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14-05-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для сверления с наложением осевых вибраций

Номер: RU0000179403U1

Технической задачей данной полезной модели является повышение технологичности устройства для сверления с наложением осевых вибраций и производительности обработки сверлением за счет исключения изгибающего момента, действующего на шпиндель станка и осевыми колебаниями, дискретно-синхронными с частотой вращения шпинделя.Устройство содержит корпус с нижней крышкой, оснащенной постоянными магнитами и верхней крышкой с элементами крепления на станок. Момент вращения с входного вала на выходной передается посредством свободного в осевом направлении шлицевого соединения, одновременно вращение передается на водило планетарной передачи. Осевые вибрации на выходном валу создаются за счет вращения солнечного колеса, в котором также закреплены постоянные магниты, взаимодействие которых с неподвижными магнитами в нижней крышке приводит к возникновению осевых перемещений выходного вала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 403 U1 (51) МПК B23B 35/00 (2006.01) B23B 45/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B23B 35/00 (2006.01); B23B 45/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017107102, 03.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03.03.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 14.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 147314 U1, 10.11.2014. SU (54) Устройство для сверления с наложением осевых вибраций (57) Реферат: Технической задачей данной полезной модели станок. Момент вращения с входного вала на является повышение технологичности устройства выходной передается посредством свободного в для сверления с наложением осевых вибраций и осевом направлении шлицевого соединения, производительности обработки сверлением за одновременно вращение передается на водило счет исключения изгибающего момента, планетарной передачи. Осевые вибрации на действующего на шпиндель станка и осевыми выходном валу создаются за счет вращения ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Дорн с дуплексным инструментом

Номер: RU0000209552U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и ремонтному производству, в частности к инструментальной оснастке для отделочно-упрочняющей обработки отверстий. Дорн с дуплексным инструментом, содержащий оправку, в хвостовой части которой выполнена наружная резьба, на которой установлены стяжные гайки и токоизоляционная втулка. В передней части оправки гайкой зафиксированы фасонный упрочняющий зуб с двумя рабочими поверхностями, расположенными симметрично относительно друг друга, и калибрующий зуб, причем калибрующий зуб изолирован от оправки и фасонного упрочняющего зуба втулкой-изолятором и изоляционными кольцами. На торце в хвостовой части оправки выполнено осевое глухое отверстие, герметично заглушенное винтовой пробкой. В средней части оправки выполнено радиальное глухое отверстие, сообщенное с осевым глухим отверстием, в которое установлен штуцер для подачи охлаждающей жидкости, а в передней части оправки на внешней стороне выполнены два симметричных относительно друг друга канала для подвода охлаждающей жидкости к сопрягаемым поверхностям упрочняющего зуба и обрабатываемого отверстия. В передней части оправки за калибрующим зубом снаружи выполнены симметрично две лыски. Калибрующий зуб выполнен составным и включает в себя заборную часть, выполненную в форме усеченного конуса из стали, а к основанию прилегает калибрующая часть, выполненная в виде шарового пояса из твердого сплава, которая является продолжением заборной части. Продолжением калибрующей части является задняя часть, выполненная из стали в виде усеченного конуса, которая основанием прилегает к калибрующей части. Упрощается процесс сборки и разборки инструмента. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 552 U1 (51) МПК B24B 39/02 (2006.01) B23B 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B24B 39/02 (2022.01); B23B 35/00 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021132499, 08.11.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Инструмент для электромеханического дорнования гладких цилиндрических отверстий

Номер: RU0000209553U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и ремонтному производству, в частности к инструментальной оснастке для обработки отверстий. Инструмент для электромеханического дорнования гладких цилиндрических отверстий содержит оправку, в передней части которой установлены упрочняющий зуб и следующий за ним калибрующий зуб, изолированный от оправки и упрочняющего зуба втулкой-изолятором и изоляционными кольцами. С противоположной стороны оправки выполнено осевое глухое отверстие, герметично заглушенное винтовой пробкой, в средней части оправки выполнено радиальное глухое отверстие, сообщенное с осевым глухим отверстием, в которое установлен штуцер для подачи охлаждающей жидкости, а в передней части оправки на внешней стороне выполнены два симметричных друг другу канала для подвода охлаждающей жидкости к сопрягаемым поверхностям упрочняющего зуба и обрабатываемого отверстия из осевого глухого отверстия в оправке. Конец оправки через токоизоляционную втулку соединен с фланцем, который, в свою очередь, соединен с конусом Морзе, между фланцем и конусом Морзе установлен тензометрический датчик веса. В передней части оправки выполнена наружная резьба, за калибрующим зубом снаружи на оправке выполнены симметрично две лыски. Калибрующий зуб выполнен составным и включает заборную часть, выполненную из стали в форме усеченного конуса, к основанию которого прилегает калибрующая часть из твердого сплава в виде шарового пояса, являющаяся продолжением заборной части, продолжением калибрующей части является задняя часть, выполненная из стали в виде усеченного конуса, основанием прилегающая к калибрующей части, каждая часть калибрующего зуба имеет осевое отверстие одинакового диаметра, соединяется с переходной посадкой в указанном выше порядке на оправке, фиксация упрочняющего зуба и составного калибрующего зуба на оправке осуществляется гайкой. Снижается себестоимость изготовления за счет применения более дешевого материала на менее нагруженных участках и снижается трудоемкость ...

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Инструмент для электромеханического дорнования

Номер: RU0000209752U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и ремонтному производству, в частности, к инструментальной оснастке для электромеханического дорнования и может быть использована для отделочно-упрочняющей обработки отверстий деталей. Инструмент для электромеханического дорнования, содержащий толкатель, в хвостовой части которого выполнена наружная резьба, на которой установлены стяжные гайки и токоизоляционная втулка. В передней части толкателя снаружи установлена изолирующая втулка. Толкатель передней частью шарнирно соединен с оправкой, на которой фиксирующей гайкой закреплен калибрующий зуб. Калибрующий зуб выполнен составным и включает заборную часть, выполненную из стали в форме усеченного конуса, к основанию которого прилегает калибрующая часть из твердого сплава в виде шарового пояса, являющаяся продолжением заборной части, продолжением калибрующей части является задняя часть, выполненная из стали в виде усеченного конуса, основанием прилегающая к калибрующей части. Каждая часть калибрующего зуба имеет осевое отверстие одинакового диаметра, соединяется с переходной посадкой в указанном выше порядке на оправке. Снижается трудоемкость изготовления. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 752 U1 (51) МПК B24B 39/02 (2006.01) B23B 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B24B 39/02 (2021.08); B23B 35/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021132501, 08.11.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 22.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 22.03.2022 Бюл. № 9 2 0 9 7 5 2 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2471608 C1, 10.01.2013. RU 2475349 C1, 20.02.2013. RU 189500 U1, 24.05.2019. CN 201848593 U1, 01.06.2011. (54) ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОГО ДОРНОВАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к зуб. Калибрующий зуб выполнен составным и машиностроению и ремонтному производству, в включает заборную часть, выполненную из стали частности, к ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136552A1

A drill includes a substantially cylindrical cutting portion includes a first region located at a front end portion, and a second region which has a step whose diameter increases as going from the first region to a rear end in a sectional view perpendicular to a rotation axis, and which is continuous with the first region in an end of the second region on a side of the step, and using this drill, a method of manufacturing a machined product is provided. 1. A drill , comprising: a first region located at a front end portion, and', 'a second region which has a step whose diameter increases as going from the first region to a rear end in a sectional view perpendicular to a rotation axis, and which is continuous with the first region in an end of the second region on a side of the step, wherein, 'a substantially cylindrical cutting portion comprises'} a plurality of first cutting edges located at a front end,', 'a first outer peripheral portion located at an outer peripheral portion of the cutting portion, and', 'a plurality of first flutes spirally located in the first outer peripheral portion from rear ends of the plurality of first cutting edges toward the rear end of the cutting portion,, 'the first region comprises'} a plurality of second cutting edges located at the step,', 'a second outer peripheral portion located at the outer peripheral portion of the cutting portion,', 'a plurality of second flutes spirally located in the second outer peripheral portion from rear ends of the plurality of second cutting edges toward the rear end of the cutting portion, and', 'a plurality of second rake surfaces located between the plurality of second cutting edges and the plurality of second flutes,', a second central surface and', 'a second outward surface which is located closer to the second outer peripheral portion than the second central surface,', {'b': '2', 'in the second central surface, a length W of the second rake surface in a direction parallel to the rotation axis ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of calibrating an ophthalmic processing device, machine programmed therefor, and computer program

Номер: US20130170919A1
Автор: Kurt W. Schaeffer
Принадлежит: National Optronics Inc

The present invention is directed to a method of calibrating drill depth of an ophthalmic processing device. A number of drill cycles are selected for drilling an expected number of holes in a lens blank. The selected number of drill cycles is performed. The drill depth of each consecutive drill cycle varies incrementally. An actual number of locations the drill bit contacted the lens blank during the drill cycles is compared to the expected number of holes. The drill depth is adjusted depending on the compared values. A method of calibrating drill hole size is also disclosed.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Processing method of channels in control valve

Номер: US20130180372A1
Автор: Shih-Wei Chiu

A processing method of channels in a control valve includes steps of ( 1 ) preparing materials, which provides a valve base having a connecting portion protrudingly formed at outer periphery of a first pressure chamber, and an enlarging portion expandingly formed downward from the connecting portion; and ( 2 ) manufacturing channels, wherein a vertical channel is formed from upper portion of the connecting portion of the valve base to the enlarging portion, and a horizontal channel is formed from periphery of the first pressure chamber slantedly toward the enlarging portion. The valve base can be adjusted by adjusting a disposing angle, so that a drill head can drill slantedly from periphery of the first pressure chamber toward the enlarging portion without being interfered by an opening of the valve base, to achieve the goal of connecting the vertical channel without drilling through valve body of the valve base to assure completeness thereof.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202373A1

It is intended to provide a machining tool provided with a ram, which has a simple structure and an inexpensive device cost, and is capable of correcting a deflection of a tip of a main shaft unit caused by extending the ram. A deflection correction device for a ram in a machining tool which is provided with a saddle moving vertically along a guide of a column and the ram housing a main shaft unit and being fitted in the saddle slidably in a horizontal direction. The device may include a plurality of hydrostatic bearings via which the saddle is supported by the column in a longitudinal direction of the column , and a control unit which controls a hydraulic pressure of the hydrostatic bearing in accordance with a vertical displacement of the ram to maintain a straightness of the ram in a direction of a main shaft of the ram so as to correct a misalignment of the main shaft unit by an inclination of the saddle caused by controlling the hydraulic pressure. 1. A deflection correction device for a ram in a machining tool which is provided with a saddle moving vertically along a guide of a column and the rain housing a main shaft unit and being fitted in the saddle slidably in a horizontal direction , the device comprising:a plurality of hydrostatic bearings via which the saddle is supported by the column in a longitudinal direction of the column; anda control unit which controls a hydraulic pressure of the hydrostatic bearing in accordance with a vertical displacement of the ram to maintain a straightness of the ram in a direction of a main shaft of the ram so as to correct a misalignment of the main shaft unit by an inclination of the saddle caused by controlling the hydraulic pressure.2. The deflection correction device for the ram according to claim 1 ,wherein the control unit controls a hydraulic pressure of one of the plurality of the hydrostatic bearings supporting the saddle in the longitudinal direction of the column so as to maintain the straightness of the ram ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209185A1

A hole drilling device and method include a drilling head (), a plurality of hole drilling tools () detachably attached to the drilling head (), a driving device () for allowing the drilling head () to move in the radial direction and axial direction of attachment holes () to be formed on a tube sheet (), and a control device () for driving the driving device (). The hole drilling tools () are disposed, in relation to the drilling head (), along the arrangement direction of the attachment holes () and at an equal interval from one another, said interval being an integer multiple equal to or greater than double the pitch of the attachment holes (); and the control device () drives the driving device (). 1. A hole drilling device comprising:a drilling head;a driving device that allows the drilling head to move in the radial direction and axial direction of holes to be formed on a member to be drilled;a plurality of hole drilling tools that are provided on the drilling head along the arrangement direction of the holes at a regular interval corresponding to an integer multiple equal to or greater than double the pitch of the holes; anda control device that controls the driving device so that the drilling head moves with respect to each pitch of the holes in the arrangement direction of the hole drilling tools and drills holes by the hole drilling tools.2. The hole drilling device according to claim 1 ,wherein the control device drives the driving device so that the drilling head is moved in a direction orthogonal to the arrangement direction of the hole drilling tools by the pitch of the holes and holes are drilled in an adjacent group of one line by the hole drilling tools after the drilling head is moved by a distance corresponding to a group of one line obtained from the multiplication of the pitch of the holes, the integer multiple, and the number of the hole drilling tools and holes are completely drilled by the hole drilling tools.3. The hole drilling device ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259587A1
Автор: MA NA

A processing method for variable drilling-depth, deep-hole chip breaking and removal, comprising: assigning a deep-hole drilling variable value; if the value is correct, drilling a first hole depth; otherwise, alarming and reassigning the value; determining whether the first hole depth is greater than a terminal drilling depth and whether the first hole depth is greater than the defined chip breaking depth; if yes, processing chip breaking and drilling to the currently designated drilling depth and then returning to a safe position for chip removal; determining whether the currently designated drilling depth is greater than a smallest drilling depth, if yes, decreasing the drilling depth progressively according to a designated drilling depth proportion, otherwise, designating the currently designated drilling depth as a new smallest drilling depth and calculating the coordinate of the next drilling depth. Drilling deep hole in accordance with this method can improve efficiency and guarantee drilling safety. 1{'b': 102', '103', '104, 'Step : designating a deep-hole drilling variable, and assigning a value to the variable involved in the deep-hole drilling, if the value is correct, enter into step ; if the value is not correct, enter into step for alarming and reassigning the value;'}{'b': '103', 'Step : drilling a first hole depth;'}{'b': 105', '106', '109', '110, 'Step : determining whether the first hole depth is greater than that of a terminal drilling depth, if yes, enter into step , otherwise, enter into step to complete last drilling depth, and stop at step ;'}{'b': 106', '107', '111, 'Step : determining whether the first hole depth is greater than a defined chip breaking depth, if yes, enter into step for chip breaking; otherwise, enter into step ;'}{'b': '111', 'Step : processing to a currently designated drilling depth and returning to a safe position for chip removal;'}{'b': 112', '113', '114', '108, 'Step : determining whether the currently designated ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259588A1

The hole drilling process is for drilling a hole on a supported tube sheet by using a first drilling tool that can drill a hole with a diameter smaller than that of a mounting hole that is to become a target hole, and a second drilling tool that can drill a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the target hole, the process including: a temporary hole drilling step in which a temporary hole with a predetermined depth set beforehand is drilled by moving the first drilling tool to a drilled position set beforehand; a hole measuring step in which a distance (S) between an existing mounting hole and the temporary hole; a drilled position correcting step in which the drilled position is corrected based upon the distance (S) between the mounting hole and the temporary hole. 1. A hole drilling process for drilling a hole on a supported member to be processed by using a first drilling tool that can drill a hole with a diameter smaller than that of a target hole , and a second drilling tool that can drill a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the target hole , the process comprising:a temporary hole drilling step in which a temporary hole with a predetermined depth set beforehand is drilled by moving the first drilling tool to a drilled position set beforehand;a hole measuring step in which a distance between an existing target hole and the temporary hole;a drilled position correcting step in which the drilled position is corrected based upon the distance between the existing target hole and the temporary hole; anda target hole drilling step in which the target hole is drilled by moving the second drilling tool to the corrected drilled position.2. The hole drilling process according to claim 1 , further comprising: a position determining step in which whether the correction of the drilled position is needed or not is determined based upon the distance between the existing target hole and the temporary hole; and a second temporary hole drilling step in which ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269289A1

