ФИЛЬТР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель может быть использована при подготовке топлива на нефтепродуктовых базах в сельскохозяйственной, транспортной, нефтехимической и других отраслях промышленности. Задача полезной модели - повышение эффективности при очистке больших объемов топлива, как от механических примесей, так и от воды, применяя конусообразную форму фильтрирующих элементов, с обеспечением регенерации путем процесса противотока на Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 172537 U1, 11.07.2017. SU 1057068 A1, 30.11.1983. RU 175970 U1, 25.12.2017. RU 2343952 C1, 20.01.2009. US 10774798 B2, 15.09.2020. основе гидродинамических процессов. Техническим результатом является наличие двух ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Sound-Velocity Dewatering System

Номер: US20120017998A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A method and apparatus for an improved dewatering tank system that allows for safely controlling a water stream exiting the dewatering tank system. The apparatus can include a sound velocity detector, a control system, and a control element. The sound velocity detector can include a transducer, a detector, and a transmitter. The control system can include a computer and a program product. The apparatus can optionally include a dewatering tank, a drain line, and a controllable valve. The apparatus allows for transmitting sound energy through the water stream flowing in the drain lined that is connected to the dewatering tank, calculating the velocity of the sound energy as the sound energy travels through the water stream, monitoring the velocity of the sound energy for a period of time, and controlling the position of the controllable valve depending on the calculated velocity of the sound energy.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Refinery desalter improvement

Номер: US20120024758A1
Автор: Scott D. Love
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

The invention relates to improved methods of desalting hydrocarbon feeds using a separator with a stacked disk centrifuge to separate an emulsified oil and water rag layer. This method is effective for desalting heavy, high ionic, and non-traditional crude oils.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Portable oil-water separator apparatus

Номер: US20120048118A1
Автор: Daniel L. Hess
Принадлежит: Individual

A preassembled and portable crude oil processing apparatus includes a support platform with a gas separator vessel covered by a shed structure and an elongated liquid separator vessel pivotally connected to the support platform. The liquid separator vessel includes support structure which supports it an a horizontal transport configuration. The apparatus is loaded onto a flatbed trailer and transported to a crude oil processing site with the liquid vessel in the horizontal configuration. At the processing site, the apparatus is hoisted off the trailer and deposited on the ground, and the liquid separator vessel is pivoted to a vertical configuration supported by the platform and secured in place. Plumbing associated with the gas separator vessel is then interconnected with plumbing associated with the liquid separator, with piping carrying a crude oil emulsion for processing, and with tanks for storing products of the process.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Bio-oil recovery systems

Номер: US20120051980A1
Принадлежит: ICM Inc USA

An emulsion-breaking additive is combined with an emulsion concentrate to yield a reaction product and the emulsion concentrate is produced in a process stream and contains entrapped bio-oil. Subsequent phase separating can be accomplished with gravity separation and/or mechanical processing. The emulsion-breaking additive can be native to the process stream. Related systems and methods are also provided.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Novel Copolymers for Use as Oilfield Demulsifiers

Номер: US20120059088A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

Lactone/alkylene oxide polymers are useful as demulsifiers to break emulsions, e.g. water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions, particularly oilfield emulsions. These polymers are random or block polymer made from addition reactions of a hydroxyl- and/or amine-containing base compound with at least one lactone monomer and at least one alkylene oxide monomer.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Chemical delivery apparatus, system, and method for hydrocarbon production

Номер: US20120111569A1
Автор: Gabriel Prukop
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

An apparatus, system and method for delivering a mixture of well treatment chemicals into a well are disclosed. A chemical distribution device includes mixing manifold that receives well treatment chemicals and solvent that are to be mixed. A siphon is positioned within the mixing manifold to control the fluid level. The mixture is not delivered from the chemical distribution device until the fluid level of the mixture is above a crest of the siphon. The mixture is delivered in a batch to the well via a flowline until the fluid level of the mixture is below the inlet of the siphon.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Multi-stage steam-water separation device and steam-water separator

Номер: US20120117928A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

In a multi-stage steam-water separation device and a steam-water separator, a first swirl vane ( 6 ) which causes a gas-liquid two-phase flow to rise while swirling is provided in a first riser ( 5 ) of a first steam-water separator ( 2 ), and a second swirl vane ( 12 ) which causes the gas-liquid two-phase flow which has passed through the first swirl vane ( 6 ) to rise while swirling at a speed higher than that provided by the first swirl vane ( 6 ), is provided in a second riser ( 11 ).

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and plant for purification of oil-contaminated bilge and sludge water on a ship, and ship equipped with such plant

Номер: US20120160660A1
Принадлежит: PPMCLEAN AB

The present invention relates to a method for purification of bilge and sludge water on a ship, especially at sea, using excess heat from the ship's engine(s) to a level of oil contamination of less than 15 ppm. The invention also relates to a plant for carrying out the method, and a vessel including such plant, as well as the use of the method and plant.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for separation of liquid phases of different density and for fluorous phase organic syntheses

Номер: US20120223025A1
Автор: Michal Lebl
Принадлежит: Illumina Inc

A simple, efficient apparatus and method for separating layers of immiscible or partially miscible liquids useful in methods of high-throughput combinatorial organic synthesis or parallel extraction of large libraries or megaarrays of organic compounds is disclosed. The apparatus and method are useful, whether as part of an automated, robotic or manual system for combinatorial organic synthesis or purification (extraction). In a preferred embodiment, an apparatus and method for separating layers of immiscible or partially miscible liquids compatible with microtiter plate type array(s) of reaction vessels is disclosed. Another application of centrifugation based liquid removal was found for washing the plates in biological assays or synthesis on modified substrates.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Cyclonic flow separator

Номер: US20120248035A1
Принадлежит: TOTAL SE

The invention relates to a separator of fluid medium components, said separator including, along one axis, a movable assembly that is rotatable around the axis. Said separator moreover includes an output device. The movable assembly includes a cylindrical separation chamber having an inner wall. The output device includes a second outlet and a first outlet that is farther than the second outlet from the axis. The output device includes a third outlet that is farther than the first outlet from the axis and is intended for extracting a third fluid component comprising solid particles. Said third outlet includes an edge that is near an inner wall of the separation chamber.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for determining the concentration of oxidizing agent(s) in an aqueous solution

Номер: US20120255876A1

In a method and a device for determining the concentration of one or more oxidizing agents in an aqueous solution flowing in a main stream, a partial flow of the aqueous solution is diverted to a bypass, wherein the difference between the potential of the aqueous solution before and after at least partial and/or selective breakdown of any oxidizing agents is measured. The bypass is for diverting and returning the partial flow of the aqueous solution, and has at least one elimination unit through which the aqueous solution flows for at least partial and/or selective breakdown of the oxidizing agent(s), and two measuring electrodes for determining the difference between the potentials of the aqueous solution before and after it passes through the elimination unit.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Flowback separation system

Номер: US20120325751A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments disclosed herein may provide for a method of performing a separation process, where the method may include the steps of transporting a single-skid separation unit to a worksite; performing downhole operations at the worksite; recovering a waste stream into the single-skid separation unit, wherein the waste stream may result from performing the downhole operations; and using the single-skid separation unit to separate the waste stream into at least one of an aqueous phase, an organics phase, and a gas phase.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Coagulation of oil in water and the resulting floating semisolid complex

Номер: US20130008079A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention provides a semisolid complex exhibiting (i) the ability to float on water, (ii) the ability to provide liquid oil upon being deformed, and (iii) the ability to function as a fuel, the complex comprising a high proportion of liquid oil, the density of the oil being lower than the density of water, the complex also comprising fibers, the fibers being oriented in a plurality of directions, the fibers forming a framework, the framework being incorporated in the complex, the framework being substantially in the plane of the complex in case that the complex is in the form of a sheet, and the framework extending substantially over the area of the complex in case that the complex is in the form of a sheet, the complex further comprising a low proportion of bentonite, the bentonite being associated with the oil, the associating substantially involving coagulation, the oil and the bentonite being substantially held by the framework. This invention also provides a composition for causing the coagulation of a substantial portion of the oil present in a liquid upon the addition of the composition to the liquid, wherein the liquid comprises a high proportion of water and the liquid also comprises the oil, the density of the oil being lower than the density of the water, the composition comprising a mixture, the mixture comprising a high proportion of discontinuous fibers, the fibers being oriented in a plurality of directions, the mixture also comprising bentonite particles, the bentonite particles being sufficiently high in proportion for associating with a substantial portion of the oil, the associating substantially involving coagulation, and the fibers being sufficiently low in density and sufficiently high in proportion for causing the product of the coagulation to exhibit the ability to float on water. This invention further provides a method of coagulation of a substantial portion of the oil present in a liquid, wherein the liquid comprises a high proportion ...

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Dynamic demulsification system for use in a gas-oil separation plant

Номер: US20130026082A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A dynamic water/oil demulsification system for a gas-oil separation plant (GOSP) includes: an in-line microwave treatment subsystem upstream of one or more of each of a dehydrator vessel, desalter vessel and/or water/oil separator vessel, each of which vessels receives a water-oil emulsion; sensors that monitor and transmit data corresponding to properties of the water-oil emulsion in or downstream of the respective vessel(s); and a processor/controller associated with the in-line microwave treatment subsystem that initiates the application of microwave energy to the emulsion(s) based on the data from the sensors.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Contaminated water treatment system, method and apparatus

Номер: US20130032531A1
Автор: Doell Keith, Kyle Trainor

In one aspect the invention provides a fluid treatment apparatus for treating contaminated fluid. The apparatus comprises a container having base member and a peripheral containment wall and defining a total interior volume. The apparatus further comprises at least one container inlet to receive said contaminated fluid, at least one container outlet to discharge water separated from said contaminated fluid, a separation region suitable to receive said contaminated fluid, to allow separation of said contaminated fluids into less dense contaminants, water and denser contaminants, and to store said denser contaminants as a sediment layer on the base member. The apparatus further comprises a water collection region suitable to receive water from the separation region and direct said water to said at least one container outlet, and an oil collection region, suitable to receive less dense contaminants from the separation region.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Device for separating fluid mixtures, in particular oil/water mixtures

Номер: US20130056429A1
Автор: Joachim Schomburg
Принадлежит: URAG IND GmbH and Co KG

The present invention relates to a device for separating fluid mixtures, in particular for separating oil and water in a vacuum container, into which the fluid mixture is injected by means of an adjustable truncated-cone round jet nozzle.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for improving rate of evaporation

Номер: US20130068397A1
Автор: Kevin Shurtleff
Принадлежит: Mountain West Energy

Systems and methods for increasing the rate of evaporation for a liquid. Systems and methods include use of evaporation membranes having large surface areas exposed to the ambient environment.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072730A1

The invention relates to a process for producing hydrocarbon components, comprising: providing a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds; subjecting the feedstock and a hydrogen gas feed to a hydroprocessing treatment in the presence of a hydroprocessing catalyst to produce hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins, and subjecting the hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins to isomerisation in the presence of a dewaxing catalyst to form a mixture of hydrocarbon components. The invention also relates to an apparatus for implementing the process. The invention further relates to a use of the hydrocarbon components produced by the process as a fuel or as an additive in fuel compositions. The invention also relates to a use of a NiW catalyst on a support selected from AlO, zeolite, zeolite-AlO, and AlO—SiOfor producing fuel or an additive for fuel compositions from a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds. 123-. (canceled)24. A process for producing hydrocarbon components , comprising:providing a feedstock comprising tall oil and terpene-based compounds;{'sub': 3', '2', '3, 'subjecting the feedstock and a hydrogen gas feed to a hydroprocessing treatment in the presence of a NiO/MoOcatalyst on an AlOsupport to produce hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins, and'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'subjecting the hydrocarbon components including n-paraffins to isomerisation in the presence of a NiW catalyst on a zeolite-AlOsupport and in the presence of hydrogen to form a mixture of hydrocarbon components.'}25. The process according to wherein the terpene-based compounds are obtained from plants claim 24 , terpene oils claim 24 , distillation bottoms from terpene distillation and flavorants and/or fragrance industry.26. The process of wherein the feedstock comprises crude tall oil and crude sulphate turpentine derived from kraft pulping of wood.27. The process of wherein the crude tall oil is purified prior to subjecting it to the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for clarifying industrial wastewater

Номер: US20130075339A1
Автор: Robert Davis, Stuart Davis
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods are described for removing contaminates from aqueous industrial wastewater process streams, specifically industrial laundries to yield a less contaminated aqueous effluent for discharge to a sewer and reduce the sludge generated therefrom. A premixed medium/high molecular weight and medium/high charged cationic coagulant solution polymer and an inorganic aluminum species is added to the wastewater, and after at least a two second delay, a high molecular weight highly charged anionic flocculent is injected into the wastewater which reduces sludge generation, while maintaining or exceeding effluent quality. Also, no coagulant, flocculent or sludge aids are needed to attain the results and the sludge can be dewatered in a plate and frame press.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for separation of phases in a multiphase flow

Номер: US20130075348A1

A device is disclosed for the separation of liquid-liquid phase and/or a liquid-gas phase where one or more of the phases is suspended in water and has a bubble/drop/particle size in the sub micron and micron range, and/or fine particular organic or inorganic material is present in one or more of the phases. There is also disclosed a method and use for the device.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Multilayer Porous Composite

Номер: US20130092639A1

A multilayer composite in which a nonwoven filter media layer is affixed to but separated from a hydrophobic microporous membrane such that the multilayer porous composite provides effective separation of water and particulate with substantial resistance to clogging in new fuels with low interfacial tensions.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Bio-Mechanical Wastesolution Treatment System

Номер: US20130098836A1
Принадлежит: EnSolve Biosystems, Inc.

