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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 5326. Отображено 200.
10-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2179083C2

Использование: изобретение относится к изготовлению горячекатаного плоского материала. Сущность: установка для изготовления горячекатаной плоской продукции, состоящая из многоклетьевой линии прокатки, отводящего рольганга с устройствами для охлаждения горячей ленты и расположенными за ними устройствами для намотки ленты, выполнена для ферритной прокатки горячей ленты таким образом, что, если смотреть в направлении прокатки, за намоточными устройствами расположена компактная линия превращений в форме одно- или многоклетьевого прокатного стана для прокатки тонких лент. При этом для прокатки плоского материала в аустенитной и ферритной области части горячекатаной ленты находятся одновременно в обеих клетях, т.е. и в клети для прокатки в аустенитной области, и в клети для прокатки в ферритной области. Изобретение позволяет без проблем проводить окончательную прокатку горячей полосы в ферритной зоне. 2 с. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557114C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к стальному листу, используемому для горячей штамповки. Лист выполнен из стали, имеющей следующий химический состав, мас.%: C: 0,05-0,40, Si: 0,001-0,02, Mn: 0,1-3, Al: 0,0002-0,005, Ti: 0,0005-0,01, O: 0,003-0,03, один или оба из Cr и Mo в сумме 0,005-2, остальное Fe и неизбежные примеси. Средний диаметр частиц композитных оксидов на основе Fe-Mn, распределенных в стальном листе, составляет от 0,1 до 15 мкм. Обеспечиваются высокие прочность и сопротивление замедленному разрушению детали после горячей штамповки. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 8 табл., 2 пр.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2609576C2

Изобретение относится к изготовлению ленты из алюминиевого сплава. Лента из алюминиевого сплава изготовлена путем горячей и/или холодной прокатки и состоит из алюминиевого сплава типа АА 5182, АА 6ххх или АА 8ххх, причем готовая, прошедшая прокатку лента из алюминиевого сплава после обезжиривания демонстрирует увеличение величины L* яркости (ΔL) по сравнению с необезжиренным состоянием более чем 5 при цветовом измерении поверхности в цветовом пространстве CIE L*a*b* при использовании стандартного источника света D65 и при угле наблюдения 10° с исключением прямых отражений в геометрии 45°/0°, которое достигается путем обезжиривания с использованием щелочного травильного раствора и последующей кислой промывки ленты из алюминиевого сплава. Предложенные ленты из алюминиевого сплава отличаются отчетливо улучшенной поверхностной оптикой с отчетливым визуальным восприятием более светлой поверхности по сравнению с обычными лентами из алюминиевого сплава, состоящими из того же алюминиевого сплава ...

24-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670630C2

Изобретение относится к области горячей прокатки металлического продукта. Способ регулирования процесса горячей прокатки включает в себя регулирование в клети прокатного стана по меньшей мере одного параметра, выбранного из расхода смазочной эмульсии через распылитель сопла, величины натяжения продукта и усилия нажима валков, измерение скорости продукта на выходе из клети, определение показателя проскальзывания продукта в направлении его движения, измерение усилия нажима рабочих валков в клети, вычисление в реальном времени коэффициента трения между продуктом и рабочими валками и сравнение вычисленного коэффициента трения с заданным значением, на основании чего регулируют один из указанных параметров таким образом, чтобы коэффициент трения не превышал заданное значение. Изобретение также относится к способу прокатки, использующему упомянутый способ регулирования, и соответствующему прокатному стану. Использование изобретения позволяет повысить качество прокатки. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578278C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для повышения механических и баллистических свойств получают стальное изделие, которое содержит первую закаливаемую на воздухе легированную сталь, имеющую первую твердость, металлургически связанную со второй закаливаемой на воздухе легированной сталью, имеющей вторую твердость. Способ изготовления стального изделия из двух слоев разной твердости включает создание первого компонента из легированной стали, закаливаемой на воздухе, который содержит первую сопрягаемую поверхность и имеет твердость первого компонента, и создание второго компонента из легированной стали, закаливаемой на воздухе, который содержит вторую сопрягаемую поверхность и имеет твердость второго компонент. Первый компонент из закаливаемой на воздухе легированной стали металлургически соединен со вторым компонентом из закаливаемой на воздухе легированной стали, для образования металлургически соединенного пакета. Металлургически соединенный пакет подвергают горячей прокатке для ...

22-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2724272C2

Изобретение относится к титановому композиционному материалу, который может быть использован, например, на электростанциях для охлаждаемых морской водой конденсаторов, в теплообменниках для установок опреснения морской воды, в реакторах химических заводов, холодильниках. Титановый композиционный материал 1 включает первый поверхностный слой 2, второй поверхностный слой 3 и внутренний слой 4, причем первый и второй поверхностные слои состоят из титанового сплава, а внутренний слой состоит из технически чистого титана, включающего поры. Толщина по меньшей мере одного из первого и второго поверхностного слоя составляет 2 мкм или больше, доля этой толщины относительно общей толщины титанового композиционного материала составляет 40% или меньше, а пористость в сечении, перпендикулярном направлению по толщине листа, составляет более 0% и не более 30%. Композиционный материал имеет характеристики, эквивалентные характеристикам материала, полностью состоящего из того же титанового сплава, однако ...

26-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676118C2

Изобретение относится к области прокатки алюминиевого листа и изготовления из него емкости для измельченного материала. Способ включает формовку из алюминиевого листа по меньшей мере одной соприкасающейся с измельченным материалом поверхности, образующей внутреннее пространство. Повышение однородности поверхности листа обеспечивается за счет того, что формовке подвергают алюминиевый лист, статический коэффициент трения которого при соприкосновении с измельченным материалом составляет 0,62-0,79, полученный посредством прокатки рабочим валком, поверхность которого на 50-100% покрыта углублениями, не имеющими граней, с центральной областью, утопленной относительно средней высоты упомянутой поверхности, и выступающим плавным периферийным выступом, имеющим в своей вершине бóльшую высоту, чем средняя высота упомянутой поверхности. Скользкий листовой материал можно использовать для изготовления баков, бункеров, трубопроводов и направляющих конструкций для облегчения хранения и движения потока ...

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685925C2

Группа изобретений относится к листу из аустенитной нержавеющей стали, покрывному элементу из данной стали и способу производства листа. Лист, подвергнутый дрессировке с использованием валка с матовой поверхностью после финишной холодной прокатки и светлого отжига, имеет среднеарифметическую шероховатость Ra поверхности в направлении, перпендикулярном к направлению прокатки, составляющую от 0,2 мкм до 1,2 мкм, долю площади переноса, которая является долей площади той части поверхности стального листа, на которую переносится матовый рисунок, составляющую от 15% до 70%, микроуглубления, которые сформированы на поверхности стального листа с глубиной от 0,5 мкм или более, сечением раскрыва от 10 мкми более, имеющие плотность 10,0 и менее на 0,01 мми долю сечения раскрыва 1,0% и менее на поверхности стального листа. Лист имеет пленку, сформированную на поверхности стального листа, состоящую из оксида, содержащего SiOв качестве основной составной части, и по меньшей мере Si, N, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2211735C2

Изобретение относится к области прокатки металлов. Задача изобретения - упрощение воздействия на профиль и плоскостность кромки ленты. При прокатке лент различной ширины требуется приспосабливать бочкообразность рабочих валков, чтобы компенсировать воздействие промежуточных и опорных валков вблизи кромок ленты, так как рабочие валки вблизи этих кромок прогибаются. Рабочим, промежуточным и опорным валкам придается такой осевой сдвиг, что на кромках лент не проявляется утонение. В одном из торцов каждого рабочего валка и промежуточного валка выполнены кольцеобразные выемки. Верхний комплект валков развернут относительно нижнего на 180o. Осевые сдвиги рабочих и промежуточных валков производят на разное расстояние. Изобретение обеспечивает уменьшение смятия кромок ленты и их утонения. 2 с. и 1 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2203154C2

Использование: изобретение относится к прокатному производству. Сущность: в способе прокатки горячекатаной ленты в линии прокатки, содержащей по меньшей мере две прокатные клети с горизонтально переставляемыми верхними и нижними рабочими валками, действующими сами по себе (клеть дуо), или каждый из которых опирается непосредственно или через промежуточный валок на опорный валок, или в реверсивной прокатной клети, где прокатку осуществляют по меньшей мере в два прохода, в которых горячую полосу подвергают изменению ее состояния, можно достичь состояния оптимальной плоскопараллельности в горячей и предпочтительно в холодной ленте за счет того, что в, меньшей мере, в одной зоне ленты задают, с одной стороны, целевую форму неплоскопараллельности по ширине ленты, и, с другой стороны, там определяют фактически достигаемую форму неплоскопараллельности и сравнивают с формой заданной неплоскопараллельности, из этого рассчитывают разницу и применяют имеющиеся в распоряжении механически или физически ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661687C2

Изобретение относится к непрерывному литью, совмещенному с прокаткой. Расплав стали, содержащий (мас.%): С – до 0,008, Al – до 0,005, Si - 0,043, Mn - 0,15-0,5, Р – до 0,02, S – до 0,03, N – до 0,020, необязательно: до 0,03 Ti и до 0,03 Nb, остальное – железо и неизбежные примеси, приготавливают с использованием бескальциевой обработки методами вторичной металлургии, включающими вакуумную обработку и обработку в ковше-печи, в течение которой расплав стали выдерживают под слоем шлака с содержанием Mn + Fe < 15 мас.%. Методом непрерывной разливки получают слиток и отрезают от него тонкий сляб или методом непрерывной разливки получают литую полосу. Сляб или полосу подвергают горячей прокатке с получением горячекатаной полосы толщиной менее 2,5 мм, которую сматывают в рулон, а затем подвергают холодной прокатке для получения холоднокатаного плоского изделия толщиной 0,5 мм. Полученное изделие применяют для изготовления банок, в том числе аэрозольных, элементов укупорки, кронепробок или распылителей ...

20-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2216600C2

Изобретение относится к изготовлению стальной полосы для деталей, изготовленных глубокой вытяжкой или вытяжкой с утонением. Горячекатаную полосу подвергают травлению, холодной прокатке в один или несколько приемов и при степени обжатия, по меньшей мере, 86%. Затем, по меньшей мере, одну сторону материала полосы покрывают гальваническим покрытием, содержащим Ni, Со, Cu, Fe, Sn, In, Pd, Bi и/или их сплавы, или плакированным прокаткой покрытием, содержащим Cu, и/или латунь, и/или их сплавы, отжиг полосы в намотанном состоянии - в рулоне и при необходимости дрессировку полосы. Горячекатаная полоса предпочтительно содержит бор в количестве 0,0013-0,0060 вес. %, причем весовое соотношение бора и азота составляет 0,5-2,5. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить производственные затраты за счет уменьшения количества операций. 2 с. и 5 з. п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2292967C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки непрерывно-литых металлических слябов или полосы. Задачей изобретения является улучшение механических свойств, таких как прочность, вязкость и т.п., в получаемых изделиях. Изобретение включает пропускание сляба или полосы через группу вращающихся валков прокатной клети для их прокатки. Валки прокатной клети имеют различные окружные скорости, и различие между этими окружными скоростями составляет не менее 5% и не более 100%. Толщину сляба или полосы уменьшают за каждый проход не больше чем на 15%. Получаемые изделия могут быть изготовлены из алюминия, меди, стали, магния или титана или сплавов любого из этих металлов. Размер пор в сердцевине не должен превышать 20 мкм. Средняя длина зерна в 2-20 раз превышает его толщину. Степень рекристаллизации однородна по всей длине изделия. Изобретение обеспечивает закрытие пор в непрерывно-литом материале, измельчение зерна, разрушение эвтектических частиц. 5 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы.

15-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2783652C1

Изобретение относится к прокатной клети. Прокатная клеть (1с) выполнена с возможностью прокатки первого плоского прокатываемого материала (2) из металла и охлаждения второго плоского прокатываемого материала (10) из металла, при этом прокатная клеть (1с) для прокатки первого плоского прокатываемого материала (2) из металла имеет смонтированные в прокатной клети (1с) рабочие валки (3), которые во время прокатки вращаются вокруг проходящих поперек направления (x) транспортировки осей (4) валков (3), при этом рабочие валки (3) выполнены с возможностью демонтажа из прокатной клети, при этом прокатная клеть имеет первое устройство (11) охлаждения, которое во втянутом положении при смонтированных рабочих валках (3) находится в направлении (x) транспортировки на расстоянии от рабочих валков (3). При этом первое устройство (11) охлаждения выполнено с возможностью сдвигания посредством исполнительного элемента (12) в направлении (x) транспортировки или против направления (x) транспортировки из втянутого ...

24-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018112070A3

19-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017116602A3

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016136756A3

03-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690383C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для повышения прочности и ударной вязкости стальной лист содержит мас.%: C от 0,05 до 0,50, Si от 0,50 до 5,0, Mn от 1,5 до 4,0, P 0,05 или меньше, S 0,05 или меньше, N 0,01 или меньше, T от 0,01 до 0,10, B от 0,0005 до 0,010, Cr от 0 до 1,0, Ni от 0 до 2,0, Cu от 0 до 1,0, Mo от 0 до 1,0, V от 0 до 1,0, Ca от 0 до 0,01, Al от 0 до 1,0, Nb от 0 до 1,0, REM от 0 до 0,1, Fe и примеси остальное, при этом максимальная высота шероховатости Rz на поверхности стального листа составляет от 3,0 до 10,0 мкм, а численная плотность карбида, присутствующего в стальном листе и имеющего диаметр эквивалентного по площади круга 0,1 мкм или больше, составляет 8,0 × 10/ммили ниже. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

17-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2778317C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения полос из немерных отрезков труб. Осуществляют плющение немерных отрезков труб с получением плоского профиля и их последующую прокатку в валках с гладкой бочкой. На первой стадии проводят плющение отрезка трубы до образования зазора между оппозитно расположенными внутренними поверхностями трубы. На второй стадии в зазоре размещают листовую заготовку, толщиной менее величины зазора. На третьей стадии продолжают плющение отрезка трубы до ликвидации зазора между отрезком трубы и листовой заготовкой с получением композиционной заготовки. На четвертой стадии производят прокатку композиционной заготовки до нужного размера по толщине. В результате обеспечивается возможность утилизации отходов обработки труб и получение из них композиционных слоистых материалов без применения энергоемких процессов переплава. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 7 пр., 5 ил.

04-07-2023 дата публикации

Способ производства низколегированного толстолистового проката с повышенной огнестойкостью на реверсивном стане

Номер: RU2799194C1

Изобретение относится к производству листового проката с повышенной огнестойкостью с прокаткой на реверсивном стане. Осуществляют выплавку стали в сталеплавильном агрегате, внепечную обработку, получение непрерывнолитой заготовки, аустенизацию полученной заготовки, черновую прокатку до толщины промежуточного раската, его промежуточное подстуживание, чистовую прокатку с регламентированной температурой конца прокатки и ускоренное водяное охлаждение полученного листа до заданной температуры. Аустенизацию непрерывнолитой заготовки осуществляют при температуре на выходе из методической печи не ниже 1200°С. Черновую прокатку заготовки производят на толщину промежуточного раската Н. Промежуточный раскат подстуживают до температуры начала чистовой прокатки, определяемой из соотношения Т=(900+Н/k2), °С, где k2=0,6-2. Чистовую прокатку производят при величине единичных относительных обжатий не более 25%, температуру конца чистовой прокатки устанавливают в диапазоне 810-920°С. Ускоренное охлаждение ...

12-04-2023 дата публикации

Способ асимметричной прокатки полосы из алюминиевого сплава Д16 (варианты)

Номер: RU2794211C1

Изобретение относится к обработке металлов давлением, в частности к способам изготовления полос из алюминиевого сплава Д16, и может быть использовано в авиакосмической технике и транспортном машиностроении. В способе прокатки полосы из алюминиевого сплава Д16, включающем холодную прокатку полосы в двух валках при рассогласовании их окружных скоростей, по первому варианту прокатку осуществляют за один проход при обжатии ε=12-35%, при этом окружные скорости нижнего и верхнего рабочих валков, V2 и V1 соответственно, задают из соотношения: V2/V1 = 3,8-4,2. По второму варианту прокатку осуществляют за один проход при обжатии ε=36-80%, при этом окружные скорости нижнего и верхнего рабочих валков, V2 и V1 соответственно, задают из соотношения: V2/V1 = 4,8-5,2. Обеспечивается получение фрагментированной структуры металла вследствие больших сдвиговых деформаций при асимметричной прокатке за один проход, сокращение технологических операций, сокращение усилия при прокатке металла и снижение износа ...

28-04-2023 дата публикации

Способ производства ленты из высокоуглеродистых и легированных сталей

Номер: RU2795066C1

Изобретение относится к производству ленты из высокоуглеродистых и легированных сталей. Осуществляют подготовительные операции, предварительный отжиг горячекатаной листовой заготовки, холодную прокатку за несколько проходов на стане, заключительный отжиг, дрессировку и отделочные операции. Холодную прокатку на стане во втором проходе осуществляют при соотношении окружных скоростей валков: где V2 - окружная скорость нижнего рабочего валка, V1 - окружная скорость верхнего рабочего валка. Единичное обжатие во втором проходе составляет ε=28-40%, а суммарное обжатие составляет не менее 60-75%. В результате обеспечиваются условия прокатки ленты без промежуточных отжигов. 1 табл., 1 пр.

28-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2792915C1

Изобретение относится к прокатке стальных полос. Осуществляют прокатку первой стальной полосы и второй стальной полосы в одной прокатной клети стана холодной прокатки. Между прокаткой первой стальной полосы и прокаткой второй стальной полосы обеспечивают паузу между прокатками. Первую стальную полосу подают к прокатной клети, выходящей из первого разматывателя, по первому пути и во время подачи к прокатной клети не нагревают. Вторую стальную полосу подают к прокатной клети, выходящей из первого разматывателя или из второго разматывателя, отличающегося от первого разматывателя, по второму пути и во время подачи к прокатной клети нагревают. Второй путь длиннее первого пути. В результате обеспечивается возможность прокатки хрупких и ломких стальных полос в стане холодной прокатки периодического действия без опасности появления трещин на полосе. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

11-06-2024 дата публикации

Способ асимметричной прокатки холоднокатаной ленты из алюминиевого сплава АД33

Номер: RU2820860C1

Изобретение относится к способу асимметричной прокатки холоднокатаной ленты из алюминиевого сплава АД33. Осуществляют холодную прокатку ленты в двух валках при рассогласовании их окружных скоростей за один проход. Прокатку осуществляют с обжатием 40-50%. Окружную скорость верхнего валка задают равной V1=2-4 об/мин, а окружную скорость нижнего валка V2=8-9 об/мин. В результате сокращается технологический цикл прокатки и усилия при прокатке металла. 1 табл.

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006123407A

... 1. Подающее устройство моталки для прокатного стана с верхним и нижним подающими роликами, отличающееся тем, что нижний подающий ролик (1) имеет стальную ось (2), на которой наклеена и/или напрессована в горячем состоянии литая втулка (3) и при этом верхний подающий ролик (1') имеет литую втулку (3'), которая закреплена между двумя расположенными на оси (2') зажимными элементами (5). 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что литая втулка (3, 3') состоит из чугуна с шаровидным графитом и снаружи имеет рабочий слой (4, 4'), который изготовлен методом центробежного литья. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что чугун с шаровидным графитом состоит из 2,5-4,0 об.% С, 1, 0-4,0 об.% Si, 0,2-2,0 об.% Mn, < 0,10 об.% P, < 0,05 об.% S, < 1,0 об.% Cr, <5,0 об.% Ni, < 3,0 об.% Мо, < 1,0 об.% Al и < 5,0 об.% Cu. 4. Устройство по одному из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что рабочий слой (4, 4') выполнен из чугуна неограниченного по глубине отбела. 5. Устройство по п.4, отличающееся тем, что чугун неограниченного ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003129449A

... 1. Способ целенаправленной установки поверхностной структуры прокатываемого материала при холодной подкатке в дрессировочных прокатных клетях, при котором осуществляют частичный перенос поверхностной структуры рабочих валков (2) на прокатываемый материал (3), отличающийся тем, что с помощью трибологической модели для математического описания соотношений сил трения в зоне (1) деформации при прокатке вычисляют изменение шероховатости прокатываемого материала (3) в процессе прокатки на дрессировочном прокатном стане с одной или несколькими прокатными клетями, предпочтительно с двумя прокатными клетями, посредством оптимизационного расчета при варьировании параметров прокатки с учетом имеющихся границ оборудования, и полученные результаты используют для предварительной установки, по меньшей мере, части использованных для расчета параметров прокатки. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что трибологическая модель состоит из связанных друг с другом частичных моделей, с помощью которых осуществляют ...

03-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665649C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Способ изготовления листа из текстурированной электротехнической стали с использованием технологии без ингибитора включает конечную холодную прокатку с общим обжатием холодной прокатки, равным 85% или более, и обжатием прокатки за проход 32% или более. Конечная холодная прокатка включает один или несколько проходов и конечный проход, следующий за одним или несколькими проходами, и использует рабочие валки, имеющие шероховатость Ra, равную 0,25 мкм или менее по меньшей мере в одном из одного или нескольких проходов, отличных от конечного прохода. Согласно этому способу обеспечивается стабильность магнитных свойств при низкой стоимости. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 4 ил.

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674789C1

Изобретение относится к прокатным изделиям из алюминиево-медно-литиевых сплавов, которые могут быть использованы для производства конструкционных элементов. Способ изготовления плиты толщиной по меньшей мере 80 мм включает получение ванны жидкого металла из сплава, содержащего, мас.%: Cu 2,0-6,0; Li 0,5-2,0; Mg 0-1,0; Ag 0-0,7; Zn 0-1,0 и по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из группы Zr, Mn, Cr, Sc, Hf и Ti, причем количество упомянутых элементов составляет от 0,05 до 0,20 Zr, от 0,05 до 0,8 Mn, от 0,05 до 0,3 Cr, от 0,05 до 0,3 Sc, от 0,05 до 0,5 Hf и от 0,01 до 0,15 Ti, Si ≤ 0,1; Fe ≤ 0,1; примеси ≤ 0,15 в сумме и ≤ 0,05 каждой, остальное - алюминий, при этом содержание водорода в ванне поддерживают ниже 0,4 мл/100 г, а содержание кислорода, измеренное над поверхностью расплава, ниже 0,5 об.%, полунепрерывную вертикальную разливку с использованием распределителя, выполненного из углеродной ткани, гомогенизацию сляба до или после необязательной механической обработки, горячую прокатку ...

20-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012129479A

... 1. Способ изготовления профиля из ленточного листового материала (1), при реализации которого- ленточного листового материала (1) на первом этапе по меньшей мере дважды изгибают, так, что, при взгляде на поперечное сечение ленточного листового материала (1), формируются срединный участок (10), а также два фланцевых участка (13, 14), которые под углом выступают из двух противоположных концов срединного участка (10), и- на втором этапе, следующем за первым этапом, срединный участок (10) сжимают с помощью двух комплементарных компоновок вальцов (43, 44), воздействующих на оба противоположные друг другу концевые участка (23 либо же 24) срединного участка (10), и при этом осуществляют местное утолщение ленточного листового материала (1).2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем,что у первой компоновки вальцов (43) имеется первая ось вращения (53), а у второй компоновки вальцов (44) - вторая ось вращения (54), ичто срединный участок (10) при сжатии, при взгляде на поперечное сечение ленточного листового ...

