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27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2545275C2

Изобретение относится к емкости для хранения, или перемещения, или дегазации порошкового полимера. Емкость для порошкового полимера включает силос, имеющий основной вертикальный цилиндр и бункер в нижней части цилиндра, так что порошковый полимер занимает весь объем бункера и часть объема цилиндра, впускную трубу силоса для порошкового полимера, подсоединенную к силосу на уровне, расположенном по высоте выше порошкового полимера, подсоединенную в верхней части силоса, и выпускную трубу бункера для порошкового полимера, подсоединенную к бункеру, в его нижней части. Выпускная труба бункера для порошкового полимера подсоединена также к силосу в месте, находящемся выше порошкового полимера, для рециркуляции части порошкового полимера в силос. Изобретение обеспечивает удобство эксплуатации емкости. 3 н. и13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465956C2

Изобретение относится к производству полиолефинов в псевдоожиженных слоях. Способ выделения продукта в виде твердых частиц из реактора с псевдоожиженным слоем предусматривает использование детектора в резервуаре продукта или в его вентиляционной линии и системы контроля во взаимодействии с детектором и наполнительным клапаном наряду с определенным алгоритмом, чтобы регулировать с помощью интерактивного процесса время выгрузки продукта, в результате чего максимизируют заполнение смолой резервуара продукта. Изобретение позволяет минимизировать потери реакторных газов при выделении продукта, при этом не затрудняя его выделение, а также работать в широком интервале параметров реактора без ограничения скорости производства. 3 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл., 6 пр.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741554C2

Группа изобретений относится к реакторным установкам для химической обработки, в частности к системе реактора с псевдоожиженным катализатором и системному компоненту системы реактора. Системный компонент содержит секцию отделения катализатора, содержащую стенки отделительной секции, образующие внутреннюю область секции отделения катализатора, выпускное отверстие для газа, отверстие стояка, отделительное устройство и выпускное отверстие для катализатора, стояк, проходящий через отверстие стояка секции отделения катализатора и содержащий основной внутренний сегмент стенки стояка, основной наружный сегмент стенки стояка и переходный сегмент стенки стояка, причем основной внутренний сегмент стенки стояка расположен по меньшей мере частично во внутренней области секции отделения катализатора и соединен по меньшей мере с переходным сегментом стенки стояка, а наружный сегмент стенки стояка расположен по меньшей мере частично за пределами секции отделения катализатора, и бак реактора, содержащий ...

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690359C2

Изобретение относится к устройству сбора газообразной текучей среды для установок, работающих на подвижном слое с радиальной циркуляцией сырья, а также реактору с радиальным слоем, содержащему такое устройство, и способу каталитической конверсии углеводородного сырья с применением такого реактора. Устройство содержит вертикальную цилиндрическую сетку, которая является проницаемой для газообразной текучей среды и непроницаемой для частиц катализатора, и вертикальную цилиндрическую трубу, которая является проницаемой для газообразной текучей среды и непроницаемой для частиц катализатора и которая закреплена на сетке и расположена концентрично относительно сетки. При этом труба содержит одну или несколько зон, проницаемых для газообразной текучей среды, и множество зон ограниченной проницаемости для газообразной текучей среды по сравнению с зоной, проницаемой для газообразной текучей среды, при этом каждая зона ограниченной проницаемости имеет меньшую пористость, чем проницаемая зона, причем ...

22-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018140981A3

29-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018141870A3

02-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017126244A3

16-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016107375A3

16-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016130847A3

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019130722A3

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2479344C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для выгрузки мелкозернистых или пылевидных твердых веществ из резервуара, в котором должно быть создано высокое давление или же уже находящегося под высоким давлением. Описано устройство для выгрузки мелкозернистых или пылевидных твердых веществ из резервуара, в котором резервуар снабжен разгрузочным конусом или разгрузочной воронкой с двойными стенками и подводом газа в образованную воронкой с двойными стенками кольцевую камеру, при этом обращенная внутрь воронки стенка снабжена отверстиями выхода газа. Отверстия выхода газа имеют больший размер, чем самые крупные частицы подлежащего выгрузке твердого материала, и снабжены проникающим внутрь кольцевой камеры патрубком или же каналом подвода газа, который является частью задерживающего устройства для предотвращения выдавливания твердого вещества в кольцевую камеру. Впрыскивание газа в кольцевую камеру на нижнем рабочем днище происходит тангенциально, что ведет к образованию вихреподобного потока в кольцевой ...

10-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691058C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к системе и способу получения ванадиевого электролита высокой чистоты, который затем используется в проточном редокс-аккумуляторе. Способ включает получение оксида ванадия низкой валентности из окситрихлорида ванадия, выступающего в качестве исходного материала, путем осаждения аммонийной соли, восстановления в псевдоожиженном слое и получения ванадиевого электролита высокой чистоты при низкой температуре путем добавления раствора серной кислоты и чистой воды с растворением и активацией в условиях воздействия ультразвука. Эффективное использование тепла достигается путем теплообмена между аммонийной солью и восстановительным отходящим газом и за счет теплообмена между продуктом восстановления и псевдоожиженным газообразным азотом. Газообразный аммиак в восстановительном отходящем газе восстанавливают для осаждения ванадия с целью обеспечения повторного использования газообразного аммиака. Внутренний элемент введен в псевдоожиженный ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752947C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам и к их использованию. Описан способ модификации катализатора на основе молекулярного сита в устройстве для модификации катализатора на основе молекулярного сита, включающий введение катализатора на основе молекулярного сита, на основе молекулярного сита HZSM-5 и HZSM-11 и модификатора в модифицирующий блок, соответственно, через питающий блок, причем катализатор модифицируют посредством модификатора в модифицирующем блоке и затем выпускают в охлаждающий блок для охлаждения до температуры, составляющей менее чем 50°C, и затем охлаждаемый модифицированный катализатор перемещают в любое устройство для хранения, причем модификацию осуществляют в атмосфере инертного газа при температуре в диапазоне от 150 до 600°C в течение времени модификации в диапазоне от 0 до 10 ч; модификатор представляет собой по меньшей мере один модификатор, выбранный из фосфорного реагента, силилирующего реагента и толуола. Технический результат - возможность применения способа модификации ...

10-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007106867A

... 1. Способ выгрузки полимера из непрерывно работающего полимеризационного реактора, в котором по меньшей мере мономер полимеризуют с образованием полимерных частиц, включающий регулирование скорости выгрузки полимерных частиц с помощью поршневого клапана, имеющего поршневой элемент, соединенный с рабочим органом, причем рабочий орган обеспечивает изменение хода поршня внутри поршневого клапана. 2. Способ по п.1, применяемый для полимеризации, осуществляемой в газообразной фазе. 3. Способ по п.1, применяемый для полимеризации, осуществляемой в жидкой фазе. 4. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, в котором поршневой клапан содержит корпус клапана и поршневой элемент, скользящий внутри корпуса клапана, выпускной патрубок, и отверстие специальной формы, образующее впуск выпускного патрубка. 5. Способ по п.4, в котором внутри корпуса клапана установлена гильза. 6. Способ по п.5, в котором поршневой элемент представляет собой сплошной цилиндр, скользящий внутри гильзы. 7. Способ по п.4, в котором ось выпускного ...

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838327C

19-08-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Erzeugen von Wasserstoff, Anlage zur Durchführung dieses Verfahrens sowie Schüttkörper zur Verwendung in dieser Anlage

Номер: DE102008062662B4
Принадлежит: H2 AG

Verfahren zum Erzeugen von Wasserstoff durch katalytische Spaltung organischer Wasserstoffquellen im Fluidzustand, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass magnetisch manipulierbare Schüttkörper (1), welche einen bei der Spaltung wirksamen Katalysator (4) tragen und Wasserstoff zu speichern vermögen, durch Einwirkung äußerer Magnetfelder in einem Kreislauf mit folgenden Phasen geführt werden: – Aufenthalt der Schüttkörper (1) in einem mit organischen Wasserstoffquellen im Fluidzustand beschickten Reaktorbehälter (5) unter Druck-, Temperatur- und Konzentrationsbedingungen der katalytischen Spaltung und anschließend unter Druck- und Temperatur- und Konzentrationsbedingungen der Wasserstoffspeicherung, – Überführen der Schüttkörper (1) mittels äußerer Magnetfelder unter Abdichtung gegenüber dem Reaktorbehälter (5) in einen Entladungsbehälter (6), – Aufenthalt der Schüttkörper (1) im Entladungsbehälter (6) unter Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen der Freisetzung des gespeicherten Wasserstoffes sowie Entnahme ...

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002173122A

A method of emptying pipes, in particular catalyst-filled thin-walled vertical pipes 20, by means of a conveying fluid utilizes a probe, which discharges the conveying fluid, and is introduced from above into the catalyst pipes, the probe being moved continuously downwards to loosen the filling and to convey it away by suction through a coaxial connector 3. ...

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Apparatus for unloading particulate solids

Номер: GB0002326634A

12-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001384010A

... 1384010 Pyrolysis of waste materials AWT SYSTEMS Inc 16 April 1973 18131/73 Heading C5E [Also in Division F4] Solid waste is pyrolysed in a first fluidized bed supported on a distributer plate 40 sloping downwardly to an outlet below which a second fluidized bed is formed in a pipe 42 so that heavy uncombusted material sinks to the bottom of the pipe 42 and can be removed through an air lock. The waste is fed to an inlet in the side of the sloping distributer plate 40 by a screw conveyer 38 which receives waste cut from a plug at the end of a supply screw conveyer 15 by a rotating device 18. If the plug is insufficient to seal the supply system from the atmosphere, the device 18 is moved to seal the end of the casing 16 of conveyer 15. The fluidizing air or gas is fed to a plenum chamber surrounding the lower fluidized bed tube 42 through two inlets, and the holes 62, 63 in the plate 40 and tube 42 and the air feed is such that the upper bed is supplied with gas at more than twice the minimum ...

10-05-1984 дата публикации

Particle removal from fluidised bed

Номер: GB0002128895A

In a fluidised bed apparatus (1), a support member or grating (14) is located beneath the fluidising air distributor (11) and forms a support for bed material. The grating (14) is movable to allow at least some of the particles resting thereon to be discharged for withdrawal thereby allowing for removal of bed material and to control the height of the fluidised bed.

15-12-1982 дата публикации

Fluidized bed gasification ash separation and removal

Номер: GB2099717A

Method and apparatus for production of a combustible product gas from particulate coal in a fluidized bed system. A vertically positioned vessel includes an enlarged upper section and a smaller diameter cylindrical lower separator section, of diameter d, bounded at the bottom by a perforated or porous conical distribution plate (20) inclined at 7 DEG to 15 DEG with respect to horizontal; (the plate may also form an inverted cone). Coal is injected upwardly into or at the top of the separator section through tubular inlets (12) terminating a distance l above the distributor plate. The ratio l/d is less than 2.5. Fluidizing gas is injected into the separator section through the distributor plate, maintaining a fluidization velocity in the separator section of about 1.2 Umf (where Umf is the minimum fluidising velocity). Char and ash particles are separated in the separator section, agglomerated ash being withdrawn from the bottom of the lower separator section and the char may be recycled ...

13-10-2021 дата публикации

Process and apparatus

Номер: GB0002593938A

A process for removing a particulate catalyst from process channels of a microchannel reactor comprises: airtight sealing the distal end of a linear array of process channels to form blocked process channels in the array; locating spacer members adjacent the openings of the proximal end of the linear arry of process channels with spacer members having at least one aperture or gap overlying said openings; directing a high velocity gas stream into the process channels to elevate the pressure to at least 5 psig (34473 Pa); and then removing the gas stream such that the release of pressure from the blocked process channels dislodges the particulate catalyst from the process channels. A microchannel reactor for use in the method is also disclosed.

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Toroidal bed reactor

Номер: GB0002558162A

Apparatus for processing a particulate material comprising: a chamber 1; means for introducing particulate material into the chamber; and a plurality of fluid inlets for introducing a flow of fluid into the chamber 9, wherein the plurality of inlets are arranged such that the fluid can be introduced at a greater rate at a first radial distance from the centre of the chamber and at a second radial distance from the centre of the chamber, the second radial distance being greater than the first radial distance. Also disclosed is a method of processing a particulate material comprising; introducing the particulate material into a chamber provided with a plurality of fluid inlets; introducing a flow of fluid through each inlet to establish a fluid flow following a substantially helical path thereby entraining the particulate material; and removing processed particulate material from the chamber, wherein the introduction of fluid into the chamber comprises introducing fluid at a greater rate ...

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Multi-level furnace and method for thermal treatment of a material flow

Номер: AP0201508468D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Multi-level furnace and method for thermal treatment of a material flow

Номер: AP2015008468A0

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Zone reactor incorporating reversible hydrogen halide capture and release

Номер: AP2010005097A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009185A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609185D0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609185A0

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Zone reactor incorporating reversible hydrogen halide capture and release

Номер: AP0201005097A0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Multi-level furnace and method for thermal treatment of a material flow

Номер: AP0201508468A0

15-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357074B

10-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000351002B

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000303862T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345865T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000265471T

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Gas-solid contacting device

Номер: AU2020240929A1

A device (10) for processing a flow of particulate material by contact with a gas flow comprises a housing (12) defining a processing chamber (18). This chamber (18) comprises a gas distribution plate (30) having openings(32). The gas distribution plate (30) separates a lower gas plenum (18) from a solid-gas contact zone (22). The contact zone (22) has at least one cylindrical partition (34) upstanding from the gas distribution plate (30) dividing an inner section (36) from an adjacent annular outer section (38; 40). The at least one partition (34) is provided with a transfer opening (50) for the particulate material. The housing (12) is also provided with an inlet (44) for supplying particulate material to the inner section (36) and an outlet (42) for discharging processed particulate material from the annular outer section (40).

29-10-2009 дата публикации

Chemical reactor

Номер: AU2004238016B2

01-03-2007 дата публикации

Syphon with reactor

Номер: AU2006282633A1

04-12-2008 дата публикации

Zone reactor incorporating reversible hydrogen halide capture and release

Номер: AU2008256606A1

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for the treatment of solids and/or gases

Номер: AU2010310088A1

An apparatus for the treatment of solids and/or gases includes a fluidized-bed reactor (1) in which the solids are fluidized by means of fluidizing gas and are thermally and/or chemically treated, and a centrifugal separator (2) in which gas and solids are separated from each other, wherein the fluidized-bed reactor (1) is connected with the centrifugal separator (2) via a transfer duct (3). To avoid the formation of a streak extremely loaded with solids in the upper region of the centrifugal separator, the transfer duct (3) branches off from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) with a cross-section whose horizontal dimension is greater than the vertical dimension, wherein the cross-section of the transfer duct (3) expands downwards in vertical direction from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) to the centrifugal separator (2).

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Catalyst withdrawal apparatus and method for regulating catalyst inventory in a fluid catalyst cracking unit

Номер: AU2010200915B2

CATALYST WITHDRAWAL APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REGULATING CATALYST INVENTORY IN A FLUID CATALYST CRACKING UNIT Abstract A catalyst withdrawal apparatus and method for regulating catalyst inventory in a fluid catalytic cracking catalyst (FCC) unit (210) is provided. In one embodiment, a catalyst withdrawal apparatus for removing catalyst from a FCC unit (210) includes a pressure vessel having a metering device (256) coupled to a fill port (314). A heat dissipater (258) is located adjacent the metering device (256) and is adapted to cool catalyst entering the pressure vessel (310). A sensor (264) is coupled to the pressure 10 vessel arranged to provide a metric indicative of catalyst entering the pressure vessel through the metering device (256). In another embodiment, a method for regulating catalyst inventory in a FCC unit (210) includes the steps of determining a change of catalyst present in a FCC unit (210), withdrawing catalyst from the FCC unit (210) into an isolatable storage vessel ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Process for preparing ethylene and/or propylene

Номер: AU2013285980A1

The present invention provides a process for preparing ethylene and/or propylene, wherein oxygenates and olefins are converted to ethylene and/or propylene over a zeolite-comprising catalyst, comprising the steps of: a) reacting in a first reactor an oxygenate feed over the zeolite-comprising catalyst at a temperature in the range of from 350 to 1000 °C and retrieving from the first reactor a first reactor effluent stream comprising gaseous products, including ethylene and/or propylene, and zeolite-comprising catalyst; b) reacting in a second reactor an olefin feed over the zeolite-comprising catalyst at a temperature in the range of from 500 to 700 °C and retrieving from the second reactor a second reactor effluent stream comprising gaseous products, including ethylene and/or propylene, and zeolite-comprising catalyst; c) providing the first and second reactor effluent stream to one or more gas/solid separators to retrieve zeolite-comprising catalyst from the first and second reactor effluent ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

System and method for producing 3.5-valent highly pure vanadium electrolyte

Номер: AU2017210930B2
Принадлежит: Madderns Pty Ltd

A system and method for producing a 3.5-valent highly pure vanadium electrolyte: use a fluidized bed (2) to hydrolyze highly pure vanadium oxytrichloride to vanadium pentoxide by means of gas-phase hydrolysis, accurately control the reduction of vanadium pentoxide in a reducing fluidized bed (5) to a low-valent vanadium oxide with an average vanadium valence state at 3.5, and under an externally applied microwave field, add water and a sulfuric acid solution to dissolve at a low temperature to obtain a 3.5-valent highly pure vanadium electrolyte, which can be directly used in new piles of vanadium redox flow batteries. The preparation of vanadium pentoxide by means of gas-phase hydrolysis by using the fluidized bed (2) has a short flow and high efficiency. By providing an internal member within the reducing fluidized bed (5), the accurate regulation of the valence state of reduction products may be achieved. The special chemical effect of the microwave field promotes dissolution of vanadium ...

11-10-1999 дата публикации

Continuous slurry polymerization volatile removal

Номер: AU0003194699A

13-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003968678A

25-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002330967A1

A process/apparatus is disclosed for continuously separating a liquid medium comprising diluent and unreacted monomers from a polymerization effluent comprising diluent, unreacted monomers and polymer solids, comprising a continuous discharge of the polymerization effluent from a slurry loop reactor (1) through a discharge valve (8b) and transfer conduit (9) into a first intermediate pressure flash tank (11) with a conical bottom defined by substantially straight sides inclined at an angle to that of horizontal equal to or greater than the angle of slide of the slurry/polymer solids and an exit seal chamber (17) of such diameter (d) and length (1) as to maintain a desired volume of concentrated polymer solids/slurry in the exit seal chamber (17) such as to form a pressure seal while continuously discharging a plug flow of concentrated polymer solids/slurry bottom product of said first flash tank (11) from the exit seal chamber (17) through a seal chamber exit reducer with inclined sides ...

28-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002774465A1

An apparatus for the treatment of solids and/or gases includes a fluidized-bed reactor (1) in which the solids are fluidized by means of fluidizing gas and are thermally and/or chemically treated, and a centrifugal separator (2) in which gas and solids are separated from each other, wherein the fluidized-bed reactor (1) is connected with the centrifugal separator (2) via a transfer duct (3). To avoid the formation of a streak extremely loaded with solids in the upper region of the centrifugal separator, the transfer duct (3) branches off from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) with a cross-section whose horizontal dimension is greater than the vertical dimension, wherein the cross-section of the transfer duct (3) expands downwards in vertical direction from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) to the centrifugal separator (2).

06-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002774465C
Принадлежит: OUTOTEC OYJ

An apparatus for the treatment of solids and/or gases includes a fluidized-bed reactor (1) in which the solids are fluidized by means of fluidizing gas and are thermally and/or chemically treated, and a centrifugal separator (2) in which gas and solids are separated from each other, wherein the fluidized-bed reactor (1) is connected with the centrifugal separator (2) via a transfer duct (3). To avoid the formation of a streak extremely loaded with solids in the upper region of the centrifugal separator, the transfer duct (3) branches off from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) with a cross-section whose horizontal dimension is greater than the vertical dimension, wherein the cross-section of the transfer duct (3) expands downwards in vertical direction from the fluidized-bed reactor (1) to the centrifugal separator (2).