Wastesolution treatment systems and methods are provided which may remove particulates and hydrocarbons from wastesolution. Embodiments may be used to treat scrubber wastesolution from exhaust gas cleaning (“EGC”) systems. Some embodiments may be used with terrestrial EGC systems and others may be used for maritime ship EGC systems. Certain embodiments remove free phase oil and particulates from the wastesolution. Some embodiments may utilize a fixed film biogenerator cultured with hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms to reduce the concentration of oils in the water. Certain embodiments may utilize a biofilter with granulated activated carbon (“GAC”) to adsorb contaminants in the water. Other embodiments may utilize GAC cultured with hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms to reduce oil concentration in the water. The wastesolution may be recirculated through the system until the measured contaminant concentration drops below a threshold value. The treated wastesolution may be stored, reused, or may be safely discharged from the system. 1. A method of treating wastesolution from scrubber systems , the method comprising:(a) receiving scrubber wastesolution;(b) reducing an amount of free phase oil in the wastesolution;(c) reducing a concentration of particulates in the wastesolution; and(d) delivering the wastesolution to a biogenerator, the biogenerator utilizing cultured hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms to reduce a concentration of emulsified oil in the wastesolution.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising delivering the wastesolution to a granulated activated carbon filter claim 1 , the granulated activated carbon filter utilizing granulated activated carbon to reduce a concentration of contaminants from the wastesolution.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the granulated activated carbon is cultured with hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms to reduce a concentration of emulsified oil in the wastesolution.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the granulated ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Compact turbomachine system with improved slug flow handling

Номер: US20130112277A1
Принадлежит: Dresser Rand Co

A turbomachine system and method, with the system including a slug detector coupled to a main line to detect a slug flow in a multiphase fluid in the main line. The system also includes a compressor fluidly coupled to the main line and disposed downstream of the slug detector, and a bypass line fluidly coupled to the main line upstream of the compressor and downstream of the compressor. The system further includes at least an upstream control valve fluidly coupled to the main line upstream of the compressor and communicably coupled to the slug detector. The upstream control valve is configured to actuate between a normal position, in which the upstream control valve directs fluid to the compressor, and a bypass position, in which the upstream control valve directs fluid to the bypass line, according to when the slug detector detects a slug flow.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Oil/water filtration device

Номер: US20130126405A1

The invention relates to an oil/water separating device ( 20 ) comprising a main filter ( 30 ) for removing oil-containing components from an oil/water mixture. The device is characterized by an additional mechanical separating device for removing slimy substances from the oil/water mixture.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Continuously Breaking a Water-In-Oil Emulsion and Corresponding Device

Номер: US20130161259A1
Автор: Moliere Michel

A device and method for continuously breaking an initial emulsion of the water-in-oil type includes a first step of mixing the initial emulsion with a superheated washing water so as to obtain an intermediate emulsion of the water-in-oil type that comprises a hydrophilic phase and a hydrophobic phase, and that has a number-average diameter of the droplets less than or equal to 50 μm, and a temperature above 100° C. and below the boiling point of the hydrophilic phase at the pressure of the intermediate emulsion. A second step includes destruction of the intermediate emulsion by a liquid-liquid separator so as to obtain a separated hydrophilic phase and a separated hydrophobic phase. 1. A method for continuously breaking an initial emulsion of the water-in-oil type , comprising:a. a first step comprising mixing the initial emulsion with a superheated washing water so as to obtain an intermediate emulsion of the water-in-oil type that comprises a hydrophilic phase and a hydrophobic phase, and that has a number-average diameter of the droplets less than or equal to 50 μm and a temperature above 100° C. and below the boiling point of the hydrophilic phase at the pressure of the intermediate emulsion, andb. a second step comprising destruction of the intermediate emulsion by a liquid-liquid separator so as to obtain a separated hydrophilic phase and a separated hydrophobic phase.2. The method according to in which the first step also comprises a step of heating of the washing water before mixing with the initial emulsion claim 1 , the superheating step comprising recovery of the heat from the separated hydrophilic phase for preheating the washing water.3. The method according to claim 1 , also comprising a decontamination step in which the separated hydrophilic phase is circulated over a bed of activated charcoal.4. The method according to in which the initial emulsion and the separated hydrophobic phase comprise mineral particles in suspension and in which the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186839A1

A liquid separator system having a gas phase zone, an aqueous phase zone and a denser liquid zone is used to separate mixtures of fluids. The separator can be used for separating molten sulfur from liquid redox solution or reslurry water. The system includes a vessel with a top part and a bottom part. The vessel has a larger diameter at the top part than at the bottom part. The system also includes an inlet for introducing a redox solution or reslurry water and molten sulfur, which is denser than redox solution or reslurry water, into the vessel. An outlet near the bottom part of the vessel allows a flow of the molten sulfur from the vessel. An interface control structure senses an interface level between the redox solution or reslurry water and the molten sulfur, and the interface control structure controls the flow of molten sulfur from the outlet. The interface control structure is adjusted to optimally alter the vertical height of the interface level within the vessel so that the residence time of the molten sulfur in the vessel does not decrease as the sulfur production throughput decreases, and so that the interface area of the molten sulfur and the redox solution is reduced as the sulfur throughput decreases. A pressure controller monitors the pressure in the vessel and adds or removes gas from a gas phase zone in the vessel to maintain a predetermined pressure regardless of the vertical height of the interface. 1. A method of separating molten sulfur from a fluid , comprising the steps , in combination , of:(a) introducing a liquid mixture comprising the fluid and the molten sulfur into a vessel, the molten sulfur sinking in the vessel and forming an interface with the fluid at a vertical height;(b) monitoring gas pressure within the vessel with a controller and controlling an inlet and outlet valve to add or remove gas from a gas phase zone in the vessel to maintain a predetermined pressure within the vessel independent of the vertical height of the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200013A1
Автор: Miller Robert L.

Provided are an apparatus for filtering water from and oil and gas well and a method of filtering water from an oil and gas well. The filtration unit utilizes gravity fed filtration that is open to the environment. 1. A recycling apparatus for recycling contaminated water from an oil or gas well comprising:a holding vessel containing contaminated water from an oil or gas well;at least first and second main tanks constructed and arranged for holding filtered oil or gas well water and having at least one opening to the environment to allow air to freely transfer between the main tank the environment; a first filter assembly in gravity feed relation with the first main tank, said first filter assembly having a first filter sheet; and', 'a second filter assembly in gravity feed relation with the first main tank, said second filter assembly having a second filter sheet, wherein said first and second filter assemblies are constructed and arranged such that during operation contaminated water flows through the first filter assembly into the second filter assembly and then to the first main tank;, 'the first main tank having a first filtration system comprisinga pump constructed and arranged for transferring contaminated water from the holding vessel to the first filtration system; a forth filter assembly in gravity feed relation with the main tank, said forth filter assembly having a fourth filter sheet; and', 'a fifth filter assembly in gravity feed relation with the main tank, said fifth filter assembly having a fifth filter sheet, wherein said fourth and fifth filter assemblies are constructed and arranged such that during operation contaminated water flows through the fourth filter assembly into the fifth filter assembly and then to the second main tank;, 'the second main tank having a second filtration system comprisinga first fluid level device in the first main tank constructed to measure the level of solution in the first main tank; 'a transfer system constructed ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Removal of Glycerin From Biodiesel Using An Electrostatic Process

Номер: US20130220816A1

A vertical electrostatic coalescer comprises a first and second electrode surface and a horizontally disposed foraminous surface. The first electrode surface and horizontally disposed foraminous surface are at ground potential. The first and second electrode surfaces share the same planar orientation relative to the central longitudinal axis of the vessel. The unique arrangement of the vessel and opposing pairs of first and second electrode surfaces provides for a substantially uniform voltage field around a perimeter of the vessel and an effective voltage field for coalescence within a center of the vessel. A circular-shaped distributor pipe or a distributor housing serves to absorb momentum of the incoming emulsion stream and distribute the stream into an interior of the vessel. 116-. (canceled)17. An electrostatic coalescer for promoting glycerin coalescence in a biodiesel stream comprising:an elongated, closed, vertically disposed vessel having a fluid inlet located at a lower portion, a first fluid outlet located at a lower portion of said vessel and a second fluid outlet located at a top portion of said vessel;at least one horizontally disposed first electrode surface located in an upper portion of said vessel, a portion of said first electrode surface being in communication with an interior surface of said vessel;a plurality of horizontally disposed second electrode surfaces being connectable to each other and located substantially parallel to and a substantially equal distance above and below said first electrode surface,a power supply external to said vessel and in communication with said second electrode surfaces;whereby said first and second electrode surfaces establish effectively a voltage field around a perimeter portion of said vessel and in a center portion of said vessel, the voltage field serving to coalesce glycerin in the stream to augment separation thereof from the stream.18. An electrostatic coalescer according to further comprising a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Processes for Recovering Organic Solvent Extractant from Solid-Stabilized Emulsions Formed in Hydrometallurgical Solvent Extraction Circuits

Номер: US20130228524A1

Processes for recovering an organic solvent extractant phase from a solid-stabilized emulsion formed in a hydrometallurgical solvent extraction circuit are disclosed. One such process includes mixing a de-emulsifier comprising an effective amount of a polymeric aggregating agent with the solid-stabilized emulsion, thereby separating the emulsion into its aqueous, organic, and solid phase components; and removing the organic solvent extractant phase from the other components, thereby recovering the organic solvent extractant phase from the solid-stabilized emulsion. 1. A process for recovering an organic solvent extractant phase from a solid-stabilized emulsion formed in a hydrometallurgical solvent extraction circuit comprising:a) mixing a water-soluble or water-swellable polymeric aggregating agent with the solid-stabilized emulsion, thereby separating the emulsion into its aqueous, organic, and solid components; andb) removing the organic solvent extractant phase from the separated components, thereby recovering the organic solvent extractant phase from the emulsion.3. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the polymeric aggregating agent is chosen from: cationic claim 2 , anionic claim 2 , or nonionic polyacrylamides; and combinations thereof.4. A process according to claim 3 , wherein the polymeric aggregating agent is an anionic polyacrylamide emulsion.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric aggregating agent is present at from 40 to 3500 ppm based on the total volume of the solid-stabilized emulsion.6. A process according to claim 5 , wherein the polymeric aggregating agent is present at 1000 ppm.7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing step is performed from 1 to 10 minutes.8. A process according to claim 7 , wherein the mixing step is performed for 5 minutes.9. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid-stabilized emulsion is from a hydrometallurgical solvent extraction circuit for separating metal values chosen from ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Incorporation of Lactones Into Crosslinked-Modified Polyols for Demulsification

