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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2723617C2

Изобретение относится к упаковочному материалу (1) для упаковки чувствительных к свету товаров, имеющему свойство непроницаемости для газов и не содержащему фольгу, при этом упаковочный материал содержит наружный пластичный слой (7), слой (8) на основе картона, связующий слой (9), а также слой (10), препятствующий прохождению газа, по меньшей мере одно отверстие (4), проникающее через слой (8) на основе картона и покрытое связующим слоем (9) и слоем (10), препятствующим прохождению газа, и защиту от света, причем защита от света содержит слой (5) краски, по существу непрозрачный для света, и предусмотренный на упомянутом связующем слое (9) или на упомянутом наружном пластичном слое (7) многослойного материала, чтобы по меньшей мере частично покрывать отверстие (4). Настоящее изобретение также относится к способу обеспечения защиты от света, покрывающей отверстие (4) в упаковочном материале (1), а также к упаковке (13) для упаковывания чувствительных к свету товаров. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2622409C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к многослойной пленке. Описана многослойная пленка с последовательностью из (а) слоя (а) на основе по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП), составляющей от 0,915 до 0,930 г/см, или на основе смеси из (α) по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП), составляющей от 0,915 до 0,930 г/см, и (β) по меньшей мере одного гомо- или сополимера нециклического С-Солефина, отличного от полиэтиленового компонента (α), (б) слоя (б) на основе смеси из по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП), составляющей от 0,915 до 0,930 г/см, и по меньшей мере одного сополимера циклоолефина, представляющего собой сополимер С-Сциклоолефина и С-Солефина, и (в) слоя (в) на основе по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП), составляющей от 0,915 до 0,930 г/см, или смеси из (α) по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП), составляющей от 0,915 до 0,930 г/см, и (β) по меньшей мере одного гомо- ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2551079C2

Запечатывающее изделие (20) предназначено для герметичного закрепления, по меньшей мере, на одной кольцевой зоне (4) запечатывания, окружающей отверстие (2) емкости (1), выполнено из листа для запечатывания, состоящего из несущего слоя (11) из материала, содержащего, по меньшей мере, 80% волокон преимущественно растительного происхождения, и многослойной структуры (16), содержащей с одной стороны клеевой слой (12) и с другой стороны герметизирующий слой (15), при этом упомянутое запечатывающее изделие изготавливается методом штамповки, в результате чего формируется рельеф (24), основание (21) которого повторяет, по меньшей мере периодически, форму контура, которая близка к контуру внутреннего края упомянутой кольцевой зоны запечатывания, при этом структура листа для запечатывания дополнительно включает промежуточный слой (13), выполненный из достаточно прочного пластика, способного выдерживать пластическую деформацию, средняя толщина которого такова, что он придает готовому изделию достаточную ...

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654183C2
Принадлежит: ОКИ КО., ЛТД. (JP)

Изобретение относится к листу нетканого материала, используемому в экстрагирующем фильтре и др. и позволяющему обеспечить высокую прочность закупоривания, а также к экстрагирующему фильтру и др., изготовленному с использованием листа нетканого материала. Этот лист нетканого материала включает первый слой, содержащий нетканый материал, полученный по технологии спанбонд из волокон полимера на полиэфирной основе с характеристической вязкостью 0,60-1,00, кристалличностью 30-80%, ориентацией кристаллов 60-95% и коэффициентом двулучепреломления (Δn) 0,040-0,100, причем нетканый материал спанбонд имеет секцию частичного термокомпрессионного скрепления, в которой доля площади термокомпрессионного скрепления составляет 5-30%; и второй слой, содержащий нетканый материал, полученный по технологии мелтблаун из волокон полимера на полиэфирной основе, раздутых на поверхность первого слоя и отвержденных с кристалличностью от 0 до 14%. Экстрагирующий фильтр и т.д. сформированы помещением второго слоя нетканого ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648577C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения участка контейнера для длительного хранения продукта, заключающего в себе внутренний объем. Способ включает: (a) обеспечение плоского композита, содержащего i. несущий слой, ii. барьерный слой пластика, соединенный с несущим слоем, и iii. по меньшей мере один слой термопластического пластика KSa, обеспеченный на стороне барьерного слоя пластика, обращенной от несущего слоя. Затем (b) плоский композит складывают с образованием складки по меньшей мере с двумя поверхностями складки, прилегающими друг к другу. После чего (c) соединяют между собой соответственно по меньшей мере частичные участки указанных по меньшей мере двух поверхностей складки с образованием участка контейнера при помощи нагревания частичного участка. По меньшей мере один слой термопластического пластика на этапе (b) имеет температуру ниже температуры плавления указанного слоя пластика. Изобретение обеспечивает длительное время хранения продукта и не требует тщательного обеззараживания ...

01-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701826C2

Группа изобретений относится к клеевой промышленности и может быть использована для склеивания пленкообразных подложек, текстильных тканей и нетканых материалов. Термоплавкий клей содержит: а) от 50 до 85 вес.% по меньшей мере одного полиолефинового полимера; b) от 1 до 40 вес.% по меньшей мере одной придающей клейкость смолы; с) от 0 до 15 вес.% по меньшей мере одного пластификатора; и d) от 0 до 30 вес.% по меньшей мере одной добавки и/или присадки. Полиолефиновый полимер представляет собой смесь из полиолефинового полимера с молекулярной массой M<10000 г/моль в количестве от 20 до 80 вес.% и второго полиолефинового полимера с молекулярной массой M>10000 г/моль в количестве от 20 до 80 вес.%. Обеспечивается высокая безопасность продукта за счет исключения веществ с высокой миграционной способностью с одновременным сохранением адгезии и гибкости. 5 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр.

24-12-2019 дата публикации

Легкий формованный продукт большого размера и способ его изготовления

Номер: RU2710175C2
Принадлежит: ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к легким формованным продуктам большого размера и к способу изготовления таких формованных продуктов. Легкий трехмерный криволинейный продукт большого размера содержит наружную оболочку из формованной суспендированной целлюлозной массы, гибкий упрочняющий разделитель, соответствующий по форме внутренней стороне наружной оболочки и прикрепленный к ней, и внутреннюю оболочку из формованной целлюлозной массы или гибкого бумажного материала, прикрепленную к разделительному покрытию. Способ изготовления формованного трехмерного криволинейного продукта включает сжимание суспензии из целлюлозной массы на водной основе между первой охватываемой половинкой формы, покрытой эластомерным материалом, и второй охватывающей половинкой формы, высушивание продукта при повышенной температуре под давлением для образования формованной оболочки из суспендированной целлюлозной массы, получение гибкой разделительной конструкции основы, приклеивание упрочняющей разделительной конструкции ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606515C2
Принадлежит: ПепсиКо, Инк. (US)

Настоящее изобретение относится к сложным полиэфирам, изготовленным полностью или частично из биомассы. Описан cложный сополиэфир, образованный из следующих мономеров: (i) 2,5-фурандикарбоновой кислоты, (ii) 1,4-бутандиола, (iii) терефталевой кислоты, (iv) этиленгликоля. Также описан сложный полиэфир, образованный из следующих мономеров (i) 2,5-фурандикарбоновой кислоты или ее сложного низшего алкилэфира, (ii) 1,4-бутандиола, изосорбида или их сочетания, (iii) терефталевой кислоты, и (iv) этиленгликоля. Описано изделие, содержащее указанные выше сложные сополиэфиры. Также описан способ изготовления сложного сополиэфира на основе 2,5-фурандикарбоновой кислоты, причем данный способ включает: объединение мономеров (i) 2,5-фурандикарбоновой кислоты или ее сложного низшего алкилэфира, (ii) 1,4-бутандиола, изосорбида или их сочетания, (iii) терефталевой кислоты, (iv) этиленгликоля, и катализатора для изготовления реакционной смеси; перемешивание реакционной смеси в потоке азота; постепенное нагревание ...

23-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747023C2

Изобретение относится к многослойной ёмкости для транспортировки опасных веществ. Ёмкость содержит: первый слой, представляющий собой внутренний слой, выполненный из полиэтилена высокой плотности (HDPE); барьерный слой, представляющий собой промежуточный слой, расположенный между первым слоем и вторым слоем, выполненный из смеси полимеров, содержащий от 78 до 92 мас.% гомополимера этилена, представляющего собой полиэтилен высокой плотности, от 3 до 10 мас.% гомополимера полиамида, от 5 до 10 мас.% привитого малеиновым ангидридом полиэтилена (MAgPE) и от 0 до 2 мас.% снимающего статическое электричество соединения к общему весу состава смеси полимеров, необязательно, в комбинации с подходящими добавками; и второй слой, представляющий собой наружный слой, содержащий HDPE. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в получении многослойной ёмкости с высоким сопротивлением ударной нагрузке и обладающей улучшенными барьерными свойствами. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565691C2

Группа изобретений касается композиции полиамидной смолы, способа ее получения, а также многослойного формованного изделия, используемого в виде упаковочного материала. Композиция полиамидной смолы содержит полиамид (X), включающий диаминовое звено, включая 90 мол.% или более метаксилилендиаминового звена, и звено дикарбоновой кислоты, включая 70 мол.% или более звена адипиновой кислоты или звена себациновой кислоты, и щелочное соединение (A), которое представляет собой, по меньшей мере, одно соединение, выбранное из карбонатов и карбоксилатов щелочных металлов и щелочноземельных металлов, где удовлетворяются следующие уравнения с (1) по (4):10≤([COOH]-[NH])≤80 (1)0,32≤P<6,46 (2)0,50≤M<17,00 (3)2≤M/P≤3 (4).В указанных уравнениях (1)-(4) [COOH] обозначает концентрацию (мкэкв./г) концевых карбоксильных групп в полиамиде (X); [NH] обозначает концентрацию (мкэкв./г) концевых аминогрупп в полиамиде (X); P обозначает мольную концентрацию (мкмоль/г) атомов фосфора, содержащихся в г композиции ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708850C2

Изобретение относится к изделию, содержащему однослойный или многослойный термопластический материал, причем изделие представляет собой необязательно термоформованный лист из пластмассы или содержит термоформованную часть, который содержит (i) от 88,00 до 99,85% по массе полимолочной кислоты; (ii) от 0,15 до 1,00% по массе эпоксидированного растительного масла; (iii) от 0 до 30,00% по массе дополнительных добавок, выбираемых из группы, состоящей из модификаторов ударной вязкости, пластификаторов, сшивателей, пенообразователей, наполнителей, красителей, стабилизаторов, смазок и их смесей, при этом уровни массового процентного содержания рассчитывают по отношению к совокупной массе однослойного или многослойного термопластического материала и в сумме они составляют 100%. Присутствие в составе термопластичного изделия эпоксидированного растительного масла в заданном количестве обеспечивает хорошую способность отламываться, хорошую ударную вязкость и прозрачность. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2396172C2

Изобретения относятся к применению двухосно-ориентированной пленки в качестве этикетки сосуда и способу получения этикетированного сосуда. Двухосно-ориентированную пленку с микропористым слоем, содержащую пропиленовый полимер и по меньшей мере один β-зародышеобразователь, и с микропористостью, созданную путем преобразования β-кристаллического полипропилена в α-кристаллический полипропилен при вытягивании пленки, применяют в качестве этикетки сосуда. Этикетку используют для этикетирования сосуда в процессе его формирования глубокой вытяжкой. Техническим результатом является создание пленки для этикеток, которую можно применять в процессе глубокой вытяжки и которая проявляет хорошую адгезию к сосуду и не имеет воздушных включений. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672139C2

В данном изобретении раскрыт упаковочный пакет для вязкого содержимого, содержащий гибкий многослойный слоистый материал, причем указанный слоистый материал содержит внутренний слой, находящийся при использовании в контакте с содержимым указанного пакета, при этом пакет имеет верхнюю зону, нижнюю зону и один или более перекрестных уплотнительных швов, причем указанный пакет содержит отрывное вентилирующее средство в нижней зоне. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458797C2

Изобретение имеет отношение к многослойному пластиковому полимерному контейнеру для хранения композиции. Контейнер включает внутренний слой и внешний слой в непосредственном контакте с композицией и окружающей средой соответственно, центральный слой барьера газа и два промежуточных адгезивных слоя между центральным слоем и внешним и внутренним полимерными слоями. Внешний и внутренний слои включают смесь полимеров и, по меньшей мере, один разветвленный полиолефин. Технический результат - получение многослойных пластиковых полимерных контейнеров для хранения жидких или нежидких стерильных фармацевтических композиций, включающих водные или неводные растворители. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 14 табл., 8 ил., 10 пр.

21-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018104323A3

18-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018129474A3

04-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016138546A3

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017103302A3

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017144293A3

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019115804A3

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687755C2

В настоящем раскрытии в целом предусмотрены конструкции основания контейнера для применения в упаковке газированных напитков и новые контейнеры, которые включают данную конструкцию основания. Было обнаружено, что улучшенных физических и механических свойств, таких как надлежащий показатель образования трещин под действием напряжений, можно достичь при одновременных улучшениях, связанных с облегчением веса и потенциальной экономией затрат. Конкретные конструкции основания и контейнера в целом применимы к контейнерам для газированного безалкогольного напитка (CSD) и их можно применять к контейнерам любого размера и с любым типом формы основания, таким как лепестковидная форма или форма основания бутылки для шампанского. 4 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 9 табл.

27-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007106723A

... 1. Ламинат, содержащий (А) слой субстрата; и (В) слой переноса добавки, включающий (i) термопластичный полимер, и (ii) водорастворимые гранулы, содержащие, по меньшей мере, один элемент, выбранный из группы, включающей краситель, вкусовую добавку и ароматизатор; и причем водорастворимые гранулы составляют, по меньшей мере, часть поверхности слоя переноса добавки, который расположен напротив слоя субстрата. 2. Ламинат по п.1, в котором слой переноса добавки представляет собой наружный слой ламината. 3. Ламинат по п.1, в котором термопластичным полимером слоя добавки является водонерастворимый полимер, или содержит водорастворимый полимер. 4. Ламинат по п.1, в котором некоторые гранулы выступают над поверхностью термопластичного полимера. 5. Ламинат по п.1, в котором гранулы имеют размер от примерно 10 до примерно 500 мкм. 6. Ламинат по п.1, в котором некоторые водорастворимые гранулы погружены в термопластичный полимер в слое переноса добавки. 7. Ламинат по п.1 в котором гранулы содержатся ...

27-05-2016 дата публикации

Эластичные контейнеры

Номер: RU2014144066A

... 1. Эластичный самонесущий контейнер кратковременного пользования, содержащийотделение для продукта;обеспечивающее опорную конструкцию отделение;часть листовой сборки, содержащую эластичный внешний лист и эластичный внутренний лист, который локально соединен с эластичным внешним листом для формирования по меньшей мере части обеспечивающего опорную конструкцию отделения;многостеночной панели ипо меньшей мере части отделения для продукта.2. Эластичный контейнер по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что эластичный внешний лист и эластичный внутренний лист являются независимыми друг от друга вдоль многостеночной панели.3. Эластичный контейнер по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что эластичный внешний лист и эластичный внутренний лист соприкасаются друг с другом, по существу, вдоль всей многостеночной панели.4. Эластичный контейнер по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанная многостеночная панель не содержит обеспечивающего опорную конструкцию отделения.5. Эластичный контейнер по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что многостеночная ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008130116A

... 1. Многослойная бутылка, содержащая внешний слой, внутренний слой и по меньшей мере один барьерный слой, расположенный между внешним слоем и внутренним слоем, причем указанные внешний слой и внутренний слой изготовлены, каждый, в основном из полиэфира (А), полученного полимеризацией дикарбоновокислотного компонента, содержащего 80 мол.% или более терефталевой кислоты, с диольным компонентом, содержащим 80 мол.% или более этиленгликоля; и барьерный слой включает по меньшей мере полиамид (В), полученный поликонденсацией диаминного компонента, содержащего 70 мол.% или более мета-ксилилендиамина, с дикарбоновокислотным компонентом, содержащим 70 мол.% или более α,ω-линейной алифатической дикарбоновой кислоты с 4-20 атомов углерода, и термопластический полимер (С), среднечисленная молекулярная масса которого составляет от 10 до 65% от среднечисленной молекулярной массы полиамида (В). ! 2. Многослойная бутылка по п.1, в которой содержание термопластического полимера (С) в барьерном слое составляет ...

28-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017105489A

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014110890A

... 1. Многослойная пленка с последовательностью из(а) слоя (а) на основе по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП) от 0,915 до 0,930 г/смили на основе смеси из (α) по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП) от 0,915 до 0,930 г/сми (β) по меньшей мере одного гомо- или сополимера нециклического C-Cолефина, отличного от полиэтиленового компонента (α),(б) слоя (б) на основе смеси из по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП) от 0,915 до 0,930 г/сми по меньшей мере одного сополимера циклоолефина и(в) слоя (в) на основе по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП) от 0,915 до 0,930 г/смили смеси из (α) по меньшей мере одного полиэтилена с низкой плотностью (ПЭНП) от 0,915 до 0,930 г/сми (β) по меньшей мере одного гомо- или сополимера нециклического C-Cолефина, отличного от полиэтиленового компонента (α), отличающаяся тем, что слой (а), соответственно слой (в) имеют толщину от 5 до 25 мкм, а слой (б) имеет толщину от 5 до ...

27-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008133600A

... 1. Многослойная бутылка, включающая внутренний и внешний слои, каждый выполненный, главным образом, из полиэфира (А), и, по меньшей мере, один барьерный слой между внутренним и внешним слоями, при этом полиэфир (А) представляет собой термопластичную смолу, полученную полимеризацией компонента дикарбоновой кислоты, содержащего 80 мол.% или более терефталевой кислоты с диоловым компонентом, содержащим 80 мол.% или более этиленгликоля; а барьерный слой содержит полиамид (В), полученный поликонденсацией диаминового компонента, содержащего 70 мол.% или более м-ксилилендиамина с компонентом дикарбоновой кислоты, содержащим 70 мол.% или более α,ω-нормальной алифатической двухосновной кислоты, имеющей от 4 до 20 атомов углерода, и полиамид (С), имеющий повышенное содержание поглощенной воды, чем полиамид (В), измеренное при 23°C и 50% относительной влажности при 1 атм, причем содержание полиамида (С) в барьерном слое составляет 20% по весу или менее, исходя из веса барьерного слоя. ! 2. Многослойная ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013157761A

... 1. Уплотнительный элемент, предназначенный для герметичного соединения с кромкой контейнера и обеспечения отверстия для дозирования, причем уплотнительный элемент содержит:гибкий лист, состоящий из одного или нескольких слоев, содержащий внутренний край, ограничивающий по меньшей мере одно заранее сформованное отверстие для дозирования, проходящее через него, причем гибкий лист содержит верхнюю поверхность и нижнюю поверхность;покрывающий многослойный материал, который с возможностью удаления приклеен к верхней поверхности гибкого листа, причем покрывающий многослойный материал содержит полимерный опорный слой и связывающий слой;уплотнительную прокладку, приклеенную к нижней поверхности гибкого листа;причем связывающий слой покрывающего многослойного материала проходит по меньшей мере через одно заранее сформованное отверстие для дозирования, чтобы связать полимерный опорный слой покрывающего многослойного материала с уплотнительной прокладкой; исоотношение значения толщины связывающего ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120183A

... 1. Пластмассовый контейнер, выполненный с возможностью переработки, содержащий внешнюю поверхность с цифровым изображением, напечатанным на ней посредством капель печатной краски, причем цифровое изображение имеет балл оценки адгезии, соответствующий по меньшей мере 6,0.2. Контейнер по п.1, в котором цифровое изображение включает в себя:грунтовочное покрытие, включающее в себя множество отвержденных капель печатной краски грунтовочного покрытия, ивторичное покрытие, включающее в себя множество отвержденных капель печатной краски вторичного покрытия, причем вторичное покрытие нанесено по меньшей мере на участок грунтовочного покрытия.3. Контейнер по п.1, в котором напечатанное цифровое изображение выполненно с возможностью по существу отделения от остального контейнера во время процесса переработки.4. Контейнер по п.1, в котором цифровое изображение выполнено с возможностью прохождения как минимум испытания методом клейкой ленты и моделируемого испытания на перевозку.5. Контейнер по п.4, ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012149847A

... 1. Трансгенное растение, которое продуцирует белок Cry34, белок Cry35 и инсектицидный белок Cry3B.2. Трансгенное растение по п.1, где указанное растение дополнительно продуцирует четвертый инсектицидный белок, выбранный из группы, состоящей из Cry3A и Cry6A.3. Семя растения по любому из пп.1 и 2, где указанное семя содержит указанную ДНК.4. Поле растений, содержащее множество растений по любому из пп.1 и 2.5. Поле растений по п.4, где указанное поле дополнительно содержит резервные растения, не содержащие Bt белки, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 40% всех культур на указанном поле.6. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 30% всех культур на указанном поле.7. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 20% всех культур на указанном поле.8. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 10% всех культур на указанном поле.9. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные ...

