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27-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611499C2
Принадлежит: КАСАЛЕ СА (CH)

Изобретение предназначено для очистки сырого метанола. Способ очистки сырого метанола включает по крайней мере три ступени дистилляции, работающие в каскаде при соответственно снижающемся давлении, включающие по крайней мере первую ступень дистилляции при максимальном давлении (р2) дистилляции, вторую ступень дистилляции при среднем давлении (p3) дистилляции и конечную ступень дистилляции при минимальном давлении (р4) дистилляции. На первой и второй ступенях дистилляции получают по крайней мере один соответствующий газообразный поток перегнанного метанола и соответствующий раствор, содержащий метанол, который поступает на следующую ступень дистилляции. На конечной ступени получают по крайней мере один газообразный поток перегнанного метанола и раствор, в основном состоящий из воды. Один первый газообразный поток перегнанного метанола, полученный на первой ступени дистилляции, и второй газообразный поток перегнанного метанола, полученный на второй ступени дистилляции, используют в качестве ...

18-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721133C2
Принадлежит: ИНЕОС ЮРОП АГ (CH)

Изобретение предназначено для разделения смеси акрилонитрила и ацетонитрила. Способ отделения включает введение смеси акрилонитрила и ацетонитрила в колонну выделения, введение в контакт смеси акрилонитрила и ацетонитрила с водным растворителем с получением азеотропной смеси акрилонитрила и воды и отделение азеотропной смеси акрилонитрила и воды от ацетонитрила с получением верхнего потока, который содержит азеотропную смесь акрилонитрила и воды и приблизительно 0,05 мас.% или менее ацетонитрила, нижнего потока, который содержит от приблизительно 0 до приблизительно 0,0075 мас.% ацетонитрила, и бокового потока, который содержит от приблизительно 5 до приблизительно 70 мас.% ацетонитрила. В способе обеспечивают поддержание температуры от приблизительно 55 до приблизительно 80°C в верхней части верхней секции колонны выделения, поддержание температуры от приблизительно 65 до приблизительно 85°C в верхней части средней секции колонны выделения, температуры от приблизительно 100 до приблизительно ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446099C2

Изобретение касается способа и устройства для получения обедненных бором хлорсиланов из борсодержащей смеси хлорсиланов. Обогащенный бором поток дистиллята отделяют дистилляцией. Причем в системе с одной или несколькими дистилляционными колоннами по меньшей мере из одной колонны отводят обогащенный бором боковой поток и утилизируют или направляют для иного применения. Обеспечивается получение фракций хлорсилана высокой очистки и снижение потерь хлорсиланов, обусловленных отделением обогащенных бором силановых фракций. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 4 табл., 5 пр.

24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692264C2

Изобретение относится к двум вариантам способа переалкилирования и установке. При этом один из вариантов способа предусматривает стадии: (a) проведения в реакторе реакции потока сырья реактора, содержащего толуол, С9-ароматические вещества, С10-ароматические вещества и водород, на катализаторе для получения выходящего потока реактора, содержащего бензол и ксилолы; (b) охлаждения выходящего потока реактора с получением первой двухфазной смеси; (c) разделения первой двухфазной смеси на первый жидкий поток и первый парообразный поток; (d) подачи, по меньшей мере, части первого жидкого потока в колонну получения бензола, причем часть первого жидкого потока, подаваемого в колонну получения бензола, обходит стабилизационную колонну; и (e) извлечения бензола из первого сконденсированного жидкого потока в колонне получения бензола. Предложенное изобретение позволяет повысить энергоэффективность процессов. 3 н. и 28 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 8 пр., 4 ил.

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2372321C2

Изобретение относится к усовершенствованному способу уменьшения и/или удаления восстанавливающих перманганат соединений (ВПС) карбоновых кислот С3-8 и С2-12 алкилйодидных соединений, образующихся при карбонилировании способного к карбонилированию реагента, выбранного из группы, состоящей из метанола, метилацетата, метилформиата, диметилового эфира и их смесей, в товарную уксусную кислоту, в котором продукты указанного карбонилирования включают летучую фазу, которую перегоняют, получая очищенную товарную уксусную кислоту и первый отгон, включающий метилйодид, воду и, по меньшей мере, одно ВПС, где усовершенствование включает стадии: (а) разделения полученного первого отгона на легкую и тяжелую фазы с последующей дистилляцией по меньшей мере части легкой фазы для получения второго дистиллатного потока, включающего метилйодид, диметиловый эфир и указанное по меньшей мере одно ВПС, который направляют на следующую стадию дистилляции, где в качестве дистиллата образуется поток, содержащий ВПС ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Способ и устройство для очистки гелия

Номер: RU2768434C2

Изобретение относится к способу очистки гелия. Поток (1), содержащий по меньшей мере 10% гелия, по меньшей мере 10% азота в дополнение к водороду и метану, разделяют, чтобы образовать поток (3), обогащенный гелием, содержащий водород, первый поток (9), обогащенный азотом и метаном, и второй поток (11), обогащенный азотом и метаном. Поток, обогащенный гелием, обрабатывают, чтобы получить продукт (7), обогащенный гелием, и остаточный газ (15), содержащий воду. Остаточный газ обрабатывают посредством адсорбции (короткоцикловой адсорбции с колебаниями температуры (TSA)), чтобы удалить воду, и регенерационный газ (13) от адсорбции направляют в узел для сжигания (O). Техническим результатом является уменьшение количества метана, выпускемого в атмосферу. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2440964C2

Изобретение относится к способу отделения раствора гомогенного катализатора от неочищенного моноэтиленгликоля (MEG) и очистки MEG, для применения в процессе каталитического превращения этиленоксида (ЕО) в MEG, причем способ включает этапы, на которых: отделяют раствор катализатора в секции отделения катализатора путем испарения неочищенного моноэтиленгликоля (MEG) и подают неочищенный MEG к секции ректификации, секции отделения легких фракций и оттуда в секцию пастеризации, причем каждая секция работает при давлении ниже атмосферного 0,5×105 Нм-2 или менее, при этом секции ректификации и пастеризации находятся под давлением, меньшим, чем давление секции отделения катализатора, причем способ обеспечивает разность давлений между секциями отделения катализатора и ректификации, и при этом паровая фаза неочищенного MEG из секции отделения катализатора подается по существу как парофазное питание в секцию ректификации. Также изобретение относится к установке, в которой может осуществляться данный ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018120739A3

05-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017134138A3

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2609172C1

Изобретение относится к способам подготовки углеводородных газов путем низкотемпературной сепарации и может быть использовано для подготовки попутного нефтяного газа в нефтяной промышленности. Углеводородный газ 1 компримируют на первой ступени 2 с охлаждением компрессата внешним хладагентом в условиях дефлегмации,с получением конденсата 4 и сжатого газа 5, который компримируют на второй ступени 6 с охлаждением компрессата внешним хладагентом (не показан) и газом низкотемпературной сепарации, который затем выводят в качестве подготовленного газа 7, с получением конденсата 8 и сжатого газа 9, который редуцируют с помощью устройства 10 и разделяют на подготовленный газ 7 и конденсат 12, который редуцируют с помощью устройства 13 и деэтанизируют в сепараторе 16 совместно с редуцированными в устройствах 14 и 15 конденсатами 4 и 8 первой и второй ступеней 2 и 6 с получением товарного конденсата 17 и газа деэтанизации 3, который рециркулируют на первую ступень 2 компримирования. При необходимости ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016127563A3

18-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016109477A3

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016118155A3

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113539A3

16-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107251A3

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507188C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу производства отдельного изомера ксилола из исходных сырьевых потоков, содержащих ароматические соединения С8, ароматические соединения С9 и более тяжелые ароматические соединения. Способ включает: (а) процесс дистилляции, включающий использование двух ксилольных колонн, отделяющих ароматические соединения С8 от ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, содержащихся по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более низкой температурой кипения и по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более высокой температурой кипения, при этом указанный по меньшей мере один поток сырья с более высокой температурой кипения имеет более высокое содержание ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, по сравнению по меньшей мере с одним потоком сырья, имеющим более низкую температуру кипения; процесс дистилляции включает дистилляцию по меньшей мере одного потока исходного сырья, имеющего более высокую температуру кипения, в первой ...

28-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2802428C1

Изобретение относится к способу очистки стирола с использованием ребойлеров с падающей пленкой и технологии теплового насоса с целью получения источника тепла, необходимого для разделительной колонны. Согласно способу, основанному на существующей энергосберегающей технологии соединенных колонн выделения этилбензола и стирола высокого и низкого давления, высококонцентрированный газообразный этилбензол, выделенный из верхней части колонны выделения этилбензола и стирола низкого давления, подвергается непосредственному сжатию компрессором, или рабочая среда теплового насоса газифицируется с использованием высококонцентрированного газообразного этилбензола, выделенного из верхней части колонны выделения этилбензола и стирола низкого давления, при этом газифицированная рабочая среда теплового насоса подвергается сжатию. Газообразный этилбензол высокой концентрации, подвергаемый непосредственному сжатию, или газифицированный и находящийся под давлением газообразный этилбензол высокой концентрации ...

19-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682330C1

Изобретение относится к химической технологии элементоорганического синтеза. Предложен способ непрерывного разделения смеси этилхлорсиланов, получаемой в процессе синтеза этилхлорсиланов из кремния и хлористого этила, заключающийся в том, что разделение смеси этилхлорсиланов после предварительной очистки от хлористого этила осуществляют на двух последовательно установленных сложных ректификационных колоннах с внутренней разделяющей стенкой, имеющих собственные дефлегматоры и кипятильники. По сравнению с известным способом разделения смеси этилхлорсиланов путем последовательного выделения компонентов на простых ректификационных колоннах использование сложных ректификационных колонн с внутренней разделяющей стенкой позволяет в два раза сократить число единиц оборудования, обслуживающих колонны (подогрев питания, дефлегматоры, кипятильники, флегмовые емкости, флегмовые насосы), в три раза сократить объем емкостного парка, необходимый для хранения промежуточных продуктов разделения, и не менее ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752955C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к системе отделения окиси пропилена и к вариантам способа отделения окиси пропилена. Предлагаемая система содержит: A) ректификационную колонну тяжелых фракций, способную принимать неочищенный поток продукта окиси пропилена и выгружать: a1) поток продукта очистки нижней тяжелой фракции, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну примесь, выбранную из ацетона, метанола, альдегидов, производных альдегида, воды, тяжелых углеводородов, содержащих C5+, или их смесей; и a2) головной поток продукта ректификационной колонны тяжелых фракций, содержащий большую часть окиси пропилена, поступающую с неочищенным потоком продукта окиси пропилена; и В) первую колонну экстракционной перегонки, способную принимать головной поток продукта ректификационной колонны тяжелых фракций и первый поток продукта селективной экстракции, содержащий октан, в качестве углеводородного растворителя, и выгружать: b1) поток продукта очистки верхней легкой фракции, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну примесь ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006119492A

... 1. Способ получения муравьинокислых формиатов, в котором готовят жидкий поток I, содержащий муравьиную кислоту и жидкий поток II, содержащий формиат металла, жидкие потоки I и II подают в ректификационную колонну таким образом, что для жидкого потока II выбирают место подачи в ректификационную колонну, расположенное выше места подачи жидкого потока I, или то же самое место, что и для потока I, жидкие потоки I и II смешивают в ректификационной колонне, удаляя воду из верхней части ректификационной колонны, и нижний поток, содержащий муравьинокислый формиат, отбирают из ректификационной колонны, отличающийся тем, что нижний поток выделяют в виде расплава, содержащего менее 0,5 вес.% воды. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором содержание жидкого потока I муравьиной кислоты составляет, по меньшей мере, 85 вес.%. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором содержание жидкого потока I муравьиной кислоты составляет, по меньшей мере, 94 вес.%, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, 99 вес.%. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором жидкие ...

30-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016146554A

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544994C1

Изобретение относится к области переработки нефти и может быть использовано для перегонки нефти. Изобретение касается способа первичной перегонки нефти, где при перегонке нефти в атмосферных и вакуумной ректификационных колоннах с получением бензиновой и дизельной фракций, атмосферного и вакуумного газойля и гудрона, первая и вторая атмосферные ректификационные колонны снабжены полуглухими тарелками, которые сообщаются трубопроводами, соответственно, со второй атмосферной ректификационной колонной и вакуумной колонной, обеспечивая создание в них дополнительного жидкого орошения. Технический результат - снижение энергетических затрат на ведение процесса и рациональное использование тяжелой нефтяной фракции, отводимой с полуглухой тарелки второй атмосферной колонны. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 3 табл.

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007142494A

... 1. Способ разделения, прежде всего способ получения этанола в качестве конечного продукта из затора путем дистилляции, при осуществлении которого входной поток подают в первую ступень дистилляции с по меньшей мере одной дистилляционной колонной (отпарной колонной) и полученный в первой ступени дистилляции дистиллят подают во вторую дистилляционную колонну (ректификационную колонну), отличающийся тем, что входной поток разделяют на два потока (40, 41), каждый из которых подают в одну из двух дистилляционных колонн (1, 2) таким образом, что в ректификационной колонне (5) поддерживается заданный энергетический баланс. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что оба потока (40, 41) характеризуются одинаковыми энергетическими и/или химическими потенциалами. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что один поток (57) имеет повышенную концентрацию в нем конечного продукта. ! 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что один поток (57) представляет собой поток с малым содержанием в нем твердых веществ или ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Система и способ для производства порошка высокочистого пентоксида ванадия

Номер: RU2670866C9

Изобретение может быть использовано в химической промышленности. Пентоксид ванадия промышленного сорта сначала превращают в окситрихлорид ванадия низкотемпературным хлорированием в псевдоожиженном слое. Хлорирующий газ предварительно нагревают посредством теплообмена между псевдоожижающим газом и дымовым газом хлорирования. Окситрихлорид ванадия очищают ректификацией и подвергают газофазному гидролизу в псевдоожиженном слое и прокаливанию в псевдоожиженном слое. Получают порошок высокочистого пентоксида ванадия и раствор хлористоводородной кислоты в качестве побочного продукта. Изобретение позволяет повысить селективность низкотемпературного хлорирования, снизить потребление энергии и операционные расходы в промышленном производстве высокочистого пентоксида ванадия, исключить загрязнение окружающей среды выбросами, содержащими аммиак и азот. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл., 1 пр.

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006139096A

... 1. Способ получения диалкилдикарбонатов путем реакции обмена соответствующих сложных алкиловых эфиров галоидированной муравьиной кислоты, по меньшей мере, с одной гидроокисью или карбонатом щелочного или щелочноземельного металла в присутствии, по меньшей мере, одного не смешиваемого с водой органического растворителя и в присутствии катализатора и отделения конечного продукта, отличающийся тем, что в качестве катализатора используют, по меньшей мере, один третичный алкиламин формулы (I)где R, R, Rобозначают независимо друг от друга С-С-алкил с прямой или разветвленной цепью или С-С-циклоалкил.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве катализаторов используют, по меньшей мере, один третичный алкиламин формулы (I) по п.1, где R, Rи Rнезависимо друг от друга обозначают С-С-алкил с прямой или разветвленной цепью или С-циклоалкил.3. Способ по одному из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что в качестве катализатора используют, по меньшей мере, один амин из ряда трис-октиламин, трис-изооктиламин ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010116386A

... 1. Способ карбонилирования с целью производства уксусной кислоты, включающий: ! (а) карбонилирование метанола или его реакционно-способных производных в присутствии воды, катализатора, подбираемого из группы, в которую входят родиевые катализаторы, иридиевые катализаторы и их смеси, и метилйодида в качестве промотора с образованием содержащей уксусную кислоту реакционной смеси в реакторе; ! (b) разделение потока содержащей уксусную кислоту реакционной смеси на жидкий рециркулируемый поток и поток необработанного продукта, содержащий уксусную кислоту, метилйодид, метилацетат и воду; ! (с) подачу потока необработанного продукта в колонну отгона легкий фракций, в которой имеется зона дистилляции; ! (d) очистку потока необработанного продукта в зоне дистилляции колонны отгона легких фракций с целью удаления метилйодида и метилацетата и получения потока очищенного продукта, каковой поток очищенного продукта характеризуется меньшей концентрацией метилйодида и метилацетата, чем поток необработанного ...

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014125191A

... 1. Способ получения винилхлорида термическим расщеплением 1,2-дихлорэтана в комплексе для получения винилхлорида посредством дистилляционной очистки 1,2-дихлорэтана с применением по меньшей мере одной колонны высококипящих соединений, в которой удаляют вещества с более высокой температурой кипения, чем у 1,2-дихлорэтана, а также посредством необязательно присоединенной установки для получения поливинилхлорида, при этом указанный способ включает операцииa) эксплуатации колонны высококипящих соединений при температурах наверху колонны 120-150°С иb) применения по меньшей мере части верхнего потока из колонны высококипящих соединений с получением тепловой энергии, применяемой в теплоотводах компонента установки, предназначенного для получения 1,2-дихлорэтана, и/или в теплоотводах компонента установки ниже по потоку, предназначенного для получения винилхлорида, и/или в теплоотводах компонента установки ниже по потоку, предназначенного для получения поливинилхлорида, сc) применением верхнего ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации

Electrodialysis-distillation hybrid process for the recovery of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solvent from industrial effluent

Номер: GB0201208394D0

23-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing acetic acid

Номер: GB0002590221A

Provided is a method for producing acetic acid, the method comprising an absorption step that makes corrosion of the inside of a distillation column less likely to occur when a solution is subjected to distillation after having absorbed a target component. This method for producing acetic acid comprises an absorption step in which, in an acetic acid production process: at least some of an off-gas generated in the process is supplied to an absorption tower; the off-gas is brought into contact with an absorbent including one or more liquids selected from the group consisting of hydrocarbons, esters of C3 or higher carboxylic acids, esters of a carboxylic acid and a C2 or higher alcohol, and ethers to cause iodine compounds in the off-gas to be absorbed into the absorbent; and the result of contact is separated into a gas component having a reduced iodine compound concentration in comparison with the off-gas and a solution including the absorbent and the iodine compounds.

18-02-1981 дата публикации

Fermentation process for the manufacture of an organic compound

Номер: GB0002054643A

A process for the manufacture of ethanol or a like volatile organic compound by fermenting a carbohydrate with a micro-organism which will convert the carbohydrate into ethanol or a like volatile organic compound, continuously transferring a portion of the fermentation medium to a separator where ethanol or the like volatile organic compound is evaporated from the fermentation medium at a temperature which is not deleterious to the micro-organism by subjecting the fermentation medium to a reduced pressure and recycling part or all of the remaining fermentation medium to the fermenter, the rate of the circulation of fermentation medium from the fermenter to the separator and back being such that the amount of ethanol or like volatile organic compound in the fermentation medium in the fermenter is kept sufficiently low so as not to detrimentally affect the rate of fermentation, compressing the vapor issuing from the separator thereby raising its temperature, and recondensing the compressed ...

05-06-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the fractional distillation of mixtures of liquids

Номер: GB0000776154A

... In a process of fractionating a liquid mixture in a distillation system comprising one or more fractionating columns wherein the sump of the system is heated in known manner, a vapour fraction withdrawn from a column is subjected to indirect heat-exchange with an auxiliary liquid whereby the vapour fraction is condensed and the auxiliary liquid is vaporized, the vapours of the auxiliary liquid are raised in temperature by compression and used to effect vaporization, by heat-exchange, of part of the liquid to be rectified, the temperature of this liquid being higher than that of the vapours withdrawn from the column by an amount which is less than the maximum temperature-difference in the system. In a modification the auxiliary vapours are absorbed in a liquid whereby heat is evolved, and this heat is transferred to the liquid to be rectified. In an example, a liquid mixture comprising 20 per cent (by volume) of ethyl alcohol and 80 per cent of water ...

24-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB202100359D0

28-02-2015 дата публикации

Process for production of DME from crude methanol

Номер: AP0201508260A0

30-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003811A

28-02-2015 дата публикации

Process for production of DME from crude methanol

Номер: AP2015008260A0

30-04-1984 дата публикации

Proceeded for correction continues of a mixture of liquids containing of alcohols.