Номер: US20130231418A1

Crosslinked lactone/alkylene oxide polymers are useful as demulsifiers to break emulsions, e.g. water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions, particularly oilfield emulsions. These polymers are random or block polymers made from addition reactions of a hydroxyl- and/or amine-containing base compound with at least one lactone monomer and at least one alkylene oxide monomer. The polymers may be crosslinked with multifunctional epoxides, multifunctional carboxylic acids, and/or multifunctional anhydrides. The crosslinked polymers may be optionally capped by reaction with monofunctional monomers such as mono-epoxides and/or monofunctional carboxylic acids. The crosslinked polymers are also suitable as oilfield paraffin inhibitors and dispersants. 1. A method of breaking an emulsion comprising oil and water , the method comprising:adding to the emulsion comprising oil and water an effective amount of a crosslinked polymer to break the emulsion, where the crosslinked polymer comprises a random or block polymer made from addition reactions of a base compound selected from the group consisting of hydroxyl-containing base compound, an amine-containing base compound, and combinations thereof, with at least one lactone monomer and at least one alkylene oxide monomer, where the polymer has been crosslinked with a crosslinker.3. The method of where the hydroxyl- or amine-containing base compound is a hydroxylamine that is selected from the group consisting of ethanolamine claim 2 , diethanolamine claim 2 , triethanolamine claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of where:the weight ratio of at least one lactone monomer to the hydroxyl- or amine-containing base compound ranges from about 0.1:1 to about 99.9:1; andthe weight ratio of at least one alkylene oxide monomer to the hydroxyl- or amine-containing base compound ranges from about 99.9:1 to about 0.1:1.5. The method of where the amount of crosslinker ranges from between about 0.1 and about 10 weight percent claim 1 , based on ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237641A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure include a method of destabilizing a crude oil-water emulsion that includes adding to the crude oil-water emulsion a demulsifier obtained by an alkoxylation reaction of an aminated epoxy adduct, the aminated epoxy adduct obtained by a reaction of an epoxy resin and an amine. In one or more embodiments, the alkoxylation reaction includes reacting C2 to C4 alkylene oxides with the aminated epoxy adduct. 1. A method of destabilizing a crude oil-water emulsion , comprising:adding to the crude oil-water emulsion a demulsifier obtained by an alkoxylation reaction of an aminated di-epoxy adduct, the aminated di-epoxy adduct obtained by a reaction of a di-epoxy resin and an amine.2. The method of claim 1 , where adding to the crude oil-water emulsion includes adding 0.0001 weight percent to 5 weight percent of the demulsifier based on a total weight of the crude oil-water emulsion.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , where the alkoxylation reaction includes reacting C2 to C4 alkylene oxides with the aminated di-epoxy adduct.6. The method of claim 5 , where reacting the C2 to C4 alkylene oxides with the aminated di-epoxy adduct includes making the reaction with a molar ratio of C2 alkylene oxide to C3 alkylene oxide and/or C4 alkylene oxide from 0 mole percent to 100 mole percent of C2 alkylene oxide to 100 mole percent to 0 mole percent of C3 alkylene oxide and/or C4 alkylene oxide.7. The method of claim 5 , where reacting the C2 to C4 alkylene oxides with the aminated di-epoxy adduct includes making the reaction with a molar ratio of C2 alkylene oxide to C3 alkylene oxide and/or C4 alkylene oxide from 6.5 mole percent to 57 mole percent C2 alkylene oxide to 93.5 mole percent to 43 mole percent of C3 alkylene oxide and/or C4 alkylene oxide.8. The method of claim 1 , where the amine is a branched monoamine selected from the group consisting of di-n-butylamine claim 1 , di-n-propylamine claim 1 , di-n-pentylamine claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Modified compact oil-water separation device and systems and methods for use thereof

Номер: US20130239816A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Disclosed is a compact liquid-liquid separation device useful for the separation of oil and water in hydrocarbon production operations, as well as systems and methods for use thereof. The device includes a separator body of generally vertical pipe having an upper portion and a lower portion, and an inlet to the separator body of generally horizontal pipe in fluid communication with the separator body and attached to the separator body between the upper section and the lower section. The inlet has a round cross-section portion and a reducing area nozzle portion in which the horizontal width of the inlet decreases symmetrically with proximity to the separator body. The vertical interface between the inlet and the separator body has a generally rectangular cross-section.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Modular Filter Elements for Use in a Filter-in-Filter Cartridge

Номер: US20130240460A1

Disclosed are modular filter-in-filter elements, namely an outer filter element and an inner filter element which may be assembled to form a filter cartridge for use in separation methods and systems. The outer filter element typically functions as a coalescing element and the inner element typically functions as a particulate filter element. The disclosed filter cartridges may be structured for separating water from a hydrocarbon-based liquid fuel as the fuel moves through the cartridge from outside to inside. 194-. (canceled)95. A composite media formed from at least three layers of media material from an upstream direction to a downstream direction , namely Layer A , optionally Layer B , Layer C , and Layer D , the layers having characteristics as follows: Layer A comprises polymeric media material having a mean pore size of greater than about 10 μm; Layer C comprises polymeric material comprising nanofibers and having a mean pore size of 0.2-10 μm; and Layer D comprises polymeric material having a mean pore size of greater than about 10 μm and provides support for the preceding layers; wherein the composite media has a permeability of 3-40 cfm.96. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein the composite media has a thickness of 0.68-1.85 mm.97. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein the composite media has a basis weight of 253-371 gsm.98. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein one or more layers are bonded to one or more adjacent layers via ultrasonic bonding.99. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein Layer A comprises polymeric media material having a maximum pore size of greater than about 50 μm.100. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein Layer A comprises polymeric media material having a maximum pore size of greater than about 100 μm.101. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein Layer A comprises polymeric media material having a permeability of 225-325 cfm.102. The composite media of claim 95 , wherein Layer C comprises polymeric media material ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270187A1

A method of recovering one or more insoluble oils from a liquid source using one or more membrane or membrane contactors, comprising the steps of: pumping the liquid source comprising the one or more oils to the membranes or membrane contactors, contacting the liquid source with a first surface of the membrane or membrane contactors, coalescing the one or more oils within the liquid source onto the first surface of the membrane contactors, pumping one or more recovery fluids through the membrane or membrane contactors in contact with the second surface of the membrane or membrane contactors, and removing a first stream of oil coalesced from the second surface of the membranes or membrane contactors. 1. A method of recovering one or more insoluble oils from a liquid source using one or more membrane or membrane contactors , comprising the steps of:pumping the liquid source comprising the one or more oils to one or more membranes or membrane contactors, wherein the liquid source does not contain an amount of solvent sufficient to disperse the oils;contacting the liquid source with a first surface of the one or more membrane or membrane contactors;coalescing the one or more oils within the liquid source onto the first surface of the one or more membrane contactors;pumping one or more recovery fluids through the one or more membrane or membrane contactors in contact with the second surface of the one or more membrane or membrane contactors; andremoving a first stream of oil coalesced from the second surface of the one or more membranes or membrane contactors.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:collecting the one or more coalesced oils in a collection vessel; andcontacting the liquid source one or more times to the one or more membranes or membrane contactors by pumping through the one or more membranes or membrane contactors to process the liquid source to recover additional coalesced oil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid source is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270192A1

An immiscible lipophilic or hydrophilic liquid phase is separated respectively from a continuous hydrophilic or a lipophilic phase liquid. Fibers having hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties are formed into a filter. The separation mechanism involves coalescence of the small droplets into larger droplets as the immiscible liquid flows through the fiber filter, and release of the large immiscible droplets from the filter. With respect to separation of a hydrophilic immiscible fluid in a lipophilic continuous fluid, the hydrophobic fibers cause small water droplets to migrate towards the hydrophilic fibers whereby large droplets are formed on hydrophilic surface. The large droplets coalescence until they are so large that they are released and drained off of the filter. The filter media can be designed by mixing hydrophilic and hydrophobic fibers in various proportions to achieve an optimum wettability range for separation of the immiscible liquid from the continuous phase liquid. 1. A process for removing an immiscible lipophilic or a hydrophilic liquid respectively from a continuous hydrophilic or a lipophilic liquid phase , comprising the steps of:forming a filter containing hydrophobic fibers and hydrophilic fibers;flowing said immiscible lipophilic liquid or hydrophilic liquid respectively in said continuous liquid phase hydrophilic liquid or lipophilic liquid through said filter andcapturing said immiscible liquid;coalescing said captured immiscible liquid; andremoving said coalesced immiscible liquid from said filter.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of said hydrophobic fibers to said hydrophilic fibers is from about 90% to about 10% by weight with the remaining weight percent being said hydrophilic fibers claim 1 , and wherein said filter has a wettability L/H ratio of from about 1 to about 3 claim 1 ,000.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein said L/H ratio is from about 2 to about 200 claim 2 , and wherein the fiber diameters of said ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Device For A Cleaning Unit For Hydraulic Oil And Lubricating Oil

Номер: US20130270723A1
Автор: Grøtheim Jens Terje
Принадлежит: Future Engineering AS

A device for a cleaning unit for hydraulic oil or lubricating oil circulating in connection with a drive unit, wherein the cleaning unit comprises a cleaning tank provided with an oil inlet for untreated oil, means arranged to spread the untreated oil over a substantial portion of the cleaning tank cross-section, an inlet for introducing gas into the untreated oil, and an outlet for evacuation of gas and water vapour, and also a means having a large surface area arranged downstream of the spreader means, wherein the means having a large surface area is provided as a plurality of bodies arranged to be able to float on the treated oil. 1. A device for a cleaning unit for hydraulic oil or lubricating oil circulating in connection with a drive unit , said cleaning unit comprises:{'b': 1', '21', '14, 'i': 'a', 'a cleaning tank () provided with an oil inlet () for untreated oil ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '14', '1, 'i': 'a', 'means (, ) arranged to spread the untreated oil () over a substantial portion of the cleaning tank () cross-section;'}{'b': '41', 'an inlet () for introducing gas into the untreated oil;'}{'b': '37', 'an outlet () for evacuation of gas and water vapour; and'}{'b': 16', '11', '12', '16', '161', '14', '161', '1, 'i': 'b', 'a means () having a large surface area arranged downstream of the spreader means (, ), the means () having a large surface area is provided as a plurality of bodies () arranged to float on the treated oil (), as the bodies () by their weight and/or shape effect that foaming in the cleaning tank () is diminished or prevented.'}2161. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bodies () exhibit a spheroidal or a polyhedral shape.3161. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bodies () are provided as hollow plastic bodies.4161. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bodies () exhibit a diametric section in a range 20-50 mm.511112171614114b. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the cleaning ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of Extracting Oil from Thin-stillage

Номер: US20130281280A1
Автор: Agarwal Sanjeev
Принадлежит: Technochem International, Inc.

A method of removing oil from an emulsion by-product of alcohol production from grain. A concentration-style centrifuge is used to separate the emulsion by-product into a light phase containing the oil and a heavy phase containing free-water and solids. The pH of the light phase is raised to approximately neutral by the addition of an alkaline composition to break the emulsion. The broken light phase is heated to between 170-200° F. and the oil is separated from the broken light phase in a disk-type centrifuge. 1. A method of removing oil from an emulsion by-product of alcohol production from grain , comprising the steps of:(a) separating in a centrifuge a light phase of the emulsion by-product containing the oil and emulsion from a heavy phase containing free-water and solids;(b) raising the pH of the light phase by the addition of an alkaline composition to break the emulsion and remove corrosivity from the extracted oil;(c) heating the broken light phase to between 170-200° F.; and(d) separating in a centrifuge the oil from the broken light phase.2. A method of claim 1 , wherein the alkaline composition is selected from the group consisting of salts of alkali metals and alkali earth metals.3. A method of claim 2 , wherein the salts are selected from the group consisting of NaOH and KOH. This application claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 61/507,477, filed Jul. 13, 2011, which is incorporated herein by this reference in its entirety.The present invention relates generally to the extraction of oil from a by-product of the production of ethanol from corn and, more specifically, to a simple and efficient method of extracting oil from the thin-stillage produced during the production of ethanol from corn. Thin-stillage is a byproduct of ethanol production process that is produced after extraction of ethanol and is variously called thin-stillage, stillage, or syrup. It contains water, fiber, corn oil, and miscellaneous other components. The thin- ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284675A1
Автор: Phillip R. Core
Принадлежит: Parker Hannifin Manufacturing UK Ltd

A valve ( 16 ) comprising a housing ( 30 ), a valve filter media ( 34 ) and an actuator ( 48 ). The housing ( 30 ) defines a chamber ( 32 ) having an inlet ( 44 ) and outlet ( 48 ). The media ( 34 ) is positioned within the chamber ( 30 ) such that liquids flowing between the inlet ( 44 ) and outlet ( 48 ) pass through the media ( 34 ). The valve filter media ( 34 ) is formed of a material which can absorb hydrocarbons, causing the media ( 34 ) to change its material properties thereby restricting the flow of liquids through the valve ( 16 ) and increasing the pressure differential across the media ( 34 ). The actuator ( 48 ) has at least a portion positioned within the housing chamber ( 32 ). If the pressure differential across the media ( 34 ) exceeds a predetermined threshold, the media ( 34 ) bears against the actuator ( 48 ) causing the actuator ( 48 ) to restrict the flow of liquids through the valve ( 16 ).