26-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670630C9

Изобретение относится к области горячей прокатки металлического продукта. Способ регулирования процесса горячей прокатки включает в себя регулирование в клети прокатного стана по меньшей мере одного параметра, выбранного из расхода смазочной эмульсии через распылитель сопла, величины натяжения продукта и усилия нажима валков, измерение скорости продукта на выходе из клети, определение показателя проскальзывания продукта в направлении его движения, измерение усилия нажима рабочих валков в клети, вычисление в реальном времени коэффициента трения между продуктом и рабочими валками и сравнение вычисленного коэффициента трения с заданным значением, на основании чего регулируют один из указанных параметров таким образом, чтобы коэффициент трения не превышал заданное значение. Изобретение также относится к способу прокатки, использующему упомянутый способ регулирования, и соответствующему прокатному стану. Использование изобретения позволяет повысить качество прокатки. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Strukturbauteils

Номер: DE102016200520A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Strukturbauteils (10), wobei ein Metallband (5) mit mehreren in einer Walzrichtung (3) hintereinander angeordneten Gruppen (4) von Ober- und/oder Unterwalzen derart gewalzt wird, dass das Metallband (5) mit einer variierenden Dicke erzeugbar ist, aufweisend zumindest folgende Schritte: – Versehen von Ober- und/oder Unterwalzen einer jeden Gruppe (4) mit in Walzrichtung (3) sich formverändernden Profilierungen (6), wobei die sich jeweils formverändernde Profilierung (6) einer jeden Gruppe (4) ein jeweils gleichbleibendes Volumen aufweist; – Vorfertigen des Metallbandes (5) mit der aufgrund der sich formverändernden Profilierungen (6) erzeugten Teilkonturen (7a, 7b) bis zu einer gewünschten Endkontur (7c); und – Zuführen des vorgefertigten Metallbandes (5) mit der gewünschten Endkontur (7c) zu Weiterverarbeitungsschritten.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Blechs in einer Walzstraße

Номер: DE102007028823A1

Zur Einstellung einer gewünschten Oberflächenrauheit eines gewalzten Bleches (12) werden Arbeitswalzen (8) mit einer Beschichtung (38) eingesetzt, die aus einem duktilen Grundwerkstoff (39) mit darin eingelagerten Hartstoffpartikeln besteht. Durch die Wahl der Größe der Hartstoffpartikel wird eine Oberflächenrauheit der Arbeitswalze (8) gezielt eingestellt.

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Erzeugen von aus metallischem Verbundwerkstoff bestehendem Band oder Blech

Номер: DE0010202212B4

Verfahren zum Erzeugen von aus einem metallischen Verbundwerkstoffs bestehendem Band (W, W1) oder Blech, umfassend folgende Arbeitsschritte: a) Erzeugen eines Hohlkörpers aus einem ersten Stahlwerkstoff durch Schleuderguss, b) Füllen des von dem ersten Stahlmaterial umgrenzten Innenraums des Hohlkörpers mit einem sich hinsichtlich mindestens einer seiner Eigenschaften vom ersten metallischen Werkstoff unterscheidenden schmelzflüssigen Stahlwerkstoff, c) Erwärmen des gefüllten Körpers (1, 18) auf eine Ziehtemperatur, und d) Warmwalzen des gefüllten Körpers (1, 18) zu Warmband (W, W1).

31-08-2000 дата публикации

Sheet construction material

Номер: DE0019962512A1

Sheet construction material includes in cross section boundaries of its front and back faces. Material is produced in condition of constructionally involved thickness change at shaping operations. On boundary of front and(or) back surface and(or) at least on one apex of its cross section, at least a part of line of cross section boundary is in the form of fragment of cone section of straight round cone.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektromagnetischen Ventilanordnung sowie elektromagnetische Ventilanordnung

Номер: DE102018200084A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektromagnetischen Ventilanordnung (10), wobei ein Flachblech (12) mit sich parallel zu einer Blechlängsachse (14) erstreckenden Durchgangsnuten (16) und eine Scheibe (18) mit zu den Durchgangsnuten (16) formkomplementären Scheibenvorsprüngen (22) bereitgestellt werden, die Scheibenvorsprünge (22) mit den Durchgangsnuten (16) ein Eingriff gebracht werden, und dann ein Spulengehäuse (38) gebildet wird, indem das Flachblech (12) überlappungsfrei entlang der Blechlängsachse (14) um einen Umfang (20) der Scheibe (18) rollverformt wird. Weiter betrifft die Erfindung eine elektromagnetische Ventilanordnung (10), die insbesondere mit einem solchen Verfahren hergestellt worden ist.

14-01-1987 дата публикации

Metal strip for use in stabilised earth structures

Номер: GB0002177140A

A rolled metal strip for use in stabilized earth structures has at periodic intervals along its length thickened reinforcement regions formed during the rolling operation. The strip is cut into required lengths such that each strip length has an end reinforced region through which an aperture is then formed to receive a bolt passing through a bracket of a facing. The strip may include transverse ribs at intervals on both faces of the strip to assist engagement with the surrounding soil.

29-10-1969 дата публикации

Process for the Production of Cold-Rolled Steel Plate.

Номер: GB0001168636A

... 1,168,636. Making steel plate; altering physical structure. YAWATA IRON & STEEL CO. Ltd. 28 Nov., 1966 [30 Nov., 1965], No. 53128/66. Headings B3A and B3V. A low yield point and a non-strain ageing steel containing below 0À12% C, below 0À6% Mn and 0À01-0À15% V is formed by first coiling hot rolled plate at 680-760‹ C. followed by cold rolling and annealing at 630-730‹ C. and finally temper rolling the annealed plate.

25-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365947B

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000484346T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551131T

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines dickenprofilierten Metallbands

Номер: AT516147B1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines dickenprofilierten Metallbands (2) gezeigt, bei dem in das Metallband (2) mindestens eine Ausnehmung (9) eingebracht und in einem nachfolgenden Schritt das Metallband (2) mit mindestens einer in das Metallband (2) bereichsweise über dessen Bandbreite (8) eindringenden Walze (4) längsgewalzt und damit eine Dickenprofilierung zumindest in Breitenrichtung (3) des Metallbands (2) erzeugt wird. Um die Reproduzierbarkeit des Verfahrens zu verbessern wird vorgeschlagen, dass in das Metallband (2) mindestens ein durch das Metallband (2) hindurchgehendes Loch (11, 12, 13, 14) als Ausnehmung (9) eingebracht wird, über das die in das Metallband (2) eindringende Walze (4) das Metallband (2) längswalzt, um die Dickenprofilierung in Breitenrichtung (3) des Metallbands (2) zu erzeugen.

25-01-1927 дата публикации

Semi-finished material for the production of Mittelund sheet metals.

Номер: AT0000105327B

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for guiding strips with Schleißkörpern

Номер: AT0000015727U3

Die Anmeldung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur seitlichen Führung (1) eines über eine Metallband-Fördervorrichtung laufenden Metallbandes (2) umfassend zumindest ein Grundkörpermodul (7) mit einer im Wesentlichen vertikalen Führungsebene (10), welche dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass zumindest ein kontrolliert in mehrere definierte Drehpositionen drehbarer Schleißkörper (12) mit Schleißfläche (12a) vorhanden ist, und die Schleißfläche (12a) im Wesentlichen plan und in allen definierten Drehpositionen parallel zur Führungsebene (10) ist. Weiters betrifft sie ein Verfahren zur seitlichen Führung von über eine Metallband-Fördervorrichtung laufenden Metallbändern (2) dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass nachdem ein erstes Metallband die Metallband- Fördervorrichtung durchlaufen hat, und bevor ein zweites Metallband in die Metallband- Fördervorrichtung einläuft, der Schleißkörper (12) kontrolliert von einer ersten definierten Drehposition in eine zweite definierte Drehposition gedreht wird, wobei die Schleißfläche ...

15-05-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for guiding strips with Schleißkörpern

Номер: AT0000015727U2

Die Anmeldung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur seitlichen Führung (1) eines über eine Metallband-Fördervorrichtung laufenden Metallbandes (2) umfassend zumindest ein Grundkörpermodul (7) mit einer im Wesentlichen vertikalen Führungsebene (10), welche dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass zumindest ein kontrolliert in mehrere definierte Drehpositionen drehbarer Schleißkörper (12) mit Schleißfläche (12a) vorhanden ist, und die Schleißfläche (12a) im Wesentlichen plan und in allen definierten Drehpositionen parallel zur Führungsebene (10) ist. Weiters betrifft sie ein Verfahren zur seitlichen Führung von über eine Metallband-Fördervorrichtung laufenden Metallbändern (2) dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass nachdem ein erstes Metallband die Metallband- Fördervorrichtung durchlaufen hat, und bevor ein zweites Metallband in die Metallband- Fördervorrichtung einläuft, der Schleißkörper (12) kontrolliert von einer ersten definierten Drehposition in eine zweite definierte Drehposition gedreht wird, wobei die Schleißfläche ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Anodized-quality aluminum alloys and related products and methods

Номер: AU2017289165B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Disclosed are alloys for anodized-quality aluminum sheets with improved surface quality, and methods for making these sheets. The alloys are designed to minimize the formation of cathodic intermetallic particles that result in surface streaks of anodized sheet products formed from the alloys. Further, the alloys allow the incorporation of recycled scrap aluminum in anodized-quality sheets.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Cold-rolled narrow strip in the form of flat wire or profiled elements made of a high-strength steel for use in flexible pipes, in particular in flexible pipes for offshore applications, and method for producing such cold-rolled narrow strips

Номер: AU2018203405A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Abstract The invention relates to a flat wire or a narrow strip having a profiled cross-section, composed of a high-strength steel having the following composition (in weight-%): C 0.2 0.9%, Mn 12 - 25%, Si up to 0.5%, Al 0.5 - 2.0%, Cr 1.8 - 3.5%, S max. 0.005%, P max. 5 0.06%, N max. 0.1%, Mo max. 1.5%, B max. 0.01%, Ni max. 2.0%, Cu max. 2.0%, Ca max. 0.015%, Nb 0.02 - 0.35% and/or V 0.02 - 0.35%, as well as optionally Ti 0.01 - 0.35%, and, as the remainder, iron and unavoidable, production-related contaminants, cold-rolled and/or cold-profiled from wire-form precursor material, with optional intermediate annealing and/or an optional final annealing treatment, to achieve the following mechanical 10 values: Rpo.2 500 - 1650 MPa, Rm 750 - 1800 MPa, A80 3- 50%, for the production of armoring plies in flexible pipes for conveying petroleum and natural gas, 15 as well as for transport of liquefied natural gas (FLNG) under acid gas conditions (acidic attack media). The invention furthermore ...

14-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003459089A

22-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002678616C

The invention relates to a method for roughening the surface of a metal sheet used as electrode support in industrial electrochemical applications, and an electrode made by such method. Mechanical roughening is imparted by skin-passing the sheet between two rollers of a rolling mill, at least one of which is patterned according to a predetermined profile to be transferred by compression to the surface of the metal sheet.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002706198A1

An aluminum alloy sheet for motor vehicles excellent in press formability, resistance to surface roughening and shape fixability is produced without subjecting the sheet to stabilization treatment by casting a melt, containing 3.0-3.5 mass% Mg, 0.05-0.3 mass% Fe, 0.05-0.15 mass% Si, and further a limited amount of less than 0.1 mass% Mn, a balance substantially being inevitable impurities and Al, into a thin slab having a thickness of to 15 mm in a twin-belt caster so that the cooling rate at 1/4 depth of the thickness of the thin slab is 20 to 200°C/sec; winding the cast thin slab into a coil; subjecting the coiled thin slab to cold rolling with a roll having a surface roughness of 0.2 to 0.7 µm Ra at a cold rolling reduction of 50 to 98%; subjecting the cold rolled thin sheet to final annealing either continuously in a CAL at a holding temperature of 400 to 520°C or in a batch annealing furnace at a holding temperature of 300 to 400°C; and then subjecting the resulting sheet to straightening ...

12-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694355A1

Methods and apparatus for rolling metal sheet or plate (3) are provided. The method comprises the step of feeding the metal plate or sheet (3) into a rolling mill (1, 2) at an angle. The apparatus comprises a rolling mill having a tilted feed table (4), or an apron upon which a transfer table and tilted feed table can rest. Through- thickness gradient and shear texture can be improved using the methods and apparatus of the invention.

13-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1110536A

S P E C I F I C A T I O N METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SIMULTANEOUSLY ROLLING AND SLITTING METAL STRIP INVENTOR: ALLAN STIKELEATHER Metal strip is slit by passage between a pair of rollers which are flanged and mate together in close tolerance interfitting relationship to completely contain and confine the strip cross section. The rollers compressively work the full width of the strip, thereby significantly reducing its thickness. The working portions of each of the rolls have at least two neighboring roll surfaces which are offset in a direction radially with respect to their axes of rotation, i.e. in a "stepped" relationship, the amount of offset being sufficiently great for simultaneously separating the strip into at least two resultant substrips while the thickness of the substrips is being significantly reduced. Both edges of each of the resultant substrips have an attractively polished appearance without sharpness or burr, and the substrips are produced without camber.

06-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002458156A1

The invention relates to a device for processing a metal slab, plate or strip, comprising a rolling mill stand with a roll nip between two driveable rolls, the rolling mill stand being designed to roll a metal slab, plate or strip between the rolls. According to a first aspect of the invention, the device is provided with feed means which are designed to guide the slab, plate or strip between the rolls at an angle of between 5~ and 45~ with respect to the perpendicular to the plane through the center axes of the rolls. According to a second aspect of the invention, the device is provided with one or more following rolling mill stands with driveable rolls, and the rolling mill stand and one or more following rolling mil stands are designed in such a manner that, during use, their rolls have different peripheral velocities, the difference in peripheral velocity amounting to at least 5% and at most 100%.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3116571A1

This non-oriented electromagnetic steel sheet in which the strength and iron loss are excellent and that has an average magnetostriction ?p-p of less than or equal to 4.5×10-6 at 400 Hz and 1.0 T, an area percentage of recrystallized particles at the cross section in the steel sheet rolling direction of 40-95%, and an average particle size of the non-oriented electromagnetic steel sheet of 10-40 µm, is obtained, in performing hot rolling, hot-rolled sheet annealing, cold rolling, and finish annealing of a steel slab that contains, in mass%, less than or equal to 0.005% of C, 2.8-6.5% of Si, 0.05-2.0% of Mn, less than or equal to 3.0% of Al, less than or equal to 0.20% of P, less than or equal to 0.005% of S, less than or equal to 0.005% of N, less than or equal to 0.003% of Ti, less than or equal to 0.005% of V, and less than or equal to 0.005% of Nb and that satisfies Si-2Al-Mn=0, by appropriately applying a cold rolling condition and a finish annealing condition. This motor core is manufactured ...

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003038540C

A method uses a device to level a metal plate fabricated from high-strength metal material. The method includes providing a serpentine path between a plurality of upper and lower rollers in parallel arrangement to define a longitudinal spacing. The upper and lower rollers are positioned relative to one another such that a plunge depth is defined based upon a difference between a top-dead-center point of the lower rollers and a bottom-dead-center point of contiguous upper rollers, and a longitudinal spacing and the plunge depth are configured such that the upper rollers and the lower rollers are disposed to impart a bend radius on the metal plate as the metal plate is drawn through the serpentine path such that the metal plate bends about the outer peripheral surfaces of the upper and lower rollers. The bend radius is selected to achieve a desired plastification of the metal sheet.

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003028083C

A cargo transportation system includes a sandwich panel and a channel. In another aspect, a cargo-securing or logistics track, or tie-down slat, is attached to a continuously slotted channel which is secured within a sandwich panel of a cargo container, which employs at least one core sheet including alternating peaks and valleys therein in addition to attached interior and exterior face sheets. Yet another aspect of a cargo transportation system includes an interior face sheet flange of a sandwich panel overlapping a flush mounted lateral segment of a slotted channel.

20-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003065608A1

A trailer wall apparatus includes at least one logistics post. In another aspect, a vertically elongated cargo-securing or logistics post is attached adjacent to a vertically elongated depression within a sandwich panel of a cargo container, the sandwich panel employing at least one core sheet including alternating peaks and valleys therein in addition to attached interior and exterior face sheets. A further aspect employs a logistics post including internal lips which contact against and/or assist with alignment to diagonal surfaces of a depression in a container or trailer wall.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002935047A1

Dans ce procédé (I) où : Z est la distance entre la tôle (1) et la buse (17) le long de la direction principale d'éjection (E), Z étant exprimée en m, f02 étant la fraction volumique d'oxygène dans la zone confinée (24). d est la hauteur moyenne de la sortie (25) de la buse (17) le long du sens (S) de défilement de la tôle (1) devant la buse (17), d étant exprimée en m, V est la vitesse de défilement de la tôle (1) devant la buse (17), V étant exprimée en m.s-1, P étant la surpression du gaz d'essorage dans la buse (17) par rapport à la pression atmosphérique, P étant exprimée en N.m-2.

17-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002903936C

The invention specifies a method for the operationally reliable production of a cold-rolled flat steel product of <= 0.5 mm in thickness for deep-drawing and ironing applications. In said method, a steel melt which (in wt%) comprises up to 0.008 % C, up to 0.005 % Al, up to 0.043 % Si, 0.15 - 0.5 % Mn, up to 0.02 % P, up to 0.03 % S, up to 0.020 % N and in each case optionally up to 0.03 % Ti and up to 0.03 % Nb and, as a remainder, iron and unavoidable impurities, is, with the omission of a Ca treatment, subjected to a secondary metallurgical treatment which, in addition to a vacuum treatment, comprises a ladle furnace treatment and during which the steel melt to be treated is kept under a slag, the Mn and Fe contents of which are, in sum total, < 15 wt%. From the steel melt, a thin slab or a cast strip are produced, which are subsequently hot-rolled to form a hot strip with a thickness of < 2.5 mm and wound to form a coil. Subsequently, the hot strips are cold-rolled to form a flat steel ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962651A1

Provided is a steel for solid oxide fuel cells, which contains Zr and has a composition balance that enables a thin plate thereof to achieve stable and excellent oxidation resistance. A steel for solid oxide fuel cells, which contains, in mass%, more than 0% but 0.05% or less of C, 0.05% or less of N, 0.01% or less of O, 0.2% or less of Al, 0.15% or less of Si, 0.1-1.0% of Mn, 20.0-25.0% of Cr, more than 0% but 1.0% or less of Ni, 0.02-0.12% of La and 0.1-0.5% of Zr, with (La + Zr) being 0.15-0.5%, and with the balance made up of Fe and impurities. This steel for solid oxide fuel cells satisfies the relational expression shown below, and an intermetallic compound that contains Fe and Zr and is observed in the ferrite matrix of this steel for solid oxide fuel cells is 1.1% or less in a field-of-view area ratio. 5(7C + 6N)/(7 - 4(7C + 6N)) = Zr = 41(7C + 6N)/(7 + 66(7C + 6N)) ...

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2890126C

A high-formability and super-strength cold-rolled steel sheet and a manufacturing method thereof. The weight percentage of its components is: C 0.15~0.25%, Si 1.00~2.00%, Mn 1.50~3.00%, P=0.015%, S=0.012%, Al 0.03~0.06%, N=0.008%, and the rest are Fe and inevitable impurities. The manufacturing method comprises the following steps: 1) smelting and casting; 2) heating to 1170~1230°C and performing thermal insulation; 3) performing hot rolling, the finish rolling temperature being 880±30°C, and coiling at 550~650°C; and 4) performing acid washing, cold rolling, and annealing, the cold rolling reduction being 40~60%, annealing at 860~920°C, and performing slow cooling to 690~750°C with the cooling rate of 3~10°C/s; performing rapid cooling at 240~320°C, with the cooling rate =50°C/s, then heating to 360~460°C, and performing thermal insulation for 100~500s to cool to the room temperature at last. Finally, a high-formability, low-rebound property and super-strength cold-rolled steel sheet with ...

09-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002249853A1

An apparatus and a method for influencing the frictional conditions between an upper roll and a lower roll of a roll stand of a hot-rolling train for wide strip or a cold-rolling train for strip. The apparatus includes a spraying device arranged at the entry side of the roll stand for spraying a defined quantity of liquid in the direction of the roll gap and a control device for determining the quantity and discharge of this liquid, wherein used as a control variable is a predetermined or also computed variable in connection with the actual roll torque of the lower roll or/and the upper roll.

29-10-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000581311A5

31-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201900583A1

10-09-2010 дата публикации

Способ изготовления стального листа на линии прокатного стана

Номер: UA0000091953C2

Для сокращения расходов на линии прокатного стана (2) для изготовления стального листа (12) предусмотрено, что рабочие валки (8) линии прокатного стана (2) снабжены специальным покрытием (38), которое имеет пластический металлический основной слой (39) и внедренные в него частицы (40) твердого материала. Дополнительно предусмотрено, что во время прокатки рабочие валки (8) прижимаются к листу (12), который обрабатывают с давлением прокатки р, составляющим более 2 гПа. Благодаря таким высоким значением давления обеспечивается более высокая скорость прокатки и/или сохранение рабочих валков (8).

26-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000114578C2

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790491A1

25-11-2015 дата публикации

High strength hot rolled steel sheet and method for producing same

Номер: CN0105102662A

27-03-2020 дата публикации

Room-temperature highly-formed magnesium alloy plate and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0109295366B

16-01-2013 дата публикации

A method for producing a profile from a sheet-metal strip

Номер: CN102873181A

The invention relates to a method for producing a profile from a sheet-metal strip (1), in which method the sheet-metal strip (1) is bent at least twice during a first stage, wherein, as viewed in the cross section of the sheet-metal strip (1), a center section (10) is formed and two flank sections (13, 14) are formed that project angularly from two opposing end regions (23, 24) of the center section (10), and during a second stage following the first stage, the center section (10) is compressed by means of two complementary roller arrangements (43, 44) that engage on the two opposing end regions (23, 24) of the center section (10), and the sheet-metal strip (1) is thereby locally thickened.

28-05-2019 дата публикации

Through the process of rolling mill 3rd damping frequency vibration control

Номер: CN0106536073B

19-01-2018 дата публикации

The aluminum alloy material and its manufacturing method and aluminum alloy composite material and its manufacturing method

Номер: CN0105934527B

12-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003056419B1
Принадлежит: FIVES DMS

04-01-1965 дата публикации

Improvements with the devices of formation of edges for weaving looms

Номер: FR0001384201A

09-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002580297B1

29-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102070559B1

04-05-2017 дата публикации

페라이트계 스테인리스강 및 그의 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101732469B1

... 일정 수준 이상의 내식성을 가짐과 함께, 일정 수준 이상의 템퍼 컬러 제거성도 갖는 페라이트계 스테인리스강 및 그의 제조 방법을 제공한다. 질량%로, 0.001∼0.030%의 C와, 0.03∼0.30%의 Si와, 0.05% 이하의 P와, 0.01% 이하의 S와, 22.0 초과∼28.0%의 Cr과, 0.2∼3.0%의 Mo와, 0.01∼0.15%의 Al과, 0.30 초과∼0.80%의 Ti와, 0.001∼0.080%의 V와, 0.001∼0.050%의 N을 함유하고, 또한, 0.05∼0.30%의 Mn과, 0.01∼5.00%의 Ni를 함유하거나, 또는 0.05∼2.00%의 Mn과 0.01∼0.30%의 Ni를 함유하고, 추가로 임의 성분으로서 0.05% 이하의 Nb를 함유하고, 잔부가 Fe 및 불가피적 불순물로 이루어지고, 표면에 입경이 1㎛ 이상인 TiN이 30개/㎟ 이상의 밀도로 분포하는 것을 특징으로 하는 페라이트계 스테인리스강을 이용한다.

