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27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2339364C2
Принадлежит: Н.В.ОРГАНОН, NL (NL)

Согласно новому способу жидкую среду, содержащую, по меньшей мере, одно растворенное органическое или неорганическое соединение, которое подлежит затвердеванию, нагнетают через мембрану в один или несколько антирастворителей, или один или несколько антирастворителей нагнетают через мембрану в жидкую среду, содержащую, по меньшей мере, одно органическое или неорганическое соединение. Мембрана расположена в мембранном модуле, имеет поры размером до 3 мкм, форма мембраны выбрана из трубки, волокна или спиральной обмотки. Способ осуществляют как непрерывный процесс. Способ обеспечивает получение твердых частиц, включающих органическое или неорганическое соединение, которые являются неагломерированными. Способ может применяться для больших объемов и позволяет контролировать размер частиц. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

07-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2797561C2

Группа изобретений относится к способам получения частиц соединения изоксазолина, где соединение изоксазолина представляет собой соединение формулы (I) где R1 = галоген; n = 2; R2 = C1-C3 галогеналкил; T = кольцевая структура: 6-членная, которая является замещенной одним радикалом Y; Y = метил; Q = X-NR3R4; X = CO; R3 = галогенэтиламинокарбонилэтил, R4 = водород; или его соль, где в одном варианте осуществления способ включает а) растворение в кристаллизаторе соединения изоксазолина в растворителе, в котором растворимость соединения изоксазолина зависит от температуры, для получения партии раствора соединения изоксазолина; b) инициирование кристаллизации i) охлаждением кристаллизатора до пересыщения, или ii) вибрацией кристаллизатора, или iii) добавлением в кристаллизатор зародыша кристаллизации соединения изоксазолина, или iv) сочетанием двух или более из вышеперечисленных действий; с) удаление части партии, нагрев удаленной части до полного растворения частиц соединения изоксазолина в ...

07-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621809C2

Изобретение относится к отделителю для диоксида углерода. Описан отделитель диоксида углерода, содержащегося, в частности, в дымовом газе электростанции на ископаемом топливе, включающий в себя абсорбционный узел, приданный ему десорбционный узел и отделительный узел для отделения солей из промывочного раствора. При этом абсорбционный узел и десорбционный узел сообщены между собой первым трубопроводом для восстановленного промывочного раствора (А) и вторым трубопроводом для насыщенного промывочного раствора (А'). Отделительный узел содержит кристаллизатор для образования кристаллов солей и расположенный на стороне стекающего потока сепарационный узел для отделения кристаллов солей. Также описан соответствующий способ эксплуатации отделителя. Кроме того, описан отделительный узел для отделения солей из промывочного раствора, который содержит кристаллизатор и расположенный на стороне стекающего потока первый сепарационный узел для отделения кристаллов солей. Кристаллизатор содержит кристаллизационную ...

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718795C2

Изобретение относится к получению газовых гидратов для хранения и транспортировки газа в энергетике и газовой промышленности. Гидратообразование осуществляют во встречных молекулярных пучках разреженного пара и газа, которые поступают в вакуумную камеру через сопла Лаваля со снижением температуры на выходе из сопел ниже 100 К и конденсацией с образованием кристаллических нанокластеров льда кубической алмазоподобной структуры. Образование кластеров сопровождается захватом газовых молекул и формированием кристаллогидратной фазы. Содержание газа в закристаллизованном конденсате, полученном при максимально достигнутой производительности процесса захвата молекул газа, превышает 50 мас.%. Такое содержание достигается за счет дополнительной сорбции газа при образовании кристаллического конденсата, который представляет собой насыщенную газом нанопористую среду, содержащую кристаллогидратную фазу и кристаллический лед. Способ повышает скорость образования газового гидрата, снижает расход хладагента ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018122595A3

10-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2140804C1
Принадлежит: Зульцер Кемтех А.Г. (CH)

Способ выделения веществ из жидкой смеси путем фракционированной кристаллизации с осаждением кристаллического слоя на одной стороне стенки кристаллизатора, которую охлаждают с другой стороны, и последующим расплавлением кристаллического слоя. Для кристаллизации испаряют охлаждающую среду на указанной другой стороне стенки, а давление газообразной фазы охлаждающей среды в кристаллизаторе регулируют в соответствии с температурой, требуемой для кристаллизации. Способ осуществляют на аппарате, снабженном по меньшей мере одним соединительным устройством для подвода и отвода газообразной фазы среды и средствами для регулирования давления газообразной среды в кристаллизаторе. Данное решение обеспечивает уменьшение энергетических затрат. 2 с. и 15 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

03-06-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2820313C1

Изобретение относится к способам производства воды с пониженным содержанием дейтерия. Первоначально воду охлаждают со скоростью менее 1°С в час до 0°С, получая кусок льда. После охлаждения кусок льда промывают. Из внутреннего объема куска льда извлекают незамерзшую часть воды посредством раскола куска льда. Оставшуюся часть куска льда растаивают. Технический результат: уменьшение количества примесей дейтерия в воде. 3 з.п. ф-лы.

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011138062A

... 1. Способ очистки и выделения целевого химического соединения из суспензии его кристаллов в маточном растворе с отмывочным устройством, которое в качестве по меньшей мере одного элемента включает в себя состоящую из различных деталей промывочную колонну, которая в качестве первой детали имеет фиксированную по месту стенку, охватывающую обладающее симметрией вращения вокруг своей продольной оси рабочее пространство и примыкающее к нему пространство плавки кристаллов, причем угол α, образованный направлениями оси симметрии и вертикалью составляет не более 20°, и рабочее пространство ограничено стенкой промывочной колонны и двумя располагающимися противоположно друг другу по оси симметрии торцами, причем тот из торцов, который располагается выше по оси симметрии, образует торец подачи, а торец, располагающийся ниже по оси симметрии, торец вывода, при реализации этого способа- с торца подачи в рабочее пространство подают поток суспензии,- из потока суспензии, подаваемого в рабочее пространство ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007116307A

... 1. Способ разделения соединений циркония и гафния, отличающийся тем, что смесь из HfR4 и ZrR4, где R представляет собой органический остаток, при необходимости, содержащий один или несколько гетероатомов, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один атом углерода, подвергают фракционной кристаллизации. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что соединение циркония имеет точку плавления, по меньшей мере, на 3°С, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, на 10°С, более высокую, чем соединение гафния. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кристаллизацию проводят при температуре между -70°С и +100°С, предпочтительно между -20°С и +70°С. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что R представляет собой одинаковые или различные остатки YR1 или NR2R3, где Y представляет собой кислород или серу, и R1, R2, R3 представляют собой соответственно независимо друг от друга линейный или разветвленный, при необходимости, замещенный алкильный остаток с 1-18 атомами углерода, при необходимости, замещенный циклоалкильный остаток ...

16-11-1995 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Stofftrennung durch Kristallisation von Schmelzen

Номер: DE0004415844A1

A process and device are disclosed for separating substances by crystallization of molten material. In order to bring about crystallization, the molten material is fed into the gap between two opposing moving walls which can be cooled; the walls move upwards in the same and substantially vertical direction, and the molten material is introduced into the gap from above in the direction opposite to the direction in which the walls move.

11-04-2002 дата публикации

Crystallisation or precipitation apparatus with reduced deposition of crystals on its surfaces has microstructure of ribs and grooves on surfaces which contact crystallisate, solutions or mother liquors, so that they are self-cleaning

Номер: DE0010047162A1

Crystallisation or precipitation apparatus with reduced deposition of crystals on its surfaces has a microstructure of ribs and grooves on the surfaces which contact crystallisate, solutions or mother liquors, so that they are self-cleaning. An Independent claim is included for a method for crystallisation or precipitation from solutions using the apparatus.

11-01-1996 дата публикации

Solidifying of molten or over saturated solution materials

Номер: DE0004431872C1

The invention concerns the exploitation of the process of initiating and/or accelerating and/or controlling crystallization or precipitation in supercooled melts or supersaturated solutions of solids. A problem frequently encountered with this process is that the duration of the process of solidification or crystallization cannot be precisely controlled or the process does not continue long enough to allow adequate solidification or crystallization. According to the present invention, the supercooled melt or supersaturated solution is exposed to ultrasound before being delivered to the conveyor belt in a belt system or while being discharged onto a conveyor belt, or before being delivered to a receptacle drum or while it is fed into a receptacle drum.

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Separation of zirconium- and hafnium compound comprises subjecting a mixture containing hafnium compound and zirconium compound to fractional crystallization

Номер: DE102006020440A1

Separation of zirconium- and hafnium compound comprises subjecting a mixture containing a hafnium compound (I) and zirconium compound (II), which contains a carbon atom, to fractional crystallization. Separation of zirconium- and hafnium compound comprises subjecting a mixture containing a hafnium compound (I) of formula (HfR 4) and zirconium compound (II) of formula (ZrR 4), which contains a carbon atom, to fractional crystallization. R : organic residue (optionally containing one or more heteroatoms). An independent claim is included for a hafnium compound obtained by the process.

18-05-2011 дата публикации

Crystallization apparatus

Номер: GB0201105421D0

10-12-2014 дата публикации

Device for inducing nucleation

Номер: GB0002514932A

Described is a device for inducing crystal nucleation in a crystalliser. The device comprises a vessel for fluid and a surface abrader, wherein the surface abrader is configured to abrade a surface within the vessel to induce crystal nucleation. The friction of the abrader against the surface within the vessel creates nano-sized particulates which induce crystal nucleation. Crystal growth can then take place in the crystalliser. Also described is a crystallisation apparatus comprising the device and a crystallisation process using the device or similar. The device is significantly cheaper and more reliable than known ultrasound devices and facilitates the separation of crystal nucleation and crystal growth. The device also enables the avoidance of the use of seeding as a source of secondary nucleation.

17-02-1999 дата публикации

Novel apparatus and process

Номер: GB0009828721D0

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Improvement in or relating to tubular reactions

Номер: GB0202005191D0

27-10-2004 дата публикации

Reactive crystallization method to improve particle size.

Номер: AP0000001321A

This invention provides a method of conducting a simultaneous chemical reaction and controlled crystallization of the product employing impinging fluid jet streams containing reactants capable of producing the product with desired particle size characteristics.

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Continuous process for manufacturing a neutral granular P/K fertilizer

Номер: AP2014008150A0

30-06-2001 дата публикации

Reactive cyrstallization method to improve particle size

Номер: AP2001002151A0

03-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004024A

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Continuous process for manufacturing freely flowing solid acidic P/K fertilizer

Номер: AP2014008151A0

26-01-2005 дата публикации

Reactive crystallization method to improve particle size.

Номер: OA0000011719A

30-06-2001 дата публикации

Reactive cyrstallization method to improve particle size

Номер: AP0200102151A0

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161433T

15-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000204501T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249867T

14-09-1994 дата публикации

Separation process

Номер: AU0006003994A

10-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000500160B2

21-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002536060A1

17-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757925C
Принадлежит: INDENA S.P.A., INDENA SPA

Process for removing pesticides from Ginkgo biloba extracts, which involves submitting an extract obtained by conventional methods to the following steps: a. Liquid-liquid extraction of the extract to obtain a medium polarity fraction containing ginkgo terpenes and pesticides not removable with hexane, and a high polarity fraction containing ginkgo flavone glycosides; b. crystallisation from the medium polarity fraction obtained at step a) to give an intermediate with a ginkgolide content of not less than 50%; c. crystallisation from the residual solution obtained at step b) to give an intermediate with a bilobalide content of not less than 50%; d. mixing of the high polarity fraction obtained at step a) with the ginkgo terpene intermediate and the bilobalide intermediate obtained at steps b) and c).

06-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1076777A

An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide containing soluble impurities such as a concentrated catholyte produced by a diaphragm electrolysis is cooled by a coolant or a heatexchanger to form a slurry containing sodium hydroxide hydrate crystals and fine crystal impurities and the fine crystal impurities are adsorbed on bubbles which are formed by vaporizing a dissolved coolant or introducing a gas in the slurry and separated from the slurry.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3105592A1

A liquid process assembly, the assembly including a length of pipework, and a reversible pump for selectively reciprocally moving liquid through the pipework.

08-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002536060C

A process for separating solids from liquids in a filtration zone defined by a higher concentration zone and a lower concentration zone separated by a filter. The process includes the steps of directing a slurry feed comprising a liquid and solids into the higher concentration zone, directing a displacement fluid to the higher concentration zone and passing at least a portion of the liquid through a filter to the filtrate zone, producing a filtrate.

11-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644955A1

The invention relates to a device and a method for the production of compounds by precipitation of solids from solutions, the physical and chemical properties of the solid particles formed on precipitation being flexible and can be independently fixable. Custom products can thus be produced with very high space-time yields and a particulate nickel/cobalt mixed hydroxide of formula NixCo1-x(OH)2, with a BET surface area of 20 m2/g and a tap density of greater than 2.4 g/cm3.

24-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002746795A1

The present invention provides a stabilization method, a preservation method and the like method of reduced coenzyme Q10, which is useful as functional nutritive foods, specific health foods and the like. Furthermore, the present invention provides a method for efficiently obtaining reduced coenzyme Q10 of high quality and by a method suitable for a commercial production. It is possible to handle and stably preserve reduced coenzyme Q10 under a condition that oxidation by a molecular oxygen is inhibited by contacting reduced coenzyme Q10 with an ascorbic acid and citric acid or a related compound thereof, and thus a stabilized composition is obtained. Moreover, reduced coenzyme Q10 is converted into a crystalline state in such a condition that the formation of oxidized coenzyme Q10 as a byproduct is minimized by crystallizing reduced coenzyme Q10 in the presence of ascorbic acid or a related compound thereof, etc., and thus a reduced coenzyme Q10 crystal of high quality is produced. Furthermore ...

08-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002733381C

The present invention pertains to a method for loading a crystallization device and for manufacturing a crystallization device comprising multiple receptacles with a pre-defined amount of at least one matrix-forming compound capable of forming a crystallization matrix for a membrane protein, said method comprising the following steps: a) Modifying the state of aggregation of said at least one matrix-forming compound to a fluidic state which allows dispensing said at least one matrix-forming compound, and b) dispensing a defined amount of said at least one matrix-forming compound into at least one receptacle of the crystallization device, wherein said dispensed matrix-forming compound solidifies within said receptacle. Thereby, prefilled crystallization devices are obtained which can be used as consumables in particular in automated crystallization processes. Also provided are protein crystallization methods using respectively prepared crystallization devices.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002802764A1

The present invention relates to means and methods for producing crystals or crystalline substances. In particular, crystals or crystalline substances which are useful as pharmaceutical ingredients can be manufactured.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002827593C

Disclosed is a method to prepare a polylactic acid comprising the steps of performing a ring opening polymerization using a catalyst and either a catalyst killer compound or an endcapping additive to obtain a raw polylactic acid of MW greater than 10,000 g/mol, purifying the raw polylactic acid by removing and separating low boiling compounds comprising lactide and impurities from the raw polylactic acid by devolatization of the low boiling compounds as a gas phase stream, and purifying the lactide from the devolatization and removing the impurities from the gas phase stream of evaporated low boiling compounds by means of crystallization by desublimation from the gas phase, wherein the lactide is purified and the removed impurities include a catalyst residue and a compound containing at least one hydroxyl group such that the purified lactide is then polymerized by feeding it back into the ring opening polymerization. The invention further relates to an apparatus for carrying out the method ...

15-11-1966 дата публикации

Procédé de cristallisation continue de l'acide adipique de ses solutions

Номер: CH0000423747A

15-02-2001 дата публикации

Salt cleaning equipment.

Номер: CH0000690840A5

30-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201300184A1

26-10-2009 дата публикации

Процесс отделения твердых фракций от жидкости

Номер: UA0000088454C2

Процесс отделения твердых фракций от жидкостей в фильтрационной зоне, которая определяется зоной высшей концентрации и зоной низшей концентрации, разделенных фильтром. Этот процесс включает стадии направления питательной смеси, которая состоит из жидких и твердых фракций, к зоне высшей концентрации; направление вытесняющего флюида к зоне высшей концентрации; и проведение к зоне фильтрата, по крайней мере, части жидкости сквозь фильтр, продуцируя фильтрат.

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000003261B1

... 1. Способ синтеза и кристаллизации химического соединения путем осуществления соударения одной или более струй раствора первого реакционноспособного промежуточного соединения в первом растворителе с одной или более струями раствора второго реакционноспособного промежуточного соединения во втором растворителе с образованием турбулентности в точке соударения струй при таких температуре и давлении, которые обеспечивают взаимодействие указанных первого и второго реакционноспособных промежуточных соединений и получение кристаллов продукта, при этом первый и второй растворители выбирают так, чтобы указанный продукт имел ограниченную растворимость в смеси указанных первого и второго растворителей. 2. Способ по п.1, где одно из указанных реакционноспособных промежуточных соединений представляет собой основное промежуточное соединение, а другое промежуточное соединение представляет собой кислотное промежуточное соединение. 3. Способ по п.1, где одно из указанных реакционно-способных промежуточных ...

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000118046C2

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Method of loading a crystallization device

Номер: CN0102170946A

The present invention pertains to a method for loading a crystallization device and for manufacturing a crystallization device comprising multiple receptacles with a pre-defined amount of at least one matrix-forming compound capable of forming a crystallization matrix for a membrane protein, said method comprising the following steps: a) modifying the state of aggregation of said at least one matrix-forming compound to a fluidic state which allows dispensing said at least one matrix-forming compound, and b) dispensing a defined amount of said at least one matrix-forming compound into at least one receptacle of the crystallization device, wherein said dispensed matrix-forming compound solidifies within said receptacle. Thereby, prefilled crystallization devices are obtained which can be used as consumables in particular in automated crystallization processes. Also provided are protein crystallization methods using respectively prepared crystallization devices.

02-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002964117A1

La présente invention concerne un creuset utile pour la solidification d'un lingot de silicium à partir de silicium fondu, caractérisé en ce qu'il est revêtu au moins partiellement sur sa surface interne d'au moins une couche formée d'un matériau obtenu par décomposition thermique de polysilazane(s), ladite couche présentant une résistance au cisaillement supérieure à 1 Pa et inférieure ou égale à 500 MPa, et se présentant sous la forme d'un empilement de tuiles non jointives. Elle vise en outre un procédé de préparation de tels creusets.

08-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101143283B1

04-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000172736A1

A method for purification of cyclic ester, which comprises feeding a crude cyclic ester as raw material crystals to an inlet (3) for raw material crystals disposed at a lower portion of a purification tower (1) being cylindrical and extending vertically, agitating the material with sending it upward by an agitator (2) provided in the purification tower (1), effecting the purification of raw material crystals by the counter current contact of ascending raw material crystals with a descending molten liquid of purified crystals, and taking out purified crystals as a product from an outlet (4) disposed at an upper portion of the purification tower (1). The method can be employed for carrying out a continuous purification of a cyclic ester with good efficiency and with ease.

18-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO0009913034A1

L'invention concerne un procédé permettant de fractionner à sec des graisses afin de soumettre les graisses brutes à une cristallisation fixe et à une séparation solides-liquides. Selon le procédé, on refroidit préalablement une graisse cible, puis on la divise, dans une grande cuve, en petites parties que l'on charge ensuite en parallèle dans des plateaux de cristallisation à plusieurs étages. L'invention concerne également un dispositif fixe de cristallisation utilisé avec ledit procédé. Ce procédé réduit de manière notable la charge de travail par le fait qu'il emploie un filtre presse, sans sacrifier le rendement en fractions à température de fusion élevée; il permet de verser rapidement une quantité prédéterminée d'huile brute homogène dans chaque plateau de cristallisation; il abaisse la température de refroidissement préliminaire; il réduit la charge de travail de la presse filtrante en recyclant les fractions à température de fusion basse; il améliore le rendement en fractions à ...

27-11-2007 дата публикации

Crystallization reagent matrices and related methods and kits

Номер: US0007300520B2

This invention provides methods, kits and automated systems for identifying a reagent in which a compound crystallizes, and methods for crystallizing a compound.