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94014249A

Изобретение касается упаковочного слоистого материала для не проницаемого для жидкости контейнера устойчивой формы, обладающего хорошей жиронепроницаемостью. Упаковочный слоистый материал 10 содержит основной слой 11 из бумаги или картона и внешние не проницаемые для жидкости пленки или покрытия 12 и 13 из термопластического материала, предпочтительно полиэтилена. Между основным слоем 11 и одной внешней пленкой термопластического материала 12 расположен слой 14 жиронепроницаемой бумаги, который связан с основным слоем 11 через промежуточный слой 15 связующего материала или склеивающего пластика, для придания жиронепроницаемости упаковочному слоистому материалу. Между основным слоем 11 и второй внешней пленкой термопластического материала 13 расположена алюминиевая фольга 16, которая связана с основным слоем 11 через промежуточный слой 17 связующего материала или склеивающего пластика, за счет которой достигаются хорошие барьерные свойства упаковочного слоистого материала в отношениии кислорода ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011139123A

... 1. Способ консервирования пищевых продуктов (30), в котором пищевой продукт (30) во влажном состоянии, в емкости (10), подходящей в качестве транспортировочной и потребительской упаковки, с вентиляционным отверстием (20) нагревают микроволнами (M) в течение ограниченного времени, но по меньшей мере до тех пор, пока в емкости (10) не образуется горячий пар (D) и не будет выходить через вентиляционное отверстие (20), в котором по окончании нагрева с помощью канюли (40) в емкость (10) нагнетают газ (G) и дополнительно прокалывают с помощью канюли (40) стенку емкости из синтетической пленки (12), и в котором после нагнетания газа вентиляционное отверстие (20) и отверстие (13), проколотое канюлей (40) в синтетической пленке (12), закрывают, отличающийся тем, что в качестве синтетической пленки (12) используют пленку толщиной менее 100 мкм, причем по меньшей мере один слой синтетической пленки (12) состоит из полиэтилентерефталата толщиной более 19 мкм.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ...

27-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014111155A

... 1. Экструдированная ПЭТФ-заготовка, содержащая:первый экструдированный полимер, содержащий ПЭТФ, ивторой эструдированный полимер, содержащий ПЭТФ,в которой первый и второй полимеры экструдируются совместно; первый и второй экструдированный полимеры находятся в отвержденном состоянии, и первый экструдированный полимер имеет характеристическую вязкость, более высокую, чем характеристическая вязкость второго экструдированного полимера.2. Заготовка по п. 1, в которой первый экструдированный полимер имеет характеристическую вязкость по меньшей мере 0,96.3. Заготовка по п. 1, в которой первый экструдированный полимер имеет характеристическую вязкость от приблизительно 1,0 до приблизительно 1,4.4. Заготовка по п. 1, в которой второй экструдированный полимер имеет характеристическую вязкость менее 0,85.5. Заготовка по п. 1, в которой второй экструдированный полимер имеет характеристическую вязкость от приблизительно 0,80 до приблизительно 0,87.6. Заготовка по п. 1, в которой второй экструдированный ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014111340A

... 1. Состав для формования теплоизолирующей ячеистой неароматической полимерной структуры, причем состав включаетпервый полимерный материал, содержащий по меньшей мере один полипропилен с высокой прочностью расплава, характеризующийся длинноцепочечным разветвлением,второй полимерный материал, содержащий по меньшей мере один полимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из полипропилена, полиэтилена и их смесей, по меньшей мере один нуклеирующий агент, и по меньшей мере одну добавку, понижающую трение.2. Состав по п. 1, где первый материал представляет собой гомополимер.3. Состав по п. 1, где первый полимерный материал имеет прочность расплава не менее 36 согласно ISO 16790.4. Состав по п. 1, где первый полимерный материал имеет температуру плавления не менее 163°C (325,4°F).5. Состав по п. 1, где второй полимерный материал содержит материал на основе полиэтилена, выбранный из группы, состоящей из полиэтилена низкой плотности, линейного полиэтилена низкой плотности, полиэтилена высокой плотности ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119976A

... 1. Пленка, содержащая:первый слой, содержащий полимерную композицию, содержащую:(A) интерполимер пропилена/α-олефина;(B) полимер на основе этилена;(C) блок-композит, содержащий:i) кристаллический полимер на основе пропилена;ii) полимер этилена/α-олефина; иiii) блок-сополимер, содержащий кристаллический блок на основе пропилена и блок этилена/α-олефина; ивторой слой, содержащий полимер на основе олефина.2. Пленка по п.1, в которой компонент (А) содержит сополимер пропилена/этилена, имеющий плотность от 0,85 г/смдо 0,90 г/см.3. Пленка по любому из пп.1 и 2, в которой компонент (А) имеет скорость течения расплава от 0,5 г/10 мин до 10 г/мин.4. Пленка по п.1, в которой компонент (В) содержит полимер на основе этилена, имеющий плотность более чем 0,941 г/см.5. Пленка по п.1, в которой компонент (В) имеет индекс расплава от 1,0 г/10 мин до 20,0 г/10 мин.6. Пленка по п.1, в которой блок-сополимер (С) (iii) содержит диблок с приведенной ниже формулой (1):(EP)-(iPP) (1)в которой ЕР представляет ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012149846A

... 1. Трансгенное растение, которое продуцирует белок Cry34, белок Cry35 и инсектицидный белок Cry6A.2. Трансгенное растение по п.1, где указанное растение дополнительно продуцирует четвертый инсектицидный белок, выбранный из группы, состоящей из Cry3B и Cry3A.3. Семя растения по любому из пп.1 или 2, где указанное семя содержит указанную ДНК.4. Поле растений, содержащее множество растений по любому из пп.1 или 2.5. Поле растений по п.4, где указанное поле дополнительно содержит резервные растения, не содержащие белки Bt, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 40% всех культур на указанном поле.6. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 30% всех культур на указанном поле.7. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 20% всех культур на указанном поле.8. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 10% всех культур на указанном поле.9. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012149845A

... 1. Трансгенное растение, которое продуцирует инсектицидный белок Cry3A и инсектицидный белок Cry6A.2. Трансгенное растение по п.1, где указанное растение дополнительно продуцирует третий инсектицидно активный белок, выбранный из группы, состоящей из Cry3B, Cry34 и Cry35.3. Семя растения по любому из пп.1-2, где указанное семя содержит указанную ДНК.4. Поле растений, содержащее множество растений по любому из пп.1-2.5. Поле растений по п.4, где указанное поле дополнительно содержит резервные не содержащие Bt белки растения, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 40% всех культур на указанном поле.6. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 30% всех культур на указанном поле.7. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 20% всех культур на указанном поле.8. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные растения составляют менее чем 10% всех культур на указанном поле.9. Поле растений по п.5, где указанные резервные ...

06-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069523568T2

19-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002304572B2

31-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002916978A1

09-08-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003235630C2

07-05-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003702157C2
Принадлежит: ALUSINGEN GMBH, 7700 SINGEN, DE

11-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003445815A1

11-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002043371A1

04-04-2002 дата публикации

Behälter, insbesondere für Kühlschränke und ähnliche Haushalts-Elektrogeräte

Номер: DE0069613906T2

04-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069823353T2

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004031454D1

13-03-2003 дата публикации

Glastiegel aus Siliziumdioxid und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines derartigen Glastiegels

Номер: DE0010231865A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Tiegel aus Siliziumdioxid mit einer aluminiumdotierten Innenwand-Schicht. Eine aluminiumdotierte Schicht kann auf einem Teil der Außenwand gebildet werden. Die Innenschicht ist zur Förderung der Siliziumdioxidkristallisation nichthomogen mit Aluminium dotiert. Die Mischung aus nichthomogener Siliziumdioxidkörnung enthält Aluminium und kann aus aluminiumdotierter und aluminiumfreier Siliziumdioxidkörnung oder als Alternative aus aluminiumbeschichteter grober Quarzkörnung bestehen. DOLLAR A Der Tiegel wird hergestellt, indem Volumen-Siliziumdioxidkörnung in einen rotierenden Tiegel eingebracht wird, um eine voluminöse Wand auszubilden, zu der eine Bodenwand und eine Seitenwand gehören. Nach Erhitzen des Inneren der Form zum Schmelzen der Volumen-Siliziumdioxidkörnung wird dem Inneren aluminiumdotierte Siliziumdioxidkörnung zugeführt. Die Hitze führt zum Schmelzen mindestens eines Teils der inneren Siliziumdioxidkörnung, wodurch sie mit der Wand verschmilzt und ...

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Printed composite sheet

Номер: GB0201305970D0

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Surface modification of medical or veterinary devices

Номер: GB0201310894D0

03-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001358334A

... 1358334 Drawn metal containers ALUMINUM CO OF AMERICA 25 Sept 1972 [19 Oct 1971] 44252/72 Heading B3A [Also in Division B5] A hollow metal cup-like article 24, Fig. 2, e.g. a drawn metal container, a pie pan, a cap for an aerosol container closure, comprises a unitary seamless metal body having a base portion 40, Fig. 3, and a peripheral wall 42, the metal body comprising an epoxy, polyester or polyurethane adhesive layer securing to the interior surface thereof a continuous layer of a barrier material of thickness of about 1 to 4 mils comprising polypropylene, copolymers of polypropylene and ethylene or ionomers of polyolefin. A metal sheet (2), Fig. 1 (not shown), e.g. of aluminium, aluminium base alloys or steel, is supplied with an adhesive layer (4) to secure a barrier layer (6) to the metal. Catalysts may be employed with particular adhesives if necessary. The layer (6) may be formed as a film or coating and is preferably of polypropylene-ethylene copolymer with 2-10% ethylene constituent ...

16-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008823926D0

29-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002211137B

06-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002211136B

22-09-1999 дата публикации

Fuel tank or tubing for filling this tank

Номер: GB0002335389A

A multilayer tank or tubing made of a thermoplastic, comprises at least one layer comprising a barrier resin, adjacent to at least one layer consisting of a blend comprising at least one polyolefin and at least one functionalized polyolefin, and the said functionalized polyolefin of which comprises functional monomeric units chosen from carboxylic acids, dicarboxylic acids and the anhydrides corresponding to the said dicarboxylic acids.

13-07-1983 дата публикации

Pouch-like bags for containing liquids

Номер: GB2111944A

A pouch-like bag (10) has two walls of flexible plastics sealed around their periphery. The walls are preferably laminated with the inner layer of linear low density polyethylene and the outer layer of oriented polypropylene. The bag is provided with an elongate insert (14) capable of self-sealing a transverse puncture and located adjacent to the bag periphery, and peripheral sealed portins of the bag walls outboard of the insert form a tearable tag (11) which, when torn off, exposes a side of the insert which is preferably formed with a notch or groove (15) to guide a needle for penetration transversely through the insert into the bag, e.g. for injecting a drug into the bag. The bag may also have a pair of inward extensions (19) of the peripheral seal (18) defining a passage (20) for guiding an administration needle of a hospital drip feed system into the bag, the passage having a frangible seal (21) at its inner end and being closed by a tearable tag (12) at its outer end. In manufacture ...

06-02-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to compositions

Номер: GB0000130588D0

07-11-2007 дата публикации

Double skin tank lining with interstitial spacer

Номер: GB0000718930D0

28-02-2007 дата публикации

Delamination-resistant multilayer container, preform and method of manufacture

Номер: GB0000701187D0

10-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001417350A

... 1417350 Portable containers HERCULES Inc 31 May 1973 25910/73 Heading B8D [Also in Divisions B5 and F3] A tank, bottle or gas storage cylinder comprises inner and outer shells 32, 22 formed from layers of wound glass, carbon or boron filaments impregnated with epoxy resin. The shells are held together by adhesive, and a strong frictional bond is developed on the application of internal pressure, as the inner shell 32 has a hoop-toaxial strength ratio less than that of the outer shell 22. Opposite ends of the inner and outer shells include a plug/valve and conduit adaptor respectively. Production of the tank &c, is described (see Divisions B4-B5).

10-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009301181D0

06-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008432397D0

18-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008724238D0

18-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008724243D0

17-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001538266A

17-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001510860A

... 1510860 Laminated containers GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO 5 Dec 1975 [2 Jan 1975] 50002/75 Heading B5N [Also in Division B7] A laminated container suitable for containing lubricating oil at a temperature of 150-230‹ comprises an oil-impervious rigid container 11, e.g. of steel or polymer encapsulated glass fibres, having adhered to its outer surface a laminate of outwardly successive adherent laminae comprising a first rubbery polyfluorohydrocarbon composition lamina 12 adhered to the container with a polyfluorohydrocarbon cement and a second lamina 13 of flexible substantially non-extensible multiple layers of textile fabric selected from aromatic polyamides and polyaramides impregnated or coated with a flexible polyfluorohydrocarbon composition, the second lamina being adhered to the first lamina with a polyfluorohydrocarbon cement, the aromatic polyamides having a molecular weight of at least about 50,000 and being of units of the formula in which R is carbonyl or alkylene, arylene or substituted ...

05-10-2022 дата публикации

Method of forming a pressure vessel

Номер: GB0002605435A

A method of forming a pressure vessel comprising forming a metallic layer 103, such as a copper layer of between 1µm and 300µm, on a removable mandrel 101 with an electrodeposition process, treating the surface of the metallic layer to increase at least one of its surface roughness and surface area, forming a composite layer 105, such as a fibre-reinforced resin layer on the treated surface of the metallic layer, and removing the mandrel from the formed vessel to form an internal cavity having the desired vessel configuration.

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Tamper-evident push-through packaging

Номер: AP2010005302A0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009698A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Flexible overlap sealed laminate tube, laminates, and method for forming tube from laminates.

Номер: AP2012006336A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Flexible overlap sealed laminate tube, laminates, and method for forming tube from laminates.

Номер: AP0201206336A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Flexible overlap sealed laminate tube, laminates, and method for forming tube from laminates.

Номер: AP0201206336D0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Tamper-evident push-through packaging

Номер: AP0201005302A0

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406322T

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130065002A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a multilayer film and a package body of which the thickness can be reduced than that of a conventional multilayer film, by having a good impact resistance, flex resistance, and anti-pinhole property. A multilayer film according to the present invention includes a repeatedly laminated part . The repeatedly laminated part is formed by alternately and repeatedly laminating a first layer and a second layer . The first layer consists mainly of a polyamide resin (excluding elastomers). The second layer consists mainly of a copolymer of an olefin-based hydrocarbon having carbon number of 2 to 4 and a vinyl group-containing monomer. 1. A multilayer film , characterized by comprising:a repeatedly laminated part formed by alternately and repeatedly laminating a first layer that consists mainly of a polyamide resin (excluding an elastomer); anda second layer that consists mainly of a copolymer of an olefin-based hydrocarbon having carbon number of 2 to 4 and a vinyl group-containing monomer.2. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the total number of laminations of said first layer and said second layer of said repeatedly laminated part is not less than 7 and not more than 999.3. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein said copolymer of an olefin-based hydrocarbon and a vinyl group-containing monomer of said second layer is at least one of a maleic anhydride grafted linear low density polyethylene claim 1 , a maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene claim 1 , an ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer claim 1 , and an ionomer.4. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein said copolymer of an olefin-based hydrocarbon and a vinyl group-containing monomer of said second layer is an ethylene-vinylalcohol copolymer.5. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , further comprising an outer layer and a sealing layer claim 1 , whereinsaid repeatedly laminated part is arranged between said outer layer and said ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071202A1
Принадлежит: Henkel Corporation

Anaerobic adhesive and sealant compositions in film form, film spool assemblies containing such compositions in film form and preapplied versions thereof on matable parts are provided. 14-. (canceled)5. An anaerobic adhesive or sealant film comprising:A first layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend;A layer of anaerobic adhesive or sealant disposed on the first layer; wherein the anaerobic adhesive or sealant comprises a (meth)acrylate component; an anaerobic cure system; a polymeric matrix; and a rubber component in an amount of less than 20% by weight of the anaerobic adhesive; andA second layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend, wherein the film has a cross sectional thickness.6. An article of commerce comprising:A container in which is disposed an anaerobic adhesive film, wherein the anaerobic adhesive or sealant film comprises:A first layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend;A layer of anaerobic adhesive or sealant disposed on the first layer; wherein the anaerobic adhesive or sealant comprises a (meth)acrylate component; an anaerobic cure system; a polymeric matrix; and a rubber component in an amount of less than 20% by weight of the anaerobic adhesive; andA second layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend, wherein the container has an opening through which at least a portion of the anaerobic adhesive or sealant film may pass.7. An unassembled article of manufacture comprising a threaded surface for engaging a corresponding threaded mating part , said threaded surface having on a portion thereof an anaerobic adhesive film comprising:A first layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend;A layer of anaerobic adhesive or sealant disposed on the first layer; andA second layer constructed from a nylon/urethane blend, said anaerobic adhesive or sealant film being sufficiently elastomericly deformable to conform to and allow assembly with said corresponding threaded mating part when assembled therewith and to provide sealing and/or locking ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071587A1

A multilayer film comprising an upper layer (A), at least one intermediate layer (B), and a lower layer (C) stacked in that order, 1. A multilayer film comprising an upper layer (A) , at least one intermediate layer (B) , and a lower layer (C) stacked in that order ,wherein the intermediate layer (B) comprises a composition (b1) or a composition (b2) below, andthe upper layer (A) and the lower layer (C) each independently comprise an ethylene polymer and/or a propylene polymer: a propylene polymer (p1) having a melting point in the range of 140 to 165° C. measured by differential scanning calorimetry and a melt flow rate (MFR; ASTM D 1238, 230° C., 2.16 kg load) in the range of 0.1 to 20 g/10 min,', 'a propylene·α-olefin random copolymer (r1) having a molecular weight distribution in the range of 1.0 to 3.5 determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and a melting point in the range of 90 to 125° C. measured by differential scanning calorimetry, and', '30% by weight to 60% by weight of an ethylene-based elastomer (where the sum of the contents of the propylene polymer (p1), the propylene·α-olefin random copolymer (r1), and the ethylene-based elastomer is 100% by weight)', '(when the intermediate layer (B) is composed of the composition (b1), the ratio of the content of the propylene polymer (p1) in the entire multilayer film to the sum of the contents of the propylene polymer (p1) and the propylene·α-olefin random copolymer (r1) in the entire multilayer film is 0.1 to 0.35);, 'Composition (b1): a composition that comprises'} 20 to 55% by weight of a propylene·α-olefin random copolymer (r2) having a melting point in the range of 125 to 145° C. measured by differential scanning calorimetry,', '35 to 60% by weight of an ethylene-based elastomer, and', {'sup': '3', '6 to 25% by weight of an ethylene polymer (e1) having a density in the range of 0.950 to 0.970 g/cmand a melt flow rate (MFR; ASTM D 1238, 190° C., 2.16 kg load) in the range of 0.1 to 20 g/10 min ( ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters and their mixtures

Номер: US20130071588A1
Принадлежит: Novamont SpA

This invention relates to an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester characterised in that it has appreciable workability properties even when mixed with other polymers, appreciable toughness and high values for ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus. This invention also relates to mixtures of the said copolyester with other polymers.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087560A1

Disclosed is a biodegradable sheet prepared from biodegradable material, a process for preparing the biodegradable sheet and uses thereof. One of the disclosed uses of the biodegradable sheet is in the preparation of a flexible liquid receptacle. Disclosed also is a flexible liquid receptacle arranged as an array of several receptacle units that are attached to one another and that may be detached from one another by tearing along a perforated line created between each two receptacle units. The disclosed array may also include a hanger, thus allowing the array to be hung from any appropriate means. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A single layered biodegradable sheet comprising PLA and PBS at a w/w ratio of between 2:1 to 0.5:1.5. The single layer of wherein the single layered biodegradable sheet further comprises Ecoflex.6. The single layer of claim 5 , wherein the single layered biodegradable sheet comprising about 33.3% w/w PLA claim 5 , 33.3% w/w PBS and 33.3% w/w Ecoflex.7. The single layer of claim 4 , wherein the single layered biodegradable sheet comprising about 20% w/w PLA and 80% w/w PBS.8. The single layer biodegradable sheet of claim 4 , wherein the biodegradable sheet comprising about 20% w/w PLA claim 4 , 40% w/w PBS and 40% w/w Novamont CF.9. A multi-layered biodegradable sheet comprising the three layers claim 4 , wherein the outer layers are identical and includes: PLA claim 4 , PBS and Ecoflex at a w/w ratio of between 2:1 to 0.5:1 or PLA claim 4 , PBSA and PBAT at a w/w ratio of between 2:1 to 0.5:1 and the inner layer includes 100% w/w PHA or PBAT.10. The multi-layered biodegradable sheet of claim 9 , comprising the three layers claim 9 , whereinLayer 1 comprises about 33.3% w/w PLA, 33.3% w/w PBS and 33.3% w/w Ecoflex;Layer 2 comprises 100% w/w PHA; andLayer 3 comprises 33.3% w/w PLA, 33.3% w/w PBS and 33.3% w/w Ecoflexwherein layer 2 is sandwiched between layers 1 and 3.11. The multi-layered biodegradable sheet of claim 9 , comprising ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095265A1
Автор: Mitadera Jun

Provided is a multi-layer container excellent in delamination resistance and gas barrier property, which can be manufactured without employing any molding method involving a special apparatus, which increases a production cost, and a complicated step. Specifically, the multi-layer container includes a laminate structure of three or more layers having at least a gas barrier layer between an innermost layer and an outermost layer, in which the gas barrier layer in a site formed of the laminate structure has a portion having a thickness 0.01 to 0.9 times as large as the maximum thickness of the gas barrier layer. Further, provided are a mold suitable for manufacturing the multi-layer container, and a manufacturing method for a multi-layer container using the mold. 1. A multi-layer container , comprising a laminate structure of three or more layers having at least a gas barrier layer between an innermost layer and an outermost layer , whereinthe gas barrier layer in a site formed of the laminate structure has a portion having a thickness 0.01 to 0.9 times as large as a maximum thickness of the gas barrier layer.2. The multi-layer container according to claim 1 , wherein a mass of the site formed of the laminate structure equals 30 mass % or more of a mass of an entire multi-layer container.3. The multi-layer container according to claim 1 , wherein the laminate structure comprises a laminate structure of three layers or five layers.4. The multi-layer container according to claim 1 , wherein the gas barrier layer is formed of at least one component selected from the group consisting of a polyamide resin claim 1 , an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer resin claim 1 , a polyacrylonitrile resin claim 1 , a polyvinylidene chloride resin claim 1 , and a polyglycolic acid.5. The multi-layer container according to claim 4 , wherein the gas barrier layer is formed of at least one polyamide resin comprising a m-xylylene group-containing polyamide resin.6. The multi-layer container ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Stone Based Copolymer Substrate