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Device for Settlement of Particles from a Liquid

Номер: US20130292315A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An object of this invention is to provide an improved means of water treatment effectiveness. The invention strips floating and sinking particulates from flowing water with netting and inclined settling cells, which are arranged in an overlapping fashion to save treatment space. The effluent invert is virtually level with the influent invert to minimize pressure loss. The device pre-treats water for further treatment by filtering methods and among other application is ideally suited for applications where low depth profile treatment is beneficial or required.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292327A1
Принадлежит: ENI S.P.A.

The present invention relates to an apparatus () for the coalescence-separation of a mixture comprising two fluid phases mutually immiscible other and with a different specific density, characterized in that it comprises a tubular body () closed at opposite ends, of which, considering the apparatus in the configuration of use, one is higher than the other, at least one inlet mouth () of the mixture to be separated which is defined on the side surface of the tubular body (), at least one outlet mouth () of the fluid phase with a lower specific density separated from the mixture which is defined close to the end of the tubular body at an upper height, at least one outlet mouth () of the fluid phase with a greater specific density separated from the mixture which is defined close to the end of the tubular body at a lower height and at least a set of coalescence plates () which is housed inside said tubular body (), wherein each of the coalescence plates () has a flow plate () of the mixture which is tilted by an angle a with respect to a plane orthogonal to the longitudinal axis (A) of the tubular body () and which has a lower edge () facing the end of the tubular body () at a lower height and in fluid communication with a distribution channel () of the mixture to be separated, which is defined inside the tubular body () and is in fluid communication with the inlet mouth (), and an upper edge () facing the end of the tubular body () at an upper height and in fluid communication with an outflow channel () of at least the fluid phase with a greater specific density, which is defined in the tubular body () and is in fluid communication with at least the outlet mouth () of said fluid phase with a greater specific density, and wherein the coalescence plates () are mutually arranged parallel and on top of each other at a defined reciprocal distance, pairs of coalescence plates () mutually adjacent forming a respective flow and separation channel () of the mixture. 1. An ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separation of oil and water using hydrophobic and hydrophilic functional solid particles

Номер: US20130292339A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An oil/water emulsion is mixed with functional solid particles to agglomerate oil droplets and/or water droplets having functional solid particles and the functional solid particles are hydrophobicized for the agglomeration of oil droplets or are hydrophilicized for the agglomeration of water droplets. This enables oil and water to be separated from an oil/water emulsion under gravitational forces.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296525A1
Принадлежит: DYNASEP INC.

The present invention relates to the recovery of nylon from co-mingled materials (e.g., carpet) with reduced or eliminated ash (e.g., calcium carbonate) contamination. 1. A method of reducing and/or eliminating ash contamination in nylon separated from co-mingled materials , comprising:a) separating a co-mingled material comprising nylon from free calcium carbonate, yielding a co-mingled material comprising nylon and surface-exposed calcium carbonate;b) contacting the co-mingled material comprising nylon and surface-exposed calcium carbonate with an aqueous dilute acid solution thereby forming a water soluble calcium salt, wherein the surface-exposed calcium carbonate dissolves in the aqueous dilute acid solution and the nylon is insoluble in the aqueous dilute acid solution; andc) separating the aqueous dilute acid solution comprising the solubilized calcium salt from the insoluble nylon and other materials, thereby reducing and/or eliminating ash contamination from the co-mingled nylon.2. A method of reducing and/or eliminating ash contamination in nylon separated from co-mingled materials , comprising:a) separating a co-mingled material comprising nylon from free calcium carbonate, yielding a co-mingled material comprising nylon and surface-exposed calcium carbonate;b) contacting the co-mingled material comprising nylon and surface-exposed calcium carbonate with an aqueous dilute acid solution thereby forming a water soluble calcium salt, wherein the surface-exposed calcium carbonate dissolves in the aqueous dilute acid solution and the nylon is insoluble in the aqueous dilute acid solution;c) separating the aqueous dilute acid solution comprising the solubilized calcium salt from the insoluble nylon and other materials;d) dissolving the nylon and other materials in an acid solvent that dissolves nylon, thereby yielding a polymer solution comprised of the dissolved nylon and suspended insoluble constituents;e) separating the polymer solution comprising dissolved ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Process for separation of water from pyrolysis gasoline

Номер: US20130310616A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for separating water from pyrolysis gasoline obtained from a steam cracking step uses a coalescer for the water separation. And a device comprises a coalescer for water separation from pyrolysis gasoline.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Separator and method for separation

Номер: US20130312614A1

A separator vessel ( 5 ) comprising; a separation chamber ( 10 ) arranged to separate liquid from an inflow production fluid ( 45 ); at least one gas scrubber ( 15 ) for removing entrained liquid from a separated gas inflow from said separation chamber ( 10 ); wherein said at least one gas scrubber ( 15 ) is positioned above and proximate to said separation chamber ( 10 ), said gas scrubber ( 15 ) and separation chamber ( 10 ) connectable through a vertically oriented at least one liquid outflow conduit ( 20 ) arranged to direct the removed entrained liquid from the gas scrubber ( 15 ) to the separation chamber ( 10 ) wherein the conduit ( 20 ) is arranged such that an outflow end ( 22 ) of said conduit ( 20 ) extends into the separation chamber ( 10 ) such that it is lower than a minimum threshold liquid depth ( 65 ) in said separation chamber ( 10 ).

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Separation of two fluid immiscible phases for downhole applications

Номер: US20130313200A1
Принадлежит: Eni Spa

The present invention relates to a group and method for the separation of a mixture comprising two fluid phases mutually at least partially immiscible and with different specific density characterized in that it comprises a closed chamber ( 11 ) which extends between an upper outlet mouth ( 12 a ) of a fluid phase with lower specific density separated from the mixture, positioned at a first upper height, and a lower outlet mouth ( 12 b ) of a fluid phase with greater specific density separated from the mixture, positioned at a second lower height with respect to the first upper height, an inlet ( 15,33 ) for said mixture inside said closed chamber ( 11 ) also being present at a height interposed between said upper and lower heights, a first upper gross separation device ( 13 ) of said mixture and a second lower fine separation device ( 14,14 ′) of said mixture, hydraulically connected to each other ( 13 ) ( 14 ), being situated in succession, inside said closed chamber ( 11 ), between said upper outlet mouth ( 12 a ) and said lower outlet mouth ( 12 b ), the first upper gross separation device ( 13 ) comprising a gravitational separation chamber and the at least second lower fine separation device ( 14,14 ′) comprising at least one coalescence separator ( 14 ) and/or at least one hydrocyclone separator ( 14 ′).

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Density Phase Separation Device

Номер: US20130315799A1

A mechanical separator for separating a fluid sample into first and second phases within a collection container is disclosed. The mechanical separator may have a separator body having a through-hole defined therein, with the through-hole adapted for allowing fluid to pass therethrough. The separator body includes a float, having a first density, and a ballast, having a second density greater than the first density. A portion of the float is connected to a portion of the ballast. Optionally, the float may include a first extended tab adjacent a first opening of the through-hole and a second extended tab adjacent the second opening of the through-hole. In certain configurations, the separator body also includes an extended tab band disposed about an outer surface of the float. The separator body may also include an engagement band circumferentially disposed about at least a portion of the separator body. 1. A device for separating a fluid sample within a collection container , comprising: a float, having a first density; and', 'a ballast, having a second density greater than the first density, wherein a portion of the float is connected to a portion of the ballast at an interface, wherein an outer surface of the float at the interface is offset from an outer surface of the ballast at the interface., 'a separator having a generally spheroid shape, the separator comprising2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the separator defines at least one slit adjacent the interface.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one slit is defined between a portion of the float and a portion of the ballast.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the float comprises an exterior surface and a joining surface claim 1 , and the ballast comprises a contact surface connected to the joining surface of the float at the interface and an exterior surface claim 1 , wherein the exterior surface of the float and the exterior surface of the ballast together form the spheroid shape.5. The device of ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Treater combination unit

Номер: US20130319844A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A treater combination unit wherein the functions of a heater treater and one or more of a sales gas heater, instrument gas heater/dryer, two-phase separator, and a free water knockout are incorporated into a single unit are included in a single, self-contained and optionally portable unit. In one embodiment, an instrument gas dryer can also optionally be incorporated into the combination unit. In an alternative embodiment, the instrument gas dryer is added to the unit as a retrofit.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Purifying Water

Номер: US20130319947A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a process and apparatus that treats waste water, in particular waste water containing surfactants and including grey water, for local reuse. According to the invention, the process comprises a) collecting waste water in a reservoir; b) injecting gas into waste water from the reservoir to form bubbles in the waste water; c) separating the bubbles, and any entrained contaminants, from the waste water; d) drying the separated bubbles and returning any water recovered from the dried bubbles to the waste water undergoing treatment; e) optionally repeating steps b) to d) to achieve the desired purification of the waste water; and f) collecting the purified waste water. The invention provides a robust process and a mechanically simple apparatus that does not require regular replacement of chemicals or filters, yet is capable of treating waste water locally, and in particular grey water for household reuse

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Enhanced In-Line Rotary Separator

Номер: US20130327725A1

Apparatus and methods for separating a fluid, with the apparatus including a rotatable drum having an inner drum wall and an outer drum wall disposed around the inner drum wall to define a separation passage therebetween. The apparatus also includes radial separator blades that are curved in a circumferential direction and are disposed in the separation passage of the drum, the radial separator blades extending radially at least partially between the inner drum wall and the outer drum wall. The apparatus further includes a first circumferential separator blade that is curved in a radial direction and is disposed in the separation passage of the drum, the first circumferential separator blade extending at least partially around the inner drum wall. The apparatus also includes a housing disposed around the drum and configured to receive a higher-density component of the fluid separated in the separation passage. 1. An apparatus for separating a fluid , comprising:a rotatable drum having an inner drum wall and an outer drum wall disposed around the inner drum wall, the inner and outer drum walls at least partially defining a separation passage therebetween;radial separator blades curved in a circumferential direction and disposed in the separation passage of the drum, the radial separator blades extending radially at least partially between the inner drum wall and the outer drum wall;a first circumferential separator blade curved in a radial direction and disposed in the separation passage of the drum, the first circumferential separator blade extending at least partially around the inner drum wall; anda housing disposed around the drum and configured to receive a higher-density component of the fluid separated in the separation passage.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first circumferential separator blade is coupled to at least two of the radial separator blades.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the radial separator blades are coupled to at least one of ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Fluid Separation

Номер: US20130327726A1
Автор: Hopper Hans Paul
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

A method and apparatus are disclosed for separating a multiphase fluid stream that includes a heavier fluid component and a lighter fluid component. The fluid flows along a first helical flowpath with a first pitch. The first helical flowpath is sufficiently long to establish a stabilised rotating fluid flow pattern for the stream. The uniform rotating fluid also flows along a second helical flowpath, the second helical flowpath having a second pitch greater than the first pitch. The lighter fluid is removed from a radially inner region of the second helical flowpath. The method and apparatus are particularly suitable for the separation of oil droplets from water, especially from water for reinjection into a subterranean formation as part of an oil and gas production operation. The method and apparatus are conveniently applied on a modular basis. 1. A method for separating a multiphase fluid stream including a heavier fluid component and a lighter fluid component , the method including:causing the fluid to flow along a helical flowpath in which the critical Reynolds number of the fluid flow is elevated, the fluid stream flowing at a Reynolds number below the elevated critical number, the fluid stream flowing at a sufficient velocity to cause the fluid phases to separate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the critical Reynolds number is greater than 10 claim 1 ,000.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the critical Reynolds number is greater than 100 claim 2 ,000.4. A method for separating a multiphase fluid stream including a heavier fluid component and a lighter fluid component claim 2 , the method including:causing the fluid to flow along a helical flowpath extending around a central conduit, the fluid flowing at a sufficient velocity to cause the lighter fluid component to move to the inner region of the helical flowpath; andcollecting the lighter fluid component in the central conduit.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the helical ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Fluid Separation