09-05-2002 дата публикации

Ultrasonic control of crystallisation

Номер: US20020054892A1

A method of inducing solidification in a fluid composition comprising a cosmetic active, a crystalline organic structurant and a carrier, comprising exposing the fluid composition to ultrasound or converting the composition to a soft solid. A cosmetic stick in the form of a soft solid or firm stick comprising a cosmetic active, a crystalline organic structurant and a carrier in which the organic structurant is present in domains that are deficient in the cosmetic active, such as in particular an antiperspirant or deodorant active.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Process to recover ammonium bicarbonate from wastewater

Номер: US0010604432B2

The present invention is a process, a method, and system for recovery and concentration of dissolved ammonium bicarbonate from a wastewater containing ammonia (NH3) using gas separation, condensation, and crystallization, each at controlled operating temperatures. The present invention includes 1) removal of ammonia from waste (sludges, semi-solids, and solids and liquids) without the use of chemicals at a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius, 2) condensing the gaseous containing ammonia, carbon dioxide and water vapor to remove water vapor concentrating the amount of gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide, 3) concentrating the ammonia and carbon dioxide in the water by established means, such as concentrating the gas using partial condensation followed by passing the concentrated gas through an absorption column at a temperature of between about 20 and 50 degrees Celsius to form dissolved ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate, or total condensation followed by dewatering using ...

03-07-2012 дата публикации

Solid-liquid separation process

Номер: US0008211319B2

A process for separating solids from liquids in a filtration zone defined by a higher concentration zone and a lower concentration zone separated by a filter. The process includes the steps of directing a slurry feed comprising a liquid and solids into the higher concentration zone, directing a displacement fluid to the higher concentration zone and passing at least a portion of the liquid through a filter to the filtrate zone, producing a filtrate.

17-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EP2356434A1

06-03-2002 дата публикации

Purification of crystal particles by ultrasonic waves

Номер: EP0001184064A1
Автор: Bauschlicher, Tanja

An air filter medium is provided with a porous film made from a polytetrafluoroethylene, and a non-woven fabric laminated on at least one side of the porous film. The non-woven fabric has an apparent density satisfying the following equation: apparent density (g/cm3) < 1.5 × (basis weight (g/m2)/1000) + 0.11. The filter medium is produced by a process that includes a first step of producing a porous film formed from a polytetrafluoroethylene, and a second step of laminating a non-woven fabric on at least one side of the porous film on heating roll that has undergone a non-adhesive treatment. The filter medium is used to manufacture an air filter pack, while the air filter pack is used to manufacture an air filter unit.

30-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643042C2

Изобретение относится к непрерывному способу производства кислого зернистого, богатого фосфором и калием удобрения из базовых товарных химикатов, которое легко хранить и с которым легко обращаться. Способ включает следующие этапы: i) предоставление фосфорной кислоты (ФК) в виде водного раствора и частичная ее нейтрализация с помощью водного нейтрализатора, выбираемого из монокалий фосфата (МКР) и гидроксида калия (КОН), в реакторе, ii) сушка упомянутой водной смеси, полученной на этапе i), в вакуумной сушилке с получением твердого материала, содержащего меньше 5 мас.% воды, iii) охлаждение упомянутого твердого материала, полученного на этапе ii), до температуры окружающей среды и iv) смешивание упомянутого охлажденного твердого материала с твердым источником магния. Технический результат заключается в получении сыпучего твердого удобрения без тенденции к слеживанию, включающее кислый фосфат с формулой KH(РО). 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр.

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2480262C2

Изобретение относится к установке для кристаллизации адипиновой кислоты, содержащей резервуар для кристаллизации, снабженный средствами для перемешивания, средствами для охлаждения и/или концентрирования раствора адипиновой кислоты, где по меньшей мере часть стенок резервуара для кристаллизации и/или средств для охлаждения и/или концентрирования, находящихся в контакте с раствором адипиновой кислоты, выполнена из материала, выбранного из аустенитных нержавеющих сталей типа AISI 310L в соответствии с номенклатурой AISI (USA) или XlCrNi25-21 (1.4335) в соответствии с европейской номенклатурой. Изобретение позволяет ограничить эффект «облицовки» и предотвратить ухудшение состояния поверхности установки. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

25-10-2021 дата публикации

Скребковый вал кристаллизатора

Номер: RU2757954C1

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности, в частности к оборудованию для получения моторных масел. Предложен скребковый вал 1 кристаллизатора, содержащий закрепленные на валу 1 пары скребков 2, каждый скребок 2 на валу 1 закреплен посредством опоры, представляющей собой пару пружин кручения 3, крепящихся свободными концами к валу 1 зажимом, зафиксированным болтом с гайкой. Конструктивной особенностью заявляемого скребкового вала кристаллизатора является то, что зажимы представляют собой изогнутые пластины 4, на внутренних поверхностях которых выполнены пазы, ширина и глубина которых равна диаметру поперечного сечения концов пружины кручения 3, а скребки 2 крепятся к другим концам пружин кручения 3 при помощи плоских пластин 6, ширина которых меньше высоты скребка, причем длина всех концов пружин кручения больше диаметра их витков. Предлагаемая конструкция скребкового вала кристаллизатора предотвращает заклинивания и обеспечивает высокую надежность. 4 ил.

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2437700C9
Принадлежит: Х.К. ШТАРК ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу получения соединений в результате выпадения из раствора в осадок твердых веществ. Устройство содержит реактор, оснащенный наклонным отстойником. Способ включает смешивание растворов исходных веществ в реакторе, осаждение соединений в реакционной зоне, частичное отделение маточного щелока от осажденного продукта в наклонном отстойнике, отбор суспензии продукта, его фильтрование и сушку. Изобретение относится также к порошкообразному смешанному гидроксиду никель-кобальта с ВЕТ-поверхностью менее 20 м2/г и ударной плотностью больше 2,4 г/см3. Технический результат состоит в получении суспензии продукта осаждения, концентрация в которой выше стехиометрической концентрации. 4 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

20-07-2003 дата публикации

Способ и устройство дл очистки веществ путем кристаллизации

Номер: RU2001123924A

... 1. Способ очистки кристаллизуемых соединений путем необязательно фракционированной кристаллизации, при осуществлении которого расплав или смесь, содержащий, соответственно содержащую в основном целевое соединение и по меньшей мере одну примесь, по меньшей мере частично кристаллизуют, добавляя в эти расплав или смесь растворитель или смесь растворителей в таком количестве, чтобы удерживать в растворе по меньшей мере одну примесь, склонную к выпадению в осадок, отличающийся тем, что при наличии двух или более склонных к выпадению в осадок примесей по меньшей мере одну количественно наиболее значимую примесь удерживают в растворе добавлением приемлемого растворителя или смеси растворителей, а остальные примеси, которые, несмотря на добавление растворителя или смеси растворителей продолжают выпадать в осадок, отделяют от расплава с помощью сепаратора (51). 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что растворитель обладает более высокой растворяющей способностью в отношении по меньшей мере одной ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014106648A

... 1. Способ получения фракции, обогащенной терпенами гинкго, включающий подвергание экстрактов Ginkgo biloba следующим стадиям:а) экстрагирования растворителем, не смешивающимся с водой, выбранным из сложных эфиров, хлорированных углеводородов, смесей углеводородов и спиртов, кетонов и смесей кетонов и спиртов,b) кристаллизации терпенов гинкго в смесях воды и С1-С5 спирта.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором растворитель, не смешивающийся с водой, является С2-С8 сложным эфиром.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором растворитель выбран из этилацетата, трет-бутилацетата или смеси толуол-бутанол.4. Фракция, обогащенная терпенами гинкго, полученная способом по любому из пп. 1-3.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126536A

... 1. Способ очистки загрязненного внесением оксидов серы растворителя (1) на основе амина, в котором- в загрязненный растворитель (1) вводят соединение калия и охлаждают загрязненный растворитель (1) до температуры Т, в результате чего снижается растворимость сульфата калия по сравнению с его имеющейся концентрацией,- отфильтровывают сульфат калия и получают очищенный растворитель (3),отличающийся тем, что в загрязненный растворитель (1) вводят окислитель (2), в результате чего сульфит окисляется в сульфат.2. Способ по п.1, в котором окислитель (2) и соединение калия смешивают между собой перед введением в раствор соли аминокислоты.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором в качестве окислителя (2) применяют перекись водорода или озон.4. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором количество подведенного соединения калия эквимолярно количеству кристаллизованного сульфата калия.5. Способ по п.1, в котором температура Т загрязненного растворителя (1) после охлаждения составляет от 5 до 45°C.6. Способ по п.1, в ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014152888A

... 1. Непрерывный способ производства твердого, сыпучего, кислого фосфорно-калийного (Р/К) удобрения, включающий следующие этапы:i) предоставление приемлемой для сельского хозяйства фосфорной кислоты (ФК) и частичная ее нейтрализация с помощью нейтрализатора, выбираемого из монокалий фосфата (МКР) и гидроксида калия (КОН), в результате чего получают водную смесь с рН меньше 3,0 при десятикратном разбавлении водой;ii) сушка упомянутой водной смеси, полученной на этапе i), в вакуумной сушилке, обеспечивающей температуру реакции в интервале от 70 до 120°C и давление не больше 500 мбар, в результате чего получают твердый материал, содержащий меньше 5 мас. % воды;iii) охлаждение упомянутого твердого материала, полученного на этапе ii), до окружающей температуры; иiv) смешивание упомянутого охлажденного твердого материала с твердым источником магния в количестве от 0,1 до 3 мас. % от массы упомянутого охлажденного твердого материала;в результате чего получают сыпучее твердое удобрение без тенденции ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015109584A

Способ переработки молочной сыворотки, включающий очистку от казеиновой пыли и жира, ее нанофильтрацию до 20-30% содержания сухих веществ с одновременной 25-50% деминерализацией с последующей кристаллизацией путем многократной циклической температурной обработки кристаллизата, состоящей в последовательном ее нагревании и охлаждении в каждом цикле, совмещенной с выпариванием до концентрации сухих веществ ≥50%, с последующим разделением на лактозу и деминерализованную делактозированную молочную сыворотку и сушкой обоих компонентов, при этом нагревание в каждом цикле производят до температуры ≥32°C, а охлаждение до температуры ≤10°C.

29-06-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kristallisation aus Lösungen

Номер: DE0019859876A1

The invention relates to a method for producing crystals from thermally sensitive solids. According to this method, the solid is dissolved in at least one solvent and the solution is concentrated by drawing off the solvent to beyond the saturation concentration of the solid, so that solid crystallizates are formed. The solvent is caused to permeate an essentially semi-permeable membrane, preferably by being subjected to excess pressure. The inventive method can be carried out essentially isothermally in order to prevent the thermally sensitive crystals from being damaged.

20-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003210117A1

28-07-1983 дата публикации

Process and measures for initiating the crystallisation of supercooled melts

Номер: DE0003203306A1

It is known that molten crystals, in particular hydrates, have a tendency to supercooling, that is the chemical substance still remains in the liquid state even below the actual melting temperature or the transition temperature. It is further known to use the heat taken up by the crystals during melting for energy storage. (Use of the enthalpy of fusion or latent heat.) Heat stored in a latent manner can be kept for as long as desired without loss. The deliberate initiation of crystallisation and thus liberation of the heat is termed "retrieval". According to the invention, to the melt are added isotypic or epitaxial crystals, the melting point of which lies above the highest occurring temperature rise of the melt. The retrieval is carried out by cooling these crystals by external means until the desired crystallisation of the melt starts. From the crystal structure of the added foreign crystals, the formation of the "correct" crystals from the melt is then achieved.

10-11-2010 дата публикации

Process and system

Номер: GB0201016049D0

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001519999A

... 1519999 Purifying metals COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION 24 Sept 1975 [30 Sept 1974] 39164/75 Heading C7D Metal is purified by introducing a massive ingot of impure metal into the relatively cool upper zone of a column consisting of a slurry of the metal crystals in liquid metal so that the chilling effect initially causes crystals to segregate and adhere to the ingot. Heat transfer soon causes incipient melting of the adherent crystals so that they fall through a continuous temperature gradient to a relatively hot zone at the lower end of the column. Pure metal is withdrawn from the lower end of the column and impure liquid, displaced by the downward movement of the crystals, is withdrawn from the upper end. Intrusive cooling elements may be used instead of the massive ingots.

15-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016984T

15-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011110T

28-02-1995 дата публикации

Complexation-mediated crystal-forming reactions using complexing agents

Номер: AU0007630794A

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Band-pass filter

Номер: AU2017297505B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Band-pass filters for guiding or controlling crystal polymorphism in oil are provided. Band-pass filters convert a passive energy source to a spectral energy pattern tuned to be resonant with different types of molecular oscillations pertinent to oil. Tuned energy patterns convert problematic insoluble crystals to more thermodynamically stable and soluble crystals. Methods include use of the band-pass filter in crude oil recovery and design of band-pass filter parameters for optimal use on a particular oil recovery facility. Band-pass filters also lower the interfacial tension of oil when present with water, which are also provided, as are methods for enhanced recovery of oil from depleted oil fields.

24-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001193832A1

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003027108A1

This disclosure relates to techniques and methods to isolate and purify cannabinoids, such as CBDV, CBD, CBC, THCV, THC, CBN, CBG, CBDA, THCA, or CBGA. Evaporation and sonicating techniques are used to isolate and purify cannabinoids, such as CBDV, CBD, CBC, THCV, THC, CBN, CBG, CBDA, THCA, or CBGA. The resulting compounds find further use within the devices and compositions described herein as well as for preparative and analytical methods.

14-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757925A1

Process for removing pesticides from Ginkgo biloba extracts, which involves submitting an extract obtained by conventional methods to the following steps: a. Liquid-liquid extraction of the extract to obtain a medium polarity fraction containing ginkgo terpenes and pesticides not removable with hexane, and a high polarity fraction containing ginkgo flavone glycosides; b. crystallisation from the medium polarity fraction obtained at step a) to give an intermediate with a ginkgolide content of not less than 50%; c. crystallisation from the residual solution obtained at step b) to give an intermediate with a bilobalide content of not less than 50%; d. mixing of the high polarity fraction obtained at step a) with the ginkgo terpene intermediate and the bilobalide intermediate obtained at steps b) and c).

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002803199A1

The invention relates to a method for recovering volatile components from a solid (10), characterized by the following method steps: drying (12) the solid (10) by means of superheated steam, withdrawing excess steam (14) from a closed circuit (23), and recovering (18) the volatile components from the excess steam (14).

25-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915162C

The invention relates to a device and a method for the production of compounds by precipitation of solids from solutions, the physical and chemical properties of the solid particles formed on precipitation being flexible and can be independently fixable. Custom products can thus be produced with very high space-time yields and a particulate nickel/cobalt mixed hydroxide of formula Ni x Co1-x(OH)2, with a BET surface area of 20 m2/g and a tap density of greater than 2.4 g/cm3.

31-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491632A1

28-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200100473A1

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing (meth)acrylic acid

Номер: US20120046433A1
Автор: Satoshi Nakagawa

A process for producing (meth)acrylic acid, comprising a crystallizing step of supplying a cooling medium from a refrigerator to a crystallizer and returning the cooling medium from the crystallizer to the refrigerator, thereby obtaining a (meth)acrylic acid crystal from a (meth)acrylic acid-containing solution; and a melting step of supplying a heating medium from a refrigerator to the crystallizer and returning the heating medium from the crystallizer to the refrigerator, thereby melting the (meth)acrylic acid crystal; wherein the crystallizing step and the melting step are respectively performed at least once, thereby producing purified (meth)acrylic acid from a crude (meth)acrylic acid solution; temperature of the cooling medium discharged from the refrigerator is maintained constant at temperature T 1 ; temperature of the cooling medium to be returned to the refrigerator is maintained constant at temperature T 2 ; the temperature T 2 is adjusted depending on a production amount of the purified (meth)acrylic acid per unit time.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing adipic acid crystals

Номер: US20120095263A1
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations SAS

A method for producing crystals of adipic acid is described. In particular, a method for recovering adipic acid in the form of crystals with low impurity content, obtained by crystallization steps in particular using reaction media for synthesizing adipic acid is described. A purification method including a step of crushing the crystals for easier removal or the migration of the impurities in the crystals is also described.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Additive for the crystallization of proteins, use and process

Номер: US20120123088A1

The present invention relates to the use and to a process involving at least one calix[n]arene derivative substituted by at least one acid functional group on the upper face and at least one aliphatic chain of variable length on the other face, as an additive for crystallization of a polar and/or positively charged molecule. The use and the process of the present invention have the advantage of enabling, facilitating and/or accelerating the crystallization of polar and/or positively charged molecules, especially of membrane proteins that are in solution or soluble, which had previously proved to be very difficult.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems, materials, and processes for isolating nanoparticles

Номер: US20120227439A1
Автор: Takahisa Kusuura

Processes for isolating nanoparticles from an aqueous solution are disclosed. The processes can include, for example, providing an aqueous mixture having a plurality of nanoparticles and at least one thermal hysteresis molecule; adjusting the aqueous mixture to a temperature effective to form ice crystals within the aqueous mixture; and isolating the ice crystals from the aqueous mixture. Also disclosed are compositions and systems for isolating nanoparticles.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131029A1
Принадлежит: MSD Oss B.V.

The present invention relates to a antisolvent solidification process wherein a liquid medium comprising at least one organic or inorganic compound which is to be solidified is forced through a membrane into one or more antisolvents, or wherein one or more antisolvents are forced through a membrane into a liquid medium comprising at least one organic or inorganic compound which is to be solidified, yielding a composition comprising solid particles comprising said organic and/or inorganic compound(s). 1. Antisolvent solidification process for preparing a solid composition comprising at least one organic or inorganic compound , wherein a liquid medium comprising at least one dissolved organic or inorganic compound is forced through a membrane into one or more antisolvents or wherein one or more antisolvents are forced through a membrane into a liquid medium comprising at least one organic or inorganic compound , yielding a composition comprising solid particles comprising said organic and/or inorganic compound(s).2. A process according to wherein the solidification is a crystallisation claim 1 , the prepared solid particles are crystalline particles claim 1 , the organic or inorganic compound is a crystallisable compound claim 1 , and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , said crystalline particles are recovered from the process.3. A process according to wherein the process is carried out as a continuous process.4. A process according to wherein the liquid medium is separated from the one or more antisolvents by means of nanofiltration and wherein claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , the liquid medium and/or the antisolvent(s) is/are recycled.5. A process according to wherein an emulsion is formed before said composition comprising solid particles is obtained.6. A process according to wherein a nonsolvent is present in the liquid medium and/or in the one or more antisolvents.7. A process according to wherein the organic or inorganic compound is selected from the group consisting ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149232A1

The present invention relates to means and methods for producing crystals or crystalline substances. In particular, crystals or crystalline substances which are useful as pharmaceutical ingredients can be manufactured. 1. A process for manufacturing a crystalline substance comprising the steps ofa) delivering an unsaturated solution of the substance to be crystallized into a fluidized bed dryer, under pressure and temperature conditions of applying a vacuum and maintaining a temperature range, in order to dry the solution of a substance to be crystallized to thereby obtain a supersaturated solution, in which crystallization takes place, andb) applying vacuum and maintaining a temperature range in the fluidized bed dryer after completion of the step of delivering the unsaturated solution of the substance to be crystallized, wherein the vacuum and the temperature are regulated in a manner in order to obtain the desired crystalline product as a homogenous product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the method does not contain a step of adding a seed crystal.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein in step a) the unsaturated solution is delivered by spraying claim 1 , pumping or sprinkling.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated solution of the substance to be crystallized is delivered into a fluidized bed dryer claim 1 , which is a mechanically created fluidized bed dryer claim 1 , wherein the crystallization takes place under mechanical agitation.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the crystalline substance is an inorganic or organic salt.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the temperature and/or vacuum are controlled in step a) and b).7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the temperature and/or vacuum are controlled in step a) and b) in order to avoid sticking of dry substance to the surface of the fluidized bed dryer.8. The process of claim 1 , further comprisingc) adding an amount of free solvent into the fluidized bed dryer, and/ord) regulating pressure and ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Process for making sterile aripiprazole of desired mean particle size

Номер: US20130161848A1
Принадлежит: Bristol Myers Squibb Co

A process is provided for making sterile aripiprazole having an average particle size less than 100 microns but preferably greater than 25 microns employing an impinging jet crystallization procedure. The resulting bulk aripiprazole of desired particle size may be used to form a sterile freeze-dried aripiprazole formulation, which upon constitution with water and intramuscular injection releases aripiprazole over a period of at least about one week and up to about eight weeks.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for the Production of a Nanomaterial and Reactor for Implementing it