Номер: US20130101774A1
Автор: Mathew D. MacLeod
Принадлежит: Green Folks and MacLeod LLC

A stone based copolymer substrate includes calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from approximately fifty to eighty-five percent (50-85%) by weight and varying in size generally from 1.0 to 3.0 microns, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) from approximately two to twenty-five percent (2-25%) by weight and a biopolymer from approximately two to twenty-five percent (2-25%) by weight. The substrate may include a biodegradation additive from approximately three fourths of a percent to two percent (0.75-2%) by weight. By selectively adjusting the ranges of the substrate's components, various products can be made to replace current tree-based and plastic-based products. The substrate can be configured to be tear proof, water proof, fade resistant and fire retardant while utilizing less energy and producing less waste during its manufacture. In an exemplary embodiment of the invention, the stone used in the substrate includes limestone.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115402A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Co-polyester resin compositions and processes for manufacturing resin compositions are provided, said resin compositions being suitable for extrusion blow molding for the manufacture of containers with good color, clarity for both food, non-food applications and other applications such as profile extrusions and manufacture of blown films which require high melt strength polyester. 1. A process for preparing an extrusion-blow-moldable co-polyester resin composition; the process comprising: at least one pair of polyester-forming materials selected from the group of pairs consisting of a diol-dicarboxylic acid pair, a diol-dicarboxylic ester pair, and a diol-recycled PET pair, a co-monomer, and', 'at least one additive selected from the group consisting of an impact modifier, an antioxidant, a catalyst, an acetaldehyde inhibitor and a color toner, to obtain a reaction mixture;, 'a. charging in a reactor'}b. subjecting the reaction mixture to an esterification, an ester-interchange reaction, or glycolysation, to yield a pre-polymer;c. charging a chain extender, in a proportion of about 0.05 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. %, in the reaction mixture during (b) in at least one portion or in continuous manner at controlled dosing rate when the intrinsic viscosity of the reaction mixture is <0.20;d. subjecting the pre-polymer to polycondensation at a temperature in the range of about 270° C. to about 305° C. under pressure of less than 10 mb, to obtain amorphous chips having an I.V. in range 0.40 to 0.80;e. crystallizing the amorphous chips at a temperature in the range of about 110° C.-170° C. to obtain chips with a crystallinity of more than 30%; andf. processing the crystallized chips in a solid state polymerizer at a temperature in the range of about 190° C. to about 225° C. till the required I.V. of about 0.70 to about 2.0, is achieved, to obtain an EBM grade co-polyester resin composition.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the diol is monoethylene glycol claim 1 , diethylene ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129951A1

The processes disclosed herein provide methods for dehydrating diols such that dimers of the diols are formed and incorporated into polyesters during polycondensation. Control over this phenomenon provides unique polymer compositions with a range of thermo-mechanical properties, crystallinity, bio-content and biodegradability. Generation of a wide range of properties allows development of polymers that can be used for a wide range of applications. 2. The blend of wherein the other polymer is a natural polymer.3. The blend of wherein the natural polymer is a starch.4. A shaped article formed from the blend of .5. A shaped article of selected from the group consisting of films claim 4 , sheets claim 4 , fibers claim 4 , melt blown containers claim 4 , molded parts claim 4 , and foamed parts.6. A process for making an aliphatic-aromatic copolyetherester claim 4 , comprising:a. combining one or more dicarboxylic acid monomers or diester derivatives thereof with a diol in the presence of an ester interchange catalyst to form a first reaction mixture of an ester interchange reaction;b. heating the first reaction mixture with mixing to a temperature between about 200 degrees C. and about 260 degrees C., whereby volatile products of the ester interchange reaction are distilled off, to form a second reaction mixture; andc. polycondensing the second reaction mixture with stirring at a temperature between about 240 degrees C. and 260 degrees C. under vacuum to form the aliphatic-aromatic copolyetherester.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the diol consists essentially of 100 mole percent of a single glycol component based on 100 mole percent total glycol component.8. The process of or claim 6 , wherein the diol is added in an excess of between about 10% and 100% relative to that needed to provide equimolar proportions of hydroxyl moieties and carboxylic acid moieties or ester-forming derivatives thereof to the reaction vessel.9. The process of or claim 6 , wherein the ester ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Composite material with coating material

Номер: US20130129952A1

A composite material includes a carrier material, wherein the carrier material is coated on a first surface with a first coating material and on a second surface with a second coating material, the composite material has links of coating material which run from the first surface of the carrier material to the second surface of the carrier material, and the links of coating material start from 1% to 90% of at least one of the surfaces of the carrier material. A method includes producing a composite material of this type.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Multilayered Preform and a Preform

Номер: US20130129955A1
Автор: GLEIXNER Josef

The invention relates to a multi-component injection moulding method for producing a sleeve-shaped preform as well as to a perform which has at least two layers, said method comprising at least two process steps including at least two cavities and at least one injection mould core that can be used for both cavities, and wherein during the first process step, the first layer which has at least one first and at least one second area extending partially in the circumferential direction of the preform, is injected onto the injection mould core within the first cavity, with the second area having a substantially lower layer thickness than the first area, and during the second process step, the second layer is deposited on the first layer which is located on the injection mould core in the second cavity in such a way that only the second area of the first layer is completely covered by the second layer, or during the first process step, the first area of the first layer is deposited partially on the injection mould core within the first cavity, with the remaining areas being covered by the second layer during a second process step within a second cavity. 115222322232222222322222231ababbabbababa. A preform () for producing containers , including a sleeve-like mould body which has a thread () on an open end that is opposite a closed end in the longitudinal direction of the mould body and that consists of at least two thermoplastic elastomer layers ( , , , ) , each of which have at least one inner and at least one outer surface , characterised in that the layers ( , , , ) have the same or different material compositions , and wherein the first layer ( , , ) has a first area () and at least one second area () extending partially in the circumferential direction of the preform , wherein the layer thickness of the second area () being substantially lower than the layer thickness of the first area () and wherein the second layer () covering the first area () of the first layer ( ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Barrier Film for Use in Multilayer Thermoformable Materials and Shaped Articles and Containers Made Therefrom

Номер: US20130142975A1
Автор: WALLACE Millard F.
Принадлежит: Converter Manufacturing, LLC

The disclosure relates to a laminated, thermoformable barrier film useful as a peelable surface liner, such as in containers and other shaped articles. The laminated film includes at least two layers, including a distal layer and a medial layer. The medial layer includes an odor-resistant polymer barrier layer that inhibits passage of gases and odors therethrough. The distal layer includes a polymer layer that inhibits permeation of a liquid through to distal layer from a contact face thereof to the barrier layer. Optionally, the distal layer can include a scratch resistant layer. The laminated film can also include a proximal layer that includes a layer of a pliable polymer. The laminated film can be included as a surface liner, or stack of surface liners, on a thermoformed article or on a sheet that can be thermoformed. The laminated sheets have multiple uses, including as liners for food service containers. In such containers, the barrier layer of the laminated sheets can inhibit penetration of the liner by odors or tastes from food items contained therein and can also prevent liquid saturation of the barrier layer of the sheets, which could otherwise limit the odor-resistant properties of the sheets. 1. A laminated sheet suitable for use as a peelable liner on a thermoformed article for contacting an oily or aqueous liquid , the laminated sheet having a contact face and an adhesion face opposite the contact face and comprising at least medial and distal polymer sheets ,the medial sheet comprising a barrier layer of an odor-resistant polymer and having a proximal face and a distal face; comprising an anti-permeation polymer layer that substantially inhibits short-term permeation of the liquid therethrough,', 'bearing the contact face and having a first face opposite the contact face, and', 'having its first face bound to the distal face of the medial sheet by way of a first tie layer;, 'the distal sheet'}the contact face having a substantially lower surface ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Label for Removable Attachment to an Article

Номер: US20130146230A1
Принадлежит: Spear Group Holdings Limited

A label for removable application to an article such as a beverage bottle includes a backing layer () comprising a laminate of a bi-axially oriented polyester such as PET () and a bi-axially oriented polypropylene (). The polyester film () has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than the polypropylene film (). Consequently, when the label is heated, it will tend to curl and this effect can be used to assist in the removal of the label from the article in a hot washing bath during recycling of the article. 1. A label which is removable from an article when heated , the label comprising a backing layer which is a polymeric film and an adhesive layer for bonding the label to the article , the material of the backing layer being such that the backing layer expands when subjected to heat , there being differential expansion between the opposite faces of the backing layer so that the label tends to curl into a curved configuration with the adhesive layer on the outside of the curve.2. A label as claimed in claim 1 , in which the backing layer comprises a laminate of two film materials having different coefficients of thermal expansion claim 1 , wherein the coefficient of thermal expansion of the film material nearer to the adhesive layer is not less than double the coefficient of thermal expansion of the film material further from the adhesive layer.3. (canceled)4. A label as claimed in claim 2 , in which one of the film materials is polypropylene.5. A label as claimed in claim 4 , in which the polypropylene film has a modulus of elasticity in the machine direction which is not less than 2000 N/mmand not more than 2500 N/mm.6. A label as claimed in claim 4 , in which the modulus of elasticity of the polymer film in the transverse direction is not less than 3000 N/mmand not more than 4000 N/mm.7. A label as claimed in claim 2 , in which one of the film materials is a polyester.8. A label as claimed in claim 4 , in which the polypropylene film is disposed adjacent the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149477A1
Автор: MINELLI Fred L.

The structural panels of the present disclosure have vacuum-sealed panels within an interior volume. The interior volume also comprises cured foam. The vacuum-sealed panels have filler material and empty space therein, which makes the structural panel lighter than other panels that are filled completely with foam. The air within the vacuum-sealed panels also provides insulation against heat loss. 1. A structural panel , comprising:a first wall member and a second wall member in spaced parallel relation and defining an interior space between them;a polymer foam layer in said interior space; anda vacuum-sealed panel in said interior space, wherein said vacuum-sealed panel is partially filled with a filler material.2. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said vacuum-sealed panel contacts one of said first wall member and said second wall member claim 1 , so that said vacuum-sealed panel is between said polymer foam layer and said one of said first wall member and said second wall member.3. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said vacuum-sealed panel is spaced apart from said first wall member and said second wall member so that said foam layer surrounds said vacuum-sealed panel.4. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said vacuum-sealed panel is a plurality of vacuum-sealed panels within said interior space.5. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said first wall member claim 1 , said second wail member claim 1 , and said vacuum-sealed panel have equal lengths.6. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said first wall member and said second wall member each have a first length claim 1 , and said vacuum-sealed panel has a second length that is shorter than said first length.7. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein said filler material comprises a material selected from the group consisting of plastic claim 1 , paper claim 1 , fabric claim 1 , glass claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.8. The structural panel of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156981A1
Автор: RODGERS William

An article manufactured in a mould and which comprises a structural composite of plastics layers, the article having a wall defining an internal space for holding contents therein; wherein, the wall is formed from at least two layers of plastics materials; wherein a first of said layers comprises a thermoplastics material and at least a second layer comprises a thermosetting resin and a fibrous layer. 172-. (canceled)73. A storage vessel manufactured in a rotational mould and which comprises a structural composite including a thermoplastics material and a fibrous reinforcing layer , the vessel when formed having a wall defining an internal space for holding contents therein;the wall including said thermoplastics material and the fibrous reinforcing layer at least partially embedded in said thermoplastic material and reinforcing the composite;wherein the vessel is manufactured in the rotational mould according to the following method steps;a) placing the layer of fibrous material inside the mould in apposition to an inner surface of the mould;b) placing the thermoplastics material inside the mould;c) closing the mould and heating the mould to thereby heat the thermoplastics material sufficient to enable the thermoplastics material to morph from a non flowable state to a flowable state;d) during rotation of the mould, allowing the heated thermoplastics material to flow at least part way through the thickness of the layer of fibrous reinforcing material so that at least some fibres of the fibrous layer are embedded in the thermoplastics material thereby forming a layer of reinforced thermoplastics material;e) allowing the thermoplastics layer to cool; andf) removing the composite from the rotational mould.74. A vessel according to wherein the thermoplastics layer material is selected from any one of the following materials; polyethylene (HDPE) claim 73 , polypropylene (PP) claim 73 , polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) claim 73 , ethylene chloro tri fluoro ethylene (ECTFE). ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Low Noise Flexible Barrier Films

Номер: US20130156983A1

Various barrier films are described that include barrier layers that contain ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymers and elastomers. Polyolefin elastomers can be used such as ethylene octene copolymers. The barrier films can also include secondary barrier layers that contain one or more norbornene copolymers. 1. A barrier layer comprising:a blend including ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) and at least one elastomer in a weight ratio of from about 99:1 to about 3:1, respectively;from about 0% to about 20% of a tie agent.2. The barrier layer of wherein the at least one elastomer is selected from the group consisting of an olefinic elastomer claim 1 , a styrenic elastomer claim 1 , a urethane elastomer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The barrier layer of wherein the elastomer is an olefinic elastomer.4. The barrier layer of wherein the olefinic elastomer is an ethylene octene copolymer.5. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a density of from about 0.85 g/cmto about 0.90 g/cm.6. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a density of from about 0.853 g/cmto about 0.897 g/cm.7. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a density of from about 0.855 g/cmto about 0.895 g/cm.8. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a melt flow index (MFR) of from about 0.1 to about 100 g/10 minutes at 2.16 kg and 190° C.9. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a melt flow index (MFR) of from about 0.2 to about 50 g/10 minutes at 2.16 kg and 190° C.10. The barrier layer of wherein the ethylene octene copolymer has a melt flow index (MFR) of from about 0.3 to about 25 g/10 minutes at 2.16 kg and 190° C.11. The barrier layer of wherein the tie agent includes low density polyethylene (LDPE) grafted maleic anhydride.12. A multilayer barrier assembly claim 1 , the assembly comprising:a primary barrier layer including ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and at least one elastomer ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168270A1

A laminated sheet or a container includes: an absorbing layer absorbing at least one of liquid and gas; a reinforcing layer laminated on the absorbing layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween; an aluminum layer laminated on the reinforcing layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween; and a barrier layer laminated on the aluminum layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween and suppressing entry of at least one of liquid and gas. 1. A laminated sheet comprising:an absorbing layer absorbing at least one of liquid and gas;a reinforcing layer laminated on said absorbing layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween;an aluminum layer laminated on said reinforcing layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween; anda barrier layer laminated on said aluminum layer with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween and suppressing entry of at least one of liquid and gas.2. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinsaid reinforcing layer is formed of one selected from a group consisting of biaxially-oriented polyamide, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyvinyl chloride.3. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinsaid reinforcing layer and said barrier layer are formed of biaxially-oriented polyamide.4. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinsaid reinforcing layer is formed of polyethylene terephthalate or polyvinyl chloride, andsaid barrier layer is formed of biaxially-oriented polyamide.5. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinsaid reinforcing layer is formed of biaxially-oriented polyamide, andsaid barrier layer is formed of polyethylene terephthalate.6. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinsaid reinforcing layer and said barrier layer are formed of polyethylene terephthalate.7. The laminated sheet according to claim 1 , whereinas for said reinforcing layer, with regard to a direction transverse to a drawn direction,{'sub': 'TD', 'a tensile fracture strength Pfalls within a range of ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Process and Mould for Thermoforming Containers

Номер: US20130171387A1
Принадлежит: Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited

A method of manufacturing water-soluble containers using a horizontal intermittent motion thermoforming machine comprises: 120-. (canceled)21. A mould for use in a thermoforming process for manufacturing water-soluble containers from water-soluble films , in which said mould contains a plurality of pocket forming cavities , defined by side walls and a base , in a 2-dimensional array , each cavity being surrounded by a planar surface of the mould on all sides in which the shortest dimension of the planar surface between two adjacent cavities is at least 3 mm and between an edge of the mould and the closest cavity is at least 1.5 mm , and in which the cavities are positioned in the array such that there are a plurality of continuous strips of uninterrupted planar surface of the mould from a leading to a trailing edge of the mould.22. A mould as claimed in in which the depth of the cavities lies in the range of 10 to 80% of the shortest dimension of the cavity mouth.23. A mould as claimed in in which the depth of the cavities lies in the range of 40 to 60% of 10 the shortest dimension of the cavity mouth.24. A mould as claimed in in which the cavity bases are planar.25. A mould as claimed in in which the cavity bases are rounded.26. A mould as claimed in in which the rounded bases have a radius of 20 mm.27. A mould as claimed in in which corners formed where the cavity side walls meet each other are rounded.28. A mould as claimed in in which the side wall corners have a radius of 10 mm.29. A mould as claimed in in which edges formed where the cavity side walls meet an 30 upper surface of the mould are rounded.30. A mould as claimed in in which the side wall-mould upper surface edges have a radius of 1 mm.31. A mould as claimed in in which bottom corners claim 21 , formed where the cavity side walls meet the cavity base claim 21 , are rounded.32. A mould as claimed in in which the side wall-base bottom corners have a radius of 10 mm.33. A mould as claimed in in which ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171397A1
Принадлежит: PEPSICO, INC.

Polyesters described herein are prepared in whole or in part from biomass. In one aspect, a copolyester is formed from monomers of 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid, or a lower alkyl ester thereof, at least one aliphatic or cycloaliphatic C-Cdiol, and terephthalic acid. In another aspect, a polyester is formed from monomers of 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid, or a lower alkyl ester thereof, and isosorbide. In some aspects, the polyester is polyethylene isosorbide furandicarboxylate, poly(2,5-furandimethylene adipate), or polyvanillic ester. The polyesters may have desirable physical and thermal properties and can be used to partially or wholly replace polyesters derived from fossil resources, such as poly(ethylene terephthalate). 1. A copolyester formed from monomers of (i) 2 ,5-furandicarboxylic acid , or a lower alkyl ester thereof , (ii) at least one aliphatic or cycloaliphatic C-Cdiol , and (iii) terephthalic acid.2. The copolyester of wherein the at least one diol is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol claim 1 , isosorbide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The copolyester of wherein the monomers further comprise (iv) ethylene glycol.4. The copolyester of wherein the at least one diol is 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol.5. The copolyester of wherein the at least one diol is isosorbide.6. An article comprising the copolyester of .7. The article of which is a food package.8. The article of which is a beverage container.9. A polyester formed from monomers of 2 claim 6 ,5-furan dicarboxylic acid claim 6 , or a lower alkyl ester thereof claim 6 , and isosorbide.10. A polyester selected from the group consisting of poly(2 claim 6 ,5-furandimethylene adipate) claim 6 , polyvanillic ester claim 6 , and polyethylene isosorbide furandicarboxylate.11. An article comprising the polyester of .12. The article of which is a food package.13. The article of which is a beverage container.14. A method of preparing a 2 claim 11 ,5-furandicarboxylic acid based copolyester ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175725A1

A method for producing a skin-covered foamed molded article including blow-molding a parison in a mold cavity to form a skin consisting of a hollow molded body, in which the parison is in a softened state by extruding a molten thermoplastic resin, filling expanded beads in the hollow molded body, and heating and fusion bonding the beads by supplying steam via a steam supply pipe inserted into the hollow molded body. The parison is in contact with a protruding portion, formed by protrusion from an inner surface of the mold cavity to an inside of the cavity, forming a recessed portion having a shape corresponding to the protruding portion in the inward direction of the hollow molded body. A steam hole is formed in the recessed portion, a steam supply pipe is inserted into the body, and the expanded beads are heated and fusion bonded by supplying steam. 1. A method for producing a skin-covered foamed molded article , the method comprising:blow-molding a parison in a mold cavity to form a hollow molded body to be a skin, in which the parison is in softened state as formed by extruding a thermoplastic resin in molten state using an extruder;filling the thermoplastic resin expanded beads in the hollow molded body; andheating and fusion bonding the expanded beads by supplying steam via a steam supply pipe inserted into the hollow molded body, whereinthe parison is in contact with a protruding portion which is formed by protrusion from inner surface of the mold cavity to inside of the cavity, to form a recessed portion having a shape corresponding to the shape of the protruding portion in the inward direction of the hollow molded body,a hole for inserting a steam supply pipe is formed in the recessed portion,a steam supply pipe is inserted into the hollow molded body, andthe expanded beads are heated and fusion bonded by supplying steam from the steam supply pipe inserted into the hollow molded body.2. The method for producing a skin-covered foamed molded article according ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Polymeric Composition with Sealant Layer with Same

Номер: US20130183465A1

Disclosed herein is a polymeric composition. The polymeric composition includes: (A) a propylene/a-olefin interpolymer; (B) an ethylene-based polymer; (C) a block composite comprising: i) a propylene-based crystalline polymer; ii) an ethylene/a-olefin polymer; and iii) a block copolymer comprising a propylene-based crystalline block and an ethylene/a-olefin block. The polymeric composition provides improved heat seals when formed into film, film layer, or flexible containers such as a retort pouch. 1. A polymeric composition comprising:(A) a propylene/α-olefin interpolymer;(B) an ethylene-based polymer; i) a propylene-based crystalline polymer;', 'ii) an ethylene/α-olefin polymer; and', 'iii) a block copolymer comprising a propylene-based crystalline block and an ethylene/α-olefin block., '(C) a block composite comprising2. The polymeric composition of wherein Component (A) comprises a propylene/ethylene copolymer having a density from 0.85 g/cc to 0.90 g/cc.32. The polymeric composition of any of - wherein Component (A) has a melt flow rate from 0.5 g/10 min to 10 g/min.43. The polymeric composition of any of - wherein Component (B) comprises an ethylene-based polymer having a density greater than 0.941 g/cc.54. The polymeric composition of any of - wherein Component (B) has a melt index from 1.0 g/10 min to 20.0 g/10 min.65. The polymeric composition of any of - wherein the block copolymer (C)(iii) comprises a diblock with the formula (1) below:{'br': None, '(EP)−(iPP) \u2003\u2003(1)'}wherein EP represents a segment of polymerized ethylene and propylene monomeric units, and iPP represents a segment of isotactic propylene homopolymer.76. The polymeric composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein block composite (C) comprises greater than 15 wt % of C(iii) claims 1 , based on the total weight of block composite (C).87. The polymeric composition of any of - wherein block composite (C) has a density from 0.88 g/cc to 0.90 g/cc and a melt index from 1 g/10 min to 50 g/ ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183469A1

A resin sheet is provided for hollow encapsulation excellent in productivity, and excellent in resin strength and heat resistance as well. The resin sheet for hollow encapsulation to be used for subjecting electronic parts mounted on an aggregate substrate to hollow encapsulation includes an epoxy resin composition containing the following components (A) to (D), in which the resin sheet for hollow encapsulation has, in one surface of a sheet main body, a plurality of cavities for storing the electronic parts to subject the parts to hollow encapsulation: (A) an epoxy resin; (B) a curing agent; (C) an inorganic filler; and (D) a curing accelerator. 1. A resin sheet for hollow encapsulation to be used for subjecting electronic parts mounted on an aggregate substrate to hollow encapsulation , the resin sheet for hollow encapsulation comprising:an epoxy resin composition containing the following components (A) to (D):(A) an epoxy resin;(B) a curing agent;(C) an inorganic filler; and(D) a curing accelerator,wherein the resin sheet for hollow encapsulation has, in one surface of a sheet main body, a plurality of cavities for storing the electronic parts to subject the parts to hollow encapsulation.2. The resin sheet for hollow encapsulation according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the component (C) is 70 to 93 wt % of an entirety of the epoxy resin composition.3. A production method for the resin sheet for hollow encapsulation according to claim 1 , the method comprising:preparing a flat-plate resin sheet formed of an epoxy resin composition containing the components (A) to (D); andpressing the flat-plate resin sheet with a die having a convex structure for the cavities, with one of a press and a laminator.4. A production method for the resin sheet for hollow encapsulation according to claim 2 , the method comprising:preparing a flat-plate resin sheet formed of an epoxy resin composition containing the components (A) to (D); andpressing the flat-plate resin sheet with a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Articles with Applied Recycled Souvenir Particulate and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20130189460A1
Автор: Hamilton Laurence J.

