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16-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000008297U1

1. Многоцелевой слесарно-плотницкий инструмент, содержащий инструменты: топор, молоток, пассатижи, клещи, откусыватель проволоки, перочинный нож, крестообразная и целевые отвертки, ножовку, напильник, шило, гаечные ключи, метрическую и дюймовую линейки, отличающийся тем, что все входящие в его состав инструменты объединены в единую неразъемную конструкцию, которая состоит из головки, включающей топор, встроенные гаечный ключи, половину пассатижей, клещей и откусывателя проволоки и второй ответной головки, включающей молоток и другую половину пассатижей, ключей и откусывателя проволоки, неразъемно соединенных твердой пайкой с головками ручек, в которых размещены и зафиксированы на винтовых осях инструменты: перочинный нож, шлицевые и крестообразные отвертки, ножовка, напильник, шило, что позволяет выдвигать их в рабочее положение или убирать в профиль ручки, а также нанесенных на ручки метрической и дюймовой линеек, причем головки соединены между собой шарнирно-неразъемно с помощью винтовой оси, что позволяет сдвигать и раздвигать губки пассатижей, клещей и откусывателя проволоки для выполнения с их использованием необходимых операций, а при сведении ладонью обеих ручек до упора можно выполнять работу топором, гаечными ключами и молотком. 2. Инструмент по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что в его состав могут быть включены и другие виды слесарно-плотницких инструментов. (19) RU (11) (13) 8 297 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98103229/20, 23.02.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.11.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Рогачевский Леонид Борисович (72) Автор(ы): Рогачевский Л.Б. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рогачевский Леонид Борисович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 8 2 9 7 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Многоцелевой слесарно-плотницкий инструмент, содержащий инструменты: топор, молоток, пассатижи, клещи, откусыватель проволоки, перочинный нож, крестообразная и целевые отвертки, ножовку, ...

27-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026298U1

Переносной гидравлический инструмент, содержащий корпус, исполнительный механизм с рабочими органами, кинематически связанными со штоком поршня приводного механизма, гидроцилиндр, емкость для гидравлической жидкости, соединенную с полостью гидроцилиндра, привод гидроцилиндра, блок управления и рукоятку для переноса инструмента и управления им при работе, последняя выполнена в виде вертикальной стойки, жестко прикрепленной к корпусу и снабженной ручкой, имеющей возможность поворота относительно оси стойки и фиксации в требуемом положении. (19) RU (11) 26 298 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23D 29/00 (2000.01) B25F 1/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002114798/20 , 11.06.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.06.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.11.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Панюхно Г.А. (RU) , Аршаница Владимир Стратонович (LV) , Лайне Анатолий Викторович (LV) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Панюхно Геннадий Анатольевич (RU) U 1 2 6 2 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Переносной гидравлический инструмент, содержащий корпус, исполнительный механизм с рабочими органами, кинематически связанными со штоком поршня приводного механизма, гидроцилиндр, емкость для гидравлической жидкости, соединенную с полостью гидроцилиндра, привод гидроцилиндра, блок управления и рукоятку для переноса инструмента и управления им при работе, последняя выполнена в виде вертикальной стойки, жестко прикрепленной к корпусу и снабженной ручкой, имеющей возможность поворота относительно оси стойки и фиксации в требуемом положении. 2 6 2 9 8 (54) ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ R U Адрес для переписки: 109652, Москва, ул. Подольская, 17, кв.254, Е.Е.Ивановой (71) Заявитель(и): Панюхно Геннадий Анатольевич (RU) RU 26 298 U1 RU 26 298 U1 RU 26 298 U1 RU 26 298 U1 RU 26 298 U1

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061622U1

1. Комбинированный инструмент, включающий молоток, рукоятку и режущий элемент, отличающийся тем, что в молотке сделаны прорезь и крепежное отверстие, рукоятка выполнена с возможностью установки кронштейна с крепежным отверстием, а режущий инструмент представлен ножовкой с возможностью крепления в крепежных отверстиях молотка и кронштейна. 2. Комбинированный инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка инструмента может быть выполнена полой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 622 (13) U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006118547/22 , 29.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.05.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Жолнин Василий Данилович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Жолнин Василий Данилович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 454080, г.Челябинск, ул.С.Кривой, 56, ЮКТПП, пат.пов.Е.А. Крешнянской, рег.№ 690 U 1 6 1 6 2 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Комбинированный инструмент, включающий молоток, рукоятку и режущий элемент, отличающийся тем, что в молотке сделаны прорезь и крепежное отверстие, рукоятка выполнена с возможностью установки кронштейна с крепежным отверстием, а режущий инструмент представлен ножовкой с возможностью крепления в крепежных отверстиях молотка и кронштейна. 2. Комбинированный инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка инструмента может быть выполнена полой. 6 1 6 2 2 (54) КОМБИНИРОВАННЫЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 61 622 U1 Полезная модель относится к слесарным инструментам и может быть использована в производственном обучении по разделу «Слесарное дело». Известен комбинированный инструмент, состоящий из двух плоских рычагов на сборно-разборном шарнирном соединении с возможностью стопорения рычагов в нужном положении болтом, например в виде станка для пилы или лобзика (см. заявку на изобретение РФ №93003361, B 25 F 1/00, заявл. ...

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000079485U1

Устройство для изготовления кровоостанавливающего жгута, содержащее рабочий стол с гнездом для эластичной вставки, роликом с бобиной, на которую намотана капроновая лента, блоком питания с нихромовой струной для отрезания ленты, упаковочной установкой с электронным счетчиком для заваривания пакета с готовым жгутом, четырьмя гидравлическими цилиндрами, которые соединены шлангами с главным гидравлическим цилиндром, имеющим педаль. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 79 485 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) F15B 15/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008111633/22, 27.03.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.03.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-производственная фирма "МИРАЛ" (RU) U 1 7 9 4 8 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для изготовления кровоостанавливающего жгута, содержащее рабочий стол с гнездом для эластичной вставки, роликом с бобиной, на которую намотана капроновая лента, блоком питания с нихромовой струной для отрезания ленты, упаковочной установкой с электронным счетчиком для заваривания пакета с готовым жгутом, четырьмя гидравлическими цилиндрами, которые соединены шлангами с главным гидравлическим цилиндром, имеющим педаль. 7 9 4 8 5 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ КРОВООСТАНАВЛИВАЮЩЕГО ЖГУТА R U Адрес для переписки: 394036, г.Воронеж, ул. Фр. Энгельса, 34, кв.33, Л.И. Дежурному (72) Автор(ы): Дежурный Леонид Игоревич (RU), Халмуратов Абдумалик Максудович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 79 485 U1 Полезная модель относится к наборам инструментов для выполнения различных рабочих операций с одним общим портативным приводом, в частности к устройствам для изготовления жгута с дозированной компрессией. Травма является одной из ведущих проблем современной медицины и занимает третье место среди причин смертности ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000113687U1
Автор: ВАНГ Хуа
Принадлежит: ВАНГ Хуа

1. Многофункциональный сменный ручной инструмент, содержащий рукоятку с головкой и устанавливаемые на нее рабочие наконечники, отличающийся тем, что на обоих концах рукояточной головки выполнены установочный паз и монтажное гнездо, предназначенные для фиксации двух рабочих наконечников. 2. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка выполнена пустотелой изогнутой или прямой. 3. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рабочие наконечники фиксируются в установочном пазу или монтажном гнезде при помощи винтов. 4. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве рабочих наконечников использованы топор, гвоздодер, рашпиль, заступ, кирка, молоток. 5. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка выполнена в виде цельного изделия. 6. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка выполнена в виде двух отдельных частей - собственно рукоятки и ее головки, собираемых в одно целое. 7. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка изготовлена из металла, пластика или древесины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B25F 1/02 (11) (13) 113 687 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011138833/02, 10.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.10.2009 (72) Автор(ы): ВАНГ Хуа (CN) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ВАНГ Хуа (CN) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 26.02.2009 CN 200920036816.4 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2012 Бюл. № 6 (86) Заявка PCT: CN 2009/001131 (10.10.2009) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2010/096955 (02.09.2010) U 1 1 1 3 6 8 7 R U (54) МНОГОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ СМЕННЫЙ РУЧНОЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ Формула полезной модели 1. Многофункциональный сменный ручной инструмент, содержащий рукоятку с головкой и устанавливаемые на нее рабочие наконечники, отличающийся тем, что на обоих концах рукояточной головки выполнены установочный паз и монтажное гнездо, предназначенные для фиксации двух рабочих наконечников. 2. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000127337U1

1. Комбинированный ручной инструмент, включающий ударную часть молотка, рукоятку и режущий элемент, причем в ударной части молотка сделаны прорезь и крепежное отверстие, рукоятка выполнена с возможностью установки кронштейна с крепежным отверстием, режущий элемент выполнен в виде ножовочного полотна с возможностью крепления в крепежных отверстиях ударной части молотка и кронштейна, а рукоятка выполнена полой, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка выполнена разборной из двух полых передней и задней трубчатых частей, соединенных резьбой, и с резьбовой торцевой пробкой на конце задней части, причем кронштейн для ножовочного полотна установлен между передней и задней трубчатыми частями, а спереди задней трубчатой части и торцевой пробки прикреплены отвертки с возможностью их расположения при сборке инструмента внутри полости впереди находящейся ближней части. 2. Комбинированный инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нем имеется возможность использования отверток с разными типами шлицов: обычных плоских, крестообразных или шестигранных, при этом типы шлицов обеих отверток преимущественно различны. 3. Комбинированный инструмент по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что для выполнения деталей инструмента используются отходы производства или вторичного лома, преимущественно сталь 45 с термообработкой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B25F 1/02 (11) (13) 127 337 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012152661/02, 07.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.12.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Татарников Марк Игоревич (RU), Кривошеев Дмитрий Андреевич (RU), Филонов Дмитрий Сергеевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2013 Бюл. № 12 1 2 7 3 3 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Комбинированный ручной инструмент, включающий ударную часть молотка, рукоятку и режущий элемент, причем в ударной части молотка сделаны прорезь и крепежное отверстие, рукоятка выполнена с возможностью установки ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000143122U1

1. Переносной аварийно-спасательный инструмент для разрезания прутков, профилей, труб и арматуры в зонах чрезвычайных ситуаций, содержащий силовой гидравлический цилиндр, шток которого тягами шарнирно соединен с двумя рычагами-лезвиями с заточенными кромками, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен пластиной-прижимом, которая размещена на той же оси, что и два рычага-лезвия, причем пластина-прижим выполнена съемной. 2. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пластина-прижим заострена. 3. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пластина-прижим выполнена с формой, повторяющей профиль рычага-лезвия. 4. Инструмент по п.2, отличающийся тем, что пластина-прижим установлена на одном рычаге с обеспечением нахождения острия в одной плоскости с заостренной кромкой упомянутого рычага-лезвия. 5. Инструмент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что между пластиной-прижимом и одним из рычагов-лезвий выполнен зазор, равный толщине другого рычага-лезвия. 6. Инструмент по п.5, отличающийся тем, что другой рычаг-лезвие помещен в указанный зазор с возможностью вращения вокруг той же оси, что и первый рычаг-лезвие и установленная на нем пластина-прижим. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 143 122 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) A62C 8/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013121493/02, 07.05.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.05.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2014 Бюл. № 20 U 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 R U (54) ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ АВАРИЙНО-СПАСАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ РАЗРЕЗАНИЯ ПРУТКОВ, ПРОФИЛЕЙ, ТРУБ И АРМАТУРЫ В ЗОНАХ ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНЫХ СИТУАЦИЙ Формула полезной модели 1. Переносной аварийно-спасательный инструмент для разрезания прутков, профилей, труб и арматуры в зонах чрезвычайных ситуаций, содержащий силовой гидравлический цилиндр, шток которого тягами шарнирно соединен с двумя рычагами-лезвиями с заточенными кромками, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен пластиной-прижимом, которая размещена на той же оси, что и два ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Молоток осмотрщика вагонов

Номер: RU0000187866U1

Полезная модель относится к ручному инструменту для проверки технического состояния вагонов и может быть использована на железнодорожном транспорте для проверки колесных пар, автосцепки, замера скользунов, выявления перекоса и перегруза кузова вагона, выявления неисправности буксового узла и ремонта тормозного оборудования.Молоток осмотрщика вагонов, содержащий удлиненную металлическую рукоять, на одном конце которой закреплена металлическая ударная часть, а на другом конце выполнен клин, ударную часть, выполненную в виде массивного пятака на ножке, закрепленной на расстоянии от конца металлической рукояти, при этом конец образует заостренную часть, а на противоположной стороне от пятака на конце рукояти выполнен крюк, часть рукояти перед клином выполнена круглого сечения, сечение крюка выполнено прямоугольным, согласно полезной модели на удлиненной металлической рукояти после круглой ее части дополнительно нанесена метрическая линейка, от нулевого отсчета линейки на рукояти установлена металлическая пластина, которая выполнена в форме параллелепипеда и установлена поперек рукояти, одна из наименьшей ее сторон выполнена с закруглением, а на другой выполнен паз 18×25 мм, и на ней в резиновой обойме размещена лупа десятикратного увеличения с защитным экраном.Предлагаемый молоток осмотрщика вагонов позволяет осуществлять контроль предельного износа толщины гребней колесных пар; идентификацию трещин путем увеличенного визуального осмотра; контроль выхода штока тормозного цилиндра; контроль предельного износа тормозных колодок; повышение уровня качества обслуживания вагонов; снижение затрат времени на техническое обслуживание на 15-20%; повышение производительности на 10-15%. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 187 866 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) B25D 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25F 1/00 (2019.02); B25D 1/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018147014, 26.12.2018 (24) Дата начала ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Комбинированный ручной инструмент

Номер: RU0000194478U1

Полезная модель относится к области комбинированных ручных инструментов для рубки и пиления древесины. Комбинированный ручной инструмент содержит металлическое плоское полотно, выполненное в форме вытянутого четырехугольника, сужающегося к одному из торцов. Кромка одной длинной стороны рабочего полотна выполнена с зубьями в виде пилы-ножовки, а кромка противоположной длинной стороны, выполнена в виде заточенного лезвия. Торцевая кромка широкой части полотна также имеет заточенное лезвие. В широкой торцевой части рабочего полотна на расстоянии, равноудаленном от кромки края, и в узкой торцевой части рабочего полотна на расстоянии 1/4 его длины, на равном расстоянии от основания зубьев пилы, выполнены по два отверстия для рукоятки. Рукоятка выполнена с возможностью переменного жесткого закрепления на полотне при помощи болтов. Полотно выполнено из высокопрочной стали. Рукоятка выполнена с одной стороны с отверстиями, соответствующими отверстиям на рабочем полотне, а с противоположной стороны - с полостью для размещения отвертки. В результате обеспечивается расширение функциональных возможностей инструмента. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 478 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) B26B 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25F 1/00 (2019.08); B26B 11/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019121391, 09.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ташев Борис Борисович (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.12.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 4 7 8 R U (54) Комбинированный ручной инструмент (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области комбинированных ручных инструментов для рубки и пиления древесины. Комбинированный ручной инструмент содержит металлическое плоское полотно, выполненное в форме вытянутого четырехугольника, сужающегося к одному из торцов. Кромка одной длинной ...

