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10-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018671U1

1. Устройство для мерной резки непрерывно движущихся полимерных изделий, включающее жестко закрепленные на платформе направляющие стойки, в которых установлен инструмент поперечной резки с приводом, механизм вертикального перемещения инструмента поперечной резки и узел фиксации, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена подвижной в горизонтальной плоскости в направлении оси перемещения изделия и снабжена установленными на ней не менее двух узлов фиксации для жесткого крепления к изделию, каждый из которых выполнен в виде основания и прижимной части, образующих в сборке полость, часть поверхности которой, предназначенная для сопряжения с изделием, повторяет его контур в месте сопряжения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что инструмент поперечной резки и его привод расположены на одной горизонтальной оси. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что механизм вертикального перемещения инструмента поперечной резки включает зубчатую передачу, реверсивный двигатель и концевые переключатели. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что инструмент поперечной резки выполнен в виде абразивного отрезного круга. (19) RU (11) 18 671 (13) U1 (51) МПК B29C 71/00 (2000.01) B26D 1/56 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99115819/20, 19.07.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.07.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Наседкин Ю.В., Царев В.Ф. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Обнинское научно-производственное предприятие "Технология" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 1 8 6 7 1 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для мерной резки непрерывно движущихся полимерных изделий, включающее жестко закрепленные на платформе направляющие стойки, в которых установлен инструмент поперечной резки с приводом, механизм вертикального перемещения инструмента поперечной резки и узел фиксации, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена подвижной в горизонтальной плоскости в направлении оси ...

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000050148U1

1. Установка для химической модификации резиновых пластин толщиной от 30 до 80 мм с открытыми или закрытыми воздухонаполненными полостями, содержащая связанные между собой функциональной зависимостью, и установленные в технологической последовательности привод, устройство подачи пластин, устройство предварительной подготовки поверхности и устройство нанесения модифицирующего состава, отличающаяся тем, что устройство подачи пластин выполнено в виде неприводного рольганга, устройство предварительной подготовки поверхности и устройство нанесения модифицирующего состава конструктивно идентичны и состоят из приводного рольганга, прижимных роликов и рабочих органов, обеспечивающих нанесение рабочих жидкостей снизу и расположенных между валами приводного рольганга, при этом количество рабочих органов в каждом устройстве должно быть не менее двух. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена вентиляторами, расположенными после устройства подготовки поверхности и после устройства нанесения модифицирующего состава. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 50 148 (13) U1 (51) МПК B29C 71/00 (2000.01) B05C 1/02 (2000.01) B29K 101/00 (2000.01) B29L 7/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004122983/12 , 26.07.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.07.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2005 5 0 1 4 8 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Установка для химической модификации резиновых пластин толщиной от 30 до 80 мм с открытыми или закрытыми воздухонаполненными полостями, содержащая связанные между собой функциональной зависимостью, и установленные в технологической последовательности привод, устройство подачи пластин, устройство предварительной подготовки поверхности и устройство нанесения модифицирующего состава, отличающаяся тем, что устройство подачи пластин выполнено в виде неприводного рольганга, устройство предварительной подготовки поверхности ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118917U1

Ультрафиолетовый светодиодный облучатель, содержащий камеру, размещенные внутри камеры источники ультрафиолетового излучения, плиту для установки обрабатываемой детали, блок электропитания с таймером, соединенный первым кабелем с источниками ультрафиолетового излучения, блок управления, отличающийся тем, что в него дополнительно введены крышка с ручкой, при этом крышка шарнирно соединена с верхней частью камеры; и стенки камеры выполнены с направляющими пазами; электродвигатель с редуктором, установленные на дне камеры, и редуктор соединен через муфту со стержнем с резьбой, а свободный конец стержня ввинчен в плиту, и стержень при вращении перемещает плиту по вертикали; и плита имеет пластины, которые вставлены в пазы; и одна пластина выходит наружу камеры так, что она перемещается вдоль вертикально установленной линейки на наружной стороне камеры; и электродвигатель соединен с блоком управления вторым кабелем; причем в качестве источников ультрафиолетового излучения используют светодиоды, установленные на внутренней поверхности крышки и камеры, и светодиоды расположены в узлах сетки с прямоугольными или квадратными сторонами; и расстояние от стенок камеры до плиты больше высоты светодиодов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B29C 71/04 (13) 118 917 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012106954/05, 27.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.02.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2012 Бюл. № 22 Адрес для переписки: 432029, г.Ульяновск, а/я 10351, Д.К. Подымало 1 1 8 9 1 7 R U Формула полезной модели Ультрафиолетовый светодиодный облучатель, содержащий камеру, размещенные внутри камеры источники ультрафиолетового излучения, плиту для установки обрабатываемой детали, блок электропитания с таймером, соединенный первым кабелем с источниками ультрафиолетового излучения, блок управления, отличающийся тем, что в него дополнительно введены крышка с ручкой, при этом ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130912U1

Устройство для маркирования деталей из пластика, содержащее транспортер для перемещения маркируемых деталей, последовательно расположенные у края транспортера датчик скорости транспортерной ленты, датчик наличия продукта и печатающую головку, связанную с компьютером управления, отличающееся тем, что у того же края транспортера после датчика наличия продукта и перед печатающей головкой по ходу движения деталей на транспортере установлена газовая горелка для опаливания поверхности маркирования. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 130 912 U1 (51) МПК B29C 71/02 (2006.01) B29C 51/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013105894/05, 12.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.02.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Бутенко Владимир Игоревич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Пластик" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.02.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2013 Бюл. № 22 R U 1 3 0 9 1 2 Формула полезной модели Устройство для маркирования деталей из пластика, содержащее транспортер для перемещения маркируемых деталей, последовательно расположенные у края транспортера датчик скорости транспортерной ленты, датчик наличия продукта и печатающую головку, связанную с компьютером управления, отличающееся тем, что у того же края транспортера после датчика наличия продукта и перед печатающей головкой по ходу движения деталей на транспортере установлена газовая горелка для опаливания поверхности маркирования. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ МАРКИРОВАНИЯ ПЛАСТИКОВЫХ ДЕТАЛЕЙ 1 3 0 9 1 2 Адрес для переписки: 460000, г.Оренбург, пр-кт Парковый, 6, Торговопромышленная палата Оренбургской области, Горелику А.А. U 1 U 1 1 3 0 9 1 2 1 3 0 9 1 2 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 130 912 U1 Заявляемое устройство предназначено для подготовки поверхности и нанесение символов печатной краской на изделия из пластмасс, преимущественно ...

14-06-2017 дата публикации

Устройство предварительной активации полимеров

Номер: RU0000171740U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам обработки полимерных материалов для улучшения адгезионных свойств лакокрасочных и клеевых покрытий к поверхности изделий без изменения физико-механических свойств материала и может быть использована в легкой и автомобильной промышленности. В устройстве предварительной активации полимеров, содержащем корпус, включающий изолированные друг от друга два электрода для создания между ними электрического поля, штуцера в верхней части корпуса, согласно полезной модели, электроды изготовлены в виде пластин, одна из граней которых выполнена в виде дуги, установлены в корпусе зеркально, при этом корпус выполнен из двух зеркальных смыкающихся половинок с открытым дном. Техническим результатом полезной модели является активация полимерных материалов при атмосферном давлении без предварительной подготовки, снижение энергетических и экономических затрат. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 740 U1 (51) МПК C08J 7/18 (2006.01) B29C 71/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017111690, 06.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.04.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 14.06.2017 Бюл. № 17 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Шереметевский, 7, ИГХТУ, отдел патентной и изобретательской работы (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2180617 C2, 20.03.2002. RU 2027810 C1, 27.01.1995. JPS 6228812 B2, 23.06.1987. EA 8013 B1, 27.02.2007. 1 7 1 7 4 0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Ивановский государственный химико-технологический университет" (ИГХТУ) (RU) 14.06.2017 R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Богданов Павел Владимирович (RU), Шутов Дмитрий Александрович (RU), Иванов Александр Николаевич (RU) 1 7 1 7 4 0 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство предварительной ...

11-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000189920U1

Полезная модель относится к оборудованию, применяемому в технологических линиях для изготовления строительной композитной арматуры или других линейных профилей методом протяжки через формообразующую фильеру и печь полимеризации, в которой происходит процесс термоотверждения изделия. Задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является создание камеры полимеризации, в которой тепловые процессы внутри изделия контролируются и регулируются в процессе работы для широкой номенклатуры диаметров, с гарантированным достижением качества полимеризации с максимально возможной для этого диаметра производительностью. Поставленная задача решается тем, камера полимеризации, содержащая нагревательную печь с наружными отверстиями входа и выхода арматурного стержня из печи, а также датчик температуры, снабжена газоотводом и замкнутыми камерами, установленными между наружными отверстиями входа и выхода и сообщающимися с печью промежуточными отверстиями, причем внутри каждой камеры установлены, по меньшей мере, две перегородки с калиброванными отверстиями в них, по меньшей мере, две роликоопоры для стержня, одна из которых установлена за пределами замкнутой камеры, а другая - между перегородками с калиброванными отверстиями и промежуточным отверстием, причем термодатчик смонтирован внутри газоотвода также как и вентилятор с расходомером. Достижение технического результата обеспечивается также тем, что роликоопоры для стержня выполнены желобчатыми с цилиндрической частью и вертикальными боковыми ребордами. 6 ил. И 1 189920 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 189 920” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 05.06.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 19.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 па 066631 ЕП

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Flexible-to-rigid tubing

Номер: US20120050994A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A flexible-to-rigid tube is flexible when routed and is then rigidized to increase burst strength. According to the preferred embodiments of the present invention, the flexible-to-rigid tube is included in a cooling plate assembly for transferring heat from electronic components mounted on a circuit board. In one embodiment, the flexible-to-rigid tube (while in a flexible state) includes a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) or other silicone containing pendant or terminal epoxy, vinyl and/or acrylate functional groups and an initiator (e.g., a sulfonium salt photoinitiator, a free radical photoinitiator, or a thermal initiator). In another embodiment, triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) and an initiator are incorporated into a conventional PVC-based tubing material. The flexible-to-rigid tube changes from the flexible state to a rigid state via formation of a cross-linked network upon exposure to actinic radiation or heat.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Pattern formation device, method for pattern formation, and program for pattern formation

Номер: US20130069278A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, a pattern formation device that presses a template that includes a concave and convex part onto a transferring object and that forms a pattern in which a shape of the concave and convex part is transferred is provided. The device includes: a calculation part; an adjustment part; and a transfer. The calculation part calculates, using design information of the pattern, the distribution of force applied to the pattern at a time of releasing the template pressed onto the transferring object from the transferring object. The adjustment part adjusts forming conditions of the pattern in order to uniformly approach the distribution of force calculated by the calculation part. The transfer part transfers the shape of the concave and convex part to the transferring object according to the forming conditions adjusted by the adjustment part.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119577A1
Принадлежит: SOLIDSCAPE, INC.

An apparatus and method of fabricating a three-dimensional model which reduces occurrence of one a hairline crack(s), stress fracture(s), break(s), flaw(s) and/or other imperfection(s) in the final three-dimensional model. The method comprising the steps of selecting the model material, selecting the sacrificial material, and adding at least one additive to the sacrificial material for at least one of increasing the thermal conductivity, decreasing a coefficient of thermal expansion or decreasing an ability of the sacrificial material to transmit stress to the model material. The three-dimensional composite model is built by depositing a plurality of layers one on top of another. Following completion of the three-dimensional composite model, using at least one of the increase in the thermal conductivity, the decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion and the decrease in the ability of the composite sacrificial material to transmit stress to the model material for removing the composite sacrificial material from the model material without creating any hairline crack(s), stress fracture(s), break(s), flaw(s) and/or other imperfection(s) in the final three-dimensional model. 1. A method of fabricating a three-dimensional model which minimizes occurrence of any stress flaw within the three-dimensional model in which the three-dimensional model is formed from a sacrificial material and a model material , and the method comprising the steps of:selecting a desired model material;selecting a desired sacrificial material;adding at least one additive to the sacrificial material for at least one of: increasing a thermal conductivity of the sacrificial material, decreasing a coefficient of thermal expansion of the sacrificial material and decreasing an ability of the sacrificial material to transmit stress to the model material, to form a composite sacrificial material;building a three-dimensional composite model by depositing a plurality of layers, one on top of another, ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119586A1
Принадлежит: Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc.

Apparatus, method and system for cutting a polymeric stent including the use of a polymeric mandrel as a laser shielding device. The polymeric mandrel is allowed to roll freely within a polymeric tube that is cut into a polymeric stent. 1. A method of producing a polymeric stent , comprising:positioning a polymeric mandrel and polymeric tube relative to the other such that the polymeric mandrel is within the polymeric tube and in contact with the polymeric tube inside surface, forming a tubing-mandrel assembly,wherein the polymeric tube has a first end and a second end;cutting the polymeric tube while the polymeric mandrel is positioned within the polymeric tube with a laser to form a stent,wherein during the cutting the polymeric tube rotates and the polymeric mandrel rolls in response to an angular force from the rotation of the polymeric tube,wherein the polymeric mandrel rolls on the inside surface of the polymeric tube; andremoving the stent from the mandrel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric tube is only supported at the first end.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric tube is supported at the first end and the second end.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising dispensing pressurized gas through a nozzle near the laser cutting point claim 1 , thereby forming a jet of pressurized gas to force debris toward the second end of the polymeric tube.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the nozzle dispenses the pressurized gas at an angle between 0 and 90 degrees relative to a working outer tube surface.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the gas is an inert gas.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric mandrel is hollow.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric mandrel is a solid rod that is not hollow.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric mandrel is moved longitudinally along the inside surface of the polymeric tube toward the first or second end.10. The method of claim 4 , wherein the gas temperature is less than ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134623A1
Принадлежит: Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc.

