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10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596541C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к конструкции переносных технологических машин, прежде всего переносных технологических машин с приводимым в осциллирующее движение шпинделем. Переносная машина содержит по меньшей мере одно зажимное устройство для закрепления рабочего инструмента. Зажимное устройство содержит по меньшей мере один зажимной узел (12а; 12b), имеющий по меньшей мере один стержневидный зажимной элемент (14а; 14b) для зажима рабочего инструмента (16а; 16b) в осевом направлении (18а; 18b), и по меньшей мере одну расположенную на зажимном элементе (14а; 14b) зажимную головку (20а; 20b), имеющую по меньшей мере два подвижных относительно друг друга участка (30а, 32а; 30b, 32b). Кроме того, зажимное устройство содержит по меньшей мере один узел (22а; 22b) преобразования движения для перемещения в зависимости от движения зажимного элемента (14а; 14b), совершаемого по меньшей мере по существу в осевом направлении (18а; 18b), по меньшей мере двух подвижных относительно друг друга участков (30а ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2536017C2
Принадлежит: ТЕ ГЛИСОН ВОРКС (US)

Устройство позволяет зажать инструмент на шпинделе станка и облегчает отсоединение инструмента от шпинделя без помощи дополнительных инструментов. Устройство включает дистальные средства, которые могут быть захвачены тяговым стержнем станка с возможностью отсоединения от него, а также средства для сцепления с инструментом с возможностью отцепления от него. Технический результат: уменьшение времени простоя станка при смене инструмента. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

28-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752491C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к обработке материалов резанием и может быть использована в технологических машинах, в частности угловых шлифовальных машинах. Быстрозажимное устройство содержит по меньшей мере один зажимной узел для безынструментальной фиксации рабочего инструмента на выходном валу, по меньшей мере один подвижно установленный зажимной элемент для воздействия зажимным усилием на рабочий инструмент в замыкающем положении зажимного элемента и по меньшей мере один узел управления для перемещения зажимного элемента в его замыкающее положение и/или в его размыкающее положение. По меньшей мере один предохранительный узел, в частности узел самоторможения, предназначен для того, чтобы по меньшей мере при воздействии на зажимной элемент силы, не связанной с узлом управления и действующей в направлении размыкающего положения зажимного элемента, препятствовать перемещению зажимного элемента из его замыкающего положения в его размыкающее положение. Исключается самопроизвольное отделение ...

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2495739C2
Принадлежит: К. УНД Э. ФАЙН ГМБХ (DE)

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to machine building and can be used for clamping tools at oscillating drive with drive shaft oscillating relative its lengthwise axis. Adapter drive side 12 has first fastener including lock for geometrical closure between adapter and tool. Said lock is composed of tight polygon, multiple locking parts arranged in circle concentric with adapter axis and multiple bulged ledges extending outward and having rounded tops and side concave rounding mated with adjacent ledges. Adapter lock element allows geometrical closure with mating lock at drive shaft. Adapter tool side 14 accommodates second fastener 18 for connection with tool. Its shape differs from first fastener 16 and id composed of multiple locks arranged in circle concentric with central axis 22, or multiple bulged ledges with rounded tops mated with adjacent ledged by side concave rounding. EFFECT: attachment of tools to various-shape drive shafts. 9 cl, 14 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 495 739 (13) C2 (51) МПК B23Q 3/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009132408/02, 28.08.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.08.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): К. УНД Э. ФАЙН ГМБХ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 29.08.2008 DE 202008011959.6 (72) Автор(ы): ГРУНИКЕВИЧ Петер (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.03.2011 Бюл. № 7 2 4 9 5 7 3 9 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2013 Бюл. № 29 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1302286 B1, 01.02.2006. RU 1085689 A, 15.04.1984. RU 2101143 C1, 10.01.1998. DE 102004050798 A, 20.04.2006. US 6945862 B2, 20.09.2005. EP 1213107 A1, 12.06.2002. 2 4 9 5 7 3 9 R U (54) АДАПТЕР ДЛЯ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ ИНСТРУМЕНТА НА ОСЦИЛЛИРУЮЩЕМ ПРИВОДЕ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к приводному инструменту и предназначено для крепления инструмента на осциллирующем приводе, имеющем приводной вал, приводимый в ...

09-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019107509A3

16-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020109422A3

08-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679410C1

Изобретение относится к шлифовальному устройству проволочных пружин сжатия непрерывного действия, которое непрерывно шлифует торцевые поверхности проволочных пружин (10) сжатия, используя верхний и нижний цепной конвейер 100 и 200 и шлифовальные блоки 300. Устройство содержит: два шлифовальных блока (300), каждый блок с шлифовальным кругом (350), на который передано вращательное усилие от двигателя (240) через редуктор (260), двигатель (240) с вращающимся валом, расположенным над центральной осью шлифовального круга (350), и два шлифовальных блока (300), расположенных параллельно и напротив друг друга на противоположных сторонах шлифовального устройства проволочных пружин (10) сжатия, закрепленных на шлифовальном устройстве проволочных пружин сжатия непрерывного действия таким образом, чтобы шлифовать противоположные торцевые поверхности проволочных пружин (10) сжатия; два шарнирных вала (140), закрепленных на заранее заданном расстоянии от шлифовальных кругов на самой нижней поверхности ...

23-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2717440C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано при обработке поверхностей с помощью приводимых во вращение инструментов, в частности щеточных инструментов. Устройство содержит по меньшей мере один расположенный со стороны привода и один расположенный со стороны инструмента упругие зажимные элементы, соединенные с возможностью разъема друг с другом и фиксации инструмента. Расположенный со стороны инструмента упругий зажимной элемент выполнен в виде фиксирующей обоймы, охватывающей по меньшей мере частично радиально и по оси инструмент, а расположенный со стороны привода упругий зажимной элемент выполнен в виде входящего с возможностью разъема в зацепление с фиксирующей обоймой. В результате исключается неконтролируемое движение щеточного инструмента и уменьшается его износ. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019114065A
Принадлежит: Роберт Бош Гмбх

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 114 065 A (51) МПК B24B 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019114065, 04.10.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ЦУРБРЮГГ Андреас (DE) 18.10.2016 DE 102016220367.3 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.05.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.11.2020 Бюл. № 32 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/072997 (26.04.2018) R U (54) БЫСТРОЗАЖИМНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ МАШИНЫ, ИМЕЮЩЕЙ ПО МЕНЬШЕЙ МЕРЕ ОДИН ПРИВОДИМЫЙ ВО ВРАЩЕНИЕ ВЫХОДНОЙ ВАЛ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ УГЛОВОЙ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Быстрозажимное устройство для переносной технологической машины, имеющей по меньшей мере один приводимый во вращение выходной вал (12а; 12b), в частности угловой шлифовальной машины, содержащее по меньшей мере один зажимной узел (16а; 16b), который для безынструментальной фиксации рабочего инструмента (18а) на выходном валу (12а; 12b) содержит по меньшей мере один подвижно установленный зажимной элемент (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b) для воздействия зажимным усилием на рабочий инструмент (18а) в замыкающем положении зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b), и по меньшей мере один узел (24а; 24b) управления для перемещения зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b) в его замыкающее положение и/или в его размыкающее положение, в котором возможно снятие рабочего инструмента (18а) с зажимного узла (16а; 16b) и/ или с выходного вала (12а; 12b), отличающееся тем, что оно содержит по меньшей мере один предохранительный узел (26а; 26b), в частности узел самоторможения и/или узел стопорения, предусмотренный для того, чтобы по меньшей мере при воздействии на зажимной элемент (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b) силы, не связанной с узлом (24а; 24b) управления и действующей в направлении размыкающего положения зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b), ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012109008A

... 1. Режущее устройство, содержащее(i) удлиненный держатель, имеющий инструментальный конец, выполненный с возможностью соединения с приводным инструментом, и свободный конец,(ii) направляющий или опорный элемент, который расположен в направлении свободного конца держателя, с возможностью вращения прикреплен к держателю и имеет опорную поверхность, проходящую параллельно продольной оси держателя,(iii) режущий элемент, который имеет периферический режущий край, расположен между направляющим элементом и инструментальным концом держателя вблизи направляющего элемента и имеет больший поперечный размер, чем направляющий элемент,(iv) причем между режущим краем режущего элемента и опорной поверхностью направляющего элемента имеется периферический промежуток, при использовании занятый той частью лезвия, которая прорезает разрезаемое изделие.2. Режущее устройство по п.1, в котором осевое расстояние между режущим элементом и направляющим или опорным элементом составляет 0,5-5,0 мм.3. Режущее устройство ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124410A

... 1. Зажимное устройство ручной машины, содержащее по меньшей мере один крепежный узел (12а; 12b; 12с) для фиксации рабочего инструмента (14а; 14b; 14с) на шпинделе (18а; 18b; 18с) в осевом направлении (16а; 16b; 16с) и по меньшей мере один разъединительный узел (20а; 20b; 20с) для отсоединения по меньшей мере одного крепежного элемента (22а; 22b; 22с), входящего в состав крепежного узла (12а; 12b; 12с), в осевом направлении (16а; 16b; 16с), отличающееся наличием предохранительного узла (26а; 26b; 26с), предназначенного для предотвращения самопроизвольного отделения крепежного узла (12а; 12b; 12с) и/или рабочего инструмента (14а; 14b; 14с) от шпинделя (18а; 18b; 18с) в режиме торможения и выполненного таким образом, чтобы по меньшей мере частично преобразовывать первое относительное движение между по меньшей мере двумя крепежными элементами (22а, 28а; 22b, 28b; 22с, 28с), входящими в состав крепежного узла (12а; 12b; 12с), во второе относительное движение.2. Зажимное устройство по п.1, отличающееся ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124408A

... 1. Зажимное устройство ручной машины, содержащее по меньшей мере один зажимной узел (12a; 12b; 12c), предусмотренный для зажима рабочего инструмента (14a; 14b; 14c) на шпинделе (16a; 16b; 16c), и по меньшей мере предохранительный узел (18a; 18b; 18c) для предотвращения самопроизвольного отделения зажимного узла (12a; 12b; 12c) и/или рабочего инструмента (14a; 14b; 14c) от шпинделя (16a; 16b; 16c), отличающееся тем, что предохранительный узел (18a; 18b; 18c) имеет по меньшей мере один узел (20a; 20b; 20c) изменения движения, предусмотренный для того, чтобы в режиме торможения по меньшей мере частично преобразовывать первое относительное движение между по меньшей мере двумя зажимными элементами (22a, 24a; 22b, 24b; 22с, 24с), входящими в состав зажимного узла (12a; 12b; 12c), во второе относительное движение.2. Зажимное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что узел (20a; 20b; 20c) изменения движения выполнен в виде распорного узла (26a; 26b; 26c), предусмотренного для того, чтобы в режиме ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124405A

... 1. Предохранительное устройство, прежде всего для ручной машины, предназначенное для предотвращения самопроизвольного отделения зажимного элемента (12a; 12b; 12c) и/или рабочего инструмента (14a; 14b; 14c) от шпинделя (16a; 16b; 16c), содержащее по меньшей мере один передаточный узел (18a; 18b; 18c) и по меньшей мере один кулачковый механизм (20a; 20b; 20c), имеющий по меньшей мере один кулачковый поводок (22a, 72a; 22b, 72b; 22c, 72c), отличающееся тем, что кулачковый механизм (20a; 20b; 20c) имеет по меньшей мере один кулачковый паз (24a 74a; 24b, 74a; 24c, 74c), в который по меньшей мере частично входит кулачковый поводок (22a, 72a; 22b, 72b; 22c, 72c).2. Предохранительное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что кулачковый поводок (22a, 72a; 22b, 72b; 22c, 72c) посредством взаимодействия с кулачковым пазом (24a 74a; 24b, 74a; 24c, 74c) обеспечивает, по меньшей мере в режиме торможения, преобразование первого относительного движения между шпинделем (16a; 16b; 16c) и передаточным элементом ...

27-05-2010 дата публикации

Spanneinrichtung zum werkzeuglosen Festspannen

Номер: DE202009000482U1

22-03-2001 дата публикации

Hand-held machine tool has click nut whose change ring can be operated by hand when working spindle is stationary to axially loosen clamping flange and release clamped tool

Номер: DE0019944564A1

The tool has a housing (10) accommodating a working spindle (13) with the tool (18) on its free end between a clamping flange (62) and nut (20) and a locking device for fixing the spindle against rotation. The clamping device (17) has a special nut containing the clamping flange in the form of a conventional SDS click nut whose change ring (19) can be operated by hand, especially tightened, when the working spindle is stationary to axially loosen the clamping flange and release the clamped tool.

10-06-1998 дата публикации

Hand tool machine

Номер: DE0019752810A1

The hand tool machine is for a disc tool. It has a casing (10) containing a working spindle (13) with the tool on its free end between a flange (19) forming a clamping device and a clamping nut (20) with lock (25) acting with a groove (28) of a grooved crown (27) on the flange. A hand lever (29) has locking cams (32) to engage the groove flanks (42, 44). There is a special threadless nut such as an SDS Click Nut (RTM) forming the clamping flange on the casing side. It has an internal hexagon for mounting on an external hexagon of the working spindle.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016115276A1

Es ist eine Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung, eine rationale Technik zum Reduzieren der Übertragung von Vibration an ein Körpergehäuse vorzusehen. Ein repräsentatives Kraftwerkzeug (100) weist eine Spindel (124), die eine Drehkraft eines Motors (115) an ein Werkzeugzubehör (145) überträgt, ein Werkzeugzubehörhaltebauteil (127), das zwischen einer Halteposition und einer Freigabeposition des Werkzeugzubehörs (145) bewegbar ist, einen Verriegelungsmechanismus (130), der zwischen einer Eingriffsposition zum Verriegeln des Werkzeugzubehörhaltebauteils (127) in der Halteposition und einer Entriegelungsposition zum Lösen der Verriegelung bewegbar ist, und ein inneres Gehäuse (110), das in einem Körpergehäuse (101) aufgenommen ist und zumindest einen Teil des Verriegelungsmechanismus (130) aufnimmt, und einen Betätigungsmechanismus (150) auf. Der Betätigungsmechanismus (150) enthält einen Handgriffteil (151), einen Schaltteil (152), der den Verriegelungsmechanismus (130) zwischen der Eingriffsposition ...

26-09-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003012836C2

28-11-2002 дата публикации

Electric circular saw has compensator which interrupts action of elastic body on clamping spindle in exchange position of clamping spindle

Номер: DE0010124971A1

An actuator (24) displaces a clamping spindle (4) against the biasing force of an elastic body (5) into an exchange position in which a working tool is released. A compensator (15) interrupts the action of the elastic body on the clamping spindle in the exchange position of the clamping spindle. An Independent claim is also included for a quick-action clamping device.

27-11-2003 дата публикации

Handwerkzeugmaschine zur Flächenbearbeitung

Номер: DE0059410331D1

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Werkzeughalterung für eine Werkzeugmaschine

Номер: DE102010031329A1

Eine Werkzeughalterung für eine Werkzeugmaschine weist einen Lagerflansch und ein am Lagerflansch zwischen einer Schließposition und einer Öffnungsposition verstellbar gehaltenes Klemmelement auf, wobei der Lagerflansch und das Klemmelement eine Rastausnehmung zur Begrenzung eines Rastglieds am Werkzeug der Werkzeugmaschine aufweisen. In der Schließposition des Klemmelements ist das Rastglied in der Rastausnehmung zur Halterung des Werkzeugs am Lagerflansch aufgenommen.

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Grinding wheel polishes automotive wheel hub interface surfaces, wheel rims, brake discs, brake drums

Номер: DE0020304073U1

A grinding wheel polishes automotive components e.g. wheel hub interface surfaces, wheel rims, brake discs, brake drums. The grinding wheel tool has an anchorage housing (2) for the grinding wheel (3) which is linked to the drive via a clutch (4). The housing (2) has esp. a plate-shaped form (5) with a central base (6).

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Manual grinding apparatus has motorized movable support element to carry working head to which grinding device can be fastened

Номер: DE0010003504A1

The manual grinding apparatus has a motorized movable support element (9) to carry a working head (41), on which a grinding device (52) is fastened. At least one catch element (12) is located in the element or the head, and is pre-tensioned in springy fashion in the direction of the head or support element. There are several catch recesses (42) for the accommodation of the catch element, so that the working head can be locked by rotation with respect to the support element in several angular positions.

28-02-2002 дата публикации

Elektrowerkzeug mit Schnellspanneinrichtung

Номер: DE0010039739A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Elektrowerkzeug, insbesondere einen Winkelschleifer, mit einer Schnellspanneinrichtung, bei dem ein Werkzeug (30) zwischen einem Spannflansch (28) und einem Gegenflansch (26) verspannbar ist. Derartige Schnellspanneinrichtungen sind üblicherweise mit einem Betätigungselement (31) versehen, bei dessen Überführung von einer Spannstellung in eine Lösestellung die Verspannung aufgehoben wird. Bei der erfindungsgemäßen Schnellspanneinrichtung wird das Betätigungselement (31) selbsttätig und kontrolliert in die Spannstellung zurückgeführt, wenn es sich in der Lösestellung befindet und versehentlich der Motor (16) des Elektrowerkzeugs eingeschaltet wird. Hierzu greift ein am Betätigungselement (31) ausgebildeter Exzenter (52) mit seiner Lauffläche (56) an einem Nocken (58) derart an, daß er bei stehendem Motor (16) den Exzenter (52) aufgrund der zwischen dem Nocken (58) und der Lauffläche (56) wirkenden Reibungskraft festhält. Eine durch Einschalten des Motors verursachte ...

02-11-2011 дата публикации

A hand-held power tool with a quick-clamping device for a working element

Номер: GB0201116286D0

20-07-1994 дата публикации

Powered hand tool,in particular an angle grinder

Номер: GB0002252061B

08-11-2000 дата публикации

Hand-held machine tool

Номер: GB0002343647B

07-05-1997 дата публикации

Retaining working elements

Номер: GB0002306358A

A power tool is provided which includes a shaft rotatably driven by the motor and an axial lining in the central bore of the working element. A counterweight assembly is attached to the shaft for rotation therewith. A post on the counterweight assembly is insertable in the axial lining. A detent is mounted to the post and includes arcuate cam surfaces. The detent is movable between (1) an extended position relative to the post, and (2) a depressed position relative to the post wherein the axial lining engages the cam surfaces and allows the post to be inserted in the axial lining. A circumferential groove on the axial lining is capable of capturing the detent in the extended position to provide for substantially fail-safe operation of the tool with the post inserted in the axial lining.

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Connecting a tool to a drive unit without the use of auxiliary tools

Номер: GB0002409422A

Means for locking a tool (19, Fig. 1) onto a driver 22 of a hand-held electric machine tool comprises at least two laterally protruding pegs 224, 225 on the driver 22 and a spring plate 24 fixed around a central opening of the tool (19, Fig. 1). Slots 27 corresponding to the number of pegs 224, 225 are formed in the spring plate 24, with a cam 25 rising up transverse to the plane of the spring plate 24 from each slot 27. The cams 25 are arranged around the circumference of a circle which is concentric with the central opening of the tool. The tool (19, Fig. 1) is locked to the driver 22 by passing the pegs 224, 225 through the slots 27, rotating the tool (19, Fig. 1) to move the pegs 224, 225 along the cams 25 and into depressions 26 thereon. Deformation of the spring plate 24 holds the tool (19, Fig 1) in place when it is locked onto the driver 22. Used to lock a grinding platen to an eccentric or rotary grinder or a circular blade to a rotary saw.

16-11-1994 дата публикации

Motor driven hand machine tool

Номер: GB0009419776D0

18-07-2007 дата публикации

Clamping device for disc-shaped tool with locking mechanism

Номер: GB0002434113A

A clamping device is provided for detachably fastening a disc-shaped tool 15 on a rotatingly driven working spindle 6. The tool is received between a fastening element, such as a clamping nut 14, and a supporting flange 10. The supporting flange can be locked, when in a position in which it is shifted axially in the direction of the tool, to the working spindle or to a component, such as a gearwheel 5, connected to the working spindle 6 in a non-rotating manner. The supporting flange is capable of being shifted axially away from the tool only after the locking mechanism 20 has been released, eg via actuation of a push-button 17. The supporting flange and the gearwheel may be supported against one another via axial oblique faces L, L' (see figs 3 and 4), relative rotation of the two causing the supporting flange to move either towards or away from the tool.

28-10-1998 дата публикации

A self locking nut

Номер: GB0002293636B

15-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002161404A

A pressurized or hydraulic clamp, with piston reset, for securing tools or workpieces, such as grinding wheels, milling tools, and the like, to a shaft. By pressurizing with a hydraulic fluid, a floating piston is pressed out of the clamping unit to hold the workpieces or tools against a support. In order to retract the piston when the hydraulic pressure is released, the circular piston is provided with a bead on its outside or inside, depending upon the application; the bead is connected to one or more springs. The springs, which are pre-tensioned in the starting position, and are further tensioned when the piston is driven out, automatically reset the piston when the pressure is released.

