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15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751665C2

FIELD: crushing. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to grinding apparatuses. Proposed is an impact grinder for grinding composite materials, containing a cylindrical casing wherein a rotor provided with impact elements is located. The impact grinder is closed by a cover on the end side facing away from the rotor, wherein a suction hole whereto a sorting apparatus is connected to the cover. The sorting apparatus is made in form of a deflection wheel comprising two rotor disks located at a distance from each other with rotor blades located between said disks. EFFECT: technical result is improved technology of grinding composite materials. 10 cl, 16 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 751 665 C2 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019107483, 23.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ШЕФЕР ЭЛЕКТРОТЕХНИК У. ЗОНДЕРМАШИНЕН ГМБХ (DE) Дата регистрации: 15.07.2021 24.08.2016 DE 10 2016 115 714.7 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.09.2020 Бюл. № 27 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 1997018071 A1, 22.05.1997. DE 202012007423 U1, 08.11.2012. RU 120893 U1, 10.10.2012. RU 14015 U1, 27.06.2000. RU 103750 U1, 27.04.2011. (45) Опубликовано: 15.07.2021 Бюл. № 20 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 25.03.2019 2 7 5 1 6 6 5 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 23.08.2017 (72) Автор(ы): ШЕФЕР Ральф (DE) EP 2017/071253 (23.08.2017) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 7 5 1 6 6 5 WO 2018/037053 (01.03.2018) Адрес для переписки: 191002, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 5, ООО "Ляпунов и партнеры" (54) ДРОБИЛКА УДАРНОГО ДЕЙСТВИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения. Предложена дробилка ударного действия для измельчения композитных материалов, содержащая цилиндрический кожух, в котором расположен ротор, имеющий ударные ...

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Вихревая мельница

Номер: RU2616807C1

Изобретение предназначено для измельчения различных материалов в строительной, химической, горной и других отраслях промышленности. Вихревая мельница содержит ротор (3), статор (2) и мелющие элементы (14). На обращенных друг к другу поверхностях ротора и/или статора образованы выемки (29). Ротор собран из колец (8, 9) с проставками между кольцами (10, 11). Обеспечивается эффективный помол за счет создания необходимого вихреобразования кольцами с проставками. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

15-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019107483A3

19-10-2022 дата публикации

Измельчитель сельскохозяйственного сырья

Номер: RU214272U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к устройствам для измельчения сельскохозяйственного сырья. Задачей, которую решает полезная модель, является повышение дисперсности измельчения получаемого продукта. Указанная задача решается за счет того, что измельчитель сельскохозяйственного сырья, содержащий загрузочный бункер, стационарную и откидную камеры, установленные внутри камер неподвижный и подвижный измельчающие барабаны с пальцами-билами, приводной вал, а также разгрузочную воронку с приемным баком, размещенную в нижней части откидной камеры, дополнительно имеет пальцы-билы многогранной формы сечения, закрепленные на неподвижном барабане посредством винтового соединения, а приводной вал соединен шпоночным соединением с полым валом для регулировки расстояния между подвижным и неподвижным измельчающими барабанами, при помощи стопорного болта и регулировочной гайки. 3 ил.

18-04-2023 дата публикации

Мельница с замкнутым контуром

Номер: RU217782U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному, строительному и оборудованию для производства материалов, применяемых в промышленности строительных материалов, в горном деле, химической и металлургической промышленности, и может найти применение при обогащении и переработке минерального сырья. Предложена мельница динамического с замкнутым контуром, включающая электродвигатель, цилиндрический корпус, в котором расположен вал, чашеобразный ротор с радиальными ребрами и выполненными в его боковой поверхности выпускными отверстиями, загрузочный патрубок, крышку, воронку, разгрузочный лоток, шестерни, подшипники, отличающаяся тем, что верхний вал своей внутренней поверхностью сопряжен с наружной поверхностью нижнего вала и соединен с ним жестко с помощью штифта через отверстие, выполненное со смещением 1-3 градуса в этих валах, а между чашеобразным ротором, разделенным с помощью ребер на шесть равных сегментов, и нижним валом размещена предохранительная муфта. Техническим результатом ...

15-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687583C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов. Дезинтегратор содержит цилиндрический корпус (1) с осевым (2) загрузочным и тангенциальным (3) разгрузочным устройствами. В цилиндрическом (1) корпусе размещены с возможностью встречного вращения вертикальные диски (4,5) с жестко закрепленными на них рядами ударных элементов, соответственно (6,7), каждый из которых расположен между рядами ударных элементов противолежащего диска. Осевое загрузочное устройство (2) выполнено в виде двух полых горизонтальных шнековых валов, жестко соединенных с дисками. Между внутренней вертикальной поверхностью цилиндрического корпуса (1) и дисками (4,5) образованы дополнительные рабочие объемы (8). Каждый из дополнительных рабочих объемов (8) ограничен радиальными ребрами (9,10), жестко закрепленными на внешней поверхности дисков (4,5) и на внутренней вертикальной поверхности цилиндрического корпуса (1), соответственно ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688409C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано в различных отраслях промышленности. Дезинтегратор содержит корпус (1) с установленными внутри него роторами (2, 3) и горизонтальными дисками (8, 10) и загрузочное устройство (4). На одной оси с загрузочным устройством (4) жестко закреплен многоступенчатый корпус (5). На одной оси с многоступенчатым корпусом (5) на нижнем горизонтальном диске (10) жестко закреплен многоступенчатый ротор (11) с ударными билами. Верхний горизонтальный диск (8) закреплен между верхней (6) и нижней (7) ступенями многоступенчатого корпуса (5), который имеет сквозные радиальные призматические каналы (9). Сквозные радиальные призматические каналы (9) расположены симметрично относительно двух вертикальных плоскостей симметрии. Меньшее основание каждого сквозного радиального призматического канала (9) находится на внутренней поверхности многоступенчатого корпуса (5) и имеет ширину (0,1…0,2)Dна верхней (6) и нижней ...

07-02-2020 дата публикации

Наддолотный измельчитель шлама

Номер: RU2713825C1

Изобретение относится к области бурения глубоких скважин, а именно к наддолотным измельчителям шлама. Устройство включает вал, сетку, ротор, отбойник. Вал выполнен заодно с фланцем и одноступенчатым лопастным насосом. Устройство снабжено сеткой, имеющей нижнюю крышку, снабженную патрубками, верхнюю крышку, внутренняя поверхность которой имеет канавки и образует с верхней поверхностью фланца, имеющей канавки, одноступенчатую мельницу. Крышки имеют отверстия, через эти отверстия устанавливается вал. Повышается эффективность работы и надежность устройства. 4 ил.

30-07-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2823811C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов. Центробежная противоточная мельница содержит два корпуса 1, соединенных между собой тангенциальным каналом 2, боковые стенки которого сходятся в плоскости симметрии центробежной мельницы под углом 120-150°. В каждом корпусе 1 имеется ротор 3, выполненный с возможностью вращения в направлении соответствующего выходного отверстия канала. В тангенциальном канале 2 имеется выгрузочный патрубок 4, равноудаленный от оси вращения роторов 3. Загрузочные патрубки 5 в каждом корпусе 1 для подачи измельчаемого материала расположены на дуге окружности, равной 50…280°, считая от прямой, проходящей через центры вращения роторов 3, и радиусом, равным 1/4…3/4 радиуса ротора 3 с центром на вертикальной оси последнего. На нижнем торце каждого загрузочного патрубка 5 имеется наклонный срез 6 под углом 45° со стороны, противоположной вращению соответствующего ротора 3 ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Измельчитель сельскохозяйственной продукции из растительного сырья

Номер: RU2736222C1

FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the agriculture. Disclosed is a grinder of agricultural products from vegetal raw materials, comprising a housing and an electric motor with a disc fixed on its shaft by means of a nut, which is made in the form of a perforated conical plate and coaxially with it an installed branch pipe in its inner cavity. At that, the branch pipe is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the lower part of which contains a corrugated perforated deck, and the disk is equipped with a hemispherical perforated element containing a corrugated manifold in its lower part, which is conjugated with the disk, and located in the internal cavity of the branch pipe. EFFECT: grinder ensures expansion of technological and operational capabilities with simultaneous improvement of reliability of grinding process and intensity of process of extraction of nutrients from raw material. 1 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 736 222 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019137287, 19.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.11.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 12.11.2020 Бюл. № 32 (54) Измельчитель сельскохозяйственной продукции из растительного сырья (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. диск снабжен полушаровым перфорированным Предложен измельчитель сельскохозяйственной элементом, содержащим рифленую гребенку в продукции из растительного сырья, включающий нижней его части, сопряженную с диском, и корпус и электродвигатель с закрепленным на размещенным во внутренней полости патрубка. его валу посредством гайки диском, Измельчитель обеспечивает расширение выполненным в виде перфорированной технологических и эксплуатационных конической тарелки и соосно с ней возможностей при одновременном повышении установленным патрубком в ее внутренней надежности выполнения ...

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719123C1

FIELD: devices for grinding of material. SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a centrifugal disk shredder comprising a cylindrical housing and oppositely rotating top and bottom disks. On top surface of lower disc and on lower surface of upper disc there are arc-shaped grooves of semicircular cross section, which are directed on lower and upper disks in opposite sides. Vertical gap between recesses of arc-like grooves of the lower and upper discs decreases from the center to the periphery. On upper surface of lower disk perpendicular to its surface from center to periphery is rigidly fixed concentric perforated rings, which height decreases from center to periphery in proportion to reduction of vertical gap between recesses of arc-shaped grooves of lower and upper disks. Holes in perforated rings are tapered with diameter of larger base on outer side of rings. EFFECT: invention is aimed at improvement of grinding process efficiency. 1 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 719 123 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019137039, 18.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.04.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 17.04.2020 Бюл. № 11 2 7 1 9 1 2 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2691555 C1, 14.06.2019. SU 1393477 A1, 07.05.1988. RU 2388541 C1, 10.05.2010. RU 2137547 C1, 20.09.1999. RU 2627536 C1, 08.08.2017. SU 749425 A1, 23.07.1980. (54) ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНЫЙ ДИСКОВЫЙ ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для поверхности нижнего диска перпендикулярно ее измельчения материала. Предложен поверхности от центра к периферии жестко центробежный дисковый измельчитель, закреплены концентрические перфорированные содержащий цилиндрический корпус и кольца, высота которых уменьшается от центра противоположно вращающиеся верхний и нижний к периферии соразмерно уменьшению диски. На ...

06-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733663C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов, а также в других отраслях промышленности. Дезинтегратор содержит цилиндрический корпус 1 с осевым загрузочным 2 и тангенциальным разгрузочным 3 патрубками. В корпусе 1 друг над другом соосно размещены с возможностью встречного вращения диски 4 и 5 с рядами ударных элементов 6 и 7, каждый из которых расположен между соседними ударными элементами противолежащего диска. Тангенциальный разгрузочный патрубок 3 сообщается с осевым загрузочным патрубком 2. К нижней части ударных элементов 7 внешнего ряда, принадлежащих нижнему диску 5 большего диаметра, и к его верхней поверхности жестко прикреплены радиальные лопатки 8 высотой (0,1…0,2)h, где h - высота ударного элемента 7. За тангенциальным разгрузочным патрубком 3 по направлению вращения внешнего ряда ударных элементов 7 к внутренней поверхности цилиндрической стенки 9 корпуса и к периферии нижней поверхности ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012135070A

... 1. Устройство для изготовления мелкозернистого топлива, в частности из твердого, пастообразного или водного энергетического исходного сырья с помощью сушки и измельчения, содержащее- ударный реактор с ротором и ударными элементами,- лабиринтное уплотнение возле вала ротора ударного реактора,- устройство подачи горячего сушильного газа через лабиринтное уплотнение в ударный реактор,- по меньшей мере одно дополнительное устройство подачи горячего сушильного газа в нижней части ударного реактора,- одно устройство подачи твердого или пастообразного энергетического исходного сырья в верхней части ударного реактора,- по меньшей мере одно устройство для выпуска газового потока, содержащего частицы измельченного и высушенного энергетического исходного сырья, и- устройство для отделения и выпуска частиц измельченного и высушенного энергетического исходного сырья из газового потока, выпущенного из ударного реактора.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сортировщики с отражательным колесом предусмотрены ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013153269A

... 1. Устройство (1) для измельчения материала, в частности древесины, содержащее турбосмеситель (2), имеющий по существу цилиндрическое основание (4), в закрытом внутреннем пространстве (6) которого вращается ротор (8) по меньшей мере с одним элементом (10) ударного действия, который контактирует с материалом и созданием мощного импульса измельчает его на составные части, а также с выносным лотком (14), соединенным через выносное отверстие (16) с внутренним пространством (6) цилиндрического основания (4), а также с установленным в выносном лотке (14) под выносным отверстием (16) первым шнековым транспортером (24а) для выдачи измельченного материала из выносного лотка (14), отличающееся тем, что под выносным отверстием (16) установлена первая сетка (20а) с первым размером отверстий, проходящая от выносного отверстия (16) до первого шнекового транспортера (24а) с наклоном относительно горизонтали, и под первой сеткой (20а) расположены наклоненная относительно горизонтали поверхность (22) скольжения ...

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069513100T2

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Hammer mill for processing fiber containing material has filter which is at a distance from rotor and barrage is arranged in milling area for extension of retention time of material whereby fibrous material is machined in milling area

Номер: DE202006002319U1

The hammer mill has a filter (7), which is at a distance from rotor (2), and/or barrage (14) arranged in the milling area (4) for the extension of retention time of the material. The fiber containing material is machined in the milling area. The mesh size of the filter is adapted to the thickness of the fiber and the filter is divided into many replaceable segments.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Auftrennung von Materialverbunden

Номер: DE102017108106B3

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zumindest zur Auftrennung von zu entsorgenden Materialverbunden (5) aus zumindest zwei, sich in ihren Materialeigenschaften unterscheidenden Materialfraktionen (51, 52, 53), sowie ein Verfahren zur Auftrennung solcher Materialverbunde (5) dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Austragsvorrichtung (4) im Bereich der oberen Deckplatte (23) wenigstens abschnittsweise einen schalenförmig, mit wenigstens einer Öffnung (414) zum Prallraum (2) hin, ausgebildeten Austragskanal (41) sowie ein im Austragskanal (41) angeordnetes Austragsmittel (42) umfasst, welches eingerichtet ist, Materialfraktionen des zweiten Typs (52) aus dem Bereich des Prallraums (2) nahe der oberen Deckplatte (23) aufzunehmen. Die erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung sowie das Verfahren ermöglichen vorteilhaft einzelne Materialfraktionen (51, 52, 53) eines Materialverbunds (5), vorzugsweise eine Materialfraktion (52) eines zweiten Typs, welche am wenigstens zerkleinert werden soll ...

12-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003566618D1

17-06-2004 дата публикации

Sifting mill with grinder has grinding tools formed as relatively flat teeth extending radially outwards in their rotating plane to prevent clogging

Номер: DE0010255800A1

The grinding rotor (7) has grinding tools formed as relatively flat teeth extending substantially in their rotating plane radially outwards. The grinding tools can be one or more toothed discs or toothed ring discs (16) like a saw blade. Several rows of teeth can be arranged off-set above each other so that the teeth and tooth gaps alternate axially.

03-04-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001507488A1

18-06-2008 дата публикации

Milling and mixing apparatus and associated methods and products

Номер: GB0000808425D0

13-10-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001249816A

... 1,249,816. Comminuting apparatus. J. V. LEENINGEN and H. KEIJZER. 11 June, 1969 [11 June, 1968], No. 29555/69. Heading B2A. Comminuting apparatus comprises a screening basket 4 with an upper cover 17 and an horizontal perforator bottom plate 10, a horizontally-arranged beater arm 6 carrying a vertical cutting blade 5 at each end, the arm being rotatable about a vertical axis within the basket, means, 14 to rotate the arm and a recovering chamber surrounding the basket. The arm 6 is adjustable vertically and the basket may be interchangeable. A flexible annulus 9, e.g. of rubber depends from the cover 17 and surrounds the screening basket, and prevents caking of the product. In a further embodiment two or more knife holding arms 6 may be arranged one above another, and a cyclone or electrostatic separator may be used for air cleaning. Part of the basket may include a flap to permit egress of tramp material. Processed material is directed towards the outlet by slanted baffles (15), Fig. 2 ...

20-09-2000 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to milling and grinding apparatus

Номер: GB0002347880A

The present invention provides a mill (100) comprising a processing chamber (111) within which is located at least one type of processing means (112, 113) for processing a material placed into the processing chamber (111), the processing means (112,113) being coupled to a rotor (114, 115) having a bearing assembly, characterised in that the mill further includes sealing means (67, 68a, 68b) which, in use, can seal the bearing assembly, whereby the processing chamber can be washed out without contaminating the bearings. The seals are inflatable and operable only during the washing out.

06-12-1996 дата публикации

A fufu Pounding machine

Номер: AP0000000571A

The KEDOAN Fufu Pounder is capable of pounding the four basic foodstuffs (plantain, cassava, yam and cocoyam) and their combination. It produces the right texture of Fufu and without any lumps whatsoever over a process cycle of approximately three minutes to serve about three people of normal appetite for Fufu.

31-10-1994 дата публикации

A fufu pounding machine

Номер: AP0009400664A0

31-10-1994 дата публикации

A fufu pounding machine

Номер: AP0009400664D0

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA575077A

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Crushing device for various materials

Номер: AT0000520269A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Zerkleinerung von diversen Materialien (100), insbesondere von Abfällen, wobei die Vorrichtung (1) eine nach oben offene Zerkleinerungstrommel (20) mit einem waagrechten Trommelboden (21)und einem zylindrischen Trommelmantel (23) aufweist, wobei in der Zerkleinerungstrommel (20) ein um die vertikale Trommelachse (22) drehbar gelagerter Zerkleinerungsrotor (40) mit zumindest einem daran befestigten Zerkleinerungswerkzeug (45) vorgesehen ist, sowie der Trommelmantel (23) zumindest eine verschließbare Störstoff-Austragsöffnung (30) mit einer Öffnungshöhe (300) aufweist. Die zumindest eine Störstoff-Austragsöffnung (30) im Trommelmantel (23) grenzt dabei direkt an den Trommelboden (21) an, wobei der Trommelmantel (23) in seinem vom Trommelboden (21) bis zur Öffnungshöhe (300) der Störstoff-Austragsöffnung (30) reichenden unteren Trommelmantelabschnitt (24) aus einem dichten Wandmaterial (245) ausgebildet ist und der Trommelmantel (23) direkt an ...