06-12-2017 дата публикации

고강도 용기용 강판 및 그 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101806064B1

... 캔의 뚜껑에 바람직하게 적용 가능하고, 특히 EOE 캔용의 재료로서 바람직한 고강도 용기용 강판 및 그 제조 방법을 제공한다. 질량% 로, C : 0.0010 ∼ 0.10 %, Si : 0.04 % 이하, Mn : 0.10 ∼ 0.80 %, P : 0.007 ∼ 0.100 %, S : 0.10 % 이하, Al : 0.001 ∼ 0.100 %, N : 0.0010 ∼ 0.0250 % 를 함유하고, 잔부가 Fe 및 불가피적 불순물로 이루어지는 성분 조성을 갖고, 판두께 방향에서, 최표층에 있어서의 전위 밀도와, 표면으로부터 판두께의 1/4 깊이 위치에 있어서의 전위 밀도의 차가 1.94 × 1014 m-2 이하이고, 인장 강도가 400 ㎫ 이상, 파단 연신이 10 % 이상인 고강도 용기용 강판으로 한다.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

열간 압연용 티타늄 주조편 및 그 제조 방법

Номер: KR1020170047339A

... 전자 빔 용해법이나 플라즈마 아크 용해법에 의해 제조한 티타늄 합금으로 이루어지는 티타늄 주조편의 압연면이 되는 표면에, 1종 또는 2종류 이상의 β상 안정화 원소를 첨가해서 용융시켜서 재응고시킨 용융 재응고층을 깊이 1㎜ 이상의 범위에 갖고, 깊이 1㎜까지의 범위에 있어서의 β상 안정화 원소의 농도의 평균값이, 모재 중의 β상 안정화 원소의 농도에 비교해서, 질량%로, 0.08mass% 이상, 1.50mass% 이하 높다. β상 안정화 원소를 함유하는 소재로서, 분말, 칩, 와이어, 박이 사용된다. 또한, 표층을 용융하는 수단으로서, 전자 빔 가열 및 플라즈마 아크 가열이 사용된다.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013039201A1

One aspect of this copper alloy sheet is that the sheet contains 5.0-12.0% by mass of Zn, 1.1-2.5% by mass of Sn, 0.01-0.09% by mass of P, and 0.6-1.5% by mass of Ni, the remainder comprising Cu and unavoidable impurities; and the copper alloy sheet satisfies a relation of 20 ≤ [Zn] + 7 × [Sn] + 15 × [P] + 4.5 × [Ni] ≤ 32. One aspect of this copper alloy sheet is that the sheet is produced through a production process comprising a finishing cold-rolling process for cold-rolling copper alloy material, the average crystal particle size of a copper alloy material is 1.2-5.0 µm, circular or oblong-shaped deposits exist in the copper alloy material, and either the average particle size of the deposits is 4.0-25.0 nm or those deposits having a particle size of 4.0-25.0 nm occupy a proportion of 70% or greater among the deposits.

09-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: WO1993024252A1

When a metal strip material is cold rolled, roll cross rolling and roll parallel rolling are combined, and rolling is carried out by the roll parallel rolling system at at least the final stand (in the case of a tandem mill) or in at least the final pass (in the case of a single-stand mill such as reverse mill) to obtain a rolled metal strip free from torsion and having excellent luster. In some cases, preliminary cold rolling of a rolling reduction of at least 5 % is in advance applied to a metal strip material by the roll cross system, and then cold rolling by the combination of roll parallel rolling or roll cross rolling and roll parallel rolling is carried out.

04-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: US3868839A

The invention relates to a shaping machine with two forming tools pressed against each other, one of which receives from a motor an assisting torque which is proportional to the external force applied to the part to be shaped in order to pass it through the machine. This force is evaluated by feelers which measure the small displacements it imparts to movable bearings which carry the assisted forming tool shaft and are supported on ball-bearings, or to a deformable grip fixed temporarily to the part to be shaped.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Универсальная магнитная клеть для прокатки полос

Номер: RU0000179561U1

В универсальной магнитной клети для прокатки полос, содержащей раму, рабочие и нажимные валки, и устройства для создания усилия прокатки при помощи постоянных магнитных полей, приложенных к прокатным валкам, устройство для создания усилия прокатки выполнено в виде пакета магнитных плит, установленных друг к другу одноименными полюсами вдоль нажимных валков по вертикали по обе стороны от плоскости прокатки полосы и снабженных механизмами регулирования величиной магнитного потока, причем указанные магнитные плиты установлены с возможностью расположения во включенном положении относительно друг друга с суммарным зазором, превышающим максимальную деформацию полосы с одной стороны плоскости прокатки для обеспечения отталкивания магнитных плит друг от друга при передаче суммарного усилия на валки, при этом верхняя магнитная плита опирается жестко на горизонтальную балку рамы клети, а нижняя магнитная плита опирается, например, на подшипник скольжения, установленный непосредственно на поверхности нажимного валка, закрепленный на нижней магнитной плите, при этом схема расположения магнитных плит с верхней стороны плоскости прокатки аналогична схеме расположения с нижней стороны плоскости прокатки, для регулирования положения магнитных плит по вертикали при наладке, перевалке валков, при выдвижении для ремонта или осмотра магнитных плит, а также при установке требуемого зазора между рабочими валками перед прокаткой полосы предусмотрено, например, гидравлическое устройство. Регулирование магнитного потока в каждой магнитной плите достигается, например, механическим способом, путем шунтирования (нейтрализации) части (или полностью) магнитного потока при помощи управляющих блоков, обеспечивающих автоматическое дистанционное управление процессом прокатки полосы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 561 U1 (51) МПК B21B 1/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 1/22 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: ...

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Nickel-plated steel sheet and process for producing battery can using the nickel-plated steel sheet

Номер: US20120171518A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Kohan Co Ltd

A Ni-plated steel sheet is provided in which thee occurrence of scratches at the time of forming a battery can is suppressed. Also provided is a method which includes a step where a surface of a steel sheet is plated with Ni in a Ni adhesion amount of 0.3-2 μm, a step where the Ni-plated steel sheet is heated to 600-800° C. to form an Fe−Ni diffusion layer as an outermost surface layer, and a step where the steel sheet is rolled by temper rolling so as to adjust the Fe−Ni diffusion layer so that the steel sheet has the surface roughness Ra of 0.9-2.0 μm and the surface roughness Ry of 4.0-15 μm. A Ni-plated steel sheet which includes an Fe−Ni diffusion layer as an outermost surface layer and in which the diffusion layer has the surface roughness Ra of 0.9-2.0 μm and the surface roughness Ry of 4.0-15 μm and the diffusion layer has such an Fe/Ni ratio that the Fe accounts for 20-50% in Auger analysis is subjected to drawing using a water-soluble liquid which contains water-soluble emersion as a press lubricant.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Galvanized carbon steel with stainless steel-like finish

Номер: US20120219823A1
Автор: Frederick Alan Myers
Принадлежит: AK Steel Properties Inc

A “faux stainless steel” may be produced by processing galvanized carbon steel through a temper mill using textured rolls to develop a “polished” type surface. The galvanized coating is not removed by abrasion but is compressed thereby providing a more uniform substrate than conventional polishing or brushing. The resulting strip may then be coated with an organic film to provide additional appearance and corrosion benefits including anti-fingerprint resistance.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098127A1

Measuring sheet material flatness includes projecting a bright and dark pattern P made up of bright parts and dark parts onto a sheet material surface S travelling in a lengthwise direction, picking up an image of pattern P with image pickup device to acquire a pattern image, with the pickup device having a field of view larger than a sheet material width. The acquired pattern image is analyzed, wherein a pattern P in which a bright part is disposed at a predetermined set pitch respectively in longitudinal and lateral directions is formed by an LED light at a predetermined pitch respectively in the longitudinal and lateral directions. The pattern P is projected onto the surface such that the longitudinal direction of the pattern P lies along a lengthwise direction of the sheet material, and the lateral direction of the pattern P lies along a width direction of the sheet material. 1. A method for measuring a flatness of a sheet material , comprising: projecting a bright and dark pattern made up of bright parts and dark parts onto a surface of a sheet material travelling in a lengthwise direction; picking up an image of the bright and dark pattern with image pickup device to acquire a pattern image , the image pickup device having a field of view larger than a width of the sheet material; and analyzing the acquired pattern image to measure the flatness of the sheet material , whereina bright and dark pattern in which a bright part is disposed at a predetermined set pitch respectively in longitudinal and lateral directions is formed by light emitted from an LED light source including a plurality of LEDs disposed at a predetermined pitch respectively in the longitudinal and lateral directions, andthe bright and dark pattern is projected onto the surface of the sheet material such that the longitudinal direction of the bright and dark pattern lies along a lengthwise direction of the sheet material, and the lateral direction of the bright and dark pattern lies along a ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for imparting selected topographies to aluminum sheet metal

Номер: US20130122327A1

A method for surface treating work rolls to produce isotropic textured aluminum sheet features shot-peening the surface of the working rolls that produce the sheet. The media may be steel balls, such as ball bearings or other media, such as glass or ceramic balls, depending upon the optical properties desired for the aluminum sheet, e.g., in terms of diffuseness or brightness of reflection. The various parameters of shot-peening can be varied to accommodate given properties of the roll, such as hardness and existing surface texture to achieve a given desired surface texture. A sheet surface with target properties and the work roll processing needed to produce it may be generated by computer modeling.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180303A1
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

A method for producing a profile from a sheet-metal strip is disclosed. The sheet-metal strip is bent at least twice during a first stage, where, as viewed in the cross-section of the sheet-metal strip, a center section as well as two flank sections are formed, which project angularly from two opposing end regions of the center section. During a second stage following the first stage, the center section is compressed by two complementary roller arrangements which engage on the two opposing end regions of the center section, and the sheet-metal strip is thereby locally thickened. 1. A method for producing a profile from a sheet-metal strip , comprising the steps of:bending the sheet-metal strip at least twice during a first stage such that, as viewed in a cross-section of the sheet-metal strip, a center section and two flank sections are formed, wherein the two flank sections respectively project angularly from two opposing end regions of the center section; andduring a second stage following the first stage, compressing the center section by two complementary roller arrangements which engage on the two opposing end regions of the center section to thicken the sheet-metal strip in the center section.2. The method according to :wherein a first roller arrangement of the two complementary roller arrangements has a first rotational axis and a second roller arrangement of the two complementary roller arrangements has a second rotational axis;and wherein during the compressing, the center section, as viewed in the cross-section of the sheet-metal strip, is at least approximately perpendicular to the first rotational axis and/or the second rotational axis.3. The method according to :wherein a first flank section of the two flank sections, as viewed in the cross-section of the sheet-metal strip, projects at least approximately at a right angle from the center section;and wherein a second flank section of the two flank sections, as viewed in the cross-section of the sheet- ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Continuous casting method for steel and method for manufacturing steel sheet

Номер: US20130233505A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

In a method for continuously casting an extremely low carbon steel using a continuous casting machine, by adjusting the chemical components of extremely low carbon steel within a specified range by taking into account an interface tension gradient in a concentration boundary layer on a front surface of a solidified shell, and also by optimizing intensities of the DC magnetic fields applied to the upper magnetic poles and the lower magnetic poles respectively corresponding to a slab width of a slab to be casted and a casting speed, it is possible to acquire the slab having high quality not only with the small number of defects caused by the entrainment of bubbles, non-metallic inclusion and a mold flux into the molten steel.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Imparting Selected Topographies to Aluminum Sheet Metal

Номер: US20130273394A1

A method for surface treating work rolls to produce isotropic textured aluminum sheet features indenting the surface of the working rolls that produce the sheet with spherical media such as steel ball bearings having the requisite properties to avoid fracture and resulting in a smooth surface lacking facets. The spherical media can be introduced into a nip between two rolls and indent by compression, but ultrasonic peening or knurling. The aluminum sheet produced by the roll has properties that facilitate mechanical forming, such as when the sheet is processed by forming tools. 1. A method for surfacing a work roll for rolling aluminum sheet , comprising the following steps:indenting a surface of the work roll with spherical media, producing a surface 60% to 100% covered by the indentations, the indentations lacking facets.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indentations have a depressed central area relative to a mean height of the surface and a raised claim 1 , smooth peripheral lip having a greater height at an apex thereof than the mean height of the surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the indentations have a diameter in the range of 200 μm to 400 μm and a depth relative to the apex of the peripheral lip in the range of 0.5 μm to 2.0 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spherical media used for indenting is steel ball bearings.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the ball bearings have a diameter ≦0.125 inches and a hardness Rc≧60.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spherical media used for indenting is ceramic balls.7. A work roll for rolling aluminum sheet metal surfaced by the method of .8. Aluminum sheet metal having a surface texture imparted by the work roll of .9. A work roll for rolling aluminum sheet metal surfaced by the method of .10. Aluminum sheet metal having a surface texture imparted by the work roll of .11. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:installing the surfaced work roll in a rolling mill; androlling the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327111A1
Автор: Abe Keizo

A roller leveler for flattening a metal sheet or plate having a cut-sheet form includes leveling rolls disposed in a staggered state on upper and lower sides of a pass line and configured to sandwich and flatten the metal sheet while pressing it therethrough, a hydraulic pressing cylinder for pressing the metal sheet via the leveling rolls, intermediate rolls set in contact with the respective leveling rolls from outside and larger in diameter than the leveling rolls, and a drive unit for rotating the intermediate rolls. The roller leveler causes the drive unit to rotate the intermediate rolls and transmits the driving force to the leveling rolls to pass the metal sheet while causing the pressing cylinder to press the metal sheet via the leveling rolls. 1. A roller leveler for flattening a metal sheet having a cut-sheet form , the roller leveler comprising:a plurality of leveling rolls disposed in a staggered state on upper and lower sides of a pass line of the metal sheet to be flattened and configured to rotate to sandwich and flatten the metal sheet while passing the metal sheet therethrough;a hydraulic pressing cylinder configured to press the metal sheet via the leveling rolls;a plurality of intermediate rolls disposed outside the plurality of leveling rolls on the upper and lower sides and set in contact with the respective leveling rolls from outside, the intermediate rolls having a diameter larger than that of the leveling rolls; anda drive unit configured to rotate the intermediate rolls,wherein the roller leveler is configured to cause the drive unit to drive the intermediate rolls for rotation and cause a driving force therefrom to be transmitted to the leveling rolls to pass the metal sheet while causing the pressing cylinder to press the metal sheet via the leveling rolls.2. The roller leveler according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pair of roll frames that support the leveling rolls and the intermediate rolls on the upper and lower sides, ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340899A1

The present invention has as its object the provision of steel sheet for hot stamping use which is excellent in part strength after hot stamping and delayed fracture resistance comprised of large C content high strength steel sheet in which effective hydrogen traps are formed in the steel material. 1. Steel sheet for hot stamping use which is comprised of chemical ingredients which contain , by mass % ,C: 0.05 to 0.40%,Si: 0.001 to 0.02%,Mn: 0.1 to 3%,Al: 0.0002 to 0.005%,Ti: 0.0005 to 0.01%, one or more of Cr and Mo in a total of 0.005 to 2%, and', 'a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities,', 'wherein the steel sheet contains average diameter 0.1 to 15 μm Fe—Mn-based composite oxide particles dispersed in the steel sheet., 'O: 0.003 to 0.03%,'}2. The steel sheet for hot stamping use as set forth in which further contains claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , the ingredients which are included in one or more groups among the three groups of (a) to (c):(a) B: 0.0005 to 0.01%;(b) one or more of Nb, V, W, and Co in a total of 0.005 to 1%; and(c) one or more of Ni and Cu in a total of 0.005 to 2%.3. The steel sheet for hot stamping use as set forth in or claim 1 , wherein there are voids around said composite oxide particles.4. The steel sheet for hot stamping use as set forth in or claim 1 , wherein the voids around said composite oxide particles have average sizes of 10 to 100% of the average size of said composite oxide particles.5. The steel sheet for hot stamping use as set forth in or claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet is plated by any of aluminum plating claim 1 , zinc-aluminum plating claim 1 , and zinc plating.6. A method of production of steel sheet for hot stamping use comprising hot rolling a slab of chemical ingredients set forth in or in which rough rolling the slab by a rolling rate of 70% or more and final rolling the slab by a rolling rate of 70% or more.7. The method of production of steel sheet for hot stamping use as set forth in claim 6 , further ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017517A1
Принадлежит: NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD.

A stainless steel plate is manufactured by performing temper rolling using a dull roller after the finish cold rolling and bright annealing. The stainless steel plate has an arithmetic mean roughness Ra of 0.2 to 1.2 μm in a direction perpendicular to the rolling direction of the steel plate surface. Furthermore, the stainless steel plate has a transfer ratio of 15 to 70% which is an area ratio of a portion onto which a dull pattern is transferred relative to the steel plate surface. In addition, the micro-pits being formed in the steel plate surface, having a depth of 0.5 μm or more, and having an opening area of 10 μmor more, have an existing density in the steel plate surface of 10.0 or less per 0.01 mm, and an opening area ratio in the steel plate surface of 1.0% or less. 1. A stainless steel plate for which temper rolling is performed by using a dull roller after a finish cold rolling and bright annealing , whereinan arithmetic mean roughness Ra in a direction perpendicular to a rolling direction of the steel plate surface is 0.2 to 1.2 μm;a transfer ratio, which is an area ratio of a portion onto which a dull pattern is transferred relative to the steel plate surface, is 15 to 70%; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'a micro-pit, being formed in the steel plate surface, having a depth of 0.5 μm or more, and having an opening area of 10 μmor more, has an existing density in the steel plate surface of 10.0 or less per 0.01 mm, and an opening area ratio in the steel plate surface of 1.0% or less.'}2. The stainless steel plate according to claim 1 , whereinthe stainless steel plate is a ferritic stainless steel plate containing, on the basis of percent by mass, C at 0.15% or less, Si from 0.1 to 2.0%, Cr from 10 to 32%, and at least either one of Nb from 0.01 to 0.8% or Ti from 0.01 to 0.5%, with residue being Fe and unavoidable impurities.3. The stainless steel plate according to claim 2 , whereinthe stainless steel plate contains, on the basis of percent by mass, at least ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076014A1
Автор: Thiele Konrad

Trouble-free operation of an installation for rolling plates or sheets that have lost their rectangular form and have the form of a parallelogram is ensured by preventing the plate from meandering as it enters a rolling stand. A first rolling pass is carried out and, when the plate runs out from the rolling stand, it is determined whether the side faces of the plate are offset in relation to one another in the rolling direction. If the side faces of the plate are offset in relation to one another in the rolling direction, i.e. if the plate is parallelogram-shaped and has an oblique end, in a second rolling pass guiding elements of the rolling stand are set asymmetrically with respect to a centre line. A first guiding element for the side face, which is the first to enter the rolling stand in the second rolling pass, is thereby adjusted further away from the centre line than the second guiding element. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for rolling a plate , comprising:providing at least one rolling stand, each rolling stand having a pair of rollers through which the plate rolls, each rolling stand also having first and second guiding elements upstream from the rollers, the first and second guiding elements opposing one another and being provided on either side of a center line of the rolling stand, the first guiding element being adjacent to a first side face of the plate, the second guiding element being adjacent to a second side face of the plate;performing a first rolling pass through the rollers of the at least one rolling stand;detecting whether the first and second side faces of the plate are offset from one another in a rolling direction when the plate emerges from the first rolling pass; andcentering the plate before a second rolling pass, wherein the guiding elements abut the plate in a centering position, and if the first side face of the plate emerges first, the first guiding element is positioned further from the center line than the second guiding element ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001338A1

The present disclsoure relates to a process for producing profiles from metal, a metallic strip material being fed to a shaping-hardening device, in which the strip material is shaped into a profile and is hardened at least in certain regions, portions of the profile that are emerging continuously from the shaping-hardening device being coated with a protective layer. The disclosure also relates to an apparatus for producing profiles from metal, with a shaping-hardening device for shaping a metallic strip material that can be fed to the shaping-hardening device into a profile and for hardening the profile at least in certain regions, and with a coating device, by which portions of the profile that are emerging continuously from the shaping-hardening device can be coated with a protective layer. 1. A process for producing profiles from metal , the process comprising:feeding a metallic strip material to a shaping-hardening device, in which the strip material is shaped into a profile and is hardened at least in certain regions; andemerging portions of the profile continuously from the shaping-hardening device wherein the portions are coated with a protective layer.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising:coating a first portion of the profile in a coating device while a second portion of the profile is in the shaping-hardening device.3. The process according to claim 2 , further comprising:coating the profile coherently.4. The process according to claim 2 , further comprising:coating the profile incoherently.5. The process according to claim 2 , further comprising:varying a thickness of the protective layer is varied from portion to portion.6. The process according to claim 5 , further comprising:coating the profile by one of depositing or spraying on the protective layer.7. The process according to wherein the portions of the profile that are emerging from the shaping-hardening device are cleaned before the coating.8. The process according to claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Variable thickness roll-formed blank and roll-forming system and method

Номер: US20190001382A1

A variable thickness roll forming system for forming a variable thickness blank including at least two sets of cylindrical shaped rollers. Each of the sets of rollers include: a first roller including a face which is linear where the first roller contacts the metal sheet; and a second roller including multiple shaping faces positioned about a perimeter and directed toward the face of the first roller. Each roller set incrementally alters a thickness of a metal sheet in a direction transverse to a metal sheet feed direction when the metal sheet is passed between the first and second rollers. The metal sheet after passing between the first and second rollers forms a roll formed blank having a first portion and a second portion positioned in the direction transverse to the feed direction with respect to the first portion, the first portion thicker than the second portion.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002440A1
Принадлежит: SMS group GmbH

In a method for controlling a metallurgical production plant by means of a microstructure model, which comprises a program which calculates at least one mechanical strength property of a product being produced, which program calculates the strength property on the basis of calculated metallurgical phase components of the microstructure of the produced product, wherein the metallurgical plant comprises a terminating cooling line, and wherein operating parameters for the metallurgical plant with adjustable output values, which are established at least partially in advance, are factored into the calculation of the mechanical strength property, the object of the method is to enable an advantageous adjustment of operating parameters in order to achieve desired mechanical strength properties in a product consisting of a metal steel and/or iron alloy. This object is achieved in that, as the operating parameters that are factored into the calculation of the strength property, the mass fraction of at least one alloy element that is present in the chemical composition of the metal steel and/or iron alloy being used, and at least one additional operating parameter, preferably a cooling rate which is set as part of a cooling process carried out after a rolling process, are detected, and an increase in the strength property in question of the produced product, said increase being achieved by modifying at least said additional operating parameter, is at least partially compensated for by reducing the mass fraction of one or more of the alloying elements of the metal steel and/or iron alloy being used. 14-. (canceled)5. The method according to claim 14 , characterized in that the program comprises a mathematical term and/or algorithm for expressing the impact of mass fractions of alloying elements in the chemical composition of the metal steel and/or iron alloy being used on the yield strength of the finished product.6. The method according to claim 5 , characterized in that the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002778A1

Provided are a high-strength steel sheet and a method for manufacturing the steel sheet. The high-strength steel sheet has a specified chemical composition with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, a microstructure including, in terms of area ratio, 25% or less of a ferrite phase, 75% or more of a bainite phase and/or a martensite phase, and 5% or less of cementite, in which, in a surface layer that is a region within 50 μm from the surface in the thickness direction, the area ratio of a ferrite phase is 5% to 20%, and a tensile strength is 1180 MPa or more. 1. A high-strength steel sheet havinga chemical composition containing, by mass %, C: 0.100% to 0.150%, Si: 0.30% to 0.70%, Mn: 2.20% to 2.80%, P: 0.025% or less, S: 0.0020% or less, Al: 0.020% to 0.060%, N: 0.0050% or less, Nb: 0.010% to 0.060%, Ti: 0.010% to 0.030%, B: 0.0005% to 0.0030%, Sb: 0.005% to 0.015%, Ca: 0.0015% or less, and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities,a microstructure including, in terms of area ratio, 25% or less of a ferrite phase, 75% or more of a bainite phase and/or a martensite phase, and 5% or less of cementite,wherein, in a surface layer that is a region within 50 μm from the surface in the thickness direction, the area ratio of a ferrite phase is 5% to 20%, anda tensile strength being 1180 MPa or more.2. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further contains at least one element selected from at least one group consisting of claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 ,Group I: one or more elements selected from Cr: 0.30% or less V: 0.10% or less Mo: 0.20% or less, Cu: 0.10% or less, and Ni: 0.10% or less, andGroup II: REM: 0.0010% to 0.0050%.3. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , the steel sheet further having a YR of 0.85 or less.4. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 2 , the steel sheet further having a YR of 0.85 or less.5. A method for manufacturing a high-strength steel sheet having a tensile ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Retention Of Mechanical Properties In Steel Alloys After Processing And In The Presence Of Stress Concentration Sites