Articles created using particulate from recycled souvenirs and a method of decorating articles such as garments with patterns made from ground particulate obtained from noteworthy spectator sport objects such as race car tires, for example, wherein the pattern resembles the nature or characteristic of the recycled item. 1. A method of decorating an article with a recycled souvenir , said method comprising the steps of:a) converting at least a portion of said souvenir into a particulate;b) screen printing a colored ink layer onto said article in a desired souvenir pattern;c) screen printing a first coat liquid adhesive layer onto said colored ink layer in said desired souvenir pattern;d) distributing said particulate in a laydown pattern onto said first coat liquid adhesive layer;e) remove excess particulate from said article not located on said liquid adhesive layer;f) drying said first coat liquid adhesive layer with said particulate thereon to form a first bonded layer; andg) screen printing a second coat liquid adhesive layer onto said first bonded layer and thereby forming a multilayer composite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said object is a garment and further comprising the step of heat pressing said multilayer composite together.3. The method of wherein said colored ink and said first coat liquid adhesive layer are first combined into a homogenous mixture which is then screen printed onto said article.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said object is a garment and further comprising the step of marking said garment with indicia indicating the source of said souvenir.5. The method of wherein said souvenir is selected from the group comprising:a) a tire that has been used by a race car;b) a hockey puck;c) a skateboard or skateboard wheel;d) a football helmet;e) a football;f) a baseball;g) a baseball helmet; andh) a soccer ball.6. The method of wherein said souvenir pattern resembles the physical shape or a characteristic of said souvenir.7. An article made ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Substantially rigid collapsible liner, container and/or liner for replacing glass bottles, and enhanced flexible liners

Номер: US20130193164A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Materials Inc

The present disclosure relates to a blow-molded, rigid collapsible liner that can be suitable particularly for smaller storage and dispensing systems. The rigid collapsible liner may be a stand-alone liner, e.g., used without an outer container, and may be dispensed from a fixed pressure dispensing can. Folds in the rigid collapsible liner may be substantially eliminated, thereby substantially reducing or eliminating the problems associated with pinholes, weld tears, and overflow. The present disclosure also relates to systems and liners, including the liners just mentioned, that may be used as alternatives to, or replacements for, simple rigid-wall containers, such as those made of glass. Such advantageous systems and liners may replace simple rigid-wall containers in a system for delivering a high purity material to a semiconductor process substantially without modification to an end user's existing pump dispense or pressure dispense systems.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Open-mesh bags and methods of production

Номер: US20130196098A1
Принадлежит: VOLM COS Inc

Bags, such as L-sewn bags and multi-substrate bags, are formed at least in part from an open mesh material that includes filaments that intersect one another. At least some of the filaments are composite filaments having a carrier portion of a relatively high melting point and a bonding portion of a relatively low melting point, the bonding portion of each composite filament being thermally bonded to other filaments at points of intersection. The material may be a non-woven fabric that contains at least two layers of weft filaments that may be bordered on one or both sides by a layer of warp filaments. When compared to other open mesh materials, the open mesh material disclosed herein has a superior combination of some or all of high strength, light weight, high dimensional stability, and openness. Also disclosed herein are methods of making and using such bags.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Packaging material for boil/retort treatment and pouch

Номер: US20130196099A1

To provide a packaging material for boiling treatment or retort treatment that is inexpensive and has excellent low-elution properties and transparency, as well as a pouch comprising the same. A packaging material for boil/retort treatment having at least a transparent gas barrier film layer, an adhesive layer and a sealant film layer in that order, the packaging material for boil/retort treatment being one in which, when it is heated at 121° C. for 2 hours by contact with a sufficient amount of 95% ethanol in a one-side elution test, the masses of the unreacted residual ε-caprolactam and ω-laurolactam eluting into the 95% ethanol are no greater than 0.15 mg and no greater than 0.04 mg, respectively, per square inch of the sealant film layer, and a pouch comprising the material.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202827A1

The invention provides a glittering resin composition which includes: a polycarbonate resin that contains structural units derived from a dihydroxy compound having the portion represented by the following general formula (1) as a part of the structure thereof; and glittering particles in an amount of 0.1 parts by weight or more and 10 parts by weight or less per 100 parts by weight of the polycarbonate resin, wherein the glittering particles are inorganic particles (excluding metal particles) coated with a metal or a metal oxide or are metal particles: 3. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the inorganic particles (excluding metal particles) are at least one member selected from the group consisting of glass flakes, alumina flakes, silica flakes and mica flakes, andthe metal particles are at least one member selected from the group consisting of silver flakes, nickel flakes, gold flakes, titanium flakes and aluminum flakes.4. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein a retention of a weight-average molecular weight of the glittering resin composition is 90% or more of a weight-average molecular weight of the polycarbonate resin.5. The glittering resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polycarbonate resin has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of 80° C. or higher but lower than 145° C.6. A molded object claim 1 , which is obtained by injection-molding the glittering resin composition according to .7. A decorated sheet claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a layer that contains the glittering resin composition according to .'}8. The decorated sheet according to claim 7 , comprising at least the following layer A and the following layer B:Layer A: a resin layer that has visible-light transmission properties and has a thickness of 10 μm or larger;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'Layer B: a resin layer that is constituted of the glittering resin composition ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Multilayered Material And Containers And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20130209618A1

A multilayered material and a container (such as a beverage capsule) formed of at least one multilayered material is provided. A method for making a beverage container is also provided. The multilayered material comprises a barrier layer formed of a material adapted for deterring one or more undesired elements from passing through the barrier layer and a sealing layer formed of a material adapted for forming a seal with another surface. The multilayered material or container also comprise a gasket layer or gasket strips formed of a material having a plurality of channels adapted for receiving at least a portion of the material for said sealing layer. 1. A multilayered material comprising:a) a barrier layer formed of a material adapted for deterring one or more undesired elements from passing through the barrier layer;b) a sealing layer formed of a material adapted for forming a seal with another surface; andc) a gasket layer formed of a material having a plurality of channels adapted for receiving at least a portion of the material for said sealing layer, wherein said barrier layer and said gasket layer have a higher melt temperature than said sealing layer.2. A multilayered material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said gasket layer is at least partially embedded within said sealing layer with at least a portion of the material from said sealing layer being disposed at least partway into one or more of said plurality of channels.3. A multilayered material as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said gasket is fully embedded within said sealing layer.4. A multilayered material as claimed in wherein said gasket layer is disposed on an exterior surface of said multilayered material.5. A multilayered material as claimed in wherein said gasket layer is at least partially embedded within said sealing layer at distinct sealing points with the remainder of gasket layer remaining unsecured to said sealing layer.7. A beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine claim 2 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209711A1
Принадлежит: The Glad Products Company

In one example embodiment, a film includes a coextruded structure having both an extruded ribbed skin layer that includes a plurality of ribs, and a core layer. The ribs are spaced apart by a web that is integral with the ribs. The film also includes a voiding agent in the ribs of the skin layer. 1. A film , comprising: a ribbed skin layer that includes a plurality of ribs, where consecutive ribs are spaced apart from each other by a web that is integral with the consecutive ribs; and', 'a core layer attached to the ribbed skin layer; and, 'a coextruded structure that includesa voiding agent, wherein the voiding agent is present in the ribbed skin layer.2. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ribbed skin layer and the core layer both comprise plastic.3. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the voiding agent is present only in the ribbed skin layer.4. The film as recited in claim 3 , wherein the voiding agent is apparent substantially only in the ribs of the ribbed skin layer.5. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the voiding agent is one of substantially opaque; translucent; and claim 1 , transparent.6. The film as recited in claim 5 , wherein the film further comprises a coloring agent in the core layer.7. The film as recited in claim 6 , wherein the coloring agent is a different color than the voiding agent.8. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein there is a visible contrast between the ribs and the webs claim 1 , and the visible contrast is at least one of: a contrast in color; and claim 1 , a contrast in intensity of color.9. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the voiding agent comprises claim 1 , in any combination claim 1 , one or more of: calcium carbonate; magnesium carbonate; barium carbonate; calcium sulfate; magnesium sulfate; barium sulfate; calcium oxide; magnesium oxide; titanium oxide; zinc oxide; aluminum hydroxide; magnesium hydroxide; talc; clay; silica claim 1 , alumina; mica; glass powder; and claim 1 , starch.10. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209712A1
Принадлежит: The Glad Products Company

In one example embodiment, a film includes a coextruded structure having both an extruded ribbed skin layer that includes a plurality of ribs, and a core layer. The ribs are spaced apart by a web that is integral with the ribs. The film also includes a coloring agent that is substantially more apparent in the ribs than in the web, such that a contrast in color and/or color intensity between the ribs and the web is visible. 1. A film , comprising: a ribbed skin layer that includes a plurality of ribs, where consecutive ribs are spaced apart from each other by a web that is integral with the consecutive ribs; and', 'a core layer attached to the ribbed skin layer; and, 'a coextruded structure that includesa coloring agent, wherein the coloring agent is apparent in one of the ribbed skin layer, and the core layer.2. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ribbed skin layer and the core layer both comprise plastic.3. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the coloring agent is present only in the ribbed skin layer.4. The film as recited in claim 3 , wherein the coloring agent is apparent substantially only in the ribs of the ribbed skin layer.5. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the coloring agent is one of: substantially opaque; translucent; and claim 1 , transparent.6. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the coloring agent is present only in the core layer.7. The film as recited in claim 6 , wherein the film further comprises a voiding agent in the ribbed skin layer.8. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein there is a visible contrast between the ribs and the webs claim 1 , and the visible contrast is at least one of: a contrast in color; and claim 1 , a contrast in intensity of color.9. The film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ribbed skin layer includes indicia perceptible by one or more senses of a user claim 1 , and wherein the indicia are one of:substantially cosmetic in nature; andindicative of a physical property of the film.10. The film ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209714A1
Автор: Rochna Christoph M.
Принадлежит: PAPERNOMAD GmbH

A paper/fabric composite behaving like a fabric sheet material with all the benefits of paper includes a Kraft paper and a viscose fabric laminated to the Kraft paper. The composite may be formed into a case including a first piece of the paper/fabric composite and a second piece of the paper/fabric composite. The first piece of the paper/fabric composite and the second piece of the paper/fabric composite being sewn together to form the case. Furthermore some functional components of the cases may be supplemented by a paper/biopolymer composite. 1. A paper/fabric composite behaving like a fabric sheet material with all the benefits of paper , comprising:a Kraft paper; anda viscous fabric laminated to the Kraft paper.2. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , where the viscous fabric is a viscose fleece.3. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , wherein the viscous fabric consists of viscous fibers.4. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 3 , wherein the viscous fibers are interwoven or amalgamated via hydro-entanglement.5. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , wherein the viscous fabric has a specific weight of 40-130 g/m.6. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , wherein the Kraft paper has a specific weight of approximately 50-300 g/m.7. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , wherein a biopolymer adhesive film is positioned and secured between the Kraft paper and the viscous fabric.8. The paper/fabric composite according to claim 1 , wherein biopolymer adhesive film has a specific weight of 5-80 g/m.9. A case claim 1 , comprising:a first piece of a paper/fabric composite behaving like a fabric sheet material with all the benefits of paper, the paper/fabric composite includes a Kraft paper and a viscose fabric laminated to the Kraft paper; anda second piece of the paper/fabric composite;the first piece of the paper/fabric composite and the second piece of the paper/fabric composite being sewn together to ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Layer Films Having Improved Sealing Properties

Номер: US20130212983A1

Multi-layer laminated structures are disclosed. Such structures include a multi-layer polymeric film having a Layer A that includes at least one polymer and a polymeric sealant layer adjacent to Layer A. The sealant layer has a surface roughness, Ra>5.0 and a Peak Count Value, Pc>50.0. The multi-layer laminated structures also include a substrate in surface contact with the multi-layer polymeric film, typically opposite the sealant layer. Such structures have a top seal and/or side seal of the polymeric sealant layer to itself has a seal strength of >5.00×10grams/inch at 177° C. The multi-layer films may be transparent, contain a cavitating agent, or are pigmented to form an opaque film. Also, the multi-layer film may be metallized or coated with a barrier coating. 1. A multi-layer laminated structure , comprising: i) a Layer A comprising at least one polymer and having a first surface and a second surface;', 'ii) a polymeric sealant layer adjacent the first surface of the Layer A, the sealant layer having a surface roughness, Ra>5.0 and a Peak Count Value, Pc>50.0; and, '(a) a multi-layer polymeric film, comprising(b) a substrate in surface contact with the multi-layer polymeric film;{'sup': '2', 'wherein a top seal and/or side seal of the polymeric sealant layer to itself has a seal strength of >5.00×10grams/inch at 177° C.'}2. The multi-layer laminated structure of claim 1 , wherein Layer A comprises a core layer having a first surface and a second surface claim 1 , the core layer comprising a core polymer; and a first polymeric tie layer having a first surface and a second surface claim 1 , the second surface of the first tie layer adjacent the first surface of the core layer.3. The multi-layer laminated structure of claim 2 , wherein the first tie layer comprises a soft polymer and the seal strength is greater than about 20.0×10grams/inch at 177° C.4. The multi-layer laminated structure of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric sealant layer comprises a blend of ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213824A1

The present disclosure relates to a liner for storing a material, the liner including at least two layers, wherein a layer that is in contact with the material is an active layer. The active layer may be made active by incorporating a scavenger into the layer. At least one layer of the liner may comprise a polymer or a fluoropolymer. In some embodiments, the active layer may be configured for removing microbridging components in photoresists. In some embodiments, the active layer may be made active by coating the interior of the layer with an inert material, such as glass. In further embodiments, the liner may be positioned within a stainless steel canister. The present disclosure also relates to a liner-based assembly including a liner for storing a material, an overpack within which the liner is positioned, and a purifying packet positioned between the liner and the overpack. 1. A liner for storing a material , the liner comprising at least two layers , wherein a layer that is in contact with the material is an active layer.2. The liner of claim 1 , wherein the active layer is made active by incorporating a scavenger into the layer.3. The liner of claim 2 , wherein at least one layer of the liner comprises a polymer.4. The liner of claim 2 , wherein at least one layer of the liner comprises a fluoropolymer.5. The liner of claim 2 , wherein the active layer is configured for removing microbridging components in photoresists.6. The liner of claim 1 , wherein the active layer is made active by coating the interior of the layer with an inert material.7. The liner of claim 6 , wherein the inert material comprises glass.8. The liner of claim 1 , positioned within a stainless steel canister.9. A liner for storing a material claim 1 , the liner comprising at least two layers claim 1 , wherein a layer that is not in contact with the material is an active layer.10. The liner of claim 9 , wherein the active layer is made active by incorporating a scavenger into the layer.11. ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216745A1
Принадлежит: Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.

An elongate flattened thermoplastic tube has an inflation edge and an opposite edge. The tube includes spaced transverse seals that define sides of pouches. The tube includes lines of weakness that allow adjacent dunnage units to be separated. A frangible line of connection is disposed in one two superposed layers of the tube proximate to the inflation edge. This frangible connection may be broken to permit inflation of the inflatable pouches. 122-. (canceled)23. A web for forming dunnage units , comprising:a first elongated layer; a second elongated layer superposed over the first elongated layer, the first and second layers connected together at an inflation edge and an opposite edge;a plurality of transverse seals extending from the opposite edge to a seal termination point, wherein said opposite edge and said transverse seals form a plurality of inflatable pouches; anda plurality of lines of weakness that allow the inflatable pouches to be separated, the lines of weakness beginning at a starting point transversely located between the inflation edge and the seal termination point and extend toward the opposite edge.24. The web of wherein the lines of perforations extend to the opposite edge.25. The web of wherein the starting point of the lines of perforations is between 0.250 and 0.375 inches from the inflation edge.26. The web of wherein the starting point is selected such that a line of perforations clears a cutter that cuts the inflation edge to open the pouches for inflation.27. The web of wherein the starting point is selected such that web between the starting point and the inflation edge breaks upon pulling adjacent dunnage units apart.28. The web of further comprising a plurality of opposite edge lines of perforations through the first and second elongated layers that extend toward the lines of perforations that begin at the starting point.29. The web of further comprising a plurality of gap forming lines extending between the lines of perforations that ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216748A1
Автор: SIEGL Robert

A method for producing a preform and a preform produced by extrusion blow moulding for producing plastic containers in a stretch blow moulding process and having a neck portion and a body portion closed by a preform base, which portions are separated from each other by a supporting ring protruding from the outer wall. The preform has a body portion of which the outside diameter narrows from the supporting ring in the direction of the preform base. 121.-. (canceled)22. A preform for producing plastic containers in a stretch blow molding process , comprising:a neck section;a body section adjoining the neck section;a preform bottom for closing the body section; anda supporting ring which protrudes from an outside wall of the preform and separates the neck section from the body section, wherein the preform is produced in an extrusion blow molding process and the body section has an outside diameter which is made tapered from the supporting ring in a direction of the preform bottom.23. The preform as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the body section of the preform has an axial length which is substantially 0.3 times to substantially 8 times an outside diameter of the neck section.24. The preform as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the outside diameter of the body section tapers continually in a direction of the preform bottom.25. The preform as claimed in claim 24 , wherein the outside wall of the body section includes an angle (α) of 0.5° to 5° with an axis of the preform.26. The preform as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the body section has an average wall thickness of 0.4 to 4 mm.27. The preform as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the preform is extruded to include one or more layers.28. The preform as claimed in claim 22 , formed from at least one layer of a plastic or of a plastic mixture of the group consisting of polyolefins claim 22 , polystyrenes claim 22 , PVC claim 22 , PVDC claim 22 , polyesters claim 22 , PLA and amides.29. The preform as claimed in claim 28 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228575A1

One embodiment of the present invention provides a partly-biodegradable system, which comprises a non-biodegradable portion and a biodegradable portion wherein the non-biodegradable portion is easily separated from the biodegradable portion for disposal of the system. In certain embodiments, the system further comprises a cover layer of non-biodegradable film which adheres to the first non-biodegradable portion to form a sealed compartment for food or drink reservation. 1. A container comprising:a first portion having a substantially biodegradable starch matrix; anda second portion comprising a non-biodegradable film adhering to first portion,wherein the first portion and the second portion can be easily separated for separate disposal of the two portions.2. The container of further comprising a third portion comprising a non-biodegradable film adhering to second portion claim 1 , wherein the third portion can be easily separated from the second portion prior to separation of the second portion from the first portion.3. The container of wherein the first portion comprises:water;starch; andfibers.4. The container of wherein the second portion provides moisture resistance or oxygen barrier properties suitable for food packaging applications.5. The container of where the first portion and second portion are directly adhered together.6. The container of where the first portion and second portion are indirectly adhered together.7. The container of further comprising a third portion including a non-biodegradable film and adhering to at least a part of the second portion.8. A container comprising:a support comprising starch-based matrix; anda liner comprising one or more polymers,wherein the liner is adhered to the support, and the liner is peelable from the support by adhesive failure between the liner and the support at or near an outer surface of the support.9. The container of wherein the bond strength of the liner to the support is less than about four pounds/inch.10. ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Thermoformable Copolyester Laminate