Номер: US20130196084A1

The present invention relates to a novel process for synthesizing nanomaterials by mixing liquids in a quasi-2D microfluidic reactor. The invention also relates to the reactor for implementing this process.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230446A1
Принадлежит: GEA Messo GmbH

Method for the production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product by crystallization and installation for carrying out the method. A method for the continuous production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product from an ammonium sulphate solution in a crystallizer operates in accordance with the DTB principle and has an internal suspension circuit and a clarifying zone, from which a clarified partial flow of solution is constantly drawn off into an external circuit, is heated in a heat exchanger so as to dissolve the solids contained therein and is then guided back as a clear solution into the lower region of the crystallizer. In order to ensure production of a product crystallizate with a grain coarseness which is practically constant over time, a fine crystal suspension flow may be drawn off from the clarifying zone as a further partial flow and guided back into the internal circuit of the crystallization stage without any previous dissolution of the solid proportion contained therein. 1. Method for continuous production of a coarse-grained ammonium sulphate product of a grain size in the range of approximately 2.0-3.0 mm by crystallization of an ammonium sulphate solution in a crystallization stage which is operated in accordance with a draft tube baffled (DTB) principle , said method comprising:constantly circulating a suspension of mother solution and ammonium sulphate crystals in an internal circuit while evaporating water from the solution;drawing off a clarified partial flow of solution from a clarifying zone in an upper region of the crystallization stage into an external circuit;heating the solution so as to dissolve the solids contained therein and then guiding the solution back as a clear solution into a lower region of the crystallization stage, and continuously drawing off vapours from a head of the crystallization stage;supplying new ammonium sulphate solution from outside and drawing off a suspension flow containing the coarse-grained ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Crucible for Solidifying a Silicon Ingot

Номер: US20130247334A1

The present invention relates to a crucible that can be used for solidifying a silicon ingot from molten silicon, characterized in that same is at least partially coated on the inner surface thereof with at least one layer consisting of a material produced by thermal decomposition of polysilizane(s), said layer having a shear strength greater than 1 Pa and no higher than 500 MPa, and being in the form of a stack of adjoining layers of non-contiguous tiles. The invention also relates to a method for preparing such crucibles. 122.-. (canceled)23. A crucible useful for solidifying a silicon ingot from molten silicon coated at least partially on an inner surface with at least one layer formed from a material obtained by thermal decomposition of polysilazane(s) , the layer having a shear strength greater than 1 Pa and less than or equal to 500 MPa and comprised of a stack of contiguous strata of non-touching tiles.24. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein each of the strata of tiles forming the stack is between 0.2 and 50 μm thick.25. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the stack is between 10 and 500 μm thick.26. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the stack comprises from 2 to 100 strata of tiles and the strata are superposed and contiguous.27. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the layer has a shear strength less than or equal to 300 MPa.28. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the layer comprises silicon carbide SiC claim 23 , silicon nitride SiNand/or silicon oxycarbonitride.29. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the tiles are made of silicon carbide SiC claim 23 , silicon nitride SiN claim 23 , a mixture of SiC and SiN claim 23 , or silicon oxycarbonitride SiCNO.30. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the tiles forming all of the strata constituting the layer are made of the same material.31. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the tiles forming all of the strata constituting the layer are made of two different materials.32. The crucible of claim 23 , wherein the tiles are ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Target substance transfer method, crystal production method, composition production method, and target substance transfer device

Номер: US20130299099A1
Принадлежит: Osaka University NUC

The present invention provides a target substance transfer method, a crystal production method, a composition production method, and a target substance transfer device, which allow the concentration of a target substance to be increased easily and effectively. The target substance transfer method is a method for transferring a target substance 103 from a first phase 101 that is a liquid or solid phase containing the target substance 103 to a second phase 102 including: a phase approximation step of bringing the first phase 101 and the second phase 102 into close proximity; and a bubble collapse step of forming bubbles in the vicinity of a boundary between the first phase 101 and the second phase 102 and then causing the bubbles to collapse.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Process and equipment for sugar crystallization by controlled cooling

Номер: US20140000586A1
Принадлежит: Dedini SA Industrias de Base

A process is proposed for crystallizing, by progressively cooling, in multiple stages arranged in series in a crystallization vessel ( 10 ), a descending continuous flow of a saturated sucrose solution at a temperature from about 78° to about 120° C., each stage maintaining the sucrose solution being crystallized at a predetermined temperature, until reaching a temperature from about 25 to 40° C., obtaining substantially pure sucrose crystals. A suspension containing sugar seeds is introduced in the crystallizing equipment, in the first stage, jointly with the saturated sucrose solution of 1.05-1.15. In another embodiment of the invention, the saturated solution is fed and its temperature is controlled, already in the first stage of the vessel ( 10 ), to obtain a supersaturation between 1.05 and 1.15, inducing the formation of small crystals used as crystallization seeds.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042108A1

The invention is directed to an improvement in operation of wash columns, and more in particular to an apparatus for separating solid particles from a slurry and to a process for separating solid particles from a mother liquor slurry. The apparatus of the invention comprises a wash column (), which comprises a melting circuit (), wherein means () are present to introduce a compound or composition to said wash column between a wash front () formed in said wash column in operation and a product outlet and/or in the melting circuit. The process of the invention comprises separating the liquid from the solid particles by filtration with the aid of at least one filtering element (), while a packed bed of solid particles coming from the mother liquid slurry forms near said filtering element (), and wherein a wash front () forms which is obtained by bringing a washing liquid in counter current to the solid particles in the bed, the bed being subjected to a movement in the direction of said wash front (), while a product stream comprising the material of said solid particles is obtained by continuously discharging a portion of said washing liquid, wherein a portion of said bed is continuously disintegrated, characterized in that a compound or composition is introduced into said wash column () between the wash front () and a product outlet and/or in a melting circuit (), and wherein the introduction of the said compound or composition decreases the equilibrium temperature of the contents of the melting circuit (), further characterized by the feature that the introduced compound or composition is completely miscible with the product suspension and/or molten product being present in the said melting circuit (). 1. Apparatus for separating solid particles from a mother liquor slurry , comprising a wash column , which comprises a melting circuit , wherein means are present to introduce a compound or composition to said wash column between a wash front formed in said wash column ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073055A1

A nanovolume microcapillary crystallization system allows nanoliter-volume screening of crystallization conditions in a crystal card that allows crystals to either be removed for traditional cryoprotection or in situ X-ray diffraction studies on protein crystals that grow within. The system integrates formulation of crystallization cocktails with preparation of the crystallization experiments. The system allows the researcher to select either gradient screening in crystallization experiments for efficient exploration of crystallization phase space or a combination of sparse matrix with gradient screening to execute one comprehensive hybrid crystallization trial. 1. A protein crystallization system , comprising:a pumping system;pieces of software configured to execute on the protein crystallization system to control the pumping system; andone or more crystal cards coupled to the pumping system, each configured to house a mixer and a microfluidic capillary that is coupled to the mixer to facilitate storage and inspection of protein crystallization.2. The protein crystallization system of claim 1 , wherein the pumping system includes a syringe pumping system or a pressure pumping system claim 1 , wherein the syringe pumping system includes four-channel syringe pumps to regulate aqueous solutions being conveyed into the one or more crystal cards through second claim 1 , third claim 1 , and fourth microfluidic channels claim 1 , and fluorous solutions being conveyed into a fifth microfluidic channel.3. The protein crystallization system of claim 1 , wherein the pieces of software facilitate control of each pump of the four-channel syringe pump and control of each channel of second claim 1 , third claim 1 , fourth claim 1 , and fifth microfluidic channels to generate granular gradients of flow of aqueous solutions.4. The protein crystallization system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more crystal cards are formed from materials having properties that are selected from a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Preparation of nanoparticles by flash evaporation

Номер: US20150000846A1

The invention relates to the field of preparing nanoparticles. In particular, the invention provides a method for preparing organic or inorganic nanoparticles by instantaneous evaporation or flash evaporation, e.g. for the manufacture of nanoparticles of fertilizers, pharmaceutical or phytopharmaceutical active ingredients, or insensitive energy materials.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Stacked type falling film evaporator, zero liquid discharge system comprising the same, and zero liquid discharging method using the same

Номер: US20200001197A1

A stacked type falling film evaporator includes a first evaporator, a second evaporator, a first vapor recovering device, a second vapor recovering device and a vapor recompressor. The first evaporator and the second evaporator respectively have evaporation tubes of a length of 5 m to 10 m, and are stacked in such a manner that wastewater passes through the first evaporator and the second evaporator in order. The first vapor recovering device collects vapor generated from the wastewater in the first evaporator and supplies the collected vapor to the second evaporator. The second vapor recovering device collects vapor generated from the wastewater in the second evaporator and supplies the collected vapor to the first evaporator. The vapor recompressor compresses the vapor collected in the second vapor recovering device before the vapor is supplied to the first evaporator.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001200A1

A Reflux Rinsing apparatus for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization. A pressure vessel contains a liquefied gas solvent, impure crystalline starting material initially, and a purified crystalline mass at the conclusion of the purifying process. A mechanism is provided for providing pressure to contents of the pressure vessel and for heating the lower portion thereof. A timer is also connected to the mechanism, the timer being set to heat the pressure vessel to drive vapors and reflux rinsing to remove impurities at the surface of an impure crystalline mass, to reclaim the solvent, leaving purified crystals and impurities in the pressure vessel, and to open the pressure vessel to remove the purified crystals from the vessel walls and bottom surface and to remove the impurities from the vessel. The angle of a crystal bed in the apparatus can be adjusted. 1. A Reflux Rinsing apparatus for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization , comprising:a) a pressure vessel having walls, a lower portion with a bottom surface, and an upper portion, the pressure vessel for containing a liquefied gas solvent, impure crystalline starting material initially, and a purified crystalline mass at the conclusion of the purifying process;b) means for providing pressure to contents of the pressure vessel;c) means for heating the lower portion of the pressure vessel; and i) gently heat the lower portion of the pressure vessel to drive vapors and reflux rinsing to remove impurities at the surface of a purified crystalline mass;', 'ii) cycling step (i) with control over temperature and pressure as necessary to maximize crystal yield and purity;', 'iii) reclaiming the solvent, leaving the crystals and impurities in the pressure vessel; and', 'iv) opening the pressure vessel to remove the purified crystalline mass from the walls and bottom surface of the vessel and the impurities from the lower portion ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001201A1
Автор: Noble Linden

A resin containing a desirable compound is extracted from plant material and dissolved in a volatile non-polar solvent. The solvent is evaporated, cooling the solution and increasing the saturation level of the compound in the solution. A second volatile non-polar solvent, in which the compound is less soluble, is then added to the solution and evaporated. This again cools the solution and increases the saturation level until the compound has started to crystallize. The crystals are then filtered and rinsed. Crystallization is more rapid compared to traditional techniques. The resin is obtained from the plant material using an extraction solvent to form a solution, which is then floated above an immiscible liquid, where it is drawn off through a screen and the extraction solvent evaporated. 1. A method for crystallizing a compound from a resin , comprising:mixing a first non-polar solvent with the resin to form a solution;evaporating the first non-polar solvent from the solution;then, mixing a second non-polar solvent with the solution, wherein the compound has a lower solubility in the second non-polar solvent than in the first non-polar solvent;removing the second non-polar solvent from the solution to cause a temperature of the solution to drop and the compound to form crystals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first non-polar solvent has a higher boiling point than the second non-polar solvent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first non-polar solvent is miscible with the second non-polar solvent.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first non-polar solvent is butane and the second non-polar solvent is propane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first non-polar solvent is evaporated by pumping off the first non-polar solvent in its gaseous phase.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is maintained at a temperature of 0-20° C. and between a pressure of 0-140 kPa while evaporating the first non-polar solvent from the solution.7. The method of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Divalent Ion Removal From Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) Feed Streams

Номер: US20160002130A1

A system and process for removing divalent ions from a MEG feed stream is presented. The system includes a chemical treatment tank where chemicals are mixed with the feed stream to form insoluble carbonate and hydroxide salts. The system also includes a membrane-type solid-liquid separation unit that receives the feed stream from the chemical treatment tank and separates it into a filtrate containing MEG and a retentate containing the insoluble salts. The system may also include washing the retentate to remove additional MEG, which is then recycled to a MEG regeneration or reclamation process. The system may also include a dryer that receives waste slurry from the solid-liquid separation unit and dries it to form a solid waste, thereby facilitating its handling, storage, and disposal. 1. A system for removing divalent ions from a feed stream having MEG mixed with produced water , the system comprising:a chemical treatment tank arranged to receive the feed stream and react chemicals mixed with the feed stream to form insoluble carbonate and hydroxide salts; anda membrane-type solid-liquid separation unit arranged to receive the reacted feed stream from the chemical treatment tank and separate the reacted feed stream into a filtrate and a retentate;a return line between the membrane-type solid-liquid separation unit and the chemical tank, the return line arranged to receive wash water used to wash the retentate and return the wash water to the chemical treatment tank.2. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a temperature ranging from approximately 10° C. (50° F.) to approximately 100° C. (212° F.).3. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a temperature ranging from approximately 50° C. (122° F.) to approximately 85° C. (185° F.).4. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a residence time ranging from approximately five minutes to approximately sixty minutes.5. A system according to wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002396A1
Автор: HU Songzhou

There is disclosed a process for the separation of long chain amino acid and long chain dibasic acid, comprising: (1) recovering alkylamine from an aqueous solution of an alkali hydroxide hydrolysis of the mixed amide derivatives by distilling or by extracting with an extractant solvent; (2) cooling the aqueous solution of step (1) to precipitate a mixed alkali salts of long chain amino acid and dibasic acid; (3) recovering the mixed alkali salts of long chain amino acid and dibasic acid to provide a mother liquor; (4) separating long chain amino acid and dibasic acid by acidification-extraction of long chain dibasic acid with an extractant solvent or by selective dissolution of alkali salt of long chain amino acid in an aqueous solvent; and (4) adding an acid to the mother liquor of step (3) to obtain alkanoic acid. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein mixed alkali salts of long chain amino acid and dibasic acid are precipitated at a temperature from 0° C. to 40° C.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein mixed alkali salts of long chain amino acid and dibasic acid are precipitated at a temperature from 15° C. to 25° C.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein an aqueous solvent for separating alkali salts of long chain amino acid and dibasic acid is selected from the group consisting of an aqueous solution of methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , isopropanol claim 1 , tert-butanol claim 1 , n-butanol claim 1 , isobutanol claim 1 , sec-butanol claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , diethylene glycol claim 1 , glycerol claim 1 , tetrahydrofuran claim 1 , dioxane claim 1 , morphine claim 1 , N-methylmorphine claim 1 , dimethylformamide claim 1 , dimethyl acetamide claim 1 , N-methylpyrrolidone claim 1 , tetramethylurea claim 1 , and a mixture of two or more thereof.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solvent is aqueous ethanol.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the aqueous ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002397A1
Автор: HU Songzhou

There is disclosed a process for the separation of long chain dibasic acid and fatty acid, comprising: (1) reacting a mixture of long chain dibasic acid and fatty acid with ammonium hydroxide to form an insoluble ammonium salt of fatty acid and a soluble ammonium salt of long chain dibasic acid; (2) recovering the insoluble ammonium salt of fatty acid; and (3) adding an acid to the mother liquor of step (2) to obtain the long chain dibasic acid. 1. A process for the separation of long chain dibasic acid from one or a mixture of two or more fatty acids , comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '3, '(1) reacting a mixture of long chain dibasic acid and one or more fatty acids with an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate, organic amine of the formula NRRR, or a mixture of two or more thereof, to form a suspension of the ammonium salt of fatty acid in a solution of the ammonium salt of long chain dibasic acid, in the absence or presence of solvent;'}(2) separating the solid ammonium salt of fatty acid from step (1) by means of solid-liquid separation to provide a mother liquor containing the ammonium salt of long chain dibasic acid;(3) adding an acid to the mother liquor of step (2) or a solution of the ammonium salt of long chain dibasic acid to yield the long chain dibasic acid; and(4) recovering the long chain dibasic acid by means of solid-liquid separation or by extraction with an extractant solvent.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rof the organic amine NRRR claim 1 , are each independently hydrogen claim 1 , C-Calkyl groups claim 1 , or benzyl group.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the long chain dibasic acid is azelaic acid claim 1 , sebacic acid claim 1 , dodecanedioic acid claim 1 , or brassylic acid.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid is stearic acid claim 1 , palmitic acid claim 1 , lauric acid claim 1 , myristic acid claim 1 , arachidic acid claim 1 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002485A1

The present invention relates to processes for producing organophosporous compositions having low acid content as well as processes for reprocessing partially degraded organophosporous compositions that contain high levels of phosphorous acid. In one embodiment, a process comprises: (a) receiving a solid organophosphite compound that has been recrystallized or triturated, wherein the solid organophosphite compound comprises phosphorous acid; (b) dissolving the solid organophosphite compound in a an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent in the absence of water and free amine, wherein the hydrocarbon solvent comprises an aromatic hydrocarbon, a saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon, or a mixture thereof; and (c) removing undissolved phosphorous acid from the solution, wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step (c) is 30 ppm or less. 1. A process comprising: (a) receiving a solid organophosphite compound that has been recrystallized or triturated , wherein the solid organophosphite compound comprises phosphorous acid; (b) dissolving the solid organophosphite compound in a hydrocarbon solvent , wherein the hydrocarbon solvent comprises an aromatic hydrocarbon , a saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon , or a mixture thereof; and (c) removing undissolved phosphorous acid from the solution , wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step (c) is 30 ppm or less.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the undissolved phosphorous acid is removed by filtration.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the undissolved phosphorous acid is removed by centrifugation.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step (c) is 10 ppm or less.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step(c) is 5 ppm or less.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising (d) concentrating the organophosphite in hydrocarbon solution; (e) combining the concentrated organophosphite in hydrocarbon solution with an anti- ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002486A1

The present invention relates to processes for producing organophosporous compositions having low acid content as well as processes for reprocessing partially degraded organophosporous compositions that contain high levels of phosphorous acid. In one embodiment, a process comprises: (a) receiving a solid organophosphite compound that has been recrystallized or triturated, wherein the solid organophosphite compound comprises phosphorous acid; (b) dissolving the solid organophosphite compound in an organic solvent; (c) treating the solution with a weakly basic adsorbent; and (d) collecting the treated organophosphite solution, wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step (d) is 30 ppm or less. 1. A process comprising: (a) receiving a solid organophosphite compound that has been recrystallized or triturated , wherein the solid organophosphite compound comprises phosphorous acid; (b) dissolving the solid organophosphite compound in an organic solvent; and (c) treating the solution with a weakly basic adsorbent; and (d) collecting the treated organophosphite solution , wherein the acid content of the organophosphite following step (d) is 30 ppm or less.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the weakly basic adsorbent comprises a metal oxide claim 1 , a metal carbonate claim 1 , or an anionic clay having an effective pKa of less than 12 or a weakly basic ion exchange resin.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the weakly basic adsorbent comprises a weakly basic ion exchange resin claim 2 , and the weakly basic ion exchange resin comprises at least 10 equivalents of a basic moiety per mole of acid in the organophosphite solution.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the solid organophosphite compound is dissolved in the organic solvent in the absence of free amine.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the solvent comprises toluene claim 1 , xylenes claim 1 , diethyl ether claim 1 , dichloromethane claim 1 , ethyl acetate claim 1 , butyraldehyde claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002306A1