20-10-2021 дата публикации

Grinding machines and methods of operation thereof

Номер: GB2555376B
Принадлежит: FIVES LANDIS LTD, Fives Landis Limited

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444147T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507775B1

Vorrichtung zum Befestigen eines Rotationswerkzeuges (2), insbesondere Kreissägeblatt, Fräser oder dergleichen, an einer Welle (3) einer Werkstoffbearbeitungsmaschine, insbesondere Holzbearbeitungsmaschine, mit einem Anlageelement (4) und einer Spanneinrichtung (5), die jeweils eine Anlagefläche (18, 18'), zwischen denen das Rotationswerkzeug (2) klemmbar ist, aufweisen, wobei die Spanneinrichtung (5) eine die Anlagefläche (18) aufweisende Spannscheibe (6), einen die Spannscheibe (6) zumindest teilweise durchsetzenden, mit der Welle (3) verbindbaren, insbesondere axial verschraubbaren Kernbolzen (7) und ein Kraftübertragungselement (8) zum Verbinden des Kernbolzens (7) mit der Welle (3) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Spanneinrichtung (5) einen zwischen dem Kraftübertragungselement (8) und dem Kernbolzen (7) reibschlüssig wirkenden Kraftuntersetzungsmechanismus (9) aufweist, wobei das Kraftübertragungselement und der Kernbolzen der Spanneinrichtung durch einen Kraftuntersetzungsmechanismus ...

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000085257T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105918T

15-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000167420T

15-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000069572T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000297292T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345910T

05-03-2001 дата публикации

Clamping device for removably fastening a part upon a shaft

Номер: AU0006991000A

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Toolless blade release mechanism for a power tool

Номер: AU2017201534A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An oscillating power tool having a motor, a base flange driven about an output axis by the motor, and an accessory shaft movable relative to the base flange between a clamping position and a release position. A clamping flange is pivotably coupled to the accessory shaft for clamping an accessory in cooperation with the base flange. 8804827_1 (GHMattes) P105409.AU 48 --- 92 - 45 "C 38 1 39 sB4 38 40" ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058648A1

A grinding wheel assembly is disclosed and includes an arbor in which a pull stud may be installed. Further, the arbor can include a head assembly that includes a mounting plate, a cover plate, and an abrasive body disposed there between. The abrasive is removably engaged with the mounting plate and the cover plate.

30-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002642895A1

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002919556A1

The invention relates to a tool device which is suitable for use with an, in particular hand-held, machine tool, having a drive device moving, in particular in oscillating fashion, about a drive axis. The tool device has a connection device which allows it to be fastened on a machine tool such that its drive axis and an axis of rotation of the tool substantially coincide. The connection device, for absorbing drive power, has at least two drive-surface regions, which are spaced apart from said axis of rotation of the tool and each have a multiplicity of surface-area points. Planes tangential to said surface-area points are inclined in relation to an axial plane which encloses the axis of rotation of the tool. Furthermore, said tangential planes are inclined in relation to a radial plane which extends perpendicularly to the axis of rotation of the tool. This means that the torque introduced into the tool device by the machine tool, via the drive device, is reliably absorbed.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713760A1

Method, system, and apparatus for use in enabling users to quickly change surface modifying articles and for supporting the surface modifying articles during a surface modification operation.

21-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002187262A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

A power tool is provided which includes a shaft rotatably driven by the motor and an axial lining in the central bore of the working element. A counterweight assembly is attached to the shaft for rotation therewith. A post on the counterweight assembly is insertable in the axial lining. A detent is mounted to the post and includes arcuate cam surfaces. The detent is movable between (1) an extended position relative to the post, and (2) a depressed position relative to the post wherein the axial lining engages the cam surfaces and allows the post to be inserted in the axial lining. A circumferential groove on the axial lining is capable of capturing the detent in the extended position to provide for substantially fail-safe operation of the tool with the post inserted in the axial lining.

13-11-1992 дата публикации

Quick change multi purpose grinder - has spindle with bayonet coupling for interchangeable boss complete with tool

Номер: CH0000680775A5

The stationary multi-purpose grinder incorportes a quick- change mounting. A mounting boss (7,8) complete with grinder disc (18) or brush is locked into engagement with a spindle (3) containing a bore (4) via a bayonet coupling, being turned by hand in the clockwise direction, and at the same time spring-loaded (6) into the working position, and interchangeably accommodated. The spindle with the inserted boss runs in two bearings (2), between which it is belt-driven (1b) from the motor (1a). A small interchangeable supporting table can be provided, mounted on a fork (10), whose prongs are of round material. The fork is adjustable to left and right by two wingnuts. The table is adjustable horizontally and vertically by a clamping lever. ADVANTAGE - Allows wide range of grinding, polishing and brushing operations.

15-08-2006 дата публикации

Electric power tool with a high-speed tensioning arrangement.

Номер: CH0000695721A5

30-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000668021A5

15-02-1996 дата публикации

Handicraft things machine, in particular angle grinding machine.

Номер: CH0000686238A5

13-11-2015 дата публикации

Tool for the machining of surfaces.

Номер: CH0000709589A2

Es wird ein Werkzeug zur Bearbeitung von Oberflächen vorgestellt, welches flexibel und elastisch in einer Trägerplatte 20 eingebaut ist. Das Werkzeug 10 besteht aus einer Platte 12, wobei in einer Vertiefung ein Magnet 18 eingebaut ist, welcher eine aus magnetischem Material bestehende Scheibe 19 zwischen einem Bord 30 in der Vertiefung festhält. Die Scheibe 19 weist auf einer Fläche einen abrasiven Belag auf, mittels dem ein Boden aus Holz, Beton oder Designmaterial grob und fein bis zur Politur bearbeitet werden kann.

28-02-2018 дата публикации

Tool for machining surfaces.

Номер: CH0000709589B1
Принадлежит: AIRTEC AG, Airtec AG

Es wird ein Werkzeug zur Bearbeitung von Oberflächen vorgestellt, welches flexibel und elastisch in einer Trägerplatte (20) einbaubar ist. Das Werkzeug (10) besteht aus einer Scheibe (19), welche auf einer Fläche einen abrasiven Belag aufweist und an einer Platte (12) angebracht ist. Die Platte (12) weist einen Magneten (18) auf, welcher die Scheibe (19) zur Platte (12) verbindet. Die Platte (12) ist mit einem Halter (16) aus elastischem Material verbunden, welcher an der Trägerplatte (20) verankerbar ist.

29-12-1999 дата публикации

Manually operated machine-tool

Номер: CN0001239912A

13-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001636676A

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Packaging container inner wall polishing equipment

Номер: CN113263368A

The invention discloses packaging container inner wall polishing equipment, which is characterized in that a base and a support of a supporting assembly are sequentially connected with a supporting table, a clamping block is slidably arranged on the supporting table through a clamping air cylinder, a supporting shell of a polishing assembly is placed in a first groove of the support, a polisher is arranged in the supporting shell, blades and a blade motor of a dust collection assembly are installed on one side of the supporting shell, and a dust collection box is communicated with the support through a connecting pipe. The blades can drive the blade motor to rotate, so that negative pressure can be formed to suck gas with powder, the connecting pipe is communicated with the support, penetrates through the support and the dust collection box to be fixedly connected with the base, the connecting pipe is communicated with the dust collection box, and the gas can be guided into the dust collection ...

10-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002805013B1
Автор: TELO

30-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002565872B1

06-11-1959 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001194079A

20-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002565872A1

20-05-1994 дата публикации

Quick-clamping device for the axial clamping a disc-shaped tool

Номер: FR0002698032A1

Dans un dispositif de serrage rapide (1) destiné à serrer axialement sur un flasque (4) d'une broche (2) entraînée, un outil (8) en forme de disque, notamment une meule, au moyen d'une pièce de serrage (5) munie d'un filetage (11), qui peut être vissée sur le filetage (3) de la broche (2), l'outil (8) en forme de disque étant maintenu serré entre des surfaces d'appui (6, 7) dont l'espacement réciproque peut être modifié et réalisées sur le flasque (4) et la pièce de serrage (5), il est proposé, en vue d'éviter un desserrage total de l'écrou de serrage lors de l'actionnement d'un blocage en rotation de la broche, que l'outil (8) soit appliqué par une force élastique contre le flasque (4), par au moins une autre surface de maintien (18) supplémentaire, et que cette surface de maintien supplémentaire (18) soit liée en rotation à la broche (2).

14-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002968233B3

15-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190039727A

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011014914A1

A cutting device (10) for cutting a pipe (32) having a pipe wall is disclosed. The cutting device (10) includes an elongate carrier (12) having a tool end (12.1) which is engageable with a power tool and an opposed free end (12.2). The device (10) includes a guide wheel (16) located at the free end (12.2) of the carrier (12) which is loosely mounted thereon for rotation relative thereto, having a bearing surface (34) extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the carrier (12). The device (10) also includes a cutting element (14) having a peripheral cutting edge (36) which is located adjacent to the guide wheel (16) being positioned intermediate the guide wheel 16 and the tool end (12.1). The cutting element (4) is of greater transverse dimension than the guide wheel (16) so that when the bearing surface (34) bears against an internal surface of the pipe (32) the distance between the cutting edge (36) of the cutting element (14) and the bearing surface (34) enables the cutting element ...

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012089637A3

The invention relates to a clamping device for a hand-held power tool, in particular a clamping device for an oscillating hand-held power tool, said device having a clamping unit (12) which comprises at least one bolt-type clamping element (14) for securely clamping a machining tool (16) to a spindle (18) in an axial direction (20). According to the invention, at least one anti-rotation unit (22) is provided, said unit securing the clamping element (14) of the clamping unit (12) against rotation during a clamping operation and/or a release operation.

29-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: WO1994021428A1
Автор: REINAUER, Josef

An arrangement is disclosed for receiving a rotary body (412) in a centered and axially fixed manner, in particular a grinding wheel, on a supporting part (410) with an axial centering spike (418) which projects into the central opening (416) of the rotary body (412) and a substantially radial collar (480) adjacent thereto, against which the rotary body (412) may be axially clamped. In order to allow extremely rapidly rotating bodies (412) to be clamped extremely accurately with simple hand grips, an elastically expandable, preferably thin-walled axial extension (440) is arranged between the centering spike (418) and the opening (416). The axial extension (440) is supported on the outer surface of the centering spike (418) and on the inner surface of the opening (416) and together with a clamping plate (436) forms a single adapter piece (439). Preferably captive clamping means received in the adapter piece (434) and on the supporting piece (410) allow the clamping plate with its radial ...

06-10-1987 дата публикации

Pressurized clamp for securing tools or workpieces

Номер: US0004697966A1
Автор: Baur; Manfred
Принадлежит: Albert Schrem Werkzeugfabrik GmbH

A pressurized or hydraulic clamp, with piston reset, for securing tools or workpieces, such as grinding wheels, milling tools, and the like, to a shaft. By pressurizing with a hydraulic fluid, a floating piston is pressed out of the clamping unit to hold the workpieces or tools against a support. In order to retract the piston when the hydraulic pressure is released, the circular piston is provided with a bead on its outside or inside, depending upon the application; the bead is connected to one or more springs. The springs, which are pre-tensioned in the starting position, and are further tensioned when the piston is driven out, automatically reset the piston when the pressure is released.

22-05-2003 дата публикации

Rotating back up abrasive disc assembly

Номер: US20030096566A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Company

A holder for an abrasive disc allows for a quick manual change of the abrasive disc. The holder including an uncoupling mechanism that in turn includes a handle comprising a pin and an adjacent hub comprising a partial annular channel. The handle and hub have a limited rotational engagement wherein the pin travels in the channel. When an operator desires to replace an abrasive disc, the operator grasps the handle with one hand and rotates the disc, face plate, and hub, together as a unit, with the other hand. This counter-rotation breaks the tight attachment of the disc on the shaft of the finishing tool, so that disc can be easily unthreaded from the shaft.

07-11-2000 дата публикации

Backup pad for abrasive articles

Номер: US0006142858A

A backup pad for engaging and supporting abrasive sheets, the backup pad being mounted securely to a drive shaft to prevent relative rotation thereto, and to allow easy mounting and dismounting of the backup pad to the mounting shaft without the use of tools. The backup pad includes a body comprising a front surface and a back surface, releasable engagement means provided on the front surface for releasably engaging an abrasive article, and a mounting boss provided on said rear surface. The mounting boss includes a first end facing away from the body, and an opening in the first end of the boss, the opening being formed by an inner surface generally perpendicular to said body and defining a non-circular cross-section. The opening includes elastic means such as an o-ring for releasably engaging a drive shaft mounted in said opening. Also disclosed is a method of using such a backup pad.

22-09-1998 дата публикации

Screw for fastening

Номер: US0005810533A

PCT No. PCT/IB94/00182 Sec. 371 Date Nov. 27, 1995 Sec. 102(e) Date Nov. 27, 1995 PCT Filed Jun. 27, 1994 PCT Pub. No. WO95/01240 PCT Pub. Date Jan. 12, 1995A screw for fastening that includes a male or female screw formed on its inner core area and including threads located about its outer circumference. A flange ring is located generally at one edge of the screw member in a manner so to be free to turn relative to the screw member, with the outside surface of the flange ring being configured to contact an object to be attached. An operating ring is located at the other edge of the screw member with freedom to turn relative to the screw. A screw feed ring is also provided having threads engaged with threads on the outer circumference of the screw member. A holding ring portion is operatively associated with the operating ring and includes an inner surface that is eccentric to its outer surface.

21-05-1996 дата публикации

Power tool flange lock

Номер: US5518440A

A flange lock 10 for retaining a disc or blade on a spindle of a power tool and for facilitating removal therefrom, comprising a support member 22 for threadedly engaging a spindle of a power tool, a plurality of cam devices 30 mounted through the support member 22, a pressure plate 44 for applying pressure to a flange of a disc or blade to hold the disc or blade on the power tool, the pressure plate 44 including a cam surface 46 for bearing against the cam devices 30, and a housing for receiving the support member 22, the cam devices 30 and the pressure plate 44 and including means 14, 34 for driving the cam devices 30 between an active position (FIG. 3 ) in which the pressure plate 44 is held spaced from the support member 22 and an inactive position (FIG. 2 ), wherein the flange lock 10 can be partially released to facilitate removal of a disc or blade from the spindle of the power tool by operating the drive means 14, 34 to move the cam devices 30 into their inactive position and thereby ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Grinding Means Device, in particular Grinding-Disc Device or Backup-Pad Device

Номер: US20200230776A1

A grinding-means device, in particular a grinding-disc device or backup-pad device, for arranging at least one grinding means, in particular at least one grinding wheel, on a portable power tool, in particular a grinding machine, includes at least one receiving unit, in particular a grinding disc or backup pad, which is fixable in a thread-free manner on an output unit of the tool and on which at least one grinding means is arranged. The grinding-means device includes at least one securing unit formed separately from the receiving unit and configured to axially fix the receiving unit and/or the grinding means to the output unit of the tool in a tool-free manner, and/or at least to axially fix the grinding means to the receiving unit in a tool-free manner.

04-06-2019 дата публикации

Abrasive article and method of making the same

Номер: US0010307890B2

An abrasive article and method of making same wherein the abrasive article comprises a mounting assembly and an abrasive attachment assembly wherein the first interlock member of the mounting assembly and the second interlock member of the abrasive attachment assembly are configured to align the central axis of the abrasive attachment assembly and the central axis of the mounting assembly, and the first interlock member releasably engages the second interlock member. The abrasive article is adapted to clean a work surface area around studs using a rotary tool, including, for example, a drills or die grinder.

21-11-2002 дата публикации

Electrical tool with a quick-action clamping device

Номер: US2002170408A1

An electrical tool including a hollow spindle (2) for supporting a working tool (3) and a quick-action device for clamping the working tool (3) with respect to the hollow spindle (2) and having a clamping spindle (4) arranged in the hollow spindle (2) with a possibility of an axial displacement relative thereto, an elastic member (5) for biasing the clamping spindle (4) into its clamping position, an actuation device for displacing the clamping spindle into its exchange position, and a compensator for interrupting the action of the elastic member (5) on the clamping spindle (4) at least in the exchange position of the clamping spindle.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158142A1

An abrasive assembly including a back-up pad having a central axis, an engagement component, and an alignment element; and an abrasive disc having a central axis, the abrasive disc engaged with the back-up pad, the abrasive disc including an alignment element; wherein the alignment element of the back-up pad aligns with the alignment element of the abrasive disc, wherein the engagement component of the back-up pad engages with the abrasive disc, and wherein the back-up pad and the abrasive disc have a concentricity tolerance, C, as measured between the central axis of the back-up pad and the central axis of the abrasive disc, of no greater than about 0.1. 1. An abrasive assembly comprising:a back-up pad having a central axis, an engagement component, and an alignment element; andan abrasive disc having a central axis, the abrasive disc engaged with the back-up pad, the abrasive disc including an alignment element;wherein the alignment element of the back-up pad aligns with the alignment element of the abrasive disc, wherein the engagement component of the back-up pad engages with the abrasive disc, and wherein the back-up pad and the abrasive disc have a concentricity tolerance, C, as measured between the central axis of the back-up pad and the central axis of the abrasive disc, of no greater than about 0.1.2. The abrasive assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive disc further comprises an engagement component claim 1 , the engagement component of the abrasive disc engageable with the engagement component of the back-up pad.3. The abrasive assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement component comprises a hook-and-loop engagement system.4. The abrasive assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement components of the back-up pad and the abrasive disc are disposed along the entire first surfaces of the back-up pad and abrasive disc.5. The abrasive assembly according to claim 1 , wherein C is measured after the back-up pad is engaged with ...

31-01-2023 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for carrying out the replacement of an abrasive element in a machine for working surfaces

Номер: US0011565370B2

An apparatus (1) for carrying out the replacement of an abrasive element (20) in a machine (100) for finishing surfaces, comprises a support body (10) configured to reversibly engage the abrasive element (20). The support body (10) and the abrasive element (20) provide, at respective engagement surfaces (15,25), mutual engagement members of removable type (16,26) configured to move from an engagement position to a disengagement position by rotating about a rotational axis (110) in a first sense of rotation e, from the disengagement position to the engagement position, by rotating about the rotational axis (110) in a second sense of rotation opposite to the first one. The apparatus furthermore, comprises a displacement device (40) for moving the support body (10) in the space according to at least 1 degree of freedom. The apparatus (1), furthermore, provides at least a removal station (101) for removing an abrasive element (20) from the support body (10), or at least an application station ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации

Quick coupling system for an abrasive disc to the rotary shaft of a portable grinding machine

Номер: EP2248629A1
Автор: Ficai, Giovanni

A coupling system, for coupling an abrasive disc (2) to the drive shaft of a portable grinding machine. The system including a backing flange (8) and a retainer ring nut (10). The retainer ring nut (10) is made of plastic or metal and fixed to the abrasive disc (2) via adhesive (5). In one embodiment the retainer ring nut (10) has a circular flange (6), which is inserted into the middle hole (9) of the abrasive disc (2), wherein the height of the circular flange (6) is less than the height of the disc hole (9). In case of thin abrasive discs the retainer ring nut (10) has a circular depression (11) into which a part of a projection (7) of the backing flange (8) can be inserted.

13-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001552904A1

Tool for machining comprises a support part having a bearing surface with a permanent magnet for a disk-shaped working part having a counter-bearing surface with a ferromagnetic coupling part for connecting to the permanent magnet Tool comprises a support part (1), a disk-shaped working part (2) for machining, and a common axis (6). The support part has a bearing surface (5) with at least one permanent magnet (14) for the working part. The working part has a counter-bearing surface (15) for the bearing surface. When the counter-bearing surface is placed on the bearing surface, a ferromagnetic coupling part (19) of the working part is connected in a magnetic manner to the permanent magnet. - Preferred Features: The permanent magnet is arranged in a recess (11) in the support part. The coupling part is inserted into the recess.

04-12-1996 дата публикации

Disc-like tool for angle grinder

Номер: EP0000596831B1
Принадлежит: HILTI Aktiengesellschaft

01-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000344154B1
Автор: KIRN, Manfred

26-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4169670A2

Die Erfindung geht aus von einer Werkzeugaufnahme (10, 110, 210), insbesondere Handwerkzeugmaschinenwerkzeugaufnahme, die zu einem oszillierenden und/oder rotatorischen Antrieb zumindest eines Einsatzwerkzeugs (12) vorgesehen ist, mit zumindest einem aufnahmeseitigen Befestigungselement (14, 114, 214), das zumindest im Wesentlichen zu einer Koppelung mit dem Einsatzwerkzeug (12) vorgesehen ist, und mit zumindest einer Lagereinheit (16, 116, 216), die dazu vorgesehen ist, das Befestigungselement (14, 114, 214) in eine zumindest teilweise von einer Axialrichtung (18) abweichende Bewegung beweglich zu lagern. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass die zumindest teilweise von der Axialrichtung (18) abweichende Bewegung des zumindest einen Befestigungselements (14, 114, 214) zumindest im Wesentlichen dazu vorgesehen ist, eine Befestigungskraft in Axialrichtung (18) zu erzeugen.