Номер: US20130236612A1

A laminate includes the following substantially coextensive layers in the following order: (a) a non-sealable, self-supporting, thermoformable copolyester film layer having a first surface and a second surface, the second surface constituting an outermost, exposed surface of the laminate; (b) a laminating adhesive layer on the first surface of the thermoformable copolyester film layer; and (c) a self-supporting, thermoformable structural film layer having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface contacting the laminating adhesive layer. Polyethylene terephthalate constitutes at least 80% by weight of the self-supporting thermoformable copolyester film layer; the thermoformable structural film layer includes a polymer selected from the group consisting of polyamides, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, ionomers, ethylene acrylic acid copolymers, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers, polystyrene, ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymers and polyvinylidene chloride; the thermoformable copolyester film layer, the structural film layer and the laminate each shrink less than 5% in length and width upon exposure to boiling water for five seconds; and the laminate is thermoformable and its chloroform-soluble extractives meet the requirements of paragraph h(1) of 21 CFR §177.1630 as defined herein. 1. A laminate comprising the following substantially coextensive layers in the following order(a) a non-sealable, self-supporting, thermoformable copolyester film layer having a first surface and a second surface, said second surface constituting an outermost, exposed surface of the laminate, wherein the copolyester in the thermoformable copolyester film layer comprises from 90 mol % to 97 mol % of at least one aromatic dicarboxylic acid and correspondingly from 10 mol % to 3 mol % of at least one aliphatic dicarboxylic acid;(b) a laminating adhesive layer on the first surface of the thermoformable copolyester film layer; and(c) a self-supporting, ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243982A1
Принадлежит: The Glad Products Company

In one example embodiment, a laminated film includes an extruded ribbed first film portion that includes multiple ribs, where consecutive ribs are separated by webs that are integral with the ribs. The laminated film also includes an un-ribbed second film portion, and a region of discontinuous lamination between the first film portion and the second film portion. The region of discontinuous lamination includes multiple regions where the first and second film portions are bonded together, and multiple regions where the first and second film portions are not bonded together.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263331A1

The subject invention relates in part to Cry3Aa in combination with Cry6Aa. The subject invention relates in part to the surprising discovery that combinations of Cry3Aa and Cry6Aa are useful for preventing development of resistance (to either insecticidal protein system alone) by a corn rootworm (spp.) population. Included within the subject invention are plants producing these insecticidal Cry proteins, which are useful to mitigate concern that a corn rootworm population could develop that would be resistant to either of these insecticidal protein systems alone. Plants (and acreage planted with such plants) that produce these two insecticidal protein systems are included within the scope of the subject invention. The subject invention also relates in part to combinations of Cry3Aa and Cry6Aa proteins “triple-stacked” or “multi-stacked” with another insecticidal protein(s) such as a Cry6Aa protein or binary Cry34/35 proteins. Thus, such embodiments target rootworms with three modes of action. Transgenic plants, including corn, comprising a cry6Aa gene and a cry3Aa gene are included within the scope of the subject invention. 1. A transgenic plant that produces a Cry3A insecticidal protein and a Cry6A insecticidal protein.2. The transgenic plant of claim 1 , said plant further produces a third insecticidally active protein selected from the group consisting of Cry3B claim 1 , Cry34 claim 1 , and Cry35.32. Seed of a plant according to any of - claims 1 , wherein said seed comprises said DNA.42. A field of plants comprising a plurality of plants according to any of -.5. The field of plants of claim 4 , said field further comprising non-Bt refuge plants claim 4 , wherein said refuge plants comprise less than 40% of all crop plants in said field.6. The field of plants of claim 5 , wherein said refuge plants comprise less than 30% of all crop plants in said field.7. The field of plants of claim 5 , wherein said refuge plants comprise less than 20% of all crop plants in ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264347A1
Автор: FUJITA Shumei
Принадлежит: FTS CO., LTD.

A thermal insulating structure of a fuel tank for a motor vehicle, which is readily produced and attached without using any protector for a thermal insulating member. In the thermal insulating structure of the fuel tank mounted under a floor panel of the motor vehicle, at least an entire side surface and an entire bottom surface of the fuel tank are covered with a thermal insulating member that is formed previously. The thermal insulating member includes a foamed layer on an interior side thereof, and an outer layer made of a solid material. The thermal insulating member is attached to the floor panel along with the fuel tank by means of a tank attaching member. 1. A thermal insulating structure of a fuel tank for a motor vehicle , which is mounted under a floor panel of the motor vehicle , comprising:a thermal insulating member previously formed for covering at least an entire side surface and an entire bottom surface of the fuel tank, said thermal insulating member including a foamed layer on an interior side thereof, and an outer layer made of a solid material, and being attached to the floor panel along with the fuel tank by means of a tank attaching member.2. The thermal insulating structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an upper surface of the fuel tank is covered with another thermal insulating member having a foamed layer.3. The thermal insulating structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an upper surface of the fuel tank contacts the floor panel claim 1 , and an upper end of a side portion of said thermal insulating member contacts the floor panel.4. The thermal insulating structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said thermal insulating member has holes for passing members attached to an outer surface of the fuel tank therethrough.5. The thermal insulating structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said outer layer is composed of one of an olefin synthetic resin and a blending material of olefin synthetic resins claim 1 , and has a thickness ranging from ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Plastic Bottles For Perfume Compositions Having Improved Crazing Resistance

Номер: US20130270212A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A plastic bottle for containing perfume compositions and having improved crazing resistance is disclosed. The plastic bottle comprises PEF 1. A plastic bottle for containing a perfume composition , wherein said plastic bottle comprises poly(ethylene 2 ,5-furandicarboxylate) (PEF).2. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said plastic bottle further comprises a delivery device and a valve.3. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said plastic bottle further comprises a label.4. The plastic bottle of claim 3 , wherein said label comprises PEF.5. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said plastic bottle further comprises a cap.6. The plastic bottle of claim 5 , wherein said cap comprises PEF.7. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said plastic bottle further comprises a delivery device claim 1 , a valve claim 1 , a label claim 1 , and a cap; wherein said label comprises PEF; and wherein said cap comprises PEF.8. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said perfume composition comprises a component or mixture from fragrance families and sub-groups; and wherein said fragrance families and sub-groups are selected from the group consisting of single floral claim 1 , floral bouquet claim 1 , oriental claim 1 , wood claim 1 , leather claim 1 , chypre claim 1 , fougère claim 1 , bright floral claim 1 , green claim 1 , aquatic claim 1 , oceanic claim 1 , ozonic claim 1 , citrus claim 1 , fruity claim 1 , gourmand.9. The plastic bottle of claim 1 , wherein said perfume composition comprises a component from natural sources; and wherein said natural sources are selected from the group consisting of bark claim 1 , flowers claim 1 , blossoms claim 1 , fruits claim 1 , leaves claim 1 , twigs claim 1 , resins claim 1 , roots claim 1 , rhizomes claim 1 , bulbs claim 1 , seeds claim 1 , woods claim 1 , ambergris claim 1 , castoreum claim 1 , civet claim 1 , hyraceum claim 1 , honeycomb claim 1 , deer musk claim 1 , lichens claim 1 , seaweed claim 1 , synthetic sources claim 1 , ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273272A1

Systems and methods for providing a thermoplastic product that includes packaging therefore. Implementation of the present invention takes place in association with packaging of one or more ingredients of a thermoplastic product, wherein the packaging is used to contain the ingredients during storage and/or transportation, and wherein at least a portion of the packaging itself is an ingredient for inclusion into the thermoplastic product. In some implementations, the entire packaging is incorporated into the thermoplastic product for utilization thereof. 1a non-asphalt, polymer container; andat least one raw material, wherein the at least one raw material is combined with the non-asphalt container to provide the sealant composition.. A sealant composition containing a thermoplastic mixture comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/102,380 filed May 6, 2011, entitled “SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING A THERMOPLASTIC PRODUCT THAT INCLUDES PACKAGING THEREFOR”, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/731,816 filed Mar. 29, 2007, entitled “SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING A THERMOPLASTIC PRODUCT THAT INCLUDES PACKAGING THEREFOR”, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/787,607 filed Mar. 30, 2006, entitled SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING SEALANT AND PACKAGING THEREFOR, which are all incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to thermoplastic products. In particular, the present invention relates to systems and methods for providing a thermoplastic product that includes packaging therefor, wherein the packaging is used to contain one or more ingredients of the thermoplastic product during storage and/or transportation, and wherein the packaging itself is an ingredient for inclusion into the thermoplastic product.2. Background and Related ArtWhile techniques currently exist relating to pavement joint sealants ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295307A1

The present invention discloses a laminated sheet for packaging electronic components comprising a front surface layer, a center core layer and a rear surface layer, wherein the front surface layer and the rear surface layer each contains a rubber-modified styrenic copolymer (A) having a graft ratio of grafted rubber of 30 to 50%, a grafted rubber particle diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 μm and a butadiene content of 5 to 25% by weight, and polyetheresteramide (B), and the center core layer contains a rubber-modified styrenic copolymer (C) having a graft ratio of grafted rubber of 70 to 90%, a grafted rubber particle diameter of 0.4 to 1.0 μm, and a butadiene content of 5 to 15% by weight, and 5 to 50% by weight of a recycled material of this laminated sheet. 1. A laminated sheet comprising a front surface layer , a core layer and a back surface layer ,wherein said front surface layer and said back surface layer comprise a resin composition comprising 75 to 95 mass % of a component (A) and 25 to 5 mass % of a component (B), and said core layer comprises a resin composition comprising 95 to 50 mass % of a component (C) and 5 to 50 mass % of a recycled material from the laminated sheet,wherein components (A), (B) and (C) each have a refractive index difference of at most 0.05;wherein component (A) is a rubber modified styrenic copolymer comprising a (meth)acrylic acid ester monomer and a styrenic monomer, which comprises 5 to 25 mass % of butadiene, the copolymer comprising a matrix resin (A-1) and a grafted rubber (A-2), wherein the grafted rubber (A-2) has a graft ratio of 30 to 50% and a grafted rubber particle size of 0.1 to 0.5 μm;wherein component (B) is a polyether ester amide;wherein component (C) is a rubber modified styrenic copolymer comprising a (meth)acrylic acid ester monomer and a styrenic monomer, which comprises 5 to 15 mass % of butadiene, the copolymer comprising a matrix resin (C-1) and a grafted rubber (C-2), wherein the grafted rubber (C-2) has a graft ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Medium Density Polyethylene Film Layer and Multilayer Film Comprising Same

Номер: US20130309426A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Company

A sealant skin layer for a multilayer film structure and multilayer film structure comprising same having improved processability, seal strength, reduced seal temperature and coefficient of friction are disclosed. The multilayer film may be transparent, contain a cavitating agent, or is pigmented to form an opaque film. Also, the multilayer film may be metallized or coated with a barrier coating. 1. A sealant skin layer for a multilayer film structure comprising a blend of from 25 wt % to 75 wt % MDPE having a density of from 0.910 g/cmto 0.950 g/cm , from 25 wt % to 75 wt % Cto Crandom copolymer or terpolymer and from 0.3 wt % to 1 wt % antiblock agent.2. The sealant skin layer of claim 1 , wherein said MDPE has a density of from 0.910 g/cmto 0.930 g/cm claim 1 , said copolymer or terpolymer is selected from the group consisting of ethylene-propylene (EP) claim 1 , propylene-butylene (PB) claim 1 , ethylene-propylene-butylene (EPB) and combinations thereof claim 1 , and said antiblock agent is selected from the group consisting of polymethyl methacrylate claim 1 , cross-linked polymethyl methacrylate claim 1 , and combinations thereof3. The sealant skin layer of claim 1 , which provides a multilayer film structure comprising a seal strength of greater than 1100 grams/inch (433 g/cm) for a seal formed on a crimp sealer at a temperature less than or equal to 120° C. claim 1 , said crimp sealer operated at 200 g/25 mm seal weight with 60 psi pressure and 0.75 second dwell time of the sealant skin layer to itself.4. The sealant skin layer of claim 3 , wherein the seal strength is greater than 1300 grams/inch (512 g/cm).5. A multilayer film structure comprising (a) a core layer having a first side and a second side claim 3 , said core layer comprising at least one core polymer; (b) a first tie layer having a first side and a second side claim 3 , the second side of the first tie layer on the first side of said core layer claim 3 , said first tie layer comprising an ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309427A1
Принадлежит: Henkel Corporation

Propylene polymer based packaging films for encapsulating hot melt adhesives are disclosed. The packaging films are readily miscible with the various hot melt adhesive chemistries during the melting stage without deleteriously affecting the adhesive properties, making the packaging film particularly well suited for packaging hot melt adhesives in a pillow, cylinder, pouch, block, cartridge and like forms. 1. A hot melt packaging film comprising a polymer blend ,wherein the polymer blend comprises at least 70 wt % of propylene content; and{'sup': 6', '8, 'wherein the packaging film has (a) a viscosity range of about 200,000 to 3,000,000 cps at 200° C.; (b) a peak melting temperature range of about 90 to 140° C. (c) a Tm offset temperature below 149° C.; and (d) a storage modulus (G′) range of about 1×10to about 1×10Pascal at 100° C.'}2. The packaging film of further comprising an additive selected from the group consisting of anti-blocking agent claim 1 , antioxidant claim 1 , flow modifier claim 1 , filler claim 1 , dye and mixtures thereof.3. The packaging film of wherein at least one polymer in the polymer blend is a metallocene catalyzed polypropylene polymer.4. The packaging film of wherein the polymer blend comprises ethylene and/or butene comonomers.5. The packaging film of wherein the polymer blend comprises:a. from about 70 to about 99 wt % of propylene content;b. from about 1 to about 30 wt % of ethylene and/or butene content;6. An article comprising the packaging film of .7. The article of claim 6 , which is a hot melt adhesive package.8. The article of claim 7 , which is a pillow claim 7 , cylinder claim 7 , pouch claim 7 , block claim 7 , cartridge or chub.9. An integral hot melt adhesive package comprising:(a) a hot melt adhesive selected from the group consisting of poly-alpha-olefins, rubbers, styrenic block-copolymers, ethylene-vinyl acetates, ethylene-butyl acetates, and mixtures thereof; and{'sup': 6', '8, '(b) a packaging film, which comprises a ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316110A1
Автор: SUDO Masamichi

A rubber molded article which has a good visibility, prevent medical errors effectively by easily and certainly identifying injector or other containers containing medicinal agents which are used together with colored rubber molded articles, and prevent problems caused by dispersion of coloring agents into medicinal agents without harming the inherent properties of a rubber molded article like sealing performance. 1. A rubber molded article , comprising:a colored film layer positioned in an interior portion, anda transparent resin portion which extends from at least one surface of the colored film layer to an outermost layer.2. A rubber molded article according to claim 1 , whereinthe colored film layer comprises plural layers, andthe plural layers are concolor, heterochromatic or of a combination of concolor and heterochromatic.3. A rubber molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the colored film layer comprises at least one film selected from the group consisting of a transparent film claim 1 , a translucent film claim 1 , and an opaque film.4. A rubber molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent resin portion comprises at least one resin selected from the group consisting of transparent resin claim 1 , transparent rubber claim 1 , and transparent thermoplastic elastomer. The present application is based on, and claims priority from, Japanese Application No. JP 2012-120008 filed on May 25, 2012, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present invention relates to a rubber molded article which is used for a container or an instrument for medicines, medical care, food products, cosmetic products, etc., especially a rubber molded article having a colored portion in the interior portion.It is known to use an injector or a container for medicinal or medical purpose which includes a colored component for safe handling, especially in view of visibility and distinguishability.For example, it is proposed ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337205A1

A non-woven fabric includes flame retardant fibers and binding material mixed with the flame retardant fibers. The binding material sets a thickness of the fabric. Application of a flame to the fabric causes the binding material to degrade and the flame retardant fibers to expand to prevent a flame from passing through a hole in a wall of an appliance, a building, or an appliance and/or to protect wiring of an appliance, a building, or an appliance. 1. A wall assembly comprising:a wall;at least one of a wire and a conduit extending through a hole in the wall;a flame retardant fabric disposed around one or more of said at least one of a wire and a conduit; flame retardant fibers;', 'binding material mixed with the flame retardant fibers;', 'wherein the binding material sets a thickness of the fabric;', 'wherein application of a 1000° F. flame to the fabric causes the binding material to degrade and the flame retardant fibers to expand such that the flame retardant fabric prevents a flame on one side of the wall from passing to the other side of the wall., 'wherein the flame retardant fabric comprises2. The wall assembly of wherein the wall is an appliance wall.3. The wall assembly of wherein the appliance wall is a clothes dryer wall.4. The wall assembly of wherein the wall is a building wall.5. The wall assembly of wherein the building wall is a wall between two apartments of a building.6. The wall assembly of wherein the fabric is wrapped or sleeved around said one or more of said at least one of a wire and a conduit.7. The wall assembly of wherein the fabric is a pad with hole disposed around said one or more of said at least one of a wire and a conduit.8. The wall assembly of wherein application of a 1000° F. flame to the fabric causes the binding material to degrade and the flame retardant fibers to expand such that the thickness of the fabric increases by a factor of at least two.9. The wall assembly of wherein the binding material comprises self-extinguishing ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017515A1

A Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet for a can, which is formed by stamping, includes a steel sheet having a first surface which becomes an outer surface of the can after the stamping; a Ni containing layer arranged on the first surface of the steel sheet; and a Ni—W alloy plating layer arranged on the Ni containing layer. The Ni containing layer includes a Fe—Ni diffusion alloy layer; a Ni content included in the Ni containing layer is from 5 g/mto 89 g/m; a thickness of the Ni—W alloy plating layer is from 0.02 μm to 2 μm; and a W concentration in the Ni—W alloy plating layer is from 10% to 65% by mass %. 1. A Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet for a can which is formed by a stamping , the Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet comprising:a steel sheet having a first surface which becomes an outer side of the can after the stamping;a Ni containing layer arranged on the first surface of the steel sheet; anda Ni—W alloy plating layer arranged on the Ni containing layer,wherein the Ni containing layer has a Fe—Ni diffusion alloy layer,{'sup': 2', '2, 'a Ni content included in the Ni containing layer is 5 g/mto 89 g/m,'}a thickness of the Ni—W alloy plating layer is 0.02 μm to 2 μm, anda W concentration in the Ni—W alloy plating layer is 10% to 65% by mass %.2. The Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet for a can according to claim 1 ,wherein the Ni containing layer further has a recrystallized Ni layer, andthe recrystallized Ni layer is arranged between the Fe—Ni diffusion alloy layer and the Ni—W alloy plating layer.3. The Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet for a can according to claim 1 ,wherein the thickness of the Ni—W alloy plating layer is 0.05 μm to 1 μm, andthe W concentration in the Ni—W alloy plating layer is 15% to 60% by mass %.4. The Ni-containing-surface-treated steel sheet for a can according to claim 3 , wherein the W concentration in the Ni—W alloy plating layer is 31% to 55% by mass %.5. The Ni-containing-surface-treated ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Water-Sensitive Biodegradable Film

Номер: US20140023806A1
Автор: Shi Bo, Wang James H.

A film that is biodegradable and water-sensitive (e.g., water-soluble, water-dispersible, etc.) in that it loses its integrity over time in the presence of water is provided. More specifically, the film contains a combination of a biodegradable polyester and a water-sensitive thermoplastic starch. The desired water-sensitive attributes of film may be achieved in the present invention by selectively controlling a variety of aspects of the film construction, such as the nature of the components employed, the relative amount of each component, the manner in which the film is formed, and so forth. 1. A water-sensitive biodegradable film , the film comprising:from about 1 wt. % to about 20 wt. % of at least one biodegradable polyester, wherein the biodegradable polyester includes at least one biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyester that has a melting point of from about 50° C. to about 180° C. and a glass transition temperature of about 0° C. or less; andfrom about 60 wt. % to about 99 wt. % of at least one water-sensitive thermoplastic starch component, wherein the thermoplastic starch component comprises from about 60 wt. % to about 80 wt. % of at least one water-soluble, chemically modified starch, from about 0.5 wt. % to about 4 wt. % of at least one surfactant, and from about 20 wt. % to about 40 wt. % of at least one plasticizer, wherein the water-soluble chemically modified starch comprises a starch ester, a hydroxyalkyl starch, or a combination thereof;wherein the film has a thickness of about 50 micrometers or less and exhibits visible disintegration when sloshed in tap water for 30 seconds at a frequency of 3.5 sloshes per second, the film further exhibiting a dry ultimate tensile strength of from about 20 to about 50 Megapascals in the machine direction and a dry modulus of elasticity of from about 400 to about 1000 Megapascals in the machine direction.24-. (canceled)5. The water-sensitive biodegradable film of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Biodegradable And Compostable Component For Cosmetic Packaging

Номер: US20140023810A1

A biodegradable component for a package for storing and dispensing a cosmetic product or a beauty care product is made from compressed fibrous biomass bound by a cosmetically compatible and compostable binder. 1. A biodegradable component for a package for storing and dispensing cosmetic and beauty care products , the component comprising:a solid body made of compressed fibrous biomass and a cosmetically compatible and compostable binder, the body having a cavity for storing and dispensing a cosmetic product, wherein at least one surface in the cavity is adapted to contact and have increased adhesion to the product.2. The component of wherein the cavity is made by mechanical working of the solid body.3. The component of wherein the mechanical working is selected from at least one of boring claim 2 , milling claim 2 , cutting claim 2 , laser cutting claim 2 , stamping claim 2 , die cutting or grinding.4. The component of wherein the cosmetically compatible and compostable binder is a resin selected from the group consisting of a biodegradable one of polyurethane resin claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , aliphatitic polyester claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 1 , polycaprolactone claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate claim 1 , denatured starch claim 1 , a natural polymer claim 1 , a polyisocyanate claim 1 , polyglycolic acid claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , polyhydroxybutyric acid claim 1 , polyhydroxyvaleric acid claim 1 , a polyhydroxycarboxylic acids claim 1 , polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipatea.5. The component of wherein the cosmetically compatible and compostable binder is a naturally occurring constituent of the fibrous biomass. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to cosmetic and personal care packaging. In particular, the present invention is directed to biodegradable cosmetic and personal care packaging made from fibrous biomass and a cosmetically compatible and compostable binder, and methods for making and filling such packaging.2. ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Packaging Material Formulations And Packages Constructed Therefrom

Номер: US20140044903A1
Автор: Gundlach Kurt B.