A building sheet includes a substantially flat board having a front surface, a back surface and a thickness defined therebetween. At least one of the front and back surfaces defines a surface direction. The thickness defines a thickness direction that is substantially perpendicular to the surface direction. Recesses are formed in at least one of the front and back surfaces. The recesses have a maximum dimension in the surface direction of less than 3/8 inch, such that each recess is too small to receive a head of the fastener. 1. A building sheet , comprising:a substantially flat board having a front surface, a back surface and a thickness defined therebetween, at least one of the front and back surfaces defines a surface direction and the thickness defines a thickness direction that is substantially perpendicular to the surface direction; andrecesses formed in said at least one of the front and back surfaces, the recesses have a maximum dimension in the surface direction of less than ⅜ inch, such that each recess is too small to receive a head of a fastener.2. A building sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses are discontinuous and spaced apart from each other by flats that extend in the surface direction.3. A building sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses are configured to be crushed upon installation of fasteners therein claim 1 , such that heads of the fasteners are substantially flush with the board in the surface direction upon installation.4. A building sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the building sheet is a fiber cement product.5. A building sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the building sheet is a backer board or an underlayment claim 1 , and the thickness is about ¼ inch to about ½ inch.6. A building sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses have three-dimensional shapes comprising pyramidal shapes claim 1 , semi-spherical shapes claim 1 , conical shapes claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. A building sheet ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Balancing of a continuous variable clutch assembly

Номер: US20130294856A1
Принадлежит: Team Industries Inc

A continuous variable clutch is provided. The continuous variable clutch includes a first sheave member and a second sheave member. The first sheave member includes a first central hub and a first conical-faced surface extending radially from the first central hub. The second sheave member includes a second central hub and a second conical-faced surface that extends radially from the second central hub. The second central hub of the second sheave member is received in a cavity of the first central hub such that the first conical-faced surface of the first sheave member facing the second conical-faced surface of the second sheave portion. The second central hub moving axially within the first central hub based on an amount of torque on the continuous variable clutch. The first sheave member and the second sheave member further forming a central passage to receive an input shaft of a transmission.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of producing textured surfaces

Номер: US20140047959A1

Methods suitable for producing textured surfaces in surfaces of objects, by which the methods are able to achieve a desired three-dimensional surface topography and optionally a desired subsurface microstructure through the use of a controlled modulation machining technique. The methods include selecting a predetermined surface texture for a surface of a body, and then imposing a superimposed sinusoidal feed-modulation on a cutting tool so as to move the cutting tool in a feed direction relative to the body while machining the body with the cutting tool and generating a machined surface of the body. The surface texture of the machined surface is intentionally controlled by at least the modulation amplitude and the modulation frequency of the superimposed sinusoidal feed-modulation.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Forming a Bore in a Workpiece

Номер: US20140050543A1

A method of forming a bore through a workpiece with a drill by monitoring drill orientation and bore position; and adjusting drill path as necessary. Adjusted the drill path includes selectively applying an axial impulse to the drill when the drill is in a designated azimuthal orientation. Drill orientation and bore position are monitored with an acoustic transmitter and receiver disposed adjacent an outer surface of the workpiece. The acoustic transmitter and receiver are moved at the same rate at which the drill axially progress through the workpiece, so that they are aligned with the bottom of the bore. 1. A method of controlling a rotating drill in a bore in a workpiece comprising:a. contacting a drill head of the drill with the workpiece to bore in the workpiece;b. monitoring an azimuthal orientation of the drill head in the workpiece by measuring a signal from the drill head in the bore; andc. adjusting an operating parameter of the drill based on the step of monitoring the azimuthal orientation.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising monitoring a location of the bore in the workpiece claim 1 , and wherein the step of adjusting an operating parameter of the drill comprises altering a path of the drill in the workpiece by applying an impulse force axially onto the drill at a time when the drill head is in a designated azimuth.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of applying an impulse force comprises providing a piezo-electric stack that is axially coupled to the drill claim 2 , and energizing the piezo-electric stack.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of altering a path of the drill is controlled.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of monitoring a location of the bore in the workpiece comprises emitting an acoustic signal at an axial location in the workpiece that substantially coincides with the bottom of the bore claim 2 , and at varying peripheral positions on the workpiece claim 2 , so that the acoustic signal travels a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064866A1
Автор: Maeda Junichi

A hole drilling method includes a rotating step of attaching a workpiece to a rotary table to make the workpiece rotate in an opposite direction to the rotating direction of the rotary tool and a drilling step of making the rotary tool and the workpiece move relative to each other in a direction in which they approach each other so as to drill a hole. The hole drilling step comprises making a position of the rotary tool track the rotation of the workpiece while drilling the hole so that the rotary tool is arranged at a position for drilling a hole in the workpiece. 1. A hole drilling method for making a rotary tool rotate while making the rotary tool and a workpiece move relative to each other so as to drill a hole , comprising:a rotating step of attaching the workpiece to a workpiece rotating device to make the workpiece rotate in an opposite direction to a rotating direction of the rotary tool; anda hole drilling step of making the rotary tool and the workpiece move relative to each other in a direction in which the rotary tool and the workpiece approach each other so as to drill a hole; whereinthe hole drilling step comprises making a position of the rotary tool track rotation of the workpiece while drilling the hole so that the rotary tool is arranged at a position for drilling the hole in the workpiece.2. The hole drilling method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the hole drilling step comprises using two or more linear feed axes to change a relative position of the rotary tool with respect to the workpiece.3. The hole drilling method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the hole drilling step comprises drilling a deep hole with a ratio of depth to diameter of the hole of 7 or more.4. A machine tool for rotating a rotary tool while making the rotary tool and a workpiece move relative to each other so as to drill a hole claim 1 , comprising:a workpiece rotating device which makes the workpiece rotate about an axis of rotation parallel to an axis by which a rotary ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001441A1

A collar system for a dust extractor is provided including: a collar including a drill passage extending through the collar and an extension forming an internal passage that connects at one end with the drill passage, the extension being attachable to a housing of the dust extractor to enable the internal passage to connect to a suction passage of the dust extractor; and a cover mounted adjacent an entrance of the drill passage, the cover being moveable between a first position where it covers the entrance and a second position where is remote from the entrance, wherein the cover comprises at least hole that passes through the cover. 1. A collar system for a dust extractor comprising:a collar including a drill passage extending through the collar and an extension forming an internal passage that connects at one end with the drill passage, the extension being attachable to a housing of the dust extractor to enable the internal passage to connect to a suction passage of the dust extractor; anda cover mounted adjacent an entrance of the drill passage, the cover being moveable between a first position where it covers the entrance and a second position where is remote from the entrance, wherein the cover comprises at least hole that passes through the cover.2. The collar system of claim 1 , wherein the hole in a lengthwise direction is frusto-conical in shape.3. The collar system of claim 1 , wherein the cover comprises:a rigid outer ring; anda resiliently deformable washer mounted inside of the outer ring.4. The collar system of claim 3 , wherein resiliently deformable washer has an inner section through which the hole extends and an outer section that surrounds the inner section and connects between the outer ring and the inner section.5. The collar system of claim 4 , wherein a thickness of the inner section is approximately the same as that of the outer ring.6. The collar system of claim 4 , wherein a thickness of the outer section is less than that of the inner ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003927A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A portable device to drill holes has a platform. A plurality of wheel sets is coupled to the platform. A drive system is used for driving the plurality of wheels. An attachment mechanism is positioned on an underside of the platform for securing the device to a surface. A control board is used for controlling the operation of the device. A drill spindle assembly is coupled to the platform. A drill feed assembly is coupled to the drill spindle assembly for raising and lowering the drill spindle assembly. A plurality of sensors are operable to sense one or more magnets disposed below the surface. A drive table is used for positioning the drill spindle assembly in an XY plane based on an output of said plurality of sensors. 1. A portable device to drill holes comprising:a platform;a plurality of wheel sets coupled to the platform;a drive system for driving the plurality of wheels;an attachment mechanism positioned on an underside of the platform for securing the device to a surface;a control board for controlling operating of the device;a drill spindle assembly coupled to the platform;a drill feed assembly coupled to the drill spindle assembly for raising and lowering the drill spindle assembly;a plurality of sensors operable to sense one or more magnets disposed below the surface; anda drive table for positioning the drill spindle assembly in an XY plane based on an output of said plurality of sensors.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a normality system for adjusting an angle between the platform and the surface to be drilled.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the normality system comprises:a pivot angle measuring device;a control unit coupled to the pivot angle measuring device; anda normality motor coupled to the control unit for raising and lowering a portion of the platform.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an antenna communicatively coupled to the control board for transmitting location information associated with said device and receiving ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010368A1
Автор: RUSSELL Don S.
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A nose piece assembly for an automated spar assembly tool incorporates a base and an engaging member. An offset member extends between the base and the engaging member. The offset member has substantially a U-shape allowing for access by the engaging member to portions of a structural assembly behind a closed angle. 1. A nose piece assembly for an automated spar assembly tool comprising:a base;an engaging member; andan offset member extending between said base and said engaging member, said offset member having substantially a U-shape allowing for access by said engaging member to portions of a structural assembly behind a closed angle.2. The nose piece assembly as defined in further comprising a rotation flange extending from the base for attachment to a bucking station.3. The nose piece assembly as defined in further comprising a plurality of magnets embedded in the rotation flange for attachment to a headstone on the bucking station.4. The nose piece assembly as defined in wherein the engaging member comprises a pressure nose adapted to engage a flange for reaction pressure to a drill spindle.5. The nose piece assembly as defined in wherein the pressure nose has a cylindrical cavity to receive a protruding drill from the drill spindle upon piercing the flange.6. An automated drilling system for structural assemblies having a closed angle comprising:a drilling station having a drill spindle; a base;', 'an engaging member; and', 'an offset member extending between said base and said engaging member, said offset member having substantially a U-shape allowing for access by said engaging member to portions of a structural assembly behind a closed angle., 'a bucking station reaction of drill forces imposed by the drill spindle, said bucking station including a nose piece having'}7. The automated drilling system as defined in wherein the nose piece further comprises a rotation flange extending from the base for attachment to the bucking station.8. The automated drilling ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010484A1

A method for producing a diffusion cooling hole extending between a wall having a first wall surface and a second wall surface includes forming a cooling hole inlet at the first wall surface, forming a cooling hole outlet at the second wall surface, forming a metering section downstream from the inlet and forming a multi-lobed diffusing section between the metering section and the outlet. The inlet, outlet, metering section and multi-lobed diffusing section are formed by laser drilling, particle beam machining, fluid jet guided laser machining, mechanical machining, masking and combinations thereof. 1. A method for producing a diffusion cooling hole extending between a wall having a first wall surface and a second wall surface , the method comprising:forming a cooling hole inlet at the first wall surface;forming a cooling hole outlet at the second wall surface;forming a metering section downstream from the inlet; andforming a multi-lobed diffusing section between the metering section and the outlet,wherein the inlet, outlet, metering section and multi-lobed diffusing section are formed by a technique selected from the group consisting of laser drilling, particle beam machining, fluid jet guided laser machining, mechanical machining, masking and combinations thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wall comprises a metal or superalloy substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second wall surface comprises a coating claim 1 , and wherein at least a portion of the cooling hole extends through the coating.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the coating comprises:a bond coating; anda thermal barrier coating.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a portion of the diffusing section is located within the coating.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the entire diffusing section is located within the coating.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein a portion of the metering section is located within the coating.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inlet and metering section ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Drilling apparatus and method

Номер: US20150023748A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

Drilling apparatus and method, the apparatus comprising: a first robot ( 10 ); a first member ( 30 ) (e.g. a pressure foot) and a drilling tool ( 38 ) both coupled to the first robot ( 10 ); a second robot ( 12 ); and a second member ( 52 ) coupled to the second robot ( 12 ); wherein the apparatus is arranged to press the members ( 30, 52 ) against opposite sides of a part to be drilled ( 2, 100 ) (e.g. an aircraft panel) so as to hold the part ( 2, 100 ) and prevent deflection of at least a portion of the part ( 2, 100 ); and the first member ( 30 ) and the drilling tool ( 38 ) are arranged such that the drilling tool ( 38 ) may drill into the portion of the part ( 2, 100 ) of which deflection is opposed from the side of the part ( 2, 100 ) pressed against by the first member ( 30 ). The robots ( 10, 12 ) may be robotic arms.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024231A1

There is provided a graphite composite film including a graphite film and a metal layer formed on a surface of the graphite film, in which peeling-off of the metal layer from the graphite film is suppressed. More specifically, the graphite composite film includes a graphite film and a metal layer formed on at least one side of the graphite film, wherein the graphite film has a plurality of through holes formed therein, a metal layer is formed also inside the through holes so as to be connected to the metal layer formed on a surface of the graphite film, the metal layer inside the through holes is formed continuously from the one side to an opposite side of the graphite film, and a distance between outer diameters of the through holes is 0.6 mm or less and a ratio of an area of metal inside the through holes to an area of the graphite composite film is 1.4% or more. 1. A graphite composite film comprising a graphite film and a metal layer formed on at least one side of the graphite film , whereinthe graphite film has a plurality of through holes formed therein, the through holes having a distance between outer diameters of the through holes of 0.6 mm or less,a metal layer is formed also inside the through holes so as to be connected to the metal layer formed on a surface of the graphite film, the metal layer inside the through holes is formed continuously from the one side to an opposite side of the graphite film, anda ratio of an area of metal inside the through holes to an area of the graphite composite film is 1.4% or more.2. The graphite composite film according to claim 1 , wherein the metal layer on the surface of the graphite film is formed by plating.3. The graphite composite film according to claim 1 , wherein the graphite film has a hole area ratio of 1.4% or more but 40.0% or less.4. The graphite composite film according to claim 1 , wherein the through holes have a diameter of 0.90 mm or less.5. The graphite composite film according to claim 1 , further ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040770A1

A drilling tool for producing a bore with a cylindrical inner wall can be rotatable in a rotary movement with a predetermined rotational direction (VD) about a tool axis (A) extending through the drilling tool, and at the same time is movable in an axial forward movement (VB) in a forward direction axially to the tool axis. The drilling tool comprises at least one drilling area () arranged in a forwardly located region of the drilling tool at a forward or free end, but preferably not having a thread forming region. The drilling area has a number n of drilling edges which are arranged offset to each other in the rotational direction, and at least one chip divider is arranged on at least one or each of the n drill cutting edges, where the chip divider forms an interruption of the respective drill cutting edge. 121-. (canceled)22. A drilling tool for producing a bore with a cylindrical inner wall , wherein:a) the drilling tool is rotatable in a rotary movement with a predetermined rotational direction (VD) about a tool axis (A) extending through the drilling tool and at the same time is movable in an axial forward movement (VB) in a forward direction axially to the tool axis;b) the drilling tool comprises at least one drilling area arranged in a forwardly located region of the drilling tool at a forward or free end, but preferably not having a thread forming region;c) the drilling area has a number n of drilling edges which are arranged offset to each other in the rotational direction, where n is a natural number with n≥1;d) at least one chip divider is arranged on at least one or each of the n drill cutting edges, which chip divider forms an interruption of the respective drill cutting edge.23. Drilling tool according to claim 22 , wherein:the drilling area has a number n≥2, i.e. at least two, drill cutting edges which are arranged offset to each other in the rotational direction, in particular with equal pitch by a pitch angle of 360°/n or also with unequal pitch ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030402A1

A method is provided for implementing reduction of drill smear in drilling a multilayer substrate such as a rigid printed circuit board or flex to minimize or eliminate the need to remove drill smear and for improved via and interconnect reliability. An inert liquid is applied to the multilayer substrate and a drill bit prior to and during the drill process to cool and lubricate the multilayer substrate and the drill bit to reduce drill smear. 1. A method for implementing reduction of drill smear in drilling comprising:providing a multilayer substrate with dielectric materials for signal integrity performance; andapplying an inert liquid to the multilayer substrate and a drill bit prior to and during the drill process to cool and lubricate the multilayer substrate and the drill bit to reduce drill smear.2. The method as recited in wherein providing the multilayer substrate with dielectric materials for signal integrity performance includes providing the multilayer substrate with Teflon® based dielectric materials.3. The method as recited in wherein providing a multilayer substrate with dielectric materials for signal integrity performance includes providing a rigid printed circuit board or flex.4. The method as recited in wherein applying an inert liquid to the multilayer substrate and the drill bit minimizes or eliminates the need to remove drill smear.5. The method as recited in wherein applying an inert liquid to the multilayer substrate and the drill bit provides improved via and interconnect reliability.6. The method as recited in wherein applying the inert liquid to the multilayer substrate and the drill bit prior to and during the drill process includes applying a Krytox® lubricant.7. The method as recited in wherein applying the inert liquid to the multilayer substrate and the drill bit prior to and during the drill process includes applying a lubricant having a temperature operating range enabling optimizing substrate temperature for one or more of a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038350A1