12-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1214000A

IMPROVEMENT IN FLUIDIZED BED REACTION SYSTEMS A process is described for increasing the space time yield of polymer production in a fluidized bed reactor employing an exothermic polymerization reaction by cooling the recycle stream to below its dew point and returning the resultant two-phase fluid stream to the reactor to maintain the fluidized bed at a desired temperature above the dew point of the recycle stream.

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1261544A

CLOSED LOOP RECYCLE OF VENT GAS IN POLYMERIZATION PROCESS A Fluidized bed olefin polymerization process incorporates a recycle of a vent gas, containing unreacted monomers, from the product purge bin vessel to the polymerization reactor. The recycle of the vent gas minimizes the loss of unpolymerized reactants, thereby decreasing overall process and product costs.

18-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1257534A

... 23189-5974 The invention relates to a new process and an apparatus for carrying out the process. In the process, granulates having a narrow grain size distribution are prepared as follows: a) the product to be granulated is sprayed in liquid form into a fluidised bed, b) the proportions of fine material escaping from the fluidised bed in the off-gas are separated off and returned into the fluidised bed as nuclei for granulate formation, c) the granulation process in the fluidised bed is influenced solely by setting the classifying gas stream in such a way that granulates are formed which are of the size predetermined by the classifying gas stream, d) the completed granulate is removed solely by way of one or several countercurrent gravity classifiers which are inserted into the outflow bottom of the fluidised-bed apparatus, and e) if desired the granulates thus obtained are subjected to a thermal aftertreatment.

22-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1109268A

Solid fuel is acted on by a gasifying medium in a fluidised bed W. The resulting gas enters a cyclone 20 having an outlet for solid particles connected to a gasification chamber 30 in which the particles are gasified by a separate stream of gasifying medium supplied by an injector 25.

09-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1151578A

A conveyance system in Fig. 1 for removing particulate catalyst from the fluidized bed of a regenerator vessel 5 with a downwardly directed discharge conduit 9 which leads from the lower portion of said vessel and is connected at its lower end to a vertical, refractory lined pipe 17, which is aligned with a fluidization means for conveying particulate catalyst through said refractory lined pipe. The discharge conduit is of a relatively large diameter in order to prevent catalyst plugging of the conveyance system. A gate valve located within this conduit is used to close the conveyance system during shutdown of said system. Control of catalyst flow is performed by the fluidization means aligned with the vertical refractory lined pipe, while the pressure level of the system is maintained by the reduced internal diameter of the pipe created by the refractory lining 19. The refractory lined pipe is connected at its downstream end to appropriate conduits which transport the catalyst to a spent ...

23-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1211616A

A catalyst trough containing multiple guide tubes in registry with the tubes of a multi-tube catalytic reactor is utilized to unload catalysts therefrom with maximum dust containment and maximum catalyst recovery. The catalyst recovery trough contains an outlet collar connected to an outlet line and a positive fastening means whereby the trough is fixedly but detachably connected to the tube sheet of the reactor. The guide tubes extend vertically upwardly from the bottom of the trough and are open in the bottom so as to allow the provision of flexible steel rods or "fish tapes", which may or may not be equipped with high-fluid pressure tubes as air-lances for feeding into the tubes of the reactor, which are on center with the guide tubes of the trough. In this manner any catalytic material which is struck or bridged across the catalytic tubes may be dislodged so as to fall by gravity into the recovery trough and into an outlet line for recovery.

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002510549A1

A vacuum line (32) connected to a robotic device (40) is run into a reactor vessel (10). The robotic device (40) has a rotating body (50), a cleaning arm (70), and stabilizing arms (60) to stabilize the robotic device (40) within the reactor vessel (10). The robotic device (40) may be controlled/monitored from a remote control station (90) in communication with the robotic device (40).

01-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002498763A1

Polymer solids are maintained in an intermediate pressure zone for a desired polymer solids residence time and then transferred to a purge zone or other lower pressure zone. An increase in the polymer solids residence time in the intermediate pressure zone allows more diluent to flash or separate, thereby avoiding or reducing the need for a low pressure flash zone. A fluff chamber may be disposed between the intermediate pressure zone and a lower pressure zone. transporter tank may be used to transport polymer solids after the intermediate pressure zone.

04-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002466485C

An apparatus including a coke drum for coking hydrocarbon substances, a valve disposed near the bottom of the coke drum, and a discharge conduit for removing coke from the coke drum, wherein the discharge conduit is connected to the valve such that when the valve is open, the coke may be removed via the discharge conduit.

12-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002624327A1

An apparatus and method for removing polymer solids from a slurry loop reactor. A discharge conduit having a longitudinal axis and an end section for removing polymer solids from the slurry loop reactor is provided. The discharge conduit is attached to the slurry loop reactor so that the longitudinal axis and at least a portion of an outer wall of the slurry loop reactor form an angle of less than about 90 degrees. The end section includes a first edge and a second edge that extends past at least a portion of an inner wall of the slurry loop reactor into a liquid reactor slurry. Polymer solids contained within the liquid reactor slurry are concentrated on the second edge so that an average polymer solids concentration in the discharge slurry is greater than an average polymer solids concentration of the liquid reactor slurry within the slurry loop reactor.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950101A1

A device and method for cleaning producer gas includes a filter bed chamber, a microwave chamber, a first catalytic chamber and a second catalytic chamber. The filter bed chamber comprises an inlet for carbon-based material and a spent carbon outlet. The microwave chamber comprises a permeable top and wave guides around the perimeter through which microwaves can be introduced into the device using magnetrons. The first catalytic chamber is connected to the microwave chamber, and the second catalytic chamber is connected to the first catalytic chamber. The method comprises using the device by filling the filter bed chamber with carbon-based material, introducing microwaves into the microwave chamber using the magnetrons and wave guides, dissociating heavy carbons entrained within the gas by passing the gas through carbon-based material in the filter bed chamber, the microwave chamber, the first catalytic chamber and the second catalytic chamber.

11-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002716997A1

The invention relates to a device for removing fine-grained or dust-like solids from a container that is to be pressurised or that is pressurised. Said container is fitted with a double-walled removal cone or funnel. The aim of the invention is to avoid using, in particular, porous materials such as sinter metals or similar, whilst providing good conveying properties in the transfer funnel without reducing the size of the grain of the respective material. Particle-charged gas for conveying can be also used. This is achieved due to the fact that the gas outlet opening is larger than the largest particle of the removed solids and that said gas outlet openings (4) are provided with a tube support or gas supply channel (4a) extending into the inside of the annular chamber (6) and forming at least one angle having an imaginary horizontal plane and that the gas supply channel (4a) is part of a retaining device (12) for preventing solids from trickling into the annular chamber (6).

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002821657A1

An apparatus for use in heterogeneous catalytic reactions comprising a column reactor comprising a plurality of trays mounted one above another, each adapted to hold a predetermined liquid volume and a charge of particles of a solid catalyst thereon; means for introducing a liquid phase reactant above the uppermost tray; means for introducing a vapour phase reactant below the lowermost tray; means for removing a liquid phase post-reaction stream from below the lowermost tray; means for removing a vapour phase post-reaction stream from above the uppermost tray; vapour upcomer means associated with each tray adapted to allow vapour to enter that tray from below; underflow means associated with each tray adapted to remove liquid from that tray and the column reactor before being introduced into the column reactor at a lower tray; means for temporarily directing said liquid removed from a tray to bypass at least one lower tray and be reintroduced to the column reactor at a tray located below ...

27-10-1994 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Controlling Introduction of Catalysts Into FCC Units

Номер: CA0002160986A1

31-03-1978 дата публикации

Metered removal of granular solids from columns

Номер: CH0000597060A5

In a process for extracting and measuring out a granular solid from a column, together with a liq. of lower sg in which the solid has been processed, using hydraulic transport of the processing and transport liqs. the liq/solid mixt. is passed through an extraction system comprised of an inlet zone, a sealed zone, and an outlet zone.The sealed zone is occupied by a rotary valve whose individual chambers are only partly filled by the solid material.An outlet is provided for the liq. with which the solid is removed from the column. A baffle partially separates the inlet zone from the sealed zone.Esp. for removal of granular material used in the artificial fibres industry, e.g. removal of polyamide granules from a washing column in the mfr. of nylon fibres. The process ensures a reproducible degree of sepn. of the processing fluid from the transport fluid, enabling the washing fluid quantity to be optimised.

31-03-1988 дата публикации

Air cooling tank for fodder cubes - with conical perforated bottom oscillated by vibrator for ascending airflow

Номер: CH0000664705A5

Appts. for the gas treatment of bulk material, specially for the air cooling of animal fodder cubes includes a vertical cylinder with a flange resting on a carrier frame. Its discharge has a perforated conical bottom with the apex on top, supported on a conical discharge bottom which is oscillated horizontally by two vibrators and extends beyond the cylindrical tank, leaving an annular gap for the discharged fodder and for air access. An exhauster is connected to an air collecting chamber on top of the tank. ADVANTAGE - This distributes the charge uniformly across the section. The discharge components are easy to dismantle for inspection and cleaning.

30-11-2011 дата публикации

Device and procedure for the rapid thermal treatment of bulk material materials.

Номер: CH0000703150B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur raschen thermischen Behandlung von Schüttgutmaterialien wie z.B. Granulate aus Kunststoffen. Eine hierzu entwickelte Vorrichtung weist einen Behandlungsraum (12) zur Aufnahme des Schüttgutmaterials mindestens eine Einfüllöffnung (13), durch die Schüttgutmaterial in den Behandlungsraum (12) beschickbar ist, mindestens eine Austragsöffnung (14), durch die Schüttgutmaterial aus dem Behandlungsraum (12) austragbar ist, mindestens eine Zufuhreinrichtung (15) für ein Behandlungsgas im Bodenbereich (16) des Behandlungsraumes (12), mindestens eine Wegführeinrichtung (17) für ein Behandlungsgas im Deckenbereich (18) des Behandlungsraumes (12), auf.

30-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200970992A1

30-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201390841A1

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: EA200200081A2

В заявке описан способ получения полимера из полимеризационной суспензии в циркуляционном реакторе объемной производительностью более 2,8 фунта/ч-галлон, заключающийся в том, что полимер получают в полимеризационной суспензии, содержащей жидкую среду и твердые частицы, выводят из реактора (1) через выпускной клапан (8В) в первый соединительный трубопровод (9) полимеризационную суспензию, которая после ее отбора из реактора считается полимеризационным эффлюентом, нагревают полимеризационный эффлюент в трубопроводе (9) до температуры ниже температуры плавления полимера, подают полимеризационный эффлюент по трубопроводу (9) в первый выпарной аппарат (11) мгновенного действия, давление в котором и температура нагретого полимеризационного эффлюента позволяют превращать в пар приблизительно от 50 до 100% жидкой среды, путем теплообмена конденсируют пар, полученный в выпарном аппарате (11), отбирают из выпарного аппарата (11) твердые частицы полимера и подают их во второй выпарной аппарат (15) ...

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Fluid treatment system with bulk material beds operated in parallel and method for operating such a system

Номер: US20120216873A1
Автор: Horst Grochowski
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid treatment system having bulk beds. The fluid to be treated essentially streams from the bottom up through a bulk bed, while the bulk material migrates through the bulk beds in countercurrent to the fluid essentially from the top down. This is accomplished by removing partial quantities of bulk material at the lower end of the bulk bed, and delivering partial quantities of the bulk material to the bulk bed at the top. At least one charging wagon provided with optionally sealable bulk material outlets is able to traverse a charging channel between a charging position and several partial bulk bed release positions above the bulk beds. Provided below the bulk material outlets and the bulk material valve of the charging wagon are bulk material through pipes, the bulk material outlet mouths of which end on bulk material cones of an underlying bulk bed.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Device for unloading catalyst from a reactor vessel

Номер: US20120237412A1
Принадлежит: Extundo Inc

A device and method for automatic unloading of particles from the vertical tubes of a chemical reactor automatically feeds a fish tape into the bottom of the vertical tube to contact and dislodge the particles and automatically retracts the fish tape to allow the particles to fall out of the tube.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Solids processing valve

Номер: US20120319023A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dome valve selectively dispenses a silicon product from a chamber of a vessel. The dome valve comprises a valve body defining a pass-through channel in communication with the chamber of the vessel to allow the silicon product to exit the vessel. The dome valve also comprising a valve seat defining an opening through which the silicon product enters the pass-through channel. The dome valve further comprising a domed body having a semi-hemispherical configuration. The domed body has a sealing surface. The domed body is rotatable between a closed position and an open position for allowing the selective dispensing of the silicon product from the vessel.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Internal cyclone for fluidized bed reactor

Номер: US20140065049A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A fluidized bed reactor comprising a reaction column having a fluid portion; a gas inflow means for flowing a gas upwardly from the fluid portion of the reaction column; a particle feed means for feeding particles to the fluid portion of the reaction column; a cyclone capable of separating particles from the gas flowing upwardly from the fluid portion of the reaction column, the cyclone being located within the reaction column and being in communication with the gas flowing upwardly, wherein the cyclone comprises a cyclone body having an inlet, a gas outlet, and a particle drop port; and a particle discharge pipe having an upper part connected to the particle drop port of the cyclone body, and a lower part, wherein the particle discharge pipe is located substantially outside of the reaction column.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Bi-Modal Radial Flow Reactor

Номер: US20210001296A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

A bi-modal radial flow reactor comprising a cylindrical outer housing surrounding at least five cylindrical, concentric zones, including at least three annulus vapor zones and at least two catalyst zones. The at least two catalyst zones comprise an outer catalyst zone and an inner catalyst zone. The at least three annulus vapor zones comprise an outer annulus vapor zone, a middle annulus vapor zone, and a central annulus vapor zone, wherein the central annulus vapor zone extends along a centerline of the bi-modal radial flow reactor. The outer catalyst zone is intercalated with the outer annulus vapor zone and the middle annulus vapor zone, and the inner catalyst zone is intercalated with the middle annulus vapor zone and the central annulus vapor zone. A removable head cover can be fixably coupled to a top of the cylindrical outer housing to seal a top of the bi-modal radial flow reactor.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Enclosure of an FCC Unit Comprising an Inner Support Device Rigidly Connected to Cyclones

Номер: US20200001260A1

The invention relates to an enclosure () of a fluid catalytic cracking unit in which an inner space is defined by a side wall () having a longitudinal axis extending substantially in the direction of gravity, said enclosure being provided with a plurality of mechanical separation cyclones () located inside the inner space. The enclosure () comprises a supporting device () attached only to the cyclones () by: an annular peripheral support element () extending along the side wall () in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis (X), separated from the side wall by a predetermined clearance; and a plurality of beams () extending in the same plane as the peripheral support element (), the beams being rigidly connected to the peripheral support element and to at least one mechanical separation cyclone by one end or by an attachment part distant from the ends thereof. 116.-. (canceled)17. A chamber of a fluid catalytic cracking unit comprising a lateral wall which delimits an internal volume having a longitudinal axis extending substantially in the direction of gravity , said chamber being provided with a plurality of mechanical separation cyclones situated inside said internal volume , characterized in that said chamber comprises , inside said internal volume , a support device secured only to the mechanical separation cyclones and comprising:a peripheral support element extending along the lateral wall in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis (X), distant from the lateral wall by a predetermined clearance in the plane of the support element,a plurality of beams extending in the same plane as the peripheral support element, the beams being secured to the peripheral support element and to at least one mechanical separation cyclone by an end or by a fixing part distant from its ends.18. The chamber as claimed in claim 17 , characterized in that the support device comprises other beams extending in the same plane as the peripheral support element and chosen ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Conversion of Metal Carbonate into Metal Chloride

Номер: US20170001875A1

A method for producing metal chloride MClx− includes reacting metal carbonate in solid form using phosgene, diphosgene and/or triphosgene to form metal chloride MClx−, wherein the metal M is selected from the group containing alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, Al and Zn, Li and Mg, or Li, for example, and x corresponds to the valency of the metal cations. An apparatus for performing such method is also disclosed. 1. A method for producing metal chloride MCl , the method comprising:providing phosgene, diphosgene and/or triphosgene,{'sup': x+', '−, 'sub': 'x', 'reacting metal carbonate as solid with the phosgene, diphosgene and/or triphosgene to produce metal chloride MCl,'}wherein the metal M is selected from the group consisting of the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, Al and Zn, Li and Mg, and Li, andwherein x indicates the valence of the metal cation.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding M as an additional reactant.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein at least one of:the metal M is used together with the metal carbonate, orphosgene, diphosgene and/or triphosgene is prepared in situ by reaction of chlorine with carbon monoxide.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subsequently reacting the metal chloride to produce metal M.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising reacting the produced metal M at least partly with carbon dioxide to produce metal carbonate claim 4 , to thereby form a metal circuit.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction is performed in a grid reactor or a mechanically moved fixed-bed reactor or in a cyclone reactor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the phosgene claim 1 , diphosgene and/or triphosgene is prepared by the reaction of carbon monoxide and chlorine.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the carbon monoxide is produced by a reaction of metal carbonate with the metal M and/or from an electrolysis of carbon dioxide.9. An apparatus for reacting metal carbonate as solid with phosgene claim 7 , diphosgene ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002178A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing carbon nanostructures using a fluidized bed reactor. According to the method, some of the as-produced carbon nanostructures remain uncollected and are used as fluidic materials to improve the fluidity in the reactor. The method enables the production of carbon nanostructures in a continuous process. In addition, the fluidity of the catalyst and the fluidic materials in the reactor is optimized, making the production of carbon nanostructures efficient. 1. A method for producing carbon nanostructures , comprising allowing a catalyst and reactant gases comprising a carbon source to flow in a fluidized bed reactor to synthesize carbon nanostructures wherein some of the carbon nanostructures remain uncollected and are used as fluidic materials in the fluidized bed reactor and wherein the residual rate of the fluidic materials is from 0.4 to 0.7 , as calculated by Equation 1:{'br': None, 'Residual rate of carbon nanostructures=Volume of remaining carbon nanostructures/(Volume of initially remaining carbon nanostructures+Volume of as-produced carbon nanostructures)\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the residual rate of carbon nanostructures is determined from the difference in pressure between the bottom and top of the reactor.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the residual rate y and the conversion x of the carbon source satisfy the relation given by Equation 2:{'br': None, 'i': 'y=px+q', '[Equation 2]'}where p is a constant from 0.4 to 0.7 and q is a constant from 15 to 30.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the catalyst supplied to the reactor satisfies the relation given by Equation 3:{'br': None, 'i': b', 'a+b, 'Catalyst supply rate=/()≦0.1\u2003\u2003[Equation 3]'}where a is the weight (g) of the carbon nanostructures remaining in the fluidized bed reactor and b is the weight (g) of the catalyst supplied.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002113A1

