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10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2603938C2
Принадлежит: Комау С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к области многокоординатных промышленных роботов. Промышленный робот содержит конструкцию основания, шарнирно-сочлененное запястье робота и цепь шарнирно-сочлененных друг с другом элементов робота, соединяющих конструкцию основания с запястьем робота. Запястье робота оканчивается фланцем, с которым жестко соединена сварочная головка электрической точечной сварки, требующая подачи питания и/или текучей среды. Через цепь шарнирно-сочлененных друг с другом элементов робота и через запястье робота образован непрерывный внутренний проход, вмещающий кабели и/или трубки для подачи питания и/или текучей среды к сварочной головке. Кабели и трубки проходят через непрерывный внутренний проход робота и далее без разрыва через проход, образованный во фланце, и внутри несущей конструкции сварочной головки, вплоть до входа в соединительный элемент, предусмотренный в задней стенке трансформатора, обращенной к фланцу робота, благодаря чему кабели и трубки расположены полностью внутри ...

08-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663659C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при точечной сварке высокопрочных стальных листов с использованием инверторного источника питания постоянного тока. Осуществляют изменяемое управление временем подачи тока, интервалами между импульсами тока и сварочными током. Проводят два или более этапов импульсной подачи тока. Соотношение между временем подачи тока, временем отсутствия подачи тока и сварочным током представлено в виде множества следующих друг за другом импульсов тока. Первый этап импульсной подачи тока является начальным этапом подачи импульсов тока, причем минимальный сварочный ток на втором этапе импульсной подачи тока выше, чем максимальный сварочный ток на упомянутом первом этапе импульсной подачи тока. Способ обеспечивает размер ядра, соответствующий толщине листа, при подавлении возникновения внутреннего и внешнего разбрызгивания. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 3 табл., 3 пр.

28-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655500C2
Принадлежит: КГР С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение может быть использовано для прикрепления рельефной сваркой детали в виде втулки или гайки к поверхности листовой детали. Устройство содержит сварочный пистолет, включающий два противостоящих сварочных электрода (39, 46) и исполнительный механизм (40) для их перемещения. Электрод (39) присоединен к первому концу (36а) С-образного рычага (36), имеющему гнездо (41) для детали (26). Второй конец (36b) рычага (36) присоединен к корпусу исполнительного механизма (40). Другой электрод (46) прикреплен к способному скользить аксиально относительно первого электрода (39) штоку (42) исполнительного механизма (40) и имеет опорную поверхность, соответствующую зоне детали (18) из листового металла. Рычаг (36) связан с несущей конструкцией (68, 68а) сварочного пистолета (20, 22, 24) аксиальным скользящим блоком (50, 52), выполненным с возможностью перемещения рычага (36) и привариваемой детали (26) с целью закрытия пистолета (20, 22, 24) в результате приведения в движение исполнительного механизма ...

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685928C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при точечной сварке покрытых металлом стальных листов. Проводят тестовую точечную сварку для выявления растрескивания свариваемой части. Удаляют металлическое покрытие на поверхностях стальных листов, где подтверждено возникновение растрескивания. При выявлении внешнего растрескивания край участка удаления покрытия соответствует внешней периферии зоны теплового воздействия (ЗТВ) сварного шва, но не превышает 1,5 диаметра эквивалентного круга места формирования внешнего края ЗТВ. При внутреннем растрескивании внешний край соответствует периферии самой широкой ЗТВ сварного шва и не превышает 5 диаметров эквивалентного круга места формирования внешнего края ЗТВ. Дополнительно ограничивают внутренний край круглой кольцевой области, центр которой совпадает с центром ядра сварной точки и имеет диаметр 0,8 от диаметра ядра сварной точки или менее. Способ обеспечивает предотвращение образования трещин из-за жидкометаллической хрупкости при точечной сварке. 3 ...

05-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017135023A3

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101036A

... 1. Способ сварки участка нахлесточного соединения, в котором множество элементов из стальных листов соединено на участке нахлесточного соединения, и по меньшей мере один из множества элементов из стальных листов содержит мартенсит, причем способ включает в себя:- образование точечно-сварного участка, имеющего ядро на участке нахлесточного соединения; и- излучение лазерного пучка для образования расплавленного и затвердевшего участка, пересекающего конец ядра и расположенного между ядром и положением, внешне отстоящим от конца ядра не менее, чем на 3 мм, причем расплавленный и затвердевший участок образован в элементе из стальных листов, содержащем мартенсит, таким образом, чтобы он имел глубину не менее 50% от толщины элемента из стальных листов, содержащего мартенсит, в положении, внешне отстоящим от конца ядра на 1 мм.2. Способ сварки участка нахлесточного соединения, в котором множество элементов из стальных листов, включающих в себя оцинкованный стальной лист, имеющий образованное на ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673256C1

Изобретение относится к контактной сварке деталей выхлопной системы ДВС. Подготавливают первую деталь (10) с отверстием (20) ввода, окруженным буртиком (22), в зоне (24) сварки и вторую деталь (12) с зоной (26) ввода в отверстие (20). Заводят зону (26) ввода в отверстие (20) ввода с обеспечением прилегания поверхности (28) зоны ввода вдоль всего буртика (22) отверстия ввода первой детали (10). Подводят электронапряжение к обеим деталям (10, 12) для осуществления контактной сварки первой детали (10) со второй деталью (12). Поверхность (28) зоны ввода изогнута вокруг двух не параллельных друг другу осей или вокруг одной оси, параллельной поверхности зоны ввода. Рант буртика отверстия ввода может быть выполнен не в одной плоскости. Вторую деталь заводят в отверстие таким образом, чтобы продольная ось (А) детали была не параллельна оси (А) отверстия ввода. Пространственное решение свариваемых участков деталей обеспечивает возможность их различного позиционного расположения при сварке при контактировании ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011103432A

... 1. Система (10) изготовления по меньшей мере первого и второго типов кузова (12) автотранспортного средства, содержащая: ! - производственный пост (14), содержащий средства (16) изготовления указанных двух типов кузовов транспортного средства; ! - первый держатель (24а) для изготовления первого типа кузова, установленный с возможностью перемещения между рабочим положением, в котором первый держатель (24а) удерживает первый тип кузова в радиусе действия средств (16) изготовления, и вторым убранным положением; ! - второй держатель (24b) для изготовления второго типа кузова, установленный с возможностью перемещения между рабочим положением, в котором второй держатель (24b) удерживает второй тип кузова в радиусе действия средств (16) изготовления, и вторым убранным положением; ! - устройство (28) перестановки первого (24а) и второго (24b) держателей, содержащее шпиндель (30) с центральной осью (А), на первом участке (30а) которого установлен первый держатель (24а), а на втором участке (30b) ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122345A

... 1. Головка электрической точечной сварки для многоосевого промышленного робота, содержащая:- поддерживающую структуру (110) с концевой частью для прикрепления к запястью (20) робота,- пару сварочных электродов (101, 102), удерживаемых соответствующими удерживающими электрод плечами (103, 104), установленными на упомянутой поддерживающей структуре (110),- причем по меньшей мере одно из упомянутых удерживающих электрод плеч (103) установлено на поддерживающей структуре (110) головки (100) с возможностью перемещения между открытым положением и закрытым положением,- исполнительный механизм (116) для приведения упомянутого подвижного плеча (103), установленного на упомянутой поддерживающей структуре (110), и- электрический трансформатор (T) для приложения напряжения электрической сварки к сварочным электродам (101, 102), имеющий кожух с задней стенкой (121), направленной к упомянутой задней концевой части прикрепления к запястью робота, передней стенкой (120) напротив задней стенки, двумя боковыми ...

19-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009012249U1
Принадлежит: NIMAK GMBH

18-06-2014 дата публикации

"Verfahren und Schweißeinrichtung zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweißen"

Номер: DE102012112547A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren sowie eine Schweißeinrichtung (1) zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweißen, wobei zwei Schweißelektroden (14, 16) unter Zwischenlage von zu verschweißenden Bauteilen (20) in einer Schließrichtung (22) zusammengeführt und mit einer Schweißkraft (F) verpresst und mit einem elektrischen Schweißstrom (i) beaufschlagt werden. Für den Schweißvorgang wird die in Schließrichtung (22) wirkende Schweißkraft (F) durch einen Elektromagneten (30; 30a, 30b) erzeugt, welcher zur Erzeugung und Regelung der Schweißkraft (F) unabhängig von dem Schweißstrom (i) angesteuert wird, wobei jeweils ein aktueller Istwert (FIst) der Schweißkraft (F) ermittelt und mit einem vorgegebenen Sollwert (FSoll) verglichen wird, und wobei die Schweißkraft (F) durch geregelte Ansteuerung des Elektromagneten (30; 30a, 30b) auf den Sollwert (FSoll) eingeregelt wird.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

"Qualitätsüberwachung einer Schweißverbindung"

Номер: DE102015111459B4
Принадлежит: NIMAK GMBH, NIMAK GmbH

Verfahren zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweißen, wobei zwei Schweißelektroden (5a, 5b) auf zwischenliegende, zu verschweißende Bauteile (7a, 7b) zusammengeführt, mit einer Schweißkraft (F) verpresst und mit einem Schweißstrom (S) beaufschlagt werden, wobei ein Elektromagnet zur Erzeugung und zur Regelung der Schweißkraft (F) unabhängig von dem Schweißstrom (S) betrieben wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zur Beurteilung der Qualität einer durch einen Schweißvorgang entstandenen Schweißlinse eine Messeinrichtung Istwerte einer innerhalb eines Zeitraums (T) des Schweißvorgangs erreichten Elektroden-Einsinktiefe (s) und/oder einen Verlauf von Istwerten einer innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitintervalls (Δt) erfolgten relativen Elektroden-Bewegung (Δs) bestimmt.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Tool, useful e.g. in cutting device for post-processing spot welding electrodes, comprises wedge for cutting spot welding electrodes, holders having socket for receiving and guiding electrodes, and rolling bearing for decoupling holders

Номер: DE102013001765A1

The electrode cutting tool comprises a first wedge for cutting spot welding electrodes (210) in which between an welding tool electrode pair is positioned, and a second wedge for simultaneously cutting of other spot welding electrodes. The first and second wedges are designed for different cutting angles such that the spot welding electrodes are cut with a larger cutting angle than other spot welding electrodes. The different cutting angle is -20[deg] to +30[deg] . The electrode cutting tool further comprises first holder (110a) comprising a socket (112a) for receiving and guiding the electrodes. The electrode cutting tool comprises a first wedge for cutting spot welding electrodes (210) between which a welding tool is positioned, and a second wedge for simultaneously cutting other spot welding electrodes. The first and second wedges are designed for different cutting angles such that the spot welding electrodes are cut with a larger cutting angle than other spot welding electrodes. The ...

13-10-2011 дата публикации

Sensorlagerung und Kalibriereinrichtung

Номер: DE202010005590U1

Ausweichfähige Sensorlagerung (8) für einen Sensor (4), insbesondere einen Kalibriersensor für Schweißwerkzeuge, insbesondere elektrische Schweißzangen (52), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Sensorlagerung (8) eine Parallelogrammführung (16) für den Sensor (4) aufweist.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016119157A1

Ein Werkstückstapel, der mindestens ein Stahlwerkstück und ein angrenzendes und überlappendes Aluminiumwerkstück beinhaltet kann in einem mehrstufigen Punktschweißverfahren widerstandspunktgeschweißt werden. Das mehrstufige Punktschweißverfahren beinhaltet anfänglich die Bildung einer Schweißlinse zwischen den Stahl- und Aluminiumwerkstücken. Die Schweißlinse erstreckt sich von der Passschnittstelle der beiden Werkstücke in das Aluminiumwerkstück und beinhaltet eine Schnittstellen-Schweißbindung, die an die Passfläche des Stahlwerkstücks angrenzt und mit dieser verbunden ist. Nachdem die Schweißlinse anfangs gebildet wurde, erfordert das mehrstufige Punktschweißverfahren ein Wiederaufschmelzen und Wiederverfestigen zumindest eines Abschnitts der Schweißlinse, der einen Teil oder die ganze Schnittstellen-Schweißbindung beinhaltet. Zumindest ein Abschnitt der resultierenden veredelten Schweißlinse kann dann demselben Verfahren des Wiederaufschmelzens und Wiederverfestigens unterzogen werden ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017103558A1

Ein System zum Punktschweißen von zwei Blechen beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von leitfähigen Partikeln an einer Schnittstelle zwischen den beiden Blechen, eine erste Elektrode und eine zweite Elektrode. Die erste Elektrode und die zweite Elektrode sind so angeordnet, dass sie die beiden Metallbleche zusammenklemmen, sodass die leitfähigen Partikel an der Schnittstelle zwischen den Blechen in die Bleche eingebettet werden. Eine Leiterbahn wird von der ersten Elektrode zur zweiten Elektrode durch die Bleche und die Vielzahl von metallischen Partikeln hindurch gebildet.

23-11-1995 дата публикации

Clamp component for connecting or joining workpieces in vehicle body assembly

Номер: DE0004417333A1

The clamp component comprises a holder (7) with a ceramic seating (10). The seating may be convexly formed or flat. The basic body of the holder is comprised of metal for at least for part of its outer surface which works together with the material to be welded. This metal may be brass. Alternatively the outer surface of the basic body may have a coating of ceramic. The seatings are the points of contact with the parts.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Steuern der Eindrücktiefe einer Elektrode in ein Metallsubstrat während des Schweißens

Номер: DE112010005316T5

Ein Verfahren zum Steuern einer Eindrucktiefe (22) einer Elektrode (18) in ein Metallsubstrat (12) während der Bildung einer Schweißnaht (10) umfasst, dass eine Schweißkraft (28), ein Strom (30), eine Dauer (32), eine minimale Eindrucktiefe (34) und eine maximale Eindrucktiefe (36) gewählt werden, das Substrat (12) mit der Elektrode (18) in Kontakt gebracht wird, um die Kraft (28) auf das Substrat (12) anzuwenden, der Strom (30) der Elektrode (18) zugeführt wird, um die Bildung der Schweißnaht (10) in Übereinstimmung mit einem ersten Zustand, in dem die Tiefe (22) kleiner ist als das Minimum (34), einem zweiten Zustand, in dem die Tiefe (22) größer oder gleich dem Minimum (34) und kleiner oder gleich dem Maximum (36) ist, und einem dritten Zustand, in dem die Tiefe (22) größer ist als das Maximum (36), einzuleiten, und die Tiefe (22), das Minimum (34) und das Maximum (36) verglichen werden. Für den ersten Zustand wird die Dauer (32) geändert. Für den zweiten Zustand wird jedes von der Kraft ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Schweißeinrichtung zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweißen

Номер: DE202012013531U1
Принадлежит: NIMAK GMBH, NIMAK GmbH

Schweißeinrichtung (1) zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweißen, mit zwei Elektrodenhaltern (10, 12) für zwei mit einem elektrischen Schweißstrom (i) beaufschlagbaren Schweißelektroden (14, 16), wobei einer (10) der zwei Elektrodenhalter (10, 12) derart bewegbar ist, dass die Schweißelektroden (14, 16) unter Zwischenlage von zu verschweißenden Bauteilen (20) in einer Schließrichtung (22) zusammenführbar und mit einer Schweißkraft (F) beaufschlagbar sind, wobei zur Erzeugung der Schweißkraft (F) ein Elektromagnet (30; 30a, 30b) vorgesehen ist, wobei die zwei Schweißelektroden (14, 16) unter Zwischenlage von den zu verschweißenden Bauteilen (20) in einer Schließrichtung (22) zusammengeführt und mit der Schweißkraft (F) verpresst und mit dem elektrischen Schweißstrom (i) beaufschlagt werden, wobei für den Schweißvorgang die in die Schließrichtung (22) wirkende Schweißkraft (F) durch mindestens einen Elektromagneten (30; 30a, 30b) erzeugt wird, gekennzeichnet durch eine Regelungseinrichtung (44 ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013227039A1

Eine Punktschweißvorrichtung wird zur Verfügung gestellt, welche ein Fixierungspaneel beinhaltet, welches auf einem Arm eines Roboters gelagert ist. Eine obere Schweißpistole ist vertikal auf einer Vorderseite des Fixierungspaneels installiert, und wird vertikal hin und her bewegt durch eine Presseinheit, und horizontal hin zu dem Fixierungspaneel bewegt. Eine Links- und Rechtsbewegungseinheit ist zwischen dem Fixierungspaneel und der Presseinheit installiert, um die obere Schweißpistole horizontal zu bewegen. Ferner sind zwei oder mehr untere Schweißpistolen horizontal angeordnet, um der oberen Schweißpistole zu entsprechen, und eine Rauf-Runter-Bewegungseinheit ist auf dem Fixierungspaneel installiert, um die untere Schweißpistole vertikal hin und her zu bewegen.

27-10-1983 дата публикации

Magnetic-force welding machine

Номер: DE0003214788A1

In a magnetic-force welding machine, the electrodes or the workpieces (2, 5) are moved towards one another to initiate a current flow or an arc. After the current flow starts or after an arc develops, a magnetic force is suddenly applied to the electrodes or the workpieces (2, 5), a fixed electrode magnet system (9, 10) being provided in order to obtain the magnetic force. Since the entire welding current flows through the magnet system (9, 10), this magnet system (9, 10) has only a few windings so that the magnetic force acts only during the brief time of the welding current. According to the invention, an intensified magnetic force lasting for a longer period can be obtained by an additional second coil (17) being provided which has more windings and is loaded with a higher voltage. ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013219639A1

Das Widerstandsschweißsystem weist zumindest zwei Elektrodenelemente sowie zumindest eine Elektrodenbremseinrichtung, mittels welcher zumindest ein erstes bewegliches Elektrodenelement der Elektrodenelemente festlegbar ist, auf.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Schweissflächengestaltung zum Punktschweissen

Номер: DE102013224443A1

Eine Schweißelektrode zum Gebrauch beim Eingreifen in ein Aluminiumlegierungs-Werkstück während eines Punktschweißverfahrens weist eine Schweißfläche auf, die eine Grundfläche und eine Vielzahl von kreisförmigen Wulsten umfasst, die von der Grundfläche nach außen vorstehen. Die Wulste sind abgestumpft und ihr Vorhandensein auf der Schweißfläche versieht die erste Schweißelektrode mit mehreren nützlichen Fähigkeiten einschließlich der Fähigkeit, einen besseren mechanischen und elektrischen Kontakt mit dem Aluminiumlegierungs-Werkstück herzustellen.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verbinden eines Metallbauteils mit einem Fügebauteil mittels eines Fügehilfselementes

Номер: DE102015016307A1
Автор: EHM ANDREAS, Ehm, Andreas

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Verbinden eines Metallbauteils (1) mit einem als Kunststoffbauteil, als Aluminiumbauteil oder als kunststoffbeschichteten Metallbauteil ausgeführten Fügebauteil (2) mittels wenigstens eines Fügehilfselementes (3), welches zum einen zumindest einen Kraftschluss mit dem Metallbauteil (1) und zum anderen zumindest einen Formschluss mit dem Fügebauteil (2) bildet. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass ein U-förmiges Metallprofil (3) als Fügehilfselement auf einen plattenartigen Randbereich (2.1) des Fügebauteils (2) aufgeschoben wird, wobei der Randbereich (2.1) von dem aufgeschobenen U-förmigen Metallprofil (3) klemmend umfasst wird, das Fügebauteil (2) unter Anlage eines Schenkels (3.2) des U-förmigen Metallprofils (3) an einer Auflagefläche (1.2) des Metallbauteils (1) angeordnet wird, und ein Stoffschluss (4) zwischen dem Metallbauteil (1) und dem an dem Metallbauteil (1) anliegenden Schenkel (3.2) des U-förmigen Metallprofils (3) hergestellt wird ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019112273A1

Ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Widerstandsschweißung in mindestens drei übereinander liegenden Blechschichten beinhaltet die folgenden Schritte: (1) Bereitstellen einer ersten Blechschicht mit einer ersten Dicke; (2) Bereitstellen einer zweiten Blechschicht mit einer zweiten Dicke; (3) Bereitstellen eines Zusatzmaterials auf der zweiten Blechschicht; (4) Bereitstellen einer dritten Blechschicht mit einer dritten Dicke auf dem Zusatzmaterial und der zweiten Blechschicht, wobei die dritte Dicke geringer ist als jede der ersten und zweiten Dicken; (5) Pressen eines Paares von Schweißelektroden gegen ein Paar gegenüberliegender Außenflächen, wobei das Zusatzmaterial dazwischen angeordnet ist; und (6) Leiten eines elektrischen Stroms zwischen dem Paar von Elektroden durch das Zusatzmaterial und die erste, zweite und dritte Blechschicht, um einen Schweißnugget zu bilden, der in mindestens die erste und zweite Blechschicht eindringt.

29-10-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von in der Dicke variierenden Blechplatinen

Номер: DE102008020473A1

Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von in der Dicke (Z) variierenden flächigen Blechplatinen (1), insbesondere zur Fertigung von Bauteilen für Kraftfahrzeuge, bei dem c) als Ausgangswerkstück eine Blechplatine mit einer variablen Dicke vorgefertigt wird; und d) daraufhin die Blechplatine aus Schritt a) partiell nachbearbeitet, insbesondere nachgeprägt wird, so dass die Dicke der Blechplatine a), welche bereits eine variable Dicke aufweist, lokal geändert wird.

25-10-1989 дата публикации

Welding method and apparatus

Номер: GB0002217247A

Disclosed is an electric welding method and apparatus using resilient means such as springs for supporting a work to be welded. The work can be set at a desired level at which required welding is to be effected, by yieldingly compressing the springs with an upper electrode on the work until the work has been lowered to the desired level. If the work is thick or stiff, the work can be lowered simply by pushing down the work with the upper electrode against the resilient force of the springs. If the work is thin or easy to bend or deform, the work must be lowered by pulling down the work table and the work together with the aid of an appropriate pull-down piston-and-cylinder. Exact positioning of the work and satisfactory welding are assured despite the simple positioning device.