A film for use in association with packaging useable with foodstuffs having product contact comprising a base material, a base coat structure, a metallized layer, and a top coat structure. The base material comprising a paperboard material or a biopolymer. The base coat structure has an optional plurality of layers, with each layer having a weight that is less than or equal to 1% of the weight of the base material and of differing chemical composition and the sum of all non-biodegradable coated layers is less than or equal to 5% of the base material weight per unit area. The metallized layer is applied directly onto the base coat structure to an optical density of between 2.0 and 4.5 optical density. The top coat structure has an outer and an inner layer, with each layer having a weight that is less than or equal to 1% of the weight of the base material and of differing chemical composition from each other and the base coats. A bag made from such a film is likewise disclosed, as is a film that does not include a metallized layer. 1. A film for use in association with packaging useable with foodstuffs having product contact comprising:a base material comprising a dimensionally stable cellulosic material having a top surface and a bottom surface, the base material having a base material weight per unit area;a base coat structure having at least one base layer extending over substantially the entirety of the top surface of the base material, each of the at least one base layer comprising a base layer weight per unit area, the at least one base layer weight per unit area of each of the at least one base layer is less than or equal to 1% of the base material weight per unit area, the at least one base layer comprising a polymer coating;a metallized layer applied directly to the outer base layer in an optical density of between 1.5 and 4.5 optical density;a top coat structure having an inner top layer applied directly to the metallized layer and an outer top layer applied ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048544A1
Принадлежит: CENTRO, INC.

A multiple walled enclosure with low permeation properties and rugged impact resistance useful as a fuel tank or chemical container. The enclosure is made by rotomolding a first charge of thermosetting polymer into an outer layer, then rotomolding a charge of EVOH or other low permeation thermoplastic into a second layer, then rotomolding a second charge of thermosetting polymer into a third layer so that the low permeation thermoplastic layer is fully enclosed by layers of thermoset polymer. The preferred thermosetting polymer is crosslinkable polyethylene and the preferred low permeation thermoplastic is EVOH. 1. A vessel comprisingan external wall comprising a cured thermoset polymer;an intermediate coating comprising low permeation thermoplastic polymer on an internal surface of the external wall;an internal coating comprising cured thermoset polymer on an internal surface of the intermediate coating.2. The vessel of whereinthe external wall is crosslinked polyethylene,the intermediate coating is ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer,the internal coating is crosslinked polyethylene.3. The vessel of whereina first intermediate layer of tie material is interposed between the external wall and the intermediate coating.4. The vessel of whereina second intermediate layer of tie material is interposed between the intermediate coating and the internal coating.5. The vessel of whereinthe first intermediate layer and the second intermediate layer are from the group consisting of maleic anhydride, maleic anhydride, grafted polyethylene, anhydride modified ethylene vinyl acetate, and ethylene methyl acrylate.6. The vessel of whereinthe external wall further comprises an adhesion agent,the intermediate coating further comprises the adhesion agent,the internal coating further comprises the adhesion agent,the adhesion agent is taken from the group consisting of maleic anhydride, maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene, anhydride modified ethylene vinyl acetate, and ethylene methyl ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor Antagonists and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20140056921A1
Принадлежит: Genentech, Inc.

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor antagonists are provided. The HGF receptor antagonists include HGF receptor antibodies and fragments thereof. The HGF receptor antagonists can be employed to block binding of HGF to HGF receptors or substantially inhibit HGF receptor activation. The HGF receptor antagonists may be included in pharmaceutical compositions, articles of manufacture, or kits. Methods of treating cancer using the HGF receptor antagonists are also provided. 1. A hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor antagonist which specifically binds to a HGF receptor.2. The antagonist of which is an antibody.3. The antibody of which is a monoclonal antibody.4. The antibody of wherein the antibody binds to the c-Met receptor.5. The antibody of wherein the antibody inhibits binding of human HGF to the c-Met receptor.6. The antibody of which comprises a Fab fragment.7. The antibody of comprising a chimeric antibody.8. The antibody of having the biological characteristics of the monoclonal antibody produced by the hybridoma cell line deposited under American Type Culture Collection Accession Number ATCC HB-11894.9. The antibody of wherein the antibody binds to substantially the same epitope as the epitope to which the monoclonal antibody produced by the hybridoma cell line deposited under American Type Culture Collection Accession Number ATCC HB-11894 binds.10. The antibody of having the biological characteristics of the monoclonal antibody produced by the hybridoma cell line deposited under American Type Culture Collection Accession Number ATCC HB-11895.11. The antibody of wherein the antibody binds to substantially the same epitope as the epitope to which the monoclonal antibody produced by the hybridoma cell line deposited under American Type Culture Collection Accession Number ATCC HB-11895 binds.12. An isolated HGF receptor antagonist which specifically binds to a HGF receptor and comprises amino acid residues 1-220 of and amino acid residues 1-230 of .13. An ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Flexible Packaging Composites

Номер: US20140057061A1
Автор: Tilton Christopher R.
Принадлежит: Smart Planet Technologies, Inc.

The flexible packaging composites include one or more mineral-containing layers with a thermoplastic bonding agent. In addition to the mineral-containing layer, the composite can contain one or more non-mineral containing layers, including various combinations of extruded resins, cast or blown films, and fibers. The mineral-containing layer is substantially and continuously bonded to the other layers. The polymer, fiber, and mineral containing layers can be shaped, sized and manufactured such that the composite structure formed is subsequently machined to form a storage article. The composite structure has advantages including a high degree of pliability and flexibility, a minimum 37 dyne level on the surface of the mineral containing layer; a mineral containing layer that is highly 86 opaque, and has a bright, white printing surface that readily accepts coating and inks, therefore, rendering it highly attractive to consumers. 159-. (canceled)60. A flexible film composite suitable for use as a packaging material for storage of articles , comprising:at least one mineral-containing layer containing a thermoplastic bonding agent and a mineral material that is bound together by the thermoplastic bonding agent, said mineral-containing layer being an external most layer of said flexible film composite, the thermoplastic bonding agent of said mineral-containing layer providing a heat sealable layer of said flexible film composite and an external surface of said mineral-containing layer providing an external, printable surface of said flexible film composite, said mineral material being selected from the group consisting of ground calcium carbonate, diatomaceous earth, mica, silica, glass, zeolyte, slate, and combinations thereof, said at least one mineral-containing layer having a TAPPI T-525 whiteness percentage of at least 84, a TAPPI T-480 gloss value of at least 6, and a TAPPI T-425 opacity percentage of at least 83, a TAPPI T-555 ROUGHNESS value of 3; andat least one ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive Articles Utilizing Release Agents Free of Silicon and Fluorine, and Related Methods

Номер: US20140065334A1

The present subject matter provides an adhesive article having a release agent or liner that is free of silicon-containing and fluorine-containing material, and related methods of adhering a backing material of the adhesive article to a substrate. The adhesive article utilizes an amorphous polyvinyl alcohol layer that facilitates removal of an optional release liner from an adhesive layer. Upon removal of the release liner, the amorphous polyvinyl alcohol layer remains disposed on the adhesive layer. A method of adhering the backing material to a substrate includes dissolving the amorphous polyvinyl alcohol layer and disposing the backing material to a substrate. During dissolution of the amorphous polyvinyl alcohol layer, a weak, temporary bond is formed between the substrate and the backing material. When the amorphous polyvinyl alcohol layer substantially dissolves and dries, the adhesive layer is exposed and forms a permanent bond with the substrate. 1. An adhesive article comprising:a backing material;an adhesive layer disposed on at least a portion of the backing material;a release liner, free of silicon-containing and fluorine-containing material, and having a polyvinyl alcohol layer disposed thereon, andwherein the polyvinyl alcohol layer is disposed on at least a portion of the adhesive layer and remains substantially disposed on said at least a portion of the adhesive layer upon removal of the release liner from the adhesive article.2. The adhesive article of wherein the adhesive article has a thickness of from 30 microns to 100 microns claim 1 , the backing material has a thickness of from 10 microns to 60 microns claim 1 , the adhesive layer has a thickness of from 1 micron to 10 microns claim 1 , the polyvinyl alcohol layer has a thickness of from 0.1 micron to 5 microns claim 1 , and the release liner has a thickness of from 5 microns to 15 microns.3. The adhesive article of wherein the backing material is selected from the group consisting of paper ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087107A1

The present invention relates to a deposition film including a polyester-based film layer having heat-shrinking characteristics, and use of the deposition film used as a film label capable of replacing a paper label. Provided are a polyester-based metalizing film including a heat-shrinkable polyester-based film base, a metal deposition layer formed on the base, and a print layer formed on the metal deposition layer and satisfying a specific stiffness, and a label-attached bottle including the same. 1. A polyester-based metalizing film comprising:a heat-shrinkable polyester-based film base;a metal deposition layer formed on the base; anda print layer formed on the metal deposition layer,{'sup': '2', 'wherein a stiffness of the film in a maximum shrinkage direction is 1.5 g/mmor more.'}2. The polyester-based metalizing film of claim 1 , wherein the stiffness of the deposition film in the maximum shrinkage direction is 1.5 to 13 g/mm.3. The polyester-based metalizing film of claim 1 , further comprising a back layer formed on the other surface of the heat-shrinkable polyester-based film as an embossing layer formed by physically or chemically treating a surface of the heat-shrinkable polyester-based film or a white pigment coating layer.4. The polyester-based metalizing film of claim 1 , further comprising a primer layer formed between the metal deposition layer and the print layer.5. The polyester-based metalizing film of claim 1 , further comprising a protective layer formed on the print layer claim 1 ,wherein the protective layer is made of any one selected from copolyester, an acrylic copolymer, a styrene copolymer, a methacrylate copolymer, polystyrene, vinyl acetate, polyamide, alkylacrylate, ureaformaldehyde, epoxydized soybean oil, an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, beef tallow-based oleamide, polyethylene glycol distearate, polyvinylidene, a polyolefin-based copolymer, a urethane resin, and a vinyl-based resin, or a mixture thereof.6. The polyester-based ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive having structural integrity and insulative properties

Номер: US20140087109A1
Принадлежит: HENKEL US IP LLC

An adhesive composition that provides improved structural integrity and insulative properties when applied to a substrate is provided. The adhesive composition includes an emulsion-based polymer, a plurality of microspheres; and optionally, water and plasticizer.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094762A1

Disclosed herein are novel stabilizers for thermoplastic oil-modified alkyd resins. It has now been found that such stabilizers can greatly increase the stability of alkyd resins against melt viscosity variations after thermal aging. The alkyd resins can be used as the predominant component of a hot melt adhesive which can be employed for instance as a construction adhesive in the manufacture of disposable absorbent articles. 1. An adhesive composition comprising:(a) at least about 50 wt % of an oil-modified thermoplastic alkyd resin;(b) a copolymer or blend of copolymers, each copolymer being formed from at least two monomer types of which at least one monomer type is a polar monomer and at least one monomer type is an apolar monomer, in an amount of at least about 0.01 wt %;(c) at least about 1 wt % solid plasticizer or blend of plasticizers; and(d) a stabilizer selected from the group consisting of alcohols, chelating agents, hydroxytoluene and its derivatives, hydroxyanisole and its derivatives, gallic acid and its esters, hydroquinones and their derivatives, and tocopherols.2. A composition according to in which the oil-modified alkyd resin (a) comprises oil in an amount of about 40 wt % to about 60 wt %.3. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer is an alcohol.4. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer is an alcohol having a chain length up to C20 and a boiling point of about 130° C. or higher.5. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer is an alcohol selected from the group consisting of diols claim 3 , triols and tetraols.6. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer is an alcohol selected from the group consisting of ethylene glycol claim 3 , propylene glycol (propan diol) claim 3 , glycerol claim 3 , and pentaerythritol.7. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer comprises from 0.001 weight percent to 15 weight percent of the adhesive composition.8. A composition according to wherein the stabilizer is a chelating ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001526A1
Автор: Bland Wayne

A mold assembly for forming a component exhibiting a sealed interior, including providing first and second mold halves, forming first and second half shells of material within cavities defined within each of the mold halves, and upon mating the mold halves together in a first closed mold configuration. The mold halves are reopened, with at least one of the shells being subsequently reoriented such that the first and second half shells are arrayed in opposing fashion with perimeter extending edges of each half shell arranged in contact with one another. Additional steps include reclosing the mold halves and subsequently forming a second perimeter extending material in contact with the contacting perimeter extending edges in order to bond the half shells together, upon which the mold halves are reopened and a completed component removed. 1. A mold assembly for forming a component exhibiting a sealed interior , said mold assembly comprising:a stationary supported mold half;a rotary platen supported mold half, each of said mold halves being movable in directions towards and away from one another in order to define each of engaged/closed and opened/separated positions;each of said mold halves exhibiting a plurality of shell forming locations defined in opposing configured surfaces thereof for forming a first half shell of material in said stationary supported mold half and a second half shell of material in said rotary platen supported mold half and, upon mating said mold halves together in a first closed mold configuration; andupon separating the mold halves and subsequently rotating the rotary platen supported mold half 180° in order to reposition the second half shell relative to a further shell forming location associated with the first mold half, the first and second half shells are arrayed in opposing fashion with a perimeter extending and formed edge of each half shell arranged in contact with one another;said mold halves being subsequently reclosed prior to a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001589A1

An elongate flattened thermoplastic tube has an inflation edge and an opposite edge. The tube includes spaced transverse seals that define sides of pouches. The tube includes lines of weakness that allow adjacent dunnage units to be separated. A frangible line of connection is disposed in one two superposed layers of the tube proximate to the inflation edge. This frangible connection may be broken to permit inflation of the inflatable pouches. 1. A method of forming dunnage units , the method comprising: a first elongated layer;', 'a second elongated layer superposed over the first elongated layer, the first and second layers connected together at an inflation edge;', 'a frangible line of connection disposed in only one of the first and second layers, the frangible line of connection being substantially parallel to the inflation edge and offset from the inflation edge by a first distance;', 'a plurality of transverse seals extending to a seal termination point that is a second distance from the inflation edge, wherein the second distance is greater than the first distance;', 'a plurality of inflatable pouches defined by the first and second elongated layers, the inflation edge, and the transverse seals; and', 'a plurality of lines of weakness that allow the inflatable pouches to be separated, the lines of weakness beginning at a starting point transversely located between the inflation edge and the termination point of the transverse seals;, 'providing a preformed flattened tubular web comprisingpositioning a separator with respect to the web, such that the separator engages the frangible line of connection in only one of the first and second layers;opening the frangible line of connection in only one of the two layers with the separator;inflating the inflatable pouches to an inflated volume; andsealing the inflated pouches to convert the inflated pouches to dunnage units.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein inflating the inflatable pouches to the inflated volume ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001624A1

The invention relates to a sheetlike composite () comprising a first composite region () and a second composite region (); wherein the first composite region () comprises, as mutually superposed layers from an outer surface () of the first composite region () to an inner surface () of the first composite region (): a) a thermoplastic layer A (), b) a carrier layer (), c) a barrier layer (), and d) an inner polymer layer (); wherein the outer surface () of the first composite region () is a surface of the thermoplastic layer A (); wherein the second composite region () comprises, as mutually superposed layers from an outer surface () of the second composite region () to an inner surface () of the second composite region (): A) a first thermoplastic layer B (), B) the carrier layer (); C) the barrier layer (); and D) the inner polymer layer (); wherein the outer surface () of the second composite region () is a surface of the first thermoplastic layer B (); wherein the second composite region () does not comprise any part of the thermoplastic layer A (); wherein a layer thickness () of the thermoplastic layer A () in the first composite region () is more than a layer thickness () of the first thermoplastic layer B () in the second composite region (). The invention further relates to a process of printing a sheetlike composite; to a container precursor; to closed containers; to a device for printing; and to use of a polyvinyl acetal. 1. A sheetlike composite comprising a first composite region and a second composite region;wherein the first composite region comprises, as mutually superposed layers from an outer surface of the first composite region to an inner surface of the first composite region:a) a thermoplastic layer A,b) a carrier layer,c) a barrier layer, andd) an inner polymer layer;wherein the outer surface of the first composite region is a surface of the thermoplastic layer A;wherein the second composite region comprises, as mutually superposed layers from ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002071A1

A method of injection molding a test tube-shaped preform for biaxial stretch blow molding includes supplying a major material resin from outer and inner flow paths to a combined flow path for a predetermined time and rate. For a period of time within a range of the predetermined time period during which the major material resin is supplied, the intermediate layer resin is simultaneously supplied from the middle flow path to the combined flow path at a second predetermined supplying rate. A columnar laminated molten resin is injected into a cavity of a metal mold connected to a tip of the nozzle through a gate to fill the cavity, the columnar laminated molten resin being composed of the major material resin and the intermediate layer resin formed in the major material resin in a laminated manner that are combined into a columnar shape at the combined flow path. 1. A method of injection molding a test tube-shaped preform for biaxial stretch blow molding , a transparent base layer;', 'a circumferential wall formed of the transparent base layer; and', 'a light-blocking or opaque intermediate layer formed in the base layer in a laminated manner over an area of a predetermined height of the circumferential wail,, 'the preform comprisingwherein the intermediate layer is formed in a laminated manner over an area covering an entire circumference of the circumferential wail excluding a non-laminated section, where the intermediate layer is not formed, that extends in a shape of a longitudinal strip along a central axis direction on the circumferential wall of the preform, three cylindrical flow paths for layer formation disposed concentrically about the same axis, the three cylindrical flow paths including an inner flow path and an outer flow path for forming the base layer composed of a major material resin, and a middle flow path for forming the intermediate layer composed of an intermediate layer resin, the middle flow path being disposed between the inner flow path and ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009444A1

A laminated metal sheet for a two-piece can includes: a metal sheet; and first and second polyester resin layers formed on outer and inner face sides of the container, respectively. The first polyester resin layer contains polyethylene terephthalate or a copolymerized polyethylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 6 mol % in a ratio of 30% to 60% by mass, polybutylene terephthalate or a copolymerized polybutylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 5 mol % in a ratio of 40% to 70% by mass, and a polyolefinic wax in an amount of 0.01% to 3.0% in outer percentage, the second polyester resin layer is a copolymerized polyethylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 22 mol %, and residual degrees of orientation of the first and the second polyester resin layers are less than 30%. 1. A laminated metal sheet for a two-piece can , the laminated metal sheet comprising:a metal sheet;a first polyester resin layer formed on a surface of the metal sheet, the surface forming an outer face side of a container after container formation; anda second polyester resin layer formed on a surface of the metal sheet, the surface forming an inner face side of the container after container formation, whereinthe first polyester resin layer contains polyethylene terephthalate or a copolymerized polyethylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 6 mol % in a ratio of 30% to 60% by mass, polybutylene terephthalate or a copolymerized polybutylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 5 mol % in a ratio of 40% to 70% by mass, and a polyolefinic wax in an amount of 0.01% to 3.0% in outer percentage,the second polyester resin layer is a copolymerized polyethylene terephthalate with a content of a copolymerized component of less than 22 mol %, andresidual degrees of orientation of the first and the second polyester resin layers ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009278A1

A method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body is provided. The method may include: 1. A method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body , comprising:irradiating with radiation an oxygen-absorbing multilayer body comprising at least an oxygen-absorbing layer containing a transition metal catalyst and a thermoplastic resin (a) having a tetralin ring as a structural unit and a layer containing a thermoplastic resin (b); andheating the oxygen-absorbing multilayer body which has been irradiated with radiation at a temperature of the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) minus 20° C. or more and lower than the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) for 50 hours or more.2. The method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein the oxygen-absorbing multilayer body comprises at least two layers containing a thermoplastic resin (b) and the oxygen-absorbing layer is disposed between the two layers containing a thermoplastic resin (b).3. The method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) (Tg) and the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (b) (Tg) have the relation represented by the following equation (A):{'br': None, 'i': Tg', '≤Tg', '≤[Tg, 'sup': 1', '2', '1, '+10° C.]\u2003\u2003Equation (A)4. The method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein the heating time is 50 hours or more and 120 hours or less.5. The method for producing a sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein the heating temperature is a temperature of the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) minus 20° C. or more and the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) minus 5° C. or less.6. The method for producing a sterilized oxygen- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009822A1