A microfluidic device for separating a sample by chromatography includes diffusion bonded metallic sheets joined together to create a hermetically sealed interface between each adjacent metallic sheet without the introduction of a secondary material. Enclosed within the diffusion bonded sheets is a separation channel accessible by at least one of an inlet or an outlet. The separation channel is packed with micrometer-sized particles serving as a stationary phase in a chromatographic separation. Wetted surfaces of the separation channel include a coating of an organic material at least one monolayer thick. 1. A diffusion-bonded product manufactured comprising the steps of:supplying two or more substantially compositionally similar metal sheets with each having a flat major surface with no layer thereon to promote bonding; at least one of the two or more metal sheets including at least a portion of a microfluidic channel disposed therein;bringing the flat major surface of each of the two or more metal sheets into a contacting relationship with at least one of the two or more sheets thereby forming an interface and forming and enclosing the microfluidic channel at the interface between such sheets, the microfluidic channel having at least one entrance port and at least one exit port;heating the contacting sheets in a vacuum furnace or an inert-atmosphere furnace to a temperature substantially below melting temperature of such sheets;urging the contacting sheets together under a compressive stress while the sheets are being heated to bond the sheets together by causing grains of the two or more metal sheets to merge across the interface from one sheet to the other sheet;cooling the bonded two or more sheets to about room temperature; andapplying at least an organic coating to the microfluidic channel enclosed between the bonded two or more sheets through at least one of the at least one entrance port or the at least one exit port.2. The diffusion-bonded product of claim ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045961A1

An entry sheet of the present invention is used in cutting a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal. Moreover, in a cutting method of the present invention, cutting of a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal is performed using the entry sheet. 1. An entry sheet used in cutting a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal.2. The entry sheet according to claim 1 , comprising a resin sheet.3. The entry sheet according to claim 2 , wherein the resin sheet comprises a water soluble resin.4. The entry sheet according to or claim 2 , wherein the resin sheet comprises a water insoluble resin.5. The entry sheet according to or claim 2 , wherein the resin sheet comprises a solid lubricant.6. The entry sheet according to or claim 2 , wherein the resin sheet comprises two or more resin composition layers.7. The entry sheet according to or claim 2 , wherein the resin sheet has a thickness of 0.1 mm or more and 20 mm or less.8. The entry sheet according to claim 2 , wherein at least one face of the resin sheet comprises a metal foil.9. The entry sheet according to claim 8 , wherein an adhesive layer is formed between the metal foil and the resin sheet.10. The entry sheet according to claim 9 , wherein the adhesive layer is a resin coating.11. The entry sheet according to or claim 9 , wherein a sticky layer is formed on a face that contacts the fiber reinforced composite material and/or the metal.12. The entry sheet according to or claim 9 , wherein the fiber reinforced composite material to be cut comprises a carbon fiber reinforced plastic.13. The entry sheet according to or claim 9 , wherein the metal to be cut comprises a titanium alloy.14. The entry sheet according to or claim 9 , wherein the metal to be cut comprises an aluminum alloy.15. The entry sheet according to or claim 9 , wherein an object to be cut is a material obtained by overlaying the metal and the fiber reinforced composite material so as to contact each other.16. The entry ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Fluid-Fed Vacuum Cutters

Номер: US20150050093A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

In one aspect of the disclosure, a system for processing a location of a workpiece is disclosed. The system includes a tool, including a first passage, configured to supply a vacuum to the location, and a second passage formed along the first passage, where the second passage is configured to supply a fluid to the location. The system also includes means for rotating and selectively axially vibrating the tool, means for supplying the fluid to the tool, and means for supplying the vacuum to the tool. 1. (canceled)2. A tool for processing a location of a workpiece , the tool comprising:a first passage configured to supply a vacuum to the location; anda second passage configured to supply a fluid to the location, wherein the second passage is formed along the first passage.3. (canceled)4. The tool of claim 2 , further comprising a cutter.5. (canceled)6. The tool of claim 4 , wherein the cutter comprises a third passage in communication with the second passage.7. The tool of claim 6 , wherein the cutter comprises a fourth passage in communication with the first passage.8. The tool of claim 2 , further comprising a body comprising a proximal portion and a distal portion opposite the proximal portion.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The tool of claim 8 , wherein the body comprises at least one inlet in the distal portion claim 8 , wherein the at least one inlet is in communication with the first passage.12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. The tool of claim 8 , wherein the body comprises at least one entry port.15. The tool of claim 14 , wherein the at least one entry port is in the proximal portion claim 14 , wherein the at least one entry port is in communication with the second passage.16. (canceled)17. The tool of claim 8 , further comprising an interface coupled to the distal portion of the body.18. The tool of claim 17 , wherein the interface comprises a channel in communication with the second passage.19. The tool of claim 17 , further comprising a cutter removably ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Fixtures for working aircraft components and methods for the same

Номер: US20190047727A1
Автор: Gloria King, Jason Bateham
Принадлежит: Gulfstream Aerospace Corp

Ribs for working an aircraft component having an aircraft component surface, fixtures for the same, and methods for the same, are provided herein. The rib includes a rib surface configured to receive the aircraft component and to be in abutting contact with at least a portion of the aircraft component surface. The rib further includes an extension extending away from the rib and configured to couple to a worksurface. Orientation of the rib is configured to be adjustable relative to the worksurface for improving working of the aircraft component. The fixture includes a mount defining an aperture and configured to be coupled to the worksurface and the rib. The method includes providing the fixture including the rib. The method further includes coupling the extension to a worksurface. The method further includes disposing the aircraft component on the rib surface.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047919A1

A system for regenerating fastener holes in a replacement tip section of a rotor blade includes a first fixture, a second fixture, and a third fixture positionable adjacent a tip section of the rotor blade. The first fixture is used to verify a position of an opening formed in the spar. The second fixture includes a removable bushing having a drillable opening. The drillable opening is aligned with the at least one opening formed in the spar and defines at least one hole to be formed in the replacement tip section. The third fixture includes a countersink opening. The countersink opening is aligned with the at least one hole to be formed in the replacement tip section and the at least one opening formed in the spar to define a countersink feature to be formed in the at least one hole. 1. A system for regenerating fastener holes in a replacement tip section of a rotor blade , comprising:a first fixture including a check opening, the first fixture being positionable adjacent a tip section of the rotor blade such that the check opening is aligned with both an opening formed in the tip section and an opening formed in a spar of the rotor blade to verify a position of the opening formed in the spar;a second fixture including a removable bushing having a drillable opening, the second fixture being positionable adjacent a replacement tip section of the rotor blade such that the drillable opening is aligned with the at least one opening formed in the spar, wherein the drillable opening defines at least one hole to be formed in the replacement tip section; anda third fixture including a countersink opening, the third fixture being positionable adjacent the replacement tip section of the rotor blade such that the countersink opening is aligned with the at least one hole to be formed in the replacement tip section and the at least one opening formed in the spar, the countersink opening defines a countersink feature to be formed in the at least one hole.2. The system of claim 1 ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050395A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A magnet sensing portable autonomous device includes a platform. A plurality of wheel sets is coupled to the platform. A drive system is used for driving the plurality of wheels. An attachment mechanism is positioned on an underside of the platform for securing the device to a surface. A control board is used for controlling the operation of the device. In some embodiments, a drill spindle assembly is coupled to the platform. A drill feed assembly is coupled to the drill spindle assembly for raising and lowering the drill spindle assembly. A plurality of sensors are operable to sense one or more magnets disposed below the surface. A drive table is used for positioning the drill spindle assembly in an XY plane based on an output of said plurality of sensors. 120-. (canceled)21. A process for operating a portable autonomous device on a structure having a surface , the process comprising:transmitting a signal to the portable autonomous device to move to an operation location on the surface;receiving a location update from the portable autonomous device;determining whether the updated location is the operation location;activating an attachment mechanism of the portable autonomous device to fix a position of the portable autonomous device;activating magnet sensors and a drive table to locate a freestanding magnet;determining an angle between a platform of the portable autonomous device and the surface by measuring a pivot angle of a wheel set of the portable autonomous device relative to a wheel pivot assembly; andadjusting the angle of the platform relative to the surface based on the pivot angle of the wheel set.22. The process of claim 21 , further comprising activating a set of sensors to find a precise position of the freestanding magnet located at the operation location.23. The process of claim 21 , further comprising adjusting the drive table of the portable autonomous device to center an operation assembly over the freestanding magnet based on readings from the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Entry sheet for drilling holes, and hole drilling method using same

Номер: US20180050462A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc

Entry sheet for drilling including a metallic foil and a layer of a resin composition, the layer formed on the metallic foil without interposing an adhesion layer, in which the layer of the resin composition has a peak attributable to a carbon atom-oxygen atom double bond appearing at 1700 to 1750 cm −1 and a peak attributable to a carbon atom-oxygen atom single bond appearing at 1080 to 1300 cm −1 in infrared spectroscopy, and when the absorbance at the peak attributable to the carbon atom-oxygen atom double bond appearing at 1700 to 1750 cm −1 is represented by Abs(C═O)L, and the absorbance at the peak of the carbon atom-oxygen atom single bond appearing at 1080 to 1300 cm −1 is represented by Abs(C—O)L, the layer of the resin composition has an absorbance ratio (C) of 0.12 to 1.80, the absorbance ratio (C) represented by the following expression (1). Absorbance ratio( C )=Abs(C═O) L /Abs(C—O) L    Expression (1)

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131909A1
Автор: Osman Said G.

A biologic artificial bone includes an artificial fiber material formed from a synthetic polymer with mechanical properties similar to type I collagen. A biocompatible liquid substance is impregnated in the fiber material that hardens and stiffens the fiber material. A bone substitute is impregnated in the hardened and stiffened fiber material forming an artificial bone composite. Vascular channels are formed in the artificial bone composite to facilitate in-growth of vessels and bone forming cells. The construction and methods achieve an artificial composite structure that is similar to natural bone with comparable properties. 1. A method of constructing a biologic artificial bone comprising:(a) forming an artificial fiber material from a synthetic polymer with mechanical properties similar to type I collagen;(b) impregnating the artificial fiber material with a biocompatible liquid substance, the biocompatible liquid substance hardening and stiffening the fiber material;(c) impregnating the hardened and stiffened fiber material with a bone substitute, thereby forming an artificial bone composite; and(d) forming vascular channels in the artificial bone composite to facilitate in-growth of vessels and bone forming cells.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein step (b) is practiced while maintaining a predefined shaped of the artificial fiber material.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein step (c) is practiced by impregnating with ceramics.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein step (c) is practiced by immersing the hardened and stiffened fiber material into a mold containing a liquid ceramic.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein step (c) is practiced by placing the hardened and stiffened fiber material in a mold and pouring ceramic into the mold and allowing the ceramic to set.6. A method according to claim 3 , wherein step (c) is practiced by grit-blasting the hardened and stiffened fiber material with ceramic.7. A method according to claim 1 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Gun barrel manufacturing process

Номер: US20150059565A1
Автор: James Anthony STEWART

Disclosed herein is a method of manufacturing two or more gun barrels, the method comprising: machining ( 103 ) a single metal block to form a barrel preform having the outer shape of at least a first gun barrel and a second gun barrel; drilling ( 105 ) a first hole through the first gun barrel to form a first barrel bore; and drilling ( 107 ) a second hole through the second gun barrel to form a second barrel bore. Advantages include the barrels being integrally attached to each other and so a soldering operation to attach the barrels to each other is avoided.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Bulkhead penetrations in hazardous environments

Номер: US20210060659A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Wall sealing and penetrator apparatus for use in penetrating walls in dangerous conditions. An example wall sealing and penetrator apparatus includes a first portion comprising: a first housing, a first sealing element, a first vacuum port; and a second portion comprising, a second housing, a second sealing element, a second vacuum port, and a cutting element.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060660A1

An example method includes performing a machining operation by providing linear movement of a tool along a feed axis relative to a workpiece while superimposing oscillation of the tool onto the feed axis and providing rotation of the tool relative to the workpiece. During an optimization mode, the machining operation is performed on a first workpiece portion while providing the linear movement at an initial feed velocity, and sequentially superimposing the oscillating at a plurality of different frequencies. An optimal oscillation frequency is determined from the plurality of different frequencies which causes the tool to apply less force to the first workpiece portion at the initial feed velocity than others of the frequencies. During a run mode, the machining operation is performed on a second workpiece portion having a same composition as the first workpiece portion while superimposing the oscillation at the optimal oscillation frequency. 1. A machining device comprising:a tool;a linear motor comprising a core and stator that each surround a longitudinal feed axis, the core coupled to the tool, the linear motor operable to provide linear movement of the tool relative to the stator along the longitudinal feed axis, and to superimpose oscillation of the tool onto the feed axis during said linear movement;a rotary motor operable to rotate the tool about the longitudinal feed axis during the linear movement; anda controller configured to oscillate a direct current (DC) control signal provided to the linear motor, and thereby cause the linear motor to provide both the linear movement and the superimposed oscillation.2. The machining device of claim 1 , comprising:a sensor operable to measure at least one machining parameter related to the linear movement, the rotation of the tool, or both;wherein the controller is operable to control the linear motor, rotary motor, or both based on feedback from the sensor.3. The machining device of claim 2 , wherein the sensor ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062103A1

A lubricant material for assisting machining process comprising a polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide copolymer having a weight average molecular weight of 5.0×10or more and 2.0×10or less. 1. A lubricant material for assisting machining process comprising:{'sup': 4', '5, 'a polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide copolymer having a weight average molecular weight of 5.0×10or more and 2.0×10or less.'}2. The lubricant material for assisting machining process according to claim 1 , whereina content of a structural unit derived from the polyethylene oxide in the polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide copolymer is 80 to 95 mass % of the entire polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide copolymer, and the balance is a structural unit derived from polypropylene oxide.3. The lubricant material for assisting machining process according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'sup': 4', '6, 'a high molecular weight compound (A) having a weight average molecular weight of 5.0×10or more and 1.0×10or less, the high molecular weight compound (A) not being the polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide copolymer; and'}{'sup': 3', '4, 'a medium molecular weight compound (B) having a weight average molecular weight of 1.0×10or more and less than 5.0×10.'}4. The lubricant material for assisting machining process according to claim 1 , further comprising:a graphite (C).5. The lubricant material for assisting machining process according to claim 3 , wherein{'sup': 4', '6, 'the high molecular weight compound (A) comprises a thermoplastic resin having a weight average molecular weight of 5.0×10or more and 1.0×10or less, and'}{'sup': 3', '4, 'the medium molecular weight compound (B) comprises a thermoplastic resin having a weight average molecular weight of 1.0×10or more and less than 5.0×10.'}6. The lubricant material for assisting machining process according to claim 3 , whereinthe high molecular weight compound (A) comprises a water soluble thermoplastic resin and/or a water insoluble thermoplastic ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Entry Sheet For Cutting Fiber Reinforced Composite Material Or Metal, And Cutting Method For Cutting Fiber Reinforced Material Or Metal