22-10-2014 дата публикации

Welding device for welding a connecting section and method for welding the connecting section with the welding device

Номер: GB0201415652D0

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392979T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503470A1

15-12-2010 дата публикации

VOLUME FOR the PROTECTION of the ELECTRODES of a spot welding gun

Номер: AT0000489191T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503310A1

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503310B1

The invention relates to an electrode (5) for the spot welding of metal sheets (33, 34), comprising a basic body (19) and a surface (18) which comes into contact with the metal sheets (33, 34) during the welding operation. To provide an electrode (5) which is suitable in particular for the welding of sheet metal flanges, provision is now made for the contact surface to be of elongated design and to be arranged eccentrically. The basic body (19), that is to say the region below the eccentrically arranged contact surface (18) of the electrode (5), preferably has an angular contour. Furthermore, the invention relates to a spot welding gun (1) for the resistance welding of metal sheets (33, 34) with such electrodes (5).

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533584T

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000074390A

15-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511214A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Punktschweißverfahren und eine Punktschweißvorrichtung (1) zum Widerstandsschweißen von Werkstücken (2, 3), mit einer Schweißzange (5) mit zwei Zangenarmen (6) und daran befestigten Elektroden (7) zum Einprägen eines Stromes in die zu verbindenden Werkstücke (2, 3), wobei zwischen den Elektroden (7) und den Werkstücken (2, 3) jeweils ein Band (8) zum Schutz der Elektroden (7) angeordnet ist, welche über Wickelvorrichtungen (9) bewegbar sind, sowie ein Elektrodenschutzband (8) für eine solche Punktschweißvorrichtung (1). Zur Verbesserung der Punktschweißung wird zumindest ein zumindest an einer Seitebis zu einer mittleren Rauheit von 1um bis 13um aufgerautes Band (8) verwendet. Zum Aufrauen des zumindest einen Bandes (8) unmittelbar vor der Durchführung der Punktschweißung kann eine entsprechende Einrichtung (13) an der Schweißzange (5) angeordnet sein.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508198B1

The resistance pressure welding method for materially connecting sheet metal parts (1, 2) flatly lying on each other and compressed between two electrodes (11, 12) during welding, comprises developing heat required for welding by an electrical resistor in a welding zone (15) during a current passage through the sheet metal parts, and influencing the environment of the welding zone to improve the properties of the weld connection. The environment temperature of the welding zone is influenced to improve the properties of the weld connection. The resistance pressure welding method for materially connecting sheet metal parts (1, 2) flatly lying on each other and compressed between two electrodes (11, 12) during welding, comprises developing heat required for welding by an electrical resistor in a welding zone (15) during a current passage through the sheet metal parts, and influencing the environment of the welding zone to improve the properties of the weld connection. The environment temperature ...

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505815A3

The device useful in a spot-welding plant for spot-welding of two surface components (20, 21) e.g. vehicle components, comprises a bearing arrangement (7) on which a bearing element (23) is arranged on which the surface component overlies, and an electrically conductive contact element (24) for contacting a welding electrode and an isolation element. The electrically conductive contact element electrically separates the bearing element and the contact element from one another. A movably arranged contact device (4) is intended with a contact electrode and is movable by a drive unit. The device useful in a spot-welding plant for spot-welding of two surface components (20, 21) e.g. vehicle components, comprises a bearing arrangement (7) on which a bearing element (23) is arranged on which the surface component overlies, and an electrically conductive contact element (24) for contacting a welding electrode and an isolation element. The electrically conductive contact element electrically separates ...

15-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000049365T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000108354T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331588T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154272T

25-01-1963 дата публикации

Many spot welding machine

Номер: AT0000225500B

15-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000201157T

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for welding zinc-coated high-strength steel resistance spot having good joint properties

Номер: AU2017352642A1
Принадлежит: Alder IP Pty Ltd

A method for welding a zinc-coated high-strength steel resistance spot having good joint properties, which comprises using three welding pulses within one spot-welding cycle: a first welding pulse and a second welding pulse are used to generate a nugget and suppress generation of liquid-metal-embrittlement (LME) cracks, wherein the first welding pulse generates a nugget having a diameter of 3.75T ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Sealing head for modular steel strapping machine

Номер: AU2013251765B2

A sealing head for a strapping machine welds steel strapping material to itself in an end-to-end weld. The sealing head includes a body, a drive, an end grip at the inlet to the body, a cutter, a grip clamp and a loop grip downstream of the end grip. The loop grip is carried on a carriage that is movable in a direction along the strap path. A leading end of strap is secured by the end grip and a loop portion of the strap is gripped by the loop grip and severed by the cutter to form a loop end. The loop end is secured by the grip clamp. The loop grip carriage moves the loop end toward the leading end as current is passed though the loop end and the leading end to weld the ends to one another in an end-to-end weld.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a laminar construction panel

Номер: AU2014328861A1

Method for manufacturing a laminar construction panel comprising a first metal plate (1), a second metal plate (2), and an acoustic insulation layer (3) interposed there between. The first metal plate and the second metal plate are connected to each other by means of a number of locally welded joints, that are distributed over the laminar construction panel, and which extend through the area of the acoustic isolation layer. The welded joints are formed by means of stud welding, wherein one of the metal plates is provided with welding openings (4), and a welding pin (7) is pushed through the isolation layer, against the other metal plate. The welded joints may also be formed by means of spot welding, wherein both metal plates are brought into electrical connection with the spot welding equipment, and the metal plates locally are pressed toward each other in such a way that mutual electrical contact is made.

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Device for point soldering at least two components

Номер: AU0002363602A

04-09-1995 дата публикации

Computer-integrated multi-gun welding system

Номер: AU0001924595A

27-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002456256A1

A machine is disclosed with interchangeable tooling modules (14a, 14b, 14c) for use in a base operating machine (12). Disconnectable welding current contactor members connect the tooling module (14) to a power supply/transformer of the base operating machine (10) when the module (14) is installed. The module (14) is movable on a guide between uninstalled and installed locations and the contactor members are closed upon installation of the module (14). A set of fluid pressure and electrical connector members have complementary mating parts mounted on a module connector plate (21) and on a machine connector plate (20) of the base operating machine (12). An actuator moves the machine connector plate (20) from a retracted position to an extended position for connecting the complementary connector members after the module (14) is installed.

12-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1270319A

Apparatus and accompanying methods for use therein for measuring and controlling weld indentation during resistance welding operations are disclosed. During a welding operation, the apparatus measures changes in a distance separating a reference point located on an electrode assembly and a region situated on the surface of the workpiece being welded wherein the region is not substantially indented by the electrode. Specifically, a distance measuring system first establishes the location of the surface relative to the electrode before any welding current is passed through the weld area; the indentation is repeatedly measured by detection of ultrasonic echoes from the surface of the material being welded; such measurements are taken at frequent intervals during the current flow period during which the weld is being formed in order to determine on a continuous basis the indentation of the electrode into the surface; the welding power may be terminated when the measured indentation reaches ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003072829A1

A collet assembly including an actuator and a collet connected to the actuator. The collet assembly is adapted to be installed on a welding electrode holder having an electrode. The collet is moveable by the actuator from an advanced position, in which the collet is adapted to grip a fastener such as a welding rivet, and a retracted position, in which at least a portion of the collet is retracted into the actuator to enable the electrode to engage the fastener for welding to a work piece, and the collet is adapted to release the fastener.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107713A1

The present invention relates to a method for the manufacture of an assembly of at least two metallic substrates spot welded together through at least one spot welded joint, such method comprising two steps, the assembly obtainable according to this method and the use of this assembly for the manufacture of automotive vehicle.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003026472A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003063835A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A method for producing a zinc or zinc-alloy coated steel sheet with a tensile strength higher than 900 MPa, for the fabrication of resistance spot welds containing in average not more than two Liquid Metal Embrittlement cracks per weld having a depth of 100µm or more, comprising the successive steps of providing a cold-rolled steel sheet, the nominal composition of which contains, in weight percent: 0.07% = C = 0.5%, 0.3% = Mn = 5%, 0.010% = Al =1%, 0.010% = Si = 2.45%, with 0.35% = (Si+Al) = 2.5%, 0.001% = Cr = 1.0%, 0.001% = Mo = 0.5%, and optionally, 0.005% = Nb =0.1%, 0.005% = V = 0.2%, 0.005% = Ti = 0.1%, 0.0001% = B = 0.004%, 0.001% = Cu = 0.5%, 0.001% = Ni = 1.0%, the remainder being iron and unavoidable impurities from the smelting, in contents such as S<0.003%, P<0.02%, N<0.008%, heating cold-rolled steel sheet up to a temperature T1 comprised between 550°C and Ac1+50°C in a furnace zone with an atmosphere (A1) containing from 2 to 15% hydrogen by volume, the balance being nitrogen ...

01-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002978755A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

02-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002931912A1

A welding electrode apparatus has an electrode base, and electrode tip, and a locking ring that clamps the tip to the base, and that, when released, permits the tip to be replaced when worn. The locking ring and electrode tip co-operate to define an accommodation for a machine fed nut. The locking ring has a non-electrically conductive end face, and stands proud of the tip of the electrode. The locking ring has an unobstructed outside peripheral face suitable for gripping and tightening or loosening with a wrench. The locking ring has an internal, annular fluid cooling gallery and inlet and outlet ports tapped into the gallery. The cross-section of the gallery is non circular. The wall thickness of the part is roughly constant. On assembly and installation, the locking ring clamps to the tip and base, and provides a thermal conduction heat path to each of them.

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909875A1

A welding tip (20) for spot welding a first part (22) formed of conductive metal, for example aluminum, to a second part (24) formed of aluminum or another conductive metal, such as steel, is provided. The welding tip (20) includes a notch (30) at a distal end (38) and a convex contact surface (28) extending radially outwardly and upwardly from the notch (30) for engaging a surface of the first part (22). The rotating welding tip (20) forms a depression (32) on the surface of the first part (22) during the welding process. The notch (30) creates a pin (34) in the center of the depression (32) which provides a fixed axis of rotation for the rotating welding tip (20) and prevents the welding tip (20) from moving radially relative to the fixed axis, thereby improving the quality of the final spot weld (36) and reducing process time.

04-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843194C

A method for repairing" a degraded bolt hole in a casing flange by reaming and removing at least some corrosion on an inside and around the hole to form a reamed hole, mounting the flange to float relative to upper and lower electrodes of a welding machine, radially and axially clamping an area of the flange surrounding the reamed hole, placing upper and lower filler slugs in the reamed hole, placing the electrodes against upper and lower filler slugs and applying a welding current through the electrodes while applying pressure to the filler slugs with the electrodes and resistively heating- and melting- the filler slugs to form a weldment, and pulsing the welding current on and off. Pulsing may be performed with progressively increasing amounts of current. In situ tempering under the pressure of the electrodes may be performed on a substantially liquid pool formed by the welding current.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859214A1

An apparatus is provided including: at least one first sheet comprising a first material; at least one second sheet comprising a second material, wherein the first material comprises at least one of: a thermal conductivity and an electrical conductivity that is at least 10% lower than that of the second material; and a joint comprising at least one resistance spot weld (RSW), wherein the first sheet is at least about 1.5 times the thickness of the second sheet. Methods are also provided.

02-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002188696C

Compression seam welding process and apparatus, wherein two plate-like workpieces (12) having different thicknesses are fed and guided by a guiding device (14, 18U, 18S) such that a length WH of contact of a thick plate-like workpiece (12H) with one (20U) of two roller electrodes (20) is smaller than a length WM of contact of a thin plate-like workpiece (12M) with the other roller electrode (20S)S. In this arrangement, the amount of compression of the thick plate-like workpiece (12H) by the roller electrode (20U) is greater than that of the thin plate-like workpiece (12M) by the other roller electrode (20S), so that an interface (G) of the two platelike workpieces is positioned intermediate between the pair of roller electrodes, so that a weld nugget (N) formed intermediate between the roller electrodes extends across the interface, permitting the weld to have sufficient strength because a nugget ratio RN, which is a ratio of a width dimension WN of the weld nugget in the direction of the ...

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002310396A1

The invention relates to a method and device for thermally supporting mechanical joints by means of punched rivets with a semi-hollow rivet or a solid rivet or by pounding. The method is characterized in that a local and time limited heating of the joint parts (1a, 1b) occurs by means of electric resistance heating in the future forming zone, whereby the heating is carried out by means of a hold-down device (5) and a matrix (4) or by elements (10/11, 12/13) arranged next to or elements (14, 15) arranged in front of said holddown device and matrix. The heating is initiated at the start of or immediately before the joining process and is completed before the forming begins.

30-09-2016 дата публикации

Method and welding apparatus for resistance welding, with an electromagnet for generating and controlling the welding force.

Номер: CH0000709176B1
Принадлежит: NIMAK GMBH, NIMAK GmbH

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren sowie eine Schweisseinrichtung (1) zum elektrischen Widerstandsschweissen, wobei zwei Schweisselektroden (14, 16) unter Zwischenlage von zu verschweissenden Bauteilen (20) in einer Schliessrichtung (22) zusammengeführt und mit einer Schweisskraft (F) verpresst und mit einem elektrischen Schweissstrom beaufschlagt werden. Für den Schweissvorgang wird die in Schliessrichtung (22) wirkende Schweisskraft (F) durch einen Elektromagneten (30) erzeugt, welcher zur Erzeugung und Regelung der Schweisskraft (F) unabhängig von dem Schweissstrom (i) angesteuert wird, wobei jeweils ein aktueller Istwert (F Ist ) der Schweisskraft (F) ermittelt und mit einem vorgegebenen Sollwert (F S oll ) verglichen wird, und wobei die Schweisskraft (F) durch geregelte Ansteuerung des Elektromagneten (30) auf den Sollwert (F S oll ) eingeregelt wird.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Resistance press welding method and - device.

Номер: CH0000701032B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Widerstandspressschweissverfahren zum stoffschlüssigen Verbinden von flächig aufeinanderliegenden und beim Schweissen zwischen zwei Elektroden (11, 12) zusammengepressten Blechteilen (1, 2), wobei die zum Schweissen erforderliche Wärme durch elektrischen Widerstand in einer Schweisszone (15) bei einem Stromdurchgang durch die aufeinanderliegenden Blechteile (1, 2) entsteht. Um die Eigenschaften von Schweissverbindungen, die durch Widerstandspressschweissen erzeugt werden, weiter zu verbessern, wird die Umgebung der Schweisszone (15) mittels eines Fluids gekühlt.

14-03-1997 дата публикации

Procedure for the execution of many spot welding.

Номер: CH0000687859A5

15-11-2010 дата публикации

Resistance press welding method and - device.

Номер: CH0000701032A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Widerstandspressschweissverfahren zum stoffschlüssigen Verbinden von flächig aufeinanderliegenden und beim Schweissen zwischen zwei Elektroden (11, 12) zusammengepressten Blechteilen (1, 2), wobei die zum Schweissen erforderliche Wärme durch elektrischen Widerstand in einer Schweisszone (15) bei einem Stromdurchgang durch die aufeinanderliegenden Blechteile (1, 2) entsteht. Um die Eigenschaften von Schweissverbindungen, die durch Widerstandspressschweissen erzeugt werden, weiter zu verbessern, wird die Umgebung der Schweisszone (15) beeinflusst, um die Eigenschaften der Schweissverbindung zu verbessern.

28-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791771A1

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201892540A1

12-10-2018 дата публикации

Robot C-shaped servo welding tongs assembly

Номер: CN0108637445A

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle door frame and inner member for the vehicle door frame

Номер: CN103987550A

A vehicle door frame which forms the window frame of a vehicle door is provided with: an outer member which forms a glass-run housing section; and a long inner member which has a body for forming the framework of the window frame and which is joined to the outer member. The outer member is provided with: an edge which forms a part of the glass-run housing section; and a return bend which has a substantially U-shaped cross-section, is disposed at the edge, and has an opening open toward the inside of the vehicle. The inner member has: an extension section which extends toward the side of the body which faces the outside of the vehicle; and an edge which is provided to the extension section and which is inserted in the opening of the return bend. The edge of the extension section has a front end surface. A protrusion is formed on the front end surface so as to protrude toward the outside of the vehicle, and is disposed at a predetermined position of the inner member in the longitudinal direction ...

24-10-2017 дата публикации

Resistance welding device

Номер: CN0107283038A

07-01-2015 дата публикации

Joining components by means of resistance welding

Номер: CN104271305A

A welding device (1) for joining components by means of resistance welding is proposed, comprising: - a pair of electrodes (15), by means of which an electrode force (21) and an electrical welding current IS1 can be introduced into the components, - at least one further pair of electrodes (17), by means of which an electrode force (23) and a further electrical welding current IS2 can be introduced into the components, - a power source (19), by means of which the electrode forces (21, 23) can be generated, - a coupling link (35), which is mechanically connected between the power source (19) and the pairs of electrodes (15, 17) and by means of which a total electrode force (27) that can be generated by the power source (19) can be divided into the electrode force (21) and the further electrode force (23).

24-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for joining a composite sheet metal component to another component

Номер: CN0106715026A

26-11-2014 дата публикации

Robot system

Номер: CN0102310258B

15-12-1944 дата публикации

Process of welding

Номер: FR0000894169A

28-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002570629A


16-05-2008 дата публикации

Electric spot welding for assembling elements of motor-vehicle body, comprises passing an electric current between electrodes framing the elements to weld and contact with them, and creating a permanent contact zone between the elements

Номер: FR0002908335A1

... - Selon le procédé, on réalise au moins un point de soudure (PSE) en faisant passer un courant électrique entre deux électrodes encadrant les éléments (A', B') à assembler par soudage et venant en contact avec eux, - une zone de contact permanent des éléments entre eux, de forme prédéterminée et entourant le point de soudure (PSE), est créée à proximité du point de soudure (PSE) par application de pression, - cette zone de contact de forme prédéterminée est la somme d'une pluralité de secteurs de contact (s1 à s6), créés indépendamment les uns des autres, sélectionnés parmi un ensemble de secteurs de contact prédéfinis disponibles (s1 à s8), de manière à s'adapter à la configuration de la zone à souder. - Véhicules automobiles. Assemblage des carrosseries automobiles. Soudage électrique par points. Soudage par points des éléments de carrosserie automobile.

27-01-2012 дата публикации

Gripping hand for handling robot of sheet metal parts to be welded by fixed welding device, has maintaining bodies for maintenance of parts, and nozzles connected by flexible conduit to fixed air aspiration source

Номер: FR0002962929A1

Main de préhension (4) pour robot de manipulation de pièces en tôle (16) destinées à être soudées au moyen d'un dispositif de soudage fixe (5), cette main de préhension (4) comportant des organes (7) de maintien desdites pièces (16), caractérisée en ce qu'elle porte au moins une buse (9, 10) destinée à être reliée par un conduit flexible (11, 12) à une source fixe d'aspiration d'air.

26-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002878175A1

La présente invention concerne un procédé et un dispositif de soudure électrique par points, améliorant les capacités de dissipation de l'énergie vibratoire des structures assemblées par points de soudure. Selon l'invention, on crée une zone de contact permanent (35, 50) des éléments à souder entre eux, à proximité immédiate du point de soudure, ainsi qu'un champ de pressions de contact dans ladite zone. L'invention s'applique tout particulièreiment à l'industrie automobile.

05-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003064512A1
Принадлежит: EXROD

L'invention concerne une tête de rodage (20) pour roder l'extrémité libre d'une électrode (16, 18). Elle comprend: un corps cylindrique de révolution (22) présentant, une extrémité de travail en creux (26) destinée à recevoir axialement l'extrémité libre de ladite électrode, et un logement diamétral (28) ; une lame de coupe (30) montée à l'intérieur dudit logement diamétral (28), et présentant une arête de coupe (62, 74) venant s'étendre dans ladite extrémité de travail en creux (26), sensiblement parallèlement à un plan axial dudit corps cylindrique (22), ledit logement diamétral (28) présentant une zone de dégagement (86, 88) pour pouvoir acheminer des copeaux de l'extrémité libre de ladite électrode (16, 18). Ladite arête de coupe (62, 74) s'étend à distance dudit plan axial, tandis que ladite zone de dégagement (86, 88) s'étend à l'opposé dudit plan axial par rapport à ladite arête de coupe (62, 74).

04-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102028435B1

29-11-2018 дата публикации

이중복합 전극팁을 가지는 전기저항 스폿용접기

Номер: KR0101923667B1
Автор: 진인태
Принадлежит: 부경대학교 산학협력단

... 본 발명은 이중복합 전극팁을 가지는 전기저항 스폿용접기에 관한 것으로서, 본 발명에 따른 이중복합 전극팁을 가지는 전기저항 스폿용접기는 사이에 중첩된 제 1 금속판재 및 제 2 금속판재가 위치하도록 하고, 상기 금속판재와 접촉하는 일단에 전극이 형성된 스폿용접봉을 포함하며 스폿용접을 수행하는 전기저항 스폿용접기에 있어서, 상기 스폿용접봉은 제 1 전원공급부로부터 전원을 공급받는 봉 형태의 제 1 스폿용접 지지봉, 제 2 전원공급부로부터 전원을 공급받으며 상기 제 1 스폿용접 지지봉을 내부에 이격하도록 수용하는 봉 형태의 제 2 스폿용접 지지봉, 상기 제 1 스폿용접 지지봉의 단부에 결합되는 제 1 전극팁 및 상기 제 2 스폿용접 지지봉의 단부에 결합되며 상기 제 1 전극을 내부에 수용하는 제 2 전극팁을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

29-06-2016 дата публикации

저항 스폿 용접 방법

Номер: KR1020160075830A

... 표면에 아연을 주성분으로 하는 도금층을 갖는 강판을 적어도 1매 포함하는, 복수매의 강판을 서로 겹친 판조를, 저항 스폿 용접함에 있어서, (1) 서로 겹친 각 강판의 합계 두께를 t, 상하 전극의 중심간의 거리를 L로 했을 때, 당해 t와 L이, 다음의 관계식 0.9×t≤L≤1.1×t를 만족하는 상태로 통전을 개시하고, (2) 통전을, 본통전과 거기에 앞서는 초기 통전으로 나눔과 함께, 초기 통전을 2단 통전으로 하여, 초기 통전의 1단째의 통전에 있어서의 전류값 I1을, 본통전에 있어서의 전류값 Im과의 관계에서 Im×1.1≤I1≤15.0㎄를 만족하는 범위로 하고, 계속되는 2단째의 통전에 있어서의 전류값 I2를, 0≤I2≤Im×0.7을 만족하는 무통전 또는 저전류 통전으로 함으로써, 흩어짐의 발생 없이, 안정적이고 충분한 지름의 너깃을 형성한다.