Номер: OA0000007245A

28-02-2015 дата публикации

Process for production of DME from crude methanol

Номер: AP0201508260D0

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520462T

15-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000055494A

15-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT16772U3

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Einheit (1) zur Rückgewinnung von Chlorwasserstoff aus einer chlorwasserstoffsauren, mit schwer- oder nichtflüchtigen Verunreinigungen belasteten, wässrigen Flüssigkeit (31), aufweisend eine Verdampfungseinheit (30) zur Bildung eines chlorwasserstoffhaltigen Dampfes (32) und eines, mit den schwer- oder nichtflüchtigen Verunreinigungen belasteten Flüssigkonzentrats (33) aus der Flüssigkeit (31), eine erste Destillationseinheit (10) zur Trennung des chlorwasserstoffhaltigen Dampfes (32) in ein erstes Kopfprodukt (12) und eine erstes Sumpfprodukt (13), und eine zweite Destillationseinheit (20) zur Trennung eines chlorwasserstoffhaltigen wässrigen Fluids (21) in ein zweites Kopfprodukt (22) und ein zweites Sumpfprodukt (23), wobei eine dieser beiden Destillationseinheiten ausgelegt ist, um eine Destillation darin oberhalb des Umgebungsdrucks durchführen zu können und die andere dieser beiden Destillationseinheiten ausgelegt ist, um eine Destillation darin ...

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249412T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000266611T

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Fractionation system using compact co-current contacting systems

Номер: AU2018286407A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A fractionation system (400) for removing heavy hydrocarbons in a gas stream. A stripping section (402) receives a predominantly liquid phase of a feed gas stream. First and second co-current contacting systems (421a and 421b) are located in-line within a pipe. The first co-current contacting system (421a) receives a predominantly vapor phase (420) of the feed gas stream. Each co-current contacting system includes a co-current contactor (428) and a separation system (432). Each co-current contactor includes a droplet generator and a mass transfer section (430). The droplet generator generates droplets from a liquid and disperses the droplets into a gas stream. The mass transfer section provides a mixed, two-phase flow having a vapor phase and a liquid phase. The separation system separates the vapor phase from the liquid phase.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Removal of thermal stable salts from organic solvents

Номер: AU2011220151A1

Method for removing salts, which cannot be thermally regenerated in a temperature range from 0°C to 200°C, from organic solvents in aqueous solution by evaporation, wherein the normal boiling point of the organic solvents is higher than that of water, and wherein the organic components which are contained in the solvent and the salt-like components which are contained in the organic components are enriched by evaporating water and a portion of the organic components in a liquid phase which is formed in a first container, and wherein a vapour phase which is formed is discharged from the first container. In particular, in this context the liquid phase which is formed in the first container is fed into a second container, wherein water in a vapour and/or in a liquid form is directed into the second container, wherein water and a further component of the organic component which is contained in the solvent are evaporated and a form of vapour phase which is discharged from the second container ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Thermal distillation system and process

Номер: AU2010295259A1

A thermal distillation system comprises heating means and cooling means arranged to heat and cool, respectively, treatable liquid in a liquid circuit having a first section between a heating means output and cooling means input, and a second section between an a cooling means output and heating means input, and further comprises distillation stages, each including an evaporator on the first section and a condenser on the second section in heat exchange relationship with liquid in the second section, a carrier gas circuit, on which the evaporator and condenser are arranged, and an output for outputting liquid extracted, wherein the stages are arranged such that their evaporators are disposed along the first section in a direction from the heating means to the cooling means and their condensers are disposed in corresponding order along the second section in a direction from the heating means to the cooling means.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

System and method for producing high-purity divanadium pentoxide powder

Номер: AU2016212451B2
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Provided are a system and method for producing a high-purity divanadium pentoxide powder; using fluidizing low-temperature chlorination, industrial-grade divanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride; by means of a fluidization gas exchanging heat with a chlorination flue gas, a chlorination gas is preheated and an appropriate amount of air is added, which causes the carbon powder to partially combust, thus providing a balanced supply of heat during the process of chlorination, improving chlorination efficiency, and ensuring good selectivity of low-temperature chlorination; the vanadium oxytrichloride is distilled and purified, then fluidized-vapor-phase hydrolyzed, and fluidized-calcined to produce a high-purity divanadium pentoxide product and a hydrochloric acid solution by-product. The system and method have the advantages of highly adaptable starting materials, no discharge of polluted wastewater, low energy consumption in production and low cost in operation, and stable ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

System and method for producing high-purity divanadium pentoxide powder

Номер: AU2016212451A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Provided are a system and method for producing a high-purity divanadium pentoxide powder; using fluidizing low-temperature chlorination, industrial-grade divanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride; by means of a fluidization gas exchanging heat with a chlorination flue gas, a chlorination gas is preheated and an appropriate amount of air is added, which causes the carbon powder to partially combust, thus providing a balanced supply of heat during the process of chlorination, improving chlorination efficiency, and ensuring good selectivity of low-temperature chlorination; the vanadium oxytrichloride is distilled and purified, then fluidized-vapor-phase hydrolyzed, and fluidized-calcined to produce a high-purity divanadium pentoxide product and a hydrochloric acid solution by-product. The system and method have the advantages of highly adaptable starting materials, no discharge of polluted wastewater, low energy consumption in production and low cost in operation, and stable ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Process for removal of sulphur from raw methanol

Номер: AU2014332576A1

A method for pyrifying raw methanol containing sulfurous compounds, wherein the method comprises a step of washing raw methanol with a non-polar organic solvent. The non-polar organic solvent is white mineral oil, white oil, mineral oil, paraffin oil, C ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Production method for 1, 4-butanediol

Номер: AU2013272715A1

The purpose of the present invention is to efficiently remove impurities that are mixed in during industrial-scale production of a biomass resource-derived 1, 4-BG and produce a high quality 1, 4-BG that can be used as a PBT raw material having good color tone. The present invention relates to a production method for refined 1, 4-BG obtained from a side stream of the distillation of crude 1, 4-BG-containing liquid obtained after: a step in which a refined raw material 1, 4-BG obtained from a fermentation culture having bacterial cells, salt, and water removed therefrom is distilled and high-boiling point components and/or low-boiling point components are removed therefrom; and/or a step in which unsaturated compounds are converted into hydrides.

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Methanol process

Номер: AU2016386959B2
Автор: YIU KAR CHI, Yiu, Kar Chi
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A process is described for the synthesis of methanol comprising the steps of: (i) passing a first synthesis gas mixture comprising a make-up gas through a first synthesis reactor containing a cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a first product gas stream, (ii) recovering methanol from the first product gas stream thereby forming a first methanol- depleted gas mixture, (iii) combining the first methanol-depleted gas mixture with a loop recycle gas stream to form a second synthesis gas mixture, (iv) passing the second synthesis gas mixture through a second synthesis reactor containing a cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a second product gas stream, (v) recovering methanol from the second product gas stream thereby forming a second methanol-depleted gas mixture, and (vi) using at least part of the second methanol-depleted gas mixture as the loop recycle gas stream, wherein the first synthesis reactor has a higher heat transfer per cubic metre of catalyst than the second synthesis ...

14-09-2000 дата публикации

Intergrated deethanizer/ethylene fractionation column

Номер: AU0002066100A

28-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004425479A

14-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004945485A

24-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002774863A1

A thermal distillation system comprises heating means and cooling means arranged to heat and cool, respectively, treatable liquid in a liquid circuit having a first section between a heating means output and cooling means input, and a second section between an a cooling means output and heating means input, and further comprises distillation stages, each including an evaporator on the first section and a condenser on the second section in heat exchange relationship with liquid in the second section, a carrier gas circuit, on which the evaporator and condenser are arranged, and an output for outputting liquid extracted, wherein the stages are arranged such that their evaporators are disposed along the first section in a direction from the heating means to the cooling means and their condensers are disposed in corresponding order along the second section in a direction from the heating means to the cooling means.

21-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739089C

Systems and methods for separating a multi-component flu-id are provided. The method can include introducing a multi-component fluid to a dividing wall column. The multi-component fluid can be heated to provide a first product, a second product, an intermediate distillate, and a process fluid. At least a portion of the first product can be compressed to provide a compressed first product. Heat can be indirectly transferred from the compressed first product to at least a portion of the intermediate distil-late to provide a heated intermediate distillate. The heated intermediate distillate can be recycled to the dividing wall column. The compressed first product can be expanded.

25-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760952A1

Disclosed is a process for separating an acidic contaminant and light hydrocarbon of a light hydrocarbon feed having a large contaminating acidic contaminant content. Among other features, the process uses a combination of distillation and membrane separation arranged in a unique way to yield a high-purity light hydrocarbon product and a high-purity acidic contaminant product.

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787450A1

Vaporizing acetic acid in the presence of hydrogen to provide a vapor feed stream for a hydrogenation process that produces ethanol. The vaporizer forms a vapor feed stream and a blowdown stream having a weight ratio of the vapor feed stream to the blowdown stream of at least 2:1. The acetic acid may vaporized at a temperature below acetic acid's boiling point at the operating pressure of the reactor. The hydrogenation process produces a crude ethanol product and ethanol is separated from the crude product. In addition, at least one recycle stream comprising acetic acid and less than 1.0 wt. % compounds having a boiling point higher than acetic acid, may also be separated. The recycle streams may be introduced to the vaporizer along with acetic acid to form the vapor feed stream.

01-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002360986A1

30-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001047386A1

12-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3018296C

Methods for removing water and/or dissolved and solid contaminants from a liquid hydrocarbon such as condensate flowing through a fractionating column are disclosed. Pressure within the column and temperature at which the reboiler operates are observed to prevent boiling of the contaminated hydrocarbon thus obviating contaminant deposition on heated surfaces. Further methods directed to column operation and anti-fouling procedures augment the core method. Apparatus to effect the methods is also provided.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058894A1

Systems and methods are provided for improving the processing of heavy or challenged feeds in a refinery based on integrated use of deasphalting, coking, and hydroprocessing. An optional fluid catalytic cracking unit can be included in the integrated system to allow for further improvements. The improved processing can be facilitated based on a process configuration where the vacuum resid fractions and/or other difficult fractions are deasphalted to generate a deasphalted oil and a deasphalter residue or rock fraction. The deasphalted oil can be passed into a hydroprocessing unit for further processing. The rock fraction can be used as the feed to a coking unit. Although deasphalter residue or rock is typically a feed with a high content of micro carbon residue, a high lift deasphalting process can allow a portion of the micro carbon residue in the initial feed to remain with the deasphalted oil. The portion of micro carbon residue that remains in the deasphalted oil can then be upgraded ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA3124235A1

01-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3118278A1

A method for forming poly(dimethoxymethane) includes a step of separating a formaldehyde-containing blend into a first bottom stream and a first top stream. The first formaldehyde-containing blend includes methanol, formaldehyde, and water while the first bottom stream includes water. The first top stream includes dimethoxymethane that is produced from the reaction between methanol and fomialdehyde. The first top stream is separated into a second bottom stream and a second top stream. The second bottom stream includes poly(dimethoxymethane) while the second top stream includes dimethoxymethane, methanol, and ethanol. The second top stream is separated into a third bottom stream and a third top stream. Third bottom stream includes methanol and ethanol while the third top stream includes dimethoxymethane. The third top steam can be recycled to fonn additional poly(dimethoxymethane). A system that implements the method is also provided.

13-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3046985C

Processes and systems for upgrading resid hydrocarbon feeds are disclosed. The process system may operate in two different operating modes, maximum conversion and maximum quality effluent. The process system may be reversibly transitioned between the different operating modes. The system has the ability to reversibly transition between the two modes without shutting down the system or losing production.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003007015A1

A process and apparatus for quenching a hydrocracked stream to prepare it for hydroisomerization. A fractionated hydroisomerized stream is recycled to quench a hot hydrocracked stream prior to hydroisomerization. Sufficient quenching can inactivate the hydroisomerization catalyst bed. The hydroisomerization catalyst bed can be heated back to hydroisomerization temperature and can actively hydroisomerize again.

10-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3007015C
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process and apparatus for quenching a hydrocracked stream to prepare it for hydroisomerization. A fractionated hydroisomerized stream is recycled to quench a hot hydrocracked stream prior to hydroisomerization. Sufficient quenching can inactivate the hydroisomerization catalyst bed. The hydroisomerization catalyst bed can be heated back to hydroisomerization temperature and can actively hydroisomerize again.

11-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039790A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A process for the extraction of furfural from a composition comprising furfural, water, at least one organic acid and an oxygenate solvent with a boiling point higher than that of furfural. The process includes: (a) subjecting the composition to a first liquid-liquid separation step to provide: (i) an organic phase; (b) subjecting the organic phase of step (a) to a first distillation step to provide: (i) a first top stream; (c) subjecting the first top stream of step (b) to a second liquid-liquid separation step to provide: (i) a second top stream; and (d) subjecting the second top stream of step (c) to a second distillation step to provide: (i) a third top stream comprising a furfural-water azeotrope, and (ii) a third bottom stream comprising furfural.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002936291A1

The present invention pertains to a process for the production of dialkyl ether wherein a C1-C3 alcohol is fed into a distillation column (2) comprising a reboiler (5) at its bottom, a condenser (4) at its top, a feed inlet (11) at a level between the reboiler and the condenser, and a stack of stages (6) in the column's interior, including stages (8) carrying a bed of catalytic material, the stages comprising sluices (19) which are simultaneously moved between a vapour flow position, allowing vapour to flow upwards through the catalytic beds during a vapour flow period, and a liquid flow position, allowing fluid to flow from an upper stage to a lower stage during a liquid flow period.

03-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002899656C

A multistage thermal desalination system, together with its associated method of use, allows de-scaling of subsystems exposed to saturated saltwater by alternating the saturation stage of the process between two neighboring physical desalination stages. The desalination system is provided with at least one transfer conduit, at least one pump, and valving to permit saltwaters being desalinated by higher and lower stage desalination subsystems to be swapped. By replacing the saturated saltwater in a higher salt concentration desalination subsystem with lower salt concentration saltwater, the scaling in higher salt concentration desalination subsystem is reduced while the saturation load is placed on another of the desalination subsystems.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962511A1

The invention relates to method and devices for the distillation separation of a multi-component mixture, containing dichlorosilane, trichlorosilane, silicon tetrachloride and at least one boron, phosphorus or arsenic-containing impurity, in order to separate the target product trichlorosilane in the purest form possible. The distillation columns are used with a modified separation wall technique and absorbers for separating the at least one boron, phosphorus or arsenic-containing impurity.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002921734A1

The present invention provides a process for fractionating biomass into its individual components. The process includes pretreating a biomass which may include mechanically altering the fibers and/or contacting the biomass with a solvent to provide a fluidized biomass. The pretreated fluidized biomass may be subjected to high frequency pulses and shear forces without denaturing one or more components of the biomass to provide a first liquid fraction and a first fractionated biomass. The first liquid fraction may then be isolated or separated from the first fractionated biomass. The biomass may be separated, isolated or purified into lignin, extractives for use in pharmaceuticals or nutraceuticals, cellulose, hemicellulose, and other sugars and proteins.

11-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938677A1

Techniques are described for recovering solvent from a solvent-diluted heavy hydrocarbon stream, which can have configurations and operation of an indirect heat exchanger to enhance performance. The system can have three solvent recovery stages. The indirect heat exchanger can have a location and operation to mitigate risks associated with exchanger failures. The solvent-diluted hydrocarbon stream can be preheated with a downstream solvent-depleted stream, and the pressure of the latter can be higher than that of the former to avoid solvent leaking into the hydrocarbon-enriched stream. The heat exchanger can be located in between the second and third stages, so that solvent leaked into the second stage output can be removed in the third stage so that the final product hydrocarbon stream can remain at low solvent contents.

26-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002751602C

The invention relates to a method and apparatus to recover and purify methanol from gases pro-duced in the digester during the kraft pulping process. The gas is typically recovered as a foul gas (called stripper off gas or SOG) comprising methanol, water and various other contaminants. The gas is then treated with successive decanting and distillation steps to re-move impurities, thereby producing highly purified methanol.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002871215A1

A process (10) to separate a multi-component hydrocarbon stream (26) comprising ethylene, at least one polymer and other components includes flashing the multi- component hydrocarbon stream in a first flash stage (12) from an elevated pressure of more than 30 bar(a) and an elevated temperature in the range of 150°C to 185°C to a flash pressure in the range of 10 bar(a) to 30 bar(a), producing a first ethylene- containing vapour overheads product (28) at a pressure in the range of 10 bar(a) to 30 bar(a) and a first flash stage bottoms product (30.1) which includes some ethylene, the at least one polymer and some of the other components. The flash pressure and the elevated temperature of the multi-component hydrocarbon stream (26) are selected such that the first flash stage bottoms product (30.1) has a concentration of the at least one polymer of less than 5% by mass to render the viscosity of the first flash stage bottoms product (30.1) at the temperature of the first flash stage bottoms ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002873160A1

A highly unsaturated fatty acid or a highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester produced using, as feedstock oil, an oil containing a highly unsaturated fatty acid as a constituent fatty acid. The highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester has a reduced content of environmental pollutants. The highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester contains, among the dioxins contained, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) in an amount of less than 0.05 pg-TEQ/g, and coplanar PCB (Co-PCB) in an amount of less than 0.03 pg-TEQ/g. A method for producing the highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester, wherein free fatty acids and environmental pollutants are removed from feedstock oil by thin-film distillation, and the oil obtained is made into an ethyl ester and refined by rectification and column chromatography.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002887299A1

A butadiene extraction processes designed for flexible operations, with or without a compressor, is disclosed. The ability to run at both high and low pressures provides added process flexibility.

04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002897780C

Methods and apparatus for recovering heavy oil from subterranean reservoirs. A steam-utilizing heavy oil recovery process may be used to recover the heavy oil while employing a steam-solvent mixture. The solvent may be a tailored hydrocarbon solvent obtained from a precursor mixture of hydrocarbon compounds from which light end hydrocarbon compounds have been removed. The invention provides a method of producing a tailored solvent useful for a steam-utilizing heavy oil recovery process. The invention also provides an apparatus for producing such a tailored solvent.

01-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002284252A1

The atmospheric tower portion of a crude distillation unit, crude oils are heated in a tank (10) and conveyed by a pump (2) to a bank of heat exchangers (30) including heat exchangers (31 to 35). After emerging from the fifth heat exchanger (35), the crude oil flow is approximately 285 ~F.