13-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000203597U1

Технической задачей полезной модели является: увеличение функциональных возможностей малой саперной лопатки. Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, что многофункциональный шансовый инструмент для военнослужащих, содержащий лопатку и черенок, отличается тем, что содержит: лопатку - 1, правый край которой имеет утолщение метала и выглядит как лезвие топора - 2, левый край которой выполняет функцию пилы - 3, к верхней части лопатки жестко крепится цилиндр с внешней и внутренней резьбой - 4, во внутреннюю резьбу которого вкручивается болт - 5, к которому жестко крепятся на одной ручке ножницы по металлу - 6, к пустотелому черенку - 7 в нижней его части жестко крепится муфта с внутренней резьбой – 8, на которой жестко крепится молоток – 9 и которая соединяется по резьбе с цилиндром с внешней и внутренней резьбой - 4, в верхнюю часть металлического пустотелого черенка - 7 по резьбе вкручивается светодиодный фонарик - 10, а на внешнюю верхнюю часть металлического пустотелого черенка – 7 наклеивается поролоновая муфта - 11. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 597 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25F 1/02 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020133551, 12.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.04.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 13.04.2021 Бюл. № 11 2 0 3 5 9 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2724266 C1, 22.06.2020. RU 144735 U1, 27.08.2014. RU 147804 U1, 20.11.2014. US 5496085 A, 05.03.1996. (54) МНОГОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ШАНСОВЫЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ ВОЕННОСЛУЖАЩИХ (57) Реферат: Технической задачей полезной модели которому жестко крепятся на одной ручке является: увеличение функциональных ножницы по металлу - 6, к пустотелому черенку возможностей малой саперной лопатки. - 7 в нижней его части жестко крепится муфта с Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, внутренней резьбой – 8, на которой жестко что ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Универсальный ручной инструмент

Номер: RU0000205898U1

Полезная модель относится к ручным инструментам, а именно к гаечным разводным и трубным ключам, и может быть использована для сборки и разборки резьбовых соединений в различных отраслях машиностроения, для зажима с усилием различных объектов, для измерения наружных размеров и разметки. Универсальный ручной инструмент содержит U-образную рукоятку, в верхней части которой установлены одна неподвижная губка и одна подвижная губка, в нижней части неподвижно закреплена перемычка, вдоль продольной оси рукоятки установлен с возможностью вращения ходовой винт с однозаходной и многозаходной резьбой, на которой подвижно закреплен ползунок, причем на верхнюю часть рукоятки нанесена измерительная шкала, губки спереди выполнены с рифлением на внутренних рабочих поверхностях, а сзади – с заостренными кромками с выемками, в месте изгиба рукоятки установлен храповый механизм, состоящий из зубчатого колеса с шестигранным отверстием в центре, причем зубчатое колесо сопряжено с закрепленным подвижно на перемычке подпружиненным прижимным штифтом. Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является расширение арсенала универсальных разводных гаечных ключей с улучшенными эксплуатационными характеристиками. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 898 U1 (51) МПК B25F 1/00 (2006.01) B25B 13/56 (2006.01) B25B 15/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25F 1/00 (2021.05); B25B 13/56 (2021.05); B25B 15/04 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021111303, 21.04.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.08.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 21.04.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 0 5 8 9 8 R U (54) Универсальный ручной инструмент (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ручным инструментам, а именно к гаечным разводным и трубным ключам, и может быть использована для сборки и разборки резьбовых соединений в различных отраслях машиностроения, для зажима с ...

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Tool system with mount configured to be removably coupled to a surface

Номер: US20120068852A1
Принадлежит: Black and Decker Inc

A tool system with a mount configured to be removably coupled to a surface.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Pulling tools

Номер: US20120110745A1
Автор: Jared W. Hanlon

A multi-function tool having a handle portion and a plurality of structures operable therewith for the performance of a plurality of functions. The multi-function tool allows fast and convenient transition between any of the plurality of functions in order to enable completion of jobs or tasks requiring such functions without acquisition, storage, and/or maintenance of a plurality of specialized tools.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Illuminating scissors and methods of use

Номер: US20120195027A1
Принадлежит: Combat Medical Systems LLC

A durable and reliable illuminating scissor is disclosed herein having a cutting shear and a light source for illuminating the cutting area. The light source can be connected to a part of the cutting shear and can have an internal power source and light bulb. The light source can shine a visible, or other type of light, toward the cutting area to increase visibility for the user.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Cutting, stripping and crimping all-in-one tool

Номер: US20120204413A1
Принадлежит: Greenlee Tools Inc

A tool includes lower and upper members which are connected together so that the tool can be moved to an open position or to a closed position. The tool has a number of cutting blades and surfaces which allow a user to cut or strip a HDMI cable. The tool also has a pair of platforms which hold an associated laced wire guide and mated terminal block therein. The tool can be used to terminate the cut and stripped HDMI cable with the mated wire guides and terminal block.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Multipurpose tool

Номер: US20120227187A1
Принадлежит: Leatherman Tool Group Inc

A multipurpose tool is provided which may be useful for functions relating to firearms and explosives. The multipurpose tool may include a variety of tools and features while remaining compact. The multipurpose tool may include a blade positioned in a pocket defined between a handle and a body member which define a hook configuration. Elongate members may be rotatably connected to the multipurpose tool and may include a base member with a cam surface and one or more detents which cooperate with a spring follower to hold the elongate member in either or both of an operational position or a storage position. A receiving aperture may be received in a jaw of a pair of pliers, and configured to receive an accessory member. Further, a sleeve may store a bit on the side of a handle and may be retained in the sleeve by a displaceable button.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-functional tool for flexible pipe and related methods

Номер: US20130000051A1
Автор: John G. Cleland
Принадлежит: Mil3 Inc

A multifunctional tool includes first and second handle members, first and second jaw members operatively connected to the first and second handle members and movable between a first open position and a second closed position, and first and second removable collar attachment members configured to be removably installed in the first and second jaw members, respectively, to provide different sizes of compressing and/or cutting diameters when the first and second jaw members are in the second closed position.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104313A1
Принадлежит: WAGIC, INC.

A device includes a body having a first end, a second end, and four faces. The device is configured to stand upright on the second end. A plurality of tools is stored against the four faces in a closed position. A first face and a second face each includes a bit storage that holds at least one socket. A third face includes a drive, a can opener, and a blade. The drive and the can opener rotate about a first rotatable mechanism coupled to the second end. The blade rotates about an insert coupled to the first end. A fourth face includes a first set of tool drivers that rotates about a second rotatable mechanism coupled to the second end and a second set of tool drivers that rotates about a third rotatable mechanism coupled to the first end. 131-. (canceled)32. A multi-tool comprising:a. a body comprising a first face, a second face, a top end and a bottom end;b. a first plurality of tools that rotate out from the top end of the first face; andc. a second plurality of tools that rotate out from the bottom end of the second face.33. The multi-tool of wherein the first plurality of tools comprises a set of tools claim 32 , wherein each tool of the set rotates about a rotatable mechanism coupled to the top end of the body.34. The multi-tool of wherein the second plurality of tools comprises a set of tools claim 32 , wherein each tool of the set rotates about a rotatable mechanism coupled to the bottom end of the body.35. The multi-tool of wherein each tool of the first plurality of tools and the second plurality of tools is arranged according to size claim 32 , wherein a biggest tool is positioned generally near a middle of the body.36. The multi-tool of wherein the body comprises a rotatable drive claim 32 , wherein the rotatable drive rotates about a rotatable mechanism and is adapted to fit a socket.37. The multi-tool of further comprising one or more socket holders for holding one or more sockets.38. The multi-tool of wherein the one or more socket holders comprise a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Combination Mallet and Ax Device

Номер: US20130139325A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A combination mallet and ax device wherein the mallet has an opening adapted to selectively receive the ax.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139326A1

A utility bar includes a shank portion for providing a grip, the shank portion including a first end and a second end, a substantially arch-shaped head portion extending from the first end of the shank portion, and a pry bar portion extending from the second end of the shank portion. Each of the head portion and the pry bar portion define a free end of the utility bar. The utility bar also includes a first facet including the free end of the head portion, a second facet extending from the first facet at an angle with respect to the first facet and positioned between the free end of the head portion and the shank portion, and a first fulcrum edge between the first and second facets for providing a first pivot point about which the utility bar is pivoted to provide leverage. 1. A utility bar comprising:a shank portion for providing a grip, the shank portion including a first end and a second end;a substantially arch-shaped head portion extending from the first end of the shank portion;a pry bar portion extending from the second end of the shank portion, wherein each of the head portion and the pry bar portion define a free end of the utility bar;a first facet including the free end of the head portion;a second facet extending from the first facet at an angle with respect to the first facet and positioned between the free end of the head portion and the shank portion; anda first fulcrum edge between the first and second facets for providing a first pivot point about which the utility bar is pivoted to provide leverage.2. The utility bar of claim 1 , further comprising a notch formed in the free end of the head portion.3. The utility bar of claim 2 , wherein the notch is a first notch claim 2 , the pry bar portion further including:a second notch at the free end of the pry bar portion for receiving a fastener; andat least two facets and at least one fulcrum edge for providing a second pivot point about which the utility bar is pivoted during removal of the fastener.4. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Emergency actuating tool

Номер: US20130145561A1
Автор: Kai Geissenhoner
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

An emergency actuating tool for at least one equipment component which is specific to a vehicle with a movable roof arrangement, has at least one tool head for the equipment component, which tool head has an actuating element. For an alternative embodiment of the emergency actuating tool, it is provided that the emergency actuating tool has, moreover, at least one second tool head which has a second actuating element, that the emergency actuating tool is configured in multiple pieces, such that it can be assembled and at least partially dismantled, and that a third tool head with a third actuating element can be exposed by the dismantling of the emergency actuating tool.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Multipurpose Tool for Mixologists

Номер: US20130160213A1
Автор: Salles Joshua

A multipurpose tool includes a handle with a plurality of tool arms connected with the handle. In one embodiment, one tool arm includes a muddler/reamer that includes an end portion that is rounded with a fluted outer periphery and that tapers in transverse cross-sectional dimension in a direction toward a distal end. In another embodiment, one tool arm includes at least one jigger including a cup configured to receive and retain a volume of liquid. In still another embodiment, the muddler/reamer is pivotally connected with the handle so as to extend between two jiggers when in a storage position and to be pivotally moved away from the two jiggers and from the space in relation to the handle when deployed in an operational position. 1. A multipurpose tool comprising:a handle including a plurality of tool arms connected with the handle, wherein one tool arm comprises a muddler/reamer having an end portion that is rounded with a fluted outer periphery and that tapers in transverse cross-sectional dimension in a direction toward a distal end.2. The multipurpose tool of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the tool arms are pivotally connected with the handle so as to at least partially fit within a space defined within the handle when in a storage position and to be pivotally moved from the space in relation to the handle when deployed in an operational position.3. The multipurpose tool of claim 1 , wherein one tool arm comprises at least one jigger claim 1 , each jigger comprising a cup configured to receive and retain a volume of liquid.4. The multipurpose tool of claim 1 , wherein the multipurpose tool further comprises two jiggers extending from an end of the handle claim 1 , each jigger comprising a cup configured to receive and retain a volume of liquid.5. The multipurpose tool of claim 4 , wherein one jigger cup is configured to receive and retain a larger volume of liquid than the other jigger cup.6. The multipurpose tool of claim 4 , wherein the muddler/reamer ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180053A1
Принадлежит: InterDesign, Inc.

The present application discloses a portable tool. In one embodiment, the portable tool comprises a body portion, a tool portion, and an attachment member for fastening the portable tool to a second device. The tool portion is coupled to the body portion and has one or more tools. The tool portion is configured to rotate about an axis of rotation and relative to the body portion. The attachment member is operatively coupled to the tool portion and rotates with the tool portion about the axis of rotation and relative to the body portion. Rotating the tool portion relative to the body portion exposes a space between the attachment member and the tool portion that permits release of the second device from the portable tool. 1. A portable tool , comprising:a body portion having a cavity;a tool portion coupled to the body portion and having one or more tools, wherein the tool portion is configured to rotate about an axis of rotation and relative to the body portion from a first position in which the tool portion is stored within the cavity of the body portion to a second position in which the longitudinal axis of the tool portion is substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body portion; andan attachment member for fastening the portable tool to a second device, wherein the attachment member is operatively coupled to the tool portion and rotates with the tool portion about the axis of rotation and relative to the body portion; andwherein rotating the tool portion relative to the body portion exposes a space between the attachment member and the tool portion that permits release of the second device from the portable tool and attachment of the second device to the portable tool.2. The portable tool according to claim 1 , wherein rotating the tool portion relative to the body portion retracts the attachment member into the body portion such that the second device is automatically released from the portable tool.3. The portable tool according to claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192005A1
Автор: Christenson Marc
Принадлежит: D.S. Arms, Incorporated

An improved wrench for use with a firearm, such as an AR15/M$ firearm, which provides wrenches adapted for connection to corresponding fasteners and element on the firearm which require servicing for maintaining the firearm and provide added advantages of torque and leverage for the user. 1. A tool for servicing a firearm having fasteners and elements requiring servicing , said tool comprising [ 'said shaft being formed to act as a lever for applying force to said head, and', 'a shaft of greater length than said head angularly disposed from said head,'}, 'aperture means in said head defining one or more wrench connections corresponding to one or more fasteners and serviceable elements in said firearm., 'a rigid body having a head and'}2. The tool recited in claim 1 , wherein said shaft is connected to said head medially of said head.3. The tool recited in claim 1 , wherein said tool is fabricated in one piece.4. The tool recited in claim 3 , wherein said body consists of tool steel.5. The tool recited in claim 1 , wherein an edge of said head comprises a blade.6. The tool recited in claim 5 , wherein said blade is situated on an edge of said head remote from said shaft.7. The tool recited in claim 1 , wherein said aperture means consists of multiple wrench connections.8. The tool recited in claim 7 , wherein one of said aperture means wrench connections comprises a bayonet gripping device corresponding to an element in said firearm.9. The tool recite din claim 7 , wherein one of said aperture means wrench connections comprises a gear-like socket for receiving a corresponding element in said firearm.10. The tool recited in claim 7 , wherein one of said aperture means wrench connections has a rectilinear shape for receiving a corresponding element in said firearm.11. The tool recited in claim 7 , wherein said head carries slots for receiving corresponding elements in said firearm.12. The tool recited in claim 1 , wherein the end of said shaft remote from said head is ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Bit Tool

Номер: US20130199343A1
Автор: Crewe William
Принадлежит: Crewe-Tech Pty Ltd

A multi-bit tool () including a housing () and a drive input shaft (). The housing incorporates at least two storage recesses () accessible from outside the housing. The housing may include a first () and a second () socket, each axially aligned with the drive input shaft, the first socket being smaller than the second socket and positioned intermediate the second socket and the drive input shaft such that tool bits () driven by the first socket pass through the second socket to drivably engage with the first socket. It is preferable that the storage recesses communicate with a central bore to permit the active bit to be internally interchanged. To this end the housing may further incorporate a bore axially aligned with the drive input shaft and the first and second sockets. The tool may further include a sleeve () and bolt () assembly operable between a bit loading position and a working position, the bolt having a claw () to engage a waisted portion () of the tool bit, a flange portion () and a drive input portion being the drive input shaft (). In use, the tool drives bits through the drive input shaft which receives drive input to the bolt part of the tool, the flange portion of the bolt driving the housing to thereby transmit the drive input to the first and second sockets of the housing. 1. A multi-bit tool including a housing incorporating at least two tool storage recesses , a bore and a drive socket portion axially aligned with the bore , each recess providing a storage location for a tool bit ,a sleeve axially located to permit rotation in the bore of the housing, the sleeve including a flange portion and a slot portion,a bolt slidably located in the sleeve between a bit loading position and a working position, the bolt having a claw, a bolt flange portion and a drive input portion,the claw being provided to accommodate a drive end of a tool bit and provide axial location of the tool bit relative to the bolt,the flange portion including at least one ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Fencing Tool

Номер: US20130227793A1
Автор: Farrell Terry C.

A pliers fencing tool includes a wedge having a through slot for engagement with the rotatably mounted ratcheted sprocket teeth of a fence wire strainer suspended between the fence wire looped ends. Through slot engaged caused the teeth to rotate from a first to a second ratcheted position and thereby strain the fence wire. A grip having a thumb receiving recess and thumb guard is provided between the wedge and the means for pivotably connecting the handles, and the handles are gripped at the grip portion with the wedge distally disposed. 2. The fencing tool of claim 1 , each said handle comprises a T-shaped cross-section.3. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said wedge edge being downwardly disposed in said first operable position.4. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said first slot edge comprises a first wall portion and a second wall portion claim 1 , said first wall portion being in contacting engagement with the contactingly engaged teeth for transferring movement of the fencing tool to the teeth.5. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said jaws comprise opposed sharpened edges for cutting said wire.6. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said wedge edge being formed for engaging and removing a fence post clip.7. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said first slot edge comprises a first wall portion and a second wall portion claim 1 , said first wall portion being disposed adjacent the first surface opening and said second wall portion being disposed adjacent the second surface opening claim 1 , said first wall portion being in contacting engagement with the contactingly engaged teeth for transferring movement of the fencing tool to the teeth claim 1 , said jaws comprise opposed sharpened edges for cutting said wire; and said wedge edge being formed for engaging and removing a fence post clip.8. The fencing tool of claim 1 , said means for pivotably connecting the handles comprising a pivot axis claim 1 , said through hole being parallel disposition with the pivot axis.10. The fencing tool ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Filler Processor

Номер: US20130227796A1
Автор: Eric Liao
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-functional filler processor includes a handle and three tool bits. The first tool bit is formed at a first end of the handle. The second tool bit is connected to a second end of the handle. The third tool bit is movably attached to the handle between an idle position and an active position.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Demolition Tool

Номер: US20130239334A1
Автор: Trice Evers C.