16-05-2016 дата публикации

저항 스폿 용접 방법 및 용접 구조물

Номер: KR1020160054594A

... 강판(1a, 1b)에 의해 구성되며 또한 하기의 (i) 식을 만족하는 적층체(10)를, 한 쌍의 전극(2a, 2b)으로 협지하고, 압압하면서, 통전하여 강판 계면(4)에 용융부(4b)를 형성함으로써 강판(1a, 1b)을 접합한다. 구체적으로는, 강판 계면(4)에 통전 포인트(4a)를 형성하고, 그 통전 포인트(4a)로부터의 수평 방향의 거리 W가 20mm 이내인 범위에 용융부(4b)가 형성되도록 스폿 용접을 행한다. (TS1×t1+TS2×t2)/(t1+t2)≥440···(i) 단, TS1은 강판(1a)의 인장 강도(MPa), t1은 강판(1a)의 판두께(mm), TS2는 강판(1b)의 인장 강도(MPa), t2는 강판(1b)의 판두께(mm)를 각각 나타낸다.

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180068804A

Disclosed is an apparatus for welding a one-way spot. The apparatus for welding a one-way spot according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a base formed in a cylindrical shape and provided with a slide groove in the upper inner circumferential surface thereof; a welding head radially slidably mounted on the base, wherein the welding head including a plurality of unit welding heads which are equally divided in the circumferential direction, and the unit welding heads radially spaced from each other by a push rod; and a welding tip formed in the cylindrical shape so as to be configured on the outer periphery of the base and operating forward and backward and applying a welding current to the welding head. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180057884A

The present invention relates to a welding apparatus for a movable head type fireproof door, having a first and second ball-screw units horizontally disposed at an upper and a lower frame of a worktable based on the worktable. Moreover, electrodes are disposed in nut housings of the first and second ball-screw units. The pair of upper and lower electrodes are moved in the same direction while being positioned at the same position on a surface and simultaneously lifted down or up by an air cylinder to be temporarily pressurized and connected to each other. Accordingly, power can be applied only when the electrodes at an upper and a lower side are pressurized and connected to each other. Therefore, safety of a worker can be secured, and spot-welding can be obviously performed. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

17-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190067571A

16-04-2017 дата публикации

Spot welding method and spot welding apparatus

Номер: TW0201713440A

While a welding current flows through a stacked assembly (32) formed of a thick metal plate (60, 62) and a thin metal plate (64, 66), a first pressing force (F1) applied to the stack assembly (32) from an upper tip (30) abutting against the metal plate (66) and a second pressing force (F2) applied to the stack assembly (32) from a lower tip (26) abutting against the metal plate (60) vary relative to each other. Specifically, the forces vary so as to be F1 F2 at the third process term late in welding.

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Utförande av en ytrelief på punktsvetsningselektroder

Номер: SE0001051066A1

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009016602A2
Автор: MOIOLI, Luca

According to the invention, a welding of the visible parts of the bodywork of a motor vehicle (SC) is accomplished through a capacitor discharge welding. A welding gun (5) is moved together with a pulse transformer by the arm of a robot (1). By using a welding coil of reduced size and welding boss having proper shapes and sizes, the operating efficiency of the transformer and the gun (5) is improved whereby both devices can be made light-weight and compact and can be secured to the wrist of the robot arm (1). By using a capacitor discharge welding, and suitably shaped electrode heads, the welded areas are scarcely visible or completely unnoticeable to the final user of the vehicle.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013171638A1

An industrial robot comprising a robot chain of elements (12, 13, 14, 16, 18), mutually articulated between themselves and ending with a robot wrist (20) bearing a tool (100). Through the robot chain of elements and through the robot wrist (20) a continuous internal passage is defined, in which one or more cables and/or pipes for the power supply and/or the fluid supply to the tool (100) are received. The cables and pipes continue without interruption in a passage (Fl) through the flange of the robot up to respective connections of said tool, whereby the cables and pipes are arranged completely inside the robot and inside the tool, without the need to provide separate cables and pipes of the tool connected to the cables and the pipes of the robot at the flange of the robot. In the case that the tool is an electric spot welding head it is arranged with an electrical transformer having its output poles (118, 119) arranged respectively on a front wall of the body of the transformer and on ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for monitoring and maintaining a resistance welding apparatus

Номер: US20120018408A1

A method of monitoring and maintaining a weld cap which is executing successive resistance welds on a plurality of workpieces includes measuring a first weld indentation formed during a first resistance weld and measuring a second weld indentation formed during a second resistance weld. The measured first and second weld indentations are compared with a severe threshold. If either of the measured first or second weld indentations is greater than the severe threshold, an abnormal condition is signaled. The method may include tip dressing the weld cap based upon the signaled abnormal condition. The method may further include determining a degradation rate between the first resistance weld and the second resistance weld. The degradation rate is the time differential between the measured first and second weld indentations, and either a first or a second tip dressing schedule is chosen based upon the determined degradation rate.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Spot-welding method and spot-welding device

Номер: US20120055910A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

When spot-welding a workpiece including a thin plate, a first thick plate, and a second thick plate, the workpiece is clamped by a fixed electrode in contact with the second thick plate, a movable electrode in contact with the thin plate, and control-pressure applying unit set adjacent to the movable electrode and in contact with the thin plate. Pressure is applied to the second thick plate by the fixed electrode, and pressure and control pressure are respectively applied by the movable electrode and the control-pressure applying unit to the thin plate. The pressure from the fixed electrode is controlled to be smaller than the pressure from the movable electrode. The current density between the thin plate and the first thick plate increases.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Resistance weld repairing of casing flange holes

Номер: US20130032578A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for repairing a degraded bolt hole in a casing flange by reaming and removing at least some corrosion on an inside and around the hole to form a reamed hole, mounting the flange to float relative to upper and lower electrodes of a welding machine, radially and axially clamping an area of the flange surrounding the reamed hole, placing upper and lower filler slugs in the reamed hole, placing the electrodes against upper and lower filler slugs and applying a welding current through the electrodes while applying pressure to the filler slugs with the electrodes and resistively heating and melting the filler slugs to form a weldment, and pulsing the welding current on and off. Pulsing may be performed with progressively increasing amounts of current. In situ tempering under the pressure of the electrodes may be performed on a substantially liquid pool formed by the welding current.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method Using Reduced Volume Electro-Hydraulic Chambers for Trimming and Joining Panels

Номер: US20130067976A1

A tool for modifying a workpiece by either trimming or joining the workpiece. The tool is an electro-hydraulic tool that uses a pulse transmitted through a liquid to trim a workpiece or to join two thicknesses of metal together. A method of trimming the workpiece includes the steps of providing a high voltage discharge in a liquid that drives a workpiece into engagement with a cutting edge of a tool steel insert. A method of joining two or more thicknesses of metal together includes the step of creating a high voltage discharge through an electrode that accelerates one panel or thickness of metal into a second panel that is held stationary by a backing plate while the first thickness of metal is accelerated into the second thickness of metal.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087533A1
Автор: HOU Wenkao

Methods and systems for resistance spot welding using direct current micro pulses are described. One described method comprises comprising forming a weld joint by applying a plurality of direct current micro pulses to at least two pieces of materials through a first electrode and a second electrode. 1. A method for resistance spot welding , comprising the step of:forming a weld joint by applying a plurality of direct current micro pulses to at least two pieces of material through a first electrode and a second electrode;separating each of the plurality of direct current micro pulses by a weld current off-time;applying a current to the at least two pieces of material during the weld current off-time.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:fixing the at least two pieces of material together by a predetermined weld force.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined weld force is between 1 kN and 10 kN.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a first one of the at least two pieces of material comprises a first steel sheet and a second one of the at least two pieces of material comprises a second steel sheet.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnitude of each of the plurality of direct current micro pulses is between 1 kA and 20 kA.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a duration of each of the plurality of direct current micro pulses is between 1 ms and 10 ms.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a duration of each of the plurality of the weld current off-times is between 1 ms and 10 ms.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a magnitude of each of the plurality of direct current micro pulses is based at least in part on at least one of a joint design of a weld joint joining the at least two pieces of material together claim 1 , a gauge of at least one of the at least two pieces of material claim 1 , a coating of at least one of the at least two pieces of material claim 1 , a material chemical composition of at least one of the at least two ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180961A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A welding device includes a lower tip and an upper tip, as welding tips, and pressuring members. The pressuring members are supported by a support member disposed in the upper tip. The pressuring members are displaced by the action of pressuring member displacement mechanisms and, together with the upper tip, come into contact with a metal plate arranged on the outermost part of a laminated body. 1. A spot welding apparatus for spot welding a stacked body of a plurality of workpieces including the outermost workpiece , comprisinga first welding tip and a second welding tip, between which the stacked body is interposed,a pressing member for pressing the outermost workpiece of the stacked body body, the first welding tip and the pressing member being brought into contact with different portions of the outermost workpiece, anda holder for holding the first welding tip and the pressing member, which is displaced by a holder displacement mechanism,wherein the holder has a pressing member displacement mechanism for displacing the pressing member, andthe pressing member displacement mechanism is electrically isolated from the holder.2. The spot welding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pressing member acts as an auxiliary electrode claim 1 , the auxiliary electrode has a polarity opposite to that of the first welding tip claim 1 , and a branching current is made to flow either from the first welding tip to the auxiliary electrode claim 1 , or from the auxiliary electrode to the first welding tip claim 1 , when electric current is conducted between the first welding tip and the second welding tip.3. The spot welding apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising another auxiliary electrode disposed in a vicinity of the second welding tip claim 2 , wherein the other auxiliary electrode has a polarity opposite to that of the second welding tip claim 2 , and after the branching current from the first welding tip to the auxiliary electrode or from the auxiliary ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200047A1

The first embodiment of the invention is a spot welding method using a welding gun including a pair of electrodes holding and welding a welding point of a workpiece. The method including: transmitting an ultrasonic from one of the electrode pair to the workpiece with the electrode pair holding the workpiece; receiving the ultrasonic at the other electrode passed through the electrode pair and the workpiece; and detecting a holding state of the workpiece on the basis of an amplitude of the received ultrasonic. According to the embodiments of the invention, the welding gun can hold the workpiece at the proper position and with the correct angle, thereby reducing the welding flaws. 1. A spot welding method using a welding gun including a pair of electrodes holding and welding a welding point of a workpiece , the method comprising:transmitting an ultrasonic from one of the electrode pair to the workpiece with the electrode pair holding the workpiece;receiving the ultrasonic at the other electrode passed through the electrode pair and the workpiece; anddetecting a holding state of the workpiece on the basis of an amplitude of the received ultrasonic.2. The spot welding method according to claim 1 , whereinwhile the welding gun holding the workpiece, calculating a lap amount, which is a distance from the center of the electrodes to a first end of the workpiece located nearest to the center capable of being welded, on the basis of the amplitude of the received ultrasonic, and detecting the calculated lap amount as the holding state of the workpiece, andperforming the spot welding in the case that the calculated lap amount is not smaller than a minimum lap amount required to perform the spot welding at the first end of the workpiece.3. The spot welding method according to claim 2 , whereincorrecting the holding position of the workpiece with the electrode pair on the basis of the difference between the calculated lap amount and the minimum lap amount, andperforming the spot ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054272A1
Автор: KIMOTO Kazuhiko

A spot welding apparatus includes a robot, a spot welding gun, and a controller. The spot welding gun includes a gun arm, a fixed electrode, a movable electrode, and a gun-dedicated motor. The fixed electrode is fixed to the gun arm. The movable electrode is disposed on the gun arm at a position opposite a position at which the fixed electrode is disposed. The gun-dedicated motor is configured to move the movable electrode. The controller is configured to output a position command to the gun-dedicated motor so as to control the gun-dedicated motor to move the movable electrode, configured to control the fixed electrode and the movable electrode to hold a to-be-welded object under pressure between the fixed electrode and the movable electrode, and configured to subject the to-be-welded object to spot welding. 1. A spot welding apparatus comprising:a robot; a gun arm;', 'a fixed electrode fixed to the gun arm;', 'a movable electrode disposed on the gun arm at a position opposite a position at which the fixed electrode is disposed; and', 'a gun-dedicated motor configured to move the movable electrode; and, 'a spot welding gun comprisinga controller configured to output a position command to the gun-dedicated motor so as to control the gun-dedicated motor to move the movable electrode, configured to control the fixed electrode and the movable electrode to hold a to-be-welded object under pressure between the fixed electrode and the movable electrode, and configured to subject the to-be-welded object to spot welding.2. The spot welding apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixed electrode in its axis direction and the movable electrode in its axis direction each comprise a Z axis direction, the Z axis direction being orthogonal to an X axis direction,wherein the gun arm comprises a bending degree z in the Z axis direction, and the gun arm comprises a bending degree x in the X axis direction,wherein the movable electrode is configured to apply a desired welding ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Resistance Welding Process And Apparatus

Номер: US20220001483A1
Принадлежит: Ohio State Innovation Foundation

An ultrasonic resistance welding apparatus contains a resistance spot welding apparatus , a first electrode and a vibrable second electrode , the vibrable second electrode in operable communication with an ultrasonic transducer , whereby the ultrasonic transducer selectively imparts vibratory energy to the vibrable second electrode based on signals from a controller . The vibrable second electrode may be tuned or designed to resonate within 2.5% of an operating frequency of the ultrasonic transducer . During operation of the welding apparatus , a tip of the second vibrable electrode may be positioned at an anti-nodal point of the vibratory energy and the vibrable second electrode may be attached to the resistance spot welding apparatus at a nodal plane of the vibratory energy. A process for employing the apparatus is also presented. 1. An ultrasonic resistance welding apparatus comprising:a resistance welding machine having a first electrode and a vibrable second electrode; andan ultrasonic transducer operatively coupled to said vibrable second electrode adapted to selectively impart vibratory energy to said vibrable second electrode,wherein said vibrable second electrode is designed to resonate within 2.5% of an operating frequency of said ultrasonic transducer.2. The ultrasonic welding apparatus of wherein during operation a tip of said vibrable second electrode is positioned at an anti-nodal point of said vibratory energy and said vibrable second electrode is mounted to said resistance welding machine at a nodal point of said vibratory energy.3. The ultrasonic resistance welding apparatus of wherein said ultrasonic transducer is positioned to apply longitudinal or lateral vibratory energy to a contact interface of two components to be welded.4. The ultrasonic resistance welding apparatus of wherein said first and second electrodes are powered by alternating current claim 1 , direct current claim 1 , or by capacitive discharge.5. The ultrasonic resistance welding ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001187A1
Автор: Spinella Donald J.

An apparatus is provided including: at least one first sheet comprising a first material; at least one second sheet comprising a second material, wherein the first material comprises at least one of: a thermal conductivity and an electrical conductivity that is at least 10% lower than that of the second material; and a joint comprising at least one resistance spot weld (RSW), wherein the first sheet is at least about 1.5 times the thickness of the second sheet. Methods are also provided.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001188A1

Provided is a spot welded joint () which includes at least one thin steel plate with a tensile strength of 750 MPa to 1850 MPa and a carbon equivalent Ceq of equal to or more than 0.22 mass % to 0.55 mass % and in which a nugget () is formed in an interface of the thin steel plates (A, B). In a nugget outer layer zone, a microstructure consists of a dendrite structure in which an average value of arm intervals is equal to or less than 12 μm, an average grain diameter of carbides contained in the microstructure is 5 nm to 100 nm, and a number density of carbides is equal to or more than 2×10/mm. 1. A spot welding method for forming a nugget in a joint surface of two or more thin steel plates ,at least one of the two or more thin steel plates being a high-strength steel plate whose tensile strength is 750 MPa to 1850 MPa and whose carbon equivalent Ceq represented by a formula (1) below being 0.22 mass % to 0.55 mass %,the method comprising the steps of:performing welding energization under a condition that a pressurizing force EF (N) of a welding electrode against the two or more thin steel plates fulfills a formula (2) below;next, while holding the pressurizing force EF, performing post-heating energization to the welding electrode with a post-heating energization current PC (kA) fulfilling a formula (4) below prescribed with a welding current WC (kA) in the welding energization for a post-heating energization time Pt (ms) fulfilling a formula (5) below; andnext, releasing pressurizing at the pressurizing force EF,wherein between the step of performing welding energization and the step of performing post-heating energization, the thin steel plates are cooled for a cooling time after welding Ct (ms) fulfilling a formula (3) below, while the pressurizing force EF is held, and [{'br': None, 'Ceq=[C]+[Si]/30+[Mn]/20+2[P]+4[S]\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': ×h', '×h, '1960≦EF≦3430\u2003\u2003(2)'}, {'br': None, '16≦Ct≦300\u2003\u2003(3)'}, {'br': None, '0.40×WC≦PC≦0 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001256A1

A vibration spot welding device according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention may include a first welding tip that is disposed to contact one side surface of metal plates that are overlapped, and a second welding tip that is disposed to contact the other side surface of the metal plates corresponding to the first welding tip, wherein the second welding tip includes a first electrode portion that is disposed to contact the metal plate so as to transmit a current thereto, and a second electrode portion that is disposed to contact the metal plate so as to receive the current that is transferred from the first electrode portion through the metal plate. 1. A vibration spot welding device , comprisinga first welding tip that is disposed to contact one side surface of metal plates that are overlapped, anda second welding tip that is disposed to contact the other side surface of the metal plates corresponding to the first welding tip,wherein the second welding tip includes:a first electrode portion that is disposed to contact the metal plate so as to transmit a current thereto; anda second electrode portion that is disposed to contact the metal plate so as to receive the current that is transferred from the first electrode portion through the metal plate.2. The vibration spot welding device of claim 1 , wherein the first welding tip includes a vibration element that applies a vibration.3. The vibration spot welding device of claim 2 , wherein the vibration element is shaken in a thickness direction of the metal plate such that the melted portion of the metal plate can be mixed.4. The vibration spot welding device of claim 2 , wherein the first welding tip includes:a pipe bush that is disposed to cover an external circumference surface of the vibration element and an end portion surface thereof corresponds to one surface of the metal plate; anda tip housing that is disposed to cover an external circumference surface of the pipe bush and closely contact one ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001415A1

A welding electrode may comprise a welding electrode body and a welding electrode cap that is connected or connectable to the welding electrode body for making contact between the welding electrode and a component for producing a welded connection. The problem of achieving an efficient heating of the sandwich sheet to be welded in a compact layout with the fewest possible modifications of the welding electrodes used heretofore is solved in that an electrically conductive resistance element integrated, or which can be integrated, in the welding electrode and which is connected or connectable in an electrically-conductive manner to the welding electrode body and the welding electrode cap is provided for the heating of the component. Furthermore, a method and a device with the welding electrode and a use are disclosed. 115.-. (canceled)16. A welding electrode comprising:a welding electrode body;a welding electrode cap that is connected or connectable to the welding electrode body and is configured to make contact with a component to produce a welded connection; andan electrically conductive resistance element for heating the component, wherein the electrically conductive resistance element is integrated or configured to be integrated in the welding electrode, wherein the electrically conductive resistance element is connected or connectable in an electrically conductive manner to the welding electrode body and the welding electrode cap.17. The welding electrode of wherein the electrically conductive resistance element is integrated or configured to be integrated in the welding electrode in a region intended to contact the component.18. The welding electrode of wherein the electrically conductive resistance element is integrated or configured to be integrated in the welding electrode body.19. The welding electrode of wherein the electrically conductive resistance element is integrated or configured to be integrated in the welding electrode cap.20. The welding electrode ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for resistance spot welding overlapping steel workpieces

Номер: US20190001428A1

A method of resistance spot welding a workpiece stack-up comprising overlapping first and second steel workpieces is disclosed, wherein at least one of the steel workpieces comprises an advanced high-strength steel substrate. The workpiece stack-up is positioned between a pair of opposed first and second welding electrodes. A cover is disposed between at least one of the first steel workpiece and the first welding electrode or the second steel workpiece and the second welding electrode at an intended weld site. The workpiece stack-up is clamped between the first and second welding electrodes at the weld site such that at least one of the weld faces of the first and second welding electrodes presses against the cover. The first and second steel workpieces are welded together by passing an electrical current between the first and second welding electrodes at the weld site.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001429A1

Provided is a resistance spot welding method that inhibits, in accordance with the degree of axis misalignment between electrodes, the occurrence of cracking in a weld regardless of the steel grade. In resistance spot welding methods according to the present invention, H (ms) is an electrode force retaining time after completion of current passage, D (mm) is an amount of axis misalignment between the electrodes, t (mm) is a total sum of sheet thicknesses of a plurality of overlapping steel sheets, T (MPa) is a tensile strength of a steel sheet having a highest tensile strength among the plurality of steel sheets, F (N) is an electrode force, and d (mm) is a tip diameter of one electrode of the pair of electrodes that has a smaller tip diameter. The electrode force retaining time H is specified to be a predetermined value or greater. 1. A resistance spot welding method for joining together a plurality of overlapping steel sheets of a sheet combination , the method comprising squeezing the sheet combination between a pair of electrodes and passing a current through the sheet combination while applying an electrode force thereto ,wherein at least one of the plurality of steel sheets is a surface-treated steel sheet including a metal coating layer and [{'br': None, 'sup': '1/2', '2·D·(t·T/(F·d))≤H when 0≤D<2'}, {'br': None, 'sup': '1/2', '(6·D−8)·(t·T/(F·d))≤H when 2≤D<5'}, {'br': None, 'sup': '1/2', '(D+17)·(t·T /(F·d))≤H when 5≤D<10'}], 'the method satisfies the following relationships,'}where H (ms) is an electrode force retaining time after completion of current passage, D (mm) is an amount of axis misalignment between the electrodes, t (mm) is a total sum of sheet thicknesses of the plurality of overlapping steel sheets, T (MPa) is a tensile strength of a steel sheet having a highest tensile strength among the plurality of steel sheets, F (N) is an electrode force, and d (mm) is a tip diameter of one electrode of the pair of electrodes, the one electrode having a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009020A1
Автор: Yasuda Keigo