29-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201892391A1

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790251A1

28-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200702546A1

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000020353B1

В изобретении представлено эффективное улучшение способа замедленного коксования для получения тяжелого газойля коксования достаточного качества для использования в качестве исходного сырья для установки гидрокрекинга.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Process to Remove Product Alcohol from a Fermentation by Vaporization Under Vacuum

Номер: US20120211348A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fermentation liquid feed including water and a product alcohol and optionally CO 2 is at least partially vaporized such that a vapor stream is produced. The vapor stream is contacted with an absorption liquid under suitable conditions wherein an amount of the product alcohol is absorbed. The portion of the vapor stream that is absorbed can include an amount of each of the water, the product alcohol and optionally the CO 2 . The temperature at the onset of the absorption of the vapor stream into the absorption liquid can be greater than the temperature at the onset of condensation of the vapor stream in the absence of the absorption liquid. The product alcohol can be separated from the absorption liquid whereby the absorption liquid is regenerated. The absorption liquid can include a water soluble organic molecule such as an amine.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Process for providing one or more streams

Номер: US20120298560A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

One exemplary embodiment can be a process for separating a plurality of naphtha components. The process can include first and second columns. The first column may include a dividing imperforate wall with one surface facing a feed and another surface facing a side stream. Typically, the wall extends a significant portion of the column height to divide the portion into at least two substantially vertical, parallel contacting sections. Also, the second column can communicate with the first column so as to provide a feed to or receive a feed from the first column. Generally, the second column is non-divided. The process may provide at least four product streams.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118890A1

The invention can be used to improve the yield of degraded heat transfer oil () recovered from a solar thermal facility, comprising the successive separation of heavy components () (ortho-, meta- and para-terphenyl) and light components () (phenol and benzene). The plant comprises: an air-cooled cooler () which cools the degraded heat transfer oil () to obtain a cooled oil (); a distillation column () which separates the heavy components () and a vapour () of light components () plus oil from the cooled heat transfer oil (); and a rectifier () which separates the light components () and the regenerated oil () from the vapour (). The method comprises the cooling of the degenerated heat transfer oil () in the air-cooled cooler (), the separation of the heavy components () in the distillation column (), and the separation of the light components () and the regenerated oil () in the rectifier (). 126-. (canceled)27. A plant for recovering degraded heat transfer oil from a solar thermal facility , the plant comprising: a first inlet for receiving the degraded oil, and', 'a head having a first outlet for expelling light component vapour;, 'a distillation column for separating heavy components from the degraded oil, the distillation column comprising an upper part and a lower part, the upper part having an upper part having a second outlet for expelling light components; and', 'a lower part having a third outlet for expelling regenerated oil; and, 'a rectifier for receiving the vapour, the rectifier havinga fourth outlet for letting the heavy components out.28. The plant of claim 27 , wherein the distillation column comprises a column of perforated first plates.29. The plant of claim 27 , wherein the distillation column comprises:a pressure transmitter at the first inlet,a pressure and temperature transmitter at the first outlet,a plurality of temperature transmitters distributed throughout the interior,level switches,an automatic valve at the fourth outlet, andan electric ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175158A1

Disclosed are a method for producing ethanol and a device for producing ethanol that are suitable to the recycled use of an enzyme. 1. An apparatus for producing ethanol , comprising:a vacuum distillation tower into which an ethanol-fermented liquid generated by saccharification fermentation of a biomass starting material is introduced, and with an interior in a state that is at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure, that subjects the ethanol-fermented liquid to distillation, distilling ethanol vapor containing water vapor, and removing as a bottom product an enzyme-containing concentrated waste liquid that is reused for saccharification fermentation of the biomass starting material; anda rectifying column configured to rectify the ethanol vapor distilled from the vacuum distillation tower.2. The apparatus for producing ethanol according to claim 1 , further comprising a first compressor configured to adiabatically compress the ethanol vapor distilled from the vacuum distillation tower claim 1 , and whereinthe ethanol vapor adiabatically compressed by the first compressor is introduced into the rectifying column.3. The apparatus for producing ethanol according to claim 1 , further comprising a first compressor configured to adiabatically compress the ethanol vapor distilled from the vacuum distillation tower claim 1 , and whereinthe ethanol vapor adiabatically compressed by the first compressor is used as a heat source for a heating section for heating a tower bottom recycled liquid of the vacuum distillation tower, then condensed, and introduced into the rectifying column as an ethanol liquid.4. The apparatus for producing ethanol according to claim 3 , wherein a bottom temperature of the vacuum distillation tower is a temperature higher than or equal to 30° C. and lower than 60° C.5. The apparatus for producing ethanol according to claim 4 , further comprising a first superheater configured to heat the ethanol vapor distilled from the vacuum distillation ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Production of high purity butene-1 from c4 olefins/paraffins mixed gas

Номер: US20130206575A1

A hybrid process comprising an adsorption process and a distillation process for the separation of butene-1 from a C4 hydrocarbon mixture gas including butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, normal butane, isobutane, etc. is provided. The hybrid process comprises introducing a gaseous C4 mixture into the adsorption tower loaded with adsorbents which adsorb olefins selectively to discharge C4 paraffins to the outlet of the tower, desorbing C4 olefins selectively adsorbed in the adsortion tower to produce high purity C4 olefins mixture gas in which isobutane and normal butane was removed, and separating the high C4 olefins mixture gas (a mixture of butene-1, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, and a trace amount of C4 paraffins) via distinction to obtain high purity butene-1 including a trace amount of isobutane in the top of the distillation tower and obtain a mixture gas including trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene and a trace amount of normal butane in the bottom of the tower.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for Recovering Products Using Adsorption Separation and Fractionation

Номер: US20130233698A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process according to various approaches includes separating a component from a feed stream using adsorption separation. The process further includes directing one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream to a high pressure distillation column. In addition, the process includes pumping the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream to increase the pressure in the stream to flow the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream into an inlet of the distillation column. 1. A process for separating components in a feed stream by simulated countercurrent adsorptive separation comprising:introducing a feed stream, comprising at least one preferentially adsorbed component and at least one non-preferentially adsorbed component, and a desorbent stream into two different ports via two different corresponding transfer lines along a multi-bed adsorptive separation unit and withdrawing an extract stream and raffinate stream through two different ports of the multi-bed adsorptive separation unit;directing one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream through a line running from an outlet port of the adsorptive separation unit to an inlet of a high pressure fractionation column so that a pressure drop occurs as the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream is directed through the line;operating the high pressure fractionation column at a pressure above an adsorption separation unit pressure minus the pressure drop that occurs in the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream; andpumping the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream to increase the pressure in the stream to flow the one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream through the inlet of the fractionation column.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein directing one of the extract stream and the raffinate stream includes directing the extract stream to an extract fractionation column for separating the preferentially adsorbed component from desorbent within the extract ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284581A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

A process for the rectification of mixtures of high-boiling air- and/or temperature-sensitive substances which require a high separation efficiency is proposed, in particular a process for the working-up of a VE- or VEA-containing product stream. The process includes a first purification stage to separate low-boiling products and unspecified isomers of the useful product from the product stream virtually without loss of useful product and a second purification stage for removing the useful product in a stream having a purity of >97% by weight and a further stream having a purity of >92% by weight. 1. A rectification column for the rectification of mixtures of high-boiling air- and/or temperature-sensitive products comprising:a column vessel providing for a descending reflux stream and an ascending vapour stream;packings installed in the column vessel for intensifying the mass and heat transport; and (i) a collector bed located above the side take-off of the column vessel;', '(ii) a product stream distributor which redistributes reflux from the collector bed,', '(iii) a splash guard above the product stream distributor,', '(iv) a lateral vapour condensate outlet;', '(v) a product stream collector which collects the product stream for the side take-off and opens into the lateral vapour condensate outlet;', '(vi) a side take-off partial condenser positioned between the collector bed and the product stream collector., 'a side take-off section for taking off a product stream of the high-boiling air- and/or temperature-sensitive product at a side take-off of the column vessel, wherein the side take-off section comprises,'}2. A system for the rectification of mixtures of high-boiling air- and/or temperature-sensitive products comprising first and second rectification columns , wherein at least one of the first and second rectification columns is a rectification column comprising:a column vessel providing for a descending reflux stream and an ascending vapour stream; ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Treating a Hydrocarbon Stream

Номер: US20130323133A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Disclosed is an apparatus for treating two or more hydrocarbon feed streams. The apparatus according to one aspect includes a first feed line for supplying one aromatic feed stream and a second feed line for supplying another aromatic feed stream. The apparatus includes a juncture between the feed lines for combining the feed streams. The apparatus further includes a treatment zone in communication with the juncture for treating the combined feed stream.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Efficient Method for Improved Coker Gas Oil Quality

Номер: US20130341248A1

An efficient delayed coking process improvement for producing heavy coker gas oil of sufficient quality to be used as hydrocracker feedstock.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods for producing bioderived propylene glycol

Номер: US20140039224A1
Принадлежит: Archer Daniels Midland Co

In the process of distilling a polyol product mixture including one or both of a biobased propylene glycol and a biobased ethylene glycol from the reaction of hydrogen with a biobased feed, it has been discovered that undesirable epoxides can form, and the present invention provides means for guarding against their formation, for removing epoxides which do form by particular methods of distilling, and for removing the epoxides from a finished, otherwise commercially acceptable biobased glycol product.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for recovering transition metal tetrahalide and hydrocarbons from a waste stream

Номер: US20140042010A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention provides a process for recovering transition metal tetrahalides from a waste stream coming from a catalyst manufacturing process by (a) establishing a mixed stream comprising transition metal tetrahalide and transition metal alkoxyhalides; (b) forming a falling liquid film from the mixed stream of step (a) at a temperature of from 25 to 85° C. and an absolute pressure of from 0.05 to 0.6 bar; and (c) establishing from the film of step (b) a first vapour stream containing from 90 to 100% of recoverable components and a second liquid stream containing about 10 to 80% of titanium haloalkoxides.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002195A1

A process of purifying 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BDO) from a fermentation broth including separating solid materials, salts and water, and subjecting the resulting material to a two, three or four column distillation system, that can include a wiped film evaporator to produce a purified 1,4-butanediol. 1. A process of purifying 1 ,4-butanediol (1 ,4-BDO) comprising:(a) subjecting a crude 1,4-BDO mixture to a first column distillation procedure to remove materials with a boiling point lower than 1,4-BDO from the crude 1,4-BDO mixture to produce a first 1,4-BDO-containing product stream; and(b) subjecting the first 1,4-BDO-containing product stream to a second column distillation procedure to remove materials with boiling points higher than 1,4-BDO as a first high-boilers stream, to produce a purified 1,4-BDO product, wherein the purified 1,4-BDO product is collected from a side-draw of the second column distillation procedure.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising (c) subjecting the first high-boilers stream to wiped-film evaporation (WFE) to produce a first WFE distillate and subjecting the first WFE distillate to step (b).3. The process of further comprising (d) subjecting the first 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO-containing product stream claim 1 , prior to performing step (b) claim 1 , to an intermediate column distillation procedure to remove materials with boiling points higher than 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO as a second high-boilers stream.4. The process of claim 3 , further comprising (c) subjecting the second high-boilers stream to wiped-film evaporation (WFE) producing a second WFE distillate and subjecting the second WFE distillate to step (d).5. The process of further comprising (e) treating the first 1 claim 3 ,4-BDO-containing product stream with a hydrogenation reaction prior to performing step (b).6. The process of further comprising (f) treating the purified 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO product with a hydrogenation reaction.7. The process of wherein the crude 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO mixture ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001937A1

A process for producing acetic acid is disclosed in which the water concentration is controlled in the side stream between two columns. Controlling the water concentration by the liquid light phase recycle controls the hydrogen iodide concentration in the side stream to be less than 50 wppm. 120-. (canceled)21. A process for producing acetic acid comprising:providing a reaction system comprising a reactor and a flash vessel;forming a reaction medium in the reactor;separating the reaction medium in the flash vessel into a liquid recycle stream and a vapor product stream;distilling at least a portion of the vapor product stream in a first column to obtain a side stream and a low boiling overhead vapor stream comprising more than 5 wt. % water;condensing and biphasically separating at least a portion of the low boiling overhead stream to form a heavy liquid phase and a light liquid phase;refluxing a portion of the heavy liquid phase, a portion of the light liquid phase, or a mixture thereof to the first column, wherein the first column is operated with a reflux ratio from 0.05 to 0.4;recycling a portion of the light liquid phase to the reaction system;maintaining a water concentration in the side stream of between 1 and 3 wt. % water and hydrogen iodide concentration in the side stream of up to 50 wppm; anddistilling at least a portion of the side stream in a second column to obtain a purified acetic acid product.22. The process of claim 21 , wherein the side stream comprises from 1.1 to 2.5 wt. % water.23. The process of claim 21 , wherein the reflux ratio is from 0.1 to 0.35.24. The process of claim 21 , wherein the reaction medium comprises methyl acetate claim 21 , water claim 21 , a metal catalyst claim 21 , an iodide salt and methyl iodide.25. The process of claim 21 , wherein the reaction medium comprises from 0.5 to 30 wt. % methyl acetate claim 21 , from 0.1 to 14 wt. % water claim 21 , from 200 to 3000 wppm metal catalyst claim 21 , from 1 to 25 wt. % iodide ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002246A1
Автор: Baxter, Jr. Clyde Edward

In an embodiment, a process to convert a feed includes introducing a feed to an oligomerization catalyst in an oligomerization reactor to form a first reactor effluent; introducing the first reactor effluent to a distillation unit to form a first distillation effluent and a second distillation effluent, the second distillation effluent comprising an oligomer of isobutylene; and introducing the second distillation effluent to a cracking reactor to form a cracking reactor effluent comprising a high purity isobutylene. In another embodiment, an apparatus includes a feed line coupled to a first end of an oligomerization reactor; a first distillation unit coupled with a second end of the oligomerization reactor; a first end of a cracking reactor coupled to a second end of the first distillation unit via a first line; a first end of an isomerization reactor coupled to: a third end of the first distillation unit and the feed line. 1. A process to convert a feed , comprising:introducing a feed comprising isobutylene to an oligomerization catalyst in an oligomerization reactor to form a first reactor effluent comprising one or more oligomers of isobutylene;introducing the first reactor effluent to a first distillation unit to form a first distillation effluent and a second distillation effluent, the second distillation effluent comprising one or more oligomers of isobutylene; andintroducing the second distillation effluent to a cracking reactor to form a cracking reactor effluent, the cracking reactor effluent comprising a high purity isobutylene.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising introducing the first distillation effluent to an isomerization reactor to form an isomerized product effluent claim 1 , the isomerized product effluent enriched in isobutylene;combining the isomerized product effluent with the feed comprising isobutylene; andintroducing the isomerized product effluent to the oligomerization reactor.3. The process of claim 2 , further comprising purging ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002389A1

A process for continuously preparing the tert-butyl ester of an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid, by a) reacting an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid with isobutene in the presence of an acidic catalyst to give an esterification mixture; b) removing the acidic catalyst; c) removing low-boiling components; and d) supplying a tert-butyl ester-comprising liquid to a distillation apparatus and subjecting it to purifying distillation in the distillation apparatus, where ) in the distillation apparatus the tert-butyl ester-comprising liquid is separated into a tert-butyl ester-comprising gaseous top product and a carboxylic acid-comprising liquid bottom product; ) the tert-butyl ester-comprising gaseous top product is at least partly condensed and the condensate is recycled partly as reflux to the distillation apparatus; ) the carboxylic acid-comprising liquid bottom product is recycled at least partly to step a); ) carboxylic acid-comprising liquid bottom product is drawn off and passed to a heater; a superheated, liquid recycle stream is taken from the heater; and the superheated recycle stream is let down into the distillatiuon apparatus; and ) at least in the top region of the distillation apparatus, the distillation apparatus walls in contact with the vapor, at least in sub-regions, are heated and/or thermally insulated. In the course of the process, the separation of the tert-butyl ester from unreacted carboxylic acid is carried on with a particularly low level of accompanying polymerization both of the tert-butyl ester and of the carboxylic acid. 114.-. (canceled)15. A process for continuously preparing the tert-butyl ester of an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid , by)a) reacting an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid with isobutene in the presence of an acidic catalyst to give an esterification mixture;b) removing the acidic catalyst;c) removing low-boiling components; andd) supplying a tert-butyl ester-comprising liquid to a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002769A1
Автор: Corradi Jason T.

The present invention relates to a process and apparatus for reducing the desorbent recovery cost in a light desorbent system. More specifically, the present invention relates to an alternate flow scheme that for pre-fractionation of the extract column feed which includes two extract columns which reduces the desorbent recovery costs in a light desorbent system. 1. A process for desorbent recovery , comprising:passing a hydrocarbon stream to a first extract column to produce a first overhead stream, a first desorbent recycle stream, and a first bottoms stream;passing the first overhead stream to a first condensing and sub-cooling zone to produce a water stream and a first desorbent reflux stream that is sent back to the first extract column;passing the first desorbent recycle stream to an adsorbent chamber;passing a first portion of the first bottoms stream to a first reboiler and passing a second portion of the first bottoms stream to a second extract column to produce a second overhead stream and a second bottoms stream;passing the second overhead to the first reboiler and a second reboiler to produce a heated stream that produces a second desorbent recycle stream and a second treated desorbent stream that is sent back the second extract column;passing the second overhead to the first reboiler to produce a condensed liquid stream that is sent to a second condensing zone to produce a second desorbent reflux stream and a second desorbent recycle stream;passing the second desorbent reflux stream to the second extract column;passing the second desorbent recycle stream to the adsorbent chamber; andpassing a first portion of the second bottoms stream to a second reboiler wherein the second reboiler receives a vapor stream from the raffinate column and a liquid return, and passing a second portion of the second bottoms stream to a paraxylene column.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon stream comprises toluene desorbent claim 1 , extracted para-xylene claim ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Process for obtaining a concentrated protein-rich phase from residues of bioethanol production

Номер: US20210002686A1

1) A method for obtaining a concentrated protein-rich phase from residues of bioethanol production. 2.1) Previously, the separation of a protein-rich phase from whole stillage from bioethanol production has been achieved either by the addition of chemicals or by process steps that are complex in terms of equipment and/or energy. 2.2) Whole stillage from bioethanol production is fed to a solid-liquid separation, and the liquid phase (thin stillage) resulting from this is partially returned to the mashing process. This recirculation increases the raw protein content in the process. Part of the thin stillage is diluted and fed to a simple separation process without the addition of chemicals and temperature treatment, with a protein-rich phase being obtained. 2.3) A protein-rich phase is obtained from residues of bioethanol production.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008116A1
Принадлежит: Casale SA

Process and plant for refining crude methanol, comprising at least three distillation stages operating in cascade at decreasing pressures, wherein a first stage () operates at a maximum distillation pressure (p), a second stage () operates at a medium distillation pressure (p), and a final distillation stage () operates at a minimum distillation pressure (p), wherein the first stage and the distillation stage each produce a respective gaseous stream () of distilled methanol, and a respective solution containing methanol that is fed to the next distillation stage, and wherein at least one first gaseous stream of distilled methanol (), produced in the first distillation stage, and a second gaseous stream of distilled methanol (), produced in the second distillation stage, are used as heat sources to heat the second distillation stage and the final distillation stage, respectively. 1. A process for refining crude methanol , comprising:at least three distillation stages operating in cascade at respective decreasing pressures, comprising at least a first distillation stage at a maximum distillation pressure, a second distillation stage at a medium distillation pressure, and a final distillation stage at a minimum distillation pressure,wherein said first and second distillation stage each produce at least one respective gaseous stream of distilled methanol, and a respective solution containing methanol that is fed to the next distillation stage, and said final stage produces at least one gaseous stream of distilled methanol and a solution made up essentially of water;wherein at least one first gaseous stream of distilled methanol, produced in the first distillation stage, and a second gaseous stream of distilled methanol, produced in the second distillation stage, are used as heat sources to heat up at least said second distillation stage and said final distillation stage, respectively.2. The process according to claim 1 , said maximum distillation pressure being ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008735A1

A process for washing hydrocarbons said process comprising: (I) distilling a crude acetone mixture preferably obtained from the cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide and containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a bottoms fraction containing said hydrocarbons in an organic phase and an aqueous phase; (II) contacting at least a part of said bottoms fraction with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 0.1 to 5 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase; (III) separating the aqueous phase and the organic phase; (IV) contacting at least a part the organic phase from step (III) with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 6 to 20 wt % MOH in the aqueous phase; (V) separating the organic phase and aqueous phase formed in step (IV); (VI) washing at least a part of the organic phase of step (V) with water. 1. A process comprising:(I) distilling a crude acetone mixture containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a bottoms fraction containing said hydrocarbons in an organic phase and an aqueous phase;(II) contacting at least a part of said bottoms fraction with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 0.1 to 5 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase;(III) separating the aqueous phase and the organic phase;(IV) contacting at least a part the organic phase from step (III) with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 6 to 20 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase;(V) separating the organic phase and aqueous phase formed in step (IV);(VI) washing at least a part of the organic phase of step (V) with water.2. A process as claimed in wherein the hydrocarbons comprise cumene and alpha methyl styrene (AMS).3. A process as claimed in said process comprising:(I) distilling a crude acetone mixture obtained from the cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide and containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008903A1
Автор: Lutterbach Rickey S.