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000575077A

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420754T

15-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000065191T

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Comminuting device

Номер: AU2015383637A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a device (10; 50) for mechanically comminuting materials, comprising a vertically extending comminuting chamber (14) having an upwardly extending supply side (15) and a downwardly extending discharge side. Said comminuting chamber is enclosed by an in particular circular cylindrical and/or conical downwardly expanded comminuting chamber wall (12), and in which at least one rotor (16, 18) rotating about a vertical rotor axis (R) is arranged, which is provided with striking tools (38) that extend at least largely radially into the comminuting chamber, at least during operation. The rotor (16, 18) is held in a stationary manner with respect to a support base (20) of the device, and the comminuting chamber wall is supported on the support base. According to the invention, the comminuting chamber wall is held in place by way of a lifting device in the direction of the rotor axis (R) in a height adjustable manner relative to the support base (20). Said lifting device ...

08-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000509324B2

06-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002503411A1

A hammermill having a housing (20), a rotor assembly (30), a plurality of hammers, and a attrition plate assembly is provided to reduce oversized particulate material to a desired size.

18-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002616463C

... ²²² The invention relates to a drying mill for powdered or fine-grained ²material, in particular also suitable for calcining ²gypsum. A nozzle ring surrounding the comminuting device, which ²is a centrifugal disc, from below is provided for feeding fuel ²gas into the working chamber. As a result, the calcining process ²in particular is assisted in an efficient way by utilizing the ²thermal energy of the hot gas fed into the working chamber by ²means of the nozzle ring and the dwell time in the working²chamber. The invention also relates to a corresponding²comminuting method.² ...

25-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002631999C

A rotor of an impact crusher has at least one stellate plate (10), which can be attached to the rotor shaft (2). A plurality of paddle-blade type hammer tools (20) are mounted on each stellate plate. Said hammer tools are secured above and below the stellate plate (10) by means of tool mounting brackets (30), whose hook-shaped ends (36) engage with the hammer tools (20). A respective adapter piece (40) is placed in the stellate plate (10) between the two tool mounting brackets (30). A retaining bolt (34) penetrates the two tool mounting brackets (30) and the adapter piece (40). A security slide (53) secures the retaining bolt (34) in position. The hammer tools (20) of the inventive rotor for an impact crusher have a high usage volume and the rotor is extremely user-friendly with respect to the recurring tasks of setting and replacing the hammer tools, without having to loosen screw connections.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002923948A1

The invention relates to a device (10) for mechanically comminuting material conglomerates composed of materials having different density and/or consistency, comprising a comminuting chamber (14) having a feed side and an outlet side, which comminuting chamber is surrounded by an in particular circular cylindrical and/or conical comminuting chamber wall (42) expanded in a downward direction and has at least two segments which are consecutive in an axial direction, in each of which at least one rotor (26, 28, 30) is arranged coaxially to the comminuting chamber, wherein each rotor has a rotor shaft and has striking tools (38) extending at least largely radially into the comminuting chamber at least during operation, a feeding cone (12), which covers the rotor shaft(s), is arranged above the comminuting chamber (14) on the feed side, and an inflow funnel (11) is arranged above the feeding cone (12), wherein an inflow region is formed between the inflow funnel and the feeding cone, the size ...

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682728C

An impact mill including a base portion on which is disposed a rotor rotatably mounted in a bearing housing, the rotor having an upwardly aligned cylindrical surface portion coaxial with the rotational axis. The impact mill is provided with a mill casing within which is located a conical track assembly which surrounds the rotor to form a conical grinding path. The mill casing is provided with a downwardly aligned cylindrical collar which may be axially adjusted to set a grinding gap between the rotor and the mill casing. The rotor is provided with a plurality of impact knives complementary with a plurality of impact knives disposed on the inside top surface of the mill casing. In addition, the impact mill can be formed of separated conical sections. Finally, power is transmitted to the rotor of the impact mill by a synchronous sprocketed belt, accommodated by a sprocketed drive sheave.

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002786797A1

The invention relates to a device and method for producing a fine-grained fuel, in particular from solid, paste-like or aqueous energy feed stocks, by drying and crushing, comprising an impact reactor having a rotor and impact elements, a labyrinth seal in the region of the rotor shaft of the impact reactor, a device for feeding hot drying gas through the labyrinth seal into the impact reactor and at least one further feed device for hot drying gas in the bottom region of the impact reactor, a feed device for solid or paste-like energy feed stocks in the top region of the impact reactor, at least one extractor device for a gas flow containing crushed and dried energy feedstock particles, and a device for separating and extracting crushed and dried energy feed stock particles from the gas flow extracted from the impact reactor.

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002728783A1

An impact mill (100) including a base portion on which is disposed a rotor (3) rotatably mounted in a bearing housing, the rotor having an upwardly aligned cylindrical surface portion coaxial with the rotational axis. The impact mill includes a mill casing within which is located a conical track assembly (5) surrounding the rotor to form a conical grinding path. The mill casing includes a downwardly aligned cylindrical collar (11) which may be axially adjusted to set a grinding gap (S) between the rotor and the mill casing. The rotor includes a plurality of impact knives complementary with a plurality of impact knives disposed on the inside top surface of the mill casing. The conical track assembly (5) can be a series of assembled conical sections or one unit with varied number of serrations in either a vertical or sloped configuration. This flexibility allows for greater compatibility with the feedstock being milled.

15-02-1949 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000259751A

15-10-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000400658A

15-01-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000386816A

29-12-2017 дата публикации

Crushing device.

Номер: CH0000712632A2

L’invention concerne un dispositif (1) de broyage pour mettre en œuvre une opération de broyage, comprenant: une unité de broyage (2) incluant un corps (3) qui comporte une chambre (20) de broyage, laquelle peut être remplie d’une matière à broyer, un rotor (4) monté rotatif autour d’un axe (5) dans le corps (3), un tamis (21), et une unité d’entraînement (60) commandant les mouvements du rotor (4) par rapport au tamis (21) pendant l’opération de broyage; dans lequel l’unité d’entraînement (60) est conçue pour fournir un mouvement d’oscillation au rotor (4) autour de l’axe (5), l’angle d’oscillation pouvant être varié pendant l’opération de broyage; dans lequel la chambre de broyage (2) est configurée de manière à diriger le produit à broyer selon une direction sensiblement parallèle à l’axe (5) de rotation du rotor (4).

15-07-1994 дата публикации

Beater mill.

Номер: CH0000684059A5

31-07-1996 дата публикации

Impact mill

Номер: CH0000686875A5

The mill incorporates a housing consisting of a lower collector and an upper milling section (3). This housing accommodates a vertical rotor which is provided with impact tools, and is surrounded by a basket sieve. The mill is characterized by the fact the top of its milling section takes the form of a lid whose outer periphery is provided with at least three uniformly spaced vibration dampers with spring elements (13). Furthermore, the flange of the milling section is flexibly connected to the lid. The connection between the lid and the flange of the milling section (3) is adjustable in height-which determines an air gap-by means of a nut-and-screw arrangement (14,15). The air gap is closed by means of a removable seal element.

29-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA200800350A1

Изобретение относится к сушильной мельнице для порошкообразной или мелкозернистой массы, в особенности предназначенной также для кальцинирования гипса, содержащей корпус (39), в котором предусмотрены расположенные друг над другом сообщающееся с нижней областью устройство (42) подачи рабочего газа, измельчительное устройство и подвод (31) для материала, который загружает массу сверху на измельчительное устройство, причем от верхней области рабочего пространства (30) отвод (38) для материала ведет наружу, а устройство обратной подачи ведет вниз к измельчительному устройству, при этом измельчительное устройство выполнено в виде вращающегося в горизонтальной плоскости диска (32) центрифуги, который взаимодействует с расположенной внутри корпуса (39) отбойной обечайкой (35). В соответствии с изобретением предусмотрено окружающее снизу диск (32) центрифуги сопловое кольцо (45) для подачи рабочего газа в рабочее пространство. За счет этого благодаря использованию тепловой энергии горячего газа ...

12-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000105407C2

Устройство и способ получения мелкозернистого топлива, в частности, из твердого, пастообразного или водосодержащего энергетического сырья путем сушки и измельчения, включающее ударный реактор с ротором и ударными элементами, лабиринтное уплотнение в области вала ротора ударного реактора, устройство подачи горячего сушильного газа через лабиринтное уплотнение в ударный реактор, по крайней мере, еще одно устройство подачи горячего сушильного газа в нижней части ударного реактора, устройство подачи твердого или пастообразного энергетического сырья в верхней части ударного реактора, по крайней мере, одно устройство для отвода газового потока, содержащего измельченные и высушенные частицы энергетического сырья, и устройство для выделения и отвода частиц энергетического сырья из потока газа, отводимого из ударного реактора.

08-10-2008 дата публикации

Device for comminuting a heap of particulate material

Номер: CN0101282791A

Device for comminuting a heap of particulate material, comprising a framework-supported housing with a vertical axis which is provided at its upper end with at least one inlet opening for the heap and at its lower end with an outlet; a drive shaft which is arranged vertically and centrally in the housing and is driven by a drive motor; and a rotor which is mounted on the drive shaft and has a plurality of rotor elements which are offset in the circumferential direction and/or with an axial spacing and which extend, at least while the rotor is rotating, close to the actual housing wall in order to process the downwardly falling heap, wherein the housing has at least two housing sections arranged vertically above one another, of which the lower section, at least in the upper region adjoining the section above it, has a larger diameter than the adjoining region of the upper housing section, and the radial extent of the rotor elements in the upper region of the lower housing section is larger ...

24-09-1959 дата публикации

Manufactoring process of starch

Номер: FR0001188604A

14-05-1959 дата публикации

Crusher with wheel of percussion

Номер: FR0001178784A

28-03-1949 дата публикации


Номер: FR0000944122A

07-05-1982 дата публикации

Grinding system for material which agglomerates easily - has air feed ring with rubber membrane between sieve and grinding rotors

Номер: FR0002330458B1

02-04-2010 дата публикации

Air flow crusher for crushing e.g. ultrafine particles, has recycling chamber including opening from which guiding unit is emerged, where guiding unit guides ultrafine particles to be crushed and particles that are crushed once

Номер: FR0002936431A1

Broyeur de particules à flux d'air comportant : - un moyen de broyage, lui-même comportant au moins un plateau de broyage (3), en rotation autour d'un axe (x-x) sur lequel sont fixés des outils de broyage (4), - une zone de broyage délimitée par lesdits outils (4) et un blindage (5), et - un moyen d'alimentation en particules à broyer (21), caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte en outre, au niveau du moyen de broyage, une chambre de recyclage (8) des particules, centrée sur ledit axe de rotation, débouchant sur ladite zone de broyage et comportant une ouverture (7) dans laquelle débouche un moyen de guidage (9). Broyeur caractérisé en ce que ladite chambre de recyclage (8) est délimitée par les éléments du moyen de broyage.

09-07-1971 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002063208A5

29-04-1954 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the machines to beat and separate the sound

Номер: FR0001063134A

26-01-1968 дата публикации

Rotary crusher at high speed

Номер: FR0001510810A

05-09-2017 дата публикации

Comminution mill with cable impact arms

Номер: US0009751087B2

A comminution mill is described that includes a vertically oriented cylindrical housing with an intake chute in a top wall and an outlet chute in a bottom wall thereof. A rotatable shaft with a plurality of radially extending cables is disposed coaxially within the cylindrical housing. A plurality of studs extends inwardly from the wall of the housing to slow and collect materials flowing through the comminution mill. The studs can be withdrawn to discharge materials collected thereon. Slits are provided in the walls of the housing to enable the exit of particulate materials from the housing. A hood is provided overlying the slits on the exterior of the comminution mill for collecting the particulate material. Operation of the comminution mill provides a self-generated airflow and can be configured to separate, grind, and dry materials disposed therein.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376050A1

Opening containers.

29-06-2010 дата публикации

Cross-key rotational alignment locking device for VSI mineral breaker

Номер: US0007744302B2

A cross-key rotational alignment locking device for a VSI-type mineral breaker comprises a generally annular keyway 102 in the top edge portion of the main shaft 12 of the breaker, the annular keyway defining an upwardly extending pilot key 104, a plurality of circumferentially spaced slots 126 in the upper portion of a cylindrical taper lock 108 disposed around the main shaft, the slots in communication with the annular keyway, and a cross-key 130 having a generally annular main body 132 disposed in the annular keyway 102, the pilot key 104 received in a central aperture 136 in the main body 132 of the cross-key 130, and the cross-key having a plurality of radially-extending arms 128 disposed in the plurality of slots 126, such that the taper lock 108 is locked in rotational alignment with the shaft 12. In the preferred embodiment a bronze sleeve 110 having a longitudinally extending split 120 is interposed between the taper lock 108 and the shaft 12.

12-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2531302A2

07-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP3702039B1
Автор: Bano, Claudio
Принадлежит: Bano, Claudio

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596758C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для механического дробления конгломератов. Устройство содержит разделительную камеру с загрузочным отверстием 14 на первом конце и разгрузочным отверстием 10 на втором конце, где разделительная камера содержит по меньшей мере две секции 7, 8, 9, расположенные последовательно в осевом направлении и окруженные стенкой 2 разделительной камеры в форме цилиндра или усеченного конуса. В каждой секции 7, 8, 9 расположен по меньшей мере один ротор 4, 5, 6 с кожухом 17, 18, 19 ротора и ударными инструментами 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Ударные инструменты проходят в радиальном направлении от кожуха 17, 18, 19 ротора в разделительную камеру. Радиус кожухов 17, 18, 19 самих роторов 4, 5, 6 в последовательных секциях 7, 8, 9 увеличивается от первого конца ко второму концу. Разница между радиусом соответствующего кожуха 4, 5, 6 ротора и радиусом стенки 2 разделительной камеры уменьшается от первого конца ко второму концу. При этом направление вращения ротора 6 в секции ...

30-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806286C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов, а также в других отраслях промышленности. Центробежный дисковый измельчитель содержит цилиндрический корпус 1 с загрузочным 2 и разгрузочным 3 патрубками, противоположно вращающиеся верхний 4 и нижний 5 диски. На нижней поверхности верхнего конического диска 4 жестко закреплены радиальные прямолинейные лопатки 7 одинаковой высоты, в центре нижнего горизонтального диска 5 жестко закреплен вертикальный цилиндрический накопитель 8 со сквозными вертикальными вырезами 9 шириной, превышающей 2Dmax, где Dmax – максимальный размер частиц измельчаемого материала, к наружной поверхности вертикального цилиндрического накопителя 8, между боковыми стенками 10 и 11 смежных сквозных вертикальных вырезов 9, примыкают жестко закрепленные на нижнем горизонтальном диске 5 равномерно расположенные радиальные прямолинейные лопатки 12, 13 и 14, минимальное расстояние между ...

30-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806287C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов, а также в других отраслях промышленности. Центробежный дисковый измельчитель содержит цилиндрический корпус 1 с загрузочным 2 и разгрузочным 3 патрубками, противоположно вращающиеся верхний 4 и нижний 5 диски. В центре нижнего горизонтального диска 5 жестко закреплен распределительный конус 7, от которого в направлении к периферии жестко закреплены радиальные лопатки 8 прямоугольного поперечного сечения, высота которых равномерно уменьшается в направлении периферии. На верхнем торце каждой радиальной лопатки 8 последовательно друг за другом в направлении к периферии выполнены призматические проточки 9 с вертикальными боковыми торцами 10 и радиальным наклонным торцом 11. На нижней поверхности верхнего конического диска 4 жестко прикреплены радиальные лопатки 12, нижний торец каждой из которых выполнен с призматическими выступами 13, последовательно ...

02-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2791104C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения материала. Предложен центробежный дисковый измельчитель, содержащий противоположно вращающиеся верхний и нижний диски, который выполнен с разбрасывателем в центре. На рабочих поверхностях дисков закреплены криволинейные ребра прямоугольного поперечного сечения в виде спирали, закрученные в противоположные стороны с постоянным вертикальным технологическим зазором между ними. Со стороны рабочей поверхности криволинейных ребер в нижнем диске выполнена канавка прямоугольного поперечного сечения шириной, уменьшающейся от центра дисков к их периферии. Боковая криволинейная стенка канавки совпадает с рабочей поверхностью криволинейного ребра, а ширина канавки в любом поперечном сечении превышает вертикальное расстояние от нижней поверхности канавки до верхнего торца криволинейного ребра, а высота криволинейного ребра на нижнем диске равномерно уменьшается от центра к периферии пропорционально уменьшению ширины канавки. Изобретение направлено ...

24-10-2023 дата публикации

Измельчитель конусный ударно - истирающего типа

Номер: RU2805858C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения сыпучего материала, используемого при приготовлении кормов, главным образом зерна и зернопродуктов, и может быть использовано в сельскохозяйственном производстве и комбикормовой промышленности. Измельчитель содержит вертикально установленный цилиндрический корпус 1, закрытый верхней крышкой 2 и нижней крышкой 3, установленный на опоры 4. Внутри корпуса 1 установлена коническая сепарирующая поверхность 5, на которой по всему периметру с равномерным шагом под углом 45 градусов относительно нормали выполнены щелевые отверстия, которые одновременно выполняют функции и сепарирующей поверхности, и дек. Профиль ротора 6, также, как и профиль сепарирующей поверхности, выполнен в виде усеченного конуса с углом α относительно оси его вращения. Значение угла α находится в диапазоне от 10 до 30 градусов в зависимости от высоты ротора и выбирается таким образом, чтобы снижение линейной скорости по концам молотков составляло от 20 до 25% при движении ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681447C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов. Мельница содержит два корпуса, соединенных между собой тангенциальным каналом (2), боковые стенки которого сходятся в плоскости симметрии центробежной мельницы под углом 120-150°. В каждом корпусе имеется выполненный с возможностью вращения в направлении соответствующего выходного отверстия канала ротор (3), на котором закреплены разгонные лопатки (4). В тангенциальном канале (2) имеется выгрузочный патрубок (5), равноудаленный от оси вращения роторов (3). Загрузочные патрубки в каждом корпусе для подачи измельчаемого материала расположены на дуге окружности, равной 50…280°, считая от прямой, проходящей через центры вращения роторов (3), и радиусом, равным 1/4…3/4 радиуса ротора (3), с центром на вертикальной оси последнего. На нижнем торце каждого загрузочного патрубка имеется наклонный срез под углом 45° со стороны, противоположной вращению соответствующего ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664837C1

FIELD: technological processes.SUBSTANCE: apparatus comprises a housing having an inlet for receiving containers disposed above the outlet opening, a rotating cutting tool that provides opening of the containers and extending along the axis of rotation between the lower and upper ends of the cutting tool, the cutting tool being rotatably mounted at its upper end and its lower end being free inside the housing. Device also comprises drive means for driving the cutting tool into rotation, the cutting tool has a starting position from which it can be displaced while continuing to perform its function of opening the containers, and seeks to spontaneously return to its original position under the action of returnable funds. Invention is also a method of opening containers, carried out by the above-described device.EFFECT: group of inventions provides increased productivity, reliability and security and lower costs.18 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 664 837 C1 (51) МПК B65B 69/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65B 69/0008 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016127373, 10.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФИНАНС ДЕВЕЛОПМАН ЭНВИРОНМАН ШАРРЕР - ФИДЕК (FR) Дата регистрации: 23.08.2018 939035 A1, 01.09.1999. SU 937275 A1, 23.06.1982. 10.12.2013 FR 1362377 (45) Опубликовано: 23.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 11.07.2016 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 6 4 8 3 7 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2015/086993 (18.06.2015) Адрес для переписки: 191002, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 5, ООО "Ляпунов и партнёры" (54) УСТРОЙСТВО И СПОСОБ ВСКРЫТИЯ КОНТЕЙНЕРОВ, СОДЕРЖАЩИХ НЕОДНОРОДНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ (57) Реферат: Устройство содержит корпус, имеющий разрезающего инструмента, при этом входное отверстие для приема контейнеров, разрезающий инструмент имеет исходное расположенное над выходным отверстием, положение, из которого он ...