Номер: US20190061017A1

An entry sheet of the present invention is used in cutting a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal. Moreover, in a cutting method of the present invention, cutting of a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal is performed using the entry sheet. 117.-. (canceled)18. A cutting method for cutting a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal comprising the steps of:providing an entry sheet including a solid lubricant, the solid lubricant selected from the group consisting of graphite, tungsten disulfide, polytetrafluoroethylenes, polyamides, and combinations thereof;providing a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a metal as a workpiece; andcutting the entry sheet and workpiece.19. The cutting method according to claim 18 , wherein cutting is performed by arranging the entry sheet on a cutting tool-entering face in the fiber reinforced composite material and/or the metal to be cut.20. The cutting method according to claim 18 , wherein the cutting is boring.21. The cutting method according to claim 18 , wherein the entry sheet comprises an aluminum foil.22. The cutting method according to claim 18 , wherein the cutting is performed while cooling a cutting portion and/or a cutting tool using a gas having a temperature of 30° C. or lower.23. The cutting method according to claim 18 , wherein the cutting tool used for cutting is a drill made of a cemented carbide.24. The cutting method for cutting a metal according to claim 18 , wherein the cutting is processing for forming a through hole in the fiber reinforced composite material and/or the metal.25. The cutting method according to claim 18 ,wherein the cutting is performed while cooling a cutting portion and/or a cutting tool using a gas,an amount of the gas supplied to the cutting portion and/or the cutting tool is 5 to 300 L/min,{'sup': 2', '2, 'a gas outlet area in an apparatus for supplying the gas is 7 mmto 2000 mm, and'}a distance between a gas outlet of the apparatus for ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065188A1

Provided is a carbon fiber reinforced plastic machining method using a monitoring sensor which includes the step (S) of electrically connecting a spindle and the monitoring sensor by a computer numerical control (CNC) device, the step (S) of determining a start position in relation to machining of the spindle and a machining finish position, and the step (S) of controlling the movement speed and rotation speed of the spindle in accordance with the determination result. 1. A method of machining carbon fiber reinforced plastic using a monitoring sensor , comprising:(a) electrically connecting a spindle and the monitoring sensor by a computer numerical control (CNC) device;(b) determining a start position in relation to machining of the spindle and a machining finish position; and(c) controlling the movement speed and the rotational speed of the spindle in accordance with the start position in relation to machining of the spindle and the machining finish position.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring sensor comprises one or more of a torque sensor claim 1 , a load cell claim 1 , a dynamometer claim 1 , and an impedance sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the start position in relation to machining of the spindle and the machining finish position are determined by the monitoring sensor.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the spindle determines a machining position through the load on the load cell and changes the characteristics of machining, andwherein when the machining position is the machining start position or the machining finish position, the rotational speed of the spindle is increased and the movement speed of the spindle is reduced.5. A carbon fiber reinforced plastic machining device comprising:a monitoring sensor which measures the load on a machining material and measures the impedance between a spindle and the machining material; anda computer numerical controller which receives signals from the monitoring sensor and determines the physical ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069328A1
Автор: Shiber Samuel

A motor drive for a rotary medical device having at least one seal-set which comprises a bore defining bearing, a motor having an output shaft, a flexible shaft, having a diameter smaller than the bearing's bore, being power transmittingly and concentrically connected to the output shaft, a seal, defining a bore that is smaller than the flexible shaft's diameter, being mounted adjacent to the bearing with its bore concentric relative with the bearing's bore, wherein the flexible shaft passing through the bearing's bore which sufficiently deflects it to align it with the second bore to interferencingly fit through it and hydraulically seal it. 1. A motor drive for a rotary medical device comprising: a bearing defining a bearing bore,', 'a seal defining a seal bore, said seal mounted adjacent to said bearing with said seal bore being concentric with said bearing bore,', 'in combination with', 'a motor having an output shaft,', 'a flexible shaft, having a diameter smaller than said bearing bore and larger than said seal bore, being concentric with and connected to said output shaft, said flexible shaft passing through and being deflected by said bearing bore to be aligned with and to interferencingly fit through said seal bore and hydraulically seal said seal bore., 'at least one seal-set which comprises'}2. The motor drive according to wherein said motor output shaft is hollow and said flexible shaft is nested in and connected to said output shaft.3. The motor drive according to where said seal comprises a layer of elastomeric material defining a bore.4. The motor drive according to where said seal is made of an elastomeric material that has a toroid shape.5. The motor drive according to where said seal is made of an elastomeric material that has a torus shape.6. A motor drive for a rotary medical device having two seal-set which comprises in combination:a motor having a hollow output shaft,a flexible shaft concentrically nested in and connected to said output shaft, ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Machine Tool, and Machine Tool Operable by the Method

Номер: US20190077046A1
Принадлежит: Hilti AG

A method for operating a machine tool that includes an electric motor for driving a drilling tool and an open- and closed-loop controller for open- and closed loop control of the motor power. The method includes: operating the machine tool in a tapping mode at a first rotational speed value, where the first rotational speed value is lower than a predetermined idling speed value of the electric motor; detecting a predetermined first threshold value for the motor current; reducing the motor current to a predetermined second threshold value when the first threshold value is exceeded; operating the machine tool at a second rotational speed value, where the second rotational speed value is lower than the first rotational speed value; operating the electric motor at a predetermined motor current value; and operating the controller for closed loop control of the motor power via the motor current with an oscillating action.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Automated Drilling Through Pilot Holes

Номер: US20150086285A1
Автор: Nicholas A. NORMAN
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for drilling a hole through a first part and a second part. An image of a first pilot hole in the first part may be generated using an imaging system. A first feature related to the first pilot hole in the first part may be identified based on the image. A second feature related to a second pilot hole in the second part may be identified based on the image. A drilling vector for drilling the hole through the first part and the second part may be identified based on the first feature and the second feature.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140169897A1
Автор: Vuckovic Miroslav

An aligning attachment includes a support aligned relative to a workpiece by a base and a collar slidably connected to the support. The aligning attachment is connected to a power tool and the power tool is guided toward the workpiece by the collar. The translation of the power tool is controlled by a control force applied to a lever pivotally connected to the collar. The lever cooperates with the support to transfer the control force to the support and the collar to counteract an input force applied to the power tool. The control force and associated reaction forces on the support and the lever lie approximately in the same plane. A user controls the translation of the power tool device by increasing or decreasing the control force applied to the lever. 1. An aligning attachment , comprising:an elongated support defining transverse grooves spaced along the length of the support;a base configured to align the support relative to a workpiece;a collar slidably connected to the support and configured to guide a translation of a power tool in response to an input force; anda lever rotably connected to the collar at a pivot, the lever having a first end meshingly engaged with the grooves of the support and a second end configured to receive a control force to control the translation of the power tool, the engagement of the first end with the grooves being configured to generate a reaction force that lies approximately in the same plane as the control force received at the second end.2. The aligning attachment of claim 1 , wherein the collar has a maximum translation along the support claim 1 , and wherein a maximum rotation of the lever is less than or equal to 90 degrees regardless of the maximum translation of the collar.3. The aligning attachment of claim 2 , wherein the first end is formed as a plurality of teeth claim 2 , and wherein one or more of the number of teeth and the number of grooves define the maximum rotation of the lever.4. The aligning attachment of ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140169898A1
Автор: Goh Wan Tsin
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A twist drill for drilling composite materials includes a shank; a drill body; a drill tip having a cutting edge, a chisel edge, and a secondary chisel edge, wherein the secondary chisel angle of the drill tip is 145° to 165 and the point angle is 70° to 100°; and a flute extending from the drill tip to the drill body. The flute has a constant helix, and the helix angle of the flute being selected from the range 45° to 55°. A method of drilling a composite material comprising fibres uses the twist drill of the present embodiment. Suitably, the composite material is carbon fibre reinforced plastic or glass fibre reinforced plastic, and optionally being a laminate material such that the method comprises stack drilling. Embodiments achieve a combination of good hole quality, good tool life and good hole size spread. 1. A twist drill for drilling composite materials , the twist drill comprising:a shank;a drill body;a drill tip including a cutting edge, a chisel edge, and a secondary chisel edge, wherein a secondary chisel angle is 145° to 165°, the drill tip also having a point angle of 70° to 100°; anda flute extending from the drill tip to the drill body, the flute having a constant helix, and a helix angle of the flute being selected from the range 45° to 55°.2. The twist drill according to claim 1 , wherein the drill tip has a primary facet extending behind the cutting edge and a secondary facet extending behind the primary facet claim 1 , wherein a relief angle of the primary facet is 15° to 25° claim 1 , and a relief angle of the secondary facet is 15° to 30°.3. The twist drill according to claim 1 , wherein the drill tip has an axial rake angle of 5° to 8°.4. The twist drill according to claim 1 , wherein the drill tip has a point angle of 85° to 88°.5. The twist drill according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary chisel angle is 145° to 155°.6. The twist drill according to claim 1 , wherein the flute has a right hand helix.7. A method of drilling composite ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143714A1

A cutting insert may include an upper surface, a lower surface, a front lateral surface and a rear lateral surface. The upper surface may include a first upper cutting edge and an upper constraining surface. The lower surface may include a first region, a second region and a third region. The first region may be located on a side opposite to the upper constraining surface. The second region may be located closer to the front lateral surface than the first region. The third region may be located closer to the rear lateral surface than the first region. A wedge angle of the first region may be a first angle, a wedge angle of the second region may be a second angle, and a wedge angle of the third region may be a third angle. The first angle may be smaller than each of the second angle and the third angle. 1. A cutting insert , comprising:an upper surface;a lower surface located on a side opposite to the upper surface;a front lateral surface located between the upper surface and the lower surface; anda rear lateral surface located between the upper surface and the lower surface and located on a side opposite to the front lateral surface, a first upper cutting edge located on an intersection with the front lateral surface, and', 'an upper constraining surface which is located closer to the rear lateral surface than the first upper cutting edge, and which is contactable with a holder,, 'the upper surface comprising'}the lower surface comprising a lower constraining surface contactable with the holder,the lower constraining surface comprising a lower protrusion extended from a side of the front lateral surface toward the rear lateral surface, a first region located on a side opposite to the upper constraining surface,', 'a second region located closer to the front lateral surface than the first region, and', 'a third region located closer to the rear lateral surface than the first region, wherein, 'the lower protrusion comprising'}a wedge angle of the first region is a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112064A1
Автор: Kestler Steven M.

A manufacturing method is provided. During this method, a panel is provided that includes non-conductive material and a plurality of conductive elements at least partially embedded within the non-conductive material. The conductive elements include a first conductive element. An electric current is applied to the first conductive element such that the first conductive element produces a signature. A location of the first conductive element in the panel is determined based on the signature. An aperture is formed in the panel based on the determined location of the first conductive element. 1. A manufacturing method , comprising:providing a panel that includes non-conductive material and a plurality of conductive elements at least partially embedded within the non-conductive material, wherein the conductive elements include a first conductive element;applying an electric current to the first conductive element such that the first conductive element produces a signature;determining a location of the first conductive element in the panel based on the signature; andforming an aperture in the panel based on the determined location of the first conductive element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signature comprises a heat signature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location of the first conductive element is determined using a thermal sensor system.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location of the first conductive element is determined using an infrared camera.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying the electric current to a second conductive element such that the second conductive element produces a second signature, wherein the conductive elements include the second conductive element, and the second conductive element is laterally adjacent the first conductive element; anddetermining a location of the second conductive element in the panel based on the second signature;wherein the aperture is formed in the panel further based on the ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Process for Drilling a Tunnel in which to Place a Sensor in a Cooking Vessel and Vessel Created by Said Process

Номер: US20160121408A1

Provided is a process for drilling a tunnel () in which to place a sensor, in particular a temperature sensor, in a cooking vessel () comprising a bowl () with a bottom () having a thickness (e), said process comprising a step for drilling said tunnel made in the thickness (e). The drilling step comprises a pre-drilling step using a drill bit with a diameter of D, and a deep drilling step using a drill bit with a diameter of D, D being greater than D 11212. Process for drilling a tunnel in which to place a sensor , such as a temperature sensor , in a cooking vessel comprising a bowl with a bottom having a thickness in which a said placement tunnel is made , wherein the process comprises a pre-drilling step using a first drill bit with a diameter of D to make a first portion of the placement tunnel , and a deep drilling step using a second drill bit with a diameter of D to make a second portion of the placement tunnel , wherein D is greater than D.212. Process for drilling a placement tunnel in a cooking vessel as described in claim 1 , wherein a ratio between D and D is between 1.005 and 1.05.32. Process for drilling a placement tunnel in a cooking vessel as described in claim 2 , wherein D is between 2 and 3 millimeters.41221. Process for drilling a placement tunnel in a cooking vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the placement tunnel has a depth of P claim 1 , and wherein the second portion has a depth of P claim 1 , wherein a ratio between P and P is between 2 and 5.512. Process for drilling a placement tunnel in a cooking vessel as described in claim 4 , wherein the depth (P+P) of the placement tunnel is between 50 and 70 millimeters.6. Process for drilling a placement tunnel in a cooking vessel as described in claim 1 , wherein in at least one drilling step claim 1 , a drill head spins a drill bit and produces axial forward movement of said drill bit on which an axial oscillation is superimposed at a given frequency.7. Process for ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125227A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

An apparatus configured to convert a rotary machine to a non-rotary machine is provided. The apparatus may include a tool body that engages a rotary head of a CNC mill and a rotation restraint member that is fixed at a stationary position relative to a rotational axis of the rotary head. An arm of the tool body may engage the rotation restraint member to prevent rotation of the tool body. A cutting tool may be coupled to the tool body such that rotation thereof is also fixed. The arm of the tool body may include an elongated aperture that allows for slight pivoting of the tool body and the cutting tool to facilitate chip removal and cutting in opposing directions. Related methods are also provided. 1. An apparatus configured to convert a rotary machine to a non-rotary machine , the apparatus comprising:a rotation restraint member; and a machine connector configured to engage a rotary head; and', 'an arm configured to extend substantially perpendicularly to a rotational axis of the rotary head and engage the rotation restraint member such that a rotary motion of the tool body is restrained., 'a tool body, comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm comprises an aperture configured to receive the stationary member therein.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the aperture is elongated such that the tool body may rotate between first and second angular limits defined by contact between ends of the aperture and the stationary member.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a cutting tool.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the tool body comprises an end effector connector configured to engage the cutting tool.6. A non-rotary tool configured to remove material from a substrate claim 4 , the apparatus comprising: a machine connector configured to engage a rotary head; and', 'an arm configured to extend substantially perpendicularly to a rotational axis of the rotary head, the arm being configured to engage a rotation restraint member such that a ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180123330A1
Автор: Eisele Will
Принадлежит: Ripley Tools LLC

A snap adapter for a wire stripping tool has a hollow body with a tool end, a component end, and a button. The tool end is sized for insertion into the tool body and the component end is sized for receiving a component meant to strip a cable of a specified diameter. The button comprises a pin feature for attaching the received component. Inserting the component into the snap adapter forces the pin away from the snap adapter hollow body to allow for full insertion of the component into the tool body. A spring disposed between the hollow body and button pushes the pin feature upwards through the hollow body to hold the component inside the snap adapter once the component is fully inserted. Removing the component requires pushing down the button to extract the pin feature, which allows the component to be slideably removed from the tool body. 1. A method for securing a component to a tool body , the method comprising:providing a tool body;providing a tool component;providing an adapter with a hollow body having a longitudinal axis, the hollow body having opposite ends, one end being sized for receiving the tool component, the other end being sized for insertion into the tool body, a slide member between the adapter hollow body forward end and opposite rearward end, the slide member having a button portion for receiving manual force to depress the slide member, a spring surface for receiving a spring, at least one bearing flat for transmitting torque between the slide member and the adapter body, and a pin for securing the tool component into the adapter, a spring between the spring surface and the adapter forward end, the spring transmitting sufficient force to move the pin into engagement with the tool component after removal of the manual force;inserting the adapter into the tool body;inserting the tool component into the adapter; andaligning the tool component inside the hollow body of the adapter until the slide member pin inserts into an indentation on the surface ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140213061A1