21-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005657126B2

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573157C2

Изобретение относится к средствам для установки насадки ручного электроинструмента. Универсальный адаптер для быстрой установки насадки в ручном электроинструменте имеет установочное отверстие, имеющее прямоугольное отверстие с полуокружностью в верхней части и разъем для быстрой установки с углом 60° в нижней части, четыре дополнительных отверстия ограничения положения, из которых первое и второе отверстия ограничения положения выполнены симметрично проходящими с внешней стороны отверстия с полуокружностью в верхней части установочного отверстия, а третье и четвертое отверстия ограничения положения расположены симметрично в месте сопряжения между двумя сторонами разъема для быстрой установки и прямоугольного отверстия, девять малых прямоугольных позиционирующих отверстий, равномерно распределенных по краю установочного отверстия, при этом в каждом из малых прямоугольных позиционирующих отверстий выполнено круглое переходное отверстие, а на одном конце каждого из любых трех прямоугольных ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595791C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Зажимное устройство содержит по меньшей мере один зажимной узел для зажима рабочего инструмента в осевом направлении, по меньшей мере один узел управления для воздействия на зажимной узел и по меньшей мере один узел демпфирования движения возврата, предусмотренный по меньшей мере для демпфирования движения возврата узла управления. Узел демпфирования движения возврата предусмотрен для того, чтобы создавать в противоположных направлениях движения узла управления различные по величине моменты трения. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

26-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748570C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к технологической машине (211), в частности ручной машине, предпочтительно угловой шлифовальной машине, содержащей держатель (213), установленный с возможностью совершения вращательного движения вокруг оси (А) выходного вала и выполненный с возможностью удержания рабочего инструмента (11), в частности сменного рабочего инструмента, на технологической машине (211) таким образом, что ось (А) выходного вала и ось (а) вращения инструмента совпадают. Держатель (213) имеет по меньшей мере один поводок (215) и зажимной механизм (217), подвижный относительно поводка (215). Поводок (215) для передачи приводного усилия на рабочий инструмент (11) имеет по меньшей мере одну область передачи крутящего момента, расположенную на расстоянии от оси (А) выходного вала. Поводок (215) и зажимной механизм (217) предусмотрены для проникновения сквозь выемку (17) рабочего инструмента (11), в частности проходящую через всю толщину материала рабочего инструмента (11), и зажимания рабочего ...

18-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682263C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в инструментальных машинах, в частности ручных машинах, имеющих устройство для посадки инструмента, выполненное с возможностью осциллирующего движения вокруг приводной оси. Упомянутое устройство имеет по меньшей мере одно зажимное устройство, по меньшей мере одно удерживающее устройство и по меньшей мере одно запирающее устройство. Удерживающее устройство обладает возможностью движения из по меньшей мере одного первого открытого в по меньшей мере одно второе закрытое положение. На удерживающее устройство воздействует зажимная сила зажимного устройства в направлении закрытия из этого первого открытого положения в это второе закрытое положение. Запирающее устройство имеет возможность движения между по меньшей мере одним первым запертым положением и по меньшей мере одним вторым отпертым положением. Движение удерживающего устройства может блокироваться запирающим устройством в по меньшей мере одном запертом положении. Сила, прикладываемая ...

21-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664586C1
Принадлежит: И энд КЬЮ УАН-ТАЧ (KR)

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для отсоединения/присоединения полировального диска к ручной шлифмашине. Устройство содержит корпус шлифмашины с вращающимся валом, элемент передачи энергии, имеющий захватывающие выступы, шестиугольный столб, зажатый на вращающемся валу корпуса шлифмашины с помощью крепежного болта. Предусмотрены корпус заглушки с шестиугольным отверстием для размещения элемента передачи энергии, пара верхней и нижней поворотных пластин на верхнем конце корпуса заглушки и держатель диска, имеющий верхнее фиксирующее кольцо и нижнюю опорную пластину, объединенную с элементом передачи энергии. Корпус заглушки объединен с парой защитных ключей, установленных с возможностью перемещения вверх и вниз на компенсационных пластинах, а верхняя и нижняя поворотные пластины объединены с парой поворотных ключей. В результате обеспечивается быстрое отсоединение/присоединение полировального диска при исключении его отделения от шлифмашины в процессе работы ...

16-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684988C2

Изобретение относится к инструментальной машине. Машина содержит устройство для посадки инструмента, предназначенное для удерживания инструментального устройства на инструментальной машине. Устройство для посадки инструмента имеет область передачи вращающего момента и удерживающее устройство. Область передачи вращающего момента для передачи приводной силы на инструментальное устройство имеет две расположенные на расстоянии от упомянутой выходной оси области выходных поверхностей, имеющие каждая множество точек поверхности. Касательные плоскости в этих точках поверхности наклонены относительно осевой плоскости, которая включает в себя эту выходную ось. Касательные плоскости наклонены относительно радиальной плоскости, которая распространяется перпендикулярно выходной оси. Нормаль к одной из этих касательных плоскостей ориентирована в радиальном направлении к выходной оси. Область передачи вращающего момента имеет боковую стенку и в ней образована полая коническая выемка, которая имеет поперечное ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Run-Off Securing Device

Номер: US20130009368A1
Автор: Joachim Schadow

A run-off securing device, in particular a run-off securing device of a handheld power tool, is configured to avoid running off of a clamping element and/or a tool from a spindle. The device has at least one transmission unit, which is removably coupled to the spindle and has at least one first transmission element and at least one second transmission element. The at least one second transmission element is movable in relation to the at least one first transmission element. The transmission unit has at least one movement changing unit, which at least partially transforms a first relative movement between the at least one first transmission element and the at least one second transmission element into a second relative movement in a braking mode.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Means for Preventing Tools from Being Pulled Out from Tool Holders with a Tool Holding Fixture

Номер: US20130328275A1
Автор: Franz Haimer
Принадлежит: Franz Haimer Maschinenbau KG

The invention relates to a tool holder with a tool holding fixture, in particular a clamping chuck such as a contracting chuck, a draw-in collect chuck, a hydraulic expanding chuck and a high-precision chuck, and a shank of a tool, in particular a rotary tool, accommodated in it, wherein the tool holder contains a means for preventing the tool from being pulled out, locking it against axial displacement. This pull-out preventing unit comprises at least one locking element and at least one locking groove, which corresponds to the said locking element, receives it and interacts with it in a positively locking manner. In this case, both the locking element and the locking groove are formed at least partly in the manner of a ball head. Preferably, the tool has the locking grooves. On account of preferably spirally arranged locking grooves along the cylindrical shank of rotary tools, the direction of pitch of which grooves corresponds to the direction of the grooves of the tool, axial locking of the tool is obtained, so that the tool cannot be axially displaced from the tool holder during operation. In addition, force-exerting elements are arranged, with the effect of making the tool lie against the pull-out preventer without play after shrink-fitting.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Electric Hand Power-Tool Appliance Having Means of Securing a Tool Against Loss

Номер: US20140080387A1
Автор: Ludwig Kuether
Принадлежит: Metabowerke GmbH and Co

An electric hand power-tool appliance is described and which includes a spindle, a tool mounted on the spindle, a supporting element mounted on the spindle and which is movable along the spindle on a path L, and against a force F, and in the direction of the electric hand power-tool appliance, and which increases the safety of the electric hand power-tool appliance.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for Successively Cutting and Driving a Shaft

Номер: US20210001445A1
Автор: Blasi Robert A.

An apparatus for cutting and driving a shaft which extends from a hub, the apparatus incorporating a hub adapter fitted to receive the hub; a plurality of set screws mounted upon the hub adapter for clamping the adapter upon the hub; a half of a releasable fastener attached to the hub; a pair of adapters which are fitted for alternatively receiving the hub adapter; a pair of second halves of the releasable fastener which are adapted for alternatively completing the releasable fastener, wherein each of the second halves of the releasable fastener is connected to one of the adapters among the pair of adapters; a pivoting rotary saw connected to one of the adapters among the pair of adapters; and a shaft driver tool connected to the other of the adapters among the pair of adapters. 1. An apparatus for successively cutting and driving a shaft , said shaft extending from a hub , said apparatus comprising:(a) a first adapter fitted for receiving the hub, said first adapter having an upper opening;(b) a plurality of set screws mounted operatively upon the first adapter, said set screws being positioned for, upon the first adapter's receipt of the hub, attaching the first adapter to hub;(c) a first half of a releasable fastener, said fastener half being fixedly attached to or formed wholly with the first adapter;(d) a pair of second adapters, each adapter among said pair of adapters being fitted for receiving the first adapter;(e) a pair of second halves of said releasable fastener, wherein each fastener half among said pair of second fastener halves is adapted for engaging said fastener's first half, wherein one of the releasable fastener halves among said pair releasable fastener halves is fixedly attached to or formed wholly with one of the adapters among the pair of second adapters, and wherein the other releasable fastener half among said pair of releasable fastener halves is fixedly attached to or formed wholly with the other second adapter;(f) a saw connected ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Oscillating tool

Номер: US20210008643A1
Принадлежит: Black and Decker Inc

An oscillating tool includes a housing, a motor housed in the housing and a clamp assembly operatively driven by the motor in an oscillating motion. The clamp assembly can hold an accessory such as a blade or sanding attachment, and the clamp assembly includes a first clamp and a second clamp. The oscillating tool also includes a clamp lever and an actuating lever. The clamp lever is operatively coupled to the first clamp to move the first clamp such that clamp assembly is moved from a closed position to an open position. The actuating lever is operatively coupled to the clamp lever to effect movement of the clamp lever, movement of the clamp lever causing the clamp assembly to move from the closed position to the open position.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016411A1

A clamp arrangement for securing an accessory to an oscillating power tool can include a clamp assembly including a first clamp member that moves relative to the accessory between a closed position wherein the clamp assembly retains the accessory and an open position wherein the first clamp is offset from the accessory permitting removal of the first accessory from the clamp assembly. The clamp assembly can further comprise a second clamp member having a first portion that opposes the first clamp member and cooperates with the first clamp member to clamp the accessory between the first and second clamp members. An attachment plate can carry the clamp assembly. The attachment plate can have a first mating detail formed thereon that is configured to selectively and removably mate with a complementary second mating detail on the power tool in an assembled position. 1. A power tool configured to hold an accessory so as to be operable by a user of the tool to drive the accessory , the power tool comprising:a housing;a motor housed in the housing;a spindle mounted in the housing and drivable in an oscillating motion by the motor about an output axis;a clamp assembly arranged at a lower end of the spindle, the clamp assembly comprising opposed first and second clamping members configured to hold the accessory therebetween;a biasing member providing a clamping force for the clamp assembly, the biasing member partially surrounding the output axis; anda user-operable lever for operating the clamp assembly;wherein the spindle has a first section with a first diameter and a second section with a second diameter different than the first diameter.2. The power tool of claim 1 , further comprising a first bearing at the first section of the spindle and a second bearing at the second section of the spindle.3. The power tool of claim 2 , wherein the motor drives the spindle through an output member; andwherein the output member engages the spindle between the first bearing and the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020369A1

A hand sander and sanding disc fixture for attaching a sanding disc to a hand sander includes a table having a top with a sander storage station and an application station thereon. The storage station has a holder capable of holding a hand sander having a sander pad on the top of the table. The application station has at least two datum pegs extending from the top of the table that are capable of passing through two corresponding datum holes in the sanding disc. The at least two datum pegs having datum surfaces configured to be received in datum notches in an outer diameter of the sander pad. The datum pegs are capable of aligning the sander pad with the sanding disc when the sander pad is pressed against an attaching side of the sanding disc. 1. A hand sander and sanding disc fixture for attaching a sanding disc to a hand sander comprising:a table having a top;a sander storage station on the table, the sander storage station having a holder capable of holding a hand sander having a sander pad; andan application station on the table, the application station having at least two datum pegs extending from the top of the table, the datum pegs capable of passing through two corresponding datum holes in the sanding disc, the at least two datum pegs having datum surfaces configured to be received in datum notches in an outer diameter of the sander pad, the datum pegs capable of aligning the sander pad with the sanding disc when the sander pad is pressed against an attaching side of the sanding disc.2. The fixture of claim I , wherein the datum surfaces are configured to be side loaded into the datum notches in the outer diameter of the sander pad.3. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein the sanding discs have vacuum holes capable of being aligned with vacuum holes in the sander pad by the datum pegs.4. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein the datum pegs are capable of maintaining alignment of the vacuum holes in the sanding disc during application.5. The fixture of claim 1 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040813A1

The present invention relates to an attachment hub for attachment to a sander, comprising a quick-release attachment assembly configured for releasable and aligned engagement with a counterpart of a backup pad particularly for an abrasive disc. Furthermore, the invention relates to a backup pad having a disc-like shape and comprising a first major surface and a second major surface, the first major surface configured for direct or indirect attachment of an abrasive disc, and the second major surface configured for facing towards an attachment hub for attachment to a sander, and a mounting portion for aligned engagement with an attachment hub of a sander. 1. An attachment hub for attachment to a sander , comprising a quick-release attachment assembly configured for releasable and aligned engagement with a counterpart of a backup pad particularly for an abrasive disc.2. The attachment hub of claim 1 , wherein the attachment hub comprises a hub portion and a frame claim 1 , the hub portion being adapted for releasable attachment to the sander claim 1 , the frame having a truss configuration forming an outer perimeter of the attachment hub claim 1 , and the quick-release attachment assembly being mounted to the frame.3. The attachment hub of claim 1 , wherein the quick-release attachment assembly comprises an actuator claim 1 , wherein actuation of the actuator results in disengagement of the attachment hub from the counterpart claim 1 , wherein optionally the actuator comprises a button claim 1 , and wherein the quick-release attachment assembly is adapted to disengage from the counterpart upon a user pressing the button.4. The attachment hub of claim 1 , wherein the quick-release attachment assembly is configured for axial coupling with the counterpart and wherein the attachment hub comprises one or more protrusions and/or one or more recesses configured for rotational coupling of the attachment hub with the counterpart.5. The attachment hub of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022816A1

A clamp arrangement for securing an accessory to an oscillating power tool can include a clamp assembly including a first clamp member that moves relative to the accessory between a closed position wherein the clamp assembly retains the accessory and an open position wherein the first clamp is offset from the accessory permitting removal of the first accessory from the clamp assembly. The clamp assembly can further comprise a second clamp member having a first portion that opposes the first clamp member and cooperates with the first clamp member to clamp the accessory between the first and second clamp members. An attachment plate can carry the clamp assembly. The attachment plate can have a first mating detail formed thereon that is configured to selectively and removably mate with a complementary second mating detail on the power tool in an assembled position. 1. A power tool comprising:a housing;a motor mounted in the housing;an output member driven by the motor;a spindle coupled to the output member and driven by the motor, through the output member, in an oscillating motion;a clamp assembly coupled to the spindle and configured to retain an accessory, the clamp assembly including a first clamping member that moves between a clamped position wherein the clamp assembly retains the accessory in a clamped condition with a clamping force for holding the accessory during operation of the power tool and an unclamped position permitting removal of the accessory from the clamp assembly while the first clamping member remains coupled to the power tool, the clamp assembly further comprising a second clamping member that cooperates with the first clamping member to retain the accessory in the clamp assembly; andan actuator movable from a first position to a second position, wherein movement of the actuator from the first position to the second position causes the first clamp member to move from the clamped position to the unclamped position;wherein the spindle includes a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Accessory System for a Power Tool

Номер: US20180029190A1
Автор: Nagy Balazs

An accessory holder for holding an accessory of a power tool includes a support frame and an actuator. The support frame includes a tool connection structure configured to connect to a driven output of the power tool and an accessory connection structure fixedly extending from the tool connection structure and defining at least one recess. The actuator is rotatably connected to the accessory connection structure and is rotatable to a clamped position and an unclamped position. The actuator is configured to deform a portion of the accessory into the at least one recess when the actuator is in the clamped position, such that the accessory is clamped to the accessory connection structure when the actuator is in the clamped position. 1. An accessory holder for holding an accessory of a power tool comprising:a support frame including a tool connection structure configured to connect to a driven output of the power tool and an accessory connection structure fixedly extending from said tool connection structure and defining at least one recess; andan actuator rotatably connected to said accessory connection structure and rotatable to a clamped position and an unclamped position, said actuator configured to deform a portion of the accessory into said at least one recess when said actuator is in said clamped position, such that the accessory is clamped to said accessory connection structure when said actuator is in said clamped position.2. The accessory holder of claim 1 , further comprising:a cam member portion of said actuator,wherein a first distance is defined between said cam member and a bottom surface of said at least one recess when said actuator is in said unclamped position,wherein a second distance is defined between said cam member and said bottom surface of said at least one recess when said actuator is in said clamped position, andwherein said second distance is less than said first distance.3. The accessory holder of claim 2 , further comprising:a stop ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Powered Hand Tool Having A Clamping Device For A Tool

Номер: US20150035239A1
Автор: Curdin Maissen
Принадлежит: C&E Fein GmbH and Co

The invention relates to a powered hand tool comprising a housing that comprises a spindle head having a tool spindle that can be driven about its longitudinal axis, in particular can be driven in an oscillatory rotary manner, the tool spindle having a tool-side end comprising a holding portion for a tool to be driven, and comprising a clamping device that comprises a fastening element, the clamping device having a clamping configuration, in which the tool can be fixed to the tool spindle by means of the fastening element, and having a release configuration, in which the tool is releasable, and the clamping device is able to be switched over between the clamping configuration and the release configuration by means of a unidirectional positioning movement.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Tool device

Номер: US20210031273A1
Принадлежит: C&E Fein GmbH and Co, ROBERT BOSCH GMBH

The invention relates to a tool device which is suitable for use with a machine tool, in particular a hand guided machine tool, having a driving device moving, in particular in an oscillating manner, around a driving axis. The tool device has an attachment device which allows it to be fastened on a machine tool such that its driving axis and an axis of rotation of the tool substantially coincide. The attachment device, for absorbing the driving force, has at least two driving area regions, which are spaced apart from said tool axis of rotation and each has a plurality of surface points. The tangent planes to said surface-area points are inclined in regard to an axial plane, which encloses the tool axis of rotation. Furthermore, said tangent planes are inclined regard to a radial plane which extends perpendicularly to the tool axis of rotation. This means that the torque introduced into the tool device by the machine tool, via the driving device, is reliably absorbed.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Positioning Device for a Machine Tool, Machine Tool and Positioning Method

Номер: US20210031326A1

A positioning device for a machine tool, in particular for a hand-held machine tool having a rotationally driveable output spindle, includes at least one positioning unit which is provided to stop and/or retain at least one output spindle of the machine tool and/or an insert tool arranged on the output spindle of the machine tool in at least one defined position. The positioning unit is provided for stopping and/or retaining the output spindle and/or the insert tool arranged on the output spindle in at least one defined position in an automatic manner, in particular without a user intervention, in particular starting from a working movement of the output spindle and/or of the insert tool arranged on the output spindle. 1. A positioning device for a power tool having an output spindle configured to be driven in rotation , comprising:at least one positioning unit, which is designed to automatically stop and/or hold at least one of the output spindle and an insert tool arranged on the output spindle in at least one defined position.2. The positioning device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positioning unit has at least one actuator element claim 1 , which is designed to act at least one of mechanically and magnetically at least upon the output spindle claim 1 , upon the insert tool arranged on the output spindle claim 1 , or upon a drive unit of the power tool that is configured to drive the output spindle.3. The positioning device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the actuator element is designed to move a mechanical and/or electromagnetic braking element of the positioning unit or a mechanical engagement element of the positioning unit claim 2 , which is designed to act at least upon the output spindle claim 2 , the insert tool claim 2 , or the drive unit.4. The positioning device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positioning unit comprises an engagement element and at least one damping element claim 1 , which is designed to damp a mechanical engagement of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039067A1