Processes and systems suitable for purifying or otherwise treating liquids to remove contaminants therein, including but not limited to contaminated water, to permit reclaiming, recycling, and reuse of the liquids. Such a process and system entails the use of a cascading distillation system that evaporates a liquid from the feedstock and then condenses and collects a more purified form of the liquid. The cascading distillation system can be operated to selectively process the feedstock through any of a series of vessels at which different amounts and/or contaminants may be removed from the feedstock. 1. A cascading distillation process for treating a feedstock containing a liquid and contaminants to remove the contaminants therefrom , the process comprising:providing a system comprising a series of vessels that include a first vessel and a plurality of downstream vessels that are fluidically downstream from the first vessel, the series of vessels being fluidically connected to each other so that the first vessel can be selectively fluidically connected in fluidic series to any one or more of the downstream vessels;delivering the feedstock to the first vessel, heating the feedstock in the first vessel to evaporate a first portion of the liquid and thereby separate the first portion from at least one contaminant, and condensing and removing the first portion of the liquid from the first vessel; and thendelivering the first portion of the liquid to a first of the downstream vessels, heating the first portion of the liquid in the first downstream vessel to evaporate a second portion of the liquid, and condensing and removing the second portion of the liquid from the first downstream vessel.2. The cascading distillation process according to claim 1 , further comprising collecting the second portion of the liquid to yield a treated portion of the liquid and delivering the treated portion to a destination.3. The cascading distillation process according to claim 1 , further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Bulbous Fractional Collector in Distillation Head

Номер: US20190009188A1
Автор: Kremerman Elliot

A distillation head with fraction collector is disclosed. In embodiments thereof, the fraction collector has a bottom portal which is raised up from the floor or bottom thereof. Fractions which condense fall to the floor and a lip of the bottom portal, raised from the floor of the fraction collector, prevents condensed fractions from falling downwards through a path of entry. Rather, condensed fractions exit in liquid form out a side portal. The fraction collector further has side walls which are, in embodiments, partially vertical and/or partially curvilinear and/or partially bulbous. The distillation head also can have a top portal through which a vacuum can be applied. 1. A distillation head , comprising:a vertical tube extending into a fraction collector;a fraction collector having a side portal exit region extending from said fraction collector to a condenser which is perpendicular to said vertical tube;said fraction collector being free from obstruction other than said vertical tube forming a shelf therein.2. The fraction collector of claim 1 , further comprising vertical side walls claim 1 , said vertical side walls interrupted by a section of curvilinear side walls.3. The fraction collector of claim 2 , wherein said curvilinear side walls are within a top quarter of a length of said vertical side walls.4. The fraction collector of claim 1 , further comprising a top vacuum portal.5. The fraction collector of claim 4 , wherein said top vacuum portal extends to an outside of said distillation head.6. The fraction collector of claim 1 , wherein said fraction collector comprises bulbous side walls which curvilinearly extend into said vertical tube at a bottom side thereof and a to vacuum portal at a top side thereof.7. The fraction collector of claim 6 , wherein said vertical tube extends into said fraction collector less than 25% by height.8. A fraction collector comprising:a horizontal bottom side;a combination of a vertical and curvilinear side wall;a bottom ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009673A1

The present invention provides a system and method for purifying and preparing vanadium pentoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is purified by rectification, and then subjected to fluidized gas phase ammonification, thereby obtaining ammonium metavanadate, and further obtaining a high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder product through fluidized calcination. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to a raw material, no discharge of contaminated wastewater, low energy consumption and chlorine consumption in production, stable product quality and so on. 1. A system for purifying and preparing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder , comprising a feeding device , a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed , a rectification and purification device , a gas phase ammonification fluidized bed , an ammonium metavanadate feeding device , a calcination fluidized bed , a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Powder

Номер: US20180009675A1

The present invention provides a system and method for producing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is purified by rectification, and then subjected to fluidized gas phase hydrolyzation and fluidized calcination, thereby producing a high-purity vanadium pentoxide product and a by-product of hydrochloric acid solution. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to raw material, no discharge of contaminated wastewater, low energy consumption in production, low operation cost, stable product quality, etc. 1. A system for producing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder , comprising a feeding device , a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed , a rectification and purification device , a gas phase hydrolyzation fluidized bed , a calcination fluidized bed , a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a distilling still, a rectifying column, a distillate condenser, a reflux liquid ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009736A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a (meth)acrylic ester with improved productivity, by transesterfication of a light alkyl (meth)acrylate with a heavy alcohol. The method of the invention includes the recycling of noble products recovered after the thermal treatment of heavy fractions generated during the synthesis, said thermal treatment being carried out in the presence of a dialkyl phthalate, the alkyl chain of which corresponds to that of the light alkyl (meth)acrylate. The invention applies to the production of N,N-dimethyaminoethyl acrylate from ethyl acrylate. 1. A process for recovering unreacted reagents and (meth)acrylic ester products from a heavy (meth)acrylic fraction generated during production of a (meth)acrylic ester by transesterification reaction of a light C-Calkyl (meth)acrylate with a heavy alcohol in the presence of a catalyst , the heavy fraction comprising at least unreacted reagents and (meth)acrylic ester products and Michael adducts resulting from addition reactions on the (meth)acrylic double bonds and also the catalyst , said process comprising heat treating said heavy fraction at a temperature sufficient to crack the Michael adducts into their constituent components , recovering unreacted reagents and (meth)acrylic ester products in the form of a distillate , and eliminating fluid final residue by means of a pump , wherein the heat treatment is carried out in the presence of at least one dialkyl phthalate , the alkyl chain of which corresponds to that of the light alkyl (meth)acrylate.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light alkyl (meth)acrylate is methyl acrylate and the dialkyl phthalate is dimethyl phthalate.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light alkyl (meth)acrylate is ethyl acrylate and the dialkyl phthalate is diethyl phthalate.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light alkyl (meth)acrylate is butyl acrylate and the dialkyl phthalate is dibutyl phthalate.5. The process ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010099A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

A method for recovery of a product fraction from a mixture comprising an impurity and linear alpha olefins, the method comprising: introducing the mixture into a distillation column, wherein an overhead stream is separated from a bottom stream, wherein the overhead stream comprises a Cn product, a Cn+x product, and an impurity, wherein n is an integer from 4 to 30, wherein x is an integer from 0 to 26; directing the overhead stream into a fractionation column; and separating a Cn product fraction and a Cn+x product fraction in the fractionation column, wherein the Cn+x product fraction comprises at least a portion of the impurity, wherein, when an amount of the impurity is greater than 1 part per million in the Cn+x product fraction, at least a portion of the collected Cn+x product fraction is recycled to the distillation column. 1. A method for recovery of a product fraction from a mixture comprising an impurity and linear alpha olefins , the method comprising:introducing the mixture into a distillation column, wherein an overhead stream is separated from a bottom stream, wherein the overhead stream comprises a Cn product, a Cn+x product, and an impurity, wherein n is an integer from 4 to 30, wherein x is an integer from 0 to 26;directing the overhead stream into a fractionation column; andseparating a Cn product fraction and a Cn+x product fraction in the fractionation column, wherein the Cn+x product fraction comprises at least a portion of the impurity,wherein, when an amount of the impurity is greater than 1 part per million in the Cn+x product fraction, at least a portion of the collected Cn+x product fraction is recycled to the distillation column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impurity comprises toluene claim 1 , benzene claim 1 , p-xylene claim 1 , m-xylene claim 1 , ethyl benzene claim 1 , paraffins claim 1 , naphthenes claim 1 , cyclo-paraffins or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein n equals 4 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010420A1
Автор: Kavakka Jari
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The present invention relates to extraction of phytosterols from alkaline tall oil soap which is obtained from the Kraft process black liquor by skimming. In the method according to the present invention, phytosterols are extracted using dibromomethane, bromoform, tetrabromomethane or a combination thereof. 1. A process for extracting phytosterols from tall oil soap comprising the steps ofa) obtaining tall oil soap,b) mixing the tall oil soap with a solvent selected from dibromomethane, bromoform, tetrabromomethane or a combination thereof, andc) recovering phytosterols from the solvent extract.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent in step b) is selected from dibromomethane claim 1 , bromoform or a combination thereof.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein step c) involves separation of phases followed by distillation of the selected solvent with elevated temperature at normal or reduced pressure.4. A process according to claim 3 , wherein step c) involves precipitation of the phytosterols.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the phytosterols recovered in step c) are purified by crystallization.6. A process according to claim 1 , wherein dibromomethane is used as solvent.7. A process according to any claim 1 , wherein bromoform is used as solvent.8. A process according to claim 1 , wherein tetrabromomethane is used as solvent.9. A process according to claim 1 , wherein a combination of bromoform and dibromomethane is used as solvent.10. A process according to claim 1 , wherein a combination of bromoform claim 1 , dibromomethane and tetrabromomethane is used as solvent.11. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent is recycled after isolation of the phytosterols and the extraction solvent adsorbed in an aqueous phase is recycled through acidulation claim 1 , phase separation and subsequent distillation. The present invention relates to extraction of phytosterols from alkaline tall oil soap which is obtained from the Kraft ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010387A1
Автор: HEIDA Bernd, KELLER Tobias
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for isolating pure 1,3-butadiene from a crude Cfraction, which produces pure 1,3-butadiene having a prescribed maximum content of at least one low boiler and a prescribed maximum content of 1,2-butadiene, in each case based on 1,3-butadiene, wherein (a) a low boiler fraction and a high boiler fraction are separated off by distillation from the crude Cfraction, giving a purified Cfraction whose content of the at least one low boiler, based on 1,3-butadiene, is equal to or lower than the prescribed maximum content of the at least one low boiler and whose content of 1,2-butadiene, based on 1,3-butadiene, is equal to or lower than the prescribed maximum content of 1,2-butadiene; (b) the purified Cfraction is subjected to at least one extractive distillation using a selective solvent, giving at least a fraction comprising butanes and butenes and a pure 1,3-butadiene fraction, is described. The process makes a pure distillation column dispensable. 1. A process for isolating pure 1 ,3-butadiene from a crude Cfraction , which produces pure 1 ,3-butadiene having a prescribed maximum content of at least one low boiler and a prescribed maximum content of 1 ,2-butadiene , in each case based on 1 ,3-butadiene , the method comprising:{'sub': 4', '4, 'a) separating off a low boiler fraction and a high boiler fraction by distillation from the crude Cfraction, giving a purified Cfraction whose content of the at least one low boiler, based on 1,3-butadiene, is equal to or lower than the prescribed maximum content of the at least one low boiler and whose content of 1,2-butadiene, based on 1,3-butadiene, is equal to or lower than the prescribed maximum content of 1,2-butadiene;'}{'sub': '4', 'b) subjecting the purified Cfraction to at least one extractive distillation using a selective solvent, giving at least a fraction comprising butanes and butenes and a pure 1,3-butadiene fraction.'}2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one low boiler is propyne.3. ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032206A1

The present invention is concerned with a separator comprising a vessel, a first inlet, a second inlet, a first outlet, a second outlet, and a separation device located downstream of the first outlet, wherein the separation device comprises two outlets, whereas one outlet of the separation device is fluidly connected to the second inlet of the vessel. Furthermore, the present invention is also concerned with a process for separating hydrocarbons from a reaction solution comprising a polymer and said hydrocarbons, comprising the steps of passing the reaction solution through the first inlet into the separator according to the invention, withdrawing a first outlet stream through the first outlet, withdrawing a second outlet stream through the second outlet, separating the first outlet stream in the separation device to produce a first separated stream and a second separated stream, withdrawing the first separated stream from the separation device and passing the first separated stream through the second inlet into the vessel, and withdrawing the second separated stream from the separation device. 1. A separator comprising{'b': '1', 'a. a vessel (),'}{'b': '2', 'b. a first inlet (),'}{'b': '4', 'c. a second inlet (),'}{'b': '5', 'd. a first outlet (),'}{'b': '6', 'e. a second outlet (), and'}{'b': 8', '5, 'f. a separation device () located downstream of the first outlet (),'}{'b': 8', '8', '4', '1, 'wherein the separation device () comprises two outlets, whereas one outlet of the separation device () is fluidly connected to the second inlet () of the vessel ().'}27518. The separator according to further comprising a pump () located between the first outlet () of the vessel () and the separation device ().310541. The separator according to further comprising a recycling heater () located downstream of the first outlet () and upstream of the second inlet () of the vessel ().410841. The separator according to claim 3 , wherein the recycling heater () is located downstream ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Process for the Separation of Linear Alpha-Olefins Using a Dividing Wall Column

Номер: US20220033327A1

Many linear alpha olefin (LAO) syntheses form a range of LAO products when oligomerizing ethylene in the presence of a Ziegler-type catalyst. The range of products typically requires a plurality of distillation columns to separate the LAO products up to a desired carbon count, but such approaches may be energy- and capital-intensive. LAO product separation using at least one dividing wall column may lessen these burdens. Methods for separating LAOs may comprise: providing a pre-processed product stream comprising Cg+ linear alpha olefins (LAOS) to a first of a series of distillation columns, at least one member of the series of distillation columns comprising a dividing wall column; and separating an overhead stream comprising a first LAO from the dividing wall column and one or more side streams from the dividing wall column, each side stream comprising a different LAO that also differs from the first LAO. 1. A method comprising:{'sub': '8+', 'providing a pre-processed product stream comprising C linear alpha olefins (LAOS) to a first of a series of distillation columns, at least one member of the series of distillation columns comprising a dividing wall column; and'}separating an overhead stream comprising a first LAO from the dividing wall column and one or more side streams from the dividing wall column, each side stream comprising a different LAO that also differs from the first LAO.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '6+', 'providing a light olefin-depleted product stream comprising C LAOs and a solvent to a first distillation column upstream from the series of distillation columns; and'}{'sub': 6', '8+, 'separating CLAOs as an overhead stream from the first distillation column and C LAOs as a bottoms stream from the first distillation column, the bottoms stream being provided as the pre-processed product stream to the series of distillation columns.'}3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:separating the solvent as a side stream from ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Renewable transportation fuel process with thermal oxidation sysem

Номер: US20220033722A1
Автор: Jan DE REN, Xin X. Zhu
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A process for treating effluent streams in a renewable transportation fuel production process is described. One or more of the sour water stream and an acid gas stream are treated directly in thermal oxidation section. The process allows the elimination or size reduction of a sour water stripper unit, waste water treatment plant, and sulfur recovery unit.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016655A1
Автор: Yiu Kar Chi

A process is described for the synthesis of methanol comprising the steps of: (i) passing a first synthesis gas mixture comprising a make-up gas through a first synthesis reactor containing a cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a first product gas stream, (ii) recovering methanol from the first product gas stream thereby forming a first methanol-depleted gas mixture, (iii) combining the first methanol-depleted gas mixture with a loop recycle gas stream to form a second synthesis gas mixture, (iv) passing the second synthesis gas mixture through a second synthesis reactor containing a cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a second product gas stream, (v) recovering methanol from the second product gas stream thereby forming a second methanol-depleted gas mixture, and (vi) using at least part of the second methanol-depleted gas mixture as the loop recycle gas stream, wherein the first synthesis reactor has a higher heat transfer per cubic metre of catalyst than the second synthesis reactor, none of the loop recycle gas stream is fed to the first synthesis gas mixture and the recycle ratio of the loop recycle gas stream to form the second synthesis gas mixture is in the range 1.1:1 to 6:1. 1. A process for synthesizing methanol comprising the steps of:(i) passing a first synthesis gas mixture comprising a make-up gas through a first synthesis reactor containing a first cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a first product gas stream,(ii) recovering methanol from the first product gas stream to form a first methanol-depleted gas mixture,(iii) combining the first methanol-depleted gas mixture with a loop recycle gas stream to form a second synthesis gas mixture,(iv) passing the second synthesis gas mixture through a second synthesis reactor containing a second cooled methanol synthesis catalyst to form a second product gas stream,(v) recovering methanol from the second product gas stream to form a second methanol-depleted gas mixture, and(vi) using at ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of Separating Organic Solvent from Mixed Solution Containing the Organic Solvent

Номер: US20210016200A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A method of separating an organic solvent which may easily separate and recover an organic solvent from a mixed solution containing the organic solvent, and an organic solvent separation system capable of performing the same are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, the method includes introducing a first mixed solution into a first distillation column to recover an organic solvent and discharge a first fraction containing an unrecovered organic solvent and a high boiling point compound A to a bottom of the column, introducing a second mixed solution into a second distillation column to recover organic solvent and discharge a second fraction containing an unrecovered organic solvent and a high boiling point compound B, and introducing the first fraction and the second fraction into a third distillation column to recover an organic solvent-rich fraction and a high boiling point compound-rich fraction. 1. A method of separating an organic solvent , the method comprising:(1-1) introducing a first mixed solution containing an organic solvent and high boiling point compound A into a first distillation column to recover the organic solvent from a top of the column and discharge a first fraction containing an unrecovered organic solvent and the high boiling point compound A to a bottom of the column;(1-2) introducing a second mixed solution containing an organic solvent and high boiling point compound B into a second distillation column to recover the organic solvent from a top of the column and discharge a second fraction containing an unrecovered organic solvent and the high boiling point compound B to a bottom of the column, wherein steps (1-1) and (1-2) are performed independently of each other; and(2) introducing the first fraction and the second fraction into a third distillation column to recover an organic solvent-rich fraction from a top of the column and a high boiling point compound-rich fraction containing the high boiling point compound A and the high boiling ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017454A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

A method of crude oil fractionation without using a vacuum distillation unit can include: introducing a crude oil feed having been preheated to an atmospheric distillation tower; introducing steam according to one of: (a) into the atmospheric heater at a weight ratio of 0.1:1 to 5:1 of the steam to the crude oil feed, (b) into the atmospheric distillation tower at a weight ratio of 0.1:1 to 5:1 of the steam to the crude oil feed, or (c) both (a) and (b); and distilling the crude oil feed in the atmospheric distillation tower into a plurality of cuts including an atmospheric bottoms cut having a boiling point of 800+° F. to 950+° F. 1. A method comprising:passing a crude oil feed through an atmospheric heater;introducing the crude oil feed to an atmospheric distillation tower after passing the crude oil feed through the atmospheric heater; (a) into the atmospheric heater at a weight ratio of 0.1:1 to 5:1 of the steam to the crude oil feed,', '(b) into the atmospheric distillation tower at a weight ratio of 0.1:1 to 5:1 of the steam to the crude oil feed, or', '(c) both (a) and (b); and, 'introducing steam according to one ofdistilling the crude oil feed in the atmospheric distillation tower into a plurality of cuts including an atmospheric bottoms cut having a boiling point of 800+° F. to 950+° F.2. The method of further comprising:preheating the crude oil feed to 600° F. to 950° F. before introduction to the atmospheric distillation tower.3. The method of further comprising:preheating the steam to 500° F. to 1500° F. before introduction to the atmospheric distillation tower.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a flash zone of the atmospheric distillation tower is at 700° F. to 950° F.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cuts further includes an overheads cut and the method further comprises:separating the overheads cut outside of the atmospheric distillation tower into a naphtha cut and a light hydrocarbons cut; andrecycling at least a portion of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017455A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

Systems and processes are provided for upgrading a crude oil. In some examples, a heated crude oil can be introduced into an atmospheric distillation column where an overhead gas product comprising C hydrocarbons can be recovered and recycled back to the atmospheric distillation column to decrease the partial pressure of the C hydrocarbons in the distillation column allowing higher boiling point fractions of crude oil to be vaporized and recovered. 1. A process comprising:heating one of a crude oil and bitumen in a furnace to produce one of a heated crude oil and heated bitumen;introducing one of the heated crude oil and heated bitumen into a first inlet of an atmospheric distillation column having an absolute pressure of at least 17 kPa;{'sub': '4−', 'recovering an overhead gas product comprising C hydrocarbons from a first outlet of the atmospheric distillation column and recycling at least a portion of the overhead gas product to the atmospheric distillation column;'}recovering a bottoms product from a second outlet of the atmospheric distillation column,recovering a liquid hydrocarbon product from a third outlet of the atmospheric distillation column, wherein the third outlet is located between the first and second outlet.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein a partial pressure of C hydrocarbons at the first inlet of the atmospheric distillation column is at least 30 kPa claim 1 , wherein a partial pressure of C hydrocarbons at the first inlet of the atmospheric distillation column is less than 50 kPa.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the partial pressure of C hydrocarbons at the first inlet of the atmospheric distillation column to the absolute pressure of the atmospheric distillation column at the first inlet of the atmospheric distillation column is less than 0.8.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the bottoms products comprises at least 1000 parts per million by weight of a first filterable solid material.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Processes for Producing Acetic Acid

Номер: US20150021160A1

Processes for the reduction and/or removal of permanganate reducing compounds (PRC'S) formed by the carbonylation of methanol in the presence of a Group VIII metal carbonylation catalyst to produce acetic acid are disclosed. More specifically, processes for reducing and/or removing PRC's or their precursors from intermediate streams during the formation of acetic acid by said carbonylation processes are disclosed. In particular, processes in which a low boiling overhead vapor stream from a light ends column is subjected to a distillation to obtain an overhead that is subjected to an extraction to selectively remove and/or reduce PRC's from the process is disclosed. The processes include steps of recycling one or more return streams derived from the distillation step and/or the extraction step to a light ends column and/or a drying column in order to improve water control in the overall reaction system. 1. A process for removing permanganate reducing compounds (PRC's) from a crude acetic acid composition comprising acetic acid and one or more PRC's , the process comprising the steps of:(a) separating the crude acetic acid composition in a light ends column into a PRC enriched stream and an acetic acid stream;(b) separating the PRC enriched stream into an aqueous phase and an organic phase;(c) separating the aqueous phase in a distillation column into an overhead stream and a bottoms stream; and(d) directing a first return stream comprising at least a portion of the bottoms stream to the light ends column.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of combining the at least a portion of the bottoms stream with one or more process streams to form the first return stream.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous phase is separated in one or more distillation columns.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising directing the first return stream into a reflux of the light ends column.5. The process of claim 1 , further refluxing the first return stream ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020944A1
Автор: Towle Tyrell R.