A method of drilling holes comprises ductile mode drilling the holes in a component of a plasma processing apparatus with a cutting tool wherein the component is made of a nonmetallic hard and brittle material. The method comprises drilling each hole in the component by controlling a depth of cut while drilling such that a portion of the brittle material undergoes high pressure phase transformation and forms amorphous portions of the brittle material during chip formation. The amorphous portions of the brittle material are removed from each hole such that a wall of each hole formed in the component has an as drilled surface roughness (Ra) of about 0.2 to 0.8 μm. 1. A method of ductile mode drilling holes in a component of a plasma processing apparatus with a cutting tool wherein the component is made of a nonmetallic hard and brittle material comprising:drilling each hole in the component by controlling a depth of cut while drilling such that a portion of the brittle material undergoes high pressure phase transformation and forms amorphous portions of the brittle material during chip formation; andremoving amorphous portions of the brittle material from each hole such that a wall of each hole formed in the component has an as drilled surface roughness (Ra) of about 0.2 to 0.8 μm.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the cutting tool to intermittent ultrasonic cleaning before drilling a new hole in the component while ductile mode drilling the component of a hard and brittle material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hard and brittle material is selected from the group consisting of ceramic claim 1 , silicon-containing claim 1 , and quartz material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ductile mode drilling is performed with a drill speed of about 20 claim 1 ,000 to 60 claim 1 ,000 revolutions per minute claim 1 , a feed rate at about 0.5 to 1.5 inches per minute claim 1 , a peck depth of about 0.001 to 0.004 inch claim 1 , and a depth of cut ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274158A1

A method and rivet apparatus comprise a rivet block, the rivet block comprising a rivet block, a pin bore, and a rivet feed bore. The rivet block is comprised of a top end and a bottom end. The pin bore includes a top end and a bottom end and is disposed within the rivet block. The pin bore extends from the top end to the bottom end of the rivet block and guides a rivet pin that slides downward within the pin bore to push a head of a rivet into a workpiece. The rivet feed bore includes a top end and a bottom end and is disposed within the rivet block. The rivet feed bore extends from the top end to the bottom end of the rivet block, accepts the rivet at the top end of the rivet feed bore, and guides the rivet to the bottom end of the rivet feed bore. The rivet feed bore intersecting the pin bore between the top end and the bottom end of the pin bore at an oblique angle. 1. A rivet apparatus comprising a rivet block , the rivet block comprising:a top end and a bottom end;a pin bore including a top end and a bottom end and is disposed within the rivet block, the pin bore extending from the top end to the bottom end of the rivet block, the pin bore to guide a rivet pin that slides downward within the pin bore to push a head of a rivet into a workpiece;a rivet feed bore including a top end and a bottom end and is disposed within the rivet block, the rivet feed bore extending from the top end to the bottom end of the rivet block, the rivet feed bore to accept the rivet at the top end of the rivet feed bore and guide the rivet to the bottom end of the rivet feed bore, the rivet feed bore intersecting the pin bore between the top end and the bottom end of the pin bore at an oblique angle.2. The rivet apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the rivet is a first rivet claim 1 , the rivet pin is a first rivet pin claim 1 , the pin bore is a first pin bore claim 1 , and the rivet feed bore is a first rivet feed bore claim 1 , the rivet block further comprising:a second pin ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162513A1

A drilling system including a feed control module, a force control module, a hole breaking control module, a conversion module and a computing unit is provided. The feed control module sets a feed force threshold and a feed speed threshold for the computing unit to determine whether the current mode satisfies a first conversion condition. The hole breaking control module sets a drilling penetration force threshold and a drilling penetration speed threshold for the computing unit to determine whether the current mode satisfies a second conversion condition. The conversion module informs to change the feed force and the feed speed according to the determination results of the two conversion conditions. The force control module provides the feed force. With the drilling system, possible impact on the workpiece due to resistance change which occurs when the drill just touches and nearly gets through the workpiece will be reduced. 1. A drilling system , connected to a processing platform having a drill for processing a workpiece , wherein the drilling system comprises:a feed control module configured to provide a first impedance and set a feed force threshold and a feed speed threshold of the drill to determine whether a current mode satisfies a first conversion condition, and the first conversion condition is defined as a drilling resistance of the drill is greater than the feed force threshold and a feed speed of the drill is smaller than the feed speed threshold;a hole breaking control module configured to provide a second impedance and set a drilling penetration force threshold and a drilling penetration speed threshold of the drill to determine whether the current mode satisfies a second conversion condition, and the second conversion condition is defined as the drilling resistance of the drill is smaller than the drilling penetration force threshold and the feed speed of the drill is greater than the drilling penetration speed threshold;a computing unit configured ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Method For Machining A Through-Hole In A Component And Machining Device For Implementing The Said Method

Номер: US20140227055A1

A method for machining a through-hole in a wall of a component, includes setting in rotation on itself a cutting tool about a rotation axis and setting the rotation axis of the tool in rotation about a first orbital rotation axis parallel to, and eccentric by an eccentricity E with respect to, the rotation axis of the tool. The method further includes setting the first orbital rotation axis in rotation, over at least one revolution, about a second orbital rotation axis parallel to, and eccentric by an amount f with respect to, the first orbital rotation axis, the eccentricity being fixed. This configuration makes it possible to balance the elements located between the rotation axis of the tool and the first orbital rotation axis, so that the rotation axis can thus be set in rotation about the first orbital rotation axis at high rotational speeds that contribute toward increasing productivity. 1. A method for machining a through-hole in a wall of a component , comprising:setting in rotation on itself a cutting tool of radius r about a rotation axis,setting said rotation axis of the tool in rotation about a first orbital rotation axis parallel to, and eccentric by an eccentricity E with respect to, the rotation axis of the tool,making the cutting tool and the component effect a movement relative to one another so as to cause the cutting tool to interact with the component in such a way as to obtain a through-hole,withdrawing the cutting tool from the through-hole,wherein in setting the first orbital rotation axis in rotation, over at least one revolution, about a second orbital rotation axis parallel to, and eccentric by an amount f with respect to, the first orbital rotation axis,in using a first intermediate support that allows the cutting tool a rotational movement about its rotation axis and a second intermediate support that allows the first intermediate support a rotational movement about the first orbital rotational axis,the eccentricity (E) between the ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147641A1
Автор: Ogawa Hiroshi

In an embodiment, a drill has an elongated shape and a rotation axis. The drill includes a drilling portion, a shank portion, and a tapered portion. The shank portion includes a first helical flute and a first cutting edge. The tapered portion is located between the drilling portion and the shank portion. The tapered portion includes a second helical flute, a second cutting edge, a chamfered part, and a connection part. The chamfered part is getting smaller gradually as moving toward the first end side. The connection part has a curved surface and connects the second cutting edge and the drilling portion. A ratio of w/L is 0.0015-0.5 where L is a length of the second cutting edge in a front view of the first end, and w is a width of an outer peripheral end of the chamfered part in a direction parallel to the rotation axis. 1. A drill , having an elongated shape and a rotation axis , and comprising:a drilling portion located on a first end side thereof; a first helical flute; and', 'a first cutting edge located on the first end side of the first helical flute; and, 'a shank portion located on a second end side thereof, comprising a second helical flute connected to the first helical flute;', 'a second cutting edge located on the first end side of the second helical flute;', 'a chamfered part located along the second cutting edge, and becoming smaller gradually as moving toward the first end side; and', 'a connection part having a curved surface, and connecting the second cutting edge and the drilling portion,, 'a tapered portion located between the drilling portion and the shank portion, having a diameter larger on the second end side than on the first end side, and comprising;'}wherein w/L is 0.0015-0.5 where L is a length of the second cutting edge in a front view of the first end, and w is a width of an outer peripheral end of the chamfered part in a direction parallel to the rotation axis.2. The drill according to claim 1 , wherein the chamfered part comprises a ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154457A1

A method and system are provided to position and drill an opening for a fastener through one or more workpieces. In the context of a method, a peen mark is formed on a workpiece at a location at which the opening is to be drilled. The method also includes utilizing a robotic vision system to identify the peen mark on the workpiece and thereafter drilling the opening configured to receive the fastener at the location designated by the peen mark. In the context of a system, the system includes a dot peen marking system configured to form a peen mark on a workpiece at a location at which the opening is to be drilled. The system also includes a robot comprising a vision system configured to identify the peen mark on the workpiece and a drilling machine configured to drill the opening at the location designated by the peen mark. 1. A method of positioning and drilling an opening configured to receive a fastener , the method comprising:forming a peen mark on a workpiece at a location at which the opening is to be drilled, wherein the peen mark is formed at a predefined orientation as defined by an predefined angle between a central axis of the peen mark and a surface in which the opening is to be drilled;identifying, with a robotic vision system, the peen mark on the workpiece; anddrilling the opening configured to receive the fastener at the location designated by the peen mark and at the predefined orientation of the peen mark.2. A method according to wherein identifying the peen mark comprises identifying the predefined orientation of the peen mark.3. A method according to wherein the peen mark is smaller than the opening drilled at the location.4. A method according to wherein forming the peen mark comprises forming a plurality of peen marks in a predetermined pattern on the workpiece at the location.5. A method according to wherein the plurality of peen marks are collectively smaller than the opening drilled at the location.6. A method according to further comprising ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297256A1

Disclosed herein is a plasma-resistant chamber component and a method for manufacturing the same. A plasma-resistant chamber component of a semiconductor processing chamber that generates a plasma environment includes a ceramic article having multiple polished apertures. A roughness of the multiple polished apertures is less than 32 μin. 1. A plasma-resistant chamber component of a semiconductor processing chamber that generates a plasma environment , the chamber component comprising:a ceramic article having a plurality of polished apertures therein, wherein a roughness of the plurality of polished apertures is less than 32 μin.2. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of polished apertures have a first diameter at a first region and a second diameter at a second region claim 1 , wherein the second diameter is less than the first diameter.3. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of polished apertures comprises at least one bend within the chamber component.4. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of polished apertures is substantially non-linear.5. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein an opening of at least one of the plurality of polished apertures has a rounded edge.6. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic article comprises at least one of AlO claim 1 , AlN claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , YAlO claim 1 , YAlO claim 1 , YO claim 1 , ErO claim 1 , GdO claim 1 , ErAlO claim 1 , GdAlO claim 1 , YF claim 1 , NdO claim 1 , ErAlO claim 1 , ErAlO claim 1 , GdAlO claim 1 , GdAlO claim 1 , NdAlO claim 1 , NdAlO claim 1 , NdAlO claim 1 , or a ceramic compound comprising YAlOand a solid-solution of YO—ZrO.7. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the chamber component is a showerhead gas distribution plate or a nozzle.8. The chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the chamber component is selected from a group consisting of a substrate support assembly ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151957A1
Автор: Niskanen Bruce A.

A container assembly for retaining a drill byproduct produced when drilling into a wall, the container assembly includes a container disposed on an internal side of the wall having an internal surface and an external surface. The container assembly also includes a sleeve that is disposed about the external surface of the container, the sleeve includes one or more magnets that couple the sleeve and container to the wall and retain the drill byproduct along the internal surface. 1. A container assembly for retaining a drill byproduct produced when drilling into a wall , the container assembly comprising:a container disposed on an internal side of the wall having an internal surface and an external surface; anda sleeve that is disposed about the external surface of the container, the sleeve comprising one or more internal magnets that couple the sleeve and the container to the wall and retain the drill byproduct along the internal surface.2. The container assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second container disposed on a second side of the wall that is opposite the internal side of the wall claim 1 , the second container comprising a through-hole configured to allow a wall puncturing device access to the wall.3. The container assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a second sleeve disposed about an external surface of the second container claim 2 , the second sleeve comprising one or more external magnets that couple the second sleeve and the second container to the wall and retain a portion of the drill byproduct along an internal surface of the second container.4. The container assembly of claim 3 , wherein the one or more internal magnets and external magnets are aligned such that they attract and hold the container assembly together.5. The container assembly of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the second container around the through-hole is reinforced.6. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the container and the sleeve are separate components claim 1 , ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151958A1

A tapered drill bit having a proximal end and a distal end includes a shank extending from the distal end at least partially towards the proximal end of the tapered drill bit and a body coupled to the shank. The body includes a tapered portion and the body extends from the shank to the proximal end of the tapered drill bit. The tapered drill bit further includes at least one flute extending from the proximal end along a portion of the body. The tapered drill bit also includes a conduit extending from an inlet aperture at the distal end to an outlet aperture, wherein the outlet aperture is formed through the at least one flute. 1. A tapered drill bit for forming a tapered hole , the tapered drill bit having a proximal end and a distal end , said tapered drill bit comprising:a shank extending from the distal end at least partially towards the proximal end of the tapered drill bit;a body coupled to the shank, the body comprising a tapered portion and the body extending from the shank to the proximal end of the tapered drill bit;at least one flute extending from the proximal end along a portion of the body, wherein the at least one flute spirals along the tapered portion; anda conduit extending from an inlet aperture at the distal end to an outlet aperture, wherein the outlet aperture is formed through the at least one flute.2. The tapered drill bit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of flutes; anda plurality of outlet apertures.3. The tapered drill bit according to claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of outlet apertures is located on a respective one of the plurality of flutes.4. The tapered drill bit according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one flute comprises more than one outlet aperture.5. The tapered drill bit according to claim 2 , wherein the conduit comprises a primary conduit that splits into more than one secondary conduit claim 2 , each secondary conduit extending to a corresponding flute of the plurality of flutes.6. The tapered ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187630A1
Автор: Miyanaga Masaaki

A core cutter includes: a cylindrical body; and a tipped bit that is disposed in a manner to protrude from a distal end of the body. The core cutter is configured to cut a workpiece with the bit when the body is rotated about a rotational axis that is an axis of the body. At a distal end of the body, a notch is formed adjacently to the bit at a position forward of the bit in a rotation direction of the body. A width of the notch in a circumferential direction of the body at the distal end of the body is less than or equal to 1.0 mm. 1. A core cutter comprising:a cylindrical body; anda tipped bit that is disposed in a manner to protrude from a distal end of the body, whereinthe core cutter is configured to cut a workpiece with the bit when the body is rotated about a rotational axis that is an axis of the body,at a distal end of the body, a notch is formed adjacently to the bit at a position forward of the bit in a rotation direction of the body, anda width of the notch in a circumferential direction of the body at the distal end of the body is less than or equal to 1.0 mm.2. The core cutter according to claim 1 , whereina rake angle of the bit is a negative angle.3. The core cutter according to claim 1 , whereinthe width is greater than or equal to 0.5 mm, but less than or equal to 0.9 mm.4. The core cutter according to claim 3 , whereinthe width is greater than or equal to 0.6 mm, but less than or equal to 0.8 mm.5. The core cutter according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of the bits claim 1 , whereinthe notch is formed for each of the bits.6. The core cutter according to claim 5 , whereinthe bits include a first bit and a second bit,a first distance between a distal end of the first bit and the axis of the body, and a second distance between a distal end of the second bit and the axis of the body, are different from each other, andthe first and second bits are arranged alternately in the circumferential direction of the body.7. The core cutter according to ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305569A9
Автор: Mazer Alain Gary

A general purpose hole saw guide and a method of forming holes through surfaces, without the need of a centering bit, are provided. The hole saw guide includes a circular disk with concentric grooves on its surface. The disk is transparent and portable for placement on a surface through which a hole is to be drilled to facilitate the centering and stabilizing control of a hole saw on the surface. The method includes the steps of providing a transparent disk having concentric grooves; positioning the disk on a surface; mounting the disk to the surface; inserting a hole saw that is fitted to a drill into the grooves of the disk; drilling a hole through the disk and surface beneath it; and removing the disk from the surface after the hole has been drilled. 1. A hole saw guide comprising:a transparent disk, said disk having on its surface a series of concentric grooves, said disk being destructible, said disk being able to be mounted to a flat surface.2. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk is constructed from solid stereolithography (SLA) material.3. The hole saw guide of claim 2 , wherein said disk is constructed through a computer numeric control (CNC) process.4. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk is made by an injection molding process.5. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk is made by an additive process.6. The hole saw guide of claim 5 , wherein said disk is made by 3D printing.7. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk has a diameter of about 9 inches.8. The hole saw guide of claim 7 , wherein said disk has a diameter of about 9.4 inches.9. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk has a minimum thickness of about 0.02 inches and a maximum thickness of about 0.12 inches claim 1 ,10. The hole saw guide of claim 1 , wherein said disk has a groove depth of about 0.1 inches.11. A hole saw guide system comprising:a surface through which a circular opening is to be made;a transparent disk having concentric ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160552A1
Автор: ETO Jun