The invention relates to a sanding assembly including a sanding device () comprising a plate () for supporting a sanding disk () and motor-driven means () suitable for moving the supporting plate (), characterized in that the supporting plate () comprises two notches () distributed angularly along the periphery thereof, a first notch () for engaging with a positioning module () and a second notch () for engaging with a pulling jaw (), and a module () for verifying the presence of the sanding disk. 1. A sanding assembly comprising an abrasive disc consisting in a plate for supporting an abrasive disc and motor driven means suitable for moving the supporting plate , wherein the supporting plate comprises two notches distributed angularly along the periphery thereof , a first notch for engaging with a positioning module and a second notch for engaging with a pulling jaw and a module for verifying the presence of an abrasive disc.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises 6 sub-assemblies: a system for indexing the plate claim 1 , an elevator system for pulling claim 1 , a system for pulling the disc claim 1 , a system for verifying the presence of a disc claim 1 , a system for storing new discs claim 1 , an elevator system for the magazine of new discs.3. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sanding device is an orbital sander having a housing carrying a drive shaft centered on an axis and a driven shaft connected to the plate and itself centered on an axis parallel to the axis of the drive shaft but off-center with respect to this axis by a few millimeters claim 1 , the driven shaft being mounted rotationally free in a bearing connected to the drive shaft by a rigid radial arm transversal to the axis of the drive shaft.4. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the plate and the disc are equipped with respective through perforations of identical disposition.5. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the two notches are symmetrical ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Clamping Device

Номер: US20190039205A1
Автор: GROTH Karin
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

A clamping device for axially clamping a disk-shaped tool on a flange of a spindle of a machine tool, includes a clamping disk which rests against the tool in a friction-fitting manner in the clamped state, a screw which is screwed into a threaded receiving opening in an end face of the spindle, an operating element which is connected to the screw in a rotationally fixed manner, and a first securing element which interacts with a corresponding second securing element provided on a flange such that when the screw is at least partly introduced into the receiving opening, the clamping disk is rotationally secured to the flange in a form-fitting manner, where the clamping disk can be rotated relative to the screw and the operating element. The first securing element can be rotated relative to the screw and is mounted in a rotationally fixed manner relative to the clamping disk. 18.-. (canceled)9. A clamping device for axially clamping a disk-shaped tool on a flange of a drivable spindle of a hand-held machine tool , comprising:a clamping disk, wherein the clamping disk is restable against the disk-shaped tool in a friction-fitting manner in a clamped state;a screw, wherein the screw is screwable into a threaded receiving opening formed in an end face of the spindle;an operating element, wherein the operating element is connectable to the screw in a rotationally fixed manner such that a manual force introduced into the operating element is transmitted to the screw in a form of an application torque; anda first securing element, wherein the first securing element interacts with a second securing element provided on the flange such that when the screw is at least partly introduced into the receiving opening, the clamping disk is rotationally secured to the flange in a form-fitting manner, wherein the clamping disk is rotatable relative to the screw and the operating element;wherein the first securing element is rotatable relative to the screw and is mounted in a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Quick Clamping Device for a Portable Power Tool Having at Least One Rotatably Drivable Output Shaft, in Particular an Angle Grinder

Номер: US20200039026A1

A quick clamping device for a portable power tool includes at least one rotatably drivable output shaft, at least one clamping unit, at least one operating unit, and at least one uncoupling unit. The clamping unit, for tool-free fastening of an insert tool unit to the output shaft, includes at least one movably mounted clamping element for applying clamping force to the insert tool unit in a clamping position of the clamping element. The operating unit is configured to move the clamping element into the clamping position and/or into a release position of the clamping element. In the release position, the insert tool unit can be removed from the clamping unit. The at least one uncoupling unit is configured to uncouple the operating unit from the clamping unit in accordance with the rotational speed of the output shaft. 1. A quick clamping device for a portable power tool , comprising:at least one output shaft configured to be driven in rotation;at least one clamping unit including at least one movably mounted clamping element configured to exert a clamping force on an insert tool unit in a clamping position of the at least one movably mounted clamping element, the at least one clamping unit configured for fixing the insert tool unit to the at least one output shaft without use of tools;at least one operator control unit configured to move the at least one movably mounted clamping element into the clamping position and/or into a release position of the at least one movably mounted clamping element; andat least one decoupling unit configured to decouple the at least one operator control unit from the at least one clamping unit in a manner dependent on a rotational speed of the at least one output shaft,wherein, in the release position, the insert tool unit is removable from the at least one clamping unit.2. The quick clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one decoupling unit is configured such that claim 1 , in the manner dependent on the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045998A1
Автор: Zhou Hongtao

A power tool has a driving shaft for driving a working element and a clamping device for clamping the working element. The clamping device has a clamping position in which the working element may be fixed relative to the driving shaft and a release position in which the working element can be removed from the driving shaft. An operating member is coupled to the clamping device for moving the clamping device between positions. The clamping device also has a rotating position in which the working element can be rotated by an angle relative to the driving shaft and the operating member has an operating position that corresponds to the rotating position. 1. A power tool , comprising:a driving shaft for driving a working element;a clamping device for clamping the working element to the driving shaft, the clamping device having a clamping position where the working element is fixed relative to the driving shaft and a release position where the working element is removable from the driving shaft;an operating member coupled to the clamping device, the operating member being manually moveable to cause the clamping device to move between the clamping position and the release position; anda flange member connected with the driving shaft and driving the working element;wherein the operating member drives the flange member to move along a longitudinal axis of the driving shaft, the clamping device further has a rotating position in which the working element is clamped on the power tool and free to be angularly rotated relative to the driving shaft, and the operating member is moveable to an operating position corresponding to the rotating position.2. The power tool according to claim 1 , wherein the working element is driven in an oscillating manner about the longitudinal axis of the driving shaft.3. The power tool according to claim 1 , wherein the driving shaft comprises a hollow spindle and the clamping device comprises a fastening element having a clamping shaft insertable ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063054A1

A power tool includes an output shaft, an installation apparatus and a retention mechanism. The installation apparatus has an operation state and an installation state. The retention mechanism is capable of providing a retaining force that keeps the installation apparatus in the installation state. The retention mechanism includes a movable piece. The output shaft is formed with a guide rail that guides the movable piece to move. The movable piece is capable of moving along the guide rail to a first retention position and a second retention position. When the installation apparatus is in the installation state and receives a rotation force applied by the operation accessory, the rotation force causes the movable piece to move from the second retention position to the first retention position so that the installation apparatus is switched from the installation state to the operation state.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050291A1
Автор: AOKI Yonosuke

A representative power tool has a spindle transmitting a motor driving force to a tool accessory, a tool accessory holding member movable between a holding position and a tool accessory releasing position, a lock mechanism movable between an engaging position for locking the tool accessory holding member in the holding position and a disengaging position for releasing the lock, an inner housing housed in a body housing and houses at least part of the lock mechanism, and an operation mechanism. The operation mechanism includes a handle part, a switching part that switches the lock mechanism between the engaging position and the disengaging position according to the handle part operation, and a switching connection part that is separated from the inner housing when the lock mechanism is placed in the engaging position and comes into contact with the inner housing when the lock mechanism is placed in the disengaging position. 1. A power tool , which performs a prescribed operation on a workpiece by driving a tool accessory , comprising:a body housing,a motor,a spindle that transmits a driving force of the motor to the tool accessory,a tool accessory holding member that is configured to be movable in spindle rotation axis direction between a holding position for holding the tool accessory and a releasing position for releasing the tool accessory,a lock mechanism that is configured to be movable between an engaging position for locking the tool accessory holding member in the holding position and a disengaging position for releasing the lock of the tool accessory holding member,an inner housing that is housed in the body housing and houses at least part of the lock mechanism, andan operation mechanism for operating the lock mechanism,the operation mechanism including:a handle part that is arranged outside of the body housing to be operated by a user,a switching part that is connected to the handle part and switches the lock mechanism between the engaging position and the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050292A1
Автор: AOKI Yonosuke

It is an object of the invention to increase the degree of freedom in designing a power tool. A representative power tool has a spindle that transmits a driving force of a motor to a tool accessory , a tool accessory holding member that is configured to be movable in a direction of a spindle rotation axis direction between a holding position for holding the tool accessory and a releasing position for releasing the tool accessory , a lock mechanism that locks the tool accessory holding member in the holding position, and a body housing . The lock mechanism is disposed between a second end of the spindle and a wall of the body housing in the spindle rotation axis direction 1. A power tool , which performs a prescribed operation on a workpiece by driving a tool accessory , comprising:a motor,a spindle that transmits a driving force of the motor to the tool accessory,a tool accessory holding member that is configured to be movable in a spindle rotation axis direction between a holding position for holding the tool accessory and a releasing position for releasing the tool accessory,a lock mechanism that engages with the tool accessory holding member in the holding position and locks the tool accessory holding member, anda body housing that forms at least part of an outer shell of the power tool, wherein:the spindle has a hollow shape and has a first end and a second end in the spindle rotation axis direction,the tool accessory holding member has a spindle inner region that is disposed inside the spindle, a tool accessory fastening region that protrudes from the first end and can be fastened to the tool accessory, and an engagement region that protrudes from the second end and can be engaged with the lock mechanism, andthe lock mechanism is disposed between the second end and a wall of the body housing in the spindle rotation axis direction.2. The power tool as defined in claim 1 , comprising a biasing member that is disposed between the second end and the lock mechanism ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

An electrospindle

Номер: US20220072667A1
Автор: Saccardo Francesca

An electrospindle includes a motor for moving a tool and a motor shaft for transmitting motion from the motor to the tool. The electrospindle has a gripping head of the tool and a coupling of the tool to the motor shaft, and the gripping head includes two flanges, between which a portion of the tool and at least one thrust nut of a first flange can be interposed toward a counterflange, so as to hold the tool in position. The transmission has a free end threaded so as to receive the at least one thrust nut by screwing, the thread of the free end being double with a first right-handed thread and a second left-handed thread. 1. An electrospindle comprising:a motor for moving a tool; anda mechanical transmission for transmitting a motion from said motor to the tool; anda gripping head of the tool for coupling the tool to said mechanical transmission, said gripping head comprising at least two flanges adapted to grip a portion of the tool, a first flange of said at least two flanges being pushed against a counterflange of said at least two flanges by at least one thrust nut, so as to hold the tool in position,wherein said mechanical transmission has a free end threaded so as to receive said at least one thrust nut by screwing, a thread of said free end of said mechanical transmission being double by comprising a first right-handed thread and a second left-handed thread.2. The electrospindle according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one thrust nut comprises a first nut with a thread configured for coupling with said first thread of said free end of said mechanical transmission and a second nut with a thread configured for coupling with said second thread of said free end of said mechanical transmission.3. The electrospindle according to claim 2 , wherein said first nut and second nut comprise mutual coupling means.4. The electrospindle according to claim 1 , wherein said mechanical transmission comprises a motor shaft having a first end operatively coupled to said ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Oscillating interface for an oscillating power tool

Номер: US20180056414A1
Автор: Jeremy Rubens, Saad Alam
Принадлежит: ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, Robert Bosch Tool Corp

An oscillating interface for an oscillating too includes a post, a pin which extends through the post, a flange slidably positioned on the post between the pin and a distal end of the post. The flange includes a drive side and a mounting side. The drive side includes a drive structure configured to interlock with a drive structure of an accessory tool. The mounting side is arranged facing the pin and defines at least one notch configured to receive the pin. A clamping member is configured to be threaded onto the post and to clamp the flange against the pin with the pin received in the notch.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Advanced floor machine

Номер: US20190054593A1

Disclosed is an invention that offers improvements to machines used for power floor buffing, grinding, and polishing including: a dust containment system which utilizes a single shroud with an attached lower brush to fully enclose the top and sides of a rotating implement whereas said shroud is spring loaded and allowed to move vertically and tilt in order to maintain firm contact with the floor at all times and prevent escaping air and dust; a dust extraction and collection system that expands upon said dust containment system by integrating a scroll shaped channel into the shroud and an outlet chute to extract and collect dust in a filtered dust bag and in which performance is increased by fins on the rotating implement driver and air inlet holes; a quick-release tool-less mechanism for attaching a rotating implement to the driveshaft with a hex shaped male/female interaction and push button release ball pin. 1. A dust containment system for a machine used for floor buffing , grinding , and polishing wherein said machine includes a chassis , a motor mounted to said chassis , rotating implement such as a pad or disk to buff , grind , or polish the floor which depends from said chassis and makes contact with the floor and is powered by said motor to rotate in contact with the floor; said dust containment system comprises of:a shroud with an outer circular vertical wall which transitions to a horizontal ceiling surface which both encircles and covers the rotating implement, said shroud includes a primary central hole in its ceiling surface, said shroud includes 2 or more smaller satellite holes in its ceiling surface;two or more guide shafts are affixed to the bottom of said chassis; each guide shaft is cylindrical in shape with the primary cylinder being of smaller diameter than the satellite holes in the shroud; at the bottom of each guide shaft is a shoulder with a larger diameter than the satellite holes in said shroud;said shroud is positioned with said guide ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Accessories for Oscillating Power Tools

Номер: US20170057050A1

An accessory for use with an oscillating power tool includes an attachment plate and a raised annular rim extending from the attachment plate. The raised annular rim has a central recess and a keyed sidewall with a star shape configured to be engaged by a first mating geometry of an oscillating power tool. The raised annular rim may further include a receiving portion formed thereon configured to be engaged by a second mating geometry of an oscillating power tool. 1. An accessory for use with an oscillating power tool comprising:an attachment plate; anda raised annular rim extending from the attachment plate, the raised annular rim having a central recess, a keyed sidewall with a star shape configured to be engaged by a first mating geometry of an oscillating power tool, and a top wall with that includes a receiving portion having at least one receiving recess configured to be engaged by a second mating geometry of an oscillating power tool.2. The accessory of claim 1 , wherein the at least one receiving recess comprises a plurality of radially elongated recesses.3. The accessory of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially elongated recesses comprise a plurality of oval recesses.4. The accessory of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially elongated recesses comprise at least two equiangularly spaced recesses.5. The accessory of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially elongated recesses comprise twelve equiangularly spaced recesses spaced apart from the central recess and from the sidewall.6. The accessory of claim 1 , wherein the raised annular rim extends around an entire circumference of the central recess.7. The accessory of claim 1 , wherein the star shape comprises a twelve point star.8. The accessory of claim 7 , wherein the receiving portion includes a plurality of radially elongated recesses formed thereon configured to be engaged by a second mating geometry of an oscillating power tool.9. The accessory of claim 8 , wherein each radially elongated ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075830A1

The invention relates to a power tool with a quick-operated locking mechanism. The power tool comprises a housing, an output shaft configured to mount and drive a working head and provided with a carrier extending out of the housing, a fixer configured to fix the working head at the carrier of the output shaft, a locking mechanism configured to lock or release the fixer and a driving mechanism configured to move the locking mechanism between a locking position and a releasing position, while in the locking position, the fixer is clamped fixedly on the output shaft, and while in the releasing position, the fixer is released from the output shaft. The distance between the locking mechanism and the carrier of the output shaft keeps constant in the locking position to prevent slippage of the fixer and ensure the working head firmly fixed. 1. A power tool , comprising:a housing;an output shaft being configured to oscillate about an axis in a reciprocating way and used for mounting and driving a working head, the output shaft is provided with a carrier extending out of the housing;a fixing element comprising a pressing portion for fixing the working head at the carrier of the output shaft;a driving mechanism being configured to shift between a first mating position and a second mating position, when the driving mechanism is in the first mating position, the pressing portion of the fixing element presses the working head, when the driving mechanism is in the second mating position, the pressing portion of the fixing element releases the working head;the driving mechanism comprises a driving unit and a mating unit, the driving unit and the mating unit are capable of moving relative to each other, the fixing element is configured to move axially by moving the driving unit and to be axially fixed by supporting of the driving unit or mating unit in the first mating position.2. The power tool according to claim 1 , wherein rotary movement of the driving unit relative to the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079051A1

A latching mechanism for a tool spindle or mandrel that latches by pivotally extending a plurality of tensioned arms from a tensioned seated state to a tensioned locked state through rotation of a lock ring pivotally deploying the arms from their nested seated state into a blade engaging position of a larger radius than the radius of the lock ring with the arms in their nested position. 1. A latching mechanism for mounting tools onto a spindle or mandrel , comprising:a substantially cylindrical housing having a flange as a housing base with said housing having fastener mounting means for attaching said housing to a spindle;a tool lock having bore mounting means for attaching said tool lock onto said housing with said tool lock having a plurality of deployable tensioned pivotal arms provided as latching means for holding a tool attachment between said flange and said deployable tensioned pivotal arms of said tool lock; anda pivotal arm tensioning member holding said deployable tensioned pivotal arms in a tool lock subjacent position and returning said deployable tensioned pivotal arms from a deployed position to said subjacent position.2. The latching system for mounting tools onto a spindle or mandrel according to claim 1 , wherein said fastener mounting means is a threaded bore.3. The latching system for mounting tools onto a spindle or mandrel according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing exterior surface extending in length from said flange to a predetermined point claim 1 , then diametrically decreasing for a predetermined length to a distal end of said flange of said housing.4. The latching system for mounting tools onto a spindle or mandrel according to claim 3 , wherein said housing exterior surface includes a plurality of helical channels extending longitudinally substantially between a distal end of said housing to said flange of said housing for serving as guide path for said tool lock rotatively moving between a locked position and an unlocked ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080545A1

A power tool for driving an accessary removably held between first and second clamp parts includes a first shaft having the first clamp part, a second shaft for moving the second clamp part, a holding member movable relative to the second shaft, a moving member for moving the holding member, and a biasing member for biasing the moving member. The second shaft is disposed inside the first shaft. The holding member enables the second clamp part and the first clamp part to hold the tool accessary therebetween in a first position, and disables the second clamp part and the first clamp part from holding the tool accessary in a second position. The moving member moves the holding member from the first position to the second position, and the biasing member biases the moving member when the holding member is located in the second position. 111.-. (canceled)12. A power tool configured to drive a tool accessary removably held between a first clamp part and a second clamp part , comprising:a first shaft having the first clamp part,a second shaft configured to move the second clamp part,a holding member for the second shaft, the holding member being configured to be movable relative to the second shaft,a moving member configured to move the holding member, anda biasing member biasing the moving member,wherein:the first shaft and the second shaft are disposed such that their axes extend in parallel to each other and the second shaft is disposed inside the first shaft,the holding member is configured to be movable between a first position and a second position, relative to the second shaft, the holding member enabling the second clamp part of the second shaft and the first clamp part to hold the tool accessary therebetween in the first position, and the holding member disabling the second clamp part and the first clamp part to hold the tool accessary therebetween in the second position,the moving member is configured to move the holding member from the first position to the ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093362A1
Автор: VALENTINI Guido

The present invention relates to a tool () for releasing a connection between a grinding or polishing plate and a support plate of a grinding or polishing device, which connection is based on a hook-and-loop fabric. 1. Tool for releasing a connection between a grinding or polishing plate and a support plate of a grinding or polishing device , which connection is based on a hook-and-loop fabric , comprising a grip portion by means of which the tool can be manually gripped by a user , and a separation portion which is designed to be inserted between the grinding or polishing plate and the support plate in order to remove said plates from one another , wherein the separation portion has a rounded tip.2. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein the separation portion is rounded off.3. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein the separation portion is flat.4. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein the separation portion has a thickness which is smaller than the thickness of the grip portion.5. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein the separation portion has a thickness which decreases from the end of the separation portion that is on the grip portion side towards the tip of the separation portion.6. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein the separation portion has a first narrow side and a second narrow side claim 1 , the first narrow side extending such that it is outwardly curved and the second narrow side extending such that it is inwardly curved.7. Tool according to claim 6 , wherein the first narrow side has a smaller thickness than the second narrow side.8. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein that the tip of the separation portion is arranged so as to be laterally offset from a longitudinal axis of the tool.9. Tool according to claim 1 , wherein an element which is detachably or irremovably connected to the tool is arranged in the region of the grip portion.10. Tool according to claim 9 , wherein that the element which is detachably or irremovably connected to the tool comprises a ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Abrasive article and method of making the same

Номер: US20180093364A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An abrasive article and method of making same wherein the abrasive article comprises a mounting assembly and an abrasive attachment assembly wherein the first interlock member of the mounting assembly and the second interlock member of the abrasive attachment assembly are configured to align the central axis of the abrasive attachment assembly and the central axis of the mounting assembly, and the first interlock member releasably engages the second interlock member. The abrasive article is adapted to clean a work surface area around studs using a rotary tool, including, for example, a drills or die grinder.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Grinding Wheel Apparatus, Grinding Wheel Cutting Apparatus and Cutting Method

Номер: US20220143782A1

The present disclosure provides a grinding wheel apparatus comprising a grinding wheel, a flange, a pull rod and a spindle. The grinding wheel is mounted on one side of the flange, and the other side of the flange is a tapered bucket, the tapered bucket has a buckle slot. The pull rod passes through the spindle, and a pull rod head of the pull rod is fixed to one end of the spindle, the tapered bucket is inserted into the spindle from the other end of the spindle, and the buckle slot is engaged with the T-shaped buckle of the pull rod in the spindle to fix the flange on which the grinding wheel is mounted to the other end of the spindle. The present disclosure further provides a grinding wheel cutting apparatus comprising the grinding wheel apparatus, and a cutting method using the grinding wheel cutting apparatus.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091888A1