A multi-functional demolition tool is disclosed including a head assembly having a tip, a plurality of blades, and one or more movable talons; a handle shaft connected to the head assembly; an actuating mechanism for engaging and disengaging the talons; and a handle assembly, which may include a hammer end and/or pry bar end. The demolition tool is useful for, among other things, firefighters. The tool may be used to puncture a ceiling or other structure and to remove the ceiling material with the aid of the movable talons. The movable talons will automatically disengage if they hit an obstruction. The movable talons can be manually disengaged to prevent the tool from getting stuck in the ceiling or other structure. 1. A demolition tool comprising:a head assembly having a tip, a plurality of blades, and one or more movable talons,a handle shaft connected to said head assembly, and a handle end.2. A demolition tool according to wherein said handle end includes hammer end and/or pry bar.3. A demolition tool according to wherein said demolition tool includes a means for engaging and disengaging said one or more talons comprising a rotatable and slidable collar claim 1 , a rod extending through said handle shaft and piston means that is connected to said one or more movable talons claim 1 , all constructed and arranged to engage and disengage said talons.4. A demolition tool according to wherein said piston means comprises a piston rod having a gear member constructed and arranged for engaging a corresponding gear member on said one or more talons.5. A demolition tool according to wherein said handle end includes an actuating means constructed and arranged to cooperate with said rotatable and slidable collar.6. A demolition tool according to comprising means for said one or more movable talons to move from an engaged position to a disengaged position when said one or more movable talons engages an obstruction when in use.7. A demolition tool according to wherein said ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239335A1

The invention relates to a hand tool system having an electrical circuit testing indicator for use in a hand held tool used by technicians to determine electric circuit conditions. In a preferred embodiment, the indicator makes use of an electric circuit condition indicating means within a hand tool device having a plurality of bits and tool ends that, in use, will indicate information to determine the circuit condition (live circuit or not). Optionally, light, vibration, and audible indications may be provided to indicate the same information to a user. 1. A hand tool system comprising:a handle having a first end and a second end;a plurality of integral double-ended tool bit members;a shank having a proximate end disposed in said first end of said handle and a distal end; and a housing having one or more contacts extending from a bottom end of said housing, said contacts being adapted for engaging corresponding contacts within said handle;', 'an electrical circuit means for detecting the presence of electrical energy radiated from an external electrically conductive member;', 'one or more lights being coupled to said housing, said lights being lit in a manner indicating a state of the electrical circuit; and', 'at least one power source coupled to said electrical circuit means, said contacts, and said one or more lights;, 'an electrical circuit test indicator comprisingwherein each of said test contacts extends through said bottom surface of said housing such that said contacts said corresponding contacts within said handle;wherein said shank comprises means for removably holding said plurality of integral double-ended tool bit members and comprising a unitary one-piece first cylindrical housing having oppositely disposed ends, a second unitary one-piece cylindrical housing having oppositely disposed ends for removably holding first integral double-ended tool bit members, said second housing being slidably received in one said end of the first housing, said first ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255002A1

A tool includes a housing and a slidable blade assembly configured to slidably move between first and second positions. The slidable blade assembly includes a blade stored within the housing when the blade assembly is in the first position, but has at least a portion thereof extending outwardly from the housing when the blade assembly is in the second position. The tool also includes a pivotable tool pivotally movable relative to the housing that is configured to pivotably move among a first locking position where a work end of the pivotable tool is received adjacent to the housing, a second locking position where the pivotable tool extends from the housing in a fully extended position, and a third locking position intermediate the first and second locking positions. A releasable lock assembly is arranged to selectively lock the pivotable tool in the first, second, or third locking positions. 1. A tool comprising:a housing;a slidable blade assembly configured to slidably move between a first position and a second position, the slidable blade assembly including a blade, wherein the blade is stored within the housing when the slidable blade assembly is in the first position, and wherein the blade has at least a portion thereof extending outwardly from the housing when the slidable blade assembly is in the second position;a pivotable tool pivotally movable relative to the housing, the pivotable tool configured to pivotably move among a plurality of locking positions including a first locking position where a work end of the pivotable tool is received adjacent to the housing; a second locking position where the pivotable tool extends from the housing in a fully extended position; and a third locking position intermediate the first and second locking positions; anda releasable lock assembly arranged to selectively lock the pivotable tool in the first, second, or third locking positions.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the releasable lock assembly comprises a locking ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Hand tool

Номер: US20130263702A1
Автор: Lee BERMAN
Принадлежит: Lee BERMAN

A pocket hand tool comprises a tubular shank ( 1 ) with a hexagonal bore, the proximal end ( 1 c ) being provided with an aperture ( 3 ) and a slot ( 6 ) for receiving a bit retainer dip ( 4 ) and a coin ( 8 )/door key ( 8′ ) respectively. The dip thus serves a dual function and the slot enables the torque applied by the tool to be increased by using the coin as a handle.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263703A1
Принадлежит: WAGIC, INC.

A biaxial foldout tool includes a body with opposing ends and one or more sets of tool drivers. The opposing ends are rotated 90° from each other. A first set of tool drivers is positioned on/near a first end and rotates about a first hinge; a second set of tool drivers is positioned on/near a second end and rotates about a second hinge. A first portion of the first set opens in a direction counter to an open direction of a second portion of the first set of tool drivers. A first portion of the second set opens in a direction counter to an open direction of a second portion of the second set of tool drivers. When tool drivers are in an open position, internal stops prevent the tool drivers from opening past a predetermined angle. The tool drivers are contained within channels of the body when in a closed position. 123-. (canceled)24. A utility tool comprising:a. a first end comprising a first hinge and one or more tool drivers configured to rotate about the first hinge; andb. a second end comprising a second hinge non-parallel to the first hinge and one or more tool drivers configured to rotate about the second hinge.25. The utility tool of wherein the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end are grouped according to size.26. The utility tool of wherein the tool comprises an internal stop configured to prevent the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end from opening past an angle.27. The utility tool of wherein the second hinge is rotated 90° in orientation from the first hinge.28. The utility tool of wherein the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end are stored in one or more channels of the utility tool when not in use.29. The utility tool of wherein the first end and the second end each comprise one or more tool drivers on a first side and a second side opposite the first side.30. The utility tool of ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Reversible hand tool

Номер: US20130269117A1
Автор: David Wilkinson
Принадлежит: Individual

A reversible hand operated work tool comprising; a shaft including first and second working ends at opposite ends of the shaft; a co operating handle mounted on the shaft and capable of sliding therealong. The hand tool can be adjusted to move from a first working orientation to a second orientation by sliding the handle along the shaft mtennediate said working ends and without jtatnoving the handle form the shaft.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276240A1

A hand tool comprising a body with a first end and a second end, a striking portion disposed at the first end of the body, a hand grip disposed about a portion of the body, the hand grip defining a first elongated recess, and a cutting device removable received in the first elongated recess of the hand grip. 1. A hand tool comprising:a body with a first end and a second end;a striking portion disposed at the first end of the body;a hand grip disposed about the body, the hand grip defining a first elongated recess; anda cutting device removably received in the first elongated recess of the hand grip.2. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the cutting device further comprises a box cutter with a housing and a blade claim 1 , the blade being selectively slidable relative to the housing.3. The hand tool of claim 1 , further comprising a ratcheting drive assembly disposed at the second end of the body.4. The hand tool of claim 1 , further comprising a hammer head with a striking surface disposed at a first end of the striking portion and a mallet head with a striking surface disposed at a second end of the striking portion claim 1 , wherein the striking portion is substantially transverse to the body of the hand tool.5. The hand tool of claim 4 , wherein the hammer head is constructed of metal and the mallet head is constructed of a resilient material.6. The hand tool of claim 4 , wherein the mallet head is removably secured to the hammer head.7. The hand tool of claim 1 , further comprising a tool bit holder adapted to removably receive at least one tool bit claim 1 , wherein the tool bit holder is removably received in a second elongated recess defined by the hand grip.8. The hand tool of claim 1 , further comprising an elongated drive member operatively connected to the ratcheting drive claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the elongated drive member defines a socket configured to receive the at least one tool bit.9. A hand tool comprising:a body with a first end and a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Combinatorial objects formed by parts folding into pocket-knife like enclosures

Номер: US20130283539A1
Автор: Suhami David

The invention describes objects that may be formed by unfolding and combining in space several parts, initially folded into a pocket-knife-like enclosure. 1. An enclosure , containing retrievable parts , attached at one of their ends internally to said enclosure , wherein some of said retrievable parts when unfolded to extend to outside said enclosure , form together with the attached enclosure , various combinatorial objects.2. An enclosure as in wherein said retrievable parts may be shaped so as to also serve as useful utensils claim 1 , said useful utensils comprising claim 1 , and not limited to claim 1 , a knife claim 1 , a letter opener claim 1 , a nail file claim 1 , a screwdriver claim 1 , a wine bottle opener claim 1 , a beer bottle opener and a magnifying glass.3. An enclosure as in wherein said retrievable parts resemble animal limbs claim 2 , heads and tails such that claim 2 , combinatorial objects resembling animal figurines may be formed out of said unfolded parts.4. An enclosure as in claim 3 , where same retrievable parts may serve as limbs of different animal figurines.5. An enclosure as in claim 1 , wherein said retrievable parts resemble airplane wings of various shapes and sizes such that combinatorial objects resembling airplane figurines may be formed out of said unfolded parts. This utility application claims benefit of provisional application No. 61,640,065 titled “Combinatorial objects formed by parts folding into pocket-knife like enclosures” filed on Apr. 30, 2012.This invention relates to the field of ToysThe invention is an assortment of parts folded in a common pocket-knife like enclosure, that when unfolded in different combinations, form different objects.For example, when the parts folded into the common enclosure, are animal body parts, the user may unfold out of the common longitudinal enclosure, an animal head, a tail and two legs. They are all attached at one of their ends to said common enclosure that serves as the animal body, ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Multi-purpose tool and tension mechanism

Номер: US20130283540A1
Принадлежит: Zippo Manufacturing Co

A tool is provided. The tool may include a handle, a frame, and a removable saw blade including at least one hole on one end thereof and at least one hole on another end thereof. The tool may also include a compensating clip configured to attach the removable saw blade to the frame and to provide tension for the removable saw blade. The compensating clip may include a plate including a clip hook, and the plate further includes an opening where a compensator spring is provided. The clip hook is configured to attach onto the at least one hole of the removable saw blade to attach the saw blade to the frame.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Device and Kit for Making Images for Jewelry and Accessories

Номер: US20130291388A1
Автор: Crorey David J.

Disclosed herein are embodiments of apparatuses and kits for making craft image tiles to customize jewelry or other accessories. One embodiment of an apparatus for making craft image tiles comprises a base having a top surface and a bottom surface opposite the top surface with a cavity there between; a cutting mechanism movably positioned within the cavity and comprising a cutting blade configured to cut through a sheet of images; and a handle extending from the cutting mechanism and accessible outside of the base, configured to move the cutting blade along an axis substantially perpendicular to the top surface of the base in response to a mechanical input at a handle input end. The top surface includes an aperture defined therein, and the aperture is sized to receive the cutting blade. 1. An apparatus for making craft image tiles comprising:a base having a top surface and a bottom surface opposite the top surface with a cavity there between;a cutting mechanism movably positioned within the cavity and comprising a cutting blade configured to cut through a sheet of images; anda handle extending from the cutting mechanism and accessible outside of the base, configured to move the cutting blade along an axis substantially perpendicular to the top surface of the base in response to a mechanical input at a handle input end,wherein the top surface includes an aperture defined therein, and the aperture is sized to receive the cutting blade.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting blade is configured to move between a first position located within the cavity of the base and a second position extending past the top surface of the base.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting blade is shaped in a two dimensional pattern selected from a square claim 1 , circle claim 1 , oval claim 1 , triangle claim 1 , and diamond.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the handle is pivotally connected to the base at a pivot point located within the cavity of the base.5. The ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305460A1
Автор: Richards Todd

A compact, folding tool permitting the exchange of implement sets, including one or more quick release mechanisms that are easily removed from a handle to release interchangeable implements; the tool further accommodating implement sets including different types and quantities of implements which are inhibited from rotating by an adjustable clamping force produced by the quick release mechanisms and optionally including over travel stops to obstruct implement rotation, or may rely solely on the clamping force provided by the quick release mechanisms to stabilize implements for use. 1. An interchangeable implement apparatus comprising:a) one or more implement sets, each said implement set comprising one or more implements, each said implement having an instrument end and a base end, with the base end having a void;b) one or more handle side plates, each said handle side plate having a void through a first end, the first end of said handle side plate being adjacent to and in sliding contact with at least one implement base end; andc) a first quick release mechanism having an elongated shaft traversing through the voids of the one or more implements of a first implement set of the one or more implement sets and through the side plate voids of the one or more handle side plates; the shaft hinged at one end to a cam lever at a hinged end of the cam lever and fitted at an opposite end with a retainer means, with the one or more implements of the first implement set and the one or more handle side plates located between the cam lever and the retainer means; the retainer means being wider than the voids for maintaining the position of the opposite end of the shaft; with the cam lever being moveable between a raised position and a lowered position and having a cam profile located proximate to the hinged end of the cam lever; the one or more implements of the first implement set being pivotally connected at their base ends about the shaft of the first quick release mechanism ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333118A1
Принадлежит: THORSEN TOOLS, INC.

A hand tool includes a bar, a first head, and a second head. The first head is located at a first end of the bar and includes a curved surface and a flattened edge. The second head is located at a second end of the bar and includes at least one socket. 1. A hand tool , comprising:a bar;a first head at a first end of the bar, the first head including a curved surface and a flattened edge; anda second head at a second end of the bar, the second head including at least one socket.2. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the first and second heads are integral with the bar.3. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the first and second heads are removable components from the bar.4. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the second head includes more than one socket that rotatably couples to the second end of the bar.5. The hand tool of claim 4 , wherein each socket has a different diameter.6. The hand tool of claim 4 , wherein the second head includes two parallel surfaces with a channel formed therebetween claim 4 , and the sockets rotate within the channel.7. The hand tool of claim 6 , wherein the sockets lock into position within the channel.8. The hand tool of claim 7 , wherein a detent assembly locks the sockets into position within the channel.9. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the flattened edge is positioned at a tip of the first end.10. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the flattened edge includes a taper.11. A hand tool claim 1 , comprising:a substantially straight bar;a first head integrally formed at a first end of the bar, the first head including an curved surface and a flattened edge at a tip of the first head; anda second head integrally formed at a second end of the bar, the second head for receiving at least one socket.12. The hand tool of claim 11 , wherein the at least one socket is integrally formed within the second head.13. The hand tool of claim 11 , wherein the second head receives more than one socket that rotatably couples to the second head.14. The ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Hand-held tool for storing, measuring, cutting, and heat sealing paracord

Номер: US20130333119A1
Автор: Maynard Russell

A hand-held tool for storing, measuring, cutting, and heat sealing paracord or other cord includes a spool having a plurality of cord-attachment apertures that attach to the sections of cord, a spooling hub onto which the sections of cord can be wound for storage, and two retaining flanges to help guide and retain the sections of cord when wound onto the spool; a cutting blade and blade guard near a first side of the device for cutting the cord; a lighter clip near a second side of the device having a plurality of flanges adapted to hold a cigarette lighter, the second side being generally opposite the first side; a ruler at the first side; a plurality of burn slots, each having a differently-sized burn slot aperture and a channel leading from the burn slot aperture to a side of the device; and a lanyard. 1. A device for use with a cord , comprisinga spool around which the cord can be wound so as to retain the cord;a cutting blade near a first side of the device for cutting the cord;a lighter clip near a second side of the device for holding a fire starting tool, the second side being generally opposite the first side;a ruler; anda burn slot having an aperture with a diameter and a channel leading from the aperture to a side of the device, the channel being narrower than the diameter of the aperture.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the spool has a cord-attachment aperture to which the cord can be attached claim 1 , a spooling hub onto which the cord can be wound for storage claim 1 , and two retaining flanges to help guide and retain the cord when it is wound onto the spool.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the spool has a plurality of cord-attachment apertures so that multiple sections of cord can be wound onto the same spool.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the spool has a cord-attachment aperture with an indented area around the aperture so that claim 1 , if an end of the cord is passed through the aperture and a knot is tied in the end of the cord claim 1 , ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068870A1
Автор: Runnels Nicole