In a method for generating a numerical control program, information related to the shape of a material is acquired, the shape of a flange is categorized on the basis of the acquired information related to the shape of the material, a gripping part for gripping the material during processing of the material is set on the basis of the acquired information related to the shape of the material and flange categorization information, the raw material shape necessary for processing the material is calculated on the basis of the acquired information related to the shape of the material, the flange categorization information, and gripping part setting information. 1. A method for determining a shape of a raw material used for processing of a material having a main plate portion which has a tabular shape , is formed to extend along an axial direction , and includes a surface element including a straight line corresponding to the longest distance between two points , and at least one flange which is formed to extend in the axial direction , and is provided to extend in a direction intersecting the surface element from the main plate portion , the method comprising:a material information acquisition step of acquiring information regarding a shape of the material;a flange classification step of classifying the flange on the basis of the acquired information regarding the shape of the material;a grip portion setting step of setting a grip portion to be gripped during processing of the material at one end part of the main plate portion on the basis of the acquired information regarding the shape of the material and classification information of the flange in the flange classification step; anda raw material shape calculation step of calculating a shape of the raw material on the basis of the information regarding the shape of the material acquired in the material information acquisition step, the classification information of the flange in the flange classification step, and ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160553A1
Автор: Pertschi John

The presently disclosed subject matter is directed to a pipe fitting alignment device. Particularly, the disclosed device comprises a cup configured to fit over one end of a pipe, a slope level, and a laser unit. The device provides a quick and accurate way to locate marks for drilling multiple holes that slope at a desired angle. As a result, the need to measure, level, and mark individual joists is eliminated. Accordingly, the device reduces the need for line levels, traditional torpedo levels, plumb lines, caulk lines, sight wires, level sticks, etc. and allows one person to pinpoint drilling locations and accurately align components and structures to desired slopes. 1. A device for sloped laser sighting , comprising:a cup comprising an interior, an open first end, a closed second end, and a sidewall that connects the open first end and the closed second end, wherein the closed second end comprises a face with an aperture configured therein, and wherein the interior comprises a housing positioned adjacent to the closed second end, sized and shaped to contain a laser unit;a slope level comprising an interior that houses a liquid and a bubble of gaseous fluid disposed at a location within the liquid, wherein the location is an indicator of slope of the device; anda laser unit disposed within the cup housing, wherein one end of the laser unit extends through the aperture, and wherein the extended end is configured to emit a light therefrom;wherein the sidewall tapers inward from the first open end of the cup to the second closed end.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall has an exterior that comprises a brace sized and shaped to house the slope level.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cup is constructed from plastic claim 1 , metal claim 1 , wood claim 1 , cardboard claim 1 , chipboard claim 1 , stiff paper claim 1 , foamed plastics claim 1 , recycled materials claim 1 , compostable materials claim 1 , heavy foil claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Method and tool for roughening an inner surface of a cylindrical bore

Номер: US20150174668A1
Автор: Oliver Neufang
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A method for roughening an inner surface ( 8 ) of a cylindrical bore ( 9 ), in particular a running surface in a cylindrical bore or cylinder liner of an internal combustion engine. A rotating tool ( 1 ) is moved in a translatory manner in the axial direction of the cylindrical bore ( 9 ) and has a radial cutting head ( 7 ). A chip ( 12 ) is lifted off by at least one cutting edge of the radial cutting head ( 7 ) and is broken away via a further edge or face of the radial cutting head ( 7 ), in order to produce the roughened surface. The tool ( 1 ) is introduced into the cylindrical bore ( 9 ) or is passed through it, after which a positioning of the tool ( 1 ) in the radial direction takes place, and after which the removal of the material takes place via the rotating tool ( 1 ) when the tool is moved in its advancing direction (V) out of the cylindrical bore. A tool ( 1 ) is also claimed.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197294A1

Provided is a hole drilling machine and the method for drilling an oval hole and an inner-diameter-changing hole by means of the hole drilling machine, the machine and the method being configured so that the oval hole can be shaped with high accuracy and drilling of a complicated hole such as the inner-diameter-changing hole can be performed with high accuracy. A hole drilling machine includes a spindle and an auxiliary spindle holding both end portions of a processing tool having a cutting blade The spindle includes a spindle drive motor configured to rotatably displace the processing tool on a circular path, and a tool turnable-drive motor configured to spin the processing tool The auxiliary spindle includes an auxiliary spindle drive motor In the auxiliary spindle drive motor a tool fitting portion in which a tip end portion of the processing tool is slidably fitted is synchronously rotatably driven on the same circular path as that for the spindle A table reciprocatably-displacing mechanism is provided between the spindle and the auxiliary spindle The table reciprocatably-displacing mechanism reciprocatably displaces a work piece WK in an X-axis direction perpendicular to an axial direction of the spindle 1. A hole drilling machine comprising:a work table configured to hold a work piece having a lower hole in a through-hole shape;a spindle formed in a shape of a rod penetrating the lower hole of the work piece held on the work table and configured to spin a processing tool, which holds a cutting blade configured to cut the work piece, about an axis while holding one end portion of the processing tool to turnably displace the cutting blade about the axis and rotatably drive an entirety of the processing tool on a circular path about a center axis at a position eccentric with a center axis of spinning;an auxiliary spindle having a tool fitting portion in which the other end side of the processing tool is slidably fitted and configured to rotatably drive the tool ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Method and arrangement of introducing boreholes into a surface of a workpiece mounted in a stationary manner using a boring tool attached to an articulated-arm robot

Номер: US20180169813A1

The invention relates to a method and an arrangement for introducing boreholes into a surface of a workpiece (W) mounted in a stationary manner using a boring tool which is attached to the end face of an articulated-arm robot (KR) and which can be spatially positioned by said robot. The method has the following method steps: —positioning the articulated-arm robot-guided boring tool at a spatial position which lies opposite a specified machining location on the workpiece surface at a specified distance therefrom, —producing a rigid mechanical connection which supports the end face of the articulated-arm robot (KR) on the workpiece and which can be released from the workpiece surface, and —machining the surface by moving the boring tool towards the machining location and subsequently engaging the boring tool with the workpiece (W) at the machining location on the workpiece surface while the end face of the articulated-arm robot (KR) is connected to the workpiece. The invention is characterized by the combination of the following method steps: the boring tool is moved towards the workpiece (W) by means of an NC advancing unit attached to the end face of the articulated-arm robot (KR), the boring process is monitored on the basis of information obtained using a sensor system which detects the position of the boring tool relative to the workpiece surface and which is attached to the end face of the articulated-arm robot (KR), and the boring process is terminated upon reaching a specified boring depth. 128.-. (canceled)30. Method according to claim 29 , whereinthe positioning of the boring tool is carried out on based on a binary data set describing a spatial shape of the workpiece to be machined, a predetermined machining location on the workpiece surface, and a tool center point assigned to the tool, wherein a relative spatial position of the boring tool guided by the robot is detected and monitored by measurement.31. A method according to claim 30 ,wherein detection of ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213541A1

Methods and apparatus for forming an aperture in a composite component are provided. For example, a method for forming an aperture in a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) component comprises, based on a final dimension of the aperture, selecting a tool having a tool size and a cutting surface; selecting an angle at which to cut the component with the tool; cutting a back surface of the component with the tool, the cutting surface positioned at the angle; repositioning the tool relative to the component; and cutting the aperture through to its final dimension. The tool may be a core drill with a diameter within a range of 60% to 90% of the aperture final dimension. The angle may be within a range of 10° to 60° with respect to the back surface. The aperture may be cut through to its final dimension from a front surface of the component. 1. A method for forming an aperture in a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) component , the method comprising:based on a final dimension of the aperture, selecting a tool having a tool size and a cutting surface;selecting an angle at which to cut the component with the tool;cutting a back surface of the component with the tool, the cutting surface of the tool positioned at the angle;repositioning the tool relative to the component; andcutting the aperture through to its final dimension.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein cutting the aperture through to its final dimension comprises cutting the component from a front surface claim 1 , the front surface opposite the back surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein cutting the component from the front surface comprises cutting the component with the cutting surface of the tool positioned normal to the front surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein cutting the back surface of the component comprises cutting the back surface at a pre-determined location of the aperture to a depth that is less than a thickness of the component at the pre-determined location of the aperture.5. The method of claim 1 , ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160193667A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Technology GmbH

A method for manufacturing a contoured hole, the hole being manufactured in a wall, the wall comprising a first, a second surface, and a wall thickness between the wall first and second surface. The comprises manufacturing a first non-penetrating hole extending from the first surface and into the wall, wherein a distal end of the first hole is located within the wall such that the first hole does not penetrate the wall second surface, and manufacturing a through hole, wherein the through hole is fluidly connected with first hole and penetrates the wall second surface. 1. A method for manufacturing a contoured hole , the hole being manufactured in a wall , the wall comprising a first surface , and a second surface ,wherein the method comprises:manufacturing a first non-penetrating hole extending from the first surface and into the wall, wherein a distal end of the first hole is located within the wall such that the first hole does not penetrate the wall second surface, manufacturing a through hole, wherein the through hole is fluidly connected with first hole and penetrates the wall second surface.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising manufacturing the first hole with a first cross sectional area claim 1 , manufacturing the through hole with a through hole cross sectional area claim 1 , and choosing the through hole cross sectional area smaller than the first cross sectional area.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising manufacturing a second non-penetrating hole claim 1 , the second hole being fluidly connected with the first hole and comprising a second hole distal end located within the wall such that the second hole does not penetrate the wall second surface claim 1 , the second hole in particular being fluidly connected with the through hole.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising manufacturing the first hole with a first cross sectional area claim 1 ,manufacturing the second hole with a second hole cross sectional area, andmanufacturing ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Drill Bit And Hole Formation Method

Номер: US20190184472A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc

Provided are a hole formation method enabling the formation of a high-quality hole even when a workpiece material is a difficult-to-machining metal material or a fiber-reinforced composite material and a drill bit used in the method. A drill bit includes at least one cutting edge and a leading flank adjacent to the cutting edge, and the leading flank is set to have a surface roughness Ra of 2.0 μm or more and 3.0 μm or less. A hole formation method includes a hole formation step of machining a portion to be processed of a workpiece material by means of drilling to form a hole while a lubricant material for assisting machining process is in contact with a drill bit and/or the portion to be processed, and in the hole formation step, the drill bit is used.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180045A1

According to one implementation, a drill includes: a body without a back taper and a cutting edge part. The body has a flow path of a cutting oil. The flow path is branched to first and second flow paths inside the body. The cutting edge part has a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece. The first supply port is an outlet of the first flow path. The body has a second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance between the body and a bush for positioning the body. The second supply port is an outlet of the second flow path. The second flow path has a pressure loss by which the cutting oil is not scattered from the second supply port in a radial direction of the body but exuded from the second supply port. 1. A drill comprising:a body without a back taper, the body having a flow path of a cutting oil inside, the flow path being branched to a first flow path and a second flow path inside the body; anda cutting edge part integrated with the body, the cutting edge part having a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece, the first supply port being an outlet of the first flow path,wherein the body has a second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between the body and a bush for positioning the body, the bush being used by inserting the body inside the bush, the second supply port being an outlet of the second flow path, the outlet of the second flow path being formed on an outer peripheral surface of the body, the second flow path having a pressure loss by which the cutting oil is not scattered from the second supply port in a radial direction of the body but exuded from the second supply port.2. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein a cross section of at least a part of the second flow path has an area causing the pressure loss.3. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein at least a part of the second flow path has been formed by a porous material or a clearance between a male ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220927A1
Автор: Merson Eleanor

A method for hole cutting in a workpiece made of CFRP with a cutting tool including at least one cutting edge is provided. Further, a hole cutting assisting apparatus and an apparatus for hole cutting includes a cutting tool, a drive for rotating the cutting tool, and a heating element configured for heating at least a portion of the cutting edge of the cutting tool. 1. A method for hole cutting in a workpiece of CFRP with a cutting tool having at least one cutting edge , the method comprising steps of:heating at least one portion of the cutting edge;rotating a cutting tool including a cutting edge; and thereafterfeeding the cutting tool into the workpiece for cutting material from the workpiece whereby a hole is formed in the workpiece.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge includes heating to a temperature of at least 80% of a glass temperature of the CFRP.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of heating to a temperature of at least 80% of a glass temperature of the CFRP is performed before the cutting edge engages with the workpiece.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge includes heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge by induction.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge includes heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge with a laser.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge includes heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge by blowing heated gas over the at least one portion of the cutting edge.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge includes heating the at least one portion of the cutting edge by leading a heated fluid through the cutting tool.8. The method according ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193970A1
Автор: Tresse David

System for removing material from a plastic part, comprising a rotating spindle provided with abrasive means. The rotating spindle includes a non-abrasive section, which can form a radial stop for the system on a guide edge. The system includes driving means for rotating the abrasive means connected to the rotating spindle; and a mechanical means for linking to a robot, the mechanical linkage being of type ball joint with pin. 1. System for removing material from a plastic part , comprising a rotating spindle provided with abrasive means , wherein:the rotating spindle includes a non-abrasive section, which can form a radial stop for the system on a guide edge; and in that it includesdriving means for rotating the abrasive means connected to the rotating spindle; andmechanical means for linking to a robot, the mechanical linkage being of type ball joint with pin.2. System according to claim 1 , wherein the guide edge is an edge of the plastic part.3. System according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive means include a conical section claim 1 , whose gradient of the rotating spindle with respect to the cone generatrix is adapted to remove the material from an edge of the part by breaking a corner formed between the material to be removed and the edge of the part.4. System according to claim 1 , wherein the gradient of the abrasive means is adapted to guide the edge of the part in order to block it against the non-abrasive section due to the part flexibility.5. System according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive means are diamond-impregnated.6. System according to claim 1 , comprising a cutting guide having a cavity of a shape to be produced on the plastic part and forming the guide edge claim 1 , and on which the non-abrasive section can rest.7. System according to claim 1 , comprising a drill tip on the rotating spindle.8. Robot-controlled system for removing material from a plastic part comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a system for removing ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193167A1

A method of controlling a positioning control apparatus includes the steps of: deriving a predetermined relational expression in advance; detecting the pressing force during machining by a force sensor; calculating the sideslip amount corresponding to the pressing force detected by the force sensor, in accordance with the predetermined relational expression at any time; correcting a position command value of an arm tip of the positioning control apparatus based on the calculated sideslip amount; and machining the workpiece while moving the arm tip of the positioning control apparatus in accordance with the corrected position command value. 16-. (canceled)7. A method of controlling a positioning control apparatus configured to perform machining while pressing a tip end of a machining tool against a predetermined position on a machined surface of a workpiece , the machining tool being attached to an arm tip of the positioning control apparatus ,the method comprising the steps of:deriving a predetermined relational expression before the machining, the relational expression defining a relation of a sideslip amount of the tip end of the machining tool in a second direction with pressing force generated when the tip end of the machining tool is pressed against the predetermined position in a first direction in a state where the tip end of the machining tool coincides with the predetermined position, the second direction being parallel to the machined surface of the workpiece, the first direction being perpendicular to the machined surface of the workpiece;detecting the pressing force during the machining by a force sensor;calculating the sideslip amount corresponding to the pressing force detected by the force sensor, in accordance with the predetermined relational expression at any time;correcting a position command value of the arm tip of the positioning control apparatus based on the calculated sideslip amount; andmachining the workpiece while moving the arm tip of the ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193168A1
Автор: NONAKA Hiroki

Provided are a machining method and a machining device that can reduce the displacement from a target round shape due to elastic deformation after machining, and can shorten the time required to machine a target round shape in the work. A machining method machines a round hole in a work, and includes: a hole-shape acquisition step of acquiring a shape of a hole of the work; an inverted-shape acquisition step of inverting the shape of the hole acquired at the hole-shape acquisition step relative to a target round shape to acquire an inverted shape; and an inverted-shape machining step of machining the hole in accordance with the inverted shape acquired at the inverted-shape acquisition step. 1. A method for machining a round hole in a work , the method comprising:a hole-shape acquisition step of acquiring a shape of a hole of the work;an inverted-shape acquisition step of inverting the shape of the hole acquired at the hole-shape acquisition step relative to a target round shape to acquire an inverted shape; andan inverted-shape machining step of machining the hole in accordance with the inverted shape acquired at the inverted-shape acquisition step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hole-shape acquisition step acquires the shape of the hole based on positional information of a machining tool of a machining device that is used at the inverted-shape machining step.3. A machining device that machines a hole in a work claim 1 , comprising:a machining tool;a rotary device that rotates the machining tool;a rotation angle sensor that acquires an angle of rotation of the machining tool;a driving unit that moves the machining tool in a direction perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the machining tool;a position sensor that acquires positional information on the machining tool on a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the machining tool; anda controller that includes a driving/control unit that controls the rotary device and controls the driving ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189009A1