A method for preparing a purified extract may comprise extracting a crude extract from solids, dewatering the crude extract, removing chlorophyll from the crude extract, and distilling the crude extract thereby creating a purified extract. The extracting step may include contacting crude solids with an organic ester, thereby creating the crude extract and waste solids. The dewatering step may include contacting the crude extract with a solid dewatering agent and filtering the crude extract from the solid dewatering agent. The removing chlorophyll step may include contacting the crude extract with a solid absorbent agent, and filtering the crude extract from the solid absorbent agent. 1Cannabis. A method of preparing a purified extract , the method comprising: {'i': 'Cannabis', 'contacting crude solids with an organic ester, thereby creating e crude extract and waste solids;'}, '(a) extracting a crude extract, wherein the extracting comprises (i) contacting the crude extract with a solid dewatering agent; and', '(ii) filtering the crude extract from the solid dewatering agent;, '(b) dewatering the crude extract,wherein the dewatering comprises (i) contacting the crude extract with a solid absorbent agent; and', '(ii) filtering the crude extract from the solid absorbent agent;, '(c) removing chlorophyll From the crude extract,wherein the removing comprises{'i': 'Cannabis', '(d) distilling the crude extract to remove a majority of the organic ester, thereby creating the purified extract.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extracting step (a) comprises:heating the organic ester.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the extracting step (a) comprises:refluxing the organic ester.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the extracting step is performed in a soxhlet apparatus.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the organic ester is heated to a temperature of 20 to 80 degrees Celsius.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extracting a crude extract step comprises:cooling the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System For Removing Salt From A Rich Mono Ethylene Glycol Stream

Номер: US20160023977A1
Принадлежит: Cameron Solutions Inc

A system for, and method of, recovering salt from fluid stream in a recycle loop of a flash separator has a desanding hydrocyclone located in the hot recycle loop of the flash separator; a first solids fluidization device located at the bottom end of the flash separator's brine column; a second desanding hydrocyclone arranged to receive a salt slurry stream created by the first solids fluidization device; and an accumulator located downstream of the second desanding hydrocyclone and having a second solids fluidization device located at its bottom end. Each solids fluidization device causes a motive fluid to exit the device in a swirling motion to fluidize the salt components contained in the resident fluid. The overflow from the second desanding hydrocyclone is the motive fluid for the brine column and a produced water, condensate water, or seawater stream is the motive fluid for the accumulator.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Purification of a Stream Containing a Cyclic Ester of an Alpha-Hydroxycarboxylic Acid

Номер: US20160024043A1

The invention relates to a process for purification of a stream containing a cyclic ester of an alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid of formula (I), wherein each R independently represents hydrogen or an aliphatic hydrocarbon having 1 to 6 carbon atoms comprising the steps of: (a) separating the cyclic ester-containing stream into one or more cyclic ester-containing vapour fractions and one or more cyclic ester-containing liquid fractions; (b) condensing a cyclic ester-containing vaporized fraction as obtained in step (a) to obtain a cyclic ester-containing condensate; (c) subjecting at least part of the cyclic ester-containing condensate as obtained in step (b) to melt crystallization to obtain a purified cyclic ester-containing stream and a residue stream; and (d) recovering the purified cyclic ester-containing stream as obtained in step (c). The invention further relates to an apparatus suitable for carrying out the present process. 122-. (canceled)24. The process according to claim 23 , wherein the cyclic ester is lactide.25. The process according to claim 23 , wherein the cyclic ester-containing condensate is undercooled in step (b) 5 to 10° C. above its freezing point before it is subjected to melt crystallization in a step (c).26. The process according to claim 23 , wherein step (a) is carried out in a distillation column.27. The process according to claim 26 , wherein the cyclic ester-containing vapour fraction to be condensed in step (b) is withdrawn from the distillation column via a side draw and introduced into a condensation unit.28. The process according to claim 26 , wherein a cyclic ester-containing liquid fraction as obtained in step (a) is subjected to a first evaporation treatment to obtain a first cyclic ester-containing vapour stream and a first cyclic ester-containing liquid stream claim 26 , and wherein the cyclic ester-containing vapour fraction which is to be condensed in step (b) is at least partly derived from the first cyclic ester-containing ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022145A1
Автор: Al-Hazmi Naeem
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

Systems and method are provided for reducing the water content in ethanolamine product streams from approximately 0.15%-0.19% by weight of water to approximately 0.02 to approximately 0.04 by weight of water. The reduced water content can be achieved by increasing the processing conditions at the monoethanolamine column by approximately 5% to approximately 20%, more preferably to approximately 10%, and by adding a dummy stream to the monoethanolamine column, which can be recycled to the reactor. The increased processing conditions and dummy stream at the monoethanolamine column can result in the following to achieve said water content: (i) the bottom stream flow rate increase by up to approximately 18.9%; the reboiler duty can be increased by up to 47.9%; and (iii) the condenser duty can be increased by up to approximately 52.5%. 1. A method for producing an ethanolamine product stream in a non-reactive distillation column , comprising:mixing an ammonia solution comprising approximately 30% to approximately 40% by weight ammonia with ethylene oxide in a reactor to create a resultant product stream, wherein said resultant product stream comprises ethanolamines, unreacted ammonia and water;removing approximately 30% to approximately 50% by weight of the unreacted ammonia and approximately 50% to approximately 70% by weight of water from the resultant product stream to create a stripped product stream, wherein the stripped product stream comprises ethanolamines and approximately 30% to approximately 50% by weight of water;transferring the stripped product stream to at least one stage of a vacuum drying column to create a dehydrated product stream;transferring the dehydrated product stream to at least one stage of a monoethanolamine distillation column to create a distilled product stream, wherein the dehydrated product stream comprises ethanolamines and approximately 0.01% to approximately 0.1% by weight of water;operating the monoethanolamine distillation column at ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040594A1
Автор: Buttridge Ian

A separation system includes a column including a stripping section proximal to a lower end of the column, a rectifying section proximal to an upper end of the column, and an intermediate section disposed between the stripping section and the rectifying section. The intermediate section includes first and second vertical sides separated by a vertical wall. The column includes a feed port to receive a material stream to be separated. The separation system further includes a reboiler in fluid communication with the column. The reboiler provides vapor to the stripping section. The separation system also includes a condenser in fluid communication with the column. The condenser provides liquid to the rectifying section, the condenser to provide a distillate effluent stream. The separation system further includes an active vapor control to control the relative vapor flow rate to the first and second sections. 1. A separation system comprising:a first column including a stripping section proximal to a lower end of the column, a rectifying section proximal to an upper end of the column, and an intermediate section disposed between the stripping section and the rectifying section;a reboiler in fluid communication with the column, the reboiler to receive liquid from the stripping section and to provide vapor to the stripping section, the reboiler to provide a bottoms effluent stream;a condenser in fluid communication with the column, the condenser to receive vapor from the rectifying section and to provide liquid to the rectifying section, the condenser to provide a distillate effluent stream;a second column fluidically coupled to the first column to receive vapor from the first column from between the stripping section and the intermediate section, to receive liquid from the first column from between the intermediate section and the rectifying section, to provide vapor to the first column between the intermediate section and the rectifying section, and to provide liquid to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040629A1

Processes for the treatment of waste streams from the hydroconversion of heavy hydrocarbons containing additives and catalysts are described. At least one of the SHC pitch stream, SDA pitch stream, and the heavy residue stream is sent to a thermal oxidation system. The metals in the SHC and SDA pitch streams and the heavy residue stream are oxidized and can be easily recovered as clean powdered metal oxides which can be reused or sold. The processes produce chemicals which can be recovered and sold. 1. A process for treating effluent streams in a process comprising: [{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'thermally oxidizing the at least one of the pitch stream from the slurry hydrocracking fractionation section, the pitch stream from the solvent deasphalting separation section, and the heavy residue stream in a thermal oxidizing section forming flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, SOx, NOx, and oxidized metal particulate;'}, 'recovering waste heat from the flue gas in a waste heat recovery section;', 'optionally filtering the flue gas in the filtration section to remove the oxidized metal particulate forming a filtered flue gas and a particulate stream comprising the oxidized metal particulate;', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'claim-text': quenching the flue gas or the filtered flue gas to form quenched flue gas after recovering the waste heat; and', {'sub': 3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '3', '2', '3', '4', '2', '4, 'contacting a caustic solution or an NHbased solution with the quenched flue gas in scrubbing section to form the de-SOx outlet flue gas and a liquid stream comprising at least one of HO, NaSO, NaSO, NaHSO, NaCO, and (NH)SO;'}, 'or', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '3', '4', '3', '3', '2', '3', '4', '3', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '2, 'reacting the flue gas or the filtered flue gas with a reactant in an SOx reaction section to form a reaction section flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023005A1

A device and process for the vacuum pyrolization of scrap tires to produce a pyrolytic oil from which valuable terpenes such as limonene and pulegone may be extracted and purified. 1. A device for the pyrolysis of tires to form pyrolytic oils containing limonene and pulegone comprising;a nitrogen blanket bin for accepting shredded, washed, and dried automobile tires;at least one vacuum-lock valve;a helical screw which slowly turns to generate a mixture of shredded automobile tires and an additive/catalyst that can flow from the nitrogen blanket bin;at least one heater for heating the mixture from ambient temperature to about 450 degrees Celsius;a release valve for controlling the release of at least one of either a material and a vapor from the nitrogen blanket vacuum sealed furnace through a thin film evaporator and into a contactor/separator for recovery of at least one of either a type of terpene or a type of terpenoid from a mixture that has at least one of either the material or the vapor, wherein the contactor/separator can generate a pyrolytic vapor from the at least one of either the material or the vapor after a set of solids is removed from the mixture, and wherein the contactor/separator includes a chiller assembly for reducing the temperature of the pyrolytic vapor, a first heatable distillation column for reheating and cooling the mixture, a second heatable distillation column containing internal components that are at least one of either sieve trays or structured packing, wherein the second distillation column separates types of terpenes and the types of terpenoids that have been extracted from the mixture, wherein the mixture is passed through a small orifice disposed between the first distillation column and the second distillation column to thereby reduce the temperature of the mixture as it enters the second distillation column, wherein the terpenes and terpenoids are removed from the second distillation column through at least one tap mounted on ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041527A1

A process for treating effluent streams in a naphtha complex is described. One or more of the sour water stripping unit for the NHT sour water from the NHT, the amine treatment unit and the caustic treatment unit for the NHT stripper off-gas, the caustic scrubber unit or other chloride treatment unit for the off-gas from the C-Cisomerization zone and the Cisomerization zone, and the caustic scrubber unit or other chloride treatment unit for the regenerator off-gas are replaced with a thermal oxidation system. 1. A process for treating off-gas and water effluent streams in a naphtha complex comprising:{'sub': 5', '6', '5', '6', '4', '4, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 5', '6', '4', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'thermally oxidizing the at least one of the NHT stripper off-gas stream, the C-Cisomerization stabilizer off-gas stream, the regenerator off-gas stream, the Cisomerization stabilizer off-gas stream, and the NHT sour water stream in a thermal oxidizing section forming flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, SOx, NOx, HCl, Cl, dioxins, and furans;'}, 'optionally recovering waste heat from the flue gas in a waste heat recovery section;', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'claim-text': quenching the flue gas in a quench section to form quenched flue gas after recovering the waste heat; and', {'sub': 3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '3', '2', '3', '4', '2', '4', '4, 'contacting a caustic solution or an NHbased solution with the quenched flue gas in scrubbing section to form the de-SOx outlet flue gas and a liquid stream comprising at least one of HO, NaSO, NaSO, NaHSO, NaCO, NaCl, (NH)SO, and NHCl;'}, 'or', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '3', '2', '4', '3', '3', '2', '2', '3', '4', '3', '2', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '2, 'reacting the flue gas with a reactant in an SOx reaction section to form a reaction section flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, NaCl, NaCO, NaSO, NaNO, CaCl, CaSO, CaCO, Ca( ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Process for Production of Graphite Coke from an Admixture of Coal and Petroleum Based Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20220041935A1

The present invention provides a process for production of graphite coke from an admixture of coal and petroleum-based hydrocarbons. This particularly describes a process wherein a mixture of coal tar pitch and hydrocarbon feedstock such as CLO is purified in a solvent treatment step and the purified mixed feedstock is subjected to thermal cracking to produce high quality graphite/needle coke. This process also provides a synergy in improved coke quality coke formation while using an admixture of coal tar pitch and CLO while subjected to common purification and coking steps. 1. A process for production of graphite grade coke comprising:(a) mixing coal tar pitch and clarified oil (CLO) streams to obtain a mixed feedstock and routing the mixed feedstock to a solvent treatment vessel where it mixes with a solvent, wherein the coal tar pitch and the CLO are blended in a weight ratio ranging from 90:10 to 40:60;(b) separating the mixed feedstock into a heavy residual fraction containing impurities and a first purified mixed feedstock without impurities, and removing the heavy residual fraction as pitch from bottom of the solvent treatment vessel, wherein the impurities are quinoline insoluble substances along with solid catalyst fines;(c) passing the heavy residual fraction(pitch) to a first heater to obtain a heated pitch and flashing the heated pitch into a first solvent recovery column;(d) withdrawing a heavy pitch stream from bottom of the first solvent recovery column and routing overhead of the first solvent recovery column containing recovered solvent stream back to the solvent treatment vessel;(e) routing the first purified mixed feedstock from the solvent treatment vessel to a second heater to obtain a heated first purified mixed feedstock and flashing the heated first purified mixed feedstock into a second solvent recovery column;(f) routing overhead from the second solvent recovery column containing recovered solvent stream back to the solvent treatment vessel ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing purified dialkyl-furan-2,5-dicarboxylate

Номер: US20190023675A1
Автор: Mesfin Ejerssa Janka
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Disclosed is a purified dialkyl furan dicarboxylate (DAFD) vapor composition containing at least 99.5 wt. % DAFD; 5-(alkoxycarbonyl) furan-2-carboxylic acid (ACFC) that, if present, is present in an amount of not more than 1000 ppm, alkyl-5-formylfuran-2-carboxylate (AFFC) that, if present, is present in an amount of not more than 1000 ppm, 5-(dialkoxymethyl)furan-2-carboxylic acid (DAFCA) that if present, is present in an amount of not more than 1000 ppm, and alkyl 5-(dialkoxymethyl)furan-2-carboxylate (ADAFC) that if present, is present in an amount of not more than 1000 ppm, in each case based on the weight of the DAFD vapor composition.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023472A1
Принадлежит: Nulife Greentech Inc.

Commercially beneficial carbon-containing fractions can be recovered from hydrothermal liquefaction reactions in various types of processors. Feedstock slurry from waste solids is placed into a pressurized processor where it is maintained at temperature and pressure for a predetermined period. On discharge from the processor the processed discharge is separated into liquid and solid fractions. Gaseous fractions including carbon dioxide can also be removed or off-taken from the processor. New molecular structures are created in this reaction, resulting in fractions including biogas, biofuels, biosolids and biocrude. Silica, phosphates, potash and low concentration nitrogen based fertilizer, along with carbonaceous material can also be recovered. 1. A method of extraction of at least one carbon-containing fraction from carbonaceous waste feedstock , said method comprising:a. in a slurrying step, creating a feedstock slurry by combining prepared feedstock with a slurry fluid as required to yield a feedstock slurry of a desired consistency and moisture content;b. in a heating step, placing the feedstock slurry into a processor and heating the feedstock slurry to a selected temperature for a selected period of heating time while maintaining a selected pressure within the processor, following completion of which the feedstock slurry is processed discharge which is discharged from the processor;c. in a fractionation step, separating the processed discharge into four fractions namely a liquid carbon-containing fraction, a liquid effluent fraction, a gaseous fraction and a solid fraction;wherein the gaseous fraction contains carbon dioxide; andwherein the liquid effluent fraction is primarily water, recovered from previous operation of the method.2. The method of wherein the carbonaceous waste feedstock is solid and the method further comprises a grinding step in advance of the slurrying step claim 1 , wherein the carbonaceous waste feedstock is ground into prepared ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024217A1

Extractive agent compounds are disclosed, with exemplary compounds having Formula (I): 1. An extractive distillation process , the process comprising (a) distilling a liquid mixture comprising ethylbenzene , at least one further Caromatic compound , and an extractive agent compound ,{'sup': a', 'b, 'wherein the extractive agent compound includes a carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring structure, said ring structure being substituted with at least one NRR-group radical and at least two halo radicals, and'}{'sup': a', 'b, 'wherein Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of an oxygen radical, a hydrogen radical, and a hydrocarbyl radical having from about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms.'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the extractive agent compound includes a carbocyclic ring structure that is an aromatic ring structure.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in Formula (I) claim 3 , said at least two of R-Rare chloro.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in Formula (I) claim 3 , at least Rand Rare halo.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , in Formula (I) claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen radical and a hydrocarbyl radical having from about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms.7. The process of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in Formula (I) claim 3 , Rand Rare halo.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , in Formula (I) claim 7 , R claim 7 , R claim 7 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen radical and a hydrocarbyl radical having from about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in Formula (I) claim 1 , Rand Rare both oxygen radicals claim 1 , whereby the NRR-group radical is nitro.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the extractive agent compound is an isomer of dichloronitrobenzene.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein the extractive agent compound is 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-3-nitrobenzene or 1 claim 1 ,2- ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Heat Treatment Process and System for Increased Pitch Yields

Номер: US20210024830A1

Pitch production systems utilizing coal tar or decant oil for coal. or petroleum based pitch are disclosed. Total pitch production yields are increased by heat treating distillate fractions from the pitch production process. A heat treatment system and process are disclosed in embodiments. The heaviest distillates having the highest molecular weights are subjected to heat treatment, though other embodiments contemplate heat treating a variety of combined distillate fractions. The heat treatment systems require heat soaking the distillate(s) at elevated temperatures of 459-535° C. at a near-constant temperature with near-uniform flow. A fraction of the heat-treated distillate may be reintroduced to the pitch production system as part of a continuous process. 1. A process for deriving pitch from a preselected starting material , the process comprising the steps of:selecting a starting material from the group consisting of: (i) petroleum-based decant oil and (ii) coal tar-based heavy distillate oil;{'b': '1', 'introducing said starting material in a fowable, liquid phase into a conduit at least partially constructed of conductive material facilitating heat transfer;'}applying heat to said heat conductive portion of said conduit containing said starting material in a controlled manner to raise the temperature of said starting material to 459-535° C. at a pressure of 46-300 psi(g);maintaining near-uniform flow of said starting material through at least a portion of said heat conductive portion of said conduit at a near-constant temperature for a period of time sufficient to convert a portion of said starting material to pitch while limiting mesophase formation to no more than 0.7% in a combined stream;reducing the temperature of said combined stream to 275-385° C.; andseparating said pitch from said combined stream and obtaining a pitch yield: (i) of at least 25% with respect to said petroleum-based decant oil and (ii) at least 15% with respect to said coal tar-based ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Process and Device for Removing Water and/or Oxygen from Organic Liquid

Номер: US20170028312A1

A process and a device for removing water and/or oxygen from a crude organic liquid stream using a distillation column with heat input and dry nitrogen stream. A side effluent stream comprising water at a high concentration is drawn from the distillation column. An optional settling drum can be used to separate the aqueous phase from the organic phase in the side effluent stream can be used. The invention can be advantageously used for purifying a crude organic liquid stream comprising one or more of benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, cumene, cyclohexane, cyclohexene, cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, and the like. 1. A process for removing water and/or oxygen from a crude organic liquid stream , the process comprising:(I) feeding the crude organic liquid stream into a distillation column at a first location on a side of the distillation column;(II) feeding a stream of dry nitrogen gas into the distillation column at a second location on the side below the first location;(III) drawing a side effluent stream comprising water at a concentration higher than in the crude organic liquid stream at a third location on the side between the first location and the second location;(IV) drawing a gas effluent stream comprising nitrogen, oxygen, and organic vapor from a fourth location in the vicinity of the top of the distillation column;(V) providing heat to the liquid in the distillation column at a fifth location in the vicinity of the bottom of the distillation column; and(VI) drawing a purified organic liquid stream comprising at least one of water and oxygen at a concentration lower than in the crude organic liquid stream from a sixth location in the vicinity of the bottom of the distillation column.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:(VII) introducing at least a portion of the side effluent stream into a settling vessel;(VIII) obtaining an upper organic phase and a lower aqueous phase in the settling vessel; and(IX) recycling at least a portion of the organic ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Recovering Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20170029348A1
Автор: Timothy P. Bender
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention relates to an improved extractive distillation process for recovering aromatic hydrocarbons from non-aromatic hydrocarbons in naphtha streams containing heavy hydrocarbon contaminants wherein each contaminant is characterized as having a boiling point in the range of between that of the separated non-aromatic hydrocarbons and the extractive distillation solvent utilized to recover and purify the aromatic hydrocarbons.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031778A1