A Reflux Rinsing method for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization. Feed material having tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is inserted into a reaction vessel having walls, and upper portion, and a lower portion with a bottom surface. The feed material is exposed to a hydrocarbon liquid in the reaction vessel in a quantity sufficient to keep liquid present in equilibrium with gas in the reaction vessel through the recrystallization process, forming a raw extract having THC. The walls and bottom surface of the reaction vessel are coated with raw extract. The reaction vessel is heated and then the heating is discontinued. Vapor/thin-film DER is promoted in the reaction vessel for a predetermined length of time with no solvent reflux, resulting in formation of purified crystals of THC acid under pressure. The hydrocarbon solvent is reclaimed from the reaction vessel, leaving the purified crystals and impurities. When the reaction vessel is opened, the purified crystals and impurities are removed. 1. A method for purifying crystals using solvent vapor through dynamic equilibrium recrystallization (DER) , the steps comprising:a) inserting feed material having tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) into a reaction vessel having walls, an upper portion, and a lower portion with a bottom surface;b) exposing the feed material to a hydrocarbon liquid in the reaction vessel in a quantity sufficient to keep liquid present in equilibrium with gas in the reaction vessel through the recrystallization process, forming a raw extract having THC;c) coating the walls and the bottom surface of the reaction vessel with raw extract;d) heating the reaction vessel;e) discontinuing the heating step (d):f) forming purified crystals of THC acid under pressure;g) reclaiming the hydrocarbon solvent from the reaction vessel, leaving therein the purified crystals of THC acid and impurities; andh) opening the reaction vessel and removing the purified crystals of THC acid ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002219A1

Provided herein are methods for the production of glycopyrronium tosylate and glycopyrronium tosylate compositions. Also provided herein are compositions useful in the production of glycopyrronium tosylate. Additionally provided herein are glycopyrronium tosylate compositions. Glycopyrronium tosylate is useful for the treatment of, among other conditions, hyperhidrosis. 119-. (canceled)20. A glycopyrrolate base composition comprising threo-glycopyrrolate base and erythro-glycopyrrolate base , wherein the threo-glycopyrrolate base is at least 95% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition and the erythro-glycopyrrolate base is less than 5% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition.21. The glycopyrrolate base composition of claim 20 , wherein the threo-glycopyrrolate base is at least 96% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition and the erythro-glycopyrrolate base is less than 4% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition.22. The glycopyrrolate base composition of claim 20 , wherein the threo-glycopyrrolate base is at least 97% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition and the erythro-glycopyrrolate base is less than 3% of the total glycopyrrolate base content of the composition.24. A glycopyrronium tosylate composition comprising threo-glycopyrronium tosylate and erythro-glycopyrronium tosylate claim 20 , wherein the threo glycopyrronium tosylate is at least 95% of the total glycopyrrolate tosylate content of the composition and the erythro-glycopyrronium tosylate is less than 5% of the total glycopyrronium tosylate content of the composition.25. The glycopyrronium tosylate composition of claim 24 , wherein the threo-glycopyrronium tosylate is at least 96% of the total glycopyrronium tosylate content of the composition and the erythro-glycopyrronium tosylate is less than 4% of the total glycopyrronium tosylate content of the composition.26. The glycopyrronium tosylate composition ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Use of cannabinoids in the treatment of epilepsy

Номер: US20170007551A1
Принадлежит: GW Research Ltd

The present invention relates to the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of focal seizures. In one embodiment the patients suffering from focal seizures are children and young adults. CBD appears particularly effective in reducing focal seizures in patients suffering with etiologies that include: Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex; Dravet Syndrome; CDKL5; Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL); febrile infection related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES); Aicardi syndrome and brain abnormalities in comparison to other seizure types. Significantly CBD additionally is very effective in the reduction of a sub-type of focal seizures, focal seizures with impairment.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009189A1

The invention relates to a processing device in the form of a crystallizer or reactor comprising a tube, at the opposite end regions of which an inlet and an outlet are provided for a crystallization or reaction medium. A helixical web is provided which runs about a longitudinal axis of the tube and which rests against the inner face of the tube casing, and the web is mounted so as to be rotatable about the aforementioned longitudinal axis of the tube. The device also has a drive for rotating the web. 1123452265. An apparatus , in particular a crystallizer () or a reactor , comprising a tube () , at the opposite end regions of which an inflow () and an outflow () are provided for a crystallization or reaction medium , wherein a web () is provided which runs helically about a longitudinal axis of the tube () and which rests against the inner face of the tube jacket , and the web is mounted to be rotatable about the aforementioned longitudinal axis of the tube () and the apparatus has a drive () for rotating the web ().25252562. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the web () is fixedly connected to the inner side of the tube jacket; and/or the tube () is supported such that it can be rotated together with the web () about said longitudinal axis claim 1 , with the rotatable support of the tube () representing the rotatable support of the web () and with the drive () serving the rotation of the tube ().35292. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the web () and the tube () represent separate components; and/or the tube () is supported in a stationary and non-rotatable manner.4278. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the end of the tube () at the outflow side is closed claim 1 , preferably by a cover (); and/or the tube jacket has at least one aperture claim 1 , and preferably a plurality of apertures () claim 1 , distributed over the periphery in the end region at the outflow side.529. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009516A1
Принадлежит: UNITIKA LTD.

An object is to provide a method for easily producing maleimide (MI) in which trace amounts of residual acid components as impurities in a crude MI are efficiently reduced, that is, the acid value is sufficiently reduced. 1. A solution , comprising a crude maleimide (MI) obtained by maleimidizing a maleamic acid , 0.5% by mass or more of carbodiimide (CDI) with respect to a mass of the crude MI and a solvent.2. The solution of claim 1 , wherein the CDI is N claim 1 ,N′-diisopropyl carbodiimide (DIC).3. The solution of claim 1 , wherein the crude MI has an acid value of 30 mg·KOH/g or less.4. The solution of claim 2 , wherein the crude MI has an acid value of 30 mg·KOH/g or less. This application is a Continuation application of co-pending application Ser. No. 16/399,208, filed on Apr. 30, 2019, which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a) to Patent Application No. 2018-091506, filed in Japan on May 10, 2018, all of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference into the present application.The present invention relates to a method for producing maleimide (hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as “MI”) useful as a laminating material, a sealing material, an electrical insulating material, a conductive paste, an adhesive, a pressure-sensitive adhesive, a structural material, or the like.MI is produced by, for example, reacting an amine with maleic anhydride in a solvent in the presence of an acid catalyst to form a maleamic acid (hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as “MAA”), and then maleimidizing (ring-closing by dehydration) the MAA with an acid catalyst or the like to prepare a crude MI solution, followed by purification. MI is widely used as a laminating material, a sealing material, an electrical insulating material, a conductive paste, an adhesive, a pressure-sensitive adhesive, a structural material and the like. In the produced MI, trace amounts of acid components such as MAA, fumaramic acid, Michael adduct and the like remain as impurities. When used as ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for the separation of long chain amino acids and dibasic acids

Номер: US20190010116A1
Автор: Songzhou HU
Принадлежит: Vitaworks IP LLC

There is disclosed a process for the separation of long chain amino acid and long chain dibasic acid, comprising: (1) cooling the hydrolysis solution to crystallize and separate alkali salt of long chain dibasic acid to provide an aqueous solvent solution; (2) distilling the aqueous solvent solution of step (1) to recover the solvent and to recover alkylamine; (3) cooling the residual solution of step (2) to precipitate and separate alkali salt of long chain amino acid to provide a mother liquor; (4) adding an acid to the mother liquor of step (3) to yield alkanoic acid; (5) adding an acid to an aqueous solution of the alkali salt of long chain dibasic acid of step (1) to obtain long chain dibasic acid; and (6) neutralizing the alkali salt of long chain amino acid of step (3) with an acid to obtain long chain amino acid.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010431A1

A method for precipitating as particles 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide (or ANPZO) present in an acid medium, which comprises adding the acid medium to an aqueous solution and which is characterized in that the aqueous solution comprises a nitrate salt. Further disclosed is a method for synthesizing ANPZO implementing this precipitation method. The synthesis method comprises converting 2,6-diaminopyrazine-1-oxide (or DAPO) into ANPZO by nitration in an acid medium, and then precipitating as particles the ANPZO by adding the acid medium to an aqueous solution, and is characterized in that the aqueous solution comprises a nitrate salt. 1. A method for precipitating as particles 2 ,6-diamino-3 ,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide present in an acid medium , the medium comprising nitric acid or a nitrate salt or a mixture thereof , and at least one strong acid other than nitric acid , the method comprising adding the acid medium to an aqueous solution comprising a nitrate salt.2. A method for synthesizing particles of 2 ,6-diamino-3 ,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide , comprising:converting 2,6-diaminopyrazine-1-oxide into 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitroyrazine-1-oxide by nitrating 2,6-diaminopyrazine-1-oxyde in an acid medium comprising nitric acid or a nitrate salt or a mixture thereof, and at least one strong acid other than nitric acid, and thenprecipitating as particles 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide by adding the acid medium to an aqueous solution comprising a nitrate salt.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrate salt is sodium nitrate claim 1 , potassium nitrate or ammonium nitrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution comprises between 110 g and 2 claim 1 ,500 g of the nitrate salt for 1 litre of water.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a volume of the aqueous solution to a volume of the acid medium is comprised between 0.5 and 10.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acid medium is gradually added to the aqueous solution.7. The method ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032207A1

The present disclosure relates to processes for treating an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid. The processes comprise evaporatively crystallizing the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid under conditions to obtain crystals of lithium sulfate monohydrate and a lithium sulfate-reduced solution; and optionally separating the crystals of the lithium sulfate monohydrate from the lithium sulfate-reduced solution. The processes optionally further comprise concentrating the lithium sulfate-reduced solution under conditions to obtain an acidic condensate and a concentrate comprising sulfuric acid. 1. A process for treating an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid , said process comprising:evaporatively crystallizing the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid under conditions to obtain crystals of lithium sulfate monohydrate and a lithium sulfate-reduced solution; andoptionally separating the crystals of the lithium sulfate monohydrate from the lithium sulfate-reduced solution.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid comprises from about 1 wt % to about 35 wt % lithium sulfate claim 1 , based on the total weight of the aqueous composition.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid comprises from about 1 wt % to about 25 wt % sulfuric acid claim 1 , based on the total weight of the aqueous composition.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the conditions to obtain crystals of the lithium sulfate monohydrate and lithium sulfate-reduced solution further comprise evaporatively crystallizing the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate and sulfuric acid at a pressure that is lower than atmospheric pressure.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the conditions to obtain crystals of the lithium sulfate monohydrate and lithium sulfate-reduced ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Synthesis of ammonium dinitramide (adn)

Номер: US20220033262A1
Автор: Jonas Johansson, Stefan EK
Принадлежит: TotalFoersvarets Forskningsinstitut FOI

The invention concerns a method for making ammonium dinitramide from guanylurea dinitramide in one single process step. Guanylurea dinitramide is reacted with an ammonium sulfate in a reaction solution comprising water and acetone and an ion exchange gives ammonium dinitramide. By using acetone the yield is increased compared to known processes as formed guanylurea sulfate is poorly soluable in a water-acetone solution and precipitates, while guanylurea dinitramide has higher solubility in the solution than in only water. The guanylurea sulfate precipitate formed in the reaction solution that contains acetone is less sticky than if formed in water or in a water-alcohol solution and therefore easier to filter off. The use of acetone also allows lower process temperatures to be used than in previously known methods for producing guanylurea dinitramide. Conclusively, the method gives a higher yield, demands considerable smaller amounts of solvent and allows lower process temperatures to be used than in any formerly known process.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Divalent Ion Removal From Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) Feed Streams

Номер: US20170015612A1

A system and process for removing divalent ions from a MEG feed stream is presented. The system includes a chemical treatment tank where chemicals are mixed with the feed stream to form insoluble carbonate and hydroxide salts. The system also includes a solid-liquid separation unit that receives the feed stream from the chemical treatment tank and separates it into a liquids portion containing MEG and a insoluble salts portion. The system may also include washing the insoluble salts portion to remove additional MEG, which is then recycled to a MEG regeneration or reclamation process. The system may also include a dryer that receives waste slurry from the solid-liquid separation unit and dries it to form a solid waste, thereby facilitating its handling, storage, and disposal. 1. A system for removing divalent ions from a feed stream having MEG mixed with produced water , the system comprising:a chemical treatment tank arranged to receive the feed stream and react chemicals mixed with the feed stream to form insoluble carbonate and hydroxide salts; anda solid-liquid separation unit arranged to receive the reacted feed stream from the chemical treatment tank and separate the reacted feed stream into a liquids portion and an insoluble salts portion;a return line arranged to receive wash water used to wash the insoluble salts portion and return the wash water to the chemical treatment tank.2. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a temperature ranging from approximately 10° C. (50° F.) to approximately 100° C. (212° F.).3. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a temperature ranging from approximately 50° C. (122° F.) to approximately 85° C. (185° F.).4. A system according to wherein the chemical treatment tank has a residence time ranging from approximately five minutes to approximately sixty minutes.5. A system according to wherein the residence time is approximately thirty minutes.6. A system according to wherein the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015414A1
Автор: Cai Yufeng, HU XIAO

Disclosed herein is a use of an inorganic salt to form and regenerate a draw solute for forward osmosis, wherein the inorganic salt is selected from one or more of the group selected from sodium sulfate, calcium lactate, disodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and hydrates thereof. Also disclosed herein is a method of forward osmosis using said inorganic salt. 1. A method of using an inorganic salt to form and regenerate a draw solute for forward osmosis , wherein the inorganic salt is selected from one or more of the group selected from sodium sulfate , calcium lactate , disodium phosphate , tetrasodium pyrophosphate , and hydrates thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate or hydrates thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate dodecahydrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided as a solution in water having a concentration of from 10 wt % to 50 wt %.5. The use-method of claim 4 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided as a solution in water having a concentration of 40 wt %.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate or hydrates thereof.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate dodecahydrate.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided in the draw solution at a concentration of from 10 wt % to 50 wt %.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided in the draw solution at a concentration of 40 wt %.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein:the first and second temperatures are independently from 32° C. to 55° C.; andthe third temperature is from 0° C. to 30° C.12. The method claim 6 , wherein the fourth temperature is from 40° C. to 55° C.13. The method of claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , when the solution stream comprises the inorganic salt claim 6 , the solution stream is subjected to a further separation operation to provide a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016156A1

A method for production of crystallized Cobalt (II) Chloride hexahydrate is disclosed, and an implementation includes preparing a first cobalt (II) chloride solution, separating impurities from the first cobalt (II) chloride solution to obtain a second cobalt (II) chloride solution, concentrating the second cobalt (II) chloride solution, cooling the concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution, and injecting COgas into the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution at an atmospheric pressure in order for Cobalt (II) Chloride hexahydrate crystals to form in the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution. 1. A method for production of crystallized Cobalt (II) Chloride hexahydrate , the method comprising:preparing a first cobalt (II) chloride solution;separating impurities from the first cobalt (II) chloride solution to obtain a second cobalt (II) chloride solution;concentrating the second cobalt (II) chloride solution to a concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution;cooling the concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution to a cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution; and{'sub': '2', 'forming Cobalt (II) Chloride hexahydrate crystals in the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution, wherein the forming includes injecting COgas into the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution at an atmospheric pressure.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein cooling the concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution to the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution includes cooling the concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution to a predetermined temperature.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the method further includes separating the formed Cobalt (II) Chloride hexahydrate crystals from the cooled concentrated second cobalt (II) chloride solution at the predetermined temperature.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein separating the formed Cobalt ( ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Eutectic freeze crystallization spray chamber

Номер: US20180016160A1
Автор: Ben Enis, Paul Lieberman
Принадлежит: Enisenergen LLC

A wastewater purifier has a chamber having an upper ingress end and a lower drain end, one or more wastewater nozzles connected to a wastewater source positioned near the ingress end, to produce wastewater droplets, a chilled air ingress positioned near the ingress end, connected to a chilled air source, positioned to permit the chilled air to mix with the wastewater droplets, a perforated accumulator near the drain end adapted to collect frozen droplets, a drain below the accumulator, and an egress for the chilled air near the drain end. A wastewater purifier has an elongated flow chamber having an upper portion and lower portion, one or more wastewater nozzles positioned near the upper portion, one or more egress vents positioned near the upper portion, a perforated accumulator at the bottom of the chamber, and a chilled air ingress connected between the upper and lower portions.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016649A1

A method of generating a refined sugar stream that comprises xylose from a biomass hydrolysis solution, including contacting a biomass hydrolysis solution that includes a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities, with a thermally-phase separable solvent such as a glycol solvent to form an extraction mixture; and separating from said extraction mixture a first stream including the thermally-phase separable solvent, acid, and impurities and a second, refined sugar stream that comprises xylose. The thermally-phase separable solvent is an ethylene glycol or a propylene glycol ether, such as 2-butoxyethanol or 1-propoxy-propanol or any combination thereof. 1. A method of generating a refined a sugar stream that comprises xylose from a biomass hydrolysis solution , comprising:(i) contacting a biomass hydrolysis solution that comprises a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities, with a thermally-phase separable solvent to form an extraction mixture; and(ii) separating from said extraction mixture a first stream comprising the thermally-phase separable solvent, acid, and impurities and a second, refined sugar stream that comprises xylose.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , contacting a stream from said biomass hydrolysis solution claim 1 , which comprises said population of mixed sugars comprising xylose with a strong acid cation exchange resin prior to step (i).3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , contacting a stream from said biomass hydrolysis solution claim 2 , which comprises said population of mixed sugars comprising xylose with a weak base anion exchange resin after said stream is contacted with said strong acid cation exchange resin and prior to step (i).4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating said extraction mixture to a temperature of 30-100° C.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising separating said second claim 1 , refined sugar stream that ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Methods for producing free flowing dicarboxylic acid crystalline crops

Номер: US20160023982A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for producing free-flowing dicarboxylic acid crystals from an aqueous solution or suspension of the dicarboxylic acid in a crystallizer.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Purification of a Stream Containing a Cyclic Ester of an Alpha-Hydroxycarboxylic Acid

Номер: US20160024043A1

The invention relates to a process for purification of a stream containing a cyclic ester of an alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid of formula (I), wherein each R independently represents hydrogen or an aliphatic hydrocarbon having 1 to 6 carbon atoms comprising the steps of: (a) separating the cyclic ester-containing stream into one or more cyclic ester-containing vapour fractions and one or more cyclic ester-containing liquid fractions; (b) condensing a cyclic ester-containing vaporized fraction as obtained in step (a) to obtain a cyclic ester-containing condensate; (c) subjecting at least part of the cyclic ester-containing condensate as obtained in step (b) to melt crystallization to obtain a purified cyclic ester-containing stream and a residue stream; and (d) recovering the purified cyclic ester-containing stream as obtained in step (c). The invention further relates to an apparatus suitable for carrying out the present process. 122-. (canceled)24. The process according to claim 23 , wherein the cyclic ester is lactide.25. The process according to claim 23 , wherein the cyclic ester-containing condensate is undercooled in step (b) 5 to 10° C. above its freezing point before it is subjected to melt crystallization in a step (c).26. The process according to claim 23 , wherein step (a) is carried out in a distillation column.27. The process according to claim 26 , wherein the cyclic ester-containing vapour fraction to be condensed in step (b) is withdrawn from the distillation column via a side draw and introduced into a condensation unit.28. The process according to claim 26 , wherein a cyclic ester-containing liquid fraction as obtained in step (a) is subjected to a first evaporation treatment to obtain a first cyclic ester-containing vapour stream and a first cyclic ester-containing liquid stream claim 26 , and wherein the cyclic ester-containing vapour fraction which is to be condensed in step (b) is at least partly derived from the first cyclic ester-containing ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023847A1
Автор: Kang Seok-Woong

Provided is a crystallization reaction apparatus for recovering resources, which includes at least one agitating impeller provided inside, a seed injection port provided to improve a crystallization effect, and plug-flow formed using at least one isolation layer in order to remove nutrient salts, such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), exiting in an effluent to cause eutrophication, are removed, the effluent being produced from a dehydration process for sludge discharged through a digestion tank in an sludge waste treatment process for the nutrient salts, such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), existing in a wastewater treatment water to cause eutrophication, wastewater sludge, food waste and excreta of livestock. 1. A crystallization reaction apparatus comprising:a driving unit coupled to a rotational shaft to rotate the agitating impeller; the agitating impeller installed at the rotational shaft coupled to the driving unit to agitate a treatment liquid or an effluent;a crystallization reactant injected to crystallize phosphorus and nitrogen contained in the treatment liquid or the effluent; anda treatment liquid or effluent injection port and a treatment liquid discharge port for discharge after a reaction has been performed.2. The crystallization reaction apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a sedimentation guide isolation member that moves crystals claim 1 , which are agitated by the agitating impeller and generated through a crystallization reaction claim 1 , down through a hole formed in a center of the sedimentation guide isolation member after the crystals are sunken claim 1 , without directly discharging the crystals through the treatment liquid discharge port placed at an upper portion of a reactor.3. The crystallization reaction apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a crystalline germ injection port which injects a crystalline germ to accelerate the reaction.4. The crystallization reaction apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the crystalline germ ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021694A1
Автор: PARK Yong Hee