Номер: US20130327727A1
Автор: Hopper Hans P
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

An apparatus for controlling the flow of a first fluid stream within a bulk rotating fluid stream is disclosed, the apparatus comprising a fluid flow region having a longitudinal axis, within which a rotating flow of fluid may be established; a flow guide having a convex outer surface disposed centrally within the fluid flow region, the convex outer surface of the flow guide extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fluid flow region, the convex surface being shaped to induce a spiral coanda effect in the flow of the first fluid stream over the flow guide. The apparatus may be used in the separation of a multiphase fluid and preferably comprises a vessel comprising a separation region; an inlet for the multiphase fluid stream; means for imparting a rotational flow to the fluid stream such that the fluid stream flows in a downstream helical path within the vessel; a conduit extending within the vessel having an opening in the end portion thereof to provide an outlet for a fluid fraction from the separation region of the vessel; a flow guide on the distal end of the conduit, the flow guide having a lateral dimension greater than that of the conduit and a convex outer surface to induce a spiral coanda effect in a flow of fluid over the flow guide, thereby directing the fluid into the opening in the conduit. A method for separating a multiphase fluid stream is also provided. 1. An apparatus for controlling the flow of a first fluid stream within a bulk rotating fluid stream , the apparatus comprising:a fluid flow region having a longitudinal axis, within which a rotating flow of fluid may be established;a flow guide having a convex outer surface disposed centrally within the fluid flow region, the convex outer surface of the flow guide extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fluid flow region, the convex surface being shaped to induce a spiral coanda effect in the flow of the first fluid stream over the flow guide.2. The apparatus according to claim ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334142A1
Автор: Janjua Rafique

Oil-containing water is separated in a separator in an automated/continuous operation using devices that is free of moving parts in the separation container. Operation is preferably entirely controlled via adjustment of various flow rates, typically using flow control valves and/or feed pumps in response to measurement of a guided wave radar device or other IDLT. 1. A method of separating in a container an oil-containing water into an oil phase and a water phase , comprising:continuously feeding the oil-containing water into the container at a first rate that supports coalescence of oil droplets in the oil-containing water to thereby form an interface between the oil phase and the water phase;continuously removing from the container at least one of (a) oil from the oil phase at a second rate via an oil recovery conduit, and (b) water from the water phase at a third rate via a water recovery conduit;measuring a thickness of the oil phase or position of the interface in the container with an interface detection and level transmitter to obtain a measurement result; andusing the measurement result to adjust at least one of the first rate, the second rate, and the third rate such that the interface is raised to a position effective to allow removal of at least some of the oil from the oil phase via the oil recovery conduit.2. The method of wherein the interface detection and level transmitter is a guided wave radar.3. The method of further comprising a step of removing from the container solids at a fourth rate via a solids recovery conduit using water from the water phase.4. The method of wherein the solids recovery conduit is configured to induce a vortex in the solids at the fourth rate.5. The method of wherein the oil recovery conduit comprises an overflow weir.6. The method of wherein the step of continuously feeding the oil-containing water into the container is performed by feeding the oil-containing water into a center column that is disposed in the container.7. ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Crown-shaped separation device for separating oil and water in well

Номер: US20140000872A1
Принадлежит: Daqing Oilfield Co Ltd, Petrochina Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a crown-shaped separation device for separating oil and water in a well. Separator joints are sleeved on a central tube, and a separator is arranged between adjacent separator joints. Settlement cups are sleeved on the central tube, and two adjacent settlement cups are inserted together. A multi-rib separating bowl is embedded in the settlement cup. The settlement cup is crown shape. The bottom of the settlement cup is formed with multiple ribs. An angle is formed between the convex rib of the bottom of the settlement cup and the horizontal line. The top edge of the settlement cup is sawtooth shape corresponding to the shape of the cup bottom. An annular space is formed between the cup base of the settlement cup and the central tube. The central tube corresponding to the annular space is provided with a fluid inlet. The shape of the multi-rib separating bowl is identical to that of the bottom of settlement cup, and the multi-rib separating bowl is provided with a fluid passage. The downhole device solves the effective separation of oil and water.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Hydrocarbons recovery

Номер: US20140008271A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and systems of separating a hydrocarbon phase from a mixture comprising an emulsion of water and hydrocarbons in the presence of a surfactant, comprising adjusting the salinity of the mixture to release hydrocarbons and water from the emulsion into a hydrocarbon phase and a salt-containing aqueous phase respectively; and separating at least a part of the hydrocarbon phase from the salt-containing aqueous phase wherein at least a part of the salt-containing aqueous phase is recovered for further use.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Oil-water separator

Номер: US20140008278A1

The oil-water separator is installed in a substantially horizontal crude oil pipeline for separating water from the oil and water mix. The separator includes a vortex and settling chamber extending downward from the pipeline. The segment of the pipeline having the separator defines a generally T-shaped configuration. Oil and water phases flowing through the pipeline drop into the chamber as it flows through the pipeline and over the chamber. The denser water tends to settle into the bottom of the chamber, while the lighter oil is entrained back into the flow through the pipeline. A sensor detects water collected in the bottom of the chamber and provides a signal to open a drain valve when sufficient water has been collected. While only a single separator serves to collect a substantial fraction of water, a series of separators may be installed along the pipe to remove more water from the oil.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008304A1

Operation of an oil-water separator or other liquid mixture separator is monitored. The separator uses a vessel through which a mixture of different liquid components flows horizontally. A plurality of ultrasound transducers is provided on a wall of the vessel at different heights at a common stage along the direction of the horizontal flow. Ultrasound at a plurality of different ultrasound wavelengths is transmitted through the vessel between transducers and ultrasound arriving transducers is detected. Parameter values of a model are fitted to the detection. A model is used that relates height dependent properties of liquid in the vessel to properties of the detected ultrasound transmission between transceivers, the model comprising at least a fittable parameter of a height dependent droplet size distribution in a least a sub-range of a height of liquid in the vessel. The model relating the droplet size distribution to ultrasound wavelength dependence of the properties of ultrasound transmission. The measured droplet size distribution may be used to determine the route of ultrasound paths and to control demulsification measures. 1. A method of monitoring operation of a liquid mixture separator , preferably an oil-water separator , the separator comprising a vessel through which a mixture of different liquid components flows horizontally , the separator comprising a plurality of ultrasound transducers on a wall of the vessel at different heights at a common stage along the direction of the horizontal flow , the method comprisingtransmitting ultrasound through the vessel from at least first part of the transducers and detecting ultrasound arriving at at least a second part of the transducers for a plurality of ultrasound wavelengths;fitting parameter values of a model that relates height dependent properties of liquid in the vessel to properties of the detected ultrasound transmission between transceivers, the model comprising at least a fittable parameter of a ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011240A1
Принадлежит: FloDesign Sonics, Inc.

A system having improved trapping force for acoustophoresis is described where the trapping force is improved by manipulation of the frequency of the ultrasonic transducer. The transducer includes a ceramic crystal. The crystal may be directly exposed to fluid flow. The crystal may be air backed, resulting in a higher Q factor. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a flow chamber having at least one inlet and at least one outlet;at least one ultrasonic transducer located on a wall of the flow chamber, the transducer including a piezoelectric material driven by a voltage signal to create a multi-dimensional standing wave in the flow chamber; anda reflector located on the wall on the opposite side of the flow chamber from the at least one ultrasonic transducer.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the multi-dimensional standing wave results in an acoustic radiation force having an axial force component and a lateral force component that are of the same order of magnitude.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the multi-dimensional standing wave can trap particles in a flow field having a linear velocity of from 0.1 millimeter/second to greater than 1 centimeter/second.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric material can vibrate in a higher order mode shape.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric material can vibrate to create a displacement profile having multiple maxima and minima.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric material has a rectangular shape.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the multi-dimensional standing wave is a three-dimensional standing wave.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the reflector has a non-planar surface.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an apparatus inlet that leads to an annular plenum;a contoured nozzle wall downstream of the apparatus inlet;a collection duct surrounded by the annular plenum; anda connecting duct joining the contoured nozzle wall to the flow chamber inlet.10. An ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Feedwell for a gravity separation vessel

Номер: US20140014462A1
Принадлежит: Syncrude Canada Ltd

A feedwell for a gravity separation vessel for introducing a feed stream such as oil sand slurry to the gravity separation vessel is provided comprising a walled member having an upper perimeter edge, a lower perimeter edge and a substantially continuous wall extending from the upper perimeter edge to the lower perimeter edge; an inlet for introducing the feed stream into the walled member positioned adjacent the substantially continuous wall; and a bottom floor having an opening and extending generally beneath the lower perimeter edge; whereby a perimeter of the opening is less than a perimeter of the walled member.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014596A1

The present invention relates to a process for separating a phase (A) from a phase (B), phase (A) having a higher viscosity than phase (B), by inverting the direction of dispersion from phase (B) in phase (A) to phase (A) in phase (B) by recycling a stream comprising phase (B) in excess. 116-. (canceled)17. A process for separating a phase (A) from a phase (B) , phase (A) having a higher viscosity than phase (B) , comprising the following steps:{'b': 1', '1, 'a) providing a stream (S) comprising a dispersion (D) in which phase (B) is dispersed in phase (A),'}{'b': 2', '1', '2, 'b) introducing a stream (S) comprising at least 70% by weight of phase (B), into stream (S), stream (S) being recycled from step f),'}{'b': 3', '2, 'c) to form a stream (S) comprising a dispersion (D) in which phase (A) is dispersed in phase (B),'}{'b': '3', 'd) introducing stream (S) into a phase separation unit,'}{'b': 3', '5', '4, 'e) separating stream (S) in the phase separation unit into a stream (S) comprising at least 70% by weight of phase (B), and into a stream (S) comprising at least 70% by weight of phase (A),'}{'b': 5', '2', '2, 'f) removing a portion of stream (S) as stream (S) and recycling stream (S) to step b).'}18254. The process according to claim 17 , wherein in step b) the stream (S) comprises at least 90% by weight of phase (B) or in step e) the stream (S) comprises at least 90% by weight of phase (B) or in step e) the stream (S) comprises at least 90% by weight of phase (A).19. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the viscosity of phase (A) is at least 0.1 mPas higher than that of phase (B).20. The process according to claim 17 , wherein phase (A) comprises at least one ionic liquid or phase (B) comprises at least one hydrocarbon.21. The process according to claim 20 , wherein the ionic liquid present in phase (A) comprises claim 20 , as a cation claim 20 , an at least partly alkylated ammonium ion or a heterocyclic cation or claim 20 , as an anion claim 20 , a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018598A1

The present invention relates to a process for separating a phase (A) comprising at least one ionic liquid from a phase (B), phase (A) having a higher viscosity than phase (B), comprising the following steps: 115.-. (canceled)16. A process for separating a phase (A) comprising at least one ionic liquid from a phase (B) , phase (A) having a higher viscosity than phase (B) , comprising the following steps:{'b': 1', '1, 'a) providing a stream (S) comprising a dispersion (D) in which phase (A) is dispersed in phase (B),'}{'b': '1', 'b) introducing stream (S) into a coalescing filter (K) manufactured from acrylic/phenolic resin,'}c) separating the dispersed phase (A) from phase (B) in the coalescing filter (K),{'b': '2', 'd) discharging a stream (S) comprising at least 70% by weight of phase (A) from the coalescing filter (K), and'}{'b': '3', 'e) discharging a stream (S) comprising at least 70% by weight of phase (B) from the coalescing filter (K).'}1723. The process according to claim 16 , wherein in step d) the stream (S) comprises at least 90% by weight of phase (A) or in step e) the stream (S) comprises at least 90% by weight of phase (B).18. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the viscosity of phase (A) is at least 0.1 mPas higher than that of phase (B).19. The process according to claim 16 , wherein phase (B) comprises at least one hydrocarbon.20. The process according to claim 19 , wherein phase (B) comprises claim 19 , as the hydrocarbon claim 19 , cyclohexane or a mixture of cyclohexane with at least one further hydrocarbon selected from methylcyclopentane (MCP) claim 19 , n-hexane claim 19 , isohexane claim 19 , n-heptane claim 19 , isoheptane or dimethylcyclopentane.21. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the ionic liquid present in phase (A) is an acidic ionic liquid having the composition K1AlXwhere K1 is a monovalent cation claim 16 , X is halogen and 1 Подробнее