The invention relates to a system for the continuous polymerization of α-olefin monomers comprising a reactor, a compressor, a cooling unit and an external pipe, wherein the reactor comprises a first outlet for a top recycle stream, wherein the system comprises apparatus, wherein the reactor comprises a first inlet for receiving a bottom recycle stream, wherein the reactor comprises an integral separator, wherein the first inlet of the integral separator is connected to a first outlet, wherein the first outlet for the liquid phase is connected to the second outlet of the reactor for the liquid phase, wherein the external pipe comprises a second inlet for receiving a solid polymerization catalyst, wherein the first outlet of the external pipe is connected to a second inlet of the reactor, wherein the reactor comprises a third outlet, wherein the system comprises a first inlet for receiving a feed. 18400511. A system for the continuous polymerization of one or more α-olefin monomers of which at least one is ethylene or propylene , the system comprising a reactor () , a compressor () , a cooling unit () and an external pipe () for the production of a prepolymer and/or polymer ,{'b': '40', 'wherein the reactor comprises a first outlet for a top recycle stream (),'}wherein the system comprises apparatus for condensing the top recycle stream into a bottom recycle stream,{'b': '10', 'wherein the reactor comprises a first inlet for receiving a bottom recycle stream (),'}{'b': '6', 'wherein the first inlet for receiving the bottom recycle stream is located underneath the distribution plate (),'}{'b': '1', 'wherein the reactor comprises an integral separator () for separation of the bottom recycle stream into a gas/liquid phase and a liquid phase,'}{'b': '6', 'wherein the integral separator is located underneath the distribution plate (),'}wherein the first inlet of the integral separator is connected to a first outlet for a liquid phase,wherein the first outlet for the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Air Lance for Removing Pellets from Tubes

Номер: US20220008883A1
Принадлежит: Tubemaster Inc

An air lance for removing pellets from tubes includes a conduit body having an inlet end and a bottommost discharge opening, and a poker fixed relative to the conduit body and projecting beyond the bottommost discharge opening to serve as a spacer and poker; wherein a rigid member extends along said conduit body, such that that a hammering force applied to said rigid member where it extends outside of the tube will be transmitted through said rigid member to said poker for dislodging and breaking pellets.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009238A1
Автор: LAINE Scott

Provided herein are methods, devices and systems for processing of carbonaceous compositions. The processing may include the manufacture (or synthesis) of oxidized forms of carbonaceous compositions and/or the manufacture (or synthesis) of reduced forms of oxidized carbonaceous compositions. Some embodiments provide methods, devices and systems for the manufacture (or synthesis) of graphite oxide from graphite and/or for the manufacture (or synthesis) of reduced graphite oxide from graphite oxide. 2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor disposed within the reaction vessel.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor measures temperature claim 2 , pH claim 2 , or salt concentration.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system comprises a control unit configured to maintain a first temperature within the reaction vessel before addition of a catalyst.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the control unit is configured to modulate a rate of addition of the catalyst into the reaction vessel to maintain a second temperature that is different from the first temperature inside the reaction vessel.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the control unit is configured with a pre-programmed protocol for controlling the conversion of graphite into graphene oxide.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system modulates a rate of addition of one or more reactants into the reaction vessel to maintain a reaction temperature no greater than 15° C.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system comprises one or more cooling coils for reducing a reaction temperature inside the reaction vessel.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the system is configured to dispense chilled water into the tank to lower the temperature of the graphene oxide.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reaction vessel and the tank are in fluid communication claim 1 , and the reaction vessel is positioned at a higher position relative to the tank to enable transfer of the graphene oxide from the reaction ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033326A1

A dehydrogenation process and apparatus contact a paraffinic stream with dehydrogenation catalyst to product olefinic product gases. The olefinic product gases are separated from spent dehydrogenation catalyst and contained in a confined space that has a smaller volume than the reactor particularly at the same elevation. The containment of the olefinic product gases facilitates quenching the olefinic product gases to terminate reaction and improve selectivity to propylene. 1. A process for contacting a paraffin stream with dehydrogenation catalyst comprising:distributing a paraffin stream to a reactor;contacting said reactant stream with a dehydrogenation catalyst stream to produce olefinic product gases and spent dehydrogenation catalyst;separating a spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream from an olefinic product gas stream in a primary separator;containing said olefinic product gas in a contained space having a volume smaller than the volume of the reactor at the same elevation;quenching said olefinic product gases in said contained space; anddischarging said olefinic product gases from said reactor.2. The process of wherein said contained space has a wall that is spaced apart from a shell of the reactor.3. The process of further comprising a plurality of cyclone separators in said separation chamber and ducting said olefinic product gases from said contained space into said cyclone separators.4. The process of further comprising separating a spent dehydrogenation catalyst from said olefinic product gases in said cyclone separators and dispensing said dehydrogenation catalyst by dip legs of said cyclone separators through a baffle into a dense dehydrogenation catalyst bed.5. The process of wherein said spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream separated from said olefinic product gases in said primary separator falls into said dense dehydrogenation catalyst bed.6. The process of wherein said spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream separated from said olefinic product ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015554A1

A chemical-looping system utilizes oxygen-carrier particles to produce syngas from carbonaceous fuels. The system provides a circuitous flow path for the oxygen-carrier particles, which are used to partially oxidize the fuel to produce syngas. The circuitous flow path can proceed through a plurality of unit operations, including a reducer, a conversion reactor, an oxidizer, and a combustor. The conversion reactor is designed to partially oxidize carbonaceous fuel in co-current flow with the oxygen-carrier particles to produce syngas. In embodiments including an oxidizer, the oxidizer is designed to at partially re-oxidize the carrier particles, yielding hydrogen that can be mixed with partially oxidized products from the conversion reactor to adjust syngas quality. The combustor can be used to fully oxidize the carrier particles traveling in a closed loop. Reactions carried out in the combustor are highly exothermic and yield thermal energy that is absorbed by the carrier particles. The absorbed energy is used at other parts of the process, including the conversion reactor, to drive endothermic reactions. In this manner the system can be operated autothermally or nearly so. Methods of producing syngas are also disclosed. 1. A system comprising:a circuitous flow pathway for oxygen-carrier particles, said pathway proceeding through a plurality of unit operations comprising a reducer, a conversion reactor, and a combustor;said reducer configured to at least partially reduce said oxygen-carrier particles;said conversion reactor configured to react said oxygen-carrier particles with a carbonaceous fuel via co-current flow to yield incomplete-oxidation products comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen; andsaid combustor configured to receive said oxygen-carrier particles in a partially or fully reduced state and to fully re-oxidize said oxygen-carrier particles.2. The system of claim 1 , said plurality of unit operations further comprising an oxidizer configured to receive ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016800A1
Автор: Noyes Dallas B.
Принадлежит: Seerstone LLC

A reactor includes a vessel, a gas inlet, a solid outlet, a catalyst support configured to at least partially retain a catalyst material and allow a tail gas to pass therethrough, and a tail gas outlet. The gas inlet is in fluid communication with the solid outlet. A system for producing a solid product includes a reactor, a compressor, a heater, a make-up reactive gas inlet, and a solids discharge means for removing the solid product from the solid outlet of the reactor. Methods of forming solid products include providing a catalyst material in a vessel having a porous catalyst support, delivering a reactive gas to the vessel, reacting the reactive gas to form a solid product and a tail gas in the vessel, passing the tail gas through a portion of the catalyst material to separate the solid product from the tail gas, and removing the solid product.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Catalyst Transfer Pipe Plug Detection

Номер: US20190015806A1

Apparatuses and methods are disclosed for detecting catalyst transfer pipe plugging in a chemical plant or petrochemical plant or refinery. The catalyst transfer pipe may extend from a reactor to a catalyst collector and enable the flow of catalyst from the reactor to the catalyst collector. Specifically, one or more sensors affixed to a catalyst transfer pipe may collect sensor data for analysis. Based on one or more detected changes in the sensor data outside a range, a data collection platform may send one or more alerts and/or send one or more signals to a control platform to adjust a flow rate, a pressure differential, or perform another action to clear a developing catalyst buildup and thereby attempt to avoid a catalyst transfer pipe from becoming plugged. 1. A system for detecting catalyst-transfer-pipe plugging , the system comprising:a reactor configured for a dehydrogenation process, wherein the reactor is configured for use with a solid catalyst;a catalyst collector comprising a valve, the catalyst collector configured to collect the solid catalyst;a catalyst transfer pipe extending from the reactor to the catalyst collector, the catalyst transfer pipe configured to enable flow of the solid catalyst from the reactor to the catalyst collector;one or more sensors affixed to an outside of the catalyst transfer pipe; and one or more processors; and', receive sensor data collected by the one or more sensors affixed to the catalyst transfer pipe;', 'analyze the sensor data to determine a flow rate through the catalyst transfer pipe; and', 'based on analyzing the sensor data to determine the flow rate through the catalyst transfer pipe, transmit a command to adjust the flow rate through the catalyst transfer pipe by adjusting the valve of the catalyst collector., 'non-transitory computer-readable memory storing executable instructions that, when executed, cause the computing device to], 'a computing device comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Use of Light Gas By-Products in the Production of Paraxylene by the Methylation of Toluene and or Benzene

Номер: US20200017425A1

A process for producing paraxylene by the catalytic alkylation of benzene and/or toluene with methanol, which produces a para-rich mixture of xylene isomers, together with water and some light organic by-products, particularly dimethyl ether and C− olefins. The off-gas stream, containing the C olefins, may be recycled back to the reaction to be co-injected with methanol to reduce the methanol self-decomposition and the reaction of methanol to olefins or to fluidize catalyst particles recovered by a reactor cyclone. By using recycled off-gas rather than water or steam, the deleterious effects of water and/or steam on the catalyst aging and activity rates and the size of downstream equipment necessary to recover olefin by-products may be reduced. 1. A process for the alkylation of toluene and/or benzene to produce paraxylene (PX) comprising contact of said toluene and/or benzene with an alkylating agent selected from methanol , dimethyl ether , and mixtures thereof , in the presence of an alkylation catalyst in a fluidized bed alkylation reactor under conditions effective to produce an alkylation effluent comprising PX and olefins , wherein the alkylation effluent is separated into a stream comprising PX and a light gas stream comprising olefins , the improvement comprising recycling at least a portion of the light gas stream , including olefins , to the alkylation reactor for injection with alkylating agent , fluidizing particles of the alkylation catalyst recovered from the alkylation effluent , or both.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the light gas stream further comprises oxygenates claim 1 , unreacted alkylating agent claim 1 , and contaminants claim 1 , and is treated to remove at least one of the oxygenates claim 1 , alkylating agent claim 1 , and contaminants prior to recycling the light gas stream to the alkylation reactor.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the alkylating agent is methanol.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the methanol and recycled ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017427A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

According to one or more embodiments of the present disclosure, chemical streams may be processed by a method which may comprise operating a first chemical process, stopping the first chemical process and removing the first catalyst from the reactor, and operating a second chemical process. The reaction of the first chemical process may be a dehydrogenation reaction, a cracking reaction, a dehydration reaction, or a methanol-to-olefin reaction. The reaction of the second chemical process may be a dehydrogenation reaction, a cracking reaction, a dehydration reaction, or a methanol-to-olefin reaction. The first reaction and the second reaction may be different types of reactions. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first product stream and the second product stream comprise one or more of ethylene claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , or butene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydrogenation reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or the second catalyst comprises gallium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , or both.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydrogenation reaction; andthe first feed stream or the second feed stream comprises one or more of ethane, propane, n-butane, and i-butane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a cracking reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or the second catalyst comprises one or more zeolites.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a cracking reaction; andthe first feed stream or the second feed stream comprises one or more of naphtha, n-butane, or i-butane.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydration reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or second catalyst comprises one or more acid catalysts.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydration reaction;the first feed ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023177A1
Автор: Tanaka Noriyuki
Принадлежит: TOYO TANSO CO., LTD.

A powder stirring device includes a reaction container and a rotation driving device. The reaction container has a cylindrical outer peripheral wall and a pair of end surface walls. The end surface walls are respectively provided at one end and the other end of the outer peripheral wall. The reaction container is arranged in a heat-insulating cover such that an axis of the outer peripheral wall is in parallel with a horizontal direction. The outer peripheral wall has an inner peripheral surface rotationally symmetric with respect to the axis. During the powder process, the powder is stored in the reaction container, and the reaction container is rotated around a rotation axis that passes through the central axis of the outer peripheral wall by the rotation driving device. In this state, a processing gas is supplied into the reaction container. Also, the processing gas in the reaction container is discharged. 1. (canceled)2. A powder processing apparatus that processes powder using a processing gas , comprising:a powder transport path that has a strip-shaped transporter that extends spirally in a vertical direction and on which the powder moves;a powder supplier for supplying the powder to the powder transport path;a vibration applier that vibrates the powder transport path to move the powder supplied to the powder transport path along the strip-shaped transporter;a processing container in which the powder supplied to the powder transport path is processed by the processing gas while moving;a powder recoverer that recovers the processed powder; andat least one height limitation member that limits a height of the powder moving on the strip-shaped transporter.3. The powder processing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the height limitation member has a lower end that is opposite to the strip-shaped transporter claim 2 , and is arranged such that a clearance is formed between the lower end and the strip-shaped transporter.4. The powder processing apparatus ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021769A1
Автор: Li Qunzhu

The present invention provides a method of cooling and cycling a regenerated catalyst. The regenerated catalyst that is from the regenerator is cooled by the catalyst cooler to 200-720° C., and without being mixed with the hot regenerated catalyst directly enters a riser reactor, or mixes with another part of hot regenerated catalyst that has not been cooled to obtain a mixed regenerated catalyst with a temperature below the regenerator temperature, and enters the riser reactor. The hydrocarbon raw material performs the contact reaction with the catalyst in the riser reactor, a reactant stream enters a settler to perform a separation of the catalyst and an oil gas, the separated spent catalyst is steam stripped by a steam stripping section and enters a regenerator to be charring regenerated, and the regenerated catalyst after being cooled returns to the riser reactor to be circularly used. The bottom of each of the catalyst coolers is provided with at least one fluidized medium distributor, the range of the superficial gas velocity is 0-0.7 m/s (preferably 0.005-0.3 m/s, and most preferably 0.01-0.15 m/s), and the temperature of the cold regenerated catalyst is controlled mainly by adjusting a flow rate of the fluidized medium. The method of cooling and cycling a regenerated catalyst of the present invention has extensive application, and can be used for various fluidized catalytic cracking processes, including heavy oil catalytic cracking, wax oil catalytic cracking, gasoline catalytic conversion reforming and the like, and can also be used for other gas-solid reaction processes, including residual oil pretreating, methanol to olefin, methanol to aromatics, methanol to propylene, fluid coking, flexicoking and the like. 1. A cycling method of cold regenerated catalyst , comprising a fluidized catalytic cracking process , wherein: a hydrocarbon raw material performs a contact reaction with a catalyst in a riser reactor having or not having a fluidized bed reactor , a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022556A1

Methods and systems for transferring feed materials between zones having substantially different pressures, where the transfer can be continuous or semi-continuous. The methods and systems include a plurality of lock hoppers to receive feed material from a low pressure zone and pressurize it with fluid to a pressure of a high pressure zone. The pressurized material can be discharged to a circulation loop, which carries the pressurized material to one or more receiving unit(s) of a pressurized system. At least some feed material remains in the receiving unit(s) and at least a portion of the fluid exits to become part of the circulation loop. After discharge, the lock hoppers can be depressurized so the next pressurization cycle can begin with additional feed material. The lock hoppers can be operated in a time-staggered manner to provide continuous or semi-continuous transfer of material. 1. A method for transferring material from a low pressure zone to a high pressure zone comprising:(a) providing feed material to a first lock hopper;(b) closing a valve coupled to an inlet of said first lock hopper;(c) after step (b), providing fluid to said first lock hopper to pressurize the first lock hopper;(d) after the first lock hopper is pressurized, opening a valve coupled to an outlet of said first lock hopper;(e) releasing pressurized content comprising fluid and feed material from the first lock hopper to a circulation loop via said outlet, which is in fluid communication with said circulation loop;(f) providing feed material to a second lock hopper;(g) closing a valve coupled to an inlet of said second lock hopper;(h) after step (g), providing fluid to said second lock hopper to pressurize the second lock hopper;(i) opening a valve coupled to an outlet of said second lock hopper;(j) releasing pressurized content comprising fluid and feed material from the second lock hopper to the circulation loop via said outlet, which is in fluid communication with said circulation ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Preparing High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Powder

Номер: US20180022616A1

The present invention provides a system and method for preparing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is subjected to purification by rectification, ammonium salt precipitation and fluidized calcination, thereby obtaining high-purity vanadium pentoxide, wherein the ammonia gas produced during calcination is condensed and then recycled for ammonium salt precipitation. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to raw material, less pollution, low energy consumption in production, low operation cost, stable product quality, etc. 1. A system for preparing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder , comprising a feeding device , a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed , a rectification and purification device , an ammonium salt precipitation device , an ammonium salt feeding device , a calcination fluidized bed , a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a distilling still, a rectifying ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030906A1

Apparatuses and methods for separating regenerated catalyst are provided. In one embodiment, an apparatus for separating regenerated catalyst includes a regeneration vessel including a catalyst bed section. The apparatus includes a catalyst settler physically separated from the catalyst bed section by a wall extending within the regeneration vessel. The catalyst overflowing the catalyst bed section flows over the wall and enters the catalyst settler. The apparatus further includes a pipe in fluid communication with the catalyst settler and configured to deliver regenerated catalyst from the regeneration vessel to another vessel. 1. An apparatus for separating regenerated catalyst , the apparatus comprising:a regeneration vessel comprising a catalyst bed section;a catalyst settler physically separated from the catalyst bed section by a wall extending within the regeneration vessel, wherein the catalyst overflowing the catalyst bed section flows over the wall and enters the catalyst settler; anda pipe in fluid communication with the catalyst settler and configured to deliver regenerated catalyst from the regeneration vessel to another vessel.2. The apparatus of wherein the catalyst settler is located in the regeneration vessel.3. The apparatus of wherein the catalyst settler is bounded by the regeneration vessel.4. The apparatus of further comprising a catalyst settler baffle within the catalyst settler.5. The apparatus of further comprising packing within the catalyst settler.6. The apparatus of further comprising an injection port in the catalyst settler configured to inject a gas into the catalyst settler and into contact with the regenerated catalyst to separate entrained gas therefrom.7. The apparatus of further comprising a nitrogen or steam source in fluid communication with the injection port claim 6 , wherein the injection port is configured to inject nitrogen or steam into the catalyst settler and into contact with the regenerated catalyst to separate ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for discharging a polymer from a gas-phase reactor

Номер: US20140114038A1

Process for discharging polyolefin particles from a gas-phase polymerization reactor of a pressure from 1.0 MPa to 10 MPa to a discharge vessel of a pressure from 0.1 MPa to 1.0 MPa wherein the discharging is carried out discontinuously through at least two discharge lines in which the polyolefin particles are transported horizontally or upwards, process for polymerizing olefins at temperatures of from 30° C. to 160° C. and pressures of from 1.0 MPa to 10 MPa in the presence of a polymerization catalyst in a gas-phase polymerization reactor comprising discharging the obtained polyolefin particles from the gas-phase polymerization reactor by the process for discharging polyolefin particles and apparatus for polymerizing olefins in the gas-phase comprising a polymerization reactor, a discharge vessel and at least two pipes connecting the polymerization reactor and the discharge vessel for discharging polyolefin particles, wherein the discharge lines are constructed in a way that the polyolefin particles conveyed from the polymerization reactor to the discharge vessel are transported horizontally or upwards.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030506A1

A fluidized bed reactor includes a gas distributor, a tapered section above the gas distributor, and an expanded head above the tapered section. The gas distributor defines a plurality of inlets surrounding a product withdrawal tube, which extends away from the fluidized bed reactor. The fluidized bed reactor is useful in a process for fluidizing relatively large particles, such as Geldart Group B particles and/or Geldart Group D particles, where said particles are in a bubbling fluidized bed residing, in whole or in part, in the tapered section. The fluidized bed reactor and process may be used for manufacturing polycrystalline silicon. 1. A process for preparing polycrystalline silicon in a fluidized bed reactor , where the process comprises:feeding gases comprising hydrogen and a silicon bearing source gas comprising a silicon monomer into a bubbling fluidized bed containing silicon particles, where at least a portion of the bubbling fluidized bed resides in a tapered section of the fluidized bed reactor, where the tapered section expands upward and outward at a cone angle from vertical;feeding silicon particles into the fluidized bed reactor above the tapered section;heating the fluidized bed reactor, thereby causing thermal decomposition of the silicon monomer to produce polycrystalline silicon on surfaces of the silicon particles, thereby producing larger diameter particles; andremoving the larger diameter particles from the fluidized bed reactor.2. The process of claim 1 , where the cone angle ranges from 2.5° to 10.0°.3. The process of claim 1 , where the silicon bearing source gas comprises HSiCland optionally SiCl.4. The process of claim 1 , where the silicon bearing source gas comprises HSiBrand optionally SiBr.5. The process of claim 1 , where the silicon bearing source gas comprises SiH.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein i. a product withdrawal tube is mounted to the gas distributor,', 'ii. the gas distributor defines a plurality of feed inlets, and', ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Multiple Reactor and Multiple Zone Polyolefin Polymerization