A power tool includes a housing and a motor disposed in the housing. The motor has an axial face and a motor shaft extending from the axial face. The power tool also includes a spindle driven by the motor about an output axis, a motor plate having a central opening defining an inner surface of the motor plate, and a tolerance ring coupled to the inner surface of the motor plate. The tolerance ring has deformable waves. The motor plate is coupled to the motor by engagement of the deformable waves with the motor to take up tolerances between the motor plate and the motor. 120-. (canceled)21. A power tool , comprising:a housing;a motor disposed in the housing, the motor having an axial face and a motor shaft extending from the axial face;a spindle driven by the motor about an output axis;a motor plate having a central opening defining an inner surface of the motor plate;a tolerance ring coupled to the inner surface of the motor plate, the tolerance ring having deformable waves, wherein the motor plate is coupled to the motor by engagement of the deformable waves with the motor to take up tolerances between the motor plate and the motor.22. The power tool of claim 21 , wherein the motor plate engages a boss on the motor.23. The power tool of claim 21 , wherein the motor plate is spaced no closer than 0.020 inches from the axial face of the motor.24. The power tool of claim 21 , further comprising:an eccentric shaft coupled to the motor shaft; anda motor plate bearing disposed between the eccentric shaft and the motor plate such that the eccentric shaft is supported during rotation.25. The power tool of claim 24 , wherein the eccentric shaft includes a body portion receiving the motor shaft and an eccentric portion extending from the body portion claim 24 , wherein the motor plate bearing is disposed on an outer surface of the body portion of the eccentric shaft.26. The power tool of claim 24 , further comprising a fork for converting rotational motion of the eccentric ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Quick-Clamping Device for a Portable Machine Tool

Номер: US20200094373A1

A quick-clamping device for a portable machine tool, in particular for an angle grinder, includes at least one clamping unit and at least one control unit. The clamping unit includes at least one clamping element mounted movably with respect to a movement axis of the clamping unit so that the clamping unit is configured for tool-free fixing of an insertion tool unit to an output shaft of the portable machine tool. The control unit includes at least one movably mounted control element configured to actuate the clamping unit. The control element is mounted at least in a translatory and/or pivotable manner and is configured to transfer the clamping unit from a clamping position into a release position according to a movement of the control element. 1. A quick-change clamping device for a portable power tool , comprising:at least one clamping unit having at least one clamping element mounted movably with respect to a movement axis of the clamping unit such that the clamping unit is configured to fix an insert tool unit to an output shaft of the portable power tool without the use of any tools; andat least one control unit having at least one movably mounted control element configured to actuate the clamping unit, the control element mounted in at least one or more of a translational and a pivotable manner and configured to bring the clamping unit from a clamping position into a release position in dependence on a movement of the control element.2. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control element is configured as a twist switch or as a rotary lever claim 1 , and has at least one movement axis that is at least substantially parallel to the movement axis of the clamping unit.3. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control unit has at least one control gear unit that is configured to act in combination with the control element.4. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Grinding wheel assembly

Номер: US20210101258A1
Автор: Jiashu LI

A grinding wheel assembly is disclosed and includes an arbor in which a pull stud may be installed. Further, the arbor can include a head assembly that includes a mounting plate, a cover plate, and an abrasive body disposed there between. The abrasive is removably engaged with the mounting plate and the cover plate.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Tool Holder

Номер: US20150108725A1

A tool holder, particularly a hand-held power tool holder, is provided for an oscillating and/or rotational drive of at least one insertion tool. The tool holder includes at least one holder-side fastening element that is provided at least substantially for a coupling with the at least one insertion tool. The tool holder also includes at least one bearing unit provided for movably mounting the at least one holder-side fastening element in a movement at least partially deviating from an axial direction. The movement at least partially deviating from the axial direction of the at least one fastening element is provided at least substantially for creating a fastening force in the axial direction.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Polishing apparatus, method for attaching polishing pad, and method for replacing polishing pad

Номер: US20150118944A1
Принадлежит: Ebara Corp

The work of replacing a polishing pad is easily performed, and thermal damage is prevented from occurring in a polishing table. A polishing apparatus 100 includes a polishing table 110 having an attachment surface 110 a to which a polishing pad 108 used to polish a substrate 102 is attached. The polishing apparatus 100 also includes a silicone layer 111 provided on the attachment surface 110 a of the polishing table 110 and interposed between the polishing table 110 and the polishing pad 108 . By interposing the silicone layer 111 , it is possible to easily detach and attach the polishing pad 108 . In addition, since a heat treatment for coating the silicone layer 111 on the polishing table 110 is performed at a relatively low temperature, it is possible to prevent thermal damage from occurring in the polishing table 110 due to the heat treatment.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266422A1

A device for automatically removing a grinding wheel from a grinding machine mounted on a manipulator is described. According to one embodiment, the device has the following: a support plate with a surface for depositing a grinding wheel; a movable clamping element that is raised in a first position with respect to the support plate; an actuator that is coupled to the clamping element and is configured to move the clamping element into a second position in which the clamping element is pressed against the support plate such that the grinding wheel is clamped between the support plate and clamping element; and a release element that is arranged in such a way relative to the support plate that the release element is actuated when the grinding wheel is placed on the surface of the support plate and is pressed against the latter. The release element and the actuator are coupled (directly or indirectly, electrically or mechanically) such that, when the release element is actuated, the actuator moves the clamping element from the first position into the second position. 116-. (canceled)17. An apparatus , comprising:a bearing plate with a surface for depositing a grinding disc;a moveable clamping element which, in a first position, is raised in relation to the bearing plate;an actuator coupled to the moveable clamping element and configured to move the moveable clamping element into a second position in which the moveable clamping element is pressed against the bearing plate such that the grinding disc is clamped in between the bearing plate and the moveable clamping element; anda trigger element arranged relative to the bearing plate such that the trigger element is actuated when the grinding disc is placed onto the surface of the bearing plate and is pressed against the bearing plate,wherein the trigger element and the actuator are coupled such that, when the trigger element is actuated, the actuator moves the moveable clamping element from the first position into the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129123A1

A power tool having a housing, a motor, a tool holder driven about an output axis by the motor, and an output element for performing an operation on a workpiece. The tool holder has a locating feature including a tapered portion becoming narrower in a direction away from the surface of the tool holder. The output element has an aperture for receiving the locating feature and a face facing the surface of the tool holder when the locating feature is received. The power tool also includes a flange for transferring a clamping force for urging the output element towards the tool holder and a tab projecting from the flange for finger tightening the flange. A biasing member provides the clamping force toollessly. A gap is defined between the surface of the tool holder and the face when the tapered portion of the locating feature is fully received in the aperture. 1. A power tool comprising:a housing;a motor disposed within the housing;a tool holder driven about an output axis by the motor, the tool holder having a locating feature projecting from a surface of the tool holder, wherein the locating feature includes a tapered portion becoming narrower in a direction away from the surface of the tool holder;an output element for performing an operation on a workpiece, the output element having an aperture for receiving the locating feature of the tool holder to mate with the tool holder, wherein the output element includes a first face that faces the surface of the tool holder when the locating feature is received by the aperture and a second face generally opposite the first face;a rotatable flange for transferring a clamping force for urging the output element towards the tool holder, wherein the flange includes a tab projecting from the flange for finger-tightening the flange, wherein the tab is operatively coupled to rotate the flange; anda biasing member providing the clamping force toollessly;wherein a gap is defined between the surface of the tool holder and the first ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Machine tool

Номер: US20220274227A1
Автор: Helmut Hummel
Принадлежит: Hilti AG

A machine tool ( 1 ) is provided, in particular an angle grinder, including a spindle ( 8 ) that can be driven about a rotational axis (L), a device ( 9 ) being provided which can be fixed to the spindle ( 8 ) by a rotary connection. A separate securing device ( 26 ) is provided which is operatively connected to the spindle ( 8 ), which is arranged on the output side of the device ( 9 ), at least in some regions, and which, at least during operation of the machine tool ( 1 ), has a smaller outer diameter ( 28 ), at least in some regions, with respect to the rotational axis (L) than an outer diameter ( 14 ) of the spindle ( 8 ).

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274280A1
Принадлежит: Frelk Industries Pty. Ltd.

A cutting device for cutting a pipe having a pipe wall includes an elongate carrier having a tool end which is engageable with a power tool, and a free end. The device includes a guide wheel located at the free end of the carrier, which is mounted thereon for rotation relative thereto, having a bearing surface extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the carrier. The device also includes a cutting element having a peripheral cutting edge which is located adjacent to the guide wheel being positioned intermediate the guide wheel and the tool end. The cutting element is of greater transverse dimension than the guide wheel so that when the bearing surface bears against an internal surface of the pipe the distance between the cutting edge of the cutting element and the bearing surface enables the cutting element to cut through the pipe wall. 1. A cutting device for cutting through a sidewall of a pipe from an inside of the pipe , said cutting device comprising:(i) an elongate carrier having a shaft, said shaft having a longitudinal axis, an attaching formation defined at a tool end of the elongate carrier for being received in a gripping element of a power tool, and said elongate carrier having a free end;(ii) a guide wheel being rotatably attached to the free end of the carrier such that the guide wheel may rotate freely relative to said shaft and such that said shaft does not extend past a lower edge of said guide wheel, said guide wheel having an axis of rotation that is co-axial with the longitudinal axis of the shaft of the elongate carrier, said guide wheel having a bearing surface extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of said shaft, the bearing surface of the guide wheel for bearing against an inner surface of the pipe and for extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the pipe, in use when cutting the pipe; and(iii) a cutting disc fixedly attached to the carrier, the cutting disc having a peripheral cutting edge, and the cutting disc being located ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143473A1

An accessory for use with an oscillating power tool includes an attachment portion having a first planar member, a second planar member parallel to the first planar member, a central opening defined in one of the first planar member and the second planar member, a keyed sidewall disposed at least partially around the central opening and extending from the first planar member to the second planar member transverse to the first planar member and to the second planar member, and a plurality of equiangularly spaced recesses defined in one of the first planar member and the second planar member, the recesses spaced apart from the keyed sidewall and not in communication with the central opening. A working portion may be couplable to the attachment portion and configured to perform an operation on a workpiece. 1. An accessory for use with an oscillating power tool comprising:an attachment portion having a first planar member, a second planar member parallel to the first planar member, a central opening defined in one of the first planar member and the second planar member, a keyed sidewall disposed circumferentially around an entirety of the central opening and extending from the first planar member to the second planar member transverse to the first planar member and to the second planar member, and a plurality of equiangularly spaced recesses defined in one of the first planar member and the second planar member, the recesses spaced apart from the keyed sidewall and not in communication with the central opening; anda working portion couplable to the attachment portion and configured to perform an operation on a workpiece,wherein the keyed sidewall comprises a plurality of adjacent V-shaped wall portions, each V-shaped wall portion composed of a pair of wall portions that converge at an outer point as they extend radially outward from the central opening and that are joined at a first inner point to an first adjacent pair of V-shaped wall portions and at a second inner ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178549A1
Принадлежит: Fabrica Machinale S.R.L.

An apparatus () for carrying out the replacement of an abrasive element () in a machine () for finishing surfaces, comprises a support body () configured to reversibly engage the abrasive element (). The support body () and the abrasive element () provide, at respective engagement surfaces (), mutual engagement members of removable type () configured to move from an engagement position to a disengagement position by rotating about a rotational axis () in a first sense of rotation e, from the disengagement position to the engagement position, by rotating about the rotational axis () in a second sense of rotation opposite to the first one. The apparatus furthermore, comprises a displacement device () for moving the support body () in the space according to at least 1 degree of freedom. The apparatus (), furthermore, provides at least a removal station () for removing an abrasive element () from the support body (), or at least an application station () for engaging an abrasive element () to the support body (). 2116261626151025101626152516261626aabbaabb. Apparatus () claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said mutual engagement members ( claim 1 ,) provide a threaded hole ( claim 1 ,) at one between said engagement surface () of said support body () and said engagement surface () of said abrasive element () claim 1 , and a threaded shaft ( claim 1 ,) at the other engagement surface ( claim 1 ,) claim 1 , said threaded hole ( claim 1 ,) and said threaded shaft ( claim 1 ,) configured to provide a threaded connection;3116261626151025101626152516261626aabbaabb. Apparatus () claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said mutual engagement members ( claim 1 ,) provide a shaped hole (′ claim 1 ,′) at one between said engagement surface () of said support body () and said engagement surface () of said abrasive element () claim 1 , and a shaped shaft (′ claim 1 ,′) at the other engagement surface ( claim 1 ,) claim 1 , said shaped hole (′ claim 1 ,′) and said shaped shaft (′ ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Quick Clamping Device

Номер: US20200156209A1
Автор: Barth Daniel

A quick clamping device for arranging at least one application tool on a power tool, in particular on an angle grinder, includes at least one output unit for moving the application tool about an output axis of the output unit, and at least one fixing unit having at least one movably mounted fixing element that is mounted, in particular in a non-removable manner, on the output unit, at least for axially fixing the application tool to the output unit. The quick clamping device has at least one securing unit, which has at least one, in particular movably mounted, securing element that is intended to secure the fixing element, which is mounted so as to be movable relative to the output unit at least about the output axis, so as to prevent the fixing element from moving about the output axis. 1. A quick-change clamping device for arranging at least one insert tool on a power tool , comprising:at least one output unit configured to move the insert tool about an output axis of the output unit; andat least one fixing unit having at least one fixing element movably mounted on the output unit and configured to axially fix the insert tool on the output unit, the at least one fixing element comprising at least one securing unit having at least one securing element configured to secure the fixing element against movement about the output axis, the fixing element movably mounted relative to the output unit at least about the output axis.2. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the securing element has at least one contact surface configured to bear against the fixing element.3. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the securing element is movably mounted on at least one output element of the output unit.4. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the securing unit has at least one securing spring claim 1 , which biases the securing element with a spring force in a direction of a securing position of the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Quick Clamping Device for a Portable Power Tool, in Particular an Angle Grinder, Having in Particular at least One Output Shaft that is Drivable in Rotation

Номер: US20200164485A1

A quick clamping device for a portable power tool, in particular an angle grinder, includes an output shaft that is configured to be driven in rotation and at least one clamping unit that is configured to fix an application tool unit to the output shaft without tools. The clamping unit has at least one movably mounted clamping element configured to apply a clamping force to the application tool unit in a clamping position of the clamping element. The clamping element is formed by a positive-locking element that is movable transversely to an axis of rotation of the output shaft and is configured to engage behind at least a subregion of the application tool unit in a positive-locking manner so as to secure the application tool unit. 1. A quick-change clamping device for a portable power tool , comprising:at least one output shaft configured be driven in rotation; andat least one clamping unit configured to fix an insert-tool unit to the output shaft without use of tools, the clamping unit having at least one movably mounted clamping element configured to apply a clamping force to the insert-tool unit when the clamping element is in a clamping position,wherein the clamping element is formed by a positive-engagement element that is movable transversely in relation to a rotation axis of the output shaft and that is configured to engage with positive engagement behind at least a sub-region of the insert-tool unit so as to secure the insert-tool unit.2. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one operating unit configured to move the clamping element into one or more of the clamping position and into a release position of the clamping element in which the insert-tool unit can is configured to be removed from the clamping unit claim 1 ,wherein the clamping element is formed by a toggle lever mounted so as to be rotatable about a rotation axis that is perpendicular to the rotation axis of the output shaft,wherein the clamping ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Machine tool with tool-accommodating device

Номер: US20160184956A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a machine tool, in particular a hand held machine tool, which has a tool-accommodating device which can be moved, in particular in oscillating fashion, about a drive axis, in order to retain a tool device on the machine tool. The tool-accommodating device has at least one clamping device, at least one retaining device and at least one locking device. The retaining device can be moved from at least one first, open position into at least one second, closed position. It is also the case that the retaining device can be forced by a clamping force, by way of the clamping device, preferably in the closing direction from said first, open position in the direction of said second, closed position. The locking device can be moved between at least one first, locking position and at least one second, unlocking position. It is possible here for said locking device to block movement of the retaining device in at least one locking position. A force applied to the locking device directly or indirectly by the tool device moves said locking device from one of said locking positions into one of said unlocking positions. This allows the tool device to be inserted particularly quickly and straightforwardly into the machine tool

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Tool Device for a Hand-Held Power Tool

Номер: US20190184595A1

A tool device for a hand-held power tool, which can be operated such that the tool device is rotated about an output shaft of a tool-holding device, has at least one connecting device, which is detachably connected to an output shaft of the power tool. The connecting device is fastened to the tool-holding device so that a drive axis of the output shaft and a tool axis of rotation substantially coincide. The connecting device has a cut-out and at least one clamping wing, which at least partly bounds the cut-out in the radial direction of the tool axis of rotation and which is bounded substantially in the direction radial to the tool axis of rotation by a first bounding edge, which lies on a first bounding circle around the tool axis of rotation. The clamping wing extends at least substantially along a plane orthogonal to the tool axis of rotation. 1. A tool device for machining a workpiece and configured to be received in a hand-held power tool that rotatably drives the tool device about an output shaft of a tool receptacle device , the tool device comprising:at least one connector device configured to be releasably connected to an output shaft of the hand-held power tool, wherein the connector device is configured to be fastened to the tool receptacle device such that an output axis of the output shaft and a tool rotation axis of the tool device substantially coincide,wherein the connector device defines a clearance,wherein the connector device has at least one clamping wing which at least partially delimits the clearance in a radial direction of the tool rotation axis and which, in the radial direction, is substantially delimited by a first delimitation edge which lies on a first delimitation circle about the tool rotation axis, andwherein the clamping wing extends at least substantially along an orthogonal plane to the tool rotation axis.2. The tool device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamping wing is at least one of:asymmetrical in relation to each plane ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220923A1

The invention relates to a machine tool, in particular a hand held machine tool, which has a tool receiving device that is movable, in particular in an oscillating manner, around an output shaft. The tool receiving device is designed to hold a tool device on the machine tool in such a manner that the output shaft and a tool rotation axis substantially coincide. The tool receiving device has at least one torque transmission region and a holding device. In order to transmit a driving force to the tool device, the torque transmission region has at least two output area regions that are arranged at a distance from said output shaft and each have a multiplicity of surface points. Here, the tangent planes to said surface points are inclined in regard to an axial plane which includes said output shaft. Furthermore, the tangent planes are inclined in regard to a radial plane which extends perpendicularly to the output shaft. In this way, the output torque is transmitted reliably to the tool device by the machine tool via the tool receiving device. 1. A machine tool , and in particular a hand guided machine tool having a tool receiving device which is movable around an output shaft , and in particular which is movable in an oscillating manner around the output shaft ,wherein said tool receiving device is adapted to hold a tool device in such a manner on the machine tool that the output shaft and a tool rotating axis are substantially coincident,wherein said tool receiving device comprises at least one torque transmission region and a holding device,wherein said torque transmission region has at least two output area regions being spaced apart from the output shaft for transmitting a driving force to the tool device, each output area region having a plurality of surface points,wherein tangent planes to these surface points are inclined relative to an axial plane which includes the output shaft,wherein said tangent planes are inclined relative to a radial plane extending ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Tool Device for a Hand-Held Power Tool

Номер: US20210221021A1

A tool device for a hand-held power tool, which can be operated such that the tool device is rotated about an output shaft of a tool-holding device, has at least one connecting device, which is detachably connected to an output shaft of the power tool. The connecting device is fastened to the tool-holding device so that a drive axis of the output shaft and a tool axis of rotation substantially coincide. The connecting device has a cut-out and at least one clamping wing, which at least partly bounds the cut-out in the radial direction of the tool axis of rotation and which is bounded substantially in the direction radial to the tool axis of rotation by a first bounding edge, which lies on a first bounding circle around the tool axis of rotation. The clamping wing extends at least substantially along a plane orthogonal to the tool axis of rotation. 128-. (canceled)29. A tool device for machining a workpiece , comprising: 'a plurality of clamping wings extending radially inwardly at least substantially along an orthogonal plane to the tool rotation axis, each clamping wing of the plurality of clamping wings including a first delimitation edge that lies on a first delimitation circle defined around the tool rotation axis and that and that at least partially defines a radial extent of the clearance.', 'a connector device defining a clearance and configured to be releasably connected to a tool receptacle device of the hand-held power tool such that an output axis of an output shaft of the hand-held power tool and a tool rotation axis of the tool device substantially coincide, the connector device comprising30. The tool device as claimed in claim 29 , wherein a circumferential distance along the first delimitation circle between each adjacent pair of clamping wings is less than a circumferential extent of the first delimitation edges of the adjacent pair of clamping wings.31. The tool device as claimed in claim 30 , wherein the circumferential distance between each ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160199919A1