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034580A1
Автор: Chen Ruijun
Принадлежит: Kaydon Custom Filtration Corporation

A filter system for removing contaminants from oil based industrial liquids and the like includes a support tube with a permeable sidewall through which the industrial liquid flows in an inside out direction. A multilayer coalescence media surrounds the support tube, and includes at least one layer of a non-woven fibrous material that is partially wettable by the dispersed water in the industrial liquid, and commences coalescence of the same to form small primary water droplets, and at least one sheet of a precisely woven monofilament fabric stacked on the downstream side of the non-woven material. The woven fabric is substantially wettable by the dispersed water, and has a fixed open mesh with uniformly sized and spaced apart pore openings which continue to coalesce the primary water droplets into large water drops which fall from the filter for collection along the bottom of the apparatus. 1. A liquid/liquid coalescer element for removing dispersed contaminant free liquid water particles and emulsions of water from oil based lubricants , comprising:a porous support tube having a hollow interior, a radially oriented exterior surface, a radially oriented interior surface, and a permeable sidewall through which an oil based industrial liquid flows in an inside out direction from the interior surface to the exterior surface; anda coalescer pleat block having a hollow interior, a radially oriented exterior surface, and a radially oriented interior surface overlying the exterior surface of the support tube, and including a plurality of individual pleats arranged side-by-side and formed from an integrated, multilayer coalescence media, comprising:a plurality of layers of non-woven glass media that is partially hydrophilic by the dispersed contaminant liquid water in the oil based lubricant, the plurality of layers of non-woven glass media having a predetermined thickness, mean flow pore size, hydrophilic level and stiffness sufficient to commence coalescence of the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid products and method for emulsifying oil, and use thereof in the treatment of oil contaminations

Номер: US20140034581A1
Принадлежит: MAN OIL GROUP AG

An emulsifier concentrate for producing a working solution comprising 30-50 Vol % of a natural plant oil, selected from colza oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, 10-25 Vol % of octanol as a solubilizer, and 27-55 Vol % of an emulsifier, consisting of 26.5-45 Vol % of a non-ionic tenside, and 0.5-10 Vol % of an anionic tenside.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073038A1
Автор: Winsness David J.

In one aspect of the invention, a method recovers oil from a concentrated byproduct, such as evaporated thin stillage formed during a dry milling process used for producing ethanol. The method includes forming a concentrate from the byproduct and recovering oil from the concentrate. The step of forming the concentrate may comprise evaporating the byproduct. Further, the step of separating the oil from the concentrate may comprise using a centrifuge and, in particular, a disk stack centrifuge. Other aspects of the invention include related methods and subsystems for recovering oil from thin stillage. 1. A method of recovering usable oil from a thin stillage byproduct resulting from production of ethanol from corn using a dry milling technique , the method comprising:removing moisture from an unfiltered thin stillage byproduct to form a concentrated thin stillage;recovering at least a portion of the usable oil from the concentrated thin stillage; andevaporating the concentrated thin stillage to further reduce a moisture content therein.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein removing moisture from an unfiltered thin stillage byproduct to form a concentrated thin stillage comprises introducing the unfiltered thin stillage byproduct to a multistage evaporator; and recovering the at least portion of the usable oil from the concentrated thin stillage prior to a last stage of the multistage evaporator.3. A method of recovering usable oil from a thin stillage byproduct resulting from production of ethanol from corn using a dry milling technique claim 1 , the method comprising:evaporating the thin stillage byproduct in a multistage evaporator and removing moisture from the thin stillage byproduct to form a first concentrated thin stillage byproduct with a reduced moisture content; andrecovering at least a portion of the usable oil from the concentrated thin stillage byproduct prior to a last stage of the multistage evaporator; andfurther evaporating the first concentrated thin ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Separation of oil droplets from water

Номер: US20140076815A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A treatment process for an aqueous phase which contains oil droplets, possibly of 10-50 nm diameter, in aqueous flow from a hydrocyclone separator, comprises bringing the water into contact with a surface subdivided into areas of differing surface energy and affinity for oil and such that when the surface is submerged in an aqueous phase, oil droplets adhere to it with an apparent contact angle in a range from 90 to 150 degrees. Areas of the surface may reduce their affinity for oil in response to an external stimulus causing controlled release of droplets adhering to the surface. The process may be used to remove oil droplets from water produced by an oil or gas well, after downhole oil water separation or after production at a at a well head, or used to coalesce droplets in such water to a larger size to enable conventional separation.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083956A1

A distribution array () for use in a settler area () of a mixer-settler, the distribution array () characterised by: at least one panel () of linearly-spaced barrier elements (), wherein the depth of the barrier elements (), relative to a length of the settler area () in which it is to be positioned, is greater than the spacing between the barrier elements (), thereby defining a fluid flow channel between adjacent barrier elements () that is longer than it is wide. 1. A distribution array for use in a settler area of a mixer-settler , the distribution array further comprising:at least one panel of linearly-spaced barrier elements, wherein the depth of the barrier elements, relative to a length of the settler area in which it is to be positioned, is greater than the spacing between the barrier elements, thereby defining a fluid flow channel between adjacent barrier elements that is longer than it is wide.2. The distribution array according to claim 1 , wherein there are at least two panels of linearly-spaced barrier elements provided therein.3. The distribution array according to claim 2 , wherein the panels of linearly-spaced barrier elements provided in the distribution array are arranged relative to one another such that the fluid flow channels defined in each panel are off-set relative to one another thereby defining a tortuous flow path through the panels.4. The distribution array according to claim 1 , wherein the spacing between the two or more panels is varied to provide even and parallel flow distribution across the width of the settler.5. The distribution array according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution array is such that there is only minimal impact on dynamic head loss across the distribution array.6. The distribution array according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein each barrier element has a width that is greater than the depth claim 1 , relative to a length of the settler area in which it is to be positioned claim 1 , of a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Separating A Material

Номер: US20140088492A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Biologics, LLC

A separation system for separating a multiple component material into at least two fractions. The separation system includes a separation device having a first end, a second end opposite to the first end, and a sidewall that extends between the first end and the second end to define a separation chamber having an interior volume. The system also includes a valve moveable between an open position and a closed position, the valve is mounted at a fixed location within the separation chamber at a position that is closer to the second end than to the first end and is spaced apart from the second end, the valve is operable to isolate a first fraction of the multiple component material having a first density on a first side of the valve from a second fraction having a second density on a second side of the valve that is opposite to the first side. 1. A method for isolating at least two fractions of a multiple component material comprising:loading the multiple component material into a separation chamber of a separation device between a valve mounted at a fixed position in the separation chamber and a first end of the device, the first end is opposite to a second end and a sidewall extends between the first end and the second end to define the separation chamber having an interior volume;centrifuging the separation device such that the valve moves to an open position in response to gravitational forces exerted on the device to permit a first fraction of the multiple component material of a first density to pass through the valve toward the second end;ceasing centrifugation of the separation device to permit the valve to move to a closed position, thus isolating the first fraction of the first density between the valve and the second end and isolating a second fraction of a second density that is less dense than the first density between the valve and the first end; andwithdrawing at least one of the first fraction and the second fraction from the separation chamber for use ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001332A1
Автор: CHRISTOU Peter James

A permeable membrane tube to separate mixed fluids is provided, including a cyclone generator configured to cause fluid entering the permeable tube to flow in a spiral direction. The cyclonic generator may be a plug positioned at the fluid entrance of the membrane tube. The fluid passes through the permeable membrane tube, which has a center axis along a length of the tube, and flows in the spiral direction thereby separating the fluid into first and second portions, wherein the first portion comprises fluid having a greater density than the second portion and the first portion is directed to an inner surface of the tube. 1. A tubular membrane , comprising:at least one straight membrane tube comprising a permeable inner surface; anda vortex generator configured to cause a fluid within the membrane tube to flow in a spiral direction thereby separating the fluid into first and second portions, wherein the first portion comprises fluid having a greater density than the fluid in the second portion, and the first portion is biased to the permeable inner surface, and the first portion filters through the permeable inner surface.2. The tubular membrane of wherein the vortex generator is a plug positioned at an end of the membrane tube claim 1 , the plug shaped to bias the fluid in the tube in the spiral direction.3. The tubular membrane of wherein the plug is positioned at a fluid entrance to the membrane tube.4. The tubular membrane of wherein the plug comprises a curved member extending into the membrane tube from the plug.5. The tubular membrane of wherein the second portion of the fluid is biased to an axis along the center of the membrane tube.6. The tubular membrane of wherein the first portion of the fluid comprises water and the second portion of the fluid comprises oil.7. The tubular membrane of claim 3 , further comprising a second plug at a fluid exit from the membrane tube claim 3 , the second plug configured to further spiral the fluid.8. The tubular membrane ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods and Devices for Preparation of Enriched Biological Fluids

Номер: US20170000826A1

The present disclosure relates to methods and apparatus for producing platelet rich plasma, bone marrow mononuclear cells, stromal vascular fraction from adipose tissue, and other concentrated or enriched biological fluids. 1. A method of blood fractionation comprising:a) centrifuging whole blood in a first syringe having a top coupling element and a bottom coupling element, wherein the whole blood fractionates into a platelet poor plasma layer, a buffy layer, and an erythrocyte layer within the syringe;b) removing at least a portion of the platelet poor plasma layer from the top coupling element of the first syringe;c) attaching a bottom coupling element of a second syringe or second container to the top coupling element of the first syringe;d) drawing any of the platelet poor plasma layer, the buffy layer, and optionally part of the erythrocyte layer into the second syringe or second container; ande) centrifuging the second syringe or second container wherein the any of the platelet poor plasma layer, the buffy layer, and the erythrocyte layer fractionates into a platelet rich plasma layer and an erythrocyte layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the platelet rich plasma layer is removed and transferred to a container.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the platelet rich plasma layer comprises about 8×10to about 1×10platelets/μL.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the platelet rich plasma layer comprises about 0.1×10to about 2×10erythrocytes/μL.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the platelet rich plasma layer comprises about 500 to about 4000 white blood cells/μL.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the platelet rich plasma layer comprises about 10 to about 300 neutrophils/μL.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the centrifuging in step (a) has a relative centrifugal force (RCF) of about 1500×g to about 2000×g.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the centrifuging in step (e) has a relative centrifugal force (RCF) of about 30×g to about 200×g.9. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000941A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A storage portion forming a storage space includes an inclined inner wall portion that is connected to a base portion so that the diameter of the inclined inner wall portion gradually decreases; a concave portion is formed at a part of the inclined inner wall portion; and the concave portion includes a concave portion side surface that is connected to a concave portion bottom surface The concave portion is formed at a position, where the concave portion crosses an interface S between the specimen centrifuged during rotation and air, in a radial direction with respect to the central axis; and the maximum width of the concave portion in a circumferential direction around the central axis is included in a range of 2 mm to a length of 20% of the whole circumference. 1. A centrifugal separation method , using a centrifugal separation container , which centrifugally separating a first specific gravity component and a second specific gravity component , of which a specific gravity of the second gravity component is higher than a specific gravity of the first specific gravity component , contained in a specimen injected into a storage space by rotating a container about a central axis of the container as a rotation axis , the centrifugal separation method comprising:injecting a specimen into a storage portion that forms the storage space in the centrifugal separation container,wherein the storage portion includes an inclined inner wall portion of which a diameter gradually decreases from an upper end toward a lower end thereof and the lower end is connected to a base portion, anda concave portion formed at a part of the inclined inner wall portion,the concave portion includes a concave portion side surface that is connected to a concave portion bottom surface with a width of the concave portion gradually decreases toward the concave portion bottom surface from the inclined inner wall portion;rotating the centrifugal separation container about the central axis of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001200A1
Автор: Emkey William Lewis