Номер: US20210032380A1

Apparatuses and processes that produce multimodal polyolefins, and in particular, polyethylene resins, are disclosed herein. This is accomplished by using two reactors in series, where one of the reactors is a multi-zone circulating reactor that can circulate polyolefin particles through two polymerization zones optionally having two different flow regimes so that the final multimodal polyolefin has improved product properties and improved product homogeneity. 1. A trimodal polyethylene resin having a low molecular weight (LMW) component , an intermediate molecular weight (IMW) component , and a high molecular weight (HMW) component; wherein the LMW component is present in an amount of from about 20 wt. % to about 75 wt. %; wherein the IMW component is present in an amount of from about 5 wt. % to about 40 wt. %; wherein the LMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 20 kg/mol to about 150 kg/mol; wherein the IMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 85 kg/mol to about 350 kg/mol; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the IMW component is greater than the weight average molecular weight of the LMW component; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the HMW component is greater than the weight average molecular weight of the IMW component; wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a Young's modulus (E) of equal to or greater than about 900 MPa , when tested in accordance with ASTM D638; and wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a density of equal to or greater than about 0.952 g/cc , when tested in accordance with ASTM D1505.2. The trimodal polyethylene resin of claim 1 , wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a melt index of less than about 1 g/10 min claim 1 , when tested in accordance with ASTM D1238 under a force of 2.16 kg.3. The trimodal polyethylene resin of claim 1 , wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a density of equal to or greater than about 0.955 g/cc claim 1 , when tested ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045880A1
Принадлежит: REC SILICON INC

Segmented silicon carbide liners for use in a fluidized bed reactor for production of polysilicon-coated granulate material are disclosed, as well as methods of making and using the segmented silicon carbide liners. Non-contaminating bonding materials for joining silicon carbide segments also are disclosed. One or more of the silicon carbide segments may be constructed of reaction-bonded silicon carbide. 1. A segmented silicon carbide liner for a fluidized bed reactor for production of polysilicon-coated granulate material , comprising:a first silicon carbide segment having a first segment upper edge surface defining one of an upwardly opening first segment depression or an upwardly extending first segment protrusion;a second silicon carbide segment located above and abutted to the first silicon carbide segment, the second silicon carbide segment having a second segment lower edge surface defining a downwardly opening second segment depression if the first segment upper edge surface defines an upwardly extending first segment protrusion or a downwardly extending second segment protrusion if the first segment upper edge surface defines an upwardly opening first segment depression, the protrusion being received within the depression and having smaller dimensions than the depression such that the surface of the depression is spaced apart from the surface of the protrusion and a space is located between the protrusion and the depression; anda volume of bonding material comprising a lithium salt, the bonding material disposed within the space between the protrusion and the depression.2. The segmented silicon carbide liner of claim 1 , wherein:the first silicon carbide segment comprises a first tubular wall having an annular upper surface, the first segment upper edge surface being at least a portion of the annular upper surface, and the first segment depression is a groove that is defined by and extends along at least a portion of the first segment upper edge surface or ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

High severity fluidized catalytic cracking systems and processes for producing olefins from petroleum feeds

Номер: US20210047573A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Systems and processes are disclosed for producing petrochemical products, such as ethylene, propene and other olefins from crude oil in high severity fluid catalytic cracking (HSFCC) units. Processes include separating a crude oil into a light fraction and a heavy fraction, cracking the light fraction and heavy fraction in separation cracking reaction zones, and regenerating the cracking catalysts in a two-zone regenerator having a first regeneration zone for the first catalyst (heavy fraction) and a second regeneration zone for the second catalyst (light fraction) separate from the first regeneration zone. Flue gas from the first catalyst regeneration zone is passed to the second regeneration zone to provide additional heat to raise the temperature of the second catalyst of the light fraction side. The disclosed systems and processes enable different catalysts and operating conditions to be utilized for the light fraction and the heavy fraction of a crude oil feed.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043326A1

An apparatus is presented for the transferring of catalyst from an upstream vessel to a downstream vessel. The apparatus includes a non-mechanical valve and a transfer line, wherein a lift gas provides for carrying catalyst through the transfer line. The non-mechanical valve has a catalyst inlet and a lift gas inlet to provide for a consistent flow of catalyst and lift gas to the transfer line. 1. An apparatus for the transfer of catalyst comprising:a vessel from a terminal reactor having an inlet and an outlet;a non-mechanical valve having a catalyst inlet in fluid communication with the vessel outlet, at least one lift gas inlet, and an outlet;a transfer line having an inlet in fluid communication with the non-mechanical valve outlet, and an outlet;a first downstream vessel having an inlet in fluid communication with the transfer line, and a gas outlet and a catalyst outlet;a second downstream vessel having an inlet in fluid communication with the first downstream vessel outlet; and an outlet; anda third downstream vessel having an inlet in fluid communication with the second downstream vessel outlet, and an outlet.2. The apparatus of further comprising an impactless elbow disposed in the transfer line and at a position in the transfer line at an elevated position relative to the first downstream vessel.3. The apparatus of wherein the transfer line further includes a second inlet for admitting a second lift gas.4. The apparatus of wherein the second inlet is in a position in the transfer line disposed below the inlet from the non-mechanical valve outlet.5. The apparatus of further comprising;a second non-mechanical valve having an inlet in fluid communication with the third downstream vessel outlet, a lift gas inlet and an outlet.6. The apparatus of further comprising a second transfer line having an inlet in fluid communication with the second non-mechanical valve outlet claim 5 , and an outlet.7. The apparatus of further comprising a second impactless elbow ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044171A1

A system and method for preparing a vanadium battery high-purity electrolyte, comprising preparing a low-valence vanadium oxide with a valence of 3.5 with liquid phase hydrolysis and fluidization reduction with vanadium oxytrichioride, adding clean water and sulfuric acid for dissolution, and further performing ultraviolet activation to obtain the vanadium electrolyte, for use in an all-vanadium redox flow battery stack. The high-temperature tail gas in the reduction fluidized bed is combusted for preheating the vanadium powder material, to recover the sensible heat and latent heat of the high-temperature tail gas, and the sensible heat of the reduction product is recovered through heat transfer between the reduction product and the fluidized nitrogen gas. An internal member is arranged in the reduction fluidized bed to realize the precise regulation of the valence state of the reduction product, and ultraviolet is used to activate the vanadium ions, improving the activity of the electrolyte. 14. A system for preparing a vanadium battery high-purity electrolyte , comprising a vanadium oxytrichloride storage tank , a liquid phase hydrolysis device , a vanadium pentoxide feeding device , a preheating system () , a reduction fluidized bed , a combustion chamber , a cooling system , a secondary cooling system , a low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device , a dissolution reactor and an activation device;wherein the liquid phase hydrolysis device comprises a liquid phase hydrolysis reaction tank and a washing filter;the vanadium pentoxide feeding device comprises a vanadium pentoxide hopper and a vanadium pentoxide screw feeder;the preheating system comprises a venturi preheater, a primary cyclone preheater, a secondary cyclone preheater and a bag-type dust collector;the reduction fluidized bed comprises a feeder, a bed body, a discharger, a gas heater, a gas purifier and a first cyclone separator;the cooling system comprises a venturi cooler, a cyclone cooler and a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044172A1

A system and method for producing a high-purity and high-activity vanadium electrolyte, comprising converting high-purity vanadium oxytrichloride into an ammonium salt in a fluidized bed by gas phase ammoniation, then in another fluidized bed, reducing the ammonium salt into a low-valence vanadium oxide having an average vanadium valence of 3.5, adding clean water and sulfuric acid for dissolution, and further performing activation by ultrasound to obtain a 3.5-valence vanadium electrolyte which can be directly used in a new all-vanadium redox flow battery stack. The method of producing an ammonium salt containing vanadium in the fluidized bed by gas phase ammoniation is of short process and high efficiency. Precise regulation of the valence state of the reduction product is implemented by arranging an internal member in the reduction fluidized bed, and ultrasonication is used to activate the vanadium ion, thereby greatly improving the activity of the electrolyte. 1. A system for producing a high-purity and high-activity vanadium electrolyte , comprising a vanadium oxytrichloride storage tank , a gas phase ammoniation fluidized bed , a reduction fluidized bed , a pre-cooling device , a secondary cooling device , a low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device , a dissolution reactor , and an activation device;wherein the gas phase ammoniation fluidized bed comprises a vanadium oxytrichloride vaporizer, a purified ammonia liquor vaporizer, a chloride spray gun, a gas phase ammoniation fluidized bed body, a first cyclone separator, and an ammonium chloride settling tower;the reduction fluidized bed comprises a material valve, a bed body, a discharger, a gas heater, a gas purifier, and a second cyclone separator;the pre-cooling device comprises a cyclone cooler and a third cyclone separator;the low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device comprises a low-valence vanadium oxide hopper and a low-valence vanadium oxide screw feeder;wherein a feed outlet at the bottom of the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044173A1

A system and method for producing a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte, comprising hydrolyzing high-purity vanadium oxytrichloride into vanadium pentoxide in a fluidized bed, and reducing vanadium pentoxide into a low-valence vanadium oxide having an average vanadium valence of 3.5 adding water and a sulfuric acid solution under a microwave field applied externally for dissolution at a low temperature, to obtain a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte. The preparation of vanadium pentoxide by means of gas-phase hydrolysis in the fluidized bed is of short process and high efficiency. By providing an internal member within the reduction fluidized bed, the precise regulation of the valence state of the reduction product is achieved, and the special chemical effect of the microwave field is used to promote dissolution of the vanadium oxide and activate the vanadium ions, thereby greatly improving the activity of the electrolyte. 1. A system for producing a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte , comprising a vanadium oxytrichloride storage tank , a gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed , a vanadium pentoxide feeding device , a preheat dedusting device , a reduction fluidized bed , a primary cooling device , a secondary cooling device , a low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device , a dissolution and activation device a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed comprises a vanadium oxytrichloride vaporizer, a clean water vaporize, a chloride spray gun a gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed body, a hydrolysis fluidized bed discharger, and a hydrochloric acid tail gas absorber;the vanadium pentoxide feeding device comprises a vanadium pentoxide hopper and a vanadium pentoxide screw feeder;the preheat dedusting device comprises a venturi preheater, a first cyclone separator, a cyclone preheater, and a bag-type dust collector;the reduction fluidized bed comprises a feeder, a bed body, a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044174A1

A system and method for preparing a high-purity vanadium electrolyte, comprising preparing a low-valence vanadium oxide with vanadium oxytrichloride by ammonium salt precipitation and fluidization reduction, and preparing the high-purity vanadium electrolyte at a low temperature by adding a sulfuric acid solution and clean water under the conditions of ultrasound-assisted dissolution and activation. Efficient utilization of heat is achieved through heat exchange between the ammonium salt and the reduction tail gas and heat exchange between the reduction product and fluidized nitrogen gas. Ammonia gas in the reduction tail gas is recovered for precipitation of vanadium to achieve the recycling of ammonia gas. An internal member is arranged in the reduction fluidized bed to realize the precise regulation of the valence state of the reduction product. Furthermore, ultrasound-assisted dissolution and activation are employed to prepare the vanadium electrolyte at a low temperature, thereby improving the activity of the electrolyte. 1. A system for preparing a high-purity vanadium electrolyte , comprising: a vanadium oxytrichloride storage tank , an ammonium salt precipitating device , an ammonium salt feeding device , a preheating system , a reduction fluidized bed , a cooling system , a secondary cooling device , a low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device , and a dissolution and activation reactor;wherein the ammonium salt precipitating device comprises an ammonium salt precipitating reaction tank and a washing filter;the ammonium salt feeding device comprises an ammonium salt hopper and an ammonium salt screw feeder;the preheating system comprises a primary cyclone preheater, a venturi preheater, a secondary cyclone preheater, and a first cyclone separator;the reduction fluidized bed comprises a feeder, a bed body, a discharger, a gas heater, a gas purifier, and an ammonium chloride settling tower;the cooling system comprises a venturi cooler, a cyclone cooler, and a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Accelerated cooling process for reactors

Номер: US20220062844A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A process for shutting down a hydroprocessing reactor and for removing catalyst from the reactor, wherein the reactor includes a quench gas distribution system. The process comprises shutting off hydrocarbon feed to the reactor, stripping hydrocarbons from the catalyst, and cooling the reactor to a first threshold reactor temperature in the range of from 375-425° F. (190-218° C.). At least a portion of circulating gaseous medium flowing to the reactor is then routed through a temporary heat exchanger and cooling the gas to not less than 40° F. (4° C.). Once cooled, mixing the cooled gas with the circulating gaseous medium flowing to the reactor. Continuing steps routing and cooling until a second threshold temperature is reached wherein the reactor temperature is in a range between 120° F. and 250° F. (49° C.-121° C.). The reactor can then be purged with N 2 gas, followed by introducing water into the reactor via the quench gas distribution system. The catalyst can then be safely removed from the reactor.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053019A1

The present invention relates to a method for transporting polyolefin particles in a polymer conveying system, comprising the steps of a) Subjecting the polyolefin particles to moist conveying gas to produce wetted polyolefin particles; b) Transporting the wetted polyolefin particles through at least one conveying line; and c) Controlling the amount of moisture in the conveying gas of the polymer conveying system as such that at the end point of the at least one conveying line the relative humidity of the conveying gas (RH) is 40% to 100%, the use of said method in an in-plant polymer conveying system, the use of said method for improving dust and/or angel hair removal in polymer conveying systems and the use of said method for increasing conveying capacity of polyolefin particles with a density of from less than 850 to 910 kg/m. 1. A method for transporting polyolefin particles in a polymer conveying system , comprising the steps of:a) subjecting the polyolefin particles to moist conveying gas to produce wetted polyolefin particles;b) transporting the wetted polyolefin particles through at least one conveying line; and{'sub': 'CG', 'c) controlling the amount of moisture in the conveying gas of the polymer conveying system as such that at the downstream end point of the at least one conveying line the relative humidity of the conveying gas (RH) is 40% to 100%.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer conveying system is an gas conveying system selected from a pneumatic conveying system and a vacuum conveying system.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conveying gas is selected from air claim 1 , nitrogen or argon.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the moist conveying gas is produced by dosing water into the conveying gas of the polymer conveying system at the upstream end of the at least one conveying line.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:subjecting the conveyed polyolefin particles to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048166A1

A fast fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, resolving or improving the competition problem between an MTO reaction and an alkylation reaction during the process of producing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, and achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, competition between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction is coordinated and optimized to facilitate a synergistic effect of the two reactions, so that the conversion rate of benzene, the yield of para-xylene, and the selectivity of light olefins are increased. 124-. (canceled)25. A fast fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the fast fluidized bed reactor.26. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 25 , wherein the number of the second reactor feed distributors is in a range from 2 to 10.27. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 25 , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 25 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase zone or outside a reactor shell claim 25 , and the second reactor gas-solid separator is placed in the dilute phase zone or outside the reactor shell;the first reactor gas-solid separator is provided with a regenerated catalyst inlet, a catalyst outlet of the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed at the bottom of a reaction zone, and a gas outlet of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Solids circulation system and method for capture and conversion of reactive solids with fluidized bed temperature control

Номер: US20170051217A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056264A1

An apparatus is presented for the transferring of catalyst from an upstream vessel to a downstream vessel. The apparatus includes a non-mechanical valve and a transfer line, wherein a lift gas provides for carrying catalyst through the transfer line. The non-mechanical valve has a catalyst inlet and a lift gas inlet to provide for a consistent flow to limit or reduce pipe erosion and catalyst attrition, as well as to provide catalyst and lift gas to the transfer lines. 1. An apparatus for the transfer of catalyst comprising:a non-mechanical valve having a catalyst inlet, a lift gas inlet, and an outlet;a transfer line having an inlet in fluid communication with the non-mechanical valve outlet, and an outlet;a first downstream vessel having an inlet in fluid communication with the transfer line, and a gas outlet and a catalyst outlet, wherein first downstream vessel includes an internal pipe and a restriction orifice.2. The apparatus of further comprising an impactless elbow disposed in the transfer line and at a position in the transfer line at an elevated position relative to the catalyst disengaging drum.3. The apparatus of wherein the transfer line further includes a second inlet for admitting a second lift gas.4. The apparatus of wherein the second inlet is in a position in the transfer line disposed below the inlet from the non-mechanical valve outlet.5. The apparatus of further comprising a second non-mechanical valve having an inlet in fluid communication with the first downstream vessel outlet claim 1 , a lift gas inlet and an outlet.6. The apparatus of further comprising a second transfer line having an inlet in fluid communication with the second non-mechanical valve outlet claim 5 , and an outlet.7. The apparatus of further comprising a second impactless elbow disposed in the second transfer line and at a position in the transfer line at an elevated position relative to a third downstream vessel.8. The apparatus of wherein the second transfer line further ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088554A1

A nozzle includes: a flow path allowing gas to flow; tip opening portion(s) formed on a tip side of the flow path; a base end opening portion formed on a base end side of the flow path; and side hole(s) which is formed on the base end side from the tip opening portion and allows a part of the gas flowing through the flow path to be discharged toward the base end side. The tip opening portion(s) is formed in a direction of the flow path. The side hole(s) is formed along a circumferential direction of the flow path. When the gas is supplied from the base end opening portion, a ratio (Q1/Q1) of a flow rate (Q1) of the gas discharged from the tip opening portion(s) and a flow rate (Q1) of the gas discharged from the side hole(s) is 0.05 to 0.7. 1. A nozzle which is connectable to a conduit for supplying gas to a tubular body filled with granular solid matters , the nozzle comprising:a flow path which allows the gas to flow;a tip opening portion which is formed on a tip side of the flow path;a base end opening portion which is formed on a base end side of the flow path; anda side hole which is formed on the base end side from the tip opening portion and allows a part of the gas flowing through the flow path to be discharged toward the base end side, whereinthe one or more tip opening portions are formed in a direction of the flow path,the one or more side holes are formed along a circumferential direction of the flow path, andwhen the gas is supplied from the base end opening portion, a ratio (Q1a/Q1b) of a flow rate (Q1a) of the gas discharged from the one or more tip opening portions and a flow rate (Q1b) of the gas discharged from the one or more side holes is 0.05 to 0.7.2. The nozzle according to claim 1 , whereinthe side hole is open toward a base end side of the nozzle at an angle of 30° or more and less than 90° with respect to an axis along a longitudinal direction of the flow path.3. The nozzle according to claim 1 , whereinthe two or more side holes are formed ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077967A1
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC

A process where external fuel oil is used to wash entrained catalyst from a fluidized-bed propane dehydrogenation reactor effluent, where the fuel oil and catalyst mixture is returned to the reactor to provide the net fuel required for catalyst regeneration. Optionally the fluidized-bed propane dehydrogenation reactor effluent and the fuel oil are contacted in a direct contact inline device before entering a flash zone in the reactor vessel. 1. A method for recovering catalyst from a fluidized-bed propane dehydrogenation reactor effluent gas , the method comprising:(a) cooling fluidized-bed propane dehydrogenation reactor effluent gas;(b) contacting the cooled effluent gas with fuel oil in a wash section to wash out catalyst to obtain a cooled effluent gas essentially free of catalyst;(c) withdrawing an oil-catalyst slurry from the wash section and circulating the oil-catalyst slurry through a filter thereby removing catalyst from the fuel oil giving filtered wash oil;(d) returning filtered wash oil to the wash section as recirculated wash oil; and(e) backwashing the filter thereby recovering catalyst.2. The method of where the contacting and returning steps are effected in a quench tower comprising vapor-liquid contact elements and a bottoms zone holding a fuel oil inventory.3. The method of further comprising cooling the recirculated wash oil before the contacting step.4. The method of where circulating the oil-catalyst slurry through a filter comprises continuously passing the oil-catalyst slurry through at least one first filter in a filtration mode to separate the catalyst therefrom giving filtrate while at least one second filter in parallel with the first filter is in a backwashing mode thereby removing the separated catalyst therefrom.5. The method of further comprising returning filtrate from the first filter to the fuel oil inventory.6. The method of where the backwashing of the at least one filter further comprises periodically alternating the at least ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Processes and Apparatus for Bimodal Slurry Polymerization

Номер: US20210079125A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Processes and apparatus for preparing bimodal polymers are provided. In some embodiments, processes include introducing a monomer, a first diluent, a catalyst, hydrogen, at a first hydrogen concentration, and optional comonomer, to a first loop reactor to produce, under polymerization conditions, a first slurry of polymer solids. Processes may also include continuously discharging the first slurry of polymer solids from the loop reactor as a first polymerization effluent to a first flash tank; separating the first polymerization effluent in the first flash tank to provide a first concentrated polymer slurry with significantly lower hydrogen concentration; and transferring the first concentrated polymer slurry from the flash tank to a re-slurry mixer. Processes may further include introducing a re-slurry mixer diluent to the first concentrated polymer slurry to form a second concentrated polymer slurry in the re-slurry mixer that can be pumped to a second slurry loop reactor.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Olefin polymerization processes

Номер: US20210079126A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A process for producing an olefin polymer employs a gas phase polymerization reactor having a product discharge system comprising first and second pairs of lock hoppers, wherein each pair comprises an upstream lock hopper connected by valve means to the reactor and a downstream lock hopper connected by valve means to the upstream lock hopper and by further valve means to a product recovery system, and wherein a first cross-tie is provided between the upstream lock hoppers of the first and second pairs of lock hoppers and a second cross-tie is provided between the downstream lock hoppers of the first and second pairs of lock hoppers. Operation of the second cross-tie during product removal cycles is controlled in accordance with reactor pressure.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079973A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 1. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons , comprising:feeding a first particle and a second particle to a reactor, wherein the first particle has a smaller average particle size and/or is less dense than the second particle, and wherein the first particle and second particle may independently be catalytic or non-catalytic particles;feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock to the reactor;recovering an overhead product from the reactor comprising a converted hydrocarbon effluent, the second particle, and the first particle;separating the second particle from the overhead product to provide a first stream comprising the first particle and the converted hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second particle;returning the separated second particle in the second stream to the reactor.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recovering a bottoms product from the reactor comprising the second particle.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:feeding a second hydrocarbon feedstock and a mixture of first particle and second particle ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080006A1

The present invention provides a process for a production of light olefins and aromatics from cracked light naphtha by selective cracking. The present invention thus provides a process for up grading cracked olefinic naphtha to high value petrochemical feed stocks. This process is based on catalytic cracking in which the catalyst activity is optimized by depositing coke for production of light olefins and aromatics. The proposed process has high flexibility and can be operated either in maximizing olefins as reflected from the PIE ratio or in maximizing aromatics (BTX) at different modes of operation depending upon the product requirement. 1. A process for selective production of light olefins and aromatics , the process comprising:a) feeding a mixed olefinic cracked naphtha feedstock into a reactor; (i) wherein under olefinic mode of operation, the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha is catalytically cracked by contacting with a zeolite catalyst for a residence time ranging between 35-65 minutes and at a pressure ranging between 1-2 bar to obtain a cracked product comprising light olefins in the range of 30-50 wt % and obtaining the light olefins as a gaseous product with a propylene to ethylene ratio (PIE) in the range of 1-5;', '(ii) wherein under aromatic mode of operation, the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha is catalytically cracked by contacting with a zeolite catalyst for a residence time ranging between 20-35 minutes and at a pressure ranging between 5-7 bar to obtain a cracked product comprising aromatics in the range of 10-25 wt % and obtaining the aromatics as a liquid product; and, 'b) catalytic cracking of the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha in the reactor under olefinic mode or aromatic mode of operation,'}c) recovering spent catalyst from the reactor and feeding the spent catalyst to a regenerator to obtain a regenerated catalyst and recycling the regenerated catalyst to the reactor.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixed olefinic cracked ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Methods, devices and systems for processing of carbonaceous compositions

Номер: US20200086288A1
Автор: Scott Laine
Принадлежит: Nanotech Energy Inc

Provided herein are methods, devices and systems for processing of carbonaceous compositions. The processing may include the manufacture (or synthesis) of oxidized forms of carbonaceous compositions and/or the manufacture (or synthesis) of reduced forms of oxidized carbonaceous compositions. Some embodiments provide methods, devices and systems for the manufacture (or synthesis) of graphite oxide from graphite and/or for the manufacture (or synthesis) of reduced graphite oxide from graphite oxide.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094008A1

The present invention relates to a process for removing polymer material from a gas-solids olefm polymerization reactor wherein the gas-solids olefm polymerization reactor is connected to the top part of an outlet vessel via a feed pipe wherein the powder surface of discharged polymer material and the barrier gas injection point are situated in the outlet vessel as such to fulfill the following criteria: R′=X/Y≤2.0; and R″=X/D≥1.0; wherein X=Distance between the powder surface and the barrier gas injection point; Y=Distance between the barrier gas injection point and the vessel outlet; and D=Equivalent outlet vessel diameter, an apparatus for continuously removing polymer material comprising a gas-solids olefm polymerization reactor, an outlet vessel and a feed pipe connecting the gas-solids olefm polymerization reactor with the top part of the outlet vessel and the use of said apparatus for polymerizing alpha-olefm homo- or copolymers having alpha-olefin monomer units of from 2 to 12 carbon atoms and for increasing the barrier gas efficiency of the gas-solids olefin reactor to at least 75%. 1. A process for removing polymer material from a gas-solid olefin polymerization reactor wherein the gas-solid olefin polymerization reactor is connected to the top part of an outlet vessel via a feed pipe , the process comprising the steps of:(i) discharging polymer material from the gas-solid olefin polymerization reactor via the feed pipe into the outlet vessel;(ii) establishing a powder surface of discharged polymer material within the outlet vessel in a section of the middle part of the outlet vessel;(iii) injecting barrier gas through a barrier gas injection point in a section of the bottom part of the outlet vessel below the powder surface;(iv) recovering polymer material from the outlet vessel through a vessel outlet in a section below the barrier gas injection point;characterized in that [{'br': None, 'i': 'R′=X/Y≤', '2.0;'}, {'br': None, 'and'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'R″= ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094009A1

Systems and methods of reducing heat exchanger fouling rate and of producing polyolefins are provide herein. In some aspects, the methods include providing a first gas stream comprising a gas and entrained fine polyolefin particles to a gas outlet line; preferentially removing a portion of the entrained fine polyolefin particles from the gas outlet line to form a bypass stream comprising a higher concentration of the entrained fine polyolefin particles than is present in the first gas stream; providing the bypass stream to a bypass line comprising a bypass line inlet and a bypass line outlet, wherein the bypass line inlet is located upstream of a first heat exchanger, and wherein the bypass line outlet is located downstream of the first heat exchanger; providing at least a portion of the first gas stream to the first heat exchanger, which produces a first cooled gas stream; and combining the bypass stream and a second gas stream at the bypass line outlet to form a combined gas stream comprising one or more olefins or paraffins, wherein a temperature of the combined gas stream is below the dew point of the combined gas stream. 1. A system for reducing heat exchanger fouling rate comprising:a gas outlet line configured to pass a first gas stream comprising a gas and entrained fine polyolefin particles;a first heat exchanger configured to receive at least a portion of the first gas stream and produce a first cooled gas stream; anda bypass line configured to remove a portion of the entrained fine polyolefin particles from the gas outlet line to form a bypass stream comprising a higher concentration of the entrained fine polyolefin particles than is present in the first gas stream, the bypass line comprising a bypass line inlet and a bypass line outlet,wherein the bypass line inlet is located upstream of the first heat exchanger,wherein the bypass line outlet is located downstream of the first heat exchanger, andwherein the bypass line is configured so that the bypass ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101396A1

Device for use in a fluidized bed reactor includes a gas-solid separator communicated with an outlet of the fluidized bed reactor; a vertically arranged damper, a solid outlet of the gas-solid separator communicated with a lower region of the damper, a gas outlet of the gas-solid separator communicated with an upper region of the damper; a fine gas-solid separator, an inlet of the fine gas-solid separator communicated with the upper region of the damper, and a solid outlet of the fine gas-solid separator communicated with the lower region of the damper. Product from the fluidized bed reactor is fed into the preliminary gas-solid separator, most solid catalysts separated and fed into the lower region; the product entraining the rest catalysts is fed into the upper region, and into the fine gas-solid separator, the rest catalysts fed into the lower region; and final product is obtained from the fine gas-solid separator. 1. A separation device for use in a fluidized bed reactor , comprisinga preliminary gas-solid separator communicated with an outlet of the fluidized bed reactor,a vertically arranged damper, a solid outlet of the preliminary gas-solid separator being communicated with a lower region of the damper, and a gas outlet of the preliminary gas-solid separator being communicated with an upper region of the damper, anda fine gas-solid separator, an inlet of the fine gas-solid separator being communicated with the upper region of the damper, and a solid outlet of the fine gas-solid separator being communicated with the lower region of the damper, whereinthe separation device is configured so that product having catalysts entrained therein from the fluidized bed reactor is fed into the preliminary gas-solid separator, most solid catalysts being separated and fed into the lower region of the damper; the product entraining the rest catalysts is fed into the upper region of the damper, and into the fine gas-solid separator, the rest catalysts being separated and fed ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101982A1

The fluidized bed process for preparing polysilicon by chemical vapor deposition is improved by positioning at least one Laval nozzle upstream from a gas inlet into the reactor. 110.-. (canceled)11. A fluidized bed reactor for producing granular polysilicon , comprising: a vessel having an inner reactor tube for a fluidized bed of granular polysilicon , and a reactor base; a heating device for heating the fluidized bed in the inner reactor tube; at least one opening in the reactor base for feeding fluidizing gas , and at least one opening in the reactor base for feeding reaction gas; a device for removing reactor offgas; a feed apparatus for feeding silicon seed particles; and a withdrawal conduit for granular polysilicon product , wherein a Laval nozzle is situated upstream of at least one of the openings in the reactor base , suitable for supercritically expanding at least one mass stream fed to the fluidized bed reactor.12. The fluidized bed reactor of claim 11 , which has at least two openings in the reactor base claim 11 , each opening having a Laval nozzle situated upstream from the opening.13. The fluidized bed reactor of claim 11 , which has one or more groups of openings in the reactor base claim 11 , each group comprising at least two openings claim 11 , wherein a Laval nozzle is situated upstream of each group of openings.14. The fluidized bed reactor of claim 11 , comprising one or more groups of openings in the reactor base claim 11 , each group comprising at least two openings claim 11 , wherein one Laval nozzle is situated upstream of each opening claim 11 , and at least one further Laval nozzle upstream of said one Laval nozzle upstream of said each opening.15. The fluidized bed reactor of claim 11 , wherein the at least one opening in the reactor base upstream of which a Laval nozzle is situated comprises a gas distributor.16. The fluidized bed reactor of claim 11 , wherein the at least one opening in the reactor base upstream of which a Laval ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094211A1

A Fluid Catalytic Cracking process converts heavy crude oil fractions into lighter hydrocarbon products at high temperature and moderate pressure in the presence of a catalyst. During this process, catalyst particles stay entrained in the descending gas stream. An inlet scroll on the cyclone may be used to keep the inlet gas stream and the entrained particles away from the entrance to the gas outlet tube. Refractory material may applied to the interior of the wall of the cyclone to form an abrasion resistant lining to insulate the walls of the cyclone from the gas flow contents. The inlet feed velocity may be used as a predictive factor to determine a wear rate of the cyclones. Thus, lining erosion can be predicted so that the lining can be repaired or replaced during a planned turnaround. 1. A system comprising:a reactor configured to perform a fluid catalytic cracking process, the reactor including a cyclone with an abrasion resistant lining on an interior wall of the cyclone;a gas flow rate sensor configured to measure a feed velocity of a feed to the cyclone; a processor of the data analysis platform;', receive feed velocity data from the gas flow rate sensor, the feed velocity data indicating the feed velocity of the feed to the cyclone;', 'determine an erosion rate of the abrasion resistant lining on the interior wall of the cyclone based on the feed velocity of the feed to the cyclone;', 'based on the erosion rate, determine a recommended adjustment to an operating parameter of the reactor;', 'send the recommended adjustment to the operating parameter of the reactor; and, 'memory of the data analysis platform, the memory storing executable instructions that, when executed, cause the data analysis platform to], 'a data analysis platform comprising a processor of the control platform; and', receive the recommended adjustment to the operating parameter of the reactor; and', 'adjust the operating parameter of the reactor., 'memory of the control platform, the ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Fluidized bed reactor with pinching fittings for producing polysilicon granulate, and method and use for same

Номер: US20190099730A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Control of the flow of granular polysilicon granules is effected by employing an elastomeric pinch sleeve valve. The flow control by this method is especially useful for controlling the flow of silicon seed particles and granular polysilicon product in the fluidized bed method for producing polysilicon. The flow may be stopped without gas leakage, and is suitable for use over long operating campaigns.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099731A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Roehm GmbH

A process for performing a heterogeneously catalysed reaction in a three-phase reactor, where there is at least one liquid phase, at least one gaseous phase and at least one solid phase in the reactor and the reactor has at least two zones, with the reaction mixture being conveyed downward in zone 1, the reaction mixture being conveyed upward in zone 2, zones 1 and 2 being separated from one another by a dividing wall, and in that the ratio between the average catalyst concentrations in zone 2 and in zone 1 is greater than 2. 1. A process , comprising performing a heterogeneously catalysed reaction in a three-phase reactor , wherein the three-phase reactor comprises at least one liquid phase , at least one gaseous phase and at least one solid phase in the reactor and the reactor has at least two zones , with a reaction mixture being conveyed downward in zone 1 , the reaction mixture being conveyed upward in zone 2 , zones 1 and 2 being separated from one another by a dividing wall , and a ratio between the average catalyst concentrations in zone 2 and in zone 1 is greater than 2.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio between the average catalyst concentrations in zone 2 and in zone 1 is greater than 5.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas required for the process claim 1 , in the course of operation claim 1 , is almost exclusively in zone 2 claim 1 , while zone 1 remains substantially free of the undissolved gas.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio between the catalyst concentration in zone 2 at 90% of a fill height of the reactor measured from the bottom and the catalyst concentration at 20% of the fill height measured from the bottom is less than 0.3.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio between the average vertical flow rate in zone 1 and the average vertical flow rate in zone 2 is between 5 and 50.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the reactor diameter in an upper portion ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168700A1

A device for processing a flow of particulate material by contact with a gas flow includes a housing defining a processing chamber. This chamber includes a gas distribution plate having openings. The gas distribution plate separates a lower gas plenum from a solid-gas contact zone. The contact zone has at least one cylindrical partition upstanding from the gas distribution plate dividing an inner section from an adjacent annular outer section. The at least one partition is provided with a transfer opening for the particulate material. The housing is also provided with an inlet for supplying particulate material to the inner section and an outlet for discharging processed particulate material from the annular outer section. 118.-. (canceled)19. A device for processing a flow of particulate material by contact with a gas flow , comprisinga housing defining a processing chamber and having a gas inlet for introducing a gas flow in a plenum of the processing chamber,wherein the processing chamber comprisesthe plenum, arranged at the lower part of the processing chamber,a contact zone, arranged above the plenum, for contacting the flow of particulate material with the gas flow,wherein the plenum and contact zone are separated by a gas distribution plate,wherein the contact zone comprises a contact path for contact between the flow of particulate material and the gas flow, the contact zone having multiple cylindrical partitions upstanding from the gas distribution plate dividing an inner section of the contact path from an adjacent annular outer section, wherein each partition is provided with a transfer opening configured to allow passage of the particulate material from the inner section to the adjacent annular outer section of the contact path separated by the respective partition, wherein the inner section of the contact path is an annular inner section, and wherein the transfer opening of an inward partition and the transfer opening in an adjacent outward partition ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Fluidizing plate and apparatus comprising such a fluidizing plate

Номер: US20200101433A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a fluidizing plate, comprising a supporting structure and plate segments, the plate segments respectively having openings through which gas flows during operation. The plate segments are respectively releasably connected to the supporting structure and two neighboring plate segments respectively overlap and are releasably connected to one another in the region of the overlap. The invention also relates to an apparatus with such a fluidizing plate.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112532A1

The disclosure deals with a slurry bubble column reactor for converting a gas mixture comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons. The slurry bubble column reactor features a slurry bed of catalyst particles, an inlet conduit for feeding the gas mixture into the slurry bed, a filtration zone for separating the liquid hydrocarbons from the catalyst particles and a liquid outlet conduit for withdrawing the separated hydrocarbons from the filtration zone. The filtration zone is situated in the slurry bubble column reactor such that the slurry bed is found in a first and a second heat exchange zone with the filtration zone arranged between the first and the second heat exchange zone. 1. A slurry bubble column reactor for converting a gas mixture comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons featuring a slurry bed of catalyst particles , an inlet conduit for feeding the gas mixture into the slurry bed , a filtration zone for separating the liquid hydrocarbons from the catalyst particles and an liquid outlet conduit for withdrawing the separated hydrocarbons from the filtration zone , at wherein the filtration zone is situated in the slurry bubble column reactor such that the slurry bed is found in a first and a second heat exchange zone with the filtration zone arranged between the first and the second heat exchange zone.2. The slurry bubble column reactor according to wherein each heat exchange zone features a separate heat exchanger.3. The slurry bubble column reactor according to wherein the slurry bubble column reactor comprises a bottom zone and the inlet conduit is fluently connected to the bottom zone.4. The slurry bubble column reactor according to claim 3 , wherein the first heat exchange zone is situated next to the bottom zone of the slurry bubble column reactor.5. The slurry bubble column reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the filtration zone comprises at least one hollow and enclosed filter element and at least one ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150123039A1

The invention relates to a rotary disc device () in a rotary fluidised bed, the outer edge of said disc rotating inside, and faster than, the fluidised bed, thereby allowing: the rotation speed of the fluidised bed to be accelerated, solid particles and/or micro-droplets to be supplied to the fluidised bed or to the free central area, and different annular areas of the fluidised bed to be separated. The invention also relates to methods for transforming solid particles or micro-droplets on contact with the fluids flowing through the rotary fluidised bed or for transforming fluids on contact with solids in suspension in the rotary fluidised bed, using said device. 21516. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the square of the ratio between the surface area of the circular wall () and the sum of the surface areas of said injection openings () is greater than 200 times the ratio between the mean diameter of the circular chamber claim 1 , D claim 1 , and the mean diameter of the solid particles claim 1 , d claim 1 , multiplied by the ratio between the mean density of the fluid claim 1 , ρf claim 1 , and the mean density of the solids claim 1 , ρs.39616. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the mean distance () between said injection openings () is less than one twentieth of the mean diameter claim 1 , D claim 1 , of said circular chamber claim 1 , and in that the hourly mass flow rate of the fluids passing through the rotary fluidized bed is greater than 200 times the mass of said rotary fluidized bed when the device is in operation.4202111. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises at least one tube () for feeding solids claim 1 , optionally entrained by a fluid or in solution in a fluid () claim 1 , in the vicinity of the central axis () claim 1 , against the rotary disk ().5626111531152016061. The device according to claim 4 , characterized in that the annular space () between the outer rim () of said ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118151A1
Принадлежит: Spinchem AB