Methods of fabricating a polymeric implantable device with improved fracture toughness through annealing, nucleating agents, or both are disclosed herein. A polymeric construct that is completely amorphous or that has a very low crystallinity is annealed with no or substantially no crystal growth to increase nucleation density. Alternatively, the polymer construct includes nucleating agent. The crystallinity of the polymer construct is increased with a high nucleation density through an increase in temperature, deformation, or both. An implantable medical device, such as a stent, can be fabricated from the polymer construct after the increase in crystallinity. 1. A method of making a stent comprising:obtaining a polymeric tube, wherein a polymer of the polymeric tube has a crystallinity of less than 5%;annealing the polymeric tube at a temperature in a temperature range of above Tg and below Tm of the polymer with no crystal growth during a selected annealing time of greater than 1 hr;after annealing, processing the polymeric tube to increase the crystallinity to a desired crystallinity level; andfabricating a stent from the tube after the processing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the polymeric tube is selected from the group consisting of PLLA and PGA.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing comprises radially deforming the polymeric tube.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing comprises increasing the temperature of the polymeric tube.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired crystallinity level is between 15 and 50%.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the polymeric tube is PLLA.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric tube is completely or near completely amorphous prior to inducing crystal growth.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the polymeric tube is bioabsorbable.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annealing of the polymeric tube is at a temperature in a temperature range of Tg ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134693A1
Автор: Tromp Stefan

An interior panel for the interior of a vehicle and a method for the production thereof. The interior panel has first and second layers and with the first layer having an air bag cover region extending over an air bag opening in the second layer. The interior panel has a connecting part which is formed from: a first fastening section which is fastened to the airbag cover region of the first layer, a second fastening section which is fastened to the lower side of the second layer, and a coupling section situated between the first fastening section and the second fastening section. The coupling section is made of flexible material such that the airbag cover region may be partially separated from the first layer during airbag deployment while being held by the coupling section. 1. An interior panel part for the interior of a vehicle , having a first layer facing a first side and a second layer which is fastened to the first layer with a lower side , which faces a second side situated opposed to the first side , and which has an encircling margin region and an airbag passage opening defined thereby , wherein the first layer has a main region and an airbag cover region covering the passage opening and is embodied such that the airbag cover region is able to be at least partially separated from the main region by an airbag expanding from the second side , characterized in that the interior panel part has a connecting part which is formed from:a first fastening section which is fastened to the airbag cover region of the first layer;a second fastening section which is fastened to the lower side of the second layer; anda coupling section situated between the first fastening section and the second fastening section, which is made of flexible material and embodied such that the airbag cover region after its at least partial separation from the main region is held by the coupling section.2. The interior panel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first fastening ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190456A1
Автор: HIRANO Seiichi

The present invention aims to provide a curable composition excellent in storage stability and scorch resistance. The present invention provides a curable composition including a fluoroelastomer (A) that contains a cyano group in a main chain and/or a side chain thereof, and a compound (B) that is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of an amide compound and a hydrazide compound, the compound (B) having at least one structure selected from the group consisting of azo structure, hydrazine structure, and imine structure, and producing NHwhen decomposed. 1. A curable composition comprisinga fluoroelastomer (A) that contains a cyano group in a main chain and/or a side chain thereof, anda compound (B) that is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of an amide compound and a hydrazide compound,{'sub': '3', 'the compound (B) having at least one structure selected from the group consisting of azo structure, hydrazine structure, and imine structure, and producing NHwhen decomposed.'}2. The curable composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the compound (B) has a decomposition temperature of 180° C. to 300° C.3. The curable composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the curable composition contains 0.1 to 20 parts by weight of the compound (B) for each 100 parts by weight of the fluoroelastomer (A).5. A molded product produced by cross-linking the curable composition according to .6. A method for producing a molded product claim 1 , comprising the steps of{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'primarily vulcanizing the curable composition according to , and'}secondary vulcanizing the primarily vulcanized curable composition.7. The method for producing a molded product according to claim 6 ,wherein the primary vulcanization is performed at a temperature of 140° C. to 230° C., and the secondary vulcanization is performed at a temperature of 200° C. to 320° C. This application claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of U.S. ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214463A1

A ceramic honeycomb structure having a large number of flow paths partitioned by porous cell walls, the cell walls comprising at least main crystals of aluminum titanate, in which MgO and SiOare dissolved to form a solid solution, and glass phases, the glass phases containing 40-80% by mass of SiOand 1-20% by mass of MgO, the average size of the glass phases being 30 μm or less in a cross section of the cell walls, and the area ratio of the glass phases to the total area of the main crystals of aluminum titanate and the glass phases being 2-12% in a cross section of the cell walls, and its production method. 1. A method for producing an aluminum-titanate-based ceramic honeycomb structure , comprising the steps of mixing 100 parts by mass of a powder material comprising alumina powder containing 0.05-0.5% by mass of NaO and titania powder containing 0.5% or less by mass of NaO at a molar ratio of 47/53 to 53/47 , with at least 1-6 parts by mass of silica powder and 0.5-5 parts by mass of magnesia source powder having an average particle size of 5 μm or less; molding the mixed powder material to a honeycomb structure; heating the resultant molding at an average speed of 10° C./hr to 100° C./hr in a temperature range of 1300° C. to 1350° C.; and sintering it at the highest keeping temperature of 1400-1650° C. to obtain an aluminum-titanate-based ceramic honeycomb structure comprising at least main crystals of aluminum titanate , in which MgO and SiOare dissolved to form a solid solution , and glass phases.2. The method for producing an aluminum-titanate-based ceramic honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein said alumina powder has an average particle size of 0.1-10 μm claim 1 , said titania powder has an average particle size of 0.05-3 μm claim 1 , and said silica powder has an average particle size of 0.1-30 μm.3. The method for producing an aluminum-titanate-based ceramic honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein said alumina powder has an average ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225538A1
Принадлежит: ETHICON, INC.

A bimodal bioabsorbable polymer composition. The composition includes a first amount of a bioabsorbable polymer polymerized so as to have a first molecular weight distribution; a second amount of said bioabsorbable polymer polymerized so as to have a second molecular weight distribution having a weight average molecular weight between about 10,000 to about 50,000 Daltons, the weight average molecular weight ratio of said first molecular weight distribution to said second molecular weight distribution is at least about two to one; wherein a substantially homogeneous blend of said first and second amounts of said bioabsorbable polymer is formed in a ratio of between about 50/50 to about 95/5 weight/weight percent. Also disclosed are a medical device, a method of making a medical device and a method of melt blowing a semi-crystalline polymer blend. 1. A bimodal polymer composition , comprising:(a) a first amount of a fully amorphous bioabsorbable polymer having a first hydrolysis rate and a first molecular weight distribution; and(b) a second amount of said fully amorphous bioabsorbable polymer having a second hydrolysis rate and a second molecular weight distribution having a weight average molecular weight between about 10,000 to about 50,000 Daltons, the weight average molecular weight ratio of said first molecular weight distribution to said second molecular weight distribution is at least about two to one;wherein a substantially homogeneous blend of said first and second amounts of said fully amorphous bioabsorbable polymer is formed in a ratio of between about 50/50 to about 95/5 weight/weight percent, said substantially homogeneous blend having a hydrolysis rate greater than each of said first hydrolysis rate and said second hydrolysis rate.2. The bimodal polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the bioabsorbable polymer is selected from the group consisting of poly(lactide) claim 1 , poly(glycolide) claim 1 , poly(dioxanone) claim 1 , poly(ε-caprolactone) claim ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method And System For Performing An Infrared Treatment

Номер: US20130228955A1
Автор: Aarne Heino, Iiya Kaufman
Принадлежит: Pexcor Manufacturing Co Inc

A method for performing an infrared treatment includes the steps of receiving an extruded product and feeding the extruded product to an oven including at least one lamp unit. The lamp unit includes a lamp, a reflective surface enclosing a first side of the lamp and positioned to direct radiation from the lamp, and a glass disposed between a second side of the lamp and an extruded product, wherein the glass separates the lamp and the extruded product. The method further includes the step of creating cross-linking between layers of the extruded product by directing the radiation at the extruded product. Still further, the method includes the steps of directing a first gas flow at a surface of the product and directing a second gas flow at the glass at an intensity, direction, and temperature that prevents the glass from becoming an infrared source.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Separation membrane for water treatment and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130233791A1

The present invention relates to a separation membrane for water treatment having high water flux and membrane contamination preventing characteristics, and a manufacturing method thereof. The separation membrane for water treatment according to the present invention includes a nanofiber wherein the separation membrane has a surface electric charge. According to the present invention, a separation membrane for water treatment having high water flux and membrane contamination preventing characteristics, and a manufacturing method thereof may be implemented.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Support Structure Removal System

Номер: US20130248491A1
Принадлежит: Stratasys Inc

A support structure removal system comprising a vessel and a second component. The vessel comprises a vessel body, a porous floor configured to retain a three-dimensional part, and an impeller rotatably mounted below the porous floor. The second component comprises a surface configured to operably receive the vessel, and a rotation-inducing assembly located below the surface, where the rotation-inducing assembly is configured to rotate the impeller with magnetic fields when the vessel is received on the surface of the second component to agitate and direct flows of an aqueous fluid through the porous floor.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Tamper resistant dosage forms

Номер: US20130251801A1
Принадлежит: Purdue Pharma LP

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms, for example to a tamper resistant dosage form including an opioid analgesic, and processes of manufacture, uses, and methods of treatment thereof.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Tamper resistant dosage forms

Номер: US20130259938A1
Принадлежит: Purdue Pharma LP

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms, for example to a tamper resistant dosage form including an opioid analgesic, and processes of manufacture, uses, and methods of treatment thereof.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263728A1

A shock and impact resistant multilayered composite comprising an outer shatter protection body, and at least one active body along side the shatter protection. At least one highly elastic and tearproof absorption/dissipation body is provided along side the at least one active body, said outer shatter protection body being cured to said at least one active body and said at least one active body being cured to said at least one absorption/dissipation body. The present invention relates as well to a method for fabrication of such a shock and impact resistant multilayered composite. 1. A shock and impact resistant multilayered composite comprising an outer shatter protection body , andat least one active body along side the shatter protection, characterized in that at least one highly elastic and tearproof absorption/dissipation body is provided along side the at least one active body, said outer shatter protection body being cured to said at least one active body and said at least one active body being cured to said at least one absorption/dissipation body.2. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the outer shatter protection body and said at least one absorption/dissipation body each comprise at least one supporting tissue between elastomeric layers on either side.3. The composite according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one supporting tissue is made of high modular fibers with high tensile strength and good linear expansion claim 2 , said fibers being thermoset liquid crystalline polyoxazole claim 2 , aramide and/or high-modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high-performance polyethylene (HPPE).4. The composite according to claim 2 , wherein the outer shatter protection body is coated with a hard plastic layer claim 2 , such as a hard plastic layer made of ultra high-molecular polyethylene or polyurethane.5. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein a metal tissue claim 4 , such as a copper mesh claim 4 , is integrated into the hard plastic layer.6. The ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for annealing photovoltaic encapsulation polymer film

Номер: US20130273685A1
Автор: Johan Willy Declerck

A process for annealing photovoltaic polymer encapsulation film ( 3 ), the film comprising polymer molecules substantially oriented along a machine direction, characterized in that the film is heated, supported on a support surface of support means ( 12 ), with heating means to a relaxation temperature to increase the isotropy of the polymer molecules such that the film is at least partly annealed, the support means ( 12 ) comprising a fluid ( 13 ) between the film ( 3 ) and the support surface.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Fragrant ceramic ornament and accessory with surface sandblasted and carved and its producing method

Номер: US20130283857A1
Автор: Chen Huijing

A fragrant ceramic ornament and accessory with surface sandblasted and carved, includes a body of ornament and accessory, formed by a ceramic body capable of diffusing fragrance, wherein the ceramic body has a surface as an glaze layer or an electroplated layer which has concave pattern by sandblasting carving, wherein the concave pattern is an exposed portion of the ceramic body which loses the glaze layer or the electroplated layer and is concave on the surface of the ceramic body, wherein essential oil is absorbed into an inside of the ceramic body via the exposed portion. The surface carving is by a sandblasting process, which has long fragrance diffusing time and ability to change fragrance according to circumstances, so as to achieve an object of repeatedly using which is economical and environment-friendly, and prevent the perfume from contacting with the skin or clothes directly. The present invention combines the ornament and accessory with fragrance well, and provides that a user has carryon fragrance as wearing the ceramic ornament and accessory according to the present invention, so as to avoid spraying perfume on a body thereof. 110-. (canceled)11. A fragrant ceramic ornament and accessory with surface sandblasted and carved , comprises: a body of ornament and accessory , wherein said body of ornament and accessory is formed by a ceramic body capable of diffusing fragrance , wherein said ceramic body has a surface as an glaze layer or an electroplated layer which has concave pattern by sandblasting carving , wherein said concave pattern is an exposed portion of said ceramic body which loses said glaze layer or said electroplated layer and is concave on said surface of said ceramic body , wherein essential oil is absorbed into an inside of said ceramic body via said exposed portion.12. The fragrant ceramic ornament and accessory with surface sandblasted and carved claim 11 , as recited in claim 11 , wherein said ceramic body absorbs said essential oil ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295413A1

A method of making a charge dissipative surface of a dielectric polymeric material with tunable (selectable) surface resistivity, comprises the step of controllably carbonizing the surface of the polymeric material in a vacuum environment by bombarding the polymeric surface with an ion beam of rare gas ions, the energy level of the ion source being from 2.5 to 30 keV, in the fluence range 1E16-5E17 ion/cmso as to reach a surface resistivity in the static dissipative range of 1E6 to 1E9 ohm/square at room temperature, with a temperature dependence of less than three orders of magnitude between −150° C. and +150° C., while having no impact on the RF performance of the material, with high RF power handling capability, and with tunable thermo-optical properties of the surface, including negligible impact on the thermo-optical properties and RF performance of the material, if required by applications.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296505A1
Принадлежит: William Marsh Rice University

In some embodiments, the present disclosure provides methods of strengthening liquid crystal elastomers. In some embodiments, such methods include a step of placing the liquid crystal elastomer in an environment that applies dynamic stress to the liquid crystal elastomer. In further embodiments, the methods of the present disclosure also include a step of providing liquid crystal elastomers for placement in an environment that applies dynamic stress. In some embodiments, the liquid crystal elastomer is in a nematic phase before or during the application of dynamic stress. In some embodiments, the application of dynamic stress enhances the stiffness of the liquid crystal elastomer by more than about 10%. Further embodiments of the present disclosure pertain to liquid crystal elastomers that are made by the methods of the present disclosure.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313755A1
Автор: Gegner Jürgen

A device and method for treating a workpiece that is formed completely, or at least in a region of the surface to be treated, of a ceramic material. The device and method utilize a treatment element configured to transmit a substantially shock-free contact force to a surface of the workpiece to generate or increase compressive residual stresses in the workpiece. 1. A device for treating a workpiece with a treatment element , wherein the workpiece has a ceramic material completely or at least in the region of the surface to be treated , which treatment element is formed to transmit a substantially shock-free contact force onto a surface of the workpiece , and to generate or to increase compressive residual stresses in the workpiece which has the ceramic material , whereinthe device is formed to transmit the contact force of the treatment element by indirect contact with a surface of the workpiece via an intermediate material.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment element is formed as a roller element which transmits the contact force to the surface of the workpiece during rolling.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the rolling element is formed as a ball or as a roller.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment element has a ceramic and/or a metallic and/or composite material.5. The device according to claim 1 , which further has an apparatus for carrying out a relative movement between the workpiece and the treatment element.6. (canceled)7. A method for increasing the compressive residual stress of a workpiece claim 1 , wherein the workpiece has a ceramic material completely or at least in the region of the surface to be treated claim 1 , by substantially shock-free contact of a treatment element; and transmitting a contact force to a surface of the workpiece claim 1 , whereinthe contact force is transmitted from an intermediate material to the surface of the workpiece, wherein the intermediate material is solid, liquid, ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Process for preparing flowable amorphous poly-alpha olefin adhesive pellets

Номер: US20130317193A1
Принадлежит: Henkel Corp

The present invention relates to a process for producing free-flowing, agglomeration resistant amorphous poly-alpha-olefin based adhesive pellets. The process includes (a) extruding the adhesive through an orifice of a die plate immersed in a cooling fluid; (b) cutting the adhesive into a plurality of pellets in the cooling fluid; (c) solidifying the pellets at a temperature range of about 25° C. to about 40° C. for at least 30 minutes; and (d) separating the pellets from the recrystallization fluid and drying the pellets. The pellets harden at least three folds faster than conventionally formed pellets.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, systems and methods for medical device expansion

Номер: US20130327113A1
Автор: Michael Lee Green
Принадлежит: Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc

A system and method for manufacturing a medical device. The system can include a thermal chamber and an expander at least partially positioned within the thermal chamber. The expander can be configured to uniformly expand a medical device as the medical device is advanced over the heated expander and heat set the expanded medical device while the medical device is positioned on the heated expander. The method can include forming a medical device from a tube having a first diameter; uniformly expanding the medical device from the first diameter to a second diameter at which the medical device can be left within a body vessel, the medical device being expanded from the first diameter to the second diameter while being continuously positioned on an expander; and heat setting the expanded medical device at the second diameter while the medical device is positioned on the expander.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330470A1

A method for coating the surfaces of three-dimensional objects with a coating agent is provided, which method is characterized by a blasting of the three-dimensional object, wherein a grainy blasting material that has been mixed with the coating agent is used as blasting medium. 115-. (canceled)16. Method for coating three-dimensional objects , which have been manufactured layerwise from a powder material by means of a generative manufacturing method , with a coating agent , wherein a binder-free coating is applied onto a surface of such three-dimensional object by blasting the surface with a blasting medium containing the coating agentcharacterized in thatthe objects to be coated were manufactured from a plastic powder as building material and in that the blasting medium contains a powder that can be used in a generative manufacturing method as building materialfor a manufacturing of a three-dimensional object.17. Method according to claim 16 , in which a color powder claim 16 , functional pigments claim 16 , carbon black claim 16 , graphite or pure color pigments or a combination thereof are used as coating agents.18. Method according to claim 16 , wherein said powder claim 16 , which can be used in a generative manufacturing method as building material for the manufacturing of a three-dimensional object claim 16 , serves as coating agent substrate.19. Method according to claim 16 , wherein powders claim 16 , granules or balls are used as grainy blasting material in said blasting medium.20. Method according to claim 16 , wherein in a further process step before the blasting process the surface of the three-dimensional object is roughened.21. Method according to claim 16 , wherein in a further process step after the blasting process a surface sealing agent is applied onto the surface of the three dimensional object.22. Method according to claim 16 , in which said generative manufacturing method claim 16 , by which the object to be coated was manufactured claim 16 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008121A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG

One aspect relates to a method for producing an electrical bushing for an implantable device, an electrical bushing, and an implantable device. The method according to one embodiment includes forming a base body from a ceramic slurry and introducing a bushing conductor made of a metal or cermet material with a metal fraction into the base body. The metal fraction in the bushing conductor is provided to decrease towards the base body. It includes sintering the green blank that includes the base body and the bushing conductor. 1. A method for producing an electrical bushing for an implantable device , wherein a green blank is produced from an electrically insulating base body and at least one electrically conductive bushing conductor that extends through the base body , the method comprising:forming the base body from a ceramic slurry;introducing a bushing conductor, comprising a metal or cermet material having a metal fraction, into the base body, whereby the metal fraction in the bushing conductor is provided to decrease towards the base body; andsintering the green blank that comprises the base body and the bushing conductor.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , for introduction of the at least one bushing conductor into the base body claim 1 , a bushing opening is generated in the base body claim 1 , a bushing conductor green blank is formed and inserted into the bushing opening of the base body.3. The method according to claim 2 , characterized in that claim 2 , prior to inserting it in the bushing opening claim 2 , the bushing conductor green blank is enveloped in one or more transitional layers made of a cermet slurry whose metal fraction or metal fractions decrease(s) progressively from inside towards outside.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , for introduction of the at least one bushing conductor into the base body claim 1 , the base body and/or a cermet slurry-filled volume of the bushing ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Films and Drug Delivery Systems Made Therefrom

Номер: US20140008831A1
Принадлежит: MONOSOL RX, LLC

The invention relates to the film products and methods of their preparation that demonstrate a non-self-aggregating uniform heterogeneity. Desirably, the films disintegrate in water and may be formed by a controlled drying process, or other process that maintains the required uniformity of the film. The films contain a polymer component, which includes polyethylene oxide optionally blended with hydrophilic cellulosic polymers. Desirably, the films also contain a pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic active agent with no more than a 10% variance of the active agent pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic active agent per unit area of the film. 1. A process for manufacturing a resulting multi-layer pharmaceutical film suitable for commercialization and regulatory approval , said resulting multi-layer pharmaceutical film having a substantially uniform distribution of a pharmaceutical active , comprising the steps of:{'sup': 5', '−1, '(a) forming a Non-Newtonian visco-elastic polymer matrix by mixing said matrix comprising a polymer selected from the group consisting of water-soluble polymers, water-swellable polymers and combinations thereof, a solvent selected from the group consisting of water, a polar organic solvent and combinations thereof, which polymer matrix is a shear-thinning pseudoplastic fluid when exposed to shear rates of 10-10sec;'}(b) casting said polymer matrix;(c) conveying said polymer matrix through a drying apparatus and evaporating at least a portion of said solvent to rapidly form a first visco-elastic film within about the first 4 minutes while maintaining a temperature differential between the polymer matrix and the drying apparatus environment of at least 5° C., wherein the temperature of the polymer matrix is 100° C. or less;(d) depositing a layer comprising a pharmaceutical active onto said first visco-elastic film to form the resulting multi-layer pharmaceutical film;(e) sampling said resulting multi-layer pharmaceutical film at different locations of said ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Films and Drug Delivery Systems Made Therefrom

Номер: US20140008832A1
Принадлежит: MONOSOL RX, LLC

The invention relates to the film products and methods of their preparation that demonstrate a non-self-aggregating uniform heterogeneity. Desirably, the films disintegrate in water and may be formed by a controlled drying process, or other process that maintains the required uniformity of the film. The films contain a polymer component, which includes polyethylene oxide optionally blended with hydrophilic cellulosic polymers. Desirably, the films also contain a pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic active agent with no more than a 10% variance of the active agent pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic active agent per unit area of the film. 1. A process for manufacturing a resulting pharmaceutical film suitable for commercialization and regulatory approval said resulting pharmaceutical film having a substantially uniform distribution of a desired amount of a pharmaceutical active in individual doses of the resulting pharmaceutical film , comprising the steps of:{'sup': 5', '−1, '(a) forming a Non-Newtonian visco-elastic polymer matrix, comprising a polymer selected from the group consisting of hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, polyacrylic acid, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, ethylcellulose, polyacrylates, cellulosic polymers, carboxymethyl cellulose, polyethylene oxide and combinations thereof; a solvent selected from the group consisting of water, a polar organic solvent and combinations thereof, and the active selected from the group of opiates and opiate-derivatives and combinations thereof, which polymer matrix is a shear-thinning pseudoplastic fluid when exposed to shear rates of 10-10sec, said polymer matrix having a substantially uniform distribution of said pharmaceutical active;'}(b) casting said polymer matrix;(c) conveying said polymer matrix through a drying apparatus and evaporating at least a portion of said solvent to rapidly form a visco-elastic film having said pharmaceutical active uniformly distributed throughout by rapidly increasing the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Compositions and Methods for Selective Deposition Modeling

Номер: US20140027950A1
Принадлежит: 3D Systems, Inc.

There is provided compositions and methods for producing three-dimensional objects by selective deposition modeling with a polar build material and a non-polar support material. The build material comprises a hydrocarbon wax material and a viscosity modifier, and the support material comprises a hydrocarbon alcohol wax material and a viscosity modifier. After the selective deposition modeling process has been completed, the object can be placed in a bath of polar solvent to remove the support material. The particular materials provided herein, and the post-processing methods associated therewith, provide for improved part quality of the three-dimensional object and for improved post-processing techniques. The three-dimensional objects can subsequently be used in a number of applications, such as patterns for investment casting. 1. A combination of compositions used to produce a three-dimensional object with a selective deposition modeling apparatus , the combination comprising: (i) a build hydrocarbon wax material, wherein the build hydrocarbon wax material comprises between 75% and 85% by weight of the build material, and', '(ii) at least one build viscosity modifier defining a hydrocarbon resin free of oxygen, wherein the build viscosity modifier comprises between 15% and 25% by weight of the build material; and, '(a) a build material comprising (i) a support hydrocarbon alcohol wax material, wherein the support hydrocarbon alcohol wax material comprises between 60% and 68% by weight of the support material, and', '(ii) at least one support viscosity modifier defining a hydrogenated rosin, wherein the support viscosity modifier comprises between 32% and 40% by weight of the support material., '(b) a support material comprising2. The combination of compositions of claim 1 , wherein the build hydrocarbon wax material comprises a paraffin wax.3. The combination of compositions of claim 1 , wherein the build viscosity modifier comprises a hydrogenated hydrocarbon ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035193A1

A method for producing a transparent conductive film includes heat-treating a transparent conductive film comprising a transparent film substrate and a transparent conductive laminate including a first transparent conductive layer and a second transparent conductive layer, so that the first and the second transparent conductive layers in the transparent conductive film are crystallized, wherein the first transparent conductive layer is a first amorphous layer comprising indium oxide or an indium-based complex oxide having a tetravalent metal element oxide, the second transparent conductive layer is a second amorphous layer comprising an indium-based complex oxide having a tetravalent metal element oxide, wherein each of the first and the second contents of the tetravalent metal element oxide content is expressed by the formula: {the amount of the tetravalent metal element oxide/(the amount of the tetravalent metal element oxide+the amount of indium oxide)}×100 (%). 1. A method for producing a transparent conductive film , comprising:heat-treating a transparent conductive film comprising a transparent film substrate and a transparent conductive laminate that is provided on at least one surface of the transparent film substrate and comprises a first transparent conductive layer and a second transparent conductive layer, so that the first and the second transparent conductive layers in the transparent conductive film are crystallized, whereinthe first transparent conductive layer is a first amorphous layer comprising indium oxide or an indium-based complex oxide having a tetravalent metal element oxide,a first content of the tetravalent metal element oxide of the first transparent conductive layer is more than 0% by weight and not more than 6% by weight,the second transparent conductive layer is a second amorphous layer comprising an indium-based complex oxide having a tetravalent metal element oxide, and located between the transparent film substrate and the first ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070450A1
Автор: Thomas Michael R.

A method of continuous curing and post-curing of a plurality of extruded strands is provided. A plurality of extruded strands is wrapped through a plurality of spindle units rotatably connected to a rigid frame structure. A plurality of dual spindles are provided in a plurality of upper and lower spindle units, wherein each dual spindle comprises a free spinning roller and a driven roller. A chamber that comprises a dual function chamber configured for heating and cooling is supported on the rigid frame structure. The plurality of extruded strands is continuously transferred between the upper spindle units and the lower spindle units such that the plurality of extruded strands runs in a vertical fashion that continuously alternates between the lower spindle units and the upper spindle units. Each of the plurality of strands is transferred independently of each other and continuously passed through the chamber for continuous curing and post-curing. 1. A method of continuous curing and post-curing of a plurality of extruded strands , the method comprising the steps of: a plurality of rigid frame members, the rigid frame comprises a top portion and a bottom portion;', 'a rigid top plate member;', 'a rigid bottom plate member;', 'a plurality of upper spindle units rotatably attached to the rigid top plate member;', 'a plurality of lower spindle units rotatably attached to the rigid bottom plate member;', 'a plurality of dual spindles provided in a plurality of upper spindle units and a plurality of lower spindle units, wherein each dual spindle comprises a free spinning roller and a driven roller, and arranged in the plurality of upper spindle units and the plurality of lower spindle units such that a next dual spindle has a configuration opposite a prior dual spindle, wherein multiple lines of the plurality of extruded strands are wrapped around the free spinning roller and the driven roller of the plurality of dual spindles; the free spinning roller and the driven ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077419A1

A fluorocarbon resin composite includes a fluorocarbon resin layer on a base, in which a fluorocarbon resin constituting the fluorocarbon resin layer is crosslinked by electron beam irradiation, and the base has a desired shape obtained by machining. The fluorocarbon resin is composed of a tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoro(alkyl vinyl ether) copolymer, polytetrafluoroethylene, or a mixture of the tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoro(alkyl vinyl ether) copolymer and polytetrafluoroethylene. A fluorocarbon resin composite, cookware, and a roller and a belt for use in office automation equipment are each produced by applying an uncrosslinked fluorocarbon resin on a base, subjecting the fluorocarbon resin to electron beam irradiation in a low-oxygen atmosphere to crosslink the fluorocarbon resin while the temperature of the fluorocarbon resin is maintained at a temperature equal to or higher than the melting point of the fluorocarbon resin, and machining the base into a desired shape. There is also provided methods for producing them. 119-. (canceled)20. A method for producing a roller or a belt for use in office automation equipment , comprising the steps of placing a die (outlet) of an extruder in a low-oxygen atmosphere; extruding an uncrosslinked fluorocarbon resin from the die of the extruder onto a circular base; and subjecting the fluorocarbon resin to electron beam irradiation in the low-oxygen atmosphere to crosslink the fluorocarbon resin before the temperature of the fluorocarbon resin is decreased to a temperature equal to or lower than the melting point of the fluorocarbon resin.21. (canceled)22. The method for producing a roller or a belt for use in office automation equipment according to claim 20 , further comprising after the uncrosslinked fluorocarbon resin is heated to a temperature equal to or higher than the melting point of the fluorocarbon resin and then subjected to electron beam irradiation in a low-oxygen atmosphere to crosslink the fluorocarbon resin ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083066A1

A process for forming a high efficiency filter containing the steps of forming a non-woven layer having pores from a plurality thermoplastic fibers having a median diameter of less than about 2 micrometers, saturating the non-woven layer in a wetting liquid, and drying the wetted non-woven layer. 1. A process for forming a high efficiency filter comprising:forming a non-woven layer having pores from a plurality of thermoplastic fibers having a median diameter of less than about 2 micrometers, wherein the formed non-woven layer and the dried non-woven layer contains no electrostatic charge;saturating the non-woven layer in a wetting liquid, wherein the wetting liquid has a surface tension of less than the surface tension of the thermoplastic making up the thermoplastic nanofibers, wherein the wetting liquid completely wets the pores in the non-woven layer;drying the wetted non-woven layer at room temperature such that size and shape of at least a portion of the pores change, wherein the dried non-woven layer has higher filtration efficiency than the formed non-woven layer.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic fibers have a median diameter of less than about 1 micrometers.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic fibers have a median diameter of less than about 100 nanometers.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic fibers have a median diameter of less than about 70 nanometers.5. The process of claim claim 1 , wherein the formed non-woven layer further comprises a plurality of micron-sized fibers.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the wetting liquid is selected from the group consisting of isopropanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , methanol claim 1 , DMF claim 1 , alcohol/water mixtures claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the formed non-woven layer further comprises a plurality of binder fibers.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the formed non-woven layer further comprises a plurality of fire ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Lighting and/or signaling device component for automobile vehicles

Номер: US20140085915A1

The present invention relates to a lighting and/or signaling device component for automobile vehicles, comprising a material containing polymer(s) wherein this material locally exhibits, on one face, a region of enhanced reticulation over a superficial thickness.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for manufacturing an adhesive-free gas barrier film having a ceramic barrier layer

Номер: US20140087161A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing an adhesive-free gas barrier film comprising conveying means for conveying a film web; at least one first lock system for introducing the film web into a coating chamber of the apparatus; at least one first coating means by means of which the film web can be at least partially coated by depositing a barrier material in the coating chamber; and optionally at least one second lock system for expelling the film web out of the coating chamber; and at least one second coating means by means of which the coated film web can be at least partially coated by extrusion of a plastic melt.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097559A1

The present invention relates to methods for making cross-linked oxidation-resistant polymeric materials and preventing or minimizing in vivo elution of antioxidant from the antioxidant-containing polymeric materials. The invention also provides methods of doping polymeric materials with a spatial control of cross-linking and antioxidant distribution, for example, vitamin E (α-Tocopherol), and methods for extraction/elution of antioxidants, for example, vitamin E (α-tocopherol), from surface regions of antioxidant-containing polymeric materials, and materials used therewith also are provided. 199-. (canceled)100. A method of making an oxidation-resistant cross-linked polymeric material comprising the steps of:a) blending a polymeric material with an antioxidant, wherein a first portion of the polymeric material is contacted with a concentration of an antioxidant, a second portion of the polymeric material is contacted with another concentration of the antioxidant, and a third portion of the polymeric material is contacted with another concentration of the antioxidant;b) consolidating the antioxidant-blended polymeric material by layering the third portion of the polymeric material, the second portion of the polymeric material, and the first portion of the polymeric material, thereby forming an antioxidant-blended consolidated polymeric material; andc) irradiating the antioxidant-blended consolidated polymeric material with ionizing radiation, thereby forming an oxidation-resistant cross-linked consolidated polymeric material.101. A method of making a medical implant preform comprising an oxidation-resistant cross-linked polymeric material , wherein the method comprising the steps of:a) blending a polymeric material with an antioxidant, wherein a first portion of the polymeric material is contacted with a concentration of an antioxidant, a second portion of the polymeric material is contacted with another concentration of the antioxidant, and a third portion of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000594A1
Автор: Saez Engle, Yahn Gregory