The present disclose provides a method of resistance spot welding that can inhibit Liquid Metal Embrittlement-induced cracking in zinc-coated steel plates irrespective of the plate thicknesses. One aspect of the present disclosure provides a method of resistance spot welding that includes welding a workpiece with a resistance spot welding apparatus. The workpiece includes two or more steel plates in an overlapping state. The two or more steel plates include at least one steel plate coated with zinc. The welding includes causing a cooling rate of a high-tensile steel plate among the two or more steel plates to be higher than a cooling rate of an other steel plate among the two or more steel plates. The high-tensile steel plate has a tensile strength higher than a tensile strength of the other steel plate. 1. A method of resistance spot welding , the method comprising welding a workpiece with a resistance spot welding apparatus , the workpiece including two or more steel plates in an overlapping state ,the two or more steel plates including at least one steel plate coated with zinc, andthe welding comprising causing a cooling rate of a high-tensile steel plate among the two or more steel plates to be higher than a cooling rate of an other steel plate among the two or more steel plates, the high-tensile steel plate having a tensile strength higher than a tensile strength of the other steel plate.2. The method of resistance spot welding according to claim 1 , a first electrode configured to be in contact with the high-tensile steel plate; and', 'a second electrode configured to be in contact with the other steel plate, and, 'wherein the resistance spot welding apparatus includeswherein an area of contact between the first electrode and the high-tensile steel plate is larger than an area of contact between the second electrode and the other steel plate.3. A resistance spot welding apparatus configured to weld a workpiece including two or more steel plates in an ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016725A1

A joint structure, includes: a first member including a high tensile strength steel; and a second member including a high tensile strength steel and superposed on the first member, the first member and the second member being resistance welded to each other, in which a gap between the first member and the second member is between 0 mm and 3 mm, a nugget is not formed at a joint portion between the first member and the second member, or when the nugget is formed at the joint portion between the first member and the second member, a diameter D of the nugget satisfies D<5 mm, and a decarburized layer is provided on at least one of a superposition surface of the first member, on which the second member is superposed, and a superposition surface of the second member, on which the first member is superposed. 1. A joint structure , comprising:a first member comprising a high tensile strength steel; anda second member comprising a high tensile strength steel and superposed on the first member, the first member and the second member being resistance welded to each other,wherein a gap between the first member and the second member is more than 0 mm and less than 3 mm,{'b': 1', '1, 'a nugget is not formed at a joint portion between the first member and the second member, or when the nugget is formed at the joint portion between the first member and the second member, a diameter D of the nugget satisfies D<5 mm, and'}a decarburized layer is provided on at least one of a superposition surface of the first member, on which the second member is superposed, and a superposition surface of the second member, on which the first member is superposed.2. The joint structure according to claim 1 , wherein a carbon amount of the high tensile strength steel of at least one of the first member and the second member is 0.35 mass % or more.32122. The joint structure according to claim 1 , wherein a corona bond is formed around the nugget claim 1 , and a diameter D of the corona bond satisfies ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008118A1

A workpiece stack-up that includes at least a steel workpiece and an aluminum-based workpiece can be resistance spot welded by a spot welding method in which the welding current is controlled to perform one or more stages of weld joint development. When it is desired to terminate weld current flow and to solidify a liquid weld pool into a weld nugget (of mostly aluminum-based composition), additional cooling is applied to the outer surface of the aluminum-based workpiece around the contact area of the spot welding electrode engaging the surface of the aluminum-based workpiece surface. The additional cooling is applied and controlled so as to increase the rate of solidification of the liquid aluminum-based material and to control the direction of solidification of the weld nugget to better confine impurities, and the like, originally in the melt, at the surface of the steel workpiece. 1. A method of resistance spot welding a workpiece stack-up , which includes an aluminum-based workpiece and a steel workpiece so as to form a resistance spot weld between the aluminum-based workpiece and the steel workpiece , the method comprising:contacting a workpiece stack-up with a pair of spot welding electrodes such that the spot welding electrodes make contact with opposed sides of the workpiece stack-up, the workpiece stack-up comprising an aluminum-based workpiece and a steel workpiece, the aluminum-based workpiece having a faying surface and the steel workpiece having a faying surface, and wherein the faying surfaces of the aluminum-based workpiece and the steel workpiece overlap and contact one another to provide a faying interface between the workpieces; andcontrolling the passage of electrical current between the spot welding electrodes and through the aluminum-based workpiece and the steel workpiece to perform at least one stage of weld joint development that includes growing a molten weld pool in the aluminum-based workpiece that extends from the faying interface into ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Welded structure and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170008119A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

There is provided a welded structure that can reduce fractures at welded portions. The welded structure includes two or three steel sheets and a lapped portion in which the steel sheets are overlapped and joined by spot welding at a plurality of locations, the welded structure including a spot weld portion, and, when a diameter of a nugget is d ng (mm), a tip diameter of an electrode used by the spot welding is d (mm), and an average thickness per steel sheet of the steel sheets at the lapped portion is t ave (mm), the spot weld portion satisfies d ng >d(t ave ) 1/2 when 0.5 mm≦t ave <1.1 mm and d ng >1.05d when 1.1 mm≦t ave ≦2.6 mm, in accordance with the average thickness t ave (mm).

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008913A1

Proposed is a method of resistance spot welding to join a plurality of overlapping metal sheets, including: dividing a current pattern into two or more steps for welding; before actual welding, performing test welding to store, for each step as a target value, a time variation of an instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume and a cumulative amount of heat generated per unit volume; and subsequently, as actual welding, starting welding using, as a standard, a time variation curve of the instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume obtained by the test welding, and when a time variation amount of an instantaneous amount of heat generated deviates during any step from the time variation curve by a difference, performing adaptive control welding to control a current passage amount in order to compensate for the difference during a remaining welding time in the step. 1. A method of resistance spot welding to join materials to be welded by squeezing the materials between a pair of electrodes and passing current while applying pressure , the materials being a plurality of overlapping metal sheets , the method comprising:dividing a current pattern into two or more steps for welding;before actual welding, performing test welding to store, for each step as a target value, a time variation of an instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume and a cumulative amount of heat generated per unit volume that are calculated from an electrical property between electrodes when forming an appropriate nugget by passing current with constant current control; andsubsequently, as actual welding, starting welding using, as a standard, a time variation curve of the instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume obtained by the test welding, and when a time variation amount of an instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume deviates during any step from the time variation curve by a difference, performing adaptive control welding to control a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008914A1

A resistance spot welding system includes a calculation unit that calculate and store a time variation of an instantaneous amount of heat generated, a division unit that divides a current pattern into a plurality of steps and stores a time variation of the instantaneous amount of heat generated and a cumulative amount of heat generated for each step as a target value, and an adaptive control unit that starts welding upon subsequent actual welding using, as a standard, a time variation curve of the instantaneous amount of heat generated that is stored as the target value, and adjusts welding current and voltage during welding, when a time variation amount of an instantaneous amount of heat generated deviates during any step from the time variation curve by a difference, so as to compensate for the difference during a remaining welding time in the step. 1. A resistance spot welding system for joining materials to be welded by squeezing the materials between a pair of electrodes and passing current while applying pressure , the materials being a plurality of overlapping metal sheets , the system comprising:a calculation unit configured to calculate and store a time variation of an instantaneous amount of heat generated that is calculated from an electrical property between electrodes during test welding, preceding actual welding, that forms an appropriate nugget by passing current with constant current control;a division unit configured to divide, based on the time variation of the instantaneous amount of heat generated, a current pattern into a plurality of steps in accordance with input from an external source after the test welding and to store a time variation of the instantaneous amount of heat generated and a cumulative amount of heat generated for each step as a target value; andan adaptive control unit configured to start welding upon subsequent actual welding using, as a standard, a time variation curve of the instantaneous amount of heat generated that is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of Connecting Two Components

Номер: US20160008915A1

A method of connecting two components () is disclosed, wherein a first component () is connected to a second component () at a connecting point () of the first component (), and wherein a surrounding region (), which surrounds the connecting point (), is heated by electrical resistance heating prior to the two components () being connected, so that the ductility of the first component () in the surrounding region () is increased and the strength is substantially reduced. 1. Method of connecting two components , comprising connecting a first component to a second component at a connecting point of the first component , wherein a surrounding region , which surrounds the connecting point , is heated by electrical resistance heating prior to the two components being connected , so that the ductility of the first component in the surrounding region is increased and the strength is substantially reduced.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one electrode is brought into contact with the surrounding region for electrical resistance heating.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the electrode is part of a set of heating tongs.4. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the electrode has a contact surface which corresponds to the surface of the surrounding region.5. Method according to claim 3 , wherein the electrode and/or the heating tongs are/is positioned on the surrounding region by a handling apparatus.6. Method according to claim 5 , wherein the handling apparatus is controlled via a control device claim 5 , which is fed a set of data with the coordinates of the connecting points.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the first component is at least partially hardened prior to being heated.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile strength of the first component in the surrounding region is reduced to a value of 400 MPa to 900 MPa.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the first component and the second component are connected at the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009057A1
Автор: Chergui Azeddine

A method of resistance welding a component to a sandwich sheet, which includes a thermoplastic layer disposed between two metallic outer layers, may involve heating a region of the sandwich sheet to be welded such that the thermoplastic layer softens, displacing the thermoplastic layer from the region by pressing the outer layers together, and welding the outer layers to the component by an electrical current flow for welding in a first circuit. The first circuit may include a first power source via a first welding electrode arranged at a side of the sandwich sheet and a second welding electrode arranged at a side of the component. This method is easy to run and achieves short cycle times due at least in part to the region being heated by a current flow for preheating in a second circuit that comprises a second power source and an electrical conductor that is arranged between the first welding electrode and the sandwich sheet.” 115.-. (canceled)16. A method of resistance welding a component to a sandwich sheet that comprises a thermoplastic layer disposed between two metallic outer layers , the method comprising:heating a region of the sandwich sheet to be welded such that the thermoplastic layer softens;displacing the thermoplastic layer in the region to be welded by pressing the two metallic outer layers together; andwelding the two metallic outer layers to the component by an electrical current flowing for welding in a first circuit via a first welding electrode disposed at a side of the sandwich sheet and a second welding electrode disposed at a side of the component, wherein the first circuit comprises a first power source,wherein the region of the sandwich sheet to be welded is heated by an electrical current flowing for preheating in a second circuit, wherein the second circuit comprises a second power source and an electrical conductor that is disposed between the first welding electrode and the sandwich sheet.17. The method of resistance welding of further ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008655A1
Автор: SAKAMOTO Noboru

A welding gun includes first and second movable arms, and first and second welding electrodes. The first and second movable arms are movable upward and downward. The first and second welding electrode are disposed respectively on the first and second movable arms. The welding gun is capable of performing a first mode in which the first and second welding electrodes are brought into contact with one side of a workpiece to weld the workpiece, and a second mode in which the workpiece is sandwiched by the first and second welding electrodes to weld the workpiece. The first and second welding electrodes are pivotally supported by the first and second movable arms, respectively. Each of the first and second welding electrodes has a rotatable roller shape. The first movable arm includes a first slide mechanism configured to allow the first welding electrodes to slide to below the second welding electrode. 1. A welding gun comprising:first and second movable arms movable upward and downward;a first welding electrode disposed on the first movable arm; anda second welding electrode disposed on the second movable arm, wherein a first mode in which the first and second welding electrodes are brought into contact with one side of a workpiece to weld the workpiece, and', 'a second mode in which the workpiece are sandwiched by the first and second welding electrodes to weld the workpiece,, 'the welding gun being capable of performing'}the first and second welding electrodes are pivotally supported by the first and second movable arms, respectively,each of the first and second welding electrodes has a rotatable roller shape, andthe first movable arm comprises a first slide mechanism configured to allow the first welding electrodes to slide to below the second welding electrode.2. The welding gun according to claim 1 , wherein a first plate portion formed with a first guide groove along which the first movable arm slides downward, the first plate portion supporting the first movable ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Resistance Spot Welding Method for Joining Zinc Coated Steel Sheets

Номер: US20200009679A1

A method for resistance spot welding comprising the following successive steps: —providing at least two steel sheets with thickness (th) comprised between 0.5 and 3 mm, at least one of the sheets being a zinc or zinc-alloy coated steel sheet (A) with a tensile strength (TS) higher than 800 MPa and a total elongation (TEL) such as (TS)×(TEL)>14000 MPa %, wherein the composition of the steel substrate of (A) contains, in weight: 0.05%≤C≤0.4%, 0.3%≤Mn≤8%, 0.010%≤Al≤3%, 0.010%≤Si≤2.09%, with 0.5%≤(Si+Al)≤3.5%, 0.001%≤Cr≤1.0%, 0.001%≤Mo≤0.5% and optionally: 0.005%≤Nb≤0.1%, 0.005%≤V≤0.2%, 0.005%≤Ti≤0.1%, 0.0003%≤B≤0.005%, 0.001%≤Ni≤1.0%, the remainder being Fe and unavoidable impurities, —performing resistance spot welding of the at least two steel sheets for producing a weld with an indentation depth (IDepth) on the surface of said steel sheet (A) such as: 100 μm≤(IDepth)≤18.68 (Zn)−55.1, wherein (IDepth) is in micrometers and wherein Znis the solubility of Zn in the steel of sheet (A) at 750° C., in weight %. 3: A method according to wherein:{'sub': 'γ', 'f=min {−0.015+(1.73×C)+(0.16×Mn)−(0.1 l×Si)−(0.22×Al)−(0.056×Cr); 1}'}wherein C, Mn, Al, Si, Cr are in weight %.4: A method according claim 2 , wherein:{'br': None, 'sub': 'e1', 'A=725−(42.1Mn)+(27.3Si)+(9Al)+(5Cr)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 'e3', 'A=923−(360C)−(34Mn)+(37.6Si)+(131.6Al)−(24.9Cr)'}wherein C, Mn, Al, Si, Cr are in weight %.5: A method according to claim 1 , wherein Znis determined according to the method comprising the following successive steps:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'providing the coated steel sheet (A) of , then'}heat-treating the coated steel sheet (A) at 750° C. for a duration of 170 h, thencooling the sheet (A) at a rate higher than 50° C./s, thenmeasuring the Zn content in the steel at a distance of 1 micron from the steel/Zn or Zn-alloy coating interface.6: A method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the steel sheets welded to steel sheet (A) is a zinc or zinc- ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Welding Device, and Welding Robot

Номер: US20220032392A1

A method for operating a welding device for resistance welding includes carrying out a verification measurement by moving electrodes of the welding device toward one another and measuring a force in combination with measuring a distance between the electrodes. Electrode wear is ascertained by using the measured distance. The electrodes or component parts of the electrodes are changed or cleaned depending on the ascertained electrode wear. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method for operating a welding device for resistance welding , comprising the steps of:carrying out a verification measurement by moving electrodes of the welding device toward one another and measuring a force in combination with measuring a distance between the electrodes;ascertaining electrode wear by using the measured distance; andchanging or cleaning the electrodes or component parts of the electrodes depending on the ascertained electrode wear.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the welding device includes an electromechanical drive and wherein the force and the distance are measured by the electromechanical drive.15. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the electrodes each comprise a respective electrode cap and an electrode shank.16. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the step of ascertaining the electrode wear further includes comparing the measured distance with a base value and/or a reference value.17. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the step of carrying out the verification measurement is performed after a change of a respective electrode cap of the electrodes to determine a base value for a wear of a respective shank of the electrodes.18. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the step of carrying out the verification measurement is performed after cleaning of a respective electrode cap of the electrodes to determine a reference value for a wear of the respective electrode cap.19. The method according to further comprising the step of regulating the force ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032393A1

A fill level detection device for electrode cap magazines of welding electrodes includes at least one electrode cap channel disposed in the electrode cap magazine. At least one cap conveyor is disposed in a linearly movable manner, is preferably spring-loaded, is disposed in the electrode cap channel and moves the electrode caps contained in the electrode cap channel toward a removal opening for access by a welding gun. The electrode cap channel has a mechanically connected element which serves as a measuring surface and has an attached and/or fixed side on which a sensor for measuring a distance is disposed. The sensor projects a measuring beam onto the measuring surface to measure the distance between the sensor and the measuring surface, which enables the exact number of electrode caps contained in the electrode cap magazine to be determined by evaluating the distance measured by the sensor. 13-. (canceled)4. A system for detecting an electrode cap fill level in welding electrodes , the system comprising:an electrode cap magazine including a magazine head and an interchangeable magazine;a quick release device for connecting said interchangeable magazine to said magazine head;at least one guide device for ensuring a defined position of said magazine head and said interchangeable magazine upon interconnecting said interchangeable magazine and said magazine head;said interchangeable magazine having at least one electrode cap channel;at least one cap conveyor linearly movably disposed in said at least one electrode cap channel for moving the electrode caps contained in said at least one electrode cap channel toward a removal opening for access by a welding gun;a mechanically connected element to be used as a measuring surface, said measuring surface having a fixed side; anda sensor disposed on said fixed side for projecting a measuring beam onto said measuring surface to measure a distance between said sensor and said measuring surface for determining an exact number ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Dressing system for electrode of spot welding gun

Номер: US20160023296A1
Автор: Toshimichi Aoki
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A dressing system that can appropriately control the dressing amount of the electrode of a spot welding gun so as to not excessively and insufficiently dress the electrode. The dressing system for dressing the electrode of the spot welding gun includes a cutter that dresses the electrode, a controller that controls the rotational operation of the cutter, and a measuring part that measures the dressing amount of the electrode. The controller determines the rotational speed of the cutter based on the dressing amount measured by the measuring part.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040781A1
Принадлежит: Ahresty Corporation

A manufacturing method for joined bodies that allows galvanic corrosion to be reduced is provided. The method is for manufacturing a joined body obtained by joining together a mating member made of ferrous metal and a non-ferrous metal material. The method includes: a press fit step of press-fitting a joining element made of ferrous metal into a predetermined surface of the non-ferrous metal material; and a welding step of forming a melted portion between an exposed portion of the joining element press-fitted into the non-ferrous metal material and the mating member. After the press fit step, a part of the joining element is exposed from the predetermined surface and the remaining part of the joining element is not exposed and is buried in the non-ferrous metal material. The remaining part of the joining element includes a lodging portion having a surface facing to the predetermined surface. 1. A manufacturing method for a joined body obtained by joining together a mating member made of ferrous metal and a non-ferrous metal material having a predetermined surface facing to the mating member , comprising:a press fit step of press-fitting a joining element made of ferrous metal into the predetermined surface of the non-ferrous metal material; anda welding step of forming a melted portion between an exposed portion of the joining element press-fitted into the non-ferrous metal material and the mating member,wherein after the press fit step, a part of the joining element is exposed from the predetermined surface and the remaining part of the joining element is not exposed and is buried in the non-ferrous metal material, andwherein the remaining part of the joining element includes at least one lodging portion having a surface facing to the predetermined surface.2. The manufacturing method for the joined body according to claim 1 , comprising:a heating step of heating a portion of the non-ferrous metal material prior to the press fit step into which the joining element ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023646A1

A resistance spot welding method comprises: performing test welding; and performing actual welding after the test welding. The test welding is performed under each of two or more welding conditions. In the actual welding, preliminary current passage is performed by constant current control in the same current pattern as in the preliminary current passage of the test welding, an electrical property between the electrodes in the preliminary current passage in the actual welding and an electrical property between the electrodes stored in the preliminary current passage in the test welding are compared for each welding condition to set a target in main current passage in the actual welding, and thereafter adaptive control welding is performed to control a current passage amount as the main current passage. 1. A resistance spot welding method of squeezing , by a pair of electrodes , parts to be welded which are a plurality of overlapping metal sheets , and passing a current while applying an electrode force to join the parts to be welded , the resistance spot welding method comprising:performing test welding; andperforming actual welding after the test welding,wherein the test welding is performed under each of two or more welding conditions,in the test welding, for each of the welding conditions:preliminary current passage is performed by constant current control in a same current pattern, and an electrical property between the electrodes in the preliminary current passage is stored; andthereafter main current passage is performed by constant current control, and a time variation curve of an instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume and a cumulative amount of heat generated per unit volume that are calculated from an electrical property between the electrodes in forming an appropriate nugget are stored, andin the actual welding:preliminary current passage is performed by constant current control in the same current pattern as in the preliminary current ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Welder Comprising a Detachable Arm Provided with a Rotationally Mobile Part Supporting an Electrode

Номер: US20210023647A1

A resistance welder, which includes a clamp for supporting a detachable arm, the arm being constituted by a fixed part supporting a fixed electrode and a rotationally mobile part supporting a mobile electrode. The electrodes are intended to be crossed by an electrical current. The mobile arm of the clamp is pushed in its rotational motion by a thruster so that the extremities of the electrodes approach each other and grip the elements to be welded. The clamp further includes a shift measurement sensor, the value measured by this sensor being proportional to the distance between the extremities of the electrodes. It is thus easy to measure the distance between the electrodes and the measurement made on the piston can be used for other types of arms. 1. A resistance welder comprising:a clamp; anda detachable arm supported by the clamp, said arm being constituted by a fixed part supporting a fixed electrode and a rotationally mobile part supporting a mobile electrode, the electrodes being configured to be crossed by an electrical current, wherein the rotationally mobile part of the detachable arm of the clamp is pushed in its rotational motion by a thruster so that extremities of the fixed and mobile electrodes approach each other and grip elements to be welded; anda shift measurement sensor, which measures a value that is proportional to a distance between the extremities of the fixed and mobile electrodes.2. The resistance welder according to claim 1 , further comprising a slider provided with a cylinder pushed in translation by a head of the thruster claim 1 , said cylinder comprising first and second diametrically opposite rings that get housed in oblong holes situated on each side of flanks of the mobile arm to provide for angular alignment of the slider during shifting of the head of the thruster.3. The resistance welder according to claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism which locks the detachable to affix the detachable arm to the clamp claim 1 , this ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle body assembly system and vehicle body assembly method