A process of purifying 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BDO) from a fermentation broth including separating solid materials, salts and water, and subjecting the resulting material to a two, three or four column distillation system, that can include a wiped film evaporator to produce a purified 1,4-butanediol product. 1. A process of purifying 1 ,4-butanediol (1 ,4-BDO) comprising:(a) subjecting a crude 1,4-BDO mixture to a first column distillation procedure to remove materials with a boiling point lower than 1,4-BDO from the crude 1,4-BDO mixture to produce a first 1,4-BDO-containing product stream; and(b) subjecting the first 1,4-BDO-containing product stream to a second column distillation procedure to remove materials with boiling points higher than 1,4-BDO as a first high-boilers stream, to produce a purified 1,4-BDO product, wherein the purified 1,4-BDO product is collected from a side-draw of the second column distillation procedure.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising (c) subjecting the first high-boilers stream to wiped-film evaporation (WFE) to produce a first WFE distillate and subjecting the first WFE distillate to step (b).3. The process of further comprising (d) subjecting the first 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO-containing product stream claim 1 , prior to performing step (b) claim 1 , to an intermediate column distillation procedure to remove materials with boiling points higher than 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO as a second high-boilers stream.4. The process of claim 3 , further comprising (c) subjecting the second high-boilers stream to wiped-film evaporation (WFE) producing a second WFE distillate and subjecting the second WFE distillate to step (d).5. The process of claim 3 , further comprising (e) treating the first 1 claim 3 ,4-BDO-containing product stream with a hydrogenation reaction prior to performing step (b).6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising (f) treating the purified 1 claim 1 ,4-BDO product with a hydrogenation reaction.7. The process of wherein the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

System And Method To Remove Organic Acid From A Rich MEG Stream By Stripping

Номер: US20180029963A1

A system and method for removing acetic acid and other short chain fatty acids described as organic acid from a rich mono-ethylene glycol (“MEG”) solution does so by stripping the organic acid from the rich MEG solution by contacting the solution with a gas, the gas being nitrogen or a fuel gas such as methane; and stripping the organic acid from the gas by contacting the gas with a caustic solution such as a dilute sodium hydroxide solution. The stripping steps take place in respective stripping columns. A portion of the gas exiting the gas/organic acid stripping column can be recycled to the MEG/organic acid stripping column to reduce total gas usage. A portion of the waste stream exiting the gas/organic acid stripping column can be recycled back to the gas/organic acid stripping column to reduce the amount of caustic solution used as well as the amount of waste. 1. A method for removing organic acid from a MEG stream , the method comprising:stripping the organic acid from the MEG stream after a hydrate inhibition use of the MEG stream by contacting the MEG stream with a gaswherein the MEG stream after the contact with the gas is substantially free of the organic acid.2. A method according to further comprising:stripping the organic acid contained in the gas that contacted the MEG stream by contacting the gas with a caustic solutionwherein the gas after the contact with the caustic solution is substantially free of the organic acid.3. A method according to further comprising recycling a portion of the gas for use in the stripping of the organic acid from the MEG stream.4. A method according to further comprising recycling a portion of a waste stream from the stripping of the organic acid contained in the gas for use in the stripping of the organic acid contained in the gas.5. A method according to wherein the caustic solution is a sodium hydroxide solution comprising about 1% sodium hydroxide.6. A method according to further comprising adjusting claim 1 , when ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029971A1

The present invention is directed to a process for fine purification of isophoronediamine from the production of isophoronediamine wherein the crude isophoronediamine I is subjected to a fine purification by means of two vacuum distillation columns, wherein I. in the first vacuum distillation column K I low-boiling by-products still present are removed, and a crude IPDA II is transferred from the bottom of K I into the vacuum distillation column K II, II. and in the second vacuum distillation column K II the isophoronediamine is obtained in pure form overhead and separated from the organic residues, wherein the first condenser is a partial condenser and the pure IPDA is removed therein, and wherein the second condenser is a total condenser and the residual portion of the vapor stream from K II is completely condensed therein and recycled as return stream into the first vacuum distillation column K I. 1. A process for fine purification of isophoronediamine from the production of isophoronediamine by aminating hydrogenation of isophorone nitrile in the presence of at least ammonia , hydrogen , a hydrogenation catalyst and optionally further additions and in the presence or absence of organic solvents to obtain a crude isophoronediamine I ,wherein the crude isophoronediamine I is subjected to a fine purification by means of two vacuum distillation columns, whereinI. in the first vacuum distillation column K I low-boiling by-products still present are removed, and a crude IPDA II is transferred from the bottom of K I into the vacuum distillation column K II, 'and wherein the second condenser is a total condenser and the residual portion of the vapour stream from K II is completely condensed therein and recycled as return stream into the first vacuum distillation column K I.', 'II. and in the second vacuum distillation column K II the isophoronediamine is obtained in pure form overhead and separated from the organic residues, with two condensers being mounted at the top ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047963A1

A method of decomposing a phenol by-product produced in a phenol preparation process, in which acetophenone separated from a distillation column is mixed with tar separated and collected in a decomposition reactor, thereby significantly decreasing viscosity of tar. The decomposition method according to the present invention allows tar to have sufficient viscosity for flowability even at room temperature, whereby transfer and storage of tar may be more smoothly done without using any heating device for transfer of tar. 1. A phenol by-product decomposition device , comprising:a decomposition reactor for decomposing a phenol by-product produced in a phenol and acetone preparation process;a tar transfer tube for transferring the tar collected from a lower portion of the decomposition reactor to a tar storage device;an effective component collection unit for collecting an effective component from the phenol by-product, wherein the effective component comprises phenol, α-methylstyrene, and cumene; andan acetophenone collection unit for collecting acetophenone from the phenol by-product,wherein the tar transfer tube and the acetophenone collection unit are connected to each other.2. The phenol by-product decomposition device of claim 1 ,wherein the phenol by-product decomposition device further comprises:an upper fraction collection unit provided in an upper portion of the decomposition reactor for collecting an upper fraction containing the effective component and the acetophenone;a distillation column connected to the upper fraction collection unit for separating the acetophenone and the effective component from the upper fraction;an effective component collection unit provided in an upper portion of the distillation column; andan acetophenone collection unit provided in a lower portion of the distillation column and connected to the tar transfer tube.3. The phenol by-product decomposition device of claim 1 ,wherein the decomposition reactor is a reaction distillation ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048843A1

A process for supplying deaerated water to a chemical plant that includes a distillation column for separating a reaction effluent comprising water and a product. The process includes inventorying the distillation column with aerated water (water having an oxygen content of greater than 50 ppbw, such as greater than 1 ppmw). The aerated water in the distillation column may then be distilled to produce an oxygen-containing overheads and a bottoms fraction comprising deaerated water. The deaerated water in the bottoms fraction ma be transported to an upstream or a downstream unit operation, and utilizing the deaerated water in the upstream or downstream unit operation. The reaction effluent is fed to the distillation column, transitioning the distillation column from separating oxygen from water to operations for separating the product from the water. 1. A process for supplying deaerated water to a chemical plant , wherein the chemical plant includes a distillation column for separating a reaction effluent comprising water and a product , the process comprising:inventorying the distillation column with aerated water having an oxygen content of greater than 50 ppbw;distilling the aerated water in the distillation column to produce an oxygen-containing overheads and a bottoms fraction comprising deaerated water;transporting the deaerated water in the bottoms fraction to an upstream or a downstream unit operation;utilizing the deaerated water in the upstream or downstream unit operation; andfeeding the reaction effluent to the distillation column, transitioning the distillation column from separating oxygen from water to operations for separating the product from the water.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the deaerated water comprises less than 15 ppbw oxygen.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the deaerated water comprises from less than 1 ppbw to no more than 10 ppbw oxygen.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the distillation column comprises an overheads ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049166A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Process and plant for producing hydrocarbon products from a feedstock originating from a renewable source, where a hydrogen-rich stream and on off-gas stream comprising hydrocarbons is formed. A portion of the hydrogen-rich stream is used as a recycle gas stream in a hydroprocessing stage for the production of said hydrocarbon products, and another portion may be used for hydrogen production, while the off-gas stream is treated to remove its HS content and used as a recycle gas stream in the hydrogen producing unit, from which the hydrogen produced i.e. make-up hydrogen, is used in the hydroprocessing stage. The invention enables minimizing natural gas consumption in the hydrogen producing unit as well as steam reformer size. 1. A process for producing a hydrocarbon product , said process comprising the steps of:i) passing a feedstock originating from a renewable source through a hydroprocessing stage for producing a main hydrotrotreated stream;{'claim-text': ['an aqueous stream,', 'a hydrogen-rich stream as a first recycle gas stream,', 'an off-gas stream comprising hydrocarbons,', 'and said hydrocarbon product, boiling at above 50° C.;'], '#text': 'ii) passing the main hydrotreated stream to a separation stage for producing:'}iii) passing the first recycle gas stream to the hydroprocessing stage;iv) passing the off-gas stream as a second recycle gas stream to a hydrogen producing unit for producing a hydrogen stream as a make-up hydrogen stream; andv) passing the make-up hydrogen stream to the hydroprocessing stage;{'sub': '2', '#text': 'wherein prior to conducting step iv), said off-gas stream passes to a separation stage for removing HS and thereby producing said second recycle gas stream.'}2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises: vi) splitting said hydrogen-rich stream into said first recycle gas stream and a third recycle gas stream claim 1 , and passing said third recycle gas stream to said hydrogen producing unit.3. Process ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034474A1

The present invention relates to a process for obtaining food grade hexane, comprising: fractionating a hydrocarbon feed having a boiling point in the range of 50° C. to 140° C. to obtain a hydrocarbon fraction having boiling point in the range of 63° C. to 69° C. and having 3%-15% (wt/wt) of aromatic compounds content; extracting the hydrocarbon fraction by counter current solvent extraction using sulfolane as a solvent to obtain a first raffinate phase; extracting the first raffinate phase by co-current solvent extraction using sulfolane as a solvent to obtain a second raffinate phase; and washing the second raffinate phase with water to obtain a food grade hexane containing less than 100 ppm of aromatic compounds. 1. A process for obtaining food grade hexane , comprising:fractionating a hydrocarbon feed having a boiling point in the range of 50° C. to 140° C. to obtain a hydrocarbon fraction having boiling point in the range of 63° C. to 69° C. and having 3%-15% (wt/wt) of aromatic compounds content;extracting the hydrocarbon fraction by counter current solvent extraction using sulfolane as a solvent to obtain a first raffinate phase;extracting the first raffinate phase by co-current solvent extraction using sulfolane as a solvent to obtain a second raffinate phase; andwashing the second raffinate phase with water to obtain a food grade hexane containing less than 100 ppm of aromatic compounds.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising; recycling a part of the food grade hexane containing less than 100 ppm of aromatic compounds for the counter current solvent extraction.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed is treated to obtain a mercaptan free hydrocarbon feed by converting mercaptan content of the hydrocarbon feed into disulfide.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed has a boiling point in the range of 50° C. to 90° C.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Efficient methods and compositions for recovery of products from organic acid pretreatment of plant materials

Номер: US20220049421A1
Автор: Feng Ling

The invention is directed to compositions and processes concerning efficient downstream processing of products derived from organic acids pretreatment of plant materials.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031581A1
Автор: Asprion Norbert
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A method for separating a mixture of materials A and B by extractive distillation, using an extraction medium having a higher affinity to B than to A, wherein a feed stream comprising A and B is conducted towards the extraction medium in a column, wherein an overhead fraction comprising A and also a liquid fraction comprising B and extraction medium are obtained, the liquid fraction is collected on a collecting tray and heated and partially evaporated in a first indirect heat exchanger, the resultant vapor is released into the column and a non-evaporated proportion of the liquid fraction is collected as sump fraction in the sump of the column, the sump fraction is successively heated in a second indirect heat exchanger and a third indirect heat exchanger and in part evaporated, wherein the resultant vapor is at least in part released into the column, the sump fraction is separated in a stripper into a fraction comprising B and an extraction medium fraction, the extraction medium fraction is used as heating medium for the second heat exchanger, wherein a partially cooled extraction medium fraction is obtained, and an external heating medium is used for the third heat exchanger, and the partially cooled extraction medium fraction is used as heating medium for the first heat exchanger. 1: A method for separating a mixture of a material A and a material B by extractive distillation , using an extraction medium having a higher affinity to B than to A , wherein the method comprises:a) conducting a feed stream comprising A and B towards the extraction medium in a column, wherein an overhead fraction comprising A, and also a liquid fraction comprising B and extraction medium, are obtained,b) collecting the liquid fraction on a collecting tray and heating and partially evaporating the liquid fraction in a first indirect heat exchanger, where a first resultant vapor is released into the column and a non-evaporated proportion of the liquid fraction is collected as a sump ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Advanced adsorption processes for separation of bio-derived products

Номер: US20210032188A1
Принадлежит: Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC

Disclosed herein are methods for the recovery of target bio-based products using a sorption-based technology with a mixed elution solvent optimized for minimized downstream distillation energy input.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Multiple Effect Concentration Swap De-Scaling System

Номер: US20160039683A1
Принадлежит: Saltworks Technologies Inc.

A multistage thermal desalination system, together with its associated method of use, allows de-scaling of subsystems exposed to saturated saltwater by alternating the saturation stage of the process between two neighboring physical desalination stages. The desalination system is provided with at least one transfer conduit, at least one pump, and valving to permit saltwaters being desalinated by higher and lower stage desalination subsystems to be swapped. By replacing the saturated saltwater in a higher salt concentration desalination subsystem with lower salt concentration saltwater, the scaling in higher salt concentration desalination subsystem is reduced while the saturation load is placed on another of the desalination subsystems. 1. A multistage desalination system comprising:(a) a higher stage desalination subsystem comprising a first evaporation stage for evaporating a first saltwater at a first temperature and a first condensation stage, fluidly coupled to the first evaporation stage, for condensing product water from vapor that evaporates from the saltwater in the first evaporation stage;(b) a lower stage desalination subsystem comprising a second evaporation stage for evaporating a second saltwater at a second temperature and a second condensation stage, fluidly coupled to the second evaporation stage, for condensing product water from vapor that evaporates from the saltwater in the second evaporation stage, wherein the second temperature is lower than the first temperature;(c) a first pump and a second pump fluidly coupled to the higher and lower stage desalination subsystems, respectively, for pumping the saltwaters through the desalination subsystems;(d) at least one transfer conduit fluidly coupling the higher and lower stage desalination systems; and(e) valving fluidly coupled at least to the at least one transfer conduit, the valving configurable to operate the multistage desalination system in a normal mode in which the first and second saltwaters ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039732A1

The invention relates to a method for the purification of natural vanillin, comprising at least one step in which the natural vanillin is evaporated. 1. A process for purifying natural vanillin , comprising at least one step in which natural vanillin is evaporated.2111. The process as claimed in claim 1 , comprising the purification of a stream (F) resulting from a process for producing natural vanillin claim 1 , said stream (F) comprising natural vanillin and at least vanillyl alcohol claim 1 , said process comprising the distillation of said stream (F) enabling the separation of the natural vanillin from the vanillyl alcohol and the recovery of a stream of distilled natural vanillin.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the distilled natural vanillin has a purity greater than or equal to 99%.4. The process as claimed in either one of and claim 2 , wherein the operating pressure during the distillation is between 2 and 10 mbar claim 2 , preferably between 3 and 6 mbar.5. The process as claimed in any one of to claim 2 , wherein the pressure drop during the distillation is between 1 and 10 mbar.61. The process as claimed in any one of to claim 2 , wherein the stream (F) comprisesfrom 5% to 35% by weight of natural vanillin;from 0.05% to 10% by weight of vanillyl alcohol;from 0.0% to 2% by weight of vanillic acid;from 0.0% to 2% by weight of ferulic acid;from 0.0% to 2% by weight of guaiacol;from 0.0% to 5% by weight of dimers and of trimers;from 0.0% to 5% by weight of various organic compounds likewise biosynthesized;from 0.0% to 10% by weight of benzoic acid;from 0.0% to 5% by weight of water;the remainder to 100% by weight being a food-grade solvent.76. The process as claimed in one of and to claim 2 , wherein the distilled natural vanillin has a purity of 96% to 98.9%.8. The process as claimed in claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , among the impurities are claim 7 , in the majority claim 7 , vanillyl alcohol claim 7 , and the dimers and/or trimers claim 7 , in ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Portable fuel synthesizer

Номер: US20180036709A1
Принадлежит: Portable Gtl Systems LLC

A portable fuel synthesizer, comprising multiple shipping containers, the various modules within one of the multiple shipping containers, a boiler utilizing a hydrocarbon gas as fuel, a cooling system module connected to the boiler, the cooling system adjusts a temperature of the boiler, a syngas reformer, a reactor connected to the syngas reformer and the boiler, the reactor converts the syngas to a hydrocarbon liquid, a hot separator connected to the reactor, a cold separator connected to the hot separator separates liquid hydrocarbons and gaseous hydrocarbons at a lower temperature and pressure than the hot separator, a distillation unit connected to the cold separator performs fractional distillation and separation of hydrocarbon products received from the cold separator, a recycle module connected to the cold separator and distillation unit recycles unreacted gases to the reactor, and a fuel testing and blending unit to receive separated hydrocarbons from the distillation unit.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054980A1
Автор: Alekseev Alexander

Method and Apparatus for separating at least one CO isotope compound, especially isotope compound 13C16O, from natural CO, comprising: 1. Method for separating at least one CO isotope compound , especially isotope compound 13C16O , from natural CO , comprising:{'b': 110', '112', '114', '116', '118', '120', '112, 'i': 'b', 'operating a rectification column system (), comprising a plurality of rectification sections (,,,,) arranged adjacent to one another in a chain-like manner, including an upper rectification section and a plurality of lower rectification sections, wherein maintaining evaporation of liquid present in the rectification column is achieved by heating the liquid by heating means provided in each rectification section, wherein the heating of at least one of the plurality of rectification sections is provided by heating means comprising a heat pump cycle (), wherein preferably the heating at the least one further one of the plurality of rectification sections is provided by means comprising an electrical heater.'}2132112122112. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the heating in the upper rectification section is provided to utilize a heat pump cycle connecting a reboiler () of the upper rectification section () and a condenser () associated with upper rectification section ().3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein pressures within the rectification column system range from 0.5 bar abs in the upper rectification section to around 3 bar abs in a lowermost rectification section.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein temperatures within the rectification column system range from 77K in the upper rectification section to around 95 K in a lowermost rectification section.5122210220. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquefied working fluid of the heat pump cycle is supplied to the condenser () using at least one pump ( claim 1 ,).6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the working fluid of the heat pump cycle is nitrogen.7. Method according to ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039997A1

The present invention provides a method of producing an ethanolamine, with a low production ratio of a dialkanolamine (for example, less than 30% by weight). A process for producing an alkanolamine of the present invention includes reacting an alkylene oxide with ammonia to obtain a reaction product containing a monoalkanolamine, a dialkanolamine, and a trialkanolamine; separating the dialkanolamine from the reaction product; and recycling at least a portion of the dialkanolamine for the reaction of an alkylene oxide with ammonia, wherein in the recycling step, the dialkanolamine is supplied in a molar ratio of the alkylene oxide (moles) to a total amount (moles) of ammonia and the dialkanolamine of 0.08 or more and less than 0.26. 1. A process for producing an alkanolamine , the process comprising reacting an alkylene oxide with ammonia to obtain a reaction product containing a monoalkanolamine , a dialkanolamine , and a trialkanolamine; separating the dialkanolamine from the reaction product; and recycling at least a portion of the dialkanolamine for the reaction of an alkylene oxide with ammonia ,wherein in the recycling step, the dialkanolamine is supplied in a molar ratio of the alkylene oxide (moles) to a total amount (moles) of ammonia and the dialkanolamine of 0.08 or more and less than 0.26.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein in the recycling step claim 1 , the dialkanolamine is supplied in a ratio (weight ratio) of the dialkanolamine to the ammonia of 0.05 or more and less than 0.18.3. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising separating the trialkanolamine from the reaction product claim 1 , wherein a trialkanolamine 1 alkylene oxide adduct is contained in the trialkanolamine isolate in an amount of 0.6% by weight or less.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a production ratio of the dialkanolamine is less than 30% by weight. The present invention relates to a method for producing an alkanolamine.As a commercial way of ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040261A9