Provided a salt production automation system utilizing three-dimensionally structured evaporation fields. The salt production automation system utilizing three-dimensionally structured evaporation fields includes: evaporation fields which have collection pools (SWT) and are installed in at least two separate places; a plurality of evaporation members which are three-dimensionally arranged in the evaporation fields to make seawater flow downwards; and a seawater supply unit which supplies seawater to the evaporation members so that seawater can flow downwards from the evaporation members, wherein among the evaporation fields, the number of evaporation members gradually decreases from the first stage evaporation field to the final stage evaporation field. 1. A salt production automation system utilizing three-dimensionally structured evaporation fields , the system comprising:{'b': '20', 'an evaporation field () having a retention pond;'}{'b': 30', '20, 'a plurality of evaporation members () three-dimensionally disposed in the evaporation field () to allow seawater to flow down thereon;'}{'b': 30', '30, 'a seawater supply unit supplying seawater to the evaporation members () so that the seawater flows down on the evaporation members (); and'}{'b': 30', '40', '20', '40, 'a seawater circulation unit supplying seawater to the evaporation members () from a seawater tank () by returning the seawater dropping to the retention pond at the evaporation field () to the seawater tank () of the seawater supply unit (when the seawater flowing down in the retention pond has salt concentration equal to or less than a predetermined level).'}220303030. The system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporation field () receives water claim 1 , which is supplied to the evaporation members () from the seawater supply unit and flows down on the evaporation members () claim 1 , in the retention pond claim 1 , and the retention pond has a collection pool (SWT) for collecting the seawater flowing down ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022070A1

Methods and systems that remove impurities from phosphogypsum (PG), including from radium and heavy metal salts, and produce gypsum binders and products. In one embodiment, PG is reacted with a chloride solution in an acidic environment under mechanical manipulation and/or heat followed by galvanic and/or zeolite absorption removal of impurities. 186.-. (canceled)87. A method of removing impurities from phosphogypsum (PG) , the method comprising:at a temperature between about 85 to about 150° C., reacting PG with a chloride solution to form a PG sludge, wherein the concentration of the chloride solution is between about 10% to about 50% and wherein metal ions present in the PG crystal matrix move into solution by action of the chloride ions present in the chloride solution;dehydrating a resulting sludge for about 5 minutes to about 5 hours at a temperature between about 85 to about 150° C.;at a cathode, galvanically removing contaminants having a lower electrode potential than hydrogen from the resulting sludge while maintaining temperature of the reaction slurry;filtering the resulting PG sludge to separate a solid fraction containing alpha-hemihydrate gypsum crystals from a liquid waste fraction; andneutralizing the alpha-hemihydrate calcium sulfate crystal solution.88. The method of claim 87 , further comprising galvanically removing contaminants from the PG sludge.89. The method of claim 87 , wherein the chloride solution is CaCl.90. The method of claim 87 , wherein during the reaction of PG with the chloride solution claim 87 , metal ions present in the PG crystal matrix move into solution by action of the chloride ions present in the chloride solution.91. The method of claim 87 , wherein reacting the PG with the chloride solution takes place under mechanical manipulation.92. The method of claim 87 , wherein reacting the PG with the chloride solution takes place at a pH of about 6 to about 1.93. The method of claim 87 , wherein reacting the PG with the chloride ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Device for Producing Particles and Method for Producing Particles

Номер: US20190022551A1
Автор: Doya Yo

A method of producing particles by bringing plural dissimilar materials A and B into contact with each other includes feeding a liquid into a reactor from a first end portion of the reactor such that the liquid flows along the inner peripheral surface of the reactor and generating a vortex flow toward a second end portion in the reactor by the feed of the liquid; disposing a flow-assisting blade capable of rotating around the central axis line in the reactor and rotating the flow-assisting blade; and injecting materials to be contacted A and B into the reactor, discharging a contacted liquid from the second end portion of the reactor, and generating the particles in the contacted liquid. 1. A method of producing particles by bringing plural dissimilar materials into contact with each other , the method comprising:feeding a liquid into a reactor from a first end portion of the reactor such that the liquid flows along the inner peripheral surface of the reactor and generating a vortex flow toward a second end portion in the reactor by the feed of the liquid;disposing a flow-assisting blade capable of rotating around the central axis line in the reactor and rotating the flow-assisting blade; andinjecting materials to be contacted into the reactor, discharging a contacted liquid from the second end portion of the reactor, and generating particles in the contacted liquid.2. The method of producing particles according to claim 1 , wherein all or part of the contacted liquid discharged from the second end portion of the reactor is fed into the reactor from the first end portion of the reactor such that the liquid flows along the inner peripheral surface of the reactor.3. The method of producing particles according to claim 2 , wherein part of the contacted liquid is extracted from a circulation system that transfers the contacted liquid discharged from the second end portion of the reactor to the first end portion of the reactor claim 2 , and the particles are recovered by ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022552A1

A system for extracting liquid is provided. The system includes a vacuum source and a nozzle having a wettable plunger and a vacuum tube connected in flow communication with the vacuum source. When the plunger is partly submerged in the liquid and the vacuum source is actuated to initiate a flow of gas through the vacuum tube, droplets of the liquid separate from at least a portion of the unsubmerged part of the plunger and become suspended in the gas flow. The system also includes a cooling structure positioned adjacent to the vacuum tube to facilitate solidifying the droplets suspended in the gas flowing through the vacuum tube. 1. A system for extracting liquid , said system comprising:a vacuum source;a nozzle having a wettable plunger and a vacuum tube connected in flow communication with the vacuum source such that, when the plunger is partly submerged in the liquid and the vacuum source is actuated to initiate a flow of gas through the vacuum tube, droplets of the liquid separate from at least a portion of the unsubmerged part of the plunger and become suspended in the gas flow; anda cooling structure positioned adjacent to the vacuum tube to facilitate solidifying the droplets suspended in the gas flowing through the vacuum tube.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a holding reservoir across which the vacuum tube is connected in flow communication with the vacuum source such that the solidified droplets are collectable in the holding reservoir.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier gas source and a carrier gas tube connected in flow communication with the carrier gas source claim 1 , wherein the carrier gas tube concentrically surrounds the vacuum tube.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the carrier gas tube and the vacuum tube each have a distal end surface configured to facilitate a smoother transition of carrier gas flow from the carrier gas tube into the vacuum tube.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plunger has an exterior ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

A Dynamic Melt Crystallization Process for Purifying Dicyclopentadiene from a Mixed Liquid Hydrocarbon Stream

Номер: US20190022553A1

A dynamic process for purifying dicyclopentadiene from a mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream comprising dicyclopentadiene and one or more of a Cparaffin, a Colefin, co-dimers, cyclopentadiene, benzene, vinyl norbornene, bicyclononadiene, propenyl norbornene, isopropenyl norbornene, methylbicyclononadiene, methyldicyclopentadiene, and various minor organic impurities is introduced, wherein the dicyclopentadiene is separated from the mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream by melt crystallizing sweating and collecting dicyclopentadiene. 1. A dynamic method for purifying dicyclopentadiene from a mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream , comprising:{'sub': 5', '5, 'delivering at least a portion of the mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream to an inlet port of a separation/purification unit, wherein the mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream comprises dicyclopentadiene and one or more of a Cparaffin, a Colefin, co-dimers, cyclopentadiene, benzene, vinyl norbornene, bicyclononadiene, propenyl norbornene, isopropenyl norbornene, methylbicyclononadiene, and methyldicyclopentadiene;'}dividing the mixed liquid hydrocarbon stream to form a plurality of mixed liquid hydrocarbon streams and flowing the plurality of mixed liquid hydrocarbon streams through a low temperature region of the separation/purification unit;continuously contacting the plurality of mixed liquid hydrocarbon streams with an inner wall of the separation/purification unit to form an impure crystalline slurry comprising an impure crystalline phase, and an excess liquid phase, wherein dicyclopentadiene crystals are present in the impure crystalline phase;depositing the impure crystalline phase on the inner wall of the separation/purification unit;recycling at least a portion of the excess liquid phase to the inlet port of the separation/purification unit;sweating the impure crystalline phase at least once to a sweating temperature to at least partially melt the impure crystalline phase to form a purified crystalline phase comprising the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041460A1

A preparation method of lithium hydroxide includes the following steps: A. coprecipitating a lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine with an aluminum salt solution and a sodium hydroxide solution, aging and then performing solid-liquid separation, washing and drying to obtain lithium aluminum hydrotalcite; B. acidifying the lithium aluminum hydrotalcite to obtain a lithium aluminate solution; C. performing nanofiltration on the lithium aluminate solution for lithium-aluminum separation, and sequentially performing primary concentration by reverse osmosis to obtain a primary concentrated lithium-rich solution; D. deeply removing aluminum from the lithium-rich solution to obtain an aluminum-removed lithium-rich solution; E. performing bipolar membrane electrodialysis on the aluminum-removed lithium-rich solution to obtain a secondary concentrated lithium-rich solution; F. evaporating the secondary concentrated lithium-rich solution for concentration to obtain lithium hydroxide. 1. A preparation method of lithium hydroxide , wherein , comprising the following steps:{'sup': +', '2−', '−, 'sub': '3', 'S1. simultaneously dropwise adding an aluminum salt solution and a sodium hydroxide solution into a lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine for a coprecipitation reaction at 25° C.-70° C., while keeping a pH of a system at 8-13, to obtain a nucleation system with lithium aluminum hydrotalcite crystal nucleus; wherein, in the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine, a concentration of Liis 1 g/L-2 g/L, a concentration of COis 10 g/L-30 g/L and a concentration of OHis 5 g/L-25 g/L;'}{'sup': 3+', '+', '−', '−', '+, 'wherein, a molar ratio of Al in the aluminum salt solution to Li in the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine is 1.5:1-3.5:1; a molar ratio of a sum of moles of OHin the sodium hydroxide solution and OHin the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine to Li in the lithium extraction mother ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Device and method for purifying sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in flue gas

Номер: US20200023309A1

The invention is a device and method for purifying sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in flue gas with an electrolysis-chemical advanced oxidation enhanced ammonia method. The device includes a thermal activation reactor, ammonium hydroxide storage tank, absorption tower, electrolytic bath and crystallization separator. The method takes raw material part of an ammonium sulfate solution that is a reaction product of ammonia and sulfur oxide in flue gas, and an ammonium persulfate solution prepared by electrolysis of an electrolytic bath as an oxidant to enhance the efficiency of purifying sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the flue gas with an ammonia method. A thermal activation reactor activates an ammonium persulfate containing solution to generate a strong oxidizing SO4⋅ − , so that NO x and SO 2 in the flue gas may be more efficiently converted into a product having higher solubleness for enhanced removal of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the flue gas.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024196A1

A method for obtaining crystals from a mother solution operates such that mother solution is fed into a crystallisation device. Supersaturation of the mother solution is brought about by open and/or closed-loop control of the temperature (□). Seed crystals are added to the mother solution at a seeding point (Sp). The seed crystals are grown as nuclei by continuous closed-loop process control and are finally removed from the method as crystals. They form the product yield. The formation of crystal nuclei in the mother solution is countered by steps in the closed-loop process control. During the closed-loop process control and the crystallisation procedure, the position of the limit (M) of the formation of secondary nuclei is determined using sensors that detect data currently, wherein the position of the limit (M) is established as a value of the concentration (c) and the temperature (□) from these data. This determined position of the limit (M) of the formation of crystal nuclei is used as the basis for the closed-loop process control of the crystallisation. 1. A method for obtaining crystals from a mother solution ,in which mother the solution is fed into a crystallisation device,in which supersaturation of the mother solution is brought about by open and/or closed-loop control of the temperature (θ),in which seed crystals are added to the mother solution at a seeding point (Sp),in which the seed crystals are grown as crystal nuclei by continuous closed-loop process control and are finally removed from the method as crystals and form the product yield,in which the formation of crystal nuclei in the mother solution is countered by steps in the closed-loop process control,characterisedin that, during the continuous closed-loop process control and while the method is running, in that the mother solution data are currently determined by sensors,in that from these data the position of the limit (M) of the formation of crystal nuclei is determined while the method is ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods, Devices, and Systems for the Separation and Concentration of Isotopologues

Номер: US20150027165A1

The present invention is a novel method for removing tritium oxide contamination from a solution with water. The method captures the tritium oxide in a much smaller volume suitable for economical disposal. In so doing the original water is decontaminated of the tritium oxide and may be discharged.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024354A1

Disclosed herein are processes for producing highly concentrated bleach slurries containing a mixture of crystals of solid sodium hypochlorite pentahydrate in a liquid phase saturated in sodium hypochlorite and containing sodium hydroxide or other alkaline stabilizers. Bleach slurries and compositions exhibiting enhanced stability are also disclosed. 1. A process for preparing bleach , the process comprising:Making a mixture comprising sodium hydroxide, water, and chlorine in a reactor;Forming strong bleach and NaCl, wherein at least some of the NaCl is a solid;Separating strong bleach from at least some of the solid NaCl and removing material comprising at least some of the solid NaCl from the reactor;Cooling the strong bleach in a cooler to afford cooled strong bleach;Introducing the cooled strong bleach into a bleach crystallizer, where at least some bleach crystals form;A stream comprising cooled strong bleach and bleach crystals leaves the bleach crystallizer and at least a portion of this stream enters a separator, where at least some of the bleach crystals are separated from the rest of the stream.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the sodium hydroxide has a concentration of 50 wt % or higher.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the chlorine is a wet gas or a dry liquid.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor is run at a temperature that is higher than the temperature in the bleach crystallizer.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor is maintained at a temperature of less than 35° C. or less than about 25° C. or about 15° C. to 20° C.6. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the cooled strong bleach has a temperature of about 15° C. or more.7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature inside the bleach crystallizer is about 0° C.8. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the cooler is a plate and frame cooler claim 1 , a shell and tube cooler claim 1 , or a vacuum evaporation cooler.9. A ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024460A1

A urea production plant including a synthesis and recovery section has a first evaporation section connected with the synthesis and recovery section and a first condensation section. A granulation section is connected to the first evaporation section. A scrubbing section is connected to the granulation section. A second evaporation section is connected to the scrubbing section. The second evaporation section is connected to the granulation section. A second condensation section is connected to the second evaporation section. A quenching section includes a liquid inlet for the distribution of a quenching liquid is located and connected between the granulation section and the scrubbing section and the quenching section is connected to a quenching liquid providing section and the second condensation section. 112.-. (canceled)13. A urea production plant , comprising:a synthesis and recovery section;a first evaporation section is connected to the synthesis and recovery section and a first condensation section;a granulation section is connected to the first evaporation section;a scrubbing section is connected to the granulation section;a second evaporation section is connected to the scrubbing section and the second evaporation section is connected to the granulation section;a second condensation section is connected to the second evaporation section;a quenching section comprising a liquid inlet for the distribution of a quenching liquid is located between and connected to the granulation section and the scrubbing section, andthe quenching section is connected to a quenching liquid providing section and the second condensation section.14. The urea production plant of wherein the liquid inlet comprises spraying nozzles.15. The urea production plant of wherein the scrubbing section comprises one or more of a dust scrubber claim 13 , an acid scrubber claim 13 , or a cooler scrubber.16. The urea production plant of wherein the dust scrubber is connected with a dust scrubbing ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030859A1
Автор: Kim Jin Ho

The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing salt, and more particularly to an apparatus for manufacturing salt, which is capable of obtaining mineral salt containing a high concentration of minerals, manufacturing salt at relatively low cost in a relatively small space, and exhibiting maximum efficiency of drying or evaporation since seawater is heated and sprayed onto a cloth or net. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing salt that crystallizes salt in a manner of spraying seawater onto a cloth or net , the apparatus comprising:a salt manufacturing chamber having an internal space;a cloth or net vertically installed in the salt manufacturing chamber;a seawater jet device installed at an upper portion of the salt manufacturing chamber to atomize and spray seawater onto the cloth or net;a seawater supply pipe for supplying the seawater to the seawater jet device; anda heating means for heating the seawater or the salt manufacturing chamber,wherein the salt is crystallized while the seawater sprayed from the seawater jet device flows down along the cloth or net.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the seawater jet device is a nozzle, having a horn or truncated pyramid shape, into which seawater and air are introduced; andthe seawater supplied through the seawater supply pipe is primarily atomized by intersecting with the air in the nozzle, and the seawater, which is primarily atomized and discharged, is secondarily atomized in a vertex region of the nozzle.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the seawater jet device sprays seawater in an atomized form using an ultrasonic vibrator.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the seawater supply pipe is arranged at a lower portion of the salt manufacturing chamber to be connected to the seawater jet device; andthe heating means is a boiler installed at a bottom of the salt manufacturing chamber to heat the seawater in the seawater supply pipe.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Sodium Carbonate Monohydrate Crystallization

Номер: US20170029283A1
Принадлежит: Swenson Technology, Inc.