The invention refers to a reactor and a method respectively for performing, by means of solid reaction members, a biological or chemical transformation, or physical or chemical trapping from, or release of agents to, a fluidic media, and a subsequent cleaning of the reactor, said reactor comprising a vessel () in which a transformation device () has been mounted. The invention also refers to a reactor kit comprising such reactor. The reactor comprises at least one nozzle () arranged on the longitudinal inner wall of the vessel (). The at least one nozzle () is arranged to direct a flow of a cleaning fluid (CF) in a direction towards a longitudinal centre axis (L) of a flow distributor () arranged in the vessel (). 2. A reactor according to claim 1 , in which the reactor comprises a plurality of nozzles claim 1 , the plurality of nozzles being distributed along the circumference and/or along the longitudinal extension of the longitudinal inner wall of the vessel claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of nozzles are arranged to direct a flow of a cleaning fluid in a direction towards the longitudinal centre axis of the flow distributor.311. A reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle(s) is/are supported by one or several supports arranged to extend in the longitudinal direction along the longitudinal inner wall of the vessel ().4. A reactor according to claim 3 , wherein the one or several supports form part of an insert.5. A reactor according to claim 3 , wherein each support comprises two or more nozzles distributed along the longitudinal extension of the support claim 3 , and wherein two adjacent nozzles are arranged to provide a longitudinally and continuously uniform spray pattern.6. A reactor according to claim 1 , wherein an inner wall of the vessel comprises means for enhancing the fluidic shear stress in any of the two rotary directions along said inner wall.7. A reactor according to claim 6 , wherein said means for enhancing the fluidic shear stress is ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129413A1

Methods and FCC apparatuses are provided for cracking hydrocarbons. An FCC apparatus includes a riser with a riser outlet positioned within a reactor catalyst collection area. A stripper is coupled to the reactor catalyst collection area, where the riser extends through the stripper, and where the stripper includes a stripper exterior wall. A sleeve is positioned within the stripper between the riser and the stripper exterior wall. 1. A fluid catalytic cracking apparatus comprising:a riser comprising a riser outlet;a reactor catalyst collection area, wherein the riser outlet is positioned within the reactor catalyst collection area;a stripper coupled to the reactor catalyst collection area, wherein the riser extends through the stripper, and wherein the stripper comprises a stripper exterior wall; anda sleeve positioned within the stripper between the riser and the stripper exterior wall.2. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a refractory material positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.3. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a ceramic fiber blanket positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.4. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a purge inlet positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.5. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a steam supply fluidly coupled to the purge inlet.6. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a barrier wall affixed to the stripper exterior wall such that the barrier wall and the sleeve define a sleeve bottom gap; anda purge outlet defined in the barrier wall.7. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a purge outlet positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.8. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of wherein the sleeve is affixed to the reactor catalyst collection area.9. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of wherein the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Control Methods and Systems For Polymer Product Purge

Номер: US20170129969A1
Автор: David J. Sandell
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for purging a polymer product of volatiles. The methods and systems are particularly useful in the purging of a polyethylene polymer product produced in a fluidized bed reactor.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136602A1

This invention relates to a collector pipe () that is permeable to a gaseous fluid and impermeable to catalyst particles, with an approximately cylindrical shape extending along an approximately vertical axis having a first surface that can be in contact with the catalyst particles and a second surface opposite the first surface, the pipe containing a plurality of shaped vertical wires () having a first face () that can be in contact with the catalyst particles and a second face () opposite the first face (), the shaped wires () being integral with a plurality of horizontal support rings () by their second face (), the shaped wires () and the support rings () defining a plurality of openings. 18111213121114131114815111115. Collector pipe () that is permeable to a gaseous fluid and impermeable to catalyst particles , with an approximately cylindrical shape extending along an approximately vertical axis having a first surface that can be in contact with the catalyst particles and a second surface opposite the first surface , the pipe comprising a plurality of shaped vertical wires () having a first face () that can be in contact with the catalyst particles and a second face () opposite the first face () , the shaped wires () being integral with a plurality of horizontal support rings () by their second face () , the shaped wires () and the support rings () defining a plurality of openings , characterized in that the pipe () further comprises a plurality of solid fillets () , impermeable to gaseous fluid and to particles , which are integral with the first face of the shaped wires () and/or placed and held between two vertical wires () , and in that the solid fillets () form an angle of inclination a in relation to the horizontal of between 10° and 90°.215. Collector pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the total surface occupied by the solid fillets () is between 1 and 30% of the total surface developed by the pipe claim 1 , preferably between 2 and 20% of the total ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Collector pipe for a radial-bed reactor

Номер: US20160136605A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

This invention relates to a collector pipe ( 8 ) that is permeable to a gaseous fluid and able to retain particles having a dimension that is greater than a minimum dimension, in which the cross-section of said pipe is a convex polygon having at least three sides.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210167364A1

A method of producing a composite product is provided. The method includes providing a fluidized bed of metal oxide particles in a fluidized bed reactor, providing a catalyst or catalyst precursor in the fluidized bed reactor, providing a carbon source in the fluidized bed reactor for growing carbon nanotubes, growing carbon nanotubes in a carbon nanotube growth zone of the fluidized bed reactor, and collecting a composite product comprising metal oxide particles and carbon nanotubes. 1. A system for use in producing a composite product , said system comprising:a fluidized bed reactor comprising an amount of metal oxide particles contained therein, the fluidized bed including an outlet;a catalyst or catalyst precursor source in fluid communication with the fluidized bed reactor to provide a flow of catalyst or catalyst precursor in the fluidized bed reactor; anda carrier gas source in fluid communication with the fluidized bed to carry a composite product comprising metal oxide particles and carbon nanotubes grown in the fluidized bed.2. The system in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a first injector coupled in fluid communication with the catalyst or catalyst precursor source claim 1 , and extending such that the flow of the catalyst or catalyst precursor is discharged into a nanotube growth zone in the fluidized bed reactor.3. The system in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a second injector coupled in fluid communication with the carrier gas source claim 1 , and extending such that the flow of carrier gas discharged therefrom transports the carbon nanotubes grown in the nanotube growth zone toward the outlet.4. The system in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a metal oxide particle source coupled in operable communication with an inlet of the fluidized bed reactor claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide particle source is configured to selectively replenish the metal oxide particles in the fluidized bed reactor.5. The system in ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

New cyclic metal deactivation unit design for fcc catalyst deactivation

Номер: US20190134589A1
Принадлежит: BASF Corp

A cyclic metals deactivation system unit for the production of equilibrium catalyst materials including a cracker vessel configured for cracking and stripping a catalyst material; and a regenerator vessel in fluid communication with the cracker vessel, the regenerator vessel configured for regeneration and steam deactivation of the catalyst material.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282164A1
Автор: KASHYAP Mayank

Systems and methods for producing aromatics are disclosed. A feed stream comprising naphtha is flowed into a reaction unit comprising a fast fluidized bed reactor coupled to and in fluid communication with a riser reactor. The fast fluidized bed reactor is adapted to enable backmixing therein to maximize the production of aromatics. The effluent from the fast fluidized bed reactor is further flowed to the riser reactor. The lift gas, which can comprise nitrogen, methane, flue gas, or combinations thereof, is injected in the reaction unit via a sparger. The effluent of the riser reactor is separated in a product separation unit to produce a product stream comprising light olefins and spent catalyst. The spent catalyst is further stripped by a stripping gas comprising methane, nitrogen, flue gas, or combinations thereof. The stripped spent catalyst is regenerated to produce regenerated catalyst, which is subsequently flowed to the fast fluidized bed reactor. 1. A method of producing an aromatic , the method comprising:contacting, in a fast fluidized bed reactor, naphtha with catalyst particles of a fast-fluidized bed having a superficial gas velocity (SGV) in a range of 1 to 6.5 m/s and under first reaction conditions sufficient to produce a first product comprising one or more aromatics;flowing effluent of the fast fluidized bed reactor to a riser reactor, the effluent of the fast fluidized bed reactor comprising (1) unreacted hydrocarbons of the naphtha, (2) the first product, and (3) the catalyst particles; andcontacting, in the riser reactor, the unreacted hydrocarbons of the naphtha, the first product, and the at least some of the catalyst particles under second reaction conditions sufficient to produce a second product comprising one or more aromatics.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction conditions include a reaction temperature in the fast fluidized bed reactor of 690 to 710° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction conditions ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145102A1

The method described herein provides a method for preparing trisilylamine. In one aspect, the method comprises: providing a reaction mixture of trisilylamine and monochlorosilane into a reactor wherein the reaction mixture is at a temperature and pressure sufficient to provide trisilylamine in a liquid phase wherein the reaction mixture is substantially free of an added solvent; contacting the reaction mixture with ammonia to provide a crude mixture comprising trisilylamine and an ammonium chloride solid wherein monochlorosilane is in stoichiometric excess in relation to ammonia; purifiying the crude mixture to provide trisilylamine wherein the trisilyamine is produced at purity level of 90% or greater; and optionally removing the ammonium chloride solid from the reactor.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Powder stirring device

Номер: US20140234177A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Tanso Co Ltd

A powder stirring device includes a reaction container and a rotation driving device. The reaction container has a cylindrical outer peripheral wall and a pair of end surface walls. The end surface walls are respectively provided at one end and the other end of the outer peripheral wall. The reaction container is arranged in a heat-insulating cover such that an axis of the outer peripheral wall is in parallel with a horizontal direction. The outer peripheral wall has an inner peripheral surface rotationally symmetric with respect to the axis. During the powder process, the powder is stored in the reaction container, and the reaction container is rotated around a rotation axis that passes through the central axis of the outer peripheral wall by the rotation driving device. In this state, a processing gas is supplied into the reaction container. Also, the processing gas in the reaction container is discharged.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160158741A1

A stripping vessel for removing hydrocarbons from a catalyst and a process for removing hydrocarbons from a catalyst. In an FCC unit, the stripping vessel includes first and second stripping sections. The first stripping section includes at least one grid having a plurality of interesting members and openings therebetween. The second stripping section includes structured packing such as a plurality of ribbons. The one or more grids are spaced from the structured packing, and from each other, so as to minimize the accumulation of catalyst within the stripping vessel, preferably between about 0.91 m (3 ft) to about 1.5 m (5 ft). 1. A stripping vessel for removing hydrocarbons from catalyst , the stripping vessel comprising:an inlet configured to receive a stream of spent catalyst particles, at least some of the spent catalyst particles comprise entrained hydrocarbons;a first stripping section, the first stripping section including at least one grid, each grid including at least one opening to allow catalyst to pass there through;a second stripping section, the second stripping section including a structured packing comprised of a plurality of ribbons, the at least one grid in the first stripping section being spaced from the structured packing of the second stripping section; and,an outlet configured to pass catalyst particles from the stripping vessel.2. The stripping vessel of further comprising:at least one inlet for a stripping fluid.3. The stripping vessel of wherein the inlet for stripping fluid is disposed below the second stripping section.4. The stripping vessel of further comprising:an internal riser.5. The stripping vessel of wherein the at least one grid in the first stripping section includes a plurality of openings to allow catalyst there through.6. The stripping vessel of the claim 1 , wherein a spacing between the at least one grid in the first stripping section and the structured packing in the second stripping section is between approximately about 0 ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158516A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

A fluidized-bed reactor for preparing granular polycrystalline silicon has a reactor vessel, a reactor tube and a reactor bottom within the reactor vessel, and an intermediate jacket located between the reactor tube and the reactor vessel, a heating device, at least one bottom gas nozzle for introducing of fluidizing gas and at least one secondary gas nozzle for introducing reaction gas, a silicon seed particle feed, an offtake line for granular polycrystalline silicon and reactor offgas discharge, wherein a main element of the reactor tube comprises at least 60% by weight of silicon carbide with a CVD coating having a layer thickness of at least 5 μm and is at least 99.995% by weight of SiC, or a main element of the reactor tube is a sapphire glass comprising at least 99.99% by weight of α-AlO. 119.-. (canceled)20. A fluidized-bed reactor for preparing granular polycrystalline silicon , comprising:{'sub': 2', '3, 'a reactor vessel, a reactor tube and a reactor bottom within the reactor vessel, an intermediate jacket located between an outer wall of the reactor tube and an inner wall of the reactor vessel, a heating device, at least one bottom gas nozzle for the introduction of fluidizing gas and at least one secondary gas nozzle for the introduction of reaction gas, a silicon seed particle feed, a granular polycrystalline silicon offtake line and a reactor offgas discharge, wherein a main element of the reactor tube is a durable main element comprising sapphire glass comprising at least 99.99% by weight of α-AlO, or comprises at least 60% by weight of silicon carbide and has at least on its inside, a CVD coating which has a layer thickness of at least 5 μm and comprises of at least 99.995% by weight of silicon carbide.'}21. The fluidized-bed reactor of claim 20 , wherein an outside of the reactor tube has a CVD coating which has a layer thickness of at least 5 μm and is at least 99.995% by weight of silicon carbide.222. The fluidized-bed reactor as claimed in claim ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167004A1
Автор: Mehlberg Robert L.

A process and apparatus for heating catalyst is presented. Cooler catalyst is removed from a reactor and heated with a hot gas in a riser, heated in a heating tube or heated in a heating chamber. Heated catalyst is disengaged from the hot gas if necessary and returned to the reactor. The process and apparatus can be used for producing light olefins. The hot gas may be a flue gas from an FCC regenerator or a combustion gas from a heater. 1. A reactor apparatus comprising:a reactor vessel comprising a hydrocarbon feed inlet, a catalyst outlet in the reactor vessel, a product outlet in the reactor vessel and a catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel;a heating chamber in direct communication with the catalyst outlet and a source of gas;a riser in downstream communication with said heating chamber at a first end; andsaid catalyst inlet in downstream communication with a second end of said riser.2. The reactor apparatus of further comprising said reactor vessel above said heating chamber.3. The reactor apparatus of wherein said catalyst outlet conduit directly communicates said catalyst outlet to the heating chamber.4. The reactor apparatus of wherein said source of gas is an FCC regenerator.5. The reactor apparatus of wherein said source of gas is a hydrocarbon source.6. The reactor apparatus of wherein said feed inlet is above the catalyst outlet.7. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a stripping section below said feed inlet.8. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a disengaging section above said feed inlet in said reactor vessel.9. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a conduit for transferring catalyst to said FCC regenerator.10. A reactor apparatus comprising:a reactor vessel comprising a feed inlet, a catalyst outlet in the reactor vessel, a product outlet in the reactor vessel and a catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel;a heating chamber in direct communication with the catalyst outlet and a source of gas, said reactor vessel being disposed above ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167005A1

A process and apparatus for heating catalyst is presented. Cooler catalyst is removed from a reactor and heated with a hot gas in a riser, heated in a heating tube or heated in a heating chamber. Heated catalyst is disengaged from the hot gas if necessary and returned to the reactor. The process and apparatus can be used for producing light olefins. The hot gas may be a flue gas from an FCC regenerator or a combustion gas from a heater. 1. A reactor apparatus comprising:a reactor vessel comprising a feed inlet, a catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel and a catalyst outlet in the reactor vessel;a catalyst outlet conduit in direct communication with the catalyst outlet;a heating tube in downstream communication with said catalyst outlet conduit, said heating tube positioned in a catalyst regenerator; and the catalyst inlet in downstream communication with said heating tube.2. The reactor apparatus of wherein said catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel is above the catalyst outlet.3. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a riser in communication with said heating tube.4. The reactor apparatus of wherein said riser is in direct claim 3 , downstream communication with said catalyst outlet conduit and said heating tube is downstream communication with said riser.5. The reactor apparatus of wherein said heating tube is in direct downstream communication with said catalyst outlet conduit and said riser is in downstream communication with said heating tube.6. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a disengager at a top end of said riser for disengaging hot gas from said catalyst stream.7. The reactor apparatus of wherein said regenerator has two chambers and said heating tube is in said upper chamber or said lower chamber.8. The reactor apparatus of wherein said heating tube is positioned within the wall of the regenerator.9. The reactor apparatus of wherein said heating tube comprises a coil that winds around the interior of the regenerator.10. A reactor apparatus ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167006A1

A process and apparatus for heating catalyst is presented. Cooler catalyst is removed from a reactor and heated with a hot gas in a riser, heated in a heating tube or heated in a heating chamber. Heated catalyst is disengaged from the hot gas if necessary and returned to the reactor. The process and apparatus can be used for producing light olefins. The hot gas may be a flue gas from an FCC regenerator or a combustion gas from a heater. 1. A reactor apparatus comprising:a regenerator for regenerating a first catalyst stream to produce a regenerated first catalyst stream and a first flue gas stream;a reactor vessel comprising a feed inlet, a catalyst outlet in the reactor vessel and a catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel above the catalyst outlet;a hopper in said regenerator in downstream communication with said catalyst outlet, said hopper having a bottom closed to an interior of said regenerator and a top open to said interior of said regenerator;said catalyst inlet to the reactor vessel being in communication with said hopper;an air heater located outside of said regenerator, and said hopper being in downstream communication with said air heater; anda riser in downstream communication with said catalyst outlet and said air heater at a first end, and said hopper being in downstream communication with a second end of said riser.2. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a first outlet for said regenerated first catalyst stream in said regenerator and a second claim 1 , separate outlet for said second catalyst stream in said regenerator.3. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a single flue gas outlet from said regenerator.4. The reactor apparatus of further comprising a side wall of said hopper being closed to an interior of said regenerator.56-. (canceled)7. The reactor apparatus of wherein said regenerator comprises a lower chamber and an upper chamber and said hopper is in said upper chamber.8. The reactor apparatus of wherein said riser is in ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168050A1

A process and apparatus for heating catalyst is presented. Cooler catalyst is removed from a reactor and heated with a hot gas in a riser, heated in a heating tube or heated in a heating chamber. Heated catalyst is disengaged from the hot gas if necessary and returned to the reactor. The process and apparatus can be used for producing light olefins. The hot gas may be a flue gas from an FCC regenerator or a combustion gas from a heater. 1. A process for heating a catalyst bed to promote a reaction comprising:passing a hydrocarbon feed stream to a reactor vessel to react over a catalyst bed in the reactor vessel and produce a product gas;withdrawing said product gas stream from the reactor vessel;withdrawing a catalyst stream from the reactor vessel;passing the catalyst stream from the reactor up a riser;heating the catalyst stream with a hot gas stream in the riser; andpassing the heated catalyst stream to the reactor vessel.2. The process of wherein said product gas stream and said catalyst stream are withdrawn from the reactor vessel separately.3. The process of wherein the catalyst stream is withdrawn from a lower section of the reactor vessel.4. The process of further comprising disengaging a heated catalyst stream from the hot gas stream.5. The process of wherein the hot gas stream is a flue gas stream from an FCC regenerator.6. The process of wherein the flue gas stream is filtered before it heats the catalyst stream.7. The process of further comprising adding one or more of nitrogen claim 5 , steam claim 5 , air claim 5 , fuel oil or paraffins to the flue gas stream.8. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed stream is derived from a product of an FCC reactor in communication with the FCC regenerator.9. The process of wherein the hot gas stream comprises one or more of nitrogen claim 1 , steam claim 1 , air claim 1 , fuel oil claim 1 , paraffins or combustion gas.10. The process of wherein the hot gas stream propels the catalyst stream up the riser.11. The ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161743A1

Provided herein are dual riser fluid catalytic cracking processes for producing light olefins from an oxygenate feed, such as a methanol feed, in a conventional FCC unit. In certain aspects the processes comprise cracking a hydrocarbon feed in a first riser comprising a first catalyst under first riser conditions to form a first effluent enriched in olefins, light gasoil, gasoline, or a combination thereof; cracking a hydrocarbon oxygenate feed in a second riser comprising a second catalyst under second riser conditions to form a second effluent enriched in olefins; recovering the first and second catalyst from the first and second effluents in a common reactor; regenerating the recovered first and second catalyst in a regenerator using heat from the exothermic cracking of the hydrocarbon oxygenate feed; and recirculating the regenerated first and second catalyst to the first and second riser. 1. A dual riser fluid catalytic cracking process , comprising:cracking a hydrocarbon feed in a first riser comprising a first catalyst under first riser conditions to form a first effluent enriched in olefins, light gasoil, gasoline, or a combination thereof;cracking a hydrocarbon oxygenate feed in a second riser comprising a second catalyst under second riser conditions to form a second effluent enriched in olefins;recovering the first and second catalyst from the first and second effluents in a common reactor;regenerating the recovered first and second catalyst in a regenerator using heat from the exothermic cracking of the hydrocarbon oxygenate feed; andrecirculating the regenerated first and second catalyst to the first and second riser.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon oxygenate feed includes methanol.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second riser conditions include a catalyst activity claim 1 , α claim 1 , of about 5 to 130.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the catalyst activity claim 3 , α claim 3 , is about 10.5. The process of claim 1 , ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163148A1
Принадлежит: Thermochem Recovery International, Inc.