26-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776794C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения различных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве строительных материалов. Мельница содержит два корпуса 1, соединенных между собой тангенциальным каналом 2, боковые стенки которого сходятся в плоскости симметрии центробежной мельницы под углом 120-150°. В каждом корпусе 1 имеется выполненный с возможностью вращения в направлении соответствующего выходного отверстия канала ротор 3. В тангенциальном канале 2 имеется выгрузочный патрубок 4, равноудаленный от оси вращения роторов 3. Загрузочные патрубки 5 в каждом корпусе 1 для подачи измельчаемого материала расположены на дуге окружности, равной 50…280°, считая от прямой, проходящей через центры вращения роторов 3 и радиусом, равным 1/4…3/4 радиуса ротора 3 с центром на вертикальной оси последнего. На нижнем торце каждого загрузочного патрубка 5 имеется наклонный срез 6 под углом 45° со стороны, противоположной вращению соответствующего ротора 3. Каждый ротор 3 состоит из верхнего ...

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706406C1

FIELD: disintegrators and crushing devices. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to grinders of various materials and can be used in production of construction materials. Device comprises two bodies interconnected by tangential channel, side walls of which converge in plane of symmetry of centrifugal mill at angle of 120–150°. Each body has rotor (3) which is rotatable in the direction of the corresponding outlet of the channel, on which acceleration blades (4) are fixed. In the tangential channel there is an unloading branch pipe equidistant from axes of rotation of rotors (3). Loading branch pipes in each housing for supply of ground material are located on circle arc equal to 50–280°, counting from the straight line passing through rotation centers of rotors (3) and radius equal to 1/4…3/4 of rotor radius (3) with center on vertical axis of the latter. At the lower end of each loading nozzle there is an inclined cut at angle of 45° on the side opposite to the rotation of corresponding rotor (3). Each accelerating blade (4) has a cutout corresponding to the profile of the loading pipe with providing a process gap. Each body consists of two steps, separated by a horizontal plate height (7). In top (8) stage of the body there additionally is upper disc (10) with spreading blades (11) located on one rotor (3) with accelerating blades (4). Between spreading blades (11) and upper (8) stage of the housing there fixed is an arc bar grid consisting of vertical rods. To upper (8) stage of the housing there attached is a normal branch pipe (14) located after extreme rods of the arc bar in the direction of rotation of rotor (3) and communicating with the unloading branch pipe. Tangential tap is attached to rod bar extreme rod end and communicates with loading branch pipe extending from top (8) stage to bottom (9). EFFECT: provides increased grinding process efficiency and productivity for the finished product. 1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 706 406 C1 (51) МПК ...

07-04-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для измельчения зерна бобовых культур в замоченном виде

Номер: RU203493U1

Полезная модель относится к области сельского хозяйства, а именно к устройствам для измельчения зернобобовых кормов с заданной дисперсностью.Для улучшения качественных и производительных показателей, согласно предлагаемой полезной модели, устройство состоит из корпуса с патрубками вывода готового материала, внутри которого установлено измельчающее устройство, конусообразное сито, обеспечивающее требуемую сепарацию, чистик для сита и горловину в виде усеченного конуса для ввода обрабатываемого материала, дробящее устройство, установленное внутри горловины на валу привода, шток, на который установлен нож с двумя противоположно направленными изогнутыми, а измельчающее устройство выполнено из верхнего жернова с поджимной пружиной и нижнего жернова, установленные друг над другом, с образованием зазора между ними, при этом верхний жернов неподвижен относительно нижнего жернова и на его периферии расположена съемная стальная перфорированная пластина в форме обода, на которой перфорация выполнена в виде рельефных насечек с режущими кромками, позволяющими истирать частицы до мелкодисперсного состояния, причем для обеспечения направления движения окары и твердых остатков, чистик расположен на верхнем краю конусообразного сита, а нож штока расположен между жерновами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 493 U1 (51) МПК B02C 7/18 (2006.01) B02C 7/02 (2006.01) B02C 7/08 (2006.01) B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 7/18 (2021.01); B02C 7/02 (2021.01); B02C 7/08 (2021.01); B02C 13/14 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137561, 16.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.04.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.11.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 07.04.2021 Бюл. № 10 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2614777 C1, 29.03.2017. RU 2252073 C1, 20.05.2005. SU 1357066 A1, 07.12.1987. CN 210753034 U, 16.06.2020. 2 0 3 4 9 3 R U (54) Устройство для ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Мельница динамического самоизмельчения

Номер: RU205450U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному оборудованию. Предложена мельница динамического самоизмельчения, содержащая раму, барабан с выполненными в нем боковыми отверстиями, канавками и сопрягаемый внутренней поверхностью с наружной поверхностью чаши ротора, имеющей радиальные ребра, лопасти, прикрепленные к внутренней поверхности барабана, подшипниковые узлы, электродвигатель, стойки, кольца, жестко прикрепленные к стойкам, на которых смонтирована системы с двумя системами радиально-упорных подшипников, перемещаемых в горизонтальной плоскости с помощью винтов в упорах, кинематические передачи. В мельнице смонтирован наклонный лоток, состоящий из правого и левого полуднищ, присоединенных с помощью болтовых соединений к поперечной пластине и прижимному сегменту, на правом и левом полуднищах с помощью болтовых соединений смонтирована капсула, состоящая из правой и левой полукапсул, при этом левое и правое полуднища жестко закреплены на стойках, которые смонтированы на раме и ...

30-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173519U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному, строительному оборудованию и оборудованию для производства материалов, применяемому в промышленности, а также в горном деле, химической и металлургической промышленности и может найти применение при обогащении и переработке минерального сырья и переработке твердых отходов производства. Предложена мельница динамического самоизмельчения, содержащая раму, барабан с выполненными в нем боковыми отверстиями и сопрягаемый внутренней поверхностью с наружной поверхностью чаши ротора, имеющей радиальные ребра, подшипниковые узлы, электродвигатель, кинематические передачи. Отличительной особенностью мельницы этого типа является то, что на наружной поверхности барабана выполнены канавки, которые сопряжены с внешней обоймой радиально-упорных подшипников (с двумя или более системами радиально-упорных подшипников, помещенных в специальные блоки), перемещаемых в горизонтальной плоскости с помощью винтов в упорах, смонтированных на кольцах, закрепленных ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для измельчения материала

Номер: RU175318U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному, строительному и оборудованию для производства материалов, применяемому в промышленности строительных материалов, в горном деле, химической и металлургической промышленности и может найти применение при обогащении и переработке минерального сырья.Предложено устройство для измельчения материала, включающее приводной двигатель, подшипниковые узлы, клиноременную передачу, шкивы, барабан, чашеобразный ротор, перегородки и загрузочный лоток, отличается тем, что перегородки, смонтированные внутри чашеобразного ротора, имеют двухсторонний уклон в пределах 2÷40°, а поверхность чашеобразного ротора, прилегающая к ступице, имеет форму уравнения второго порядка (параболу, гиперболу, эллипс и др.).Это позволит повысить производительность, работоспособность и снизить энергозатраты машины за счет выполнения перегородок и поверхности чашеобразного ротора более рациональной формы, что уменьшит вероятность заклинивания кусков неправильной формы между ...

23-10-2017 дата публикации

Измельчитель влажных растительных продуктов

Номер: RU2634047C1

FIELD: machine engineering. SUBSTANCE: grinder includes a body and an electric motor housed therein. On the axis of the electric motor there is a disk mounted in the form of a perforated conical plate, in the inner cavity of which there is a funnel-shaped branch pipe installed coaxially with it. The disk has an impeller with radially placed blades forming sector channels. In the end part the sector channels have a triangular profile. The impeller is located in the internal cavity of the funnel-shaped branch pipe. The impeller is surrounded with a corrugated deck with a gap. The impeller blades have a triangular profile from their end face and are provided with elastic elements with the formation of a "brush" package. EFFECT: increase intensity of the grinding process. 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 634 047 C1 (51) МПК A01F 29/00 (2006.01) B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144030, 08.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.11.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.11.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 23.10.2017 Бюл. № 30 C 1 2 6 3 4 0 4 7 R U Стр.: 1 2021854 C1, 30.10.1984. SU 1727893 A1, 23.04.1992. RU 2410160 C1, 27.01.2011. US 2314706 A, 23.03.1943. В торцевой части секторальные каналы имеют треугольный профиль. Крыльчатка расположена во внутренней полости воронкообразного патрубка. Крыльчатку обрамляет с зазором рифленая дека. Лопасти крыльчатки с их торцевой стороны имеют треугольный профиль и снабжены упругими элементами с образованием “щеточного” пакета. Измельчитель обеспечивает повышение интенсивности процесса измельчения. 4 ил. C 1 (54) Измельчитель влажных растительных продуктов (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Измельчитель влажных растительных продуктов включает корпус и размещенный в нем электродвигатель. На оси электродвигателя закреплен диск в виде ...

14-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU216512U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному, строительному и оборудованию для производства материалов, применяемых в промышленности строительных материалов, в горном деле, химической и металлургической промышленности, и может найти применение при обогащении и переработке минерального сырья. Предложена мельница, в которой загрузка исходного материала осуществляется порционным способом. Мельница предложенной конструкции включает раму и прикрепленное к ней основание, барабан, в котором в его нижней части изготовлены выпускные отверстия, чашу ротора с радиальными ребрами, опорный вал, рубашку вала, электродвигатель с двумя выходными концами, крышки сальников, подшипниковые узлы и подшипниковые опоры, предохранительную муфту, размещенную между чашей ротора и нижним концом вала электродвигателя, конические шестерни и колеса, размещенные в капсулах, что предохраняет шестерни и колеса от попадания на поверхности зубьев пылеобразных абразивных частиц измельченного материала, снижает степень ...

01-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU219708U1

Полезная модель относится к области черной металлургии и может быть использована при переработке отходов металлургического производства для извлечения и разделения железосодержащих включений из металлических шлаков и обогащения руд и месторождений благородный металлов. Устройство для обогащения минерального сырья россыпных и техногенных месторождений содержит камеру сепарации, образованную цилиндрическим корпусом, закрытую сверху крышкой, рабочую камеру с установленным внутри нее ротором, соединенную в верхнем участке с камерой сепарации, загрузочный канал под исходное сырье, разгрузочный канал пылевидного продукта, установленный в верхнем участке камеры сепарации, разгрузочный канал обогащенного металлосодержащего продукта, расположенный в нижнем участке рабочей камеры, привод ротора, а также камеру сепарации, выполненную в нижней части конусной и снабженную внутренним и внешним экранами, выполненными в виде цилиндрических отражательных решеток, плотно соединенных в верхнем участке с крышкой ...

23-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU201599U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для измельчения и перемешивания гетерогенных систем газ-жидкость, жидкость-жидкость, жидкость-твердые частицы за счет возбуждения колебаний обрабатываемой смеси и создания насосного эффекта. Роторный измельчающий смеситель содержит загрузочный и разгрузочный патрубки, привод, неподвижный цилиндрический корпус, в объеме которого жестко зафиксированы перфорированные диски, между которыми расположен аналогичный по конструкции перфорированный диск, закрепленный на вращающемся роторе. При этом на нижней поверхности верхнего неподвижного диска, на верхней поверхности нижнего неподвижного диска и на обеих поверхностях подвижного диска расположены зубья. Зубья выполнены полукруглого сечения, при этом высота зуба равна половине ширины зуба.

25-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU201067U1

Полезная модель относится к дробильно-обогатительному, строительному оборудованиям и к оборудованию для производства материалов, применяемых в промышленности строительных материалов, в горной, химической и металлургической промышленности, и может найти применение в дорожном строительстве, коммунальном хозяйстве, а также при переработке отходов промышленного производства.Мельница содержит раму, барабан с выполненными в нем боковыми отверстиями, который сопрягается внутренней поверхностью с наружной поверхностью чаши ротора, которая имеет радиальные ребра. К внутренней поверхности барабана прикреплены лопасти. С помощью кинематических передач осуществляется передача разных по величине крутящих моментов к барабану и чаше ротора от электродвигателя, смонтированного на раме. Конструктивной особенностью мельницы является то обстоятельство, что опорные кольца жестко прикреплены к стойкам, смонтированным на раме, а щеки, в середине которых выполнены отверстия, опираются на пластины и сопряжены ...

19-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714773C1

FIELD: disintegrators and crushing devices. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to materials grinding devices. Disclosed is a disintegrator comprising a cylindrical housing with axial loading and tangential unloading devices, discs with rows of impact elements arranged in the housing with possibility of counter rotation, each of which is located between rows of impact elements of the opposite disc. In the center of the lower surface of the upper disc, upper vertical baffles are fixed, to the upper ends of which the upper horizontal ring is attached, through the hole in the center of which there passes a vertical shaft fixed on the lower horizontal disc, top spreading blades are attached to upper end of vertical shaft. Between upper vertical baffles and impact elements of inner row to upper disc is attached vertical cylinder, to lower end of which at height of upper horizontal ring lower vertical baffle plates are attached, lower horizontal ring is attached to lower ends of which the lower spreading blades are attached on the vertical shaft between the upper and lower horizontal rings. EFFECT: invention is aimed at improvement of grinding process efficiency. 1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 714 773 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019135459, 05.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 19.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 19.02.2020 Бюл. № 5 2 7 1 4 7 7 3 R U (54) ДЕЗИНТЕГРАТОР (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения материалов. Предложен дезинтегратор, содержащий цилиндрический корпус с осевым загрузочным и тангенциальным разгрузочным устройствами, размещенные в корпусе с возможностью встречного вращения диски с рядами ударных элементов, каждый из которых расположен между рядами ударных элементов противолежащего диска. В центре нижней поверхности верхнего диска ...

30-12-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to disintegrators for the treatment of sewage or the like

Номер: GB0000633868A

... 633,868. Sewage disintegrator. SULZER FRERES SOC. ANON. March 28, 1947, No. 8477. Convention date, March 30, 1946. [Class 28(ii)] [Also in Group II] A disintegrator for sewage, which acts like a mincer, has an adjustment whereby the rotary cross bladed knife 5 can be adjusted axially towards or from the cooperating grating 7 without stopping its rotation. The shaft 4 carrying the knife 5 at its lower end is supported by a thrust bearing 13 in a casing 16 which can be moved up or down by rotating a handwheel 22 which screws the flange 20 of the casing 16 up or down to effect the adjustment. The adjustment is then held in clamped position by screwing down the studs 23. In practice, to clear the blades of adhering matter they are first moved away from the co-operating fixed grating 7 and clean water may be flushed through, after which they are adjusted to within about 1 millimetre. A scale 35 indicates the degree of adjustment. A distance piece may be inserted between the grating 7 and the ...

09-01-1963 дата публикации

Installation and method for pulverizing and comminuting thermoplastic material

Номер: GB0000915255A

... 915,255. Pulverizing thermoplastic material. JAECKERING, G., [trading as JAECKERING MUEHLENUND NAEHRMITTELWERKE, H.]. July 26, 1961 [Oct. 25, 1960], No. 27029/61. Class 59. A process for pulverizing and comminuting thermoplastic material comprises subjecting the pre-crushed starting material to a whirling and comminuting operation in a gas flow with an admixture of gas of at least 30,000 parts by volume at atmospheric pressure per part by volume of starting material, the operating time being not more than 1.2 seconds. The gas is air and the upper admixture limit 90,000 parts by volume. The grain size of the pre-crushed material is between 5 and 10 mm. while the upper grain size limit of the finished material is from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. As shown, pre-crushed material is fed through hopper 2 and valve 3 to a comminutor 1 comprising plates 1a which sweep past a fluted stator 1b, a blower 1c and air inlets K. The comminutor is connected to a cyclone separator 4, the comminuted material from which ...

23-02-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to peripheral feed breakers

Номер: GB0000724467A

... 724,467. Delivering from shoots. PENNSYLVANIA CRUSHER CO. April 15, 1953 [May 29, 1952], No. 10265/53. Class 78 (1). [Also in Group III In a mill of the kind comprising a horizontal perforated rotary drum having means for receiving material and distributing it through the drum as the latter rotates, the material is fed by gravity peripherally into the drum, and means are provided within, and rotatable with, the drum for deflecting the incoming material in a direction having a component axially of the drum to the inner surface of the drum. In the form shown, material is fed from a conveyer 17 down a feed shoot 41 into a feed structure 16 which is located axially midway between drum sections 12, 13 mounted within a casing 14 on circumferentially-spaced rail beams 37 extending across the feed structure to provide openings 50. The feed structure is formed by axially-spaced radial flanges 55, 56 and comprises four shoots 45 to 48 which are arranged to feed material alternately to opposite drum ...

19-11-1923 дата публикации

Improved method of and means for pulverising coal and other materials

Номер: GB0000206879A

... 206,879. Duffield, F. L. May 18, 1922. Impact pulverizers.-In disintegrating or pulverizing coal &c., the material is introduced into a chamber or casing at the bottom thereof, subjected therein to repeated. impacts in zones of increasing area by rotary elements, and caused to move upwards through such zones and strike against stationary elements, all under the combined influence of centrifugal force, gravity, and suction whereby the material rises, circulates, and falls until finally drawn off in powdered form at the top of the chamber. As shown, the coal is fed from a hopper k through an opening b at the base of an inverted conical casing a in which rotates a vertical shaft c mounted in ball bearings c<1> and carrying arms or beaters d secured to carriers e. Stationary beaters f fixed to the casing are formed with openings g through which air is drawn by a fan h at the top of the casing, the ports g opening into the casing in the direction of the rotation of the beaters d. The beaters ...