A process for preparing solid sodium carbonate monohydrate from a solution of sodium carbonate is described. 1. A method for preparing solid sodium carbonate monohydrate (NaCO.1HO) from a solution comprising sodium carbonate and sodium chloride in an aqueous media , the method comprising reducing the pressure of a vessel containing the solution such that the boiling point of the solution decreases below the NaCO.1HO to anhydrous NaCOtransition temperature.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous media is water.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sodium chloride is present in an amount greater than 0 but less than 32 wt percent.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sodium chloride is present in an amount between 5 wt percent and 10 wt percent.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sodium chloride is present in an amount between 3 wt percent and 5 wt percent.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sodium sulfate is present in an amount greater than 0 but less than 4 wt percent.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid sodium carbonate monohydrate is in a crystalline form.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the crystalline form is orthorhombic.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel is a mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) crystallizer or a multiple effect evaporation crystallizer.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel is at a pressure in the range of 0.10 to 0.99 atmospheres.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel is at a temperature in the range of 50 to 110° C. Conventional techniques for carrying out industrial-scale crystallization of sodium carbonate monohydrate involve evaporative crystallization and the unaltered boiling temperature of a solution of sodium carbonate at the barometric pressure of the plant location, which is dependent on the geographic elevation of the plant.However, conventional techniques suffer from problems ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029344A1

A device and a method produces fertilizer from the exhaust gases of a production system, for example a system for producing cement. The exhaust gases are completely converted such that the exhaust gases are not released into the environment. For this purpose, the exhaust gases are introduced directly into the device from the production system. Exhaust gases such as NOand/or SOare first oxidized in the device and then reprocessed into NHNOor (NH)SO. COis reprocessed into NHHCOin the device while nitrogen is converted into ammonia, and the ammonium, among others, is used to produce NHHCOfrom CO. 121-. (canceled)22: Apparatus for the production of fertilizers from exhaust gases of a production system , wherein{'b': 1', '4', '2', '3', '2', '4, 'sub': 2', '2', 'x', '2, 'the apparatus () has a first container (), which is connected with the production system () by way of a first line (), wherein an exhaust gas from the production system () can be introduced into the first container (), wherein the exhaust gas contains CO, Nas well as NOand/or SO;'}{'b': '4', 'sub': 2', '2', 'x', '2, 'in the first container (), N, and COcan be separated from NOand/or SO,'}{'b': 4', '6', '5', '6', '5, 'sub': 2', '2, 'the first container () is connected with a second container () by way of a second line (), wherein COand Ncan be transferred to the second container () by way of the second line (), and'}{'sub': 3', '3', '2, 'b': 6', '15', '6', '12', '11', '12, 'a solution containing NHcan be introduced into the second container () by way of a third line (), wherein the temperature in the second container () can be adjusted in such a manner that NHand COreact in the solution to form ammonium hydrogen carbonate, wherein the solution containing ammonium hydrogen carbonate can be transferred to a crystallization apparatus () by way of a fourth line (), and wherein ammonium hydrogen carbonate can be crystallized out in this crystallization apparatus ().'}234: Apparatus according to claim 22 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Enhanced process for selective salt recovery from wastewater, waste salts, and brines

Номер: US20180029904A1
Принадлежит: Veolia Water Technologies Inc

A process for treating wastewater or waste brines that include sodium and chloride ions. The waste brine is concentrated and thereafter directed to a Mirabilite crystallizer that produces hydrated sulfate salt crystals and a first solution. The hydrated crystals are melted to form an aqueous sulfate solution that is directed to a sodium sulfate crystallizer which produces sodium sulfate salt crystals. The first solution produced by the Mirabilite crystallizer is directed to a nanofiltration device which produces a permeate stream and a reject stream containing sulfate removed by the nanofiltration device. The permeate stream is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer that produces sodium chloride salt crystals. The reject stream is recycled to the Mirabilite crystallizer.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Compositions that contain lipophilic plant material and surfactant, and related methods

Номер: US20220047965A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Described are liquid compositions that contain a desired (e.g., extracted) plant material such as cannabinoid, terpene, terpenoid, or the like, contained, e.g., dissolved, suspended, or emulsified, in the liquid, which contains surfactant; methods of preparing these types of liquid compositions; and methods of processing this type of liquid composition to collect, isolate, concentrate, or purify a desired target material contained in the liquid composition.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Reactor designs for use in ammonothermal growth of group-iii nitride crystals

Номер: US20140116326A1

Reactor designs for use in ammonothermal growth of group-III nitride crystals. Internal heating is used to enhance and/or engineer fluid motion, gas mixing, and the ability to create solubility gradients within a vessel used for the ammonothermal growth of group-III nitride crystals. Novel baffle designs are used for control and improvement of continuous fluid motion within a vessel used for the ammonothermal growth of group-III nitride crystals.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031766A1

Disclosed in the present specification is a method capable of preparing N-[4-[(1R)-1-[[(R)-(1,1-dimethylethyl)sulfinyl]amino]ethyl]-2,6-difluorophenyl]-methanesulfonamide (INT028-2) with high optical purity, through the selection of Ellman-chiral auxiliaries and the re-crystallization and separation of optical isomers. According to the above method, high-purity N-[4-[(1R)-1-[[(R)-(1,1-dimethylethyl)sulfinyl]amino]ethyl]-2,6-difluorophenyl]-methanesulfonamide with excellent quality can be produced at room temperature by improving cryogenic process conditions necessary for realizing high optical purity, and thus the trimming due to the process failure rate can be remarkably reduced. 1. A method for preparing (R)—N-[4-(1-aminoethyl)-2 ,6-difluoro-phenyl]-methanesulfonamide , the method comprising:a recrystallization step including putting and stirring a stereoisomeric mixture in which optical isomers of N-[4-[(1R)-1-[[(R)-(1,1-dimethylethyl)sulfinyl]amino]ethyl]-2,6-difluorophenyl]-methanesulfonamide are mixed in a specific solvent and obtaining a solid which is precipitated in a solution phase and contains N-[4-[(1R)-1-[[(R)-(1,1-dimethylethyl)sulfinyl]amino]ethyl]-2,6-difluorophenyl]-methanesulfonamide, whereinthe solvent in the recrystallization step includes one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of isopropyl alcohol (IPA), methanol (MeOH), ethyl acetate (EtOAc), toluene, and isopropyl acetate.2. The method for preparing (R)—N-[4-(1-aminoethyl)-2 claim 1 ,6-difluoro-phenyl]-methanesulfonamide according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent in the recrystallization step is selected from the group consisting of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) claim 1 , methanol:ethyl acetate (MeOH:EtOAc) (1:8) claim 1 , methanol:ethyl acetate (1:6) claim 1 , ethyl acetate (EtOAc) claim 1 , ethyl acetate:toluene (1:2) claim 1 , ethyl acetate:toluene (1:1) claim 1 , and isopropyl acetate.3. The method for preparing (R)—N-[4-(1-aminoethyl)-2 claim 1 ,6-difluoro-phenyl]- ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Formation of High Quality Alane

Номер: US20210032103A1

Methods for forming alane are described. The method includes addition of toluene at a temperature above the crystallization temperature of alane to a lower temperature solution that includes alane adduct, ether, and toluene. Upon the addition, a crystallization mixture is formed that is at or near the crystallization temperature of alane. The alane of the mixture crystallizes over a period of time to form a high purity alane polymorph. 1. A method for forming alane comprising:combining an alane adduct, an ether, and a first amount of toluene to form a liquid mixture, the liquid mixture including the ether in an amount of from about 1 vol. % to about 50 vol. %;adding a second amount of toluene to the liquid mixture to form a crystallization mixture, wherein at the addition, the liquid mixture is at a temperature of from about 15° C. to about 45° C. and the second amount of toluene is at a temperature that is greater than the crystallization temperature of the alane, wherein upon the addition, the crystallization mixture thus formed is at a temperature of from about 70° C. to about 80° C.; andmaintaining the crystallization mixture at a temperature of from about 70° C. to about 80° C. for a period of from about 2 hours to about 5 hours, the alane of the alane adduct polymerizing during the period.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alane adduct is an alane etherate adduct.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid mixture includes the ether in an amount of from about 1 vol. % to about 15 vol. %.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid mixture includes the ether in an amount of from about 25 vol. % to about 50 vol. %.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ether comprises diethyl ether.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second amount of toluene is at a temperature of from about 65° C. to about 110° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second amount of toluene is at a temperature of from about 65° C. to about 100° C.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032359A1

A method of generating a refined a sugar stream that comprises xylose from a biomass hydrolysis solution, including contacting a biomass hydrolysis solution that includes a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities, with a thermally-phase separable solvent such as a glycol solvent to form an extraction mixture; and separating from said extraction mixture a first stream including the thermally-phase separable solvent, acid, and impurities and a second, refined sugar stream that comprises xylose. 1. An extraction mixture comprising:a biomass hydrolysis solution that comprises a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities; anda thermally-phase separable solvent,wherein the extraction mixture is configured to separate into two phases with an increased temperature.2. The extraction mixture of claim 1 , wherein the thermally-phase separable solvent includes ethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The extraction mixture of claim 1 , further comprising an alkanol.4. The extraction mixture of claim 3 , wherein said alkanol is hexanol.5. The extraction mixture of claim 3 , wherein said alkanol is 2-ethylhexanol.6. The extraction mixture of claim 1 , wherein the extraction mixture comprises a 2-butoxyethanol.7. The extraction mixture of claim 1 , wherein the extraction mixture comprises a 1-propoxy-2-propanol.8. The extraction mixture of claim 1 , wherein the thermally-phase separable solvent is a glycol solvent. This application is divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/548,166 filed on Aug. 2, 2017, which is a U.S. National Stage under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of International Application No. PCT/IB2016/050496, filed Feb. 1, 2016, which claims priority to Swedish Patent Application No. 1550109-1, filed Feb. 3, 2015, the entireties of which are incorporated herein by reference.Currently, sugar solutions are purified with extraction and/or chromatographic techniques or combinations ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032415A1

Provided is a method for producing cellulose particles or cellulose acetate particles. By a production method including: (a) dissolving cellulose acetate in an organic solvent and preparing a cellulose acetate solution; (b) obtaining an emulsion of the cellulose acetate solution and an aqueous medium using a porous membrane; and (c) precipitating cellulose acetate particles from the emulsion, cellulose acetate particles are produced. By further saponifying the cellulose acetate obtained by the production method, cellulose particles are produced. 1. A method for producing cellulose acetate particles , comprising:(a) dissolving cellulose acetate in an organic solvent and preparing a cellulose acetate solution;(b) obtaining an emulsion of the cellulose acetate solution and an aqueous medium using a porous membrane; and(c) precipitating cellulose acetate particles from the emulsion.2. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim 1 , wherein in (a) claim 1 , the organic solvent is ethyl acetate claim 1 , a mixed solvent of ethyl acetate and acetone claim 1 , or cyclohexanone.3. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim 1 , wherein in (a) claim 1 , the cellulose acetate is cellulose diacetate having a degree of acetylation of 45% to 57%.4. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim 1 , wherein in (c) claim 1 , the cellulose acetate particles are precipitated by at least one of cooling of the emulsion and addition of a poor solvent to the emulsion.5. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim 4 , wherein the poor solvent is water claim 4 , alcohols claim 4 , glycols claim 4 , esters claim 4 , or a mixture thereof.6. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim 1 , wherein in (b) claim 1 , permeation through the porous membrane is performed a plurality of times.7. The method for producing cellulose acetate particles according to claim ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Process And System For Purification Of Aromatic Dicarboxylic Acid

Номер: US20150038737A1

In a process/system for the purification of aromatic dicarboxylic acid (ACA), crude ACA solids are slurried with water recycled from at least a filtration step in a feed preparation zone. Flash steam in vapour phase is supplied to the zone from at least one of a crystallisation step, a filtration step, and a drier step. The slurried ACA solids are preheated to form a solution that is then hydrogenated. The ACA is allowed to crystallise and then crystals of pure ACA are filtered out and water is recovered in a single stage filtration process. Recovered water is supplied to the feed preparation zone and the crystals are dried and recovered. The flash steam recovered from the crystallisation step, filtration step and/or drier step is recovered as a vapour phase stream having a pressure from about atmospheric to 5 barg and supplied to the feed preparation zone without phase change. 1. A process for the purification of aromatic dicarboxylic acid comprising the steps of:(a) slurrying crude aromatic dicarboxylic acid solids with water recycled from at least a filtration step in a feed preparation zone;(b) supplying flash steam in vapour phase to the feed preparation zone from at least one of a crystallisation step, a filtration step, and a drier step;(c) preheating the slurried aromatic dicarboxylic acid solids to form a solution;(d) subjecting the heated solution to hydrogenation;(e) allowing pure aromatic dicarboxylic acid to crystallise;(f) filtering out the crystals of pure aromatic dicarboxylic acid and recovering water in a single stage filtration process;(g) supplying at least part of the recovered water to the feed preparation zone; and(h) drying the filtered crystals and recovering same, wherein the flash steam recovered from at least one of a crystallisation step, a filtration step or a drier step is recovered as a vapour phase stream having a pressure of from about atmospheric to 5 barg and is supplied to the feed preparation zone without phase change.2. A ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Process Scheme To Improve Divalent Metal Salts Removal From Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG)

Номер: US20180037527A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

A MEG reclamation process includes the step of increasing above 2,000 ppm the divalent metal salts concentration of a rich (wet) MEG feed stream flowing into a precipitator. The increasing step includes routing a salts-saturated MEG slipstream from the flash separator it to the precipitator. The slipstream may be mixed with a fresh water feed stream, a portion of the rich MEG feed stream, or some combination of the two. The rich MEG feed stream also may be split into two streams, with a portion of the stream being heated and routed to the flash separator and the other portion being combined as above with the removed slipstream. The process can be performed on the slipstream after dilution and prior to entering the precipitator or after being loaded into the precipitator. Removal of the insoluble salts may be done in either a batch or continuous mode.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037963A1

A method of generating a refined sugar stream that comprises xylose from a biomass hydrolysis solution including contacting a biomass hydrolysis solution that includes a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities, with an extraction solvent to form an extraction mixture; and separating from said extraction mixture a first stream that includes the acid and a second, refined sugar stream that includes the extraction solvent and xylose. The extraction solvent is a tri-alkyl phosphine oxide, a dialkylsulfoxide, or a dialkylphosphite, or any combination thereof. 1. A method of generating a refined a sugar stream that comprises xylose from a biomass hydrolysis solution , comprising:(i) contacting a biomass hydrolysis solution that comprises a population of mixed sugars comprising xylose, an acid, and impurities, with an extraction solvent to form an extraction mixture; and(ii) separating from said extraction mixture a first stream that comprises the acid and a second, refined sugar stream that comprises the extraction solvent and xylose.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , contacting a stream from said biomass hydrolysis solution which comprises said population of mixed sugars comprising xylose with a strong acid cation exchange resin prior to step (i).3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , contacting a stream from said biomass hydrolysis solution claim 2 , which comprises said population of mixed sugars comprising xylose with a weak base anion exchange resin after said stream is contacted with said strong acid cation exchange resin and prior to step (i).4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating said second claim 1 , refined sugar stream that comprises the extraction solvent and xylose to a temperature of 30-100° C. and separating said extraction solvent from the second claim 1 , refined sugar stream.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising contacting a stream from said biomass hydrolysis ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Potash Processing with Mechanical Vapor Recompression

Номер: US20150044113A1
Принадлежит: Utah State University

A potash-extraction system and method for extracting potash from a brine containing potash without the use of water-consuming evaporation ponds or additional chemicals is disclosed. The potash processing system uses a mechanical-vapor recompression (“MVR”) cycle to separate salt and then potash from a sylvinite brine containing salt and potash. In embodiments, the latent heat recovered from condensing vapor may be used to boil the brine to precipitate some salt and remove some water (in the form of water vapor) from the brine. The remaining potash-concentrated brine may then be cooled to precipitate potash from the solution. The precipitated potash may then be further processed for final use. 1. A potash processing system , the system comprising:a first-stage and a second-stage crystallizer;a concentrator; and receive a sylvinite brine comprising potash, salt, and water from a sylvinite brine source;', 'boil the sylvinite brine in the concentrator to produce precipitated salt, water vapor, and potash-concentrated brine;', 'cool the potash-concentrated brine in the first-stage crystallizer to produce first-stage precipitated potash and saturated-potash brine; and', 'cool the saturated-potash brine in the second-stage crystallizer to produce second-stage precipitated potash and cooled saturated-potash brine., 'wherein the potash processing system is configure to2. The potash processing system of claim 1 , wherein the potash processing system is further configured to return to the sylvinite brine source more than 80% of the water in the sylvinite brine received from the sylvinite brine source.3. The potash processing system of claim 1 , wherein the potash processing system is further configured to capture from the sylvinite brine more than 80% of the potash in the sylvinite brine received from the sylvinite brine source.4. The potash processing system of claim 3 , wherein the potash processing system is configured to recycle the cooled saturated-potash brine back in ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044124A1

A method and arrangement for recovering lithium carbonate from a raw material containing lithium, which method comprises pulping () the raw material containing lithium in the presence of water and sodium carbonate for producing a slurry containing lithium from the raw material containing lithium. After pulping the lithium-containing slurry is leached () for dissolving the lithium in the solution thus producing a solution containing lithium carbonate. After pulping and leaching the method comprises carbonating () the solution containing lithium carbonate by using carbon dioxide under atmospheric conditions for producing a solution containing lithium bicarbonate and separating () the solids form the solution. The solution containing lithium bicarbonate is purified () to produce a purified solution containing lithium bicarbonate, and recovering by crystallising () lithium carbonate from the purified lithium bicarbonate-containing solution. 1. A method for recovering lithium carbonate from a raw material containing lithium selected from a group consisting of brine , a mineral containing lithium , spodumene , petalite or lepidolite or mixtures thereof , wherein the method comprisespulping the raw material containing lithium in the presence of water and sodium carbonate for producing a slurry containing lithium,leaching the slurry containing lithium in the presence of high pressure steam for producing a solution containing lithium carbonate,carbonating the solution containing lithium carbonate by using carbon dioxide under atmospheric conditions for producing a solution containing lithium bicarbonate,separating the solids from the solution containing lithium bicarbonate by solid-liquid separation,purifying the solution containing lithium bicarbonate by ion exchange for producing a purified solution containing lithium bicarbonate, andrecovering lithium carbonate by crystallising from the purified solution containing lithium bicarbonate.2. (canceled)2. The method according ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Process for Reducing Fouling in Evaporators in Lithium Hydroxide Recovery

Номер: US20190039912A1
Принадлежит: Veolia Water Technologies, Inc.

A method of concentrating and/or producing lithium hydroxide in an evaporator entails feeding a stream comprising lithium, hydroxide and carbonate to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the feed is concentrated to form lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate crystals. Further, the method entails reducing the tendency of lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator by increasing the concentration of lithium carbonate crystals in the evaporator by: (1) clarifying at least a portion of the concentrate in the evaporator to form a clarified solution; and (2) discharging the clarified solution as a clarified solution stream from the evaporator. 1. A method of concentrating lithium hydroxide in an evaporator , and at the same time , reducing the tendency for lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator , comprising:(A) directing a feed comprising lithium, hydroxide, and carbonate to the evaporator;(B) concentrating the feed in the evaporator to produce a concentrate including lithium hydroxide, and lithium carbonate crystals; (i) clarifying at least a portion of the concentrate in the evaporator to form a clarified solution; and', '(ii) discharging the clarified solution as a clarified solution stream from the evaporator., '(C) reducing the tendency for lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator by increasing the concentration of lithium carbonate crystals in the evaporator by2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising directing the clarified solution to a crystallizer and crystallizing lithium hydroxide.3. The method of wherein the evaporator is disposed in series with a crystallizer and wherein the method further includes combining the clarified solution stream with the slurry stream separately discharged from the evaporator to form a mixture; directing the mixture to the crystallizer; and in the crystallizer claim 1 , crystallizing the mixture and forming lithium hydroxide crystals.4. The method of wherein the crystallizer also forms lithium carbonate crystals; and the method ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Synthesis of energetic material particles with controlled morphology

Номер: US20190039966A1

A surfactant-assisted self-assembly method can be used to crystallize energetic materials with controlled morphology. Microparticles of hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) formed by this method may have enhanced functional reproducibility due to their monodisperse nature, and decreased shock sensitivity due to their sub-2 μm particle size. 1. A method to synthesize energetic material particles , comprising:providing a first solution comprising hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane and a first solvent;providing a second solution comprising a second solvent that is immiscible in and has a higher boiling point than the first solvent;providing a surfactant in the first or the second solution;mixing the first and the second solutions to form an emulsion comprising the first solvent dispersed in the second solvent; andevaporating the first solvent to form particles of hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first solvent comprises a polar aprotic solvent.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polar aprotic solvent comprises ethyl acetate or acetone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second solvent comprises a hydrocarbon.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the hydrocarbon comprises heptane or octane.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant comprises an ionic surfactant.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the ionic surfactant comprises cetyl trimethylammonium bromide or sodium dodecyl sulfate.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant comprises a nonionic surfactant.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the nonionic surfactant comprises a sorbitan ester claim 8 , ethoxylated sorbitan ester claim 8 , or polyethylene glycol alkyl ether.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane particles are spherical in shape.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane particles are less than 4 microns in diameter.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane particles have an ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039987A1

A method for purifying methacrylic acid, including mixing raw material methacrylic acid and methanol; precipitating a crystal of methacrylic acid from the mixed solution; and separating the crystal and mother liquor, wherein the raw material methacrylic acid and methanol are mixed so that a concentration of methanol in the mixed liquid is 3.0 to 3.75% by mass, and the crystal of methacrylic acid is precipitated from the mixed solution in a cooling crystallization vessel. 1. A method for purifying methacrylic acid , comprising:mixing raw material methacrylic acid and methanol;precipitating a crystal of methacrylic acid from a mixed solution comprising the raw material methacrylic acid and methanol; andseparating the crystal and mother liquor,wherein the raw material methacrylic acid and methanol are mixed so that a concentration of methanol in the mixed solution is 3.0 to 3.75% by mass, andthe crystal of methacrylic acid is precipitated from the mixed solution in a cooling crystallization vessel.2. The method for purifying methacrylic acid according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature in the cooling crystallization vessel is controlled in the range of 4 to 8° C.3. The method for purifying methacrylic acid according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material methacrylic acid and methanol are mixed so that the concentration of methanol in the mixed solution is 3.0 to 3.75% by mass claim 1 , and then the mixed solution is supplied to the cooling crystallization vessel.4. The method for purifying methacrylic acid according to claim 3 , wherein the mixed solution is continuously supplied to the cooling crystallization vessel.5. The method for purifying methacrylic acid according to claim 3 , wherein the mixed solution at 9 to 20° C. is supplied to the cooling crystallization vessel.6. The method for purifying methacrylic acid according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling crystallization vessel comprises a baffle-equipped cylindrical container equipped with a cooling jacket claim 1 ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040093A1