Номер: US20190003003A1

This invention is related to retention of mechanical properties in high strength steel at reduced thicknesses and which mechanical property performance is also retained at relatively high strain rates. These new steels can offer advantages for a myriad of applications where reduced sheet thickness is desirable. In addition, the alloys herein are those that retain useful mechanical properties after introduction of a geometric discontinuity and an accompanying stress concentration. 1. A method to retain mechanical properties in a metallic sheet alloy at reduced thickness comprising:a. supplying a metal alloy comprising at least 70 atomic % iron and at least four or more elements selected from Si, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, or C, melting said alloy, cooling at a rate of <250 K/s, and solidifying to a thickness of 25.0 mm up to 500 mm;{'sub': 1', '1', '1', '1, 'b. processing said alloy into sheet form with thickness Twith the sheet having a total elongation of X(%), an ultimate tensile strength of Y(MPa), and a yield strength of Z(MPa);'}{'sub': 2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1, 'c. further processing said alloy into a second sheet with reduction in thickness T Подробнее

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Macro-molecular leakage-free self-adhering aluminum foil and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20180003909A1
Автор: Guozhong Shen
Принадлежит: Hangzhou Juli Insulation Co ltd

A macro-molecular leakage-free self-adhering aluminum foil has two layers of aluminum foil compounded using a PET film, and the other surfaces of each layer coated with a modified PE adhesive layer respectively; or air gaps in one surface or two surfaces are filled with nano-aluminum to form a permeable air gap-free surface. The foil has advantages: 1, high folding resistance, fatigue resistance and strength 2, wrapping self-adhering performance is good, and stripping strength formed after adhesion is several times as high as that of the prior art; 3, air gaps in the surface of the aluminum foil filled with nano-aluminum powder result in improved compactness; manufacture from low-grade aluminum foil, and so that rolling precision requirements are lowered, and manufacturing cost reduced; 4, insulating strength is high, shielding effect is good, the return loss phenomenon is avoided, and tensile strength is good.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009325A1
Принадлежит: JPW Industries Holding Corporation

One aspect is a hydraulic ironworker system having a hydraulic ironworker configured with hydraulic power to deliver controlled force to metal workpieces. An accessory tool is coupled to the hydraulic ironworker via a harness assembly and configured to receive the hydraulic power from the hydraulic ironworker. A remote pushbutton assembly is removably coupled to the harness assembly and configured to control hydraulic power from the hydraulic ironworker to the accessory tool and further configured with an emergency stop button that, when actuated, disables all power to the hydraulic ironworker system. A safety plug assembly is configured to alternately couple to the harness assembly in place of the remote pushbutton assembly. Power to the hydraulic ironworker system is disabled until one of the remote pushbutton and safety plug assemblies is attached on the harness assembly. 1. A hydraulic ironworker system comprising:a hydraulic ironworker configured with hydraulic power to deliver controlled force to metal workpieces;an accessory tool coupled to the hydraulic ironworker via a harness assembly and configured to receive the hydraulic power from the hydraulic ironworker;a remote pushbutton assembly removably coupled to the harness assembly and configured to control hydraulic power from the hydraulic ironworker to the accessory tool and further configured with an emergency stop button that, when actuated, disables all power to the hydraulic ironworker system; anda safety plug assembly configured to alternately couple to the harness assembly in place of the remote pushbutton assembly;wherein power to the hydraulic ironworker system is disabled until one of the remote pushbutton and safety plug assemblies is attached on the harness assembly.2. The hydraulic ironworker system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic ironworker is also configured with an emergency stop button such that actuation of either the emergency stop button on the hydraulic ironworker or actuation of the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Producing A Cold-Rolled Flat Steel Product for Deep-Drawing and Ironing Applications, Flat Steel Product, and Use of a Flat Steel Product of Said Type

Номер: US20160010172A1

A method is disclosed for the operationally reliable production of a cold-rolled flat steel product of ≦0.5 mm in thickness for deep-drawing and ironing applications. In the method, a steel melt which (in wt %) comprises up to 0.008% C, up to 0.005% Al, up to 0.043% Si, 0.15-0.5% Mn, up to 0.02% P, up to 0.03% S, up to 0.020% N and in each case optionally up to 0.03% Ti and up to 0.03% Nb and, as a remainder, iron and unavoidable impurities, is, with the omission of a Ca treatment, subjected to a secondary metallurgical treatment which, in addition to a vacuum treatment, comprises a ladle furnace treatment and during which the steel melt to be treated is kept under a slag, the Mn and Fe contents of which are, in sum total, <15 wt %. From the steel melt, a thin slab or a cast strip are produced, which are subsequently hot-rolled to form a hot strip with a thickness of <2.5 mm and wound to form a coil. Subsequently, the hot strips are cold-rolled to form a flat steel product of up to 0.5 mm in thickness. 1. A method for producing a cold-rolled flat steel product of up to 0.5 mm in thickness for deep-drawing and ironing applications , comprising the following working steps:a) producing a metal melt which (in wt %) comprises up to 0.008% C, up to 0.005% Al, up to 0.043% Si, 0.15-0.5% Mn, up to 0.02% P, up to 0.03% S, up to 0.020% N and in each case optionally up to 0.03% Ti and up to 0.03% Nb and, as a remainder, iron and unavoidable impurities, the contents of which are to be attributed to up to 0.08% Cr, up to 0.08% Ni, up to 0.08% Cu, up to 0.02% Sn, up to 0.01% Mo, up to 0.0020% V, up to 0.007% B, up to 0.05% Co and up to 0.0060% Ca, wherein the steel melt is, with the omission of a Ca treatment, subjected to a secondary metallurgical treatment which, in addition to a vacuum treatment, comprises a ladle furnace treatment and during which the steel melt to be treated is kept under a slag, the Mn content % Mn and Fe content % Fe are defined by % Mn+% Fe<15 wt %;b) ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010592A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Provided herein are high performance aluminum alloy products having desirable mechanical properties and methods of making the same. The high performance aluminum alloy products described herein contain a high content of recycled material and are prepared by casting an aluminum alloy to form a cast aluminum alloy product and processing the cast aluminum alloy product. The method of processing the cast aluminum alloy product can include two hot rolling steps. 1. A method of producing an aluminum alloy product , comprising:providing a molten aluminum alloy comprising recycled content in an amount of at least 30%;casting the molten aluminum alloy to produce a cast aluminum alloy product;hot rolling the cast aluminum alloy product in a first hot rolling step to produce an aluminum alloy hot band;preheating the aluminum alloy hot band; andhot rolling the aluminum alloy hot band in a second hot rolling step to a gauge that is at least a 50% reduction in thickness as compared to a gauge of the cast aluminum alloy product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recycled content in the molten aluminum alloy is at least 50%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recycled content in the molten aluminum alloy is at least 70%.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the casting comprises continuous casting.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the casting comprises direct chill casting.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising homogenizing the cast aluminum alloy product prior to the first hot rolling step.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing comprises melting an aluminum alloy claim 1 , aluminum scrap claim 1 , or a combination of these.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molten aluminum alloy comprises iron.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the iron is present in an amount of at least 0.25 wt. % based on the weight of the molten aluminum alloy.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the iron is present in an amount from 0.25 wt. % to 0.50 wt. % based on the weight of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014879A1

A method of manufacturing a reinforcement assembly for a truck bed is provided. The method includes roll-forming an aluminum sheet to form a cross-member having a base, a pair of opposing sidewalls extending from the base, and a pair of flanges each extending from one of the sidewalls and substantially parallel with the base. The method includes extruding an aluminum reinforcement member, and attaching the reinforcement member to the cross-member to space the cross-member from a frame rail of the truck. 1. A method of manufacturing a reinforcement assembly for a truck bed comprising:roll forming an aluminum sheet to form a cross-member having a base, a pair of opposing sidewalls extending from the base, and a pair of flanges each extending from one of the sidewalls and substantially parallel with the base;extruding an aluminum reinforcement member; andattaching the reinforcement member to the cross-member to space the cross-member from a frame rail of the truck.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of extruding includes shaping the aluminum to include a second base and a second pair of opposing side walls claim 1 , and wherein the step of attaching includes attaching the second base of the reinforcement member to the base of the cross-member such that the second pair of opposing sidewalls of the reinforcement member contact the opposing sidewalls of the cross-member.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the base and the sidewalls of the reinforcement member define a channel claim 2 , and wherein the step of attaching includes attaching the cross-member within the channel.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of extruding includes shaping the reinforcement member such that the base of the reinforcement member is thicker than the sidewalls of the reinforcement member.5. A method of reinforcing a truck bed claim 3 , comprising:mounting a 6000-series aluminum cross-member to a bottom side of a 6000-series aluminum truck bed such that the cross-member extends ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016212A1

An installation for rolling a metal strip includes a rolling mill through which the strip is rolled as it passes continuously, rolling agents brought into contact with rolls of the rolling mill and with the strip, a strip drawing unit positioned at the outlet of the rolling mill, and a decontamination module with at least one degreaser positioned between the outlet of the rolling mill and the drawing unit so as to remove residual rolling agents from the strip at the outlet from the rolling mill. A strip accumulator is positioned at the outlet of at least part of the drawing unit, particularly so as to keep the speed of travel of the strip at the outlet of the accumulator below a maximum threshold. A paper-strip insertion module is positioned downstream of the outlet from the strip accumulator.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Reel for winding metal strip

Номер: US20160016213A1
Принадлежит: Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

A reel for winding metal strip, in particular rolled hot strip, having a mandrel shaft ( 2 ), which has a first shaft end piece ( 18 ), which is rotably mounted by means of at least one bearing ( 4 ) provided in the machine frame ( 3 ) of the reel, a clamping device ( 5 ) arranged between the at least one bearing ( 4 ) and the mandrel shaft ( 2 ), such that, in a clamped operating state, a frictional connection can be produced between the at least one bearing ( 4 ) and the mandrel shaft ( 2 ).

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016215A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Control of self-excited third octave vibration in a metal rolling mill can be achieved by adjusting the tension of the metal strip as it enters a stand. Self-excited third octave vibration can be detected and/or measured by one or more sensors. A high-speed tension adjustor can rapidly adjust the entry tension of the metal strip (e.g., as the metal strip enters a mill stand) to compensate for the detected self-excited third octave vibration. High-speed tension adjustors can include any combination of hydraulic or piezoelectric actuators coupled to the center roll of a bridle roll to rapidly raise or lower the roll and thus induce rapid tension adjustments in the strip. Other high-speed tension adjustors can be used.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017623A1

Provided are a metal sheet, a method of producing a metal sheet, a method of producing a molded product of a metal sheet, and a molded product of a metal sheet, in which occurrence of surface roughness is inhibited. Provided are a metal sheet satisfying conditions (a1), (b1) or (c1) at the surface and a method for producing the metal sheet. Also provided are a method for producing a molded product of a metal sheet using the metal sheet, and a molded product of the metal sheet. (a1) The area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation divergent by 20° or more from a (111) plane and by 20° or more from a (001) plane is from 0.25 to 0.35, and the average crystal grain size is less than 16 μm. (b1) The area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation divergent by 20° or more from a (111) plane and by 20° or more from a (001) plane is from 0.15 to 0.30, and the average crystal grain size is 16 μm or more. (c1) The area fraction of crystal grains with a Taylor Factor value from 3.0 to 3.4, when assuming plane strain tensile deformation in the transverse direction, is from 0.18 to 0.40. 123-. (canceled)24. A metal sheet having a bcc structure and satisfying the following condition (a1) or (b1) at a surface thereof:(a1) an area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation divergent by 20° or more from a (111) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet and by 20° or more from a (001) plane is from 0.25 to 0.35, and an average crystal grain size is less than 16 μm; or(b1) an area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation divergent by 20° or more from a (111) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet and by 20° or more from a (001) plane is from 0.15 to 0.30, and an average crystal grain size is 16 μm or more,wherein the metal sheet is a steel sheet;wherein the steel sheet is a ferrite-based steel sheet having a chemical composition of:C: from 0.0040% by mass to 0.0100% by mass;Si: from 0% by mass to 1.0% by mass;Mn: ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017951A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A metal plate used for manufacturing a deposition mask has a thickness of equal to or less than 30 μm. An average cross-sectional area of the crystals grains on a cross section of the metal plate is from 0.5 μmto 50 μm. The average cross-sectional area of crystal grains is calculated by analyzing measurement results obtained by an EBSD method, the measuring results being analyzed by an area method under conditions where a portion with a difference in crystal orientation of 5 degrees or more is recognized as a crystal grain boundary. 1. A metal plate used for manufacturing a deposition mask ,wherein the metal plate is made of a rolled steel of an iron alloy containing at least nickel and has a thickness of equal to or less than 30 μm,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein an average cross-sectional area of crystals grains on a cross section of the metal plate is from 0.5 μmto 50 μm, the cross section having an angle of from −10° to +10° with respect to a plane perpendicular to a rolling direction of the metal plate, and'}wherein the average cross-sectional area of crystals grains is calculated by analyzing measurement results obtained by an EBSD method, the measuring results being analyzed by an area method under conditions where a portion with a difference in crystal orientation of equal to or more than 5 degrees is recognized as a crystal grain boundary.2. The metal plate according to claim 1 , wherein a total content of nickel and cobalt in the rolled steel is from 30% to 38% by mass.3. The metal plate according to claim 1 , wherein the average cross-sectional area of the crystals grains is equal to or more than 2.0 μm.4. The metal plate according to claim 1 , wherein the metal plate has a thickness of equal to or more than 13 μm.5. A deposition mask claim 1 , havinga metal plate andthrough-holes formed in the metal plate,wherein the metal plate is made of a rolled steel of an iron alloy containing at least nickel and has a thickness of equal to or less than 30 μm,{'sup': 2', ' ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Rolling mill third octave chatter control by process damping

Номер: US20160023257A1
Автор: Rodger BROWN
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc Canada

Control of third octave vibrations in a mill stand can be achieved using a high-speed piezoelectric assist coupled to a hydraulic gap cylinder to increase the damping of the roll stack. Vertical movements of the roll stack (e.g., the top work roll) can be determined through observation (e.g., measurement) of hydraulic fluid pressure of the hydraulic cylinder or entry tension of the metal strip. After determining vertical movements of the roll stack, a desired change in hydraulic pressure can be determined to overcome, reduce, or prevent third octave vibration. This desired change in hydraulic pressure can be effectuated at high speeds (e.g., at or above approximately 90 hertz) using the piezoelectric assist.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022720A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

A substrate (e.g., metal or non-metal sheet) can have multiple textures on a surface of the substrate. The various textures can be impressed or applied on the surface of the substrate by passing the substrate between multiple pairs of work rolls that each include at least one textured work roll for transferring a texture of the work roll onto the surface of the substrate. The pairs of work rolls apply the various textures on the surface of the substrate while maintaining a thickness of the substrate (e.g., with substantially no reduction in a thickness of the substrate). A single pass of the substrate between the pairs of work rolls can allow various different textures, patterns, or features to be applied to the surface of the substrate while the thickness of the substrate remains substantially constant. 1. A method for applying textures on a substrate , the method comprising:applying, by a first pair of work rolls, a first texture on a first surface of the substrate, wherein at least one work roll in the first pair of work rolls has the first texture; and applying, by the first pair of work rolls, a first work roll pressure on the first surface of the substrate; and', 'applying, by the second pair of work rolls, a second work roll pressure on the first surface of the substrate,', 'wherein applying the first work roll pressure and the second work roll pressure creates localized areas of plastic deformation on the first surface of the substrate due to a first topography of the first texture and a second topography of the second texture and wherein the first texture and the second texture are applied to the localized areas of the first surface while an overall thickness of the substrate remains substantially constant., 'applying, by a second pair of work rolls, a second texture on the first surface of the substrate after applying the first texture, the second texture being different from the first texture and wherein at least one work roll in the second pair of work ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022721A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Systems and methods of applying a texture on a substrate include applying a texture to the substrate with a work stand of a coil-to-coil process. The work stand includes an upper work roll and a lower work roll vertically aligned with the upper work roll. At least one of the upper work roll and the lower work roll includes the texture. Applying the texture includes applying, by the upper work roll and a lower work roll, a work roll pressure on an upper surface and a lower surface of the substrate. The method further includes adjusting a contact pressure parameter of the work stand such that the work stand provides a desired contact pressure distribution across the width of the substrate and a desired thickness profile of the edges of the substrate while an overall thickness of the substrate remains substantially constant. 1. A method of applying a texture on a substrate , the method comprising: applying, by the upper work roll, a first work roll pressure on an upper surface of the substrate; and', 'applying, by the lower work roll, a second work roll pressure on a lower surface of the substrate;, 'applying a texture to a substrate with a work stand of a coil-to-coil process, wherein the work stand comprises an upper work roll and a lower work roll vertically aligned with the upper work roll, wherein at least one of the upper work roll and the lower work roll comprises the texture, and wherein applying the texture comprisesmeasuring a contact pressure distribution of at least one of the first work roll pressure and the second work roll pressure across a width of the substrate with a sensor;receiving data at a processing device from the sensor; andadjusting a contact pressure parameter of the work stand such that the work stand provides a desired contact pressure distribution across the width of the substrate and a thickness of the substrate remains substantially constant after the texture has been applied.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the contact ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022724A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

A flatness control system includes a work stand of a finishing line, a plurality of actuators, a flatness measuring device, and a controller. The work stand includes a pair of vertically aligned work rolls. A first work roll of the pair of work rolls includes a plurality of flatness control zones configured to apply a localized pressure to a corresponding region on a substrate. Each actuator corresponds with a one of the plurality of flatness control zones. The flatness measuring device is configured to measure an actual flatness profile of the substrate. The controller is configured to adjust the plurality of actuators such that the localized pressures modify the actual flatness profile to achieve the desired flatness profile at the exit of the stand. The thickness and a length of the substrate remain substantially constant when the substrate exits the work stand. 1. A method of controlling flatness of a substrate , the method comprising:directing the substrate to a work stand of a finishing line and between a pair of vertically aligned work rolls of the work stand;applying, by a first work roll of the pair of vertically aligned work rolls, a plurality of localized pressures to the substrate across a width of the substrate, wherein each of the plurality of localized pressures is applied by a corresponding flatness control zone of the first work roll, and wherein the localized pressure applied by each flatness control zone is controlled by a corresponding actuator;measuring an actual flatness profile of the substrate with a flatness measuring device;comparing, by a controller, the actual flatness profile with a desired flatness profile; and adjusting, by the controller, the actuators such that the plurality of localized pressures modify the actual flatness profile of the substrate to achieve the desired flatness profile while an overall thickness and a length of the substrate remains substantially constant as the substrate enters and exits the work stand.2. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making highly-formable aluminum alloys and aluminum alloy products thereof

Номер: US20200023417A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc Canada

Provided herein are highly-formable aluminum alloys and methods of making such alloys. The method of preparing aluminum alloys described herein can include a low final cold reduction step and/or an optional inter-annealing step to produce randomly distributed crystallographic texture components that produce an isotropic aluminum alloy product exhibiting improved formability and deep drawability. The methods described herein result in aluminum alloy microstructures having a balance of alpha fibers and beta fibers that promote improved formability of aluminum alloy sheets. The resulting improvements in quality allow for shaping processes with reduced rates of spoilage.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Dual hardness steel article

Номер: US20190024204A1
Принадлежит: ATI Properties LLC

A dual hardness steel article comprises a first air hardenable steel alloy having a first hardness metallurgically bonded to a second air hardenable steel alloy having a second hardness. A method of manufacturing a dual hard steel article comprises providing a first air hardenable steel alloy part comprising a first mating surface and having a first part hardness, and providing a second air hardenable steel alloy part comprising a second mating surface and having a second part hardness. The first air hardenable steel alloy part is metallurgically secured to the second air hardenable steel alloy part to form a metallurgically secured assembly, and the metallurgically secured assembly is hot rolled to provide a metallurgical bond between the first mating surface and the second mating surface.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023648A1
Принадлежит: TOYO KOHAN CO., LTD

It is an object of the present invention to provide a roll-bonded laminate controlled in warping and a method for producing the same. The method produces the roll-bonded laminate having a two-layer structure of a first metal layer and a second metal layer, by roll-bonding a first metal plate and a second metal plate, wherein the surface hardness Hv of the first metal plate is lower than the surface hardness Hv of the second metal plate; and the method comprises roll-bonding so as to satisfy the following expression (1): 2. The method for producing a roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the total thickness of the roll-bonded laminate is 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm.3. The method for producing a roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal layer comprises copper claim 1 , aluminum or an alloy thereof; and the second metal layer comprises a stainless steel claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , a titanium alloy or a nickel alloy.4. The method for producing a roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal layer comprises copper; and the second metal layer comprises a stainless steel.5. The method for producing a roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a difference in hardness between the surface hardness Hv of the second metal plate and the surface hardness Hv of the first metal plate is 35 to 305.6. A roll-bonded laminate having a two-layer structure of a first metal layer and a second metal layer claim 1 ,wherein a surface hardness Hv of the first metal layer is lower than a surface hardness Hv of the second metal layer; anda warping radius as measured by the following warping test is 43.8 mm or more:the warping test: a sample cut out from the roll-bonded laminate is placed on a horizontal plane so that the first metal layer is positioned on the upper side; a height of a point of the sample whose height from the horizontal plane is maximum is taken as a warping amount; and from the warping amount and a length of the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027191A1

A method of producing a steel product having an excellent internal quality including subjecting a steel raw material of a round section to rolling at 3 or more passes to form a steel product of round section, wherein the rolling is conducted with a pair of upper and lower flat rolls at first pass, a pair of upper and lower same or different caliber rolls at second or more passes until just before a last pass, and a pair of upper and lower round caliber rolls at the last pass, under a condition that an area reduction in the first pass is within a range of less than a total area reduction from the raw material to the product. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of producing a steel product having an excellent internal quality comprising subjecting a steel raw material of a round section to rolling at 3 or more passes to form a steel product of round section , wherein the rolling is conducted with a pair of upper and lower flat rolls at first pass , a pair of upper and lower same or different caliber rolls at second or more passes until just before a last pass , and a pair of upper and lower round caliber rolls at the last pass , under a condition that an area reduction in the first pass is within a range of less than a total area reduction from the raw material to the product.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the area reduction in the first pass is not less than 50% of a total area reduction in the second or more passes. This disclosure relates to a method of producing steel products having excellent internal quality.In general, when a steel raw material with a round section (which is also called as a circular section) is rolled, the resulting product has also a round section. In that case, a series of caliber rolls with oval (ellipsoid; brevity code O)-round (circle; brevity code R) are frequently used. On the contrary, when the shape of the raw material is rectangular, a sectional area (cross sectional area for details, the same is used hereafter) is reduced by ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027192A1
Автор: Jung Jin Ho, LEE Mun Yong