Номер: US20170029053A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Provided are a vehicle body assembly system and vehicle body assembly method with which it is possible to reduce equipment space and equipment costs to a greater extent than in the past. A vehicle body assembly system in which components formed from one or more parts constituting a vehicle body are welded together to assemble a vehicle body structure, wherein the vehicle body assembly system ( 1 ) is characterized in being provided with upper jigs ( 41, 51, 61 ) for fixing the one or more parts in a state in which the relative position and orientation thereof as a component can be maintained, a lower jig ( 81 ) connected to the component fixed by the upper jigs ( 41, 51, 61 ), and a welding robot ( 7 ), the upper jigs ( 41, 51, 61 ) and the lower jig ( 81 ) being provided, respectively, with upper-jig connecting parts ( 413, 513, 613 ) and lower-jig connecting parts ( 813 ) that are connected to each other, and the welding robot ( 7 ) welding together the one or more parts forming a component, and welding together the components, in a state in which the connections between the component and the lower jig ( 81 ), and the connections between the upper jigs ( 41, 51, 61 ) and the lower jig ( 81 ), are maintained.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030637A1

By obtaining a spot-welded joint being a spot-welded joint formed by overlapping a plurality of pieces of steel plates (A, B) and performing spot welding on the steel plates, including a high-strength steel plate whose tensile strength is 750 (MPa) to 2500 (MPa), being at least one piece of steel plate out of the plurality of pieces of steel plates, in which a carbon equivalent Ceq of the high-strength steel plate is 0.20 mass % to 0.55 mass %, and ten or more of iron-based carbides in each of which a length of a longest portion is 0.1 (μm) or more exist in a square region within a heat-affected zone of a cross section that passes through a center of a welding mark, and is cut along a plate thickness direction of the steel plates (A, B), a cross tensile strength of the spot-welded joint to be formed is improved. 1at least one piece of steel plate out of the plurality of pieces of steel plates is a high-strength steel plate whose tensile strength is 750 MPa to 2500 MPa, whereina carbon equivalent Ceq of the high-strength steel plate represented by the following expression (A) is 0.20 mass % to 0.55 mass %,the spot welding method comprising:{'sub': f', 'f', 'E, 'performing pre-energization of energizing welding electrodes with a pre-energization current I(kA) satisfying the following expression (C) for a pre-energization time t(msec) satisfying the following expression (D), in a state where the overlapped plurality of pieces of steel plates are pressurized by the welding electrodes at a pressurizing force F(N) satisfying the following expression (B);'}{'sub': C', 'E, 'performing, after the pre-energization is finished, cooling after pre-energization of cooling the plurality of pieces of steel plates for a cooling time after pre-energization t(msec) satisfying the following expression (E) while retaining the pressurizing force F(N) satisfying the following expression (B);'}{'sub': W', 'E, 'performing, after the cooling after pre-energization is finished, main welding ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049330A1

A spot welded member includes a spot weld formed by holding a sheet stack of multiple steel sheets between a pair of electrodes and spot-welding the sheet stack, in which at least one of the multiple steel sheets is a high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet having a tensile strength of 780 MPa or more, the high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet having a coating with an Al content of 0.5% or more by mass, and in which the heat shock region of the spot weld outwardly extending from an edge of a corona bond area includes a coated layer including an FeAl alloy layer having an average thickness of 0.3 μm or more and a zinc-based coated layer having an average thickness of 2.0 μm or more on the FeAl alloy layer at the interface between the base steel sheet of the high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet and the coating. 1. A spot welded member , comprising a spot weld formed by holding a sheet stack of multiple steel sheets between a pair of electrodes and spot-welding the sheet stack ,wherein at least one of the multiple steel sheets is a high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet having a tensile strength of 780 MPa or more, the high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet having a coating with an Al content of 0.5% or more by mass, andwherein a heat shock region of the spot weld outwardly extending from an edge of a corona bond area includes a coated layer including an FeAl alloy layer having an average thickness of 0.3 μm or more and a zinc-based coated layer having an average thickness of 2.0 μm or more on the FeAl alloy layer at an interface between a base steel sheet of the high-strength zinc-based coated steel sheet and the coating.2. The spot welded member according to claim 1 , wherein the Al content of the coating satisfies formula (1):{'br': None, '#text': '[Average thickness of FeAl alloy layer]≥0.8×ln[Al content]+0.2\u2003\u2003(1)'}where ln is a natural logarithm, [average thickness of FeAl alloy layer] is the average thickness (μm) of the FeAl ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034609A1

A system for forming a weld nugget in a metal work piece includes a power supply, actuator, electrodes, and controller. The actuator delivers a variable electrode force to the work piece in response to a force command. The controller executes a method by transmitting a welding current command to the power supply to cause the power supply to output a welding current to the electrodes. The controller transmits the force command to the actuator to apply the variable electrode force, via the electrodes, to the work piece at a first force level. The variable electrode force increases from a second force level immediately upon conclusion of a first duration to minimize weld expulsion. The second force level commences at a point in time in the dynamic resistance profile at which a dynamic resistance value of the work piece decreases at a threshold rate during formation of the weld nugget. 1. A system for forming a weld nugget in a metal work piece , the system comprising:a welding power supply;an actuator;a pair of electrodes operatively connected to the welding power supply and to the actuator, wherein the actuator is operable to deliver a variable electrode force to the work piece via the pair of electrodes in response to a force command; transmit a welding current command to the welding power supply to thereby cause the welding power supply to output a welding current to the pair of electrodes, thereby forming molten metal from the metal work piece;', 'transmit the force command to the actuator to apply the variable electrode force, via the pair of electrodes, to the work piece at a first force level for a first duration; and', 'increase the variable electrode force from the first force level to a second force level immediately upon conclusion of the first duration, thereby minimizing expulsion of the molten metal;, 'a controller having a processor and computer-readable memory, wherein the memory includes a calibrated dynamic resistance profile for the work piece and ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055143A1

A sealing method that uses an electrostatic energy storage welding machine which includes an energy storage section including a plurality of energy storage parts is provided. A method of sealing a liquid inlet port of a power storage device includes burring in advance a through-hole of the liquid sealing port to raise a hole edge of the through-hole into a form of a projection, wherein the liquid sealing port of the power storage device to be sealed with electrolyte contained therein corresponds to an object to be welded; placing a spherical body that is a lid body on the projection; and performing resistance welding between the projection and the spherical body to seal the liquid inlet port. 1. A method of sealing a liquid inlet port of a power storage device , the method comprising:by using an electrostatic energy storage welding machine including an energy storage section including a plurality of energy storage parts, the electrostatic energy storage welding machine being configured to individually charge and discharge the plurality of energy storage parts to stabilize voltages of the energy storage parts having variation in performance and to perform resistance welding of an object to be welded by applying power produced by a stabilized set voltage and an electric current while applying pressure to the object to be welded between welding electrodes,burring in advance a through-hole of a liquid sealing port of the power storage device to raise a hole edge of the through-hole into a form of a projection, wherein the liquid sealing port of the power storage device through which an electrolyte is introduced into the power storage device is the object to be welded;placing a spherical body that is a lid body on the projection; andperforming resistance welding between the projection and the spherical body to seal the liquid inlet port.2. The method of sealing the liquid inlet port of the power storage device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electrostatic energy ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040487A1

A multilayer steel includes a core formed of transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel. A decarburized layer is exterior to the core on at least one side thereof. The decarburized layer has reduced carbon content relative to the core. A zinc-based layer is exterior to the decarburized layer. The decarburized layer may have a composition of at least 80 percent ferrite, such that LME is reduced or mitigated. In some configurations, the decarburized layer is between 10-50 microns thick. A method of creating a coated advanced high-strength steel component is also provided. An apparatus for forming a coated advanced high-strength steel is also provided. The core of the multilayer steel may have a carbon weight-percent of less than or equal to 0.4. The decarburized layer of the multilayer steel may have a carbon weight-percent of less than or equal to 50 percent of the carbon weight-percent of the core. 1. A multilayer steel , comprising:a core formed of transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel;a decarburized layer exterior to the core, wherein the decarburized layer has reduced carbon content relative to the core; anda zinc-based layer exterior to the decarburized layer.2. The multilayer steel of claim 1 , wherein a carbon weight-percent of less than or equal to 50 percent of the carbon weight-percent of the core claim 1 , and has at least 80 percent ferrite.3. The multilayer steel of claim 1 , wherein the decarburized layer is between 10-50 microns thick.4. The multilayer steel of claim 1 , wherein the core includes a carbon weight-percent of less than or equal to 0.4.5. The multilayer steel of claim 4 , wherein the decarburized layer has a carbon weight-percent of less than or equal to 20 percent of the carbon weight-percent of the core.6. The multilayer steel of claim 4 , wherein the core has a first side and a second side claim 4 , opposite the first side claim 4 , and the decarburized layer is a first decarburized layer located on the first side of the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Integrated resistance welding of functional element and auxiliary element

Номер: US20160045977A1
Автор: Azeddine Chergui

The invention relates to a method for joining at least one sandwich sheet to at least one functional element made of metal, wherein the at least one sandwich sheet has two metallic outer layers and a thermoplastic layer arranged between the metallic outer layers, wherein at least the region to be joined of the at least one sandwich sheet is heated in such a manner that the thermoplastic layer softens, the plastic layer is pushed out of the joining region by the outer layers being pressed together, and the outer layers of the at least one sandwich sheet are joined, in particular welded, to the functional element by an electric current flow between a first and a second electrode.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045978A1
Автор: Wang Pei-Chung

A method includes forming a first pocket in a first sheet of material and a second pocket in a second sheet of material, pressing the first pocket and the second pocket together at a nonlinear interface, and welding material of the first pocket and the second pocket at the interface. 1. A method , comprising:forming a first pocket in a first sheet of material and a second pocket in a second sheet of material;pressing the first pocket and the second pocket together at a nonlinear interface, wherein the first pocket and the second pocket are pressed between a first tooling element and a second tooling element, wherein the first tooling element includes a convex tooling surface and the second tooling element includes a concave tooling surface; andmelting first material of the first pocket and second material of the second pocket at the interface, wherein the first material and the second material is melted using at least one of the first tooling element and the second tooling element, and wherein the material is configured to solidify, following the melting, to form a joint at the nonlinear interface.2. The method of claim 1 , the first pocket comprising a first concave pocket surface and a first convex pocket surface claim 1 , the second pocket comprising a second concave pocket surface and a second convex pocket surface claim 1 , the nonlinear interface including a point of contact between the first convex pocket surface and the second concave pocket surface.3. The method of claim 2 , the pressing including contacting the first concave surface with the convex tooling surface and contacting the second convex surface with the concave tooling surface.4. The method of claim 2 , the pressing comprising receiving the first tooling element in the first pocket and receiving the second pocket in the second tooling element.5. The method of claim 1 , the forming comprising forming the first pocket and the second pocket using the first tooling element and the second tooling ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043427A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A welding gun equipped with a retaining unit, which includes a first retaining member and a second retaining member, and retains a stationary gun arm and a movable gun arm. A retaining hole for retaining the stationary gun arm, guide grooves for insertion of rolling members provided on an aim holder that retains the movable gun arm, connecting member insertion holes into which connecting members connecting the first retaining member and the second retaining member are inserted, and a retained member insertion hole for inserting a retained member retained by a moving member that moves the retaining unit to a welding operation location, are formed in the first retaining member and the second retaining member, and the regions where these components are formed are set as thick-walled regions having a greater thickness than other regions. Thus, adequate rigidity is ensured while avoiding an increase in weight. 1. A welding gun equipped with a retaining unit that retains a stationary gun arm , and a movable gun arm configured to approach toward and separate away from the stationary gun arm , wherein:the retaining unit comprises a first retaining member and a second retaining member sandwiching an arm holder therebetween, the arm holder configured to retain the movable gun arm;in each of the first retaining member and the second retaining member along a thickness direction thereof, there are formed retaining holes configured to retain the stationary gun arm , a guide groove in which rolling members provided on the arm holder are inserted, connecting member insertion holes in which connecting members configured to connect the first retaining member and the second retaining member are inserted, and a retained member insertion hole in which a retained member is inserted, the retained member retained by a moving device configured to move the retaining unit to a welding operation location;regions where the retaining holes, the guide groove, the connecting member insertion holes ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043459A1

A resistance spot welding method of squeezing a predetermined sheet combination by a pair of electrodes and passing a current while applying an electrode force to join the sheet combination includes: performing test welding; and performing actual welding after the test welding, wherein in each of the test welding and the actual welding, a current pattern is divided into two or more steps including a first current passage step and a second current passage step subsequent to the first current passage step, and, in the actual welding, a current that causes no expulsion is selected to perform welding by constant current control in the first current passage step, and adaptive control welding is performed from the subsequent second current passage step onward. 1. A resistance spot welding method of squeezing , by a pair of electrodes , a sheet combination in which a thin sheet is overlapped on at least one face of two or more overlapping thick sheets , and passing a current while applying an electrode force to join the sheet combination , the resistance spot welding method comprising:performing test welding; andperforming actual welding after the test welding,wherein in each of the test welding and the actual welding, a current pattern is divided into two or more steps including a first current passage step and a second current passage step subsequent to the first current passage step,in the test welding, an amount of time variation of an instantaneous amount of heat generated per unit volume as a time variation curve and a cumulative amount of heat generated per unit volume are stored for each of the current passage steps, both the amount of time variation and the cumulative amount of heat being calculated from an electrical property between the electrodes in the case of forming an appropriate nugget by passing a current by constant current control, andin the actual welding, a current that causes no expulsion is selected to perform welding by constant current control in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043461A1

A resistance spot welding device for welding at least two overlapping steel sheets held between a pair of welding electrodes is provided. The resistance spot welding device includes the pair of electrodes, an electrode force gauge that measures an electrode force, and a controller that controls an electric current supply to the electrodes according to the electrode force measured by the electrode force gauge. The controller controls the electric current such that the electrode force F measured by the electrode force gauge after the start of the electric current supply is adjusted to a prescribed value. 3. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the electric current supply such that the period of a last (N+1)th repetition of the electric current supply is from 100 ms to 300 ms inclusive.4. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 1 , further comprising a gun arm to which the pair of electrodes is mounted claim 1 ,wherein the electrode force gauge is a strain gauge that measures strain of the gun arm.5. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller controls the electric current supply such that the period of a last (N+1)th repetition of the electric current supply is from 100 ms to 300 ms inclusive.6. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 2 , further comprising a gun arm to which the pair of electrodes is mounted claim 2 ,wherein the electrode force gauge is a strain gauge that measures strain of the gun arm.7. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 3 , further comprising a gun arm to which the pair of electrodes is mounted claim 3 ,wherein the electrode force gauge is a strain gauge that measures strain of the gun arm.8. The resistance spot welding device according to claim 5 , further comprising a gun arm to which the pair of electyrodes is mounted claim 5 ,wherein the electrode force gauge is a strain gauge that measures strain of the gun ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Weld Gun Part Clamp Device And Method

Номер: US20180043462A1
Автор: Kilibarda Velibor

A combination component handling and connecting device connectable to a multi-axis robot for use in moving and connecting components and subassemblies includes a housing and an actuator fixedly connected to the housing. The actuator includes an actuating link movable from a first position to a second position. Connected to the actuating link is an end effector for concurrent movement with the actuating link. The component handling and connecting device includes a clamp having a first jaw and a second jaw. The second jaw is connected to the actuating link for selectively moving the second jaw toward the first jaw operative to engage a component. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for component handling and connecting of components through through use of a multi-axis robot having an end effector , the end effector having a first clamp jaw and a second clamp jaw , the method comprising:moving an end effector actuator connected to one of a first clamp jaw or a second clamp jaw in a first direction to a clamp open position defining a clamp throat;maneuvering the end effector to position a first component and a second component in the clamp throat;moving the end effector actuator in a second direction to a clamp closed position, the clamp engaging the first component and the second component with the first clamp jaw and the second clamp jaw; andfixedly connecting the first component and the second component together by the first or the second clamp jaw in the clamp closed position.22. The method of further comprising:engaging one of the first component or the second component in a support member positioned in the clamp throat.23. The method of wherein moving the end effector actuator to the clamp closed position and connecting the first component and the second component comprises a single actuator.24. The method of wherein the step of fixedly connecting the first and the second component together comprises welding the first and the second component together.25. The method of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Resistance spot welding method for a lap-joint of multi-metal sheets

Номер: US20140124485A1

A resistance spot welding method for a lap joint multi-metal sheets which may improve the welding efficiency and nugget quality comprises: coating a joining zone of one of two mutually facing surfaces of two adjacent metal sheets with an active agent with high resistivity to form a welding region, and clamping the welding region with an upper welding electrode and a lower welding electrode and providing an electric current into the welding region. The active agent with high resistivity generates high heat energy to melt the joining zone and join the two adjacent metal sheets. The active agent with high resistivity has a resistivity much greater than a resistivity of each of the two metal sheets, and the active agent with high resistivity consists of multi-component powders and an organic solvent.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047075A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Disclosed are welds formed from improved resistance spot welding, as well as methods of improved resistance spot welding. Resistance spot welding includes positioning a magnet carrier having a plurality of electromagnets on at least one electrode of two electrodes. The method includes positioning a first metal sheet and a second metal sheet between the two electrodes where at least one of the first metal sheet or the second metal sheet includes an aluminum alloy. The method includes positioning the forming a weld nugget by applying a magnetic field from the plurality of electromagnets through the weld while applying a current through the electrodes to stir a portion of the first metal sheet and the second metal sheet forming a weld nugget and adjusting the magnetic field to control at least one characteristic of the weld nugget. Forming the weld nugget joins the first metal sheet with the second metal sheet. 1. A method of resistance spot welding comprising:positioning a magnet carrier on at least one electrode of two electrodes, the magnet carrier comprising a plurality of electromagnets positioned around the at least one electrode;positioning a first metal sheet and a second metal sheet between the two electrodes, wherein at least one of the first metal sheet or the second metal sheet comprises an aluminum alloy;positioning the two electrodes on opposing surfaces of the first metal sheet and the second metal sheet; and applying a magnetic field from the plurality of electromagnets through the weld while applying a current through the electrodes to stir a portion of the first metal sheet and the second metal sheet forming a weld nugget; and', 'adjusting the magnetic field to control at least one characteristic of the weld nugget,, 'forming a weld nugget bywherein forming the weld nugget joins the first metal sheet with the second metal sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the magnetic field comprises controlling an angle of a central axis of at least ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Expulsion sensing method and expulsion sensing device in electric resistance welding

Номер: US20210053142A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

An expulsion sensing device includes a spot welding device 2 that pressurizes, via a pair of electrodes 33 and 34, a workpiece W in which a plurality of metal plate members is superposed and welds the workpiece W by passing electricity between the pair of electrodes 33 and 34 while maintaining a predetermined pressurizing force, an operation control unit 42 that detects an interelectrode distance between the pair of electrodes 33 and 34 at predetermined time intervals, a calculation unit 51 that detects a temporal change rate of the detected interelectrode distance, and a determination circuit unit 52 that determines occurrence of expulsion when the detected change rate in an approaching direction of the pair of electrodes 33 and 34 is equal to or more than a predetermined threshold

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053654A1

A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy (“aluminum”) workpiece together includes several steps. One step involves providing a workpiece stack-up with a steel workpiece and an aluminum workpiece. Another step involves attaching a cover over a weld face of a welding electrode. The cover is made of a metal material with an electrical resistivity that is greater than an electrical resistivity of a material of the welding electrode. Yet another step involves performing multiple individual resistance spot welds to the workpiece stack-up. The cover abuts the aluminum workpiece while the individual resistance spot welds are performed. And another step involves removing the cover from the welding electrode after the individual spot welds are performed. 1. A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece together , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece;attaching a cover at least over a weld face of a welding electrode, the cover being made of a metal material with an electrical resistivity that is greater than an electrical resistivity of a material of the welding electrode;performing a plurality of individual resistance spot welds to the workpiece stack-up, the cover abutting the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece while the individual resistance spot welds are performed; andremoving the cover from the welding electrode after the individual resistance spot welds are performed.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the cover is attached to the welding electrode via a crimping process claim 1 , a stamping process claim 1 , a screwing process claim 1 , or a combination of two or more of these processes.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the cover is made of steel claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , or niobium.4. The method as set ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072647A1
Автор: Cloeter Nathan
Принадлежит: KTH Parts Industries, Inc.

A multi-tiered weld program that is effective in resistance spot welding of dissimilar materials is disclosed. The process is repeatable across a multitude of grades/thicknesses, and number of sheets of conductive materials, and is possible to perform with traditional weld tooling and electrodes. Different size/different material/different contact face geometries weld surfaces are used to balance thermal properties of the materials, and the process is designed to create a small, consistent Intermetallic Compound (IMC) that is effective in holding two different conductive materials together with a high level of strength that is suitable for industrial mass production. The multi-tiered resistance spot weld process uniformly preheats, welds, and cools the samples to control the formation of the IMC that is formed therein. 1. A resistance spot welding method for joining work pieces of dissimilar materials together , the method comprising the steps of:pressuring the work pieces to clamp the work pieces together with opposed weld electrodes of a weld machine;in a preheating phase, with the work pieces pressured and clamped together by the weld electrodes, providing electrical current through the weld electrodes to the work pieces at a predetermined level and for a predetermined period of time to provide gradual heating of the work pieces;in a welding phase after the preheating phase, with the work pieces pressured and clamped together by the weld electrodes, providing electrical current through the weld electrodes to the work pieces at a predetermined level higher than the preheating phase and for a predetermined period of time to form an Intermetallic Compound (IMC) between the work pieces; andwherein the electrical current is continuously provided to the work pieces from the preheating phase through welding phase without stops.2. The resistance spot welding method of claim 1 , further comprising a sloping phase between the preheating phase and the welding phase claim 1 ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072648A1
Автор: Cloeter Nathan
Принадлежит: KTH Parts Industries, Inc.