A tool article comprises at least five arms radiating outwardly within a generally disc-shaped region from a center region, each of the arms having a proximal end near the center region and a distal end having a shape corresponding to a shape of an end of a hand tool. 1. A tool article , comprising:at least five arms radiating outwardly within a generally disc-shaped region from a center region, each of the arms having a proximal end near the center region and a distal end having a shape corresponding to a shape of an end of a hand tool;wherein the at least five arms are symmetrically and evenly spaced from each other with respect to the center region.2. The tool article of claim 1 , wherein each arm has edges adjacent to edges of others of the arms and has two planar opposing faces claim 1 , a distance between the opposing faces defining a thickness of the disc-shaped region.3. (canceled)4. The tool article of claim 1 , wherein the distal ends of at least two of the arms have shapes corresponding to shapes of a workpiece-engaging end of a hand tool.5. The tool article of claim 1 , wherein the at least five arms and the center region are unitarily formed together in a single piece of material.6. The tool article of claim 1 , wherein the distal ends of at least one of the arms has a shape corresponding to a shape of a portion of a hand tool that is adapted to be gripped by a user.7. A tool article claim 1 , comprising:at least five arms radiating outwardly from a center region, each of the arms having a distal end having a shape corresponding to a hand tool end shape, and the distal ends including at least two types of hand tool end shapes.8. The tool article of claim 7 , wherein the at least five arms are symmetrically and evenly spaced from each other with respect to the center region.9. The tool article of claim 7 , wherein the at least five arms and the center region are unitarily formed together in a single piece of material.10. The tool article of claim 7 , ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Pencil Sharpener

Номер: US20140075681A1
Автор: Hammer Walter

A pencil-sharpener tool for carpenter pencils includes a housing, a pencil-tip-insertion hole, and a hex-bit-drive hole. The pencil-tip-insertion hole may configured in to receive a portion of a carpenter pencil. The hex-bit-drive hole may extend at least partially through the housing opposite the pencil-tip-insertion hole. The hex-bit-drive hole may also be in axial alignment with the pencil-tip-insertion hole and the central axis of the housing. The housing, the pencil-tip insertion hole, and the hex-bit-drive hole may be in fixed relation to each other, and may move in unison when the hex bit is inserted inside the hex-bit-drive hole and rotates clockwise or counterclockwise. 1. A manual carpenter pencil sharpener capable of conversion to a powered carpenter pencil sharpener via attachment to a drill using ¼″ drive hole opposite the sharpening cavity , carpenter pencils are described as “a pencil that has a body with a rectangular or elliptical cross-section to stop it from rolling or blowing away , the adapter comprises: a housing including:a. a carpenter pencil sharpener cavity capable of use as a manual or powered sharpener;b. and a ¼ drive hole extending in a lengthwise and axial position opposite the sharpening cavity, wherein said drive hole has an inner shape and size complementary to receive a substantial portion of a hex-bit.2. The sharpener of claim 1 , wherein said drive hole is surrounded by a solid material forming a portion of the sharpener.3. A method comprising the making of a housing claim 1 , sharpener cavity and hex bit hole in fixed relation to each other such that the housing claim 1 , the sharpener cavity and the hex bit drive hole move as a single unit when the hex bit drive hole is inserted over a hex bit attached to a drill or mechanical device that rotates clockwise or counter clockwise.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising configuring the hex bit drive hole to be coextensive with a hex bit.5. The method of claim 9 , further ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000194A1

A wearable accessory is provided along with an adjustable linkage and a functional element. In regards to the adjustable linkage, the adjustable linkage includes first and second linkage portions spaced apart from one another to define a channel therebetween. Each linkage portion includes a sidewall defining first and second openings. The second opening defined by each linkage portion includes a plurality of holes spaced in a longitudinal direction to provide sizing options. The adjustable linkage also includes fasteners extending through respective holes the second openings defined by the first and second linkage portions so as to rotatably connect a link of the accessory to the first and second linkage portions. The first and second linkage portions are separate components attached to one another by their mutual attachment to the link of the accessory. 1. An adjustable linkage for an accessory comprised of a plurality of links , the adjustable linkage comprising:first and second linkage portions spaced apart from one another to define a channel therebetween, wherein each of the first and second linkage portions comprises a sidewall extending longitudinally between opposed first and second ends, and wherein the sidewall of each of the first and second linkage portions defines first and second openings, and wherein the second opening defined by each of the first and second linkage portions comprises a plurality of holes spaced in a longitudinal direction along the respective linkage portions; andfasteners extending through respective holes of the second openings defined by the first and second linkage portions so as to rotatably connect a link of the accessory to the first and second linkage portions,wherein the first and second linkage portions are separate components attached to one another by their mutual attachment to the link of the accessory.2. An adjustable linkage according to wherein a spacing between the first and second linkage portions as defined by the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000204A1
Автор: Adrain John B.

A case for a communication device such as a cell phone, said case including a deployable and retractable tool. 1. A case for a communication device , comprising:a tool;deployment structure configured to provide a force to retract and/or deploy said tool;a front portion comprising an opening to access a screen of the communication device, said front portion having a peripheral frame around said opening and at least one opening to accommodate a speaker in the communication device;a back portion comprising a base and a frame surrounding a periphery of said base, wherein said base includes a tool receptacle configured to receive said tool and said deployment structure; anda switch connected to said deployment structure, wherein said switch is configured to deploy said tool from said case upon activation of said switch.2. The case of claim 1 , wherein said tool is configured to be replaceable by another type of tool.3. The case of claim 1 , wherein said tool includes a sharpened blade.4. The case of claim 1 , wherein said tool is comprised of a plurality of openings configured in a hexagonal pattern for acting as a wrench.5. The case of claim 1 , wherein said communication device is a cell phone and wherein said opening in said front portion exposes a screen of said cell phone.6. The case of claim 5 , further comprising a plurality of buttons on a side of said case each configured to actuate a different corresponding input device on said cell phone.7. The case of claim 1 , wherein said front portion and said back portion are configured to be disassembled for removal of said communication device without using any tool.8. The case of claim 1 , wherein said back portion includes an opening to accommodate a camera on a back of said communication device.9. The case of claim 1 , wherein said switch is also configured to retract said tool from said case upon alternative activation of said switch.10. A case for a communication device claim 1 , comprising:a tool;deployment ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000211A1

A buckle, such as for a strap or belt, houses a compact multi tool that is removable from the buckle. The arrangement includes a retention mechanism so the removable multi tool stays secure even with excessive body motion. The buckle can be any type of buckle for a belt or other type of strap. The buckle can couple a belt or strap to itself to create a loop or can couple strap portions to one another. The buckle functionality can be provided by any suitable arrangement, such as a cam lock mechanism, a pin or post-in-hole arrangement or a snap-fit arrangement, for example and without limitation. The multi-tool can include one or more articulating (e.g., foldable) tool elements. In some configurations, the multi-tool comprises a sleeve that receives a body of the multi-tool. The sleeve can include tool features. 120.-. (canceled)21. A buckle assembly comprising:a tool body comprising at least one articulating tool;a buckle that defines an envelope sized to receive the tool body, wherein the buckle comprises an opening through which the tool body passes longitudinally to seat the tool body in the envelope;a hard stop disposed at an end of the envelope opposite the opening, the hard stop configured to prevent the tool body from exiting the end of the envelope opposite the opening.22. The buckle assembly of claim 21 , further comprising a retention mechanism disposed within the envelope and configured to resist the tool body exiting the envelope through the opening.23. The buckle assembly of claim 22 , wherein the retention mechanism comprises a spring clip.24. The buckle assembly of claim 23 , wherein the spring clip is configured to align with a recess on the tool body when the tool body is seated within the envelope.25. The buckle assembly of claim 22 , wherein the spring clip is configured such that a user can manually overcome a tension of the spring clip with a finger pressure applied to the tool body.26. The buckle assembly of claim 25 , wherein the buckle is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Safety Device

Номер: US20200001122A1
Автор: Patlan Jim

A safety device with a blade for severing a seatbelt during an emergency. The blade is movably affixed to a blade bar of the safety device, such that the blade can slide along a width of the seatbelt to cut through the seatbelt during an emergency. The safety device includes a housing configured to protect an individual from the blade when the safety device is not in use. The safety device is useful for escaping emergencies, such as automobile collisions and the like. 1. A safety device for cutting a strap , comprising:a housing with a base plate removably affixed to a cover, wherein the housing is configured to receive the strap therethrough;a blade structure affixed to the base plate, such that the blade bar extends a length of the base plate;a blade slidably affixed to the blade bar, wherein the blade is configured to cut the strap when the blade is slid across a length of the blade bar.2. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the blade structure is removably affixed to the base plate.3. The safety device of claim 1 , further comprising a glass breaker affixed to an outside edge of the cover.4. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the blade is a flip out blade.5. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the blade is a push out blade.6. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the base plate and blade structure are configured to allow the device to slide over the strap while still being attached.7. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the cover is configured to allow the strap to freely move between the cover and the base plate when the cover is attached. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/693,014 filed on Jul. 2, 2018. The above identified patent application is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety to provide continuity of disclosure.In a vehicle accident, an individual may become trapped inside a vehicle. An individual may be required to quickly escape the vehicle due to an emergency, such as an engine fire. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001469A1
Автор: CLUTHE Gary Paul

The disclosure is directed at a multiple bit hand tool which includes a handle portion and a body portion. The multiple bit hand tool also includes a chuck portion with an improved locking collar for locking the tool bit in place when it is in an extended position. The locking collar includes a latch portion with a set of latch arms each having a bit end cap contact and a release cam contact for abutting the tool bit and an associated actuation mechanism. 1. A multiple bit hand tool comprising:a handle body portion;a set of actuation mechanisms;a set of tool bits, each tool bit associated with one of the set of actuation mechanisms;a chuck portion including a locking collar mounted to the handle body portion and an aperture for receiving a tool bit in an extended position; 'a latch portion including a set of latch arms, each latch arm having a bit end cap contact and a release cam contact;', 'wherein the locking collar includes'}whereby when a tool bit is extended through the locking collar, the bit end cap contact abuts the tool bit to protect against retraction of the tool bit and the release cam contact abuts the associated actuation mechanism.2. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein each latch arm further comprises an angled surface corresponding to a chuck portion angled surface.3. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein the handle body portion comprises:a handle portion; anda body portion.4. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein the handle portion includes a plurality of slats claim 3 , each of the slats including grooves on either side of the slat; andthe body portion includes a plurality of flanges, each of the flanges including protrusions on either side of the flanges.6. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein a number of actuating mechanisms equals a number of tool bits.7. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein the chuck portion comprises a cross-section corresponding to a cross-section of each of the set of tool bits.8. The multiple bit hand tool of wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

10-in-1 multiple function wrench

Номер: US20160001434A1
Автор: Kania Tony

A multifunctional hand tool is provided, having an adjustable wrench head and an elongated handle extending from the wrench head. The handle is oriented transverse to the wrench head and that defines a plurality of wrench apertures of different sizes. Each wrench aperture defines an axis of rotation for operable use oriented substantially transverse to the first axis of rotation. The wrench head further comprises a hammer and the elongated handle further comprises a nail pull structure. The wrench head can further include a grip texture on an outer surface thereof to facilitate use of the wrench apertures or the nail pull defined by the wrench handle. The outer surface of the handle further includes grip features or textures to facilitate use of the hammer. The adjustable wrench can be changed to a pipe wrench. 1. A three-dimensional hand tool in a shape substantially resembling a wrench , comprising: a stationary jaw comprising a first engaging surface,', 'a movable jaw opposite the stationary jaw, movable in a sliding channel, comprising a second and a third engaging surface, and wherein the movable jaw is de-attachable from the wrench head,', 'a hammer head, integrally extended from the wrench head to define the closed end of the sliding channel within the wrench head,, 'a wrench head, comprising'} a plurality of wrench apertures of different sizes, and', 'a v shaped nail pull structure positioned at the end of the elongated wrench handle and', 'a joining member that joins the wrench head with the wrench handle in a unitary construction., 'an elongated wrench handle, comprising'}2. The hand tool as in claim 1 , wherein the hand tool has three axes claim 1 ,a first axis, defined by the elongated wrench handle and the tip of the v-shaped nail pull structure thereof and the first axis is substantially parallel to the length of the elongated handle,a second axis, a y-axis, which is substantially perpendicular to the x axis and perpendicular to a width of the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001295A1
Автор: Sun Shiyu

This invention relates to a double-end pliers, including the handles and the tong heads, wherein the tong heads include the first tong head and the second tong head, wherein the handles include the spindle, first handle and second handle, wherein the tong first tong head and second tong head are connected with the handles via two kinds of connecting methods, wherein the tong head connects with the first handle, wherein the tong head is connected via two horizontal connecting shafts to the shaft and spindle, wherein the first tong head and the second tong head rotate longitudinally to roll separate horizontal connecting shafts in to make the tong head fold or expand, wherein the first handle and second handle separately create the gripping force against the first tong head and the second tong head with the spindle. 1. A double-end pliers apparatus comprising:a first tong head and a second tong head;a handle comprising a spindle, a first handle and a second handle;wherein the first tong head and the second tong head separately connect two ends of the spindle via a connecting shaft; wherein the spindle is connected to the first handle via the first tong head; wherein the spindle is connected via a first hinge axis and a second handle via the second tong head and the second hinge axis; wherein the spindle interacts with the first handle to create the gripping force against the first tong head; the spindle interacts with the second handle to create the gripping force against the second tong head.2. The double-end pliers according to claim 1 , wherein the first tong head and the second tong head are able to rotate horizontally in the direction of the spindle and the rolling connecting shafts located at two ends of the spindle.3. The double-end pliers according to claim 2 , wherein the first handle is able to rotate horizontally in the direction of the first tong head and the rolling connecting shaft located between the first handle and the first tong head; and claim 2 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001464A1

A cuff link that doubles as a multipurpose tool is provided, wherein the multipurpose tool provides both screwdriver and bottle opener functionality. The cuff link tool has a head plat perpendicularly joined to two spaced apart bracket members. Between the two spaced apart bracket members a link post is pivotally connected about an axle that extends between the distal ends of the two spaced apart bracket members. So not only can the link post operate as such, because terminates in a screwdriver interface, can be used as a screwdriver when a user rotates the head plat. An off-center notch is provided in the head plat, so that it too may be discretely used as a bottle opener. 1. A device , comprising:a head plat having an outward surface and an opposing inward surface;two spaced apart bracket members joined to the inward surface;an axle extending between a distal end of each bracket member;a link post extending from a first end to a second end, wherein the link post is pivotally connected about the axle between the first and second ends; anda screwdriver interface provided on the first end.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the axle and the screwdriver interface is greater than a distance between the second end and the axle by approximately 20 to 50 percent.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the screwdriver interface is a flathead.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the screwdriver interface is a phillips head.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a screwdriver interface on the second end.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a leverage notch provided along a longitudinal edge of the head plat claim 1 , wherein the leverage notch is oriented at an acute angle relative to said longitudinal edge.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein said longitudinal edge extends from a first edge to a second edge claim 6 , and wherein the leverage notch forms a rectangular void that terminates closer to the first edge than to the second edge.8. A device ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001465A1
Автор: WANG Lo Pin

A tool combination includes two housings each having a chamber formed by a base panel and two side panels, an axle and a shaft are secured between end portions of the housings, a tool assembly includes one or more tool members having ring members engaged with the axle and to be pivoted out and selectively folded and engaged into the space that is formed between the housings, another tool assembly includes one or more tool members having ring members engaged with the shaft and to be pivoted out and selectively folded and engaged into the space that is formed between the housings, and one or more tool assemblies are selectively and pivotally attached to either of the housings. 1. A tool combination comprising:a first housing including a first end portion and a second end portion, said first housing including a chamber formed therein and defined by a base panel and two side panels, and said first housing including a spindle disposed thereon,a second housing including a first end portion and a second end portion, said second housing including a chamber formed therein and defined by a base panel and two side panels, and said second housing including a pivot rod disposed thereon,said first end portions of said first and said second housings being secured together with an axle, and said second end portions of said first and said second housings being secured together with a shaft for separating said first and said second housings from each other and for forming a space between said first and said second housings,a first tool assembly including a first tool member and at least one second tool member, said first and said at least one second tool members each including a ring member engaged with said axle for pivotally attaching to said first and said second housings with said axle and for allowing said first and said at least one second tool members to be selectively pivoted and rotated out and to be selectively folded and engaged into said space that is formed between said ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Compact, Rugged Tool and Comb Device