The invention relates to a machine tool, in particular a hand held machine tool, which has a tool receiving device that is movable, in particular in an oscillating manner, around an output shaft (). The tool receiving device is designed to hold a tool device on the machine tool in such a manner that the output shaft and a tool rotation axis substantially coincide. The tool receiving device has at least one torque transmission region () and a holding device (). In order to transmit a driving force to the tool device, the torque transmission region has at least two output area regions () that are arranged at a distance from said output shaft and each have a multiplicity of surface points. Here, the tangent planes to said surface points are inclined in regard to an axial plane which includes said output shaft. Furthermore, the tangent planes are inclined in regard to a radial plane which extends perpendicularly to the output shaft. In this way, the output torque is transmitted reliably to the tool device by the machine tool via the tool receiving device. 1. A machine tool , and in particular a hand guided machine tool having a tool receiving device which is movable around an output shaft , and in particular which is movable in an oscillating manner around the output shaft ,wherein said tool receiving device is adapted to hold a tool device in such a manner on the machine tool that the output shaft and a tool rotating axis are substantially coincident,wherein said tool receiving device comprises at least one torque transmission region and a holding device,wherein said torque transmission region has at least two regions being spaced apart from the output shaft for a transmitting of a driving force to the tool device, each region having a plurality of surface points,wherein tangent planes to this area points are inclined in regard to an axial plane which includes the output shaft, andwherein said tangent planes are inclined in regard to a radial plane extending ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Quick Tensioning Device for a Portable Machine Tool, in Particular for an Angle Grinding Machine

Номер: US20190193235A1

A quick tensioning device for a portable machine tool, in particular for an angle grinding machine, includes at least one output shaft which can be rotated, at least one clamping unit that is at least partly arranged in the output shaft and has at least one clamping element, which is movably mounted at least about and/or along a movement axis of the clamping unit, for fixing an insert tool unit to the output shaft without tools, and at least one torque transmission unit for transmitting a torque to the insert tool unit when the insert tool unit is arranged on the output shaft, said torque transmission unit having at least one torque transmission element which is formed separately from the output shaft. The quick tensioning device includes at least one securing unit at least for securing the torque transmission element to the output shaft in a rotationally fixed manner. 1. A quick-change clamping device for a portable power tool , comprising:at least one output shaft configured to be driven in rotation;at least one clamping unit arranged, at least partially, in the output shaft, the at least one clamping unit including at least one clamping element mounted so as to be movable at least one of about and along a movement axis of the clamping unit so as to fix an insert tool unit to the output shaft without the use of tools; andat least one torque transmission unit, which has at least one torque transmission element configured to transmit a torque to the insert tool unit when the insert tool unit has been arranged on the output shaft the at least one torque transmission unit comprising at least one fastening unit configured to fasten the torque transmission element to the output shaft in a rotationally fixed manner.2. The quick-change clamping device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fastening unit has at least one fastening element that is configured to fasten the torque transmission element to the output shaft by means of at least one of a positive connection and a ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202026A1
Автор: AOKI Yonosuke

It is an object of the invention to increase the degree of freedom in designing a power tool. A representative power tool has a spindle that transmits a driving force of a motor to a tool accessory, a tool accessory holding member that is configured to be movable in a direction of a spindle rotation axis direction between a holding position for holding the tool accessory and a releasing position for releasing the tool accessory, a lock mechanism that locks the tool accessory holding member in the holding position, and a body housing. The lock mechanism is disposed between a second end of the spindle and a wall of the body housing in the spindle rotation axis direction. 1. A power tool configured to perform an operation on a workpiece by driving a tool accessory , the power tool comprising:a motor;a spindle configured to transmit a driving force of the motor to the tool accessary;a tool accessory holding member configured to move in an axial direction of the spindle between a holding position for holding the tool accessory and a releasing position for releasing the tool accessory; anda lock mechanism configured to engage with the tool accessory holding member in the holding position and lock the tool accessory holding member,wherein:the lock mechanism includes:a collar member; anda clamp member held by the collar member to be movable between an engaging position and a disengaging positon, the clamp member being engageable with the tool accessory holding member in the engaging position and being disengageable with the tool accessory holding member in the disengaging position, andthe collar member includes a first inclined part and a second inclined part spaced apart from each other in the axial direction of the spindle and each being inclined relative to an axis of the spindle, andthe clamp member includes a third inclined part and a fourth inclined part spaced apart from each other in the axial direction of the spindle, the third inclined part and the fourth inclined ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Power Tool

Номер: US20190202027A1

A power tool, in particular a hand-held power tool, includes a tool-holding device that rotates about an output axis. The tool-holding device is configured to hold a tool device on the power tool such that the output axis and a tool rotation axis substantially coincide. The tool-holding device has at least a driver device and a clamping device that is movable relative to the driver device. To transfer a driving force to the tool device, the driver device has at least one torque transfer region that is arranged at a distance from the output axis. The driver device and the clamping device are configured to reach through a cut-out of the tool device, which cut-out extends through the entire material thickness of the tool device, and to clamp the tool device via the clamping device, which is movable substantially in a direction radial to the output axis. 133-. (canceled)34. A power tool , comprising: the tool receiving device has at least one driving device and a clamping device that is configured to be moved relative to the driving device,', 'the driving device has at least one torque transmission region arranged at a distance from the output axis so as to transmit a driving force to the tool device, and', 'the driving device and the clamping device are configured to (i) reach through a cutout of the tool receiving device, the cutout extending through the entire material thickness of the tool device and (ii) clamp the tool device by the clamping device, which is movable substantially in the radial direction in relation to the output axis., 'a tool receiving device configured to be moved in rotation about an output axis and hold a tool device on the power tool such that the output axis and a tool rotation axis substantially coincide, wherein35. The power tool as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the tool receiving device has an axial opening that is configured to receive the clamping device.36. The power tool as claimed in claim 35 , wherein the driving device has one or ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Fast Mountable Tool

Номер: US20160229028A1
Автор: THIJS Marc

A mounting system for mounting of a tool having a cylindrical cavity, the system comprising a shaft having a key-zone and a key and a collar against which a spring can be positioned. The system comprises an adapter, with a seat and a keyway so that the drive shaft can be slid into the adapter and can be rotated therein when the driving shaft is slid against the spring in the adapter. After rotation the key is blocked behind a shoulder in the recess. 122-. (canceled)23. A mounting system for mounting a tool , the mounting system comprising:a drive shaft, the drive shaft comprising: a shaft with at least one key-zone arranged in the axial direction on the outside of the shaft;at least one key present in the at least one key-zone, the drive shaft having a collar located at an end thereof for positioning a spring;a spring for exerting pressure between the drive shaft and an adapter when the drive shaft is positioned in the adapter;an adapter having a seat for accommodating the drive shaft, the seat comprising:at least one keyway configured for allowing insertion of the drive shaft with the at least one key into the adapter, each keyway having a recess for each key-zone for allowing rotation of the drive shaft relative to the adapter after the drive shaft is inserted in the adapter in such a way that the spring is under pressure between the collar of the drive shaft and a surface of the adapter, the recess comprising at least one blocking element for blocking the at least one key when the drive shaft is rotated in the keyway, so that, when the drive shaft is mounted in the adapter, the drive shaft can transmit a moment of torsion to the adapter.24. A mounting system according to claim 23 , wherein the spring is a compression spring.25. A mounting system according to claim 23 , wherein the tool comprises an abrasive material or consists of an abrasive material.26. A mounting system according to claim 23 , wherein the outer circumference of a cross section of the adapter ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252667A1
Автор: KOTSUJI Takafumi

A power tool includes a spindle, holding members each having a claw, a biasing member, and a locking member. The holding members are movable between a first position, in which the holding members fixedly hold a tool accessory against a tool mounting part of the spindle with the claws pressed against the tool accessory owing to a biasing force of the biasing member, and a second position, in which the holding members do not impede or block attachment or detachment of the tool accessory. The locking member is configured to move between a locking position, in which the locking member abut on the claws of the holding members to hold the holding members in the second position, and an unlocking position, in which the locking member does not impede or block the holding members from moving from the second position to the first position. 1. A power tool configured to perform a processing operation on a workpiece by driving a tool accessory in an oscillating manner , the power tool comprising:a spindle configured to be driven about a driving axis with a pivotal oscillating motion within a specified angle range, the driving axis defining an up-down direction of the oscillating multi-tool, and a tool mounting part to which the tool accessory is removably attachable being defined at a lower end portion of the spindle;a plurality of holding members each having a claw, the holding members being movable relative to each other between a first position in which the claws of the holding members are located farther apart from each other and a second position in which the claws of the holding members are located closer to each other than in the first position;a biasing member generating a biasing force imparted to the holding members to urge the holding members toward the first position; anda locking member configured to move between a locking position and an unlocking position,wherein:when the holding members are in the first position, the holding members fixedly hold the tool ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224805A1
Автор: MONTABAUR Alexander

The subject of the present invention is a rotationally drivable rotary tool device and in particular a rotary brush tool. The invention is equipped, in its basic construction, with a tool holder () having at least one drive-side clamping element () and a tool-side clamping element (). The two clamping elements () are connected releasably together and receive a rotary tool (). Furthermore, the two clamping elements () ensure that the rotary tool () is held. According to the invention, the tool-side clamping element () and the rotary tool () define a structural unit (). To this end, the clamping element () in question is configured as a holding cage () that encloses the rotary tool () radially and axially at least in part. 1. A rotationally drivable tool comprising:a rotary brush tool; anda tool holder having at least one drive-mounted part and one tool-mounted part, the two parts being releasably interconnected to hold the rotary brush tool, the tool-mounted part and the rotary tool forming a subassembly, the tool mounted part is being to this end a holding cage that at least partially encloses the rotary tool radially and axially.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the drive-mounted part is an adapter that engages releasably in the holding cage.3. The tool according to claim 2 , wherein the holding cage is circular and has peripheral axially extending arms that engage over the rotary tool.4. The tool according to claim 3 , wherein the axially extending arms engage over the rotary tool at cutouts thereof.5. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the holding cage has a central bore in which the drive-mounted part fits.6. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the drive-mounted part has peripheral locking pins that claim 1 , when the holding cage is in the assembled state on the drive-mounted part engage in respective seats in the holding cage.7. The tool according to claim 6 , wherein the locking pins are formed as radially extending locking pins and the ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Quick Clamping Device for a Portable Machine Tool, in Particular an Angle Grinder, Comprising at Least One Output Shaft That Can Be Rotatably Driven

Номер: US20210276146A1
Автор: Zurbruegg Andreas

A quick clamping device for a portable machine tool, in particular an angle grinder, includes at least one output shaft, at least one clamping unit, at least one operating unit, and at least one securing unit. The clamping unit, for the purpose of fixing an insert bit to the output shaft without using tools, includes at least one clamping element for applying a clamping force to the bit in a clamping position. The operating unit moves the clamping element into the clamping position and/or into a release position in which the insert bit can be removed from the clamping unit and/or the output shaft. The securing unit is designed to prevent movement of the clamping element from the clamping position into the release position at least under the action of a force decoupled from the operating unit and acting on the clamping element in the direction of the release position. 1. A quick clamping device for a portable power tool , comprising:at least one output shaft configured to be driven in rotation;at least one clamping unit including at least one movably mounted clamping element configured to exert a clamping force on an insert tool unit in a clamping position of the at least one movably mounted clamping element, the at least one clamping unit configured for fixing the insert tool unit to the at least one output shaft without use of tools;at least one operator control unit configured to move the at least one movably mounted clamping element into the clamping position and/or into a release position of the at least one movably mounted clamping element; andat least one securing unit configured to prevent movement of the at least one movably mounted clamping element from the clamping position into the release position of the at least one movably mounted clamping element at least when the at least one movably mounted clamping element is acted on by a first force which is decoupled from the at least one operator control unit and which acts in a first direction toward the ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for Successively Cutting and Driving a Shaft

Номер: US20210276147A1
Автор: Blasi Robert A.

A shaft driving tool incorporating a cylindrical body having an upper end and having a vertically extending hollow bore, the vertically extending hollow bore having a wall; female helical threads fixedly attached to the wall of the vertically extending hollow bore; a helically threaded screw shaft received within the vertically extending hollow bore, the helically threaded screw shaft having a shaft engaging lower end and having an upper end; shaft hub clamping set screws fixedly attached to the cylindrical body, the shaft screw clamping set screws being positioned at a lower end of the cylindrical body; and a drill or socket driver adapter fixedly attached to or formed wholly with an upper end of the helically threaded screw shaft, the drill or socket driver adapter extending upwardly from the helically threaded screw shaft. 1. A shaft driving tool comprising:(a) a cylindrical body having an upper end and having a vertically extending hollow bore, said bore having a wall;(b) female helical threads fixedly attached to or formed wholly with the wall of the vertically extending hollow bore;(c) a helically threaded screw shaft received within the vertically extending hollow bore, said screw shaft having a shaft engaging lower end and having an upper end;(d) shaft hub clamping means fixedly attached to the cylindrical body, said means being positioned at a lower end of said body; and(e) a drill or socket driver adapter fixedly attached to or formed wholly with an upper end of the helically threaded screw shaft, said adapter extending upwardly from said end.2. The shaft driving tool of wherein the drill or socket driver adapter is hexagonal.3. The shaft driving tool of wherein the drill or socket driver adapter has a diameter claim 2 , wherein the helically threaded screw shaft has a diameter claim 2 , and wherein the diameter of the drill or socket driver adapter is less than the diameter of the helically threaded screw shaft.4. The shaft driving tool of further ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259348A1

An oscillating power tool having a motor, a base flange driven about an output axis by the motor, and an accessory shaft movable relative to the base flange between a clamping position and a release position. A clamping flange is pivotably coupled to the accessory shaft for clamping an accessory in cooperation with the base flange. 1. An oscillating power tool comprising:a motor;a base flange driven about an output axis by the motor;an accessory shaft movable relative to the base flange between a clamping position and a release position; anda clamping flange pivotably coupled to the accessory shaft, the clamping flange cooperating with the base flange for clamping an accessory.2. The oscillating power tool of claim 1 , wherein the clamping flange is pivotable about a pivot axis claim 1 , wherein the pivot axis intersects the accessory shaft.3. The oscillating power tool of claim 1 , further comprising a pivot pin pivotably coupling the clamping flange to the accessory shaft.4. The oscillating power tool of claim 1 , wherein the flange is pivotable between a first position in which the flange is transverse to the accessory shaft and a second position in which the flange is generally in line with the accessory shaft.5. The oscillating power tool of claim 4 , wherein the clamping flange includes a recess for accommodating the accessory shaft in the second position.6. The oscillating power tool of claim 1 , wherein the accessory shaft includes a reduced diameter portion claim 1 , and wherein the clamping flange is coupled to the reduced diameter portion.7. The oscillating power tool of claim 6 , wherein the clamping flange includes a recess for accommodating the reduced diameter portion.8. The oscillating power tool of claim 1 , wherein the accessory shaft defines a longitudinal axis and is movable along the longitudinal axis claim 1 , and wherein the clamping flange is pivotable about an axis that intersects the longitudinal axis.9. The oscillating power tool of claim ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259398A1

The present invention relates to a device for detaching/attaching a hand grinder polishing disk, the device being clamped on the rotating shaft of a grinder main body so as to enable the easier and quicker detachment/attachment of a consumable polishing disk used for finishing, cutting, severing, etc. the surface of a target object, or to enable the definite prevention of loosening, vibration phenomenon, etc. The present invention comprises: a grinder main body which has a rotating shaft operating at a high speed by means of air pressure or the driving of an electric motor; a power transmission member which has a stopping protrusion formed on the upper end part of the body thereof and a hexagonal body including a flange formed on the center part of the body thereof, and which is clamped on the rotating shaft of the grinder main body by a fixing bolt; a stopper main body which has a hexagonal hole formed on the inner circumferential surface thereof for accommodating the power transmission member, and which has an arc-shaped seat groove formed on the circumference of the hexagonal hole so as to face each other; a pair of upper and lower rotating plates which are each fitted in a flat plate portion on the upper end of the stopper main body; and a disk holder which has an upper fixing ring and a lower support plate assembled on the power transmission member for fixing an abrasive material. 1. A device for detachably attaching a polishing disk to a hand grinder , comprising:a grinder body including a rotary shaft which is driven by an operation of electric motor or air pressure;a power-transmitting member that includes catching protrusions protruding from a top end of a main body of the power-transmitting member, a flange formed below the catching protrusions, and a hexagonal pillar formed below the flange and that is fixed to the rotary shaft of the grinder body by a fixing bolt;a stopper body including a hexagonal hole that is formed at the center of the stopper body ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Grinding Disc with Fixing Part for One-Touch Holder

Номер: US20200246940A1
Автор: Jang Hee Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a grinding disc used in a grinder for cutting a workpiece by generating a rotation power by a motor or air pressure and, more specifically, to a grinding disc with a fixing part for a one-touch holder, which includes an abrasive part which comes into contact with a workpiece, and a fixing part formed in the center of the abrasive part for attachment and detachment with respect to a grinder, wherein the fixing part is formed by injection molding so as to improve the bonding force with the abrasive part and can be attached to or detached from the grinder by a one-touch method.

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Cutting apparatus, cutting blade replacement method, and board replacement method

Номер: US20210316468A1
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

A cutting apparatus cuts a workpiece by a cutting blade. The cutting apparatus includes a mount flange on which the cutting blade is mounted and a replacement apparatus that replaces the cutting blade mounted on the mount flange with the cutting blade for replacement. The replacement apparatus includes a rotating part, a first holding part that holds the cutting blade mounted on the mount flange on a front surface side, a second holding part that holds the cutting blade for replacement on a front surface side, and a nut rotation part that has a nut holding part that holds a nut for fixing the cutting blade to the mount flange and rotates the nut held by the nut holding part. The rotating part is coupled to the first holding part, the second holding part, and the nut rotation part.

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150273658A1
Автор: Godreau Gregory C.

A button for attaching an abrasive article to a back-up pad can include a body having a lower plate, and a hub extending from the lower plate. The hub is configured to engage an abrasive article installed over the hub at least partially along the height of the hub to prevent the abrasive article from rotating relative to the hub. The body can also include a post extending from the hub. The post can include at least one helical thread extending outwardly along the post. Further, the post can include a height, HP, and the at least one helical thread includes a thread lead, L, that is ≧0.5 H. 13.-. (canceled)4. An abrasive tool comprising:a back-up pad comprising a central bore having at least one internal thread extending inwardly from an inner wall of the central bore;at least one abrasive article formed with a central bore; and a body, comprising:', 'a lower plate;', 'a hub extending from the lower plate, wherein the hub includes a center portion and a plurality of fins extending radially outward from the center portion, wherein the fins are configured to extend at least partially through the at least one abrasive article installed on the hub and to prevent the at least one abrasive article from rotating relative to the hub; and', 'a post extending from the hub, wherein the post includes at least one helical thread extending outwardly along the post, wherein the post is configured to threadably engage the back-up pad and wherein the button is configured to compress the abrasive article between the lower plate and the button when the post is engaged with the back-up pad., 'a button for removably attaching the abrasive article to the back-up pad, wherein the button comprises57.-. (canceled)8. The abrasive tool of claim wherein the hub comprises at least three fins.9. The abrasive tool of claim 8 , wherein each fin is twisted along the height of the fin so that a distal end of the fin is rotated with respect to a proximal end of the fin by an angle claim 8 , B claim 8 ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Quick Clamping Device for at Least One Rotationally Drivable Drive Shaft Having a Portable Machine Tool, in Particular an Angle Grinding Machine

Номер: US20190262970A1

A quick clamping device for a portable machine tool includes at least one drive shaft, at least one clamping unit, and at least one operating unit. The clamping unit has, for tool-less fastening of an insertion tool on the drive shaft, at least one clamping element for exerting a clamping force on the insertion tool in a clamping position. The operating unit is configured to move the clamping element into a release position, and includes at least one operating element, in particular an operating lever. The operating element has at least one activation surface for movement of the clamping element into the release position. The activation surface is arranged such that at least one force initiation point of the operating element is movable, upon interaction with a contact surface of an actuating element of the operating unit, as a factor of movement of the operating element on the contact surface.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200262022A1
Автор: Olsen Kenneth

The present invention relates to a polishing system () for providing a polishing finish to a concrete surface, said system comprises a pad lock () which, one a second surface () thereof, comprises a number of protrusions () which are able to enter into engagement with a voids () arranged on a first surface () of a pad () placed between a fixing ring and said pad lock. The use of such a system provides a higher degree of integrity during use of said polishing system. 130-. (canceled)32. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said system furthermore comprises a number of connecting elements which is/are configured for connecting said pad lock and said pad and said fixing ring to a moving pan of a powered polishing machine by penetrating through-going claim 31 , holes of said pad lock and said pad and said fixing ring;33. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said pad lock claim 31 , said pad and said fixing ring each are having an outer perimeter defining a circle; preferably wherein said pad lock claim 31 , said pad and said fixing ring each are having a perimeter defining a circle of essentially equal diameter.34. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said pad lock is being manufactured from a material from the group comprising polypropylene and polyethylene.35. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said pad is being manufactured from a material from the group comprising polyester claim 31 , nylon claim 31 , synthetic fibers and natural fibers.36. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said fixing ring is being manufactured from a material from the group comprising polypropylene claim 31 , polyethylene and EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer).37. A polishing system according to claim 31 , wherein said second surface of said polishing discs comprises a polymer having embedded therein a number of diamonds claim 31 , such as industrial diamonds.38. A polishing system according to claim 37 , wherein said ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170282328A1