A device and process for the vacuum pyrolization of scrap tires to produce a pyrolytic oil from which valuable terpenes such as limonene and pulegone may be extracted and purified. 1. A device for the pyrolysis of tires to form pyrolytic oils containing limonene and pulegone comprising;a nitrogen blanket bin for accepting shredded, washed, and dried automobile tires;at least one vacuum-lock valve;a helical screw which slowly turns to generate a mixture of shredded automobile tires and an additive/catalyst that can flow from the nitrogen blanket bin;at least one heater for heating the mixture from ambient temperature to about 450 degrees Celsius;a release valve for controlling the release of at least one of either a material and a vapor from the nitrogen blanket vacuum sealed furnace through a thin film evaporator and into a contactor/separator for recovery of at least one of either a type of terpene or a type of terpenoid from a mixture that has at least one of either the material or the vapor, wherein the contactor/separator can generate a pyrolytic vapor from the at least one of either the material or the vapor after a set of solids is removed from the mixture, and wherein the contactor/separator includes a chiller assembly for reducing the temperature of the pyrolytic vapor, a first heatable distillation column for reheating and cooling the mixture, a second heatable distillation column containing internal components that are at least one of either sieve trays or structured packing, wherein the second distillation column separates types of terpenes and the types of terpenoids that have been extracted from the mixture, wherein the mixture is passed through a small orifice disposed between the first distillation column and the second distillation column to thereby reduce the temperature of the mixture as it enters the second distillation column, wherein the terpenes and terpenoids are removed from the second distillation column through at least one tap mounted on ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047261A1

A method for producing methyl methacrylate including: 1. A method for producing methyl methacrylate , comprising: supplying a reaction solution, which is obtained by subjecting methacrolein, methanol, and molecular oxygen to oxidative esterification in an oxidative esterification reactor and which comprises the methyl methacrylate as a reaction product, to a first distillation column located at downstream of the oxidative esterification reactor,', 'extracting a fraction comprising the methacrolein and the methanol from a medium section of the first distillation column, and', 'extracting a column bottom liquid comprising the methyl methacrylate from a column bottom of the first distillation column,, 'a distillation step comprising'}wherein a concentration of the methanol in the column bottom liquid is 1% by mass or more and 30% by mass or less.2. The method for producing methyl methacrylate according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of phase-separating the column bottom liquid into a light phase and a heavy phase.3. The method for producing methyl methacrylate according to claim 2 , further comprising a step of distilling the heavy phase in a second distillation column to obtain a fraction comprising the methanol.4. The method for producing methyl methacrylate according to claim 3 , wherein the fraction comprising the methanol obtained from the second distillation column is recycled to the oxidative esterification reaction.5. The method for producing methyl methacrylate according to claim 2 , further comprisinga step of subjecting the light phase to purification, anda step of adding a polymerization inhibitor to the light phase after the purification.6. The method for producing methyl methacrylate according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of subjecting the methacrolein claim 1 , the methanol claim 1 , and the molecular oxygen to oxidative esterification in the oxidative esterification reactor claim 1 , to obtain the reaction solution.7. The method for ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044081A1

The present application relates to an apparatus and method for purifying cumene. The apparatus and method for purifying cumene according to the present application can reduce the amount of energy consumption which occurs during purification processes and can provide an apparatus and method capable of efficiently purifying cumene. 1. An apparatus for purifying cumene comprising:a first dividing wall type distillation column which takes in a stream from an alkylation reaction unit and comprises a first benzene output line through which benzene is discharged and a lower output line through which a benzene/cumene/polyisopropylbenzene stream is discharged;a second dividing wall type distillation column which takes in a stream from a transalkylation reaction unit and the benzene/cumene/polyisopropylbenzene stream discharged through the lower output line of the first dividing wall type distillation column, includes a second benzene output line through which benzene is discharged from an upper portion, and includes a polyisopropylbenzene stream output line through which a polyisopropylbenzene stream is discharged from a lower portion; anda third distillation column which takes in the polyisopropylbenzene stream discharged through the polyisopropylbenzene stream output line of the second dividing wall type distillation column, includes a polyisopropylbenzene output line through which polyisopropylbenzene is discharged from an upper portion, and includes a heavies output line through which heavy materials are discharged from a lower portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first distillation column further includes an upper output line through which light materials and water are discharged from an upper portion.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first distillation column includes a benzene input line which is positioned at a front end portion and takes in fresh benzene.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second distillation column further includes a ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044594A1

Techniques are described for producing a bitumen product and recovering solvent from a solvent-diluted heavy hydrocarbon stream, which can have configurations and operation of an indirect heat exchanger to enhance performance. The system can have three solvent recovery stages. The indirect heat exchanger can have a location and operation to mitigate risks associated with exchanger failures. The solvent-diluted hydrocarbon stream can be preheated with a downstream solvent-depleted stream, and the pressure of the latter can be higher than that of the former to avoid solvent leaking into the hydrocarbon-enriched stream. The heat exchanger can be located in between the second and third stages, so that solvent leaked into the second stage output can be removed in the third stage so that the final product hydrocarbon stream can remain at low solvent contents. 1. A process for producing a bitumen product stream from a solvent-diluted bitumen stream resulting from solvent-assisted separation of a bitumen froth , the process comprising:separating the solvent-diluted bitumen stream in a first stage flash vessel to produce a first stage flash vessel bottoms stream and a first stage recovered solvent stream;separating at least a portion of the first stage flash vessel bottoms stream in a second stage separation column to produce a bitumen component stream and a second stage recovered solvent stream; andseparating the bitumen component stream in a third stage flash vessel to produce a bitumen product stream and a third stage recovered solvent stream.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising pre-heating the solvent-diluted bitumen stream before the first stage flash vessel to produce a heated diluted bitumen stream.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the pre-heating is performed so as to heat the solvent-diluted bitumen stream up to between around 100° C. and around 140° C. claim 2 , and operating the second stage separation column is performed to produce the bitumen ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Condensate recovery unit

Номер: US20220062811A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

Production equipment and methods which reduce “gray” or off-specification production and improve central processing facility (CPF) efficiency. The process is a combination of unit operations (heat exchange, pumping, and separation) to produce an on-spec gas product, an on-spec condensate product, and/or on-spec oil product. It does so by placing the feed under pressure and heating it to the point that it can be vaporized and separated. The blended components are modulated dependent upon the composition of the produced fluids, produced gas, and off-specification fluid to efficiently produce on-specification products.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064078A1

Methods and systems for producing high purity methanol and isobutene from crude MTBE feed using multiple divided wall columns are provided. The methods can include purifying the MTBE, dissociating the MTBE to produce isobutene and methanol, purifying the isobutene and recovering/purifying methanol.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Process for recovering acetonitrile

Номер: US20220064108A1

A process for producing acetonitrile, the process comprising: treating a feedstock stream comprising methanol, allyl alcohol, oxazole, acetonitrile, water, and hydrogen cyanide to remove hydrogen cyanide and produce an acetonitrile stream comprising less than 1 wt. % hydrogen cyanide. The process further comprises the step of distilling the acetonitrile stream in a first distillation column to produce a first distillate comprising oxazole and methanol; a first intermediate acetonitrile stream comprising acetonitrile and oxazole and less than 1 wt % allyl alcohol; a first bottoms stream comprising allyl alcohol and water. The process further comprises the step of purifying the first intermediate acetonitrile stream to produce an acetonitrile product stream and a recycle stream comprising allyl alcohol.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064199A1

An integrated approach for utilizing waste products of 2G bio-refineries to fractionate the lignin of high purity. The present invention also provides a method of recycling of two waste products (2-G ethanol residue as the substrate (LRBR) and fusel oil/synthetic fusel oil (SFO) as one of the solvent) of the biorefineries in a beneficial manner to fractionate the lignin of high purity. The present method of separating high purity lignin comprises fractioning extractive-free lignin rich residue with a solvent, wherein the solvent is a mixture of SFO/Fusel oil and Formic acid. An optimized ratio of waste fusel oil and formic acid gave more than >85% yields of high purity lignin. 1. A method for separating high purity lignin from waste streams , the method comprising:i. removing extractives from the waste steam using by hot water treatment at 70-90° C., and repeating the step for 2-5 times;ii. extracting solids obtained in pervious step with technical spirit or fusel oil, and repeating the step 1-2 times to obtain extractive-free lignin rich residue;iii. fractioning extractive-free lignin rich residue obtained in previous step with a solvent in high pressure reactor;iv. separating the slurry obtained in pervious step into solid and liquid fractions.v. washing the solid fraction with solvent of step (iii), followed by washing with water; andvi. combining the wash from step (v) to liquid fraction and recovering the lignin.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the waste steam is a bioethanol residue of the biorefineries and wherein extractive-free lignin rich residue is an extractive-free lignin rich bioethanol residue (LRBR).3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic solvents used in step (iii) is selected from methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , butanol claim 1 , acetone claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , propionic acid claim 1 , synthetic fusel oil (SFO) claim 1 , fusel oil or combination thereof.4. The ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064541A1
Автор: Lyubovsky Maxim

A system and method for producing liquid hydrocarbons is disclosed. In one embodiment, the system includes at least one renewable power system configured to generate a DC electric power output; at least one water electrolysis system in electrical communication with the renewable power system and configured to utilize the DC electric power to produce a hydrogen output; and a liquid hydrocarbon synthesis system in fluid communication with the water electrolysis system and configured to utilize the hydrogen output and a carbon dioxide feed to produce a liquid hydrocarbon product.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064550A1

The present invention is based on the use of a two-step hydrocracking process for the production of naphtha, comprising a step of hydrogenation placed downstream of the second hydrocracking step, the hydrogenation step treating the effluent resulting from the second hydrocracking step in the presence of a specific hydrogenation catalyst. Furthermore, the hydrogenation step and the second hydrocracking step are performed under specific operating conditions and in particular under quite specific temperature conditions.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Process and system for producing light olefins from inferior oils

Номер: US20220064552A1

A process for producing light olefins from inferior oils includes the steps of: subjecting an inferior oil to a thermal conversion reaction in the presence of hydrogen to obtain a conversion product; separating the conversion product to obtain a first separated product; separating the first separated product to obtain an upgraded oil and a pitch; subjecting the upgraded oil to hydro-upgrading to obtain a hydro-upgraded oil; separating the hydro-upgraded oil to obtain a hydro-upgraded heavy oil; and subjecting the hydro-upgraded heavy oil to catalytic cracking to obtain a catalytic cracking product comprising a light olefin.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047925A1

This invention discloses a method for co-production of 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. This method includes inputting the mixed gases of hydrogen fluoride and 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane together with 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropene into a first reactor for a reaction to obtain a reaction product; directly inputting the reaction product into a second reactor to perform a reaction in the presence of a catalyst; separating hydrogen chloride from the obtained product; obtaining 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene respectively after water washing, alkaline washing, drying and rectifying. This invention has the advantages of flexible production, simple process, small investment, low energy consumption and high conversion rate. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for co-production of 1-chloro-3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene , 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , the method comprising:{'sup': '−1', '(a) preheating and then directing hydrogen fluoride and 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane into a first reactor in a molar ratio of 9:1-15:1, wherein the first reactor comprises an upper section filled with an aluminum oxide supported chromium metal catalyst and a lower section filled with a chromic oxide supported indium metal catalyst, wherein the hydrogen fluoride and the 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloropropane are reacted in the upper section of the first reactor at a temperature of 200-400° C. and at an air flow rate of 300-1,000 h, and a product from the upper section enters the lower section of the first reactor to continuously react with the 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropane to obtain a first reaction product of the first reactor, wherein a molar ratio of the 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropane to the hydrogen fluoride in the lower section of the first reactor is 3:9-5:9;'}{'sup': '−1', '(b) directly directing the first reaction product of the first reactor into a second reactor ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047079A1

A process is presented for removing the fouling problems associated with the product recovery in a methanol to olefins conversion process. The process includes passing the quenched MTO process stream to a product separator, wherein an intermediate stream is generated and includes water and heavier hydrocarbons. The intermediate stream is processed to remove the buildup of heavier hydrocarbons. 1. A process for separating heavy hydrocarbons from an MTO reactor effluent , the process comprising:separating an effluent from an MTO reaction zone in a product separation zone into a vapor stream comprising olefinic hydrocarbons, oxygenates, and steam, and a first liquid stream comprising two phases, a first phase comprising water and a second phase comprising heavy hydrocarbons;compressing the vapor stream in a compression zone having a plurality of stages of compression and being configured to provide at least one compressed liquid stream and a compressed vapor stream, each compressed liquid stream comprising two phases, a first phase comprising water and a second phase comprising heavy hydrocarbons; and,separating the first liquid stream from the product separation zone and the at least one compressed liquid stream from the compression zone in a separation vessel into a hydrocarbon liquid stream and a lean hydrocarbon water stream.2. The process of wherein the separation vessel comprises a settling vessel.3. The process of further comprising:stripping DME from the vapor stream in a DME stripping zone, wherein the DME stripping zone includes a charge drum and a stripping column, and wherein the compressed vapor stream is provided by the charge drum.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the charge drum provides the at least one compressed liquid stream claim 3 , and further comprising:separating the at least one compressed liquid stream from the charge drum in the separation vessel into the hydrocarbon liquid stream and the lean hydrocarbon water stream.5. The process of ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Process of producing 1,4-butanediol

Номер: US20160052845A1

A process produces 1,4-butanediol by purifying 1,4-butanediol originated from a fermentation broth, by which process 1,4-butanediol having properties suited as a material of producing a polyester is obtained, which 1,4-butanediol enables to reduce by-production of tetrahydrofuran during the esterification reaction and to reduce the delay in polymerization. The process of producing 1,4-butanediol includes adding an alkaline substance other than an ammonia or an amine to an aqueous 1,4-butanediol-containing solution originated from a fermentation broth; distilling the resulting mixture; and recovering a 1,4-butanediol-containing solution from the vapor flow.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053891A1

The present invention relates to a process for oligomerization of C2- to C8-olefins in at least two reaction stages, wherein in the last distillation column the reaction mixture is fractionated such that only very small amounts of the oligomers formed remain in the distillate. 1. A process for oligomerization of from C2- to C8-olefins in at least two serially connected reaction stages , each of which comprise at least one reactor and at least one distillation column , whereinan input mixture containing the from C2- to C8-olefins as reactant olefins and a proportion of >10% by weight of alkanes is subjected to oligomerization in the at least one reactor using a heterogeneous catalyst with a reactant olefin conversion of from 60 to 95%, and the reaction mixture obtained from the at least one reactor is distilled in the at least one distillation column to separate the formed oligomers from the residual reaction mixture containing at least the unconverted reactant olefins and forming the distillate from the distillation column, wherein the distillate formed in the at least one distillation column is at least partially passed to the reactor(s) of the same or preceding reaction stage, characterized in that the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <100 ppmw, while the distillate(s) from the preceding distillation column(s) has or have a concentration of the oligomers in the range from >200 ppmw to 7000 ppmw.2. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <80 ppmw.3. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <50 ppmw.4. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the reactors of the individual reaction stages ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053892A1

The present invention relates to a process for oligomerization of C2- to C8-olefins in at least two reaction stages, wherein in the last distillation column the reaction mixture is fractionated such that only very small amounts of the reactant olefins and the analogous alkanes remain in the bottom of the distillation column. 1. A process for oligomerization of from C2- to C8-olefins in at least two serially connected reaction stages , each of which comprise at least one reactor and at least one distillation column , whereinan input mixture containing at least the from C2- to C8-olefins as reactant olefins and a proportion of >10% by weight of their analogous alkanes is subjected to oligomerization in the at least one reactor using a heterogeneous catalyst with a reactant olefin conversion of 60 to 95%, and the reaction mixture obtained from the at least one reactor is distilled in the at least one distillation column to separate the formed oligomers from the residual reaction mixture containing at least the unconverted reactant olefins and the alkanes and forming the distillate from the distillation column, wherein the distillate formed in the at least one distillation column is at least partially passed to the reactor(s) of the same or preceding reaction stage,wherein the bottom output or the bottom outputs from the distillation column(s) are passed from the respective reaction stages to the last distillation column of the last reaction stage and the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the alkanes in the bottom of the last distillation column is <200 ppmw.2. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein in the bottom or in the bottoms of the preceding distillation column(s) the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the alkanes is >200 ppmw by contrast.3. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053893A1

A method for separating aromatic hydrocarbons by an extractive distillation, comprising introducing a hydrocarbon mixture containing aromatic hydrocarbons into the middle of an extractive distillation column (); introducing an extraction solvent into the upper part of the extractive distillation column; after an extractive distillation, a raffinate containing benzene is discharged from the top of the column, wherein the benzene content is 3-40% by mass, and sent to the lower part of the extraction column (); the extraction solvent is introduced to the upper part of the extraction column for a liquid-liquid extraction; a raffinate liquid free of aromatic hydrocarbons is discharged from the top of the extraction column; a rich solvent containing benzene is discharged from the bottom of the column and enters the upper-middle part of the extractive distillation column; the rich solvent obtained at the bottom of the extractive distillation column is sent to the solvent recovery column to separate the aromatic hydrocarbons and the solvent. By combining an extractive distillation with a liquid-liquid extraction ingeniously, the method can achieve the separation of aromatic hydrocarbons with a high purity and a high recovery rate, and a significant decrease of the energy consumption in the extraction and separation process. 1. A method for separating aromatic hydrocarbons by an extractive distillation , comprising following operations:(1) introducing a hydrocarbon mixture containing aromatic hydrocarbons is introduced into the middle part of an extractive distillation column; introducing an extraction solvent into the upper part of the extractive distillation column; after an extractive distillation, discharging a raffinate containing benzene from the top of the extractive distillation column, wherein the benzene content is 3-40% by mass; and a rich solvent rich in aromatic hydrocarbons is obtained at the bottom of the extractive distillation column,(2) sending the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053184A1

Process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil, comprising a thermal separation step performed in a vessel at conditions, of temperature and pressure, allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil into a first heavy oil fraction and into a second light oil fraction having, in comparison with the waste oil, a low content in solids and/or in other contaminants that are different from water and from inert gas. The process is further characterized in that while, during the thermal separation treatment, the waste oil is heated to a temperature about the boiling temperature of the heavy oil fraction, and below the cracking temperature of the waste oil, and at a pressure that is preferably below the atmospheric pressure, the heavy oil fraction of the vapours existing the vessel, in contact with a cooler surface, condenses and falls back into the vessel, while the second fraction, in a gaseous state, is eventually submitted to at least one further separation treatment. When water is present in the waste oil, said water is used to improve the amount of recovered light oils; and/or when no water is present in the waste oil, water or at least one inert gas or at least one component that may become an inert gas by heating may be added to the waste oil or to the thermal separation unit. Uses of the process for environmental applications and for treating used oils and to prepare oil products. Systems for reclaiming useful products from waste oils comprising at least one rotating kiln and at least one self-refluxing condenser and/or at least one dephlegmator. 148-. (canceled)49. A thermal process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil , the process comprising a thermal separation performed in a vessel , at a pressure that is below the atmospheric pressure and at conditions of temperature allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for the Production of Para-xylene

Номер: US20170050899A1

The present invention is an improved process and apparatus for producing para-xylene, particularly with respect to a process that involves the methylation of toluene and/or benzene to selectively produce para-xylene, wherein streams having differing amounts of ethylbenzene are separately treated in the recovery of para-xylene. A first hydrocarbon feed comprising xylenes and ethylbenzene is provided to a first para-xylene adsorption section, and a second hydrocarbon feed comprising xylenes and less EB than the first hydrocarbon feed is provided to a second para-xylene adsorption section. Segregating the feeds with differing ethylbenzene contents increases the overall efficiency of the adsorption of para-xylene by the adsorption units. Efficiency and energy savings may be further improved by subjecting the lower-content ethylbenzene stream to liquid phase isomerization. 115.-. (canceled)16. An apparatus for the production of para-xylene comprising:a first para-xylene adsorption section, which produces a first para-xylene-rich stream and a first para-xylene-depleted stream from a first hydrocarbon feed, and a second para-xylene adsorption section, which produces a second para-xylene-rich stream and a second para-xylene-depleted stream from a second hydrocarbon feed, the first and second para-xylene adsorption sections fluidly connected to a divided wall raffinate column in which the first and second para-xylene-depleted streams are provided to opposite sides of the dividing wall and separated into an ethylbenzene-rich stream, which contains a majority portion of the ethylbenzene from the first and second para-xylene-depleted streams, and an ethylbenzene-depleted stream, which contains a minor portion of the ethylbenzene from the first and second para-xylene-depleted streams;a vapor phase isomerization unit fluidly connected to the divided wall raffinate column to isomerize meta-xylene, ortho-xylene, and ethylbenzene in the ethylbenzene-rich stream at least partially in ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Fractionation Process for Separating the Reactor Effluent from TOL/A9+ Transalkylation Processes