Compositions and methods for the isolation of protein-nucleic acid complexes, extracellular vesicle (EV) (e.g., microvesicles) and free nucleic acids (collectively referred to as “bioparticles”) released by mammalian cells into body fluids or cell culture media are provided. Isolated bioparticles of the current disclosure contain biomolecules that are useful as diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers or for identification of therapeutic targets (e.g., disease or disorder-associated miRNAs, circulating tumor DNA). Isolation of biomolecules results in purification and concentration. Methods for producing biofluids without detectable bioparticles, largely depleted of bioparticles, and/or possessing a reduced concentration of bioparticles compared to a biofluid starting material (collectively termed “bioparticle-depleted”) are provided. Bioparticle-depleted biofluid is useful, e.g., in experimental systems where desirable to obtain a biofluid lacking or substantially depleted of endogenous bioparticles from the source material. Non-toxic bioparticle absorbing materials (e.g., exosome-reducing materials) can also be used for prophylactic, therapeutic, validation and/or experimental purposes. 1. A method for isolating , amplifying or both isolating and amplifying cell-free nucleic acids from a liquid sample with enhanced efficiency comprising:a) obtaining a liquid sample from a subject or cell culture;b) contacting said liquid sample with a crystallizing agent under conditions suitable to allow for crystal formation, thereby creating an admixture;c) incubating said admixture for a period of time sufficient to allow for crystal formation;d) separating said admixture to obtain a particle fraction containing bioparticles; ande) isolating amplifying or both isolating and amplifying cell-free nucleic acids from the particle fraction containing bioparticles, thereby isolating, amplifying or both isolating and amplifying cell-free nucleic acids from the liquid sample with enhanced ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040094A1

The present invention relates to process for the preparation of D-glucitol, 1,5-anhydro-1-C-[4-chloro-3-[[4-[[(3S)-tetrahydro-3-furanyl]oxy]phenyl] methyl]phenyl]-, (1S) formula-1 and its crystalline forms thereof. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step-a) claim 1 , the suitable thiol reagent is thiol or dithiol alcohol which is selected from decanethiol claim 1 , dodecane thiol claim 1 , cyclohexane thiol claim 1 , cyclopentane thiol claim 1 , cyclo butane thiol claim 1 , thiophenol claim 1 , methanethiol claim 1 , ethanethiol claim 1 , 1-propanethiol claim 1 , 2-propanethiol claim 1 , n-butanethiol claim 1 , tert-butanthiol claim 1 , furan-2-ylmethanethiol claim 1 , ethandithiol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-propanedithiol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-propanedithiol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butanedithiol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-butanedithiol; the suitable Lewis acid is selected from AlCl claim 1 , AlBr claim 1 , BCl claim 1 , TiCl claim 1 , FeCland ZnCl.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step-b) claim 1 , the suitable base is selected from “alkali metal hydroxides” such as lithium hydroxide claim 1 , sodium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium hydroxide and the like; “alkali metal carbonates” such as sodium carbonate claim 1 , potassium carbonate claim 1 , lithium carbonate and the like; “alkali metal bicarbonates” such as sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , potassium bicarbonate claim 1 , lithium bicarbonate and the like; “alkali metal hydrides” such as sodium hydride claim 1 , potassium hydride claim 1 , lithium hydride and the like; “alkali metal alkoxides” such as sodium methoxide claim 1 , sodium ethoxide claim 1 , sodium tert-butoxide claim 1 , potassium methoxide claim 1 , potassium ethoxide claim 1 , potassium tert-butoxide and the like.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step-a) and step-b) claim 1 , the suitable solvent is selected from alcohol solvents such as methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , n-propanol ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Purifying a Mixture Comprising Oil and Wax

Номер: US20190040330A1
Автор: Pfeil Mathias

The present invention relates to a method for fractionating a crude mixture comprising at least one oil and at least one wax, which comprises the following method steps: (a) carrying out a pre-fractionation stage as a layer crystallization (i) with a crude mixture comprising at least one oil and at least one wax or (ii) with a crude solvent mixture obtained by adding prior to the pre-fractionation stage at most 100% by weight of solvent relative to the weight of the crude mixture, to prepare a first fraction containing low waxy oil and a second fraction containing low oily wax, (b) carrying out a first crystallization stage including (b) a first suspension crystallization sub-stage with the first fraction containing low waxy oil to prepare a third fraction containing dewaxed oil and a fourth fraction and (b) after the first suspension crystallization sub-stage, a second suspension crystallization sub-stage with a mixture of the fourth fraction obtained in method step (b) and the second fraction containing low oily wax obtained in the pre-fractionation stage of method step (a) to prepare a fifth fraction containing slack wax and a sixth fraction. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for fractionating a crude mixture comprising at least one oil and at least one wax , which comprises the following method steps:{'b': 2', '2, '(a) carrying out a pre-fractionation stage () as a layer crystallization (i) with a crude mixture comprising at least one oil and at least one wax or (ii) with a crude solvent mixture obtained by adding prior to the pre-fractionation stage () at most 100% by weight of solvent relative to the weight of the crude mixture, to prepare a first fraction containing low waxy oil and a second fraction containing low oily wax,'}{'b': '12', '(b) carrying out a first crystallization stage () including'}{'sub': '1', 'b': '14', '(b) a first suspension crystallization sub-stage () with the first fraction containing low waxy oil to prepare a third fraction containing ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039904A1

The present invention relates to a process for enriching enantiomers from an enantiomer mixture by a fractionating melt crystallization in a melt crystallization apparatus. The invention specifically relates to a process for producing an enantiomer-enriched chiral terpene, in particular of D/L-Isopulegol. The process comprises: 1. A process for enriching an enantiomer from an enantiomer mixture by a fractionating melt crystallization in a melt crystallization apparatus , comprisingi) a crystallization step to obtain a crystallizate and a mother melt and removal of the mother melt from the crystallizate to afford a mother melt fraction,ii) sweating of the crystallizate obtained in step i) to afford a molten sweating fraction and a sweated crystallizate, andiii) subsequent melting of the sweated crystallizate to afford a molten crystallizate fraction,wherein the optical rotation at least of the sweating fraction is determined online using a polarimeter and the changeover from step ii) to step iii) is controlled online by means of at least one control unit.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein in order to control the changeover from step ii) to step iii)(a) a target value for the optical rotation of the sweating fraction is specified;(b) a maximum permitted control difference of the actual value from the target value for the optical rotation of the sweating fraction is specified;(c) the actual value for the optical rotation of the sweating fraction is determined;(d) the control unit effects the changeover from step ii) to step iii) not earlier than upon reaching the target value and not later than upon reaching the maximum permitted control difference of the actual value from the target value.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the maximum permitted control difference of the actual value from the target value is not more than 0.3° for a length of the measuring cell of the polarimeter of 1 dm claim 2 , a temperature of 25° C. and an employed wavelength ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047203A1

A water evaporation system includes an evaporation module configured to evaporate water from a brine; a support module attached to the evaporation module and configured to support the evaporation module above the brine; and an inlet configured to add a crystal growth inhibitor to the brine. 1. A water evaporation system comprising:an evaporation module configured to evaporate water from a brine;a support module attached to the evaporation module and configured to support the evaporation module above the brine; andan inlet configured to add a crystal growth inhibitor to the brine.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a brine container for holding the brine,wherein the support module has a first end located into the brine.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first end is attached to the brine container.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the inlet is configured to release the crystal growth inhibitor into the brine container.5. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:a stirring device configured to stir the brine with the crystal growth inhibitor within the brine container.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising:a pump that pumps the crystal growth inhibitor to the inlet.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising:a processor attached to the pump and to a brine concentration sensor,wherein the processor is configured to start and stop the pump and the stirring device to continuously mix the brine with the crystal growth inhibitor.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support module includes a porous material that makes the brine to move up to the evaporation module.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporation module comprises:a brine evaporation interface layer;a heat source layer; andan insulation layer,wherein water is evaporated from the brine at the brine evaporation interface layer,wherein the heat source layer transfers heat to the brine evaporation interface layer for the evaporation process, andwherein the insulation layer prevents ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042952A1
Принадлежит: INDENA S.P.A.

Process for removing pesticides from extracts, which involves submitting an extract obtained by conventional methods to the following steps: 1Ginkgo biloba. Extracts obtainable according to a process for removing pesticides from extracts , obtained by conventional methods , said process comprising:{'i': Ginkgo biloba', 'ginkgo', 'ginkgo, 'a) subjecting said extracts to liquid-liquid extraction to obtain a first fraction containing terpenes and pesticides not removable with hexane, and a second fraction containing flavone glycosides;'}{'i': 'ginkgo', 'b) crystallizing the terpenes from the first fraction obtained at step a) to give a ginkgolide intermediate with a ginkgolide content of not less than 50% w/w and a residual solution;'}c) crystallizing the residual solution obtained in step b) to obtain a bilobalide intermediate with a bilobalide content of not less than 50% w/w;{'i': 'Ginkgo biloba', 'd) mixing the second fraction obtained in step a) with the ginkgolide intermediate and the bilobalide intermediate obtained at steps b) and c) thereby removing said pesticides from said extracts.'}2. The extracts as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extraction of step a) is carried out with a water-immiscible solvent selected from esters claim 1 , chlorinated hydrocarbons claim 1 , mixtures of hydrocarbons and alcohols claim 1 , ketones and mixtures of ketones and alcohols.3. The extracts as claimed in wherein the solvent is an ester having 2 to 8 carbon atoms.4ginkgo. The extracts as claimed in wherein the crystallisation of terpenes is carried out in mixtures of water and C1-C3 alcohols.5. The extracts as claimed in wherein the crystallisation from the terpene-rich fraction of step c) is carried out in water or in a mixture of water and C1-C3 alcohols. This U.S. non-provisional application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/258,715 filed on Nov. 18, 2011, which is a national stage of PCT/EP2010/002046 filed on Mar. 31, 2010 which claims priority to and the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043275A1

A processing unit for a liquid washing medium contaminated with sulphur oxides and/or nitrogen oxides, has an evaporation stage for concentrating the active components of the washing medium by an evaporator and/or by a heat exchanger, and has a collecting tank connected to the evaporator and/or to the heat exchanger. The collecting tank is configured as a crystallizer for removing sulfur oxides from the washing medium by crystallization of a sulphate, in particular of potassium sulphate. A separating device for carbon dioxide has a corresponding processing unit, and a method for processing a washing medium contaminated with sulphur oxides and/or nitrogen oxides uses a corresponding processing unit. 126.-. (canceled)27. A processing unit for a liquid scrubbing medium contaminated with sulphur oxides and/or nitrogen oxides , comprisingan evaporation stage for concentrating the active component of the scrubbing medium having an evaporator and/or having a heat exchanger, having a collecting tank that is connected to the evaporator and/or to the heat exchanger,wherein the collecting tank is connected via an outlet to a separation unit,wherein the collecting tank is constructed as a crystallizer for removing sulphur oxides from the scrubbing medium by crystallization of a sulphate, andwherein an outlet of the separation unit is connected to an additional crystallizer for recovery of the active component of the scrubbing medium.28. The processing unit as claimed in claim 27 ,wherein the separation unit is constructed as a hydro cyclone.29. The processing unit as claimed in claim 27 ,wherein the collecting tank comprises a classifying appliance for separating the crystallized sulphate particles according to the particle size thereof.30. The processing unit as claimed in claim 29 ,wherein the classifying appliance is constructed in the form of a classifying zone having a first classifying region and a second classifying region within the crystallizer, wherein the first ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043281A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for continuous preparation of high bulk density methionine crystals. The process of the method is as follows: a hydrolysate solution, which is obtained from a reaction of 5-(β-methylmercaptoethyl) hydantoin and a potassium carbonate solution, is mixed with an external circulation material from a DTB neutralization crystallizer having a gas phase neutralization section; after being cooled, the mixture enters a liquid distributor of a neutralization region in the upper part of the crystallizer and is sprayed in the form of liquid droplet or trickle into carbon dioxide gas for neutralization reaction, and then naturally falls into a crystallization region in the lower part to be mixed with a material in the region; the obtained mixture grows on fine crystals in a system to form crystals having larger particle diameters, and meanwhile new crystal nucleuses are formed; in a deposition area in the middle part of the crystallization region, the crystals having larger particle diameters deposits into an elutriation leg, while the fine crystals circulate with the external circulation material, and a part of the external circulation material is used to elutriate the crystals in the elutriation leg, while another part of the same is used to be mixed with the hydrolysate solution; and the crystals in the elutriation leg are separated, washed and dried to obtain the high bulk density methionine product. 1. A method for continuous preparation of high bulk density methionine crystals , comprising the following steps:(1) mixing a hydrolysate solution containing potassium methionine obtained from a reaction of 5-(β-methylmercaptoethyl)hydantoin and a potassium carbonate solution with an external circulation material from a DTB neutralization crystallizer having a gas phase neutralization section to form a mixture material; the mixture material entering a liquid distributor of a neutralization region in an upper part of the crystallizer ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044024A1
Автор: Mottet Bruno
Принадлежит: BGH

A method is disclosed for treating an aqueous solution containing dissolved materials that are crystallisable by crystallization of clathrates hydrates of a host molecule which crystallize at atmospheric pressure at temperatures higher than the temperature of ice crystallization. This method allows purified water and solid materials or solutions which are highly concentrated in dissolved materials to be produced simultaneously. The disclosure also relates to the implementation of this method. 1. A method for treating an aqueous solution containing dissolved materials that are able to crystallize or precipitate , by crystallization of clathrates hydrates of a host molecule which crystallize at atmospheric pressure at temperatures higher than the temperature of ice crystallization , said clathrates hydrates being less dense than said aqueous solution containing dissolved materials , wherein the following steps are carried out:{'b': '1', 'a) the aqueous solution is cooled, in first cooling means, to a temperature T that is higher than the temperature of ice crystallization and lower than the crystallization temperature Teq of the clathrates hydrates, and this cooled aqueous solution is introduced into a thermally insulated reactor;'}{'b': '2', 'b) a quantity of the host molecule is added into the reactor containing the cooled aqueous solution, such that the temperature T of the aqueous solution remains, following this addition and following the exothermic release due to the crystallization of the clathrates hydrates, lower than the temperature Teq, whereby the clathrates hydrates of the host molecule crystallize homogeneously in all of the volume of the aqueous solution by forming a suspension of clathrates hydrates crystallized in an aqueous solution concentrated in dissolved materials that may further contain crystallized or precipitated dissolved materials;'}c) the suspension formed during step b) is sampled in the reactor, and said suspension is sent to a decanter ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046925A1
Автор: Luo Jing, Xu Changxiang

Methods, apparatus, and compositions for cleaning gas. The use of segmented multistage ammonia-based liquid spray with different oxidation potentials to remove sulfur compounds from gas. The use of different oxidation potentials may reduce unwanted ammonia slip. 2. The apparatus of claim l wherein the first source produces ammonia bearing liquid having an ammonia concentration that is different from the ammonia concentration of the liquid produced by the second source.3. The apparatus of wherein the ammonia bearing liquid of the first source has a pH greater than 4.6.4. The apparatus of wherein the first chamber is configured to be maintained at an operating temperature between 30° C. (86° F.) and 70° C. (158° F.).5. The apparatus of wherein the demister is within the first chamber.6. The apparatus of wherein the spray array includes a pattern of cone-shaped sprays that together are angled consistent with reaching inner walls of a vessel having a width no less than 110% the maximum horizontal width of the first chamber.7. The apparatus of wherein the spray arrays claim 1 , in aggregate claim 1 , are configured to deliver no less than 0.2 L of liquid per cubic meter (1.5 gallon liquid per 1000 cubic feet) of gas flow volume.8. The apparatus of wherein the particle control chamber:is situated downstream from, and in gaseous communication with, the first chamber;is separated from the first chamber by a liquid-collector that allows vapor to pass downstream; and a washing spray array; and', 'a conduit connecting the washing spray array to a particle washing liquid source., 'includes9. The apparatus of wherein:the demister is a first demister; andthe particle control chamber includes a second demister.10. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a baffle plate type.11. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a ridge type.12. The apparatus of wherein the second demister includes a packing type.13. The apparatus of wherein the second demister ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Cannabidiol preparations and its uses

Номер: US20210052512A1
Принадлежит: GW Research Ltd

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid designated chemically as 2-[(1R,6R)-3-Methyl-6-(1-methylethenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-yl]-5-pentyl-1,3-benzenediol. Its empirical formula is C21H30O2 and its molecular weight is 314.46. CBD is a cannabinoid that naturally occurs in the Cannabis sativa L. plant. CBD is a white to pale yellow crystalline solid which is insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. The present invention encompasses the surprising recognition that certain CBD preparations which are prepared from a botanical origin are more effective in treating diseases or disorders than preparations of CBD which are synthetic or purified to the extent no other impurities in the form of other cannabinoids are present. Prior CBD compositions have been prepared such that no psychoactive components, e.g., tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), remain in the final CBD preparation. Surprisingly, the absence of such minor impurities reduces the efficacy of CBD treatment. Such CBD preparations are characterized by chemical components and/or functional properties that distinguish them from prior CBD compositions. One or more components of the preparations described herein provide an unexpectedly synergistic effect when utilized in combination.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053840A1

The disclosure relates to a co-current co-precipitation method of CoNiOthermistor powders. The method comprises the steps of mixing, stirring, precipitating, aging, suction filtration, washing and drying firstly using nickel nitrate and cobalt nitrate as raw materials to obtain cobalt hydroxide, and then calcining in a tubular furnace at an inert atmosphere to prepare CoNiOnano powders. The method has the advantages of simple operation, low cost, short cycle, high yield and no environmental pollution, and further oxidization of the CoNiOnano material into NiCoOthermistor powders can be effectively avoided through selection and adjustment of calcination process parameters and inert atmosphere. A high-precision, fast-response and small-volume temperature sensor material can be prepared from CoNiOthermistor powders obtained by the method of the disclosure. 1{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2, 'a, mixing raw materials Co(NO)and Ni(NO)in a mole ratio of 1:1, and dissolving the obtained mixture into deionized water, so as to prepare 0.5-3 mol/L mixed solution A;'}{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2, 'b, weighing Co(NO)and Ni(NO)in a mole ratio of 1: (1.2-2.0), then weighing sodium hydroxide, oxalic acid, sodium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate or ammonium hydroxide, and adding deionized water, so as to prepare 0.5-3 mol/L solution B;'}{'b': 400', '600, 'c, weighing polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyethylene glycol , polyethylene glycol , cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide or triton X-100 to be dissolved into deionized water, so as to prepare dispersant solution C having a mass fraction of 0.5-10%;'}d, respectively putting the solution A and solution B prepared in step a and step b in a dropping funnel, simultaneously dropwise adding the solution A and the solution B into the solution C in step c at the speed of 0.5-2 drop/s, and magnetically stirring for 1-4 to form a precipitate;e, standing and aging the precipitate formed in step d for 24-72 h, subsequently carrying suction filtration, and washing to ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050119A1

The invention relates to a method for recovering an organic compound from a feed stream comprising the steps of—extracting the organic compound into an organic solvent, thereby obtaining a mixture of the solvent and the organic compound; and—simultaneously crystallizing the solvent and the organic compound by cooling the mixture; and - separating the solid organic solvent and solid organic compound. 1. Method for recovering an organic compound from a liquid feed stream comprising the steps of:a liquid-liquid extraction, wherein the organic compound is extracted from the feed stream into an organic solvent, thereby obtaining an extract, which is a mixture of the organic solvent and the organic compound;simultaneously crystallizing the solvent and the organic compound by cooling said mixture; anda solid-solid separation step to separate the solid solvent and solid organic compound.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid solvent and solid organic compound are separated based on their difference in density or size.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid solvent and solid organic compound are separated by gravity settling claim 1 , flotation claim 1 , hydrocylones or centrifugation.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent and the organic compound are simultaneously crystallized by cooling the mixture to a temperature equal to or lower than the eutectic temperature of the mixture.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic compound has a melting point in the range of −50-+250.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic compound is selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acids alcohols and cyclic esters.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic compound is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,4 butanediol claim 1 , succinic acid claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , malic acid claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,5-furan dicarboxylic acid claim 1 , 3 hydroxypropionic acid claim 1 , aspartic acid claim 1 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Gasification Wastewater Treatment