A power tool that includes a tool body housing, a drive system, a tool head and a connection system. The drive system is housed in the tool body housing. The tool head, which is configured to perform work on a work piece, includes a tool head housing and an input member that is driven by the drive system when the tool head is coupled to the tool body housing. The tool head can be engaged to the tool body housing in at least two pre-defined and distinct orientations. The connection system secures the tool head to the tool body housing in each of the at least two pre-defined and distinct orientations. 1. A power tool comprising:a tool body defining a cavity;a drive system housed in the cavity, the drive system having a motor and an intermediate output member that is driven by the motor; anda first tool head configured to perform work on a workpiece, the first tool head having a first tool head housing and an intermediate input member;wherein the power tool includes a connection system which secures the first tool head to the tool body in at least two pre-defined and distinct orientations in which the first tool head is engaged to the tool body such that the intermediate input member is engaged with the intermediate output member so that the intermediate input member is driven by the motor through the intermediate output member; andwherein one of the intermediate output member and the intermediate input member includes a plurality of male splines and the other of the intermediate output member and the intermediate input member comprises a plurality of female splines that receive the male splines.2. The power tool of claim 1 , further comprising a release button which releases the first tool head so that it can be removed from the tool body.3. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the connection system allows the tool head to snap into one of the at least two pre-defined and distinct orientations.4. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the first tool head includes an ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Clamping Apparatus with Control Mechanism for Spring-Actuated Lever

Номер: US20170282329A1

A clamping apparatus with a control mechanism includes a cam, a cam post, a handle, and a handle plate. The cam is configured to rotate into a clamped position in which the clamping apparatus is in a clamped state and an unclamped position in which the clamping apparatus is in an unclamped state. The cam post is rotatable with the cam. The handle is movable into a first position and a second position. The handle plate is rotatable with the handle. The handle plate is configured to rotate the cam post in a first direction when the handle moves from the first position to the second position. The handle plate is configured to rotate in a second direction without rotating the cam post in the second direction for a predetermined distance when the handle moves from the second position to the first position. The first direction is opposite to the second direction. 1. A clamping apparatus with a control mechanism comprising:a cam configured to rotate into a clamped position in which the clamping apparatus is in a clamped state and an unclamped position in which the clamping apparatus is in an unclamped state;a cam post configured to rotate with the cam;a handle movable into a first position and a second position;a handle plate configured to rotate with the handle, the handle plate is configured to rotate the cam post in a first direction when the handle moves from the first position to the second position,', 'the handle plate is configured to rotate independently of the cam post in a second direction for a predetermined distance when the handle moves from the second position to the first position, and', 'the first direction is opposite to the second direction., 'wherein2. The clamping apparatus with the control mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the first position of the handle corresponds to the clamped state and the second position of the handle corresponds to the unclamped state.3. The clamping apparatus with the control mechanism of claim 1 , wherein:the cam post includes a ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170291277A1

The present invention relates to a rapid-replacing structure of multifunctional saw, including a head housing, a tool rest and an output device, wherein the output device comprises an output shaft. It also includes a quick-change device that consists of a rapid-replacing buckle, an eccentric block, a movable rod, a collet chuck, a tensioning rod and a compression spring. The rapid-replacing buckle and the eccentric block are connected with the top of the head housing through a straight pin. The movable rod is arranged in the output shaft, with its top end closely connected to the eccentric block and its bottom end connected to the tensioning rod by screw thread. The rapid-replacing structure of the multifunctional saw can realize the purpose of blade removal and replacement simply by shifting the rapid-replacing buckle on the upper side of the head housing, without using other auxiliary means, so it is simple and fast to operate. 1. A rapid-replacing structure of multifunctional saw comprising a head housing , a tool rest and an output device , wherein the output device comprises an output shaft; the rapid-replacing structure is characterized by further comprising a rapid-replacing device , which comprises a rapid-replacing buckle , an eccentric block , a movable rod , a spring collet , a tensioning rod and a compression spring; the rapid-replacing buckle and the eccentric block are connected with a top of the head housing through a straight pin; the movable rod is arranged in the output shaft , with a top end of the movable rod closely connected to the eccentric block and a bottom end of the movable rod connected to the tensioning rod by screw thread; an outer side of the tensioning rod is provided with the spring collet , and an outer side of the spring collet is provided with the compression spring; a top end of the compression spring is in close connection with a lower surface of the movable rod , and a bottom end of the compression spring is in close connection ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Shaft for Rotationally Coupling a Main Device to a Tubular Device

Номер: US20150306733A1
Автор: Juergen Hesse, Tobias Lutz

A shaft for rotationally coupling a main device to a tubular device includes a first free end that is configured to be introduced into the tubular device, and a second end configured to be secured to the main device. The shaft also defines at least a first bearing region along an outer circumference that is configured to form a contact in a hollow accommodating region of the tubular device, and further includes at least one torque-transmitting section configured to engage with a torque-transmitting section of the tubular device. A securing device of the shaft includes a locking device that, in a locked state, is configured to prevent the securing device from being dismounted, and that, in an unlocked state, is configured to enable the tubular device to be dismounted. The securing device further includes an interlocking device that is arranged on the first end of the shaft, and that enables locking and unlocking the locking device.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180311746A1

The invention relates to a machine tool, in particular a hand held machine tool, which has a tool receiving device that is movable, in particular in an oscillating manner, around an output shaft. The tool receiving device is designed to hold a tool device on the machine tool in such a manner that the output shaft and a tool rotation axis substantially coincide. The tool receiving device has at least one torque transmission region and a holding device. In order to transmit a driving force to the tool device, the torque transmission region has at least two output area regions that are arranged at a distance from said output shaft and each have a multiplicity of surface points. Here, the tangent planes to said surface points are inclined in regard to an axial plane which includes said output shaft. Furthermore, the tangent planes are inclined in regard to a radial plane which extends perpendicularly to the output shaft. In this way, the output torque is transmitted reliably to the tool device by the machine tool via the tool receiving device. 1. A machine tool , and in particular a hand guided machine tool having a tool receiving device which is movable around an output shaft , and in particular which is movable in an oscillating manner around the output shaft ,wherein said tool receiving device is adapted to hold a tool device in such a manner on the machine tool that the output shaft and a tool rotating axis are substantially coincident,wherein said tool receiving device comprises at least one torque transmission region and a holding device,wherein said torque transmission region has at least two output area regions being spaced apart from the output shaft for transmitting a driving force to the tool device, each output area region having a plurality of surface points,wherein tangent planes to these surface points are inclined relative to an axial plane which includes the output shaft,wherein said tangent planes are inclined relative to a radial plane extending ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160332281A1

A grinder assembly includes a spindle selectively rotatable about a central axis. The grinder assembly also includes a grinding wheel attachable to and detachable from the spindle. The grinding wheel is rotatable about the central axis when attached to the spindle. The grinder assembly further includes an adaptor cooperating with the spindle and the grinding wheel to provide a quick attachment and detachment of the grinding wheel with the spindle. The adaptor includes a plurality of first teeth extending outwardly relative to the spindle and a plurality of second teeth extending outwardly relative to the grinding wheel. The first and second teeth cooperate with each other to selectively attach the grinding wheel to the spindle and prevent independent rotation of the grinding wheel relative to the spindle. 1. A grinder assembly comprising:a spindle selectively rotatable about a central axis;a grinding wheel attachable to and detachable from the spindle, with the grinding wheel rotatable about the central axis when attached to the spindle; andan adaptor cooperating with the spindle and the grinding wheel to provide a quick attachment and detachment of the grinding wheel with the spindle, and wherein the adaptor includes a plurality of first teeth extending outwardly relative to the spindle and a plurality of second teeth extending outwardly relative to the grinding wheel, with the first and second teeth cooperating with each other to selectively attach the grinding wheel to the spindle and prevent independent rotation of the grinding wheel relative to the spindle.2. The assembly as set forth in wherein:the adaptor includes a first portion cooperating with a distal end of the spindle and a second portion cooperating with the grinding wheel;the first portion includes the first teeth extending outwardly therefrom; andthe second portion includes the second teeth extending outwardly therefrom, with contact between respective first and second teeth limiting radial movement ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324384A1
Автор: Jespersen Poul Erik

A bayonet coupling for mounting of a tool on a drive shaft of a machining unit is provided. The drive shaft is connected to the tool via a bayonet coupling, which includes two coupling parts. The one coupling part is provided with a receiving groove for an engaging tab placed on the other coupling part. The receiving groove has a first section with an extension parallel to the axis of rotation and the second section of the receiving groove has an extension transverse, perpendicular, to the axis of rotation, so that the tool is driven via the engagement of the bayonet coupling. 1. A bayonet coupling for mounting of a tool with tool elements on a drive shaft of a machining unit , which has a motor , which comprises the drive shaft for driving the tool about an axis of rotation , and where the drive shaft is connected in driving manner either directly or indirectly to the tool via a bayonet coupling , which comprises two coupling parts , the one coupling part being provided with a receiving groove for an engaging tab on the other coupling part , which receiving groove has a first section with an extension parallel to the axis of rotation and a second section an extension transverse , perpendicular , to the axis of rotation , so that the tool is driven via the engagement of the bayonet coupling , wherein the second section the receiving groove has an extension on either side of the first section , so as to form a T-shaped receiving groove , and the bayonet coupling is devised with at least one locking tab with barbs for engaging with a corresponding toothing or a number of projections to establish a locking engagement of the locking tabs with the toothing or the projections upon rotation of the tool.2. The bayonet coupling according to claim 1 , wherein each locking tab comprises a weakening line so that the locking tab is damaged when the tool is removed from the drive shaft's hub portion.3. The bayonet coupling according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324385A1
Автор: BLATZ Thomas, GROTH Karin

A clamping device () for the axial (AR) clamping of a tool disk () on a flange () associated with a drive spindle () of a hand-held power tool (), wherein the clamping device () has a screw (), which is to be screwed into an internal thread () of the drive spindle () to securely clamp the tool disk (), wherein the screw () is mounted in a coupling module () of the clamping device (), wherein the coupling module () has an internal contour () which is paired or can be paired positively with the drive spindle () for conjoint rotation in the circumferential direction (U). 111-. (canceled)12. A clamping device for axial clamping of a tool disk on a flange associated with a drive spindle of a hand-held power tool , the clamping device comprising:a screw to be screwed into an internal thread of the drive spindle to securely clamp the tool disk,a coupling module, the screw being mounted in the coupling module, the coupling module having an internal contour pairable positively with the drive spindle for conjoint rotation in the circumferential direction.13. The clamping device as recited in wherein the clamping device has a knob designed to be positively locked to the screw for conjoint rotation in the circumferential direction.14. The clamping device as recited in wherein the clamping device has a clamping member subjectable to an axial clamping force by the coupling module in order to clamp the tool disk against the flange.15. The clamping device as recited in wherein the clamping member is a spring plate.16. The clamping device as recited in wherein the screw is mounted in the coupling module a rolling bearing.17. The clamping device as recited in wherein the rolling bearing is designed as an angular contact ball bearing.18. The clamping device as recited in wherein the angular contact ball bearing has a contact angle of between 35 degrees and 45 degrees.19. The clamping device as recited in further comprising an elastomer ring.20. The clamping device as recited in ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324392A1
Автор: Jespersen Poul Erik

A tool with tool elements, rotating grinding and/or sanding tool is provided. The tool consists of a tool portion and a mounting portion, which secures the tool elements in the tool. The tool is distinguished in that the tool portion comprises first mount, and the mounting portion includes second corresponding mount for engaging with the first mount. The first and second mount include one or more resilient tabs, each of which is provided with at least one barb, and furthermore the mount comprises one or more recesses. When the tool portion and the mounting portion are assembled, the barbs on the resilient tabs will lock in the recesses of the mounting portion which are designed for this, locking the tool portion and the mounting portion to each other. 1. A tool with tool elements , grinding and/or sanding elements , which tool is designed for mounting on a machining unit with a motor , which rotates the tool via a drive shaft , which tool comprises a mounting portion and a tool portion , where the tool portion comprises grooves to receive the tool elements , where the mounting portion comprises fastener for fastening the tool , directly or indirectly , to the drive shaft , wherein the tool elements are secured in the tool portion , after the tool is assembled by connecting the mounting portion and the tool portion ,whereinthe tool portion comprises a first mount,the mounting portion comprises second corresponding mount for engaging with the first mount, andthe first and second mount comprise one or more resilient tabs, each of which is provided with at least one barb, and the first and second mount furthermore comprise one or more recesses for receiving said barbs with a snap action in the assembled state of the tool for locking of the tool portion and the mounting portion to each other with the tool elements secured in the grooves.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the tool portion has a first inner wall claim 1 , which is directed toward the mounting ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180339400A1
Автор: Park Joon Ho
Принадлежит: GENERAL TOOL, INC.

An abrasive finishing article with an adapter or hub to attach to an appropriate power tool, wherein the hub contains sets of slots to receive ribs positioned on a grinding wheel to permit adjustment of the height of the hub to change the overall height of the grinding wheel and abrasive finishing article. 1. A grinding device comprising a grinding wheel and a wheel hub:a. said hub comprising at least two sets of slots, each set comprising at least two slots and said sets being positioned on said hub at different depths from one another to provide adjustable height control for said grinding wheel;b. said grinding wheel comprising a plurality of ribs extending radially and inwardly from a central aperture of said wheel, whereby said ribs are capable of cooperating in said slots to lock and unlock said wheel and hub through rotational movement of said hub relative to said grinding wheel.2. The grinding device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said hub slots are shaped to fit said ribs and the shape of the ribs provide the necessary strength to withstand intensive use with a power tool.3. The grinding device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said hub includes a rotational axis claim 1 , and said slots include a vertical portion substantially parallel to said rotational axis for initially receiving said ribs and a cavity portion substantially perpendicular to said rotational axis for receiving and locking said ribs in place as said grinding wheel is rotated along said rotational axis.4. The grinding device as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said hub comprises two sets of three slots claim 3 , said sets of slots being positioned apart from one another a distance along said rotational axis to permit aligning the ribs in a different set of slots and locking the ribs into the cavities through rotation along said rotational axis.5. The grinding device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said hub comprises more than two sets of slots to allow for multiple depth options.6. The ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180361534A1
Принадлежит: SCHNEIDER GMBH & CO. KG

A tool holding fixture for a tool drive and a device for polishing of optical workpieces, the tool holding fixture being coupled by a magnet and by quick connections to the tool drive and forming a preassembled unit with a tiltable tool holder and assigned bearing part together with a bellows. 1. A tool holding fixture for a tool drive for polishing of optical workpieces by means of a rotatable tool , comprising at least one of the following features:the tool holding fixture is is a magnetic coupling for holding on the tool drive or an axially adjustable positioning element of the tool drive;the tool holding fixture has at least one quick connection element for fastening on the tool drive by a quick connection which can be released without using tools;the tool holding fixture is a pre-assembled unit, module or assembly with one, several or all wear-prone parts and/or with a tiltable tool holder and a bearing part which tiltably holds the tool holder.2. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tool holding fixture has a tiltable tool holder for holding the tool.3. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tool holding fixture has a tool holder for latch holding or axial holding of the tool which can be released tool-free.4. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the tool holding fixture has a bearing part which tiltably holds the tool holder.5. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a connecting part of the tool holding fixture can be connected to a head of the tool drive via a quick connection claim 1 , and a bearing part of the tool holding fixture is connectable to an axially adjustable positioning element of the tool drive.6. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the bearing part is embodied for magnetic coupling to or holding on the tool drive or an axially adjustable positioning element of the tool drive.7. The tool holding fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190366502A1
Автор: AOKI Yonosuke

A work tool includes a spindle and a clamp shaft. The spindle is supported to be rotatable around a driving axis defining an up-down direction of the work tool. The clamp shaft includes a shaft part and a fixing part. The shaft part extends coaxially with the spindle. The fixing part is coupled to the shaft part on a lower side of the spindle. The clamp shaft is supported to be movable in the up-down direction relative to the spindle. The clamp shaft is configured to be biased upward and to fix the tool accessory to a lower end portion of the spindle by the fixing par. The fixing part is configured to be removable from the shaft part and to be integrally coupled to the shaft part only by moving upward relative to the shaft part. 1. A work tool configured to perform an operation on a workpiece by driving a tool accessory , the work tool comprising:a spindle supported to be rotatable around a driving axis, the driving axis defining an up-down direction of the work tool; anda clamp shaft including a shaft part and a fixing part and supported to be movable in the up-down direction relative to the spindle, the shaft part extending coaxially with the spindle, the fixing part being coupled to the shaft part on a lower side of the spindle,wherein:the clamp shaft is configured to be biased upward and to fix the tool accessory to a lower end portion of the spindle by the fixing part, andthe fixing part is configured to be removable from the shaft part and to be integrally coupled to the shaft part only by moving upward relative to the shaft part.2. The work tool as defined in claim 1 , wherein the fixing part includes:a housing member; andan engagement member housed in the housing member so as to be movable between an engagement position and a disengagement position, the engagement member being engageable with the shaft part in the engagement position and not engageable with the shaft part in the disengagement position.3. The work tool as defined in claim 2 , wherein the ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Holder Assembly for a Circular Saw Tool

Номер: US20190366578A1

A holder assembly for a circular saw tool includes a blade having a bore. The blade is mountable to a free end of a rotatable shaft or of the tool through the bore. The blade is further adapted to be held in a pressing manner between an inner flange and an outer flange on the shaft. The holder assembly is comprised of at least one depression formed on a circumferential surface of the free end of the shaft, and at least one clutch member (or dogs) paired and mounted about the at least one depression, and located between the bore of the blade and the shaft. The holder assembly provides improved gripping while safety or emergency braking. 1. A holder assembly for a circular saw tool , comprising:a blade having a bore, said blade mountable to a free end of a rotatable shaft of said tool through said bore, said blade is further adapted to be held in a pressing manner between an inner flange and an outer flange on said shaft, wherein:at least one depression is formed on a circumferential surface of said free end of said shaft, andat least one clutch member is paired and mounted about said at least one depression, and located between said bore of said blade and said shaft.2. The holder assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one clutch member is adapted to brake rotation of said blade under emergency conditions.3. The holder assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one clutch member comprises two clutch members paired and mounted about two depressions.4. The holder assembly as claimed in claim 3 , wherein at least two restraining elements are adapted to connect and hold said two clutch members to said shaft.5. The holder assembly as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said restraining elements are selected from a group comprising a leaf spring and a torsional spring.6. The holder assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one clutch member comprises three clutch members claim 1 , paired and mounted about three depressions.7. The holder ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Pressure-fit grinding pad assembly and method of construction

Номер: US20190389034A1

A pressure-fit grinding pad assembly and a method of constructing same and connection to a grinding pad of a floor grinding machine or other suitable type grinding machines is described. The grinding pad is formed by an abrasion head of abrasion material which is immovably bonded on a metal attachment base which is shaped for pressure fit connection to a mounting base and wherein its removal therefrom requires it to be pressure punched with adequate force. The mounting base can be a steel plate shaped for connection to retainers secured to or formed in an outer surface of a grinding disc or may be constituted by holes formed in the top surface of the grinding disc. The mounting base can be formed integrally with the attachment base of the grinding pad for connection to the retainers. 1. A pressure-fit grinding pad assembly comprising a re-usable mounting base of predetermined thickness having one or more through bores extending from a top surface of said mounting base to a bottom surface thereof , each said through bores having an inner surface of defined cross-section shape extending between said top surface to said bottom surface , and a grinding pad formed by an abrasion head of abrasion material immovably bonded on a metal attachment base formed by a solid mass of a thickness not greater than said predetermined thickness of said mounting base , said metal attaching base having a defined cross-sectional shape dimensioned for pressure fit frictional connection in one or more through bores by a press wherein said metal attachment base has a predetermined retention force value with said through bore and sufficient to prevent removal of said attachment base from its pressure fit connection without the use of pressure punching said attachment base from said through bore with a force sufficient to overcome said retention force value of said metal attachment base , said abrasion head projecting above said top surface of said mounting base.2. (canceled)3. The pressure- ...

28-02-2002 дата публикации

Rapid clamp carrier for a disk tool, for dentistry, has threadings at the shaft and lock for a release locking action and an insertion opening at an acute angle to the threaded opening

Номер: DE10039446A1
Автор: Michael Kuellmer
Принадлежит: Gebrueder Brasseler GmbH and Co KG

The rapid clamp carrier, for a tool, has a shaft (1) to be clamped in the working direction and a lock (2). The shaft and the lock have a threading (3), in a left or right thread, for a release lock between them and allow the tool (4) to pass through. The insertion opening (6) and the threaded opening (5) intersect at an acute angle, and they both have a diameter which is equal to or larger than the outer diameter of the threading.