Systems and methods for converting consumer coins, cash, and/or other forms of value for use with mobile commerce platforms implemented on, for example, smart phones, PDAs, and other mobile devices. In one embodiment, a method for implementing a mobile commerce account on a mobile device includes receiving coins and/or other funds from a user at a consumer-operated kiosk. The method can further include counting the coins and/or other funds to determine a value, and then communicating at least a portion of the value from the kiosk to the hand-held mobile device for deposit in the mobile commerce account. 118-. (canceled)19. A system for transferring funds to a mobile commerce account , the system comprising: a funds receiving portion configured to receive funds from a user;', 'a funds counting portion configured to count the funds received from the user to determine a value;', 'memory storing one or more display pages configured to receive information from the user to facilitate transferring at least a portion of the value to one or more mobile commerce accounts usable via a mobile device of the user;', 'a display configured to display the one or more display pages;', 'a user interface configured to receive input from the user in response to the display pages, wherein the input includes: identification information associated with the user, mobile commerce account information, and/or transfer value information; and', 'at least one communication device configured to exchange information with one or more processing devices separate from the kiosk; and, 'a consumer-operated kiosk, wherein the consumer-operated kiosk includes'}at least one remote computer configured to receive information from the at least one communication device, wherein the information is associated with the input received from the user, and wherein the at least one remote computer is configured to respond to the information by facilitating transfer of the portion of the value to the one or more mobile ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000747A1

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms, for example to a tamper resistant dosage form including an opioid analgesic, and processes of manufacture, uses, and methods of treatment thereof. 1169-. (canceled)170. A process of preparing a solid oral extended release pharmaceutical dosage form , comprising the steps of:(a) combining (1) at least one polyethylene oxide (PEO) having, based on rheological measurements, an approximate molecular weight of at least 800,000, and (2) at least one opioid analgesic, to form a composition;(b) shaping the composition to form an extended release matrix formulation;(c) subsequently heating said extended release matrix formulation by subjecting the extended release matrix formulation to an elevated temperature that is at least the softening temperature of said PEO for a time period of at least about 1 minute; and(d) cooling the heated extended release matrix formulation.171. The process of claim 170 , wherein said time period is at least about 15 minutes.172. The process of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 55° C.173. The process of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 62° C.174. The process of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped composition is at least about 15% (by weight) of the shaped composition.175. The process of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped composition is at least about 30% (by weight) of the shaped composition.176. The process of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped composition is at least about 50% (by weight) of the shaped composition.177. The process of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped by direct compression to form a tablet.178. The process of claim 170 , wherein said cooling is at a temperature below 50° C.179. The process of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped to form a tablet; the heating step takes place in a coating pan; said time ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000748A1

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms, for example to a tamper resistant dosage form including an opioid analgesic, and processes of manufacture, uses, and methods of treatment thereof. 1169-. (canceled)170. A solid oral extended release pharmaceutical dosage form , comprising a shaped , heated , and cooled extended release matrix , said matrix comprising at least one polyethylene oxide (PEO) having , based on rheological measurements , an approximate molecular weight of at least 800 ,000 , and at least one opioid analgesic , wherein the shaped matrix is heated to an elevated temperature that is at least the softening temperature of said PEO for a time period of at least about 1 minute and thereafter cooled.171. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein said time period is at least about 15 minutes.172. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 55° C.173. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 62° C.174. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 15% (by weight) of said matrix.175. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 30% (by weight) of said matrix.176. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 50% (by weight) of said matrix.177. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped by direct compression to form a tablet.178. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein said cooling is at a temperature of below 50° C.179. The dosage form of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped to form a tablet and heated in a coating pan; said time period is at least about 5 minutes; and said elevated temperature is at least about 60° C.180. The dosage form of claim 179 , wherein the opioid analgesic is oxycodone or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.181. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000749A1

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms, for example to a tamper resistant dosage form including an opioid analgesic, and processes of manufacture, uses, and methods of treatment thereof. 1169-. (canceled)170. A method of treating pain comprising administering to a patient in need thereof a solid oral extended release pharmaceutical dosage form , comprising a shaped , heated , and cooled extended release matrix , said matrix comprising at least one polyethylene oxide (PEO) having , based on rheological measurements , an approximate molecular weight of at least 800 ,000 , and at least one opioid analgesic , wherein the shaped matrix is heated to an elevated temperature which is at least the softening temperature of said PEO for a time period of at least about 1 minute and thereafter cooled.171. The method of claim 170 , wherein said time period is at least about 15 minutes.172. The method of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 55° C.173. The method of claim 170 , wherein said elevated temperature is at least about 62° C.174. The method of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 15% (by weight) of said matrix.175. The method of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 30% (by weight) of said matrix.176. The method of claim 170 , wherein the total PEO content of the shaped matrix is at least about 50% (by weight) of said matrix.177. The method of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped by direct compression to form a tablet.178. The method of claim 170 , wherein said cooling is at a temperature below 50° C.179. The method of claim 170 , wherein the extended release matrix is shaped to form a tablet and heated in a coating pan; said time period is at least about 5 minutes; and said elevated temperature is at least about 60° C.180. The method of claim 179 , wherein the opioid analgesic is oxycodone or a pharmaceutically ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000975A1

A crystallized bioabsorbable polymer scaffold comprises a polymer composition of poly (L-lactide-co-tri-methylene-carbonate) or poly (D-lactide-co-tri-methylene-carbonate) or poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) or poly (D-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) in the form of block copolymers of blocky copolymers, wherein the scaffold is cold-bendable. 1. A crystallized bioabsorbable polymer scaffold comprising a polymer composition of poly (L-lactide-co-tri-methylene-carbonate) or poly (D-lactide-co-tri-methylene-carbonate) or poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) or poly (D-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) in the form of block copolymers of blocky copolymers , wherein the scaffold is cold-bendable.2. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the scaffold is cold bendable at temperatures in a range of about 10° C. to about 30° C.3. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) or poly (D-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone).4. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone).5. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , further comprising a poly (L-lactide) moiety or a poly (D-lactide) moiety or a poly L-lactide-co-PEG moiety or a poly D-lactide-co-PEG moiety.6. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes increased hydrophilicity and free molecular volume allowing for uptake of water.7. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes amorphous and semicrystalline polymer portions.8. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 7 , wherein a crystallinity and tensile strength of the composition is adjustable by elongation of the semicrystalline portion.9. The bioabsorbable polymer scaffold of claim 1 , further comprising at least one radiopaque marker.10. A crystallized bioabsorbable polymer scaffold comprising a polymer composition of poly (L-lactide-co-tri- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001756A1

It is disclosed a process in continuous for the production of film/leaves or composites comprising the following phases a) preparation of a bi-component mixture to spread and feeding of the mixture to the spreading phase wherein the mixture is prepared, fed and disposed in continuous, in the pot-life time of the mixture itself; b) spreading of the mixture on at least a substrate, wherein the spreading on the substrate and the transport to the crosslinking phase are completed in the pot-life time of the mixture; c) crosslinking of the layer of mixture on said substrate carried out under static condition of the environment and at a variable temperature comprised between 50° C. and 100° C., with control of the temperature value of the coated product carried out in continuous, wherein the transport of the substrate spread during the crosslinking phase is achieved with the substrate spread under flatness conditions. The related apparatus is also disclosed. 1. A process in continuous for the production of film/leaves or a composite which comprises the following steps:a) preparing a two-component mixture to be spread, and feeding of the mixture to the spreading/coating phase, wherein the mixture is prepared, fed and disposed in continuous, in the time of pot-life of the mixture itself;b) spreading/coating of the mixture on at least one substrate wherein the spreading on the substrate and the transport to the cross-linking step are completed in the time of pot-life of the mixture;c) crosslinking of the layer of mixture on said substrate carried out in static conditions of the environment and at a temperature ranging between 50° C. and 100° C., with control of the temperature value of the coated product made in continuous, wherein the transport of the spread substrate during the crosslinking step is made with the spread substrate under conditions of flatness.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the step a) of preparing the mixture to be spread and feeding of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Post-processing method for polymer electrolyte membrane

Номер: US20210001577A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A post-processing method of a polymer electrolyte membrane, which anneals and stretches a polymer electrolyte membrane including a hydrocarbon-based copolymer in a vapor atmosphere of a solvent.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001388A1
Автор: Hemmen Henrik

The invention relates to a method for forming a body comprising a particle structure fixated in a matrix material, comprising: Providing an amount of particles, Providing a viscous matrix material to include said particles, Forming a particle structure of at least a portion of said amount of particles, Fixating said viscous matrix so as to fixate said particle structure in the matrix material; characterized by at least a portion of said amount of particles being paramagnetic or ferromagnetic and the formation of the particle structure includes the steps of: First, the particles are provided in a mixture with the viscous matrix material, Second, the viscous mixture is subject to the magnetic field created by a Halbach array so as to form the particle assemblies, Third, the viscous mixture with the particle assemblies is subject to electric field so as to move and/or rotate the particle assemblies in the viscous matrix material. The invention also relates to a body obtained by said method, and to the use of said method in various applications. 1. A method for forming a particle structure fixated in a matrix material , the particle structure including at least an amount of particles within the matrix material , at least a portion of said amount of particles being at least one of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic , the method comprising:subjecting the matrix material to a magnetic field created by a Halbach array so as to form particle assemblies;subjecting the matrix material to an electric field so as to at least one of move and rotate the particle assemblies in the matrix material; andsecuring said particle structure in the matrix material2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of particles are subjected to the magnetic field by moving the amount of particles through at least part of the magnetic field generated by the Halbach array.3. The method according to any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the Halbach array is provided by at least one ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Solid Freeform Fabrication

Номер: US20180001544A1

The present invention provides methods, processes, and systems for the manufacture of three-dimensional articles made of polymers using 3D printing. A layer of prepolymer is deposited on a build plate to form a powder bed. The deposited powder bed is heated to about 50° C. to about 170° C. Then, a solution of activating agent is printed on the powder bed in a predetermined pattern, and a stimulus is applied converting the prepolymer to the final polymer. After a predetermined period of time, sequential layers are printed to provide the three-dimensional article. The three-dimensional object can be cured to produce the three-dimensional article composed of the final polymers. 1A three-dimensional article made by the process of:a. depositing a layer of prepolymer powder a build plate to form a powder bed;b. printing a solution of an activating agent at selected locations on the powder bed;c. exposing the printed solution to a stimulus to form a polymer layer of the three-dimensional article;d. repeating the steps (a)-(c) to form a remainder of the three-dimensional article; ande. curing the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prepolymer is poly(amic acid) claim 1 , polysulfide claim 1 , ketalized version of a polyketone claim 1 , or a reduced form a polyketone.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the poly(amic acid) comprises an aromatic dianhydride and an aromatic diamine claim 2 , wherein the aromatic dianhydride and the aromatic diamine are in about 1:1 molar ratio.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the aromatic dianhydride is selected from the group consisting of pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) claim 3 , biphenyl dianhydride (BPDA) claim 3 , benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) claim 3 , and combination thereof claim 3 , and wherein diamine is p-phenylenediamine (PDA) claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-oxydianiline (ODA) claim 3 , or combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the activator is acetic anhydride claim 1 , pyridine claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Process for in-line inspection of functional film layer containing detectable component

Номер: US20200001513A1
Принадлежит: Cryovac LLC

The continuity of a functional layer of a web (32, 60, 78) is assessed by forwarding the web, detecting (42, 63) the presence of the functional layer and a discontinuity and/or a thin region in the functional layer, and generating a signal in response to the discontinuity and/or thin region. The functional layer comprises a detectable component (360) in a thermoplastic composition. The detecting is carried out by a machine vision system capable of detecting the detectable component (360) in the functional layer. The detectable component (360) can be active or passive. Also included are systems for carrying out the process.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Integrated additive manufacturing systems incorporating a fixturing apparatus

Номер: US20200001536A1
Принадлежит: Carbon Inc

An integrated additive manufacturing system includes: (a) at least one resin supply (41); (b) a plurality of additive manufacturing machines (43) on which parts may be produced, each of said additive manufacturing machines (43) operatively associated with said at least one resin supply (41); and (c) at least one peripheral machine operatively associated with each of said additive manufacturing machines and said at least one resin supply, wherein said at least one peripheral machine comprises a part fixturing apparatus (200).

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001571A1
Автор: Warwick Tim

A method of infusing, infiltrating or impregnating a three dimensional printed, free-form fabricated or additive manufactured object having pores or voids in or between particles or sheets of material from which the object is manufactured may include infusing the object with a thermoplastic material. The thermoplastic material may be a linear or branched semi-crystalline aliphatic polyester with a melting point of between 40° C. and 65° C. which may have a solidification/crystalisation point between 20° C. and 40° C., and which may be introduced under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure. The thermoplastic material may be caused to penetrate the object by immersing the object in the thermoplastic material and controlling the frequency and amplitude of pressure oscillation to ensure sufficient infusion into the object to penetrate the pores or voids by at least 10% and bond particles or sheets of material from which the object is manufactured. 134.-. (canceled)35. A method of infusing , infiltrating or impregnating a three dimensional printed , free-form fabricated or additive manufactured object having pores or voids in or between particles or sheets of material from which the object is manufactured , the method comprising:infusing the object with a thermoplastic material which is a linear or branched semi-crystalline aliphatic polyester with a melting point of between 40° C. and 65° C. which has a solidification/crystallisation point between 20° C. and 40° C., and which is introduced under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure, and wherein the thermoplastic material is caused to penetrate the object by immersing the object in the thermoplastic material and controlling the frequency and amplitude of pressure oscillation to ensure sufficient infusion into the object to penetrate the pores or voids by at least 10% and bond particles or sheets of material from which the object is manufactured.36. A method as claimed in claim 35 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002577A1

The present invention relates to a water-soluble pre-reacted binder composition, a method of its manufacture, a use of said pre-reacted binder composition, a method of manufacturing a collection of matter bound by a polymeric binder, a binder solution or dispersion comprising said pre-reacted binder composition, as well as products comprising the pre-reacted binder composition in a cured state. 136.-. (canceled)37. A method of manufacturing a collection of matter bound by a polymeric binder comprising:(i) providing a collection of matter;(ii) providing a water-soluble pre-reacted binder composition in the form of an aqueous solution or dispersion, the aqueous solution or dispersion containing no more than 80 wt.-% of said pre-reacted binder composition, and the pre-reacted binder composition comprising the reaction product(s) of(a) at least one carbohydrate component selected from the group consisting of dextrose, glucose, fructose and mixtures thereof, and(b) hexamethylenediamine,wherein the pre-reacted binder composition comprises at least one pre-polymer having a molecular weight in the range of 1 to 500 kDa in an amount of 2 wt.-% or more, based on the total weight of the pre-reacted binder composition;(iii) applying the aqueous solution or dispersion to the collection of matter; and(iv) applying energy to the collection of matter containing said aqueous solution or dispersion to cure the binder composition.38. The method of claim 37 , wherein providing a water-soluble pre-reacted binder composition in the form of an aqueous solution or dispersion comprises reacting (a) the at least one carbohydrate component and (b) hexamethylenediamine at temperature(s) of at least 30° C. during period(s) of at least 5 minutes.39. The method of claim 37 , wherein said method has at least one of the following features:said at least one pre-polymer having a molecular weight in the range of 1 to 500 kDa is contained in the pre-reacted binder composition in an amount of 5 wt.-% or ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing Artificial Turf Filaments

Номер: US20180002870A1
Автор: Price Joseph Claude

A system and method for producing artificial turf filaments according to one example embodiment includes an artificial turf filament, a first air drawn oven for heating the filament, a roll stand for applying an aqueous liquid to the filament and a second air drawn oven for heating the filament. In multiple embodiments, the filament has a latent helix shape when exposed to manufacturing or ambient heat. 1. A system for producing artificial turf surfaces , comprising:an artificial turf filament;a first air drawn oven for heating the filament;a roll stand for applying an aqueous liquid to the filament; anda second air drawn oven for heating the filament.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filament has a latent helix shape when exposed to manufacturing or ambient heat.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filament has the latent helix shape when exposed to manufacturing heat of about 85° C.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filament has the latent helix shape when exposed to ambient heat of about 65.56° C.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a spinneret having holes for melt extrusion.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the filament is produced through melt extrusion.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the extruded filament has fine surface distortions.8. A method for installing artificial turf surfaces claim 6 , comprising the following steps:producing an artificial turf surface having artificial turf filaments that exhibit a latent helix shape when exposed to ambient heat;installing the artificial turf surface while the artificial turf filaments are straight; andexposing the artificial turf filaments to ambient heat after installation.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ambient heat is about 65.56° C.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the artificial turf filaments have fine surface distortions. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/356,085, entitled “System And Method For Producing Artificial Turf Filaments” and ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008621A1