A method of subsiding foam resulting from an industrial process and moving it in a predetermined direction on the surface of an industrial-process liquid includes establishing a foam-displacement direction and a foam-displacement path. At least two fluid-spray sources from which a foam-subsiding fluid can be ejected are arranged serially above the industrial-process liquid and foam accumulating thereon. The fluid-spray sources are oriented and caused to eject foam-subsiding fluid such that foam impacted by foam-subsiding fluid ejected from the first fluid-spray source is wetted, partially subsided and displaced in the foam-displacement direction toward the spray being ejected from the second fluid-spray source by which the foam is further wetted, subsided and displaced in the foam displacement direction. In implementations including three or more fluid-spray sources, foam is moved sequentially through the sprays of the fluid-spray sources such that it is increasingly subsided as it moves through the foam-displacement path. 1. A method of subsiding , and moving in at least one predetermined direction , foam resulting from an industrial process and accumulating on the surface of a liquid associated with that industrial process , the method comprising:establishing a foam-displacement direction and a foam-displacement path along which foam resulting from the industrial process is to be displaced as the foam accumulates on the surface of the liquid associated with the industrial process;providing a set of fluid-spray sources including at least first and second fluid-spray sources from which a foam-subsiding fluid can be selectively ejected under pressure;arranging the fluid-spray sources serially above the surface of the liquid associated with the industrial process, and orienting each fluid-spray source, such that foam-subsiding fluid ejected from each fluid-spray source is sprayed in a spray pattern that is centered about a spray axis and representable by a spray ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Design of Fluid Manifolds in Electrodialysis Devices

Номер: US20210001276A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

An electrochemical separation device includes a first electrode, a second electrode, a cell stack including alternating depleting compartments and concentrating compartments disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode, an inlet manifold configured to introduce a fluid to one of the depleting compartments or the concentrating compartments an outlet manifold, and one or more of a fluid flow director disposed within the inlet manifold and having a surface configured to alter a flow path of the fluid introduced into the inlet manifold and direct the fluid into the one of the depleting compartments or the concentrating compartments, and a second fluid flow director disposed within the outlet manifold and having a surface configured to alter a flow path of the fluid introduced into the outlet manifold via one of the depleting compartments or the concentrating compartments.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001230A1
Принадлежит: Freeport Minerals Corporation

The present invention provides a method and system for separating phases of a liquid mixture or dispersion from each other. The system includes a settler system, which includes a coalescing-enhancing plate comprising a front face and rear face and a plurality of openings. The openings are configured to selectively manipulate the flux of portions of the mixture to thereby increase phase separation of the mixture. 1. A method for separating two liquids comprising:introducing a mixture of two or more immiscible liquids into an inbound portion of a vessel comprising the inbound portion and an outbound portion, wherein the mixture comprises a first phase and a second phase;partially separating the two or more immiscible liquids of the mixture; andselectively manipulating the flux of the partially-separated liquids of the mixture by passing the mixture through a coalescing-enhancing plate contained within the vessel comprising a first group of openings extending through the coalescing-enhancing plate located along a first horizontal row.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coalescing-enhancing plate further comprises a second group of openings located along a second horizontal row and extending through the coalescing-enhancing plate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first group of openings comprises a different diameter from at least one of the second group of openings.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first group of openings comprises a frusto-conical shape.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coalescing-enhancing plate is located near the outbound portion of the vessel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coalescing-enhancing plate is substantially perpendicular to the flow of the mixture.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the liquids in the mixture comprises a metal value.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the metal value is copper.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein the coalescing-enhancing plate comprises ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Separation apparatus

Номер: US20200001205A1
Принадлежит: Haneda Zenith Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

A separation apparatus includes: a partitioning member inside a separation tank, includes erect and transverse portions, and partitions the tank into inflow and outflow regions of a liquid; an inlet of which a lower level is set to be lower than an upper end of the erect portion and an upper level is set to be higher; a screen in the erect portion along a flow direction of the liquid; a swirling inducing member in the erect portion intersecting with the flow direction of the liquid; a screen in the transverse portion; a dividing member dividing the liquid flowing in from the inlet into flows along side walls of the separation tank; a retaining member at a downstream side in the flow direction and retains the substance having the specific gravity less than that of the liquid; and an outlet through which the liquid flows out from the outflow region.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001206A1

Methods for breaking polymer-containing treatment fluids for use in subterranean formations are provided. In one or more embodiments, the methods comprise providing a treatment fluid comprising a base fluid and a polymer, wherein the treatment fluid was used to treat at least a portion of a subterranean formation; and sonicating at least a portion of the treatment fluid to at least partially reduce the viscosity of the treatment fluid. 1. A method comprising:providing a treatment fluid comprising a base fluid and a polymer, wherein the treatment fluid was used to treat at least a portion of a subterranean formation; andsonicating at least a portion of the treatment fluid to at least partially reduce the viscosity of the treatment fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment fluid further comprises solids claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises separating or removing at least a portion of the solids from the treatment fluid after sonicating at least the portion of the treatment fluid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the portion of the solids is separated or removed from the base fluid using a separation or removal technique selected from the group consisting of: settling claim 2 , decantation claim 2 , filtration claim 2 , centrifugation claim 2 , dissolving claim 2 , dissolution claim 2 , and any combination thereof.4. The method of further comprising:adding one or more additives to the base fluid after the portion of the solids has been separated or removed from the base fluid to form a second treatment fluid; andintroducing the second treatment fluid into at least a portion of the subterranean formation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the treatment fluid is sonicated using a sonication technique selected from the group consisting of: submersion of an ultrasonic probe claim 1 , submersion of an ultrasonic horn claim 1 , flow-through sonication claim 1 , indirect sonication claim 1 , and any combination thereof.6. The method ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001207A1
Автор: Lessard Hugo

Disclosed is an apparatus for the gravitational separation of the first and second liquid phases of a two phase liquid containing predominantly a continuous first liquid phase with a dispersed second liquid phase having a lower specific gravity than the first liquid. The apparatus comprises a tank defining an interior chamber. A feed inlet introduces the two 5 phase liquid into the lower portion of the chamber. The upper portion of the chamber has an upward flow zone through which the two phase liquid rises, with the dispersed second liquid rising more than the first liquid and being separated therefrom due to the second liquid's lower specific gravity. The second liquid forms a floating layer and a conduit directs separated second liquid from the floating layer to a second liquid outlet. 1. An apparatus for the gravitational separation of the first and second liquid phases of a two phase liquid containing predominantly a continuous first liquid phase with a dispersed second liquid phase , the second liquid having a lower specific gravity than the first liquid , the apparatus comprising:an upright tank defining an interior chamber with an upper portion and a lower portion;a feed inlet by which the two phase liquid is introduced into the lower portion of the chamber;a first liquid outlet in the lower portion of the chamber by which separated first liquid is removed from the tank;a second liquid outlet in the upper portion of the chamber by which separated second liquid is removed from the tank;the upper portion of the chamber having an upward flow zone through which the two phase liquid from the feed inlet rises, with the dispersed second liquid rising more than the first liquid and being separated therefrom due to the second liquid's lower specific gravity, the second liquid forming a floating layer above the remaining liquid with an interface therebetween that is lower than the second liquid outlet;a conduit that can direct separated second liquid from the floating ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Magnetically enhanced phase separation for solvent extraction

Номер: US20170001128A1
Автор: Ross J. Ellis
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

Briefly, the invention provides a method for magnetically assisting demulsification of extraction phases, the method having the steps of contacting a first solution of a first solvent and a solvated paramagnetic metal ion with a second solvent, where the second solvent is immiscible with the first solvent; mixing the first and second solutions to create an emulsion having a first phase of the first solvent and second phase comprising the second solvent where the phases of the emulsion contain different concentrations of the paramagnetic metal ion; and applying a magnetic field gradient to the first and second phases of the emulsion to accelerate separation of the first phase from the second phase. Also provided is a system for demulsifying phases used in the extraction of paramagnetic moieties from solution having a lumen with an interior region, an interior surface, and exterior surface; and a magnetic field gradient present within the interior region.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001328A1
Автор: Damann Roland

A microflotation system comprises a flotation tank with a dispersion water feed line in which an expansion valve arrangement is disposed. An adjusting apparatus is configured to adjust a flow rate of the expansion valve arrangement and an electronic control is connected to the adjusting apparatus. A measuring apparatus is disposed downstream from the expansion valve arrangement for detecting a size distribution of gas bubbles and the electronic control is configured to set the flow rate depending on a size distribution detected with the measuring apparatus. 1. A microflotation system comprises:a flotation tank with a dispersion water feed line; an expansion valve arrangement disposed on the dispersion water feed line;an adjusting apparatus configured to adjust a flow rate of the expansion valve arrangement;an electronic control that is configured to connect to the adjusting apparatus; anda measuring apparatus disposed downstream from the expansion valve arrangement and configured to detect a size distribution of gas bubbles;wherein the electronic control is connected to the measuring apparatus and is configured to set the flow rate depending on the size distribution of gas bubbles detected with the measuring apparatus.2. The microflotation system according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control is configured to reduce the flow rate when the size distribution of gas bubbles exceeds a predetermined level.3. The microflotation system according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control is configured to regulate the size distribution of gas bubbles to a predetermined target level by controlling the flow rate.4. The microflotation system according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring apparatus has a particle counter.5. The microflotation system according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring apparatus is configured to detect the size distribution of gas bubbles by means of laser diffraction.6. The microflotation system according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001245A1

A filter device may include a ring filter element arranged in a filter housing in an upright manner. The ring filter element may have an upper end disc, a lower end disc, a filter material arranged therebetween, and a dirt pot provided on the lower end disc. The dirt pot may be provided on the lower end disc, a protruding pin, and an opening on a base side of the dirt pot. The filter device may include a functional element having a channel configured to receive the protruding pin. A portion of the functional element may be configured to penetrate the opening of the dirt pot such that the ring filter element is sealed at the opening. The portion of the functional element may have at least one water discharge opening. The filter device may be operational when the pin engages into the channel. 121-. (canceled)22. A filter element , comprising:an upper end disc;a lower end disc;a filter material arranged between the upper end disc and the lower end disc;a dirt pot on the lower end disc and having an internal space, the dirt pot having an outer surface;a pin protruding outwardly and away from the outer surface of the dirt pot, the pin configured to be received within a channel of a mating component in an installed orientation; andan opening in the dirt pot configured to be sealed against leakage in the installed orientation.23. The filter element of claim 22 , further comprising a water separator positioned within the internal space claim 22 , wherein the water separator is a coalescer that collects and diverts water from one of a fuel and oil that passes through the filter element.24. The filter element of claim 23 , wherein the water separator is connected to the lower disc.25. The filter element of claim 22 , wherein the pin is attached to the outer surface at an attachment point and configured to be received within a channel in an installation orientation claim 22 , the pin having a sealing element that is configured to tightly close with the channel in the installed ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001255A1

A system is disclosed in which water-saturated desiccant in a dehydration unit, having previously been used to dehydrate natural gas, is regenerated in a closed loop process using liquid petroleum gas (LPG). LPG is pumped from a storage tank, vaporized and superheated. The superheated LPG gas enters the dehydration unit such that the hot gas passes over the desiccant thereby regenerating the desiccant. An overhead stream from the dehydration unit passes to a condenser where the temperature of the hot gas from the dehydration unit is dropped to form a fluid stream containing LPG, water and non-condensable gases. The fluid stream passes to a three phase separator for separating the fluid stream into a gas stream, a water stream, and a liquid stream containing LPG which is then returned to the storage tank for reuse in the closed loop process. 1. A system for regenerating a gas dehydration unit containing saturated mole sieve used in a process for dehydrating a natural gas feed stream , comprising:a. a storage tank for storing liquid propane and/or butane;b. a pump for pumping the liquid propane and/or butane from the storage tank;c. at least two heat exchangers in series for receiving the liquid propane and/or butane and converting the liquid propane and/or butane to a hot propane gas and/or butane gas;d. a regeneration gas inlet in the gas dehydration unit containing the saturated mole sieve to be regenerated for receiving the hot propane and/or butane gas such that the hot propane gas and/or butane gas passes across the saturated mole sieve thereby regenerating the mole sieve;e. a condenser in communication with a regeneration gas outlet in the gas dehydration unit for receiving an overhead stream containing the hot propane gas and/or butane gas from the gas dehydration unit and dropping the temperature to form a fluid stream containing liquid propane and/or butane, and containing water and non-condensable gas;f. a three phase separator in communication with the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002196A1