Disclosed is a flexible roll forming device including: bases respectively disposed on opposite sides with respect to a process direction center line in a left/right direction, each having an opening formed in an upper side thereof connected to an inside thereof, and rails configured thereon on opposite sides of the opening in a lateral direction of the process; forward/backward moving means having a slide plate provided to be movable along the rails on the base; turning means rotatably provided to the slide plate; and roll forming means provided on the turning means to include upper and lower forming rolls for subjecting a material fed thereto to flexible roll forming by using the upper and lower forming rolls while varying positions in the lateral direction of processing with the forward/backward moving means, and angles from a process direction with the turning means. 1. A flexible roll forming device comprising:bases respectively disposed on opposite sides with respect to a process direction center line in a left/right direction, each having an opening formed in an upper side thereof connected to an inside thereof, and rails configured thereon on opposite sides of the opening in a lateral direction of the process;forward/backward moving means having a slide plate provided to be movable along the rails on the base;turning means rotatably provided to the slide plate; androll forming means provided on the turning means to include upper and lower forming rolls for subjecting a material fed thereto to flexible roll forming by using the upper and lower forming rolls while varying positions in the lateral direction of processing with the forward/backward moving means, and angles from a process direction with the turning means.2. The flexible roll forming device of claim 1 , whereinthe forward/backward moving means further includesa forward/backward moving cylinder mounted on the base connected to the slide plate with an operation rod.3. The flexible roll forming device ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Titanium plate

Номер: US20210025031A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

A titanium plate includes a chemical composition of industrial pure titanium, in which an arithmetic mean roughness Ra of a surface is 0.05 μm or more and 0.40 μm or less, the surface has titanium carbide regarding which a ratio between a total sum of integrated intensities Ic derived from the titanium carbide and a total sum of integrated intensities Im of all diffraction peaks derived from the titanium carbide and titanium obtained from X-ray diffractometry ((Ic/Im)×100) is 0.8% or more and 5.0% or less, a number density of asperities on the surface is 30 to 100 pieces/mm, and an average spacing of the asperities is 20 μm or less.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to determine a plunge depth position of material conditioning machines

Номер: US20180029094A1
Принадлежит: Bradbury Co Inc

Methods and apparatus to determine a plunge depth position of material conditioning machines are disclosed. An example method incrementally adjusting a first plunge depth position of a first adjustable work roll and a first fixed work roll between an initial first roll plunge depth position and a final first roll plunge depth position. The method includes incrementally adjusting a second plunge depth position of a second adjustable work roll and a second fixed work roll between an initial second roll plunge depth position and a final second roll plunge depth position. The method includes measuring first pressure values of a first actuator associated with the first adjustable work roll at each incremental first plunge depth position, identifying a first relative minimum pressure value of the measured first pressure values, and determining a first incremental plunge depth position corresponding to the first relative minimum pressure value.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029102A1

A steel sheet for hot pressing which contains, in mass %, C: 0.15% or more to 0.40% or less, Si: 1.00% or more to 2.00% or less, Mn: 1.50% or more to 3.00% or less, Ti: (N×48/14)% or more to 0.10% or less, B: 0.0005% or more to 0.0050% or less, Al: more than 0% to 0.10% or less, P: more than 0% to 0.05% or less, S: more than 0% to 0.01% or less, N: more than 0% to 0.010% or less, iron and inevitable impurities. This steel sheet for hot pressing is also characterized by having a dislocation density of 10×10/mor more, an area ratio of pearlite relative to the whole structure being 30% or more, and a tensile strength of 1100 MPa or less. 1. A steel sheet , comprising , in mass %:C: 0.15% or more to 0.40% or less,Si: 1.00% or more to 2.00% or less,Mn: 1.50% or more to 3.00% or less,Ti: (N×48/14)% or more to 0.10% or less,B: 0.0005% or more to 0.0050% or less,Al: more than 0% to 0.10% or less,P: more than 0% to 0.05% or less,S: more than 0% to 0.01% or less,N: more than 0% to 0.010% or less, andFe,{'sup': 14', '2, 'and having a dislocation density of 10×10/mor more, an area ratio of pearlite relative to a whole structure of 30% or more, and a tensile strength of 1100 MPa or less.'}2. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in mass % claim 1 , one or more of (i) to (iii):(i) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Mo and Cr in a sum of more than 0% to 0.50% or less,(ii) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cu and Ni in a sum of more than 0% to 0.50% or less, and(iii) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nb, V, and Zr in a sum of more than 0% to 0.10% or less.3. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , having a zinc-based plating layer or an aluminum-based plating layer on at least one surface of the steel sheet.4. The steel sheet according to claim 2 , having a zinc-based plating layer or an aluminum-based plating layer on at least one surface of the steel sheet.5. A method for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Process for Producing a ZnAlMg-Coated Metal Sheet with Optimized Wiping and Corresponding Metal Sheet

Номер: US20170029928A1
Автор: Mataigne Jean-Michel

In this method, 21. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the method includes claim 1 , prior to the coating deposition step claim 1 , a step of cold rolling of the sheet ().31. A method according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the method includes claim 1 , after the step of coating solidification claim 1 , a step of skin-pass rolling of the sheet ().47. A method according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the content by weight of Al in the metal coating () is comprised between 0.5% and 3.9%.57. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the content by weight of Al in the metal coating () is comprised between 1.5% and 3.9%.67. A method according to one of to claim 4 , wherein the content by weight of Al in the metal coating () is comprised between 4.4% and 5.6%.77. A method according to one of the preceding claims claim 4 , wherein the content by weight of Mg in the metal coating () is comprised between 1.0% and 3.3%.87. A method according to claim 7 , wherein the content by weight of Mg in the metal coating () is comprised between 2.5% and 3.3%.97. A method according to one of to claim 7 , wherein the content by weight of Mg in the metal coating () is comprised between 0.3% and 1.5%.1011357777. A sheet () obtainable according to the method claimed in one of preceding claims claim 7 , the sheet () comprising a substrate () made of steel whereof at least one surface () is coated with a metal coating () comprising of Al and Mg claim 7 , with the remainder of the metal coating () consisting of Zn claim 7 , inevitable impurities and possibly one or more additional elements selected from among Si claim 7 , Sb claim 7 , Pb claim 7 , Ti claim 7 , Ca claim 7 , Mn claim 7 , Sn claim 7 , La claim 7 , Ce claim 7 , Cr claim 7 , Zr or Bi claim 7 , the content by weight of each additional element in the metal coating () being less than 0.3% claim 7 , the metal coating () having a content by weight of Al comprised between 0.5% and 8% and a content ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030862A1

Notching equipment for a steel strip, a method of notching a steel strip, a cold rolling equipment, and a method of cold rolling that make it possible to perform cold rolling on a material without weld breaks, even if the material is a brittle material or a high alloy material such as a silicon steel sheet or a high-tensile steel sheet with high Si and Mn contents. The notching equipment includes a shearing device and a grinding device. The shearing device performs shearing on both edge portions in the steel-strip width direction including the joint to form a first notch. The grinding device grinds end surfaces of both the edge portions of the joint in the steel-strip width direction to form a second notch. 1. Notching equipment for a steel strip for forming notches at both edge portions of a joint in a steel-strip width direction , the joint at which a trailing end of a preceding steel strip and a leading end of a succeeding steel strip are joined to each other , the equipment comprising:a shearing device that is configured to perform shearing on both edge portions in the steel-strip width direction including the joint to form a first notch; anda grinding device that is configured to grind end surfaces of both the edge portions of the joint in the steel-strip width direction to form a second notch.2. Notching equipment for a steel strip for forming notches at both edge portions of a joint in a steel-strip width direction , the joint at which a trailing end of a preceding steel strip and a leading end of a succeeding steel strip are joined to each other , the equipment for notching comprising:a grinding device that is configured to grind end surfaces of both edge portions in the steel-strip width direction including the joint to form notches.3. A method of notching a steel strip for forming notches at both edge portions of a joint in a steel-strip width direction where a trailing end of a preceding steel strip and a leading end of a succeeding steel strip are joined ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030921A1

Novel alloys which can be employed in joining technology and have improved wetting properties are described. 121-. (canceled)22. A process for vacuum brazing of joints for use in vacuum switching chambers , the process comprising brazing of the joints using a brazing alloy comprising the following constituents: from 41% by weight to 75% by weight of copper; from 20% by weight to 44% by weight of silver; from 5% by weight to 15% by weight of gallium wherein the constituents have a carbon content that does not exceed 0.005 by weight , and wherein the content of cadmium , phosphorus , lead , and zinc of the brazing alloy does not exceed 0.01% by weight each.23. The process of claim 22 , wherein the brazing alloy contains from 25 to 40% by weight of silver.24. The process of claim 22 , wherein the brazing alloy contains from 45 to 60% by weight of copper.25. The process of claim 22 , wherein the brazing alloy contains from 6% by weight to 14% by weight of gallium.26. The process of claim 22 , wherein the silver and copper in the brazing alloy are present in a proportional ratio of from 25:61 to 44:45.27. The process of claim 22 , wherein the brazing alloy further comprises from 0.1% by weight to 15% by weight of one or more further alloy constituents selected from the group consisting of manganese claim 22 , nickel claim 22 , indium claim 22 , tin claim 22 , germanium claim 22 , titanium and silicon.28. The process of claim 27 , wherein the one or more further alloy constituents are selected from the group consisting of from 0.5% by weight to 15% by weight of manganese claim 27 , from 0.1% by weight to 5% by weight of nickel claim 27 , from 0.5% by weight to 7% by weight of indium claim 27 , from 0.3% by weight to 3% by weight of tin claim 27 , from 0.3% by weight to 1.5% by weight of germanium claim 27 , from 0.1% by weight to 4% by weight of titanium claim 27 , and from 0.1% by weight to 1% by weight of silicon and combinations thereof.29. A vacuum switching chamber ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031096A1
Принадлежит: TOYO KOHAN CO., LTD.

This invention provides a metal laminate that maintains functionality such as radiation performance and is excellent in dimensional accuracy after press work. Such metal laminate is a roll-bonded laminate composed of 2 or more metal layers, which exhibits a ratio σ/T of the standard deviation σ of thickness Tof the outermost layer to thickness T of the roll-bonded laminate of 0% of 4.0%, the thickness T of 2 mm or less, and the deviation of the thickness T of 4.0% or less. 1. A roll-bonded laminate , comprising:two or more metal layers,wherein a ratio σ/T of a standard deviation σ of an outermost layer thicknesses to a thickness T of the roll-bonded laminate is 0% to 4.0%, andwherein the thickness T is 2 mm or less, and a standard deviation of the thickness T is 4.0% or less.2. The roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the standard deviation σ of the outermost layer thicknesses is less than 4.0 μm.3. The roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the two or more metal layers each independently comprise a metal selected from a group consisting of Al claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , and Ti claim 1 , or an alloy thereof.4. A method for producing the roll-bonded laminate according to claim 1 , comprising:{'sub': 0', '0, 'bonding the two or more metal layers to each other so as to adjust a change in Vickers hardness of a hardest metal layer among the two or more metal layers before and after bonding within 80, wherein a ratio ΔT/Tof a reduction ΔT to a total thickness Tof the two or more metal layers before bonding is less than 1.0.'}5. The method for producing the roll-bonded laminate according to claim 4 , wherein bonding the two or more metal layers to each other is performed by subjecting the metal layer surfaces to be bonded to each other to sputter etching and roll-bonding the metal layer surfaces subjected to the sputter etching.6. A molded product comprising the roll-bonded laminate according to .7. The roll-bonded laminate ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Titanium cast product for hot rolling and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20160038983A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

There is provided a titanium cast product for hot rolling composed of commercially pure titanium, the titanium cast product including: a microstructural refinement layer having acicular microstructure on an outermost layer of a surface layer to be rolled; and an inside microstructural refinement layer having acicular microstructure provided in an inside of the microstructural refinement layer. Cast solidification microstructure is present more inward than the inside microstructural refinement layer. The microstructural refinement layer has finer microstructure than the inside microstructural refinement layer. The microstructural refinement layer is present in a range of a depth of 1 mm or more and less than 6 mm from the surface. The inside microstructural refinement layer is present in an inside of the microstructural refinement layer in a range of a depth of 3 mm or more and 20 mm or less from the surface.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040631A1
Автор: Cox, III Clarence B.

Methods to drive material conditioning machines are described. An example method includes determining a first torque of a first roller of a material conditioning machine through which the strip material moves, calculating a second torque of a second roller of the material conditioning machine based on a relationship between the second torque and the first torque, and maintaining the relationship between the second torque and the first torque by adjusting the second torque after a change in the first torque. 1. A method of leveling a strip material , the method comprising:determining a first torque of a first roller of a material conditioning machine through which the strip material moves;calculating a second torque of a second roller of the material conditioning machine based on a relationship between the second torque and the first torque; andmaintaining the relationship between the second torque and the first torque by adjusting the second torque after a change in the first torque.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein determining the first torque is based on measuring current drawn by a first motor driving the first roller.3. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein determining the first torque comprises reading a torque set point of the first roller.4. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein determining the first torque comprises measuring a plunge depth of the first roller.5. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising communicating the first torque to a motor driving the second roller.6. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein determining the second torque is based on a ratio.7. The method as defined in claim 6 , wherein the ratio is a pre-determined quotient of the first torque to the second torque.8. A method of leveling a strip material claim 6 , the method comprising:monitoring a first torque applied to a first plurality of work rolls of a first drive system of a material conditioning machine, wherein strip material moves through ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing a Plate Material for Electrochemical Process

Номер: US20180038005A1

The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a plate material which is used in the electrochemical process of metal as a part of a cathode on which surface a metal is deposited. The surface roughness of the plate material for the adhesion between the metal deposit and the plate material is achieved with at least one treatment in a coil processing line. 1. A method for manufacturing a plate material which is used in the electrochemical process of metal as a part of a cathode on which surface a metal is deposited , the method comprising processing the plate material in a cold rolling process line , wherein a surface roughness of the plate material for the adhesion between the metal deposit and the plate material is provided by at least one treatment in the cold rolling process line.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved mechanically.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by wet-grinding.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by dry-grinding.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by shot blasting.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by brushing.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by pattern rolling.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved chemically.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved mechanically and chemically.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by shot blasting and pickling.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the plate material is achieved by a combination of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040462A1

A refractory metal plate is provided. The plate has a center, a thickness, an edge, a top surface and a bottom surface, and has a crystallographic texture (as characterized by through thickness gradient, banding severity; and variation across the plate, for each of the texture components 100//ND and 111//ND, which is substantially uniform throughout the plate. 139.-. (canceled)40. A refractory metal plate having a center , a thickness , an edge , a top surface , and a bottom surface , the refractory metal plate having a crystallographic texture as characterized by through thickness gradient , banding severity , and variation across the plate for at least one of the texture components 100//ND or 111//ND , using electron back-scatter diffraction with a 15 μm step in both the horizontal and vertical directions for each measurement , wherein:an average through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 6% per mm for 111//ND, anda maximum through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 13% per mm for 111//ND.41. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the maximum through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 9% per mm for 111//ND.42. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the maximum through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 8% per mm for 111//ND.43. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the average through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 4% per mm for 111//ND.44. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the average through-thickness gradient is less than or equal to 3% per mm for 111//ND.45. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the refractory metal plate has a grain size that is less than 60 μm.46. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the metal plate is at least 99.95% pure refractory metal.47. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the refractory metal comprises tantalum.48. The refractory metal plate of claim 40 , wherein the refractory metal comprises niobium.49. ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044639A1

A steel plate has excellent strength and toughness in a mid-thickness part thereof, despite having a plate thickness of 100 mm or greater. The steel plate has a chemical composition containing specific amounts of C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ni, Al, N, B, and 0, with the balance being Fe and incidental impurities, and having an equivalent carbon content Cer of 0.65 or greater. The steel plate has a yield strength of 620 MPa or greater, a plate thickness of 100 mm or greater, and has a microstructure in which prior γ grain size in a mid-thickness part of the steel plate has a maximum value, expressed as an equivalent circle diameter, of 150 μm or less, and a total area ratio of martensite and bainite in the mid-thickness part is 80% or greater. 14.-.(canceled)5. A steel plate having; 0.08% to 0.20% of C;', '0.40% or less of Si;', '0.5% to 5.0% of Mn;', '0.015% or less of P;', '0.0050% or less of S;', '0% to 3.0% of Cr;', '0% to 5.0% of Ni;', '0% to 0.080% of Al;', '0.0070% or less of N;', '0.0030% or less of B;', '0.0025% or less of O, and', 'the balance being Fe and incidental impurities, wherein', {'br': None, 'sup': 'IIW', 'Ceq=[% C]+[% Mn]/6+([% Cu]+[% Ni])/15+([% Cr]+[% Mo]+[% V])/5≧0.65\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'the chemical composition satisfies relationship (1),'}], 'a chemical composition containing, by mass % [ prior γ grain size in a mid-thickness part of the steel plate has a maximum value, expressed as an equivalent circle diameter, of 150 μm or less; and', 'a total area ratio of martensite and bainite in the mid-thickness part is 80% or greater, and, 'a microstructure in which, 'a yield strength of 620 MPa or greater and a plate thickness of 100 mm or greater., 'where [% M] indicates content of an element M in the steel plate by mass % and has a value of 0 when the element M is not contained in the steel plate,'}6. The steel plate of claim 5 , whereinthe chemical composition further contains, by mass %, one or more selected from:0.50% or less of Cu;1.50% or less of Mo ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049534A1

Provided is a ferritic stainless steel foil for a solar cell substrate excellent in terms of threading performance with which it is possible to maintain sufficient hardness to suppress, for example, buckling during threading when a solar cell is manufactured using a roll-to-roll method. The ferritic stainless steel foil for a solar cell substrate has a chemical composition containing, by mass %, Cr: 14% or more and 18% or less, a Vickers hardness of Hv250 or more, and a Vickers hardness of Hv250 or more after the substrate has undergone an optical absorber layer growth process in which the substrate is held in a temperature range of 450° C. or higher and 600° C. or lower for a duration of 1 minute or more. 1. A ferritic stainless steel foil for a solar cell substrate , the steel foil having a chemical composition comprising Cr: 14% or more and 18% or less , by mass % ,wherein the steel foil has a Vickers hardness in the range of Hv250 or more, and a Vickers hardness in the range of Hv250 or more after the substrate has undergone an optical absorber layer growth process in which the substrate is held at a temperature in the range of 450° C. or higher and 600° C. or lower for a duration in the range of 1 minute or more.2. A method for manufacturing the ferritic stainless steel foil for a solar cell substrate of claim 1 , the method comprising:annealing a ferritic stainless steel sheet;then cold rolling the steel sheet with a rolling reduction in the range of 60% or more to obtain the ferritic stainless steel foil; andsubsequently heat treating the steel foil in an inert gas atmosphere in such a manner that (i) the steel foil is heated to a heat treatment temperature T (° C.) at a heating rate in the range of 10° C./s or more and 100° C./s or less, (ii) the steel foil is held at the heat treatment temperature T (° C.) for a duration in the range of 1 second or more and 60 seconds or less, and (iii) the heated steel foil is cooled at a cooling rate in the range of 5° C ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124721A1

One aspect of the invention concerns a metallic bar or post () comprising a longitudinal axis; a spine () extending along the longitudinal axis; and at least three interconnected arms (-), each of which extends along the spine () and generally radially from the spine (), with a free end (-) of each said arm (-) being tapered in the direction of the free end (-) to the spine (). Other aspects of the invention concern a roll stand and rolling mill for forming the bar or post (). 1. A roll stand for shaping a steel or alloy steel bar of the type having a central longitudinal axis and at least three interconnected arms , each of which extends along the central longitudinal axis and generally radially from the central longitudinal axis adjacent one another , said roll stand comprising:a pass line along which the central longitudinal axis of the bar is able to generally travel; and a roll having an axis of rotation and a circumferentially extending contoured rim extendable between any two adjacent bar arms; and', 'a roll positioner for moving the roll towards or away from the pass line,, 'roll assemblies for shaping said arms, with each said roll assembly comprisingwherein the rolls are spaced about the pass line with their said axes of rotation in a common plane and said contoured rims provide a void through which the pass line extends,wherein the rolls are capable of shaping the arms of the bar as the bar passes through the void, andwherein the roll positioners are capable of moving the rolls incrementally within the common plane so as to change the size of the void.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. A method of rolling a steel or alloy steel bar of the type having a central longitudinal axis and at least three interconnected arms , each of which extends along the central longitudinal ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052031A1

There is provided a manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools, which can decrease the number of passes during final cold rolling thereby to improve productivity. In the manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools having a thickness of 0.1 mm or less by cold rolling, the final cold rolling is performed under condition of a diameter of a work roll of 100 to 130 mm, a cold rolling speed of more than 120 and not more than 200 m/min, and a lubricating oil viscosity of 30 to 40 mm/s. Preferably, the cold rolling speed is 150 to 190 m/min, and the lubricating oil viscosity is 33 to 39 mm/s. 1. A manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools having a thickness of 0.1 mm or less , comprising{'sup': '2', 'performing final cold rolling under condition of a diameter of a work roll of 100 to 130 mm, a cold rolling speed of more than 120 and not more than 200 m/min, and a lubricating oil viscosity of 30 to 40 mm/s.'}2. The manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '2', 'the cold rolling speed is 150 to 190 m/min, and the lubricating oil viscosity is 33 to 39 mm/s.'}3. The manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools according to claim 1 , wherein hardness after the final cold rolling is 280 to 340 HV.4. The manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools according to claim 2 , wherein hardness after the final cold rolling is 280 to 340 HV. The present disclosure relates to a manufacturing method of martensite-based stainless steel for edged tools.For example, stainless steel for edged tools used in razors having a thickness of 0.1 mm or less is required to have high hardness and corrosion resistance. Consequently, 13% by mass Cr steel containing 0.5 to 1.0% by mass of C is often used. The present applicant has also proposed, for example, inventions of steel for stainless ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048281A1
Принадлежит: HYDRO-QUEBEC

Polymers used as rolling lubricating agents, to compositions including said polymers, and to alkali metal films including the polymers or compositions on the surface(s) thereof. The use of said polymers and compositions is also described for strip-rolling alkali metals or alloys thereof in order to obtain thin films. Methods for producing said thin films, which are suitable for use in electrochemical cells, are also described. An improved lubricant according to formula I, which, for example, achieves enhanced conductivity, and/or enables the production of electrochemical cells having an improved life span in cycles. 1. (canceled)3. The method of claim 2 , wherein step (a) is carried out by the application of the lubricating agent on the alkali metal strip at the inlet of the rollers and/or by prior coating of the rolling rollers with or without further addition of lubricating agent directly onto the alkali metal strip before step (b).4. The method of claim 2 , wherein m and n are selected to provide that the molecular weight of the lubricating agent is from 2000 to 250 claim 2 ,000.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein m and n are selected to provide that the molecular weight of the lubricating agent is from 2000 to 50 claim 4 ,000.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein m and n are selected to provide that the molecular weight of the lubricating agent is from 50 claim 4 ,000 to 200 claim 4 ,000.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein R claim 2 , independently at each occurrence claim 2 , is a linear or branched monovalent hydrocarbon radical of formula CH claim 2 , wherein 8≤r≤18.8. The method of claim 2 , wherein Ris independently at each occurrence a linear or branched monovalent hydrocarbon radical of formula CH claim 2 , wherein 8≤t≤18.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein 8≤s≤50.10. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ratio of the repeated units A:B expressed as mole percent in the polymer is from 100:0 to 10:90.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the ratio of the repeated ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051376A1

Provided are a high-strength steel sheet for containers and a method for producing the high-strength steel sheet. The high-strength steel sheet for containers has a composition containing, by mass, C: 0.0010% to 0.10%, Si: 0.04% or less, Mn: 0.10% to 0.80%, P: 0.007% to 0.100%, S: 0.10% or less, Al: 0.001% to 0.100%, N: 0.0010% to 0.0250%, and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities. The difference between the dislocation density at the uppermost layer of the high-strength steel sheet in the thickness direction and the dislocation density at a depth of ¼ of the thickness of the high-strength steel sheet from the surface is 1.94×10mor less. The high-strength steel sheet has a tensile strength of 400 MPa or more and a fracture elongation of 10% or more. 1. A high-strength steel sheet for containers , the high-strength steel sheet comprising a composition containing , by mass , C: 0.0010% to 0.10% , Si: 0.04% or less , Mn: 0.10% to 0.80% , P: 0.007% to 0.100% , S: 0.10% or less , Al: 0.001% to 0.100% , N: 0.0010% to 0.0250% , and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities ,{'sup': 14', '−2, 'a difference between a dislocation density at an uppermost layer of the high-strength steel sheet in a thickness direction thereof and a dislocation density at a depth of ¼ of the thickness of the high-strength steel sheet from a surface thereof being 1.94×10mor less,'}the high-strength steel sheet having a tensile strength of 400 MPa or more and a fracture elongation of 10% or more.2. A method for producing the high-strength steel sheet for containers according to claim 1 , the method comprising:a hot-rolling step of hot-rolling a heated slab and coiling the hot-rolled steel sheet at a temperature of less than 710° C.;a primary cold-rolling step of cold-rolling the hot-rolled steel sheet with a total primary cold-rolling reduction of more than 85%;an annealing step of annealing the cold-rolled sheet; anda secondary cold-rolling step of cold-rolling the annealed sheet ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Titanium sheet material for fuel cell separators and method for producing same

Номер: US20160056479A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

Provided is a titanium sheet for fuel cell separators which can surely achieve a low contact resistance. This titanium sheet for fuel cell separators includes a titanium base metal and a surface layer. The titanium base metal has a recrystallized structure. The surface layer includes a compound-mixed titanium layer having thickness less than 1 μm alone. The compound-mixed titanium layer includes a mixture of matrix titanium (Ti) and a compound between Ti and at least one element selected from the group consisting of oxygen (O), carbon (C), and nitrogen (N). The matrix titanium contains O, C, and N each solid-soluted in the titanium. Alternatively, the surface layer includes the compound-mixed titanium layer and a passivation layer being disposed on a surface of the compound-mixed titanium layer and having a thickness less than 5 nm.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056347A1
Принадлежит: Alcoa USA Corp.