12-06-2002 дата публикации

Mounting for fixing a tool to a drive shaft and adaptor therefor

Номер: EP1213107A1
Автор: Michael Jasch
Принадлежит: C&E Fein GmbH and Co

A tool and a shaft (16) are positively connected via a fastener part on the drive shaft and a fastener aperture in the tool. The aperture has at least three outward facing recesses (26). Two neighboring recesses are connected via curved sections extending towards the central axis (18). The recesses are formed by rounded tips. A treaded screw is fitted into a bore in the drive shaft, and the screw head engages on the tool.

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Powered hand tool comprising a clamping device for a tool

Номер: EP1737616A1
Принадлежит: C&E Fein GmbH and Co

Disclosed is a powered hand tool (10) comprising a work spindle (12) for driving a tool (68) that can be fixed between a retaining section (36) located at a tool-facing end of the work spindle (12) and a fastening element (38), a mechanism (24) for moving the fastening element (38) between a released position in which the fastening element (38) can be removed from the work spindle (12) and a clamping position in which the fastening element (38) is braced against the retaining section (36) with the aid of a spring element (48).

20-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE50210651D1

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Means for preventing tools from being pulled out from tool holders with a tool holding fixture

Номер: WO2007118626A1
Автор: Franz Haimer
Принадлежит: Franz Haimer Maschinenbau KG

The invention relates to a tool holder with a tool holding fixture, in particular a clamping chuck such as a contracting chuck, a draw-in collect chuck, a hydraulic expanding chuck and a high-precision chuck, and a shank of a tool, in particular a rotary tool, accommodated in it, wherein the tool holder contains a means for preventing the tool from being pulled out, locking it against axial displacement. This pull-out preventing unit comprises at least one locking element and at least one locking groove, which corresponds to the said locking element, receives it and interacts with it in a positively locking manner. In this case, both the locking element and the locking groove are formed at least partly in the manner of a ball head. Preferably, the tool has the locking grooves. On account of preferably spirally arranged locking grooves along the cylindrical shank of rotary tools, the direction of pitch of which grooves corresponds to the direction of the grooves of the tool, axial locking of the tool is obtained, so that the tool cannot be axially displaced from the tool holder during operation. In addition, force-exerting elements are arranged, with the effect of making the tool lie against the pull-out preventer without play after shrink-fitting.

27-04-2015 дата публикации

Быстроразъемное соединение

Номер: RU2549814C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для соединения с вспомогательным оборудованием приводного инструмента, имеющего центральное отверстие. Быстроразъемное соединение содержит корпус, выполненный с первым и вторым концами. Первый конец предназначен для подключения к валу приводного инструмента. Второй конец имеет головку соединителя, выполненную с возможностью совмещения при перемещении по оси с упомянутым центральным отверстием для передачи движения от приводного инструмента к вспомогательному оборудованию. Предусмотрены фиксатор головки соединителя для предотвращения ее случайного отделения от вспомогательного оборудования, индикатор для принудительной индикации о прикреплении головки соединителя к вспомогательному оборудованию и выталкиватель для выталкивания вспомогательного оборудования из головки соединителя. Дополнительно раскрыты два варианта выполнения быстроразъемного соединения. В результате обеспечивается возможность быстрого и легкого соединения салфетки для полирования с приводным валом. 3 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 549 814 C2 (51) МПК B24B 45/00 (2006.01) B24D 13/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011145348/02, 13.05.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.05.2010 (72) Автор(ы): КРАУЗЕ Аарон С. (US), ТИТОВС Александрс (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): 3М Инновейтив Пропертиз Компани (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 13.05.2009 US 61/177,909 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2015 Бюл. № 12 2 5 4 9 8 1 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: . US 2007/266514 A1, 22.11.2007; . US 2007/184763 A1, 09.08.2007. US 2008/254725 A1, 16.10.2008; . RU 2289501 C2, 20.12.2006. RU 2179106 А, 10.02.2002. . . (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 13.12.2011 2 5 4 9 8 1 4 R U US 2010/034626 (13.05.2010) ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации

Retainer to prevent withdrawing tool from holder with tool seat

Номер: RU2454299C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: system consisting of tool holder and tool cylindrical shank. Note here that tool holder comprises cylindrical seat for tool shanks, in particular, rotary tool shank. Note here that said system comprises retainer preventing withdrawing tool that locks axial its axial displacement. Said retainer has, at least, one locking element and, at least, one locking groove that interact with geometrical closure. Note also that locking element or locking groove is located on circular surface of tool shank. Note that locking grooves are formed, at least, partially, from spiral or curved ways of cylindrical surfaces. EFFECT: ruled out axial displacement. 15 cl, 22 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 454 299 (13) C2 (51) МПК B23B 31/02 (2006.01) B23C 5/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008144196/02, 05.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.04.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФРАНЦ ХАЙМЕР МАШИНЕНБАУ КГ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 10.04.2006 DE 102006016784.8 19.06.2006 DE 102006028408.9 (72) Автор(ы): ХАЙМЕР Франц (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.05.2010 Бюл. № 14 2 4 5 4 2 9 9 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2012 Бюл. № 18 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2002355727 А, 10.12.2002. SU 155076 А, 05.07.1963. SU 387791 А, 08.10.1973. RU 90 U1, 25.10.1994. US 5152541 A, 06.10.1992. 2 4 5 4 2 9 9 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2007/003118 (05.04.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.11.2008 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/118626 (25.10.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) СТОПОР, ПРЕДОТВРАЩАЮЩИЙ ВЫТЯГИВАНИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТОВ ИЗ ДЕРЖАТЕЛЕЙ С ГНЕЗДОМ ДЛЯ ИНСТРУМЕНТА (57) Реферат: Система из держателя инструмента и цилиндрического хвостовика ...

04-12-2020 дата публикации

Patent RU2019114065A3

Номер: RU2019114065A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

ВИ“? 2019114065” АЗ Дата публикации: 04.12.2020 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2019114065/05(027065) 04.10.2017 РСТ/ЕР2017/075114 04.10.2017 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 192016220367.3 18.10.2016 РЕ Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] -как заявлено; [ ]- уточненное (см. Примечания) БЫСТРОЗАЖИМНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ МАШИНЫ, ИМЕЮЩЕЙ ПО МЕНЬШЕЙ МЕРЕ ОДИН ПРИВОДИМЫЙ ВО ВРАЩЕНИЕ ВЫХОДНОЙ ВАЛ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ УГЛОВОЙ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ Заявитель: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ, ОЕ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. П см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: р [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) В24В 45/00 (2006.01) В25Е 5/00 (2006.01) В27В 5/32 (2006.01) В24В 23/02 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) В2АВ 45/00, 45/06, В2АВ 23/00, 23/02, 23/04, В27В 5/00, 5/29-5/32, В230 3/00, В25Е 5/00 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Quick clamping device for hand-held power tools, in particular angle grinders, with at least one rotatable output shaft

Номер: KR102446010B1
Принадлежит: 로베르트 보쉬 게엠베하

본 발명은 회전 구동 가능한 적어도 하나의 출력 샤프트(12a; 12b)를 구비한 휴대용 전동 공구, 특히 앵글 그라인더용 퀵 클램핑 장치에 관한 것이며, 상기 퀵 클램핑 장치는 인서트 공구 유닛(18a)을 출력 샤프트(12a; 12b) 상에 공구 없이 고정하기 위해 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)의 클램핑 위치에서 인서트 공구 유닛(18a)에 클램핑력을 가하기 위한 적어도 하나의 이동 가능하게 장착된 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)를 구비한 적어도 하나의 클램핑 유닛(16a; 16b); 및 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)의 클램핑 위치 및/또는 해제 위치로 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)를 이동시키기 위한 적어도 하나의 조작 유닛(24a; 24b)으로서, 상기 해제 위치에서 인서트 공구 유닛(18a)이 클램핑 유닛(16a; 16b) 및/또는 출력 샤프트(12a; 12b)로부터 탈착 가능한, 상기 적어도 하나의 조작 유닛(24a; 24b)을 포함한다. 퀵 클램핑 장치는, 적어도 조작 유닛(24a; 24b)으로부터 분리되어 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)의 해제 위치의 방향으로 작용하는 힘이 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)에 작용할 때 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)의 클램핑 위치로부터 해제 위치로의 클램핑 요소(20a, 22a; 20b, 22b)의 이동을 저지하기 위해 제공되는 적어도 하나의 고정 유닛(26a, 26b), 특히 셀프 록킹 유닛 및/또는 래치 유닛을 포함하는 것이 제안된다. The present invention relates to a quick clamping device for a portable power tool, in particular an angle grinder, having at least one output shaft (12a; 12b) which is rotatably driveable, said quick clamping device having an insert tool unit (18a) connected to an output shaft (12a) 12b) at least one movably mounted clamping element 20a for applying a clamping force to the insert tool unit 18a in the clamping position of the clamping elements 20a, 22a; at least one clamping unit 16a; 16b with 22a; 20b, 22b; and at least one operating unit (24a; 24b) for moving the clamping element (20a, 22a; 20b, 22b) to the clamping and/or releasing position of the clamping element (20a, 22a; 20b, 22b), said release In position the insert tool unit 18a comprises said at least one operating unit 24a; 24b, detachable from the clamping unit 16a; 16b and/or the output shaft 12a; 12b. The quick clamping device is at least separated from the operating unit 24a; 24b so that a force acting in the direction of the release position of the clamping element 20a, 22a; 20b, 22b acts on the clamping element 20a, 22a; 20b, 22b. at least one fastening unit (26a, 26b) provided for preventing movement of the clamping ...

20-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019114111A3

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 114 111 A (51) МПК B23B 31/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019114111, 04.10.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 18.10.2016 DE 102016220343.6 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.05.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.11.2020 Бюл. № 32 (72) Автор(ы): ЛЮШЕР Бруно (CH), ЦУРБРЮГГ Андреас (CH) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/072995 (26.04.2018) R U (54) БЫСТРОЗАЖИМНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ МАШИНЫ, ИМЕЮЩЕЙ ПО МЕНЬШЕЙ МЕРЕ ОДИН ПРИВОДИМЫЙ ВО ВРАЩЕНИЕ ВЫХОДНОЙ ВАЛ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ УГЛОВОЙ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Быстрозажимное устройство для переносной технологической машины, имеющей по меньшей мере один приводимый во вращение выходной вал (12а; 12b; 12с; 12е; 12l), в частности угловой шлифовальной машины, содержащее по меньшей мере один зажимной узел (16а; 16b; 16с; 16d; 16е; 16f; 16g; 16h; 16h'; 16i; 16j; 16k; 16l; 16m; 16n), который для безынструментальной фиксации рабочего инструмента (18а) на выходном валу (12а; 12b; 12с; 12е; 12l) содержит по меньшей мере один подвижно установленный зажимной элемент (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с) для воздействия зажимным усилием на рабочий инструмент (18а) в замыкающем положении зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с), и по меньшей мере один узел (24а; 24b; 24с; 24d; 24е; 24f; 24h; 24h'; 24i; 24j; 24k; 24l; 24n) управления для перемещения зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с) в его замыкающее положение и/или в его размыкающее положение, в котором возможно снятие рабочего инструмента (18а) с зажимного узла (16а; 16b; 16с; 16d; 16е; 16f; 16g; 16h; 16h'; 16i; 16j; 16k; 16l; 16m; 16n), отличающееся тем, что оно содержит по меньшей мере один разъединяющий узел (26а; 26b; 26с; 26d; 26е; 26f; 26g; 26h; 26h'; 26i; 26j; 26k; 26l; 26m; 26n), ...

02-08-2022 дата публикации

핸드 그라인더용 커플러

Номер: KR20220107819A
Автор: 이혜원
Принадлежит: 이혜원, 주식회사 케이에스지

본 발명은 그라인더 본체의 회전축 상에 결속되어 작업 대상물의 표면을 다듬질하거나 절삭, 절단하는 등의 용도로 사용하는 가공 디스크(Disk)을 보다 간단하고 신속하게 탈,부착시킬 수 있도록 구성한 핸드 그라인더의 커플러 구조에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 그라인더 본체의 일측 선단부에 장착된 회전축 상에 탈,부착되는 하우징과, 이 하우징의 바깥둘레면에 각각 끼워져 고정되는 상,하부 체결편과, 이들 상,하부 체결편의 사이에 개재되어 탄력을 부여하기 위한 스프링 및 회동판으로 이루어지며, 상기 하우징에는 그라인더 본체의 회전축에 장착되는 내경부가 관통됨과 동시에 원통형 몸체의 외주 둘레에 걸림턱을 갖는 돌출부가 형성되고, 상기 상부 체결편은 관통공의 외측으로 장홈이 형성되어 하우징의 돌출부가 끼워져 조립됨과 동시에 하부 체결편의 원판형 몸체에는 하우징에 체결되도록 암나사부를 갖는 플랜지가 형성되어 있으며, 상기 회동판은 하우징의 돌출부 내로 디스크가 장착되는 과정에서 탄력있게 승강 작동하여 가압력을 부여할 수 있도록 구성된다.

20-11-2020 дата публикации

Быстрозажимное устройство для переносной технологической машины, имеющей по меньшей мере один приводимый во вращение выходной вал, в частности угловой шлифовальной машины

Номер: RU2019114111A
Принадлежит: Роберт Бош Гмбх

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 114 111 A (51) МПК B23B 31/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019114111, 04.10.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 18.10.2016 DE 102016220343.6 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.05.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.11.2020 Бюл. № 32 (72) Автор(ы): ЛЮШЕР Бруно (CH), ЦУРБРЮГГ Андреас (CH) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/072995 (26.04.2018) R U (54) БЫСТРОЗАЖИМНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ МАШИНЫ, ИМЕЮЩЕЙ ПО МЕНЬШЕЙ МЕРЕ ОДИН ПРИВОДИМЫЙ ВО ВРАЩЕНИЕ ВЫХОДНОЙ ВАЛ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ УГЛОВОЙ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Быстрозажимное устройство для переносной технологической машины, имеющей по меньшей мере один приводимый во вращение выходной вал (12а; 12b; 12с; 12е; 12l), в частности угловой шлифовальной машины, содержащее по меньшей мере один зажимной узел (16а; 16b; 16с; 16d; 16е; 16f; 16g; 16h; 16h'; 16i; 16j; 16k; 16l; 16m; 16n), который для безынструментальной фиксации рабочего инструмента (18а) на выходном валу (12а; 12b; 12с; 12е; 12l) содержит по меньшей мере один подвижно установленный зажимной элемент (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с) для воздействия зажимным усилием на рабочий инструмент (18а) в замыкающем положении зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с), и по меньшей мере один узел (24а; 24b; 24с; 24d; 24е; 24f; 24h; 24h'; 24i; 24j; 24k; 24l; 24n) управления для перемещения зажимного элемента (20а, 22а; 20b, 22b; 20с, 22с) в его замыкающее положение и/или в его размыкающее положение, в котором возможно снятие рабочего инструмента (18а) с зажимного узла (16а; 16b; 16с; 16d; 16е; 16f; 16g; 16h; 16h'; 16i; 16j; 16k; 16l; 16m; 16n), отличающееся тем, что оно содержит по меньшей мере один разъединяющий узел (26а; 26b; 26с; 26d; 26е; 26f; 26g; 26h; 26h'; 26i; 26j; 26k; 26l; 26m; 26n), ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

A polishing holder removing device for grinder

Номер: KR101535217B1
Автор: 김경진, 김창성
Принадлежит: 김경진, 김창성

The present invention relates to a device for mounting and detaching a polishing tool for a grinder which conveniently mounts/detaches a polishing tool on/from a coupler which is mounted on a main body of a hand grinder and rotates at a high speed, and firmly presses the coupler and the polishing tool against each other to prevent shaking during grinding, secure safety and continuity of work, and effectively transfer power. The device for mounting and detaching a polishing tool for a grinder comprises a polishing tool, a coupler, a sleeve, rocking balls, a spring, and a cap nut. The polishing tool comprises a cylindrical shaft, a concave recess, and a rectangular shaft sequentially formed on a front end of one side of a body thereof. The coupler comprises a mounting hole and a rectangular hole into which the polishing tool is inserted to fix the polishing tool, a screw hole bound on a main body of a grinder, two rows of penetration holes formed on a circumferential surface thereof, and a flange unit. The sleeve comprises a stepped lower vibroisolating recess and a mounting recess formed on one side of an inner circumferential surface thereof, and an upper vibroisolating recess formed on the other side of the inner circumferential surface thereof. The rocking balls are disposed in the penetration holes formed on the coupler to move to the cylindrical shaft and the concave recess when the sleeve moves to fix or release the polishing tool. The spring gives an elastic force when the sleeve slides. The cap nut restricts an assembling position of the sleeve.

23-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of ultrasonic wave processing platform

Номер: CN108857878A


08-03-2018 дата публикации

Attachable device for hand grinding polishing disk

Номер: KR101836378B1
Автор: 김기흥
Принадлежит: 김기흥

The present invention relates to an apparatus to fasten a polishing disk of a grinder, which is able to conveniently fasten the polishing disk in the hand disk grinder which grinds a rough surface of parts of a variety of shipbuilding and industrial machinery by using a variety of polishing disks. According to the present invention, the apparatus comprises a rotating means inserted into a rotary shaft of the hand disk grinder to be supported by a support bump formed on the rotary shaft. The present invention combines the polishing disk with the rotary shaft protruding from the rotating means by a screw and tightens the rotating means to be compressed. The rotating means combines a support body, which is supported by the support bump formed on the rotary shaft of the disk grinder to be inserted into the rotary shaft, and a rotor, which comes in contact with the polishing disk. A thrust bearing is inserted between the rotor and support body and allows the rotor and support body to respectively rotate freely. When the polishing disk is combined with the rotary shaft by a screw to come in contact with the rotor, the rotation is made. Accordingly, the polishing disk is fastened while being compressed.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Connecting device for variety cutting wheel of grinder

Номер: KR101602295B1
Автор: 김윤근, 심화섭
Принадлежит: 한전케이피에스 주식회사

A connecting device for various cutting wheels of a grinder, according to an embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a connection module which is connected to an electric grinder; and a fixing module which is coupled to the top of the connection module and selectively fixes first, second, and third cutting wheels having diameters different from each other, wherein the fixing module comprises: a flange part which has a first diameter; a first support part which is arranged on one side of the flange part and has a second diameter smaller than the first diameter; and a second support part which is arranged on the other side of the flange part and has a third diameter smaller than the second diameter. Therefore, the present invention connects various sizes of cutting wheels to the electric grinder, thereby improving user convenience.

24-11-1988 дата публикации

Patent DE3700968C2

Номер: DE3700968C2

02-01-2019 дата публикации

Coupler for clamping polishing disk

Номер: KR101934511B1
Автор: 김창성, 이영규
Принадлежит: 김창성, 이영규

The present invention relates to a coupler for clamping a polishing disk to prevent deformation of a rotating plate, wherein the deformation is caused by vibration generated when a polishing disk is rotated. The coupler comprises: a disk holder integrally formed with a polishing disk, provided with a protruding piece in a mounting hole perforated in the center, and having a clamping groove on a circumference of the mounting hole; a rotating body coupled to a rotating shaft of a grinder, and provided with a protruding protrusion corresponding to the protruding piece on an upper end penetrating through the disk holder; a rotating plate installed to surround a circumference of the rotating body, and having a clamping protrusion that is inserted into the clamping groove to protrude to an upper portion; and a coupler body rotated by being engaged with the rotating body, and relatively rotating with the rotating plate in a predetermined section.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Abrasive tool installing unit

Номер: KR101892966B1
Автор: 박재형
Принадлежит: 박재형

The present invention relates to an abrasive tool mounting unit. According to the present invention, it is possible to directly attach and detach an abrasive tool by slide rotation, and vibration of the abrasive tool attributable to vibration of a driving motor is prevented. The abrasive tool mounting unit according to the present invention includes a main body rotating an abrasive tool by means of a drive shaft, an elastic support provided on the drive shaft and capable of elastically supporting an upper portion, a core penetrating the drive shaft, having a lower portion supported by the elastic support, and having a spiral sliding portion along the circumference of an upper portion, and a rotating cover surrounding the outer surface of the core and moving up and down while rotating along the sliding portion; and an assembly bolt in which first and second wing portions are formed in a lower portion and an upper portion of an outer circumferential surface and the first wing portion is inserted through the upper portion of the core to be coupled to the drive shaft. A space portion is secured between the first wing portion and the second wing portion by the slide rotation of the rotation cover. Therefore, the abrasive tool is directly attached to and detached from the space portion.