A multi-tiered weld program that is effective in resistance spot welding of dissimilar materials is disclosed. The process is repeatable across a multitude of grades/thicknesses, and number of sheets of conductive materials, and is possible to perform with traditional weld tooling and electrodes. Different size/different material/different contact face geometries weld surfaces are used to balance thermal properties of the materials, and the process is designed to create a small, consistent Intermetallic Compound (IMC) that is effective in holding two different conductive materials together with a high level of strength that is suitable for industrial mass production. The multi-tiered resistance spot weld process preheats, welds, and cools the samples to control the formation of the IMC that is formed therein. 1. A resistance spot welding method for joining work pieces of dissimilar materials together , the method comprising the steps of:pressuring the work pieces to clamp the work pieces together with opposed weld electrodes of a weld machine;in a preheating phase, with the work pieces pressured and clamped together by the weld electrodes, providing electrical current through the weld electrodes to the work pieces at a predetermined level and for a predetermined period of time to provide gradual heating of the work pieces;in a welding phase after the preheating phase, with the work pieces pressured and clamped together by the weld electrodes, providing electrical current through the weld electrodes to the work pieces at a predetermined level higher than the preheating phase and for a predetermined period of time to form an Intermetallic Compound (IMC) between the work pieces; andwherein the electrical current is continuously provided to the work pieces from the preheating phase through welding phase without stops.2. The resistance spot welding method of claim 1 , further comprising a sloping phase between the preheating phase and the welding phase claim 1 , with the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Welding Device for Welding a Connecting Portion and Method for Welding the Connecting Portion with the Welding Assembly

Номер: US20150060414A1
Автор: Riether Walter

A welding device for welding a thicker sheet and a thinner sheet arranged congruently together. A first welding electrode having a first heat reflector or welding mirror contacts the thicker sheet with a first contact surface. A second welding electrode having a heat reflector or second welding mirror contacts the thinner sheet with a second contact surface. The first and second contact surfaces are at least partially congruent, and the first contact surface is larger than the second contact surface by at least a factor of two. 114-. (canceled)15. A welding device for welding a connecting section of the type having a thicker sheet and a thinner sheet arranged congruently to each other in the connecting section , the welding device comprising:a first welding electrode having a first welding mirror configured to contact the thicker sheet with a first contact surface; anda second welding electrode having a second welding mirror configured to contact the thinner sheet with a second contact surface;wherein the first and second contact surfaces are at least partially congruent and the first contact surface is larger than the second contact surface by at least a factor of two.16. The welding device according to claim 15 , wherein the first contact surface is circular and holohedral.17. The welding device according to claim 16 , wherein the first circular contact surface has a diameter in the range between 3 mm and 10 mm.18. The welding device according to claim 17 , wherein the first circular contact surface has a diameter in the range between 5 mm and 10 mm.19. The welding device according to claim 18 , wherein the first circular contact surface has a diameter in the range between 7 mm and 10 mm.20. The welding device according to claim 16 , wherein the second contact surface is annular.21. The welding device according to claim 20 , wherein the second contact surface is toroidal.22. The welding device according to claim 21 , wherein the second annular contact surface has ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Joining apparatus for panel sheets and joining method for panel sheets using the same

Номер: US20180056431A1
Автор: Jae Hun Song
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A joining apparatus for panel sheets and a joining method for panel sheets using the same are provided. The joining apparatus includes an element punching device which stores and supplies elements according to a specification of a panel sheet and inserts the element into a first panel sheet among different types of panel sheets. Additionally, a welding device resistively welds a part of the first panel sheet into which the element is inserted by the element punching device.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Welding Metal-Based Materials

Номер: US20180056432A1
Принадлежит: Outokumpu Oyi

The invention relates to a method of welding of at least two metal-based materials (), non-weldable directly to each other with resistance welding. At least one spacer () is joined by welding on at least one of the two surfaces of a material () in every interstice between two surfaces of materials to be welded. The welded spacer () is utilized so that resistance welding is focused to the surface of the material () with the spacer () to melt at least one spacer () located on the heat affecting zone in order to achieve a weld between the metal-based materials (). 1. A method for welding at least two metal-based materials , non-weldable directly to each other with resistance welding , comprising providing at least one spacer joined by welding on at least one of the two surfaces of a material in every interstice between two surfaces of materials to be welded , and utilizing the welded spacer so that resistance welding is focused to the surface of the material with the spacer to melt at least one spacer located on the heat affecting zone in order to achieve a weld between the metal-based materials.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by arc welding.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by plasma welding.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by gas metal arc welding.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by beam welding.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by laser beam welding.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer is welded by electron beam welding.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistance welding is carried out by spot welding.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistance welding is carried out by roller seam welding.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistance welding is carried out by projection welding.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistance ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056434A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A spot welding apparatus includes a spot welding gun and a welding gun control apparatus. The welding gun control apparatus includes a pressurizing force control part controlling the pressurizing force, a position control part controlling the position of at least one electrode, and a determination part determining whether or not the welding is performed in a normal state. The position control part controls an electrode drive motor so as to hold the electrodes, after the supply of the electric current is started, at positions when the initial pressurizing force is applied before the electric current is supplied. The determination part acquires the pressurizing force and determines whether or not the welding is performed in a normal state based on change tendency in the pressurizing force. 1. A spot welding apparatus comprising:a spot welding gun including a pair of electrodes disposed opposite to each other and an electrode drive motor driving at least one electrode of the pair of electrodes; anda welding gun control apparatus controlling the spot welding gun; whereinthe welding gun control apparatus includes a pressurizing force control part controlling pressurizing force, a pressurizing force detection part detecting a pressurizing force that the pair of electrodes apply to a workpiece, a position control part controlling a position of the electrode, a determination part that determines whether or not welding is performed in a normal state during a period in which electric current is supplied to the electrodes, and a storage part storing information that relates to the welding,the pressurizing force control part controls the electrode drive motor so that the pressurizing force applied to the electrodes is a predetermined initial pressurizing force before electric current is supplied;the position control part controls the electrode drive motor so as to hold the electrodes, after the supply of the electric current is started, at positions when the initial ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Manufacturing method for welding a multi-sheet assembly

Номер: US20200055139A1

A method of manufacturing a resistance weld in at least three overlying sheet metal layers includes the steps of: (1) providing a first sheet metal layer having a first thickness; (2) providing a second sheet metal layer having a second thickness; (3) providing a filler material on the second sheet metal layer; (4) providing a third sheet metal layer having a third thickness onto the filler material and the second sheet metal layer wherein the third thickness is less than each of the first and the second thicknesses; (5) pressing a pair of welding electrodes against a pair of opposing outer surfaces with the filler material disposed therebetween; and (6) passing an electric current between the pair of electrodes through the filler material and the first, second, and third sheet metal layers to form a weld nugget which penetrates into at least the first and second sheet metal layers.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058950A1
Принадлежит: SMC Corporation

A guide mechanism () is provided with: a guide member () having a first groove (); a slide member () having a second groove (); and rolling bodies () arranged in a guide groove () comprising the first groove () and the second groove (). A stopper () for preventing the rolling bodies () from moving out of the guide groove () is affixed to the second groove () by welding. A method for manufacturing the guide mechanism () includes a welding step in which the second groove () and the stopper () are welded by resistance welding while the stopper () is pressed against the second groove (). 110110. A guide mechanism ( , ) comprising:{'b': 72', '172', '81', '181, 'a guide member (, ) having a linear first groove (, ) therein;'}{'b': 74', '174', '72', '172', '82', '182', '81', '181, 'a slide member (, ) configured to slide linearly with respect to the guide member (, ), and having a linear second groove (, ) therein disposed so as to be face-to-face with the first groove (, ); and'}{'b': 76', '176', '98', '198', '81', '181', '82', '182, 'a plurality of rolling bodies (, ) disposed in a guide groove (, ) that is constituted by the first groove (, ) and the second groove (, );'}{'b': 100', '200', '202', '76', '176', '98', '198', '81', '181', '82', '182, 'wherein a stopper (, , ) configured to prevent disengagement of the rolling bodies (, ) from the guide groove (, ) is fixed by welding in the first groove (, ) or the second groove (, ).'}210. The guide mechanism () according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': '74', 'the slide member () is a plate-shaped member; and'}{'b': 100', '82, 'the stopper () is disposed in the second groove ().'}310. The guide mechanism () according to claim 2 , wherein:{'b': 74', '86', '88', '86', '86, 'the slide member () includes a flat plate-shaped base section (), and side sections () that project in a thickness direction of the base section () from both ends of the base section () in a widthwise direction thereof; and'}{'b': 82', '88, 'the second groove ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069026A1

A weld head for spot welding two or more components together. The weld head includes first and second electrode assemblies and a linear actuator motor to drive the first electrode assembly into a desired position and apply a desired clamping force. The weld head may include a sensor configured to measure a temperature of the motor and a controller configured to monitor the temperature and adjust the current supplied to the motor to maintain the desired clamping force. The weld head may include linear encoder to measure the position of the linear actuator motor and an algorithm that correlates the position of the motor with a force constant of the motor. Based on the position of the motor and the corresponding force constant of the motor, the controller is configured to adjust the current supplied to the motor to maintain the desired clamping force. 1. A weld head configured to spot weld two or more components together , the weld head comprising:first and second electrode assemblies configured to supply a weld current through the components;a linear actuator motor configured to drive the first electrode assembly into a desired position and to apply a desired clamping force to the components;a temperature sensor coupled the linear actuator motor and configured to measure a temperature of the linear actuator motor; anda controller configured to monitor the temperature measured by the temperature sensor and, based upon the temperature, adjust the current supplied to the linear actuator motor to maintain the desired clamping force.2. The weld head of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is a thermistor.3. The weld head of claim 1 , wherein the first electrode assembly comprises:an upper adapter; anda lower adapter detachably coupled to the upper adapter, wherein the lower adapter is configured to detachably receive an electrode.4. The weld head of claim 1 , further comprising a brake configured to move between an engaged position in which the position of the first ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067913A1

A setting welding device is set forth for setting stud-like auxiliary joining parts in a plurality of layers of material and subjecting them to a mechanical-thermoforming process on a second layer of material and connecting them to said second layer by way of a welding operation. For this purpose, the punch is used to apply to the welding auxiliary joining part mechanical and thermal loads that follow prescribed characteristic force and current curves. Furthermore, a corresponding connecting method that can be realized with the aid of the setting welding device is also disclosed. 1. A combined setting welding device designed to set stud-like welding auxiliary joining parts in at least one first layer of material and to subject them to a mechanical thermoforming process on a second layer of material made of electrically conductive material or on an electrically conductive area of a second layer of material and to connect them in a surface-connected manner through a welding operation in the contact area , wherein the setting welding device has the following characteristics:a driven punch, which is movable with a setting force of at least 5 kN, preferably at least 8 kN, against an oppositely arranged counter support, whilethe punch and the counter support are designed electrically conductively and connectable with an electric current source so that the punch and the counter support each form a welding electrode,an electronic control system of the setting welding device with a combined control and/or regulation device so that combined mechanical and electrical loads can be generated via the punch and the counter support on the welding auxiliary joining part, which ensure a mechanically and thermally supported penetration of the at least one first layer of material and a planar welding with the second layer of material.2. The setting welding device according to claim 1 , in which the punch is movable via an electrical claim 1 , hydraulic or pneumatic drive and at least ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061759A1

A securing system, such as a welding system, includes a robot configured to transfer a part to a home position. A securing station has a frame and a gun supported on the frame. The gun includes first and second members movable relative to one another, which are first and second weld gun electrodes, for example. The gun is configured to secure a component to the part in a securing position during a securing operation. A float assembly interconnects the gun to the frame and is configured to permit the gun to glide relative to the welding frame between the home position and the securing position. A homing assembly includes a homing guide configured to release the welding gun from the home position during the securing operation, such as resistance welding fasteners to sheet metal workpieces. 1. A securing system comprising:a robot configured to transfer a workpiece to a home position; a frame;', 'a gun supported on the frame, the gun includes first and second members movable relative to one another, the gun is configured to secure a component to the workpiece in a securing position during a securing operation; and', 'a float assembly interconnects the gun to the frame, the float assembly configured to permit the gun to move relative to the frame between the home position and the securing position in response to the first and second members closing about the workpiece which urges the gun to move relative to the frame;', 'a homing assembly configured to hold the gun in the home position, the homing assembly configured to release the gun and permit the gun to move from the home position to the securing position during the securing operation., 'a securing station includes2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the float assembly is configured to permit the gun to glide in a plane in X- and Y-directions relate to frame between the home position and the securing position.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein one of the first and second electrodes includes a pin ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Bonded Structure of Dissimilar Metallic Materials and Method of Joining Dissimilar Metallic Materials

Номер: US20140144889A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

Disclosed herein are bonded structures and methods of forming the same. One embodiment of a bonded structure comprises first and second metallic layers and a bonding interface between the first and second metallic layers formed by diffusion and comprising a layer of at least one intermetallic compound. The intermetallic compound layer is formed in an area 52% or greater of an area of the bonding interface and has a thickness of 0.5 to 3.2 μm. 1. A method of bonding dissimilar materials made from metals comprising:overlying a first metallic sheet with a first melting point and a second metallic sheet with a second melting point to form a bonding interface, wherein the first melting point is lower than the second melting point;rapidly heating the overlaid first metallic sheet and the second metallic sheet while using pressurizing force to create a joining nugget;rapidly cooling the first metallic sheet and the second metallic sheet; andforming a compound layer by diffusion comprising at least one intermetallic compound at the joining nugget by heat treating the first metallic sheet and the second metallic sheet at a heat treatment temperature equal to or greater than a temperature at which dislocation loops and voids formed by atomic vacancies resulting from the rapid cooling are at least partially eliminated by a main component metal of the first metallic sheet, the heat treatment temperature also being within a temperature range equal to or lower than one-half of a melting point in absolute temperature of the at least one intermetallic compound whose melting point is lowest amount the at least one intermetallic compound.2. The method of wherein the heat treatment temperature is also equal to or higher than one-half of a melting point in absolute temperature of the main component metal of the first metallic sheet.3. The method of wherein the heat treatment temperature is also a temperature at which the first metallic sheet is softened by disappearance of a ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Spot welding method for a thin steel plate and a spot welding joint

Номер: US20170066074A1
Принадлежит: Hirotec Corp

A spot welding method for a thin steel sheet that is suitably applicable to articles, e.g., automobile parts, for which the appearance of a welded part is important, and has superior positioning quality, welding strength, and formability of a set of protrusions and a recess or a protrusion and a recess to be fitted (projections to be fitted to each other). The spot welding method for welding an upper member and a lower member, each made of a thin steel sheet, with the upper member and the lower member stacked and sandwiched by electrodes includes providing projections that are configured to be used for relative positioning of the upper member and the lower member and to be subjected to welding. The spot welding method also includes forming the projections by drawing so that each of the projections has a truncated cone shape, a gradient from 45° to 70°, and a bottom being opened, wherein the opening has an outer diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the corresponding electrode, and wherein the projections are provided on the upper member and the lower member respectively and are configured to be fitted to each other.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069820A1

Provided is a spot welding method by which welding can be performed successfully while inhibiting occurrence of expulsion. First to third metal plates W to W were welded in which a ratio of a total thickness to a thickness of the first metal plate W is 7. In Example 1, a peak current value A is 14.6 kA, an effective current value A is 7.8 kA, a peak duration T is 0.1 ms, and a no-peak duration T is 5.9 ms. As a result, a lower limit current value A is 6.9 kA, an upper limit current value A is 8.42 kA, a difference A between A and A is 1.52 kA, T/T is 59.0, A/A is 0.53, and rising time T/falling time T is 0.53, furthermore, no expulsion occurs, and a welding result was determined to be OK. 1. A spot welding method comprising:joining, using pulse current, a laminate which comprises three or more superimposed metal plates, which is formed so that at least one metal plate among the three or more metal plates is different in thickness from the other metal plates, and in which a plate thickness ratio of a total thickness of the three or more metal plates to a thickness of the at least one metal plate is from 3.5 to 10, whereinthe pulse current has a pulsed waveform in which a peak state and a no-peak state are alternately set, the peak state being a state where peak maintaining control is started at a point when the pulse current reaches from a value lower than a lower limit value of a set peak current range to an upper limit value of the peak current range, and is performed as much as a predetermined number of times until the pulse current decreases from the upper limit value of the peak current range to the lower limit value of the peak current range and again increases to the upper limit value of the peak current range, and the no-peak state being a state where after the peak maintaining control is performed as much as the predetermined number of times, the pulse current decreases from the upper limit value of the peak current range to bottom current which is set, and ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067064A1

A new weld configuration is used to obtain a robust and consistent resistance weld between the tabs of an anode current collector and the casing of an electrochemical cell. This is done by adding a resistive transferable electrode tip between at least one of the welding electrodes, preferably the movable welding electrode, and the stacked parts that are being joined together. The purpose of the transferable electrode tip is to generate a sufficient amount of heat during the welding process so that the stacked parts are joined together without adding any product functionality. In one embodiment of the present invention, the transferrable electrode tip is a stainless-steel ball, the stacked anode current collector tabs are of nickel, and the cell casing is of stainless-steel. 1. An electrochemical cell , comprising:a) a casing; i) at least a first cathode comprising a first cathode active material contacted to a first cathode current collector, the first cathode current collector having a first cathode tab extending outwardly therefrom;', 'ii) at least one anode comprising an anode active material contacted to an anode current collector, wherein the at least one anode is in electrochemical association with the first cathode, and wherein the anode has at least a first anode tab extending outwardly therefrom;', 'iii) at least one anode weld electrically and mechanically connecting the first anode tab to the casing serving as a negative terminal for the cell; and', 'iv) a separator residing between the anode and the first cathode; and, 'b) an electrode assembly housed inside the casing, the electrode assembly comprisingc) a feedthrough comprising a terminal pin of a glass-to-metal seal supported by the casing, wherein the terminal pin extends from a terminal pin proximal end electrically connected to the cathode tab to a terminal pin distal end located outside the casing to thereby serve as a positive terminal for the cell; andd) an electrolyte in the casing activating ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Spot welding apparatus

Номер: US20180071855A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A spot welding apparatus includes a stationary frame having a housing formed therein. An upper welding gun is mounted to a length direction of a pressing unit disposed in the housing of the stationary frame. A plurality of lower welding guns are mounted on an outside of the stationary frame and ends of the plurality of lower welding guns selectively face one end of the upper welding gun in a length direction of the lower welding guns by the plurality of lower welding guns. A plurality of actuators are mounted on the outside of the stationary frame. A plurality of link units are disposed between the actuators and the lower welding guns, connect the actuators and the lower welding guns, respectively, and rotate as the actuators are operated.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071856A1

A programmable polarity module that permits rapid on-demand control of the polarities assigned to the welding electrodes retained on a welding gun is disclosed. The programmable polarity module is electrically connectable to the welding gun and a direct current power supply unit to provide direct current to the welding electrodes for exchange during spot welding. A first interchangeable polarity output lug and a second interchangeable polarity output lug of the programmable polarity module permit the polarities of the welding electrodes to be switched without having to electrically disconnect the module from the welding gun. 1. A method of practicing resistance spot welding , the method comprising:providing a direct current power supply unit that is electrically connected to a welding gun and configured to deliver a direct welding current to the welding gun for passage between a first welding electrode and a second welding electrode carried by the welding gun, the direct current power supply unit comprising a programmable polarity module that includes a first interchangeable polarity output lug, which electrically communicates with the first welding electrode, and a second interchangeable polarity output lug, which electrically communicates with the second welding electrode;locating a metal workpiece stack-up between the first and second welding electrodes, the metal workpiece stack-up including a first metal workpiece and an overlapping second metal workpiece, wherein at least one of the first metal workpiece or the second metal workpiece is comprised of an aluminum alloy;contacting a surface of the first metal workpiece with the first welding electrode and contacting a surface of the second metal workpiece with the second welding electrode;controlling the first and second interchangeable polarity output lugs of the programmable polarity module to assign a polarity, either positive or negative, to the first welding electrode and to assign a polarity, either ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088699A1
Автор: Yasuda Keigo

A method of resistance spot welding that enables an improvement of a weld strength of steel plates having different plate thicknesses while inhibiting generation of spatters is provided. One aspect of the present disclosure is the method of resistance spot welding, the method including welding a workpiece made of layered steel plates with a resistance spot welding apparatus. The resistance spot welding apparatus includes a first electrode configured to contact a first steel plate among the steel plates, and a second electrode configured to contact, among the steel plates, a second steel plate that is thinner than the first steel plate, and the second electrode being arranged such that the workpiece is interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode. The welding includes welding while moving the second electrode relative to the first electrode in a direction parallel with a plate surface of the second steel plate. 1. A method of resistance spot welding , the method comprising welding a workpiece made of layered steel plates with a resistance spot welding apparatus ,the resistance spot welding apparatus comprising:a first electrode configured to contact a first steel plate among the steel plates; anda second electrode configured to contact, among the steel plates, a second steel plate that is thinner than the first steel plate, and the second electrode being arranged such that the workpiece is interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode,wherein the welding comprises welding while moving the second electrode relative to the first electrode in a direction parallel with a plate surface of the second steel plate.2. The method of resistance spot welding according to claim 1 ,wherein the second electrode is moveable relative to the first electrode in a direction the workpiece is interposed, andwherein, in the welding, the workpiece is retained such that a thickness direction of the workpiece intersects with the direction the workpiece is ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070690A1

A laminate formed by stacking a plurality of workpieces is sandwiched between a pair of roller electrodes. Then, seam welding is performed on the laminate by successively repeating an ON/OFF operation of a conduction state between the pair of roller electrodes while moving the laminate relative to the pair of roller electrodes. When the seam welding stops in a state where the pair of roller electrodes are unpowered and then the seam welding is to be resumed, the laminate is moved by a predetermined distance in a direction opposite to the relative moving direction during seam welding, spot welding is performed on the laminate, and then the seam welding is resumed. 1. A seam welding method for performing seam welding on a laminate , the laminate being formed by stacking a plurality of workpieces , by sandwiching the laminate between a pair of roller electrodes and supplying power between the pair of roller electrodes while moving the pair of roller electrodes relative to the laminate , whereinwhen the seam welding stops in a state where the pair of roller electrodes are unpowered and then the seam welding is to be resumed, the pair of roller electrodes are moved by a predetermined distance in a direction opposite to a relative moving direction during seam welding, spot welding is performed on the laminate, and the seam welding is resumed after the spot welding is performed.2. The seam welding method according to claim 1 , wherein a position at which spot welding is performed on the laminate is a position away from a terminal end portion of a nugget by seam welding formed in the laminate immediately before seam welding stops.3. The seam welding method according to claim 2 , wherein the position at which spot welding is performed on the laminate is located on a path where the laminate moves relative to the pair of roller electrodes.4. The seam welding method according to claim 1 , wherein the spot welding is performed so that a nugget by seam welding formed in the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072502A1

A method of resistance spot welding steel workpieces—at least one of which includes a high-strength steel substrate having a tensile strength of 1000 MPa or greater—involves passing a pulsating DC electrical current between a pair of aligned welding electrodes that are pressed against opposite sides of a workpiece stack-up that includes the steel workpieces. The pulsating DC electrical current delivers sufficient power through the weld site by way of electrical current pulses to initiate and grow a molten steel weld pool at each faying interface within the workpiece stack-up that solidifies into a weld nugget of uniform hardness. In other words, each of the weld nuggets formed by the pulsating DC electrical current does not include soft, coarse, and alloy deficient shell regions that tend to reduce the strength of the weld nugget. 1. A method of resistance spot welding steel workpieces , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a plurality of steel workpieces that overlap each other to establish a faying interface between each pair of adjacent steel workpieces within the workpiece stack-up at a weld site, the plurality of steel workpieces comprising at least a first steel workpiece and a second steel workpiece, the first steel workpiece having an exterior outer surface that provides a first side of the workpiece stack-up, and the second steel workpiece having an exterior outer surface that provides a second side of the workpiece stack-up, and wherein at least one of the plurality of steel workpieces within the workpiece stack-up comprises a high-strength steel substrate having a tensile strength of 1000 MPa or greater;contacting the exterior outer surface of the first steel workpiece with a first welding electrode and contacting the exterior outer surface of the second steel workpiece with a second welding electrode, the first and second welding electrodes being pressed against their respective exterior outer surfaces in facing alignment at ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072513A1
Принадлежит: Howon Co., Ltd.