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Рабочий орган устройства для ударно-центробежного измельчения

Номер: RU0000179319U1

Полезная модель направлена на повышение эффективности измельчения материала за счет обеспечения частицам материала удара об отбойные элементы под оптимальным (90°) углом и в снижении энергозатрат путем устранения паразитных воздушных потоков за счет снижения вентиляторного эффекта в рабочем органе. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что рабочий орган устройства для ударно-центробежного измельчения содержит верхний диск, выполненный с расположенным в центре отверстием для ввода материала, нижний диск, конусный распределитель материала, жестко закрепленный в центре нижнего диска, и ускорительные лопасти, расположенные равномерно по окружности между верхним и нижним дисками, и перегородки по количеству ускорительных лопастей, расположенные в хордовом направлении между ускорительными лопастями с образованием окна между перегородкой и рабочей поверхностью ускорительной лопасти. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 319 U1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01); B02C 13/26 (2006.01); B02C 13/28 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017134171, 02.10.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.05.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 08.05.2018 Бюл. № 13 Адрес для переписки: 220018, Респ. Беларусь, г.Минск, ул. Шаранговича, 19, комн. 304, ОАО "НПО Центр" 1 7 9 3 1 9 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2554977 C1, 10.07.2015. SU 637148 A1, 15.12.1978. SU 313559 A1, 07.09.1971. RU 2414302 C1, 20.03.2011. US 2919074 A, 29.12.1959. US 1854844 A, 19.04.1932. (54) РАБОЧИЙ ОРГАН УСТРОЙСТВА ДЛЯ УДАРНО-ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО ИЗМЕЛЬЧЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель направлена на повышение отверстием для ввода материала, нижний диск, эффективности измельчения материала за счет конусный распределитель материала, жестко обеспечения частицам материала удара об закрепленный в центре нижнего диска, и отбойные элементы под ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305969A1

A mill for grinding rubbish. The mill comprises at least one grinding chamber defined by a side wall and a floor. The mill also comprises at least two rotors and rotatable about respective substantially vertical axes and. Each of the rotors comprises a hub and a plurality of chains connected to the hub and designed to sweep over part of the grinding chamber during rotation of the rotor. 1. Mill for grinding rubbish , comprising:at least on grinding chamber defined by a side wall and by a floor, andat least two rotors rotatable about respective, substantially vertical axes, each of the rotors comprising a hub and a plurality of chains connected to the hub and designed, during rotation of the rotor, to sweep over part of the grinding chamber.2. Mill according to claim 1 , wherein a grinding volume is defined for each of the rotors by axially interpolating a circumference the inside which the chains of each of the rotors rotate.3. Mill according to claim 2 , wherein each of the grinding volumes of the rotors is separate from other of the grinding volumes.4. Mill according to claim 2 , wherein the grinding chamber is obtained from a net sum of the grinding volumes of the single rotors claim 2 , such that every portion of plan area of the grinding chamber is included within one of the grinding volumes and is therefore affected by rotation of at least one of the chains.5. Mill according to claim 2 , wherein the side wall is shaped so as to follow precisely profile of the grinding volumes.6. Mill according to claim 2 , wherein the grinding chamber is obtained from a net sum of the grinding volumes of the rotors and one or more connecting volumes claim 2 , such that portions of plan area of the grinding chamber are outside of the grinding volumes and unaffected by rotation of at least one of the chains.7. Mill according to claim 2 , wherein in the grinding chamber obstacles are provided and configured to fill spaces of the grinding chamber outside the grinding volumes.8. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Modular Pulverizer

Номер: US20190001337A1
Автор: Lutoslawski Jaroslaw

A drum for a pulverizer is preferably modularly constructed, preferably from planar panels thereby significantly reducing manufacturing costs. Additionally, some embodiments may utilize a drum liner in drum liner portions to assist in protecting drums, whether they be modularly or traditionally constructed. 1. A pulverizer comprising:a top having a perimeter;a bottom having a perimeter;a plurality of planar panel portions connected together between the top to the bottom to provide a modular drum construction;a rotating shaft having radially extending arms creating flow currents within the pulverizer thereby reducing the size of product input near the top and discharged at the bottom.2. The pulverizer of wherein the top is connected to the plurality of panel portions.3. The pulverizer of wherein the bottom is connected to the plurality of panel portions.4. The pulverizer of wherein the bottom is connected to the plurality of panel portions5. The pulverizer of wherein the top has an inlet and the bottom has an outlet.6. The pulverizer of wherein a plurality of panels have first and second panel portions of the plurality of panel portions.7. The pulverizer of wherein at least some of the plurality of panels are similarly constructed.8. The pulverizer of claim panels have feet claim 6 , feet connect to the bottom.9. The pulverizer of claim bores in the feet connect to bores in the bottom10. The pulverizer of panels have lips at edges and adjacent lips connect together internal to the drum to assist in forming drum11. The pulverizer of lips have shoulders on an external portion and shoulders connect external to the drum12. The pulverizer of wherein at least one panel portion forms a door hingedly connected to another panel portion whereby the door has a locked shut configuration and an open configuration permitting access through the door into the drum.13. The pulverizer of panel forms door14. The pulverizer of claim drum liners internal to the drum15. The pulverizer of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002214A1

A glass/quartz composite structure comprises quartz grit, quartz powder and glass grit wherein the glass grit is in an amount greater than 50% by weight of the composite structure, and a binding resin. The glass/quartz composite structure may be formed into a 1.2-1.5 cm thick slab for countertops using standard cabinet perimeter support. The slab may be made by mixing the quartz grit, the quartz powder, the glass grit, and the binding resin, pouring the mixture in a mold, and compacting the mixture in the mold. Specific natural mineral components may be added to the glass/quartz/resin composite structure to provide aesthetics of specific natural stones. 1. A glass/quartz composite structure comprising:glass grit in an amount greater than 50% by weight of the glass/quartz composite structure;quartz powder in an amount 30-35% by weight of the composite structure;quartz grit in an amount up to 15% of the composite structure; anda binding resin.2. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 1 , further comprising a silane coupling agent.3. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the silane coupling agent is in an amount 1.5-2 percent by weight of the composite structure.4. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the binding resin is in an amount 11-14 percent by weight of the composite structure.5. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the glass grit comprises cube-shaped glass grit.6. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 5 , wherein the cube-shaped glass grit is within the range of 100 microns to 650 microns.7. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 5 , wherein the glass grit comprises cube and conical-shaped glass grit.8. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 1 , wherein at least 98% of the quartz powder is sized to pass through a 325 mesh sieve.9. The glass/quartz composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the quartz grit and the glass grit are sized to pass through a sieve ranging from 8 ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Slag Breaker

Номер: US20150048187A1
Автор: Gronholz Claus

A device for the mechanical processing of slags by impact elements within a processing chamber includes a housing having a filling opening and a discharge opening in which at least one rotor with impact elements rotating about an axle is placed. The slags pass through the rotor on the way from the filling opening to the discharge opening and the rotor is configured in such a way that it has a processing density of at least 90% of the slags of a slag flow that has been fed. 1. A device for the mechanical processing of slags , comprising:a housing including a processing chamber, a filling opening and a discharge opening; andat least one rotor including impact elements rotating about an axle, the rotor being positioned within the processing chamber such that the slags pass through the rotor on the way from the filling opening to the discharge opening, wherein several filling openings are provided that are placed in different planes of the housing.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one leading and one trailing rotor are placed in the processing chamber as rotors rotating about an axle with impact elements through which the slags pass on the way from the filling opening to the discharge opening claim 1 , whereby the trailing rotor is configured in such a way that it has a processing density of at least 90% of the slags of a slag flow fed by the leading rotor.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor has a number and size of impacts elements corresponding to the processing density.4. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the trailing rotor is positioned at a distance from the leading rotor that corresponds to the processing density.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a rotor speed corresponds to the processing density.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the impact elements have beveled side edges.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the impact elements are fixed to the rotor axle by means of chain links.8. The ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Discharge Portion Liner Attachment Structure for Vertical Shredder

Номер: US20170095822A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Environmental Service Co Ltd

In a discharge portion liner attachment structure for a vertical shredder including a sweeper supported below a rotor in such a manner as to be coaxial with a rotation shaft, a discharge ring disposed on a circumference portion of the sweeper, and a discharge portion through which a shredding target object that has been swept out through an opening formed on a circumference wall of the discharge ring by a sweeping operation performed by the sweeper is discharged to outside, discharge portion liners are attached in such a manner as to protrude from a side of the discharge portion to a side of the discharge ring in such a manner as to cover edge portions of ones of the discharge ring liners on a side of the opening.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Vertical shaft impact crusher and rotor thereof

Номер: US20170106374A1
Автор: Yong-Gan Ha
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a vertical shaft impact crusher comprising a rotor having a rotor protection layer which consists of particles of objects to be crushed. The rotor includes at least: a rotor upper plate comprising a rotor upper plate hole, which is an inlet for the object for crushing which is inserted into the rotor; a rotor lower plate disposed to be separated from the lower portion of the rotor upper plate; a rotor upper plate; a rotor side wall disposed between the rotor upper plate and the rotor lower plate and coupled to the rotor upper plate and the rotor lower plate, the rotor side wall being disposed at a position spaced from the rotation center of the rotor; and a circular hole which is formed on the rotor side wall and is an outlet for the object for crushing accelerated by the rotor to come out of the rotor.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160144371A1
Автор: Sontag Glennon C.

A grinder having with a rotor and fan assembly mounted in a housing having one or more of the following features: Cutting shaft and fan shaft concentric and rotated by separate motors, housing formed in two sections with a line of division passing through the axis of rotation and mounted on rollers, ping pong shaped cutting hammers, deflectors attached to the inside of the housing and to a deflector assembly on the outside of the housing. The deflectors movable vertically and horizontally with first and second motion controllers for adjusting the spacing between the cutting hammers and the deflectors. A programmable logic controller for independently controlling the speed at which the cutting shaft and fan shaft are rotated and the spacing between the cutting hammers and the deflectors to produce a desired particle size reduction for a selected material. 1. In a grinder having a generally vertical , rotatable cutting shaft having at least one cutter disc driven thereby and a fan assembly mounted below the cutter disc in a housing , the improvement comprising mounting the fan assembly on a separately rotatable fan shaft , said cutting shaft and said fan shaft independently driven , said housing having a top wall with a feed stock input chute and a bottom wall with a discharge opening , said fan assembly mounted above the bottom wall in the discharge opening.2. The grinder of wherein the fan shaft and the cutting shaft are concentric and driven by separate motors.3. The grinder of wherein the speed at which the fan shaft and the cutting shaft are rotated by the separate motors is controlled by a programmable logic controller.4. The grinder of with a plurality of cutter discs on the cutting shaft with the uppermost cutter disc having a smaller diameter than a next most cutter disc claim 2 , mounted on each cutter disc are ping pong shaped cutting hammers with an enlarged end for attachment of the hammers to the cutter disc.5. The grinder of wherein the cutting hammers ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Impact reactor

Номер: US20190176160A1
Автор: Ralf Schäfer

Impact reactor ( 1 ) for comminuting composite materials, comprising a cylindrical casing ( 2 ), in which a rotor ( 4 ) provided with impact elements ( 5 ) is arranged, wherein the impact reactor ( 1 ) is closed on the end face remote from the rotor ( 4 ) by means of a cover ( 7 ), wherein an suction opening ( 8 ) is assigned to the cover ( 7 ), wherein a classifying device ( 9 ) is assigned to the suction opening ( 8 ), and method of processing accumulator batteries, mineral wool and raw material.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213458A1

An enclosure for a pulverizer system includes a generally cylindrical body forming an internal cavity having a central axis, a cover positioned above the cylindrical body, and a floor positioned within the internal cavity of the cylindrical body, opposite the cover, the floor having a surface extending from a point nearest the central axis to an inner sidewall of the cylindrical body. The surface of the floor has a substantially constant radius of curvature. 1. An enclosure for a pulverizer system , comprising:a generally cylindrical body forming an internal cavity having a central axis;a cover positioned above the cylindrical body; anda floor positioned within the internal cavity of the cylindrical body, opposite the cover, the floor having a surface extending from a point nearest the central axis to an inner sidewall of the cylindrical body;wherein the surface of the floor has a substantially constant radius of curvature.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein:the surface is configured as a spherical disk.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein:the surface is devoid of a knuckle having a radius that is different than the constant radius of the curvature of the surface.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein:the floor further includes an aperture formed through the floor, the aperture configured to receive a rotatable table of a pulverizer system.5. The enclosure of claim 4 , further comprising:a bottom seal coupled to and lining the aperture of the floor;wherein the surface having the constant radius of curvature extends from the bottom seal to the inner sidewall.6. The enclosure of claim 5 , further comprising:a first fillet at an intersection of the floor and the inner sidewall of the cylindrical body, the first fillet being located generally above the floor.7. The enclosure of claim 5 , further comprising:a second fillet at an intersection of the floor and the inner sidewall of the cylindrical body, the second fillet being located generally below the floor.8. The ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Device And Method For Rounding Graphite Flakes Of A Graphite Material

Номер: US20210220875A1

A device and a method for rounding a graphite material including a feeding device for feeding the graphite material to the device; a plurality of rounding tools designed to revolve while rotating, which are arranged at the outer circumference of a disc rotating about a rotational axis and in a rotational direction; at least one guide apparatus); a separating device for separating fine material and superfine material and a product outlet. Furthermore, provision is made such that a cover ring is arranged above the rounding tools. 1. A device for rounding a graphite material comprising a feeding device for feeding the graphite material to the device; a plurality of rounding tools designed to revolve while rotating; which are arranged at the outer circumference of a disc rotating about a rotational axis and in a rotational direction ,at least one guide apparatus;a separating device for separating fine material and superfine material;a product outlet;wherein a cover ring is arranged above the rounding tools.2. The device) according to claim 1 , wherein the cover ring extends over all the rounding tools arranged at the outer circumference of the disc.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the graphite material claim 1 , after single or repeated active contact with at least one rounding tool claim 1 , experiences a swirling effect and wherein the graphite material can be diverted into a largely vertical direction by means of the at least one guide apparatus and can be fed largely without swirling to the separating device.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the rounding tools each comprise a lateral face pointing in the direction of the rotational axis claim 1 , wherein this lateral face is formed convex in the direction of the rotational axis or has a radius or wherein the lateral face pointing in the direction of the rotational axis is formed by a plurality of rectangles.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the guide apparatus comprises a plurality ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210033A1

An anvil adjustment assembly of a vertical shaft impactor includes an anvil ring configured to be disposed within a housing of the vertical shaft impactor. The anvil ring includes a tab which is coupled to an elongate jack bolt having a first end and a second end. A jack bolt housing partially surrounds the bolt and is coupled to the housing. A first locking collar and a second locking collar are coupled to the jack bolt. The first locking nut is coupled to the jack bolt on one side of the tab, and the second locking nut is coupled to the jack bolt on the opposite side of the tab. The jack bolt moves along a longitudinal axis within the jack bolt housing between a first position and a second position, and the movement of the jack bolt along the longitudinal axis induces longitudinal movement of the anvil ring. 1. An anvil adjustment assembly of a vertical shaft impactor , comprising:an anvil ring configured to be disposed within a housing of the vertical shaft impactor, the anvil ring comprising at least one tab protruding outwardly;an elongate jack bolt having a first end and a second end, the bolt including a threaded portion formed between the first and second ends;a jack bolt housing having a cover and a door, the jack bolt housing configured to be coupled to the housing;a first locking collar and a second locking collar each coupled to the jack bolt, where the first locking nut is coupled to the jack bolt on one side of the at least one tab, and the second locking nut being coupled to the jack bolt on the opposite side of the at least one tab;wherein, the jack bolt is movable along a longitudinal axis within the jack bolt housing between a first position and a second position;further wherein, a movement of the jack bolt along the longitudinal axis induces longitudinal movement of the anvil ring.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first locking nut coupled to the first end of the jack bolt and a second locking nut fixedly coupled to the jack bolt ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222908A1
Автор: HOFMANN Felix, KAMM Jochen

A device for separating material composites to be disposed of, including at least two material fractions with differing material properties, and a method for separating such material composites are provided. The device, in a region of an upper cover plate, has a bowl-shaped dispensing channel having at least one opening facing toward an impact chamber, and a dispenser arranged in the channel and designed to receive material fractions of a second type from the region of the chamber above a first separating screen and/or near the upper cover plate. Individual material fractions of a material composite, such as a material fraction of the second type to be comminuted and having a lower density than a first material fraction, may be separated in larger pieces from remaining material, to facilitate the transport of individual material fractions and further processing as part of raw material recovery. 2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser disposed in the dispensing channel is configured as a screw conveyor claim 1 , as a spiral conveyor and/or as a cellular wheel.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein between the second receiving chamber and the first bowl-shaped section in the impact chamber claim 1 , the dispensing channel includes a longitudinally axial section and/or a transversely axial section.4. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a closure configured to completely or partially reversibly close the opening.5. The device according to claim 2 , wherein a dispenser configured as a screw conveyor or as a spiral conveyor ends in a longitudinally axial section of the dispensing channel.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a movable rake for the portioned dispensing of material fractions of the second type into the second receiving chamber is disposed between the dispenser and the second receiving chamber.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein feed nozzles for delivering fresh air to transport material fractions of ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

High-Speed Dewatering and Pulverizing Turbine

Номер: US20200238294A1
Принадлежит: Biodryingtech SpA, Empresas Iansa SA

The present invention relates to a high-speed dewatering and pulverizing turbine (1) for obtaining solid pulverized particles and dissociating the water present, which is formed by: a) a stator (6) having circular geometry with a duct at one end (7) for the outlet of the solid pulverized particles and a duct in the bottom part (10) for the inlet of solid particles to be pulverized; b) a wheel or rotor with vanes or blades, located inside the stator; and c) a central securing assembly for adjusting and securing all the elements that form the wheel or rotor. Also described is a method for obtaining solid pulverized and dewatered particles, wherein the water present is separated.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Pressure Interference Wave Mill

Номер: US20170252751A1
Принадлежит: Enagon Wave Technology LLC

An apparatus for processing materials includes a chamber within which frequency turbine plates rotate relative to a circumferential wall having diametrically opposed portions which are asymmetric relative to each other. The circumferential wall with asymmetric arrangement in this manner promotes the generation of pressure differentials and interference wave phenomena when plates are rotated relative to such asymmetric arrangements, and thereby facilitates materials being processed through the associated apparatus. One suitable form of the apparatus comprises a pressure interference wave mill suitable for processing materials, such as slag.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190262840A1
Автор: Schäfer Ralf