The present invention provides a material for built up edge formation having a resin block containing a high molecular weight compound having a weight average molecular weight of 5×10or higher and 1×10or lower, a medium molecular weight compound having a weight average molecular weight of 1×10or higher and lower than 5×10, and a carbon. 1. A material for built up edge formation , having a resin block containing:{'sup': 4', '6, 'a high molecular weight compound (A) having a weight average molecular weight of 5×10or higher and 1×10or lower;'}{'sup': 3', '4, 'a medium molecular weight compound (B) having a weight average molecular weight of 1×10or higher and lower than 5×10; and'}a carbon (C).2. The material for built up edge formation according to claim 1 , whereinthe material for built up edge formation is used in a built up edge formation method comprising a built up edge formation step of forming a built up edge at the cutting edge of a cutting tool by cutting the material for built up edge formation with the cutting tool.3. The material for built up edge formation according to claim 1 , further having a difficult-to-cut block having a Vickers hardness of 300° or more below the resin block.4. The material for built up edge formation according to claim 1 , whereinthe difficult-to-cut block is a fiber reinforced composite material and/or a difficult-to-cut metal material.5. The material for built up edge formation according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 4', '6, 'the high molecular weight compound (A) is a thermoplastic resin having a weight average molecular weight of 5×10or higher and 1×10or lower, and'}{'sup': 3', '4, 'the medium molecular weight compound (B) is a thermoplastic resin having a weight average molecular weight of 1×10or higher and 2×10or lower.'}6. The material for built up edge formation according to claim 1 , whereina content of the high molecular weight compound (A) is 10 to 60 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass in total of the high ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229188A1

Disclosed is an automatic hole-processing method with self-adapting adjustment of processing parameters, including the following steps: performing tool feeding, detecting whether the rotate speed changes or not, if changes, judging the type of the processing material according to the new rotate speed after stabilization (if not, the tool feeding is continued); feeding the tool according to the processing parameters suitable for the material, detecting whether the rotate speed changes or not, if changes, judging whether the hole processing has been completed or not according to the new rotate speed after stabilization (if not, the tool feeding is continued), if completed, retracting the tool with the set parameters (if not, judging the type of the processing material according to the new rotate speed after stabilization, and repeating the above steps), completing the hole processing. During the hole processing in the present disclosure, there is no need to know the type of workpiece material of each processing hole in advance and to set processing parameters for each material respectively; there is no need for axial tool setting, processing parameters can be changed automatically after the tool contacts the workpiece; there is no need to know the total thickness of each processing hole material in advance and to set the feed stokes respectively, after cutting through the workpiece, the tool automatically identifies and begins to retract. 1. An automatic hole-processing method with self-adapting adjustment of processing parameters , comprising the following steps:S1. starting a hole-processing apparatus, a tool on the apparatus carrying out a hole processing on a workpiece;S2. the tool rotating itself at a high speed, and forward feeding the tool with set processing parameters;S3. while forward feeding the tool, monitoring a rotate speed change of a tool driving device by using a sensor; if the rotate speed of the driving device changes, performing step S4; and if the ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Drill bit collar and method for material removal utilizing a drill bit collar

Номер: US20170209941A1
Принадлежит: Modular Designs Inc

A drill bit collar for pre-drilling a part to remove material from a part includes an insertion portion configured to be inserted into a hole of a drill guide member; a head portion configured to rest against the drill guide member; and a through hole centered within the insertion portion and extending through the insertion portion and the head portion.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207730A1

A method for cutting an inner circumferential surface of a rotating hollow cylindrical workpiece includes: holding the workpiece with a chucking device such that a side surface of the workpiece on a first side in an axial direction of the workpiece is in contact with a contact surface of the chucking device; setting an intersection angle between a rotational center line of the workpiece and an imaginary straight line to an angle smaller than 45 degrees, the straight line being parallel to an axis line of a button tip and intersecting with the rotational center line; and setting a feed direction of the button tip to the inner circumferential surface to a direction from a second side in the axial direction of the workpiece toward the first side in the axial direction thereof, and cutting the inner circumferential surface by use of the button tip rotating about the axis line. 1. A cutting method for cutting an inner circumferential surface of a rotating hollow cylindrical workpiece by use of a linear tool with a button tip mounted at a distal end thereof , the cutting method comprising:holding the workpiece with a chucking device in a state where a side surface of the workpiece on a first side in an axial direction of the workpiece is in contact with a contact surface of the chucking device;setting an intersection angle between a rotational center line of the workpiece and an imaginary straight line to an angle smaller than 45 degrees, the imaginary straight line being parallel to an axis line of the button tip and intersecting with the rotational center line of the workpiece; andsetting a feed direction of the button tip to the inner circumferential surface of the workpiece to a direction from a second side in the axial direction of the workpiece toward the first side in the axial direction thereof, and cutting the inner circumferential surface of the workpiece by use of the button tip rotating about the axis line.2. The cutting method according to claim 1 , ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207731A1

The invention relates to a drilling device for drilling a sheet having conical portions, comprising a tool-holder plate provided with a plurality of rotary drilling spindles with drill bits oriented according to drilling directions parallel to a mean drilling direction, said drilling spindles being distributed, on the one hand, in columns intended to be arranged according to an axial direction and, on the other hand, in rows intended to be arranged according to a transverse direction at right angles to the axial direction, the device comprising at least two rows of spindles and at least two columns of spindles. The center-to-center distance between two spindles of a row is different from the center-to-center distance between two spindles of another row. 1. Drilling device for drilling a sheet having conical portions , comprising a tool-holder plate provided with a plurality of rotary drilling spindles with drill bits oriented according to drilling directions parallel to a mean drilling direction , said drilling spindles being distributed , on the one hand , in columns intended to be arranged according to an axial direction and , on the other hand , in rows intended to be arranged according to a transverse direction at right angles to the axial direction , the device comprising at least two rows of spindles and at least two columns of spindles , characterized in that the center-to-center distance between two spindles of a row is different from the center-to-center distance between two spindles of another row.2. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tool-holder plate has a first and a last rows of spindles claim 1 , the first row of spindles being intended to be arranged on the side of the tapered part having the smallest radius of the sheet to be drilled and the last row of spindles being intended to be arranged on the side of the tapered part having the greatest radius of the sheet to be drilled claim 1 , the center-to-center distance between two ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Clamping method and clamping device

Номер: US20210237144A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A clamping method includes a step (S3) for applying, by a first support portion disposed on one surface side of a plurality of superposed members and a second support portion disposed on the other surface side of the plurality of members, a predetermined first pressure to the plurality of members, and sandwiching the plurality of members; a step (S4) for forming a through hole with respect to the plurality of members by a cutting tool with the first pressure; a step (S5) for applying a predetermined second pressure to the plurality of members after the through hole is formed, and sandwiching the plurality of members by the first and second support portions, the second pressure being lower than the first pressure; and a step (S6) for fixing a fastening part inserted into the through hole to the plurality of members by a riveting device with the second pressure applied.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210095A1

A tool including a pair of rails is attachable to the inside surface of the skin panel. A housing is pivotally and slidably connected between the pair of rails. The housing is pivotable about a first axis and is slidable along grooves in the pair of rails. The housing has a first end and a second end opposite each other. The tool includes a rod having a third end and a fourth end, the third end attached to and extending from the first end of the housing. The tool also includes a pressure foot attached to the fourth end of the housing. The pressure foot includes a curved ankle integrally formed with a flat flange, the curved ankle curving into the flat flange. The pressure foot is configured to apply pressure along a portion of the inside surface of the skin panel when the housing is in a vertical position. 1. A method for manufacturing an aircraft , the method comprising: a pair of rails configured to attach to an inside surface of a first skin panel;', 'a housing pivotally and slidably connected to the pair of rails between facing inside surfaces of the pair of rails such that the housing is pivotable about a first axis defined between the facing inside surfaces of the pair of rails and through the housing, and such that the housing is slidable along grooves in the pair of rails, the housing comprising a first end and a second end opposite each other relative to the pair of rails;', 'a rod having a third end and a fourth end, the third end attached to and extending from the first end of the housing; and', 'a pressure foot attached to the fourth end of the housing, the pressure foot comprising a curved portion integrally formed with a flat flange, the curved portion curving into the flat flange, and wherein the pressure foot is configured to apply pressure along a portion of the inside surface of the first skin panel when the housing is in a vertical position relative to the inside surface of the first skin panel;, 'using a tool comprisingbringing together the first ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Rivet fastener apparatus

Номер: US20210245234A1
Принадлежит: JR Automation Technologies LLC

A method and rivet apparatus to rivet a workpiece comprises an upper riveting portion and a lower riveting portion. The lower riveting portion comprising a fixed base, support member, and a pin assembly. The pin assembly comprises a center pin, a forming pin, a first biasing member, an outer shroud, and a second biasing member. The center pin pushes against a tail of a rivet to deform the tail of the rivet. The forming pin, fixedly coupled to the support member, pushes against the tail of the rivet to deform the tail of the rivet. The first biasing member, disposed below the center pin, biases the center pin through the forming pin and away from the support member. The outer shroud encircles the forming pin and the center pin. The second biasing member, disposed below the outer shroud, biases the outer shroud away from the support member.

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for drilling a workpiece

Номер: US20210245267A1
Автор: Michelle Crivella
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A drilling system is provided for drilling a workpiece. The drilling system includes a pattern generator configured to apply a pattern on a workpiece surface of the workpiece at a reference location relative to a target drilling location. The drilling system includes a drilling end effector, which includes a chuck configured to hold a drilling tool. The drilling end effector also includes a nosepiece configured to at least partially surround the drilling tool when the drilling tool is held by the chuck. The nosepiece includes an end portion that is configured to be held on the workpiece surface of the workpiece. The drilling end effector also includes a camera configured to acquire an image of an area of the workpiece surface that includes the pattern. The image acquired by the camera indicates whether the end portion of the nosepiece is aligned with the pattern on the workpiece surface.

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Handle apparatus for an industrial machine tool

Номер: US20210245317A1
Принадлежит: JR Automation Technologies LLC

A handle is coupled to an industrial machine tool, along with a method of operating the industrial machine tool via the handle. The handle comprises a housing, a first switch, and a second switch. The housing includes a first side, a second side, a top end, and a bottom end, the first side facing toward the industrial machine tool and the second side facing away from the industrial machine tool. The first switch actuates a float mode for the industrial machine tool, the float mode being a mode in which movement of a moveable portion of the industrial machine tool is power assisted for an operator of the industrial machine tool. The second switch actuates a machining portion, coupled to the moveable portion of the industrial machine tool, to perform a machining process on a workpiece.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Laser System for Destroying Data Storage Portion of Hard Drives

Номер: US20180218751A1
Автор: Clark Kevin P.

Three systems for the destruction of the data storage portion of electronic media storage devices such as hard disk drives, solid state drives and hybrid hard drives. One system utilizes a mill cutter with which the hard drive has relative motion in the direction of the axis of the mill cutter to destroy the data storage portion. A second system utilizes a laser to physically destroy the data storage portion. The third system utilizes a chemical solvent to chemically destroy the data storage portion. 1. A system for physically destroying the data storage portion of an electronic media storage device such as a hard disk drive , a solid state drive and a hybrid hard drive comprising:a chamber;a laser in said chamber for destroying the data storage portion;a cradle for holding an electronic media storage device in said chamber, said cradle or said laser or both being movable to position the laser relative to the electronic media electronic storage device so that the laser destroys the data storage portion of the electronic media storage device while leaving at least a substantial portion of the electronic media storage device intact.2. The system of further including a computer for housing information concerning the type of electronic media storage device and information for controlling the movement of the laser or cradle or both.3. The system of wherein said laser utilizes a micro-drilling process that produces short and ultra-short pulses.4. The system of wherein said laser uses infrared claim 1 , visible or ultra-violet laser applications.5. The system of wherein said laser cuts close patterned micro holes in the data storage portion of the electronic media electronic storage device.6. The system of wherein when said electronic media electronic storage device is a hard disk drive claim 1 , the laser cuts holes in a grid like pattern that resembles a donut.7. The system of wherein when said electronic media electronic storage device is a hybrid hard drive claim 1 , ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

System and method for precisely drilling matched hole patterns using surface mapped features

Номер: US20180221966A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system and method is disclosed for performing matched drilling operations on mating first and second workpieces. A microscopic camera is mounted on a movable spindle holding a tool. A micro-adjustment mechanism on the spindle controllable moves the tool. A template is provided that is mounted to the first workpiece and to the second workpiece. A controller receives images of the template from the microscopic camera at each of the predetermined positions on the first workpiece and identifies microscopic features on the template associated with each of the predetermined positions on the first workpiece. The controller compares microscopic features within received images of the template at each of the predetermined positions on the second workpiece associated with microscopic features of a corresponding image of the first workpiece to calculate a necessary offset adjustment that is applied to the micro-adjustment mechanism before each operation on the second workpiece.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223672A1

An apparatus and method for an investment casting core for forming a cast airfoil extending between a leading edge and a trailing edge to define a chord-wise direction and extending between a root and a tip to define a span-wise direction, with an internal passage including at least one leach hole formed from the investment casting core. 1. An investment casting core for forming a cast airfoil extending between a leading edge and a trailing edge to define a chord-wise direction and extending between a root and a tip to define a span-wise direction , with an internal passage terminating in a leach hole , comprising:at least one interior core defining the internal passage;at least one leach core extending from the at least one interior core to define the leach hole in the trailing edge of the airfoil.2. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core comprises multiple leach cores.3. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core is proximate the root.4. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core is proximate the tip.5. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core is between the root and the tip.6. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one interior core comprises multiple interior cores.7. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core comprises multiple leach cores extending from each of the multiple interior cores.8. The investment casting core of wherein the multiple interior cores form multiple interior passages fluidly coupled to each other.9. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core defines a trailing edge hole.10. The investment casting core of wherein the at least one leach core has a maximum cross-section dimension of 0.06 in (0.15 cm).11. A method for forming cooling holes in a trailing edge of an airfoil claim 1 , the method comprising:casting the airfoil with an internal passage and at least one leach hole from ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Methods of forming holes in a workpiece and associated systems

Номер: US20170232527A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Described herein is a first method of forming a hole in a workpiece, having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. The method includes forming a first hole, having a first diameter, in the workpiece by passing a first cutter through the workpiece from the first surface to the second surface. Additionally, the method includes forming a chamfer in the second surface of the workpiece concentric with the first hole using a second cutter. The chamfer has a second diameter larger than the first diameter. The method further includes forming a second hole, having a third diameter larger than the first diameter, in the workpiece concentric with the first hole by passing a third cutter through the workpiece from the first surface to the second surface.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224752A1
Автор: Sonoda Yasunori

A method for manufacturing a sintered component includes a compaction step of press-compacting a starting powder containing a metal powder to form a compact; a drilling step of forming a hole in the compact with a drill to form a thin portion where the thickness between an inner circumferential surface of the hole and an outer surface of the compact is smaller than the diameter of the hole; and a sintering step of sintering the compact after the drilling step. The drilling step is performed while the outer surface of the compact is pressed in a region extending over the entire length of the hole in an axial direction. The width of the region where the outer surface of the compact is pressed is from 1/3 times to twice the diameter of the hole. 1. A method for manufacturing a sintered component , comprising:a compaction step of press-compacting a starting powder comprising a metal powder to form a compact;a drilling step of forming a hole in the compact with a drill to form a thin portion where a thickness between an inner circumferential surface of the hole and an outer surface of the compact is smaller than a diameter of the hole; anda sintering step of sintering the compact after the drilling step,wherein the drilling step is performed while the outer surface of the compact is pressed in a region extending over an entire length of the hole in an axial direction, and wherein a width of the region where the outer surface of the compact is pressed is from 1/3 times to twice the diameter of the hole.2. The method for manufacturing a sintered component according to claim 1 , wherein the drill includes an end portion having an arc-shaped cutting edge. The present invention relates to methods for manufacturing sintered components. This application claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-043127, filed Mar. 7, 2017, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.Sintered components disclosed in PTL 1 and PTL 2 are known as sintered ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Alignment System, Drilling System, and Method for Drilling a Hole Through a Gang Channel