The present invention provides a scaffold for tissue regeneration and a method of manufacturing the same. The scaffold for tissue regeneration of the present invention includes grooves and ridges formed on one surface thereof, wherein the grooves or ridges have a plurality of nanopores formed thereon, thereby providing an environment suitable for attachment, differentiation, growth, and migration of cells. Therefore, the scaffold may be effectively used as a material for tissue regeneration. 1. A scaffold for tissue regeneration comprising:a plurality of grooves and ridges on one surface thereof,wherein the grooves or ridges have a plurality of nanopores formed thereon.2. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the grooves and the ridges extend in one direction.3. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the grooves and the ridges have a width of 100 to 900 nm claim 1 , respectively.4. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of widths of the grooves and the ridges is 1:0.5 to 1.5.5. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the ridge has a height of 100 to 900 nm from the groove.6. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the nanopore has a diameter of 50 to 200 nm.7. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the one surface has a carboxyl group (O═C—O) claim 1 , a carbonyl group (C═O) claim 1 , or a hydroxyl group (—OH).8. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the scaffold is made of one or more materials selected from the group consisting of polyurethane acrylate (PUA) resin claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol resin claim 1 , polyethylene resin claim 1 , polypropylene resin claim 1 , polyethylene glycol resin claim 1 , poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) resin claim 1 , polycaprolactone (PCL) resin claim 1 , polylactic acid (PLA) resin claim 1 , polyglycolic acid (PGA) resin claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , and a combination thereof.9. The scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the tissue is epithelial tissue ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011490A1

An optical film formed of a resin C including a copolymer P containing a polymerization unit A and a polymerization unit B, wherein the optical film includes a phase separation structure that expresses structural birefringence, the phase separation structure includes a phase (A) containing as a main component the polymerization unit A and a phase (B) containing as a main component the polymerization unit B, and |n(A)−n(B)| is 0.12 or more. 1. An optical film formed of a resin C including a copolymer P containing a polymerization unit A and a polymerization unit B , whereinthe optical film includes a phase separation structure that expresses structural birefringence,the phase separation structure includes a phase (A) containing as a main component the polymerization unit A and a phase (B) containing as a main component the polymerization unit B, andan absolute value |n(A)−n(B)| of a difference between a refractive index n(A) of a polymer (A) formed of the polymerization unit A and a refractive index n(B) of a polymer (B) formed of the polymerization unit B is 0.12 or more.2. The optical film according to claim 1 , wherein an absolute value |Tg(A)−Tg(B)| of a difference between a glass transition temperature Tg(A) (° C.) of the polymer (A) and a glass transition temperature Tg(B) (° C.) of the polymer (B) is 180° C. or higher.3. The optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the glass transition temperature Tg(A) (° C.) is 120° C. or higher.4. The optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the phase separation structure has a configuration of any of lamella claim 1 , cylinder claim 1 , and spheroid.5. The optical film according to claim 1 , wherein a distance between phases in the phase separation structure is 200 nm or less.6. The optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer P is a block copolymer having a block (A) containing as a main component the polymerization unit A and a block (B) containing as a main component the polymerization unit B.8. The ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008612A1

A brake hose is produced by: an inner tube rubber forming step of extrusion molding a rubber tubular body A to form an inner tube rubber layer ; a braiding step of forming a reinforcing yarn layer on the rubber tubular body A to produce a braided hose body C; and an outer surface rubber forming step of coating the braided hose body with an outer surface rubber material to form an outer surface rubber layer . The outer surface rubber forming step heats the braided hose body C such that surface temperature Th of the braided hose body C is equal to or higher than 50° C. and coats the braided hose body C with the outer surface rubber material under an atmosphere set to a lower pressure than the atmospheric pressure, which is equal to or lower than 0.8 atmospheres, in a region where the braided hose body C is to be coated with the outer surface rubber material. 1. A production method of a reinforced hose having: an inner tube rubber layer; a reinforcing yarn layer formed on braiding a reinforcing yarn on the inner tube rubber layer; and an outer surface rubber layer formed to coat the reinforcing yarn layer , the production method comprising:a step of providing a braided hose body having the reinforcing yarn layer formed on the inner tube rubber layer; andan outer surface rubber forming step of extruding an unvulcanized rubber material on the braided hose body to form the outer surface rubber layer, whereinthe outer surface rubber forming step heats the braided hose body such that surface temperature Th of the braided hose body is equal to or higher than 50° C., sets an atmosphere in a region where the braided hose body is to be coated with the rubber material to an atmosphere of a lower pressure than atmospheric pressure, which is equal to or lower than 0.8 atmospheres, and coats the braided hose body with the unvulcanized rubber material under the atmosphere to produce a hose intermediate product.2. The production method of the reinforced hose according to claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008181A1

A method of making a mechanical fastening strip and a reticulated mechanical fastening strip are disclosed. The method includes providing a backing having upstanding posts; providing interrupted slits through the backing, the interrupted slits being interrupted by at least one intact bridging region; spreading the slit backing to provide multiple strands separated from each other between at least some of the bridging regions to provide at least one opening; and fixing the multiple strands of the backing in a spread configuration. The reticulated mechanical fastening strip includes multiple strands of a backing attached to each other at bridging regions in the backing and separated from each other between the bridging regions to provide openings. Upstanding posts on each of the multiple strands have bases attached to the backing, and each of the multiple strands has a width that is greater than that of the bases of its attached upstanding posts. 1. A method of making a mechanical fastening strip , the method comprising:providing a thermoplastic backing having multiple rows of upstanding posts;slitting through the thermoplastic backing to provide a slit backing having interrupted slits between at least some pairs of adjacent rows of the upstanding posts, wherein each interrupted slit is interrupted by at least one intact bridging region of the slit backing;spreading the slit backing to provide multiple strands of the thermoplastic backing attached to each other at least at some of the bridging regions and separated from each other between at least some of the bridging regions to provide at least one opening; andfixing the multiple strands of the thermoplastic backing in a spread configuration to maintain the at least one opening between the multiple strands of the thermoplastic backing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein fixing the multiple strands comprises annealing.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising maintaining at least some of the multiple strands in a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008210A1

Multilayer silicone composites with precise thickness are produced by sequential extrusion of curable silicone films, and partially but not fully crosslinking a preceding silicone film prior to extruding a next subsequent film. 14.-. (canceled)6. A multilayer silicone composite produced by the method of claim 5 , where each individual silicone layer has a layer thickness of 0.1 to 200 μm claim 5 , and a thickness precision of ±3% as measured over an area of 200 cm.7. A dielectric electroactive polymer (EAP) for an actuator claim 5 , sensor or generator claim 5 , comprising a multilayer silicone composite of .8. A dielectric electroactive polymer (EAP) for an actuator claim 6 , sensor or generator claim 6 , comprising a multilayer silicone composite of .9. In a barrier film in the medical or food sector claim 5 , an insulating tape claim 5 , a protective film claim 5 , a packaging material claim 5 , a wound contact material claim 5 , a functional layer in clothing claim 5 , a substance separation layer or gas separation layer claim 5 , a cooking film claim 5 , a kitchen film claim 5 , a film for display applications claim 5 , an airbag claim 5 , or a wine cork claim 5 , the improvement comprising employing a multilayer silicone composite film of .10. In a barrier film in the medical or food sector claim 6 , an insulating tape claim 6 , a protective film claim 6 , a packaging material claim 6 , a wound contact material claim 6 , a functional layer in clothing claim 6 , a substance separation layer or gas separation layer claim 6 , a cooking film claim 6 , a kitchen film claim 6 , a film for display applications claim 6 , an airbag claim 6 , or a wine cork claim 6 , the improvement comprising employing a multilayer silicone composite film of . This application is the U.S. National Phase of PCT Appln. No. PCT/EP2015/051404 filed Jan. 23, 2015, which claims priority to German Application No. 10 2014 201 689.4 filed Jan. 30, 2014, the disclosures of which are incorporated ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods for lowering melt viscosity and improving heat-sealability of polyester and for manufacturing a heat-sealed container or package

Номер: US20170008226A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to methods for lowering the melt viscosity and thereby improving heat-sealability of a polyester. The invention also relates to a method for manufacturing a heat-sealed container or package from fibrous- based, polyester-coated packaging material, and a method for heat-sealing polyester. The solution according to the invention is subjecting polyester to electron beam (EB) radiation. The lowered melt viscosity allows a lower heat-sealing temperature, and permits sealing of polyester to an uncoated fibrous surface. The preferred polyester for the invention is polylactide, as such or as blended with another polyester.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method of use of polylactide and method of manufacturing a heat-sealed paper or board container or package

Номер: US20170008227A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to use of polylactide (PLA) as an extruded polymer coating on paper or board intended for the production of containers and packages, which are heated in a stove or microwave oven. According to the invention a polyfunctional cross-linking agent, such as trialkyl isocyanureate (TAIC), is blended with PLA, and the extruded coating layer is subjected to cross-linking electron beam (EB) radiation. PLA may be used as such or blended with another biodegradable polyester such as polybutylene succinate (PBS). EB radiation has been found to improve adhesion of the coating to the paper or board substrate, heat-scalability of the coating, and heat-resistance of the finished containers and packages.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008438A1

Methods are disclosed including thermally processing a scaffold to increase the radial strength of the scaffold when the scaffold is deployed from a crimped state to a deployed state such as a nominal deployment diameter. The thermal processing may further maintain or increase the expansion capability of the scaffold when expanded beyond the nominal diameter. 119.-. (canceled)21. The method of claim 20 , further comprising crimping the scaffold from the processed state to a crimped state over a delivery balloon having a nominal diameter.22. The method of claim 20 , wherein the thermal processing increases the crest angles of the rings.23. The method of claim 20 , wherein a diameter of the scaffold is fixed during the thermal processing which causes the crest angles to increase as the arc length decreases.24. The method of claim 20 , wherein the scaffold is made of a PLA polymer and the temperature is 70 to 90° C. and the time is 5 to 15 min.25. The method of claim 20 , further comprising disposing the scaffold over a tubular mandrel prior to the thermal processing claim 20 , wherein the scaffold diameter decreases to the outer diameter of the mandrel during the thermal processing.26. The method of claim 20 , wherein the thermal processing decreases an arc length of each ring.27. The method of claim 20 , wherein crest angles are less than 100° in the fabricated state and the temperature claim 20 , time claim 20 , scaffold diameter decrease claim 20 , or any combination thereof are selected such that the crest angles are 100° to 150° in the processed state.28. The method of claim 20 , wherein a thickness of the scaffold is 75 to 100 microns in the fabricated state and increases 10 to 30% during the thermal processing.29. The method of claim 20 , wherein the thermal processing is performed during a coating process.30. The method of claim 20 , wherein the fabricated state is an as-cut scaffold.31. The method of claim 20 , wherein a width of the scaffold decreases during ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009056A1
Автор: MARSHALL Jo, Parker Kevin

Anti-fog compositions comprising a primary film having opposing major planar surfaces and a central coplanar region disposed between the opposing major planar surfaces and comprising cellulose acetate and a plasticizer. The cellulose acetate may have a degree of substitution less than 2.6. The plasticizer may be selected from the group consisting of 1,2,3-triacetoxypropane (triacetin), tributyl citrate, triethyl citrate, triphenyl phosphate, tris(clorisopropyl)phosphate, dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, bornan-2-one, PEG-DGE, PPG-DGE, tributyl phosphate, and combinations thereof. The primary film has a thickness greater than 90 microns. 1. An anti-fog composition , comprising a primary film having opposing major planar surfaces and a central coplanar region disposed between the opposing major planar surfaces and comprising:cellulose acetate having a degree of substitution less than 2.6, anda plasticizer selected from the group consisting of 1,2,3-triacetoxypropane (triacetin), tributyl citrate, triethyl citrate, triphenyl phosphate, tris(clorisopropyl)phosphate, dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, bornan-2-one, PEG-DGE, PPG-DGE, tributyl phosphate, and combinations thereof,wherein the primary film has a thickness greater than 90 microns, andwherein the anti-fog composition has a haze value ranging from 0.1% to 4.0%, as measured by ASTM D1003.2. The anti-fog composition of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the anti-fog composition is greater than 100 microns.3. The anti-fog composition of claim 1 , wherein the cellulose acetate consists essentially of cellulose diacetate.4. The anti-fog composition of claim 1 , further comprising an anti-blocking agent having an average particle size ranging from 0.02 microns to 6 microns.5. The anti-fog composition of claim 1 , wherein the cellulose acetate comprises less than 1 wt % cellulose triacetate.6. The anti-fog composition of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is selected from the group consisting of tris( ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024125A1
Автор: Abstreiter Tobias

A method for treatment of polymer elements obtained by an additive manufacturing process comprises applying to the polymer element a treating liquid in liquid form. 1. A method for treatment of polymer elements obtained by an additive manufacturing process comprisinga) a heating step for heating a treating liquid to a temperature below an upper threshold temperature, wherein the upper threshold temperature is in a range of about 1° C. to about 80° C. below the melting temperature of the polymer from which the polymer elements are formed,b) a smoothing step, wherein the polymer elements are in contact with the treating liquid at a temperature above a lower threshold temperature and below the upper threshold temperature for a predetermined time period, under conditions where the treating liquid is in liquid form,c) a cooling step for cooling the polymer elements,wherein the treating liquid comprises water and at least one monovalent aliphatic alcohol, wherein the weight ratio of water to alcohol is in a range of about 98:2 to about 20:80.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upper threshold temperature is in a range of about 100° C. to about 190° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one monovalent aliphatic alcohol is selected from ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , isopropanol claim 1 , methanol or a mixture thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treating liquid comprises water and ethanol in a weight ratio of about 95:5 to about 30:70 and/or wherein the treating liquid is applied at a temperature in the range of about 100° C. to about 180° C. under conditions where the treating liquid is in liquid form.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treating liquid comprises at least one additional solvent and/or at least one plasticizer claim 1 , wherein the total amount of additional solvent and/or plasticizer is up to about 20 weight-%.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the at least one additional solvent is substituted or unsubstituted aromatic C- ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009134A1

The invention provides a method for manufacturing a 3D item (), wherein the 3D item () comprises an outer layer () and a support structure () with cavities (), wherein the outer layer () at least partly encloses the support structure (), and wherein the method comprises: (a) a 3D printing stage comprising 3D printing with fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printable material () the outer layer () and the support structure () and at least partly filling the cavities () with a filler material (); and (b) a post-treatment stage comprising post treating at least part of the outer layer () for reducing surface roughness. 1. A method for manufacturing a 3D item , wherein the 3D item comprises an outer layer and a support structure with cavities , wherein the outer layer at least partly encloses the support structure , and wherein the method comprises:(a) a 3D printing stage comprising 3D printing with fused deposition modeling 3D printable material the outer layer and the support structure and at least partly filling the cavities with a filler material; and(b) a post-treatment stage comprising post treating at least part of the outer layer for reducing surface roughness.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the 3D item is a mold.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the 3D printable material comprises a curable material claim 1 , and wherein the 3D printing method includes curing at least part of the printable 3D printable material to provide 3D printed material.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the filler material comprises a material having a higher thermal conductivity than the support structure.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the filler material before filling the cavities comprises a slurry comprising one or more of metal particles claim 4 , ceramic particles claim 4 , and carbon particles claim 4 , and wherein the method further comprises a transformation stage comprising transforming the slurry in the cavities in a solid filler ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009179A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An additive manufacturing apparatus includes a table, an ejecting unit that faces the table and ejects photocurable droplets toward the table, a light-applying unit that applies light to and cures the droplets on the table, a moving unit that moves the table back and forth along with the light-applying unit and relative to the ejecting unit, and a controller that controls the ejecting unit, the light-applying unit, and the moving unit such that the ejecting unit ejects droplets toward the table while the table is moved relative to the ejecting unit; the light-applying unit applies, when a direction of relative movement of the table is changed, light to the droplets that have moved together with the table out of an area where the table faces the ejecting unit; and a three-dimensional object is formed as a stack of layers composed of the droplets that have been cured. 1. An additive manufacturing apparatus comprising:a table;an ejecting unit that faces the table and ejects photocurable droplets toward the table;a light-applying unit that applies light to and cures the droplets ejected from the ejecting unit and landed on the table;a moving unit that moves the table back and forth along with the light-applying unit and relative to the ejecting unit; anda controller that controls the ejecting unit, the light-applying unit, and the moving unit such that the ejecting unit ejects droplets and makes the droplets land on the table while the table is moved relative to the ejecting unit; the light-applying unit applies, when a direction of relative movement of the table is changed, light to the droplets that have moved together with the table out of an area where the table faces the ejecting unit; and a three-dimensional object is formed as a stack of layers composed of the droplets that have been cured.2. The additive manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the ejecting unit has an ejection port from which the droplets are ejected, andwherein the additive ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008819A1
Автор: Pfefferkorn Florian