Номер: US20170006992A1

This invention is directed toward a compact, multifunctional tool and a method of making the compact, multifunctional tool. The embodiments disclosed include a comb and a variety of additional tools including a screwdriver, a wrench, a chip clip, a bottle opener, a retention device for storing headbands, elastics, ear buds, and the like, and a stand for propping up a mobile phone, tablet, book, magazine, and the like. The compact, multifunctional tool is preferably made of a monolithic, substantially flat body having cutouts or contours. The overall size of the compact, multifunctional tool, in a preferred embodiment, is less than the size of a standard credit card. This small size allows users to easily transport the tool in their wallet or pocket. By combining so many tools, each performing a different task, into a monolithic flat, compact body, this invention allows users to carry one small device that enables them to perform a wide variety of functions. 1. A compact , multifunctional tool comprising a substantially flat , monolithic tool body wherein the monolithic tool body is further comprised of:a. a comb; andb. at least one tool formed in or on the monolithic tool body by a cutout or contour, wherein the at least one tool further comprises at least one of a screwdriver, a wrench, a chip clip, a bottle opener, a retention device or a positioning device.2. The compact claim 1 , multifunctional tool of wherein the monolithic tool body is formed of metal claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , wood claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , or rubber.3. The compact claim 2 , multifunctional tool of wherein the monolithic tool body is hardened.4. The compact claim 1 , multifunctional tool of wherein the dimensions of the monolithic tool body are less than about one and one half of the size of a credit card.5. The compact claim 1 , multifunctional tool of wherein the dimensions of the monolithic tool body are less than about the size of a credit card.6. The compact ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008967A1

A multipurpose tool is provided which may be useful for functions relating to firearms and explosives. The multipurpose tool may include a variety of tools and features while maintaining a compact form. For example, the multipurpose tool may include a blade positioned in a pocket defined between a handle and a body member which define a hook configuration. Elongate members may be rotatably connected to the multipurpose tool and may include a base member with a cam surface and one or more detents which cooperate with a spring follower to hold the elongate member in either or both of an operational position or a storage position. A receiving aperture may be received in a jaw of a pair of pliers, and configured to receive an accessory member. Further, a sleeve may store a bit on the side of a handle and may be retained in the sleeve by a displaceable button. 1. A multipurpose tool comprising:a plurality of handles comprising a first handle and a second handle configured for relative movement between a closed position and an open position;the first handle comprising a projection defining a sleeve on a first side of the first handle, wherein the sleeve defines a longitudinal axis, wherein the sleeve is configured to receive a removable bit along the longitudinal axis; anda bit stop positioned along the longitudinal axis and configured to limit travel of the removable bit.2. The multipurpose tool of claim 1 , further comprising a displaceable button configured to selectively limit movement of the removable bit in the sleeve along the longitudinal axis claim 1 , wherein the displaceable button is moveable between a retracted position wherein movement of the removable bit along the longitudinal axis is allowed and an extended position wherein movement of the removable bit along the longitudinal axis in the second axial direction is limited.3. The multipurpose tool of claim 2 , further comprising a second sleeve coupled to a second side of the first handle substantially ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008968A1

A solid state tool system includes a first solid state tool, a second solid state tool, and a third solid state tool. In a first mode, the first solid state tool, the second solid state tool, and the third solid state tool are coupled to one another in a storage configuration. In a second mode, the first solid state tool is used as a tool by itself. In a third mode, the second solid state tool is used as a tool by itself. In a fourth mode, the third solid state tool is used as a tool by itself. In a fifth mode, the first solid state tool is coupled to the third solid state tool and used as a first combination tool. In a sixth mode, the second solid state tool is coupled to the third solid state tool and used as a second combination tool. 1. A solid state tool system , comprising:a first solid state tool;a second solid state tool; anda third solid state tool;wherein, in a first mode of operation, the first solid state tool, the second solid state tool, and the third solid state tool are coupled to one another in a storage configuration;wherein, in a second mode of operation, the first solid state tool is used as a tool by itself;wherein, in a third mode of operation, the second solid state tool is used as a tool by itself;wherein, in a fourth mode of operation, the third solid state tool is used as a tool by itself;wherein, in a fifth mode of operation, the first solid state tool is coupled to the third solid state tool and used as a first combination tool; andwherein, in a sixth mode of operation, the second solid state tool is coupled to the third solid state tool and used as a second combination tool.2. The solid state tool system of claim 1 , wherein the first solid state tool comprises a plurality of tool structures.3. The solid state tool system of claim 2 , wherein the third solid state tool comprises a plurality of tool structures.4. The solid state tool system of claim 2 , wherein the second solid state tool comprises a plurality of tool structures.5. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Multifunctional Vehicle Tool

Номер: US20180008845A1
Автор: Xu Ye

Provided is a removable safety-locking device or safety clip for use with multifunctional tools in a car functioning as a cigarette lighter socket adapter, safety hammer and cutter. The safety-locking device has a flexible clip body that engages with the multifunctional tool to prevent accidental firing of the safety hammer or accidental injury or cutting by the cutter or blade. The flexible clip body has a substantially semicircular downwardly depending pair of arms and a knife-block formed at and extending from an apex of the pair of arms. 1. A safety-locking device for a multifunctional tool functioning as a cigarette socket adapter , safety hammer and cutter used in a car , comprising: a first proximal portion comprising a substantially semicircular downwardly depending pair of arms; and', 'a second distal portion comprising a knife-block formed at an apex of the first proximal portion and extending therefrom., 'a flexible clip body configured to removably engage the multifunctional tool comprising2. The safety-locking device of claim 1 , wherein the pair of arms comprise a pair of indents oppositely formed proximate to lower ends thereof.3. The safety-locking device of claim 1 , wherein each of the indents is curved inwardly.4. The safety-locking device of claim 1 , wherein the pair of arms is configured to flex outwardly.5. The safety-locking device of claim 1 , wherein the knife-block is substantially J-shaped.6. The safety-locking device of claim 5 , wherein the substantially J-shaped knife-block comprises:a stem portion extending distally and tangentially from the apex of the first proximal portion; anda tail portion extending upwardly from a distal end of the stem portion.7. A multifunctional tool functioning as a cigarette socket adapter claim 5 , safety hammer and cutter used in a car claim 5 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the safety-locking device of ;'} a first cutout formed on an outer surface of the body portion that ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Caulking Gun

Номер: US20220023910A1
Автор: Acosta Luis A.

A caulking gun incorporating a caulk tube receptacle having a dispensing end a handle end; a plunger rod having a dispensing end and having a handle end, the dispensing end of the plunger rod extending toward the caulk tube receptacle's dispensing end and the handle end of the plunger rod extending away from the caulk tube receptacle's handle end; a trigger actuator operatively supporting the plunger rod at the caulk tube receptacle's handle end; a hammerhead; and a mounting sleeve fixedly attaching the hammerhead to the handle end of the plunger rod, the caulking gun being alternatingly usable as a caulk applying tool and as a hammer for resetting protruding nail heads. 15-. (canceled)6. A caulking gun comprising:(a) a caulk tube receptacle having a dispensing end and a handle end;(b) a plunger rod having a dispensing end and a handle end, wherein the plunger rod's dispensing end extends toward the receptacle's dispensing end, and wherein the plunger rod's handle end extends away from the receptacle's handle end;(c) a trigger actuator operatively supporting the plunger rod at the caulk tube receptacle's handle end;(d) a hammerhead;(e) means for mounting the hammerhead, said means fixedly attaching the hammerhead to the plunger rod's handle end;(f) a pull handle having proximal and distal ends, wherein the pull handle comprises an “L” hook formed at the handle end of the plunger rod, the “L” hook having a diameter; and(g) a sleeve having a proximal end, a distal end, and a diameter wherein the sleeve's proximal end comprises a curved finger pull surface, wherein the sleeve's proximal end nestingly receives the “L” hook, wherein the hammerhead is fixedly attached to the sleeve's distal end, and wherein the diameter of the sleeve is at least twice the diameter of the “L” hook.7. The caulking gun of wherein the “L” hook has a radius of curvature claim 6 , wherein the sleeve has a radius of curvature claim 6 , and wherein the “L” hook's radius of curvature is ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009091A1
Автор: Chang Jason

A tool includes a first body, a rotary member, a positioning unit and an engaging unit. By the positioning unit and the engaging unit, the rotary member is positioned relative to the first body with dual-positioning feature. When the first body is rotated, the rotary member is positioned by the positioning unit and the engaging unit. The rotary member is not likely to freely rotate because both of the positioning unit and the engaging unit fail when using the tool. 1. A tool comprising:a first body having a first pivotal portion formed on a first end thereof, the first pivotal portion being a circular hole, a first room and a first connection portion respectively defined in two opposite sides of the first pivotal portion, the first room being an oval recess, an inner diameter of the first room being larger than an inner diameter of the first pivotal portion, the first connection portion having inner threads, the first body having an opening which communicates with the first pivotal portion, a second room defined in an inner end of the opening and communicating with the opening, the second room being a cylindrical room, a slot defined in the body and communicating with the second room, the slot being an elongate slot;a rotary member pivotably connected to the first pivotal portion of the first body and being rotatable in the opening, the rotary member having a second pivotal portion which is located corresponding to the first pivotal portion, the second pivotal portion being a circular hole, the rotary member having multiple first bits and multiple second bits, the first and second bits being radially connected to the rotary member, the second pivotal portion having a first recess defined in a first end thereof, the first recess communicating with the second pivotal portion, a diameter of the first recess being larger than a diameter of the second pivotal portion, the first recess being a circular recess, a third room defined in a second end of the second pivotal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008705A1
Автор: SAYER Conrad Morgan

A multipurpose handle and workpiece attachment tool () has a handle () and a workpiece (). The handle has a grip portion () at a first end and a first attachment portion () at a second end. The workpiece has a second attachment portion () adapted to engage the first attachment portion of the handle. The first attachment portion has a sleeve () with an opening () which can receive the second attachment portion. The sleeve has a clip-lock aperture () and a cam-lock aperture (), and there is a cam clamping lever () pivotally connected to the sleeve. The cam clamping lever has an eccentric cam surface () which can be moved into and out of the cam-lock aperture by operating the cam clamping lever. The second attachment portion has a first spring loaded button () which is spring biased to move into the clip-lock aperture when the first and second attachment portions are engaged, and also has a cam engaging surface () against which the eccentric cam surface is pressed when the cam clamping lever is operated. In this way, the handle and the workpiece assume a locked configuration. 1. A multipurpose handle and workpiece attachment tool comprising:(a) a handle having a grip portion at a first end and a first attachment portion at a second end,(b) a workpiece having a second attachment portion adapted to engage the first attachment portion of the handle, wherein(c) the first attachment portion of the handle comprises a sleeve having an opening through which the second attachment portion is received, a clip-lock aperture in the sleeve, and a cam clamping lever having an eccentric cam surface which is adapted to be moved into and out of a cam-lock aperture in the sleeve by operation of the cam clamping lever, and(d) the second attachment portion of the workpiece comprises a first spring loaded button which is spring biased to move into the clip-lock aperture when the first and second attachment portions are engaged, and a cam engaging surface against which the eccentric cam ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Packing Tape Dispenser Insert Apparatus, Systems and Methods of Using the Same

Номер: US20190009400A1
Принадлежит: Creator's Stained Glass Inc

Packing tape dispenser insert apparatuses comprise a housing having a first end, a second end, a first side and a second side, a storage area within the housing, and a tab for engaging at least one slot within a handle of a packing tape dispenser. Systems and methods are further provided.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Interchangeable Tool Part Retention Device

Номер: US20200009715A1
Принадлежит: Ty-Flot, Inc.

A tool part retaining device includes a handle, a nut, and a fastener. The handle has a first end, a second end, and a handle body connecting the ends. The nut is in a first receptacle in the first end of the handle. The nut has a first channel, a second channel which connects to the first channel at a junction, at least one nut side, and at least one recess in the at least one nut side. The fastener is disposed in a second receptacle in the handle body near the first end of the handle and is also disposed in the second channel in the nut. 1. A tool part retaining device for a hand tool comprising:a handle having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a handle body connecting the first end to the second end;a first receptacle disposed in the first end;a second receptacle disposed in the handle body proximate the first end, the second receptacle being transverse to the first receptacle and intersecting with the first receptacle to form a receptacle junction; a nut body having a nut first end, a nut second end, at least one nut side, and at least one recess in the at least one nut side;', 'a first channel disposed in the nut body in the nut first end; and', 'a second channel disposed in the nut body on at least one nut side wherein the second channel is transverse to the first channel, and wherein the second channel of the nut is concentric with the second receptacle of the handle body and wherein the first channel meets the second channel to form a channel junction; and, 'a nut disposed in the first receptacle, the nut comprisinga fastener disposed in the second receptacle of the handle and engages the second channel of the nut.2. The retaining device of wherein the nut has six sides forming six corners wherein the at least one recess is formed in each of the six corners.3. The retaining device of wherein the nut has a third channel opposite and concentric with the first channel claim 1 , wherein the first channel communicates with the third channel at ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Cutting tool with magnifier

Номер: US20200009751A1
Принадлежит: West Coast Chain Mfg Co

In some embodiments, a magnifier defines a longitudinal axis A. The magnifier includes an arm with a distal end and a proximal end. A magnifying pane is located at the distal end and an engagement member is located at the proximal end. In various embodiments, the arm includes a distal segment, a mid segment, and a proximal segment. The distal segment is generally linear having a length L 1 projected onto the longitudinal axis and is angled about 45 degrees relative to the longitudinal axis A. The mid segment is generally concave having a length L 2 projected onto the longitudinal axis A. The proximal segment that is curved having a length L 3 projected onto the longitudinal axis A and is convergent relative to the longitudinal axis A.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Multiple Size Socket

Номер: US20150013504A1
Автор: CHEN Ander

A multiple size socket is provided with a base, a socket body, and a positioning unit. The base is provided with a connecting portion, two pivot portions and a pivot hole formed in each of the pivot portions. The socket body is pivoted between the two pivot portions and includes a plurality of engaging cavities and an inserting hole aligned with the two pivot holes. The positioning unit is inserted in the two pivot holes and the inserting hole. The engaging cavities are different in size and shape from one another, so that the socket is capable of driving different sized fasteners. 1. A multiple size socket comprising:a base with a connecting portion and two pivot portions; anda socket body pivoted between the two pivot portions and including a plurality of engaging cavities.2. A multiple size socket comprising:a base with a connecting portion, two pivot portions and a pivot hole formed in each of the pivot portions;a socket body pivoted between the two pivot portions and including a plurality of engaging cavities and an inserting hole aligned with the two pivot holes; anda positioning unit inserted in the two pivot holes and the inserting hole.3. The multiple size socket as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is a hole or a protrusion.4. The multiple size socket as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the engaging cavities are located around the inserting holes.5. The multiple size socket as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the engaging cavities are different in size and shape from one another.6. The multiple size socket as claimed in claim 2 , wherein one of the pivot holes is formed around an inner surface thereof with a plurality of shoulder portions claim 2 , around an inner surface of the inserting holes is formed an annular threaded portion claim 2 , the positioning unit includes a pin and a positioning assembly claim 2 , the pin includes a head portion to be abutted against one of the pivot portions claim 2 , a shaft portion connected to the head portion ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013506A1

A biaxial foldout tool includes a body with opposing ends and one or more sets of tool drivers. The opposing ends are rotated 90° from each other. A first set of tool drivers is positioned on/near a first end and rotates about a first hinge; a second set of tool drivers is positioned on/near a second end and rotates about a second hinge. A first portion of the first set opens in a direction counter to an open direction of a second portion of the first set of tool drivers. A first portion of the second set opens in a direction counter to an open direction of a second portion of the second set of tool drivers. When tool drivers are in an open position, internal stops prevent the tool drivers from opening past a predetermined angle. The tool drivers are contained within channels of the body when in a closed position. 123-. (canceled)24. A utility tool comprising:a. a first end comprising a first hinge and one or more tool drivers configured to rotate about the first hinge in a plurality of different directions; andb. a second end comprising a second hinge to the first hinge and one or more tool drivers configured to rotate about the second hinge.25. The utility tool of wherein the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end are grouped according to size.26. The utility tool of wherein the tool comprises an internal stop configured to prevent the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end from opening past an angle.27. The utility tool of wherein the second hinge is rotated 90° in orientation from the first hinge.28. The utility tool of wherein the one or more tool drivers of the first end and the one or more tool drivers of the second end are stored in one or more channels of the utility tool when not in use.29. The utility tool of wherein the first end and the second end each comprise one or more tool drivers on a first side and a second side opposite the first side.30. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Folding Pocket Tool