Номер: US20190224758A1

Example alignment systems for aligning a drill bit with respect to a gang channel and methods of use are described herein. An example alignment system for use with a drill includes a drill block having a guide portion and an attachment portion. The attachment portion is configured to be removably coupled to a foot of the drill such that the drill block is positioned between the foot and a drill bit of the drill. A longitudinal axis of the drill block is coaxial with a longitudinal axis of the drill bit when the attachment portion is coupled to the foot. The guide portion is configured to at least partially contact an inner surface of opposing legs of a gang channel to thereby center the drill bit between the opposing legs of the gang channel. 1. An alignment system for use with a drill , wherein the drill includes an arm assembly with a foot extending perpendicular to the arm assembly , the alignment system comprising:a drill block having a guide portion and an attachment portion, wherein the attachment portion is configured to be removably coupled to the foot such that the drill block is positioned between the foot and a drill bit of the drill, wherein a longitudinal axis of the drill block is coaxial with a longitudinal axis of the drill bit when the attachment portion is coupled to the foot, and wherein the guide portion is configured to at least partially contact an inner surface of opposing legs of a gang channel to thereby center the drill bit between the opposing legs of the gang channel.2. The alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the guide portion of the drill block includes a recess configured to receive at least a portion of the drill bit.3. The alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the guide portion of the drill block includes a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the second end is coupled to the attachment portion claim 1 , and wherein a width of the second end of the guide portion is greater than a width of the first end of the guide portion.4 ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222992A1
Автор: Yamamoto Takahiro

A drill is a long drill that is provided with a discharge groove having a helix angle of 25 degrees, in which a groove length is 30D or more. Thinning processing is performed on a leading end portion of the drill and a gash portion that is connected to the discharge groove further to an inner side in the radial direction than an outer peripheral surface. A circular arc groove is formed in a section connecting a thinning face and a gash face, and a chip discharge performance is improved. When forming a deep hole, in a guide hole forming process, a guide hole with an inner diameter d of D+0.03 mm or less and with a depth W of 3D or more, is formed (S to S). In an insertion process, the drill is rotated in a reverse direction and is inserted into the guide hole to a position just before a bottom portion of the guide hole (S to S). In a deep hole forming process, the drill is rotated in a positive direction, cutting is performed from the bottom portion of the guide hole, and a deep hole is formed (S to S). 2. The deep hole machining method according to claim 1 , whereina groove length L of the discharge groove is 30 D or more.3. The deep hole machining method according to claim 1 , whereinthe inner diameter d of the guide hole is D+0.03 mm or less, and the depth W is 3D or more.4. The deep hole machining method according to claim 1 , whereinthe drill includes a circular arc groove having a circular arc shaped cross section that is provided in a section that connects a thinning face, which is a rake face of the thinning edge and which connects the thinning edge and the discharge groove, with a gash face of the gash portion, andthe helix angle of the discharge groove is 25 degrees. The present invention relates to a deep hole machining method.In related art, when a deep hole is formed in a workpiece, a guide hole that has a diameter slightly larger than the deep hole and that is shallow is formed before forming the deep hole. A drill mounted on a main shaft of a machine ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210260671A1
Автор: Guerin Sylvain

An orbital drilling device includes, on the same frame: a motor rotating a cutting tool on itself; a first, interior, eccentric, receiving the motor, mounted so as to be able to rotate; a second, exterior, eccentric, receiving the first eccentric, mounted so as to be able to rotate; a reference body, secured to the frame, receiving the second eccentric, mounted so as to be able to rotate; a first unit for driving the first eccentric; a second unit for driving the second eccentric, simultaneously with the rotation of the first eccentric; and a controller configured to reproduce any path of the cutting tool in the zone by continuous control of the angular offset between the first eccentric and the second eccentric. 211301311515131321013313213113113113413113. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein the first drive means () comprises a first peripheral toothed ring () claim 1 , mounted so as to rotate about the axis (A) of the reference body () claim 1 , constrained to rotate with the first eccentric () claim 1 , and a motor () claim 1 , secured to the frame () claim 1 , with a toothed pinon () mounted on the drive shaft of the motor () meshing with said first toothed ring () claim 1 , the first toothed ring () and the first eccentric () being secured together by means of an Oldham coupling () in order to compensate for any offset between the first toothed ring () and the first eccentric ().311401411414142143142141e. The device () according to or claim 1 , wherein the second drive means () comprises a second peripheral toothed ring () claim 1 , secured to and coaxial with the external cylindrical wall () of the second eccentric () and a motor () with a toothed pinon () mounted on the drive shaft of the motor () and meshing with said toothed ring ().411321301421401010. The device () according to claim 3 , wherein the motor () of the first drive means () and the motor () of the second drive means () are fixed to the same fixing wall (F) claim 3 , secured to the frame ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Methods of ultrasonic drilling for forming perforations in composite materials

Номер: US20210260712A1
Автор: Weidong Song
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods of ultrasonic drilling may be used to form perforated sheets by forming holes through a workpiece using a needle or needle array operatively coupled to an ultrasonic actuator. The needle is brought to repeatedly contact the surface of the workpiece at an ultrasonic operating frequency, thereby forming the hole through the workpiece. Such steps are repeated to form a plurality of holes in the workpiece, thereby forming a perforated sheet which may be used in an acoustic liner for noise attenuation. The workpiece may be heated while the holes are formed, via a remote heating unit that locally heats a portion of the workpiece.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Method for the Manufacture And/Or Storage of a Liquid Provided for Drinking Consumption, Liquid Container Provided for Performing the Method, And Use of the Liquid Container in the Method

Номер: US20190241308A1
Автор: Alois Bauer
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for production and/or storage of a consumable liquid is provided. The method includes (i) providing a liquid container, which is open on one side and has a container wall with an inner wall surface, where the inner wall surface is formed at least partially as a surface of a solid natural stone; (ii) cooling down at least a partial section of the liquid container with respect to the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere; (iii) introducing a liquid into the liquid container that has been cooled down according to step (ii); and (iv) initiating a chemical and/or biochemical conversion of the liquid that has been filled in, such as fermentation or a conversion of sugar to alcohol, for generating the liquid or a pre-product, wherein during the conversion no further measure or process for cooling the liquid container and/or the liquid residing therein is, respectively, taken or performed.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for forming tapered holes in workpieces

Номер: US20210291281A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A robotic forming system and method for forming a tapered hole in a workpiece include a housing and a nose extending from the housing. The housing defines an internal chamber. A vacuum gate is in fluid communication with an internal cavity of the nose. A seal is within the nose. A first spindle includes a first operative head. The first spindle is retained within the internal chamber. The first spindle is configured to be moved between a first stowed position within the housing and a first operating position in which the first operative head extends into the nose. The first operative head is configured to form an initial hole within the workpiece. A second spindle includes a second operative head. The second spindle is retained within the internal chamber. The second spindle is configured to be moved between a second stowed position within the housing and a second operating position in which the second operative head extends into the nose. The second operative head is configured to modify the initial hole to form a tapered hole.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Rotary catheter drive unit containing seal-sets

Номер: US20170252059A1
Автор: Samuel Shiber
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of making a seal-set for a rotary catheter drive unit containing a motor and a seal-set, an output shaft of the motor being power transmittingly connected to a flexible shaft that is rotatably disposed through the seal-set, the seal-set comprising a bearing and an adjacent seal defining a first and a second concentric bores, respectively, the first bore being slightly larger than a diameter of the shaft so that it rotatably and accurately supports the shaft, the second bore being slightly smaller than the diameter so that it seals around the shaft, the bearing aligning the shaft, so that it is concentric with the second bore, by deflecting the shaft to compensate for eccentricity and misalignment of the second bore relative to the output shaft of the motor.

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170252882A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system for processing a workpiece, including a rotary drive having a path along which a flow of a fluid is established during operation, a sensor in communication with the path, to generate a signal responsive to the flow of the fluid and not to generate the signal responsive to an absence of the flow, and a controller communicatively coupled to the sensor to enable the operation of the rotary drive subsequent to a termination of the signal if a duration interval thereof is greater than or equal to a predetermined value, and to prevent the operation if the duration interval of the signal is less than the predetermined value. The rotary drive may include a drill. 1700700. A method () of processing a workpiece , the method () comprising:{'b': '528', 'identifying processing locations () on the workpiece;'}{'b': 528', '502, 'drilling a first hole at one of the processing locations () using a rotary drive ();'}{'b': '502', 'sensing a flow of a fluid associated with operating the rotary drive () while drilling the first hole;'}{'b': '502', 'generating an operation signal responsive to the flow and not generating the operation signal responsive to an absence of the flow, wherein the operation signal, if generated, has a duration interval corresponding to an operation duration of the rotary drive ();'}comparing the duration interval of the operation signal to a predetermined temporal value; anddrilling a different hole at a different one of the processing locations if the duration interval of the operation signal is greater than or equal to the predetermined temporal value, and not drilling the different hole if the duration interval is less than the predetermined temporal value.2700. The method () of claim 1 , wherein drilling the different hole at the different one of the processing locations further comprises one of:drilling the different hole, if both the duration interval of the operation signal is greater than or equal to the predetermined temporal value and if the ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140348603A1

A drilling apparatus includes: a drill rotatable about a center axis and capable of advancing and retracting along the axis; and a pressing unit for pressing a work in an advancing direction of the drill. The drilling apparatus advances the drill while rotating the drill about the center axis to form a hole in the work, in a state in which the work is pressed by the pressing unit. A pressing force applied on the work by the pressing unit is set to a predetermined pressing force based on machining reaction applied to the drill from the work during drilling and the pressing force causing deformation of the work in the advancing direction of the drill. The predetermined pressing force can suppress deformation of the work and displacement of the drill due to the machining reaction. The machining reaction and the pressing force are calculated beforehand in a drilling test. 1. A drilling apparatus comprising:a drill rotatable about a center axis and capable of advancing and retracting along the center axis; anda pressing unit for pressing a work in an advancing direction of the drill,the drilling apparatus advancing the drill while rotating the drill about the center axis to form a hole in the work, in a state in which the work is pressed by the pressing unit, whereina pressing force applied on the work by the pressing unit is set to a predetermined pressing force on the basis of machining reaction applied to the drill from the work during drilling and the pressing force causing deformation of the work in the advancing direction of the drill, the predetermined pressing force being capable of suppressing deformation of the work and displacement of the drill due to the machining reaction, the machining reaction and the pressing force being calculated in a drilling test performed in advance.2. The drilling apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a pressing force detector for detecting a pressing force applied on the work by the pressing unit.3. The drilling ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140348604A1
Автор: Craig Karen Anne

A segmented orbital drill includes a segmented portion with a semi-finishing cutting portion and a plurality of finishing cutting portions. The semi-finishing cutting portion and finishing cutting portions are separated by grooves formed by a front wall and a rear wall. The segmented portion allows for a fresh cutting edge (i.e., rear wall of the groove) to be revealed as the orbital drill wears in the axial direction. The segmented portion also causes less contact with the workpiece, which reduces power consumption and minimizes deflection of the orbital drill. The segmented orbital drill also includes an optional pilot at one end of the drill, and a clearance neck portion between a shank and the segmented portion. A method of machining a workpiece using the segmented orbital drill is also disclosed. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of machining a workpiece using a segmented orbital drill comprising a pilot and segmented portion and a clearance neck portion between the segmented portion and a shank , the method comprising:drilling a hole in a first layer of material with the segmented portion of the segmented orbital drill;drilling a hole in a second layer of material with the pilot while drilling the hole in the first layer of material with the segmented portion until the segmented portion has drilled completely through the first layer of material; anddrilling a hole in a third layer of material with the segmented portion without using the pilot until the segmented portion has drilled completely through the third layer of material.12. The method of claim 11 , further including the step of removing burrs from the hole using a tapered surface using a helical interpolation drilling operation or a circular drilling operation. Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) materials are widely used in aerospace industry due to its high specific strength and high specific stiffness. FRP materials are composite materials consisting of soft resin matrix and high strength fiber reinforcement. ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259349A1
Автор: Stricklen Richard

A spindle assembly for machining a cast workpiece includes a fixture that provides rotational movement to the workpiece around a fixture axis. A first spindle provides rotational movement to a cutting tool around a first spindle axis and a second spindle provides rotational movement to a second cutting tool around a second spindle axis. The first spindle axis and the second spindle axis are transverse to the fixture axis. The fixture is disposed between the first spindle and the second spindle. The pivotal movement of the fixture provides access to opposite sides of the workpiece to the first spindle and the second spindle enabling the cutting tools to simultaneously cut opposing sides of the workpiece. The first cutting tool and the second cutting tool are replaceable by a third cutting tool and a fourth cutting tool to cut an alternative or different aperture into the workpiece. 1. A spindle assembly for machining a cast workpiece , comprising:a fixture for securing a workpiece, said fixture providing rotational movement to the workpiece around a fixture axis defined by said fixture;a first spindle extending in an opposing direction to a second spindle, said first spindle providing rotational movement to a cutting tool around a first spindle axis and said second spindle providing rotational movement to an alternate cutting tool around a second spindle axis, said first spindle axis and said second spindle axis each being transverse to said fixture axis; andsaid fixture being disposed between said first spindle and said second spindle and translating pivotal movement to the workpiece around the fixture axis providing access to opposite sides of the workpiece to said first spindle and said second spindle; and said cutting tool being moveable along said first spindle axis for cutting said workpiece to a first depth defining a first feature in said workpiece and said alternate cutting tool being moveable along said second spindle axis for simultaneously cutting an ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Method for machining a workpiece, supply circuit, supply system, tool actuator, tool setup

Номер: US20150273638A1
Автор: Jens Ketelaer

In a method for machining a workpiece, a cutting tool is guided relative to the workpiece, with a vibration being superposed, the amplitude of which is at least 5 μm. A supply circuit for a piezo actuator of a vibrating tool generates a voltage at the voltage output, which has a direct component and an alternating component. A supply system for a piezo actuator of a vibrating tool has the above-mentioned supply circuit which is connected to a secondary coil that is coupled to a primary coil.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Vacuum Drilling System and Methods

Номер: US20140356087A1

A vacuum drilling system and methods is provided that may utilize both a through tool coolant supply as well as a central vacuum extraction system. The system may include a cutting head provided on a hollow tube and a vacuum source to apply vacuum pressure to the area of the cutting head via one or more chip inlets arranged proximate to the cutting head. Sealed coolant containment channels supply coolant to the area of the cutting head. 1. A drilling system for performing a drilling operation , comprising generally cylindrical body member , a cutting head at the front end of the body member having at least one cutting edge formed thereon , the body member forming a hollow shaft adjacent the cutting head with at least one opening in the body member adjacent the cutting head , a coolant adapter provided on the body member to provide a coolant fluid through at least one sealed channel in the body member exterior to the hollow shaft , to provide the coolant fluid to the area of the at least one cutting edge , and a vacuum connected to the hollow shaft to apply vacuum pressure through the at least one opening and hollow shaft.2. The drilling system of wherein the at least one sealed channel is formed by a coolant containment sleeve mated to a hollow inner body and coolant inducer sleeve to create a sealed route for coolant flow to the at least one cutting edge.3. The drilling system of wherein the coolant containment sleeve is mated a hollow inner body and coolant inducer sleeve to create a sealed route for coolant flow to the at least one cutting edge.4. The drilling system of wherein the at least one cutting edge is provided by at least one replaceable cutting insert mounted in association with the cutting head.5. The drilling system of wherein the at least one cutting insert includes two cutting edges extending from a position along the rotational axis of the drilling system for double effective cutting.6. The drilling system of wherein a plurality of openings are ...