Номер: US20170050901A1
Автор: Jeffrey AMELSE
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

Processes and apparatus are disclosed for the energy efficient separation of the effluent from a TOL/A9+ transalkylation reactor. The apparatus includes a reboiled prefractionation column and a sidedraw tower that produces: 1) an overhead stream including unreacted toluene, 2) a stream including unreacted C9+ aromatics, a portion of which stream may be recycled to the reactor; and 3) a sidedraw stream including C8 aromatics that may be directed to a crystallization or selective adsorption paraxylene separation unit for recovery o a paraxylene product.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Divalent Cation Removal From Rich Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) Feed Streams By Ion Exchange

Номер: US20170050908A1

A system and process for removing divalent cations from a rich MEG feed stream is presented. An ion exchange bed containing a cation exchange resin adsorbs the divalent cations in the rich MEG feed stream as it flows through the ion exchange bed. After the divalent ions have been removed, the feed stream flows through a flash separator and a distillation column to reclaim MEG. Alternatively, the feed stream flows through a distillation column to regenerate MEG. The spent cation exchange resin may be regenerated in place using a regeneration brine comprised of sodium chloride and water. After use, the regeneration brine may be disposed as waste or recycled to the brine storage tank and re-used to regenerate the cation exchange resin. 1. A system for removing divalent cations from a rich MEG feed stream , the system comprising:an ion exchange bed through which the rich MEG feed stream flows, the ion exchange bed containing a cation exchange resin that adsorbs the divalent cations in the rich MEG feed stream.2. A system according to further comprising a flash separator followed by a distillation column for reclaiming MEG from the rich MEG feed stream after the divalent cations have been removed.3. A system according to further comprising a distillation column for regenerating MEG from the rich MEG feed stream after the divalent cations have been removed.4. A system according to wherein a regeneration brine is used to regenerate the cation exchange resin without removing it from the ion exchange bed.5. A system according to wherein the regeneration brine is comprised of sodium chloride produced as the rich MEG feed stream is treated in the flash separator.6. A system according to wherein the regeneration brine is comprised of water produced as the rich MEG feed stream is treated in the distillation column.7. A system according to wherein the regeneration brine is held in a brine storage tank before it flows through the ion exchange bed.8. A system according to wherein ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073457A1

The present invention relates to a method for purifying a mixture containing at least one alkyl hydroperoxide, preferably tert-butyl hydroperoxide or tert-amyl hydroperoxide, and at least one corresponding dialkyl hydroperoxide, said method comprising at least one step of extraction with water and at least one separation step which is carried out within the aqueous phase, obtained following the extraction step, in order to recover an aqueous solution which is rich in alkyl hydroperoxide. The invention also relates to an aqueous composition which is rich in alkyl hydroperoxide and contains at least 0.1% by weight of dialkyl peroxide in relation to the total weight of the composition. 120-. (canceled)21. A process for the purification of a mixture containing at least one alkyl hydroperoxide and at least one alkyl peroxide , wherein it successively comprises:a) at least one stage of extraction, carried out with water, of said mixture so as to obtain a first phase rich in alkyl hydroperoxide and a second phase rich in dialkyl peroxide,b) at least one stage of concentration of the first phase obtained in stage a) so as to obtain two new phases, known as third and fourth phase,c) optionally a stage of separation by settling of the third phase so as to obtain a fifth and sixth phase,d) optionally a stage of recovery of the fifth phase obtained in stage c).22. The process as claimed in , wherein the extraction stage a) is carried out with a water content which is 5 times greater than the content by weight of the mixture as defined according to .23. The process as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the concentration stage b) is carried out starting from a process employing at least one semipermeable membrane or from a distillation process.24. The process as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the concentration stage b) is carried out in order to separate the solution containing at least 60% by weight of alkyl hydroperoxide and less than 0.1% by weight of dialkyl peroxide claim 21 , the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060567A1
Автор: Sarup Bent

Disclosed is a process for de-acidification of fats and oils, to obtain micronutrients, to obtain a fatty acid product, and recovery of refined oils, comprising: feeding pre-treated oil feed stream to a vacuum steam stripping section, stripping off volatile phases. Feeding the stripped off the volatile phases to a condensing stage providing a condensed phase and a vapour phase. Sending the condensed phase to a vacuum distillation operation and sending the vapour phase to a cold condensation stage. Subjecting the condensed phase to a vacuum distillation operation, and obtaining a high temperature distillate and a stream of volatiles. Feeding the vapour phase from the high temperature condensing stage along with the stream of volatiles from the vacuum distillation operation to the cold condensation stage obtaining a stream of non-condensable gases and a cold temperature distillate, letting the stream of non-condensable gases continue to a vacuum system, and recovering from the vacuum steam stripping section a stream of refined oil. 1. A process comprising:(i) feeding a pre-treated oil feed stream to a vacuum steam stripping section, stripping off volatile phases, optionally assisting the stripping off volatile phases by addition of stripping steam and unintentional in-leakage of air;(ii) feeding the stripped off volatile phases to a high temperature condensing stage or to a combination of a high temperature condensing stage and a medium temperature condensing stage, obtaining a condensed phase and a vapour phase, transferring the condensed phase to a vacuum distillation operation and transferring the vapour phase to a cold condensation stage;(iii) subjecting the condensed phase to said vacuum distillation operation, and obtaining a high temperature distillate and a stream of volatiles;(iv) feeding the vapour phase from the high temperature condensing stage or the vapour phase from the combination of a high temperature condensing stage and the medium temperature ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061740A1
Автор: GHORBANI Nasser

Methods and apparatus for reclaiming monoethylene glycol from a produced hydrocarbon stream are described. The method includes directly contacting a stream containing monoethylene glycol (MEG) with a heat transfer fluid, vaporizing the MEG by transferring heat from the heat transfer fluid to the MEG to produce a vapor stream, liquefying the vapor stream to form a liquid stream, passing the liquid stream through a filter comprising an oleophilic material, and removing residual heat transfer fluid from the liquid stream using the filter. 1. A method , comprising:directly contacting a stream containing monoethylene glycol (MEG) with a heat transfer fluid (HTF);vaporizing the MEG by transferring heat from the HTF to the MEG to produce a rich MEG stream;condensing the rich MEG stream;passing the rich MEG stream through a filter comprising an oleophilic material; andremoving residual HTF from the liquid stream using the filter to form a clean MEG stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oleophilic material is a filter element having a form selected from the group consisting of a mesh claim 1 , a permeable sheet claim 1 , and a powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oleophilic material is an aromatic resin claim 1 , a polyacrylate claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detecting an amount of the HTF in the clean MEG stream.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising determining an end point based on the amount of the HTF in the clean MEG stream.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising claim 5 , upon determining the end point claim 5 , flushing the filter using a fluid miscible with the HTF.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the fluid is a low polarity aprotic solvent.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising separating water from the clean MEG stream to form a purified MEG stream.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising:detecting an amount of the HTF in the clean MEG stream;determining an end point based on ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058203A1
Принадлежит: AXENS

The present invention describes a process for the isomerization of a light naphtha with a view to forming high octane number gasolines, said process using a deisopentanizer and a deisohexanizer which are thermally integrated in a manner such as to reduce the consumption of the high temperature utilities employed in the process. 1. A process for the production of a high octane number gasoline cut starting from a light naphtha feed , comprising the following series of steps:{'b': '2', 'a)—a first step for separation by distillation carried out in a deisopentanizer [], which can be used to separate hydrocarbons containing 5 carbon atoms from heavier compounds (i.e. iC5 or iC5+nC5, depending on the case),'}{'b': 1', '102', '7', '103, 'b)—a section [] for catalytic isomerization of the heavy effluents () obtained from the first separation step, followed by a stabilization [] of the isomerized effluent (), which consists of separating out the compounds which are lighter than the pentanes,'}{'b': 12', '106', '107', '108', '1, 'c)—a second step for separation by distillation, carried out using a deisohexanizer [] consisting of a separation column in which the overhead products () and the bottom products () are the desired products from the process, and in which an intermediate cut which is enriched in n-hexane, removed as a side stream (), is recycled to the catalytic isomerization section [],'}{'b': 12', '2', '13', '12', '2', '12, 'd)—a step for transferring heat between the two separation steps, namely the condenser of the deisohexanizer [] and the reboiler of the deisopentanizer [], carried out using an exchanger [] in order to condense all or a portion of the overhead vapours from the deisohexanizer [] by reboiling all or a portion of the bottom of the deisopentanizer column [] and using for this purpose a means which depends on the operating pressure of the deisohexanizer [].'}2122. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the operating pressure of the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055801A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method for separating COfrom Cto Calkanes includes introducing a first stream including Cto Calkanes and COinto a first separation zone, the first separation zone including a hydrocarbon solvent, and separating the first stream into a recycle stream and a second stream in the first separation zone. The recycle stream including COand one or more of CO, H, and CH, and the second stream including Cto Calkanes. The method further includes introducing the second stream into a second separation zone, and separating the second stream into a third stream and a fourth stream, wherein the third stream includes Calkanes and the fourth stream includes Cto Calkanes. 1. A method for separating COfrom Cto Calkanes , comprising:{'sub': 2', '5', '2, 'introducing a first stream comprising Cto Calkanes and COinto a first separation zone, the first separation zone comprising a hydrocarbon solvent;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '4', '2', '5, 'separating the first stream into a recycle stream and a second stream in the first separation zone, wherein the recycle stream comprises COand one or more of CO, H, and CH, and the second stream comprises Cto Calkanes;'}introducing the second stream into a second separation zone; and{'sub': 2', '3', '5, 'separating the second stream into a third stream and a fourth stream, wherein the third stream comprises Calkanes and the fourth stream comprises Cto Calkanes.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises introducing at least a portion of the fourth stream into the first separation zone as the hydrocarbon solvent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises introducing the recycle stream into a reaction zone.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a portion of the recycle stream is purged before the recycle stream is introduced into the reaction zone.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the hydrocarbon solvent to Cto Calkanes in the first separation zone is from 1:1 to 5:1.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056115A1
Автор: Vanaman Bruce
Принадлежит: Evello International, LLC

A oil extraction apparatus may include an extraction unit, condenser, winterization unit, micron filter, preheater, short-path distillation unit, and condenser. The extraction unit may utilize cellular disruption in a food grade solvent to extract oil from plant material. The short-path distillation unit may utilize molecular distillation. The short-path distillation unit may include a recirculation loop for multiple passes through the short-path distillation unit to separate extract components by weight. In one example, multiple short-path distillation units may be aligned is series to incrementally separate extract components by weight. 1cannabis. A oil extraction apparatus , the apparatus comprising: an extraction vessel defining an interior volume to contain solvent and plant material,', 'a transducer directed toward the interior volume to emit ultrasonic soundwaves through the solvent,', 'a mechanical agitator extending into the interior volume and movable therein to mechanically agitate the solvent and plant material, and', 'a jacket comprising passages to receive a thermal medium comprising a heated fluid;, 'an extraction unit, the extraction unit comprisinga first pump fluidically coupled to the interior volume of the extraction vessel to evacuate atmosphere and provide a negative atmosphere within the interior volume; an interior passage through which to flow the steam and gas,', 'a condensing surface positioned along the interior passage, and', 'a jacket comprising passages to receive a thermal medium comprising a cooling fluid to cool the condensing surface;, 'a horizontal condenser fluidically coupled to interior volume of the extraction vessel to receive steam and gas comprising solvent and extract extracted from the plant material within the interior volume, the horizontal condenser configured to condense the steam and gas and separate the solvent from the extract, the horizontal condenser comprisinga second pump fluidically coupled to the interior ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080243A1

Heterogeneous azeotrope or azeotrope-like compositions comprising trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and water which may include from about 47.7 wt. % to about 99.0 wt. % trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and from about 1.0 wt. % to about 52.3 wt. % water and having a boiling point between about 18.0° C. and about 19.0° C. at a pressure of between about 58.0 psia and about 60.0 psia. The azeotrope or azeotrope-like compositions may be used to separate impurities from trifluoroiodomethane (CFI). 1. A composition comprising a heterogeneous azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consisting essentially of effective amounts of trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and water.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition has a boiling point between about 18.0° C. and about 19.0° C. at a pressure of between about 58.0 psia and about 60.0 psia.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consists essentially of from about 47.7 wt. % to about 99.0 wt. % trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and from about 1.0 wt. % to about 52.3 wt. % water.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consists essentially of from about 60.4 wt. % to about 95.0 wt. % trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and from about 5.0 wt. % to about 39.6 wt. % water.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consists essentially of from about 70.2 wt. % to about 90.0 wt. % trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and from about 10.0 wt. % to about 29.8 wt. % water.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consists essentially of about 77.0 wt. % trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and about 23.0 wt. % water.7. A method of forming a heterogeneous azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition comprising the step of combining trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) and water to form an azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition consisting essentially of effective amounts of trifluoroiodomethane (CFI) ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142364A1

An apparatus includes a first distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in C8+ aromatics; a second distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in C8 aromatics; an adsorption separation apparatus for obtaining an extract containing para-xylene and a raffinate containing xylene isomers; a third distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in para-xylene; and a fourth distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in xylene isomers. The second distillation apparatus includes a high-pressure part including a rectifying section; a low-pressure part including a stripping section; a line for directing overhead vapor of the low-pressure part to a column bottom of the high-pressure part; a line for directing a column bottom liquid of the high-pressure part to a column top of the low-pressure part; and a heat exchange structure for transferring heat from the rectifying section to the stripping section. 1. An aromatic hydrocarbon production apparatus , comprising:a first distillation apparatus configured to obtain, by distillation, from a feedstock, a fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms and a fraction enriched in a component lighter than the aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms;a second distillation apparatus configured to obtain, by distillation, from the fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms obtained from the first distillation apparatus, a fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 carbon atoms and a fraction enriched in an aromatic hydrocarbon having 9 or more carbon atoms;an adsorption separation apparatus configured to separate para-xylene, by adsorption separation, from the fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 carbon atoms obtained from the second distillation apparatus, and to obtain an extract and a raffinate, the extract being a stream containing a desorbent and para-xylene, and the raffinate being a stream ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062238A1

A process for separating xylenes from a feedstock in which the feedstock is separated into a xylene stream, a benzene rich stream and a light ends stream. Two separation zones may be utilized in which liquid from the first zone sent to a toluene recovery zone and vapor from the first zone is sent to a compression zone. The compressed vapor from the compression zone is sent to the second separation zone. 1. A process for the recovery of a benzene rich liquid stream and a light ends vapor stream in a xylene isomerization process from a feedstock , the process comprising:passing a feedstock into a deheptanizer in which the feedstock is separated into a deheptanizer vapor phase and a deheptanizer liquid phase, the deheptanizer vapor phase containing hydrocarbons with seven carbon atoms or less, and the deheptanizer liquid phase containing hydrocarbons with eight carbon atoms or more;passing the deheptanizer vapor phase from the deheptanizer to a first separation zone;separating the deheptanizer vapor phase in the first separation zone into a first liquid phase and a first vapor phase;passing the first liquid phase from the first separation zone to a toluene recovery comprising an overhead stream and a bottoms stream;passing the first vapor phase from the first separation zone to a compression zone in which the first vapor phase is compressed and partially condensed to provide a compressed and partially condensed vapor phase;passing the compressed and partially condensed vapor phase from the compression zone to the toluene recovery zone to be combined with the toluene recovery zone overhead stream, which is passed to a second separation zone;separating the compressed and partially condensed vapor phase into a second liquid phase and a second vapor phase in the second separation zone, the second vapor phase being a light ends vapor stream;recovering the light ends vapor stream;passing the second liquid phase back to the toluene recovery zone; andrecovering the benzene ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Recovery From A Hydrocarbon Reservoir

Номер: US20150068750A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co

Methods and apparatus for recovering heavy oil from subterranean reservoirs. A steam-utilizing heavy oil recovery process may be used to recover the heavy oil while employing a steam-solvent mixture. The solvent may be a tailored hydrocarbon solvent obtained from a precursor mixture of hydrocarbon compounds from which light end hydrocarbon compounds have been removed.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Process for de-polymerization of styrenic monomer-containing polymers and for retrieval of styrenic monomers

Номер: US20220081372A1

The invention relates to an improved process for providing purified styrenic monomers, such as styrene, from styrene-containing polymer waste. Styrene-containing waste is depolymerized in a suitable reactor, and the depolymerization products are condensed and separated in a three-step distillation process.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061187A1
Автор: Hora Maninder

An improved method for preparing squalene from a squalene-containing composition, said method comprising the steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T(b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T>200° C. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for preparing squalene from a composition comprising squalene from an animal source , said method comprising steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T , (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T≥200° C.; and T−Tis from 10° C. to 300° C.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the composition comprises one or more proteins.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the composition comprises parvalbumin.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein the denaturing distillation is carried out at a pressure of from 0.5 mm Hg to 5.0 mm Hg.28. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a temperature of from 70 to 100° C.29. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a pressure of from 0.5 μm Hg to 5 μm Hg.30. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out prior to the denaturing distillation.31. The method of claim 24 , wherein the composition comprising squalene is subjected to saponification.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein saponification comprises the addition of NaOH or KOH to the composition comprising squalene.33. A method for re-distillation of a composition comprising 99% squalene or more claim 31 , said method comprising:{'sub': '1', '(i) providing a squalene-containing composition comprising 99% squalene or more from an animal source, wherein said squalene-containing composition has been obtained by a process of ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061489A1
Принадлежит: Vogelbusch USA Inc.

A method for removing carbon dioxide gas from beer. The method includes an apparatus with a preheater, a degas column, a degas condenser, an optional degas condensate receiver, an optional degas condensate pump, and a bottoms pump. The apparatus is arranged to receive a feed from a beer source into the preheater and output the heated beer in the degas column. Much of the vapor in the degas column is condensed to a liquid phase by the degas condenser, and residual vapor is directed to-an existing carbon dioxide scrubber. The liquid phase is then reintroduced to the degas column via the degas condensate receiver and degas condensate pump. The degassed beer is pumped from the bottom of the degas column, through the beer preheater, and finally on to the existing distillation system. 1. A method for degassing beer , comprising the steps of:heating beer a preheater;separating the beer into vapor and liquid phases in a degas column, the degas column having a top and a bottom;removing the vapor phase from the top of the degas column to a degas condenser;condensing a part of the vapor phase in the degas condenser;returning the condensed part of the vapor phase to the top of the degas column;removing the uncondensed part of the vapor phase to a carbon dioxide scrubber;pumping the liquid phase from the bottom of the degas column to the preheater;extracting heat from the liquid phase the preheater; andadding heat to the bottom of the degas column of the degas column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of returning the condensed part of the vapor phase to the top of the degas column comprises:collecting the condensed part of the vapor phase from the degas condenser in a condensate receiver; andpumping the condensed part of the vapor phase from the condensate receiver to the top of the degas column.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of adding heat to the bottom of the degas column comprises:adding steam to the bottom of the degas column.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065061A1

Processes and systems for separating a mixture of three or more chemical components into multiple product streams each enriched in one of the components are provided herein. In some aspects, the present invention relates to processes for the separation of a chemical mixture including at least a heavy key component, an intermediate key component, and a light key component to form a product stream enriched in the light key component, a product stream enriched in the intermediate key component, and a product stream enriched in the heavy key component. Systems described herein may include one or more thermally coupled distillation columns including, for example, a dividing wall column, or a plurality of distillation columns arranged in a thermally integrated configuration. 1. A method for separating a ternary mixture comprising a light key component , a heavy key component , and at least one intermediate key component , wherein said mixture has a distillation boundary on a distillation region diagram that intersects a heterogeneous , minimum boiling binary azeotrope between said intermediate key component and said heavy key component that has a higher boiling point than the light key component , said method comprising:(a) introducing a feed stream comprising said mixture into a thermally integrated distillation system comprising a rectification zone, a first stripping zone, a second stripping zone, and a decantation zone;(b) withdrawing first and second overhead vapor streams from said first and said second stripping zones respectively;(c) introducing said first and said second overhead vapor streams into said rectification zone;(d) withdrawing a rectification liquid stream from said rectification zone;(e) introducing said rectification liquid stream into said decantation zone;(f) separating said rectification liquid stream in said decantation zone into a first liquid phase enriched in said heavy key component and a second liquid phase enriched in said intermediate key ...