Номер: US20180015604A1

A pocket tool (e.g. a key carrier) comprises two tool elements such as a bottle-opener/screwdriver blade and a carabiner clip pivotally deployable on opposite sides of a central handle plate. A spring bar mounted on one face of the central handle plate has a free end portion which engages diametrically opposed flats formed on camming surfaces of root portions of the carabiner clip and bottle-opener/screwdriver blade respectively in order to hold them in their retracted and deployed positions. The free end portion includes a transverse projection which extends through a cut-out or aperture to enable it to engage the camming surface of the carabiner clip, enabling control of two tool elements on opposite sides of the central handle plate. When one tool element is held in the deployed configuration the other tool element is held in the retracted configuration. 1. A folding pocket tool comprising;first and second tool elements mounted on opposite sides of a common mounting plate, each tool element being independently pivotally deployable about a common axis from a retracted configuration to a deployed configuration; anda spring element being carried by the common mounting plate and having a free end portion which extends transversely between opposite sides of said common mounting plate, said free end portion resiliently engaging respective camming surfaces of said tool elements to locate each of said tool elements in at least one of said retracted and deployed configurations.2. The folding pocket tool according to claim 1 , wherein said spring element is mounted on one side of said common mounting plate and said free end portion includes a transverse projection which extends to the opposite side of said common mounting plate and engages the camming surface of a tool element on said opposite side.3. The folding pocket tool according to claim 2 , wherein said transverse projection extends through an aperture or cut-out formed in said common mounting plate.4. The folding ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015960A1
Автор: Chern Shwu-Ruu

A wrench includes a body having a room defined therein. Two heads are respectively formed on two ends of the body, and each head has an operation hole defined therethrough. Each of the operation holes communicates with the room. A positioning rod is movably received in the room and has an outer threaded portion and a rotary member is rotatably and threadedly mounted to the outer threaded portion of the positioning rod. The rotary member is rotated to move the positioning rod into either one of the operation holes to position an object in the operation hole. 1. A wrench comprising:a body having a room defined in a top surface thereof, two heads respectively formed on two ends of the body, each head having an operation hole defined therethrough, each of the operation holes communicating with the room, a first slot defined through a bottom surface of the body and communicating with the room;a positioning rod received in the room and having an outer threaded portion formed on a mediate portion thereof;a rotary member rotatably and threadedly mounted to the outer threaded portion of the positioning rod, the rotary member located in the first slot, anda cover connected to the top surface of the body and having a second slot, the rotary member partially protruding from the second slot.2. The wrench as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotary member is a collar with inner threads claim 1 , the rotary member has a serrated surface defined in an outer periphery thereof.3. The wrench as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the two operation holes have different inner diameters.4. The wrench as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the two operation holes are polygonal holes.5. The wrench as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the two operation holes are hexagonal holes.6. The wrench as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the body is an elongate body. The present invention relates to a wrench, and more particularly, to a wrench for operating objects of different sizes.One of the commonly used tool hands is ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102262A1
Принадлежит: WAGIC INC.

A device includes a body having a first end, a second end, and four faces. The device is configured to stand upright on the second end. A plurality of tools is stored against the four faces in a closed position. A first face and a second face each includes a bit storage that holds at least one socket. A third face includes a drive, a can opener, and a blade. The drive and the can opener rotate about a first rotatable mechanism coupled to the second end. The blade rotates about an insert coupled to the first end. A fourth face includes a first set of tool drivers that rotates about a second rotatable mechanism coupled to the second end and a second set of tool drivers that rotates about a third rotatable mechanism coupled to the first end. 131-. (canceled)32. A multi-tool comprising:a. a body comprising a first face, a second face, a top end and a bottom end;b. a first tool that rotates out from the top end of the first face;c. a second tool that rotates out from the bottom end of the second face; andd. a third tool that rotates out from the body to a position non-parallel to the first tool and the second tool.33. The multi-tool of wherein the first tool rotates about a rotatable mechanism coupled to the top end of the body.34. The multi-tool of wherein the second tool rotates about a rotatable mechanism coupled to the bottom end of the body.35. The multi-tool of wherein the body comprises a rotatable drive claim 32 , wherein the rotatable drive rotates about a rotatable mechanism and is adapted to fit a socket.36. The multi-tool of further comprising one or more socket holders for holding one or more sockets.37. The multi-tool of wherein the one or more socket holders comprise a plurality of beds and wherein each bed is sized and configured to hold in place a socket.38. The multi-tool of wherein the socket is a metric size socket or a standard size socket.39. The multi-tool of wherein the one or more sockets are stored within a face of the body.40. The multi-tool of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102267A1

Multi-tool, including at least one pivot () on which are articulated a plurality of implements () each rotatable from a minimum size inactive position to at least one operating position, characterized in that said pivot () comprises elastic retaining means () of at least one of these implements () in operating position and/or in the minimum encumbrance position. 131-. (canceled)32. A multiple tool , comprising:a pivot having a first end and a second end;a plurality of implements, each comprising an opening through which the pivot engages, wherein each of the implements is rotatable about the pivot from an inactive position to an operating position;a clamping means located at the first end of the pivot comprising a bushing screwed to the first end of the pivot, wherein the bushing comprises a compression surface; and a compression spring located at the second end of the pivot when engaged by the implements;', 'a first closing element interposed between an end one of the implements and the compression spring; and', 'a second closing element interposed between the end one of the implements and the compression surface of the bushing., 'an elastic retention means comprising33. The multiple tool of claim 32 , further comprising a collar at the second end of the pivot for engaging with the compression spring.34. The multiple tool of claim 32 , wherein the first closing element comprises a first bushing body having a resting surface for a terminal coil of the compression spring.35. The multiple tool of claim 32 , wherein the second closing element comprises a second bushing body having a lodging for the bushing on which rests the compression surface.36. The multiple tool of claim 32 , wherein for each of the implements claim 32 , the elastic retention means comprises:an anular body mounted along the pivot;a first face comprising a bump; anda second face opposed to the first face and comprising a plurality of recesses.37. The multiple tool of claim 36 , wherein the bump ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Retractable pliers

Номер: US20150020651A1
Автор: Min Wang

The present invention discloses a pair of retractable pliers, comprising a jaw body and a handle body. The jaw body comprises a first jaw part (A 1 ) and a second jaw part (A 2 ) which are articulated together via an articulated shaft (A 3 ). The handle body comprises a first internal housing and a second internal housing. The first jaw part and the second jaw part each have a pliers head and a connection part ( 1, 1 ′), and the connection parts of the first jaw part and the second jaw part are slidably connected to the first internal housing (B 1 ) and the second internal housing (B 2 ) respectively. The pair of retractable pliers also comprises a locking structure which is arranged on the connection parts of the first jaw part and the second jaw part and which is capable of fixing the connection parts of the first jaw part and the second jaw part together. Once the locking structure is open, the pliers heads can open automatically for convenience of use.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020234A1
Автор: Taylor Brigham Thomas

The present application includes embodiments for a belt adjustment system. The belt adjustment system can be configured to engage a belt comprising a plurality of belt teeth. The belt engagement system can include a buckle portion that includes a belt clamp configured to couple the belt to the buckle, a lever pivotally movable between a first position and a second position, and a belt-engaging tab, the tooth-engaging tab positionable between a tooth-engaging position and a tooth-disengaging position responsive to the position of the lever on. The belt adjustment system can include a tool housing having a first wall and a second wall that form a slot. A tool comprising a distal end and a proximal end can be coupled to the tool housing, the tool positionable within the slot between a closed position and an open position. 1. A belt adjustment system , comprising:a belt comprising a plurality of belt teeth; a belt clamp configured to couple the belt to the buckle;', 'a lever movable between a first position and a second position;', 'a tooth-engaging tab, the tooth-engaging tab positionable between a tooth-engaging position when the lever is in the first position, and a tooth-disengaging position the lever is in the second position;', 'a tool housing comprising a first wall and a second wall, a slot formed between the first wall and the second wall; and', 'a tool comprising a distal end and a proximal end, wherein the proximal end is coupled to the tool housing, the tool positionable between a closed position and an open position., 'a buckle comprising2. The belt adjustment system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second tool housing comprising an outer wall and an inner wall forming a cavity; anda second tool comprising a tool handle at a proximal end, and a tool body extending out distally, wherein the tool body is configured to be positioned within the cavity.3. The belt adjustment system of claim 2 , wherein the second tool includes a firestarter rod.4. The belt ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Connectable Tool Assembly

Номер: US20160023345A1
Автор: III Francisco E., Orine

A tool assembly including a hammer to which a secondary tool, such as a dual-ended pry bar, is connectable. The hammer and the secondary tool are connectable via a slidable locking mechanism, including a detent pin that engages with a corresponding slot on a rail disposed on the secondary tool. One embodiment of the secondary tool includes multiple rails, which allows for the secondary tool to be attached to the hammer in multiple different orientations. The different orientations in which the secondary tool can be connected to the hammer allows for the first working end of the secondary tool or the second working end of the tool to be used alternatively as needed. 1. A tool assembly , comprising:a hammer comprising a shaft, a head, and a channel;a secondary tool comprising a first working end, a second working end, a first rail, and a second rail;wherein the first rail and the second rail are disposed perpendicularly with respect to each other;each of the first rail and the second rail comprising a slot;wherein the channel is configured to slidably receive the first rail and the second rail;wherein the slot is configured to engage the detent pin.2. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the shaft is fabricated from a hardened material.3. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein the secondary tool comprises a dual-ended pry bar.4. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the first rail and the second rail comprise T-shaped members;the channel comprises a T-shaped channel;the T-shaped channel is sized to a close tolerance of the T-shaped members.5. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein the channel is disposed on the head.6. The tool assembly of claim 5 , further comprising a second channel disposed on an opposite side of the head from the channel.7. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the first rail is disposed adjacent to the first working end;the second rail is disposed adjacent to the second working end.8. The tool assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Garden Tool

Номер: US20170021486A1
Автор: Reissmann Lutz W.

A multi-functional garden tool having a first elongated cylindrical member and a second elongated cylindrical member. The elongated cylindrical members being configured and structured to receive water or such other aqueous liquids from an aqueous liquid source such that a user can apply the water, or other aqueous liquids, below a soil surface into the root zone of either potted plants or to garden plants. Additionally, the first and the second elongated cylindrical members of the multi-functional garden tool are configured and structured to give a user the ability to detachably attach a variety of tool heads to perform certain gardening tasks. 1. A multi-functional garden tool comprising:a first elongated cylindrical member having a length from about 8 inches to about 16 inches; an upper end designed and structured to receive the at least one aqueous liquid from the at least one aqueous liquid source,', 'a beveled lower end designed and structured to penetrate a soil and to disperse the at least one aqueous liquid therefrom,', 'at least one side wall extending therefrom and connecting the upper end and the beveled lower end of the elongated cylindrical members,', 'a gripping means encircling and affixed to the upper end of the first and second elongated cylindrical members for gripping the multi-functional garden tool,', 'a plurality of vertically aligned apertures having a plurality of diameters from about ½ inch to about ⅛ inch, said plurality of vertically aligned apertures being configured and structured to disperse the at least one aqueous liquid beneath a soil surface into a plant root zone, wherein said plurality of vertically aligned apertures being located within the side wall and extending a length upward from the beveled lower end of each elongated cylindrical member, wherein the diameters of the plurality of vertically aligned apertures decrease uniformly from a point away from the beveled lower end, said plurality of vertically aligned apertures ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Skate Tool

Номер: US20170021487A1
Автор: Davis Reginald S.

A skateboard tool system () may comprise a first arm (), a second arm (), a third arm () attached to a body () with each arm forming an overall “T” shape and each arm having a distal end attached to a useful implement. To gain mechanical advantage, the body () may contain or be integrated with a rethreading tool (). The centralized location of the re-threading tool in combination with the “T” shape allows for a superior purchase or grip while rotating the re-threading tool. The body may define various voids to comport with a unique “L” shaped screw driver (), the screw driver having a shorter () and a longer () longitudinal member giving additional leverage in rotating a Phillip head screw driver (). A cutting blade is retained within the body for ease of access and safety. 1100200300400500. A skateboard tool () , of a “T” shape , the tool comprising a first arm () , a second arm () , and a third arm () attached to a body ();the first arm and the second arm of a longitudinal shape and attached to the body in a horizontal orientation to the body;the third arm of a longitudinal shape attached in a vertical orientation to the body;{'b': 523', '600, 'the body defining a first void (), the first void comporting to the shape of an “L” shaped screw driver ();'}the “L” shaped screw driver contained within the first void; [{'b': 607', '610', '605', '630, 'i. a longer longitudinal member () having a distal end attached to a Philips screw head () and a proximal end attached at a right or near right angle to a proximal end of a shorter longitudinal member (), the shorter longitudinal member having a distal end attached to an Allen head ();'}, {'b': '620', 'ii. a metal file section ();'}], 'the “L” shaped screw driver comprising{'b': 580', '700, 'the body defining a blade void (), the blade void comporting to the external shape of a blade ();'}{'b': '710', 'the blade defining a pin void () configured to accept a pin, the pin inserted through the pin void and the pin retained ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Safe-Touching Tool

Номер: US20220040837A1
Автор: Hunkins Zachary

A multi-functional safe-touching tool allows a user to safely interact with door handles, touchscreen devices, or other objects. The multi-functional safe-touching tool includes a main shaft, a stylus, a door-handle claw, a bottle opener, and a user handle. The main shaft is an extension from a user's hand in order for the user to safely interact with objects. The stylus allows the multi-functional safe-touching tool to interact with a touchscreen interface. The door-handle claw allows the multi-functional safe-touching tool to engage a door handle in order to open the associated door. The bottle opener allows the multi-functional safe-touching tool to be used to open bottles. The user handle allows a user to efficiently grip the multi-functional safe-touching tool and provides leverage when opening doors using the multi-functional safe-touching tool. 1. A multi-functional safe-touching tool comprises:a main shaft;a stylus;a door-handle claw;a bottle opener;a user handle;the main shaft comprises a distal shaft end and a proximal shaft end;the door-handle claw comprises a fixed claw end and a free claw end;the stylus being mounted onto the distal shaft end;the user handle being mounted onto the proximal shaft end;the bottle opener being laterally integrated into and along the main shaft;the fixed claw end being laterally connected to the elongated main body, opposite the bottle opener;the fixed claw end being positioned adjacent to the distal shaft end; andthe free claw end being positioned offset to the distal shaft end.2. The multi-functional safe-touching tool as claimed in comprises:the door-handle claw comprises a claw body;the fixed claw end and the free claw end being positioned opposite of each other along the claw body; andthe claw body being oriented at an acute angle with the main shaft.3. The multi-functional safe-touching tool as claimed in comprises:the door-handle claw comprises a claw body and a plurality of gripping teeth;the fixed claw end and the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040840A1
Автор: Clark Peter

A tool comprising a handle and an implement. The handle comprises an elongate portion having a first end and a second end, and the implement, removably attachable to the handle, comprises an elongate portion at a first end and a tool portion at a second end. In an embodiment of the invention, the handle has, at the first end, a male portion comprising a reducing taper extending from the elongate portion and terminating in a shoulder, and a threaded portion extending from the shoulder and having a cross sectional area lesser than that of the shoulder. In the same embodiment, the implement has, at the first end, a female portion comprising a reducing taper extending inwardly from the first end, a shoulder portion extending from the taper, and a threaded portion extending further inward from the shoulder. 1. A tool comprisinga shaft comprising an elongate portion having a first end and a second end, andan implement removably attachable to the shaft, comprising an elongate portion at a first end and a tool portion at a second end,wherein one of the shaft and the implement has, at its first end, a male portion comprising a reducing taper extending from the elongate portion and terminating at a shoulder, and a threaded portion extending from the shoulder and having a cross sectional area lesser than that of the shoulder, andthe other of the shaft and the implement has, at its first end, a female portion comprising a reducing taper extending inwardly from the first end, a shoulder portion extending from the taper, and a threaded portion extending further inward from the shoulder.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft comprises the female portion and the implement comprises the male portion.3. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft comprises the male portion and the implement comprises the female portion.4. The tool according to claim 3 , wherein the shaft comprises a handle for gripping in use.5. The tool according to claim 2 , wherein the shaft ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022847A1
Автор: Weathers Dean A.