A laminate () of polypropylene films (), a luggage shell () constructed of the laminate (), a method () of making the laminate (), and a method () of making the luggage shell () are provided. The films () include a core () and at least one outer layer (). The laminate () includes a plurality of films (). The laminate () may be formed by laminating a plurality of films under predetermined pressure, temperature, and time conditions. The shell () may be formed by deep drawing a sheet of laminate () while applying heat and tension to the laminate (). 1. A luggage shell comprising: a core of a biaxially oriented thermoplastic polymer, and', 'at least one outer layer of a thermoplastic polymer, the outer layer having a thickness of 0.5% to 25% of the thickness of a film., 'a shell formed of a laminate of a plurality of coextruded films the films comprising'}2. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein the film has a thickness of 10 μm±5%-100 μm±5% claim 1 , and/or the core has a thickness of 10 μm±5%-100±5% claim 1 , and/or the outer layer has a thickness of 0.6 μm±5% to 2.5 μm±5% or is 2% to 7% of the thickness of the film.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein from at least two adjacent films to all films of the plurality of films are oriented in the same direction.6. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein the biaxially oriented thermoplastic polymer is biaxially oriented polypropylene.7. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer comprises a copolymer of polypropylene and polyethylene or comprises a terpolymer of polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , and polybutene.8. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein a melting point of the core is higher than a melting point of the outer layer and/or a melting point of the core is at least 10° C. higher than melting point of the outer layer.9. (canceled)10. The luggage shell of claim 1 , wherein the film is stretched and is stretched to a greater extent in one of a transverse ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Packages for improved release of liquids

Номер: US20190010298A1

The present invention provides packages comprising an inner surface comprising polyalkylene ether modified polyolefin. In some embodiments, the polyalkylene ether modified polyolefin is the reaction product of an amine-terminated polyalkylene ether and a maleated polyolefin.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Exothermic CeramicS for Microwave Oven and Exothermic Ceramics for Microwaves

Номер: US20160015207A1
Автор: PARK In Ho

Disclosed are a method for manufacturing exothermic ceramics for a microwave oven and exothermic ceramics for microwaves. In particular, provided is a method for manufacturing exothermic ceramics for a microwave oven, in which the exothermic ceramics are formed by mixing a ceramic body, such as clay, plastic clay or soil, with an exothermic element prepared by combining at least one selected from silicon carbide, carbon ferrite and iron oxide, which are exothermic components. Accordingly, the exothermic ceramics of the present invention can minimize a sense of difference between the exothermic element and the ceramic body component, which is raw material for ceramics, thereby being capable of emitting high-temperature heat in a short time by means of microwaves as well as maintaining stability in the shape. Furthermore, due to integral forming, the exothermic ceramics have an enhanced elegant design.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016389A1

A polymer sheet includes a core layer containing a propylene impact copolymer (ICP), and a first additional layer comprising a first polymer composition. The propylene impact copolymer (ICP) in the core layer includes a matrix and a dispersed phase. The matrix comprises a polypropylene homopolymer or a propylene/alpha-olefin random copolymer which includes greater than 50 wt. % of units derived from propylene monomer. The dispersed phase includes a copolymer of ethylene and a C-Cα-olefin. The ICP has a first melting point being greater than 100° C. (e.g., in the range of from 100° C. to 130° C.) and a second melting point. The polymer sheet can also include a second additional layer containing a second polymer composition. 1. A polymer sheet , comprising: (a) a matrix comprising a polypropylene homopolymer or a propylene/alpha-olefin random copolymer which comprises greater than 50 wt. % of units derived from propylene monomer, and', {'sub': 3', '8, '(b) a dispersed copolymer which comprises ethylene and a C-Cα-olefin,'}, 'wherein the ICP has a first melting point between 100° C. and 130° C. and, 'a core layer comprising a propylene impact copolymer (ICP), the propylene ICP comprisinga second melting point; anda first additional layer comprising a first polymer composition.2. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , whereinthe first polymer composition in the first additional layer comprises at least one of a polypropylene homopolymer, a random copolymer of propylene comprising from 0.01 molar percent (mol. %) to 5 mol. % of ethylene, the propylene ICP and blends thereof.3. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , further comprising:a second additional layer comprising a second polymer composition,wherein the first additional layer and the second additional layer are in direct contact with the core layer.4. The polymer sheet of claim 3 , whereinthe second polymer composition in the second additional layer comprises at least one of a polypropylene homopolymer, a random copolymer of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016157A1
Принадлежит: OHKI CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a nonwoven fabric sheet for use in extraction filters having high sealing strength and extraction filters manufactured using the nonwoven fabric sheet. The nonwoven fabric sheet includes a first layer including a spunbonded nonwoven fabric formed from a polyester-based resin having an IV value of 0.60 to 1.00, a crystallinity of 30% to 80%, a crystalline orientation of 60% to 95%, and a birefringence (Δn) of 0.040 to 0.100 and provided with a partial thermocompression bonding section whose thermocompression bonding area rate is in the range of 5% to 30%, and a second layer including a meltblown nonwoven fabric formed from a polyester-based resin blown onto a surface of the first layer and solidified to have a crystallinity of 0% to 14%. The extraction filters are formed by sealing by welding the nonwoven fabric sheet with the second layer of the sheet placed inside. 1. A nonwoven fabric sheet comprising:a first layer including a spunbonded nonwoven fabric formed from fibers of a polyester-based resin having an IV value of 0.60 to 1.00, a crystallinity of 30% to 80%, a crystalline orientation of 60% to 95%, and a birefringence (Δn) of 0.040 to 0.100 and provided with a partial thermocompression bonding section having a thermocompression bonding area rate of 5% to 30%; anda second layer including a meltblown nonwoven fabric formed from fibers of a polyester-based resin blown onto a surface of the first layer and solidified, the polyester-based resin of the fibers forming the meltblown nonwoven fabric having a crystallinity of 0% to 14%.2. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sup': '2', 'the spunbonded nonwoven fabric has a basis weight of 8.0 to 25.0 g/mand a fiber diameter of 10 to 40 μm;'}{'sup': '2', 'the meltblown nonwoven fabric has a basis weight of 2.0 to 10.0 g/m; and'}{'sup': '3', 'the nonwoven fabric sheet has a bulk density of 0.15 to 0.40 g/cm.'}3. An extraction filter formed by employing the nonwoven ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017092A1

An oxygen-absorbing resin composition containing a polyester compound and a transition metal catalyst, wherein the polyester compound has at least one constituent unit having a tetralin ring selected from the group consisting of constituent units represented by general formulas (1) to (4) and wherein the polyester compound is a polyester compound having a tetralin ring obtained by synthesis using a zinc compound.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Label web suitable for activation and cutting

Номер: US20150024154A1
Автор: Ted Hoerig
Принадлежит: UPM RAFLATAC OY

A film including a first surface and an opposite second surface. A first layer includes the first surface. A second layer arranged onto the first layer includes the second surface. The second layer includes thermally activatable material. In a thermal activation process, wherein the temperature of the thermally activatable material rises above an activation temperature, adhesion properties of the material change such that before thermal activation, material of the second layer is solid and non-sticky, and after thermal activation, material of the second layer is viscous and forms an active adhesive. The first layer includes material that is resistant to temperatures higher than the activation temperature. Material of the first layer, material of the second layer, or the film including the first and second layers is capable of absorbing electromagnetic energy. An item including a body labelled with the film. A method for labelling a body using the film.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022495A1

The present disclosure relates to a labeling apparatus for labeling articles. In one implementation, the apparatus may include a transfer drum having at least one label retaining segment adapted to receive and to retain at least one label, a glue application unit adapted to apply glue onto the label, a cleaning unit adapted to clean the transfer drum and a control unit adapted to selectively activate the cleaning unit into at least any one of: a partial cleaning configuration in which the cleaning unit is configured to partially clean the at least one label retaining segment or a full cleaning configuration in which the cleaning unit is configured to fully clean the at least one label retaining segment. 1. A labeling apparatus for labeling articles , comprising:a transfer drum having at least one label retaining segment adapted to receive and to retain at least one label, the transfer drum being adapted to convey the at least one label along a path defined by rotation of the transfer drum around a central axis of the transfer drum;a glue applicator adapted to apply glue onto the at least one label at a glue application station, the glue application unit being arranged adjacent to the transfer drum at the glue application station;a cleaning device adapted to clean the transfer drum; and a partial cleaning configuration in which the cleaning device is configured to partially clean the at least one label retaining segment; and', 'a full cleaning configuration in which the cleaning device is configured to fully clean the at least one label retaining segment., 'a controller adapted to selectively activate the cleaning device into at least one of2. The labeling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to be set into at least one of an automatic mode in which the controller is adapted to activate the cleaning device into the partial cleaning configuration or the full cleaning configuration as a function of an operational status of the labeling ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Containers comprising cellulose hydrate and methods of manufacture

Номер: US20220041319A1
Принадлежит: Hope Tree International GmbH

The invention relates to the field of cups, bowls and containers, particularly beverage cups, and to the production of cups, bowls and containers. According to the invention, the cups, bowls and containers comprise, in a first variant, a first layer ( 5 ) made of cellulose hydrate, also known as cellophane, or cellulose hydrate which is coated with a primer material ( 4 ). In addition, the cups, bowls and containers can comprise a second layer ( 3 ), made of paperboard or fibre/cellulose-starch mix, for example. In a second variant, the cups, bowls and containers according to the invention comprise a first layer made of natural rubber or plant-based wax and a second layer made of cellulose hydrate, paperboard or fibre/cellulose-starch mix. By using exclusively biodegradable materials, the present invention can provide completely biodegradable/compostable cups, bowls and containers. The invention also relates to a method for producing such cups, bowls and containers. In addition, the present invention also comprises the production of lids made of the aforementioned materials and the provision of cups, bowls and containers having such lids.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Injection fluid bag and injection preparation

Номер: US20170027816A1
Принадлежит: Baxter International Inc, Kewpie Corp

An injection bag is formed of a multilayer film, and includes an intermediate layer that includes a mixture of 60 to 90 mass % of a crystalline polyamide resin and 10 to 40 mass % of a noncrystalline polyamide resin. The crystalline polyamide resin has a combined content of a monomer and a low-molecular-weight polymer of 0.8 mass % or less. The noncrystalline polyamide resin includes a semi-aromatic polyamide.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030266A1
Автор: Borchardt Michael G.

Implementations described herein include films with maintained or decreased light transmittance despite a reduction in gauge. In particular, one or more implementations include a multi-layer film with each layer having differing opacity agents. The combination of the two different opacity agents in two different layers can have a synergistic effect that provide decreased light transmittance. Indeed, in one or more embodiments a multi-layer film with differing opacity agents in each layer has a decreased light transmittance despite a reduction in gauge and opacity agents. 1. A multi-layer thermoplastic film comprising:a first layer of thermoplastic material, the first layer of thermoplastic material comprising a first opacity agent and a first plurality of alternating thicker ribs and thinner stretched webs;a second layer of thermoplastic material, the second layer of thermoplastic material comprising a second opacity agent and a second plurality of alternating thicker ribs and thinner stretched webs;a first light transmittance in a direction through the first layer and then the second layer; anda second light transmittance in a direction through the second layer and then the first layer, wherein the first light transmittance is lesser than the second light transmittance.2. The multi-layer thermoplastic film as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the first layer comprises a third light transmittance;the second layer comprises a fourth light transmittance; andthe third light transmittance is less than the fourth light transmittance.3. The multi-layer thermoplastic film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first light transmittance is between 3% and 6% smaller than the second light transmittance.4. The multi-layer thermoplastic film as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first opacity agent comprises a light-reflecting opacity agent and the second opacity agent comprises a light-absorbing opacity agent.5. The multi-layer thermoplastic film as recited in claim 4 , wherein a total ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Polyethylene blend composition suitable for blown film, method of producing the same, and films made therefrom

Номер: US20140113090A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The instant invention provides a polyethylene blend composition suitable for blown film, method of producing the same, and films made therefrom. The polyethylene blend composition suitable for blown film according to the present invention comprises the melt blending product of: (a) less than or equal to 4 percent by weight of a low density polyethylene (LDPE) having a density in the range of from 0.915 to 0.935 g/cm 3 , and a melt index (I 2 ) in the range of from greater than 0.8 to less than or equal to 5 g/10 minutes, and a molecular weight distribution (M w /M n ) in the range of from 6 to 10; (b) 90 percent or greater by weight of a heterogenous linear low density polyethylene (hLLDPE) having a density in the range of from 0.917 to 0.950 g/cm 3 , and a melt index (I 2 ) in the range of from 0.1 to less than or equal to 5 g/10 minutes; (c) optionally a hydrotalcite based neutralizing agent; (d) optionally one or more nucleating agents; and (e) optionally one or more antioxidants. When the polyethylene blend-composition is formed into a film via blown film process, the output rate is improved at least 6 percent relative to a similar linear low density polyethylene.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027581A1
Принадлежит: TerraPower, LLC

This disclosure describes various configurations and components for bimetallic and trimetallic claddings for use as a wall element separating nuclear material from an external environment. The cladding materials are suitable for use as cladding for nuclear fuel elements, particularly for fuel elements that will be exposed to sodium or other coolants or environments with a propensity to react with the nuclear fuel. 1. A steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding manufacturing method comprising:fabricating a steel tube;fabricating a vanadium tube of carbon-doped vanadium or vanadium alloy;depositing one of nickel, nickel alloy, chromium, chromium alloy, zirconium or zirconium alloy one either the inside of the steel tube or the outside of the vanadium tube;inserting the vanadium tube into the steel tube thereby creating a steel-middle layer-vanadium intermediate tube;metallurgical bonding the steel-middle layer-vanadium intermediate tube;pilgering or extruding the steel-middle layer-vanadium intermediate tube; andcold working the steel-middle layer-vanadium intermediate tube after the metallurgical bonding and pilgering or extruding operations to obtain a steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding.2. The steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding consists of:an outer layer of steel;an inner layer of at least 90% vanadium; anda middle layer of nickel, nickel alloy, chromium, chromium alloy, zirconium or zirconium alloy between the outer layer and the inner layer.3. The steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the metallurgical bonding operation includes hot isostatic pressing of the steel-middle layer-vanadium intermediate tube.4. The steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the metallurgical bonding operation is performed after the pilgering or extruding operation.5. The steel-middle layer-vanadium cladding manufacturing method ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031387A1

A vessel is configured to hold a product in an interior region formed in the vessel. In illustrative embodiments, the vessel includes a floor and a sidewall coupled to the floor to extend away from the floor. Together the floor and sidewall cooperate to define the interior region. 1. (canceled)2. A vessel comprisinga floor anda side wall coupled to the floor and arranged to extend upwardly from ground underlying the floor and to cooperate with the floor to define an interior product-storage region therebetween,wherein the side wall comprises a polymeric layer having an inner surface arranged to face toward the interior product-storage region and an outer surface arranged to face away from the interior product-storage region and a cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer having an inner surface arranged to face toward the product-storage region and an outer surface arranged to face away from the product-storage region and the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material is in direct engagement with the polymeric layer.3. The vessel of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric layer is arranged to locate the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer between the polymeric layer and the interior product-storage region.4. The vessel of claim 3 , wherein the polymeric layer is extruded onto the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer.5. The vessel of claim 2 , wherein the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer is arranged to locate the polymeric material layer between the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer and the interior product-storage region.6. The vessel of claim 5 , wherein the polymeric layer is extruded onto the cellular non-aromatic polymeric material layer.7. The vessel of claim 2 , wherein the side wall further comprises a second polymeric layer having an inner surface arranged to face toward the interior product-storage region and an outer surface arranged to face away from the interior product-storage region.8. The vessel of claim 7 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031981A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

An aluminum wine container including an aluminum can body having a barrel portion, and an aluminum can lid that covers an opening of the can body. The aluminum can body has an inner surface on which a polyester resin coating is formed, the coating has a thickness of not less than 4 μm at the barrel portion, and the aluminum can lid has an inner surface on which a coating film of a polyester/phenolic coating material having a thickness of not less than 6 μm is formed. Also disclosed is packed wine, prepared by filling the aluminum container with wine and sealing the container. 1. An aluminum wine container including an aluminum can body having a barrel portion , and an aluminum can lid that covers an opening of the can body ,wherein the aluminum can body has an inner surface on which a polyester resin coating is formed, the coating has a thickness of not less than 4 μm at the barrel portion, and the aluminum can lid has an inner surface on which a coating film of a polyester/phenolic coating material having a thickness of not less than 6 μm is formed.2. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin coating at the barrel portion has a thickness in the range of 4 to 30 μm.3. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the coating film on the can lid has a thickness in the range of 6 to 20 μm.4. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin coating includes an ethylene terephthalate-based polyester resin.5. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester/phenolic coating material includes a coating composition containing a polyester resin as a base resin and a resol-type phenol resin as a curing agent.6. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the can body is a seamless can shaped by drawing claim 1 , bend-stretching and/or ironing a polyester resin coated aluminum sheet.7. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the can lid is ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039141A1

A method for debossing a surface of a thermoplastic material to which an ink is selectively applied. The force generated by the ink as it cures and adheres forms a decorative relief in the thermoplastic material's surface producing an article having aesthetic and tactile appeal without having to use a die to deform the surface and without having to apply and cure the ink in a step separate from the deformation of the surface. 1. A method for debossing a surface of a thermoplastic material , the method comprising:applying an ink to a surface of a thermoplastic material such that the ink covers a region of the surface;curing the ink; andas the ink cures, applying a force against the region of the surface of the thermoplastic material that the ink was applied to such that the surface moves relative to the region of the surface that the ink was not applied to, causing the region of the surface that the ink was applied to to sink.2. The method of wherein the force applied against the region of the surface that the ink was applied to is generated by the ink hardening and contracting as the ink cures.3. The method of wherein curing the ink includes exposing the ink to ultraviolet radiation.4. The method of wherein the ink that covers the region of the surface forms a visual design on the region of the surface that the ink was applied to.5. The method of wherein the ink that covers the region of the surface forms a visual design in the region of the surface that the ink was not applied to.6. The method of wherein the ink includes a free-radical claim 1 , UV-curable ink.7. The method of wherein the ink includes a cationic claim 1 , UV-curable ink.8. The method of wherein the surface of the thermoplastic material is solid.9. The method of wherein the thermoplastic material includes a solid skin and a microcellular core.10. The method of wherein the surface of the thermoplastic material includes a curve in at least two dimensions.11. An article of manufacture claim 1 , the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037358A1

An extruded PET parison includes a first extruded polymer comprising PET, and a second extruded polymer comprising PET. In embodiments, the first extruded polymer and the second extruded polymer are co-extruded, and the first extruded polymer has an intrinsic viscosity that is higher that the intrinsic viscosity of the second extruded polymer. A monolayer embodiment is also disclosed. In embodiments, a monolayer extruded PET container is comprised of bottle grade PET resin that has been solid stated and may have an IV from about 0.96 to about 1.4. 1. An extruded PET monolayer parison for forming an extrusion blow molded container , the extruded PET monolayer parison comprising:an extruded PET monolayer;wherein the extruded PET monolayer is in a solid state, the extruded PET monolayer has an intrinsic viscosity from about 0.96 to about 1.4; the extruded PET monolayer is devoid of chain extenders; and the extruded PET monolayer is not injection-stretch blow molded.2. The extruded PET monolayer parison of claim 1 , wherein the extruded PET monolayer has an intrinsic viscosity of about 1.1.3. The extruded PET monolayer parison of claim 1 , wherein the PET comprises bottle grade PET resin initially having an IV of from about 0.65 to about 0.87 that has been solid-stated to increase the IV of the PET resin.4. A container formed from the parison of claim 1 , wherein the container is extrusion blow molded from the extruded PET monolayer parison.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the container is substantially free of striations and haze.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the container claim 4 , in addition to being devoid of chain extenders claim 4 , is devoid of additives or modifiers used with chain extenders with PET resin.7. The container of claim 4 , wherein the container is devoid of chain extenders and is recyclable.8. An extruded PET parison comprising:a first extruded polymer comprising PET; anda second extruded polymer comprising PET;wherein the first and ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Ophthalmic solution container

Номер: US20220055357A1
Принадлежит: Fujimori Kogyo Co Ltd

An ophthalmic solution container has an accommodation part in which an ophthalmic solution is accommodated, and the accommodation part is composed of a laminate having a layer containing a cyclic olefin interpolymer (copolymer) and a layer containing a polyethylene resin provided outside the layer containing the cyclic olefin interpolymer (copolymer). The thickness of the layer containing the cyclic olefin interpolymer (copolymer) is 50 μm to 1,000 μm, and the thickness of the laminate is 300 μm to 2,000 μm. According to the container, it is possible to minimize sorption (adsorption and absorption) of the ophthalmic solution, it is possible to improve moisture barrier properties and minimize evaporation, and it is also possible to reduce the squeeze strength.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Thermal Insulation Panel, Insulated Shipping Container and Method for Shipping a Temperature Sensitive Product

Номер: US20220055819A1

A thermal insulation panel includes an encasement and an insulative fiber core. The encasement includes a first encasement layer forming a first major surface of the panel and a second encasement layer forming a second major surface of the panel. The insulative fiber core is positioned between the first encasement layer and the second encasement layer. 1. A thermal insulation panel comprising:an encasement comprising a first encasement layer forming a first major surface of the panel and a second encasement layer forming a second major surface of the panel; andan insulative fiber core positioned between the first encasement layer and the second encasement layer.2. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the insulative fiber core is in the form of a sheet of interlinked insulative fibers.3. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the insulative fiber core is in the form of fiberized insulative fibers.429.-. (canceled)30. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the encasement comprises a rigid substrate enclosing the insulative fiber core.31. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the encasement comprises a semi-rigid substrate enclosing the insulative fiber core.32. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the encasement comprises a pair of corrugated substrates sandwiching the insulative fiber core.33. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the encasement comprises a corrugated substrate having flutes or a honeycomb structure claim 1 , and wherein the insulative fiber core is positioned between the flutes or within the honeycomb structure of the corrugated substrate.34. The thermal insulation panel of further comprising a reflective layer outside of one of the first encasement layer and the second encasement layer.35. The thermal insulation panel of further comprising an intermediate layer separating a first portion and a second portion of the insulative fiber core.36. The thermal insulation panel of wherein the intermediate layer comprises a rigid substrate.37. ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039357A1