Impact reactor () for comminuting composite materials, comprising a cylindrical casing (), in which a rotor () is arranged, and an introducing opening () for introducing the composite materials and an extraction opening () for discharging the comminuted composite materials, wherein at least one further introducing opening () for a cooling medium is provided. 1. An impact reactor for comminuting composite materials , comprising a cylindrical casing in which a rotor is arranged , and an introducing opening for introducing the composite materials and an extraction opening for discharging the comminuted composite materials , characterized in that at least one further introducing opening for a cooling medium is provided.2. The impact reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling medium includes water.3. The impact reactor according to claim 2 , wherein the cooling medium includes an additive.4. The impact reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling medium includes dry ice and/or liquid nitrogen.5. The impact reactor according to claim 1 , wherein a classifying device is assigned to the extraction opening.6. The impact reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the impact reactor comprises a cover which claim 1 , together with the casing claim 1 , delimits an impact reactor chamber.7. The impact reactor according to claim 6 , wherein the further introducing opening is assigned to the casing and/or to the cover.8. A method for comminuting composite materials in an impact reactor claim 6 , in which composite materials are introduced into an impact reactor chamber via an introducing opening claim 6 , are comminuted in the impact reactor chamber under the effect of the rotor and are discharged from the impact reactor chamber via an extraction opening claim 6 , characterized in that a cooling medium is introduced into the impact reactor chamber together with the composite materials.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the comminuted composite materials are ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290147A1

A device for the comminution of moisture-containing materials includes a housing that forms an impact chamber having a rotating striking means driven therein via a shaft. The housing includes a bottom plate, a cover, a wall connecting the bottom plate and the cover, an inlet opening and an outlet opening. A tub including at least one layer of plastic is arranged at least along the bottom plate. A wear plate is arranged on an other side of the layer of plastic. Objects of the invention include increasing the wear resistance of the device, realizing self-cleaning effects and enabling simple and safe cleaning, in particular, at a standstill. 1. A device for the comminution of moisture-containing materials , comprising:a housing that forms an impact chamber having a rotating striker driven therein via a shaft,wherein the housing comprises a bottom plate, a cover, a wall connecting the bottom plate and the cover, an inlet opening and an outlet opening,wherein in the impact chamber, a tub comprising at least one layer of plastic is arranged at least along the bottom plate, andwherein a wear plate is arranged on an other side of the layer of plastic.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the tub and/or the wear plate are designed in several parts and junction points are sealed in a materially bonded manner.3. The device according towherein the tub comprises a multi-part tub and the wear plate comprises a multi-part wear plate, andwherein the junction point of the tub segments of the multi-part tub and wear plate segments of the multi-part wear plate are arranged substantially spaced from each other.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein in a region of the outlet opening on the bottom plate claim 1 , the tub and/or the wear plate are integrally arranged as an orifice plate.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the wear plate is made of a material harder than a material of the housing.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein in a region of the outlet ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Device with baffle chamber

Номер: US20150314296A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a device for shredding material, comprising a baffle chamber with a discharge opening and a rotor shaft having a longitudinal axis and provided in the baffle chamber, where the baffle chamber is rotatable about the longitudinal axis of the rotor shaft.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312754A1

A crushing apparatus includes a tank including a first aperture and a second aperture, a first blower around the first aperture, a grinder disposed within the tank, a separating device including a first hole connected to the second aperture, and a second hole, and a second blower disposed around the second hole. 1. A crushing apparatus , comprising:a tank including a first aperture and a second aperture;a first blower disposed around the first aperture;a grinder disposed within the tank;a separating device including a first hole connected to the second aperture, and a second hole; anda second blower disposed around the second hole.2. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first blower points towards the second aperture.3. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the separating device includes a cylindrical portion and a conical portion coupled with is and tapered away from the cylindrical portion claim 1 , the first hole is disposed at the cylindrical portion claim 1 , the second hole and the second blower are disposed at the conical portion.4. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the separating device is configured to generate a first airflow travelling from the first hole towards the second hole claim 1 , and the second blower is configured to generate a second airflow travelling opposite to the first airflow.5. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the grinder includes a crushing element in a tapered configuration.6. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the separating device is a cyclone.7. The crushing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a vibrating device attached on the separating device.9. The crushing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the first blower points towards the sieve.10. The crushing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the passage is tilted relative to the covering member in an acute angle claim 8 , an obtuse angle or an angle between about 10° to about 75°.11. The crushing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein a cross section ...

29-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107519983A
Автор: 杨荣兵, 杨荣军, 赵传东


09-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN108654757B
Автор: 曾絮, 朱梁帅
Принадлежит: Anhui Shuangquan Flour Co ltd


29-05-2020 дата публикации

Vertical Dry coarse aggregate and fine aggregate Manufacturing Apparatus and Method with Lightweight and Enhanced Rotation and Repair

Номер: KR102108420B1
Автор: 권영숙
Принадлежит: 주식회사 유신건자재연구소

The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for manufacturing vertical dry coarse aggregates and fine aggregates with a light weight and enhanced rotation and repair properties. According to the present invention, the apparatus for manufacturing the vertical dry coarse aggregates and the fine aggregates with the light weight and the enhanced rotation and repair properties includes: a base frame (10); a case (20); a driving device (50); and a crushing area case (41) including a vertical grinder (60) for producing the coarse aggregates and the fine aggregates through hitting and milling aggregates introduced into the case while rotating by receiving a driving power from the driving device, wherein the vertical grinder includes a hub (61) having a cylindrical structure, a hammer (62), and a roll-shaped mill (63), and is detachably inserted into a crushing area of the case.

19-02-2020 дата публикации

Centrifugal disk shredder

Номер: RU2714774C1

FIELD: disintegrators and crushing devices. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to devices for grinding material. Disclosed is a centrifugal disk shredder comprising a cylindrical housing with loading and unloading pipes, opposed top and bottom disks. Upper surface of lower disk and lower surface of upper disc are tapered with angle of inclination of generatrix α>ϕ, where ϕ is angle of natural slope of material. On the upper surface of the lower disc and on the lower surface of the upper disc there are concentric ledges and grooves of a semicircular cross-section, the size of which decreases from the center of the disks to their periphery from 2D max to (0.1…0.5)D max , where D max is the maximum size particles of ground material. Ledges of upper disc with process clearance enter into grooves of lower disk, protrusions of lower disc have tangential rectangular cutouts along entire length of circle in direction of rotation of upper disk, height and width of each cut coincides with depth and width of corresponding groove. EFFECT: invention is aimed at improvement of grinding process efficiency. 1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 714 774 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019135457, 05.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 19.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 19.02.2020 Бюл. № 5 2 7 1 4 7 7 4 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2637216 C1, 01.12.2017. RU 2176933 C2, 20.12.2001. RU 2044565 C1, 27.09.1995. RU 2620652 C1, 29.05.2017. UA 92022 C2, 27.09.2010. FR 944122 A, 28.03.1949. DE 3060799 D1, 28.10.1982. (54) ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНЫЙ ДИСКОВЫЙ ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для которого уменьшается от центра дисков к их измельчения материала. Предложен периферии от 2Dmax до (0,1…0,5)Dmax, где Dmax центробежный дисковый измельчитель, максимальный ...

24-12-2014 дата публикации

A Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher and a Rotor therein

Номер: KR101476958B1
Автор: 하용간
Принадлежит: 하용간

The present invention relates to a vertical shaft impact crusher in which a rotor protection layer formed of particles of an object that is crushed is disposed in a rotor. The present invention provides a rotor (5) rotating with respect to a rotation shaft vertically extending to accelerate a target object to be crushed (hereinafter, referred to as a ″crushed object″) by using centrifugal force. The rotor (5) includes: a rotor upper plate (55) having a rotor upper plate hole (551) that is an insertion hole of the crushed object inserted into the rotor and defining an upper portion of the rotor; a rotor lower plate (53) spaced apart from a lower portion of the rotor upper plate and defining a bottom of the rotor; a rotor main wall (54) disposed between the rotor upper plate and the rotor lower plate and connected to each of the rotor upper plate and the rotor lower plate, the rotor main wall (54) being spaced apart from the rotation center of the rotor; and a circular hole (541) defined in the rotor main wall (54) to be an outlet through which the crushed object accelerated in the rotor is discharged from the rotor.

18-05-2012 дата публикации

Crusher of Vertical type

Номер: KR101147934B1
Автор: 염인철
Принадлежит: 염인철

본 발명은 하부에 구동부가 설치되고, 상부에 상기 구동부에 의해 회전하는 회전축이 설치되도록 회전축 설치구가 형성된 본체와, 상기 구동부에 의해 회전하는 회전축에 의해 회전하며 적어도 두 개의 그라인딩부재가 수직으로 설치되어 식재료를 다단으로 분쇄하는 그라인딩부 및 상기 그라인딩부에서 분쇄된 식재료를 외부로 배출시키는 배출부가 포함된 것을 특징으로 하는 수직형 분쇄기에 관한 것이다. 이에, 발명은 식재료를 분쇄하는 그라인딩부를 수직으로 설치함에 따라 그라인딩부가 수평으로 설치될 때보다 그라인더의 원심력이 증대되어 식재료의 분쇄효율이 증대되고, 그라인딩부가 비금속 재질로 형성됨에 따라, 금속재질에 의해 파괴되는 식재료의 영양파괴를 최소화할 수 있는 효과가 있다. According to the present invention, a driving unit is installed at a lower portion thereof, and a rotating shaft mounting hole is formed at an upper portion thereof so that a rotating shaft rotating by the driving unit is installed. And it relates to a vertical grinder comprising a grinding portion for crushing the food material in multiple stages and a discharge portion for discharging the food material pulverized in the grinding portion to the outside. Therefore, in the present invention, as the grinding part for crushing the food material is installed vertically, the centrifugal force of the grinder is increased than when the grinding part is installed horizontally, thereby increasing the grinding efficiency of the food material, and as the grinding part is formed of a non-metallic material, There is an effect that can minimize the nutritional destruction of the food ingredients that are destroyed.

21-12-2007 дата публикации

Vertical mill and method for determining the shape of a crushing face

Номер: KR100787643B1

본 발명에서는 테이블 대향면(21)의 바깥쪽 부분(22)의 높이(H1, HZ)를 교점(P)에 있는 원료가 원심력에 의해 바깥쪽 부분(22)의 위로 올라가서 잘려져 배출될 수 있는 치수로 결정하게 된다. 그리고, 이 치수가 만족되게 되면, 롤러외주면 (20)과 테이블 대향면(21)의 각 반경(Rr1, Rout1, Rin1, Rr2, Rout2, Rin2)을 그 순서대로 커지도록 함과 더불어, 안쪽 간격(δin1, δin2)이 바깥쪽으로 갈수록 작아지고 바깥쪽 간격(δout1, δout2)은 일정해지도록 분쇄면 형상이 결정되도록 한다. 그에 의해, 수직형 밀에서 높은 분쇄효율을 확보할 수가 있음과 더불어, 원료가 체류하는 것을 방지할 수 있게 된다. In the present invention, the height (H1, HZ) of the outer portion 22 of the table opposing surface 21, the raw material at the intersection P rises above the outer portion 22 by centrifugal force and can be cut out and discharged. Will be decided. When this dimension is satisfied, each radius Rr1, Rout1, Rin1, Rr2, Rout2, Rin2 of the roller outer circumferential surface 20 and the table opposing surface 21 is increased in that order, and the inner space ( The grinding surface shape is determined so that δin1 and δin2 become smaller toward the outside and the outside intervals δout1 and δout2 become constant. As a result, it is possible to ensure high grinding efficiency in the vertical mill and to prevent the raw material from remaining.

15-05-2009 дата публикации

Turning type crusher

Номер: KR100897708B1
Автор: 이명섭
Принадлежит: 이명섭

본 발명은 분쇄구의 간격 조절이 가능하여, 라이너 교체 주기를 증가시키고, 분쇄기 고장 원인을 미연에 방지하며, 라이너의 강도를 상이하게 제조하여 라이너 마모를 균일하게 진행시킬 수 있도록 한 회전 분쇄기에 관한 것이다. 이를 위해, 피가공물을 분쇄구 내부에 유입시켜 분쇄하는 회전 분쇄기에 있어서, 탑셀테이블 둘레에 탑셀서포트를 커버 가능하게 설치하고, 상기 분쇄구 간격을 조절할 수 있게 탑셀테이블 둘레의 상면을 따라 복수의 유압실린더를 장착하며, 상기 유압실린더와 탑셀서포트의 서포트플레이트 사이에 텐션볼트를 장착하되, 상기 텐션볼트의 상단을 탑셀서포트에 슬라이딩 이송 가능하게 삽입하고, 상기 텐션볼트 둘레에 탄성 상태로 텐션스프링을 구비한 것을 특징으로 한다. 상기한 구성에 따라, 유압실린더의 구동을 통해 분쇄구 간격을 일정하게 조절하므로, 라이너 교체에 소요되는 비용을 절감하고, 텐션스프링의 순간적인 압축 작용을 통해 분쇄기의 과부하 방지를 통해 고장 원인을 미연에 차단하며, 인라이너와 아웃라이너의 재질 차이를 통해 인라이너와 아웃라이너의 마모를 균일하게 제어하여, 라이너 교체 작업의 횟수를 줄일 수 있는 효과도 있다. 분쇄기, 분쇄구, 유압실린더, 텐션스프링, 인라이너, 아웃라이너. The present invention relates to a rotary grinder capable of adjusting the spacing of the grinder, increasing the liner replacement cycle, preventing the failure of the grinder in advance, and making the liner wear uniformly by making the strength of the liner different. . To this end, in a rotary mill in which the workpiece is introduced into the grinding hole and grounded, a top cell support can be installed to cover the top cell table, and a plurality of hydraulic pressures are provided along the upper surface of the top cell table circumference to adjust the gap of the grinding hole. The cylinder is mounted, and the tension bolt is mounted between the hydraulic cylinder and the support plate of the top cell support, and the upper end of the tension bolt is inserted into the top cell support so as to be slidably transported, and the tension spring is provided in an elastic state around the tension bolt. It is characterized by one. According to the above configuration, the distance between the grinders is constantly adjusted through the operation of the hydraulic cylinder, thereby reducing the cost of replacing the liner and preventing the overload of the grinder through the momentary compression of the tension spring, thereby preventing the failure. It is also effective to reduce the number of liner replacement operations by uniformly controlling the wear ...

22-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: KR960007007A

1. 청구범위에 기재된 발명이 속한 기술분야 본 발명은 분쇄구역과 분급구역을 내장하는 분급기구부착의 미세분쇄장치에 관한 것이다. 2. 발명이 해결하려고 하는 기술적 과제 본 발명은 분쇄후 분급구역으로부터 분쇄구역으로 복구해오는 원료를 해머(14)와 라이너(15)와의 간격에 아래쪽으로부터 넣어서 순환시키도록 한 미세분쇄장치를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 3. 발명의 해결방법의 요지 회전축(7)에 지지되고 외측표면에 복수의 요철로 이루어지는 분쇄날(16)을 갖는 링형상의 회전해머(14)와, 그 회전해머(14)와의 사이에 간격을 두고 고정 배치됨과 동시에 상기한 해머(14)와의 대향면에 복수의 요철을 갖는 라이너(15)와, 상기한 회전해머(14)와 라이너(15)와의 사이에서 분쇄되어 위쪽으로 보내진 원료의 소정의 입자직경 이하의 것을 출구측으로 배출시키는 회전날개형의 분급수단(12)을 갖는 미세분쇄장치에 있어서, 분쇄날(16)을 실질적으로 전체원주에 설치하고 있음과 동시에 상기한 출구측으로 배출되지 않은 원료를 상기한 간격에 아래쪽으로부터보내기 위한 순환통로(19)를 상기한 분쇄날(16)의 아래쪽에 설치한 것을 특징으로하는 미세분쇄장치이다. 4. 발명의 중요한 용도 본 발명은 예를 들면 미크론급이라고 하는 미세분쇄를 행하는 미세분쇄장치에 관한 것이다. ※선택도 : 제5도

02-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: JP2005525927A


14-09-2018 дата публикации

Device for shattering grain

Номер: RU2667098C1

FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a device for shattering grain that can be used in individual farms. Device comprises a bed with a loading hopper, a vertical drive shaft installed in the frame with upper and lower blade disks, whose blades are bent towards the rotation of the disks, a sieve in the form of a truncated cone. In this case, the diameter of the lower lobate disk is 1.2...1.3 times larger than the diameter of the upper lobate disk. Device is also provided with a supply nozzle and a reflector.EFFECT: performance of blade blades of different diameters with curved blades in conjunction with the implementation of a truncated cone sieve provides an increase in the efficiency of grain crushing.1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 667 098 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017113492, 18.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.09.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 14.09.2018 Бюл. № 26 Адрес для переписки: 420015, г. Казань, ул. К. Маркса, 65, (ФГБОУ ВО Казанский ГАУ), отдел научных исследований и инноваций 2 6 6 7 0 9 8 C 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2252076 C2, 20.05.2005. RU 162595 U1, 20.06.2016. RU 2139749 C1, 20.10.1999. RU 2534111 C1, 27.11.2014. RU 2096983 C1, 27.11.1997. DE 2633520 A1, 07.04.1977. RU 2246353 C1, 20.02.2005. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДРОБЛЕНИЯ ЗЕРНА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройству для дробления зерна, которое может найти применение в индивидуальных фермерских хозяйствах. Устройство содержит станину с загрузочным бункером, установленный в станине вертикальный приводной вал с верхним и нижним лопастными дисками, лопасти которых загнуты в сторону вращения дисков, сито в виде усеченного конуса. При этом диаметр нижнего Стр.: 1 лопастного диска в 1,2 … 1,3 раза больше диаметра верхнего лопастного диска. ...

01-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107413448A
Автор: 杨荣兵, 杨荣军, 赵传东


24-12-2020 дата публикации

Centrifugal disk shredder

Номер: RU2739428C1

FIELD: disintegrators and crushing devices. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to materials grinding devices. Disclosed is a centrifugal disk shredder comprising a cylindrical housing with loading and unloading pipes, opposed top and bottom disks. Lower disc has an upper conical surface with an inclination angle of the generatrix to the horizon exceeding the angle of natural slope of the material. Gap between upper conical surface of lower disc and lower conic surface of upper disc uniformly decreases from center of discs to their periphery, forming an angle between lower conical surface of upper disc and upper conical surface of lower disc, on which opposite each other there are concentric horizontal rings with uniformly and successively alternating inclined ledges, the height of each of which in each horizontal ring uniformly decreases in direction of rotation of disks. Horizontal rings of lower disc are separated by vertical concentric limiters with height equal to maximum height of inclined benches. In each vertical concentric limiter, there are through rectangular radial cutouts above upper surface of each inclined ledge. EFFECT: the invention provides high efficiency during its operation. 1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 739 428 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020128223, 25.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 24.12.2020 Бюл. № 36 2 7 3 9 4 2 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 45226 U1, 10.05.2005. SU 1829194 A1, 30.04.1995. RU 37325 U1, 20.04.2004. RU 2724668 C1, 25.06.2020. SU 1823797 A3, 23.06.1993. (54) ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНЫЙ ДИСКОВЫЙ ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для концентрические горизонтальные кольца с измельчения материалов. Предложен равномерно и последовательно чередующимися ...