A contaminant recovery device comprising a container sized to hold a body of contaminated liquid. A skimming arrangement adaptable to at least temporarily remove contaminants from the body of contaminated liquid and an assembly for inducing a flow in at least part of the body of contaminated liquid at or about the skimming arrangement. The skimming arrangement is adaptable to at least temporarily remove contaminants from around the surface of the body of contaminated liquid. 1. A contaminant recovery device , comprising:a container sized to hold a body of contaminated liquid;a skimming means adaptable to at least temporarily remove contaminants from the body of contaminated liquid; andmeans for inducing a flow in at least part of the body of contaminated liquid at or about the skimming means.2. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the skimming means is adaptable to at least temporarily remove contaminants from around a surface of the body of contaminated liquid.3. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for inducing a flow in at least part of the body of contaminated liquid comprises means for inducing a flow around a surface of the body of contaminated liquid.4. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for inducing a flow in at least part the body of contaminated liquid comprises means for directing contaminants in the body of contaminated liquid around the skimming means.5. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the skimming means has a contaminant engaging or pick-up region.6. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the means for inducing a flow in at least part of the body of contaminated liquid is adaptable to induce a flow in at least part of the body of contaminated liquid towards the contaminant engaging or pick-up region of the skimming means.7. The contaminant recovery device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Treating Water

Номер: US20180002212A1
Автор: Englram Paul

Systems and methods for treating produced water and/or flowback water from fracking operations include: an oil water separator; a first filter downstream of the oil water separator; and an electrocoagulation unit downstream of the first filter. Systems and methods can be used for producing a concentrated brine for use in industrial applications and a separate stream of fresh water 1. A system for treating produced water and/or flowback water from fracking operations , the system comprising:an oil water separator;a first filter downstream of the oil water separator; andan electrocoagulation unit downstream of the first filter.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the oil water separator comprises a housing claim 1 , a specific gravity section claim 1 , a gas flotation system downstream of the specific gravity section claim 1 , and the coalescing media pack downstream of the gas flotation system claim 1 , wherein the specific gravity section claim 1 , the gas flotation system claim 1 , and the coalescing media pack are disposed within the housing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the gas flotation system comprises a source of an oxygenated gas and a distribution element configured to impart the oxygenated gas into water being treated in the form of microbubbles.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the oxygenated gas comprises air.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the microbubbles have a characteristics size of between 5 and 50 microns.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first filter comprises an oleophilic media.7. The system of claim 1 , comprising a clarifier downstream of the electrocoagulation unit.8. The system of claim 7 , comprising a reverse osmosis system downstream of the clarifier.9. The system of claim 8 , comprising a second filter downstream of the clarifier and upstream of the reverse osmosis system.10. The system of claim 8 , comprising an ion exchange system downstream of the clarifier and upstream of the reverse osmosis system.11. The system of claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002306A1
Принадлежит: Gradiant Corporation

Systems and methods related to desalination systems are described herein. According to some embodiments, the desalination systems are transiently operated and/or configured to facilitate transient operation. In some embodiments, a liquid stream comprising water and at least one dissolved salt is circulated through a fluidic circuit comprising a desalination system. In some embodiments, a portion of the desalination system (e.g., a humidifier) is configured to remove at least a portion of the water from the liquid stream to produce a concentrated brine stream enriched in the dissolved salt. In certain cases, the concentrated brine stream is recirculated through the fluidic circuit until the concentrated brine stream reaches a relatively high density (e.g., at least about 10 pounds per gallon) and/or a relatively high salinity (e.g., a total dissolved salt concentration of at least about 25 wt %). In certain embodiments, additional salt is added to the concentrated brine stream to produce an ultra-high-density brine stream (e.g., a brine stream having a density of at least about 11.7 pounds per gallon). Some aspects relate to a system that is configured to promote energy efficiency by recovering heat from the recirculated concentrated brine stream upon discharge from the fluidic circuit. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for producing a concentrated brine stream , comprising:supplying a liquid stream comprising water and a dissolved salt at an initial concentration to a fluidic circuit comprising a humidifier, wherein the humidifier removes at least a portion of the water from the liquid stream to produce a concentrated brine stream comprising water and the dissolved salt at a second concentration higher than the initial concentration of the liquid stream; andrecirculating the concentrated brine stream through the fluidic circuit to remove at least a portion of the water from the concentrated brine stream, forming a recirculated concentrated brine stream comprising water ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002301A1
Автор: SUNDHARSAN Naveen

Plasticizers are purified by contact with a coalescing filter to effect removal of ions, metals, monohydric alcohols, and polyhydric alcohols. The resulting purified plasticizer compositions are suitable for use in PVC due to their low levels of impurities that reduce PVC utility. 1. A process for purifying plasticizer compositions , comprising;contacting a plasticizer composition containing at least one impurity selected from the group consisting of ions, metals, monohydric alcohols, and polyhydric alcohols with a coalescing filter to effect phase separation into a phase enriched in impurities and a purified plasticizer effluent;wherein the content of at least one impurity is reduced in the purified plasticizer effluent phase.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recovering the purified plasticizer effluent phase.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the purified plasticizer effluent phase is characterized by a content of 40 ppm or less of at least one metal or ion selected from the group consisting of sodium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , boron claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , and aluminum.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the purified plasticizer effluent phase is characterized by an ion content of 10 ppm or less of at least one metal or ion selected from the group consisting of sodium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , boron claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , and aluminum.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the purified plasticizer effluent phase is characterized by the reduction of at least one metal or ion content below the detection limits of an ICP spectrometer claim 1 , wherein the metal or ion content of the plasticizer was above the detection limits of the ICP spectrometer before contacting with the coalescing filter.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the purified plasticizer effluent phase is characterized by a reduction in content of at least one monohydric ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002614A1
Автор: Ball, IV Will D.

A separation tank for crude oil. Fluid enters an inlet section of a center column of the tank via an offset inlet pipe so the fluid enters swirling. Solids that settle in the inlet section are removed by a center column drain and a solids removal system. Free gas rises and exits from the top of the tank. Liquid flows out of the center column via a diffuser that spirals the fluid evenly toward the wall of the tank where oil coalesces and wicks upward. Liquid flows downward around two flow diverting baffles where more oil coalesces and wicks upward via an oil conduit into the oil layer. The water flows under the lower flow diverting baffle and exits the tank through the outlet section. A large circular oil collector weir uniformly removes oil from the oil layer. Interface draw offs located below the oil-water interface remove excess BS&W. 1. A separation tank with enhance particulate removal for separating gas , water and particulates from crude oil comprising:a tank provided internally with a gas section at its top and a water section at its bottom with an oil section located between the gas section and the water section,means for discharging gas from the gas section,means for discharging particulates from the tank,said tank provided with a vertical center column, said center column divided into an inlet section and an outlet section, an inlet pipe attached to the center column offset so that fluid entering the inlet section from the inlet pipe swirls in a circular fashion within the center column,a spiral swirl vane diffuser provided in the center column above the inlet pipe so that liquid flows out of the center column via the diffuser in an outwardly spinning and ever increasing radius spiral to slow the velocity of the fluid and increase its effective separation time within the water section,a circular oil collector weir provided at a top of the oil section of the tank to remove oil from the oil section and discharge it from the tank,an upper flow diverting ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002560A1

A method of treating a contaminated oil comprising preparing a brine solution, adding ozone to the brine solution to produce ozonated brine solution, adding a volume of ozonated brine solution to a volume of the contaminated oil, mixing the volumes of contaminated oil and ozonated brine solution with coagulant and surfactant at a shear rate sufficiently high so as to cause formation of an emulsion of the contaminated oil and the brine solution, stopping the mixing, thereby causing the emulsion to separate into an aqueous brine liquid phase and an oil liquid phase, separating the brine liquid phase from the oil liquid phase, and separating at least one contaminant from the oil liquid phase to produce a volume of purified oil. 1. A method of treating a contaminated oil , the method comprising:a) preparing a brine solution;b) adding ozone to the brine solution to produce ozonated brine solution;c) adding a volume of ozonated brine solution to a volume of the contaminated oil;d) adding a coagulant to the volume of contaminated oil;e) adding a surfactant to the volume of contaminated oil;f) mixing the volumes of contaminated oil and ozonated brine solution, the coagulant, and the surfactant at a shear rate sufficiently high so as to cause formation of an emulsion of the contaminated oil and the brine solution;g) stopping the mixing, thereby causing the emulsion to separate into an aqueous brine liquid phase and an oil liquid phase;h) separating the brine liquid phase from the oil liquid phase; andi) separating at least one contaminant from the oil liquid phase to produce a volume of purified oil.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ozone concentration in the ozonated brine solution is at least one part per million of ozone.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ozone concentration in the ozonated brine solution is up to 15 parts per million of ozone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding ozone to the brine solution is performed by discharging bubbles of ozone ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of Desalting Crude Oil with Improved Iron (Fe) Reduction Performance

Номер: US20210002561A1
Автор: Lee Yun Hee, Park Joo Won

Provided is a method of desalting crude oil capable of effectively removing metal impurities in the crude oil and a rag layer which is formed in a crude oil desalting process. 1. A method of desalting crude oil , the method comprising:(a) introducing an emulsion including crude oil, water, and an iron reducing agent to a desalter vessel;(b) subjecting the emulsion to oil-water separation to form a desalted oil layer, a water layer, and a rag layer in which iron impurities are concentrated;(c) confirming a position and a thickness of the rag layer to determine removal timing of the rag layer; and(d) removing the rag layer.2. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 1 , wherein in step (c) claim 1 , a plurality of try cocks attached to positions of different heights from each other of the desalter vessel are used.3. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of try cocks is attached to positions of a 20 to 60% height with respect to a total height of the desalter vessel.4. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 1 , wherein in step (c) claim 1 , a density profiler installed in the desalter vessel is used.5. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 1 , wherein step (d) is performed when an interface between the rag layer and the desalted oil layer is formed at a position of a 40 to 50% height with respect to the total height of the desalter vessel.6. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 1 , wherein step (d) is performed when the rag layer has a 10 to 30% thickness with respect to the total height of the desalter vessel.7. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 1 , wherein in step (d) claim 1 , among a plurality of outlets attached to positions of different heights from each other of the desalter vessel claim 1 , any one or more outlets attached to a position confirmed as the rag layer in step (c) are used.8. The method of desalting crude oil of claim 7 , wherein the plurality of outlets is attached to positions of a 20 to 60% ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method for decomposing phenolic by-product

Номер: US20220009868A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present disclosure provides a method for decomposing a phenolic by-product, the method including: a step S10 of injecting and mixing a bisphenol A by-product produced in a bisphenol A production process, a mixed by-product stream of phenol by-products produced in a phenol production process, a decomposition apparatus side discharge stream, and a process water stream in a mixing apparatus; a step S20 of injecting a mixing apparatus discharge stream discharged from the mixing apparatus into a phase separation apparatus and phase-separating the mixing apparatus discharge stream into an oil-phase stream and a liquid-phase stream; a step S30 of feeding the oil-phase stream, which is phase-separated in the step S20 and discharged from the phase separation apparatus, to a decomposition apparatus to decompose the oil-phase stream; and a step S40 of circulating the decomposition apparatus side discharge stream obtained by the decomposition in the step S30 to the mixing apparatus in the step S10.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016578A1

Described herein are systems and methods for liquid phase separation for fuel tanks and other vessels. Particularly, aspects of the present disclosure are directed to a backpressure regulator configured to open when pressure of a mixture upstream of the backpressure regulator exceeds a predetermined setpoint and a hydrophobic membrane upstream of the backpressure regulator and downstream of a first conduit. The predetermined setpoint may be determined by at least a bubble point pressure of the hydrophobic membrane. Additionally, the backpressure regulator may be fluidically connected to and downstream of the first conduit, and to at least one pump operably connected to and upstream of the first conduit and the hydrophobic membrane may be fluidically connected to and upstream of a second conduit. The backpressure regulator may be fluidically connected to and upstream of a third conduit and the third conduit may be downstream the first conduit. 1. An assembly comprising:a backpressure regulator, wherein the backpressure regulator is configured to open when pressure of a mixture upstream of the backpressure regulator exceeds a predetermined setpoint; anda hydrophobic membrane upstream of the backpressure regulator and downstream of a first conduit;wherein the mixture comprises an organic phase liquid and an aqueous phase;wherein the predetermined setpoint is determined by at least a bubble point pressure of the hydrophobic membrane;wherein the backpressure regulator is configured to be fluidically connected to and downstream of the first conduit, and to at least one pump operably connected to and upstream of the first conduit;wherein the hydrophobic membrane is configured to be fluidically connected to and upstream of a second conduit, and wherein the second conduit is configured to transport the organic phase liquid downstream of the hydrophobic membrane; andwherein the backpressure regulator is configured to be fluidically connected to and upstream of a third conduit ...