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids. 1100. A reactor () for producing carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide , and hydrogen from a solid carbon-containing substance , comprising:(a) a fluidized bed comprising bed material in the form of hollow engineered particles selected from the group consisting of alumina, zirconia, sand, olivine sand, limestone, dolomite and metal catalyst;{'b': '160', '(b) a freeboard () located above a bed level of the fluidized bed;'}{'b': 700', '160', '100', '700, '(c) a cyclone () positioned within the freeboard () of the reactor (), the cyclone () configured to capture and recycle entrained bed material and char particles to the fluidized bed;'}{'b': 160', '160, 'sub': 2', '2, '(d) a plurality of fluid addition stages located in the freeboard (), the plurality of fluid addition stages configured to introduce a mixture of oxygen and superheated steam to the freeboard () to promote conversion of char into CO, CO, and H;'}{'b': 140', '130, '(e) a distributor () configured to accept and distribute a fluidization media () comprising oxygen and superheated steam into the bed material of the fluidized bed;'}{'b': ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Slide Valve Intended for Flow Control in a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit

Номер: US20170165623A1

The invention relates to a slide valve () comprising: 110.-. (canceled)11. A slide valve comprising:a body having a through-duct for the passage of a fluid, the flow rate of which is to be controlled,at least one gate slidably mounted inside the body, crosswise to the duct, and partially or completely closing off the duct, the gate being movable between a position in which the duct is partially or completely closed off and a position in which the duct is open,in which the following are defined as portions subject to erosion:portions of the body that delimit the duct, at least one portion of the at least one gate located across the duct when{'sub': 4', '3', '4', '2', '3, 'the at least one gate partially or completely closes off the duct, characterized in that at least the portions subject to erosion are made of metal covered with a layer of ceramic material or are entirely made of ceramic material and the ceramic material comprises a ceramic matrix selected from the group consisting of silicon carbide SiC, boron carbide BC, silicon nitride SiN, aluminium nitride AlN, boron nitride BN, alumina AlO, and mixtures thereof, wherein carbon fibres or ceramic fibres are incorporated in the ceramic matrix.'}12. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that the ceramic fibres comprise crystalline alumina fibres claim 11 , mullite fibres claim 11 , crystalline or amorphous silicon carbide fibres claim 11 , zirconia fibres claim 11 , silica-alumina fibres claim 11 , or mixtures thereof.13. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that claim 11 , when the portions of the slide valve subject to erosion are made entirely of ceramic material claim 11 , the ceramic material is a sintered ceramic material.14. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that claim 11 , when the portions of the slide valve subject to erosion are made entirely of ceramic material claim 11 , the ceramic material is a Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC).15. The slide ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173549A1

This invention describes a moving-bed catalyst reactor having radial flow of the feedstock called moving-bed radial reactor, consisting of 3 zones called upper hemispheric body (III), lateral zone (II), and lower hemispheric body (I), the three zones being connected together by means of flanges. 1) Moving-bed reactor having a radial flow of the feedstock and having a gravitational flow of the catalyst consisting of 3 units called upper hemispheric body (III) , lateral body (II) , and lower hemispheric body (I) ,{'b': 6', '7', '9, 'the upper hemispheric body (III) being provided with an intake pipe () for the feedstock and with legs () for introducing the catalyst communicating with conical elements () that provide access to{'b': 4', '3', '3', '4, 'the annular zone (IIa) located between the central collector () and the outer screen () over a radial distance of between 100 and 400 mm, said outer screen () being positioned parallel to the lateral wall (II) of the reactor and at a certain distance from the latter, and the central collector () extending approximately along the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the reactor over the entire height of said lateral zone (IIa) and continuing inside{'b': 8', '1', '4, 'claim-text': [{'b': 3', '2', '4', '5, 'the outer screen () being supported by a supporting ring (), which extends over the entire periphery of the lower hemispheric body (I) and which is attached to the latter, and the central collector () being closed at its upper end by a solid plate (),'}, {'b': 3', '4', '1', '2, 'said reactor being characterized in that the upper hemispheric body (III) is connected by flanges B, B to the lateral body (II), and the lateral body being furthermore connected by flanges B, B to the lower hemispheric body (I).'}], 'the lower hemispheric body (I) that carries the drain legs () of the catalyst and the drain pipe () for the reaction effluents, itself connected to the lower end of the central collector (),'}23) Reactor according to claim ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Solids Circulation System and Method For Capture and Conversion of Reactive Solids

Номер: US20150184091A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207039A1

A method and system for increasing olefin production and quality from a hydrocarbon feed comprising a fully integrated multi-stage catalyst regeneration zones with multi-stage reaction zones in series and/or parallel. The multi-stage regeneration with at least one partial and one full burn zone provides an independent control to achieve the lowest possible regenerated catalyst temperature, resulting in highest possible catalyst to oil ratio required to maximize olefins yields through increased catalytic cracking in a multi stage FCC riser/risers. 1. A method for increasing olefin production from a hydrocarbon feed , said method comprises: a) delivering from a multi-stage catalyst regenerator a fully-regenerated catalyst from at least one catalyst full regeneration zone to a primary riser reactor; b) cracking the hydrocarbon feed in the primary riser reactor to produce a first cracked product , and spent catalyst; c) further cracking the first cracked product in a bed cracking reaction zone atop the primary riser reactor to produce a second cracked product including olefins; d) separating the first cracked product and the second cracked product including olefins from the spent catalyst in a reactor vessel comprising the bed cracking reaction zone; e) recovering the first cracked product and second cracked product including olefins; and f) passing the spent catalyst from the reactor vessel to the multi-stage catalyst regenerator comprising the at least one catalyst full regeneration zone and at least one catalyst partial-regeneration zone , wherein the spent catalyst is partially regenerated in the catalyst partial regeneration zone to provide partially-regenerated catalyst and forwarding the partially-regenerated catalyst to the catalyst full regeneration zone to provide fully regenerated catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multi-stage catalyst regenerator comprises two catalyst regenerator vessels that operate in series with one another.3. The method of ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150190773A1

A process for preparing ethylene and/or propylene, wherein oxygenates and olefins are converted to ethylene and/or propylene over a zeolite-comprising catalyst, in two reaction steps. The catalyst is circulated in the reaction system. 1. A process for preparing ethylene and/or propylene , wherein oxygenates and olefins are converted to ethylene and/or propylene over a zeolite-comprising catalyst , comprising the steps of:a) reacting in a first reactor an oxygenate feed over the zeolite-comprising catalyst at a temperature in the range of from 350 to 1000° C. and retrieving from the first reactor a first reactor effluent stream comprising gaseous products, including ethylene and/or propylene, and zeolite-comprising catalyst;b) reacting in a second reactor an olefin feed over the zeolite-comprising catalyst at a temperature in the range of from 500 to 700° C. and retrieving from the second reactor a second reactor effluent stream comprising gaseous products, including ethylene and/or propylene, and zeolite-comprising catalyst;c) providing the first and second reactor effluent stream to one or more gas/solid separators to retrieve zeolite-comprising catalyst from the first and second reactor effluent;d) providing part of the zeolite-comprising catalyst retrieved in step (c) to the first reactor;e) regenerating another part of the zeolite-comprising catalyst retrieved in step (c) by contacting the zeolite-comprising catalyst with oxygen at elevated temperatures to provide a hot regenerated zeolite-comprising catalyst; andf) providing part of the hot regenerated zeolite-comprising catalyst to the first reactor and another part of the hot regenerated zeolite-comprising catalyst to the second reactor.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of the first and second effluent are provided to the same gas/solid separator.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the first reactor and/or the second reactor is a riser reactor.4. A process according to claim 1 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213408A1
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC

A system for processing a hydrocarbon feed has a final stage reactor and internal separator with cyclone that forms a substantially gas stream and a substantially non-gas stream. The substantially gas stream is sent directly from the final stage reactor and separator to further downstream processing. 1. A system for processing a hydrocarbon feed , comprising:a plurality of serially aligned reactors, the plurality of reactors including a final stage reactor, the final stage reactor including:a vessel,an inlet formed in the vessel for receiving the hydrocarbon feed,a reactor section formed in the vessel, the reactor section receiving the hydrocarbon feed via the inlet; and a nozzle separating the reactor section from the separator section, the nozzle having an opening directing the hydrocarbon feed, hydrogen, and reaction products from the reactor section to the separator section,', 'a first outlet formed in the vessel from which the substantially non-gas stream exits the vessel;', 'at least one cyclone separator positioned inside the separator section and configured to produce the substantially gas stream; and', 'a second outlet from which the substantially gas stream exits the vessel., 'a separator section formed in the vessel, the separator section configured to form a substantially gas stream and a substantially non-gas stream, the separator section including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of serially aligned reactors further includes a first stage reactor claim 1 , wherein the first stage reactor is the first reactor through which the hydrocarbon feed is reacted and the final stage reactor is the last reactor through which the hydrocarbon feed is reacted claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed is reacted with at least a first additive in the first stage reactor and reacted with at least a second additive in the final stage reactor.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first additive is selected from one of: activated carbon claim 2 , iron claim 2 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213409A1

Zero emission nested-loop (ZEN) reforming provides a scalable, eco-friendly process to produce high quality hydrogen at a relatively low operating cost. In one embodiment, a ZEN system comprises a reactor, a regenerator, and a photocatalytic reformer. During operation, the reactor receives a gas mixture and outputs hydrogen and catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide. The gas mixture is methane, steam, or hydrogen. Next, the regenerator receives the catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide and outputs carbon dioxide and desorbed catalyst. Next, the photocatalytic reformer receives carbon dioxide output by the regenerator and outputs methane and oxygen. The reactor receives at least some of the methane output by the photocatalytic reformer. By recycling methane in this way, the need for additional methane to fuel the system is reduced. The ZEN reforming system provides a novel technique to convert greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide into oxygen and reusable methane gas. 1. A system comprising:a reactor comprising an inlet and an outlet;a regenerator having an inlet, a first outlet and a second outlet; anda photocatalytic reformer having at least one inlet and at least one outlet.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reactor is configured to receive a gas mixture via the inlet claim 1 , and wherein the reactor is configured to output hydrogen and catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide via the outlet.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the gas mixture is selected from a group consisting of:methane, steam, and hydrogen.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the regenerator is configured to receive the catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide via the inlet claim 1 , wherein the regenerator is configured to output carbon dioxide via the first outlet and wherein the regenerator is configured to output desorbed catalyst via the second outlet.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalytic reformer is configured to receive carbon dioxide output by the regenerator via the at ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179891A1

Disclosed are a fast fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene, with the reactor, device and method being capable of solving or improving the problem of competition between an alkylation reaction and an MTO reaction during the process of producing the para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from toluene and methanol, thus achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, the competition between the alkylation reaction and the MTO reaction is coordinated and optimized to achieve a synergistic effect, thereby increasing the conversion rate of toluene, the yield of para-xylene and the selectivity of the light olefins. The fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors, the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in a reaction zone of the fast fluidized bed reactor. 1. A fast fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the fast fluidized bed reactor.2. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 1 , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 1 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase zone or outside a reactor shell claim 1 , and the second reactor gas-solid separator is placed in the dilute phase zone or outside the reactor shell;the first ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207019A1

The invention relates to energy mechanical engineering and can be used in power installations involving a liquid-metal heat carrier. A mass transfer apparatus including a housing and, provided therein, a flow reaction chamber filled with a solid-phase granulated oxidation agent, and an electric heater positioned in the reaction chamber. The housing of the apparatus is equipped with a repository for reserves of the solid-state granulated oxidation agent, said repository being located below the reaction chamber and being made in the form of a cup having a bottom, said cup being connected to the re-action chamber. The technical result consists in extending the operational duration of the mass transfer apparatus. 119.-. (canceled)20. A mass transfer apparatus , comprising:a housing and, provided therein, a flow reaction chamber filled with an oxidation agent, provided with an adjustable heating system, and systems for inlet and outlet of oxidizable material, wherein the housing is equipped with a repository for reserves of the oxidation agent.21. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein an electric heater is used as an adjustable heating system.22. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 21 , wherein a high resistance wire made of nichrome or fechral is used as a heating element.23. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the repository for reserves of the oxidation agent includes a bottom and a side wall claim 20 , formed by a lower part of the housing.24. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 23 , wherein openings are made in an upper part of the side wall of the repository for reserves of the oxidation agent claim 23 , adjacent to the flow reaction chamber.25. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 23 , wherein openings are made in a lower part of the side wall of the repository for reserves of the oxidation agent.26. The mass transfer apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the repository for reserves ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194088A1

In a process for upgrading paraffins and olefins, a first feed comprising Colefins is contacted with an oligomerization catalyst in a first reaction zone under conditions effective for oligomerization of olefins to higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. Deactivated catalyst is removed from the first reaction zone at a first temperature and is contacted with an oxygen-containing gas and a hydrocarbon-containing fuel in a regeneration zone to regenerate the catalyst and raise the temperature of the catalyst to a second, higher temperature. A second feed comprising Cparaffins is contacted with the regenerated catalyst in a second reaction zone to convert at least some of the paraffins in the second feed to a reaction effluent comprising olefins, aromatic hydrocarbons and regenerated catalyst; and the reaction effluent is supplied to the first reaction zone. A system for performing such a process and a product of such a process are also provided. 1. A process for upgrading paraffins and olefins , the process comprising:{'sub': '14−', '(i) contacting a first feed comprising C olefins with an oligomerization catalyst in a first reaction zone under conditions effective for oligomerization of olefins to higher molecular weight hydrocarbons;'}(ii) removing deactivated catalyst from the first reaction zone at a first temperature;(iii) contacting the deactivated catalyst with an oxygen-containing gas and with a hydrocarbon-containing fuel in a regeneration zone to regenerate the catalyst and raise the temperature of the catalyst to a second, higher temperature;{'sub': '14−', '(iv) contacting a second feed comprising C paraffins with the regenerated catalyst in a second reaction zone to convert at least some of the paraffins in the second feed to a reaction effluent comprising olefins, aromatic hydrocarbons and regenerated catalyst; and'}(v) supplying the reaction effluent to the first reaction zone.2. The process of wherein the first reaction zone comprises a fluidized catalyst ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217252A1

A fluidized bed reactor includes a gas distributor, a tapered section above the gas distributor, and an expanded head above the tapered section. The gas distributor defines a plurality of inlets surrounding a product withdrawal tube, which extends away from the fluidized bed reactor. The fluidized bed reactor is useful in a process for fluidizing relatively large particles, such as Geldart Group B particles and/or Geldart Group D particles, where said particles are in a bubbling fluidized bed residing, in whole or in part, in the tapered section. The fluidized bed reactor and process may be used for manufacturing polycrystalline silicon. 1. A process for preparing polycrystalline silicon in a fluidized bed reactor , where the process comprises:feeding gases comprising hydrogen and a silicon bearing source gas comprising a silicon monomer into a bubbling fluidized bed containing silicon particles, where at least a portion of the bubbling fluidized bed resides in a tapered section of the fluidized bed reactor, where the tapered section expands upward and outward at a cone angle from vertical;feeding silicon particles into the fluidized bed reactor above the tapered section;heating the fluidized bed reactor, thereby causing thermal decomposition of the silicon monomer to produce polycrystalline silicon on surfaces of the silicon particles, thereby producing larger diameter particles; andremoving the larger diameter particles from the fluidized bed reactor.2. The process of claim 1 , where the cone angle ranges from 2.5° to 10.0°.3. The process of claim 1 , where the silicon bearing source gas comprises HSiCland optionally SiCl claim 1 , or where the silicon bearing source gas comprises HSiBrand optionally SiBr claim 1 , or where the silicon bearing source gas comprises SiH.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The process of claim 1 , where a product withdrawal tube is mounted to the gas distributor, where all, or a portion, of the hydrogen is fed into the fluidized bed reactor ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218295A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

Reactor assembly for the production of polymers including a fluidized bed reactor and method for operating the reactor assembly. 114-. (canceled)1516. A method for polymerizing olefins in a fluidized bed reactor () , wherein the fluidized bed is formed by polymer particles in an upwards rising fluidization gas said upwards rising fluidization gas has a superficial velocity in the middle zone () of from 0.05 to 0.8 m/s , said method comprising the steps of:{'b': 34', '9', '1', '1, '(i) withdrawing a fluidization gas stream () via outlet () from said fluidized bed reactor () at a height of more than 90% of the total height of said fluidized bed reactor ();'}{'b': 34', '42', '36, '(ii) separating polymer particles from said fluidization gas stream () to produce an overhead stream () and a solid recycling stream ();'}{'b': 36', '40, '(iii) branching off from said solid recycling stream () a stream to downstream process stages ();'}{'b': '40', '(iv) directing said stream to downstream process stages () to downstream process stages; and'}{'b': 36', '1, 'claim-text': [{'b': 1', '5', '6', '7', '5', '7', '1', '5', '7, 'wherein said fluidized bed reactor () comprises a bottom zone (), a middle zone () and an upper zone (), the equivalent cross-sectional diameter of the bottom zone () being monotonically increasing with respect to the flow direction of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor and the equivalent cross-sectional diameter of the upper zone () being monotonically decreasing with respect to the flow direction of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor (); and wherein there is an unobstructed passageway in the direction of flow of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor from the bottom zone () to the upper zone (); and'}, {'b': 1', '14', '40, 'the reactor further comprises an outlet for the polymer whereby the polymer stream withdrawn from the fluidized bed reactor () via outlet of the polymer () and the solid recycling ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170209843A1