01-02-2013 дата публикации

The grinder

Номер: KR101228984B1
Автор: 조성경
Принадлежит: 조성경

본 발명은 상부로부터 그 내벽 상하에 걸쳐 나선의 요철이 반복되는 모양으로 형성되는 하우징과, 외벽 상하에 걸쳐 나선의 요철이 반복되는 모양으로 형성되는 스크루가 상기 하우징과 미세한 공차를 형성하고 결합되어 회전하면서 하우징으로 유입되는 분쇄대상물을 분쇄하도록 구성되며, 상기 하우징의 내벽에 형성되는 나선은 적어도 65~75도의 경사각을 형성하게 되고, 스크루의 나선은 적어도 3~5도의 경사각을 형성하게 되어 스크루가 회전할 때 하우징의 나선과 스크루의 나선은 적어도 70~80도의 각으로 교차하면서 회전하도록 구성되며, 상기 하우징의 나선의 철부의 상면을 면따기 하여 칼날이 형성되고 상기 칼날은 아래 방향으로 경사지게 형성되어 있으며, 상기 스크루의 나선의 철부에 칼날이 형성되어 스크루의 회전으로 하우징의 칼날과 스크루의 칼날은 적어도 70~80도의 각으로 교차하면서 통과하여 상기 양 칼날과 양 철부 사이에서 분쇄대상물을 신속하게 분쇄될 수 있도록 구성되는 분쇄기를 제공하기 위한 것이다. The present invention is a housing that is formed in a shape that repeats the irregularities of the spiral over the top and bottom of the inner wall from the top, and the screw is formed in a shape that repeats the irregularities of the spiral over the outer wall up and down to form a fine tolerance and the rotation is coupled to the housing While crushing the crushed object flowing into the housing, the spiral formed on the inner wall of the housing forms an inclination angle of at least 65 ~ 75 degrees, the screw spiral forms an inclination angle of at least 3 ~ 5 degrees, the screw is rotated When the spiral of the housing and the screw of the screw is configured to rotate while intersecting at an angle of at least 70 ~ 80 degrees, the blade is formed by picking the upper surface of the convex portion of the spiral of the housing and the blade is formed to be inclined downward The blade is formed in the convex portion of the screw spiral and the blade of the housing by the rotation of the screw Crew of the blade is to provide a mill that is adapted to be quickly crush the crushed object in between the two blades and through both convex and intersects with each of at least 70 to 80 degrees.

20-04-2007 дата публикации

Device for reprocessing of the plastic material

Номер: RU2297326C2

FIELD: chemical industry; devices for the plastic material reprocessing. SUBSTANCE: the invention is pertaining to the devices for the plastic materials reprocessing, in particular, to the thermoplastic plastics reprocessing. The device used for reprocessing of the plastics material, in particular, the thermoplastic material contains the subjected to reprocessing plastic material reception tank, in the internal space of which there are working tools arranged on the carrying disk. The working tools are driven into rotation around the vertical axis of the shaft with the help of the arbor passing through this internal space. The device has one endless screw for withdrawal of the material from the reception tank. The endless screw body has the feeding hole, which along the stream run is connected with the outlet hole of the reception tank allocated below the level of the carrying disk and the located on it tools. In the reception tank under the carrying disk there are the additional tools feeding the material into the outlet hole. The carrying disk contains one opening located near to the axis and the edges of the tools moving at rotation of the carrying disk and connecting the space above the carrying disk with the space under it. The invention ensures withdrawal through the outlet hole of the material free from the volatile substances, such as the steam, the processed material decomposition products, the gaseous or evaporated components of the coolant and others, which may be widely presented at availability of the wet plastic material loaded into the tank. EFFECT: the invention ensures withdrawal of the material free from the volatile substances - the steam, the material decomposition products, the coolant gaseous or evaporated components and others. 10 cl, 6 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 297 326 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ B29B 17/04 B02C 18/08 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ...

16-03-2021 дата публикации

A even hybrid soil prosthetic devices for environmental protection is administered

Номер: CN112496016A
Автор: 边梁
Принадлежит: Individual


17-04-2018 дата публикации

A kind of pulverizing medicinal materials equipment with screening function

Номер: CN107913768A
Автор: 徐自强
Принадлежит: Chengdu Feisipu Technology Co Ltd


19-04-2013 дата публикации

A dispersion mill

Номер: KR101256168B1
Автор: 정찬수
Принадлежит: 주식회사 디엔텍

PURPOSE: A dispersing-pulverizing apparatus having an improved function for discharging the particles of worked material is provided to drop the particles of the dispersed and pulverized material using a sort unit in order to atomize the particles so that the sizes of the partial particles are below a certain particle size, and then guide and discharge only the atomized particles to an outlet using a sort unit. CONSTITUTION: A dispersing-pulverizing apparatus having an improved function for discharging the particles of worked material includes a body(10), a rotor(20), a rotary actuating unit for the rotor, and a sort unit. The body has an inner housing(11), an upper material supply part connected to the housing, and a lower particle outlet(13) connected to the housing. The rotor for dispersing and pulverizing the material is placed in the housing. The rotor pulverizes the particles so that the sizes of the partial particles are below a certain particle size, and then the sort unit placed at the outlet discharges the partial particles to the outlet.

12-06-2019 дата публикации

Vertical dry type sand producing apparatus and method

Номер: KR101987832B1
Автор: 권영숙
Принадлежит: 주식회사 유신건자재연구소

The present invention relates to a vertical dry type apparatus for manufacturing coarse and fine aggregates and a method thereof, and an objective of the present invention is to manufacture a mixture of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate (sand) through striking and grinding (and sort the coarse and fine aggregates through the following process to manufacture final fine aggregate), and use all portions of a liner so as to extend a life of the apparatus and increase productivity of the coarse aggregate. According to the present invention, the vertical dry type apparatus for manufacturing coarse and fine aggregates comprises a cylindrical case (10) having an inner circumferential surface lined with a liner, and a vertical crusher (20) rotationally mounted in the case and processing an object to be crushed inserted into the case while being rotated in one direction through a driving means to manufacture a mixture of the coarse and fine aggregates. The case comprises an inlet (11) and an outlet (12) formed on upper and lower parts, respectively, and the inlet and the outlet are formed at start and end positions in the rotational direction of the vertical crusher, respectively. The vertical crusher crushes the object to be crushed supported to the liner of the case while moving the object to be crushed inputted through the inlet of the case so as to discharge the crushed object to the outlet, thereby using all liners of the case.

18-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700645C1

FIELD: disintegrators and crushing devices. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to grinding various materials and can be used in production of construction materials, as well as in other industries. Device comprises cylindrical housing (1) with axial loading (2) and tangential unloading devices. Vertical disks (4) with rigidly fixed on them rows of impact elements (5), each of which is located between rows of impact elements of the opposite disc, are arranged in housing (1) with possibility of counter rotation. Axial loading device (2) is made in the form of two hollow horizontal screw shafts rigidly connected with disks (4). Each row of impact elements (5) is rigidly and in pairs connected by conical rings (6) symmetrically located relative to vertical axis of housing (1). Large bases of conical rings (6) are directed towards each other, distance between their larger bases on each impact element (5) decreases from inner row to outer from L to (0.1…0.2) L, where L is the length of impact element (5). Outer generating surface of conical rings (6) of previous row of impact elements (5) is conjugated with inner generatrix of conical rings (6) of the next row. Length of sections of overlapping of conic rings (6) of adjacent rows is determined by radial distance between rows of impact elements (5) taking into account process gaps. Axial gap between conical rings (6) of adjacent rows is equal to (2…5)d max , where d max is maximum particle size of the ready product. Area of annular gap between larger bases of conical rings (6) of external row of impact elements (5) exceeds total area of cross section of axial loading device (2). EFFECT: higher efficiency of the grinding process and efficiency of the ready class of the ground material due to selective action on the material. 1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 700 645 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 13/14 (2019 ...

05-03-2021 дата публикации

High-speed device for drying and grinding solid particles and a method of producing solid ground and drained particles using said device

Номер: RU2744347C1

FIELD: removal and processing of solid wastes.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to drying and milling solid products, for example food, garbage when recycling in different areas. Device (1) with high rotation speed for solid particles drying and grinding comprises stator (6), having round geometric shape with channel at one end (7) for solid crushed particles to exit and channel for feeding solid particles to be ground. Device comprises rotor with blades arranged inside stator (6) and having fastening and mounting plates of round shape for blades, central axis (11), compatible with fastening plates, at least four separating and mounting rods, which are arranged parallel to axis (11) and attached perpendicularly by one of their ends to fastening and mounting plates and at least four blades, which are attached to axis (11) and arranged radially, and central fastening assembly for adjustment and fixation of all elements that form rotor. Channel is made in lower part (10) of stator (6), blades are made as a whole flat.EFFECT: each blade has a lower inner slot, placed in the lower part of one of its sides and near the inlet opening of the device, which generates a low-frequency signal and overtones with higher frequencies to allow spraying of particles of material and water inside the device, which provides destruction of solid particles and separation of water contained in them.13 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B02C 19/18 B02C 13/18 B02C 13/28 F04D 29/28 (11) (13) 2 744 347 C1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B02C 19/18 (2020.05); B02C 2013/145 (2020.05); B02C 2013/2808 (2020.05); F04D 29/289 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020101789, 21.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): БАЙОДРАЙИНГТЕК СПА (CL), ИМПРЕСАС ИАНСА С.А. (CL) Дата регистрации: 05.03.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о ...

17-04-2015 дата публикации

Two stage vertical centrifugal classifier

Номер: KR101513054B1
Автор: 임상혁
Принадлежит: 임상혁

The present invention relates to a two-staged vertical centrifugal classifier, which additionally crushes powders of raw materials and efficiently classifies raw materials into fine powders and thick powders, comprising an upper rotor which is penetrated into an upper part of a casing and is accordingly installed, and rotates air used for classification and accordingly lifts classified fine powders; a lower rotor which is installed at the lower part of the upper rotor in the casing with use of the concentric upper rotor; a raw material supplying chute which is installed on the upper part of the casing to supply the powder of raw materials to the upper part on a dispersing plate on the lower rotor; a classification room which is installed between the upper rotor and the lower rotor in the casing; a cyclone which is installed in the casing to enable a guide vain of the lower rotor to be inserted and to supply air used for classification to the classification room; a fine discharging hole which discharges classified fine powders out of the classifier; and a thicker discharging hole which discharges classified thick powders out of the classifier.

02-01-2008 дата публикации

Bulk material breaker

Номер: CN101096019A
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG


08-03-2017 дата публикации

Can achieve the hot ore deposit disintegrating apparatus that classification is processed

Номер: CN106475191A
Автор: 唐锋, 程林
Принадлежит: Nanjing Union Technology Co Ltd


17-08-2006 дата публикации

pulverization device that pulverization pan and this pulverization pan are adopted

Номер: KR100613395B1
Автор: 이준호
Принадлежит: 이준호

본 발명은 양측 테두리가 상하로 경사진 날편을 갖는 분쇄팬과 이 분쇄팬이 채택된 분쇄장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a crushing fan having a blade piece inclined up and down both sides and a crushing device is adopted. 본 발명의 분쇄팬은 회전축에 장착되는 축장착부; 상기 축장착부에 대향되게 설치되는 날편을 포함하여 이루어지되, 상기 날편의 양측 테두리가 상방과 하방을 향하도록 경사진 것을 특징으로 한다. Grinding fan of the present invention is mounted to the shaft mounting shaft; It comprises a blade that is installed opposite to the shaft mounting portion, characterized in that inclined so that both edges of the blade facing upward and downward. 분쇄팬, 분쇄장치 Crushing Pans, Crushers

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Primary crushing device for decomposing components of forestry and agricultural residues

Номер: CN104588181A
Автор: 崔勇


17-08-2017 дата публикации

Grinding device

Номер: RU2628498C1

FIELD: machine engineering. SUBSTANCE: grinding device contains the grinding chamber 14, having the supply side and the discharge side and it is enclosed by the wall 42. The wall 42 of the grinding chamber 41 can be formed, in particular, round, cylindrical and/or conical, expanding downward. The wall 42 has at least two parts, which are arranged consequently in the axial direction and in each of which, at least one rotor 26, 28, 30 is arranged coaxially with the grinding chamber. Each of the rotors 26, 28, 30 has the rotor shaft and the impactor tools 38, extending at least during the operation, substantially radially into the grinding chamber. The charging cone 12 is located from the feeding side above the grinding chamber 14a. Above the charging cone 12 there is the input filler 11, at that the input area of the adjustable size d is formed between the inlet filler and the charging cone. The rotors 26, 28, 30 have the opposite direction of rotation in at least two consequently positioned parts. The air draft device is connected to the grinding chamber to transfer the mixture of the particles and air created in the grinding chamber, having at least one fan rotor 31, arranged coaxially with the axis of the grinding chamber and having its own shaft 33, driven by its own drive 25. EFFECT: possibility of the material conglomerates collision with the impactor tools at high speeds with the ability to control the material separation by the material flow effective control, in particular the very small particles flow control. 13 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 628 498 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016114118, 29.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.08.2014 (72) Автор(ы): ШАРФЕ Феликс (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ПМС ХАНДЕЛЬСКОНТОР ГМБХ (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP ...

16-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: JP5859968B2
Принадлежит: From Industry Co Ltd

25-05-2021 дата публикации

Sewage large granule treatment facility

Номер: CN108840456B
Автор: 陈浩


15-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of shraff reducing mechanism based on aperiodicity technology

Номер: CN108160214A
Автор: 邢济祥


14-06-2010 дата публикации

Apparatus for crushing of construction wastes

Номер: KR100962445B1
Автор: 조선덕
Принадлежит: 조선덕

본 발명은 건설폐기물의 파쇄장치에 관한 것으로서, 상부맨틀코어를 이용하여 콘크리트골재를 파쇄하고 이렇게 파쇄된 콘크리트골재를 하부맨틀코어에서 다시 한 번 더 파쇄하면서 연마하듯이 비벼주므로 굵은 골재 및 잔골재로서 양질의 입형을 갖도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a crushing device of construction waste, crushing the concrete aggregate using the upper mantle core and rubs the crushed concrete aggregate in the lower mantle core once again, so as to rub the fine aggregate as fine aggregate and fine aggregate It is to have the shape of. 본 발명은 프레임 상의 상부게이브 내에 상부맨틀코어가 설치되되 상기 상부맨틀코어가 이를 관통하여 설치된 회전축이 동력원과 연결되고 상기 회전축에 마련된 제1편심캠을 통해 편심 이동되게 설치된 건설폐기물의 파쇄장치에 있어서, 상기 상부게이브 및 상부맨틀코어의 하방위치인 프레임에 평판베이스가 마련되고 상기 회전축은 평판베이스를 관통하여 프레임의 하부로 연장되어 제2편심캠이 마련되며, 상기 평판베이스의 하면에 상광하협의 하부게이브가 장착되고 이 하부게이브 내에는 회전축의 제2편심캠에 의해 편심 이동되게 상광하협의 하부맨틀코어가 설치된 것을 특징으로 한다. In the present invention, the upper mantle core is installed in the upper gage on the frame, the rotation shaft installed through the upper mantle core is connected to a power source and installed in the crushing device of the construction waste eccentrically moved through the first eccentric cam provided on the rotating shaft And a flat plate base is provided in the frame, which is a lower position of the upper gage and the upper mantle core, and the rotating shaft extends through the flat plate base to the lower part of the frame to provide a second eccentric cam. The lower gage is mounted, and the lower manve is characterized in that the lower mantle core of the upper and lower narrow shaft is installed to be eccentrically moved by the second eccentric cam of the rotation shaft. 따라서 상부게이브 내에서 상부맨틀코어가 편심 이동과 아울러 상승되면서 가압하므로 단순히 편심 이동되면서 콘크리트골재를 파쇄하는 것보다 보다 확실하고 강력하게 잘은 골재입자로 파쇄할 수 있으며, 하부맨틀코어가 편심 이동되면서 하강됨에 따라 그 자중으로 연마하듯이 더욱 잘게 파쇄하면서 비벼주므로 파쇄과정 중에 크랙 및 편석 등이 발생된 콘크리트골재를 쪼갬은 물론, 파쇄된 콘크리트골재의 입자모서리를 둥글게 연마하여 시멘트페이스트 등을 박리시킬 수 있는 효과를 갖는다. Therefore, as the upper mantle core is pushed with the eccentric movement in the upper gage, it can be crushed into fine aggregate particles more reliably and powerfully than the crushing ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Jet mill

Номер: RU2562542C1

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: jet mill is intended for shredding of various materials in construction, chemical, mountain and other industries. The mill contains the rotor (9), the stator (8) and the shredding elements. The shredding elements are installed with a possibility of radial movement. The rotor and the stator are assembled from flat rings from sheet steel. In edges of grater quantity of rings the alternating chamfers and cuts are made. Chamfers and cuts of rings form grooves on rotor and stator surfaces which are facing to each other. The shredding elements in the form of plates are placed in cut slots. EFFECT: invention simplifies mill design and its producibility, adjustment of shredding level while ensuring high efficiency of shredding. 3 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 562 542 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/00 (2006.01) B02C 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014129357/13, 16.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.07.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Гребенкин Вячеслав Геннадьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гребенкин Вячеслав Геннадьевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.07.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2015 Бюл. № 25 2 5 6 2 5 4 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2001129418 A, 15.05.2001. SU 1028360 А, 15.07.1983. RU 2481894 С2, 10.12.2012. RU 2015728 С1, 15.07.1994 2 5 6 2 5 4 2 R U (54) ВИХРЕВАЯ МЕЛЬНИЦА (57) Реферат: Вихревая мельница предназначена для измельчения различных материалов в строительной, химической, горной и других отраслях промышленности. Мельница содержит ротор (9), статор (8) и мелющие элементы. Мелющие элементы установлены с возможностью радиального перемещения. Ротор и статор собраны из плоских колец из листовой стали. В кромках большего количества колец выполнены Стр.: 1 чередующиеся выемки и прорези. Выемки и прорези колец образуют пазы на обращенных друг к другу ...