A paper cup includes barrier paper, the barrier paper including at least a paper base material, a reinforcing layer containing cellulose nanofibers which is formed on the paper base material, and a sealant layer formed on the reinforcing layer, in which after the paper cup is caused to free-fall 5 times towards a concrete floor surface from a height of 1 m with the bottom portion being disposed downward, the paper cup has a buckling strength of 350 N or more in a case of being sandwiched between two parallel plate surfaces and compressed in a height direction of the body portion, and has a lateral pressing strength of 4 N or more in a case where the body portion is pressed by 10 mm at a ⅔ height, from a bottom, of the entire height of the paper cup. 1. A paper cup comprising bather paper , the paper cup having a bottom portion and a body portion which are formed of the barrier paper , the bather paper including at least a paper base material , a reinforcing layer containing cellulose nanofibers which is formed on the paper base material , and a sealant layer formed on the reinforcing layer ,wherein after the paper cup is caused to free-fall 5 times towards a concrete floor surface from a height of 1 m with the bottom portion being disposed downward, the paper cup has a buckling strength of 350 N or more in a case of being sandwiched between two parallel plate surfaces and compressed in a height direction of the body portion, and has a lateral pressing strength of 4 N or more in a case where the body portion is pressed by 10 mm at a ⅔ height, from a bottom, of the entire height of the paper cup.2. The paper cup according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the paper base material has a basis weight of 300 g/mor less.'}3. The paper cup according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein a coating amount of the reinforcing layer is 0.2 g/mto 5.0 g/min terms of dry mass.'}4. The paper cup according to claim 1 ,wherein an amount of the cellulose nanofibers in the reinforcing ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044407A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A barrier liner for a composite vessel, the barrier liner including (A) a polymeric substrate; and (B) a gas barrier coating layer attached to at least a portion of the polymeric substrate; a composite vessel containing the above barrier liner; and a UV curable composition for producing the above barrier liner. 1. A barrier liner for a composite vessel comprising: (A) at least one polymeric substrate layer having a first and second surface; and (B) at least one gas barrier coating layer attached to at least a portion of at least the first surface of the polymeric substrate.2. The barrier liner of including (C) at least one gas barrier coating layer attached to at least a portion of the second surface of the polymeric substrate claim 1 , and wherein the polymeric substrate is a high density polyethylene substrate.3. (canceled)4. A composite vessel structure comprising:(I) a shell comprising a housing wall with an inside wall surface and an outside wall surface; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, '(II) a barrier liner with an inner wall surface and an outer wall surface; wherein the outer wall surface of the barrier liner is juxtaposed to the inside wall surface of the housing wall; and wherein the barrier liner is the barrier liner of .'}5. The composite vessel structure of claim 4 , including further (III) a first barrier layer with an inner wall surface and an outer wall surface; wherein the inner wall surface of the first barrier layer is juxtaposed to the outer wall surface of the barrier liner; and wherein the outer wall surface of the first barrier layer is juxtaposed to the inside wall surface of the housing wall.6. The composite vessel structure of claim 5 , including further(IV) a second barrier layer with an inner wall surface and an outer wall surface; wherein the outer wall surface of the second barrier layer is juxtaposed to the inner wall surface of the barrier liner; and wherein the inner wall surface of the second barrier layer is in ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039796A1

Embodiments, described herein relate generally to devices, systems, and methods for producing lubricious surfaces with enhanced durability and which increase the ease of communication of viscous liquids across the same. The system can include a liquid-encapsulated surface including a substrate, a member coupled to the substrate, and an encapsulating liquid disposed on a surface of the member. In some embodiments, the surface of the member can have a chemistry such that the encapsulating liquid preferentially wets the surface and maintains lubricity in the presence of a contacting phase. In some embodiments, the encapsulating liquid can be substantially immiscible with the contacting phase, and/or can have a thickness of less than about 200 microns and/or can have a receding contact angle of less than 20 degrees in the presence of the contacting phase. In some embodiments, a liquid delivery mechanism can be configured to transfer the encapsulating liquid to the member. 1. An apparatus having a liquid-encapsulated surface , comprising:a substrate;a member coupled to the substrate,an encapsulating liquid disposed on a surface of the member, the surface of the member having a chemistry such that the encapsulating liquid preferentially wets the surface and maintains lubricity in the presence of a contacting phase, the encapsulating liquid being immiscible with the contacting phase, having a thickness of less than about 200 microns, and a receding contact angle of less 20 degrees in the presence of the contacting phase;a liquid delivery mechanism including a porous tubular member configured to transfer a controlled volume of the encapsulating liquid to the member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the member is configured to be removably coupled to the substrate.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the member includes an adhesive backing configured to be removably coupled to the substrate.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liquid delivery mechanism includes a ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056822A1

A composite oil pan for a work vehicle engine and a method of forming the composite engine oil pan include forming a sheet of metal into a first pan and open molding a fiber-reinforced polymer resin onto the first pan forming a second pan. The first pan has a first bottom wall and first peripheral walls extending from edges of the first bottom wall to define a sump, the first peripheral walls terminating in a first peripheral flange. The second pan has a second bottom wall and second peripheral walls abutting the first bottom wall and the first peripheral walls, the second peripheral walls terminating in a second peripheral flange. The first pan defines a thin metal structure with an inner surface extending across the first bottom wall, first peripheral walls and first peripheral flange; the second pan reinforces the first pan without abutting the inner surface. 1. A method of forming a composite oil pan for an engine of a work vehicle , the method comprising:forming a sheet of metal into a first pan, the first pan having a first bottom wall and first peripheral walls extending from edges of the first bottom wall to define a sump for containing engine oil, the first peripheral walls terminating in a first peripheral flange extending outwardly; andopen-molding a fiber-reinforced polymer resin onto the first pan to form a second pan having a second bottom wall in abutting relation with the first bottom wall and having second peripheral walls extending from edges of the second bottom wall and in abutting relation with the first peripheral walls, the second peripheral walls terminating in a second peripheral flange in abutting relation with the first peripheral flange;wherein the first pan defines a thin wall metal structure with an inner surface extending across the first bottom wall, the first peripheral walls and the peripheral first flange, and wherein the second pan reinforces the first pan without abutting the inner surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039174A1

A peelable package is described. The package comprises a first sealant layer comprising low density polyethylene and a first contaminant and a second sealant layer comprising polyethylene polymer, such as high-density polyethylene, low density polyethylene, ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer or blends of such, and a second contaminant. The first contaminant and the second contaminant are selected from the group consisting propylene/ethylene copolymer with ethylene content from about 0.1 mol % to about 5 mol %, polypropylene homopolymer, butene/ethylene copolymer and polybutene homopolymer. The first contaminant of the first sealant layer may be the same as or different than the second contaminant of the second sealant layer. Also described are various embodiments of the first sealant layer, the second sealant layer and the peelable seal that is formed between the first sealant layer and the second sealant layer. 1. A package comprising:a first sealant layer comprising low density polyethylene in an amount from about 70% to about 95% by weight of the first sealant layer and a first contaminant in an amount from about 5% to about 30% by weight of the first sealant layer, wherein the first contaminant comprises propylene/ethylene copolymer with ethylene content from about 0.1 mol % to about 5 mol %, polypropylene homopolymer, butene/ethylene copolymer or polybutene homopolymer; anda second sealant layer comprising polyethylene polymer in an amount from about 70% to about 90% by weight of the second sealant layer, wherein the polyethylene polymer comprises high density polyethylene, low density polyethylene, ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer or blends of such, and a second contaminant in an amount from about 10% to about 30% by weight of the second sealant layer, wherein the second contaminant comprises propylene/ethylene copolymer with ethylene content from about 0.1 mol % to about 5 mol %, polypropylene homopolymer, butene/ethylene copolymer or polybutene homopolymer, ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Integrally, Extrusion Blow Molded Container, Label and RFID Tag

Номер: US20200039692A1

An improved method for molding a plastic container within a mold including an RFID tag to generate a container which leaves a mold having an RFID tag bonded between the container and a label. This method provides for an improved integrally, extrusion blow molded container, label and RFID tag combination. 1. A method for forming a plastic container which is attached to an electrical signal generator during and extrusion blow molding process , the method comprising:providing a mold having at least two portions which are moveable between open and closed positions, wherein when the portions are in the closed position the mold defines an interior surface;attaching an electrical signal generator to a container label;supporting the container label with a vacuum cup;moving the vacuum cup to locate the label and electrical signal generator in the mold when the portions are in the open position, the generator being fabricated from materials to retain its signal generating functionality after being heated over 420° F. degrees, the generator being fabricated to be compliable with the interior surface of the mold and the generator having first and second sides coated with a heat activatable adhesive;extruding a heated parison having at least one interior layer of plastic material and an outside layer of plastic material, the interior layer defining an interior in communications with an inflation port;closing the mold; andpressurizing the parison to expand the parison into contact with the generator, the label and the interior surface to form an outside surface of the combination of the container, label and generator which has a shape generated by the shape of the interior surface, heat in the mold activating the adhesive to fasten the generator between the outside layer of plastic material and the label.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of controlling a temperature of the mold to maintain the temperature between 45° F. and 60° F.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042131A1
Автор: Liu Wei, Tang Bin, TANG Genchu

A glass housing includes an inner surface, an outer surface spaced from the inner surface, and a side peripheral surface connecting the outer surface and the inner surface, wherein a distance between the inner surface and the outer surface ranges from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm, the inner surface and the outer surface have central axes, the inner surface is curved to one side with the central axis of the inner surface as a center to form an arcuate inner curved surface, the outer surface is curved to the same side with the central axis of the outer surface as a center to form an arcuate outer curved surface, the inner curved surface and the outer curved surface have radii of 50 mm to 1000 mm, the glass housing has a height of 0.5 mm to 5 mm. 1. A glass housing , comprising:an inner surface;an outer surface opposite to the inner surface; anda circumferential surface interconnecting the outer surface and the inner surface;wherein a distance between the inner surface and the outer surface ranges from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm, the inner surface and the outer surface have central axes, the inner surface is bent to one side with respect to the central axis of the inner surface as a center to form an arcuate inner curved surface, the outer surface is bent to the same side with respect to the central axis of the outer surface as a center to form an arcuate outer curved surface, the inner curved surface and the outer curved surface have radii of curvature of 50 mm to 1000 mm, the glass housing has a height of 0.5 mm to 5 mm.2. The glass housing of claim 1 , wherein radii of curvature of the inner curved surface and the outer curved surface are the same.3. The glass housing of claim 2 , wherein central angles C corresponding to arcs of the inner curved surface and the outer curved surface range from 60° to 180°.4. The glass housing of claim 1 , wherein an orthographic projection of the glass housing has a rectangular shape claim 1 , the orthographic projection has a length of 50 mm to 500 mm ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Water-Soluble Film Sealing Solutions, Related Methods, and Related Articles

Номер: US20180044083A1
Принадлежит: Monosol Llc

Disclosed herein are sealing solutions for sealing water-soluble films, in particular aqueous mixtures including one or more polymeric solvents such as polyols. Aqueous sealing solutions including a relatively dilute solvent for one or more polymeric components of the water-soluble film (e.g., water-soluble polymeric components thereof, such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH)) can exhibit one or more benefits, including a reduction in dissolution of the film by the sealing solution and an increase in seal strength. Also disclosed are sealed articles formed with the sealing solutions, for example water-soluble packets containing various liquid or solid compositions.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044548A1

A primer-less coating composition for facestock comprises: a binder being a water-dispersible polymer; an ethylenically unsaturated compound which is aqueous-dispersible and miscible with or bonded to said water-dispersible polymer, wherein said ethylenically unsaturated compound is able to form a covalent bond with an ink; and a crosslinker, wherein said crosslinker is suitable for binding the coating to the facestock. The coating composition may be applied to a substrate to form a printable film. A printed film in accordance with the invention may be used in a label, for example for use on a container such as a bottle. 1. A primer-less coating composition for facestock , comprising: a binder being a water-dispersible polymer; an ethylenically unsaturated compound which is aqueous-dispersible and miscible with or bonded to said water-dispersible polymer , wherein said ethylenically unsaturated compound is able to form a covalent bond with an ink; and a crosslinker , wherein said crosslinker is suitable for binding the coating to the facestock.2. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein binding in the finished product occurs between the crosslinker and the ethylenically unsaturated compound.3. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , which is able to provide a smooth-film formed and ink-receptive surface suitable for printing.4. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said water-dispersible polymer is present in an amount of 10 to 98% by weight after drying of the coating composition.5. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said ethylenically unsaturated compound is present in an amount of 2 to 90% by weight after drying of the coating composition.6. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said crosslinker is present in an amount of 1 to 5% by weight after drying of the coating composition.7. The coating composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said water dispersible polymer is selected from ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050437A1

A starch-based adhesive composition, having a tan δ at 10 Hz and 20° C. of at least 1.40 is provided. The adhesive composition is in particular useful as labelling adhesive. Also provided is a bottle that has a label whereby the label is attached to the bottle by the aforesaid adhesive composition. 1. A starch-based adhesive composition , having a tan δ at 10 Hz and 20° C. of at least 1.40.2. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , having a Shear Thinning Index (STI) of at least 0.78.3. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive composition has a viscosity of at least 20 Pa·s claim 1 , when measured at 20° C. and at a shear rate of 10/s.4. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , comprising a starch compound chosen from the group consisting of maize starch claim 1 , rice starch claim 1 , and potato starch claim 1 , wherein the starch compound can be unmodified or modified.5. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein at least one starch compound has a Brookfield viscosity lying between 100 and 2500 mPa·s when measured with spindle 5 at 100 rpm claim 1 , when the measurement is done at 30° C. and on a test system of 25 wt. % dry matter of the starch compound in distilled water.6. The adhesive composition according to claim 5 , wherein 100 g of the at least one starch compound has a result in the Ford 8 viscosity measurement of at most 40 s claim 5 , when the measurement is done at 30° C. and on a test system of 25 wt. % dry matter of the starch compound in distilled water.7. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein at least one starch compound has a solubility in distilled water of at least 70% claim 1 , when measured at 10 wt. % dry matter and at room temperature.8. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , also comprising a second starch compound.9. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , also comprising at most 15 wt. % of proteins.10. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063230A1

The device for diffusing volatile substances includes a container which contains a material with said volatile substances, a porous diffuser which is impregnated with said material with the volatile substances, and a protective sheet which is removed before the first use of the diffusion device. The device also includes a barrier layer equipped with a window, with said barrier layer joined to the container and placed between the porous diffuser and the protective sheet. Due to the presence of the window, the volatile substances are diffused at a high diffusion rate from the moment the protective sheet is removed.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220063239A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article also comprises at least one supplemental layer comprising an ethylene and acrylic acid copolymer dispersed in and/or disposed between any of said aforementioned skins and core.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Hydrogen storage container

Номер: US20180048001A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A hydrogen storage container has an inner side resin layer that comes into contact with hydrogen gas that is introduced into the container, a barrier layer which is disposed on the outside of the inner side resin layer and which prevents permeation of hydrogen gas, and an outer side resin layer comprising a resin. Among these layers, the inner side resin layer comprises a polyethylene-based resin, and if the thickness of the barrier layer is denoted by Y and the thickness of the inner side resin layer is denoted by X, the thickness X satisfies formula (1). Moreover, D in formula (1) is the diffusion coefficient of the polyethylene-based resin, as determined by means of a differential pressure method at 50° C.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053023A1
Автор: Ito Yusuke, NYU Keisuke
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

An oxygen absorbing resin composition having high oxygen absorbing performance is provided. An oxygen-absorbing resin composition comprising an oxygen absorber containing iron powder and a metal halide and a resin is provided. The oxygen-absorbing resin composition is characterized in that the content of aluminum is 50 ppm by mass or less. 1. An oxygen-absorbing resin composition comprising an oxygen absorber containing iron powder and a metal halide and a resin , wherein a content of aluminum is 50 ppm by mass or less.2. The oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the oxygen absorber is 30% by mass or less.3. The oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the oxygen-absorbing resin composition does not contain hydrotalcite.4. A container comprising an oxygen absorbing layer made of the oxygen absorbing resin composition according to .5. The container of claim 4 , further comprising an oxygen barrier layer comprising an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer outside the oxygen absorbing layer.6. The container according to claim 5 , wherein a ratio of a mass of the oxygen barrier layer to a mass of the entire container is 10% by mass or less.7. The container according to claim 4 , wherein the ratio of the mass of the oxygen absorbing layer to the mass of the entire container is 20% by mass or less. The present invention relates to an oxygen-absorbing resin composition and a container.As the packaging container, metal cans, glass bottles, various plastic containers, and the like are used, but particularly, plastic containers are used for various applications from the viewpoints of lightness, impact resistance, cost, and the like. However, in the case of a metal can or a glass bin, there is almost no oxygen permeation through the container wall, whereas in the case of a plastic container, there is a slight oxygen permeation through the container wall, which has a problem in terms of preservability of the contents. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053270A1

A formulation for producing a polymeric material including high-density polyethylene, a chemical blowing agent, and other optional components is described. 1. (canceled)2. A container comprising:a floor anda container wall extending away from the floor, and the container wall and the floor cooperate to form an interior product storage region,wherein the container wall is formed of a multi-layer material including a first layer of an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material comprising high density polyethylene and a second layer arranged to locate the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material between the second layer and the interior product-storage region.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material is extruded.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein second layer is extruded.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the first layer and the second layer are extruded together.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the container has a density less than about 0.4 g/cm.7. The container of claim 2 , wherein the second layer is about 5 mils to about 26 mils thick.8. The container of claim 7 , wherein the container has an average collapse force in a range of about 50 pounds-Force to about 400 pounds-Force.9. The container of claim 8 , wherein the second layer comprises high density polyethylene.10. The container of claim 9 , wherein the container survives top load forces of 115 pounds-Force to about 170 pounds-Force.11. The container of claim 10 , wherein the container has a density less than about 0.4 g/cm.12. The container of claim 2 , wherein insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material comprises regrind of previously prepared containers.13. The container of claim 12 , wherein the regrind is free of aromatic material.14. A method of producing a container claim 12 , the method comprising:extruding a first layer of an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material comprising high density ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047448A1

Containers having a skim coat layer for improved punctureability, and sheet stock materials for and methods of making such containers are provided. A container is formed of a first material layer that contains a monolayer of polypropylene homopolymer in an amount of at least 70 percent by weight, or a multilayer material in which at least one layer comprises a polypropylene homopolymer in an amount of at least 70 percent by, and a second material layer adjacent the first material layer and forming an innermost layer adjacent the cavity, the second material layer containing a polypropylene copolymer in an amount of at least 60 percent by weight. 1. A container , comprising:a substantially circular base comprising a puncture region;a frustoconically shaped wall extending from an edge of the base and defining a cavity therein;wherein the container is formed of a first material layer comprising a monolayer of polypropylene homopolymer in an amount of at least 70 percent by weight, or a multilayer material in which at least one layer comprises a polypropylene homopolymer in an amount of at least 70 percent by weight of the at least one layer,wherein the container is formed of a second material layer adjacent the first material layer and forming an innermost layer adjacent the cavity, the second material layer comprising a polypropylene copolymer in an amount of at least 60 percent by weight of the second material layer, andwherein the second material layer has a thickness that is from about 0.5 percent to about 20 percent of a total thickness of the first material layer and the second material layer.2. (canceled)3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the second material layer comprises the polypropylene copolymer in an amount of at least 75 percent by weight of the second material layer.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the second material layer has a thickness that is from about 5 percent to about 15 percent of a total thickness of the first material layer and the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050649A1
Автор: CHOW Hin, Sanchez Miguel

An airbag housing incorporating a molded bin body adapted to store an airbag cushion. A plurality of molded-in surface ribs projects outwardly away from the exterior of the molded bin body. The molded bin body includes a layer of polymer substrate material disposed in over-molded relation to a layer of laminate material providing enhanced toughness and resistance to embrittlement at low temperatures. 1. An airbag housing comprising: a molded bin body adapted to store an airbag cushion , the molded bin body having a bottom and a plurality of sidewalls extending upwardly from the bottom , wherein a plurality of molded-in surface ribs projects downwardly away from the bottom , wherein the molded bin body comprises a layer of polymer substrate material disposed in over-molded relation to a layer of laminate material selected from the group consisting of polymer films , polymer or nonpolymer meshes and polymer fabrics , and wherein the laminate material defines a layer of the molded bin body and wherein the surface ribs do not include the laminate material.2. The airbag housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the polymer substrate material comprises polyamide with glass filler.3. The airbag housing as recited in claim 2 , wherein the polymer substrate material comprises Nylon 6 with about 15% to about 40% glass filler.4. The airbag housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the polymer substrate material comprises polypropylene with glass filler.5. The airbag housing as recited in claim 4 , wherein the polymer substrate material comprises polypropylene with about 15% to about 40% glass filler.6. The airbag housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the polymer substrate material comprises modified polypropylene substantially devoid of glass filler.7. The airbag housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the laminate material comprises a polyethylene film.8. The airbag housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the laminate material comprises a polyamide yarn mesh characterized by an ...