A hybrid welder includes a main body, a robot arm provided to be rotatable with respect to the main body, a spot welding gun provided to an end portion of the robot arm so as to carry out spot welding at a joining area of the subject being welded, an arc-welding torch provided to the end portion of the robot arm so as to carry out arc-welding at the joining area of the spot-welded subject being welding, and a fixing part for firmly fixing the main body. Since the present invention can carry out, differently from a conventional technique, two kinds of welding at one position without moving parts when carrying out the spot welding and the carbon dioxide arc-welding for two or more members, labor costs can be reduced and productivity can be maximized, and each welding facility can be individually separated, thereby facilitating maintenance. 1. A hybrid welder comprising:a main body;a robot arm pivotably provided with respect to the main body;a spot-welding gun that is provided at an end of the robot arm and spot-welds a bonding area of target welding subjects;an arc-welding torch that is provided at an end of the robot arm and arc-welds a bonding area of the spot-welded target welding subjects; anda fixing portion that firmly fixes the main body.2. The hybrid welder of claim 1 , wherein the fixing portion includes:a base frame that is fixedly installed on a bottom and supports the main body to prevent shaking of the main body from directly transferring to the bottom;a flange configured to extend from a lower edge of the main body to increase an area in contact with the base frame; anda coupling member that separably couples the flange and the base frame.3. The hybrid welder of claim 1 , wherein the robot arm is coupled to the spot-welding gun and the arc-welding torch to be individually separable by a connection portion.4. The hybrid welder of claim 3 , wherein the connection portion includes:a rotary block rotatably provided at an end portion of the robot arm;a ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076117A1
Принадлежит: NETUREN CO., LTD.

Object of the present invention is to provide a welding method prevented the fracture at the spot welding zone by recovering the strength of a spot welding zone, namely, the ductility and the toughness in the spot welding zone, and a weld structure manufactured by the method. In the welding method, a spot welding zone provided with a weld nugget is formed by conducting spot welding on the heat treated steel sheets in a stack; the spot welding zone is tempering treated by the high-frequency electrical current application to make the weld nugget have a hardness of 150% or less of the hardness of the heat treated steel sheets, and the heat affected zone surrounding the weld nugget is made to have a hardness of 30% to 90% of the hardness at the weld nugget before the tempering treatment by the high-frequency electrical current application. 1. A welding method , wherein a spot welding zone provided with a weld nugget is formed by conducting spot welding on the heat treated steel sheets in a stack;the spot welding zone is tempering treated by high-frequency electrical current application to make a hardness at the weld nugget 150% or less of the hardness of the heat treated steel sheets, and same time, to make a hardness at a heat affected zone surrounding the weld nugget 30% to 90% of the hardness at the weld nugget before the tempering treatment by the high-frequency electrical current application.2. The welding method according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile strength of the heat treated steel sheets is 0.77 GPa to 2.0 GPa.3. The welding method according to claim 1 , wherein the heat treated steel sheets are the quenching treated steel sheets elevated a temperature equal to or higher than the transformation temperature and cooled rapidly or a normalizing treated steel sheets.4. The welding method according to claims 1 , wherein a carbon content of the steel sheets before the prior heat treatment is 0.15 mass % or more and 0.55 mass % or less.5. A weld structure ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083693A1

A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece to an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece is disclosed. One step of the disclosed method involves providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum workpiece. Another step involves preheating the welding electrode that is meant to contact the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece. Yet another step of the disclosed method involves pressing the preheated welding electrode and another welding electrode against opposite sides of the workpiece stack-up, with the preheated welding electrode abutting the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece, and passing an electrical current between the two welding electrodes at a weld site to initiate and grow a molten weld pool within the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece. 1. A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece together , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece;providing a first welding electrode for contacting the steel workpiece and a second welding electrode for contacting the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece;preheating the second welding electrode by passing electrical current between the first and second welding electrodes to generate heat in the second welding electrode while cooling of the second electrode is restricted or halted;pressing the first and second welding electrodes against opposite sides of the workpiece stack-up at a weld site after preheating, the first welding electrode abutting the steel workpiece and the second welding electrode abutting the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece; andpassing electrical current between the first and second welding electrodes and through the workpiece stack-up at the weld site to initiate and grow a weld pool within the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the second welding is constructed from a ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083694A1

A welding electrode for use in resistance spot welding an assembly of overlying metal workpieces that includes an aluminum alloy workpiece is disclosed. The welding electrode includes a body, a convex weld face at one end of the body, and ringed protrusions that project outwardly from the convex weld face. The ringed protrusions are positioned to make contact with, and indent into, a surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece when the convex weld face is pressed against the aluminum alloy workpiece during a spot welding event. When brought into contact with the surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece, the ringed protrusions disrupt the oxide film present on the aluminum alloy workpiece surface, which improves the spot welding process. 1. A welding electrode for forming electrical resistance spot welds in an assembly of overlying metal workpieces that comprises at least one aluminum alloy workpiece , the welding electrode comprising:a body;a convex weld face at one end of the body; andringed protrusions that project outwardly from the convex weld face and are positioned to make contact with and indent into a surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece when the convex weld face of the welding electrode is brought into contact with the assembly of overlying sheet metal workpieces during a resistance spot welding operation, the ringed protrusions being radially spaced from one another and each of the ringed protrusions having a circumference that surrounds a center of the convex weld face, and wherein each of the ringed protrusions has rounded corners when viewed in cross-section.2. The welding electrode set forth in claim 1 , wherein the convex weld face is spherically rounded and has a radius of curvature between 20 mm and 50 mm.3. The welding electrode set forth in claim 2 , wherein the ringed protrusions concentrically surround the center of the convex weld face and are separated by concentric circular sloped portions of the convex weld face.4. The welding electrode set ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Resistance spot welding of copper workpieces

Номер: US20190076953A1

A method of joining together adjacent overlapping copper workpieces by way of resistance spot welding involves providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a first copper workpiece and a second copper workpiece that lies adjacent to the first copper workpiece. The faying surface of the first copper workpiece includes a projection that ascends beyond a surrounding base surface of the faying surface and makes contact, either directly or indirectly, with an opposed faying surface of the second copper workpiece. Once provided, a compressive force is applied against the first and second copper workpieces and an electric current is passed momentarily through the first and second copper workpieces. The electric current initially flows through the projection to generate and concentrate heat within the projection prior to the projection collapsing. This concentrated heat surge allows a metallurgical joint to be established between the first and second copper workpieces.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076954A1

A resistance welding method according to the present invention includes a current control step of sequentially performing a first control for maintaining a welding current being a direct current at a current value I1 (first target value) or in the vicinity of the current value I1, a second control for raising the welding current from the current value I1 to a current value I2 (second target value, I2>I1) and for subsequently maintaining the welding current at the current value I2 or in the vicinity of the current value I2, and a third control for lowering the welding current from the current value I2 to a value smaller than the current value I1, and the resistance welding method further comprises an energization step of applying the welding current while repeating the current control step plural times until a predetermined energization period of time elapses. 1. A resistance welding method for performing a spot joining on a workpiece composed of a plurality of overlapped plate materials by clamping and pressing the workpiece with a pair of electrodes and then by applying a welding current between the pair of electrodes , the method comprising:a current control step of sequentially performing:a first control for maintaining the welding current being a direct current at a first target value or in a vicinity of the first targeted value;a second control for raising the welding current from the first target value to a second target value being larger than the first target value and for subsequently maintaining the welding current at the second target value or in a vicinity of the second target value; anda third control for lowering the welding current from the second target value to a value being smaller than the first target value; andan energization step of applying the welding current while repeating the current control step plural times until a predetermined energization period of time elapses.2. The resistance welding method according to claim 1 , wherein:the first ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076955A1

A welding electrode includes a weld face that has a convex base weld face surface and a plurality of ringed ridges that are radially spaced apart on the base weld face surface and surround a central weld face axis. The plurality of ringed ridges including an innermost ringed ridge and an outermost ringed ridge. The innermost ringed ridge is located closest to the central weld face axis and rises above a central portion of the base weld face surface, and the outermost ringed ridge is located farthest from the central weld face axis and rises above an outer peripheral portion of the base weld face surface. At least one of the plurality of ringed ridges is a discontinuous ringed ridge. 1. A welding electrode comprising:a body; anda weld face disposed at one end of the body, the weld face including a convex base weld face surface that rises upwardly along a central weld face axis and a plurality of ringed ridges that are radially spaced apart on the base weld face surface and surround the central weld face axis, the plurality of ringed ridges including an innermost ringed ridge and an outermost ringed ridge, the innermost ringed ridge being located closest to the central weld face axis and rising above a central portion of the base weld face surface, and the outermost ringed ridge being located farthest from the central weld face axis and rising above an outer peripheral portion of the base weld face surface;wherein at least two of the plurality of ringed ridges that are located radially adjacent to one another are discontinuous ringed ridges, each of the discontinuous ringed ridges comprising a plurality of circumferentially spaced apart arcuate ridge portions that extend along a circular base line of the ridge and rise upwardly from the base weld face surface, wherein the circumferentially spaced apart arcuate ridge portions of each of the discontinuous ringed ridges define two or more ridge gaps along the circular base line of each discontinuous ringed ridge, and ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079025A1
Автор: MIYAMOTO Kazuki

A dissimilar material joined body is obtained by subjecting to electrical energizing under pressure and joining with electrodes a laminated member, which is of a structure in which a first plate-shaped part and a second plate-shaped part having a higher melting point than that of the first plate-shaped part are superimposed on each other. A concave portion having a shape corresponding to the outer shape of an electrode is formed on the surface of the first plate-shaped part on a side thereof opposite to the second plate-shaped part. The first plate-shaped part includes protrusions, which are inserted into through holes formed in the second plate-shaped part. A method of joining dissimilar materials includes a hole forming step, a stacking step, a pressure energizing step, and a solidification step. 1. A dissimilar material joined body , which is obtained by subjecting to electrical energizing under pressure with electrodes and thereby joining a laminated member including a structure in which a first plate-shaped part and a second plate-shaped part having a higher melting point than that of the first plate-shaped part are superimposed on each other , wherein:a concave portion having a shape corresponding to an outer shape of the electrode is formed on a surface of the first plate-shaped part on a side thereof opposite to the second plate-shaped part;a through hole is formed in the second plate-shaped part; andthe first plate-shaped part includes a protrusion, which is inserted into the through hole.2. The dissimilar material joined body according to claim 1 , wherein:a plurality of the through holes are disposed at positions overlapping with the concave portion as viewed in plan from a stacking direction of the laminated member; anda plurality of the protrusions are provided which are inserted into the respective through holes.3. The dissimilar material joined body according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of through holes are arranged in a manner so that center ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079026A1

A spot welding method able to simply prevent liquid metal embrittlement cracks in spot welding of plated steel sheets, comprising, before spot welding, removing the plating at least in a zone including the inside of a circle centered at a scheduled location where the center of the nugget is formed and having an outer circumference of the inside of the outer edge of a weld affected zone or a zone at the mated surfaces of the steel sheets to be welded at the inside of a circle sharing a center of a scheduled location becoming the center of the nugget formed at the mated surfaces of the steel sheets and having an outer circumference of the inside of the outer edge of a weld affected zone 2. The method of a spot welding according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after spot welding claim 1 , coating by a sealer part or all of the part from which the plating has been removed.3. The method of a spot welding according to claim 1 , further comprising test spot welding before removing the plating claim 1 , confirming any occurrence of cracking in the welded part claim 1 , and claim 1 , when confirming cracking of the welding electrode sides of the stacked plurality of steel sheets claim 1 , removing the plating at the surfaces of the steel sheets where cracking was confirmed.4. A method of spot welding of a stacked plurality of steel sheets claim 1 , one or more of the stacked plurality of steel sheets having a welding part coated with plating on at least one surface claim 1 ,the method comprising:removing the plating from an in-circle area, an outer edge of the area being an outer periphery of a broadest weld heat affected zone formed at mated surfaces of the stacked plurality of steel sheets,clamping the stacked plurality of steel sheets with welding electrodes facing the steel sheets, andspot welding the stacked plurality of steel sheets.5. A method of spot welding of a stacked plurality of steel sheets claim 1 , one or more of the stacked plurality of steel ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Joined member and method for producing the same

Номер: US20160082542A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

To provide a joined member, which is obtained by joining members with different thickness (i.e., plate thickness) through resistance welding, with excellent welding quality and high strength, and a method for producing the same. A first member and a second member are joined together via a protruding portion that has been formed by plastically deforming a part of the first member at an end portion thereof such that the part of the first member has a reduced thickness and the part of the first member protrudes outward beyond the end portion.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082543A1

By obtaining a spot-welded joint being a spot-welded joint formed by overlapping a plurality of pieces of steel plates (A, B) and performing spot welding on the steel plates, including a high-strength steel plate whose tensile strength is 750 (MPa) to 2500 (MPa), being at least one piece of steel plate out of the plurality of pieces of steel plates, in which a carbon equivalent Ceq of the high-strength steel plate is 0.20 mass % to 0.55 mass %, and ten or more of iron-based carbides in each of which a length of a longest portion is 0.1 (μm) or more exist in a square region within a heat-affected zone of a cross section that passes through a center of a welding mark, and is cut along a plate thickness direction of the steel plates (A, B), a cross tensile strength of the spot-welded joint to be formed is improved. 1. A spot-welded joint formed by overlapping a plurality of pieces of steel plates and performing spot welding on the steel plates , the plurality of pieces of steel plates,', 'a heat-affected zone, and', 'a nugget,, 'the spot-welded joint, comprising;'} 'in the plurality of pieces of steel plates, at least one piece of steel plate is a high-strength steel plate whose tensile strength is 750 MPa to 2500 MPa,', 'wherein;'} 'a carbon equivalent Ceq of the high-strength steel plate represented by the following expression (A) is 0.20 mass % to 0.55 mass %,', 'wherein;'} 'in the heat-affected zone, ten or more of iron-based carbides in each of which a length of a longest portion is 0.1 (μm) or more exist in a square region whose length of one side is 10 (μm) in which a plate thickness direction and a plate surface direction of the steel plates are set to a vertical direction and a horizontal direction, respectively,', 'wherein;'} 'the square region is in a cross section that passes through a center of a welding mark formed on surfaces of the steel plates by the spot welding, and is cut along the plate thickness direction of the steel plates,', 'wherein;'} 'a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084288A1

A self piercing projection welding rivet is disclosed. According to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a self piercing projection welding rivet for joining a non-ferrous material and a steel material may include a head portion, a shank portion integrally connected to the head portion for piercing the non-ferrous material, and a projection portion formed at a piercing end of the shank portion for being brought into contact with the steel material. 1. A self piercing projection welding rivet for joining a non-ferrous material and a steel material , comprising:a head portion;a shank portion integrally connected to the head portion for piercing the non-ferrous material; anda projection portion formed at a piercing end of the shank portion for being brought into contact with the steel material.2. The rivet of claim 1 , wherein the projection portion is melted by a welding current for joining the shank portion to the steel material.3. The rivet of claim 1 , wherein the projection portion has a triangular cross-section.4. The rivet of claim 1 , wherein the shank portion has a hollow cylinder shape claim 1 , with at least one slit formed therein.5. The rivet of claim 4 , wherein the at least one slit is formed extended from the projection portion toward the head portion spaced at preset intervals in the shank portion.6. The rivet of claim 1 , wherein the shank portion pierces the non-ferrous material by a predetermined pressure claim 1 , and an edge of the head portion is press-fitted into a surface of the non-ferrous material by the predetermined pressure.7. The rivet of claim 1 , wherein the head portion includes a flange having a larger diameter than that of the shank portion for holding a surface of the non-ferrous material.8. The rivet of claim 7 , wherein the flange has a concave surface opposite to the surface of the non-ferrous material.9. The rivet of claim 8 , wherein the flange has a pointed press-fitted end at the edge thereof to press-fit into ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097164A1

Provided is a spot welding method by which welding can be successfully performed while inhibiting occurrence of expulsion. First to third metal plates W to W were welded in which ratio of total thickness to thickness of the first metal plate W is 7. In Example 1, peak current value A is 14.6 kA, effective current value A is 7.8 kA, peak duration T is 0 ms, and no-peak duration T is 5.9 ms. As a result, in Example 1, lower limit current value A is 6.9 kA, upper limit current value A is 8.42 kA, difference A between upper limit current value A and lower limit current value A is 1.52 kA, peak duration T/no-peak duration T is 0, effective current value A/peak current value A is 0.53, and rising time T/falling time T is 0.79, furthermore, no expulsion occurs, and welding result was determined to be OK. 1. A spot welding method comprising: joining , using pulse current , a laminate which comprises three or more superimposed metal plates , which is formed so that at least one metal plate of the three or more metal plates is different in thickness from the other metal plates , and in which a plate thickness ratio of a total thickness of the three or more metal plates to a thickness of the at least one metal plate is from 3.5 to 10 , wherein the pulse current has a pulsed waveform in which a no-peak state is repeatedly set , wherein the no-peak state is a state where after the pulse current has reached a set peak current value from a value lower than the peak current value , the pulse current decreases from the peak current value to bottom current which is set , and again increases to the peak current value ,the peak current value is set to 10.6 kA or more,a no-peak duration which is a duration of the no-peak state is set to be from 4 ms to 13.6 ms, anda peak duration which is a duration of a state of being the peak current value is set to 0.9 ms or less, and ⅕ of the no-peak duration or less.2. A spot welding method comprising: joining , using pulse current , a laminate ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097165A1

A method to join three panels together for a motor vehicle includes one or more of the following: layering the three panels, the three panels including a first panel, a second panel, and a third panel, the second panel being positioned between the first panel and the third panel, the third panel having a higher electrical conductivity than the first panel and the second panel; joining the first panel and the second panel together; and joining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel. 1. A method to join three panels together for a motor vehicle , the method comprising:layering the three panels, the three panels including a first panel, a second panel, and a third panel, the second panel being positioned between the first panel and the third panel, the third panel having a higher electrical conductivity than the first panel and the second panel;joining the first panel and the second panel together; andjoining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the first panel and the second panel together occurs before joining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel occurs before joining the first panel and the second panel together.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel occurs at the same time as joining the first panel and the second panel together.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first panel is made of steel and the second panel is made of steel.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein joining the first panel and the second panel together includes spot welding.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third panel is made of aluminum.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third panel is made of magnesium.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the third panel to the first panel and the second panel includes riveting the third panel ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086287A1

A method of joining a multiple member work-piece includes providing a first steel work-piece having a first thickness and a second steel work-piece having a second thickness. The first thickness is at least twice the second thickness. A third material is disposed in contact with the second steel work-piece. For example, the third material may be in the form of a rivet, a plurality of pins, or a coating material. The method includes resistance welding the first and second work-pieces together. A bonded assembly includes the first and second steel members and the third material being bonded together, where the thickness of the first member is at least twice the thickness of the second member. 1. A method of joining a multiple member work-piece , the method comprising:providing a steel first work-piece having a first thickness;providing a steel second work-piece having a second thickness, the first thickness being at least twice the second thickness;disposing a third material in contact with the second work-piece; andresistance welding the first and second work-pieces and the third material together.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing the first thickness as being at least three times the second thickness.3. The method of claim 1 , the first and second work-pieces being formed of the same material.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing the third material as being a rivet; andpiercing the rivet into the second work-piece.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising creating a bulge extending from the second work-piece at a faying interface between the first and second work-pieces.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising providing the rivet having a head and disposing the head on an outer side of the second work-piece claim 5 , wherein the step of resistance welding includes pressing a first electrode against the head of the rivet and a second electrode against an outer side of the first work-piece and passing a current between ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086289A1

A cap extractor for a welding gun includes a housing, a pair of springs, and first and second arms that are arranged between the springs. Each of the first and second arms have teeth that are configured to engage a welding cap. The first and second arms are configured to move relative to the housing in first and second directions that are transverse to one another by deflecting the springs. 1. A cap extractor for a welding gun comprising:a housing;a pair of springs; andfirst and second arms arranged between the springs, each of the first and second arms having teeth configured to engage a welding cap, the first and second arms configured to move relative to the housing in first and second directions transverse to one another by deflecting the springs.2. The cap extractor of claim 1 , wherein the first and second arms are mounted to spaced apart disks claim 1 , the first and second arms pivotally connected to one another by a spacer pin that rotationally affixes the disks to one another.3. The cap extractor of claim 2 , wherein the springs are wave springs claim 2 , each wave spring received in a recess of one of the disks claim 2 , and a collar is arranged between each disk and the housing to locate a respective wave spring relative to the housing.4. The cap extractor of claim 1 , wherein an actuator is pivotally attached to the housing claim 1 , the actuator operatively connected to the first arm to rotate the first and second arms along with the disks claim 1 , the actuator configured to articulate relative to the housing during rotation of the first arm in the housing.5. The cap extractor of claim 1 , wherein a biasing spring is interconnected to the first and second arms to urge the first and second arms toward one another.6. A method of removing a cap from a welding gun comprising the steps of:receiving a welding cap having a centerline between teeth of first and second arms;floating the arms along the centerline and laterally relative to the centerline during ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090699A1