The invention relates to a process and an apparatus for chemical smoothing of a plastic part () produced by selective layerwise consolidation of a construction material. The process comprises the steps of: temperature-controlling the plastic part to a first temperature; temperature-controlling solvent vapour () comprising a solvent to a second temperature; subjecting the plastic part () to the solvent vapour () temperature-controlled to the second temperature for a particular duration, wherein the subjecting of the plastic part () to the solvent vapour () has the result that an outer layer of the plastic part () is liquefied; and discharging at least a portion of the solvent vapour () after the particular duration, wherein the plastic part () is stationary from commencement of the temperature-controlling of the plastic part until termination of the discharging of the solvent vapour (). 110. A process for chemical smoothing of a plastic part () , comprising the following steps:{'b': '10', 'temperature-controlling the plastic part () to a first temperature;'}{'b': '8', 'temperature-controlling solvent vapour () comprising a solvent to a second temperature;'}{'b': 10', '8, 'claim-text': {'b': 10', '8', '10, 'wherein the subjecting of the plastic part () to the solvent vapour () has the result that an outer layer of the plastic part () is liquefied; and'}, 'subjecting the plastic part () to the solvent vapour () temperature-controlled to the second temperature for a particular duration,'}{'b': '8', 'claim-text': {'b': 10', '8, 'wherein the plastic part () is stationary from commencement of the temperature-controlling of the plastic part until termination of the discharging of the solvent vapour ().'}, 'discharging at least a portion of the solvent vapour () after the particular duration,'}210. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the step of temperature-controlling of the plastic part () comprises:{'b': 10', '1', '301', '7, 'positioning the plastic part () in a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009950A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A method for desalinating a salt-containing polymer is provided. The salt-containing polymer contains a polyaryl ether and a salt. The method includes the steps of mechanically increasing the surface area of the salt-containing polymer to obtain a salt-containing polymer of increased surface area, and contacting the salt-containing polymer of increased surface area with an extractant to obtain a desalinated polymer containing the polyaryl ether, and a salt-containing extractant containing the extractant and the salt. 1. A method for desalinating a salt-containing polymer comprising a polyaryl ether and a salt , the method comprisinga) mechanically increasing a surface area of the salt-containing polymer to obtain a salt-containing polymer of increased surface area, andb) contacting the salt-containing polymer of increased surface area with an extractant to obtain a desalinated polymer comprising the polyaryl ether, and a salt-containing extractant comprising the extractant and the salt, the surface area of the salt-containing polymer being mechanically increased in a) by foaming or drawing the salt-containing polymer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the salt-containing polymer is prepared by a melt polymerization method.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the extractant in b) comprises water.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the desalinated polymer obtained in b) comprises not more than 150 ppm by weight of the salt claim 1 , based on a total weight of the desalinated polymer.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein b) is conducted at a temperature below a softening temperature of the polyaryl ether.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein b) comprises:b1) contacting the salt-containing polymer of increased surface area obtained from a) with the extractant to obtain a pre-desalinated polymer comprising the polyaryl ether and residues of the salt, and a first salt-containing extractant comprising the extractant and a portion of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009786A1

The invention provides a method for manufacturing a 3D item () by means of 3D printing. The method comprises the step of depositing, during a printing stage, 3D printable material () to provide 3D printed material (), wherein the 3D printable material () comprises a core-shell filament () comprising (i) a core () comprising a core material () having one or more of a core glass temperature Tg1 and a core melting temperature Tm1 and (ii) a shell () comprising a shell material () having one or more of a shell glass temperature Tg2 and a shell melting temperature Tm2, wherein one or more of the shell glass temperature Tg2 and the shell melting temperature Tm2 is lower than one or more of the core glass temperature Tg1 and the core melting temperature Tm1. The method further comprises the step of heating, during a finishing stage, the 3D printed material () to a temperature equal to or higher than one or more of the shell glass temperature Tg2 and the shell melting temperature Tm2, and equal to or lower than one or more of the core glass temperature Tg1 and the core melting temperature Tm1. 1. A method for manufacturing a 3D item by means of 3D printing , wherein the method comprises the step of:depositing, during a printing stage, a 3D printable material to provide 3D printed material, wherein the 3D printable material comprises a core-shell filament, the core-shell filament comprising a core and a shell, the core comprising a core material having one or more of a core glass temperature Tg1 and a core melting temperature Tm1, and the shell comprising a shell material having one or more of a shell glass temperature Tg2 and a shell melting temperature Tm2, wherein one or more of the shell glass temperature Tg2 and the shell melting temperature Tm2 is lower than one or more of the core glass temperature Tg1 and the core melting temperature Tm1, andwherein the method further comprises the step of:heating, during a finishing stage, the 3D printed material to a temperature ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011752A1
Автор: Inoue Kyosuke

An optical layered body including: a substrate layer and a first surface layer, wherein the substrate layer contains a crystallizable polymer containing an alicyclic structure, and the first surface layer contains an amorphous polymer. 1. An optical layered body comprising: a substrate layer and a first surface layer , whereinthe substrate layer contains a crystallizable polymer containing an alicyclic structure, andthe first surface layer contains an amorphous polymer.2. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , having a retardation of 400 nm or less.3. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , wherein the crystallizable polymer containing the alicyclic structure is a hydrogenated product of a ring-opening polymer of dicyclopentadiene.4. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , comprising a second surface layer on a side opposite to the first surface layer of the substrate layer claim 1 ,the second surface layer containing an amorphous polymer.5. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , having a transmittance at a wavelength of 380 nm of 10% or less.6. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , having a moisture vapor transmission rate of 10 g/(m·24 h) or less measured in accordance with JIS K 7129 A method.7. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , having a tensile elastic modulus of 3 claim 1 ,000 MPa or more.8. The optical layered body according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a thickness of the substrate layer relative to a total thickness of the optical layered body is 25% or more.9. A polarizing plate comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the optical layered body according to ; and'}a polarizer.10. A liquid crystal display device comprising the polarizing plate according to .11. A method for producing the optical layered body according to claim 1 , comprising:an extrusion step of co-extruding a resin containing a crystallizable polymer containing an alicyclic structure and a resin containing an ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031504A1

A method of altering a refractive property of a crosslinked acrylic polymer material by irradiating the material with a high energy pulsed laser beam to change its refractive index. The method is used to alter the refractive property, and hence the optical power, of an implantable intraocular lens after implantation in the patient's eye. In some examples, the wavelength of the laser beam is in the far red and near IR range and the light is absorbed by the crosslinked acrylic polymer via two-photon absorption at high laser pulse energy. The method also includes designing laser beam scan patterns that compensate for effects of multiphone absorption such as a shift in the depth of the laser pulse absorption location, and compensate for effects caused by high laser pulse energy such as thermal lensing. The method can be used to form a Fresnel lens in the optical zone. 14.-. (canceled)5. A method of altering a refractive property of an implantable intraocular lens having an optic body including an optical zone and a peripheral zone surrounding the optical zone , comprising:implanting the intraocular lens in a patient's eye;generating a light beam using a light source and a light delivery optical system, the light beam having a wavelength of 400 to 450 nm; andwhile the intraocular lens is in the patient's eye, irradiating the optical zone of the intraocular lens with the light beam,wherein the optical zone comprises a crosslinked acrylic polymer material configured to change its refractive index upon irradiation by the light beam, thereby altering a refractive property of the intraocular lens.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 5 , wherein a first change in the refractive index is negative during a first time period after irradiation and a second change in the refractive index is positive in a second time period after irradiation.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the change in refractive index relative to the pre-irradiation refractive index at a location within the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015950A1

The present invention relates to a film with low an optical retardation and thus low stress birefringence which contains at least one layer containing at least one polycarbonate or co-polycarbonate and which, on account of its optical properties, is suitable for use in opto-electronic devices, e.g. in displays and touch panels, as well as to a process for the production of such films and to the use thereof. 1. Coated film comprising a base film comprising at least one layer comprising at least one poly- or copolycarbonate , wherein the base film hasan optical retardation of less than 100 nm anda matte side having a surface roughness of from 200 nm to 20 μm andanother side having a surface roughness of less than 200 nm anda coating on the matte side whereby a surface of said coating has a surface roughness of less than 200 nm.2. Coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises nanoparticles.3. Coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the difference of the refractive indices of the base film and the coating at a wavelength of 550 nm is less than 0.04 claim 1 , optionally by 0.02 claim 1 , or optionally by 0.015.4. Coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the base film has an optical retardation of less than 50 nm claim 1 , optionally of less than 10 nm5. Coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the poly- or copolycarbonate in the base film has a glass transition temperature Tof equal to or more than 140° C. claim 1 , optionally of more than 175° C.8. Coated film according to claim 6 , wherein the poly- or copoly-carbonate containing units prepared from one or more dihydroxydiphenylcycloalkanes of formula (Ia) is a poly- or copoly-carbonate containing units prepared from 1 claim 6 ,1-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,5-trimethyl-cyclohexane claim 6 , optionally a copolycarbonate containing units prepared from 1 claim 6 ,1-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,5-trimethyl-cyclohexane as dihydroxydiphenylcycloalkanes of formula (Ia) ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014012A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides a synthetic resin microporous film which has excellent permeability of lithium ions, can constitute high performance power storage devices, and is less likely to cause a short circuit between a positive electrode and a negative electrode as well as rapid decrease in discharge capacity due to a dendrite even when used in high power applications. The synthetic resin microporous film of the present invention is a synthetic resin microporous film comprising a synthetic resin, the synthetic resin microporous film being stretched, the synthetic resin microporous film having, in a cross section along a thickness direction and a stretching direction of the synthetic resin microporous film: a plurality of support portions extending in the thickness direction of the synthetic resin microporous film; a plurality of fibrils formed between the support portions; and the support portions having the number of branch structures of 150 or less per 100 μm; and the synthetic resin microporous film being configured such that micropore portions are formed in areas surrounded by the support portions and the fibrils. 1. A synthetic resin microporous film comprising a synthetic resin , the synthetic resin microporous film being stretched ,the synthetic resin microporous film having, in a cross section along a thickness direction and a stretching direction of the synthetic resin microporous film:a plurality of support portions extending in the thickness direction of the synthetic resin microporous film;a plurality of fibrils formed between the support portions; and{'sup': '2', 'the support portions having the number of branch structures of 150 or less per 100 μm; and'}the synthetic resin microporous film being configured such that micropore portions are formed in areas surrounded by the support portions and the fibrils.2. The synthetic resin microporous film according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of gas permeability is 10 sec/100 mL/16 μm or more and 150 sec/ ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Portable Runway

Номер: US20170015439A1

A portable runway includes a sheet of thermoplastic composite materials that is rolled out to form the runway track and then heat cured in place to form a rigid. Suitable composite materials are glass, carbon or aramid fibers are co-mingled with thermoplastic fibers such as polyamides, polyolefins, polyesters, polyacrylates and polyimides so that the pliable co-mingled materials is in either fiber bundle (“tow”), yarn, braid, fabric or non-woven forms are layed down on the pregraded earth by unrolling, unstacking, unfolding, dispesing or spraying. Once in place the composite materials are consolidated and hardened by application of heat. The width of the surface of said portable runway may range from 1 meter to 25 meters. Anchoring pegs may be inserted along the edges of said portable runway prior to curing with the thickness of the surface ranging from 1 cm to 50 cm and the areal weight of the surface ranging from 50 grams per square meter (GSM) to 2,000 GSM. 1. A portable runway comprising a sheet of thermoplastic composite materials which is rolled out to form the runway track and then heat cured in place to form a rigid wherein suitable composite materials are glass , carbon or aramid fibers are co-mingled with thermoplastic fibers such as polyamides , polyolefins , polyesters , polyacrylates and polyimides so that said pliable co-mingled materials is in either fiber bundle (“tow”) , yarn , braid , fabric or non-woven forms are laid down on the pre-graded earth by unrolling , un-stacking , unfolding , dispensing or spraying whereby once in place said composite materials are consolidated and hardened by application of heat.2. A portable runway according to wherein the width of the surface of said portable runway may range from 1 meter to 25 meters and wherein anchoring pegs may be inserted along the edges of said portable runway prior to curing with the thickness of the surface ranging from 1 cm to 50 cm and the areal weight of the surface ranging from 50 grams ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017511A1

The invention concerns a biaxially orientated, single- or multi-layered porous film which comprises at least one porous layer and this layer contains at least one propylene polymer and polyethylene; 133.-. (canceled)34. A biaxially orientated , single- or multi-layered porous film which comprises at least one porous layer and this layer contains at least one propylene polymer and polyethylene;(I) the porosity of the porous film is 30% to 80%; and(II) the permeability of the porous film is <1000 s (Gurley number);wherein(III) the porous film comprises an inorganic coating; and(IV) the coated porous film has a Gurley number of <1500 s; and(V) the coated porous film has a Gurley number of >6000 s when it is heated for 5 minutes to over 140° C.35. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the porosity is produced by transformation of β-crystalline polypropylene upon drawing the film claim 34 , wherein at least one β-nucleation agent is present in the film.36. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the propylene polymer is a propylene homopolymer and/or a propylene block copolymer.37. The film as claimed in claim 35 , wherein the β-nucleation agent is a calcium salt of pimelic acid and/or suberic acid and/or a nanoscale iron oxide.38. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the film contains propylene homopolymer and propylene block copolymer.39. The film as claimed in claim 35 , wherein the film contains 50% to 85% by weight of propylene homopolymer claim 35 , 15% to 50% by weight of propylene block copolymer and 50 to 10000 ppm of β-nucleation agent.40. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the density of the film is in the range 0.1 to 0.5 g/cm.41. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the thickness of the film is 10 to 100 μm.42. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the propylene polymers are not produced using metallocene catalysts.43. The film as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the polyethylene is present in quantities of at least 5% by weight with ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015794A1
Автор: Pletcher Dirk

Various embodiments disclosed relate to melt-stabilized materials including ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), methods of making the same, and medical implants including the same. In various embodiments, the present invention provides a method of melt-stabilizing a material including UHMWPE. The method includes obtaining or providing a solid material including UHMWPE including a first concentration of free-radicals. The method includes coating at least part of the solid material with a liquid composition including at least one antioxidant, to provide a coated solid material. The method includes heating the coated solid material in an environment including oxygen, the heating being sufficient to melt at least part of the UHMWPE, to provide a heated material. The method also includes solidifying the heated material, to provide a melt-stabilized material including UHMWPE including a second concentration of free-radicals, wherein the second concentration of free-radicals is less than the first concentration of free-radicals. 1. A method of melt-stabilizing a material comprising ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) , the method comprising:obtaining or providing a solid material comprising UHMWPE comprising a first concentration of free-radicals;coating at least part of the solid material with a liquid composition comprising at least one antioxidant, to provide a coated solid material;heating the coated solid material in an environment comprising oxygen, the heating sufficient to melt at least part of the UHMWPE, to provide a heated material; andsolidifying the heated material, to provide a melt-stabilized material comprising UHMWPE comprising a second concentration of free-radicals, wherein the second concentration of free-radicals is less than the first concentration of free-radicals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first concentration of free-radicals is at least about 1×10spins/g.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Novel Additive Manufacturing-Based Electric Poling Process of PVDF Polymer for Piezoelectric Device Applications

Номер: US20160016369A1

Methods for forming a piezoelectric device are provided. The method can comprise: electrically poling and printing the piezoelectric device from a polymeric filament simultaneously. The polymeric filament can comprise a polyvinylidene fluoride polymer (e.g., a β phase polyvinylidene fluoride polymer, such as formed by simultaneously stretching and electric poling an electrically inactive α phase polyvinylidene fluoride polymer).