31-01-2007 дата публикации

Dry mill and method of drying of mill feed

Номер: EP1747814A1
Автор: Volker Göke
Принадлежит: Claudius Peters Technologies Gmbh

The mill has a housing (39) surrounding a working chamber (30), and a material inlet (31) for putting materials into a milling device (42) from top. A material outlet (38) outwardly leads to an upper region of the chamber, and a reverse feed downwardly leads to the milling device. The milling device is a centrifugal spinner disk (32) rotatable in a horizontal plane, where the disk works together with an impact shell (35) arranged in the housing. A nozzle ring (45) surrounding the disk from bottom supplies fuel gas into the chamber. An independent claim is also included for a method for milling of powdery or fine-grained material such as gypsum.

18-01-2019 дата публикации

Chinese herbal medicine root branch crushes separation equipment

Номер: CN109225529A
Принадлежит: Huanghe Science and Technology College


16-10-2020 дата публикации

Chemical material crushing and drying device

Номер: CN109513480B
Принадлежит: Binzhou Polytechnic


12-12-2019 дата публикации

Dry separator apparatus and method for separator foreign substance of aggregate

Номер: KR102054995B1
Автор: 이준호
Принадлежит: (주)모악환경산업

The present invention relates to a dry type foreign material separation device and method for an aggregate, which is capable of separating foreign materials from an aggregate through a collision with a tank due to strike and scattering of the aggregate by using a multi-stage striking member, and collecting the foreign materials for itself without any additional equipment. The dry type foreign material separation device for an aggregate comprises: a foreign material separating tank (10) receiving an aggregate and separating foreign materials from the aggregate through striking and scattering; and a striking means (20) installed inside the foreign material separating tank in order to rotate, striking the aggregate introduced into the foreign material separating tank, and making the aggregate collide with the inner wall of the foreign material separating tank. In addition, the foreign material separating tank includes delamination inducing plates (14, 15, 16) fixed to be placed in the lower part of a striking member applied to the striking means. The striking means comprises: a motor (21); a rotating shaft (22) vertically placed inside a tank main body and rotated by the motor; and the striking member assembled to the rotating shaft in order to be placed in the upper part of the delamination inducing plates, and composed of a striking impeller (23), a chain (24), and a striking plate (25). Thus, the foreign material separation device can separate foreign materials through striking of the aggregate by the striking member, and also can separate the foreign materials by rubbing aggregates through the delamination inducing plates, or a fixed body, and the striking member, or a rotating body.

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR20060049147A

본 발명은 부엌 쓰레기 중에 분쇄 곤란물이 혼입되어 있는 경우라도, 날의 파손이나 장치의 운전 정지를 초래하지 않는 분쇄기를 제공한다. 본 발명에 의한 분쇄기(1)는 부엌 쓰레기가 투입되는 투입통과, 투입통의 하부에 접속된 케이싱(28)을 구비하고 있다. 케이싱(28)의 내부에는 구동모터(36)에 의해 회전 구동되는 원판(31)이 수용되어 있다. 원판(31)에는 원주방향을 따라 90도마다 배치된 네 개의 회전날(41)이 고정되어 있다. 케이싱(28)은 원판(31)과 대향하는 상판을 구비하고 있다. 상판에는 회전날(41)과 대향하는 타원 고리모양의 고정날(42)이 고정되어 있다. 원판(31)이 회전하면, 회전날(41)은 둘레를 돌아 이동을 하고, 회전날(41)과 고정날(42)과의 교차 각도(θ)는 연속적으로 변화된다. 분쇄기, 부엌 쓰레기, 고정날, 회전날, 분쇄 곤란물

11-02-2022 дата публикации

Sludge crusher for waterway

Номер: KR102362070B1
Автор: 이찬수
Принадлежит: 주식회사 티에스엔텍

본 발명은 회전드럼의 외곽에 복수 열의 회전 커터를 나선상으로 배치하고, 스크린이 설치된 본체에는 상기 회전 커터에 대응되는 위치에 고정 커터를 배치하여 하수 중의 각종 협잡물을 효과적으로 파쇄하여 수처리장으로 공급할 수 있도록 한 것으로, 수로(W)에 고정되는 본체(100)와; 상기 본체(100)의 측방과 후방을 에워싸도록 반원형으로 이루어진 스크린(200)과; 상기 스크린(200)의 좌우측단에 내측을 향하여 부착된 고정 커터(300)와; 상기 본체(100) 내측에 설치되는 회전 드럼(400)과; 상기 회전 드럼(400)의 외곽에 나선상으로 부착된 회전 커터(500); 및 상기 본체(100)의 상부에 설치되고 회전 드럼(400)에 축결합되어 회전 드럼을 회전시키는 구동부(600);를 포함하여 이루어져 본체(100)의 전방으로 유입된 하수 중의 협잡물이 회전 드럼(400)의 회전 커터(500)와 고정 커터(300) 사이에서 파쇄되어 스크린(200)을 통해 하수와 함께 본체(100)의 후방으로 배출되도록 되어 있다. According to the present invention, a plurality of rows of rotating cutters are arranged spirally on the outside of a rotating drum, and fixed cutters are arranged at positions corresponding to the rotating cutters on the main body where the screen is installed, so that various contaminants in sewage can be effectively crushed and supplied to a water treatment plant. As one thing, the body 100 is fixed to the water channel (W) and; a screen 200 formed in a semicircular shape to surround the sides and rear of the main body 100; a fixed cutter 300 attached to the left and right ends of the screen 200 toward the inside; a rotating drum 400 installed inside the main body 100; a rotary cutter 500 attached in a spiral shape to the outside of the rotary drum 400; and a driving unit 600 installed on the upper portion of the main body 100 and axially coupled to the rotating drum 400 to rotate the rotating drum; It is crushed between the rotary cutter 500 and the fixed cutter 300 of 400 , and is discharged to the rear of the main body 100 together with the sewage through the screen 200 .

20-05-2014 дата публикации

Crusher for food-waste

Номер: KR101397338B1
Автор: 서상운, 우성환
Принадлежит: 서상운, 우성환

본 발명은 음식물을 분쇄한 후 압출을 통해 탈수와 건조가 이루어지도록 한 한 음식물 분쇄장치에 관한 것으로서, 구체적으로는 내면이 다각통 형태로 형성되는 하우징; 상부에는 스크루날과 보조날이 형성되면서 하부에는 슬릿이 형성된 원판과 수평날이 형성된 커터; 망 재질의 외면에 하나 이상의 보강 리브가 형성된 압출관; 및 상기 압출관 내부에 설치되는 스크루;를 포함하여 구성됨에 따라, 음식물이 원활하게 분쇄되면서 압출관이 내부 압력에 의해 찢어지는 것을 방지한 음식물 분쇄장치를 제공하게 된다. The present invention relates to a food pulverizing apparatus for pulverizing food, followed by dehydration and drying through extrusion, and more particularly, to a food pulverizing apparatus having a housing having an inner surface formed in a polygonal shape; A cutter having an upper portion formed with a screw blade and an auxiliary blade and a lower portion formed with a slit and a horizontal blade; An extrusion pipe having at least one reinforcing rib formed on an outer surface of the net material; And a screw installed inside the extruded tube, thereby providing a food pulverizing apparatus that prevents the extruded tube from being torn by internal pressure while the food is smoothly pulverized.

04-05-2018 дата публикации

A kind of concrete for construction engineering recycles sand-gravel separation device

Номер: CN107983473A
Автор: 高军辉


17-04-2020 дата публикации

Oil separation device for municipal waste treatment

Номер: CN111014246A
Автор: 单佳莹
Принадлежит: 单佳莹


15-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of multistage multiple step format reducing mechanism of shraff

Номер: CN108160213A
Автор: 邢济祥


18-01-2019 дата публикации

A kind of glass breaking recovery method

Номер: CN109225464A
Автор: 贺昶明


04-08-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for producing a fine-grained fuel by drying and impact crushing

Номер: DE102010006916A1

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines feinkörnigen Brennstoffs, insbesondere aus festen, pastösen oder wässrigen Energierohstoffen durch Trocknung und Zerkleinerung, aufweisend einen Prallreaktor mit einem Rotor und Prallelementen, eine Labyrinthdichtung im Bereich der Rotorwelle des Prallreaktors, eine Zuführungsvorrichtung für heißes Trocknungsgas durch die Labyrinthdichtung hindurch in den Prallreaktor, mindestens eine weitere Zuführungsvorrichtung für heißes Trocknungsgas im Bodenbereich des Prallreaktors, eine Zuführungsvorrichtung für feste oder pastöse Energierohstoffe im Kopfbereich des Prallreaktors, mindestens eine Abzugsvorrichtung für einen zerkleinerte und getrocknete Energierohstoffpartikel enthaltenden Gasstrom, und eine Abscheide- und Abzugsvorrichtung für zerkleinerte und getrocknete Energierohstoffpartikel aus dem aus dem Prallreaktor abgezogenen Gasstrom. Device and method for producing a fine-grained fuel, in particular from solid, pasty or aqueous energy raw materials by drying and crushing, comprising a baffle reactor with a rotor and baffles, a labyrinth seal in the rotor shaft of the baffle reactor, a feeding device for hot drying gas through the labyrinth seal through the impact reactor, at least one further feeding device for hot drying gas in the bottom region of the impact reactor, a feed device for solid or pasty energy raw materials in the head region of the impact reactor, at least one take-off device for a crushed and dried energy raw material containing gas stream, and a separation and withdrawal device for crushed and dried energy raw material particles from the withdrawn from the baffle gas flow.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Crusher for grain

Номер: RU2621255C1

FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: crusher for grain contains a vertical housing, a cover (13) with a loading window (14), an unloading window (3), a rotor (7) with plate hammers (8) and a sieve shell. The distributor (15) of the crusher consists of a cone (17) and a shell. The shell is fixed to the cone by means of plates (19) with the formation of sectors (20). The distributor is installed under the loading window coaxially with the rotor and with the possibility of vertical movement. On the outer surface of the cone, along its generatrix, grooves are made in an amount equal to the number of sectors. EFFECT: uniform grinding. 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 621 255 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2016112760, 04.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.04.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 01.06.2017 Бюл. № 16 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2487526 C1, 20.07.2013. RU 2551161 C1, 20.05.2015. SU 910189 A1, 07.03.1982. US 5082188 A1, 21.01.1992. 2 6 2 1 2 5 5 Адрес для переписки: 394087, г. Воронеж, ул. Мичурина, 1, ВГАУ, зав. сектором защиты интеллектуальной собственности Балбековой Л.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное Учреждение высшего образования "Воронежский государственный аграрный университет имени императора Петра 1" (ФГБОУ ВО Воронежский ГАУ) (RU) R U 01.06.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Сундеев Александр Арсентьевич (RU), Воронин Владимир Викторович (RU), Акименко Андрей Владимирович (RU), Яровой Михаил Николаевич (RU), Извеков Евгений Александрович (RU) 2 6 2 1 2 5 5 R U (57) Формула изобретения Дробилка для зерна, включающая вертикальный корпус, крышку с загрузочным окном, выгрузное окно, ротор с пластинчатыми молотками, ситовую обечайку, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена ...

25-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019107483A
Автор: Ральф Шефер

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 107 483 A (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019107483, 23.08.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ШЕФЕР ЭЛЕКТРОТЕХНИК У. ЗОНДЕРМАШИНЕН ГМБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.08.2016 DE 10 2016 115 714.7 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 25.03.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.09.2020 Бюл. № 27 (72) Автор(ы): ШЕФЕР Ральф (DE) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/037053 (01.03.2018) R U (54) ДРОБИЛКА УДАРНОГО ДЕЙСТВИЯ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Дробилка (1) ударного действия для измельчения композитных материалов, содержащая цилиндрический кожух (2), в котором расположен ротор (4), имеющий ударные элементы (5), причем дробилка (1) ударного действия закрыта крышкой (7) на торцевой стороне, обращенной от ротора (4), при этом с крышкой (7) связано всасывающее отверстие (8), отличающаяся тем, что с всасывающим отверстием (8) связано сортирующее устройство (9). 2. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что сортирующее устройство (9) представляет собой сетку. 3. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что сетка выполнена цилиндрической. 4. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что сетка расположена во всасывающем отверстии с возможностью вращения. 5. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что сортирующее устройство (9) выполнено в виде воздушного сепаратора. 6. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 5, отличающаяся тем, что сортирующее устройство (9) выполнено в виде отклоняющего колеса. 7. Дробилка ударного действия по п. 6, отличающаяся тем, что отклоняющее колесо содержит два роторных диска, расположенных на расстоянии друг от друга, с расположенными между ними роторными лопастями. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 9 1 0 7 4 8 3 A Адрес для переписки: 191002, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 5, ООО "Ляпунов и партнеры" 2 0 1 9 1 0 7 4 8 3 EP 2017/ ...

25-06-2019 дата публикации

A kind of powder coating processing device and its operating method

Номер: CN109926158A
Автор: 杨荣兵, 杨荣军, 赵传东


07-08-2020 дата публикации

Oscillating rubbish reducing mechanism

Номер: CN111495502A
Автор: 张玉, 张译文
Принадлежит: Individual


14-06-2019 дата публикации

Impact-response device

Номер: CN109890506A
Автор: 拉弗·舍费尔


14-01-2022 дата публикации

Deironing device is smashed to battery material

Номер: CN108940459B
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: Jiaxing Kaili Battery Co ltd


28-05-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for separating foreign matter from aggregate of construction waste

Номер: KR102116386B1
Автор: 백가인
Принадлежит: 백가인

The present invention relates to a device for separating foreign substances from construction waste soil and aggregates, comprising: a main body (10) having an input hopper (11) and a collection hopper (13); a striking toll (20) installed adjacent to the input hopper (11) in the main body (10) and applying impact force to input aggregates; a suction means (30) sucking foreign substances under vacuum by connecting a blower (36) to a suction tube (31) disposed below the striking means (20); a discharge means (40) discharging by inducing the foreign substances sucked in the suction tube (31) to a cyclone (42); and a control means (50) controlling the striking means (20), the suction means (30), the discharge means (40) using a set algorithm. Accordingly, In the process of sorting recycling aggregates from construction waste, foreign substances such as Styrofoam or fiber fragments that are not easily detachable are satisfactorily removed, and thus, the quality of aggregates is stabilized and productivity is improved.

15-02-2019 дата публикации

A kind of percussion grinder of mass flow equilibrium

Номер: CN109331937A
Автор: 管旭, 高建芳


24-09-2020 дата публикации

Pretreatment apparatus of high viscosity organic matter for basic treatment

Номер: KR102159825B1
Автор: 김원수, 이채훈
Принадлежит: 주식회사 네오디아

The present invention relates to a pretreatment apparatus for a high-viscosity organic material for anaerobic treatment. More specifically, the pretreatment apparatus integrally performs a pretreatment process in a recycling process for a high-viscosity organic material such as food waste, wherein the pretreatment process pulverizes sludge by a predetermined particle size to anaerobically process the sludge, sorts the pulverized material, and completely removes foreign matter from the sorted pulverized material. Accordingly, the pretreatment apparatus can completely separate foreign matter from the pulverized material without passing the pulverized material through a separate gravity sorting process. The pretreatment apparatus comprises a storage tank, a first pulverization unit, a second pulverization unit, and a settling tank.

10-09-2007 дата публикации

Pulverize device for medical herb

Номер: KR100755330B1
Автор: 김종옥
Принадлежит: 김종옥

본 발명은 본체(100)와, 상기 본체(100)의 일측 하부에 형성된 베어링 하우징(200)과, 상기 베어링 하우징(200)의 내부에 삽입되어 상기 본체(100)의 수직방향으로 형성하되 하단에는 회전력을 발생시키기 위한 구동수단이 구비된 축(210)과, 상기 베어링 하우징(200)의 상부에 결합하되 상면에는 방사형으로 다수개의 분쇄날(221)이 구비된 하부판(220)과, 상기 하부판(220)의 상부에 형성되며 일측에는 한약재 배출부(231)를 관통 형성하되 내측면에는 방사형으로 다수개의 요철부(232)가 길이방향으로 구비되는 중공관 형상의 원통체(230)와, 상기 한약재 배출부(231)에 삽입되어 일정한 입도를 갖는 분쇄된 한약재(B)을 선별하여 배출시키기 위한 필터(233)와, 상기 원통체(230)의 내부에 삽입하되 상기 축(210)과 결합하며 외측에는 요철부(242)가 길이방향으로 형성된 다수개의 수직분쇄날(241)이 수직방향으로 형성되고 저면에는 다수개의 분쇄돌기(243)가 구비된 3차 분쇄구(240)와, 상기 3차 분쇄구(240)의 상부에 형성하되 상기 축(210)과 결합하며 방사형으로 다수개의 회전날(251)을 구비한 2차 분쇄구(250)와, 상기 2차 분쇄구(250)의 상부에 형성하되 상기 축(210)과 결합하며 외측에는 방사형으로 다수개의 분쇄날(261)을 구비하는 1차 분쇄구(260)와, 상기 원통체(230)의 상부에 결합하며 저면에는 방사형으로 다수개의 분쇄날(271)이 구비하고 하부에는 수직방향으로 상기 1차 분쇄구(260)와 일정간격 이격되도록 형성하되 내주면에는 방사형으로 다수개의 요철부(273)가 구비된 고정분쇄구(272)가 형성된 상부판(270)과, 상기 상부판(270)의 상부에 결합하여 한 약재(A)를 투입시키기 위한 한약재 투입부(280)와, 상기 한약재 배출부(231)와 탈부착 가능토록 결합한 배출관(310)을 일측에 부설하여 분쇄된 한약재(B)를 저장하기 위한 한약재 저장용기(300)로 구성되는 한약재 분쇄장치를 제공하기 위한 것으로, 본 발명은 한약재의 절단작업과 분쇄작업을 일련적인 장치에 의해서 순차적으로 이루어지도록 함으로써, 분쇄된 한약재의 가공시간을 단축시켜 분쇄효율을 향상시킬 수 있음은 물론 한약재를 미세한 입자를 갖도록 분쇄할 수 있으므로 이로 인한 한약재의 흡수율 및 효능을 극대화시킬 수 있는 효과를 갖게 된다. 또한, 한약재를 분쇄와 동시에 별도의 저장용기에 저장될 수 있도록 하여 종래의 작업자가 수작업으로 분쇄된 한약재를 긁어서 배출시켜야 하는 번거로움과 불편함을 해소할 수 있는 효과를 갖게 된다. 특히 고압의 압축공기를 원통체의 내부로 분사되도록 하여 분쇄된 한약재의 고착현상을 방지하여 한약재의 분쇄 및 배출효율을 증대시킬 수 있음은 물론 별도의 내부 청소작업이 필요치 않게 되게 되므로 작업효율을 향상시킬 수 있는 효과를 갖게 된다. 또한, 본 발명은 한약재의 특성에 따라서 한약재를 투입량을 선택적으로 조절할 수 있으므로 정확하고 균일한 비율을 갖는 한약재를 분쇄할 수 있는 효과를 갖는 매우 유용한 발명이다. 한약재, 절단, 분쇄, 장치

12-03-2021 дата публикации

High-efficiency mixing juicer

Номер: CN112477239A
Автор: 陈云根


21-11-2018 дата публикации

Vertical axis impact crusher and rotor thereof

Номер: JP6425804B2
Автор: ヨン−ガン・ハ
Принадлежит: ヨン−ガン・ハ

06-11-2012 дата публикации

Cone type crusher

Номер: KR101198584B1
Автор: 하용간
Принадлежит: 하용간

외주면에 맨틀이 장착된 맨틀코어를 선동운동을 하지만 상하방향으로는 이동하지 않는 메인 샤프트를 따라 승하강이 가능하게 구비하여 맨틀과 콘케이브의 간격 즉, 파쇄간격을 조절할 수 있게 함으로서 파쇄간격조절이 쉬울 뿐만 아니라 콘 크러셔의 전체 높이 및 구성부품을 현저히 줄일 수 있어 외관이 미려하고 제작원가를 절감할 수 있는 내구성이 뛰어난 콘 크러셔가 개시되어 있다. 본 발명에 따른 콘 크러셔는 롤링베어링을 사용하는 고속형 콘 크러셔에 적합하며 구동부에 기어가 없는 풀리 직구동 형으로 구성될 수도 있기 때문에 생산성능과 동력효율이 매우 뛰어난 크러셔이다. A mantle core equipped with a mantle on the outer circumferential surface of the mantle core can be moved up and down along the main shaft which does not move in the up and down direction, thereby controlling the spacing between the mantle and the concave, that is, the fracture interval. Not only is it easy to reduce the overall height and components of the cone crusher significantly beautiful appearance and the durable cone crusher to reduce the manufacturing cost is disclosed. The cone crusher according to the present invention is suitable for a high speed cone crusher using a rolling bearing and may be composed of a pulley direct drive type without a gear in a driving part, and thus the crusher is very excellent in productivity and power efficiency.