A multi-function tool has a body defining a plurality of tool facilities, a selected one of the tool facilities being an aperture adapted to receive a loop element, the aperture including a first portion defining a tool interface adapted to operably receive a device having a selected peripheral profile, and the aperture having a second portion defining a lobe extending beyond the peripheral profile. The tool interface may have opposed parallel sides adapted to function as a wrench. The tool interface may be a portion of a hexagon. The tool interface may be adapted to closely receive a ¼ inch hex shank. The tool interface may be adapted to closely receive a hexagonal element. The tool interface may be polygonal. The body may be a unitary planar element having opposed major faces. The body may be a sheet metal element with a uniform thickness. 1. A multi-function tool comprising:a body defining a plurality of tool facilities;a selected one of the tool facilities being an aperture adapted to receive a loop element;the aperture including a first portion defining a tool interface adapted to operably receive a device having a selected peripheral profile; andthe aperture having a second portion defining a lobe extending beyond the peripheral profile.2. The multi-function tool of wherein the tool interface has opposed parallel sides adapted to function as a wrench.3. The multi-function tool of wherein the tool interface is a portion of a hexagon.4. The multi-function tool of wherein the tool interface is adapted to closely receive a ¼ inch hex shank.5. The multi-function tool of wherein the tool interface is adapted to closely receive a hexagonal element.6. The multi-function tool of wherein the tool interface is polygonal.7. The multi-function tool of wherein the body is a unitary planar element having opposed major faces.8. The multi-function tool of wherein the body is a sheet metal element with a uniform thickness.9. The multi-function tool of wherein the lobe extends ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023504A1
Принадлежит: MIW Associates LLC

A tool includes a handle and a blade. The handle extends from a handle first end to a handle second end. The blade has a first surface and an opposed second surface and defines a cutting edge between the first surface and the second surface. The blade extends from a blade first end to a blade second end. The blade and the handle are rotatably coupled at the blade first end and the handle first end about an axis extending from the first surface of the blade to the second surface of the blade. The blade is rotatable from a first position to a second position. The blade is lockable in the first position. When in the first position, the blade extends out from the handle second end. 1. A tool , comprising:a handle extending from a handle first end to a handle second end; anda blade having a first surface and an opposed second surface and defining a cutting edge between the first surface and the second surface, the blade extending from a blade first end to a blade second end;wherein the blade and the handle are rotatably coupled at the blade first end and the handle first end about an axis extending from the first surface of the blade to the second surface of the blade;wherein the blade is rotatable from a first position to a second position;wherein the blade is lockable in the first position; andwherein, when in the first position, the blade extends out from the handle second end.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the handle defines a slot extending between the handle first end and the handle second end claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , when in the first position claim 1 , the blade is partially disposed in the slot.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the blade includes a jaw adjacent the blade first end claim 1 , wherein the jaw includes a second cutting edge defined between the first surface and the second surface claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , when the blade is in the second position claim 1 , the jaw and the handle define a space therebetween claim 1 , and wherein rotation ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Screw Bit Putty Knife

Номер: US20150026898A1

A utility tool, such a putty knife, includes an elongated handle for manual handling of the utility tool, a blade and a screw bit assembly. The screw bit assembly is rotatably mounted about the rear portion of the handle, has a screw bit, and is operable between a non-operating configuration where the screw bit is nested within the handle, and an operating configuration where the screw bit is drawn out of the handle and securely maintained in a fixed configuration so as to be positioned at a slanted angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the handle. In addition to being able to carry out other various functions, in drywall applications and the like, the tool by virtue of its design and components enables a more ergonomic grip, and to have a greater lever effect for screwing fasteners with its screw bit assembly. 1. A utility tool comprising:an elongated handle assembly for manual handling of the utility tool, the handle assembly extending substantially along a longitudinal axis, and having front and rear portions, as well as a peripheral side edge extending between top and bottom gripping surfaces;a blade having an anchoring portion anchored within the handle assembly and an operating portion extending out from the front portion of the handle assembly, the blade extending along a given plane substantially parallel to a corresponding plane defined by the peripheral side edge;a screw bit assembly having a screw bit component and a corresponding swiveling support component pivotably mounted onto the handle assembly, the screw bit assembly being operable between a removably fixed non-operating configuration and a removably fixed operating configuration, where in the non-operating configuration, the screw bit component and swiveling support component are nested within a corresponding recess provided on the peripheral side edge of the handle assembly, between the top and bottom gripping surfaces of the handle assembly, and where in the non-operating configuration, ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Tool Wrench

Номер: US20150026899A1
Автор: Lawrence Glenford

A multi-tool is provided having a first end having a socket wrench, a second end having a retractable blade, a plurality of interchangeable wrench heads that are affixable over the second end of the tool when the blade is retracted, a screwdriver that is pivotally deployable from the body of the tool, an extendable magnet that is pivotally deployable from the reverse side of the tool, and at least one level. An alternative embodiment of the present multi-tool further includes a light to be used to illuminate dim work environments. The interchangeable wrench heads include an open-ended wrench head, an adjustable open-ended wrench head, a box end wrench head, and other such wrench head attachments. 1. A multi-tool , comprising:a body having a first side, a second side, a first end, and a second end;a ratcheting wrench head disposed on said first end;a retractable blade disposed on said second end;said first side having a screwdriver head pivotally affixed thereto;said second side having a magnet pivotally affixed thereto;a plurality of interchangeable heads removably affixable to said second end via an attachment mechanism when said retractable blade is in its retracted configuration.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said body is slidably affixed to said multi-tool.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one level disposed thereon.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein said magnet is telescoping.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein said attachment mechanisms comprises a spring-loaded pin that engages with a complementary portion disposed on said interchangeable heads.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a light disposed thereon.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein said screwdriver comprises a head portion and an elongated member portion and wherein said head portion is rotatably affixed to said elongated member portion. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/857,338 filed on Jul. 23, 2013 entitled “Multi Wrench.” ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Shipboard Multi-tool

Номер: US20210023687A1
Автор: Williams Thomas

A Shipboard Multi-tool. The Multi-tool includes a pair of groups of tools that are individually-extendable from the handle in order to allow the Multi-tool to operate a plurality of different shipboard mechanisms with a single assembly. One group of extendable tools includes spanner and box wrenches. Another group of extendable tools includes key-type wrenches. The individual extendable wrenches are lockable in a variety of angular positions relative to the handle to provide the user with several configurations with which to use the wrenches. The locking mechanisms are operable by depressing a spring-loaded push-button. 1. A multi-function tool assembly , comprising:an outer frame, defined by a proximal end and a distal end;a first pivot pin extending through said outer frame adjacent to said proximal end;a second pivot pin extending through said outer frame adjacent to said distal end;a first tool group, each member of said group pivotally attached to, and extending from said first pivot pin; anda second tool group, each member of said group pivotally attached to, and extending from said second pivot pin.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said first tool group comprises a first key wrench defined by an elongate stem terminating in a generally square-shaped distal end.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein said second tool group comprises a first spanner wrench defined by at least one elongate stem terminating in a first spanner wrench head.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein each said stem proximal end comprises a transverse bore and a plurality of notches formed therearound claim 3 , and through which either said first or second pivot pin passes claim 3 , such that each said tool is pivotable around said first or second pivot pin.5. The assembly of claim 4 , further comprising a handle socket extending from said proximal end of said outer frame claim 4 , said handle socket comprising a hollow tubular element configured to accept an elongate handle therein.6. The ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023688A1
Автор: Hyde Ben

An insulated multi-tool comprising a pair of opposing jaws, a pair of opposed handles operatively connected to the jaws relative to a pivot to force the jaws into a clamping position about an object, at least one of the opposed handles having a tool-receiving pocket, at least one tool stored in the tool receiving pocket, the at least one tool pivotally attached relative to the tool receiving pocket for movement between a stored position in which the at least one tool is stored within the tool receiving pocket and an open, use position in which the at least one tool is located relative to at least one of the opposed handles for use, and wherein the a pair of opposed handles are electrically insulated from both the pair of opposing jaws and each at least one tool. 1. An insulated multi-tool comprising a pair of opposing jaws , a pair of opposed handles operatively connected to the jaws relative to a pivot to force the jaws into a clamping position about an object , at least one of the opposed handles having a tool-receiving pocket , at least one tool stored in the tool receiving pocket , the at least one tool pivotally attached relative to the tool receiving pocket for movement between a stored position in which the at least one tool is stored within the tool receiving pocket and an open , use position in which the at least one tool is located relative to at least one of the opposed handles for use , and wherein the a pair of opposed handles are electrically insulated from both the pair of opposing jaws and each at least one tool.2. An insulated multi-tool as claimed in wherein each of the jaws is a combination jaw including a cutting blade as well as one or more gripping portions.3. An insulated multi-tool as claimed in wherein each of the handles has at least one elongate tool-receiving pocket that extends approximately parallel to a longitudinal axis of the handle.4. An insulated multi-tool as claimed in wherein the respective handles are hinged to rotate back ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028202A1

A hand tool including a handle and a housing removably coupled to the handle and having a first end and a second end opposite the first end. The housing is reversible relative to the handle between a first position in which the first end of the housing is received within the handle and a second position in which the second end of the housing is received within the handle. The hand tool further includes a first tool bit holder proximate the first end that is configured to receive a first tool bit and a second tool bit holder proximate the second end that is configured to receive a second tool bit. The hand tool also includes an impact mechanism within the housing operable to deliver an axial impact to at least one of the first tool bit holder and the second tool bit holder. 1. A hand tool comprising:a handle;a housing removably coupled to the handle and having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, wherein the housing is reversible relative to the handle between a first position in which the first end of the housing is received within the handle and a second position in which the second end of the housing is received within the handle;a first tool bit holder proximate the first end, the first tool bit holder configured to receive a first tool bit;a second tool bit holder proximate the second end, the second tool bit holder configured to receive a second tool bit; andan impact mechanism within the housing, the impact mechanism operable to deliver an axial impact to at least one of the first tool bit holder and the second tool bit holder.2. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a cylindrical body and a tab projecting from the cylindrical body claim 1 , and wherein the handle includes a slot in which the tab is received when the housing is in at least one of the first position and the second position to inhibit rotation of the housing relative to the handle.3. The hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the first tool bit is a screwdriver bit and ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Irrigation Bolt Wrench Combination

Номер: US20170028532A1
Автор: Lazarov Ross

An irrigation tool is described that may be used to unloosen a sprinkler head of an underground water irrigation system without the need to expose the entire sprinkler head assembly. The device allows for sufficient torque to be applied to the sprinkler head without the need for a wide unobstructed wrench turning radius about the sprinkler head. 1. An irrigation tool comprising:first and second opposed handles;first and second opposed gripping jaw members extending from corresponding first and second handles, said gripping jaw members having a longitudinal axis that intersects a longitudinal axis of said opposed handles at an angle, each said gripping jaw member having a top and bottom wherein an obtuse angle less than 180 degrees is between the longitudinal axis of said gripping jaw members and the longitudinal axis of said opposed handles measured from a top of the gripping jaw members and a corresponding top of said handles;a pivot interconnecting the opposing handles allowing rotation of at least one of the first and second handles about said pivot;a first tool member extending from said pivot, said first tool member having a flattened tip portion; anda second tool member extending from said pivot, said second tool member having a keyed tip portion.2. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axis of said gripping jaw member is neither collinear nor coplanar with the longitudinal axis of said corresponding handle.3. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein said pivot includes at least two pivot points on which the pivot may be formed.4. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein a separation distance between said first and second opposed gripping jaw members approximates a diameter of an object to be rotated.5. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , further including at least two spaced apart lugs extending from a bottom of each said first and second gripping jaw members.6. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first tool ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028542A1

A multi-purpose tool operated by a user for storing, opening, cutting, clamping and holding of articles is provided. The multi-purpose tool includes a first shear, a second shear movably coupled to the first shear at a pivot point and a ratchet extending from each finger grip. Each shear includes a finger grip, cutting edges, tines and gripping tips. Further, the multi-purpose tool includes ratchet extending from respective finger grips. Each ratchet having a plurality of ratchet teeth defined therein, the ratchets extending towards each other. The first cutting edge and the second cutting edge are adapted for extending around the article in a firm grip by engagement of the ratchets in order to clamp the article between the first cutting edge and the second cutting edge. 19-. (canceled)10. A multi-purpose tool comprising: a first finger grip for receiving at least one finger of a user;', 'a first tine extending from the first finger grip;', 'a first cutting edge extending from the first tine;', 'a first gripping tip attached to the first finger grip; and, 'a first shear including'} a second finger grip for receiving at least one finger of the user;', 'a second tine extending from the second finger grip positioned substantially parallel to the first tine, wherein an inner surface of the first shear and an inner surface of the second shear curve to form a first opening adjacent to the pivot point for opening of articles;', 'a second cutting edge extending from the second tine; and', 'a second gripping tip attached to the second finger grip for gripping of articles against the first gripping tip; and, 'a second shear movably coupled to the first shear at a pivot point including'}a ratchet extending from each shear, each ratchet having a plurality of ratchet teeth defined therein, the ratchets extending towards each other;wherein the first shear and the second shear are adapted for extending around the article in a firm grip by engagement of the ratchets in order to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029213A1
Автор: Li Yueming
Принадлежит: Hangzhou Great Star Tools Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides a hand tool with reliable connections comprising: a working unit having a working end and a handle end opposite to the working end; a handle being mounted on the handle end of the working unit and having a working unit end and a knocking unit end; a knocking unit being mounted on the knocking unit end of the handle. The connecting part between the knocking unit and the handle end of the working unit is a contacting surface, the handle end or the contacting surface is configured as a deformable and non-rigid contact, realizing the reliable connection between the working unit and the knocking unit. The deformable and non-rigid contact is realized by the configuration of at least one of the contacting surface and the handle end being configured to be tooth-shaped, the tooth-shape can deform and form a gapless engagement with the contacting surface. This configuration lowers the precision requirements for the production of each part; saves the costs; achieves reliable connections among the working unit, knocking unit and the handle of the hand tool; and disperses the impact force that damages the handle. 1. A hand tool with reliable connections , comprising:a working unit having a working end and a handle end opposite to the working end;a handle being mounted on the handle end of the working unit and having a working unit end and a knocking unit end;a knocking unit mounted on the knocking unit end of the handle;wherein the connecting part between the knocking unit and the handle end of the working unit is a contacting surface, the handle end or the contacting surface being configured as a deformable and non-rigid contact, realizing the reliable connection between the working unit and the knocking unit.2. The hand tool with reliable connections of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the contacting surface and the handle end is configured to be tooth-shaped claim 1 , the tooth-shape can be deformed so as to form a gapless engagement with the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048178A1

A push-pull press-contact apparatus includes holding member capable of being held with fingers; push-pull member connected to the holding member and having push portion, stop portion and pull portion sequentially connected; and pressing member connected to the pull portion from front. An antiseptic case includes case member having mounting space; alcoholic sponge mounted in the mounting space and having slot insertable by push-pull member and pressing member; and lid for covering the case member. Another antiseptic case includes case member having mounting space; alcoholic sponge mounted in the mounting space and having slot insertable by push-pull member and pressing member of push-pull press-contact apparatus; and lid for covering the case member. 11. A push-pull press-contact apparatus () , comprising:{'b': '10', '#text': 'a holding member () capable of being held with fingers;'}{'b': ['30', '10', '31', '32', '33', '30', '35', '36'], '#text': 'a push-pull member () connected to the holding member () and having a push portion (), a stop portion () and a pull portion () which are sequentially connected, wherein the push-pull. member () defines a receiving space () and an opening (); and'}{'b': ['40', '33', '30'], '#text': 'a pressing member () connected to the pull portion () of the push-pull member () from front.'}21323133. The push-pull press-contact apparatus () of claim 1 , wherein the stop portion () has a bevel or rounded corner relative to the push portion () and the pull portion ().31303433. The push-pull press-contact apparatus () of claim 1 , wherein the push-pull member () further has a hook portion () connected to the pull portion () from behind.412010. The push-pull press-contact apparatus () of claim 1 , further comprising a head member () connected to the holding member () from above.5140. The push-pull press-contact apparatus () of claim 1 , wherein the pressing member () is covered with copper.6110313011. The push-pull press-contact apparatus () of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Auto Emergency Tool

Номер: US20150033477A1
Принадлежит: InterDesign, Inc.