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017109A1
Автор: BOSTYN Arnaud R. W.
Принадлежит: SOBELTEC

The present invention relates to a latex composition comprising:

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016045A1

In a coating method example, a coating is formed on a part precursor by blasting the part precursor with a blast medium. The blast medium includes blasting beads and a coating agent. The part precursor is formed from a polymeric build material, and a hardness of the blasting beads is greater than a hardness of the polymeric build material. 1. A coating method , comprising: blasting beads; and', 'a coating agent;, 'forming a coating on a part precursor by blasting the part precursor with a blast medium, the blast medium includingwherein the part precursor is formed from a polymeric build material, and a hardness of the blasting beads is greater than a hardness of the polymeric build material.2. The method as defined in wherein the coating agent is selected from the group consisting of graphite claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide claim 1 , and polytetrafluoroethylene.3. The method as defined in wherein the coating agent is present in an amount ranging from greater than 0 wt % to about 0.4 wt % based on a total wt % of the blast medium.4. The method as defined in wherein the hardness of the blasting beads is from about 2 units to about 5 units greater than the hardness of the polymeric build material on a Mohs scale of hardness.5. The method as defined in wherein a particle size of the blasting beads ranges from about 0.1 mm to about 1 mm.6. The method as defined in wherein a size distribution of the coating agent is 20 μm≤D90≤70 μm claim 1 , and D90 is an average particle size that about 90% of particles of the coating agent are smaller than.7. The method as defined in wherein the blasting beads are selected from the group consisting garnet blasting beads claim 1 , glass blasting beads claim 1 , alumina blasting beads claim 1 , steel blasting beads claim 1 , coal slag blasting beads claim 1 , silicon carbide blasting beads claim 1 , and combinations thereof.8. The method as defined in wherein the coating agent has a springback value that is less than about 20%.9. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021534A1
Автор: LU Xiangyang

The present disclosure discloses an anti-fatigue mat and methods for making the same. The method for making an anti-fatigue mat includes providing a leather comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, forming a color layer on the first surface, cutting the leather, putting the cut leather into a mold, injecting an elastomeric material into the mold, curing the elastomeric material to form an elastic layer on the second surface and a plurality of concave structures corresponding to the plurality of protruding structures on the first surface, and polishing the first surface to remove the color layer without caving towards the second surface. The anti-fatigue mat can have anti-fatigue performance and vivid stereoscopic impression, where being simple to fabricate with low costs and can be industrialized. 1. A method for making an anti-fatigue mat , comprises steps of:{'b': '1', 'S, providing leather comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, and forming a color layer on the first surface, wherein a color of the color layer is different from a color of the leather;'}{'b': '2', 'S, cutting the leather;'}{'b': '3', 'S, putting the cut leather into a mold having a plurality of protruding structures, wherein the plurality of protruding structures contacts the color layer, and injecting an elastomeric material made by a foaming process into the mold and curing the elastomeric material to form an elastic layer on the second surface and a plurality of concave structures corresponding to the plurality of protruding structures on the first surface; wherein the cut leather and color layer caves towards the second surface to form the plurality of concave structures; and'}{'b': '4', 'S, polishing the first surface to remove the color layer without caving towards the second surface.'}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,{'b': '1', 'in step S, the step of forming the color layer on the first ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluoropolymer composition

Номер: US20150024216A1
Автор: Noriyuki Usami
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A fluoropolymer composition is provided containing a polymer containing perfluoroolefin units or partially fluorinated olefin units or a combination thereof, polytetrafluoroethylene having a melting point a melting point of 200° C. or more and 300° C. or less, and a crosslinking agent or a crosslinking promoter or a combination thereof. A molded article having a polytetrafluoroethylene layer on a surface is also provided.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040915A1

Systems and methods for making it easier to remove support structures printed in conjunction with printing an object using stereolithographic additive manufacturing are disclosed. In some exemplary embodiments, one or more interfaces between the printed object and the support structures are modulated to allow for easy separation between them, in some instances even when the object and support structures are made from the same material. Various modulation techniques are disclosed, including adjusting an intensity of exposure to light at interfaces between the object and support structures, and using two materials where one material cures at two wavelength ranges and the other material only cures at one of the two wavelength ranges. Other systems and methods that allow for easy separation of part and support structure are also described. 1. A method for manufacturing a three-dimensional object , comprising:depositing a photopolymerizable material to form a desired three-dimensional object and to form a support structure configured to support the desired three-dimensional object, the deposited material forming one or more interfaces between the desired three-dimensional object and the support structure, the one or more interfaces being one or more locations at which the desired three-dimensional object is configured to be separated from the support structure;modulating properties of the one or more interfaces such that an application of a threshold force proximate to or at the one or more interfaces allows the desired three-dimensional object to be separated from the support structure, a value of the threshold force being less than a value of a fracture force at which the desired three-dimensional object fractures;at least partially curing at least a portion of the deposited material using a light source; andseparating the desired three-dimensional object from the support structure at the one or more interfaces,wherein modulating properties of the one or more ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022961A1

A method for fused filament fabrication of a thermoplastic part includes: mixing an additive material that is electrically conductive with a thermoplastic material; forming a filament made of materials that include the thermoplastic material mixed with the additive material: passing the filament through an alternating magnetic field such that the additive material is heated by the alternating magnetic field and thus heats the thermoplastic material of the filament; and depositing the materials of the filament on a previously deposited layer of the part to form a newly deposited layer of the part. The thermoplastic material in the newly deposited layer is sufficiently heated such that the thermoplastic material of the newly deposited layer fuses with the thermoplastic material of the previously deposited layer. The method may include: extruding the materials of the filament through a nozzle; and continuing to deposit the materials of the filament until the part is manufactured. 1. A method for fused filament fabrication of a thermoplastic part , comprising:mixing an additive material that is electrically conductive with a thermoplastic material;forming a filament made of materials that include the thermoplastic material mixed with the additive material;passing the filament through an alternating magnetic field such that the additive material is inductively heated by the alternating magnetic field and thus heating the thermoplastic material of the filament; anddepositing the materials of the filament on a previously deposited layer of the part to form a newly deposited layer of the part; andwherein the thermoplastic material in the newly deposited layer is sufficiently heated such that the thermoplastic material of the newly deposited layer fuses with the thermoplastic material of the previously deposited layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extruding the materials of the filament through a nozzle;wherein the nozzle is configured to deposit the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Rubbing Cloth Attaching Device

Номер: US20170023812A1
Автор: Jing Yangkun

A rubbing cloth attaching device including a bracket; a feeding device mounted at the bracket to deliver a rubbing cloth; a detection device mounted at the bracket to detect a delivery rate of the rubbing cloth; a cutting carrier device movably cooperating with the bracket; a cutting device movably mounted at the cutting carrier device; a first driving device configured to drive the cutting carrier device; a second driving device configured to drive the cutting device; and a control system configured to calculate a length of delivered rubbing cloth based on the delivery rate, and control the first driving device to drive the cutting carrier device to move in a delivering direction of the rubbing cloth at the delivery rate and control the second driving device to drive the cutting device to move in perpendicular to the delivering direction upon the calculated length reaching a first predetermined value. 1. A rubbing cloth attaching device , comprising:a bracket;a feeding device mounted at the bracket and configured to deliver a rubbing cloth;a detection device mounted at the bracket, comprising a rate detection module configured to detect a delivery rate of the rubbing cloth;a cutting carrier device movably cooperating with the bracket;a cutting device movably mounted at the cutting carrier device;a first driving device configured to drive the cutting carrier device to move;a second driving device configured to drive the cutting device to move with respect to the cutting carrier device; anda control system configured to calculate a length of delivered rubbing cloth based on the delivery rate detected by the detection device, and to control the first driving device to drive the cutting carrier device to move in a delivering direction of the rubbing cloth at the delivery rate of the rubbing cloth and also control the second driving device to drive the cutting device to move in a direction perpendicular to the delivering direction of the rubbing cloth upon the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023569A1
Автор: Hoa Suong Van

Systems and methods for 4D printing of composites are described herein. A composite layer arrangement is obtained for forming a composite laminate having a substantially flat profile. A plurality of composite layers are deposited according to the composite layer arrangement to form the composite laminate. The composite laminate is activated to produce a curved composite structure. 1. A method for four-dimensional printing of a composite structure , the method comprising:obtaining a composite layer arrangement for forming a composite laminate having a substantially flat profile;depositing a plurality of composite layers according to the composite layer arrangement to form the composite laminate, each one of the plurality of composite layers comprising longitudinal fibers having a longitudinal direction; andactivating the composite laminate to produce the composite structure comprising at least one curvature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein activating the composite laminate comprises:heating the composite laminate to a first temperature; andcooling the composite laminate from the first temperature to a second temperature to produce the composite structure comprising at least one curvature.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein obtaining the composite layer arrangement comprises:generating a model of the composite laminate;determining a reconfiguration of the composite laminate that is expected to occur when the composite laminate corresponding to the model is activated to produce the three-dimensional composite structure; andgenerating the composite layer arrangement based on the reconfiguration.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein generating the model of the composite laminate comprises modeling a shrinkage of resin used in the plurality of composite layers and modeling coefficients of thermal contraction of the plurality of composite layers.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said modeling comprises generating a laminate matrix indicative of shrinkage of the resin and of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023576A1

A method of forming a three-dimensional object is carried out by: (a) providing a cyanate ester dual cure resin; (b) forming a three-dimensional intermediate from said resin, where said intermediate has the shape of, or a shape to be imparted to, said three-dimensional object, and where said resin is solidified by exposure to light; (c) optionally washing the three-dimensional intermediate, and then (d) heating and/or microwave irradiating said three-dimensional intermediate sufficiently to further cure said resin and form said three-dimensional object. Compositions useful for carrying out the method, and products made from the method, are also described. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein R is a phenyl group.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein R is a phenyl claim 1 , biphenyl claim 1 , naphthyl claim 1 , bis(phenyl)methane claim 1 , bis(phenyl)ethane claim 1 , bis(phenyl)propane claim 1 , or bis(phenyl)dicyclopentadiene group claim 1 , or a phenol formaldehyde resin.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said cyanate ester compound is selected from the group consisting of: bis(4-cyanathophenyl) methane; 1 claim 1 ,1-bis(4-cyanatophenyl)ethane; 2 claim 1 ,2-bis(4-cyanatophenyl) propane; bis(4-cyanatophenyl)ether; tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,4-dicyanatobenzene; cyanated novolacs produced by reacting a novolac with cyanogen halide; cyanated bisphenol polycarbonate oligomers produced by reacting a bisphenol polycarbonate oligomer with cyanogen halide; and mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal catalyst is a metal salt of an organic acid of at least one metal selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , lead claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , iron claim 1 , tin and cobalt.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal catalyst is present in a range of 10 or 30 to 600 claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , or 10 claim 1 ,000 microequivalents of said metal catalyst as compared to the total weight of said at least one cyanate ester claim 1 , epoxy ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023750A1

A method for additive manufacturing using releasable inks on a substrate mold includes applying a surface treatment to a surface of a mold defining an article for manufacturing, and depositing an ink including particles or fibers of a trace material onto the surface treatment. The particles are coated with a functionalization agent based on a surface energy of the surface treatment for providing a release on demand of the printed trace. The deposited ink is cured to evaporate a solvent carrier, and sintered to bond or melt the particles or fiber together r. The article is molded by adding a molding substance to the mold over the trace, and releasing the molded article from the mold, such that the trace adheres to either the mold or the article based on the functionalization agent providing the trace greater adhesion to the mold or the article to effect the release on demand. 1. A method for additive manufacturing using releasable inks on a substrate mold , comprising:applying a surface treatment to a surface of a mold, the mold defining an article for manufacturing;depositing an ink including particles of a trace material onto the surface treatment, the particles coated with a functionalization agent based on a surface energy of the surface treatment;curing the deposited ink to evaporate a solvent carrier;sintering the deposited ink to form a continuous trace of material;molding the article by adding a molding substance to the mold over the trace; andreleasing the molded article from the mold, the trace adhering to either the mold or the article based on the functionalization agent providing the trace greater adhesion to the mold or the article.2. The method of further comprising:forming the ink from particles or fibers of a trace material surrounded by a functionalization agent; andadding a solvent carrier for defining the ink in a fluid form adapted for deposition on the mold surface.3. The method of further comprising releasing the molded article from the mold ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028060A1

A lead-acid battery separator with ultralow resistivity results from high porosity, controlled pore () size distribution, and an ionic surfactant () with a long alkyl side chain () that is anchored to the polymer matrix () of a silica-filled polyethylene separator. The surfactant cannot be easily removed or washed away and thereby imparts sustained wettability to the separator. Controlling the number of, and volume occupied by, the pores (i.e., porosity) and pore size distribution of the separator contributes to a reduction in electrical (ionic) resistivity. 1. In a microporous polymer web configured for use as a battery separator , the microporous polymer web having a thickness and including a three-dimensional matrix of polyolefin , a wettability component , and available interconnecting pores that have surfaces and communicate through the thickness of the microporous polymer web , the available interconnecting pores included in a first number of pores having electrolyte-wettable surfaces resulting from a presence of the wettability component in sufficiently high concentrations and a second number of pores having electrolyte-nonwettable surfaces resulting from an absence of the wettability component in sufficiently high concentrations , and the battery separator formed from the microporous polymer web characterized by a porosity and an electrical resistivity when an electrolyte penetrates the first number of pores , the improvement comprising:a surface active molecule containing a hydrophobic tail component and distributed throughout the microporous polymer web, the hydrophobic tail component of the surface active molecule anchored to the three-dimensional matrix of polyolefin to make at least some of the available interconnecting pores of the second number of pores accessible to the electrolyte and thereby provide a reduction in the electrical resistivity of the battery separator.2. The microporous polymer web of claim 1 , in which the surface active molecule ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025821A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A magnetic sheet comprises, by vol. %, Fe—Si—Al alloy flat powder: 36% or more. The Fe—Si—Al alloy flat powder comprises, by wt %, 9.3%≦Si≦9.7%, 5.7%≦Al≦6.1%, and remaining Fe. The Fe—Si—Al alloy flat powder has: an aspect ratio in a range of 20 or more and 50 or less; a 50% particle size Din a range of 50 μm or more and 100 μm or less; and a coercivity Hc of 60 A/m or less. The magnetic sheet has a temperature characteristic of permeability μ′ measured at 1 MHz exhibiting a maximum value in a range of 0° C. or more and 40° C. or less. 1. A magnetic sheet comprising , by vol. % , Fe—Si—Al alloy flat powder: 36% or more , the Fe—Si—Al alloy flat powder (i) comprising , by wt % , 9.3%≦Si≦9.7% , 5.7%≦Al≦6.1% , and remaining Fe , and (ii) having:an aspect ratio in a range of 20 or more and 50 or less;{'sub': '50', 'a 50% particle size Din a range of 50 μm or more and 100 μm or less; and'}a coercivity Hc of 60 A/m or less,wherein the magnetic sheet has a temperature characteristic of permeability μ′ measured at 1 MHz exhibiting a maximum value in a range of 0° C. or more and 40° C. or less.2. The magnetic sheet according to claim 1 , wherein 9.40≦Si≦9.65 is satisfied. The present invention relates to a high permeability magnetic sheet suitable as a magnetic sheet for pen tablets with an electromagnetic induction type digitizer that is one of input systems on a tablet terminal screen.For an input system of mobile terminals, such as smartphones and tablet PCs, touch panels where input is performed by touching a screen with a finger or so are commonly used due to their good intuitive usability. The mobile terminals have been equipped with an input system capable of character input, drawing, and the like, using a pen, and a representative example of the input system is electromagnetic induction type digitizers (pen tablets). The electromagnetic induction type digitizers are characterized in that a coil of an electronic pen and an antenna coil of a digitizer body are combined ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028526A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A composition which is suitable for extrusion molding comprises a) a ceramic-forming material, and b) a cellulose derivative that has a median particle length of from 110 to 300 micrometers. Advantageously a cellulose ether is used that has been obtained by providing a moist cellulose derivative having a moisture content of from 35 to 90 percent, based on the total weight of the moist cellulose derivative, and drying-grinding the moist cellulose derivative in a gas-swept impact mill to a median particle length of from 110 to 300 micrometers. 1. A composition comprisinga) a ceramic-forming material, andb) a cellulose derivative having a median particle length of from 110 to 300 micrometers.2. The composition of wherein the cellulose derivative has a median particle length of from 120 to 270 micrometers.3. The composition of wherein the cellulose derivative is obtainable by providing a moist cellulose derivative having a moisture content of from 35 to 98 percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of the moist cellulose derivative claim 1 , and drying-grinding the moist cellulose derivative in a gas-swept impact mill.4. The composition of wherein the cellulose derivative is obtainable by mixing a cellulose derivative with a liquid to provide a moist cellulose derivative having a moisture content of from 35 to 98 percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of the moist cellulose derivative claim 1 , and drying-grinding the moist cellulose derivative in a gas-swept impact mil.5. The composition of wherein the cellulose derivative is a cellulose ether.6. The composition of wherein the ceramic-forming material is an alumina or a precursor thereof claim 1 , silica or a precursor thereof claim 1 , an aluminate claim 1 , aluminosilicate claim 1 , alumina silica claim 1 , feldspar claim 1 , titania claim 1 , fused silica claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , aluminum carbide claim 1 , kaolin claim 1 , cordierite claim 1 , mullite claim 1 , clay claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031149A1