28-10-2005 дата публикации

Stirring Mill

Номер: KR100494851B1
Принадлежит: 뷜러 게엠베하

교반 분쇄기는 분쇄용기(3)의 내벽(10)과 로터(42)의 외벽(43)에 의하여 결정되는 환형의 원통형 분쇄챔버(9')와, 상기 로터(42)의 내벽(44) 및 내부 스테이터(24)의 외부 자켓(26)에 의해 결정되는 내부 분쇄챔버(9")를 포함한다. 상기 분쇄챔버들(9',9")은 편향챔버(49)에 의하여 서로 연결된다. 상기 분쇄챔버들(9',9")을 결정하는 벽들은 교반기 요소들을 포함하지 않고 매끈하다. The stirring grinder is an annular cylindrical grinding chamber 9 'determined by the inner wall 10 of the grinding vessel 3 and the outer wall 43 of the rotor 42, and the inner wall 44 and the inner portion of the rotor 42. An inner grinding chamber 9 "is determined by the outer jacket 26 of the stator 24. The grinding chambers 9 ', 9" are connected to each other by a deflection chamber 49. The walls that determine the grinding chambers 9 ′, 9 ″ do not contain stirrer elements and are smooth.

19-07-2011 дата публикации

Integrated Grinding Dispersion System for Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes

Номер: KR101049781B1
Автор: 강득주, 김주희
Принадлежит: 주식회사 제이오

본 발명은 탄소나노튜브의 분산이 가능한 통합형 분쇄분산시스템에 관한 것으로서 다수의 분쇄수단 및 분산수단을 연속식 또는 분리식으로 선택하여 사용함으로써 다수개의 공정을 하나의 시스템상에서 처리할 수 있도록 하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명에 따른 통합형 분쇄분산시스템은 시료를 저장한 저장탱크와, 상기 시료를 분해하고 분산시키는 초음파분산기와, 상기 시료를 분쇄하고 분산시키는 비드밀과, 내측분산날개 및 외측분산날개가 형성된 회전자와 복수의 슬릿들이 형성되며 내측에 위치하는 원주상의 내측분산스크린 및 복수의 슬릿들이 형성되며 상기 내측분산스크린의 외측에 위치하는 원주상의 외측분산스크린을 갖는 고정자 포함하고 상기 내측분산날개 및 상기 외측분산날개에 의해 상기 내측분산스크린의 상기 슬릿들을 통과한 후 상기 외측분산날개에 의해 상기 외측분산스크린의 상기 슬릿들을 통과하여 시료를 분산시키는 인라인믹서와, 상기 시료들을 분쇄 및 분산시키는 미분쇄분산기와, 상기 저장탱크, 상기 초음파분산기, 상기 인라인믹서, 상기 비드밀 및 상기 미분쇄분산기를 임의의 순서로 연결하도록 형성되며 분지점에 3웨이밸브들을 통해 연결된 이송관들 및 상기 이송관들에 하나 이상 설치되는 이송펌프를 포함하여 구성된다. 분쇄, 분산, 초음파발생기, 비드밀 The present invention relates to an integrated grinding dispersion system capable of dispersing carbon nanotubes, wherein a plurality of grinding means and dispersion means can be selected in a continuous or separate manner so that a plurality of processes can be processed in one system. It is done. The integrated grinding and dispersing system according to the present invention includes a storage tank for storing a sample, an ultrasonic disperser for dissolving and dispersing the sample, a bead mill for grinding and dispersing the sample, and a rotor having inner and outer dispersing wings. A plurality of slits are formed and includes a stator having a circumferential inner dispersion screen positioned inside and a plurality of slits and a circumferential outer dispersion screen positioned outside the inner dispersion screen. An inline mixer for dispersing a sample through the slits of the outer dispersing screen by the outer dispersing blade after passing through the slits of the inner dispersing screen by a dispersing blade, and a pulverizing disperser for grinding and dispersing the samples. , The storage tank, the ultrasonic disperser, the inline mixer, the bead mill and the rice It formed so as to connect the chain spreader in any order, and is configured to include a transfer pump, which is installed one or more of the associated three- ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Automatic control the food and trash pulverizer which is possible

Номер: KR101170729B1
Автор: 이진수
Принадлежит: 이진수

본 발명은 호퍼를 통해 투입된 음식물 쓰레기가 구동수단의 구동에 따라 분쇄수단에 의해 분쇄되어 배출관으로 배출되어지게 됨으로 각 가정은 물론 음식점 등에서 음식물 쓰레기를 간편하고 깨끗하게 처리할 수 있어 사용의 편리성을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 구동수단의 구동을 개폐문의 개폐에 따라 콘트롤하여 작동시킬 수 있어 안전사고를 예방하여 안전성을 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 자동 제어 가능한 음식물 쓰레기 분쇄기에 관한 것이다. According to the present invention, the food waste introduced through the hopper is crushed by the pulverizing means and discharged to the discharge pipe according to the driving means, so that food waste can be easily and cleanly processed in each home as well as restaurants, thereby improving convenience of use. The present invention relates to an automatically controllable food waste shredder that can be operated by controlling the driving of the driving means according to the opening and closing of the opening and closing door to prevent safety accidents and improve safety. 이를 위하여 본 발명은 이동바퀴(13)가 구비되어진 본체(10)와, 상기 본체(10) 상부 내면으로 음식물 쓰레기가 투입되어지도록 고정되어진 호퍼(30)와, 상기 호퍼(30) 하단부에 연계되어 물이 투입되어지는 투입구(41)가 형성되어진 차단부재(40)와, 상기 차단부재(40) 하부에 연결되어 분쇄된 음식물 쓰레기가 배출되어지게 되는 배출부재(50)와, 상기 배출부재(50)와 차단부재(40) 사이 내부에 설치되어 상기 호퍼(30)를 통해 투입되는 음식물 쓰레기를 분쇄시키게 되는 분쇄수단(80)과, 상기 분쇄수단(80)에 연결되어 분쇄수단(80)을 회전시키게 되는 구동수단(70)과, 상기 본체(10)에 설치되어 구동수단(70)을 작동시키게 되는 작동수단(90)과, 상기 본체(10) 상부에 개폐가능하게 형성되어지며 내부를 확인할 수 있도록 투명창(22)이 형성되어진 개폐문(20)이 형성되어짐을 특징으로 한다. To this end, the present invention is connected to the main body 10 is provided with a moving wheel 13, the hopper 30 is fixed so that food waste is injected into the upper inner surface of the main body 10, and the lower end of the hopper 30 A blocking member 40 in which an inlet 41 into which water is introduced is formed, a discharge member 50 connected to a lower portion of the blocking member 40 to discharge pulverized food waste, and the discharge member 50. ) Is installed between the blocking member 40 and the grinding means 80 to crush the food waste introduced through the hopper 30, and is connected to the grinding means 80 to rotate the grinding means 80. The driving means 70 and the operation means 90 ...

08-02-2021 дата публикации

Hammer grain grinder with vertical rotor

Номер: RU2742509C1

FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a hammer grain grinder which may be used for grinding feeder grain for feed compounds. The hammer grain grinder consists of a cylinder vertical body 1, wherein the inner operating surface is protected by jagged bumper decks 2. The top part of the body 1 has a loading bunker 3 and in the bottom part of the grinding chamber 7 there is a bearing unit 8. Inside the cylinder body 1 a console type rotor shaft 4 is mounted coaxially, disks 5 are attached to said shaft, the disks shaped as flat metal plates of uniform thickness diameter whereof is increasing from the top down by a constant value n forming a frustum of a cone. On each disk 5 level four standard hammers 6 are installed. In the bottom part of the rotation plane of striking elements of the grinding chamber 7 an unloading window 14 is located. The vertical shaft of the rotor 4 is set to motion from an electric engine 10 via vee belt drive including vee belt pulleys 11 and 12, a belt 13 and a bearing unit 15. The hammers 6 on the rotor disks 5 are installed along a downward trajectory of a quadruple threaded screw and distanced from one another with certain coverage wherein the ending of each spiral screw hammer line lies on a generator leading from the starting point of another spiral screw hammer line. EFFECT: increased efficiency of grinding of grain material is achieved in the grinder through leveling the grain composition of the processed material. 1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 742 509 C1 (51) МПК B02C 13/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил об ...

28-12-2018 дата публикации

A kind of battery material crushing deironing apparatus

Номер: CN106881172B
Автор: 王爽


06-05-2015 дата публикации

Device for breaking up and sorting smoke dust cakes

Номер: CN104588173A
Принадлежит: China ENFI Engineering Corp


10-03-1998 дата публикации

Rotor-turbulent apparatus

Номер: RU2106199C1

FIELD: milling of powdered materials to obtain product with a preset dispersivity. SUBSTANCE: the casing accommodates a rotor, whose lateral surface has grooves and annular ribs for production of vortexes, forming milling chambers. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 2 dwg 66гэо0гс пы Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ” 2 106 199 ' (51) МПК 13) Сл В 02 С 13/12 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 97105806/03, 18.04.1997 (46) Дата публикации: 10.03.1998 (56) Ссылки: 1. ЗЦ, авторское свидетельство, 1618440, кл. В 02 С 13Н2, 1991. 2. КЦ, свидетельство, 209301, кл. В 02 С 13/12, 1996. (71) Заявитель: Иелстаун Корпорейшн Н.В. (М) (72) Изобретатель: Еремин Анатолий Федорович[КИ] (73) Патентообладатель: Иелстаун Корпорейшн Н.В. (М) (54) РОТОРНО-ВИХРЕВОЙ АППАРАТ (57) Реферат: Роторно-вихревой аппарат предназначен для измельчения порошковых материалов для получения продукта с заданной дисперсностью. Внутри корпуса расположен ротор, на боковой поверхности которого выполнены пазы и размещены кольцевые ребра для образования вихрей, образующие между собой камеры измельчения. 2 ил. 2106199 С1 КО 66гэо0гс пы Го КУЗЗАМ АСЕМСУ ГОК РАТЕМТ$ АМО ТКАОЕМАКК$ 13) ")Ви“” 2 406 199‘ (51) 1пЁ. С1.6 В 02 С 13/12 СЛ 12) АВЗТКАСТ ОЕ 1МУЕМТОМ (21), (22) АррИсаНоп: 97105806/03, 18.04.1997 (71) АррисапЕ (46) Бае ог ричбИсаНоп: 10.03.1998 чеаип Когроге|$Пп М.М. (МЕ) (72) |пуетог: Егетт Апаю Редогомс| [КУ] (73) Ргорпеюг: Чеаип Когроге]зИпт М.М. (МЕ) (54) КОТОК-ТУКВУЕЕМТ АРРАКАТИЗ (57) АБзГасЕ: НЕГО: пШпа ог ромаегед4 таепа5 о оат ргодисЕ мА а ргезеё Ч15регэмИу. ЗОВЗТАМСЕ: {Ле сазта ассоттодае$ а го©г, мпозе |аега| зиМасе паз огооуез апа аппуаг гпбз Тг ргодисНоп о0{ уойехез, ЪюЮгтша пИШтоа спатрегз. ЕРЕЕСТ: епвапсея есаепсу. 2 9 2106199 С1 КО 66гэоб0гс пы ГЭ Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения и может быть использовано в производстве порошковых материалов для получения продукта С заданной дисперсностью. Известна роторно- ...

16-02-2018 дата публикации

One kind automation multilevel screening device

Номер: CN107694936A
Автор: 叶岑捷诺
Принадлежит: Individual


01-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of environment-friendly powder coating process equipment and its operating method

Номер: CN107413496A
Автор: 杨荣兵, 杨荣军, 赵传东


30-05-2007 дата публикации

Device for the preparation of plastics material

Номер: KR100723739B1

플라스틱 재료, 특히 열가소성 플라스틱 재료를 처리하기 위한 장치로서, 상기 장치는 재료를 위한 수납 용기(1)를 갖고, 상기 수납 용기(1)의 내부는 캐리어 디스크(9) 상에 배열되어 제공되는 기기(21)들을 갖는다. 상기 기기들은 샤프트(4)의 축(8), 특히 수직인 축 주변에서 회전하도록 샤프트(4)에 의해 구동된다. 적어도 하나의 스크루(17)가 수납 용기(1) 밖으로 재료를 이동시키도록 제공된다. 스크루 하우징(16)은 컨테이너(1)의 배출 개구부(15)와 유체 소통된 공급 개구부(27)를 가지며, 상기 배출 개구부(15)는 캐리어 디스크(1) 및 상기 캐리어 디스크(1)에 의해 운반된 기기(21)들보다 낮은 높이에 배치된다. 구동되는 다른 기기(12)들은 재료는 배출 개구부(15)로 운송하며 수납 용기(1) 내의 캐리어 디스크(9) 아래에서 제공된다. 캐리어 디스크(9)는 적어도 하나의 구멍(36)을 포함하며, 상기 구멍(36)은 물 증기 및/또는 기체 재료를 공간(10) 밖으로 방출하도록 캐리어 디스크 위의 공간(26)을 그 아래의 공간(10)에 연결한다. 공간(26)은 축(8)에 근접하여 그리고 캐리어 디스크(9)의 회전 동안 기기(21)들의 후단(37)에 근접하여 배치된다.

27-07-2010 дата публикации

An extraneous matter exhaust equipment of concrusher

Номер: KR100972421B1
Автор: 문형태
Принадлежит: 용원기계공업(주)

The present invention relates to a foreign matter discharge device for a compactor. To this end, the present invention is a foreign matter discharge device for the compactor coupled to the top of the frame and the frame, so that the bottom of the support member of the lift upright on the flange edge formed as a lower portion of the frame Is formed integrally, the lower portion of the hydraulic cylinder is coupled to the upper portion of the support member seated, through holes are formed in a plurality of ribs formed on the edge of the top frame, the lift rod is coupled to the lower portion of the through hole The upper part of the lift rod is integrally formed with an insertion shaft having a locking jaw, and the insertion shaft is coupled to the through hole by interference fit, and the locking jaw formed at the bottom of the insertion shaft has an outer periphery of the lower portion of the through hole. It is characterized by hanging.

29-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of electromagnetic oscillation type feed rotary-cut reducing mechanism

Номер: CN107520007A
Автор: 储昭义
Принадлежит: Individual


28-05-2019 дата публикации

A kind of powder coating processing device and its operating method

Номер: CN107413448B
Автор: 杨荣兵, 杨荣军, 赵传东


27-07-2015 дата публикации

Crusher of the Livestock Cadaver Slurry

Номер: KR101539626B1
Автор: 김산, 김화경
Принадлежит: 한국바이오기술원 주식회사

본 발명은 폐사한 가축이나 전염병으로 인해 살처분된 가축의 슬러리를 절단과 동시에 분쇄하여 다양한 형태의 가축 슬러리를 효과적으로 분쇄함을 제공하도록, 폐사 또는 살처분된 가축 슬러리가 이동될 수 있는 유동로를 구비하는 유동파이프와; 상기 유동파이프의 유동로 내에 고정 설치되고 내측에 슬러리를 분쇄할 수 있는 분쇄공간을 구비하며 상기 유동파이프의 유동로에 연통하여 슬러리를 배출가능한 배출공이 구비되는 본체하우징과; 상기 본체하우징 상에 회전가능하게 축설되는 회전샤프트와; 상기 회전샤프트의 한쪽 끝단에 고정 설치되고 슬러리를 절단시키면서 상기 본체하우징의 분쇄공간을 향해 슬러리를 유입시키는 절단부와; 상기 절단부와 함께 회동토록 상기 회전샤프트 상에 고정 설치되고 회동시 외주면이 상기 본체하우징의 내주면에 접하도록 형성되는 분쇄부;를 포함하는 폐사 또는 살처분된 가축 슬러리의 분쇄장치를 제공한다. The present invention provides a flow path in which dead or dead livestock slurry can be moved so as to provide a means for simultaneously crushing and slicing livestock slices that have been killed by dead livestock or epidemic diseases to effectively crush various forms of livestock slurry A flow pipe; A main body housing fixedly installed in the flow path of the flow pipe and having a crushing space for crushing slurry therein, and having a discharge hole communicating with the flow path of the flow pipe to discharge the slurry; A rotating shaft rotatably supported on the main body housing; A cutting unit fixed to one end of the rotating shaft and introducing the slurry toward the crushing space of the main body housing while cutting the slurry; And a crushing unit fixedly mounted on the rotating shaft so as to rotate together with the cutting unit and formed so that an outer circumferential surface thereof is in contact with an inner circumferential surface of the main body housing at the time of pivoting.