A spot welding apparatus includes: a fixed frame installed in an arm of a robot; an upper welding gun installed in one side of the fixed frame and reciprocating up and down through a pressurization unit; a rotary unit rotatably installed in a lower side of the fixed frame; and a plurality of lower welding guns installed through the rotary unit to correspond to the upper welding gun. 1. A spot welding apparatus comprising:a fixed frame installed on an arm of a robot;an upper welding gun installed in one side of the fixed frame and reciprocating up and down by a pressurization unit;a rotary unit rotatably installed in a lower side of the fixed frame; anda plurality of lower welding guns installed through the rotary unit to correspond to the upper welding gun.2. The spot welding apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressurization unit comprises:a gear box installed in front of the fixed frame;a pressurization actuator installed in one side of a lower portion of the gear box; anda moving block installed in the other side of the lower portion of the gear box that reciprocates on a screw shaft rotated upon receiving an operation of the pressurization actuator through the gear box.3. The spot welding apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the gear box is installed horizontally in front of the fixed frame.4. The spot welding apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the pressurization actuator is installed perpendicular with respect to the gear box claim 2 , and a driving motor is vertically installed in an adjacent position.5. The spot welding apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the driving motor is configured as a step motor whose revolutions per minute (RPM) and rotational direction are controlled.6. The spot welding apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the driving motor is configured as a servo motor whose speed is automatically self-controlled.7. The spot welding apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rotary unit comprises:a decelerator installed in a lower side of the fixed frame;a rotary motor ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Welding Apparatus

Номер: US20150090769A1
Принадлежит: Keylex Corp

Provided is a welding apparatus by which a worker can work in a comfortable posture, with which a space can be effectively utilized at a low cost, and which can reliably weld workpieces. Specifically, a pair of jigs are circumferentially provided on the upper surface of a circular rotating table around its outer circumference at intervals, and positions workpieces such that orientations of the workpieces are changeable. A welding robot is provided in a workpiece welded region. A control board outputs an operation signal to the rotating table such that the jigs respectively move into a workpiece set region and the workpiece welded region, and outputs an operation signal to the respective jigs such that the jig in the workpiece set region is inclined toward a side closer to the worker and the jig in the workpiece welded region is inclined according to welded parts of the workpieces.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166628A1

A twin spot welding apparatus includes a fixed welder in a fixed frame on a top of which a mounting unit of a robot arm is integrally formed, a guide plate mounted on the fixed frame, an angle control plate movably installed in the guide plate, a servo actuator mounted on the fixed frame to move the angle control plate on the guide plate, and a moving welder formed so that a slope of the moving welder may be controlled by an angle control unit on the angle control plate and formed in a moving frame so that, when the servo actuator and the angle control unit are operated, movement from the fixed welder and the slope of the moving welder are controlled so that a pitch and a slope between welding points of the fixed welder and the moving welder vary. 1. A twin spot welding apparatus , comprising:a fixed welder mounted to a fixed frame, the fixed frame being integrally formed with mounting unit for a robot arm on a top thereof;a guide plate mounted to one side of the fixed frame;an angle control plate movably mounted to the guide plate to the one side of the fixed frame;a servo actuator mounted to an opposing side of the fixed frame and connected to the angle control plate to move the angle control plate on the guide plate; anda moving welder configured so that a slope of the moving welder may be controlled by an angle control unit on the angle control plate and mounted to a moving frame so that, when the servo actuator and the angle control unit are operated, a movement from the fixed welder and the slope of the moving welder are controlled so that a pitch and a slope between welding points of the fixed welder and the moving welder are changed.2. The twin spot welding apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the angle control unit comprises:a rack bar formed so that a lower end is rounded downward from one end mounted on a front surface of the angle control plate; anda drive motor in which a pinion gear engaged with the rack bar is mounted in a rotation shaft and that is mounted ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085863A1
Автор: Lloyd Matthew

A joining machine to join work-pieces together comprises a body, at least one scanner disposed on the body and configured to collect data on the work-pieces and convert the data to a scanned image, a guide device and a positioning device. The positioning device is configured to determine a join position according to the scanned image and instruct the guide device to indicate the join position on the work-pieces to an operator of the machine. 1. A joining machine to join work-pieces together , comprising:a body;at least one scanner disposed on the body and configured to collect data on the work-pieces and convert the data to a scanned image;a guide device; anda positioning device, wherein the positioning device is configured to determine a join position according to the scanned image and instruct the guide device to indicate the join position on the work-pieces to an operator of the machine.2. The joining machine of claim 1 , wherein the positioning device is further configured to include a preloaded profile model of the work-pieces and determine the join position by comparing the scanned image with the preloaded profile model.3. The joining machine of claim 2 , wherein the scanner is a 3D scanner and the scanned image is a 3D image claim 2 , and wherein the preloaded profile model is a CAD model.4. The joining machine of claim 3 , wherein the positioning device is configured to include a preloaded profile model of the work-pieces and determine the join position by overlaying the scanned image with the preloaded profile model.5. The joining machine of claim 4 , wherein the guiding device is a light projector claim 4 , and wherein a light is projected to the work-pieces to indicate the join position when the tip approaches to the pieces at a first predetermined distance.6. The joining machine of claim 5 , wherein the light projected is a laser or a visible light claim 5 , and wherein a green light is turned on when the tip is placed substantially at the join position. ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089745A1

A welding tip () for spot welding a first part () formed of conductive metal, for example aluminum, to a second part () formed of aluminum or another conductive metal, such as steel, is provided. The welding tip () includes a notch () at a distal end () and a convex contact surface () extending radially outwardly and upwardly from the notch () for engaging a surface of the first part (). The rotating welding tip () forms a depression () on the surface of the first part () during the welding process. The notch () creates a pin () in the center of the depression () which provides a fixed axis of rotation for the rotating welding tip () and prevents the welding tip () from moving radially relative to the fixed axis, thereby improving the quality of the final spot weld () and reducing process time. 1. A welding tip for spot welding parts formed of conductive metal , comprising:a shaft extending to a distal end and presenting a notch at said distal end; andsaid shaft including a contact surface extending radially outwardly from said notch.2. The welding tip of claim 1 , wherein a cross-sectional area of said contact surface is greater than a cross-sectional area of said notch.3. The welding tip of claim 1 , wherein said contact surface is a convex surface extending upwardly from said notch; and said notch is located at an apex of said convex contact surface.4. The welding tip of claim 1 , wherein said shaft is formed of conductive metal.5. A method for spot welding parts formed of conductive metal claim 1 , comprising the steps of:providing a first part formed of conductive metal and a second part formed of conductive metal;contacting the first part with a first welding tip while rotating the first welding tip around its center axis, the first welding tip including a shaft extending to a distal end and presenting a notch at said distal end, and the shaft including contact surface extending radially outwardly from the notch.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the rotating ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089746A1
Автор: CHO Do Woon

A spot welding gun for quenching a welding zone includes a welding tip configured to contact a metal plate material. A first electrode base is configured to have the first welding tip fixed thereto and apply a current to the first welding tip. A plurality of first cooling nozzles provided in the first electrode base and configured to spray a cooling medium around a contacting part of the welding tip. The contacting part contacts the metal plate material. A method of operation of a spot welding gun for quenching a welding zone is also disclosed. 1. A spot welding gun for quenching a welding zone , the spot welding gun comprising:a first welding tip configured to contact a metal plate material;a first electrode base configured to have the first welding tip fixed thereto and apply a current to the first welding tip; anda plurality of first cooling nozzles provided in the first electrode base and configured to spray a cooling medium around a contacting part of the first welding tip.2. The spot welding gun according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrode base includes:a fixing part to which the first welding tip is fixed, anda frame having a width wider than that of the fixing part.3. The spot welding gun according to claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of first cooling nozzles includes:a cooling medium pipe formed in the frame; anda nozzle sprayer connected to the cooling medium pipe and disposed around the fixing part.4. The spot welding gun according to claim 2 , wherein the first cooling nozzles are disposed around the fixing part in at least one of a vertical direction and a horizontal direction relative to a center shaft and may extend in a longitudinal direction of the fixing part.5. The spot welding gun according to claim 1 , wherein the first welding tip includes:a body part having a substantially cylindrical shape which is fastened to the first electrode base, wherein the contacting part extends from the body part in a substantially hemispherical shape ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134465A1
Автор: Olsson Joran

A resistance welding device is configured for use in combination with a resistance welder having a translating welding electrode. A first arm of the welding device is in a translating rotational engagement with a second arm thereof. The first arm of the device is engageable to a translating electrode from the resistance welder. Translation of the welding electrode of the resistance welder moves first and second electrodes to contact metal therebetween and spot weld the metal.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086417A1

The present invention provides an electrode tip with which cooling efficiency can be improved, and with which a pressurization withstanding performance enabling the electrode tip to withstand pressurization during welding can be improved. An electrode tip is provided with: an electrode tip main body portion; and a support post portion which is disposed inside the electrode tip main body portion, and abuts a reverse surface side of a distal end portion of the electrode tip main body portion at least during welding pressurization, to thereby suppress displacement of the distal end portion of the electrode tip main body portion. The support post portion is formed using a material having higher values of tensile strength and Young's modulus than those of the electrode tip main body portion. 1. An electrode tip having a water jacket in which cooling water flows , the electrode tip comprising:an electrode tip main body portion; anda supporting post portion which is disposed inside the electrode tip main body portion, and abuts a reverse surface side of a distal end portion of the electrode tip main body portion at least during welding pressurization, to thereby suppress displacement of the distal end portion of the electrode tip main body portion,wherein the supporting post portion is formed using a material having higher values of tensile strength and Young's modulus than those of the electrode tip main body portion.2. The electrode tip according to claim 1 , further comprising:an attachment portion that is connected to the supporting post portion and is supported by an inner surface of the electrode tip main body portion so as to support the supporting post portion inside the electrode tip main body portion,wherein the attachment portion is provided with a communication portion for circulating cooling water.3. The electrode tip according to claim 2 ,wherein the inner surface of the electrode tip main body portion is provided with a female thread portion,wherein an outer ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096961A1

A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece together includes several steps. One step involves inserting a cover between the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece and an adjacent welding electrode. In another step, the adjacent welding electrode is pressed against cover, and another opposed welding electrode is pressed against the steel workpiece at a weld site. In yet another step, electrical current is passed between the welding electrodes, passed through the cover, and passed through the workpieces in order to initiate and grow a molten weld pool within the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece. 1. A method of resistance spot welding a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece together , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece, and providing a first welding electrode confronting the steel workpiece and a second welding electrode confronting the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece;inserting a cover between the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece and the second welding electrode, the cover being made of a metal;pressing the first welding electrode against the steel workpiece and the second welding electrode against the cover at a weld site; andpassing electrical current between the first and second welding electrodes, through the workpiece stack-up, and through the cover to initiate and grow a molten weld pool within the aluminum or aluminum alloy workpiece.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the second welding electrode is composed of a material having an electrical resistivity claim 1 , and wherein the cover has an electrical resistivity that is greater than the electrical resistivity of the second welding electrode.3. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the cover is made of a stainless steel claim 2 , molybdenum or a molybdenum-based alloy claim 2 , niobium or a niobium-based alloy ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Aluminum Alloy to Steel Welding Process

Номер: US20150096962A1

A resistance spot welding method may involve spot welding a workpiece stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum alloy workpiece that overlap one another to provide a faying interface. A pair of opposed welding electrodes are pressed against opposite sides of the workpiece stack-up with one welding electrode contacting the aluminum alloy workpiece and the other welding electrode contacting the steel workpiece. The welding electrodes are constructed so that, when an electrical current is passed between the electrodes and through the workpiece stack-up, the electrical current has a greater current density in the steel workpiece than in the aluminum alloy workpiece to thereby concentrate heat within a smaller zone in the steel workpiece. Concentrating heat within a smaller zone in the steel workpiece is believed to modify the solidification behavior of the resultant molten aluminum alloy weld pool in a desirable way. 1. A method of spot welding a steel workpiece to an aluminum alloy workpiece , the method comprising:providing a stack-up that includes a steel workpiece and an aluminum alloy workpiece, the steel workpiece and the aluminum alloy workpiece overlapping to provide a faying interface;contacting an electrode-contacting surface of the steel workpiece with a steel welding electrode;contacting an electrode-contacting surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece with an aluminum alloy welding electrode;passing an electrical current between the steel and aluminum alloy welding electrodes and through the stack-up to initiate a molten aluminum alloy weld pool within the aluminum alloy workpiece and at the faying interface, the electrical current having a greater current density in the steel workpiece than in the aluminum alloy workpiece; andceasing passage of the electrical current at which time a contact patch formed by the aluminum alloy welding electrode at the electrode-contacting surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece is greater in surface area than a ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091794A1

Welding tongs (), especially X-welding tongs () for resistance spot welding, with a first tong arm (), a second tong arm (), and a drive unit () comprising a motor () and a gearing () for rotating the first tong arm () relative to the second tong arm () about an axis of rotation () of the welding tongs (), wherein the motor () and the gearing () are arranged coaxially and the second tong arm () is fastened to the housing in an abutment plane (), which is situated on the motor side of an outer driven bearing plane of the drive unit (). 1. Welding tongs , comprisinga first tong arm,a second tong arm, anda drive unit comprising a motor and a gearing for rotating the first tong arm relative to the second tong arm secured on a housing of the drive unit about an axis of rotation of the welding tongs,wherein the motor and the gearing are arranged coaxially in the axis of rotation, andwherein the second tong arm is fastened to the housing in an abutment plane, which is situated on the motor side of an outer driven bearing plane of the drive unit.2. Welding tongs according to claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a flange arranged between a motor housing portion of the housing and a gearing housing portion of the housing claim 1 , on which the second tong arm is secured.3. Welding tongs according to claim 1 , wherein the first tong arm is mounted by at least one driven bearing of the gearing situated in the driven bearing plane and able to turn about the axis of rotation.4. Welding tongs according to claim 1 , wherein the first tong arm has a step in the direction of the axis of rotation.5. Welding tongs according to claim 4 , wherein the step of the first tong arm forms an offset claim 4 , so that at least one of a working point and a work plane of the welding tongs lies on the motor side of a fastening plane of the first tong arm.6. Welding tongs according to claim 1 , wherein the second tong arm is configured without a step.7. Welding tongs according to claim 1 , ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094347A1

A welding gun includes a proximity restricting mechanism that is provided between a shaft and a cover member in a manner to surround the shaft and to be displaceable relative to the shaft in an axial direction in accordance with expansion and contraction of the cover member, and that restricts the cover member from approaching too closely the shaft. 1. A resistance welding apparatus that welds a workpiece by conducting electricity through the workpiece via an electrode , the resistance welding apparatus comprising an electrode moving mechanism configured to move the electrode back and forth , whereinthe electrode moving mechanism includes:a first mechanism portion that has a shaft;a second mechanism portion that has a housing configured to house at least a portion of the shaft, the second mechanism portion being configured to support the shaft in a manner to be relatively movable in an axial direction;a cover member that has a bellows shape, and has a first end portion fixed to the first mechanism portion and a second end portion located on an opposite side to the first end portion and fixed to the second mechanism portion, the cover member being configured to cover at least a portion of the shaft and expand and contract in accordance with relative displacement between the first mechanism portion and the second mechanism portion; anda proximity restricting mechanism that is provided between the shaft and the cover member in a manner to surround the shaft and to be displaceable relative to the shaft in the axial direction in accordance with expansion and contraction of the cover member, the proximity restricting mechanism being configured to restrict the cover member from approaching too closely the shaft.2. The resistance welding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe proximity restricting mechanism includes an outer end portion engaging with an inner periphery of the cover member.3. The resistance welding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe proximity ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160104902A1

A method of welding comprising contacting a first electrode to a porous body flow path, contacting a second electrode to a plate material, pressing the porous body flow path and the plate material by the first and second electrodes in a thickness direction of the plate material, and spot welding the porous body flow path and the plate material, wherein: a deformation of the plate material in a direction of the second electrode pressing the plate material is smaller than a deformation of the porous body flow path in a direction of the first electrode pressing the porous body flow path. 1. A method of welding comprising contacting a first electrode to a porous body flow path , contacting a second electrode to a plate material , pressing the porous body flow path and the plate material by the first and second electrodes in a thickness direction of the plate material , and spot welding the porous body flow path and the plate material , wherein;a deformation of the plate material in a direction of the second electrode pressing the plate material is smaller than a deformation of the porous body flow path in a direction of the first electrode pressing the porous body flow path.2. The method of welding in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an area of an end face of the first electrode is smaller than an area of an end face of the second electrode.3. The method of welding in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the porous body flow path is joined by the spot welding at a part thereof that surface-contacts the plate material in a state before the spot welding is performed.4. The method of welding in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the spot welding is initiated after the first electrode surface-contacts the porous body flow path.5. The method of welding in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the plate material is a shield plate that shields a seal material when the plate material is assembled as a fuel cell. This application claims priority based on Japanese Patent Application No. ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096021A1

A welding gun includes: a moving mechanism portion (ball screw mechanism) for moving a movable electrode back and forth; a motor that includes a rotor and drives the moving mechanism portion to move the movable electrode back and forth; and a brake mechanism that prevents rotation of the rotor during a braking operation, wherein the brake mechanism includes an annular brake disc that is attached to an outer peripheral surface of the rotor and rotates integrally with the rotor, and a clamping portion that prevents rotation of the brake disc by clamping the brake disc during the braking operation. 1. A resistance welding apparatus that welds a workpiece by conducting electricity through the workpiece via an electrode , the resistance welding apparatus comprising an electrode moving mechanism configured to move the electrode back and forth ,wherein the electrode moving mechanism includes:a moving mechanism portion configured to move the electrode back and forth;a motor including a rotor and configured to drive the moving mechanism portion to move the electrode back and forth; anda brake mechanism configured to prevent rotation of the rotor during a braking operation, andwherein the brake mechanism includes:an annular brake disc attached to an outer peripheral surface of the rotor and configured to rotate integrally with the rotor; anda clamping portion configured to prevent rotation of the brake disc by clamping the brake disc during the braking operation.2. The resistance welding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe clamping portion includes:a pair of friction members facing each other in an axial direction of the rotor in a manner to sandwich the brake disc;a guide portion configured to guide movement of the pair of friction members in the axial direction; andan electromagnet arranged facing one of the pair of friction members in the axial direction, andwherein at least another of the pair of friction members includes a magnetic body.3. The resistance welding ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Axis Industrial Robot With Integrated Tool

Номер: US20150108099A1
Принадлежит: Comau S.p.A

An industrial robot including a robot chain of elements, a robot wrist bearing a tool () and a continuous internal passage through which one or more cables and/or pipes for the power supply and/or the fluid supply to the tool. The cables and pipes continue without interruption through the passage and through a flange of the robot up to respective connections of said tool, whereby the cables and pipes are arranged completely inside the robot and inside the tool, without the need to provide separate cables and pipes of the tool connected to the cables and the pipes of the robot at the flange of the robot. 1. Multi-axis industrial robot , comprising:a base structure,an articulated robot wrist, anda chain of mutually articulated robot elements connecting said base structure to said robot wrist,wherein said robot wrist ends with a flange to which is rigidly connected a tool having at least one of a power supply or a fluid supply,wherein, through said chain of mutually articulated robot elements and through said robot wrist a continuous internal passage is defined in which at least one cable or pipe for said at least one power supply or said fluid supply to the tool is received,characterized in that said cable or pipe continues without interruption in a passage formed through said flange and up to said tool, whereby the said at least one cable or pipe is arranged completely inside the robot and inside the tool, without the need to provide separate cables or pipes for the tool connected to the cables and the pipes of the robot in correspondence to said flange.2. The robot according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tool is an electric spot welding head.3. The robot according to claim 2 , characterized in that the welding head comprises a supporting structure rigidly connected to the robot wrist claim 2 , and a pair of welding electrodes carried by respective electrode-holding arms claim 2 , wherein at least one of said electrode-holding arms is movably mounted on the ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Welding equipment for metallic materials and method for welding metallic materials

Номер: US20190099829A1

A method for spot-welding metallic materials includes: sandwiching the metallic materials with a pair of electrodes; a pre-heating step for pre-heating a region different from a given region which should be welded by applying electric power having a high frequency to the pair of electrodes; and a welding step for spot-welding a given region of the metallic materials by applying electric power for welding to the pair of electrodes. The heating time in the pre-heating step and that in the welding step are independently controlled.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168839A1

A welded joint manufacturing method includes: abutting a first electrode against a first steel sheet of a welded joint at a site A, which is a location at an outer side of a nugget in a sheet-plane direction in a plane running parallel to the first steel sheet; abutting a second electrode against a second steel sheet at a site B, which is a location at an outer side of the nugget in a sheet-plane direction in a plane running parallel to the first steel sheet of the welded joint, and positioned on an opposite side of the nugget from the site A; and passing a current through the welded joint between the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A welded joint manufacturing method comprising:preparing a welded joint including a first steel sheet, a second steel sheet overlapped with the first steel sheet, and a quenched nugget joining the first steel sheet and the second steel sheet together;abutting a first electrode against the first steel sheet at a site A, which is a location at an outer side of the nugget in a sheet-plane direction in a plane running parallel to the first steel sheet of the welded joint;abutting a second electrode against the second steel sheet at a site B, which is a location at an outer side of the nugget in a sheet-plane direction in a plane running parallel to the first steel sheet of the welded joint, and positioned on an opposite side of the nugget from the site A; andpassing a current through the welded joint between the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The welded joint manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the site A and the site B are each separated from a center of the nugget in the plane running parallel to the first steel sheet by at least a maximum diameter of the nugget.3. The welded joint manufacturing method of claim 2 , wherein a distance between the site A and the center of the nugget and a distance between the site B and the center of the nugget are equal to each other.4. The welded joint manufacturing method ...