In some embodiments of the present invention a method includes: obtaining a first aluminum alloy sheet formed from rolling a first ingot of a 3xxx or a 5xxx series aluminum alloy, wherein, prior to rolling, the first ingot has been heated to a sufficient temperature for a sufficient time to achieve a first dispersoid f/r of less than 7.65; and forming a container precursor from the first aluminum alloy sheet, wherein when the first aluminum alloy sheet is formed into the container precursor, the container precursor has less observed surface striations and ridges as compared to a container precursor formed from a second aluminum alloy sheet rolled from a second ingot having a second dispersoid f/r value of 7.65 or greater. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining a first aluminum alloy sheet formed from rolling a first ingot of a 3xxx or a 5xxx series aluminum alloy, wherein, prior to rolling, the first ingot has been heated to a sufficient temperature for a sufficient time to achieve a first dispersoid f/r of less than 7.65; andforming a container precursor from the first aluminum alloy sheet,wherein when the first aluminum alloy sheet is formed into a container precursor, the container precursor has less observed surface striations and ridges as compared to a precursor formed from a second aluminum alloy sheet rolled from a second ingot having a second dispersoid f/r value of 7.65 or greater.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first aluminum alloy sheet has a thickness between 0.006 inches to not greater than 0.07 inches.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 3xxx series aluminum alloy is selected from the group consisting of: AA 3x03 claim 1 , AA 3x04 and AA 3x05.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 3xxx series aluminum alloy is AA 3104.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 5xxx series aluminum alloy is selected from the group consisting of AA 5043 and AA 5006.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first dispersoid f/r is between about 4.5 to less than 7.65.7. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056943A1

A method for manufacturing a friction lamella by way of the following steps: 1. A method for manufacturing a friction lamella comprising the following steps:a steel sheet is supplied, which is provided with macrostructuring on at least one face,a friction lamella blank is separated out from the steel sheet and further processed into an annular lamella body.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the friction lamella blank is annealed.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the macrostructuring is rolled onto both faces of the steel sheet.4. The method according to claim 3 , characterized in that the macrostructuring rolled onto one face is offset from the macrostructuring on the other face.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the macrostructuring is a honeycomb pattern.6. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the macrostructuring has a structure depth in the range of 0.05 to 0.9 mm.7. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that a structural element has a width in the range of 0.1 to 4 mm.8. The method according to claim 1 , in that the lamella body is provided with at least one clearance.9. The method according to claim 8 , characterized in that that the lamella body is provided with from 1 to 40 clearances.10. The method according to claim 8 , characterized in that the clearance is a slit.11. The method according to claim 10 , characterized in that the slit starts and ends at a distance from a circumferential edge of the friction lamella.12. The method according to claim 10 , characterized in that the slit starts at a circumferential edge of the friction lamella and ends at a distance from a circumferential edge of the friction lamella.13. The method according to claim 10 , characterized in that the slit extends from one circumferential edge of the friction lamella to the other circumferential edge of the friction lamella.14. The method according to claim 10 , characterized in ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Roll state monitor device

Номер: US20210060630A1

A roll state monitor device includes: rolling force detector configured to detect rolling force of a monitored roll selected from an upper roll set and a lower roll set; force variation value extracting means configured to extract a rolling force variation value based on the rolling force for each rotation position of the monitored roll; and identification part configured to identify a roll eccentricity amount of the monitored roll by acquiring a plurality of accumulated values by accumulating separately for each rotation position of the monitored roll a value which is one of the rolling force variation value and a roll gap equivalent value calculated based on the rolling force variation value, and by dividing each of the plurality of accumulated values by a correction coefficient corresponding to a roll rotation amount.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081795A1

Provided is a zinc-nickel-alloy-electroplated steel sheet comprising a base steel sheet, and a zinc-nickel-plated layer which is located on at least one surface of the base steel sheet and which has a hairline pattern formed thereon, wherein the surface roughness of the surface of the base steel sheet, which forms an interface with the zinc-nickel-plated layer, is 0.7-1.0 um on the basis of the center line average roughness (R). According to the present invention, provided are: a zinc-nickel-electroplated steel sheet, which has a beautiful surface appearance after hairline processing, has better price competitiveness than a conventional stainless steel or a vinyl-coated steel, and can ensure high productivity in a coil polishing line; and a manufacturing method therefor. 1. A zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet , comprising:a base steel sheet; anda zinc-nickel plating layer located on at least one surface of the base steel sheet, and having a hairline pattern formed thereon,{'sub': 'a', 'wherein surface roughness of the base steel sheet forming an interface with the zinc-nickel plating layer is 0.7 to 1.0 μm on the basis of center line average roughness (R).'}2. The zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the zinc-nickel plating layer is composed of a single gamma (NiZn) phase.3. The zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein hardness of the zinc-nickel plating layer is 250 to 400 Hv.4. A method of manufacturing a zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet claim 1 , comprising operations of:skin-pass rolling a base steel sheet;immersing the skin-pass-rolled base steel sheet in a sulfuric acid bath including nickel sulfate hexahydrate and zinc sulfate heptahydrate to form a zinc-nickel plating layer on the base steel sheet; andpolishing the zinc-nickel plating layer and processing a hairline pattern.5. The method of manufacturing a zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein the operation of ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061685A1

A method for producing a metal strip in a cast-rolling installation, the cast-rolling installation includes the following: a casting machine, a first furnace, a first shear, a roughing train, a second furnace, a second shear, a finishing train, a cooling section, a reeling system, and a third shear. In order to allow a flexible reaction to different operating conditions, at least one of the following operating modes is selected in order to produce the strip: a) a continuous rolling, in which the casting machine, the roughing train, and the finishing train are operatively connected together; b) a continuous rolling in the roughing train and a single-strip rolling in the finishing train; c) a single-strip rolling in the roughing train and a single-strip rolling in the finishing train; and d) a semi-continuous rolling in the roughing train and/or a semi-continuous rolling in the finishing train. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for producing a metallic strip in a cast-rolling installation , wherein the cast-rolling installation comprises:a casting machine for casting a slab;a first furnace and/or a first rolling table damping section, either or both following in a conveying direction of the metallic strip of the casting machine;a first shear disposed between the casting machine and the first furnace and/or the first rolling table damping section;a roughing train having a number of roll stands;a second furnace and/or a second rolling table damping section, either or both following in the conveying direction of the metallic strip of the roughing train;a second shear disposed between the roughing train and the second furnace and/or the second rolling table damping section;a finishing train having a number of roll stands;a cooling section;a reeling installation having at least two reels or one reversing reel; anda third shear disposed between the cooling section and the reeling installation,the method including choosing one of the following operating modes for producing the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065162A1

A rolled metal sheet includes an obverse surface and a reverse surface that is a surface located opposite to the obverse surface. At least either one of the obverse surface and the reverse surface is a processing object. A method for manufacturing a metal mask substrate includes reducing a thickness of the rolled metal sheet to 10 μm or less by etching the processing object by 3 μm or more by use of an acidic etching liquid, and roughening the processing object so that the processing object becomes a resist formation surface that has a surface roughness Rz of 0.2 μm or more, thereby obtaining a metal mask sheet. 1. A method for manufacturing a metal mask substrate , the method comprising:preparing a rolled metal sheet, the rolled metal sheet including an obverse surface and a reverse surface that is a surface located opposite to the obverse surface, at least either one of the obverse surface and the reverse surface being an object to be processed; andreducing a thickness of the rolled metal sheet to 10 μm or less by etching the object to be processed by 3 μm or more by use of an acidic etching liquid, and roughening the object to be processed so that the processing object becomes a resist formation surface that has a surface roughness Rz of 0.2 μm or more, thereby obtaining a metal mask sheet.2. The method for manufacturing a metal mask substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the object to be processed comprises both the obverse surface and the reverse surface.3. The method for manufacturing a metal mask substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the object to be processed is either the obverse surface or the reverse surface claim 1 ,the method further comprising stacking a plastic support layer on a surface located opposite to the object to be processed,the object to be processed is etched in a state in which the rolled metal sheet and the support layer are stacked together, thereby obtaining a metal mask substrate, in which the metal mask sheet and the support ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076124A1

A high strength hot rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength TS of 980 MPa or more, has a composition containing, on a percent by mass basis, C: 0.05% or more and 0.18% or less, Si: 1.0% or less, Mn: 1.0% or more and 3.5% or less, P: 0.04% or less, S: 0.006% or less, Al: 0.10% or less, N: 0.008% or less, Ti: 0.05% or more and 0.20% or less, V: more than 0.1% and 0.3% or less, and the balance being Fe and incidental impurities, and has a microstructure including a primary phase and a secondary phase, the primary phase being a bainite phase having an area fraction of more than 85%, the secondary phase being at least one of ferrite phase, martensite phase, and retained austenite phase, the secondary phase having an area fraction of 0% or more and less than 15% in total, the bainite phase having an average lath interval of laths of 400 nm or less, and the laths having an average long axis length of 5.0 μm or less. 1. A high strength hot rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength TS of 980 MPa or more , comprising a composition and a microstructure ,the composition containing, on a percent by mass basis,C: 0.05% or more and 0.18% or less, Si: 1.0% or less,Mn: 1.0% or more and 3.5% or less, P: 0.04% or less,S: 0.006% or less, Al: 0.10% or less,N: 0.008% or less, Ti: 0.05% or more and 0.20% or less,V: more than 0.1% and 0.3% or less, andthe balance being Fe and incidental impurities, andthe microstructure comprising a primary phase and a secondary phase,the primary phase being a bainite phase having an area fraction of more than 85%,the secondary phase being at least one of ferrite phase, martensite phase, and retained austenite phase, the secondary phase having an area fraction of 0% or more and less than 15% in total,the bainite phase having an average lath interval of laths of 400 nm or less, and the laths having an average long axis length of 5.0 μm or less.2. The high strength hot rolled steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further contains ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071750A1

The invention relates to a method for rolling a metal product (), wherein the metal product is subjected to a rolling operation at a first station (), which rolling operation is controlled by a control device (), wherein the product () is subject to a measurement at a second station (), wherein the product () is subjected to a further processing operation at a third station (), and wherein the product () is in a specified quality at a fourth station (). In order to increase the quality of the produced strip, the invention provides that the method has the following steps: a) measuring the value of a material property (IW) that the second station (); b) feeding the value measured at the second station () to the control device (), comparing the measured value with a value (SW) stored in the control device (), and adjusting a parameter (PPI) if the measured value deviates from the stored value (SW), e) measuring a value of a quality material property (Q) at the fourth station (); d) comparing the measured value with a stored value, and initiating a measure to influence the quality material property (Q) if the measured value deviates from the stored value beyond a permissible tolerance 1112314251641761. A method of rolling and/or heat treating a metallic product () , in particular a strip or sheet , wherein the product () is subjected at a first position () to a rolling and/or heat treating operation which is controlled and/or regulated by a control device and/or regulating device () , wherein the product () is subjected at a second position () downstream from the first position () to a measuring by a measuring device () , wherein the product () is subjected at a third position () downstream from the second position () to another working operation , and wherein the product () is present at a fourth position () downstream from the third position () in a given quality , wherein the quality of the product is characterized by the quality-material property (Q) of the product ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071809A1

Provided is a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet used for an automobile outer panel and so forth and, more specifically, to a method for producing a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having excellent press formability and clarity after painting, and to a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet produced by the method. 1. A method of manufacturing a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having excellent press formability and image clarity after painting , comprising:manufacturing a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet by hot-dip zinc coating a matrix steel sheet; andcharging the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet in a skin-pass mill and skin-pass-rolling the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet,wherein the skin-pass-rolling uses a roll having roughness skewness (Rsk) of −0.2 or lower, average roughness (Ra) of 2 μm or less, excluding 0, and the number of peaks (RPc) in each unit length of 140 count/cm or higher.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the skin-pass-rolled hot-dip galvanized steel sheet has roughness skewness (Rsk) of −0.33 or higher claim 1 , and an oil pocket area (V2) of 350 nmor greater.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the skin-pass-rolled hot-dip galvanized steel sheet has surface long-wavelength waviness (Wsa1-5) of 0.35 μm or less claim 1 , excluding 0 claim 1 , and the number of peaks (RPc) in each unit length of 75 count/cm or higher after processing at a strain rate of 5%.4. A hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having excellent press formability and image clarity after painting claim 1 , comprising:a matrix steel sheet and a hot-dip galvanized layer formed on the matrix steel sheet,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet has roughness skewness (Rsk) or −0.33 or higher, and an oil pocket area (V2) of 350 nmor greater.'}5. The hot-dip galvanized steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet has surface long-wavelength waviness (Wsa1-5) of 0.35 μm or less claim 4 , and the number of peaks (RPc) in each unit length of 75 count/cm or higher after ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078981A1
Принадлежит: NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD.

In a ferritic stainless steel sheet, the arithmetic average roughness Ra is 0.2 μm or more and 1.2 μm or less. In addition, the dull pattern transfer rate on the steel sheet surface is 15% or more and 70% or less. Furthermore, micropits with a depth of 0.5 μm or more and an open area of 10 μmor more which are formed on the steel sheet surface have an existing density of 10.0 or less per 0.01 mmand an open area ratio of 1.0% or less. In addition, a film formed on the steel sheet surface is constituted from an oxide containing SiOas a main constituent, which oxide contains at least Si, N, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe, Nb, Ti and O as film-forming elements other than C, wherein the Si content is 10 at % or more, and the N content is 10 at % or less. 1. A ferritic stainless steel sheet , which is temper-rolled using a dull roll after finishing cold rolling and bright annealing , comprising:an arithmetic average roughness Ra in a direction perpendicular to a rolling direction on a steel sheet surface is 0.2 μm or more and 1.2 μm or less,a transfer rate, which is an area rate of a part to which a dull pattern is transferred on the steel sheet surface, is 15% or more and 70% or less,{'sup': 2', '2, 'micropits with a depth of 0.5 μm or more and an open area of 10 μmor more which are formed on the steel sheet surface have an existing density of 10.0 or less per 0.01 mmon the steel sheet surface and an open area ratio of 1.0% or less on the steel sheet surface, and'}{'sub': '2', 'a film formed on the steel sheet surface is constituted from an oxide containing SiOas a main constituent, which oxide contains at least Si, N, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe, Nb, Ti and O as film-forming elements other than C, wherein the Si content is 10 at % or more, and the N content is 10 at % or less.'}2. The ferritic stainless steel sheet according to claim 1 , containing C: 0.15 mass % or less claim 1 , Si: 0.1 mass % or more and 2.0 mass % or less claim 1 , Cr: 10.0 mass % or more and 32.0 mass % or less claim 1 , and at ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080467A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Systems and methods for using full-width hot sprays to pre-heat rolling mills prior to processing of metal sheet or plate are described herein. The hot sprays may be individually controlled. Using hot sprays can allow the rolling mill to reach operating temperature and achieve a desired thermal crown so that metal sheet or plate may be processed immediately within tolerances for flatness and gauge accuracy. Pre-heating of rolling mills can eliminate the need of the rolling mill to operate in a transitional period of work roll heating and can increase efficiency by eliminating or reducing scrap material and mill downtime. Hot sprays may also be incorporated with existing coolant systems to provide thermal control systems for rolling mills with bi-directional temperature controls. 1. A metal rolling system comprising:an upper work roll having an upper work roll width and an upper work roll face;a lower work roll having a lower work roll width and a lower work roll face;a work face heating spray device comprising a heating spray nozzle; anda heated liquid reservoir containing a heatant, the heated liquid reservoir couplable to the work face heating spray device to provide the heatant to the work face heating spray device, and wherein the work face heating spray device is configured to receive the heatant and the heating spray nozzle is positionable proximate to the upper work roll or the lower work roll to apply the heatant to at least one of the upper work roll face and the lower work roll face.2. The metal rolling system of claim 1 , wherein the work face heating spray device comprises a plurality of heating spray nozzles.3. The metal rolling system of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of heating spray nozzles are individually controllable.4. The metal rolling system of claim 1 , further comprising heated edge sprays.5. The metal rolling system of claim 1 , further comprising a heatant control valve.6. The metal rolling system of claim 1 , wherein the heating spray ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084412A1

A coupling barrel having cavities and roll-formed from a single unit of material is described. The coupling barrel includes a wall, lips angularly extending from the wall that define the cavities, and wings angularly extending from the lips. A coupling assembly include the coupling barrel, a pair of glands, and a pair of seals is also described. 1. A roll-formed coupling barrel with cavities comprising:a wall;lips angularly extending from the wall, the lips defining the cavities; andwings angularly extending from the lips.2. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wall defines a C111 cavity having a diameter greater than 12 inches.3. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have equal lengths.4. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have unequal lengths.5. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at equal angles.6. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at unequal angles.7. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the lips extend from the wall at an angle selected from the group consisting of about 20 degrees claim 1 , about 25 degrees claim 1 , or about 30 degrees.8. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have equal lengths.9. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have unequal lengths.10. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at equal angles.11. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at unequal angles.12. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings are in horizontal alignment with a plane of the wall.13. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein each of the lips define C111 cavities having diameters equal to at least one of about 14 inches claim 2 , about 16 inches claim 2 , about 18 inches claim 2 , about 20 inches claim 2 , about 24 inches claim 2 , about 30 inches claim 2 , about 36 inches claim 2 , about 42 inches claim 2 , or about 48 inches.14. A coupling ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085801A1
Автор: JANG Kilho

Heat transfer tube support structure manufacturing method of a nuclear power steam generator, a roll form and the first planarization step the base material by unscrewing from the roll flattening by a rolling device, the length is set based on the base material over the first flattening step in a rectangular shape and a cutting step of cutting a longer, a second planarization step is to cross-section flattened by the rough base material cutting step of the arc-shaped in a rolling device, the secure the base to the plate at one side to form a coarse base material and the same surface a second planarization step and a step of fixing, when a plurality of machined holes which are spaced apart from one side of the base material by a distance toward a predetermined side to the other to form the upper surface of a base material machined with a punching tool in a direction and being spaced at set intervals based on the front and rear ends of the base material punched hole and it shifted to each other to form, and the punching step for cutting the both ends of the base material by a predetermined length, burrs an error range based on the end surface of the base material of the base material lower surface rough punching step of removing processed within 0 mm to 0.2 mm and a deburring step, and the third planarization step of planarizing by a tough base material the deburring step the rolling device, the third washing to remove impurities to a rough base leveling step using any one of washing water or air, and washed heat transfer tube support structure of a nuclear steam generator comprising a packing step for packing for shipment to the rough base material a step to the preparation method. 1. First planarization step by unscrewing the base material in roll form of the roll which flattened by the rolling apparatus;the first planarization step over cutting a predetermined length longer than the base material in a rectangular shape;the second flattening step of flattening the ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093310A1
Принадлежит: Allor Manufacturing Inc.