Номер: US20200048128A1

We provide an evaporation based method for water recovery from gasification wastewater to achieve zero liquid discharge. Grey water from a gasification system is processed by an evaporation system which recovers >99% of the influent water and generates a solid phase in a crystallizing reactor. The crystallizing reactor converts dissolved solids present as highly soluble species into alternative chemical forms that are amenable to precipitation and removal from the liquid phase to achieve zero liquid discharge. 1. A method of achieving zero-liquid discharge from gasification wastewater comprising:gasifying a carbon-bearing feedstock, wherein the gasifying generates a wastewater stream;sending the wastewater stream to a crystallizing reactor;feeding a first chemical into the crystallizing reactor, wherein the first chemical converts dissolved solids into forms which are configured to be more easily concentrated and/or crystallized and/or precipitated;evaporating the water fraction of the wastewater stream into water vapor;condensing the water vapor to form distillate water;precipitating the dissolved solids, wherein the precipitated solids form suspended solids; anddewatering the suspended solids for disposal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first chemical is limestone or hydrated lime.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a mixed-salt consisting essentially of calcium formate is precipitated and dewatered.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first chemical converts the dissolved solids to forms having lower solubility points than the dissolved solids and/or to forms more easily precipitated from the aqueous phase than the dissolved solids.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising feeding the wastewater stream to a chemical reactor upstream from the crystallizing reactor claim 1 , wherein a second chemical is added for water conditioning upstream of the crystallizing reactor.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising feeding the wastewater stream to an ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050280A1
Автор: Aslam Naveed

A method and crystallizer for treating produced water through the steps of feeding produced water to a porous pipe in a chamber wherein the chamber is cylindrically shaped having an interior wall with a top and a bottom; feeding gaseous nitrogen to a nozzle present in the chamber, which is in fluid communication with an interior pipe; feeding the produced water to the interior pipe wherein slush is formed in the pipe and this slush is forced through the interior pipe to the top of the chamber; operating at least one scraper which is mounted circumferentially about the porous pipe and having arms that extend outwardly from the scraper center in contact with the interior wall of the chamber wherein the scraper will remove salt crystals from the interior walls of the chamber; recovering salt crystals from the bottom of the chamber; and recovering fresh water from the chamber. 1. A crystallizer comprising a chamber being cylindrical in shape and comprising an interior wall and a top and a bottom , the chamber being in fluid communication with a pipe for introducing produced water , the pipe is in fluid communication with a porous pipe to allow for distribution of the produced water through the interior of the chamber; a source of gaseous nitrogen in fluid communication with a nozzle wherein the nozzle is located inside the chamber and is in fluid communication with an interior pipe which is further in fluid communication with the produced water; at least one scraper which is mounted circumferentially about the porous pipe and having arms that extend outwardly from the scraper center in contact with the interior wall of the chamber thereby scraping salt crystals on the interior wall of the chamber; and a top pipe in fluid communication with the chamber thereby to remove fresh water from the chamber.2. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the produced water is from an oil and gas production process.3. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the gaseous nitrogen is formed ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050930A1
Автор: Aslam Naveed

A crystallizer for use in treating produced water is disclosed. The crystallizer is a combination of a source of nitrogen in fluid communication with at least one connecting tube which is in fluid communication with a chamber which is in fluid communication with a discharge tube. The produced water from an oil and gas operation is fed into the crystallizer which will separate out contaminants from the water producing fresh water. 1. A crystallizer comprising a source of nitrogen in fluid communication with at least one connecting tube which is in fluid communication with a chamber which is in fluid communication with a discharge tube.2. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the nitrogen is gaseous nitrogen and liquid nitrogen.3. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the source of nitrogen is in fluid communication with at least one connecting tube by a nozzle.4. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the at least one connecting tube is a plurality of connecting tubes.5. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein when a plurality of connecting tubes is present each successive connecting tube is greater in diameter than the connecting tube preceding it.6. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein a source of feedwater is in fluid communication with the at least one connecting tube.7. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the feedwater is produced water from an oil and gas operation.8. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the feedwater and gaseous nitrogen rise through the at least one connecting tube.9. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the gaseous nitrogen will change velocity it rises through the at least one connecting tube.10. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the nitrogen provides agitation inside of the at least one connecting tube.11. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein salt crystals and ice crystals separate in the at least one connecting tube.12. The crystallizer as claimed in wherein the at least one connecting tube is present in the chamber.13. ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Fractionation Process for Separating the Reactor Effluent from TOL/A9+ Transalkylation Processes

Номер: US20170050901A1
Автор: Jeffrey AMELSE
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

Processes and apparatus are disclosed for the energy efficient separation of the effluent from a TOL/A9+ transalkylation reactor. The apparatus includes a reboiled prefractionation column and a sidedraw tower that produces: 1) an overhead stream including unreacted toluene, 2) a stream including unreacted C9+ aromatics, a portion of which stream may be recycled to the reactor; and 3) a sidedraw stream including C8 aromatics that may be directed to a crystallization or selective adsorption paraxylene separation unit for recovery o a paraxylene product.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050944A1
Автор: Aslam Naveed

A method for treating produced water from a fracking operation is disclosed. The produced water is first fed to a compact separator for the removal of suspended materials. This produced water is then treated for dissolved gases and suspended oils before being fed to a crystallizer where salts are separated from the produced water thereby producing fresh water for reuse or other means. Alternatively, the produced water may be fed to a disinfection system and a concentrator depending upon the composition of the produced water. 1. A method for treating produced water comprising the steps:a) Feeding the produced water to an intensified compact separator wherein suspended materials are removed from the produced water;b) Feeding the produced water to a separation system wherein dissolved gases and suspended oils are separated from the produced water;c) Feeding the produced water to a crystallizer wherein water and salts are separated from the produced water; andd) Recovering the water.2. The method as claimed in wherein the produced water contains 150 claim 1 ,000 parts per million dissolved solids.3. The method as claimed in wherein the produced water contains dissolved and dispersed oil.4. The method as claimed in wherein the produced water is recovered from a fracking operation.5. The method as claimed in wherein the intensified compact separator is a gravity separator containing submerged plates.6. The method as claimed in wherein the submerged plates are corrugated.7. The method as claimed in wherein oil droplets are further removed from the produced water by the intensified compact separator.8. The method as claimed in wherein the separation system further removes dissolved gas from the produced water.9. The method as claimed in wherein the separation system is a flotation device.10. The method as claimed in wherein the suspended oils are removed from the separation system by skimming.11. The method as claimed in wherein water and salt are separated in the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060368A1

A method of treating a wastewater is provided and can be used, for example, to treat a gas well production wastewater to form a wastewater brine. The method can involve crystallizing sodium chloride by evaporation of the wastewater brine with concurrent production of a liquor comprising calcium chloride solution. Bromine and lithium can also be recovered from the liquor in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. Various metal sulfates, such as barium sulfate and strontium sulfate, can be removed from the wastewater in the production of the wastewater brine. Sources of wastewater can include gas well production wastewater and hydrofracture flowback wastewater. 1. A method of treating a gas well hydrofracture flowback and/or production wastewater (production wastewater) , comprising:contacting a production wastewater comprising barium, with a source of sulfate ions, in a first tank and under conditions to precipitate barium sulfate;precipitating barium sulfate from the production wastewater in the first tank to form a slurry of precipitated barium sulfate and a wastewater brine, the wastewater brine comprising sodium, magnesium, strontium, and calcium chlorides;moving the slurry to a second tank;mixing the slurry with a second reagent in the second tank;recycling the slurry to the first tank and repeating the precipitating, moving, and mixing to form a refined wastewater brine; andevaporating the refined wastewater brine to form water and evaporation products, the evaporation products comprising crystalline sodium chloride.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the evaporating further comprises forming a liquor comprising from about 25% by weight to about 60% by weight calcium chloride based on the total weight of the liquor.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising filtering the evaporation product to form a retentate comprising crystalline sodium chloride claim 2 , and a filtrate comprising the liquor;washing the retentate with saturated sodium ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074020A1

Metal compositions and processes for fractional crystallization of a molten crude tin mixture containing lead and silver are described. A process includes separating the molten crude tin mixture into a first silver-enriched liquid drain product at the liquid end of a crystallization step and a first tin-enriched product at the crystal end of the crystallization step whereby the first silver-enriched liquid drain product comprises on a dry weight basis 6.0-30.0% wt of lead, 70.0-91% wt of tin, 95.0-99.0% wt of lead and tin together, 0.75-5.00% wt of silver, and ≥0.24% wt of antimony. The first silver enriched liquid drain product also includes at least one of: 0.05-0.5% wt of arsenic; 0.05-0.6% wt of copper, 0.0030-0.0500% wt of nickel, at least 0.0010-0.40% wt of bismuth, at most 1.0% wt of iron, or at least 0.0005% wt of gold, the balance being impurities. 1. A process for the separation by fractional crystallization of a molten crude tin mixture containing lead and silver , into a first silver-enriched liquid drain product at the liquid end of the crystallization step and a first tin-enriched product at the crystal end of the crystallization step , whereby the first silver-enriched liquid drain product comprises , on a dry weight basis;at least 6.0% wt and at most 30.0% wt of lead;at least 70.0% wt and at most 91% wt of tin;at least 95.0% wt and at most 99.0% wt of lead and tin together;at least 0.75% wt and at most 5.00% wt of silver;at least 0.24% wt of antimony; and{'claim-text': ['at least 0.05% wt and at most 0.5% wt of arsenic;', 'at least 0.05% wt and at most 0.6% wt of copper;', 'at least 0.0030% wt and at most 0.0500% wt of nickel;', 'at least 0.0010% wt and at most 0.40% wt of bismuth;', 'at most 1.0% wt of iron; or', 'at least 0.0005% wt of gold;', 'the balance being impurities.'], '#text': 'further comprising, on the dry weight basis, at least one of:'}2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the crude tin mixture comprises at least 0.1% wt and at ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Crystallized hydroquinone and methods of making

Номер: US20160060196A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Crystallized hydroquinone particles and methods for making the same are provided. Cooling profiles applied during crystallization of the hydroquinone from solution may be optimized to provide crystallized particles having suitable properties and that exhibit reduced agglomeration tendencies, even after long periods of time and/or transportation over long distances.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057843A1

A method of desalinating water through application of acoustic pressure shock waves to a slush to separate ice crystals from brine and recovering desalinated water from the separated ice crystals. 1. A method of desalinating water comprising applying acoustic pressure shock waves to a slush including brine and ice crystals and recovering water separately from the brine.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing salt water into a containment claim 1 , cooling the salt water to create the slush claim 1 , applying the acoustic pressure shock waves to the slush and separating the ice crystals from the brine.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising applying the acoustic pressure shock waves to the slush in an upward direction away from a bottom of the containment and against gravity to cause the ice crystals to move toward a top of the containment and the brine to settle at the bottom of the containment.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising collecting the ice crystals that move toward the top of the containment and recovering the water from melting of the collected ice crystals.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising moving ice crystals with the acoustic pressure shock waves to a water collection chamber separately from the brine.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising moving ice crystals with the acoustic pressure shock waves to a water collection chamber separately from the brine.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising cooling the salt water with hollow cold seeds and thawing collected ice crystals moved to the water collection chamber and recovering water.8. The method of claim 5 , further comprising thawing collected ice crystals moved to the water collection chamber and recovering water.9. The method of wherein the water collection chamber includes a porous membrane and further comprising applying acoustic pressure shock waves to the membrane to prevent clogging by residual salt particles as water is recovered through the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Membrane cleaning and desalination with a membrane using acoustic pressure shock waves

Номер: US20170057844A1
Принадлежит: Sanuwave Inc

Acoustic pressure shock waves are applied to a membrane in a fluid to prevent attachment of or dislodge biological or solid matter for membrane cleaning or desalination with a membrane.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods of isolating phenols from phenol-containing media

Номер: US20210061743A1

Methods of isolating phenols from phenol-containing media. The methods include combining a phospholipid-containing composition with the phenol-containing medium to generate a combined medium, incubating the combined medium to precipitate phenols in the combined medium and thereby form a phenol precipitate phase and a phenol-depleted phase, and separating the phenol precipitate phase and the phenol-depleted phase. The methods can further include extracting phenols from the separated phenol precipitate phase. The extracting can include mixing the separated phenol precipitate phase with an extraction solvent to solubilize in the extraction solvent at least a portion of the phenols originally present in the phenol precipitate phase.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055746A1

A method for treating waste water from various sources, removing solids and pollutants and then either evaporating or recycling the treated water. Waste water is received at the treatment site where the solids are removed before entering the system for treatment. The treatment consists of injecting the pressurized waste water into the exhaust stream of a turbine which is at least 900 degrees Fahrenheit, capturing it in pipes to keep it at above 600 degrees Fahrenheit for at sufficient time, temperature and turbulence to dispose of any volatile organic compounds. The system continues to either immediate atmospheric venting of the remaining treated water or in collecting ponds or tanks for evaporation. If the water is to be recovered it is cooled, condensed and sparged to release exhaust gases and the exhausted and condensed water is recovered. 1. A method of creating electrical power , removing pollutants from various waste water , recycling a portion of the treated water to be potable and recovering solids comprising:(a) electrical power is produced from commercially available power generation systems using liquid fueled turbines and attached generators with rated outputs ranging in scalability from 20 MW to 144 MW. Larger systems are available but may be cost prohibitive as part of the system. This system is controlled from a computer designed by its manufacturer and cooled to maintain an average temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit regardless of the size turbine used. The turbine enclosure is also temperature controlled using air conditioners to a maintain the specific temperature range indicated by the manufacturer for optimum output regardless of the outside ambient air temperature;2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a system for infusing pressurized waste water from a filtered holding tanks or ponds into the exhaust stream of the turbine at rates ranging from 3 barrels per minute to 75 barrels per minute. The temperature of the exhaust stream ranges ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for refining long chain dicarboxylic acid

Номер: US20220080357A1

The present disclosure provides a system for refining long chain dicarboxylic acid, comprising: a first membrane filtration unit, for a first membrane filtration of a long chain dicarboxylic acid fermentation broth or a treated liquid therefrom; a first decolorization unit, for carrying out a first decolorization treatment to the filtrate obtained after the membrane filtration; a first acidification/crystallization unit, for carrying out a first acidification/crystallization of a filtrate obtained after the membrane filtration to give a solid-liquid mixture; a first separation unit, for a solid-liquid separation of the solid-liquid mixture; a drying unit, for drying the solid separated by the separation unit to give a first solid. By using the refining system according to the present disclosure, the purity of the obtained product is high, and the disadvantages such as poor quality of the product obtained by crystallization from a solvent and environment pollution caused by a solvent can be overcome.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for making coffee products containing cannabis ingredients

Номер: US20200060305A1
Принадлежит: Blacklist Holdings Inc

The present disclosure is directed to methods of making coffee products containing cannabinoids that are extracted from Cannabis plant. According to one embodiment, the method includes the steps of (a) extracting cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant; and (b) admixing the cannabinoids into a coffee product. The disclosed methods produce coffee products that possess the benefits of both coffee and Cannabis plant. The methods can be used to produce different coffee products including single-serve coffee pods, ground coffee, espresso and coffee extracts. The methods are used to make coffee and other products with desired and consistent amount of Cannabis-derived compounds.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062173A1

The invention relates to a process of creating particles of controlled size by creating them in the interstitial regions in a batch, semi-continuous, or continuous liquid phase. The method comprises making solid particles comprising: adding a precursor material to a liquid carrier to form a liquid continuous phase, wherein the concentration of the precursor material is from about 5% to about 99% by weight of the continuous liquid phase; adding an inert phase into the liquid continuous phase of step a, resulting in an inert phase and continuous liquid phase mixture having a volume fraction of the inert phase of from about 30% to about 98% and inert phase domain size of about 0.2 to about 200 μm; transforming the precursor material physically or chemically, resulting in the formation of solid particles. 1. A method of making solid particles comprising:a) adding a precursor material to a liquid carrier to form a continuous liquid phase, wherein the concentration of precursor material is from about 5% to about 99% by weight of the continuous liquid phase;b) adding an inert phase into the continuous liquid phase of step a, resulting in an inert phase and the continuous liquid phase mixture having a volume fraction of the inert phase of from about 30% to about 98% and an inert phase domain size of about 0.2 to about 200 μm;c) transforming the precursor material physically or chemically, resulting in the formation of solid particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inert phase comprises a liquid with a viscosity of from about 100 times to about 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 times the viscosity of liquid stream claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is measured at a shear stress of 10 Pa and at the temperature corresponding to the temperature at the initiation of the formation of solid particles.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the density of the inert phase is from about 10 kg per cubic meter to about 3000 kg per cubic meter different than the density of the continuous ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081643A1

The present invention provides an improved method for purification of a primary triacylglyceride oil comprising the steps of washing the primary triacylglyceride oil, trapping assisted removal of chlorinated precursors of MCPDEs by admixing the primary triacylglyceride oil with an auxiliary trapping agent; crystallising the auxiliary trapping agent or the primary triacylglyceride oil; and separating solid and liquid phases of the product. 1. A method for purification of a primary triacylglyceride oil wherein the quantity of organic chlorinated precursors of monochloropropandiol esters (MCPDEs) is reduced in the purified triacylglyceride oil compared to the starting primary triacylglyceride oil , comprising the steps:(a) admixing a primary triacylglyceride oil with an auxiliary oil, wherein(i) the melting temperatures of the auxiliary oil and the primary triacylglyceride oil are substantially different;(ii) the auxiliary oil is soluble in the primary triacylglyceride oil; and(iii) wherein the auxiliary oil is substantially free of hydrolytic decomposition product of triacylglycerides that have a similar or lower melting temperature than the melting temperature of the primary triacylglyceride oil, or polar lipids that have a similar or lower melting temperature than the melting temperature of the auxiliary oil.(b) crystallizing either(i) the primary triacylglyceride oil by cooling the mixture of step (a) below the melting temperature of the primary triacylglyceride oil but above the melting temperature of the auxilary oil, wherein the auxiliary oil has a lower melting temperature than the primary triacylglyceride oil due to its higher degree of unsaturation or due it its shorter fatty acid chains in its constituents, or(ii) the auxiliary oil by cooling the mixture of step (a) below the melting temperature of the auxiliary oil but above the melting temperature of the primary triacylglyceride oil, wherein the auxiliary oil has a higher melting temperature than the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Process for the Preparation of Amorphous Idelalisib and its Premix

Номер: US20180064714A1

Processes for the preparation of amorphous idelalisib are provided. Processes for the preparation of a premix of amorphous idelalisib are also provided. 1. A method of producing amorphous idelalisib , comprising the steps of:a) dissolving idelalisib in a solvent;b) adding an anti-solvent; andc) isolating amorphous idelalisib.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , n-propanol claim 1 , isopropanol claim 1 , n-butanol claim 1 , t-butanol claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , dimethyl sulfoxide claim 1 , dimethylformamide claim 1 , dimethylacetamide claim 1 , 2-methyl tetrahydrofuran claim 1 , N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-solvent is selected from the group consisting of water claim 1 , dichloromethane claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding of the anti-solvent results in the formation of a precipitate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isolating step is achieved by filtering and drying the precipitate claim 1 , distillation claim 1 , spray drying claim 1 , lyophilization claim 1 , or agitated thin film drying.6. A process for the preparation of a premix of amorphous idelalisib claim 1 , comprising the steps of:a) dissolving idelalisib in an organic solvent;b) adding a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient; andc) removing the solvent to isolate a premix of amorphous idelalisib.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the organic solvent is an alcohol.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 7 , ethanol claim 7 , isopropanol claim 7 , n-butanol claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.9. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable excipient is selected from the group consisting of polyols claim 6 , polymers claim 6 , and mixtures thereof.10. The process according to claim 9 , wherein the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Process for making solid particles

Номер: US20180065073A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The invention relates to a process of creating particles of controlled size by creating them in the interstitial regions in a continuous liquid phase that contains a second, inert gas phase at high volume fraction; namely a foam. The second phase creates a physical barrier that limits the aggregation of formed particles beyond the size of the narrow interstitial regions occupied by the continuous phase. This technique is useful when the particles normally create large aggregates due to the fast nature of the reaction and the strong attractions between the formed particles, and for enhancing the deposition of high-value materials by connecting them to coacervates of controlled size.