The invention relates to a fluidized bed reactor, comprising a reaction chamber and a centrifugal separator having a common wall with the reaction chamber. 1. A fluidized bed reactor , comprising the following features:a) a reactor chamber (R) with at least one outlet port upper part,{'b': 12', '20, 'b) the outlet port () is designed as a tunnel (), allowing a mixture of gas and solid particles, exhausted from the reaction chamber (R), enter an associated centrifugal separator (S),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'c) the centrifugal separator (S) is of cylindrical shape and features an outer paneling (P), a first exit (E) for the purified gas at its top end and a second exit (E) for the a solid particles at its bottom end,'}{'b': 20', '22', '24', '26', '28, 'd) the tunnel () comprises a vertically extending outer side wall (), a vertically extending inner side wall (), a horizontally extending bottom wall () and a horizontally extending ceiling wall (),'}{'b': 22', '20', '30, 'e) the outer side wall () of the tunnel () extends continuously into an entrance section () of the outer paneling (P) of the separator (S),'}{'b': 30', '32', '20, 'f) said entrance section () extends continuously into a first curved section () of the outer paneling (P), which first curved section being arranged at least in an axial projection (arrow AP) of the tunnel (),'}{'b': 32', '34', '36', '38', '40', '24', '20, 'g) said first curved section () is followed by one or more further sections (, , , ) of the paneling (P), which end up at the inner side wall () of the tunnel (), wherein'}{'b': '40', 'h) at least one further section () forms a common wall with reactor chamber (R).'}234363840. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the further sections ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the outer paneling (P) are planar.340. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the common wall () is a planar wall.432. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197891A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method for processing a chemical stream includes contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in an upstream reactor section of a reactor having the upstream reactor section and a downstream reactor section, passing an intermediate product stream to the downstream reactor section, and introducing a riser quench fluid into the downstream reactor section, upstream reactor section, or transition section and into contact with the intermediate product stream and the catalyst to slow or stop the reaction. The method includes separating at least a portion of the catalyst from the product stream, passing the product stream to a product processing section, cooling the product stream, and separating a portion of the riser quench fluid from the product stream. The riser quench fluid separated from the product stream may be recycled back to the downstream reactor section, upstream reactor section, or transition section as the riser quench fluid. 1. A method for processing a chemical stream , the method comprising:contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in an upstream reactor section of a reactor system, wherein the reactor system comprises the upstream reactor section and a downstream reactor section, and the contacting of the feed stream with the catalyst causes a reaction which forms an intermediate product stream;passing at least a portion of the intermediate product stream and the catalyst from the upstream reactor section to the downstream reactor section;introducing a riser quench fluid into the downstream reactor section, the upstream reactor section, or a transition section between the downstream reactor section and the upstream reactor section and into contact with the at least a portion of the intermediate product stream and the catalyst in the downstream reactor section, the upstream reactor section, or the transition section to slow or stop the reaction of the intermediate product stream with the catalyst to form a product stream, the riser quench fluid having a ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190201947A1
Принадлежит: WorleyParsons Services Pty Ltd

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for removing catalyst, absorbents and other materials from a reactor, guard bed, or other refinery or petrochemical vessel via a robotic or remotely operated device. A vacuum hose is connected to the device for removing the material from the vessel for ex-situ regeneration or disposal. The device moves around on the surface of the catalyst using motorized screws that grip to the catalyst material. The device is powered by hydraulic, pneumatic or electric motors attached to the frame of the device with supply and return hoses extending in and out of the vessel in line with the vacuum hose. 1. A device for removing solids , such as adsorbents or catalyst , from a vessel , the device comprising: a first end member and a second end member;', 'one or more frame members connecting the first end member to the second end member;, 'a frame structure comprisinga first motor and a second motor, each connected to one of the first end member and the second end member;a first rotatable screw connected at a first end to the frame structure via an end bearing and operably connected at a second end to the first motor;a second rotatable screw connected at a first end to the frame structure via an end bearing and operably connected at a second end to the second motor;a vacuum head connected to the frame structure on or proximate the first end member, the vacuum head having a suction end and a discharge end connectable to a vacuum hose.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first end member and second end member are plates.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more frame members is expandable and contractible to selectively vary a distance between the first end plate and the second end plate.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first rotatable screw and the second rotatable screw are configured to rotate in opposite directions when both are providing forward propulsion.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216012A1
Принадлежит: Technip Process Technology, Inc.

The present disclosure is directed to an apparatus and a compact riser separation system for separating a gaseous mixture from a stream of particles entering from a central riser reactor used for cracking a hydrocarbon feed with the stream of particles. The apparatus provides improved gas solid separation efficiency and maximize containment of the hydrocarbon and minimize residence time in the separation system and thereby minimizing undesired post riser cracking reactions. 1. An apparatus for separating a gaseous mixture from a stream of particles entering from a central riser reactor used for cracking a hydrocarbon feed with said stream of particles , said apparatus comprises:a reaction vessel comprising a lower stripping bed area and an upper secondary separator area, a central riser reactor including a central riser reactor inlet at one end for receiving the hydrocarbon feed and stream of particles and at least one central riser reactor outlet at an opposite end for evacuating a mixture of cracked gases and solid particles;a separation vessel comprising in an alternating manner at least one separation chamber and at least one collection chamber distributed axially about the central riser reactor and proximate to the central riser reactor outlet for separating the cracked gases and solid particles;each separation chamber comprises two substantially vertical lateral walls which also comprise a wall of the adjacent collection chamber, a separation chamber inlet in an upper area of the separation chamber communicating with the central riser reactor outlet for receiving the cracked gases and solid particles, a separation chamber deflector over which the cracked gases and particles pass, the separation chamber deflector being proximate to the separation chamber inlet, and at least one of the vertical lateral walls of each chamber comprises a lateral outlet below the separation chamber deflector enabling the cracked gases and a minor portion of the solid particles from ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190209991A1

An internal loop airlift reactor (ILAR) for process intensification integrating reaction and separation includes a riser, a downcomer, a hydrocyclone, internals preventing occurrence of dead zone, a gas guide cone, vent holes, and a gas-liquid integrated distributor. The hydrocyclone is arranged at the bottom of the ILAR downcomer; the gas guide cone and the vent holes in the downcomer prevent the gas from entering the hydrocyclone; after the slurry enters the hydrocyclone, the solid-containing slurry enters the riser again from the hydrocyclone underflow, and the solid-free clean product flows out through the hydrocyclone overflow. The ILAR in the present invention has a simple structure and low cost and requires no special liquid-solid separation device. It can achieve gas-liquid-solid three-phase reaction, interphase mass transfer, and solid-liquid separation simultaneously, and is suitable for a gas-liquid-solid three-phase reaction in which the catalyst is solid particles. 1. An internal loop airlift reactor for process intensification integrating reaction and separation , comprising a riser , a downcomer , a solid feed inlet , a hydrocyclone inlet , internals preventing the occurrence of dead zone , a liquid inlet , a gas inlet , a gas outlet , a draft tube , a gas guide cone , vent holes , an overflow pipe , a hydrocyclone , an underflow pipe , a gas-liquid integrated distributor and a liquid outlet , wherein the riser and the downcomer are separated by the draft tube; the solid feed inlet is disposed on a side wall of the reactor; the liquid inlet and the gas inlet are disposed at the bottom of the reactor; the gas outlet is disposed at the top of the reactor; a liquid outlet connects the hydrocyclone and the overflow pipe and introduces the clear liquid to the outside of the reactor; the hydrocyclone is arranged at the lower part of the downcomer; the space between a upper surface of a cylindrical segment of the hydrocyclone and a wall of the downcomer is ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210042A1
Автор: Kompala Dhinakar S.

The present disclosure relates to settling devices for separating particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields. The particle settling devices of the present disclosure may include a stack of truncoconical cones that may be arranged in opposite orientation, apex to base. Other embodiments include several concentric vertical tubes attached to conical surfaces at the bottom, with inclined settling strips attached to the vertical tubes in annular regions between the tubes. These devices are useful for separating small (millimeter or micron sized) particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields, such as biological (microbial, mammalian, plant, insect or algal) cell cultures, solid catalyst particle separation from a liquid or gas and waste water treatment. 1. A particle settling device comprising: a first conical portion;', 'a second conical portion;', 'a cylindrical portion located between the first and second conical portions;', 'at least one inlet for introducing liquids into the cyclone housing;', 'a first outlet port in the first conical portion for harvesting a clarified liquid;', 'a second outlet port in the second conical portion for harvesting a concentrated liquid; and', 'a first stack of cones located within the cyclone housing and occupying the first conical portion and at least part of the cylindrical portion, each cone of the first stack of cones including a truncated apex oriented towards the first outlet port and an open base oriented towards the second outlet port, the first stack of cones generally centered around a substantially central opening formed by the truncated apex in each cone of the first stack of cones., 'a cyclone housing including2. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one cone in the first stack of cones is composed of a metal or a plastic.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one cone in the first stack of cones is composed at least partially of stainless steel.4. The device of claim 1 , ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing High Purity Particulate Graphite

Номер: US20190210882A1

A reactor vessel is provided having a solids feed opening for particulate graphite and a product outlet for purified particulate graphite. The vessel has an interior volume for containing the graphite particles, with a plurality of gas feed openings at the bottom of the interior volume, near the centre-line, for feeding of chlorine-containing gas, wherein the chlorine-containing gas passes through the particulate graphite, fluidizing the particulate graphite. Electrodes are provided which function to heat the particulate graphite, as it is carried upwards under the fluidizing effect of the centrally injected chlorine-containing gas. When the heated graphite particles react with the chlorine gas, purified particulate graphite is formed and may be extracted through the product outlet. 1. A reactor for the purification of fluidizable particulate graphite comprising:a reaction vessel comprising an interior volume for containing the particulate graphite, a solids feed inlet to feed particulate graphite into the interior volume of the vessel, a product outlet for withdrawal of purified particulate graphite from the vessel, a plurality of gas feed openings formed in the bottom of the reaction vessel for feeding chlorine-containing fluidizing gas into the interior volume of the vessel to fluidize the particulate graphite and an off-gas outlet for withdrawal of process off-gases from the vessel; andat least two electrodes that extend into the interior volume of the vessel so as to be submerged in fluidized particulate graphite in the vessel, said electrodes being adapted to heat the particulate graphite.2. The reactor of claim 1 , wherein the electrodes are vertically oriented.3. The reactor of claim 1 , wherein the bottom of the vessel comprises downwardly slanted edges and the plurality of gas feed openings are formed in the slanted edges near the centre of the vessel bottom.4. The reactor of claim 1 , wherein the electrodes comprise high purity graphite.5. The reactor of ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Centrifugal Aluminum Chloride Generator

Номер: US20190210888A1
Автор: Flynn Harry E.

A metal chloride generator is provided. The metal chloride generator is a metal chloride centrifugal reactor that can be operated under conditions sufficient to cause metal particles and chlorine in the generator to be brought into contact with one another and react using centrifugal force to form metal chloride. A process for manufacturing titanium dioxide that utilizes the metal chloride generator is also provided. 1. A metal chloride generator , comprising:a reactor housing, said reactor housing including an inside surface, an outside surface, a top portion, a bottom portion, a sidewall connecting said top portion and said bottom portion together, and an interior;a cylindrical reaction chamber positioned within said interior of said reactor housing, said reaction chamber including an inside surface, an outside surface, a top, a bottom, a cylindrical side wall connecting said top and said bottom together and an interior, said interior of said reaction chamber having a top half and a bottom half;a reactant inlet conduit extending through said sidewall of said reactor housing and said sidewall of said reaction chamber and including an inside surface, an outside surface and an interior, said reactant inlet conduit also including a first opening for receiving at least one reaction component from a location outside of said reactor housing and a second opening for discharging said reaction component into said reaction chamber, said second opening of said reactant inlet conduit being flush with said inside surface of said cylindrical sidewall of said reaction chamber and opening into said interior of said reaction chamber; anda reaction product outlet conduit extending through said top of said reaction chamber and said top of said reactor housing and including an inside surface, an outside surface and an interior, said reaction product outlet conduit also including a first opening for receiving at least one reaction product from said interior of said reaction chamber and ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Multiple Reactor and Multiple Zone Polyolefin Polymerization

Номер: US20200207882A1

Apparatuses and processes that produce multimodal polyolefins, and in particular, polyethylene resins, are disclosed herein. This is accomplished by using two reactors in series, where one of the reactors is a multi-zone circulating reactor that can circulate polyolefin particles through two polymerization zones optionally having two different flow regimes so that the final multimodal polyolefin has improved product properties and improved product homogeneity. 120.-. (canceled)21. An apparatus for producing a multimodal polyolefin , comprising:a first reactor configured to produce a first polyolefin; a riser configured to produce the second polyolefin;', 'an upper conduit having an end fluidly connected to a top portion of the riser;', 'a separator fluidly connected to an opposite end of the upper conduit;', 'a downcomer configured to produce the third polyolefin, wherein a top portion of the downcomer is fluidly connected to the separator, optionally via a liquid barrier in the top portion of the downcomer; and', 'a lower conduit having an end fluidly connected to a bottom portion of the downcomer and an opposite end fluidly connected to a bottom portion of the riser,, 'a second reactor configured to produce a second polyolefin and a third polyolefin, where the second reactor comprises the second reactor is configured to receive the first polyolefin from the first reactor, or,', 'the first reactor is configured to receive the second polyolefin and the third polyolefin from the second reactor., 'wherein22. The apparatus of claim 21 , further comprising:a heat apparatus configured to add or remove heat from the downcomer.23. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the second reactor further comprises:a first elbow connector connected to the bottom portion of the riser and to the opposite end of the lower conduit;a second elbow connector connected to the top portion of the riser and to the end of the upper conduit; anda third elbow connector connected to the bottom ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Multiple Reactor and Multiple Zone Polyolefin Polymerization

Номер: US20200207883A1

Apparatuses and processes that produce multimodal polyolefins, and in particular, polyethylene resins, are disclosed herein. This is accomplished by using two reactors in series, where one of the reactors is a multi-zone circulating reactor that can circulate polyolefin particles through two polymerization zones optionally having two different flow regimes so that the final multimodal polyolefin has improved product properties and improved product homogeneity.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200207884A1

Apparatuses and processes that produce multimodal polyolefins, and in particular, polyethylene resins, are disclosed herein. This is accomplished by using two reactors in series, where one of the reactors is a multi-zone circulating reactor that can circulate polyolefin particles through two polymerization zones optionally having two different flow regimes so that the final multimodal polyolefin has improved product properties and improved product homogeneity. 15-. (canceled)6. A trimodal polyethlene resin having a low molecular weight (LMW) component , an intermediate molecular weight (IMW) component , and a high molecular weight (HMW) component; wherein the LMW component is present in an amount of from about 20 wt. % to about 75 wt. %; wherein the IMW component is present in an amount of from about 5 wt. % to about 40 wt. %; wherein the LMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 20 kg/mol to about 150 kg/mol; wherein the IMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 85 kg/mol to about 350 kg/mol; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the IMW component is greater than the weight average molecular weight of the LMW component; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the HMW component is greater than the weight average e molecular weight of the IMW component; and wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a strain hardening modulus of from about 50 MPa to about 90 MPa , when tested in accordance with ISO 18488-2015(E) ,wherein (A1) the HMW component is present in an amount of from about 10 wt. % to about 60 wt. %; (A2) the HMW component has weight average molecular weight of great than about 350 kg/mol; or (A3) both the HMW component is present in an amount of from about 10 wt. % to about 60 wt. %, and the HMW component has weight average molecular weight of greater than about 350 kg/mol;wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin is characterized by (B1) a short chain branching content in the LMW component of ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200207885A1

Apparatuses and processes that produce multimodal polyolefins, and in particular, polyethylene resins, are disclosed herein. This is accomplished by using two reactors in series, where one of the reactors is a multi-zone circulating reactor that can circulate polyolefin particles through two polymerization zones optionally having two different flow regimes so that the final multimodal polyolefin has improved product properties and improved product homogeneity. 18-. (canceled)9. A trimodal polyethylene resin having a low molecular weight (LMW) component , an intermediate molecular weight (IMW) component , and a high molecular weight (HMW) component; wherein the LMW component is present in an amount of from about 20 wt. % to about 75 wt. %; wherein the LMW component is present in an amount of from about 5 wt. % to about 40 wt. %; wherein the LMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 20 kg/mol to about 150 kg/mol; wherein the IMW component has a weight average molecular weight of from about 85 kg/mmol to about 350 kg/mol; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the IMW component is greater than the weight average molecular weight of the LMW component; wherein the weight average molecular weight of the HMW component is greater than the weight average molecular weight of the IMW component; and wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin has a tensile strength in the machine direction (MD) of greater than about 13 ,000 psi (89.6 MPa) , when tested in accordance with ASTM D638 at 90 MPa;wherein (A1) the HMW component is present in an amount of from about 10 wt. % to about 60 wt. %; (A2) the HMW component has weight average molecular weight of greater than about 350 kg/mol; or (A3) both the HMW component is present in an amount of from about 10 wt. % to about 60 wt. %, and the HMW component has weight average molecular weight of greater than about 350 kg/mol;wherein the trimodal polyethylene resin is characterized by (B1) a short chain branching ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246379A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 143.-. (canceled)44. (canceled)45. (canceled)46. (canceled)47. (canceled)48. (canceled)49. (canceled)50. (canceled)51. (canceled)52. (canceled)53. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons , comprising:regenerating a catalyst mixture comprising a first catalyst and a second particle in a regenerator, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and/or is less dense than the second particle, and wherein the second particle may be catalytic or non-catalytic;feeding the catalyst mixture and hydrocarbons to a riser reactor to convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbons and recover a first effluent comprising the catalyst mixture and converted hydrocarbons;feeding the catalyst mixture to a second reactor;feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock to the second reactor and fluidizing the catalyst mixture;recovering an overhead product from the second reactor comprising the second particle, the first catalyst, and a reacted hydrocarbon product;separating the second particle from the overhead product to provide a first stream comprising the first ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Fluidized bed reactor and method for producing granular polysilicon

Номер: US20160236940A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Granular polysilicon is produced in a fluidized-bed reactor by fluidizing silicon particles by means of a gas flow in a fluidized bed heated to a temperature of 850-1100° C., adding a silicon-containing reaction gas by means of a nozzle and depositing of silicon on the silicon particles, wherein, in at least 56% of an axially symmetric region around a nozzle opening of the nozzle, the reaction gas concentration is greater than 75% of the maximum concentration of the reaction gas (10 to 50 mol %), the fluidized-bed temperature is greater than 95% of the fluidized-bed temperature outside the axially symmetric region (850-1100° C.) and the solids concentration is greater than 85% of the solids concentration at the edge of the fluidized bed (55 to 90% by volume).

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229202A1

Device for injecting fluids into the free area of a rotating fluidized bed revolving in a fixed cyclone chamber, and method using this device, comprising a device for tangentially injecting secondary fluids, enabling rotating rings of fluids to be formed in said free area along the side walls of said cyclone chamber, in order to separate from said side walls fluid flows exiting along said side walls and accelerate their rotation velocity, and thus to improve the retention of the solid particles entrained by said exiting fluid flows 14355772737. A device for injecting secondary fluids into the free area of a rotating fluidized bed in a fixed cyclone chamber , comprising a peripheral wall () surrounded by two side walls () and (); a device for supplying fluid () through openings () distributed along said peripheral wall , in a mainly tangential direction (); a device for supplying and discharging solid particles; and at least one central tube () for discharging the fluids revolving in said cyclone chamber , characterized in that it comprises:{'b': 17', '17', '1', '15', '15', '1', '3', '5', '18', '18', '1', '19', '19', '1', '3', '5, 'a device for supplying secondary fluids () and (.) through central supply chambers () and (.) located along each of said side walls () and (), having injection openings () and (.) distributed around the axis of cylindrical symmetry, enabling said secondary fluids to be injected in a mainly tangential direction () and (.), in order to form two rotating rings of secondary fluids revolving around said axis of cylindrical symmetry, along said side walls () and (), within said free area, and in that said devices for supplying said secondary fluids enable said secondary fluids to be supplied at a sufficient pressure to make said rotating rings of secondary fluids revolve at a velocity which is greater than the highest rotation velocity of said fluids revolving in cyclone chamber when the latter is in operation without the device for injecting ...