A method uses a device to level a metal plate fabricated from high-strength metal material. The method includes providing a serpentine path between a plurality of upper and lower rollers in parallel arrangement to define a longitudinal spacing. The upper and lower rollers are positioned relative to one another such that a plunge depth is defined based upon a difference between a top-dead-center point of the lower rollers and a bottom-dead-center point of contiguous upper rollers, and a longitudinal spacing and the plunge depth are configured such that the upper rollers and the lower rollers are disposed to impart a bend radius on the metal plate as the metal plate is drawn through the serpentine path such that the metal plate bends about the outer peripheral surfaces of the upper and lower rollers. The bend radius is selected to achieve a desired plastification of the metal sheet. 1. A method for leveling a metal plate fabricated from high-strength metal material and having opposing surfaces , comprising:providing a serpentine path in a longitudinal direction between one pair of upper rollers and a corresponding one pair of lower rollers that are rotatably disposed in a parallel arrangement in a lateral direction, such that the longitudinal direction is associated with a direction of travel for the metal plate;wherein each of the one pair of upper rollers includes an upper roller radius and an outer peripheral surface that define a bottom-dead-center point and each of the one pair of lower rollers includes a lower roller radius and an outer peripheral surface that define a top-dead-center point, wherein the radii of each of the one pair of upper rollers and the radii of each one of the one pair of lower rollers are equivalent, andwherein the serpentine path and the upper and lower rollers are disposed to accommodate the metal plate;positioning each of the one pair of upper rollers in alternating relation to each of the one pair of lower rollers in the longitudinal ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101383A1

In cold-rolling a steel sheet coil, when a tail end portion of a steel sheet coil () is wound around a tension reel () prior to second-pass rolling after the completion of first-pass rolling, the tail end portion is heated to a temperature within a range of not lower than 50° C. nor higher 350° C. with a heater disposed between a rolling stand () and the coil tail end-side tension reel (). 1. A method of cold-rolling a steel sheet coil with using a pay-off reel and a single-stand reverse rolling mill , comprising:rolling the steel sheet coil in a first pass with using the reverse rolling mill;after the rolling, heating a tail end portion of the steel sheet coil to a temperature within a range of not lower than 50° C. nor higher than 350° C. with a heater disposed between the reverse rolling mill and a coil tail end-side tension reel, and winding the tail end portion around the coil tail-end side tension reel; andafter the heating, rolling the steel sheet coil in second and subsequent passes.2. The method of cold-rolling a steel sheet coil according to claim 1 , wherein the tail end portion is heated with the heater while approaching the coil tail-end side tension reel.3. The method of cold-rolling a steel sheet coil according to claim 1 , wherein the tail end portion includes an unrolled portion left unrolled after the rolling in the first pass and a roll bite portion adjacent to the unrolled portion.4. The method of cold-rolling a steel sheet coil according to claim 2 , wherein the tail end portion includes an unrolled portion left unrolled after the rolling in the first pass and a roll bite portion adjacent to the unrolled portion.5. The method of cold-rolling a steel sheet coil according to claim 1 , whereinthe steel sheet coil is a hot-rolled coil for a grain-oriented electromagnetic steel sheet containing 3 mass % Si or more, andthe tail end portion is heated with the heater to a temperature range within a 50° C. to 150° C. range.6. The method of cold-rolling a ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096727A1

The invention relates to an alloy based on iron comprising, by weight: 2. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein:Mn≧0.15% by weightC≧0.02% by weightSi≧0.1% by weight.3. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the calcium content is less than or equal to 0.0010% by weight.4. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the magnesium content is less than or equal to 0 claim 1 ,0020% by weight.5. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminium content is comprised between 0.0030% and 0.0070% by weight.6. A method for manufacturing a strip comprising the following successive steps:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'preparing an alloy according to ;'}forming a semi-finished product of said alloy;hot-rolling this semi-finished product in order to obtain a hot strip;cold-rolling the hot strip in one or several passes in order to obtain a cold strip.7. A strip made of an alloy according to .8. A method for manufacturing a welding wire comprising the following successive steps:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'elaborating an alloy according to ;'}forming a semi-finished product of said alloy;hot-rolling this semi-finished product in order to manufacture an initial wire;cold-drawing the initial wire in order to obtain the welding wire.9. A welding wire made of an alloy according to .10. A tank or a tube for receiving a liquefied gas claim 2 , comprising an alloy according to . The present invention relates to an Fe—Ni alloy with a low thermal expansion coefficient intended to be used for making welded assemblies for applications in which high dimensional stability under the effect of temperature variations is required. The alloy according to the invention is more particularly intended to be used in cryogenic applications, and notably for making assemblies intended to contain liquefied gases, and notably tubes for transporting or tanks for transporting or storing liquefied gases.Presently, such welded assemblies are made by using an iron- ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101599A1

A stiff, lightweight metal laminate includes a first continuous metal layer, a second continuous metal layer, and a reduced density metal core layer disposed between the first and second continuous metal layers. The reduced density metal core layer comprises a core metal and has an average density that is less than the density of the core metal. Planar metallurgical bonds secure the first and second continuous metal layers to the reduced density metal core layer. The metal laminate may be manufactured by press rolling the reduced density metal core layer sandwiched between the two continuous metal layers, after removing or overcoating the native oxide layer on each layer surface that contacts another layer in the metal laminate. 1. A metal laminate comprising:a first continuous metal sheet;a second continuous metal sheet;a reduced density metal core layer disposed between the first continuous metal sheet and the second continuous metal sheet, the reduced density metal core layer comprising a core metal and having an average density that is less than the density of the core metal; anda planar metallurgical bond securing the first continuous metal sheet to the reduced density metal core layer; anda planar metallurgical bond securing the second continuous metal sheet to the reduced density metal core layer.2. The metal laminate of claim 1 , wherein the core metal is aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , carbon steel claim 1 , or an alloy thereof.3. The metal laminate of claim 1 , wherein:the first continuous metal sheet comprises aluminum, copper, titanium, carbon steel, stainless steel, or an alloy thereof; andthe second continuous metal sheet comprises aluminum, copper, titanium, carbon steel, stainless steel, or an alloy thereof.4. The metal laminate of claim 1 , wherein the core metal is aluminum claim 1 , the first continuous metal sheet is a stainless steel claim 1 , and the second continuous metal sheet is a stainless ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100211A1

A steel, including: between 0.45 and 0.70 wt. % of carbon, between 0.10 and 0.50 wt. % of silicon, between 0.30 and 0.70 wt. % of manganese, between 0.20 and 0.60 wt. % of chromium, less than or equal to 0.025 wt. % of phosphorus, between 0.003 and 0.030 wt. % of sulfur, less than or equal to 0.1 wt. % of molybdenum, less than or equal to 0.2 wt. % of nickel, less than or equal to 0.04 wt. % of aluminum, less than or equal to 0.3 wt. % of copper, less than or equal to 0.001 wt. % of calcium, less than or equal to 0.003 wt. % of titanium, less than or equal to 0.001 wt. % of oxygen, less than or equal to 0.04 wt. % of arsenic, less than or equal to 0.03 wt. % of tin. 1. A steel , comprising:between 0.45 and 0.70 wt. % of carbon;between 0.10 and 0.50 wt. % of silicon;between 0.30 and 0.70 wt. % of manganese;between 0.20 and 0.60 wt. % of chromium;less than or equal to 0.025 wt. % of phosphorus;between 0.003 and 0.030 wt. % of sulfur;less than or equal to 0.1 wt. % of molybdenum;less than or equal to 0.2 wt. % of nickel;less than or equal to 0.04 wt. % of aluminum;less than or equal to 0.3 wt. % of copper;less than or equal to 0.001 wt. % of calcium;less than or equal to 0.003 wt. % of titanium;less than or equal to 0.001 wt. % of oxygen;less than or equal to 0.04 wt. % of arsenic;less than or equal to 0.03 wt. % of tin;less than or equal to 0.005 wt. % of antimony;less than or equal to 0.002 wt. % of lead; andthe balance being iron and inclusions.2. The steel of claim 1 , wherein a length of a single inclusion is less than or equal to 3 mm.3. The steel of claim 1 , wherein nonmetallic inclusions in the steel according to ISO 4967 A meet the following requirements: Type A thin inclusions are less than or equal to 2.0; Type A thick inclusions are less than or equal to 1.5; Type B thin inclusions are less than or equal to 1.5; Type B thick inclusions are less than or equal to 0.5; Type C thin inclusions and thick inclusions are zero; Type D thin inclusions are less than ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100213A1

A hot-rolled steel sheet according to the present embodiment has a chemical composition containing, in mass %: C: 0.07 to 0.30%, Si: more than 1.0 to 2.8%, Mn: 2.0 to 3.5%, P: 0.030% or less, S: 0.010% or less, Al: 0.01 to less than 1.0%, N: 0.01% or less, O: 0.01% or less, and one or more types selected from the group consisting of Sb, Sn and Te in a total amount of 0.03 to 0.30%, with a balance being Fe and impurities, and satisfying Formula (1). The micro-structure of the hot-rolled steel sheet includes ferrite and pearlite in a total amount of 50 area % or more. The tensile strength of the hot-rolled steel sheet is 900 MPa or less. 1. A hot-rolled steel sheet having a chemical composition consisting of , in mass %:C: 0.07 to 0.30%,Si: more than 1.0 to 2.8%,Mn: 2.0 to 3.5%,P: 0.030% or less,S: 0.010% or less,Al: 0.01 to less than 1.0%,N: 0.01% or less,O: 0.01% or less,Sb: 0.03 to 0.30%,Ti: 0 to 0.15%,V: 0 to 0.30%,Nb: 0 to 0.15%,Cr: 0 to 1.0%,Ni: 0 to 1.0%,Mo: 0 to 1.0%,W: 0 to 1.0%,B: 0 to 0.010%,Cu: 0 to 0.50%,Sn: 0 to 0.30%,Bi: 0 to 0.30%,Se: 0 to 0.30%,Te: 0 to 0.30%,Ge: 0 to 0.30%,As: 0 to 0.30%,Ca: 0 to 0.50%,Mg: 0 to 0.50%,Zr: 0 to 0.50%,Hf: 0 to 0.50%, andrare earth metal: 0 to 0.50%, [{'br': None, 'Si+Mn≥3.20\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'where, a content (mass %) of a corresponding element is substituted for each symbol of an element in Formula (1)., 'with a balance being Fe and impurities, and satisfying Formula (1)2. The hot-rolled steel sheet according to claim 1 , containing claim 1 , in mass % claim 1 , one or more types of element selected from a group consisting of:Ti: 0.005 to 0.15%,V: 0.001 to 0.30%, andNb: 0.005 to 0.15%.3. The hot-rolled steel sheet according to claim 1 , containing claim 1 , in mass % claim 1 , one or more types of element selected from a group consisting of:Cr: 0.10 to 1.0%,Ni: 0.10 to 1.0%,Mo: 0.01 to 1.0%,W: 0.01 to 1.0%, andB: 0.0001 to 0.010%.4. The hot-rolled steel sheet according to claim 1 , containing claim 1 , in mass % claim ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105893A1

Electric resistance welded steel pipe securing the high strength and high toughness demanded from oil well pipe in recent years. The metal structure in a region having a width of 0.5 mm in both the thickness directions from a reference point, when using a point defined as a point ¼ of the thickness in the thickness direction from the surface in the base material part of the steel pipe as the reference point, consists of polygonal ferrite: 10 area % or less and a balance: bainitic ferrite. The thickness is 15 mm or more. 1. High strength electric resistance welded steel pipe characterized by having a chemical composition consisting of , by mass % ,C: 0.040 to 0.070%,Si: 0.10 to 0.50%,Mn: 1.60 to 2.00%,Nb: 0.020 to 0.080%,V: 0.060% or less,Ti: 0.010 to 0.025%,Mo: 0.20 to 0.40%,Ni: 0.10 to 0.50%,Al: 0.050% or less, a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, wherein', 'when using a point defined as a point ¼ of the thickness in the thickness direction from the surface in the base material part of the steel pipe as a reference point, the metal structure in a region having a width of 0.5 mm in both the thickness directions from the reference point as a center consists of polygonal ferrite: 10 area % or less and a balance of bainitic ferrite, and', 'a thickness is 15.0 to 19.8 mm., '3 Mo %+Ni %: more than 1.00%, and'}2. The high strength electric resistance welded steel pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further comprises claim 1 , by mass %P: 0.030% or less,S: 0.004% or less,N: 0.006% or less, andO: 0.004% or less.3. The high strength electric resistance welded steel pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further comprises claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , one or two or more ofCu: 0.10 to 0.50%,Cr: 0.05 to 0.50%Ca: 0.0005 to 0.0040% andREM: 0.0005 to 0.0050%.4. The high strength electric resistance welded steel pipe according to claim 3 , wherein (3Mo %+Ni %+Cu %) is more than 1.20%.5. The high strength electric resistance ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106418A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Metal work rolls texturized with engineered textures can impart desired impression patterns on metal strips. Engineered textures can be controlled with particularity to achieve desired surface characteristics (e.g., lubricant trapping, coefficient of friction, or surface reflectivity) on work rolls and metal strips, and to allow for impression patterns to be imparted on metal strips during high percentages of reduction of thickness (e.g., greater than about 5% or greater than about 15%, such as around 30%-55%). Engineered textures can be applied by focusing energy beams at specific points of an outer surface of a work roll to impart texture elements on the work roll. In some cases, an engineered texture element that can be used to generate a generally circular impression element can be generally elliptical in shape, having a length that is shorter than its width by a factor dependent on the reduction of thickness percentage. 1. A method , comprising:determining a desired impression pattern for a metal strip;determining a texture pattern for a work roll of a cold-rolling mill stand, wherein the texture pattern includes a plurality of elements and wherein determining the texture pattern includes calculating one or more dimensions of the plurality of elements such that the texture pattern imparts the desired impression pattern at a reduction of thickness percentage; andapplying the texture pattern to the work roll, wherein the texture pattern of the work roll imparts the desired impression pattern on the metal strip when the metal strip is rolled by the work roll at the reduction of thickness percentage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired impression pattern includes a plurality of generally circular elements claim 1 , wherein an average ratio of length to width of the plurality of generally circular elements is within 30% of 1.0 claim 1 , and wherein the reduction of thickness percentage is greater than 5%.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the desired ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101558A1

[Problem] To provide: a roil-bonded body which is able to be suppressed in waviness in the surface; and a method for producing this roil-bonded body. [Solution] A roll-bonded body according to the present invention is obtained by bonding a first metal layer and a second metal layer with each other by means of rolling, and is characterized in that the surface of the first metal layer has an arithmetic average waviness (Wa) 0.01-0.96 and a maximum waviness height (Wz) of 0.2-5.0 μm. 1. A roll-bonded body obtained by bonding a first metal layer and a second metal layer to each other by rolling , wherein a surface of the first metal layer has an arithmetic average waviness (Wa) of 0.01 to 0.96 μm and a maximum waviness height (Wz1) of 0.2 to 5.0 m.2. A roll-bonded body obtained by bonding a first metal layer and a second metal layer to each other by rolling , wherein a surface of the first metal layer has an arithmetic average waviness (Wa) of 0.01 to 0.96 μm and a maximum waviness height (Wz) of 0.2 to 5.0 μm when the surface is minor polished to an arithmetic average roughness (Ra1) of 1 to 30 nm.3. The roll-bonded body according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of the second metal layer has an arithmetic average waviness (Wa) of 0.01 to 1.0 μm and a maximum waviness height (Wz) of 0.2 to 6.0 μm.4. The roll-bonded body according to claim 1 , wherein the arithmetic average waviness (Wa) of the surface of the first metal layer is smaller than the arithmetic average waviness (Wa) of the surface of the second metal layer.5. The roll-bonded body according to claim 1 , wherein the maximum waviness height (Wz) of the surface of the first metal layer is smaller than the maximum waviness height (Wz) of the surface of the second metal layer.6. The roll-bonded body according to claim 1 , wherein an intermediate metal layer is formed between the first metal layer and the second metal layer.7. The roll-bonded body according to claim 1 ,wherein the first metal layer is used on an ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105693A1

Provided is a manufacturing method for high-toughness and plasticity hypereutectoid rail, including: a. hot rolling the steel billet into rail; b. blowing a cooling medium to the top surface of railhead, wherein, the two sides of railhead and the lower jaws on the two sides of railhead after the center of top surface of rail is air-cooled to 800-850° C., and cooling the rail until the center temperature of the top surface is 520-550° C.; c. stop blowing the cooling medium to the lower jaws on the two sides of railhead, continue blowing the cooling medium to the top surface of railhead and the two sides of railhead, and air cool the rail to room temperature after the surface temperature of railhead is cooled to 430-480° C. The resulting hypereutectoid rail has higher toughness and plasticity than existing products, which is suitable for heavy-haul railway, especially for small radius curve sections. 1. A manufacturing method for high-toughness and plasticity hypereutectoid rail , said manufacturing method comprising the following sequential steps:(a) hot rolling a steel billet to form a rail with a final rolling temperature range of 900-1000° C.;(b) air cooling the rail until a center of a top surface of a railhead of the rail is cooled to 800-850° C.;(c) blowing a cooling medium to the top surface of the railhead of the rail, two sides of the railhead and lower jaws on the two sides of the railhead until the center of the top surface of the railhead of the rail is cooled to 520-550° C.;(d) terminating the blowing of the cooling medium to the lower jaws on the two sides of railhead and continuing the blowing of the cooling medium to the top surface of railhead and the two sides of railhead until the center of the top surface of the railhead of the rail is cooled to 430-480° C.; and(e) further air cooling the rail to room temperature.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the rail comprises:(i) 0.86 wt. % to 1.05 wt. % C;(ii) 0.20 wt. % to 0.64 wt. ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

High-carbon and high-strength and toughness pearlitic rail and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20190105694A1
Принадлежит: Pangang Group Research Institute Co Ltd

In view of the problem of uneven performance of railhead sections of pearlitic rail manufactured with existing technique and the poor performance of the pearlitic rail obtained, the invention provides a manufacturing method for high-carbon and high-strength and toughness pearlitic rail, including the following steps to: a. hot roll the steel billet into rail, with a final rolling temperature of 900-1000° C.; b. blow a cooling medium to the top surface of railhead, wherein, the two sides of railhead and the lower jaws on two sides of railhead when the center of top surface of rail is air-cooled to 800-850° C.; then air-cool the rail to room temperature after the center of top surface of rail is cooled to 480-530° C. By controlling the composition of steel and adopting a two-stage accelerated cooling, a high-carbon rail is produced with better strength and excellent toughness which is suitable for heavy-haul railway.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105720A1

A method for trim loss optimization for metal industries includes receiving a selection of one or more orders for metal trimming. The method also includes inputting the one or more orders and multiple machine parameters to a dimension conversion engine, the dimension conversion engine configured to determine a roll width and a roll length for optimally fulfilling each order using decomposition of a three dimensional problem into a two dimensional problem based on spatial decomposition. The method also includes identifying at least one metal forming or conversion machine for processing the one or more orders. The method also includes inputting one or more metal tolerances as edge trim parameters to a trim algorithm. The method also includes determining, using the trim algorithm, a number of parent rolls for fulfilling the one or more orders using the at least one metal forming or conversion machine. 1. A method comprising:receiving a selection of one or more orders for metal trimming;inputting the one or more orders and multiple machine parameters to a dimension conversion engine, the dimension conversion engine configured to determine a roll width and a roll length for optimally fulfilling each order using decomposition of a three dimensional problem into a two dimensional problem based on spatial decomposition;identifying at least one metal forming or conversion machine for processing the one or more orders;inputting one or more metal tolerances as edge trim parameters to a trim algorithm; anddetermining, using the trim algorithm, a number of parent rolls for fulfilling the one or more orders using the at least one metal forming or conversion machine.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, using the trim algorithm, at least one of: an optimum utilization of deckle, a minimized trim loss, an optimum number of set and order combinations.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machine parameters comprise two or more of: a maximum deckle of each ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Rail of railway with passenger and freight mixed traffic and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20190106761A1
Принадлежит: Pangang Group Research Institute Co Ltd

In view of the low comprehensive strength and toughness of pearlitic rail manufactured by existing techniques, the invention provides a manufacturing method for rail of railway with passenger and freight mixed traffic, including the following steps: a. hot roll steel billet into rail, with a final rolling temperature of 900-1000° C.; b. blow a cooling medium to the top surface of railhead, the two sides of railhead and the lower jaws on two sides of railhead when the center of top surface of rail is air-cooled to 800-850° C.; and then air-cool the rail to the room temperature after the center of top surface of rail is cooled to 520-550° C. By controlling the composition of steel and adopting a two-stage accelerated cooling, the invention is able to produce a rail with better performance which is suitable for railway with passenger and freight mixed traffic.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113305A1
Автор: Ando Makoto, NIIKURA Akio
Принадлежит: UACJ Corporation

This cladded aluminum-alloy material is provided with: an aluminum alloy core material, a coating material used to clad both surfaces of the core material; and a brazing material used to clad both of the coating material surfaces, or one of the coating material surfaces which is not at the core material side. The core material, the coating material and brazing filler material have described alloy compositions. The crystal grain size of the coating material before brazing heating is at least 60 μm. In a cross section of the core material in the rolling direction before brazing heating, when R (μm) represents the crystal grain size in the plate thickness direction, and R (μm) represents the crystal grain size in the rolling direction, R/R is not more than 0.50. As a result, the cladded aluminum-alloy material exhibits excellent mouldability, and the coating material after brazing heating exhibits excellent corrosion resistance. 1. A cladded aluminum-alloy material comprising an aluminum alloy core material , a coating material used to clad both surfaces of the core material and a brazing material used to clad both of the coating material surfaces , or one of the coating material surfaces which is not at the core material side ,wherein the core material comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 0.05 to 1.50 mass % Si, 0.05 to 2.00 mass % Fe, 2.00 to 7.00 mass % Zn, 0.50 to 3.00 mass % Mg and a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities,the coating material comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 0.50 to 1.50 mass % Si, 0.05 to 2.00 mass % Fe, 0.05 to 2.00 mass % Mn and a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities,the brazing material comprises an aluminum alloy further comprising 2.50 to 13.00 mass % Si, 0.05 to 1.20 mass % Fe and a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities,a crystal grain size of the coating material before brazing heating is at least 60 μm, and{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'in a cross section of the core material in a rolling direction before brazing heating, when ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Vapor deposition mask substrate, vapor deposition mask substrate manufacturing method, vapor deposition mask manufacturing method, and display device manufacturing method

Номер: US20190112715A1
Автор: Mikio SHINNO
Принадлежит: Toppan Printing Co Ltd

A metal sheet has a longitudinal direction and a width direction. The metal sheet has shapes in the width direction that are taken at different positions in the longitudinal direction of the metal sheet and differ from one another. Each of the shapes is an undulated shape including protrusions and depressions repeating in the width direction of the metal sheet. A length in the width direction of a surface of the metal sheet is a surface distance. A minimum value of surface distances at different positions in the longitudinal direction of the metal sheet is a minimum surface distance. A ratio of a difference between a surface distance and the minimum surface distance to the minimum surface distance is an elongation difference ratio in the width direction. A maximum value of elongation difference ratios is less than or equal to 2×10−5.

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Hot-Rolled Semifinished Steel Rolled Stock for Cold Rolling

Номер: US20160121380A1
Автор: TOTSKY Ivan T.

The invention relates to the field of pressure treatment of metals and can be used in the production of a cold-rolled strip. The problem addressed by the invention is that of being able to exclude a pickling operation in the preparation of semifinished rolled stock for cold rolling. Complete de-scaling of the surface of the semifinished rolled stock without using picking is provided by carrying out preliminary cold rolling of the semifinished rolled stock in rolling-mill rolls according to prescribed values for compression and for the ratio of compression to deformation zone length. The rolling can be carried out in one of two consecutively mounted mills. 1. A method of preparing hot-rolled semifinished steel stock for cold rolling , the method comprising preliminary cold rolling of semifinished rolled stock in rolls of a rolling mill stand with preset reduction , wherein the preliminary cold rolling of the semifinished rolled stock in the rolls of the rolling mill occurs with a reduction of 12 to 35% at a 3.8±0.5%/mm ratio of the reduction to a length of a deformation region.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein performing the preliminary cold rolling of the semifinished rolled stock occurs in the rolls of one of two sequential rolling mill stands.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising using a rolling lubricant between a surface of the semifinished rolled stock and the mill rolls in the preliminary cold rolling of the semifinished rolled stock.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising straightening of the semifinished rolled stock following preliminary cold rolling of the semifinished rolled stock. This Application is a Continuation Application of International Application PCT/RU2014/000127, filed on Feb. 27, 2014 which is incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The invention relates to the processing of metals by pressure and can be used in the preparation of hot-rolled semifinished steel stock for cold rolling in ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121387A1
Автор: Vasudeva Kailash C.

A flange making process, includes synchronized press to process the hot sheet metal right coming out of hot rolling mill. The hot rolling mill could have impression forms for pressing flange forms on hot metal sheet. This process could eliminate the consume of steel and energy. The flange could have a protrusion around the central hole. With this protrusion, it can move weld away from sealing surface and decrease deforming and leakage of the interface. The flange could be used on a flange assembly, wherein one of the pipe is extended to another pipe. It can improve the sealing the joint of the flange assembly. 1. A flange making process , which including the synchronized press to process the sheet metal right coming out of hot rolling mill.2. A flange making process of claim 1 , wherein the non-used blanks or cut-offs from synchronized press are recycled directly into the melting furnace.3. A flange making process of claim 1 , wherein the synchronized press operation includes punching.4. A flange making process of claim 1 , wherein the hot rolling mill has impression forms to press flange forms on metal sheet.5. A flange making process of claim 4 , wherein the synchronized press operations including punching claim 4 , lancing to form protruding collar on flange.6. A flange assembly claim 4 , which comprising first flange and second flange for respectively receiving ends of first tube and second tube to be joined claim 4 , said flanges being securable to each other to join said tubes claim 4 , wherein the second tube is extended through the second flange and into the first tube.7. A flange assembly as in claim 6 , wherein the second pipe is in the upstream side and the first pipe is in the downstream side.8. A flange assembly as in claim 6 , wherein the flanges are made by fine blanking process to form a protrusion and a counter bore.9. A flange assembly as in claim 8 , wherein the flanges are made by lancing process to form a protrusion and a semi counter bore with ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117653A1

An springback compensation method for on-line real-time metal sheet roll bending includes the steps of using multiple rollers to bend a continuous metal sheet of multiple sections having different materials or different thickness respectively; using a first position sensor to individually measure springback angles of the multiple sections of the bent metal sheet, and feeding back to a programmable logic controller; using the programmable controller to control a bending roller to compensate the multiple sections of the bent metal sheet respectively; using a second position sensor to individually measure compensated angles of the multiple sections of the bent metal sheet; and comparing a difference between the compensated angles and standard angles of the multiple sections of the bent metal sheet after compensating bending. 1. A springback compensation method for on-line real-time metal sheet roll bending comprising:(a) using multiple rollers to bend a continuous metal sheet of first, second and third sections having different materials or different thicknesses respectively;(b) using a first position sensor to individually measure springback angles of the first, second, and third sections of the bent metal sheet, and feeding back to a programmable logic controller;(c) using the programmable controller to control a bending roller to compensate the first, second and third sections of the bent metal sheet respectively;(d) using a second position sensor to individually measure compensated angles of the first, second and third sections of the bent metal sheet; and(e) comparing a difference between the compensated angles and standard angles of the first, second and third sections of the bent metal sheet after compensating bending.2. The springback compensation method of further comprising:repeating step (b), step (c) and step (d) when a difference exists between the compensated angles and standard angles of the first, second and third sections of the bent metal sheet in ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Torsion bar for a steering system assembly

Номер: US20180118259A1
Принадлежит: Steering Solutions IP Holding Corp

A torsion bar for a steering system includes a main body. Also included is an end region having a cylindrical outer surface extending from an axial end surface. Further included is a serrated portion disposed proximate the end region and axially offset from the axial end surface.