An ergonomic auto emergency tool for alternatively functioning as a flashlight, a seat belt cutter and a motor vehicle window glass breaker. The auto emergency tool includes a main portion and a projecting portion extending from a joining portion and being integral with the main portion, and defining a seat belt-receiving notch therebetween. A knife blade extends across the notch proximate the joining portion. An inner main portion-facing upper surface of the projecting portion has a gentle curve for facilitating the movement of the tool towards and through a seat belt, and the bottom outer surface of the projecting portion is curved for both easy handling and for enabling a firm grip when the tool is used to break window glass. The window-breaking mechanism includes a depressible plunger cover for releasing a spring-loaded impact member. 1. An auto emergency tool comprising: a main portion having a forward end with a light emitter assembly opening, a rearward end with a glass-breaker assembly opening, a longitudinally extending axis between the forward end and the rearward end, a top surface and projecting portion-facing bottom surface;', 'a joining portion proximate said rearward end and connected to said main portion; and', "a projecting portion integrally connected to said main portion and extending from said joining portion to a free end proximate said forward end of said main portion, said projecting portion having a forward end proximate and generally aligned with the forward end of said main portion and a rearward end as part of said joining portion, an inner main portion-facing upper surface spaced from said projecting portion-facing bottom surface of said main portion to define a seat belt-receiving notch, said inner main portion-facing upper surface having a smooth gentle curve for facilitating the movement of said auto emergency tool towards a seat belt with the seat belt being positionable in said notch, and an outer smooth gentle surface for being ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030958A1
Автор: CHAN Wai Tong

An outdoor surface treating apparatus having a body having a handle and a head arranged to be removably connected with an accessory tool assembly. The head includes a first engagement arrangement for releasably engaging with a second engagement arrangement in the accessory tool assembly. A drive unit, arranged in the head, includes a first coupling member for drivingly coupling with a second coupling member in the accessory tool assembly. The first engagement arrangement is fixed. The second engagement arrangement is movable between an extended position and a retracted position. The accessory tool assembly includes a biasing element for biasing the second engagement arrangement into the extended position. As the accessory tool assembly is aligned with the head, in particular when the first engagement arrangement is aligned with the second engagement arrangement, and is moved along a movement axis into engagement with the head, the second engagement arrangement first moves over the first engagement arrangement against the bias then returns to the extended position and locks with the first engagement arrangement while the first coupling member couples with the second coupling member. 1. An outdoor surface treating apparatus , comprising:a body having a handle and a head arranged to be removably connected with an accessory tool assembly, the head including a first engagement arrangement for releasably engaging with a second engagement arrangement in the accessory tool assembly; anda drive unit arranged in the head, the drive unit including a first coupling member for drivingly coupling with a second coupling member in the accessory tool assembly, wherein:the first engagement arrangement is fixed;the second engagement arrangement is movable between an extended position and a retracted position and the accessory tool assembly includes a biasing element for biasing the second engagement arrangement into the extended position; andas the accessory tool assembly is aligned ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Safety utility blades, assemblies and methods of manufacturing

Номер: US20200030997A1
Принадлежит: Klever Kutter LLC

The present disclosure relates to safety blades for use in utility knives, related assemblies and methods of manufacturing. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to safety blades for use in utility knives, related assemblies and methods of manufacture which limit user exposure to associated cutting edges.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Purpose Tool and Attachments

Номер: US20210031353A1
Автор: Bousquet Glen

A handheld multi-tool is provided. The tool has an elongate central handle with an integrally formed tool at each opposite end of the handle. A plurality of additional tools may be attached to the multi-tool by slideably fitting over one of the integrally formed tools, leading to a wide variety of operational modes for the multi-tool. 1. A handheld multi-tool comprising:an elongate central handle;a first tool at a first end of the central handle, the first tool having a flat profile and being angled at an obtuse angle with respect to a major axis of the central handle; anda second tool at a second opposite end of the central handle, the second tool having a flat profile and being angled at an obtuse angle with respect to the major axis of the central handle opposite to the first side.2. The handheld multi-tool of wherein the first tool is a scraper.3. The handheld multi-tool of wherein the second tool is a hook.4. The handheld multi-tool of wherein the scraper further comprises a sharpened distal end operable as a chisel.5. The handheld multi-tool of wherein the scraper further comprises a tear-drop shaped aperture operable as a nail-puller.6. The handheld multi-tool of further comprising a third tool attached over the first tool claim 1 , the third tool defining an aperture sized to be frictionally fit over the flat profile of the first tool claim 1 , the first tool positioned within the aperture.7. The handheld multi-tool of further comprising a fourth tool attached over the second tool claim 6 , the fourth tool defining an aperture sized to be frictionally fit over the flat profile of the second tool claim 6 , the second tool positioned within the aperture of the fourth tool.8. The handheld multi-tool of wherein the first tool comprises a bump on an outer surface claim 6 , the bump engaged with a hole at a distal end of the third tool thereby holding the third tool in place and guiding a proper placement of the third tool over the first tool.9. The handheld multi ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039085A1

A multiple tool with an integrated case is described. The multiple tool includes a tool assembly that includes a first pivot on which are articulated a plurality of implements, each implement rotatable from an inactive position of minimum encumbrance to at least a working position, and a carry case for housing the tool assembly. The carry case includes at least a grip portion for manually holding the tool assembly with at least one of the implements in a working position. 1. A multiple tool with an integrated case , comprising:a tool assembly comprising a first pivot, wherein the first pivot holds a plurality of implements and each of the implements are rotatable from an inactive position to a working position; anda carry case that houses the tool assembly and comprises at least a grip portion that facilitates manually holding the tool assembly when at least one of the implements is in its working position.2. The multiple tool of claim 1 , wherein the grip portion is disposed on an external surface of the carry case.3. The multiple tool of claim 1 , wherein the carry case further comprises a housing for the tool assembly and a first opening for selectively extracting the tool assembly from the housing.4. The multiple tool of claim 3 , wherein the first opening comprises a first cutout for pivoting at least one of the implements to the working position.5. The multiple tool of claim 3 , wherein the carry case further comprises a second opening that defines a seat for a separate implement.6. The multiple tool of claim 5 , wherein the second opening comprises a second cutout for operating the separate implement.7. The multiple tool of claim 6 , wherein the separate implement comprises a body provided with raised portions suitable to abut the second cutout.8. The multiple tool of claim 5 , wherein the separate implement comprises a chain breaker and/or a spoke wrench.9. The multiple tool of claim 5 , wherein the carry case further comprises a first retention means of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036873A1

A hand tool including a first head having at least one working surface, a second head having at least one working surface, and a handle having a first end and a second end, where the first head is coupled to the first end of the handle and the second head is coupled to the second end of the handle. The utility tool also includes a core coupled to the first head and the second head and extending through the handle. 1. A hand tool , comprising:a first head having at least one working surface;a second head having at least one working surface;a handle having a first end and a second end, wherein the first head is coupled to the first end of the handle and the second head is coupled to the second end of the handle; anda core coupled to the first head and the second head and extending through the handle.2. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the core is threadedly coupled to the first head and the second head.3. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the first head includes a second working surface.4. The utility tool of claim 1 , further comprising a fastener extending through the first head and threadedly engaging with the core such that the fastener secures the first head to the core and the handle.5. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the first working surface is an axe blade.6. The utility tool of claim 5 , wherein the second working surface is a pick.7. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the core is made of a different material than the handle.8. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the second head is a pommel.9. The utility tool of claim 1 , further comprising a fastener having a head portion and a body portion claim 1 , the head portion engaging with and at least partially extending through the first head and the second portion having an internally threaded recess threadedly coupled to a distal end of the core.10. The utility tool of claim 1 , wherein the first head defines a handle receiving recess of noncircular shape claim 1 , the handle receiving ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Lost and abandoned fishing tackle recovery system

Номер: US20150040328A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A recovery device comprising a pole with a handle to which length extensions may be mounted. Two top attachments. One for recovering tackle from trees having two longitudinal square shafts with magnets attached to their upper face; said shafts bending vertically toward a square attachment front side with magnets attached to the face thereof with razor points at the tips; a flashlight mounted on its underbelly and a back attachment mounted horizontally having a fibrous sheet for securing tackle during retrieval. A second underwater attachment comprising a stem with the top of the stem having a vertical round shaft protruding from its center; a magnet mounted on the bottom side of said vertical face of the round shaft extending from the face of the shaft rearward along the bottom side, with a magnet mounted on the front face and a split ring attached to the top of the face extending vertically.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Fuel procurement tool and method(s) of use

Номер: US20180037518A1
Автор: Chris D. Willis
Принадлежит: Individual

A handheld tool configured to procure fuel is described. Embodiments of the fuel procurement tool include a handhold having a cutting mechanism located proximate one end of the handhold. Typically, the cutting mechanism can include at least one cutter link having a depth gauge, a top plate, and a gullet formed between the depth gauge and the top plate. The fuel procurement tool can be implemented to procure kindling from a piece of wood.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Five in one bar tool

Номер: US20210045584A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a bar tool that allows the user to easily open bottles and pop top cans, remove speed pourers, scoop ice, and strain beverages

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039049A1

A multipurpose tool is provided which may be useful for functions relating to firearms and explosives. The multipurpose tool may include a variety of tools and features while maintaining a compact form. For example, the multipurpose tool may include a blade positioned in a pocket defined between a handle and a body member which define a hook configuration. Elongate members may be rotatably connected to the multipurpose tool and may include a base member with a cam surface and one or more detents which cooperate with a spring follower to hold the elongate member in either or both of an operational position or a storage position. A receiving aperture may be received in a jaw of a pair of pliers, and configured to receive an accessory member. Further, a sleeve may store a bit on the side of a handle and may be retained in the sleeve by a displaceable button. 1. A multipurpose tool comprising:a handle;a bit driver coupled to the handle, wherein the bit driver comprises a bit chamber configured to receive a bit; anda bit retention spring movable between a locking position wherein the bit retention spring is configured to engage a recess in the bit, and a release position wherein the bit retention spring is configured to disengage from the recess,wherein the bit retention spring is integral with the handle.2. The multipurpose tool of claim 1 , further comprising a bit release member configured to displace the bit retention spring from the locking position to the release position claim 1 ,wherein the bit retention spring is biased to the locking position.3. The multipurpose tool of wherein the bit release member is integral with the handle.4. The multipurpose tool of further comprising:a second handle;a plurality of tools carried by at least one of the handles; anda latch coupled to one handle,wherein the latch is configured to deflect to releasably engage another handle when the one handle and the another handle are in a closed position to selectively retain the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041054A1
Принадлежит: InvenTel Products, LLC

A multifunction flashlight includes a flashlight body defining opposing front and rear ends, a light source with a LED light mounted in the front end of the flashlight body, a light source switch mounted on the flashlight body near the front end, a focus adjustment device mounted on the flashlight body between the light source and the light source switch, multiple tools pivotally connected to the rear end of the flashlight body and receivable inside the flashlight body, an emergency exit hammer pivotally connected to the rear end of the flashlight body and receivable inside the flashlight body, a release switch mounted on the flashlight body near the rear end, a seat belt cutter, and a USB jack for battery charging. 1. A multifunction flashlight , comprising;a flashlight body defining a front end and an opposing rear end:a light source mounted in said front end of said flashlight body, said light source comprising a LED light;a light source switch mounted on said flashlight body near said front end and operable to switch on/off said LED light;a focus adjustment device mounted on said flashlight body between said light source and said light source switch and operable to zoom in and out the light beam emitted by said LED light;a tool set pivotally connected to said rear end of said flashlight body, said tool set comprising at least one tool, wherein said at least one said tool being biasable in and out of said flashlight body and receivable inside said flashlight body;an emergency exit hammer pivotally connected to said rear end of said flashlight body and receivable inside said flashlight body, said emergency exit hammer having a pointed tip; anda release switch mounted on said flashlight body near said rear end and operable to bias said emergency exit hammer for causing said emergency exit hammer to move said pointed tip out of said flashlight body.2. The multifunction flashlight as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one tool of said tool set is selected from the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Dual-head tool system with rotatable handle

Номер: US20210046629A1
Автор: Doug Palmisano
Принадлежит: Individual

A dual headed tool having a rotatable arm has a shank with a tool head at each end. The shank slides through a rotatable hub positioned at the distal ends of the tools handle. One half of the shank is inserted into a longitudinal bore extending through the handle while the other half of the shank extends outward so that the tool head at its end may be used. The shank may be slid out of the bore within the handle and rotated to alternate which end of the shank is used. The tour may also be configured without the shank extending into the longitudinal bore in the handle, such that the handle extends away from the shank at an angle between 0° and 180°.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Combination Nail Care Tool

Номер: US20170042307A1
Автор: Blunt Tyler

A combination nail care tool is disclosed. The combination tool can include a plurality of different tools such as nail clippers, cuticle scissors, tweezers, a cuticle pusher, cuticle nippers, and a file. The tools may be integrated into a small and aesthetically pleasing housing that can improve grip and provide ready access to a particular tool as well as a safe and convenient means for storage or transport. 1. A combination tool apparatus comprising a housing and at least two tools wherein:the housing comprises a first part and a second part and is effective to substantially contain the at least two tools;the first part and the second part of the housing are pivotally connected to a first pivot and a second pivot, respectively, wherein the first pivot and the second pivot are enclosed by the housing; andat least one first tool is integrated into the first pivot and the second pivot.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one second tool is pivotally connected to a third pivot and the third pivot is enclosed by the housing.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first tool is a cuticle nippers and the first and second pivots are located on or adjacent to a first handle and a second handle of the nippers claim 1 , respectively.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises at least one storage compartment claim 1 , and at least one portion of the at least one storage compartment is located on the exterior of the housing.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises a first storage compartment having a shape or dimensions effective to contain a tool claim 4 , at least one first portion of the first storage compartment is located in the first part of the housing claim 4 , at least one second portion of the first storage compartment is located in the second part of the housing claim 4 , and the storage compartment is located on the exterior of the housing.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein at least one portion of the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047127A1

The invention described herein generally relates to a pliers welding multi-tool including welding pliers and a plurality of welding tools that can be stowed in one or both handles of the pliers welding multi-tool. The pliers welding multi-tool handles can include rotating, sliding, or other interfaces to store or take out the pliers or other tools. Other tools integrated in the pliers portion or stored within the handles can include a welding fillet gauge, a welding thickness gauge, a welding tip remover, a welding nozzle remover, a bevel-angle tool, a root gap gauge, a plate and rod gauge, and others. 1. A welding equipment hand tool , comprising:a first handle;a second handle mechanically coupled to the first handle;a welding pliers including at least two pliers jaws, wherein the welding pliers are opened or closed based at least in part on a position of the second handle in relation to the first handle, and wherein the at least two pliers jaws are configured to stow in a pliers recess of at least one of the first handle and the second handle;a welding nozzle cleaner attached to one of the first handle and the second handle, wherein the welding nozzle cleaner is configured to stow in a welding nozzle cleaner recess of at least one of the first handle and the second handle;a welding bevel-angle tool attached to one of the first handle and the second handle, wherein the welding bevel-angle tool is configured to stow in a welding bevel-angle tool recess of at least one of the first handle and the second handle; anda welding thickness gauge attached to at least one of the first handle and the second handle, wherein the welding thickness gauge is configured to stow in a welding thickness gauge recess of at least one of the first handle and the second handle.2. The welding equipment hand tool of claim 1 , wherein the second handle is configured to collapse against the first handle in a closed configuration.3. The welding equipment hand tool of claim 1 , further ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043467A1
Автор: Arakelian Narbeh

A key-shaped multi-tool device is presented. The invention is a multi-tool device that incorporates several tools used in everyday functions into a simple sturdy key-shaped device. The key-shaped device comprises a head section and a tail section. The head section comprises an opening with at least one section shaped to operate as a Hex wrench. The device further comprises a first cavity on the front side which is preferably shaped for use as a hex wrench and as a bottle opener. The tail section comprises a semi-sharp cutting blade that is safe to the touch. The tail section further comprises a claw from its proximal end to an adjoining a second cavity near its mid-section. The claw is such that it could be used for multiple functions. The second cavity is shaped as a Hex wrench. 1. A key-shaped multi-tool device comprising:a head comprising an opening with at least one section shaped to operate as a Hex wrench;a tail comprising a semi-sharp cutting blade and a slot from its proximal end to an adjoining second cavity, wherein the second cavity is shaped as a Hex wrench; anda first cavity on a front side adjoining said head and said tail, wherein said first cavity is shaped for use as a Hex wrench and as a bottle opener.2. The key-shaped multi-tool device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one section in said opening is shaped to operate as a 10 mm Hex wrench.3. The key-shaped multi-tool device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one section in said opening is shaped to operate as an 8 mm Hex wrench.4. The key-shaped multi-tool device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one section in said opening is shaped to operate as a 6 mm Hex wrench.5. The key-shaped multi-tool device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one section in said opening comprises a first section shaped to operate as a 10 mm Hex wrench claim 1 , a second section shaped to operate as an 8 mm Hex wrench claim 1 , and a third section shaped to operate as a 6 mm Hex wrench.6. A key-shaped multi-tool device ...