A molding process includes the operation of placing insulation material comprising fibers and binder on the fibers in a mold cavity. The molding process further includes the operation of transferring heat to the insulation material to cause the binder to cure. 1. A molding process comprisingproviding an uncured blank including fibers and uncured binder,molding the uncured blank to establish a shaped product having a molded shape that does not change after removal from a mold cavity formed in a mold, the shaped product including the fibers, a first portion of cured binder, and a remainder of the uncured binder.2. A molding process for molding a cured product , the molding process comprisingproviding an uncured blank including fibers and uncured binder,inserting the uncured blank in a mold cavity formed in a mold,closing the mold to trap the uncured blank in the mold cavity to cause the uncured blank to assume a molded shape,transferring a shaping heat to the uncured blank to cause a portion of the binder to be cured so that the molded shape is retained after the removal from the mold and a shaped product is established,opening the mold to release the shaped product,inserting the shaped product in a heater, andtransferring a curing heat to the shaped product to cause a remainder of the uncured binder to cure so that a cured product is established.3. The molding process of claim 1 , wherein the uncured binder is a phenol-formaldehyde binder.4. The molding process of claim 1 , wherein the uncured binder is a substantially formaldehyde free binder.5. The molding process of claim 2 , wherein during the transferring the shaping heat operation claim 2 , the shaping heat is applied by the mold.6. The molding process of claim 2 , wherein during the transferring the curing heat claim 2 , the curing heat is applied by a heating unit in spaced-apart relation to the mold.7. The molding process of claim 1 , wherein the uncured blank is exposed to a temperature of about 200 degrees ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031157A1
Автор: Reep Paul, Weddle Richard

A feedstock material can be doped with magnetic particles, and an inductive coil can be used to induce an endothermic reaction within the feedstock material, due to the presence of the magnetic particles within the feedstock material, during the creation (or printing) of an object. An inductive coil can also be used to create magnetic fields for manipulating the position and/or orientation of the magnetic particles within the feedstock material before, in situ, and after the AM process. A unique signature can be created by the interaction between a magnetic field and magnetic particles within the feedstock material. DNA can be added to the magnetic particles as a means for providing identification to a manufactured component or for identifying one or more characteristics of the component or portion of the component. 1. A method for creating an object via an additive manufacturing process , the method comprising:adding a magnetic additive to a feedstock material;producing, via an additive manufacturing process, an object from the feedstock material that contains the magnetic additive; andusing an inductive coil to induce an endothermic reaction within the object, the endothermic reaction causing a change to at least one characteristic of the object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein using an inductive coil to induce an endothermic reaction within the object comprises:positioning the object within the inductive coil while the inductive coil generates a magnetic field.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing a change to at least one characteristic of the object comprises curing the feedstock material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing a change to at least one characteristic of the object comprises curing paint or other surface treatment on the object.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inductive coil surrounds the object.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:using a second inductive coil to create a magnetic force for attracting the magnetic ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031802A1
Принадлежит: Novamont S.p.A

This invention relates to a biodegradable polymer composition which is particularly suitable for use in the manufacture of articles having a high heat deflection temperature (HDT) by injection moulding and thermoforming. 1. Biodegradable polymeric composition for preparing articles having high heat deflection temperature comprising:i) 50-95% by weight, based on the sum of components i. and ii., of a polyester of lactic acid; [{'br': None, '-[—O—(R11)-O—C(O)—(R13)-C(O)—]-'}, {'br': None, '-[—O—(R12)-O—C(O)—(R14)-C(O)—]-'}, 'wherein the dihydroxylic component comprises units —O—(R11)-O— and —O—(R12)-O— deriving from diols, wherein R11 and R12 are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of C2-C14 alkylenes, C5-C10 cycloalkylenes, C2-C12 oxyalkylenes, heterocyclic groups and mixtures thereof, wherein the dicarboxylic component comprises units —C(O)—(R13)-C(O)— deriving from aliphatic diacids and units —C(O)—(R14)-C(O)— deriving from aromatic diacids, wherein R13 is selected from the group consisting of C0-C20 alkylenes and their mixtures and the molar percentage of the units deriving from aromatic diacids is higher of 50% and lower than 70% of the dicarboxylic component., 'ii) 5-50% by weight, based on the sum of components i. and ii., of at least one aliphatic-aromatic polyester (AAPE) comprising a dicarboxylic component and a dihydroxylic component which comprise the following structural unitsiii) 1-25% by weight, with respect to the total weight of the biodegradable polymer composition, of cellulose fibres;iv) 1-10% by weight, with respect to the total weight of the biodegradable polymer composition, of a nucleating agent selected from polyesters comprising repeating units of 1,4-butylene succinate, talc and mixtures thereof.2. Biodegradable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester of lactic acid is selected from the group consisting of poly-L-lactic acid claim 1 , poly-D-lactic acid and stereocomplex of the poly-L-lactic acid ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Process of manufacturing hollow products

Номер: US20180029281A1
Автор: Wu Cheng Kuan

A manufacturing process includes () disposing a platform in a first tank filled with a first liquid; () curing the first liquid to form a portion of a mold on the platform; () disposing the platform from the first tank to a second tank filled with a cleaning agent; () cleaning; () disposing the platform from the second tank to a third tank filled with a second liquid; () curing the second liquid to form inner and outer supports of the mold; () disposing the platform from the third tank to the second tank; () cleaning; () disposing the platform from the second tank to the first tank; () curing the first liquid to form another portion on the mold; () repeating steps () to () until a complete mold is created; () heating the mold to cause the molten material to exit, and () creating a hollow product. 1(1) activating both a rotational device and a lifting device to dispose a platform in a first tank filled with a first liquid;(2) activating a light curing device to cure a portion of the first liquid so that a portion of a mold is formed on the platform;(3) activating both the lifting device and the rotational device to dispose the platform and the unfinished mold from the first tank to a second tank filled with a cleaning agent;(4) cleaning the platform and the unfinished mold;(5) activating both the lifting device and the rotational device to dispose the platform and the unfinished mold from the second tank to a third tank filled with a second liquid different from the first liquid;(6) activating the light curing device to cure a portion of the second liquid to form a plurality of inner supports in the unfinished mold and a plurality of outer supports on the unfinished mold respectively;(7) activating both the lifting device and the rotational device to dispose the platform and the unfinished mold from the third tank to the second tank;(8) cleaning the platform and the unfinished mold including the inner supports and the outer supports in the second tank;(9) activating ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing a nanocomposite material reinforced by unidirectionally oriented pre-dispersed alumina nanofibers

Номер: US20150031816A1
Автор: Ilya Grodnensky
Принадлежит: ANF Technology Ltd

Method for producing a nanocomposite material reinforced by unidirectionally oriented pre-dispersed alumina nanofibers. The process is suited for industrial-scale production of the nanocomposite materials. The nanocomposite production process involves, synthesis of unidirectionally oriented pre-dispersed alumina nanofibers, casting a mat of pre-dispersed nanofibers with a predetermined orientation in the atmosphere of air or other gas(es) by saturating the nanofibers with liquid polymer matrix. Polymer matrix may include thermosets or/and thermoplastics. The material forming the polymer matrix may be heated to its melting point temperature to transform it to liquid phase. After saturation, the polymer matrix is hardened by lowering its temperature or by means of exposing the polymer matrix to UV radiation, electron beam and/or chemical hardeners. The nanomaterial is composed of polymer composite with homogeneously dispersed uniformly oriented reinforcing nanofibers. Subsequently, the nanofibers in the nanocomposite are dispersed by means of subjecting to hydrodynamic stress, mechanical or/and ultrasound coarse dispersing.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030150A1

A centralizer comprises a first collar, a second collar, a plurality of bow springs coupling the first collar to the second collar, and a plurality of particulates disposed on an outer surface of at least one bow spring. One or more of the first collar, the second collar, and the bow springs comprises a composite material. In some embodiments, the centralizer comprises a third collar, wherein the plurality of bow springs comprise a first portion of bow springs and a second portion of bow springs, and wherein the first portion of the bow springs couple the first collar to the third collar and the second portion of the bow springs couple the second collar to the third collar. 1. A method of forming a composite centralizer , the method comprising:forming a plurality of composite bow springs from a fiber and a resin;curing the composite bow springs in a desired shape to form a plurality of cured bow springs;disposing a first portion of a resin-wetted fiber about a cylindrical mandrel to form a plurality of collars;disposing the plurality of cured bow springs onto the mandrel with the bow spring ends in contact with the first portion of resin-wetted fiber;disposing a second portion of the resin-wetted fiber about the cylindrical mandrel and about at least a portion of the first portion of the resin-wetted fiber; andcuring the collars to form a composite centralizer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fiber is supplied as a filament claim 1 , a yarn claim 1 , a tow claim 1 , a roving claim 1 , a tape claim 1 , a fabric claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the plurality of composite bow springs comprising aligning the fiber in the resin in a longitudinal direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing a first portion of a resin-wetted fiber about a cylindrical mandrel comprises aligning the fiber in the collars in a circumferential direction relative to the cylindrical mandrel. This application is divisional of and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048259A1

According to examples, an apparatus includes a processor and a memory on which is stored machine readable instructions. The instructions may cause the processor to identify an intended surface property level for a surface of a three-dimensional (3D) object, determine an amount of radiation to be applied as a flash of radiation onto the surface to obtain the intended surface property level, and output the determined amount of radiation to be applied as a flash of radiation, in which a radiation source is to flash apply the determined amount of radiation onto the surface of the 3D object. 18-. (canceled)9. A method comprising:identifying an intended surface property level of the surface of the 3D object;determining, from the intended surface property level, an intensity level, a duration, or both, at which radiation is to be applied as a flash of radiation by a radiation source onto the surface to cause the surface to have the intended surface property level, wherein the duration is a period of time between about 200 microseconds (μs) and about 2 seconds (s) depending upon the source of radiation; andoutputting the determined intensity level, duration, or both at which the radiation is to be applied as a flash onto the surface.10. The method according to claim 9 , further comprising:accessing data identifying correlations between surface property levels, intensity levels of radiation flashes, and durations of radiation flashes; andwherein determining the intensity level, the duration, or both at which radiation is to be flashed onto the surface further comprises determining the intensity level, the duration, or both based upon the identified correlations in the accessed data.11. The method according to claim 9 , further comprising:detecting a surface property level of the surface of the 3D object; andwherein determining the intensity level, the duration, or both further comprises also determining the intensity level, the duration, or both based upon the detected ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Preform neck crystallization method

Номер: US20190030781A1
Автор: Yoichi Tsuchiya
Принадлежит: Nissei ASB Machine Co Ltd

A wide-neck synthetic resin container has a neck, a body and a bottom. A top side of the neck is sealed by a cap. The neck includes a neck tubular section, an engagement section protruding outward therefrom and engaging the cap, and a flange protruding outward at the top side. The flange protrudes less than the engagement section. The neck's top side includes a first top side formed by the neck tubular section, and a second top side formed by the flange that is the same height level with the first top side and increases an area of the top side. The neck tubular section has a uniform thickness at an area immediately below the flange and an area where the engagement section is formed. A thickness of the flange is smaller than that of the neck tubular section, and the neck has been crystallized.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030792A1
Автор: GRIGORIAN Leonid
Принадлежит: Voxelum, Inc.

This disclosure relates in general to three dimensional (“3D”) printers having a configuration that prepares a three-dimensional object by using a feedstock comprising carbon containing photocurable formulations and methods for the preparation of such feedstocks. This disclosure further relates to electrically conducting 3D polymer composites prepared by using such carbon containing photocurable formulations. 1. A carbon containing photocurable formulation comprising:a carbon;a photocurable resin; anda photoinitiator;wherein the carbon containing photocurable formulation, when cured, yields a polymer composite with an electrical resistivity lower than or equivalent to 100 ohmcm.2. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon containing photocurable formulation claim 1 , when cured claim 1 , yields a polymer composite with an electrical resistivity lower than or equivalent to 10 ohmcm.3. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon containing photocurable formulation claim 1 , when cured claim 1 , yields a polymer composite with an electrical resistivity lower than or equivalent to 1 ohmcm.4. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon containing photocurable formulation claim 1 , when cured claim 1 , yields a polymer composite with an electrical resistivity lower than or equivalent to 0.1 ohmcm.5. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon containing photocurable formulation comprises a nanocarbon claim 1 , a pyrolytic carbon claim 1 , a graphite claim 1 , an activated carbon claim 1 , an amorphous carbon claim 1 , a carbon fiber claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon comprises a nanocarbon.7. The carbon containing photocurable formulation of claim 1 , wherein the carbon comprises a non-agglomerated nanocarbon.8. The carbon containing photocurable ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Crosslinkable Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Номер: US20150034361A1

The TPU of this invention contains unsaturation in its polymeric backbone. The unsaturation can be present in the soft segment or in the hard segment or in both the soft and hard segments of the TPU. The TPU can be molded like a thermoplastic, and can be subsequently crosslinked by exposure to electron beam irradiation into thermoset articles having excellent chemical resistance, dimensional stability, set properties, heat resistance, oxidative resistance, and creep resistance. In one embodiment, the TPUs of this invention are the reaction product (1) a hydroxyl terminated intermediate, (2) a polyisocyanate, (3) a saturated glycol chain extender, and (4) a glycol chain extender containing carbon-carbon double bonds, such as the allyl moieties present in trimethylolpropane monoallyl ether. In another embodiment of this invention, the thermoplastic polyurethane which is crosslinkable by e-beam irradiation is comprised of the reaction product of (1) a saturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate, (2) an unsaturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate, wherein the unsaturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate contains carbon-carbon double bonds, (3) a polyisocyanate, and (4) a saturated glycol chain extender.