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Component for a timepiece movement

Номер: US20160124391A1
Автор: Christian Charbon
Принадлежит: Nivarox Far SA

A micromechanical component for a timepiece movement including a metal body formed using a single material. The single material is of high-interstitial austenitic steel type including at least one non-metal as the interstitial atom in a proportion between 0.15% and 1.2% with respect to total mass of the material.

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202868A1

A system and method for preparation of nano-porous membrane using anodized aluminium oxide and the membrane/film/thin lamina produced thereof. The system comprises a template forming device that comprises of two rolls provided with one or plurality of projections wherein the Al sheet is passed through the said rolls that are rotatable in opposite direction with respect to each other wherein in operation as the Al sheet is passed through the said rolls, the said projections of the rolls punch depressions to the predetermined depth in the said sheet wherein the depth of the depression is governed by the height of the projections. A method for preparation of anodized aluminum oxide nano-porous membrane comprising electro polishing of Al substrate; first step anodization; chemical etching of alumina; second stage anodization; etching Al for separation of alumina and barrier layer removal or voltage pulse detachment for barrier layer removal and detachment of membrane from Al substrate. 1. A system for preparation of anodized aluminum oxide nano-porous membrane comprisinga template forming device that comprises of two rolls provided with one or plurality of projections wherein the Al sheet is passed through the said rolls that are rotatable in opposite direction with respect to each other whereinin operation as the Al sheet is passed through the said rolls, the said projections of the rolls punch depressions to the predetermined depth in the said sheet wherein the depth of the depression is governed by the height of the projections.2. A system for preparation of anodized aluminum oxide nano-porous membrane as claimed in wherein the punched lines with depression are created in horizontal and vertical manner wherein part of the Al sheet is extended to be used for connection with the electrode in the anodization process wherein the pattern of the punched lines with horizontal and vertical combination is designed according to the dimension of the membrane required.3. A ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210157232A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A metal plate used for manufacturing a deposition mask has a thickness of equal to or less than 30 μm. An average cross-sectional area of the crystals grains on a cross section of the metal plate is from 0.5 μmto 50 μm. The average cross-sectional area of crystal grains is calculated by analyzing measurement results obtained by an EBSD method, the measuring results being analyzed by an area method under conditions where a portion with a difference in crystal orientation of 5 degrees or more is recognized as a crystal grain boundary. 1. A method for manufacturing a deposition mask , comprising:a step of preparing a metal plate;a step of transporting the metal plate along a longitudinal direction; anda step of forming through-holes in the metal plate,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the metal plate is made of a rolled steel of an iron alloy containing at least nickel and has a thickness of equal to or less than 30 μm, wherein the metal plate includes a plurality of crystal grains and an average crystal grain cross-sectional area on a cross section of the metal plate is from 0.5 μmto 50 μm, the cross section having an angle of from −10° to +10° with respect to a plane perpendicular to a rolling direction of the metal plate,'}wherein the average crystal grain cross-sectional area is calculated by analyzing measurement results obtained by an EBSD method, the measuring results being analyzed by an area method under conditions where a portion with a difference in crystal orientation of equal to or more than 5 degrees is recognized as a crystal grain boundary, andwherein a total content of nickel and cobalt in the rolled steel is from 30% to 54% by mass.2. The method for manufacturing a deposition mask according to claim 1 , wherein a total content of nickel and cobalt in the rolled steel is from 30% to 38% by mass.3. The method for manufacturing a deposition mask according to claim 1 , wherein the average cross-sectional area of the crystals grains is equal to or more than 2.0 μm. ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135629A1
Автор: Matiere Marcel

A reinforcing bar with improved adherence for reinforced concrete component, consists of a metal profile section () in the form of a flattened strip of rectangular cross section with two opposite wide faces (′) on which longitudinally separated projecting anchoring portions are formed. 11101011111. A reinforcing bar with improved adherence for a reinforced concrete component , consisting in of a metal section () extending in a longitudinal direction , having the form of a flattened strip of substantially rectangular cross-section , with two opposite wide faces ( , ′) extending between two lateral sides ( , ′) and including a plurality of projecting anchoring portions which are longitudinally separated from each other and bearing on the concrete in a direction opposite to a tensile force applied to the bar () ,{'b': 10', '10', '2', '24', '3', '3', '1', '11', '11', '2', '1', '21', '22', '23', '31', '31', '3', '3', '2', '22', '23', '22', '23', '1, 'characterized in that each of the two wide faces (, ′) of the strip is provided with a series of anchoring portions in the form of elongated locks (, ) separated from each other by hollow portions (, ′) in the form of grooves and extending transversally over the whole width of the strip (), substantially up to the lateral sides (, ′) thereof, and each of said elongated locks () extends in projection over a small height, not exceeding a quarter of the thickness of the strip (), and has, in cross-section, a substantially trapezoidal profile, with an embossed face () of small width with respect to its length and two inclined flanks (, ) for connection with the elongated bottom (, ′) of the adjacent grooves (, ′) that constitute, for each lock (), two inclined faces (, ) that bear, each in one direction, on the coating concrete, said inclined faces (, ) each having an elongated shape extending between the two sides of the strip (), so as to distribute the bearing forces over all the width thereof.'}2101012211. The reinforcing ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136799A1

A process for manufacturing a curved panel for use in constructing a cylindrical storage tank is described. In an embodiment of the process, a flat plate is automatically conveyed into a CNC cutting station to form all bolt holes and cut-out features and to trim the plate to a defined outer dimension. After the cutting station, the plate is automatically conveyed into a roll-forming line configured to form parallel flanges long both longitudinal edges of the plate. Respective leading end regions of the two flanges may undergo a swaging operation by a pair of laterally opposing hydraulically-powered swage dies to form an integral chime region of each flange. After the swaging operation, the plate is automatically conveyed into a roll bending unit configured to curve the flanged plate into an arc to form a finished panel. 1. A process for manufacturing a curved panel for use in constructing a cylindrical storage tank , the process comprising the steps of:(A) conveying a flat metal plate into a CNC cutting station;(B) operating the CNC cutting station to form all holes and cut-out features in the flat plate;(C) passing the flat plate through a roll forming line having a plurality of sequentially arranged roll-forming stations to form a pair of parallel flanges along opposite longitudinal edges of the plate;(D) passing the flanged plate through a pair of opposed swaging stations to perform a swaging operation upon respective leading end regions of the pair of parallel flanges to form a respective chime region on each of the pair of the flanges; and(E) passing the flanged plate through a roll bending unit having a configuration of parallel pinch rollers to curve the flanged plate into an arc, whereby the flanged and curved plate is a formed curved panel.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the flat metal plate is automatically conveyed into the CNC cutting station.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the CNC cutting station is further operated to trim ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140212688A1
Принадлежит: AMETEK, INC.

A sheet of titanium alloy that is less than 0.015″ thick has adequate plasticity for subsequent forming into at least a part of a medical device that is MR-Conditional. A method for making the titanium alloy sheet includes cold rolling a titanium alloy to form a sheet having an average thickness less than or equal to 0.015″, cutting the sheet to length, and vacuum annealing the sheet in a final step, wherein the sheet following vacuum annealing has adequate plasticity for subsequent forming into at least a part of a medical device that is MR-Conditional. Neither grinding nor chemical etching is used to reduce the thickness of the titanium alloy when processing the sheet. 1. A metal sheet comprising a titanium alloy , the sheet having an average thickness less than or equal to 0.015″ and sufficient plasticity for stamping , drawing , or deep drawing the sheet into at least a part of a medical device or implant that is MR-Conditional.2. The metal sheet of claim 1 , wherein the titanium alloy is Grade 23 titanium alloy.3. The metal sheet of having a tensile elongation greater than or equal to 10%.4. The metal sheet of claim 1 , wherein a sample of the metal sheet having a thickness of 0.010″ exhibits an average value of at least 5.0 mm at failure when subjected to an Erichsen Ball Punch Deformation Test.5. The metal sheet of having a yield strength of at least 115 ksi.6. The metal sheet of having an ultimate tensile strength of at least 125 ksi.7. The metal sheet of having a surface roughness of 2 Ra to 50 Ra.8. The metal sheet of having a minimum thickness of 0.002″.9. The metal sheet of that is free of surface residual stresses or surface cracks.10. The metal sheet of claim 1 , wherein all surfaces of the sheet are free of embedded grinding media.11. The metal sheet of claim 1 , wherein the sheet has a maximum thickness less than or equal to 107.5% of the average thickness.12. The metal sheet of claim 1 , wherein the sheet has a minimum thickness less than or equal ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130295A1

Provided is a steel for a mechanical structure for cold working, which contains C, Si, Mn, P, S, Al and N and in which the metal structure includes pearlite and ferrite, the total areal proportion of pearlite and ferrite relative to the overall structure is 90% or higher, the average circle-equivalent diameter of bcc-Fe crystal grains surrounded by large angle grain boundaries is 5-15 μm, the average aspect ratio of pro-eutectoid ferrite crystal grains is 3.0 or lower, and the average spacing at the narrowest pearlite lamellar spacing is 0.20 μm or less. 1. A steel for a mechanical structure for cold working , the steel comprising , in mass %:C: from 0.3 to 0.6%Si: from 0.05 to 0.5%;Mn: from 0.2 to 1.7%;P: more than 0% and 0.03% or less;S: from 0.001 to 0.05%;Al: from 0.01 to 0.1%;N: from 0 to 0.015%; and iron and unavoidable impurities,wherein:the steel has a metal microstructure comprising pearlite and ferrite, with the total area ratio of the pearlite and the ferrite being 90% or more relative to the total microstructure;an average equivalent-circle diameter of a bcc-Fe grain surrounded by a large-angle grain boundary having a misorientation of more than 15° between two neighboring grains is from 5 to 15 μm;an average aspect ratio of a pro-eutectoid ferrite grain is 3.0 or less; anda pearlite lamellar interval in the narrowest part is 0.20 μm or less on average.2. The steel according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , in mass %Cr: more than 0% and 0.5% or less,Cu: more than 0% and 0.25% or less,Ni: more than 0% and 0.25% or less,Mo: more than 0% and 0.25% or less, andB: more than 0% and 0.01% or less.3. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein an area ratio Af of pro-eutectoid ferrite claim 1 , in terms of the percentage relative to the total microstructure claim 1 , has a relationship of Af≧A with A represented by the following formula (1):{'br': None, 'i': A', 'C, '=(103−128×[%])×0.65(%)\u2003\u2003(1)'} ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133766A1
Автор: Fabianek Michael

A hydraulic roll bending machine includes a frame and a hydraulic cylinder supporting a bending roll such that extension or retraction of the rod changes a height of the bending roll relative to the frame. A hydraulic system includes a valve disposed to provide pressurized hydraulic fluid on at least one side of the hydraulic cylinder, and a controller operates to provide a command signal to a valve channeling hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic system to the cylinder. A sensor is integrated with the hydraulic cylinder, within the bore of the housing, and is disposed to sense a distance of the plunger relative to one end of the housing and provide a signal indicative of the distance to the controller. 1. A hydraulic roll bending machine , comprising:a frame;a hydraulic cylinder having a housing forming a bore and a plunger slidably and sealably disposed within the bore of the housing, the plunger being connected to a rod extending past one end of the housing such that motion of the plunger within the bore of the housing causes the rod to extend or retract relative to the housing, wherein a first end of the hydraulic cylinder is connected to the frame;a bending roll rotatably connected to a second end of the hydraulic cylinder such that extension or retraction of the rod changes a height of the bending roll relative to the frame;a hydraulic system that includes a valve disposed to provide pressurized hydraulic fluid on at least one side of the plunger within the bore of the housing;a controller operating to provide a command signal to the valve; anda sensor integrated with the hydraulic cylinder, the sensor being integrated within the bore of the housing and disposed to sense a distance of the plunger relative to one end of the housing and to provide a signal indicative of the distance to the controller; anda magnet associated with the sensor and arranged to provide a non-contacting magnetic signal to the sensor;wherein the signal indicative of the distance is based ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134009A1

A stiff, lightweight metal laminate includes a first continuous metal layer, a second continuous metal layer, and a reduced density metal core layer disposed between the first and second continuous metal layers. The reduced density metal core layer comprises a core metal and has an average density that is less than the density of the core metal. Planar metallurgical bonds secure the first and second continuous metal layers to the reduced density metal core layer. The metal laminate may be manufactured by press rolling the reduced density metal core layer sandwiched between the two continuous metal layers, after removing or overcoating the native oxide layer on each layer surface that contacts another layer in the metal laminate. 1. A device comprising a component that is made from a metal laminate , the metal laminate comprising:a first continuous metal sheet;a second continuous metal sheet;a reduced density metal core layer disposed between the first continuous metal sheet and the second continuous metal sheet, the reduced density metal core layer comprising continuous metal matrix formed from a a core metal and having an average density that is less than the density of the core metal; anda planar metallurgical bond securing the first continuous metal sheet to the reduced density metal core layer; anda planar metallurgical bond securing the second continuous metal sheet to the reduced density metal core layer.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the core metal is aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , carbon steel claim 1 , or an alloy thereof.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the first continuous metal sheet comprises aluminum, copper, titanium, carbon steel, stainless steel, or an alloy thereof; andthe second continuous metal sheet comprises aluminum, copper, titanium, carbon steel, stainless steel, or an alloy thereof.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the core metal is aluminum claim 1 , the first continuous metal sheet ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135155A1

A steel sheet for heat treatment having a chemical composition including, by mass %: C: 0.05 to 0.50%; Si: 0.50 to 5.0%; Mn; 1.5 to 4.0%; P: 0.05% or less; S: 0.05% or less; N: 0.01% or less; Ti: 0.01 to 0.10%; B: 0.0005 to 0.010%; Cr: 0 to 1.0%; Ni: 0 to 2.0%; Cu: 0 to 1.0%; Mo: 0 to 1.0%; V: 0 to 1.0%; Ca: 0 to 0.01%; Al: 0 to 1.0%; Nb: 0 to 1.0%; REM: 0 to 0.1%; and the balance: Fe and impurities, wherein a maximum height roughness Rz on a surface of the steel sheet is 3.0 to 10.0 μm, and a number density of carbide being present in the steel sheet and having circle-equivalent diameters of 0.1 μm or larger is 8.0×10/mmor lower. 1. A steel sheet for heat treatment having a chemical composition comprising , by mass %:C: 0.05 to 0.50%;Si: 0.50 to 5.0%;Mn: 1.5 to 4.0%;P: 0.05% or less;S: 0.05% or less;N: 0.01% or less;Ti: 0.01 to 0.10%;B: 0.0005 to 0.010%;Cr: 0 to 1.0%;Ni: 0 to 2.0%;Cu: 0 to 1.0%;Mo: 0 to 1.0%;V: 0 to 1.0%;Ca: 0 to 0.01%;Al: 0 to 1.0%;Nb: 0 to 1.0%;REM: 0 to 0.1%; andthe balance: Fe and impurities, whereina maximum height roughness Rz on a surface of the steel sheet is 3.0 to 10.0 μm, and{'sup': 3', '2, 'a number density of carbide being present in the steel sheet and having circle-equivalent diameters of 0.1 μm or larger is 8.0×10/mmor lower.'}2. The steel sheet for heat treatment according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition contains claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , one or more elements selected from:Cr: 0.01 to 1.0%;Ni: 0.1 to 2.0%;Cu: 0.1 to 1.0%;Mo: 0.1 to 1.0%;V: 0.1 to 1.0%;Ca: 0.001 to 0.01%;Al: 0.01 to 1.0%;Nb: 0.01 to 1.0%; andREM: 0.001 to 0.1%.3. The steel sheet for heat treatment according to claim 1 , wherein a Mn segregation degree α expressed by a following formula (i) is 1.6 or lower:{'br': None, 'α=[Maximum Mn concentration (mass %) at sheet-thickness center portion]/[Average Mn concentration (mass %) in ¼ sheet-thickness depth position from surface]\u2003\u2003(i).'}4. The steel sheet for heat treatment according to claim 1 ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136339A1
Автор: Kim Sung-Il, SEO Seok-Jong
Принадлежит: POSCO

Provided is a high-strength cold rolled steel sheet having high shear processability, including, by wt %, C: 0.05% to 0.10%, Si: 0.01% to 0.5%, Mn: 1.2% to 2.0%, Al: 0.01% to 0.1%, Cr: 0.005% to 0.3%, B: 0.0003% to 0.0010%, Mo: 0.005% to 0.2%, P: 0.001% to 0.05%, S: 0.001% to 0.01%, N: 0.001% to 0.01%, Nb: 0.005% to 0.08%, Ti: 0.005% to 0.13%, V: 0.005% to 0.2%, and a balance of Fe and inevitable impurities. The high-strength cold rolled steel sheet satisfies Formulas 1 and 2 below, and the high-strength cold rolled steel sheet includes at least one of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides. Formula 1: 2.0≤[Mn]+2.5[Mo]+1.5[Cr]+300[B]≤2.5, Formula 2: 0.2≤([Nb]/93+[Ti]/48+[V]/51)/([C]/12+[N]/14)≤0.5 (in Formulas 1 and 2, each element symbol refers to a weight percent (wt %) of a corresponding element). 1. A high-strength cold rolled steel sheet having high shear processability , the high-strength cold rolled steel sheet comprising , by wt % , carbon (C): 0.05% to 0.10% , silicon (Si): 0.01% to 0.5% , manganese (Mn): 1.2% to 2.0% , aluminum (Al): 0.01% to 0.1% , chromium (Cr): 0.005% to 0.3% , boron (B): 0.0003% to 0.0010% , molybdenum (Mo): 0.005% to 0.2% , phosphorus (P): 0.001% to 0.05% , sulfur (S): 0.001% to 0.01% , nitrogen (N): 0.001% to 0.01% , niobium (Nb): 0.005% to 0.08% , titanium (Ti): 0.005% to 0.13% , vanadium (V): 0.005% to 0.2% , and a balance of iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities ,wherein the high-strength cold rolled steel sheet satisfies Formulas 1 and 2 below, and [{'br': None, '2.0≤[Mn]+2.5[Mo]+1.5[Cr]+300[B]≤2.5\u2003\u2003Formula 1, {'br': None, '0.2≤([Nb]/93+[Ti]/48+[V]/51)/([C]/12+[N]/14)≤0.5\u2003\u2003Formula 2], 'the high-strength cold rolled steel sheet comprises at least one of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides,'}where each element symbol in Formulas 1 and 2 refers to a weight percent (wt %) of a corresponding element.2. The high-strength cold rolled steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the carbides claim 1 , the nitrides claim 1 , and ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Magnesium alloy sheet and magnesium alloy structural member

Номер: US20150152527A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

Provided are a magnesium alloy sheet having excellent formability in plastic forming, such as press forming, and a magnesium alloy structural member. The magnesium alloy sheet is obtained by subjecting a magnesium alloy to rolling and has a cross section parallel to the thickness direction of the magnesium alloy sheet, in which, when the length of the major axis and the length of the minor axis of each of crystal grains in the cross section are determined, an aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the length of the major axis to the length of the minor axis (length of major axis/length of minor axis), and crystal grains having an aspect ratio of 3.85 or more are defined as elongated grains, the area fraction of the elongated grains in the cross section is 3% to 20%.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151814A1

The present disclosure relates to production lines and methods for hot rolling steel strips. Example production lines may include a hot rolling line that comprises a plurality of rolling stands through which a steel strip passes in a conveying direction. The production line may also include a cooling section for intensively cooling the steel strip as the steel strip exits a final rolling stand of the rolling line. The steel strips may be deformed so as to have a thickness of more than 15 mm and to comply with the most stringent requirements with respect to, for example, toughness. Further, at least a portion of the cooling section may overlap with a portion of the hot rolling line. 118.-. (canceled)19. A production line for hot rolling a steel strip , the production line comprising:a hot rolling line having a plurality of rolling stands, wherein the steel strip to be hot rolled passes successively through the plurality of rolling stands in a conveying direction; anda cooling section for cooling the steel strip, wherein at least a portion of the cooling section overlaps with at least one of the plurality of rolling stands of the hot rolling line.20. The production line of wherein the cooling section comprises a plurality of cooling units claim 19 , wherein at least one of the plurality of cooling units is disposed between two of the plurality of rolling stands in the portion of the cooling section that overlaps with the at least one of the plurality of rolling stands of the hot rolling line.21. The production line of wherein at least one of the plurality of cooling units is disposed outside the portion of the cooling section that overlaps with the hot rolling line claim 20 , wherein the at least one of the plurality of cooling units disposed outside the portion has a cooling fluid output of at least 1000 m/h.22. The production line of wherein each of the plurality of cooling units in the cooling section are independently controllable.23. The production line of ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288659A1

The invention concerns a method and a plant for producing flat rolled products, in order to obtain strips having a multiple crown transverse profile that subsequently have to be divided in a longitudinal direction into strips of a smaller width; the method provides a rolling step carried out in a rolling mill comprising roughing stands and finishing stands equipped with respective work rolls, in order to supply a strip of a determinate width. 1. Method for producing flat rolled products , in order to obtain strips with a multiple positive crown transverse profile , which provides a rolling step carried out in a rolling mill comprising finishing stands equipped with respective work rolls , in order to supply a strip of a determinate width , wherein at least the work rolls of at least the last finishing stand are provided to have a profile with multiple negative crown , wherein the number of crowns present in the profile of the work rolls is correlated to the number of portions into which the rolled strip produced is subsequently divided in a longitudinal direction.2. Method as in claim 1 , wherein the work rolls are provided to have an axial shifting movement claim 1 , and wherein said axial shifting movement allows to modify the position of the crowns of the work rolls with respect to the position of the strip.3. Method as in claim 1 , wherein the last three finishing stands have work rolls with the same diameter and same profile claim 1 , and wherein the profile of the work rolls with multiple negative crown is applied in said last three finishing stands.4. Method as in claim 1 , wherein the equations of the curve of the shaped profile of the work rolls are as follows:{'br': None, 'i': D', 'y', 'D−C', 'b', 'y−δ', 'a', 'y−δ', 'a', 'y−δ, 'sub': t', 's', '0', '1', 's', '0', '3', 's', '0, 'sup': '3', '()=sin α/(−δ)+(−δ)+(−δ)'}{'br': None, 'i': D', 'y', 'D+C', 'b', 'y+δ', 'a', 'y', 'a', 'y+δ, 'sub': b', 's', '0', '1', 's', '0', '3', 's', '0, 'sup': '3', '()=sin ...
